'~: ~ a,*voiazire vnis harstokri Aassiori or Mosta-116M and Locust ottssts:— , “ Macbeth." Asolt4Mut Tattins—Arch skeet, *hove Math— .' Lovell Labor 7.,0at " 3 —.4 Scotto or, the fleont and the arr." - • Ocurranunren seirap—Walnut streak above Highth. —"Boric Shonisardon Horseback"— Putnam ;nr, The Iron Bon 0f'76." VfnAltere-Benerrr Inweenz—Rieth and Walnut eta.— " Philtria OTennell"—. , An Hour in Bevfile"—"Brien .01.ynn." ?wit OW Wolong—N. V. corner Tenth and aut. Int atteittanor Blita's Entertainment. Proceedings of Ow Commas.' The first regidar stated meeting of the new city Conn icdfa vas held xesterday itttemoon. SELZOT BELANOTS. Ti4o. Colman, President, in the chair. The following communications were read: conununication from the Pennsylvania State Id duary,, acknowledging the receipt of a number of pub!' documents from Councils. From the Controllers of Public Schools conveying an .estimate of expense,' for the year 1562. Mr. OVIrteItWOOD offered a resolution calling for the :appointment of a Joint,. special committee of six to inquire into the'state of finances an they ealeted on the let of ...Tannery, volt The committee are to be selected from ‘the old FinanceConnittee, who are not now members of 'Councils—three to be selected by the President of each , chamber. The committee are to have the use of all the %oohs, and aro,nualified to send for "and examine under oath Yd perwis they may see fit. - Mr. LrSb teloved to refer the resolution to the COM ninon on Fipinco i which was withdrawn. TM; gave riseto an animated discussion, and finally Mr. Herat-Yea Moved to amend by selecting the cent anitteo from the members of the present Councils. OATnEnWOOD strotudi , urged the passage of the 'resolution, as he wished to know how the city of Phila. delphinstomcand to been the year anew. Mr. War/Mani. sald if we Investigate title matter wo , should appoint committees and go into a thorough invea. ligation of, all the deraynnents of the city. He ' there lore, offered ae an amendment. o hat they ales Inquire dvitlYtbevartous departments of the city, ea to their ex penses for the past year, and report where extravagant .expenditures have been mode, and also the beet method *bey, In their opinion, tan offer to redeem the stuno.' Accepted. Ste. Haien thought both the resolution and amendment as altogether unnecessary. Ho thought it an insult to -the opposition, Mr. FOX was Ia favor of having this investigation unade. Ho thought that no one would deny the fact that .the finances of the city bad been In a terrible elate of .confusion. No one knows where we stand. He bad heard that the city loans had beedsold by the city below par. lie favored the appointment of Impartial persons atom outside, as theirproccedingemnst be approved of by lbaththambers. bruine rota other _amendments were made and voted •dowzt.. - - .4311geh t Wgyot tr.p3oved,__Lia . !. proviso, re that if the 'next, NttaY he dismayed." Aceeptiv --t hList , --outtaech Xr.Mblismis again moved to amend by making - the -coderaittee, five, persons from this Chamber, which was 'agreed to. • Me. Vox moved further to amend by allowiog the com ;Milne* to hire each clerks as may he deemed necessary. Agreed to. , Mr. Fox objected to the proviso as offered by Mr. litietherill. Zit thought the committee should have their time, as be did not deeire it cramped and dissolved, even sb o ngh working Mraintsrran said the member from the Twelfth was gietitif_those who were always erring for reforms,' and &ow be had Ti chance for reform be should not oppose , the proviso, as it would compel the committee to make a report mad arrive -at some conclusion--a thing seldom .galled from these special enniMittees. -Mr. Lynn Mild they wautod the committee appointed. They courted an invest/gat/mu but they were unwilling that the Proviso should be stricken out. ' He was willies' 4o extend the time, but ho wanted some definite purled aimed. Mr.Mta Ater then moved to strike out March and in gert Jetty, Which was agreed to. The resolution as amended, was then passed, and the .chair appointed ifoisars. !limitary, chairman, Catherweod, liVetherill, King, and Mclntire. Mr. WETHERILL offered a resolution, that a Commit tee of Defence he appointed to take the place of the old •eommittee, to have ail the porters, and perform the do -ties, of the name. Agreed to. Mr. DOUGHERTY offered a resolution, that the Commit lee on 'Belief to the Families of Volunteers report as to 'the propriety of extending aid to the families of sailors :and matinee enlisted in the service of the United States. Agreed to. Mr. FORD pretreated an "ordinance appropriating the taunt of SUN to pap for the opening and cleansing of the :arming and inatters,as shall prevent the overflowing of Abe edemas. TroX moved to amend by making Oho amount $250. MEGtrir moved sGoo—which was agreed to. The 'rill then palmed. The bill from Common Council, making an aPPropria- Con of 8240,45.4 to the Guardians of the Poor, for 1302, seas taken up, the Chamber /piing Into a committee of the whole, Mr. Dickeon in the chair. The different items of the bill wore road and ngreed to. 'The Ptesident , atmounced that the new Committee on !Defence would consist of Messrs. Wetherill, Dickson, 'Davis, Ingham, Armstrong, and Mclntyre. Adjourned. COMISON COIFS. CIL, - The Chamber leas called to order at the mufti hour by Nerr, tiding president. Several nor- members, not qualified at the first alerting, 'were duly tosorn Tho journal was then road by the clerk, and ap irroved of. The. Chair announced that the selection of seats was Viten Itt order. "au motion, the seats of the members from the Nino liConth 'Wald were not precluded. Cc metien, tr. "from, - the late president, as a personal complitceLt, woo ollov,od to select las ooat boforo the &Ruing con mentod. • The members having been seated, the Chair presented & centmuniCaliOnffinn the Board of Control, asking for the atimeariation of $597,313 for the oxoenses o' the de gtorimortt Luring the current year, and $5Ol OO O for the .erection tot a new school building. On motion ' it was referred to the Committee on Schools. A communication from Mr. Jno. L. Shoemaker, mom. iber' from the Tw. Ifth - word, elating that he had declined Ito present a certificate of election for the reason that he Lad discovered that he had been deckd by fraudulent votes, woo presented by Mr. Cotton. Laid on the table. A communication was received from the Commissioner of Highways calling attention to the abocking condition tof the Creels. Referred to the ”ommlttee on Highways. Mr. BA Imen offered a resolution confirming the action 'of tble body at Its last meeting relative to organization. The resolution embodies the compromise- already pub gislitzi,, by which n temporary organization has been ar 'Avid at. Agree') to. Mr. VAREMAN naked Council to resolve itself into a Goa orifice of the Whole, to take Into consideration the ordinance !nuking an appropriation to the Poor Depart. intent. Agreed to. The ordinance was read an follows: eKericrs I. The Select and Common Coattails of the City of Philadelphia, do ordain : That the sum of tuo lunar& and sixty-five thousand four hundred and fifty three dollars be, and the cams Is hereby, appropriated to tire Board of Guardians of the Poor, for the year eighteen jhunfrol and sixty-two, as follows : DOSP/TAL DEPARTMENT Votareas Arai 111%fieltiea, ($0,2:49 Mx thousand two Erutairei and fifty defiant. Fer Atty.t.r, butter, lard, eat and cake meal, ($100) *seven lvandm.l dollars. For brawl), wine, whisky, and porter, ($900) nine liundred tiattart. Fior surgical inafrumentf, 'cachet', and leeching, ($100) 'four liundred dollars. For books and binding for medical library, and dwebervation of pathological azocienene, (#250) two bun .dred and fifty dollars. For lusrketlag for hosultel and Nurse's tables, (1t4,200) tour thousand two hundred dollars. Yor salary of apothecary and aselstants, (51,350) one othousand three hundred and fifty dollars. For yaws on pay roll, (32,262) two thousand, two Modred and sixty-eight dollars. For board of eight assistant resident hltysielana, 01.875) one thomand six hundred and seventy-live .dollars For incidental expenaee, ($2.50) two hundred and fifty dollars. INSANE DEPARTMENT For marl:ding for Insane Asylum, ($2,000) two thou ovoid dollars. - For belnry of resldent ohYstriam and board of assistant resident VI) Eldon, (51,408) ono thousand four hunt,. _d owl eight dollars. For iiap.eaun gay roll, chargeable to Insane Asylum, ($2,904) inn thousand nine hundred and four dollars. For incidental expenses, (8200) two linntlred dollars. CD ILDREN'EI ASYLUOI. 'For marUnting and anDDlloe for matroti's and' antra' tables, ($350) tires* hutdred and fifty Joann. For .noes on pa y roll chargeable to Chlldren's MY tnab (V+5PO lour bmvlrell and Silty-slx dollars. otsalary ot matron and teacher. (t-. 515) frro hundred and aevcntySira dollars. For Purolator, of aillly (81,000 one titotnaand dollars. For incidontal.txponser, (Van) two hundred and fifty dollars. 1101)811 ONNERAILY. For flour, corn, and corn !nerd, (e 27,400) twenty-scron thousand four hundred dollars. For beef, [Dutton, pork, and bacon, ($28,000) twenty eight thousand dollars. • For ten, coffee, rye,' sugar, and molasses, (818,000) elgl3toen thousand dollars. . . . For codfish, butter, lard, rice, corn, hominy, barley, fair, ard pepper, (e7:600) raven thousand are hundred dollars. For potatoes, beans, nod other vegetables, 052,100 two thousand - one hundred dollar.. For crackers, hommalt,rtaegar, and pickles, ($1,050) one tlxmnand and tiny dollars. . . For marketing for Old Woolen's Asylum, ($ 550 ) fiv° bundred and fifty dollars. For dry goods, (86,000) slx thousand dollars. For hoots, shoes, hats, and caps, ((e00) fonr hundred dollars. For _hosiery, yarn, thread, cotton, combs, needles, and ?trimmings, (41,800) one thousand eight hundred &Mara. = For tobacco, soap, lime, and starch, ($1,350) ono .4housand three hundred and fifty dollars. Far - .hardware, crockery, tinware, brushes, and Wotan., ( 1 31.400) nue thousand four hundred dollars. , For *rebate and retaire of stoves and cooking Bona rnitic (000) !Ivo hundred dollars. For general repairs to house, plumbing, gas fitting, and materials therefor, (88,000) abyss thousand dollars. For ( ti ed. ($10,600) ten thousand gr« hundred dollars. For gas and oil, ($8,400) three thousand font hundred dallata. For furniture and straw, (81,800) one thousand eight hundred dollars. 