1k- - - ' it, ; ri i- - 0 'IA tit if i, iar sit i ni: '144 .ii - hate' bout for the _,SM4lll4lMitin - afth*lted. the butihicremed, both within ' . . - etlbesitthe_manse of the chamber, . - ,-' • , -- and j•,' ,?, :tillit*Mth eas al once andlerpleling. • Itiest u yeisesipeted in - necord, :by , the members on the Oa* t * Al', lititenher of number' of Select Council, and ilietlia latectatowt who_Ybeeloged the gallery. The lest ' - - Meta Or telt had OM sassed to vibrate in the State House "0 0 1 1 VheW' - I. ---- Att. "otagar ID.) Dominated Dr. filtes sa temporary i • ittletriattn. . - j _ -:7- 4 1tirlDste.-F. itti, ilmii_ ( tittalerb)nt the same moment 7-K Widths Cbinther to order. ' 1 - Yr. Woanunithen Put his tootton - - ind declared Dr. Mien 4111,10111 hteMorary chairmen, add yells from the Ahm 'etwiMi r .'_ ', '. § -,iltit..ooolkHa then called: for th . certificates of the mem. ...) 1 ra1. 2 _- it rrse, w ho hod sprung into the chair, directed the :. members to girebtrn their 'certificates. a The Democratic 'members then gave their certificates le Dr. Site., and ' the People's members handed theirs to Mr. Gordon. - 1 Yr. Illamwas then rose, and•urged that the legitimate t , pay to remise she certificates was for the clerk to call off ...!. She wards, and the memberi should hand them in win. Vim. This wee the rule of the House of Representatives. F let Washington and at Harrisburg, and had been the rule l' z in thummon Council hitherto. t - Xr.l.ocatemx made a speech taming the San of ~ .. lesseding the certificate's to Dr. Sites,. i'_ Nr. Delon said that it had not been ascertained that 71r- SW had been chosen temporary chairman, and that flee Democrats could not catry out their bold plan. ltr.'Kettenn. You cannot carry out thin - map jndg. 9 Wet on thii Council -- Colittragi" made en Mira !VII)" to Mr. Harper. 4-Leigh, Freeman, and embed, all attempted , --, ~11 0 s teak et Once, Mr. Freeman talking the most Per t -. idilkbayr In firer ot haring thaprocemlingsmone through • pith dorently and In order. ' .• - 1 ifx. Imam then moved that - Mr - .:lVolbert be chosen I+. ' temporary clerk. . 4\lis Dr. Miss pat the question and the Democrats vo'ed ' - _ , i Iwo; As the People's men did no) rote he declared Mr. 'Y. °Bert elected.' "[Cheers' in the gallery.] 'T ~ r. GO*DON then began to read the certificates of the 4 .. 's members. -' K. -WeLnsur began to read the Democratic certiti -A tutorial of bediamite confusion ensued. and a debate *marred cm Dr:Sites calling for the reading of the certi. Ideated from Court in reference to the Nineteenth ward itseadharn Ns. GORDON then called the roll. Woy.siyer rifled the toll. , Ur. 2Abses A. Freeman tree then nominatal and WNW Presidiut by the Poodles Weber*, the felt being Asir tolkd., Mr. Wilton Kerr nes elected President by the Demo - ittator acclamation. • An additional chair was then placed on the epeaker's Islattemo, and Mr. Kerr took the regular chair, while Mr. alese Moir the other one. F 1410( 41.1 and Kane then both returned their honor of being chosen 'President, amid odimkaaadnardn. Both chairme then directed tho members to come for - Omitted be coM n lified. • • then swore in the Democrats; and Mr. ..""Mnairs qualified the People's members, both opera ' ftim - gmftig on at once and rather interfering with the solemnity of the oath support th 6 Constitution of the rnitedlikateS and of the' State of Pennaylvania, and to thetrAntiesia members of thin Council faith- Math sides then proceededlo elect the other officers of IttehnoThelhtnacrate chose Meters . P. H. Lute and er clerks,Collins and Messrs. Co and Taylor , .Asinitowne. "The People's party chew, Mewl,. 0. D. Gordon and $1,11.-Maleaia clerk!, and Messrs. Hall and Zimmerman • - 'Beth sides then cheep committees to welt on Select Mrsach, and on the Mayor, to inform them that ee Com , , meets CouneftwMe organized and ready for badness." • " An Mennonite, Of talking and laughing ensued, :mem Freeman and Kerr still occupying the chair and • _ bath &eke wangling' tho clerk's desk, while the gallery looked vu with deep interest. BOW Coliftittets sent to the Mayor then returned, in a biota which waerither - undignitlad," and reported to the ,'. two chairman that' The .Mayor Would recognize Cow.' -,aateszVownedi when ft was -property organized, and not Yfff tken.” • - Mout! , of laughter.) - After the confusion bad somewhat Imbedded Mr. Tree. swan invited the membenewbo bad been sworn in to come inP . oogirecord their names: AM considerable apse of Mee, M. 'ORISEIWELI. moved '4lWkilx men from each party be selected, to whom may be • hatred the prevailing difficulty, with a request to witindicate upon it. :He would like to hear the sense of tffie looking open the proposition. 1 r lenaswan remarked that the motion bad not been g After this the Dhamber again relapsed into inaction to ,lesralt the return of .the two committees rent Into Select ' Klonacil chamber. After-considerable-delay Dr. Bites, lima the coinnatiel, appointed by Mr. Kern to wait on Branch, reported that they had performed their , deer. duty. and the matter sas underdiecnssion in that °ham- AS interval thin occurred, and nothing was doneuntil 3% P. W. when both chairman called the Chamber to mder. aid Mr: %err reenested ail whowere not members do Wire herald - the bar., - Dr. litres 'them:mil that an informal committee had - them apminted. hi a quiet way,, and had had the trouble Imder - ffieniwien for some time, Their decision, nine out of eleven voting for It, wee, in substance, that a corn tenter should be eepointed at this time to dismiss the Intend= of the Nineteenth ward certithates. .If it he as.. esertainedthelthe Democrats from that warder° elected, , then the People's patty officer* obeli resign ; if the Poo - lele's natm are elected in the Nineteenth ward then the „Tettpli's officeivelasli serve: This garb eget° an animated discussion, which lasted ,from three till seven'o , clock, nearly all the members par ticipating - The resolotlon was linaily voted down. After -soother - discussion ' at the solicitation of Mr. Trego, Mn. Cur./en-the Preside nt of .Select Council, made a propel& Mon as talons: That all fotir of tile contestants withdraw their osediti- Itehro, and agree to -preempt their claims to a committee ,tat twelve persons, to be appointed by Councils, who shall Lava fell powers to ex.anithe ballot-boxes, de., and that both' parties-agree to abide by the•decision of said -eom ladtbte. Wit_ M. Trego,the former President, receive Abe instffilicateet of all thencembers. Theerganir.atiom to he temporary, sod that no huskiest; be transacted pond „Vie contest. , , 8 o'clock the proposition of Mr. Cutler wee put to - st Vote, and carried. Both- the preeldente now retired, and Mr. Trego took the chair, in accordance with the .Iteriesof the compect. The members from the Nineteenth ward also retired, as per -agreement. ,The reaching of "ffiffirubject. was - received with applenee in the galleries, • mid thecerWicatee of the members were now handed to One de**, and pawed to_the chair. The body then went into an traction for officers, when -the Ow* offleeri, (DemocnitytYwertielected. • - ffiffittnitten two waeliPtultited hffernriletMt , Vottiett that ilieyihad orgentz.d.