LATER :NIOM .IWitOPX THE STEAMER CITY OF . NEW YORK OFF CAPE RACE. THE MASON AND SLIDELL AFFAIR Ateeeptioa of the News of their Release. tr) ntiLf l o l /"40),.... 441 ..1-)-44 The, Pirate Eittnipter at Cadiz. SEE LANDS FORTY-TWO PRISONERS. , :I oewsciLs 92N, e 92 Bulty Alflo3, N. I'., Jan. 23.—The steamship City of -New York, from. Liverpool, with dates of Wednesday, •the Bth kat., and telegraphic advisee, via Queenstown, 4o the 9th hist, passed Oape Baca at 9 'o'clock this The steamship Europa, from Boston, arrived at Liver !pool on the 6th. There was considerable disappointment expressed in 3ngland at the non-reception of definite advice, from America relative to the 'Mason and Slidell imbroglio, end .the greatest, anxiety wadi felt for the, news by the next arrival. Ibe pirate Sumpter has 'arrived it Cadiz, where ehe ,tadland.ed 42 prmonere, taken from three U. merchant Newels she had destroyed. . GREAT BRITAIN. Pending the arrival of the Airopa, there was a feeling of great snaponse in England, but the funds were but , tesoperazily depressed. dome Journals argue that a den gate answer was not to be expected by the Europa, and ethink the canoe of peace loses nothing by delay. Others '•construe the delay unfavorably. The Morning Post thinks it diminishes the hope of peace, and that the Washington Government will propose a compromide, but .which will not for a moment be entertained. . . . The Times asks why the decision Wanda be delayed if /favorable for peace, and eayi that the immediate surren der of Mason and Slidell would hare been a greater blow Ito the Confederates than a victory on the Potomac, and %worth millions to the Federal Exchequer. The Daily Netoyeeei nothing but peace. All the journals pubitshthe semboMclal accounts from the American'papers. The Government bedreceived an account of tho pro ceedings of Lord Lyons up to the 23d of December, *hen he presented the formal demands of the British Go vernment. An answer was looked for by the steamer America, due lon the ltth instant, and•the Cabinet had been summoned to meet In council on the 14th Instant. Dr. Russell, in hircorrespondence to the London Times, wrediets that the .Cabinet at Washington will refuse to !brander up Messrs. Mason and Stldell. , He also - nays that ii. victory over the Confederate army lass become a political necessity, and that General McClellan is being pressed on all sides to make s forward movement. The Melees per the Europa had calmed an upward tendency in the war risks at Lloyd's. The Paris Yoh* and rays say that the Government at Washington offered to restore Mears. Mason and MUMI on condition that England would not recognize the Southern Confederacy. The London Morning Herald says that if the Mason and Slidell affair is settled, England and France have an dnducement, on commercial grounds, to recognize the evelbearned independence of the Confederate States, and that, mites the step is manfully taken by the Ministers at once, it is certain to bo taken by Parliament on Its assembling. • The Daily News says that anyrecognition of the Con federate States is too abhorrent to English principle to bo readily a subject of apprehension. Additional hattuties of artillery were under orders to embark. The London Times Shows that, by the beginning of February, the squadron of Admiral Milne will number seven line• of-battle ships, thirty-three frigates, twenty tlie sloops-of war, and speculates on what the can del thErewith. • EMMEZZI=IMiCI The pirate Sumpter, on arriving at Cadiz with the cificers and crews of three Federal merchant vessels, elicited permission to enter the port The American canna demanded that the request should be refused, but It was granted on condition that the prisoners should be placed under the protection of Spain, and the Sumpter then :entered the port without being saluted. It was _rumored that the American consul would leave on ac count of the resolution of Spain. The British Parliament is announced to meet on the 4th of February, but it can be called earlier if the eat- Agencies of the cue demand it. The teat of the Austrian despatch to the Government at Winthington on the Trent affair has been published. fully justifies the action of England, and says that the Washington Government can comply with the demands of 'England unbent the least sacrifice of dignity. The Continental news is unimportant. The Pane Bourse was firm and higher, tho Hordes telag quoted at 67f. 90c. violent earthquake had occurred In Greece. CHINA AND AUSTRALIA. tstivon, Nov. 20.—A coup d'etat had taken place at 'Pekin. 'The Cabinet have been imprisoned, and a new Ministry formed, under Prince Kong. DIBLEOURNII, Nov. lb.—The ebipmenta of gold since the bud mail amount to 149,000 ounces. THE LATEST FROM EUROPE Br. Jowl's, N. F., Jan. 23.—T ho latest Intelligence by telegraph via Queenstown, Is as folio as: . . . . . Litzeroot., Jan. 29.—Thu steamship Ctta of Wash ington, from Now York, arrived out on the Bth, and tho steamer Ara, from Portland, arrived the same ;day. they took out the announcement of the adjustment of the .Trent affair, which was received with the greatest satis faction. Consols immediately advanced from 10131 per cent. The rendition of Mason and Slidell to the custody of 'Lord Lyons was received with the greatest satisfaction, but some Journals complain of the uogracions manner in which the Washington Cabinet proceeded. Others -accord due credit for the act, and the graceful manner ♦with which the settlenient was conducted. Console im mediately assumed a buoyant tone, and advanced over lone per cent. The United States gunboat Tuscarora had arrived at Southampton to watch the Nashville which was there and ready for eta. The vessels destroyed by the pirate Sumpter were the eddy rfinTant, bark Eben Dodge, and schooner Arcade. The sales of Cotton on Wednesday, the Bth, were over 20,000 bake, at a considerable advance. The market closed excited and with an upward tendency. Broadstuffs quiet and steady. Provisionff Quiet MNi=l itto King of Pruesla to tit Commercial Intelligence. INES SITS or NSW Toss.] Ltrzgroot, Jan. B.—The sales of Cotton on Monday end Tuesday 'reached 20,000 bales, including 10,000 to speculators and exporters. The market was generally summed, owing to the non-reception of definite advices from America, relative to the Mason and Slidell affair, and chased quiet at unchanged quotations. TBADI REPORT.—The edifices from Manchester are unfavorable, the market for goods and yarns being un settled, with light transactions. Baxanwrorrs.—The market generally had a declining tendency, except for Corn, which ruled firm and slightly 'upward. Wakefield, Nash, & Co. report Flour dull, at 2:8033.1 bbl; Wheat very dull; red Western and Southern 11e 4d512.8 aid; white Western and Southern 325013. 6d. Cern is firmer, and holders demand an ad vance; axles of mixed at 3250394 Oct. PROVISIONS —Provisions generally are quiet and steady. Beef steady but quiet ; Pork unchanged In mice and quiet; Bacon dull, mid declined Im2s. Lard has a downward tendency; Tallow doll. Psontrox.—Sugar firm; Coffee steady; litre steady and unaltered; Ashes quiet—Pots 36s 6d; Pearls 365.; atosin—Common is quiet and downward; Spirits Turpen tine downward. Losnorr, Jan. B.—BrearWan drill and slightly de clined. finger irniet•, coffee fi rm• tea steady' rico fi rm. LONDON MONEY MARKET, Jan. 8.--Console cloeedon Tuendly at 0 , 2,4' rein% for money. American securities dulL Erie Railroad shares 27m23 [The Latest via Queenstown.l LIVERPOOL, Jan. 9.—The sales of Cotton to-day reach .55,000 Wee, of which 15,000 hake were taken by wen :ors and exporters. The market Is highly excited, con. sequent upon the favorable news from America, and an ledvance of „ti cshi pound has taken place. Jinx assts.—The market is quiet and steady. 101008 —The market is quiet. ONDON, January 9 —Consols have advanced to MX for money. The Bank of 'England has reduced Its rate of minimum discount to 2% per cent. THE CITY. Iron ADDITIONAL CITY NEWS, BEE YOIIIITII PACE.] AIIIIIIHMENTB THIB HYMNING AOADIt NT OF WitrBlo—Broad and LOCTLetitreets.- 44 The IBerba. of Seville "—u Le Favorite." OorinnurrAL Terseiss—Walnut street, above Elghtk. Uncle Tom's Cabin." Aunt-Brawn THILITIO—Arch street, above BUM—. ..ilt Patrick's Eve "--" More Blunders than One." TElliTall—Ninth and Walnut Ite.— •'Tha Lakes of Killarney"—"Bashful Irishman"— •~Yankee Courtship." Muswat, Fusn nALL—Locuet etreet., above Eighth.- 101). Polka' Concert. TEAM OF WOBDIU—N. B. Calla Tenth sad Obed- But utreets.—Bignor Blitz's Entertainment. ARRESTED.—George Moore was arrested onlVednesday evening, by the harbor pollee, upon the charge ,of having been concerned in tho robbery of the counting-house attached to Dolby's planing will, at Mead-street wharf. Moore was over hauled by the pollee early in the morning, with a rifle in Mipossession. He told a pretty straight story, however, about having been on a shooting expedition,' and - was permitted to pass. Subse quently, the robbery at Dolby's was discovered, and Mime again made his appearance on Dela ware avenue in the evening,when he was taken into custody. He had managed to get rid of the rifle by that time. Theprisoner bad a hearing yestet , day awning, before, Alderman 'pettier, and was committed in default of $l,OOO bail, to answer at Court. SPECIAL MEETING or TILE HIGH SCHOOL 111LIIIINI.—To•morrow afternoon a special meeting of the Board of Venom of the High School Alumni will be hold. Ills understood that the as- Seciatioo wilt enter into a discussion relative to the twit chimes in the High School. A portion of thesis : view the trouble in the High School as they 'Weald a diffaulty in any other educational institu, tleo, with the difference that High School matters are to them, at all timesoleeply interesting and Important. Others are highly indignant at the comae which has been pursued, and a lively time lag be expected. ix WANT or Fortos.