'CITY ITEMS. CONCERT AT IffusioA.r. FUND HALL.—,:We in •Tite attention to the advertisement, in another column, ,or .9Grand Union Oottoart," to be given at Muskat Fend Hail, on Wednesday evening next, January 21th, cinder the auspices of Ohosen Vriends Lodge,' N 0.1.00, 0.. r„ in add of thetTnion Volunteer and Cooper Shop Itafreelunent Saloons. Too much praise cannot be be. stowed upon the efforts made to keep in active, and we may say beneficent, operation these important inetitu. tions, which, with the fact that the concert itself will be sae of drat-blase merit, ought to insure a crowded omit *nee. The Handel and Haydn Society (ii Carr Cross .conductor. and Michael 11. Cross pianist) have gene ronaly volunteered their services for the occasion, as have aloe the Germania Orchestra, under the leadership C/f Carl Bentz. We understand, also, that great care has been hadin the arrangement of the programme, in order do render the entertainment of the most attractive cha 'racier, both in the variety and the adaptation of the joteces to bo performed to the nature of the occasion 1 THE Ott TILILDE IN PIIILADELPIIIA,--In another column of our paper will be found the advertise- MINA: of NeeWl :Hulbert ft Brodhead, No. 240 Arch p3freet, general commission merchants; and dealers In Kerosene, Petroleum, Benzine, and lubricating Oils ; .clandellyrs for halls, churches, d:c., also lamps and shades. :muse thetme qt these oils has, to a great extent, taken the place of almost every other kind of portable light, it is a matter of public interest to know what kind of .oils to consume—froni considerations of safety; brilliancy .of light, economy, &c.—and where to obtain them. Hay 'deg taken /P 1,130 pains to examine, personally, the oils sold !by this firm—and they aro the sole agents In thls city for oeveral of the most widely and favorably-known refiners do this city—we are enabled to speak with confidence of their qualities. In the 'first place, from actual expert emote, made is our own presence, their non-exprosise :suss. was Bottled beyond the shadow of a doubt. Another great point attained ,in blears Ifulbtut Btodheture -oils is, their deodorized character. Thus, whilst most of 4150 coal oils in nee aro offensive to ,tho smell, the odor of +theirs Is almost Imperceptible. The character of the :Bed they give, both for vivid brilliancy, steadiness, and rfreedom from smoke, meets our highest approval, and , we therefore recommend to our readers the oils of this diem as altogether a superior article. FEMSNOLOGIOAL CLAM—From an adver rtblechea in another column it will be seen that a class for the practical study of Phrenology will be formed at vtbe'roorne of Mr. John 1. Capen, No. fr:t2 Chestnut street, •on Monday eventogatext. Mr. Comm, we are happy to :know, Is sue of the moat Skilful and thoroughly scientific Phrenologists living, and all, therefore, who desire to .tecome acquainted with a most interesting and useful de cpartment of human knowledge should avail themselves of vthe opportunity now offered. A. PALATABLE REMEDY FOB COLDS.--MCBSTS. 6 - E. C. Whitman & Co., Second street, below Chestnut, - .the celebrated confectioners of this city, have lately in troduced a medicinal article into their magnificent stcok .of saccharine properaticase,Which has already become a .universal favorite. We allude to their Tar Drops. These Lave been used in hundreds of instances, an&found an -stlamst instantaneous remedy for colds In the throat and .chest. For curing moderate coughs, they are really a ~ P necific. We may also mention in this connection their rSitflable Own Drops, o.l' av4lety of delicious flavors, and :,atiumber of choice uoa things, which wo commend to .the attention or our readers. The GREAT LIGHT ERPORTUEL—SO greet take been the success of the splendid new lamps for burn ing Kerosene Oil manufactured and sold bylmre. • Witters & Co., at their Light Emporium, No. 35 North •Elghth street, corner of Filbert, that, with the largest Jerre of hands, it Is almost impossible for them to keep .pace with the wholesale demand for thorn to all parts of the country. In their retail department, on the first floor, we may state, for the information of our readers, • that the neatest and most efficient lamps made In Phila. delphle can be bought at lunch below the prices usually ',charged in' ordinary retell Stores. boonTaNT IlEmovAm—The contemplated , remoral of tar. A. L. Vanzaut, the fashionable couiec •fioner, into the splendid new store, on the cornet of •dhestmlt and Ninth streets, under the Contineatal Hotel, is significant. The popularity of his establishment is lunbablr without a parallel in this conuttl•• His confect 'ilonsare the finest and purest in the world, and in the emetic: of choice Lot-hosee and tropical fruits, he stands pre-eminent. TILE GREAT CRAVAT STORE, where every ~article is good taste for the neck, and Gentlemen's Fur .pktiing Goods in greatest variety, can be had in A No.l • style, and et moderate prices, is at Savanna and Chestnut -dtreete, and litr..l. A. Eshleman is the proprietor, PURE OLD LIQUOIts FOR MEDICINAL PCR riFs ate alertly s kept on baud by Mr. C. EL Mattson, •cleider In fine family Groceries, Tenth and Arnh streets. 'The frtt old Brandy, such as is recommended by pliy. stases for invalids, and pure old Port and Madeira IMnee, can always be had hero oithout a possible risk of , p,titing 4 deleterious article. 111LITARY SCUOOLS.—GOVernOr Curtin has Sr; justly called public attention to the importance of t!tiang (the youth of our schools to a knowledge of .1111:au tactics. Oar youth must hafe, In order for a Viler physical development, some sort of athletic arinscment. Games of bull, In times like these, may •ue..give place to something more useful. Saunders' In- . stile, of this city., is in advance of site times. This lo thegrond year since, In that institution, drilling has 'beet site daily pastime, consequently a largo number of .the ; units are competent to act as officers in the military , traiting of others. Daily, from 9tolo in the morning, andit 4 o'clock - In the afternoon, visitors assemble to twitnesithe performances of these thoroughly-disciplined "mull. Tee editor of this paper was recently present at .C. Ada these fishy eshibitlons, and felt It to be hie duty do Oppress his admirMion. All the teachers of Saunders' *ovc expressed their opinion that the military recreation is Wier, and more agreeable to pupils, than any other STK*, andmore favorable to the maintenance of good ,order. 'nay regard it, indeed, as the very beat prepare liohilifr the duties of the school-room. Let• any - one who Is plies( -visit this. institution, at Thirty-ninth and 4 I .1/ et streets, and he will be convinced that Governor C 's recommendation of military schools, merits the •,coOlertrtion of all teachers and parents. In the mini mfy rdiudefLto drilling Is voluntary, and yet more than aline pat of ten join the military deg erimont. ~This is a sprout that the exercise is full of amusement to the pu- Ids; and meets With the approbation of their Parents. #sfailfer proof of the demand of the public for military distraction is, that at no time whatever, we are inform ed, have there been more applications for places in this -iteminarrthan at the present time. Too touch praise .cannothehestowed on Major Eckendorlf, RI a drilling emaster, Or hit success in Saunderaf Institute. There is •one excellence of military schools not duly considered 11y the public. Tho orders, rapidly given, must be deeded, and that instantly, consequently the cadets are ttajljed to constant and elnse attention, as well as to Vrompt obedience. Let a careless. Idle, inattentive south be doily put under such a training, and an lai ,promment•will he men almost Intmediately. Ji. MELVILLE FAT, of Ohio, will lecture at „Itansom. aired Hall on Sunday corning and evening. !TIM .El4O/4811 Juntt,syr.—News has reached fhlt coilliteY, by the steamer City of /Veto York, of the .receipt t England of the Intern gence of the rendition of /dawn and -CUM. There was general rejoicing at the glad .titi;ogs, And /An Bull turned a series of Mara' somersaults by way of giving vent to Ids feelings Wo clinfietie .that even the London Times will now discover that theta is some good in Brother Jonathan, and they wilt realize that, in the matter of wearing apparel, the .bent and‘most elegant sults made in the world ere those ,80(ceu•up at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Bock t(tlll d: Nos. 503 .and 80! Chestnut greet, above fixth, , CnnonoLoas . OF FEBRIIIRT BTll.—February 9th, R 361, uas a day "big with events" in the history of the Sloveludders' Rebellion. On that day Colonel Mayne, comwiooioner from South Carolina to President murhanan, unable to get recognition, finally left Wash. drigton.... The Montgomery Convention adopted a Pro• arisicnal COnstitation....oovernor Brown, of Georgia, apiied New York ships in Savannah harbor. in ratalla. lion for theielzing of arms In New York._ Little Rock *metal surrendered to the State of Arkansas. Row .different the character of the events from those hap. .peeing on that day two years previous, for then was •opcnel in Philadelphia the celebrated One Price" Clothivg E tore of Chas. Stokes, under the Continental." Suttee ARTICLEB.—Under the heading of Igclir(& articles may he enumerated a person who prac •tisee all he professes ; a lawyer whose honesty pleads for ide clksd ; nu actual friend; Philanthropy, publishing 4,rotopy to lend;" a staunch politician forgetful of pelf; sonrold bachelor neatly arrayed ; and last, though not least, 0 man who professes economy, but does not our -those kis garments at the Fashionsble Clothing Empo rium e Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut street, one door store Ilarndenta Express Office. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS or TOl2 o'cleent ran moor. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestant ate. KI T Blair, New York - E 0 Farber, New York -3no 8 - Dilworth, Pittsburg W L Daman, Sunhat)", Pa -J P Peavey, Harrisburg It N McGow•in, Penne Jgo kieKlaney, Indiana. 