RELIC.IOtS INTELLIGENCE Tlte Late Evangelical Alliance We are partially indebted 'to the letters of Dr. Baird, published in The Presbyterian. for the fol lowing points of information respecting the pro teedings of the late Evangelical Alliance, held at Geneva, Switzerland. The previously published pro gramme was in the main adhered to. It met on the 2d of September, in the very church in which Calvin preached ; numbered about six hundred members, and continued through nine days, making in all eighteen regular sessions, of an average of three hours length. At each of the sessions an elaborate report was read, and several speeches made. One of the ablest papers ! Dr. Baird says, was that by Dr. Merle D'Aubigni", on The Character of the Reformation and tho Re former of Geneva. Dr. Edward de Pressens, of Paris, an eminent preacher and theological writer, discussed in n report the enbjeet of lirkiriairs Li. 6berty. the rt.purt oh the hi:Aar/zee of Cieii .2.5/i Religious Liberty ote. Ronzaii Cat kolictsot the United States, was read by Dr. Baird, who believes this Conference of the Evangelical Atli knee to have bean at by far the ablest of all the meetings of the sort which have yet been held, [sue vessively at London, Paris, Berlin, and Geneva,] both for the number of great and good men who attended it. and for the valuable papers which were read." The origin and progress of SehOtrif. and the best means of promoting the observance of the Lord's day, were also subjects of discussion. The rebellion in this country—which latter we may state was represented in the Conference by Drs. Baird, Blackburn, Squire, and Sawtelle— occupied considerable time and attention, and called forth the following resolution, which was enanimonsly adopted : "The Conference of Evangelical Christians, as sembled nt Geneva from various countries, desires hereby to convey to their brethren of the United States of America an expression of deep sympathy in the sad and terrible crisis in which they are now placed ; they would unite in earnest and per s.everieg prayer that this calamity may be over , ruled by God to the furtherance of the interests of humanity. of the cause of freedom, and of our common Christianity. Impressed with the convic tion that the origin of this war is to be traced to slavery, the Conference would entreat Almighty God to dispose the hearts of his own people in America. to use the means dictated by wisdom and Christian principle for the speedy and complete suppression of a system alike opposed to the spirit of the Gospel, and to the peace, prosperity, and progress of that great people." The remainder of the resolution had wooln.l re ference-tat, natimiat - r. .t de r , sad ;the ea servance by the Conference. The celebration of the Lord's Supper by the Con ference is described as having been of the most interesting character. Rev, Bank presided, and conducted the preliminary services in French. Addresses were also delivered in English and Ger man, by Rev. Drs. Baird and Herzog, and the bread and wine were consecrated with prayer by four ministers, of France, England, Germany, and Italy, each in his own language, and then carried to the communicants by twelve ministers of diffe rent countries, the entire Protestant world having been represented—i. a., the evangelical portion of it. Unitarians and rationalists being ruled out by a resolution excluding any from joining in the deli berations, except on the avowed principle that "they were assembled in the name of Jesus Christ as their Divine Redeemer," and AC believers in his Atonement for their sins. Dr. Baird, speaking of this communion, says: g , It was, indeed, a sight worth beholding, to see Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Baptists. Methodists, Lutherana, German Reformed, Mentions, and Waldenses, all partaking of that blessed ordinance, the symbol of their common faith." IN THE PRESBYTERIAN of this week, we find a column report of an " Interesizog Religious Meetionj in behalf of the Soldiers." The meet ing was held at Dr. Clarke's Church, last Sunday evening, and the report, we happen to know, is a very correct one; albeit the freshness of it in the Presbyterian is slightly spoiled to us by the fact of its hying mond vcrAcitin in The ;VP Qri Monday, a fact to which the Presbyterian seems to be strangely oblivious. We have sometimes heard religious newspapers charged with this con venient sort of plunder, but would much rather not eredit it_ The thing may not conflict with the creeds., but it is certainly a breach of newspaper ethics. We are averse to seeing so much good pre cept weakened by " even the appearance" of bad example. AID FOR THE CATHOLIC SEMINARY IN THIS Crry. —The Rt. Rev. Bishop Wood, of this (Catholic) diocese. has issued a circular calling upon the peo ple of his church to support their theological semi nify in this oily. The Boston Pilot, speaking of this fact, trusts that the Bishop's appeal will meet a magnanimous response, and urges the liberal sup port of ecclesiastical seminaries as the only means of continuing the Church. In comparing the value of these institutions and the minor blessings of a nation, the Pilot says: "Republican freedom is a noble thing ; but what is it in comparison with the glory of the Irish and French Churches?" adding, " We have as good talents here as eau be found in any part of the world ; but to bring it to complete development—from which a glorious Church would infallibly arise—richly supported seminaries are the principal agents." Brultazozi's Maim, AND SO TORTII.—The Bev. Mr. Spurgeon's health is represented by an English correspondent of the New Yora . Gifenik t ag n ifi e & to.his having been subjected to the distractitig in. Sumac of a clamorous crowd at the recent opening of a new chapel in Bristol. Spurgeon, it is said, cannot endure the excitement of " crowded places ;" strange enough, too, for one who is understood to attract a crowd wherever he goes. The Standard, a High Church journal in London, has the bad - Lege, iii a leading article, to exult. over Spurgeorgs present affliction, and to regard it as a judgfnont of hod." BEECHER AS A PREACHER.—The independent of this week indulges in another able ? but very courteous editorial criticism upon Henry Ward Beecher's sermons and erratic doctrines respecting the ministry, in which the popular preacher of Ply mouth Church, though kindly dealt with, is placed in a position the reverse of complimentary_ Beecher evidently finds' it more than a match for him to make a steady pull in orthodox harness. His ex ample as a preacher—probably from the army of bad imitators his popularity has evoked—is by many regarded as pernicious_ The Methodist Says Mr. Beecher is decidedly the head of a class; indeed, he is at once head and parent. From his fruitful and tantalizing example have sprung a horde d eceicsiastical apes, of whom the parent might well be ashamed, who follow him with un equal stop and at a great distance, making grimaces for which their mouths were never formed, vainly attempting, by rant, and fustian, and stories, and tueer texts and themes, duly advertised, to rival he singular, the wayward, but real power of Mr. Beecher. ARMY CHAPLAINS.—At the solicitation of the Army Committee of the Young Men's Christian Association of this oity, the War Department has h.vaed an afar far the di.mharge of "any pat-sah who has been mustered into service as a chaplain who is not a regularly ordained elergyman of a Christian denomination, without pay or allowance," and requiring that every one mustered in here after mint be certified to be a regnlarlpordaitted cleryman, as above stated. The object of this is to rid the army of immoral and unworthy chaplains. NORTH PultauELems. BAPTIST ASSOCIATION,— From the proceedings of this body, recently com menced in the city of Reading, we learn that the total number baptised, for the year, in the twenty churches of the Association is 269, of which number seventeen were teachers and eighty-one scholars from the Sunday-school, the total membership being 5:298. Y OLD SCHOOL PRESBYTERIAN SYNOD OF BALTI MORE TO BE DEFERRED.—III consequence of the geographical position, and peculiar sentiments of some of the Presbyteries composing the Synod of paltimore, the meeting of that body this fell will be pa,s.sed over. REV. Dn. GIIII,EY, of Washington city, has, ac cording to the Congregatzonal Herald, been call- 'env, nnnofsf TII/LNIZREIVINO. Div IN NEW YdEii. — {}overnor Morgan, of New York, has issued his proclamation, appointing Thursday, November 28, as "a day of praise, thanksgiving, and prayer" in that State. Letter nom Baxter's FireZouaves [Correspondence of The Press.] CAMP, EIGHT MILES FROM POINT OF ROCKS, Sunday, Oct. 6, 1861. We have just arrived here after a seven days'. march from 11111, and the boys show eon- Biderable signs of fatigue—sore feet, and sore backs from carrying knapsacks—otherwise they arc ns happy as if on a "Nor' East" run, with the prospect of a big fire before them. WO are cueampo4 in a beautiful plass, about eight miles from Point of Rocks, and a mile and a half from the Potomac, where some of our pickets could see those of the rebels, yesterday. This is a beautiful part of the country. The ritno Ridge mountains with their variety of ellailea form a background for as handsome a picture as can well be imagined ; and the immense fields of corn of superior quality, and the numerous stacks of hay and grain seen in the fields, provethat the husband- Man i 3 ehainlaiatly 411 for his labor. the houses are generally large and comfortable, mostly 'built of stone. and all surrounded with large barns and convenient out-houses. The farmers. as a general thing. have from two to ten slaves sod there is altogether an air of Afti tort and rcro o rot that reminds you of Porte Cr ,s -on's descriptions of the "Sacred Soil of Old Vir ginia." , The polities are largely &mesh.' Oar major, who, by the way, is a trump, yesterday cap tured a " Seeesh" captain, by the name of Jones, who, in the guise of a Union farmer, no doubt held ; frequent communication with the rebels. His sword, and pistols, and a large rebel flag were found hid in the hay-mow. We have a good position, ready at any time either': to meet the foe on this side or cross over the river at a moment's warning. The boys are in good MAUL and good spirits, and under the eplendid management of our field-officers are rapidly be coming accomplished and efficient soldiers; any word as to the efficiency- of our officers, er their treatment of men as gentlemen, would be superitu one. As a soldier and a gentleman, Baxter stands geCOrld to no one, end the men would follow him to the batteries of Manassas, did be but say so; and of our captain (Cook) I need only say that thosc who have the pleasure of his acquaintance knew that the men will not suffer by any neglect of his. In our