New York Markets of 1 esterday. ASHES are quiet and unchanged, with sales of 40 bids at 30,25 for Pots and Pearls. BREADBTIIFFS.—The market for State and Western Flour is without decided change In price, and in fair demand both for export and home cansumqion. The sales are 13,000 bbis, at 1,16.25 , 2r5.40 for superfine State; S 5-5505.66 for extra do; 55.2505.40 for atoernoo Nichigan. Indiana, Ohio, lowa, &c., and Sfil % , g5.75 for extra do, including shipping brands of round-hoop Ohio, at $5.80ar5.P0. and trade brands of do at $6a6.50. Southern Flour rules quite firm, with a moderate de tnand ; saki:Poo this at $5.6506 for superfine Baltimore; 46.10a7 for extra do.; 5i6556.115 for Brandywine; S 5 Tian 7.25 for Georgetown; $708.75 for Petersburg City; Sige 5.75 for Richmond City. Canadian Flour is also very firm, but prices are with out essential change; sales of 550 bids at 85.3005.4 u Sr superfine, and 55.55 e 6.50 for the range of extra brands. Rye Flour ii•iittiet and steady at • . 2.750d for the range of Sao and Corn Meal is quiet and nominally Unchanged. Wheat is very scarce, and with a fair export demand, Chiefly - for France; prices have further a Ivanced 101. c bushel, with .aler of 196,000 bus at $1.2701.28 fur •choice amber Iowa; $1.30 for red Wabash; $1.3001.32 for red Stab,; $1.40 for white Kentucky ; $1 48 for white Et. Louis; and $1.2301.26 for Milwaukee Club. Rye is imiet an,l firm at 654t71h , for Western; fur Canaus j . .. 7a;- , 71„- Barley ruks quite firm, with Atka at , 65,376 e, at to quality. ' Oats are in moderate demand at 30034 e for Jersey, Delaware, 1111(1 Pennsylvania; 34035 e. fur Western and State, and 30a31e for Canada. Corn is without decided chat.go in price, and in mode- Tate request; sales 135,000 bus at 54053 c fur good to prime shipping mixed Western. Beans are Beady at $1.0002.23 for old mediums of gond quality. Cam& Peas are quiet; the last sale was at Mr. Tnovimnsa.—Pork tA !mu, with a fair demand ; the sales aro 1,200 bids at $14.75.015 for steps, 514.50 for now .city do., and $0.750 , 10 for prime. neer to quiet, with small sales at 05:10.50 for country mesg, $404.50 for country prime, 500:11.50 for repacked Western. Beef llama are dull. Bacon is inactive. CM meats are quiet at 50•6 c for hams, and 5053(e for shoulders. lewd is quiet, with sales of 400 fierce:. and Ms nt S.N'e9 3 4c. Butter is steady, with a good export demand. Cheese is dull and improving. GEN. JOHN A. MCCLERNAND.—This gentle man announces his intention of resigning his seat in the next Congress. He is now in command at Cai ro, and thinks that ho could not hold both places without violating the Constitution. ONE of the South Carolina chivalry who has recently been married advertises in the Charleston papers for a military substitute. CITY ITEMS. Still Later and Greater. Our renders will remember that a short time ago we referred to a great new Cooking Stove, invented by Mr. JastES Smut, of this city. •latch we characterized as 4 ' the latest and greatest improvement" of the age. This was our opiaion then, and it is our opinion still—in its Use. Since then, however, another new article orst,,ve itfl.¢ emanated from the same prolific.amwee, which, while it does not in any way detract from the supremacy of the Cooking Stove thin described by us, is, as a Parlor stove, no less a marvel of mechanical perfection. The new article in question, but recently patented, and now for the first time offered to the public, we had the plea sure of examining at the warerooms of Mr. Spear, No. 1116 Market street, yesterday. It is called the "Anti .dust Air-tight Gas-burning Parlor Stove." being, in all respects, similar to the celebrated Silver's Airtight Tailor Stove with Mr. Spear's several insprowments liitherto regarded by the public as the greatest parlor Stove in the country. The name of this new stove is sug gested by its chief peculiarity, the grand feature of it /*Mg its utter and complete freedom from dust. This -desideratum is effected by means of apart:tit poker, at tached to. met embodied in tho stove, no wijusted that frith the greatest ease the fir„ is raked efficientln without opening a door, or exposing a crevice, the teeth of the lather passing up between the bars of the grate, and are easily moved up and down, or to and fro, by means of a neat tongue in front, which a lady may operate with kid gloves without Selling I hem, or exposing her parlor to one particle of dust in doing so. We regard Ouse stoves as so decided and desirable an improvement that. if the public at large were acquainted 'with its merits. no single establishment in PhilaiHohia ould snppll•'the demand for theta. The great ehjectlon to stoves in parlors and chambers has heretofore been the grating, dusty, and, in all respects, unpleasant ope ration of raking the fires. All this, in the stove h- re referred to, is effectually obviated, which peculiarity, together with the several other excellent improvements 'which it combines, all of Mr. Spear's own invention, renders it rim parlor stove of 18G1.--ne ALS ultra- We are well aware that to an ingenious article of this bind no verbal description can do full justice, et - en had we time and space to enlarge upon its details; we It see said enough, however, we trust, to induce es-cry intelligent reader to examine the stove for lihnself, whether intend ing to purchase or net, as it is certainly a most ingenious and perfect piece of mechanism. THE A.UT OF CURING 111FATS.—WO know of MO firm in tbi:s eity that Len mom eftectuallr won Ira way 1Q popular fat or titan that of Messrs. J. If. Micheuer A Co., Nos. 142 and 144 North Front street, the celebrated meat-curers of this city. Their delirious Excelsior Hams" are now ;sold by every first-class grocer in this city, and they are a decided favorite with the public. do true is this that, great as are their fveflities for preparing them, they find it difficult to supply the con stantly-inerea,,ing demand. We can say from expert • ence that the flavor and richness of the Micheuer Ex -celsior surpasi. any others that we hare ever - tasted—a result attributable to Messrs. M. & Co. having attained the highest style of the curing art. CONFECTIONERY "FOE THE MILLION.' , things "for the million," is usually meant a medium grade; hut we It to wxpress a different thing, in ap plying it to the pure confectionery made snit sold by Messrs. E. G. Whitman & Co., Second street, Mom chestnut. These gentlemen hare succeeded in producing the purest and finest goods et the lowest prices, thus placing a first-rate article with in reach of the million. Their establishment is really an indispensable institution to our citizens. A USEFUL ORNAMENT.—We know of no ar ticle of household furniture at once more useful and orna mental than the 'beautiful lamps for burning !termite oil, manufactured at the a Great Light Emporium" of Messrs. Wittert & Co., N 0.35 North Eighth street. They are now manufacturing them in all sizes, and at all pri • •ces, for public and private edifices, and we advise all who are in want of the best portable light of the ;Igo to examine their stock. ARTICLES FOR THE NECK, in the shape of Collars and Cravats, and Gents' Furnishing Goods in general, can Le bought in better style, greater variety, and at lower 'wires, nt J. A. Eshleman's, Seventh and Chestnut efreets, than anywhere else. This is every body's verdict. MOSS. ALEXANDER DE WOLOWSKI, the well-known Pianist, Composer, and Vocalist, whose ar rival in this city we noticed a few days ago, will shortly announce a course of Musical Instruction by his new system lie explains the Piano and the science of mu sic to each pupil thrtronnly, as well as the true nature of music. Ile leads his pupils on, almost with himself, and enables them to execute music in a very short time, thus saving years usually bestowed upon elementary in structions. Monsieur IV. is also a vocalist of a very high cultivation and possesses great skill in teaching the vocal art. Those who have any desire to learn umsie in Its perfection srprdily and easily, either for the profes sion or private purposes, should not neglect to embrace this opportunity, and call at his residence, No. 733 San sons street. THE LORD'S PRITER.—In another column will be found the advertisement of Austin & Co., of York, Pa., who propose, for the small sum of one dollar, to be paid by subscribers, to furnish a copy of a beauti fully illustrated steel engraving of The Lord's Prayer." Each subscriber. in addition to the above, will receivr. ,Rift The gifts designed for the distribution consist of Louses and lots in the beautiful town of York, wagons, buggies, watches, jewelry, books, &c. For particulars see advertisement. ECONOMY IN FUEL.—Save your money, pur chase Silver's Genuine Gas Consuming Stoves, manufac tured by J. S. Clark, 1008 Market street. These St ye.; are made of thy beet quality it URSi Sitf,i iron, and lam netting them 20 per Cent. /e4ls titan common stoves are sold for. One ton of coal will keep them in full operation for six months, and heat a large room. Persons want ing a first-rate Stove, can get the genuine stove only of J. S. Clark. All toy stock of Stoves will be sold at very -tow prices during this winter. Cut this Ildveralenient out and bring it with you, and YOU will not go sway disappointed. J. S. CLARE, 1005 Market Arent, above Tooth_ 'THE LAFECII OF GUNBOATS.—The Govern went is carrying forward the building of gunboats for service on the rebel coast, and launches take place al most daily. The work of preparation goes briskly for ward in every department, and while ship-builders, armorers, and co ~,,, iissaries are hard at work for the grand army of the Union, hosts of cutters and sewers are crocking night end day at the Brown Stone Clothing Mall of Rocklin] Az Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut -street, above Sixth, getting up elegant and substantial *uniforms for the gallant defenders of the Union. This famed establishment, while continuing the manufacture of first-class garments for civilians, has become the great military depot of the Union. ARMY AND NAVY UNIPOILM97 Army and Navy Uniforms, Best Material and Manufacture, Best Material and Manufacture, .Great Reduction of Prices, Great Reduction of Prices, :At the Mammoth Military Clothing depot of Granville Stokes, 009 Chestnut street. Military officers Iris- , pur chase at this establibliment will not only effect a great saying, but also receive the finest and best-made uni forms in the city.. