Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, Devanber Zig IDOL diIIPORTID HT B. E. SL AAAAA Elt, Philadelphia Exchange NIBST BOARD. 50 Beading B 16 811 500 City . 4 3 New 87 50 do eash_lll74 700 Jo New 01 50 do ea313.16S 300 do New 87 100 eo 17 2000 Poona voup 53 jot 100 do 17 Jan and Ju1y....80 50 do 17 1000 do 80 to a. /7 2000 do 80 50 do 17 1000 Alleg Val 11 75.... 49 100 do 17 1000 Poona li. tat mt... 9534 100 do )5.4int.17 abt 400 Penne 5s 77 10 Penna. It ..... 36X 2000 do 7tIN 12 Jo 30h 2000 Ruud On 'l3o..cisso .70 7 do NA 500 do '86..caeh.73 6900 City 6s New...b5.57 2000 do '86..ca5h.73 1000 do New 87 25 Meche 8k..2dy5.20 PETWEEN BOARDB. 11 Fehug R .....361118000 Penult 5s ... 7674 1000 City Ss New 87 1000 Penna Co'p 53 Jan 20 lipinee k Pine It. 8J and July 80 12 do 835 1800 Lehigh Nay 6e....99 BROONII 3 Second & Third B 49 6 67 Lehigh NaN . 66—.99 2000 PCB na. Coup 58.-80 8000 do 80 4 PV1311% K • .30,11 AFTER :2000 Elmira R Ts CLOSING P: illsk.l 82 83 I PMla es ... Philo. Os It 81% 82% Phil& lis hew•... 8736 87% Vennabs 16% 77 Iteading /1 1,11-10 11 )1 Beading Bds '7O if 82 B'dg M 63 'BO '43 92 94 N Penns 15 6,1.. 55% 66% Bead Id Be 'BB.. 73% 73% N Penna 10a 70 . 73 Parma N 863 i CfttawiseaßCon ronns 18 2dm Oe 53% 84 Catawign Pref.. 41/ Morris CI C0n.... 35% 2d &3d eta 8.3. 48% 49 Morrie CI Pref.lo73a 1W Phila B .._ 50 .. Bch NEM 8,1 , 82.. so 80 Spruce & Pine.. 8% 8% 6ch War Imp 6e 71 74 'Green & Onatos IF. 16h Nab NAo Mock, 3 ti Chant, ( Walnut 00 33x Bch liar Pref... 10 11 Arch Street.... 11% 12 Philadelphia Markets. The hour market is dull, but without any particular change to note, and the demant, both for shipment and home use, limited: 500 bbl s Lancaster extra sold at 56.75 ltioatarn extra family sold at the sae,e rate, and some small lots of superfine at $5.3131e5xx. The trade are buying in a small way only, within the above range of prices for superfine and extras, and SS.STY H 6.75 for extra fmnilv and fancy brand., ea quality llye Flour is quiet, and selling in a small way at $4 per lad. Corn Meal is hut little inquired for, and Pennsylvania meal is held at $3, without sales. la a steady demand fur wham at fully former rates, and the market is firmer, with sales of 60 7,000 bushels at 125 c for inferior, 1300131 c for good and prime Penn's red, in store, mostly at the latter rate, and 135 c for Southern do afloat, including white in small lots at 13e44-10.-„.- se in quality. nye is dull, and Penn's, is selling at Corn is less active, and only 6,000 bushels found buyers at 56,2600 for new yellow, as to condition, and 61)4¢62c for old g the receipts are light. Oats are dull, AR4 1 1 10(1 bushels Southern brought 856 attest Parley and SITO 01110 t. - BARK.—Quered . rOn steady, but quiet, at $3O for Ist No. I, and the receipts light. COTTON.—There is no change in Cotton, and very little doing in the way of Woe to-day, UIVOCEIIII4B KM) PILOYISIONS.—There is no new fea ture in Groceries and Provisions, and but little doing in either. A cargo of Brazil Sugar sold at a private bar gain. 8a8h3,--There is rather more inanity for Clovereeed, and about 5.50 bushels have been disposed of at g 4.1.2,14 4.30 s r bushel, the latter for prime. Timothy and Flax seed are quiet, and the latter scarce. Wmsxv moves off slowly at 20c for barrels, and 19a 1936 s for drudge, CITY ITEMS, Services at St. Andrew's Church Yester day Morning. The Rev. Dr.. Stevens, rector of St. Andrew'sTro. test - ant Spiecopal Church, Eighth street, almin Spruce, preached a sermon in that edifice yesterday morning, from this text of Scripture: "But when the fulness of time was come, God sent forth Li. Son. made of a teotede.made under the lam., to redeem them that were under the law, that we might re ceive the adoption of sons."—Gatations iv, 4, 5. The chinch, in accordance with the usual custom of Episcopal churches, is now decotateA ig a Tory tasteful and elaborate manner with green. The discourse of Dr. Stevens was a Christmas sermon, lucid, eloquent, and comprehensive, setting forth the prephecies pointing to that great event lit the history of at mien world—the advent of the incarnate Son of God— and shoe ing, by conclusive testinr:ny, their marvellous fulfilment. Ile divided his subject into thesefour heads: First, the rime specified for Christ's coming; second, the event itself; third, the purpose of that event; and, fourth, the effect or it—that we might "receive the adoption of sons." Tudor the find of these liewle, four epochs wore con sidered as lowing been designated in the Scriptures as periods from which to calculate the period of Christ's birth into the world. The other three divisions wero analysael with tnuel. foi-be led Losuty. The music by the choir, proverbially excellent, was yesterday unusually - grand and impressive. The following are the statistics of this parish: There --12 e-re h.e<-11. Loptlscos dreAug the year, .6 actoito nun 16 :infants; confirmed, 15; communicants added, new, 23; died or removed, 12; present numbei, 620; marriages during the year, 16; burials, 13; public services on ettesoye, Joe , j en other days, 40, /40i Sunday schools, male, 3; female, 2; infant, 3; Bible-classes, 2; total teachers and pupils, 760. The collections during the year bare Leen se fait:va! For diocesan lufesions, $975; domestic missions, $1,002; foreign missions, 51,2.15; paroebitd missions, 51,000; parish-scheola and libraries, !Mei Ilaiwemtl fund, *1a0; Mieeeiition, $00; prayer-books and tracts, $255 ; book society, $150; Christian or Theological Education, $.600; disabled clergymen, sslss; miscellaneous, $5,766; total contribu tions tor the ,-ene, for ail perpott.,, e 11,511. The consecration of 'Rev. Dr. Stevens to the Assistant Bielloplic of this Episcopal Diocese will take place at St. a re.. 'es Church, on next Tlnnsday mornin6 7 at 10 o'clock, of which notice was given yesterday in all the Episcopal churches in the city. TWO GREAT LECT - CRES ron THE PROPER.- We are 61.011 to have two lectures in this city, under the auspices, and for the benefit, of the Young lllen's Christian Association of this city. wlith, apart fromtheir "itOrth , etjcetp oa Ate be largely tittemleel . try our Citi7 Me. We allude to the leetmes, announced in another column, entitled "In and Around Jerusalem," and " UP and DOVE Palestine," to be gicen at Concert Hall, by the Rev. Alfred Taylor—the first to-morrow (Tuesday) evening, and the iecond Tuesday evening, January 7th. The lecture tomorrow es-Cuing will treat espeCially of the City of Jernentem,—lts plow, views,—Church of the Holy 1 epnlchre, Interior of the Holy Sepulchre, Waiting Place of the Jews, the Wall, Tower of Hippicus, Pool of Hcatlish, Tombs of the Kings. Scones of the Valley of Jebosbaphat, Lower Pool of Gihon„ Ihran es Sherif, -Garden of Gethsemane, Bethany, Solomon's Pool, &c., the allele to be illustrated by magnificent oxy-hydro photic TWWE. "Lectures combining as much entertain ment and instruction have seldom been given in this city, and we bespeak for them a very large attendance. ELOCELEY MEDICAL HOSPITAL.