Tula oOnnrs.--SurmEsca COunr-,--Ohlef.Tus- HOO Lowrie, and Justice's, Woodward and Thomp kon.—The list was taken up on second calling yesterday morning, and the following - cases were ditrillt of : vs. North Presbyterian Church. Error to District Court of Philadelphia. Submitted on gaper books by B. Woodward for plaintiff in error, and_hy__Sainuel Hood for defendant in error. Phillips vs. Allen. Error to Common Pleas of Philadelphia. Submitted on paper books. Fell vs hiolienry. Error to District Conti of Pbiledelpida. Argued by C. Oration and J. H. Perkins for plaintiff in error, and M. P. Henry and It: C. McMurtrie for defendant in error. Barnett's Appeal. Certiorari to Orphans' Court. flubmitted on paper books In. Worrell vs. Worrell end Woodland vs. El ellidge,judgments of non pros. were entered. In the ant named case a rule to show cause why non prod.-should not bo taken off was subsequently en tered.. The 2d Rule of the court, section Ist, has been Impended, by order of court, during the present 'teen, uotil otherwise ordered. As a great deal of misapprehension exists among lumbers of the Bar, as to the transfer of oases, from the first, to the second and third calling, the 'Court yesterday morning stated that It must he dis tinctly understood hereafter, that eases on the list knight be transferred from the first to the second 'calling by agreement of counsel, but they would mot be transferred from the second tothe third call. tug, without sufficient cause being shown. A NEir A RUANUEMENT.—An arrangement der the conveyance of through passengers from the-North to the South, and vire versa, has recently been concluded by the Philadelphia and Trenton and the Philadelphia and Balti snore Railroad Companies, by which through pas sengers will bo earned direct between the depots Of the two companies, without change of oars. _The arrangement is made with the Fifth and sa - thatreet, the Thirteenth and Fifteenth street, and the Girard-avenue Railway. Companies, the c ars..paiaing directly over the three roads. No local passengers are to be carried in the oars which atm between the two depots. A BiArtirrYr toear,.—During the past week dhe breadstuff market has been quiet. There has bean rather an improved export demand for the beat grades of flour, but rye flour and corn meal are dull. Shippers of wheat congratulate them 43elves that that commodity has further advanced, and Meets a steady export demand. Corn is in fair request at full rates, but oats have a forlorn and megleoted look. The cotton market is quiet, the late foreign news producing no Whet whatever. The demand is rather limited at present. Gun. roWder remains in state quo. TUX RESULT or THE 13A NS. RUSPENSION.—NO tnerled results have fillowed the suspension of specie payments by -our banks, nor have any such weettlts been anticipated. The inflation of prices that many predicted as a result of the suspension Ina not occurred, at least to the extent looked for. The rho will no doubt be gradual, and be governed lsy the increase of paper currency that must inevi tably be thrown upon the country, and the success of the military movements that are bolievod to_bo at hand._ A BOLD Statiuttnunr..--On Thursday evening, naturnateed Thomas Finn went- np to a lady who Waspessing along Eighth street, below tihippen, and deliberately took the shawl from her back. 11:ifficier Marsh was informed of the circumstance sued soon arrested the thief. The latter was corn itnitted. SPIRIT OP TILE FIEEMEN.—Tho Washington ,Fire Company of Fraidtford have shown their Vatriotism in various ways since the breaking out of the rebellion. Some time since $5OO was sub scribed to the Government loan, and this week the Sum'of $2O was appropriated as a donation to the Volunteer Refreshment Saloon. Co nu afternoon Henry Flanky, 'barged with having passed a counterfeit one-dollar note, purporting to be issued by the Citizens' Bank of Middletown, Delaware, had a bearing before Poliee-Justine Beitlor, and was cora anitted in default of $1.500 bail to appear at court. William Young, a youth, charged with bring IM plicated in a series of burglaries, in the Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth wards, was also com mitted. ADMITTED TO THE PROTESTAMT EPISCOPAL iMoarrret..—William Vanhern, aged 18 years, an operative in the employ of Mr. 19hittaker at his 4miLls in Dearer Grove, above Frankford, was yes. terday admitted into the Protestant Episcopal ital, with laceration of the left arm. The limb !woe amputated below the shoulder, and the patient doing well. DEATH OF A REEItRITE OirteEn.:-Robert 'Williamson, a member of the Reserve Corps, died en Thursday evening, after a protracted illness. ge) resided on Imwronee street, below :George ills funeral will be largely attended by members of the police &roe. THE BATTLE NEAR PORT ROYAL. FURTHER PARTICULARS ([Correspondence or the New York Express.] , PORT ROYAL, Jau. 4, 1962 no affair at Port Royal Ferry, of which I a rote you pame hurried account on the day of its consummanan, menu to have been completely successful in accomplishing the alms of those oho planned it. I have just sucJeedot In learning, from the most authentic sources, details of ghat Orturrul there under the direction of the naval Moen concealed, and jot them down as they are re ceived, leaving a more finished narrative of what was performed by the laud fortes for a later letter. The gunboats Seneca, Capt. Ammon ; Mien, Capt. ..Budd; Pembina and Ottawa, Capt. Stevens; and the armed transport 'late, temporarily commanded by Lieut. Barnes, of the ll'aba,h; were all placed under the ordera Of the captain of the frigate Wabash, C. P. R. Balgere. The i'eteitino and Ottawa sailed up, to Beaufort on Tuesday. t 31 et of December, Captaiu_Bedgers Of the Ot Wee., a1..1 there, late in thylay, wore joined by the Hale, aftrr,irhich they proceetlea up the tortn ons Brick=itird creek, which connects Port Royal river trtth the , Cabenif. At the mouth of this creek they wore to moot General Stevens, with his land complement. A Mailer creek, a mrt of arm of the Brick-Yard river, sear& a. shorter passage to the Coosnw, inserts the left of the mouth of the Brick-Yard, and through thid, prabotit half past three o'clock, Captain Rodgers started with four of the arrived inunches of the Intbash, winch Bad been !nought along under summand of Lieutenant 17Pehtfr. daybreak the entrance was reached, and there wore found about tire hundred men, six companies of the 79th Now York, and five of the both Pennsylvania, ready to embark in tints, and crone tinder cover of the guns of the launches - . This movement was immediately executed, end with compote success •, no ,nbetacie whatever was made to the embarkation, which took plectron the plan tation of Col. Rey ward. A few shots were fired from the launches, bat no reply elicited. After this lauding, "Melt was accomplished under the personal inspection of Gen. Stevens, the troops proceeded at once to move down the COOSMY ill the direction of Port Royal Ferry. Skirmishers were thrown ont to ascertain if any force Of the enemy could be discovered, and about a mile back from the shore they came upon tents for nearly four hun dred men, which bad evidently been recently occupied. No attempt was made by the rebels to hold the spot, and the skirmishers but ned the encampment, completely dis lodging the enemy. if any had been there ' without re ceiving any damage in return. This was the only incl• dent which distinguished the march to Adams' enema titm, about two miles further on the road to Port Royal ferry. It proved, however, the necessity of this division Of General Stevens' force, and the propriety of driving oil Any enemy that might otherwise have molested Ida rear. -Meanwhile, at about daylight, the three gunboats in Altrlck Yard Creek, w filch had been joined by the two gummed eteamers, Delaware and Cosmopolitan, each carrying a regiment of soldiers from Hilton Head (the Forty-seventh and Potty-eighth Now York, under Lieut. Col. Frazier, and Col. Percy), wore able to enter the COMM,. They reached Heyward's. where the Seventy inlath Regiment was debayking, and passed onwards to Adams' plantation. Oppbalte, hero, on the Port Royal island aide, were the Michigan Eighth Regiment, under Colonel Vinton and the remaining companies of the Wittieth Poulin Ivan'., under Colonel Crld. Scows and boats were ready to transport them, and the imamate proceeded immediately to shell the woods on the opposite aide, in order to cover the disembarkation. This swam done with great accuracy, and the troops crossed Over in boats, while them" on board the transports were also thrown ashore. Meanwhile, the men who had landed higher up, and already burned the four hundred tents, came up with three at Adam' plantation, and by 'noon the whole tore wee ready to proceed, five regi ments, and the gneboats were signaled to shell the woods and cover the advance. The launches also proceeded towards the ferry. While these movements had been performing, the two Other gunboats, the &neat and Ellen, which had left Wort 'Royal harbor at the same time whit their cons Oorte, bad reached Seabrook, a place on the Coosaw, about two mites south of Port ]loyal] Ferry, and Is here the rebels wet e electing a battery. hero the gunboats threw a quantity of shells and drove out the entrenching party, when 200 troops that were stationed on Port Boy s bland, immediately opposite, crossed in mows and now boata and completed the work of destruction. level ing the walls of the unfinished fort. The other tire. gunboats noes-were ready to tire all Wong the right of our line as it advanced In the direction Of Port Boyal Ferry. Lieutenant Irwin, of the Wabash, ' , was 'dm sent net, we, with two boat itowitr,ra from the launghes, to net as light artillery. general Bicycles sent out the Eighth Michigan Regiment ea skirmishers 011 the Tight, and soon a firing of field artillery began on our troops. In the face of this the Michigan Regiment advanced Pearly smile up la the woods which el:mem:tied the enema'. It Was at this thee that they lost a man killed and twelve wounded, including Major Watson. Their behavior Is OuiTateally declared to have been admirable. The Airs tnisbara were also thrown out