Presentation of Regimental Colors to the Ninety-seventh Regiment at West Ches- ter, Speeches, Incidents, &c. The presentation yeeterdar, at West Chester, of colors to the Nicety-seventh Regiment, Colonel Gugs, was an oc casion long to Ik* remembered by the staid and sober people of this town and county. Altogether, the affair, although of an unusual character, was a complete suc cess, and passed off with the greatest possible ectaf. The lionest yeomanry of the county were well represented, • and the bright, happy country faces of the country loving lads and lasses certainly had a beneficial effect upon weak optics. Probably as many as six thousand «>f the citizens were present to witness the ceremonies of COfi&tliiillng a regiment of Gors, M honored custodians of that beautiful symbol of our national hope—the flag •of our Union. The Nincty-soventh has been recruited almost entirely within the borders of Chester and Dela ware counties, and comprises within its rflukfi ft goodly representation of the intelligence, respectability, and popular sentiment of this section. The weather, on this special occasion, was delightful, as balmy and spring-like as could possibly have been •desired. The sun shone out in and the aatuwu IctkTCH seemed turned to green asnin at tho magic of hia pmilc. Upon the arrival of the Governor, he was met outside •the town by the regiment, drawn up in lino to receive liim, and, after an interchange of formalities, was escorted to the court-house, where a formal speech of welcome was delivered'by Mr. Lewis, of thjg place, His Excel lency miulc some extempore remarks tn reply, which, though brief, were decidedly to the point. The Executive was accompanied by three members of his staff, viz: Lieutenant Colonel John A. "Wright, Lieu tenant Colonel J. B. Price, and Lieutenant Colonel Bay. Among other members of the Governor’s suite, we .noticed the following gentlemen i Paymaster General Henry D. Maxwell, Commissary General W. W. Irwin, Auditor General Thomas E. Cochran, Colonel Joseph H. Wilson, of the 101st Regiment, now forming at Camp •Curtin; Colonel S. B. Thomas, Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth; Captain Donovan, of Philadelphia ; aud Surgeons Jackson aud H. H. Smith. At 2*£ o'clock, the Governor and suite appeared 9H -the grounds, at Camp Wayne, when the regiment was •drawn up iu front of a temporary staging eve-ted for the occasion. Tho presentation of the flag was then made •by the Governor in the following words: SPKECH OF GOV. CURTIN. Fei.low-CITIZE.vs axi> Soldi Ki.s: I am her? fa-dfty for •the performance of an official duty. The Legislature of our State, at its late session, provided that regimental Hags should be procured and presented to the brave men who should go out from the State for the defence of the Na tional Government. This is one of many like occasions jn which I have appeared before the soldiers of Penn sylvania, And 1 MB ilUdt* i&y that no oilier lias bail n»nra insniritio tnthounfrintli* liro4«t or morn calculated to stir within me emotions of pride for my native State, with its glowing histories, its continual progress for so many years, and its present devotion to the principles of truth and justice iu which its founda tions w ere laid. J cannot stand here to-day without remembering that, iu the year 1052, in the county of Chester, tho proprietor and founder of this province, enacted, by and with the •consent of the delegates assembled, the first body of laws for the government of Pennsylvania; those laws which, in their first lines, recognized that from the Almighty come all gifts of truth and justice, and tho provisions of which 6o ohr&riy l'fteogbliieJ »n abiding £*ith in the prin ciples which their makers professed. Nor can I forget that in tbi s county of Chester were enacted some of tne most trying scenosthatillustrated so forcibly the bravery and steadfastness of tho soldiers of that period. To the great ariiiy of the Revolution she gave, too, one of its bravest leaders. No general stood more highly In the confidence of the Father of his Count*? * none did more voliuut or better sendee than General Anthony Wayne. We are now assembled wltliin a few miles of his birth place, not far from the spot in which he apeut much of his life: the place, too, of his death and burial. Chester •county lias not forgotteu him; and his name, made so glo rious in tho wars of the Revolution—in that great con test l'ui' the establiilimont of a govorhistont upon » basis which thoroughly recognized the right of man to self government—that name I fiud is new inscribed upon the roll of your regiment, and that you have a Wayne as one of your captains. I am gratified to see, too, that another Revolutionary name has its representatives iu your ranks—two ligcftl dPPCPDdfILtS Of that John S. Morion who was u signer Of the Declaration of Independence are lieutenauts in another company. These facts show that the patriotic fervor which warmed the men of the olden times still burns In tlie breasts of their descendants, who are now ready to die in the defence of those same principles for which their ancestors risked their lives aud encountered tho hardships of the battle-field. Here, too, we are iu the vicinity ot Brandywine and PaoU, and Valley Forge ; and here, indeed, we cannot but feel that we are treading upon clastic ground. But, citizen soldiers, whilst we thus dwell for a mo ment upon the memories of the glorious past, wo may not close our eyis to the stern mliti*? of IL* present time. You are here to-day prepared to go forth aDd battle for the maintenance of those constitutional righrs which were transmitted by your ancestors, and for the prostra tion of which more than two huudred and fifty thousand rebels stand arrayed. You have voluntarily left your homes and your fireside,«, the compftiions mid iconea of your youthful days, with a full Knowledge Of the pro bable trial* and vicissitudes of a soldier’s life, that you may aid, to the extent of your ability, in restoring to its original condition that Government which was fought for by the most courageous hand of warriors, and at IttiSth triumphantly established by ths wi**a «ud modi prudent sTatewneu the world has over known. Your mission is not of conquest, is not for spoils and rapine. You will go into those States where rebellion rears her haughty head erect, holding out to those who Are loyal at lieart, and went but the Opportunity to dis play their fidelity ai to tuck as these our Constitution, full, perfect, and operative, as it has been adopted by the chosen representatives of the whole people ot the United States. It is for this you are con tending—for this you are ready to Jay down your lives. But to the persistent rebel; to the traitor who would strike at tills Constitution, and who seeks to destroy this jnot-4 excellent Government, this glorious Constitution, this national fabric; to him you offer the dread retribu tion of the sword or the rope of the executioner. Yours is not a Revolutionary struggle; you wish to build up and not to destroy. In such a cause, with snch Antecedentswf sacrifice and devotion for the sake of con stitutional liberty, with such prospects af future, beneath the influence of its institutions, I do most heartily say God-speed. But I cannot be unmindful, whilst thus offering you words o? encouragement, of the serious reflections that must conic home to the heart of each one of you. You leave at home a mother, a sister, a wife, or a chilli; you -arc about to part from friends that art? itoar • yau Ufiaw that the warrior’s path Is beget with dangers, and that many a day of fatiguing labor, many a night of sleepless ness will be the inevitable lot of a soldier’s life; but it is the virtue which can feel and know* all this, and yet for the sake of truth and justice encounter all these perils, in tbMl 1 tft&d Irving forms; if is this virtue -wrhichmakes your Yteitiofi so elevated, us'it proves that yon aro worthy of your sires, and the place which gave you birth; that you are the fit recipients of the flag of your country, which, by the direction of the -Legislature, I now entrust to your keeping. Take, then, this flag} upon its blue field is placed the coai-of-amis of Pennsylvania, surrounded i>y dhe thirty-four stars, emblematic of the States of the whole Union. It is the flag of your fathers and ot your country. It ■will be j ours to bear it in the thickest of the flght, and to b, Rock Island WjS£® Milwaukee and Prairie du Chien securities uukerwent a further advance. The first preferred is 79 bid, 80 asked; tha second, 60@63; tho common, 21j£0213£. The Government list is very firm. The sixes of 1881 are cent, better. The fives of 1871 and ’74 are held cent, higher. Oregon War Loan, interest payable annually, sold at 90. For the half-yearly bonds 93 is bid. The Southern Ftate stocks are H&K P*r cent, better, and .paripglj- effmO at the Advance. North and Georgias arc 1% per cent, higher. Railroad bonds are firm—especially the issues of the Erie. The Thirds are per cent, higher, the Fourths the Fifths 1. Lake Erie and Wabash bonds have also advanced. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, November 12, 1801. Baronio >r 8. E. Slayiuxbb, Philadelphia Exchange. FIKST BOABD. 10 Sr A- pine B. 8 SO Reading B.bswn, 17# 51) d0,, 8 SO d0...,t)5wn,, 17# 100 North Am Ins... 15 5 do 17# 600 Little Sell It 65.. 75 300 Schuy N6s ’82.. 62 1000 City 6s 84# 600 do 62 1000 do 84# 400 Lehigh N6s 97# 1000 d 0... Si# 500 do 98 1000 N Penna 65..55. 54# 200 d 0.... 98 1000 do cash.. 64# 300 do ...08 500 do 55 2000 Lehigh Va 165.... 91 60 Beading B 17# 1000 SlissouciOs 44# BETWEEN BOARDS. 100 Sp & Pine 8.... 8 [4OOO Penna Coup 65.. 05 3000 Elmira It 75..... 61 11000 City 6a. 84# 2000 d 0........... 61 I 3 Cam lAmb 8..121 SECOND BOABD. 48 Catawissa 8.... 1 1 Minehill B 46# 1 do 46# 2000 City 6s 85 500 0 & Amb 6s ’70.. 86 APTEB 7 Second & Th B. 46V lOCatawiaaa Pref.. 4# 45 Penn* 5a 76# 50 do 76# 19 Crirard Bank.... 313*8 HOARDS. 12 Sec & Third 8.. CLOSING PBI Bid. Ask. US 6b 1881 93# 94# #PKIU 8a ini ofl'. 8S Phila 8a B « 84# .. Phila 6s N “ 93 PennaSs 76# .. Reading B 17# 13 Beading Bds *7O 81# ■. R’dgM6B’Bo’43 90# - Read H6b ’B6*, 73 .. Pennaß 33% 38# Penna B 2dm 6s 84 84# Morris Cl Con.. .. 36 Morris Cl Prof .105 Boh Bay 6a*83.. 61 C 2 Sch Bay Imp 6B 70 75 Bch Nay Stock. 4 5 | Sell Nav Pref... 10# 12 | HOBS—FIRM. Philadelphia Markets. There Is very little inquiry for Pionr, either for export or home use—the sales being mostly in small lots to the trade at $5.50®5.62# for superfine, 85.752)5.87# for ex tra, s6tfco.2s for family, and for fancy brands, aa in Quality* Bye Flour is firnii nnd sollina at 83.87# per bbl. Corn Meal is inactive. A small sale of Penn sylvania is reported at s2*3o per bbl. Wiivat.— There is not much offering, and prime lots sell freely at fully former rates; about 6,000 bus sold at 130 ©l32c for fair to good Wsstera and Pennsylvania red*, 135«z>137c for Foutlioro do, andl4o®l4sc for White, as in quality. Ryo is steady at 71®72c for Ponnvylra nia. Com is in good request and firm, and 5,(00 bus sold at 630, in store-, and 1,000 bus white at 70c. New Com is dull at 50c. Oats are not so active, and a small sale of fair Southern was made at 3Sc, afloat; prune arc held at 39c, and Pennsylvania at 40c, with sales Of 2,500 bus at the latter price. Bark.— lst No. 1 Quercitron is held at $2B per ton, without sales. Cotton. —The market is quiet, and a small business doing at full prices. CKooEUlH3.—Thfer£ U Very HUle doing, and we hear of no Shies worthy of notice. Provisions.— There is rather more doing; COObbls Pork have been sold by a packer on private terms, and 100 tierces and bids Lard at 9#c lb, on time. Sreds. —The market is quiet and prices unchanged. Cloverseed .veils at g4.50®-I.6Q# dP' bn*. Whisky is firm; 350 bbls sold at 21 all#c—the latter for Ohio; and drudge at 20®20#c & gallon. New York Stock VIKBT 1000 U S6s *Bl, reg.. 94# 12000 U S 6s’Bl, Cp.. 94# 2000 do 94# 12000 US os ’74 Cp... 85 2000 111 Can bds, ’6O. 80 4000 do 80# 1000 HI Cpn bds 79 . 81 1000 111 St bda 78 100C0 Tenn Cs *90..... 43 10000 Virginia 6a 48 38000 Missouri 6b.... 44# 10000 do k6O 44 SOOO fl* Lb if Si St J B 48 2500 Cal St 75....... 81# 5000 Erie B 3d m .... 87 1000 Erie B 4th m... 76# JWOHui liiv Irit m Mix 1000 do 105 1000 Midi C 8a lstni. 95 2000 Midi So 5F.... 78 5000 Chi ,t N W Ist m 39 % 10000 L K k W Ist m. V 2% 50 Pti of Commerce.: 83 20 Amor Ex BK 85 15 Dil & Hud Cl Co.. 85 173 Pacific M S x div.. 95 60 do ...510 95 250 do 95K 100 do., 000 ao»; 50 do. 110 05;, 50 do 1)30 95J5 50 do a3O 95 H 1650 N Y Cent E 79)* 50 do 630 79»J 900 do »10 7934 33 do 79?jj 40 Srio E.• 35^ 100 do b«0 33# 275 do ;..... 33# 100 do ...r6O 33# ICO do slO 33# 100 do. blO 33# 250Mich8* N 1.... 19 1050 do 19V 100 do ...slOlß# 25 do 19# ~3dys, 47 Bid. Ast. Elmirs BProf. 9# 9k BlmlraTa'JS... 61 02 Long latand B. 10 10# Elmira R 4 k LehCl* Nav.. 60# 31 Leh CI,A N Scrp 33 N Penna B 5 6B SPonnsESa.. 54# .. Catawissa K On. .. 3 Catawiaaa Pref. 4V 4k Frkfd A South B 35 2d A 3d sta 8.3. 47 BaceAYine*ataß 3 . • W Phils B ex d 61 .. Sprncc A Pine.. S Green A Costal 15V 16 Chest A Wal 30 November' 12—Evening. [change—Nov. 12. 101 SD. 50 ClevAPitts 8.... 11V 10 Clev C A C B 97 k 122 Gal A Chi B 71 50 do 70’ B ' 10 do 70k 200 Erie R Pref,,,,,, 59V so d0..,..,..,530 59k 38 do. 59 50 do blO 59V 55 Hudson Biv 8.530 40V 50 do. b3O 40V 30 d0,49V oo d0,,,m0 40# 100 do 40# 100 d0..........515 40 11 do 39# 200 do 40# 150 do. 10# 100 Harlem It Pref... 33 : 25 do 32k 65 Lit Miami R 77 210Clev A T01ed0.... 37V 200 do bSO 37 V 100 dojimi-..t130 37 100 do alO 37 1100 do 37 V 500 do. 37 550 Chi A 818 54V 50 do s3O 54 v 100 do b3O 54 V 199 do 100 84 V 50 do 54V 50 do bSO 51# 50 C B A Quin 8.... 65V i 50 do s3O 65 ; 212 Mil APDu C 21# i 100 Beading 8..,.afi0 35 V i 300 do 3»v l 350 Mich Central 52 [ 250 do b3O 52 \ 200 do . 51# [ 20 do 51# 50 do »60 sl# 600 do 51% ' 50 do, .110 51# ( 50 d0.........1*10 51# THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1861. CITY ITEMS. another Literary Treat. —To-morrow evening, at Concert Hall, the third lectureof the IVo pi 6’s Literary Institute course will be delivered by E. P. Whip ple, Esq. Mr. Whipple has the reputation of being one of the most accomplished lecturers in the country, although hediffersin style essentially from the orators in this line, with which Philadelphia audiences have usually been en tertained. No better proof of the quality of Mr. Whip ple, ns a lecturer, need be required than the fact of his appearing ill this select course. His subject will bo it Grit,' f niliomeuhleli. we think, oxlmbaalj* well adapted to his peculiar genius. Ho is sure to give us a racy lec ture. Our readers should not fail to hear hhn. Militart Goods at Oakfords’.—Messrs. Clmrl«* Gaktord & Sons, under the Continental Itovi, have tho finest assortment of United States Regulation hats, caps, swords, sword kuots and bolts, sashes, and embroideries, to be found iu this city. On account of their superior facilities for getting up these articles, they are furnishing (Iwm for uffiturs in the army and ouvtf almost exclusively. Their magnificent stock of Fancy Furs is attracting universal attention among the ladies. They are selling the latter at prices so astonishingly low that they are brought within the rritch of everybody; ftftliuush tlioir present extraordinary low rates caunot coutiuuc long. Buckwheat Cakes for Breakfast. — The season for Buckwheat Cakes has, to most persons, n pecu liar charm. We confess to being classed in that number. The finest Buckwheat iu thccitvt we are therefore happy to inform our readers, if. the celebrated a Sliver Flint*’ brand, the sole agent for the mile of which is Mr. C. 11. Mattson, dealer iu fine groceries, Arch and Tenth streets. After a fair trial, wo pronounce this Buckwheat fully filial, if not superior, to that manufactured by the Mo* minus at Btdhlohoun whilst tho price of it is much less. Gents-' Furnishing Goods of every descrip tion, and at reasonable prices, can always be found in the elegant stock of Mr. J. A. Eshleman, proprietor of the great CVavat Store, Seventh and Chestnut streets. Lecture on Liberia, — The Kcy, J, McKay will deliver a lecture at the Methodist Episcopal Church, Fourth street, below' Arch, on the subject of Liberia, its prospects, &c., this evening, at 7% o'clock. Admission free. The Takixg of Beaufort.