'For cleaning sinks and chimneys, ($260) two hundred and Mr dollars. For salary of steward, clerk, bona agent, storekeeper, matron and eleward'e clerk, (64,826) four thoutiond eight hundred and twenty-fire dollars. for eatery of doorkeeper, engineer, plumber and gas -titter, baker, general watchman and police officer, 02,570) two thousand live hundred and seventy dollars. For wages on pay roll,thargoahle to house, generally, 01,800) One thousand eight hundred dollars. For the hose, and rival's to same, (400) four hun dred dollars. For Incidental expf nee% ($350) three Itnuareil an Ilftr -dollars. MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT For leativr, lasts,and shoe findings, (131,600) tout thousand fire Modrd dollars. For tallow and caustic alkali, ($1,000) ono thousand ,dollan. For chain, idling, sad wearing materials, (So,soo)sli. - thousand llve hundred dollars. For tools, coal, Iron, and steel, (€5.350) three hundred and fifty dollars. For tln, glass, paints, varnleli, oil, glno, and brtudons 401,250) ono thoneand two hundred and fifty dollar,. For lamber t ($1,150) one thoutand one hundred and dips dollar,. Plats For gourrying stone; (9150) ono hundred and 11117 dol. For purchase of iron for manufacturing iron bed ateado. ($6OO Rae hnwlred dollars. For Wary of lloperintendenf, ($600) six hundred dol. gam. For wages on pq.roll, chargeable to manufactory, And o'rervrOrki 0000) SIX lestilred donate. For Incidental expenses, (MO) three hundred dollars. PARS ANIP BLOOKLEY ESTATE Forimnber std repairs, (8750) coven hundred and dift &niers do For lime, send, and masonry, (S 200) two hundred ntArif. Tor Neater pipe, fire ',NM and - rulditional gas temp - oautidde encionore of main. buildinge, ($1,200) one - lhonaand two hundred dollars. Tor straw and feed for horses and cowl!, ($1,603) ono thentisnd nix hundred dottere. - Per anede, traurtie, and farming Utensil', ($350) three ddindred and ilftrdetiara Tor - Am#base,orhoreee end - eown, ($100) Are hundred • ; for iron and Idelikaudth work. ($200) two hundred ' s dlel/are. "or dary - ,of farmer and - gardener, (81,232) one thou. *Mid two hundredand shirt, -two dollars. Toy wage' on pay -rOll, chargeable to farm and garden, 0100 onehiindrid dollars. - For intidenta exPopsea. 0350 three hundred and Sift, - donee,. OUT-DOOR EXPENSES. . . lot. salary of ei•cretary, out-door ngent,lneeeenger, and ,erniteri driver, (624418) 4Nte thousand Ave hundred and .eintity,ei4ebt donuts. rot }revelling expenses of house agent, toil, end en. part of non-rteldents, Isttsso - 1 three hundred and ttf • tfor,i rite las, and *intuit rent of etty office, (1124) . 1 ":Atieo hundredernt fifty ddisre. , 1 , For Coat of taking uphoge, ($75) savonty-five dollars. For repairs to city office, gas, Water rent, end dental office expenses, ($225) two hundred and Wear. five dollars. For expenses of support and bastardy oases, ($ 9 ,6 00 ) ulna thousand six hundred dollars. For cost of serving processea and removal of non residents, ($1,150) one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars. For cupping, leeching, and burial cases, ($100) NOVBII hundred dollars. For rent of visitors' spices, ($1,072) one thousand and seventy-two dollars. For salaries of out-door visitors, ($5,050) tlve thou• sand and fifty dollars. For salaries of out-door physicians and apothecaries, two ($2,850) thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars. For maintaining and educating three deaf mutes in the Deaf and. Dumb asylum in the city, ($480) four hundred and eighty dollars - For stationery, printing, and advertising, ($1,250) one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. For railroad tickets for guardians and medical board, (8250) two hundred and fifty dollars. For provisions for email-pox patients, ($1, 000 ) ono thousand dollars. For partial erection of new building to furnish in creased hospital accommodation, ($20,000) twenty thou sand dollars. -•• • . For incidental expenses, ($150) one hundred and fifty dollars. FOIL RELIEF OF OUT-DOOR. POOR For First poor district, ($4,000) four thousand dollars. For Second poor district, ($4,500) four thousand flee hundred dollars. For Third poor district, ($5,500) five thousand five hundred dollars. For Fourth poor district, (5,000) live thousand dollars. For Fifth poor district, ($4,200) four thousand two hundred dollars. For Sixth poor district, ($4,000) four thousand five hundred dollars. For Seventh poor district, ($5,700) five thousand seven hundred dollars. For Eighth poor district, (S3AO) three thousand five buindred dollars. For 'Ninth poor district, ($2,200) two thousand two Imoared dollars. For Tenth poor district, ($1,500) ono thousand five hundred dollars. For Eleventh poor district, (81,800) one thousand eight hundred dollars. SECTION 2. That warrants for said appropriation abet] be drawn in contormity with existing ordinances. The Item appropriating $20,000 to the partial erection of a new hospital was mode the subject of a discussion, ittr. SITES oppbsed the item. Tile Board should pro gent their full estimate to this Chamber if they desired to erect such bniidiug. Bo moved that the Item ho stricken out. . - Mr Cnnestrism. hoped that the item would not ho stricken out, but that an investigation be made. Ho was authorized in stating that the building when complete would not cost over $35,000. Mr. FRI:B3IAS was in favor of the appropriation. It wee "necessary, from the increased number of children who had ontererldhe institution. With the aid of pauper labor, a building could be erected for $35,000, which, by contract or other who, would Cost $OO,OOO, Mr. lag thought the building was nocosaary, and that the sum named was Mit - exorbitant. The Item was tinnily stricken out. tth Unattou,the following items were respectively ro- For Pour, corn; and corndneew $25,400. Pearce, mutton, pork, and bacon, from $20,000 to $25,000. Tho total appropriation to the Dopartment was, there fore, reduced from $265,453, to $240,453. The ordinance then passed a final reading, and the Chamber adjourned. Tim Iroxicun IN THE FIFTEENTH WARD.— Yesterday morning Coroner Conrad summoned ojury at the Fifteenth-ward station-house for the nurpoto of holding on inquest on the body of folio Conley, who wee murdered on Wednesday night at Twenty-fourth and Biddle streets. The deceased hail a good reputatioa for sobriety, not having tasted liquor fur twenty years, and, as he was rather of an inoffensive disposition, tho reason for his assassination is ri mystery. The sum of $122 Wag found upon the deceased, allowing that plunder was not the motive. The matter has been placed in the hands of detectives G. 11. Smith and Wrigley, who will endeavor. to find out the perpetrators of the brutal affair. The following testimony was given in at the Inquest: John Gatey, residing at Twenty-fourth and Biddle streets, was sworn and testified as follows: Last eve ning, about ten 'ninnies' after six, I came out from sup per and stood at Twenty-fourth and Biddle streets; while there saw these three men; suddenly they ran across the street; I thought it was some of the boys skylarking; heard ono say, "Let mo go ;" then one came towards me, staggered and fell; I went there and picked the man up, and saw who he was ; the other mon ran away t I went into the tavern for assistance, and the man's wife carne out and helped me to pick him on; did not soo the face of the assailants; saw nothing but their backs; was about twenty a arda front them, upon the opposite corner; did not know whore the men came front; think they came down Twenty-fourth street; when the men ran, they went together down Biddle street; the deceased was ono of the three men referred to before; I askei the murdered man what was the tnatter with him, but he cm& not speak. John McVay, residing at Ringgold and Brown streefq, sworn.—l was going dorm Twenty-fourth street, and Hitt the tenser witness on the corner; I spoke to him, nod passed him; after proceeding a short distance, I turned around and saw a scuffle; I thought 1 saw the young roan who did the act fall ; saw Conley hove hold of one of them; then Conley staggered and fell ; I sup posed that one man wont down Twenty-fourth street, and went after him; the other two ran down Riddle street; I was most of Twenty-fourth street; I did not know the man who went down Twenty-fourth street, or abet was the matter; didn't notice the men on the street until I heard the scuffle and error the men clinched, and some the pret lour witness run over ; did not see Cooler before that - didn't know that ho as home; he is a boalmsn ; I have no idea wino the two men were; I was not near enough to obtain any knowledge of them; couldn't tell whether they went down or up Twenty-third street; when I stopped the man en Twenty-tom Or street, I asked him if he nee wins them fellows, mid he said he ens not intere4iql at all; he Was not excited. Bridget McFarland, residing at Monty-third street, neer Biddle, sworn.—About seven o'clock the bell of My store ranct,ond I went to attend to it; as I opened the door leading lion) the kitchen a man stumbled in; he was ex cited and said, "let me out;" I asked him ti hat to the matter, but could not get anything from him but let me out ;" he looked fearful, and had blood about his face; I thought that the rowdies wore after him, and I went with him down to the Ringgold mill sad showed him the way across the fete; the man was much excited and was crying; upon going out ho would not come with nae ; but went through a bolo in the town; neser saw the man before in thin neighborhood. Nary Write - mid, daughter of the last WitIICSA, was sworn, and corroborated the evidence of her mother. The trees of Um young man who went through the house vas bleeding; ultra , . did not know the man; nbont the time mother was getting the man opt the back way I saw a young man out front tookinguround, and supputed_ hint to be one of those after the other man; he took no notice of me; I Lose seen that young matt frequently abtlit the neViberhood. Mrs. Ann Englisin residing at Twenty-fourth and Bid dle bluets ' aworm—About a quarter to seven last ere .nlng John Gatey rau Into our house, and asked if there lens nobody to give him a lilt; I asked Lim what woo the matter ; Le said that John Corder had been stabbed; I went out fled lifted un Ids head ; I don't know anything further ; hind not seen Conley since Saturday ; Atm. Con ley came out and helped me; no strange men were In my house lest evening; wo Um but two men boarding with us, and they lend gone out about ten minutes before; they tow nothing of the occurrence. Dr. b. Undegro e, who made a post-mortem examina tion, Pate sworn, and testified to the nature of the wounds. Ide found three cuts, one on the line of the base of the lower jaw, another back of the left shoulder, and the third In the front of the chest. Conley bled to death from the latter wound. There woro several scratches on the face, which looked as If they had been caused by falling. Saw no matte about the throat. The case was then adjourned until Monday morning next, at II o'clock. Cnunen CONSECRATION. The Protestant Episcopal Church of St. Alban's was consecrated on Wednesday I,lth the usual impressive ceremonies. The following ministers took part in tho services: Bishop Stevens, Rev. O. Emlen Rare, Rev. Benjamin Watson, Rev. George Leeds, Rev. Richardson Graham, Rev. E. W. syle, Rev. E. L.Lycete, Rev. John Leighton Idelinn, Bev. S. F. llotchkins, and others. , The church is situated on Fern avenue, near Ridge avenue, Roxborougb. It Is erected on a piece of ground presented for the purpose by Mr. Frederick Fairthorao, a prominent resident of Roxborough, and through whom instrumentality the church has attained its present con dition. The site selected to a beautiful one. The dim ch is built of stone. and cruciform in shape. Its architec ture, which is very beautiful, was suggested by Mr. rairthorne, and the plane drawn by Mr. Bytes, of this city. The church V. 115 organized In June, MO, and was then a mission of St. DM id's Church, Itianuytink, but it became independent in October, 1801 It tins first opt ned for service in January, 1801, and was consecrated on Wednesday, January Bth, 1802. It will accommodate two hundred and fifty people. The Sunday school con nected with the church ease nunhors over ono hundred and fifty children. The rector, the Rev. IL A. Tolman, is laboring very successfully in that poi lion of the c.ty. BM'OIIT OP T3TE HOUSE OP REFUGE.