CITY ITEMS. Batidapschooll Canvocation . at Green. Airiet M. E. Church A meeting of the oengregation and Sunday schools of the Oreon-street Methodist Episcopal Church was held. Testenlay afternoon iii behalf of Sunday-school Missions. The church was crowded in every pert, and the proceed ings NI ere of a itto interesting character. The Pier. them were conducted by the pastor of the church, Rev. W. It. Brisbane, and opened by singing the hymn cow ituencing "From all that dwell beneath the skid, Let the Creative. prale, ariAe," end peiyer. A hymn was tinxt sing by thr the schools, at the close of which Mr. Brisbane nitro tined to the congregation the Iter..T. B. McCullough, 311.*:lonaty of the Society, or organization, iu whose be half the meeting was hell. McCULLOUGIrS F..PEECH About two years ago, the speaker said, a question arose in this city as to whether the Methodist Church Was doing her share of missionary labor in Philadelphia; ind it had boon :uwertnined upon inquiry that denomina tions numbering loss than one-half the membership of the Methodist Episcopal Church were actually doing wore work. Efficient plans bad been at once instituted for more vigorous ellOrts,and tho rognit was, t h e thaugiv. ration of the Sunday School and Home Missionary Asso ciation of the - Methodist Eoisoonal Char& of the 04 of Thiladelphia. It was to carry ou this enterprise with greater facility that this and similar meetings were being Lehi in the various churches. At present this new organization had but three schools in its charge. In the Main they had a very rough class of Tersons to deal with, principally twitting in tholowor Inset or the city, and he felt that if their organization accom- Vished no other pork in the next ten years than to plant Methodism in the 4, Neck, - it would be worth all the effort and money required to carry out this object. Tlu•re +were to-day fifty thowund children in our city who had not 3.14 been hrbullit MOAN g1V131.4.4b-school ihn9eis6=. 7 MO while this was the case he felt that there was a mii- Pionary field mica rev home than India, that demanded tho pympathy and co-operation of professing Christiane. APTVESS BY REV. MR. WILLIS The next spealter was the Rec. J. S. Willis. lie coin, pared the Eialibitth-school cause to a river, front its tiny pource to where its majostie flow at length lost itself in the mighty ocean. The development of the oak from the acorn. he said, also furnished an illustration of the moral growth of this Christianizing agency_ It had Warted with a single school about the middle of the last /century q now it numbered thousands in carious Carts of the word; and the day, he hoped, was not far distant when the number organized would amount to millions. Taking up the aims and philosophy of human develop ment, Mr. Wiilis paid _there were two prevalent views With regard to it—one lulman, the other Divine. To the bonier, there wa., I.4.thing known but mere physical and intellectual progress, ignoijug the moral part of man' . iature entirely. The lath •'through Nature lie to N tare's God." Science was at last joining hands with CI istionity i poetry was drawing inapintiOn front the l'ros. o.laa the veryhome y t i ' Parnassus,Ll -91. song, was being curicl , by the light of Calvary. The Sabbath-school, he m• Maine], was a gain not only to Christianity but toe ery element of civilization. - The work finis i ply began must, be said, go on. Gen. McClellan. he in i,,tooil, hail gone along the lines of his grand army, 01 . i:,4 th. , in that behei.forth they ',sr. to have no more "It di Run affairs"—no retreats; and this was to Le accom }E ldred by the last man dying in the last ditch, Sin e, in defence of the glorious cause of liberty. lii - he said, war just the spirit that should animate the 1 1 . _arts of eliristian, in behalf of the Sabbath school. • ....ley should not recede one step, but go steadllyforward. It took bold of children, the very gardens and nurseries Of society. llis estimate of "the baby" as an "institu tion" was rather ludicrously dwelt upon, to the evident amusement of old awl young. RThe speaker had once heard Park Denjamin say, in - a iecture, that 6, a baby waS kfiction I" which ho (Mr. W.) regarded as a great heresy. The baby was emphatically an institution, that claimed, and would have, attention of some sort, from somebody-, either of affection or dis iike; it was, in fart, the home deity, and he thanked God for an organization that had for its object the train ing of theE.e little ones for useful members of society, in- Mead of for the Prison aid the almshoroo_ At the clove of thi, aildress, anothei hymn was sungb:t kite children ? after n Well there was an ADDRESS 111" REV. ALDAY. Ifs conum.nced 1.3 saying that the remarks lie had to /Make would beprocticat. In the first place, the nature of this enterprise was. tic nerolcnt. It partook of the gpirit of the Gospel. "Do goal, and to communicate forget not," s it, r.•ry essence of action. The specific Object of this movement was to give an open Bible. to !Children, and insti net them in the ways of God, and to do this with facility and thoroughness it aimed to establish Sunday-school., in vicinities more remote from churches. The senuel of Sabha tit-cello/de so planted, if eocce,eful, was generally the formation of a church. In the nest place, he considered the necessity for such S movement. We had, he said, in our city six hundred thousand wrsons, and two hundred and forty-seven churches. Admittin_ the latter to average an attendance of eight hundred each—which n•as much shore the mark —there would still be found four hundred thousand per sons in Philadelphia num - el-hied with church accommo dations. There was hence a great work to do, and the next question he wished to consider was, mho is to do it s , Was it the .municipal authorities? No, it was upon the Mach that this responsibility rested. One great inducement to rncace in this work, and which he held to be perfectly legitimate, was denominational pride• The fact might not Le generally known, but that did not alter it, that, relatively, the Methodist Church was losing ground in this city—i. e., its ratio of increase was much less than that of some other denominations. Ile meld, therefore, that it was their duty to spring tojevery Vacant spot andue,mpy it without delay. The. collection n - ii• then taken, and was in keeping With the charinterbtic liberality of this large and toutiehing congregation. IMPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS.—Nothing is ore indispensable t.l health than good bread. To have this, you must hate good flour. Mr. C. H. Mattson, dealer in Fine -Groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, has procured a choice brand of Family Flour, manufactiald exclusively •ta hie nwn order, which we know to be it is represented—the choicest flour in the market. BUEZMIDE'S PULE OLD RYE WIIISKY.-31a jor John Connelly, No. 527 Chestnut street, has secured for himself the repotation of selling the purest liquors to 3m tad in Philadelphia. His is one of the few places 'where “Hnraside's (Si l Rye" is sold in all its original purity. COUNTRY aut-wOOMS.—lrving says the only temple of frue liberty in tills world is the bar-room of a country inn—where you may pull off your formality with your boot, roll up your trousers with your carol, lind.puff awaj at your tpoables with a pipe, without any fear that a broomstb-k gill draw your attention to the carpet, or dark complexioned frowns remind you of the injurious effects of tobacco juice on the stove hearth. 911 that sort of thing may do for ordinary times; but, .4 , when the blast of war Wows in your ears," there is no VW for lounging ta country bar-rooms. It becomes all Itble•bodied men .to am for the fray, and fit themselves out with fighting attire from the military clothing branch of the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & eon, Nos. 6Cro and Bob Chestnut street, above Sixth. .GENERAL ANDERSON'S BODY GUARD.--exem Anderson, previous to his departure for Kentucky, de 'tiring to eNprt-frb iii .tprrtitu'ile to the people of flue Stole, for their munifot inu , rect in and Kindness to him, to. quested Governor Curtin to enroll him a body guard of ymung men from this Commonwealth. The young moon tweremliosen from the carious Congressional districts . , and "were ordered to equip themselves in uniforms from the Palatial Clothing estahlisliment of Granville Stokes, 609 'Chestnut greet. where every military and civic garment Sa sold at the lowest cash price. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS VP TO 12 o'cLocx. LAST NIGHT. VONTHIENTAL HOTEL—Cherdnut and Ninth Street& C Herring, New York John Ganlner, Phila Limit J W Haseltiue, U S A II L Bollman, Pittsburg, rT H Burrows, Harrisburg larHarrison, New Jersey .J S Wallace A - la, Chicago Mrs A Duryee, New York Miss Mason, New York C Temple Dix, U S A 'T Kingsford S: la. tiswego Mrs 111 E Kingsford, Oswego 'Colonel Mcßeynolds N M Standart, Clerelana J P W Vail, Newark, N J J Joyce, iVashineton C J Merrill, U 8 A Mrs Cate, Masa. ehusetts Sire F Waleot, Mass .31fralt Mitchell, Mars Mies Colby, Massachusetts -J Bickerton, Baltimore J F Coyle,Wash, D C .Mrs C Lloyd, Williamsport Mrs Willard & 2 ch. Wash Miss Hepburn, Wash, D C Miss Casey, Wash, U C 0 S Carter, New York 'I'M Gray, adca2o C 0 Wicker, Chicago .Miss M Bomersler, Borlgt'n E Z Clarke, California •C W Smith it la, Wh , roccin Mr Wyatt & la, New York A S Laphain, Dliebixan A C Bhlnd, U S N •G M Steinman, Lane Pa II E Lenten, Lane, Pa J S Ely, Doclie,4.