Our Beaufort Victory—Additional Details* By tbo arrival of per the Baltimore train, last evening, we are placed In possession of fuller details of tlie investure of Beaufort, and the capture of the two forte guarding the entrance to its harbor. Upon the receipt of the first telegraphic despatch in 'Washington, yesterday morning, its meagre character gave rise to equal pleasure and anxiety. In fact, the most painful suspense pervaded the city, and the nows p.iper and telegraph offices were completely bosieged by Cl’OWdS Of citizens. At 11 o'clock, however, the Government messenger ar rived with fuller intelligence of the coup, and the wildest joy spread through the city. On the principal corners, hotel steps, and other places where parties generally con gregate, nothing was diacußßcd but the lato Tictory. xfewshoyß ran through the streets, screaming at the tops of their voices the names of the diiferent extras; all was excitement and confusion. Simultaneously with the receipt of these glad tidings came the two brass cannon captured from the enemy. They arrived at Ballimorc per the <7601*01011(1* Uapt. Sri. Pearson, abont six o’clock yesterday morning, in charge of the Adams Express messenger, and were at cnee forwarded tolWashington as a present to the Secreta ry of the Navy. The pieces are rifled, and are the most per fect specimens of workmanship that have been seen since the breaking out of the BUT. It is gaiii that a large Quan tity or similar pieces are being used by the rebels in dif ferent portions of the South, and that they are manufac tured at the navy yard in Norfolk. The flags taken from the forts were presented to Presi dent Lincoln about noon, but no public demonstration twfc place, Judge Holt declared publicly upon receipt of the news, that, “Great as this victory undoubtedly was, if was entirely eclipsed by the victory in Kentucky /” At tlio Washington navy yard the joy rose to a perfect furore. The men gave cheer after ehoerfor the stars and stripes, Commodore Dupont and General Shorraan. aud the national colors floated proudly from every mast head ill the harbor. The bells of all the lire companies were rung at intervals during the morning and after noon. The first action of the Navy Department was to issue a general order of congratulation, directing that a salute should he fired from every naval station. The firßt action of the War Department was to forward an order to New York, for the inunediafe shipment of a large quantity of ordnance and stores to Port Royal Inlot. From this the knowing ones argued that it was the intention of the department only t 9 fortify anil giirrison the captured forts at present, and not to attempt any inland movement. The Florida did not succeed in joining the expedition previous to the engagement. The commander, Captain CSoldsborough, was much chagrined in consequence. When the news by the KirnviUt became generally known among th& &aldidfs at Fortress Monroe and New port Newu, the excitement was of the wildest character. The soldiers danced aud capered about in liigh glee, and rent tin* air with wild liuzzahs at the success of their brethren in arms. The flag-Bhip Wabash was frilly exposed to the rebels' gnus during the entire fight. She was struck repeatedly, KFTCn OF GENERAL DRAYTON The ret**! General Thomas F. Drayton, who com mnnriod the Southern troops in general, but who, It kcem&. uns also in command of Fort Walker, is a native of South Carolina, and was born in 1803, in Charleston. In 1823 he was appointed a West Point cadet, and on the Ist of July, 1828, graduates, ami became second lieutenant of the Sixth Infantry* fronj WhiSU position he ee gratifying news to passengers and shippers (by that line* as poll as to the officers, to wtast Energy and promptin' 68 the rapidity with which the repairs have been effected is attributable. They hope to be free here kfter from the extraordinary interruptions to which their .jusineea has been subjected. The BroivJ Top railroad was considerably damaged by ho Into flood. The damage dona to the Hdllidftysburg irancli has been repaired, and the trains are again mil ling with thwr accustomed regularity. Body Recovered.— Yesterday morning, the >ody vf m unknoYTh man vas found in the Delaware, at Market street. Tlio deceased was about five feet seven nclwa in height. His hair was black, and he wore a aeavy Mack goatee. His clothing consisted of a tweed :oat, light cassimere pants, high boots, white shirt, and ITnion neck-tie. From a memorandum book found in his pocket it is supposed that the umu? of tho deceased was rbomas Mornssy. The boc.y* which appeared to have > a moment’s warning to turn out-, and, if required, to march all night aud show the enemy our mettle without a murmur. Colonel Geary has the entire confidence of the regiment* Tours, G. If. The Cotton Kingdom. In a recent work of Frederick Law Olmsted, styled *i The Cotton Kingdom,” he aays: Recently, a banker, who is and always has been a loyal Union man, said, commenting upon certain experiences of mine narrated in this book : “ The South cannot be poor. Why, their last crop alone was worth two hundred millions. They must b$ rich : 77 ergo, say tho conspirators, adopting the same careless conclusion, they must bo powerful, and the world must feel their power, aud respect them and their institutions. My own observation of the real condition (hg people if our slave States, gave me, on the contrary, an impression that tho cotton monopoly in some way did them more harm than good; and although the written narration of what I saw was not in tended to set this forth, upon reviewing it for the presODt publication, I fibd the impression has be come a conviction. * # * # The following conclusions to which my mind tended strongly in the first month, though I did not then adopt them altogether with confidence, were established at length in iny convictions • 1. The cash value of a slave’s labor in Virginia is, practically, the cash value of the same labor, minus the cost of its transportation, acclimatizing, and breaking in to cotton culture in Mississippi. H« The cost of production; or the development natural wealth in Virginia, is regulated by the cost of slave labor (that is to say), the competition of white labor does not materially reduce it; though it'doubtless has some effect, at least in certain dis tricts, and with reference to certain productions or brunches of industry. 