8 L Law, II a N 13 0 Cook, Ottowa, Di J Mcollunor c wr, Virginia JP Lewis, 'Wheeling, Va W B Logan, Wheeling, Va S klagraw, Lancaster Theo J Mita N York 0 It Spaulding, Doeton A Tirrell 4no Coluhtock,Jlndson, Vito C D Seheharth, Pr - or, RI Ilitt 43 Stanty 3.Love„io.y.,lalostott Joke Holzman, Boatott Mum A Bill, Penne. ~erNllBchenck, Baltimore Mrs Schenck, Baltimore A A Hammes, li S W Maynard, Penns ,P Radio d - In, Penna. A McKenzie, Now York Mr lb teem), Connecticut inn A Hieetand, Lancaster Miss E M 1011, Harrisburg E It Irish, Pittsburg J Dilioe, New York Dr II Selig Zdw B Coggin' ell, Roston It A Parker, Cambridge Mr Tucker & la, Brooklyn .P 0 Wilbur & la Merrill Goodhue, N 8 W H Nrwln,,Zi York J B Thaler, N lork G W Barnes, N F Stewart Jacob Wardell, Jr, Boston N Waning, Idlllbrirg Geo P Smith, Mmyland Vast B 'Cuing, II B A Chas Kellogg, N York Mr Jots M McClure, V.lldord Jae Bedpost:, & we, Boston PJ Goddard, It I Mira Yenning, R Bic Washburn, N York A M Wiles, N York E Briggs & ad; Boston E A &tally A wf, Boston J F Jrukl, Hartford _II 0 Briggs & wf, Boston Mao A Stetson, Boston Me& EC Rice & wf, Boston Pteblisa, Cleveland B H. Boater. Baltimore N Morrie, N York - W P Shinn & sof, Pittsburg N F Elheuk, Lancaster W D Phipps, Cfuelanati Mrs Albeneerhorn, NY - Miss Shorraerhorn, N York A /theme-thorn. N If Mrs M L Blake, Boston J H Holdirson, Harrisburg I` Bound, Harrisburg Burgeon L Quick, Peoria Wm Marken /de, If York Chan L rauubaton, Penns 111 t) Trout, Mercer co, Pa .James 0 Brows,, Mercer co B Parsons, Middletown W Nominee; Boston • J J Bruce, Maryland J Heatook, Ohnereville 11 Biggs, Now York Mask/ Wiwi New YorkJ J RoOlnson Mass A (110nokon, Rochester' Conine, lhigalo (leo Smitliakdrolo • 3 W °Mork Syracuse being-Yin Wart, Now York john Baird, Now lurk D WIC - NMMnagelerat CO B. Morehead, 'Missouri YAw New Ye* • f V Blanchard, Washington Jets Warren, Oswego • E T Evan., lintralo Jilloti A Oretiri. New York V Treadwell, Now York W r Joy, Baltimore J Dull, New York W ZONarson &1, N York Mrs D B Oskar, Boston /0111nheeds, Seaton AV C Bimonde Boron "IpidiValley. Looter - Oh KY I &keine, (indium% 0 N York D N Emery, Portland Ctato, Portland 0 II Hastings, Owego, NY 1110mai & I. Oswego, NY: Miss (late Lyons, N. York. 41 LldtweOarrelm, NY •T W Decker, New York Z lhotbriNeerilork D Shine, wenAn e ks, John D OaDiany New York lire Harrod, New York Clapp, New York PlFlaalqr _• . ' . - 99. 9,9 9 .11:02iiish l itt st., about Third. A ifitiOialikkknore -0 Tobriner, Wrighlogton atuMmetoursr, Wrodoarg Yreeoway, New BAYOU X XWO O% romosopki - Diiiiitage Lord, New To% Jerwor Pity Cleo II Griggs, Maw J R Xe,ll.lll4l,,ancooker bunter, New York Ifeirlfork' ' WlCStorrart, Now York 111 , itoeseNe* York ' X Coo r Dory, Pennellerinia J woo to b Zeigler, New York MERCHANTS'S HOTEL--Fourth street, below Arch, Aug Fransell, Wheeling, is A G Miller, Port Perry, Pa Jae]) Abbott, Kansas T W Myers, Pittsburg A P Russell, 'Kansas W Smith, Massachusetts S T Valiant H L Erben, Lancaster A T Baxter, Now York ' Mai G H Dardwell, II S A McDonald, Ohio C L Palmer, Bucks co Cobb, Elk co, - Pa Aug Arnold, Terre Haute B OBrolser, Brooklyn Ezra Cheseboro, New York Ephraim Tomlinson, N J J F Perry, "Harrisburg W W sellers, Harrisburg 0 Weidner, Chester lion J N Meredith, Pa A Pardee, Hazleton _ Miss Lbwie Compton, Intl Lyman Pray, Mass Dr E Wallace, Reading 0 L Hartwell, Fort Monroe A Cameron, Diem AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut et., above Fifth W H P Stearn, 'Washington 'J R Cook, Jersey Shore John II Du Bant, Wash P M Du Bout, Washington D Murphy, London, 0 W Chas Bishop, Pa E W Dysart, Pa J B Wiggle, Philadelphia C It Andrew, Now York Jan F Smith, Reading Capt Cohen, U 8 M C W C Pate°, Conn tI Stanton, Connecticut II T Budd, New Jersey Louis Nemo, Baltimore B E Hendrickson, N Jersey Cast 0 E Foster, _Pa Joan Mears, New York Wm SDe Long J Clark, US N Edw J Kelly Col S lL Jenkins, Del THE ITNION—Arch street, above Thted. 8 G Atherton, N H Samuel Nerfoot, ClovePd, ))fast Ii Kerfoot, Clovel'S, 0 John H Herta, Danville John Kaufman, Leesp't, Pa T Di I:nal:tam, Leese% Pa Geo Garment, Leesport, Pa JasK Nlroholi, Danville iu B Smalt, Hageretown, Did Joe Howell, Halton, Pa 00131.ffiE801A)...--custa street, above Obestant. Jae D Reed, Ponna . EL E Walcott, Now York. J Sheridan, Rochester, N Y O Frick, Iltontgom'y co, Pa Sand Wilson, New Jersey Jonas Yocum. Pa 'nos Walton, Chester co', Pa Na Broslus, Chester co,Pa 6 Howard, Buntingdon co L Growl, Oxford, Pa. John 'Richards, Chester co ffi Pennock, Warn, Del 11 6 Stewart. Po3lestown Joshua Jofferles, Chester co Thos 33 Hoopes, Chester co Wll Canderford,Elittou,ldd This Walters, Chester co BARLEY SHEAF—Serond street, below Vine. J H. Lovett, Emilie, Pa J 0 Wetberlll, Moutg'Y co E J Bunting, Bucks co 0 Johnson, New York It Bough, Newtown Alr Vanborn, Penn IS Fell, Bumberville A A Gregg, Penua L Mood, Bucks co Win Biles, Solobury .. H 0 Pam, Attleboro .1 Eastburn, Newtown. & Taylor, Penns. I Brown, Bucks co T Pickering, Doylestown T Vauhorn, Northampton E Bender, bolebury C B Ely, Bucks co Ca J Folk, Hartsville S Il Tomtit:ou, P 01311% J Palmer, Attleboro J K Taylor, Backs co J parte, Northampton J Wilkinson, New Hope St Paul, Montgomery W toyzey, Newtown W B Vanhart, Burka co .1 Baruaby, Newtown SI Cadwallader, Falls . K Atherton, Hatboro T Campbell, Hatboro C Plereon, Solebnry 3 Steakhouse, Penns MACE DEAR—Third street, above Callon - LILL Wm eteellel, Easton Geo W Wolf, Danboro Eli Cadwalader, Pa SamlTrumbower,DoylesVn Barlett Gibson, Doylestown Moses Haldeman, Danboro Was it Neal, Yardleyville Master Neal, Yan/lcrlllle rt It Harper, Olney . Hon Jacob Erdman, Pa Prof John Faust, Allent'n Chas Jones, Mont co. Pa D Davis, New Jersey E II Woodward, Penn's A S Roads, Somerton L R Appleton. Attleboro Casper Beads, Somerton Lye! Nelson, Middletown 'Miss Nelson, Middletown John Yauartadalen, Pa John Willard, Penn's Thos Willard, Penn's Jos Mandl, Penu'a F \V Bigony, Doylestown 8 TrnmboweT, Doylestown STATES DB/ON—Market street, aoove Sixth. A 'Evans, Roston Jacob F Day, Mechaultabg J J Platt, U 13 A E Page, New York W L DtiMold ' John Price, Baltimore John Martin, Baltitnoro J T Whitson, Lancaster co John A. Gross, Blizabethtwn S E Gillespie, Bellefonte B Campbell, 'Uniontown W Dripps, Kidney, Pa J A Chriaty, Mltilin, Pa N %pops, Centre co II P Barron, Centro co Wm Bailey, Pa N4TICN&I+.IIOTEL—Race street, above Tbird. - Wre M Rlcc, Cincinnati, 0 11 W Bonnll, NorrisPe .T E Henry, Hanover, Pa Chas 8 Miller, Catawissa Woe Athlnson,..fit Clair - E P Ancona, Pottsville MADISON )10IIBN—Second street, above Market a A A Illeseroll, Berdentown AII Reeler, Penna J Tucker, liortletolln T 0 Goldsmith R Dome, Jr P J Fry C Cadwafader, Rucks co, Pa Dr S II Knowles, Delaware .1 M Hunt, Abington G Pickering, Bucks co, Pa II Taylor, Bucks co, Pa MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Oecond it., ab. Arcb. J V Kinao3", nolmesburg Dr Waller, Alexandria, Va NV Waller; Alexandria, V W Morrison, litantg co, Pa G V Heller, Cincinnati BALD EAGLE—ThirS street, above °Cowin. rThreig, Penneburg IS Tomlinson, Doylestown O Beaus, Bucks co, Pn R Y Linton, Bucks co, Pa B Beans, Bucks co, Pa T Weaver, Easton, Pa MARINE INTELLIGENCE iv r ERZ NVOKT.II PAGIO GLEABED. Steamship Saxon, Mathews, Boston, ft Minor. Behr Fanny Lee, (Br) Basinger, Kingston, Jain, A E Outerbrhlge. Ear 14 G Barnett, Connell, New York, L Audearied & Co. BY TRLEGRANI. (Correepoudonee of the Frogs.) NEW Tone, Jan. 2-1. The bark Eromango, hence for Coik, returned to-night In a leaky condition. MEMORANDA . . . Steamship Kensington, Baker, hence, arrived at Bos ton yesterday morning. FlN:unship Cit , of Drumbeater, Ilalscrow, from Liver por,), at Now York yesterday. Ship John Le.lie, Given, from Liverpool, arrived at IT York leeferday. Montrose, Lewis, from Rio de Janeiro, was below Baltimore y eaterday, Behr II W Ellis, Benedict. cleared at 'New York yes. terday for Baltimore. Schra Men Sawyer, Tracy, from Eastport for Phila delphia, and Fred Reed, Die:thaw, from Portland fur do, mined from Newport 2.3 d Townsend's Inlet, Jan 22—There is a report here that there Is a ship ashore an Peck's Mach, near Great Egg rbor. No further particularg, SPECIAL NOTICES. WAX AND MEANS. UT viz BAUD or Myna DALL. Taxation is not Weer 0$ Lonny, • And yet the Government needs money. War is a loamy expensive, And all its outlays are ox tons! re; To support tne Constitution Needs a generous contribution From each patriotic fob, air, Otherwise, we'll spoil the job, Mr. well pay our quotas, then, gelded,' Pay them fully—pay them freoly. Lot the Dardenot taxation Cause no anger or vexation; Tax our follies, tax our vices, Tax our condiments and spices. Tax our costly winos and brandies, Tax uur sWeetmdeds and our candles, Tax our conches and our gigs, airs, Tax our schooners, ships, and brigs, sirs. Grumble not at priers rising, That Is not at allattrmialng. But the most astounding mystery - Ever found in tale or Wady, Is that clothes at Town HALL, Do not rise in price at an/ The beat assortment of Winter Clothing in Phlladel phi a still on hand, and being closed out at greatly re dtleett prices. Military Uniforms made to order at short notice. TOWER NALL, No. 518 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. pt] BENNETT lc CO. TILE CLASS in the Science and Art of Practical rhrenotogy will meet on ALONDAY Evening. January 27, at 7 . ro'clock, at 922 CHESTNUT Street. First lecture free ; after which, parsons desiring can procure tickets for the course. Examinations at the rooms daily by J. L. CAPES. ja25.2t ONE-PRICE CLeTIIING, OF TME LATEST STYLES, made In tho Best Manner, expreaely for RETAIL BALES. LOWEST Belling Prices marked in Plain Figures. AU Goode made to Order warranted ealidae tory. Our Oss-ratas SYSTPA is Aridly adhered to. AU aro thereby treated alike. 5e22.