first lieutenant (Griffiths) we hove a kind and most efficient officer; our second (Shreeres), un fortunately, is not with us, having been wounded in the unfortunate and deplorable mistake of Sun day morning last, near Palls Church; he is at home. on furlough, but we hope soon to see Mini able to return to his post, which he fills with credit and honor. Yesterday was a gala day with us. The two economies. L and 11 , 1, arrived with the 'niers ? and. had our friends at home but heard the hearty cheers, and witnessed the wild enthusiasm, that greeted them, they would have been convinced they would never be disgraced by the fire boys of Philadelphia. You ask if Benjamin Flood, reported dead in the Inquirer, is really dead. I went and asked him how it was with him, and I give you his own words: " If my friends had seen me going after my rations of meat and soup this morning they would not have thought me dead." fie is nearly recovered, and will he nide to on to duty in a day or two, lie was p ei7y 110 y ht:t I. slier brine :hut, 14 being tram pled by the cavalry horses Yours, Weekly Review of the Markets. The unsettled state of the weather, with the less fa vorable tenor of the foreign news, has had a tendency to unsettle the market fur Breadstuffs, and business generally has been less active this week. Bark is also no change. Colfse is in damn,' lower. In Coal there Mid Prices are looking up. Sugar and Molasses are held firmly. Cotton is quiet at the high rates now demanded. Fish are firm. Foreign Fruit of all kinds is scarce. No din go in Hemp. Hides are firm. The Iron market pre suits no new feature, Load is firmer. Leather la KIWI) and active. Lumber moves slowly. Naval stores me held with fiVl/111039. In Oils no change. Plaster is stuady. In Provisions there is a better feeling. Salt is steady. Cloverseed sells on arrival. Timothy and Flaxseed are scarce Tees,2tb 1 taceo, and Wool con tinue active at very full rates. There has been less doing in Dry Goods, hit prices generally are well sustained and firm, and the stocks on sale light for the seasca. Dreadsinffs market has been dull and unset tled, owing to the lens favorabio tenor of the foreign news, and the demand for Flour, both for export and home use, is le.s active; prices, however, are without any material change, and sollil! 7,000 bids sold at $5 35 rd 5.50 for common and good superfine. $5.62X for City DI int, do, .9.5.60 a 5.75 Tor extra, and $5 57,16 cr6.25 for eNtrn family; including some Northwestern extra tit .55.3735 /to bld. There is a steady demand for home consumption at from $5.25 to $5.50 for superfine ' up to $5.75e6.50 for extra and extra family, and $6 750 , 7.50 for fancy Tuts, Its in quality. There is very little Rye Flour here, and it is more inquired for; oaks of 2.00 bbla at $ 60a3.75 / 0 ' bi,l. Corn Meal is shady at $2.81.3( bid. for Penn's. hint no ralru tunic conic under our tie. WIIEAT.—The receipts have fallen off and it is.not Retire : prices have also declined 20.3 c bus, with sales Of 40,000 bus. Penna and Western red at 130a135c, fair imulity at 12:1it126, Southern do at 12362130 c, and white at 135ar145e, the latter for choice Southern. Bye is scarce pod sene at 65e for Parma and 62e for Delaware. In Corn the receipts are small and good yellow is in demand at 60062 c ; 3,500 bus mixes Western said at 58.240. Oats are unchanged, with sales at 33.e35e for Southern and Penna. Barley is arriving and selling, moderately - at 75c. PROYISIONS.—The market is firmer, but there has been less doing.: sales of mess Pork at $15015.50. City - packed mess lives ' ranges at from 5t•14.56011.0 Ify bbl ; about 1,00 Li la wero recently taken for army stores on privati; terms. Bacon—the demand continneslimited for all kinds, and there is lint little doing; sales of plain and fancy canvassed at SePlOc ; sides at 7c; and shoulders at 53,':e6e ~ the latter rate for city smoked . n greenm Ile eats there i s Teo:: little doing, awl the market is nen rty hare of stock. Shoulders sell at sc, cash. Lard is very quiet, but is held firmly; sales of bbls and tea at 9340955 e, and a few kegs at 41c, cash. Butter is dull: sales of solid packed at 834(71.9r, and fresh lots at malomc. Cheese is held with more firmness; sales of Yew York at 7Me; English ppirip§ at Sc, Fggs, briar, 13c ty doe. METALS—There has helm some inquiry for Pig Item but generally at prices below the views of holders, who are rather firmer in their demands; sales of No. 1 Anthracite at E:10 ItY ton, 0 months. In Blooms nothing doing. Bar and Boiler Iron moves slowly at previous rates; a lot of 200 tons old railroad bars sold at a price kept private. Lead is held very firmly at the re cent nth once a : sole O. f Golcna was mode at $5. 91 : 1 1 05,41 . Copper is dull ; of Yellow Metal sales are making at l.Sc, on time. BARK.—The receipts of Qin:ration, although small, - ate fully up to the demand; small sales of No. 1 Q nor c:tron at $28w27 4fk ton, which is an advance. Tan ner's Bark is wanted at 4.1.0 for Spanish, and SlttB cord Chestnut. Oak. CANDLES.—There is a steady inquiry for city-made Adamantine at 1613150 cash and on time as in quality. The manufacturers are generally engaged in filling old contract's. Of Western Adamantine Candles there are very few here. Sperm are dull at 30e, and Tallow are inactive at 11;16212c .11 3 ' lb. COAL.-Thum to vary little inquiet', bath for the supply and the trade and Eastern markets; but prices remain without quotable change. COFFEE.—The market is nearly bare of stock in first hands, and it is in good demand at. full prices. Sales of 700 bags Rio at 15% c, and some Laguayra at 17.2, 171..:c t 6n time. joitt*.—the market continues very quiet, ant prices are unchanged, sales being confined to about 200 bales uplands at 21e23c for low and good middling quali ty, cash. The following is from the annual statement of the Cotton crop of the. United States for the year ending AllaUSt 31! Receised. 1861. 1860 1850. . bales. bales. bales. From Louisiana 1,751,999 2,193,425 1,559,274 Alabama 546,794 845,012 704,406 144,747 252.424 192,04.1 Florida 321;172 19'2724 1741,434 477,584 525,219 475,788 Sonic) Car01ina....... 336,339 510,109 480,1653 North Carolina 06,295 41,194 37,482 Virginia. 78,132 56,986 33,011 Tennessee, etc 143,424 108,676 85,321 Total 3 858,089 4,889,770 3,941.491 Decrease from crop of 1860 1 013,684 balcs. Decrease from crop of 1859 . 195,395 c , Increase over crop of 1858 549,1.34 Increase over crop of 1857 .. . ... .... 710,507 ac The exports to fore'gu ports for the past two years com pare as follows: 1841. 1886. Dec. To Crest Britain (1ia1e5)...2,175,225 2,639,432 494,207 France 679,063 539,581 11,524 North of Europe 216,50 295,072 Other ports 158,030 220,082 62,052 Total 8 1 127008 13,744g173 64(34005 1)BITG8 AND DYNS.—There is a moderate business doing in all kinds. Cream Tartar is tending upwards i Castur—OLLig.talituvriv,lfify.sttAl, Prigß;ifid some Indigo and Chemicals sold on private terms. FlSH.—Maekerel are held with more firmness, mid about 400 bbls Nos 1 and 2 sold from the wharf at $7.50 and .$5_110; Wes in Mars lots at $9.5040 foe No 1, 85.76 en for No 2, and $4.50@5.25 for medium and large 39 ; Codfish are lower: email sales at $3.25 ; Pickled Herring range front $1.75 to $2.50, as in quality, and extra at $3.50; Shad are held at $B. FEATHERS.—There are very few offering; sales of Western at 376 , 40 c to' lb. FRUM—The m arket is nearly burn of all deneriptiona of foreign, and prices hale an upward tendency. Cur rants range from Eltdlo34e, Citron at 350. The receipts of domestic fruit have fallen off, and the season for Peaches is over. Green Apples range from $1.75 to 6.3.50 bbl, as in quality. Dried Apples have advanced to 6,Neralic IP' It,. Dried Peaches are scarce: nnpared quarters and halves are selling, at ()rec. Cranberries are bringing $6.50 IP LW. . . . . •FBEIGIITS.—To Liverpool no farther engagements have been reported. A ship is on the berth fur London at 3s 9d for Famr, 12%v013Md for Grain, and 37s Ott 4, ton for heavy goods. Two snore vessels were chartered, with Grain for cork ; and a market at 14d. To the West Indies there is very little doing one charter was made at 40c for Sugar front Cuba, foreign port charges paid. Boston rates are as last quoted, and Colliers plenty at $1 to Boston. GINSENG.—There Li nothing doing in crude or clari fied to fix unotafione. HEMP to very quiet, there being, no dack hero to ope. rate in. HIDES are firm, and there is more demand for both foreign and domestic, with sales of Green city slaughter at 708 c lb. "sig , HOPS.—Prices remain without change; the sain'are only in a small way at 20a25 for first sort new Eastern aid Western. BAY is firmer and moving off more freely at 60970 e the 100 The. LEATIIER.—Tho demand continues active and free Kates of slaughter are nudting at 28c lb. LIMBER.—The movenaiut in all kiuds continues Manta ; gala of White Pine Shipping Beards at 114417 cliw" M feet. Southern Yellow Pine SaDolo are dull at $l4. Laths are held at $1.15e1.25, with sales from the vessel at the former rate. Hemlock Lumber is dull. MOLASSES is very quiet, and the sales small at 26* 25c for Cuba, and 39ee40e for Porto Rico, on time. NATAI. 'l'.ol/E4,-11.914grii of Eviiin ttrq firmer, cknil common is now selling in a email way at $4.75, medium grades at 55.2505.50, and No. lat $6 5008. Tar and Pitch are held at $5. Spirits of Turpentine is steady. with further sales 451.4701.52 gallon. OILS.—For Fish Oils there is a steady store demand, without change in prices. Winter Sperm is Mid firmly at $1.6.5. Lard Oil.—The stock is very much reduced; Niles of winter at thlc, 4 monde, and fall at 7005 G. No movement in red Oil. The last sale of Cod Oil was at $ll Ifr bbl. Coal Oil is attracting more attention, awl we notice considerable sales at 45655 c. Linseed is active, and firm at 59060 c • Tnntorta of Sperm and Whale Oil and Whalebone into the United Steles for the week ending October 7, 1861: Bh11361). Bbhi Wh, Lbm Bona, , 4,170 1,780 52,500 54,481 120,259 1460,200 Teta) lEteriously From Jan. Ito date... 58,651 122,045 912,700 Same time last year _62,278 132,934 1,072,500 PLASTER is unchanged; a cargo of soft sold at e'1.25 4/1 . tem_ RlCE.—There is very little here, and it is hell firmly at the late advance, with small ;Wes at Tx w 73 e, cash. SALT is arriving niece freely. There have been two imports, one comprising 7,000 sacks Liverpool ground and fine, and 500 tons do. in bulk, which comes direct to a dealer., and 2.060 sacks ground, which was disposed of on private term& SEEHIS.—There is a good demand for CI ver,eed, but j the receipts are trifling. vales of old at $4.511 , 114.75, and ! new at 14.751a5 41 1 ' 1,11. of 64 TM , . Timothy is dull, and selling at $1.7502 but. Flaxseed is in good request, j 1,,,t the receias SUGAR, — RIII: marlict la firm, and Elm stork in first bands is nearly exhan4ed, but the demand has fallen oir. Sales of 260 hints Cuba and Polio Rico, at sgesxo on time. =ESE SPIRITS.