FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. TEE MONEY MARKET. PHILADELPHIA, October 12, 1501. Philadelphia. city sixes were firm at the srocK hoard to -day, selling at 833 i for the old issue, and 91 for the new. Camden and Amboy Railroad shares were steady at 113; Pennsylvania Railroad shares advanced to 40, a gain of 7, and the first mortgage bonds sold at 91. Read ing Railroad shares were a fraction better, selling at 184' to 18 44-100. The money market presents no new lei tures. Good paper is readily placed at comparative': low rates of in terest, and the universal mistrust which has so long ope rated as a clog to business of this character is gradually -wearing away. 'tie aro ili rtsrefipt ed . G.eynne Daub Note -Reporter for October 32, and of Peterson's Counterfeit Detector for October 35, with deeeriptions of the last 'new counterfeits and the usual valuable information for the counting-house and the store counter. The Baltimore and Ohio Railway Company arc busy Cnnstructinz the material for iron bridees in the place of the 1.93 the rvb,i- Book to Cumberland. It is sometimes stated that the Government will repair the road. The Government, .Lowever, win merely give the military protection neces sary to the reconstruction of the line, The company -will do the work and foot the. bills, and manage it as they do the Washington branch. The rebellion has 1.014 the company several millions of dollars, and its managers are, no doubt, sick of their se cession sentiments, and ready to yield to the Government the benefits to he derived from the repair and equjipment of tl, road, the Lest means of communication between the national capital and our forces in Western Virginia, and the West. The Baltimore Clipper says that if the Government will authorize it, there can easily Le men enough raised in Maryland to guard tin• whole tine from Harper's Ferry to Cumberland, and bid defi ance to the guerrillas of 'Virginia. The New• York Evening Post, speaking of stocks and money matters in that city to-day, ways: The week doses without any abatement of the swat lative feeling which bet in about ten dare einee. The lull in the market yesterday is foliowea great anima tion twiny, every department of the lira Phowing large advance. The transactions in the railroad shares are ou au enormous ceale, and the absorbing capacity of the market fully equals the most excited day of the up card movement of last fell. There is n strong demand for Government sixes, and few are to be bed below 94. Immediately after the arri- Nal of the Alfa yesterday, a fresh inquiry sprung np, and -this, together with other indications, would Boom to sh o w -that orders for considerable amounts on London account are in market. Compared with the prices of last Satunlay, there is a rise of 3 per cent. in New York Central; 3 per cent. in Erie ; . 1 1,11" par emir. ih llie.leon firer 1„V per cent. in Harlem; '3,.y per cent. in Harlem preferred; 4 per cent. in Michigan Central; 4 per cont. in Michigan Southern; 634 per cont. in Michigan Southern guarautied; A' per cent. in Galena and Chicago; 4% per cent. in t7lereland and Toledo; 1,,V per cent. in 4.lticamo and Rock Inland : 1 per cent. in Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy; 1. 1 / 2 " per cent. in Pacific : 1 per cent. in nelniCare and ilndson; 13i per cent. in Missouri 6a; 13i per cent. in Virginia 6s; 1% per cent. in Government 6s. The salea of the New York Central were very large, at 7835®78;,', Etie 313, iindlum 28}a.37, Hd4l m 11, Michigan Central 473 i, blichigan Southern 1834 019, do. guarantied 39X elk% Galena 7107.15, Toledo 384,ta37, Bock Island 49. Money is in active demand to-day at 6 per cent., which is the ruling raw on call. The assistant treasurerof this port has been authorized, try the Secretary of the Treasury, to eeeeiee tivo-yeas per cent. Treasury lades in exchange, at par, for the 7.30 notes, from any individual or corporation who may ile- Sire to profit by the conversion. This announcement of course, advance the price of the 2-year notes to 'within a fraction of par , and establishes the credit of the CITITIIII ton I'M trona' footing, as the various is. of Federal Wads, which have so. 10114 tided at a large discount, are sterdily rising, without bringing out a free supply. The following is a comparative statement of the im ports of foreign dry goods at the port of New York, for the week ending October 10, 1801, and since January 1: FOR THE WEEK. 1859. - Entered at the r0rt....51,518,450 $1,256,198 $313,519 Thrown on market.... 1,451,420 1,232,496 525,696 SINCE JANI - ARY 'Entered at the pert ..504,076,417 $86,340,114 $37,467,522 Thrown on market.. 04,998,687 86,839,213 37,023,513 The quantity of coal sent by railroad this week. IS 11..y.£1' 11 1 lry 20,1% j for the week, 54,100 la, ogainst ra,l'aT tons for the corresponding week last year. The trade solos up this week and for the season, com pared with last year, as follows .11 4 .60. PWEEK, TOTAL.! WEEK. TOTAL 'P. &R.R. E. '40,209 1,575,087 25,5581,229,707345,530 &buy' Canal.: 35,4381,086,620 29,173 878,676207,744 Ir. 'Val. R. R.., 14,257 611,024 k 15,518 612,276; 1,253 Lehigh Canal..: 31,334 500,650, 26,345 740,25015,391 §crantou S'th. 15,361 641,021 /0,91 T; 055,714 14,773 Do. North: 7,121 180,798; 4,918 188,999 7,793 Pa. Coal C 0... 23,005' 5:2,332 21,404! 494,874457,408 Del. & CO.. 19,059 3613'; 24,413; 672,670 . 211257 yoming S'th! 284,893 179,358112,313 Do. worth: , 40,500 i I 40,9611 455 Broad Top 4.149 145.810, 9.2. , -)11 199,946; 53,3 36 9,1 A 147',240 6,871' 186,821' 19,581 • 70,726 i 33,629.135,097 Bh. Mt. H. T.. , Idykens :19;960 6,677,1197,1.79,003 17.9,033 0,114,051 ii i 14,957; 562,94'A The loss this week in the trade is not so great as It was last week., but it is all, and more too, from Schuylkill county. The Chicago Tribune, of October 12, says: The day has been a dull one at the banks, most of them not haying enough paper offered to employ their means in hand. Money ter all legitimate purposes continues abundant. and opportunities to speculate and make large awaits are by no means plenty. For the great public, Lowerer, such a state of thins is healthy, and fur the permanent caPitaiias tilefilleittla it It Mao &tirade. It is a well-established principle in finance, :is in every de partment of political economy, that no one class of the community can prosper permanently at the expense of another. The Boston Poe./ of this morning says : The banks gainva $332,01.a) yesterday, am! slow hol.i unerc epode then they did when the National loan Wag grog announced. The bankers are offering more for prime outside bills, but the general demand is slack. We quote the very best drawn bills at 106;4 to 1a.% There have been sales at both prices to-day, but at the done the market is HA N, full. Both demand and supply are limited. The in creased firmness is probably tempeeari, and accidental, in view of the trade-figures of the day. The best bank ers' is quoted at 107 X to 187 X in New York. Hero the highest settling price is 1013. Philadelphia Stack Exchange Sales, October 12, 1861. lizroarsa DT S. L SLATliessit, Philadelphia Exchange FIRST BOARD 91 91 91 83% 1300 City 6s New 1000 do 400 do 0000 do RR.. 200 do KS 835 i 2000 (10 Ctiiipon,.. 11 12 Camden & Am 11113 2000 Fifth &SixtbSt 7s 90 BETWEE 2 Alinehill R 48 5 d0...........48 20 do 2 dys 48 8 do 48 20 Camden & Am 1t.115 10 do.. 113 10 do 113 1 8000 'Penni& R 14 mort.94 1000 do do 94 SECOND 1000 Fenno 55 76.'4 7 Norristown 1 ... 45 6000 Penna Coup 55.55 80 4000 do . 4 80 3 23 & 3d R ..... s 5 443 i 25 Penns R.sswn:tin 40 9 do 40 ,, ,; 5 do 40!. 11 do.. 40;,; 500 Reading Bs 1843.. 88 500 do 18.10.. 88 300 City 6e New 91 100 do New. ... —9l 400 do 53% 2000 d0...........83% 3000 do 83% 1 500 N Penna. Sa 8e an 884 1000 Lehigh Nay 6g...100 ICES—FIRM. CLOSING I" ; Bid. Ask. Thila tia tnt off. 83K 84 inns es 83 84 Phila Oa Iltn: 81 Perna be 76:3i 76,4 Beading B 18% 18% Beading Bda '7O 79% 80 /Pdg M 66'80'43 87s 88.4: Bead M '86.. 7034 71% Perna B 40 1 / 2 4036 Path& B2d m 82'n 81% ifforria CI Con.. 35 36 Barris CI Pref.lo3X 304 Beh Nay 64'82.. 63% 64 Bch Nay Imp 6a .. 75 Bch Nay Stock... Bch Bay Prof... .. 12 Spruce & Pine.. 7,1 4 : 8 Green & Coates 133 14 10heatrint d Wal 25 30 New York Stock .7000 US 6,3'81 Em.. 93 -4000 L 8 68,'81, Cp... 93% 700017 8 55'65 573 . 6000 do 87./.1 - 500017 S se, '74, Cp.. 82% - .9000 do 82% 5000 Treas 12 p e ii.. 101 .8750 Trees 6 p c, 2 y. 9934 1000 Ohio St 6s, '60.. 89.?; '2OOO d0.......-..90 1000111 Coup I, %1.. 92k 5000 N Carolina 6e.. 60% 9.5000 Missouri 68 4314 5000 d 0.......... 43% 64000 d 0.... ...... 43% 5000 do 530 43% 1000 Hltin St 8 p 80 1000 N Y Cen 92 5000 N Y C bds '70..100% 7000 Erin 4th m bd... 73 5000 do 73% 1000 Mich So Ist in 2 1 )00 Vie lek 82 2000 Mich So s F Ds. 18% 4000 Chi ik N S F. al 6000 L E A W 2din... 40 1000 Harlem It 2d m. 92 300 D Clev & T S S I'd 76 25 Bk of New York.. 88% 25 MSPehaiste l Bank_ 92 50 Batik of America —lOO 5 Hanover Bank... . 70 20 American Ex Bk.. 84% 40 do 84 50 Pacific M S Co s3O. 9134 100 49 02% 100 do 1130 92% 110 do N Y Cen e:3O 78 125 do 78% 100 do 1,10 7837 100 do -:643 78% 1150 do 70% 900 do 1110 78% SOW do 78% 50 do 810 78% 200 do 1,10 78% 50 do 318 78% WO Erie 31 300 d 0... • 31% 200 do 31% 50 do 1115315 100 do 1,30 31% 150 do .1.30 31% 150 do 31% FQ do 1.10 31 . 4. 50 do alO 31% 100 do elo 31% 118 Erie E P. Presl... 48% 20 Harlem B 11% 400 do 12 470 C B & Quin E.... 64 10 Bel I. n 70 rhimdelphia Markets. The Fleur market is dull, and prices are unchanged i !ha sales are husstly t- supply the treaty of from S 6 -40 to 415.62% for good brands superfine, $5.62%, m 6.25 for extra and extra family, and 86.5007.50 for fancy brands, According to quality. Rye Flour is in demand at SION eV:76 ifr bbi. Corn Meal is in request; 1,000 bbls Ream'. sold at $2.7502.80 ir WHILLT—Thi , aric4 is dull, and pricer have deciinesl tottc bus; the sales are 'very large, comprising 23,000 Inns good and prime Penna. and Western red at 123 m 125 c, in store end afloat; 1,000 bus good white at 133 c, and 6,000 bttf gond Kentucky at 137 c. Rye comes for ward very slowly, and sells, on arrival, at 65c 19 bus. Corn is scarce and wanted, with tales et 1,090 bas at 82c, And 1,00 bus at 630 1 which is an fltiettnee. Ont 4 are unchanged, with sides of 4,000 bus at 34c tor South. ern. Barley - 1s steady at 76c. 57,8159A13,812 65,125, 4,926 6,114,5 4 Mor C pref 10 do 55.103,4 200 Schnyl Nnc 6;'32 637 4 ' 3 lifinebill R 49 5 do ..... —_ _ 48 3500 Lehigh gav ;109 500 do.. 100 BOARDS. 2 Penna R 40 14 do . 40 50 do.. -19 60 49nretl ...... 