Departure of Gen. Scott for Europe* !Dig Herald of yesterday 8 &ye ; Th« late Com anander-in-Chiof of our United States forces took leave of our shores on board of the steamship Am go, for Europe, at one o'clock on Saturday. His departure was not characterized by any demonstra tioas of a public character, by special request of 4 fce General himself. The General left tho Brevoort Itouse in a private carriage at about nine o'clock on Saturday morn ing. Before leaving he hade farewell to his aids, ’Colonels Cullum, Townsend, Wright, and Hamil ton. in One Of tho rooms of the hotel, requesting them not to accompany him to the steamer. He even refused to pass out through the maiu hall of the hotel, where a considerable crowd of his imme diate friends had-congregated to give him a part ing cheer, and wyut out through the private door 5n Eighth street. Accompanying him In the car- Tiage wore Colonel Scott, his son-in-law, wife and sod, together with Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt. Tho car triage containing its honored burden then drove off to pier 3T North river, where the steamship Anrirw was lying. None knew as that carriage passed through our thoroughfare* thu! h contained the hero of so tn ;nv hard-fought battles, as well as the unwavering, honest patriot and statesman. No pageant or es •COTt surrounded Mhi »s ho hiirrlcd through the Streets of the American metropolis, which had often rung out with tho acclamations of a populace - who were burning to do him honor. It was probably the good taste of General Scott that prevented him from accepting any public honors on his departure from the Tinted States*, for, with the country struggling in the vortex of a bloody rebellion, and the public mind clouded with the arduous cares of the unholy strife, he was not willing to obtrude himself (if it may he called obtrusion) upon the public gaze nt so inauspicious an hour. On arriving at the pier General Scott alighted from the carriage and was supported to the gang way of the steamer by Captain Butts, of the polcie. and some others. On going aboard ho immediately vent below and lny down in his borth, perfectly exhausted from the exertions which he had been •making. In consequence of the inclement state of tho weather there were but a few hundred persons ou the pier at the time the steamer got under way. Gen. Scott occupies stateroom No. 15. designated from the others by a wreath of laurel over the door. At ten minutes past one the steamer got fairly under wav, ami put out from, the dock amid tho cheers of‘those who were there assembled. God Speed the A ruga, and may she have a safe and prosperous voyage \ With the oldest warrior of the American nation on board, may.she overcome storm and tho boisterous waves ns he has over come the enemies of his country's flag and honor. * On hoard the same steamer with General Scott goes out Thurlow Weed and other distinguished personages. CITY IT. is MS. Great Meeting m Behalf of the Soldiers at the Church of the Epiphany Evomug. Our readers are nwaro that ft Series of Services in be half of our brave soldiers have for several weeks past been in progress in the various churches of this city, held under the auspices of the Young Chrhdi«» Asso ciation. The central object of this movement is, to sup ply the volunteers in camp with religious reading and to Secure for them tlie benefits of Christian influences, and practical Christian sympathy in their arduous duties away from home. The eighth of these interesting meetings was held at the Church of the Epiphany, Chestnut and Fifteenth street?, last evening. The attendance was very large, and the proceeding tliK.u-hout were characterized witll fin intelligent that evinced unmistakably that, although but a small fraction of onr citizens arc actively engaged in tlie war. the hearts of our people nro religiously interested in tlie great and Holy purpose far which ir is being prosecuted, At the appointed hour, o'clock, the rector, Bov. J. W. Cracraft, accompa nied by Bovs. .1. M. Crowell, Dr. Alfred Kevin, Dr. Cooper, and George 11. Stuart, Esq., entered the chancel, When the services of the evening were commenced by Binging, and the reading of Bishop Potter's beautiful war prayer by Rev. 31 r. Cracraft. ADDRESS BY REV. MR. CRACRAFT. The first speaker of the evening was the Rev. Sir Cracraft, Be fommenced hy saying that, for ths ilvst time in the history of this nation, we were involved in a Civil war—the bitterest of public calamities. A causeless find atrocious rebellion was on foot for the avowed purpose -of dismemberingthe best Government the world had ever Been. But from tho hearts of tw-ent y millions of loyal freemen tlie voice came up, “ This shall not be /” They had determined that tho rebellion should be crushed. We were inexorably shut up to the horrors of a civil •war, if we would achieve an honorable Rbfl lasting pPiIO«L To pursue a different course—to purchase peace by con cession—could but lead to anarchy, and notliing better. Peace could only come to ns honorably when it brought with it liberty —••liberty' throughout the land, tg ftU tilQ inhabitants thereof.*’ To this end, five hundred thQUSftnd men were now in the field, aud it was To afford these valiant men much-needed spiritual knowledge that they had then Wnd there met together. There were two practical «iurs for them W consider; first, did those men want siieh religious facilities 1 and, secondly, would they be given to them ? This would depend syiueuhat upon the liberality of those proatut when the collection was taken. The Speaker road a highly interesting extract from »letter yuUWUed in the /YofCBffl»( CAfireJ)w/?n, which told eloquently how acceptably the Word of God, in the form of tracts and Testaments, was being received by hun dreds of soldiers in the camps. SPEECH OF REV’ DR. BAIRD. The next speaker was ths lUv. Dr. Baird, just re turned from the camps in and about Washington. He was well aware, he said, how natural it was for men to exaggerate, in speaking upon a subject to which they were giving their whole time and attention, Dut lie would guard against this studiously. He canid, however, ho nestly say that the subject which had called them to gether was one of paramount importance. He paid high cosaptixaent to the* authorities at Washington, for their readiness to give countenance and encouragement to the (TOrk they were brosecuGnsr, instances In proof of Which were narrated. There were, he said, in many regiments faithful chaplains, who were witnessing tae salutary fruits of their labor?. There were indications, also., that there would soon be protracted meetings held in gonu? of thecamps. Havelock Associations were being organized in many of the regiments, pledging themselves, by the help of the Holy Spirit, to live in accordance with Bible mles. These facts he regarded as an index of what Christian efforts hi the comp Could accomplish, if promptly and liberally made. ADDRESS BY REV. J. M. CROWELL. Mr. Crowell said that the remarks of the previous speaker had suggested a few thoughts to his mind wlucll ie would briefly refer to. He wag glad to see that one great result cf our present national calamity was. that it had developed a deeper Christianity in liigh places. -The President and hi.s Cabinet, and General McClellan, were throwing tlieir great influence on tka side of God and the Bible, facilitating religious labors among the soldiers, and giving their counsel and example in faror of the sanctity of the Sabbath. In such a state as this—with the sol diers sending messages to their friends at home, Asking for Bibles—it would oe unchristian not to send them. But there was another thought. The sacrifices our soldiers were now making for the salvation of the Be public were 1 without a parallel in history, for no men had tier given up so much to offer themselves & sacrifice foe Ibeir country’s good. IVe who remained at home could know but little about this. The reason we were allowed to remain in peace in Philadelphia was because of the mighty phalanx on the banks of the Potomac. If, then, Ihoan noble llieh Were giving to tw of their carnal things, eras it too much for the churches here to give them of their spiritual things ? There was a tremendous rebel lion to be put down, and the spirit of the hour must be facrijicc. Mr. Crowell related an interesting Incident in the life of Havelock, in which the latter, on taking possesxion of a heathen temple in tlie Burmese Ivor, had converted it into a Christian sanctuary; so he 'would fondly hope that the dark temple of treason would, ere long, be made to yield to the strong arm of loyalty, Bihd fm-nlsb, at least, the occasion of a deeper Slid 11101*6 •wide-spread