Ziew York Steal FIRST 1000 'Er 5 SI 11 reg.. vox 3traeo (19 90,t; 3000 U S Cos 11, con.. 01 Ai WOO do 91V 70000 Treas 6 p c 2 9.. P 9 S 7000 City 94 1000 Alltroty R,...cttli 20 10000 Ohio 64':0---- soh 8009 Tenn St 65 '90.. 42ye 21000 d., 42 6000 'Virginia 65...530 48 5000 do sl5 48 10009 do 48 10000 d0...560 4034 /009 Georgia St 65... 60 600 Iti Car k 65..... 081‘. Cl)09 do 69 '2OOO California St 7s. 8, yi -51000 Dlis , ,,uri 68... 5000 d 0........ 920 41x, t,OOO 41 : %; 31000 do .s 3 41,1 i 1000. 3tlt, do, 0 to 11 It 47 1000 'lnd II con h.... 71 .1000 Harlon R Ist in. 04 1000 Rich S S 76 New York Alorkers at Iresterdair. llenXi+f,rcre.—The market for flints and Western :Fleur is dull, and prices are a trifle easier, with only a limited demand fur export and the hone trade. The tiale are P,OOO hide, at $4..20a $4.30 for superfine State; 5.45 t ..60 for extra do; $5.20010 for superfine ITichtzan, Indiana, Ohio, lowa, dc., and $4.50a6.60 for extra do, including, shipping brands of round-hoop Ohio, at N.:Mil - LSO, and trade brawls of do at SI 90e. un - moteity of the Provision market was broken 2 0 •11 11 ) . 1 , 3 the setire demand for Pork, find the market adTallCi'd 25c 4€ o ' bbl Sc.nthern flour is unchanged, and the inquiry is quite Dvs.ls.rate ; sales 500 bids at $ for superfine Baltimore; Sti.loa7 for extra do; $.6.a.6.05 h‘r Rm. • dynine: *5.7561 , 7.55 for Geor.qetown 4, 7 ,47.a8.71; for Pe lers.dm.rk. ea - r e-Ter.41.75 for fiirlunnini rit e . Canadian flour is 011101. ',TWO bids at 5T...200 , .5.30 for ~.upertine, and $5.50a5.60 for tho range of es.tra. brand, e Fincr ig steady, with singll gales at $2.75a4 for the ranzr of lin! , and +ni:,•r!inr COTIt Meal i< inactive :trot inn-banged; weal - tote:ter:Ty 01 2,7 f, ; Brandywine 570503.15 otine hems "Who! dull and easier, exeept for choke winter red We,trim, which is in demand, and lc better; sales of 3.1.000 lots at 51.20 and 51.21 for anther lowa ; $1.29 for red RebracltY : S,1.:1201.112 for winter red Western; $1.35 for Ha d , :e anther nt: and $l.-10a1.43 fix white Kenn:city. and firm at 70a75c Oat, are unchanged, with a moderate business at !A .ers.3.le for Jersey, Delaware} and Pennsylvania, :11c3iKe for Weqern and State, awl 300 , 3-1 c for Canadian. scarce,and one cent higher, with a fair de -Bland; , 31.. F. 100000 bliS at 53i&1c for mixed Western, and 60.7 :or white Western. h4O been in actiyi- ilcmand, in part e. and the market is firmer : the sales are 3,100 ibis st 514.500'14.71 for 5.9.75,e10 for prime, and fvr heavy miluspeeted mess. Beef is quiet, with pales 0f126 bids at $5a5.56 for country prime, :tint Stla 11.2:31; a. repacked' estern. Prime blocs hoof is nraminal. "Beef Mutts no dull. Bacon is thin, cut . .trilttiare quiet Sr.y Items, and 4% for Shoulders. Lard is active, - with sales of 500 tes nod bids at 6 . 4•09Nc. The 'tack of beef is 14,099 pkgs, against 17,994 111,4 month, and 14,921 last year. The total stock of Pork is 40,966, against 51,562 last math, and 34,612 last Dace. &v.—Chemicals are drill at 2:54' fur ash; 1.4 for sal soda. and 334 for hi-rarL Lr, aro doll, ‘vith only a small jabbing Inuit. at 163". 017 c for adamantine, and 30c and 40c for plain and - patent sperm. BEE WAX .—Yellow is quiet at .:10e3tc for Western. Copt , •• —Manufactured is steady at '4 for new sheath ing, and 3'3 for yellow. There has been considerable ailiv it in American ingot, eh:any speculative, .ail Trice: are decidedly higher; the itihtursota Company 4-1,1 largcl, last week at 2,03.,;, each, in a private and duce then 100,000 lbs Lake have been taken at 20:,; cr2.€9.., cash, for future delivery, nowleld higher. CITY ITEnS. An invaluable IriTrovement for the Public Witi.in the last few years the "Kitchener" (another ;tame for shat we call in this Country a Co: sing Ran:4o I, a" hits tthnont mtivergal two, iii the i:~61-ncrs of I:l.ropean nobility, anal its acknowledged superiority* •over other iltrolltiOnS of that elati.s, has made their introCruethn in Great Altai], unite general. Reeently they halt been to some extent adopte , in several pronn vent American hotels and pilaus in - aitutions requiring a. liiafaa C 00161 1 ,1, rtt: arytara mrrit OTer the .e . rdnoary ranges firenl/11. Mort , generally known, lee . belleNe lind their way into every first-class • With charatteriAir satracity and public spirit - , North, Chase, & North, the well•known stove .3.nat this city,liave meter. !Mg •of "linetalnis London Kiteltener," (the most approved perfeet ;trtiele of the kind ever yet prodnceli,) and are Harr st`!tiw~ t h e VatiOnt: ,Y.ra, at prices which most ore long make their universal adoption in our large cities y. mat ...lay a= a. great bust all a 311!111,1 , fly• courtesy - hit yesterday permitted to examine at Omit. ;'.q• North Sec,ani street, this celebrated 'tit hei:er," varying in capacity from Shen' suitable for a ..ar , 11 faniic Lt lan.e for hntritt, )1 1 VjlitalS, talti iarvr entire line o f then , saltalltitM of 116 Irttl than forty NAT, As t:ils is the first instance in which their manufac ture Las been c..mmence,l in this city, we take the li ,bert ailing attention to it in this public way, be- Can=? we deem it a matter of substantial importance to our citizeic-, and believe the day is not fat &taut when Kitchener" - win InaNinla (.e•sittial every - -modern dwelling, and every public edifice renuiring ,cookiml be done. jrs ink atttages over the common range can hardly be over-estimated. By it, cooking is ,not only done much fetter, wilt le&.s trouble, in shorter hue_ but with ,zonuteh loss fdel that the saving in this par. eNperinteut., has been found to pay the Cost of it in a comparatively short period. The most or dinary, observer cannot fail to perceive at a glance, not only tie actual adrantgges which it possesses ! but the fiil2ll4:' phiM , ophy upon which they are based; awl we. are vcrlain that the several new and boortant feature,: which it embraces will delight every intelligent honse ' keeper. The rapidity with which it heats water, roasts, •broil stews, and bakes, is extraordinary. This is ef- Jetted by the ingenious retention of the heat generated by the amount of fuel employed. - The Kitchen -1-r" great improvement upon the ordinary cutups ; in nolni of appearance and durability. It is at once •ornaa - . a:A.1)111n rani nia.sivr, presenting, an air of solidity not unmmal'English mechanism. - Besides the petal iari tie; named, the yew plan of ventilation whirl, it einbrae.: , -will be appreciated, and the same may be -raid of the Warnaiag closet attaehed to it, for keeping 'food at a palatable temperature; the faeilitieg for MAL charcoal, (which islxitlt many a desideratum,) :and the perfect arrangement for roasting. - Upon the ulade, ne regard this as the best article for cooking par :peers ever offered in the American market. To insure the . eveme.st strength, the castings are made of the best rid of extra thickness, and are mounted ttiih o,to.nt cor, is the best et; le, We ought to state that our own judgment in this matter is fully sustained *i•y ;50,n,....1 our hest-known eitiorms who have " Thom ren'i, Loudon Kitchener," now in use, and whose te4i- . nanny in their favor is most flattering. The proprietors -of the Tremont Ileum, Chicago, bestow upon it this high " We can safely say, front espericnce, that it ia the be - 1 Ram no have step seen, and. it does more, ..,Ititle'ss expense, than any other Our saving in coal over the old flange and lint plates is lON pounds per day, and - your range, when it becomes fully hint nil supersede all others." Wherever they have Mt reduced, they have) provoi lit hut bight-At degree Eirrida;lory, and, cowidering that en much of health and t t 1. I._llo roinfori depelals on the culinary department of ever; 1.• cheerfully commend its general Mop -rim,. We ill also hike the liberty of stating, in this canner 'Sinn, North, Chase, AG North have recently added th,ir previous—we had almost said etlles—ra criety of : , toves, all made in the best manner, and oilier •east-iron articles, a large number of very superior Home Bet-air curaftees that are worthy the attention of buy ,Wrs. 'lt affords 1151 pleasure to MT this 010, and respecta tde firm di-oiaying as much business vigor :IS ever in - 4111 . ti* trl.tra times of prostration, unit 111 T 111 , 111E1d to ac- Vert it tot omen of good—at least, as the bort evidence that, although the enterprise of our manufacturers has 4,erm checked, it has not been crushed, INTEHESTINE ITEM FOE TEE LADIES.— Wm.‘l, & Nickels, proorio• tors or the City Bonnet Store," No. 721 Chestnut atm-ret, will have their Can "Opening," au announce :neat in which we know our lady readers are always in lerested, from the fact that the "City Bonnet Store" has .for seine years past presented to them the choicest no --sultics or the season, in advance of all competitors. Slued .1 tie weather to-morrow prove auspicious, the ~ : opetting," Nvttich is announced in another column, will .be an " A Nikur.ws' ORII;INAL CAMP OR TRAVELLING TnrsK.—Ti.is ie lir title of n wry invnionfily , :_mole teunk. Cuntaiuino :it °tee a complete bed and pillow. a li.Tht but sufficiently strong and tirm table for the t: at. a private pocket or case for stationery, and roust for all necessary clothing. The itm•ntor oI it 1, r. W. A. Andrews, at WilOr.• wareroonw, No. 612 Cie-taut srieet, we ye.- - tevlay examined a manlier ins. Aunt shirp,l to Dealer. 'Upon the whsle; lve re 'taro trunk as one of the most valuable inventions yet evolie.l by the war genim., and the demand for it must span become general in tho camp. Every a o hliee ~.m2 h t it for himself. BEAtIbrf:ARD'S OPINION.—It it well known that Brffinffiffiard him miegleingg tut to the renal of the present campaign. In a recently intercepted letter to a friend, lie contrasted the condition of the loyal and rebel atviirs, and spay despairingly or the prospect of making bead against an army with :in abundant commissariat, met "I'd. 1:s t -gim e nts, camfartably clothol in elegant tutifoinik from knob ophddiAlininntg ng. tint Thaws gtofie Clothing. Hail of Itoelibill St Wilson, Not. 603 and 605 Cln•st . nn! street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. The name and false of this model establishment hag spread over the Plain" 1 zog,try. ARMY AND NAVY ITNlN)Ptsl,—Army nutl Davy onirivs should roneinher that the beet and cheap e.