—The Soldiers' Central 'Belief Association of the Episcopal Church asks for fundalo carry on its noble work. Meetings are held every Friday morning, at Grace Church, Twelfth and Cherry streets. The offmers are as follows: Mrs. Wm. finddards, first directress, 110 rt 0 r th Twelfth street; Mrs. James L. Claghorn, second directress, 1594 Arch street; Miss Louisa Claghern, treasurer, 1009 Aroh street; Mrs. A. Ritter, Jr., corresponding secretary, 132 North Twelfth attest ; Miss F. Mitcheson, recording score. fiery, 1109 Coates street. All donations in money, ateekings, mittens, or material sent to any of the above addresses, or to the church on the morning of the_Meeting, will be most thankfully received. The issociation has the hearty endorsement of Bishop Potter, , BIOBE DowArzows.—The Cooper-shop Volun teer Refreshment Committee desires us to aoknow ledge the following generous contributions : Mrs. Smiley, Mrs. Rutter, Mre. Emmett, and Miss Sayers, committee of the Ladies' Festival at Muideal Fund Hall, $502 ; Messrs. Peale k Water nan, proceeds of concert at the Blind Asylum, $51.50 Reliance Fire Company, $ 10; B. B. Lehmsil, Lebanon, Pennsylvania, $5; W. Dulque, $5 ; F. & S. G. Smith, $lO ; Benjamin Davis, 810 ; proceeds of ball of Poor Israelites, $25; Almoner nhor Vocal Society, $142.40. STOW( GOODlL—Robert_ Mowbray was ar restedt on Wednesday' night, in the Ninth ward, upon the charge of the larceny of a quantity of wet, clothing, which bad evidently been stolen from some yard. The clothing was retained for identifb smitten, at the Filbert•street station house, and Robert Was committed for a further hearing. ',KAMM : AVON& Yesterday Morning the asmi-aonual examination for promotion and admis- Mon into the Girls' High School wan commenced. The mazaincra appended to conduct the exams- WWI of eandidates for the vacant professorships of the High School, have concluded their labors, bat have Dot yet reported to the High School Com mittee the harness:if the mecessful candidates. The remit 11111 be announced in a day or two. PASSING COUNTERFEIT adoxwr.—Yesterday afternoon a man named James Meadew wee arrest ed by Officer Keyser, of the Nineteenth ward, on the charge of passing a oounterfeit $5 note on the Philadelphia Bank. He was committed to answer by Alderman Clark. REWARD °FERREL—Mayor Henry, accord ing to a reaolution passed by Councils, has issued a proclamation, offering a reward of $5OO for infor mation will& will lead to the arrest and convic tion of the murderer or murderers of John Con nelly. SUDDEN Dwaiw.—A woman named Catha. rine Haldane, died Suddenly about 9 o'clock on Wednesday evening, at her residence, on Mora vian street = west of Broad. Coroner Conrad hold an inquest in the mum. RELIEF DISTRIBUTED. During the past week, the Coriunission for the Relief of the Renal lie! of the Volunteers paid out the sum .of $ l4 )- 40 89. JAMES Dusm cut his wife's throat, in Utica, on the 19th inst., wad than committed suicide by cutting his own throat. Both died immediately. Mrs. Dunn formerly lived in Harlem, at the upper end of New York Island, where she kept a grocery and boarding-house, her name being then - Mrs. Troy. She had three husbands, the first, named Corrigan, being lost, with some four hundred others, while he was on his way from Ireland to Quebec. The vessel was wrecked in the Gulf of St. Law rence, and Mrs. Corrigan was among the few who were saved. They leave two orphan children. SMALL-PDX, typhoid fever, and measles, pre vail to such an extent among the soldiers at Plaits• burg, N. Y., that the Board of Health of the vit• lags have forbidden owners of taverns, 88150118, bar ber•shops, and other places of public resort, allow ing any soldier, or other person attached to the barracks, to enter their premises. The soldiers era also deprived of the privilege of attepding- the churches. THE PROVOST MARSHAL of Leavenworth, Kansas, has declared all persons belonging to mili tary organizations not authorized by Kansas or the United States to be outlaws and highwaymen, and that if caught they will be punished according to the decision of a drum-head court-martial. TIME or four of theringleaders in the striko at the Portsmouth (N. II) navy yard have been discharged, with orders from the Government that they must not be again employed. - Fear Kisrox, Maine, now presents quito a formidable appearance. Sixty-rive guns, of the largest calibre, can now be mounted. Two fur naces for heating shot- have been completed. A considerable number of men are now employed hammering stone to be laid next spring. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. PIIILADELPHIA, January 23, 1882. A large amount of business in Blocks and bonds was transacted by the Stock Board to-day, with an upward tandems, for all investment securities, and a strong speculative movement in fanoy stocks. Reading Rail road shares sold at log at the opening, and DX at the second board; North Pennsylvania Railroad shares 7% at the fret board, 7% at the second. Little Schuylkill shares advanced to 10%; Long Island to 1031, a gain of 35. Catawissa Railroad shares gained g ; Schuylkill Navigation preferred %. City sixes (now) rose steadily, selling at 95 after boards. Camden and Amboy shares went up to MM. Of the money market there is little to report. Prime endorsed paper, With short time to run to maturity-, is ?ranted at about seven per cent. Second-class names and single-name paper are not easily sold. Quarter master's warrants are rather slow of sale. • Messrs Drexel & Co. report New York exchange par m 1-10 disconnt, Boston parml-10 discount, Baltimore par geS discount ? American gold 3X33; premium. The propositions of the Committee of Ways and Means, embraced in the Financial Bill, submitted by them to Congress, are very generally accepted as wise and effi cacious by those among our business mon who have thought much upon the subject. It will afford relief to many branches of business, now under adverse pressure, if prompt action in this important matter can be reason ably expected of Congress. The vast proportions of the public debt that is accumulating, and the disposition to run up prices in all directions, on the anticipation of an inflated paper currency, fostered by the National Trea sury, have awakened the anxieties of all right-thinking rucn, who probably never before watched and waited for the action of Congress as at present. It is expected that the tax bill, which is to go with and be a part of the system, will be ready by Tuesday next Many suggestions are made that the law should make provision for the payment of the interest on tho public loans in gold, and that for this purpose the payment of duties in gold should be enforced, and the gold so col lected reserved for the purpose. Tho tariff would bo in creased by the amount of premium that gold commanded over other funds. NReferson's Detector sends us the following descrlp• times of two new counterfeits: lesion Bank, 'Easton, Pa.: 2s altered. Vig. man In field cutting grain; man ploughing on left end; two Ca pita on right end. The genuine has female, shield, &c., on left end; horse's head on right. Also, Mechanics' Bank, Now York: 10s imitation. Yig. mechanic, anvil and hammer; X on right; State arms on left; very likely to deceive. The two leading railroads of Wisconsin present the following favorable comparative results of the last two yearn' business: MILWAUKEE AND PRAIRIE DO OMEN. Per MI le. Tots!. Ilecelpte 1861, 235 miles .54,908 11 *1,153,406 69 1860, 3,403 58 739,611 45 Increase in 1861.... $1,504 63 LA OROBSEI AND MILWMIKEP. Receipts 1861, 200 ...... .$5,634 11 $1,070,821 86 " 1860, 3,782 38 756,475 75 $1,571 73 $314,310 11 Increase inlB6l The case of the second mortgage bondholders of the La Crosse and Milwaukee Fathead has been appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States. It is not known yet whether any appeal will be taken In the Land Grant CMS. Tho York Gazette says that the Northern Central Railroad Company are now making constant additions to the motive power of their road in order to accommo date the immense amount of freighting business they aro called upon to perform. The freight engines are built by MOM. Baldu in S: Co., of Philadelphia, and are fa miliarly known as the kilns Rill Engines." Addl. tional passenger engines aro also being constructed, one or more of which have already been received. The New Yolk Poet of this evening says: The principal topic of the street today Is the con tinued rise In gold. The speculative fooling in it seems to be daily strengthening, and on the Stock Exchange it attracts almost as much attention as New York Control or Brio. The sales at the Board this morning reached $260,000 at 103 i c 5103%, closing firm at the latter figure. One broker took $lOO,OOO at 103)4 ce103%, buyer 30 days, supposed for foreign account. The bullion brokers have quietly bought largo sums yesterday and today at 1033103 X, and seem inclined to continue their purchases at the advance, the firmness in exchange encouraging the upward movement. The foreign exchange market has a strong upward tendency. We referred to largo purchases on specula. Con a few days since, but the advance of 2c216 IP cont. has not yet brought these bills into the market. Tho leading drawers ere very firm in their views, 114 being generally asked for 60-day bills on London. Wo hear of 113013 X being refused for lines of £lO,OOO and £20,003. The exchange market is a little dull on account of the derangement in the sailing of the regular Saturday steamers. It is doubtful if any mail will be sent from this port till the sailing of the Africa on Wednesday next, though en opportunity will probably bo offered by the Portland steamer to close here about noon to-mor row, say ono o'clock or so. The City of New York, which was up for departure from this port for Europe on Saturday, is just announced off Cape Race. dyer advicee, which are important, are given in fall elsewhere. The cotton market wan un settled and breadetnffs heavy. The stock market Is quiet but very firm. Tho leading speculative! are, in the main, higher, but the' Govern ment list is heavy and lower. There is an advance of 1i erM per cent. in some of the Western stocks, but at the close the improvement is scarcely sustained. Governments are weak, e4peeially the fives of 1871 and '74. Our quotations show a decline of %al;y per cent. In these, but the eines of 1881 aro not materially lower. The general impression Is that the bonds cannot be sue. tained at present prices, with the heavy 18311(14 ahead, though decided !Whim y successes would at once elevate the credit of the Government. Exchange Sales, 23, 1862. Philadelplua Stoc January BITORTID DT B. Z. 814 • YIBOT 10 Peuna It b 5. 