111. Taking infants, aged, invalid, and vicious and knavish slaves into account, the ordinary and average cost of a certain kind of labor is more than double in Virginia what it is in the free States ad joining. IV. The use of land and nearly all other resources of wealth in Virginia is much leasvaluable than the use of similar property in the adjoining free States, these resources having no real value until labor is «pplted to them. (The c.onsua returns of 1950 show that the sale value of farm lands by the acre in Virginia is less than one-third tho value of farm lands in the adjoining free State of Pennsyl vania, and less than one-fifth that of tho farm lands of the neighboring free State of New Jersoy. V. Beyond the bare necessities of existence, poor shelter, poor clothiDg, and the crudest diet, the mass of the citizen class of Virginia earn very little and are very poor—immeasurably poorer than the mass of the people of the adjoining free Stat§§, VI. Qo far as ibis poverty is to be attributed to personal constitution, character, and choice, it is not the result of climated VII. What is true of Virginia is measurably true of all the border slave States, though in special OflfteS the of slavery to a competition of free labor is more easily overcome. In proportion as this is the cose the cost of production is less, the value of production greater, the comfort of the peo ple is greater; they are advancing in wealth as they are in intelligence, which is tfce best form or result of wealth. Quick Trip. —The bark Sarah Jinn Marsh 3 Captain Thomas Jones, arrived here on Saturday in twelve hours from Kingston. She left Kingston at midnight on Friday night and arrived here at noon on Saturday* and had it not been for the boat which was hanging at the stem davits becoming unhooked, owing to a heavy sea striking it, she would have made the passage in a little over eleven hours, as nearly one hour Wfi§ l9St 1U SGGUriDg tllO hflllt. Wo believe this the quickest trip ever made on the lake, between the two posts above mentioned.— Toronto Globe , Friday. The distance from Kingston to Toronto is one hundred aud sixtyrfYG miles, and the hark must have averaged fourteen miles the hour. The Rebel Steamer Nashville. New York, Nov. 13. —The rebel steamer IVas/e -riile was at St; Georges on tho 28th of October, taking in coal. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE HONEY MARKET. Philadelphia* November 13, 186 L. Prices advanced Still higher under the Influence of the favorable war news. Philadelphia sixes, new, advanced to 93ft, and the old issue to 85. Pennsylvania Railroad bonds gained ft j Minchili Railroad, Reading Railroad, and Harrisburg Railroad each advanced ft. The day closed upon a still rising market. The money market shows more case, arising out of an increased disposition of capitalists to make their moans productive. The -voting of the stockholders of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company* upon the question of leasing the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, was continued until noon to-day, and then adjourned over till to-morrow* The polls -will he Kept open until twelve o’clock. The New York Central Railroad has determined to im mediately lay the forty miles still wanting to complete the double track of the road from Albany to Buffalo—a measure which has been forced upyg the management by the heavy freightage business offered during the present season. The company have likewise contracted for ten additional locomotives, and several hundred new freight cars, to be put on the road during the coming winter. The New York Evening Pdil of to-day says; The avalanche of favorable news from the army and navy has electrified IVall street. On the Stock Exchange there is great animation, and prices of the speculative shares move rapidly upwards. For the national loan there is a quick demand at the various agencies* atul tl*e &übscid£ttaߧ ftrfe larger than for any day of the past two weeks. Up to twelve o’clock the sales at the Sub- Treasury reached $510,000. There was a rise of ft®l cent, in Government fives cf 1871 and ’74. The coupons of 1874 sold at 85ft. Tlio sixes of 1881 are in demand for banking p'lrpViTCS And investment, and w« hear of largo operations at about 95 for the coupon bonds. After the board there was great eagerness to buy. Rock Island jumped to 57ft ] Michigan Southern, 20; do. guarantied, 41ft ; Toledo, 38ft ; New York Central, 80ft: Harlem preferred* 34ft. The State stocks are very firm. Missouris close at 45, Tennessee? at 43ft, and Virginias at 49, Pacific Mail sold at 99ft —an advance of Ift por cent. Panama sold, after the board, at 121—a rise of 3 per cent, since Monday. Th? fallo’ii iiig are the wiccs of ttie lirst call at the morning l>oard Bid. Ask . uses rag *81... 94% 94% do coup *Bl. 94% 94% do coup *74. 85% 85% Twin St 6s, tt ,, 43# 41% Virginia St Os.. 48 49 Missouri St 65.. 44% 45 Del&Hud Cl Co. 85% 66 Penn Coal Co.. 78% 78% Cum Coal Co pf. 5 5% Pacific Mail.... 99% 99% XY Ceil ft 86 * §6% Frio II Cp 34 34% do prof. 69% 60 Market strong. Tlie money market is easy' rrime paper readily finds bnyi hear of some choice names sel Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, November 13, 1861. OHOHID BT 8. ®: SLAYMAIBI, Philadslßhlß BSShUISs'- KBST BOAED. 30 Gr A Contes 8... 16 100 Read 8.55wn.... 18# 1000 Loll Val Gs.sown. 91 1000 LehiKh N 6a..... 98 3000 - do sown. 91 200City6s 93# GO llorris-b5K,,,,,, 4W do ■.mSi■ ■n 85 30 d 0..... 51# goo d0....8 83 600 Wilrolnß’n B In.. 86 10 Minehill B 46# 1000 Penna K 2dm.... 84# 10 do 46# 2000 do..2dm. 1>5.. 84# 10 Norristown 8.55. 44# 64 do in Its. 38# 10 do s 5. 44# 1000 Del Div bds 91 jj 60 North Am Ins,,, 14 iooo do bSini. 9i# ONPsuna B S# 60Beading B..csh. 18# 1000 N Pemia Os. Mys. 55# 60 d0......55wn. 18# BETWEEI 4 BOARDS. | 3 Cam & Amb R... 122 | 15 Harrisburg 8,.,, 51X 98 «X 46* SECOND BOARD. 50 Bead 8..b5wn.. 18* 2000 Elmira B 7a 62 1000 Lehigh N6a 98 1000 do 62 1000 do 98 2000 Penna 55....... 78 2 Penna. R 38* 1000 do 78 1000 Del Dlv tillfl 03 40 t«hl#K N« M* 6 do Stk 36 10Lehigh Scrip.... 33 3000 Penna Cp'6s.bs. 95 300 City 55’63 88 8000 do 3dys. 95 1000 d0..’68 86 AFTER BOARDS. 2000 Penna 5b ...78 16000Penna5s, 400 do. 78 CLOSING PI Bid. Ask. US6a 1881 93* 94* Phila 6a int off. 85 86 FhllaOsß “ 85 86 Phila 6a N “ 44 »a PeunaSs....... 77* 78* Reading B 18* 18* Beading Bds’7o 83 B’dgH6s’So’43 91 .. Bead M 6a ’86.. 73 74* Penna R.;. 38* Penna B 2dm 69 84* 84* Blorria Cl Con. .31 36 MorriB Cl Pref.lo6 Sch Nay 6a’82.. 62 63 Sch Nay Imp 6a 70 6ch Nay Btock. 4 fi Sch Nay P(ef,,, JO* 12 3000 Lehigh N 6a. 25 MlueUiU R.. 0 do Philadelphia Markets. There is no change in Flour, but tho market is auiet, soles bring mostly to supply the wants of tlie trade, aj ss.fio®s.fi2ir for wipcrfine; 5ii.75a5.87 For extras; 6.25 for extra family; and $6.5Q®7.50 for fancy brands, according to quality. Rye Flour is arriving, and soiling in a small way at $3.87# ®4 & bW. Corn Meal Is steady but inactive, at bbl f>r Pennsylvania. Whkat.—There is less offering tO-duy, and Ilia mar ket is fiH\lA¥, and on the advance; about B,9ft 182 do 99 ft lO bet & Unit Cl Co.. 85# 7 d 0............ 85 300 N Y Cent It 80 SCO do 79ft 200 do feOO 79 ft 250 d 0...,. ,„,*») 7»3J 050 Erie R ...M0 34 60 do b3O 34 275 do 333; 60 do 33 ft 60 do slO 33£ 625 do 34 106 Mil r i>u d 23 ICO do 22ft CITY ITEMS, Cooper & Conard’s Cloak Warekooms.— Most of our citizens are aware that Messrs. Cooper A Conard’jt Retail pry fioydß llOlltfC* Oil till' SOUtbOUSt Cor* nor of Kiuth and Market streets* has long been a favorite shopping resort for tlio ladles. In fact, it is being gene rally admitted* that for every thing in the way of foreign and domestic dry goods* more can be obtained for the same money at this popular old 6tand than ftt almost any other. This is one reason fur llioir trade being unite as active this season as before the war. Their stock, more over, is very complete in all ils departments. What wo wish hero to speak of, however, is their Cloak Rooms, Haying been for Bovcrnl rast geHßnni largely hi the manufacture aud sal© of Ladies' Cloaks, they have been induced, in order to accommodate their increasing trade, to attach to their salesrooms a large, handsomely designed* and well-lighted apartment, for the sale of Oloaks* where ladies can examine their elegant stock, and make their selections, if they choose, with tho utmost comfort. To persons wishing to make purchases in this line, we commend this stock as one of the most attractive in the city. For everything ill the way or Cloths* Ortssi mere?, and general Roys’ Wear, this stock also presents extraordinary inducements to purchasers. Lecture on “Grit.”