Christianity throughout our beloved coun try. SPEECH OP REV. DR. NEVIK. Dr. Kevin looked upon the present movement in ■this country as the greatest in the history of the world. It was being enacted among the greatest people, it was 'Being carried on on the largest scale, and it was being prosecuted in the grandest cause. He then described a Yei&hi visit he had made to the national capital. His observations of Gen. McClellan assured him that the lat ter had the fear of God before bis eyes. He wag evident ly controlled by the noblest Chriatidh sentiments, and his trust was not in Iris own arm* but in the grace and power of God. The speaker’s delineation of thA wide difference Between the comforts of home, and the privations of the Soldier, with bis hard fan-, and damp, cheerless tent, was graphic and touching, and moved many of lus hearers to lean*, He was follovmi in un ADDRESS BY MB. GEORGE 11. STUART. Mr. Stuart hud also just returned from the capital. The best of nil, said he, was, as Wesley once said, that Cod was with us in this contest. He had visited, within Hi ft lust few the GflJip.4 in &nd around tV ashington, And he was literally overwhelmed with the field which was there providentially opened to the Church of God— pot in a foreign land, but in sight of our own capital. **There every hill-top an*.l valley was white with the tents Elf in knay fitaniihs, Lad already been remarked, as a mighty phalanx between ns and a powerful and milig* nant enemy. He felt assured that if those who heard lum had witnessed what he had they would be aroused to the Importance of the work in behalf of which this meet ing bad beeu called. It was a field of labor which reached far beyond Ball’s Bluff, or Big Bethel, or Bull Bun; it was the broad field of eternity itself. Mr. Stuart proceeded at length with an interesting narrative of his observations in the camp*, and concluded with an earnest appeal in tho wfidiapU bdudf. The meeting was continued until nearly 10 o’clock, the addresses eliciting the ilrepert attention from first to last. The Delights ok a Good Dinner.—As dining ««down town” has become, to a great extent, a necessity with gentlemen of business, we take the liberty to recommend our own favorite place of dining, on the southwest corner of Chestnut and Fourth streets. Tire proprietor, Mr. J. Yi. Pkick, has no superior, as a ca terer in this country. Every delicacy of the season find* Jfg way to his table,-* .first; the culinary department is conducted with utmost neatness and system; and the whole establishment presents an inviting air that adds fo much to the of a good meal. Mr. Price’s chicken salads, oysters in every style, seasonable game, find meats prepared in the host immune for health and gustatory plenties, Are unequalled. The consequence is that his saloon is becoming more popular every day. It is just the place where a well-bred gentleman, accus tomed to good living would wi;ih to dine. Articles for the TABLE- —Mr. 0. If. [attsou, dealer in fine groceries, comer of Arch and !enth streets, has always on hand the choicest goods in lia line. Lovers of flue Smoked Salmon, and all kinds of Haired meats, will Hin ny* find them in best quality and [re&lest variety at Hi- establishment. The News from Kentucky, &c.—There a been A brisk fight near Columbus, Kentucky, and aa übl the Federal forces have shown thair indomitable jUFrtgf pluck. The doings in Kentucky and Mis-' juri, the movements of tho fleet, and the probable pro ves of the army of the Potomac, excite general atten- lon, which is only divided by the universally conceded leriti of the garments for soldiers and citizens wade t the Brown Stone Clothing Hail of RocUhill k Wilson, toa. 60S and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. A Whale in the Delaware.—A few days nee another whale was seen in the Delaware, opposite je Richmond wharves. Hie elements, orbits, hftYfl otbeon computed, but it ie supposed by sagacious peo that he is a blood relation of the cet&cious specimen iptured in these waters last April, and who merely mode bis appearance to notify the public generally thftt the m >st (superior f»H and winter garments manufactured in the city are to be found at the palatial clothing depot of Granville Stokes, 609 Chestnut—where every article of clothing is now Belling flt.rednccd price?. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. Pnn-ADBLPHiA, November 9,1861. Tlus fddcle market wwdidl *o-U9 haYO been picked up at 120alS2c for fair to prime Western and Pennsylvania red, mostly at thA latter rate, in store, including white in small lots at Hl)©l4sc, the latter for prime Southern. Bye is steady, ■with further sales of Pennsylvania at 72c. c?ni is firmly heldj and Idiot of about f ,000 bus yellow aro reported at 61#® 62c, in store and in the cars, and 62#<2i6oC afloat, the latter for prime Southern. Oats are steady, with further sales of 4,000 bus Pennsylvania at 40c, in store; Southern are worth 80c, and but few offering. Barley and Malt, remain quiet. Bark.—ln Quercitron there i« a n 74 0p... §4# SOOO U S 5s ’7l, reg.. 84# 100017 85s : 71, Cp... 84# 19000 111 Cau Ijda, reg. 79# 1000 d 0.......... 79# 28000 111 Cpn bda ’6O . 80 101*0 111 Cpn l»1s ’79* * 81 2000 Missouri 65.... 43# 4000 Virginia 6a.. .l>3 48 2000 Trie latm 102# 1000 Erin B4th m... 76 2000 C'BiQ 8 pc.. 93 soqq Mich So 2d m.,. 71 10GO -M [«h So 2dm As GO ICW Mich So S V. ... 78 SGCO Pacific B 75.... 39 8000 L F & W Ist m. 72 12 Bk of Commerce.. 82# ISO Pacific M S Co 98 U 8a 9S# 73 do 98# 50 do .s3O 98 50 do slO 98 350 Frio B 32# 20 do 32# 50 d 0..... a3O 32# 50 Erie B Pref. 58# 25 do bUO 57# 5 do.. .57#! MON Y Cent 8...... 79 1050 d0.........W50 79 IS6 Jo 860 78# ‘250 d 0..... s3O 78# 300 do 78# 150 do 78# 100 d 0... slO 78# 25 Hudson lliv R.... 40 50 do 190 40 100 Reading R s6O 35# 100 Mich Central 50# 50 do s3O 50 28 Mich S A N 1.... 18# 50 do 18# 50 do. slO 1871 50 MSo& X I Gntd. 39 50 Panama B , .118# 400 111 Cent BScp 62# 50 do sGO 62# 165 Gal A Chi R 70 300 Clev A Toledo,,, t 36# M .... 36# 200 .d 0.... b3O 36# 100 Chi A K 1 11. . .830 52# 100 do b3O 52# 50 do 52# 100 d 0... 530 53 50 d* 52% 50 do slO 52# 50 C B & Quin R.... 65# 33 MU A_P DnC.... 20# MARINE INTELLIGENCE, mr BEE FOURTH PAGE, ARRIVED, Ftr;:mt-liip Delaware, Taylor, 20 hour* r rom New York, uiilumhes to Jsm AJMonJicc. Passed, iu tilt) bay, lour hopgi ODfi Of them lumbw-loßiled ‘ &ii«l off Del aware city, Unitcd States steamer Florida, going down, at 9 rrclock yesterday morning. BY TELEGRAPH. (Correspondence of th« Pfobh.) Arrived—Ship Kowcnn, from Olasg.iiv; ship Emerald from Bristol; ships Lucy Thompson, Constantine, Rich* ard Alsop, and Senator, all from Liveri>o.)l ; -hip CasHda, of lialtinioro, from Rotterdam: ship Governor Langdon, from Liverpool: whip Star of the East, from Kcnnebunk. Hark Unrdmuix; hark.DavidKlih tmli, from Bordeaux; hark D. C. Murray, from Cette; l-arks Revolution, Jl-wiJy, an I Kl.nnhisru, from London; hark Flight, from Havre: hark Queen of Sheba, from London. Brig Jennie Mo*nly, from St. John, N. B. Schr. Matilda, from Loudon. Tim hark Young Greek lnto by thclmrk-Ro* volution, in the lower bay, on Saturday. The former lost her jib-boom and cat-heads, and sprung her foretop* gallant mast. Below— Ship Johu 'Wells, from Liverpool: ship Ocean Traveller, from Hamburg; ship William Singer, from Rochester. English hark Janues l.&uqlvfo, from St. tt’ffitfrCi W r Correspondence of the Phihwlelphin. Exchange.) LEWES, Del. Nov. 7, The United States steamer Hatteras, for the Chesu penke; ship Zone, for London; schr William Allen, for lh<* Uhmpeakfl* and schr Margaret Dill, for Barbada&s, went to sea this morning. An Eigliah schr and five other schrs loaded with hay, went south. The tug Ame rim still at the harbor. Wind blowing heavy from NW. Yours, Ac, A. MARSHALL. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Chestnut and Ninth streets, iv Bed, MifUiutowu E Grusßelli A C.rftftuelli J S Abbott, Columbus, O W McYeagh &w, W Olios JXV Fuller, CatasttU'iuft E U Eldridge, Boston K O Crane, Poitland J W Bliss A 1», Boston J G Moody, Boston W A Wheeler, New York Dr J Stewart, Philada DrFP Phelps, Jr, Cambr'ge J K Lawrence, USA W YcHuimU BnUinmro Chat Cushman, Hasten M It Barr, Erie, reuua J J Furtonton, W Chester H B Silly, U S N Mrs Dennison, Ohio Sami Keyscv, New York Col II A Smalley, USA *lO Wilson, Pittsburg K Taylor, San Francisco i: a OfiLorn, New Jersey W M Pndtiock, New Jersey E A lleunlslup, New Jersay W II Atwater, Naw York A Beckman A lit, Bath G Bennett, Bath W W Allen & la. Until IV D Castle, Cleveland, 0 O P BurdeH & wf, N York N A Woodbury Aw, Boston J H Patten & wf, Boston Wm Brand, New York A M Stewart Bonnimau, Boston Samuel Die Kaon, Phila E FI House, New York J Clark & la, New York M S Hagan, Maine Lieut Geo W Hoover, USA 11 Nolte, Manchester W M Neill, New York A C Tiflt, New York li W Evans, New York It 0 Mcldruni, Madison, Tini ft I) Canki/o, Washington ,loj 1» Bnlwr, Na-w York L L Arnold, NVw York Wm M*ttnrg(>yne, New York K W Mitchell, New York (I D Smith, Brooklyn W Linacott, Boston It II Morse, Washington C S Newell (1 H Stetson, Bridgewater WD Ferguson, Sandy Ork G tJuarkeuftnHi, Trow X Y Hon T Jones Vorke, N J TlUill linhMJ A-1«, V,';..:. i: r> c .1 It Pihiivv, N,.