—The sub scribe, who has been connected as missionary with the -above institution for the past thirteen years, would find his plans of philanthropy materially aivanced by baying at his constant t ispeenl while thus in service among the afflicted a small contingent fund, to be called his Poor's Puree. Ills outlay of means from his own narrow in terne in his regular bilnletratleiss s,f mercy has hems large, and it will still be continued, but he cannot allow his delicacy to debar him from thus stimulating others to lapbold btu by a generous sympathy and cn-operatim. In the course of a year Lie postage for others is an item which is very large, while nameless other items swell the aggregate. His yearly reports, freely circulated among his fellow-citizens, hors conveyed an idea of the extent of his labors and the obligations they must im- Dose. The worthy and the deserving are in large num• berg beneath bit pastoral supervision, as Well AS thaw whose vices have superinduced their sufferings. Any contributions thus designated can be transmitted to his address per post, or, what is much better, by private hand to his house. EDWARD C. JONEd, No. 2122 Cherry street. OCR Dal' TO DARNEGAT. Though Darnegat boasts no great man Who paints, or eileake, or writes, Whoever thread} her channel can Descry some Shining Lights; /Ind there we lay three days, I ween, Nor moved with valid or oars! The only Game that we had seen Was euchre or all-fOura. Iu idenabawkin Swamp, we heard That one with gun or mare - Might capture bear but some BTelTbd The Swamp uas bare of hoar. We tore our trouserts and bare-skin NVe had enough; on shore, A brunch might flourish on these sands Of Stokeb's "one price" store. Charles Stokes, under the Continental, Brst•class Clothing. FINE TABLE BEVERAGES.—Mr. C. H. Matt son, dealer in fine groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, has now en band a fresh and large supply of pure old Go vernment Java Coffee; also, the finest Oolong and other choice Teas, at moderate prices. We would state that, for the accommodation of his patrons., he delivers goads bought at his store to any part of the city, or packs them neatly and sends them to either of the depots free of charge. WAn Tax.—The total cost of the Revolu tionary War, or War of Independence, wag 51125,193,700. Voluntary contributions Tor carrying on the war bale freutiently been made. The most remarkable of these acts of patriotism was that of the people of England in 2108, w6-e, to support the war aguialv Vrance, the con tributions amounted to over 512,000,000, a sum more than sufficient to purchase all the clothing that has been ma• nninsturad in this slip for a month past—amaspt that made at the palatial store of Granville Stokes, 609 Chest nut street, where the finest and cheapest garments may at all trees be obtained. Tre'saw ON - Ea A NEW LEAr.—The present it the period of the year at which arrangements are usu ally wade for turning over new leaves. If a lava man to living ahead gt Lit Mean% he sternly determines to re trench expenses, ea aeon as the new year C:lMett in Are bad habits indulged in, the indulger thezein resolves to 'rop dam as the lath tattle Of the detailing year are dropped. Speaking of had habits suggests clothing pro cured at inferior establishments, and we would, iu all sin cerity, advise all our readers to turn over a new leaf at the close of the old year, and to consult economy and good taste by procuring their garments at the Brown stone Clothing Ball of Borlihill & Wilson, No;. 603 and 805 Chestnut street, above Sixth. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ST SEE POIIETIi PAGE °LEASED. Bark Conrad, Salisbury, Ban's, Thou A Nowball Si Co HT 'TELEGRAPH. (COrreepondimeo of tho Prom) 14v.a3 Arrivcd—Bark Citizen. from Aepli.wall. Bark I) Chapin, from Alicante. Brig Mina it George, from Rio Jaaeito, itris Altmilla t from Osidlemm. Brig Robert Beni, from Porto Cabello. 111 TCLEGRAFIL (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange,) LEWES, Del., Dee. 28. The ketch Commerce, for Mayaguez, Pa, and five hooners, coal Wen, left the harbor t h is morning and •cecded to sea. Wind NW Tours, &c. tirEmo is &ND A. Harks Old Hickory, Holmes, and Geenteinnunde, sailed ora Mare Bth haat for Philadelphia. lati RD 1000 N Poona 65.2 dpi.s6 1000 do 56 15 N Poona N. 5 3001) Wading Oa '11....93 ....._...64 lOIGS-FIBAI, Bid. Ant. 9 _934 Bimini B Pref Elmira 7e'73... 62 65 Long Leland R. 9,6 10 Lela 01 a kin.. 48 483 g Leh GI S N Sap 32g sax N Penna R..... 4% 5 DPMPIIIIRR gg--EVAlling_ A_ MARSHALL. Schr Freeman, hence, arrived at New liaN,T, 7U mot, Minutemen a terrible gale on MOM , evening firm WNW, which drove her out to lea; lost boat and .lav,ts, stove bulwarks, lost firing iih, and sue. tained other damage. Caine very near lasing veasel and WI bands. t3chr n Rill, Smith, cleared at Now York 26111 inst for Philnde Scbr Argus Eye, Nickerson, hence, arrived at Flush ing 10th inst. Steamer Kate, from Philadelphia for Baltimore, tow.. MS four United States barges loaded with Government stores, encountered a gale on the 23d lust below Poole's 'Wand, Chesapeake Bay, and two of the barges were lost —the Whole Union and the Iteykono State. • • A letter dined Bohm's' Bole, Doc 2.3, says: The brim Chicopee, of Boston, with a cargo of fruit from Malaga for Boston, ran on the West Chop night of gist inst. Assistance was immediately sent, and succeeded in get ting her oil on the night afterwards without damage. It is pow tdowjpg e gels from E. Tns frnowiog has Dean sent to the Commissioners of the Board of Works, Nova Scotia Gentlemen—A brig this morning about 9 o'clock, about a mile NW . of the LiglialioMe; can see about four feet of her masts. All hands arc loot. It h blowing SO hard that we cannot .e . * on - from the shore. Wind NW. A boat came ashore, but there is no name on her. One barrel of flour came ashore, which was marked "Northern Light stores." G. McKay, Lighthouse, Gut of Canso. Cabe Jack, Bee it ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS Up TO 12 O?OLOOL LAST Niaav_ CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut sta. Thomas W Leonard, efw Yk r 8 Sanderson, Was Might 31 Harrison, Now York A Pardee, Hazleton cot Owen, e A Geo A Jackson, flew York A G West & la, New York Mrs Sll Breunig, N York W A Wellman, Boston G T Hanford, Now York J Cradle Laugh, Washington (3 A Robinson, Germantwn F B Knowles, New York JaB T lcsimody & 10, N Y Mtn S Trailer, New York Win Frirk, Chester, Pit W A Galbraith, Frio J L Hannan, Harrisburg Whittier , Green Bay W Coleman, Pittsburg 13 F _ Palmer C Y Patterson, Now York Jobn Nash, C incinnati Lt Col G AI! Blake, II SA Oen A S _Tanen, 11raelooi, NYC I' Crockett, iiolyrartro 'Li A r wLticutr, Salem, Mass l 3 Al Traynor, Benton 14' Long Tennessee Mrs J Iliester, renna Dlisslliester, Pennsylvania 11 Mester Pennsylvania Dtilt el T P.' rle., Pennsylvania Miss MOliio NAM*, pa it -harder, rw goo S Turuouli, rem, Sam' Walerain Jonas S Higbee, USN Seth Bryant, Boston MO Newell, U S A T-0- Baylor, U S A John S Harper & la, N Y J G Shaw ' New York Ji Atitlertion Lt wf, N Y J D Urhrr, Washington W MUNI°, Cincinnati Thos Barboer, New York iS lI k, staryland Chas if, Banner, Now York. M limman, New York F H Fey, New York A M. Leo, Cincinnati Wit Ilenwv Pittsburg 111 Pluton, U $ A. it i tiorton ei la, Milwatilieo Miss Milos, Mil alnico° Chap II West, 13 S N A F li Mai tin, N S E R Patten, Bath E G Furbor, New York DrJas Rail, Baltimore Win Ferguson, N Y CaPt 4; Window, New York Mr Evans, Now York N Wallace, London, Eng John P Sellnfau, N '1 C Ta3lor, New York Ramon 11 Gomez, N Y J D Byerly, Philadelphia J M Tagert, Philadelphia C A Seaver, New York H K Clark, New York J,7 8e) holds, New York Gen Schenck; Virginia J w Robinson & la, Kansas R S Stevens & la, Kansas G S Ringer, Kansas P S Mattox, New York Cayt Git.son, U S A out Fasset, U S A Dr G W Richards & wf, N Y Geo Blank Jahn Carlialn„ Pa Ilbs. W v—a—er, !,,,,--.. Gee Cares, Now York W 8 Stewart Philo Soml T Bazris, Oin, Ohio P L Van Deventer, Mo W B MeAtee,Lanceeter J F S oddard, New York L E Snow, New Jersey II P Norris, ti S A AfERCHAI , TTS' HOTEL—Fourth street, ab. Market. Win V McClure, Peoria N Peters, Delaware J L Elliott, Wash, D G John Smith, Wash, D 0 Mr Sullivan, Wash, D Q AL T Dill, Altoona, Pa A aituttutu, utrakou) Fit E G Tincent, Berlin John Davis, Penna Smith Brown, Perna Henry Davie, Pennsylvania T M Rogers, Penna