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS DP TO 12 0 / CLOOZ LAST NIGHT. CONTINENTAL AOTEL—Chestnut and Ninth Streets N J Quackenbush, N AH de Pasi J S Carter I Edwards St Joseph W Pettey , Boston Jay Gould, Gouldshorn A Gilkison, New York C F Lowry, Lexington, Flrynstone, Easton J W Clayton & wf, ALI Duryee, Neve York If C Lay, St Lnuiw J W Hibbona, St LOllll4 C S Haines, New JersAy P &blatant, New York R D Armstrong, Baltimore P Perry, Waakington, DC S Fitzgerald, Ireland S A Jameson, St Louis C J Voorhis, St Louis J C Cooper, Wheeling, Ya W G Dickson, Kentucky J C Love & la, Pittsburg B F Parker, Ohio BAT Potneroy, Cincinnati Jos Vitae, Wiscore , in B Ford, Jr, & In, Boston W A Muhloulterg, N 'fork 3f.Rogorn, New York S I. Smith, Boston W M Cochran, England T M McLean, Jr, N York Nine If McLean, New York Lieut. Col Steer, VS A Dr F H Peckham, ti S A C B Sannderson, Lynn J A Swootser, Lynn R H Wadia, India G S Gideon, Washington T IVL Johnson, Baltimore H T Sanders, VllReorigin Jos Leonard, Boston James Johnson, New York W M Paddock, New York J X Farrington & wife S Shock, Columbia Chardavoyn, New York Aire J Jourue'y, Nee , York Mies J A Crane, New York Mrs J E Price, New York Thos Price, New York W W Schuyler, Easton, l'a C N Holden, Saratoga Sp'gs C E Durkee, Saratoga So'ga H Schroeder, Nen nert, It I J E HunS,rd, New York Floyd Bailey, Ne, York J C Canfield, Haltitnoro W THolworthy, New York J E Clement, Boston J Q Henry, Boston A II Thnrston,U S Army Geo M Latuaan, Beading Maj A Mllade, Chas A Oliver, Batlimore John E Ilutst, Baltimore C Knapp, Baltimore Benjamin Price, Baltimore F W Pelton, Boston E Perkins Lient W Gibson, 1 - S N J J Abraham, Baltimore Btr Quackenbusb,Wask,D C II Green, Beaton Wm Willis, California Dr H II Cannon, N Jersey Col Jam Moor, New Jersey James Albro, New Jersey Judge Higgins, Potteville B 8 Denney, Boston W P Iddinge, Baltimore F B Hacker & la, Pottsville M Bluth How York H Townsend, New York josoi l h.Sellgman, New York T P Wheelock, Worcester J CaidweU,lndiana C F Dutron, Baltimore Judge Wayne, Washington James Getty, Baltimore J Bidridge, New York F S Barlow, r 8 N C T Schuyler. New York Jas L Brelen, New York W K Holbrook, New York F H Grupy, Baltimore Wm A Tucker & wf, Pro - . B I MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. Rnerr, Northumberland Cling M Koehn, II 9 A Jonath'n Bo' nton,California II Jones, Pitt-burg John Lowther, Altoona Geo A Torrence, Pa B L Craven, West Alex, Pa T C Noble, Claysville A E McClees, Taylorstown Gee Mifflin, Ilvberry Mr Johnson Lewis M Nixdorf, Md A Hutton, New Castle, Pa 13 Hartshorn, Camp Curtin II Pita & Pi, Ohio F A Ellis, Maryland Sand B Pries, Mauch Chunk F T Foster, Mauch Chunk S P Wetherill, Bethlehem Rev FPL Wines, !it Louis John Adams, Pittsburg M. Barry, Lancaster, Pa W L idellvaine, Lane, Pa J R Correy, Now Col .mbia R McDowell, Slat inston F Pester, sdethiehem Jacob Boffman Rt la, Carlisle Miss Powers, New York R J Powers, New York Jos Cross, New Yolk Bermington, Ripley, 0 A Cameron, Mass S White, Cairo, 111 W Scrolgs, Bucyrus, ,O AMERICAN HOTEL—Cbostout et., above VIM. Cart 9 It Jenkins, Del oeo E Darrison, M4ryland J Cooper, Penns. John Ditnnine, Maryland P Toads - hie New Jersey Miss A E Easton, Danville Geo Banks &In, New York Miss Banks, New York Win Morrison, Washington S C Jones, Washington P Fkift!in, New 'York R C .Tactic Lieut W N J Win Harris, Jr, Philadn N Waler, New Jersey New Jersey 3 Ad A E5t. , 1..11. Pa Thus iltuloour, NeW York 1; Willi:vine, New York It It Young, New York camplon, N.,: York Mrs Draper, New York J P Pepper, Wash, llaetJ 0 Lee, Washy U C lll iss Quigley, Wash, 1) Lict S V McKee, Week, D C Jes 11 Fenby. New York Jli MeNve, Hazleton, Pa Mrs Dr Wiley & 2 ch, N J A B fallen A- la. Illinois Mast .1 IS Gillett, Illinois T Raymond, New York ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnnt street, above Third. E A Ward, Nen - Turk John Collin, Mne.n R F Bowen, U S N John I. Speller, Tamaqua F. I' Foster fi of, N Jersey A 11 Haldeman, Columbia S 1; Cloulsey, New York II Kane, Pittslotrg I) Heosey, New York E Akers. Bathroom It H Woohnrt, Maryland N Bennett, Philada .1 Johnson, California S 'Heston, Philada THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. S P Patterson, Bloomsburg .1 AT Permod, New Castle Chas lit Phillips, N Castle II Weber, Marietta, 0 B Eiehler, Litiz B A Gingerich, Litiz WII Frueauff, Bethlehem S Bair Theo Arter, IfilllOVertl , 11, 0 J n Rupp, Philadelphia V V Ilmwherger, Gre...zsmb, 0 II R Hale, Wl,colisll2. W Bentley - , Allegheny N Stntl , 'vant, Boston W P Ifinnmand, Philada 3 W Schermerhorn, Philad S W liana & la, New Castle J B Cook, Pennsylvania Geo Johnson, Beaver Meadow UNITED STATES HOTELEleventh and Market Sta. W Schucker, Wash, D C Jll Stewart, Pittsburg Bache, Phikula W Woolnutn, N Jersey Mrs E Woolman & da, N J Miss lit M Bishop, N Jersey M 1, Bracken, Pena John Norris, Philada Single, Marietta - Mrs Julie iliiewerti Lam W M Fuller, Pitti.hurg John Mullison, Pittsburg John 3 Francis, N York Jas O'Brien, Greensburg .1 - C Mull, Cambridge City John W Grier, Perms Andes - Anders in, Jr, N Y Alf Heart, New York AII Mann, Lock aven D A Bartlett, Penns Thus Devitt, Alexandria, Ya STATES UNION HOTEL—Market, above Siatb. S D liars, Blair co, Pa Jos linotwell,Columbia, Pa Chiniwith, Fear York J W Crispin, tlolmestinrg John Wilson, New Jersey Itobt Scott, Chester co, Pa D M liars, Bedford co, Pa T E Watt, Latrobe, Pa B Womb, Pittsburg S P Foster & wf, N J W Anderson, Pa COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. L N Wagner, Philadelphia J E Leonard & la, Pa J T Whitehead, Oxford, Pa Jonas McC Savage, Pa Jac Hughes, W Chester W Porter, Rochester, N Y Thos Harvey, Wilin, Del John Smith, Tennessee BLACK REAR—Third etreet, above Callowhlll. If S Rorer, Olney 11 Harper, Olney A Buckman, Pt tinsylvania F Yawata, Penna Mrs F Vansant, Prima Wm E,lilows, Moreland Israel T Trexler,Yardleyv Win Pod, Yardleyville B Tomlinson, Byberry F Roads, Southampton Wm P. Neal, Pennsylvania Casper Roads, Somerton Sand Trnrnhower,Pcuna Borronglm, "Newtown E. 'Welker. Ohio S A Nelda, Pennsylvania (lee D B Mtn, PPlthfl A S Read, Pennsylvania J Morrison, Pennsylvania Isaac Totnlins"n, Byberry 11 Tomlinson, Ilyberry Jacob K 11111, Ear Mlle T Bean F, Geo Clemmens, Penna NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street. above Third. David W Howell, Easton J D DiUnmet., Allentown Pli Lambert. Jereey Shore Wm II Wilson, Allentown Mr tilder, Frenehtown, N J John II Gould h w, Bait, RETEWE IIOUSE—Third street, above Race, John Barrett, Philadelphia G W Morgan, Pottsville Chas Sailer, Pennsylvania Chas Kanton, Reading S D Smith, Minot; John D Morgan, Penna Jos Sample, York Sarni Brunner, Jonestown BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Callowba Sam] Stover, Bethlehem Mrs horn, Weissport A S Christine, Springtow•n S Smith, Burks co T E Lci.enring, Pittshure. Buck's co 'Marshal SlllllllllCl'3, N .L•rsoy MARINE INTELLIGENCE llg' SEE FOURTIi PAGE Steamship Kensington, Baker, 45 hours from Boston, with mdse, &c. to Henry Wiosor. At 10 A M yester day, below Reedy Island, passed bark Ann Elizabeth, from Key West. Brig Emma, Baker, 6 days from Boston, with nb* to TV/CBS & Cm Srbr Fair Leador, Adams, i days from Salisbury, Aid, vial lumber to J W Bacon. Sehr Lucy, Masten, 1 day from Brandywine, Dal, with Hour and meal to It 31. Lea. Schr J W Early, Harrington, 1 day from Frederica, Del, with oats to Jos Barratt S. Son. Schr II Barratt, Jones, I day from Smyrna, Del, with rye to Jas Darratt . . . S.chr :Ntautoo., 151.tmcm, 1 tiny- from Pre , .'erica., Dot, with wheat to Jam Barratt Liz Son. Schr Farmer, Deputy, 1 day from Milford, Del, with grain to Jac Barratt Son. Echr A 13 Russell, lilacll, 1 day from Lewes, Del, with grain to J I Bewley & Co Schr Mary Standish, ay Atwood, 6 days from Boston, with ice to captain. Schr Frank Maria, Barbour, 7 days from Salem, in ballast to L Audenried ,k. 7 G Bartlett, Comtellr, 7 :lays from Boston, 112 ballast to captain. Steamer Fanny, Garner, 24 hours from New. York, with mass to N P Clyde. • Steamer Philadelphia, Hand, hours from Washing ton, with mdse to \V P Clyde. Steamer Beverly, Pierce, 24 hours from New York, with !wise to W P Clyde. . . Barge Geo H Stoiil, Laughlin, 36 hours from Washing ton, with mdse to 1% P CI) de. CLEARED Brig Jcddo, (Br) Melvin, Cork, Thos Richardson & Co. Brig Trenton, Atherton, Eastport, TYtter. Behr L Dyer, McDutite, rortlana, Yon Horn, Woodworth & Co. Str J S Shriner, Dennis, Baltimovo, A Groves, Jr. BY TELEGRAPH. (CorresNutleuce of the Press.) NEW York, Ort 4 Arrived, ships A F Fullmer, from London; Charter Oak, from Havre; Pequot, from London; Nathaniel Thompson, from Rio; Magdalene, from Bremen; barks Sophia, from Dublin; Dodd, from Rio; brigi Greyhound from Pernam buco: Denmark, from New Castle, Rug. ••. - _ The ship Magdalene, from 13remen, brought the crew of the British brig Neptune, bound to Quebec, abandourd in a sinking condition. MEMOS A\ DA Steamship Delaware, Cannon, hence, arrived at New York yesterday. Steamship Northern Light, Tinkelpaugh, from Aspin wall, arrived at New York yesterday. Skip 'Uncle Joe, rinklmni from Liverpool for Genoa, wns spoken 16th nit, lot 50, long R. Ship Thos 11 Perkins, Stevens, cleared at aottenbnrg 11th ult. for France. . . Bark Amy, Hammond, hence for Glasgow, was spoken lot inst, Ist 31 21, 10ng4.063. Schrs Martens, Munson, and N B T Thompson, Co nover, cleared at Boston 3d inst. for Philadelphia. Schrs Jos Porter,Yates, 11 II Knight, Risky, and Westover, Eldridge, art red at Salem 34 inst. Schr Frank Lucas, Taylor, hence, arrived at Provi dence 3d inst. Selo. A Renton, Ryan, sailed from Providence 2d inst. for Philadelphis. Sebr Thos P Cooper, Taylor, for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence 3d inst. . • Schr 8 L Crocker, Presbrey, sailed from Newport 2d inst. for Philadelphia, and returned in consequence of head winds and heavy weather. Schr E Arcularius, Haskell, hence, arrived at Rock land 2d inst. Seim Charlotte Williams, Golding, sailed from New Bedford P 4 inst. for Philadelphia. Schr Naiad Qiircn, Hulse, cleared at Now York yell• terday for Philadelphia. Steamers Taeony, Ely, and Anthracite, Jones, hence, arrived at New York yesterday. SPECIAL NOTICES. BILIOUS AFFECTIONS are speedily PC moved 1, 7 the• use, of Dr. D. D.