Foe the Sufferers. — The Bum received at the Continental Theatre benefit on Wednesday night yfas $l2l l of which has been religiously sot apart for the victims of the late disaster- Mr- Christy, the owner of the theatre, hag appropriated $lOO to the relatives of the sufferers, and Mr. Do-dlvcr, a worthy gentleman,has bequeathed $BO to the same purpose. With the 5266 received at the Walnut street Theatre, the sufferers and their relatives will receive nearly SSSO. BThb McManus Obsequies. —The following astho badge to ho worn by the Philadelphia dele gation on the occasion of the McManus obsequies In New York : Philadelphia Delegation. Obsequies of the Patriot Martyr—Terrence Bellow McManus. On the removal of his remains from San Francisco, via Now York, to'lreland. The badge will l>e of white satin, black border. "The inscription will be printed in black. Colonel Crosshair Deputy Quartermaster ‘General, desires to acknowledge the receipt of the following blankets ns donations to tho soldiers : One pair Ah* Cuscy. (hie “ “ ** Thomas Wriggins. One u “ lC John Garrison, One “ “ u Balding. We wori.ii impress on our readers that the sale of the reserved seats For the great Sacred Con -cert will commence this morning. For tho credit ■of our city’s name as a musical one, we hope the house may be crowded on the night of performance- Don't let no nnpc.rb an entertainment be ne glected. Camp at Belmont—Capt. John O’Brien, of the Madison Guards, "will proceed with his com pany to the encampment at Belmont during tho early part of nest week, at which time the men ■will be clothed with the new blue army regulation uniform. Parade or the Gray Reserves.—Sis Companies of the Gray Reserves, under command of Col. P. C. Ellmakcr. preceded by Beck’s Philadel phia Cornet Bnnd, paraded through our streets last evening, making quite an imposing display. Thoy had returned from Diamond Cottage. To be Taken Periodically.—From Levi W. Groff, of Barcville, Lancaster county, Pa., the reporters of this paper have received two bottles of rye whisky from the vintage of 1854. Tho liquid is of the consistence of clear oil. We thank Mr. Groff, and wc recommend his whisky. Accident. —Last evening a boy, named Arthur Duttinficld, while climbing a pole at Front and Chatham streets, fell and broke his leg. He was removed to the Episcopal Hospital. LETTER FROM NEW YORK. THE UNIVEItSALISTS’ CONVENTION TIIB FIRE ZOCAVKS—THE SEIZURE OF VESSELS. [Correspondence of The Press.] New York, Sept. 19,1861. The Universalists are still in Convention in Dr. Chapin’s Church, in this oity. Tho Committee on the State of the Church have made an interesting report on that subject. The report states that the political aspect of the nation has exercised a mark ed influence upon the denomination, and that the Universalists are convinced that it is their duty to uphold the Government in its struggle with the rebellion. They also state that a new and cheerful growth has taken place in the West during the past year, and that since the last session two re markable men have departed from their labors, Dre. Whittemore and Ballou. The Committee on Sabbath-Schools report that, to the best of their in formation, there arc in the denomination in this country 1,100 schools, 8,500 teachers and officers, 74,500 pupils, and 300,000 librnry books. The Convention have decided to hold the next annual Convention in Chicago. A large amount of ordnance is being manufac tured for the State under the supervision of Com missary General Welch. Twenty-six rifled cannon of the Parrott style have been loaned to the Gene ral Government, and sixty more of the same kind have been ordered. Extensive preparations are also making for supplying the last quota of men with arms. The Fire Zoua ves were directed to appear this morning on the Battery preparatory to their re moval to Fortress Monroe. About 500 of the men answered to their names, and these divided them selves into two parlies—one in favor of going to the fortress, and the other against it. Colonel Loeser addressed the men, telling them that they would have to go or be set down as deserters, and punished as such. The men growled and swore they would not go. So the matter stands at the present writing. The officers of the revenue are engaged in ex amining all ihe inlets on the Sound to ascertain if any vessels, liable to seizure under the confiscation act, are lying at anchor in this vicinity. Vessels owned wholly or partly at the South, coming in from foreign ports, are seized at once on their arrival. Later from the South. ■State of affairs at new orleaxs—its nu- FENCES, &C, [From tho Now York Evening Post, of last evening.] We have had an hour’s conversation with a gen tleman of character and intelligence, whose affairs have detained several months in New Orleans, and who left that place one week ago to-day. He de scribes the business of that city as utterly dead. The most melancholy sight was the levee, scarcely a solitary steamer arriving from or departing up the river. The huge monsters lying at the dock, grouped together, presented a most desolate pic ture. Of course nothing was doing with the ship ping. In the city, literally] everything was stag nant. . .. . The Confederate States has issued five millions of provisional notes, from one dollar up, which bear no interest, and are not redeemable in specie, but are receivable for subscriptions to the Con federate loan, and for all taxes and for State and Government dues. These notes pass current everywhere, quite in the. Austrian fashion, no one having the courage to refuse them. The following arc the prices at retail for certain necessary articles: Butter, sixty cents per pound ; ordinary coffee, forty-five cents; potatoes, a penny apiece; boots and shoes, one hundred per cent, dearer than in New York; medicines very dear, and becoming daily more expensive; clothing, abont fifty per cent more than in New York, large -quantities having, till lately, come through Ken tucky. On the other hand, sugar, rice, flour, and all vegetables, except potatoes, were cheap and abundant. Beef is dear, for the blockade of the Gulf prevents shipping entile from Texas, although they are driven overland. Our informant states that the city, up t« the time of the Hatteras expedition, was entirely unde fended, reports to the contrary notwithstanding, and that five thousand regular troops coming down the Mississippi could have taken it. But the capture of the harbors in North Carolina produced a tremendous fright in New Or leans. The people at once resumed their home drill, and began to erect what fortifica tions they could. They believe their own turn will come soon. As to the situation, this gentleman declares that the South have not a ghost of a chance except through European interference; inter ference, not simply recognition—and they admit it, but they still cling to the belief that the blockade will be forcibly raised in November. The crops throughout