-r, N Y W H Stiner, New York W H Tanner, Maryland A S Mason, Wash, D C 11 Cobb, BORtinl - Seward, New York Mon B Bourke, England J Fergusson, England D N maenr,j 3 ,, Osted, N Y J Nevem'', ti S N S Williams, New York W F Beynoffla, Pa Fi N Marcus, Neu reril Mr Tharris & la, N Jersey Mrs Tanner, New .harry J R 111 Mullany, N J Sarille, MD, Denver C S Dutton k wf, Phila. Kraelio Cavada k wf, Cuba Gabriel Suarez, Cuba -JP& McCune, Ohio C E Findlay, New York G 0 Crocker, N Bedford A Finch & la, Milwaukee Mrs Papeudiet, - Milwaukee NV J Thomson, Cin, Ohio -.lmo Darkly, Ireland S Keyser, New York F Bridge, New York A F Vienna% New York -eY CORIC, jr, 'Baltimore W Andrus & la, New Yer,i W Thatcher, Wiliningbm Anderson, Donna K Dunlop. Wail,, B C Brutus Clay, Kentucky Green Clay, Kentucky Miss Mary Clay, Ky B. McCallum, Pittsburg John Hughes, Baltimore B W King & la. New York Dr C Mifflin, Boston Bliss E Mifflin, Boston \V A Allen, Delaware J Eldridge II II Pangborn, Washngtu Beni Kittridge, Cincinnati E Simpson, Boston Horace Green, Al li, Nw Tk Ilea L Budd, D, N Mordreimer, CaLf Jrnia N G Wood; Boston A T Johnson, Lowell J B Hussey, New York W Paxton & le. Wheeling Win N Franklin, Nw York G N Atwater, Massachusetts L B Sheep W Quin ' New Y..rk T W Porter, Bangor, Me JStrickland, Baugar, 3le WII Cook, Washington G New Yolk L P NVillentb, Boston . . _ Mr Tilden, Wa:.1,1-eton Capt 0 Wetmore, Jr, "N Y MR Thrgey., llo , ton J ..p D Lanl,•e. NA W Yank (le° W Dornett, U S N M E Flanagan, California Wm B L ew ii-, & la, Brooklyn .1 13 Dickinson, New York Miss Sally Cla3 , Kentucky S P Franklin ' Wash, D C Mrs Ili C Darcey. Ball imore Mrs Dresser, Boston C A Jenks, Bat!,, Me A F R Martin, Ravrark,NJ Churchill, New York Alfred Gather, Cincinnati A Awl, 13arrisimr2 . Miss L Aced, Waah, D C B BOOSOrI, Uniontown 31 '.V Crotherr, Virginia J J Kuhn, Virginia A G Dooley, Toledo, ii H D Cooke & tam, Phi Milo B S Lefman, New lark E Schneider, Now York T Harris, Providence C F Harris, Proiiidence N W Print, Little Foils (l W Chase, New York John F Dane, C'onnecticut B D Stillman, New York C M Bailey, New York E J Ester, Cleveland Baron Gerolt et 4 hi, N Y A Bow, Sing Sing B A Whitney, New ,ivrevy 0 n Dakar, Trash, D C W F Joy, Baltimore N Killbourne, lowa B J Bahay, New York L II Humphreys, Prov, R I Wm D Bishop, Connecticnt Mrs 0 Penfield, Wasleu Bobt B Minium, N York P Gibson, Baltimore Dr Gibson, Baltimore J C Corey & I, New York C B Greenough &I, N Y Dr Taylor, W Chester, Pa John Eamon, Bash n, DC F 8 Kirtland, N York D M Babcock, New York E F Folger, Albany D McCloskey, Albany W It Barr, Buffalo 7 U Coperthwait,Nrw York J Parker, Jr, Balthoore R W Tyson, Baltimore Chas Gilmour, Baltimore Jos C Manning, Baltimore S M Close, Wash, D C W Amory, Boston Sidney Bartlett, Boston T J Coolidge, Boston F S Hanlevllle, Boston IS C Hall, Chicago N B Coleman, Baltimore N . A Hall & la, Boston Mrs Shepard, New York Ildwin Harris SE vt . , N .1 C Anderson, Prov, R I ST. LOMS—Cheataut above Third B Lloyd & la, New Jersey — 8 W Thompson N York Miss Thompson, N York Mrs C Maxwell, N York C T Dickey, New York E .1 Baldwin, New York B L Chapman, New York Mrs Simpson, Wash, D C Farral, Penna. 31r lle,yrnann ' Phila W Leary, Baltimore 13 Frederick, New York John Bert, Pittsburg J 13 Botta. Maryland P Jones Marylaud U Cu!leo, New York AMERICAN' HOTEL--Chestnnt et., shovel Fifth. Dohistaiio , Bind, Penns Lient A D Vander, Del .T 11 MeClune, Old° C A Alinelcier 11..r1:11i, Downingtown Mrs C.on D Montgomery', "%Tim. It Montgomery, Wnsli W;n:hington, Btrs S N Corponter (1 Freeman, Cleveland it A Iteitlell4l7, Viiginia itt itteetw. ColUmbw+ lat. Snowden, Maine W Sullivan, Wa,:lkiumnr, C.l (la sp, N i.s Achnselts W Y Viral . , New York P A Maio-, New York Mr Miller A- la, Trenton W Brooks, Connortient S Caro, Albans' P Dorton G A Grern 11,14.1 n Nolte,,,thlirtt J J Cook, Virainia 11 Conkboa, New York 11 Whitaker, ilo.don W U Storgt, , ,, 3faryland 11 J Gregory, Wash, D C Sll Wetherhee, New York C W Bromle, Marylao.l .1 111 1. London, Newark, NJ T Norton, Newark, NJ w E Spruftnee, Smyrna, Del J CoAden, Stuvrn:‘, IwL.l TII Megviir, Smyrna, DPi C Partridp, 1 \ , ;11" Yvr MERCHANTS' HOTTlL—Fonrilt street, below Arch L Wilmartb, Pittsburg I. M. Boman, Ohio Bold •Kernollian, billion], 0 dais C Watson, Milton, Pa S Palmer, New Hope John W Te/ylh, Norristown DMA (ieltyshurp , J D IVleCord, Pittghont Thum .1 31e.ught, Maryland Nlt Boardman, Boston Ira A Beau, N Illmpshire 1/ .1 Carey, Paulille D Kinfort, Cherry Tree A S Carrier, Connecticut S. Seymour, New York II Pearcy, Perryville S .1 Nice. Chambersburg 0 J Warne, N Briton. Con Joe Kirkpatrick, Pitteburr aasfi lane, worth flitstiri A F Joner , , Harbor Creek :his McCord, Noell,Ea4 .1 d ITollerler 3 wf, Mo F Rehertecher, New York Burns, Plainfield, Pa Pr Sterling, California .1 111 CarEkalden, N J S 7. Cottwak, Pta' Geo Cooper Mt Jackson A E Birk, Tll3ll:linnimrk Aglaii:Lnenmpt, Mism Lilly I.:leo:apt, John Elliott. l'inton, Pa. T 111 Horton, WillcoxNitro .lax Alexander, Penna. COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth street, above Chestnut J 'Vanderslice, Penna D L Chambers, New Yorl \V Brown, Maryland A G Snyder, Pr nna L Shumway, New York E Park, Now York A Flag"or, WWII, Del J L Iliekoy, Elkton, Md D Dt Teylot) MorAtunt Mrs Dunn, Ituntingilin[. Po J Cunningham, Pena I T Leonard, Wail], D C S 11 Stout, Pottstown, Pa J 11 Stout, Pottstown, Pa S E Stout, Pottstown, Pa II K Stout, Pottstown, Pa E Pettit, Phihula Mr Dewey, Philoan G 11 Hyde, Iteading L W Reinhart. Pinola 'Bryan, Burlington, Thos CheAcr co T B IGilanu , ehmtni. NI, Pa .1 11, - i Et. Jo Witin, 1.h.1 Fainl dick, l'vnita Hoil,on, Jr, 'Willa, Del H Booken,NPwark, Del D Humes & la , Chester ro STATES UNION HOTEL—Market st., above Sixth. John Patchin, Clearlield,Pa C Lane, New Jeroey ;film Gilpin, Maryland Then Gilpin, Maryland W Grier, Pennsylvania D McArthur, New York Jos Elder, Wilkinsburg J D Bahia-hi, Pittsburg .1 II D 3 sart, Altoona W March, Huntingdon W Kulp & eon, Pa John Hugo Pa a Snd Hirly, Ohio Chas II iinsti. Pa Jas Dacia C in, Newark W Newkirk, New York Sand Deilseekor, taitc co W J GPISSiII2(I%, Phila W Y Merrirk, tibia Join; W Foal. Berwick, 0 W C Putnam, ConnectiAlt REVERE HOUSE—Third street, shovj e . Shaw-. Sunbury. Pa II SaNdar-rg7l;wytkill Haven W - ,IIOrPIII, VOIDIVIIIII Hni r t Ifi t y nn I liPPm.,2llllPrsville vAter W smith, Gettysbar Jos Sample, Jonestown ',JO...Harris. I'. ;more P Ifl pliaut F Pennsylvania Francis Marr. Newark, N .T DIV Fratiki , , Flowertown D D Elder, Dauphin co, Pa J 31 Stomas'', Harrisburg, Pa THY. VNlON—arcs envo i above Third. P. AmUnarm, Putnam, 0 .1 II 'lion ' Altoo,,n Win I' J. I'ainter, Huey Kingsland, New York Col 1 Madill; Tamaqua W 8 Ilnllenberg.or 4 ht, Pa Thu: Taylor, Phila J It Jackman, Penna J Brigna, Now Lebanon P J Partenhainter, Jr, N Y E W Stearns, Long Island D C Wheeler, Hancock, N NATTONAL noTEL—hare arreot, Marro Third Oi; :Morris, Lexington, Fa H G Moils, 311.1.11etown.Pa .Tulin Boyer, Norristown J S Reeser, T Y Seiler, Dauphin no, ra H E liofford, Beverly, N J ilia. 3l J Brown,Penna F.T Troxell, Lock Haven C Slierer, Boyeslown F 3leliiiiilihrenni , ylVaula 3 V Barber, Milliinburg Al - ker, Pr T 31ee:111114111, J 0,0-15,1,nr.7„ 1) C A Clarke, MOUNT 'VERNON HOTEL—Second at., ab. Arch. Vin Morrison, Montgy co Thos Williams, Port Jervis Cao Book, Boston, Mass Thos Mead, Atlantic City Y Yewles, New York G Il Mathews, Boston C J Morris, Beeton Sarni H Johnson, Pa Its geiders, Pike es., PA E Lark*, Baltimore Wm Boston, Baltimore A Clayton, Philadelphia A Loy], Wayne co, Pa W J Hazen, Bethney, Pa BLACK BEAR--Third street. above Callowhill. Bllcorerger, Penna Ceo Clemens, Chester Vol Lyle Nelson, Bucks co Sand Kick, Peuntt Cs. 21L Calmer Warrington Amos J Bowers, Bucks Co Ihinpert:ByberrY Alvin Fromt, Gwynedd_ Harrison Tomlinson, Pa Linford Bonds, Byberry SPECIAL NOTICES. DR. ROBERTSON'S GOUT. AND RHEU— MATIC nuov..4—Tito only reliable remetly for 11Imam. Coo, s:e. Price g. 21. For sale by DYOTT & CO., No. 2:12 North SECOND Street, rw2l-rnArlat Depot for all Popular Medicines. ONE — PRICE CLOTHING OF THE LATEST SxxLze, made in tho Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our ONE-PRICE SYSTEM is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. setl2-ly JONES & CO., 604 MABKZT Street. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE.—This cele brated and perfect HAIR DYE is the BEST IN THE WORLD. All others are mere imitations of this Great Original, which has gained such extensive Patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. BATCHE LOR'S LIQUID HAIR DYE ins•raurr.v produces a splendid Blade or natural Drown, without staining the Skin or injuring the Hair, and will remedy the ill effects of bad Dyes, invigorating the Hair for life. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by FAHNESTOCK & CO. and DYOTT & CO., Philadel phia othl-tf MARRIED : SMITH—KNIGHT..—On Thursday, the o+ 41,0 +,,1,1‘.f1e0 of tho brlde , a tus eourad, Mary A., eldest daughter of W. W. Knight, of Germantown, to J. Fred. Smith, of Chanthershurg, Pa. * LACOCK-11. 4 .8.81T.—1n Hiawatha, Kansas, on the 34 inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rey. Geo. G. Rice, Capt. Ira J. Lacock. to Miss Calista Rabbit. eldest daughter of J. F. Babbit, Eso. TUCK ER—BARNHOLT,-On the lith test,. by Roy, S. IL Kennard, 3lr. George Tucker to Caroline Baroholt, both of this city. DIED : SPRAGUE.—On the 19th inst , of congestion of the brain, James 11. Spregne, in big 54th year. Y 0 1: NO.—On the 17th inst., Commander William S. Yound, of the United States navy, in the 49th year of his age. Funeral from the reelienee of his brother-in-law, Dr. Vonrer, New Castle, Del., this (Monday) morning, at 11 o'clock. QUINN.—On the 18th inst., Ellen M. Quinn, aged G 7 yenm nmeral from the reeidenee of Jerome Facie, Folk road, this (Monday) morning, at 3 o'clock. TEST.—On the 38th inst., Ann Middleton, wife of the late David Test, in the 91st year of her ace. Funeral from the residence of her eon, Middleton Test, No. 1150 Frankfonl road, below Girard avenue, this (Monday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Weekly Report of interments. HEALTH OFFICE, October 19, 1861. Interments 1771 the City of Philadelphia from, 12th, to the 39th of October, 1861 R 0 DISEASES. 1 DISEASES.•• - _ 165' -5 13‘11"Tie mid 8051da... 1 Fever, Typhoid..." 4 2 Cancer 1 Gangrene 1 " lEsopliag.... 1 Hemorrhage .. 1 3 " Stomach..... 1 " Lunge... .1 Ca eualties. ..... .... 1 Hopping Cough 3 Croup . . 5 Inflammation, Brain S Congestion of the " Bronchi.... 2 Brain.. 3 3 " Liver 3 tl Lungs. '2 I , 1, Lunge • 5 7 Cholera Infautum„ 4 II S. & Bowels 1 3 Compreesion of the IL T 01146.... 1 Brain 1 " Prost. Gl'd. 1 Cirrhosis 1 1 Inanition 1 2 Consumption Lunge. 26 5 Intemperance and CODER , SiOn Spine... 1 Exposure 2 o Brain .. 1 Mania-n-Potu. 1 Comulsions 18 9larasmus 14 Cyanosis 3 Old Aga 2 Diptheria . 18 I Palsy 4 1 Diarrlaea 1 Pyemia . 1 Dropsy 3 1 Small-Pox. - . lo " 8rain....... 3 Still-Born 13 Disease of Brain... 1 1 Stricture of fEso " Heart.... 4 2 Volans. ...... .... 1 " Stomach. 1 TubesMesente- Drowned 1 rica I pp entery 2 Teething... .... , "2 Debility 13 4 Unknown . 