` - J AIt:NE'S SANATIVE ruts. The test of 30 years' use has proved them superior to all other remedies for the mire of the various theorises for which they are recommended. In their action they aro mild and certain, and may be taken at any time without risk from exposure. Prepared only at 242 CHESTNUT Street. 0c4,2t ONE—PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST gnus, mane in the Best Manner, entreaty for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfao. tory. Our 'ONE-Paws SYSTEM is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. 5e.22-ly JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE—Thiscele brated and perfect HAIR DYE is the BEST IN THE WORLD. All others are mere imitations of this Great Original, which has gained such extensive Patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. BATCIfE LOB'S LIQUID HAIR DYE INSTANTLY produces a splendid Black or natural Brown, without staining the Skin or injuring the Hair, and will remedy the ill effects of Led Dyes, invigorating the flair for Ufa- P.M by all Druggists and Perfemere. Wholesale by FAHNESTOCH it CO. and DYOTT & CO, Itiladel• phis mhl-tf CARD PRINTING, BEST AND CHEAPEST In the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Beet and Cheapest] In the City, at 34 Santh TITTRI) Street BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Bost and Ghee** in the City, at 34 South THIRD Street PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other descrip tion of Printing, of the most superior Quality, at the most reasonable rates, at RINGWALT St BROWN'S, Brogan's Building, 34 South THIRD Street. delo-ff MARRIED: BLACKFAN—ELY.—At the house of Ands Ely, North Fifth street, Phil:alelj,hin, October 5, 1861, agreeably to the order of Friends ' William C. Lachlan, of Bucks county, Pa., to Elizabeth Ely, of the latter city. RONMEL—BREMER —On the 3d instant, by the BUY. W. J. Mann, D. D., Jacob M. Rommel to tiathariot, L., youngest dsughter of Lewis Bremer, P.sia., all bf this city. MARPLIE—BANE.—On the 3d instant, by the Rev. W. Cathcart, Mr. Ellis Marple, of Chicago, 111., to Miss Mary R. Bane, of Philadelphia. DIED SIIREVE.—fit Mount 11011 y, on the 2d instant, N.l4laCl2a lihrilvo, wife of Richard C. Shreve, aired 38 years. Her relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral front the residence of Ler husband, this (Sever tb-day) afternoon, at i o'clock. .NOBLE.—On the 2d instant, Abigail Noble, relict of the late Wanda Noble, in the 50th year of her Funeral from !KT late residonre, No. 528 Rich. mend tared, Nighttoitli wool, thin (daturiltty) 'Afternoon, at 1 o'clock. 41, ItIIIIOND.—Cn the 31 instant, Catharine Josephine, daughter of Anna and the late Andrew Dimond, aged S year=, 9 moth.:, and 11 days. Funeral from the rcaid,•a,'e of her • Parents, No. Wei South Fourth street, this (Saturday) morning, at 9 o'clock. ItITDOLVIT.—On the 34 inntaitt, Jane A., relict of Jir 'Rudolph, ngt-il TS Fem.. Funeral from Tier late residence, Radnor townaltip, 'Delaware county, Pa., this (Saturday) morning, at 8 o'clock. . - MINTZER.—On the 2.1 in William G. Mintzer, Jr., in the 21st year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his father, Wm. G. Mintzer, No. 1033 South Third street, nu Sunday after noon, at 3,.if o'clock. * - Arcti inkiant i Chartc'a McKeever, in the 31st year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, No. 2137 Locust street, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock. JACKSOS.—On the 3d instant, Itev. John A. .Ineknon. Funeral from 824 North Eleventh street, this (Satur day) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. BOCKEIt.—On the 2d instant, Ann Hochet i Vito Of Charles Hecker. Funeral from the residence of her brother, F. S. A xe, Mill street, Germantown, this (Saturday) afternoon, at '2 o'clock. *. BUSTGN.—On the 3d instant, Joseph D. Huston, in the 29th year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his brother-in-law, Jas Huston, Pitlethorp (late Ferry) street, above Franklin, this (Fstunlay) al tv o'clock DI. WHITALL.—On the 39th of 9th month, Joshua Whitigt, in the ti2d year of his Ran KATZ.—On the ' instant, Mrs. Elsie Katz, aged 75 years. Funeral from her late residence, Darien, (late ton) street, above Girard avenue, iris (Saturday) after noon, at I o'clock. GOODWIN.—On the 4th instant, Henry Smith Good win. iu the ISth a ear of ','is F uneral from the residence of his father. Rev. D. G,, o ,Nin, It. D., Locust street, east of Fortieth street, this Outuritay) afternoon, in 0 o'clock. tt trIINS.—On the 2d instant, Joshua Cousty, eon of the late Joseph T. Johns, aged 5 years. Funeral from the residence of his grandmother, Mrs. V: It. Cousty, Tioga street, third house east of the sta tion, on the Philadelphia, Germantown, and Norri•down Bahroad, this ( , atnrday) morning, at og °NADA. * auw., 61.1Ai6 WAD %A TIVIGEP. Black Gros de Rhinos, 51. dn. Ponlt de SOWS, $l. do. GEOH Graines, extra qualities. do. Gros Grainettes. do. Gros do Espagnes, $1.12X. do. Gros 409 Bales. do. Gros IPEcosse and Ottomans. do. Armores nod Venetiennes, Ac. BEsSCIN 4%; SON, Mourning , Store, rall2-11 No. 9111 CHESTNUT Strent. PHILADELPHIA TYPO rl 111,1 P H ICAL SOCIETY.—A Stated Meeting will be held at the Hall of the Fire Association, corner of FIFTH and NORTH. Streets, TIIIS (Saturday) EVENING, at 7 WM. H. JONES. It Secretary. TrREV. JOHN BEESON WILL preach in the Presbyterian Church, BUTTON WOOD, below Sixth, - on SABBATH EVENING. 73i o'clock. Sobjne.t— ,, Ite;:ponsihilitv of the Churches Bellaire In mu , Frontier Indians." LARK/QUA will sing, and n collodion be Olken for the Mission. DT. CHURCH OF THE INTERVIVASs Sild QA:/IPO !Ain Drata.—The TIECL Ti'R preach (D. V.) ni 10 A. M,, and 734 P. Children's Church nt 8 I'. M. Evening Smnati speciallY intended ft, Young Men, tan are reAprethilly [m. CHILDREN'S CHURCH.—THE Monthly Sermons to Children will lie mimed in Zi . f. PAUL'S 0111:13CII, Tifl il l) St., below WALNUT, TO-MORROW AFTEKNOOti, nt Ulna, o'clock. Three services will be continued on the afternoon of the first Sunday in each month, at the same 110(11'. lA* Der LIFE.WIIAT 18 TILE ORDINARY life of professed ardent Piety 2—]ter•. JOHN CHAINITtEIIii on this snhject, TO-3101tROW, at 3% P. M. Church 11110 AD and SANSOM Ste. SPIRITUALISM.—S. J. FINNEY, OF Ohio, will Lecture at SAMOIL.STE E ET lIA.LL, nn titliPAY, at 10).i e, ILL and 1 F. M. Atlmitision cents. It* orREV. ABRAHAM R. VAN NEST, Jr., D. P., of New York, will preach in the First Roformad Dutch Church, corner of SEVENTH and SPRING GARDEN streets, To-molt - now MORNING at los o'clock, and in the Evening at 7,4 o'clock. lt*• KT. REV. A. C. THOMAS ANNOUNCES THREE SUNDAY. EVENING LECTURES: 1. Religion and War. 2. Universalism and War. 3. The oncation of War or Pence. Universalist Church, LOMBARD Sreeet, above rourni. First Lecture TO-MORROW EVENING, at half past seven. lt* TrREV. MOSES EALLOU, OF NEW YORK, grill preach in the Second Univerzodist Church, EIGHTH. above Noble street, TO-MORROW :MORNING and EVENING. Special Sermon in the evmein. in aid of the Ladies' Samaritan Society con nected with the Church, it* fa. THE AMERICAN CHURCH MIS. SIONARY SOCIETY.—The Second Anniversary of this Satiety will be held hi ST. PAUL'S TIIIRD Street, below WALNUT, oh MONDAY EVE NING, the 711, i n stant, at half past seven o'clock. The Annual Report wilt be read, awl addresses delivered by the Rev. Dr. TING, Rev. Dr. BUTLER, and others. ors-2t* ca. THE ORDINATION AND INSTAL LATION of Nov. PHILIP H. 310 WRY RS Vas tor of the Fourth Presbyterian eliocch lv n I he hold In the C'hnrch, corner of TWELI"rit aml LOMBARD Streets, on TUESDAY EVENING, the sth services commencing nt 1,,i4 o'clock. The Rev. Dr. JUNKIN, ffii•eere. CROWELL; WATTS, and BREED will officiate on the occasion. ht* 07.FARMERS' AND MECHANICS" BANK. PHILADELPHIA . October 4, 18111.—The annual eieetton t Directors will i.e held at the itrod,ins 611310NDAY, the lgth day of November next, between the hours of 0 o'clock A. M. and 8 o'clock P. M., and on TUESOAY. the sth tiny of lioyember next, a general nweting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking 'loue at 4 o'clock P. M., agreeably to the Charter. ocs-4thlS W. RUSHTON, Jr., Cashier. COLONEL MEAGHER'S GRAND ORATION, ON . THE AMERICAN UNION, CONCERT HALL, MONDAY EN - Exilic:, OCTOBER 7TH, oc4-3t* Tickets, 95 cents.. f-r• CITY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE— OcTonEn 4th, NOTICE to Judges, inspectors; and Clerks of Elec tion, Todd October 8, 1861.—Warrants will be drawn for Election Officers ns follows : 34, 2d, tid, 4th, and sth Wanls, Wednesday, Oct. 9 tith, 71L, lttly 9th, ant Nth 66 Thursday, if. 10 1111,12 th, 'lath, 14th, and 15th as Friday, 4 , 11 16th, 15th, 15th, and 00th 4, Saturday, 44 10 2ht, 00d, 130, 14th, and 05th 4‘ Itlouday, 44 14 tws-3t JAMES SHAW, Clerk. COPY. LLS I PrittAnst.entA, October 3d, 1861. A. J. DERBYSHIRE, Esq., President. DFAII 516: Th 1 .011411 you we thank your committee for the cumeno• viten Ticnet, prcpartal by theta at the stance of their tellow-citizens, in public meeting assem bled. In ordinary times, it would be a rare privilege to be permitted to vote for some of the men whom you have induced, at great personal sacrifice, to offer to serve their country ; bitt. in this the hour of our country's need, we hail your ticket as a favorable omen, as independent and honorable Wen can alone stay the tide of corruptimpthat threatens destruction to our Republic. Mere partisan nominations, at this fearful crisis, must be revolting to every man capable of comparing such a course with the noble patriotism that has stirred up our countrymen, without distinction or tarty, to dedicate their treasure and their life's blood, to check the fearful rebellion MAY seeking the overthrow or our Union. Of. lice-seekers, and the newspapers that court their patro nage, will, no doubt, denounce this independent mode of nominating; but, surely, intelligent freemen will no lon ger suffer themselves to be blinded to their rights. Dil le:os the nomination of candidates for office becomes prac tically as free as the right of suffrage, we will continuo to be slaves to the little band of trading politicians who have long used voters as their tools. If citizens are not free to select their best num to serve in legislative assem blies and public offices, now that RUIN or RN:FORMA TION is the alternative, then political corruption must have proceeded beyond the reach of any constitutional kemody. If the patriotic spirit of our people is rightly di rected, and your ticket is fairly brought to their