the entire South are re markably fine, with the exception of cotton. That crop will probably be twenty-five per cent, less than last year. A great deal of it was injured by the late heavy rains; some fields, indeed, quite de stroyed. While the people maintain their persist ence in resisting what they have been taught by their leaders to call “ Northern tyranny,” they be gin evidently to lose heart. The next step will be to lose faith in those at the head of affairs. Oae decisive victory for the North, and, it is the opi nion of many in New Orleans, there will be a general “caving in” of the Confederacy. To come from that city to New York, remarks our in formant, is to emerge from darkness into noon day ; it is to be restored once more to the world and Us occupations, after a long and melancholy incarceration. SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. FROM THE UNITED STATES. SHIPS LEAVE FOR DAT. Saladin Now York.. Kingston, Ja.. Sept 20 Cof Baltimore.. .Kmv- York. .Liverp001.......... &>pt 21 Hammonia Now York.. Southampton Sept 21 Africa New York. .Liverpool Sept *25 New York Now York. .Bremen. Sept 28 Kangaroo New York.. Liverpool Sept 28 Europa..... Boston.. Liverpool Oct 2 Great Eastern.... New York.. Liverpool Oct 5 Persia..... New York,.Liverpool Ort 0 Niagara Boston. .Liverpool. Oct 16 8remen.........New York.. Bremen Oct 26 FROM EUROPE. GongreM Antwerp. .New York Aug 21 Cof Baltimore. ...Liverpool. .New York... Aug 28 Kangaroo Liverpool.. New York Sept 4 New York. ...Southampton. .New York .....Sept 4 Anglo Saxon Liverpool.. Quebec Sept 6 Europa.. Liverpool.. Boston... Sept 7 Great Eastern. ...Liverpool..New York Sept 10 Saxonia......Southampton..New York Sept 11 Persia*.*.. Liverpool.. New York... Sept 14 Kiagara Liverpool. .Boston Sept 21 AsiaLiverpool,,New Y0rk.,,,... ..Sept 23 Bremen. Southampton.. New Y0rk..........0ct 2 #**The California M*il Steamers sail from New York on the Ist, 11th nr.d 21st of each month. IJIHE WEEKLY PRESS. THE WEEKLY PRESS Bm been established on a secure and permanent founda tion; but It is* in reality, a marvellous example of On •degree of favor which a rightly-conducted LITERARY, POLITICAL, AND NEWS JOURNAL Gan receive at the hands of a liberal and enlightened Public. Our most grateful thanks are tendered for the patronage already bestowed upon ns, and we shall spare no effortswhich may serve to render the paper even more attractive, useful, and popular in the future. The general features of the Paper, in addition to It- POLITICAL AND NEWS DEPARTMENTS, Will t>6 POETRY, SKETCHES, BIOGRAPHY, and Ort glnal and .Selected TALES, chosen for their leßsons of Life, illustrations of History, depicture of Manners, and general merit, and adapted, in their variety, to the tastes of both sexes and ad ages. TERMS: One Copy, one Year.*2 00 Three Copies, on** Year & **> Five Copies, one Vear ♦ • 8 VO Ten Copies, one Year.*...*.**•*•«*•••••••»•• 12 00 Twenty Copies, to one address, at the rate of 81 per annum. *,20 00 Twenty Copies, to address of each subscriber.. 24 00 Any Person sending us a Club of Twenty or more vrfllbe entitled to an extra copy. We continue to send TBS WEEKLY PRESS to Clergyman for $l. Bpecimen Copies will be forwarded to those who request them. Subscriptions may commence at any time. Term ALWAYS CASH, in Advance. AU Letters to be addressed to JOHN W. FORNEY, No. 41 y CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA. CITY ITEMS. The Great —Napoleon And the Duke of Wellington were wont to observe that t‘ e Com missariat was the most important dopartm°nt of the army. Proper provision for the pohliers was considered the great pre-requisite of success. Wellington was ac customed to the schools nl' light-fitling coats, leather Pti-cks, padded breasts, and impossible pints. What would the “ Iron Duke ” have mid to such elegant, sub stantial, and uniforms ns nre made in the present day for the present military generation, at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Kochhill ft Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth 7 This is the great military clothing depot of the Union. Handsome Presents for Ladies and Gen tlkjio*.—With every article of clothing sold, however small, at the . palatial Clothing Emporium of Granville Stokes, 609 Chestnut street, a handsome and useful gift is pri'pcntedj suitable for either a Indy or gentleman, Each garment manufactured at this depot is uf the host inn* t iwl, and Gotten up in tin* h*-t »n»s«.iWe manner. Prices ji.tic iilro been ivuucvti loner Ihuu at ituj older iluiiiiug establishment in the city. Those in want of fall and winter clotliing should visit this emporium, as n large and superior stock of all styles is now being laid in. The attention of military men is particularly requested, great attention being paid to the manufacture of mpny and navy clothing. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS UP TO 12 o’clock last night. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Chestnut and Ninth Streets. W G Johnston, Pittsburg L K Mills, Cincinnati T P Saunders, Cincinnati Mrs J A Greer, Ohio W W Hoyt, Cincinnati Col Jas Greer, Ohio I, Parsons A* la, California B H Pogram, Denver Sirs Geo Pogrom, St Louis J A Jones, M I>, N York V Palmer, Plultv J D W Joy, Boston H C Le Boy, New York J Soule, Boston T J Dorian, Downingtown Miss A M Earl, N Jersoy * T Sehroedcr, Providence Item Goo S Boutwell, Mass Miss II Chenev, N Haven C R Merrick, Ohio W Williams, USA-* Nl) Sawin, Boston W C Hamilton A' la, Kent’y Mrs Mac Lend F Moutninllin, Kentucky W G Case, Columbia, Pa Mrs ML Genrhcart, Danv’c ,1 B Hamilton, New York ,7 m> P Crosby, New York It A Sands, New York ,T Hartshorn, Boston Mr Roman, New Vork G Yeriuan & wf, New York H Trexler, Reading, Pa .Tun Brown, Jr, Penna W M Wiley, Lancaster 11 £ Muhlenberg, Penna T Samis, Glasgow John A Hlestand, Lancaster J Caldwell A won David Bell, Evnnsvillo Capt McKay, St Louis W II MeLellan, Bath Win Richards, Ohio A Griffith, New York S G Wright Chas W Bryan, Boston L Morgan, New York T K Lothrop, Boston Thos Motley, Jr, Boston D A Dwight, Boston J II D Blake, Boston D Louderback, New York A M Chacr, New York S M Gardner, New York C Durand, Connecticut £ H Stiles, lowa Miss E M Vernon, Del JW S Harding ft wf, N Y Ohas Duggin, New York B K Bliss, Missouri .T-Hoxie, Now York W B Kendall, New York J H Wales, St Louis C Congreiz, New York S G Ward, Boston ,T Carlisle, Cin, Ohio Miss Hepburn, Wash, D C JasW Jones, Cumberland W D Jones, Cumberland C O Zimmerman, Harris!) .1 B McCreary, M Chunk H Baldwin, Jr, Wash, D C B R Weston A la J W Wright, Newark, N J P Briggs, Newark, N J Jb Peddle, Newark, N J T Powell, New York John P Miluor, Jr, Balt £ H Stiles A In, Delaware A L New York Dr .7 H Griscom, New York Col T I! Van Burcn, N Y SII Mix, New York Geo E Sourand, New York Gen Totten, Washington Mrs Totten, Washington Mrs Temple, Washington 8 Webster, New York Thos Frown, DC G A Drost, Baltimore