—Brandy and Gin are quiet, but very firm. New England Emu is selling at 300 , 32 e. Whisky is held firmly, with sales of Ohio bills. at 22a , 22Xc Venn syleablii at 22e end drudge at closing dull. TALLOW is held firmly at for city rendered. We quote country ut Sc lb , and the sales small. TOBACCO.—Priees are very firm for both leaf and manufactured, and tho stock of the latter is much smaller than for many years past. TEAS are firm but quiet, and the demand limited. WOOl,--The trade still evidloits O iei. , mid the stack of the medium and common grades has generally yst4ed into the hands of the manufacturers, and all the common that can be had is taken at 45050 c ; fine is also in better demand at 451147 e ta' lb. The week's sales reach some 250,000 lbs within the above range of prices. Cbriiiiicrcinl intelligence. [Correspondence of The Preen.] Sr. Timms, September 13,1861. We have to advise a very doll market for all descrip tions of American imports. The importers and dealers folly stocked, and for ea,! lama L%:! have Li en eery lindbql. Tle- brig hosjom in 1:;" ugh lay arrived on Bth from Boston, with general clew', still unsold. Quotations are therefore only nominal; last sales from resselc Floor at S6.Z; Corn Meal $3.75; Rice 7e.; Pilot rad Navy Bread S 3 50; Mess Pork $l6 to $l7; Prime Pork $13.23 ; Mess Beef $lO to $ll ; Dams 9 to 10e—a lot of inferior closed at 6c; thdtvr 14 t 9 vi t; i L ar d 14c—a lei rat cold at ac cheese istu. There is considerable stock old Fish on hand, dosing oil at low rate at auction. The dealers are well supplied with W. I'. Lumber. The hocid Nicholls, from Port Medway, cargo of 160 M. soh) at $lO to. FREICIIT9.—TW9 El l o , lleer,gty Mot to load razor et itiro file New York at :iTy: and :14i!! unnta Vessels for ,:dt from Tllrki, 141,1:1.1 to NeW York at 6c. Several vessels (neutral flag) are still wanted for sugar orders, from Porto Itico to Great Britain, and £3 lOs and upward offered, also for wood freights from Hayti to Great Britain, £3 offered. Xxchange on London 90 0. a., sales drawn hllla $4.80 to && 2J ; bank drawing 44.14, uu ka-citango on Now York 601 a., sales drawn bills 3 F cent. pre mium.; bank drawing rate ir cent. premium, 60 days. American gold 2 to 3 41Y cent. premium. CARD PRINTING, BEST AND CHEAPEST In the City, at 34 Smith THIRD Stmt. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Best and Cheapest In the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. -; PAM.PHLXT PRINTING, and every other deaerip• Ron of Printing, of the most euperior quality, at the moat reasonable rates, at RINGWALT BROWIPS, Drexell'a Building, 24 South %81N) . 6travt. &AO-it PIIII,IPELPIII.4, Oaf. 11, 1861 PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF' TRADE. ABBAHATti J. LEWIS, REI4.I'N MARSHALL, ( COMMITTER OP TM& MONTH WM. B. THOMAS, LETTER BAGS At the Merelumts' Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship W) . oiyiing, Burton ...... Oct Zti bias Jonn Lr edit., Given v.-rpool, gO.CI Ship Zone, Fur-rton London, anon Brig Nairn, (11r) Ness Cork, Ireland, soon Schr Fannie, Vence Havana, euoit Srhr F J Sterritt, Sterritt Kingston, Ja, SOOll MARINE INTELLIGENCE, PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 12. IS6I. ERIN RISK: z .6 29 SUR BETS HIGH WATER Alilat xL Steamship Boston, Crocdor, 20 hours from New York, with rider anti passengers to .1 AlWordier. Reports that the sehr Minerva, which had been ashore off Cape May, was hove off on NVedursday night. Passed off Delaware City. Fels Julia Mails, besting up. Ethr H Cil.hP. lours from Now ii,jrnri. V i• b. :tie •i.t.s a im• do oriu tivm ii Bedford, going into the Breakwater. Sehr Sarah Cullen, Cullen, 4 days from Boston, with fish to E A Sunder it. Co. Sehr Silver Magnet, Perry, 4 days from Boston, with fish to captain. Sehr Jelin R Mother, Thompson [ 7 dip from Bogor], with mdse to Crowell & Collins, - - - _ Schr John F Doughty, Leed,, 3days from ehatimm, with fish Crowell Sehr Julia Mai!, Preston, 5 days front Neponset, in ballast to Noble, Ilammett Cobh% ell I.srlitlL/ l, &urges Norris, 4 days from ProTincetott - n, will.. .I , v It, (1., Selo Jeffmsen, v iloys from Fall River, iu ballast to Costner, Stirkner .k Wellington. Scbr Emehhe Tiee, from New Haven. Sehr NY ondrutf Sims, Mason, from Weymouth. Selo . ' Restless, Sounders, from Boston. Sehr L Andenried, Bartlett, from Boston. srm Black Biamomi, frvm Boston. Schr Rold Corson, RIO, from Boston. &in' Susan F Abbott, Ludlam, f , oin Boston. Sebr J C Baxtor, Price, him Boston. Behr ➢Carp Ann Aliker, Binger, from Boston. kebr Bony Price, Adams, from Boston. Steamer Roverld, Pietro, 24 howl from New York, with mtbie to W Clyde. - Steamer 'Vulcan, Mormon, 24 hours from New York, with wise to Win Baird A: Co. CLEARED Bark Itnperaitor, Power., Pernambuco and a market, LeAs is it , Damon. Bark Murillo:, Jarman, Cienfuegos, G W Serumlou & Bro. Brit Chsrlrma, Collin, Portland, E A Solider k Co. Schr blatietta Tilton, Tilton, Cork for orders, G Mc ai-hwtry. Seim Itestiegg; Saumbrg, 'Boston, Wm II Johns, Schr L. Autlenrierl, Bartlett, &stun. do Stlir J C Baxter, Price, Boston, Van Dunn, Norton & Co. Schr Mary Ann Magee, Magee, Boston, Sinnickson & Glover. Schr W Sims, Mason, it e ‘ton, L Audonried & Co. SCIiC Steoli Now York, do It Corson, Mali, Boston, Noble., llamntott & Cxld~en. &]u• Polly Price, AdAlllB, Salem, do Schr Julia Maine, PreAon, Nepconset, do Schr F. Rickey, 'Tice, Rridgepot, Repplior & Bro. Schr S F Aiebott, Ludlum, Fortress Monroe, Tyler, 61011 t A - Sei Schr Itheck Diamond, Young, Donversport, Costner, Stichney & Wellington. kclir Minerva, Jetterson, Fall River, do (Correspondence of the Prem.) READING Oct 9 The following imam from the 'Union 6anat WAWA into the Schuylkill Canal to-day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: dos Convex., grain to Jos Coover; Wee lbach, do to A G Cattell K. Co; Matthew Fife, staves to A L Gearhart; Elias Heber, lino• to captain. MEMORANDA 'ark Amanda Jane, at Havana sth hag, 'WM chartered to load sugar at Sagua for Philadelphia, New York, or Burton, at S 5 per Idol. Sehr S B Bailey. Robinson, hence for Haverhill, nt Eakin Nit Wait Mira Diary E Smith, Smith, and S Miller, Allen, sailed front Salem tith inst. for Philathtlphia Fehr L S Leveri»g, Corson, hence, arrived nt Fall Elver Sth inst. Seta Tennessee, Wooster, hence for Halifax, at New port Sth in,t. with loss of flying jib.. Henry Cole, Hazleton, Mary A Shropshire, Shropshire, and Sarah Lavinia, Cramer, for-Philadel phia, cleared at Boston 10h inst for Philadelphia. Schrs L II Endicott, Leeds, aid A Heaton, Ryan, chl at New York 10th inst. for Philadelphia. Schr Geo Edwards, Weeks, cleared at Boston 10th inst for Philadelphia. Schr Eveline, York, for Philadelphia, remained at Ifa innn Dili inst. Steamship City of Richmond, Kelly, at New Yorkfrom Philadelphia, has been chartered as a Government Iran spoi Bark Texan star, at Boston from Liverpool, has been seized fur running the blockade at Galveston, both going, in and coming out. cuiltob,fera 7.119.1111641itud4 fist , Fall Ricer, put into Newport Bth inst. with loss of stuchor, boat stove, forsnil &c. PROPOSALS. _ _ _ _ ABMX SUPPLIES.,. OFFICE QUARTERMASTER is. S. Mum Indianapolis, Ind., September 30, 1801.. } SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o'clock M. on MONDAY, the 28th day of Ortu her, nal, for furnishing the following army supplies, de liTtTable at the quartermaster's Depot, at ludianapolle ? Indiana, in quantities, as required, vie : 86,001:1 Forage Caps and Covers. 1,660 Uniform Coate, Musicians, Infantry—dark blue Hersey. 120 Uniform Jackets, Musicians, Cavalry—dark blue 20 Unicorn! Jackets, 'Musicians, Artiliory—iark time Hersey. 84,750 tuifurm Coats, Privates, Infantry—dark blue Kersey. ' 2,580 Uniform Jackete, Privalee, Cavalry—dark blue Kersey. 1,350 Uniform Jackets, Privates; Artillery—dark blue Kersey. 120 Chevrons N. C. S. pairs of Infantry. 20 do do pairs of Cavalry. 370 do Ist Sergeants, pairs of Infantry. 40 do do pairs of Cavalry. 10 do do pairs of Artillery. 1,450 do Sulam*, pairs of Infantry. 130 (10 do pairs of Cavalry, 60 do do pairs of Artillery. 2,900 do Corporals, pairs of Infantry. 260 do do pairs of Cavalry. • 110 do 40 do hospital Stewards, pairs of. trowsers ? Srrgeants, Infantry—sky-Lino Kersey. 180 do try do do IMSI3I 110 - do $1,600 do Privates Infantry do do zno do do Cavalry do do 1,180 d. do Artillery do do 610 Sashes. 10,000 Illue Flannel Sack Coats—lined 80,850 Flannel Shirts. 80,850 Drawers. 72,750 Bootees, Fairs of— 4,050 Mulls piiir§ cif 50,850 Stockings, pairs of. 10,000 Great Coats, Infantry. 10,000 Great Coat Straps, seta. 25,000 Army Blankets, wool, gray, (with the letters U. S. in black, 4 inches long, in the centre,) to be 7 feet long, and 5 foot 6 inches wide, to weigh 5 pounds sash. 5,400 Stable Frocks, All the above-mentioned articles must conform in every respect to the sealed standard patterns in this office, where they may be examined and additional in formation received concerning them. Tbe pannifactaters' establishment or dealers , places of business must be distinctly stated in the proposal, to• gether with the names, address, and responsibility* of two persons Drowsed as sureties. The sureties will guaranty that a contract shall be entered within ten days after the acceptance of said bid or proposal. Proposals will be received for the whole or any part of each kind of the itrtivier adivrtired fvr, The privilege is reserved by and for the United states of rejecting any proposals that may be deemed extrava gant. Deliveries to commence within twenty days after the acceptance of the propospals, and one-third of thequantity contracted fur must he delivered within one month from Said date of accept:men, and the remainder within two months of said date of acceptance, or sooner if practice. ble. Bidders will nevertheless state in their proposals the shortrA possible time in which the quantities bid for can be delivered by them. All articles will be subject to inspection by sworn In. Spectors, appointed by authority of the United States, Payment shall be made on each delivery, provided Con gress shall have made an appropriation to meet it, or as soon thereafter as an appropriation shall be made for that purpose. Ten per cent. of the amount of each delivery will be retained until the contract shall be completed, which will be forfeited to the 'United States in case of failure on the part of the CoiltiaCtoi , the sea tract: Forms of prowl al and guaranty will be furnished upon application to this office, and none will be considered that do not conform thereto. Proposals will be endorsed a Proposals for furnishing 'Army allpt, a • es." A. MONTGOMERY, oe9-t0e9.8 Maj. and Q. M. 11, S, A, SEALED