-17 JONES dc CO., 684 MARKET Street. HAMBLETON'S HAIR STAIN --- The most reliable artlelo In Imo for coloring the Bair and Whitacre black or brown. Does not bide or wash out. Depot, 228 SPRUCE Strot. - joie -wet* DR. ROBERTSON'S VEGETABLE NERV— oov Connui; ors NATURE'S GRAND RESTORATIVE. Ile groat remedy for all Nervous Complaints, Dail'. ty, Prostration, Lowness of Spirits, &c. Prim Sl. For sale by RYOTT & CO., Ito. 232 North SECOND Street, Depot for all Popular Medlchies. .11E1.14E0U:0B UNIVERSALLY APPROVED Biorsor.—Componnd Extract Blithm cures niSCIMS of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropay, W aknoee, &o. Reed the advertisement In woollier column. noB-the MARRIED DOTIGIIER TY—DOIJOEIERTY —On the 9.0..4 instant, by the Rev. Father Barbslin, lifr. Charles Dougherty to Miss Margaret Dougherty, all of Philadelphia. * CORDERY—IRELAND.—On the o.•LI instant, by Rey. W. 0. Robinson, Thomas 0. Cordory to Sarah J. Ireland, all of this oily. PETERS—LIEDNICIL—On the 4th Irritant, by the }e'. Dr. Fumed , ' Mr. Carl Otto Peteraro ➢lles Llzzfo Llebrlch. both of tlllB city. ik BEHRMANN—GEDELL.—On the 7th infitant, by the ov. Mr. Wentrel, Lltut Anthony Herrmann, of New Yolk, to Miss Julie L. Gebel!, of Philadelphia. ar LOGAN-712111H.--On the 2341 Indent, by Bev. Sam'l Durborow, Mr. Jacob Logan to Mien Elmira IL Barr, both of Cheater county. 41' DIED LINDLItiIIAN.—On Friday, the 24th instant, (Mara, wife of A. B. Linderman. The friends of the family are Invited to attend her fnne•al, from the residence of her husband, No. 028 N. Seventh street, on Monday morning. 27th instant. To proCeed to Munch Chunk, via N. R. R. SINN,—On the 22d last, Mies Mary R., daughter of Davis N. and Minor A Bine, aged 23 years. net relattles end friends are respectfully Invited to attend her funeral, from tier parents' residence, No. 603 North Tenth street, above Green, this (iatorday) after noon, at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Laur e l um. vE WEST.—Suddenly, en the 23d Instant, Henry Clay weld, in the 20th 3 ear of his age, the eldest eurviriug son of George 0. and Martha West. 'funeral from the residence of his father. northeast corner of Third and Christian streets, on Monday af ternoon, at 2 o'clock. st NEM PsEy the StA Instant, Sarah Jane Demp sey, in the both year of }ler age. Funeral frotn the residence of her husband, N 0.700 Paasyunk road, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. IDLIOI T.--On the MI Inst., Mr. John Elliott, in the 4501 year of his ape. Funeral from hie Into reedence, corner of Twenty. , third and Chertnut greets, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. HINDS.—In Division Hospital. Camp Plerpont, on the 20th instant, John D. Diode, youngest son of Margaret and the late Meeker Rinds, in the 27th year of his ago. Funeral from the residence of his father-In-law, John Bailey. No. 738 South street, on Sunday afternoon, at 1. o'clock. e. • MOSBISON.--rn Camden, N. J., on the 23d Institut, James Mclicen, on of James and Caroline E. Morrison, in the 7th year of Ids age. Funeral from the residence of hls parents, No. 510 Federal street, this (Saturday) morning, at n o'clock. * 'DOlfgirry.-00 the 2lst tnet., Mrs. Isabella Doher ty, safe of John Doherty, In the 8.5111 year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband, No. 20 800th Twelfth Street, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 2 o'cleck. - tY OUTHIVERT.—On the ma hustant, Ahna 13., wife of J. Ogden Cuthbert, Jr. inneralL trent the regdence of her father. Joshua P. Browning, In Haddonfield, N. J., today (Satanlay Wet 2 o'clock P. M.' IMSODY.—On the 221 !natant, Airs. Maria, wife of Benjamin ImbodY, in the Nth year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband, No. 632 Forth Twentieth street, this (Saturday) morning, at 9 o'clock.tt _ SG ATTEIIGOOD.—On the 2241 instant, Sarah Scatter- ROA, wire of Joel M. Scattergood, and daughter of the late George and Elizabeth Kelm, In the 38th year of her am Funeral from the residence of her husband, on the Moorestown pike, 2% miles from Camden, On Sunday morning, at 10 o'clock. THE PRESS. -PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1862. 1301TOFTELD.—On the 22d Matra, Mary S., wife of Joseph Sohaielb, In the 28th year other age. Funeral from the residence of ler husband, Adam street, Fraukford, on Sunday afterninn, of 2 o'clock. * BROWNING.—On the 2.241 instmt, Eliza Browning, aged 55 years. Funeral from the residence of iter husband, Browning, No. 508 South Twenty-first street, on gonday afternoon. at 1 o'clock. pEssoN & SON, MOURNING STORE, No, ois'onisrNur Street, hare adopt ed the OlSff SY9P7M,"- bath in buying and selling, thus enabling then , to purchase and sell their goods at the lowest possibk DriMb. GOO; a BESEIVED JANUARY 14th to Mt. Black sad White Inn °heck and Striped Silks, Gray and Black English Chintzes, 12;4 cents. 13104 k and Purple Plaid Yelour Reps, 37,ii cents. Block Blanket Long Shawls, $7 Square, $3.50. Balmoral Skirts, full size, $2lO. Black. Parnmatta Clothe, 25, 31X, 37,4 , and 50 cents Black Lamb's Wool jleno, 8414 cents , inn orWHY ARE. SINNERS NOT SAVED! Rev. JOHN . COANBBRS, on this momentous subject, TO-MORROW, of 3,k4 P. IL Church, BROAD and SANSOM Streets. it* DT. NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH, CHER RY Street, went of Twentieth. Dlvine:tervicQ ou SUNDAY, at 10)( A. DI. Lecture at Tg P. X. Sobjeet---"Futtli.i! gyREV. D. S. BURNET, OF CINCIN NATI, xvill preach in the Meeting-house on TWELFTH Street, below Melon, TO-11.01 OW, (Lord's far t ) at 10X A. M and 7) P. M. Baptism in the evening. treats free. It* 07. CHURCH OE THE INTERCESSOR, SPRING GARDEN Street, below Brood. Di vine Service at 10X A. M. and 75H P. M. Prayer-meet log at 4 P 18. Scats altfree et 4P. M. ANNUAL MISSIONARY SABBATH.— ST. JOSE'S M. E. ouuncir, THIRD Street. slow GIRARD Avenue. Sermon log A. M. and 7 D. 11., by Rev. JACOD TODD. Anniversary, 3P. SI. Addresses by Rev. Idessre. Atwood, 7. Neill, and Si. D. Kurtz, Paster.lzos • ErrCMURCII OF THE NEW TESTA• RENT, N. W. corner of GIRARD /venue and THIRTEENTH &root. —Rov. G. A. SIIRYOCK TO MORROW, at lON A. M. Acts i, 6. ltd w SPIRITUALISM—IL MELVILLE FAY, of Akron, Ohio, a ➢lalmm. will lecture, unner the control of the Spirit of George Vox (formerly of Scotland), at SANSO3I-STREET HAW on SUN DAY, at 10% A. IL, on "Religious Liberty," and at 7X P. 11., on 44 Individnalty and Reason, as connected wall the Church, the Mate, and the World:' Ad mission 6 cents. It DTTHE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF ITHSADELRIA.—The rregularmonth's' meeting mill be held next P MONDAY Riming, January 27, at 714 o'clock, at the rooms on CHESTNUT Street, above Teeth. Tho members of the Association, and the friends Of young men generally. are urged to attend. GEORGE 11. STUART, President MISSIONARY MEETING OF THE CENTENNIAL M. E. ORUROLI, in FORTI ETH Streot. beio Chestnut, TO-11OBROW, Satla inst. Preaching, 10X o'clock A. IL, by Bishop Scott; at 3 o'clock P. AT., by Rev. W. .I. Stevenson, Thirty-eighth street N. E Church; nod 7,i o'clock, evening, by Rev. T. A. Fcritley, of the Asbury M. E. Church. Itl or , :r THE EIGHTEENTH OF THE SE RIES OF MEETINGS in behalf of our Penn s) banjo Volunteers will be held In the Rey. Dr. Wytie's Munch, BROAD Street, below Spruce, TO-MORROW EVENING, at 7x o'clock. Addresses by Rev. Dr. Wy lie, John Fends, D. D., Joseph Story, Esc) , of Boston, and Bev. S. E. Pierce, Chaplain of the 'Seventy-first Regiment Now York Voluutecrs. These meetings aro held under the auspices of the Army Committee of the Young illeu's Christian Association, who aro erotic inn daily applications from the Camps for Libraries—llymn Books, Trocts, Sc. Somo tat resting eXtlnets from these letters st ill be read. Persons who may bare at their homes Periodicals, Papers, Magazines, or other good reading matter, are invited to send it to the Rooms, Nos. 1000 and 1011 Chestnut street, for distribution in Cm Camps. ELY. P. S. ITEPSON WILL PLEAD the canto of Suffering Humanity, in the Fourth Baptist Dburclh.corner of FIFTH nod BUTTONWOOD Streets ' TO 'MORROW (Sabbath) EVENING, at 7s o'clock. After the Sermon a collection will be taken to aid the Home Afiesionary Society in its mission to the Poor. THOMAS T. MASON, 104" Chairman of Committee on Public Meetings. - ay"GOD'S AGENCY IN THE PRESENT VAR."—ltev. J. B. SIMMONS, Pastor of the Fifth Baptist Church, Rill preach on this subject in Ann , . ilcan Mcchanice Hall, FOURTH Street, beIowEIRAIID Avenue, SABBATH AFTERNOON, at ag o'clock. It* J. NOLEN, Superintoudont. t SECOND UNITARIAN SOCIETY.— Tito Rev. FREDERICK PRGTHING ICA3C .rill preoch 0-MORIIOW, the 2ltli inst., in WASHING TON If ALL, SPRING GARDEN, above Eighth /Arcot. Serliceo to commence nt M before /L o'clock A. M., and o'clock P. M. Scats free. N. IL—Not in Handel and 14 nydn Doll, no formerly. If rj:, REV. 11. A. CARDEN, RECTOR. OE §- CHURCH . OF INTEItCE 4 SOIt, will peach in the Sixth Presb) terian Church, SPRUCE Street, below Sixth, TO-MO.IIEOW (Sabbath) EVENING. at IS o'clock. After the Sermon, a collection it 11l ho taken to aid the Homo Missionary Society in its Mission to the Sick and Sigler - Mg Poor. THOMAS T. MASON, It Chairman Committee on Public Meetings. r E I 8 t G A t a tge A lr'iTTTt rr l' ai ° iA lr u ' re l l I MI 7 bl lee t, below Fourth, by tho Niter, Rey. E. W. nur- TER, TO-MORROW EVENING, at tti o'clock. Morn ing service commoners at half past ten, It* NOTWE.—TIIE ANNUAL MEETING of the CORN EXCHANGE ASSOCIATION will be held on TUEcDAY EVENING next, Jemmy 23, at TX o'clock. The Annual Relent of the Bien' of Ma nagers «iit be read, and an election for officers to nerve for the enening ) ear 1011 take Once. ja2s 3t GEORGE COOKMAN, Socaetarf • CENTIL A L MOH 801001,—THE Fantelont on of A pplicauti for Mi.. 1011 into the Penh nl high School will commence on MONDAY, Fob ruary. 3d, at 0 A. M. Candidates must bo at least 13 rears of oge, residents of the city of Philadelphia, and, for at least one year, they mutt have been pupils in the Public Schools of the city. The order ex . nminatinn mill La as ft llows: MONDAY, February 3 Mezusuration and Ortho graphy. TUESDAY, Fehruary 4—Prim:trice of Arithmetic. WEDVES.DaIr, roma). 