E Bonney, Baltimore • Thos Stear, Prov, R I Col Tompkins, R I W II Reynolds, R I Chas F Butler & la, N York Thos C Porter, Boston Lieut M McMullin, Rocht’r Geo W Allen, Milwaukee K II Clark, Rochester Monroe Oakley, Rochester W Grange, Baltimore R B Wi.gton, Huntingdon 8 W Nicholson, St John, NB Jan M Grnut, St John, N B Gen Vieh*, New York H D Stover, New York JEM Gilley,Burton Dr Quinn, USN N E SturgCP, New Jersey Mr Torbort, New Jersey A B Goodrich, Utica, NY II L Williams, New York S Gandy, New York W V Hutchings, Boston H A Macfarlnnd, Cin, O Mr Durr, New York J E Smith, Mass L 71 Chandler, Maine Geo Whitelson, Cleveland ,T C Rising, New York T J Chew & wf, New York II Ikon, Bremen Geo C Miller, St Louis CG Hidfenstien, St Louis Thos J Henderson, Cin, O W R Whittin, Mass T C Faxon, New York A D Napier, New York Mr. Brownell, Hartford D Weston & la, Hartford M M Sinclair, Milwaukee D Carpenter, Mass E Carpenter, Mass Rubt Artou, New York E W Earl, Reading J Mansure, Indianapolis Aug S Baldwin, USN Jas S Negley, Pittsburg Mrs Jones, New York Mrs Topcutf, New York M Vine, Maryland ,T McElroy, Maryland N M Hildeburn, Phila D H Chambers, Pittsburg MERCHANTS 1 HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. W Mnrston, Johnstown D C Morris, Johnstown C J Beam, Ohio J L Williams, Ohio ,1 £ Picket, rittriburg Jas McNair, Pittsburg J L Hibbs, Ohio Gen 1* Bates, Ohio Hon C R Buckalew, Tonna M Barry, Lancaster John Caldwell, Indiana K Groetzimror, New York Seth May, Maine E Poster, Bethleh* in Mrs S Wetherill, Bethlehem K MrGrami, Lancaster J D Clark, Maryland F W Strong, Mansfield G H Lenhart, Middletown .T Sulgram, Indianapolis .1 V Gilchrist, Ohio R W Perickstm, U S A XT II Strieker, New .Tt-rsey RoUison, Jr, Ohio .7 R Miller, Shipponsburg G D Bower, Trenton, N J J A Worts, Trenton, X J .7 G Butler, Ohio Col J C'nmp, Erie, Pa W Fatten, Erie, Pa Wilson King, Erie, Pa S L Willitn, Penna J R Dutton ft w, Maryland ,T P Welhurill, Bethlehem § Wetherill, Bethlehem C F Patesman, Milton, Pa II Gabriel, Allentown E R Nowhard, Allentown Samuel Able, Easton Edw P Lull, USN jas M Burchfield, Pittsburg It C McAhoy, Butler, Pa W Dorn, Johnstown, NY L R McAboy, AUegha’y co AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut st., above Fifth. Capt S II Jenkins, Delaware J Me Reville, USA F Donncliyj Brooklyn HPpatcc, Cincinnati J Flack, Illinois Geo C Scott, Illinois Mrs N R Davis, Maryland J S Puhl, Pittsburg J McKann, Pittsburg Chas Knoderer St wf H Whitman, Boston H T Milchsack, Bethlehem L Joy, Newark, N J S M Curtis, Newark, Del I* C Baird, Lee, Mass J F Cunningham, MarylM It A Glover, Sclilk co, Pa O Jausaeuy, Ohio H Gross, Ohio B S Guy tor, Baltimore J S Caldwell, New York A D 1* Caldwell, New York D Williams, New York\ J Brown ft hi, Del co, Pa J W Tewksbury & la, Mass C Mark, Lebanon, Pa J W Vcazcy, Maryland J D Dexter ft wf, N Y N M McDowell, Penna N Hatch, Wash, D C J Skivering, Wash, DC MR Carlisle, Milford, Del ,T P Polk, Washington,lD C W.J Woallcy ft son, DC J B Fonbv, New York Q A Ruff, Wash,- if <7 J M King, Johnstown, Pa Jos M Davis, Rhode Island G W Harry, Wash, DC JF Baggs, Delaware *BT. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. Dr L Williams M Fitzpatrick, Phihi W B Lewis, Baltimore H A Baxiield, B«bton Kubt Levi, Boston Chas Haeger, Boston. W H Baesett, Wheeling Geo M Stetson, Delaware L H Krause, Chester, Pa A Deitz, Ohio I> Knowlton, New Jersey D Henwood, New York Miss A Moore, New’ York Rev J Kennedy, Halifax,NS Hugh Nealis, St John, N B JII Thatcher, US R S Jos Lord, New York 3t S White J McMonaglie, Bellefonte,Pa J H Stover, Beltefonte, Pa J II Burnc, New Jersey H J Addisou, New Jersey THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. Mrs Lloyd, Harrisburg Miss Lloyd, Harrisburg P liiilimar, Philadelphia Sami E McGear, N Jersey D Woman, Frenclitown, NJ Mrs G Barnet, Easton Mrs W Barnet, Easton Miss Barnet, Easton Miss Carrie Holcomb, N J Sami Richards, New York Sol Weld a, Reading Joshua Comly, Penna II D Hall, Salem, NJ D W C Sharp, Salem, N J Wm Harmer, Ohio Win Lncher, Lancaster D S Althouse, Pottsville John B Douglas-*, ©nvigsb M E Mockring, Ft Wayne A Berry, Zanesville John Johnson, Tamaqua Mrs Whitaker, New Jersey John S Holcomb, Lambertv Miss Robinson, Burlington. John C Rowing, Ohio IV H Wood*, Salem, N J COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth etreot, above Ohostnnt. J 51 Coleman, Salt Lake City W W Smith, Wash, D C A J Howard ft son, Del Thos A Hicks, Phila T J Miles, Harrisburg Jaj R Ramsey, Oxford, Pa Sami Sinclair, Jr, Chester co Miss Jones. Chester co Jesse McCormick, Oxford N E Whiteside, Oxford B F Brown, Oxford, I’a D Stubbs ft wife, Penna ZihaDarlington, WChester Jas A Negley, Butler, Pa 1-! 1) Mecleunhnn, MG Win S Hobart. Pottstown R W Levis. West Chester J Clark, Lancaster Wm J Evans, Jr, Summit J Devbo, West Chaster Jas Conner, Wilni, Del J P Booomall, Now Jersoy STATES UNION HOTEL—Market, above Sixth. B It Jameson, Carlisle Wm Walton, Pa S McClung, Illinois S Hoover, Hollidaysburg P M Walton, Penna John W Walton, Penna H Afllick, Pottstown 17 K Bean ft la, Wayneabg B TBctrew&lUjHonoybiook K 11 Welch, Hazleton 51 re Early Jolui Hunt, Slaryland Wm J Neal, Penna BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vine. C M Henry R Stover A wf, Pt Pleasant T II Blue, New Jersey E Croasdale, Bucks co V McDowell, Wrightstown W Lonnox, New York A B Large, Penna L B Carhart, Maryland Chos Kirkbride, Penna II C Parry, Penna Snmi Baker, Penna D A Fino A son, Bucks co M W Kirk, Penna MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second st., ab. Arch. B F James, New York S S Jones, New York Sidney Bussell, Chicago Geo Duke, Hath Chas Dirth, Bordentown J Daniels, Bordcntowir Geo W Ellis, Pennsylvania BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Callowhill. J M Kaufman, Penna P Reese, Jr, N Jersey N F Hallman, Slatington M Fenstemachor, Allent’n F G Haines, Allentown Miss 8 Hill, Berks co Mi'S MHill, Berks co F. B Jacoby, Pennsburg W Harbester, Reading Jos Brendel, Berks co NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. E D Unite, Allentown W L Jones, Allentown M Halfpenny, Scranton Alex 11 Fritz, Wash, Pa S T White, Wash, Pa W C Hummel, Wilkesb’o J K Bnrr, Muncy J A Roth, Phila It A lleaton, Tamaaua E Wells, Pottstow* REVERE HOUSE—Third street, above Race. Geo A Marsh, Selinagrove W L Navault, Jersey Shore Geo Smith, Pottstown John R Wilson. Lewisburg S X Goody, Lebanon Frank Zimmerman, Penna BLACK BEAR—Third street, above Callowhill. Lt G F Stichter, Pottsville Rev E A Lcinbuch, Ruud’g Jacob Reed, Swamp Creek DBG Keim, Penna SPECIAL NOTICES. One-Price Clothing, of the Latest Styles, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. AU Goods made tv Order warranted satisfac tory. Our Oke-Price System is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. w22-ly JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street Batchelor’s Hair Dye.