—Tho annual report-of this institution has haen mewed. The number of 'persons rescind during tim rear was 2.33 boys and 90 girls In the white department, and 63 boys and 32 girls in the colored department. Of those discharged 240 were white boys, 78 white Otis : 76 colored boys and 28 colored girls. The greatest number of inmates in the whole department has been 278 boys and 90 girls—total, 388. The treaunrer's report reports the payment of the in matee of the White Dom tomtit, for salaries ' repairs, and contingent expenses, $29,317.06 ; Colored Department, Slo,l4o.6s—malting a total expenditure for the mainte nance of the house of 540,487.71. The committee examined the aceonuta of the treasurer for the year IEI6I, and find a balance in hie hands of $78.00 op the first of January, 1802. The contributors theta proceeded to the election of oil. cern for the ensiling year, with the following remit: Preettlent—Thomas Enna. Vice Pregidente,-4. J. Barclay, Isaac Collins Treasiircr—Georga W. Pobea. eecretury—Alexander IleorY. ANNUAL MEETING OP THE SUNDAY-601100f. Sectary.—The seventy-first annual meeting of this to. ciety was held at No. 1112 Chestnut street. Tne trea surer reported the receipts during the year to he $695.97, and expenditures for the seine time $592.69; ,leaving a balance in the treasury of $1112.58, During the poet year fifty-seven schools, embracing six hundred rind seventy. nine teachers and the thousand nine hundred Bud eighty. eight scholars, have been assisted Of this numberforty. three were mission nimbi% tied fourteen connected with feeble churchee. The follmving named gentlemen were elected officers and a Board of Visitors for the present year: President, John C. Pechin Vice President, J 60160 Peters; Treasurer, Charles J. Sutter; Secretary, Alexan der Ktritpatt kir. Board of Visitors—Messrs. A. Afartin, Wm. F. Geddes, A. Kirkpatrick, Joseph Diver, A. R. Potter, B. B. Teland, W. B. Thomas, J. Peters, K. T. S. "Lentz, J. Boyles, Charles J. Sutter, L. Knowles. CUBIST'S BUT UNSUCCESSFUL RUSE OF A COVNTETIFF.ITHR.—ShortIy be& ro ton o'clock last night, ono of the reserve officers, on duty an Chestnut street, above Sixth, observed A man place a mail bundle behind one of the metallic Omni attached to the front of Nooses. Yard, Gilmore, & Co.'s store, And then move off hastily. The officer immediately removed the package and found it to consist of a lot of counterfeit $1 notes on the Citi zens' Bank of Middlemen, Delaware. Thereupon, ho notified the storekeepers and othnie, in the vicinity, of the discovery, and cautioned them to he on his lookout. Plait an hour passed and the enshiclotht depositot entered the Metropolitan saloon, next door to Yard, Gilmore, & Co.'s store, and attempted to pass one of the notes. lie was recognized by the reserve *Meer, and at once taken Into custody nod locked up at the Central Station. Be gave the name of henry /Janke. Me will probably have a hewing to-day. ACCIDENT.—On Wednesday John Ilaya, a men her orßoxter's Fire Zona see, fell from the front plat:Mut of n city raileay car, on Second street, above Breast. A wheel posit) over one of his lintels and crushed it in a very serious number. The sufferer was token to the hospital. His resitionee to at No. 1010 Cott:- Moo West. DROWNING CBE.—Yesterday the body of an unknown man was found floating In the Schuylkill river, near the Point Breeze gee works. It le haltered that Ma name I. (Inintln Devine, and that ho reAded at No. 760 Bouth Third Street. He is about five feet eight inches in height, and wore two yams of Dante, two veils, and a black frock coat. The coroner wet notified to bold an hauled. CUILD SMOVIBRED'.—A child named Ken nab', four mouths of age, woo accidentally ernotherel in bed at the residence of its parents In Mire street, neor Twenty. fourth, Fifteenth ward, on 'Wednesday night. THE THAW.—The thaw has had the effect of breaking up and loosening ice in the small steatite, and It In tinfting into the Delftware river in largo masses. The change in the temperature has made the ice cent paratieely rotten, and the steamboats break It up with out difficulty. SALE Or A PnlZE.—The schooner San Juan. a privy vcud, has been soh) for $1,400. Her cargo of gait brought 20 cents Per bushel. THE Rowan]) ItosrrrAL.—The following are the Ileum of the rerrort of the }toward Hospital, No. 3018 Lombiird street, for December, 7801: Number of patients regie'ered. 374 prescriptions furnished 819 Whole number of patients regletered slue° March - 1,1861 !3 076 Whole number of prescriptions .furnished In cam period 1,016 Arrival of Released Prisoners finer Rick- We had an interview last night with David Wells and a comrade named Swanson, - who were among the cap tives at the retreat of 801 l Run, but returned to Fortress Monroe a little In advance of the main body of the re lapsed planners, and Imo since been to Wasldngton, visiting their regiment. Both are attached to a Roches ter organization, and ivill leave for l'iow York on the way homeward this morning. . . . At the battle of Dfanassas the regiment to which they were attached was panic-stricken early In the afternoon, and although afterward united in part, many of its members Mika to appear. Jameson and Wells twilight chi Her in a clump of trees, the bullets raining around them. They had the indescribable anguish of beholding from this covert ninny of their connadea stricken down, and one you/ g man, ruphlug toward their shelter, had both legs broken by a spent ball only a few feet from the is/M. Jameson ventured from his concealment to assist him, when be watt charged upon by an Alabamian, who wielded a tremendous bowie knife and called Jameson to surrender. Wells at once ran out to his relief, and both were bent directly by a company of Virginia riflemen. Their hands were tied behind them, and they were led away toward the rebel reserves. the Virginians were cowardly and cruel beyond all forbearance: but the Alabamian s whose naine.turatext out to be Borland, behaved more chivalrously. Ifs rebuked the rifleman and finally succeeded in having both Jame ton and Wells unbound As they were ohnoet dead for water, be gave them to drink from 1114 canteen, tiad his example at length induced clemency In the breasts of the others. They were matched about four miles, beholding on the way hundreds of dead and wounded rebels that wire being carted towards Ihentsvllle in corona ox carts driven by negroes. The groans and screams of the sufferers, 'whose wtnuda bled afresh at every jostle of the carts, were fearful to hear. Once on the way a rebel officer drew a pistol upon Wallis but the Alabamian strode him over the face with the flat of his sword, when Ito forbore. The town of Brodsville 'IN en filled with wounded and dying sol diers; all the houses were made hospitals, and the citi zens were turned away from their homes. Alt was dis order, end on every hand the rebels believed that they had been defeated. The captives were quartered, with eight others ' in the upper story of a tavern, and hail nothing to oat till the next evening. They slept upon the floor, but were so disturbed by the maledictions and screams of some rebel wounded in the sarellnooM that their sloop was broken and feverish. Defame daylight scattered companies of rebels came into the village, playing beisterousmusic, and the time till daylight was given to rollicking and merriment. A dozen of the prisoners were marched, on the third day, across the country to Fredericks burg, a /movement which they were at a loss to explain. They learned afterward that the colonel of the regiment to which the riflemen were attached Wes a citizen of Fredericksburg, who desired to gratify his townsmen with a 1 7 161 V of the Yankees. litre they were Mooted tolerably, and some oi the woman fed them with whole some food. Atter two days they were taken to Rich mond, over the Richmond and 'Potomac. Railroad, and lodged in the penitentiary on the southwest of the city. After a month's F.0)0'13111 bar, they were removed to nauseous nuarttra in all adjoining tobacco factory, and lit to till the time of their release a loathsome existence, among rats and vermin, constantly insulted by the rebel guard, and too poor to pay for the ordinary neeessities of life. Corn bread, bard and umtholesorne, wag doled tt r iLt n,“ othere, and a disease, akin to the scurry,littally ta n messes. The Alabamian, Bor land, who had captured them, visited eta tottery one day, and promised to use his Influence to secure their release on the ground of sickness. He succeeded in doing en, and they came down to Norfolk throe weeks ago in the steamer Rebel, and thence were transmitted to Fortress Monroe. They can give no knowledge of oft fail is in either Richmond or Norfolk. TILE QUARTER-MASTER GENERAL Of PClall sylvania acknoviledges to kayo received for the volun teers the tenoning donations : From the' citizens of Hopewell township, Bedford county, by band of G. 0. Palmer, Esq., of Hopewell, 60 pairs of woollen socks. From Mrs. Jacob L. !tuella, York, 2 pairs m oaken socks ;from Mrs. Betty R. Baker, Altoona, 2 coverlets,l pair locks, 2 pillows. Prorupdies of Sunnyside Female Seminary, Cumberland county, 6 pairs Moollen Becks, 5 canton flannel shirk, and 4 pairs drawers. Mrs. Anna Ebersole, of South Hanover, sends 3 pairs socks, accompanied with 2 pairs from John Ger ler, and 1 pair each from Mary Boesboro, Mary Hoer nor, Martha Launch. Rosy Trillions, Caroline Hoes nee, Lea Brenerman, Barbara Yingst, Mary Neigh, Eliza Fntz, Elizabeth Hoover, Nancy Brenneman, Catharine Kinsey, George Stauffer, Lity Kinsey, Polly Seigel, Sus). Ann Boer, ner, Mrs. Samuel Minig, Mrs. Frederick McCloud, Molly Shafner, Elizabeth Shatter, Widow Wengerd, Remelt Ebersole, and Elizabeth Cassel. It. C. HALE, Harrisburg, Jan. 8, 1862. Quartermaster General. A ThIIEF'S DEPRAVlTY.