oximii, or wonid direct Alltottlor to the otateiheat ef the Neither,' Atententeis Oe ity, of Lon,' don, Itubtyitd itiddhiiyait ‘ur piper this IV. The iniddifis Plltbdelptds, far thts velldmowo iicd ondintesbly,eondneted tonna** are New& Getty and Lidded, 1it0.446 Chestnut street. -- • _ Lanais. ow Brits' LLOYD GAtiffISON.-. "ffo.morraw eve lake lecture on "'The War and: its Ito. tationaii, 'annoinied, to be_ ,Idellvered at the Spring Inett!rafis weretwwit orner. of .Bread and Sprinai Garden atenets, by WWtam Lloyd Garrison... We em it:libel ttei Interearfelt t y the admieers of this ultra pro. sgraadve in hie pre/ail view of *things' inteneral and the searlikpiiiiiialiw'-will be sufficient to attract a large an. 'Fait OLD BRANDTOh, 'MAMMAL Pun rroins.--lir: 0. 11. Nathan, dealer In-floe grandee., *a and Tenth etre** has now In state agennine artl %cote of,pare old_ brandy for medicinal purposes; also a ere* invoice of Madeira wine, of the celebrated "Bud" trend, which la highly- recommended by physidam for demands. :!Fci BPaitcOPAPissi..:-.Mr. F. F. Bostick°, in hit earl, on another moor to•daye paper, announces to the public that he hes taken the fins store No, 48 North Bluth street, whin he will be happy to lee his .ad customers. He has made extensive arrangements to supply tholain'the army with neat 'and compact moll, spine chests. THE BES/ONATION tIY GENERAL CAMERON.— The reeignation of General Cameron from the Cabinet Eat taken the country by smrprise, and tamers are rife to the causes which have brought about the change. Wadi; not pretend to Solve the mystery, and we only .now that the late Secretary of War has sent a private despatch to a friend in this city, saying that he would accept the mission to Russia, and that he would stop in Philadelphia on his road home to Lochiel, for the purpose - .3f,procuring a full outfit at the grown Stone Clothing Ball of Rockhill & Wilson, Goa 603 and 606 Chestnut street, startle Sixth. General C. has enjoyed abundant , opportunities of judging of tab excellence of the garments for &alert; and civilians made at this faminis establish. anent. MIRACULOUS ESCAPE.—One of the Now York idiot boats lately picked up off dandy Hook 'an ludla zubber bag, containing, as we are told by the daily pa vers, d a large number of Heralds, Timer. Tribunes, .Suns, and Worlds, of December 27'." How the bag 'could have remained slioat, with such a lot of dead welebt in It, was a puzzle to ns, until having made in• ;airy in the proper quarter, we ascertained there was a copy of a Philadelphia payer, containing the ailverthe meta of Charles Biota' One Price" Clothins Store in it, in the assortment. To, this circumstance, doubtless, the happy thudirnabove referred to owed its escape. ONE PRICE ONLY.—The fashionable cloth. ng temple of Granville Stokes, at No.- 600 Chestnut, to theonly establishment in the city where one prim only, nd this exceedingly low, is asked for garments. The Aothing manufactured at this popular emporium is ratade of the beetmaterlal in the market, and equal, If not superior, to that obtained elsewhere. Those who once patronize this Mammoth Emporium ere bore to return, ea they receive superior garments, Warranted in fit, fabric, and fashion, and on the mostremonable terms. Remerd- RUT the One Price Clothing Et, pot, "No. SOS Chestnut Istrtet. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. re IM FOURTH. PAGE AIIitIVICD. f l / 4 , hr Nary, Bodgera. 4 days from Bridgeport; Conn, %dill twine to David Cooper. Bki& Samuel Locke, Bweetmr, Live/ism), J I( Penrose Bark ChemWe, Farrell, Rio de Janeiro, P A Godwin.fi Sebr L B Myna, Semen, Fortress Monroe, Tyler, Stone & Co. - Saw Wm Wallace. Scull, Hampton Roads, do - 13chr George Patton. Tor/or, Dears Iland, captain. Saw Albion, Dldelback, Snow Hill, Md, do Str H L Gaw, Her, Baltimore, A Groyee, MINOR kIiDA. Behr II A Weeks, Godfrey. heneo for New York, was ran Into at 0 A M on Monday by tho bark Sea Eagle, off Reedy Island, and sunk on the bar, to that her rail is Hl sitde only at now water. The careo conslas of flour, iron, it., and valued at about $20,000, and Is mostly ht. cured—no Insurance on the rowel. Balk Poe laden, Wlnehester, 60 days from Marseilles, arrived at New York yesterday. The Pis bound to dos ton, but put into New York in distress. having blown away an entire suit of tails, and the ship leaking badly about the topsides. Was 21 days to the westward of Bermuda, with NW gales most of the time. 11 S steam transport nos Sparks, from Locust Point, at New York yesterday. . . Bchr David Faust, Jackson, for Port Royal, ola Fort acts Efonroe, cleared at Note York yesterday, ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS sr TO 12 o'ctiovi LMT !flour. I)ONYINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut sta. W la, r iron, Cincinnati, 0 1 Meyer, Cincinnati, 0 Mr B, nirou, New York B 1? Camp, New York `C Hal card , Buffalo 7 %Eng, Buffalo 'NT Tilden, Boston I, Lillie, Troy, New York ~Ma,: Now York W S atowart,' Philadelphia J . Melly, Lebanon N W Harknese_, New York 1 C Werke, BMA= Fit Marcy, Hartford - A Mayer, Cincinnati, 0 0 White, !Springfield, Mass Diego de Vi, o, New York Mr Field& la, filtrate .1 Bull, New York A Rose, New York - Ai It Wendell, Boston 0 N Uana, Boston B A Bancroft, Boston D Morrie, Milwaukee J Y Llveogood E Mott:Wort% Palmyra, N Y C A Vivaldi, W Troy Mrs Beveridge, Wash J'ilreJ F Coyle, Washington DM Homo, Scotland A Welch, Saratoga, N Y F Baron, Dimon Ii .11 Briggs, Banisburg L Kline, Lebanon G W Anatol:, New York R S Walker, New York L H To)lor & la, Maas Mrs Curtis, Mena If A Ftudo & la, Winspoit Dr C G Page, X 3 ,it ?Ire II L Chipman Mr Ma, to Ala, R I L J Phdlips Limit 0 K Cobo A I, Boston Res C F Knight, Boston F 0 Young, New York Mad Gallia*, New York Mr Velarde, Now York 4/K Earle, Worcester, Mass .1 IT Hayward, Baltimore "X Doom, New York E Kimberly, Buffalo Capt remenden, Li II A W .3 litreator, Ohio V' B Rhoades, Auburn, N I' 0 W Richemlson A I, Mau V S Darts A to, Mass Sire Clark, Maas 'W B Jacobs, Penns (I D Hastings, Connecticut 0 LI Bolton, Connecticut A P Hyde. Connecticut C Underwood, Connecticut A Ladd, Jr, Connecticut ' Sir Woman A Is, Now York Mite Denison, New York _ Mr Curtis, New York II N Gambill!, Woodbury ,If iii. Brigham, Maus '1 J Cleaver a: Nvf, hld G R Biddle A Is, Del W D Bishop, Conn d 3 McLean, New York J dt Dunbar, N York q Rusll, New. York _WA _,... - .... , :-La.c-s Nesv:sr—si.► - ' - A Archer, Canton +0 L Kichole, New York T B oddiugton, N York idisaCoddlueton, N York W Blake, New York V Corns's, Prot', it I 0 Birchen!, Limon 1k A Blrchard, Boston W C Simonds, Boston Mrs Ilhoada;N York Miss Rhoads, N York 'F B'Bobineon, Boston II 0 Beckwith A A Ifonner, Paterson, N J P Herron, Paterson, N J if P Thom, N Jr rser W S Regericame, N Jersey Broil Si Stcliwell, N Tort Mrs Col 1 E Varnuns, N Y John Ryder, New 'York 1 C Brandinckm, N Y Jilkigo , New York SO Trlppe, Prow, R I £ 5 Mann, Buffalo Oeo E Mann, Buffalo Judge Pierrepont, N Y F Morris, New York .. . . . . .. . Eiti Morgan Mrs Parcell .1 , 5 Kirtland, NOW York El J Leon, Now York J Hobart, Boston Wm W Colter Boeton Mrs W J Cutter, Boston , Mies Hobart, Boveon Mies Dunbar, Boston E Walsh & WI, lowa J Merriman, Dartford Et It Merriman, Hartford Beni If Nanterre & wf, N Y S 111 Shoemaker, Balt J T Williante, New York Wm Kent, New York N S Louge, England 11 , B Haseltine, St Louis Wto II Tnompson, Maine II M. Thompson, Maine John E Parker, New York NII Camp, New York I'J Tarr, Louisville, My Jlt Taylor, Brooklyn R W Moore, Brooklyn W II Reynolds, Brooklyn N Non, Brooklyn Isaac Randall C V .Aehhttry, New York J P Beatty, Conn It Bachelor, Coon 3 E Hooper & la, Balitm'e S Norris, Sprlngfield S NV Morn, New York C Gore, New York G NV Thorp, Z. ow York MN Pittkin, Dartford H Shellenborger, Harrlsb'g J II Willis, Now York V lit. Richard•, New York Mr Jouee, New 'York B Bartholomew, Pottsville MNRCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth st., below Arch. C McFarland $ la, Pa H nowse, Bucyrus, 0 Geo L Boyle. Lanett der Geo L Carrington, Cann John E Glen n, Lancaster co 0 8 Palmer, Rucks co 'rhos White, York, Pa F Studer, St Louis T. 13 Waddell, New York R L Thtquas, Maryland 'David Bair, Lancaster Mrs Slayronker, Lancaster Tars MeNatr, Lancaster A H Todd, Scow Hill, MU A Stillman.. Hazleton • J Howell, Nair York Aber, Non ark, N .T W Cornelius, Pike co -J Foster, Boston ADIRRIOAN BOTML-41beetnu6 at. above FM J II Jones. Summit RIR W it Crocker, Bprlngrd, 111. John S Lehr, Eldon F W Reeder, New Jersey Lt W C luholY. Ft Monroe J D Marshall, Lancaster Caleb Yohe, Bethlehem James Whaley, Maryland J Amer, New York W C Porter, New York Pit 'Edward., New York It A }loft. Reading BO Victor, BuffaloW Cooper, New York . Alt Selpt, Penns ' W Trent, Maine U C Clerk, Providence, 8I Paul Amour, Now York Al Pliulkutan, Phllada BT. LOVIS HOTEL—Chestnut st., above Third. It M Warren, New York JD Jones, New York W V Stuediford, N Y L Heebner, Pennsylvania 3 Posey. Pottsville d small, New York Tuner, Connecticut E A Converse, Conn G H NIP, Jobuetown R B Potter, New Jersey A Ames J M Heron k WI, Boston D Mott. r, New Jersey Capt J H Arndt, Pa TUE 17NION—Arch street, above Third. J W Reese, Maryland Ows S Faulk, Maryland W GPlaced, N Jersey - Mtss Gorsuch, N Jens,' F N Foust, Puusytvania N W Hurst, Now Jersey Miss L M Nuset, N Jersey C Wetdy, Myerstown Israel Lour die A I Palmyra C W Remington, N Jersey D Emitb, Beading Wm Bache, Bristol, Pot J A licEachion, New York L t 3 Cropper, Maryiand J DLrlin, CambridPe, 0 NATIONAL IMPEL—Nue