—Wo have pri vate advices from the fleet, informing ns that when Gene ral Sherman got possession of Beaufort, South Carolina, he found the rebel forces very badly off for the uecessu- cflnp life. Wlufo many of the Secosh soldiors were in comparative rags, our own mon were arrayed in elegant and comfortable uniforms* which were princi pally from the Broun Stone Clothing Hall of Bockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above-Sixth, Philadelphia. The fame of the military clothing made at this celebrated establishment has even reached Su cessia, and Beauregard is understood to have said that if lie could supply the wants of his army from such a source he would be a happy uum. The Army Vote—Meeting of the Return dunum?,—The State House Row was alive with excite ment during yesterday, caused by the meeting of tho Re turn Judges, and the official announcement of the Army vote. At times the crowd would become very much ex cited and things would assume a serious aspect, ft seems that the two opposite parties could agree in no one tbing except in the fact that the cheapest and superior fall and winter garments in the city can be obtained at the fashionable clothing depot of Granville Stokes, 609 Chestnut street. Clothing of all styles constantly on hand or made to order at the shertest notice. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS OT TO 12 O’CLOCK LAST NIGHT- CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Chestnut and Ninth streets H Humus, Pennsylvania M 0 Mercer, Towanda j Macfarland, Towanda & F Vinton, Washington F L Harvey, Kentucky Geo J Shepard A la, JIo John 1) Bailey, Pittsburg Hugh McDonald, Pittsburg M H Horn, Jr, Catasauqua H H Wheeler, Brooklyn Wm Pennington, N J H McFadden, New Jersey H Burrows, Lowell W Jarvis, Bostou S Tut Up i fe la, NeW York J T Heard A in, Boston Dr J T Heard, USA H McCormick, Pa John F Coyle, Washington John B Foley, Baltimore J C Gibson, Boston C K Cannon & la, Balt F II Archer, Salem, N J J V Craven, Salem, N J J H Mead, Baltimore John H Ziegler, Hnrrisb’g Elifts Ifokeri Piimsylranift P W Kellur, Ohio Frank R Evan?, England P W Hilcherell t la, Neb’a Mills Olcott, Chicago B G Handy, U S N Mr David & la, Montreal D Follett Jr la, Boston Amos Briggs, New York E G Nickerson, Boston Dr»T J Ellis, Bristol, B I WE Soheuck, Philadelphia A ParkprNtiWUUUl, MAU Geo Earle A la, Maryland C Robinson, Rhode Island Ezra Farnsworth, Boston J Webb, New York E Livingston, New York E II Eldridge, Boston W H Townsand, N Y M Goldstein, New York F S Hunter, Reading K Hunter, Reading S HI Fields, Beading F G Bufford, Bo&toil J&S MlHbaore, Reading B B Leacock, Harrisburg G B Perry, Buenos Ayres TliusE Cochran, York Jaa Gilmore & son, Cin* W H Allen, New York George M Coit $ Guiterman, New York A Bornhcimer, New York J P Stnrtcvßnt, New York G M Wight, Wash, D C Mr Kerr A la, Pittsburg Jno D Neff York R 0 Johnson, New York Gov ACr Curtin, Pa Gen W W Irvine, Pa Col J H Wilson, Pa Coi H 1) Maxwell, Pa Col S B Thomas, Pa Col J D Potts, Pa Gen T E Cochran, Pa J Crone A wf, Michigan A White, Lock Haven Mrs Moore, Boston H W Murphy & la, N J Aif King, Peima Mr Austin, Buston Mr Timj cr, Boston M H Grinnell, New York Mis* Grinnell, New York M Grinnell, New York W P George, Massachusetts J E Homan & la, N York R M Matterson & la, N Y \V Gebbard, New York 1) Bishop Lieut Todd, USN Hl*Baldwin, New York K R Goodridge, New York IV T Dnncan* New York Mrs F Baker & eli, N Y R J Todd, Botton J M Hager A son C Brintun, Jr, Ponna P W James A lady, N Y Lient R B Riell, V S N Jas O’Kane, USN B C Buck, Baltimore Mr Temple, USN • Mrs Temple, It ashington C W Pickering, USN T A Cm*Mi T USN B Mel&ce & lady, Via Albert Speyer#, New York B C Townsend, New York HIV Hears, Philu H Polktnhom, Washington- B Avener, Ireland S l’olkinhoru, Washington* C 1* Forrest, New York n A Spalding W C Freeman, New York John P Crosby, New York J C Rivefl, 'WulliUfttML Seih Bryant, Boston Janies P Tusten, Wash S Eddy, Stillwater L.M Ferris, Jr, & wf, N Y Max Weil, New York B Davits, New York H W Wilson,Massachusetts E Johns, New York Wm D Taylor, New York A li Hull, Hrooklyn Wm Rogers, Baltimore B Laws, V B N J II Stephenson, Boston W V Sturges, New Jersej’ Mrs Payson A la, Boston J J Adams A la, New York E M Barnum, Oregon Miss C Barnum, New York E B Grubb, New Jersey Geo P Denney, Poston EO Tufts, Boston Col T W Webb, Washington S Leland, New Rochelle Win H A Smith* New York W G Thomas 1’ wf, Balt Capt nitchcock & la, USN Mrs B Low, Indiana J K Shoemaker, Lazaretto MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. R P Getty, Allegheny, Pa J C Everhart, Martinsburg Thos Snyder, Martiusburg C L Pershing, Johnstown Master F B Pershing, Pik John Coolitlge, Jr, Mass H Jacoby, Phila I) P NewkUl, Boston H Mudgc, Williamsport II R Lyon, Muncy J A Lemon, Hollidaysburg C-has Maginn, Allegheny H P Rosf, Downingtown Geo L Covington, Connl J B Crawford, Penna W H Gleason, Wash, D C M J Williamson, N York Miss White, Pittsburg Cha&lWff»&f»inilyi Phila H L Baldwin Conn J H Bradley, Hartford R W McAllen, Penna Mrs Nevin, Sliippensburg Miss Nevin, Shippensburg James Healy, Penna Wm A Peters, Penna Chas Hampshire, Penna P F Eilenberg Ala, Easton R Ficken, New York . Capt D B McKibbin, USA David dollars, Canton, O A P Plank, Conn AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut st., above Fifth. Jno B Harris, Phila W H Brown, Harrisburg J Norton, New Jersey E R Elmer, New Jersey Mrs Bauch, Bethlehem Miss A C Weiss, Bethlehem M M Selfridge, Bethlehem Jas Dickey, Oxford J R Mitchell. Delaware Jno G Warwick, Ohio W B Ilurd, Lowell, Mass M S Milner & la, Phila D S Baker, New York JK Riley, New Jersey J Munson & la, New York M M Rhodes, Taunton G T Atwood, Taunton O E Diller & la, Pliila C W Higgins, New York S Keefer, Hanover J K Stetler A wf ; Penna 0 W Carr, PittatOD, Ffl T Bennett, tTersey Shore P M Stone, Prov, R I Sami Halsey, Newark Geo A Halsey, Newark J Ziegler, New Yoik Lieut F T Beckloy, Va R B Carr, Virginia M H Stratton, Troy, N Y J Montgomery, New York R R Griffith, Jr, Baltimore J Hallister, St Anthony BT, louis hotel—Chestnut street, above Third. A Salcedo, New York B Model, Now York F A Blanco, Caracas Thos Hill, New York J A McFarren, Laurel, Del M Phelan, New York Dudley K. Kavenangh, NY J’B Clark, Pennsylvania Cnpt V Mutcher f Virginia Hdt* Mttreili New York j K Kyenon, Yarmouth R Colos, New York Thos Hoskins, New York Chas Adams, New York THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. W B Amberson, Penna A J Meily, Penna . J P Hufij Easton J A Draper, Dulawars City T A Spencer, Pittsburg J B Potter, New Jersey R Adams, Phila Misgß Messinger, Easton D J Hummel, Hiunmelstown Dr E W Maine, N J C Decker, New Jersey G VDieterick, Canton, Ohio L Slulling, Salem, Ohio W L Hazlctt, New Phila J F Bazlett ? New Phila Col U TuUKViUft A Wert, Ohio NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. J M Shelden, Jr, Wash, Pa W Scheamm, New York L Frank A 1», New York T Robinson, Chester, Pa W H Hanger), Allentown W PcQhft Chas Derr. Penna Col C Housum, New Jersey S N Fried, Alleutown Lewis Christ, Allontown G W Frick, Pin'ladilphia Thos 0 Woodward, lowa W Durham, Pennsylvania M W Meyer, Williamsport H B Amcrling, Lock Haven Miss A B Arthurs, L Haven EFAnconv, Pottsville 8 Turnbachj Jr, Lu/erne W A Thompson, it D Flanagan, Penna COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth st., above Cheßtnut. J C Richard, New York D Black, Maryland Wm B Rankin, New York D W Daniels, Delaware Mitchell Brown. Delaware M Pennock «lui Wilm, Del Wm Dtlworth, Chester co,Pa M B