J Cowden, Pennsylvania Capt P B W ilson, Peuna .18 Africa, - Mrs D C Africa, linntinadri Mita A Simpseri l Duntrugdn Penngllvania J Barry, Lancaster, Pa J B Cunningham, Balt Wm Irvin, Clearfield co Win D Irvin, Clearfield eo Faint Buck, Perryville, Pa C Lippincott, Baton, N J Sand H Smith, Philada B G Smith, Tamanna, Pa James 77 Smith, Thulium L A Junking, Bridgepq, 0 AAI Reed, Steubenville, 0 J Q Carpenter, Puma W lli Bayard, Germantown 1) W Chambers, Philada Malone, Lancaster N Copeland, Massachusetts AMERICAN HOTEL--013estuut sr., anove rtnn. G R Wilson, Washington T H Smith, Washington Jos Floyd, New York Thos L. Moxley, Baltimore Lient R P Smith W Ramentier, New Jersey G W Chester A Mclntire, DIU Cant Alex R Reed, Ky Limit C H Stacks, Ky J B`Campion, Philadelphia Mrs P Warren, New York II Farrel, Washington, DC WE Hutchinson,Wash, DC Jas Brown, Wash, D C Lient J DI Prichat s 1 t USN J C Clarka,ltallintkes Wm 3I n,y 11.telgovro R C Mines, Perms J C Walsh, Del co, Pa James Barton, Del co, Pa Col S H Jenkins, US A Cant IL II ItleConnoll, lISA John E Carroll, Hartford R P Smith, California Regt Isaac Gregg, jr, Pittsburg Alt Altton, Novae XJ ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third, W P Itsinniond C J Van Wyck, New York W Clark 'W LEO Wlebaclt, Tamaqua R L Layburn, Tamaqua S Huck, Baltimore .1 P Bancroft, Phila Chas Gillespie, Lancaster II T steams, Mass J B Cook, Philadelphia H Buck, Wash, D va,,t D A artaith, Att,-, V L ir onepar4l, PrlearaTO John W Reese Virginia Frank Bryan, Virginia John McConnell, Virginia Jas Lake, Philadelphia THE UNION—Arch meet, above Thhd, W S Bush, Mass Dr Brown, Danville, Pa Rotbrock,P R R J H Smith &wt . , N J L S Cropper, Maryland Chas Tatman, Jr, Del Mr Griftir, Maryland P Henderson, Maryland B Studebaker, Tag, N I DE ra n D Barrett, Manland Sainl Qnickeall R la, Wadi B R Johnston, MP, N Y Thos S McKee% Easton "E O'Brien, Freehold, N J W G Brower, Danville, Pa James Hart, New York A J Grant, Danville W G Saab, Tamaqua E H Long, Tammuyua MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. T P H Bedlow, Atlantic City Jos Kelley, Salem, N J A E Sexege, Salem, N J D Jounce., Mooed co, Pa W R Markin, N J S It Rnsoltow, N J B Saylor & wf, N J M Pain, Lowe M Bower, Delaware C Clothier, Mt Holly ILA Deacon, Mt ktclly AV, & 1., Pe... John Ingram, Yonne Misha, S Cook, Maas John Bedlow, Wash, D C fitiveti alloTo Cheatant, Thos Armstrong, Maryland J S Crawford, Elkton, hid J L Phillips, Philadelphia R Haddock, Wilintligton S M. Kirk, Maryland W E Duryea, New York Jos Thompson, Cheater eh E Darlington, PenisA J M Pro Dies, Ituchs. co D W Brower, Penn& John Dugan, West Chester E W Hayek, Birdsboro,Pa C Painter, West Cheater I" A Allen S.: ta, W Chester Wm Thornton, Canada Watt Wm Jackson, Elmira, Pa D Humes, Chester county STATES HNlON—Market street, above Sixth. John Weston, New York T H Smitb t Washington It Farrell, Wo.hingion 6 E. 'Wilson, WootOUSIOU W E Hutchinson, washingtou Alex Taggart, Cheater CO Joint Carter ' "New York CUM Now York .1 B Slirner, New York B F 4 1 44t0P, rtnnit 111 Cromlein, Baltimore J W Williams, Juniata co J V Crawford, Chamberebg J J Steel, Altoona Jas Robertt, New York Jos Elder, Pittsburg Wm 11 watt, Latrobe, Pa Thos Griffith, Ebensburg James Brown, Washington NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third T Gray, New York D liouanm, jr, Penna V J Wood, Trenton, N J Ruf us Erekine P lr Bart, Pennsylvania John W Boyer, Pottstown Nies M Balmer, Now York D B Kelly. Pennsylvania H W Rank, Jonestown J F Jameson, Penna. Jos Gormley, New York M 9 Auguste:in, Reading BARLEY SHEAF--Second street, below Vine, Howard Bothers, Bucks co M. Cadwalader, Falls Chas C Rudman D N Cook, Perryville S Vanborn, Perryville G Kauffman, Heatonrille E Duffy, Philadelphia lilies DI Wright, Trenton Dlias Kate Worthington, Pa John Palmer, Phiia Mrs A Yanhart, Pincer'lle Mice C Yanhart, Pineville Frank Yanhart, Pinesaille ;tax Kreffard, Lancaster Wm Blattor, Attleboro Kiss R Worthington, Burka A Allen ,t la, Newark, N J West, New Jersey Wm Magregor, Maryland J C Lewis, Abington MOVNT VERNON Axoll. Mli Williemeon, Virginia T Barton, Jersey City F G Edward, Pennsy Ivania Semi Maxwell, Baltimore Fitat A: son, Baltimore AI Walton Sr son, Baltimore 311,3 Thorp, Nov Lyman A DaYid Sturm, Pennsylvania BEVERZ HOUSZ—Third street, above Race. Chas: easvky /e lady, Penna. Lleut g T Itteckwer, g Bolt Cone% Ashland .1t 1' Vranklin, Ph.lad Geo Baker, Philndelphia Mr Ermold, Beading Wehli, Beading A lleilial 4ecKing BLACK BEAR—Tim - a street, above Callowhill. J Redline, Frederick City 6 Clemens Cheater Valley Cho imps, Bake eo J Willet S la, rtinatorrilla M. V B Vanarashilen tt , la, Pa BALD ZatiLX—Thiril street, aboire Uallowbil Mrs Smith, 'Northampton T S Loiaenring, Penna SPECIAL NOTICES_ CARD.—One of the editors of THE PRESS baying been an kind ea to make favorable notice in that valuable journal of an improvement in hats lately Invented by, and patented to non, I take the 11- )34cky of reouldiehingt hie remarks, as they give alair de ecription of said improvements, and add reliable tenti many as to its utility awl Om comfort it affords. W. F. WA111:1URTO/f, Hatter. WAREVRTON 9 S NEW SCIENTIFIC 11AT.-3tr. War burton, fashionable hatter, No. 430 Chestnut street, has brongi t out his elegant new winter Myles. with his pa tent flexible band, supplying complete ventilation to the head, and preventing the grease from striking through urea the IMO, by means of this light inner thotallo baud, which adjuetn itself naturally to the forehead, the hat is made thoroughly comfortable—more so than any other hat we have ever worn. t4entletnen making ere setae, either to themselves, or to their friends, will art visely in giving this hat the preference over all other,. de27-tr ONE-PRICE CLOTHING OF TUE LATEST STYLES, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL BAI ES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goode made to Order iNlyfqmpd gatigiu, tory. Our ONE•PRICE SYSTEM la strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. eel-1y JO=IES & co., €19.4 KARIM Street, UPHAM'S .HAIR. DYE, ONLY 38 CENTS Box.—Bottles larger gag! She Dellor Dyes. Colors in• stantaneously, and will not wash out. Try it. Sold only at UPHAM'S, 310 CHESTNUT Street. n027-afmSm • NEW GOODS FOR HOUSEKEEPERS, comprising a general assortment of Housekeeping arti cles, with many new improremente Atli inventions for Housekeepers' use. Also% a number of fancy articles, imitable for Holiday presents. Soiling at reduced prices, to suit the times, by E. S. FARSON & co., del9•tf Qyryyr of DOCK and rEctli fitreete, CARD PRINTING, BEST AND CHEAPEST In the City, at RI south THIRD &rest BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Beet and Cheapen in the City, at 3t South THIRD Street PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other descrip tion of Printing, of the most superior quality, at the moat reasonable rates, at RINGW/LIP & PRO W3VS, DreaelPs Building, St South THIRD Street. delo-tf MARRIED . REGER—JONES.—On the 26th ins ant, in the Fourth Baptiet Church, by the Rev. R. Jeffry, D. D., Mr. Theo dore IC Roger to Min Tillie M. Jones, demi ghter of Henri Joao t Esq., an of this city. DE PA SS—ItECICLESS. —On Monday, December 16th, 1861, by the 'ley. Charles Wadsworth, Captain A. H. De Pase, of New Chicane ! to Mies Rile Reeklese t of ads city. DIED. ITED - fililltater.—On the 28th Instant, Mary Elleth wife of C. J. nedenberg, aged 40 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully inyited to attend the funeral from the residence of her husband, southeast corner Thirty-second and Hamilton streets, (Mantua,) on Tuesday, 31st instant, at 10 o'clock A. lit. To proceed to Woodland GetlitdCl7 , it nteLENN.