from all the other yogis attests, and the Forty-seventh Now York captnred a ride leriitber along the route was a force of the enemy about Ave hundred strong, drawn up outside of the woods, loth(' right of our troops. The information de lived from the negrota made General elevens aware of this, and also of the fact that a touch larger body was litatloned Immediately In Its roar, so that the appearance of the seven hundied was a mere decoy. The Fiftieth Pennsylvania attacked this portion and with good suc cess; It was in fact gradually driving the enemy back into the WOOdA, when a shell from one of the gunboats, thrown into the relilst of the rebel crowd, dispersed it at Once. The shelling then became vigorous, as the entire force of the enemy in the weeds bolded was scattered, the Fiftieth Pennsalvarda, of course, notigetting within reach of the shell, 111:11i retiring to its position In Hue. This shelling was of the most accurate description, land there cannot he a doubt that serious logs was omens Mond. It is estimated that between 2,000 and 3,000 trona% were at this bout drawn up in line between the woods, and that the Reid battery on its left consisted of Selz pieces, yet even with this force only the one prolenco Wu made to come out from under cover. The main body now proceeded on its way to Port Royal terry, and the gunboats, having effectually disposed of the rebels on the right, turned their guns - on the 'art. Thhiivas completely shelled, but still it was impossible to know, before it bad been entered, whether or not It was Mill held. - . . Tke ;Seventy-oinfir New York Regiment "wall sent for %seed s. eddrmlshers, and behaved in a manner extromolY Creditable. They were, of course, ignorant of the nature of the reception they shanld meet—there might have been a large battery ready to open upon them—but they wont on without flinching No force was Inside. Th 3 other trT ps followed, and the work.was immediately occupied. fleyenty-ninth ran up tito American flag, and at the game time the Roundhead (Pennsylvada) regiment crowed the river, 'hero about tea hundred yards wide, t alba ferry boats ; tare comphnies of pioneers also canto lower, and began immediately to demolieh the st ells. The tort was a bastioned field-pork, and had apparently been asoweted bras many as aoven or eight guns. Only ono okl En fah bednYtell.ponnder, marked °Berens Rex, re , the negroes declared that the others had peen Zezeinvki early on the morning of the fight, as soon us union troop were known to be landing. The plattorm t Milt ttenalned, but no carriages. The troops hod possession of the work by nightfall, and the gunbouts closed in both from above and below the Yen/ the Seneca and the Mien were, hoe over, Onside to get do near as the others. ' The work of destroying the'tnt was continued during -port of the night. The Muses noon by the rebels for Winery purposes were lmrned, and no reply mode by likte Pihelit. No attempt to Interfere pith our proceedings Unity way' occurred. The arrangements were all carried tint to the rompletest manner. The behavior of the Volunteers wee, without exception, excellent. Thu gen ii/oak, of course, were in no danger, but their practice INS leGalliter and admirable, On the morning of the 21, as the fort bad been com ipleasly lent d, and the public property deetroyed, the WO* ofdebarkation began. It was at one time supposed that a movement of the enemy wee contemplated in order So embarrass - the volunteers at this juncture, and or -0011111124 the aunboata began shelling the woad, in all directions, in order tb Over the landing. If, however, gay movement had really been intended, it amounted to nothing more then it demonstration by skirmlehers, and iNclesozaidi.red dubious. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. PHILAMILPHIA, January 10, 1862. The Stock market to-day was excited and buoyant. State fives sold at 79 at the first board and afterwards rose to 80, Interest off. Catawissa preferre'll advanced to 8,4 i and closed with that price bid for more. Beading railroad shares, under the combined influence of twenty thousand tons increased tonnage for the week, and the excited market, advanced to 19%. Pennsylvania Reil and shares rose to 39k. For. Lehigh Navigation Loan 162 was bid without being supplied, and for Morris Ca nal preferred 112 k was bid. North Pennsylvania cou pon bonds sold at 60, coupons on, equivalent t o a b out 81 for the regular bond. Long Island is very strong, 10% belisg bid without being supplied. It is said that the prospects and condition of this road were never more flattering. At the Second Board, City Sixes sold at ink for the new, a rise of 2.34 since yesterday. After largo sales at the advance, they closed at 92k bid. Minehill Railroad stack sold at 40%, an advance of 1% upon the last quoted sale. - Pennsylvania Railroad First Mortgage Bonds sold at 99, an advance of 1. Schuylkill Navigation Sixes, 1862, rose from 61 to 62k. Little Schuylkill Stock advanced from 9 to 10. Elmira Baihoad shares roes to 6, and Madre preferred to Mx. A singular fact in the change of the Stock market is to be noted—namely, that while our market hag, for the past two days, been rampant here, the market in Now York has been dull, and with very little change in prices. Late advices from New York this afternoon, however, show that the contagion has this time boon caught from Philadelphia, and their market closes as excited as ours. Messrs. Drexel it Co. make the following quotations of the rates of exchange to-day : New York parcel-10 prem. 805t0n.... parol-10 prem. Baltimore parox disc. American gold 4 kes4k prem. The inspections of Flour and Meal in Philadelphia, during the week ending Jan. 9,1862, were as follows: Ralf Barrels of Superfine 328 Barrels of Superfine 18,768 do Fine 162 do Middlings 64 do Rye 740 do Corn Meal 495, do Condemned. 2 The following is the amount of coal shipped over the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad during the week ending 'Wednesday, January 8, HO: The New York Post of this evening says: The stock market exhibits great firmness. and every department of the list responds to the new developments of the financial question. There is no special exci:emont In any of the leading stocks, but prices seem to bo stoaddy end quietly conforming to the currency baste. There is, probably, some private information in Wall street rela tive to the progress of the financial bills before Congress, as the tone at the close is very strong, with considerable pressure to buy. Among the strongest of the Western stocks were Mt chigan Central and Toledo. Tho large earnings of these lines are bringing forward new buyers. After the Beata prices were much higher. New York Central is selling freely at 82, Edo 34X, Alichigan Oen. trot 60x, Rock Island 58, Toledo 34,11. Wo noticed yesterday the extraordinary firmness in railroad bonds. This is still more noticeable to-day, seine descriptions having undergone a further advance of 1,2, and 3 per cent. Delaware and Lackawanna firsts aro MO bid, Mahlon firsts 108,q, Elio firsts 106, Erie fourths 70, Toledo and Wabash seconds 60, New York Central sixes 95X. State stocks are !inlet, but steady, Virginias, North Carolinas, Louisiana., and Georgia, are very scarce, and seem to have found a resting plate to abide the issue of the struggle between Union and Secession. Tennessee!! and Missouris aro without much change in price. The money market le growing easier, and 0 per cent. is the ruling rate on Bret-class collateral!). Five and sefen per cont. are the extremes, though considerable business is still done at 7 per cent. Philadelphia Sloe January k Exchange Sales, 10, 1862. En, Philadelphia Exchange • OAIIII. 1 Philadelphia Bk. 87 10 Hazleton Coal— 39% obtl4oo Penne 5s a&.1" 70 20 d0...........39% 4 Penne R 37% 10 d0............39X 9 d0............37X 8 do . . ...* 26 do. cash. 37X 50 Catawitea R._. 1 10 do 37X 27 du.— Prfed. 5 3 do. ..... .caah. 37X 30 If Penne R...b5. 6 10 do. .cash. 37X 3000 do 6s Coup on 66 50 do _ 88 1000 City Co new... 91% 10 do ' 38 50• Long TWA R 2dys 10% 12 d0............38 3000 Rhein% R 7e.... 66 20 do .. . .... 38 80 Read R 0 .5 P... 18...;( 1000 Penne Coup 55... 85 Ijlj 50 do o.k P—.. 187 E 3000 do .. . ... 86 -- 50 do cash. 18X 6 Lehigh .......... 87,4 25 Delaw'o Div 2dya. 39% BETWEEN BOARDS. 6 Ilarrleburg renna •• • • 94 do- .... 5 Cam &Am ...124X 4000 Penns 5H Ch P.. id;( 2 Lehigh Scrip.... 97% BOARD. 1080 Potma B. lot mtg. 93 2000 d0....15t mtg 03 3000 d0....1Ft mt¢ 93 2000 Se N Im Os bswn 74 500 city Os new 92 1000 do.. now 92 IEOO do.. vow 92 ): 2000 do —now 92h 850 do ..... ..'82.. 02 100' do ..'82.. 02 600 do '82.. 633 60 Long Island 8... 103 3 457 2 do 401‘ 2 Lehigh Scrip.... 31X 0 _do 37 100 D Morris Cnual 63.. 92 3(00 d 0.., n0w.... 92, 1 ‘ 1000 d0....n0w.... 923 2030 d0..new...:.. 92X 530 do..new. 92X 2800 do—new gas. 80 300 do...new 923 100 do.. new....• 92X 600 do.. non - 923 2000 d0...n0w-- 92 x 29 Little Bch 1t.... 10 10 Elmira K....b5. 6 100 do ..... ....bb 0 5 do ...L5103(. 5 Cat:mina P. Prof 63‘ OAIII/8. 200 do..ueo , ..... 92% i 10031ead 19 18% 150 d 0... b 5 &Int. 18)61 100 d 0.... b 5 &Int 18A 70 Fenno .16.. ... . 39A AFTEIt 9 Lehigh Navigation CLOSING P Bid. dsk. LT S 6s 1881.... 89 90 Yhfts 64 .•• .... . 84 88 Pblla eis 8..... 84 80 Nina 611 new... 02A 93 Penns 55..1.... 79% 79% Beading B. .. 'lB% 18% flouting 11d5 . ;70 84% 89 frdg 11l 61'80'48 92 05 Read DI 68'86.. 74 Penns It 88% 88% Penns /1 2d m 011 86 Morris CI Con.. 36 ktorris CI Praf.ll2 Sob Nav 62A 83 Bch Nat Imp Go 74 75 Bob Nav Mock. 4% 6 Soh Nev Pref... 12% Elnitta 6% ' BIOE3- 'IIIM BM. 42k. Elmira B Pref. 103/ 11 Elmira ie '78... 64.4 60 Long Island B. 103 log Leh Ct & Nay.. 62 53 Leh GI & N 6crp ST 81 g Penns o - N Penns 11 Os.. 62 65 N Penns 105... 78 80 Catavrimall Con I .. _ . ' Catowlosa Prof.. 6,}j 63 Pan &South 38 24 &3d eta 11.3. 46 .. t==tl W Philo R.... bOM 51,V Swann t; Pino.. 834 9 'Green & Coates 17 .. change—Jan. 10 New York Stock FIRST 3000 U S 63 'Bl reg... 887[ 1000 . 11 S Oa 89 75 10000 do 89% 500 Oregon W L X y 84 76 1000111 Cenreg 77 1000 10 Jut Imps.... 78 1000 Mich n S 8....w 5 78 4000 Virginia Ss 49% 16000 Missouri 41.1. 18000 do 41 X 20000 do. ..515 41X IEOO California St 7e. 77X 6000 do . 