PROPOSALS, till the 21st of October, 1861, at 12 o'clock H., are invited for supplying the Army with Beef Cattle on the hoof, to be delivered at Chambersburg, Harrisburg, or York, in the State of Pennsylvania, as the Govermnent may desig nate, Bidders are reauested to comply in all particulars with the form . of bid priblished herewith. Government reserves to itself the right to pay in Tres snry notes or other funds it has for disbursement, and to reject any, bid and for any cause. No bid will be en tertained unless the bidder is present to respond to his The Government will receive 4,000 bead under the contract, and will reserve the rigit to require any addi tional number up to 16,000 head. Deliveries to be made weekly in such Quantities as may be required. The ()attic must average 1,300 pounds gross weight i and no animal will he received which weighs leas than 1,000 pram& gross. No conditional bid will be received. The bide to be directed to Capt. A. BECKWITH, C. S., 11. S. A., Washington, B. S., and endersed " Propo sals for Beef Cattle." . . v4 l: l4%nnnie Yet' Lhe uovorn. meta good Beef Cattle on the hoof for-per hun dred pounds gross weight. Thu Cattle to be delivered at Chambersburg, Harrisburg, or York, in the State of Pennsylvania, as the Government may designate, ac cording to the terms of the enclosed advertisement. The Cattle to be weighed on the scales, and the weight so de. !ermined to he file iiilrch:wo welsh+. / hereby agree to give a good and sufficient bond for the fulfillment of the contract, and to receive Treasury notes or other Govern ment funds in payment for the Cattle. The first delivery of the Cattle will be required to be made about the 10th of November, 1861. 5e304021 OFFICE OF ARMY CLOTHING ; AND EQUIPAGE. PHILADELPHIA, October 2, 1861. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited, and will be re ceived at this Office until 12 o'clock M., on MONDAY, the 21st day of Ork,ber, 1861, for furnishing, at the Schuylkill Arsenal, WAX UPPER LEATHER, in such quiintitiva on may be required during the month of No. Member next. About 1,500 sides per week will be needed, end all de liveries must be made subject - to inspe ction. Proposals will be endorsed, Proposals for Furnishing Leather," and be addressed to G. H. CROSIIIAN, nv4.121 Thq - alty 011111q1.1.111aUtbl , CPlll4'lll Aviity COAL. QM. N. HEATON'S kJ. LEHIGH AND LOCUST MOUNTAIN COAL WHARF, 1t23 North Delaware ammo, above Foolar street. All Coal particularly selected and prepared for family Use. Rowel: opera desiring to lay in their winter sup ply will be furnished with a good and clean article at very reduced prices for cash. Dealer* and Manufacturers supplied at wholesale Brim, nu2o=tuthAa2niti MOLASSES OF FINEST PJ QUALITY, strictly Choice Porto Rico Molasses, Muscovado and Sugar House Molasses, Primp and Roasting Rio, White and Green Lagnafra, Maroc - am. end St. Domingo CoffeM Best Lump and Southern Tobaeco, EYILAW. arLa Detersive Soaps, Also, Refined Cuba and Porto Rico Sugar, in store and for sale by PHILIP REILLY & CO., ocs-Bt* No. 7 North WATER Street. FNE SHIRT MANUFACTORY.- J. W. SCOTT, 314 CHESTNUT Street, few doors below the Continahla." The otiontiou thy Whohealo Nolen! h Invited to his IMPROVED OUT OP SHIRTS, of impeller St, make, and material, On hand and made to miler at abortaut notice. OLIVE OIL.-175 Baskets Fresh Olive Oil, just recoiled per bark August, for solo b Jaußrrellf, a CARKAIRS, 202 and 204 South Ir BO ti T Street. oci-t TEE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1861. 631 .......3 23 paint of Artillery do do Artillery do do MEDICINAL. 66 THEY GO RIGHT TO THE SPOT." INSTANT ABLINF 13TOP YOUR COUGH ! PURIFY YOUR BREATH ! STRENGTHEN YOUR VOICE SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS 6100 D FOR CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOR LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES GENTLEMEN CARRY SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS LADIES ARE DELIGHTED WITH SPALDING'S TIIROAT CONFECTIONS CHILDREN CRY FOR SPALDING'S MOAT SONPECTIONS They relieve a Cough instantly. They clear the Throat. They give strength and volume to the Voice. They impart a delicious aroma to the Breath. They are delightful to the Taste. They are made of simple herbs, and eannot harm any one. I advise every one who has a Cough, 'or's& fluky Voice, or Bad Breath, or any difficulty of the Throat, to get a whogo of my Throat Confections. They Will relieve you instantly, and yon will agree with me that "they go right to the spot." You will find them very use ful and pleasant while travelling or attending public meetings, for stiii;g your cough or allaying your thirst. If you try one package I am safe In saying that you Al ever afterwards consider them indispensable. Ton will find them at the Druggists and Dealers in Medicines. PRICE TWENTY , FIVE CENTS Ny Signature IN on each package. Ali others are counterfeit package will be sent by mall, preyed, on receipt o Thirty Cents. HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 CEDAR STREET, NEW YORK CEPHA.L.IO PILLS SICK HEADACHE. NERVOUS HEADACHE. CURES ALL KTNDO OF HEADACHE! Er the nee of them Pills the Periodical attacks of Her. twits or g ick Headache may be prevented and if take at the commencement of en attack Immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. They seldom fail In removing the Nausea and Head ache to which females are so,subject. They act gently on the bowels, removeing trostiveam Por Literary Men, Students, Delleata Piinidini, said all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable an a lataitire, improving the appetite, giving tone and vigor to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural clean. city and strength of the whole ElYEltal.- The ORPHILIO PILLS are the resilt long Invest rum „ en te. haring been NAM e they hare lam vented and relieved a vast amount of pain and tnifferi4 from Headache, whether originating in the nervous sys tem or from a deranged state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable In their compositions and may be taken at all times with perfect safety without making any change of diet, and the absence of any dis agreeable paste renders it easy to administer Them to children. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS : The genuine have pie signatures of Henry D. Spalding on each Box. Bold by Druggists and all other Dealers in Medicine& A Hoz will be sent by mall prepaid on receipt of the PRICE, 25 CENTS. All orders should be addressed HENRY C. SPALDING. 48 CEDAR STREET, NEW YORK Prom the Itrainfisar, Meats Ya Cephalic rills accomplish the object for which the? W4IPO made, via! Ours of headache in all its form Prom Me Examiner, Norfolk, T. They have been tested In more than • thousand eases, with entire success. Pont as Democrat, St Cloud, Kim It you 'bro, or have boon troubled with the houileolo, send for a box, [Cephalic Pills ) ] so that you may have them in case of an attack. Prop► the Advertiser, Providereee, R. I The cephalic Pills are said to be a remarkably effec tive remedy ror the headache, and one of the Tory boot for that very frequent complaint which has ever been die: Covered. From the Wester» R. R. Gazette, Ohicom, BS. We heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, end his unrivalled Cephalic Pill& Prost the Kanawha Valley Star, Sawateho, T. We are sure that persona suffering with the headache, who try them, will stick to them. Prom the Southern Pant Finder, New Orison, Lit. Try them !! you that aro afflicted, and we ewe ewe that your teatimony can be added to the already more* lint that hap received bimelita that no other medicine can produce. Prom the St. Louts Democrat. The Immense demand for the article (Caption° Pile) Ii rapidly increasing. Front the Murata, Davenport, /moo. Mr. Spalding would not connect his name with in ao. tide he did not know to possess real merit. Aron: the Adeertiser, Preeirlettee, R. 1_ The tentimony in their four io drag, ihnia the laid respectable quarter& Prom Se Daily News, Newport, $l. Cephalic Pills are taking the place of all kinds. fr......,,.vvc5rx; Bulletin, Boston, Men. Saw Gila very efficacious for the headache. From the Commercial Cincinnati. Buffering humanity can now be relieved. Sir A Single bottle of SPALDING'S PB&PAIIND GLUE will save ten times their cost annually. 11111 SPALDIDTI3t'6 PREPARED OLITE! SPALDIDIEFS PREPARED GLUE! f3PALDING'B PREPARED GLUE ! SATE THE PERI:1101 ECONOMY S Mir" A 13.1T01 IN TIKII SAVIi Ntxx."-‘lll As accidents will happen, even in well-regnhated TVPY bins IQ= 'chop and %/DUI& ant will for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, Mt. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all suchemergencies, and nohousehold can afford to do without it. It is always ready, and up to the sticking Mgt 6 . USEFUL IN EVERT BOUSB." N. B.—A Brash accompanies each bottle. Palo% Dents. Address, HENRY O. SPALTUNG', Ro. 48 OIDAR MUNN, NEW YOBS, CAUTION. AN orb& umbel Pied MIMI are Ottotol4hilfto Jahn of on the nnenspecthm public, loaltotions of loy PARED GLUE, I would motion all Dimon' to azionhee before penhaelng, and see that the full name, sir SPALDING'S PEZPAUND GLUE "GE on the maids Wrapper a others aro owtndliep Conatartelta golti-tt INSURANCE COMPANIES. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSUILANCE COMPANY, PICILADLLPIIIA. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania,lB36. Office, S. E. corner of TIMID and lIA WALNUT Streets, PUILADELPI. MARINX INSURANCE. On Vessels, Cargo, To all Parte of the World. Freight, IN AND INSURANONg On Goods try Rivers, Canals, Lakes, and Laud Carriages, to atl parts of the Union. FIRM 1149URANUEll On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Howes, &c. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1, 1860 11.00,000 United Staten live per cent. Loan— .$lOO,OOO 00 111,000 United BMWs six Per vent, Truant - icy Notes, (with Hammed interost,)..... 110,403 34 100,000 Pennsylvania :Rate five per cent. 25,970 Loan OO 21,000 do. do. six do. d 0... 