— This cele brated and perfect HAIR DYE is the BEST IN THE WORLD. All others are mere imitations of this Great Original, which has gained amrh extensive Patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. BATCHE LOR’S LIQUID HAIR DYE instantly produces a splendid Black or natural Brown, without staining the Skin or injuring the Hair, and will remedy the ill effects of bad Dyes, invigorating the Hair for life. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by FAHNESTOCK & CO. and DYOTX A CO., Philadel pliia mhl-tf Cabd Printing, Best and Cheapest in the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Rest and Cheapest in the City, at 34 Smith THIRD Str-H CIRCULAR PRINTING, Bedt and Cheapest In the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. PAMPHLET PRINTING* and evory other descrip tion of Printing, of the mo9t superior quality, at the most reasonable rates, at RING WALT & BROWN’S, DrexelTa Building, 34 South THIRD Strefct. delO-# MARRIED HASLAM —GROFF.—On tin* 17th inst.*by Rev. John Totter, Wm. Haslam, of Philadelphia, to Miss Edith Jano Groff, of St. Georges, Delaware. # ROSE— SPRINGER —ln Rochester, N. Y.» on the Ifth inst., by Rev. Dr. Smith, Mr. M. Rose, of Lafayette, Ind., to Miss Bertha, daughter of Mr. S. Springer, of Rochester. * BOWEN—PORTER. —On the 16th inst., by Rev. An drew MnnPhiPf Mr. Job c. Bowen, of Atlantic CO., N«W Jersey, to Mige Mary C. Porter, of Lancuster city, p a . * R S Burney, Boston F II Larson, Cin, Ohio Col Stewart, USA DIED: BERGHAVSER.—On the 17th instant, Ilonry Bcrg hauwr, in the 39Ui year of hi* Ilis relatives and friend* arc reepoclfullj invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No. 162 T Mount Vernon street, this (Friday) morning, at 10 o’clock. Interment at Monument wraetery. * TAYLOR.—On the lbth instant, Frank Shoemaker, son of John D. and Sarah Ann Taylor, in the 7th year of his age. The relatives and friends of thefumily are respectfully invited to attend his funeral from his parents’ residence, No. 940 Hutchinson street, this (Friday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock. * 111 MSKT.—OiI Wednesday morning, the 18th instant, John IlumKev, nged OS years. His male friends are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, without further notice, from his Into residence. No. 1339 Pine street, this (Friday) afternoon, the 20th iiist.. at 2 o’clock. To proceed to the Woodlands Ceme tery. # COWDEN. —On the 17th instant, William John, son of Mary Ann and the late John Cowden, nged 12 years and 5 months. Funeral from the residence of his mother, No. 1171 £outh Ninth street, this ( Friday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock. rinXAGIIY.—On the l7th inst., Alexander Connghy, in the £6th year of his Age. Vn.»-r:i! IVi-iM tli*' re i *H**»n*o of l,n N*». 701*1 Li’iuL'aiu Mict-'i, liii> (riid.iy ) aitcruuim, at Jju'ciock. CONWAY.—On tho 18th ult., Michuel 11. Conway, nged 25 ycftiv, 2 weeks, and 5 days. Funeral from the residence of hisfather-inrinw, Xavier Boneot, Bridgeport, Montgomery co., tills (Friday) after noon, at 2 o’clock. * GREAVES.—Un the 18th inst., Maria Greaves,daugh ter of the lute Alexander and Mary Gri*av«*j», Sr., aged 5K years. Funeral from her late residence, No. 917 South Third street, on Saturday afternoon, at 3 o’clock. HALLOWKI.L.—On the 18th inst., Henrietta R., wife of Charles M. llallowell, in the 22*1 year of her Age. Funeral from her lute residence, No. 1020 Beech street, on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o’clock. JOHNSON.—Ou the 18th inst., Mary Amanda, wife of John R. Johnson, in the 33d year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband, Falls of Schuylkill, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o’clock. ## LEEDS.—On the 17th inst., Louisa T. Leeds, daughter of Jeremiah W. and Caroline Leeds, aged I year and 9 mouths. Funeral from the- residence of her parent*, m Ty son street, fourth door below Dauphin, this (Friday) morning, at 9 o’clock. * TORNEY—DAINKS.—On tlin Bth inst., by tho Rov. Washington B. Erben, Mr. James Torney to Miss Caro line M. Dailies, both of this city. # READ—CONYT.RB.—On tho 12th instant, by tho Rev. John T. Chaplain, W. Y. Read to Jane Conyers, both of this city. * FIRTH.—On tho 10th instant, Miss Susannah Firth, youngest daughtcrof Elizabeth and tlui late John Firth, in the 36th year of her ago. BLACK.—On the 17th imtant, Mrs. Mary Black, wifo of Joseph Black, in the 36th year of her age. * SHEPHARD.—On the 17tl\ instant, MsirtliA daughter of Thomas R. and Sarah Ann Shephard, aged 1 year, 8 months, and 0 days. SMITH.—On tlie 16th instant, Mary Smith, aged 42 years. PARKIN.—On tlie|lGth instant, Richard Parkin, aged 74 years. * COLEMAN.—On tho 16th instant, Washington, son George W. and the late Christiana Coleman, in the 27th year of his age. KEARNEY.—the 16th iurtanl, Mutthow Kearney, nged 40 years. MCCARTHY,—On the 17th instant, Thomas Mc- Carthy, nged 37 years. FOSTER.—On the 16th, in Bnrlington, N. J.» William Foster, Sr., in the 72d yearof hi* age. # HARITY.—On the 17th instant, Daniel Harityg ANSBEY.—On the 16th instant, Mrs. Eliza, wife of George Ansbey, aged 60 years. * Good black silks at old ■ppYfipq Black Gros de RMnee, £l. do. Poult de Soies, $l. do. Gros Grainos, extra Qualities, do. Gros Grainettes. do. Gros deEspagnes, do. Gros de* Indes. do. Gros d’Ecosse and Ottomans, do. Arnmres and Venetiennes, Ac. BESSON A SON, Mourning Store, scl2-tf No. 918 CHESTNUT Street rwrra OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA, iGERMANTOWN, AND NORRISTOWN RAIL ROAD COMPANY, September 16,1861. The Board of Managers, at their meeting of the 12th instant, declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT, on the‘capital stock, for the six months ending tho 30th in stant, paj able on and after the first day of October next. Transfers will not be made for ten days after the 20th instant. W. S. WILSON, fielG-mwftoctl Treasurer. A LECTURE IN AID OF ST. VIN CENT’S HOME FOR DESTITUTE CHILDREN will be delivered by the Very Rev. P. E. MORIARTY, D* P,, at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, cornrr of Broad and Locust streets, on THURSDAY, September 26,1861. Subject—<* Tho Church and its Present Issues.” Tickets 25 cents. Doors open at 7P. M. Lecture to commence at 8 P. M. se!9-4t ryr=. OBSEQUIES OF TERENCE BEL LLS LEW McMANUS.—A public mooting of tho ti itiiids of Ireland will he held at- the SANSOM-STREET HALL on THURSDAY EVENING, Sept. 19th,at 1% o’clock, for tho purpose of passing suitable commemo rative resolutions, and consummating the arrangements lor the removal of the remains uf the dead patriot to Inland, which ceremony will take place in New York in a few days. Several eminent speakers will address tho meeting. JOHN O’BYRNE, Chairman Committee of Arrangements. M. T. Hanagax, Secretary. sel7-3t# UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, [l3 LAW DEPARTMENT. A Term of this Department- will commence on MON DAY, the 30th instant. The introductory lecture will be delivered by the Hon. GEORGE SHARSWOOD, at 8 o’clock P. M. of that day, in the usual lecture-room. sl7-dts3o MILITARY NOTICES. 