• A similar committee !lima appointed to waitron the Mayor. - _ The Chamber then adjourned. - - Tux Iliou-Scitoor. Dirncermr.—The Board :of Directors Of Polhill) Schools, Tenth Section, held a meetkg.yeiterday to take into consideration the _summary di missal of , three of the professors of the Ingle ,fichool, by the -Board-of Controllers of the Public Schools. The following are the resolutions passed by the meeting; - - Whereasi The Board of-Controllers, on testimony ratirelj evpaitc, and taken suteesuently to the action of the committee; have - sanctioned and- con tirmal their expulsion of the professors without ightug Mese gentlemen the opportunity of exercising their luidoubted .rigla to be confronted with their accusers, and to defend themselves from the charges pemetly brought against them ; therefore, - . Resolved, That this Board do respectfu ll y re -guest the } b oard of Controllers to reconsider their aetton dismissing Messrs. -litchfetarnve, VOOo-soJ and. Omuta" and to , reinstate ,these gentlemen in emir Tweet - eve professorships until they shall have hula Lk-hearing and trial. - • ibis Board do hereby instruot the Controller representing this section to move for Such reconsideration and reinstatement; and to meta for the seine at the next meeting of the Board of Control. - RaoNei, That on account of the diffioulty in the High School, at the present time, this Board - would request the prineipal of the Northwest boj's gram /Mar .aohool not to largo upon any of.the pupils of the school to attend the coming examination at said *school. . CHARLES JEWELL, President. Attest, .Toszrn CoUren,"Beeretary_. New York Stock 11000 r 84:4 'Bl coup. 874 000 lifeoup,'B2 78 12000 MO St Os . 41 4.5000 ' do . 411( /0380 do 1430 42m 2000 Koffele kBtl 45 1000 Minn 8t 8 p c .. 73 WOO do 7 - 1000 N Y Cent 01 4 m 9080 N Y 0 Iris 10..101m 25000 Thie 34 m'83.".. 88 80*0 do 88M 1000 Had It 24 77 1000 Marlene .8 2tl m. 831 f 1000 Skit 0 fie Ist in 03 6001 Mb tio Bkg. Sd. 82 310 0 11108Ad5...... 87m 1000 T At Ist in. 75 100018 3 P &at' Ist 1.80 1000 do 88M 00 81 Nicholoo Bk. -70 100 Oszttoneo 10 - 1 6 Del &Bud U 0.... 80 6:Pao: BB C 0,... 60 do. 610 04,X ; '2BO do ' + 160 de 1 013 ii ` 25 do.: LlO 94,4' • 1141 yrau , e n T Co. 4 t , *5O do ...... . 804 100 dO Lai) 81 60 - do.. .84804 ir13 0 114.21.0/•.-, 323, 100 ... 2000 do 33 50 do 610 33 4 100 do .30 33 200 • do 1,3 33?; 00 0 Vag .150, do bit 38,ii 180 CITY ITEMS. Mu. CLE,ErAzin's first lecture after the boli daye takes place this evening, at the Assembly Bulldogs. It will waste of an analysis of "Iderobeth,i , those por tion; of the play being road which displaythe most la tient points of character, or the most striking situations of gdot., We have previously spoken of Kr. Cleveland's fine W , erra of oratory and engirds, and they are now Becoming so widely recognized by the public that it is turtycemerry for MI to say.more. Every thorough stu dent of 11'34138h literature, every Abakepearian enthusiast who:desires to see his favorite honettly diecussed, and not tawdrily bedocked, as well as all who deeds their tn. distiois Into our great bard to be correctly and elegantly conducted, would do well to hear Mr. Cleveland's expo. ii ioaa. • - 00 Ab Oft.—We understand that at &meeting or the dm. widen; rlters, held a few days dace, the. fol. towing resolution was adopted, vier Aleadred, That where benzine, - benzole, neighs, or 'other exploidve products of Coal 011, are stored In quart et*, tees t true thrti'e barred j also, where reined Coal CHI Is kept In ottantitlee not exceeding twenty barrels, itihdttkirlfrfoiletin be'eharge4 dell be tho earns aeon aseeteur treeirders risks. Wben more then twenty bar web are stored in one building, the rate of premium there be one and one-half per cent, pertenum, unties Marskeeerievidenee be given, by certificate of a °Miya ket cheide, that the 011-ei stared Is entirety free from Itiessine, benzole, rgas, or other explosive gases or 'cutter, in which case the rate shall bo that now charged Tor acerb hazardous risks. - When crude Coal Oil, petroleum, Ttock,'or:Earth Oils doted In the built.up portions of the city, the sliaK itgliavaiminiderid uninsurable. When stored In a bUildatt entirely reteoV4troto other bulldogs, and pro. lerfritted for ita reception by thorough ventilation and .Aar brie Miaow; Ilitch may he deemed neCeileary, or Irian stored on whirred or in sheds thereon - ,llte retool - 'eremitm shall not be kanettiatf Ave per cent per annum. -iii. 0' H. litamatne' dealer in fine groceries, Aiea. sod Tenth‘gteetal bee Just received a superior let •Kaniii;4l , •' feet tiar - dred here in the enteatrye,. Abe, Aspiendidlet,lif drirdkref and large.eized taiga* ail - Anti its turtle the attentlon - of our reader;. A I:4: 3 o,lcT:tropum , ".:—A:poor bone collector, . - Matiaat rallaal4 a felt lean(' ago bought as old vest for fivid oats, and!autidlirtirie of the rickets bank bills for ' . EftqpiAlfts,i* x pe c t m it .weaith canoed him his, first r itilliAlditictiltiv Mill Was taitzled what to do with 1 . , '-; :Vv.' ijiiiiihnire 'kart elitad'inituala aims he waitd -: 13,5 111" firdah 'it o rtifiti lled the P a alati v" al t 'Pkire lkmi . of ° d rill - II! ' - ',llol4attiit atiraiat libiie4d, ex4ridie. Ito* Rt L e ~ .,4- -,• • ' osiodp*at voryithigrioss. -...- -- 1.*0;, , §"i-iXfU'l;:`-f0 z'C.i . ..,. .„ - ,'• ,1- ; I • MEssna:CHM§I,XO oAff§finrar SONS, under the Continental Hotel, are now selling , their magniflcent goods, in oath& departments, Including their line Ladies' Forth at 4:greatlybelow the usual prices. Such an oppor. tunityle obtain elegant goods „Asap, has seldom been offered. It should be embraced by everybrdy. A Snow STORY.—yesterday morning the snow fell briskly, whitening the ground and housetops, choking up the railways, but compensating for the ob. eiruction of the iron roads by opening up a good road for sleigh runners. The bolls jingled merrily, and the belies nestled close beside - their beaux as they dashed over the frozen ground. The ladies nto a man" were swathed in furs, and the gentlemen were at once elegant and COM. forteble In the winter garments they bed procured at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Itrickhill .k Wilson, Not. 603 and 606 Chestnut street, above Sixth. Scores of thousands of soldier§ in camp, and of civilians in town sad country,' are made comfortable at this Inclement sea son by the suite made at this famous establishment. THE LATE PRINCE ALBERT.—By the late English papers we see that the death of His Royal High ness Prince Albert Francis Augustrat Charles Emanuel of Saxe Coburg and Gotha, Duke * of Saxony, H. G., H. T., If. P., G. C. M. G , Knight of the Golden Fleece, Grand Master of the Order of the Datb, Field Marshal in the Army, Colonel of the Grenadier Guards, Colonel-in- Chief of the Bide Brigade, Captain General and Colonel of the lion. Artillery Company, Lord Warden of the Stannarles, and Chief Steward of the Duchy of Cornwall, Governor and Constable of Windsor Castle, Hanger of Windsor Great Park, Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, and Master of the Trinity House, is sincerely mourned by the whole British press. An interesting item we noticed in the advertising columns of the London News was the opening of a large Gentlemen's Clothing Store, on the principle of "one price," similar to Cline. Stokes' extensive Clothing house, under the "Contlnond tal," In this city. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut its, Prof Weir, West Point John Wolfe, New York Dr 8 A Fisk, Maas L At Morris A Cheney, Boston C m Spencer, Hartford J 8 Paine & Is, N Jersey I, Warren, Baltimore Nibs Wood, Baltimore 0 Fox & Is, 'Connecticut -Thos B Beed, Washington A D Barbour, Pittsburg I Eckert, Beading Jobn B Benton, New York N Freeman & la, N York W P Kirkland to, N York 'Geo 11l Leaman, Beading J Barber, Auburn, N Y John M Stela, Now York W J Thompson, US N J J Dull,Harrisburg ' 0 Brown, Chicago Pr Kirby, New York Idiss Baldwin, West Point W E Baldwin, West Point BOW Jamos & wf, Boston Mei Judgo Smith, N York James Higgins, Maryland W loather, Pennsylvania Sarni Keyser, New York Nagraw, Pennsylvania T Sheller, Jr, Maryland Miss Sheller & els, Md Mrs J G Frick & 2 ch, Pa Jos M McClure, Milford D M Bates,,Wilm, Del ,G Saulsbury, Delaware 1. D Luther Pottsville D D Badger, New York Alt 0 White & All, Conn - P Hamlin, Boston_ • H N Men, New York Miss Allien, Now Tack Dr F B A Lewis, U S N Dr J . Hugg, U S N, Aug... Miller, New York Mrs Roberts, New York Mr Minoan, New York P A Rican% Maryland " E W Keeler, Now York BAI Sharp, Philadelphia 0)1 Dickson & wf, N York W H Rockefeller, N York E D Griswold, Now York R Biddle, New York J Joseph, New York Chas E Gregory, Jersey Cy Joe Seligman, Now York Stephen P Hyatt, N York it S Lane, Boston A J Fitch, Jersey City A Minard. Lockport Bliss Ross, Philadelphia James 8 Garay, Baltimoro L 'thompeon. New York W W Suter, Now York Prof J F Randolph, :Ye 'Wm Judson, Now York John Murphy Geo Sanders, Beltimoro Mrs Brandeger, New York Dr II Carpenter, Boston W II Clarke, Pennsylvania John Q Osborn, Now York Geo Dudley, Connecticut Austin Kelley, Now York Miss Williams, New York J B Taylor, Now York Thos N Dale, New York John R Harris, Now York Len uel Dobbs, Now York J W Gray, New York H G Norton, Newlork Gen S A Jones, New York C Spencer, Now York MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street, oh. Market, Thou Shall, Wash, D C J . It McConnell, ti S A A A Wiewall, Chicago Ei 13 Turner, Plymouth P flossier, Erie, Pa Aug Patton, Erie, Pa Dr E Wallace, Reading Chas H Gross, Phila. N S Lawrence Than White, York, Pa Wm Sullivan, Ludianapolls Mrs R F May, Elkton, Md Wit, II Levingood, Reading ()apt P. Ti McKibbin, US A Alex Laughlin, Jr, Pa Mrs Meßibbin A Brown, Lisburn, Pa Mr Buckler & child, Pa W W Hasson, lowa 0 W Nilsson, Now Jersey B Doctor, Bethlehem Tbos Broilorick, Wilkesb's GE Ilerali, York S A Foulk, California J Madden, Ordifornia flout Col S P Spear, II B A A T McGill & la, N Jersey AiIiBBIOAN BOTEL—Obestnut at, *bore 1121.6. C P Batch, Boston M Finn Now York W Walker, Delaware W H Worthington, Pa John G Warwick, Ohio Jas F Smith, Beading 21fre W Hackett, Baston W Hackett, Jr, Easton (I Clinton, West Chester NE Nicholls, Pottsville J S Kirk, St Chile S W Hall, Delaware C Testes, Dover, Del W Collin, Mauch Chunk A Browning & la, Wash T B Gardner, Wash, D C W, Verner, Glen Carbon E R Stroh, 31auch Chunk MII Stroh, bands Chunk W N Jennings, Pittston J J Evens, Pittston - 0 W Care, Pittston H Balked Az 6011, M Chnik J . Hayden, New York Tacy, Manch Chunk Wll Waddell, W Chester - J T Worthington, Pa RN Chonnell, Phteulayille . . .. . 13 T Harvey, Poona B CI B Cook, Boltimoro 3) DI Eyer, Peuna AV .1 Leonard, Maryland 11. B AdMins Maryland N Thomloon, Delaware A Benedict, Nevi York W llance, Nash, 1)0 W Earrows, lowaNV 0 Enos, Now York /--..,...---. ST. LOUIS llOTEL—Ohestnut street, above Third. 11'W Brookfield, Pa W Crookshank,England PI Mots, Cincinnati, 0 Mrs Norrel, tliurter co, - Pa W B Rosenbaum, N J ' S W Kingsworth, Md Miss It Hingsworth, Md Col Potter, New Jersey 33 Ramili, New Jersey J W Wilson, Chicago A-Josephi, New York John Handley, Scranton J B Ncealla, Lancaster ' THE lINION—Arch street, above Third. W M Kaufman, Beading „EH Diets. Lambertville Miss E lliskln,'Laintettyltle L ft-Psught, Kentucky Dr Chamber Delaware Mrs It W Mursball, 'Panda J Thompsom Weiv , ,Yerery A P Thompson, N Jersey Jos Cross, Penna A Collins, Lancaster co It C Warner, W Howard, Jersey City OF Gill, Maryland Miss K Gill, Maryland COMMERCIAL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. E Brown, Pennsylvania D Kimble, Cheater co, Pa D Mons, Chester co, Pa 0 Phillips, Chester co, Pa AMOS Kimble, Cheaterco, Pa 0 Kimble, Chester co, Po T Premien, Elkton, Md J N Grabam, Delaware W It Eder, Maryland Capt J li lien, U S A Jos Mintzer, Pottstown G B Henry, Wmsport, Pa P Lindecougle, Berke co, Pa D J Kirk, Leon co, Pa SM 0 Nesbitt, Maryland E Potts, Bridgeport N E Whiteside, Oxford M Pennock, Delah are Tiles P PottayPhiladelphla ESTATES UNION -Market street, above Bath. W fl Watt, Pittsburg Jos EVler, Pittsburg T Grover, Now To* J W Sayre, New Jersey WAts, New Jersey C Abrams, Pottstown Levi Stroinn, Pennsylvania NATIONAL HOTEL—Baca street, above Third. WII B Hanger, Allentown (IL Bhuo, Allentown W Neal, Lancaster co p Pa olt Stout, Wilkesbarre Hiss A E Pruner, Penna 'Bev S A !leaner, Penne. REVERE HOUSE—Third street, above Bace. A UM, Trenton, N J S W ronnypacker, Patna C Creppmen, New York M A Cook, PIM , * J Thid, Easton, Pa - C Weldy, Myerstown S Bonier, Alyeratown L norther, Myoretowu BALD EAGLE-Thlzd 'meet, above Osllowhill. D &harts, Penns , Aaron &In Ea=ton A Thomas, New Jersey A W Lerch, Penne WC; Pennyeacker, Penns H Willfame, Slatlngton, Pa BARLEY SHEAF-11mnd street, below Vine. Jobn Widinan t Bucks Edw Wildman, Books Airs L Anderson, Penna .T W Oloeson, rt. - Pleasant C Hibbs, New Jersey Iv Limburg, Doylestown It IC Kubn,Doglestown Exchange—Jan. O. 260 Erie B NM. 6534 26 do - 55% 200 -do - blO 55% 110 Mai Oen R 4934 100 do 40% 100 do blO 60 MP do 40% 50 do blO 49% 50111 80 & N I /L.. 20 160 do 20,1( 800 do 203( pH do bl 5 20% 60 . Mich 8 attar:.... 41 200 do 4/11 138 Palm= R 113 60 do • ".- 113% 150 11l Oen R so. 63 216 Clef it Pittab 8... 16 350 do 16% 30 O,C&CIoR 106 10 Galena & Mo.—. .57 200 do - 613( 100 do etw 873( 60 do • 67s 200 01 & Tol R oa6oB0 a60 8 87 65 do 36% 850 do 36% 28 'do 30 74 160 do blO 37 - 200 do bBO - 37 100 ' db • ' i;..1,10 SON 100 do blO 30% 7500b&BlaR 523( 100 do e 5 62% 60 to ' 1,30 53. 100 Ohl, R & Q R... - . • ILB 100 Hudson 111 v 8.. . . 39 0 0 -do 89% 50: - do.' ' ''''' 6389% 1100 Harlem B 13 100 Bottom it Pref.'.. 31 100 Reading B 30 1102011 dc P du 02d II 60. 50 do bBO 00% ntemr. BEAU—Third street, above Oallowhlll. J S Thinner, Allentown E DACrass, Montgomery co P A Krebs, Tamaqua Andrew Ditty, Georgetown VIOL= VERNON HOTNL—Second st., ab. Mob. Connene, "Boston B W Bartlett, Boston Bobt South, Burlington, NJ John Giberson, N Jerßoy W bolt, Bristol J J Tucker, N York N Ilumetead, N York James Goold, New York MADISON MOUSE—Second street, above Market. N DOOtegtop, Penna Thoe Crawford, Cheater co .1 C Foreyth, Penna Ship, Borneo, need, 2 days frOm New York, in ballast to Peter Wrlatt & Bone. Bark Ohmllle, Anderson, 3 days from New York, In ballast to Francis A Godwin. Bark Bit, Pinckney, 48 days from Rio do Janeiro, with 800 bags coffee to Thos A Newhall & Son. The shove ship and two barks were towed up by the tog America. NEW GOODS FOR HOUSEKEEPERS, conprleing, a emend assortment of Hommkeeping arti cles, with many ii(iw iniPrOvemente and inventions for Houselieepers' use. ..also, a Dumber of fancy articles, reliable for Holklay presents. Selling at reduced prices, to suit the ttiriee r br S. .EILESON & CO., dolfhtt , Corner of DOCK and PEAS Streets. 