-,t military uniforms in the city can be purchased at the l'alatial (lotlc i Encporlmn of Granville Stakes, 609 l'he-tae! street. Each garment manufautured at this es tablishment is made of the best material, and by the most exp , rienced worimmu. Oilicers cali S iSe consider. able In the mirelinim of a eaMtlstt , outfit at tide de p t. as ?lit )ta lien redacted mach lower than at any (other electliintf eztablh-hin•-nt to th , . city. Theist' isle have Lieu so fvrtunate as to patronize this military EM- I - 101'111M will testify to thin fact. PHILADELPHIA HOARD OF TRADE. ADRAILiId J. LE will, DElirti MARSHALL, COMMITTEE OF THE MONTH. WM. R. THOMAS, LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. ship Wyoniing, Burton ,___Liverpool, Ort f+hip W Atitina - Liverpool. goon Bark. hite Wing, Ealing _ Laguayra, soon Bark Sea Eagle, Kenney Port Spain, noon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 3, 1661. BUN RISES 816 SUN SETS... HIGH WATER ARRIVED Behr Bohemia, Clark, 2 days from Chesapeake City, Isith grain to Christian .t Curran. Selo A1111.i..? Virden, Chambers, 21 hours from Lewes, Ttel, with mdse to J W Parker. .Ccl,r Mary, Itkkard,, 1 day from Camden, Del, with vatt to J L Isevley & Co. Srhr J H Stroup, Foster, 5 days from Bogtoti, in bal last to captain. Behr C M Neal, Godfrey, from - Boston. Behr I. A Danenhower. Miller, from Boston. Sehr Caroline Grant, Pressey. front Boston. Sellr I Clark, Scull, from Boston. Behr Volunteer. Brown, from Boston. Behr Sallie it, Bateman, from Boston. Sehr Eugene, Parker, from Boston. :ehr Willow Barr, Hulse : from Boston. Eichange—Oct. 1. 10000 Trrrsll A:A 2d in 18 1000 Chi h N V Ist... t3B 0•l Manhattan 13k...115 5 DO d find C Co. 83X 250 Pac Mail SS Co.. 69 50 do a3O 88N 00 do 1,15 Ml!' .1000 CIA 4 It I M..a10 411. , j: 709 do 46 100 do 4l 1700 N Y ern ... 73K .slO 50 du 100 do 150 do 5Q Eric R.......... 25 a 0 do b.lO 120 llorlemß 10'R 500 do 10M 100 Reading R 41 100 do N4O 2,4;ki 5 Mich Can FL... 41 50 Mich B 13N 100 111 C.ntral sep.l4o 06 500 Cleve k l'ittsh R. 10 yi 100 Gal Chi R 6974 100 Cleo - & Tol R. 297.1 400 d 0............ Schr Morrtevuo, Volkenhurg, from Boston. Fclir J G Dalrrack, Bttinuck, from Boston, Schr T Benedict, Goldsmith, from Providence. Schr Onward, Bronson, from &lan. Schr Antares, Cordery, from Norwich. Behr Amelia, Rockbill, from Norwich. Schr Riclid Thompson, Bickman, from Dennievillc. Steamer Vulcan, Morrison, '1,4 hours front New York, With noise to W 11l Baird k Co, gtromer 3 Jerome, Jerome, M) hourfrfrOM Wrginington, with mdse to W 1' Clyde. CLEARED Bark Emma F Chase. Gilkey, Portland, It Hare Powell. Brig New Zealand, (Br) Cunning, Barbadoes,J R Rue. Seim T011110.1.e, Wooster. Halifax, .T II Atwood. sem. M (l ;•e, Dyer, Ft John, NE, E A Bonder Az Co Schr J II Stamm, Foster, Quiney, T. Rothormd & tlo. Schr Onward, Branson, Bangor, Yon Dusan, Norton & Co. Schr Volunteer, Brown. Boston, do Schr L A Danenhower, Miller, Boston, J B Rlakiiton. Seim Sallie B, Bateman, Boston, Noble, Hammett & Sehr Willow Barr, Hulse, Boston, Sinnickson & Clover. Seim T Benedict, Goldsmith, New Haven. do Bahr J Clark, Scull, Solent. Wm li jOllll9. Sehr Montevue, Falkenburg, Salem, Costner, Stickney & Wellington. Schr Amelia, Rockill, Fall River. do Behr Antares, Cordell', Now York, L Andenried Co. BteJ Shriver, 'Bennie, Baltimore, A Grows, Jr. Sir Berorly, Pierce, New York, W P (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del., Sept :10 The steamer Jersey Blue, from Now York for Wash• imittm, with pork and bread on Government account. came in on Friday evening in a sinking condition, and was run on the bar opposite the Breakwater, where sho now lies full of water. All hands saved, and her cargo is being landed inn damaged condition. All the vessels at the ltreakwater previous to and during the storm on Fri day, rode out the gale in safety, and went to sea yester day. The barks Thomas Dallett. for Lagnayra: Amy, for Gloegoirt Lincoln, for West Indies; Eligaboth for Fort of StUlitg briya Ahh foC:ii—rdenas, Wal tham, for Ilarbadoes; ketch Commerce, for reruatubucm schr Louisa Frazier, for Curacua, and several colliers, went to sea on Saturday. Yours, &c. A. MARSHALL, (Correspondence of the Press.) HAVRE DE GRACE, Sept co. The strainer left here this morning with 10 boats in tow, laden and consigned as follows: Constitution, grain to Thornton Barnes; Mary Art ley, lumber to John Craig; Grit and R W bitinni • nuns coal to Belleville; Gol George Bodine and Isaac Buf fington, do to Newport, Del; Elizaheth, do to Chesapeake City; fueatity, anthracite coal to New York.; Loots Ptolet t do to Phoodrvillel Pronlier, do to Delaware City (Correspondence of the Press.) READING, tieptember The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill Canal to-day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: TIW Amoi-kan, lumber to Norcross & 6itrets; Peck d; Barnard, do to Win C Lloyd; E Wearer. do to Oliphant & Bull; E B Bailey ' do to John Craig; Avid:mule, do to Wm Parsons, New York: Grapeshot, grain to A Or Cat tell & Co; George & Charles, do to Humphreys, Hoffman & Wright; Maj J Landis, do to Baker & Hankins; Para gon, boards to C & D S Cadwaladeq PiWid, Win Diivia. MEMORANDA. Steamship North Star, Jones, cleared at New York yesterday for Aspinwhll. Ship Lancaster, Decan, hence, arrived at Liverpool iSth Ship Comet, Todd, danced at New York 3011. ult. for Salt Irantisro. Bark Pophatan, Winchester, sailed from Gibraltrr 4th ult. for Marseilles. Biig George Amos, Nichols, hence, arrived at Boston 30th ult. Schrs Potter, Raekett, Mary Patterson, Godfrey, Ocean Wave, Yeazie, and Restless, Blackman, hence, arrived. at Boston 30th ult. &ins Tunic Maul, Weaver, and A Townsend, Town send, cleared at Boston 30th alt. for Philadelphia. Schr R II Shannon, liansoa, hence, arrived at Salem 30th nit. Seim David Douglass, Smith, cleared at Salem 30th tilt. for Philadelphia. Schr Button, lIP,SWob, =idled from Providence 25th tilt for Philadelphia. Saw Volta, Brooke, from Baker's Landing for Phila delphia, at Newport 29th ult. Schr Charlotte Williams, Golding, hence, arrived at N Bedford 20th ult. Seim Cartliagena, Kenn hence, arrlycd at New Bed ford Nth ult. :clues Shenandoah, Gandy, and Martha Collins, Shroud, hence, arrived at Newport 20th Brig. Yankee Blade, Scott, fnem Montevideo, arrived at New York yesterday. Schrs T Iderwin, Thomas, and Daniel Webster, Perry, hen e, arri v= ed at Providence 2,th nit Schr C Nelgon, Pawtucket t9th tilt. for Philadelphia. Sebes Mercy Taylor, Nickerson, hence ion Boston; Monterey, Craig, ftom Dela Ware City for Salem; anti A Hammond, Paine, from Boston for Philadelphia, at New port 27th ult. Schrs Minnesota, far Salem, Charlotte Williams, for - New Bedford, and N B T Themptiom for Boston ; allfrom rhilwlciphio, enard from Boleti Natal Mit tilt. Schrs R. II 15 - ilgoa, Davis, for Philadelphia - , and Sylvi, Reynolds, for do, via Cape Ann, cleared at Boston 30th tilt. Schrs Sophia, Godfrey, and John Beatty, Sharp, for Philadelphia, sailed from Newburyport 20th tilt. Sehr island Belle, Butler, from Sipmean foe Philadel phia. at Now 8edf..1,1 00th nit, and sailed again. Schr Hannah Warwick, Shropshire, sailed from New Bedford 2 20th tilt. for New Brunswick, NJ. _ Schr Electric Light, Haskell, cleared at Portland 20th ult; for rldledelphia. Schr Isaac Hinckley, Leavitt, hence, arrived at Port land 29th ult. Srhr Saratoga, Adams, hence, arrived at tieWburyport 2Stit ult. t7aramers Oneida, Trout, and Novelty, Shaw, lance, arrived at New 'York yesterday. Steamer Alida, Robinson, cleared at New York yester day for Philadelphia. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. Li-t of Foreign awl Coastwise Arrivals at the Port of. Philo&lain for Dm of P.Ttymlnr, _ 4 Itrigg .11 Schuonere com.:Twi.E, Pl.l l -, ~, , . , oSloops SIX) Barli•s ..... 6 I Steamers FA Brif.. , 5 I Barges 557 Szit - innsers 831 i Boats 1301 2S7 , IAZTIft6 6EPTEMBER, ['Prom the N Y Journal of Commerce,] The serious casualties to American sea-going craft re ported dining the past mouth were comparatively light, the number of total losses being but 18, viz: 3 ships, 1 bark, 1 brig, and S schooners. Of these 5 were wreeked, 4 burnt, 1 ibundered, 1 run down, 1 sunk by collision, and 1 was abandoned. Thu following* urn thoir nainog, destination, &c, iuclud in, two or three foreigners bound to or from American Fort?: [Those marked w, were wrecked; b, burnt; s c, sunk by colliAon; f foundered; r d, run down; a, abandoned. . , . Ships. John Cacver, 1.,* from Philadelphia for Key West Finland, bt, from Liverpool for Apalachicola. Wm Tell, 6, from Now York for Harre,,, . • • Rmerakt Isle t (Br)ic from Key West fo: Prima Donna, (I,Sr)w from Havana for New York George Leslie,ze from Cienfuegos for New York. Brigs. Ornate, (Br) to from Cienfuegos for Boston. Eilzu Ann,w from Fort Jefferson for Now York S'choonerit. Mareolo,ll* front Elimbethnort, NJ, for Portland, America, rd boat. of NewlinrYport.) Guess, 3 c from Gonklshore for Boston. Jos Haslet, . ] from Stony Point for Milford, Del. Charlotte Buck,a from Bucksport for Martinique: John A Stanleym from Cumberland Harbor, Cuba, fur New York. Conk , lia.b from JPriiey City for Now W .shPlitomie from Philadelphia for Boston. 7 r i rlw Mid value et the ohmic domestic craft, PICIIIMIre of cargoes, is estimated at $155,000. * Captured and burnt by privateer Jeff Davis. t Lately transferred to British flag, and Intent at Apa lachicola by U S squadron for running the blockade. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS TT TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Chestnut and Ninth Streets. Jacob 0 Frick, Pottsville J C Kunkel, Harrisburg Geo B Hicks, Cleveland, U E F Slocam, Qhicege W It Denny, Pittsburg II S tioodwiu, Winsport Chas S Lynch, Boston AV L Nicoll, New York Chan II Davis, Mass c L Tilden, Boston C A Davis, New York J A McWilliams, Elmira Slt Van Campen, Elmira 31 L Ott, Wheeling, Fa I) T, Cunkle, Bock Island W A Sackett N Lindsley, Orange W A Gellathy, New York T N Browklng, England $ p Row, micidgfin J I; Treat, Connecrimit J 0 Finch, Pottsville Alex P Root, Massachusetts J McKibbin, Atlantic City Ti IV Belden, Salem, N J I' II Archer, Salem, N J A 0 Mullin, Pennsylvania Elias D Kennedy Phila N B Falconer, Glasgow Chas B Lee & In ,W Chester S A Corey, New York Gorham Blake, Boston Owen McFarland, N Jersey Thos L Turner It Island . . 