1 1 Einigon on Brain.. 1 -- -- Fever RI amniotic ... 1 1 Total ..... 92 141 " Scarlet 131 OF THE ABOVE THERE WERE 571 From 42 to 50 16 ........ 31 " 50 to 60 14 ~..... 31 " 60 to 70 ...... .... 10 .... 14 i .. 70 to 60 11 „ . 3 " 80 to 00 5 ... 5 " 00 to 100 1 ... 151 -- , ... 201 Total 233 WARDS. , 'elle* Nevi 'welfth. _... , birteenth id.. ... Under 1 year.. From Ito 2... " 2to 5.... tO/0 10 <, 15 to 20 20 to 30- 30 to 40... WARDS. I Tr.k First ...... Tenth.. . 7 Nineteenth .13 Second II Eleventh ... 5 Twentieth. 12 Third..,........7 Twelfth 4 Twenty-first... 3 Fourth ..... ' ....16 Thirteenth.. —.12 Twenty-second.. 2 7 Fourteenth.... 7 Tweot)--third,. Sixth 9 Fifteenth 12( Twenty-fourth-14 Seventh 8 Sixteenth 9 1 Unknown .14 Eighth 7 Ninth 11 Eighteenth II) Total 233 NATIVITY.—United States, 178; - Foreign, 39; Un known, 10. From the Almshouse, 9; People of Color, 11; from the Country, 2. The number of deaths, compared with the correspond ing week of 1860, and of last week, was as follows: Week ending Oct. 20, 1800, was 202 'Week ending 0ct.12,1861, we 5..... ..... 217 Males, 114 •; Females, 119 ,• Boys, 61; Girls, SO. By order of the Board of Health. • 'WILLIAM READ, Health Officer. LACK REPS ANGLAIS, ONLY 25 B emits!. Black Reps Anglais, 25 do. Do. do. Imperial, 25 etR. Do. do. Auglois, 4-4 wide, 27X cls. Do. All wool Velour Reps, $l. Dn. do. do. Ottomans, $l. De, liadzamer Silks, bcdt quality mule. Do. Pooh do Soie, do do. DU. Gros Grain Silks, all qualifies. Do. Dress Goods of every description. BESSON & SON'S Prfournitm , Store, No. 918 CHESTNUT Stroot [7 POST OFFIL EH ! . wncrimt, Oct, 17, 1801 - • The undersigned, having been appointed to receive proribsals for remodelling and reconstructing the build ing: to he occupied by the Post Onico and U. S. Courts, io the city, hereby gives notice that propoSitis for the ett gill be received at hie office until 1 o'clock won, utt T 1 lURSDAY, the 31st day of October, IS6I. Each bid must be enclosed and addressed M the under- Figliedt endorsed " PraDeriairl for Waling the new Post Mice and U. d. courts in the city of Viniadelphia," with the 1181110 of the bidder, noel lies pt:r:ml:4 omnpetent VI give security in double the amount of the bid fur the faithful performance of tho work. Plans ot• the work may be Fearo at this Oflice. The genera' mechanical description ..:111 be obtained on Monday next, 22d inst. C. A. 'WALBORN, meam THE ARMY COMMITTEE OF THE isie n s e , chtistian Am.,dhak3. would ear ne,ity call tittention to the fact that very urgent re quests have been made by the chaplains of our Penn sylvania Volunteers for moral and religious reading mat ter—Tracts, Hymn Books, Jtc. The Association would gladly furnish these at once, but cannot, for want of tho necessary means. It appeals, therefore, to the Christian public of our city for imme diate aid iii this matter. . - • Bonetlone for thin purpoae (which will be duly nohow tritged in the public pawns) may be left with any of the following gentlemen: Lion. JAMES POLLOCK, U. S. Hint. GEORGE li. STUART, 13 Bank Street. GEORGE S. FOX, Merchants' Exchange. WM_ G. CROWELL, 510 Walnut street. At the rooms of the Aeoeciatiee 1009 CHESTNUT Btreet, or with the Treasurer. PETER B. SIMONS, RANSOM-STREET HALL BUILDINGS. ocri amwlux TrCITY (0111111ISSIONERS' OFFICE.— NOTICE.—Tho noni of Cit C1)111111ISSIIInoni will hear Appeals from the Assessment of Real and Personal Tropert3, as returned Ins the Assessors of Rio different far the Triennial Ar.*cmintetit tFt 184 t on the tvd lowing days Wards. 14 .• • • l' ,1011, 1 ,6 1". Oct. 21'13th ....Tuesday, Nor. I 2(1.... Tile-q(), .6 22 14th.... Weillies.lay, ~ 6 .114 „.. Redo-,day, t , '2115th.... Thursday, t , 7 4th.... Thist sday, " '2lloth F . d . . sth,.„Frid:ty, " 2liintli .. "'”' MIL...Mond:l3, 6, 28 - 18th....14(mthw, " 11 7th....The5(.1:(3, " 29 19th.... Tuesday, " 12 6th....WMIIIPMiay, t , no 20th.... W(6•lttos(lAy, tt 13 f6th ....Thursday, 6, :11 21st ....Thursday, "14 10th ....Friday, Icor. 119911 / ~Friday', llth t y, 123 d s 12th "", , " 4 12111 ~, , illlfi rx l ,ii, / Almlly, li 19 .IAIII.IIB 811 AW, Clerk. otl6-tiinlB OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, Palm:till:U.lllA, October 15, ISfl. Tbc Board of Director, have this day deriarcq a semi. animal dividend of TH RIK PER CENT. (14 ,-,431tal stock of the COMpilliS, clear of State tax, payable on and after November 15,1Sild. Powers-of-Attorney for collection of dividends can be had on application at the office of the Company, No. 233 South TIMM Street. cal7Adel THOS. T. FIRTH. Treacror_ 07 . OF FICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN, AND NORRisTowx RAIL ROAD COMPANY, OctonEit lA, 18431 The annual Meeting of the Stock and Loanholders will be held at the Omer of the Ctunpmiy, .10 React caner NINTH 111141 II HEE N Streets, on MONDAY, tho 4th day of November near, at 1014 o'clock A. M. An Election to elosise Four Managers, to serve three years, will lie held, at same place, immediately after the Close of the atimenteiktioliell meeting, and close at'_' P. M. ocl6-wfnittio4 W. B. WILSON, Secretary. IREcHANICS' BANK., Ott. T, 1361. A Clenecal Meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held On TUESDAY, Novemlwr sth t at ro o'clock N. The Annual Election for Directors will be held. on 3TONDAY, November Mb, between the hours alb A. M. and P. 11. J. WIEGAND, Jr,;" od-w6lll tllOlB DT+ PHILADELPHIA BANK, ; PHILADELPHIA, OeAer 5, 1861. The Annual Election for Directors will be le.ld at the Banking House on MONDAY, the 18th, day of November next, between the hours 0110 A. 111. (gm 2 p. M. A general :Meeting of the Stocklialee 3 oil he 1,41 at the oonte ilioro TIA - WlLVA.diti oth day of November next, at 12 o'clock IL ,---' oc7-mwftnos 11, )3. COMEGYS, enAltier. ry--• K.Bi!iG TON BANK, jeric ...- PHILA L lA ' DEPH October 5, 1991. Tbc < nnual Meeting, of Studihohlera will bo hold on T 7 ASDAY, November 5, 1891, at 19 o'deek !loom oci-mwf tnos An Election for Directors will be held at the Bankin g House on MONDAY, the 18th day of November next, between the honrs of 9 A. M. and 3 I'. M. oci-mwf tnolB C. T. YERKES, Cashier. SOUTHWARK PHILADELPHIA, October 4, 180. The Annual Election for Directors will he held at the Banking Douse on MON DAY, the ISth day of -Novem ber neat, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. A General Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Ralne place on TrEi.iDAV, the sth day of November next; at 12 o'clock M. ocs-nwftnolB P. P. STEEL, Cashier. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK. uta.rniA October 4, 1881.—The annual election for Directors will be held at the Banking Hone, on MONDAY, the 18th day of November next, between the bore of 9 o'clock A. 11. and 3 o'clock P. IL, and on TUESDAY, the 5111 doe NAV/Allll6l. 11Z,A, meeting of the. Stockholders will be held at the Banking House at 4 o'clock I'. M., agreeably to the Charter. ocsAtnlB W. RUSHTON, Jr., Cashier. MILITARY NOTICES ATTENTION GYMNAST ZOU AVES.—Members will meet at the Armory, NINTH and WAL - Streets, on MONDAY EVENING, (21St inst.,) at 7 o'clock, in full dress, for parade. P. Y. SMITH, Captain. Wm. H. itleff.UiDSON, 0. S. lt* iATTENTION, INDEPENDENT GU ARD.S.A Spreial Meeting of the Independent Guards will be held at their armory, Hlasko's Buntl ine, Broad street, below Walnut, MONDAY EVEN -ING, 21st instant, at ,S o'clock. As business of import ance will be brcught forward, every member of the com pany is requested to attend. Squad drill as usual, he twee', 7 and S o'clock. • Dy order of Captain John Woodside. - JAS. R. MARTIN, Itt ' Secretary. 11 U. S. ISJAEINES.—Wanted imme dintely for the r. S. Marine Corps, 300 able-bodied men. for sea and land service; also, a few competent drummers and tiferS. All information that may Le required wilt b e given at the Itentle4yous, au .tholltil FRONT Street, Philadaphin. LIGHT CAVALRY ! COL. R. BUTLER PRICE.—GOOD, ACTIVE MEN WANTED.—Pay, rations. &c., from signing roll, mustered it, equipped, and sent to camp on Darby Road immediately. An experienced Trooper at Orderly ilicargent, and good Inurlera wanted. A chance for non commissioned officers. Headquarters MG South SIXTH Street. Capt. JOS. ARCHAMBAULT. lst Lieut., FRANK EVANs, Id, JA.MES Dl. Om NA,IT_ S. ARMY-WANTED IM MEDIATELY, for the SIXTH BEGDIENT U. S. CAVALRY, REGULAR SERVICE, a few more able-bodied men, between the ages of twenty one and thirty-live. Pay ranges from $l4 to $23 per month, according to the rank of the soldier. Each man will be furnished with a good horse and equipments, am ple clothing and subsistence. Quarters, fuel, and medical attendance free of charge. The pay of each soldier com mences as soon as lie is enlisted. By an act lately passed , the term of enlistment is changed from five to THREE YEARS, and every soldier who serves that time is entitled to $lOO BOUNTY from the Government. Attention is drawn to the fact that the Government haa wisely commenced to promote soldiers from the ranks. Advancement ie, therefore, open to all. For further particulars, apply at the Recruiting Office, GIRARD ROUSE_ LIEUT. F. DODO; sl4-0 Sixth Cavalry, Ilecrulting Officer. CITY AND COUNTY OF PIMA DBLPHIA, The Commonwealth of Penvylertnitt, to the Sheriff of PUilndelphie County, greeting We command you, as before - we did, that you summon WILLIAM HANDY, late of your county, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our Court of Common Pleas for the City and County of Phila delphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of November next, there to answer WILLIAM P. JENIO, Trustee, &c., of n ph•a of breach of covenant. And ilikTt you then and there this writ. Witness the Honorable OSWALD THOMPSON, Doctor of Lam, President of our said Court at Philadelphia, the 15th day of October, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and sixty-one. oc2l-mgt T. 0. WEBB, Pro Prothonotary. CITY AND COUNTY OF PUMA PELPHIAt The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to the Sheriff of Philadelphia County, greeting: We command you, as before we did, that you siuniuon JOAN SUTTON, late of your county, so that lie hu.and appear before our Jtelges at Philadelphia, at our Court of Common Pleas, for the City and County of Phila delphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for the paid City and County of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of November next, there