ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS TIP TO 12 O'OLOOX LAST 1100 T. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut its. Samuel C West, New York Geo II Anthony, Prov, It I Ir A Rhodes, Prov, It I G Wharton ?mannersley E N Buehl, New York B 13 Ytttenting'. MAl&lnto, .M 2 iiin4F,.. 7 Deneronte Tft Tooker, Boston V Taylor, West Cheater J Quincy, jr, Boston J 13 Rice, Boston Miss Litzeuhurg, Penna W McConkey & la, Penn& Miss C DleConkey, Deana E. A Wight k la, Detroit Francis Jacobs Dent 11,-,,,,-,, ,t wr, ltunalo W G Weed ,C wf; Albany S W 'iodate, Bremen Ii 1' Griffin & la, N York Ch a P Clark, Boston II C Polo/ Chao McFadden, Aeblami Cline 1s Dyer; Ashland W W Haye s Harrisburg MN A M Hays. flarelat l .3 sar. 3 v narrov awe 11 Cameron Harriabg Stirs Burnside, Deliriums) Miss Wilgon, Bellefonte 'rhos Id Ogle, Delaware Wm G Whitley, Delaware ..T L Barmon, Baltimore L L Dawson, U S N Bons P Chase, Wash„ D C ig Norton, TOW York 01....16r111.g. Jr, 14 Jersey Jae li thMtlh N Castle, Del John L'Numly , Philade P S rheum, Boston A T Walling & la, Keokuk lI S McComb, Delaware 3 X McClure, Penns J W Pritchett. II N n'Y S Allison, New Jersey W J McClure. Indiana D MCClitrel Indiana C WitLh, NAtrAfle, N .1 •Joitn flisninn4 Newark, N J 8 Armstrong, Newark, N J Jr Merritt, Delftware L 0 flanks, Sandwich Id FL Hanks, Sandwich Tat D W Kl.inhAns, N Jersey 'l` Bewley & In, Bridgeport II II Richardson, Brooklyn .1C binanirk, Dom J C Fisk, Hasten -J . J rinhorturi w Chester W mevpnah, West Mester I V Brown, St Lents J P Jeffries, West Chester -J Sergeant, West Chester N AnHoge, Hartford G W Beers, New York F Me Yeagh, New haven Bon Truman Emit, N Y T L Andrews. Ohio I p rtmsherrj, Darnell D Lawyer, New York D A Finney P Lippman, New York 11 S Favor, St John, T B W R Kirklnnd, New York Lient .1 A Snail', U S A N DI Orahnm, Hitton Ltd,SC Liman L LtiOntirMni, It I T W Shannon, Boston raison, DOITOT/ i B Bolles, Prov, R I -OR rielie, New York II B Benjamin a son, N Y Mani ire, Elkton. hid Ti WarrenjAlassaehusetts W Carpenter, L•lncastor lien', Pennsylvania T Poult C T Dickinson, T W A Ma New York E Claochard, Indiana. Mr Ciao, Sew York -J Flanders., Neer York T Dann, Connecticut A 11 Vomiting, New York c S Mitchell, TieW rOrli -J E Batson, Newai N H K Idcwre, Boston J A Poor, Boston -J E :911111101)% Troy, N Y CA6 nrpt D N litatthisnu Isaac E Jones, St Louis F Watton, Warren, Pa F P 11,nland, Siaine V. 7 .1 Underwood & wf, Welch, 13do‘ton L Hitchcock, New York C C Johnson, NPIV York filepben Cabot, Wigton eba. 11 Alien ? Aoston F Distm, New York 36Ira tinted, Yonkers S F Kellogg., Yonkers Chas 11 Gould, New York (len J U ttlow,l ow York Il Cocks, New York 'Wm Brooklyn Owen lieridao, mina li li Wibt,h Wm - N1 D4ViV, ci - 4;thington TIP Shaw, New Vork C bilmre, New jer3ey 13. Rodman, 'Rhode Island Alex Wentz, New Jersey W M Shyster, Washington Gee W Childe. lnthada C Stanwood & la,Brooldyn 31 Peterson, New Yorli 311 , 4 II 111 Brook', Jr, Broolilyit MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. L Erben, Lancaster w M Lloyd, Williatasuort Henj Grant, Erie, Pa M T PM, Altoona Zeo L (L.