ieken, Wilm, Del J G Bowghman Wilm, Del Sami Pjle, Wilmington, Del Mrs Watson, Chester co,Pa E M Armstrong, Doyleat’n STATES UNlON—Sixth street, above Market. V Myerfl, Ccritreville GW Strouso & son. Pa r Stroußf, Mexico, Pa John Maffett, Juniata co Wm Green, Pennsylvania E E Kiuzor, Dauphin, Pa SliarpJess Mercer, Penna Sami R Myers, Penna D B Hertz, Pennsylvania J R Morrison, Pt-nna Wm Turbi'rt <(* la, Penna Mias Jane McCulloch, Pa Thos C Woovlwaid, lowa Joslali 8 Bieber, Penna Cd H Goodman, Ohio REVERE HOUSE—Third street, above Race. Jos Whitaker, Mt Clair John Kennedy, PhUada Miss F Harris, York, Pa G K Smith, FliHada 0 Liutloi Philadelphia W G Stewart, Camp Ch&se P C Elherti, Camp Clmse John Williamson, Penna G Sager, Ohio D H Young, Philadelphia Wm Moyer, Freeburg, Pa P B Moyer BLACK BEAR—Third street, above Callowhill. Chas Wcandi Allentown Thos B Metier, Alleutown H s Borer, Penna C Morrison, Fcastervillo W Harnc r, Ponnsbnrg W R Retff, Philada S Van Reed, Berks county Wm D Heiser, Penna Geo Kline, Amity ville Saral Weiser, Berks co John I. Bechtel, Berks co II Eagle, Berks co Frank llalhflftD, Berks go Chas Harper, Jonkintown JaeM Rohh, Pennshurg Jacob Hutt, Suiuneytown Wm Flack, Bucks co, Pa Jacob Boyer, Stonesviller MADISON HOUSE—Socond street, above Market. E W Rovkley,\V J Dg JftnilCYi Camp MeigS c Madison, Maine H D Shafer, Stroudsburg G Sippen, Dover, Del S Stokes & la, Stroudsburg I T Schofield, Pennsylvania Jno Ryan, New nope W Wilson, New Jersey KP Euuenr, Paradise, O KQTOT YEBNON HOTEL—Second vti ab. Arch. ThosT Boyd, Wayne co B S Mitchell, Now York H Curtis, New York J Huber & la, Pittsburg John Kimey, Bristol D Swain, Bristol E Johnson, New Jersey H J Talmadge, Eqninunk Albert Adams, New Jersey Jas Adams, New Jersey W Kinsey & la BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vine. Sirs Bnyder, New Jersey N C James, Doylestown Bdwd Rorer, Bucks E L Flint, Easton Jos Zink, Easton A Carver, Bucks John Davis, Wash, D C Daniel Davis, Wash, D C Ohus Ni££ T Cwil. Md Miss P Jenkins, Bucks Owen Worstall, Bucks Sirs Wilson, York, Pu BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Callowhill. Geo Peters, Lebanon co Nathan Shafer, Allentown M K Regar, Reading Nathan Geary, Pi‘nft4urg LAt Waterman, Lehigh V Hoffman, Allentown J J Jarrctt, Millerstown Aaron Kiwnhnrt, Overfield C Fitzwater, Norristown Wm Reed, Berks co J W Sherk, Lebanon co Jacob Richards, 8 Easton MARINE INTELLIGENCE, «?- SEE FOURTH PAGE. arrived. Schr Jane C Patterson, Hand, 4 days from Edgartown, with oil to Shober A Co. Schr R S Dean, Cook, 2 days from Baltimore), with mdse to TwellH & Co. Schr Yankee Bhule, Coombs, 4 days from New York, with salt to captain. Srhr J L Heverin, Bonsall, 1 day from Dover, Del, with corn to Jas Barratt A Son. Steamer Alidn* Robinson, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W P Clyde. Steamer Novelty, Shaw, 24 hours from Now York, with mdse to W M Baird A Co. cleared. Steamship Delaware, Taylor, New York, James AU donlico. Schr Adeline Townsend, Spragg, Aspimvall, Tyler, Slot.* A Co. rT r Schr M M Freeman, Howes, Boston, Twells k Co. Str Fanny Garner, Spencer, New York, W P Clyde. Str J S Shriver, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. ®V TELEGRAPH. (Corrcßpondonco of the Pliilßdolpliia Ship Westmoreland, Berlin, from Liverpool October 10, was beating in the Capes of Delaware at noon to day SPECIAL NOTICES. John and Lucy, A PASTOIIAL.—BV THK HARD OF TOWER HALL. Lucy.—A welcome visitor, you come To our delightful rural home. Dear Cousin John, I hope you’ll rest With us, a welDcontented guest. John. —lndeed, ’tie true, my Lucy dear, You have some great attractions here; A country life, I mint confess, Has much of joy and happmetus, Lucy. —Aro you so candid T Then admit That every man of sense and wit Must from thu town, delighted, hasto The sweets of rural life to tUBto. Jobs.—Too much 7 fair Cousipj yyy I am contented to admire Your fields, and paths, aud meadows green, Your wlflspering groves and lakes sorcue. Lucy.—lndeed 1 But in your smoky den, Filled with “ tho bnsy hum nun ll — city home, I mean —wliat there With rural scenery may compare? John.—More charming than that scenery all I bold the place called Tower Hall, Where Fashion, Taste, and Skill combiiio To make the form of manhood shine. Our assortment of Fashionable and Serviceable Cloth ing, adapted to the season, is unequalled in Philadelphia. AH tastes and pockets can be suited* Prices reduced to suit the times. Army and Nary Uniforms mode to order, at the shortest notice. An examination solicited. Tower Hall, No. 618 MAR KET Street, Philadelphia. BENNETT & CO. Special Attention is CALLED p | d f ft to the unprecedented inducements offered to those about purchasing Pianos and Melodeons. Large temporary reductions being made to mo by tho manufac turers inconsequence of reduced wages, rent of manu factory, aud all that goes to make up the cost of pro duction the full benefit is proffered to buyers, aud a call must satisfy all that note is the time. Can sell i first class Piano at $226. Give me a call. no4-lm J. E. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut st 9. Dr. Robertson’s Gout and Rhev matio drops —The only reliable remedy for Rheuma tism, Gout, &c. Price $l. For sile by DYOTT & CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street, oc2l-mwlm Depot for all Popular Medicines. Batchelor’s Hair Dye.— This oele brated and perfect HAIB DYE is the BEST IN THE WORLD. All others are mere imitations of this Great Original, which has gained such' extensive Patronage in All parts of tho globe. The genuine W. A. BATCHE LOR’S LIQUID HAIR DYE instantly produces a Splendid Black 'or natural Brown, without staining the Skin or injuring the Hair, and will remedy the ill effects of bad Dyes, invigorating the Hair for Ufa. SoH by aU Pmggista and Perfumers, Wholesale by FAHNESTOCK & CO. and DYOTT A 00., Philadßl- Hii» mhl-tf One-Price Clothing, of the Latest BmiSimudein the Best Manner, espMMli' for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All GooUb made to Order warranted eatiafac* tory. Our Oke-Pbios System is strictly adhered to. ATI are thereby treated alike. Rtfgfrly JONES k GO., 664 MARKET Street. Card Printing, Best and Cheapest In the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in the City, fit 34 South THIRD Street MARRIED MORTON—KIRKIiRIDE.—On the 12tli instant, by Hon. Alexander Henry, Mayor, Thomas George Morton, M.D., to Annie J., daughter of Dr. Thomas S. Kirk brida. all of thli olty. * BARTRAM—DOLAN.—On the 28th ultimo, by the Rev. J. H. Kennard, Mr. George H. Bartrani to Miss Abigail Dolan, all of this city. # SHANTZ—SCOTT.—On the 15th of April, by Aider man Charles Welding, Charles B. Shantz to Mary C. Scott, all of this city. # WlLl>lM6ke— foster.— on the 26th of September, by the Rev. Thomas B. Miller, Mr. W. Wildimore to Miss Eliza Foster, all of this city. # PIED. WECKERiiY.—On the 7th tost,, John Weckerly, Sr., in the 67th year of his age. “ This languishing head is at rest, Its aching and thinking are o’er; This quiet, immovable breast Ig hpiivpd by affliction ' This heart is no longer the seat Of trouble.and torturing pain; It ceases to flutter and beat, It never shall flutter again.” • The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from hit late residence, No. 317 Coates street, above Third, this (Wednesday) nt 1 o’clock in the atternoou. To proceed to the Mechanics’ Cemetery. # CONWAY.—On the 9th instant, Mrs. Catharine Con way, relict of the late John E. Conway, in the 56th year of her age. Funeral from hf>r late residence, 1230 Germantown road, llizs (Wednesday) at 1 o’clock I*. H., without further notice. * COBLIS Q .—On the Bth instant, John Corlisi, in the 58th year of his age. Funeral trora his late residence, No. 649 FrAukford road, above York street, this (Wednesday) morning, at 0 o’clock. # GAIT.—6n the loth instant, Mary, daughter of John and Fannie Gitlt. Funeral from her parents* residence, No. 3 Godfrey’s avenue, above Jefferson street, at 2 o’clock this (Wednes day ) afternoon. * - KUNKEL.