—Yesterday, a gen tleman, 'oldie returning from market along Fourth street, Met a friend, and baited to convene with Lim, of the stuns time plating his welhfilled basket upon a door- step. A moment thereafter he turned to lift up the basket and vas horrified to find it minus. Some daring scoundrel hod seen the golden opportunity and em braced it. C 0 U It T S SUPREME Counr—Chief Justice Lowrie and Justices Woodward, Titon,pson, Strong, and Reed.— Illy ere Is. Conface. Judgment of non pros. entered. City of Philadelphia vs. John Dyer. Error to District Court argued and submitted. Noshirk's Appeal. Argued and submittal. DISTRICT COURT —Judge Stroud.—Carter ve. Joseph B. Conover and George Borff, trading, &c. Before reported. Verdict for plaintiff for 55,024.09. . . QrAnTnn Stasions--judge. - Allison.—NO thing of importance transpired in this court during the morning. A number of Wltun Canes were disposed of, the charsea being petty larceny. CITY ITEMS, Dr. Hayes' Lecture at Itlnsreal Fund Hall Last Evening. A very select and, considering tho weather, quite large audience woe assembled at Musical Fund Moll last eve ning to hear Dr. Hayes' second lecture on "Arctic Es 'Aerations." At 8 o'clock the lecturer appeared upon the platform, accompanied by a large number of promi nent citizens—merchants, lawyers, physicians, and di vines. As Dr. Ira) es proceeds with iho narrative of his own perronal exposure to the rigors of the polar cold, in com pany with the men who were with him, surprise is ex. cited in the mind of every one, that one, with so few in ilications of great physhal powers of endurance, ehonld bavo survived the frigid Meal to which he was exposed in Lis into expedition. Ills story, although devoid of the brilliancy imparted by genius, is, novertlieless, effec. tirely told, llu commenml by recapitulating what ho though', martnectssar3 to connect the that with the present lets lure, for the benefit of those who had not hoard the former, on Tuesday evening. 'rho Bun, he Bald, had come back to them on the 18th February, after an aleence of one hundred and thirty Jaye, and the lecturer prerumell that he bad never arimon to a more joyous greeting. spe c king of their experience while absent, he said that in the manufacture of clothing they had been much as. slated by the Esquimaux women, of whom, with their mode of living, a minute and interesting description was given. The snow huts of these Ice-bound barbarians were described as by no menus uncomfortable, barring the offensive fumes with which, from various unnamed causes, they were pervaded. The philosophy and difficulties of travelling dog. sleds in that latitude were next amusingly dwelt upon. Their travelling - equipments, ho said, had been of the most simple character. Earls man In the expedition carried with him a buffalo robe, a lamp for cooking, fuel an extra pair each of boots, stockings, and mittens—the boots of sealskin, and the stockings and mittens of bearskin. Thus equipped they had accomplished as much as forty tulles per day, the temperature sometimes ranging frees sixty to sixty-eight degrees below zero. The therroome. ter at twenty degrees below zero, as it was on the 4th of April, when they were about to statt farther northward, Me. designated the lecturer as a bright, comparatively warm day too warm for comfortable travelling, and rendering it necessary for them to divest themselves of their coats!! Dr. Hai es says there is no danger in traNellitsg, Ilropetly clad, at the lowest temperature over eared, need In the Arctic regions, if persons exposed to It will keep fn motion. Their food while there consisted of beef, beef.soup, and potatoes, which titer cooked in a compact, portable uten sil of the lecturer's emu invention. Dr. Hayes' descrlP lion of a single day's travel—which was a type of those which followed—and their mode of ptomains quarters for the night was interesting and graphic. When evenin g came they dismounted from their sledge and proceeded to its a trench in ii/0 alless', eighteen feet long by seven feet wide. This done, their sledge was placed over it, covered mills ri o feet of snow. Into this snow-hut, when forna4l, an entranco was dug from ono end. The entite floor was next covered with a sheet of gam cloth. Over this were spread a tat er of buffalo robes, and three thicknesses of blankets, when the party, consisting then of eleven, began to w turn In," alterna. ling In the direction of their bodies—the head of the first being followed by the feel of flee second. Under this ar rangement, atter partaking of a hot meal prepared by their cooks, the thermometer was soldourbelow zero after the first hour. The highest point mac by the expedition under Dr. Ham was 82 dogma and 40 minutes. Tho lecturer in strongly hnpresml nttlt the ortelentee or an open sea lower& the pole. Seine weeks after returning to their boat were spent in collecting photographic pictures and curiosities, and the cabinet •of these which they brought home, And since placed at the disposal of the Academy of Natural Sciences, lie sold was the largest over hronght front the Arctic regions. The lecturer's descriptions of many of them specimens were filled with a romantic interest that elicited the breathless attention of tile audience, mingled ulth frequent applause. Liberal Contributions for tine Soldiers. Too following incident to alike illustrative In the anti lay ally of the people of Philadelphia, and the potency of tine press for good when its influence is exert ed in the right direction: Some time in December, in merchant of this city entered our Mike and introduced to us Captain Millions, of Com pany C, First Virginia Regiment, wino was then On a business visit to Philadelphia. The Captain, who is him self a Philadelphian, and a man of heart, stated to us that the nice in his command were suffering for the want of certain articles of clothing, which he was determined they should have, on his return, and desired that wo should slate Mils fact in Tie Press; also, loiters such articles could be sent during his brief sojourn In this city. His ropiest was promptly complied with. Tito day following, up published " An Appeal to the Petri. °tie," and had the satisfaction of learning that before twelve o'clock on the same day quite a large number of tine articles specified hod been sent to Captain Miltioni' order. Our "Appeal" wits kindly republished in the Ere,/ jag Bullet in ob the same afternoon, and in the North American and holitirer on the day after, and the following exhibits the gratifying result: Yesterday we received a Who:ling paper, with the sub joined Bent of leitelltitrnce• "CONTIMICTIONS yet TUT: FInST Voicioria REGIII (INT. —Capt. Millions, of emnpany C, First Virginia ftegi• meet, has returned from Phliadelphin, with a large lot of articles for the boys of the First Virginia, the c intrlhn. tans of the people of Philadelphia, t pon the arrival or Dr. Milhous in Philrul.lphin, the feline frig notice rip. peered in The l'ress of that city: [Here follows a copy of our article:] Thle notice met with a most liberal response, and the Captain brought home with him 400 palm of sticks, UOO pairs of milieus, 100 palm cloth moccasins, a lot of hospital shirts, white paper envelopes, a barrel of pic kles, a library for Company (3, o u t a number of artielea too numerous to mention. The following Is a list of the prominent contribu tors: Ladies' Ald Society of Philadelphia; Ladies' Abi So ciety of KingsesAng ; Ladies of Dr. Bralnerd'a collate gation ; Miss Lizzie Potts; Mts. A. Remy ; Mrs. E. Can by; Mrs. Done ; Mrs. G. W. Allen ; firs. Roberta; Wright, & reticent]; Schaffer & Zeigler ; It. G. Leo & Co.; C. D. Truitt; W. W. Knight & Co.; 'Awls Brothers & Co.; Peter T. Wright & Co. •, Conrad & Walton; knows 111. Betts.; Panel Winiburner ; Lome B. Koons; Bickerton, Dfosely, & McCoy ; Baker, Wescott, & Co.; - Woodside Jr Stanger ; Lesley & Co. • l'pton S. New comer; Jack Schroyer ,• D. Bolos; , F. Kercher ; Pt. 1,116) Is twin. Centtal Railroad ; Adams' Express Com- P 1111) . Captain Milhous speaks in the warmest terms of the pairioitem and liberality of Philadelphia. lie feels con fident that he could hove collected three thousand dollars' north of articles there in a crook. l'ito Captain will lento for Moloney on Wednesday morning, and IN ill cs,rry ittieffy and packages to the soldiers." THE PRESS. -PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1862. SUNDAY-SCHOOL ANNIPEItSASY.-011 Snn 'day morning next, at 10 o'clock, the Sunday School con nected with Emmanuel 'Episcopal Church, Kensington, mill celebrate its anniversary The {Mat:keg Nvill con gist of: 1, Morning servico; 2, Singing by the Children; 0, Sermon by the Rector, Rev. J. Gordon Maxwell Presentation of Missionary Offerings. The school 14 in It very flourishing condition, and now numberd over taco hundred and fifty neboliim WINES AND LIQUORS rou MEDICINAL Puit rescs, of the purest quality, finch as are approved and recommended by our first physicians, are always kept on blunt by Me. C. 11. Elattmmou, dealer In flue fatuity groce ries, cornered' Arch and Tenth streets. - - STRANGE COINEEDENGh.—It is a singular fact that Messrs. Mason and Slidell, whose minalon to Eng land wan all Moonshine, left Port Warren in the "star- It Is stated that cotton in to be cultinated extenntvelY in the Sandwich Islands. If the negro is indeed a de scendant of Mu, it e should think that just the place for him mould be among the Sandwichers. Wo have recently had our office door listed with listing of colors comprising the red, white, and blue—kindly fur nished us for the put POW, by ono of the cutters of Stokes' one price" Clothing Store, under the Continental, and it attracts some notice—a friend remarking that he never klieg; a time when there wee so mach 'listing done with the Red, White, and Blue, as there is at present. SUPERIOR WINTER CLOTHING—GREAT BAR.- GalNS.—Granville Stokes, the Fashionable Clothier, has now on hand, at his Mammoth Emporium, N 0.009 Chest nut street, one of the finest and most varied assortments of 'winter clothing anywhere offered for sale in the city. Every garment manufactured at this popular clothing bazaar is made by the most experienced workmen and Composed of the finest and most durable mate rials in the, market: Owing to the groat depression of business, Mr. Stokes has recently reduced the prices of this superior lot of clothing to the lowest figures, so that garments of the most costly kind bwrobeen placed within the reach of all. ThOso who wish to effect a groat saving in the purchase of an outfit would do well to visit He. 009 Che,tnut streot before purchasing elsewhere. A CURIOUS Coin.—At a recent meeting of the Philadelphia Numismatic Society, the Secretary ex hibited a Japanese gold coin, which in probably the larg est and most valuable variety in the world. It is of the oblong shape, which is usual in Japan, and is six inches long by Oros and ono-half wide, and worth in that coun try about eighty-four dollars. It Is moreet er curiously marked with characters in India ink, Vpou deciphering them they were found to Intimate, in the Japanese lan guage, that the best and moat elegant garments to be found in the world, are these made at the Brown Stone Cloth ing Batt of Boekhill & Wilson, N 05.603 and 605 Chestnut street, above SiNth. It is supposed to have been written by Prince Salmi Boolean, after his return home from this country. New York Stack Exchange—Jan. 9 1000 U S Gs 'B5 85 60 7 Y Cen 11...b16 81 1000 111 Ca reg bs ex i7O 220 du 81,, 2000 ?fich St 8s '78.. 