street. above Third, R K Akins, Philade. X 11 LILICAO,MOWII 8 Trostll, Togelevillo Mee Haloes, Fogeterille Miee Weend. rogelsrille Capt hi or Swayer, Allent'n Cot T B Goed, Allentown Sol Swett'', CatsseteMA W B Waters, Pottsville - D Hooters. RlUvllle Wm II Mee, MUlvltlo - Mrs 0 Wlrktf, Allentown MrsH Bart, Catasanqua Cyrus Itlghtmyer, Bonding J B Groff, Lebanon - W B Howard, New York Cent Jameson, Camp Plerp't Wolleer, fiturver .1 H Thompson, Penns n 0 Donnelly, Minersville W Madman, Reston „W S Well, Allentown . . STATES DlTlON—Market street, above 81.1 th. Mies Williams, New York 0 - 0 Williams, Now York YJ Magee F Winemati, Pantos Lista 0 Brlmner, Penns- WOl Watt, Pittsburg Joe Rider, Pitteurg D M Henderson, Perms A P Debi. Chester Co .0 IS Smith, Pittsburg Pmell & mt, Sclilk Haven It P Doubar, Pittsburg L Smith, Port Royal, 8 0 WII Moore, Port Royal John Dmightrt,Yi Penn& 00111111ECIA1. - -Bixtb. Brea, skim" Chestnut. B Spear, Willa, Del L B Platt, Del co, Pa Dr W C Bomar, Penna W W anorewe, Cz6rd M Pennock, Wlllm Del John Way, Chester co John A Hopper, Maryland H Hopper, Maryland J M Baker, Cheltenham Nies St E fluddhoon, Dal Noma Woodward, Meet co A G N Perott, Newtown X C Walker, Llezaadrla, 'Pa Geo W V eider, Penns If ARAM SHBAY—becond street, below 11 In& Win Attleboro JT Dungen is las, Dustleton A 0 Vanhirance, Doylestown' A Backman, Newtown D Buckingham - nes N. Hartley, Penna K Pretz, Doylestown J 8 Large, Centreville B Drittom Lambertytho W P Maaid, Celebrity A 1111111myDOrlestown Kiss PhlUlpe, Doylestown Z 6 Ilugheth Buckingham T C Nesms, Bustleton Bee Xendisi Banknote At Kiss, Bridgeton, NJ .3 - Tmnti, Omit cr.. MA F Diller; Brooklyn I P Bich. Buckingham W UM, Buckingham - A J ramp; Doylestown mri, Large, Centreville ' Wan M Large, Centreville B Yell,'Solebery - .Jeme Pe f, Salsbury Hart Dye, Buckingham Border Wildman .. J Bobbing, Bucks co W Devlin n, Cheltenham _ . HOIIIIII—Second street, above Market. P 0 Doff, Lambertville - Wm Day, Pennsylvania Thee Bony, Huntingdon Jan A Charles, Penn'a T N Adams, New *Terser' 11 Monism Rocbmiter Dr Risley, New Jersey o AMID Third street, above HenowhilL A RlAenderbech, Pa Z H Long, Cat bon co Oso Levan ' Lancaster J C Forstqb, Ponna Witchter, Lehigh co John I' Kelm. Lehigh co 11) - ltrotht - i Byberry ' Borbek, Poona Tr Mutan t Penns ' W B eecepte, Eesten,'Pe ELAM Allat-4hird stied; - above Caliowhill.' H Umber, Tremont -, 0 &briber, Schuylkill co W Hamer, Penhabnra - John Hersh, Pennsbarg Ohne Money, Ramrod& _ John Stevens, Penni , T L HaraballagewJersey- W Keith, Berko co V Beide, Sontbampton ; John LukenA Southampton Woodward, Hmeland Wm %Feigner, Hereford E X Benner, euroneytown Geo Bomb, Southampton A Delp Doylestown Chas Heade, Somerton A /I Engle, Btonereviii• P Hertzoi,' Jacob &ninny, Baltimore A K Laird, Amityville MOUNT iirMilios HOTEI.- 7 110130nd lb. Arch, Bobt Ftnitb, Btirlington,li S George Ferguson, Detroit RAS Lyon, Middletown, W. Jos Drown, Middletown, 01 A K Conine, Middletown, (it Dr J Williams, Penns EICTZBIS pOllßli—Thlrd street, above Race. Henry Stun*, Penna Otas Hitch, Lancaster ffi White, 'Badgetop, N J SPECIAL NOTICES. DR. J. B. SCHENCK IN WASHINGTON. —On WEDNESDAY, the 16th instant, Dr. SCHENCK will be professionally at his Agent's, S. B WAITE'S, Corner SEVENTH Street and LOUISIANA Avonue. On THURSDAY, the 10th, in' Baltimore, at his usual place. On SATURDAY, the 18th, at his PRINCIPAL ORRICE, No. 89 North SIXTH Street, RiStadelPhis• On MONDAY, the 20th, In rew York. On TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and THURSDAY, the 2lst, 22d, and 23d, in Boston, and back home again on SATURDAY, 25th. Where, in each place, he will be happy to see per sona complaining w Rh diseases of the LUNG'', COUGHS, COLDS, LIVER COMPLAINT, or DYSPEPSIA. He gives advice free of charge, but when he makes a thorough examination with his RESPIRO ?ASTER his fee is $3. Soldiers wishing an examination will be charged $1 each. The Doctor also makes examinations without the RESPIROMETER without charge. j014.3t* UPHAM'S HAIR DYE, ONLY 38 CENTS A Wm.—Bottles larger than the Dollar Dyes. Colors in.. stantansonsly, and will not wash out. Try it. Sold only at LITMUS'S, 810 DUESTNUT Street. n027-methatn DR.. ROBERTSON'S GOUT AND REMIT— NATIO DROPS—The only reliable remedy for Rheum. tism, Gout, &o. Price $l. For sale by DYOTT & CO., No. 232 North 81CCOND Street, jal..tvrotf Depot for all Popular Netllctues ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OP THE LATEST Brass, made lathe Beet Kanner, expressly for RETAIL SATES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted eallsfac tery. Our Oag•Patca SYSTEM hi Meetly adhered to. All are tkeie4 treated alike. ee22.ly JONES A 00., 604 MARKET Street. H.ELICBOLD'S UNIVERSALLY APPROVED Bentriv.—Compound Extract Buchn cures Diseases of the Bladder, Rhine's, Gravel, Dropsy, Weakness, do. Read the advertisement in another column. not.l.ths DR. ROBERTSON'S VEGETABLE NERV OUS COBDIAL j or, NATURE'S GRAND RESTORATIVE. The great remedy for all Nervous Complaints, Debit!. ty, Prostration, Lowness of Spirits, &c. Price $l. For sale by DYOTT & CO., No. 232 North BECOND Street, Depot for ail Popular Itedlcinee , CARD PRINTING, BEST AND CHEAPEST In the City, at 84 South THERM Street 01:11131TLAB PRINTING, Bat and Chewyt in the City*, at 84 13enth TIMID Street. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Beat alga Cheapen In the OUT. at 84 South THIRD Street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every ogler &scrip- Mon of Printing, of the most imperior quality, at the moat reasonable rates, at ItINOWALT & BROWN'S, Drexell's Banding, 84 South THIRD Street. delo.tf MARRIED TOLMAN—LANG.—At West Chester, Penneylva nia, on the 2d Inst.. by the Rev. J. M. Crowell, of Phila delphia, aselated by the Rev. William E. Moore, of West Chester, Henry Tolman to Kate B. Lang, both of Phila delphia. OROCKFORD--GIDSON.—On the 10th of July, 1881, by the Rev. Geo. A. Durborow, Mr. Wm. P. Crocktowl, formerly of Mount Holly, N. J., to Mrs. Annie Gibson, of this city. * EARNEST--SMITII.—On Sunday, 12th instant, by Ray. John A. Mcliean, Alexander Osborne Barnost to Nise Nato Smith, both of this city. sk FOWLER—MORGAN.—On June 23, 1861, by Ald. G. W Williams, Mr. Nathan li. Fowler to Mite Mary G. Morgan, both of Moorestown, Burlington county, N. J. ik DIED woutoriuTT.—on the evening of the 13thinst., Wil liam Woodnutt, in the 70th year of hie ago. His relatives and friends nro respectfully invited to at tend his funeral, without further notice, from the house of Dr. John D. Griscom, Ito. 102 S Arch street, on Fifth day morning, the 16th Inst., at 1/ o'clock. [Cincinnati papers plersto SEWELL.— On Monday. the 13th Inst., Mrs. M. Eu genie Ben ell, glib of Capt. William I. Sewell. Due notice will ho given of the funeral. HORN —On the 12th inst., at his tesidence in Flour town, Montgomery county, Henry Horn, in the 70th year of his age. Blarelathes and male friends ..are respectfully invited to attend his funeral from St. John's Lutheran Church, Race street, above Fifth street, Phila telpbia, on Thorn day the 16th inst. Funeral services at the Church, o'clock precisely. Interment at the Woodlands Ceme tery. *** EAltrftlF.T.—On the 11th inst., lam Elizabeth, wife of 'Thomas Bonnet, In the 38th year oilier age. Funeral from the reableuco of her husband, N 0.438 Thompeen Street, 'eighteenth ward, thin (WednendaY ) af ternoon, at 2 o'clock. sk MINTES.—On the loth Inst., Elizabeth Dilutes, in the pltt year or her age. Fontiol front her late residence, N0..23 aray's alley, this (Wednesda) ) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. MAYER.—On the 14th lust, Mary Mayor, in the 83d year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her daughter, Mary Heyenthelerr, No. 956 Randolph street, on Thursday, 16th inst., at 2 o'c lock. ' HAI FIELD.—On the 13 , 11 inst., Douglass, eon of Dr. Nathan L. and Susenna 1. Hatfield, in the 16th year of his age., Funeral from the residence of his fathor, northeast corner of Franklin and Buttonwood streets, on Thursday afternoon, the 1811, Met., at 2 o'clock. tF BANCROFT.- , Oti the 13th lust . Eliza Lindsay, relict of tbo late John Bancroft, to Mond year of hor age. Funeral from the residence of..ltor - brother-M.lB*c emet v. Carpi-titer, No. 1140 north Fourth street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 9 o'clock. Gls BLOOD.—On the 121), inst. Hannah, wife of the late Caleb Blood, In the 14th year of her age. Funeral from her late residence. No. 907 Tasker street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. * CLARIDGE.—On the 12th Mnat Mrs. Eliza Claridge, relict of the late Philip Ingram - CI ..ridge Funeral from the residence of her son, Dr. W. IL Claridge, corner of Richmond and Palmer streets, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. CONDIFF.—On the 12511 inst., Mrs. Mary Condlir, wife of Mr. Albert Condit'', and daughter of Jacob Plague, agetP2B years. Fun ,a 1 from her parents' residence, Igo 618 Swan son street, below South street, this (Wednesday) after noon, at 2 o'cl o ck. HlLL.—Suddenly, on thellth instant, Mr. John Rill, Jr., in the 28th year of his age. Funeral from hie late residence, 621 Richmond street, (late Queen) above Palmer, Eighteenth ward, this ( Wed nesday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. 45 cOABE.—On the 18tit instant, Annie, wife of James McCabe, in the 24th year of her age. Funeral front her linsband's residence, 105 Carver street, Dd. (Wednesday) morning, at 10 o'clock. WILIE.