77% 1000 N Y Cen 68..... 05 1600 N Y Cen Is 101 1000 Erie 3d mtg 'B3. 90 5000 do ~.510 90 14000 Erie 4th mtg .bd 79 3000 Hod 116 ... OD 3000 Mich Con let... 50 1000 Chi 13 at IQ Bs.. . 93 5000 Chi N lat.. 39x 5000 L Erie k VT let. 75% 10 Br1)R prefd 56 475 do 5616 630 do.. 5034 150 do Y, 57 20 Um'lent 12 12% 10 .do 13 50 do 13% 100 do .....b3O 18% 50 Illicit Cent R...... 49 100 do .....1030 00 100 do .... blO 50 142 do b 3 50 40 Mich 3 & 20% 100 do 20% 400 Melt S . 42 100 Galena & 00% 50 Choi & Toledo .e3O 36% 100 do 364( 300 do 35% 100 do .....b39 35% 200 do 530 30 4 i 200 do 30'N 200 do b 7 36% 10 051 d: R R ...... 52% 50 C B & 57% 15 do 57dd 100 do ... .500 53% 50 111 & P 10% 11 51 & P duo Ist Pf 00% 0 5111 & e due 2d Pf. 02 .513 k of St of b 7 X. 75 5 American Exßk 77 200 Pao Mail U 5.... 00 60 do ....el° 00 100 N Y Central..ba 131% 275 do Sl3 100 do 81 n I 50 Erie B ,V I CITY ITEMS. - LECTURE BY REV. Dn. CHAPIN.-011 Monday evening, the closing lecture of the People's Literary In stitute course, for this semen, will be given at Concert Hall, by the Rev. E. H. Chapin, D. D., of New York. ills numerous friends and admirers in Philadelphia will be pleased to learn that he has recovered from the illness which deterred him Irons meeting his engagement to lec ture in this city in December. Tine wilt most probably be the last opportunity of hearing Dr Chapin in Phila delphia for some months, u high, with the known fact that the lecture he-proposes to deliver on a The People " is one of his grandest efforts, we may safely predict, will secure for him an immense audience. We advise our renders to procure their tickets early. PEP• ALFRED TAYLOR'S SECOND LECTURE.— hlr Taylor's second lecture, at Concert Ball, on " the Boly Land," on T need sy evening, was largely attended. The subject on this occasion was " Up and Down Pales tine," and use presented In a very interesting manner. The riewi showed the principal points of interest In the lloly Land with great clearness. In alluding to the Po litical ldstory of the Israelites, Mr. Taylor spoke of Jero boom, the great seceder of ancient times, as the Jeff Dan to of the Hebrews, and drew a parallel between the discontented Ephralmites and the rebellious South Caro linians. He also dwelt on the fact that the seceding tribes were scattered to the lour winds, so that not a trace of than could now be found with certainty. From tho en thusiastic applause which tho audience gave, wo had no rt on, for ticnibt that they all hoped thefutare of Secession dom might be as disastrous. dlr. Taylor announced, at the close of his lecture, that he has in preparation is course of Lectures on Rome, Egypt, Nineveh, etc., which, we have no doubt, will be eagerly listened to. FANCY Goons EMPORII3I.—Mess - rs. Sitters A; co., at their " Central Light Emporium," No. 35 North Eighth street corner of Filbert, have added to their large assortment of Lamps for burning Kerosene Oil—the finest stock in the city—nn elegant variety of Fancy Goode, useful, ornamental, durable, and they are selling them at astonishingly low prices. For Lamps or Fancy Goods, this Is Me place to buy the best goods at moderato prices. VANSANT'S FINE FRUIT AND CONFECTIONS.— The ilnett stock of French and A merlcan Confectionery in this country, is that of Mr. A. L. Yansant, at his elegant now store, Chestnut street, second door below Ninth. In manufacturing, be' sees only the purest loaf sugars, and has his drying rooms heated with hot air to avoid dust. His steak of flue foreign and domestic fulls is luscious and tempting, embracing at all times all the choicest varieties. CRAVATS, SCARFS, AND NECK-TIES, are SO Important and conspicuous an nettle of gentlemen's apparel that too much care cannot be taken In selecting them. The place, of all others, to buy them, Is at the Cravat Store of Mr. J. A. Eshleman, northwest corner of Chestnut and Seventh streets. Mr. Eshleman has reduced neding people to a science. A SUGGESTION TO OUR READERS.—WO know of no . nay In which so much domestic bliss can be par chased with so small a sum, as by taking home to wife and little ones a budget of choice confections—always remembering, that the finest, purest, and most delicious to be bad are those manufactured and sold by Messrs. E. G. Whitman & Co., Second street, below Chestnut. Their place is a favorite resort for the general public, . STRANGE COINCIDE - SOC.—It is a singular fact that Messrs. Mown and Slidell, whose mission to Eng. land was all Moonshine, left Fort Warren in the "Star. light." It Is stated that cotton is to bo cultliatod eXtennisely in the Sandwich Wands. If the negro is indeed a descen dent of Ifear, we ehonid think that jn,t the place for him would he among the Sandmichers. We have recently had one office loor listed with Hating, of colors comprising the red, Milk., and blue—kindly fur nished ris for the purpose, by ono of the cutters of Stokes' "one price" Clothing Store, under the Continental, and it attracts some notice —a friend remarking that he never knew a time when there was so much 'listing done with the BA White, and Dine, as there is at present. THE PRESS. -PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1862. Now roux, January 9 , 1862 J. W. Forney, Esq., Bailor of The Press: DEAR SIR : I lost a pass-book in ueptom ber, containing valuable Clovernment papers, Am. I might advertise it forever, and to no purpose; but a short editorial notice in a conspicuous column might be of great service in its recovery—thus : Losr—ln the month of September, botwoon Ilarris• burg and Washirgton, a large black paas•book. If tho finder will send it hero to me in Now York city by E. prees ho will be liberally rewarded. Major S. A. DEFOE' , U. S. A. DRIED FRUITS OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY— Our readers will fiud at the store of Mr. C. 11. Dlattaon, dealer in fine faintly groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, His general stock of groceries is got up with special re ference to the wants of people who appreciate, and do eiro to nee the boot articles the markets of the world afford iu that line. A GENERAL ADVANCE.—WO hear rumors from Washington of movements which indicate a general advance of the Union fories. Brown is to advance on Pensacola, Wool on Norfolk, McClellan and Burnside on Richmond, Banks on Charlestown, Buell on Hnshrilio, and 'Meek on Memphis. This report may be more guess- • work q but we are, at least, certain that there is no a , r auto in (ho price of the elegant and substantial game ,„:„, for soldiers and cis inane, made at she Brown Stoul Clothing Hall of Bockhlll & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605x' Chestnut street, above Sixth. THE CHANGE OF UNIFORMS.—The recent change in the uniforms of our troops is made as a ttioa sure of economy. Sky•bluo cloth has taken the place of dark blue, and officers aro allowed to wear the largo raped light blue cavalry .16vercoat. Specimens of those now uniforms can Ito neon at the Mammoth Clothing Establishment of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut street, who has also on hand an extensive variety of fashionable winter garments, all of which are selling at sacrificing prices. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS VP TO 12 0 2 0 LOON. LAST warm CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut sta. T C Theaker, Wash, I) C R S Snmborn, Chicago J K [bitterly, New Orleans W A Burleigh, Dacotah Ter M Hurls, New York A Robertson, Now York O 11 Lincoln, New York CI W Towney, New York II 1) Smoch &la,N J Dr E B P Belly, USA W Fit mstone, Easton 111 Mengel A la, Reading S Cole, Chicago Mr Adams A la, Hass I S Morse ch. wt, Mass E F Spearing, New York R Frame, Delaware C L Lumberton, Harrisbg Hon J Fenno), flarriabg Hon F Bound, Harrisburg Hon J H Robioeou, Harrisbg F L Hitchcock, Harrisburg F 11 Scott, U 8 A G B Colboy, Now York I S Pottor A la, Boston S Willeston we, Mass Miss Witleston, Mass Mrs W B Wilieston, yt E N Phelps & In, Conn F PI Brown & la, Conn L B Chapman & In, Conn N F Drake A la, Corm It Fox A In, Connecticut I Pain° & la, New York Mies Dunn, Boston John S Twelia. Phila. J Ening, Martland A J Barrett, Delaware J 0 Sterem, Now Amoy JA. Illutancl, Loncastor H Crotert, Connecticut T H Baines, New York J Southgute, Virgiulq W Nibbe, New York W Scott, New York H N Beckwith, New York W Carpenter, Lancaster W G Webb, Baltimore 11l II o%ens, Wash, D C C M Stead, Pros', El D Stead, Dray, It I II GI Thornton & ly, N Y J 1 Slatei, New York Him Slater, New York D Blarney & wife Him Buftbsta Mrs B S Bartlett Mrs J D Ames, Maryland Rev G Bttong NY BE Halter, Usc s E P Terlume &ly,New Ycrk T A W Heath S ly, N Y Dlles Yentli S: Dieter, N Y B C Miller A; ly, Now York E Furring b: la, N Y Mine Furring, New York Mee OGram, New York B Fowler, Now Jersey A H Grote, Allegheny co Clt Earley, Elk co, Pa C E Gregory & m,Jersoy City Liout McConnell, N Y T H Canfield it In, Wash Miss Ruars, Washington J E Jolinbton, II 6 N II Gregory, New York W M Harker Now York A Judion Decker, N Y T V Taker, blow York Lieut W 11 Dumont P E Lockwocd A In,N F W A Bats, Baltimore E W Ryerson, New York A J Brown, Now York Li A Cole, Chicago G %V Pettey, Boston J O Tato, Newt York H McCormick, Penna Geo J Aminhi, Baltimore A H Light, U S A Win I) Snow, Rotten .1 0 Ilobeon, New Yoik B F Parlett, Baltimore L N Perry, Providenco A ‘,l edge, Newark Wm Belcher, New Loth Wm S 'Roberts, New York John B Sarong, New York II I) Storm, New York A H Bringion, Conn 8 W Murray d la, N York Mite M Moore, Hartford C W Barker, Pa It B Ilinsley A Stewart E Littlefield W S Slater, Rhode !eland Aliso 11 W Slater, R Island Benj Jlllllel3 & wr, Boston 'Dr C E Tnrr di la, Md , Nice N Simmons, lilar,)lanil Thus \V Fisher, Mut ylaud S Ornood, New York G W Lawrence, Maine Geo H C Neal, Baltimore D Comstock, Connecticut It Spear, Now Raven MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth st., below Arch. Mrs T D Smith A eon, Boston Wm S Scull, Now Jersey A G Smith, Now York R C Kimball, Ohio A Voile Bethlehem lit Blaney, Aehlatul, Pa Hon E D Pram ford, 281Mititu Hon S Fuller, Uniontown Hon J W Brown, Harrisburg Hon W S Roes, Harrisburg Dr E Wallace, Reading Wm Donabower, Reading T Oek, New Hampshire D W McCauley, Now York Bon J E Meredith, retina F Parker, Massachusetts B D Barron e Pennu B B Strunk, Tint. co, Pa J B Miles, 'Plena co, Pa H A Snow, Bost", G W Hones, Boston T F Ilaneroft, Lyon, Mass Copt J McConnell, US A S 0 Brown A lady, Penni, John ?dollop, Ban Francisco J A Allen, New Haven E M Schrock, Harrisburg Geo W Householder, Penno E A Eby, New Jersey AMERICAN HOTEL—Gheetnut st., above Fifth S l' Downy, New York W Dennison, Washington S R RI. an, Illinois W Spencer, Pennsylvania J G Noker, Pittsburg D W Morrison, Chester Thee Long, Summit Hill Alex ➢filler, Summit Hill Wm Long, Stunmit Hill Corn Seaman, Maryland J T Budd, klaiyland B. M Mills, Elaine Thus G Brinton, New York L N Hard, Chicago .1 E Dougherty, Del co, Pa BT. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third A Winterenat, N Jersey John Quarles, U S N A Mitchell, St Louis K Striker, Now York S Luririgl), St Paul C Phipps, Penns O Martin, Now York A Cnllln, New York G Samson, Hartford J Dole, Boston C Pennington, Now York David Pennington, Ohio Lieut G 0 Brotherton J Dolin THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. II Talmage, Penne Miss 0 Howard, Penne S Crosier, Albany, 1 , 1 Y &lad-Junks= T E Cropper, 31 It, Del J Q MAIII9, Phllada Vol mon Ot...sallff-_Taroflittla John it Barton, Del co R hertz, Easton MADISON HOUSE—Second streot, 6bovo Market. J W Walker, Stroudeburg E Ellenberger, Strou•leb'g A Carhart, Md J LT Shinn, N Jersey David Rne, Freeliold,N .1 O W Shine, Freehold, N Jar Rue, Freehold, N J I 6 W Reynolds, Del E Woodall, Hart land Moses Rush, Clayton W D Large, Taylorsville N Taylor, Tat lamina A H Reeder, retina J Fell, Mechanicsville Chu E Permit Calvin Trout, England John Thomson, Ohio NATIONAL HOTEL—Race area, above Third. Enos Tolan, Mauch Chunk J M Laird, Pennsylvania II J Boater, Pennsylvania P Anthony, New Jersey C Metutoab, Doylestown IT W Watson, Doylestown Major W Bichle, Pottsville Sand Renck, Lebanon J Bender, Lebanon .51167 A Neil, Woodbury Mrs Colston, Woodbury Miss Colston, Woodbury C H Braun, Woodbury L To nolin, Bonding Chas 1' Balm, Bucks co Miss J Kennedy, Ponna BTATEB ITNION--Market street, above Sixth. A ll,Ee ing, Carlisle Wm Dearman, Pones Miss Martha Buchanan, Pa J Beaver, Penney Waffle J Kennedy, Lendisburg B F Russell, Elmloton Jos Elder, Pittsburg Wm II Walt, Latrobe, Pa J GLellinewall, Bewark, NJ C P Fisher, Bealsburg Thos E Watt, Latrobe, Pa a Shewsberry, Pcnoa W . B Mendenhall, Coatesville J B McClees, Atlantic City COMMERCIAL—Sixth alroot, abovo Chestnut. Jamul Irvine, Chester co John W Andel eon, N York Wm J Smedley, Penne F Gardner Semi F 55'ylie, Baltimore J A Hook, Baltimore W B Winter, Philadelphia It Paine, Stark co, 0 A B Heideman, Columbia John W Andereon, N York Thos Walter, Chester co, Pa Chas Britton, Trenton, N J BARLEY BEIRAP--Secondetreet, below Vhae. E Bilker, Phillipsburg, N J 3 Johnson, Newark, N kir Kauffman, Panne A E Hogeland, Boatletou (I W Carver, West Chester J Strollecker, Union co Wm Penrose, Byberry, Pa J Hamilton, Linnberville J Corson, Forestville, Po J Cadwallader, Fox Chase .TE Perry, Attleboro' J B Terry, La haaka Joe Anderson, Newtown Justice Mitchell, Hatboro John Romney, North P R R Wash Bow, Mlddlotown, Pa J T Dungan, Bubtleton, Pa A T Duffield, Davisellte A Wetherlll, Attleboro, Pn Meld rtooz, Carverevlllo Mee M Terry, Pennn 6 Meredith, Doylogown Mr Mrere, hlilltown Chas Backman, N &my Mrs L Andereon, Centreline BLACK DEAR—Ttnra greet, above Callowhill. Reuben Mover, Allentown' Reuben Knatos, Allentown Oro W Wolf, Danboro Henry 8 Rorer, Olney Joe TOMIIIIFAITI, Byberry D A Adler, 1'011)101)ton% W Ruppert, Pennallvanla Chas Neale, Yardley Mlle A Long, Pennsylvanin Roht Borrouglut, Nest town 1' It Brunner, Doylestown V W Illgony, Doylestown Lyle Nelson, Middletown 8 A Heald, Yardley solo Wm Brumbeek, Pa S E Broadhuret. Pa John Valuated:den, Pa John Willard, Northamptn Wm Smith, Easton Sato/ 'Hayden, Euston J T Epler, SI D, Lecrport,Pa Jacob Diane k da, I'a MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second ok, eb. Arch. Harrow & In, Pa Chan 11) Wnlsou, Pa Jon lllntlle, Pa Jos 0 Donutlob Now York Geo Dick, Mur)land BALD EAGLE—Third etreet, above Callowhid. W DLuckenbach,BethlehemJos Butler, Bethlehein Jacob Rittenhouse, Penne K Moser, Allentown Samuel Kinsey, Onekertown Wm Beans, Dinka co Chatlee Stapler, Bucks co . REVERE ROUSE—Third street, above Raw. S a Pollard, Ilarrhbarg D Thorp, Non• Jersey ISIARINE INTELLIGENCE. sta- flan?, FOUBTII PAGE OLICABED Behr Palltany, Compton, Boston, R it Powell. Sir nos Sparkr, Allen, New York, Miran. Sir J Bbriver, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Dol., Jan. 10. Tho hark Imperndor, from Pernambuco, cud prize schooner Allen Dell, from Nassau, NP, arrived at the lirerilm liter this morning, Yours, &c., JOHN P. 2SABSEIALL MEMORANDA Stcarnship lincimenta, Schwerin'', at New York yes terday tram Bremen. Bark Amy, Ilanusond, arrived at Genoa 18th ult. from Gloxgow. Bark Midas, Palfray, at Now York yesterday from Rio do Janeiro. Behr H Townsend, Patterson, sailed from Buenos Ayres 2d Nov for Patagonia. Behr W C Mershon, Cole, cleared at Now York yostar. day for Key West. Behr Mary Prico, Blizzard, cleared at Now York yes terday for Wilmington, Del. Behr (tract. Girdler, Clark, hence, arrived at Boston 9th Behr Joe Maxfield, May, cleared at Bolton nth Mat. for Philadelphia. Behr L A May, Baker, from tilalem for Philadelphia, at Newport Bth that. SPECIAL NOTICES. JOHN L. CAPEN WILL COMMENCE A COURSE. OF TEN LECTURES on Practical Phrenology at the Cabinet, 022 Chestnut street, soon. Having had much experience in teaching and in tho application of Phrenology, and an extensive Cabinet for illustration, Mr. Capon will guarantee satisfaction to every member of his clam. Particulars at the Cabinet. Tickets for Geni4 $2, do. Lady, $l. Examination of Character, Talent, Health, &c., with [alike, day and evening. Families visited whoa re quested. ja9.3t NEW GOODS FOR HOUSEKEEPERS, comprising a general assortment of Housekeeping arti cles, with many new improvements And inVelltiollB for Housekeepers , me. Also, a number of fancy articles, suitable for Holiday presents. Selling at reduced prices, to suit the times, by E. S. PARSON .4 CO., dolS•tf Corner of DOCK and PEAR Streets. CARD PRINTING, BEST AND CHEAPEST hi the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. OIROULAR PRINTING, Boat and ()heap* to the Otty, at 34 South THIRD Street. ON THE DEATH OF PRINOE ALBERT. DT TIM BARD OF TOMCR MILL, Pale Beath, with equal march, invades The lofty halls of regal pride, Or penetrates the lowly ehades Where want and wretchedness abide. Ile marks the consort of a queen, The Mir of an Illustiioue line, And with his ghastly hand unseen, The King of Terrors gives the sign Disease, obedient Wills call, To seize the rot al victim, flies; Though guards unnumbered crowd the hall, Tho blow is struck, the victim dies. Ills vassals called him „Ise and brave, Ilut fate, relentless, never spared; Wisdom and ',elm. cannot nave When filo dutroyer's arm to bared. Albert ; thy virtues wo confess; Thy doom, untimely ; we lament; Talents thou WO, and worth no less, - And many n fair accomplishment. Bat every countryman of ours -4-l• With proudest princes may compare, Rho but uses 1%011 his powers, And decent garments strives to teaser. To comply with the last requisition, visit Tower Hall, and procure, at trifling expense, garments suited to the dignity of an Ame.ican Solereign." Winter Goods closing out at oats ems)) low prices. Military uniforms made to order at short notice. TOWER Ifera., No. 518 'MARKET Street, Philadelphia. 1 It BENNETT 5: 00. HELDIBOLD'S UNIVERSALLY APPROVED EniEDY.—Compound Extinct Iluchu cures Diseases of the' Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Weakness, &c. Read the advertisement lu another column. nob-tbs DR. ROBERTSON'S VEGETABLE NEI:I'- 0175 CORDIAL ; or, NATURE'S GRAND RESTORATIVE, The great remedy for all Nervous Complaints, Debit• ty, Prostration, Lowness of ;birds, &c. Price $l. For tale by DYOTT cic CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street, Depot for all Popular Medleint.si ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST STYLES, made intim Bost Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our ONE-PRICE. SYSTEg is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. se22-1y JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Sheet. MARRIED bfoLEOD-111MTIS.—On Thursday - , January 9th, at the First Baptist Church, by the Rev. J. Harvard Castle, George t. McLeod, M. P., to Lizzie E. daughter of the late Joseph I. Burtis, En. ALLEN—SE I. (ANA N.—On Wednoadny averring, Jan. nary Bth, by the Roy. Thomas Johnston ' at his residence in Mantua; Mr. David Allon, of Philadelphia, to Miss Rachel M. Sullivan, of Now York city. [Now York pa pers piano cony). lIIRS(SII—ItivIPSNYDER.—December 25h,1831, by this lit Rev. Bishop Potter, leidor Hirsch to Idiss Rate Relfsnyder, all of this city. MILES—CHURCH.—On Thursday morning, Jan. oth, by Rev. Wm. 11. Brisbane, Mr. Wm. K. 1111los, of Por tage, Wis., to Miss Mary L. Church, of this city. 4 e YOUNG—BEAITMONT.—On the fah instant, by She Rev. Geo. W. ellownian, Mr. Janina E. Young to Miss Lydia M. Beaumont, both of this city. et DIED TOMlSS.—Bmhletily, on the fith instant, llarth e. Tmln , , at lirnitol, Pa., in Ilia 85th your other ago. MASON.—On Thumlay morning, Jan. 9th, 1862, Mrg. Hanigth B. Mason, relict of the late Culviu Mason, In the 60th Tear of la r age. Iler friends are incited to attend her funeral on Satur day, llth instant, at 2 o'clock, P. M., from the rosidonca of her son-in lasv, Isaac S. Smyth, No. 714 North Tenth street, V, About further notice. ELLIB.—On the morning of the Bth inst., rifler a short bet eevero illness, Daniel O. Ellis, of Dordentown, N. J., In tho 72d dear of his ego. The relatives and friends of the fatuity are retpectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of hie sister, Mrs. Martha G. Schryer, No. 41.8 Yraul;Hu street, Move 11'd this (Saturday) afternoon, the 11th in stant, at I without further notice. 15101IGAN.