70 100 do .....010 81% 7000 Nigh St 8 Irk be 78 50 Erie 11. ...... .... 34. V 3000 Missouri St Bg.. 41% 60 do .....bBO 74s 3000 do 41% 100 do ....,510 314 11000 do 41 2 ' 100 do 341 ~..' 5000 do 41,74 MI do 035 31 1000 N Y St Cs '07...102 400 do c 31 1000 Brook° W 55 400 Cloy 3: mot 35 1010 Erten tallm b.. 72 150 do .....b3O 30 1000 Bud Eiv R Ist mlOO 200 do .....530 35 1000 do 1064; 1100 do 83% 2000 do 1001€ 50 Erie P. pref.;b3o 561( 5000 C 13.1: Q.ll 8 pcb 93 100 do .....630 501.' 1000 31 So ld m aset. 61 100 do --WO 55 . . 3000 Mich So elig fdl./ 82,41 100 do ..... .. ooy 1000 111 Cen 11 be.. .. 89 300 do 554 5000 Terre H A Am 70% 50 Harlem R..... b3O 13 2000 Chi AN W Istm 39% 200 Harlem B pt.... nos too do 39% 100 Mich Con R..-- 40% 8000 do 39% 50 do 49, 1 ; 1000 I. Erie, Ix I nlbs 75 50 do —BOO 49 2000 Cluv:& Tol 9 F So 78 290 Mir 9 A N I R... 20% 6000 Cim ClS:lron be 70 30 DI So A Si I G S. 41% 12 Metropolitan Ilk 80 20 Panama B. 112 5 Continental Bk. 72 80 do 111 50 Pac .51 SS Co 660 95% 200 Gal & Chi 13-1,30 01% 225 do 95% 100 do 00% 160 do 00 200 Chi &Ilk Is R... 52% 80 do ....00 95,7 ii 100 do ....830 52% 50 Illraraglin 7 Co 2%1 200 do 52% 100 N Y Cen 18 .010 81%50 Chi, BAQ R. .1,10 58 50 do 81% 20 do 58 1C1:1 d 3 —WO 81% 43 Mill A P dnen R 19% 100 do ...,blO 81% 5 DUMP duCll 2 pf 62 no do ...boo 81% 100 Buil A St I, 11....120 ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut etl. It F FluFnell.Boßton IV It Jones, Boston Maj Thomp,o, & la, Wash Wl' Downey A: la, Ny C V 9 Terre , Boston T S Darling, Plata Con Rusin r, New Turk S S Dom, Boston B Brooke Nice, Baltimore W W Burdett, Wash II ll Albertson, Penne S A Walsh, New York C. p Norris, MIN aukee It Olmsted, Mdssankee Mrs II Wihiuwo, N Y C C Peury, Worcester Mies Cole, San Francisco S W Torrey, Now York John Storer, Lancaster S Musselman, Marietta J W Sleepy, New York J S lientlail, Now York It It Wallow Jr, Becton it Montgomery, Wmsport F S Bunt, r, ;Cooling J Foot Edo Lour, Si rocu,o N Kindoerly, Buffalo Mt Week° a, Ri, N Y W X 1! Varney, N Y A 0 Toriibei y, Cincinnati Lient Cll 11 Brea n, N Y J C Wateonr I'S N 11 Beldam, Ohio N 11 Dunn, 'Boston Chas S Joabelyn, Boston N Cherry, New York. II Suinpsou, Manchester C 1113er, New Jerauy Mrs Winans & OM, Balt Allot Wiliam, 13riltimore A Amore John 11 Stradet , Ky Ci F Davenport, N Y 11 Warner, Easton Capt X J Kelly 6: lu, N Y G F Sheppard, N Y E 0 Gonda in, N Y • • 8 Q Trim, Proy, It I E W Brigham ' Innis O N Lingsoua & N Y Munn & wf, Now York Miss AI 11 Munn, N Y A D Darbouz, Pittsburg Both Bryant, Boston Dr J Forgaion, N Y .1 W L,ouard, Now York Murray tilmile), Ohio A E Smith, Non York II P Chandler, W a shington NV McCloskey, 'Washington Thos Foster, Baltimore G W Scofield, Warren, Pa J W Neu York T Crockett, Newark, N J A Wilhelm ' Cornwall Lt Jbl Whittemore, U.S N It P Learntd. Jr, Albany A 0 Judson, Albany Obn Tan vocncon, simony L B Hood, Chicago II Batjer, Now York 43 Foot & In, Vern)ont 141 re Goy WeNor, Californin Bete, Now York nos 1) Bailer, Portsmouth L Front. Neu York II S Bright, New York WH. Hooper & In, Boston Mine A3l Hooper, Boston Dr A Yid° N J Barrett S Spear, Connecticut Ni; H Broun, Jr, Phibuta NY V Churollill, New York J A Graham, Maryland E Rider, New York Geo W Dielice, New Yotk 8 Streator, Ohio W Potter, Lynn Miss Rate Winchester W II Webb, New York John R Griffith, New York A A Donglas,Mauch Chunk (ten W Phelps d; In, N Y J P Vincent, Erie Thoo Nicholson, Hardstdg W W Irate, Harrisburg E C Fisher, New York Dr Abbott, Now York 5V F Ilurden ' Troy, N Y W Taylor, D C Sand Horne Chicago D Greene, Now York OVO F Dodd, New York John lienncdp, New• York Oeo Sanders, Baltimore C Woods, Baltimore N G 11 I' Nichols, Newark, NJ JS Mitchell it la, N York G Sampson, Itlancitebter 3 D Foley, Baltimore Don AII Reeder, Naaton GII Wright, Delaware 1.1 S Ale Comb, Dolan are MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Pourth street, ab. Illarket N Peters, Delaware M Malone, Lancaster . . Janice Healy, Doug'marine John S Brown, Erie II A Itlatthets s, Conn bi J Kramer, Allentown N 0 Parke, New York SI Barry, Lancaster Chas Hampshire, Jennear Thor; Schell, Washington J Ernes , Wabbingion II Reed, Wirthington Geo W Newcomb, Chicago Win Donahower, Reading C P Spering, Plke co, Pa Geo W Stein, Easton Thor, Orion, New Jereoy T Schock, Easton IStn Deering, Portland, Ile Hon C M Donovan, Pa W IJ hlcKinblry, Mercergifg Geo S Sutton,Wywining, Pa E A Eli, Johnstoen,NY Jerome Madden, California AMERICAN uoTEL—Oheetnat et., above Fifth. Triiitior, Jr, Boston Frisby Davis, Maryland A Leland, Matvachosetts Nelson Woi ten, Dolan oro Wm Dennison, Washington D Thomas, Jr II It Hough Wm Martin A Garritt, Brooklyn 0 G Aiken, Pittsburg 'Los J Donlan. Chester co Miss 811 Dorlan, Chest co It H Say re, Bethlehem F 0 Bright Douglass Hiss IV Wrat, Pottsvlllo F lh ookman, Now York J II Sherto, Paradise Geo J Buckwallsr, Lang C F Ton or, Day tom 0 8 Patterson, M Chunk I' A Curtis, Delaware If 1' Milebsack, Bethlehem A.l Erwin, lididehora A Getz, Bethlehem J McLean, Carbon co .1 It CON ington, Maryland L 0 England, Oswego, N Y Ti Bannister, Chicago Thos W Adems, N Jersey E A Lure, Boston \V 0 Attie, Broome co, N Y John Mears, New York Jod D Fenby, N York Isaiah Taxon, Boston J I' Bigelow, Bogen . . TIEG Bs.ndalt,urn, Colin Ti kda I. Emaminll,Ellool3, lll M T MI% ell, Pena% ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. J 1V Bice, Philadelphia E U Jackson, U S A A 111. Binsey, Penes)lvitnift W 0 Ilowarti, New York It II liorilmon, Now Cabill) Y G Yaw Filet, N Y W L McAfee, Virginia .0 Dielurnell, New York J 0 Norman, New York J Honeock, England Julie I' Doll, Boston I Tobin, Philadelphia, Ilorl.fdale, New York II Wolfson. Now Jersey Nobt Green, Delaware Isaac Wash, D C THE liNiON—Arch street, Above Third. Dr G Yates, Mount Airy EE Beitleinan, Pa J Et Fetter, New Jersey Mrs Geo Z Dents, Carlisle Master Dents, Carlisle NATIONAL lIOTEL—Taco street, above. Third. O 'Sr McKelvy, Catawissa A Brown dt in, Allentown N J lthondn, Allentown • II II dime., Milton, Ohio Smith Morgan, renna 11l It Wetero, Pottsville 8 Weaver, Penns G P Henderson, Vinisport COMMENCIAL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. H H Wiley, Pennsylvania 8 Mason, Delaware W H Women, Luna co,Pa J Skew, Delaware J Brown, Wilm'n, Del D Price, Pennsylvania John Partridge, Pa Nathan T Hayes, Pa Id Pennock, Wilnin, Del W S Ferree, Lens co, Pa W K Lockwood, Delaware Jas L Meredith, Pa C Phi Mpg, Chester co, Pa Wnt II Eder, Maryland STATES llNlON—Market street, above Sixth. John Mine, Marietta, Pa .1 it McMillen, York Jag Johnston, New York .1 K Swo or, Waslen, Jas Petrie a: la, New York jag Wright, Pennsylvania W T Corry, Grays+ ille II P Dunbar, Pittsburg J A Pattetpon,Pennstivania J K Mink, Nowvillo, Pa W Wheeler, Chester co, Pa MADISON DOUSFl—Second street, above Market. )ISfiltapleo, Stroudsburg 1) D Walton, Strentliantrg Wm T McCabe, Delaware ,T 11 Covington, Maryland 11 Wyckoff, Emton, l'a Jas N Smith, Maryland John Barley, Maryland E Vane, Maryland Gordrii, Philadelphia C Beeler, Penna Geo Middleton, Mt Holly Om 0 ski m' , N ew J er , e y E Ryland, Dolaeote BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vine. Mopes I PON, Harrisburg J L Bennett, !lucks co S Logan, Penny Dania II Whiting, Boston C 'Braun, Doylestown J Leatherman, Danboro B Pickering, Danboro Doy le.toa a 11,1 C Taylor, Poylestos, a R Taylor, Pennsylvania llobensarlc, Huntingdon C S Vandegrift, Eildington Iddin A la, Baltimore .T Hoary, Mar gland S Worts, (Litwin:Wl J C McCall, Philadelphia Wn, Thompson, Pa 0 Reeves, Now J ernoy NY Elul Comatil, llt W Dairen. Washington C Balm, Penns, !mania S Barnes, Doylestown Beilerork, Do, it shown Mr McLaughlin, Dalt T Pickering, Doy lcatonn BLACK BEAK—Tbird street, above CallowhlS. Dr J Fl Biel:m.l,W, Leh co Win U Dorfman, Alloutorsu Claw W Cooper, edlentoh Et Levi S Brown, Pouna Alvin remit, POllllll Smut Morris, Horsham D taint Siegfried, Panna n A parhine, clatinnati, 0 Casper Roads, Somertou Eduard Montle, Somerton MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second et., at,. Arch S W Bartlett, Sloss J L Comer., Mnsq 'Cr S Adlet l'enna 'Mono% com ler, Masi Mr. Christman, Morristown BEYEAB HOUSB—Thwa street, above Bemn Jon Whitaker, hlt Clair J Morris, New York V A Bartlett, Delaware W T Sherman, Delaware Vent Sweetwootl, Pentat S K Marshall, N Jersey A Letatre, Uytoe, muss P Stills , New Jersey BALD EAGLE—TbIriI street, above Ca C rem> th, Penns T Igiubseit, liellertown It Brginig, ent.iesietun I>frs Breinig, iNtassiegin. Peter Mlihr, Lehigh Co, Pa IV Smith, Lehigh no, PAMPHLET PRINTING, and ovary other descrip tion of Printing, of the moat superior quality, at the most re aaon able rates, at RING WALT & BROWN'S, Dreaell's Building, 34 South THIRD Street. delo-tf O TO 12 O'Ol.OOX. LAST riGIIT• Mrs Emanuel!, Easton, Md Mi, S Emanuell,Ba'n, M(.l MARINE- INTELLIGENCE'. M - SEE FOURTH PAGE OLEMIRITI . - . . . . fiehr II A Weeks, Godfrey, New York, Twells & Co. ficin Two Brothers, Sterling, Deal's Island, ald, cape. 13ehr Petrick McCabe, Tuinnan, do do acbr Albert Thomas, Charm', do do &in. Baltimore, Conquest, Snow Hill, Md. do Gtr Ii L Gaw, Ber, Bsltimore, A Groves, Jr. T7EMORANDA Steamship Id Sanford, Sanford, hence, at Now York York yesterday, and cloared to return Steamship Columbia. Adams, cleared at New York yes. terday Inc Steamship Australeelau, Cook, from Liverpool, at Now York yesterday. Ship Manners Sutton,Rowland, hone() for Cork, was spoken 6th Nat, tat 37 60 tong —. Ship Zone, Fullerton, bourn for London, at Gravesend 26th ult. Ship Amelia, Edge, for Philadelphia, sailed from LI- Verpool Rath ult. Ship Sohn Leslie, Given, for Noe• York, sailed from Liverpool 24th Bork Imperodor, Power, berme, was discharging nt Pet 1111111blICO Nov 27—would probably still for Philadel phia Pee 3d. Bark 111oror Norton, Gorrior, sailed from Palormo 15th ult. for Plill.ulelphla. Balk Mar) Edsou, Nickerson,'sailed from Mareelllea 21nt. ult. for Now York. Bark Hazard, iluretene, from Pernambuco, at No w York 3 rite' day. tichr B Amnia, Daylff, hence for Boston, at N York yesterday, Behr N P Phillips, Smith, at Now York yesternay fiom Wilmington, rel. • Steam transvott Planet. Wilson, hence, arrived at Now York leaterday SPECIAL NOTICES. JOHN L. CAI'EN WILL COMMENCE A COVESE OF TEN LECitrltE4 014 Preptical Phrenology at the Cabinet, 022 Chestnut street, 80014. Haying had much experience in teaching and in the application of Phrenology, and an extensive Cabinet for illustration, Mr. Capon a ill guarantee satisfaction to every member of bin class. Particulars at the Cabinet. Tickets for Gent, $2, do. Lady, $l. Examination of Character, Talent, Health, Pc., with advice, day and evening. Vamilics visited when co quetted. Ja9b3t 1q ENV GOODS Pon HOUSEKEEPERS, comprising a general assortment of Ilousekeeping arti cles, mini many 13019 Improvements Bun inventions for Dousekeepere' use, Also, a number of fancy articles, suitable for Holiday presents. Selling at redneed prices, to suit the tunes, by' E. S. FADSON Lt. CO., deiS.tf Corner of DOCK. mid PAlit.R Streets. ONE-PRICE CLOTRING OP THE LATEST SryLee, made faille Pest Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOTES - X, Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. AU goods made to Order warranted satisfae. tory. Our Osit•Titios SYCTEM in etriotly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. - gen..l l ? SOACEB k 00., 6011SIAREET Street, UPHAM'S HAIR DYE, ONLY 88 CENTS A Boa...Nottkes lit'rger than tho Dollar Dyes. Colors in. stautaneonsly,t Etna- will not wash out. Try it. Bold only at UPHAM'S, 810 CHESTNUT Stroot. n027-wtinSm CAItD PRINTING, BEST AND CHEAPEST lu tho Olty, at 34 south THIRD Btroot. BILL•HEAD PRINTING, Beet and Cheapen in the city, at at South THIRD Street. CIIICULAR PRINTING. Beet and Cheapest in the City, ut 34 Sonth THIRD Street. MARRIED HULINGF—MINGERFORD.