-Ayr:A..ll j Conn GeV R nuoe, tiatlettittAr S Whybark. Missouri C::ltitner,lama I Lorain. U S A :Mrs() 0 Skoer, 14 Chunk P GonAvr, Peunn 119illAteAd..., ilking - gun Ii ek.itisiovrer, I G P Erouse, 3lnn,laud A Parterson, Harrisburg Win Maher, Blairsville T G Adkins t ht, !I[aryland It J Ilntharray, Rising Sun David E Davis, N J T P Mina*, Snyder en S Alliman &3 Pn Snyder 60 A C gitd6.l6b, gnyaer Dr O gicitarae, rilnaltl6 Sliader, Canton, Ohio J Shippensburg J C Clem, New York aleuguicAV IMigir—Obtannt libova Fifth_ A T :fIOIIt4CT JAniag A Whippl', Mass (leo tieosion, plasmehusetts SImLI lowlett, Mass 11 r -Intel. New Jersey Geo J Robt):11e, New Jersey P ETttbell, Maine G L Bold, Taznaqqa F Mat, Bethlßhom C M rt).1117,1 Bethlehem M V Ben.ion E L JOY. Newark, N J w M Shakespear wf, Del A Stockly, Smyrna, Del II Dickerson, Pa :Hiss Dickerson ' Pa Israel Learning Fe . la, ,N 31iNs Learning, New Jersey will Spencer, IlAvrAbarg -Jan It-7)01111U, Wash, 1) C Capt II St.hwooJ .s la J Poll , name, Ltrierne co,Pa I,ockli ot, Mauch Chunk 31 V Smith, New York Sarni Drnakhonse, Easton ,1 L Prestimy, Taunton W U Withers, Indiana L Heilma t i Delthnero Jil Merlin; Yarmouth, KR ST. LOUTS HOTEL--Chestnnt street, above Third Johnson, Chestnut Hill T Terry, New York Dr W Gore, Allegheny co J P I.letri k A . la, Easton B Falina, BRIM, b LiN.,herga,r, Men - Vox*: H Harvey, Washington Wm (4,0 k, Washington Wm Morton, New York J L Denton, Long LAMA Stoothoff, Long Island 3fr Parker la. New York Mrs Badein, New York Mrs llonst.n, New York Ceat MeComa. U g THE UNION—Arch street, above Third „jou Tenn,q - kt & la, N Jersey Lewis Blaylock Wm Butler, New York 141. 11 Dale Jolla ll.,leamb, V Jerzoy LAD Pei ST C Reichcl, Bethlehem Wm ?,ICC4IIIII, Penna D Pottsville U Butler, New York +:SO3IIDIERCIAL HOTEL--Sixthstrret, above Chestnut Rev, L ElLive, NI3 J S 'Wliitwa, Dld .711 V glint, tz, Mar3land Samuel rites, Maryland R Burn te, Delaware John A Owen, Delaware Lefebvre, Chatham, PA , J Eacilm, Chester CO q j I, r am . ,t ; L. Tic c o S Wilkinqott, Chester co J A Ar111‘6_,... Del SIT iiavw, C•a,.--,.irr co fl Llrttbrtut & in. Chester co John C Beatty, Media Win P llcerty, Springfield 31 T Cheater co STATES ILNlON—Markot etreet, above Sixtb. J Lancaster Eli Mine, LanCagier H C Gray, W Choster John Smith, N York NV Butt., Baltimore J Huffy, Baltimore W L Fetter, Philadelphia C C Tallman, Philada 11 Wilson, Philadelphia J Macy C 13, Di lurk Ver.a.nt C If streitttr, itocuester NATIONAL HOTEL—Bate street. above Third -IN Cooler, _f•eranton, Pa 8 Kramer Plupnixrillo E Allontown J Meuitouse Poooa C Friee, Penna. A J goliollenbergor, Punnet Corniky, &mouton, Pa E S Moor, Norristown Pa 71 11 Paris, Montrose, Pa MOITNT TDIXON 31. - ilyneatiN, New Kiroey, nristol. Pa F EMS Miss A Edwards, Fiala GL Alder. Penna J J Johusop & la, S J C llnahmam, Penna 3tr Christman Penna. Penna 1! a it • eMts. Rogon. MADISON HOUSE—Second Nicest, above Market. Juo If Brodhead, Pike co J Webster ,t,; le, Bucka Cu Ba, Is,, c k. cc, Chas P Atkinson :Samuel Baker, Taylorsville J B Smith Co Mrs Gauby, New Hope B Janney, Wrthiting.ton, D C .1 Yawn I'enna W C Blackburn, Maryland RUNS Harrell, Moravia, NT Miss: g V 01,Lrk, BLACK BEAR—Third street, above Callowhill. H Rorer. Olney S Truinuovier. Diylestown Lewis Clemens, PvyketOwu 0 Murribon, Fentervilla iv v - anartsdalen, FeasturTille If Tanartscialon.Pnatery H Gibson, Now Britton II Tondiiison, Bilberry L Tomlinson, Bybetry I Toialinson t son. Byborry llcaeland, ByberrY A S Roads, Pennsylvania L Roads, Pennsylvania Thee Willard l Pa R P. e als, l‘ctinFA.