—On Wednesday evening,. January Bth Mary Mot gnu, relict of the late William Morgan, in the 82d year of her age. Funeral from her Into residence, Radnor township, Delon are count), on Monday morning 13th inst. nt 10 o'clock. WILKINSON.—On the 6th instant, Henry Wilkinson, aged 62 years. Funeral from his late residence, No. 1121 South Second al~eet, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock. . . . . FERAT.—On tho ith ink, Margaret, wife of Chug A. Fora. Funeral from the residence of her sister, Mary Slevin, No. 803 Pareyunk row', below Catharine, this (Satnr. day) morning, at b o'clock. tt WILSON.—On the 8111 inst., Orra G. Wilson, infant daughter of Josso and Judith Wilson, in the 4th year of her age. Funeral front the residence of For parents, north west corner Front and Vine ascots, this (Sahirday) morn ing, at 7 o'clock. 1311 OWN.—On the Mt Instant, Mr. Wm. Brown Funeral front Lin late reaklence, N0.142-Edst atdearcet, below Fat owl, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock. CONNELLY —On the Sth Ingant, John Cttkelly, aged 40 3 earn. Funeral from his Into residence, No. 527 Oebrcy street, bet,een Twenty-foul th nod Trimly-fifth, below Spring Garden, on Sunda) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. tt PEVA ULT.—On the Bth instant, inn Eliza, daughter of Philip and Catharine flevault, agel29 years Funeral from the residence of her ritrents, Twentieth street, above Columbia avenue, this (B...nrday) after noon, at 2 o'clock, ',Mont further notice. FOPLESS.—On the Oth instant, hire. Priscilla Fopless, in the 74th year of her age, relict of Captain Henry loPs less, of Wilmington, Del. Funeral from the residence of her son.dn-lats Mr. Edward T. Miller, No. 341 Christian street, thin(Satur day) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. ie G A SEIT.L.—On the 7th instant, Cooper D. Gaskill, on orJo.epn B. and Mary A. Gaskill, Iu the 18th sear of Lis age. Funeral front the residence of lila aunt, Dirs. Saint, Cerpente . D 1410 Ridge avenue, on Sunday nest, at 12 ° i l ,Mi-, - T . ;TErnts ST on tun Nth ihronnt,l.4nahul C 11 414 - -- ft bow, in the lint peer of kin ago. Funeral from the residence of hla parcnts, Na 505 Lombard street, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. - tS KENNEDY.—On the 9th hettant, Mary Jam., ,laughter of Samuel nod Rebecca Kennedy, aged 4 tnonthe and 8 dept. Vonore) fiom the residence of her parents, N. 2187 Spring Garden street, this (Saturday) morning, at 10 o'clock. MOURNING STORE,Deo.23. —BESSOR & SON, No. 918 CHESTNUT STREET, offer for solo today, for cash— Black and White English Chintzes, 12X to Has. do do Atlantic do 12X c. do Purplo do do 12X c. Gray and Black English do 12,X c. Plain Block do do 1234 c. Black and white imported Do Lainos, 12)4 to 14 code. do Purplo do do 18,sic. Second Mourning Chime Idol/airs, 12X coots. film* Reps.Anglals, 25 cents. deli G 7 . "DIVINE FORGIVENESS."—REV. Dr. Idusc it AVE will preach on this subject in thi AbIERICAN DIECHANIG9' lIAI,L, FOURTH ST below Girard avenue, SABBATH AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock. pt.] J. NOLEN, Supt. ETERNITY.—DISCOURSE IN ST. Matthew's Lutheran Church, NEW Street, below Fourth, by the Pastor, Rev. E. W. NUTTER, on TO MIIDNOW evening, 7,14 o'clock. Morning service cont• rimmed nt 1.03¢. ltte cryREV. DR. BERG, FROM THE THEO logical Seminary, Now Brunswick, will preach in thn Second Deformed Dutch Church. SEVENTH Street, above Brows, on SADDAM Morning at 10); o'clock. Evening, 7N o'clock. 07 £25 NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH, Cherry street, west of Twentieth—Divine Sorrlce on SUNDAY, at 10% A.M. Lecture at 7% D. M. Subject: £5 The Ncw Jerusalem " It* orCEO. STORRS, EDITOR OR 'TILE Bible Extoniner, Row York, will preach TO bwititoW, at the Itoll southeatt corner of SPRING GARDEN and NINTH Streets, at 10); o'clock limning, nod 73i evening. Tho friends of the Bible Ezarniiree are requested to be patient. ll iffs. UNIVERSALIST (AlumlL IN LOiII DAHD Street, above Fourth.—TO-MORSOW EVENING Nev. A. C. 'DIMAS will, by re meat, con sider the Great Judgment In the close of Matthew xxv. A cryk EMMANUEL CHURUll—ltlarlburough Street, above Girard avenue, Reneington.—The Tiienty-eixtli ANNIVERSARY EXERCISES of the SUNDAY SCHOOLS will take place TO-MORROW MORNING, at 10 o'clock. A collection mill be taken for the benefit of the echools. tryTHE SECOND UNITARIAN SOCIE TY will rebuine public Woiship in WASHING TON HALL, Spring Carden and Eighth street., TO. MORROW. The Rev. FREDERIC FROTHINGLIAIL to engaged for it limited period. SCrylces at 10y, o'clock A. M., and TX o'clock P. kI Eclat' Free. N. IL—Not in Handel and Haydn Hall, as formerly...HA CHURCH OF TILE INTERCESSOR, Spring Garden street, below l3rond.—tt The Altar Needing Atone:noLt." A series of six sermons, on this subject, by the Rector. 'The first, on SUNDAY morning, January nth, at 10X. Sermon In the evening, at 'S o'clock, to the Young Bible Glasses. Subject: tt The Protettant Young Woman owl the Roman Catholic Nun." Young women rein,eci fully tinned to the es euteg service. Strangers will be accommodated with Beata. Its TrWEEK OF ER AYER —SATERDA.Y. Union Meetings for Prayer Tuts DAY: SAN ER/IA Street, below Ninth. 1•t to 1% o'clock, and closing Meeting at the Church of the Epiphany, FirrEß NT If and CHESTNUT, at :IS o'clock. Subject: &Hie Lord's Day—that its Divine Institution may be recognized, and Ito desecration at home mid abro:ol may cense." The ministers of all evangelical denominations, and the frlendo of the Christ'an Sabbath, are earnestly tat 'tad to atttnd. In tho absence of the Rector, the. Roy. Dr. VAUGHIN wilt Preside. 104 trrSPIRITUALIS3I CONFEIit:NCES On what Spirsinalimn tenches of the condition of kiplrit, will be It l at bANSOAI.43TItEET HALL, on SUNDAY, at 10X A.lll. and 'ix P. I f : AAlMission live cants. 10 0- THE MEETING IN BEHALE 01 , "Tlll.l SOLDIERS," will be held in the Taber nacle Beptirt Church, CHESTNUT Street, above Eighteenth, on SABBATH Evening, January 12, when addressee will be delivered by the venerable GEO. X. JUNKIE, D. 0., Rev. W. J. R. TAYLOR, D. D., Rev. J. 11. PETERS, , Rev. BENJ. WATdON, D. D. These meetings, under the auspices of the Army Com mittee of the Y. M. C. A., have increased in interest, and through the aid received they have been enabled to dis tribute a large amount of religious reading both in the Army and Navy. and the demand seems to increase ra ther than diminish, calling upon every friend of Christ to lend their aid in carrying on the glorious work. Services commencing at 734 o'clock. it* f_mTO THE CITIZENS OF PHILADEL PHIA.—The undersigned, proprietors of ISlood's Dispatch, haling been notified by the Post Office De partment, through the Postinnater of this city, that the business carried on by them was in contravention of law, and hating thoroughly inn estigated the subject, they feel cons Mull that the laws of the United States regulating the postal affairs of the country do not re cognive their right to carry letters or other mailable matter through the sheets, lanes, and alloys of the city of Philadelphia, nod being desirous of conforming to the leas of the country in every particular, hereby give no tice that on and after Saturday next, the 11th Mot, they Rill cease to operate as a Dispatch Pont, or to carry any letters or other matter through the city of Philadelphia as heretofore. The entire control of thin b 11411083 has been relinquished to the United States Post Office De partment, tersoionited by the Postmaster of this city. In ruching this public announcement, we feel it but just to assure our former patrons and the public gene rally, that,-from the arrangements made by tho Post master on behalf of the Department, the business will be carried on as much to thesatinfaction of the community as though still ander our control. Sena:, of the gentlemen iiho have so long and so suc cessfully managed the business while in our hands have been maple) cd in the same capacity by the Postmaster, which of ttself is a sufficieut guarantee that the service will be properly conducted. Tho entire arrangements have been made with especial regard to the public con lenience, sad lien so perfect as amid be deirised. The carriers selected by the Postmaster aro both faithful and Intelligent. In thus retiring from the Dispatch we cannot but thank the public for their appreciation of out efforts to servo them, nod express the hope that they will favor the new regime ult.), their patronage In faint, 11111Ald rard,r,R, null JOHN PI. RILEY, Proprietors. Philadelphia, January 10, 1862. jalo-2t IFREiatrir STATION, PENNSYLVA• NIA RAILROAD COMPANY, Corner THIS. TEENTH and MARKET Streets. PIM ADELPFIId,_JRII.I/, 1862. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY; - - NOTIOE.—As the authorities controlling the Rail roads on Broad street, Minket street, Dock street, and Washington (or Prime) street, prohibit the unloading or curs on the main track, it becomes necessary for this Company to deliver at West Philadelphia all such freight ns Lumber, Stales Hoop-poles, Shingles, Shooks, etc., u Inds rule will be ollsorved in future. Coal Oil, Rock 0,1, Petroleum, crude or refined, or rhing from the West, will also ho delivered at N Vogt Philadelphia, instead of the Thirteenth and 11Iarket streets Depot, ns heretofore. Parties receiving either of the above articles of freight can au:lege with the Company for tho use of Cars to prilate repots or sidings in the city, nt the convenience of the Company. S. B. KINGSTON, Jo., jnll-3t Vreight Agent Pentea B. Co. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Contributors to the Philadolphia Lylng•fn Cha rity and Neren Society will be hold at the Nursei• Home, S. W. cornor ELEVENTH and CHERRY Streets, on MONDAY EVElatal, January 13, 1812 ' at 8 o'clock:. 71111-M/O JAMES M. FARR., Soc. PEOPLE'S LITERARY INSTITUTE. —Tlie closing Lecture of the course will be de in eted In DONEE= It ALL, on MONDAY EVENING, January 33th, by Itcv. N. 11. UHAPIN, D. D. Subject— " The People." Lecture quarter before eight o'clock. Tfelcets 25 cents; for sale by T. D. Pugh, Stxth and Chestnut streets, ja9.4t If 1:5. OFFICE OF THE FAIRMOUNT AND ARCII-STREET CITY PASSENGER RAIL- W AY COMPANY, PIIILSDELIIII.I, Doc. 26, 1861. The ANFICAL MEETING of the Stockholder,, of thl9 Company will ho held at their office, No. 2562 CALLOW RILL Stroot, on MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 1862, at 10 o'clock A. M. .1110 AilllUfli Election will be held at tho same plane, be tween the hours of 11 A. M. and 12 o'clock ➢I., to elect a President and Five Directors for the ensuing year. JOHN T. LANGE, de27, jal 6 11 13 .S...nretary. pItANKLIN INSTITUTE LEO TIMES.