6—Practical Arithmetic. THURSDAY, February G—Granimar and Parsing. FRIDAY, February 7-oonstitution of the United Staten and Defining. The now Class n 111 be admitted on TUESDAY, Febru ary M. . N. 11. MAGUIRE, Principal. n• THE RIP VAN WINKLE EXPRESSE'S TRYING TO OPEN THEIR EYES. Rot:sae. Entrees : lam rejoiced to see by the news papers' that we In Philadelphia have at Mat a fast freight and express line, established la:teem hero and Washington, and as far South "as we now or may here after occupy ," it is the beginning of an Inroad into nu unaccommodating monopoly," as stated by the Now York papers a few days since. Every ono concocted milli the forwarding of goods tolVashington for the past six months ' has severely suffered by the delays and high charges of the "old ntonopoly," 'who are Met beginning to open their epee as they see the now lines taking their business away. AN competition is the life of business, let us give to new camera a fair trial. If no other good results from it, low prices will be obtained as well as greater facilities, and the establishing of fast freight lines by the "old monopolies' nt this time. will be found too late. tfl JIIENCLIANT SOUTHERN DISPENSARY, INSTI. TUTED AUGUST, 1810. This Institution to now in active operation, having been, to some extent, limited its its charities for want of a suitable building to accommodate patients and transact its liminess. The disadvantages from this cease, under pinch it vas obliged to labor, have been, IA Rhin a short Period, successfully overcome. A substantial and con venient edifice, with ample accommodations for all its purposes, has been: erected on a lot of ground belonging to the Dispensary, on Shlppen, above Th!ril street, at a cost of nearly 510,000, ail of which has boon paid, leaving the entire property clear and free from every incitm brance,esces,t a smell ground-tent charge of twenty dol len per !Mann], thus placing the Institution upon a per manent basis, with increased facilities for carrying out the benevolent designs of its founders, aided by the libe rality of its I riends. The number of patients snider Its carp during the pest year has teen 2,034, being an Increase of 817 over the year preceding. 01 this number, 1)10 of minor surgery and dentistry, including vaccination, have boos treated; 731 prescribed or at the regular clinics, held fain a week at the Dispensary, besides 171 requiring immediate attention on otb,r dupe. The annual meeting of the contributors wag held on the 7th clay of January, 1802, at wli,ch thn following Managers nen dory elected: James Carstairs, James N. Storm Rev. J. C. Clay, D. D Charles Norris, George Norton, Eat., John McCollum, John Thom.,,, Robert Clark, David Lewis, ohn Cashier, Ilenry harlots, Eat., Peter 'Williamson. And ut a meeting of thir Mauagere, held on the lifts instant, James Cm-antra was elected President. Peter Williamson '6 Secretary. John Thomson, ' 6 Treasurer. PHYSICIANS. Dra,Dutican Williamson, I Drs. Thomaii 8. Reid, S. Weir Mitchell, Il9lllam Notion. IIEsIDENT Pinsmutt AND APOTHEOASY. Dr. W. Morrow Notion. By direction of the Board, JAMES CARSTAIRS, President. PETER WILLIAMSON, Secretary. ps2s.2t* cry. LECTURE AT CONVERT HALL, THURSDAY, January 30,1862, by JAEd AL SOMMERVILLE:7, M. D. Subject: " Pictures—Their Origin and Influence." For tho benefit of the liingtea- Flog Ifoopital Aid Society. Tickets to bo had at the prin cipal book Mores. 1123.7t* OFFICEOF TILE LOCUST MOUNTAIN COAL ANI) IRON COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, January 22, 1813::. At the annual meeting of the Stockpot ere of thin Oni ony, held on the 20th init., the following gentlemen vendetta' Directors for the tuning year: .101 IN BIDDLE, WM. 0. LUDWIG, Dr. ROBERT M. DUSTAN, SAMUEL O. MORTON, Dr. JAMES A. McCREA, CHARLES KOONS, JACOB P. JONES. And nt n meeting or the Beard, held the 22d lest., JOHN DIDDLE was elected President, and JOS. C. COPPUCK Secretary and Treasurer. Ja23.3t JO3. C. COPPUCIi, Secretary. NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the PHILADELPHIA. AND SAVANNAH STEAM NAVIGATION 0031- PANT for the election of five Managers, and the transac tion of other banintas, VIII ho hold in MOM No. 30, Nor cLants' Exchange, Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, Feb. runty 4th, 1862, at half past seven o'clock P. M. war. DENNIS, ja21.12t Secretary and 'narrower. NOTICE. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of tho OCEAN STEAM NOYIGATION COMPANY, for tho election of five Directors, and tho transaction of other business. will ho held In room No. 20, Merchants' Exchange, Philadol. phia, on TUESDAY, February 4th, 1001, at 12 o'clock MOOD. WM. DENNIS, ja2l-12t Secretary and Treasurer. try• THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE C.opottitois of THE CONTINENTAL HOTEL COMPANY, for the Election of Five Manogiws mad the tr4nenctiori of nthrr bu.lneer, will he hold on 1111)N. , DAY, January 27th, 1562, at 12 o'clock M. at t h o HOTEL. J. SERGEANP ia2o.6t Secretary. EG• OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA HAIL. ROAD CO.—PIIILADELPIII e, Jan. 11, 1802. NOTHJE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—The annual Meet ing oY the Stocicho7dars o 4 Ms Company Irill bo hold on MONDAY, the third day of February, 1802, at 10 o'clock A. M., At the RANSOM-STREET HALL. The annual Election for Director's will ho held on MONDAY, the third do of March, 1863, nt the Office of the Company, No. 2.38 South THIRD Street. By order of the Beard. ial3-tfe3 EDMUND SMITH, Secretary. orFAME INSURANCE COMPANY, Offleo .N0..106 ULIESTNUT Street. JBl2ll , lrY 6, 1562. At a meeting of the Board of Mt - came of the Fame !mamma Company, hold Ude day, a semi-annual Dlvi• dead of Three per cent was doctoral, payable on and after the first day of February, 1862. ia7tfebl SYMB. 1. - BLANCHARD, Secretory. 1:r OFFICE OF THE WEST PHILADEL. rain PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY. ruit.snimtettA, January 14, 1961. 'rho Board itt Directors of the Company have thia day declared n Dividend Of FIVil I'NR CENT. on the Capi tot Stock for the loot six months, payable on and after the Nth instant. The Books for the Transfer of Stock ultl be doted on the 15th Instant, until the 24th instant. jals-vismst `NM. MARTIN, Sit., Treasurer. firEAST MAHANOY ItAILILOAD COAL PANY, PHILADELPHIA, January 1b,1802. The Eighth Instalment, of FIVE DOLLARS per share, of the Capital Stock of tale Company, WM be pay able on the let February next, at the Company's Office, 407 LIBRARY Street. ARCHIBALD 'MoINTYRIL jaloaluttutiell Treasurer and Secretary gr. OFFICE OF THE RELIANCE MU TE A.L ISSUE NESE czar ANY, OF SUL LADELPIIIA, JractrAßY 11, 1882. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of SIX PEE CENT. on the capital Meek of the company, and on the certificates of profits outstanding, for the year ending December alst, 1881, without deduction for State Tan, payable in cash to the Stockholders, on and after the 18th inst. Also, a Dlvidendof EIGHT PER CENT., payablepro rata on the capital stock and prenalums earned, out of the profits of the company for the year ending December Blst, 1861, for s‘ Lich certificates of profits, beating tete `real. will be delivered to the stockholders, and to the in sured entitled to receive the same under the provisions of tits charter, on and after the 23d inst. No certificate will be Issued for tfuY less stun than ten dollars, nor for any fractional part of nob dollar. Sums I less than ten dollars, and not less than one dollar, are credited to the insured on the books of the Company, and if, within any petted of ton years, the said credits amount to ten dollars, certificates therefor will be issued. Certificates of profits are liable, equally with the cap. tel stock, for the losses and eligagunelits of tits Compa ny, may lie converted into capital stock nt any Limo, at the option of the holder. 13. IL HINDU:WAN. jitl4.tuthelOt Secretary. [0... PHILADELPHIA, JANUARY 13, 1562. —Thu annual meeting of the btockholdore of the UNION CANAL CO SIPAN I', of Pennsylvania, will be held nt No. 228 WALNUT Stroot, Farunher building,e on TUESDAY, February 4th, next, at 1.1. o'clock A. M) iol4•tfe4 0. THOMPSON, Secretary. OFFICE OF TOE RELIANCE MU TUAL INSURANCE CoMPANI7 OF PHILA DELPHIA, Jan. 8, 1802. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Coal pony will be held, in pursuance of the Charter, at the Office, Re. 308 WALNUT Street, at 12 o'clock 11. on MONDAY, the 3.d day of February next. And an Election for Twenty Directors, to serve for the ensult, year, will be held at the eatno place, on the day named , ' between 12 o'clock 11. and 2 o'clock P. 31. jal-thstutfe3 H. DI. HINCIIHAN, Secly. acr. p....,ADEtp.,A.ASD ERIE RAIL ROAD. PIISLADSLVIIIA, ..fauttarY 20. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the MLA.- DELPRIA AND ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY will be held at the office, N 0.324 WALNUT Street, on MON DAY, the 10th day of February next, at 10 o'clock - A. Of. At this meeting nn election will be held for TEN . MANAGERS of the Company, to serge for ono year. The poke to close at 2 o'clock P. 01, W. EDWARD SPOFFORD, ja2l-tuths.tfelo Secretary. r.G. OFFICE OF o THE 13 OAR D OF HEALTH," I. W. corner of SIXTH and SAN £3OIII Streets. PIIILADELFIII4., Joh. 21,100. 1101 ICE Id HEREBY GIVEN, That in accordance with the provisions of "An Ordinance to provide for Gratuitous Vaccination," approved the 11th day of July, A. D. 3150, nn ELECTION will be held at We 011 ice, on the FOURTH TUESDAY (`l3th day) of January, 1862, for Tu enty.four Vaccine Physicians and Thirteen Collectors of Vaccine cases, to servo for the ensuing year. All persona desiroini of becoming apPileanta there for wilt semi their communications to thin Oflice, on or before 10 o'clock A .111. of the said. date. By order of the Board of Health. jn232i 23.3 t WASH. L. 131". A DE.I, Clerk OFFICE. OF THE NE\ ``ORK AND MIDDLE COALFIELD RAIL ROAD AND COAL COMPANY.