41 WOO do Ist mort... 91 1000 do 2d mort... 83 10 141 or 4.1 prel.sswn.lo3g 2 do. ....... ....103% BOARV Bid. Ask. R Pref. 9 10 Elmira 7e '73... 55 .. Long Island R. A y 10 Leh CI & Nay.. 4936 50 Leh Cl & N Serp 32X 33 N Penne R..... 5 536 N Penne R 60.. .. 51 N Penne R 10e. .. Catawiesa Pref. 476 5 Prk.l3 & Bona .. 38 24 &34 ets R. 3. 44g 4i Bece&Viue eteli 3 .. 1V Phila It d5l .. change—Oct. 12. 60 Hudson Riv R. 37 50 do l 37 , ' 50 do .ll 030 36,1 150 do 580 118% 50 do 36% 50 do 36% 50 do s3O 36% 56 Harlem 11 Pr0f...9 300 do 60 - 29 1 300 do b3O 29% 666 do 96 100 do ... . . ....s3 29% 200 Reading It . 37 300 do 36% 50 do 1,60 37 100 do a6O 36X 28 NAIL. Jeesey IL ...114 21 NJ Cenß 113 100 Mich Cen IL ..blO 4734 70 do 47% 100 do -00 47% 50 do 47% 50 do 47N 50 do 1)30 4T% 100 lliich S & N I R.. 18 100 do 18% 80 do 18% 300 do 18% 300 do 1854 800 do 19 200 do b3O 19 50 Mich S&N I G s6O. 39 75 do • :'9 50 do WO 393; 550 do ' lox 2.00 do sl.O 30% 150 111 Cent Scrip..... 0031 100 do 66% 50 do e6O 66 25 Clev C & C R.— 98 150 Gal & Chicago.b3o 71 100 do ...... ....a6 71 150 do . 71 50 do 830 7034 1600 Clay & Toledo... ?7 ,, 300 do 3 ' 7 - 500 do s3O 37 X 700 do b30. 2 ..7 400 do 560 36X 1.100 da ili 1200 do 630 IT 50 Clii &It I 1t.... KW 4834 550 do 49 50 do 49!‘ 200 do 491, 09 do all/ 453 i 50 do Fl3O 49 100 do s3O 49 100 410 trls 49 100 do b3O 49 . V 200 do b6O 48% 59 do 810 411 1100 016 v & Pith U.... 11 OCTOISR 12—Evening Beat.-Ist No. 1 Quercitron is 'ruin and held at si7 qr ton. COTTON.—Prices are very firm, and the market ie tut changed. Gaucciaas ANP TI;OTISIONS.—Thero is very little doing in either, mid prim: ara unelianard. ' SEEDS.—There is very little linvi.riteed earning' in. and it commands $5 hue. Flaxseed is in demand at $1.45 ttio butt. is not so active, and me 413 , gallon lower ; sales of 100 Idols (thin at 21%e; 50 do, in choice pkgs, at 22e.; and drudge at 21c 4P ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS LIP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Chestnut and Ninth Streets. 11 T Blow, St Louis J A Weiston ,t: w, N Y Thos E COrlirati, York, Pa Col Owen D E Small, York, Pa E Blanchard, Bellefonte,Pa Geo R Taylor, Wheeling,Va Jos O'Hara, Pittsburg John Sharp, Pittsburg Win Clark, Pittsburg. B 7. Clarke, California L B Kay, Lexington. Ky James Forester,New York ThosCrooks ' Quiney Miss Hayes., Deaware C A Wilson, Maryland T Hosing, Wash, 11 C J E Maynadier, Boston 0 Bayard A, w, New York Br 011 Hendry, N J » it net,.. Vin , ; W II Tallman& w, Chicago Com S C Rowan, I. S A II K List, Wheeling, Va Jlt Montgomery, Pa Col R Coulter, Greensborg WII Bent, Massachusetts Rat Coff, England Mr Hunting. Maas Jls Ii (linings, Baltimore Tilos Telfair, New York Frank Miller, Warsaw N I Dl L laringstou, Jr. N I Mr Harrison A: Is, N Y J A Manama, New York E Johnson, Boston S Standish, Boston J Frederick, Boston A Stunwood, Boston W F Davis, Boston John C Mason, Baltimore W3l Paddock, New Jersey Wm T Ladd, New York Sand A Walsh, New York Luke B French, Ohio Wm C Maddock, New York Win Keyser, Baltimore S B Payson, Boston Illis, , Payson, ltooton Geo A Shaw, Boston Geo M Latium ; Beath= Wm Church, Meadville . Win SlOan & wf, New York Arthur W Fletcher, Wasletn D II Weed', New Jersey Mrs Il Ii Follett, Boston Miss Child, Boston C Winslow, Boston Geo 1' French, Boston I C Denier, Washington C W swirl, Pounkeeroda JII Wahtee, Poitga.,,psie P G Jewett, Poughkeepsie S E Spaulding, Boston Chas 111 Wood, Boston A S. Copeman, Utica Dr C S De Gran, New York A.l Brown ' New York C Canterbury, Boston 11 .1 Sargent, Boston G E Hedge, Plymouth Mai J J Dimock, New York A S Jolts & wife : - E. It Mason, Boston B. Bordrn .t lady, Mass A Wetherill, Wash, D C T F Cordis, Boston 11 F Vail, New York E Dresser, Boston C 'Howlett, Wash, I) C .T flossier, Georgetown, D C R Corbin, Wash, D C H D Hall, Boston V 11 Brown, Boston Lient J M. Nichols, N Y II C Burgess F E. Wilton, New York J B Payne, Jr, Kentucky B Gomez, New York - C Finer Son, Boston E Emereon, Boston A Blaisdell, Boston S Somerlt , Boston C Wendell, Wash, D C Mr Kellogg, Wind), D C Capt J II Wardwell; Va W Richardson, New York F Grimbe, Ohio T I' Humphrey ..t w, N I C It Gregory & w, N J J N Green, N I J 0 Watkins, New York it D Harrison, Ohio RH Allen, Ntw York Robert Kernohan, Ohio - lion S M Lawrence, 'l' Copt W It tcyoai, tj it; A. L C Hopkins, Cincinnati, 0 Hon T Jones Yorke, NJ - Thos .1 Yorke, Jr, N J If Burgess A Phillips A sic, Montreal IV 1' Palmer, New York Sand C Roberts, Norristown Geo N Corson, Norristown I) W Corwin, Cincinnati, 0 E Douglas, New York S W Queer, Brooklyn Dr Cochran, Brooklyn l'aac Honig, Baltimore John Byers, New York Edwin Clement, Portland Win Moore, Utah Jac Hill, London Mrs Stearn@ A child, N Y N T Greene, Rhode Island SII .Tones, New York Jas McEly ' Jr, New York A Wooten, Delaware II G Faut,Waahington,l) C E Wolff, New York Mad Del Marniol, Cuba W S Wood, Washington Isaac 0 Barns, Boston J D Baldwin, Mass II In Bearer, Mains G A Mitchell D C Woods, Baltimore De J Hall, Baltimore C P Lewis & la, Boston E Height, Paris - Dr S A Etchison, Maryland R C Stevens, Maryland F E Foster, Ohio Dr Geo Burr, Binghamton 3' V Painter & wf, Ohio Lt 'I B Whitney Ada,Phila Mrs A V Painter, Phila Miss Clara Enos, Phila A Potter, New York G II Boggs, New York AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut at.. above Firth. D Stewart, Pennsylvania WIII II Guthrie, Pendia T. P PollllSyhAllia \V R. lienderSoll, Pellll.ll. C Marshall, Fitchburg, Mass IV Heywood, Fitehtint? B Snow, Jr, Fitchburg A P Kimball, Fitchhurr , Walliwc, Fitchburg C Mark - 7 Lebanon II F Cadley, Brooklyn E Free], Brooklyn Arthur O'Brien, Brooklyn II D Ball &by (70norctient Miss Annette Hall, Conn Miss Mary Hall, Conn (apt S H Jenkiva. Delaware M W Wooils,Massachusetts II A Brown, Massachusetts Diouf Thos 11 'Riley, N Y S 11 Slack, IT S N D Sharp, Vermont PC. nfent , WAtingion V Itainsburg:;(i'l-nrgetown It .1 - Duncan, New York Win Smythe, Cleveland, 0 Alex II Warner, Ohio Geo II Spahr, Virginia E A Crossman, Newark. N ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. T A 'Rim% New York Jas Miles, New York B Fullerton J Brown, Jr, Pa S P Foster, New Jersey W B Rosenbaum, N Jersey A K Hay, Jr, New Jersey E E Ewing, Elkton, Md A Reitlinger, PhiLatta Mlfer, New York II S Downes, New 'York C E Pfeifer, New York W McGray, Conn J 0 Hopkins, Jersey City Mde Montufar, New York S Davis, Baltimore Alex thirr, tattimore N P eitzpatrick, Wash, D C J B Wilson, New York J Anderson, Philadelphia A Weber, New York A Winter, Virginia 311 Nichols, Salem, Mans F Muller, New York E Henry, Alexandria, Va Capt J Bradley, Scranton J A ?deb:night, D C C Clark, Baltimore Wilkimmu, Baltimore J W Newell, II S A MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth etreet, below Arch & H Gardner, Pittsburg John Jenkins, Pa J It Hayes, Lock Haven 11 T Galbreath, Ohio It H Duncan, Pennsylvania F W Hazlewood, Boston S II Smith, Philadelphia Jas Haley, Pennsylvania C Roby, Massachusetts lr L Huhn:her, Pa :NE E Flanagan, California E N Callan, Wash, D C Mrs 1' Callan & child S3l Hamill, New eraey A Grove, York, Pa Jas McCreary & la, Pa G Harrington, Maryland A Thirkield, Ohio T Hazzard, MonotgathelaCy JAI F Scott, Pnlaski, Pa F. Ilytas, Pulaski, Pa David Ripley, Newark, N J IV Barker 5: Atf, Pitt - Minn IV Cheater, Philadelphia J H Eyster, Chumberaburg CS B Schwartz, Pa Jl' Kohler ' White Hall N Patterson, Ohio Chas Hoeeel, New York N It Whipple, It H H Roberts, Rhode Island W A Braman, R I E Tandegriff John S Furst, Pa JlMorris, New York 0 W tees, Harrisburg Xcliim, Barrishnrg Lieut T L Case, Barrieg W Teninliti, Harrisburg M G Einstein. Harrisburg J McClung, Wheeling, Vu W P Sraright, Pa 1) T Beim, Nenpart, Pa J 'Ernest, Orangeville, 0 A C Brainard, Orangev ' 0 C Bankee, New York A P McCombs, Maryland E C Enunerson, Illinois THE UNION—Arch greet. above Third. SR Bonewitz Ohio Jacob Everhart. Ohio 'W Heron, Ohio Nrs Hard, lingoratown Bliss R Meredith,. Md Mrs Grover, Pa 3 G Dtcllride, Zanesville T G leisher, New York T II nonstop, Ohio John Newcomer, Jr. Pa BI F Caswell W Schick, Ohio Dr Nitta.. N L Wolin, Ohio UNITED STATES HOTEL-Eleventh and Market Ste. %V Schell, Penna Wm C. McFadden ' llarrisbg II C eaver, Penna John W Corot MBoward, Boston J A Sheaff, North East, Md Jet C Beggs, Now York C Boltr,hooTor, Carlisle M Whiting, N Jersey J H Hallam Ohio Cleo F Baughman, Lanc co A Spicer, Lancaster co Joe Martin, Maryland W 31 Fuller, Port Carbon G Gaines, Baltimore A M White, Williamsport J Martin, Williamsport Jos James, Williamsport T S Harrisbr• John Ryan, Penna B Willett, St Louis Jacob Powell. Altoona S 3h.lllsoa , Plll,burg Jas O'Brien, Pittsburg W Wilson, Perna W C Smith, Pottsville J Brady, Mt Joy, Pa Win Brady ' Mt Joy, Pa A H Webster, P II Seibert, Norristown D Smith, Norristown STATES UNION HOTEL—Market, above Sixth. C lI Carden, Petra JBliki Kline, 3.l.a.clette, Pe. H Sultzbach, Marietta, Pa Win Williams, New Jersey Thos Dale, Cumberland co J Y Dale, Cumberland co S A Highland, Ohio W Lewis, Detroit, Mich Wm Shimp, Lewistown Jac) J Cochran ti an, Lane P Martin, Lancaster llobt Dickey, W Chester C M Robinson, Fairfield Lewis Pu s ey, Chester, Pa Jit P Carter. Indiana, Pa Chas Keenan, Now York John W Crispin, Parma J 11 Pownall, Lancaster co W T Haughay, Lancaster T S Morrison, Coatesville Then It rockier, Patina Mark - Leary Ashland 11 llill, Cincinnati, 0 T E Watt, Pittsburg J H Thompson, Penna A C Buchanan, Wash, D C COMMERCIAL MOTEL-BMh Meet above Oheetnnt, II Walling, Chester co, Pa M S Conk, Chung. co C J Arthur, Montgomery co S M Murphy; York co, Pa It Chalfant, Columbia, Pa (I E Newlin, Chester co F P Chamberlin, Lewisburg E W Rawn, Lewisburg, Pa W IS Cobb, Boston J Hutchinson, Now York F A Allen, Woot i Chesler A P McComhs,Maryland V 11 Wagner, Portennin W it Wagner, Reading E J Week, Phrenixvillo E Porter, llorri,l;urg NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street. above Third Geo Byers, Selinsgrove J Reichart sn. Allentown J V Barber Hifflinsburs Capt C Bookwood, Va Vi' C liendersou, Pa John Wilson, isiew York Joel Ritter, Reading Sand T Johnston, Harriabg Jos 'Winter, Penna Chas II Vonte, Sell! Haven AV M Stellwagen, Pottsville 'V It Metzger, Allentown J D Dillinger, Allentown MOUNT VERNON HOTEL----Ficcond et..ab. Arch. C Bay, Maine It Ross, Harrisburg A B Everett, Salem, N J B W Hudson B Meadow B F Barret', Baltimore T Clancoy, Hudson, York A W Mathews, Equhtunk R Knight, Equinunk W Harding, Chester co, Pa Mrs Harding, Chester co Mina A Herding, Chester co T H Gilbert, New York B Janney, Pannsylvania John Beggs, PR It J G Beggs, New Mexico BLACK BEAB—Third street. above Callowhill. '1 Willard, Pennsylvania J Willard, Pennsylvania C Roads & la, Pennsylvania S W Lapp, New Britton J Hill, Eariville W G Hawkins, Pittsburg J F Miller A fn, Pah& XV J Lusk, Loelt Bann C Meal, New Jersey C Miles, Fox Chase II Wonderlieh, remit W Ruppert, Byberry .1 Tomlinson, Byberry BALD EAGLE—Ttard street, above eallowhill. A T poster, Bethlehem D Ii Dngh, Cataianqua A Hie'lmam Allentown P German, Snyder co, Pa 6 H Stecher, Hununelstown T S Leisenring, Prima 8 F Whitaker, Deposit, N Y E Roder, Philadelphia II Drawnthol, Washington REVERE HOUSE—Third street, Mow; Rua (1 AV Eves, klillvike, Pa J II Shunk, Lebanon Jeremiah Bogor, Penna MARINE INTELLIGENCE. lIET' BEE FOURTIi PAGE ARRIVED Bark Saone, Wood, 8 days from Boston, in ballast to captain. Brig Caroline A. White, White, 24 dap; from Btack River, into. with loomed, te, to D N Wetwlar At Co. 