40 ,10 do b 5. 40 Ka, Philadelphia Exchange. OAED. CB Medea B'k 6 West'n Bank 100 Beading IL.. 50 do 4 do,— .... 40 2,000 do letmtg. 99X 2,000 do letintg. 99X 1,000 do 2dmtg. 90 46 d 0........ 397 23 Del Mu In bswn. 21)4 60 Arch•et R 147 30 do 60 d 0.... .65. 19% 150 d0....c05h. 10% 33 &Willa, pr b 5. 12% 60 ao .b 5. 127. 20 d 0... .. 14A /8,000 Ca & Amb . d . s'3o 82 3 d 0..... R.llB 9 do ..118 6 d 0.... ....118 50 do •b 5. 12 1,0001 Poona 6s 65 1,000 do .. 65 1,000 d 0........ 65 1,000 d 0........ or, 1,000, do ...... .. 65 10 N Poona It 7X 60 L 151'd b 5 . . 10X 2,000 Tdorrls o'l 2drnt. 851( 1,000 do 2dridg. 85X 2,000 'Penns 55 0 & 80x 2,000 do 0 & P. 81 BETWEE Catawtssa 1% 109 do ➢rl . 5 ; 000 Penna Coup 58.. 85% 7 Lehigh N0v..... 52 BOARDS. 10 Penns R. 307 60 8p & Plae•sts R. 8% 400 Penni bd due hill. 80% 7,000 d 0........ 8L 8,000 Basting es '44.. 91% 64 Arch•et R 147 1,000 N PODIA 10d.... 80 400 City es now gas. 89 2,000 Monis CI almtg 85)( 1,000 Ca & Am fla 'B2. 823 i 4,000 4 Penns It 65... C 5 2,000 d 0.... 05 95 Minohill ft 47 60 Sc!ldyl Nay 65. 5 eNCIODID 1,000 R Penny R 6a... 65 I 1,000 d 0........ 06 1,000 d 0........ 66 2,000 Ponnn Rid mtg. 92% 12 L Na [awn. 10% 10 do...iswn. 10% 16 do.. aSvert. 10% 100 L Island 10..b5. 10% 50 d 0........ 10% 50 do. 10% 73 Beading it 10% 30 d 0.... 19% 10 Minehill R 47 600 d 0........ 65. 1,000 City 08 new. 01,y 1,000 do If S 02d 90 60 Cats 11 pfd 16 d 0........ IX io d 0........ ix 176 Penns It in lota. 40 60 do.. ',Own. 40 74 do 1x5.40 17 d 0........ 47 1,800 Reading 'a '44... 01J 3 N Ponna R 734 12 Mark & 711'es Bk. 19 °ARDS. 30 do eO. 40 1,000 Penna 31 2dmtg. 00 AFTER 900 Pohl Env es 'B2. 1333( 1 1 200 Pennn lio 81 OLOBIRO P 300 City 135 new 85tvn. 08 22 Cam dt Amb 1t...115M lOES—IIIIrd. BPS. Ask. Elmira 75'78... 68 70 Long Mend B. 10;4' 107 Lab Ci & Nay.. 62 62 Leh 01* NBcrp 85)i 86 N Penns R..... 7X 7X I N Pennell 68.. 69 69 N Penne 105... 80 81 Catawissa ROon 1X 1X ICatowlssa Pref.. foX fig Fr & South' k. It. 38 &SA ate R.B. 4, _6O I Race k Vlno-st. 3 W Pldla R 80X Li Spruce & Plne.. - 8% 8,1 Green & Coates-10X 2: Chest 8 Walnut Arch Street,... 14K 16 MA. Ask. PM& fle 89 90 Thila 80 B 89 90 Phlls the new... 9435 95 Penns 50 8077 8114 Munn, 39% 19 31 Beading Ms '7O 89 MUM es'Bo '49 93X 86x 95 Bsed 97 Os W.. 7431 78 Penns B 40 403; Penes B2dm Os 8934 90 Morris Cl Con.. 38 Morris CI Prof .109 110 Bch Nsv 61'82.. 63 44 Soh Nov Imp Is 74 Illeh Nem Stock. 5 MEAT Pref... 121( 12% 85 7 SI:Wm 11 Pref. 10,4 SIX! Philadelphia Markets. JANUARY 23—Evening There is rather more activity in Flour to-day, and prices are steadily maintained; sales reach about 2,000 bble, mostly Western extra family at $5.70 rto for com mon and good brands, part Penna., including 200 bbls of a selected brand at 00.25 bbl; sales to the trade are limited at $5.2505.37 for super, $5.500025 for extra and extra family, end 86.060.70 for fancy brands, as to quality. Bye Flour is dull and selling in a small way at $3.75 4P . bbl. Corn Steel continues scarce, and Penna. Is held at $3 gye bbl, without sales. WHEAT is unchanged, bet rather more active today, and :08,000 bus sold at 332e1340 for red, mostly st the latter rate for prime Penna. in store, and 139¢01.60c for common and choice white. Rye is in better demand, and about 1,300 boa Penna. sold at 72e73c. Corn continuos dull, and only about 3,000 bum now found buyers at 570 No for yellow, tho latter afloat, and 67c for white in store. Oats are' in steady demand, with further solos of Penna. at 38Mc. Barley is quiet. num.—There is more offering, and Ist No. 1 Quer citron is scarce at $32 V ton. . . Corros—Pricoa are nearly nominal, with a limited de mand from manufacturers. GRODSolliti AND PROTISIONS.—Thorn IS no change in the markets for either, and sot much doing in the way of Bales. A sato of dead hogs was tondo at S 4 4V 100 lbs. Scans —There Is a steady demand for Oloverseod, and 500 bus sold at $1.62X es 408, mostly at the former rate. WHISKY is firmer; Bales of bble at 25025)ic, and drudge at 2334 e, and hhde 24c gallon . New York • Stock Ex, 29000 US Be 'Bl Reg.. 89 1000 U 9 68 'Bl Cp... 89S 1000 U 6 08 'Bl or War L y 87 1000 Oh g io St Co '60... 033,4 1000 111Vp Bd '79... 80g 2000 d0..........80) 2000 do 80% 1000 Virginia St es... 59 1000 - 17 0 St 6s 02,g 17000 Missouri St Gs.. 4'2 20000 dd... ..b3O. 42% 2000 Mods Is io IldSt R .. . ....... 49 1000 Brio 4th Mt,... 78 1000 Itud R 8,1 Mt... 83 2000 Harlem let Mt.. 100 3000 Mch 814 . 24 m As 60 3000 El Control R bd. 91,44 2000 T H & Alt 2.d m. 45 4000 Tol & W Ist m.. 79. l 4000 Told W 2d m... 41 1000 M & Pdno let m 87K 1000 Chi & Rk Is! be. 97 11 National 8k.... 87 00000 Am Gold : ...n30.10334 8000 do 103% 40000 do 810.1031( 20000 do 1130.103% 31000 d 0..... ..... CITY ITEMS. FINE FAMILY GROCERIES.—Mr. C. 11. Matt son, Arch and Tenth streets, has deservedly the reputa tion of keeping the choicest and most extensive nisort. meat of every attic], denominated under the head of Fine Groceries to he found anywhere—a fact which readily accounts for the immense patronage which his store enjoys among our best families throughout the city. All goods sold at his store are delivered in any part of the city, or neatly packed for shipment and sent to any of the depots free of charge. WINDOW SHADES . , CURTAINS, GILT CORNICES, Vestibule Laces and Rods i lower prices than ever, Offered at William Henry Datten's new West 'End Cur tain Store, No. 1408 Chestnut street, above Broad. TILE BRITISH ADMIRALTY has ordered that, for the future, the officers, petty officers, and seamen of the fleet are not to wear moustaches or boards. Dime taches, but not beards, may be worn by the officers and men belonging to loyal Marino Corps. They are also allowed the privilege of wearing the elegant styles of Clothing manufactured at the Fashionable Temple of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut street, (ono door above Ilarnden's Express Office, whore the finest and cheapest garments In the city aro manufactured. THE BunNsran EYPEDITIDN•—Tho Burnside expedition has puzzled the rebels wofully, and it will ultimately astonish them extensively. The secret of Ito destination has been well kept, and neither spy nor pimp was able to ascertain the object of its errand, and to poet rebeldom concerning it. By the way, epeaking of the secrecy of Government movements, we betray no con fidence when we state that It is the deliberate opinion of those who are high in authority that the military uni forms made at the Brown Stone Clothing Rail of Bockg hill & Wilson, Noe. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth, are the beat and moat elegant in use in the Fede ral service. Everybody in this latitude is aware of the superior excellence of their Buds for elvillana. CIMIONOLOGY OF FEBRUARY &FL—February Bth, 1861, was a day ‘i Mg with events" In the Motors' of the Slaveholders' Rebellion. On that day Colonel Rayne, commissioner from South Carolina to President Buchanan, unable to get recognition, finally left Wash. Ington.... The Montgomery Convention adopted a Pro visional Constitution. ...Governor Brown, of Georgia, seized New York ship in Savannah harbor, in retalia. tion for the seising of arms In New York..:. Little Bock arsenal surrendered to the State of Arkansas. How different the character of the events from those hap pening on that day two years previous, for then was opened in Philadelphia the celebrated 'One Price" Clothing Store of Chas. Stokes, under the "Continental." ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS 171. TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST 111611 T. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut sta. H B Tracy, Norwich, Conn W 9 Cochran, Rockland Eli Slifer, Harrisburg Jas Madara,. Bedford co Hurst & In, Portland, life F S Hunter, Reading Seth Scamman, Portland, Me G 3 Southard, Maine C M Jackson & fa, Balt Mra 0 D Hancock, Boston Miss Hancock, Boston B 0 Johnson, Boston Jas F Livermore & wt, R I W 0 LI vermore,l2 I W Weer W J Dimell, Pittsburg G Gillespie b of, Nowbnrg 3 F Quigg, Pateburg Mrs J Witigard, Pittsburg F P Stevens, Baltimore James S Truslow, N York D W Tellor, Now York . 11 Wooster, New York A Delmar & uf, If York B F Ferguson E D L Wickos, N York Mtn It H. King, Albany Mrs F Townsend, Albany Mrs H Cooledge, N York Mrs J H Ring, Albany Dr NY S Ring & %%LIT A 3W McClure, N York E Black, Mt Holly, N J W H B Thomas, Mt Holly 3 Sneden & la, Brooklyn Henry It Dalton, Boston James Boyce, Baltimore J L Norton, Illinois F N Brown D A. Collins, Ohio W G Pierce & wt, Prov, RI A E Skelding &la, Conn A M W Ball & In, N .1 3 A Allen, Now Jersey James Hoy, New York A A Foster, Boston Chne L Bailey, Harrisburg W Ramsay, U S N Dr NV H Bawd, Brooklyn NV Johnson, Buffalo Col Welsh W 8 Hooper, Boston R Craighead & la, N York J C Boyd, Boston H G Craighead, New York A 8 Burrill, Boston II Smith, Nosy York Oscar Lowe, Boston A Robins, Now York 13 Fentress J 0 Hall, New York T N Miller, Pittsburg L B Austin & In, Ohio H A &Mosher, New York A 0 Monson, California J C Wilmerding, N York Dt Shoemaker, Penns W B Murphy, Pittoburg Oscar B Ireland. N York NY 0 Churchill, New York A L Woodruff, Utica H Tanner, Buffalo 3 P Thomas, New York Miss Thomas, Now Yark .7 N Sears, New York J B Beveridge & wf, N Y J Rock, Scranton M Sanorton, Scranton .1W Barker, Jr, Ala, Pittab IV II Hops, Wools, D Licht L E Bales,, U !I A 0 11 Scofield, New York De B Heim, Pottsville J 8 Condit, Newark, N J H Morrie, Wash, D 0 3 3 Baker, Boston J A Green, Boston P Higgins, Wash B Hancock, Minnesota N 0 Nash, Boston $31p'3,555 7-1 W S Hugo:men*, N J J P Brown, New Joreoy D D Henson, New Jersey A A Hopper, Now Jersey I Hecht, Callfornia Rev J II Drumm & la • - - • .. . • IV H V