„- York fkiiiimt Engle. Ilrooklvn AY H Kerr, New York Lieut W H Bmiltiir, K S N NAY Coudiet, Jerrrv City A. Thayer, Jr, New York H Souther, lilk co, l'a BJI Price, New Jersey J Crone, New Jcrocv Joint lEiley, New York h'li Tlioniiw.ii h lit,'Com, Jamt-a Til Tucker. Jtassuchusctts El’Bowe CO Alilier, Ilufftilo W B Smith, Pennsylvania J DOslioritf, Oliio AYm Howes Covington, Pa L Powere & wf, ATadison.AYis Cltns C Mellor, Pittsburg Miss Mellor, Pittsliiirg Julius Bing, P C II Miner. Pitlshurg J A JamrgOn, St Loitiit w ¥ George, New York It A Brown, New Haven E McMullen, New York Chas Scott, England L Hooper & In, Boston M W Hooper, Boston 197,624 191,513 5,864 124,718 11,143 0,926 17*,628 240,037 126,496 J 1,258 00,070 2D, 523 136,239 113,511 4,656 AMERICAN HOTEL— Chestnut Blm &DOV 6 TIIttL W S Hobart, Pottstown J H Boardmnn, Bochester Wm Harris, Jr, Phila K Lcland, Muss M Mitchell, M’ashington Bobt L Boss, Washington Lieut Jas H Barker, Phila II M Smith, New York Jm n 3inpf» VChester ¥(J m,io LiCUt Torter, Jlilton, N J Mrs Porter, Milton, N J Lieut E A Bancroft, USA N A 'Wellington, N Y M Greenwood, Cincinnati H H Martin, Jersey Shore L Beckers, New York L Durr, New York J Brinckcrhoftj Illinois John H StyleSi Brooklyn XV P XW-ightmaii, R O Hampton, Baltimore Col S H Jenkins, Delaware E C Stcdmun, New York D E Kennedy, New York XY M Ogden, Pittsburg J E Dongberty, Delco J C McLanahan, Franklin XV 31 Hamilton, XVashington W E Hall, Delaware H V Hall, Connecticut D D Nn9h, New York Reuben Dilton, New Jersey' MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. Lewis Parker. Jr, Trenton AXV Coburn, Illinois II L Henderson, Cleaxftelg XV McCabe, Wash COi Pa J II bridge?, xvoodstock Jos E Cremer A la, Pa HXV Cremer. Hanover, Pa B R Parker, Indianapolis Lieut J H Walker, US A Lieut P C'ollins, US A Mrs C L XVard, Towanda Thosßrodheaii, N Jersey Geo T Jlering, Md XVm Davis, Pennsylvania E Du Bois, New York Jacob Kinzer, Pittsburg L B l.ydny, Bncyrus, 0 T I) ivyger, Georgetown, 111 Sami Culver, Hollulaysbuvg John Gordon, Indiana E XV Hawthorn, Ohio ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. C Bohles, Pennsylvania B Von Hwllt* New York J L Jluicldisson, LVav jersey j e Chantry XYnfihingtOQ SII McKinley, I‘ittslmrg XV Hudson, Sandusky, O A Miller, Sandusky, O Mr Allen, Philadelphia W Musgrave, U S N Y Cohen, New X’ork M Simpson A la, Maryland XV C Bridges, USN G M Bowker, MassafhusvUs Iv Kochenbnrff; Bremon § K Armstrong, Kentucky John MullhPrno, Pound J Davi?, New X'ork E Silencer, Delaware E Numbers, Ohio Mrs R XV Mftrghftll, Penna MlsS Lizzie- MnrslmH, T. L BrodllCUd, Peiina Wm Butler, New York Joel I’lthiaiii Bridgeton F S Newcomer, Indianapolis Capt F W Trane, N York Mast-G M Newcomer, do Jos Lang, Pittsburg Saujl B T.auffcr, Phila G X'Dietrich, Canton, O * C E AutldTiOit, 'Western X'ft NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. T)u»s Dennis. XVash, DC- P Uhler, Pennsylvania ¥ llrendHuser, N Hanover XV Robertson, Portlan -,Me M S Burnnin, Clinton co t Pa Alt Puuhum, Log&nspt*lnd Thos’C Abbctt, J>enverCity Jos Gormley, Philadelphia Ira F Gon.-el, New York Jos L King, Philadelphia C XV Eve«, Millville, Pa C Hess, Wheeling. X’a lIA XVoixb Marcus Hook A C XVood, Marcus Hook Eugene M Smyser, Norrist’n John R James, Norristown John R Jones, St Paul Jas Neal, Mer9srGQ) pft COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth st., above Chestnut. Owen Beirfer, Maryland Enos Prizer, Doylestown. L S Hooper, XVilm, Del M J McKinnon, Shirleysb XV C Dickey, Pennsylvania D Stubbs, Chester co, Pa Jaw R Ramsey, Clips co, Pa XVtn co XV 0 MatFc, Centre co, To Denning, Cincinnati, O E A Harver, Delaware W B Spear, Delaware J P Brooniall, Maryland T J Lovejoy, Maryland A G Snyder, Dauphin co, Pa XVm Walker, Delaware C F Walker, Delaware A D Campbell, Lancaster Wm H Long, Philadelphia D Humes & la, Chester co 8 Wilkinton, Chester *5 BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vino.aa S C Worman & lad 7, SJ D Belford, Bristol EzarialUttenhouse, Md Geo A Kohl, Lambertvlhe John Hemming, llorlevtoa A B ltoylMtOTO) 0 V Robb, Bucks co Jos Watson & la, Backs co J> O Udy, Sergantsvllle, N J CII Smith & la, Penna Harrio iiotigh, ltoigolaville J W Ynnartsdalen, Bristol W H Brown, Harrisburg E Croaadale, Bucks co E S Richie, Ahington J E Spencer, New York Rufus Warren, New York R C Smitli & lik Now York 76# 63 92 92 45 STATES UNlON—Sixth street, above Market. J I. Millegan, Princeton N J Miss M Millcgan, Penna T C Woodward, lowa H P lHmbar, Pittsburg J Penrose, Maryland H Painter, Pennsylvania J Altls. rcimsylvimia W Ryan & la, ludihh& Mrs G W NcAlpiu, Penna E Phillips & la, New York G McAlpin, Philadelphia E Ilall, Now York Bid, Aik, . 4# .. J S'Allehnngb, Fayette co S G Gronc, Pittsburg JS’ Crawford, Pittsburg J W Simpson, New Jersey MADISON Hl4UBE—Second street, above Market. E .1 Cooper, Blackwood, NJ £H Smith, Mt Holly, N J Col J H Dewees, llolmesbnrg Lieut F Bowers, Philnda Zadock Sturgis, "Maryland James Smith. Maryland Tho 3 P Jlarvey, I>oylestown W T Donaldson, Penna L Rust, Boston AM Dowell* Boston it jiryen, Bew York J r Drinkhousc, California 0-11 Mott, Milford, Penna ltufus Warren, New York REVERE HOUSE—Third street, above Race. Thos A Robinson, Pa Sami JqhusjQi], fft Geo K Smith, fhiia 3 C Wilson, Pennsylvania J D Smith, Trenton, N J Benj Kgard, Brooklyn Sami Petere, BrookI) u H Weldy, Tamaqua O Blake, New York ‘ R D Carey, Milton. Del N J Co\vd«», Harrisburg 1> H Young, Milton, Del F Wwlft PUiladtfphia November 9—Evening. BLACK BEAR—Third street, above Callowhill. A Burkinan, Penna Wm Rupper, BelPe Corner Levi Temple, Hartsville SAml Buck, Dauphin co, Pa J Sunderland, Newtown George Walter MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second at., ab. Arch. Z Mitchell, Ne e York JI B Everett & lady, N J Barton Angel!, New York Geo W Crandell, Mass J H Crandt‘ll, Salem, Mass Gee H Hammond, Jr, Mass BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Oanow&R]. .AT Dorter, Bethlehem Jos Bachman, Bethlehem Jns Dalhey, Jacksonville,lll T S Leieenring, Pittsburg Special Attention is called t"| ’S~ Vf»to the unprecedented inducements offered to those about purchasing Pianos and Melodeons. Large temporary reductions being made to me by the manufac turers in consequence of reduced wages, rent of rnanu factory, and all that goes to make up the cost of pro duction, the full benefit is proffered to buyers, and a call must satisfy all that now ii the time. Cnu soil &fmt- Piano at 5225. Give me a colt. no4-lm J- B. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut sts. Dr. Kobertson’s Gout and Rheu matic Biwrs—Tlie oniy reiiaijt* Temefly Tor KUouma-. ti™, Coot, Ac. Erica SI. Forsilcby DYOTT A CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street, oc2l-mwlm Depot for all Popular Medicines. Batchelor’s Hair Dye.— This oele brated and perfoct HAIR DYE Is the BEST IN THE WORLD. All others are mere imitations of this Great Original, which has gained snch extensive Patronage In all ports of Ihfe glob*. The genuine \V- A. BATCHE LOR’S LIQUID HAIR DYB imstxhtlt produces a splendid Black or natural Brown, without staining the BMn or Injuring the Hair, and will remedy the 111 effects of bad Dyes, invigorating the Hair for life. ;change—Nov. 9. Card Printing, Best and Cheapest -fn the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Best and Cheapest to the Oitn'W 34 South THIRD Street CIRCULAR PRINTING, Best and Cheapest to the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. New York, Nav 10. Tin* relatives and frientis of the family are inYltod to ; attend her funeral from the residence of her husband, 832 South Fourth street, thiB(Mondny) morning, thelltU ' inst., at 10 o’clock,'without further notice, to proceed to [ Woodland Cemetery. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS or so 12 o’clock last tnoHT. M Cuuriright, New York XV H Breeden, New York ,1 B Anders™, 'Wnshinstoii M J Leon &mn a i’ rorier, New York ftunl Bate®, Cincinnati, 0 K Livingston, Now York T Doan, Cincinnati, 0 Jos A Zammi, Louisville H Batzer, New York OXV De Long, Kentucky Wm B Lewis, Brooklyn W G Johnson Chas M ainer, New York F T BriiiMl, Now York H (Jielic-r, New York B Sclunargenbach, N York It Linhart, New York Mr Blagdc], Boston J W llolcomh, New York Tlios H.Canfield,'Wash, DC B F Caruth, New York Kcnaslon, USA ft Hoffbftnftr, NMV York G M * Grnftiiu, Baltimore ' H ft FanLM'ttslungton, DC Thos S Phillips*ln.Chienifd C Cooke, V t? A Mrs Choke'& daughter E Kemble, Boston II Bagno, Baltimore W Ebbitt, Now York Mrs Lamb, New York Mrs Prentis, New York Jas F Pendegast, BaltJ THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. SPECIAL NOTICES. field by til Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by FAHNESTOCK A CO. and DYOTT A 00,, Philadel phia mhl-tf One-Price Clothing, of the Latest fifTLss, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL BALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plato figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory: Our Onb-Priob Bystbx is strictly adhered to* ATI are thereby treated alike. w22'ly JONES h GO., 004 MARKET SUi PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other descrip tion of Printing, of the most superior quality, at the most teMQnnble rates* atRINGWALT A BROWIPS, Dmdl’ji Building, 34 South THIRD Street. delO*tf MARRIED: WYLIK—WATSON.—By Rev. John McMjlt&rii 9U NoveiuLer 5, ltev. W. T. Wylie and Miss Eliza WatSOU, daughter of. James Watson, Esq., Boss township, near Allegheny City. # CLINGER—-SIMPSON.—On the 7th instant, by the Rev. S. W. Thornes, Mr. Charles E. Clingor to Miss Jo sephine F. Simpson, both of this city. # OHISiI—fiMITJI.— l On the 4th instant, by Itev. David Steele, Mr. Robert Chism to Miss Mary J. Smith, both of this city. * WOOD—PIERCE. —On the sth instant, by Rev. W. C. Robinson, Mr. Charles W. Wood and May Teresa Pierce, both of this city. # DIED. TAYLOR.—On Friday morning, Bth instant, Lewis B. Taylor, in the 56th year of his age. • His male friends are Invited to attend his funeral, from his IUtA residence, No 1025 Wallace street, on Tuesday morning next, the 12th instant. ** MOORE.—On the Bth Instant, Mr. Joßeph R. Moore, of consumption, in the 29th year of Ills age. His male friends, and friends of tho family* are respect ftily invited to attend the funeral from the residence of his uncle, Mr. Edward Turnpike Railroad Bridge, Germsntovrn, to-day, ffttemday,) Nov. lltb, at 2 P. M- To proceed to Christ Church burying ground, Fifth and Arch streets. # THOMPSON.—On the evening of the 7th instant, Isa bella wife of David Thompson, and daughter of the late Jacob Seip, of this city. THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1861. HUBBEnT.—On FrM»y, November htii, MU* iiiiaa^ both Hubbert. iier relatives and friends are respectfully invited to at tend her funeral, this (Monday) morning, the 11th inst., at 10 o’clock, from the resi'enew of Samuel T. Stratton, North Sixth street, below Jeffd'HOD, cast aide. ** DAILY On the 6th Instant, Mr. Joseph Dally, In the 38th year of hiK age. The relatives, friends and members of tho XV ilhatn Penn Hose Company, are respectfully invited to attend liis funeral from tbn residence of his brother-in-law, Jo seph Swartz, at No. 1334 Savery (late Union) etroot, Eighteenth ward, this ( Monday) urtvriioomtboUthinßW at 2 o'clock, PIIITjL irs.—On the 7th instant, Mary L.. wife of Jas. A. Phillips, and daughter of James and Elizabeth Daven port, in the 26th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband, 1152 South Tenth fitvcfti thfr (Motidfty) lltU imtu at Ift o’clock in the morning. * LOUGHJKAN.—On the Bth ultimo, nt the reaidonce of his brother, near Coofcstown, County Tyrone, Ireland, Rev. William Loughran, the late respected pastor of St. Mlcbael’a Church, Kensington, Philadelphia. A solemn Pontifical High lllftiw De Rciiuietn wilt be of* fenii up for the happy repose of his soul, ill St. Michael’s Chunch, on Tuesday morning, the 12th inat., at o'clock, to übich his numerous relatives and friends aro respectfully invited to nttenTl. ** VWKl'.BLW—nn the 7th .Tabu WWVwly, Sr.. in fi.r ot iiia a.^e. Funeral ftdttt Mi late residence, No. 3lf ContM street, above Think on Wednesday, 13th instant, at 1 o'clock in tlie afternoon. *** METZ.—On tlie Bth instant, in the 22d year of his age, Corporal Lewis S. Metz, son of Robert P. and Ke/.iah Metz. Heal Interments in the Cit to the i*th Anemia Albiuniminn..... Anthrax Burns and Scalds, Cancer .......... “ Liver “ ?tpf>iwU,.., Casualties.,,,, Croup..,. Congestion of the 8rain............ Cholera Infantum.. Cramps Consumption Lungs. Carbuncle Convulsions Cyanosis... Dipihcrja........... Diarrh0ea.......... Dropsy “ Che5t,,..,,! D Heart,,,.... il Disease of Heart-.. u Spine “ Liver.... Dysentery Debilitj* Effusion on Brajji,, Fever 8rain,,,,,,,, Under 1 year.... From Ito 2.... i± Q U S « 5 to 10;... « 10 t015„*.. u 15t020.... « 20t030..,. “ 301040**** WARDS. First. 11 Second... Third... Fourth. Fifth... Sixth... Seventh.,,, Eighth Ninth Natiyity*—Unii Known, 12. From the Almshouse, 10 the Country, 2. The number of death?, compared with the correspond ing week of 1800, jui«l of last week, ivna as follows: WeeK ending Not, 10» IB6o* wns ISO 'Weekending Nov. 2, 1861, was 227 Males, 93; Females, 105; Boys, 51; Girls, 58. . By order of the Board of Health, pi WILLIAM BEAD, Health Officer. MOURNING' ST0RB, No. 918 CHESTNUT STREET. BESSON Sc SON have lately received Black Bearer Cloth Cloaks, Gray Water-proof Cloakp, Black Thibet Long Shawls, extra sizes; Shepherd IMahl nnd Sllliai'P SllAU'liS, Oi-npe and grenadine Collars and SJOCVCS, Jouvin’s Black Kid Gloves, Alexandre’s Black, Lead, and Purple Kid Gloves; FJeecy Silk Glovo3 and Gaunt lets, Black Centre Broche Scarfs, Black all wool Velour Ottomans and l‘eps, $1 a yard; Black Kepg Anglais, 25 cents a vard; GrenfldinC Vcil6< itC. noi ir=» GRAND COMBINATION CONCERT |_k3 AND RECITATIONS, in behalf of the Indians, at NATIONAL IfALL. Market, below Thirteenth street, on TUESDAY EVENING, November 12, t labooqua , the Indian Songstress, will sing and re cite K»me uf her best pieces. Graduates of the Blind In stitution will assist in vocal and instrumental music. Dr. S. M. LANDIS has also volunteered to recite a few spi rited patriotic pieces. Admission, 20 cents; Children, 10 cents. Common?? fit 61 noll-2t* ' JOHN BEESON rvr==» PEOPLE’S LITERARY INSTITUTE. Ik3 —The THIRD LEUTURKtof the course will be delivered on THURSDAY EVENING, November 14, at CONCEPT HALL, by E. Y. WHIPPLE, Es£), payable on and after November 15, agreeably to the provisions of the charter. no7-Ct J. WIEGAXP, Jr., Cashier. nr=» EXCHANGEJB.4XK OF PITTSBURg, IkS " PITTSBI’UG, Nov. 5, 1801. The Directors of this bank have declared a dividend of FOUR per cent, out of the e&nings of the last six months. • Eastern Stockholders, or their representatives, will bo paid on or after the 15th instant at th 6 Western Bank of Tbfladt Iphift. no7-10t H. M. HURRAY, Cashier. fV-sr=* WESTERS BANK OF PHIL ADA. Philadelphia, November 5,1861. The Directors of this Bank liav§ this day declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT., payable on and after the 15th inst. G. M. TROUTMAN, oc6-10t Cashier. rv=» BANK OF COMMERCE. Philadelphia, N?T9mhers|lB6l» The Directors have this day declared a dividend Of THREE TER CENT., payable on demand. oc6-6t J, A. LEWIS, Cashier. rv'~=» SOCXHM ARK BANK. Iks Philadelphia, November 5,1861. The Directors have delated a dividend of five per CENT., payable on and after THURSDAY, 7tU insfc. oc6-6t F. P. STEEL, Cashier. COMMERCIAL BANK OF FENNSYL VANIA. The Board" of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of TWO AND ONE-HALF PER CENT., payable on and after FRIDAY, 15th inst., clear of State tax. S. 0. PALMER, oc6-iot Cashier. rye* FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS’ u 3 BANK. Philadelphia, November 5,1861. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of THREE PEB CENT., payable demand, Sy. RUSHTON, Jb., Cashier. rys» FARMERS’AND MECHANICS’BANK* \Jsjs —Philadelphia, October 4,1861. — The annual election for Directors will be held at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the 18th day JfaVttnber HoXti bettfMQ ihe hours of 9 o'clock A. 51. and 3 o’clock F. M t| $Ud qq TUESDAY, the sth day of November next, a general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House at 4 o’clock F. M., agreeably to the Charter. ocs-dtnlB W. BUSHTON, Jr., Cashier. MECHANICS* BANK. l>3 Philadelphia, Oct. 7,1861. A Genera) Meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held on TUESDAY, November sth, at 12 o’clock M. The Annual Election for Directors will be held on MONDAYi NoTemher 18th, between Oia liAiti'i of 10 A. Mi and 3 P. M. J. WIEGAND, Jr., ocB*\vsm tnolB Cashier. CONSOLIDATION BANK, PHILA UJj DELPHIA, October 8, 1861.