'Weed to J E Bailey. Left hark Charlotte, of Balti more, loading for Europe. Brig Experiment, hence, wan loading for New York. The hark R H Knight nailed from KinOton, Jam, Bth ult, for Trinidad, (Cuba,) to load for Europe. . . Sehr Mail, Kelly, 4 days from Providence, with mdse to Crowell & Conine. Schr George Falco, Nickerson, 4 days from Provi dence, with mdse to Crowell Lt Schr Ann Pickerel!, Eisen 2 days from Cannon's Ferry, Del, with lumber to J W Bacon. Schr 31 Farday, Hooper, 3 days from Salisbury, 31d, with lumlnr tc J W RIM; , (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES. Del.. Oct 12 The schr Thomas Jefferson, from Washington, went to sea this morning, in company with a fleet of colliers, for Eastern ports. The brig Ceres, (Danish„) from Rio 1:1L Jllllrira, for oritoPA, ennui in the Ilteakwater last Pro. Mini, which she Jeceirell this looming, and is now going out, bound to New York. The saw Maryland, from Alexandria. Va, for Dorchester, Mass, came to harbor last evening, in distress, with loss of galley and leaking; .got repaired, :mil proccoded early this morning for ilefitination, The brine Loans% for a nod in Cuba, Doily, Larch, three schooners for the West Indies, aud a fleet of colliers, are now going out. Wind SW. Yours, &c. A. MARSHALL. NOTICE TO MARINERS iiOUTII AMERICA, COAST Of Bll.t/IL—RC COZein9 Lied on Santa ll,gattga, Al,Mh.a /a/amts.—Omelet inturma lion has been received at this odic., that the Secretary of Stole fur the Marine Dept! (mit at Rio de ittneire haft given notice that a light i:; eNltibit,d front a light house recently erected on the island of Banta Barbara, em of the Abrolhos islands, on the c0a..4. of Brazil. The light it a revolving white light ; attaining its greatest brilliancy every mimetic. It is placed at an elevation of 189 feet above the mean level of the sea, and should be seen in clear weather at a distance of 17 miles. The illuminating apparatus is dioptric or by lenses of the first order. The tower, which is cireular and surrounded by a steuds on the higla,t part ur the island. Ii is built of iron, 51 feet high, and surmounted by a bronze lantern. The position of the eastern summit of the island is— Latitude, 17 deg 57 min 42 sec s., Longitude, 38 " 41 30 " Wept of Greenwich. Revolving Light on. Ponta ava 11 - Also, that A light in tunbibitod train a lightii&use recently erected On Ponta dos Naufraguilusy on the, southern bar of St. Catharine. The light is a reroTring white light, attaining its greatest brilliancy every thirty seconds. It is placed at an ele% anon of 149 feet above the menu level of the wet., sad ellueld be seen in clear weather at a distance of 18 nales. Tho illuinioatiti2 apparatus is dioptric or by tomes of the second ()Hot. Tho tower is circular, and its position is given in— I, atitude, 27 deg 40 tnin S. and Longitude. 48 w 42 37 see West of 4reenwieli. By order, THORNTON A. JRNNINS, Secretary. Treacury Department, Office L. It Board, Washington City. Sept_ 27, 1881. SPECIAL NOTICES. ONE-PRICE CLOTIHNO, ON THE LATEST STYLES, Ulnae in the Bert Manner, ex pregsly for RETAIL , LOWP'T gAltig Prices marked In Plata Figures. Al] OMAR Made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our OXE-PRICE SYSTEM it strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. re 22-17 70NE3 & CO., 804 MARKET Stmt. BATCHKLOR 4 B FAIR. DYE.—This oele- WORLD. Ail others are mere imitations of this Oreat Original, which has gained such extensive Patronage in all parte of the globe. The genuine W. A. BATCHE LOR'S LIQUID UAlli DYE INSTANTLY producea a splendid Black or natural Drown, v.-101mA R taloinr, the Skin or injuring the Hair, and will remedy the ill effects of bad Dyes, invigorating the Hair for life. Bold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by FAILNESTOCK & CO, and DYOTT phi. mtil4f MARRIED WOOD—SMITII.—On the 10th instant, by Friends' ceremony, henry Wood, of this city, to Mary, daughter of Pr. George Smith, of Delaware county. IfOOPES—FORD.—On the evening of the 10th inst. t by hey. Phillips Brooks, A. W. Hoopes to Clara M., daughter of Win. Ford, all of this city. iK - f the 10th instant, at Saratoga Springs, N. Y by lice. Joins Woodbridge, Rev. An drew Cattier, dill° Philadelphia Annual Conference of the M. E. Church, to Miss Enuna L. Hail, of Saratoga SprinFs. lIIERRITT—ISMONT.—On the 17th of April hut, by Rev. John Cr. Mllion, V. D. M., Mr. John A. Merritt to Misr Dle,,, ,, irte Lemont, both of this city. ceOY—IJOOTEN.—On the Bth ini:tant, by Rev. J. R. Dlerrill, Mr. John McCoy to Miss Barbara Rooten, both of Philadelphia. DrNAGIIY—PATTERSON.—On the nth of Joxotary lost, by WY. Wm. 0, Johnstone, Mr. Andrew DnnatrhY to Misa Margaret Patterson. I)1 GOUR—SMITH.--On the 25th of June last, by the Rev. R. A. Carden, Mr. Ambrose T. De Gour to Miss Hannah B. Smith, both of this city. DIED ; 110131 F .S.—On Friday, the 11th 'natant, Alfred C. Holmes, son of Edmund A. Holmes, in the 24th year of his age. Funeral from the residenceof Mr. M. W. Haines, No. 263 South Fifteenth elrftt, this (Monday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. ALlttpttilit.—On 'Friday evening, the 11th instant, Abraham Alhurger,in the Tath year of his ago. The relatives anti friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his residence, No. 735 Callowhill street, on Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, Without further notice. Furneral to proceed to the German Reformed Church, Race street, below Fourth street. ** CADBURY.—On Sixth-day, the 11th inatant, Mary Ann, eldest daughter 41 . Joel and Caroline W. Cadbury. Her friends, and those of the family, are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, without further notice, from her father's residence, No. 252 Franklin street, this (Illoraltil ) afternoon, at 3 o'elodk. BLADE - N.—On the 12th instant, Louisa Simpson, only daughter of Elizabeth S. and Washington L. Ma den, aged 4 mentin MORRlii.—Stultienly, on the 11th instant, Annie, daughter of Edward K. and Kate Morris, in the 7th year of her age, Funeral from the residence of her parents, Columbia avenue, above Sixth street, this (Monday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. McELWIIE.—On fhe Mb intent, kary McElwee, daneltter of John and Mary McElwee, aged 1 year and 11 nandlis. Funeral from the residence of her parents, northeast corner of Thirteenth and Carpenter streMs, this Mon day ) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. tk iIAKVEY.—On the 11th instant„ John Harvey, Sr., hi fie- b&I year of Ida age.- Funeral from his late residence, No. MO North Second street, this (Monday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. I'IEINEMANN.—On the 11th instant, Doris Eliza beth, wife of L. G. Heinemann, aged 35 years, Funeral from No. 130 North Sixth street, between Cherry and Race, this (Monday) morning, at 9 o'clock.* McOLAV.—On The 11th instant, Andrew J. McClay, aged 25 years and 13 days. Funeral from the residence of his mother, Na. 3 ave nue, in Franklin street, below Buttonwood, on Tuesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. FRICR " .—On the 11th instant, Lieutenant William E. Frick, in the 2.7 d year of his age. Funeral hem hi g late residence, Ne. 716 North Third street, to-day, (Monday,) at 12 o'clock M. 111cLEOP.Oit the 11th inst., Sarah McLeod, daugh ter of the late Malcolm McLeod. Funeral from her late residence, No. 615 St. John Street, this (Monday) morning, at 11 o'clock. tK TAYLOR. On the 11th instant, Laura, oldest daugh ter of Aaron li. and Martha A. Taylor, aged 5 years. Funeral from the residence of her parents, No. 220 Melon street, this (Monday) morning, at 9 o'clock. * WILLIAMS.—On the oth instant, IL C. Williams, in the 61st year of his age. Funeral froth his son's residence, No. 1813 North Fourth street, this (Monday) morning, at 9 o'Clock. LACK REPS ANGLAIS, ONLY 25 B Black Reps Auglsis, 25 cts. Do. do. Imperial, 25 cts. Do. do. Atlidais, 4.4 wide, 27% eta. Do. All wool Velour Reps, Si. - Do. do. do. Ottomans, in. Do. Radzamer Silks, beat quality made. Poult de Suie, do do. Do. Gros Grain Silks, all qualities. Do. Dress Gonda of every dogrription. BESSON & SON'S Niouruing Store, oell No. MS CHESTNUT Street ra. ECLECTIC MEDICAL COLLEGE. RACE STREET, BELOW FlFTH—Thirteenth Annual Sesvion. Organized 1848, and received a full Charter from the Legislature of Pennsylvania, Feb. 23, 1853. Trustees Joseph St flsltefi 3y,, Proiiielit; W. G. Dagaman, Eat., vice president; Harman Baugh, Etu., treasurer; W. G. Culver, Esq., secretary ; Rev. John McClintock, LL. D., J. D. Braynard, Jonas Bow man, 'James McClintock, C. F. Falwell, William Paine. Faculty of Medicine: E. G. Dalton, M. D., Professor of Physiology; James McClintock, M. D., Professor of the Institutes and Practice of Surgery William Paine, M. D., Professor of the 'theory and Practice of Medicine and Pathology ; C. Stockton Gaunt, Professor of Materia Medico, Therapeutics, Medical Botany, and Pharmacy; James McClintock, M. D., Professor of Anatomy, Gene ral, and Microscopic ; William Paine, M. D., Professor of the Medical Properties and Uses of Concentrated Eclectic Medicines; C. Stocktoi Giitint, M 1 3, 1 PrgeMr of Chemistry, Toxicology, anti Medical Jurisprudence; Benjamin F. Paine, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics, and Diseases of Women and Children ; W. B. Jones, M. D., Demonstrator and Teacher of Practical Surgery and Anatomy; Cyrus R. Morgan, Janitor; W. Paine, M. D., Dean. Fees to the entire course' 569. Worthy but poor youhA high eon hove the benefit or the beneficiary. The College holds two full Sessions each year. 