1)11. ROBEHTSON'EI GOUT' AND RHEN IUM° DAWES—The only reliable remedy for Ebrunnt. titan, Gout, &o. Price EFL For solo by MUTT & CO., ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST STYLUS, made in the Best Kanner, expressly forSETAIL BALES. LOWEST Selling 'Prices marked In Plain Figures. All Goals made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our Oga-Pates SYSTEM IS strictly adhered to. All ere thereby treated alike. • se22-Sy JONES & CO., 004 MARKET Street. CARD PRINTINO, BEST AND CHEAPEST fti the City, at, 84 South THIED Street NOWE—BIIENEB.—On the 7th of November lest, by the Bev. Joseph Perry, Mr. Wm. Howe to Miss 7Llign , Jana Brenee. both of this city. st BAZLEY--CRO2EEY.--1 n the let instant, by the Bev. Piallipeo, Brooke, J. Edward Batley to Fannie A. Croskey, eldeet daughter of Henry Croekey, Esq., both of thin city. yaucasotr--sinthEL—On the letinstant, at Wash. Matins, D. 0., by the Rev. Spencer Renard, Mr. Erich B.Erichoon to Mies Mary A. Semler, both of this city. LONGBTRETIL—On the sth instant, at her tato resi dence, No. 222 arch street, Martha M Longetreth, In the 51st year of her age. fifer relatives and friends aro respectfully invited to at tend her funeral from Friends' Meeting House, corner Fourth and Green streets, on Fourth.day afternoon, the Bth instant, at 2 o'clock. Interment at Fair 11111. BIRCH.—AB Alexandria, Va., on January 3d, in the 20th year of hie age, Thomas B. Birch, First Lieutenant Co. 11, 119th Regiment, P. V. idle friends{ and the frieilds of the family, aro IL riled to attend ilia funeral, on Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock, from the residence of hie father, Thos. Birch, N 0.1711 Vino street. SO** COONLY....:•On the 3d instant, Patrick Cooney, aged 48 years. Funeral from hislate residence, 'Harrison street, Frank ford, this (Tuesday) morning, at 9 o'clock. WEST —On the 3d blatant, Marla, widow of the_ late Diehard West, in the Old year of her age. Funeral from Ler late residence, No. 325 Queen str r t, I ble (Tuesday) afternoon. at 2 o'clock. MARTIN.-0n the Sixth.day morning, leaae P. Mar line sou of Jemimensed the late Benjamin Martin, in the Mil year of his ego. ' The friends of the family are incited to ettood the fn- , twat, from the residence of hie mother, No. 925 South ' FcCond street, this (Third -day) afternoon, itt,2 o'clock. To proceF d to Lafayette Cemetery. trtis ' IiIIBSELB.—On the Ith Mg., Mary Lonita, daughter of Mary and the late Moses Busse% in the oth year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her parents, 1009 Ward street, chore Washington avenue, on Wednesday morn log, at 10 o'clock. - VP TO 12 WOLOOL LAST NIGHT. MARINE INTELLIGENCE GP - BEE TOUBTR PAGE !MRIVXD SPECIAL NOTICES. • No. 232 North SECOND Street, JaLwrntf Depot for MI Popular Med Joined MARRIED. DIED. TIM PRESS. -PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, TANU 4.11 Y 7, 1862. CDNBAD.—On the 2d instant, Isaiah Conrad, in the net year of his ago. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 1360 Ridge avenue, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. Funeral to rroceed to Germantown. LAIVOSTAFF.—On the 24 instant, Captain Samuel D. Langstaff, sou of the late Captain William and Dorothea Langstaff, in the 34th year of his age. Funeral from the residence of Mr. Robert F. Shannon, No. 1013 Beach street, aboveLaurol, this (Tuesday) after noon, at 1 o'clock. GEGAIL—On the 3d instant, Mr. Michael Gegen, in the 46th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, No. 219 Juniper street, Race, above Thirteenth, this (Tuesday) morning, at e% o'clock. CUSTIS.—On the 3d instant, Margaret Virginia Cats tie, daughter of the late Theodore and Elisabeth Castle. Funeral from the residence of her aunt, Risen. Haw kins, No. 802 South Third street, below Catharine, this (Tuesday) morning, at 8% o'clock. 10 CatiKlll.on tile 24 instant, Margaret Y. Caskul. Funeral from tho resldonco of her doter, No. 6-10 N. Eighth street, below thiates, this (Tucieday ) morning, at 10 o'clock. . . Br/ABP.—On tho ad inat,,Roaanna Oailaarino, daughter of George L. and Elizabeth Sharp, aged 5 yeara, 11 mos, and 24 dam Also, on the 4th Instant, Jane Louisa, tnin sister to Hosanna C., aged 5 years, 11 months, and 25 days. Also, un the 5111 instant, Francis Alexander, youngest son, a ged 9 years, 0 months, and 20 days. Funeral front the residence of their parents, No, 524 Catharine street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock, LEADER.—On the 81 instant, of consumption, Dr. David 11. Leader, in the 27th year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his parents, 806 North N. Twelfth street, above Brown, on Wednesday morning, at 734 o'clock. R US RAND.—On the Sth inst., John J. Husband, Sr., in the 70th year of his one. I Funerabfrom his lute residence, 1237 Spring Garden Street, on Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock. MOTT.—On the 4th instant, Francis E. Mott, aged 26 years. Funeral from his late residence. No. 230 N. Twelfth street, this (Tuesday) morning, at 10 o'clock. HEYSER.—Suddenly, on the morning of the Oth inst., Henry Keyser, to the 00th year of Ids age. Funeral, from his late residence, No. 503 North Tenth street. on Thursday afternoon. MOURNING STO.RE,Deo.23. —BESSON it SON, No. 918 CHESTNUT 81BEET, offer for tele today, for cash— Black and White English Chintzes, 12g to 150. do do Atlantic do 12,g o. do Purple do do . .12g c. Gray and Black English do 12g c. Plain Black do do 12Xc. Black and white imported Do Laines, 12g to 14 cents. do Purple do do 18x c. Second Mourning Chen° Mohaire, UN canto. Black Bev; Anglats, 25 cents. d 024 A CARD.—WIII. MANN DESIRES TO return his sincere thanks to the Firo Depot tmout for their valuable services at the disastrous fire at bin and the adjoining store last evening. To their efforts, seconded by the assistance of the Police and numerous friends, he attrihntes the saving, In good order, of a huge port of his stock. He is unable, at this time, to particularize all those to whom ho is most Indebted, but may be allowed to mention, In that connection, the GOOD WILL STEAM FIDE-ENGINE COMPANY and Sergeant DOI7OHEBTY, and his force of the Sixth Ward, whose services were conspicuous. it gyMEETING FOR THE SOLDIERS.—A meeting will be held THIS EVENING at 7,ti o'clock, in the Presbyterian Church, Prankford, Rev. Thomas Murphy, pastor. Addresses will be delivered by Ex-Governor Pollock, George G. Stuart, Esq., and others. An interesting statement will be given of the workings of the committee, by J. Patterson. All aro in vited to attend. It APPEAL FOR THE SUFFERING POOR.