notice, they will surely vote it, and thus elect independent men of true virtue, who, having managed successfully their own business, can impart to our Government the confi deuce now so evidently necessary to insure its perpet nay. When the affairs of our Republic are in such hands, the Government will be able freely to borrow the vast rn monc-;, , taaalvd. And, what is still more im portant, it can repay its loans from Ihe savings effected by an honest and economical administration of our cities, States, and General Government without oppressing our mechanics and laboring people with heavy taxes. Yours very respectfully, HENRY J. WILLIAMS, WM. WELS', M. W. BALDWIN, SAMUEL 11. PERKINS, G. GERIIAD,D, WM. DUANE, G. W. TATHAM, THGA. R. MARL, THOMPSON. P. PRALRY, ARTHUR G. COFFIN, TIIOS. C. H...AND, A. E. BONE, SAML. E. STOKES, ..... HENRY D. STIERRERD, S. A. CALDWELL, - HORACE HINNEY, Jr., RICHARD S. SMITH, GARRICK MALLORY, WM. MARTIN, 3. P. HUTCHINSON, J. R. WUGHERER, S. A. MERCER, THOS. ROBINS, S. MORRIS W ALN, SAML. GRANT. MESSRS. EDITORS : I SEE BY your paper of yesterday that my name was used 11A one of the vice presidents of the so.ealled Citizens' ttdon Meeting., at tioneert hall, Oh Thursday evening last. Permit me to say that the use of my name in that connection was wholly unauthorized by me. My whole energies wilt be devoted to the success of the People's 'Union Ticket, which is the only one, in my Judgment, that can defeat the Locofoco Secession Ticket. And I hope nu friend of the Government will he deceived by de signing politiCians into indirectly giving aid and comfort to the 1,1,1111 i, of the country, by dividing the friendS of the Union. . . Yours truly, _ Philo& October 4, 1861 TWENTY FOURTH WARD, CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, Oct ,ber 4, 1861.—At meeting of the citizens of the Twenty-fourth ward, with out distinction of party, held at the West Philadelphia Institute, lest evening, for the purpose of nominating an independent candidate for the office of Alderman, the tee on res.-Ant:ow+, consisting of Dr. It. Bicknell, John 11. Levy. and A. J. Drexel, reported the Mowing, which wise nnttnintouslY adopted: _ .ftesuired, That we, having full confidence in our esteerimi lellowcitizen, JAMES ALLEN, do present Lim to the voters of the Twenty-fourth ward as an inde pendent candidate fur the office of Alderman, feeling well assured, Clint if elected, he will discharge the 'hides of said office with integrity, and we pledge ourselves to use all honorable means to secure his election. JAAtEri ALGEN was nominated by enid meeting ne on hulewitlent condhlato for the office of Alderman of the Twenty-fourth ward, at the next election, without a dissenting voice. JAMES M. LINNARD, Chairman. JOHN Pumnis, Secretary. oes.3t* Tr STATE BANK AT CAMDEN, OCTOBER 4, 1861. The Directors have declared a dividend of Five per cent. for the last six :moths. Payable on demand. 0e.5-3t* THOS. ACKLEY, Cattier. • SOUTHWARK. BANW PHILADELPHIA October 4, ISM •The Annual Election for Ditertors will be held at the Bunking Home on MONDAY, the 18th day of Novem ber next, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. N. . . A Central Meeting or the Stockholders will be hold at The some Ti;vspAli, the. sth day - at itiuvontmr tod, at 3.2 M. oc-rlawftitolB WESTERN BANK OF PHILADEL -113 PIM. October 3, 1801.—The ANNUAL MEET ING of the itockholders of this Bank will be held at the Banking Hone on TUESDAY, the sth day of Novem ber next, at 12 o'clock M. And the ANNUAL ELECTSCIN for 'DIRECTORS will be 1.44 Al this 'Hank ntt MONDAY, CI.. 1811. day of November next, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock I'. M. G. M. TROUTMAN, INIS Cashier. /TrNOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Contributors to the YOUNG MAN'S IN STITUTE will be held at No. 232 WALNUT Street, on DIONDAY, October 7th, at 123 o'clock, when the An nual Report of the Board of Trustees will be submitted, and on Election for Trustooit held. oe-I-3t*rp WK. L. REHIT, See'y of Board. OFFICE OF THE DIAMOND COAL t:GCOMPANY.—NOTICE.—&t a meeting of the Director - 1h held this day, a dividend of one dollar per !hare was evelsred, payable on and after the 10th inst., at the (ace of the company, No. 113 NARK ET Street. Oct. 2, 1861--oc3-7t* S. ALT}Ilt, SIX.PENNY SAYING FfiND.••NO• TICE TO DEPOSITORS. The ih'lmitorg we requested to call and receive the amounts due them, as this Institution 18 closing its btiainess. Office-hours, from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. oc3-3ViV PHILADELPHIA. OCTOBER Q. 18661. IIOMMISMUNE RB' DEFICE.—NO. TICE TO EfiSFECTORS OF ELECTIOPItoba Lcld OCTOBICR 8, 1801.—ELECTION PAPERS will he ready for delivery to the Inspectors of Election on and after 10 o'clock A. M., SATURDAY. October. I, 1861. 0e2.3t JAM ES SRA %V, Cl•rk. --- ryrNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPA NY intend applying to the Board of Port Wardene, at their regular nuarthlt meeting, on Monday. October 7, for permission to construct a run , : TENDER in con nection with the centre pier of their bridge over the Schuylkill, at foot of Christian street. W. If. WILSON, Resident Engineer. SYRUP MOLASSES OF FINEST kVALITTI Wirt' y Choice Porto Rico Moiaaaer,, Muscovado and Sugar Rouse Molasses, Prima and Roasting Rio, White and Green Lagurryra, Maracaibo, and St. Domingo Coffee. Best Lump and Southern Tobacco, Erasive and Detersive Soaps. Also, Refined Cuba and Porto Rico Sugar, iu more and for sale by PHILIP REILLY It CO., ocs-814 No. 7 North WATER Street. THE PRESS. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1861. PEOPLE'S UNION TICKET PRESIDENT JUDGE COURT OF COMMON ASSOCIATE JUDGE COURT OF COMMON N INETEENTH WARD PEOPLE'S UNION TICKET. ASSEMBLY, 1.2T0 BLTTMOT. GEORGE )E HAVEN, 311. SELECT 00niciL. WILLIAM LEAF. COMMON COUNCIL. r.* JOHN P. CURRAN, JAMES REMS, : CHARLES B. SIKER. : ;u: - ALDERMEN. ROBERT F. HUNTER, : OLORCIE 11. CLEGG, SAMUEL T. HAY. SC DOOI. DIRECTORS (Tor 3 YOrtriL) JOHN RLEY, THOMAS HAIG, Jr, JOSEPH PAISLEY, ELIAS D. BAUGHER, (fOr 1 Year.) J. FLETCHER BUDD, JONATHAN CUMMINGS, . CONSTABLES. ~ JOSEPH LEWIS. LL IA M BLOOMER, ocs-3t* EIGHTH WARD PEOPLE'S UNION T ICS E T. FIRST WARD.- PEOPLE'S UNION TICKET. Select Council. RHIN DOLMAN. Common Council. .9.104111 ft K CAVIII, JAMES G. PEALF., THE UNION, THE CONSTITU TION, GRAND RATIFICATION MEETING Let the people aria, in their might, and show that wo are worthy of the inheritance of Liberty, which traitors are, With ruthless hands, aiming to destroy. Come, Friends of the Union ! Come, Lovers of the Constitution! Come, Supporters of Free Institutions and Free Government! Come and give your moral support and sympathy to our gallant brethren in arms, who have answered to their country's call to the battle-field iu defence of their Go vernment I Come and nerve the arm and give strength to the blow that shall crush the serpent of Rebellion and Disunion! Come, Friends of a pure and able Judiciary, and give your voices in support of Oswald Thompson,President Judge, and Joseph Allison, Associate Judge, o the Court of COllllllOll Pleas. George Sharswood, President Judge, and J. T. Clark Hare and George M. Stroud, Associate Judges of the Dis trict Court. Come, friends of Alderman John Thompson, the incor kiiptible public officer, and join in the general expres sion in his favor for Sheriff. Come, friends of Samuel Lloyd, for Register of Wille, of William C. Stevenson, for Clerk of Orphans' Court, Henry Ilumm, for City Treasurer, and Bertles Shee, for City Commissioner. All of them men of unsullied integrity, business and official experience, and thorough fidelity to the loyal come of the Union and the Constitution. The .:eetinb- m 41.1 Le addre.sett bx- the followins aenilc men : Hon. William M. Meredith, Morton McMichael, Esq., llon. Isaac ilazlehurst, Don. Henry D. Moore, lion. Wm D. Kelley, Chas. Gilpin, Esq., Amos Briggs, Esq Wm. A. Ingham, Esq., l'. S. White, Esq., J. Dolman, Esq., Archibald Mclntyre; Esq., James—A. Freeman, Esq., - Uhler, M. D., 'William W. Smedley, ES.le Ilenry Davie, lEen., Jame, Lynd, E y., John Price We- Esn., Mirka B. Trees, 1 oj., David W. Sellers, Egg., CAOrge F. Cordon, 11,4., William S. Peirce, Eq., Leonard Myers, Esq., John Goforth, so.. George H. Earle, Esq., J. Barclay "larding, Frederick M. Adams, Moses A. Dropsie, Thomas K. linletter, Joseph G. Ro, sengartem Egbert K. Nicholas, Geo. W. Noliman. 0c3.1t SIXTEENTH WARD - PEOPLE'S 'UNION TICKET. Senator—MAHLON 11. DICKINSON. Representative—lSAAC A. SHEPPARD. Common Council—Joll2 , .: K. KNORR, JOHN S SOFIA MIL Sehool Mei:ton—JOS. AITKEN, C. CULIN, FRED'K L. PLEIS, (Tor 1 year,) W. J. McCORHIOK. Assessor—ANDßEW W. WRIGHT. ocs-3t* CITIZENS' UNION CANDIDATE FOR ASSEMBLY—ROBERT P. DE SILVER, Sixteenth District, Philadelphia. Independent of Party Politics. In favor of supporting the Government and the Constitution above all partisan considerations and political chicanery. oel-It J. E. ELDRIDGE. ot:s-2t4E: 910 THE VOTERS OF THE THIRD ASSEMBLY DISTRICT.—Haying been declared by the COMMITTEE OF GENERAL SUPERIN TENDENCE OF THE PEOPLE'S UNION PARTY, as their regularly nominated candidate for State Legisla ture I respectfully solicit the votes of my fellow-citizens of die district, pledging myself, if elected, to use all honorable means for the elipport tile National AdMi• nisrration, and the public generally. Respectfully yours, se3o-et* EDMUND O. BONSAL. TO EDMUND C. BONSAL, ESQ. SIR : At a meeting of the PEOPLE'S CITY EX ECUTIVE COMMITTEE, held on the 30th of Septem ber, the Secretary was instructed to notify you that this Committee recognize you as the regularly nominated candidate for Assembly in the Third Representative Dis trict. From the minutes. JOHN J. FRANKLIN, oc2-St* Secretary. NOTICE.—WHEREAS, Messrs. Alt -LI THUM, BURNHAM, and GILROY, of Phila delphia, have failed to comply with the terms of the con tract, dated 31st day of May, 1860, between them and us, by virtue of which contract they possessed the rigid to mom - facture, and nee, and 1 , 40 P. certein rptent. Trutt Can, Jar, or Cap, Known as Fridley & Gorninin's Patent, being dated October sth, 1859, And whereas, We have notified the said ARTHUR, R11110:11Alid, and GILROY that all rights they possessed by virtue of said contract have been forfeited, as per con tract, Therefore, we give notice to all whom it may at any time concern, that we will hold all parties responsible Who 0191 PUrellatio said Frail Caw, Jana, or Caps, from any one but our regularly•appninted Agents. IWYETT 3; FROWSY. Carlisle, Sept. 30, 1861.