Dal AUTED WouTll.—The patients of the U. B. Hospital, Christian street, below Tenth, have heard with deep regret that they are to lose the valuable services of Mr. John Hamilton, who has humanely and mititinfly adralaisterea to +,6etr ;manifold wants es hospital steward. But it is a source of pleasure to them that he leaves to occupy a patriotic position in "the tented field," among the many noble defenders of the ever-glorious flag lit our country. SAD AceinENT.—On Friday evening, during 'the burlesque of "Richard the Third," at the Walnut-street Theatre, Mr. Vining Bowers, the low comedian, & wound from a foil in the hands of Mr. Clarke, which may yet cost him the loss of nn eye. Mr. Ularke was untiring in his efforts to afford relief to his wounded friend, tuad Mr. Bower: speaks Tery highly of his consid ora *len and CHARGE OF Bi MTl,Altr.—John "Walton, Who Was arrested on suspicion of being concerned in -Several robberies in the Eighteenth ward, had a ;tearing ou Saturday morning, before Alderman Cloud. He was identified by some of the parties who had been robbed. The accused was committed In default of $1,500 bail to answer the charge of )311S;lar • . PENNSYLVANIA IRON TOR CONNECTICUT.— i ne Phoenix Irsn Company of this city, -whose ex tensive establishment is located at Phoenixville, are mow making Immense wrought-iron girders for the row iron bridge to span the Connecticut river. at Wen? Bowen. The girders are about forty feet long, thirty-six inches depth, and weigh 5,000 pounds. .Sixteen of them will be used in the construction of the bridge. CHAIM V.D WITH STABBING, A colored woman, named Elizabeth Bishop, was arrested on riday night, upon suspicion of having been con cerned in the stabbing of Henry D. Leo, at the CantinsatAl 11..t..1," b gpidroid Are., E, on w.,a lleeday night last. She was committed by Alder- Snan THE NATION At GrARD.—The Guards have lammed the survives of a well-known band front Ilarriaburg. A recruiting party of the Guards were out on Saturday with their band, which was carried around by a huge omnibus drawn by four borne. (FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. PHILADELPHIA, liovomber 30,1901 City sixes sold at the Stock Board today at 93X for the new issue, State frves at 78 and 78M, and Penudyl- Naafis Railroad shares at 31%. The second-mortgage toads of kh01r<5.11,4 Oompanr F. 01.1 sa the first board at 81x, and at the second board at Si i Bead ing sold at the odu•uing at 17%, but fell to 17J at the Second board, closing weak. In the moue) market there is no movement or change it-VOlth We annex a comparative statement of the exports (ex ciradva of specie) fr-en New York to foreign ports for the week and since Jeniniry 1: run sue r 615%. 1859, 1860, 18131. Y.ntered td the pllrt .. *811,988 5941,718 tg, 912,709 %1 rown= uuuket.. 684,620 648,751 1,009,111 SUM'S J..... 1. ntered at the r , r 1 . 55102,727,245 1,95,97,0 1 348 et:1,107,448 'thrown on ma: kvt. /02,100,037 04,405001 The St. Louis Republican says, concerning the debt of that county, that. " As some errors have crept into print rekipecting th- matter of county indebtedness maturing nit Ist pvsseit,;,,, 5, e are ienueeted to ..,--tbat- Ole interest and one-half the principal then duo have been provided tor, and will be paid then. For the other half of the Trincipal, an extel,ion for a short time will be asked, land an arrAugemel't tog that purpose is tho object of the visit to New iTork of the president of the Board of County Commissioners. we have already stated, the principal cif the debt cit,e E. , 250,000, and the interest 535,000. The slow coney of the county tax, arising from causes 11.-nown to ac. • .3nts for sto failtscs IQ meet this debt. 33 at the failure will be temporary. A special tax was levied to pay it, a...; from the avails of that and tho gene iral taxes, there- v Itl, it is presumed, be, in no long time, enough in the tri _ltaly to maks Atoll ills /Walt_ Ilinter 911 the elreum,tan- it was thought better to ask indul gence, than, htude:,el as the county now is, to contract a new and expensive loan to pay this debt." It le annentice6 titat an express train for dressed hogs BIOnO Will ha In:: i iteer the Grated Tentik Railroad of Canada, during Ce• winter, for Portland and Boston. A. carge general tr,w., is also anticipated by the managers. 2iiore fife innor;i-o oilantitios of pork, lard, mid hoof visaing over the l;. 0. principally received from Chicago, Milwaukee, 111fil ( iovinnati, and one hundred new freight cars and twel e 'wavy first-class engines are about being added to the rano.e otocli goy hi tile, The Michigan e. nthern Railroad Company have made hrrangements to .4.. a heavy business this winter in ship ping dressed log- from Chicago to all Eastern cities. Yor this intri.oi• they bare built a dressed dog depot, corner of Ban Arcet.", tritex-e they hove every facilitl for 1 moiling, and where no other business will be dune. The Miner's J. "rnal of to-dor gives the following items of ioftallfai i. s. c”ucery4nE; tilt col trade Tpc onantit) nut 1i) railroad this week is 31,156 06—by canal 37,tti4 17-1:4 the week 69,040 03 tons against :94 tons for till• co, refTonding week last year. The tra.ie ,:p this week and for the season, com pared with trait ) oar, as followa! • -- t.E.K_. TOTAL. WiZST.- , TOTAL.: D2O. 7 1 . A, IL k. It.. S=- 3,670,920' 31,166 1,445,120 435,300 1,233,631, 37,864 1,118,370 175,167 L. 'Vol. R. 1t... 17.1`97 718,253 16,835 i 727,218 8,965 'Lehigh Canal.. 2` , .1131,059,344' 35,471. 954,971144,373 IS crouton , 36.1 s 756,913 13,821 757,394 410 Do, North. 11:1117 _ 76;39i 48;a 7, 1 1-1-1 11135410 1.7,16 i . 1 fa. Goal G 0... 14 04 - 666,602 16,443 823,758,141,1;-1 Del. & li. C 0.., 404 475,448; 16,364; 716,654241,_04 Wyoming Slit ; 334,261 j I 207,7651 . 26,40:3 Do. North 48.62 I 47,366,1 1,338 Brood T0p....' 4 41:3 172,72 W 7,276 240,096 68,368 _ _ 109416 1 0,4118 i Trevorton 400 1 5861137 514 Sh. lit. H. T. Lykeria 91,595° 68, 01! 3.70.453 8.077.84715g,138 7,489.800 , 4,459,600170,4551 • 588,2471 17,680: The demand fur coal has caused an increase sbipmelit el, radians, one This vectice 'gamma considerabl) excet.le the quantity for the corresponding week. last year. The season by 'the canals is rapidly drawing to a ch.., We learn that it is the intention of the NeN igalion Company to close their cana' eleet the Ink ...,-Sad. f Dcee.nbc whether closed by ice or not. •t however, we presume, will depend upon the state of the weather. They are determined to have as few boot- as possible frozen up on the line, which is attend.... with great trouble and annoyance to the eeavi , ao. - The rates of toll aLd transportation on coal on the Le- Itigh Valley will be, on and after December 1, 1801, inc: ealsed as follows, until further notice : From Mauch ('hook to Elizabethport, per ton S 2 10 Tr t nton, el . • As far as ,s Ca.: learn, the proposition for the Phila delphia and Resilii:g Railroad and Schuylkill Navigation Companies to take all the coal for transhipment beyond Philadelphia does not meet the approbation of our coal opattOrtt. The eirabliiihment of exclusive eomminion homes. to receive and tell the coal at Philadelphia meets with favor. The New York I , :sening Post of to-day says : Stocks are lone] and weak to-day. The foreign new; rlbliEhiti iu the 1 urning niniera geenoi to havn been the immediate fallfe of the decline, though perhaps the re action is more the result of a desire to realize the profits of the rise of the ps,4 three days. New York Cent:al opened with sales at 79, and fell off to 7811 en7SK zeninet 70 1 1 Yesterday_ Eris d_roPP,«l to 31M against Nil evening. One of the tea• exceptions to the downwani tereleney Of the market uas Cleveland and Pittsburg, which seemed to derive fresh vitality from some quarter. Sales Were mails at 13. g„ tell, and that bid fee in6i , r, 1.4- Vance of 3.1‘ per cent. The fiscal year of the company doses to-day. Pacific Mail dropped 2 per cent., soiling at 87, influ enced by the m eteeinus movements of rebel steamers on the Allantio. 111.0 3410212.1 Y 1. Pc.r.ls. r°6- Vona. Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy sold at 60, and was afterwards offered at 59. lifilwatikse and Prairie du Chian is 19% cy2o. Cktvataintout stocka ma , llama, nod hold eather The coupon sixes of 1651 are 034 bid. The various Imes of fives arc held at 83x oat. Missouri sixer continue weak, and are now lower than at any time since the Bull Run decline, when they fell to 14). Nearly all tile sales te-daY were at 418.11 M, eloping irith niters at tlw inside price. The money market is very easy to-day. Early in the week there was an increased inquiry, but the supply- on call at 6 per rent is now in excess of the demand. Exchange on London closed extremely dull at 103; 3 1 as 109. though seia effert wee made before -the saalna the steamer in etiden rates • onranoners of St. The przgisir3i. fit-r, hi in New York, and will be at Ike Bank of Cianmeice during next week to arrange with holders of the r• may bowls, the principal of which ma iling on let 11(g:ember_ The president proposes to Ivey in full all interest on the debt, and fie per tent. of the principal maturing. The Commissioners rt twin full expectation of being ena bled to pay the renatining 50 per cent. within the next &bitty dal e The interest on lowa State stock, due January let, 1882, will he then paid at the Citizens' Bank in New York. . riabidellibia Stoek Drainage Saes, November 30, 1881. REPORTED BY S F.. SLAIIIELKER, Philadelphia Exchange. WIEST BOARD. UN Penn% Coup 01.. 959 i 20001 renna Os 56X 3000 do ...... . 