Smith, Baltimore A M Ballads, US A J Stab'cr, Washington Nov 3 A Perry J G McGregor, Now York J B Greenhalpb, Maine J F Gould, Mains C Groves Baltimore G L Thayer, Boston II 7, Mitchell, Maine Mrs Geo Denison, Now York Simon Stevens, New York John E Hurd, Baltimore Jos E Colo, Rhode Island E E Rico, Boston A G Paine, Boston F A Allen, Boston G V Pomeroy, Now York JF Ainsworth, Boston 3 A Heaway, Now York J H Pope, New York II Ii Porter, Chicago A Wood, New York Mrs 0 A Wood & son, N Y G K Brady, Maryland Gen D Tyler, Conn J T Giles, New York S B Tucker, Jr, New York T Baumgardner, Lane co John L Stevens, Boston G 'Williams, Now York M 0 fitfully & la E Thompson, New York C S Kentzing, St Louis Jan Christy, St Louts John J Kelly, New York John C White. Albany S Q Porter, Conn Mr Matson, New York E R Matthews, Delaware, John Huston, Penna Llout Wilson, New York C P Gardner ' Boston John M Gardner,'Boston C Dalton,Boston Capt Calhoun, iS C M Cox, Boston Chas Blrchard, Boston MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth at., below Arch. B G Stevens,Potter'sLandg W G Dickson, Pa T W Blunt, Amherst W A Chandler J II Merrill, U 8 N D 0 Phillips, Warren, Pa C Olanz, Eastm. S Thornton, Easton J W Mcllbenney J 0 Porterfield, Pa Rohl Lockhart, M Chunk Joel Fithian, New Jersey Elijah Perry, Massachusetts G Bailey, Massachusetts Then Donahower, Pa G Ramsdell, Massachusetts W Chamberlain, Mans J D Robinson, Pittsburg J L Drake, Lebanon Iron Coo W Stela, Easton Iron B L Blood, Hanisburg Hon E D Crawford,Herriab Hon H 8 Mott, Harrisburg Hon G H Roland, Ilarriabg J F Calhone, Connecticut W P Corbright, Berlin, MA Samuel 'hillock s Mass G W Coleman, Noss T J Adams, Cincinnati AMERICAN HOTEL—Obestnut et., above Fifth. G Merrill, Rom S Adams, jr, Rome Dl3 Franklin, Note York John Liunford, New York A Routings, U S A Ltout 13 111 Hm,lingo, U S A Wm Hancock, Broad Brook B A Abbott, Summit Rill A May, Pennsylvania Mrs A 0 Rich, Newtown Bead Patterson, Mau Chunk J H Hunchberger & w, Pa Jot 0 Jones, California Vm Beattie, Paterson, N J Jos K Riley, New Jersey A Smith, Now York S U Dorian, Chester co, Pa 0 Lovett, Now York Mr Barker & lady, New York J D Marko, Cincinnati, 0 tirroYUDFlEOTEL—Ohostnnt et., above. Third. A Id Mosey, Penna E At Jones, Penna W 8 Simpson, Wash, D 0 JII Stool:ley, Penna Joe Cooper, U 8 A Chas Jewell, PltHada Edw Jewell, Philada Miss Mary Ames, Brooklyn Geo Melo, NOW York Theo GM, Now York T J Bradley, Now York N W Bustord, Now York THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. D O Yates, Mount Airy W H Gressel!, Delaware S V Hedges, Newark, N J Miss S licdges, Newark, NJ John C Deck, Ohio L Coons, Ohio Isaac DlRcq Lancaster J S Derek, Lancaster C McCauley, St Loule NATIONAL HOTEL—Dace street, above Third. Miss 111 A Jones, Wash J 13 Kooker, Peuna Peace, Minermille P Ii Scott, Massachusetts It Heller, Centre Hill Uriah Baldwin, Penne, Oro Sparks, Harrisburg Samuel Holman, Cheater co D 0 Siegrlst Lebanon J Wright, Pottsville, COMMEROIAL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. S B Ford, Maryland E II Haines & la, Maryland G B Tustin, Chester co, Pa Mark J Cox, Penne. Win Cox, Penna M Pennock, Wilin, Del Jdi Clark, Lancaster, Pa B L Quick, Pluenixville Jonas Yocom, Unionville, Pa Thos Orlest, Lano co, Pa J V Reunion, Elkton, hid W H Eder, Elkton, hid Jacob Logan & la, Mortonv R J Jackson, Maryland Robert Ororilese W T Hindu & wf, Delaware D Scott, Maryland J N Williams W B Rankin, Now York STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. Geo Boyle, Columbia, Pa C O lilting, Easton, Pa John Maxwell, Now York 0 T Bothwell, Dubuque, Is 8 A Louden, Rope Ferry Coo L Plitt, Pittsburg Ii K KMh], Lancaster W 8 Marshall, Penna It Neff, Beading E II Haines & la, Maryland Ii Thayer, Now York A Gable, Marietta, Pa J B Wide W Clink, Maryland BARLEY BGEAF—Becond street, below Vine. Jag Dlgnan, Now Jorsey Sorg% J White, 104 PA Rg't F Lenen, 104 Pa Reg't D J Callender, 104 Pa Reg't Time Smith, 104 Pa Reg't J Cadwallader, Fox Chase J 11111, Germantown Mr Harper, Pennsylvania Wm Barron, New Hope Mr Taylor, NcwJoreoyOs T Gray, Pennington, NJ J 0 McCall, Philadelphia D B Taylor t eon, Phila 0 Reeves, Mt Laurel, N J G Hank, Attleboro, Pa J J Dunn, Cumberland co J 13 Terry, Washington T Galloway, New Jorsoy BLAME BEAR—Third street, abovo Callowhill. W Geist, Long Swamp Jos Young,Alontg'y Square. Geo W Footing, Cloopersb'g John M Walthelser, Pa Woo Stiles, Fox Obese Bliss Milos, Fox Chaso S Roads, Southampton Goo Beigman, SinSWIM J Hill, Reading MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. W L Powers, Mass JR Born, Wilkosbarre Jan L Carhart, Maryland W 8 Banan, New Bop Than Simpson, Camden, Del HOLM' VERNON HOTEL—Second et., ab. Arch. W W Fairfield, Wisconsin John Anderson, 'Forma R Smith, Burlington, N J Jacob R Sloan, Cambria co Wm Bickerton, Indiana John Bowman, Indiana Geo Lamberton Wm Kinsey, Harrisburg BALD EAGLE—Third atm!, above OaBowl:UM Cleo Bprole, Virginia W Hinkal, Washington B Hiegel, Hamburg J F Berger, Quakertqwn Adam Markle, Allentown W H Harney, Allentown A I' /Heckel, Orefield BETEIIR HOUSE—Third street, above Ham. El Stump, Perks co Goo Stable'', New Jersey A P Ilatfield, Coatesville John Leland, Conn A Lathrop, Newton, Conn Jae E King, Hamilton, N J THE PRESS. -PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1862. [Reported for The Prose.] BOSTON—Steamship filexox, Matthowe-693 ban els kerosene oil, Z Locke & Co; 30 barrels oil, B Kirkpatrick & Bon; 20 do. J T Kirkpatrick & Co; 24 do, Hodgson k Keeni . sl) b a rrels apples, George E Howes; 50 d 0,1300 bushels potatoes, Soltzer & Brother; 100 barrels potatoes, E A Solider & Co; 13 do, 58 bags do, N Hollings & Pro• 147 cases boots and shoes, Philip Ford & Co; 05 F & Jones; 65 Colonel C II Crosman; 20 Harrill & Harmer; 35 bales dry goods, Wale,Learning & Co; 185 cases do, Schuylkill arsenal; 71 doFrothingbatn & Wells; 16 boxes fresh fish, J A Hopkins; 57 packages glassware, Maccoy & Monroe; 60 bales dry goods, 223 boxes oranges, 400 bundles Roo, 60 barrels oil, order. cohauge—January 23 BOARD. 270 Pacific Mad 8.... 90 100 do 530 09}( 200 do ........530 69% 250 N Y Central . 83% 100 do AO 83% 100 do 530. 84 60 Erie R ...... ..... 85% 050 do 25% 1150 do • 530. 35% 60 do 560. 35% 100 do bl 5. ll:iji 250 Erie R Prof 58 150 do 510.50% 200 Harlem 8....530. 13 12 N Hav .5 Hart 21.136 200 Reading R........ 39% 650 Mich Central R... 64x 100 do 530. 54% 160 Mich 8 ..4 N 1.... 20% EOhIichS&NIGS. 41 1 60 do 55. 41 Steamship Saxon, Atatthows, 98 bours from Boston, Pith mdse and passengers to II Winger. She brought 125 sailors, under charge of three officers, to the Navy Yard. Passengers—John Hudson, Mr Kimball. and Mr Pease. Par John Dorance, Rice, 3 days from New York, with mdse to Win P Clyde. Brig Thomas Walter, Anderson, Falmouth, Jam, D N Wetzlar & Co. Behr Trojan, Shorn*, Barbados, T - Matson & Bons. Bchr Frs Edwards, Babcock, Jersey City, E it Powell. Bchr Alexander, She Thorn, Annapolis, Simmons, Hullos & Co. Sehr Maryland, Kn'ght, Portland, Van Korn, Wood worth & Co. Schr Darned, Nelson, Snow Hill, captain. Ma Cacaola, Garnor, do do. Ste J S BM'lvor, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. 6 Panama It 1133 160 Gal & Chi It 687 100 Cleo & T01ed0.... 38Ig 00 do 38 200 do e3O. 38 500 Obl & R I R... 547,1 27 Mild:l. du °hilt.. 21 130 Gut & St L :200 Llttlo Miami 15... 85 (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del., Jan. 23, 5 P Brig Gitani, from Rio Janeiro; brig A Smithery, and schr H W Moree, arrived at the Breakwater this morn ing; and tie ships Borneo, for London, Samuel Locke, for Liverpool: bark Cheyallie, for Rio Janeiro and brig Jenny, for Sligo, went to sea. The ships Atalanta and B Cushman, from Now York, and brig Rebecca, Shep pard, from Naves, passed in about noon. Yours, &c. JOHN P, MARSHALL. . - Arrived—ShimiFloronee Nightingale and White Squall, from London; Realm, from Antwerp; Dorms, Prince, from Ram; barks Rrouston, from Cork; Morrill, from Antwerp; Advance, from Cardiff; Solo, from Inahlin; Wm 0 Sewnld, from Rio. FOREIGN MARINE INTELLIGENCE. [Per Steamship City of New York, at St. Johns, N, F.j Arrived from Now York—Jan Ist, David Kimball, at St Nazaire. 9th, Centuary, at Limerick; Beaver; ai GM may; Balm Choate, at Havre. 611 t, WII Townsend, at Plymouth; Arctic and Hero, at Falmouth; Glad Tidhaga and Commodore, in the Clyde Ariedno, at Dahlia; Chas S Pennell, at Bristol; Lucy is Elizabeth, at Gloucester; Flying Cloud, Star Cross, Boward, Norwegian, Caravan and Yorktown, at Deal; Jennie Beals and Lizzie Hainan, at Liverpool; Bellwood, Jeremiah Thompson, Exmlelor and Aurora, also at Deal. 7th, Mars and Baker, at Queenstown; Conciliator and J Ricung, at Kingston. Also arrived from New York—Ships H Amos and Spear, at Dublin; Alboni, at Dover; Valetta, at Deal; China, at Liverpool; Union, in the Clyde; Manuel, Sant Pedal) and Norge, at Queenstown; Derwent, at Belfast; Manchester and Oswego, at Liverpool. Arrived from Philadelphia—Tan Sib, skips Pioneer, at Belfast; Elizabeth Watts, at Deal; Westmoreland, Wel- Ilogton and Timour, at Liverpool. Arrived from Baltimore—Jan 6th, Bremerhaven, at Cones; W H Newman and Theresa, at Dublin. NEMOBANDA.—The Boyne,. from New York for 'Moot. wood, wan abandoned Dec 14th; crew saved. The Northern Light, front Havre for Now York, was abandoned Jan Mb, after a collision; crow saved. The Wild Pigeon, from London for Boston, put into Falmouth, leaky, having been in collision. The Edward Everett, from Amsterdam for Baltimore, is ashore near Dunkirk, with masts gone. The captain and part of the crew were saved. Ono boat, with part of the crew, missing. ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST STYLES, made in the Rest Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted sall.fac tory. Our ONE-PRIOR SYSTEM in atrial) , adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. se22-ly JONES & 00., 604 MARKET Street. UPHAM'S HAIR. DYE, ONLY 38 CEras A Box.—Bottles larger than the Dollar Dyes. Colors In stantaneously, and will not wash out. Try it. Sold only at UPHAM'S, 310 CHESTNUT Street. n027-wirn3in WEIR—LEVERING.