—oc5.stuth4t* V. P. CT} IL, easlikr POLITICAL. PLEAS. OSWALD THOMPSON PLEAS. JOSEPH ALLISON. PRESIDENT JUDGE OF TUE DISTRICT COURT. GEORGE SILARSWOOD ASSOCIATE JUDOES OF THE DISTRICT COURT. J. I. CLARK HARE. GEORGE M. STROUD COILNTY OFFICERS SHERIFF. Alderman JOHN THPIRPSON REGISTER OF WILLS. SAMUEL LLOYD. CLERIC OF ORPHANS / COURT WILLIAM C. STEVEMON. CITY OFFICERS. CITY TREASURER. HENRY BUMM. CITY COMMISSIONER. BEETLES SIIEE STATE OFFICERS, SENATOR, ITT SENATORIAL blsTnicr. MAHLON H. DICKINSON. ASSE:SIIILY. Ist district—WlLLlAM FOSTER. 2d .! WILLIAM H. RUDIMAN. 3d 46 E. C. lIONSAL. 4th Il JOSE Pl[ G. ROSENGARTEN. sth II JOSEPH MOORE, JR. Bth a HARMAN BAUGII. 7th w THOMAS COCHRAN. Bth « WILLIAM L. DENNIS. 9th 6, HENRY C. FRITZ. 10th *. JOHN SAILER. //th ISAAC A. SIIEPPARD. 11th " RICHARD WILDET. 13th n GEORGE DE HAVEN, JR. 14th as SAMUEL BINGHAM. 15th '‘ WILLIAM F. SMITH. 16th n THOMAS DICKSON. 17th n CHARLES F. ABBOTT. 524-tuthstoB LEGISLATURE. JOSEPH_ C. ROSENGA.RTEN COMMON COVNCIL. ALEXANDER L. HODGDON, ALEXANDER J. HARPER, SCHOOL otHECTOII*, LFMUET. COFFIN, AIIRAIIAM FRIIKINS, 3011k1 A. LEWIS. (For the unexpired term of A. Wells.) EDWARD T. HYATT. ors-3t* CHARLES S. DUNK. Alderman. SAMUEL LUTZ. - Schix4 Directors. JAMES S. STEWART, ABSALOM TAYLOR, JOEL; NAGLE. _ Coustablea_ JOHN SHISLER, HENRY LEE. Assembly. oc3-st* WILLIAM FOSTER. A TIGOROTIS PROSECUTION OF TRE WAR OF TILE PEOPLE, ON SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 5, At National Hall, Market street, below Thirteenth GUTEKTJNST, FOUILTII AND BRANCH, PRACTICAL HAIR-CUTTER AND DYER ors-iftf TEE BALTIMORE GAS-BURNING FIRE-PLACE HEATER. Rometimeg called the it Latmhe ftkm , e," la the bnitt Ftove for warming the room iu which it ,itawilti, and al*, ruurn above. Call and look at them. - • AItNOLD & WILSON, ocs-3mif No. 1010 CHESTNUT Street. p.ILATE MANTE L. These beautifully - enamelled MANTELS, sn de eidnlitebrUfurithla wally others; MO manufactured by us, and sold at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ARNOLD & WILSON, 00-3.nif No. 1010 CHESTNUT Street. TO KNOW 110 W TO MAKE THEM TO combined with good ingrumenta, to know how to color them in addition, produces superior colored Photo graphs for El at REIMER'S Gallery, SECOND Street, Once Green. Ittk BEST COAL OIL, WARRANTED. ASA JONES, S. W. corner FOI7RTII and YINB Streets• PORTLAND KEROSENE 0 I L. We are now prepared to supply this STANDARD ILLUMINATTIM OIL AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Z. LOCKE & CO., SOLE AGENTS, 1010 MARKET STREET, Ne2-41m Philadelphia. POLITICAL. TTMON FOR THE SAKE OF THE V UNION. TO THE CITIZENS OF PHILADELPHIA THE CITIZENS' UNION CONVENTION, having complrtrd then- ifthorN now rcapectrully proaont to tho citizens of Ithiladelphia the following cnottillatos for Ow atm) to he filled at the approaching Cimino' Election: COURT OF COMMON FLEAS: President Judge—Hon. OSWALD THOMPSON Associate , t lion. JOSEPH ALLISON. DISTRICT COURT Prefihlent Judge—Hon. GEORLiE SHARSWOOD. Amucinte Judttesllolo .1. I. CLARK HAILE, IIon.II HORDE M. sT Rout). Sheriff—Alderman .1011 N THOMPSoN• Regieter or WiII:=—FICADICIS F. WOLG.VIVILITH. Cloth of the Orphstno Covert-IV6I. O. STEVENSON City Trotstirer-3 A 111 ES S. DIDDLE. City Commissioner—EDWlN McCALLA. Senator of the .141 Dist.—MAHLON 11. DICKINSON Ml6= WRepresentntiveDißtrict—Thomas T. Tasker, Sr 2d a " William Clark. 311 Tlinnut4 S. Stowart. 44 " John Welialt. 811/ It tt illtrtnan 'Baugh. 7th 66 a lhomaa Cochran. Bth Algernon S. Roberts. 9th , c Henry O. Fritz. 10th " Joseph W. Martin. 11th 16nee A. Sheppard. 12th 66 46 Richard Wilder. 13th 46 George De Raven, Jr 14th SaMlle! 8i11V.h14.111. /Mb 46 Ocorgo W. Wolf. 10th , 6 - Robert F. Den'lvtg. 17th 61 Charlea F. Abbot. SELECT COUNCIL. lat WARD--John Dolman. -3d . James Armstrong. Pith 1'2." 4n 3 , ::: 4 John Csssiti. .;::=3. Wm. A. Ingham. 9th John Fria* WetherilL 11th ' Fidel Fisher. 13th Wm. IL Bacon. _ Henry Davis. Jah " a: . Andrew Mcßride. 19th LIM!. 21et Wm. - _ L. McDowell. 4. WIII. W. Smedley- Pat " Dr. C. Campbell Cooper C9M3I9N COUNCIL )Sandie/ kl. Cavint C. S. Dunk, James G. Peale. ) Edward D. Brooks, {:eor g e Mitchell, John B. Hoffman: 4 Edward E. Quin. Burton J. Kollock. William M Raird, Richard It. Montgomery { I. Barton Smith. A John W. Leigh, ? Henry McCrea. 1 Alexander L. Mattoon, Alexander J. - Harper. 4 Jallll4l A. Freeman. t Samuel J . , CreihiWelh Isaac &tiger. Wilson Kerr. John L. Slawmaker. Wm. C. Richardson, henry Budd. Charles B. Trego, Samuel E. Slaymaker. Thomas Potter, Mordecai R. Moore, Wm. V. jappincott. Dr. J. T. Knorr, A. R. Paul. James T. Sutton, Michael Keenan. /William Buinin, Thomas J. Duffield. ) Eduard K. Tyson, Dr. John P. Curren, John Hulseman. George W. Simons, Win, henry, D. .1. McLean, iWin. A. Simpson. Jahn Gates. I • Wat4on Comley, .? Rudolph Adams. Samuel W. Callen, William Stokes. David E. Thomson. lat ward .3d ward 4th w nrd bth ward. 6th ward. ith ward Bth ward 9th Van] 10th w:a ra 11th ward. 12th ward 13th ward. 14111 ward 15111 ward 18th ward 17th card 18th w - aard 19th ward 20th NN nril 210 ward 2.2 d ward 23(1 H ard 24th word 25t11 ward These nominations bare been mnde with as little re gard to party politics as limeade. The Judicial milk deft , ere the etirerienrea l ;Ode ? end, heneat dmhtee who were elected by the people to their predent poAtions ten yenrs , ago. It was the opinion of the Con vention that the purity and efficiency of the Judiciary can only be maintained by a distinct separation of the office from the conteSts of political parties; and that it would, therefore, be inexpedient, and hostile to the pub lic interests, to remove front the bench, without cause, those who are acknowledged as loyal citizens, and have proved competent and pure in the administration ofjuAt tire, For these reasons the ConYention unanimously agreed to recommend to their fellow-citizens the re election of the present Judges. All the nominees for the other offices are believed to be entitled to the confidence, and worthy to receive the votes of the people. The candidates fur Sheriff, Register of Wills, Clerk of the Orphans' Court, City Treasurer, end City Commissioner, were all nominated without a suggestion or hint from either of them, that either of them desired office. They were selected from a large number of mimes FIIeFOL4I'd to the Convention by our fel, solely with reference to their loyalty, ho nesty, and capacity. Their election by the people will be the first important step towards purifying some of tho:,e offices of the corruption and dishonesty for which they ere notorious. The practice of extorting illegal fees from every citizen who enters them on business, for which °Mee fees are parable, has become so oppressive and offensive to the public as to demand a rebuke, which the people only earl give, by breaking down party lines, and olecting lione,t men to such positions, who will re. form the rtbuse. Nutt an opportunity is now presented- Our candidates are . publicly pledged to do so, and they are men who will neither forget nor violate their pledges-. They know that we are earnest in our determination to , put an end to such friends, and they will help us do it. lint, in this work; tee must have the co-operation of our fellow-citizens of all parties. There is nothing that should divide us now; we all stand on the same princi ples—all, at least, who are loyal to the Ilag of our coun try—who are ready to defend it aninst all its enemies, and - unroll it again, ni.d uphold it in its full glory in tho rebellions States, where it has been insulted and tram pled upon. Our servants, all of them, must be loyal and HONEST as welt as loyal. Unfortunately, there are many men among no who declare themselves for the Government, for the war and its vigorous prosecution, whose patri otism never goes beyond party lines, and is kept alive by the hope of PUBLIC PLUNDER. If we intend to protect and preserve the institutionsof our country we must take care that such persons do not get control of them our blind adherence to party nominations,. or the in fluence and patronage of public offices. It is well known that for some years past nearly all our representatives to the State Legislature, nominated and elected through the machinery of patty politics,. have so disgraced and dishonored our city by their venality, In capacity, and bad conduct that Philadelphia has lost all her good influence in the legislation of the Common wealth, although much of it is vitally important to her welfare and prosperity. Laws are proposed,. relating to corporations and classes of citizens engaged in particular avocations, for the sole purpose of extorting money from those whose interests they may affect. The losses and distress among the industrious poor and others of our city, through fraudulent savings in mtit n utios and insurance companies, are results of bad and corrupt legislation. 111 citizens are alike interested in putting an end to such serious calami ties, and restoring the influence of our great metropolis, through honest and capable representatives in the legis lative halls of the State. We believe that our candidates for the important positions come up to the standard of LOYALTY, HONESTY, and CAPACITY. dome of them were nominated very much against their own wishes, and, although fully approving the &Pao of the Convention end iLe rrincirle_ of it, action, tln l - have expre,,cd their unwillingness to accept the nomination. But the Convention has not excused them, because, while so many thousands of our citizene r friends, and kindred, are in the field, offering their lives in support of our Govern ment and institutions, we think that no man in civil life has a right to refuse any public service for which he is qualified, and to which he may be called by the votes of the 'people. We earnestly Invoke every local citizen to unite in sup. D pert of the rineipleo of pane - policy above indicated, and briefly expreeeed in the following, declaration, approved by all the candidates of the Convention : I. That the Government of the United States must be earnestly sustained by all citizens, in all its measures for the suppression of treason and rebellion; that our national existence depends on a vigorous and determineil prosecu tion of the war against those who are in arms against it ; that the war must be carried on without encouraging our enemies, at home and abroad, to hope for peace on any terms short of the absolute submission of all rebels and traitors to the Constitution and laws: and that, in order to tiCtoMplish these objects successfidly and speedily, all loyal enigma should now unite in obliterating the party lines which have heretofore divided them, and stand, with one accent, under the flag of ouu country. 