'the Fall and 'Winter Session is about commencing. The present num ber of matriculants is larger than that of any other Me dical College in the city, and, with the exception of one, larger then that of all the rest. Students wishing to at tend the Collet e must call on . . W. PAINE, M. D. Dean, No. 931 ARCH &root Professors PAINE and MCCLINTOCK hold a free Medical and Surgical Clinic at the College every WED NESDAY, from 2to 3 P. M., and Prof. PAINE giros a free Medical Lecture to Ladies and Gentlemen every WEDNESDAY EVENING, at 8 o'clock. ocl4.M* THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE UNION BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION will be held on TUESDAY EVENING next, the 15th instant, at 7% o'clock, at their Itoonis, northwest corner of SEVENTH end SANSOM Streets, second story. Con tributors are respectfully invited to be present. SAMUEL H. PERKINS, President. JOHN U. ATWOOD; Secretary. ocl4-2t PENNSYLVANIA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY.—The stated MEETING and DIS PLAY, for October, will be held at CONCERT HALL, on TUESDAY - EVENING next, 15th instant, at 8 o'clock OLI4 -2t OrFRANKLIN INSTITUTE.-LECTURES. —The Course of Lectures before the Institute milt commence on MONDAY EVENING, 15th instant, at 7 o'clock, and be continued on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Evatiimoa fur twenty wucka. The first course of ten weeks will consist of : "Monday Evening—On Chemistry, by Professor B. II Band. Wednesday Evening—On Ethnology, by Professor II Hartshorne. Friday Evening—On Mechanics, by Professor J. F Frazer. The arrangements for the second will be published in due time. Each member, on paying his Annual Contribution, and each Life Member, will receive a season ticket for himself and a lady ; he will also receive season tickets for his children, wards, and apprentices under 21 years of age, on the payment of $1 for each minor. TERMS or MumnEnsme.—Annnal contribution, $3; Lifo Members, $25, with the additional charge of $1 the first year for a certificate of membership; Stock Members pay $2 per year ;- price of Stock, $lO per share. Gentlemen wishing to become members will please ap ply at the Hall of the Inatitrate t in tiEVENTH Street, above Cheatnat. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Actuary. OCTOBER 9, 1861. ocll-6t MECHANICS' BANK. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 7,1861. . _ at General Meeting of the Stocknolders of thin Bank will be hold on TUESDAY, November 6th, at 12 o'clock 111. The Annual Election for Directors will be held on MONDAY, November 18th, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 31'. 31. J. WIEGAND, Jr., ocB-wtm triolB Cashier. rf f , " SOUTHWARK BANK, Octoler 4, 1861 . . The Annual Election for Directors will Le held at the Banking Douse on MONDAY, the 18th day of Novem ber next, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock D. M. A General Mooting of the Stealth°Mora will ha held at the same place on TUESDAY, the sth day of November next, at 12 o'clock M. ocs-mwftnolB F. P. STEEL, Cashier. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK. -PIIII.IIW.LPILIA, October I,lB6l.—The annual Fiecajun for Director, will be held at the Banking Rome, on MONDAY, the 18th day of November next, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock P. M., and on TUESDAY, the sth day of November next, a general meeting of the Stockholder, will be held at the Banking Rouse at 4 o'clock P. M., agreeably to the Charter. orfAtnla W. RUSHTON, Jr.; Cashier. crr PHILADELPHIA BANK, r1111.11)ELPIIIA, October 5,1861. The Annual Election for Directors will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY, the 18th tiny of November next, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. A General - Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the same place on TUESDAY, the sth day of November next, at 12 o'clock M. oc7-mwftnos B. B. COMEGYS, Cashier. Tr KENSINGTON BANK, rim A, Oct?lker 5, 1139, widnio . lioll on TUESDAY, November 5, 1861, at 12 o'clock noon. oc7-mwttnos An Election for Direetnra will lie held at the Banking House on MONDAY, t h e 18th day of November next, between the holm of 9 A. DI. and 3 Y. DI. oeidnltuola C. T. YERKEg, Citubior. OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, PIIII.ADCI.I9IIA October 7, 1861. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of Five Dollars per share for the last six mouths, which Rill tie paid lb tbo fltooltliolde% & their legal reke4Oii tatirt.o on end after the 17th I'o4ool ocB 101* A. C. L. Cintwronn, secretary. Dcrs THE ARMY COMMITTEE' OF THE Young Men's Christian Association would ear nestly call attention to the feet that very urgent se quests have been mails by the chaplains of our Penn. sylvania Volunteers for moral and religious reading mat ter—Tracts, Hymn Books, &c. The Association would gladly furnish these at once, but cannot, for went of the necessary means. It appeals, therefore, to the Christian public of our city for imme diate aid in this matter. Donations for this purpose (which will be dulyacknow ledge(' in the public papers) may be left with any of the following gentlemen: • Hon. JAMES roLLOCIC, U. S. Mint. . GEORGE 11. STUART, 13 Bank Street. GEORGE S. POT, Merchants' Exchange. WM. G. ( - ROWELL, 510 Walnut street At the reams of the Association, 1000 CHESTNUT Street, or with the Treasurer. PETER B. SIMONS, SANSOM-STREET HALL BUILDINGS. ocs smwlm THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY. OCTOBER 14. 1861. A. W. HARRISON, Rec. Secretary UAL MEETING} of the Young Men'e Indltute, held 'Mg named gentlemen' were e Board of Trustees: INathan Ell6oll, William L. Ran. 11,:njamln Rowland, Jr. th.ll as follows: vtoP: rato.slDENT. Asa Whitney. orAT THE ANN Contributors to the nn the 7th inst., the follow r•leeted to fill vaenncieg in th Tomb I'. Jones, ThononA 8. Steuart, Morrig, 'llll, Board is now CollBiiilt ITESIDENT William Welsh. nEAsuitEit S. Morris With.. R'illiam P. ICti Jar Riadle, .1011T1 F 11711131111, Samuel Y. IHi crick, Jolla M. tigtlPn, Jacob P..hinrs, Tlitaniii: S. Stewart. Philip M. PI hp, JIVIIICS It. Whutham, Henry E. Tatham, By order of the Board ocl2-2t if* WILLI THE COOPER SHOP VOLUNMER REYBESIIIItENT COMMITTEE, 4trif.Oo' (tole Church) Street, below Washington iv:miner—toil triloitions of Money and Provision+. Sli ce: , 0;4, 4 ,, ,te., • . . . , • ' . , tilted below, or communications wlAt; lia:A,n3Werf4l by the' committee, sending to al! part 94 the. city for the contri. buttons generously bestowed, 2t a public in general are rarticularly invited to Ttgt the :union. COMMITTEE 109 112.c1 : AVING (lOSPrntIIt•ZIANL William M. c' q. Front:below Pine street. V. Ft t, No. 122 Queen street, Adam M. Simpson, No. 9 QtWeii street. lit. Moult, No, no catharinP. strict. Arthur S. Simpson, Sectional Dry Pock, Christian- Strtet wharf. Henry W. Pearce, No. 812 B. Front street. J.No. 310 Reed. street. Captain A. V. Cain, No. 117 Beck place. Hiram H. Webb, No. 1226 Ithiyamensing avenue. William It. Dennis, No. 28 Smith Wharves. 'L. It. M. hobby, No. 222 German street. Fitzpatrick & Handy, S.W. cor. Queen and Swanson streets. Hubert H. Itnneley, No. 212 Dark orto. Samuel Nickels, No. 1009 Otsego rtreet. Ceorge N. Frick, No. 141 N. Front street. Tomas Smith, President of Bank of North America. John B. Myers, No. 232 Market street. N 1 M. Struthers, firm J. Struthers 41; Son, No. 10 24 Market rtrret. Ebert C, Jayne, No, 242 Chestnut street S. Had, Corn Exchange Bank. V. A. Drexel, No. 31. S. Third street. Edward Levering, No. 115 S. Front street. B. Frank Palmer, President of the Sons of New Eng land, No. 7009 Chestnut street. J. E. Stevens, proprietor of the Continental Hotel. C. F. Jones, do. do. Sullender k Pascal, No 8 S. Sixth street. Win. Sprole, N 0.121 Wharton street. oellsmw-3t JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE. —The General Introductory to the Course of Lectures mill be delivered by Professor BI.CLIE on MONDAY, October 14, at i )4 P. 31. The Regular Lec tures will begin the day after at 10 A, 111, oe9-51 ROBLEY DUNGLISON, Dean. MILITARY NOTICES. LIGHT CAVA_LRY-COL. R. "BUTLER PRICE.—A few more MEN WANT ED. Pay, Rations, &c., from enrolment, equipments, and go into camp, near Darby, immediately. Good clionce for competent men, for non-commissioned officers. Headquarters 106 South SIXTH Street, "Peo ple's Hotel." Captain, JOSEPH ARCHAMRAULT. First Lieutenant, FRANK EVANS. oel4-3t* Second Lieutenant, JAMES M. COX. U. S. MARINES...—Wanted immen diately for the U. S. Marine Corps, 300 able-bodied men, for sea and land service; also, a few competent drummers and fifers. All information that may be required will be given at the Rendezvous, 311 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia. . _ . 6611 2t RECRUITS WANTED, to fill up a Company attached to a Regiment now in active ser vice on the Potomac. Pay and Rations commence on enrolment, and Recruits sent to camp. Apply at Rend,z-vone, 140. lOU South SI XIII areet. Good chances for Sergeants and Corporals. RICHARD ELLIS, Captain, oc4-121* Co. D, Second Regiment Penna. R. Vol. xCOL. R. BUTLER PRICE'S - SECOND PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY-- ,Active, able-bodied yomig men wanted, to go hay camp immediately, near this city. Pay and rations commence immediately. Recruiting Office in Govern ment Building, next to Custom House, in CLIESTNUT Street, below Fifth. Captain C.. MIDDLETON, First Lieut. A. Y. SLOAN, nclo-Ctik Second Lieut. FRANK DicOLOSKEY. •I N K ., U. S. ARMY-WANTED IM MEDIATELY, for the SIXTH REGIMENT. U. S. CAVALRY, REGULAR SERVICE, a few more able-bodied men, between the ages of twenty one Hanky -live. Pity ranges from al to sila per month, according to the rank of the soldier. Ench man will be furnished with a good horse am! equipments, am ple clothing and subsistence. Quarters, fuel, and medical attendance free of charge. The pay of each soldier com mences as soon as lie is enlisted. Ay an act lately Tamed , the term of enlistment is changed from five to THREE YEARS, and every eclat& who serves that time is entitled to $lOO BOUNTY from the Government. Attention is drawn to the fact that the Government has wisely commenced to promote soldiers from the ranks. Advancement is, therefore, open to a ll . Vor farther particulars, apply at the Recruiting, Office, GIRARD 110USE.EuT. F. DODGE, al4-tf Sixth Cavalry, Recruiting Officer. FINANCIAL. SEVEN AND THREE-TENTHS TREASURY NOTES. The undersigned are prepared to furnish, upon pay ment, the aboTe Notes. DREXEL & Co., BANKERS, 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET. oc4-Im MILLINERY. FANCY MILLINERY AND , STRAW GOODS.