—Suddenly, on Sunday morning, the 29th instant, of congestion of the brain, Annie I'eldest child of William and Elizabeth DI. lEcLcau, sag. years and 7 ninth% runeral to proceed toLaurel 11111, from the residence of her parents, 841 North Broad street, 011 Tuesday morn ing, the 31st instant, at 10 o'clock. ** SLONEGAII—On the Rlith Indent. Philip IL IClotiA gar, printer. in the 27th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family, also Phibutel phi& Typographical Society, Typographical Union 2, Mount Vernon Council, No. 41, 0. U. A. M . and the Other in general. are rt'ehoetfnllt invited to attend his funeral, from big late residence. No. 1212 Woodbine Btreet, (Federal, above Birth,) on Tuesday afternoon, llst instant, at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Indientbr"Pic C's inetery. KUNNIMV.—CIn the 27th 'natant, William to. ken nedy, in the 70th year of his ago. Funeral front the residence of his son, S. S. Kennedy, No 1259 North Fifteenth street, on Tuesday morning, 31st instant, at 9 o'clock. trir YuUl o.—On the 911 h instant, of eananitintloa, ...ou twit() in camp, J. A. }lemmings Young, of Company C, Twenty.ninth Regiment I'. V., John K. Murphy, in the 39.1 year or his age. VANDEVEII.—On the 2 1 3th instant, Marshall If. Vandtions, in the 16th Year of hie age, and of the Twenty_ third Regiment, P. V. Funeral from his brother-in. law's residence, Mr. J. R. Matlack, No. 1701 Francis street, this (Monday) niorn- Mg, at 9 o'clock. RlTOllkg.—On the 26th inataitt, The relatives and male friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, corner of Adams and Sellers streets, Frtmkford. this ( Monday) 30th instant, at 11 o'clock. To proceed to Cedar Hill Clem tors,. PIIILIDELPHIA TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY.—The Mom herb ore reapectfully iurited to attend th, funeral of their hire fellow•mendier, NI /MP 11 , KLMIN(MR, Irvin 1111 hav rvantruce, 3ia'4 Wootthino tutor, on TIIO6IIIIY ar 31 , 4 instant, at o'clock. By order, IVM. H. JONES, Secretary. Weekly Report of Interment . irEALTEI ()MOB, December 28 Interments in the City of Philadelphia from to the 2.Sth of Deceilibgr,lB6l. Foe., Camp Enterie...... " Scarlet....... 66 Typhus ti T yphold _ _ Gangrene Hemorrhage........ Hooping Cough.... Inflammation, Brain ii Erfillelli___ Lunge .. 66 Peritoneum. 66 Pleura " Stomach and Insanity Intemperance Malformation Marasmus ..... Oesification of the Arteries.... . 1 Ohl Age . Paley P.txpligre Serallla ....... Sore Throat Small-Pox 011ffocution Totanua. Unkn0wn.......... Apoplexy Burns aud Scalds Carbunrle (lancer of Liven, it "Tullis... Bladder.. Casuolt leg:. Croup.... Comostion of Brain %$ Cramp et , lllprefaSilln a the Bi ain Consumpt'n, Lunge. it Bowelo. Convulsion ..... Puerperal Cyanosis Dilteheela_ _ Diabetes Diarrbeea.... Dropsy " Brain IL Hoar& Disease of Brain.... Heart Liver . Debility iiansiVn'on 4. Brain.. EPIIPPNY ....... Erfaincia • Fracture of Spine., Tato! 0 1 73 - THERE WRIER! 68 I From 30 to 40 201 a 40 toso 34 " 50 to 60 • 16 as 60 10 5, 70 to 80..: .. 11 a BO to 90 36 .‘ 90 to /00 Under 1 year.. From Ito 2.. c. 2 to 5.. It 5 talo_ _ tc 10 folk. cc 15 to 20.. I' 20 to 30.. .12 • nth 6 fth 6 eentn.,.,. 6 teenth....lo enth 211 Tent Elure Twvif Thin Fourt Fiftee First Second.... 20 Third S rourtli ... .. Sixth nth 41 tnanth_ 00nth.....101 Total Seventh... Eighth__ liituth .... NATIVITY.—United States, 196; Foreign, 72; Un known, IS. . . From the Almshouse, 9; People of Color, 5 ; from the Country; 7. The number of deaths, compared with the correspond ing week of 1860, and of last week, was as follows: Week ending Dee. 29, 1860, was 251 Week ending Dec. 21, 1861, 1.1"14 245 Males, 160 Females; 166: Boys, 851 Girls, 67_ By order of the Board of Health. WILLIAM READ, Health Officer. MOURNING --DEMON ik BON, No. 91S CHESTNUT STREET, offer for male to-day, for cash— Black and 'White English Chintzes, 12% to 15e. do do Atlantic do 12Xc. do Purple do do lit% L. Gray and Black English do ns c. Plain Black do do 12%c. Black and white imported De Laines, 1231 to 14 cents. do Turple go dv 18X G. itt•cond Mourning %one =hairs, 12„ii cents Black Repe toglsis, 25 cents. irrPOLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, WEST PENti SQUAII.E.—Tho Lnetnroa and ripnal...t Ir4trtiction will ho rastunta on THURSDAY, January 2d, at 9 o'clock A. M. ALFRED L. KENNEDY, H. D.. de3o.4t President of Faculty. SOGIETY FOR PRO MOTING AGRICULTURE.—Stated Ideating at lioom, 326 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, Jan. It, at 31 o'clock A. M. Annual Contribution due. [3O-3t FititiVE•-7111.E couports DUE jaNUANY 1, 11302, of the Registered Mortgage Bonds of the Elmira and Williamsport Railroad Com pany, will be paid on presentation at the Office of the Pe.r.,l,ftnla Company for lutoiranco on TAM and Granting Antmitieo, N 0.30 WALNUT street, on awl after the 241 proximu. By order of the Board of Managers, will, V. LONGS - Ili Trnasurer. Pbiladelphia ! l2th ow., 28,1861. d3O-3t THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of the TRIATfiE,ITH And FIF. Tai viii Bneet6 Passengir Hallway VOnapany, Will he held at the Once of the Secretary, 4 t 5 WALNUT Street, ou 310 DAY, January th, /862, at 10 o'clock A. N. The Atintial Eection will be held at the same elm bete rev the hours of 11 A, 21 and 12 N., to sleet a President and five Directors for the ensuing year. deoo-186,1 0 .24* HENRY B AINE3, Secretary. to- THE ANNUAL MJEJEIrifVG- OF THE Stockholders of the Delaware County Paestinger Railroad Company, to be held according to act of Assem bly, for electing a President and Directors, will be held at the office of JAMES MItLER, MARKET Street, aboys Till 61...--et, 'West l'lrittnielphin i on MONPAlir t tUo /001 day of January next, at 12 o'clock 111. 4130-nt w-4t A. L. 3501INAFFON, Secretary. al`Vlll2 up - A. AND DARBY DAILIIOA.II Gomr.zi- x. PHILADELPHIA, December 28, 1861. The Annual 'Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held at the Depot, on DARBY Avenue, be tween Fortpninth and Fiftieth streets. on MONDAY, the 13th day of January. 1882, et gm P. M , at.which time an election for President and Directors to serve for the ensuing year will be held. The Supplemeut to the Charter, approved the twenty eighth day of February last, will be submitted for accept slice or rejection. TIIOMAti SPARKS, de3o-tjal3 Secretary. Iffa OFFICE OF TOE MARANOY AND BROAD ➢IUUNTAIN RAILROAD COMPANY, 25b South 1 THIRD Street. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held on MONDAY, January 13th, 1862, at 1 o'clock P. M., at tlis OfHee of the Company, at which time and glace an election will be heldfor a President and Twelve Directors to serve the ensuing year. trao-nifst* R. S. DROnli, Secretary, rt. FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, OF FICE N 0.406 CHESTNUT STREET. rIiII.A.DELPAIKA, December 30, 1861. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Fa•ne Insnrauca Ccmrrany Nvlti he twtd at the Office of the C;ont yany on MONDAY, the thirteenth day of January, 1802, at 10 o'clock A. M. An Election for Twelve Directors to serve for the ensu ing sear will be held at the au*. 11010 004 i t the asthae place, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. dSo-tjal3 W. I. ELANCHA.RD, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE IN su.pANer. COMPANit, 466 WALEur BT, AIL.apEL rfil 4, DO :amber 23, DOI, ROTICE.