56%• 17 Mechanics' 8k... 20% 50 Beading B 17% 50 do 17.31 40e0 Pa la 21 bi..IrAVH. 10 ConsOli0:0111.1k.h5 19 1500 Penna. 5s 78 1100 do 78 it' 130 alit do 73 NQ 44 renna E 01A BOARDS. 2100 City Bs New 98 . 4' 100 Penna Coup o'.. Ofix MORI Q Vdbh in)6 100 do c ., 41 8T) 800 do r-i,li 87) "200 do cash 87X 1000 do tisk 87% 700 do..licw .t.as.7h 93X 1000 w owl 09m 3500 do.. Nev. cash 93M Cam & An, 8....121 $' do 121 15 d 0 . ..... 121 gq , .each /0 Spruce a rii R ILTWEE 0 Sebl Nav Pref.... 11X 1000 Fa It 2d m..eaeh 85 1000 Or 6 Now 93M SECOND 100 Beading R 173 100 do 17h; 15 Green & Cow., R. 18,1 i Bid. Ask. 6a, 'Bl 92 .. rbila ..... 88 rb.lio fa ,i'}g 88 zidlit 01 new... , Iks 83.3( Pena.. tie 78.4" &Wing B .....17 17 3-16 Beading Bits '76 S 2 81 11.6g16 63'80'43 M 034 m A. 'BB.. Penni. ...... :37% 37% Fenno R 2dm 6. 85 8536 Norris 01 Con.. 33 86 Illorrus 01 Pr0f.10 , 4 110 kola Her de 03.)i 60.1116 , Imo oe TO T 4 fah Nom Stock. 3 5 'Bch Nay Pref... 11 11. l almirs 8 41‘ rkpladelptua Markets. There is very little demand for Flour to-day, either for import Or WOO• use, and prices favor the buyers, the Wee being contu,si to a few small lots, mostly to supply the trade,. at $5.37X at 5.60 for superfine, which is very scarce e 1 these talcs; $5.623;05.75 for extras. and from 44.8 f, up to Ott for family Mom. Fancy 'bran& are held higher, and very little doing in the way of sales, the market for grades above extra being very dell. Rye Maur lascarce sod in demand at $4 per bbl. Corn Meal is 'Oleo acute, ono it 0 bills Brandyw i ne sold on terms kept private , ; Peons) Ire nia Meal, if here, would helm; 52.67J4 far bbl. Was47.—There Is not much offering to-day, and the firmness of holders has had a tendency to limit opera ..ktaut R,OtIO bushels said at Manta LP f..h Prime Western 50.1 Pennitylvanla rods In store; 113 c for Southern do Riioll and 1400143 c for white, the latter for good Ohio. Ity.e is in steady demand, and some 2,050 bushels Pennsylvania sold, mostly at 76c. Corn is on- Vhangad, with further sales of 4,000 bushels Bentham • 79,230 . (112,505 I 70,111; 1,710 SOABD 1000 Reading 6e '43... 33 30 Lehigh Nate.... Fa 4t) 10 do sb 4tt lES-STEADY Bid. Ask. Elmira R Pref. 9 . ,:x 9„X Blinks 7x'73,.-.63 64 Long Island B. W 101 Lab 01 & Nay.. 45'3i 49 Leh CI & N Scrn 33X 34 N Penne 8.. 5 534 X Penns B 65.. 56X 54„!4 Penna 10s ... 71 Catawisea it. Con CalawiSsa Pref. 41( 4% Frkfd & South B 36 39 2d &3d sts 8.3. 40% 47 Bace&Yineestaß 3 4% W Phila B _ bilM 11% aDruco Pile.. 8:1. Green ac Coates 164' 16X Chest & Wal... 27X (Girard College.. 10 .. NOVEMBER 30—Evening, yellow at 63c afloat. Now Corn is dull at 50e955c, as Co condition. Oats aro firmer, and 6,000 bushels sold at 39 er.4oe for Southern, the latter afloat, and 41c for Penn sylvania. Of Burley a sale of 400 bushels Pennsylvania }Sal made at ifie. Bs 88 - .--Quertitrall is firm awl rather more active 50 Hide Ist No. 1 sold at S2B 50 4P" ton. Corrox.—The market is buoyant and firm, the high views of holders limiting operations to-day. tinoonniss AND PporisioNs.—There is no new fea ture, and very Mile doing In lho way of rules_ SmEn.—There is a sten? y demand for Cloverseod, and about 180 bus 80M at $4.50454.75 bn, the latter for prime lots; Timothy to firm, and Flasseed scarce and on the advance. 14rui8KY is dull, tills moving oR' slowly at 20 ®2lc f the latter for la-Dna 6h, and drudge in - 20, .New York Stock Exchange—Nov. 30, PIES? }WARD, 110 1 1 Xe n t'I C ISY tst 00.1 7;1 100 v ill Von Tog bomb SO 1000 111 emit, bonds '62 81% 10660 No St 6 810 41' 2000 do 41.11 13000 do 41 1600 N V Lie. It I 5000 Erie It larin b 5.103 2000 Erie R 3.1 in 'B3. 87% 7000 Muir& let 1000 Mich Con S per 60 Nric R 'Prof:JIM A , IM 1100 do IGO 54)4: 1100 do MO 54 50 do 51% 150 111011liv 1t....M0 28 100 do 38A; itoo do .6eo al. * , 10 do 'ITN 150 do .$6O 37N 600 do 38 50 Harlon. R 12 DSO 111 Central It scrip 01 200 Cloy Sc Pitts P..... 13X 1 50 do 14 10 Mich S & N Lid It 18 150 Mich S &N Ia G S 37 50 do Tim 100 do 37S 25 Panama A 113 25 do 630.113 1 50 do 112 55 Clav Col & C It.. 09 1150 Gal & Chicago 11. 71 1100 do 010 TOM IEO Cleve & Tot R.... 31 350 do 337; 950 do 33N 50 Chic & Ilk I R.. 113 53 . 14' 200 do 53m, 100 I . 53.- 100 do 53): 50 Chic Ilur & Q. 0130 60 25 do 60,,kf 7 do 60 Q Nil it P Pa Cla.. lii) /at ni con bonds 81 3000 Mich 50 241 10 55 09 2000 N Indiana let in 83.5 i 1000 T H .. , 17 Alt 2dm.. 30 1000 Del I. & W lt 1 m 963.;,' 175 Pac Mail 9 S Co.. Si 50 do ...... ~.1110 57 50 dO. .... .....810 Si 30 do 87 ii 550 11 Y Cen 11 78;),, - 500 do 1.3 78?. 200 do 530 75% 100 do . ~1, 3 0 TOM 100 do 610 78 . 3. i so do.. .... ....h5 78 t . - 25 Mich Cen R 49M 375 do .c 49 50 do 49.4 - 30 Eris Rgilwar 3llr 180 do 21 .' 350 do IMO 34 850 do 314 00 do .I.IOBIJ 350 do, „ r ,„ ~.1.3.0 31N 50 do DOO 014 ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS IT TO 1Z O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT, CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut sta Mnj Wall, Baltimore li Hastings, Boston Ellmaker, 15 8 A Thos Kershaw, Montreal i; PAN, New Voilr. Thee 0 Boston W R Ramsey, Washington 0 N Shannon, Boston D Ricketts, Indiana W H Ingraham, Troy T S Livingston, New York Cape J G Brown C la,Wash D Mills, New York W H Whiton, New York Chas A Peck, New York D G Renesam, Vermoot H Morris Atzle, briagewater B A Wilson, New York G B Condo, West Troy Geo W Cone, New York Ti Sawyer, Jr, Virginia Chas H Rose, Virginia A B MeDermot, Boston Capt T A Craven, IT S N L Perrino, Trenton, 41 S R Soil%la a,l4cwi rk, ti d I}Ann, i 1 ew York B G TOwoormialow Torii Coot Wooti, New York D X Goodwin Ralston 'Skinner, On, 0 II Jones, Boston T W Collins, New York Mrs Walker, New York Hon F. P Kingsbury, Penna. C Linde, Scranton, Pa p s Iteltogg, Scratißtili rat wicker, New tort: Joe Ti WUtte, New York Aug S Baldwin, II u N Gaut Binsse, New York Mrs Baldwin Lt It B Wegener, N York I) Ball, Michigan H H Forsyth, Chicago O T Burt, Syracuse, N Y Hon C B SedglFlCß, 11 Yak Feyoado, Loniaville, Ky Goo A Wilcox, Detroit II Baldwin Jr, la, Mess Ira Chase, Jr, Boston Isaiah Rodgers, Cincinnati Alex H Rice, Boston T M Edwards, N Hampshire Jno U Parke, U S A J S Appleton, New York C A 'Marshall, Jr, N York That WILMS, Ratliad-0 AugP,a k, New York Mr Branch, New York I C Smith, New York ('ol Thus D Doubleday C Burton, Philadelphia His Whiting, New York Miss Whiting, New York Chas 8 Russell, U S A S Beaker D 1119torWPITThiliPPP, W R Eyrrett, Now York iVnx cockviert, Sow York Capt Ron ti S A Jobn Smith, Roston A K Noyes. ITS N Jno II Field, U S N Geo Byley, U S J M Wardwell, New York Thos H Tilton, New York Vincent Colyer, Wash, G C Win Conner, Jr, Springfield Chita A 01,A‘olAad, 0 J Piti-Joacr, A 11 Smith, Wisconsin J Q Henry, Boston ‘VmS Stewart, Philadelphia Jno A I nostand, Lancaster 0 Worth 0 P 1' Smith; Maryland Hugh Roberts, Quincy, lil II McDowell, 'Baltimore Wm TMgaff,lm, Dol N J Barrett, Wilm, Del W 0 Spencer: L S A T DI Pommy, Arilmeo,DlV Mrs \V D Seward, Auburn Miss Rimy Seward, N S L Lee, Baltimore Mrs Williams ' New York Mrs Graham, Now York C H Haskell, Washington Cript,TasLawless i F 0 Moses, Bath, Mo TiMiiiibrittotrurg J T Footer, IiaMMOD) John N. Sears, Baltimore II W Taylor 8; la, Boston Wm Do Dell, Cleveland, 0 J S Dickerson, New York Mrs Dickerson, New York Miss Winston, New York wn!ll Allen, lin' York • John Harper, New York W Harper, Jr, E bowen tk wife, Bath, MO Chas Richardson, Anlmrn Mrs Camp, New York W P Tut tin, Wash, D C W H Wallace, New York Mr EYSIIS, New York G D Pliglfas, New York A Rose ? New York #14114111 D4fitoll F. Pilau - , Auburn t.) ia Macdonald, Canada H H Coggshall, Perm J A Green, Boston W J New York I Honig, Baltimore W C Churchill, New York R F Evans, Illinois $ L WorceAer C Drcria, Now York T 1306t0n Son owe, U - B A JI - Robinson, Portsmouth AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut st.. above Fifth. JR, Floyd, .I , ;"ew York James 13 Doyle, Phila F 919111911 P.VintrilYann dn7 F, nimbus. Walk Ylvichcri WatsTaugton F E Ditto, Washington Thos ;Stern, Washington D Platmu, New York P W Tinklepaugli, N York ('apt J Mason, New York Geo Freeman, Cleveland James L California Ctms B Harrison, N York Jas IV Latta, Piti4lOpillit I , L ISnitolg ' !• , !'esv toncion ROA Cond.ri, Sordent'll FP Engle, New York S A James, Cincinnati J W Hughes, Cincinnati Capt C E Foster, V S A E Griswold, I: S A C S Strong, Jr, & It, N I J Davie, New York James II Haley, Maryland K Rymer. Nora SOotht Jag 4 Jones, PhiladAblan P B Brown, Washington II G Brown, Philadelphia Mrs Densmore, Boston Mrs Woniley, Boston MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. 