11. The public welfare &maims, that the servants of the people shall not only be loyal to the 'Federal Govern ment, hut equal to, and scrupulously exact in, the per formance of their duties; that alb frauds and pecubstions of men in public office shalt bediscountenanced and pun ished; that those whose compensation is derived from the fees of their olliees, shalt neither charge nor receive, di rectly or through their subordinates, or otherwise, any other or larger fees than are allowed by lawn and that public officers within the limits of their respective spheres shall be firm, fearless, and vigilant,.in protecting citizens from all illegal exactions in these•respects. 111. That, as all public offices are created for, they must be subordinated to, the public good - , and official pa tronage should Oat be need for partisan purposes, or to promote the private advantage of those who bestow it. IV. That every candidate for office must rely on his individual merits and capacity for his election by the people ; and ellorts to gain support from any quarter by bribes, bargains, favors, or promises of favors of any description, must be regarded as evidoneo of dishonesty and corruption, which unfits and disqualifies him for any position of public trust. We respectfully submit the proceedings of the Con vention to our fellow-citizens, for ratification at the polls. While our brave soldiers stand shoulder to shoul der under the insulted flag of the nation, forgetful of party spirit in their strong love of our country, and all ready to mingle their life's blood on her battle elfts, for the support of oar Government and the security of our homes, we can do nothing less than imitate their noble example, and break our party idols„forthe sake of TUX UNION. By order of the Convention, A. DERBYSHIRE, ee2B fit President SIXTEENTH DISTRICT OF PRI LAPEL PIIIA. NEAR HOLMISBIIRG, Pa.,. September 20,.1861 Sin I have the honor to acknowledge the-receipt of your Circular Letter, which I found iu the-city on my vi siting there yesterday. 1 beg to inform you that I accept the-nomination for the Office of Aseembly for the StMeentlt Pietrlet of the city of Philadelphia, according to tits Platform as set forth in your communication, to all of which I fully sub scribe. • I cannot close without still more distinctly giving - you: my Platform, and with, also, the view_ to leavesrocord,. which, if necessary, will at once hereafter remove the slightest taint of suspicion of Political inconsistency on ply part, It Ina wollAnnwnfactpparticularly amongat my Mortal,. that I have ever been - an unswerving, : tudlinching Demo crat; my first vete having been cast for General Andrew Jackson for the Presidency. Itmay then appear strange. that I am opposing the - Democratic Nominee,. Mr. Duf field, I having been importutwd to accept a nomination declined several times; at last, on calm reflection, and urged - on by a few strong considerations, I accepted; and why I hereby state, and in language which cannot be. mistaken, 1 take high ground, and quote front no teas a personage than the Hon. li_F_Hallott, of Massachusetts, who, I am proud to say, - is a relative, and the author of the Cincinnati Platform. f , The simple issue is, the eve rthrom or the rapport or Government in the whole Union, and while that 144110 issue, I ant nut for opposing or oisdracting any niewsure of policy of the Administration honestly designed to-carry on this war for its great end, vise the re-esnadishmonti of the Supreme Govertinvat of the Union, in all the States and Territories; until that is done, or it is fully demonstrated that it cannot he done by fovea of Arum, I belong to no party but the country. And with One'Of these results arrive, t the Democratic Party,' in my justg meld, has no higher present duty than to. uplink" the Go vernment. The mission of that great historical panty of the Union is not ended, and never can b,, ended, while rerdihilellit government made, or the Unioa is to bort, stored i but the platplehaveplaced the flag in ether bands, and now the mission of Democracy is the old one—to follow it to victory. This is the- grand tradition of the Democratic Part, —on the land, nn the sett. follow the Flag wherever it waves in support of the Union. In this spirit the 'Democratic Party did Da hesitate an instant after the fire on Sumpter, to commit itself to this a war' to the utmost of its means and its guts] faith. No victory has been or eon be achieved, and no defeat suffered, hat with the outpouring of the hest blood of Democrats. The Democratic Party never was, and never can be, a peace party in war, nor a war party in peace. When their country is in peril, when their country is at war, right or wrong, they are for their country and vainst its enemies. They . will not turn their backs upon the National Standard, let who may bear it up. tier will they, In the midst of the conflict, endanger the field by a party contest for the command!, With my endorsement of these lientimente, and as suring you, air, that if elected I will endeavor to perform my duties to the satisfaction of my conetituents, I remain youi.ob't servant. SORT. P. DESILVER. To A. J. IMavirsitum, Esq., President of the Citizens' Union Convention, Philadelphia. 0c2.8t RETAIL DRY GOODS. E Y RE & n LANDELL. EYRE & LAND ELL, BYRE, & LANDEL EYRE & LA Ni SELL. EY RE & LAND E LL. EYRE & LANDEI FOURTH AND ARCH, FOURTH. AND ARCH, FOURTH AND ARCH, FOURTH AND ARCH, ARE NOW OPENING THEIR USUAL ASSORTMENT OF FALL DRY GOODS, ADAPTED To FIRST-CLASS CITY SALES. FANIIVAMILL SILKS. FINE BLACK SILKS, NOVELTIES IN POPLINS, NEW FALL SHAWLS, SCARLET CENTRED SCARFS, WATERPROOF CLOTHS, FULL STOCK OF STAPLES, Y GOODS_ fie2l•wsm6t TJAMILTON,IIACK, AND .1.1. ROBESON PRINTS. llamilton Brown Flannels and 12-4 Sheefings. Manchester and Ozark 2-hug. Bags. Stark Suffolk Brown Drills. Waltham 7-8,-10.4, 40, and 4`.:, inch Bleached, and 9-1 Brown Meetings. On hand and for sale by B. W. CHASE & SON, oct;•121 it 100 CLIFISTNI7T St. MILLINERY GOODS. SOMETHING NEW AT , KENNEDY'S FRENCH FLOWER ANL) FEATHER P It I U M - N 0.729 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW EIGHTH', 0(11.151li MILITARY NOTICES. 211 E ARMY COMMITTEE OF the Yoting ilien's Christian Association would earn estly call attention to the fact that very urgent m. qupfilg 'My( 1,,,eu made by the chaplains of our Penn sylvania 'Volunteers for Moral and religions reading mat kr—Tuttle, Hymn Books( dic. .: The Association would gladly furnish these at once; but cannot, for want of the netessary means. It appeals, thervfore, to the Christian public of our city for imme diate aid in tide matter. • Donations for this purpose (which will be duly acknow ledged in the public papers) may be left with any of the following gentlemen: Bon. JAMES PoLtorrK, t. S. Mint. GEORGE 11. STUART, 13 Rank Street. GEORGE S. FQX, Merchants' Exchange, WM. O. CROW ELL, SIO WOralt. 81-reet. At the rooms of the Association, 1009 CHESTNUT Street, or with the Treasurer, PETER B. SIMONS, SANSOM-STREET HALL BUILDINGS. oc tr COL. GEARY'S REGIMENT.- The Headquarters in this city have been REMOV ED to No. 116 South FOURTH Street, below Chest nut. About TWENTY MEN and two or three non-com. missioncul OFFICERS um minting, to fill the lag com pany. Intelligent, respectable young mon cannot do better than apply at once. A. S. TOURISON, Captain WM. J. MACKEY, / SAM'L COODMAN, S Lieutenants. IRECRUITS WANTED, to fill up a Company attached to a -Regiment now in active ser vice on tie Potomac. Pay and Rations commence on em lament, mat Itcerniln sent to camp. Apply at Beratezrona, Tio, 106 South SIXTH Street. Gold chances for Sergeants and Corporals. RICEARD ELLIS, Captain, oc4-12t* Co. D, Second Regiment Nunn. R. Vol. U. S. MARINES.—Wanted imme diately for the U. S. Marine Corps, 300 attlo-bodied men, for sea and land service ; also a few competent drnmotera cud fifers, All information that may be retraced will be given at the Iteralezvotia, 311 South FRONT Street; Philadelphia. ATTENTION, INDEPENDENT GrARDS.—A meeting of the Independent Gnanis will be held at their Armory, II LASKO'S &GILD ING, Broad Street below Walmit, at S o'cloek. As buEiness of importance will be brought forward, every member of the Company is requested ta attend_ 11* .JAS_ S. MARTIN, Se rotary_ AtCOL. RUSIN CAVALRY, CAMP MEWS. Omnibuses for the above Camp rim regularly from the BERKS-STREET STATION of the FIFTH and SIXTH-STREET RAILROAD_ 0r.4-6tif WANTED IMMEDIATELY- A Cavalry 7netruotorlfora pichcd Troop, lona but the best bead apply. Address P., Box 214 u, l'ost Office. _ - occ2,4tle AWANTED—A Bugler, Farrier, Saddler, and Wagoner, for a picked Cavalry Troop. None lint experienced men need ap ply. Address P., Box 2140, P. 0. oc2-4t* U. S. ARMY-WANTED DI MEDIATTILV, for the SIXTFI TtlifIVAP.l 4 ll l U. S. CAVALRY, :lEGULAR SRItVICE, a few more able-bodied men, between the ages of twenty one and thirty-five. Pay ranges from $ll to $23 per month, according to the rank of the soldier. Each man will be furnished with a good horse and equipments, am ple clothing and frobsistence. Quarters, fuel,. and-medical attendance free of charge. The pay of each soldier com mences as soon as he is enlisted. By an ant lately passed the term of enlistment is changed front five to THREE YEARS, and every soldier who serves thattime is entitled to $lOO BOUNTY. from the Government. Attention is drawn to the fact that the Government has wisely commenced to promote soldiers from the ranks. Advancement is, therefore, open to all. • For further particulars, apply at the Recruiting Office, GIRARD ROUSE. LIEUT. F. DODGE, 814-tf Sixth Cavalry, Recruiting Officer. FINANCIAL. SEVEN AND THREE-TENTHS" TREASURY NOTES. The undersigned are prepared to furnish, upon pay ment, the ahoy° Notes. DREXEL & Co., BANKERS, 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET. SEVEN AND THREE-TENTHS PER CENT. TREASURY NOTES. WILL HEREAFTER be furnished to subscribers to the NEW NATIONAL LO , AIN Upon receipt of the amount desired, with interest added from the 19TH OF AUGUST, At the rate of , one cent per day on each Fifty Dollars. The intereet - is payable semi-annually at the•Mtnt, on presentation of:the matured Coupons. JAY COOHE & Co., lit sou= THIRD STRBHT, al-et PIIILADELPITIA- SEVEN AND THREE-TENTHS PERCENT. TREASURY NOTES. SUBSCRIPTION ROOKS TO THE NEW NATIONAL LOAN. WILL REMAIN OPEN UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Those who•deeire to participate in its beneateihonld• apply at once to the undersigned, the appointed Agent& for the Government. All sums received from FIFTY DOLL ARS•upwards. The office. hours during the subscription for the Loan will be tilbfat. IC, except on Monday eveningodonit will remain open till 9 o'clock P. M. JAY COOKE & ee26-12t No. 114 SOUTH THIRD. STREET. NEW NATIONAL LOAN.. OFFICE OF JAY COOKE Co., BANKERS,. No. 114 SOUTH. TNIRD STRIBET Pormina to inkfrnetiohil Wit No' Secretary of the Treasury, the Subecription Book to. the NEW NA TIONAL LOAN of Treasury Notee,.bearing Interest at the rate of reran and three-tenths-per cent. per annum, Rill. remain open at my office, No. 114 SOUTH THIRD. STREET, Until further notice, from 8 A., 8. tin S F. X, and on Monday till 9 F. M. These notes will be of the denomination of FIFTY DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, ONE THOUSAND DOL LARS, and FIVE THOUSAND. DOLLARS, an•i are all dated 19th of August, 1861,.payahle in gold in three you., or convertible into e.teventy-year six per cent. loan, at the option of the hohlier. Each Treasury Note hoe In terest coupons attached,. which can be cut oft and col lected in gold at the Mint every six months, and at the rate of one cent per day odeaelk Fifty Dollars. Any explanations maniacal by the subscribers will be cheerfully made, and they will, by the plan adopted, 1,. 1MV441 from any trouble of writing lettere, the under signed reporting email. subscription to the Treasury De partment, from whence the Treasury Notes will be sent to each subscriber as. nefnet as posAible. Payment of subscriptions may bo made in coLD or CRIMES, OE NOTES ON .ANY OF OUU 01T1 BANKS. 3AY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 5e2642t No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY.—The Laboratory of thesubacribors is open daily, from 9A. M, to B Ir. Hs, for Anaty-5... of °rep, Guar'pa, Water., &c. Ateo, for tha llnAtruetion. of Students in Chemistry. Mineralogy. mei Aoology• Opinions given in Chemical questions, Special Instruction in MEDICAL CHNMISTR%. JAMES C. BOOTH, THOS. H. GARRETT. JNO. J. BEM, M. D., 0C4 , 3 0 1 No, 10 CHANT Street, Tenth, below Market. NEW CAll YETI N Gr. Now olamitg: from Rio Now York Auction Romm. a largo lot of CROSSLEY'S ENGLISH TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, which will Le :mid from 80 CTS. TO $1 PEE, YARD_ Also, a complete as:nrtatent :di the varieties at CA lI PET of OUR OWN IMPORTATION, evin- priediog CROSSLEY'S NVILTON it VELVET CARPETING TEMPLETON'S ANMI xsTER do. lIENDERSON'S DAMASK' AND TwILLED YEN-ETr1,..7.1 AI,-, 1 , 011,.• • n t't y EN1:1.1il1l ported under the old duty, which will be sold at low Included in our FitOric will be found a complete latent of INGRAIN AND TIIREE-PLY CARPETING miLITARN ARMY: FLANNELS. WELLING, COFFIN & Co., Are prepared to make eontracta, for immediate delivery, of Col ornment standard ANDREWS' ORIGINAL CAMP, OR TRAVELLING BED TRUNK. (Patent trOpliell for). For male by W. A. ANDREWS, oc2-1m No. 012 CHESTNUT Street. ARMY OR NAVY BLUE SATINETS. 1,000 or 6,000 Yards Indigo Bine Satinet, each as is need in the United States Navy. For snie by FROTHINGIIAM & WELT" 35 LETTTIA Street, and sul4-2m 34 FRONT Str,,,t4. COTTON DUCK, SUITABLE FOR TE•NTS,. FOR SALE RY ;4- v . my22-iftf FROTHINGHAM & WELLS. Capt. J. C. CASH, Recruiting Officer TENT BUTTONS', U. S. 1,000,000 patrorn, for sale by J. P. SEED, Turner, southeast corner of THIRTEENTD and NO. ELF Streets. Philadelphia. se7-Im* ONLY ONE DOLLAR EACH! 10,000 Bermtifol Steel Plate Engravings of the LORD'S PRAYER for sale. Valuable Property Given Away ! It commences with exquisitely executed words of 6, OCR FATHER," and then follow in succession the other parts of the prayer, every phrase of which is engraved in the most ...lei-wort mot manner, Near tile b tom of the picture is a superbly executed head of OUR SAVIOUR, and encircling the upper part of the en graving are ten angels. each bearing one of tho TEN COMMANDMENTS. As a work of art, this valuable and beautiful engraving is worth inure than the Dollar asked for it, as will readily be ecknowledged on an inspection of it: but the sub scribers intend to make a Gift Distribution to purchasers Of the engraving of valuable preen's ' as follows: 1 Itom , ” - Laa r.ot in r9iii berowl, 2 Buggies, (Quin A. Palmer's make, warranted.) 1 Rocknmay, . . 2 Building Lots in York borough. 100 Valuable Books. , 50 bbls. Flour, (warranted.) , - 1,000 Gold-Gilt Frames to suit Engraving of the Lord's Prayer. 500 Steel-Plate Engravings of the Birth of C]u•ist. Magnificent Looking Glasses: , Gold and Silver Watches, kc., A Gift worth from 10 cents to $lOO with each en graving sold. ThisEnuraving, Use received the condnendrdion of the Reverend Clergy, our first citizen.., and, indeed, of oil cho, , os, who enter into it with interobt. and spirit. Send on ONE DOLLAR and four red pay to got it hy re turn - - Address J. M. AUSTIN A CO., York, Pa. $lO secures 11 Engravings and Tickets. TIIIERY EItUSE, Agents, N. E. corner FOURTH and BRANCH Streets, Philadelphia. Per. A. IL. LOCHMAN, LL.D., Pastor First Euthe inn Church, York, Pa. - Rev. PIIV. Eagle; LL. P.. E 4. Patrlek'gelinrch. Rev. C. W. Thomson, Rector St. Prot. Episco pal Church.ltT,. Bev. F. F. Hagen, Pastor 'Moravian Church. Rev. Jos. A. Ross, 4, M. E. Church. Bun. Thos. E. Cochran, And. Gen. Pennsylvania. henry Welsh, President York Bank. David finial!, Postmaster, York, Pa., and many others. Mr Milord or Publiiiherd of papers giving this wirer .,,ml entitled to an riIp,TATIT,s and Ticket, by forwarding the paper fur that time to our address. ocs-stuth6t* J. M. AUSTIN k CO. E . /81 B O - L D' S GENUINE jUIL . PREPARATIONS. BELDIBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. ILE LIAM: D'S. GENUINE PREPARATIONS. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Cures Diseases of the Bladder. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Cures Diseases of the Kidneys. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Cures Gravel. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Cures Dropsy. IIELMROLD'S EXTRACT BROM; Cuing Nervous hufora•g_ lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU - Cures Debilitated Sufferers. lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Loss of Memory. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Loss of Power. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIULT For Consumption, Insanity. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Epileptic FHA, St. Vittts' Noce. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Difficulty of Breathing. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For General 'Weakness. lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Weak Nerves. DELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Trembling. lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU . For Night Sweat. BELMBOLD'.4. EXTRACT RUCHE For Cold Peet. lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Dimness of Vision. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Languor. lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Pallid Countenance. 11FLNIBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Eruptions. ]IELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Pains in the Back. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Headache. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Sick Stomach. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. If you are suffering with any of the nhove &droning fahliMltg, use HELMBOLIPS EXTRACT RUCHU. Try it, and be convinced of its efficacy. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT MIMIC, recommended by Dames known to SCIENCE and FAME. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BMW. See remarks made by the late Dr. Physic. lIELMI3OI.II'S EXTRACT RUCIIO. See Dr. De woe's valuable work on Practice of Physic_ HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. See Dispense• tory of the United States. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. See remarks Made LT Dr. Ephraim McDowell, a celebrated physi cian, and Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and published in King and Queen's Journal. TIRLMBOiIo's (len ll ill e Preparations. See Medico- Chlrurgiettl Review, published by Benjamin Travers, V. It. U. S. HELMBOLD'S Genuine Preparations. See most of the late Standard Works on Medicine. lIELMBOLD'S Genuine Preparations. See remarks made by distinguished Clergymen. lIELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS " Give health and vigor to the frame, And bloom to the pallid cheek r awl are so pleasant to the taste that patieads become fond of them. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, Si yer bottle, or six for $45, delivered to any address. Depot 104 South TENTH Street, below Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa.,. 'where all letters must be addressed. PHYSICIANS IN ATTENDANCE From 8 A, M. to S P. M. Describe symptoms in all communications. AVVICE GRATIS. CURES GUARANTIED, Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. ocs•stuth3m, BOOK BINDING. Magazines, Inutdrated Papers, and Perlodlcelant eon, deacription, bound neatly and at REDITCRD PRIORS. N. IL—MUSIC bound Wrongly, and with venni:mos SAMUEL MOORE & SDK, JAYNE Street, between Eighth and Ninth end May. ket and Chestnut. r4l' TERRAPINS, OYSTERS STRWED AND FRIED, AND CHICKEN SA,LAD,—lnvi teflon Cards an other notices will be distributed iu all parts of the city, with punctuality. The undetsig - ned is at all times prepared to present, for the tnets , :tia. of Ladies and Geottentoix, a ligt of the things ute.4gsartr fora largeor small entertainment, as the case mao; he, thereby - avoiding all ttantemary profttehau and, waste; and Ratters himself. that by his long wo. rleace in business, he win be able at all times to tire, as ktretofore, outlet. satisfaction to all who favor Um mini their patronage. HENRY JONES, catA•er, 'No. 250 .50%4111 TWELFTH Street, abort SpaucE, ,OrA CARPETINGS JAMES IL ORNE. Chestnut st., below 7th, SOUTH SIDE OIL CLOTH FROM 1 TO S YARDS WIDE. JAMES H. ONNE, afar, ciIEsTNLr sTREET, BELOW SEVENTH INDIGO BLUE KERS INDIGO BLUE IS, Awl every voricty of (i00,1:3 odor thin , fop mato at theta' REGIMENTS EQUIP BENJ. - 7 71. ' CLOtit ItOUSE, 60 : "NZ. STREET °el, Int 116 CHESTNUT STREET, WMTE DO NET FLANNELS . , AND ALL WOOL INDIGO BLUE FLANNELS, GIFT ENTERPRISE IrEFERENCES MEDICINAL. AMUSEMENTS. MUSICAL FUND HALL. TO-DAY, TO-DAY, lIERR CIIARLEs 11CL'IilintOTH, TLe ondaetd Vif .11111,4, Owl . trnreda-arr, and PUPIL OF Will Lrivi•Tliro. Grand fir-t of wrier , l A l: lll l: t i n i t ‘ ter . kia i r ,, e .i o , t , i ,invat 5T it, VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL DIATINEXS, The On Which OCllliiil,ll lip will be It9110(.11 by - Madame BERTHA JOIIANNsEN, A GRAM/ I ESTRA OF THIRTY PERFORMERS,. Comprkitig the elite of the Profwation, awl other LEADING VO('AL AND I NSTRUMENTAL TALENT. For full partirulars bills. Admihaion Za eta. pw•lta ow. of .11,ht•tia, u.1hki,,.11.1.