—The ANNUAL ELECTION fjr DIRECTORS will bo held at the Bank ing House on MONDAY, November 18th, between the hours of 10 A. M, and 2 P. M. A general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the same place on TUESDAY, November 6th, at 12 o’clock M. JOS. N. PEIRSOJV oc9-wf fnois Cashier. nr=» KENSINGTON BANK, Uof Philadelphia, October 5,1861. The Annual Meeting of Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY, Noyfint’er j, iBbj, a t 12 o’clock noon. oc7-imvftno3 An Election for Directors will be held at tho Banking House on MONDAY, the ISth day of November next, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. oc7-m\vf tnolB C. T. YERK.ES, Cashier. ryrsa. BANK OF PENN TOWNSHIP. UsJ Philadelphia, Nov. 5,1861. The Directors have tills day declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT, on the capital stock for the last six months. Payable on demand, clear of State tax. noG-vlniGt JAMES RUSSELL, Cashier. JY=» SOtJXHWARK BANK, UJJ Philadelphia, October 4,1861, Tlie Animal Election for Directors will be held at the Banking Houetson MONDAY* the 18th day of Novem ber next, between the hours of 10 o’clock A. M. and 2 o’clock P. M. A'General Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the same place on TUESDAY, the sth day of November next, at 12 o'clock M. ocs-mwftnolB F. P. STEEL, Cashier. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RATE* U 3 ROAD COMPANY.—A SPECIAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Company will be held at the office of the Company, No. 324 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, 13th Novem ber, at 11 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of considering and acting finally on the contract of lease with the Penn sylvania Railroad Company, agrs9 g to by the managers of the two Companies. nn PHILADELPHIA STEAM-TUG COM* PANY. —NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That application has bean made to Iho above Company for the payment of certificate No. 152, issued March 28,1857, for six shares, first instalment of S3o—the game having been lost or mislaid. J. B. LIPPINCOXT & CO. oc3o-w&B4t* OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL* UJj ROAD COMPANY, Piiii.Abßi.rHiA, November 2,1861. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—A special meeting of the Stockholders of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com* pany will bo held in this city on TUESDAY, the 12th day of November, 1861, at 10 o'clock A. M., at tho SAN SOM-STREKT HALL, fyy \\vf purWM Mill* iuto consideration a proposed contract With, and a lease Of the road of, the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Com pany. By order of the Board: no4-9t EDMUND SMITH, Secretary. rysp OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD jj g COMPANY, PniLAbSLirHiA, October 15, 1861. The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of THREE PER CENT, on the capital stock of the Company, clear of State tax, payable on and after November 15,1861. Powers-of- Attorney for collection of dividends can bo hail an Application At the office of tho Company, No. 238 South THIRD Street. oc!7-tdel TnOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. n*=» CITY COMMISSIONERS* OFFICE.— || g KOTICE.—The Board of City Commissioners will bear Appeals from the Agggggiaent of Beal and Personal Fropertr, as returned lay the Assessors of the different Wards, for the Triennial Assessment of 1862, on the fol lowing days: Wards* 1et.... Monday, Oct. 21 2d.... Tuesday, 44 22 3d....’Wednesday i “ 23 4th,„.Hiui6&, 149* Foreign, s?} Uu- People of Color, 6 \ from PHILADELPHIA. STovemW 5,18 M, W. EDW’D. SPOFFORD, Secretary. Philadelphia, 23d Oct., 1861. 0c23-ws tNI3 13th.... Tuesday, Hoy, 6 14th,.,.Wednesday, •' 6 16th» u 1 “ » 18th.... Monday, “ 11 19th.... Tuesday, « 12 20th. ...Wednesday, « 13 211^;..Thursday, u 14 HJ| : „rrld.r, “ 15 IjS \ ..Mond»j-, «19 JAMES SHAW, Clerk. Jm. - - • (Snccossor to) L. J. LEVY A C 0„ 720 CHRSTNI T &TREET, BELOW EIGHTH, has now open a choice and desirable stock of WINTER DRESS GOODS, To which additions are made daily. Having met with great success in the sale of CLOAKS, particular atten tion will l»e paid to that department. ON MONDAY, lllh Wont, will be ottered One case good Quality Plaid SILKS . 66 “ Lot & Reps . . . , 02# 11 “ “ t; 75 ““... . 1 00 “ h a u . . , i i-2 iu>ll«6t DOYAL RIBBED MERINOES FOR J-Vj the Gored Walking-Dress. Richest Printed Reps. Magenta Figured I>e Laines. Bright Printed Merinoes. EYRE A* LAKDELL, noli Fourth ami Arch streets. FTNF, STOCK of SHAWLS AND CLOAKS. STOCK M. L. HALLO WELL & Co.. DISEASES, THEIR STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, “ Lungs. SILK VELVETS, BOMBAZINES, TAMIBE ALPACAS, *4. PLAIN ANB PRINTED MERINOS, MOUSSELINES, POPLINS, BEPg, YELOURB, Ac, WOOLLEN PLAIDS, PRINTED FLANNELS, Ac CLOAKS, MANTLES. Sea , EMBROIDERIES, AND L. C. HDKFS, And will sell by tbe Single Piece their stock of E. & L. FOURTH AND ARCH, FOURTH AND ARCH, FOURTH AND ARCH, FOURTH AND ARCH, Hart) their USUAL show of Oootla foe FALL. 1861. - FALL SILKS, FALL SHAWLS, BALL CLOTHS, FALL POPLINS, IPALL DELAINES, FALL MERINOES, FALL DRESS GOODS, FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS. GOODS AT WHOLESALE. GOODS AT RETAIL. ocl2*sinwlin Bargains in dress goods. NEW- AND CHOICE DRESS GOODS AT EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES. Rich Silk Plaid and Printed Reps. Plain Rtps And Velours dn Epinfile. VERY CIIKAP BLACK SILKS. Rich Printed Magenta Cloth 6. • Rich Printed Meriuoes 87#c to $1.25. Rich Printed all wool Delaines from 31 to 75c. 3,000 yards Mohair Brocades at 14c, worth 25c. 2,800 yards Printed Delaines At|3c,%QrtU lSc« A choice assortment of Slanket Shawls, NEW STYLES OP -WINTER CLOAKS of Beaver, Tricot, and Water-Proof Clotlur, Handsome Velvet Vestings and Cassimeres. H. STEEL Sc SON, no 9 No. 713 North TENTH Street, above Coates* TV7ILL OPEN THIS DAY AN IM- V V mense stock of all wool Be Lames, the balance of a large importation, consisting of 1 lot neat figured dark grounds, at 31 cents, usually gold at 62& cents. 1 lot chintz colors, at 37 cents, usually at 75 C9QtS« 1 lot, yard wide, Plaids, at 12# cents. COWPEBTHWAIT & CO., noMf H. W. corner EIGHTH and MARKET, TjjTALL — 1861. JJ SPLENDID GOODS, CHEAP FOB CASH, SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, The Cheapest over Offered. Thirty Per Cent, under Pee alar Prices. SILKS AND DRES§ GOODS. Great, Variety. DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS. Most of our Muslins still at OLD PRICES Flannels, Cloths, and Cassimeres. Linens of our own Lnp9ltdtiODi Blankets, ail sizes. Balmoral Skirts, Ac., Ac. A the Old Established Store of THORNLEY A CHISM, ae2o N. E. cor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. Fancy cassimeres— Of every grade and style, from 62c to 51.50 per yard. Black Cassimeres, some extra fine lots. COOPER A CONARD, noT NINTH and MARKET Stpoeta. LADIES’ BLACK CLOTHS. Men’s heavy Overcoatings. Men’s fine Dress Cloths. COOPER & COWARD) K 67 NINTH and MARKET Streets, Flannels— . Yard wide, fine white extra at 38 cents. Shaker Flannels, warranted genuine. COOPEB & CONARD, nu 7 NINTH and MARKET Streets. Dress goods. Reps, Merinoes, Poplins, Delalnos, &c. Block Poplins, Merinoes, Delaines, Bombazines, &c, COOPER A CONARD, noT NINTH and MARKET. riLOAKS— V-/ Ready made or made to order. COOPER & CONARD, noT NINTH and MARKET StotoU. piCH PRINTED POPLINS— All New designs in fine qualities, Large lot yard wide, 37)4 cents. no 2 SHARFLEaS BROTHERS. PLAIN EPINGLINES— All dark colors, desirable shades. Various qualities Bibbed Poplins. no 2 SHARPLESS BROTHERS. •WINTER SHAWLS— T v Long Blanket Shawls, in checks. New fancy designs, fine goods. no 2 SHABPLKSS BROTHERS. /CLOAKING CLOTHS— Vy l Water-proof Frosted Beavers, Ribbed Tricots, plain Beavers. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, no 2 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. tpLANNEL AND BLANKET WARE JD HOUSE. Extra Heavy Canton Flannels and Domestic Muslins. u English and American Blankets for Beds and Cribs. “ Steal Welsh and Shaker Flatmate. 44 Swanskin and Patent Flannels. “ Balardvalo and Washington Flannels. At the lowest casli prices. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN & ARRIBON, _no2-6tif 1008 CHESTNUT Street. CPRING SKIRTS—THE LATEST JO STYLE Just received the new Spring Skirt, of improved shape, in 18, 20, 25, 30, 35 springs, at reduced prices. SHEPPARD, TAN HARLINGEN, & AHRISON, OCI2-rptf 1008 CHESTNUT Street. TYRY GOODS REDUCED.