71 Parkins John Sander, Jr, Wash, DC Ii Mulliken, Boston 0 Owen, Providence, It I T. Dexter, Jr, Prov, It I B W Risley, New York II P Pierce, Chicago F P Ruggles, Albany It 1' de Silver, Philadelphia D N Barney, New York Mrs James, New York lion E Slifer, H . :11..4Am ,, DI Burnett. Massackusetts N Filler, New York II D Vaitlkber.. Nekv Verlr. Mr Ilellieter, Nvvr York IV Pa,hloek, New Jersey W G Case Columbia Col S Schoek, Columbia 0 S Eautlinan, Columbia C S Stay-man, Carlisle 0 W Buck, New York .1 L Angle, Wel.d, Run Mr Fowler, New Jersey J 11l Bolton, New York C It Poor . la, U S N C E Geldsborough 3: 1, Phila. Miss Denham, Philo, John Emory, Pinta Frank Emory, Phila Edvol 1, Ream, Mita W A Allem Delaware A Punition, Hartfilnl IS 1 ,- Judson, New Yuri. 31 W Dean, New York I) Marvin, Milwankee 0 A Peirce & la, Prov, 11 I Mrs A Q Fisher, RI - V Fl-lire, Prov, It I Mr Abreo, New York .1 . Couterraer Copt J 1) Siorinii, Virginia 11 F Comp, New York A A Belnapf, 17 S N T C Field, New York J F Selndtx, Phila. a D Coleman, Lebanon, r. J R Langtry, Boston 1) de Itomatadr, Wash, 11 C Cyrus Nelfenstein & la, jib aeo V Webster, 31.1 .Tames Bullock, Baltimore J C McGuire, Washington Jas F holiday, Wash W Id Bowman, Washington S I' Dexter, Boston Mr Hitchcock, New York Than Purinton, New York John II Snavely, Pa IV It Hooper, Baltimore U II Lackey, ti S N H W Gibson IV 0 g r 0.,—, BS A EL Childs, oAt, V 0 A C Larkin, washinom Gen Wilkes, New York G Brooks &by New York 0 W Geir, New York 31 Wheelock, New York A C Wetmore, New York 311. Barman A la, Bait Mrs I' 'W Bennett . , Ball Ii 31rEeever, New York John P Add:ince, N V AV 'Willie, Sall Fr:melee° J Tiox-eenkvight If EvcF, Nvw York Mins Hart; Now York I) WJAMes, New York W Hoge, NeW York - F Il Smith,'Jr, Newark,NJ W Carr & la, Pittsburg A C Allen ' New York S W Merry, Delaware 11 Macfarlane, New York 1/ W Richardson, Mick J 0 Wilson, Pittsburg N P Sawyer, Pittsburg S Hyatt, New York Jos S Groan,. New. York .1 Hoerr, lhatintoro J A Woke, lurk, Pa .1 11 Cameron, Harrisburg it !fellatio 11 E Small, York, Pa' Jos N Biddle, Sulphur Sigs 5 D Cook, New York J W (Ave, Pittsburg 'fa... , W 'Whitaker, T: S N AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut at., above Fifth. Cant f 5 II ftnliins, Del Rota Lawson, Baltimore 31 . Tbmtoii it 51(it , nm, Arm.trllg Cn .T .1 1: runip.wille., Pa C A 13amicart, .1 G N lu s. Piltsbnrc W Newark - , N .1 .11, l;:ttn.e., Danville Dinieher, .Ir, Rail intiwe 1):111111 L, . 4 111111t.11, l'a Wni ll.exris, .Ir, Plata Win Dunbar. Ohio S Branson, Ohio 110 noway, Ohio J. II Eabart, Ohio \V W I,iohk, R y Wait, Dayton, J T B MuMa.stn,sll), RoYnnbla, Jr, flolawaal Marrimtton, Delaware W Ravin, Delaavare Mrs IS E Gettina, , ,Wash,DC I 8 Vallooderghanb Del 3ohn Donaldson, Tamaqua Mite Snyder, I.llaven Doom. N Y. E R South, N Y F - Daniels, Oxford J Moody, S dem, Mass A A Word, Salt in, Malt 1' .1 Levy, MarYland r A Corti,: t 10, Del J( Wyatt, Concord, N II d llc N J 11 limber, Yorl: ) rg, ET. LOUTS HOTEL—Chestnut street, ;thorn Third. Parkrr, 1 S Navy Cat Plttstwr r lady, N York 31 iss 3111 Plunter, Now York Wut Brown, New York It Cobb, Penusylvattia J Mon.:land, New Jersey Jos 11 Elmer, Bridgeton, N J E 31 Hood, Ilridsadoo, N r. Tumor., itobigennt, NJ A Bateman, Srulgnton, N J Casey ,V oils, llttrriAtteg JLA Pl. 101 l phi% H Providonoo, 111 Clow Gillespie, Lanc, Pa 1 T 'Moore, Delaware P 11 Story, New Jersey Win A Toth-, Nrsv York limo II Bruce, Nmv York 'hoads, Lane, Pa Hitler, Now York 11 Mills, Jena!) . City V A de la Coon, Car:WIIS P Talman, Philadelphia Hoyntat., Plailatklybia TIM UNION—Arch tartn, Runic nail. C\' Bentley, Allegheny Cty L lI Sielmllv, Detroit Geo II Rtis:.ell, Pittsburg 011 Locher ' lialthnora Perry Putnam, 0 .1 M. Lett is, Belmont, 0 F S Frazier, Burnsville, 011 Fellheisner, Palma R Patterson, Adelphia, 0 .10ii Hedges, Atlelphin, 0 Jahn Heitslut C I, Lancast'r J I. Vau Schnuck, Scranton W A iititAlll4 Lancantcr David Ilinirr, Harmer -11-T I.lyeinp-r, Shipprit4l4, J calm II Darker, 'Atuncy, ra S .rribley, Muncy, Pa J A Van Horr, Yartiterv'e 'Mr, .1 tiervia, Lanthertvilh3 John Bridges. Shippoievg 1I Seim art', Tumult:A T Kant?. LaUCI64OI. 0 ,, pa THE .PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1861. MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. 51: Negley. Eivit Liberty A C Pittßhurg 11 Levy, MileAurg, Pa Miss J ityrnan, Mileiburg Goo humble, lowa .1 It Welsh, York, PR W B Stewart & of. Potlit'n M M Mali, Ashland L Bennett, Troy, N Y .1 F Mann, LowlAtown T bleNanutrit, Nina 11 \V Bunter, Ohio J ManSttll, AustuAn. Ohio .1 G Dayiilsott, Mes Prorolatker, Xanr,rille Nouthovror, *leading A B Church ti ut, Catuoh.su E A Eltston, Thlity'e 11 Near, Miner:vine Mns Eck York, Pa A Hatcher. Sltippewlairg . SlliPPanabUrg W Emmet. Banoror, Pa Bls Koller la, Penna Mrs C $ i.rtr, Penn. Mr= 13 C Goolrich, Penna .1 N IstotTat, Now York it .Toltnaon, I.3nn .1 Hoffman, Carlhle B Bendel, iicir York P 310.00Ammn. Newport. Pa Y. Marnle, New irk bibert, John P:, STATES UNION HOTEL—Market, above Sixth. Win Shinip, I.eni-loon E Page, New York 11 Loll. Nest 3, , r5,y ShieW, remmytyanin J li Bid , iroo, Ward,. D C L rhiniDDL PMSBAriv: '- Amos 1:0110.1„ Pn John Road, Ifiultinadon John licanwCY, Wnsh, 11 C Coblentz, Columbia A Melleron, Martinsburg .T Brittain, Penits)lvanin Pitt,d , urg C Bender, York, Pa C York, Pa Mrs. Flury, Marietta, Pa Dire liline, Marietta. Ta InA C From., .10111 i Sfiratfor, Innemler F R Moorhead, Ohio J Pronsylyania F Mecham, A Pennington. 'Mimi,: .lohn Irnh,, Carli.fo E E Kenzer, Pconsytvania BLACK BRAR—Third street. shore Osllowhill. S. Lark, Lebanon. Pa Dli d GeW, Dauphin, Pa Andrew Ditty, Geore,e'n, Pa Ilenj sral•h, Penns Chas Harper. Jenkintown Win Hamer, Penwames, Jas Ityberry b%tuti Earner. Puyleutewn Sanil Shutt, Doylestown J P Haldeman, Penni. Sigmund liouelanti, Penne A S Itoado, Southampton mno Betweiler, Penns A Cressman, A DI Bt Lela. BernYille L li Leis, renna 1) Seigfrivil, Pa.Poist 1 lenry Soigfried, Penna Whiten, Tfilllß .1 It Bucknlnn• Peter Stoilyl, 11. eliud Ceo Kline, Penna Joulinu Penes Jacob Boyer, Stonersville Issue 'AL); or, Stonersente Peter A Kline. Penns. NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third Lll Murphy, kirk co, Pa IT C Hefter, Lams, Pa C Kirtland, New Hawn E E Ja,fius, Damleaky, id V." 011, Altoona J S Smith, Danville A E Chadwick, Bonding W P Hartman, 14 Chunk Mi,s A E Teiaan, Trenton J Rothchild, Williamsport JM Earle), Buck:, co, Pa Thos M Clark, Chicago Jacob Ifoliaarb Perry co, Pa Mi.is 1 A. Ihlcr. N Columbia Mi6o L .11.31aa, N Columbia COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth street. ahovo Chestnut J 11 Diehl, Pennaylvania E B Patterson, Penni' L W Reinhart Pennsylvania P Sutter, Port Deposit, M , l C W Chi Mra 'Soya, Harrisburg Nis:: 'Boyd, Barri:4)lnm Mr, Sloan, Harrisburg Miss Sloan, ITurri.-burg, .T Thowennwli, Town 1 1` F Felix, Itemliniz L Ilnupec, Wilmington, Del Clt Ilowanl, Wiloi, Del 11" 11 Eder, Wash, D C J 11 Stubbs, Peach Bottom Chas If btni,l ) S, I_lllOC CO, Pa BALD EAGLE—Third street. above Gallowhill. Aaron Eisinhart, labial' ea W Fnllida, 31;1141.0km - a Mrs Sell46.ll;ller.,dowa µin Derney, Lehigh co Henry W Berney. retina 1111.51 E Donley, Lehigh co Ms , M Donley, Lehigh co Mn'- A Denney, Lehigh co Jno S Weaver, Lilac to Sainl G itOrtolet, Belts Co arlU4 Shellroberger, I'd Peter Spangler, Myerstown J B Graybdi, Juniata co UNITED STATES HOTEL—Eleventh and Market SO L Hall, F•t Paul, Min 1' Llise,n, Harrisburg Steplull McCann J R Lampinrh, riiila .1 Mc Alper, Altnonii, E L Benvilict, Lowistown John A Knight, 'Plata John Evggs., Philp, J H Rankin, Eric, Pa Thos Jenkins, Blair co, Pa Amos Evans, Blair co, Pa Jos Jordan, liarMrd, Conn MOUNT TICRNON HOTEL--Second - et., at, Arch. L David Branthorry 6i lady. A Clayton, Plila 'Richmond, Va Thos John:Eqpt', Penna E Janos, Penna • Geo F Nixon, Bridret.m.N.T Thos .lack.at. Reading, Pa LeWiS Thibro, Buck, co, Pn - REVERE HOUSE—Third street, shove Race. E Taylor. Wilkoliarro 1. W Morgan, Pottsville 0 P Spelin, Lancaster, 0 E A Smith, Milton, Pa L A Sticker, Milton, Pa John Good, Shamokin Mt, ISme. , , Ben; Chits Clearwater, Pittston SPECIAL NOTICES. ONE—PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST Srrt.Es, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prkt marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our ONE-PRICE SYSTEM is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. sen-ly JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street. BATMELOR'S HAIR DYL—This age. WWI Mid perfect HAIR DYE is the BEST IN THE WORLD. All others are mere imitations of this Great Original, which has gained such extensive Patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. BATCHE. LOR'S LIQUID FLAIR DYE INSTANTLY produces a splendid PiaCk or natural Brown, without staining the Skin or injuring the Hair, and will remedy the ill effects of bad Dyes, invigorating the Hair for life. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by FAHNESTOCK Sc CO. and DYOTT it CO., Philadel phia mhl-tf CARD PRIN/ING, BEBTA_ND CHEAPEST in the City, lit 3-1 South THIRD Street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other descrip tion of Printing, of the most superior quality, at the most reasonable rates, at BINGWALT & BROWN'S, Drexell'a Building, 34 South THIRD Street, dal.o-tf MAERIED: STERLING—FAINUMAIL—By the Rev. 'Henry J. Spackiimil, 'William I. Sterling, I. S. A., to Matilda L., daughter of the late FAL F. Farquhar, all or this city. *I, DIED : lIARKNESS.—On the evening of September 30th, Charles Iforknews, in the 05th year of his age. His relatives and friends mid those of the family aro invited to attend his funeral, on Friday next, at 2;4' o , ctockr. M., from his late residence, Ti nra Stre4l, se venth home mat Of the ehai,,, on toe Germantown, and Norristown Railroad. - *** PlilLSON.—On the 29th ult., Alexander Phil:ion, 0. S. Company N Col. Itakee'S California Regiment, in the 35th year of his nge. His relatives and friends, members of Robert Morris Lodge, No. 29, Ashland Encampment, No. 45 ' L O. of 0. F., and the Order in generld, and Spring Garden Hose ore reilieCtildly invited to attend his funeral, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the resi dence or E. Booth, No. 1217 Wallace street. RING.—On the 30th ult., Ilaltaall Isadore, daughter of David and Mary Ring, iu the sth year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her parents, Church at., blotto:clank, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. TAYLOR.