—On Sunday morning, Mrs. Mary Marga ret Kunkel, in the 83<1 of her age. Funeral from her late residence, No. 817 Franklin street, between Browu and Parrish streets, this (Wednes day) morning at 9 o’clock. * PICKEL.—On the 9th instant, Amy J., wife of U. L. Pickel, in the 29tli year of her age. Funeral from her residence, Wildsy street) below Columbia avenue, tills (Wednesday) morning th© 13th inst., at 10 o’clock. # PIERSON.—On the 10th instant, James G. Pierson, In the 52d year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, near Fox Chase, Twenty-third werd, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 1 o’clock. * ADAMS —On Sunday morning, the 10th instant, John Quincy, son of Rudolph and Sarfih Adams, aged 3 years, 8 months, and 26 days. * Funeral from the residence of his parents, at Frank ford, on Main street, above Harrison, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. * BOYLE.—Ou the 11th instant, Edward Boyle, aged 81 years. Due notice of the funeral will bo given. * BRENNAN.—Ou the Ilth instant, Mrs. Brennan, af ter a short illness. Funeral from her late residence, Sorrel street, Rich mond, on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o’clock. ** DUFFIELD.—Oh Sunday morning, the 16tl* instant, Mrs. Louisa K. Duffield, relict of the late John Duffield, aged 54 years. Funeral from the residence of her Bon-in-law, Joseph H. Comly, No. 208 Main street, Frankford, ou Thursday afternoon. OBR.—On tho lltii instant, Mrs. Mary Orr, reliet of the late John Orr, ngeil 69 years. Funeral from the residence of her son-in-law, S. A. Wertz, No. 1210 Coates street, on Friday morniug, at 10 o’clock. *** POTTER.—On the 21st instant, at Ball’s Bluff, Mr. Robert H. Potter* of the Vint California Regiment, in the 24th year of his age. * Mourning store, No,9is CHESTNUT STREET. BESSON & SON have lately received Black Beaver Cloth Cloaks, Gray Wfller-prdAf Cloaks, Black Thibet Long Shawls, extra .sizes 4 , Shepherd Plaid Long and Square Sliawls, Crape and Grenadino Dollars and Sleeves, Jouvin’s Black Kid Gloves, Alexandre’s Black, Lead, and Purple Kid Gloves: Fleecy Silk Gloves and Gaunt lets, Black Centre Brochfe Scarfs, Black all wool Velour Qtt9nmw; find Rtpei ®1 a yard \ Black Bops Anglais* 25 cents a yard; Grenadine Veils, <£c. no 4 INDIAN CONCERT.—LAROOQUA, |_L3 assisted by Graduates from the Institution for the Blind, will give a GRAND CONCERT, consisting of Sliered, simtiftieht&l, ilhd Indian Sengs, with Recitations of select passages from Longfellow’s Hiawatha, on THURSDAY EVENING, November 14, at the Taber nacle M. E. Church, ELEVENTH Strett, below Oxforl. The object is to raise a fund for the circulation of facts, as a basis for insuring quarter for the Indians, aud to pre- Burve our eliildren and fri&udd who arc living on the fron tiers from the perils of savage warfare. Admission, 15 cents; Children, 10 cents. Doors open at 7 o’clock. n!3-2t ryT==* ANNIVERSARY OF THE MERC AN- Its TILE BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION OF PHI LADELPHIA.—Tho Twentieth Anniversary of the Association will be ceiebratW*b. SPOFFORD, Secretary. pHii.ADKi.rHiA, 23d Oct., 1861. 0c23-ws tNI3 OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Lk2s COMPANY, Philadelphia, October 15,1861. — The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of THREE PER CENT. Oil the G&Dit&l stock of the Company, clear of State tax, payable on and after November 15,1861. PowcrB-of-Attorney for collection of dividends can bo bad on application at the oMce of the Company, No. 238 South THIRD Street oci7-tdci THOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer 1 , rv*==» CITY COMMISSIONERS’ OFFICE— NOTICE.—The Board of City Commissioners will hear Appeals from the Assessment of Real and Persona! Property, as returned by the Assessors of the different Wards, for the Triennial Assessment of 1862, on the fol lowing days: Wards. 1gt.... Monday, Oct 21 2d....Tuesday, *« 22 3d....Wedn*tdav, ** 28 4th.... Thursday, “ 24 6th..... Friday, “ 25j 6th.... Monday, “ 28 1 7th.... Tuesday, « g£j 6th... .Wednesday, « 30 ..Thursday, “ 31 10th.... Friday, Not. 1 12«lf ..Monday, « 4 Wards. 13th Tuesday, Nov. 5 14th...-Wednesday, »< 6 15th. ...Thursday, “ 7 «£} -Friday, •< 8 18th.... Monday, « 11 “ 12 20th.... Wednesday « 13 215 t.... Thursday, “ 14 ..Friday, « 15 ttu,\ -Monday. «19 JAMES SHAW, Clerk. ocl6-tno!8 CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. RADIES’ WINTER CLOAKS AT POPULAR PRIORS. J. W. PROCTOR & Co. WILL OPEN THIS MORNING A large collection of BLACK BEAVER CLOAKS, Ranging from $8 to $l6. STTLISH AND FASHIONABLE* And s9PtiCUl&Ply Wdt-fky the attention of economical purchasers. PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, AND FUR EMPO RIUM, TO© CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. riLOAKS! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! VJ WATER PROOF CLOTII CLOAKS, in endless variety i LIGHT AND DARK CLOTH CLOAKS, of every shade: BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS, of every quality: BLACK SILK-VELVET CLOAKS, EVERY NEW ST YL E I EVERT NEW MATERIAL; THE LARGEST STOCK AND THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES IN THE CITY, IVENS, ' - No. 23 South NINTH Stroet. « CL O A K S ! The Largest, Cheapest, and B6st~asaorted Stock in the city. HOUGH & CO., Ho. 25 Sooth TENTH Street, Opposite Franklin Market. "YTEW CLOAK STORE! The most Elegant assortment in the city. No. 29 South NINTH Street, First door above Chestnut. The arch-street cloak and MANTILLA STORE. NEW FALL CLOAKB. WATER-PROOF TWEED CLOAKS. ... BLACK OLWTH CLOAKS. EVERT NOVELTT AT MODERATE PRIORS. JACOB HORSFALL, anSl-6m N. W. corner TENTH and ARCH SO MILLINERY GOODS. QITY BONNET STORE. SEASON a b l e goods SEASONABLE PRICES SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES. Ladieß* and Misses 1 Bonnets, Children’s Turbans, Cape, &C-, the beet and moat fashionable, and at the low est prices. Bonnets made ove*, dr bleached, and re trimmed; Millinery Goods in Quantities to suit. BEA VER, FELT and FLUSH Goods for Children. LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS, NO. T 25 CHESTNUT STREET. j£ENNEDY’S FRENCH FLOWERS. FEATHERS. AND GENERAL MILLINERY GOODS. No. TS9 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW EIGHTH. ocs-3m MRS. M. S. BISHOP, 1016 CHESTNUT Street, will open a splendifl assort, luentof Paris Millinery, on THURSDAY, Nor. 7. ocS-ist MISSES O’BRYAN, JJ W 914 CHESTNUT STREET, Will open Paris Millinery for the winter, on THURS DAY, Nov. 7,1861. »©5-12t* FINANCIAL. RATIONAL LOAN. The undersigned aro prepared to deliver the Seven and Three-tenths Treasury Notes upon payment. DREXEL & CO., Bankers, PER CENT. TREASURY NOTES Are received at par for Subscriptions to the NEW NATIONAL LOAN, of 7 3-10 per cent. TREASURY NOTES, which are now ready for delivery at Office of JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent, 0c23-lm 114 South THIRD Street. jq-EW NATIONAL LOAN. OFFICE OF JAY COOKE & Co., BANKERS. NO. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. Pursuant to intructions from the Secretary of the Treasury, the Subscription Booh to the NEW NA TIONAL LOAN of Treasury Notes, bearing interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent, per annum, will remain open at my office, NO. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, until furthor notice, Horn 8 A. M. until 6 P. M., and on Mondays till, These notes will be of the denomination of FIFTY DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, FIVE HUN DRED DOLLAFS, ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, and FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, and arc all dated 19th of August, 1841, payablo lu gold in three yeaTß, or con vertible into a twenty years six per coot. loan, at the option of the.holder. Each Treasury Note has Interest coupons attached, which can be cut off and collected in gold at the Mint every six months, and at the rate or one cent, per day on each Fifty Hollars, Any explanations required by subscribers will be cheerfully made. THE NOTES ARE DELIVERED UPON PAY MENT OF SUBSCRIPTIONS. Payment of subscriptions may be made in GOLD or CHECKS, or NOTES OF ANY OF OUR CITY BANKS. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, No. 114 SOUTH THIRD Street. aw HOUSES WINTERED J&&CHKAPtY, by J. T. SCHOFIELD. Ho will be at the MADISON HOUSE TO-DAY from 9 to.lo o’clock A. M., aiul from 4 to 5 P. M., and TO MORROW from 12 to 2. He has a marshy meadow on which to turn them in pleasant weather, if rteiired. Stabling good Mr. Watson, the proprietor, has my terms and luhljTsp, m)W-3t# PARTICULAR ATTENTION given to Ladies’Hair-cutting and Dyeing, at FOURTH and BRANCH. nol3-iftf pOLORED PHOTOGRAPHS HAVE great advantages over uncolored ones, as you have a representation of color, eyes, and general complexion. The charges are only SI for Colored Photographs at REIMEB'S C.allory, SECOND Street, above Green. It* 34 South THIRD Street. RETAIL DRY GOODS. JJ U DSON BAY FROSTED BEAVER CLOTH CLOAKS, WITH A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT CLOTH and VELVET Do,, LATEST TAEIS STVLESi AT VEjir REASONABLE PRIOUB THOS. W. EVANS & CO.. Nos. 818 and 820 CHESTNUT STREET. noJ3-3t J M. HAFLEIGH. (Successor to) L. J. LKVY & Co., T 23 CIIESTNI'T STREET, BELOW EIGIITII, has now open a choice and desirable stock of WINTER DRESS GOODS, To which additions are made daily.. Having met with finest success fo tlif eftto of f/XiOAKSi particular atten tion will be paid to that department. ON MONDAY, 11th INSTANT, will be offered One ease good quality PLAID SILKS . « 56 “ Lot % BEPS . . . . 62# OLE SALE STOCK AT RETAIL. M. L. HALLO WELL & Co, 333 MARKET STREET, AND 2T NORTH FOURTH STREET, RAVE OOiVCM/DKD TO OFFER AT RETAIL THEIR STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, CONSISTING OF BLACK DRESS SILKS. IN GKNAT TARIETT, SILK VELVETS, BOMBAZINES, TAMISE ALPACAS, Ac. PLAIN AND PRINTED MERINOS, MOUSSELINES, POrLINS, REPS, VELOURS, Ac. WOOLLEN PLAIDS, PRINTED FLANNELS, Ac ILS6, THEIR IMMENSE STOCK OF SHAWLS. OF various descriptions, CLOAKS. MANTLES, &C, EMBROIDERIES, AND L. C. HDKF3. And will sell by tbe Single Piece their stock of WHITE GOODS, CONSISTING OF LINENS, MULLS, JACONETS, CAMBRICS, NAINSOOKS, Ac., Ac. ocl4-mwf2m T>OYAL RIBBED MERINOES FOR J_V the Gored Walking-Dress. Richest Printed Reps. Magenta Figured De Raines. Bright Printed Merinoea, KYBB & LANBELL. noil Fourth and Arch streets. Eine stock of shawls and CLOAKS. Fashionable Black Cloaks. Brociio L(>ng Shawls, S 5 to 40, SbepberU’a Plaid Wool ShuwlSt . •• EYRE & LANDKLL, noil Fourth and Arch streots. Bargains in dress goods. NEW ANi> CHOICK 3>KKSS GOODS AT EXTRA ORDINARY LOW PRICES. Rich Silk Plaid and Printed Reps. Plain Reps and Velours dc Epingle. VERY CHEAP BLACK SILKS. Rich Printed Magenta Cloths. B'cL Printed Merinoes to tj?li2o. Rich Printed till wool Delaines from 31 to 75c. 3,000 yards Mohair Brocades at 14c, worth 25c. 2,800 yards Printed Delaines at 13c, worth 18c. A choice assortment of Blanket Shawls, NEW STYLES OF WINTER CLOAKS of Beaver, Tricot, and Water-Proof Cloths, Handsome Velvet Vestings and Caßsiineree. H. STEEL & SON, no 9 No. 713 North TENTH Street, above Coates. TV7ILL OPEN THIS DAY AN IM- H mense stock of all wool De Lames, the balance of a large importation, consisting of 1 lot neat figured dark grounds, at 31 cents, usually sold at 62# cents. 1 lot chintz colors, at 37 cents, usually at 75 cents. 1 lot, yard wide, Plaids, at 12# cents. COWPKRTHWAIT & CO., no9-tf N. W. corner EIGHTH and MARKET. MILITARY UOOHS. SUPPLIES. 50,000 pairs ARMY DRAWERS. 20,000 GRAY FLANNEL SIIIRTS. 10,000 RED do. SHIRTS. £OO A. SMITH in the Firm of BILLINGS, ROOP, A W.; Iffiß this censed, by the sale ot the same to tlia other runners. The remaining Partners sire silono au thorized to settle the business and to use the name of the iirrn. JAMES H. BILLINGS, SAMUEL W. ROOP, SAMUEL W. ROOP, Exec’r of W. F. ’Washington, dec’d, O. A. SMITH, 11. B. KIBBE. Philadelphia, Nov. 9,1861. no!2-12t# MINERAL PLATE TEETH.— KtmJj I. LUKENS, M. D. ( DENTIST and Mftnnfoc ■hirer of Mxncrtj-Plate Teeth. —This Style Of XcCthj in* stead of using metal, are constructed entirely of Hinorals, hence they are entirely free from metallic or other taste. There are no joints to become tilled with moiature or particles of food, and thus they are absolutely pure, slraih and Rill always contimia icl The advautagen sira cheapness, durability, and utility in masticating. They caunot produce headache, neuralgia, sore-throat, dys pepsia, Ac., so often caused by gold and silver plate. Tht so Teeth have been worn for the past eight years with the greatest aatiafuetlon. Office, 207 AIIGH Street, where roferonco may be had and specimens seen. . no7-6t» POSTAGE STAMPS.—Twenty-four- J 7 cent, twelve-ccnt, and teu-cent STAMPS for sale at fivo por cent, discount. Apply at The IVess office, noiMf pCONOMY—ECONOMY— ECONO MY.—In these times why buy soap, when a box of SArONIFIfiR (costing 16 cents) will make from waste kitchen grease eight pounds of hard soap, or nearly a barrel of poap'? . nofl"lm TT'NGRAVJNGS, PHOTOGRAPHS, Xli and PAINTINGS framed in Oval or Sanare framus of every variety, at. very low prices, at GEO. F. BEN KERT’S, 826 ARCH Street. noP-iftf CIDER.— New clarified Champagne Cider, of extra duality, by the hogshead or barrel For sale bv EMIL MATHIEU, uos-12tif Nos. 120,122, and 124 LOMBARD at. NEW PUBLICATIONS. STORY! LAMPLIGHTER’S STORY! LAMPLIGHTER’S STORY f CHARLES DICKENS’ NEW BOOK, THE LAMPLIGHTER'S STORY! HUNTED DOWN! TDK DETECTIVE POLICE! and other Nouvellettea. By CHARLES DICKENS. Complete in one volume, end uniform u-ith flreiit Expectations.” J'ricc 50 cciitd in junior tovor. no two illuatniM e.11t10n.4, in clotlii either in duodecimo or octavo form, for *1.50. Will be publiHlied and fur sale on Satnrdav next, by T. 11. PETERSON A IIItOTHERS, No. 306 CHESTNUT Street, I’lLitadolpliin. By Everybody should Ret it anil read it. It jyCKENS’ NEW BOOK! LAMPLIGHTER’S STORY! I i LISTED DOflTlf! DETECTIVE POLICE! CII ABLE S HICK V. NS’ NK W BOOK, THE LAMPLIGHTER’S STORT! HUNTED DOWN [ THE DETECTIVE POLICE! and other NouvelleUee. By CHARLES DICKENS. Complete in one volume, and uniform with “Great Expectationa.” Price 50 cents in paper cover, or two illustrated editions, in cloth, cither in duodecimo or octavo form, for $1.50. Will be published and for sale on Saturday next, by T. B. PETERSON A* BROTHERS, No. 206 CHESTNUT Street, FhilnUclpliia, tfy- Everybody should get and read it. It pHOICE ENGLISH BOOKS AT \J REDUCED RATES. The subscribers now offer their large and well-se lected assortment of English ami French Books at gPUAtI.U rodUM-d pyltes for cunli, In order TO reduce their stock prior to tbe Ist of January. Their collection comprises the beat editions of the standard English authors, together with a large ami valuable stock of Scientific and Miscellaneous Litera ture in every Department of Science and Art. Eiigti.-di ai>4 Frej|?j| iu great rurirtyi Detailed catalogues furnished gratis on application, or mailed to any address. McKLROY & CO., Importers of English Bxike, Ac., nol2*6t No. 27 Sooth SIXTH St., ab. Chestnut. Books, law md MISCELLA NEOUS, new and old, bought, sold, and ex changed, at tbe PHILADELPHIA-BANK BOOH STORE, No. 419 CHESTNUT Street. Libraries at a distance purchased. Those having Books to sell, if at • distance, will state their names, sizes, bindings, dates, editions, priceß, and conditions. WANTED—Books printed by Betijuftlb Franhlln, as well as early Books printed in and upon America. Autograph Letters and Portraits purchased. Pamphlet Laws of Pennsylvania Tor sale. Catalogues, in preßS, sent free. Libraries ap praised by ffe2s-tfl JOHN CAMPBELL. WANTS. WANTED —An expert and eareful MAP MOUNTER, who is accustomed t> large work and can bring good recommendation*. Please ad dress 11. F. WALLING, No. 358 PEARL Street, New York. noO-7t* o*4 Ana —T 11 1 S AMOUNT TO iPtivVVi LOAN on mortgage, in ono or two sums if desired. LUKKNS & MONTGOMERY, Conveyancers, 1033 BEACH Street, nolD.w«l2t* .Eighteenth Ward. m WANTED—A FARM, within ten ■Jr or twelve miles of Philadelphia, for which the best quality of improved city property will he given in ex change. Apply to E. PETTIT, = oc3o No. 309 WALNUT Street. BOARDING. 