—At Norristown, Pa., on the 12ta last., Jas. Wylie, in the OM year of his age. Funeral from his residence, Lafayette street, below Mill, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. MOURNING STORE,Dee.23. —BESSON it BON, No. 018 CHESTNUT STREET, offer for sale to-day, for cash— Black and White English Chintzes, 1234 to 150. do ENS Atlantic do 12%c. do Purple do do 1230. Grey and Black English do 12% e. Plain Black do do 12g c. Black and white imported De Laines, 12% to 14 cents. do Purple do do 18%c. Second Mourning Chene Mohairs, 12,4 cents. Black Repo A patella, 26 cents. doll ayMERCHANTS , FUNDb—THE ANNUAL meeting of the MEROffANTS' FUND bOaf ET Y will be held on TUESDAY AFTERNOON, the 21st Wet., at 4o'tlock, at the Booms of the 'Board of Trade. 603 OFFESTNUT Street. The Annual _Report will be submitted and an Election hold for officers. THOS. F. BRADY, Secretary UrPROF. F. A. ROESE'S LECTURES AND HEADINGS ON GEBMAN LITERA. TUBE. Sfeocd Lecture WEDNESDAY, Jan. 1.5, at 8 P. M., No 1222 ElLBERTStreet. Subject, Ft. Rueck tri. lt* [yrMA SO Pi I C NOTICE.—THE MEM BERS of Montgomery Lodge, Nn. lfb A. Y. If , the etticora and members of the Grand Ledge of Penn. evil ante, and the Order generally, are particularly in vited to attend the Morrill of their Mtn brother, P. M. HORACE N. ENGLISH. The funeral sill take place at Trenton, R. J., on WEPIIESDAY, (To , morrow,) the 15th hitt., at twelve o'clock 31. The care leave the Remington depot at 9.39 A.N.By order of the W. M. 7111 J. T. TROIA% Secretary. na.• AT A MEETING OF THE REPUB LICANS OF THE SEVENTH WARD, held THIS EVEN , NO, January 14,1802. at John Pat tenon's, corner of NINETEINTII and SOUTH, Alderman Geo. Nacho!' was called to the Chair and Janice Dick appoint ed &aviary. After the call for the meeting was read, the following tesolutions were offered and unanimously adopted : Resurrect, That we deem tho call fur the Election of Delegates!, issued Ly the Central Republican Club, as im politic and tinwlae at the present time, and an resumption of antboi lip by them, they not being a representative body, and representing only the individuals composing the Club. Besoired, That we, the Republicans of the Seventh Ward, decline to elect Delegates in accordance with the call of the Republican Club, and recommend a shatter course, and in the event of any of the Wards electing to night, they be requested to reconsider their action and to withdraw any Delegates so elected. . _ GROWTH PATOBELL,Prealdent JAMES DICK, Pecretary. January 14, 1882. 1. a 7 . OFFICE HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN RAILROAD COMPANY— (Box 2077.) =Ma=== At the annual woetiog of the Stockholders of the Mut inadon and Broad Top Mountain Kann ad and Coat Com rany, held this day, the following gentlemen were elected President and Directors for the ensuing year : For President—Leiria T. Wattaon. Por Directo• s—Dathruel Vrit.n, S Morris {Vain, John Derereux, D. Haddock, Jr., G. English, A. P. WI son, John Meanies, S. J. Christian, James W. Paid, William Cummings, Jame Long, Benjamin Marshall. It J. P. 41ERTSEN, Secretary. ErFAME INSURANCE COMPANY, PHI LADELPHIA, January la, MS% At an election held THIS b AY, by the Stockholders of the FAME ,INSURANCE COMPANY, the following gentlemen were olteted to nerve as Directors for the en suing year: Frauds N. Buck, • - Matt Richardson, Henry Lewis, Jr.; Alex. WhiUdie, Geo, A. Went, .. 0, W. Heels, I b Jno. Stern - inn. At the tneeting of Directors held thin 14th day of Ann , ary, HO, the following gentlemen - were unanimously elected officers for the current year: FRANCIS N. BUOY, President, CHAS. RICHARD lON, Vice President. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary, jalk-2t E. D. Woodruff. Jno, Hooter, Jr., P.P. Ju gine, Washlngton Jones, Charles Stokes, Jno. W. Eve,— PHILADELPHIA, JANUARY 13, 1802. —The annual meeting of the Steekholdera of the UNION CANAL COMPANY, of Pennsylvania, will ho held at No. 228 WALNUT Street, (Farquhar busditte,e on TUESDAY, February 4th, next, et II o'clock A. It) ja1441e4 0. TtIOMPSON, Secreterr. rirOFFICE OF TUE WEST PIIILADEL• DMA PASSENGER, RAILWAY COMPANY. PRlLAngLiqrl4, January 14, 1082. The Board of Directors of the Company have this day declared n Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the Capi tal Brock tenth() last stx months, payable on and after the 2.4 th instant. .The Books for the Transfer of Stock will be closed on the 15th inetoet, until the 2.lth instant. .4%15- wen3st WM. MARTIN, Js., Tretuutrer. THE PRESS. -PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 18G1 „ -- trrOFFICE FIHILADELPH(I4 AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY, PHILADBLPHIA, January 13, 1882. At the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders, hold this day, the following gentlemen; 'wore unanimously elected Directors for the ensuing year: VINCENT L. BRADFORD. EDWIN A. STEVENS, JOHN It. THOMSON, JAMES B. GREEN, ROBERT P. STOCKTON, WILLIAM 11. HART, WILLIAM IL HATEMER, CHARLES MAUA LESTER, JOHN DORRANCE, WILLIAM COOK, RICHARD SHIP P EN, WILLIAM S. FREEMAN. . _ And at a meeting of the Directors, held In the after noon, VINCENT L. DRADEORD Wee to-elected Pre sident, JOHN It. THOhltiON, Treasurer, and iMICS Monnatt., Secretary. It J. 1110ERELL, Secretary. or. DIULADELPIIIA, JANUARY 13, IS. 62. —At a meeting of the Stockholders of the THIS, IEENTR AND IMO YIENTH-81%1DETS PASSEN GER RAILWAY COMPANY, 'held TRIP DAY, at the 'Office of the &entail', the folloa lug gentlemen were elected as Officers for the current year : PIIB4IDENT, PRICE I. PATTEN. DIRCOTOII9, ROBERT ORURO GALAN, FRANCIS G. RICKLING, HENRY L. RORNBRRGER, GEORGE WILOAM% JOHN P rERREE. arPHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY, Office 221 Routh FOURTH Street. . PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 13, 1862. At an Election held this day by the Stockholders of this Company, the f, Sowing 'smitten on wore unanimous• iy elected allure for the ensuing Year: FUESIDRNT. CHARLES E. SMITII. WANAGERS, ASA W lin REY, S. M. FELTON, 11. PRATT MeHEAN, WM. SELLERS, JOHN 11. SOWN, A. E. BORIE. IRRASURETto SAMUEL Slt ADFORD SECRETARY, jal4•St WM. H. MAMLBENNY OFFICE OF THE GIRARD COLLEGE PASSENGER RAILWAY CO., Corner of CO• LUAIDIA and /tIDGE Avenues, PHILADELPUIA, Jan. 13, 1862. At a meeting of Stockholders of thoGIRARD COL. LEGE PASSENGICR RAILWAY COMPANY, held THIS DAY, tbo following gentlemen uoro elected as officers for Ito ensuing pear; PRESIDENT, E. B. EDWARDS. DIRECTORS, THOIASOI{ JONES, JOHN LAMBERT, WM. S. GRANT, HENRY OROSKEY, ANDREW A. BUTLER. SECRETARY AND TREASURER, jal4.6t WILLIAM R. BLIGHT. in--. OFFICE OF THE NORTH PENN• SY LVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, January 13,1002. At n meeting of the Stockholders of the North Penn sylvania Railroad, held TIIIS LAY, the following gen tlemen wore elected to serve for the current year. PRESIDENT. FRANKLIN A. COMLY. DIRECTORS. JOHN BROCK, JOHN JORDAN, JR., ALGERNON S. ROD Errs, J. GILLINGHAM FELL, S. MORRIS wALN, WILLIAM C. LUDWIG, ELLWOOD SHANNON, ED WARD C. KNIGHT, WILLIAM L. HIRST, ALF kED HUNT. 07. OFFICE OF TUE FAIRMOUNT AND ARON-STREET CITIZEN 8' PASSE NGEA naltwAy CO., No. 2562 CALLOWIIILIt Street— Philadelphia, Jan. 9, 1802. The Board of Directors havo this day declared a DIVIDEND of One Dollar per Share, payable to the Stockholder', or their legal representatives, on and after 3SIOItDAY, the 20th instant, at the Oflice of the Company. The Transfer Books will ho closed until the L'Oth inst. jal3-anwfOt .1140. T. I.A.NGE, Treasurer. . NOTICE.—OFFICE OF THE WY. 011IN0 CANAL COMPANY, No. 230 WeL -IvCT Streot, Philadelphia. Tho Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Wyoming Canal Company will be held at the Office of the Company, In Philafelphia, on MONDAY, January 20th, 1862, at 12 o'clock noon; for the Election of a Pro vident and Six Managers to serve for the ensuing year. Jalo , lmutt CHARLES PARRISH, Soc'y. arTHE FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CONTRIBUTOBA OP THE WOMAN'S HOSPITAL OF PHILADELPHIA will be held at the liekvital Building, North COLLEGE Avenue, and TWENTY-SECOND Street, on TITURiDAY, January 16, at 3 o'clock P. H. E. F. HALLWAY, - jal4-2t3 Secretary. try, WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON WILL Lecture, on ""Thu War and Its Relationa," at the Spring Garden Institute, northeast corner of BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets, THURSDAY EVENa ING, 10th (natant. at a nu trter of 8 o'clock; doom open quarter of 7. Tickets 25 cents; to be had of the Lecture Committee and at the ball. jal3-4t* ca-• OFFICE OF THE MINE HILL AND SCHUYLKILL HAVEN RAILROAD nom. PANY, PHILADELPHIA, lot Mo., 13, 1862. At n meeting of the Board of flf onagers, held 11th 'net, a Setni•annual Dividend was declared of FOUR ANO A HALF percent., (cone! to Two Dollara and Taenty-five Cents per share,) out of the prate of the Company's bu siness' pay able to the Stocicholdera or their legal repro sentatives on or after the 20th lust. The Transfer Book will be closed until the 22d inst. jai t2O WILLI 711. BIDDLE, Secretary ft: OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA. RAIL. ROAD CO.—DITILADELPIit 4, Jan. 11.1802. NOTICE TO STOCK fIOLDENS.