to answer ELIZA. LEWIS, et Executors, fie., of a plea of breach of covenant. And have you then and there this writ. Witness the Honorable Osw.u.n Tuoursox, Doctor of Laws, President of our said Court at Philadelphia, the lath day of October, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and sixty-one. ." oc2l-nt:lt T. 0. WEBB, Pro Prothonotary. CITY AND COUNTY OF MIA DELPHI& es. The Counnonwealth 4.1' Pennsylvania, to the Sheriff of Philadelphia Cour.ty, greeting: We command You, as before we did, that you summon JOHN MATCHETT, late of your County, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our Court of Common Pleas, for the City and Comity of Phi. ladriphia, to be hoiden at Philadelphia, in and for the said City and Comity of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of November next, there to answer CHARLES STEWART of a plea of breach of covenant. And have you then and there this writ. Witness the Honorable Oswai.o THOMPSON. Doctor of Laws, President of our said Court at I' hila telphia, the 12th day of October, in the year of our Lord one thou sand sight hundrol and hixty--ono. oc2l-mgt T. 0. WEBB, Pro Prothonotary. CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA DELPHIA, ss. The Commonwenith of Pennsylvania, to the Sheriff of Philadelphia County, greeting: We command you, as we have often before done, that you minimal JOHN 1111_71ticE, late of your county, so that he be and appear before our hares at Philadelphia, at our Court of Common Pleas for the City and County of thiladelphis, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first MON— DAY of November next, thero to answer JOIIN GAY, Assignee, &c., of a plea of breach of covenant. And have you then and there this writ. Witness the Honorable OSWALD THOMPSON, Doctor of Laws, President of our said Court at Philadelphia, the loth day of (ichpbez, in the year of our Lord, onethon pawl right hundred :Ind sixty-nue_ ,•c2l._mtt T. O. WEBB, Pro Prothonotary. CITY AND COUNTY OF PHIL A_ LELPII(A, ss. The Commonwealth Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of Philadelphia County, greeting : We command yon, as before we did, that you summon HENRY O. TIARA]", late of your County, t , o that he he and appear before our Judwe at Philadelphia, at our Court of Common Pleas for the City and County of Phi ladelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for the mid City and County . of Philadelphia, the first MON DAY of November past, - there to answer GEORGE W. NORRIS, .Trustee, of a breach of covenant. And have you then and there fhb. , writ. the Honorable THOMPAON, Doctor of Lone, Prouident of our maid Court at Philadelphia, the lath day of October, in the iyear of our Lord, one thou, , and eight hundred and sixty-one. of 21-m2t T. ii. WEBB, ProProthonotary. CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA PELPII I A, Tho Cointimm ealth of Penns)leani;t, to the Sheriff of etatoomat you, Oa )more we 41, that you amm o.. CHBISTLIN DREBY, late of your county, so that ho he and appear before our Judges itt Philadelphia, at our Court of COlllinnit Plea , ; for the City and County of Phi ladelphia, to he holden at PhiWel phis, in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of November next, there to answer JOHN S. PHIL -1,11,F, et, al4 TriNteet, kc. 7 of a plea of trespasm on the r a s e, etc. And bare you then and there 'Una writ. the m there hi e OSWALD THOMPSON, Doctor of Laws. President of our said Court at Philadelphia, the 79th day of (Wolter, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and sixy -in2t T. O. WE1313, Pro Prothonotary. CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA ss. The Conanonwealth of Pennsylvania, to the Sheriff of (booty, greeting: We command yoo, Ile before we did, that you summon PHILIP :REAP, - late of your County, so that be be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our Court of Common Pieces for the City and County of Philadel phia, to' 1/0 holden at Pidiadelphik in and for the said City fuel County of l'hilvelelphia, the lira* MONDAY November next, there to answer CLEHENT S. PHIL LIPS, of a plea of breach of covenant. And have yon then and there this writ. whitens the Honorable OswAt.n THOMPSON, Doctor of Laws, President of our Raid Court at Philadelphia, the 19th day of October, in the year of oar Lord ono thou sand eight hundred and sixty one. oc2l-m2t T. 0. WEISS, Pro Prothonotary. Poshim4ter CITY AND COUNTY OF PIMA PELPHIA, The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to the Sheriff of Philadelphia County, greeting: We command you, as before we did, that you summon JAMES MCCLOSKJEY, late of your county, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our Court of Common Pleas for the city and county of Philadelphia, tv be holden at Philadelphia, in and L.. the said city and county of Philadelpha, the first Monday of November next, there to answer DANIEL WELLS, Assignee, &c., of a plea of breach of covenant. And have you then and there this writ. Witness the Honorable OSWALD TrtomrsoN, Doctor of Laws, President of our geld Court at Philadelphia, the Pilth day of October, in the year or Our Lord one thougand eight hundred and aixty•one. oe3l-ret T. 0. WEBB, Pro Prothonotary. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1861. CITY AND COUNTY OF PlMA multi:l, : The Commonwealth or Penns3 to the ShoillT of Philadelphia County, greeting: WD command you, a.: bcfore we did, that you summon JOHN DATESIIN, late of 3001 County. ED that bo be and appear before our Judge , at Philadelphia, at row Conti of Common Plea:: for the City and County of Philadelphia, 11l be holden at Philmielphin, in nod for the Find City and Counts - of Philadelphia, tho first ItIONDAY of November next, there to answer CHARLES RENE VEYRR, ke., of a plea of breach of covenant. And you ha% e then and there this writ. NV imer, the Honorable Oslo THOMPSON, Iha•tor Laws, President of our said Court at Philadelphia, the 3Otli day October, in the rear of our Lord one thousand tuukb,l3--eno netn-nOt T. O. WEBB, Pro WM . lionotftry. CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA DELPMA. KB.: The 4-... ..!'!4M , V11111i vi the ghsrifT yr COMM', : ♦4e rommand you, ax irefore we did, that you summon BETHEL!, late of your County, ro that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, rut nttt• Court of Common Pleas for the City loud County of Philadelphia, to be hoiden at Philadelphia. in and for tin- said l'ity anti Count)" of rhiluidelplam the first Dion• day of November• next, there to answer BEnonAH ANN RISLEY of a plea of Breech of Covenant. And have you then and there this writ. Witness the Honorably timr.ti.o Tnont•cax, ihueMr of Laws, President of our said Court at Pluil:ub•lphtpt, tltr I7th (1;0' Pt lktelrer in the !Mr of 'oar Lord ono ihonsaini eight litihdrad and aixt.r..ona. orff-root T. 0. WEBB, Pro Prothonotarr. 02Y AND COUNTY - OF PH1LA ,..../ DELIVIIIAi Rs.: The Commonwealth of Penhgylvanlit. to the Sheriff of Philadelphia County, greethm; We vonimantl you, as before we 01, that you summon IVILLIAM .1011 N BELL, late of your Comity, so that he be anti appear before cur Judges at Philadelphia, at our Court of Common Pleas, for the City and County of Philadelphia, to bit holden at Philadelphia, in anti for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first Monday of November next, there to answer lIEESE WALL VLOWEIi, Assignee, of a plea of lirvatth of Covenant. And have you then and there this writ. WitDVSS the honorable OSWALD TIMMI . SON, Doctor of Laws, President of onr said Court at Philadelphia, the 37th day of October in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-one. Dell-n:t Y. O. WEBB, Pro Prothonotary. CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA. DELPIIIA. ss.: The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania l to the Sheriff of Philadelphia County, greeting: 4 We command you, as; before lee did, that you gammon THOHAS E, WILL/A31,9, late of your County, to that be be mid appear before our .ledger at Philadelphia, at our District Court for the City and County of Phila delphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for the City and County of Philadelphia, the first I'dONDAY of No vember next, there to itIIEWVI . CHARLES F. LEX of a Idea of breach of covenant. And you have then there thin writ. Witnexs the Honorable Cgovoß SITAUSWIIOII, Doctor of LAWN, President of our said Court, at Philadelphia, the ISth of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one. oct!Foir2t F. A. TREGO, Pro Prothonotary. ITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA. C hS. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to the Sheriff of Philadelphia Comity, greeting: command you, as before we did, that you summon BERNARD BYRNE, lute of your county, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our Dis trict Court for the City" and County of Philatielphia, to - he holden at Philadelphia, in mid for the said City sad County of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of Novem ber next, there to answer SAMUEL S. PANCOAST, of a plea of breach of covenant. And have you then and. there this writ. Witness the Honorable GEOunE SitAnswoon, Doctor of Laws. President of our said Court at Philadelphia, the 3 t.h4lay of Qetober, in the year of our Lord, ono thou. sand tiglit hundred and sixty-one. 0c21.1n2t 1•. A. TREGO, Pro Prothonotary. CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA- The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to the Sheriff of Philadelphia County, greeting: WC command you ; as before on did, that you AMMAR JOHN GATCHELL, late of your county, so that he be and appear before our Judges •at Philadelphia, at our District Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, to beholden at Philadelphia, in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of Novem ber next, there to answer HORACE EVANS, Trustee, Ac., of a plea of hr, soh of covenant. And have you then and there this writ. AlT;lltesg. the EOM: SilArir7lPK/p, DOCIOT Or Laws, President of our Sala Court at Philadelphia, the Mt day of October, in the year of our Lord oue thou sand eight hundred awl sixty-one. oc2l-mat F. A. TREGO, Pro Prothonotary. ()ITT AND COUNTY OF PIMA -Li DELP.III4 7 The Uommonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of Captain J. C. c.