—The second course of lectures before the Institute will commence on MONDAY EVENING, the 6th inst., at 7X o'clock, nut be continued on Monday, WedueEday, and Friday evenings, for ten weeks, as fol lows: MONDAY EVENING, by Prof. T. M. Drysdale, on the " Mk: oscope and Microscopic Objects." WEDNESDA Y EVENING, by Prof. Fairman Rogors, on " Ice cad the Glade's." FRIDAY EVENING, by Prof. J. Aiken Melo, on "rood," TEEMS OP IitIES,II3ERSHIP of the Institute, $ll per annum, or $25 for life, with a charge of SI the first year for a certificate of membership. Each member is entitled to a ecocon ticket to the lectures for himself and a lady, and any additional ladies' tickets nt $2 each. The -minor children, wards, and apprentices of mem bers Kill receive tickets for the course of lectures for $l, or for thu use of the Library and Beading-room and the Lectures ter $2 Gentlemen whiting to become members will please ap ply at the Hall of the Inetitnto, in SEVENTH Street, above Chestnut street, to WILLIAILHAHILTON, Ja4-7t Actuary. STATIONERY Ir ia-L,AM MANN, STATIONER BLANK-BOOK. MANUFACTURER, BURNT OUT LAST NIGHT, AT No. 43 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, IS NOW READY TO SHOW CUSTOMERS A FULL STOCK OF PERFECT GOODS IN NIS LINE, No. 35 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Four doors shove Ida old Store. JANUARY 7,1662 FINAPICIAL. NEW ~ NATIONAL LOAN. OFFICE OF JAY COOKE & CO , BANKERS, Ho. 114 BOUM THIRD STREET, The 7 3-10 per cent Treasury Notes of all denomina tions, of the second Issue of Fifty blillions, dated Octo ber Ist, aro now ready to deliver to purchasers, at the office of J. COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD. 13-10 TREASURY NOTES 130II(MIT AND GOLD. QUARTERMASTERS' CERTIFICATES DEALT IN. ja2.lm DREXEL St CO. $3 V V-A FIRST-CLASS In , s proved GROUND RENT of We amount for sale, at a Liberal discount, Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Strout GROCERIES CRAB-APPLE CIDER, OLD eußrt.divr WINE, OUR USUAL SUPPLY, EG=ii AUERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, jaB•tf Corm: of ELEVENTH and VINE Ste /[ACKEREL, HERRING, BHA), SALMON, Ace.-83000 Ws Mess Nos. 1,2, and 8 MACKEREL, large, medium; and small, In assorted p bckages of choice, lato•canght, fat fish. 6,000 bbls. New Halifax, Eastport, and Labrador Her rings, of choice Qualities. 8,000 boxes extra new scaled Herrings. 8,000 boxes extra now No. 1 Herrings. 6,000 boxes large Magdaline Herrings. 260 bbls. Mackinac. White Fish. 60 bbls. now Economy Mess filial. 25 bbls. now Halifax Salmon. 1,000 quintals Grand Bank Codfish. 690 boxes Herkimer County °hew. in store and landing, for sale by MURPHY & KOONS, nob No. 148 NORTH WHARVES. NEW FIRMS AND CHANGES. 1862. Merchants and Public, Institutions supplied with BLANK BOOKS Of all sizes, made of the best LINEN PAPERS. And warranted durable. ANEIIIOAN AND FOREIGN STATIONERY in treat variety. LETTER, NOTE, and DILL PAPERS. TRIPLE-EXTRA GOLD PENS. LETTER PRESS and LITHOGRAPH PRINTING. WM. F. MURPHY & SONS. PRACTICAL BLANK-1100R MANUFACTURERS, COUNTING-HOUSE STATIONERS, PRINTERS, AND LITHOGRAPHERS, 339 CHESTNUT STREET. de-t-w&a2m HOWARD & ITATINDEN EXPRESS. REMOVED TO 607 CHESTNUT STREET, NEXT DOOR TO GRANVILLE STOKES. DIONEY, &0., forwarded to all point,' NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, and WESr. Having opened an Office In WASHINGTON, we OM give special attention to freight for that City and vicinity. January 7, 18C2. )a7-1111 TRUMPET BALLOONS—Trumpet Balloons. The beat quality at 32 B. FOURTH St. It*" W. TILLER, Importer. OUR FIRST CITIZENS PATRON IZE the splendid Hair-Cutting and Bathing Sa loon, FOURTH and BRANCH Streets. iiftl,ll-lt. ALL PERSONS, WHETHER CON NOISSEURS or not ices in art, aro struck with the rare merit of Ritl M 1 U'S colored photographs foe E. Gallery OXON]) Street, above GIESICN, hit pROONCORN, HANDLES, TWINE, A-7 Rc ; Broome, Bucket 9, &e., for solo by G. B. .I.IItAIISTON, Cominkaion Merchant, jalo 3m 22 South WATER Street. TINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The subscriber would invite attention to his IhIPROVED OUT OF BUIRTS, Width ho makes a specialty inn his business. Also, con stoutly retch ing NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. - - - W.J. SCOTT GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING 'STORE, No. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, Four doors below the Continental. W OOD AND COAL, CHEAP-- 4450 find E 5. • 1,000 reran Oak Wood, $1.50 and S 5. 100 ,‘ Hickory do., $.1.50 and $6.50. 100 Pine do , $4.60 and $0.2.5. Hauling 25 to 37c per load. 500 tone Reg and Move*Coal, $4. 200 t‘ NutS3 and $3.25. J. S. LOWRY, u Wharf'," LOMBARD and BARNWELL Street, 3t* Schuylkill PRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, AT WAR PRICES, of Looking• Glasses, Engravings, and funs Frines, at GEO. F. BENKERT'S, No. 824 ARCH Street. jal-iftf RETAIL DRY GOODS. CLOAKS ! CLOAKS! GOOD STYLES. BEST MATERIALS. LOWEST PRICES. COOPER & CONARD, B. E, corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. del4•ehrtblm FROSTED BEAVERS. Ono Case of Vrostoil Beavers. Black Mixtures. Brown do. Superior quality for Cloaks. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, jao CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets BALMORAL SKIRTS. A largo lot. Bright and dark colors, Woollen tops, full size, At low prices. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, jag CHESTNUT and BIMINI Streets. MEN'S WEAR-BOYS' WEAR. 60 to 15. cent Union Cassia:locm Satinets, ,te. Si Cassitneres; best in the market. $l.lO Cassimeres i best in the market. 51.21 Ceselmeres• best ever sold for the mousy Black Cloths fcr Ladies' Wear. Black Broadcloths for Moo's Wear. Sonic Bargains In our Cloth Stock. Tailors' attention is invited. COOPER. th CONARD, jail S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET CLOAKS AND SHAWLS Reduced in Price. Good Stock of Cloaks. Blanket Long Shawls Cheap. Black Thibot Shawls Cheap. Black Blanket Square Shawls for SI. Brodie Shawls at half price. COOPER & CUNARD, 309 S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Sts. VYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH, open today, a frisk assortment of Double•feced Black Figured Silks. Solid Colored Broen Figured Silks. Blues, Mocks, Green, and Purple Silks. fjaB E& LANDELL keep the very IA hear feet Plain Black Dress Silks. Beary•bordererl Stout Black Silica. Widow's Silks, without gloss. Rich Plain Silks, for city trade. jab $2.50 BALMORAL SKIRTS, full Be!morals Wholesale. Ea'morals Betnil. EYRE & LANDELL VLANNELS. , --A LARGE ASSORT MENT OF Ballardvale FLANNELS, all widths, Beachdale and Saxony FLANNELS, Sinker and Welsh FLANNELS, at very low prices. GREAT BARGAINS IN BLANKETS. Wo are closing out ourtentiro stock of Fine all Wool BLANKETS, Fine Rochdale' BLANKETS, Heavy Cumberland BLANKETS, Cradle awl Crib BLANKETS, at last minter's prices. AMERICAN, FRENCH, AND SCOTCH BLANKET SHAWLS—aII grades, at low prices. Heavy Black Moire Antiques at 50 cents, worth SI. Super Black Moira Antiques at 823,; cents, worth 51.25. WINTER DRESS GOODS OF EVERY VARIETY. H. STEEL & SON, ta7 No. 713 North TENTH Street, above Coates. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS PATENT McCILEIADAN TIES. PATENT MoCLELLAN TIES. s PATENT DIcOLELLAN TIES. PATENT MCCLELLAN TIES PATENT McCLELLAN SCARFS PATENT McCLELLAN SCARFS PATENT McCLELLAN SCARFS AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S ! AT J. A. ESHLEMAN' 9 AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S ! AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S ! AT J. A. ESHLEMAN' 13 ATJ. A. ESHLEMAN'S I AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S NOUTRWEST CORNER OF SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. Tim ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHHAADELPHIA THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA P. B. The above articles, being PATENTED, cannot be obtained eleembere. P.S. N 0.2. Mon's Furnishing Goode, in every variety P.S. 1i0.3. PATENT ENAMELLED COLLAIts, 10 FOR A QUARTER. de7-rituth3m LEGAL TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR 33 VIE CITY/ AND COUNTY OF Estate of FRANCES CASSEY, a Minor The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of Stephen Smith, Guardian of t,i'tttr - tfffnfein ' trmlni s itt - rx - itr the parties Interested. for the purposes of his appoint. men+, on WIIII4IISDAY, January 22, 1862, at 4 o'clock 1' PI., at his o e, P.. corner 'Eighth and LOCUST Streets, in the c y of Philadelphia. jall.sththst TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PIIILA DELPIIIA. Estate of HENRY L. CASSEY, a Minor. Olio Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle,, amradjust the account of Stephen Smith, Guardian of IIENEY L. CASSEY, n minor, and to make distribu, ttoo of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the to.otioh. Intoro.ted for the parpo-et of Lis op, pointment, " -Soupary 22, 1864 at -I. o'clock P. M., at Ms office,. MY, Jan- btlithst LOCUST Street:, in the city of Phil cfpri.l3,.....w"UT/L- TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR 1 TIM CITY AND COUNTY OF PUILADEI, TIIIA. Estalr of EMANUEL KRAIL, Deemßed The Auditor appointed by the 'Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of Elizabeth Kroll and Charles }trail, Administrators of EtIANUP.J., KRAIL, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance In the hands of the accountant, 'will meet the parties interestod, for the purposes of his appointment, on THURSDAY, January 23, 1862. at 4 o'clock P. 81., at his office, S E. corner of EIGHTH and LOCUST Streets, in the city of Philos delphia. 1011-stuthst MARSHAL'S SALES lt/rAItSHAL'S SALE.