— The lecture to be delivered at Concert Hall this evening, under the auspices of Uw TcupUi’a Literary lbatitutu, on tlio Bubjort *f 44 Grit,” by E. P. Whipple, Esq., is sure to attract an overflowing audience, from tho general desire in tho public mind to see and hear this celebrated and accom plished lecturer. A rare intellectual treat may bo safely imlipipfttod. W 0 IldvijVi AHl 1 readers to go early, us tbo present course is being more numerously attended than any previous one. Fine Oi.d Port "Wine.—Those of our rca dws wishing n genuine nrt W* of old Port Wine, for me dicinal or other purposes, will fiud it at Mr. C. 11. Matt son*?, dealer in fine groceries, Arch and Tenth stroots. To know where to obtain a really paro article of Wino or Brandy is important. Mr. Matt mu has been induced to nuikv. this a apeeiulity in his business, though his Bttlos of these articles arc almost wholly for medicinal pur poses. Offers to Aii> tiie Union Cause, —About fifty lottoi’B ft wrtds av» Halved by lliu Vi’L'aiJcnt from officers of tin; armies of Europe, offering their services to the Government. They come from Great Britain, France, Prussia, the German States, Austria,'ltaly, £spah), Switzerland, Sweden, and Russia. Nearly {(JI tho writers expresa their desire to enter iuto the service of a government where the soldiers are so well cared for, and so comfortai ly provided with clothing, &c. It is evident that thc6© officers hnv© heard of the elegaut and comfort able uniforms made in such immense numbers at the Brown Stone Clothing Hail of Rockhill A Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street* above Sixth The Capture of Beaufort.—An official account of the taking of Beaufort lifts beeu received, aud from it we perceive that tliv TVlltflv ilffftir YTilfl CXCPPllinttly well managed. It is related that tho Federal forces found but one man in thcwholetown of BcAufort, ami this in dividual was intoxicated* or he too, like tho rest, would have run away. It is not stated, however, whether this unfnrtumiio uiißoluthod in fl&oiiudih mauufuclurfJ »i tlu.- palfttial clothing emporium of (imiivilli! Stokes, 609 Chest nut street. The fall und winter garments manufactured at this establishment cannot be surpassed, aud are being sold at war prices. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS UP 20 12 o’clock last bight. CONTINENTAL HOTEL-—Chestnut and Ninth streets Mrs Gambrill A du, Balt W C Lichtenwatlen, Pa J Pierpont, Massachusetts Lt E K Wilcox, Must} John T Pavip, Wheeling M L Ott, Wheeling Alex M Lloyd M T Dill, Altoona Wjii Colon, Huntingdon Miss Mary Hall, l*a L W Hull, Pennsylvania N P Sawyer, Pittsburg A Wiibelni, Cornwall A O Hiostor A son, Pa S II Davis A da, Pliiln T H Haskell, U S N Thos E Jundy, Danbury D W Corwin, Cincinnati 7. Blise, Providence J Lynch, New York Mrs Hickos & 3 eh* St Louis Mrs Alexander, St LeuU Douglas R Hall A Ift, 111 W J Smith, Washington G S Gideon, Washington Mrs Capt C Poor, Pa C P Hewee & la, W Chester John A Erben & la, Pa H D Mussetman & la, pa Mrs J Mussulman, Pa Mr Blackwell A la, Eng Miss Blackwell, England P fi Small & la* York John Donlotu Wheeling John Taylor, Montreal + Baml Marshall, 'Wisconsin Geo E Head, USA J II Beveridge Illinois H Bidgely & la, Delaware Mrs Coyle & dan, Wash G H Moore, Annapolis, Md AW; Hastings, Cambridge Gov Andrew, Boston Mrs Andrew, Boston : J G Clarke, BogfoH Jffi2lCB TftlCOtt & Ift* N Y H Ritchie & la, Boston Com Crftbbe* U B N J B Anthony* Prov, RI J W Clcndenin, Baltimore J A Brodhead, Boston Capt H Warcn* Boston W P Stewart, Syracuse .T D Dann, Connecticut Jag M Bayles & wf, N Y John Kent, Boston b f BiiHngf, Boston V J Deagftn, Baltimore g y Taylor* England Miss Harris* Baltimore Mrs Taylor* England J R M Mullany* N Y Mr Whitney & wf, N J Miss Abbott, Hew Jersey Jg S H Dnlrymple & wf, N J J W Brown, New Jersey P V Coppuck, New Jersey Ben P Poore, Mass E A Beftrdsleo, New Jersey R D MeFarlabe Gardner Greene, Conn Miss Livezey, Montg’y Jnle Yj Straw* A Wagner, Montg’y co, Pa J 0 Watkins, New York Maj G Laumaii, Reading W W Marcus, New York J G Grinncll, New Bedford D Buffun,New York 8 S Bradford* Prov, Ti I M B Lockwood, ProY* It I Robt 8 Soeaueer, N York C J Buckingham, N York J Wight & York J Hullowell* New York S A Allen J Toncey, Hartford, Conn H B Burr & la, Mt Holly Wm A Croliuo, New York T H Leggett, New York E H Leggett, New York John H Wyman, New York W G Cine, Columbia J F Coylj, WtohiHgteh • Mrs Pierson & 2 cli, Cin, O Mrs Patterson, Ciu, O Chas E Milnor, New York Lieut E F Hendricks, Ct T Davis, Jr, Watkins, N Y Jos Smith, New Jersoy John Groman, New Jersey T F Hunt, Scranton, Pa E Y Haugwout & la, N Y F E How & la, New York R GMoulton, New York Wfti Natcher, Wllm, Del J A Voisin, Jr, New York Wm Ferguson, New York Dr J F Ferguson, USA 0 A Grano A wf Miss Crane H L Williams, New York L P Williams, New York W F Barry, Now York L Benjamin, New York L Shethan, New York E R Sawyer, Boston B J Lane, Boston L E Smitt, Mechanic oville N J Schemhan A Ift John Myers & la Jus Bonwell, Maryland D A Pell, USA A Rossman* Cincinnati L C Cole A la, New York E Game© & la, New York I Van Wagoner, Newark,NJ G K Wood, Now York Mr Stewart, Philadelphia be Peyster A wf, N York Mrs Holland, New York Louis Livingston, N York Maj W H Ritter McDaniel, Delaware W Glover, Chester co J Jones, Chester co J Vunstavorn, Wash, D C I, Mirk, Chester co A B Richardson, Mover, Ml Dr Fussell A la, Cl estor co N B Hammond, Chester co E l’rizcr A la, Doylostown H J Sheppard, Oxford, Pa A Spencer, Harford co, Md D J Brown, Wash, D C T N Thornburg A la, Pa STATES UNlON—Sixth street, above Market. C M Lewis, Baltimore A Brown, Philadelphia Sergeant Serrill, Del J P Kratzer, l’cnn > Win Weainer, Penna Geo Weamer, Indiana, ra J Morrow, Westmoreland If Williams, West Chester J Hill, Wagontown, Penna E Preston, Wagontowu, Fa J Bonn, Wagonlown, Pa J G Hartahorn, Penna J C Bunting, Contesville Mra Kate Bunting, Pa W A Maloney, Harrisburg BALD EAGLE—Third street, above OallowhiU. J A Bdssard, reima A Calvin, Easton T SLfcleeariag, Penna John Crnlg, Penna Miss Stopp, Allentown J T Berger, Quakertown Peter Grabill, Penna J Hough A la, N J Auron Zellera, Rochester, Pa THE PRESS-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14. 1861. [change—Nov, 13. 184 Mich S & N I Gtd 40 8 do 40# 200 do 40# 100 do 40 150 dft 40ft; 100 111 Cent]R 6tft 100 do »30 66 400 do 05 85 C B & Quin R 60 fiQKrioßFrof...BBQ 00 275 do 60 100 do b3O 00ft 60 do 69ft 50 Hudson Riv 8.... 40ft 60 do b3O 40ft 300 40# 200 do,. k6O 40 4UO do 40ft 100 do 40ft 550 Harlem R... 13ft 100 do 13ft 495 Harlem tt Pj’§f,,, 24 ioo Hearting JS 30 ft 250 Mich Central 63 100 do ~..s3O 53 100 do 53ft 450 Mich S A N 1.... 19ft ■OO dOiiiii blO lflft 200 do 19 ft 10 Clev C & C R 98 260 Gal tt Chi R 71ft 25 do 72 2550 Clev & T01ed0..,. 33 200 do 1)30 31ft 100 do 37ft 25 do 37ft 380 Chi * It I R 66 100 do 66 50 do bUO 56ft 60 200 do 56ft BT. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. II J Thinoy, MllUflUektiaetU Mr* Roman*,, Caracas J T Mole© MUs Romans, Caracas W B Rosenbaum, N J Solomon Isaacs, Phila W Powers, Penn* ylvtiniu John Bradley* Scranton Wm Pate, N<*w York Jos Noble, Now York J w Sheppard* Cincinnati 1) Coucos & la. Now York vr Dew Covgicwf New York J W Alvord, Bouton K S Morsel!, Wash, DC M Lung, Washington, D C Roht D Bey, New York Geo M Chambers, Bait John Henry, Baltimore “M J Staylor, Baltimore John R Riiigcloy, Balt M Simpson & la* N Y Ml* Wb&llU'oiflt, Dubuque 14 Burdick J Webb, Boston II Dyer, Boston REVERE HOUSE—Third street, above Race. CUas Hirsh, Lniicftstor W 8 Konnedy, Brooklyn Capt A H Wright* Wash Lt Col G A Michlcpk, Pliihi Capt J s Gcnther* Phila Capt Louis Thonof, Phila CaptL Waner, Penna Capt Jules Lander, Penna Theo Vepper, Penna Peter Fluhr, Washington J Leibfried, Washington Otto Miller, Washington II Mixuor, Washington Peter Hilger, Washington Geo J Goisso, Washington llfllly Bnrtei'Si l'hilaila Marlin Gaul* I’liilarta NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. Cnpt WilkhiFon, Piumn D Wilcox, Canton Mrs D Wilcox, Canton W A Edwards, Sharuokin H K Wftpfol'd, N J J T Baldwin, Easton .T W Royer, Limerick Kami C Kt earner, Penna Joel Ritter, Reading Wm Ault, Lebanon co MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. G V Yflmlolnlii Stoditon* NJ lIF Trout, Stoeltten* N J A J Wheeler* Deposit, N Y Sgt Lippo, USA Fi N Smith, Mt llolly Dr A C Stiles, N J S C Harrey & las, Penna G Sipple, Dover, Del Mifiri Armstrong, Reading # Jas Sharp, Milford, Del .1 W Cowell, Doylctrtown Jus Sutton, St Georges, Del Wm Rodgers, Kent to, Md Mrs Hughes* Now Juraoy BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vine. R Myon-', Cheltenham John Remniy* Doylestown G Hunt A- In, Southampton Mr Murgcruin, Horsham 1* S Pcicock &• la, Lnmbertv A Lmming & la, Lnmbertv J K Murylfthd H Hurvuy, Waali, P C L P Dußoin, Wnnh, D C Titos Evans A la, Boston Miss Sarah Evans, Boston BLACK BEAR—Third street, above Collowhill. 11 German, Veisonburq John Mattis* Boston DIT llealilcd* Rechiclarillc C Slrimk, liochtelaville E tlabel, Royei'town John Gabel, Bo.vertown Dr T Martin, Allentown Robt Kramer, Allontown '"moDNT YEHNON HOTEL—Second Arch. Maj J Field, New Jersey A Barrow* AflnntiC City E D fb-odivlij. New York E Cartriglit* New York PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. JAMES R. CAMPBELL* 1 SAM. W. DK COURSE Y, > Committrb of TUB MoHTB* RICHARp C. DALE, \ LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Philadelphia, Ship Kate Prince, Gerrisli Liverpool soon Ship Fnmuri Abum«, Gay London, koou Brig M K Milliben, Norden Matanzas, soon Brig Wenonah, Bowden Rio de Janeiro, soon Brig C A White, Irons Havana* soon Schr Minerva, (ttr) Fletcher Port Spain, soon Bchr Luna, (Br) Wilson Port Spain, Trinidad, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 14,1861* SUN RISES 7 7 I SUN SETS.... 1(1tt ,.4 §£ HIGH WATER ! *.V. U 42 ARRIVED. Steamship Kensington, Baker, 48 hours from Boston, with mdse, Ac. to Henry Winsor. Passod.at 9 o'clock on Wednesday morning, off the Brandywine Light* fillips fruin LNcrpooi* WostuiorelamJ, from Uoj tt French bark; ;» bark unknown; three brigs, and a large fleet of sclirs, all bound up. Steamship Boston, Johnson. 20 hours from Now York, With mdse, &c. to Jas Allderdico. Sclir liiclinrii Ilal], Smith 3 rtnyg frnm New Tort, with salt to captain. Schr Courier, Hopkins, C days from Boston, with stone to E A Soudcr & Co. Was off Cape Henlopen ill the gale of 9th inst; split sails, shifted deck load, and received other damage. Sciir IJeiij Enslisli, BolleSi tdaystrom Sippican, witk mdse to captain, fichr Sedonn, Wall, 6 days from Boston, with yellow pine timber to captaiu. Schr Eliza A Rebecca, Price, from Boston. Schr Lewis Mnlford, Doyle, from Boston. Sshr Eli Ttnvnficnfl* VYenvert from Rnßtnn. Sclir J IT Wiiinwright, Ludlam, from Boston. Sclir Surah Luvinia, Crnnmnr, from Providence. Schr E Headley, Bowen, from Baltimore. Steamer Bristol, Charles, 24 hours from New* York, with mdse to W P Clyde. BELOW. Ship Congress, from Boston, aud alight ship unknown, were in the buy on Tuesday. CLEARED. Brig Oncco, Nus.v, Boston* captain. Schr Anjuliu, Acker! >', St Barts, Jatiretclie ACarstairs. .Schr E Townsend, Weaver, Boston, J R Blakistou. Schr Jlf Wainwright, Ltidlam, Boston, do Schr L Mnlford, Doyle, Boston, Wm II Johns. Schr M M Freeman, Howes, Boston, Twolls & Co. Schr B L Berry, Weaver, Boston* Tyler, Stone & Co. Schr Anion* Smftll* Portsmouth. do Schr Eliza & Rebecca, Price, Roxbury, L Audenried A Co. Schr K Headley, Bowen, Baltimore, Van Dusen, Nor ton & Co. Schr Snrali Luvinia, Cranmer, Providence, Sinnickson A filovftr. Schr J C PAtterson, Hand. Boston, L Audenried & Co. Schr G W Cummings, Weldon, Providence, Castuer, Stiekney A Wellington. Schr Luvinia Jane, Kefchitm, New York, do str R Willing* Clayp Bnltimore* A Groves* Jr* Str Alma, Robinson, Mew York, W P Clyde. SAILED. The bark Oaste, for London, left Vine-street wharf at nine o’clock yesterday morning, in tow of tug America, with a cafgp consisting of 23,440 bushels wlioatand 4140 bids of flour. (Correspondence of tho Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del., Nov 12. The ships Westmoreland, from Liverpool, and Con gress from Boston, came in to-day and proceeded up the bay. Went to &oa this rnwhlhg, bark Irma, for Lasuar ra; schrs Jos S Lee, for A spin wall, and C P Stiekney, for Cape Hayden; al?o alt the vessels reported at the Break water iu my last. Wind NW. Yours, Ac. A. MARSHALL. MEMORANDA, . ship Woh foot, Hodge, cleared at New York yesterday for San Francisco. Bark Andrew Mandoreon, Thompson, hence, at Bel fast, Ireland, previous to let inst. Bark C B Hamilton, Chase, at Portand 12th inst. from Havana. Brig Orizava, Hamilton, from. Boston for Philadelphia, at Newport 11th inst. Sclire J SWeldin, for Wilmington, Bel, Emily, Bates, for Chester, Pa, and Robt Corson, High, for Philadel phia, cleared at New York 12th inst. Sehrs Wm H Rowe, Harris, Velma, Treworgy, J H Hoyt, Lyons, ft H Shannon, Marts, if A Rogers, Rogers, And White Squall, Sharp, hence, arrived at Boston 12th instant. Schr A Hammond, Paine, cleared at Boston 12th inst. for Philadelphia. Schr J B Austin, Davis, from Boston for PhU§d§lphifi, ai Hohnea 1 Hole 9th inst. Was run into in the morning, near the Pollock Rip. by an unknown brig, (supposed Br) and had bulwarks stove on starboard side, plankshear and two planks, broke staunchions, carried away chain plate, and tore foresail badly. Schr Cffp L Green, Colib, from Boston for FhiladaU phi a, at New York 12th inst. Schr Black Diamond, at New Haven 11th inst. from Delaware City. Sehrs Win Bemont, Parker, hence for Boston, and K Bickey, Tice, from Digbton for Philadelphia, sailed from Newport 10th inst. Schr J W i)risco, Drisco, cleared at Bath 9th inst. for Philadelphia. Schr Starlight, from Rockport for Philadelphia, at Newport 10th inßt. On the Bth, off Cape Cod, loet over board Daniel W Robbins, seaman. Sehrs iow, shifted deck load,{and lost from off deck 6090 feet of lumber. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Notice is hereby given that an iron spindle, surmount ed by an iron owip, has been placed up&n Y &t\i Led**, off York River, Maine. The spindle is painted black, is twenty-eight feet iu height, and occupies the exact position of the beacon re cently carried, away from the Ledge. By order of the Lighthouse Board. E. A. Long, Clerk to L. H. Inspector, Second District. Boston, Nov 11,1861. SPECIAL NOTICES. Special Attention is called IJ | | J M to tho unprecedented inducements offered to those übont purchasing Pianos and Helodoons. Large temporary reductions being made to me by the manufac turers iu consequence of reduced wages, rent of manu* factory, and all that goes to make up the cost of pro duction, the full benefit is proffered to buyers, and a call must satisfy all that now is the time. Can sell class Piauo at $225. Give mo a cull. no4-lm J. E. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut sts. Dr. Robertson's Vegetable Ner vous COKDIAL J or, NATURE’S GRAND RESTORATIVE. The great Remedy for all Nervous Complaints, Dalii. lity, Prostration, Lowness of Spirits, Ac. Price 81. For Bale by DYOTT A CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street, ocll-thßlm Depot for all Popular Medicines. Helmbold’s Universally Approved Remedy. —Compound Extract Bucbu cures Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Weakness, 4c. Read the advertisement in another columns no6-ths Kerr’s China Hall, Chestnut street, opposite the State House. SELLING OFF. The entire stock of China and Glnss of tho above esta blishment ia now aelling off at cost, and below cost, to close the business of the late firm of WM. J. KERIt & Co. SALES FOB CASH ONLY. 0c24-thstu-lm Batchelor’s Hair Bye.—This cele brated and pfirfoet HATH DYE ii tho BEST IN THE WORLD. All others are mere Imitations of this Great Original, which has gained such extensive Patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. BATCHE LOR’S LIQUID HAIR DYE ixsTisiieT produces a splendid Black or natural Brown, without staining the Skin OP injuring the Hair, and will remedy the ill effects of bad Dyes, invigorating the Hair for life. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by FAHNESTOCK 4 CO. end DYOTT 4 CO., Philadel phia mhl-tf One-Price Clothing, op the Latest gtTLXS, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our OiiSvPftiox SrSTKM is strictly adhered to. AH are thereby treated alike. «e22-ly JONES 4 GO., 6M MARKET Street Card Printing, Best and Cheapest In the City, at 34 SAttth THIRD Slrwt. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Beat and Olieapeit ia the Oity, at 34 South THIRD Btreet. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Beat sad Cheapest ia the City, at 34 Senth THIRD Street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other rinserip. ttoa of Printing, of the meat superior quality, at the moat reasonable rates, at IIING WALT & BROWN’S, Drexell’e Building, 34 South THIRD Street. delO-tf MARRIED; McIKHKS—OVKNBHINE.—Oath. 12th Instant, b 7 the Rev. J. 11. ICcmiard, Mr. If. Mclnnes to Miss Re becca Ovenshhie, both of this city. * WILSON—MILLS.—On the 12th instant, by Rev. Howard Maicom, j), D„ Oliver S, Wilson. of Montgome ry county, to Lizzie Mills, of Philadelphia. * FOSTER—EVANS.—On the 29th ultimo, by Rev. E. W. Hutter, Mr. Jcmso Foster to Miss Elizabeth Evans, both of Bethel, Gloucester county, N. J. # HANNA—WILSON.—On tho sth instant, by |he Rpy, S. liV. Thomas, Wllliftn* J., second eoa of John Hanna, Esq., Wlute House, County Donegal, Ireland, to Cathe rine J., eldest daughter of Adam Wilson, Esq., of this city. * WILLIAMS—HAMILTON.—On the 6th instant, by the Rev. Robt. Gamble, Mr. Joseph N. \Villiun)§ Mi 33 EliimbMh Hamilton, both of this city. DIED. SMITH.—On Tuesday morning, of consumption, at Snirotihiiip, Moiitgunu-rr minty. i'a„ itcuUon K. Smith. aged 27 j tnrs. The interment will take place at the old Goshenhoppeil Church, Montgomery county, Pa., on Friday morning, the 16th instant, atlO o’clock. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the llth instant, Edward Bay!*, aged 81 years. Funeral irom liis late residence, No. 535 Queen street, this (Thursday) morning, at 10 o’clock. * BRENNAN.—On the llth instant, Mrs. Brennan, af ter a short illness. FniitTtil from her late raaidonou, Sow'&l Mrect, Rich ptoml* this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2o'clock. # DIjFFIKIjD. —On Sunday morning, tho 10th instant, Mrs. Louisa K. Dtiflirid, relict of the late John Duificld, aged t 4 yenrs. Fiinoi'Jil from tho residence of her sou-in-law, Joseph IL Cotuly* No, 203 Main street, Fiaukford. this (Thurs day) uitmioon at 1 o’clock. * t>Bß.—On tho llth instant, Mra. Mary Orr, relict of the Into John Orr, aged 60 yearn. Funeral from the residence, of .her son-in-law, S. A. Wertz, No. 1210 Coates street, on Friday morning* at 10 o'clock. ' BAKKIL—On the 12th instant, Ilenry Baker, In the 46th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, 2012 Locust street, on Friday afternoon at 1 o’clock. PICKINGS.—On the llth instant, Martin Pickings, in (he 43d year of hjs figy, Funeral from his late residence, Ridge road, above the Nine-mile stone, this (Thursday) morning at 10 o’clock. * CROSSLEY.—On tlio 12th instant, Margaret, wife of Francis Crosslcy, iu the 40th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband* JefFersgn fllill PaUtljorp street.-;, this (Tiiursduy) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. . * DOWNEY.—On the llth instant, Mrs. Sarah Downey, in the 86th year of her age. Funeral from her late residence, 1031 South Fourth street, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 1 o’clock. *' FLUl’Ollfiß.—On tho llth instant, Mrs. Ann Fletch er, in the 50ih year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her son-in-law, Joseph Auchenlich, No. 11 Bird street, below Sccoud, between Catharine and Queen,on Friday afternoon nt2oYlk. #'*i : FJUEL.—On the 12th instant* Bernard* Of 'Cfltllft? rlnc und the late .!times Find, in the 17th year of his age. Funeral from tho residence or his mother, Ilorner ave nue, Thirteenth street, below Vine, this (Thursday) af ternoon, at 3 o’clock. * FRY.—On tho 12th instant, Henry Fry* in 7£tll year of his ago. Funeral from the residence of lus son-in-law, Joseph Frederilze, 209 New street, this (Thursday) morning, at 7 o’clock. * McCLAIN.—On the 12th instant, Jane McClain, aged 28 years. Funeral from tlio rosidennn of hnr husband, Alnvundfip McClain, No. 74 South Nineteenth street, between Fits water and Catharine streets, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. " * PERKINS.—On the llth instant, Mm. Sarah Perkins, aged 52 years. Funeral from tho residence of her kualumd, Avanting*. gtreet, third door east of Frankford road, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 1 o’clock. * Mourning store, n 0 .918 PTItKKT. BESSON Sc SON have lately received Black Beaver Cloth Cloaks, Gray Water-proof Cloaks, Black Thibet Long Shawls, extra sizes * Shepherd Plaid Long and Square Shawls, Crape and Grenadine Collars and Sleeves, Jouvip’s Black Kid Gloves* AH'SiWlre’B BlfiCKi Load* and Purple Kid Gloves: Fleecy Silk Gloves and Gaunt lets, Black Centre Brociic Scarfs, Black nil wool Velour Ottomans and Reps, SI a yard; Black Reps Anglais, 25 cents a yard; Grenadine Veils, &c. no 4 -OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF O? HEALTH, S. W. CORNER SIXTH AND SANBOM STREETS, Philadelphia, November 12,1861. I am directed by tlio Board of Health to publish the following copy of a preamble and resolutions adopted by them this date. Youra, Ac., WASH. L. BLADEN, Clerk. ir/icrecrs, This Board have learned that preparations are now being made by the United States Government to establish temporary hospitals in this city for the sick and iY9UHt Lieut. Co. Aj A. H, Seyfert, 2UI Lieut, Coi A; Ci 6. Carmack, Capt: Ca E; Wm. If. Shcnvman, Ist Lieut. Co. E; J. S, Steeple, Ist Lieut. Co. C; E. A. Mass, Ist Lient. Co. B; Geo. B. Rhouls, 2d Lieut. Co. B; Wm. L. Street, 2d Lieut. Co. F; Wm. H. Fair-lamb, 2d Lieut. Co. B; F. W. Dunham, Capt. Co. F; P. IJprker Martin, Ist Lieut. Co. F. It* OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE IHU- U 3 TUAL SAFETY INSURANCE CO., Phila delphia, November IS, 1861. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Cask Dividend of TEN PER CENT, on the Capital Stock, mid SIX PER CENT, interest an Urn Serip of tUA Com pany, payable on and after tlie 30th instant. They have also declared a Scrip Dividend of TWEN TY-FIVE PEK CENT, on the Earned Premiums for the year ending October 31,1861, Certificates for which will be issued to tho parties entitled to the name, on and After SOili instant. No Certificates of profits issued under $25. liol4-Gt HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary rys> INDIAN CONCERT. - LAROOQUA, |_k_? assisted by Graduates from the Institution for the Blind; will give a GRAND CONCERT, £6hslstlh£ of Sacred, Sentimental, and Indian Songs, with Recitations of select passages from Hiawatha, on THURSDAY EVENING, November 14, at the Taber nacle M. E. Church, ELEVENTH Street, below Oxford. The object is to raise a fund for the circulation of facts, as a basi; for insuring quarter for the ludiaug* and to pro* serve our children ond friends who are living on the fron tiers from the perils of savage warfare. Admission, 15 cents; Children, 10 cents. Boors open at 7 o’clock. n!3-2t ANNIVERSARY OF THE MERC AN LLS TIL>: BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION OF PHI LADELPHIA.—Tho Twentieth Anniversary of the Association will be celebrated at tho MUSICAL FUND HALL, on THURSDAY EVENING, 21st inst., at 7% o’clock. Addresses will be delivered by Rev. Wm. Bacon Stevens, D. D., and Rev. J. Wheaton Smith. Orche&tr& tinder the direction of Prof. Uaasler. Cards of admission may be had gratuitously upon ap plication at No. 739 Market street, No. 503 Market street, or 36 North Third street. »012-t2l WM. C. LUDWIG, ffesidyntt iv=a MECHANICS’ BANK, Philadelphia, Nov. 5.1861. The Board of Directors have this day doelurod a semi annual dividend of THREE AND ONE-HALF per cent. (3%), payable on and after November 15, agreeably to the provisions of tbo clmrtor. no7-6t J. WIEGAND, Jr., Cashior. EXCHANGE BANK OF PITTSBURG, LL3 Pittsburg, Nov. 5,1861. The Directors of this bank have declared a dividend of FOUB per cent, out of the earnings of the last six months, Eastern Stockholders, or their representatives, will be paid on or after the loth instant at the Western Sank of I’hiladt Iphiu. noT-lOt H. M. HURRAY, Cashier. ns M ESTERN BANK OF PHIEADA. pHILADKLPHIAt NoYombßF 5i 1861. The Directors of this Bank hare this day declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT., payable on and aftor the 15th tart. G, Pit. TROUTMAN, oc6-10t Cashier. COMMERCIAL BANK OF FENNSYL ILS VANIA, Philadelphia* November 5,1861. The Board of Directors have tins day declared a semi annual dividend of TWO AND ONE-HALF PER CENT., payable on and after FRIDAY, 15th inst., clear of State tax. S, C> PALMER, ocMOt Cashier. rvr» FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS 1 BANK. [|jt —Philadelphia, October 4,1861. —The annual election for Directors will be held at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the 18th day of November next, between the hours of 9 o’clock A. M. and 3 o’clock P. M.» and on TUESDAY, the sth d*y of November next, a general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House at 4 o'clock P. M., agreeably to the Charter. ocs-dtn!B W. RUSHTON, Jr., Cashier. BANK OF COMMERCE, Philadelphia, October 7,1861, The annual election for Directors will l>© held at the Banking Houße on MONDAY, the 18th day of November nex, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. fit. and 2 o'clock P. M. Tlie annual meeting of Stockholders will be held at the same place on TUESDAY, the sth day of November next. at 12 o’clock M. ocB*tntliß tnolS COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSYL* VANIA. Philadhlpiiia, Oct. 12, 1861. Tho Annual Election for Directors will be held at the Hanking House on Monday, November 18tb, between the hours of 10 A. M. ami 2 P. M. The Aimuiil Meeting ot tho BtoeUhAMoi l 3 will I>6h6ld at the same place, on TUESDAY, November sth, at 12 o’clock M. 8. C. PALME B, ocls'tuthsti)olB Cashier. rGIRARD BANK, 113 Philadelphia, October 8,1801, The annual election for Directors will bo held at the Banking House on MONDAY, November 18, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. A general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the &amc place on TUESDAY, November 5, at 12 o’clock M. W. L. SCHAFFER, Cashier. 6eB-tuthfl tnolB WESTERN BANK OF PHILADEL PHIA, October S, 1861.—The ANNUAL MEET ING of the stockholders of thiß Bank will be held at the Banking House on TUEBDAY, the 6th day of Novem ber next, at 12 o’clock M. And the ANNUAL ELECTION for DIRECTORS will be held at this Bank on MONDAY, the 18th day of November next, between the hours of lOo’clook A, U, and 2 o’clock P. M. G. M, TROUTMAN, ©cS.tlißt tNIB Cashier, uea CITY COMMISSIONERS' OPPICE [[ j NOTICE.—The Board of City Commissioners will hear Appeals from the Assessment of Real and Personal Property, as returned by the Assessors of the different Wards, for the Triennial Assessment of 1802, on the fol ipwingdftja; Wards. ! 15t.... Monday, Oct. 21 2d.... Tuesday, u 22 3d.... Wednesday, “ 23 4th,...Thuisday, “ 24 hk,...FriJnyi “ 25 6th.... Monday, “ 28 7th.... Tuesday, 4 ‘ 29 Bth....Wednesday, “ 30 9th.... Thursday, ** 31 loth....Friday, Nov. 1 ..Monday, « 4 OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD UJs COMPANY, Philadelphia, October 15,1961. The Board of Director# have this day declared ft semi annual dividend of THREE PER CENT, on the capital Btock of the Company, clear of State tax, payable on and after November 16,1861. Pmvors-of-Attorney for collection of dividends can be fcftll Ml a\t the oMco of the Company, No. 238 South THIRD Street. oc]7-Idel PEOPLE’S LITERARY INSTITUTE. UJS —The THIRD LECTURE of tho course will be di'lirorod on THURSDAY EVENING, Number 14, at CONCERT HALL, by E. P. WHIPPLE, E»|. Sub ject—tl Grit.” Lecture, quarter before eight o’clock. Tickets, 25 cents, at T. B. Pugh's, Sixth anil Chestnut streets. Tickets for the remainder of the course (six lecture*! at reduced prices. no9-5l CLOAKS A 13 I E § 5 CH.OICE FURS, WARRANTED >VEfiL SEASONED AND RELIABLE, AT' -- - ' • VERY REASONABLE PItfCKS, AT TQfi PARIS CLOAK AND FUR EMPORIUM, TOB CHESTNUT STREET. J. W. PROCTOR & Co. no!4-lm gLACK CLOTHS FOR CLOAKS AND COATS, FROM SI TO So PER YARD. CASSIMERES FOR MEN'S AND ROYS' WEAR. COOPER & CONARD, S. F,, corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. iiol4-fnw-lm JJ UDS O N BAY CLOTH and VELVET Do., THOS. W. EVANS & CO., Nos. 818 and 820 CHESTNUT STREET. nolS-.lt T M. HAFLEIGH. RP* WINTER DRESS GOODS, To which additions are made-daily. Having-met with great uucceeß in the sale or CLOAKS, particular atten tion Will p&id. to that department. One case good Quality PLAID SILKS , , 56 » Lot % BEES . . . . 62^ (i << «( <( ... 75 EMBROIDERED PIANO- AND -Hi TABLE COVERS.