\ .511, Recruiting Officer Philadelphia County, greeting: We command you, as before we did, that you summon GERM ASE or GARVIS IIicCANN, late of yonr county, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadel t plume, at our District Court fur the City and County of Philadelphia. to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for said City and countrof Philadelphia, the first MON. PAT of November next, there to :mincer CHARLES H. ABBOTT of a plea of breach of covenant . And have you then and there this writ. Witness the Honorable Glion“E SHARSWOOD, Doctor of Laws, President of our said Court, at Philadelphia, the fith day of October. in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and - oc2l,La2t F. A. TREGO,Pro Prothonotaky. CITY AND COUNTY OF PIMA VELPHIA, SS. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of County, greeting: - We command you, as before we did, that you summon L'AIVES DOLBY, late of your county. so that he be awl appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our District Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, to be holden al Philadelphia, in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first MONDAY of Novem ber next, then- to answer BENJAMIN DAVIS of a plea of trespass on the case, &c. And have you then and there this writ. Witness the Honorable GEORGE SHADS WOOD, Doctor of Laws, President of our said Court, at Philadelphia, the 17 It day of October, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eis , ,ltt hundrell and sixty—one. 0r9.1-nt2t r_ THECO, Pro Photlionotai.v. CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA ., • The CODIMOInt, • • of ‘•'•1 Me) Iv tkuuti Philadelphia t greeting: We command yon, as before we did, that you summon JOHN ADAM, late of your county, so that he be and appear before our Judea at Philadelphia, at our Dig. trict Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for the city and county of Philadelphia, the first Monday of November next, there to answer AARON ISAACS of a plea of breach of covenant_ And have you then there this writ. Witness, the Honorable Cannot: SLIARr;WOOD, Doctor of Laws, President of our said Court at Philadelphia, the 18th day 0 ()doper, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and oc2l-m2t F. A. THECA Pro Prothonotary. CITY AND COUNTY OP I P"'LLA° , • DELPHIA, se. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to the Sheriff of We command you, as before we Old, that you summon JOSIAH S. KAY, late of your County, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our District Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first lIIONDAYi of No vember next, there to answer JOSEPH D. REIN BOTH, Trustee, Sic. ' of a plea of breach of covenant. And have you then and there this writ. Witness the Honorable Gramme SuAnswoon, Doctor of Laws, Presidentof otir sail Court at Philadelphia, the 35th day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one. oc2l-in2t F. A. TREGO, Pro Prothonotary. NOTICE. -TO A. 11. SPANGLER, late of the County of Philadelphia. In obedience to an order of Publication to me directed, you ate hereby notified to lio and appear in tin , Court of Cointsioss Pleas for the City and Count,. of Philadelphini on the First MONDAY of December next, to show cause, if any you have, why your wife, FANNIE A. SPANG LER, should not be divorced from the bonds of matrimo ny entered into with you according to the prayer of her petition tiled iu said Court. WILLIAM H. KERN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Philadelphia, Oct. 15,1861. oc2l-mot NOTICE. -:-TO JAMES PUNEGAN, late of the County of Phiadelphia. In obedience to an order of Publication to me directed, you are hereby notified to be and appear in the Court of Common Pleas for the City and County of Philadelphia, on the First MONDAY of becember next, to show cause, if any you have, why your wife, MARY DONI:G2IN, should not be divorced from the bond of matrimony en tered into with you, according M the prayer of her peti tion filed in said Court NOTICE. -TO SUSANNAH HUNT, late of the. County of Philadelphia. In obedience to an order of Publication to me directed, you aro hereby notineii to be and appear in t h e Court of Common Pleas for the City and County of Philadelphia, on the Firer 'MONDAY of December nest, to show cause, if any you have, why your husband, JOHN HUNT, should nut be divorcod from the boucle of matrimony en tered into with you, according to the prayer of his peti tion filed in said Court. • EDWARD P. KELLY, FORMERLY one of the leading 'Tailors of the city, and principal of the firms of Kelly & Brother, Chestnut, above Se venth, MA Lukens, Kelly & Bro., 725 Chestnut, wiH resume the Tailoring Business at No. "1-1 SOUTI l TILER D Street, Oct. 22d, and will furnish clothes equal to his old reputation, at very moderate prices, for cash on delivery. oc2l-6t* OST—A Memoranda Book, contain ing a list of tickets sold for the Volunteer Refresh ment Committee. Being of no use to any person but the owner, the finder will confer a favor by leaving it at this office. 0c21.-301, AR TIMES—PRICES TO SUIT. khotvgropho for el, worth double Um money. Antbrotypes at all prices at REIMER'S GAL LERY, SECOND Street, above Green. 11* NIT E D STATES SANITARY COMMISSION.—The Sanitary Commission earn estly and confidently appeals to the community for con tributions of money to enable it to enlarge its operations, or, at least, to continuo them on their present rale, Under its prel:ent organization, every Camp and Mili tary hospital from the Potomac to the Missouri is syste matically visited and inspected. Deficiencies aro Oscar t iined, and, so far as possible, supplied. There has scarcely been at single company of Volunteers in the field wherein some serious neglect or abuse eudangeriog the 'width of the soldier has not been pointed out by ow Agent.: of the Commiggion, and remedied 4 mitigated- lii no case luive its services or advice been repulsed, or com plaint been made of its embarassing any °dicer in the discharge of his duty, or intefering with discipline in the smallest degree. We have occasion for most profound national thanks giving in the fact that our armies are passing through the most perilous season of the year, not only without do idrutdive but %Fah hardly a tenth part of the mortality from disease usual (aceordins . n to all experience) under the meat favorable conditions. It would be diffi cult to over-estimate the magnitude of the mischief wo had every reason to expert, but which seeing for the present averted. No bunion skill or sagacity could have averted it; but it seems neither arrogant nor unreason able to assert that the labors of the Sanitary Commission have contributed at least as much - ally mere human agency to this unhomi-for renal[. If so, what contri bution to its treasury is not already more than repaid .1 After confidential conference with the highest authori ties, the Commission feels bound to solicit with urgency a large and speedy increase of its pecuniary resources. DonatFink may be addressed to GEO. S. CON, Esq., Treasurer of the Central Executive Committee, Ameri can Exchange Bank, N. Y., or to GEO. T. STRONG, Treasurer of the Commission, 68 Wall street, Y. [ropy.] "The unitary Commission is doing a work of great hu manity, and of direct practical value to the nation in this time of its trial. It is entitled to the gratitude and the confidence of the people, and I trust it will be generously supported. There is no agency through which voluntary offerings of patriotism can be more effectively made. (Signed) "A. LINCOLN, "WINFIELD SCOTT. 414141 r d -on, September ti 0,11361.“ HIDES AND GOAT SKINS.—An in voice per schooner Seaman's Pride, from St. Berta, for sale by JAURETCHE & CARSTAIRS, 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. ocl-tr H m rstree li t. EN 1141411111 LEGAL. Philadelphia County greeting WILLIAM EL KERN, Sheriff. Sheriff'i Office, Philadelphia, Oct. 16, 1861. oc2l-ml[ WILLIAM IL KERN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Philadelphia, Oct. 15, 1801. octll-m-lt RETAIL DRY GOODS. E. & L. FOURTH - AND ARCH, FOURTH AND ARCH, FOURTH AND ARCH, FOURTH AND ARCH, Muir noir US AG fitkny of Good.; for FALL SILKS, FALL SHAWLS, FALL CLOTHS. FALL POPLINS, FALL DELAINES, FALL MERINOI;S, FALL DRESS GOODS, FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS GOODS AT WHOLESALE GOODS AT RETAIL. QyRING SK JETS-TEE LATEST STYLI:.—Just rePeiv,t.l the 11 , W Spring Skirt, of improved slinpe, in IS, 20, 2:i, springs, at reduced SHEPPARD, VATS HARLINGEN, A. ABRISON. ocl2-rptf 100 S CHESTNUT Strut. CUR T A IN - MATERIALS, GOLD BORDERED SHADES, F.'TC.—A Complete Assort ment of Lace and Muslin Curtaina, and Rich Curtain and Furniture Materials, Bordere I Shades, etc., all made and put up at Short Notice and at the mist reasonable rates. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, Sr ARRISON, oc2-tf 1003 CHESTNUT Street. ME RINO SHIRTS, DRAWERS, 11111 VESTS, ETC.—A Full Asaortment of Merino Goods of best make for Ladies, Gents, and Youth, atlaat senson's prices. SHEPPARD, VAN EARLINQX,N, & AREISON, oe2-tf 1006 CHESTNUT Street. CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. WINTER 'CLOAKS. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31A The Ladies are invited to examine our large assort ment or NOUVEAUTES before purchasing"eisewbere CARL PETERS de CO_ Southeast corner TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets MEMO pAnis CLOAKS FOR WINTER. OPENING ON THURS ,,.I:, DAY, INCLUDING ALL TILE LATEST NOVELTIES, PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET J. W. PROCTOR iSc CO. gocii-tf CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! WATER PROOF. CLOTH CLOAKS, in endless variety: LIGHT AND DARK CLOTH CLOAKS, of every shade •, BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS, of ev, , ey ttnalitY; BLACK SILK-VELVET CLOAKS, EVERY NEW .STYLE, EVERY NEW MATERIAL; THE LARGEST STOCK ANC THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES IN THE CITY IVENS, ocl6 - No, 20 South NINTH Street, C:0 A K S ! The Largest, Cheapest, and Best-assorted Stock in the city. . N EW CLOAK STORE! The most Elegant assortment in the city MHE ARCH-STREET CLOAK AND MANTILLA STORE. NEW FALL CLOAKS. WATER-PROOF TWEED CLOAKS _BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS, EVERY NOVELTY AT MODERATE PRICES. JACOB HORSFALL, stal-Elm N. r iff fit, - GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. a ENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING 'VI ODOM C. HENRY LOVE. • • 1. R'. CORNER FIFTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. A complete assortment of everything appertaining to the GENTLEMEN'S OUTFIT. SHIRTS, COLLARS, DRAWERS, HA.LE HOSE, GLOVES, STOCKS, SCAL{FS, TIES, &c, - PRICES EXTREMELY LOW FOR CASH ocm-mwrot FINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY.- J. W. SCOTT, - 814 CHESTNUT Street, a few doors below the 4, Continental." The attention of the Wholesale Heiden is invited to his IMPROVED ODT OF SHIRTS, of superior fit, make, and material, on bind and made to order at shortest notice. JeS-tf MILLINERY GOODS. C [TY BONNET STORE. SEASONABLE GOODS SEASONABLE PRICES• SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES Ladies' and Misses' Bonnets, Children's Turbans, Caps, dm, the best and most fashionable, and at the Iow• est prices. Bonnets made over, or bleached, and re. trimmed ; Millinery Goods in quantities to suit. BEA VER, FELT and PLUSH Goods for Children. - LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS, KENNEDY'S FRENCII FLOWERS, FEATHERS, AND GENERAL MILLINERY GOODS. No. 729 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW EIGHTH ocs-3th - MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS. ROstN.HEIm, BROOKS, & 481 MARKET STREET, Invite the attention of MERCHANTS AND MILLINERS To their well-assorted stock of RIBBONS, BONNET SILKS, VELVETS, FLOWERS, STRAW GOODS, and every other article in their line, A superior brand of BLACK VELVET RIBBONS sel3-2n Always on hand. MISS A. M MARCHE, FASH IONABLE DRESSMAKER, having returned to the city, slip Will De pleavd to BOP INT old customers, and the lading generally, at No. 21 South EDIWiII, above) Chestnut, Philadelphia. oels.P2t* TO FAMILIES RESIDING IN TILE We are prepared, as heretofore, to BIIPPIY famine" at their Country Reeideneee with every deeeription of FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, to., ad. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE OBEETS. tnylB SLATE MANTELS. These beautifully enamelled MANTELS, so de cidedly preferable to any others, are manufactured by ua, Bud BOW at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ARNOLD & WILSON, och-3mif No. 1010 CHESTNUT Street. THE BALTIMORE GAS-BURNING FIRE-PLACE HEATER. Sometimes called the " Latrqbe Stove," is the bed stove for warming the room in which it stands, and also roma above. Call and look at them. ARNOLD & WILSON, ocs-Smif No. 1010 CHESTNUT Street. es, FOR CAKE OR TRADE-Fruit, ...a6-Shade, and Ornamental Trees, at low rates. 40?-$( 4 € AA} - ID J. GRISCOM, Woodbury, N. J. ocl4-mat SHAMPOOING, HAIR CUTTING, AND DYEING done iu the best style at FOURTH oud BRANCh . ocl9-if tf CARD PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, bond Itl Oth, gilt Mgr, holding 12 l'Ortraitl. Price, 7 cents. 'UAW/ WIER it BROTHER, 0c1.5 728 CIIESTALIT Street. FALL. 1 8 0 1 • OPENING DAY THE 17Th OCTOBER HOUGH & CO., No. 25 Fount TENTH street, Oppoeito Frani:lin Market No. 29 South NINTH Street, First door above Chestnut NO. 70' CHESTNUT STREET GROCERIES. RURAL DISTRICTS NEW PUBLICATIONS JUST Pl - 111.1SIIED, MeII.I , 2I.L.VIZY AItMILs OF' The armies of Europe, voiopri,ing de,riptiona in do tail of tho militar) t•yntoins of England, I , ranoe, Austria, and Sardinia, iidantina , their adruil tages to all arias of the United State,. service, and em bodying the repot - I of obwryations in Enr01..., during the Crimean war, as Military Commissioner f runt the United Staten tiovrrninrid. in Itilir,.;in. 11l Crown: lt. .31rets.m.A.v, 'Major General United Staten Army. Illuatrattal with a tine steel portrait of the soda,, mid s....veral hundred ungravimrs. I vol., 8 vu. Price, 53.5 U. .1. B. LIPPINCIITT ,t; CO., 2.: and •.:4 North it lURTII Street. TIIE BOOK RESULTING FRO3I THE NATIONAL HYMN COMMITTEE." CEo. w. I•:I.I.IO'PT, No 39 'VbKER Struo, NEW YORK, I las ja,t "NATIONAI. How th , "3" ai. writt.•n Mid 1.(1 %V they Sire 11011VCRU•11 iticilAra) WiANT None of tLn,.n v.-vivo/1 too prize of 1 , .101.) otforod by the " A atiannl Irma Committee," Onto Volllllll', octavo, 1.10.4:111tly pri nfad 0:1 filar` I po ru.r, otthellishott•ots. Pricy, 11%trli.outt . 1) hvitittl lii $l. Tl,° Nl'Vor York Eyrress sityri, ii ~p. kin g of no, Zito_ rn ry eltrin,ity it It will contain soloctions front tha Alia limo the of the 1,200 contrilmtimn:. The will.St will i/011 1 .1 - lese be the mo,t entertaining. They will he given ver batim et literatiim in all thoir grammatical and rhetori cal ellulgenc3. Specimens of the music will also be ha-haled in this unique volume. It is to be r.littal by 'Richard Grant White, who wit Ono or the Conintitteo, and has furl:hilted nu poet}' (111 Nahanni II) innA. Tho most in , pninr of littrippran Darin/Int hymns arc atlitral to furnish a contrast with the ellorts or the patriotic muse iu Ameriea." Agents wmted for Philadelphia, and fur every import ant tone throthzhont the com,try. 0:7" Copies will be sent to an 3• prepaid, on re. of Otte Dvllar. As an impressirm prarails to some eNtent that therf , are to i.e two different books on the above subject, Mr. Elliott desires to say that such is net the case, Lot that he has an arrangement with 3lessrib Rudd & Carleton, the owners of the plates, by which he alone is to be litown, fora specified time. us pllbli,her. oeif FOREIGN READING ROOMS, FOR LADIES AND DENTLEMEN,I 132.3 CHESTNUT STREET, Corner of Juniper, below the U. S. Dna, FRENCH, GERMAN, and 'ENGLISH PERIODICALS For partivularo apply to H. LEYPOLDT, 0e10.19A Foreign 1100tt00110em,12.23 CIFFNTNUT. ROOKS, LAW AND lIIISCELLA NEOUS, new and old, bought, sold, and ex changed, at the PHILADELPHIA-BANK BOOK STORE, No. 419 CHESTNUT Street. Libraries et o distance 711040 having Books to soli, if at a atomic% will state Weir names, !Wil t bindings, dates, editions, prices, and oonaitiona. SLANTED—Books printed by Benjamin Franklin, as well as early. Books printed in and upon America. Autograph Lettere and Portraits purchased. Pamphlet Laws of Pennsylvania for sale. Catalogues, in press, sent free. Libraries ap praised by ffe2s-tfl JOHN CAMPBELL. MILITARY GOODS. WOOLLEN KNITTING YARNS FOR ARMY SOCKS. A large stock of three-thread blue-mixed WOOLLEN Y.2RN, or all runtrers, for pale at MlT:it Cil.6llpriceri at H. DUI-I - RING & Co., ocll-fnmOt.: 26 and 2S North "FOURTH Street A RMY CONTRACTORS AND SUTLERS SUPPLIED WITH BRUSHES at the lowest rates. Always on hand, a large stock of CAVALRY BRUSHES, Government standard; .WAGON BRUSHES, Government standard And every Description of Brushes required for the Army. KEMBLE & VAN HORN, 066-Sm'MARKET Street; Philadelphia. TENTS. 1,000 TENTS. READY MADE AND OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, For sale b 5 FROTHING-HAM & WELLS. arls.6tif ARMY WOOLLENS. WELLING, COFFIN, &- Co., 116 CHESTNUT STREET, Are prepared to deliver on contract 3-4 and 0-4 Dark and Sky Blue CLOTHS AND KERSEYS. seB-3m INDIGO BLUE KERSEYS. rivrl% - rr7 i"• 17T TT'GT a - ITY-7a And every 'variety of Goods adapted to Military Clothing. for sale at the lowest prices BEGIDIEDin Egurrul AT SHORT NOTICE. BENJ. L. BERRY, CLOTH HOUSE, 50 SOUTH SECOND STREET. oc-5,1m ARMY FLANNELS.A WELLING, COFFIN, & CO., 116 CHESTNUT STREET, Are prepared to make contracts, for imniediata delivery, of WHITE DOMET FLANNELS, AND ALL WOOL INDIGO BLUE FLANNELS, of Government standard. oc4-tf ANDREWS' ORIGINAL CAMP, OR, TRAVELLING BED TRUNK. (Patent applied for). For Male by W. A. ANDREWS, No. 612 CHESTNUT Street. COTTON DUCK, SUITABLE FOR TENTS, FOR SALE BY my22-iftf FROTHINGHAM % WELLS. CARPETINGS. 66 . A RCH-STREET CARPE T WAREHOUSE." OLDEN & RICKNER. NO. 5.32 ARCH STREET, Two doors Wow 1 4 ,7 NTH, Sonth side, fiftVe now in storo, o. SPLENDID STOCK of ENGLISH AND AMERIOAN CARPETING-S, which aro now offered at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, FOR CASH. ocl9-12t FINANCIAL. SEVEN AND THREE-TENTHS _ _ _ TREASURY NOTES. The undersigned are prepared to furnish, upon pay ment, the above Notes. DREXEL & Co., BANKERS, 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET. CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. --- • FALL 1861. BOYD & STROUD, No. 32 NORTH FOURTH STREET, NAVE NOW TIMM USUAL LARGE STOCK ON HAND, To which they invite the attention of CASH BUYERS. COAL. E DW. N. HALLOWELL, COAL DEALER, OFFICE, 133 'WALNUT St., below Second The beet Schuylkill, Lehigh, Ruhl Locust Mountain Coal constantly on halal. Orden by Dispatch receive prompt attention. ocl9-lm FAMILY COAL. W3I. C. SIUNN & BROTHER (lave constantly on hand a large supply of Spring and Buck litountalo, Lehigh, rind Locuat Mountatn and Ash land Schuylkill FAMILY COAL, all sizes, at prices to suit the times. Send your orders to Office,No. 222 WALNUT Street ; or to the Yard, corner of SANSOM and PRIME Streets. Entire satisfaction guarantied. oclT-Ini if STOVES AND RANGES. SILVER'S AIR-TIGHT GAS BURNER, FOR THE PARLOR, DINING ROOM, AND . OFFIQE,.__ And made in the most. approved manner, of the best imported Thumb' Iron, with PATENTED CLAY CYLIN DERS, of which we have tho exclusive sale. NORTH, CHASE, & NORTH. 012.26 t No, 200 North SECOND &root: NORTH, CHASE, & NORTH'S CELEBRATED COOKING STOVES, Gas consuming, with Double-plated Tops, and all the latest improvements. Manufactured and gold at 01246 t No. 20S North SECOND Street. 11 0 THOMSON'S CELEBItATED " ITCHE NEB," The best, most durable, uud convenient arrange ment for Cooking; having the best facilities for an abun dant supply of Ilot Water, Roasting, Raking, Stewing, Broiling, &e. For sale, in various sizes, of our own napdathire, NORTH, CHASE, k /41:01iTH, NP, ZS? North OBV.IZiD .street. 0124% - Philadelphia. WANTS. WANTED— A good Tin and Sheet.. iron Ivoihrr, w 1,9 und,ratailda and im willing to do jol.bilm. Con-taut %%mt. non' Imt Collllwroot haod4 WM. 1101% IN, GO•1111,111(01111. BOARDING. II - 111 ST. CLASS BOARDING, WIT II Simile and Communicating It.sana, No 1417 LO CUST .trot. oc2l-Im* . _ A FAMILY, 1.61 CHESTNUT Street, near Ninetst , rith. hitt• to ro u t fir. Kt' , 01..1 1i..1111, NWI itimni, t i parlit.4 With ['u.4ll refi•ti.l:lo,. A41.1n,... t.boirll,l, - ottics. P0A111)ING.-1esirai• rind 11 ; ,i141- bl in it kit of tit,: c ity, s u i t Is• 066tit..1 it sestet It. inn!, E , •5•1*"111 . 