—Jannary 7th, by Rev. 3.r. D. Kurtz, Mork liuiiuge, E, K., of Bridgeton, N. J., to Tiro. Amelia A. Ilungerford, of thin city. McCORMIO.I?-I,I*INOSTON.—On the 17th of Octo ber, 1681, by Boy. J. B. Dales, Mr. Wm. .1. McCormick to 31ien Nnitio Ltvingaton, both of thin city. rt VAN RIPER—A YARB.—On tbelt3th December, 1881, by the Roy. Dr. Martine, Mr. John 11. Van libocr, to Mat Amanda V. Altus, all of Mid City. DIED. ELLIS—On the morning of tho Bth imt., after a short but 'weer° illnese, Daniel 0. Ellis, of llordentown, N. J., in the 72d 3 oar of Me ago. The relatives 804 friends of the fatuity aro respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his elver, Mrs. Itruilut 0. Schryer, No. 418 Franklin street, above Willow, on Saturday tho 11th instant, at 1 o'clock, 1". 111., without further notice. 41* MORGAN.—On Wodneaday nroning, January Bth Mary Mprgan, toilet of the Into \Wham Morgan, In the 888 yc ur or her ago. • . • . . . Funeral from her late residence, Radnor township, Reim% are count), on Monday morning 13th Inst., at 10 o'clock. **. SPIIINGEII.—On 'lnca,lay afternoon, January 7th, 1662 Ann Springer, wile of Benjamin It . Springer, riga 73 yeas. The &tootle of the family aro remtest.il to atteni her foto:rat, Sim (Fria ii) ) u oruing, 10th hipt , at 10 o'clock, from her liw4land'a rebidonee, No. 614 South Ninth street, nithont further notice. RONEY.— On Tuesday evening, January 7th, Anna Roney, relict of the Into John Roney, in the 80th year of her age. Funet al from bor into residence, No. 1011 Vine street, thin (Friday) afternoon, at I o'cl.k. INSON.—On the 6th instant, floury Wilkinson, aged 62 y ears. Funeral from his late residence, No. 1121 South Second street. On SOilda) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. ENGA RD —fln the 701 instant, Mary Engaril, in the 80th) par of her age. Funeral from Iho reshlenca of her son-in-law, Emit mat C. Wentz . , Whiter/web, Montgomery coituty, this (Friday) morning, at ID o'clock. BRADLEY.—tin the 7th inst, John Bradley, aged IS years, youngest son of domed and the late - Rosanna Brad ley. Funeral from the residence of his brother...in-lawNo. 713 South } Eighth street, below Shippen, this (F riday) afternoon. at 3 o'clock. . . _ CLARK.—On the 7th Inst., Mrs. Margaret A. Clark, was of George G. Clark, ant second daughter of Han nah and the late John Dfarbeth. Funeral this (Friday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from her husband's residence, Warren Wert, between Thirty ninth and-Yorttetb. Weld Philadelphia. -bratsows tts. 810 Inst., - John Doighon, in. the 60th year of Ms ago. Funeral from bas Into residence, northeast corner of entietli and Spruce streets, this (Friday) morning, at fIX o'clock. /015G11ERTY.—On the Bth tact., Catharine, daughter of John and the late Ellen Dougherty, aged 2, ears 19 menthe t day a. Funeral from the residence of her uncle, John Coyle, Pennsilvanla avenue, between Twenty-third and Twen t),Jous th street, this (Friday) afternoon, at 11X FERAT.—On the 7th !net, blorgaret, wife of Cho , ' A. Feral Funeral from the residence of her slater, Mary Skein, No. 803 Pass) nob road, below Catharine, on Saturday, at tkii o'clock. GALLAGIIER.—On the 7th Inst., John Gallagher, aged 30 years. Funeral from hie late residence, Twentieth street, aboNe Spruce, this (Friday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. * TIIODIPSON.—On the Bth Inst., at the Cooper Shop Refreshment Saloon 'Hospital, Mr. John Thompson, of Col. Greg . ry '8 regiment. Funeral front his tote residence, No. 1168 south Thir teenth street, above Federal, titta (Friday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. WILSON.—On tho Bth inst., Orr% G. Wilson, Infant daughter of Jesse and Judith Wilson, in the 4th ) ear of her age. Funeral frmn the residence of her parents, north. Nveid corner Front and Vine streets, onSatarday morning nt 7 o'clock. tk MOURNING STORE,Dec.23. —SESSON & SON, No. 918 CHESTNUT STREET, offer for solo to-day, for cash— Black and White English Chintzes, 12X to 15c. do do Atlantic do 12.sc, do Purple do do 12X o. Cray and Block English do 12x c. Plain Block do do 12 c. Black and white 'lmported Do Lolaeo, 12X to 14 mtg. do Purple do do 18Xe. Second Mourning Cheno Mobairs, 12X contd. Black 'Reps Anglain, 25 cents. Mal OrWEEK OF PRAY ER—FRIDAY. Bohm Meetings for Prayer this (lay, SANSOK Street, below Ninth, 12 to o'clock, and Rev. Dr. Tt. floes Church, corner of TENCH nod FILBERT Streets, at 3) o'clock. Subject—The Word of Cod: that ft may ba received with increased loath reverence, and love; that its assailants may ho enlightened and brought Into the any of truth; that the power of the Divine Spirit nosy attend its private study awl circula tion throughout the verb]. - The closing afternoon meeting will be held TO-hIOI2. ROW (Saturday) AFTERNOON to the Clout!, of the Epiphany, FIFTEENTH and CHESTNUT, and it is hope," theta h 11l ho an unusually large attendance of ministers and people. In the absence of the pastor, the Rev. Dr. VAUGHN Is ill preside. It* DT. TO THE CITIZENS OF FHILADEL PlllC—Tho undeisigneti, proprietors of Blood's Dispatch, having been notified by the Poet °Rico De• partment, through the Postmaster of this city, that the business carried OA by them was in contravention of law, and having thoroughly investigated the subject, they feel convinced that the laws of the United St rtes ree,otting the postal affairs of the country do not yes cogubte their right to carry letters or other mailable matter through the streets, lanes, and alloys of the city of Philadelphia, and being desirous of Conforming to the lasts of the country in every particular, hereby give no tice that on and after Saturday next, the 11th lust, they will cease to operate as a Dispatch Post, or to carry any lettetS of Miler matter through the city of Philadelphia an to:17200% Tho entire control of this business has been thlineulshed to the United States Post Otlice De partment, represented by the Postmaster of tide Ott'. IttAlsaking thie public announcement, we feel It but just to assure our former patine and the public gene rally, that, front the arrangements made by the Post master on bohnlf of the Department, the business will bo carried on no much to the satisfaction of the community as though still under one control. Some of the gentlemen who here so long and so suc cessfully managed the badness while In our hands have been employed in the same capacity by the Postmaster, which of itself Is a sufficient guarantee that the service will be properly conducted. The entire arreatgements have been made with especial regard to the public con venience, and are as perfect ns c add be devised. The carriara selected by the Postmaster are both faithful and In thus retiring from the Dispatch me cannot lint titanic the public for their appreciation of our efforts to nerve them, 0101 expretet the hope that they nill favor the new regime liith their patronage in future. HIRAM. MILLER., and JOHN 11. TULEY, Proprietors. Philadelphia, January 10, 1862. jalo-24 NOTICE.—OFFICE' OF THE WY OMING CANAL COMPANY, No, 230 WAL. A UT Street, Philadelphia. The Annual Meeting of tho Stockholders of the Wlontlng Canal Company will ln held at the Office of the Company, in Philadelphia, on 310NDAY, January 201 h, 1802, at 12 o'clock noon, for the Election of a Pre iddent and Six Managers to nerve for the emoting year. dalo-Imm lit CEA ALES PAIMISH, Sec'y. rver - PEOPLE'S LITERARY INSTITUTE. 1 . 1,i —The thisiou Lecture of the combo will be In CONCERT BALL, nu MONDAY January 'Nth, by Rec. E. 11. (MAHN, IL P. Suhiect— "The People." Lecture quarter before eight o'clock. Tickets 25 cents; fur sale by T. IL Pugh, Sixth awl Chestnut streets. Jacibelt tf BROOMCORN, HANDLES, TWINE, ,tc.; Brooms, Ducheh, Sc , for sale Li G. R. BLANISTON, Eengui , sion Merchant, lull). 0111 22 South WATER Street. 1013 WANT A PICTURE THAT - is satisfactory in all respects, get ono of REIMER'S cob - nett photographs for .91, and you till bu conduced of their merit, beauty, and orth.- SECOND Street, about GREEN. 11* UNITED STATES MARINES.