---trnia. F. W09th , %111, Moreland Lyle Nelson, Ikusalena Casper iioads 31ilton Troxel, Pa F D-arer, Baltimore John Wagoner & Ball, Pa Wm Eddows, Moreland BALD Eatilifi—TlllTa Street, aDOTO thilloWhil T Montg, co, Pa J T Berger, Qoakertou - n J M Johnson, Bucks co W Beaus, Bucks cu, Pa J Weaver. Bucks co, Pa MARINE INTELLIGENCE. JlGr' BEE FGUSTII PAGE ARRIVED. Sold Martha Moore, Bennett, 13 drys from Matanzas, with inotasecs to John Alasou tt Co. Schr Cornelia, Noyes, 4 days from Fortress Monroe, in ballast to Jas S Chambers. Behr M 11. Carlisle, Ryder, 3 days from Fortress Mon coo, in UnintiSt to J E Bazley. Schr Ann C Gray, Wray, 1 day trout St Georges, Del, with wheat to Jas L Bewley & Co. E'en' Alfil01)491 naafi 3 day from Salem, NJ, with -Alma to Jag L Bewley & Co. Schr N irAnk, Fleming, 1 day from Frederica, with corn to Jas L Bewley & t.To. Seim Wm Gezrge, Hazel, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with corn to Jae gmley di Co, ot - nr =man Barrett, Jones, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with corn to Jas Barrattt & Son. Scar ida, Yandorslice, 1 day from Port Penn, Be!, with grain to Christian a Curran. Bchr Lancet, Bayard, / day from Christiana, Del, with rein to Christian it Curran. Fehr Frank America, Tuft, 1 day from Port Deposit, with wheat to Jos L Bewley & Schr Mechanic, Cordes, 1 day from Odessa, Del, with oats to Jas I. Bewley sear Clayton Cc LiOWINI) Lracigoon, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with corn to Jas L Bewley ,t Co. Schr E Ii Penes, Pr , ce, 1 day from Salem, NJ, with :`ern to Jas L Bewley & Co. &:•fiTnet• Audn, nomnann, Z 4 Won from Now York, wan anise ro W 2" Clyde, Darcy Er n Franklin, Burnside, 3 days front Albany, to Dant McCarthy. CLEARED Morrip, fork, for order, Thocual Co. Marshall Butch, Burgess, Boston, J E Buzley. Roamer, Thompson, Portland, Van Horn, Wood 'north SchrlLuesn.Ctud.llellfac, do San. IV Pmnumi, Parker, E Haven, E Andenrieti& Co. Schr C'ornilia, Noyes. New Yuri:, do Sithr Edwin Reed, Goodspeed, Boaton, Van Bosco, Nor &:n & Co. Schr Rebecca. Price, Boston. da Selo E 'Townsend, Williams, Stoniuitton, Jlll3lalditon. Sir J S Striver, Dennis, Baltimore, A Droves, Jr. Str Vulean, Morrison, New York, W M Baird & Co. DY 'FFLYCRAPIT. (Currt , umidence of Die Pailallelpltia P.xcliange,) LEWES, Del., Dec. 20 briL , s Ella Reed, for 'Havana, and W H Park, I,r Muth, pas-ard out to-day; also two Lurks, *Mined unknown. 111 ~ :outhweat_ -VkI!VR., RV TEL EGR A PH. (Correspondence of the PreaL) .1111,iTON. Doc 20_ 0. Slap Addison, from tivnimruil; linrk Vivid LIMA, ni Rio do Janeiro. MEMORANDA. Steamship Remington, itaktv, bon arrimi at BOB" 20,/ ,crax(, Ship Ztrrd, alcGonagle, hence for Londonderry, went to sea en Wednesday night. Schr 'W Pllips, Smith, From Boston for Philaiel phie, at New Haven 10tH inst. I.,„it,er. tmlitq 9mar I' Hawley, Suet. ley, 1 Runyon ' Mathias, and le- 1 3:11a Thompson, Car.• son, sailed from Providence 19th inst. for Pniladelelda. Behr Ceornia sailed from Rockland lith. inst. for 11,,,v -itt's Island, to load for Philadelphia. Schr Marliund, huiszht, hence, arriYed at Portland ltith inst. Schr Wm H Ponnis, Luke, hence, arrived at No ,v Bel ford 15th inst. Bccbr Trojan, kdiutilqii, banes, wail at Barbadnem let inst, for :3 - Thomas in 0 Ma. SchrJ L Bewley, Burton, at Now York yesterday from Drawbridge, Steamer Concord, Norman, hence, arrived at 1: York yesterday. SPECIAL NOTICES. NEW 6001/8 FOR HOUSEKEEPERS, a general assortment of Housekeeping arti cles, with many now improvements ana inventions for Housekeepers' use. Also, a guminf of tomy anklet% suing& fur Mimi present". Selling at reduced rrices, to suit th^ lima, by E. S. F aItSON ,t CO., tlellk4f Corner of DOCK and FEAR Streets. CLOTHING, OF Tam larigir firirtas, made in the Beat Manner. exyreeely for BETArIi fiALBS. LOWEST Belling Prices marked in Plain figures. All Goode made 1. 