6 4 : eNrliallged. A. It. r," Pres. , 11the.,...21..tirx: O.A I{I).I.I.NG—MES. LEVELY RE B anaminces that her Ismio. No. 121(1 CIIINTIc 12V 4,fire muts•rintehtlenes, mot that tits efficient a•tdstancr. of Mr:. Saad:reit enables her still thrthar to promo( „ the com fort of her uts•-t.,. FOR SALE AND TO LET. ie FOR SALE—A desirable _House ittd[aro Itott:o 7 rooppc, with A 1.1.13 to JOH N L. Cr I. IN, Heston ville. itc FOR SALE AT A EAT SA. (31111'v—wig. or tun with all opi•lorli lilt prorrli•itt,.. Attiotl nu BEIINVN 1,..twp,.1i !'I. te•giti, au,l sb,to•ntitstro•ets. Apply to 1.1 - tiNii, 401 IC. TEsTir sr. $40 9 0001 aigti e l l' r e ! ntod..rn intr.rovettwtth , , atnl in .twry tow w',on't on 11w.I, Hill, at pri.•oa ranging f ruin !if , 2,5a1.l t., s:F , r,r ,, lu. Only a small plarchase-money re.nare:l; balance arranged to ::nit. Apply to N. 11. et: T. P. POTTS. Atrornev,t-at-Law, oel4-F.2t No. 617 SPIIINI: IIARDEN att, FOR SALE—A_ Silientlici antali -A:-FAE3I aerr-., tine tarn Fort Washineton, on the North P-tot , yleattia Good lotildho.fs., good eater, g•eilt vorint) of ethade and fruit trees. Bean int] location. 'fernts accotuntodatite_t. Apply on the pre.,11,..5. MOSES PIERCE.. oclB,Feinitit* TO LET-A THREE-STOKE e 11.,11 , ,, with a f14.,.,11 and cold wat.•r, mot all Ow Ap plynp the I. l,l .thi"s! 12:25 31.A.6:51.1ALL ucli•tr 1. OR SALE OR PART EXCHANGE. —A desirable FARM, CUL:Willing' 53 acres of land, situate 3 miles from Doylestown depot, 29 miles north of the city. Excellent improvements, nicely watered, fine fruits, &c. Possession can be given thil Apply to E. PETTIT, oelq. No. 309 WALNUT Street. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE.-A great number ofFax ms Country. places, with a few acres of ground : West Philadelphia and (k.rataatowa. properties, Jer., Sc. Apply to E. PETTIT, c,cP2 No. 209 WALNUT Street T O RENT—COAL YARD on west Bide of 15110A.D Street, first Trull above South St ll4- t. APIA) to J. SERGEANT PRICE, orlo-12t No. 8t ARCII Street. VOR SALE—Valuable Farth contain ing 130 acres; 30 acres of excellent Woodland, the balance in a high. state of cultivation, nicely watered with springs and running streams, situate 6 miles from Doylestow n depot, and 2X, mites front Lambertville sta tion and Delaware river, Bucks county. Plain awl sub stantial stone improvements; good ' out-buildings, and every variety of fruits. Price only .5.75 per acre; tow S. PETTIT, N'o, .60 WALNUT Strout, terms. Apply to self) NIAGARA FALLS WATER - POW ER.-CAPITALISTS AND MANUFACTII ItEI:S. This immense water power is now ready for int mediate occupation, together with one hundred acres of land, embracing one quarter of the village, on which to locate mills Rid illatilliaCtOriCS. The stipulations for price of power will be_ one half that at Lowell, Mass., and the quantity is almost un ' invited • Should the demand warrant it, the American Fall can easily be stopped and its great volume discharged through the bank below its present site, fur mill purposes, under a head and fall of 200 feet. • The title is perfect and the property unincumbered. For further information apply to N. W. Day or 1, P_ Floyd, Niagara Falls; Alexnarl.,r Hay, - No. 1204 Vine Street, Philadelphia;_ Hon. T. A. Jonckes, Providence, B. 1..; D. Thexter, 'Boston ; or the owner, HORACE 11. DAY, No. 91 Liberty street. NEW Yong., September 2,1561. se.l-Is-Frmlm WHEREAS, THE LINDELL HO TEL COMPANY by its Deed, dated the first day of December, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, and recorded in the Recorder's Office of St. Louis county, in Book No. 234, at Page 202, and also by its other deed, dated the said first day of December, 1859, recordsi in Book No. 230, Page 336, confirmatory of and supplemen tal to said fleet deed, did convey unto WILLIAM M. MORRISON, EDWARD BREDELL, and I'It_LNKLIN A. DICK, the following-described real estate, situated in Block No. 126, of the City of St. Louis, and described as follows: First, A Lot or parcel of land fronting two hundred and seventy-one feet on Washington avenue, by one hun dred and fiftyteet in depth, and bounded south by Wash ington avenue, east by Sixth street, north by the north line of the field lot confirmed to Joseph gaition, and known as ttrvey No. nog, and west by Seventh aFeet. /Second. A certain Lot or piece of ground, situate in said Block, containing about seventy feet, be the same more or hese, on Sixth street, by one hundred and thirty five feet deep nn Green street, be the same more or less; being Lot known and designated on the plat of the lota laid out and made an addition to the town of St. Louis, by William Christy, as Lot No. 37, bounded on the west by No. 38, as laid out by Clok4y, on the north by Green street, on the east by Sixth street, and on the eolith by the Lot herein first &Wilted ! Which said conveYancee were muds to said tuttuttiBON,BREDELL, and DION, in trust, to secure the payment of certain bonds therein described, amounting to four hittaired thousand dollars; being eight hundred bonds of 1178 hundred dollars earn eignrcenkituuren tiny-lime, ev 1. AM 1 • or bearer, with ten per cent. interest, payable semi-an nually from that date,- all payable at the Bank of Com merce, in New York;_ and wh,erecss, among other things, it wan provided in said Deeds that if the interest upon said bonds, or any part thereof,. 8140111 d become due and remain unpaid fOrthirty days afrer the maturity thereof, that then, by reason of such default, the said bonds shall forthwith become due and payable, notwithstanding said bonds may not appear on their fore to be due; and whereas, said LINDELL HOTEL COMPANY has, it is believed, negotiated, sold, and pledged six hundred and sixteen of said bondeounounting to three hundred and eight thousand dollars, upon air of which the semi.ano nual interest, becoming due-on the first day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty one, has been due for more than thirty days, and is still unpaid, althongh some or all of it has been demanded • • • • - Now, therefore, we, WILLI•AM 31. MORRISON, 'ED WARD BREDELL, end FRANKLIN A. DICK, Trus tees as aforesaid, at , the request of many of the indi viduals and corporations holding said bonds, and in ac cordance with the provisions of said Deeds, will, on filet wenty-second day of October, eighteen hun dred and sixty-one, and between the hours of eleven o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the east front door of the Court Rouse, in the CITY OF ST. LOClS,lllissouri, proceed to sell the above-described premises and property, for cash, at Pub. lie Vendue, to the highest bidder, in order to pay the holders of said bonds the amounts this thereon, and any amounts or charges that may be payable under the pro visions of said deeds, together with the expenses of the Trust. WM. M. MORRISON, EDWARD BREDELL, Trustees. se4.dtae22 FRANKLIN A. DICK, REMOVALS. REMOVAL. EVANS- & HASSALL, HAVE REMOVED. FROM 6.1 South FOURTH Street,. to. ARCII STREET, ocl9-bt BELOW FiFTII. - DR. DU 114WORET, DEN ., - TNT, has itEMOVED to 1,533 ARCH street. oclo-Im* REMOVAL. -The undersigned have removed their STEEL and CAST-STEEL BELL Warehouse from No. 520. to No. 421 COMMERCE Street, where they will' he pleased to son their friends and customers. NAYLOR, 4; CO. Ockohei.2 i 1841. 664-4£ INSURANCE COMPANIES. FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 406 CHESTNUT Streit FIRE AND INLAND INSCRLNOE. DIMOTORB. George W. Day of Dasy & Matlack. Samuel Wright........."-Wright Bros. & CO. D. B. Birney "-Davis & Birney. Henry Lewis, Jr ' , Lewis Bros. & Co. C. Richardson.. "-I. C. Howe & Co. Jno. 'W. Everman....... J. W. Everman & Co. Geo. A. West " West & Robes. E. R. Martin ......... " Savage, Martin, & Co. C. Wilson Davis. Attorney-at-law. E. D. Woodruff of Sibley, Molten, & Weeding Jno. Kessler, Jr.. No. 1713 Green street. GEORGE W. DAY, President. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vice-President WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. Jass.tres SAVING FUNDS. SAVINU FUND—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner THLBD and Oman- MIT Streets. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. S. R. CRAWFORD, President, JAMES K. HUNTER, Secretary and Treasurer. Office hours, from 10 until 3 o'clock. This company la not joined in any application to SIM Legislature. THE PHILADELPHIA PHYSICAL. INSTlTUTE.—Gymmisitun for ladies, gentlemen,. and children of every age, at N. E. corner NINTH and ARCH Streets, is now in full operation. Subscribers should commence with the cool weather, thus keeping up the strength and health gained by the summer ex sitPsiatia. Stilmeribere received every day. Prob. HAM— brand and Lewis' "Gymnast Cadets" will re-. mime their regular drills on TUESDAY AFTERNOON, at am o'clock. Boys who subscribe to the Cymnasium. have the privilege of joining this superior company free of charge. Instruction in Gymnastics, Calisthenics and. Fencing at all ]sours. 0c19.31* UNION ENVELOPES ! UNION ENVEIOPES UNION ENVELOPES! That will go through the Post Office. OVER 350 011crEKENT STYLES. Couutry Shopkeepers supplied • with Twenty-fir:;ur a At the VERY LOWEST DEICES. - . • - - - AT MAGEE'S UNION PAPER And FIIIYELOPE MAPA:CFACTORTf. No. 316 CIIISTNET STESET,, Corner of ilitiDSON Strekt. Corner of HUDSON' Strvet. REMEMBER, me, HENEIRBER. 311:CHESTNUT Street. ccl,o-3t pORTI..AND KEROSENE OIL. We are ava 'prepared to aupply STANDARD ILLUMINATING OIL AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Z. LOCKE & CO., SoLz AaErre, 1010 MARKET STREET, It2-01a Philadelphia. OLIVE OIL.-175 Baskets Fresh olive Oil just received per bark August, for sale by JAUBILTOFIE di OAV.STAXIO, 292 atul 8119 smut, FRONT Street. ea..t AMUSEMENTS. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF musw. COMPLIMENTARY BENEFITS TO B. 'ULLMAN, WEDNESDAY rind Tll CRSDA Ottolior MI and 24thi. THESE TWO PEHFOLKANCES will be Tut: ONLY ONES faith the arrival nt the new nrtiao in Jannarv, at moat of the.:, toe, in the country' leave early in Novoniher for liavona and Europe, to fulfil their engagements, whiny they have found it advkahle to accept in view or the die. (tithed mn,tp or the union. motissioN ONE DOLLAR TO ALL PARTS Till.: ACADEMY. Minh Tim gain of gosh+ for Engorrna Snag, tO the two perform:three will eimithirriei• Ikr(INDAIr. Octolrer 21;1, At thi• Box Otticn or ktort•, N... 6;31: 11,,,,tnut At t h e Cuu• 1L,t,•1. On thin Carl ivu the Family Girth: will hi, wilted with Pli,/illOl/. Nita Ih+1,011), awl ,•!eitr.l ‘‘ithoilt eNtra Aniphitheatru NI a !I . E.