—The annual Meet ing of the Stockholders of this Company will ho held on MONDAY. the third day of February, 1662, at 10 o'clock A.M.. at the SANSOIII-3TEEET HALL. The annual Election for Directors will be hold on MONDAY, the third day of March, 1862, at the Office of the Company, No. 238 South THIRD Street, By order of the Board. inlB-tle3 EDMUND SMITH', Secretary. TrPHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY, Office 22T Routh FOURTH Street, Peita.6ELnita,January 2, 1862. DIVIDEND NOTIOE—A dividend of seven per cont. on the Preferred Stork of this Eotnpany has been declared, payable on the 16th instant, free from State tax. Stochhold ors on the books of the Now York Agency Rill be paid at the 'carmen' Loan and Trust Company. Stockholders on the books of the Boston Agency mitt be paid at the office of fle.sers. J. It Thayer & Brother. ]a3-tl6 S. BRADFORD. Treasurer. tff. OFFICE OR THE PHILADELPHIA ultl'Paesenger-Rallalry Company. ZIOO cttaDT- N fOrret—January 6, 1862.—The Board of Directors bayo THIS DVY declared a ivid.•nd of ONE DOIALA.B. and FIFTY CENTS per share on the Capital Stock from the earnings for the past six months, payable to the Stockholders or their legal ropreseutiatives on and alter the 16th inst. The transfer books will be closed until the 10th Inst. 7a7.10t WM. W. COLKET, Secretary IrrOFFICE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA. COMPANY FOE INSURANCES ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES, 301 WALNUT St. PuttAnew - Inn, January 2,1862. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholder+ of this Com pany will take place at theft-office, 304 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, 20th Ina., at 12 o'clock M.; and at the same time an election will be held for thirteen Directors for the ensuing year. WILLIAM B. HILL, ja3•t2oit - Actuary. TrOFFICE HUNTINGDON ANDPROAD TOP MOUNTAIN RAILROAD CO. NOTICE.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Coal Company will be held at their Office, No. 218 South THIRD Street, on TUESDAY, the 14th day of January, 1862, at 11. A. 21., when an Election will be held for a President and twelve Directors, to servo for the ensuing year. .2. P. AERTSEN, de27-dtial4 Secretary. UTOFFICE OF "TILE DONALDSON lIIIPhOVEMENT AND RAILROAD COble IPANY," No. 276 South THIRD Street, Washington Buildings.—PioLADELPlllA, January let, 1862. NOTICE.—The Annual Bleating of the Share Holders of this Company will be held on THUM .I.Y, the 231 day of January, 1862, between the hours of 12 and 2 E. Af , for the election of Directors to serve the ensuing year, end for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. ja2,2,16,20,23* ALBERT B. ECKEL, Secretary. 07, OFFICE OF THE FAIRMOUNT AND ARCII•STREET CITY PASSENGER RAIL WAY COMPANY. rITILADIMPITIA. SMI. 13, 18M. At the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, held this day, the following-named persons were unanimously re-elected to servo for the ensuing year: PRESIDENT, CHAS. D. DUNGAN. snw:4)ns, JOS. M. OARDEZ fi, FREDERICK FA/RTHORNE, D. T. PRATT, ISRAEL PETERSON, RICHARD PETERSON. jal4•tntheBt JNO. T. LANGE, Secrotary ErAT A MEETING. OF THE STOCK. HOLDERS of the GIRARD F. and H. IN bUItANCE (3011 IPA NY, held at their Office, No. 415 'WALNUT Street, TUESDAY. the 7th instant, the fol lowing gentlemen were elected Officera ned lirectors for the ensuing year : DIRECTORS, Charles I. Dupont, bd., I P. S. Hee, N. Y., Furman Sheppard, Win. N. Swain, John W. Gingham, Jor. Walker, Li in. 0. Rudman, Pr. Joseph Klapp, N. 8. Lawrence, David Doi d, Jr., 0 F. livozloth John Thormay, A. Bort, John Supplee, TIIO, AS President ILLETT, Vice Prodidont. • TY• jal4- turm-fIL A. S. a JAS. B. ALFORD. Secrota orOFFICE OF THE MAHANOY AND BROAD MOUNTAIN RAILROAD CO 61PANY, o. 258 South TIMED Street, January 12, 1862. . . At the election for Officers of the blaliatioy and Broad Mountain Redrew] Company, held Tall 3 DAY, the fol lowing gentlemen wire elected President and Directors for the ensuing y ear : PRESIDENT, JOHN P. BROOK. DIREOTOPS. John Bancroft, F. B. Knercher, Henry 0. Gibson, John H. Towne, George O. Potts, Charles E. Smith, . S. BROOK, Secretary. Bard Patterson, John Brock, John Gibson, Davis Pearson, J. Dutton Steele, Joseph 8. Lewis, jel4-tarths.3t* gra OFFICE OF THE RELIANCE MU• TUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHI LADELPHIA, JANUARY 11, 1862. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of SIX PER CENT. on the capital stock of the company, and on the certificates of profits outatanding, for the year ending December hlst, 1861, without deduction for State Tax, payable in cash to tho Stockholders, on and after the 16th inst. Also, a Dividend of EIGHT DER CENT., parable pro rata on the capitol stork and premiums earned, nut of the profits of the company for the year ending December 31st, 3801, for which - certificates of profits, bearing into. rest, will he delivered to the stockholders, and to the in sured entitled to receive the same under the provisions of the charter, on and after the 23d inst. No certificate will be leaned for any less onto than ten dollars, nor for any fractional part of one dollar. Sums less than ten dollars and not lees than one dollar, aro credited to the insured on the books of tho Company, and if, within any period of ten years, the mid credits amount to ten dollars, certificates therefor will be issued. Certificates of profits are liable, qua try with the cap. tat stock, for the losses and engagements of the Compa ny, and may be converted into capital stock at any time, at the option of the holder. D. IL lIINCIIMAN, fal4-tuthslOt Secretary. ux• OFFICE OF THE RELIANCE MU TUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILA DELPHIA, Jan. 8, 1862. Tho Anneal Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will ho held, in pursuance of the Charter, at the Office, No. 808 WALNUT Street, at 12 o'clock M. on MONDAY, the fid day of February next. And an Election for Twenty Directors, to serve for the ensuing year, will be held at the enure place, on the day named, between 12 o'clock 111. and 2 o'clock P. M. jao-thstutfe3 B. M. lIINCIWAN, Beciy. tap OFFICE OF THE FRANKFOR D AND SOUTHWARK PHILADELPHIA CITY PAS , Eir.NGER RAILROAD COMPANY, WORKS (late Chatham) Street, below Fourth. nitcaant.mtra, January 2, 1862. The Bonn' of Directors have this day ikelared a divi dend of Three and One-half Per Cent. on the Capital Block, out of the earnings for the past six months. Una ble to the stockholders et lheir legal representatives on and after the 16th Ina. The tynnsierbooli .4111 ho closed until the 15th lust MIAS; B. ABBOTT, Secretary orTHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of the FARMERS' WESTERN Isle BRET COMP: NY will be held at the WESTERN DIARKET HOTEL, N 0.2129 MARKET street, oa FRI DAY, the nth instant at ft o'clock P. kt, to elect alters for the coning year. J. W. SHIES, Ja., ja.9.Btit Secretary. (r. - FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, Office No. 40#3 CHESTNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, January 6, 1862. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Fame Insurance Company, bold this day, a semi-annual Divi dend of Three per cent was declared, payable on and after the Bret day of February, 1862. jaitfehl WMB. T. BLANCHARD, Beceetary. ErrPHILAD E LP II lA, DEUMBER 20th, 18131.—The Anuual bleating of the Stock holders of the LOCUST Mo lUNTAIN GOAL AND IRON CON PANT will be held at their Office, No. 230 South TRIED Street, OA MONDAY, the 20th day of January, A. D. 1862, at ll o'clock A. IM., when an Election will be held for item Directore, for the ensuing year. The transfer book of the Company will he closed for fifteen days previous to thu day of election. de2l-tja2o JOB. 0. 4^OPPIJCII, Secretary. 07- OFFICE OF THE MARANO( AND BROAD al PUNTA IN RAILROAD COMPANY, atiti South 2 lIIRD Street. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany arid be hold on MONDAY, deanery 13th, 1862, at 1 o'clock P. 11., at the Wilco of the Company, at which time and place an election will be held for a President and Twelve Directors to sorra the ensuing year. ' d3O-mf6t* It. S. BROOK, Secretary. 17G. APPEAL FOR THE SUFFERING POOR.—Hundreds in our city are now suffering tram cold, hunger, and sickness. That loathsome and appalling disease, small-pox, prevails largely at present among the destitute. "THE HOME MI.SION.k RY SOCIETY OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA" appeals most earnestly to the public to furnish the 'id necessary to enable Its agents to relieve thin want and distress. Ihie Society hoe been laboring among rho poor of this community for twenty-six years, and many thousands w hom it has aided by its timely WPM ince and counsel can testify of its * efficiency and success in this very important monk. Daring the last sown years it. has sent to g )od homes in the country no less than eight hundred and four eliffdren—the offspring, meetly, of drunken p tr*blp—and nearly all of them have done well Donations of money, bows Ter small, may be sent to the Treasurer, Mr. THOS. T. MASON, No. 434 MAR KET Street. Don Miens of fud, food, and clothing will bo very ac ceptable at this time, and may be sent to the (Dice, No. 42 North FIFTH Street, or they will 00 called for on a nate being addressed to Mr. JOHN P. ARRISON, same place. GEORGE H. STUALT, Preddent. ISAAC R. intim vice premont. R. K. HOFFLICE, Secretary. ja7-tatheilt JAMES S. EARLE SOl4, INANUFAOTURERB AND nlrolsTvo_ o LOORIN( G-LASSto,S:' EARLE'S GALLERIES, 816 CHESTNUT STREET, tiV ANTED—For the Lancer Regiment, now in Washington, a few YOUNG MEN. Apply at the Western Hotel, No. 828 MARKET Street. jal3.3t* WANTED-I—For the Regiment of Lancers, Colonel Rush, now in Washington, a few YOUNG MEN, front 21 to 27 years of age, and not less than 6 feet 7. Apply at the Western Betel, No. 826 MARKET Street. 1a13.3t* UNITED STATES MARINES.