- Wfinted, immediately, for tho United States Marine Corps, 'THREE HUNDRED ABLE-BODIED MEN for Bea strvice, between the agta of eighteen and forty yenrs. All information that may be required will lA' given nt the Rendezvous, 311 South FRONT Street, below Spruce. JAMES LEWIS, Captain, je3-12t Recruiting Officer. C. M. SLOCUM, DENTIST, 1345 CIRESTNUT Street, below Ilron4. ja4-st* 302000 YARDS OF DARK-BLUE WERSNYS. For Palo by SNYDER, (MEDD, fi CO., 219 awl 219% North THIRD Street, Philadelphia. j;tB-31.1, (1 OR DISCOLORED 11 - AIR 'fl Dyed a beautiful Black or Brox n, at FOURTH. and BRANCH. att•if tf REI I itIL DRY GOODS. VXTRAORDINARi INDUCE MENTS. GREAT SACRIFICE OF CUT GOODS AND REMNANTS. PRICE, FERRIS, ec CO., fraying closed their RETAIL STORE, their Cut Goode, pf-mnante, &c., will bo offered for sale, DURING THE PRESENT WERE, at the Holiday Gift, Lace, and Embroidery Store, NO. 1024 CHESTNUT STREET, REMNANTS of "'monde, Cambrlce, and Briki'tang. REMNANTS of Nalnsooks, SWIP9OS ' and REMNANTS of Plaid, Striped, and Dotted Muslim. REMNANTS of Victoria and Bishop Lawns. REMNANTS of all kinds of White Goode. REMNANTS of Shirting and Fronting LinonS• REMNANTS of Sheeting and Pillow Limns. REMNANTS of Dainio.k and Spot Table Linens. REMNANTS of Dird.Eoo and Linen Lawrie. REMNANTS of all eorts of Linen Goods. REMNANTS of Cambric Edgings and Insertinge. REMNANTS of Cambric FLOUNCINGS and Banda. REMNANTS of Yalencienne Edginge s 'meninge s and Latex. REMNANTS of Thread Edgings, Inserting, ' and Laces. REMNANTS of White and Black Silk Edgings and Laces. REMNANTS of all kinds of Laces, Edg,inge, and In. sertings. ODDS AND ENDS in Puiatb Lace iCollars, Sets, and Rafe. ODDS AND ENDS in Ifoniton and Thread Collars, Sete, and Rafe. ODDS AND ENDS in 'Maltese Collars, Sete, and Bdkfe. ODDS AND ENDS in Applique Gonave, Sets, and Ifilkfe. ODDS AND ENDS in Valoncieuae Collars, Sets and Mkt's. ODDS AND ENDS In all kinds of Laces and Em. brolderies. ODDS AND ENDS in Gents' and Ladles' Irdids. ODDS AND ENDS in Embroidered and Printed Bor dered 'ldles. ODDS AND ENDS in French and Pineapple Miffs. ODDS AND ENDS in all Funds of Mikis. ODDS AND ENDS in Towels and Napkins. Together with a general ausortment of LACES, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS AND LINENS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY, At 1024 CHESTNUT STREET. YOHN A. MULLEN. AGENT. P. S —A now lot of REAL TEINEAD BASSES, at half prioo. A new lot of REAL 'VALENCIENNES 'TRIMMED BMUS, nt half prico. jat-5t CHEAP SEAL SKINS. BLACK CLOTHS, HEAVY CLOAKINGS, CASSIMERES, BOYS' WEAR. COOPER & CONARD, S. E. CORNER NIN TR and MARKET STS dl6-nval hu FROSTED BEAVERS. One Case of Prosted Beavers. Black Mixtures. Bryan do. superior quality for Cloaks. SHAItSLESS BROTHERS, jit9 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH. Streets. BALMORAL SKIRTS. A large lot. Bright and dark colors, Woollen tops, full sin, At low prices. SIREPLESS BROTHERS, jag CILBSTBUT and EiGun - Streets. MEN'S WEAR-BOYS' WEAR. 50 to 75-cont Union Cassimercs, Satinets, itc. $.l Casiltneres; host in the market. $l.lO 0/IMPIlllell.; beet In the market. $1.25 Cassinieres; best over Bold for the money Black Cloths f‘r Ladies' Wear. Black Broadcloths for Men's Wear. Some Bargains In our Cloth Stock. Tailors' attention is invited. COOPER 5: COWARD, jao B. E. corner NINTH and 51ARRET CLOAKS AND SHAWLS itestnced in Price. Good Stock of Cloaks. Blanket Long Shan is Cheap. Black Thlbet Shawls Cheap. Black Blanket Square Shawls for St. Brodie Shoals at half price. COOPER dr. CONA.P.D, pia S. E. corner NINTII and DIARKET Sts. TIYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH, open today, a frrell ailaortntent of Pnuble•faccil Black Figured Silks. Fond Colored Ifioan Figured Him Blues, Modes, Green, and Purple Silks. Dal 3 'MBE & LANDELL keep the very heat feet Plain Black Dusts licary•hordereti Stout Black Silks. Wiclow's Silks, without gloss. Rich Plain Silks, for city trade. joB S2.SOBALMORAL SKIRTS, full size. Balmer/de Rltoleeolo. Raimondo Retail. Jab EYRE k LANDELL. TILANNELS.-A LARGE ASSORT .L. MEET OF Ballardvale FLANNELS, all widths, Deachdale and Saxony FLANNELS, Shaker and Welsh FLANNELS, at very low prices. GREAT BARGAINS IN BLANKETS. We are closing nut our entire stock of Fate all Wool BLANKETS, Fine Rochdale BLANKETS, Heavy Cumberland BLANKETS, Cradle nod Cell, BLANKETS, at last whiter's in 15W. A3IEVICAN, FRENISII, AND SCOTCH BLANKET SHAWLS—aII grades, at low prices. Heavy /Mack Moire Antiques ut SO collie, worth SL Super Black Moire Antignes at 623 cents, worth $.1.23, WINTER DRESS GOODS OF EVERY 'VARIETY. H. STEEL Ac SON, No. 713 North TENTH Street. above Coates. FINANCIAL ,„„,„------ - NEW NATIONAL. LOAN. OFFICE OF JAY COOKE ‘4, CO , BANKERS, No. 1.1 . 4. SOUTH THIRD STIIRET, The 7 340 per cent Treasury Notes of all denornina time, of the second issue of Fifty Millions, dated Octo ber let, are now ready to deliver to purchasers, at the office of J. COOKE, BUBSORIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD /MEET. GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD 7 3-10 TREASURY NOTES BOUGHT AND SOLD, QUARTERMASTERS' CERTIFICATES DEALT IN. iu2•lm DREXEL & CO. $3,300 ? — „Ae.„ Fo.IIIN.ST-CLASS far maa, at a ii,,er r . i d • .c er ou n nt. l/ 4 D pviy Et t lT of Ms amount .E!PETTIT, jol No. SOO WALNUT Street. GROCERIES CRAB-APPLE OLD CURR✓INT WINE, OUR USUAL SUPPLY, JUST RECEIVED ALBERT - C. ROBERTS, IYEALER IN PINE catoctEige, jllB-tf Corner of ELEVENTH and VINE Eta MACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, SALMON, &c.-3.000 bbis Moss Nos. 1,2, and 8 MACKEREL, large, medium, and small, in assorted p tokases of choice, late.caught, fat flab. 6,000 bids. Now Halifax, Eastport, and Labrador Her rings, of choice qualitlea. 8,000 boxes extra now scaled Herrings. 8,000 boxes extra now' No. 1 Herrings. 8,000 boxes large Megdeline Herring& 850 bbls. Mackinac, White Wish. 60 Ws. new Romero," Mess Shat 26 bbls. new Halifax Salmon. 1,000 quintals Grand Bank Codfish. 600 boxes Herkimer County Cheese. In store lad Mainz, far Baia by MURPHY & MOORS, nob No. 1443 NORTH WHARVES. HOWARD & EIARNDEN EXPRESS. REMOVED TO 607 CHESTNUT STREET, NEXT DOOR TO GRANVILLE STOKES, FREIGHT, MONEY, ke., forwarded to nil pointa NORTH, SOUTH, NAST, and IMF. Moving opened no Omen In WASHINGTON, wo aLall give cliental attention to freight for that City and vicinity. January 7, 1882. rpnussE SI BRACES!.! BUP- A- POATEES!!! 0. H. NEEDLES, S. W. corner RACE and TWELVE'S - I Streets, Phila., Practical Adjuster of Trusses and Mechanical Appli ances, has constantly on band a large and varied stock of elegant French Trusties, and a complain assortment of best American. English and American Supporters and Belts, Shoulder Braces, Suspensories, Syringes in real variety, French Pessaries, Sc. Department conducted by Ladies, TWELFTH Street, fleet door below Race. n027-if3m - - AU TER'S HAIR-Dlll, 25 AND .18 ceut% A Fox. Albs, privately spatial, at 53 THIRD Street, above Chertaut. E. B. EARLEY, FURNISHING UNDERTAKER, Southwest corner of TENTH and GREEN Streets, noln.Smitt Philadelphia. STATIONERY WILLIAM MAN • STATIONER BLANK-BOOK MANUFACTURER, BURNT OUT LAST NIGHT, AT No. 43 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, IS NOW READY TO SHOW CUSTOMERS A FULL STOCK OP PERFECT GOODS IN HIS LINE, No. 35 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Four doors above his old Store JAN tar 7,1862. LEGAL TN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. AUGUST C. MILLER vs. DANIEL T. WOLF and THEODORE W. WOLF. Sept. Term, 1861. No. 876, Lee. Fa. The Auditor appointed by the Court to distribute the proceeds of the Sheriff's sale, under the above writ, of all that certain lot or piece of ground and improvements thereon erected, situate; on the northeast corner of Girard menu° and Seventh street, In the gairl city of PlMA delphia, containing in front on said Girard avenue tweet ts feet, and in length or depth extending thence north used bet, eon parallel lines, on the nest line thereof, along the east line of said Seventh street ono hundred and eighteen feet four inches and a hall', and no theeast line thereof one hundred and sixteen Ret three inches and a half; bounded nortlin art by ground now or lato of Pollard McCormick, eastward by other ground of the said Jacob Willig, westwaid by said SeN with street, and molls and by Girard avenue aforesaid; [being the same pi unifies which William 11. Kern, Esq., nigh Sheriff, etc., by deed poll beating even date herewith, duly acknow. lodged in open District Comt, and entered among tha records thereof, granted and coin eyed unto the said Daniel T. Wolf anti Theodor o W. Wolf, in fee, suoject to to a leanly ground rent of one hundred dollars, payable half 5 cal ly 011 the first days of January and July in every year]—sent attend to the duties of hid appoint ment on 'tUESDAY, January Tlat, 1862, at 3 o'cl rek P. N., at his (Mice, No. 588 WALNU a Street, Phila. delphin, uhen and uhere all persons interested are re quited to present their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon said fond. jalOefinutja2l ISAAC HAZLEHURST, Auditor. wikATs. WANTED—A Situation as Clerk, or would make bimsolf generally world. Unex. celdlonoble reference or cash security given. Address SAMUEL, this office. WANTED—A Finitelass Salesman, who Is well acquainted with the Photograph trade. Address "Box 110," Philadelphia Post Office. jaB.3h* WAN T E Es—A second-hand Ste, tionery Stoam Engfne, of from 60 to 70-11orat Power. Milken, stating particulars, "Box 11.65 Post Office." den-tf BOARDING T— -0 LET—With or without board, to a single gentleman, a bad room and sitting room, or bed rosm only, in WALNUT Street, between Tenth Mel Broad. Addreos, for further uartienlare, " Z, Y. Z.," Press office, Chestnut tired. deLtf REMOVALS REMOVAL. 'WELLING, COFFIN, & Co., HAVE RE3IOVED TO 220 CHESTNUT ST. jng.4t NOTICE.—The Office of the Port Rich -L. 1 mend Iron Works has been removed from No. 125 Walnut Street, to the works at Port Richmond, where all the bllBlllofug of the firm el% infante, ha transacted. CommunlcaSons addressed through the City Post Office gill receise prompt attouttou, je3-fme6t I. P. ISIORRIS 6t. CO. e goil REDIOVAL,—The undersigned has „,„W removed from No. 8 North THIRD Street to No. 726 eIIESTNI.7T Street, u hero ho N% ill continue the rob bing of Millinery Goode, as heretofore. M. BERNHEIM, Philadelphia, Jan 2, 1862. jag -6t lot A. FAHNESTOCK & CO. HAVE • REMOVED TO 408 MARKET Street. Jal-1n ILLUMINATING OILS COAL. OIL! COAL OIL! GEORGE W. WOOTTEN, 36 SOUTH SECOND STREET, NORTH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY MANITEAC'rIIREDS OF COAL OIL, AND RE FINERS OF COAL AND CARBON OILS. WM. F. JOHNSTON, President, GEO. OGDEN, Secretor/. Also, Agent for BEERS, JODSON, ds BEERS, Patent Mass Conon for Lamps, and wholesale dealer in Dith ridge's Patent Oval (lire -proof) and Eastern Flint-Glass Chimneys, Lamps, ,to. Burners to burn Coal - Oil with out Chimneys. Cash buyers or prompt payers are respectfully invited to examine our stock. no2l-2m PORTLAND "KEROSENE 0 I L. We aro tow pro Dared to supply thla STAIMAIID LE,LUIIINATING OIL AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Z. LOCKE & 00., Son Ammo, 1010 MARK= BTBEZT, te9-ern onoadolotds. NEW PUBLICATIONS R OLIDAY BOOKS AND PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS SELLING AT VERY LOW PRICES. W. G. PERRY. Bookseller, do20•Im 8. W. Cornor FOURTH and RAGE DIARIES FOR 1862. GREATEST VARIETY, AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES BUY OF TUB PUBLISHER. WiLIAAIII O. PERRY, Publisher, B. W. Corner FOURTH and RAGE IOOKS, LAW AND MISCEL NEOI3E3, new and old, bought, sold, and ex changed, at the PHILADELPHIA-DANS BOOK STOICS, No. 419 CHESTNUT Street. Libraries at a distance purchased. Those having Books to sell, if at a distance, will state their names, sizes, bindings, dates, editions, prices, and conditions. WANTED—Books printed by Benjamin Franklin, as well as early Books Printed in and upon America. Autograph Loiters and Portraits purchased. Pamphlet Laws of Pennsylvania for sale. Oatsloom In press, sent free. Libraries ap praised by ffe24-ttl JOHN OADIPBELL, BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. "TII E PRESS" BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. No. 417 CHESTNUT STREET, PIIILADELPIII4% The attention of the BOBIIIOEII Community is rt spootfully invited to the New Book and Job Print. ing Othoe of Tax PRESS, which has been fitted up with New Material, in the most Complete Manner, and is now prepared to execute, in a satisfactory