—On the 2let instant, by Rev. W. Cathcart, Mr. Win. T. Weir to Miss Annie M. Le• vering, both of l'hiltulelphia. LOWER—MEIN.—On the fith instant, by the Hey. henry Steele Clarke, Chniles C. Lower to Emma Mein, both of this city. VORNEY.—At Lebanon Furnace, on the 20th iust., Debbie Coleman, daughter of Charles IL and Amelia Forney. 11AFFELFINGER —On the 22d iwolant, Charley C., only on of Charley C. and Sarah L. Ilatfelllnger, aged 18 months. SINN.—On the 211 inst., Miss Mary li., daughter of Davis N. nod Elinor A. Sinn, aged 23 years. Her relatives end friends are respectfully invited to attend her faneral, from her parents' residence, No. 603 North Tenth Street, above Green, on daturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel Hill. ** POTTEIL—On the 20th inst., John Potter, in the 44th year of his ago. - . Ills male friends aro respectfully Invited to attend his funeral, tale o'clock this (Friday) morning, from the resi dence of his mother, 260 South Plinth street. To proceed to Laurel Hill. it ALTEVOGT.—On the 221 Instant, Wm. AlteYogt, in the 46th year of Ida ago. Funeral from his late residence, No. 111 Gothic etrrt, this (Friday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. CUTEIBERT.—On the 21st instant, Anna 8., wife of J. Ogden Cuthbert, Jr. Funeral from the residence of her father,Joshua P. Browning, in Haddonfield, N. J., on Saturday, at 2 o'clock P. Pt. IMBODY.—On tho 22d instant, Tire. Maria, 'wife of Bermunin Imbody, to tho 99th year of her age. Funeral from tho residence of her husband, No. 632 North Twentieth street, on Saturday morning, at 9 o'clock. * SCANTERGOOD.—On the 22d instant, Sarah Scatter good, wife of Joel M. Scattergood, and daughter of the Into George and Elizabeth Kelm, in the 35th year of her ago. Funeral from the residence of hor husband, on the Moorestown pike, 2X miles from Camden, on Sunday morning, at 20 o'clock. SOHOFIELD.—On the 22d Instant, Mary S., wife of Joseph Schofield, in the 28th year of her. Funeral from the residence of her husband, Adam street, Frankford, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. * BBOWNING.—On the 22d instant, Mira Browning, aged 65 years. Funeral from the residence of her husband, Wm. Browning, No. 508 South Twenty-first street, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock. BUZBY.—On the 22d Instant, Mary, relict of the late Wm. Buzhy. BE SS O N & SON, MOURNING STORE, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street, have adopt. ed the a OMMT SYSTEM," both in buy tug and selling, thus enabling them to purchase andi sell their goods at the lowest possible prices. LECTURE AT CONCERT HALL, THURSDAY, January 20, 1862, by JAMES M. SOMMERVILLE, 11. D. Subject: "Pictures—Their Origin and Influence." For the benefit of tho Kingses sing Hospital Aid Society. Tickota to bo had at the prin cipal book stores. ja23-7t* OFFICE OF THE LOCUST MOUNTAIN COAL AND IRON COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, January 22, 1862. At the annual meeting of the Stockholder,' of this Com pany, held on the 20th inst., the following gentlemen 'Wore elected Directors for the ensuing year: JOHN BIDDLE, WM. 0. LUDWIG, Dr. ROBERT M. HIISTAN, SAMUEL C. MORTON, Dr. JAMES A. MoCRF,A, CHARLES MOONS, JACOB P. JONES. - . - And at n meeting of the Board, bold the 22.4 inst., JOHN BIDDLE was elected President, and JOS. O. COPPUCK Secretary and Treasurer. .1a23.3t JOS. 0. COPPUOK, Secretary. NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the PHILADELPHIA AND SAVANNAH STSA,M. NAVIGATION 0031- PANT for tho election of tire Managers, and the transac tion of other businzus, will Lo held in room No. 30, Mer chants' Exchange, Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, Fobs ruary 3863, at half past seven o'clock P. M. WE. DENNIS, JO2l-12t BecHHary and Tz ensurer. NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the OCEAN STEAM NOVIGATION COMPANY, for the election of flee Directors, and the transaction of other busiugss, will be held in room No. 30, 'Merchants' Exchange, Philadol• pbta, on TUESDAY, February 6th, 1802, at Fd o'clock noon. WE. DENNIS, ErTHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Corporntora of THE CONTINENTAL HOTEL COMPANY, for the Election of Fivo Managers and the transaction of other business, will be kohl on MON DAY, January 27th, 1862, at 12 o'clock 31, at the HOTEL. J. SERGEANT PRICE, ja2o.6t Secretary. irrPHILADELPHIA, JANUARY 13, MD. —The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the UNION CANAL COMPANY, of Pennsylvania, will be held at No. 228 WALNUT Street, (Farquhar bnlidlngo on TUESDAY, February 4th, next, at 11 o'clock A. DI) 1a14.4fe4 0. THOIMPBON, Secretary. 07. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL. ROAD CO.—PHIL ADYLP3II I, Jan. 11, 1802. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—The annual Meet ing of the Stockholders of this Company will be held on MONDAY, the third day of February, 1802, at 10 o'clock A.M., at the HANSOM-STREET RAM The annual Election for Directors will be hold on MONDAY, tho third day of Moral, lBO2, at the °Moe of the 001n^.3lii, No. 238 South TIMM Street. By order of the Board. Ml3-tte3 EDMUND SMITEr, Socrotary. ccrFAME INSURANCE COMPANY, Office Nu. 406 CHESTNUT Street. . . PITILADHLPIIIA, January 8, 1862. At o mooting of the Board of Directors of the Name Insurance Company, held this day, a semi-annual Divi dend of Three per cent was declared, payable on and after the drat day of February, 1862. ja7tfebl W.MB. 1. BLANOISARD, Secretary. ILMOFFICE OF THE NEU YORK AND MIDDLE COALFIELD RAILROAD AND 00AL COMPANY.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Company will be held at their Office, No. 204 South FOURTH Street, on MONDAY, February 3,1,1862, at 11 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of electing FIVE DI. RECTORS, to verve for the ensuing year, and the trans action of such other business as may be brought before them. HENRY ROBINSON, Secretary. PHILADELPHIA, January 18, 1862. jai& trod TrOFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY, PBILADELPIIIA, January 17, 1802. The Directors have this day declared a sembannual dividend of FOUR PER CENT. from the profits of the company, payable to the stockholders, or their legal re• presentatives on and after the 21st Instant, at the Com pany's office, 224 South DELAWARE Avenue. jalB.ot J. PIORRILL, Secretary. ,vyOFFICE OF THE FAIRMOUNT AND AROH-STREET CITIZENS' PASSENGER. RAILWAY CO., No. 2662 CALLOWNILL Street— Thilndelphia, Jan. 9, 1862. The Board of Directors have OM day declared a DIYIBEND of One Dollar per Share, payable to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, on and after MONDAY, the 20th Instant, at the Office of the Sompany. The Transfer Books will be cloned until the 20th lust, jal3-mwffit JNO. T. LANGE, Treasurer. OX, OFFICE OF THE MAIIANOY AND BROAD MOUNTAIN RAILROAD COMPANY, 258 South THIRD Street. • • - • . Tho Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held on MONDAY, January 18th, 1862, at 1 o'clock P. M., at the Office of the Company, at which time and place an election will be hold for a President and Twelve Directors to serve the ensuing year. d3o•mfst* 11. S.l3ltOOK, Secretary. IMPORTATIONS. MARINE INTELLIGENCE Kr 888 FOURTH. PAGE ABIIPTED CLEARED DT TELEGRAPH DT TELEGRAPH. (Correspondence of the Prosa.) NEW Yonn, Jan. 23 . . SPECIAL. NOTICES: MARRIED DIED 0001113 RECEIVED JANUARY 14th to 18th. Black and White Pin Check and Striped Silks. Gray and Black English Chintzes, 123 cents. Black and Purple Plaid Velour Reps, 37k cents. Black Blanket Long Shal‘ls, S 7; Square, $3 50. Balmoral Skirts, full size, $2.50. Black Paromatta Cloths, 25, 31k, 37k, and 50 cents Black Lamb's Wool Hose, cag cents. Rai Secretary and Treaswer NEW PUBLICATIONS SECOND EDITION NOW READY, MRS. SOUTRWORTH'S NEW BOOK. THE BROKEN ENGAGEMENT BY MRS. EMMA D. E. N. SO UTHWORTH. PRICE 25 CENTS. And for sale at lietall or Wholesale, by the Publishers, T. B. PETERSON & BRO.'S, 30G CHESTNUT STREET, It PHILADELPHIA. p HAD THE GREAT PATRIOTIC _La, SPEECH OF THE "MODERN CICERO." WENDELL PHILLIPS, IN SUPPORT OF THE WAR. It boa been revised by Mr. Phillips, and Is ready to stand on record forever. Also, see " Pulpit nod Rostrum" for the latest and best Lectures and Db courses of our most eminent men. Price 10 cents a number. or 51 a your. E. D. BARKER, No. 135 GRAND Street, in22.ot New York. LEGAL TN THE COURT OF COMMON I N PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. [SEAL.] Notice is hereby given, to all persons inte rested, that the Honorable the Judges of the Court afore said have appointed SATURDAY, the Bth day of February, A. D. 1862, at 10 o'clock A. DI., for hearing applications for the Charterss of Incorporation and amend ment to Charter, viz; Cooper' Shop Soldiers' home, of the City of Phila delphia. Continental Tieneflcial Society, of tho City of Phila. delala—amendment. CHAS. D. KNIGHT, ja24-3t Prothonotary. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES NOTICE.—The Copartnership here tofore existing between the subscribers ' under the firm of JAURETCHE CARSTAIIIS, is THIS DAY dissolved by mutual consent. M. JAURETCHE, CHAS. S. CARSTAIRS, THOMAS CARSTAIRS. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 23, 1802. ja24.Bt FINANCIAL. U. S. QUARTERMASTER'S CERTIFICATES AND CITY WARRANTS WANTED, by CEO. J. BOYD, 1018.6 tit IS South THIRD Street NEW NATIONAL LOAN. OFFICE OF JAY COOKE dc CO., BANKERS, NO. 114 SOUTII THIRD STREET, S The 7 3-10 per cent Treasury Notes of all denomina tions, of the second bane of Fifty BBMona, dated Octo ber Ist, are now ready to deliver to purchasers, at the office of J. COOKE, SUBSORIPTION AGENT, de2S-Im 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD. 7 3-10 TREASURY NOTES BOUGHT AND SOLD. QUABTERIXASTEBS' CERTIFICATES DEALT. IN. jag -1m DREXEL & 00. slo}oo TO INVEST IN IRRE DEEDIABLE GROUND RENTS. Apply to' J. H. WATERS, ja2l 110 South FOURTH Street. $3.13 00 -A FIRST-CLASS DI • proved GROUND RENT of this amount for me, at a liberal dbnount. Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Street ESTLAC K'S DIPTHERIA AND SORE THROAT LOZENGES, A safe and efficient remedy In Dlptheria . Sore Throat from Scarlet Fever, Quinsy, Clergymen's Sore Threat, Inhumation of the Faeces and Fatale, hierabranoua Croup, Enlarged Tensile, Catarrh Infldenea, Asthma, Hoareenesa, or any Bronchial Affections from Colds causing pain, swelling, or redness In the Throat, render ing respiration difficult. Prepared only by T..EISTLACK, Jun., Druggist, No.lBoo MARKET Street. And sold by Druggists gonetally. ja2.4..6t* VNGLISH ENCAUSTIC TILES FOR -12 A FLOORS.—bfinton's Tiles for vestibules, halls, dining-rooms, hearths, and for public buildings of every kind, as laid in the Capitol at Washington, and in many churches, stores, banks, hotels, and dwellings, in every part :of the country. Patterns, composed of Buff, Red, and Black, 32c per square foot; with Blue, Green, or White introduced, 3.1 c to 36c per foot. Lithographic de signs seat by mail, on application. S. A. IIAtcRIBON, Importer, Ja2.l No. 1010 CHESTNUT street. EVERYBODY SHOULD BE IN formed of the fact, that REIDER'S COLORED PHOTCNNAPIID, Outdo for $l, rank highest among tho werke of art. (tottery, SECOND Street, above Green. /L* PRIZE MONEY PAID TO OFFI CERS and MEN of the San Jacinto, Constella tion, Darf, Mohican, Mystic, Brooklyn, Sumter, and other vessels. ALBERT POTTS' Army and Navy Agency, N. E. earner of THIRD and WILLOW Streets. ja22-Im* ARMY AND NAVY PAY COL LECTED.—AIso, arrears of pay for resigned, discharged, supernumerary, and deceased officers—Boun ty money—Census money—Contractors' pay—Discharges —Extra pay—Land warrants—Pensions—Prize money— Recruiting Expenses—State Pay—Subsistence and Transportation, procured by ALBERT POTTS' Army and Navy Agency, N. E. corner of THIRD and WILLOW Streets. ja22-Irutt ARMY TENTS-200 for sale by jal3-12If FEOTIIINGRAM & WELLS WYE AND EAR.—DR. JONES, of N. Y., will Practice at HERR'S HOTEL, II AR RISBURG, Pa., from tho 20th JANUARY till tholOth FEBRUARY, 1862. Dr. JONES cures all curable diseases of the EAR and EYE, and performs all operations for the restoration of Bight and Hearing. Dr. JONES straightens Crossed Eyes in one minute. Dr. JONES inserts Artificial Eyes (to move awl appear natural) without pain, no matter whether the Eye be pnrtly or entirely out. . _ Dr. JONES introducmi artificial Ear Drumm, which Im prove the hearing immediately. _ . Dr. JONES ban bad tile benefit of a Medical Education in Me Medical Donegan, Iloopitals, and Eye and Ear In stitutions of America and Europe. his Diplomas hang in Ms Office. ja22.l2titt PRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, AT WAR PRICES, of Looking•Glasma, Engravings, and fins Frames, at GEO. F. DEN/CERT% No. 820 AEON Street HANGING} VASES. Ornamental Flower Pots. Parlor yam for Growing Flowers. Baskets for Jardiniere. Pedestals with Vaso for Flowers. Antique Vases for Mantels. Vases Renaissance for Parlor. Rustic and Terra Gotta Vases. Lava Flower Pots and Vases. Garden Vases and Pedestals. Brackets for Busts and Figures. With a great variety of articles [makable for Ohrht- Ma presents, for sale retail and to the trade. Warerooms 1010 ORFALRGT Street, Philadelphia. dell S. A. HARBISON. W.CHINISTS', "BLACKSMITHS', and other TOOLS botight and Bold by ALEX. PURVES, ja22.6tr* N. E. ear. SOUTH and PENN Stu. QODA ASH.-140 Casks Marsh's Soda Aab, Lulling from ship "William Cummings." and for aide by O. W. CHUROIIMAII, jalP.Gt ' 32 South FRONT &root. A NTI -FRICTION METAL, Superior quality, For Halo by JAMES YOCOM, JR., • DRINKER'S ALLEY, jal3.2m* Bet. Front and Second, Eeco and Arch eta. SHOVELS AND SPADES. GEORGE IiALFDIAN, MAN CFA CTUREU, CORNER OF DREAD AND QUARRY BTREETB )1113-Bm* Bet. Arch and Race, and Second and Third. 285 GROSS PURE WHITE CAS TILE SOAP, cut in pieces of MI6 each, and packed in dozen and nuarter-gross boxes. Tho best Toilet Soap in use. For oats by THAI CT & MoKEONE, jalB-60 No. 22 SOUTH WHARVES. CASTILE SOAP.-463 Boxes Mot tied CASTILE SOAP, a superior article. For TRAIN & MoKEONE, No. 22 SOUTH WHARVES solo by jalB-Ot CHOICE CUBA HONEY, in tierces V and bbla. ; aleo, urimo Porto Rico and OutisleO• tado Sugar for sato by PRIMP REILLY C 0.,& ia21.814 No. 7 North WATER Street. DAPPLES. -66 Backs new DRIED Western Dried Apples; 7 bbls new Western Dried Apples. Just received and la store For sale by MURPHY & KOONS, ja7-tf No. 146 NORTH WHARVES. APPLES ! APPLES !—Choice Green toga and others always on hand at the Cheap Store, No 812 SPRING GARDEN Street. ja17..t7 QHOIJLDERS.-1,500 pieces city )," smoked Shoulders; also, 79 hhde. Shouldere In dry malt, for sole by 0. 0. SADLER. & 00., jag 103 ABM Street, 2d door above Front. IIROOMCORN, HANDLES, TWINE, &c.; Brooms, Bucketh, &c., for Bale by 0. B. BLAKISTON, Commission Morobabi, jalo.Bm 22 south WATER Street A OPPENHEIMER, MERCHA.N. DISE BROKER in all braneliee of trade, and manufacturer of °rem' description of Army Goode, No, 98 South THIRD Street, west aide, second story, Phila delphia. 847 tf a UNNY BAGS-60 BALES FOR sale by JAIIBETOH & OARSTAIIII3, 203 dant"' "FRONT Street. PAMPHLET' PRINTING, AND every other description of, Printing, of the erSest superior quality, at the meet reasonable rates, at WALT & 'mown's, Theist's /64114134, 84 t3ontb THIILD Street. nog° MUSCULAR PRINTING, BEST VI Cheeped I THIRDUT, at ItLNIMALT BROWN'S. SS &nth Blend. nein CARD PRINTING, BEST AND Cheapest In the Oity, at RINGWALT & BROWN 8, Di Boutti THIRD Bed. BOSS INSURANCE COMPANIES. FIRE ASSOCIATION, INCORPORATED MARCH 27, 1820, OFFICE, No. 34 NORTH FIFTH STREET, INSURE FROM LOSS BY VIBE BUILDINGS, MERCHANDISE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Statement of the Assets of the Association on January I, 18,62, published in conformity with the provi elone of the Act of Assembly, April 5,1842. Bonds and Mortgages on property in the y of Philadelphia only =M= Beal Estate (office No. 04 N. Fifth street)... 14,396 13 Cush in tho Weetorn Bank ........ 18,793 17 t‘ Bank of Northern Libertiee Cash on hand TRUSTEES. GEORGE W. TRYON, PRESIDENT, WM. H. HAMILTON, JOHN CRAIG, JOHN SOUDER, JOHN °ARROW, PETER FRITZ, GEO. I. YOUNG,. JOS. B. LYNDALL, LEVI P. COATS, SADI'L SPARHAWK. IMAM. T. BUTLER, Secretary JACOB MOYER, PETER A. KEYSEB, JOHN PBILBIN, THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY INSURANCES ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES, In conformity with an act of tho Legislature, 'publish the following STATEMENT OF THEIR ASSETS 31st DECEMBER, 1801: CAPITAL STOCK, 8500.000. League Island, in River Delaware, / Office Building, 304 Walnut street, S" • • Bonds and Mortgages, first mortgages o: unincumbered property Ground Rents, well secured Cash Loans on Call, with Notes and Collateral] Life Interests Debts duo to Company and Advances Truet Estates TREASURY NOTES, WARRANTS STOCKS, AND LOANS AT Till MARKET VALUE, DEO. 26,1861, Viz 112 Shares Commercial Bank 553 Farmers` and Mocha' Bank.. 161 Philadelphia 8ank..... 45 State Bk, Camden,N.J. 279 Bald Eagle and S. C. Navigation Company. 164 it Cleveland and Mahon'g Railroad 31 Delaware Bridge Co., Easton . • .. noo Ine. CO. N'th America. 103 Schuylkill Nay. C 0..... 110 Lehigh Valley R 20 Pennsylvania R 50 North Pennsylvania It. I 290 Leh. Coal and Nay. Co. 250 Do. Scrip 569,300 U. S. Treasury Notes and Loans 10,222 Philadelphia City Warrants..... 131,732 Pennsylvania 5 per cent. Loans 125,000 Coupon Bonds 20,000 416 per cent. Loans... 10,000 6 per cent 61.300 Philadelphia 6 per cent 28,000 Gee 6 per cent as,oca 5 per cent 36,665 5 per ct. Guardns Poor 2,826 22 Guaranteed Int. P. A D. 8.. 4,611 Schuylkill Nay. Bond Loan.... 32,200 Pittsburg 5 per cent, 5,000 ,4 6 per cent. 20,401 Lehigh Coal and Nay 5,000 Allegheny City 0 per cent 20,000 North Penna. R. 6 per cent... 23,000 Lackau anna its B. ...... 16,000 Sunbury and Erie It 40,000 Pennsylvania It., 2d mortgage. 71,172 68 Ohre. & Del Canal, 0 per ct 10,000 Weetmoreland Coal Company. 40,000 Del. S Rat. Canal, 0 per cent. 24,000 it 5 per cent. 21,400 Tennessee 6 per cent...... ... 6,000 $t 0 per coot 10,000 Washington Gas Company.... 16,000 Clot eland and H. 8., 7 per ct. 0,000 Fayette Co., KY 20,000 Hamilton Co., Oldo WILLIAM D. HILL, jn23-3tlf ACTUARY. (IFFICE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA V COMPANY FOR INSURANCES ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES, 304 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, January 21st, 1562. At an election of tho Stockholders, held on Monday, the 20th instant, the fol lowing gentlemen wore unanimously reelected Directors for the conning year: Charles Dutilli, Henry J Williams, I. Peru. Hutchinson, Joseph Suitt, William H. Hart, William S. Vaux, Joshua R. And at a meeting of tin Charles Dutillt was unanimoi William B. Hill Actuary. ja23.3tit* William !Format, John It. Wucherer, Si. Goo. T. Careyhell, Adolph E. Boric, Earonel Norris, Alexander Biddle, Lippincott. o Directors, held this day, , usly re-elected President, and WILLIADI B. HILL, Actuary. QTATEIVIENT OF THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, LONDON, as at 31st January, 1801, made In compliance with:the law of POllll sylvania: CAPITAL STOCK Valuo of Beal Estate hold by the Company. 8119,1T2 13 Cub Deposited in Banks 224,668 38 Cash in hands of agents and in course of trautunission 262,112 38 Lonna secured by bonds and mortgagor 333,691 23 Stocks owned by the company, (market (value). 1,280,516 92 Stocks held by the company as collateral security for loans DEMEBEI Losses due and unpaid. (firo and life) 5148,301 92 Dividends declared duo and unpaid, (fire and life) All other claims against the company, (chief 1y fire duty duo to Government), INCOME. Cash premiums received, (tire and 1ife)....51,127,111 16 Interest money received from the invest ' ments of the company Income of the company from other sources. 