—Just opened,, a large assort ment of choice styles, in all colors- SHEPPARDi VAN HARLINGEN £ ARRISON, pol4-rpfit 10Q8 CHESTNUT Street. THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL WORLD. A Monthly l6 pp,, 4to, published by the AMERICAN. SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, for Teachers, Parents, and all-who arc engaged or interested in the religious training of tho young. Single copies, 50- cents; ten copies, &4.50;: twenty copies, S - por year. Sample copies furnished and subscriptions r?9?iY€4 At the. Home depository, No. 112 2 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia;- New York, No. 599 Broadway 5 Boston, No. 141 Washington street no!4-tlist WILL BE PUBLISHED IN A FKW PAYS-^ Containing all the movements and manoeuvres In tho School of ttie Battalion, with the commands arranged in tabular forms, and properly explained. Translated from tho French, with adaptation to the U. 8. service. By Captain HENRY COPPER, late Instructor in the U. S. Military Academy at West Paint. Tbit little manual is an invaluable aid to officers of every grade in battalion drill. The study of the tactics is not only shortened, but very much facilitated; the ar rangement of the commands, in every case, explaining the movement, nnd setting forth the duty of every officer at & Itß small size renders it a vade mecuin for the officer on the field. THE FIELD MANUAL OF EVOLUTIONS OF THE LINE, arranged in a tabular form, for the use of officers of the U, S. Infantry; being a sequel to tho au thorized U. 8. Infantry Tactics. Translated, with adapt ations to the U. S. Service, from the latest French au thorities. By Caj’t. HENRY" COPPEE, late Instructor in the U. B. Military Academy ut West Point. A most valuable and timely book: every officer should have it in his pocket in the maiueuvres of brigades and divisions. It contains a condensed and tabular state ment of the commands of the instructor and of the batta lion commanders, -with short but sufficient explanations accompanying each. „ . „ _ „ ~ Many of our officers find the evolutions 0/ the line a most complicated study. Thoy are here rendered easy both of knowledge and reference.* J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Publishers, no32*tuths-3t 22 and 24 North FOURTH Street, Choice English books at REDUCED BATES. The subscribers now offer their large and well-se lected assortment of English and French Books at greatly reduced prices for cash, in order to reduce their stock prior to tho Ist of January. Their collection comprises tho best editions of tho standard English authors, together with n large and valuable stock of Scientific and Miscellaneous Litera ture in every Department of Scionce and Art. English and French engravings in great variety. Detailed catalogue furnished gratis ori application! or mailed to any address. McELKOx x cu.» Importers of Euglibh Books, &c., no!2*6t No. 27 South SIXTH St., at). Chestnut. jpUNITED STATES MARINES.— ■ wanted immediately for tho United States Marine W Corps THREE HUNDRED ABLE-BODIED MEN, for sea service, between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five years. All information that may bo required will be given at the Rendezvous, 311 South FRONT Street, below Sprucr. JAMF.9 LEWIS, Captain, noS’l2t . Recx uiting Officer BAZAAR, NINTH AND SAN /CSAsom streets. LARGE SALE OF HORSES, CARRIAGES, HAR- J. A. LEWIS, Cashier. ON SATURDAY MORNING, At 10 o’clock, including in the catalogue NEARLY FIFTY HORSES. Aho, an Aldernay Bull, between 3 and 4 years old. ALSO, , , . A largo collection of desirable new and second-hand carriages, harness, &c., with which tho sale will com mence. SST* No postponement on account of the weather. It ALFRED M. lIERKNESS, Auctioneer. AN UNCOLORED PHOTOGRAPH Is cold and rcpuisiTe. By nil moans Ret colored Photographs, for which you arc charged only $l, at BEIMER’S, SECOND Street, abovo Green. It* French plate LOOKING GLASSES, is Rosewood, Gilt, or Walnut Frames, at prices to suit Me tijncs t at GEO. t . it K.VK KliT'S, 828 ARCH Street. noU-iflf Particular attention given to Ladies’ Hair-cutting and Dyeing, at FOURTH and BRANCH. n<43»iftf Postage stamps.—Twonty-faur cent, twelve-cent, and ten-cent STAMPS for sale at five per ccut. discount. Apply at Thi JVW office, no9-tf 13th.... Tuesday, Nor, 5 14th.... Wednesday, “ 8 15th.... Thursday, “ T i?£ j ~ M «. « * 18th.... Monday, “ 11 19th... .Tuesday, ** 12 20th.... Wednesday, “ 13 21at....Thursday, _ “ 14 | ..Friday, >' 15 “‘{j | ..Monday, -19 JAMES SHAW, Clerk. ocl6-tno!8 THOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. RETAIL DRY GOODS. SABLE CLOTHS, FROSTED BEAVERS, SEALSKIN CLOTHS, BLACK BEAVERS, LYONS VELVETS; LARGE ASSORTMENT, MODERATE FRIGES, AT TIfK PARIS CLOAK EMPORIUM, 90S CHESTNUT Street. J. W. PROCTOR & Co. nol4-tf FROSTED BEAVER CLOTH CLOAKS, WITH A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT LATEST PARIS STYLES, at rsnv REASONABLE PRICES (Successor to) L. J* LEVY & Co M •m CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW EIGHTH, has now open & choice and desirable stock of ON MONDAY, 11th INSTANT, will be offered tl «< u u ti <( it (( i.oU-St NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE FIELD MANUAL BATTALION DRILL. military notices. NESS. Ac. WANTS. TT7ANTED—A SITUATION in a V V Wholrnale or Retail Grocery Store, For a Young Man who Ihvi fowl four years’ cxpcrionco in one trf fire bent family grocery stores in life country. Ad(i7“Bj ‘tpifoxfil,” Gi'rmnntmvn. nn!4-3t* TX7ANTED—An expert and careful T V map mounter, who is atrettstomert t 3 tow work an.t can bring good ri-comimiulntiom. Pleaso ftd» dress 11. F. WALLING, No. 358 FKAlib Street, New York. m, WANTED—A FARM, within ten ■Amr- tnelve milaa nf Phikidaluhia, f„ r which the Le 4 quality of improved city property will in, given- hi ex change. Apply to E. RETfI'P, oc3o No- 809 WALNUT Sfrert. BOARDING. -A-A-A-*. -v-~—---—--~-w------.--w BOAKDING. —A tsnwily residing Cheslnirt street, near Nine?e*mth, have three serond or thirrt«atury rooms, with convenience, to* rout, with Board, to person* with unexceptionable refer-- encos, Aililresfi * f-omfort,” this oflfcai uofl ntnth6t* IK-19 CHESTNUT STREET—Two ±Ol6 desirable front Rooms now vacant. Bath, gas, hot and cold water, with partial or fiJS Board; also. Table Boarders taken. rioB-6t* First-class boarding, with Single and Communicating Booms, No. 1417 LO CUST Street. ___ oc2l-lm* FOR SALE AND TO LET. TO RENT—STORE No. 20 BANK Street. Apply on tho Promises or at 627 WAL NUT Street. Immediate possession. Bent low to a good tenant* Fixture for said: nnl2-tuth«6t* TO LET—The upper rooms of store No. 14 North FOURTH Street. Apply on tho premises. no9-6t* A FARM FOR SALE. A FARM, With tho usual improvements, of 148 acres, 33 of which are woodland, in Chester county, two miles south of Pottstown, Pa., is oflered for sale low. Apply to JNO. B. HOLMAN, M. D., IW7-61* Near Bougbissviile, Pa FOR SALE—The choice of two valua blc PATENTS, very cheap, or exchange for ne gotiable property. Going to war. A’dress “Patentee,” Lambcrtrilie, New Jersey. noT^t# a POR SALE VALUABLE KIaFAEM and MILL PROPERTY—Farm containing 90 ACRES of superior LAND, situate twelve miles north of the city, near Fort Washington station, North Penn’a Railroad. I’iratsGlasH improvements. Apply to E. PETTIT, oc3o No. 309 WALNUT Street. 