-JOSEPH HAMBURGER, No. 116 North SECOND Street, calls the attention of milli ners and dealers to his large and well assorted stock of Velvets, Ribbons, Flowers, Bonnet Silks, Rushes, Straw Goods, etc., etc. Pattern Bonnets of the latest styles always on hand. cl4-6t* MRS. M. A. KING will open a fall imortmobt Pf I...ALL AND WINTER MILLI- EltY, on THUESDAY, October 17, at 1026 CHEST NUT Street. ocl2-6t* MRS. M. S. BISHOP, 1016 CHESTNUT Street, will °PERON THURSDAY, October 10th, a Fashionable assortment of PAPAS MILLINERY, °do-a MISSES 0' BRY A N, 914 CHESTNUT, will open PARIS MILLINERY for the Fell on THURSDAY, October 3. oc2-12t* STOVES AND RANGES. --- SILVER'S AIR-TIGHT GAS BURNER, FOR THE PARLOR, DINING ROOM, AND OFFICE, IN ALL SIZES, And made in the most approved manner of the best imported Eiwia Iron, 'Kith &T D CLAY DUI N DEllb, of which we here the exelueive sale. NORTH, CHASE, NORTH. 012-36 t No. 209 North SECOND Street. NORTH, CHASE, kNORTIPS CELEDBATED COOKING STOVES, GRA. enntannlntt, with Daublo , plAted Topg, and - All the latest improvements. Manufactured and sold At 61.2,16 t No. 209 North SECOND Street. TIIO3.IPSON'S CELEBRATED "EncHENER" Thr best, most durable, and convenient arrange. mebt for Cooking ; having the best facilities for an abun dant supply of Not Water, Roasting, Baking, Stewing, &c. For sale, in various sizes, of our own manufacture. NORTH, CH &SE, & NORTH, No. 209 North SECOND Street, 012.36 t Philadelphia, NITED STATES SANITARY COMMISSION.—The Sanitary Commission earn estly and confidently appeals to the community for con tributions of money to enable it to enlarge its operations, or, at least, to continue them on their present scale, 'Coder its present organization, every Camp and Mili tary Despitel from the Potomac to the Missouri is Syste maticalty visited and inspected. Deficiencies are escor t tined, and, so far as possible, supplied. There has scarcely been a single company of Volunteers in the field wherein some serious neglect or abuse endangering the health of the soldier hoe not been pointed out by the agents of the Conuniasion, and remedied or mitigated. In no case have its services or advice been repulsed, or com plaint been made of its embarassing any officer in the discharge of his duty, or inteferiug with discipline in the smallest degree. We have occasion for most profound national thanks giving in the fact that our armies aro passing through the most neritons season of the year, not only without de structive epidemics, but with hardly a Serail part of the mortality from disease 11 , 311£11 (according to all experience) under the most favorable conditions. It would he diffi cult to over-estimate the magnitude of the mischief we had every reason to expect, but which seems for the ppesent nverted, No human skill or sagacity could have averted it i but it seems neither arrogant nor unreason able to psseePthat the labors of the Sanitary Commission have contributed at least as much as any mere human agency to this unhoped-for result. If so, what contri bution to it, treasury is not already more than repaid'? After confidential conference with the hi.diest authori .. ties, the Commission feels bound ti solicit with urgency a Jorge and speedy increase of its pecuniary resources. Ponattons may he addressed to GEO. S. COE, Esq., Treasurenof the Central Executive Committee, Amori- Call Exchange Bank, N. Y., or to GEO. T. STItONG, TrPillinrer of the Commission; 68 Wall strut; N. Y. [Copy.] "The Sanitary Commission is doing a work of great hu manity, and of direct practical value to the nation in this thue of its trial. It is entitled to the gratitude and the confidence of the people, and I trust it will be generously supported. There is no agency through which voluntary oferrimiu nP pairlui6ni can Lc more of evilycly (Signed) "WINFIELD SCOTT "Wrtsbington, September 300861." WALLET STOLEN.—A wallet, con laiuing tneelgago nolo of 11,000, dated Sa lem, Naos., with over one year of the time to expire; four other mortgage notes of $2OO each, slated Salem, Mass., Oct. 9th or 10th, 1861, payable in two, three, four, five, and six years respectively—none of v hich are negotiable—payable to JOHN RYAN, or order. As these notes are valueless to the thief, (lie is welcome to the small amount of money contained in the wallet,) the owner will consider it a favor if ho will forward the notes through the Post Office, enclosed, and addressed to the undersigned. JOHN RYAN, ocl4-3t Washington, D. C. 1- 1 OOD NEWS FOR. ALL-APPLES pcn,nag of rroance at the New Fruit tr Produce Store, 010 SPRING GARDEN Street, where yen can buy twenty per cent. cheaper than any where else in the city. 001440 Saturday niott „ p LUST-4n - Isittob and Tan Terrier Dm , ; answers to the of 44 MILO." Thetir:Zr will be suitably reward ed by leaving him at The Press officB On Monday after noon, at 3;6 o'clock, ocl4-2t* THE 64 NE ..- " IN THE . PROTOGRAPRIC ART,—The Colored Photo graphs matte tot $l, and Ambrotypee at all prim, to be had at REIMER'S GALLERY, SECOND Street, above Green. lt* UNION ENVELOPES ! "UNION ENVELOPES! UNION ENVELOPES! That will go through the Post Office. OVER 350 .DIFFERENT STYLES. Country Shopkeepers supplied With Twenty-ilye or R Million, At the VERY LOWEST PRICES, • AT MAGEET UNION PAPER and ENVELOPE MANUFACTORY No. 316 CHESTNUT Street, Corner of HUDSON Street. Corner of HUDSON Street. REMEMBER 316. REMEMBER 316 CHESVNIIT Street. ocl2-3t LADIES' HAM CUTTING AND DYEING, at Forum and BRANCH. ocl2-irtf SECRETARY. William L. Reim 'EES. Israel Morris. Nathan Edson, Alfred L. Elwyn, M. D., Joseph Harrison, Jr., Santucd C. Morton, JORIIIIR W. Ash, M. D., William P. girosson, John J. Thompson, John Williams, Benjamin Rowland. Jr. M. L. RIIIN, secretary Captain J. 0. CASIT, Recruiting Officer MM= ocl4-m3t RETAIL DRY GOODS. N k r HOLESAL4 . STOCK. AT, R T M. L. HALLOWELL 84.00., 33;t• MARKET STREET NOETIE FOLETII STREET, AT RETAIL THEIR STOLLE. CIS• PALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, r'fo:l, , T! , :f: BLACK DBES'S SILKS IN GREAT VARIETY, SILK VELVETS BOMBAZINES, TAMISE ALPACAS, Sc PLUS AND PRINTED MERINOS, MOUSSELINES, POPLINS, vELovas, scc REPS. WOOLLEN PLAIDS., PEI TPA I:IiANNELSI I=l SHAWLS, OF YABIOVS DESCRIPTIONS. CLOSE S. MANTLES, &0., EMBROIDERIES, AND L. C. lIDNIS. Awl will 6(.11 by the single piece their stock of WHITE GOODS. COKSISTINO OP T,illfi;iS, birThlS, ITACONETB, CA3IDR/CSO NAltitsoolii3, &C., &G. ocl4-nr43t O N N Q V At 726 B CHESTNUT STREET, FOR FALL TRADE. JUST RECEIVED BY PRICE. FERRIS. & Co. POINT ALENCON LACE. COLLARS AND SETS .$2 to $l2 in Collars, $5 to $4O in Sets. POINT VENICE LACE COLLARS AND SETS, .$4 to $l2 in Collars, $lO to $3O in Sets. POINT DE BARCELONE (new article in Lace,) to it) in Collars, $l2 to s2S in Sok POINTE APPLIQUE LACE COLLARS AND SETS, , $2 to $5 in Collars, $3 to $l2 in Sets. VALENCIENNE COLLARS AND SETS, to $0 in Collars, $2 to $l2 in Sets. TiiiitAtt LACE COLLARS AND SETS, ....50c to $2 in Collars, $2 to $0 in Seta. FRENCH EMBROIDERED COLLARS AND SETS -.trimmed with Valencia lace, very choice style. CAMBRIC AND SWISS COLLARS AND SETS— All price., EIANDRERCIIIEFS, CAPES, COIFFURES, BARBELS, and BERTHES, in all of the above materials: Princess Clothihie HANDKERCHIEFS, (a new article embroidered in colors,) $1 worth $2. A new lot of Pine Apple HANDKERCHIEFS, 25 cents. • • Ilematitclutal • • 12 souls, all linen. Real Thread VEILS, $2.50 to $25. • • Cambria • • 75 cents to $2. A new lot of Valencienno Edgings, Inserting, and Laces. • • Guipure • • • • Brussels Thread - Edgings and Laces. •• Chemise Yokes (ruined) 25 cents. •• Magic Ruffling, 6 to 13 cents. •• Linen Tape Trimming, 10 to 12 cents. •• Lace Sleeves, 50c to $1.25. • • Cambric Flouncing. Choice POINT LACE BERTHES, $4O worth $5O. The above choice goods, in addition to our usual large and varied stock of WRITE GOODS, LINENS, LACES, and EMBROIDERIES. will be offered at about TWO THIRDS of their usual retail value. The attention of the Ladies is respectfully solicited. PRICE, FERRIS, & Co.. ocl-lm 726 CHESTNUT STREET. • EYBE & LANDELL, FO U.RTH AND ARCA Streets, have now arranged for Bale a magnificent assortment of rich 'FALL DRESS' GOODS, adapted to first-class city retail sales. VYRE & LANDELL HAVE A FULL _1.14 assortment of good BLANKETS, 10-4, 11-4, and 12-4 sires. "PYRE & LANDELL HAVE A FULL stock of ItILTSI&NS by the piece: tamales sup plied reasonably. acB HAMILTON, MERRI4'IA.CII, AND ROBESON PRINTS, Hamilton Brown Flannels and 12-4 Sheitings. 'Manchester and Ozark 2-bus. Bags. Stark Bleached Drills ; Suffolk Brown Drills. Waltham 7-8, 10.4, 40, and 42 inch Bleached, and 9-4 Brown Sheetings. On hand and for sale by B. W. CEASE & SON, 0e3•12t if 100 CHESTNUT St. ST EW BALMORALS. Just received, on invoice of English Balmornle, full size. New designs, choice colors. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, 402 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Street& NEW WINTER SHAWLS. Scotch Blanket Long Shawls. Black and White Checks Shawls. Berlin Gray and Mottled Shawls. Broche Long and Square Shawls. Yery cheap (Alain Laine Shawls. Square Dicaket and Stella Shawls. Fancy Heavy oolen Shawls. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, oc2 CHESTNUT and EI4HTH Streets VERY CHEAP MERINOS. Several hundred pieces Wide FrenehMerinoe. Bichdark Colors... Bright colors and Blacks. Cashmeres, dark and bright colors, . At prices much lower than usual. SHAIMASS BROTHERS, oc2 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets OU .N R T A I MATERIALS, GOLD- Iv BORDERED SHADES, ETC.—A Complete Assort ment of Lace and Muslin Cu tains,and Rich Curtain and Furniture Materials, Borderel Shades, etc., all made and put up at Short Notice and at the most reasonable rates. SHEPPARD, TAN HARLINGEN, & ARMOR, 1008 CHIISTNHT gtieot. MERINO SHIRTS, DRAWERS, TESTS, ETC.—A Full Assortment of Merino Goods of best make for Ladies, Gents, and Youth, at Beces. lli n EIR DI TAN HARLOW:IL k ARBINNo oe2-tf 1008 CHESTNUT Street. c in HAWLS: Blanket Shawls. Mimes' Shawls. Black Thibet Shawle. Centa' 'Travelling Man& COOPER & CONARD, ee2o B. E. corner NINTH and MARKET NOTICE TO LADIES. Will open this morning, from a bankrupt sale, the following goods, which are decided bargans; One Lot of Plaid Muslim at 15X, worth 23. Ono Lot of Plaid Mnstins at 25, worth 37X. One Lot of Ladies' L. Cambric Handkerchiefs, 12N One Lot of Ladies' L. Cambric Handkerchiefs, 15. One Lot of Gents' L. Cambric Handkerchiefs, Si, One Lot of Dark Linen at 25, worth 37X, at JOHN H. STORM', &AO 704 KROH liitt,aat. SPRING SKIRTS-THE LATEST STYLE.