—The Annual 3/leafing of the Stockholders of the Company will be held at their Office, No. 211 South FOURTH Street, on MONDAY, February 3d, 1813, at 11 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of electing FIVE DI RECTORS, to serve for the ensuing year, and the trawl sottou of such other business as may be brought before them. HENRY ROBINSON, Secretary. PHILADELPHIA, illlttllTY IS, 1862. - SEALED PROPOSALS are invited until tho sth dry of February, 1862, for furnishing VLOUft to tlin Subelatence.Departinent of the United States Amy. About tovive thousand (12,000) Inureis will be re quired, of a high grade of Extra flour, to be delivered in Washlugton, at the Railroad Depot, or at the nulls or mitreboutes in Georgetown, some time between tho rah and Erth of Febrnary, ISO. Each barrel of Flour to be inspertcdjubt before it is reached. Tito flour must los equal in quality to the samples to he obtained at tho Capitol Battery, at Weshtngtoe city, and the barrels to bo lend-lined. The cnatomary oath of allegiance will he required of each contractor. Bide to be directed to Moor A. BECKIVITTI, C. 9 U. S. A., and entlorstd "Proponla." 3a25-tie! rfillsa HAVE NO EQUAL I 8 THL• unanimous opinion of all upon those finely-colored Photographs made by REIMER. at his Gallery, SE GOND Street, below Green, Only Si, lt,n% TRY AUTER'S HAIR-DYE, 25 and .1_ 3S conts per box, P 3 South TIMID Street, aboTtt Chestnut. It* LADIES OE G.ENTtEMEN can have their Hair dyed a splendid Black, or a beautiful Bromll, at FOURTH and BRANCH. ta°s•if tf DRIE.D FRUIT--NEW YORK STATE APPLES ; Western do ; choice new halt Peaches, do. gimlets, and mixed Peaches, Plums, Blackberries, in store, and the gate by 11110 DES .1: WILLIAMS, 107 South WATER Street LOST OR MISLAID.—A Certificate of Stock, No. 100, for 50 sham, Allegheny ;inning COllll,ltIlY of New Jereey, dated July Stb, 1847. Nottco is hereby given, that an application los noon Inado to tbo Board of Directois of said Company fur a new Certificate. jal-Efit* P. BARRY HAY CS. LOW'S BROWN WINDSOR, HONEY, GI.YCI]RIN]•;, AND OT/lIIR FANCY SPATS, PatUSII.U, AND PEREUSII,IItY. • NOTICE TO THE TRADE.—Tho firm of Lew, Son, Dmihow, 330 Strand, London, is this day dissolved by efilii‘lon of time, and the business. will, in future, be continued at the same addlevs under the firm of ROBERT LOW, SON, di DAIMON. Dlr. Hayden bus been practically engaged, for upwards of twenty years, in the manufacture of the above artfcleA; for a coathlerable time be has most successfully repre sented the late firm, and is thoroughly convert ant with Otery branch of the business; this fact, coupled with the intimate knowledge of the Iloilo for now Aida of forty YeAris of Dir. Low, the set for partner, will be a sufficient guarantee flint the high reputation'of these mattufactu. ret a will be folly maintained. 330 STRAND, LONDON. December 31, 1861. 1F YOU WANT TUE 'WORM 01? your money. boy your Fiour at S. Z. GOTT WALS., No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street. Ho sells the very Lost, and sells positively TEN PER CENT. LO WEn thou can be botight anywhere else in the city. Ho delivers to any part of the city free of charge, and In all cages, if it does not give entire satisfaction, IT WILL BE TAKEN DACE, AND THE MONEY BEFUNDED.jaI7-tuthstf Q . Z. GOTTWALS, N 0.812 SPRING KJ. GAItDEN Street, sena double extra Axially Floor fancy brand, at kV/ per barrel. ralT-tutbgtt ESTLACK'S DIPTUERIA. AND BORE THROAT LoznNal;s, A sato and efficient remedy In Diptheria , Sore Throat from Scarlet Fever, Quinsy, Clergymen's Pore Throat, Inflamation of the Faeces alai Palate, Membranous Croup, Enlarged Tonsils, Catarrh, Influenza, Asthma, Hoarseness, or any Bronchial Affections from Colds causing P.thi, caviling, or redness li, the Throat, render• log respiration difficult. Prepared only by I'. ESTLA CK, Jun., Druggist, No.lBoo MARKET Street. And Fold by Druggists generally. le.l-61.1F ENGLISII ENCAUSTIC TILES FOR FLOGltE4.—lllinton's Tiles for '1 estibules, hallo, dining-rooms, heat thii, am l for public buildings of every hind, as laid in the Capitol at Washington, and in many douches, stores, banks, hotels, and dwellings, In every parr of the country. Pattcrar, composed of Buff, Red, nod Black, Be per square toot: with Blue, Green, or White introduced, 31c to 30e per root. Lithographic de signs sent by mail, on application. B. A. GARRISON. Tritortar, in2.l No. 1010 CIIESTNUT sheet. pRIZE M0N14.11 , PAID TO OFFI CERS and HEN of the b'an. Jacinto, Conctc!lo tion, Dart, Mohican, illystic, Brooklyn, Sumter, awl other yowl, ALPERT POTTS' Army and Navy Agency, N. N. corner of THIRD and WILLOW Streets. jft22.3111* ARMY AND NAVY PAY COL -I.I:CTEIL—AIgo, arrears of pay for resigned, discharged, supernumerary, and deceased officers—Unita ty 77707703 —Ceneutrnoney—Contractors' pay—Piscine gee —}ixtt a pay—Lund warrants—Pensions—Prize manor Recruiting Expenses —. State Pay Subslstenea and Transportation, promo rd liy A Lich.= POTTS' Army and Nary Agoney, cotncr of THIRD and WILLOW Sh eats. la22•lnt*a EYE AND EAR.—Dit. JONES, of N. Y., will Practice at HERR'S HOTEL, II R RISBURG, Pa., from tho 20th JANUARY till the 10th FEBRUARY, 1502. Dr. JONES cures all curable diseases of the EAR and EYE, and performs all operations for the restoration of Sight and Heating. Dr. JONES straightens Cruised Eyes in ono minute. Dr. JONES inserts Artificial Eyes (to move and appear natural) ti Shout pain, no matter whether tho Eyo he pertly or entirely out. Dr, JONES intioducos artificial Ear Drums, which prove the hearing immediately. Er. JONES box hod tie benefit of a Medical Education in the Medical Colleges, Hospitals, and Eye and Ear In stitutions of America and Europe. Ms Diplomas hang in his Office. ja22,l2tiv SZ. dOTTWALS, No. 812 SPRANG e GAIIDEN Street, sells the vory beet Corn Meal at 2 ct ate per pound. jail-Mott S6.SOWILL BUY A BARREL OF extra Fall - Lily Flour at No. 8I SPRING OfiLIITLYI4 STIVFXr. 11117-Nll'3U EVER BODY BUYS BUCK WHEAT FLOUR of S. Z. GOTT WALS, Nn. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street, Lecaute ho Belle mu° but the very twit. jal7. tuthstf IF YOU WANT GOOD FLOUR, GO to S. 2. GOTT WALS', No. 812 SPRING GARDEN TIP YOU WANT CHEAP FLOUR, I, go to S. Z. GOTTWALS' t No. 812 SPRING OAR- D 1 N f trvot in.l7-taltatt A OPPENHEIMER, MEROHAN. 11• DIKE 'BROKER M all branclicsof trade, and manufacturer or every description of Army Goods. No. 48 South THIRD Street, west side, second Story, Phila delphia. doll if T JOLLIVET, 1314 CHESTNUT • street, 'trill Imre a Second Opening this Season, of Wreaths and Head Dresses, at greatly reduced prices, and hopes the Ladles will favor him with their patronage RA heretofore. 4lso, an assortment of French Corsets. ja23-4t* GUNNY BAGS-60 BALES FOB ealo by JAIIRETOII & OARSTAIII9, v 072 702 South PRONT Atn.nt. BROOMCORN, HANDLES, TWINE, &c.; Broome, Buckets, &c., for sale by 0. BLAKIBTON, Commission ktbrchubt. 22 Soutb WAWA% P.,A4` HANGING VASES. Ornamental Flower Pole. Parlor Vases for Growing Floweret. . Baskets for Jardiniere. Pedestal,' 14 ith Vase for Flowers. Asthma Vases for Diastole. Vases Roaalesance for Parlor. Bostic and Terra Colts Vases. Lava Flower Pots malYases. Garden Vase's and Pedestals. Brackets for Bunts and Figures. With a great variety of articles imitable for Christ, man presents, for sale retail and to the trade. Warm °ems 1010 01.1BBTNUT Street, Philadelphia. dell 0. A. HARRISON. MACHINISTS', BLACKS 311TFIS', and other TOOLS bought and told by ALEX. PUEPES, N. N. cor. SOUTEI. and PENN Na jn2.otr A. NTI-FRIOTION ME AL, . suotior nualiqt For sale by JAMES YOCON, • DRINKER'S ALLEY, Jal:3-2m* Dot. Front and Second, Raco and Ara eta IVIED APPLFS. —66 saeks ue4 western Dried /mica; 7 bbla new Western Dried Arnolo3. Jed received and in store For Bale by R KOONS, ja747 No. 1 , 1,8 NORTH NVIIAIWFS. A PPLES! APPLES !—Ohoiao Green- Inge and others always on, hand at the Cheap Store, No 812 surniG GARDEN Street. jal7-tf OULDER 8 —1,500 pieces city sinoked Shoulders; also, 79 blals. Shoulders In dry salt, for sale by C. 0. SADLER, & ja9 103 A8.C71 Street, 2xt door above react. NEW PUBLICATIONS HORACE BINNEY ON THE PRIVILEGE OF THE WRIT OP HABEAS CORPUS. A BOOK FOR LAWYERS, STATESMEN, AND POLITICIANS Cheap edition now ready. Prico 15 rents; or $1.50 per dozen. Published and for sale by T. B. PUGH, 8. W. CCII. SIXTH AND CIIESTNNT STS. it* AL BOOK FOR SOLDIERS. A now and handsome edition of this MARTYRS OF THE MUTINY, In inuslin Bush binding, as3orted colors, with four cats, AT 30 CENTS, Olt 1 OUR COPIES FOR A. 'DOLLAR. post-paid, for Thirty Cents. CHARLES S. LUTHER, PRESBYTERIAN 8008 STORE, jaths 1334 CHESTNUT STREET. MILITARY GOODS ARMY LEGGINGS. HEAVY FLAX DUCK, THE APPROVED MAKE, FOR ARMY USE. CONRAD & SERRILL. 206 CHESTNUT STREET, ARMY TENTS-200 for sale by jan.l2if FROTHINGIIAIiI & WELLS FINANCIAL. NEW NATIONAL LOAN. e OFFIOE OF JAY COOKE & CO., DANEERS, NO. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, 3 The 7 3.10 per cent Treasury Notes of all Ilonombaa. none, of tho wood issue of Fifty Milhous, dated Octo ber lot, aro now ready to deliver to purchaseie, at the unite of J. COOKE, GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD. 7 3-10 TREASURY NOTES BOUGHT AND SOLD. QUARTET - MASTERS' CERTIFICATES DEALT IN. DREXEL 6: CO. $lO,OOO TO INVEST IN lIIRE DEVAIABLE GROUND RENTS. /*ply to J. 11. WAVIIIIS, JO2l 110 South YOURTII Strout. $3130 0 -A FIRST-CLASS LA • proved GROUND RENT of this amount for eau!, at a liberal discount. Apply to COPAR'ENERSIIIP NOTICES NOTICE. --The Copartnership here tofore existing between the subscribers, under tho firm of JAURETCHE s OARSTAID.S, to TDB DAY (limited by tuntuid consent. 