-L-By virtue of a .4.8.1. writ of tale, by the ion. JOHN CADIVALA.. DER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in awl for the Eastern District of Ponneylvania, in Ad • tuiraity, to me directed, will ho Bold at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at QUEEN. Street wharf, on TUESDAY, January 21, 1862, at 12 o'clock, DI., port of the cargo of the Steamer SALVOS, consist. hug of 56 bags of damaged Cotton, WILLIAM MILL WARD, 11. S Marshal E. D. of Ponn'a. PHILADELPHIA, January 10, HU. jail-6L ILLUMINATING OILS COAL ,OIL 1 COAL OILI GEORGE W. WOOTTEN, 3B SOUTH SECOND STREET, AGENT FOB THE NORTH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF COAL OIL, AND RE FINERS OF COAL AND CARBON OILS. WM. r. JOHNSTON, President, OEO. OGDEN, Secretary., Also, Agent for BEERS, JUDSON', & BEERS, Patent Glass Cones for Lampe, and wholesale dealer in Dith ridge's Patent Oral (tiro -proof) and Eastern Flint-Glass Chimneys, Lamps, &c. Burners to burn Coal Oil with out Chimneys. Cush buyers or prompt payers aro respectfuUY Invited to examine our stock. no2l-2m pORTLAZID KEROSENE OIL We aro now precancel to ccaPciirllda STANDARD ILLUMINATING OIL AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Z. LOCKE & CO., SOLE AGENTO, 1010 MARKET STREET, Paned°lpldo. INSURANCE COMPANIES. H FIRE INSII , OF TEN OTATI ON COMMONWEAL' BANCE COIIPAN . PENNSYLVANIA. DIBEOTOBS. David Jayne, M. D., Marten H. Boger* John M. Whitall, John K. Walker, Edward 0. Knight, Robert Shoemaker, Thomas S. Stewart, William Struthers, Henry Lewis, Jr., Stephen Coulter. DAVID JAY E, M. D., President. JOHN M. WHITALL, Vice Preeddent, SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary. Gonunon,weaUh Building, 618 OHESTIIIJI Street, Philadelphia. setAt tt FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 408 CHESTNUT Strut. FIRE AND INLAND INBUBANOL DIHEOTOaB. George W. Day of Day & Matlack. Samuel Wright ° Wright Bros. k 00. D. B. DIVTIOY " Davie &, Birney. Henry Lewis, Jr ° Lewis Bres: - & Co. 0. Richardson.. ° J. 0. Howe lic Co. Jno. W. Evennan....... ° J. W. Evennan & On. Geo. A. West ° West & }robes. F. S. Martin . ° Savage, Martin, & Co. C. Wilson Davie. Attorney-at-law. B. D. Woodruff or Sibley, Molten, & Woodrill. Jno. Kanner, Jr . No. 1718 Croon street. GEORGE W. DAY, Presidont. FRANCIS N. BUOK, Vice•Prmids>s6 WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. la2B-tftf LOST OR MISLAID.—A Certificate of Stock, No. 100, for 50 shares Allegheny Mining Company of Nen Jersey, dated July Bth, 1847. Notice is hereby given, that an application has boon made to the Board of Directing of Bald Company for n new Certificate. ja4.4341. I'. BARRY HAYES. .. 0 10 E. S. EARLEY, FURNISHING UNDERTAKER, Southwest corner of TENTH and GREEN Streets, nol9-3mlP* Philadelphia. MILITARY GLASSES OFFICERS' GLASSES. FIELD AND MARINE. A full supply of the above Glasses have been this day received from Paris. They are of very great power, Laving GRADUATED SIGHTS, ACROBIATIC, And 2G Lines. For sale by BAILEY & CO., tall-Gt 819 CHESTNUT STREET. COPARTNERSHIPS MBE COPARTNERSHIP HERE foforo existing between the subscribors;under tho name and firm of S. Silberman & Co , us this day dis solved by mutual consent. The el - faint of the late firm will be settled by S. SIL BERMAN, who will continue the loudness under the seine firm, at the old stand, No. 18 North FOURTH St. S. SILBERMAN, 11. KITE' NG EIL Philadelphia, Jan.ll, 1862. jail COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—The undersigned have this day formed a copartnership, under the name of L. B. HOPPIIi & CO., to hutment the Genet al Auction and Commission business at No. 242 MAIIKET Street. L. B. lIOPPIN. T. FRANE COOPER. Philadelphia, Jarman, 11, 1862 jall-3t WANTS WANTED -BY A YOUNG MAN, a Situation as SALESMAN In a Retail Hat Store; is thoroughly acquainted with the business, having an experience of twelve years. Can Influence considerable first-class trade, and giro satisfactory refer (-noes. Address Box No. 1402, Philadelphia Post Office. W ,' ANTED.—The Military Hospitals at Washington are in urgent need of Bed Sacks, (of ticking,) Sheets, and Wrappers. Any of the>e ar ticles left at the Depository of the United States Sanitary Conn:W.lcm, No. 1235 CHESTNUT Street, will be at once forwarded to Washington. ja9.thetn3tst WAN T E D—A second-hand Sta tionery Steam Engine, of from 60 to 70-Horse Power. et ddrees, stating particulars, "Box 1155 Poet Office." de2l-tf BOARDING To LET—With or without board, to a single gentleman, a Led room and sitting room, or Led room only, in WALNUT Street, betwoen Tenth and Broad. Address, for further particulars, "X. Y. Z.," Press office, Chestnut 'treat. dtd-tf REMOVALS REMOVAL. WELLING, COFFIN, & Co., HAVE REMOVED TO 220 CHESTNUT ST. jaf,46 REMOVAL.—The undersigned has removed from No.B North THIRD Street to No. ,26 CHESTNUT Street, 11 hero he will continue tho job bing of Millinery Goode, no heretofore. M. BRRNHEIM, Philadelphia, Jan 2, 1862. t ja9-6t A. FAHNBSTOCK & CO. HAVE J_Ji• REMOVED TO 408 MARKET Street. jal-lm NEW PUBLICATIONS HOLIDAY BOOKS Men PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS SELLING AT VERY LOW PRICES. W. G. PERRY, Bookseller, de2o-Im S. W. Corner 'FOURTH and RACE D IARIES FOR 1862. GREATEST VARIETY, AND AT THE LOWEST PBIOES BUY OF THE PUBLISHER. WILLIAM G. PERRY, Publisher, S. W. Corner FOURTH and RACE Rocas, LAW AND PESCEL A- A-1 NEVEM, now and old, bought, said, and ox. shanged, at the PHILADELPHIA-BANK BOOK STONE, No. 419 CHESTNUT Street. Libraries at a distance purchased. Those having Books to sell, if at a distance, will state their mama, sizes, bindings, dates, editions, prices, and conditions. WANTED—Books printed by' Benjamin Franklin, as well as early Books printed in and upon America. Autograph Letters and Portraits purchased. Pamphlet Tams of Pennsylvania for sale. Catalogues, in prose, sent free. Libraries ap praised by ffe26-tfl JOHN CAMPBELL. F ORNEY'S ""WAR TRESS." The intense interest everywhere image Lam Rainy con test in w hi c h and Fleets of the Nation are e,,gaged, ON THE POTOMAC, IN WESTERN 941tOSNIA, IN KENTUCKY, IN MISSOURI, ON THE SEA. COAST, and elsewhere, and the existing demand for a Weekly Jotunal that will furnish a full and accurate account of the thrilling events of this exciting and over-memorable period, acceptable alike to Soldiers in Camp, to Peaceful Firesides, to those who wish to obtain the latest war news, and to those who desires to preserve in a convenient reference, is. correct History of the _Great Rebellion, has induced me to commence, on SATURDAY, NOV. 'l6, 1E361, the publication of a GREA.T WAR PAPER, On lien of the presont !sane of , the }Redly Press,) to be called .LFORNEY'S WAR P.R1185." It will be printed in eruperior style, on a largo quarto sheet of eight pages, and each number will present thefollowidgATTßAOT/Vil PEARIRES, viz : A BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVING, Illustrating an event of the War, or a MAP of some lo ...dity_Nyhere important operations are in contemplation; A -4" - -V/L/Z- LATEST WAR NEWS from all parts of the country, by Mail and by Telegraph. from numerous CORRESPONDENTS, and all other reliable soarcos of information; TUE LETTERS OF igC,ICCASIONAL,,I whose epistles from Washington during the last three years have boon singularly correct in their statements and predictions, and whose comments upon pabllo affairs have hero copied and read with deep interest through out the whole country A THRILLING SKRTOH OR TALE, illnetrativo of the romantic incidents connected with the War; GLEANINGS FROM THE RICH TREASURES OF weit-WIT AIND WAR-POETRY ; that are elicited by the mighty events now transpiring; ABLE EDFSOBIALS ON THE GBEAT QUESTIONS OF THE DAY i THE LATEST LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS A SUMMARY OE RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE interesting to all Denominations; IMPORTANT ARTICLES FROM FIRST-OLAF:IS WRITERS; ACCURATE MARKET REPORTS, Including the Cattle Markets of Philadelphia, New York, and other places, the Money Market, and Reports of the Prices of Produce and Merchandise. EtTorte will constantly be made to introduce each new features OA will render the " WAR PRESS" one of the moat popular and attractive Journals of the country, it, Contrary to general expectatisne, the war should ba end denly brought to a dose, Ito colomns will be 'Val with article that will Novo deeply interesting to its salient. TERMS: Ono copy, ono year Tbreo copies, ono year.... Fivo cordon, ono year..., Ten copies, oue year Lnrgor Clubs will be charged at the enure rate, thee: 20 copies will cost $24; 50 copies will cost $6O; end 100 copies, $l2O. Wo also offer tho following EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS I To every Subscriber remitting us 82 we will forward by mail a Scot•rate, now, large OOLORED NAP of the Southern Slates, which ghee the most usetul and com prehensive view of the Seat of War, and descriptions of the Important localitiea of the South, that has yet been published. Tts retell price le fifty cents, and it b well worth double that awn. We will also forward one copy of this Map to any per son who sends us a club of three, of tire, or of ten sub scribers. Any person sending us a club of twenty subscribers, accompanied with $24., will be entitled to an extra copy ((or the getter of the club,) and tibia to a copy of the above-mentioned Map. In order to further stimulate individual exertion to ex tend the circulation of the WAD. PRESS," we offer the following liberal premiums: ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN OASH ! will be presented to the person or persona who mify pro core tho largest list of subscriber" by the Ist of April, 1889; FIFTY DOLLARS to the person forwarding the second higheet number by tho same poriod, and TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS to the permit forwarding the third largoet number up to that time. Tho conditions of the foregoing premiums require all tmbscriptions to be paid in advance for ONE YEAR, at the rates published above. ALL POSTMASTERS, and other loyal citizens, aro earnestly solicited to assist In extending tho circulation of the "WAR PRESS.' They may rest assured that they will thereby not only secure to subscribers a first-rate Journal, but ono which will be an earnest champion