—Just received the new Spring Skirt, of improved shape, in 18, 20, 25, 30, 35 spring*, at reduced SHEPPARD, 'VAN HARLINGEN, /Cr ARRISON, oel2-rp ti 1008 CHESTNUT Street. CLOAKING CLOTHS. Waterproofs and Repellant& Plain Colors Cloanings. Fine and Medium Black Cloths. Also, Cassimeros, Satinets, Postings, Boys' Wear, &c COOPER dt CONARD, se2o B. E. cor. NINTH and' MARKET. COWPERTHWAIT & CO., N. W. coma EIGHTH and MAR KET BUN FLANNELS! FLANNELS!! FLANNELS ! ! ! Opera Flannels, all colors and Awake. Opera Flannels, figured and plain. -% and 4.4 Balardvalo Flannels. Heavy 4-4 Skirting do. Heavy Twilled Bed and Gray Flannels. Tlie beak 9.5 WLIU, Flaimata In Om eity. 6el 30 PER CENT. CAN BE SAVED BY buying DRY GOODS of H. STEEL & SON, No. 711 North TENTH Street, above Coates, We have now open a choice assortment of NEW FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, bought entirely FOR CASH, and we will sell them VERY CHEAP, FOR CASH. Brown Mixed, and Black Mixed Water=proof Cloth Cloaks. Black Cloth Cloaks, of the newest and latest styles. Cheap Stella Shawls. \Woollen Shawls for Fall and Winter. Cheap Fancy and Black Silks. 1 lot of Figured Black Silks at 75c, worth $l. Large size Balmoral Skirts, very cheap. sets FALL -1861. srbEND/D G9QPRi CHEAP FOR CASH, SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, the Cheabbai aft itl erfml * Thirty Per I..^^t. under Regular Prices. SILKS AND DRESS Great Variety. DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS. Most of our Mtn;line still at OLD PRICES PhuAlfi, Olathe, atia Cassimeres. Linens of our own Importation. Blankets ' all sizes. Rallied al Skirl.., fie., &c. A the Old Established Store of THORNLEY k CHISEL e2O N. E, am EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. POPULAR DRY GOODS, 500 pieces Cheap French Merinos. 100 " Printed Item Epinglines. 100 " Plain Velours, Ottomans. 100 " Printed Cashmeres, Merinos. 500 " Bich and Neat t ) e 1000 Calicos and Rich French Prints. 100 " Plaids, Broche, Bpinglinea. 200 ,1 Plain and Figured Solid Silks. 100 " Fancy Paris Dress Silks. 200 " Figured and Plain Black Silks. 5 0 0 Square and Long Blanket Shawls. 300 k Broche and Open Centre Shawls. Flannels, Binalino, Micriing, ()unto, Blankets, Towel lingo, Diapers, Castb. SIIARPLESS BROTHERS, ocl2 CHESTNUT and EIGFIiTH Streets. RETAIL DRY GOODS. E. & FOURTH AND ARCH, FOURTH AND ARCH ; FOURTH, AND ARCH, FOURTH AND ARCH, Hare their VSTAL chow of Goods for FALL. 18 6 1 FALL SILKS, FALL SHAWLS, FALL CLOTHS, FALL POPLENiz, FALL DELAINES, FALL MERINOES, FA LL DRESS GOODS, • FALL AND WINTER OLOANS, GOODS AT WHOLESALE. GOODS AT RETAIL “14-kinat THE ARCH-STREET CLOAK ANI) MANTILLA STORE. NEW FALL CLOAKS. WATER-PROOF TWEED CLOAKS. BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS. EVERY NOVELTY AT MODERATE PRICES. JACOB RORSFALL, stal-Sin N. W. corner TENTH and ARCH Eta CABINET FURNITURE. THE: ELEGANT STOCK OF CABINET FURNITURE OF L LUTZ, No. 121 SOIITIE ELEVENTIi STREET, Will be sold at Public Sale on the 15th OCTOBER. See M. Thomas &Some advertiament. ocb.tuthsm 4147 CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. F ALL ' 1861. BOYD & STROUD, No. 32 NORTH FOURTH STREET, HAVE NOW THEM USUAL LARGE STOOK ON HAND, To which they inyite the attention of CASH BUYERS. ocl-lm GROL ERIES, TO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE BIJRAL DIBTRICITS. We an prepared, ae heretofore, to supply fernlike St OWE Mill:Ark - Realdeaeee e-rory dose:4;4loa of FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, ata., &O. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE BREHM mylo MACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, SALMON, 000 bbls Mess Nos. 1,2, and 3 LACKEREL, large, medium, and email, in assorted ackages of choice, late-caught, fat fish. 5,000 bbls. New Halifax, Eastport, and Labrador Trap. Inge, of choice qualities. 6,000 boxes extra new scaled Herrings. 8,000 boxes extra new Nu. 1 Herrings. 8,000 boxes large Magdaline Herrings. 250 bble. Mackinac White Fish. 60 bids. new Economy Mess Shad. 25 bhle. new Halifax Salmon. 1,000 quintals Grand Bank Codfish. 600 boxes Herkimer County Cheese. In store and landing, for sale by MURPHY & KOOKS, nob No. 146 NORTH WHARVES. MERCHANT TAILORS. ... , ------------ - O. THOMPSON, TAILOR, N. E. CO.R. SEVENTH and WALNUT STS. CIRCUL A B: My customers, and the public generally, are respect fully informed that my Sell:T(101H of fabrics and facili ties for fillimg orders this season are quite equal to those of nny former one. I therefore take this convenient method of cordially inviting my old patrons, together with all - gentlemen of taste and dress, to give my es tablishment an - early visit. 13.—A1l kinds of Military Unifurma made at the shortest noire. TO MERCHANT TAILORS.—The undersigned, until his withdrawal from business, five years ago, principal of the firms of KELLY & BRO. THEE, and LUKENS, KELLY, et BROTHER, &mires to Make arrangements to, upon reel% al of trade, connect himself with an established honor, or join in establishing a new concern. EI,TARD P. KELLY. Address, care of Messrs. JOS. & WM. E. WOOD, 8 North SECOND Street. oc9.St* MILITARY GOODS. COTTON DUCK, SUITABLE FOR TENTS, FOB SALE BY my22-iflf FROTHINGRAM WELLS AGRICULTURAL. PLANT TREES-NOW TIME.—A large stock of Fruit and Ornamental TREES at BUIST'S Nursery, prices very low. The Darby cars, via Market street, pass the Nursery every half hour. SEED AND AGRICULTURAL WAREITOUSE, ocll-nt Nos. 8112 and n 4 MARKET St., ah v. Ninth. LEGAL. -UNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS. TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. Se' T. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, Greeting: Whereas, The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly end duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, hath decreed all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or inte rest in the Barque 66 MEACO," whereof A. H. DE PASS is Master, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden in said bark, captured as a Prize by the [lofted States steamer //mkt?" under command of Lieutenant POORE, said steamer beingone of the Atlantic Naval Squadron under command of Flag Officer STRINGHAfiI, to be mo !fished, cited, and called to judgment, at the timeand place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed (justice so requiring.) You are therefore charged and strictly enjoined mid commanded, that you omit not, bat that by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily news papers printed and published in the City of Philadelphia, and in the Legal bt Mt/isle/leer, You do monish and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily, all persons in general who have, or pretend to have,- any right, talc, or interest in the said Barque iIIEACO4" her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden thereon, to appear before the Honorable - JOHN CADWALADER, the Judge of the said Court, at the DISTRICT COURT BOOM, in the City of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH DAY after publication of these presents, if it be a Court day, OP 61:44 oh the bekt Court day following, lt4tween the must hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse; if any they have, why the said Barque MEACO, her tackle, apparel, and furniture and tho goods, wares, and merchandise laden thereon should not be prOnounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the WIMP, to tile enemies of the United States, and as goods of their enemies or otherwise liable and subject to condemnation, to be adjudged-and condemned as good and lawful prizes; and further to do and receive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain. And that you duly intimate or cause to be intimated, unto all persons aforesaid, generally, (to whom by the tenor of these pre sents it it alto intimated), that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the con trary, then said District Court - loth intend and will pro ceed to adjudication on the said capture, and may_ pro nounce that the said Barque, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the g oods, wares, and merchan dise laden thereon, did belong, at the time of the earl= ture of the panic, to the enemies of the United States of America, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence or rather contumacy of the persons so cited and inti mated in anywise notwithstanding, and that you dilly certify to the said District Court what you shall do in the premises, together with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the said Court, at Philaileiphia, this TWELFTH day of October, A. D., MI, and in the eighty-sixth year of the Independence of the said United States. acid-St G. R. FOX, Clerk Ilistriat Nutt INTHE DISTRICT COURT FOR TILE CITY AND COUNTY OF —MARCH TERM, MI. William Denny, Tm,otee, &c., T. Lacey & Fleming. Fiari Wing. No. 109. Margaret Brown TB, same, do. do. 191. Same vs. eame, do. do. 192. John W. Berry, Jr., vs. same, do. do. 197. Samuel Simea vs. sane, do. do. 198. Andrew Keenan et. al. vs. sante, do. do. 199. Sharpleec & Sitar vs. Caine, do. do. 2181 Charles Ryan vs. same, do. do. 304. William Penny vs. same, do. do. 390. The Auditor appointed to distribute the fund in Court arising from the sale by the Sheriff of the personal property of the defendants, under tlulabore writs, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office, No. 114 South Sp:TII Street, in the city of Pldladetphie, qp TITESbAT, October 22, 1501, at 4 o'clock P. 111., when and where all persons having claims upon said fund are required to present them, or be debarred from coming in upon the same. WALTER J. BUDD, oc11•lOt Auditor. 'ESTATE OF JAMES BWOOKS DECEASED.—LetterB of administration on the estate of James Brooks, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate will please make payment, and those having claims will present the :Rune, wi•hout delay, to JAMES .I.IOIiNOOKS, Fiennkford. Or to 145 attorney, DAVID M. HAMILETON, se9-nit3t* 51 North SIXTH St., Philadelphia. IN ORPRANS , COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. of JOB BARTLETT% litivaa The Auditor 7 appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the first and final account of Jesse Reynolds, Guardian of Henry P. Bartlett, Joseph B. Bartlett, John T. Bartlett, Charles F. Bartlett, and Job C. Bartlett, minor children of Job Bartlett„ and to report distribution of the balance in his hands, will meet the partial. into. rented, for tha purposes of hit appointment, on MON DAY, October 14, 1861, 4 o'clock P. M., at his °Mee t N 0.213 South SIXTH Street, rhiladelphia. oe4-fmwstir LEWIS C. CASSIDY, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR X VIP CITY ANP VOITTYOF PitiLAPEIRLIM, EitafeOT ANNA. BITGREATES, Deceased - • • • - The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the first and final account of Rev. Samuel Cox, Executor of the last will and testament of Amos Sitgrenves, deceased, and to report distribution of tho balance in his hands, will meet the parties interested, for The purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY, October 14, 1861, at 4 o'clock P. M., al his Office, No. Ea South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. ca.4l,lniast* LEWIS C. CASSIDY, Auditor. WANTS. SITUATION WANTED—By a young manullo owns a HORSE and LIGHT WAGON. For situation Mot could occupy a portion oral! of hia time, lie u . nuld endeavor to give entiefactien. 