21rN L F MutDnumat Chuuk \V If Pomp, Radon, Pa 11 b Minkel, Harrisburg W A Porter, Waynesburg S Ihkrnard, Delaware Jno IL Schall, Trexlertown A Nesbitt, Kingston, Da F Rinberger,Kittanning AAV Lane S: eon, Freeport R F O'Beirne, U S A J F Smith, Philadelphia G L Beach S w, N N 314fiat,11.16W lork Cant It T Wood, Palma P Rarher, Montgomery II Pearly, Perryville, 31d R Crawford, Blair co, Pa John Crawford, Blair co, Pa John J Park, Cincinnati, 0 Gen W Lilly, 31 Chunk Jos Morgan, Philadelphia Geo J Bolton, Harrisburg ST. LOFTS HOTEL—Chestnut street, ahoce Third. J \V Brady, New York W W Davis, Chester Yalley Alex Beyer, New York John Ferguson, Pa John Buchanan Si la, Pa J D Arnst, Philadelphia P@idartilnig titi leustor, Raglan P lipml9ll, Bolton It 31 Winne, New York C W Parker F R Faust, Philadelphia Chas Mos, Burlington, N J P R Brown, DI D, D C J Robinson, Altoona, Pa WLandeker, St Louis Strieker, New York C ri Cobb, Boston E II Norton; 11Iusearl1mette F II Murdock, Mass THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. G West, New York 0 S Bowman, New York .1 V (Wier, New Yofk A L (lee, Jos Willson, Gordon, Pa M M Pratt, Lewistown J J Taylor, Lewistown E E Benlenum, Pa It W Marshall, Pittsburg John It Levitre, Philo John L McDermot, N Y Nies J Bowman, N Y PXallace.; GITAII STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. in° Probaser, Clinton, N J Chas B Harrison, N York Jas Coates, Christiana Jun Carskadden, Phila Dr S B Ash, Coatesville Mtn L A Chrlsboah, N J S 31Kelly, Phila C C Berson, Creen co, Pa Wia Bentz, Carlisle J V Ely, Carlisle N A Elder, Illifflintorrn David Douglas T 11. Cunningham, Phila John Broom, Penna Thos Watt, Latrobe, Pa John Williams, Nana COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth street above Chestnut. L Foster, New York Joel B rueey, Chester co A F Achey, Lebanon A Leininger, Lebanon 3 1 Li 3e a gi le, Th.l.e,llle M 'steer icor Il lifrranaugli, New York Mrs B F Shantz, Cheater co Nies Carrie Shantz, Ches co John Banks, Chester co J A Cloud, West Chester John II Lane, Easton 1' 11 Beck,Washington, DC D J Brown Wilm, Del 71 Pcrir.;.-r atler 7 W ehrs+or MADISON HOUSE—Second Street, above Market. J C Davis, Roonville, Illinois Dr B Weidman, Wash, DC Jae Burson ! New Jersey J jli...cp,tr,,Nrolichiliurg, Pit o cmon, - A - Lebanon, ITV Ft Wagan, NOW TOM I' PI Wood do lady, N York George Middleton, N Jersey J N Boozer, Lambert'lle. NJ NATIONAL 11(1/3/1—Bate street, above Third. Peter Sides, Penns J J Hunsinger, Penna A Startzinen;Baltiroore H J Mason,Huntingdon co J S Hodder, Huntingdon co Charles J ogers Col C 'Van Dyke, Croup Olden Col J R Eck, U S mod, iielvidere i n J Q W Budd,lhividere, N J Bart - , New Jersey BLACK BEAR—Third street, above Callowhill. I) Lehr, Cratztown S Shutt, Warrington Neleon i ifiguNit-Bure, co{ pa giiraTlVeiw texas G T Forrester 3 fam, Philo. .1 1' Goebel, Allentown BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vine. T N 110inson, N P R J Yoloirsdole, Bristol Jams Kelly, Philadelphia P Kelly, rldlailelphia Berg T P Wayles, Culp Maio J Stacithouse, Andalusia It lit Wagon, Mt Lebanon J M Beans, Doylestown W R Rook, 'Newtown 111 4 :14 - L'IT TIMM . /1011S - Ir—beGOlA et,t ath Argil. A Kinsey liolmeaburg, Pa N L Wells, Philadelphia Edwards it la, N York Joshua Smith, New York Pr Willard & la, Peana Wm T Byrn, Baltimore 11 J Show, Baltimore W T Norrigom Matz co )1 H Williamson REVERE ROUSE—Third street above Race. Peter That, Coln,libin co, Pa Mims 1' Harris, York, Pa L .7ac9l'r, Yea, I'i J II StgYCl y /-*vl,ly, BALD BAGLR--Third street. above Callowbrn. James Major, Trenton, N J 0 A Miller, Lehigh co, Pa j fl /CsnaPerer, PLila P Piegb Naggil F. eriflitb, Nontg co, pa MARINE INTELLIGENCE. air BIZ FOUSTII PAGE. ARRIVED Brig Ida, Paddleford, from Porto Cabello 29th Oct, with hides, coffee, and cotton to Joint Dallett Co. 19th nit, lat 32 05, long 70 58, signalled bark It A Allen, steer- SSW. Some -Owe, r - hr T P L..,-..d, from 'T urks Island, steering N. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del. Nov. 30 The oily lamog .111 Houston. from Phil:UltdDliiii for It Thomas, and steamer IV B Reaney, from Philtulelphia, bound to Fort Pickens, with government stores, are in the roadstead, awaiting a favorable opportunity to start. Two brigs and five schooners passed in this morning. Wintl southwest. Tours, arc. A. NAIibIIALL. (Correspondence of the Press.) READING, Nov 28. The following boats from the 'Union Canal passed into tto Schuylkill Cemal to-day, bound to idnindeipilia, laden and conebtned as follows: Mary, Jack Bobbins, and Frrmouth ,St Brother, lum ber to henry Crueliey; G Id Long and 0 N, do to Joshua Neeleyi Homeward Bound, do to 0 Weile; John A Lemon and cirtipahlint, gain to A fi Cattail it. Co'_ Golden Stoll4 fin to captain; Rail Splitter, hinting, lir. to ItunipitreYa, lloffnian & Wright. BY TMLEGRAPIL (VOlTCipotalenco of ilia Prom) NEw York, Doe 1. Arrived, ships Plantagenet, Euthren, Marathon, and It A Heim, from Liverpool; Alleganian, from Valencia; Wm Milne, from Cardiff; Canvas Back, from Canton; Al. laMibra, from crtll94. spoken, Nov 214, in Ist 34 1 long 73, bark Lapwing, from Rio de Janeiro for Baltimore. , . . The ship nuthven reports seeing, Nov 24th, three hea vily-laden whale ships cruising about the Gulf Stream. The captain and crew of the French ship Lney arrived here tr—day 6ii the ehlr, li A Helm the former eeeeut having been abandoned at FIUR in a sinking condition. MEMORANDA Schr Polly PriCf. Toomeend, (./ Smith, Anderson, 8114 VB..ittttlw4er) 60Ittt, citarrd at Thmitott ihnit for Philadelphia. Schr Carthagena Kelly, from New Bedford. for Phila delphia, at Newport 28th ult. Schr Mountain Home sailed from Newport 28th ult. for Delaware. Jaaok Maufialii, May, fram Itar 6i tee whth,del plan- et Newport 20th n!t. °riff Governor, Watson, hence, arrived at Salem 28th Behr Connecticut, Ciark, sailed from Hartford 2Sth Mt. for Philadelphia. W E Cock, Now York CITY ITEMS, CHOICE CANNED Fnl7lr9e=lllr, C, 11. Matt 800, dealer in tine groceries, at Arch and Tenth streets, has all the fresh fruits of summer—Peaches, Corn, and Tomatoes—in their natural flavor. Alin, fine eating Apples and Malaga Grapes. He is selling the latter, as fine as ally in the market, at the low price of thirty eight cents per pound. TOE STONE FLEET.—The operation of' the "Slone Fleet," although not so perilous or glorious as regular naval engagements, will probably prove more injurious to the enemy. Now, since Port Royal Lisa fallen into our possession, by effectually blocking up the harbors of Charleston and Savannah, we give due notice to 11111111 PM it 1116 F fellfeill Unit lir foreign counnereo of South Carolina MI Georgia mod either be destroyea or subjected to the control of the Government which has a legal right to regulate it. The Stone Floet, it will be understood, however, has no reference to the Brown Otone dotting lieu of nocichin ,t Wilson, Nos. 000 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth, where the great work of supplying the Union soldiers with elegant and com fortable uniforms is going forward constantly. THE RIGHT tillords its plcatmro to chronicle the triumph of patriotism over profit. A leading clothing house in this city declined, in ono month lately. cash sales to the amount of over twenty thoutstud dollar% which 'were %untamed to he intended for the two of the Secession army. We allude to the enter prising establishment of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chest nut street. Mr. Stokes has on hand the finest assort ment of winter garments and military uniforms in the city, -AAA, cant., ottalasd by all 10,01 citizens only nt the very lowest prices. F 0 RNEY'S “WAR PRESS." The intense interest everywhere felt in the mighty con tent which the Jambe tuld Fleets of the Malian meg engaged, ON THE POTOMAC, IN WESTERN IN KENTUCKY, IN MISSOURI, and elsewhere, and the existing demand for a Weekly Journal that will fnrnish a full and accurate account of the thrilling events of this exciting and ever-memorable period, acceptable alike to Soldiers in Camp, to Peaceful Firesides, to thane who wish tA ahlata iko news, and to those who desire to preserve in a convenient form, for future reference, a correct History of the Great Rebel/ion, has induced me to commence, on SATURDAY, NOV. 16. 1861. the publication of a GREAT WAR PAPER, (in lien or the present issue of the Weekly Prom) to be called ...FORNEY'S WAR PRESS." It will be printed in superior style, on a large quarto sheet of eight pages, and each number will present the following ATTRACTIVE FEATURES, viz A BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVING, Illustrating an event of the War, or a MAP of some lo cality where iraymtaut operations are in contempiatiou A RECORD OF TILE LATEST WAR NEWS from all parts of the country ' teeeirpi during each Week by mail and by Telegraph, from numerous SPECIAL CORRESPONDENTS, and all other reliable sources of information; THE LETTERS or -titt4,-kilvAl„,, whose epistles from Washington during the last three years have been singularly correct in their statements and predictionth ani whose comments upon nubile affairs have beer, copied mid read with deep interest through out the whole country i A THRILLING SKETCH Olt TALE, illustrative of the romantic incidents connected with the War; GLEANINGS FROM. THE RICH TREASURES "WAR-WIT AZ, D WAli-VOLTRY, that are elicited by the mighty events now transpiring; ABLE EDITORIALS ON THE GREAT QUESTIONS OF TEE DAY; TIIE LATEST LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS; A SUMMARY OE RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE, !3.11 DenorolaaltorLs IMPORTANT ARTICLES FROM FIRST-CLASS WRITERS; ACCURATE MARKET REPORTS, Including the Cattle Markets of Philadelphia, New York. and other places, the Money Market, and Reports of the r`rices of produce and aterri.