111. ,TAINTETCHE, CHAS. S. CARST AIRS, THOMAS CABS TA IRS. PIIILADELPTIIA, Jan. 23, 1862. ja2l-3: CLOAKS AND AIANTILLAS CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! CLOAKS! WATER PROOF CLOTH CLOAKS, In etelleee variety,' LIGHT AND DARK CLOTH CLOAKS, of overy 'Slade; BLACK CLOTII CLOAKS, of overy quality ; BLACK SILK-YELVET CLOAKS, 'EVERY NEW STYLE, EVERY NEW MATERIAL; TUB LAIKIre. °woos. AND THE MOST REASONABLE rums IN THE OITY IVENS, oaf. N 0.23 South NINTH Street. G REAT BARGAINS LADIES' CLOAXS, To dose out, At the ARCH.STREET CLOAK AND MANTILLA STORE, N. W. corner TENTH mad AROII Sta. •litt3l.4ho JACOB RORSEALL. (11,0AKS— Handsome styles of well-made, serviceable gar ments. The be made, the best fitting, and the best materials for the price. A large stock from which to select. Cool , rut (mum), del4 S. E. cor. HINTLI and MARKET. CL 0 A K B! Tho ,Largest, Cd.toaDoet, and Beet-agsortod Stock In dm city. . . COMMISSION ROUSES. SHIPLEY, HAZARD, HUTCHINSON, No. 111 CHESTNUT STREET, COMPSISSIQN TALEMORAISTIS • Y6l Tllll BALI OP PIIILA7DELPHIA-MADE GOODS. ar2B-0m S'IIATEMENT GIRARD COLLEGE PASSENGER RAILWAY CO., VIA RIDGE AVENUE, Construction account, including Roads, Roil ing Stock, Rome, Depot, kg., /cc 8 / 50,041 2,7 Ridge Avenue and Mannynnk Passenger Rail nay Company's Bonds bearing 7 per coot. interest 1,300 00 Duo by Sundries 1,149 00 Cash—Balance in Dank 12,320 54 Cm:offal Stock (10,000 eluirea 0 460,000 00 *In(I ob ed ne Fse 25 89 Balance to Credit of Profit and Loa - 12,784 80 1860. lB6l Gross receipt.. from 01l sources $74,261 86 $56,659 25 Esponsee of all descrip tions 63,803 58 45,674 36 DE= IMMMTI Donde (7 per cent) lino by Sundries.. Total Indebtedness 'or Divblends—. I=MI Surplus:f...'6,743 GO W. S. BLIGIIT, Treamircr. In addition, there ie a diqputcd claim of $1,738, fur TaNos by thu Stato. ja23-3t NEW FIRMS AND CHANGES. 1862. Merchants and Public Institutions supplied with BLANK BOOKS Of all sizes, tondo of the best LINEN PAPERS, And warranted durable. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN STATIONERY ho groat variety'. LETTER, NOTE, and BILL PAPERS. TRIPLE-EXTRA GOLD PENS. LETTER PRESS and LITHOGRAPH PRINTING. WM. F. MURPHY 45c, SONS. PRACTICAL BLANK-ROOK DIANUFACTURERS, COUNTING-ROUSE STATIONERS, PRINTERS, AND LITHOGRAPHERS, 339 CHESTNUT STREET. de.l-wAs2m EVERY LADY WHO WISHES TO BE BEAUTIFUL phalli,' purchase WONT'S COURT TOILET POWDER. IC is nacal by the Court Beauties in Europe, and it is the only Powdor that will not Wino the skin or rub off. Price, 12, 25, and 10 cont.. HUNT'S BLOOM OF ROSES, a beautiful, na tural color, for the checks or lips; It will not wash oft or injure the skin, and remains ,'arable for years. Prico SI. These artlelea are unite new, and can only be ob tained of HUNT & 00., 183 South SEVENTH. Streot, above Walnut. All Mulls of Fano , Soaps and Por. !ornery. jalB-lan TTA AI S.— 1,000 pieces sugar cured 011,y-smoked llama for sale by 0. 0. SADLER, k 00., ja9 103 AllOll Street, 'AI door above Front. SHOVELS AND SPADES. GEonaE lIALI'MAN, MANUPACITUrtErt. CORNER OF BREAD AND QUARRY STREETS, lal3-3niiii Bet. Arch and Race, and Becnnd and Third. CHOICE CUBA HONEY, in tierces and Lb's. also, prim Porto Rico and Cuba hfuqco vado Sugar for Bale by REILLY & CO., No. 7 North WATER Street. IKEIMMEE PHILADELPIIIA SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114 SOIITTI THIRD EiT23EET. E. PETTLT, No. 309 WALNUT &root HOUGH 16 00., N 0.25 South TENTH Stroot, Oppagfa Franklin Market JANUARY 1, 1562 SIV,BIO IT ,172,910 77 820,480 29 $12,781 90 20,000 00 10,000 00 $lB6 28 2,784 89 RECUITIMATION. MEM $16,769 5 INSURANCE COMPANIES. THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOR INSURANCES ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES, In conformity with an act of the Legislature, publish the folloniug STATEMENT OF THEIR ASSETS 31st DECEMBER, 1861: CAPITAL STOCK, 6500,000. League Island, in River Delaware, Office Building. 301 'Walnut street. Bonds and Mortgages, Brat mortgages on unfurl:mix red property Ground Rents, w ell secured Cash Loans on Call, with dotes and Collateral Lite Interests Debts due to Company and A.Lianced Trust lir tato; TREASURY NOTES, WARRANT STOCKS, AND LOANS AT TB BIAItKET VALUE, DEC. 26,1801, Yr. -112 Shares Commercial Bank 653 0 Farmers' end Meths' Bank.. 101. Philadelphia 800 k..... 45 State Ilk, Camden, N. J. 279 as Bald Eagle and S. C. Navigation Compani. 164 Cleveland and lilleliorr i g Railroad 31 Delauaro Bridge Co , Easton 300 a Ins Co. N'th America. 103 Schuylkill Nov. Co.„ 110 a Lehigh Valley 11 20 Penns> lv !WI 11 50 North Pennsylvania It. 290 Leh. Coal and Nay. Co. 250 Do. Scrip 569,300 U. S. Treasury Notes and Loans 10,222. Philadelphia City Warrants..... 131,732 Penusylvanin 5 per cent. Loans 125,000 Coupon Bonds 20,000 41.‘ per teat. Loans... 10,000 6 per cent 51,300 Philadelphia 6 per cent 28,000 a Glll3 0 per cent 38,900 r 5 per cent 35,665 u 5 per ct. Guardus Poor 2,820 22 Guaranteed Int. P. nt D. It.. 4,011 Schuylkill Nay. Bond Loan.... 12,200 Pittsburg 5 per cent 5 000 0 per cent 20,401 Lehigh Coal and Nns 5,000 Allegheny City 6 per cent 20,000 North Penna. B. 0 per cent.... 23,000 LiICIIIM alum B. R...... .... 15,000 Sunbury and Erie R 40,050 Pennsylvania R., 2d mortgage.. 71,172 69 Ches. S. Del Canal, 6 per ct 10,000 Westmoreland Coal Company.. 40,000 Del. ,k Ear. Canal, 6 per cent.. 2.1,000 11 5 per cent.. 21,400 Tennessee 5 per cent...... .... 5,000 6 per cent 10,000 Washington Gas Comptuty..... 15,000 Cleveland and DI. R., 7 per ct.. 6,000 Fayette, Co., Ky 20,000 Barnilton Co., 0hi0....... ..... WILLIAM B. HILL, ja23-3tifte ACTUARY. (IFFIOE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY TOR INSURANCE 3 ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES, I WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, January 21st, 13132. At an election of the Stockholders, held en Monday, the 20th instant, the fol lowing gentlemen Were unanimously re.elected Directors for the em Mug tear: Charles Dutilb, Henry J Williams, T. Pm. Iluttlausou, Joseph Swill, William 11. Hart, William S. Vaux, Joshua D. And et a meeting of tie Charles Dutilli was uutinimoi William D. 11111 Actuary. 3a23 -;;tit* SPRING GARDEN William Mannar, John F.. Wucherer. St. Geo. T. Campbell, Adolph E. Boric., k tunnel Norris, Alexander Biddle, Lippincott. es Directors, held this day, usly re•nlected President, and WILLIAM B. HILL, Actuary. FIRE INSURANCE CO., Office N. W. Corner Sixth and Wood Sts. PHILADELPHIA. JO.IIIIHITI., 1862 The follouing statement of the assets of the Company is published in compliance with the provisions of the Act of the Legislature of the ;OM of Pennsylvania, April. 2842: Real Estate, unencnnibered," Ground Rents. improved ' , Mortgages Interest unpaid Philadelphia Csty Loans, 0 per cents Tempetary Loans, with full security of Rank . . . and Gas Company stocks 4,200 00 200 shares Northern Liberties Gas Co. stock.. 0,000 00 200 4, Nan. and Mechanics' Dank 4,008 00 136 ~ Penn Thu nsbip Bank 3,780 00 861 ~ Spring Garden Insurance Co. ~ 10.830 00 Insurance Notes 1,174 80 re The ISIORTGAG ES held by the Company are all on first-class new property, in improved parts of the city of Philadelphia, being first encumbrances, clear of ground rent or any other claims uhatevur, examined by and the valuation made by a committee of the Board of Directors, at cash prices, previous to snaking the loans, the proper ties being north separately 40 PER CENT. over the mortgages, and limo Interest promptly paid. This Contwanv, in meaty-tivo years, has paid losses by file amounting to upwards of $1,000,000. So liberal has been the settlement of all claims, that not a single care has occurred, since its OriVnifr.tiOnr that the Com pany has permitted the insured to resort to a Court to seek pay merit. INSURANCE CAN BE EFFECTED AT THIS OFFICE AT AS LOW RATES as are consistent with security, and on as accommodating terms as with nay other FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY of this city. Applicatious tondo through tho Post Mee, or by Dlood'a Pinatall, will always Luca with .11111)1E4.11Mo at tcution from the Office. INCORPORATED IN 1835 CAPITAL $200,000. ASSETS $305,599.07. DIREcTOns: JOHN H. DOIINERY, TULEY M. PARK, DAVID woELrvER, WM. E. WOOD, BENJAMIN DAVIS, JACOB L. MINTZER, GEORGE LANDELL, HENRY HOMER, HENRY M. PHILLIPS, JAMES DDRNELL, N. L, HATFIELD, M.D., JOHN EVANS, Jet., WE. S. FREDERICKS, JESSE LEE, CHARLES FIELD, GEORGE W. POMEROY, THOS. D. TILLINGHAST JOHN 11. L. lioltnitlMAß, Seen? DOUNERT, President. .Itvey. ja2o-nr.v4lt H FIRE 11.`181.1 , OF THE OTATI 01 COMMONWEAL RANCE COMPANY P3CNNBYLYANIA. David Jayne, M. D., Oharies H. Boom John M. Whiten, John K. Walker, Edward O. Knight, Robert Shootnaltet, Thomas S. Stewart, Wllltam Struthers, Henry Louie, Jr., Stephen Coulter. DAVID JAYNE, N. IL, Preeldent. JOHN M. WHITALL, Vice PreddenL SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary. Office, Commonwealth Building, 5i OIitESTNWS Street, Philadelphia. sot-11i REMOVALS -------- HOWARD & HARNDEN --- EXPRESS. REMOVED TO 607 CHESTNUT STREET, NEXT DOOR TO ORANYMLB STOKES FR - Elea - IT, MONEY, &o.,forwartlod to all Totuta MEI@ 'Having oronea an Wilco in WASIIINGV)N, WO OaOn give special attention to freight for that City and vicinity. January 7,186'.. •A. FATINESTOOK & 00. HAVE REMOVED TO 408 MARKET Street. )8,3.-lin DRUGS AND DDEiIIICALs ROBERT SHOEMAK SHOEMAK & Co.. Northeast Corner FOURTH and 'RAO& Eltreota, PHILADELPHIA, ' WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS ItANIIYACTURKEtB OT PiUITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, ago tilintati /OR TUN ONIABRATBD FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and °mummers supplied at ;VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. 0c.91.3m WHITE LEAD, DRY AND IN OIL. Rol Lead, 'White Lend, Litharge, Sugar of Lend, Copperas, Oil of Vitriol, Caleaflet, Patent Yellow, Chronic, Red, Chrome Yellow, Aqua Fortis, Murlotto Acid, Epactii Rochelle Salts, Tartaric Ac id, Orange Mineral, BoNiue Tett. Soh. Curb. Enda, White Vitriol, lid Precipitate, WI:TITER: Druggists and Mal Roe. 47 and 411 ielBstf White Precipitate, Lunar llaueNic, N ercot toe, Iph, Morphine, Morphine, Acetato Morphine, Lac. Su tptt., Ether Sulphuric, Ether Nitric,. Iphato Quinine, Corm, Sut.lttn., Donarcotized Opium, Chien ido or Soda, IVetherili'm cat. Chichi , ' Tartar Emetic, Chloride of Lime. Credo Borax, Refined Borax, Camphor, ReAn Copavla. LL & BROTHER, nufeeturing Chemiete, North SECOND Street, PHITADELPICIA. E. S. EARLEY, FURNISHING UNDERTAKER, Southwest corner ni TENTH and GREEN Streets, Philadelphia, RETAIL DRY GOODS (Z.REAT REDUCTION IN PRICES 1.