8 HEADQUARTERS COMMON VF.ALTH REGIMENT, S. W. comer NINTH and CHESTNUT Streets.—The Roll Book is now open at the above room. All young men desirous of organiz ing a first-class Regiment for immediate service, ore re auested to enrol their names without delay. se2o-6t « RECRUITING AGENTS FOR City and Counti y wanted. Liberal remuneration guarantied. Apply, 347 North THIRD Street, Phi buielphia. It# a ATTENTION, TWENTY-EIGHTH H REGIMENT P. V.—Those who wish to connect jlr themselves with one of the best organizations iu tho Kervice liave still, for a few days, an opportunity in COMPANY P, the fifteenth Company of Col. Geary’s Regiment. All who enroll themselves are immediately sent to Camp. Apply at our Headquarters, corner FOURTH and LIBRARY Streets. A. S. TOURISON, Captain. tt'M. A. MACKEY, SAM. E. C.OODMAK,f tfc^totini ' ts ' SflS-3t* STUB WALLACE REGIMENT OF INFANTRY—COL. E. E. WALLACE, Com mnnding.—Headquarters, GOVERNMENT BUILD INGS, CHESTNUT Street, below Fifth. Patriotic young men wanted to bo mustered in a first class regiment, and go into camp, under pay and rations at once. Companies to have full camp and garrison equipage immediately. Officers meet daily, up stairs, at Headquarters, at 9 A. 51. se!6-6t* HJT CAVALRY.—CAVALRY OF ficers wishing to buy ft trained, spirited saddle HORSE, which has no superior, fifteen hands high, set eit years oid, and of extraordinary endurance, will do well by addressing Box No. 4, CHESTER, Dela •ware county. Pa. 6020-2^ CAVALRY.—G O O.l) MEN J9Djk wanted to fill up Captain Archnmbault’s Troop, *7 " w 0 f Colonel R. Butler Price’s Regiment, now in Camp. Rations, &c., immediately. Pay from $l4 to $22 per month. An experienced Trooper wanted as Orderly Sergeant. Headquarters 106 South SIXTH Stroot. Captain JOS. AKCHAMBAULT, Late Eighteenth Regiment, P. V. First Lieut. FRANK EVANS. Second do. JAS. 51. COX. sc2o-2t* Srt U. S. ARMY—WANTED IM- Sfißn MEDIATELY, for tlio SIXTH REGIMENT r. S. CAVALRY, REGULAR SERVICE, a few more able-bodied men, between the ages of twenty one and thirty-five. Pay ranges from Sl4 to $23 per month, according to tlie rank of the soldier. Each man will be furnished with a good horse and equipments, am ple clothing and subsistence. Quarters, fuel, and medical attendance free of charge. The pay of each soldier com mences ns soon sir lie in enlisted. By n» act lately passed, the term of enlistment is changed from five to THREE YEARS, mul every soldier who serves that time is entitled to $lOO BOUNTY from the Government. Attention is drawn to the fact that the Government’has wisely commenced to promote soldiers from tho ranks. Advancement is, therefore, open to all. For further particulars, apply at the Recruiting Office, GIItARI) HOUSE. LIEUT. F. DODGE, sl4.if Sixth Cavalry* Recruiting Officer. NEW PUBLICATIONS. TT|ARLEY’S EDITION OF DICK 1/ ENS. NOW READY, GREAT EXPECTATIONS. BY CHARLES DICKENS, Bkikg tiik Fni’imi Issue ix the mew Illustbatkd Household Edition* of tiik Works of Charles Dickens. Illustrated on Steel by F. O. C. Darley . This Edition of the Works of Dickons is printed at the ** Riversiilt Press,” from new stereotype plates, on supe rior laid and tinted paper, in n>nt 16mo volumes, and Ixmnd in green vellum cloth. Each volume contains an engraving, on stool, from a drawing by F. O. C. Darley or John Gilbert, drawn expressly for this edition. The volumes now ready are: PJCKWICK PAPERS, Four Volumes. OLIVER TWIST, Two Volumes. NICHOLAS NICKLEBY, Four Volumes. GREAT EXPECTATIONS, Two Volumes. STYLES AND PRICES: Green Vellum Cloth, cut edges, per volume, 76c. The same, uncut edges, (English style,) per vol.» 76c. Half Calf Extra, and Antique, per vol., 51.25. JAMES G. GREGORY, Publisher, (Successor to W. A. Townsend & C 0.,) ■ No. 46 WALKER Street, New York, For Sale in Philadelphia by J. B. LIPPINCOTT Jr CO., T. B. PUGH, JXO. McFARLAN, S. HAZARD. Ju.. W. S. & A. MARTIEN A CO. se2C-frow3t Books, law and miscella- NEOUS, new and old, bought, sold, and ex changed, at the PHILADELPXiIA-BANK BOOK STORE, No. 419 CHESTNUT Street. Libraries at a distance purchased. Those having Books to soil, if at a distance, will state their names, sizes, bindings, dates, editions, prices, and conditions. WANtkd—Books prinN-d by Benjamin Franklin, as well as early Books •printed iu and upon America. Autograph Letters and Portraits purchased. Pamphlet Laws of Pennsylvania for sale. Catalogues, in press, sent free. Libraries ap praised by ffe2s-tf) JOHN CAMPBELL. TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILD. ERS.—SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed “Pro posals tor Building a Publics School House in the Ele venth Word,” will bo received by the undersigned, at the Office, Koutheost corner SIXTH uud ADELPHI Streets, uttil TUESDAY, the 24t1» day of September, 1861, at 32 o’clock M., for building a. Public School House on St. John street, below Buttonwood said School House to he built in aeponlanee with the plans of John Frazer, architect, to be seen at the Office of the Board. By order of the Committee on Property. ROBERT J. HEMPHILL, se2o-3t Secretary Controllers of Public Schools. TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILD ERS.—SEALED I’BOPOSALS, hulorsed “Pro. posnls for building a Public School House in tho Six ti rnth Ward,” will be received by the underaigned, at tlio Office, southenid corner SIXTH and ADELPUI Streets, until TUESDAY, the 24th day of September, 1861, at 12 o’clock M., for building a Public School House on Howard Btrcet, below Girard avenue—said School House to be built in accordance with the plans of George S. Bothell, architect, to he seen ut the Office of the Board. By order of tho Committee on Property. ROBERT J. HEMPHILL, sc2o-3t Secretary Controllers of Public Schools THE PREJi^.—PHILADELPHIA. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 20, 186 L HOLESALe' STOCK AT RE TAIL. OPENING OF NOVELTIES IN LACE GOODS AND PRICE, FERRIS, & Co., will open on MONDAY, the Sod inrtuut, novelties in LACE, mid EMBROIDKIUKrt, m follows; New Point Alencon Lure Collar* and sets from $2 to 525. Do. Appli.jue and Yulemiciine do. do- SI to 815. I)o. Honiton do. do. 50c to $3. Do. Maltese do. do. 15c to S 3. Do. French Embrd Cambric and Swiss do. 50ctoS10. Do. Real thmul-lnce Veils do. do, 82.50 to 826 Do. Cambria and Pusher do. do. do. 81 to 83 A largo lot of French Cambric, Ynlencienne Lnce trimmed Handkerchiefs, new slyles, from 82 to 810. A lot of Bullied CJicintav Yukcs, 25 rts. each, • Maple Ruinin'?, v* rh.Mj*. Lot of Pine Apple Handkerchiefs, 25 rt*, eaeh. New, •, °:nid.*, infante* 11-ib.