+•»di„9, Efforts will constantly be made to introduce such new features as will render the " WAR PRESS" one of the most popular and attractive Journals of the country. If, contrary to general exnactationin the war aboula be nnd_ denly brought to a close, its columns will be filled with article that will prove deeply interesting to its readers. TERMS: One copy, one year 02 00 Three copies ! one year 11 00 Fire evince, one Tear. El 00 Ten copies, one year 12 00 Larger Clubs will be charged at the same rate, thus: 2 9 copies Kill c9iit 4,24 OT copies will cod 360 i and 100 copies, KN. We also offer the following EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS ! *e every - *atrecrilier remitting us 011 We will forward by mail a first-rate, new, large COLORED MAP of the Southern States, which gires the most useful and Corn. preheneive view of the Seat of War, and descriptions of th e Le ever teat iocaiinee or the SOV4th, that ties yet been published. Its retail price is fifty cents, and it is well worth double that sum. We will also forward one copy of this Map to any per eta who sends us a elol, of tires, of Ave, or of ten sub scribers. Any person sending ne a club of twenty eubseribers, accompanied with $24, will be entitled to an extra copy (for the getter of the elieb,) and alga to a espy of above-mentioned Map. In order to further stimulate individual exertion to ex tend the circulation of the " WAR PRESS," we offer the following libated prenittnititt. ONE HUNDRED DOLL/LES DT CASH will be presented to the person. or 118110118 who may Dro , cure the Largest list of subscribers by tho Ist of April, 1882; FIFTY DOLLARS to the person forwarding the second highest number by the same period, and TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS to the person forwarding the third largest number up to that time. The conditione of the foregoing premiums require all anhueriptione to he paid he ativmee fee ON.R. YEAS, at the rates publieleel above. ALL POSTMASTERS. and other loyal citizens, are earneatly aelielted to eaglet in extending the circulation of the ig WAR PItES ; ; They may rest assured thtt. !“ it l' a v jottrned, but - one Which - neut.! to - championc neat of the rigorous proseeuttea of the war and the restoration of the Union. SPECIMEN COPIES will be furnished to those who request them. Subscriptions may commence at any time. Terms ALIVAYS CASH, in advinea-i All Lettere to be eadreseed to JOHN W. FORNEY, 66p.REss" Office, 417 CHESTNUT STREET 1116' All Journals which republish this Prospecttui will be entitled to an Exoliangefto one Year. SPECIAL NOTICES_ HAMBLETON'S HAIR STAIN.—The most reliable article in use for coloring the Hair and Whiakors a natural black or brown, without iniurimrs the hair or akin. Dna not fade or wadi out. Depot, 22.9 SPRUCE Street, Philadelphia. no3o-6t* I".EDIAL ATTENTIQN /6 GALLED •to the unprecedented inducements offered to those about purchasing Pianos and Melodeons. Large temporary reductions being made to me by the manufac turers in conseguence of reduced wages, rent of manu factory, anti all that gore to make up the cost of pro duction, the full benefit is proffered to buyers, and a call must satisfy all that now is the time. Can sell spat class Plano at $226. Give me a call. noLinl J. E. GOULD. Sarenth and Chestnut ate. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE.—This cele brated and perfect HAM DYE is the BEST IN THE WORLD, All °there are more imitations or this Hint Original, which has gained such extensive Patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. BATCHE. LORI?, LIQUID HAIR DYE werstimy produces a splendid Black or natural Brown s without staining the Mu or Injuring the Hair, and will reinoiy the 11l WNW of bad Dyea, Invigorating the Hair for life. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by EAHNEETOOII A CO. and DYOTT & CO., Fhiladel kkia DR. ROBERTSON'S ELIXIR OF HEALTII, the moat valuable remedy over offered to the public for the sure of Coughs, Odds, Inanimate's, Asthma, dee.; also for Dysentery, Diarrhoca, Cramp, &e. Price $1 For sale by DYOTT & CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street, ae2S-rathlm Depot for all Palmier AledieStag UPHAM'S HAIR DYE, ONLY 38 CENTS Box.—Bottles larger than the Dollar Dyes. Colors in• thmlaneon.ly, and will net wall ant. 1 1 1 =i , It 13.1 d only at 11PIIA31'8, 310 CHESTNUT Streat. n027-wfm3m CARD PatiarN(l l BEST AND Cir.r.gArgoT In the City, at 34 South THIRD street. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Best alit Cheapest in the Ottr, at 34 South THIRD Street. IDIRCULIGY. PRINTING, Beet and Oheepeot L the Me, et 94 gmith TRIAD Ettroci. PAMPHLET PAINTING, and every otter descrip tion of Printing, of the most superior Quality, at the most reasonable rates, at RING WALT & BROWN'S, Dres.olre Building, 24 South TILLED Strewt. 41411-if THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY. DECEMBER 2. 1861. ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST LIMAS, made in the Beet Meatier, expreaaly for RETAIL BALES. LOWEST Stilling Prices marked in Plain Rom All Oeculs made in War I:ollHpanta latisfae terY• Our Oxx-Patox SYSTEM le strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. STUDEBAKER—TALI.Y.—On the 2;111 nit., by the Ilex. A. W. MiIV, Mr. Itmly Studebaker, of Ohio, to Miss Sallie Tally, of this city. BLAIR—MAR —la ItlaiiliNtinlr, 411t.,111 , Rev. A. Colvor, Mr. William 131ai,, of Schuylkill Falls, to 31 ir.ti Mary thmli, of Manny End:. JESSUP—CI.ARK.—At Camden, N. J., on the 21st nil., by 'Mayor Atkinson, Mr. Cooper Jessup to Miss Anna ('lark, all of Gloucester county, N.. 1. cr.A. - v ±.•; .-4)11 tin" win mt., 17 the Archibald Beatty, Charles Edwani Clayton, Eso., or Delamare, to Miss Mary 'Emma Clark, of Philadelphia.* BEAP.—On the Ist instant, Clara Y., daughter of Charles T. and Minim B. Bead, aged 4 years, 3 months, awl 7 days. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her parents, Nn. 315 Wnehington 11.1/4 Tuesday af ternoon, at 2 o'clock. McGOVERN.—On the 29th ult., Catharine, wife of Edward 'McGovern, in the 52,1. year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband, No. 997 Market street, this (Monday) morning, at 9 o'clock. w GI MON.—On the 20th tilt., Mrs. Elisudittlt, wife of George Gibson, in the 09th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her father, George Francis Clay, No. 929 North Fifth street, above Poplar, on Tuesday morning., at 10 o'clock. LAWYER.-,-11n the 29th ult.J. Chambers, son of Ed tl 9. oott Aloroceeb Lowyor, lo dee Adyoor hbe ogo. Funeral from his parents` residence, No. 1024 Wood street, this (Monday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. ENGLE.—On the 29th ultimo, Harriet R., daughter or Aaron 0. and Eliza H. Engle, in the .I.7th year of her Funeral rreni the residence or her parents, zfo, 500 Borth Tenth street, this (Monday) morning, at 10 o'clock. RAGAN.—On the 213th ult., John Hagan, aged 25 years. EfIEST.--On the 29th ult., Orplia Swayne Ifirsti wife of WHOM Binh in the TM yearof her nee: Weekly Report of Interments, HEALTH OFFICk, Ntovernber 1861. Nrmcn(i in fk City of Phitatiorphia from the 2nd Co Me iOU& of Iforember,lB6l. „, ~ DISEASES. ..4 ..'a DISEASES. AI ii .. 0 7 i' idle •45 jci .1 p Abscess . 1 Fever, Typhus.. —I 1 6, Apoplexy 1 Typhoid 5 2 Cancer 2 Gangrene ...... .... 1 ii Breast. ii i 1 llornia. . I • 6 Uterus...... 1 Hemorrhage........ 1 I' Stomach.... 2 Hooping Cough 4 ” Liver 1 Inflammation, Brain I 1 Casualties. 1 " Bronchi... 3 3 Croup.... ........ .. 9 •I Liver 1 1 Elanpostion of Mullin. 2 tt Lungs__ 4 12 II Ltingg. 1 2 IL 0. &Bowel. 2 1 Cholera Infantum.. 1 Intusimsception .. , . 1 Consumption Lungs 24 4 Inanition 1 1 Convulsions 1 9 Mania-a-p0tu...... 1 1 IL Puerperal 2 MRPRRMII4 li o Diptherie.... 11 Measles 5 Diarrh0ea.......... 1 ()Id Age 31 Dropsy 8 2 Palsy 3 ~ Brain 4 Scrofula ....... .... 1 Disease of Chest..__ 1 Small.. Pox 1 7 " Heart._ 1 1 Still-Born 10 4' Liver..... 1 1 Syphilis- ..... t • • . 1 a Kidneys.. 1 Tabes Atesenrcal .. 1 Drowned ..... 1 Tumors . 1 1 Dysssitcry . 1 Mum : 2 Debility . 4 9 Ulceration Bowels.. 1 Effusion on Brain.. 3 Unknown. 2 1 Enlargement Heart. / Wounds, gun shot.. 1 Fracture of Thigh.. 1 —-- Fever 1 Total ..... ....... 97 140 4 , Seßliat. I 1 4 11 I l OF THE ABOVE THERE WERE: Under 1 year 531 From 30 to 40 ' 1.9 From Ito 2...........201 "40to 50 .19 " 2to 5 ...... .... 43 ~ 50 to 60 12 ti. 5 4610 ...... ____ 10 Li 606.. s 0 18 4, 10 to 15 ...... .... 4 6, 70 to 80 19 6, 15 to 20 41 " 80 to 90 a " 20 to 30 ...... .... 17 " 90 to 100 2 0 37 rS. 1 WARDS. I - ni Tenth.... ',terry'" ON THE SEA COAST, T0ta1.,,:,,.. *Anus. 1 WARDS. First ...... ....1e Tenth 8 Nineteenth 17 5ec0nd........ 9 Eleventh 6 Twentieth...... 9 Third ...... .... 9 Twelfth 7 Twenty-first.... 7 F0urth,,,,,.. d 1 Thirteenth__ 4 Twenty-gaenud.. 2 Fifth.......... 6 Fourteenth. ...1.1 Twenty-fhb-a... S Sixth 4 Fifteenth 121 Twenty-fourth..l6 Seventh 18 Sixteenth 81 Unknown .11 Eighth 7 Seventeenth....2ol Ninth 4 Eioliteenth_____l2l Tatul 9.47 KiTiVlTY.—United States, 174 Foreign, 47 Un known, 16. From the Almshouse, 9 ; People of Color, 12 ; from the Country, 6. The number of deaths, eotnraved with the e4ri,e,....1- ing week of MIL and of last week, was as follows: Week ending Dec. 1,1960, WAS 229 Week ending N0r.23, 1861, was 218 'Males, 128; Females, 109: Boys, 74; Girls, 66. By order of the Board of Health. WILLIAM IttAt, ileaith Officer, MOURNING STORE, No. 918 CHESTNUT STREET. BEMON & SON Imo lately rosoisod Wools P.Mi.VAiL Cloth Cloaks, Gray Water-Droof Cloaks, Black Tiaek Long Shawls, extra sizes; Shepherd Plaid Long and Square Shawls, Crape and Grenadine Collars and Sleeves, Jouvin's Black Kid Gloves, Alexandra's Blank, Lead, and Purple .444 Gloves; Fleecy Silk Glows and Gaunt. lets, Black Veutre Broclit Scarfs, Black ail wool Velour Ottomans end - Reps, Rd. a yard; Black Reps Anglais, 25 cents a yard ; Grenadine Veils, &c. nod BrPROF. HIRAM C011.41:11N WILL GIVE tixe RiNTH of t,is Dour of I.ECTUIMS, on ta‘.ll,l, Poetry, on Doonsnber 3, nt 4 P. M., ak idr.Leypoldt's Foreign Heading Rooms, 1323 CHEST NUT Street. Subject: Hood's Dream of Eugene Aram. The 'Bridge of Sighs, ant Song of the Shirt. Tickets 95 ccrtt§, [IirOPENING OF AFRICA .