—On the morning of the 29th ult., Nathan Taylor, in the 40th year of his age. The friends of- the Lunily aro invited to a4t,...1 his t,,- torah front his late residence, 1018 Arch street, this (Wednesday) afternoon at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Lau rel Dill. FLIITCHER.—Gn the 29th ult., 31r. George Fletcher, in the 66th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, No. pm H o ward street. above Girard avenue, and above Front street, this (Wednesday) morning, at 10 &Muck, lIEM—Ou the 3titit nit„ William, son of Robert and Eliza Hei.e, aged 18 years awl six wombs. Funeral front the residence of MR parents, No. 822 Poplar street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. HUFF.—On the 80tlr oh., Mrs. Catharine Hoff, in the 47th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband, No. 133 street, “bove New Market, this (Wednesday) af ternoon, at 3 A'CiAPIt. Wli.—On the 30th ult., Charles Kane, aged 50 Funeral front his late residence, No. 2516 Callowhill street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. _ 5 KELLY —On the 20th ult., Mrs. Daniel Kelly, aged 53 years. Funeral frool the residence of her brother.in.law, Mr. - Franrh, Mcdoskey, second street, below• thrard avenue, this (Wednesday) morning, at 9 o'clock. 4e, McALEEII.—On the 30th ult, Mr. Ilugh McAleer, aged 45 Years. Funeral from his late residence, No. 632 Fitzwater st., on 'Mimi day morning, at Syi o'clock. ie OPLYIE.E.—On the 30th ult. - , Emma, daughter of Geo. Opdyke. Funeral from the residence of her father, No. 40 Mag nolia street, this (Wednesday) afternoon; at 3 o'clock. It.' TOWELL.-01. the 30th Mt., William Towel', Sr., in the 60th year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his eon, John Towell, No. 1002 South Foarth street, on Thursday aftertioon, at 3 o'clock. ( OOD BLACK SILKS AT OLD NJI PRICES. Black Gros de Shines, $l. do. Poult do Soies, $l. do. Gros Grains, extra qualities. da_ Gras (lea do. Groa de Espagnes, $1.12%. do. Gros des Llea. do. Groa d - Ecosse and Ottomans. do. Armures and Venetiennea, &c. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, sel2-tf No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY FOR. PROttiOTING AGRICULTURE.—StatmI meet ing ;It Room 326 WAGN CT Street, TO-31LORROW (Wed needy-) morning, at 11 o'clock. Subject of ilismotsion : " The best tine• for Gathering Root Crops." ocl-2t RITLITAItY NOTICES. COL. GEARY'S REGIMENT.- The Ifeathinarters in this city have been RE 310YED to No. 116 South FOURTH Street, below About TWENTY - KEN and two or throo non-v0nt nii,441,A...1 OPP laUlti.tasa waoting, to till liar last tWII. resrctablo young men cannot do better than apply at once. A. S. TOUItISON, Captain. WM. J. 141 . .xcliEv t O.IOIIAIAN. 1: RECRUITS WANTNP FOR COM PANY N; CAMERON DRAGOONS, now in active service hi Virginia. Four sergeants with seven men each, eight corporals with four men each, at BUCK HOTEL, SECOND, above Race 0c1431* Lieut. A. P. SCHONEHAN. 111 50 GOOD MEN WANTED TQ liili up COD. ItittNET T S )1. - EGI3IENT immediately. AfflY aI 602 ARCH Street. CAPT. LOUIS HILLEBRAND, JOHN W. CROSBY, Recruiting Officers. Rein Iloutms nein:, Pa., September 20, 1561. Slit: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Circular Letter, which I found in the city on my vi. siting there yesterday. I beg to inform yen that I accept the nomination for the (Mice of Assembly for the titxteentlt District of the AY of nail-beide, a•-cording to the Plutnirm as VC I forth in your communication, to all of which I fully sub scribe. I cannot close without still more distinctly giving you my Platform, and with, also, the view to leave a record, which, if necessary, will ut once hereafter remove the slightest taint of suspicion of Politimil inconsistency On my wit. It is a well-known foci, particularly- amongst my friend i, that I have ever been an unswerving, unflinching Demo crat : toy first vote having been east for General Andrew , ittelison for the Presidency. it may then appear strange 1 that I alit opposing the Democratic Nominee, Mr. Dui- 1 lield, 1 having been importuned to accept a nomination i declined several times, at last, on calm reflection, and urged vn by a tell strong ronsidcra I tions, accepted; and 1 why 1 hereby stale, and in language which cannel. be 1 mistahou, I take high ground, and quote front no less a ! personage than the lion. R. F. Follett, of Thissaeluotetts, ' who, I :an proud to Sill', is a l'i•LitiVe, and thi• alliiiiii. Cl . UP' eilieiligiail PillirOtlll. o The simple iSSTIO is, the overthrow or the support of r:ove,t,,,,ent it, the whole Ullll,ll, and whil ,- ; that is the i 55110, I 11111 not 1111 , opposing or ob,drneting any measure of policy of the Admiiiitdration honestly designed to carry : on this war fOr its great end, viz: the re-establishment • of the Supreme Government of the Union, in all the ! States nod Territories; until that is done, or it is fully demonstrated that it cannot be done by force of unite, I i belong to no party but the country. And until one of these results arrive, 4 the Democratic Party,' in my intlg , merit, ilttii no higher present duty Gem to uphold the Go -1 vernuwat. The ndeSiOn of Mitt great historical party of the Union is not ended, and never can be ended, while : republican government exists, or the Union is to be re f stored; but the people havordaced the Ong Mother hands, 1 and now the mission of Democracy is the old one—to ifollow it to victory. This is the grand triulition of - the U. S. ARMY—WANTED .414 . 14 .- ,; p i :meet:the Party—on tho land ' on the' se.., follow the Au whc - rever it waves in suppoet of the Union_ in this . IdEDIATELY, for the SIXTII RF,GIRENT spirit the Democratic Party did not hesitate an instant U. S. CAVALRY, REGULAR SERVICE, - a after the fire on Sumpter, to commit itself to this 4 war' few more able-bodied men, between the ag,ea of twenty- to the utmost of its means and its good faith. No victory one and thirty-five. Pay ranges from $l4 to $23 per has been or can be achieved, and no defeat suffered, but month, according to the rank of the soldier. Each man with the outpouring of the best blood of Democrats. The will be furnished with a good horse and equipments, am- Democratic Party never was, and never can be, a plc clothing and subsistence. Quarters, fuel, and medical , peace party in war, nor a war party in peace. When thm nttenua free of eltaele. The pay of each soldier cote,-1 the it country is in peril, when their country is menet% as soot, as he is enlisted. ! at 'War, right or wrong, they cure for their country By an act lately passed , the term of enlistment is , and against its enemies. They will not turn their changed front five to THREE YEARS, and every soldier 1 backs upon the National Standard, let who may bear it who serves that Bine is entitled to ! up. Nor will they, in the midst of the conflict, endanger $lOO BOUNTYthe field by a party contest for the command." I from the Government. Attention is drawn to the fact With my endorsement of these sentiments, and its that the Government has wisely commenced to promotes string you, sir, that if elected I will endeavor tv perform soldier's Iron 1140 11111141. Advancement is, therefore, open , my duties to the Satlisfaetion of my ronatitueota, to l. 1 remain your ob't servant, For further particulars, apply at the Recruiting Nice, ; - WAIT. P. DOILVER. GIRARD 1101..:E. ' LIEUT. F. DODGE, IToA. J. Itanaysittar., Ego., President of the CitiZens' al 4-t f Sixth Cavalry, Re"ruiting Officer. , Union Convention, - Philadelphia: etc:-fit I iTHE SCOTCH RIFLES. Wanted, ithMediaiely; good, intelligent MElki, for the above etatiVinV (to Jill up), who aro now in active KerViCO in the army of the Potomac. Pay and rations front date of enlistment. Apply at lleadiniarters, 723 RACE Street; to Captain JOHN ORR FINNIE, who has been detailed by order of Major General BANKS. : -tt 77 , 1! : ;;41 J, CUM I''llilflT l .1. AL 7AV1.1111 7 ' Oninps. - Reoraiting Om -Pr. Orderly Sergeant. au2B-firit , tiU.. S. MARINES.. - --Wanted imme diately for the t. S. 'Marine Cortm, iltill able-bodied men, for era aid laud Service; also a few competent drummers and liters. All inGirmalion that may be required will he given nt Um Readezvoug 311 'iiiitti i - 111.1)NT FAx-,-ei, Miliadvipltial AWANTED IMMEDIATELY- A Cavalry instructor, for a pirkcd Troop. Nono but thr best mad apply. Address I'., BON. 214 U, Post VRicc. oc2-4t* WANTED—A Bugler, Farrier, Sadator, and Wagoner, tn. a picked Cavalry Troop. None but experience' men need up- I'. Addres!4 I'., Box 2140, P. O. oc2-44* - , UNION FOR FOR THE SAKE OF THE nitow. - - THE CITIZENS' IiNION CONVENTION, having Morph-ted their labors, non respectfully prerieut to the citizens of Philfitielphia the follnn iuR candidates for tho offices to be tilled ut the approaching General 'Election A St , EMI , LX. 10 Representative Diqtriet—Themas T. Tacker, Sr 241 46 " William Clark. 3d 6: " Thom,. S. Stewart. (41 Rh " 1 1 l ThirritY RUA gill ITlqlii Wtslvit. 6th 4 , " Darman Baugh. 7111 " Thomas Cochran. Bth 4, " Algernon S. Roberts. POI 44 " Henn - C. Fritz. 66 101. h. " Joseph W. Martin. 11th 4, 1, Leine A. Sheppard. 12th ~ " Richard Wildo'. 'nth li ,1 0664 4 6 De Maven, Jr. 14th " " Samuel Bingham. 4, 15111 " George W. Wolf. 16thI t ~ Robert P. Deallvor. /MI 61 " Charles F. Abbot. Csi,NDION COUNCLI.. 14, ('llYitlo C. 8. Dunk, James G. Peale. Edward D. Brooks, George Mitchell, John B. Holtman. Edward t'. Quin. BuiJoi, 3; Rollack, William M. Baird, Richard li. Montgomery. I. Barton Smith. John W. Leigh, Henry McCrea. Alexander L. Hodgson, Al,:conarrJ, Harper. James A: Freeman. Samuel J. Cresswell. Isaac Sulger.- Wilson Kerr. John L. Shoemaker. wm. C. Richardson, Henry Rudd. Charles 11. Trego, Samuel E. Slnymaker. Thomas Potter, Mordecai It. Moore, Wm. V. :Lippincott. Dr..T. T. Knorr, A. R. Paul. Jilutea T, Flittoni Michael Keenan. 'Statham Bumm, Thomas J. Duffield. Edward K. Tyson, - Dr. John P. Curren, John Ilaseman. Dem* W. Simons, Win. Henry, D. 3. McLean, Wm. A. Simpson. —: Taber Cates. ti Watson ComleY. saumel. W. Cultell, William Stokes. 25th ward. David E. Thomson. 