21,945 00 123,050 Philadelphia City eix per cent. Iman 123,203 87 30.0 0 0 . fArnr, tivf. r..r rent. Loran qr. 114.0 1 .7 U hrajusy Itawa limiroad tinolgtixe nix per cent. bonds 46,000 00 16,000 300 shares stock Germantown Om Company, interest and principal guarantied by the City of Philadel phia 16,800 00 0,000 100 nhares Ponnaylvania Railroad Company ,“/ 8,900 00 6,000 100 ith vett North Pennsylvania Rail road tionil.allY 1,200 30 sharer Philadelphia Ice Boat and Steam Tug Company 1,200 00 250 6 aharea Philadelphia and Havre-de g! iwe Wain Towboat Company.. IMO 2 snares Philadelphia txchange Company 125, 00 1,000 2 shares Continental Hotel Co 500 00 $688,700 par. Cost $547,336 34. Market val. $654,558 71 Bills Receivable, for Insurances made 171,388 42 Bands and Mortgages PA,505 00 Real Estate °Law as Balances due at Agencies, Premiums on Ma rine Policies, Interest, and other Debts due the Company Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies Gash on hand li, Rparia,kwee.i.. William Martin, Edmund A. Bonder, Theophihm Psulding, John R. Penrose, John C. Doris, James Traituair, William Dyr,, Jr., James C. Hand, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr. B. M. Huston, George C. Liepor t Hugh Craig, Charles Belly, WILL TROS HENRY LYLBERN. Sucre THE RELIANCE THAL INSURANCE COMPANY, PDILIDELPULL, OFFICE No. 305 WALNUT STREET, Insures against LOSS OR 'DAMAGE BY FIRE, on Houses, Stores, and other buildings, limited or perpetual, and on Furniture, Goods Wares, and Ider a/Liao, in town or country. CASH CAPITAL, 8231,110.00—ASSETS 8317,142.04, Which is invested as follows, viz: In first mortgage on city property, worth double the amount 0162,900 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent first mortgage loan, at par 6,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent, se cond mortgage loan, ($30,000) 87,900 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad and Canal Co.'s mortgage loan 4,000 OD Ground rent, first-clam 2,462 60 Collateral loans, Hall 118.6111W3 2,500 00 City of Philadelphia 6 per cent loan 80,000 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Pa. RB. loan. 10,000 00 Commercial Bank stock 6 135 01 Mechanics' Bank stock 2,812 60 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 5t0ck..........4,000 00 The Reliance Muted Insurance Co.'s stock. 25,350 00 The County Piro Insuyancs Co.'s stock - 1,060 00 The De'swore M. S. Insurance Co.'s stock.. 700 00 Union Mutual Insurance Co.'s scrip .. 380 00 Bills receivable 14,302 74 Book accounts, accrued interest, &c .. 7,104 66 Clash on band 11,644 84 The Mutual principle, combined with the security of • Stock Capital, entitles the insured to participate in the PROFITS of the Company, without liability for LOSSES. Leases promptly adjusted and paid. DIRECTORS. Samuel Bispham, Robert Steen, William Abuser, Benj. W. Tingley, Marshall Hill, J. Johnson Brown, Charles Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen; John Bissell, Pittsburg. Ukt TINGLEY, President. Clem Tingley, ThCBTE I 9% Frederick Brim', William Stevenson, John R. Worrell, E. L. Carson, Robert Toland, e. D. Busengarten, elsmilza S. Wood, James B. Woodward, OLE B. N. HINOHMAN, Seeretar February 16, 1861. pENII MUTUAL LIFE /MU— BANCE COMPANY, No. 921 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. CHARTER PERPETUAL. ALL THE PROFITS DIVIDED AMONG THE IN SURED. Easers Linea for shaft termer for the RhOle taint of lifor, grant Annutiee and Endowments ; purchase Life Inte rests in Real Estate, and make al l contracts depending on the contingencies of life. They act as Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Guardians. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, January 1, 1861. Mortgages, ground rents, real estate or-,ost 94 United States stocks, Treasury notes, loans of State of Pennsylvania, city of Philadel phia, Ac 268,795 84 Premium notes, loans or collaterals, Ac 237,694 58 Pennsylvania, North Pennsylvania Rail roads, and County 8 per cent. bonds 105,802 150 Bank, Insurance, raitroad, !lanai stocks, ttc. 97,64" 49 Cash on hand, agents' bedtimes, dm., ace.— 28,206 14 81,071436 09 DANIEL L. MILLER, Pretddeni. JORN W. LIOBNORT6E7CIvarr"."2." VIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVE LY.—The PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1825. CHARTER PER. PETUAL. N 0.510 WALNUT Street, opposite Independ ence Square. This Company, foronibly known to tho community for thirty-siz years, continues to insure against Lon or Da mage by Fire, on public or private Buildings, either per manently or for a limited time. Also, on Furniture, stooks of Goods, or Merchandise generally, on liberal .017115. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Pond, fa lureeteil in the moat careful moaner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of loss. DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson, Thomas Robins, Qiiintin Campbell, Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson, . John Devereux, William Montanus, Thomas Smith, Isaac Hazleburst, JONATHAN WILLIAM G. ORnwur..L, Be INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE IRATE OF PENNBYLYANIAaaOFFIOB Nom, 4 and b EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North nide of WAL NUT Street, between DOGS and THIRD Streets, India delptda. INCORPORATED in 1784—ORARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL, 8200,000. PROPERTIES OP THE COMPANY, FEBBUART 1, 1881, #407,091.81. IddRINE, FIRE, AND INLAND TRANSPORTA TION INSURANCE. BISECTORS. Henry D. Sherrerd, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Masalestst, TdbLM Waemlfi William B. Smith, Thomas B. Wattson, John B. Budd, Henry G. Freemen, William IL White, Charles S. Lewis, George H. Stuart, George O. Carson, Edward C. Knight. HENRY Et WILLIAM HARPER. Secrets ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPANY. Authorized Capital *MOO CHARTER PERPETUAL. • Office N 9 , 311 1 .v4LNVT 13tre9 Intwtomi Third dad Fourth Streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against loss or damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gene rally. Also, Marine Insurances on Vessels, Oargoee, and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parte of the Union. 31.601, Daher, D. Luther, L. Andenried, Davis Pearson, Peter Sieger, JACOB WM.F W. 111; UHT, Secretary. THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) OOMPANY'S BUILDING, S. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIBEOTOBS. F. Ratchford Starr, Mordecai L. Dawson, William McKee, Geo. H. Stuart, Halbro Frazier, John H. Brown, John IL Atwood, B. A. Fahneetook, Beni T_ Tredick ; Andrew D. Delhi Hazy Wharton, J. L. Erringor. F. RATCHFORD STARE, President. OH/BLEB W. OnYx. Secretary 1615 VXCHANGIL 1 J.:4 PANY--oMce, No. 4 PLO Ii tiliftll2.64 an Houses on favorable terme, either L DIRE t Jeremiah Bengali, John Q. Ginned°, Edward D. Roberts, alma D. Smedloh Reuben O. Hale, JEREM JOHN Q. Bioasan Cox, Secretary. VIRE INSURANCE. MECHANICS' INSURANCE COMPANY OY iriaLLABELPIIIA, Nv. 139 North SIXTH Strevi i bvivw Bare, Insure Buildings, Goode, and 'Merchandise gene. rally, from Lose or Damage by Fire. The Company gua ranty to adjust all Losses promptly, and thereby hopeto merit the patronage of the public. DIRECTORS. Flanigan, Michael Flanigan, Michael MCGOIGS Edward McGovern, Thomas B. McCormick, John Bromley, Francis Balls, John Cassady, Bernard U. Elulsemann, Marisa Clam, Michael Cahill. rOIB COOPER, President. •etary. en2ll William Morgan, Branch] Cooler, George L. Dougherty, James Martin, James Dummy, Matthew McAleer, Bernard Rafferty, Thomse J. Thelma FiPII4.T. Francis McMonne, DISPATOR BERNARD RAFFERTY, Soc AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. CHARTER iiihrmTuAl;. - No.olo WALNUT litreet, above tida l Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stoat and Surplus, In. vested in sound and available Securities, continues to insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Ves sels in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal. Pro pel, Au Lows liberally and promptly sstitmtso . , PretIGOTOISB. James U. Campbell, Edmund G. Dutilh, Charles W. Posit's'', Israel Morriz Thotaaa R. Harm. John Welsh, Samuel O. Horton. Patrick Brady, John T. Lewis, THOM • Aims*. C. L- COMMONEA_L PENNSANCE W COMPAN YLVANIA. David Jayn . s, X. D., John Edward C. Knight, Thomas S. Stewart, Henry Lewis, Jr., DAVID JAY JOHN M. W BANDED B. 14001 i, ; 09144, eatamanwaalth i3treet, rhilsdelphia. „61,580 02 436 34 5,636 150 .... MM. 18 29,108 61 15904,907 5 TORS. Samuel E. Stokes, J. F. Peniston, Henry Sloan, Edward Darlington, Jones Brooks, Spencer Mcllvaine, Thomas C. Hand, Robert Burton, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Eyre, John B. Semple, Pittsburg D. T. Morgan, A. B. Berger, 44 . M MARTIN, President, 0. HAND, Vies President cr. nol7-tf 631;142 04 PATTERSON, President. .cretary. opt . tifftBREBD. President. ry. iy29-11 IaBECTOBB. Joseph Maxfield, John Ketcham John B. Blakh:ton, Wm. F. Dean, J. E. Baum. ESHER, President DEAN, Vice President. ap3-ff SURANCE COM -09 WALNUT street. t aut Msyshandiss imessally, united or Perpetual. TOES. Thomas Marsh, Charles Thompson, Jemes T. Hale. helm T. John J. Griffiths. H BONSALL, President. GINNODO, Vice President. B. NAM. President. f,42.4 H FIRE INSU , O➢' THE STATE 01 TOM. Charles g.49gont, John IL Walker, Robert Shoemaker, William Struthers, Stephen Coulter. E, M. D., President. lITALL, Vice President. Karp. unaiatt, 01.3 set-St RAILROAD LINES. WINTER AR RAWIEMMT.—PRILADEL- MIA, WILMINGTON, AND BALTIIdOIIE RAIL ROAD. On and aftor MONDAY, SEPT. 10, 1881, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA,: For Baltimore at 8.16 A. 51., 11.85 A. M., (ExDreaa), and 10.50 P. 51, For Chestur at 8.15 A. DI., 11.31 A. M., 3.10 and 10.60 P.M. For Wilmington at 8.15 A. M., 11.25 A. M., 3.30 and 10.50 P. M. Fur New Castle at 8.18 A. M. and 3.30 P. M. For 'Paver at 8.11 A. M. Fee lillltoyd at 8.18 A. M. For Salialmry at 8.15 A. N. • TRAINS FOR. Leave Baltimore at 8.80 A. M. (Expreos), 10.15 A. M., and 4.45 F. M. Leave Wilmington at 7.20 and itaa A. M., 1.50 and 6 P. M. Leave Salisbury at 6.5 i A. Id. Leave Milford at 7.40 A. M. Leave hover at I A. M. New Castle in and 11 A. M. Leave Cheeter at 8.20 A. M., 12.15, 2.25, and 8.48 F. M. Tioar..P.dtimo* ,,,, ,l'o,-V tan , nritruipeimt: , atatina, ISt , isiit •M • TRAISS FOR 13ALTI1EORE : Leave Cheater at 8.45 A. M., 12.05 and 11.20 P. M. Lean M'iliningtnn at 9.85 A. Id., 12.31; P. M., and 12 A.. Id • FREIGHT TRAIN, with PnA+Aliger Car attached, will rim is followm : Lem Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate places at n P. M. Leave Wilmington for Perriville and intermediate places at 7 I'. M. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermediate places at mail P. M. ON SUNDAYS ONLY At 10.50 haw, Philadelphia to Mailman. At 4.45 from Baltimore to Philadelphia. HON-if B. M. ETON, President. 1861.iling.5' 1 N-1 7 0_ 1861. ARRANGEMENT Ulf NEW FORK LINER. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA. DELPIIIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD co.'s LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES. rSOx WALKUT-OTRISFiT V'TIAN, ARD REMAINGTON DZPOT. WILL LEAVE AS nu,Lows-viz; At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ac commodation .32 26 At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, (N. J. Accommodation.) 