Continued from First rage their ammunition exhausted, thegarnson evacuated Fort Walker between three and four o clook, re firing in the direction of Bluffton, leaving the guns j in position rnid unspiked, having no spikes for that *gE course of the morning and previous night, j considerable reinforcements of infantry and artil- ; jf r om Georgia and South Carolina, had arrived ■ at liflton Head, and were stationed in. or in the vi ciiiiiy of tha battcritß', hut we arc uonble fit pre sent to ascertain the number of troops engaged in Jacob Reed's artillery corps, of the First Georgia Regiment of regulars, arrived at the scene | of action on Wednesday night, and on yesterday took gallant part in the fight. Four or fire of his men wero killed early in the action. The corps lo«t two of their guns and several horses. Col. Randolph Spaulding's Georgia volunteer regiment, commanded by Captain Berry, were also in” the engagement. They were marched to the beacil, ana received a galling fire of round-shot attd shell from the fleet, which, however, they were unable to return with their muskets. Of the Floyd county Berry Infantry, James S. Ajrcs and Second Surgeon Wm. H. Perkins re ceived slight- wounds. Col. Wm. H. Styles’ Volunteer Georgia Regi ment reached the scene of action at 11 o’clock, hav ing marched from Skidaway, seven and a half miles distant, at the doable quick. But they were also unablo to fire on the fleet, which were cut of range of their guns. The regiment had several killed and wotinded by shells from the fleet. Our inform ant states that Col. Styles had twohoreeß shot under him. and in the fall of one of them received a slight injury in the shoulder. Tha colonel and his regi ment were at one time exposed to ft terrific shelling from the ships, and it is only surprising that more of them were not killed and wounded. Col. Randolph Spaulding, not being in command of his regiment, joined a corps belonging to another regiment, and engaged in the fight as far as it was possible for the infantry to participate in it, with musket on his shoulder. Between 11 and 12 o'clock twelve vessels en gaged the forts, five of them first-class steam fri gates,. and the other seven were second-class steam ers, with a tug leading. The tug opened fire on our infantry, stationed some distance ieOiii th& beach. On'c of (he frigates, the Minnesota, at a distance of two miles, also threw shot and shell at the infantry. Our informant assures us that seven Dahlgren guns, from one of the frigates.-fired ttftßJ' shfltfi Oil the hospital, containing our wounded, hitting the building several times, notwithstanding the yellow flag was flying. The surgeons-were compelled by this barbarous act to have our wounded removed further into the interior. The Minnesota is reported to have been on fire three times from hot shot thrown from the bat teries. Colonel Spauldinga regiment lost all its baggage, blankets, JLe., hut saved nil their arms.. We understand that the loss on our side is about twelve killed and forty wounded. Among the lat ter is Captain J. A Yates, of Charleston, who was seriously injured by the bursting of a shell- Dr. Ruist. of Greenville, S. C., was instantly killed by a shell striking him Oil the howl. We have no positive information from the Bay Point battery, further than that it was silenced at eleven o’clock. We hear that it suffered serious loss. It is reported that the garrison retired in pafety to Beaufort. Of Colonel De Saussure’s Re giment, stationed at Fort Walker, four were killed at the batteries and twenty wounded. We under stand that tlie Confederates lost no prisoners except perhaps cnc or two from Colonel De Saussure s Regiment. The killed were covered with blankets aad left* The wounded wet A ill fd&Mll Oil bOflJ?d of steamers, and will arrive in Savannah to-day. The abandoned batteries were taken possession of by the enemy, and the United States flag waved over them as our troops retired. The Charleston Mercury of the 9th publishes e leader, with startling head-lines, large capitals, as follows: “Naval Attack on Port Royal—Batteries Abandoned—The .Enemy in fall Fos- sc.-si OXI. “We arc in tho midst of a mass of conflicting rumors which reached us yesterday from Port Royal. Early in the day it was generally be lieved. that tha abandonment of Fort Walker was owing to the supply of powder becoming exhausted. Our latest despatches are not very different, but very mortifying. They state that the fort was gal lantly held" by its defenders until twehty-seven of its battery of twenty-nine guns had either been dismounted or rendered useless." The Mercury continues: “There is no doubt that the fleet will succeed in the capture of on immense amount of cotton of the best quality. We understand that our forces have placed formidable obstructions in, the river four miles below Beaufort. General Lee is hard at work near Beaufort, and General Ripley at Boyd'S Landing, for the defence of the Charleston and Tennessee Railroad.” A despatch, dated Pocataligo. November 8, says : “General Drayton retired in two steamers, by Pipe’s ferry, and is now at Bluffton. The number of casualties he reports from thirty to forty. “ General Donovan retreated by way of Ladies’ island and Beaufort to Port Royal ferry. Beau fort bad not been burned as was reported. . It Con tained an immense deal of cotton, but it is weR known that Bluffton would be burnt in case it was attacked. The railroads at Pocataligo, Charleston, and Savannah are in the greatest danger.” No Quarter to the Enemy, Augusta. Ga., Nov. 11.—A report has been cur rent here, for the past day or two, that black flags have been hoisted at Savannah, Charleston, and other places, indicating that no quarter will be given to the invaders and no quarter will he asked. T'Virva, nm, nr-|msw*H'*VMHbV, r .1.11- - IVAbas subjects in this town who must receive the force of our venom. Call early at the Hole, and hear the Big Snake. Little Snakes, keep your eyes open, and bring in a list of those unfriendly to our holv cause. By order of the Big Rattle. Nov. 13.” THE REBELLION. AFFAIRS JN KENTUCKY. GEN. NELSON’S GREAT VICTORY. A DESPERATE FIGIIT. 400 REBELS KILLED, AND FROM 2,000 TO 4,000 TAKEN PRISONERS, GEN. BUCKNER’S FORCE, THE WAR IN MISSOURI, HVKTER NOT TO CHASE TRICE THE CONDITION OE BEN. PRICE'S ARMS. INTERESTING SOUTHERN NEWS. THE BURNING OF THE RAILROAD BRIDGES IN’ TENNESSEE. Consternation Among tie Rebels. A NABBOW ESCAPE OP GEN. POLE. THE REBEES THREATEN" TO HANG COL. CORCORAN AND OTlier officers. AFFAIRS IN KENTUCKY. General Nelson’s Victory at Piketon. Cincinnati. Key. 14.—>Ve are still without the full particulars of General HsISVO'S grSttC TiOtOrj in Kentucky. The following is all that is as yet known regarding After occupying FrcEtonburg. General Kelson proceeded toward Piketon, and commenced an en gagement with the rebels at about four o’clock on Friday afternoon, The fight continued till night, and both armies slept on their arras. On the next morning the battle was renewed, and continued till ten o’clock A. M., when the rebels unconditionally surrendered. The los3 of the rebels amounted to 400 killed, while the number of .prisoners is variously esti mated at from 2,000 to 4,000. The rout was complete, and it is probable that the whole of Gen. Williams’ forces will be taken in the mountain gorges. How Many Troops Kentucky Has Fur- iiidied. The Frankfort (Ky.) correspondent of the Louis ville Journal, writing from that city, under date of November 10th, says: . n The previous estimates of the number of sol diers furnished by our Stute for the war, as pre sented to the renders of the Journal, are substan tially correct. There were in camp iip to Novem ber Bth, as reported to the Military Board. 