0d In W. 5.," l'ress (Aro. W.ANTED- A VESSEL OF THE capacity - of from 1300 to 900 Bble. for a voyage to the West 'tulles. Apply to oe't JAVILETCHE & CARSTAIRS. AN EXPERIENCED BOOK-KEEP ER is open for an engagement. Salary in accord ance with the times. ;Undoubted reference as to oharac• ter. and ability. Address •' 811811/CPS, " Jinx 2280, Philadelphia l'USt Office. sel7.lm* WANTED-A SUCCESSOR .'14 . 1• Nora suporior 'DENTAL PRACTICE. Poslq'R , eioll immediatuly. Alllr.'7:"J tvitbertvillo, New Jereev. BOARDING. TIOARPING IS I ESIBEI) FOR A a...t . 1 here the lady can tench the higher English bronchus, liinguages, music, nod drnwiug. Address E. It. M., this other. ocl4-2a* PRIVATE WARDING.— Ha nd6olllo ROOMS may be obtained, in a small family, No. NtOn WALNUT Street. oel4-3t* BOARDlNG.—Pesirable and hand somely furnished rooml. in R central Dart of the city , cat he attained on moderatc tormm. Beferonced Addroas A. B. C., PrOSS oficn. rwl2-7t* FOR SALE AND TO LET. PRIVATE APARTMENTS TWO itatitlithfisi+ i•oiinnunlcating eIIAMI3RRF, on the Hecoud floor, and one on the third, if desired, with large Private Parlor rind Private Table, can he hail at 1713 PINE Street. It is desn ed to rant these rooms to tt single family, to the exclusion of other boardera.ocl4-3t* fittl TO LET.—The fiVe-dtory STORE, Nu. 25 North FOURTH Street. Thla Slue, , la to excellent condition, well located, and has ehelving and fixturee mailed to the "Notion" business. WM. If. ItACON, 335 MARKET Street. ocl2-Gt FOR SALE OR PART EXCHANGE. —A desirable FARM, containing Rn acres of land, situate 3 miles from Doylestown depot, 28 miles north of the city. Excellent improvemenis, nicely watered, fine fruits, Ac. Possession can lie siren this fall. Apply to E. PETTIT, inel2 No. 309 WALNUT Street. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE.-A great number or Farms, Country-placee, with a few acres of ground West Philadelphia and Germantown properties, Sc., &e. Apply to E. PETTIT, nen No. 309 WALNUT Street dik A DESIRABLE DWELLING ON PINK Street, above F.igliteetith, with the Furni ture, will no rented low to a reaponsible tenant. EDWARD C. DIEHL, oell-3t* 630 WALNUT Struet. TO RENT—COAL YARD , on west Bide of BROAD Street, that Yard above South Street. Arkpit to J. SERGEANT PRICE, Oc/042t No, SW ARCIi Snot. la TO LET -- GERMANTOWN Nat'l HOUSE.—TSe property trt the southwest corner of GB1:12k.; nod HAVVEY Streets will be to let on the first of Novensber. WM. N. BACON eal-Ctir 335 NAIIKET &mt. MkFOR SALE OR TO RENT.—The beautifully-located double Pictort atone DWELL ING, on the west Side of RITTENHOUSE SQUARE, with or withoutthe furnitqwe. Apply to'No.lsll ARCH Street. oclo-6t* - FOR SALE, FREIGHT„ OR CHAR TER.—The superior Baltimore-built hark A. A. Drebert, G. T. Ifewitkmaster,..336 tons register, now in New York. Apply to 3ATTRETCHE & 67ARSTAIRS, eel 202 aucl'2o4 South irEtYNT St T 0 RE N T—Large Communicating Furnished ROOMS, for Gentlemen, (withoutboar4 in a. private family, on WALNUT Street, west of Tenth. Apply to Drug Store, N. E. corner of Eleventh and Walnut streets. att2:o-11 VA SALE-Valuable Farm, contain ing 130 acres ; 30 acres of excellent Woodland, the balance in a high state of cultivation, nicely watered with springs and running streams, situate 6 miles. from Doylestown depot, and 2) miles from Lambertville sta tion and Delaware river, Bucks counts. Plain and.sub titivntitil atone improvementoi good ontAnildings, and every variety of fruits. Price only $75 per aere •, easy terms. Apply to E. PETTIT; i sel9 No. 309 WALNUT Street. NIAGARA FALLS WATER POW- E.R.--CAPITALISTS AND ATANITFACTU REM, This immense water Dower is now ready for im• mediate occupetiort, together with one hundred acme of land, embracing one Quarter of the village, ou which to locate mills and manufactories. The stipulations for price of power will be one half that at Lowell, Mass., and the quantity is almost un- Should the demand warrant it, the American Fall can easily be (flopped and its great 'volume discharged through the bank below its present site, fur mill purposes, under a head and fall of 200 test. The title is perfect and the property unineumbered. For further information apply to N. W. Day or A. P. Floyd, Niagara Falls Ale:mutter Hay, No. 1208 Vine Ptroot, Phihuielnhial lion. T_ A. Jonelag, PrevidAnea, B. I.; D. Thexter, Boston; or the owner, HORACE H. DAY, No. 91 Liberty street. NEW - YORK, Se ember 2, 1861. se4-wfrm3m NiTHEREAS, THE LINDELL HO TEL COMPANY by its Deed, dated the first day of December, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, and recorded in the Recorder's Office of St. Louis county, In Book No. 234, at Page 202, and also by ita other deed, dated the said first day of December, 1859, recorded in Book No. 230, Page 336, confirmatory of and supplemen tal to said fist deed, did convey unto WILLIAM MORRISON, EDWARD BREDELL, and FRANKLIN A. MOH, the following-described reel eatate, situated in Block No. 126, of the City of St. Louis, and described as Lariat : First, A Lot or parcel of land fronting two hundred and seventy-one feet on Washington avenue, by mte hun dred and fifty feet in depth, and bounded south by Wash ington avenue, east by Sixth street, north by the north line of the field lot confirmed to Joeerit Talon, and known as Survey No. UK and west by Seventh street. Second, A certain Lot or piece of ground, situate in said Block, containing about seventy feet, be the same more or lees, on Sixth street, by one hundred and thirty five feet deep on Green street, be the same more of less; being Lot known and designated on the plat of the lots laid out and made an addition to the town of St. Louis, by William Christy, as Lot No. 37, bounded on the west by No. 38, as laid out by Christy, on the north by Green street, on the east by Sixth street, and on the south by the Lot herein first described: which said conveyances were made to said MORRISON, BREDELL, and DICK, in trust, to secure the payment of certain bonds therein described, amounting to four hundred thousand dollars; being eight hundred bonds of dye hundred dollars each, payable in ten years from the first day of December, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, to PETER LINDELL or bearer, with ten per cent. interest, payable semi-an nually from that date, all payable at the Bank of Com merce, in New York; and whereas, among other things, It WAR provided in said Deeds that if the interest upon said bonds, or any part .thereof, should become due and remain unpaid for thirty days after the maturity thereof, that then, by reason of such default, the said bonds shall forthwith become due and payable, notwithstanding said bonds may not appear on their face to ho due; and whereas, said LINDELL HOTEL COMPANY has, it is believed, negotiated, sold, and pledged six hundred and sixteen of said bands, amounting to three hundred sad eight thousand dollars, upon all of which the semi-an nual interest, becoming due on tho first day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty one, has been due for more than thirty days, and is still unpaid, although some or all of it has been demanded • Now, therefore, we, WILLIAM M. MORRISON, ED WARD BREDELL, and FRANKLIN A. DICK, True= tees as aforesaid, at the request of many of the indi viduals and corporations holding said bonds, and in ac cordance with the provisions of said Deeds, will, on thet wenty-second day of October, eighteen hun dred and sixty-one, and between the hours of eleven o'clock in the forenoon and fire o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the met frent dear of the Court !louse, in the CITY OF ST. LOUIS, Missouri, proceed to sell the above-described premises and property, for cash, at Pub lic Vendue, to the highest. bidder, in order to pay the holders of said bonds the amounts due thereon, and any amounts or charges that may be payable under the pro visions a said deeds, togetber with the expenate of %by Trust. WM. M. MORRISON. EDWARD BREDELL, y Trustees. se4-dtoc22 FRANKLIN A. DICK, EDUCATIONAL. MBE REV. M. METAIS' FAMILY .../L SCHOOL for Young Men and Boys, at Potts town, Montgomery county, Pa., will reopen on Wednes. day, the 6th of Nov.ember next. For Circulars, giving In detail the terms- and course of study, address the Principal. References—James L. Claghorn, Jamas E. Caldwell,. E. Weatrott Eailoy, John W. Claehorn, William IL. Kern, Thomas Birch, A. F. Glass, Edward Latnurcade,. Edward Roberts.. ocs-18t* PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS, SCHOOR APPARATUS for CLASS ILLUSTRA TIUNSs Drawing Ingtrumentm, &e., &e.; mole and for eats by JAMES W. QUREN Sc CO: 924 CHESTNUT SUM. Priced and Illustrated Catalogue, of 89 pages, for. nished gratis, and sent by mail free, on application. MISS LUCY R. MAYER WILL RE. own her School for Young Ladles, No. 1010 SPIDEICE Street, on MONDAY, September 9th. sel3-1m MiI , SS C. A. BURGIN will reopen er school for YOUNG LADIES,, M PEO SPRUCE Street, September 3.8. MR R. WINTHROP TAPPAN'S BOARDING and DAY SCRBAL for young la dle., will reopen at No. 1615 SPRUCE Street, on WED NESDAY, September /6. fiIROY FEMALE SEMINARY.- a_ This Institution offers the accumulated advan tages of nearly fifty years of successful operation. Every facility is provided for a thorough course of use ful and ornamental education, under the direction of a moo of more than twenty profetwore end Melton. For Circulars apply to JOHN H. WILLARD, Troy, N. Y., or D. W. O'BRIEN, S. E. corner SIXTH and WALNUT, Philadelphia. selo.lm* OXFORD FEMALE SEMINARY, OXFORD, Pa. acceeeible by the Baltimore Gen. tral Railromi. The Forty-sixth Session will open on WEDNESDAY, Nov. 6. Terms 876 per Session. For Circulars, address Mime IL BAKER, Principal. CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, DEAN Reset, shave EDICUOIL The CLASSICAL INSTITUTE will resume its duties on MONDAY, September 2d. J. W. FAMES, A. M., an26-2mo . Principal. NGLIS 1T AND CLASSICAL _UA SCHOOL.