—A DIS. COURSE on the Advancement and Prospects of Missions, Commerce, Industry, and Civilization along the West Coast of Africa. will be delivered at the CHURCH. OF THE EPIPHANY, corner of FIFTEENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, on ItIONDNY evening, December 2d, at 7S . o'clock, by the Rev. ALEXANDER CRUM MEL, Clergyman of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Liberia. DrTitle LA-Driles OF A'sig *Juvoris, TA RIAN SOCIETY will hold a FAIR at the ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, Tenth and Chestnut streets, for the elle of useful and fancy articles, commencing TIIIS EVENING, and continuing four days and even ingg. and will hs lsalstsv 4-5 del-LL DT. PENNSYLVANIA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY.—A Special Meeting will be held at the library room, CONCERT HALL, on WEDNESDAY eveitiug, December 4th, at 8 o'clock, to receive the re. von of the Committee cm Room. A. W. HARRISON, cle2.2t Recording Secretary. T r . EUROPEAN AND AMERMAN . *E coarsATs.—mr. WYUTNEY, at MUSICAL. FUND HALL, TUESDAY and WED NESDAY Evenings, December 3 and 4, at S o'clock. "Lord Brougham and George Canning," "Webster and Rayne," " Clay and Randolph," Shiel and Lord Ly,,clh„ r si," • gimkspenrc On the Passions," 'PA THETICAL WAIt BALLADS, etc. Admission 20 cents. Tickets at the Continental Hotel, Hall, etc. no3o-4t* orPEOPLE'S LITERARY INSTITUTE. —A Lecture for the benefit of the VOLUNTEER REFRESHMENT SALOONS will be delivered on TUESDAY Evening, December 3, at CONCERT HAL G, by BAYARD TAYLOR, Esq. Subject: n The Ameri can People Considered Socially and Politically:" Lee. tura Quarter berate eight o'clock. Tickets 25 rents, at T. B. PUGH'S, SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Tick ets to the regular course will not admit to this lecture. no29.4tif* arTHE WORLD'S FAIR OF 1562... Persons desirous of sending articles for exhibition at the World's Fair opening at LONDON Ittay 1,1563, are informed that application must be made through the residept ascpt at this city, and the articles accented must 1,0 soot to New York before January Iy next. . . . The agent for this city is Dr A. L. ELWYN, as sisted by L. BLUDGET, Secretary of the Board of Trade, at whose office, 505 CHESTNUT Street, afek sating from manufacturero and inventore are invited, noA•Qt Err. DIVIDEND,—OFFICE LEHIGH COAL AND NAVIGATION COMPANY, Prittanut.- PuiAl 1591% /401,-A PWRIVIVI or THREE PER CENT., equal to ono dollar and fifty yenta per share On the capital Mock of the Company, has this day been de claret by the Board of Managera, payable on demand. n027-6t EDWIN WALTER, Treasurer. ~F,I II LVIKKATTNBS.TWZI. I I , 7; saiir the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE COMPANY will be held on MONDAY next, December 2, at 12 o'clock, at the EXCHANGE, (Room No. 30, third floor,) for the purpeee of electing nine managers, to serre for the muting roar, and for the transaction of other business. n025-6t WM. S. GRANT, Secretary. [rya OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, October 15, 1861. The Board :If Dite.etass tide day elect red a emal annttal dividend of TRADE PEE CENT. on the capital stock of the Company, clear of State tax, payable on and after November 15, 1861. Powers-of-Attorney for collection of dividends can be bail on application at the office of the Company, No_ 238 South THIRD Street. ocl7-tdel THOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. SHIPPERS OF EXPRESS FREIGHTS, Send your Goods, Money, &e., for points in NORTHERN, EASTERN, and WESTERN STATES, and CANADAS, via HOWARD R CO.'S EXPRESS, `,44 , 3 crilib - TlitiT SMELT, Low rates and iuick time. de2.6t* PHILADELPHIA ST. PHILIP'S • RI picture of the Interior of St. Philip's Church, for card photograph albums, price 25 cents. MoALLISTER h BRO., de2-3tif 728 CHESTNUT Street. BISHOP BOWMAN.—A vory fine Card Photograph of the late Bishop Bowman, price 25 cents. MaALLISTER 3: BRO., de2-2tir 723 OFIESTNUT Street. VIEIVB ON THE OATAWISSA.- Stereoscopic Views of Scenery ou the Catawissa, just published. McALLISTER d BRO., de2-3tif 72.8 CHESTNUT Street. AQUARIUMS, FERN CASES, A variety of Fish and Plants, No. 114 North SIXTH. Street. • d2-I.m* H AMPTON'S SPLENDID LEHIGH NUT. 'Hampton's splendid Stow Coal. Hampton's splendid Egg Coal. Yard, sontheast corner PItONT and POPLAR. de2-6t* TfirTEST OF THE btreEltlOlrrn of REIMER'S $1 COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS is the constant demand for them at his Gallery, SECOND Street, above GREEN. lt* 5 o e o.o „TO LOAN ON MORT GAGE in ono or two mine. Apply to B. 1: 134 South TRIED Street, up stairs. A. 4 n030.3t* BILL -HEAD PRINTING, BEST and Cheapest in the city, at lIINGWALT BROWN'S, 34 South THIRD Street. no2o PAMPHLET PRINTING, AND every other description or Printing, of the most superior quality, at the most reasonable rates, at RING WALT & BROWN'S, Broxel's Building, Si South THIRD Street. no2o C.—P OGNAC BRANDYinet, Castil len, Theo% Tricoche, & Co., Sanyin Aine, Olan ger and Honnosay Brandy, for side in bond by JAN- B.ETCRB & OARSTAIRS, 202 and 204 South FRONT great ae92Af BORDEAUX BRANDY.--46 Pack ages_LA J. J. Dueuy Brandy in bond, for eale by the sole agents, JAUBBTOBB & OILBSTAIRS, 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. ee2l-11 ee22-1y JONES & CO., 6G MARKET Street MARRIED . PIED. RETAIL DRY GOODS. FOR TWO MONTHS LONG-Ell 0141. V ! TWO 3101k1THS LoNOER. ONLY ! 'J W 0 DIONTIO3 LorcliEß ONLY! TWO MoNTIIS LoN6 ER ONLY! PRICE, FEI & Co., mumo to otter their WHOLESALE STOCK AT RETAIL. Ladies wishing anything in Lam:, Embroideries, Li nens, or Whits Goode, mould do won to call at 726 CHESTNUT STREET PA,HIS-MADE VELVET CLOAKS TO HE SOLD AT LESS THAN E COST OP M PAU L Point Alenron Collars and Eets, Point Venice and Sets, \alencienne Collars and Sets, Thread Lace Collars and Seta, Frond% Tinhrohlare.l e,el get., ti-hooe.l with Valencia Lace—very Choice Style. Handkerchiefs, Cape., Coillures, Itar:xs, and Berthes, in all the above materials, Together with all the novelties in our line, which will be offered at TwEriTy-rn - r, PER CENT. BELOW THEIR USUAL RETAIL VALUE, TWO MONTHS LONGER ONLY! No. 726 CHESTNUT STREET no:10-1 in EYItE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH. CHRISTMAS 1 i 1t 4 ,S:EN - a - 6. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, RICH DARK SILKS. SCARLET SCARFS. BEST GLOVES ONLY. LYONS 4-4 VELVETS. RICHEST FIG-'D REPS. MAGENTA DELAINF.S. MAGENTA MERINOES. REPS FOR GORE DRESSES. rAbIIIONABLE SHAWLS_ de2-mwslm WHOLESALE STOCK AT RETAIL. M. L. HALLOWELL & Co.. 333 MARKET STREET, 27 NORTH FOURTH STREET, HATE OONULUDEO TO OFFE4 AT. RETAIL THEIR STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, CONSISTING OP BLACK DRESS SILKS. IN GREAT VARIETY, SILK VELVETS, 1301KBAziliEs, TAMISE ALFAGASI PLAIN AND PRINTED MERINOS, MOUSSELINES, POPLINS. nEPS, VELOURS, &c. WOOLLEN PLAIDS, PRINTED FLANNELS, 4. ALSO, THEIR IMMENSE STOCK OF SHAWLS, OF YARIOVS DESV/UFTIONO, CLOAKS, MANTLES, EMBROIDERIES, AND L. O. HMI'S And will rwil by the Singic 'Vivo Voir ott)Cli or WHITE GOODS, CONSISTING OP LINENS, MULLS, JACONETS, CAMBRIC% Ac_ oct-i-mr.-ftm BLACK CLOTHS FOR CLOAKS AND COATS, -, FROM 5.1 TO 65 PER YARD. CASSIMERES FOR 'ALEN'S AND DOTS' WEAR. coorrat & coilAttu, S. E. corner NINTII. and MARKET Streets uol4-fmw-lm NEW AND CHEAP DRESS GOODS. Just received from New York: rs 4 Magenta Plaid Reps at 25e, worth 31c. Rich Plaid Reps at 31e, worth 3733 c. Extra fine Plaid Reps Etc 37)/c, worth 50c, 3 ,-, wwflo it Ottoman Buis at 500, SCARLET AND SOLFEBINO MERINO SCARFS, New styles and fine qualities of Printed all-wool Dolaines at 37gc, worth 62e. 'WINTER DRESS GOODS, Of CVei‘, .-cry low pricee. PLAIN AND rANCY SILKS, Much less than the usual market prices, LADIES' CLOAKS AND SACQUES, Of the newest styles. Dlahk.4 serT cheap. Blankets and Flannels at the old prices. H. STEEL & SON, del No. 713 North TENTH Street, above Coates. SPRING -SKIRTS AT REDUCED PRICES.—The improved dtyle of Steel Spring Skirts for Ladies and Misses, just received by SHEPPARD, YAN HARLINGEN, di AMMON, fic4Q /Qod CHESTNUT Street. a G REEN OTTOMAN REPS FOR Gored Dreseea. Blue Ottoman Reps. Pr?wl ottcmwa liops, Purple Tdodem, Richest Printed Repo. EYRE a LANDELL. n 023 FOURTH and ARCH Streets QO A RLET LONG- AND SHORT SOARFS. Scarlet Scarfs S 2 Scarlet Scarfs $2:50. Scarlet Scarfs ;SI Scarlet Scarfs 85 and S. n 023 EYRE & LANDILL. ESKIMO CLOTH FOR CLOAKS. Mack Ileft.ver Cloths, Black Ribbed Sealskin. Black Cloth Cloaks. noo3 EYRE & LANDELL PQPULAIt SHAWLS-- Large and full assortments of the following Winter Shawls : Long and Square Scotch Blankets. Fine American, of all styles, Dtacic and White Ghetto awl Browne. Children's Long and Square Blankets. Fine Stellate, Scotch borders. Broche, from low to extra fine. Black Centres Broche Chaine Lampe. T FrinuailAiltiVisPeddite t-- CLOAKING CLOTHS. Water Proofs, Repellents, Aqua Scutum. Spangled and Frosted Beavers. Black Beavers and Tricots. SITIRPLEN 111101 , 111111 S, n 01.6 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets GENTLEMEN, TAKE NOTICE.— WM open this morning— A full line of Merino Shirte and Drawers. A nice assortment of Gent's Maude. A full line of Cotton and Merino Hose. A nice assortment of heavy Caesimeres. Two lots of faze French Black Cloths. Thirty doz. L. C. gure, from Auction. TWEiTO doz. Suspenders from Auction. Striped Clothe for Shirts. Twilled Flannels, White, Bed, ant Gray. Gloves in great variety at lOUN H. RIME% Pols TO?. ARCH Street. WILL OPEN THIS DAY AN Dl manse stock of all wool Toe Laiues, the balance of ifgcrtotivii, consisting of 11ot peat figured (lark grounds, at 31 oats, usually sold at 62% cents. 1 lot chintz colors, at 37 conta, usually at 75 cents. 