17.200 recruits; four regiments, aggregating . 4,(100,' at Camp liick ltobinson; 2,000 men with General Kousseau. and the Louisville Provost Marshal’s force of 500; in all, 23,700 men in the State. To these should be added 1,000 in the two regiments low in 'VYeytarn Virginia; 1,000 enlisted In 6tW States, and about .300 for the regular army at New port Barracks. This gives a total of 26,000 now icady. There are forty-three fractional regiments in process of formation, and, by consolidation, about twenty full regiments will be furnished this week and I have no doubt that, as soon »s the contrac tors send forward supplies of clothing, and arms can be procured, ten or twelve more regiments will be easily raised. ° UUclfiiOr'A p«re found fhilt the dye thus obtained is durable, its manufacture will be come an important and lucrative branch of business. Government Property at Pehryville. The Coven,meet depot at Perry villo 1. now the most lninorUnt ill the country, It contains 11,000 mules 3,800 horses, 8,000 wagons, anfl 3,200 teamsters, with uuantmes ot hay, oats, and corn, of notices value than one million five hundred thousand dollars. The total property cannot he less than live million dollars. These apimals and articles aro ill charge or tho Fourteenth re giment of regulars, 800 strong, under command of Majae Biddings, and part of tlie Eleventh regiment of remdars comprising one hundred and fifty men ; in all, including teamsters end soldiers, about 4,500 men. The tents aro pitched on tho brink of the Susuuehanna river, sentries are posted on all the adjacent roads, and the most perfect mllltAty discipline in-,.v:„1, ; u-Stl,i» the precincts of the camp. To guard the mules and horses is a most difficult duty. Notwithstanding all precautions stampedes fre nucntly occur, nnd the animals are given to mortality. About two horses an l nudes are dying every day. Uncle 6„m has been pretty e ß tp| W jy f |y S wiaill«l ill tUC matter Of therm liruHfri. Major v«iii yiict, of the quartermaster general’* de partment, visited Ferry ville on Wednesday, and witnes sed the battalion drill of the Fourteenth regiment. The latter is said to be one of the beat regiments in the Her- Vico of the-Government Cupt. O'Connell in tho ueilas drill master. Chestnut-street Bridge. —It is to be rc- ! gretted that interested parties arc agitating tho difference : talwp*n Counoila and the port wawUus relative to the Ch©Btmit.slri'Ct bridge. The wardens, we believe, 1 have objected to the building of‘the bridge because it will : have a pier in the middle of the river. In that case, most : probably, we shall have do bridge across the Schuylkill, ■ btlow Market rtrertt for ninny years to come, and tliu ! rcrfdeiitß of V t>t Philadelphia, below that street, will 1 have do direct avenue of communication with the city. ; The navigation of the Schuylkill is » matter of minor tin- ! norlance, inasmuch as few vessels have occasion to pass ; between Chestnut ami Market streets, ami in tho event i bf their fippotdtion lioino sueeossfuL tho mod beautiful i avenue in the city will remain unconnected with the moat beautiful suburb. The work at tho piers is si ill progress ing, ne.riif tho plan should he defeated at thistima it h probable that we shall bear no more of the ueu* bridge | for many years to come. THE PREfeE.—PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1861. Tig; City’s PermasektLoak. —The porma- Hold loan uuthori/.td by Common Council has been ex tensively nppoßHl iu certain quarters. This is said to be the fin»t time that a permanent loan has been created to pay interest on a permanent loan. The fact would seem to Minify that tin- city i-» unol'le, from hor income, to pay the interest on lire sir lu, A lolrmpormy tviti-lj' Mi*, “ What guarantee money-lenders will have Tor tlio return of their principal, if even the interest ou former debts cannot be returned T’ Tho bill was said to have been authorized on account of a deficiency in the tax return, resulting from the pros tration of bittiness. It m'glit be as well to retrench some of tiie city cxpt'iiHvp. which would be quite svstmr© anioJc of redeeming the present state of things, 'f he unneces sary expenses under wldrh the city has hem groaning for years ate exceedingly numerous. The mumior iu which municipal officials work reminds us of tmvy-yard operations under the old when sc ten men wero pnjragwl a lmlf day in moving a billot of wonrt! How much money might be put by from the fees of tho county officers can be computed. The Inisii Brigade.—Thu First and Fourth regiment* of tlie Irish Brigade (mostly recruited in New York) will proceed to Washington on Monday next, making ft struct parade through Hub city, nnd halting fin 1 refreshments within tlie threshold of the Volunteer Sa loon. Tlio regiment recruited for tlie brigade in this city, by Colonel Robert- Emmet Patterson, is very nearly fall, and will, no doubt, speedily proceed to whatever point thtDttftvtttumt may Amot. Tho motto of tlio brisutlu—• a line from the grand old Celtic Homer, Osslau— w They shall never retreat f ram the charge of lances is worked in gold, in ancient Irish characters, on tho emerald field, whilst the symbolic harp of Erin appears, ami« all tlio gph-ndor and glory of the famous sunburst, the war-signal of tho Irish in thoir fiorco hutting with the Dunes. Is Coal Oil Dangerous?—lt is said, by competent authorities, Hint tlie heat employed in tlie dis tillation or coni oil ranges from two hundred up to ciaht hundred degree.*, and wo volatile are both betizone and nupthll, Umt they not safe with a lighted candle within several yards. c m The distillation of oils, the preparing of parftfflne by boiling it iu heavy oil, ami the storing of benzone, should, therefore, all be in isolated places, especially since, in case of tire, the clothes *f tho men employed in such establishments an> saturated with oil, and they could not, aseppt at tlio risk of thoir lives* cndcttYW W check its progress. The Hovse op Refuoe.—'The House of Re fuge contains at present about four hundred boys, vary ing in age from six to sixteen. Manufacturers cm hire these precocious} youUl§ ?f om the directors or superin tendent at a mere nominal Burn, about a abiding each per day. By this means (he Inmates are not only kept at work, but taught some useful trade. It i* somewhat amusing to see little shavers on the bench, vigorously plying the awl and wax-end, fashioning shoes, others Again making brushes* matclhlioxey* ACn with a dexterity truly astonialiing, considering their ages. Lake Superior Copper.—The Armageddon mine, on Lake Superior, now owned by a number of our M9IY-sili?#b*i appears to be producing the boat copper in tho market. We were ahown » lot of iugol copper, at the establishment of Mr. Womrftth, in Arcli street, yes terday, that has no rival in the market. The matter will be found referred to iu our advertising columns. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OT TRADE. JAMES B. CAMPBELL, j ■ SAM. W. BE COUBSEY, > Oohmittm or THK Morth, RICHARD C. DALE, * LETTER BAGS Ai the Mertkmis 1 Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Kate Prince, Gcrrisli ....Liverpool soon Ship Samuel Aherns, Gay London, soon Brig M E MiUiken, Nordeu Matauzas, soon Brig YYenonah, Bowden Rio de Janeiro, soon Brig C A While, Irons Havana, soon ScLr Mlnoeva, (Hr) VlotcliGi' Port Spain, booh Schr Luna, (Dr) Wilson -Port Spain, Trinidad, soon SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. ARIPS LEAVE FOB DAL City of N York.. New York.. Liverpool Nov 16 Jura Quebec.. Liverpool Nov 16 Borusaia ...New York. .Hamburg Nov 16 Cleator New York. .Kingston, Ja...... .ftov 20 Persia New York. .Liverpool Nov 20 Mfliburah Now York. .Livorpooln >.