1 STREET—Tiro 1.0 ±fJ desirablo front Rooms now vacant. Bath, gas, hot and cold water, with partial or full Boards also, Table Boarders taken. JIOS-Ot^ First class boarding, with Bingle and Communicating Booms, No. 1417 LO CUST Street. oc2l-lm* FOR SALE AND TO LET» g§ public sale of a farm, Mil containing ACRES of LAND, situate on the State road, three-quarters of a mile from the Court House, in the borough of NORRISTOWN. Tbe land is of very superior quality, The improvements conmet of a good HOUSE, BARK, SPKINGHOUS3 - /, &CrrgOOd Apple Orchard, and other fruit. Will be sold on THURSDAY, November 14, 3801, at 1 o’clock, on the premises. Sale positive. By order of tbe Workingmen's Building Asso ciation. J. Childs, J. B Stokes, and'Win. Schell, Com mittee nolls3t* m HOUSE TO LET—No. 152 North KhL SEVENTH Street, below Race. Heater.- range, bath, and gas. Rent $250. Key next door below. noll-3l* mo LET—The upper rooms of store JL No. 14 North FOURTH Street. Apply on the premises. no9*6t# A FARM FOR SALE, A FARM, With the usual improvements, of 148 acres, 33 of which are woodland, in Chester county, two miles south of Pottstown, Pa., is offered for sale low. Apply to JNO. B. HOLMAN, M l . D., no7-6t# Near Dougiassville, Pa SALE—The choice o£ two valuar J} tde PATENTS, very cheap, or exchange for ne gotiable property. Going to war. Address “ Patentee,” Lambertville, New Jersey. no7-7t# £ FOB SALE VALUABLE EkFAll&f and MILL —xWm. containing 90 ACRES of superior LAND, situate twelve - miles north of the city, near Fort Washington station, North Penu’a Boilrood. First-class improvements. Apply to E. PETTIT, OC3O No, 309 WALNUT Street. TO LET—A THREE-STORY W& Dwelling House, with ft good Cooking-Range, hot and cold w ater, and all the modern conveniences. Ap ply oil tbe premises, No. 1228 MARSHALL Street. oCl7*tf F)R SALE—Valuable Farm, contain ing 130 acres; 30 acres of excellent Woodland, the balance in a high state of cultivation, nicely watered with springs and running streams, situate 6- miles from Uoyleetovi n depot, and 2X miles from Lambertvills sta tion and Delaware river, Bucks county. Plata and sub stantial stone improvements; good out-buildings, and every variety of fruits. Price only $75 per acre: easy terms. Apply to E. PETTIT, eelO No. 309 WALNUT Street. TUIAGARA FALLS WATER POW -L> ER.—CAPITALISTS AND MANUFACTU BERS. This immense water power is now ready for im mediate occupation, together with one hundred acres of land, embracing one quarter of the village, on which to locate mills and manufactories. The stipulations for price of power will be one half that at Lowell} Mass., and the Quantity is almost un« 'United Should the demand warrant It, the American Fall can easily be stopped and its great volume discharged through the bank below its present Bite, for mill purposes, under a head and fall of 200 teet. The title is perfect and the property BBjltfttlßkeEdd, For further information apply to N. W. Day or A. P. Floyd, Niagara Falls: Alexander Hay, No. 1208 Vine Street, Philadelphia; Hon. T. A. Jenckes, Providence, B. I.; D. Thaxter, Boston: or the owner, HORACE H. DAY, No. 01 Liberty street. New York. September 2.1861. ae4-wfrm3ai } WATCHES, JEWELRY, &e. j TN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR X large stock of WATCHES JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, and MUSICAL BOXES, we are now, m ac cordance with the times, offering them at GREATLY reduced prices. Ladies or gentlemen intending to purchase a Watch for own wm, will hud at our Establishment ait article that can be IMPLICITLY RELIED ON for time, and at a price MUCH LOWER than ever before asked. Particular attention is given to repairing fine Watches, Clocks, and Musical Boxes, by skilful workmen. FARR A BROTHER, Importers, c23.2mif 324 CHESTNUT feefoW Fourth. STOVES AND RANGES. <&L. SILVER’S AIR-TIGHT GAS SJbobni:e, for THE PABLOS, DUONG. BOOM, AND OFFI«B u __ DULL SIZES, And made in the most approved manner* of the best Imported Russia Iron* with PATENTED CLAY CYLIN DERS. of which we have the exclusive sale. NORTH. CHASE* A NORTH* ©l2-2mif Ho. 209 North SECOND Street. & NORTH, CHASE, & NORTH’S £3| CELEBRATED COOKING STOVES, Gas- consuming, with Double-plated Tops, and all tbe Idlest improvsmeute. Manufactured and gold at 012-2mif No. 209 North SECOND Street. & THOMSON’S CELEBRATED £l=9 LONDON “ KITCHENER,” The best* most durable, and convenient ment for Coolsing 5 having the best facilities for an abun dant supply of Hot Water, Roasting, Saking, Stowing, Broiling, Ac. For sale, in various sizes, of our own manufacture. NORTH, CHASE, A NORTH, No. 209 North SECOND Street, 012-2mif Philadelphia. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ■pOBERT SHOEMAKER & CO.. Northeast Corner FOURTH and RACE Streets, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. MANUFACTUttERS OP WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, POTTY, 4c, AGENTS FOB TUB CELEBRATED FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and consumers supplied at VERY LdW PRICES FOR CASH. oclU-tf GROCERIES. Tj\o FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE ' RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, as heretofore, to euppljr fa*ttSUei al their Country Residences with every description of FINN GROCERIES, TEAS, *O., AO. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINK SHEETS. mr!B PORTLAND KEROSENE OIL. Vie are now prepared to aupply this STANDARD ILLUMINATING OIL AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Z. LOCKE & CO., Sols Agents, 1010 MARKET STREET, aeg-diu Pnlladelahla.^ Best quality roofing slate alwayv on hand and for aale at Union Wharf, IIH BXAOH Street, Kensington. T. THOMAS, btT-U UT WALNUT Street, PhDadelptd. amusements. American academy of MUBIC. POSITIVELY „ THE LAST WEEK OF HERRMANN, BERRMA.NN, HfcItPMANN, HERRMANN, THE GREAT PRKSTIDIGITATEUB! THE GJ!EAT I’RESTIDIGITATEUR! HERRMANN will giva . HIS POSITIVELY LAST SIX PERFORMANCES^ AS HK APPEARS IN WASHIKMOn™^ ON THE EIGHTEENTH, THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, THE COMIC PROGRAMME. OK THURSDAY, THE INAt’GL'IJAL PROGRAMME. 05 FRIDAY THK fIOTHTC PROGRAMME, i‘n OATUI.-DaV, ir«Temiicr lot'll, two pkiifoßhancks. MATISfEJS irt 3. GRAND FARKWREI, NIGHT nt S. Admission, Rfsmc-d Sr;vtri,,, Amuhittioiit! 1 * Colored Gallery l>ooi'H open at 7#. Commence aft 3. Scats secured for any evening in .advance, MRS. JOHN DREW’S AiROU-STRKET TIIEATSB. Acting And Stags Manager W. fl. FREDERICKS. Buninos. Agent and Treasurer JOS. D. MURPHY. LAST NIGHT POSITIVELY Of THK “HOlSh ON THE BRIDGE OF NOTRE DAMS,” Vith its Grcnt Cast. To conclude with Hie BUULNSQLK SUYLOCJv:- Or, the Merchant of Veuiee i'n'xmvd- . . ,N.r. Frank Drew TO-IHOIiJtOW (TUL'ftSDAY) Houcicault-'s Comedy of ’WEST END! WKsT K*fDV CHAfiGK or Timk»—Doom opon at & ijtforo T \ eurtAta will rise at preristly. No extra cbargo for reserred scats. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE— NINTH and WALNUT Streets, §ji|?ki(fjf}Wr iiiiiiitimiifiHi&i fill At GARRBTTSON. THIS f WKDNKSDAT) EVENING, November 13* The entertainments will rommenco with KVKRVBODY’S FIiIENP. Major De H00t5.,,. Veatlicrly Mrs. Feather! v.... MU. To conclude with SMASHINGTOirS*COAT J. fcnmphington ..Mr. J. S: Clark© 1 Prices—so, 37 K, 75, uuii 25' cents; Private Boxe* Ssaß(lsi3. Boors open at 7 i Performance to commence at 7j£. WHEATLEY’S CONTINENTAL TUEATKE.—Overflowing Houses, Ninth nlghtnf the ilistinßuishcdTragic Artists- Mr. E. L. DAVENPORT, and Mr. and Mrs. J. \V, WALLACIv, Jr, To-nifiit, ROB ROY. Rob Hoy.. r ,.,. Mr. J. W. Walfack, Jr PongaJ. ........... ,Mr. K L.Davenport Captain Thornton ...Mr.W. Wheatley EeJt*n McGregor,.