Style, every variety of Printing. CHECKS, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, BILL HEADS, BILLS OF LADING, LETTER HEADINGS, BALL TICKETS & PROGRAMMES, BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CARDS, bINBOHANTS, M&NUFACITIMERS, MEOHANIM, LAWYERS, AUCTIONERES, YUBLIO OFFICERS, BANES, RAIL• ROAD AND /NSII/L&NOIl OODIPANIICS, ETa., Will be supplied with any description of Priatiag required, at Rort flotiut and as the roost Res ew:table Terms. je3o•tf A, MERICAN ACADEMY OF MONT ..C3l--BROAD AND LOCUST STREETS. Lessee and Manager J M. NIXON. EHAKSPEABE'S MACBETH TO.NIGHT, Demanded by the public voice, and received on Wednes day evening by a brilliant and crowded AUDITORIIird. THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, itinuarqlo,lBol. POSITIVELY LAST NIGHT BUT QNE OF EDWIN FORREST, 'Who will appear in Lie great Shairepearlan Impar- Bonation of SL A.GBET A, A character In which RE HAS NO EQUAL. tom' SATIIRDAY--No performance. MONDAY EVENING, January 13, BENEFIT, And most positively last appearance of EDWIN FORREST, When he will sustain Ida world-repowned Shakapoariam character of OTff&LL O. Doors open at 7 o'clock. The performances to com mence at half past 7. AMERICAN ACADEMY • 011 MUSIC—BROAD AND LOCUST STREET& Lessee and Manager J M. NIXON. NOTIOE. From the decided preference given by the public to Mr. FORREST'S Sltakspoarian impersonations, thd Manager has determined, for the rentairung nights, that DODO but ShEdidpeßre'l3 plays shell he performed. ips7-4t • MRS. JOHN' DREW'S ARC/I-STRIART TDB:ATRIA. Acting and Stage Manager W. B. FRED-BRIM Business Agent and Treasurer.. ..... JOS. D. AFEJRPRZ CIIO WORD DOUSES t THIRD WEEK. TO-NIGIIT (FRIDAY) Jan.loth, Fifteenth and last night of "LOVE'S LABOR LOST." Fifth night of the stew National Drama of SCOTTO; • On, TEE SCOUT AND TSE SPY. -Founded on the Present Rebellion. Every member of the Company in the casts. Prices as usual. Seats secured one week iu advance. Curtain rises at X after 7. Beats secured without ex.. tin charge. ja6.l3t AVALNUT-STREET TWRATRIC--- NINTH and WALNUT Streets. Sole Lessee MRS. M. A. GARBETTSON THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, January 10,• The performance will commence with the Drama of PHELLII O'DOnELL. rhelim O'Donnell Mr. Barney Williams. Atter uhicb a celebrated Drama of Impersonation, AN HOUR IN SEVILLE, In It bleb Mrs. Daroey Williams takes seven sham:tom 'lO conclude with tho Comic Irish Dram% BRYAN O'LYNN. - Bryan O'Binn Mr. Baram Williams, Prunes-4A SIN, 73, and 25 cents; Private Baits* 86 aad $3. Doors open at quarter to T. To commence at CONTINENTAL THEATRE WALNUT Street, above Eighth. GLORIOUS ATTRACTIONS: ENTERITIS'S! 6II0• . _ In both of which lir. Whitby's stud of Arabian horses a ill sown The cheapest and best anntaeratnit i 21920 city. THIS, (FRIDAY) EVNNLNG, Jan. 10,1862, JACK SHEPPARD ON IIoRSEBACX, With the powerful and talented Company. To con chute with PUTNAM . , THE IRON SON OF '76.„ Adrassion 15 and 25 cents. To commence'` past 7. KING'S AMPILITFIEATRE- E Street and PENN aTINANIA Avenue, near Willard's, WASHINGION, D. O. THOMAS RING. Sote Lessee and Manager. FRANK WIIITTAKER ..,.Equestrian Manager. Visitors aro re.Tectrully Informed that this ELEGAST - BRICK EDIFICE Is nightly Open for SUPERIOR EQUESTRIAN PERFORMANCES. DAN RICE, THE AMERICAN HUMORIST, WILL SMEAR IfIGLITLT, YOH ONE. WEEK, Commencing la , Far tut] —particulars sea Waabington Sunday Chronicie and local bills. SPECIAL PERPODITANCES 013 WRDNESDAT AND SATDRDAB AP PERNOONS. RICHARD P. JONES, &gout. TEMPLE OF WONDERS TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. In his New, Popular, and Amusing Entertainments, EVERY EVENING, commencing at half past 7 o'clock, and on «EDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTER..- . I.IOONR at 3. Grand Combination of Attraction, Thaumaturgical Psycological , Experiments, Magical Decep tions, Ventriloquial Oddities, Comicalities ' and Bon Mot., and the Pleasing Exhibition of tho Loomed Oa. nap' Birds. Adrel.lon 25 cents; Children 13 cents GERDIA.NIA ORCRESTRA. CARL BENTZ, Conductor. PUBLIC - REHEARSALS every' SATURDAY, at 530 o'cloth P. M., at the MUSICAL FUND ft kLL. Package of Eight Tickets, $1 ; Single nckets, 25 eta To be had at Andre's, 110.1 Chestnut street, J. E. Gould's, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the door of the Hall. oc2l-11 VIENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP .L THE FINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT Street, It open daily, Sundays excepted, from I A. M. till 8 P. N. Adellesion 25 rente. Children wider twelve Pakrat half price. Shares or Rock, 830. jyt ta FOR SALE CHEA.P-A FARM of 212 k Acres, near Agticultta al College Station, ix miles from Washington city, D.C.; 20 acre+ ploughed land ; large portion been limed and set in clover; suffi cient meadow, through which are emoting streams of tinter ; house enntains 11 rooms tow large bans; corn, smoke, and lien houses; all in good repair and tinder good fetters; opt ings of ex mll , at water near dwelling; Place t ell health) 7 ebtimated 3,000 cords of wood may Le cut thereon; mice of laud-lime at kiln 331 teats per and wood in Wasnington $11.50 per cord. Price, E-2b per nice ;U. S. scrip, or Loads of lea al States, or ether good stocks, taken in pat moot. For cash, horses and a axon, all forming utensils, furniture, green grain, and pros , tater, mill be included in the price. Address SAMUEL B. STAFFORD, HYA.TTSVILLE P. rlillre George county, Mart to o l. jald-tabs e n TO RENT—A three-story House, Na with back bnildine, No. '235 CROWN Street, be tween Barn and Vine itreeta. Apply at 80. 3 WIL LING'S Alloy, between 9 and 1 o'chick. ya3.3t*' DRIVATE APARTMENTS.—Two handsome communicating Chambers on the second floor, and one on the third, iF desired, with large private Porter and private table, can be had at 1718 PINE St. It is desired to rent these rooms to a single family, to the exclusion of other boarders. ja9-31* DESIRABLE PINE-STREET T.1:22. RESIDENCES to EXCHANGE for Ant-clue Aterchandiee. Apt,lr to J. H. WATERS. ja7 110 South FOURTH Street. maA WELL-BUILT FOUR STORIED BRION STORE AND DWELLING, bleated on DIARKET Street, will be EXCUANG CD for good Bedding Lots in the Twentieth ward. Apply to J. 11. WATERS, ma; 110 South FOURTEI Street. ett FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— ".•„A handsome four-storied RAVELLING, on TENTH Street, near Chebtnut. A Farm, small houses, or good Stocks will be taken in payment. Apply to J. 11. WATERS, jaT 110 South 'FOURTH Street. ea F 0 R SA L E—A FARM of 20 Acrt9, in the town of WRYDIOUTH, N. J., to ex change for Furniture. Apply to J. IL WATERS, 110 South FOURTH Street. $5()11 WILL BUY THE WHOLE v v of a valuable PATENT, or /enure a large in. teteA in tele that will make a fortune during the war. Address "PATENTEE," Lambertville, N. J. ja7.6t. COAL YARD.—For sale, lease and Palaces of a ftrst•class Coal Yard. Situation. BROAD Street. Willson cheap. Rent low. Inquire at 309 North BROAD Street. jan.GOIF d-p l I CE-1101JSE TO RENT, at May- EtEtiLlandville, TN\ enty-fourth ward. Apply to E. 0.& P. If. WARREN, on the premises. VOID, SALE AND EXCHANGE- A largo number of Farms In the aCmining Conn. tier, Staten of Delaware, Maryland, New York, and New Jersey, averaging from 10 to 200 acres of land. Those Itiehing to exchange or Purchase nould do troll to call and examine my Register of Farms. Apply to tal-tf E. PETTIT. No. 30) WALNUT Street. SHIP TIMBER FOR SALE.— Several Tracts of WHITE-OAK TIMBER LAND In Dorchester county, Maryland, convenient to naviga ble N, a ter. For particulars apply to JAS. T. alcuum.auGH, Elkton, Mdi de o s-Im FARM FOR SALE.—A FARM, in excellent state of cultivation, containing fifty-ono acres, (nine of which are woodland,) pleasantly situated to Limerick township, Montgomery county, two and a half miles from the Limerick station, on the Reading Railroad, is offered for sate. Price—rive thousand. dot Tare (S 5,000). Apply on the premises. nole-tf SAMUEL H. GRAFF. is FOR SALE—A Desirable FARM, c out a i n a w P 5 acres of superior land, near Sandy Run Statton, North Pennsy vania Railroad, with ars:- clan Stone building's. Principal part of the purchase money can remain at 6 per cent. apply to E. PETTIT, jal No. 309 WALNUT Street. RLILLTE'S SAFE DEPOT RS MOVED to No. 2L South 8/01CNIT/ Btruot, a anklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and Nen; determined to merit future patronage, has secured as elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand a large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought oat Chilled bon Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the nab strictly Are and burglar proof safes made.) Also, Lahla't Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. . . Tittle's Bank Vault Doors and Locks will be farnisbee. to order on short notice. This is the strongest, hest pro— tected, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention la celled to Lillie's Ms Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, dm. Thar Safe le a;:i coded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet of fered for this purpose, and is the Gni/ one that is stricep Bore and burglar proof. Snorer. Norton.—l have now on hand Bay twenty ci Farrel, Bening, S Co.'s Safes, most of them nearly user, and some forty of other makers, comprising 9 COMPIOIII smytment an to al o es, and all lately exchanged for thl now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold M vary low prices. Please call and examine. jaa-lrif M. C. SADLP.R.. agent NOTES, COMMONWEALTH FIRE INSU itxNCR COMPANY, OE TIM STAN'S OP PENNSYLVANIA. DIRECTORS. David Jayne, M. D., Charles H. Rogers, John M. WhitnU, John K. Welker, Edward C. Knight, , Robert Shoemaker, Thomas S. Stewart, Willies' Struthers, Henry Lease, Jr., Stephan Coulter. DAVID JAY E, M. D., President. JOHN M. WILITALL, Vice Pre(Wont SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary. Mee, Commonwealth BolldlnB, 618 (118.188 TIM &wet, Philadelphia FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 40 OHESTNIIP Otte& YIRle. AND INLAND 1N891142102. PUMMEL Gore W. Pay of Day .t Matlack. Beranel Wright " Wright Bros. It Co. D. B. Barney " Darla & Barney. Hoary Lewis, Jr "Lewis Broank CO. 0. Bichardson . "J. O. Bowe Jr Co. Jno. W. Byerman....... " J. W. Brennan al CO. OM A. && weet A Fobes. F. 8. Martin . " Savage, Martin, 8 00. O. Wilson Derris. Attorney-at-law. N. D. Woodruff of 81bloy, Molten, dk Wm:trail Jno. Keoolor, Jr._... ~.,,No. 1713 Orem street. GEDECIE W. DAY, prosideng. IMANOIS N. 81108, Tioe-FrosiSsai. WILLIAMS I. BLANC/HARD, Secretary. Naas-Iff ETC., ETO., ETC. PRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, AT WAR PRICES, of Loolang-Gisases, Engravings. and fine Frames, st GEO. F. BILNIZEBT'a, No. 839 ARCH Street AMUSEMENTS. JACK SIIEFPAnD BOIcscB&CiC; VlMMilt=Miptiritstftli MONDAY, January 6,lsn SIGNOR BLITZ FOR SALE AND TO LET SAFES. INSURANCE COMPANIES.