-B OF MANY STYLES OF WINTER GOODS FOR FIFTEEN DAYS LONGER, BEFORE TAKING TREK INTO STOCK, viz: Figured and Plain Matinees. Plain and Gay Long Shoals. Detk Dress Goode. Poplins, Ac. Plaid Flannels—Pink, Blue, and Drawl'. Ladies' Scarfs, minced 70 par cont. Ono lot of L. C. Mikis., at 15c. Tao lots do., at 25c., a bargaia. One lot of Linen Diaper at &LW,' a piece. Hoop Skirts-75, 87%, Sl, and 81.12 Nice assortment of Gitiatisms. Ladies' lien s , Yeats, all sizes. Misses' Merino Vests, all sizes, Gloves and Hosiery of all kinds. Gouts' Silk Handkerchiefs, splendid assortment at .1. 11. STOKES', .1023 tf 702 ANON &root. 18"' 1 /00 0 778 275 6, 61,885 48 FAMILY DRY GOODS STORE. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARGIL have iu store a fine stock of „. 837,719 79 a. 1,175,3169 93 1,389 8i GOC/DS FUR F6III.LY Good plain colored Silks. Fashionable figured Silks. bumble black Silks, Plain and floored. Linen Shirtings and Linen Shootings Best makes Long Cloth Sim ling nuslirm. Table Linens and Damask Tow•eliugs. Blankets, flue quality and large alt.'s. Mareeillos Quilts of all sizes. Clutha and Cavvlraeres for men and Lope. • White goods, a very fall stock. Black goods of every description. ja'2.3 BARGAINS IN BLACK SILKS AT H. STEEL & SON'S, No. 713 North TENTH Street. above Coatea. 1 lot Black Silks at 70 cents. 1 lot Black Silas at 75 and 81 cents. 1 lot Black Silks at 87, 00, and $l. 1 tot Black Silks at $1.121.1 and 5125. 1 lot Black Silks at $1.31, sl.3TX,,and $1.55. 1 tot Black Silks, yard arida. BARG aINS IN FANCY SILKS. We are closing out our stock or Fancy Silks st a great sacrifice, preparatory to taking stock. Fancy Saks at 50, 56, 62X, 75, 87, and $1 Sunetior qualities of Fancy Saks $ t 12X to $2. Also, our entire stock of DRESS GOODS, at lasi than coot prices. 8503,669 6" USLINS ! MUSLINS! MUSLIN'S! MUSLIM BY THE PIECE—MUSLINS BY THE BALE.—Now in the time for housekeepers to buy their blieetings and hhirtings, as all kinds of domestic goods are rapidly rising, and there can be no possible diminution 01 prices. We still base a few boxes of Warenutte, Wiltierner ills, Black hock, and oth , r popular makes. Good Munlins at 8, 0,10,11 cents. The bent 1:2- cent Muslin in the city. Our Prilow•Case Dlnslins, awl our 10.4, 11-4, and 12-4 Sheeting, purchased some time Mime. are from three to four cents cheaper than can be found elsewhere COWPETITMY AIT rls CO. jail N. W. cor. EIGHTH and MARKET. RICII CURTAINS AND CURTAIN PIAILICIALS.---The subscribers offer, at the lowest prices, n large assortment of Rich Curtain Goods, and Lams and Muslin Embroidered Curtains; also, every variety of Plain slid Gold Bordered Shades, Gilt Cor nices, Curtain Fixtures, and Trimmings. Also, Tapes tries, Reps, Pmnaske , Sat-de-Laines, Plashes, Broca tells, etc., for cabinetmakers, and an extensive variety of goods for lures covers, as Hollauds, Figured Llama, French and English Furniture Chintzes, etc., etc. SIIEPPAItD, VAN HARLINGEN, S A FAISON, ja2o.St 1008 ctrEsrsur Street. ,3,102,404 59 WANTED—By an experienced Book loop., - tame time is not entirely occupied, a net of 'Books to post, or other 'suiting. Address "Jour nal," Plc So office. lt* WANTED.—OId Silver, Plate, or Coin bon via, in taro or Fmail quantities, by KRIDEII & DIDDLE, Stiveramith3 )slB-71. EIGHTH and JAYNE. NVANTE D—A second-handSta tior,"y Steam Engine, of from 60 to 70 -forte Power. Maresa, gating particulara, ,‘ Bow 1155 Pogt Otlice." dal-a UNITED STATES MARINES.- Wanted, immediately, for the United Staten Marine Corps, FIVE lICRIeRED ABLE-BODIED 11EN for sea service, between the ages of eighteen and forty years. MI information that may bo required will be given at the Rendezvous,3ll South FRONT Street, below Spruce. JAMES LEWIS, Captain, jalB.l2t Recruiting Wiser. . . STATES, EASTEBN u DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. BCT. TEE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT - - OP PENNSYLVANIA, Creeling: Wucacas, The District Court of the United States in and tor tie Easton District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duty proceedmg on a Libel, filed in the name of the United Stales of America, bath decreed all persons in general who have. or pretend to have, any night, title, or intermit to the schooner ISLAND BELLE, whereof THOMAS PHILIPS was master, her Wale, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden on board thereof, captured as Prize by the United States steamer AUGUSTA, Captain PARROT, to be monialled, cued, and called to judgment, at the time and place unnierwrittin, and to the effect hereafter expressed, (justice so reouirlug.) Yen arc therefore charged sail strictly enjoined wad commanded that you omit not, bat that by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed nod publishol it the city of Philadelphia, and in the Legal Infrlligrocer, y ou de mounsli and cite, or Calles to be roomaLed awl cited, pe remptorily, all persons in general mho have, or pretend to hale ' any right, title, or interest in the said schooner ISLAND BELLE, her tackle, apparel, mot furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise on board thereof, to appear berme the Honorable JOHN CAD WALai- DER, the Judge of the said Court, at the DISTRICT COURT ROOM, in the city of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after publication of these presents, if it he a court day, or else on the treat court day following, between the usual hours of healing coulee, then aid there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonablo and 14111)1 excuse, If any they have, retry the sold schooner ISLAND BELLE, her tackle, apparel, and furni ture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise hobo on board thereof, should not be pronounced to be long, at the time of the capture Of the same ' to the enemies of the United States, and, as goods of their enemies, or other, lee, liable and subject to con denvantlen, to be adjudged and condemned as good and law ful prizes; and farther to do and receive in this be halt as to ju,tice shall appertain. And that you duly in timate, or cause to be Intimated, unto all persons afore said, generally, (to about, by the tease of these pre sents, it is alx, intiniated,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cane to the con trary, then said District Court doth Intend and will pro ceed to adjudication on the Bahl capture, and may pro nounce that the said schooner ISLAN t) BELLE, her tackle, apparel, and furniture. and the goods, wares, and merclinediseladon on board thereof, dod belong, at tho time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States of America, and. as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and con demnation, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize the absence, or rather contumacy, of the persons so del and intimated in anywise notwithstanding, mod that you duly certify to the said District Court what you stroll do in the premises, together with these presents. Witinss the Honorable JOUN CADWALA.DEB i Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this twenty third day of JANUARY, A.D. HU, and In the eighty sixth year of the Independence of, the said United States. ia2s-3t G. B. FOX, Clerk District Court. 515,355 00 5,744 EO '201,001 55 730 50 35,007 50 $305,309 67 TN TUE COURT OF COMMON 1 PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. [SOOT. Notice is hereby given, to all persons into estcd, that the Honorable. the Judges of the Court afore said have appointed SATURDAY, the Sth day of February, A. D. 1862, at 10 o'clock A. St , for hearing applications for the Charterss of Incorporation and amend ment to Charter, viz; Grand Combination of Attraction, Thaumattirgbassi Muttons, Psycological Experiments, blagieal Coco. Lions, Ventriloquial Oddities, Comtvalitios, and Bon biota, and the Pleasing Exhibition of the Learned Os. nary Birds. Cooper Shop Soldiers' Rome, of the City of Philo- I Admission 25 cents; Children 13 cents. jag-tf del phis. Continental Beneficial Society, of the City of Phila. delyhia—amendment. CHAS. P. KNIGHT. LOOKING GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE & SON, bIANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OP - LOOSING GLASSES, OIL PAINTINGS, FINE, ENGRAVINGS, PICTURE AND PORTRAIT FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CARTE , DE•VISITE PORTRAITS, EARLE'S GALLERIES, 81 6 CHESTNUT STREET, PHIL ADEL T HI A. ILLUMINATING OILS r_() BARRELS GOOD QUALITY NON-EXPLOSIVII CARBON OIL. in lola or five and tea barrels, for solo at 415 CO 11.51ERCE Street. .1a25-at*. OIL! OIL!! OIL!!! 1-lULBURT & BRODHEA.D, NO. 240 ARCH STREET, Having opened a General Depot for the of Extra Refined end Lubricating COAL OILS, would call the special attention of dealers and consumers to their refined ILLUMINATING OIL, as It possesses merit beyond anything heretofore offered in this market, being entirely free from that gluey substance and bad odor iihnh characterise that commonly sold In this market, producea no smoke, and to free front all explosive properties. 86 , Orders from City or Country promptly at tended to. jalg-lm PORTLAND KEROSENE OIL. IVe ere now prepared to supply tbla STANDARD lILLIIININATING OIL GREATLY REDUCED PRIORS. Z. LOOSE & CO., SOLE AGENT*, 1010 ?LAMM STREET, ,u2-6m Palladalpht* rrinussE B BRACES ! 1 BUP- A. PORTERS! • 0. N. NEEDLES, 8 W. corner RACE and TWELFTH Streettt,'Philts. ' Practical Adjustor of Trusses and Mechanical Appal: bee constantly on band a large and varied stock et elegant French Trusses, and a complete assortment of beet American. English and American Supporters and Delta Shoulder Braces, Suspensories, Syringes inpretti variety, French Pew:miles, &o. Ladies' Department conducted by Ladies, TWELFTH Street, trot door below Bace. n027-113m (TERRAPINS, OYSTERS STEWED AND FRIED, AND CR DUREN SALAD.