9 Qt - cicr warrautoil %Midas. tom our Osa•Psias Sysyys Is strictly adhered io. All are thereby treated alike. 9 822_11 , JONES & 00., 504 MARKET Street BODBUTOON i fI (TOUT AND &Mi. M II DEOPR—Tho only reliable rbinledy for ithenma ciszn, Gent, Price SI. 'tor e Ile by DYOTT & CO., •Zite W.. North SECOND btriet, Depot for all Popular lictileuel. W Brawl Nint - York P - Kellogg, Utica 3 j Vnn Wyk, Mich W Frick. Chnyter .1 '5l Hanso I 3: la, J JOllll C .filbll94ll .1c la, N t) Tallman, Utica, N Y J B. Poor, Boston Jan A Itlertywol, Witt 14 121 l'acapnrell Dr It Wallace, [leading R A Packer, Itl Chunk' 0 I 3 Merroll JOllll P. ItAItSIIALL REFITTING AT THE WHITE HOUSE. DV THE HARD 01 , TOWITA HALL. Tha mansion t.f ihp Pre .11.0, Where a limiest Abe" is reeident, fins just boor decked out newly : The rutin hangings, golden trimmed, And bieturc., g reni arrtAto lactskird, Look mot palatial truly. Curtains of lace, from Switzer looms, And carpets %hereon gaily Itionui fun many u grorgtroue flower; Gilt cornices that sunlight shame, And morn fine things than I could name Half over in an hour, And ninth that Las this splendor wrought From Philadelphia was brought, And in this city made. Philadelphia skill and taste The various ornaments were placed, And gloriously displayed. And every Pldlndalpldan, who In Washington has aught to do. IV ill ethrtftlnly thlo. car. To show himself at the lave to one of Bounott'b snits, that ho May do us crcillt thcro. The largest assortment of Clothing in Philadelphia, on hand, and being sold at reduced prices, compri sing an qualities and prices, adapted to alt posi tions and orcunliong, from a Mil dram, I. whiolt tend the President's levee, to one for the more ordinary occupations of life. military uniforms made to order in the best manner. Toway. HALL, No. 518 hiarket street, Phihntriphia, fltl Itnultr.TT k ct. 0 7. MISSIONARY MEETING.---A M* IST ING will be held at the CIIUHCII o M "TUN. ki A TIVITY,'ELEVENTII and :MOUNT VEKNOS Stronts, on SUNHAT, AI 7A r. Itl, The IM hap will titubably Trremiar. Addrmes will be delivered by th 6 114 v Mr. LIGGINS, of Japan. and t& /11r. CRVIIIMELL, of Africa, etc. Its QI.TAILTF.BLIC MEETING IN lIED- U. 3 DING M. E. PI-I AND UtitlTE6 blßEETS.—Preaebing 0-MORROW, at 10% A.M.. by Pastor; 3 P. M., by Rev. T, W.ItAR TINE, P. P.; at 7 P. M., by Rev. W. J. STEVENSON. COBOCKSINK MIETHODIM MSc°. 11 - V PAL 4MIUR/Ml—ei-Ecze.4., Tu. 11IORROW.-13.9.4 A. M., Rev. D. W. B ' , MINE, D. P.; 3 P. M., Rev. JOHN WALKER JACKSON; 7 P. M., Pagtnr. Sev. Wld LTAM D. WOOD. Ir* (g• NEW JERUSALEM ciiiraum CHERRY ti TREE T. WEST OP rT ,TEN TIETH.—Dnine Service on SUNDAY, at 10 o'clock A. M. Lecture at 7 . 3 i P. 31. Subject—""The Resurrection." (KrVINION METHODIST EPISCOPAL cl3l.7ituit, DATISTII Wed, below A eeh.—)3.l DATIL Dcceniber 2213, Rev. MATTHEW HALE &111 fli t L. D., Chaplain NeW York T welfth Regiment, will preaeh in the morning at 1014 o'clock; Rev. A. ATWOOD, 1)11131411- 7 in the eve11111)1 DI 7 o'clock, le* tcrUNIVERSALIST CHURCH, LOMBARD Street, above Fourth.—TO-310111101.1 EVEN -1.6 0, Rev. A. C. THOMAt will consider the Iteserreetion. of Dart - minium in John, v. 28-2.3. Inquirer. , invited. lt* r y JOYS OF IIEATEN.