■■■■■■ Nov 23 New York New York. .Bremen Not 23 Niagara Boston. .Liverpool Nov 27 C Washington.. -New York. .Liverpool Nov 30 Bolcmian ...Quebec.. Liverpool .Nov 30 A5iftr........... New Ysrfe , I Liverpool.., Dec 4 FKOM KUBOrE, SHIPS LEAVE FOR DAT. New York... .Southampton. .New York Oct o 0 Edinburgh Liverpool.. New York .Oct dO Koto Scotian.... Liverpool. .Quebec .Oct 31 Niagara Liverpool. .Boston. 2. Saxcnia..... -Southampton.. New York NOV b C Washington. ...Liverpool. .New York Nov 6 Bohemian Liverpool.. Quebec Nov . Asia... Livorpool..New York.. Nov 6 Pulton Southampton.. New York Nov 12 Canada .Liverpool. NOV lfi Africa Liverpool.. New York Nov 23 - The California Mail Steamers sail from New York on the Ist. 11th and 21st of each month. FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 15,1861. BUN RISES 1 8 | SUM SETS 4 52 HIGH WATER 12 27 Ship Westmoreland, Decan, 28 days from Liverpool, with salt, Ac. to John R Penrose. 2d iust, lat 43 20, long 51 50, exchanged colors with bark Pathfinder, steering E. Ship Lancaster, Decan, 35 days from Liverpool, with mdse to John It Penrose. 7tli iust, lat 41, longOS, passed an abandoned schooner, painted black, And ApgAfeiitly good condition. Schr Ceres, Woolston, 1 day from Newport, Del, with flour to R5l Lea. _ „ „ , Steamer Vulcan, Momson, 24 hours from New York, With mdse to W M Baird A Co. gte&mlug America, Virdom from Bombay Ilook, with ahips Westmoreland nnd Lancaster in tow. Passed above Bombay Hook, harks Frank, from St John, NB, bound to New Castle, to load for Cork, and Sunrise, from London. Steamship Boston, Johnson, Now York, J AUdcrdlcc. Schr Independence, Strickland, Yarmouth* NS, E A Souder A Co. , . " v " CAPE'TsLANdTnJ, Nov 12, = P k. The bark Frank, and another, name unknown, are now beating in, A niimbtr of brigs and schooner* named ont this afternoon. Wind NW—weather fine. Yours, Ac. THOS B, HUGHES. HAVRE DE GRACE, Nov. 13. The Btcniwr Dft here this imtniing with S boats in tow, laden and consigned as follows - Byron Cawley, wheat to A Nesbit; Brady Mills, lum ber to Perot & Bro; A S Tinsman, do to R IVulverton; Jones and A Fold, do to Bingham & Garrison; J P Fin ley, do to Salem; Mary & Susan, do to H Croskey; Bor der States, wheat to Budd & Comly. Bark Lawrence, Howes, cleared at Boston 13th inst. for Cape Town, CGH. Brig Trenton* Atherton, cleared at St John, NB, 9th iHßtt f9f Wljffiingtoßi Pel, Brig Emma, Baker, cleared at. Boston 13th inst. for Philadelphia. Schrs Starlight, York, from Portland for Philadelphia, and Edwin Rood, Goodspeed, from Boston for do, sailed from Newport 12th inst. S?!ir J S Blecckcr, Edwards, heave, arrived at New Haven 12tli inst. Schrs Caroline Hall, Lawson, and Albert, Howie, hence, arrived at Hartford 13th inst. Sclir Fred Reed, McCalmon, cleared at Portland 12th inst. for Philadelphia. Schrs J B Johnson, Johnson, and David Hale, Conklin, sailed from. Providence lSlIi inst- for Philadelphia, Schr Emxua, Amelia. Harding, cleared at Boston 13th inst. for Philadelphia. CLOTHS. Quartermastbr General’s Office, Washington, October 31,1861. Proposals are invited ana will be receiver! by the United States Quartermaster at Philadelphia, Pennsyl vania, until 12 o’clock at noon on tho ISth day of No vember next, for furbishing CLOTHS FOB ARMY CLOTHING. Each proposal must be accompanied by samples of the cloth which it is proposed to furnish. The cloth should be three-quarters to .six-quarters yards wide. Light or dark blue will be preferred, and light grays wilt not bo considered. Bidders must state the number of yards they will be prepared to furnish in each month, and for how many months, at tlie clothing depots in New York or Phila delphia, or both, and the price per yard for each uualitv and width. Proposals nnd samples will be plainly marked, and ad dressed (o tho United States Quartermaster, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Each bid must be accompanied by a proper guarantee, setting forth that, if the contract is awarded to tho party named therein, he will at oace execute the same, and give bonds in double the amount of the contract for the faithful performance thereof. M. O. MEIOS no9-0t Quartermaster General U. 8. Army. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. No TI olYslllßw'ruiviN, that the Partnership lately subsisting between the undersigned, under the turn or CANTWELL & KKFFKIt, was dissolved on the Seventh day of Novem ber, A. D. 1881, by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said pariz.ersl.lj> are to bo received fcv tit sold JAMES B. CANTWELL and JOHN C. KEFPEB, trading as CANTWELL A KEFFKIt, and aU demands on the said partnership are to be presented to them for payment. WILLIAM C. PATTEBSON, JAMES B. CANTWELL, ' ■ JOHN 0. KEI’FEB. novll-mwiflSt. ■VTOTICE.—The interest of CHAKLES A'l A. SMITH in the Firm of BILLINGS, HOOP, & Co>; hftß this tiny ceased, by the gale of the same to the other Partners. The remaining Partners are alone au thorized to settle the business and to use the name of the firm. JAMES M. BILLINGS, SAMUEL W. BOOP, SAMUEL W. ROOP, Exec’r of W, F. W aahington, deo’d, C. A. SMITH, 11. B. KIBBE Philadelphia, Nov. 9,1861, PUEE POET WINE. mbtugSV ) ° M o! OBTO ™’ BOTTLBB “ Phyaiciana and invalids 1b want of a reliable arNolo of jure Port Wino can bo supplied by inuuirlng for the above wine at CANTWELL k KEFFBK'S, Southeast corner GEBMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. HENNESSY, VINE-YARD PRO piietors, Bisquit, Tricoche & Co., Marett, Pinet, and other approved brands-of COGNAC BRANDY, for tale, in bond and from store, by „ „ , CANTWELL A KEEPER, Southeast toruer GEBMANTOWN Avanuo and HASTEII Stroet. jgTUART’S PAISLEY MALT WfllS- ZOUAVE CHAMPAGNE.—A new brand—an excellent article. Imported aud For sale at a price to suit the times, by CANTWELL A KBF MAMTEH B7 r “lr rtlor ° f GEEMANTOWIi Avenue and PUDESHEIMER-BERG, LAUBEN- All HEIMEB, and HOCKHEIMEB WINE, iu case. Of ono cozen bottles each: warranted pure. Imported and for sale low by CANTWELL A KEFFfift, ionth- Streot° rU6r Avenue and MASTER r/IMMERMAN J S DRY CATAWBA JLA WINE— This approved brand of Cincinnati wine, the best article out for ** cobblers,’* for sale pure, bot tled and in cases, by CANTWELL & KEFFER, south east corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Btreet « 8e24-6m BORDEAUX BRANDY.—46 Pack ages J. J. Dupuy Brandy, in bond, for sale by the sole agents, JAURETCHE A CARSTAIRS, 202 and 204 South IEONT Street. .. ©c22»tf T>OCHELLE BRANDIES.—FeIIevoi- A. Seignette, and Alex. Seignette, in half-piuea. Quarters and octaves, for sale, in bond, by JAUUETCinc & CARSTATRS, 202 and 204 South FRONT Street * from the united states. MARINE intelligence. ARRIVED. CLEARED. (Correspondence of tho Press.) MEMORANDA. PROPOSALS. WINES AND LIQUORS. Buchanan’s Coal Ha Whisky, Old Tom Gin, Old Loudon Gin, London Cordial Gin, Bolilen’a Gin, In bond and store. CANTWELL & KEFFEB, Southeast corner GEBMANTOWN Avenue and MASTjifi street. INSURANCE COMPANIES. TRIRE INSURANCE. P MECHANICS’ INSURANCE COMPANY OW PHILADELPHIA, No. 138 North SIXTH Streot, below Race, Inanre Buildings, Goods, and Merehandise gene. filly, !'w>m Losa op Damans by Fire. The Company gua ranty to adjust all Losbos promptly, and thereby hope 1 1 inorit the patronage ' Robert Flanigan, Michaol McGeoy, Edward McGovern, Thomtw 6. McCormick, John Bromley, Francis Falls, John Cassadjr, Bernard H, liulsemann, Charles Glare, j Michael Cahill, rois COOPER, President /stary* 0c23 IJIHE RELIANCE William Morgan, Francis Cooper. George Li PoughfFtyi Janies Martin, James Puruss, Matthew BlcAleer, Bernard Rafferty, Thomas J. Hemphill, Thomaß Fislier, r™noi.HoM« U iU, J , BAN( Bimiau) Ratkbtt, Been HUTUA.Ii INSURANCE 00MP A H T i or raaiDiLraui OFFICE No. 805 WALNUT STREET, Injures against LOSS OB DAMAGE BY FIRE, On Houses, Stores, and oilier buildings, limited or perpetual, and on Furniture, Goods, Wares, and Mur. chandise, in town or country. CASH CAPITAL, $231,110.00 —ASSETS 8317,143.04, Which is invested as follows, viz: In first mortgage on city property, worth double the amount,«MMW 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.’s 0 per cent, tint mortgage loan, at par......... .... 