—BAR \J GAINS. One lot Satin Fraconia, 31#ci usual price, 50c. One lot Printed Cashmere, usual price, 62)4 C - One lot Fluid Tnloneia, 37)4*1 uihiil prito, 32j^c. One lot Printed Reps, 37)4c; usual price, 6234 c. One lot Plain Rope, 31j{c; usual price, 37)4 c * One lot Figured Cashmeres, scarlet ground, 75c: worth $1.25. One lot De L&ineg, 22c • usual price, 25c, Qno lot Gentß’ Li 0. Handkerchiefs 260» usual price, 3734 c. One lot Ladies’ L. C. Handkerchiefs, 1234 c; very cheap. JOHN H. STOKES, nol 702 ARCH Street. Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership lately subsisting between the undersigned, under the firm of CANTWELL & KEFFER, was dissolved on the Seventh day of Novem ber, A. D. 1861, by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnership are to bn received by the said .lAMBS B. CANTWELL and JOHN <7. KKFFKRi tradlns as CANTWkuij & KKFKJSR, and all demands on the said partnership aro to be presented to them for payment. WILLIAM C. PATTERSON, MARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of a •writ of sale, by the Hon. JOHN CADWALA DER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold, at Public Sale, 10 the find befit hidden fur ciuriu at the MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE, on WEDNESDAY, Novomber 20th, 1861, at 12 o’clock, noon, the one-fourth part of the ship MARATHON, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, being the interest therein of William Knox, a resident and in habitant of tlit) State of Louisiana. The above-named ship is now lying at Race-street wllftlL ' WILLIAM MILLWXRD, FIR A TRUTHFUL representation, yon wont ft I’IOTUKK witli color in it. Get colon'll FHOTOGBAHIS; Ilia charges ace only ©l, at RUI MEB’S OAliljEltV, SECOND Street, above Green. It* Economy— economy— econo my.—In these times why buy soap, when a box of BAPONIFIER (costingl6 cents) will make from waste kitchen grease eight pounds of Peril soap, or nearly a barrel of soft soap I IKC'-Im PARROTS for horses. \J Address V. H. NICHOLSON, lip?-?!* IIADDONi’LEIiDj N. J. RETAIL DRV GOODS Fashionable Black Cloaks. Brocho Long Shawls, $5 tu 40. Shepherd’s Plaid Wool Shawls. KYIIK A LAKDKLL, Fourth and Arch streets, AT RETAIL. 333 MARKET STREET, AND ST NORTH FOURTH STREET, BATE CONCLUDED TO OFFER AT RETAIL CONSISTING OF BLACK DRESS SILKS. is great, ALsd, THEIR IMMENSE STOCK W SHAWLS. OF VARIOUS DESCRIPTIONS, WHITE GOODS, consisting of LINENS, MULLS, JACONETS, CAMBRICS, NAINSOOKS, Ac., Ac. ocl4-mwf2m JAMES R. CANTWELL, novll-mwAflBt JOHN C. KEFFER. U. S Marshal E. D. of Pcnn’a. Philadelphia, November 6,1861. noll-6t CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. QPEN I N G OP FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS, “UNION CLOAK AND MANTILLA STOBE," 1330 CHESTNUT Street, Third Door below Juniper, HAVE NOW OPEN The Finest Assortment of BI.ACK AND COLORED BftAVEB CLOAKS In tliis City. New Goods reravtil from our Wiiroronmj every moMiihg. kitciiie, ocl2-Bm,v-lm Proprietor. "RADIES’ WINTER OLOAKS AT ropr-MR rmcKS. J, W. PROCTOR & CTO. WILL OPEN THIS MOB KING A large collodion of BLACK BEAVER CLOAKS, R&ngiug from $8 to SIG. STYLISH AND FASIIIONARLE* Aiid particularly worthy the nlUaition Of economical purchasers. PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, AND FUR EMPO- RIUM, TO* CHESTNUT STREET, 0C24-tf PHILADELPHIA. fILOAKS! CLOAKS ! CLOAKS! \J WATER PROOF CLOTH CLOAKS, in endlow variety» LIGHT AND DARK CLOTH CLOAKS, of every shade; BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS, of every Quality; BLACK SILK-VELVET CLOAKS, EVERT NE W STYLE, EVERY NEW MATERIAL THE LARGEST STOCK AND THE MOST BEASONABLE PRICES IN THE CITE. IVENS, No. 23 South NINTH Street. GL O A K S ! The Largest, Ctieapetdi and Best-assorted Stock tettsoity. HWGH & CO., No. 36 South TENTH Street, Opposite Franklin Market. "VTEW CLOAK STORE! .131 The most Elegant assortment In the city. No. 2ft South NINTH Stroofc, OCIS-2m First door above Chestnut. n ARCH-STREET CLOAK AND TMANTILLi-™**- NEW FALL OLOAka. WATEK-PBOOP TWEED OLdA&I BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS. EVEBY NOVELTY AT MODEBATE PBICEi JACOB HOBSFALL, an3l-$m H, W. corner TENTH and ABOH Sts MILLINERY GOODS. QITY BONNET STORE. SEASONABLE GOODS SEASONABLE PRICES. SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES. Ladies* and Misses' Bonnets, Children's Turbans, Caps, Ac., the best and most fashionable, and at the low est priftSi Bonnets made over, or bleached* and h trimmed; Millinery Cood3 in quantities to suit. BEA VER, FELT and PLUSH Goods for Children. LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS, NO. T2S CHESTNUT STBEET, j^ENNEDY’S FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, AND GENERAL MILLINERY GOODS. No. T 29 CHESTNUT STBEET, BELOW EIGHTH. 005-301 rtgt MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS. ROSENHEIM. BROOKS. & Co>, 431 MARKET STREET, Inrife the attention of MERCHANTS AND MILLINERS To their well-assorted stock of RIBBONS, BONNET SIXES, VELVETS, FLOWERS, STRAW GOODS, Ajftd every other article in their line. A superior brand of BLACK VELVET BIBBONS *el3-2m Alws on hand, t MRS. M. A. JKINNEAR, ISOS' CHESTNUT Street, will open Winter Hats on ftSDAY, the 7tb, and without further notice will he happy to see her customers and the ladieegeneralty. no6-v.’fm St* MRS. M. S. BISHOP, 1016 jSS? CHESTNUT Street, will open a splendid assort ment of Paris Millinery, on THURSDAY, Nov. 7. 0c6»“12t MISSES O’BRYAN, JSp 614 CHESTNUT STREET, Will open Paris Milliner)’ for the winter, on THURS DAY, Nov. 7,1861. 1105-121* TLfKB, S. J. PARKER, FORMERLY JLTX Miss Williamson, of Ninth street, having re-es tablished her former business of FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING, would be happy to see her former customers at MRS. BISHQVS MILLINERY ESTA BLISHMENT, IOIfiCnESTNUT Street,-where she will IIRVe eeUbiAntly the latest London and Paris fashions. Her old friends will find her having competent and taste ful ladies to assist her in pledging them as heretofore. no6-6t* FINANCIAL. Rational loan. The undersigned aro prepared to delirer the Seven-. and Three-tenths Treasury Notes upon payment. DEEXEL & CO-., Sankors, PER CENT. TREASURY NOTES Are received at par for Subscriptions to the KEY NATIONAL LOAN, of 7 3-10 per cent. TREASURY NOTES, which are now ready for delivery at Office of JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent, 0c23-lm 114 South THIRD Street. NATIONAL LOAN. OFFICE OF JAY COOKE & Co., B ANKERS NO. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. Pursuant to intructionß from the Secretary erf the Treasury, the Subscription Book to the NEW NA TIONAL LOAN of Treasury Notes, bearing interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent, per annum* will remain open at my office, NO. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, until further notice, from 5 A. M. until 5 P. M., and on Mondays till 9 P. M. These notes will be of the denomination of FIFTY DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, FIVE HUN DRED dollafs, one THOUSAND DOLLARS, and FITE THOUSAND DOLLARS, and are all dated 29tU of August, 1801, payable in gold in three years, or con vertible into a twenty years six per cent, loan, at tho option of the holder. Each Treasury Note has Interest coupons attacked, which MB be ent off and collected in. gold at the Mint every six months, and at the rate of one cent, per day on each Fifty Dollars. Any explanations required by subscribers wiR bo cheerfully made. THE NOTES ARK DELIVERED UPON PAY. JttJBNT OF SUBSCRIPTIONS. Payment of subscriptions may be made in GOLD or CHECKS, or NOTES OF ANY OF OUR CITY BANKS. J A Y COOKE. SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, No. 114 SOUTH THIRD Street. MILITARY OOOns. QOTTON DUCK, SUITABLE FOR TENTS, FOB SAL* BT myJS-iftf FROTHIHGHAM * WELLB. MILITARY NOTICES, 8 UNITED STATES MARINES.— Wanted immediately for the United States Marine Corps THREE HUNDRED ABLE-BODIED MEN, for tea service, lietwMm the ages of eighteen and thirty-five years. All information that may b© required trill be given fit the Rendezvous; 311 South FRONT Street, below Spruce. JAMES LEWIS, Captain, noB-12t Iteciuiting Officer. POSTAGE STAMPS.—Twenty-four cent, twelve-cont, and ten-ccnt STAMFiS for fMlfl at flv« per cent, discount. Apply at The I*f6Bs Office*. no9-if T7VNGRAYINGS, PHOTOGRAPHS, J J and PAINTINGS framed in Oval or Sqnßre frames «f every variety; at Tory low prioaa, at GKO. F. HEUf- KERT’B, BSO ARCH Street. fIIDER. —N e w clarified Champagne \*J Cider, ot extra duality, by the hogshead or barrel. For sole by EMIL MitTHIHU, noß42tif N 6». 