'Hot, yard wide, Plaids, at . 12.14 cents. COWEERTI4 WAIT & 00., noli.tf IC W. corner EIGHTH and KARIM. TT OTJ SE FURNISHING DRY GOODS.--SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, Sc ARRISON, Importers and Dealers in Linen, and House IfurniahingaDrY Weak ate. Have new on hand a full aggovtment of Linen Sheeting, Table Clothe, Napkins, Table Diaper Towelling, etc., etc., imported under the old tariff, or bought a great sac rifice. N.B.—Fire per cent. allowed on pprelmes p aticlyv t if paid far on dellrery, LADIES' BLACK CLOTHS. Men's heavy Overcoatings. KW! Rile press Cloths. IGOOPEA it CONNED, noT NINTH and MARKET Streets. FLANNELS- Yard wide, tine white extra at 38 cents. Ehak.r Flaralels, iiairaated COOPER As CONARD, no 7 NINTH and MARKET Streets FANCY CAS I SIMERES- Of every grade and stv le, from 62e to guo Dor yard Black Cassimeres, some extra fine lota. COOPER & CONARD, no 7 NINTH and MARKET &teeth. DRESS GOODS. Morinoes, toptiztq, DelNinee, iiFf Black Poplins, Merinoes, Delaines, Bombazines, &c. COOPER & CONABD, no 7 NINTH. and MARKET. 'V Ready made or made to order. COOPER & CONARD, no'r WINTII and MARKET Streets. WILLIAM F. GEDDES, PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTER, No. 320 CHEST NUT Street. Rooks, Pamphlets, Constitutions, Circulars, Cards, Checks, Notes, Drafts, Bill-heads, Bills Lading, Law and Cuatom.houeo Blanka, &co at low ratee. 11306 tie AFULL AND SPLENDID' AS SORTMENT of Scarfs, Ties, Gloves, and Gent Furnishing. Goode, just received and for sale. Also, a variety- of Travelling Shirts. J. W. SCOTT, 814 CHEST NUT S treet, below i;ontinentai Hotot. nefle-vr VALUABLE OLD ENGRAVING 6, that have been torn or defaced, can be remounted and framed, neatly and cheaply, for preaervation, at 1U IICJ RT ' 9 No_ 826 Allen gt_ nagO-lftf OLD LEAD-8 barrels just received per schoonerAmaZia, for sale by JAIIRICTOHE CABST AIRS, no 7 202 os.l. OA( Igoe& FRONT 8tk45114- HOLIDAY GOODS CHRISTMAS IS COMING, And we are stemmed that many who read The Press are already comidoring WHAT TO PRESENT TO THEIR GENTLEMAN FRIENDS. We would euggeat the following Either A FINE WRAPPER, MUFFLER, SCARF, TIE, or GLOVES Or. if they have friends J THE ?LIMY, whet could be morn acruntablu to our !whin Voinntrerg and Ofttrara, than GOOD FLANNEL SHIRTS, iltAir IZINDFiItOLOTIUNti THE PLACE TO BUY THEM W. W. KNIGHT'S GENTS' FURNISHING STORE, No. 600 ARCII STREET N. B. FINE SIIIATS ready tnade and mack or der, at *1.00 9 AND TITWATirr,.. n027-iflm CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. CLOAKS, We incite - THE LADIES to examine our NEWLY-ItECTIVED ASSORTMENT RUSSIAN PROMENADE JACKETS. CARL PETERS & CO., Northeast Corner TENTH and CHESTNUT Ste n027-ht WINTER CLOAKS Ilf SABLE CLOTHS, FROSTED BEAVERS, SEALSKIN CLOTHS, BLACK BEAVERS, LYONS VELVETR, A LARGE ASSORTMENT, AT MODERATE PRICES, AT TILE PARIS CLOAK EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET J. W. PROCTOR & Co. nol4-tf CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! WATER PROOF GLO . TII GLOLklibp in endless variety ; LIGHT AND DARK CLOTH CLOAKS, of every shade BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS, f 4 very SILE-VELVET CLOAKS, EVERY NEW STYLE, EVERY NEW MATERIAL ; THE LARGEST STOCK asv THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES IN THE OUT IV ENS, orls No. 23 South NINTH Street CL 0 AK S! The Largest, Cheapest, and Bed-assorted Stock in the city, iloColi & CO., No. 25 South TENTH Street, °mutt() Franklin Market. NEW CLOAK STORE! The most Elegant assortment in the city. No. 29 South NINTH Street, ocls-2m First 499 r 2112Y2 UWE ARCH-STREET CLOAK AND MANTILLA STORE. NEW FALL CLOAKS. WATERPROOF TWEED CLOAKS, SLACK CLOTH CLOAKS. EVERY NOVELTY AT - MODERATE PRICES. JACOB HORSFALL, stl3l-Sm IL W. corner TENTH and ARCH Sta MILITARY VrUODS. WOOLLEN YARN ARMY 1-2 HOSE. FANCY WOOLLEN HOODS ? NU- BIAS, SONTAGS, &c. THOS. MELLOR & CO.. 40 AND 42 NORTH THIRD STREET. .041.4.-11 19_0Z- DUCK, . xhd ;Az ARMY STANDARD. FOR SALE BY ALFRED SLADE & Co., 39 LETITIA and 40 SOUTH FRONT STREET. 13929-13 t CADET MUSKETS AND EQUIP mENTs.—Wo have just made to order a lot of su perior MUSKETS suitable fur Philadelphia Cadets. They are light and neat, such as Every parent would wish to place In the hands or their sons, amain muhful ex. ercise without being so heavy AS to injure the spine. Also, CADET EQUIPMENTS made to Mask° pat tern. PHILIP WILSON Si CO., n030.1m 432 CHESTNUT Street. SLATE MANTELS. These beautifully enamelled MANTELS, so de cidedly preferable to any othora, are manufactured torus, and Add at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ARNOLD & WILSON. ae.6.2calf No.lolo CILINTNITT itrati THE BALTIMORE GAS-BURNING F -PLACE HEATER, Sometimes called the " Latrobe Stove," le the beet stove for 'warming the room in which it stands, and also rooms above. Call and look at them. ARNOLD & WILSON, oc6•3mif No.lolo VIIII6TNUT S,ZISOTEISZ' fIZAIJQIJ AltTEItS.—We P.-7 have just received a full stock of superior SKATES of the latest patterns. LADIES' SKATES, MISSES' SKATES, tsinvrs SXATEd, DATE ET SKATES, STEEL SKATES, ROCKER SKATES, DUMP SKATES. Skates of every variety. Cadet Muaket4 and - Equipments, Cricket and Balla Ball Implements, Comp Gots, ArmY Chests, Gone, Pistols, Ames, ,Cr. PIIILIP WILSoIf t 00., no3o-Int 432 CHESTNUT Street. DRAIN PIPE.—STEAM-PRESSED STONEWARE DRAIN PIM PRICE LIST. 5-Inch bore, per yard 25 canto. g it ii Li 30 it li ti it 44 40 ~ 0 if fl it t.tittittia :4,1" 30 if 6 a as as 85 6, 7 at 66 44 85 16 S it it ii 110 .4 9 it if 64 125 66 10 IL L 6 La 150 II ig II a li. OM it A liberal discount allowed to Dealers, and to those or dering in large quantities. FACTORY—SEVENTH and Germantown road. S. A. HARELSON, ocls-tf Warehouse 1010 CHESTNUT street. ..... R USSE S! BRACES ! ! SUP JL PORTERS!!! 0. H. NEEDLES, S. W. corner RACE and TWELFTH Streets, Phila., Practical 14h...ter of Apia ancee, has constantly on hand a large and varied stock of elegant French Trusses and a complete assortment of best American. English and American Supporters and Belts,Shoulder Bracco, Susi:Numerics, Syringes in great varity, French Pessaries, Am*. Ladies' Department conducted by Ladies, TWELFTH Street, first door below Race. n027-if&n. RA_KER & CO.'S UNEXCELLED 1/ COD LIVER OILTho molt aliDPOssii rontads far Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Scrofula, &e. Physicians, in prescribing it, have (in the testimonials of many of the profession) a guarantee of genuineness in which all the efficacy of the invaluable medicine is retained. Javalide are fili§llfflip I.y the t•Thithcf' of th9iimi[lo, tliat it IS /Off nauseous and more readily retained to their Mama thou many manufactured compounds sold as Cod Liver Oil. Sold, wholesale and retail, by the Proprietors and. by City Apothecaries. JOHN 0. BAKER & CO., no2o-ltnif 154 North TRIED Street. pHILDREN'S OVERCOATS AND V ZEPHYR GOODS—The most beautiful assort ment, and at the lowest prices in the city, at the Central Children's Clothing Store, No. 2 North EIGHTH Street, slaps lltselat. ii.4lo_Bt* THEODORE EVERS' PHOTOGRAPH AND AMDROTYPE GALLERY, 130. 606 ARCH STREET, ABOVE MYTH, Opposite the Arch-street Theatre, n026-1m if PHILADELPHIA. 171MBIBBMAN'a DRY CATAWBA WlNE.—This approved brand of Cincinnati wine, the best article out for " cobblers," for sale , pare, bot tled and in cages, by CANTWELL h KEY NR, south- Oita cvruer QESALANTQWE Mono and MASTER street. 5024-1603 p OCHELLE BRANDlES.—Pellevoi sin, A. Seignette, and Alex. Seisnedte, tuba Moine s, quarters and octaves, for sale, in bond, byJATJSZTOIIII be biLUSTILIRS, liiiand 204 S onsh iezt,6ol , 0c22-tf CLEANLINESS strictly observed at GUTEkTINST'S nair-Cutting Saloon, Fourrutt and BRA_NOIL na3o,dinf alwAam`n - E. S. EARLEY, FUREISIHING UNDERTAKE:a, Southwest comer IA TENTH and HAIDER Streets, ialo-Susi4t WANTS. QALESMAN WILL BE OPEN FOR ElSAlA“ElfilitiTy January - lat. A aatesman Who Hells Seventy Thousand donate of Dry Goals to tit st.class near Pennsylvania trade. Reference given. Address Intl i A RD, These de2-Im* WANTED -BY A YOUNG MAN , a situation ne Clerk, or employment in nay bu. mimes rapacity. Ile has 0 general knowledge of intsinom, and can give the moat satiafactory reference. Address J. HOPPER, Itkeel'e Dispatch Office. no3o-14t* MAti - AZINE.-IV:inted. n Person of respomiltility to as,ist in the management of a Magazine well eMithlialted. Addreas "Magazine," at this office. ti3o-3t* TO 1 1 41.ERCUANT pd a con,pt•trnt currEt: to take sole charge of a I.IIIOIIIPSS nlrearly et+tablithed. Nast he of good attilreaa, a good wilpwma and good malinger. To a maitalllp pee- Roll all intereht in the hosine:t. , will he re :.”4l t iv•vt• ek-A -.l,l4mire, 1/t., ember :A, at No. 11 North Tlltnlt Street, Philadel ia. 30-404° WA N T D BY AN ACTIVE vrimitrr man, a filar/mit linalfltonititr, anon In a now:tot& or manufacturing establighoomt. Addrrss. , 11. 1V.," this dlirn. n0•215-st* at WANTED—A FARM, within ten ...L.-cm twelve miles of Philluielphla, for w hi c h the i?elt pixiiiy of improved city proporty Will Tee given to oA change. Apply to E. PETTIT, oc3o No. 309 WALNUT Street. FOR tiALE AND TO LET. TORE NO. 515 MARKET STREET kJ to RENT. Apply at office 717 S•INSOM =M2MM W I TO BILN T--1-10 U6E, l'OrLitill Yiitit tont' TWENTIETH l4troot. EMI! room 4, bath null Ow , rent low. Apply to .1. 11, 'X Ilkaa•11 It, 113 soutli FIFTH Street. 11* F(3 BALE.—T W 0 COTTA.O-1118, mak. .wilt tri rudigui style, beautifully situated on LEX 37.GTON StiTet, 10 . 