81,239,914 OS EXPENDITURES. Leases paid during the year, (fire and life Re-Insurance and return pre- mium Dividends declared daring the year • I; Dividends paid during the year... Expenses geld during the year, including commissions Another expenditures The above statement, published in compliance with the law of the State of Pennsylvania, has not only boon ap proved by the United States Consul in London, and sworn to by the Manager and Secretary of the Company, but the securities have been examined by a well-known Notary Public in London, and found fully ropro smiting the figures given in the statement. The undersigned We pleasure In stating that not withstanding the (depression in business, the premium receipts of the Philadelphia agency, for the year 1861, have been over $20,000. All losses for the year base been promptly paid. Policies will be hustled at mode rate rates, and losses paid as soon as adjusted without re. ferenco to London. GETTY dr, LIEBING, Agenta, jal3-wfm6t 425 CHESTNUT Street. H FIRE INSII , OE THE STATE OD fIOMMONWEAL V RANCH COMPANY PMAINSYLVANLL DIRECTORS. David Jayne, M. D., Charles H. Rogers, John M. Whiten, John K. Walker, Edward 0. Knlglat, Robert Shoemaker, Thomas S. Stewart, William Struthers, Henry Lewis, Jr., Stephen Coulter. DAVID JAY E, M. D., President. JOHN M. WHITALL, Vice President. SAMUEL B. MOON, Secretary. Office, Commonwealth Building, 618 CHELITHIII Street, Philadelphia. wad if STATEMENT OF THE GIRARD COLLEGE PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY, January 1, 1802. Construction account, inclu ding Roads, Rolling Stock, Horses, Depot, RT., ,tic 5156,011 23 Ridge Avenue and Manayunk Passenger Railway Com pany's Bonds bearing 7 per cent. interest 3,300 00 Due by Sundries 1,149 00 Vaab—Balanco in Bank 12,320 54 Capital stock (10,000 shares 816—paid.) $lOO,OOO 00 *lndebtedness 25 88 Balance to Credit of Profit and Loss 12,784 80 1860. 1861. Gross receipts from all sources $74,294. 80 $56,659 25 Expenses of all descrip tions 53,808 58 45,874 36 $20,486 28 $12,781 89 20,000 00 10,000 00 Dlyldendm 8.486 28 2,784 80 RECIAPITULATION. Cash on }land Bonds (7 per cent) Duo by Sundries.. $18,169 54 23 88 10,000 00 Total Indobtednoes For Dividends.... Surplus * In addition, there le a dieputed claim of $1,738, for Taxee by the State. 1a23•8t TERRAPINS, OYSTERS STEWED AND FRIED, AND CHICKEN SALAD.—InvI- Lotion Cards and other notices will be distributed in all parte of the city, with punctuality. The undersigned is at all times prepared to present, for the inspection of Ladles and Gentlemen, a list of the things necessary fora large or small entertainment, as the cane may be, thereby avoiding all unneoessary profusion and waste; and flatters himself, that by his long expe rience in business, be will be able at all times to give, as heretofore, entire eatiafaction to all who favor him with their patronage. HENRY JONES, Caterer, No. 260 South TWELFTH Street, above SPRUCE. 001-0 m HITE LEA: W OIL , DRY AND IN White Precipitate, Lunar Caustic, Narcotine, Sylph. Morphine, Morphine, Acetate Morphine, Lac. Bulph., Ether Sulphuric, Ether Nitric, Sulphate Quinine, Cerro. Bublim., Denareotized Opium, Chloride of Soda, WetherilPe ext. Olneha Tartar Emetic, Chloride of Lime. Crude Borax, Refined Borax, Camphor, Eosin Copavia. ILL St BROTHER, nufacturing Chemists, North SECOND Street, PHILADELPHIA. Rod Lead, White Load, Litharge, sugar of Lead, Copperas, Oil of Vitriol, Calomel, Patent Yellow, Chrome Red, Chrome Yellow, Aqua Fortis Marietta Acid, Epsom Salts, Rochelle Baits, Tartaric Acid, Orange Mineral, Soluble Tart. Sub. Carb. Soda, White Vitriol, Bed Precipit ate, NVElTEßl Druggiata and Ma Noe. 47 end 49 VAMILY DRY GOODS STORE. -K2 EYRE Jc LAlrizr,L, FOURTH and AROS E Lave in store a fine eteisk of . . . . GOODS FOB remirLy CUSTOM. Good plain colored Silks. Fashionable figured Elika. Durable black Bilks, plain and figured, Linen Skirtings and Linen Shootings. Beet makes Long Cloth Shkting Table Linens and Damask Towelinge. Blankets, fine quality and Imp arse. Marseilles Quilts of all oleos. Cloths and Cassimeres for men wad boya. White goods, a very full stock. Black goods of every description. ja2s BARGAINS IN BLACK /SILKS AT H. STEEL & No. 710 North TENTH Street. abut" Hostea. 1 tot Black Silks at 10 cents. 1 lot Black Bilks at 75 and 81 cents. 1 lot Black Silks at 81, 00, and $l. 1 lot Black Saki at 81.12 K and 81 25. 1 lot Black Silks at 81.31,8137 X, and $1.50. 1 lot Black Silks, yard wide. BABGaINS IN FANCY SILKS. We are closing out our stock of Fancy Silks at a groat sacrttks,• preparatory to taking stock. Fancy Silks at 50, 50, UK, ra, 87, and $1 Superior qualities of Fancy Silks sll2}; to 82. Also, our entire stock of DRESS GOODS, 1a 2 at less than cost prices. $861,12S 00 $742,055 27 MUSLIMS! MUSLIMS! MUSLIMS! MUSLIM BY THE PIECE—MUSLIM BY THE BALE.—Now is the time for housekeepers to buy their Shootings and Shirtings, as all kinds of domestic goods are rapidly rising, and there can be no possible diminution of prices. We still have a few boxes of Wainsutta, Williamsville, Black Bock, and othgrpopular makes. Good Muslims at 8,9, 10, 11 cents: Tho•boat 12- cent Muslin In the city. Our Pillow-Case Mullins, and our 10.4, 11-4, and 12-4 Sheeting, purchased Berne time since, aro from three to four cents cheaper than eon be found elsewhere. COWPERTHWAIT A CO:,. ja22 N. W. cor. EIGHTH and MANICET. RICH CURTAINS AND CURTAIN IfAIERIALS.—The subscribers offer, at the lonest prices, a large assortment of Rich Curtain Garde, and Lace and Muslin Embroidered Curtains ; also, every variety of Plain and Gold Bordered Shades, Gilt Cor nices, Curtain Fixtures, and Trimmings. Also ) . Tapes• tries, Reps, Damasks, Sat-de-Laines, Plashes, Broca. tells, etc., for cabinetmakers, and an extensive variety or goods for loose covers, as Holism's, Figured Linens,. French and English Furniture Chintzes, etc., etc. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, 85 AR BISON} \ gr2o-St 1008 CHESTNUT Street. ~8185,000 00 WANTED, BY A LADY, A SITU ATION as Housekeeper for a gentleman of a family, in city or country. Is a practical housekeeper. Reference given. Address T. W. STILL, Philadelphia Poet Office,for one week. It* . 776.275 67 . 81,885 48 387,719 76 8. 1,175,969 93 • . 1,389 84 WANTED -THE POSITION OP a First or Second LIEUTENANT in an accepted Regiment, for which a fair price will bo paid. Address "J. E. R..". Press Offiee.l ja23-21* WANTED.— Old Silver, Plate, or Coin bought, in large or small quantities, by MILDER k BIDDLE, Bilveramitha, lal£l.7t* EIGHTH arid JAYNE. WAN T E D—A second-hand Sta tionery Steam Engine, of from 80 to 70-Horse Power. Address, stating portionless, "Box 1155 Post Office." dell-tf UNITED STATES MARINES.- Wanted, immediately, for the United States Marine Cerpe, FIVE HUNDRED ABLE-BODIED MEN for sea service, between the ages of eighteen and forty years. All information that may be required will be given at the Rendezvous, 311 South FRONT Street, below Spruce. JAMES LEWIS, Captain, jalB-12t Recruiting Officer. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS VINE SHIRT DIAIsTUFACTORY. The subscriber would invite attention to his IMPROVED OUT OF SHIRTS, Which ho makes a specialty in his business. Also, con- Stantly recolviag • NOVELTIES FOB GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, No. 814 CHESTNUT STEER 7', jag-tt roar doors below the Gentinental. $803,069 62 HOWARD & HARNDEN EXPRESS. REMOVED TO 607 CHESTNUT STREET, NEXT DOOR TO GRANVILLE STOKES. FREIGHT, MONEY, 80., forwarded to all points NORTH, 801TIII, EAST, and WEST. Having opened an Office in WASHINGTON. we shall give special attention to freight for that City and vicinity. January 7, 1882. jaT-Im 643,402,404 69 ....$6,203,800 00 P A. FAHNESTOCK & CO. HAVE REMOVED TO 408 MARKET Street. ittl-lm TAMES S. EARLE & SON, 674,931 75 MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS $2,714,90 79 LOOKING GLASSES. OIL PAINTINGS, FINE ENGRAVINGS, PICTURE AND PORTRAIT FRAMES,. PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CARTE=DE•VISITE PORTRAITS, 38,262 23 8189 8 9 8 94 107,021 69 5,681 23 EARLE'S GALLERIES, 816 CHESTNUT STREET, 82.88,652 38 146,786 93 $39,001 3.7 29,401 13 . ----- OILI OIL!! OIL!!! 167,630 04 89,901 34 =MCI HIILBURT & BRODHEAD, Haying opened a General Depot for the Sale of Extra Defined and Lubricating COAL OILS, would call the special attention of dealers end consumers to their refined ILLUMINATING OIL, as it possesses msPit beyond anything heretofore offered in this market, being entirely free from that gluey substance and hed odor which characterize that commonly sold in this. market, produces no smell°, and is free from as explosive properties. Wir Orden' from City or Country promptly at- tended to. jals-1% _ - PORTLAND KEROSENE OIL. We ire now prepared to ImMl7 ISIB STANDARD ILLUMINATING 011 AV GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Z. LOCKE & 00., Soul Marrs, 1010 MARKET STREET, se!-em Pcinadelpbb, $1711,810 77 ROBERT SEIOEMATCRII & Co.. Eifortbeaat Corner FOURTH and BAON Btreetd, $172,810 71 PIIILADELPHLA, WHOLESALE DRUGOLSTS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. $12,320 It 3,300 00 1,149 00 rhamscronsos or WHITE LEAD AND ZINO PAINTS, PUTTY, &O AGENTS /OR TUN CSWILIRATED FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and consumers OnPPlled at VERY LOW PRIORS FOR VASIL oclll-8m 60,743 GO ri-lIST RECEIVED, per Annie Kim ball," from Liverpool, Mender, Weaver, & Man• does preparations: 26 lbs Extract /tenni, In 1 lb jars. 26 lbs Extract Broseryand, In 1 lb jars. 60 The Extract Belladonna, in 1 lb jars. 300 its Extract Tuaxaci, In 1 lb jam 50 Els Yin Eat 4301chici, in 1 lb bottles. 100 The 01. &mein! Beet., in llb bottles. 600 ibs Calomel, in 1 Ilb bottles. 