17th ward 21st ward 22(1 k and 2 ith ward These nominations Imre been made with rifi little re gard to party politics as possible. The Jndicinl candi d:or, are the experienced, able, and honest Judges who were clotted by the people to their pre cut ifosifie,of ton years nun. It VMS the unanimous opinion O f the Con. reliant, that the purity and efficiency of tint Judiciary can only be maintained by a distinct separation of the office from the contests of political parties ; and that it would, therefore, be inexpedient, and hostile to the pub lic interests, to remove from the bench, without cause, those who are acknowledged as loyal (Alkalis, awl have proVed competent and pure in the administraffan Of _Mid tire. For these reasons the - Convention nitaninemsly agreed to recommend to their fellow-citizens the re election of the present Judges. All the no - minees for the tither offices are believed to be entitled to the confidence, and worthy to receive the votes or the people. The candidates for Sheriff, Register of Wills, fasth of 4l Orpheus , Court, City Treasurer, and City Commissioner, were all nominated without a suggestion or hint front either of them, that either of them desired office. They were selected from a large number of munes - anggested to the Convention by our fel low-citizens, solely .with reference to their loyalty, ho nesty, and capacity. Their election by the people will be the first important step towards purifying some of oilke , ' of tie v O lllll4 ion lout dishontA V for which they ore notorious. The practice of extorting illegal fees front every citizen who enters them on business, for which °Mee fees are payable, IMs become on oppressive and offensive to the public as to demand a rebuke, which the people Only can give, by tweaking down party lines, and electing lamest men to such positions, who will re form the abuse. :suet, en opportunity is ,sow presented. Our candidates are lathlielY Pledged to do en, and theY are men who will neither forget nor --- viola lc their pledges. They know that we are tannest in our determination to put tut end to sudt frauds, and they will help us do it. But, in this work, lee must have the co-operation of stir fellow-citizens of all parties. Them is nothing that should divide us now; we all stand on the same princi at haat, who are liVal to the dog of our coin try--wlm are ready to defend it against all its enemies, and unfurl it again, and uphold it. in its full glory in the - rebellious States, where it has been insulted and tram pled upon. Our servants, all of them, must be loyal and lIONF,RI7 as well as loyal.. Unfortunately, them are many men among its who declare themselves for the Government, for the war and its vigorous prosecution, whose patri otism never goes beyond party lines, and is kept alive by the hope of PUBLIC PLUNDER. If we intend to protect nod preServe the institutions of our country we nest take .care that such persons do not get control of them through our blind adherence to party nominations, or the in fluence and patronage of public offices. It is well known that for some years past nearly all our representatives Iv the State Legislature, nominated and elected through the machinery of party politics, have so dis - gractal and dishonored our city by their venality, in cepacity, and bad conduct that Philadelphia has lost all her good influence hi the legislation of the COLaahla-• wealth, although notch of it is vitally intendant to her welfare and prosperity. Laws are proposed, relating to corporations and classes of citizens engaged in particular evocaliobst for the pole purpose of extorting money from those whose interests they may affect. The losses mid distress among the industrious poor and others of our city, through fraudulent savings in stitutions and insurance companies, are results of bad and corrupt legislation. All citizens are alike interested in- putting an end to such serious calami ties, and restoring the influence of our great metropolis,- through honest anal capable repreacntatilfe6 in the legis- Intive hang of tie State_ We believe that - oar eandidates for these important positions come np to the standard of LOYALTY, liONEsri, and CAPACITY. Some of them were nominated very muck against their own wishes, and, although fully approving the objects of the Convention and the principles of its action, they have expressed their unwillingness to accept the nomination. But the Convention - has not excused them ' because, while RO teeny thousands of our cit Mens, friends, and kindred, are in the field, offering their lives iii support of our-Govern ment and inotitutions, we think that no man in civil life Las a right to refuse any public service for which he is qualified, and to which he may be called by the votes of the people. Wo earnestly invoke everyloyal citizen to unite in sup . port of the principles:of public policy above indicated, and briefle es:Dregs...l to the f o lleedes deeleratioe, approved by ail the candidates of the Convention: T. That the Government of the United States must be earnestly sustained by all citizens, in all its measures for the suppression of treason and rebellion; that our national existence depends on a vigorous:lnd determined prosecu tion of the war against those who - tics in arms stgainst it i that the war Must he carried on without cinntribrins . : our enemies, at home and abroad, to ]lope for Wee em any terms Aura of the absolute submission of all rebels and traitors to the Constitution and laws; and that, in order to accomplish these objects successfully and speedily, all, loyal citizens should now unite in obliterating the party lines which have heretofore divided them, and stand, with One accord,- under the flag of our country. IT, The puhlic welfare demands, that the servants of the people shall nut only be loyal to the Federal Govern ment, but equal to, and scrupulously exact in, the per fm nMnce of their duties; that all frauds and peculations of men In public office shall be discountenanced and pun ished; that those whose compensation is derived from the fees of their offices, shall neither charge nor receive, di rectly or through their subordinate?, cr etherwist, arty other or linger fees than are allowed by law; and that public officers within the limits of their respective spheres shall he firm, fearless, and vigilant, in protecting citizens from all illegal exactions in these respects. 111. That, as all public Mikes are created for, they must be subordinated to, the public good; - tend official pa tronage should not be used for partisan purposes, or to ' , remote the private advantage of MOW Who lletitOW it. IY. That every candidate for office must rely on his individual merits and capacity for his election by the people ; and efforts to gain support from any quarter by bribes, bargains, favors, or promises of favors of any description, must be regarded as evidence of dishonesty and corruption, which unfits - and disqualifies him for any position of pet tin trust. respectfully submit the proccedtugs of the Con. 'Mahn' to our fellow-eitizeus, for ratification at the pals. While our brave soldima stand shoulder to shoul der meter the insulted flag of the nation, forgetful of party spirit in their strong love of our coutary, and all -ready to mingle their life's blood on her battle fields, for the support of oar Government and the security of our homes, we can do nothing less than imitate their noble emmtple, and break our party iduls, for the sake of SIXTEENTH DISTRICT OF PHI- Capt. 3. C. CASK, Recruiting, Officer POLITICAL. TO THE CITIZENS ON PIHLAPELPIIIA. COU RT or COM M Oti rl.k!A S President Judge—llon. OSWALD TIIONPSON. AsiGeinDi Hon. JOSEPH ALLISON. IM , TItIOT COCO' President on. tiEuntiE SIL I. CLARK HARE, A " °chite ""g" ) lion. f;EORGE M. STROUP). Sheriff—Alderman JOHN THOMPSON. Register of WiIIs—FRANCIS F. WOLGAMITTIf. Olerk of the Orphans' Conrt—WM. C. STEYRNSOI 4 ; City Treasurer—JAMES 5. BIDDLE. ti .orator of the at Mgt.—MAHLON IL DICKINSON SELECT GOV:WU.. lnt W.l.P.D—Jelm B e lma r , Bd 4 , James Arnuttron4. hth " John Caettin. ith 4, Wm. A. Ingham. 9th ~ John Price NVetherill. Ilth 4, Fidel Fiedler. lath 4 , Wm. 11. Bacon. if t " Ilcurr Malik 11th " Atllirt.W Mcßride. 19th 6, William Leaf. 2let " Wm. L. McDowell. 2311 4, Wm. W. Smedley. 25th " Dr, C. Campbell Cooper Ist v.ttrit ad hard 4th unt.il 6th ward. 6th II and. ith Ilan] etlo‘ard, 9th ward. 10th ward. 11th ward, 12th ward. nth ward. 14th V, rad 15th ward 16th ward 16tk ward 19111 ward 20t11 ward EBEEMB • By oilier of the Conyentinn, A. J. DERBYSHIRE, or2S ;it President POLITIVAL AW A Y WITH PARTY WHEN OUR COUNTRY IS IN OANCIER MEEMMM= The eitizi , ns of I'hital,4o6a 1.1,0 are 0up0.... - A, at this time, to piirti,uot ; who furor the election of io) al, honest, and competent men to our public who are fore vigorotig support of the Federal Govern ment in oil it.y mengures for the suppression of Treason, Rebellion, and Piracy ; and who are in favor of ratifyin4 Oho nomination. of the "C I TIZ ENS' UNION CON VENTION," ore invited to assemble at. Concert on TEEILSIMY EVENING, October :I. at 7 o'clock. Von, rolwani Everotri of riffmnoloito•ftg !LA, J.,- MAL Neotlicky Moo. John Thor tan, Of Ohio ; !too. Itrotiel 8. Itiekhe. , ob, of Now York ; flon. E. A. taller, or Oregon, awl other disthwukbed gontlemen have been invited, and are expected to addeei,4 the tueotina. oe2`-'t CITIZENS' UNION CANDIDATE FOR MiiIIMDLIC—ROUERT I'. DE 8IINF:11, Sixteenth OHO, Philadelphia. Independent of Party Politics. In favor of mtpuorting the Government awl the Constitution above all purtihan considerations and pollticil chicanery. (A-it TO TILE VOTERS OF THE THIRD ASSEMBLY DI STlTlCT.—fraving been cleelared 1.3" the COMDIrrTEE OF GENERAL SUPERIN TENDENCE OF THE PEOPLE'S 1:NION PARTY, ns their regularly natiiinated candidate for State Legisla ture, I respectfully kOiiCit the votes of my fellowscitizens; of the district, pledgina mygelf. if eleetea. to all liOnorable means for the filtivport of the National itil. übtritt ion, and the lveltße generidlY. IteFpt,thdly yourF, EDMUND C. DONSALL rrio EDMUND C. BONSALL, ESQ.- 1_ STIR At n nu•eting of the PEOPI.Trrir. CITY EX NUTIVE OIDILITTI3FI4 hold on the 36th of :Option_ tho Stkrt•tm.y tuts instructed to te.tiry you that till. Committee recognize yeti as the regularly nominated candidate for Auseiebly ill the Third Representative flirt . . From the mitivites. 3()IIN J. FRAVE.I.IN, oe2-60 , Seerefitry. RETAIL DRY GOODg. OPENING. THOS. W. EVANS & CO. WILL RIVE TIMM FIRST CLOAK OPENING N THURSDAY, 3d INST. The Assortment will embrace all the Latest PARIS NOVELTIES. 