6,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.’s 6 per cent, so cond mortgage loan, ($30,000) 21,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad and Canal Co.’s mortgage 10an,... 4,000 00 Ovound rent. firßtaolaii.ii.ei.iimijiAi*** 2,462 60 Collateral loans, well secured 2,500 00 City of Philadelphia 6 per cent 10an... 80,000 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Pa. 88. loan. 10,000 00 Commercial Bank stock 6,136 01 Mechanics’ Bank stock.... 2,812 60 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.’s stock,.... 4,000 00 Xhe Reliance Mutual Insurance Co.’S ai64fe. 25,850 00 The Comity Fire Insurance Co.’s Btock 1,050 00 The Deleware M. B. Insurance Co.’s stock.. 700 00 Union Mutual Insurance Co.’s scrip...«•••• 880 00 Billsreceivable...., li Book accounts, accrued interest, £c. 7,104 66 OubonlutDduuiiiiiiimiii X!i§44 ®i The Matual principle, combined with the security of A Stock Capital, entitles the insured to participate in the PROFITS of the Company, •without liability for x.08B«8. Leases promptly adjusted and paid. directors. Samuel Bispham, Robert Steen, William Musaer, Benj. W» Tingley, Marshall IXIII, J. Johnson Brown, Charles L eland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen, John Biiwell, Pittsburg. TINGLEY; President Clom Tingley, William B. Thompson, Frederick Brown, William Stevenson, John fi. Woi¥4ll t B. L. Carson, Bobert Toland, G. D. Bosengarten, Charles S. Wood, James 5. Woodward, OLE] M. HinohmaK, Secretary February 16,1861. PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSU BANCE COMPANY, No, 821 CHESTNUT Street, PhilttUlphJftt CHABTEB PERPETUAL. ALL THE PROFITS DIVIDED AMONG THE IN SUBED. Insure Lltos for short terms or for the whole term or life; grant Annntles and Endowments \ purchase Life Inte rests in Real Estate, and make ail contracts depending on the contingencies of life. They act as Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Guardians. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, January 1,1861. Mortgages, ground rents, real e5tate........8322,981 97 United States stockß, Treasury notes, loans of State of Pennsylvania, city PKUftAsl phi a, 268,795 84 Premium notes, loans or collaterals, Ac..... 237,694 68 Pennsylvania, North Pennsylvania Bail roads, and County 6 per cent, bonds 105,802 60 Bank, Insurance, railroad, tanal Blocks, Ac. 97,647 49 Cart) on hand, ogenia* bihtieg, At, At 88,208 14 81,071,138 02 DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL E» STOKES, Vice President. Jans W. Hoasoa, Secretary. Fire insurance exclusive ly.—tub PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1825. CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 610 'WALNUT Street, opposite Impend once Square. This Company, favorably known to the community for thirty-six years, continues to insure agaiust Loss or Da mage by Fire, on public or private Buildings, either per manently or for a limited time. Also, on Furniture, vf G?94ft or Merchandise generally, on liberal **lfceir Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, & invested In the most careful monner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of loss. DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson, Thomas BohliUi Qnintin Camjtiell, Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson, J olm Devereux, William Montelins, Tbomaa Smith. Isaac Hazlehurst, JONATHAN WriiLTAM 0. GioiriUi INSURANCE COMPANY OP THE X STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—OFFICE Nos. 4 and 6 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North side of WAL NUT Street, between DOGS and THIRD Streets, Phila delphia. INCOBPOBATED In 1794—CJHABTEB PERPETUAL. CAPITAL, *200,000. PROPERTIES OF THE COMPANY, FEBRUARY 1. 1861, 550T.094.61. MARINE. FIEE, AND INLAND TBANSPOBTA TION INSURANCE. DIRECTORS. Henry D. Sherrerd, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Macalester, Tobiaß Wagner, William S. Smith, Thomas B. Watjson, John B. Bddd, Henry G. Freeman, Willi tub B. White, Charles 8. Lewie, George H. Stuart, G«>rge 0. Carson, wiboiaa naHrsurNeorohtryjyau-n fjpHE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.! COMPANY'S BUILDING, S. W. COBNEB FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. vmmsm, T. Batchford Starr, Mordecai L. Dawson, William McKee, Geo. H. Stuart, Haihro Frazier, John H. Brown, John M. Atwood, B. A. Fahnestock, Beni T. Tredick, Andrew D. Cash, ftsnr f, b Brrinser, r. BATCHFOBD STABB, President. OffiSLis W. COZB. Secretary fel6 T7XCHANGE INSURANCE COM PANY—Office, He. 409 WALNUT Street. Fire ißßOTanea on Honest, and Jtorehandiso generally, on favorable terms, either Limited or Perpetual. DIRECTORS. Jeremiah BonsaU, Thomas Marsh, John Q. Ginnodo, Charles Thompson, Edward Jr. Roberts, James T. Hide, Samuel D. Smedley, Joshua T. Owen, Beuben 0. Hale, John J. Griffiths. JEREMIAH BONSALL, President JOHN Q. GINNODO, Vioe President Biobabd Cob, Secretary. jaSI AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE XX COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. CHARTER PERPETUAL. N 0.310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Bnrptas, In vested in_ sound and avaUable Securities, continues tf Insure on pels in pprt and their Cargoes, asd other Personal Pro* »erty. All Losses liberally and promptly adjusted* PIBXOTOBS. Thomas B. Haris, James B. Campbell, JaKs Wfilsli, - Edmund O. DatiUi, Samuel 0. Horton, Charles W. Poultsey, Patrick Brady, . Israel Morris. John T. Lewis, THOM. ALBIIT 0. L. CtiWFOBD, pOMMONWEALTH EIRE INBU \J EANCE COMPACT, OT THE STATS 07 PENNSYLVANIA, DIBKCTORB. David Jayne, M. D., Charles H. Rosen, John M. Whitall, John K. Walker, Edward C. Knight, Bobert Shoemaker, Thomas S. Stewart, William Struthers, Benrr-liewis, Jr., Stephen Conlter. DAVID JATNKi M, D., President JOHN M. WHITADL, Vice President SAMDED S. MOON, Secretary. Office, Commonwealth Building, 613 CHESTNUT Street Philadelphia. Anthracite insurance COMPANY. Authorised Capital 4466.660—* CHARTEB PERPETUAL.; Office No. £ll WALNUT Street) between Third and Youth Streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against loss or bp 9» Buildings, Furtamo, Uvrebasairo S«uV rally. Also, Marine Insurances on Vessels) Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. JMoblahov, D. Luther, L. Andenried, Davis Pearson, Peter Sieger, JACOB WM. 1 W. If. Stfira, Secretary. In theSStterob 1 the estate OF JOHN BEYNEB,'deceased. Inquest in Partition of the Beal Estate of JOHN BEY NEB, deceased, in the Orphans* Court of theOity and County of Philadelphia. In pursuance of an order of the Orphans* Court, notice is hereby given to Nancy Beyner, widow of decedent, and David Beyner, Polly Brooks, James Barr, Ann Evans, John Barr, Daniel B. Beyner, John Beyner, and Ellen Budd, the heirs and legal representatives of said that an Inuuioitfon of til the following de< scribed real estate of Baid decedent, to wit; All that cer tain messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate in the late township of LoWer Dublin, now the Twenty-third ward of the city of Philadelphia, begin ning at a atone set for a corner on tha east side of a publio road, thaues by laud af PeUt Johh&n south 48# deg., east 42 perches to a stone, and south 50# deg. east 10 perches and one tenth to a stone for a corner, thence by land late of Joseph