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholdera of the Enterprieo Insurance company will 120 held pa MONDAY, the lath day of January, /NA at 10 AMOR A. 31, at the °Aire or the Company. Au Election for Twelve Directors to serve the ensuing Mr will he held on the tame day, at the tame place, be• tween the home of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 P. (130-tiftl3 CHARLES W. COXE, Secretary. OFFICE or Tur VAANKFOItb AND ROLPIRWARK PHILADELPIIIA. CICY roiS bEIiGER RAILROAD COMPANY, BERM (late Chatham) Street, below FOURTH. rim. A D Ent I A, December 23, 1861, The Annual Meeting of the St Mkboblers of the Frank ford and Southwark Philadelphia City Passenger Rail• read Company will be held at the Mike of the Company, on MON DAY, January 13th, 1832, at 12 o'clock M. at which time and place an Election will be held for Presi dent and Twelve Directors to serve the ensuing year. d3O-1)143 CHAS. ABBOTT, Secretary. urTYRONE AND CLEARFIELD RAIL. ROAD. The Annual Nesting of tbo Stockholdere of the Ty rone and Clearfield Railroad Company will he held at tho 4. thee of the Secretary, in thin city, on HONDA. t, Jana. ary 1862, for the purpose of electing a President aid Taelro Directors, and transacting such other lima ness as may come before the meeting. 11. A. SHILLINGFORD, Secretary. PHILATELPIIIA, December 28, 1861, dab tat OFFICE OF ANTHRACITE INSU RANCE COMPANY, No. 311 WALNUT SJ - DEET, PHILADELPHIA. The Annual Election for TEN DIRECTORS will be bold at this office. on MONDAY, January 6, 1862, be- LIN‘ en the Mare of 10 and 12 A. M. &30-6 t. WM. M. SMITH, Secretary. [a. RECENT MEETING OF THE EVAN. GELICAL ALLIANCE, AT GENEVA.—Bev, Dr. BAIRP, who has, not long since, returned from Pawl will give an account of the recent meeting of the Eiangelical Alliance, at Geneva, in the First Re. formed Preebyterien Church, BROAD Street, below Spruce, on IIIONDAT ETENING, December 30, the Mercigeg eonuneneing at 7J oleloek_ 419.4_214k urIN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RE. QtiESTS of Committees of Examination, and by order of tho Directors, a PUBLIC RXIIIRITION of tho Drawings and Designs of the Students Of the School of Design fur Women will be held at the School R00m5.1334 CHESTNUT Street. from 110 A. IC until 4 P. M., on. MONDAY and TUESDAY, December 30 and de2B.,3t* T. N. BRAID WOOD, Principal. co. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA CITY PASSENGER RAILW A Y uOMPA NY. DECEMBER IT, 18dt. The Annual Meeting of the Storkholdere of the P EII. LADELPHIA CITY PASSENGER RAIL WAY COM PANT µ•ill be held at Nu. 25 MERCHANTS' EX CHANGE, on MONDAY, the 13th day of January, 1862, at twelve o'clock M., at which Noreen Election for Pee.i dent and Six Directora to serve for the stamina year will be held. de.o3-14t [TrPHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD CO.—Office. 227 South Fourth st. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 26th, 1861. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Traukter Booka of the Mock of this Company will be elneed on the 31st inat., and v.lll be reopened on the 14th of January next. Holders of Certificates that have been discharged from this office, or either of the Transfer Agenciee, are par ticularly requested to have them registered on the Trans fer Books, to which they have been transferred prior to the 31st iuet. S. BRADFORD, t 147 -4t Treasurer. OFFICE OF ASSISTANT TR P.A. SURER, U. S. PHILADA., Dec. 26th. 1861 Holders of the two years Treasury Notes, with inter est at six Der cent., payable semi-annually, issued under the Act Of 2tl Marche Piat, are informed that the interest on such notes to the Ist January, 1882, will bo paid at this office on and after that day, provided that such notee, with a ecliodule Mimed by the holder of much nom, gimp mg the number, date, and amount of each note, to gether with the interest due thereon to said Ist of Jgnuary, are lodged here three days beforehand for veri fitntloh. J. 11. WALTB24, ae9.1.12t Assistant Treasurer U. S. 'TrOFFICE OF THE WESTMORELAND COAL COMPANY, No. 230 South THIRD Street, corner of Willing's alley, PHILADELPHIA. Dec.lB,lBol. At a meeting o the Director& held this day, a Divi. dead of SIGHT PER CENT. for the past year wee de clared cc the Capital Stock, payable to Stocaboldere or their legal represcritatives, at the (Mice of the Contpanh on and after FRIDAY, Jan. 3, Ha The Transfer Books Will be clated.until January oth next. F. B. JACKSON, del9tja4 Treasurer. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY. DECEMBER no, 1861 i n--. TWO SPLTINritOLY ILLIASTKATED LECTURE" By the Rev. ALFRED TAYLOR, Before the YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIA TION OF PHILADELPHIA. Ta he /411v,r...1 /101IfTWATA, de4-6 812 SPRING GARDEN Street. TlL,VrrifAs IMAGES 511 - C. H. NEEDLES, 13. W. corner RACE and TWELFTH Streets, Phila., Practical Minster of Trueeem and Mechanical knoll= armee, has constantly on hand a large and varied stock of elegant French Trusses, and a complete assortment of best American. English and American Supporters and Belie, Shoulder Braces. Suspensories, Syringes is great variety, French Pessaries, &c. Ladles' Department conducted by Ladles, TWELFTH Street, first door below Bate. n027-ifam THE NATIONAL HOBPITALS.- A. A DEPOSITORY of ('The United States Satlitory Commission" is now open at No. 12SS CHESTNUT Street, PLiladel phis. Contrikmdout. received for the llosplials, and tor Sick and Wounded Soldiers. del7-4w TERRAPINS, OYSTERS STEWED AND FRIED, AND CHICKEN lation Cards and other notices will be distributed in all parts of the city, with punctuality. The undersigned is at all times prepared to present, for the lnepe pion of Ladles and Gentlemen Het of the things necessary for a large or small outerainment, as the cane may be, thereby avoiding all unnecessary profusion and waste; and flatters himself, that by his long expe rience in butil.ata, he will he able at all amen to give, hie heretofore, entire satisfaction to all who favor him with their patronage. HENRY JONES, Oaterer, No. 250 Borah TWELFTH Street, above 8P811133. ool,Ots HAIR DYED A BEAUTIFUL Black or Brown, at GUTEKUNST'S, FOURTH awl dolis.trif 4011 1:. E. S. EARLEY, IITB/1/0/1/iVa ilkiDlittrEAKEl6 13outhwon corner of TIUTTIS and OMEN area% Pidaidalulds. 'DEBT QUALITY ROOFING SLATE JuP oiwaye ea bowl and for solo at Union Wind. 1411 1MA.414. titre% Kentingtoth T. THUMB, vs: mr.wsurr stmt. rhllMillstiN RETAIL DRY GOODS. REMNANTS FOR SALE GREAT SACRIFICE, DIIRINCt MONDAY AND TUESDAY, No. 726 CHESTNUT STREET PRICE, FERRIS, & Co. deao.2t EN RE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, RAVE RECEIVED SOME FINE GOODS FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. qn RISTMAS PR ESENTS. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. - I . ICi PARK SILKS. LYONS VELVETS. PRINTED REPS. CORDED REPS. NNE SHAWLS. SCARLET SCARFS. BLACK CLOAKS. CLOAK CLOTHS. BALMORAL SKIRTS, Ste., &c. CHEAP SEAL SKINS. BLACK CLOTHS, . HEAVY CLOAKINGS, CASSIMEREg i .BOYS' WEAR. COOPER 8e CONARD, S. E. CORNER NINTH and MARKET STS. dl6-nred im THE HOLIDAY GIFT STORE, NO. 1024 CHESTNUT STREET, For the sale of LACES, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES, AND WHITE 00-ODS, Will remain open only for a FEW DAYS LONGER. Those wishing to purchase asything inthat way should avail themselves of an opportunity which seldom offers of buying tbicholeeet goo& at prices FAR BELOW THEIR USUAL RETAIL VALUE POINTE LACE COLLARS, WU, lifiliDKEBT CHIEFS, &e. POINTE APPLIQUE " MONITOR CS Cs as se it se VALgtNittRIN *. if Of " ig MALTESE It CC et Si CC CC FRENCH EMBROIDERED " LACES, EDGINGS, xvottranms, FLouzionvas, CAPES, COIFFURES, BARBES, VEILS, IN GREAT VARIETY. LAMES' MtiTorrED, COIIDED BORDERED, EMBROIDERED, REVERE, MOURNING, CO LORED BORDERED, AND OTHER HANDKER CHIEFS. GENTS' HEMSTITCHED, PRINTED BORDERED, CORDED BORDERED, AND OTHER HANDKER CHIEFS. CHILDREN'S CORDED, HEMMED, AND PRINTED HANDKERCHIEFS. SHIRTING LINENS. Y/LLOW TABLE BIBPETE LINEN LAWNS. LINEN CAMBEICO And a templets utortment of LINENS AND WHITE GOODS, All