818 and 820 01 - Le:-:itnut St. oc2-2t NEWE A ALMORLS. Just receivel, an invoice of Enu.HAI Bahnorals, full size. desigto , , choice colors. NIANPIXSS BRoTIIBRS, carKsiliuT and I,IIVIITII - Pi k - FEW WINTER SHAWLS. .1: Scotch Btrtottot. Lnng Shawls. Black and Wbi ('necks 81JawN, Berlin Gray and Mottled Shawl Broche Long mid Square Yvry cheap (Main Latin Shawl% Swint° - Blanket and gtella Fancy Heavy Woolen gliawk. SHARPLESS BROTIT on CIIF.S.TNUT and EILHITH Sterna ATERY CHEAP MERINOS. sever& hadred vipers Wide Frenehll Meh dark Color,. Bright colors rind Black , . enslncres, dark and bright colors, At prices nweb lower than nmtal. BROTHER! , 4, oc2 CIIESTNIT and EIVIITH 6irta•ki, OUR TA IN MATERIALS, GOLD BORDERED SHADES, ETC.—A Complete Aasurt nwnt of Lace and Muslin Curtains, and Rich Curtain MIA Furniture Materials, Burderel Shades, etc., all made and put up at Short Notice and at the inost reasonable rates. SITEPPARp, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON,- ot2-tt 1008 CHESTNUT Stmt, ERINO SHIRTS, DRAWERS, .LY_L VESTS, ETC.—A Full Asaortmeat of Dferino Goods of best make ler Ladies, Gents, and Youth, at season's prices. STIEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, ,4 ARRISON, oc2-tf HOS CHESTNUT Street. MILLINERY GOODS. MILLINERY OPENING cc CITY BONNET STORE," NO. 125 CHESTNUT STREET. :f4 OPENING DAY. Thursday, October 3, 1861 LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS, ec2-tf NO. 725 CHESTNUT STREET. MISSES 0' BRY AN, 914 CHESTNUT, ... STNUT, win trperr PARIS DIILLYNE In: fur Dm Fral on THURSDAY. Ontobet , 9.. o,S-141* FINANCIAL SEVEN AND THREE-TENTHS YEE CENT TREASURY NOTES I=l3 be furnished to subscribers to the NEW NATIONAL LOAN 'Upon receipt of the anmuut desired, with interest added from the 13TH OF AUGUST, At the rate of ono cent per day on each Fifty Dollars The interest is payable semi-annually at the Mint, on preeeratation of .the matured Coupons. JAY COOKE & Co., 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, SEVEN AND THREE-TENTHS PER CENT. TREASURY NOTES. SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS TO THE NEW NATIONAL LOAN WILL REMAIN OPEN UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Those who desire to participate in its benefits - should apply at , Vice to the undersigned, the appointed Agent for the Government. All sums received from FIFTY DOLLARS upwards. The office hours during the subscription for the Loan will be till 5 P. M., except on Monday evening, when it Will remain open till 9 o'clock P. M. 4TAY COOKE & Co., F026-12t No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, NEW NATIONAL LOAN. - • OFFICE OF JAY,COOKE, CO„ BANKERS, No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. Pursuant to instruetlons from the Secretary of the Treasury, the tiubscription Book to the NEW NA TIONAL LOAN of Treasury Notes, bearing interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent. per annum, will remain open at my office, N 0.114 SOUTH THIRD STMT. Until further notice, from 8 A. ,l till SP. M., and on Monday till 9 P. M. These notes will he of the denomination of FIFTY' DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, ONE THOUSAND DOL LARS, mid FIVE THOLTSA7 , .iD DOLLARS, fowl arc all <1.64 loth of Auwiriti 18tH, payable in gold in throe Years, or convorlible into a twenty-year six per cent. loan, at the option of the holder. Each Treasury Note has in terest coupons attached, which can be cut off and col lected in gold nt the Mint every NIX months, and at the rate of one cent per day on each Fifty Dollars. Any explain - Lib - nth required by the subscribers will bo cheerfully mode, and tiny will, by the plan adopted, lat saved from any trouble of writing letters, the under signed reporting each subscription to the Treasury De partment, from whence the Treasury Notes will be sent to each subscriber as seat as possible. _ . Payment of entowripfions may be 111340 iu GOLD or OnniiitS, OR NOTES OF ANY OF OM% VITT BANNS. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, se26-1.2t No. 1.1.4 souTu THIRD STREET GLASS, GLASS, SHADES, SHADES, Of all descriptions. In Greet Variety. BARTELL & LETCHWORTH, Gla SS Warehowe, ocl-10t N 0.13 North FIFTH. Street Et ET THE BEST AT THE LOWEST Vf PRICES—SI is very Sitt3r for the colmed Photo graphs made at MAUER'S GALLERY, SECOND Street, above Green. _ • . _ piorir.NuitAi & WELLS, 34 SOUTII FRONT AND 3.5 LETITIA STREF.T BROWN' AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS, ItIA.SSACHINETVi LACONIA, E ERETT, LOWELL, \ ICIL AM 1,1,EN SHAWLS, BEAVER CLOTHS, TRICOTS, CASSIMF.RES, FLANNELS. TWEEDS, BLANKETS, AND ARMY GOODS, FROM THE WASHINGT@N" (LATII BAY Sr ITN,) AND OTHER MILLS, bitli•tiOODS JOBBERs. 1861. isLoi C) A FALL 0 ;J.; H S. RIEGEL, BAIRD, & CO., IMPORTER: AND JOBBERS DRY GOODS, NO. 47 NORTH THIRD BERET, PHILADELPHIA.. Prompt-paying merchants are respeMeully invited to examine our large and carefully4.**- lected stock of desirable goods, which will be sold at prices to suit the times. se2B-2m JAMES, KENT, SANTEE, 4k, CO, DIPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF „DRY GOODS, Nos. 219 and 241 North TIIIRD Street, above Race, Have now 014,11 their usual LARGE AND COIPLETE mai OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS, Among which will be found a general assortment of riuLADELP.H4-3(ADE GOODS, 1117 - CASK BUYERS SPECIALLY INVITED. eel7-2m TILOMAS MELLOR a.; CO., 1;04. 40 and 44 . tiOIIiTII THIRD Street, I - 1 I E HOUSE; LINE'S IMPORTERS mid g3IIIRT-FRONT MANUFACTURERS, Importations direct from the 'Aanufactoriee. YARD, GILLMORE, & Co.. Hos. 61t elf2st:litt and 014 JAYNE Streets,. Have now in store a full and well-aceorted stock of PALL AND WINTER SILK GOODS DRESS GODS, CUBA - ES, SHAWLS, to. With. 'their usnal assotburnt of WRITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, &c., to which they invite the attention of buyers. eel-lm 1 got 1 TO CASH BUYERS. 1861 • H C. LAUGHLIN & Co , No. 303 MARKET STREET, Are receiving daily, from the PHILADELPHIA and NEW YORK AUCTIONS, a general assortment of MERCHANDISE, bought for CASH. CASH BUYERS are especially invited to call and ex amine our Stock. sas-tf 1861. FALL GOODS 1861 FRESH ASSORTMENT. DALE, ROSS, & CO., 521 MARKET STREET, Have received, and aro now opening, a fresh stock of FALL 60 WINTEU Q-CIODS which will be sold low for CASH and on short credits. VW" Buyers are respectfully invited to call and ex amine our stock. au3l-2u CLOAKS AND MANTILLItS.. E NGLISH WATER-PROOF CLOAKS. .g: -- ( AQUAMITUIL) BLACK-MIXED CLOAKS, GRAT-MIXED CLOAKS, BROWN _MIXED CLOAKS, • : CLARET-MIXED CLOAKS ? OPENING EVERY MORNING J_ W . _ PROCTOR & Co., TOS CHESTNUT STREET. ge2.l4m NVAIV‘AANAA-AJAA.A,M A A ALA ANDREWS' ORIGINAL CAMP,OR TRAVELLING . --- BED TRUNK. - - (l.:lteut applied for). -.. For omte by W. - A- , ANDREWS, No. 61.1. CAI STNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA ARMY WOOLLENS. WELLING, COFFIN, Bz, CO., 116 CHESTNUT STREET, Are prepared to deliver on contract 3-4 and 6-4 dark and sky blue CLOTHS AND RERSEYS. ARMY OR NAVY BLUE SATINETS. i,OOO or 6,000 Yards Indigo Blue Satinet, snob as b need in the United States Navy. For sale by FROTHINGHAM & WELLS, 35 LETITIA Street, and anll.2m 34 FRONT Street. COTTON DUCK, SUITABLE FOR TENTS, FOR SALE BY my22-iftf FROTRINGHAM & WELLS. 11000 000 T T, E att N ern T f l3 o, U ga r b ?N T S P , R I E T. E S n: 3 Turner, southeast corner of THIRTEENTH and NO BL-4 §iffTfilt 9e7Tlnrif CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. FALL , 1861. BOYD & STROUD, - No. 32 NORTH FOURTH STREET, AI; I: Non T 11101: USUAL LARGE STOCK ON RAND, To which they invite the attention of CASH BUYERS. oel TERRAPINS, OYSTERS STEWED AND rit IED, AND CHICKEN SALAD.—lnv fallen (lards and other notices will be distributed in all parts of the city, with punctuality. The undersigned is at all times prepared to present, for the inspection of Ladies and Gentlemen, a list of tho things necessary for a large or swan entertainment, as the ease may he, thereby avoidit.g, all unnecessary profusion and waste galtelY tlilllH9l, tht4l by his log expe rience 111 Dusineas, lie will be able al all Haws to give, ac heretofore, entire satianction to all who favor hint with, their patronage. It EN RY JONES. Caterer, No. 170 South TWELFTH Street, above SL.'RI,•CP., eel-Gat COMMISSION HOUSES SHIRTINGS, MULLS, JEANS, SILECIA.% CANTON FLANNELS, lIMEMI GREAT FAILS ell1C()I'El:. Kud :t111.1.= LIS I 111 SE, A FILL ASSORTMENT OF MILITARY GOODS. WANTS. WANTED- A YESSEL OF THE capacity' of from GOO to 900 Bbls. f o ra yr.yagc to the West Indies. Apply to oc 1 JAI:HETI:HE h CAW4TAIRB. WANTED—A Pupil who could re cei% iiddruction in all the branches of an English Education by rendering Fcnne aamistanco in teaching. Apply et the Girl.' School, on OSLER. Avenue. north from Noble street, below Sixth iitrerft, betweenthe hours of 2 and 4, 00 tlic , Ithornoons of the Ist, f:al. a n d rat of TePth moth, 1601, WANTED—An Exiwrirnted NOIII,II % . 1 h,.S awl 1/..l.twam count , ' truth. A. 1,111., se3o-3ts: , AN EXPERIENCED ROOK-KEEP 'I,I; i 5 uials fur an e»uturvan . at. Salary ill i112C./Vd• RllO, With till' rjOhllll4l.li r..1..r0ttc.« oa chnrac irr ability. Address Itihir.p4 ,. ," 2280, l'oot VMPLOYERS WANTING YOUNG m.,, are - invited to fairitt . lia Employmenl Committee," at tho R4lOlllB Of tho Young Mereg AFISOCiIit 1(010009 and 1011 (11IESTNITT Ntraat. aDR-ft FOR SALE AND TO LET FITRN SHED DOUSE TO IININT Apply 1616 SPRUCE Sm ot. to l_at . . . TO LET—A Dwelling House on Rittenliruso wed, west of Green street, German town. neat 11 , :!.(a). Also, a pluaFant and eontcuient dwelliwg on East Whlnnt Mos. Apply to - WILLIAM It. MACON, 3.1.5 MARKET Stro2.l FOR SALE—One full spring with top and one bolt spring Tvi.tting Wagon, Wat.-44,', innhe, in gno.l Inquire at stitl.l, bark of Academy of Rimic. SeW-;,:tt 1 1 011 SALli—Valunbl Pam, cyntain ..l2 Mg IV Ur if . 30 arm:al wzei.lisbt Wo,,illatl, the balance in a high state of cultivation, nicvly watered vvitli springs and running streams, siting, 6 miles from Loyleslom n depot, :toil - 22.4 miles from Lambert rills sta tion and Deian arc river, fineks county- Plain and suit stantial stone improvements; good out-buildings, and every variety of fruit - 6. rat: , (ay '4 4 75 per ttert:; tally torw. Apply' to E. PETTIT, bet) No. sill WALNUT stree. Ti RENT LOW—Furnished °run- Mafurnished, for six months, or !mixer. if desired, s iars ,,, and convenient 1101.751 e No. 1735 Arch street. Applyto A. F. and J. 11. - NORRIS, 916 ARIA! &rile. tp : FOR SALE OR TO R ENT-A I:t.W 11111.1., 154 li;,,e by oo with water - power suftkiettt four y. t w0c.11,11 chi-11er,-, and ample telaintniz , fur workmen. AN.. a 0111 3 iT MILL and FAII.III prop.