-s, IMghi.;-, In serting*, etc., etc., eli:. Also, novelties in Sleeves, French Handkerchiefs, Valenciennes, and other Laces. Our stock of Linen Handkerchiefs, white goods. At., will be much improved by numerous additions, all of which will be ottered for cash fully 25 per cent, below ordinary retail prices. PKICE, FERttIS, & CO., Fall— 1861. SPLENDID GOODS, CHEAP FOR CASH, SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, The Cheapest ever Offered. Thirty Pur Cert, under Regular Prices. SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. (jrnil Yiuictyi DOMESTIC ANI» STATER GOODS. Mont of our Muslins still At OLD PRICES Flannels, Cloths, and Cussimeres. Idnenp of our own Importation. Bluukets, all sizes. Balmoral Skirts, Ac , At. At the Old Established Store of TIIORNLEY & CHISM, ee2o N. E. cor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. WATER-PROOF CLOAKS. Also, most approved shape for Fall Wear of Plain Cloth Cloakd. Striped Cloth Cloaks. Black Cloth Ciuakrs Orders filled with our uccustomed promptness. Largo Ptock of Cloths from which to select. COOPER ft OONARD, ee26 S. E. corner NINTH ft MARKET. pLOAKING CLOTHS. \_y Waterproofs and Repellants. Plain Col -rs CloakingH. Fine and Medium Black Cloths. Also, Cttssimcros?, Satinets, Vestings, Boys l Wear, *c. COOPER & CONARD, &e2O 8. E. cor. NINTH and MARKET. Shawls. Blanket Shawls. Misses* Shawls. Black Thibet .Shawls. Genin’ Travelling Mauds. COOPER a COWARD, 6020 8. E. comer NINTH and MARKET, WE WILL OFFER THE BEST QUALITY of Wamsulta Bleached MUSLINS, 33 inches wide, for 12J£ cts. by the piece; host 37-inch wide Wamsuttn, by the piece; best Water-twist Fruit of the Loom, full yard wide, 12)£ cts. by tho piece, (these are sold wholesale, by tho case, at 14 cts.;) Wil liamsville 2ds, 12J£ cts. by tho piece; No. 1 Williams villc, 15 cts.; Now York Mills at the old price; extra heavy Housekeeper Muslin, 12>£ cts.; Harris’ extra fine, cts., (this was never sold for less than 12;) fine and heavy yard-wide, 10 cts.; full yard-wide, cts. by the piece; the best Gif-cent for 5 % cents by tho piece • best 11-eent for 9 cts. by tho piece; full 1 yds. wide for cts., (now worth 15 cts. by the case;) Utica 10-4 wide Hamilton and nugenot Sheeting, 3 yds. wide, the very best made, 37)£ cts. We call attention to this lot of Muslins, knowing them to be at less prices than usual, and will sell them at these .prices only so long as our present stock may Inst. We offer a Great Bargai in all Linen Barnsley Napkins, $1.25 per dozen. Also, in Table Linens, Fine Napkins, and Blankets. R. D. ft W. H. PENNELL, Rfl9-6t 1028 MARKET Street, below Ktcvcnth. IAI O MARKET STREET IS THE _L vXO PLACE.—I have now on hand a stock of MUSLINS that cannot be surpassed in the city, many of which I will guarantee to sell cheaper than they eai be bought. Having purchased them for cash at very low prices, I am disposed to give the public the benefit of it by selling them very cheap. Heavy bleached Shirting at 6 % by tho piece, worth 7 by the case; still heavier at i% ; 1 case, 34-inch wide, sit 9 emits, has been sold at 10; full yard wide and fine at 9 % : very fine ; very heavy 11 cents; find the tine water Twist 12X cents. Fruit of the Loom, Wninsultn, Wiliiftinsvjlk*, nud New York Mills now on hand at the very lowest prices. One case 3X wide heavy Sheeting at 12)£ cents, worth 14by the case ; and one case of those very heavy Huguenot Sheetings, 3 yards wide, 37 % cents, worth 40 cents wholesale. These are the heaviest Sheetings now made. All these goods are the last that will bo sold at the pre sent prices. GRANVILLE B. lIATNES, so!8-4t 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth. •\V7TLLIAMSVILLE, wamsutta, VY Penn, Bates, Amoskeag, and Bellows Falls BLEACHED MUSLINS. V. E. AKCIIAMBAULT, Northeast corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, will open this morning yard-wide bleached Muslins at 8, 9,10,11, 12)$, and cents; Shirting width Muslins at 6,7, 8,9, and 10 cents; heavy and fine Sheet ing and Pillow-case Muslins front 10 to 31 cents; fino white Flannels 12, 18, 25, 31, and 37 coiitn; heavy bleached and brown Canton Flannels 10, 11, and 12)( cents; cheap Towelling and Table Linens; new-stylo fall Delaines and Chintzes; Shepherd’s Plaids at 31 cents; rich fall Poplins at 50 cents, ‘Wholesale and Retail Dry Goovte amt Carpi-t store, corner ELEVKNTII maIMABKET Streets. - sclB*l2t POWPERTHWAIT & CO., \J N. W. corner EIGHTH and MARKET Sts. Have just received 1 bale of Gray Twilled Flannels. 1 box heavy unbleached Canton Flannel at 10c. 200 pi*, new autumn-style Prints at 10c. Balmoral Skirts, latest styles and colorings. A handsome lot of printed Coburg?, 1 yd. wide, at 3lc« A very cheap lot Damask Table Linens. Our 25 cent White Flannels are tho best in the city. selB-tf T7IYRE & LANDELL,F(WJRT& AND XI/AftCH Streets, are opening their usual assortment Rich Fall Dress Silks. Figured French Poplins. All-wool Rich Fall Delaines. Printed French Merinoes. Woolen Foulards, new Fabrics. Fall Shawls, new Dcriguri. Fine grades of Black Dress Silks. New Goods, opening Daily. EYRE ft LANDELL, ee 17 FOURTH and ARCH Streots. "\T7ATER-PROOF CLOTH CLOAKS, YV BLACK MIXED. Rcpclhutt Clotlis, Brown Mixed. Repellant Cloths, Gipsy Hoods. Light Cloths, for Fall Dusters. EYRE ft LANDELL, Be 17 FOURTH and ARCH Streets. Autumn dress goods. SIIARPLESS BROTHERS have oponed a liand ' some STOCK of GOODS, Specially adapted to the times, Consisting of NEW FABRICS at LOW RATES. Plain and Figured Black Silks, Rich plain colored Poult de Soles, French Merinos, very cheap, Paris Fancy Cashmeres and De Lainrs, Velours, Droguets, Reps, Ottomans, Black Be Lulues, Merinos, Bombazines, New .styles Fine Blanket Shawls, Broche and new Fancy Shawls, French and English wide Chintzes, Calicos in immense variety, New Goods in Men’s wear, Boys’ Cossimeres and Coatings, sell CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. "VTEW FALL DRESS GOODS. New Styles of Fall Silks. Very Cheap Black Silks. Good Black Silks at 73, 61, and B7)f c. Rich Printed Merinocs and Cashmeres* Rich All-Wool Reps, all colors. Black and White All-Wool Plaids. New Fall Delaines. Beautiful Mohair Brocades at 18\'c. Cheap Stella Shawls. Stella Shawls of all grades and qualities. BALMORAL SKIRTS, Largest sizes, and best colorings and styles At 82, worth S 3. Cheap Canton Flannels and Muslins. New Goods opening daily. H. STEEL ft SON, ee!4 tf No. 713 N. TENTH St., above COATES. The arch-street cloak and MANTILLA STORE. NEW FALL CLOAKS. WATER-PROOF TWEED CLOAKS. BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS. EVERY NOVELTY AT MODERATE PRICES. JACOB HORSFALL, au3l-6m N. W. corner TENTH and ABCH Sts A UTT?MN DRY GOODS. -AJL I will open this morning the following desirable goods: One Lot of Dark Wool De Laine. One Lot of Dark Cotton and Wool De Laine. One Lot of Mohair Poplins. One Lot of Ladies 1 Cloths. One Lot of English Calicoes, at JOHN H. STOKES’, ait3o 702 ABCH Street, WTOTICE TO LADIES. Xl Will open tliin morning, from a bankrupt sale, the following goods, which are decided bargftns : One Lot of Plaid Muslins at 18#, worth 