120,122, and 134 LOMBARD et. 34 South THIRD Street. WANTS. "VAT"ANTED—An expert and careful Y V map MOUNTER, who ia accustomed to large work and can bring good recommendations. Please ad dreiM H. F. WAULING, No. S5B PE ABU Street, New York. noo-7t* WANTED—A FARM, within ten -Cor twelve miles of Pliiladeltthiiti for which the boat quaiitr of improved city property will he given in ex change. Apply to E. PETTIT, oc3o No, 3Q9 WALNUT Street. BOARDING. IKIO CHESTNUT STREET—Two JLtJXAj desirable front Booms now vacant. Bath, hot and cold water, with partial or full Board; also, Boatders rmS-fir^ BOARDING. —Desirable and hand- Komely-furnished rooms, in ft c«-ntral part of the city, can be obtained on mode-rate terms. IJeforencea exchanged. Aihlmw “A. B. Press Oflicn.oc2R-l2t* tjQßffr CLASS’^HOARDING, WITH A “ii't.’f kiid Utiiji.-iirjuitJsMiii/ Ji.i..{u.s 1 S’-* 1-T7 !, »- CUST Street. ocai-Im* FOR MALE AND TO LET. a PUBLIC SALE OF a FaH, containing 18)£ ACItKS of LAND, situate on the State road, threi’-QuarterK of n mile from tin- Court House, in the borough of NORRISTOWN. The land is of very Hujicrior quality. The improvements consul of ft flnnil IIOL'SK, HARM, gfcitiNGHOUSE, &c„ good Apple Orchard. Hud otherfruit. Will )>©*oJd»n THURSDAY, Nf/Vember 14, 18(51, at 1 o'clock, on the premises. Sale positive. By order of the Workingmen’s Building Asso ciation. J, Childs, J. B Stokes, and \Ym. Schell, Com mittee noll-2t* m HOUSE TO LET—No. 152 North BMSE\ENTH Street, below Race. Heater, range, bath, and gttr. Rent $250- Key next duor below," noll-Dt# rpO LET—The upper rooms of store JL No. 14 North FOURTH Street. Apply on the premises. no9-Ct* Afakm fob. sale. A If ARM i With the usual improvements, of 1-14 acres, 33 of which are woodland, in Chester county, two mile* south of Fottstown, I’a., is offered for sale low. Apply to JNO, B. HOLMAN, M. D., imTsfttH' Naan Doustavlllg, Pa T?OR SALE—The choice of two valiia- JJ ble PATENTS, rery cheap, or exchange for ne gotiable property. Going to war, Address « Patentee,” Lambertville, New Jersey. no7-7t* FOR SALE—One Ten-Horse Hori 7.ontftl Steam-Engine complete, with pump, Ac., with or without boilers, at the option of the purchaser. Will be gold very low by C. A. VaNKIRK A Co., Frank ford. Pa. tEOR SAL E VALUABLE t\ABM and MILL PKOrERTY—Farm containing 90 ACRES of superior LAND, situate twelve miles north of the city, noar Fort Washington station, North Rnn'ft Lftilroadi Firat«clasa improvements. A&tdp to v PETTIT, oc3o Ko. 30ft WALNUT Btreein rfj TO LET—A THREE-BTORY Six Duelling, \riih a good Cooking-Hange, hot awl cold water, and all the modem couvmionces. Ap ply on the premises, Nd; 1228 MARSHALL Street. ocl7-tf fflfc FOR Splendid small Sfi-FAEM of 45 acres, on th? turnpike, half mile al>ove Fort Washington,- on the North Pennsylvania Railroad, Good buildings, good grc?3 variety of shade and fruit trees. Beau iful location', Tftdis accommtxlutrng. Apply on the premises. 150558§ PIERCE' itfclS-sA'm&Hk F)R SALE—Valuable Earn, contain ing 130 acres; 30 acres of excellent Woodland, tho balance in a high state of cultivation, nicety watered with springs and running streams, situate 6 a&es Doyleatown depot, And 2# nicies from Lambertrilie sta tion and Delaware river, Bucks county. Plain a&d sub stantial stone improvements; good out-buildings? and every variety of fruits. Price oaly $75 per acre: easy terms. Apply to E. PETTIT, ee!9 Nq, 303 WALNUT Street ■VTIAGARA FALLS WATER POW XI ER.—CAPITALISTS AND* MANUFACTU RERS. This immense water power is-aow ready for im mediate occupation, together with one hundred acres of landi embracing one guarUv 6f the villume, ou which to locate mills And manufactories. The stipulations for price of power will bo one half that at Lowell, Mass., and the quantity U almost un ! United Should the demand warrant it ? the Amfliftftn Fall CM AAslly be stopped and its great Volume discharged through the bank below its present site, for mill purposes, under a head and fall of 200 feet. The title is perfect and the property unincumbered. For further information apply to N. W. Day or A. P. Floyd* Niagara Falls * AlevaiuU? Hay, No. 1255 Vina street, Philadelphia; Hon. T. A. Jenckes, Providence, R. I.; D. Thaxter, Boston: or the owner, HORACE H. DAY, No. 91 Liberty street. New York, September 2,1861. ee4-wfrm3m WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR leige stock of WATCHES JEWELRY, SILVEB WARE, and MUSICAL BOXES, we are now, in ac cordance with the times, offering them at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Laditfi or gentlemen intending to nnrohnsa a Wateh tor their own wear, will find at our Establishment an article that can be IMPLICITLY ..RELIED ON for time, and at a price MUCH LOWER than ever before aeked. Particular attention iesriven to repairing tine Watches, Clocks, asd Musical Bogpg, by fkilflll workmen* FARR A BROTHER, Importers, c23-2»if 324 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. MERCHANT TAILORS. jg O. THOMPSON, TAILOR, N. E. Cm. SEVENTH and WjtINVTSTs. CIRCULAR: My customers, and the public generally, .are respect, fully informed that my 9f fftbriCS and fftGili* ties for filling orders tills season are Quite eaual to those of any former one. I therefore take this convenient method of cordially inviting my old patrons, together with all gentlemen of taste and dress, to give my es tobliskmfßt fllYCMll TISiL N. B.—Aft kinds of Military Uniforms made at the Bherteat notice. ec9-lm COAL. T?!DW. N. HALLO WELL. COAL DEALER, OFFICE, 133 WALNUT St, below Second. . The best Schuylkill, Lehigh, find liQCUSt MomifrtfTl Coal constantly oh hand. Orders by Dispatch receive prompt attention. , OCI6-lm ■gIAMILY COAL. WM. C. SHINN & BRO. Have constantly on hand a large supply of Spring and Buck Mountain, Lehigh, and Locust Mountain and Ash land Schuylkill FAMILY COAL, all sizes, at prices to suit the times. Send your orders to Office, No. 222 WALNUTiSJMfet 5 6r to tli© Yard, corner of SWANSON and PRIME Streets. Entire satisfaction guarantied. oclT-lmif DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. SHOEMAKER & CO.. Northeast Corner FOURTH and RACE Streets, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. MANUFACTURERS OF •S HITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PDTIY, Ac, agents' for the cerebrated FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. ' Dealers and consumers supplied at VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. oc3l-tf TUST RECEIVED, per “ Annie Kim ball,” from Liverpool, Mander, Weaver, A Man* dfttU pfapawtitens i 25 fts Extract Aconlti, in 1 ft jars. 25 fts Extract Hyoscryami, in 1 ft jars. 60 fts Extract Belladonna, in 1 ft jars. 100 fts Extract Taraxact, in 1 ft jars. 60 fts Vin Ral Colchici, in 1 ft bottles. 100 ftt 01. Succini Beet, la Ift bottles. 600 fts Calomel, in 1 ft bottles. 600 fts Pil Hydrarg.j in Ift jars. WETUERILL A BROTHER, mhB 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. __OHjPI-E3MES v IJIO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THB RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared; u heretofore; to rarely femlllee rl their Country Reeidencee with every description of FINS GROCERIES, TEAS, to., 40. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, CORNER ELEVENTH AND VIE! BRENTS. rnylH PORTLAND KEROSENE OIL. We are now prepared to rapply this STANDARD ILLUMINATING OIL AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, Z. LOCKE & CO., Sous Agents, 1010 MARKET STREET, Ml-Sm Fniladelphln. SLATE MANTELS. These beautifully enamelled MANTELS, so de cidedly preferable to any others, are manufactured by us, and Bold at BBJ/CiES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ARNOLD & WILSOIJr OCS-3mif • No. 1010 CHESTNUT Street. mHE BALTIMORE GAS-BURNING FIRE-PLACE heater. Somettnwe called the « Latrabe Stove,” is the beet stove fcr warming the room in which it stands, and also roues above. Call and look at them. - ARNOLD 4 WILSON. ocs-3mif No, 1010 CHESTNUT Street Books, law and miscella neous, new and old, bought, Kid, and «; changed, at the PHILADELPHIA-DANK BOOS STORE, No. 419 CHESTNUT Street. Librarian at a distance purchased. Tboso bavin, to —Bj if n; § distance, will .tat. their names, state, ohißmgs, Asfes, editions, prices, and oonditiomu printed by Hsiuamin Franklin, as well as early Books printed in wad upon America. Autograph Letters and Portraits purchased. FamtUet Laws of Pennsylvania for sal* iBPftW, prfiftod W JOHN OAMPBllils* AMUSEMENTS, WALNUT-STREET THEATRE— KLNTH and WALNUT Street*. Bole Lessee MBS. M. A. OABJtETTBOH. TDIB (MONDAY) EVENING, Noramftsr 11. The enfertainmeute will commence with TUK ItOOGH DIAMOND Coiißin J0e.,,. TOODLKB. TooJWp... . To conclude witn tho SPKCTIiK BRIDEGROOM. Vlmary sir. J. S. Clark* PKICJS3—6O, SI a, 75, and 25 cents; Private BoxM. f 5 and j?, Doors open at 7; Performance to commence &t 7J(. TITRS. JOHN DREW’S IVI ABCH-9TBEET THEATER. Acting and Stage Manager.......W. S, FSEDEBICKS. Buatnos* A Kent and Trpfumrer JOS. D. MURPIIY. THIS (MONPAY) EVENING, November 11, Will bo the new Sensational Play entitled THE irul'SK ON THE BRIDGE OF NOTRE DAMS. Ernest dole Garde) M _ T .t,„ XamW ( Mra, John Drew. Cmuit de Tonpir*|-nslt‘fli «■ ■ »;Mr. John Gilbert. The V‘*»’f«'rninTire taronclndtt with s*l>’K : (//, tlit* Jdri'tdiUii; ,«f Venice I’rrsc/ie.l. Shjlock Mr. Frank Drew (JliANiiK of Timk.