Livezey, south; 22# deg, west 10 perches and six tenths of a perch to a stone set fora cor ner thence by the same south 85# dog. west 3§ perchf? to a corner stone by the east side of the aforesaid rood, thence along the side of the said road north 1 deg. eaßt 46 perches and three-fourths of a perch, to the place of beginning} containing 6 acres and -134 perches, more or less, with the appurtenances. Also, all that certain three-story brick messuage 9j and tot vr pl§V^ of ground, situate on the east side pf Twelfth street and on the north side of Stiles street, in the late district of Penn, now in the Twentieth ward of the city of Phila delphia, containing, in front, or breadth, on tho said Twelfth street, 16 feet, and extending, in length or depth fnetwwd, of tlmt width, Along the north side of said Btilcs street, 83 feet, to a certain 4-foof-wide alley, ex tending from the said Stiles street northward to Thomp son street, together with tho free and common use aud privilege of the said 4-foot-wide alley, as a passage way and water course, at all time hereafter forever, will be hold upon tho preminw*, on WEDNESDAY, tho 20th day of November, A.D. 1861, at 12 o’clock M., to ascortain and inquire, among other things, whether the said pre mises can be parted and divided without prejudice to or spoiling the whole thereof, otherwise to value aud ap praise the same, when aod where you may attend if you see proper. f WILLIAM H. BEAN, Sheri#. N. B.—The Jury will meet at the WEfHERILL HOUSE, SANSOM Street, above Sixth Street, in the city of Philadelphia, on the 20lh day of November, A. D. 1861, at 10 o'clock A. M., before proceeding to view the Baid premises. 'oclB*f&aBt nol2-12t# WHEREAS WILLIAM T. BLACK MAN, of the Nineteenth ward, did, on the 18th day of September, .A. Di 1861, make and execute a General Assignment of all Lis estate, real and personal, to the undersigned, in trust for the benefit of creditors, all persons indebted to the said assignor will make pay ment to JOHN GLABK, Northwest corner of SECOND and GBEEN Sts. Or, to his Attorney, JOHN GOFORTH, oclfl-wfmlBt* pOTTON BAIL DUCK and CAN KJ VA8 t of aU number? and brand?. Raven's Pack Awning Twills, of ail' descriptions, tor Tents, Awnings, Trunks, and wagon Covers. Also, Paper Manufacturers’ Drier Felts, from 1 to S BMt wide. Tarpaulin#, Belting, Sail Twine, Ac. JOHN W. BYKRMAN A 00., IQBJOBia AUfilt 9317,142 04 PATTERSON, President. 'cretery. M 9 B. MARIS, President Secretary. uam DIBEOTOBB. JmmjK MfUtfitM, John Kofccham, John B. Blakiaton, Wm. F. Dean, J. K. Baum. ESHER, PfeaMmt SIAN, Vlee President auS-tf iEGAt. H 6 South FIFTH Street. lIAILRO ADELINES. j SALES BY AUCTION. ffMpjip *& r SF' 1 PUKNKSS," BMNLEY, &'ca, FOB BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, M A DO H No. 429 MARKET BTBKET. CHUNK, HAZLETON, KASTON. KOKLKY, Ac. j BALK THIS (HiIOAY) AIOKNINO, NO VEMBKP. I'., WINTER ARRANGEMENT. I »m in O’CLOCK TUHKB Timoumi TRAINS ! A fAhi>.-. p „ r , icnlilr of ti.<- T™!., !„ On ami after MONDAY, NO\ EMIIKII 4,1*61, Pm- ruiucHtMl t,, c«k- this (Friday Jmornina, October U,, Mtigti I'rains will leave FKONT and WILLOW fatreete, at 10 o'clnrli. l,y retnloKiie, for rush, coinpriding about PhilMlotphia, daily, (Sundays excepted,) as follows: 500 loin of M-n-onabli- gnoilH, including tho ba-nnce of „At 6.40 A. M., (Expreaa,) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Saxony woven drees e,„,7L ~f t | u . ii„ C ortation of Measm. Mauch Chiihk, Hazleton, Ac. C. J*. Sclimifilcr JL Co, At 2.46 P. H., (Express.) fop Be'tlileliomi EfWtOOi ftOi ‘ AOTlci: '!'d shaels. The 6.40 A. M. Kxpresß Train makes close connection Reversible wool “ « With the Lehigh Valley Railroad nt- Bethlehem, being All-wool 6-4 to 10-4 s»|iii»re *» the shortest and most desirable route to all points in NOTICE TO DEALERS IN RIRBONS the Lehigh coal region. This h ornlng, TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. RjO | O f H Nos. 40*?60 newest i-tylen jtouli ; : to 50 all silk Mack velvet ribbons. Leave Boylestown at 0.30 A. M. and 3.20 P. M. I __ ( . o i onf j and Wrick silk bonnet velvet. Leave Fort Washington at 6.60 A. M. VIENNA BROCJIK LONG AND SQL’A BE SHAWLS ON SUNDAYS— Philadelphia for l'ort Washington r»o lut« Vienna broche long and sijunre shawls, at 0.30 a* M. Philadelphia for Daylostown at 4 Pi M» Boylestown for Philadelphia at 7 A. M. Fort ‘Washington for Philadelphia at 2.46 P. M. Fare to 80th1eh0m....81.60 | Faro to Mauch Chnnk.B2.oo Fare to Easton l.W[ « Through Tickets must be procured at the Ticket Office* at WILLOW Street, or ÜBSS Street, in order to secure the above rates of fare. . All Passenger Trains (except Sunday Trains) connect at Berks street with the Fifth and Sixth streets, and Se i oond aud Third-streets Pasaengor Railroads, twenty ml* I antes after leaving Willow street. I jjo-4 ELLIS CLARK, Agent. 1861. 1861. ARRANGEMENT OF NEW YORK RINKS. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD OO.’B LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND ‘WAY PLACES. VftOM W-ILNtTT-STREVT WHARF AND EBNSINQTOV DIPOT. WILL LSAYE A 8 FOLLOWS—VIZ: At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Ac commodation. ... .......S2 36 At 6 A. M., vii Camden and Jersey City, (N« J. Accommodation) 3 3ft At 9% A. M., via Kensington and JerseyGity,Morn ing Mali 3 00 At 12% P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommo dation. 3 36 At Q P. M., via O&md&u and Amboy, 0. and A. press * 3 00 At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Express.. 3 00 At 4 P. M., via Ciunden aud Jersey City, 2d Glass Ticket 3 36 £.t OK P. M., via Kensington aud Jersey City, EVA ning Mai! 3 00 At 11 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, South ern Mail..* 8 00 At 6 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger)—lst Class Ticket.. 336 t> o . do. Qd Glass Ticket.. 1 50 Tho 6# F. M. Mail Line runs daily. The 11 P. H. Southern Mail, Saturdays excepted. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkosbarre, Montrose, Great Bend, Ac., 7.10 A. M. from Kensington, via Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western B. A For Ckup&i Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton, LambertviUe, Flemington, Ac., at ?.ld A. M. j from Kensington Depot j and 2% P. M. from Waluut- Btreet Wharf; (the 7.10 A. M. Uno connects with train leaving Easton. for Mancb Oauuk at 3.36 P. M.) For Mount Holly at 6 A. M., 2 and 4 P. M. For Freehold at ©A. M. and 2P. M, WAY LIKES. For Bristol, Trenton, Ac., at 7.i0 and 9)4 A, M., 534 6.30, and 11 P. H., from Kensington, and 2% P. M; from Walnut-stieet wharf. • , For Palmyra, Biverton, Deianco, Beverly, Burling ton, Florence, Bordentown, Ac., at 13 %, 1,5, and b% P.M. Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and intermediate places, at 2% P. M., from Walnnt-Btroot wharf. For New York and Way Lines leaving Kensing ton Depot, take the cars, on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. Tke cars run Into the depot and on arrival of each train run from tlio depot* Fifty Pounds of Baggage, only, allowed each Passen ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything ae baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their reaponcnbilitr for hftggi'fte tv P nG Dollar per pound, and Will not be liable for any amount beyond «- cept by special contract. H GATZMKR Agont BEhicmm WINTER AR ■eWWgßgt ~.T« RANCItMENT.