8 r by the I',, , venger Itelletet.l, West PLilstlell •, large lots, ,te. Also, two beautifully si tuated in lilnylnurlti ilie, neat. the Darby Paseeimer ftsflt - orkti. zottler or =Hon most reasonable terms. Apply to F, l'ErtlT, Dt23 No. 309 WALNUT Street. FOR. SALE—WEST LQQAti aguAnt. PHOPDIITY.—Four-story Brown None Dwelling, with extensive back buildings. For further particulars, apply to E. PETTIT, noZ3 No. 303 WALNUT Street. FOR BALE VALUAFLE MLFAIIIit and MILL PROPRRTY—Farrn containing 90 ACRES of superior LAND, situate twelve miles north of the city, near }'ort Washington station, North Penn's Railroad. First-class improvements. Apply to E. FETTIT, lit, "de'd ITALICEIT Street. grt T 0 LET— The convenient kiaIIDIVELLING SOUSE, No. 511 PINE Street—ton two Miler& dining roam kitchen, four °lmitation, and Iwo garret rooms, all in complete order. Relit low. Inquire at No. 518 Pine street, nearly opposite. ne27-mfin3t* -x,"ci A NGE....—Dolowaro County Farm, containing to _ nine mites from the city, ono tnirei'Ma i . r ., ta nl , B , 4 2! a te nicely watered, with excellent stone tmildingiVWMPA'P. n 9 &c. Also, a number of farms to exchange fur City Pre perty, Apply to E. PETTIT Sia6 WAlas - u-r stidet, FARM FOR SALV.—A FARM, in excellent state of cultivation, containing fifty-one acres, (nine of vvhiclt are woodland,) pleasantly situated in Limerick township, Montgomery county, tWa and a half miles from the Limerick station, on the Reading Railroad, is offered for sale. Price—Five thousand dol • lam (85,000). Apply ou the premises. SAMUEL IT. GRANT. TO EXCHANGE— Cheap Delaware State Fruit and Grain Farm, containingls6 acres of land, bituate within one mile of railroad station, Delaware Railroad. Also, Montgomery county farm, containing9s l" , Fft! F3gllleYB uiflrt OM EU city. For further parti. cairn apply to E. FraTIT, nol6 No. 309 WALN:ST Street. FOR SALE—Valuable Farm, contain ing 130 Soros; 30 acres of aireallont Woodland, the bermes, it It high stAt4 of etiltlietion, nicely wii.t.rel with springs and running streams, situate 6 miles from Doylestown depot, and 234 miles from Lambertville sta tion and Delaware river, Bucks county. Plain and sub stantial dons impravemsntai Bead ant-lsultilamt. and avery variety of fruits. Price oiily 67.5 per acre •, easy terms. Apply to E. PETTIT, sel9 No. 309 WALNUT Street. NIAGARA FALLS WATER POW— ER.—CAPITALISTS AND MANUFACTU HERS. This immense water power is now ready for im mediate occupation, together with one hundred acres of land, embracing one quarter of the village, on which to locals mine and ntaiitifectoliee, The stipulations for price of power will ho one half that at Lowell, Mass., and the quantity is almost un limited Should the demand warrant it, the American Fall can vainly be stopped and its great volume discharged through the loch 11..1hui ila 6r.siu,et Par' Parma ;ado= a head and Lit of 91)0 feet. The title is perfect and the property unincumbered. For further information apply to N. W. Day or A. P. Floyd, Niagara Falls' Alexander Hay, No. 1208 Vine street, Philadelphia; him T. A. &makes, Providence, B. L; D. Thaxter, Roston; or the owner, HORACE H. DAY, No. 91 Liberty street. NEW YORK, September 2. 1861. se-4-wfrin3m BOARDING SELECT FRENCH AND ENGLISH BOARDING NOUSE, No. 13 South SIXTEENTH Street, near Cheatunt. Terms: moderate. de2-lm 634 S fa PR T UCE. single ET— wit lt h b oun d s for MARSHAL'S SALES MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of hale, by the Hon. JOHN CAD WALA. yam, Judge of the District court or the United Rates in and for the Eastern District of Penney Iranin, in Admi ralty, to me directed, will he sold, at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder. for cash, at QUERN-Street wharf, on TUESDAY, December 1.0 1 IS6I, at 12 o'chnis ido hors vi 11%01, morltrd 7i White m ano4ol bundles of IRON marked X white in. part of the - cargo of the ship AMELIA. E. 1311 WILLIAM. MILLWAIID, 11. g Matal sl B. D. of Poooio. PEITLLYIELPitti, November !?.0,18111. no3o-6t MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Bale, by the lion, John QuinnlitilekJadge of the District Court of the - milieu States in and for tile Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me di- rected, will be sold, at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for Cash, at the MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, 99 IVSPNWAIr DECEZLI,3IiIt 11, et 12 o'clock the ono-fourth part of the ship inhithTtioli, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, bring the interest therein of WILLIAM KNOX, a resident and inhabitant of the State of Louisiana. The ship is now lying at Race street wharf. WILLIAM. 115.ILLWA411, 11. S. Marshal X. D. of Penn's. Pntt AmtriTlA, N0v.28, 1881. n02.9-8t c9DIPAHrEII. FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 400 CHESTNUT Eltront FIRE AND INLAND INPIIANQA rmaacreas. George W. Day of Day & Matlack. Samuel Wright " Wright Bros. & Co. D. B. Barney "Davis & Birney. Henry Lewis, Jr " Lewis Bros. & Co. G. Prichitolaynn " J, G. Howe , a OW Juo. W. Bverman....... " J. W. Bverman & Go. Geo. A. Weer " West do Fobes. F. S. Martin . ~ Savage, Martin, & Co. 0. Wilson Davis..Attorney-at-Iw. n it. A, Wtovirwit n n vi Sibley, Melton, it Wintingi Jno. Messier, Jr.. No. 17/8 Green street. GEO.BGE W. DAY, President. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Viee:President WILLIAMS I. BLANCHA 11D, Secretary. jaßi-trit SAVPNG FUNDS. QAVING FUND—UNITED STATES aoMPAIIT, corner riiiißD euld CrJELINT BUT Streets. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. B. B. CRAWFORD, Trodden% JANES K. HUNTER, Secretary and Treasurer. 4E199 hgurol frcw JR until 8 9'G102911, 2146 cowpony In not Joined in any application ii) iM Loideloture. MILITARY NOTICES. re"^"YYVYY-YYWYWYYWYYN-r-v-Vsr",,,,ipee. Winn. IRISH BRIGAD E. -- Recruits 'w • anted to till up a company of the SECOND REGI MENT, IRMO BRIGADE. PO, rations, uni forms,.and comfortable quarters on signing the roll. Apply , at 14 floutl. EICIITTI Street, Or LOOII3 f Street, opposite the Musical rund Ball, or at the CENTRAL DEPOT, LEDGER Place. M. REILLY, Captain. G. O'MALEY, First Lieutenant. WM. A. REILL'it, .530-3kdk UNITED STATES MARINES.- Wanted immediately for the United States Marine Corm THREE HUNDRED ABLE-BODIED MEN for tica ttut.ittea, bdtweeti the Ryun of ei g htooa and thirty-five years. All Information that may be required will be given at the Rendezvous, 311 South FRONT Street, below Spruce. JAMES LEWIS, Captain, n027-12t Recruiting Officer, HEADQUARTERS CUR T I N LIGHT GUARD REGIMENT, P. V., No. 801 SANSOM Street. Anthorizedby the Governor and accepted by the Federal Government. Comfortable . pro~ • ided . , .....,... quarterti proyided in riniadelphia. run Autiono, and - Uniform as soon as enrolled. By order of COL. IL J. STAINROOK. W. R. MAC ADAM, Adjutant. no2o-11.00 imeicuitizitir Ara) IRO/T. N.I".WWW PENN STEAM ENG INE AND BOILER. WORKS.--racerni a LEVY; PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL =III NERR.s, MACHINISTS, BOILER-MAKERS, BLACK SMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having, for DAUY year* been in successful operation, and been exclusively en• gaged in. building and repairing Marino avid River In. Sine% bigh sod low PreSSliFe, Inn Dola, Wator Magi "Propellers, 4m, ctc., respectfully offer their earticell the public, as being fully prepared to contract for In. glnescf all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary, birth , seta of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to era cute orders with quick despatch. Every deecription of Patient staking sae& at the ,A,orlest nett., Hi g h waAt Lowe Pressure, Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder Boller% of the beet Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Forginge, of all else and kinds; Iron sad Brass. Castings, of all do. scitiptions „Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all edam W 9 121 connected with the abovt bastion, Drawings and SpecifrottiOns for all work done at ibill establishment, free of charge, and work gnarsritiod. The subscribers haze ample wharf-dock room . for N. Pairs of boats, where...they can lie in. perfect safetpotrul are provided with shears, blocks, falle r tic., die., Irq raising heavy or light weights. JACOB O. NEAFille JOHN P. LSVY, lel4-tf BEACH and PALMER Streets. J• TAirGizalL 1147111Bidiit WILLIAM M.WICRRIOI4 MARfI.ZM lizasKia, SOUTIEWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASUINOTOV &MUM PRILADIUMA. NISMACIi 84 1301i5. INGINF.E,ES 42W MA CHUM= Mannfacture High and Low Proems Stoma Bantam for hand, river, sad mart* serviee. Sutlers, Gasometers, 'ranks, Iron Boat; do.; 0 11 11- his of all kindr, either iron Iron-Framo Hoofs for Gas Works, Workshops, road Mallow, &c. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and mod Improved oonstruction. EY9FY avocation of Plantatitta N05.. 1 4114171 lIRCH MI Sugar, Saw, and Orin Ma Tacoma rani Open Trains, Defecatota, Filters, Pumping Nimble% &c. Sole Agents for N. Rillieux's Patent Sugar Hollins Apparatus ; Hosmyth's Patent Steam Harems?, and As pinwall & Woleey's Patent Clentrifiu.d •7_11.1. e n. 11146aliP. • A hIERICAN CADEMY OF MUSIC A —IIIIIOAP ATIP LOGGST Direct& Le4oa and Manager Stage Manager Mutdcal Director.... In Sintkiipare'r• Sublime Tragedy, in tiro vita, en titled With new and npproprlate Scenery l y J ain R. Sinßile The new and costly Wardrobe, Properties, and Ap pointmetita, have Leen manufactured expressly for Mr. FORREST'S Engagements. 