2 26 At 94i A.M., via Kensington and JerseyCity,Morn imit Mail 8 00 At 12) P. M.. via Camden and Amboy, Accommo dation 226 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ex prom 00 At 4 . % P. M., via Kemiugtan sad Jersey City, live- DillB - EXDIIIB OAR At 4,}i P. M., via Remington and Jersey City, 2d Claes Ticket 2 25 At 6 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Evening . Mail.. 200 At 10% P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, South ern Mail 8 00 At 6 P, M. via Camden and AndaVi eon, (Freight and Passenger)—lat Class Ticket.. 2 ZS Do. do. 24 Clam Ticket.. I 50 The 6P. M. Mail Line rune daily. The ION P. M. Southern Mail, Saturdays excepted. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wllkeabarre, Montrose, Great Bend. &c., 7.10 A.M. from Kensington, vie Ipelaware, Lackawanna, and Weatern It. B. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Betititbem, Easton, Lambertville, Flemington, kn., at 7.15 A. M. and 4% P. M., from Kensington Depot; (the 7.10 A. M. line connects with train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk at 8.36 P. MO For Mount holly at 6 A. M., 2 and 43i P. M. For Freehold at 6 A. M. seat 6 P. M. WAY LINES. For Bristol, Trenton, ke., at 7.10 and tig A. M., 934 •nd 5 P. M., from Kensington, and 2 % P. M. from Walnut-sheet wharf. . . . . . For Palmyra, Riverton, Delane°, Beverly, Burling ton Florence, Dordnutown, &c., kt mg,1,2,14,43,1, and 6P. d. Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and intermediate places. at 214 I'. M.. from Walnut-street wharf. IFirFor Rea . York and Way Lines leaving Kensing ton Depot, take the care, on Fifth street, above Walnut, halt an hour before departure. Tke cam ran into the depot, and on arrival of each train run from the depet. Fifty Pounds of Baggage, only, allowed each Passen ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything ae baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond '6lOO, ex cept' by special contrnet. WM. H. GATZMRR, Agent. FALL AND WIN -- TER ARRANGEMENT.— PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN, and NORRIS . TOWN BAJLIZOAD. On and atttr biona.y, September 23, 11181. FOR GERMANTOWN. . . Leave Philadelphia, 6,7, 8, 9,10, 11,12 A. M., 1,2, 8, 4,6, 6,7, 8,9, 10, and 11% P.M. Leave Germantown, 6,7, 73‘, 8,9, 10, 11, 12 A. M., 1, 2,3, 4,5, 6,7, 8,9, 10% P. 31. VN 317:3/DAYS. - - Laaac Philadelphia, 0.06 A. M.; 2 4 7; and 10% Leave Germantown, 8.10 A. b1.,1. 6, and 9) P. Id. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia, 6,8, 10, 12 A. M., 2,4, 6, and 9 P.M. Leave Chestmat Hill, 7.10, 7.40, 9.40, 11.40 A. SL, 1.40, 3,40, 6,401 lima 749 P. ON sor././Av Leave Philadelphia, 9.05 A. M., 2 and 7 P. M. Leave Chestnut MU, 7.60 A. M.. 440, 5.40, and 9,19 P. M, FOE CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leavo Plailtulelplaia,6„V, 9, 11 A. M., 1%, 8.05, 43, laud CU P. M. Leave Norristown, 7,8, 0, 11 A. M., IK, 4%, and 8 P.M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., 3 P. M. Leave Norriatown, T A. DL, 6 'P. M POP. MAITAYUKK. Leave Philadelphia, 0%, 9, 11 A. M., 1%, 3.05, 4%, 6.06, and 8.05 P. M. Leave Manayuuk, 7%, 8%, 9%, 11% A. M., 2,6, and 6% P. M. ONSUNDAYS. Leafy rhitp4olo4.7 0 M.,8 and 7P. M. Leave Alanayunk,lk A. AL, 034" and 8 P. 51. H. K. SMITH, General Superintendent, ee2o-t[ Depot NINTH and GREEN Streets. IMEtriaM NORTH PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD. W=.s - 011E - YOB BETHLEHEIti. bErtiAstdbileit, M A QO TI (MUNK, HAZLETON, EASTON, 'ROBLEY, WILKESBARRE, &C. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and after MONDAY, MAY 13, 1880, Passenger FAONT and W I LOW Street.- Phns ae.Pte(l, (Sunday e - e:Ncepted, as amowa! At 0.40 A. M., ( - Express.) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Chunk, Hazleton, Wilkesbarre, &a. At 2.45 P. M., (Express,) fur Bethlehem, Easton, 10. This train reaches Easton at 6 P. It., and makes a dose connection with the New Jersey Central for New York_ N,, for B9o4e4ein, 4 11 .91A9wa l Chunk, &c. At 9 A. M. and 4 P. M., for Doylestown. At 10.80 A. AL and 6.45 P. M., for Fort Washington. The 6.40 A. M. Express Train makes close connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable route to Wllkesbarre, and to all paints hi the Lehigh coal region. TICAID§ FOE 'tzlitititttLttiA. Leave Bethlehem at 5.40 A. M., 0.1.8 A. M., and 5.88 P.M. Leave Doylestown at 7.25 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. Leave Fort 'Washington at 6.30 A. M. and 2.30 F. M. ON SUNDAYS—Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 3 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 6.40 A. 51. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 5 P. M. Fare to 8eth1eh0m....91.50 Fare to Mauch Ohntdc.s2.6o Fare to Easton 1,50 Fare to Wilkesbarre.. 4.50 Through Tickets must ie procured at the Ticket Offices, tit WILLOW tired, or' Alroce order to secure the above rates of fare. MI Passenger Trains (except Sunday Trains) connect at Berke street with the 'Fifth and Sixth streets, and Se cond and Third-streets Passenger Railroads, twenty mi nutes after leaving Willow street. IMlCsig_A—m. ELMIRA ROUTE.— ..... ,- ...-PIULADELPHIA AND ELM- BA RAILROAD QUICKEST ROUTE to Tamaqua., Catawissa, Rupert, Wilkoob(wry, ktront9n i Danville, itlilton, Williamsport, Troy, Ralston, Canton, Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Rochester, Cleveland, Detroit, Toledo, Chicago, St. Louis, Milwaukee, and all points North and West. Passenger trains will leave the new Depot of the Phi ladelphia and Reading Railroad, corner BROAD and CALLOWBILL Streets, (Passengers entrance on Cal lewlaill otrvet,) daily, (Sundaye excepted), for above points, as follows: ' DAY EXPRESS 800 A. EL NIGHT EXPRESS • 315 P. M. The 8.00 A. M. train connects at Rupert, for Wilkes. barns, Pitteon, Scranton, and all etatione on the LACK AWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD, The above trains make direct connections at Elmira with the trains of the New York and Erie, Canandaigua and Niagara Falls, and Buffalo,New York and Erie, and New York Central Railroa ds, from all points North and West, and the Canadas. Baggage checked to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge, and all intermediate points Ticket's can De procured at the Philadelphia awl El mira Railroad Line's Ticket Office, northwest corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and at the Passenger Depot, corner THIRTEENTH AND CALLOWHILL THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN. Leave the Philadelphia and Reading Depot, Broad and Callowhill streets daily, (Sundays excepted), for all Wan Wed and North, at 6 P. M. Freights must be delivered before 8 P.M. to insure their going the same day. For further information apply at Freight Depot, THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL, or to G. T. LEONARD, Agent, Northwest corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, or ts popm PHILADELPHIA AND BEADING RAILROAD. PASSENGER TRAINS FOR POTTSVILLE, READ. ING, and HARRISBURG, on and after May 20, HSI. MORNING LINES, DAILY, (Stindaye excepted.) Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD and CALLOW HILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, (Passengerentrances on Thirteenth and ou Callowhill streets,) at 9 A. hL, con necting at Harrisburg with the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 1 P. DI. train, running to Pittsburg; the CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1.05 P. EL train running to Chnotherthurg, Carlisle, Ae. and the NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD 1 P: 11. train running to Sun bury, go. AFTERNOON LINES Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD and CALLOW BILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, (Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and on CnilowhlD Men) fur POTTSVILLE And HARRISBURG, at &In P. M., DAILY, connect ing at Harrisburg with the Northern Central Railroad, for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira„ Ac.; for READ ING only, at 6 P. M., DAILY, (Sundays excepted.) DISTANCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND NEADINQ RAILROAD. Y 6021 PHILADELPHIA, Miles. To Pbcenixvillo 28 Reeding 68 t Philadelphia and Reading Lebanon 86 ,r and Lebanon Valley R. B Harrisburg 112) Dauphin 124 Millersburg 142 f Northern Central Treverton Junction.lsB Railroad. Banbury Idd Northumberland ... .171 Lewiebucg 178 Milton 183 Muucy 197 Sunbury and Erie B. R. Williamsport 209 itrovy klwrt, ~,,, Lock Haven 213 Ralston 238 1 1 Williamnport and Elmira Troy 281 Railroad. Elmira 287 ' The, BA. M. and 3.15 P. . trains connect daily at Port Clinton, (Sundays excepted,) with the CATAWL9SA, WILLIAMSPORT, and BRIE BAILBOAD, making close connections with lines to Niagara Falls, Canada, the West and Bouthlvest. DEPOT IN PHILADELPHIA: Corner of BROAD and CA.LLOWHILL Streets. W. H. IdoILHENNEY, Secretary. May 20. 186 L msr-201f i iirgram PHILADELPHIA AND READING BAILBOAD 00., (Office= South Fourth street.) PHILADELPHIA, April ST. 1861. SEASON TICKETS: On and after May 1,1881, aeason Octets will be lama. by ihie cornrow tor the. patois of ihraq sly, alas, and Welts months, not transferable. Season 'shoal-Octets may also be hod at 88 per Gott discount: Tbese tickets will be sold by the Treasurer at No. W Sleuth FOURTH Street, where any further Informatiam can be obtained. 13. i m iNgo i WEST CHESTER BAMBOAD TRAINS via PENN. SYLVANIA RAILROAD, leave depot, corner ELE VENTH and MARKET Streets, at 8.15 A. Bt., 12 mono LSO P. M., end 4 P. M. On 13,,,,da7, leave Phibuidlta, it 7,54 oal WOOS Übeeter at a P. Dt. iya(hti FURNESS, BRINLEY, £ CO., tio, 429 MARKET STREET GUOIrS. On Tuesday Morning. Oetotrer 15, at 1O "'chock, by "....talogtm, for cash— tilfg) lotg of fahof timi trot ortrt [tutu •tir dry goods sir Samples and catalognos only on morning of sale. FOR 1) & CO., AUCTION.. EEltti, Nog. 626 MARKET and 624 COMMEROE Streets. rftHTIA"II RALR OM I,GAu (ASNS BOOTS , 611°E9' BROGANS, AND GrM SIJOES. On 111,.101RY Morning, October 14, ht 10 precisely, will be haid, by ca. thinlogne, 1,000 ehiree, rnen'p. I oyr, and youths' raft, kip, pruin, Imo tbitk booth; calf mid kipl,r,eranh, Congress tie -t, hrel pen htierh-, Vol children's rail, kip, P.nt, kid, and inoreeco heel booty, gaitere, hiiPPers, Aida, a largo :Ls- Portmont of trst-rins, - ; riry-nahle *0,14, At eonnioneenient of rxl tlnt• ,i ty vi •:: It. 1i..011$ 4401 fur ekitliliffittli/ll Carly Oil the Itlv rn ing c•l' ‘vitii POSITIVE SALE OF 1,600 CASES ROOTS, SHOES, BE °GA NS,ANP GUM SHOES. On Thursday Morniag, Oct.Lor 17, at 10 n'clnek precisely, wi l l ba sold, by co tftloolle, LON clido tiOre, uill youths' calf, Ittp, grain, and thick Tami; 7, calf, and kip brogans, Congread gsitrrs, Oxford ties, &c. ; nen's, of a3', and children's , calf, kip, gout, and kid, heeled boots and shoes:, gaiters. *dippers, kiskina, skc. Ate!, x large iri e of Scotch gingham,. :Ind I nano mnbrolla4. Of-3" Opeu fvr examtuftlivu, c.stalogiiett, koAPIY ex MI morning of gale. NF. PANCOAST, AUCTIONEER, • Succrmor to B. Scat Jr, 431 CHESTNUT St LARGE SALE OF III(11 LY•FRA :KED OIL PAINT. I NOg, On Monday Morujno,, October 14, commencing at 10 o'clock precigoly. 