-rty, twat. rnoltinvii, N. J. Tl, propeer in grJud order, and ready' fur maritinerY• in• ijii ire of - VERAIORE, COOPETI, 47 CO. 0 RE N T—Large CommusiontixtB Yornlidted RO(JM for Gentlemen, (withat4 haaM), In a private fondly, on WALNUT Street, wegt of Tenth. Apply to Prng Store, N. E. corner of Eleven.% ant , Walnut streetti. au2o-ti NIAGARA FALLSWATER POW- Fn.—CAPITALISTS AND MANurAcTiv RERs. This Ltonense water pc.:t.er in now ready for int. nlirliah orrirpii haTtior with (MA huwhval tcP . of land. ettibracing one , ioarter of the - Wisp, Do which to locate ocills •,‘llll tilicanfactories. The r•tipillationn •Thr price of power 1..:5{ by core half that at Lowell, 31a1.1., and the quantity N nitwit on- Itnited tihould the demand yr:Trent it. the Ani.iit.an Frlll cria ilr thrliugh fle hank below 1.1 . 1.5(.112 Hite, fk. , V ISllit isurpGtir-s, under a Lead and fall c 200 ket, The title is perfect and lire, property iininciitntAcrivt. Fur further iurt a illation app'.7 to N. W. Day I'. Floyd, Ninara Falk ; Alevntdvr Hoy No. 12.0? - . Vioe strN't7 lion, T. frovithurr: E. I.; DA Thttxter. Boston; or fro LYWYK , P, 1101:Art: IL DAY, No. 11 Lllwrty stz Pro:, New YORK, Sillteltlbtr 2, IStil. scl-wfrnu to WHEREAS, THE LINDELL HO TEL COMPANY by its 'Penh, dated the first day of Dee('lam) Yialdefit blindfrd and tifty•tdite, and recorded in the lit.ermler's (Mice of SI. lonia county, in Boa No. 23,1, et Page 202, and also by its other deed, dated the Said first day of Deccedicr,lt,6o, recorded in Look N 0.230, Paga 336, eolith - Hutton' of and suppicno•n tal to FaiA first did convey unto WILLIAM M. MORRISON, EIDWARI) BREDELL, and FRIANI ', 1N A. DICK, the roue:.-ink-ileteribell Teal estate, situated in Block N0..126, of the City of St_ Latile, follotrsl First. A Lot or parcs4 of land fronting two hundred and seventy-one feet On WVsHiliflgtOrl avenue, by one hun dred and fifty feet in dephls, and hounded south I , y Wash ington avenue, east by Si - zth street, north by the north line of the field lot conaVMPti to Joseph Milton, and known as Survey ro. lbOgr!t'aff Wrfk SeVenth street A certain Lot or . plets of gronnd, militate In said Block, conlaining abont seventy feet, be the Mule more or less, on Sixth street, by one hundred and thirty five feet deep oil Green street} lie, the same more or less; being tat known and designs" Edon the plat of the lots laid out and made an addition to the town of St. Louis, by William Christy, as Lot boenoled on the west by No. 21, re, laid out by ChriAy r oo the north by Green etre, on the emit by Sixth Eirdri, MI oil the waft, by the Lot Benin fiat d,,erii,,,a! which inald COTIVPyIUICe3 were niarle-te said MORRISON, IrREDELT ' and DICK, in trust, to secure the payment a certain bonds therein deseribed, :Anna:Ming to four 'hundred 'divas:nal dollars; being eight hundred bonds of five hundred dollars each, payable in ten years from the fimtday of December, eighteen bunda-ed and fifty-nine, t.yrIITZB'LINDELL oe bearer, rains ten ye , e. payatle Ormi,llll. vitally from the: daM, all payablo La: lii, Batik of Com merce, in New 'York : and whereas ' nmomrother things, it wee provided in said Deeds that if' the interest upon said bonds, or any part thereof, should. , became due and remain unpaid for thirty days after the maturity thereof, that then, by reason of such default, tire said herds NA foethi,lo, and payable, nottrithstanding snil bonds may not appear on their Thee to be due; and whereas,- said LINDELL HOTEL COMPANY has, it is believed, negotiated, sold, and pledged s::to hundred and sixteen of said bonds, amounting to rhr,:r hundred and eight thousand dallure, upon all of whidi the-send-an nual latee,,,ti.heeorai-, ane on the firerf.ty of June, eighteen hundred. 11114 sixty me, has than tbirtT days, and is Ai unpaid, altiaorigli some or all of it has been deniandea • • Now, therefore, we r WILLIAM M. MORMON., ED WARD BR-EDELL, and FRANKLIN A. DICK, Trus tees as aforesaid, at the request of many cf• the indi viduals and corporations holding said bonde r :nal- in ac cordance with the prnvisiuns of said Deeds, will, on thet wenty-eeennd flay Of Wolter, eighteen him. Bred and sixty•onc,- and between the !tot * of oleveyk o'clock in the forenoon and live o'clock in theelternoon of that day, at tile elle front door of the Coutbifouse.in the CITY 01 0 ST. LOUIE, Missouri, proceed to sell the abovc-described premises and property, for eitsli i •at Pub lic Yendue,. to the highest bidder, iu order- to pay the holders of said bonds the amounts due thereon,-anti any amounts or charges that may be payable under the pro visions or said dumb, together with the nxbenszs of the Trust. WA. It. MORRISON, EDWARD DREDELL, Trustees. se4-dtoc22 FRANKLIN A. DICK, FOR SALE, FREIGHT, OR CHAR TER.--The superior 'Baltimore-built halt A. A. Drel.ert, G. T-liewittOmmter, 336 tuns . renigtt,,Asow in Nell' Turk. Apply tv JAVRITCHE k riAlltZT AIMS, [ld '202 :Ind '204 South F.RGNT MARSHA - LYS SALES MARSHAL'S SALEBY VIRTUE of a "Writ of Sale, by the Ma, John Chnlarlevicrt sludge of the District Court of the United Sintoa,.inattid for the Eastern Di ;riot of Pennsylvania, in AtimicrAty, to me directed, will be sold, at Public Sale, to .the !dullest and best bidder, for cash, at the PHILA DEL PHIA;EX CHANGE,. on THURSLAY,October 10tn,.1301,At1 o'clock M., the ono-sixteenth part of the. Seilooll.ll. JOHN S. LEE, lwr 'Welly,. apparel, furidture,.being tho interest of ANDREW J. HOWELL, a resident MI6 ip hALihit.t of file t:hat, of North Oartainin in the- ttibld sthoutatr, now lying at Ilowit , 's wharf, Itirinarant. WILL. LAM MILLWARD, U. S. Marshal, E. D. of Pean'ib. 1 1 11 IL DELPHIA, September 30, 1561. oel-6t MARSHAL'S SALE-BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Sala,. by the Ma% Mai Cadw-aladvr, Judge of the Di,trict Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Adjuiralty, to me directed, i ill be sold at Public Side,. to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at the PH I LAEL PH I A EX CHANGE, on THUILSDAY, October lOtti,. ISO, at 12 o'clock .111., one certain -mail BAG 01: GOLD METAL, marked V o Itaa. Gob/ Charlotte Mint. WILLIAM MILLWARD, s. Marshal, E. IL of Pennsylvania. PHIL.% DEL Cn te, September 80, 1861. oel-6t_ ARSHAL'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE JL cf a Writ of Sale, by the 110 a. John Cadwallader. Jade of thy District Court of the Hutted States, in and factthc EAFlMililiFAi'lei of Penneylyartia, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be Fold at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for Cash, at. the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, on THURSDAY, October 10, 1861, at 1•2 o'clock M., the one.third part of the Schooner EAGLE, her tackle, apparel and furniture, being the intereA of Richard yi. I.2IDDICH, a resident and inhabitant of the State 01 Nirtdulas in Raid IMMO, now lying at vdoc 10. 17, Richmond. WILLIAM M T LLW A Kilt U. S. Marstml,E. 1). of Promlylraoia. PIIILAI , I , trim, September 30, IS6I. orl•fit MARSHAL'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Sale, by the llon..Tohu eutiltrabuier, Judge of the Ditdritt Court of tie VOAQh in anti fcl - the ruotera Pb rrict or rcuneylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will bo sold, at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, Sr cash, at the PHILADELPHIA EX CHANGE, out THU litiuluutY, October 10, IStil, at 12. o'clock M., the one-sixteenth part of the Schooner G. W. HINSON, hrr feeble, apparel, ;12111 fora inure, being the interest of tleorge Harris, a resident of the State of North Caroline, itt snitt rowel. WILLIAM MILL ARP, U. S. Marethal E. D. of Pennsylvania. PnlLAnm.rnr.t, September :10,1861. oul•St MARSHAL'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Sate, by the lteu..Tolin Cale. - Mader, Judge of the 'District Court of the I'oit.4l Stutro, in :111d for the E:Lgter4 Pjetrict cf Plmnalyanin. In Ailiniraltr J to me directed, will he Fold, at Ptiblie Sale, to tlw . and bestbestbiller, for cash, at the PHILA.DELPHINEX CHANGE, on TN IinSHAY, October 10, 1861, at 12 o'clock M., the one.sixteenth part of the Schooner 10181 A AMELIA, her tackle, apparel, 11111 i furniture, being the interest of Henry Bingham, John J. Kelly, and noOiel 11. Baldwin, resitlenbi amt iuloaritalltsof the State o f Wiwi:l 7 in taut veteel_ . . WILLIAM MILLWARD, U. S. litarAiiil I.:. 1). of renndylVallia. PuttAromplisA, Septi,,,nlwr ;10, Mil. ocl.-6t it TA - Rs m s s ly ti ll n : . ll,,,, B .T Y o l,,, l c rl ,Jda U ,te E r Judge of the Ttiatrict Corot of the United Stains, in and for the Fatstent PiAriet of PctitiAoVitnii, ht Admiralty - , to nie directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to the highcst and liCst bidder, for cash, at the PHILADEL PHIAE CHANGE, on THURSDAY, October 10th, 1861, at 12 o'clock, 1101131 the one-sixteenth part of the schooner ARIESTES, Ler tackle, apparel, and furniture, being the intoreci therein of MYERS resident of GM Stele nfliirginie. 11.1.1. 3 31 At L H. 6. MaiFbal, E. D. of Penneylfaulit reth.t.DELPIIIA, September 30. la6l. oel-111. 