23. One Lot of Plaid Muslins at 25, worth 37%. One Lot of Ladies 1 L. Cambric Handkerchiefs, 12% One Lot of Ladies 1 L. Cambric Handkerchiefs, 15. One Lot of Gents* L. Cambric Handkerchiefs, 25. One Lot of Sark Linen at 25, worth 37%, at JOHN 11. STOKES*, auSO 702 ARCH Street. CHEAP DRY GOODS—STILL FUR THER REDUCTION IN SUMMER STOCK, In order to insure sales and realize Cash. Fine Chintz colored Paris Organdies. Do. do. Paris Jaconets. Medium style do. do. Dark Brown Lawns, 12% cents. Silk Challios, Bareges, Barege Anglais, Gray Goods, Poplins, Mousde Laines, Ac. Black Tamartkie Crape do Espang, &c. Foulard Silks and Milanese, Ac. White Goods in variety. A fine line of plain Swiss Muslins, 12% to 50 cents* Black Lace Mantles, Bournons and Points. Black and Colored Stella Shawls. A very choap lot of Linen Cambric Hdkfs. A good stock of Flannels and Domestic Goods at the lowest market rates, for cask only. CHARLES ADAMS & SON, jy2o-tf EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. English canton flannels iiotil single ami iloublo napped, at old prices. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & AUIIISON, se7-if 1008 CHESTNUT Streot. Linens, house-furnishing GOODS, FLANNELS, DOMESTIC MUSLINS, &c.—The largest assortment in the city, at lowest prices SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, seTif ' 1006 CHESTNUT Street* TT IS ONLY ONE DOLLAR THAT _l_ in charged for f xctllent colored Photographs at REE MKR’S GAI.LKRY, Second street above Green. It* INE SHIRT J. W. SCOTT, 814 CHESTNUT Street, a few doors below the “Continental.** The attention of the Wholesale Dealers is invited to his IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, of superior fit, make, finfi material, oft band and made to order at shortestnotif jeS-tf TUST RECEIVED, per “Annie Km- W ball, 11 from Liverpool, Hander, Weaver, A Men der's preparations: 25 lbs. Extract Aconiti, in X lb. jars. 25 lbs. Extract Hyoscyami, In 1 lb. jars. 50 lbs. Extract Belladonna, in 1 lb. jara* 100 lbs. Extract Taraxaci, In X lb. jars. 60 lbs. Via Ral Colchici, in X lb. bottles* 100 lbs. 01. Snccini Beet., in 1 lb. bottles. 500 lbs. Calomel, in 1 lb. bottles* 500 lbs. Pil Hydra**., In 1 lb. WETHEBILI. ft bbothhil uh« 47 and 49 North SECOND Btwet. RETAIL DRY GOODS. EMBROIDERIES, NO. 726 CHESTNUT STREET. COMMISSION HOUSES. ELLINU, COFFIN, & CO., No. 110 CHESTNUT STREET, Oflw, liy tlie Pnckiw, (lie following Mnkos nnil Doacrip tion. of Gocxl.: PRINTS. DUNNELL MFO. CO GREENE MFC. CO. BLEACHED COTTONS. Bay MW, Lanwlnle, Hope, BlnclCHtone, Oreeno Mfg. Co., Red Bank, Mariposa, Jamestown, Slatersvllle, Bolvldere, Centredale, ftc. BROWN COTTONS. Frcdonla, Ohio, Groton, Silver Spring, Olonvllle, Eagle, Mechanics’ and Farmers’ Union, ftc. CORSET JEANS.—Glasgow, Manchester. DENIMS AND STRIPES.—Grafton. Jewett Oity, Madmm, Slntemllli*, Aguwnm, Keystone, Choctaw. CANTON FLANNELS.— aUteisville, Agusvam, they* partl’n. SILESIAS.—Smith’s, Lonsdale, Dlumoiid Hill. WOOLENS. ARMY BLUE CLOTHS AND KEItSEVS. BROAD CLOTHS.—Bottomley’a, Fomeruy’fl, Glontmia Company. CASSIMKRF.S AND DOESKlNS.—Greenfield, Gay’s, Stearns’. SATINETS.—Bass River, Crystal Springs, villc, Hoik*, Staffurdville, Converse and Hyde, Cou verwe Brothers, Bridgewater. Flannels, Linseys, Kentucky Joann, Nankeens, Tickings, Colored Cambricu, Printed Cloakings, ftc. au9fin\v3m FLANNELS ANGOLA, MERINO, SAXONY, Etc. VARIOUS WIDTHS AND QUALITIES. For sale by WELLING, COFFIN, & Co. ftu9-fmw3m QHIPLEY, HAZARD, & O HUTCHINSON, No. 113 CHESTNUT STREET, COM MISSION M BCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. mh2 CARPETINGS. JjiOURTH-STREET CARPET STORE, No. 47, AIIUYE CHESTNUT, I nni now offering my Ptock of ENGLISH CARPETINGS. EMBRACING EVERY VARIETY AND STYLE. Imported expressly for City Retail Sales, at Prices L£SS THAN FItESKNT COST OF IMPORTATION. J. T. DELACROIX. Q.LEN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN, PA. McCALLUM & Co., MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS, AND DEALERS. ■ 509 CHESTNUT STREET, CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, Ac. We have now on baud au extensive stock of Carpot ings of our own and other makes, to winch we call the attention of crtF*h and short tlmo buyers. soli -2m CARPETINGS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, NO. 519 CHESTNUT STREET—OPPOSITE STATE HOUSE, Are now ovening, from Cnatom House Stores, their FALL IMPORTATIONS NEW CARPETINGS 1,000 pieces J. CBOSSLEY A SONS’ TAPESTRY CARPETS, from 871 CTS. TO Si PER YD! 8-4 TAPESTRY VELVET; FRENCH AUBUBSON; FINK AXMINSTKU; ROYAL WILTON; EXTRA ENGLISH BRUSSELS; HENDERSON & CO.’s YENITIAN; ENGLISH INGRAIN CARPETS; ALL OF NEW CHOICE STYLES AND HAYING BEEN INVOICED BEFORE THE LATE ADVANCE IN THE TARIFF, Will be sold at MODERATE PRICES. au29-2izi FINANCIAL. _ _ PER CENT. ■TREASURY NOTES. SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS OPEN THIS DAT, TO THE NEW NATIONAL LOAN. Those who desire to participate in its benefits Bhculd apply at once to the undersigned, tho appointed Agents for the Government. AU sums received, from FIFTY DOLLARS upwards. Tlie office hours during the subscription for the Loan will be 5 I*. M., except ou Monday evening, when It will remain open till 9 o’clock P. H. JAY COOKE & Co., eeS-15t No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. New national loan.— : Pursuant to instructions from the Secretary of tho Treasury, a book will bo opened on tho FIFTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, At No. 114 South THIRD STREET, For subscriptions, under my superintendence, for Trea sury Notes, to be issued under the act of July 17,1861. Theße notes will be issued in sums of FIFTY DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, FIVE HUNDRED DOL LARS, ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, and FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS each, dated 19th August, 1861, payable three years after date to the order of the sub* scribcr or as directed, and bearing interest at the rate of 7 3-10 per cent, per annum, PAYABLE SEMI-AN NUALLY ; such interest being at tho rate of TWO CENTS FOR EACH DAT ON EVERY HUNDRED DOLLARS. For the convenience of tho holder, each note wiU have coupons attached expressing tlw several amounts of semi-annual interest, which coupons may bo detached aud presented for payment separately from the notes. Subscriptions for such Treasury Notes will be received during FIFTEEN DAYS from the day of opening the booh na aforesaid. No eub&cription for less thau FIFTY DOLLARS?) nor for any fraction of that snm, can be re ceived. Subscriptions of fifty dollars or ono hundred dollars must be paid in lawful own of tho United- States at the time of subscribing. Subscriptions of more than one hundred dollars may be paid at once f or r if preferred, one-tenth at the time of subscribing and one-third* of the whole Amount on every twentieth day thereafter until the whole shall be paid. No payment of