45 TO LET—A THREE-STORY El Dwelling House, with a good Cooking-Range, hot and Water, emlitll the modern conveniences.' Ap« piy on tlie premises, No. 1228 MARSHALL Street. ocl7-tf F)R SALE—Valuable Farm, contain- Ing 130 acres; 80 acres of excellent Woodland, the balance in a high state of cultivation, niesly watered with springs and running streams, situate 6 miles from Doylestown depot, and 2% miles from Lambertville sta tion and Delaware river, Bucks county. Plain and sub stantial stone improvements; good out-buildings, and every variety of fruits. Price only $75 per acre: easy terms. Apply to E. PETTIT, sold No. 309 WALNUT Street. FINANCIAL. rational loan. The undorsijmod aro proparod to deliver the SeVon and Three-tenths Treasury Notes upon payment. DREXEL & CO., Bankers, gIX PER CENT. TREASURY NOTES Are received at par for Subscriptions to the NEW NATIONAL LOAN, of 7 3-10 per cent. TREASURY NOTES, ’jyljfch MY how ready for delivery at Office of JAY COOKE. Subscription Agent, 0e23-lm Hi gßßth THIRD Street, NATIONAL LOAN. OFFICE OF JAY COOKE & Co.. BANKERS HO, 114 SOUTH THIS© STREET. Pursuant to iptructions from- the Secretary of the Treasury, the Subscription Bbok to tho NEW NA TIONAL LOAN of Treasury Notes,, bearing interest at the rata of seven and three-teu&§ pep per annum, will remain open at my office, NO. 114 SOUTH THIRD- STREET, until further notice, from 8* A‘. M. until 5 P. M,, and- on Mondays till 9 P. M. These notes will bo of tho denoMin&ti&fr N» Btreet, Philadelphia. olfi-Smif Fine shirt manufactory— 3. W. SCOTT, 814 CHESTNUT Street, a few doors below the “ Continental-’ 1 The attention of tba Wholesale Beaten is invited to Ids IMPROVED OUT OF SHIRTS, of superior St, make, and material, oa hand and Made to ordw at nbortMt notice niDER—New olarified Champagne ! n«* !i! 1X prccim-ly. No extra charge for reserved scats. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE—* NINTH anil WAI,NUT Slrontn. MRS. M. A. GAF.RKTTSON; Bole Lessee..,, THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, November 14, The eiitertiiiMwntsJ will rummahee with KVEKVBOJiT'S FRIEND Major De 800t5.... Mrs. Krftthfily Mrs. fswaiulowu • SMASHINOTOHUJOOAT. J. Smartiington.... To conclude with THE-IDIOT'WITNESS OH, TRUTH MUST TRIUMPH. Gilbrrt. the Idiut.,.. Mr. Kriwin AdAOM PlUOP.y—&0 y 27 H, 75, und cenb j Private Bozos, 85 and 83. Doors open at 7; Performance to comnaenco at Tjf,.' WHEATLEY’S CONTINENTAL • THEATRE. miMKKIT DF MIL K; IL DAVENPORT. THREE POPULAR PLAYS. Tn commence with' THIS STRANGER. The Stranger ...............Mr. E. L. Dav6npert Mrß. Haller Mrs. J. V. Wallack* Jr After which the 4th act of MERCHANT OF VENICE* Shi locKi 3lr Dunmnoi't' Bmsftiim, -Mi*. Wftll&cU; Gr*J tinnry Mr* W. Wheatley; Portia, MisiblMrker. To conclude with “ GUY MANNKR’ING.” Meg Merrilies Mrs. J. W. Wallack, Jr OLYMPIC MUSIC HALL— HACK STKKET, UK LOW TIIIBD. The management have great pleasure i-Taunouncing an » engagement with the celebrated CHARLEY GARDNER, the original llop Light Loo, from the American Music Hull, Broadway, jjsiy York, will amour ou Saturday Evening, November 16tli, SAM LONG, the great Comic Singer from tho Broadway Music Hall, New York, will appear on Wednesday Evening, Novem ber 13th. KSTRAORWKARY ATTBACTIOITI' Will appear every evening, tlic following GREAT ARTISTS: Mr. TONY PASTOR, 3IONS. PAUL BRILLIANT, MONS. VELARDE, Mr. TIM NORTON, Mr DENNY' GALLAGHER, ami Entire Ballet of TWENTY LADIES! THE ORRIK FAMILY, Every variety of Entertainment will he given in this.* Establishment. Prices of admission 20 and 10 cents. noll-6t Assembly buildings, every Night, and on Wednesday and Saturday after noons. WAUGH'S Magnificent Paintings of the TOUR OP ITALIA, together with new and STARTLING SCENES OF THE AMERICAN WAR, With Portraits of all the Generals* and many other Wap Scenes ilinstmtins tho Horuio Strua&tea 6f ©dr devoted Soldiers for the perpetuity of tho Union. Admittance, 25 cents; Children, 15 cents. noll-6t PAEL WOLFSOHN AND THEO- V. BOHE THOMAS' SEJHKa OF SIX CLASSI. t UAL goiKKES.—Third Season, Subscriptions will be ' received at tho Principal Music Stores, where Pro-* grammes and full particulars can bo seen nos Lm Germania orchestra. CARL SENTE, Conductor. PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY. atStf, o’clock V. M., at the MUSICAL FUND H\LL, Package ©f Eight Tickets, $1; Single Tickets, 25 eta. To be had fttAndre’s, 1104 Chestnut street, J. £. Gould**, ■ Seventh and Chestnut, and at the door of the Hay, os2B;tf .* mHE PRESTIDIGITATEUR. J_ The magnificent Jewelry, Gold Crown, Order*, Decorations, Medals, Ac., presented to HERMANN By foreign and Potentates will be exhibited at CALDWELL & CO.’S, 822 CHESTNUT Street, on the day of his first appearance at the Academy of Mumc— viz: WEDNESDAY, October 30th. And the superb Shawl given him by the Queen of Spain at EVANS M CO.'S, 818 CHESTNUT Street, on the same day 0021-tf " Temple of WONDERS* N, E. cornerof TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. SIGNOB BLITZ will appear at the above place, fa his n«W end extrnoramavy 4minrtnimnentn. EVERY EVENING, commencing at 7#, and wJSBNEBUAX ana -t SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, at 3—consisting of ' Changes, Transmutations, Substitutions, Mftnipa lalSoua, Ocular Deceptions, and Necromantic Elusions, &ud astonishing powers ot Ventriloquism, illustrating . every variety of voice. Also, the Canary Birds.- Admission, 25 cents; children, 13 cents. ocl9-lm# • Magic lantern PICTURES 01 the REBELLlON—Representing all the promi nent Scenes, Engagements, and Incidents to this data. For sale by JAMES W. QUEEN 6 00., 924 CHESTNUT Street A Descriptive List furnished gratis and seat by mill, free, gp application. aelg.to PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINIS ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT Street, li open daily, Sundays excepted, from 9 A. M. till 0 P. M. Admission 26 cents. Children under yfftflg half prtee. Sharea of Stock, 830# jyl COAX. TT'DW. N. HALLO WE LL, COAL DEALER, OFFICE, 133 WALNUT St., below Second. The beet Schuylkill, Loliigh, and Locilßt Mountain Coal coneta&tly on hand. Orders by Dispatch receive prompt attention. ocl9-lm COAL. WM. O. SHINN & BRO. Have constantly on hand a large supply of Spring sad i Buelt M&UfilMfi, L&Mgb, and Locust Mountain and'Anii land Schuylkill FAMILY COAL, all sizes, at prices to suit the times. Send your orders to Office, No. 223 r WALNUTkStreet; or to the Yard, corner of SWANSON and PRIME Streets. Entire satisfaction guarantied. gglT-jffltf INSURANCE COMPANIES. [E INSURANCE COMPANY, Jj No. 406 CHESTNUT Btnot. riBB AND INLAND INBUBANGR DIRBOTOBB. George W. Bay ..of Bay A Matlock. Samuel Wright........ 14 Wright Bros. A Co. B. B. Biraey •. •. “ Davis A Bimey. Henry Lewis, Jr. 11 Lewis Bros. A Co. C. Richardson u J. C. Howe A 0«lr cargoes in Saw reck the following days. Preirhta taken atuoaaonaMe xatea. H». P. CLYDE, Agent. Ho. U SOUTH "WHARVES, rhiVialphlK JAMES HAND, Asmst, aol-tf Flora 14 and 16 EAST BITE Bp New fgafo a. FOR NEW YORK, il»* ■■BBSWpUaftdelphla Steam Jfcopdle* Owuma? will coimQeftu their boslneu taftsoo u hiojp4^ 18th M»ak. Bteuuen Are now noelTlnf fWJfilkt M Bwwtf BUff Pboflo Walnut street. Tferm. accommodating & «M Bontlt Delaware iwn. Wise Charlotte Thompson l .......**Mrn. Jolm Drew ..-Mr. John Gilbert. . .Blf.&UtwMl Mr. J. S;'Clarke ,Mrs.- Cowell •Miss A. 1 Grejr .Mr. J. S. Clark©