—liaise rit tlw stoeklial,lorn, personal frionhi, nsd patrons of the ()poen, who, from a view of givivhq rhrir Hill to the prrerut vuirrpririe, Lary ur wii buy. '1 tielmf4, to nitwit to oil hor of ton two perform von Way elivelis fur reserved seatn CIO cents each) at the Box (Alice of the Academy, TO THE PUTTER'. Since i hire 11101,1 tlllO . ll the management r.t . the Opera far tiii• 11,,v*t1”.tt t.. c..11 - 11eirlee, W. 4 1. has 1n .. .A.01z nut, which haA, Tuhti,Ul inernagoil tin , of that at all t into. , litliVlllt (enterprise, and, in the opinion of many, prerhale. even the po,:sibility of au attilapt; Yet lam determined to mak. this attempt, anal am confidant of beime ahle to falai lay ohligation.4, provided rriufe en covirogNitolt a ill Le held (lilt to fil,. 11111 now • tolivoly ongtwttot ill making' extensive thr rognlar soammt to Jantitry, wtitm 1id.1111.1 aPtLiA “rrirt; from ilitrope t anti from the Italia]) Opera Company tiow performing in Pllt - txiio With Max AL•trrtu•k. lty that limo itnine liattlai nni,t hove orcorrod, ant the pultlic mind fool more in eliood oojoy rational amusement,' titan during the next, eAriting montlot. t i , ito 11:10o , 11 , 101111111,1 tr. giv ,, two FIN tbrilialiCCA IlroCe(tili or tom, will be 44.tho,ty-ea ~ittylirg lilt lite• %%later 0,110011. I ant happy to state that, 111/111 pre,ent ;.ppe,irinceit, nkY appeal nil! nn-et with an eutlnt•instic ,Stockhonlers, the tiee.t fashiowilple Cnnniliev, $Olll . of het ripi,.t influential clubs, the great laxly or prot,io•i of mush•, and the entire press, without A SieZ,Le exceptinn_ have osolpgi in , o f tip'il' hefll•t;l•it c.)-oNnition, and 1111111111 y 14116Idlltilll proof' of their kindly in. tektiidiA. I appeal now to the great public, who owe t.) tn.) the hati,faction of having' heard Sontag..Piccolinini, Angri, Lagrange, I:azzailitra, Adelina Patti, Labord , , Fi/rNI3B, Thall.l . lg, 111•Iiri Vi , llXtelllll,, and 11 nintdcal celebrities, and to whoa! I hart , given Hitt 001-11111 d. t cwtacfra ut a "Juice,” the It Ylnd/Urta” the "11111411(.110,,, " Coierosity and liberality Rini; one of the leading trait' of the national character, and 1 have no 1141111 A tlitit I nieet with extol 'ire ..rapport, if not in arknottlAg. meat 01 how and faithful to the 1..1.1 moral eliPilitg of the itrwril ritr lilt rr'lltra ptuthlCe ill the liutith mid -Europe. On WEDNESDAY, October 234, ILL HALLO IN IIIASCIiKIt.I. The great of last winter. ;MSS CLARA LOUISA KELLOGG, Ofer first a1.11.11 . 1.21Ce Lu Llu• _teat riff,. of Nolotiff.) MISS HINKLEY, MAU, STRAK967fi, siumin umusou, SINNOR On Tlf CESILA. r, October 2.-10 i, TWO NEW OPI:RAS. the fir.t time given in Plilla.lelphia. BETLY, 11Y BONO:ETU With I!INKI,EY and Sigllnrs E awl fir/- BIN], and the Charming Petite Opera l'uluarite, ci a J,ES Nofl.› DE JEANETTE, Now the raw, to PliTiP. The lending rile Ly 31 NS lIELLOOO, WITH OTHER ENTERTAINMENTA N. 13,--On this evening both Nisi Hinkley mei Signor SA iquuli will ninlie llaeir let appenninre in Wawa. , 1,3A , 1ng Ate. 41.1.1 Lo Europe, atul MisN iiinlzky one iii iravana. NVHE ATLEY'S CONTINENTAL THEATRE-WALNUT STREET, ABOVE NIGHTII Elegealla ThE TEDIrEZ , Ti 0/1, THE EsOLLISTED IdLALID WWI Hti 114 NC , frrlf, IHrt IVVridurftii Mnchinery, correct and benutdul Co.ltummo and Itau dall's great ,il`lll., TIM ABODE of ARIEL in O§ Enchanted Forest, being pcmiticely the LASI:lartT Bt - T FIVE ni thin wonderful Ind; of art. To commence with the Military Pr of NAPOLEON; Or, THE EMPEROR AND THE WA_LNUT.STREET THEATRE NINTH and WALNUT Street% MRS. M. A. GARRETT3O2f Bole Lei ee THIS (MONDAY) I , OrENING, October ,21. I.epr, , duroi, I'llOllP - eV and ”riginal of .11LACE1 E ly Borhies. • TV I:Wit:111A, With the gt,•111Cills111,, 1,111 itit`ki ZEMBITA nue Es-50, 37,11, 75, and 25 cents ; Privata Bozza, $5 awls, Doore open at 7 q Performance to commenco at MRS. JOHN DREIPS ARCII-STREET THEATRE. Acting and Stage Manager W. S. FREI:MUM' Busineas Agent and Treasurer.. ..... JOB. D. Muspay THIS (MONDAT) EVENING, October 21, Will be presented, firer lime this ,e 3.011, the cel,brrorNi Comedi• of TIII.: J I: tLOUS WIFE B[rs, flakley Ifr,Solib Drew Mr. Oakley 11r. Showciii Major oii ley Mr. Julia Gilbert The pertormance will 4:011Chlile with an Extrarapuza entitled MAZEPP k Dieaoypa Mr. Frani: Draw. Pater 75, SO, 27x, nut eeota. No extra charge for reserved mats. A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS, corner of TENTH and CIIESTNUT Streets. WA MIPS IT &lA ONE IV }:EK LirMe.F.R. EVERY NIGHT, and Wednesday and SatnrJnyat teruoons. A. W. Fr.N.,x, . LerturNr. Aihnitnitcp, 4 22i eq.; Children, 15 eta. rwra epee at. 7; con tttt ,nee at a quarter to A. 0,41-5t4 CIERMANIA ORCHESTRA. benefit of the COOPER-SHOP REFRESHMENT COMMITTEE, Will take place en SATURDAY, Oet. 26th. at 3,3,4 o'clock P, M. 4 at the MCNICAF, FUND HAIL, Package of. Eight Tickets, Si: Single 'Tickets, 25 cts. To be had at Andtoha, 1104 Chestnut great, and Beek & Lawton's, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the door of tha Hall. 0(.2.1 tf T IIE PRESTIDIGIT ATE UR. The - magnificent Jewelry, Gold Crown. Merl Decorating, Medulg,lc,i invented to HERMANN By foreign 3fottarchs awl Potentates will he exhibited at CALDWELL & 522 CHESTNUT Street, on the day of hia first appearance at the &mien. y Musk— : WEDNESDAY, Octsber 30th. And the superb Shawl given him by the Queen of Spain at EVANS & CO.';', SIS CIFJEMi CT Street, on the eAtn,tln oe-2.1-tf TEMPLE OF WONDERS, N. E. comer of TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. SIGNOR BLITZ wilt appear at the above place. in Ids new and extraordinary entertainments, on ItION DAY, Oct. 21st, and EVERY EVENING, commencing at 7;4, and WEDNESDAY and SATURD.'M AFTER NOONS, at 3—consisting of Changes, Transmutations, Substitutions, Secret Manipulations, Ocular Deceptions, and Necromantic Illusions, and astonishing powers of Ventriloiruim, eyi•rr Tiwiety of voi , c. Mao, the Learned Canary Birds. Admission, 25 cents; &it dren, 13 cents. oclo-Im* - - MAGIC LANTERN PICTURES OF THE REBELLlON—Representing all the promi nent Scenes, Engagements, .and Incidents to this date. For sale by JAMES W. QUEEN & CO.. 924 CLIEST2F9Z7T Street. A Desiciptbee List fttenished gratis and. sent by free, on application. EtelB-fin pENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF TIIE FINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT Street, open daily, Sundays excepted, from 9 A. M. till 6 P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children tinder twelve yew* half price. Shares of Stock. 9,30. iYI SABES6 epLILLIE'S - SAFE DEPOT RE MOVED to No. 21• South SEVENTH Street, nest Franklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for pest femora, and Wadi determined to merit 'futon padre/tam has SOttlred IR elegant and convenient store, and- has now on has t a large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought awl Chilled Iron Fire and- -Burglar Proof Safes, (the only strictly fire and burglarproof safessnade.) Also, WWI Unequalled Bank Vault,'Safe, and Bank Locks. Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Looks will be furnish.' to order on short notice. This is-the strongest, best pro. tented, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention. is- called to Little's New Cabinet Bare, for Plato, JOW01:Ii dm This MO is %%- celled to surpass In. style.nint , elegance anything yat 01• fared for this purpose, and is the-only one that is aridly Are and burglar proof,. SPECIAL liortmt..—l hove now on hand say twenty of Farrel, Herring, & Om's Safes t moat of them nearly new, and some forty of otherniakers, comprising a complain assortment sup to sizes, and all lately exchanged for the now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at lin low 'prices. Please call and examine. ja2s-lrlf SL C. SADLER, Agent. A FOR. BARBADOES.—The fast.. Brig THOMAS WALTER will sail in a few 'lays for the ataivt. port. For passe ao only, apply to the Captain, on board, at MEAD-ALLEY WHARF, or to JAUBETCHE t CARSTAIRS, nlB 402 awl: '204 iiitaith FRONT Street. -k % NOTICE TO SHIPPERS OF FREIGHT. TO WASHINOT(IN..I),,C.. J ERICSSON LINE TO BALTIMORE, AND. 17Rt)31 THENCE BY RAIL. ROAD TO WASH INOTON. On and after this date all freights for 'Washington by this route will .he requiem' Se be prepaid thromth, and no package will , be reeniwal unlces marked with name on i lideohmilon lIBRIGHTS ALI, EINDa received and forwardedulaily. A. GROVES, Jr., Agent, No. 34 South WHARVES is eEt FOR NEW YORK. NEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware and Raritan Canal. niladelpbi4 likid Now York Express Steamboat Ooo• pany receive freight, and Isere daily at 3 P. hi., doling . - lug their eargoesin. Now York the following days. Freights taken at reasonable rates. WM. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. Yl SO47TH WHARVES, Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Agent, stil-tt Piers 14 and 15 EAST RIVER, New Tort. PHILADELMIA AND WASHINGTON EXPDEBB MAX BOAT COMPANT. New line direst for Alexandria, Washington, and Georgetown. Through in 38 hours. Otestuer FBILADELPRIA, Cantaip THOEI. RAND, St.eaposer JEROME, Capti44,JOCROME, Will leave Pioladelphia every WEIINZSDAY and els TURDAY, at 12 o'clock M., cow:acting with all hail those ports. and returning, leave Washington, aeoTS town. and Menandtia every TUESDAY and BA.T VAT, for Philadelphia. W. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 sours WiI.A.BITES, Blaisdell** MORGAN BiIIiNNIIART, Agents, iyst.trt Foot of 0 street, Washington. w r it FOE lsiRW YORK, Th. Pltibu Steam Propeller Company will commence their business for the mason ca Monday, 18th instant. Their ',Mamma are now receiving freliht at &mood Pier above Walnut stmt. Term accommeSathig. Apply to W. M. BM2D & 00., 424 South Delaware Avenee' D RAIN PIPE-STEAM-PRESSED STONEWARE DRAIN PIPE. PRICE LIST. 2-inch bore, per yord, $ 44 lit 4 I II if 6 II 41 44 7 tt « " . . ILI aa 6 * tl u 110 It 9 . 125 tt 10 1.4 150 " 32 6, 44 41 040 41 A liberal discount allowed to Dealers, and to those or. dering in large quantities. FACTOIII. - -SlGliEliTli and Germantown road. S, A. HAlt,u,itstm, oclo-tt RarelxonK 1019 oWritrgrn EOM E. 11,DIA.N Miss CaroUm , Riching4 Mr. Peter Melting:: . Mr 4 0.11F1.1i 25 cents 30 11 ... 40 ~, 50 " 65 44