1 AR sH AL'S SALE. —BY Y [EMT bl ,1 Writ o 1 3•341 e, by the now 3431:111'qikv:ii.i.kr, Juke of the Dottict Conti of the United, States. in and for the Eastern DiArint. of Pennsylvania, iu Admiralty, to nte directed; alit he told, itt Puhtie Sttle, hi the 14-I;est and beSt bidder, for cash, at the Pill E, ADELPHT A EX CHANGE, on THURSDAY, October 10th, 1561, at 12 o'clock M., the one-sixteenth pert of the schooner IWII - ES, C., her tackle, apparel, and fornitnte, brio: the intereA of GEORGE HARRIS, a resident and in habitant of the State of North Carolina, in said vessel, now lying at William-street wharf, Richmond. - DLI A3l 31 I 1,1. WAR D, Ti, D, of PHILADELPHIA % SePteHaler 30,1801. ooLlit it i ;h l o% - en ß litu Y N C": ll :.lw rr ill U o.h E sr Judge of the District Court of the United States, ir, file the Eastern District or PVTIII. Adhi:ralty, 1A15%6 4111 , doted, will 110 A qd, it Dahill. Sap, tr. Ho: LiAtte4 alai bent bidder, far ,osu, at the PIIII,:tDELPILLI. CHANGE, on TltliltSDAY, OctobeA 10th, VW, at 12 o'clock 11., the inieivightli part of th.a.bark BENJAMIN HALLETT, her taokle, apparel ani`,.Dirnittarts,,being interest of A NIItt.KW .1. HOWELL, a reshient anti in-, habitant of the.l.4htte of North Carolina, in ,iabt V t....;01. ' , LAM MILLWAItiI4 V. S. MUNRO K. 11. or PeLUISSAYIIIIIII. Parr elerLt.:^tua, September 30, ISM. oe.l-.ot _ . MRS. JAMES RENTS' OELERRA. TED SUFFORTERS FOB LADIES, and the oydy StiPPorters under eminent medical patronage. L. and D 'hystetane too regoectiolly rogitteotod to Coll only 04 Mrs, Bette, at her reeldoEce, WATINTIT Stragt, Philadelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand favalide have been advised by their physicians to use her siv ii, th eee. Those only are gmmine bearing the United f :t o t e o s u c r s i li h r ca t , a t o b r e: a n i t i t u t t h o e it t i l lu ox na , 3 ltnd the tt AMUSEMENTS. WALNUT-STREET THEATRB NINTH and WALNUT Streets. nuts. M. A. G.ARRETII3OIi BOle L 141.0 TB 113 (W IitiESDAY) EYENING. October , ...? The ptqft,rtioth,e, will CrlllllllollCt . with Mark Ma.r. Mr. PETER RIeITINGA Mrs. Cn.sb) bliss CAROLINE RIIIIIINOS To conclude with th, lauultable farce of A QUI ET FAMILY. Mr. IRarnatcy Mr. I) OWEBi3 APNIL 4 SIO3S—Dromi Ci!TIN tac.; Pannl4 , t, alma. (Seenrod aPata, Eor.); Family C)rca., 2lic. ; Pei vats Bow— es, SIS and Sinai. Seats iu Ortivastru bad Privates Boxes, 75c.; tpper Boxes, 25c. Doors open at 7; Perforynatirs to common , . at 7.4. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCIILSTRERT TrimkTuti, Acting and Stage Manager W. S. FRF.DRRIGHE Businesa Agentaad Treaaurer.. ..... JOS. D. MURPHY. Thr perfornianre will CiIIVITIV`IICII with THIS (\ V EDNESDAY) EVENING, fAtal.mr 'l, JEAN - NI:I'TP: ~ Or. Li , Cretin Oel.a. Mordalne. Jr/Lasalle Pr1i01..., ,l'ili:m CliAltl,ollli TITOMINOiI Minnow Filo Wheal Mra. sTo NM:ALL Marlette Mrs. CILARLEIi HENRI Lunde Marie (le ('retia) ....Mr. MORTIMEIR Ronssel Mr. L. R. SHE WELL Phicido Bandien Mr. HENRI A adoche Mr. FRANK DREW PRICES-75,50, 211.4, 9.5. and 15 Ceuta. No extra charge for resorrod &Lac WHE ATLEY'S CONTINENTAL THEATRE-WALNUT STREET, ABOYM EIGHTH LAST NIGIITS Of 1110 fpf`ftt glitiblwarlan 414.t.t4r0t,r Phil Tli F; TEN 01, THE ENCUANTED The ',RS! scene, PROSPERO'S VISION, OR THE ABODE OF AELEI, IN THE ENCHANTED FOREST, The mot magnificent ever produce,l in America, iCAN ACADEMY OF ie. GRAND .SACIZED AN I, 3IISCELLANEOUS CONCERT, TIFEB*DAT EVENINO, OCTOBER. !I, ICI. Tllt:l+4lmitig artist and ansap:ura Hill LINIISS bladanie lIERTRA JOHANNSEN, _ HENRIETTA , 11 . ..111", Eli;.; LIZZIE I'OOLE, Mk , CA ROLINE DIcCAFFRE Mr. ERNE;•T Mr. G, Mr. AARON 11. 'LS YLOIR, A 1 7;tt L'ITORL'S RITICIENT ORCHESTRA, And tile Lirami Orgrat.:Lory much enlarged duce teat 011C111. Diitct u' =II.O, Titt.'irihri and 8, DELI.I.IEN.i. Ov•rlnre to 4cWillifun , :in'ert.it. from '..M L ),,•3 is Ettith , ;" Solo.. by Madame JulartrojAn MSI Henrietta m slu, 1111:01 LIZ7IP 1 3 1,u1e. Mel':ffrey f Mr. ErneAt .Petring, mid Mr. Aaron It. Tridor, To o.ncltt.la with (HA)I I rl - 8 Jl.ll EIW: .1. A 1A1! 1 ti AI. - 1 M. IT =fflE= PART H. IlAYblf , CHAN") WAR MASS, Wide!' 144 he iii »t vitt greatly improved effect 6 . t60a l'y Mniat.e iiertim•eolaarhooen, blihd Caroline nrcijnrtn . Y. Mr_ F.l.nnp; jtminL , ;,. anti MP It, Teller, 2;5 cents. , Oielu MD admit nkcsothti to eleyy portion of liott,e, es ,, pr 11te l'aivni and l'airwt Circle. The hale of ?fie -Tle , erVd Send/ rill commence at the and . Et J . E . ,nnunt , ,:, Xh . rentil and Che.ainat. Ora F.B1),11 - A, DL Ma SO renti each. 11'4t,lb r.4l , t , eitsa atctt Lcors epee at ,27 , n o'flo 'k. Cor2t4Tt commPnce3 ar eight. oc/ _ASSEMBLY BuiLre; . GS -TENTH awl CHESTNUT , Stri , oll2.-310NIt'Or evontmh g.r.t , f-mI•P - 40 1 MI, c n rrery errning tiwrqP, , the wiyik - , Triumph:tit riicciws of :%he NuwilroWillYlll-titt in creased Mc-T.:mien] EtTe,ls uf thr :4;mniticer , lBretteg in the GII EA SOUTHER:I ItEIiEI,3IIO.N, .anijgurvou4 mechanical cninbillm, It US'6I:7:S`W.III. Adapit4, ResPricd Seut., Luc. TNSTITcriIiN FOR 1113 BLLND,— .1... IdliitiOn vu WEDNE'friA 1 - A PTEILNWO. I ,alf pa:q I;clf—k. Atlmis,i_N, 'YEN C At?. 5tet.t.,....V. 2, , titlL EH: lITII 3trevt. lr AGIO LANTEIIN-1 1 1CTURES OP THE REIIL'3LIOS--8,7 -,- VllHrig prornri. , neat srentqi Enotig.Yuontl,. mud For Cole I.y 924 ‘tiESTNET Sf et. A .R , ieriptive Litt Vtenished gral:S. and seri!l by mail', free, en application. reld:riat ACADE3I.II: OF FE THU FINE AETC7, 3025 CIIFTITNLiT 13t5eet, Li r open Sundays exet:j•kri, from 9 A till 6P. M. Admisstin 25 cents. Children uridJe twelve years, half price. Shares of Stoez.S.3 . o. . BOAC FIING pRIV ATE NITMENTS: .L luuuhutu ? commanimin rchnintiovu epit ()Lb dour, :Lll.l Oha oft tha third, if-:?;ain-d, ryith Priyitto' Parlor and Pthtite Table, el.:1• be had at 'l7lB PINE Street. It in to rent :11,he rooms Si a 3410, family, to the e7o.ttion. of lithert,ardere. 0c2.11/* 'THREE OR FOUR BOAIIDERS irmild lie t:.lntl 1.1,' a Anal prinitn fur& in it pivasnut )(Manion NI CHESTIM Fortirtli curet, lot paith rdnr,i nii ilrrss Box No. 1995. at Post °like: INSILTRA. - If7E- COIVIPANIES. VICE INSURANUE.—The UIRAED INSURANCE, ANNCITY, ftrd TRUST 003!-' VANY, '1 Philadelphi.•:, OFFICE, 40S "riVESTNUT CAPITAL "A m,OOO, PA] 4. I t'f ' E ' rYP ET r:S. Continue to IN6CRE rMU on tho MIMIC rganonahla tuns. The pronionig nr.V bo paid s•eo_:ty. half yearly, or quarterly. The Compr ngr declare a "?..oNut4 PRO , - FITS, periodically, to the ir , evraares for ; +tote. life. Four boron :es hare been tleelare.! ,, t which Ma' following' elm fvw exmoples from the Re:aster • I Amorxt - racy awl Donnees TT tvi. -limir.res k 'to , be in. 4.11t1.:i0, - Cri',ll'l4 . br tit*. . tyre.- Mditiviin. IS,,m in stir xl. 75 °. P 9 I 5t.2,500 RBB7 59 No. 332 3,500 1,050 20 No. 399 1,000 400 13 , No. 333 5,000 1,875 C) Pamphlets; containina rates rant explanations,' forni of applicatfooa, Pirtlier InfGraratiou, • can be htui. mt. the (OWN THOMAS RITHIVAY, Pr6Alll6ht. JOHN F. JAMES, Actuary. FP/ 6-431 i% Mit* H FIRE. INStf , OF TU STATE ON' COMMONWEAL NANCE COMPAN PENNSYLVANIA. _ DIRECTORS- Dhs-id Jayne, M. D,, lll, iingers, John Id. Whits% John K.•Welker, Edward C. Knight, RobEn Shormakor, Thomas S. Stewart, Willi:we Struthers, - Henry Lewis, Jr., Steeh - a Coulter. DAVID JAYNE, hL D., President. JOIIN Ili. WIIITAIL, Vice President.• SI.USIT2iIia, S. DIUO.I.i, Secretary. Offices Ccanntanwettith 61.2.3 Street, Plajlaavl - phia, eet..ff A INSURANCE COMPANY, JI2 No. 406 CHEITNUT'Streot, FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIREVTORds George W_ Day of Day At 11141.;AE. Simnel Wright Wright Bros. & Co.' D. B. Birney .L Dana & Binny. Henry Lewis, Jr Lewis Bros. & Co. C. Richardson . 4 t J. C. Howe & Co. Jno. W. Brennan...—. J. W. Brennan & Cbe Geo. A. West. ,6 West & robea. F. 8. Marlin • . " §nYagei XlStint AV& C. Wilson Bayie. Attorney.at4aw.. E. D. Woodruff of Sibley, Molten. & Wtaindl' Jno, Kessler, Jr.. No. 1713 Green street. GEORGE W. DAY, President. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vice-PreddeaL WILLIAMS I. BLANCHA.RD, Secretary. ja23-let SAVING rlyNDs. SAVING FUND-UNITED . STATEEIi TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHZB2- • NUT Streets. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. S. R. CRAWFORD, Pcnifiesiti. JAMES K. HUNTER, B.odl'l , tikt`Y OA. Teefasuree. Office hours, from 10 until 3 o'clock. This company is not joined in any application to the Legislature. SArE, LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT• rillovED to No. 21 South SEVENTH.Street, new the Franklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and beta*: determined to merit future patronage, liasaaeured tre• elegant and convenient store, and. has, novkan hand-a= large filiaOlinlallt of Celehrutad..Waseght sitk Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar , Proof gafas,-itbe *air strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, Latiells Unenualled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Lillic's Bank Vault Doors MA Locks wili•be frumiaheitt to order• on short notice. This•ia the etroopat, best .pro..- teeted, and cheapest Door and Lock yet.offsral. Also, particular attention Is . called to. LUNA,. Naw Cabinet Safe i for 1 .1 0 44'1 ilcASTlfft Bak ia , uatts. , coded to surpass in style and elegance allidhiliZ,Yot+ol.-- fered for this purpose, and is the only one that is stria", fire and burglar proof. SPECIAL Novice..-I have now On hand PAY Wren!" o Farrel, Herring, & co.'s•Safes, mostottheAusr.rly mew* and some forty of other makers, coniprialag, a, complete* assortment as to. sizes. and Oblately ex.iissagedlos thr now celebrated Lithe. Safe. Thy will lip 1.444'• @t yto tow pricea, hews call and examine, }a3s-154 X. C. 51P3,1411, Agaut. GROL TO FAMILIES RESIDIN4 i ring RURAL DISTRICTS. We aro itropored, as horatoforo, to ratpoly fsmilioi al their Country Ersitteurea with everr doootitAitou of FINE GROCERIES, TEA.% 40. 4 /to. ALERT C., ROBERTS. CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE !MEETS. myiB MACKEREL, lIEBRING, SHAD. SALIVION,,,kO.-1110,0bbla Mess Nos. 1,2, irtiCtzrair, swab, to assoisa/ tuliages or . choice, Isee-canyhr. fat 6.000 bblo. Near ltaticax, Eaospers, and Labrador Fill (4 . choke, nintlaie3. 11.000 boxes extra TleW si,aied.Eierrings. 3,000 bnxiv. tra n. nr 731). t 'Retain*. 2,006 box;.•a large laneoditio Hewing*. 260 tads. ILluelzhnoi W 1 A& riab. 2 60 bble.. n new ow S Raannalar almonMem Shad. 5 blg. 1,000 quintals °tan& Bank Cesifiab. 600 boxes lierkibass fhannty Cbeeso. In Btoro and landing,. for oalo by 1111:12 nos No. 145 WAA:KVE24. _ COAL. QN. IIEATON'S I.„ a T,F,11W4 AND LOCller 111..litUNTKIN COA.L. W11.A.8.F, 923 North Dela...ears ar.stuu t atuyis lea 4a strett. All Coal pnAlcularly selected tmyl 'prepAre+l for Evally use. lionsaiciix - rfi tlesirlup . to ly.y ill theivAviotor mixt. ply will Su furnished with a elE•an mrtielo at vet)! reduced prices fur cutill. DalliCrli Bud illanufi.v.Aureza supplied nt irltultgalo prices. nu:2o-tutlt&sYarls TTNION EN )LOPES EN'VELOPE,&! , ISION ENVELOPES! That will go '4,sotinh tine Post Opine, 0VE 1 .74, MO MIMI:RENT STILES. Country ',iterelteepers supplied With Tweitty,tive or a Million, At the. VERY LOWEST At MAGEWS 1 -' 3 ; 103 1;k VArtat Apa vEr,ort: ItANerActonL ClllizaNCT Stre , t, Comer of HUDSON Street. tvruer o 11l DSON Strc,ot RENUMVI'.II 316. 31E3LISER .If CIII.2"."CNUT t.4trert. 719 T -50 4,050 00 1,400 00 6 975 CO