600 Ilbs PII llydrarg., in lib jars. WETHERILL & BBOTHEB,- - mbil 47 and 49 North SECOND:Street. rfl RUSS ! BRACES ! ! /SUP PORTERS llr 0. H. - NEEDLEB, . . . . S. W. corner DAOE and TWELFTH Streets, Phila., Practical Adjuster of Trusses and Mechanical April. semen, bete constantly on hand a large and varied stock of elegant French Trusses, and a complete assortment of best American. English and American Supporters and Bolts, Shoulder Braces, Suspensories, Syringes in great variety, French Pessaries, &o. Ladles' Department conducted•by Ladles, TWELFTH Street, first door below Baca. n027-113m JOLLIVET, 1314 CHESTNUT tr • Street, will have a Second Opening this Season, of Wreathe and Head Dresses, at greatly reduced prices, and hopes the Ladles will favor him with their patronage as heretofore. Also, an assortment of French Corsets. ja224tit HAIR-CUTTING, DYEING-, AND A 1 shampooing done in boat idyl° at FOURTH and BRANCH. ia23-11 tx .RETAIL DRY GOODS WANTS REMOVALS. LOOKING GLASSES; PHILADELPHIA ILLITMINATING OILS NO. 240 ARCH STREET, DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. AMUSEMENT& AMERICAN ACADEMY. OF 'MUSIC. ITALIAN OPERA FOR TWO NIGHTS. OPERA NIGHTS, Which will take place positively on FRIDAY, Jan. It, and SATURDAY, Jan. Z. The patrons of the Opera who purchased, and those who have received, Tickets of admission last Saturday will be admitted only on FRIDAY night by presenting their checks for seats at the door, when the Opera of THE BARBER OF SEVILLE And, by general request, the Fourth Act of LA FAVOBITA Will be performed, with Miss HINCKLEY, Madame STRAKOSCH, BRIGNOLI, I/UNCURL SUSINI, and BARILL Coodnctor. CARL ANCEWIT. SATURDAY, Jan. 25. SECOND GRAND opERA. NIGHT. DOE Office open to-day for the sale of tickets for Fri (key. A MERICAN ACADEMY OF SAITILDAY ETENINO, Jimmy 26th f AECOND Ni 011.7 OF zrALIAY arm', Donizetti's fanone Cowls Opera) DOl4 PAsQuaLz. Kiss EETNCKLEY as Rosins. 131114NOTA aa Vatted. IvrANCI/Eras I o , ,ter hrolatee9.Bl73llllaa Dart rasegialer, And the celebrated last art, including the httacrdre, tram IL TEOVATORE. .511sa HiIIOaLEY as Iseonora. ?l'me STIDAKOSCEC ass Athematic ronUttoLl n 3 Bienrico. MANCLI3I. as Cone di Lame. Conductor--4sAllt A 313011"IITZ; MC °Mee own TO-DAY for the'ralcrof Ticket. jaM-St MRS. JOHN DREW'S AROH-STHENT THEATEIL Acting sod Stage Manger W. 8. FRBDARIMUL BnainessAgent and Tretiaare J 308. 13. M 111311 1 11.. BENEXPT OF Or.N. 3 0 8413. TT-NIGHT, (Filday,)•Januar7 24,1882 i ST. FOI.BIOK'S- EVE. Major 0'Mgherty........... Frederick the Great....- Blitz To conclude with TPJBII BLmir,sas TIIASI' ONA, Larry Hooligan la" Prices as usual IR' Curtain rises at k' after 7 o'clock. Ilfir Beats eesered three doyaiir advance. WALNUT -STREET TTTI TRB-- NINTH and WALNUT Streets, bola Lame MRS. DI. A. GARRZTTIMIM BENEFIT MR: BAWDY WILLIAMS; TILLS (FRIDAY) EVENING, January 24, Will bo performeTthe grand d , pectsoularDrama or - THE LAKES OF KILLARNEY; Or, The Brides of tHengariff. Lunt" McLoughlin. Kato Kearney To be followed by TUE BEZIEfFiTh 11113HUAN: 7'9 conclude with YANKEE COURTSHIP. Pawls-50, 37X, 73, and 2. cents; Private Box" 83 and 238. Doors open at quarter to T. To commence at TX. CONTINENTAL THEATRE-- WALNUT &met, one door above Erghth", WELCOME! wEzocirim'iiitaoiffEr .HIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, Jan. 211 IgB2, Will he presented, for the flrettime in fire-years, NOL E TOM'S' 0 A 131-N; Or, Life among the Lowly. In 6 Acta, 9 Tableaus;. and 32-Scenes, neatrical Performance will be e'en. in con. nection with this entertainment. Admission 15 and Zeta. Reserved Seats 3T3k and , so ctn. Doors open „V before 7; to commence poet 7. OLT) FOLKS' CONCERTS.. IMITENSE SUCCESS! AT MUSICAL PIIND -HALL ! °OUSE"( REUBEN AND GRANNY BLOOM AT ROHE. ON FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENING, Jan. 24 , and 28, POSITIVELY LAST TWO NIGHTS. In conselnence of hundreds of persons being unable. to obtain admission to the Hall last evening, to tattooer the ceremonies, Cousin Reuben and Granny Slocum vrill receive their friends to-night and to-morrow night; ott which occasions will be sung the ORIGINAL GIDEON'S BAND SOLO, by COUSIN REUBEN. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Concert to commence at X. Tickets 25 cents. ja24 MUSICAL FUND HALL. MASTER I. RICE, ELEVEN YEARS OLD, PUPIL OF CARL WOLFBOHN.. Respectfully-informs his Mends and the penile in gene— ral that he will give a GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT. ON TUESDAY. EVENING, Jam 28th, AT MUSICAL FUND HALL The following artists have kindly volanteered their services for thisoccaslon: MIKE BERTHA. JOHANNSEN, EIR. ADOLPH BIROFELD, MR. CARL WOLFSOHN, MB. SIMON HASSLER,. MB. CHARLES SIMMITE. • TICKETS... FIFTY. CENTS. To be had at the principal Mimic Stores, of the Com mittee, and in the evening at the Door. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Concert to commeneent-K. ja24.4t* CI RAND VOCAL CONCERT-By %.11 the United Vocal Monica Associations of Phila. dela:tin, for the BENEFIT of the GERMAN HOSPI TAL, of Philadelphia, on. MONDAY EVENING, Jan. 2T, at 8 o'clock, at lb() NATIONAL GUARDS' HALL To bo follow ed by a BALL, . . Which a ill be opened at 10 o'clock WTI ieflete, admitting one gentleman end-two ladies to the Concert and Ball, $1; to be had of the Mananars and at the Hall. 343-4 i MUSICAL -FUND HALL. THE CONTINENTAL OLD FOLK IiZEIEEJ GRAND ORCHESTRA, Numbering Twenty-Jiro-Performers, Assisted by MBE. EMMA J. NICHOLS, MRS. GORGIE SEIERAIID,, MR. J. T. GIILICE. and MB. H. E. HOLLOWAY. Will give a series of their popular C•NCERTS, commencing MONDAY, Jan. bib, And continue EVERY EVENING. through the wock. Tickets 25 cents; Children 15 Doors open at 7. Commence at 71i, FrEMPLE OF WONDERS -1 TENTH and CHESTNUT Street& SIGNOR BIITZ In laic New, Popular, and Amusing Entertalarnanlk EVERY EVENING, commencing at beißpsci 7 o'clock and on IVEIINEBDA.Y and BILTURDVI JIVERS. NOONB at 3. Grand Combination of Attraction, Thanmatarglcol Paycological EAperimenns, Magical Dec... tions, Ventriloquial Oddities, Comicslinos,. anti Boss Mote, and tho PleasingAshibition of the Learned Or. nary Birde. • Admission 25 cents ; Children 13 cents, G ERMANIA. ORCHESTRA. CARL RRNTZ, Conductor. PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, M Sig o'clock P. M., at the NIISICIAL FUND H Package of Eight Tickets, St.i Single Tickets, IS aisk To be had at Andre'o,l.ll)4 Chestnut street, J. E. Gould% Beventh and Chestnut, and at the door of the oollS-Ift pENNSYLVANTA ACADEMY 011 A- THE FINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT Street, open daily, Sundays excepted,, from 9 A. 25. tilt S P. X. Admieelon 25 cants. Children under twelve Yoe% half price. Shares of Stock. WO. id EDUCATIONAL TIICKINSON COLIi.EGE GR ADi MAE SCHOOL—A. F. MULLIN, A. M., Prin cipal—Founded in 1773, is one of tharldest and most thorough Classical Schools in the country. The Scholar ships, heretofore limited to the College classes, are ayall able now for the Grammar„School also. Winter Teta opens THURSDAY, 15th January. H. X. JOHNSON, President. jab-wadi CarllEle, Penns IQ T. BUOKNAN WILL OPEN HER, .Lt. select SCHOOL for girls on the third of Febru ary. N 0.1030 SPRING GARDEN Street. ja2342ttt FOR SALE AND TO LET. fig 3 TO LET, FOR A TERM OF years, the UNITED STATES HOTEL in Buffets on the Terrace, containing one hundred Loam% ant thoroughly repaired, painted, and rapaperod throughout, and supplied with water, gas, and all necessary CODTe niences of a firgt•mte • Apply to WM. W. MAN N, Sla MAIN Etreeet, Buffalo ; or MANN & 'RODMAN, 3% WALL Street, New Xork. at di TO RENT A Desirable HOUSE, &Einear BROAD and WALNUT. All modern conve niences. Reserving Office. Furniture for sale, if de sired. Apply to E. PETTIT, ma WALNUT Street. d i FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-- A largo Store and Dwelling on MARKET Street, on a prominent corner, and suitable for a :tenor store. Ap ply to J. H. WATERS, jaSO.ti" 110 South FOUST'S Street. FOR SALE, OR EXCHANGE ff i yi g Improved Property, Forty Acres of . - UND, to the Twenty-second Ward, fronting or. ilia 'limit Airy Turn /in() Road. Clear of all annual bprt . J‘ e nd A t p h p o iy e t ocudy• o J. 11. WATERS, ja2o 110 South FOURTH Streak 'FOR SA E AND EXCHANigt- A large number of Farms in the adjoining Gond. ties, States of Delaware, Maryland, New York, and New Jersey, averaging from 10 to 200 acres of land. Thew wishing to exchange or purchase would do well to call and examine my Register of Farms. Apply to jal-tf E. PETTIT, No. 809 WALNUT Street. QHIP TIMBER FOR SALE.- KJ Several Tracts of WHITE-OAK TIMBER LARD in Dorchester county, Maryland, convenient to 'talks. Me water. For particulars apply to JAS. T. MoDITLLIMIGH, Elkton, MI de2s.lm FARM FOR SALE.—A FARM, in excellent state of cultivation, containing fifty-ono acres,- (nine of which are woodland,) pleasantly situated In Limerick township, Montgomery county, two and & half miles from the Limerick station, on the Beading Railroad, is offered for gale. Price—Fivo thousand dot. late (05,000). Apply on the premises. nol6-tf SAMUEL H. Himary. ea FOR SALE—A Desirable FARM, containing 95 acres of superior land, near s w ay Bun Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad, with Brat. clam Stone buildings. Principal part of the money can remain at 5 per cent. Apply to E. PETTIT, fel No. 809 WALNUT Street. ge, FOR SALE CHEAP-A FARM of 212 X Acres, near Agricultural College Station s 7J miles from Washington city, D. C. ; 90 acres ploughed laud ; large portion been limed and set in clover; suffi cient meadow, through which are running streams of water; house contains 11 rooms ; two large barns ; corn s awoke, and hen houses; all in good repair and under good, fences; springs of excellent water near dwelling; place very healthy; estimated 3,000 cords of wood may be cut thereon; price of land-limo at kiln 3X cents par bushel, and hood in Washington $9.50 per cord. Price, $2B per acre ; 11. S. scrip, or bonds of loyal States, or other good stocks, taken in payment. For cash, horses and wagon, all farming utensils, furniture, green grain, and provender, will be included in the price. Addre SAMUEL B, STAFFORD, HYATTSVILLE P. Prince George county, Maryland. jalo-13t* LARD AND GREASE.-50 tierces prime Leaf lard 50 tierces White Grease, Direct from the West, and in store. For salo by MURPHY & MOONS, - No. 148 NORTH WHARVES. RAIBINS.-300 boxes Layer 'Raisins ; 300 hall' loxes Layer Raisins; 800 boxes M B Bunch Raisins; 800 half bone. M B Bunch Ravine. New and choice fruit, now and for sale by MURPHY & ROOM.. - N0."146 NORTH WHARVES. E. S. EARLEY, irtraWIEHMG lINDERTAIIM, eouthwest con= of TIME( LA ison4WM "W= ....Sohn Mew. ...John Gilbert. ...Frarik-Dtew`. ....,...Jahu•Dren, .151r:Banray-Willtargia. .Wris. Barney Wriliamea