—FIFTII OF TUE Series DiFeeurees on THE F UTLTRE WOUL will be preached in St. Matthew - a Lutheran Church, NEW Street. below Fourth, by the pastor, Rev. K W. lIUTTER, TO-1110BROW EVINNIZIG, servical coma oNutch. Subjert: write Now Song." It* L}.3 •REV. STEPHEN H. TYING, D. D., AND the Rev. 11. MR tt, D., of New York, will h6llr@SS a AriggliC,Mtn , .le64,ting, to 6. held .‘ the tauirun of the Epiphany, corner of Chestnut and Fifteenth Streets, SUNDAY AFTERNOON, at 3,1.4" o'clock. Seats free. 101- (ff• THE CHURCH OF THE P I, - FILBERT Street. above geventeentit. behig com pleted, Will (D. V.) be opened fqr Divine Service TO NORM. W. There will be avices at 1034 A. .11., 3,4 aed 736 P. M. The Rev. Dr. TY.ND will pre -Leh iu tile Dlor❑i❑a. The Public. are A Collection will bu taken up at each service in aid of the building fund. it* PEOPLE'S LITERARY INSTITUTE.— The Closing LeerUP (4 . ttlo Uourso wi i be de: <.O aw ,DA EY.L USG, December 23 ‘ at cox. CERT HALL, by Rev. E. H. CHAPIN, P.D.Subj.!ct— " The People." Lecture tt ost ter before eight o'clock. Tickets •_';s cents, at T. B. PUG SIX'Y H aucl CHEST. NET St, cets. de2l.2t .0, CHURCH 01 , THE INTERCESSOR, SPRING CAR E\, BELOW BRoAlE—n o r, Dr. TYNG, of New York, will (P. V.) preaen TO MORROW (Simla)) EVENING, at 734 o'clock. Fourth &Main On ti I•amili 11plationabii— He— —.a at MN A.M., by the WV. R. A. CARDEN r - pe; inl CollFelioll in aid of the Building Fund of this Church at the EVeninP. service. Strangers will be aecoaonodated with seats. lt* MEETING FOR DI VIN WORS HI P. TB OM A . 4 . 1 LNSI.IIOItN, (lroin the State of Num.. York,) a Minister of tho Gospel in the relielons S•eiety of Friends, intends holding a meeting for Divine worship on virßsT-pAi AFTERNOON, 12th - month 211. at a at the Meeting House S. E. corner of FOURTH and G/i Streets. Professing Friends of every class are respertFully in vited to attend. Phi!ad.., 12tH month 20th, ISOI. immOr SUOTT, D. P., will preach in St. bletilmils pal church, Germantown, Ti /41.01itiOW, at 10% o'clock A. lg.; 'Rev. S. W. THONAS, 3 o'clock P. M. tad Ray. Dr. IiP.NIANY, S o'clock P. M. 11l ..r.14w11,- -ft* WAR WITH ENGLAND —THERE will be a meeting of citizens held at the tt lti ad," nIXTY-FIPTIt and VINE Streeta, Twenty. 10111th vvarth TIIIi I:VI:NINO, at 1 1,14 eleiea, a.r the - purpose of completing the organization of a Military Company, to be prepared for any emergency, whether with England or any other foe to our Itherties. Ail zone, Ni Rhone relepeet en age, favorable to allele organize- ItOU ;ire cordially invited to attend the meeting_ ltd MANY er tUVINS. rfr. GREEN-STREET METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, GREEN Street, bel.m - Teiltb, - I.IIC AnitivereatY of the Ifolll4 MISSIONARY SOCIETY Will - be held in the Green street Methodist Episcopal Church, TO-MORRO W (Sab bath) EVENING, at 7 o'clock. Addresses by Rev. W. 11. Brisbain, pastor s ROT. P. S. Ifensin, of the Broad-street RaPtiat CltUrat, and the Stnset, Singing by the Choir—several aetectol pieces. THOMAS T. MASON, 11S Chairman Committee on Public Meetings. ogßo SPIHITUALISIII__I. ILEUM 'mitt. lecture, at Sallsolik-SEtcet Hall, ou AtltlioAY, at 102:`, A. M., on the subject: « Whatever is, is Right;" and at 724 P. H. on the Lights and Shades of the Spiritual Movement." Admission ; 5 cents. 