-PHILi.DEL FHIA, WILMINGTON, AND BALTIMORE RAIL ROAD. On and after MONDAY, SEPT. 30, 1861, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA: For Baltimore at 8.16 A. M., 11.36 A. M., (Express), and 16.66 P. M. For Chester at 8.16 A. M., 11.35 A. M., 3.30 and 10.50 P. M. For Wilmington at 8.16 A. M., 11.36 A. M., 3.30 and 10.60 P. M. For New Castle at 8.16 A. M. and 3.30 P. M. For Bom fit A: V* For Milford at 8.16 a. M. For Salisbury at 8.16 A. M. TRAINS FOB PHILADELPHIA: Leave Baltimore at 8.30 A.M. (Express), 10.15 A. M., and 4.45 P. M. „ IfCftTP at 7,30 and 11.33 A.M., 1.60 and 8' P.M. Leave Salisbury at 5.26 A. M. Leave Milford at 7.46 A. M. Leave Dover at 9 A. M, Leave New Castle al 7 and 11 A. M. Leave Chester at 8.20 A. M. t 12.15, 2.25, and 8.40 P. M. Reave Baltimore for Salisbury and intermedl&t£ St&tiAfti at 4.46 A. M. TRAINS FOB BALTIMORE: Leave Chester at 8.45 A. M., 12.05 and 11.20 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 9.35 A. M., 12.35 P. M., and 13 A. M. FREIGHT TRAINi with Passengor Oar attached, will run sb follows: Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and Intermediate places at SP. M. - Leave Wilmington for Perryville and Intermediate places at 7 P. M. J.e&ve Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermediate places at 0.46 P. M. ... ON SUNDAYS ONLY: from Philadelphia to Baltimore. mHE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL -L RAILROAD, SSO MILES DOUBLE TRACK. 1861. mmsmm 1862. THE CAPACITY OF THE ROAD IS NOW EQUAL TO any IIJ jHg COUNTRY, • ..J?®® 2 through PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG, Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Boston, New York, and all points East, and in the Union. Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trains to and from all points in the West} Northwest} and Southwest— inns furnishing facilities for transportation of Passen gers unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Express and Fast Lines run through to Pittsburg, without change of Cara or Conductors. All Through Passenger Trains with Loogtuidgrt Patent Br<&e—speed under perfect control of the engineer, thus adding much to the safety of travellers. Smoking Cars are attached to each Train: Wood ruff’s Sleeping Cara to Express and Fast Trains. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mail and Fast Lines Sun days excepted. Hail Train leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 A. M. Fast Line « «« 11.30 A. M. Express train leaves “ 10.30 P. M. P&rkesbnrg Accommodation. 19.30 P. W. Harrisburg “ 2.30 P. M. Lancaster «• .. 4.00 P.M. Wftflfc GbfeStoP P&sS&gg&M will Ute the Mail fralu at 8 A. M., the Pftfkesbiirg Accommodation at 12.30 P„ and the Lancaster Accommodation at 4 P. M. Passengers for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Falls, and intermediate points, leaving PhMflpbia at 6.00 A.H. and 2.30 r.M„ go directly through. Tickets Westward may be obtained at the office of the Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Balti more ; and Tickets Eastward at any of the important Railroad officos in the West j also on board any of the regular line of Steamers on the Mississippi or Otto rivers, 9ST Fare always as low, and time as] quick, as by any other route. For further Information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market streets. The completion of the Western connections of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicago, make this the DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE GREAT WEST Tb 9 ttfi&fftfofi of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage or Freight to gether with the saving of time, are advantages readily appreciated by Shippers of Freight, and the Travelling Public. “ Merchants and Shippers entrusting the transportation $ f Freight to this Company, can rely with oonflt donee on its speedy transit. THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point In the Weßt by the Pennsylvania Railroad art at aB Umtt at favorable at are charged by other Railroad Companies. WT Be pOTticnta to sarfc packages “ Tia PraasylTa? Bla Railroad.” For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address either of the following Agents of the Com pany; D. A. Stewart, Pittsburg.: Hi 8* Fierce & Con ZaneeTllle, Oxj J: Ji Johnson* Rips ley, Oi; B» McNeely, Maysrille, Ky.; Ormsby ft Crops per, Portsmouth, O.; Paddock ft Go., Jeffersonville, Indiana j H. W. Brown A Co., Cincinnati, O.: Athem ft Hibbert, Cincinnati, ©; R. C. Meldrtun, Madison, Ind j Jos. E % Louisville} Ky. j P. G. O’Riley $ Cv»7 Ey»nsriii«?j Jnd. j if’ W» Graham ft? Go,« Gairy, 111. jB. F. Bans, Shaler ft Glass, St. Louis, Mo.: John H. Harris, Nashville, Tenn.; Harris ft Hunt, Mem phis, Tenn. 5 Clarke ft Co., Chicago, 111.; W. H. H. Koonts, Alton, HI.: or to Freight Agents of Railroads at pslnta in. its Weak 8. B. KINGSTON, Jr., Philadelphia. MAGRAW A KOONS, 80 North street, Baltimore. LEECH ft COi, 1 Astor House, or 1 S. William at., N. Y. LEECH ft CO., No. 77 State street, Boston. Hi Hi HOUSTONi Gen’l Freight Agent, Phila. 3b. L. HOUPT, Gen’i Ticket Agent, Fhila. E. LEWIS, Gen’i Sup’t, Altoona, Pa. Ja3-ly ISC—i— —3 PHILADELPHIA BEADING BAILBOAD. PASSENGEB TRAINS FOB POTTSYILLE, READ* ING, and HARBISBUBG, on and afterNoTomberl, I del, MORNING LINES, DAILY, (Sundays excepted.) Leave New Depot, corner ot BROAD and GALLOW HILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, (Passengerentrances on Thirteenth and bn Callowhili streets,) at 8 A. M., con necting at Harrisburg with the PENNSYLVANIA BAILBOAD 4.15 F. M. train, rnnning to Pittsburg; the CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1.50 P. M. train running to Chamberebnrg, Carlisle, Ac.: and tbs NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILBOAD 1.20P.M. train running to Sun bnry, Ao. AFTERNOON LINES. Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD and OALLOW HIXiL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, (Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and on Callowhill ate,,) for POTTSYILLE and HABBISBVfiO, at 9.16 P. hi., DAILY, connect— iuff St Harrisburg with the Norftwa tfeotrftl Bailrttrii for Snnbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Ac. Express Train from New York via Easton makes close connection with tlic Beading Mail and Accommodation Trains, connect ing at Harrisburg with the Pennsylvania Central 3.16 A. M. Train running west. For BEADING only, at 4i3? ?! Ml! PAHjYi (Sundays ?ssepted.) DISTANCES TIA PHILADELPHIA AND BEADING BAILBOAD. Fao* Pbiladblphla, Miles. To Phcenixville.. •••»•■ 28 Beading.. .. 68 lr9l?9B90 iMtttiTtt? Harrisburg,,. •,. .112 Dauphin. ..124 Miller Bburg. 142 Treverton Junction. 158 Snnbury • 169, NorthninberlaDdi** »171 Dewlsburg..... ••. • .178 Milton 183 Muncy,............187 Williamsport 209 Jersey Shore 228 Lecfe BMU..V 2SS 5±‘ on * Williamsport anti Elmira The 8 A. M. and 8.15 P. M. tr Aina connect dally at Port Clinton, (Sundays excepted,) with the CATAWISSAi WHiIiIAMsrOBT, ana EBIJB BAIBBOAP, making dose connecttons with lines to Niagara Tails, Canada, the West and Southwest. DEPOT IN PHILADELPHIA: Comer of BBOAD and OALIiOWHUiL Streets: V. H. MoILHKNNET, Bemtary. October SO. 1881. BC—nun PHILADELPHIA WyW-Wgggl! AND BEADING BAHiBOAD 00>| (Office 227 South Fourth street.) Philadelphia* April 27.1861. SEASON TICKETS. On and alter May 1,1861, season ticket! will be tamed by this company for the periods of three* six* twelve months, not transferable. Season school-tickets may also he had at 88 per OOBt» discount. These tickets will be sold by the Treasurer at No. 217 South FOURTH Street, where any further information can be obtained. B, BRADFORD* nw>ti mmrw. Philadelphia and Woft/ling gad tgbgogn TgSg, B, fi Northern Central Ballroad. Bnnbnry and Erie B. B. CLOSING SALE OF SAXONY WOVEN DRESS GOODS. MESSRS. O. V. SFIIMIiCDJSR ft CO. Wi'l sell, through ITRNK.SIS HKINLKY, A CO., THIS MORNING, FIFTEEN HVNJ’ItKP FJECES SAXONY WOVEN DRESS GOODS, Now landing lrom steamer Borusmu, comprising the best flHeortnient offcroil yet, and being the entire balance of tlie Kcas-on's impo« tiilion. The uttention of the trade is particularly called to this sale, hh it in the intention of the owtior*. to «el! e%*ory lot. 766 PARIS LONG SHAWLS, ALT, WOOL, Now landing from'steamer. This Morning, November ID, at 10 o’clock — 2Do(xtia quality entire new styles Paris wool long ebawl.a, pueblo borders, warranted all wool. 250 “ “ “ Itwii VonlcyH, ' 250 “ “ black hordvris. N. B.