—Hundrede in our city aro now suffering from cold, hunger, and sickness. That loathsome and appalling disease, small-pox, prevails largely at present among the destitute. "THE 'HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA" appeals 'most earnestly to the public to furnish the aid necessary to enable its agents to relieve this want and dishes& This Society Sas been laboring among the poor of this community for twenty-six years, and many thousands whom it has aided by Its timely assistance and counsel can testify of its efficiency and success in this very important work. During the last seven years it has tent to good homes In the country no less than eight hundred and four children—the offspring, mostly, of drunken parente—and nearly all of them have dons well, Donations of money, hone ver small, may be sent to the Treasurer", Mr. THOS. T. MASON, No. 434. MAR KET Street. Donations of fuel, food, and clothing e,lll be very ac ceptable at tide time, and may be" sent to the Office, No. 42 North FIFTH Street, or they will oe called for on a note being addressed to Mr. JOAN P. ARRISON, same place. GEORGE H. STUART, President. ISAAC It. SMITH, Vice President. R. N. lIONELICK, Secretary. ja7-tutlistlt E. 5. POST OFFICENOTICE.—A SUPPLE mentary Mail for EUROPE, to be despatched from Boston Per steamer NIAGARA, will be made up at this office at ONE o'clock P. M., this day. ft C. A. WALBORN, Podmast lII:PHILADELPHIA, JANUARY 6, 1862. —At a meeting of the Board of Directors of tho Schools, Tenth Section, First School District of Pennsylvania, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whereas, The Committee on the Central High School of the Board of Controllers hare recently committed the arbitrary and unauthorized act of summarily dismissing three of the Professors of that institution, two of whom, Meters. VOGDES and hfcIIURTIHE, have been identi fied with it from its organization, and to whose talents and Industry much of Its success and high reputation hitherto hoe bean attributable: and, Whereas, The Board of Controllers, on testimony en tirely ex-park, one falcon subsequently to the action of the Committee, have sanctioned and confirmed their ex pittsion of the Professors ulthout giving these gentlemen the opportunity of exercising their undoubted right to be confronted with their accusers, and to defend themselves from the charges secretly brought against them: there fore, Betared, That this Board do respectfully regnost the Board of Controllers to reconsider their action dismissing Meows. McMURTRIE, VOGDES, and GER kit°, and to reinstate these gentlemen In their respectif a professor ships until they shall have had a fair hearing and trial. Reaalred, 1 hat this Board do hereby instruct the Con troller representing this section to move for such recon sideration and reinstatement, and to rote for the stuns at the next meeting of the Board of Contra: Received, That on account of the difficulty in the High School, at the prisent time, tell Board_wonklyeguest tho Principal of tholierthwest Boys' Grammar School not to urge upon any of the penile ortlie school to attend the coming examination at said school. CHARLES JEWELL, President. Attest, JOSEPH COOPER, Secretary. It [ixTHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Rtockbo'drys ,f tho PPRING GARDEN LOAN AbSOGIATION u 111 bo held THIS (Tuesday) EVEN ING, at 1223 GREEN Street, at 7 o'c ook. ItSt. cry. AMERICA'', LIFE INSURANCE AND TILIThT COMPANY. • • " PHILADELPiIIi, January 4, 1852. NOTME.—The Trustees have this day declared a 'lliv.dend of TUREE PEE CENT. for the last six months, on the capital stock of the Company, payable to the btockbolders, clear of State tax, on and after the 25th inst. JOAN C. SIRS, jaT-St Secretary. U. 3 FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, Office No. 400 CHESTNUT Streot. Pntiatisr,rirm, January 8,1862. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Fame Insurance Company, held this day, a semt•mmual Divi dend of Three per cent was declared, payable on and after the first day of February, 1802. jailfebl THIS. I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. (rrA STATED MEETING OF THE SIXTH-WARD REPUBLICAN CLUB will be held THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, Jon. 7th, at o'clock, at Leech's Hotel, CHERRY Street, below Fourth. 0 0 1 JACKSON LEIOY, SecJy.ta OFFICE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA Company -for Insurances on Lives and Granting Annuities, 304 WALNUT Street—Philadelphia, January 0, 1862.—The Directors have THIS DAY declared a Di vidend on their Capital Stack of FOUR PER CENT. for the last six menthe, and an extra Dividend of ONE PER CENT., which will be paid to the Stockholders or their legal representatives on demand, without deduction for State Tax. WILLIADI B. I.IIIA, ja7-3t* Actuary. OFFICII OF THE PIIILAMELPIIIA City Passenger Railway Company, 2100 CHEST.. NUT Street—January 0, 1801—The Board of Directors linvO THISIAY declared n I ivld.nd of ONE DOLLAR and FIFTY CENTS per alma on the Capital Stock from the earnings for the past six months, payable to the Stockholders or their legal representatives on and after the 10th Inst. The transfer books will he closed until the 76th Inst. 7a7-10t 1511. W. COLKET, Secretary EcrOFFICE OF THE RIDGE AVENUE AND ➢IANAYUNK PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY. corner of RIDGE and COLIIIIIIBIA. avenues. PHILADELPHIA. January O. /Obi. The Board of Directors hare this day declared a Divi dend of FIFTS . CENTS PER SHARE of the capital stock of this company, payable on demand, at this onto., to the stockholders or their legal representatives. LEWIS STORES, ja7.6t* Secretary and Treasurer. irrOFFICE OF THE GIRARD COL LEGE PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY —Corner of Columbia and 'Ridge account. Prima ogimit t, Jan. 6th, 1861 The Board of Directors of The Girard Collage Pas. Neoax Railway Company" have this they declared a Dividend of ONE DOLLAR PER SHARE out of the earnings of the past six montbe, payable to the &ode holders, or their legal ropreecotal tree, on demand. W. B. liLlliflT, Treasurer. ca --a SERIES OF LECTURES ON MODERN GERMAN LITERATURE.—PROF. FRED. A. RuESE, wilt deliver the first Lecture of the above Course, with which will be combined Readings from the Classic German Authors . , on WEDNESDAY, January 8, at 8 o'clock P. M., at the Foreign Rending Rooms of Mr. F. Leypoldt, No. 1323 CHESTNUT Street. Subject: Unfold. Admission to the (teat Lecture Free. ja4.4V4' AVLISIUAL FUND HALL. Dr. HAYES (by particular request), will give cool:oder*. on • TUESDAY AND THURSDAY, January 7th aad Mb. SUBJECT—AROTR; EXPLOR &TIDES Doors open at T o'clock. Commences at 8. Tickets, 2.5 cents each, to be had at Beck & Lawton's, Seventh and Chestnut ; Pugh's, Sixth and Chestnut; Continental Hotel ; and of Mr. Beckett, at the Hall. ja.l.st ImTHE WESTERN SOUL' SOCIETY will open their home, No 1615 SOUS II Street, for tho gratuitous distribution of Soup to tho Poor of the Southwcfitern section of the City, on SECOND DAY, (Monday,) the 6th Inst. Donation in provisions will he thankfully r. celvrd at the house, or in money, by either of the undereigned: SAMUEL L. DAILY, Secretary, No. 920 Chestnut street. GEORGE VAUX, Treasurer, No. 46 North Seventeenth street. JAMES WHITALL, No. 412 Race street. RICHARD RICHARDSON, NO 522 Arch end. CHARLES L. WARNER, No. 1614 Spruce street. JOSEPH POTTS, No. 100 North Tenth Street. ja4.3t tcrOFFICE OF THE FRANKFORD AND SOUTHWARK PHILADIMPHIA. CITY PAR SO:ODR RAILROAD COMPANY, BIRKS (Into Chatham) Street, below Fourth. PutLADELPIII)I, Janunry 2, 1862. The Board of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of Three and One-half Per Cent. on the Capital Stock, out of the earnings for the past six months, paya ble to the stockholders or their legal - representatives on and after the 15th Inst. ' The tranafer bqobs will be closul until the 15th inst. )n3-tl5 CIIAB. B. ABBOTT, BenratarY. grOFFICE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA OOMPANY TOR INSURANCES ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES, 304 WALNUT St. PittLADELPITIA, January 2, 1862. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Cont. pang will take place at their oflice, 304 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, 20th inst., at 12 o'clock DI.; and at the same time au election will be held for thirteen Directors for the ensuing year. WILLIAM B. HILL, ja3•t2oi ' Actuary. ccr. OFFICE OF TIIE LITTLE SCHUYL KILL NAVIGATION RAILROAD and COAL COMPANY, 407 LIBRARY Street, PHILAUELPH/A, 18th Dec., 7881. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany, and an-Election for Officers to serve the ensuing year, will be hold at the Office of the Company, No. 407 LIBRARY .Btreet, on MONDAY, the 13th of January next, at 11 o'clock A. 31. del9-thetutial3 WM. WALN, Jr , Secretary. arOFFICE OF THE DIAMOND COAL • COMPANY—NOTICE.—The Annual Election for Seven Directors, to eerie for the ensuing year, will be held at the office of the Company, No. 713 Market street, on WEDNESDAY, January Bth, 1882, between the hours of 12 and 1 o'clock P. M. deld-tjang* EDWARD PEACE, President. DrEAST DIAIIANOT RAILROAD COX PANY, 407 LIBRARY Streot. PHILADELPIIII, Dec 23,1681, Time Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of thts Com pany, and an Election for Officers to sem, the ensuing year, will be held at the Company's Mee, 407 LIBRARY Street,- on MONDAY, the 13th of January next, at 10 o'clock A. It. ARCHIBALD MoINTYRE, , do2l•tuthkstjal3 Treasurer and Secretary, • IrrOFFICE HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN RAILROAD 00. NOTICE.--Tho Annual Meol D in7o 3 rtb s of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad •and Coal Company will be held at-their Office, No. 258 a rt rto tti cil l i B oltre South THIRD Street, on TUESDAY, the 14th day of January, 1862, at n A. M., when an Election will be held for a President and twelve Directors, to servo for the claming year. de2TAtiali ia-• INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNOTLYAIVIA. JANIIMIT 2,1862. • • • An election for thirteen Directors of the Company, to servo for one yenr, ill be held at the Compnuy'a Mice, Nos. 4 and 6 EXCHANGE BUILDING, on MONDAY, January 13,1602, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. N. and 1 o'clock P. N. WILLIAM HARPER, ja3413 &oratory. ars OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA. CITY "'Annan RAILWAY UOMPANY. DEOPAIIIIIR 27, 18dL. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the PHI LADELPHIA CITY PASSENGER RAILWAY COM PANY will be held at No. II IdEIIOHANTS' EX. CHANGE, on MONDAY, the 1 1 1th day of January, 1862, at twelve o'clock M., at which tlreellll Election for Presi dent and Six Directors to oorve for the ensuing year will be held. WE. W. OOLKET, DXOFFICE OF ASSISTANT TREA SURER, U. S. PUILADA., Dec. 26th, 1861 Holders of the two years Treasury Notes, with inter est at six per cent., payable semi-annually, issued under the Act of 21 March, 1861, are informed that the Interest on ouch notes to the Ist January, 1862, will be paid at this office on and after that day, provided that such notes, with a schedule signed by the holder of such notes, alma ing the number, date, and amount of each note, to gether with the interest due thereon to said Ist of January, aro lodged here three days beforehand for veri fication. J. IL WALTON, de27-121 Assistant Treasurer U. S. firOFFICE OF THE FRANKFORD AND SOUTHWARK PHILADELPHIA CITY PAS SENGER RAILROAD COMPANY, BERM {loco Chatham) Street, below FOURTH rIIILADEPIIIA, December 25,1521, The Annual Meeting of the Stnkholders of the Prank ford and Southmark Philadelphia City Paegepger Nail. road Company twill be held at the Cane of the Company, on MONDAY, January 13th, 1812, at 13 o'clock M.. at which time and place an Election will be held for Presi dent and Twelve Dhectors to servo the ensuing year. d30•8a13 CHAS. R. ABBOTT, Secretary. 1:17. THE ANNUAL STATED MEETING OF THE OONTRIBUTOHIS TO THE NORTH ERN DISPENSARY OF PHILADELPHIA, and an election for twelve Manngers, will bo hold at the Hall of the Institution, on TUESDAY, January 7, between the hours of 2 and 4 P. de3l, tja7* JOHN HESSLER, Jr., Secretary. rr..3• OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE IN SURANCE OMPANY, 400 WALNUT ST. P GILADELPRIA, D6:ornber 28, 1861 NOTICE.—The Annual Meeting of tho Stockholders of the Enterprise Insurance Company will be hold on MONDAY, the lath day of January, 1602, at 10 o'clock A. IIL, at the Office of the Company. An Election for Twelve Directors to servo the ensuing year will be held on the same day, et the same place, bo. preen the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 P. M. d3o•tialB OIIARLES W. CORE, Secretary. 1. FIRST-DAY, OR SUNDAY-SCHOOL SOCIETY.—The Annual Meeting of the Society will be held on WEDNESDAY next, .131 h instant, at 4 F. M., at No. 1122 CHESTNUT Street. Election for Officers. ALEXANDER KIRKPATRICK, jab at* Secretary. PrPlll LADE L PII lA, DECEMBER 20th, 1861.—The Annual fleeting of the Stock o of the LOCUST MOUNTAIN COAL AND IRON COMPANY will be held at their Office, No. 230 South THIRD Street, on MONDAY, the 20th day of January, A. D. 1862, at 11 o'clock A. M., when an Election will be held for 000011 Directors, for the ensuing yoar. The transfer book of tho Company will.be closed for Moen dale tprevlona to the day of eleCtlon. de2l-tja2o JOB. 0. COPPIICH, Secretary. orFAME INSURANCE COMPANY, OF FICE No. 406 011EKTUT STREET. PutzAbstruts, December 30, 1801. The Anneal Fleeting of the Stockholders of the Pomo Insurance Company will be held at the Milne of the Com pany on MONDAY, the thirteenth day of January, 1802, at 10 o'clock A. M. •An Election for Twelve Directors to servo for the enact ing year will he held at the same time and at the same place, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 I'. DI. d3O-tjalB W. I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. try. OFFICE O 1 TEE PIIILXDELPIIIA AND DARBY RAILROAD COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, Decembor 29, 1881. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held at the Depot, on DARBY Avenue, be. tween Forty-ninth and Fiftieth streets. on MONDAY, the 13th day of January, 1862, nt 3t4 P. M., at which time an election for President and Directors to serve for the ensuing year u will be held. The Supplement to the Charter, approved the twenty. eighth day of February last, will be submitted for accept. ance or rejection. THOMAS SPARKS, de3o-tjal3 Secretary. arOFFICE OF THE MINE HILL AND SCHUYLKILL HAVEN RAILROAD CO/1- WIT. PHILADELPHIA, 12th month 20, 1861 A stated Annual Meeting 01 the Stockholders will be held at their office in the Ball of the Franklin Institute, South SEVENTH Street, the 12th day of let Month, (January,) 1862, at 11 o'clock A. M., at which time a report of the proceedings of the Board of Managers will be presented, and an election will be held for a President and ten Managers to conduct the affairs of the Company for the year ensuing. WILLIAM BIDDLE, de23.tjalt,* Secretary. arOFFICE OF TILE HARRISBURG-, PORTSMOUTH, kl 0 ITN T JOY, AND LAN CASTER RAILROAD COMPANY. DOCOMbOr 27. 