10: tff- TAE NI OF THE SMILES OF WE - Ems Gs IN BEHALF OF OUR BRAVE VOLUNTEERS will be held TO-MORROW EVE ...LNG, at 7% o'clock, at the Rev. Dr. Edward's Church, corner EIGHTEENTH and ARCH. Addrecae the. Pla.tor, Rev. Dr. EDWARDS, Rev. De. 14RWTOK, Rvy W. J. R. TAYLOR, D. D., Rev. Dr. WYLIV, and Rev. JOHN CHAMBERS. Interesting statements will be male in regard to the work of the - Army Committee of the Young Milli s Uttrl9Gflu Ae sdeiltioe. A ea16.11.,,i: will ho taken in aid of the A Meeting on behalf of the same object will be held on MONDAY EVENING NEXT, at 7% o'clock, in the PRESBYTERIAN CRUTCH, Frankford, Rev. T. Blur- PhY, Pastor, Addresses by Rev, W. J. R. TAYLOR, I. Ex.-GoT. FOLLOCN, and GEORGE H. STUART, Eai. The residents of that section of the city are earn estly invited to attend. lt* at LECTURES ON BRIALF OF THE 150.1itAij iseklitiTY of she • NINTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, By the Rev. WILLIAM BLACKWOOD, D. D., On the evenings of THURSDAY, December Mb, 1661 i jainIA.PYII, And Jan., 4,6, 13cia I. Introduction of Christianity into Ireland and Scot land. 11. Saint Patrick and the Early Fathers of tho Piimi tiro Trish Church. ILL Lt.., Itnsior cowl-aka, The Oakes, and Early Scotch and Irish Missionaries. Lectures to commence at a quarter to S o'clock. Tickets, Twenty-live Cents each. May be had at NO3. 1202 and 1602 MARKET Strout, de2l,Bw2t* la. THE REV. GEORGE W. SMILEY will lecture upon the " Mammoth Gave of Ken tucky," at /LANDER AND HAYDN HALL, on THURSDAY EVENING, Dec. 26th, commencing at a cittiltiMA before eight aldlock. Tieket4 25 °eat., to ba bid of Mirk§ gtotts6, 728 Spring Garden etreet, and of B. Stellwagen, 02 Market etreet, delB-7:le BXPHILADELPHIA AND READING DAMBOAD COMPANYOFFICIC .729 FUL'IiTII STREET. PHlLLtmtkitiA, December 21,141. To avoid detention the holders of coupons of this Com pany, due on the let proximo, are r&quested to leave this ace on or htforo tnt Met initent4 when ro utine will be given and chew wilt be ready for &livery on the zd proximo, in exchange*? said receipts. de2l-tja2 S. BRAPPORIY, Treasurer. r./...r PHI L ADE I. P /111 A.; OEVEMBER 20th, 186/.—Tho Arranal Atetaini nf the :itoelt• boldersof thoLOCUST MOUNTAIN COAL AND IRON COMPANY will be held at their 011 Ice, No. '1,30 South THIRD Street, on DIOSDA.Y, the 20th day of January, A. I). 1:462, at 11 o'clock. A. M., when an Fieclivn will ho Lela for .oven biro. torn, for the endning, year, The traw , fer book of the Company will be closed for fifteen days preview, to the day of election. tle2l-t ja2o JOS. C. 170 ['PUCK, Secretary. MILITARY lIUNITED STATES MARINES.- WANTED, immediately. fur the United States Ma riMl COM, THREE 11U1si AIILII-11/mti tab lki.EN, for sea service, lietween the ages of eigh•een and forty years. All information that may be required will be given at thee Rendezvous, 311 South 1110. NT Street, below Spruce. JAMES LEWIS, iJaptain, dcll.l2t Offleoe_ igligsrg-S.,rTACO ADAMS' EXPRESS At PAN St. SPE'.3IAL NOTICE. rjhiPters are rennesteff to geed their laro and heavy Freight to the EN PRF.SS DEPOT, southeast comer "BROAD sad LOCCST Streets, where receipts will be For the hrealit, pftrcola and mall packtigol , only 01111 be received at tie Choblnut-street ALAN s , EXPRESS COMPANY, '.20 (111EtSTIMT Street. 4.21 —lint if 'WOK CHRISTMAS PR NSENTS, nothinq Letter tllnti a good lAeLure, always a Wel- COMO gift, and Nvill bed forever. Ite iu time to liottlre one. REIMER'S Si Colored Photographs are tne won ders of the day. it* -1)11:1 1 14E 1 :11 . 