-. Mrs.J, W.-Wallack, Jr To conclude with BLACK-EYED SUSAN. ’William*.. -.. . ....- MV. E. L, Davenport OLYMPIC MUSIC HALL— RACK STREET, BELOW THIRD. The management have great pleasure in annonneing-an' engagement with the celebrated CHARLEY GARDNER, the original Hop Light Loo, from the American Mnsrc Hull, Broadway,- Now York,- will oa 1 SMbr-day Evening, November 16th. SAM LONG,- the great Comic Singer from the Broadway Music H&U,- New York, will appear on Wednesday Evening, Novem ber 13th. EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION! II ill AppLUf t-vory eveuitig, the following GREAT ARTISTS: Mr. TONY TASTOR, BIONS; PAUL BRILLIANT, MOAS. VELAP.DE, Mr. TIM NORTON, Mr DENNY GALLAGHER, and Entire Ballet of TWENTY LADIES ! the oimra PAMii.r, Every variety of Entertainment will be given in thlff' Establishment. Prices of admission 20 and 10 cents. nr>ll-6t Assembly buildings, every NIGHT, and on Wednesday and Saturday flfft/iv noone. W AYGII’S Magnificent Paintings oF the TOUB' OF ITALIA, together with new and • STARTLING SCENES OF THE AMERICAN WAR, With Portraits of all the Generals, and many other War Sceuea illobtvuting the Heroic Struggles of oar devoted' Soldiers for the perpetuity or tho Lilian.- Admittance, 25 cants; Chiirtron, 15 cents. noll-8t riARL WOLFSOHN AND THBO VV DOIiE THOMAS’ SERIES OF SIX CLASSI CAL soirees.— I TMri Scnson, gai'ssriptlons will bS’ received at the Principal Mtwic Stores, ■ Where Pro*' gt amines and full particulars can be seen nod 1m rSERMANIA ORCHESTRA. VX" CARL SENTZ, Conductor. PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, atdjf o’clock P. M, at the MUSICAL FUND H\LL. package of Eight Tickets, $1; Single Tickets, 25 eta. To he had at Audre’s, 1104 Chestfiut stteetj J.' E. Gould'S, Seventh and Chestnut, and at thedoorof the HaH. oc2B-fr The prestidigitateur. The magnificent jewelry, Gold Crown, Orders, Decorations, Medals, Ac., presented to HERMANN By foreign Monarchs and Potentates will be exhibited at CALDWELL & CO.’S, 822 CHESTNUT’ Street, otr the day of his first appearance at the Academy of Music— viz: WEDNESDAY, Qffyber SMi. Aud tho superb' Shawl given him by the Queen of Spain at EVANS & CO.’S, 818 CHESTNUT Street, ou the s*me day oc2l-tf ' Temple of wo msm, N-. e. cornerof TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. SIGNOB BLITZ will appear at the abpyp pjftefrfa his now and extrnordinftry imleFtnmiiWHU, EVERY EVENING, commeiioinp at And WEDNESDAY-aadk SATURDAY AFTERNOONS,. at 3—consisting Changes, Transmutations, Substitutions, Secret Mantpu lations, Ocular Deceptions, and Necromantic Elusion*, and astonishing powers of Ventriloquism,. illestfa^SdS every rarietj of voice. Also. the iiearned'Uaßaiy Bfrdlf' Admission, 25 cents; children, 13 cents. ocl9-lm*' TV/TAGIC LANTERN PICTURES OF XrJ. THE REBELLlON—Bepresentiug aU the promt* neat Scenes, EffgagtfflmilS, and Incidenfol to thifl dlifth For sale by JAMES W. QUEEN & CO.* 924-CHKSTNUT-Streat A Descriptive List furnished gratis and Bent bp mafi, free, on Application. eel9-2a PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF 7 THE BINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT Street, It open daily, Sundays excepted, from 9 A. M. till 6 P. ML Admission 25 cents. Children under twelve half price. Shares of Stock, $3O. Jyl FSTITUTIGN FOR THE BLIND.— Exhibition on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, at. half past 3 o'clock. Admission, TEN Cents. Store, IV South EIGHTH Street. 009-wtf COAX. pw. N- HALLOWELL. COAL DEALER, OFFICE, 133 WALNUT St.,.below Second. The beat Schuylkill, Lehigh, and I/ocust Mountain Coal constantly on hand. Orders by Dispatch receive prompt attention. Wl9-IB& JIAMILY COAL. WM. C. SHINN & BRO. Erne toußtantlr on hand a. large mppljr of Spring ui Buck Mountain, Lehigh,.and Locust Mountain and *«h— land Schuylkill FAMILY COAL,, all sizes, at prices te suit the times. Send yonr orders-to-Office, No. 222. WALNUnSireet; or to the Yard,.comer of SWANSGM and FBIME Streets. Entire satisfaction guarantied. oclT-lmir INSURANCE COMPANIES. Fame insurance company, No. 406 CHESTNUT Bteoat. VISE AND n?L£M3 INfiUBANCI. DiR#OTOBB. George W. Day........0f Day A Matiack. Samuel Wright........ u Wright Bros. A Co. D. B. 8irney........... il Bavis-A. Birney. Henry Lewis, Jr....... 44 Lewis Bros. A Co. 0. Richardson ii S. C. Howe A Co. Jno. W. Evermant “ J: W. Eyerman £ Qeo. A. Weei.i “-West A FobesT* F. 8. Martin. 44 Savage, Martin, A 00. C. Wilson Davis Attorney-at-law. E. D. Woodruff. of Sibley, Molten, A WoOdrttl. Jno. Kessler, Jr No. 1713 Green street. GEORGE W. DAY, President FRANCIS N. BUCK, ViH-PrefiUU&t WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary. jaaS-Hif SAVING FUNDS. OAYIN& mm— UNITED STATES >D TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and OHM* NUT Streets. INTEREST FITE PER CENT. 8. R. CRAWFORD, President, JAMES K. HUNTER, Secretary and Treasurer. Office hours* from 10 un£l $ Q’s|9sk, This company is not joined in any application to ttl Legislature. > SAFES. Rei LILLIES SAFE DEPOT RE ISpMOVED to ito. 21 South SSTSNTH Street, n«r ’Franklin Institute. The undersigned* thankful for past favors, „aqd being determined to merit future patronage, hauecured an elegant and convenient store, and has now.on hand a ■ large assortment of Lillie’s Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Pico and Burglar Proof Safes, {the efif strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, LilHe*! Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bask Locks. Idllie’s Bank Vault Doors and Locks wilt be famished to order on short notice. This is the strongest, best pro tected, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. __ Alfi&p pa&tii&S&r &tt«ntion is called to Lillie's 80S ‘ Cabinet Safa, for Plate, Jewelry, Ac. This Safe Is on ceded to surpass iu style and elegance^nything yet of- - fored for this purpose, and is the only one that is striofij • fire and burglar proof. Special Notios.—l have now on hand say twenty Ot i F&rrel, Herring, & Co.’i Safes, most cithern nearly new,. and some forty of other makers, comprising a complete* assortment as to sizes, and all lately exchanged forth*, now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at vsrf low* prices. Please call and examine. ia&s-lyif M, O. gAPLRtt. A—ns. Q 1 ATE MANTELS. O These beautifully enameled MANTELS, so cidedly preferable to any manufactured by dj* and sold at p HlC j, g T 0 sure THE TIMES. ARNOLD WILSON, ocs-3mif No. 1010 CHESTNUT Street. mHE BALTIMORE GAS-BURNING FIREPLACE heater. Sometimes called tba Stove,” is. the bests stove for wanning tho-rpom in which it stands, and also, rooms Above. Call andlook at them. ARNOLD A WILSON, Mg-jiaif go. 1010 (JHESTKUX Street. - jjr—h> NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. *£3SSSi» OS FREIGHT. TO WASHINesCON. D. C.. BY EBJfiSSQNLINK TO. BAIiTIMOSS,. ANTI FBOM THTCSUR BY ROAD TO WASHINGTON. _ On and attar (Ms date all freigVe for Washinetou b»i this route wiß lie required to lio prepaid thsotteh, aniS no pack»E9 will lie received unless marked with name* andldestioaleoa in full. FRMiHTS Off Albli Kl2o>Ek raeotvod nod forwarded dally. Aj GROPES. Agent* SoiithXHAJIyES. - -nr—h. FOR NEW YORK. ApiHltniV BAItY LINK, rta Delaware Baritan Canal. . ,„ _ Philadelphia and fin York Express !}tpainbpat (wa. nany receive freight tt)d learn daily »< * dclistae.,. Isg their cargoes in Maw York tho following day*. Freights taken at reasonable raice. WM. P. Ci.YDE, Agpnt. Ho. 14 SOUTH WHASVER, PhßadeljW*, JASHCS HAND. Agonl. s)l4 and IS BAST RIVBB. New Twk knl-tf Pii _ jr—FOB JSEW YORK. Tfc* ■fiSßECphilsdi&hf* Steam Frtaailar (JmMkV will CCWJPW'M their taefoeu far *iue aa»aaa e# Howlss, nre no* locttTiii* &4g)M ti BeccM Pier shove Wnluut street, Terms•coonaKdS&ng. Aptfjta -- W. M. BIIBD & CO., MM South Doliwara Aviiacs, 5O cents. ~.. Sue cents extra, 25 cent*. 25 coats. ~.Mr.Ji S; Clarke Dll’. Edwin Adame miiiHrßiflswvll ~ *.. Miss A\ Grey