1581 The Board of Directors hare this day declared a semi annual dividend of THREE AND A. HALF PER GENT. on the Cap Pal Stock of the Company, payable to the Stockhogdern or their legal mprosoutatives, on and after the 10tff day of January next, at their Office, No. 3 WIL LING'S Alley. GEORGE TABER, - deat-sttahst Treasurer. 1.1 .3 • PHILADELPHIA AND It LADING RAILROAD COMPANY, Office 227 South INURTII Street, PIIILADELPITIA,Tanuttry 2, M. DIVIDENDETOTICE—AdIyIdend °raven per cent. on the Preferred Stock of this Company hoe been doctored, payable on the 16th Instant, free from State tax. Stockholders - on the books of the New. -York Money will be paid at the Farmers' Loan and Trust Company. Stockholders on the books of the Boston Agency will be paid at the office of Messrs. J. E Thayer .4 Brother. jaa-tl5 S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. OFFICE 'OF TIIE UNION MUTUAL INSURA NOE COMPANY PHILADELPIIIA S Dec. 30, 1801.—The annual meeting of the Scrlnholdero of the Union Mutual Insurance Company of Philadel phia will he held at the office of the Company on MON DAY, January 13, 1802, et 12 o'clock M., at which time an election will be held for eight Directors, to servo for the ensuing three yearn. JOSEPH COLLISON, de3l-tutheflt Secretary, (FRANKLIN INSTITUTE LEO TUR'EB.—Tbe second course of lectures before the Institute will commence on MONDAY EVENING, the oth inst., at 73 o'clock, and be continued on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings, for ton weoks, as fol lows: MONDAY EVENING, by Prof. T. M. Drysdale, on the ...Microscope and Microscopic Objects." WEDNESDAY EVENING, by Plot. Fainnan Rogers, on 44 Ice and the Glaciers." FRIDAY EVENING, by Prof. J. Aikon Mtge, on " rood." TERMS OF MEMBERSHIP of the Institute S 3 per annum, ar SIL for life, with a charge of S 1 the Institute, year for a certificate of niernberahip. Each member le entitled to a nenson ticket to the lectures for himself and a lady, and any additional Wien' tickets et 52 each. The minor children, wards, and apprentices of mem bers will receive tickets for the course of lectures for $l, or for the use of the Library and Beading-room and the Lectures for $2 Gentlemen %gibing to become members will please ap ply at the Hall of the Institute, in S'EVENT II Street, above Chestnut street, to WILLIAM HAMILTON, ja4-7t Actuary. N OTICE. OWING TO TUE RECENT CONELAORATION IN TUB BUILDING OCCUPIED AS OFFICES BY TUE AMERICAN TELEGRAPH COM PANY,, THEY WILL RECEIVE MESSAGES, FOR THE PRESENT, AT 302 CHESTNUT STREET, NEXT DOOR ABOVE THE LEDGER (YFFICE. jf7•3t • HOWARD & HARNDEN, 4 EXPRESS. REMOVED TO 607 CHESTNUT STREET, NEXT DOOR TO GRANVILLE STOKES. FREIGHT, MONEY, to., forwarded to nit points NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, and WEST. Having opened an Off se In WASHINGTON, we shall give speard attention to freight for that City and vicinity. January 7,1882. ja7-1m 'EIDER'S COLORED PHOTO GItArtiB for g 1 are popular with the people, be- CBlll3O their palatal coloring =heti thorn more life -film Gallery BF.COND Street, aboyo Green. lt'O DARIS CORSETS AND PARIS SKIRTS.—A large aseortmont of Oorseta and Warta, the latest styles, at Sirs. Sr EEL'S, TENTH St., below Mutant. lt* LARD AND GREASE.-50 tierces prime Leaf lard; 60 tierces White Grease, Direct from the West, and in store. For onto by MURPHY &• KOONS, ja7-6t N 0.146 NORTH. WtI.A.RYES. RAISINS —3OO boxes Layer Raisins ; 300 half boxes Layer Raisins; 300 boxes 018 Flnneh Enisins• 300 half boxes N. R Bunch Raisins. New and choice fruit, now lauding and for Rabe by MURPHY h KOON6, ja7-12t No. 190 NORT,II TAIgED APPLES.—(i6 sacks now Western Dried Apples; '-7 bide new Western Dried Apples. Just received and lu store. For sale by - IdUSPIIY frs KOONS, 30' , 6t No. 148 NOISTLI WHARVED. LADIES' HAIR-DYEING DONE IN bed Istyle, at FOURTH and BRANCH. Pil•if LE EVENING DRESSES. J. P:AERTSEN, Secretary THOS. W. EVANS 8a Co., Have just received per steamer an assortment of PARTY AND BALL DRESSES, TILE LATEST PARIS NOVELTIES Rl.at TI'LANNELS.-A LARGE ASSORT MENT OF Ballardvalo FLANNELKaII widths. Boachdale and Saxony FLANNELS, Shaker and Welsh FLANNELS, at very low prices. GREAT BARGAINS IN BLANKETS. Wo aro closing out our entire stock of Fine all Wool BLANKETS, Fine Rochdale BLANKETS, Heavy Cumberland BLANKETS, Cradle and Crib BLANKETS, at last minter's prices. AMERICAN, FRENCH, AND SCOTCH BLANKET SHAWLS—aII grades, at low prices. Heavy Black Moira Antiques at 50 coats, worth $l. Super Black Moire Antiques at #32g cents, worth 51.25. WINTER, DRESS GOODS OF EVERY VARIETY. H. STEEL & SON, jo7 No. Tis North TENTH Street, above Coates. MT= IXTRAORDINARY INDUCE MEM. GREAT. SACRIFICE OF CUT GOODS AND REMNANTS. • PRICE, FERRIS, & CO., Having closed their RETAIL STORE, their Cnt Goods, Remnants, will be offered Tor sale, DURING THE PRESENT WEER, at the Holiday Gift, Lace,, and Embroidery Store, REMNANTS of Jacouets, Oauibrics, and BriMantes. REMNANTS• of Nainsooks, Suisses, and Molls. REMNANTS of Plaid, Striped, and Dotted Mullins. REMNANTS of Victoria and Bishop Lawns. REMNANTS. of all kinds of White Goods. REMNANTS of Skirting and Fronting Linens. REMNANTS of Sheeting nod Pillow Linens. REMNANTS of Damask and Spot Tablo Linens. REMNANTS of Bird-Eye and Linen Lawns. REMNANTS of, all sorts of Linen Goods. REMNANTS, of Cambric Edgings and Insertings. REMNANTS of Cambric FLOUNOINGS and Bands. REMNANTS of Yalencleane Edgings, Insertings, and Laces. REMNANTS of Thread Edgings, Insertings, and Laces. REMNANTS of White and Black Silk Edgings and LRCM - REMNANTS of all kinds of Laces, Edgings, and In sertings. ODDS AND ENDS in Pointe Lace Collars, Sets, and ODDS AND ENDS In Eloniton and Thread Collars, Sets, and ildkfs. ODDS AND ENDS in Maltese Collars, Sets, and Edict's. ODDS AND ENDS in Apolimit; Collars, Sots, and MAN. ODDS AND ENDS in Valcnclenne Collars, Sots and Ildkfs. ODDS AND ENDS in all kinds of Laces and Em. brolderies. ODDS AND' ENDS In Gents' and Ladles' Hata. ODDS AND ENDS In Embroidered and Printed Dor- dared Dania. ODDS 'AND ENDS In French and Pinealado Ildkrg ODDS AND ENDS in all klnda of Mikis. ODDS AND ENDS in Towels and Nanking. LACES, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE' GOODS AND FOR THIS WEEK ONLY, JOHN A. MULLEN. P. S.