100 richly-1)10mq oil pniatingy,.embracing American Etiropfmn landscapes, nu - Wino ( . 0110it &c., sit rielaly framed. Alrnr 7 Frrrirli•lilatr• ovaL mirror, SALE OF AMERICAN ANT) IMPORTED DRY GOODS, MILLINERY GOODS, NOTIONS, by catalogue.. BY DUTILH, COOK, & CO, No. 124 SOUTH FRONT STREET October 16, at 10 (Celt!. k„ at the yard of Alessrs. Edwin Itetater .CEO., t:irard avenue and Eighth street, will be sold, to close their ttrrnher lousiness, 600,000 feet the. rong.lily seasoned white r.ine, walnut, poplar, ash, oak, C141'4.111111 /11110W1`, in tho Albiuli tonket ; nod chirpy cringtomed of AitChigitil RIO eatmulu Innibor. Also, 5 horses, 3 ttrEs. 1 furoiturt. liarness, 67" Catalogue's MIP clay previous to sule. Lumber now open for examination. - FITZPATRICK & 8R08. 5 AUCTIONEERS, 604 CHESTNUT Street, above Sixth. At -.4 o'clock, of books, stationery, and fancy goods, istssisp, sloths, kiIVAP-1111eAd WAN, outlay', paintings, 111.11HiCal llltltnunents, Ac. Also, hosiery, dry goods, boots and shoes, and mer. elands° of every description. DAY BALES Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at /9 o'clool A._ X_ ELLIS CLARE, Agent DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE GREAT WEST. The connection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight to. gether with the saving of time, are advantages readily appreciated by Shippers of Freight, and the Travelling Public. Merchants and Shippers entrusting the transportation of their Freight to this Company, can rely with confi dence on ite speedy transit. THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point In the Weet by the Pennsylvania Railroad are at all Mot al Amoral* at aro charged Li, otlicr Railroad Companies. 1161' Be particular to mark packages . 4 via Pennsylva nia Railroad." For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address either of the following Agents of the Com pany D. A. Stewart, Pittsherq.! IL S. Fierce & Co., Zaneeville, 0,; J. J. Johnson, nip. ley, 0. ; B. McNeely, Maysville, Ky. ; Ormsby & Crop per Portsmou th , 0. ; Paddock & Co., Jeffersonville, Indiana; H. W. Brown & Co., Cincinnati, 0.. Athern & Hilbert, Cincinnati, 0 ; . B. C. Meldrum, Ind; Jos. E. Moore, Lomsville,Ry. ; P. G. O'Biley & GINN Eti(1111111110, 2nd. ;• N. W. Graham it Co., Cairo, 111. m B. F. Sa, & Glass, St. Louie, Mo. ; John H. Harris, Nashville, Tenn.; Harris & Hunt, Mem phis, Tenn. ; Clarke & Co., Chicago, 111. ; W. H. H. Koonte, Alton, 111. ; or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different points in the West. S. B. KINGSTON, Jr., Philadelphia. MAGRAW & KOONS, 80 North street, Baltimore. Lt CB CO., I Awkor Mime, of IS. 191 14, LEECH & CO., No. 77 State street, Boston. H. H. HOUSTON, Gen'( Freight Agent, Phila. L. L. HOUPT, Gen'l Ticket Agent, nue. N. LEWIS, Gen'l Sup't, Altoona. Pa. la3-1y = am .WEST CHESTER w x - ' w AND PHUADALPRIA RAIL ROAD., VIA MEDIA. FALL ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, Sept. 2d,1861, the trains will lease PHIL ADRLPHIA, from the Depot, N. N. corner of EIGHTEENTH and AIARKET Mirada, at 8 and 10.80 A. M., and 2, 4.30, and 7 P. lit, and will leave the corner of THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET Streets, ((West Philadelphia,) at 17 minutes after the starting tune from Eighteenth and Market streets. Truing lastihitt Plillitdatdda at 9 A. M. and 4.90 P. M, connect at Pennelton with Trains on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad for Concord, Kennett, Oxford, &c. HENRY WOOD, seZdf General Superintendent. pHIIIADELPHIA TEARA-COTTA Treasurer. SALES BY AUCTION. SALE OF 1111.1q.a.TED AND I)Og.F.STIC DRY Ou W(...1n0t4.41k1 Morning, Oetobur 16, 1861, sale comun.neing la 10 Wein& pre• PEltilMl o l'o]:Y L 600,000 FEFT EIEASONTILI LI73IBER. On Weittiroilley Morning, HORSES, CARTS, CAR, HARNESS, Scc SALES EVERY EVENING, PRIVATE SALEB . . At private sale, several largo consignments of watches and jewelry, hooka, stationery, silyor-plated ware, cut lery, fancy goods, ,te., to which is solicited the attention of city and conntry merchants and others. Consignments solicited of all kinde of merchandise, for swiefil.4 talcs. 119" Liberal cash advances made on consignments. Ont-dnor sal., promptly attended to SHIPPI.IVG WEEKLY COMMUNICA TION W vimut BETWEEN NEW YOU( AND LIVERPOOL, calling at QUEENS. TOWN, (Ireland,) to land and embark passengers and despatches. . . The Liverpool, New York, and Philadelphia Steam ship Company's splendid Clyde-built iron screw steam ships are intended to sail as follows: PROM NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL. EDINBURGH Saturday, 0ct.12. CITY OF WASHINGTON ETNA...... ... .. And every Saturday throughout the year, from MB No. 44 N. IL RATES OE PASSAGE THROUGH FROM PHILATINLPHIA. Catkin, to Queenstown, or Liverpool . $76 Do. to London, via Liverpool Steerage to Queenstown, or Liverpool. $3O Do. to Louden. $33 Do. Return tickets, avails : l4e :DV di months. from LiverPmibiiiii,iitti fit:_ Pl* Passengers :ortVanded to Havre, Paris, namburg, BlT:lien, Rua Antwerp at through rates. Certitlcatee of passage jested from Liverpool to New York 840 Certificates of passage issued from Queenstown to New York 1630 Thrue nicamers Lave aurevior 15,6 oiariaatlbikli far pas pangera, aro constructed with watertight campartments, and carry experienced Surgeons. For freight, or passage, apply at the office of the Com pany, JOHN G. DALE, Agent, 111 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Ia Liesrp.m.l, to WM. INMAN, Tower Buildings. In Glasgow, to WM. INMAN, 13 Dixon street. THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM■ SKIPS. FROM NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage $lBO Second Cabin Passage 16 FROM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage $llO Second Cabin Passage 60 " The ships from New York call at Cork Harbor. The ships from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Har bor. PERSIA, Capt. Jadkins. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. CANADA, Capt. J. Leitch. ASIA, a. Lott. AMERICA, Capt. Hocklay. LLISTHALASIAN, NIAGARA, Capt. Noodle. Capt. Cook. EUROPA, Capt. Anderson. SCOTIA, (now building.) These vessels carry a clear white light at mast-head; green on starboard bow; red on port bow. PERSIA, Judkins, leaves N. York, Wednesday, Oct. 9. NIAGARA, Moodie, " Boston, Wednesday, Oct. 16. ANA, Lott, • N. York, Wednenstay, Oct. Zd. CANADA, Muir, .. Boston, Wednesday, Oct. 80. AFRICA, Shannon, 44 N.York, Wednesday, Nov. S. AMERICA, Anderson, .. Boston, Wednesday, Nov. 13. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for Cold, Oliver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Preoloue Stones, or Metals, tiniest; bills of lading are signed therefor, and the value thereof therein expressed. Tor freight or pas sage, apply to E. CUNARD, mh‘tf 4 BOWLING GREEN, New York. RAILROAD LINES. THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL 250 MILES DOUBLE TRACK 1861. atiPt l A° THE CAPACITY OF THE ROAD IS NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG. Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Bostons New York: end all points East; and in the union. Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trains to and from all points in the West, Northwest, and Southwest— thus furnishing facilities for transportation of Passen gers unsurpassed for speed and comfort by soy other route. Express and Fast Lines run through to Pittsburg, of Caro or Couductora. All Through Passenger Trains provided with Loughridge's Patent Brake—speed under perfect control of the engineer, thus adding much to the safety of trrivellers. Smoking Cars are attached to each Train i Wood ruff's Sleeping Care to Expresa and Fast Trains. The EX_PRIGSS RUES DAILY t Mail and Feat Linos SIM. Iwo excepted. Mall Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.38 A. M. Faat Line 6 . u 11.20 A. M. Express train leaves " 10.15 P. M. WAY TRAINS. LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: Harrisburg Accommodation, via Columbia, 2.80 P. H. Columbia " Parkesburg n at 5.40 P. H. West Chester of No. 1, at 8.15 A. H. 41 " No. 2, at 12.00 P. H. West Chester Passengers will take the West Chester Nos. 1 and 2 Harrisburg accommodation and Columbia Train's. Passongara for Sroffittry, Williamsport, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Palle, and Intermediate points, leaving Philadelphia. at 7.30 A. M. and 2.80 P. M., go directly through. Tickets Westward may be obtained at the office of the Company in Philadelphia, Now York, Boston, or Balti more ; and Tickets Eastward at any of the important Baßroad offices in the West 3 also on hoard any of the regular lino of Simmer' on the Effooliolool or Ohio Rivera. ST Fare always as low, and time as quick, as by any other route. For further information apply at the Passenger Ski- Son, Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market streets. The completion of the Western connections of the :eels. We the . _ ON SUNDAYS Lear PHILADELPHIA at 8 A. M. and .11 P. M. Office and Warerooms, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. Ornamental Chimney Tops. Garden Vases and Statuary. Encaustic 'Mooring Tile. Architectural Ornaments. Ventilating and Smolt, Flue", itidge Tile and Sanitary Ware. Steam-pressed Drain Pipe. Water Pipe, warranted to 'bind prawn% cheap and durable. The Trade supplied, on Liberal Terms. Illustrated Catalogues sent by mall, on application by letter. B. A_ HARBISON, iob2l-ti 1010 4311/111TNIIT street. .... __- A4THOMAS & ISOM, ... awl 1411 bout?) FOURTH &root. (To:met - 4 NUA. 67 fir'! - PUBLIC SALES REAL ESTATE AND EITOCE.t.a, AT THE EXCHANGE, EVERY TUESDAY, it 1 o'clock noon, during, the btiaine4P 444.A.011. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE Sir We have n liras anemia Id real egiate et male, including every thine,' iption of city and count+ Y Pro perty. Printed lists trltty be had et the Auction Store. BooNsELLEIoz"rE.AD:•: SALT.. KY Catalog - In. Of' the Tr4,,to in Ce,.l. PERT:311'11)BI : 4 #.1.1:—*2.1.,:,:iu Ito:ND.; On TlltAttY, October 15. nt 12 o'clock nano, will l ot I z im bl ic salt Fhilit4(.4ll,ia larhxuge F'or HCCOM tit of %%him it milt convert e -12 r rent. coupon bon& ni the I. 7 nUm el T iktO 1,1 , , 1 mfm per runt. bowl of th:. 1411171 P Cnnipany, for $5OO. AlE(1, 20 twelre per rent. eq91101,1.130.18, 500 each. a she Phlindelphin ar..l f 4 1;;,1.11r. 1::41!r4.3.1( . 61.1par )000 sh 3 tel.; BohNitian . .lining.l:l.lllpany of ; , 11:1,iF)4.1). gilarvo. A merient Acirti , nry Ipt 11111r11,, a ith 1 810.1, 31,•rewatile I.ihrary Company. Solr.—Pew So. FOJy middle ttiMe, Dr. W Wllttil . t. Church. Atria stre•vt. 1 slam. 141.4.71. Park Aggariatinn. 1r , ,000 I.o'._+N Co r7STY MtNING AIiD MANT:FAC. Tilt INC CIMPt!TI. lo In nu 1., 550 u each, Logan county l'rtiuims turi. Maratactartn,. Company of Viruinia. 