1A „ pr AN - I ll t iii :',:o lz. m...i. , LET d ( genetally, na we aro informed, proving fatal nteler m , ..dicel trealinoa, me readily cure by ELEC TRICITY, witlffiut pain nr incnnvaninnea. In our ATtProlive prettier in tht , e.e . M geAseg, we hove never IoAL a dingle case. One orrice in at 1220 NV &T ACT Street, Ithiladelpbilt. ROLLER 4- STEVENS. de2l -60: 1 N THE COURT OF COMMON . PLEAS Foil THE ('ITT AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. - - . TI ritilato of faRDNY.R. L. CRANSTON_ Thri ?th r iftr hAbbiniati by iho Court to audit, and adjuht thu acce n t of JOHN HANLEY, 'Crust.o for Gardw,r L. trahstou, owlet thu will of MARY JOII SS, dt.c.i.twd, and to report didtriinition of the balance in the blurb; or said, ascomblent, Will meet the parties interegted, TOT [no prirp9mrs of itta rtlipniltnient, Oti FRIDAY, rho of Janualy. A. D. 1362, at 4 u'elock. P. M., at his office, No. Street, Phibuielphift. OF.ORGE M. CONAIIROE, Luditca. de.4l - 31ia&tK4 AOPPENHEIMER, MERCHAN. ~ DBE BROKEN in all branollos or trade, and manufacturer cd . every description of Army Goods No. 43 Bonlb THIRD gtront, wad. Aida, zpeaul Exiory , DIARIES FOR 1862. GREATEST VARIETY, AND AT TILE LOWEST BUY OF THE - WILMA 31 G. PERRY, Publisher, S. W. Comer IOURT/1 and RAM LAMES CAN TAKE TIIEIIt DIM% for Hair-cuttin g , to Fougui and 'BRANCH. tIrIB-iftf T-BEQITALITY OF 61-I.I4IILNG AT rantier 7 ) 9'24 AUVII s(ruot, ;,-; always warranted to bo unsurpaasod by any in the city. ARDESCO 0I L CO. - U&RBON 811.-I,ao orrit-v, 'Per efOis In iota try FOC Ganliel in this city. SIIORER & 00. 4 DELAWAUE Alentm. NEW PUBLICATIONS. CHARLES DIOICENS , WORKS. h - OTHING HANDSOMER OR MORE USEFUL Ft)4 A ritzsuri T. TWENTY-NM DIFFERENT EDITIONS NO LIBRARY CAN BE COMPLETE WITBOUT A SIIT OP 1111E.4.11 PUBLISHED AND DA Mlik; T. B. PETERSON & 13 ROS., 300 OHESTN UT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. PETERSON S' " arc the only complete and uniform editors of Charles Dickens' Works ever published in the odd 1 M.,-are printell from the original Louden Edi• hobs, and are the only editions published in this country' No litrary, either public or private, Call be complete without having fu it a complete Bet of the works of this, ltio grafting, of all !Nina autikara !'....ay ptiPAtdA A Set of one of the editions. qv- vopice or tun work, of any got, or either of the Twenty -lone 'Editions, in any of the various styles of bindings, of Charles Dickens' Works, will be sent teeny peteon, to any eicy" or town in any part of the United moan Imo or postage or any oilier expense, on their re mitting the price of the edition they may wish, in a let ter, to the Publishers, T. B. rBTBRSON St BROTHERS', 306 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA DUODECIMO ILLUSTRATED EDITION COMPLETE IN TIIIRTY VOLUM= ISSUED IN SIX DIFFERENT STYLES. The Raltions to DilodeciTlio fOrm dro bodutiflillY Bldg. tral,d ,514 Mildred bite' and Wood Illitatra t,ms from deeip - ,ne by Cruilsshank, Phiz, Leech, 13rowne, fild.enan, etc., illustrative of the best scenes in ekcli work, reeking it two mon beautiful end perfect edi tion in the world, and cdell work 15 also roorintrd from Lona, commie, twat wore Issued Ity tutKerio tet. in monthly numbers, and the volumes will be found, on exeminetion, to be published on the fines. and be of P.Ter- This Duodecimo edition ahnie has been gotten up at an Thoweana Donato, but the Pub li,her6 trust that an appreciative public will repay them for the outlay by a generous purchase of the vo lumes. All they ask for is, for the public to examine them, and tis.y are ccufalent idiey wits bulaitn, with (hot they are the 11:marooning, and Chiappgt, and beat ilheirated Set of Works ever published. This edition is sold in set', in various styles of binding, or auy uotk can be had separately as follows: PICKWICK PAPERS, Two TON cloth: Pris Q 250 A 5 - Auk: or TwO ITIES. Two - cols.. cloth . 