- Wanted, immediately, for the United States Marine Carps, THREE HUNDRED ABLE-BODIED MEN for eea rvice, between the ages of eighteen and forty years. All information that may be required will be given at the Rendezvous, 311 South FRON p Street, below Spruce. JAMES LEWIS, Captain, 1a342t Recruiting Officer. OIL! OIL!! OIL!!! HULBURT & BRODHEA.D, Having opened a General Depot for the Sale of Extra Refined and Lubricating COAL OILS, would alt the special attention of dealers and consumers to their refined ILLUMINATING OIL, as it possesses merit beyond any thing heretofore offered in this market, being entirely free from that gluey substance and bad odor millet' characterize that commonly sold in this market, produces no smoke, and is free from ell explosive propertter. WY Orders from City or Country promptly at tended to. 1e15.1m COAL OIL I COAL OIL! GEORGE W. WOOTTEN, NORTH AMERICAN OIL CODIPANY BI6NUFACTUREI2B- 08 COAL OIk~ .4 ND Rs SINERS Or COAL AND OARDOX , OILS. WM. F. JONNSTON, Pri.sident, GEO. OGDEN, Secretary. Ale°, Agent for BEMIS, JUDSON, dc DEEPS, Patent Glass Cones for Lamps, and wholesale dealer In Dith ridge's Patent Oval (tire -proof) and Eastern Flint-Glass Chimneys, Lamps, 6m. Burnam to burn Coal Oil with out Chimneys. Cash buyers or prompt payers an respectfully invited to examine our stock. no2l-2•a PORTLAND KEROSENE OIL. We aro tow prepared to oupPl7 Lhle BTANDAIID ILLUMINATING OM AC GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Z. LOCKE dr. CO., SOLI AGENTS, 1010 KARIM MEM, t02.0m PofMPlehja DIARIES. Pecemnen 26th, 186 L WILLIAM F. MURPHY & SONS, It* 339 CHESTNUT STRCEI PARIS CORSETS. Just received from Paris the Worley Corsets nod Paris. made Cor sets, all sizes, !arse nod small, at Mrs. STEEL'S, TENTH Street, below CHESTNUT. (IET COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS VI for 81, nt REIMER'S GALLERY, SECOND Street, above Green. The popularity of those pictures are the best test of their excellence. ICK ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUI PAGE oy FlDE—Pima DELMIIA, Jon. 14, 1802— PROPOSALS aro Invited, and will be received at this office until 10 o'clock A. U. on THURSDAY, the 21th instant, for One Hundred Tin:mewl Yards of all-wool SACK FLANNELS, Indigo-blue, wool dyed, twilled, fifty-four inches wide, and weighing ten ounce; per yard. All bids must be endorsed "Proposals for furnishing dart -blue flannel," and be fuldressed to G. 11. CROSMAN, iitls- (24 Deputy Quartermaster General, w'S BROWN WINDSOR, HONEY, GLYCERINE, AND OTHER FANCY SOAPS, BRUSHES, AND PERFUMERY. NOTICE TO THE TRADE.—The firm of LBW, Son, Itenbow, 330 Strand, London, is this day dissolved by IA111181°1! of time ' awl the business will, in future, be continued at the same address under the firm of HOBERT LOW, SON, & HAYDOII. Mr. Hayden has boon practically engaged, for upwards of twenty years, In the manufacture of the above ante:es; for a considerable time he has most successfolly repro- FeLtell the Into firm, and is thoroughly conversant with wry branch of the business; this fact, coupled with the intimate knowledge of the trade for upwards of forty years of Mr. Low, the oentor partner, will be a sufficient guarantee that the high reputation of these manufactu rers will be fully maintain...al. 330 STRAND, LONDON. Ducey her 31, 1861. jalgswsGt Q.CBENCE'S MANDRAKE PILLS 1...) FOR SICK HEADACHE-ITS 81(61PTO51S, AND CURE, This has received Its name from a constant nausea or ',fatness at the stomach, which attends the pain in the head. Tide headache is apt to begin in the morning on waiting from a deep sleep, and when S3lllO irregularity of diet hoe been committed on the day before, or aometimes for seven al days previous. At first there Is it distressingly oppressive feeling iu the head, which greduatly tnerges into a severe heavy pain In the temples, frequently at tended by a sense of fullness and londerneits in one eye, and extending ammo the forehead. 't here is a clammy. Implement taste In the month, an olliqedve break'', and the tongue covered with a yellowish white fur. The suf ferer desires to be alone In a dark room. As Soon as the patient We that fullness in the head and pain In the temples Mkt a large dose of SCHENCK'S HANCE MO PILLS, and in en hone or two they wilt feel an well es ever This has teen tried by thousands and tawny,' mire to cure, and instead of the nick headache coming on overt circle or len days, they .111 not be troubled with it once In three months ECM:NCRS MANDRAKE PILLS are composwl of a number of roots, beefees Podoplitiln or concentratiol 31andruke, all of which tend to relax the aecrotions of thin User, and act moro prompt than blue mils or morello', nod without leaving any dangerous effects. In a 1)11101.14 Person they will show themselves DY the stools They IN lit ( xyel worms, mucous bile, and all morbid matter front the eyetem. In al,k headache, if they aro taken as ditectell above, (a full dope as noon as they Del the first f)nuttoms of It,) Dr SCIIENCK will, and has dttected Ins qigewts to i eiluill the mono if they do oat glee perfect Nitislaction. If a Pol - son has been compelled to stay out lota at night and drink too much saint., by taking a doss of pills on going to bed, next morning he will feel as though he had not drank a drop, unless ho forgets to go to bed at all Prepared only by Dr. J. H. 80111ACIC, and for Halo wholesale and retail at his Principal Office, No. 30 North RIXTII Street, Philadelphia, Da. Also, by Druggists and Dealers everywlure. Price ..15 cents per box. N. D. WAITE, corner SIWP.NTII Stroet and LOUI SIANA. Avenue, Agent for Washington city. Jal.s.3tit* MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of writ of PM°, by the Hon. JOHN ()AIM RaiA DEB, Judge of the District Conti of the United Statue, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad miralty, to Ina directed, will be Fold, nt public sale, to the highest and beat bidlit.r, for flash, nt thelf.L'lloll ANTS' EXCHANGE. on MONDAY, January 27th, 1562, at 12 o'clock M., the five sixteenth, part of the Schooner ELLA, her Made, apparel, and furniture. The wooed is tom lying at House's wharf, lttehmoral V; IL LIA.III MILLNY ADD, U. S. Mundial }L D. of Penren. PHILADRI,PRIA, Jantigry 14, 1861 .i4lB-6t LADIES' lIAIR-DYEENG DONE In beautiful style, at FOURTH and BRANCH, jals-if if LOOKING GLASSES OIL PAINTINGS, FINE ENGRAVINGS, PICTURE AND PORTRAIT FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CARTE-DE-VISITE PORTRAITS, PHILADELPHIA MILITARY NOTICES. ILLUMINATING OILS NO. 240 ARON STREET, 38 SOUTH SEOOND STREET, AGENT FOR TUE 1 8 0 2, . NEW PUBLICATIONS THE NEW MAGAZINE ! CONTINENTAL MONTHLY, FOR FEBRUARY, IS ISSUED! ENLARGED SIXTEEN PAGES CONTENTS MIL SEWARD'S PUBLISHED DIPLOMACY. An article which moaners two questions of vast im portance to the American people at this time, viz: What are Mr. Seward's views respecting England and the emergency of a war with hor 7" and a Will he exhaust negotiation before proceeding to hostili ties 7" OUR WAR AND OUR WANT. By Charles GotWray Leland. BROWN'S LECTURE TOUR. By a Lecturer. THE WATCHWORD TINTS AND TONES Or ?ABM. By "[wary T Tuckerman, Xsq.' TELE TRUE BASIS SELF-RELIANCE. By Geo. S. Burleigh THE HUGUENOT FAMILIES IN AMEBIGA. By lion. G. P. DiffOIEM ay. THE BLACK FLAG. THE ACTRESS-WIFE. An interesting Story. 111...A.C1c WITCH'. A Story of Early Tiraohi n N ew p e omd. uy J. Warren Now romp, Jr., editor of 't NFIT l!'1 • Yel F'`thldßUSh" BESURGADIUS. A Pona. By henry P. Leland AMONG THY. IG.NEI3. A Grm'MO Picture of Southern Life. By the author of "The flot.ton State 3." FREEDOM'S sTilig. JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL. An impartial Critique. By the author tf the brilliant Essay on Ralph Waldo Emehon, in our last number. ON THE PLAINS. By Hon. Horace HreeleY. SEVEN DEVILS. An Arabian Night's Story. By Rev. F. W. Shelton. THE HEIR OF noszToN. Ey "A Distinguished Author," who essayed to write a rocaleru novel, and stopped abort to the middle of it. OUR DANGER AND ITS CAUSE. By Ron. Georg° S. Boutwell, ex-Governor of ftLissachmetta. LITERARY NOTICES AND EDITOR'S TABLE. J. R. GILMORE, 110 TREBIONT STREET, BOSTON FOR SALE DY ALL NEWS DEALERS. It SAFEGUARD ENVELOPES Just published, SAFEGUARD ENVELOPES, buff and white, admirably adapted to prevent miscarriage of letters and relieve the dead letter office; useful to the business man, the soldier, and every correspondent. For bale by the stationers generally, and wholesale by JOHN P. CHARLTON, Static ners' Warehouse, 32 South FOURTH Street. )1114.3t* ( - IHOWE CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. A new copy from the original painting of T. Bu chanan Read, F.. 811, of PROF. LONGFELLOW'S CHILDREN, In Card form, for the Album. Also, Pbotograpbs of Barley's celebrated painting of THE COURTSHIP OF umEs STANDISH. Also, WHITTIER'S "BAREFOOT BOY," and Itlits IL F. GOOLD'I3 "LITTLE MATOII GIRL," Companion Pictures, painted by C. Swain. Also, the Popular Pictures of BARRY'S "RECTOR'S WARD," LO'GFELLOW'S ~ HIAWATHA'S WOOING," LONGFELLOW'S ~ EVANGELINE," GUIDO'S "BEATRICE CENCI," BARRY'S "'MAUD MULLER." Wo will pay Fifty Dollars for information that shall lead to the conviction of any person copying our valua ble cop} -right w orks. We have a great j ar let y of popular subjects, including distinguished persons, American and Foreign, of which we hill send a list If desired. Pi ice, 25 cents each, post-paid IR^ Pl 3 OTo ICA Pll ALBUMS-19e manufacture fifty styles, of impros ed - pattern 13, from very low prices to the finest. These see claim to be the best awl cheapest is the market. J. E. TILTON & CO., Jail. tutbs3t Boston. HOLIDAY BOOKS AND PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS SELLING AT VERY LOW PRICES. W. G. PERRY, Bookseller, d020.1m S. W. Corner FOURTH owl LACE DIARIES FOR 1862. GREATEST VARIETY,AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES BUY OF THE PUBLISHER. WILLIAM. G. PERRY, Publisher, de2o-Ins S. W. Corner FOURTH and PAO& FINANCIAL N EW NATIONAL LOAN. OFFICE OF JAY COOKE /4 CO , BANEERS, i No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, S Tbo 7 3-10 per cent Treasury Notes] of all denomina tions, of the second issue of Fifty Millions, dated Octo ber Ist, are now roads to deliver to purchasers, at the office or J. COOKE, SUBSORIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD. 7 3-10 TREASURY NOTES BOUGUT AND SOLD. QUARTERMASTERS' CERTIFICATES DEALT IN. ja2-lm DREXEL & 00. $3130 0 -A FIRST-CLASS DI • proved GROUND RENT of Oda amount [or sale, at a liberal discount. Apply to E. PETTIT, Sal No. 809 WALNUT Street. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS PATENT McGLEET.AN TIES. PATENT McOLELLAN TIES. PATENT MCCLELLAN TIES. PATENT MCCLELLAN TIES. PATENT McCLELLAN SCARFS PATENT McCLELLAN SCARFS PATENT McCLELLAN SCARFS AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S I AT J. A. ESHLEMAN' AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S AT J. A. EMI LEMAN' 8 AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S ! AT J. A. ESHLE NAN' 8 AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S AT J. A. EMI LEMAN'S NORTHWEST CORNER OF SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PIIILADELPIILA P. 8. The above articles, being PATENTED, cannot be obtained elect% hero. P. B. N 0.2. Furnishing Goods, in every variety. P.B. No. B. PATENT ENAMELLED COLLARS, L 0 FOR A QUARTER NEW FIRMS AND CHANGES. 1862. Merchants and Piddle Institutions supplied with . BLANK BOOKS Of all sizes, made of tho best LINEN PAPERS, And warranted durablo. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN STATIONERY lu great variety. LETTER, NOTE, and DILL PAPERS. TRIPLE-EXTRA GOLD PENS. LETTER. PRESS and LITHOGRAPH PRINTING. WM. F. MURPHY Ss SONS, PRACTICAL BLANK-BOOK MANUFACTURERS, COUNTING-HOUSE STATIONERS, PRINTERS, AND LITHOGRAPHERS, 339 CHESTNUT STREET. de-4 -ird.2in NOTlCE.—Application will be made to the 'Board of Directors of the Morrantilo Library for renewal of Certifleato of Share of Stock No. 3,910, same having been lost or mislaid. j014.3t* ANTI -FRICTION METAL, Superior quolity, For sale by JAMES YOGOM, MUNKEIt'S AL DFX, jnl3.2:nit 13ct. Front and Second, Ilet, nod Arch eta GEORGE HALFMAN, SHOVEL AND SPADE MANUFACTUIttiII, CORNER OF BREAD AND QUARRY STREETS, pir.34sin* het. Arch and Race, and &cowl and Third. O LD LEAD-8 barrels just received per mcbooner Attalla, for Ai& 11 8:0 by JAIIRET(3IIARSTALREI, no 7 70'2 and 204 South FRONT Street RETAIL DRY GOODS. BLANKETS AND QUILTS. A full line of desirable sizes. Heavy and light twilled Blankets. Imported Blankets, nearly square. • Marseilles Counterpanes, new designs. Single bed, crib, and cradle Blankets. Superb quality large white Quilts. ALSO, Lace nod tamboured muslin curtains Selling at low prices to close the stock. Cloth embroidered and painted Covers. Plano Covert!, and large au! email table Marconi', Damask, Linens Shootings, Towellings, Crash, Furniture Coverings. Muelfu Shirtings, Sheeting's, Flannel,. SU aftPLESS BROTHERS, JaIS CHESTNUT and xicant Streets GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO THE LADIES. LAST CHANCE. POSITIVELY FOE THIS WEER ONLY THE REMNANTS OF CUT GOODS PRICE. PERRIS, 8e Co.'s WILL DE OFFERED, AT A GREAT REDUCTION, FOR THIS WEEK ONLY, At the Store, N 0.1024 CHESTNUT St., I=l of Jaconeta i ClatAbrica s and Mills REDINANT4 of Nainsoolo, nod another White Goode. lIEEINANTB of Linens, IllnleeTes, Table Damasks REBtIiANTS of, and all kinds of Linen Goods REMNANTS of Veleneienne, Bilk, and Blonde Laces RESINANTB of Cambric and Swiss Edging, Irtertings, and Flouncing& OM- AND ENDS . ju Towels and Napkins ODDS AND ENDS in Ladlea` tal gonte Linen Tiandkor chiefs, of all lands". CITES AND Elnis In Folnter Ince, And rotate Applique, Hoot ton, finite., Valencionne, and Embroi dered Collars, Sots, 'Handkerchiefs, Capes, Coiffures, Barbee, ac. ODDS AND ENDS in Dingle Rutflee, Infant's Embroidered Waists and Robes, and a great variety of other articles, comprising a general assortment of LINENS, WRITE GOODS, LACrES, AND Ladies should avail themselves of this last oopprtunity , of buying these Goods at less than half their value as this Store will positively close on Saturday next. JOHN A. MULLEN, jal4-5t AGENT. REDUCTION. THOS. W. EVANS & Co. ABE NOW CLOSING OUT THE BALANCE OF THEM WINTER STOCK OF CLOAKS AND DRESS GOODS, AT GREATLI REDUCED PRICES. jal4.3t 818 and 820 CHESTNUT Street. CHEAP SEAL SKINS. BLACK CLOTHS, HEAVY CLOAKINGS, CASSIMERES, BOYS' WEAR. COOPER & CONARD, B. E. CORNER NINTII and MARKET BTB tile-m.4lm WHITE GOODS, FOR LADIES' WEAR. HOSIERY, VESTS, &M—All descrhi- Pony and heat Makes Cnmbric, intone; French, Dalin, Swiss, Muth Book, and English Muslims, French Linen Cambrics, Dimities, Tarleums, Natnnooks. and Organdies. Also, Cotton and Merino Hosiery, Vests, &c., of the most approved regular makes SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, jal3-3t No.looB CHESTNUT Street. BALMORAL SKIRTS.—The subseri hers have received en invoice of floe Balmoral Aide, oh low pricter. SHERFABD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, jal3-3t No. 1005 CHESTNUT Street. MEN'S WEAR,-BOYS' WEIR. 50 to 75. cent Union Cassimores, Satinets, 6'c. Catelimeres; best in the market. $l3O Cassimeres ; beet in the market. $1.25 Cassimeres; beet ever sold for the money Black Clothe r Ladies` Wear. Black Broadcloths for Men's Wear. Seine Bargains in our Cloth Stock. Tailors' attention is Invited. COOPER. Ai CONARD. jag B. E. corner NINTH and MARKET CLOAKS AND SHAWLS Reduced in Price. Cool Stock of Cloaks. Blanket Long Shawls Cheap. Black Ththot Shawls Cheap. Black Blanket Sayan, Shawls for $l. Brodie Shaa le at half price. COOPER & COWARD, jag S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Ste VYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCII, open to•dap, R fri eh ansortmont of Double•fnccd Black Figured Silks, Solid Colored Brown Figured Silks. MRCP, Modes, Green, end Purple Silks. EYRE & LANDELL keep the very lietivioi.t Plain Black Dress Silks. Itcavy•bordered Stout Block Salo. Wldow's Silks, ulihout gloss. Rich Plain Silks, for city trade, jog S2.SOBALMORAL SKIRTS, full size. Balraorale Wholesale. Bahnorole jot; EYRE & LANWICLL. EDUCATIONAL DICKINSON COLLEGE GRA M- A., NAR SCHOOL—A. F. MULLIN, A. M., Prin. cipul —Founded in 1776, is one of thetoldest and most thorough Classical Schools to the country. The Scholar. ships, heretofore limited to the College classes, aro avail able now for the Grammar School also. Winter Turin opens THURSDAY, 16th Jiinuary. H. N. JOHNSON, President. Carlisle, Penna. jai-malt HOW.AItD & HARNDEN EXPRESS. REMOVED TO 607 CHESTNUT STREET, NEXT DOOR TO GRANYILLE STOKES. FREIGHT, MONEY, &to., forwarded to all points NORTH, SOUTH, EOM, and WEBT. Having opened no Office in WASHINGTON, we shall give special attention to freight fen that City and vicinity. Jastuary 7, 1862. ja7-1m ARMY TENTS-200 for sale by jal3•l2lf PROTIIINGLIARI k WELLS TRussES! BRACES ! ! SUP PORTERS!!! O. 11. NEEDLES, S W. corner RACE and VW - ELVER Streets, Phila., Practical Adjuster of Trusses and Mechanical Appli ances, has constantly on hand a large and varied stock et elegant French Trusties, and a complete assortment of best American. English and American Supporters and Dolts t Shoulder Braces. Suspensories, Syrinpet in great variety, French POSVITIOEI, Ac. Ladies' Department conducted by Ladles, TWELFTH Street, first door below Race. n027.113m FINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The subscriber 'a ould invite attention to his IMPROVED (JUT OP SRI %I'd, Which be makes a specialty in his business. Also, con stantly receiving NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAN. J. W. SCOTT GENTLEMEN'S FERE 16131NG 'STORE, IVo. 814 CHESTNUT 4TRETT, ja9-tI Four doors below the Continental. RESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, JL AT WAIT PRICES, of Looking-Olasses, Engravings, and fine Frames, at GEO. F. DENKERT'S, No. 5.13 ARCH Street. jal-tRf TTA M S pieces sugar• cured cuy-Brnoked limns for solo by C. O. BADLEfr & CO., In 9 MR Street, 2nl door attoro Front, xrisußA.ricz COXPANIES. TrNION MUTUAL INSURANCE ILJ COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA. STATEMENT OF THE AFFAIRS OF THE COMPANY. Pretofurna from January 1, 1863, to January I, 1802 E 180,006 00 Premiums earned on marine and inlaid . . deka during the year ending as above Received from interest on investments.. Losses, return premiums, re-insurances, es• roenses, and cummlbsions $1.60,349 114 ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, JANUARY 13, 1861 D 6,060 Pennsylvania 5 per cent. loan. 10,0(0 Rudd Oda city 6 per cent. loan. 7,000 city of Pittsburg 6 do do 7,000 ro 5 do do 41,020 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company 6 percent. bonds. 14,610 Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company, 6 per cent.londs 5,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad 6 per cent. bonds. 