—The school or the eubßcriber, in Sinlee' Building, at TWRLFTIi and CHESTNUT Streets, will be removed to the larger Hall, directly over Mr. Has surd's store, in the IMMO building, and will be reopened oa 11,Q1411AY, 9th of September. 0141499 i OHARLMS SHORT. THE PRIVATE SCHOOL FOR 1 BOYS, in the Philadelphia City Institute, North. octet corner of CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Streets, will reopen MONDAY, September 2, 1861. flll§-%ll* L BURROWS, Principal. REMOVALS. EPDR. DU BOUCBET, DEN Tlsw, Mg REMOVED to 153.3 ARCH Entree oclo.lm* DR. J. H. McQUILLEN HAS RE moved to 1112 ARM Street. oed-Im* REMOVAL.—The undersigned have removed their STEEL and CAST-STEEL BELL Warehouse from Bin oico to No. 431 COMMIIII.O Street, where they will be pleased to see their frieuds and customers. NAYLOR it CO. Philadelphia, October 2,1881. oe4-tf HIDES AND GOAT SKINS.—An in- Voice iwr taclthotiot , S 1 a man 7 s Pride. from St. Darts, for sale by J.M.TRETCHE & CABSTAIRS, 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. AMUSEMENTS. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH-STREET THEATRE. Acting and Stage Manager W. S. FREDERIONA B Uhl Nll3 Agent and TIVIAIINIT 109. D. MURPHY. Tins (MONDAY) EVENING, Octoliorl4, Will lii , nr..wated, for the mimed lime, the admirable Comody, r•ntittrd "TUE WAY TO IitIFIP MM." Mrs. laNeniare Miss Charlotte Thompson. N MOW lielnlnro him John Drovr. Fir nitshrol Comsinid Mr. John (1i Tito pertormiinee mill conclude with an Extravngorks% entitled MAZEPPA. PRICES-75, 50, 37)4, 25, and 15 cents No extra charge for reaerred Heats. iviTALDIVT.S2IiAtiI: THEATRE-- Nlta/1 I LA WALNUT Streets. 890 MRS. M. A. GA BRETTSOS, THIS (MONDAY) EVENING, Octohc,r 14, Will be presented, Pit* the sixth time, the BELLE OFTIIE SEASUN. Floronco T-Prlo.ten.,tr ....MaliMa Heron Din in lfarilttill. Dir. Edwin Adam Tn evtichttle with the celebrated Petite Corned , " on r;tTid 11... ;;•'; MiiiIESIIII 1.1 7 i Perfvrimmcv to commrance nk 7)4 WHE ATLEY'S CONTINENTAL. THEATRE-WALNUT STREET, ABOV EIGHTH. ANOTHER GRAND NOVELTI . FirA Night of the Comic Pirturial Drama, entifictil PA liD3 AND LONDON! . . No hher many week:, of preparation, with entirely 'hf I .c feenery, decoration; and appropriate cos /ulna, with ft panorama, painted exprefigly for the piece, and the Gland Mechanical scene by Randall. entitled the SILVER LAKE OP ENCHANTMENT !! Owing to Om raticty of enterhtintmont pothitro4 i n $ h Ettroyt., uo ulluT piece will be prrionned With ii McDONOUGH'S OLYMPIC—RACE Street, below Third. SECOND WEEK OF THE SEASON. BEST OF TALENT. FBANK BROWER, The norld-rrovvitml Nrgro Driirwravr, euletod br FRANK DIORA/ft The Great Banjoist. Also, the MATTIE BROTHERS, Every nigld in their wonderful Acrobatic Sports. The eide•aplitting farce of TILE LAUGHING HYENA. The beet of llpfredlumente served to the salience by Mr. William Ess Admission, 25 and 13 cts. Performance commrece aARDNER & HEMMING'S MAMMOTH ORM% FOR A SHORr stmt. SON, TWELFTH Screet f Wow 6prwe, UNPRECERENTED .VVVORSW, .MONDAY, October 14th, And every night this week, New Acts by - the Ord Star Troupe. Firet appearance of THE WHAT 13 Grand Matineep, Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, commtr.cing at 2) o'clock. Doors open at 7 j commence at 7,4 Adthl.otoh, Q;6.; ehll.lYen,. ISe. 0.14-Bt. TBE PRESTIDIGITAIIIIII. The magnificent Jewelry, Goid Crown, Orders, Decorations, Medals, Jrc., presented to HERMANN By foreign Monarchs and l'otentates, exhibited at CALDWELL 8; Co.'o, 62.2 CHESTNUT Street, on the Ada' of Li,. fli'M appraraii , Ce Nt the Aotolshii- of Mnile. vie: WEDNESDAY, October 30th. Am) the , superb Shawl given him by the Queen of Spain at EVANS k. CO.'S, 818 CIILSTECT Street, on the same Mel% ocl4-tf ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, comer of TENTH and CHESTNUT Streeht IYAUGIFAS ITALIA ExhiLiting EVERT' ICIGHT, and Wednesday antY3a turday artarnoons. A. W. Fnxxn Lottnrer. Admittance, 25 eta.; Children, 15 els. Doors open at ; com thence at a quarter to Ft. 0e14,it41 MAGIC LANTERN PICTURES OF THE REl3ELLloll—Representing all the promi nent Scenes, Engagement+,• and "Incidents to this dist& }'or sale by JAME% W. quccN az co., 924 CHESTNUT Street PgnrirtlTC "LOG furnioird'srigia sad mit la mar free, on application PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY 07 THE FINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT Street, is open daily, Sundays excepted, from O'A. M. till 6 P. N. Admission 25 cents. Children under twelve yearn, half price. Shame of Stock, no_ EXCURSION% E XCURSLONS TO a .rzmv. CAMP LACEY, DOYLESTOWN, P 4., via NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. The Ringgold Regiment, Col. W. W. H , Davis com manding, is now in camp on the Fair Grounda,at Doyles town. Those wishing to set. camp life, in rentity, and to enjoy a pleasant ride, in comfortable cora, through the beautiful scenery of Montgomery and Rucks,•can obtain at , the Ticket Offices at WILLOW Street;.cr DESKS Straeto - - - - - " • EXCURSION TICKETS AT 61.251, GOOD FOR THREE DAYS. Trains lettve,oliT nut WILLOW Stret..3 , at OA. N. mill 41'. M., and pass BERKS Street twenty nvinutea Truing genre Tonylest-own nt 7.26 A. M. and 415. P. M. No Xxout igloo Ticketm mold on git. SAFES. lorl " LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT BE MOVED it, IQo. 21 igouth SEVENTH street, neer 4e ranklin Inetittite. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and blew determined to merit future patronage, has seenred elegant and convenient store, and has now on ha•t • large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought .ikadt Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the only strictly ftre and burglar proof safes made.) Also, UMW Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Locks will be furnishmi to order on short notice. This is the strongest, best leow tooted, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention is called to Lillie's Ni Cabinet safe, for Plate, Jewelry, iStc. This Bale le WS. Ceded to entimibi in style Arid elegance Anything tit id tared for this purpose, and is the only one that ie Mater lire and burglar proof. Sesosat, Nortos.—l have now on hand say twenty 01l Farrel, Herring, & Co.'s Safes, moot of them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, comprising a cowls., assortment as to steel!, and all lately exchanged for OM now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be .old at aror7 low prices. Please call and examine. ja2s.lyit M. C. SADLER, Agent SAVING FUNDS. QAVING FUND-UNITED STATES TROST COMPANY, corner THIRD and ORRIN NUT Streets. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. S. R. CRAWFORD, Presiders% JAMES K. HUNTER, Secretary and Treasurer. Office hours, from 10 until 3 o'clock. Mae company is not joined in any application Me Legislature. INSURANCE COMPANIES. FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 400 OHEBTIIIIT Mat. FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE DIREOTORL George W. Day of Day & Matlack. Barnet' Wright " Wright Bros. & Co. D. B. Dtruey " Davie .&-Haney.. ---- Henry 'Lewis, Jr " Lewis Bros, & 00. C. Richardson.. IL J. C. Hews & Co. Jno. W. Everman....... " J. W. Everman & Co. Geo. A. West " West & Fobs.. F. S. Marlin . " Savage, Martin, & Co. C. Wilson Davis.. Attorney-at-law. R. D. Woodruff of Sibley, Molten, & Woodall. Jno. Hessler, Jr.. No. 1713 Green street. OF.ORGE W. DAY, President. FRANCIS IC BUCK, Vice•Preddall. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. ja2B-11d BOOK BINDING. Magazines, Illustrated Papers, and Periodicals of every desarlption, bound neatly and at REDUCED PRICES. N. 8.-11117 SIC bound strongly, and with great COM. SAMUEL MOORE & SON, JAYNE Street, between Eighth and Ninth and Mar isa and Chestnut. set-1m PORTLAND KEROSENE OIL. We are now prepared to supply thla STANDABD ILLUMINATING PIG AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Z. LOCKE & CO., SOLE AGENT', . 1010 MARKET STREET.. 91-.otr! PfiutuLdph, THE BALTIMORE GAS-BURNING: FIRE-PLACE HEATER. Sometime. called the " Latrche Stove, " it. tho beet stove for warming the room in which it ntlinde, and ilea rooms above. Call and look at them. ARNOLD & 11414 S INS. ocs-3mif No. 1010 CHESTIItiT Street. Q.LATE MANTELS. There beautifully enamelled itfAdettg i 80 aft. cidedly preferable to any others, are manufacture-1 by tia n and sold at PRICES TO SUIT THE wigs. ARNOLD & WILSON. 9c;-21nif No. 1010 CIAEFNIIT Street. !TERRAPINS, OYSTEJ STEWED AND FRIED, AND CALICIi;EN SALAD.—lnvi tation Cards and other notices will be distributed in. ail carte of the city, with punctaajity., Ties welereignell ii stst Wince wonted to present, fon the inspection of Ladies and hientlenten, a lint of, - the things necessary for alga-go or, small entertainment,, as the case may be, thereby avoiditg all mmeeeaaary profadiori and waste ; and flatters himself ) that by his lopg expe rience in business, he will be. able at all timeeto.give, as heretofore, entire satisfactlOn to ail ho favor him with thsir piiirmutge, HENRI JONIN, atteE6F., No. 250 South TWELFTH Street, above SP/11XL ocl-6m ing ir s o . FOR NEW YORK. NSW DAILY LINE, rla Delaware sal Raritan Canal. Philadelphia and Now York Express steamboat Me "any receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. M., 'Whon lug their cargoes in New York the following dart Freights taken at reasonable rates. WM. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTE WHARVES, Philadelphia. JAMES RAND, Agent, aul•tt Piers 14 and 16 EAST RIVER, New York.. a dQ . PHILADELPHIA AND WASHINGTON EXPRESS B.TKAJI- DttAT COMPANY. New tins dived fee Alwitandrit, not Georgetown. Through inn hones. Steamer PHILADELPHIA, Captain THOS. RANA Steamer JEROME, Captain. DIROMJI,. Wlll leave Philadelphia etsey WEDNESDAY at 64 TIIRDAY, at 19. o'clock M....connecting with aillinea 10 WE* Mist and Iftlitleillgt lit'= B•ff)At ILWash l . l 4 6 rt_.,-Gt?rlo' town, and Alexandria every xwo and n.a.TRS , DAY. for Philadelphia. W. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SMITH WHARVES, PiuledelpWa MORGAN ,s Rat NEHAET, Agents, Foot of G street, Wailautol6 o at FOR NEW YORK. The Philadelphia Steam Propeller Com Put/ will commence their basin.= for the season oa Mondalto lath Indent. Their steamer" aro now receiving freight at OMNI Pier above Walnut street. Tema accommodating. Apeli to WM. BASED I 00.1 924meth Delaware Avanlw &g ra STEAM TOWAGE TO WASHINGTON, D. C.—Parties having boats or barges for Washington, from Philadelphia oir Few York, by applying at the office of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal COMM', 417 WALNUT Mild! CPU learn terms and particulars. 11. V. LIMEY, oc3-12t Secretary. Mr. J. S. Wright ELLIS CLARK, Algast