250 NI( . 1101,AS NICKLEBY. Two vols., cloth . 2 50 PAT ID COPPENFIELD. Two vols., cluth 250 OLIVER TWIST. Two vole,. cloth 250 BLEAK HOUSE. Two cola., cloth 250 LITTLE 11011.111 T. wo Too,, cloth 250 INYMBEY AND SPN. Tno vols., cloth 250 SKETCHES BY "DOZ." Two cols., cloth 250 BARNA LIT 'BUDGE Two cols., cloth 250 MA RIJN C BUZZ LE WIT. TTIV TOM.; (1015, :It: 250 6111 PlMl76§Pri - sitior. Two rola., cloth 250 CtIRISIMASSTORIES, Two vole., cloth 250 DICKENS' NE w STORIES. Ono vol., c10th...... 125 GREAT TXPECIATIONS 150 LAN PIA Gil TER'S STORY , 150 A 311134A.G1e PROM T7li•S SF N. 1 23 Yilee of a set, in 20 Yob., bound in black clotli,_ • • gilt basks Do. do. hill l.brary style Do. do. half calf. autititie..... bolt calf, full gilt but Po, ft, full cult, untiaue Do. do, full calf, gilt edges, links, PEOPLE'S DUODECIMO EDITION 1hd6114..,1 I:, vi s ta amvvent Mkt, This Duodecimo edition it complete in Seventeen 7/n -lunies, of near One Thousand Paget each, with two Inns tratkons to each volume, and contains all the roatlitof matter that is in the Illustrated Et1llit)111 printed from the ar..e lar g e s ; pi, it...led. The whittles aro solilopparately, p: ire One Dollar and fifty Ceuta each, neatly bound in cloth: or a complete bet in this et)le will be sold fur Twenty Dollars. .. . . _ Pi ice of a set, in black cloth 821500 . or ...,....i., I. roll law libmry :st) lc 30 00 Pelee of a set, in halt calf, or half Turlitv 3100 Price of a set, hi half calf, marbled edges, French. 30 00 P. ice of a set, in half calf, antique 42 00 Price or a set, in !pint' calf, foil giii „ , , „ „ 48 00 Prico of a inn calf, Amapa) 50 00 Price of a eet. in full calf, gilt edges, banks, 60 00 ILLUSTRATED OCTAVO EDITION Issued in gb: diff4E,Mie ayles. THIS EDITION Is IN SEVENTEEN voLumms, and i.e printed on very tuick and fine white paper, and is profusely illustrated with all the Original Illus trations by Cruikshank, Alfred Crowbuill, Phiz i tte., from the Original LAlitierh 11,11tior., or, tlopp , ,, vi v o, Slid Wand, as Well as by Original Illustrations by Jour MobrNAls, of New York. Each volume contains a novel complete, and may be had in complete sets, beautifully bound in cloth, for Twenty-five Dollars a set, 41" ttnv I - Oli/in will be sold Km Italy, at Oii. Dollar and Fifty Cents each. The following are their respective names: Price of a set, hi black cloth, in 37 rohnues. ..... „ .$25 Price of a eat, full law pray style . . 31 _PA.° , or u 4V{, half calf, or ball Turkey 38 Price of a ret, ball calf, narbled eagom, French 40 Price of a set, half calf, antique . 51) Price of a set, half calf, full gilt batiks, do LIBRARY °UMW) EDITION. Palliated in Seven Different Stv les This 'Union is complete in SEVEN very tares octavo volumes, mith a Portrait on Steel of Charles Pickens, enutainims all of rho Nvorue by Charles Diekons, handeOmely printed, and bound in various styles. Price of a set, in black cloth $lO 50 if scarlet cloth, extra... - . ........ 11 50 if law library style 13 11(1EC Ida Tr.rkey, ~-,- haticatr 'lO 00 CC halt calf, marble edges, French.. li 00 -, half call antique. ..... .... 2t 00 a