11ANIAT IT rltr T.,trrri diIIWIN FORREATI tiliorl of II Father Mr. J. J. Prior. Chitlins (King of Denmark) Mr. Wm. f'artar. Luerte, Mauro l'irrt Gras eiligtior Mr..l. Martin. Queen 1l ra. Narrett. ri Mrs. Gladstone. Ni. Walt, Mr. J. \Vara, Mr. G. Reeks, Mr. J. Taylor, Ni Ni WIWWII Mr. N. C. Forrenter, Mr. J. wilron, Ali tnintii, Mrs, Le Brun, Misses and Le Brun will also appeur. Previous to the Trant,ly, the flrediestra w play AN ORIGINAL. OVERTURE, ('ouldled by Mr. John I'. Cent:, un Illeiodiee incidental to Shalorcary"§ PIA) c, PRICES t APIHISJI ()N.—Parquet, Parquet Girds, and Balenpy, 50 mite. No extra charge for Reaerved Seats. Private Boxes, with afinlili3l4ll:l for Eight per pope, Via. Family Circle cud Amphithea try, 25 cents. SEATS `NEE[ BED Fl HAVg IN ADVANCE. Doors (mini at 7 l'ornmeries at half past 7. FORREST NIG FITS, 111 ONBAT,WEDNESDAY, FRIBA Y tin .1 SATURDAY. ON TrESDAY THERE Wll4. BE NO PERFORM- SPECIAL AWN() 111e1 , 131 ENT. The Renowned Fpxni,L Ninsetise, SENORFf A ISABEL, CUBAS, From the ltoyal Opera, Madrid, and the Principel Eu. rtantri QPVIII) ,, w , T, who. ) , 4s rFeer!ck .crested if Pr!' fill - Furore in Doetini flew will mato lux Debut On TIIIIISDAY EVENING, December sth, T his FasciuStinglY EPiul llf gl Danseuse will he Sup. putted by SPECIAL CARD TO THE PUBLIC The subscriber takes pleamiare iii announcing to the rhi.„2elphia public that be will introduce at the AME JUGAN OF MUSIC ON MONDAY EVE- Ie A c C ....r . I- 1 .5. 2 111 .1, the Popular Tragedian, put t rcolilliugT thus affording the ta•-' l * - o f 10 rattire city an op aorta. nity or witnessing the 14 riralleil performance of their actor and fellow-citizon. eminehtly great American. greeted with During lila appearance in Donlon Able audiences. enthusiastic applause by large and Whin In Philatialt.bia, hlu Lula.. 110 engliPC to hhetilt of ti.e merllo 01 file p#117.41 11 ' Ms name alone is a hey to the beauties of Moat" spoare and display them in all the force and conception of the author. rrila nata:Pril 4. liat , ll.l.ga 0. , L.a, pY iierasure of anrfoiroc- ItiV that he *ill introduce Juriug the engagement, LA SENORITA ISABtit.LA CPBAS, the beautiful, fasci nating, and graceful Spanish Dal - muse. who will be ably supported by a full mall &dent CORPS - fns ”At.T.Wr. Amiens , aeleeted front the meat artiatee lu Europe end America. The mitcegg of thilt fticcomptt.;64l lady before the public of Bostou and' othet Easton, cities. wee entirely brilliant, the audiences being large ant Ite,pectfully, . JANEd NIXfM It Age) and Manager of the ^- , aPtuy of Bfit3te,. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH-STREET THEATRE. Acting and Stngo Manager W. 9. nig DIETLIOS.S. Tinginen Agent and Treasulte... .. JOS. D. IMAM?. MONDAY ,Ilia) TUESDAY I NG: 4 , Dec. 21 Sill VDU:EIi, On LOVE VS. I'OLF.IY. The Dlichm 'Dowager Nri, John Draw Prince ........ • • r • u • • • . , Mrs Os lb ni/Oweii. HASHER AND CRASHER Benjamin Blowhard Dina -Blowhard . .. . . . CHANGE OF TIME.—DeoeN Open at 1 / 2 ' before 7 i cmiail R , i-t. a 74 - 1 .-i,e1.,,6. No extra charge for reserved seats. 'WHEATLEY'S CONTINENTAL THEATRE—WALNUT Street, above EIGHTH , re'rspe .. - tilt -, 11 Thy 'Awn; EtzFESTIHAN SPECTACULAR DR.\ Mckl Tlie exciterarnt Increasing ! THIS EVENING, AND EVERYEVENTNG, Will be performed the Grand EaAern F.Neltrj4ll Sp?C• taeni.r Priinni) THE CATAGAGT OF IDE GANGES; Or, THE RAJAH'S DAUGHTER! Commencing with NA Tru AND PHILOSOPHY. Grand Matinee on' Saturday next at 3 o'clock. iT A I - 'F 4 . ► r NINTH and WALNUT Streets. Sale Lerma . .... ...DIRS. DI. A. GARKETTSON The lost as night of iledh.lin,rtiAhed Comedian, Mr. J S, CLARKE, THIS (3101iDAT) EYENlDiG.Dnember 5.11, The perforrnriiieo will confluence with 01" k ADIEUICAN COUSIN. Asa Trenchard Florence gale!), Pcurl.ler PRICKS-SU, 37)i, 75, and 25 cents; Private Boxes, *5 wad *3. Dadra ones at 6.k. t Parfermatea to C 61111115110,4 at tr WOLFSOBN & THOSIAS'S FIRST CLASSICAL SOIREE. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14Ta, AT TIM ASSEMBLY BUILDINGB, Corner TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Subscriptions (for the series) will be received at the principal Music Storrs. Single tickets $l, or tickelsad mining 3. persona••.'3: can be!ind on thC fYVIBLIM tbc aoida MAGIC LANTERN PICTIIRMS OF THE REBELLlON—Representing all the promi nent Scenes, Engagements,-and Incidents to this date. For vac by iiling quppx A no, 921 CHESTNUT Street. A Descriptive List Dirnidied gratis, and sent by man free, on application. n0.21-Ln MEDIPLE OF WONDERS ; TENTH haid CIinTNUT Streets. SIGNOR Eurrz, THE GREAT MAGICIAN AND VENTRILOQUIST, in his new and constantly-varied performances, EVERY EVENING, commenoing +AN. and WEDNESDAY tad SATURDAY APTIRNOONg at 3—lllustrating the agtanislting and intwating 24 . 1/fitri: ries of Ancient and Modern Magic, entertaining Ventri loquial Demonstrations, in which the voice will amnee and delight, and the LEARNED CANARY BIRDS. Admission, 25 =la; children, 13 cant& nobbtf CARL WOLFSOHN AND THEO DORE THOMAS' SERIES OF SIX CLASSI CAL SOIREES.—Third Season. Subscriptions be i-ecelved Flue Principal 51-asic- btorao, -mare Yeo grammes mai particulars can be seen nos issi aERMANIA ORCHESTRA. VI CARL SENT; Cowlßctgf f , ktriatic BEHEAItb - 114,b every bitIVEDAYI tit THE o'cloek P. N., at the MUSICAL FUND H. 'ILL. Package of Eight Ticketa, $1 ; Single Ticketa, 25 ots. To be had at Andre's, 1104 Chestnut street, .1. E. Ciould's. Seventh and Chestnut, and at the door of the Hall. oc2B-12 P ENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY ON THE FINE ARTS, DM CHESTNUT Street, II open daily, Sundays excepted, from 9 A. IL till 6 P. IL Admiselon 26 cents. Children ander twelve pit% hat Frico• 0 6 .T.1 4t 41 - 94, 10, NATIONAL LOAN. underelgned are prepared to detiver tim•Bei'es and Thme-tenthe Treasury Notes upon payment. TN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR A_ large stock of WATCHES JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, and MUSICAL BOXES, we are now, ht- aa cordance with the times, offering them at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Ladies or gentlemen intending to pm-cling g ,woo for *heir Owe wear, YOU find M vnr NotaNietunanti as article that can be IMPLICITLY RELIED ON" far time, and at a price MUCH LOWER than eror•before tusked. Particular• attention hi given to repairing line Watohoe, °lecke; and Hustled Borree„hr akilfel madman_ FARR k BROTHER, Lnportere, oe23.2mit SU CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. aRILILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT- RE MOVED to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, net ranklin Institute. The umismilgatul, thankful fee grit faYaii, and 66 4 i determined to merit future patronage, has...secured aa elegant and convenleat store, and has noon hand I large assortment of Lithe's Celebrated Wrought aid Chilled Iron. Fire and Burglar Proof Balms, (the only 1419.gi f 4 4 134 I , lltSiVi VIVI min mac,) Abu, LUUVI No moaned. inn* Vault, Sate, and Dank Locks. Lintels Dank. Vault Doors and Locke will be furnished to orderon share notios. This is the strongest, beet pro tented, mod cheaneet•Door and Lock yet o:tiered. Also, particular attention is called to. Lillie's New Cabinet Bafe, for Plate, Jewelry, It& Tbla Safe li oon., ceded to. eurpaca in idyls and elegance anything yet el fered forthie purpose, and to the only one that hi strictly lire and burglar prouf. SPECIAL Novion.—l have now on hand say twenty of Farrel, Herring, A Wo.Te Sofas, moot ut.them nearly naaf i fin. .I -ova farty or other mair.ere, ..ro w ieltry ; a ooirri44 assortment- ae to sizes, and ail lately exchanged for the now celebrated Ville Safe. They will be gold at trey/ low prices. Please call and examine. japS-lyif N. C. SADLER. Agent. ~,,,,,,,, i ga SILVER'S AIR-TIGHT GAS FOR Mil PARLOR, DININg- ROOM, AND_ oyPIPL, IN ALL SfaES, And made iv the most apprnved manner, of the beat fronortml Dwain Iron, with PAXCN TED CLAY OYLIN WM, of which Yfo but 11w NODT. - 4,CHASE,A; NORTH, No. 209 North SECOND Street. 012 -ref NORTH, Q511..A.5E, & NORTH'S CELEBRAIIND COOKING STOtEk Gaa•connuming, vibliDoulde•plated Tope, and all the Meat improvements. Ennuis Aired and sold at 209 North SECAND Street. 012-511 if THOMSON'S OELNDRATED LON.DaN 4tiIiTCHENER, ,, The beet, ritQat durable, and convenient arrange went for Cooking ',baying the beet facilities for an abon. . Mint supply of Usk Witsr, Roustlngo lialuog, Illowlni k Br()Mogi om, Ile Bale, in Tartu - at aiiel, of our own manufacture. NORTH, CHASE, di NORTH, No. 209 Not if SECOND Street, Philadelphia. AA% L &war FOR NNW YORK. lair DAILY LINE, via Delaware MA Raritan Canal. rbilideighia and New 'fork Express Steamboat Ouse sany weave freight anklessa dragthat". tdisig °mom in Nes York the following days. SWAM taken at rassonable rates. WM. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 LOUTH WHARVES, Philatiefehls wag HAND, Adept, ival-11 'Piers P it wod 1& 111101" RIVER, Mow- Itork. " I ra FOB, NEW YORK. Th4l PhiWORN& Steam Prowl Sec Commie will comma ibeir HAWN Or Sh 9 MO& 94 N 9 ii lin MOIL noir Ammo roe now goodeilog height et 484 pod above Walnut *set 'rams socananolabbai• MAO to W. IL BAIRD & 00, mi4o vniffinbf , Asst. R AMUSEMENTS. THIN (MONDAY) EVENING December 2,1 F1R.49! A PIIRIPANCII PPM VRAD.g. M. EDWIN FORMEST. THE GREATEST LIVING TRAGEDIAN, HAMLET, lUD 1P Of' DIIZOIPiIiK, Mr. Johi, Mcetillotiqh 111r..1. II Collier .. Mr. U. 8. Itarrilvt. glaWAt Atigi n grand SPANISH CCPitPS DU BALLET ~;:....:.............Mr.J. S. Clarke .51r0 .......... . Anna Cowell 1 1.111`.1 kgPitBll.64sM. FINANCIAL. pss.IXEL C9i 7 imirkepti 34 South THIRD Street. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &o, SAFES. STOVES AND RANGES. J. M. NIXON J. B. WRIGHT ..3. P. C ..Mr. Wallis Mia.;'Mary WellA G. Clarke