—All now lauding, and manufactured for the best city retail trade. 200 1 OTS OF PARIS BONNET RIBBONS AND SILK VELVET RIBBONS. ThiH Morning, 200 lots Nos. 4ffroo tuiprriur quality bonnet ribbons, of tlie newest styles and most desirable shades. cartons Nos. l to DO superior duality black Bilk velvet ribbons. Also, DRESS GOODS. __L!utlt Muhi'oulorod brocade ropg. mohair checkr, check reps. fancy poplins and mohairs. black twills, reps, and poplins. : 7.4 colored coburgs. 7-4 Manchester ginghams. 7-4 Pn ncL tiM-rhsos. 50 pieces 6-4 nll-wnrd fine colored French merino.,. SALE OF. BRITISH DRY GOODS. On Tuesday Morning, November I®, at 10 o’clock, by catatogne, for cash— into of fancy and staple imported dry goodßi Also, A STOCK OF DRY GOODS. *sr Particulars hereafter. Ne. pancoast, auctioneer, • Successor to B. Scott, Jr., 431 CHESTNUT Si. POSITIVE SALE oF GERMANTOWN FANCY KNIT GOODS, HOSIERY, ftc., by catalogue. Thin Morning, November 16, nt 10 o’clock precisely. Included will be found— Ladies’, mtfSßCrt’, and cbildr<-o’b fancy wool knit hoods, lIUblkK. chinks* COlltH* HICOVCBi uiul gaitcriii gents 5 and boys’scarfH and comforts; chihren’s fnvry and wlute wcol hose: ladies’ and misses’ blue-mixed and white hose, Ac. UMBRELLAS. 30 cases superior Scotch gingham umbrellas. HOOB SKIRTS. Also, an invoice of superior steel Bpring wove and tied hoop skirts. SUPERIOR COUNTERS, FIXTURES, ftc. Ako, eeveivt! superior counters, desk, ami store truck fixtures, ftc. • : M FITZPATRICK & BROS., , ACCTIONEKBS, 604 CHESTNUT Street, above Sixth. BALK THIS (FRIDAY) MORNING} NOVEMBER 35, AT O’CLOCK, Of fancy goods, stationery, clocks, watches, jewelry, cittlery, eilver-plated ware, staving-machines, &c. SALES EVERY EVENING, At T C’ttofKj 9f books, etationery, aud fancy goods, W&tches, jewelry, clocks, eilver-plated -ware, cutlery, paintings, musical instruments, ftc. Also, hosiery, dry goods, boots and shoes, and mer chandise of every description. DAY SALES Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 10 o’olock A. M. PRIVATE SALES. At private sale, several large consignments of watohes and jewelry, books, stationery, silver-plated ware, cut lery, fancy goods, ftc., to which is solicited the attention of city and country merchants and others. Conaignmenfa aclititwl ef ftU &ia4§ 9f niarchawliM, foi either public or private sales. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. Out-door sales promptly attended to Moses nathans, auctioneer AND COMMISSION MBiiCHANT. aontheut corner of SIXTH and RACE Streets. AT PRIVATE SALE, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. The following articles will bo sold for leas than half till BSMlffllmS price- ....... Fine gold hunting-case, donbln-case, and loubie-bot tom English patent lever watches, of the most approved and best makers: tine gold double-time English paten! lever watches; independent seconds lever watches j flnt gold hunting-case and open-face escapement lever and lepine watches; horizontal and duplex watches 5 rilv« Lunting-casfe, dbUbl&.euA, and doublg-ljottom English patent lever, escapement lever, and lepine watches, of the most approved and best makers; double-case and open face silver watches j silver quartier and single-OAM watches: fine gold vest, neck, fob, and guard chains: diamond finger-rings and breast-pins; sets of fine goM jewelry; gold brs#st-pissi Mr - rln S*i Anger-rings, bmo.- lets, pencil-cases, pens, aud jewelry of every description; gnns, pistols, musical iustrumeate} piano-fortes, and apt tides MONEY TO LOAN. Money advanced liberally, for any length of %- •greed upon, on gold and silver plate, diamonds, Jewelry, fowling-pieces, musical lnstnunentß, dry goods! clothing, groceries, hardware, cutlery, furniture, bed ding, fancy articles. And on all articles of value. CONSIGNMENTS AND OCT-DOOB BALES B9LI litt&r&l c&&k adv&ncea made on all aritclea consigned for sale. Personal attention given to all out-door sale*. BUSINESS NOTICES. PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY.—The Laboratory of the subscribers Is open daily, from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M., for Analyses of Ores, Guanos, Waters, Ac. Also, for the Instruction of Students in Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Goology. Opinions given in Chemical Questions. Special Instruction In MJSBICAL CHEMISTS?. JAMES 0. BOOTH, THOS. H. GARRETT, JNO. J. BEESE, M. D„ oc4-Sh» No. 10 CHANT Street, Tenth, below Market. TGHN WELSH, Practical SLATE tf BOOFEB, THIRD Street and GERMANTOWN Bead, ie prepared to pat on any amount of BOOFING, on the moat MODERATE TERMS. Will guaranty to nake every Building perfectly Water-tight Orders promptly attended to. my7«ly EVANS & WATSON’S HP SALAMANDER SAFES. STORE, 16 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. PA. A Urge variety of EIRE-PROOF SAFES always on hand. BaT3Sj-3 RAILROAD LINES. ITTTiWIiPItilli FA LL AND WIN MT.JB.JLIi- TER ARRANGEMENT— PHH.ADIiI.PHIA, GERMANTOWN, and NOBBIS XOTTH fiAUiROAP, TIME TABLE. On and after Monday, October 28,1381, until furthor notice. FOB GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 6, T, 8, 8,10 05,11,13 A. W., 1,3, 8,4; 6,6, 7i 8,0, lOJfi and 11R P. M. Leave Germantown, 6,7, 1%, 8, 04, 9if, 10J4, Ur, A. M„ 1,2, 3,4, 5, fl, 7,8, 9*VU V. M. The 8 A. M. train from Germantown stops at Day’s and Tioga only. ON SUNDAYS. lime Philadelphia! B.O&A; M ;( 2, T t and 10J( P, M lieaye Germantown, 8.10 A.JiL, l,J,anlm SALES BY AUCTION. M THOMAS & SONS, • Nos. 139 and 141 South FOURTH Street. (Formerly Noh. 67 and 6’3.) KOTIf 'K.—i* A Li; OF CUTTINGS. sin* nuu iiMulj, and ihn willing frrTiinu'ri for iw.'iiiiiiiHtioii, in the* third rtory of tlie Auction ltooins. PUBLIC SALKS REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS. AT THE EXCHANGE, EVERY TUESDAY, at 13 o’clock uoou, during the busiueM seawin. REAL ESTATE AT VRIVATfi SALS, Wo have a targe amount of real estate at private sale, including overy description of city and country pro perty. Printed lists may be had at the Auctiou Store. EIGHTH FALL SALE—NDYESIBEB 26. ThlJ will iiiclmlu— Orphana* (.’ourt .Side—Estate of Kl!eha McCartv, ilec’d. TRUKE-> TORY Bit lUK RVILDIhG, Richmond etiH-t, Nineteenth uunh Hniiif* KsthU*.—LOT OF GROUND AND FRkME SUED, Sulnwm afreet, m»rlh«*ast from William at reel, Bnm<* >!hT»ri‘ u»T of Gfc6i?tfb AND I‘iiAMtl SIIKD, ltiriiiuoiirl htreef, Nineteonth ward. VALUABLE RKSJDKNGK, No. 1117 Walnut street, Ix'twi-i-u Eleventh ami Twelfth, the modem couve niente?, &c. (.'h-ar of all itictmihranct*. Term.< —$10,000 may ri nmin t\u iiiortgagp ? Jixfrmon,' Ft-p-inplory ?>n]o—of Salomon Jones, VALUABLE LOT OF iiVHti ACRES OF LAND, opposite the property of Charles Henry Fisher, E#i., with fronts 011 Oak lane and Second.street rood. The iieigbt'orlK.od is n very denraHe one, a number of ele c.iihiry MutiA in tlm iinmrdhite vihh.Uv, .n.>l v.itld., half a mile of Oak-lane station, Noith I‘eiins.slvania Rail road. * THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING,Nn. 425 South Broad Mreet, above Tionjhaid. Him the introduced, bath. Ac. 5?3,200 may leniain. Inimeiiiate ps».>sen. VALUABLE BUILIUNG LOT, pouth «idf of Sansom htrret, west of Thirteenth street. 24 feel front, fe*) teet deep. fbile No. 1214 Race Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. ROSEWOOD PIANO, MIRRORS, FINK OIL PAINTINGS, TAPESTRY VKfcYKT QAKPKTSi *?