—Inv(. tattoo Duda awl other notices will be distributed In all parts of the city, with punctuality. Tho undersigned is at all tireee prepared to preeent, for the Inspection of Ladies and Gentlemen, a list of the things necessary for a large or small entertainment, as the case may be, thereby avoiding all unnecessary profusion and waste i and flatters himself, that by hie long expe rience la buctirloss t be will be able at all llama to give, she heretofore, entire satisfaction to all who favor him with their patronage. HENRY JONES, Caterer, No. 250 South TWELFTH Street, above SPRIJON. ANT,s LEGAL Prothonotary AMUSEMENTS. AMERICAN ACADEMY 07 SATURDAY EVENING, January 21t", SECOND NIGHT OF ITALIAN OPERA. Doolzettt's famous Comic Opera, DON PAsiluerx. Klee IEUNGKLEY a Rodna. DRIGNOLI as Ernest. MA NCUEI aa Doctor Molatestl. strain as Don Palinale. And the celebrated last act, including the Miserere,, from IL TAOVATOBE Miss lIINCELEY a Lessors . El'me STRA.%OSCII as Azucena. BRIGNOLI as Manrico. IitANCUSI as Conte di Luna. Conductor-O.BL ANSCIIUTZ. Box Office open TO-DAY for the sale of Tickets. 1n23.3t AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. LAST NIGHT OP THE OPERA MONDAY EVENING, January 27, 2562, Verdi's celebrated and favorite OPerlli LA TRAVIATA. Miss CLARA LOUISE KELLOGG as Yioletta, in which character she achieved a brilliant E ucceas last week in New York and Brooklyn, and has been highly eulo gized by the entire New York press. BRION OLI (in his favorite role) as Alfredo. MANGUM. (his first appearance) as Gennont. BAEILI ae the Baron. Conductor CARL ANCHIITZ. Box Office open to-day for the sale of tickets, GOTTSCUALK has arrived, and, will :shortly appear in a series of Concerts. ja.25 G RAND UNION CONCERT, VNIME THE AUSPICES OF CHOSEN ERIEXOS LODGE,No. 100, - I. 0. O. F., IN AID OP 76e UNION VOLUNTEER AND COOPER•SHOP 101- FREbEIDIENT SALOONS, WEDNESDAY EVENING, January Mb, AT TOE MUSICAL FUND HALL. THE HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY, CARE CROSS Conductor, AND 'MICHAEL H. CROSS Pianist, Have zenerously toluuteeted their valuable services on thle patriotic occasion. The services of the GERbIAINTA ORCHESTRA, CARL SENT? Leader, Have been secured. An interesting and varied Programme has been arranged. Performance to commence at 7X o'clock. net; eta '25 credo. I.tOt OONTINENTAL THEATRE WALNUT Street, one door above Eighth. WELCOME! 'WELCOME! WELCOME! THIS (SAIUSDA.V) EVENING, Jon. 25, 1992, Will be presented, for the third time in live years, UNCLE TOM'S OA BIN; Or. Life among the Lowly. In G Acts , 9 Tableaux, and 32 Scenes. ThealricalPerformance will be given in con— nection with this entertainment. Admission 15 and 25 cts. Reserved Seats 373 r and 50 cta. Doors open M before 7 ; to commence X pas: 7. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH-STREWS THEATER. Acting and Stage Manager S.IIIIIDNITION3 Enehaess Agent and Treasurer JOS. D. MURPHY. TWELFTH NIGHT Or JOHN DREW. TO-NIGHT, (Saturday ' ) January 250852 ' BANDY ANDY. JOHN DREW AS BANDY ANDY. Previous to the Drama, - UNCLE JOHN. Uncle John To conclude with THE ROUGEt DIAMOND. IQ , Prices as usual. IT Curtain rises at l after i o'clock. Seats secured three days In advance WALICIIT-STREET THEATRE NINTH and WALNUT St . eets. Sole Lefaee ...... IL A. GAERZTII3O2I ART) MRS. BARNEY WILLIAMS. THIS (sAyur.DAT) EVENING. JanusrY 55. ill be performed the Feud Spectacular Dralet.l of THE LAKEII OF KILLARNEY; Or, 'lbe Brides of Glengariff. Lanty McLoughlin— .6 Mr. Barney William& Kate Kearney Mrs. Barney Williams. To be followed by . THE 12 ASEFFUL To conclude with YANKEE COUR.T 4 III.P. ParoES-50, 37,k, 7b, and 25 cents; Private Born. Iss aad "Doors open at quarter to 7. To conamenca at 7.k. OLD FOLKS' CONCERTS. IM2tINSE srecr.ss AT IIIUSIOAL FUND HALL! COUSIN REUBEN AND GRANNY SLOCUM AT HOM.E. ON FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENING, Jan. 25 and 26, POSITIVELY LAST TWO NIGHTS. In consequence of hundreds of persons being unable to obtain admission to the Hall last evening, to witness the ceremonies. Cousin Reuben and Granny Slocum will receive their fliends tonight and to-morrow night. on N,Lich occasions se ill be sung the ORIGINAL GIDEON'S BAND SOLO, by COUSIN REUBEN. - Doors open at 7 o'clock. Concert to commence at 7%. Tickets 25 cents. ja24 AI.USICALI,FaUND HALL.TER ELEVEN YEARS OLD, 'PUP it ON CARL WOLFSOIIN, Respectfully informs his friends and the public in gene ral that he will GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMRNTAL CONCERT, ON 11: ESDAY EVENING, J, n. 28th, AT MUSICAL FOND HALL The tenoning lutists have kitclly volunteered their services for this occasion: 3.111 E BERTHA. JOJIANNSEN, MR. ADO LPG BIRG FE LD. MR. CART, WOLESOITN, MB. SIMON ILASSLER, DLR. CHARLES NritiMlT'L. TICKETS FIFTY CENTS. To he had at the principal Music Stores, of the Com mittee, and in the evening at the Boor. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Concert to commence at S. M.24.4t1e (RAND VOCAL CONCERT—By the United Vocal Ilueical Asaoriations of Philo, Lerida, for the BENEFIT of the GERMAN HOSPI TAL, of Philadelphia, on MONDAY EVENING, Jan. 27, at 8 o'clock, at the NATIONAL GUARDS' HALL. T o be followed by a D L Which "AIR be opened at 10 o'clock.' 1 ickets, admitting ono gentleman and two lodioo to the Concert and Ball, $1; to be had of the Idattaeare and at the Hall. t023-4t MUSICAL -FUND HALL. THE CONTINEiTTAL OLD FOLKS, With their GRAND ORCHESTRA. Numbering Twenty-the Performers, AEatated by MRS. E.11.111A J, NICHOLS, MRS. GORGIE SHEPARD, ME. J. T. GULICK, and AIR. EL E. HOLLOWAY* Wilt give a aeries of their popular CONCERTS. commencing MONDAY, Jan. 20th, And continue EYEEV EVENING, through the week. Tichete2s cents; °Midis* 15 cults, Doors open at 4.. Commence at 7X. rpEmp - LE OF WONDERS— ...a. TENTH and CEIESTNET Streets, SIGNOR BLITZ in his Now, Popular, and Amusing Entortaiumanta, EVERY EVENING, commencing at half post 7 o'clock, and on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY APTER,. OONS at 3 TERSTRA G ERMANIA ORO CARL RENTZ Conductor. PUBLIC BEHEASSALS every SATUILDLY, Pt I o'clock P. M., at the MUSICAL FOND ?DILL. Package of Eight Tickets, S 1; Blnglo Tickets, SS eta To bo hod at Andre's, 1104 Chestnut stroet, T. E. Gorddia Seventh and Cheabout, and at the door of the 1141. 1:498-tt DENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OS VIE yII AVIS, 1D25 011E9711= Street, open daily, Sundays excepted, from I) A. M. till 8 Y. IL Admisalon 25 cente. Children under twelve year% half price. 81191 . 126 of Stock.. 830. EDUCATIONAL. DICKINSON COLLEGE GitA. hi MAR SCHOOL-A. F. MtiLLIN, A. M., Prin. clpal.—rounded in 1173, is one of the oldest and mart thorough Classical Schools in the country. The'Scholar. ships, heretofore limited to the College classes, are avail able now for the 'Grammar School also. Winter Term opens THURSDAY, 18th JannarY. IL .111, JOHNSON, President. ieS-wall Carlisle, Penna RT. BUCEMAN WILL OPEN HER • select Sellooli for girls on tho thicd of Vebru sty. N 0.1030 brIIING GARDEN Street. ja23. -12 tit FOR SALE AND TO LET. pIUNTING PRESS AND MATE -1 FOB SALE 11 RENT. The Press and Printing Material of the "CHESTER VALLEY T 1 PE," at COATESVILLE, CHESTER COUNTY. are offered for Sale or Bent on aczonnuodating terms. They consist of a WASHINGTON PRESS, new, with Roller Apparatus, Imposing Stone, large. Fonts of MINION and POU1161:01S for Newspaper, with a complete sot of JOB TYPE, sow thirty PC/lAA ; One Cabinet of 16 Cases ; Brass Standing and Wooden Galles s; Sticks, Chases, Ac. ThesoMalerials have been in use only a few months, and are nearly as good as new. The stock is sufficient to carry on the Newspaper and Job Printing. Business. It is non doing a good Job Business. Apply to YOUNG A RAMBO, COATESVILLE, CHESTER Co, Pa. JAMES L. JONES, WEST CHESTER, Pa. MAN-YARD TO RENT.—Situato on the Old LANCASTER Turnpike, opposite the Spread Engle Tavern, near the Eagle Station on the Pennsylvania Railroad, about fifteen tones from Phila delphia, v,here a good supply of Bark, Rides, and Can asta:l can be obtained. A Stone Dwelling, Out-buildings, end about eight acrce of Farm Land. an abundant supply of soft water, the necessary Tata, Bates, &c., for Imme diate use. Nam-salon to be had April Ist. For tem% apply to SUSANNA wonnvAL, On the plemisee, Spread Eagle P. 0., Delaware county, Pa. jalSewlt* Or addrese ber, JanttatvlB, 3862 SAFES LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT 1 MOVED to No. 21 &nib SEVENTH Street, war the Franklin Institute. . . The undersigned, thankful for past favors, snd Wag determined to merit fame patronage, has secured sae elegant and convenient tame, and has now on band a large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought and. Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Froof Bathe, (the Only strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) disc) WWI , Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Lillle's Bank Vault Doors and Locke will bo fursththire to order on abort notice. Thta is the strongest, best Pro tected, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention Is called to Lillie's Rest Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, &a. This Safe is Oaw coded to surpass, In style and elegance anything yet of— fared for this purpose, and Is the enly one that It Witty fire and burglar proof. BPsolat Nortaa.—l have now on hand ear twenty Farrel, Herring, & Co.'s Safes, most of them nearly nye, and some forty of other makers, comprising a cony** assortment as to sixes, and all lately exchanged for Ills now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at teary low prices. Please call and examine. - layb-lytf Pt. 43. SADDER. Agent. PRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, AT WM:CP.IMM, of Looking-Gleases, Engraringe, end fine Framee, at ONO. F. BENKEHT'd. No. 826 MICII Street. LARD AND GREASE.-50 tierces Prime Leaf lard; 60 tierces White Uremia, Direct from the West, and in store. For sale by MURPHY Sr KOONS, No. 140 NORTH WHARVES. RAISINS —3OO boxes Layer Raisins; 800 half boxes Layer Raisins; 800 boxes LT B Ruuch Raisins• 000 half boxed I.LB Burtch Raisins. Neu: and choico Rua, now landing and for sale by MURPHY & KOOR3, No. 146 NORTH wutkavzs. John Gilbart.