of uiAeb, for A FEW DAYS lAnigrEit t Qpi .WILL OFFZIGID A GMAT BARGAIN, AT THE GREAT HOLIDAY GIFT STORE) NO. 1024 CHESTNUT STREET JOHN A. MULLEN. AGENT 500ErALMORA.ES lARGEST SIZE SHARPLE_SS BROTHERS, 011E6TNUT AIM EIGHTH STREETS. dall-mwfrpSt VNGLISH BLANKETS, LARGE sizz. Welsh Flannels, Unehrinkable. stout Canton Flannels, %Wish. Nuelins by the piece, all grades. NYRE A LANDELL, FOURCH Sc ARCH G O H O w l? WARM WOOLLEN . _ Large size Long Shawls. Fine Scotch Long obawls. Gents' Shawls, extra size. EYJEtE & LANDELL, de2.B FOVIVra and ABM BALMORAL SKIRTS, NEW AS SORTAIENT. Daimon% size, Dulniorslo, plain colors. Nalmorals, gay colon. ETRE & LANDELL, i 1025" FOURTH and ARON_ HOLIDAY DitESS GOODS. The following goods isre desiraidefor Christmas Gifts : Low priced DeLaines and Calicoes. Wide Oath* and French Minima. Brilliant Figures new American De Leiner. Dressina Gown Stuffs of Gay Cashmeres. French Figured De Laines and Fancy Merinos. Plain Poplins met Bich Styles of Itpingliues. Plaid Flannels, Bright Brodie Dress Goods. Blankets, Table and Plano Covers, Quilts. Rid Gloves, Warm Silk and Cloth Gloves. Embroidered Collars and Lace Goods. Silk Handkerchief, French Linen Cambric Hdkfa. Black Silk Cravats, Scarfs, and Neck Ties. Plain and Fancy Silks l Rich Black Bilks. Blanket Shawls, Brooms merino Shawls. BitaRPLEBB BROTHERS, delS CREBTRET and BIORTD . Streets. aOLIDAY PRESENTS. Detainee, at ISX cent,; Calicoes, 123 cents. Black and fancy Silk Handkerchiefs. Neek:Tios, Gloves, Gents , Shawls. Misses , and Ladi.s' Shawls in v....defy. Nice assortment of Dress Goods. Balmoral Skirts in great variety, at J. H. STORES', 702 ARCH Street. N. B.—On hand, Jack-straws and Solitaires, made by and sold for an invalid. They are nice games as well as presents, and any one would confer a favor by purchas ing the 'mune. delZ-tf HEAVY CLOaKINGS. Brown awl Black Sealskin ' iec to $1.50. Cheap heavy Coatings andCloakings Fine Black Clothe and Beavers. .G9s4. Ovck Sr IWCrcS aF vlsi prim. coOrisitp VOWlllpi dell S. E cor. NINTH and MAMET ROUBE FURNISHING DRY GOODS.—SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, Importers and Dealers in Liman, and House Tarnishing Dry Goode, etc. Hare sew ea hnhd IL fill a trtmout or r. 1.00 sheetin g , Table Clothe, 'Napkins, Table, Diaper Towelling, etc., etc., imported under the old tariff, or bought a great sac rifle& N.B.—Eve per eta. ellotroel o kakehasee at, abovo, If Paid for on delivery. no27tf WILL CONTINUE TO SELL UN TIL JANUARY let, our entire stock of BT.ANNETI3 at the old priced, win Qpell TIIIS pea a largo mock of an Wool Flan. nele. • • Our 26 cent White Flannels are the beat in the city. Yery handsome neat styles &beim at 18Xe ; hand. some dark grounds, all Wool, at 31 and 37 cents. COWPERTRWAIT k CO.. 11. W. corner 'EIGHTH and MARRIST. 11110A118--- , 11.../ Handsome styles of well-made; serviceable gar ments. The best made, the boat fitting, tied the beet materials for the price. A large stock from which to select. bOOPEU S oomutuP, d. 14 S. E. cor. NINTH and DIARECET. FREhH MINCED MEAT. The subscriber begs leave to inform the public that he le again prepared to offer his justly celebrated NE PLUS ULTRA MINCED MEAT, In large or small Quantities.- Orders through De- Witch Poet will be punctually attended to. JOSHUA WRIGHT, SPRING GARDEN and FRANKLIN Streets, neln-Det QIKATERS'HEADQUARTERS.—We Vuis h i lae s ing t r e gi g ired a full stock of mariar SKATES LADIES' SKATES, MISSES' SKATES. GENT'S MATES, PATENT SKATES, STEEL SKATES, HOOKER SKATES, DUMP SKATES. Skates of every variety. givlct Nueltetfl and Equipment°, Cricket and Been Bull implements, Vamp Cote, Army Chests, Quad, Pinola, Ines, &c. PHILIP WILSON & n0.30-1m 432 CHESTNUT Street. AQUARIIIMS, FERN CABER, A variety of Fish and Plants, No. 1.44 North SIXTH Street. HOLIDAY GOODS HOLIDAY GOODS FOR ROLL DAY PRESENTS. What would make a more useful present than A HANDSOME DRESS, A HANDSOME SHAWL, or A HANDSOME CLOAK? Just received from NOW York, a large asoornatati gr Now Goods, suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. 1 LOT MOIRE ANTIQUES, at 50c., An enormous loss to the importer. Detwotlfol Fancy Mks for ti... /1.4141ay5. 1 lot handsome Velvet Flounced Robed, at less than the coot of importation. 1 lot double-width Printed Cashmeres 37Xc., never before sold less OUR 50e. 0110101! Bit coutvg OP RV num Dit64r.trTx9.3. Newest and moot desirable styles of CLOAKS AND SACQUES.- 300 pieces Merrimack and English Chintzes at 11130., worth 133 i c. in find bands. 01-11HL1' 11.1umwrs ANb Pl—tutu:Ls, New Fancy Casoixueres and Rich Velvet Vestings at low prices. 11. STEEL SON, dole No. 713 North TENTH Street. above Coates. TO OFFICEits OF THS ARMY AND NAVY. Please take notice, that we have a fine assortment at Regulation Rata, Caps, Embroideries, fine Swonle and Sabres, Sashes, Belts, Sword Knots, Canteens, is., &c. Military Goode of every description will be found at Ibis establishment. CHARLES OAKFORD & SONS, Nos. 826 and 828 CRESTNIJ r Street, del9-12t Continental Hotel. FOR THE HOLIDAYS! GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Consisting of :A 2 DRESSING RORP.g, MERINO AND SILK SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, HOSIERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, GLOVES, ITIOCKg, TIES, 16c. 7 Ao. CHARLES OAKFORD & SONS del9-12t 11OLIDAY Fit EASE NTS OF INTRINSIC VALISE. SILVER WAR E. WM. WILSON & SON Would loin) amid attention to their very largo aortment of PLAIN AND FANCY SILVER WARE, Kauttfacturod by them exclusively for HOLIDAY GIFTS, Comprising many new and original doaigne, of the HIGHEST STANDARD Or SILVER Owing to our greatly increased facilities, by the in troduction of new and improved machinery, the public will find many styles not to be found at any other eetab iahment in the canary_ IMPORTERS AND DEALERS] tN ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND AMERICAN PLATED WARES. S. W. COR. FIFTH AND CHERRY STREETS. delB-dtjal CHRISTMAS AND 110L/DAY PRESENTS, JOHN W. THOMAS, los AND 40!' NOEmH amecam atictzw, Would invite attention to the large and varied assort ment ho has now open of Goads suitable for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, COMPRISING FLAIN AND FLOURED REM AND POPLINS, MERINOES, SHAWLS, AND CLOAKS. AssO, His usual stock of STAPLE AND PURRISIIINiI ttOODS, MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES, *a. Persons desirous of presenting their friends with some thing mita and durable will and it to their advantage to call. de2o-9t HOLIDAY GIFTS, PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, AT CLARK'S STORE, No. 602 CHESTNUT STREET. SILVER-PLATED WARE, snwntatir and fthiClF GOODS, in great variety. New and beautiful styles re eived daily, and sold much below the usual prices. CLARK'S STORE. dea4m 602 CHESTNUT STREET. NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. We are enured 4. 18 4 manr Ifne rosr - Ta rren are already considering WHAT TO PRESENT - TO THEIR GENTLEMAN FRIENDS. We would suggest the Mewing; Either A FINE WRAPPER, MUFFLER, • SCARF, TIE, or GLOVED. Or. if they have friends IN TEE ARMY, what could be more acceptable to our noble Volunteers and Officers, than GOOD FLANNEL SHIRTS, OR HEAVY UNDERCLOTHING THE PLACE TO BUY THEM IS AT W. KNIGHT'S GENTS" FURNISHING STORE, No. 606 ARCH STREET. N. D. FINE bilUtTl3 ready made and made W Or• der, at Ft#4, OFWARDO, n029-irim CHRISTMAS PRE.3ENTS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF . FRENCH AND AMERICAN intonce, PORCELAIN LANTERNS, - FLEXIBLE DROP-LIGHTS All suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Combining art with utility. WARNER, NISBET, & MERRILL, 7!S CHESTNUT fitroot. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! •4-1 LADIES' FURS, OF THE CHOICEST RINDS. Very Bowler Dark Siberian &lard Sable, Mink Sable, so., Ac., Ac, AS of which will be sold at the very lowest prices. SETS at $5, $6, $7, and SS. CHARLES OAKFORD 4E, SONS, del9-12t Noe. 826 and 828 CHESTNUT Street. HOLIDAY HAT. Wo will anon our now style of hAt, fAr the ar.r.esaeklAg bolidaye, on Saturday next. - del9-12t CHARLES OAKFORD dr SONS. LADIES' SHOES. We are closing out our LADIES' SHOES, Below cont. They ore the best in the city. del9 12t 9ILAii k S MiTUBP it son AHOLIDAY PRESENTS ! We now offer a large and beautiful stook of GOLD Alin SILVER WATOIIIP3, FINN GOLD JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, Picketed expreouly for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. gcli;4lg triturated tit tie ite repreinted, STAUFFER .1" 'TARGET, delti-12t 622 MARKET street, Philadelphia_ HANGING VASES. Ornamental Flower Pots. Parlor Vases for Growing Flowers. Baskets for Jardiniere, Pedestals With Vase for Flowers. Antique Vases for Mantels. Vases Renaissance for Parlor. Rustle and Terra Cotta Lava Flower Pots and ‘`ases. Garden Vases and Pedestals. Brackets for Busts and Figures. With, o grey.* vorteir of ortioloos toaltable for alwist matt presents, for sale retail and to the trade. Warerooms 1010 CIIESTNUT street, Philadelphia. dell S. A. lIABAISOIi. NEW PUBLICATIONS DISTINGUISHED MEN This day IA ill he ready the following Card Portraits Gen. ideDOWELL, Gen. SITERNIA Cellh W ILK Kl 3, Col GEARY. Yr LOMB., Corn HOLLINS. On Wednesday will he ready— Gee. KELLY, Grn. hfcCALL, Gen. It A LI,EGIC, Lient. FAIRFAX, Com. FOOT, Com. DUPONT , Itt)l3FaiT J. ISHECM?illitKii, This ie a most unique and original publication of life like Miniature Portraits, just large enough to enclose in a letter envelope for satisfying the Clirizedtv of Mama friends, or In ornament a pl.4pograpi, album, They are - mill worked iIIIIIITy I nog Toni It eolloctinn in memory of these times when each day brings forth its farorile or - its The collection will be increased every week by wlli t Portraits of interesting prrrforinge6. Prlcrl single cps, 10 cents; 20 ropieg, 81, or 3 0011108 for 25 centi. Sent to any address in the United States free of postsge. The money niust accompany every or der. Published by • WILLIAM 9 & ALFItEDIII.IIITIPIN, IMO IJIIIOTNEJT Street, Plata ELEGANT GIFTS FOR THE NEW YEAR. BEAUTIFULLY 'ILLUSTRATED EDITIONS cor THE PORIS ENGLISH BIBLES, For the Pocket, for th.lgt, rot the P.....11,n f., Um Sunday School PRAYER BOOKS: Of all sizes, and in various styles of Wieling. THE MESSAGE OP THE HOUR. Twelve beanti fill Milo Poem & written by LatlY; with a Drake& by Roy. Dr. Ilowo. 32m0. Cloth. 25 cents. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS Photogropl/ itliititool to hold SO pictnroal bovelod aides $6.00 110. do. lino Turkey Morocco, mount. 4.4 claepe 5.00 Do. do. Tur. Nor ,to hold 40 pictures: 4.50 DO, do. 24 aieturog. 2.50 Do. do. Imitation M0r.......24 pictures. 1.50 do. do. d0....12 pictures. 1.00 Do. do. C10th............12 pictures. 75 CARTES DE VISI IT, Of Bishops, Clergymen, and most of the Celebrities; Aloe, of Mrs. LONGFELLOn. Jot receirea from France, a lot of efemt DOA Markers, intended more particularly for Booke of Devo tional Readiugi. SERMOIT COVEltg, OP If IPPP.P.PIPP 5T7:114; A large collection of JUVENfLE 'BOOKS, selected! with the greatest care. Also, TOY BOOKS, of the moat' attractive characters, with the usual stock of Theological MimeHamm§ %An, far tlu, MAW aad For sale at the PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL BOOK SOCIETY, leg 4 CIIIESTI3UT STREET, HYMNS AND MEDITATIONS, BY X. PRICE SO CENTS Published and for eale by the PROTESTANT- EPISCOPAL BOOK SOCIETY, 1224 CFILSTIMT STRIET, PHILADALPHIA. The devotional spirit and sweet poetical fervor of these hymns will commend them to every devout mind.—Nao York Observer. Title le another beautiful little volume, which will prove very acceptable in the approacldng season. Its contents are richly worthy the tasteful dress in which the publishers have issued them.—Christian I Ir4a.m and Agrovcato Sweatt. Hymns we can scarcely call them—the meditative, in trospective tendency is unite too strong but poetry they reallr are, and, to thoughtful, AfilLlVAked Chrise must prove as attractive as many of the rich devotional pieces :which, from time to time, are rendered from the German into our tongue.—American Prlfkyyrign i riVitacirtritti. c125.3t THE AMERICAN SUNDAY- SCHOOL Intioist, NO. 1122 CHESTNUT STHEET, PHILADELPHIA. HUMES A LARGE VARIETY OF BOOKS SUITABLE FOB SUNDAY-SCHOOL LIBRARIES FAMILY READING, HOLIDAY GIFTS. N. B.—Store open in the Evening during the Holi days. delB-wfra 6t HOLIDAY BOOKS AND - PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AYE LLLYG AT VERY LOW PRIORS. W. G. PERRY, Bookseller, de2o-1m S. W. Corner FOURTH end RACE BOOKS, ,LAW AND M3.6081LA21.". NEOUB, new and old, bought, sold, and es changed, at the PHILADELPHIA-BANK BOOK STORE, No. 419 CHESTNUT Street. Libraries at • dild9lloo Dimbaud. Those having Books to sall, if at a distance, will state their names, PAil, bindings, amt., editions, prices, and eonditiona. WANTED—Books printed by Benjamin Franklin, as well as early Book' printed in and neon America. Astoa,, pL Late.. asa Portraits pnrehaarst. Pamphlet Laws of Polowylvaata for sale. CatalogmApress, soptikpo,Atiptsiguibr- CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. CLOAKS I MAGNIFICENT FRENCH SILK PLUSH CLOAKS JUST REOPIV.ED PER LAST STELUDR. FROSTED BEAVER CLOAKS In endless variety. Also, the largest and best assorted I=ll7l SEAL SKIN CLOAKS In the City STEW( NEW STYLE; EYENY NEW MATERIAL. The very best work, et PRICES THAT ASTONISH EVERY %Ye IVENS', 49-1 m N 9, 3 13017TH NINTH STREET, WINTER CLOAKS SABLE CLOTHS, FROSTED BEATERS, SEALSKIN CLOTHS, BLACK BEAVERS, LYONS VELVETS; a LARGE ASSORTMENT, MODERATE PRIDES, AT TIM PARIS CLOAK EMPORIUM, 70 1 3 CHESTNUT STREET J. W. PROCTOR 84 Co. nol4-tf CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! WATER PROOF OLont. iu maims •puritty LIGHT AND DARK CLOTH CLOAKS, of every shade BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS, of ovary quality i BLACK BILK-VELVET CLOAKS, EVERY NEW STYLE, EVERY NEW MATERIAL; THE LARGEST STOCK AND TUE MOST REASONABLE PRICES IN THE CITE IVENS, ocl6 No. 23 South NINTH Street. CLO AK 8! The Leiaobh Cheapest. end Beet.nimerted Stock In the city. HOUGH & CO., No. 26 Booth TENTH Street, Onpoolta Franklin Market. THE ARCH-STREET CLOAK AND MANTILLA STORE. NEW PALL CLOAKS. WATER-P . IIOOP TWEED CLOAKS. BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS. EVERY NOVELTY AT MODERATE PHIOEN JACOB ihnBl-6m W. W. corner TENTH and ARCH Rs COAL OIL ! COAL OIL! GEORGE W. WOOTTEN, 38 SOUTH SECOND STREET, AGENT rou THE NORTH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY. MANUFACTURERS OF COAL OIL, AND RE FINERS OF COAL AND CARBON OILS! WM. F. JOHNSTON, Front,lent, GEO. OGDEN, Secretary. Also, Agent for BEERS, JUDSON, & itirEns, Patent Gloats Coned lot Limps anti Ivlicolvonlv &Myr in Pith ridge's Patent Oval (fire•proof) and Eastern Flint•Glasa Chimneys, Lamps, &c. Burners to burn Coal Oil with out Chimneys. Lash b o -ors o r prompt piyeis aro respectfully luyltell to examine our stock. no2l-2m PORTLAND KEROSENE OIL. We em now Prepared to supply tide STANDARD ILLIIIIINAM9 Q" GREATLY REDUCED PR/DES- Z. LOCKE k. co, gets Aasyrs, 1010 KARIM STREET, 011141 m Pailadelolda. BILL -HEAD PRINTING, BEST and Cbeapeat in the city, at lIINGWALT dl BROWN'S, 84 South THIRD area. map AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC _IIIEOIII AND LOCI!gr BTIIEIcT, I.olelol, and Manager ....J. M. NIXON. Fifth Week and Seventeetli appearance in Fly(' Years of the Greateat living Tragedian. and