—A new lot of REAL THREAD DARBES, at half price. • A new lot of REAL VALENCIENNES TRIMMED 11DRFt3, at half price. jab-bt GREAT BARGAINS , IN FINE CLOAKS, TO CLOSE OUT THE STOCK PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, AND FUR EMPORIUM. BROWN SEALSKIN OR SABLE OLOTII CLOAKS, From *lB to 514—From $ll3 to $l2. BIACK/SALEIRITOROTTER CLOSE( CLOAKei, r{Caa S N B to 414—FXoni $1.6 t, 312. Which is replate with every desirable style and descrip tion, Will bo open to inspection at prices corresponding to the general reduction; particularization, among such an Infinity of qualitks, being, if not impossible at all events, unsatisfactory. n A. FAHNESTOCK & CO. HAVE .I.P• REMOVED TO 408 MARKET Street. jal-lni COTTON DUCK RESINANTS. REMNANTS of 12, 10, and 9 ouueo COTTON DIJON, suitable for ARDIT GAITERS, NOSE BAGS, CANTEEN STRAPS, ac., for solo by UNITED STATES ARMY AND NAVY SUPPLY AGENCY AND CAMP EX- TO MANUFACTURERS, 'MERCHANTS, and IN VENTORS, and those wishing to forward Packages to file Camps of the Army, or Naval Stations of the Coast or Gull: Rasing secured especial privileges for visiting all the departments both of the Army and Navy, and all the camps of the various military - stations, and the naval posts of the Coast and Gulf, for the purpose of introducing and selling to the Departments, Military Storekeepers, Commissaries, Quartermasters, Sutlers, °Moen and Sol diers, and also to Naval Agents and Paymasters of the Navy, all articles required for the use, convenience, com fort, and necessity, both of the Army and Navy, wo have organised the above-entitled AGENCY AND CAMP EXPRESS, with its headquarters la the city of Wash ington. 'Under this arrangement—entirely complete, and extending through all the departments both of the Army and Navy,—we can offer unequalled facilities to Mer chants, Manufacturers, and Inventors, in readiness of sale, saving of time, and the many expenses unavoidable through the usual tedious channels of sale to the De partments, Camps, and Naval Stations. Those wishing to avail themselves of the benefita of this thorough and extensively-organized system of agency, can do 93 by forwarding wimples of their goods to our address by express, and prices end explanations by letter. All packages for camp delivery marked to our addresal Washington, D. C. All goods ' inventions, wares, or ' merchandise of uliatever nature, ordered by this Agency, will be paid for on delivery. Ltftere of inquiry w 11l meet vottti prompt atteni ion. Agents well referred, with small means, can find pro fitable employment in this organization. A few are wanted. °Mee No. 211 PENNSYLVANIA Avelino, op posite Willard's Hotel, Washington, D. C. Cixoncy. LAW, New York. EItASTUE , COINING, Albany. Mocha FL GRINNELL, 44 NORTII 84 CHASE, Plitinda. Suit citt & Dram,' u J. D. ' l ' ..AGGAIn t 4, ADAM' EXPRESS, 4 , Atex. CUMMINGS, 4, Hon. Rattily Wanott, Massachusettae Lines A CO., Bankers, Washington, D. O. JOHNSON, SWEETLAND, & CO. NOTIC.E.-AN EXAMINATION OF candidates for the vacant Chairs in the Central High School will be held at the School, Southeast corner BROAD and GREEN Streets ' commencing on FRI DAY, the 17th day of JANUAItY, 1862, at one o'clock P. or., and continuing during Satuttlay. The. Departments to be filled are as follows: First. That of Anatomy, and Physiology, and Natural History, Second. That of Practical Mathematics. Third. That of the French Language. The 'Examination will be conducted by gentlemen who have been selected for their eminent ability in the re spective dem tmentß, By order of the Committee on the Central High School. ItOI3IIIIT J. ILEMPUILL, Secretary Controller of Public Schools. MA_RSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a .IS-1. writ of sale, by tho Hon. PHILEHON DICKER SON, Judge of the District Court of the United States in and foz the Dietriet of New Jereey, in Admiralty, to me directed, wilibo Bold at Public Sale, to the highest and beet bidder, for cash, at BOMERIP POINT, on THURSDAY, January.l6, 1802, at 1 o'clock P. In., the three-thirty seconds of an unfinished yowl, not yet launched or tweed, lying at ttOMERS' POINT, on Great Egg Har bor, in said District, being the interest of A. H. Colo it Co, residents and Inhabitants of the State of Florida. BE NAJAII DEACON, 11. B. Marshal District of New Jersey. Dated December 130, 1861. de3l-bif tjalB* NOTICE.—The Deods for Lots 29 and 31, Division A, Section 27, in U. A. M. and U. D. of A. Cea otery, issued to D. I'. LEWIS, having been lost or mislaid, notice is hereby given that application will be made to the Company for new Deeds, by the un dersigned, who, having purchaeed said Lote, holds the authority for their transfer. ISRAEL IL SPRINGER. SPRING GARDEN FRUIT AND PRODUCE STORM STILL AHEAD.—The sub scriber taken this method to Inform his patrons, and the Public genehlly, that he has removed his Fruit and Pro. duce Store to No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street, whore he is now prepared to keep up a full supply of Apples, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Cranberries, Nuts of all kinds, Dried Fruits (both Foreign and Domestic), Butter, Eggs, Poultry, he, &c. Also, EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, Buckwheat Flour, and Corn Neal. All of which he will sell as low as can be bought anywhere in the city. Being thankful for putt favors, to those who have so liberally patronized him heretofore, the subscriber most respectfully eolicita a continuance of their patronage, anti Invites all others to give him a call, at his now place, where he has superior facilities for supplying all with everything In his line, on the most reasonable terms. My motto 63 : "To live and let live; quick sales, and small profits." Please give me a cell before pnrchasing elsewhere. S. Z. GOTTWALS, de4.lf 812 SPRING GARDEN Street. ARDEBOO OIL CO. CARBON 01L-1.000 bble. to arrive. For ante In lots by sale agents in this city. MCBEE & CO.. del2.lixt* 28 South DELAWARE Avenue. RETAIL DRY GOODS NO. 820 CHESTNUT STREET, NEW GOODS, NO. 1024 CHESTNUT STREET, Together with a general amorhnont of LINENS At 1024 CHESTNUT STREET 708 011ESTNUT STREET, PREVIOUS TO RESEOVAL. SYNOPSIS OF REDUOTIONS. FROSTED HEAVER CLO&ER From 526 to s2o—From $22 to $l7. FROSTED DEAVER OLOARB, From $lB to Sl4—From $lO to $l.lO VELTST CLOTLI CLOAKS, From $2O to s22—From VS to $26 F1:46 BLACK Itgaysit CLOAKS, From $l5 to s36—Frun $35 to $23 FINK BLACK BRAYER CLOAKS, From $26 to 819.60—From $2O to SlO FLNE BLACK. ISEATEu CLosics, From $l6 to sl2—From $l2 to $1 FANCY BRAVER CLOAKS, From S4O to s.3o—From S9O to Sr FANCY 001.0IeRD BRAVER CIAARS, From $24 to slB—From $lB to $13.50 LTONS TRUST CLOARS, From PO to sos—From $lO to 535 OUR FUR DEPARTAIENT, REMOVALS T. D. WILDER & CO., No. GUS North FRONT Stroot E=1:111 UTMMI NEW NATIONAL LOAN. OFFICE OF JAY 000 XE .8c CO, BANKERS, No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, S The 7 3-10 per cent Treasury Notes of all denoenina. time, of the second issue of Fifty Millions, dated Octo ber let, are now ready to deliver to purchasers, at the office of J. COOKE, surisonirTiox AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD. 7 3.10 TREASURY NOTES BOUGHT AND BOLD. QUARTERALASTERS' CERTIFICATES DEALT IN. ja2-Izu DREXEL A CO. $3 300 —A FIRST-CLASS Dl rrt GROUNDE Tof this amount for sa i d, at a ligadcuntAy to B. PETTIT, No. 809 WALNUT Street CLOTHING H. ELDRIDGE, Agt., FASHIONABLE CLOTHIER, Fermorly at Eighth and Chestnut Streets, Has taken the Store, No. 625 MARKET STREET, Where he is prepared to furnish his old friends and the public in general with CLOTHING, READY EADR OR RADE TO ORDER, IN THE BEST STYLE, AT MODERATE PRICES, As he buys and sells exclusively FOB ()AM.' del-lm if NEW PUBLICATIONS THE PRIVILEGE OP THE WHIT OF HABEAS COBPIIS. A pampblet with this title, by HORACE BINNEY, I•;a