117 ewes Phibutelphia Bank, 100 shares North Pommy lettufa Railroad Company. . r. 88 shares Delaware 3111Aual Saviug ItteuranCj Co. 45 'bares Delaware Railroad Company, 10 abarea Penn ` sylvania Railroad Company, 20,e67 certificates of profile auudry Mutual Insurance COMM] iOB 6100,000 00 Estimated unbent value_ 100,000 00 Casb In bank 18,818 90 Bills receivable 61,088 63 Duo the Company for unsettled pro- MUM, nalvages, and other ac counts 46,607 25 At a meeting of the ecripholders of the Union Mutual Insurance Company of Philadelphia, held at their office January 33. 1802, the following gentlemen were elected to rare as Directors for three years: Richard 8 Smith, Henry Samuel, James R. Campbell, Charles 'Wheeler, Charles Vezin, Gilbert H. Newhall, Bins Yarnell, Thomas Daliett, woo, WITH B. Destottet, Edward L, Clark, A. E. Scale, George Lewis, Francis Tete, David Salomas, , John IL Irwin, t 11. K. Robinson. Newbury di. Smith, Samuel C. Cook, William C. Kent, G. W. Bernadoo Fleury Lewis, Jr., Wm. S. Baird, J. P. Steiner, . Thomas Carstairs, Constitute the Board of Directors, RICHARD S. 8 }SITU, President. JOS. COLLISON, Secretary. jals..tit STATEMENT OF THE NORTHERN At.STIRANCE COMPANY, LONDON, as at 31st January, 1881, made in compliance with the law of Penn tylvenia: CAPITAL fiTOCE: $0,288,800 00 ASSETS. . . Value of Real Eatate held by the Company. $119,172 13 Cash Deposited in Banks 224,608 38 Cash In bands of Agents and lu course of transmiadon 282,112 38 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages.. 333,581 - 23 Stocks owned by the company, (market (value). 1,260,510 92 Stocks held .by the company ns collateral emptily for loans 914,931 76 $2,711,993 79 Ltil3lLiTiEg. Losses due and ufiltael, (fire and life) 8143,391 Dividends declared due lia4 &amid, (fire and Itte) 4,231 79 ;Mother claims against the cedunsny, (chief ly fire duty due to Govetnniontp,,...,.. , 33,282 23 Cash prenthrhtt reedVed, Sure and 1ite)....51421,111 16 Interest money P!ceived tr,ftti the inveet- moot,' of the coMptity Income of the comp2MY - from other sources Losteapaid during the year,. (fire and life Re•lneurnrree and return Dre, adurnl4B,7B6 98 Dividends declared d ur ing - * .ifie.. lea- .E' 001 87 Dividendspaid during the year... 23,401 13 Expenses paid during the year, .. . E3rBROIDAIIig.3. including commissions All other expenditures... The above statement, published in comfit-sr-ea with the law of the State of Pennsylvania, hew not cagy been are• roved by the United States Conenl In Loudon, and sworn to by the temasvg. er and Secretary of theConapanYr but the securities ban been um: mined by a weit , known Notary Pllidw, in Lowden, and 'found fully repro-- sentiug the figures given in the statement. The undersigned Nava ;denture in stating that - flat- - withstanding the Ldepressiva in busioess, the promitilm receipts , of the Philadelphia agency, fat the year 10f1,. have beers over rx,ooo. All losses for the year hiree been promptly paid. Policiee will be insured at mode , - sato rates,. end loam paid as open as admitted without re- - ference to .London. GET tY a I.IEBING, Agents, jals- - o fm6t 625 VIIEST.NOT Street. MEE PENNSYLVANIA. FIRE IN -81./RANCE COMPANY. In conformity with the Act of Argembly of April sth, 1842, this Company publbh the following list of their awns, viz: Mortgages, being. all first mortgagee in the city of Philadelphia 0483,300 00 Mortgage, in the city of Pittshurg . 8,000 00 31ortgage, in Bucks county. 5,000 00 • • • • • Bills receivable Real Estate,— Eebnylkill Navigation Company Loon.— A',819 38 Camden and Amboy Company Lam...... 28,493 55 Clierareaka and Delaware Cana Loan•.... 8,302 50 Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad Loan 17,870 50 Pennsylvania Railroad Co., 200'shares.... 9,16 S 75 liarrieburg, "Lancaster, and Mount Joy Railroad 5,425 00 United States Loan Pmmsyhnain State Loan.... Philadelphia city al.° Philadelphia City fives Cincinnati City sixes. Pittsburg City SIXE.H., Philadelphia Batik, 234 shares Batik of North America, 100 allures Western 'Bank, 220 shares., 11,000 OD Girnnl 'Bank, 125 shares' 6,600 00 • Franklin Fire Insurance Co , 30 "807 73 Itlanaytnik Gal 00, 20 shares. Cash on bond Ji;nuary 2,3862 VAME OMR No 406 CHESTNUT FIRE AND INL I F. N. Buck, (AM. Bicltrdßon, floury Lewis, Jr, Alex. whiiraiD, Geo. A. West, 0. W. Davis, FRANCIS N. BU 011ABLI:S REOII 'ILLIAMS I. BLAIiC COMMONWEALT V RANCE COMPANY PENNSYLVANIA. DIREOTOBS. David Jayne, M. D., Charles 11. Roger, John M. Whits.ll, John H. Walker, Edward 0. Knight, Robert Roe:faker, Thomas S. Stewart, William Struthers, Henry Lewis, Jr., Stephen Coulter. DAVID JAYNE, N. D., President. JOHN M. Vi'IIITALL, Vice Preeidont. ?SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary. Office, Commonwealth Building, 818 °manful Street. Phikulaleht. ISSOLUTION.—The firm of JONES D CUMMINGS is this day dissolved by limitation. Either party is authorized to sign tho name of the firm to zetthment of their business. . Philadelphia, Dec. 31,186 1 - 11,9 SOLUTION.—The Copartnership JI-1 formerly existing between the undersigned, under the firm of VANDERVENR, ARCHER & CO., wasdis solved Dec. 31, 1861, by limitation. The business will be settled by B. F. ADCHER and F. B. BEEVES, at No. 45 North WATER Street. C. P. VAN DSBV.EBB, B. F. ARCHER, P B. BEEVES. Philadelphia, annuary 10, 1662. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—The undersigned have this day formed a Copartnership, miler the firm of ARCHER lc REEVES, for transaction of a %MOLE BA LE GROCERY business, at the old stand, No. 45 North WATER Street and No. 46 North DE In AW IRE Avenue. BENJAMIN P. ARCHER, FRANCIS B. REEVES. rhiludelphia, 5an.10,1562. 1!113.tf THE INTEREST OF MR. H. BUR _L JAM, and los sigoatum by nrocaration, reaFea THIS DAY In our busineal. JOIN VOGT er CO. Philadelybin, December 31,1861. ial3-3t* COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES-IS RAIL MORRIS this day retires from our firm. His eons, THEODORE H. MORRIS and FREDERICK W. 'MORRIS, are admitted as partners; and the busi ness will be contioued as heretofore. MORRIS, WHEELER, & CO., Iron iferchante, 1608 MARKET Street. Philadelphia, Dec. 81, 1861. LIMITED PARTivERSHIP NOTICE —The subscribers have this day formed a limited partnership nodes the act of Assembly in such case made and provided, under the firm of DAVID SCULL, .In. The general nature of the business tube transacted i s that of baying and selling wool. The go nu al partners interested therein are David Scull, Jr., re siding in the city of Philadelphia, and William Baxter, in the city of Camden, N. J., and the special partner is David Scull, residing in the city of Phitadelphin. The amount of capital in actual cash payment, which the said David Penn as special partner has rontrinnted to the common stock, is fifty thousand dollars. The said part nership td to commence January let, 1832, and is to ter minate March 31tt, 18E11 DAVID SCULL, Je.., 'WILLIAM 'BAXTER, General Partners. DAVID SCULL, Special Partner. Philadelphia, 12 ma. 110. 1861. 12t LEMOY AL -TIIIMCEO PATHIC PHARMACY of F. E. BIERICKE, in CHESTNUT Street, above Filth, has been Re moved to No. 48 North NINTH Street, where will be found a large etude of pore fresh Medicines ; also, all the Latest {Botha on Heneromilby and tiro Journals. Par Millar attention paid to furnishing Modiemo Olimita for Ito Army. Ja15.13t4, REMOV AL. .q lie undersigned has removed nom No.B North TIIIND Shoot to No. OIIIiSTNUT :greet, 'Ahern ho Will continue tho job bing of Milliner) GOOdtl, an heretofore. M. BERNIIEIM, Jan 2, 1882. 09.0 t 0T.1014 .- The Office of the Port Rich_ Mondlron Works has been romoveil from No. 111 Walnut Street, to the works at Fort Richmond, where all the business of the firm will, in future, be transacted. Comunmicatl 01. addressed through tho City Poet Office will receive prompt attention. ja3-tnta tit I. P. MORRIS & CO. JUDN WOOD CO., BILL BROKERS, Ilavo Removed from 16 to 134 South TRIM) Streik lal4 3t* A. R A. FAEINESTOCK & CO. RAVE REMOVED TO 408 MARKET Street. ;nl-Iml E. S. EARLEY x FUELNISHING UNDEBT&SM. • Benthweet corner of THNTH and GUM Streets, nolg-tinUfts Phlledolphts. PROONCORN, HANILES, Re ; Broome, Buckets, &c. sale by G. It. 13LAKISTON, Cookso.lssion MemKatt, 3n, 2b South WATER Street. LA"' AND QICEASE.— 50 tierces pilule Leaf tort; 60 tlercea White Crew, I' l re , t from the Wrtti and to store. For sale by KOONS, f 97 if N 0.14.6 75011,TH WIIMIXES. 140,491 99 8,295'55 $148,187 46 $216,70 69 $183,829 94 ThcomE 101,021 eft 61,239,814 oa ExrENIIErtIRE9. $298,052 38 167 530 04 88,061 34 41a5,331 SI .108.300 OD B',Boo 00 30,009 OD ..... 10,000 00 4,310 23 10,000 00 1883 88. 