• On Friday Plarning, Ifitli iustitut, at 10 w’cluek, by catalogue, at No. 1214 R.i.a* street, tie- feuperior furniture, rosewood 7-ortuva piano-forte, by Schomaker ft Co., fine Frenrii-plate mir rorr, tine oil paintingH, handsome tapestry velvet car pets, ftc. •y Mny ho OxH.ll ii 1k 11 m 8 o’clock 011 tho moniinj of tho Bate. SALK FOR ACCOUNT OF UNITED STATES— WOOL, COTTON, AND LEATHER CUTTINGS. On Saturday Morning, 16th iuhti, ut 11 u’chicki ut the Auctiou Store* 4*Boll ]!>;-ri;y-hluekersey nmtiii"s; 4,04 d Hm dark blue do.; 756 lbs list;• 1,330 He. cotton do.; ],TBO cotton and wool: 3,317 lbs ; 7,300 lbs side leather j 11,000 lb* upper leather. gy Slay be examined two days previous to sale. SALE OF GKRM4N FLOWER ROOTS. On Monday Morning, At 11 o’clock, at the Auction Store, oue case of superior Getnmn flower roots, from R. Yanderschoot ft Son, Hol land, ron.prifdng the u.-i,hl Hasortnient cf hyacinths, ttt lipm jonnuiN, oroauju imrctsseß* ftci Sale corner Pearl and Second Street, Camden. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FINE TAPESTRY CAR PETS, ftc. On Tuesday Morning, 19th instant, at II o'clock, at the snnthwot corner of Pearl and Secoiel sliretdrs, CdhaleH, the liMLnthblil kitchen furniture, fine tapestry carpets, ftc. May be examined at 8 o’clock on the morning of tbe sale, with catalogues Bale at Noa. ISO aud 141 South Fourth Street. BUfERIOR FURNITURE* FRE.NCH-VLATB MIR RORS, PIANO-FORTES, BEDS AND BSPPY*9, CHINA AND GLASSWARE, BRUSSELS AND OTHER CARPETS, ftc. On Thursday Morning, At 0 o’clock, at the Auction Store, tlie superior furnl fnmiturm jiano.fcrtem mirrors. Drupels mitl other car pets, ic., from fmniiies cleclininK bouseKeepio,, remoreO to the .tore for convenience of sole. %3T- -Catalogues ready the day previous to sale. Philip fori> & co., auction eers, Noh. 625 MARKET aud £22 COMMERCE POSITIVE RALE OF 1,000 CARES BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, AND GUM SHOES. On Monday Morning* Nor. IS, at 30 o’clock precisely, win be sow, by ca talogue, 3,000 cases men’s, hoys, mill youths’ calf, kip, grain, water-pruor, and Lhick boots, brogaus, gaitera, Ox ford ties, and gum wlioes; women’s, mists’, and children’s calf, kip, goat, kid, and morocco heel hoots and shoes, guitrrs, sdirrcrfs Ac. & liipys aswrtmsnk of first-chis.» city-uiado gocxla. iff" Gorwia open for examination early on the morning of sale, with catalogues. HOTELS* S~T. NICHOLAS HOTEL, BROADWAY, NEW YORK. BOARD REDUCED TO 02 PER DAY. Slime the opening of this vast and commodious Hotel, In 1854, it has been the single endeavor of the proprietor! to make it the most sumptuouH, convenient, and comfort able home for the citizen and strauger on this side the Ailaiitic. And whatever has seemed likely to admtoifttor to the comfort of its guests they have endeavored, without re gard to cost, to provide, and to combine all the elements of individual and social enjoyment, which modern art has invented, and modem taute approved; and tho pa tronage which it has commanded during the past six years te a gratifying proof that their oflbrta have hmn appre ciated. To meet the exigencies of the times, when all are re quired to practise the most rigid economy, the under signed EATS REDUCED THE PRICE OP BOARD TO TWO DOLLARS FEB DAY, at the same time abating none of the luxuries with whi&h their table has hitherto been supplied. se7-3m TREADWELL, WHITCOMB, ft CO. A CARD.—THE UNDERSIGNED, late of the fllfiAßP BWSJv, PhS-MpM-. leased, for a term of years, WILLARD'S hotel, m Washlngtim. They taJje this «»*“ *p wußiomers many thanks for pant favors, and beg to assure them that tliey will be most happy to tee them in their new quarters. SYKES, CHADWICK- & GO* Wiemsms, Jhiy 16,1861. UHs-lv MACHINERY AND IRON. PENN STEAM ENGINII BOILER WORKS.-NEAFISft LEVY, PBACTICAIi AND THEORETICAL ENGI NEERS, MACHINISTS, BOILER-MAKERS, BLACK SMITHS, and FOUNDERS, bavins, for many yearly been in successful operation, and been «a gaged in building and repairing Marine and River En gines, high and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tanka* Propellers, Ac., Ac., respectfully offer their services to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for XSb* gines of all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary, havin'' sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to axe cute orders with quick despatch, gfej-y £?gsrJptJoß fit Pattern making made at the shortest notice. High Rfid Low Pressure, Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Forgings, of oR sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings, of all de scriptions , Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and BpectiLations for all work done at (Mr establishment, free of charge, and work guarantied. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, Ac., Ac., for raising heavy or light weights. JACOB O. NBAFEE, JOHN P. LEVY, BEACH and PALMEB Streets. J. VAUGHAN HERRICK, JOHN g. COPK, wftfcMa Sr mmmi babtut nmn QOUTHWAKK FOUNDRY, lO FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK A SONS, MNOINEEDS AND MA CIIINIB9M, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam ffnilnXj for land, river, and marine serviae. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac.; Old Ings of all kinds, either iron or braes. IrotuFrame Boofi for Gaa Workii Workihobii Ball* road Stations,* Ac. Betorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and mol Improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, such M Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steaa TwlhS, Ifefe&tePS, Filths, Puapißg E £§&&§, Aa Sole Agents for N. RillJenx’s Patent Sugar fidUsf Apparatus; Ncsmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer, and Aa pinwall A Wolsey’a Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machine. auft-tf SHIPPING. LIVERPOOL, NEW YORK, AND PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP COMPANY* NOTICE TO PASSENGERS, By order of the Secretary of State, all passengera leaving the United States are required to procure pass ports before going on board tho steamer. no6-tf JOHN (x. DALE, Agent. jtgfo WEEKLY COMMUNICA -9UMh TION BY STEAM BETWEEN NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL, calling at QUEENS TOWN, to land and embark passengers and . .... Tbe Liverpool, New York, and Philadelphia Steam ship Company’s splendid Olyde-built iron screw steam ships are intended to sail as follows: FROM NEW YORK FOB LIVERPOOL. CITY OP NEW YORK Saturday, Nov. 18. EDINBURGH .Saturday. Nor. 2S. CITY OF WASHINGTON Saturday, Nov. 30. And every Saturday throughout the year, from PISfl No. 44N. B. BATES OF PASSAGE THROUGH FROM PHILADELPHIA, Cabin, to Qneenstown,or Liverpool. . 979 Do. to London, via Liverpool,BBo Steerage to Queenstown, or Liverpool..BBo Do. to L0nd0n.......... •*» 80. Scturn tickets, amiable for six monUig, from itTcrpool,,,, i,, |O9 Passenger, forwanled to Harre, Paris, Hamburg Bremen, and Antwerp at through rates. Certificates of passage issued from liivsrpool to New fork.. . fH Certificates of passage issued from Queenstown to New York , SSS These steamers have superior accommodations for pat* fengers, are constructed with watertight compartment* and carry experienced Surgeons. For freight, or passage, apply at the office of the Gom> pany, ' * JOHN O. DALE, Aji&t, 111 Walnut street, Philadelphia. In Liverpool, to WM. INMAN, Tower Buildings. In Glasgow, to WM. INMAN, 13 Dixon strppfc jgtmi THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMEBICAN BOYAL MAIL STEAM* SHIPS. FASSPOKTS.—AII persons leaving the United State* VHI r. to Inwe from th« authorities of their respective countries, countersigned by the Secretary of State at Washington. FROM NSW YORK TO LIYSRPOOIi. Chief Cabin Passage.... .....