—Doora open at X before 7; curtain win ri-e at 7# prrctatly. No eXtPR Chft.rMfe for reserved scats. WHEATLEY’S CONTINENTAL TilKATJiK.—First night of thu Ite-rngaaemeti of Jlr. K. L. IiAYKNI’OItT, and Mr. and Mrs. J. \V, WAIJjAOK, Ji'. Houses Crowded to Ovetllowillg. To-night, IvTCIIAIJU nr. Duke of Oloafc-r Mr. K, L. Davenport Kiclnnond Mr. ,1. \V. WaJlack, Jr Queen Kli/.ahcth Mrs. J. AS. Wullack, Jr To conclude with tin* ImAMiSTIBl 1 ; &r, Stop him wlio Can J Mr. AV, AVli^aUey American academy op MI'SIC. POSITIVELY THE LAST WEEK OF HERRMANN, HERRMANN, HERRMANN, HERRMANN, THE CHEAT PRESTIDIGITATEUR! TIIK GREAT I'IIESTIDIGITATEUE! HERRMANN Will (nve IIIS POSITIVELY LAST SIX PERFORMANCES THIS WEEK, AS HE APPEARS IN WASIIINGTOX .... TJIK EIGHTEENTH, THI£ LAY (MONDAY) THE comic PROGRAMME. ON TUESDAY, THE INAUGURAL PROGRAMME. ON WEDNESDAY, THE COMIC PROGRAMME. ON THURSDAY, THE INAUGURAL PROGRAMME. ON FRIDAY THE COMIC PROGRAMME. On SATURDAY, November letli, TWO PEP.I'IHIMANCRg, 1 MATINEE At 3. GRANT) FAREWELL NIGHT at 8. Admission ..SO cents. Reserved Seats * .25 cents extra. Amphitheatre . ~,,,,.,2 d COQtli Colon'll G.MIHi ~,.,,.,,,*5 wntfc Doors open at 7#. Commence at 8. Seats secured for any evening in advance. OLYMPIC MUSIC HALL— BAGK STREET, BELOW Tlilttß. EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION! Will ni'io.'U 1 ,'Vri'V the following GREAT ARTIST;*; Hr. TONY PASTOR, MONS. PAUL BRILLIANT, NOfie, TEIiABDEi Mr. TIM NORTON. Mr DENNY GALIiAGIiEH, mid Entire Bullet of TWENTY LADIES! THE ORRIN FAMILY, Every variety of Entertainment tviil be given in thin Ketabliebment. Prices of admission 20 and 10 rente, noYLfit Assembly buildings, every NIGHT, and on Wednesday and Saturday after* noons. .WAUGH’S Magnificent Paintings of (be TOUR Of ITALIA «together with now and STARTLING SCENES OF THE AMERICAN WAR, With* Portraits of ail the Generals, and many other War Scene? illustrating the Heroic Struggles of our devoted Soldiers for the perpetuity of the Union. Admittance, 25 centa; Children> 16 cents. noll-flt PABL WOLFSOHN AND THEO \J DORN THOMAS’ SERIES OF SIX CLASSI GAL SOIREES*.—Third Season* Subscriptions will bo received at thy Principal Music Stores, where Pro* grammes and fulljnrticularg can b% seen i\a& Isa Germania orchestra. CARL SENTZ, Conductor. PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATSJfDAY, at 31f P. M., at the MUSICAL FUND BVLL. Package af Eight • Single 35 eta, To- be had at Alidte’s, 11M Chestnut street, E, Gould’s, Seventh and Chestnut, and at tlic door of the 13r4A oc2B*tf THE PRESTIDIGITATEUR. The magnificent Jetr«M*y, Gold Ce6«y,- Decoraffsßi, Medals, *tc„ io II E It M A' N N By foroiptv Wonarchs and will be exktbiteA at CALDWELL & CO.’S, 822 CHESTNUT Street# Oft the day of-?U* first appeariws? at .Do Academy of Mtiaio** viz: Sv HBSKSuSDAY, October CWb And the Shawl given him by the Queen o* : Spain at EVANS' A CO.’S, 81S CS?ESTNtfT Street, oil tire s-une day 0621-tf Temple oe wonders, n, e. cornrrcf TUNTH and CHESTOTT Strata. SIGNUtt BLITZ will appear at tftfl above place. Eft his now and extraordinary entertainments, EVERT' EVENlNG,coEnramsin* at 7)5, and WEDNESDAY an& SATURDAY At*TEBNOONS, at £*-consistinr off Changes, Transmutations, Substitutions, .Secret 'Manipll latronsj Ocular Pfrejlionai and Necromantic and astonishing poNVWa 0( VentriloquisF* • illa&tratintT every variety of voice. Also, the Learned Canary Binfe* Admission, 25 cents; children, 13 cents. OclD-lm*^ TI/TAGIC LANTERN PICTURES OP IVJL THE RF.BJJjUOH'—Representing all'tbe pmals sent Scenes, Engagements, and Incidents to this lists. For sale by JAMES W. QUEEN Se CO., 924 CHESTNUT'StreM. A Descriptive List furnished gratis and sent by mafl, free, on application. selB£9ta PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS, 1026 CHESTNUT Street, b open daily, Sundays excepted, from 9 A. M. till 6 P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children under twelve fM% half price. Shares of Stock. S3O. . . jyl EDUCATIONAL. THE WEST CHESTER ACADEME^ at We?t Cheater, Pa., within two hours’ ride from : Philadelphia, by the Pennsylvania Central, or by’ Wefet Cht§t&r and Philadelphia Railroad, via Media. The Winter Term, of full five months, commences‘on the Ist of NOVEMBER. “Military Tactics" will bo introduced aB a regular department of the system of in struction, to those who desire to avail themselves of'its advantages, nr a moderate charge. Eicbt tried Anil eXperl&hCl-d Teachers assUt ike Prin cipal in the duties of the school. W3I. F. WYERS, A. M„ Principal.* Philosophical instruments, , SCHOOL APPA.ftA.Tus for CLASS ILLUSTRA TIONS, Globes, Drawing Instruments, Ac., Ac., mate ' and for sale by JAMBS W. QUBKN A GO., 924 CHESTNUT Street. Priced, and Illustrated Catalogue, of 88 pages, for* nished gratis, and „ B t )ff mail free, on application. INSURANCE COMPANIES. T?AME INSURANCE COMPANY, J? No. 406 CHESTNUT Stmt FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE* DIRIOTORS. George W. Day ..of Day A Matlock. Samuel Wright. “ Wright Bros. A Co f D. B. •. Davis A ftirney. Henry Lewis, Jr. w Lewis Bros. A Co* C. Richardson. J. C. Howe A 00. Jno. W. Everman “ J. W. Rvennan A 00. Geo. A. West. “ West A Fobee. F. S. Mailin LegißlatiiTßi SAFES. ■gte LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT RE bBImOTED to No. 21 S&ttlb SEVENTH Street, nmv the Franklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and being determined to merit future patronage, has secured M elegaut and convenient store, and has now on hand • > large assortment of Lillie’s Qffcbr&tod Wrought tod* Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the dll. strictly fire and burglar proof safes mode.) Also, liUUf*B * Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Lillie’s BAnk Vault Doors and Locks will be fdralsML. to orderon Bhort notice. This is the strongest, beet pvo>- tected, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Alto, particular attention is caUed to liUlie*i HOW*' Cabinet. Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, Ac. This Safe it con* ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet of fered for this pnrpose, and is the enly one that Is iMoflf* fire and burglar proof. Special Notick.— l have now on hand say twenty td Parrel, Herring $ CWfl Sftfttt most of thorn ne&rlj navi and some forty or other makers, comprising a comgMt. assortment as to sizes, and all lately exchanged for ttW now celebrated Lillie Soft. They will be sold fit raff low prices. Please call and examine. ja2s-lyif M. O. SADLER. Ageet. STOVES AND RANGES. \tU.' SILVER’S TtR-TIGHT. GAS-. £3l BURNER, FOR THE PARLOR, DININ9- AND OFFICE; IN ALL SIZES, And made In the most approved manner, of the. beat* Imported Russia Iron, with PATENTED OLAYtOYLUT*. DEBS, of which we have the exclusive sale. NORTH, CHASE, Jt NORTH* No. 20ft North SECOND Street. 012-2mtf JL. NORTH, CHASE, & NORTH’S £=B CELEBKATED COOKING STOVES, Gas-consuming, with Double-slated Tope, and alb the latest improvements. Manufactured and sold at No, 209 North SECOND Street, olg-gmif THOMSON’S GBIiEHBATKE* S3k LONDON “KITCHENER,” The beet, meet durable,.and convenlentarrMfe* ment for Cooking; having llw bostfaciUtioß for wj, apnxx#* dant supply of Hot'VV'ater, Roasting, ,RaMBg ll Bt«fl[ißfc BroliinK, Ac. For sale, in various sizes, oC our owa manufacture. NORTH, CHASE, & NORTH, No. 209 North SECOND. Street, Philadelphia. 012-2mif —J&ZZS NOTICE. TQ> • OF FREIGHT, TO WASHINGTON, IX C„ BY ERICSSON UjNLS TO BALTIMORE, AND F*OM THENCE U& BAIL- ROAD TO WASH3NGTPN. On and after tliiß date all freight*.far. W,aehincfeott tbl» route will be pfl fo be' prftPftid tbffiMHa BBt no package -will to* reived males? niarlMd-VtiSl* MBA andflestination in fulL F-RKIWIiTiS- OK Abb KllfDfl received and forwarded daily. A-w GROy,KS v *r,,,A l ge*t, 2So. 3Vh|7 H 4 P. W„ dellr»T» Inc tluu New York the tbUoite* Aiyt. PxeUht» taken el reasonable Tales. W», B, Gfc.YDI, Agent, No. 14 SOOTH WHASVSS, Philadelphia. JAJSSB BAND, Agent, anl-tt Piers 14 and Id BAST MV KB, New Torts - aft—h. FOB NBW YORK. VU WhHMnphUaAebUs SHam Propeller OoDMSBjr will ooGbsnMLCA thftit bwk«H for the hiiob lo M WTfIKI'NST'S, suit BRANCH, Mr. J. 5. Clark* Mr.J. S. Chute