of the 'vigorous prosecution of the war and the restoration of the Union. SPECIMEN COPIES will be farmhand to those wbo requeetthem. Subscriptions may commence at any ttme. Tared ALWAYS CASH, in advance. All Lettere to be addromed to JOHN W. FORNEY, "PEES'S' 'Moe, 417 CHESTNUT STREET AA MERICAN ACADEMY OF mutim AND LOCUST STREETS. Lessee and Manager ON MONDAY EVENING, January /3, 1862, BENEFIT, AND MOST POSITIVELY LAST APPEA.BANOS EDWIN FORREST, When ho Will onstainhio world-renowned Shakspeariaa 1!1=11 0 TH.ELI,O, TILE MOOR OF` VENICE Desdemona • M 133 ATHENA. Doors open at 7. Curtain rises at htiff past 7. IV' Prices as usual. jall-2t A DI ERICAN AO A:DIEMY OF mum. SPECIAL NOTICE. BENEFIT, And most positively last appearance of ED WIN FOBBEST, ON MONDAY EVENING, January 13, TEM. 13?" Extra Train of Cars will leave Norristown, Ma nayuniz,,, Conshohocken, Spring 111111, and all Ficas Sta tions, in time to witness the Greatest Tragedian of the age, EDWIN FORREST, In bis Mara Character of OTHELLO. Returning, leave Depot at NINTH and GREEN, at , l2- o'clock. The Passenger Railways from Frankton' and German;s mantown will rake passengers to the Academy and roe turn at the close of the nerformance, Curtain risen at half past 7. MUSICAL -FUND HALL. MR. SIMON 'HASSLER Respectfully informs his Friends, and the Public in ge neral, that be ei ill give his FIRST GRAND CONCERT, (Since his Residence in Philadelphia,) On THURSDAY EYE BUNG, January 16, 1862, AT MUSICAL FUND HALL. The following Artists have kindly consented to gips their valuable assistance on this occasion: Dome BERTHA JOHANNSEN, Mr. T. BISHOP, Mr. CARL WOLFSOIIN, Mi. CHARLES SCHSIITZ. A CARD. Mr. lIASSLER states, with pride, that the Principal Resident Musicians bare, in a truly professional spirit, nobly volunteered their sees ices, to enable him to form a POWERFUL ORCHESTRA, in order to produce tho Two Grand Overtures! in a style worthy of the Comp. sere and the appreciation of a Philadelphia Public. t. 11110 1 ,7 HASSLER Conductor. CARL SENTZ Leader. MICHAEL H. CROSS will preside at the Piano. Tickets riFTY CENTS_ Tobe bad, with programmes, at the Principal Muslis Storer, at Contineutal Hotel, of the Committee, and is the Evening at the Door. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Con cert to commence at 8. WALNUT -STREET THEATRE-. NINTH and WALNUT Streets. Sole L 08600.. . . . 11LB8. H. A. GARRETTSOIL THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, January 11, The performance will commence with . . . . . . Body O'Connor Mr. Barxey Williams. Kitty Killeen hire. Barney Williams. To Le followed by the Comedy of CUSTOMS OF THE COUNTRY. . . . . .. . Melina Mrs. Barney williamo. To conclude iilth PRELIM O'DONNELL. Phelim O'Donnell Mr. Barney Williams. Proone--60, 87X, 76, and 26 cents i Private Bopes, e 5 and $3. Doors open at quarter to 7. To commence at 73(. CONTINENTAL THEATRE WALNUT Street, above Eighth. A GRAND SATURDAY NIGHT GALA! JACK SHEPPARD ON HORSeBACK, And PUTNA 51, THE IRON SON M." 76. In both of which Mr. Whitby's stud of Arabian horses will appear. The cheapest and best amusement In the city. THIS (SATURDAY) NIGHT, Jan.ll, 1852, - JACK SHEPPARD ON HORSEBACK, With the powerful and talented Company. To con clude with PUTNAM, THE IRON SON OF '76. Admission 15 and 21 cents. To commence 34' past 7. MRS. JOHN DREW'S A.BOH-STBEET THEATICS. Acting and Stage Manager W. S. If REDIMMOKIL Business Agent and Treasurer JOS. D. XIIEDIII. 'lO-NIGHT (SATURDAY) Jan. 11,1962, - SCOTTO! SCOTTO! On, T e lt , E SCOUT AND TOE SOT. 170Y10113 to which the Comedy of THE BUSY BODY. Every member of the Company in the cuts. ON 7AoNonr, JOHN DREW At Home. Prices as usual. Beats secured one week in advance. Curtain rises at g after 7. Beats secured without az. tra charge. IT ING'S AMPHITHEATRE E Street and PENNSYLVANIA Arenue, near Willard's, WASHINGTON, D. C. THOMAS KING. Sole Lessee and Manager. FRANK WHITTAKER ..... —Equestrian Manager. Visitors aro respectfully Informed that this ELEGANT BRICK EDIFICE Is nightly opeu for SUPERIOR EQUESTRIAN DERFORHANCES. DAN RICE, THE AMERICAN HUMORIST, WILL APPEAR ItICIITLY 2 FOR I Commencing - gauntry 6,1862. r all particulars sue Washington Saud*, Chronicle _owl local SPECIAL PERFORMANCES ON WEDNESDAY AND SATDRDA`r TEMPLE OF WONDERS TENTH awl CHESTNUT Streata. in his New, Popular, and Amusing Entertainments, EVERY EVENING, commencing at half put ? o'clock. and on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY APTICR NOONB at 3. Grand Combination of Attraction, Thaumatargical 71Insions, Ps)cological Experiments, Magical Decep tions, lientriloluial Oddities, Comicalltieg, and Bon Mots, and the Pleasing Exhibition of the Loarnod Ca nary Birds. Adndadon 5 cent.; Children 13 cents. aERMANIA. ORCEPISTRA. CAUL BENTS Conductor... PURLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, st, sJE o'clock P. M., at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. Package of Eight Tickets, 81 ; Single Tickets, 21 aft To be had at Andre's, 1104 Chestnut greet, J.lC:acvalirs r Seventh and Chestnut, and at the dour of tke Hall. ooMI-411 PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP THE FINE ARTS, 1026 CHESTNUT Street, IN open doily, Sundays excepted, from D A. H. LID 0 P. EL AM:Weston 25 cents. Children tinder twelve yen% half price. Shares of Stock. 010. bl FOR SALE AND TO LET. pR I VAT E APARTMENTS.-TWO handsome communicating Chambers on the second floor, and one on the third, if deatred, with large private r Euler and private table, can be bad at 1118 PiNE St. 74 7 i;tt i l 4 ili!ed to rent these rooms to a single family, to the oarders. m9.3t* n,... L. ,, D • rr. • , . _ F; RESIDENCES RESIDENCES to EiCno.. : Merchandise. Apply to J:Tl.*Ft jra 110 South FOURTH. Streik— o et A WELL-BUILT FOUR- Egt STORIED BRICK STORE AND DWELLING. located on MARKET Street,. will be EXCHANGED for good Building Lots in the T. ueutieth ward. Apply to J. H. WATERS, MO South FOURTH Street. eFOR SALE OR EXCHANGE_ .LA handsome four-storied DWELLING, on TENTH Street, near Chestnut, A Farm, small houses, or good Stocks will be taken is payment. Apply to J. H. WATERS, ja7 110 South FOURTH Street. MFOR SALE—A FARM of 20 Acres, in 11,e loon of WEYMOUTH, N. J., to ex change for Furtature. Apply to J. 11. WATERS, ja7 110 t3outh FOURTH Btroet. $5OO WILL BUY THE WHOLE. of a valuable PATENT, or secure a larEsa. la forest In oue that u ill make a fortune during tli,tswar. Address "PATENTEE." Lambertville, N. J. 0.1-64* CARD.—For sale, lease, and V fixtures of a first-class Coal Yard. Situation, BROAD Street. Will sell cheap. Rent low. Inquire at North BROAD Street. Ja6.6t* et: WE-HOUSE TO RENT, at May— Kealanth ille, Tit enty-fourth ward. Apply to E. O. &P. It. WARREN, on the premises. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE- R largo number of Farms in the adjoining Coun ties, States of Delaware, blaryland, New York, arid New Jersey, averaging from 10 to WO acres of land. Those %idling to exchange or purchase would do wall to cell and examine my Register of Farms. Apply to jal-tf E. PETTIT. No. SO WALNUT Stmot. SH ll' TIMBER FOR SALE.- Several Tracts of WHITE-OAK TIMBER LAND In Dorchester county, 'Maryland, convenient to narigs. Isle ater. For particulara apply to JAS. T. McCULL.SI:I43I, Elkton, M& ..84 00 .. 5 00 .. 8 00 . 1.2 00 de2S-Im* FARM FOR SALE.—A FARM, in excellent state of cultivation, containing fifty-on. scree, (nine of which are woodlund,) pleasantly sttuated in Limerick township, Montgomery county, two and ■ half miles from the Limerick station, on the Reading Railroad, is offered for sale. Price—Five thousand dot • lure (55,000) Apply on the premises. nole•tf SAMUEL H. GRAFF. get FOR SALE—A Desirable FARM, .dsL- containing 05 acres of superior land, near Sandy Run Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad, with tire:- class Stone buildings. Principal part of the patchale money can remain at 5 per cent. Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 555 WALNUT Street. PLILT , TE'S SAFE DEPOT Mir MOVED to No. 21 l3outh SEVENTH Street, Mart ranklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and bettid determined to merit flame patronage, has secured MI elegant and convenient store, and has now on band large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought Oa Chilled Iron litre and Burglar Proof Sates, (the only Strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, =WI Unequalled Bank Vault, Bate, and Bank Locks. Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Leeks will be furnialseil to order on short notice. This is the strongest, beet pew. tooted, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention is called to Lillie's Nett Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, &c. This Safe IS Wan. ceded to surpass In style and elegance anything yet of for this purpose, and is the only one that Is hided* fire and burglar proof. EIPICOLAL NOTIOI.-1. have now an band say twenty el Farrel, Herring, A Co.'s Mee, most of theist nearly asse, and some forty of other makers, comprising a compield assortment as to sizes, and all lately exchanged foe tit now celebrated Mlle Safe. They will be mold at low prices. Please call and examine. 1a25-Iyif DI. 0. SADLES. Agent. JLR U SSE S! BRACES!! SUP PORTERS!!! 0. IL NEEDLES, _ . B. W. censer RACE and TWELFTH t34reets, Practical Adjuster of Trussed and Mechanical Appli ances, has constantly on hand a large and varied stock cif elegant French Trusses, and a complete assortment of best American. English and American Supporters and Belts, Shoulder Braces, Suspensories, ,Syrintes ;a grstpl variety, French Pessaries, to. Ladles' Department conducted by Ladies, TW'ELFLFi Street, Seat door below Race. n027-if3tu GRAY OR DISCOLORED HAIR Dyed a beautiful Black or Brown, at FOURTH. and BRANCH. aB-if tf PPAMPHLET PRIN TIN G, AND every other deasTlDNott of Printing, of the namt superior quality, at the moat reasonable ratee, at Buis— WALT & BROWN'S, Drexel's Building, 34 Soua TITIND Street. tiollo BILL-READ PRINTING, East and Cheapest la tbak City, at 34 Sandi TIIIED Street, PHILADELPIM ADIVSMIENTS J. N. NIXON. ,TOIM McCULLOtralt. FA.P.REN. ALL lIALL - 15* . EYE EIEEMIEI RICHARD P. JONRS, Agent. M=DIEMI BEET SAFES. -