- vitlu-r Dub el . Loam, at three P. H. 1,. .1111111.11re at half past three. Single tad:. ts, or family oldaitwd at J. X Goidd'a Music. Store, 632 Che,trott tetf, nod at the Iran. 0.3-3 t WALNUT -STREET THEATRE NINTH and WALNUT Street& MVS. M. A. GA RIRETTSON. Mdr LPSSI•f• i;;;'• t 7 '.\l I; 1 -, ..1 ' 1 ' ) ;;CF.N 1 Ili thf . imptitar I , anetiletta erstitte4 Grf Bfi C. RICIIINGS. Minn C. RICII I .NGS will recite Capt. Cut ter's ratriotic ode, E PLUM Itl:S l"S C•tf:' To conclude with the romantic drama, in tutu• acti n uC THE SI:HGEuIs OF ADMISSION—Dresn Circle, 50c.; Parquet, 37Me. ; (Secured ra•ats, 50c.); Family Circle, 25c.; Private 8.02. en, RS Mid 63; Single Soittli i, Orcht.traik YEA PriTM* Boxer, The. ; Upter Boxer, Nora 611111 at 7; Pyrformauca to carnmence at N. 'CUBE ATL E Y'S CONTINENTAL VV THEATRE-WALNUT STREET, ABOVE SIGHTII LAST NIGHTS Of the great Shalmiwariau Spectacular Play. TICE TEMPEST On, THE ENCHANTED ISLAND! The Laat Swale, PEOSPERO'S VISION, OR THE ABODE OF ARIEL IN THE ENCHANTED FOREB'I, The moat magnificent ever product-I in AillhriCß. To 1,1111i10.04 With WILLIAM TELL. MRS. JOHN. DREW'S ARCH-STREET THEATRE. Acting and Stage Manager W. S. FREDERIONE. Business Agent and Trettgurer.. ..... JOS. D, MURPHY. The prlforrnnnri, will commence with THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, October 5, JEANNETTE ; Or, Le Cretin 1). La Write/mi.". ..rennnte ;Eke CHARLOTTE THOMPSON' Maclaine Flavigneni Mrs. STONE/MIA 11 hriette Alm CHARLES HENRI Claude Marie (le Cretin) Mr. MORTIMER Riameel Mr. L. IL SIIEWELL AI/docile Mr. FRANK DREW PRICES-75, 50, 37,16, 25, and 15 cents. No extra charge for reserved seats. A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS—TENTH _L — x_ and CHEST VT Slreenie—lnt/XDAI evoning, firptember 00, 1601, and every eftming during Ulu weeks Triumphant FUCCiIiN 4 the New Itrinovernenta and In. creased Mechanical Efftehi of ,the Magnificent Scenes In the GREAT SOUTHESN ItEIIEI,I.II,N, and gorgnotul ;mechanical exhibition Of Ylie HUSSIAN WAR. Adults, Me.; Children, 10e.; Itemetred Scats, 25e. m3O-St MAGIC LANTERN PICTURYB OF TILE ItElSELLlON—Duresentlim all the promi nent Stenes, Engagements, ane• - Incidents to thtx date. Yo sale by JAMES Il i . QUEEN & COar 924 CHESTNUT Stied. A Descriptive Lint furnished grar,Y alai sent 14 adds free, on application. salBlll3l pEIINSYLV.AN.T...A. ACADEMY OP Tux PINE ARTS, 1.025 CIIESTrAIT Stied, open doily, attrolays excepted, from 9 A. 21: till 6 P. K. Admission 26 cents. Children under twelve y . esayar hall price. bletres stock 4 130. ,J 73 EDUCATIONAL THE REV. M. MEIGS' SCIIOOL 1 . 31. Young Sire and Boys, town, 31onteoniery ciltity, Pa., Avill reopen on Wednes day. the fth of NoTan•l+rr next. For Circularei, giving in rlrtail the terms Ant , coin's° of study, atbirevs ther Principal. Ileferenres—Janirs elitgliorn, Jaio..l E. r.NlrTwe.ll, F.. 1 1 '.11 , y, .7.1. 1 . W. 'Willi:ma 11. Hirai, A ..o,lllao, P_Liward Luntirrquto, ocs-Igl4 PROFESSOR ALEXANDER DE; WOLOWSKI hem; to imfornr friends awl tho • public that, haring met wirt,so mach Foteceal in Phila delphia, bar: returned from 'Mo prof.ssional tour in Cs- • nada, and will to zin a course of the Piano and Singing, • ey his extraordinary method. All thine who wish to a7Oll themselves of his rare syutenii will apply at his re. xide7ice, tin, i 3 t :3,1.1"S011t Etrzeti hetwmt 8 and 111 o'olurit, daily. Ladies' Seminaries attended to. ne4.6tif WANTS ANTED- A 'VESSEL OF THE 14 7 capacity Of from 600 to 900'llAs. fora voyage to the West Fxuliee. Apply t. °el - - JAI7RETCHK A CARSTAIRS. AII;XPERIENCED BOOK-KEEP- Flt 14 t.1.44t for Rh ohrt(tOOtantit. Salary in 04torri- Rine with the Diners. Undoubted reference R 3 to charac ter Rad abltty. Address "Businem," Box 2280, Philadelphia Poet Office. 6017-Im* pIIPLOYERS WANTING YOUNG 't Men, &c., are invited to address the "Employment Conmuttee," et the Rooms of the Young Motet' cpasnap Ananelation. 1000 and 1011 CIIESTICITT etcoot. BOARDING A PRIVATE. FAMILY ) RESIDING in n pleasant'pArt of the eity, wishe. four or five BOARDERS. Cam famish pleasant secomtory front room for Gt.lltiPlll9ll and Lady. Addres,.. , H. W. D.," Blood's: Dispateli. oes4t* ALADY, Aare income bas been . much reduced by eirountatance4 connected with the existing war, desires to receive as BOARDERS one or two F.Ennll families, to• whom can be given nit the com forts of an eleuant iIfMIP. The ninq unlimited teati monials will be required. Address "ill. A. IC," Press Office. oe4-7t* THREE OR FOUR BOARDERS would be taken by a small private family in a pleasant situation on CHESTNUT Street, west of Fortieth street, We*Philadelphia. For particulars ad dress Box lgatifat Post (Mire, oc2. wfin.3t* REIM OV A. LS R. J. H. McQUILLEN HAS RE— to 1112. Allllll OC4-I.lll* REMOVAL.—The undersigned have removed their STEEL and CAST-STEEL BELL Warehouse from No. 52C to No. 421_ COMMERCE Strtet, where they will be pleased to see their friends and customers Octolper r, 1501 FOR SALE AND'TO LET FOR SA LEL-A FARM OF 136 acres, oar of 100 acre.., one of 7S acres, one of 50 acres, and one of 16 acres ; first-rate land, with wodl buildings, fruit, water, &0., near Norristown and handy to railroad. Apply to ,WILLIAM ItOSSITER, Norls. town, i OCO4t* eTO LET—FIRST-RATE STORE, very convenient and good stand for business, No. 24 South FOURTII Street. Rent reasonable. it* FUR SALE LOW-STOCK AND "FIXTURES OF MARBLE YARD No. 1308 GIRARD Avenue, namely: Ittootele, ready to be set in bulltlinv twat)* Dee cent. below cost alga, Head and Foot Smog, Poste. Ste. Remo foe selling, %muting b unit business. Builders please notice. Apply Fla above. ocs-2t* 1110 EXCHANGE-VALUABLE FARM, containing 95 acres of land, situate 18 miles above the city, in Montgomery county. Large stone im provements, fine Apple Orchard, and a variety of other fruits, &c. Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Street PART EXCHANGE.—SUPERIQR rAnßr, contairthy, 79. q ,c r ea, Springs *iii FHBRIib water, situate one toile frcza.Spring Hill Station and two tulles from Darby, Delaware county. Substantial Irn provemente, Fine Fruits, Sx. Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Street INSURANCE COMPANIES. COMMONWEALTH FIRE INRU RANCE COMPANY, OE THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. D/RICTORS. David Jayne, M. D., . Charles H. Rogers, John M. Whitnll, John K. Walker, Edward C. Knight,. Robert Shoemaker, Thomas S. Stewart, William Struthers, Henry Lewis Jr., :1 Stephen Coulter. DAVID. JAY X, M. D., President. JOHN ht.. WHITALL, 'Vice PreedamiN A.MTML S. 1100.11's.Seevetary. Office, Connuonwsalth . Building, 813 CHEST! MI Street, Philadelphia. se4-1f FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 406 CHESTNUT Street. FIRE AND. INLAND INSURANCE. DIBNOTORS. George W. Day of Day & Matlack. Samuel Wright " Wright Bros. & Co. D. D. Blruey, ".. ".Davls A; !limey. Henry Lewis, Jr " Lewis Bros. & Co. ,C. Richardson.. “ J. C. Howe & Co. Jno. W. Everman....... w J. W. Everman & Geo. A. West && West & Tubes. F. S. Martin a Savage, Martin, ik C. Wilson Davis.., ..... Attorney-at-law. H. D. Woodruff- of Sibley, Molten, & Woodral Jno. Kessler, Jr. No. l7lB Green street. GIZABON W, DAYLProsident rxiAtiot WILLIAM I. BLANCTIARP. Secretary. ja73.W SAVING FUNDS 121i=O AMERICAN SAyaliG E, Corner WAL NUT and Filtiftllll.i4este, receives deposits al. 11.41161, and pays all otmg on demand, as it has ulways done. Interest per. tient., and checks furnished ea a, Bank if desired.. TRUSTEES Samuel Worlo, John 0. Faxr,, George Wm. J. liownrob. AP.vrcrr -1 1 0 , prVI John Aucpacat,,,Tr., Al ENANDER JOHN, S WILSON, Tree: . 1:14,11(1 A, October, I J. Edgar Thomson, Samuel T. Bodine, 11.11. Eldridge, H. Townsend, M. D., joi' A Jona,. Bowman. 'HILLDIN, President. curer. 1561. SV,I11.0: FUND-UNITED STATES; ' TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and OHM-. NUT Streets. INTEREST FIVE PER VENT, 8.16, CRAWFORD, Treelana i _ JAMES E. HUNTER, Secretary Rad Treasurer. Office Mum, from 10 until 3 o'clock. This couwany is not joined in any application to 011 Legislature. • - SAFES eRI- LILLIE'S SAYE DEPOT. Imo. m movED to No. 21, Bout SNYOTT/ 1 atr99l, now - sunklin Institute. The undersign's', thankful Sor peat f a YMI , 8 44 . bat AS drlannined to merit !Moro patronage, :alifLegOAXelt ragout and convenient stare, and has sow.on. band a, lane asaortment of Celebratja.WC UMW Iron Fire and Burglar Proof' Kw (Ay strictly tiro and biuniar no , of calm caal#or) Alsg c Vaisinalled Bank Yard% Sate, and BratiF flop* Lillie's Bank Vault Itoors and le i cksvra be. Walsall to order on short !lotto. This is rite etron.seei.balW tected, and cheapest Door and I, -,ahant,olVP.rfph. Also, particular attention le. eshod• to lOW' wits Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewels* dio. Tide Baia is Moo ceded to surpass in style arch alug.ance may,tadail yet efr fared for this IP I P ( mi Wad the BIZY OEM WO lit SAM Ere and burr prnot, BrsOlah BOMB,' lare now OD 111103 SAY twenty OF Ferret' iPerring, 4 CO. 'll 'agree, moat 0004 nearly WWI and scans forty of othw maltose, cotamdaind a coma* assortment as to simi, and all lately' a:amazed for tba now relebratetLillie Safe. Tbay. will be sold at VOW loti STIOOI. Hasa esli and exasklaa. Ma. . M. 0. SADLER, Azad. STEAM TOWAGE TO WASHINGTON, D. C.--Parties haying, boats or barges for Washington, from Philadelpl4, Or New York, by applying at the office of the Chesapeake and ifeiairltre Canal Company, 417 WALNW agree% can learn terns and partigulars, H. Y. I, ‘ "k9lik'S. 0c3.12t *.r.411". N YLOI & 00 F UND.-