18, 18 33 833,983 11 wm. G. catECELL, Becrettli NUE • COMPANY, Street. ND INSURANCE. CTORS. E. D. Woodruff ' John Ressler, Jr., P.S. Stu tice, Washington Jones, Chas. Stole 8, Juo W. Emmons. UK, President. A.RDSON, Vice President &RD, Secretary. iala-tf H FIRE INSU , OF THE ESTATE 01 COPARTNERSHIPS. EROS M TONES, HENRY E. CUMMINGS. jal3-3t* REMOVALS AMUSEMENTS. A Id ER I 0 AN ACADEMY 01/ Immo. On tiAIUKDAY EVENING, Jan. 18, 1862, ITALIAN OPERA, for one night only, by kho cele brated artists of the Academy of Music, NOW " fork , on their way to Washington. Miss ISABELLA HINKLEY. Mad. STBAKOSU, Signor BRIONOLI. Signora MARCUS', BERINI, and BARTLE On Ibis occasion will be produced Itessiors celebrated Comic Opera, • IL BARBIERE DI SIVICLIA THE BARBER OF SEVILLE: With the following star cast Mies HINKLEY, in her admirable role of IVALIAIL Mme. STEAKOSII tins kindly consented to oblige tbts management end render more perfect the cast toeing the role of BERTHA. DBIGNOLI, Almariya q MARCUS', Figaro ; Bartoloi HABIL", Basin°. ' Director and Condnctor ...... ....Carl AUSLUtZ. AdLulssiOn to Parquet, Parquet Circle. Balcony, $l. heir N o extra charge - for Rreerced teats. Family Circle 60 cotta; Gallery Zombi. Seats can be recurial on Thursday morning at the Box office of the Academy of Music, the only place where seats will be obtained. Dome open at 7. Opera commence at 8. jAIS-4t MUSICA M L-F R. re Respectfully informs hie Friends, and the Public in ge neral, that he will give his FIRST GRAND CONCERT, (Since his Residence in Philadelphia,) On THURSDAY EVY NI.NO, January 16, 1882, AT 11USIclAL FUND HALL. The fallowing Artists have kindly consented to give thi it valuable assistance on this occasion: M'me BERTHA JOLIANNSEN, Mr. T. BISHOP, Mr. CARL WOLFSORN, Mr. CHARLES SCHNITZ. A CARD. Mr. HASSLER states, with pride, that the Principal Resident Musicians have, in a truly professional spirit, nobly volunteered their services, to enable him to form e POWERFUL ORIIHESTIIA, to order to produce the Two Grand Overtures! in a style worthy of the Compo sers and the appreciation of a Philadelphia Public. t IRON HASSLES Conductor. CARL SENTZ Leader. 11ICRAEL H. CROSS ntil preside at the.... .. . . Plano. Tickets FIFTY CENTS. To be had, with programmes, at the Principal Husky Stores, at Continental Hotel, of the Committee, and in the Evening at the Door. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Con cert to commence at 8. NVALNITT-STREET THEATRie- NINTH and WALNITr Streets. Sole Lessee NHS. N. A. GARENTTSON. THIS (WSDNESDAY) EVEN/NO. January 15, The performance will commence with THE YAIRY CIRCLE. ron O'Carolan Mr. Barney Williams. liolesbee Mrs Barney To be follou ad by a Burlesque. entitled A 14.AG1d.-10KE Prince Doloroso Dira Barney Williams. To conclude with PAT'S BATS DE . Pat Rooney Mr. Barney Williams. PR/ 0 . 28-64 4 87 3 if 76, and 26 cents; Private BoXfte 85 and 83. Doors open at quarter to 7. To commence at MRS. JOHN DREW'S AEON-STREET 111.11 AMS. Acting and Rage Manager W. S. nuaission. - Itnenee3A.gentand_Treunrer.. .. . . JOB. D. lennwirs GRAND DRATEATfe .......... THIRD NIGHT OF JOHN DREW. WEDNESDAY "EVENING, January 15, 1862, MS LAST LEGS. O'Call gb an, a man of genius, on Lie last legs.Jolut DreW. To be 101101%0 by THE IRISH EMIGRANT. O'Brian, tim Emigrant Previous to the Cotosdri THE NOSHING CALL. Zir Prices as usual. OW' Carla% rises at 3( altosl o'clock. Seats secured three days to advance. CONTINENTAL THEATRE--- N! WALNUT Street, above Eighth'. A VICTORY! A TinuetrPf 'PHIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, itrt, 15,18&S, - THIRD NIGHT or THE GREAT DI.PAICIA, THE WAR TOR THE UNTONI Written expresely fel arte - Theetre. abonndifieWitle THRILLING EFFEUTS AND INCIDESTS, WONDERFUL EMIESTRIAN FEATS. Pievione to which the laughafile coined, of 'SKETCHES IN INDIA. Admisaion N and 25 cents. To coreoren. 34 pest 7. iliF, bl PIE OF Nir OND - E RB - TENTH and CHESTNUT &roes. BIGIIOII BLITZ in his New, Fratiar, and Amusing 'EnteltalintientiN EVERY EVENPS'N, commencing at Bair past 7 o'clock send on VEPIM3DILY and BATEMIYaIt ASTZS. ArtOliEl at 3. (hood Conbinotioa of Attraction, Ilittpateethrgical - EtakiDEP l'sYcoleglcd Experiments, Magiblil Dnepr, tious, Ventriloquial eollaitie., Comicalittoor etGd'Poit - Moth and the Pleasirs , Rib:kitten of the Icarhotills.... nary 4Rrd.s. - Atintinfon 25 Ceuta ; CliWren 13 cents. ER MANIA aIIigHESTRA CARL SENTZ Conductor. PURLICISEHRARSALS erten SATURDAY, ims. o'dilek P. PL. at the RUSICA.% FUND ALL. Pitckage et Eight Tickets, DI; Single Tickets; 7,Yelp. To be had at thydro's,lloChealngesset, 3.N. goitltsh,_ Seventh era Chestnut, and at the doe of the Hall. oatlllAir PENVSYLYANIA ACADEMY Or THIt PINE ABM, 1025 CribISTIMT Street 01 ,0 0 0811 Yr 010eleiq excepted, from EBa. M. till 0 P. K. Admit:sloe 28 come. 01010ren , ander twelve really. Self price. Shares of Stock. p3O. _ TNST/M/ON FOR Thrq BLIND:-- A. Exhibition on Sr_EDNESDAY AIPPERIT0011; ar half pmt 3 o'el=ndi. Admission, TEN Vend& Stnre.ll Smith EIGHTH' Street. ja.ls-w4t WANTS WANTED --A situation 99 Book beeper or fixneral. Assistant in any ave..ll-ests blirhed house (Shlipliia, Cormulasion, or Banking,) where the applicant can make himself . usefUt A filreais IC. 8.," Box 2267. ja16...`&41t. .A A."" TADIT IN A DRUG-67008M , WANTED.-I)lust titcrong,hly understand the Re tail Bueinees. Address Cwith name, reahlenoe,' and reference) o King," Box OA- Riot Olin e. lfin` 'WANTED—Ey a Geritleman•and:h.- is- Wife, in a central location, Board in a Drill" , family where there are no other hoarclere, -afid — re the comforts of a home can be had. Address Office of-The Press. References Siren and required: dalt,-Slit A - N .---- ENT-RY. CLERK, WHO. IS A- Good POIIMHIN Quick — tirFVeren; mid kaireolnit knowledge of Bookkeeping, desires o attnotion n 3 • 'Entry , Elm kor desifitentStiokkeeper. Address entry Glerk;?' Bess office. ie14,30e WAN TE Ll A second-hand , Sta tionery Steam Engine, of from 60 to 70-floras Address, stating particulars, Box 1150 Poet de2l-tf $4,000 -TO INVEST IN A GOOD City Mortgage. apply to E TAYLOR,. No. 141 North SLXT II Street. BOARDING. W.ts NTED—B 0 A RD I N•G• gentleman and wife, with child and colored ser vant. Location desired—North of Spring Garden street e west of Tenth street. Adsreas, stating _terms, Sr 8.," No. 1330 BUTTONWOOD Street. jardo2tik filo LET—With or without board, to _IL. a single gentleman, a bed room and eating room, or bed roan only, in WALNUT Street, between Tenth and Broad. Address, for further particulars, T. Z.," Press office, Chestnut 'Beet. d, 441 FOR SALE AND TO LET. TO LET-A LARGE STORE - eCa 11.01JetE, situate in the cents° of the. business part: of the borough of NORRISTOWN. It is at present, awl. has for the last ten years been, occupied as a Dry Goods. Store, Possession on the let of April, or sooner, if de-• sired. Apply to JACOB CHILDS, fn DESIRABLE PINE-STREET thaIt.RESIDENCES to EXCIIANGIit for hest-dom. ISerclAudito. Art?ly to J. B. WATERS;. jai 110 South FOURTH street. t-7.- A WELL-BUILT FOUR,. SisL, STORIED BRICK STORE AND DWELLING,. loaded on MARKET Street, a RI be EXOEIANG , CLI for good Building Lots In the Twentieth ward. Apply to J. EL {VA.TERA, jai 110 South FOURTH Street. MFOR SALE Olt EXCHASGE- A betatron. four-storied DWELLING, oa TENTH. Street, near Chestnut A Farm, small housaa, tar good, Stocks N 1 ill be taken in payment. Apply to, J. H. WATERS, ja7 110 South FOURTH Street. alt, FOR SAL E—A FARM. of 20f ...1.-Acrr., in the town of WEYMOUTII, J., to ox. chomp for Furniture. Apply to J_ R. WATERS, Ja7 110 South TOIIRTMEtreet. - FOR SALE AND EXCHANG-E--- _ll2 A large number of Farms in the adjoining Coon-- ties, States of Delaware, 'Maryland, New York, and New. JerseY, averaging from 10 to 200 acres of. land. Thcakw wishing to exchange or purchase would do well to call and examine any Register of Farms- Apply to jal-tf E. PET PIT. No. 309 WALNUT Eiretit. SH I P TIMBER FOB. SALE.- Several Trocte of WHITE-OAR TIMBER LAlia in Dorchester county, blaryinmi, convenient to malign.. elec. For particul,rs apply.to. JAB. T. MaGULLSTIOII, Elkton, Mdi de26.lm* FARM FOR SALE.----4 HARM, in., excellent state of cultivation, containing fifty-one. acres, (nice of which are woodland,) ple • esittly situatedil In Limerick township, Montgomery county, two acid a. half miles from the Limerick station, on the Bruslinge Railroad, is offered for sale. Price—Five thousand dot. tars ($5,000). Apply on the promises. nolo-tf SAMUEL H. GRAFF. dot FOR BAL3---A Desitabfe containing 95 acres of superior land, near Sandi. Run Station, North Pennsylvania Bailin:00 , 40111W" class Stone buildings. Principal part of the learclieso, money can remain at 5 per cent. Apply to E. PETTIT, jal rjo.2OB , WAL NUT Street PLTILIE'S SANE DEPOT IM MOVRI) to No. 21 South SFWENTII Street P • ir—• ranklin lustitoto. . The rusdosaigned, thankful for cast favors, and belco determined to Merit fiature patronage, haaanonred elegant and convenient atern, and has now on Not a. large ac.sortraent of- /Site's Celebrated Wsoright. *AP Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Berea, (tha auras strictlg fire and baresszprnof soft* made.) lase, Lillitor-4 Uneotelled Bank vault s Safe, and Bank liockx Lhlie'a Bank Ya:sit Poeta and Iscekawill be ftfilletilf4 to oelor on abort wiles.. This kt theetrongest. „ bee PM , . tacked, and cheir4est Door and bock yet offend. Also, partlenar attention is called to Lillies Hue Cabinet Safe, fa Plate, Jewry, Ac. Tide Safe L am,. ceded to surpass In style tad elegance (mill:ling yetcd, tared for this gnrpoee, and fs the only one that is strialit fire and bur2ist proof. SPECIAL Kaye now on hapd.eaf Farrel, Hering, A ce, , , Safes, most e j the* neatig mina. and same Forty of otba' reakere, cce 4 fAtilnit a oruinggle assorlitutat es to glees, and all lgely exchanged for Am now ce.s,' brated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at rem low tedceo. Pleurae& and exwino. hi. C. SADLY.% Agee% agm, BOSTCbN KIND VV.LPFITA STEAMSEM.L3NR—SAIL. ING FBOX BACH POOR ON SAITEDAYS--_.Frori BINE-SUNNI' NYBAEF, PhiladSphiA., and LONG WHARF, Boston. _ . _ The gkumsbip SAXON, 1,154 tow, Cmtain S. H. 111P.7111.EWS, l e steamsllll SINGI Off, 7 ,C 53 tans, OapFairt 0 These steamships form a reguhir lee, galling from each port punctually on SATURDAYS, The steamer KENSINGTON, Daker, will soil from Philadelphia on SATINIDAN Brillion, Jo'marl IS, at o'clock, Freight taken at fair rates. Insurance one.half that by sail Yowls. Fer Freight or Passage (having line meommoilatioa4 ono!, to WINROD it CO. joa.tf 638 SOUTH liidell,VES„ John Drew.• lo3rt . Pitoven.