Poßitivaly Laat Week bet one of NDWIN FORICHST, who will moat , Tut* (rdirriDAT) tirENINO. DECK RIDER 30, In 1114 M. rcnownell character of SPA RTACU.S. in Dr. Dird'a celebrated Tragedy of TUESDAY— ERN °Rill CHIP - 0i ' in ft new Bad, bud tt.P e. ti=e , ...mpnns in the patriotic Dram of CHIPPEWA ; OR, COIAIMISIA'S TRIUMPH. WEDNESDAY, NEW YEA NIGUT, EDWIN FORK EST inn Great Cbnnicter. WEDNESDAY Afternoon, Jitiffmry 1, fl Grand nor. foinionce at o'clocli, TriUliSD AY, January 2, Unit lionorit of SENORITA ULTRAS in Philadelphia. SATURDAY Afternoon, January 4, 1802, bdhaftt of THE VOLUNTEER AND cl)oPgrw3ll9l. RN, * In compliance xith the wishem of rite public ED WIN FOILRESP will ehortly reappear in hid groat blialtspearin p•reenation of ICING LEAR. Mon+ ^FM at 7 ; Volume/Rai at half tout 7, It- Pricen its Wm]. MRS. JOHN DREW'S 4441-OTREET THEATRE. Acting wan wage manager W, B. FIVEDZE/OKIII Busineev Agent and Treasurer JOB. D. MURPHY. SECOND WEEK. CROWDED ROUSES! GREAT SUCCESS! TO.NIDIIT AN!) LIVNUY NIGHT, Pageant or ~i .4.lrE'S LABOR LOST," With its Gorgeous Scenery, New Coqumeg, Machinery, and Musk, GLoRIQIJ..S ovvm-, The tmointred wattnan Fientra, A RIVULET 01 REAL WATER, Mir Prices as usual. No Extra Charge for Reserved Seats, ippRITALNUT-STREET THEATUS. V V NINTH and WALNUT Streets. Sole LesseeMßS. M. A. GA.REETTEION. THIS (MONDAY) EVENING, Dezember 30, AND NEW TEAR NIOIIT, NVill be performed the Proma of Robert Landry Cotheihie ➢arid IkliAa A. Ciair Previoug to the Drama, the Coilieillettn of POPPING THE gIIkSTION. IlenrY Thoruton rktoEs-50, 31), 7b, and 26 cerstH Private Boxee • 85 awl S 3. Doors open at quarter to 7. To qumraneurc at WHEATLEY'S CONTINENTAL TETEATRE—WALNUT Pit'Wt. 100Vit ifAst wram or THE SEASON! GRAND FEBTIYITIES FUR THE NEW YEAR'S 110LIDAYS31 for the filth time, the Grand 'Equestrian Spectacular Tit:lmi', THE FORTY yijigyt;B, coucitrl tin THE S 01321.4ER8 REBELLION BY SEA AND LAN I) 1 A Grand Matinee on New Yearn Day at 2m'cloolr. 4.4litiflioll 25 !Ina 35 cents, • POSITIVELY LAST WEEK (W BARNUM'S InUSEVIII Or LIVING WO:IDERSe - 1009 CHESTNUT, above Tenth. The area! Fereeibun. 116sektee,.:,1 leteni d ept MACE SEA-6 .....1014, gandiling in the water and remintt out of it. The ntyn terions and much talked 4 WHAT IS IT 'I Jttfef i•-teether Mee k.n- Bivrhri Qv Tfyltritit And thee parwlortes of Nature TILE ALBINO FA'S7SLY, Africans with white hair and shin and - pink eyes. licr To be Been at all liques from ?' A. M. to IQ p, Di t tit ct-nin 3 thiblrere, GGZ4III.' I TEMPLE OF WONDERS -11 and CHESTNUT Streetn--HOLIDAY WEEK.=RATRAORDINA 111' S PPRACLFUSt. SIGNOR ELITE. PHILADELPHIA. Performance. EVERYAFTERNOON and IWENING. erminencing at 3 and 1g o'clock, and TiIREWBX HIRT TIONS ON R - EW YEAR'S DAY, at 11 A. bp,, 3 and 7 P. M., 116.6m.468 the, znlifitrien alma p9w*Tif vrnncioni and modern. 24.4.exdr, nappy Scenes in Veatritcquism, the Voice in .rlerions positions, and Learned' thmary Birds. Admission 26 cents i Children 13 cents. detri-tf MUSICAL FUND HALL.—Grand Concert by the lIIVENNERCHOR, on MON DAY, DECEMBER. 344 in nid of the YOLUNTKER EEFItESAMEvT COMMITTEES, amilard I, n largo number of OEM moot prominent artists, an efficient choir of ladies, ant the full Germania Orchestra, Tickets 50 cents, G ERMANIA OROH.VISTRA, CARL SENTZ, Conductor. PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, at o'clock P. M., at the MUSICAL FUND El Package of Eight Tickets, Singl4 To be had at Andre's,llo4 Chestnut street, .1. fi. Goldd'a i Seventh and Chestnut, and at the door of the Hall. 0c212-12 FB.IsTDISYLVANIA ACADEMY 01 THE EINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT Street, k open daily, Sundaye excepted, from 0 A. M. till 6 P. IL Admission 26 cents. Children under twelve years, half price. Shares of Stock. $3O. 351 A 1 OILING WIDOW LADY of re vw.taAttly, hacumtratace, tvietiee en gage in a gentieinaa's tinnily to superintend Ms domestic aflairte No of to leaving the city. Addreag o V. G. Kilburn," Philadelphia Post Birgit.. Best reference given as to canabiliti and strict integriv, [EA NAT AN TED—A second-hand Sta y turnery Stettm Engine, of from 60 to 70-Horne Power. Address, statiug partlciOrg, " Box 1155 Pod trove," 0e21.11 IVO THE HARDWARE ...I_TRADE -1t1;000 TO 82,000 TO INlTltaT_WAß=itit—A. gituation where tllO above atilotint ‘vill he acceptable as loan or an an investment. The advertiser has had thirteen years' experience in the buninenn. Please "A. A. 8.," Box 40, Freetown, MR.3B. de23.1.2t* SALESMAN WILL BE OPEN FOR an ENGAGEMENT, January lat. A Salesman Who Belle SerentY Thnuaand &Mara of Dry Gonda to firet.clase near Fennerlrania trade. Reference Owen. Address RICHARD, Press office. de2-Im* DESIRABLk FIRST-OLASS BOARDING to be bed, with fine ymite, ttt, 1115 CIIESTI:trf Otreet. tieZd-Otit TO LET—With or without board, to a ginglit gatitlemati, a bad num mid sitting lams, or begam. °jai, WALNUT Struat, betweati Tuifh Press office, Chestnut 'trent .--14. "''‘ ".` SELECT` FRENCH AND ENGLISH Btutcbtßo. fiirtist, Ic. 3 S4Ut4t biXTEENTII Street, near Chestnut. Terms moderate. 11F12.1M CLOAKS I Fp, LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT BEI• a -rma ON:E nklin f ii r ti Lio t:e 2a South SEVENTH Street, wax The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and Was determined to merit future patronage, has secured as elegant and convenient store, and has now on hood a large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the eahl strictly 11re and burglar proof slam made.) Also, LUBA Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locka. LiThe'a Bank Vault Doors and Locks will be furnishes to ardor an shut 964164. Thl,l, the stroligeta, beat pro tooted, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention is called to tallie'e New Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, gc. This Safe la con ceded to surpass in etyla and elegance atirtlkingr4 ec , fared for tide purpose, era is the only one that iv strieVg fire and burglar proof. SPeCIAL NOTIOn.-1. have now on hand say twenty as Farm, Herring, & Cols Safes, moat of them nearly new, and so me forty 4"f c.tar makes , camprigiag a ageldeill assortment as to tam, and all lately exchanged for the now celebrated Lillie Bate. They will be sold at v low prices. Please ca ll and examine. je 2 o 4 tif L Cr OMAR% Agent THE BALTIMORE GAS-13URNINti FIRE-PLACE 1-IFIATEIt, Sometimes called the " Latrobe Stove," is the beet stove for warming the room In whinkit etandi, and Cot rooms above. Call and look at them. ARNOLD R WILSONs ocS-Smif 1 1 9? 1919 VT/IPTlflrT.lii4roos. SS MANTEL q. These beautifully enamelled MANTELS, Do diy eldedly at- eferable to any others, are manufactured ia and Gold at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ARNOLD & WILSON. orb-Bnlif No. 1010 CHESTNUT Strom BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS, IN EVERY VARIETY, AND OP THE BEST EiT9c7f, SELLLVO 42' LO IV I.l,Fivgg, rtuy at th itauutactou W. G. CERNY. 33LANK-BOOK de2o.lm S. W. Corner FOURTH Owl RACE. BOOK BINDING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION EXPITTRD IK TUE Itfin MANNER, AT PERI` .L 0 IV PR.WA`S, At W. G. PERRY'S, BOOKBINDER, S. W. Carver 'FOURTH tuitl BMA. de2o lm DIARII4.IB FOR 1862. GREATEST VARIETY, AND AT vie LC•WSST BUY OP TILE PUBLISHER. WILLIAM . G. PERRY, Pub Unbar, S. W. Corner FOURTIL and AA.C e. NOTICE.—Deed of Lot 1, Divition Ft•ction 3, in the U. A. N. and U. D. of A,Ceme. (cry, buying been lost or mislaid* notice la hereby Riven , that application will be made to the company for a new tired. Wll. H. ILOPRINL de2B.3t* JAMES T. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELKTON, Iliarylentl, will attend to the Collection nod of Olainte, to Oeotl, ihrforti, PHAt I e o nat