12EAL ESTATE SALE—Lith OCTOBER, Tide 11 iil iui•L:de-- Orphars' Cunt Peren,pu.ry TWO II:1t}:1!EE:%1A.Itti11 fili.OUNlt-RENTS. ONE oie tlf , t . t6 Ni/ ONE OF 4)3 A 11.:A..:. A pearly gicestvl-rent HVC141 . 1.11 I.ll{ property Ee ventli strK4 - ,1 onth of Popl:ir. Snow I:state.—A yearlT groitsid-r,,t. 4 on property corner of Ninth mot IW" The nbnve ground-rent 3 FUT hnth IvPll FA: n,:.1 by Enbstnolial Niel; build; SalF• lir IlUllt Rik.4,llnro. :STiCEET.—New thav-dlory DWELLING,. Ni.t 1:122. North Sixtventh atrat t but4w Atholoistrntors' Salo—Rgtatr• nl Rnth J. Dixon, der'd. • LESJIPENCE, MARSHALL STREET.—Scat iJFi deucc. No. 531 blarNhall Pt-eet, IthtiVP Spring Garden. Clear all inrunil.ranee. PEREMPTORY SALE—REAL EST %Tr% tkm.h.ll6wihg, thew ywronptory 1121i1,*()Mr. 15.:1) Ram: uzrcPt, with 149(1k Lniidiu a !L!SLi lundurt . illtpyrtypniantt 14 El ki;lf DM' L LIN4i, No, .537 North Six ti•vn tit revt. THREE-STORY BRICK Mt ELLIN°, northw,it congq• of Sixt4.llth and Pmed rridg. 2 THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Slxt..enth strevt, north g.f Pont V.P.- I .4TMLY BUICK tWtt,T.tlifd, No N. - nth „Dull tier street. TIIIIEE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS and CAR- I'ENTER SIIOI', NOR. "..f!.... 4 Kral 224 Mivi reot. Itrii,DiNG LOT, York stre ,, t, Niiiete , lith wart. TIIREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, Na. Tine kiwi - , LOT, ChrislLO* elievt. TIIREE-3T011.1( /MICK DWELLING, No. 104.ria VlrOfill street. 2 P.VILDING TOTS, Everett street. 3 TIIREE-STORY BRICK DIVELL ENOS, N. 1 ,1. 11% 119, sod 121 Di i,i,joh TII BEE -I-4 01:1 BB I()1 4 : DWE LL IN G ail 5T A- M.E., fiU.ll2O Wiunl Omit. Sale absolute. lull particffiat siu Itandbiiii. ANY be hail at the Andir.ti TIIBEE-STOBY BRICK DWELLING, No. 2035 Pine street. liiintiii ha: , the modern co:ire:dews. luny remain on mortgage, SALE OF GERMAN FId)WER ROOTS TLiy 711nrRing, At 11 nt the Auction :-. , tore, rate of oupor!•te German Mower root::, front R. Yltwii.r6.ll. - .. - ..t S Sort, 11.4. bind, oraelprlsing thv ti:+no.l n.g,artmont of hS:uiuthc to lives I;IMP', il/4Cr STPFRIOR FURNITURE, OVAL MIRROR, TA. CARPETS, On :kimulay Morhing. 14th inst., nt 10 Weitink, at N. 420 Lnrnhimi stre , t, the sufs•rine furniture, line oval inirren, titre tapol , try carnet=, - -May ho examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of the sale. October 75, at 70 0 - cl4.eli, at the Watere.olllF. N /a Eit , tret4, the (7 - ntir.: 4 0.,4 or rt. Lut4, prising rosewood atal walnut drawimnroom, room, and ehionlwr furniture, all of the her quality /MI material, manufactured expre, ,, ly for anirerouni sahui, and \veil worthy the attention of Iwtsutm Ithout furnith- Cataloguri will he ready threo clays preci..:ol. t• the ec le_ Sale at Woe. 139 and 141 South Fourth Strout. Saturday, Oct. 19, Saturday, Oct. 26 BUiERIOR FURNITURE, FRENCH-PLATE MIR RORS, PIANO-FORTES, BEDS AND BEDDINn, CHINA AND GLASSWARE, BRUSSELS AND OTHER. CARPETS, FIRE-PROOF SAFE, & c . On Thunidny Morning. At 9 o'clock, at the Attetiou Store, the superior furni furniture, piano-fcrtev, mirroi a, small fire- proof cafe, Mote by Herrin_, Brlrtm is nod otl:Pr curpota, true families declining housekeeping, removed to the store foe convenience of sale. NATTIANS, AUCTIONEER 111 AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, southeast corner of SIXTH and RACE streets. I:ATHA:NS' GREAT SALE OF FORFEITED GOODS 41 r~i 3,000 LOTS OF FORFEITED ;..T.I.I:=RALS. October 15, at 9 o'clock, at MosPA Nathana' Auction !louse, Noo. 155 and 157 Nr.rth Sixth stro6t, adjoining the oeuthenti twin cf Sixth tlmiN sirs consist . of Ladle' awl (lcnticrucu'ii 111.,tbinc, :tale, DO , ding, Furniture, Trunke, Valises, Guns, Pietula, Tools, /cc., viz.: Superior overcoats, Raglans, Garrido, frock, dress, sack, and business coats; line cleth and cassimere pan ts nuns; silk, satin, Cashmere, cloth, cas4intere, and other Vests; ehlits, ' Thos-, coat, vest, and militaloon patterns, handkerchiefs, un derclothing; a complete military suit, with chapeau, epaulettes, dc.; gentlemen's shawls ; spletelid silk, satin, merino, Camila:ere, tfrlaine, debegc, poplin, chintz, and calico dresses and dress patterns ; rich embroidered Can ton crape, troche, silk, lace, merino, Stella, Bay State, 1,441, woolleei, on,l 0111,, .1{1•1714rlcl, silk elot6, silk, and merlin, cloaks; silk, FIRM, cloth, Cashmere, and merino circulars, basques, mantillas, and capes; lace veils; parasols; stlk robes; silk and other skirts; supe rior imilerclothing of every description; fine gaiters, shoes, bootx, he-; floe feather lode and pillows, gnat - 6. vointhrtithlrr, tprvo4r, Pattlittorlit elirrte, Phtnliet.i car peting; thine, glass, mei queensware ; ornaments, cloeks; travelling trunks, valises, furniture, double and single barrel guns and pistols, carpenters' and other tools, seve ral sewing machines, of the most approved and hest makers, and a thousand other others, the whole of which aril! be positively sold, mahout the leou reserve, for cash. This sale comprises the tined assortment of Clothlnlg, Sc-, ever offered at piddle sale. ORDER OF SALE.—The sewing machines, beds, fur - niture, Kr., will be sold first, the gentlemen's clothing at OX o'clock, and ladies' clothing immediately after, with bedding, de. isGs - The goods will be numbered and open for exami nation on Monday preceding the pair, The following articles will be sold for less mean half the Usual selling price: sine gold hunting-case, double-case, and louble-bot tom 'English patent lever watches, of the mast emend and best makers; flue gold dunbie-time English patens lever watches; independent seconds lever watches; One gold hunting-case and open-face escapement lever end !opine watches ,• horizontal and duplex watches; silver bunting-ease, double-ease, and double-bottom ngilsk patent lever, eecapement lever / and lupine watehom of the most approved and best makers; double-case and opm:t face silver watches; silver gnarlier and single-caw watches; fine gold vest, neck, fob, and guard diming; diamond finger-rings and breast-pins; sets of fine gold jewelry; gold breast-pins, ear-rings, linger-rings, brace. lots, pencil-cases, pens, and jewelry of every description; HUM Diatolth musical Matrnmantm Diano.fortah Lind am. tick') generally. 1861. Money advanced liberally, fur any length of tirtii agreed upon, on gold and silver plate, diamonds, watehea, jewelry, fowling-pieces, musical instruments, dry goods, clothing, grucrrirn, tiordwltre, cutivic*, fnrniii,ie, bed ding, fancy articles. and on all articles of value. OONSIGNNENTS AND OUT-DOOR SALES SOLI. Liberal cash advancee made on all articles consigned for Bale. Personal attention given to all ont-door sales. QT. NICHOLAS HOTEL, 1%.7 BROADWAY, NEW YORK BOARD REDUCED TO $2 PER DAY Since the opening of this vast and commodious Hotel, in 1854, it has been the single endeavor of the proprietors to make it the most sumptuous, convenient, and comfort• able borne for the citizen and stranger on this side the kilantim And wver beeseemed seem likely to administer to the comfort of its guests they have endeavored, without re gard to cost, to provide, and to combine all the elements of individual and social enjoyment which modern art has invented, and modern taste approved; and the pa tronage which it has commanded during the past nix years Is a gratifying proof that their effort* have beim appre elated. . _ To meet the exigenclea of the times, when all are re quired to practise the most rigid economy, the under signed BATE ARMOND ?BR PRIOR OP BOARD TO TWO DOLLARS PER DAY, at the name time abating none of the luxuries with which their table hag hitherto been enorlind_ A CARD.-THE UNDERSIGNED, xi. late of the GIRARD ROUSE, Philadelphia, have leased, for a term of years, WILLARD'S HOTEL, to Washington, They take this amnion to return to their old friends and customers many thanke for past favor*, and beg to assure them that they will be moat happy to see them in their new quarters. SYKES, 0/IADWICK, & 00. WASHINGTON, July 16, 1861. sn23-ly da PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS.—NEAFIEd LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGI NEERS, MACIIINIBTn, DOPLER-MAKERS, BLACK. BMITHB, and FOUNDERS, having for many roarer been in successful operation, and been exclusively en gaged in building and repairing Marine and River glues, high and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tanks, Propellers, dc., Stc., respectfully offer their services to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for En- Hines of all sines, Marine, Him, and Stationary, harind sets of patterns of different sizes, aro prepared to exc. cute orders with quick despatch. Every description of Pattern making made at the shortest notice. High and Low Pressure, Fine, 'Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Forglngs, of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings, of all de scriptions ,801 l 'Turning, Screw Cutting, and al/ craw EOM Outiota Drawings and EpecifnAtions for all work done at Mob establishment, free of charge, and work guarantied. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, do., dc.. for raising heavy or light weights. JAM t.), JOHN P. LEVY, BEACH and PALMER Streets. J. VAUGHAN Maalox, JOHN N. CIOUN, WILLIAM H. lummox, HAMMY MIZZION, QOUTHWA_RK FOUNDRY • A., FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STII,IIIIIIII, MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, . - Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam istrimil, for land river, and marine eervise. &Arra, Oneoureiris, Tanks, Iran- East; *et OW lugs of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-Frame iota for Gee Works, Workshops, Baits road Stations, de. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and nod improved construction. Xyery deecrintion of Plantation Machinery, mein la Sugar ; Saw, and Griat Mills, Vacuum Pans, Gum aim Trains, Defecetors, Filters, Pump ing Engines, fee. Sale Agents for N. Hi ll is= s Patent Sugar Mina Apparatus; Nosmyth'a Patent Steam Hammer, and Al. ainwall & Woleey's Patent Centrifugal Bunt Draining Machine. anti-SI pOINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY, No. 951 BEACH Street, Kensington, Phi 12416-- WILLIAM H. TIERS informs his friends that, having purchased the entire dock of - Patterns at the above Foundry, he is now prepared to receive orders fat Bolling, Grist, and Baw-Mill Castings, Soap, ()homiest, sad House Work, Gearing. Coatings made from banter/ or awls num.., in dry or ErtenOLHOt loam. rarß4l SALES BY AUCTION. MIE II II = 15! EI 7i+ n, lri rih,;nh N 0.121 South Sire Pty ELEGANT CABINET_ FLASNITI 31orning, -AT PRIVATE SALE, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES MONEY TO LOAN JIOTELS. TREADWELL, WHITCOMB, & CO, MACHINERY AND IRON.