less than fifty dollars can be accepted, that being the smallest sum for wliicli Treasury Notes con be issued. Certificates will be granted in duplicate to subscribers for the amounts so paid, the original of which the sub* scriber will transmit by mail to tho Secretary of the Treasury, when Treasury Notes, as aforesaid, will be issued thereon to such subscriber or his order, carrying interest as expressed in such certificate; but in oases where only part of the amount subscribed is paid at the time of subscribing, Treasury Notes will be issued only for the payments made subsequently to the first, which will remain until the whole amount subscribed by such person shall be paid, when Treasury Notes will be issued for such first payment also. On payment of each de ferred instalment, the subscriber will pay, in addition thereto, a sum equal to the interest accrued thereon from the 10th of Angtist to the date of payment, and on final payment like interest on tho amount paid on sub scription, which payments of interest will be reim bursed to tbe subscriber in the payment of tho first coupon. The Treasury Notes issued upon such certificates by the Treasury will be sent to the subscribers by mail, or such other mode as may be indicated by them when they transmit their original certificates. The duplicate cer tificates may be retained by them own secu rity. JAY COOKE, Office of JAY COOKE * Co., No. 114 South THIRD Street, next door north of Girard Bank. seS-l&t XpPORTANT. all Money and Packages of Merchan- W dise for places in the Eastern Statos, New f York, and Canada, by lIAKYDENT'S EX PRESS, No. 248 Chestnut street. They collect Notes, Drafts, &e., and Bills, with or without Goods. Their Express is i the oldest in tho United States. y Express Charges on a single case, M or small lot of Goods, are less than by any other conveyance. selO-Sra^.^^^ TirE, THE UNDERSIGNED SUB VV SCRIBERS* have, by mutual consent, THIS •DAY', September 18th, 1851, dissolved the Copartnership formerly known uajjU'r tho tit!** of CAIN & I&/AR1>, Tubacculliste, No. 11l MARKET street, l’hihirteliilnii, Pa. JOHN tV. CAIN, Bcl9-3t* JOHN F. ISZAKP. ■\TOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN—The At subscriber will continue tho business atthe-old stand. AU persons haring claims aganist or inuewed to the firm formerly known as CAIN & ISZARD, will here after present them for adjustment to the saui BPIO-St* tTQHft TY. CAT>, Hardware and cutlery, cheap for Cash and short. kY MOORE HENSZEY", 427 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. Bel3-lm __________________ Hides and goat skins.—a tot receive! iw Agg”* <** & IKS> gets 202 (mil HUSOUtd FROST Bt, DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. TAMES, KENT, SANTEE, & GO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY GOODS, Ni>=. 23J» nnd 241 North THIRD Street, above Rare, Have bow open their wiml LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OP FOREIGN AM) DOMESTIC GOODS, Among which Mill he found a general assortment oi PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. irrCASH BUYERS SPECIALLY INVITED. Hel7-2m ____ j FALL SEASON. W. S. STEWART & CO., Importers and Jobbers of 6ILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, NO. 305 MARKET STREET. We Invite the Attention of buyers tn a fresh stock of NEW AND TASTY DRESS GOODS, In Croat variety, bought AT AUCTION IN NEW YORK FOR CASH, And now opening, which we will offer on the most fa vorable terms. Our stock comprises, albo, an assortment of riiAID AND PLAIN CLOTHS, RErELLANTS* See. For Cloaks and Mantillas. bol4 fJIHOMAS MELLOII & CO., Nob. 40 and 42 NORTH THIRD Street, HOSIERY HOUSE, LIKEN IMPORTERS and SHIRT-FRONT MANUFACTURERS. Importations direct from the Manufactories. acll-Sm YARD, GILLMORE, & Co.. Noe. 617 CHESTNUT and 614 JAYNE Streets, Have now in store a full and well-assorted stock of FALL AND WINTER SILK GOODS. DRESS GOODS, GLOVES, SHAWLS, Ac. With their usual assortment of WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, 4c., to which they invito the attention of buyers. se7-lm Iggl. TO CASH BCIEES. 1861. H C. LAUGHLIN & Co., No. 303 MARKET STREET, Are receiving daily, from the PHILADELPHIA and NEW TORK AUCTIONS* a general assortment of MERCHANDISE, bought for CASH. CASH BUYERS are especially invited to call and ex amine our Stock. ses-tf 1861 FALL GOODS. 1361. FRESH ASSORTMENT. DALE, ROSS, & CO., 521 MARKET STREET, Have received* and are now opening* a fresh stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS which Mill be sold low for CASH and on short credits. 59* Buyers are respectfully invited to call and ex amine our stock. an3l-2m WALTHAM 77 inch Bro. Cottons. Do 33* 40* 42, and 90 inch Bleached Cottons. Hamilton Purple, Fancy, and Skirting Prints. Robeson's fancy do. On hand and for sale by B. W. CHASE & SON, eel2-ifl2t 100 CHESTNUT Street. MILLINERY GOODS. AND STRAW GOODS. ROSENHEIM, BROOKS, & Co., 431 MARKET STREET, Invite the attention of MERCHANTS AN?> MILLINERS To their well-rjJmrted stock of RIBBONS, BONNET SMCS, VELVETS, FLOWERS, STRAW GOODS, and every other article in their line. A superior brand of BLACK VELVET RIBBONS eel3-2m Always on hand. JALL T K A D E. STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. We are now prepared to exhibit a choice stock of Straw and Millinery Goods, which will bo sold at close prices for Cash or short approved credit. LINCOLN, WOOD, £ NICHOLS, 725 CHESTNUT STREET. nfl2-18t QITY BONNET STORE. F ALL B ON NETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, &C., NOW BEADY. BONNETS TRIMMER AND MADE OVER. LINCOLN, WOOD, $ NICHOLS, 725 CHESTNUT STREET. Bel2-18t Ti/TILLINERY GOODS, of the latest ill styles and fashions, now open at my store, and will be sold cheaper than anywhere, for cash. Milliners and Merchants are invited to sail and examine before pur* chasing elsewhere. M. BKRNHEIM, eolT-lm No. 8 N. THIRD Street, above Market. N, B.—Six per cent, discount deducted for caul). MILITARY GOODS. WOOLLENS. WELLING, COFFIN, & CO., 116 CHESTNUT STREET, Are prepared to deliver on contract 3-4 and 6-4 dark and eky blue CLOTHS AND KERSEYS. sell-3m -' OR NAVY BLUE SATINETS. #,OOO or 6,000 Yards Indigo Blue Satinet, such as Is used In the United States Navy. For sale bp FROTHINGHAM & WELLS, 35 IjKTITIA Street, and aol4-2m 34 FRONT Street* gOTTON DUCK, SUITABLE FOR TENTS, FOR BALE BY my22-iftf FROTHINOHAM A WELLS. 1 AAA AAA TENT BUTTONS, U. S. X«\AA/*UI/ V pattern, for sale by J. P. RTCKP, Turner, southeast comer of THIRTEENTH and NO BLE Streets, Philadelphia. Be7-lm* pOBTL AND KEROSENE OIL. Wc-are now prepared to supply this STANDARD ILLUMINATING OHi AT GREATLY XEDXTCED PRICES. Z. LOCKE & CO., Sole Agents, 1010 MARKET STREET, «tC-gm Philadelphia, gOOK BINDING. Magazines, Hhißtrated Papers, and Periodicals of ovory description, bound neatly and at REDUCED PRICES. K. B,—MUSIC bound strongly, and with great core. SAMUEL MOORE A RON. JAYNE Street, between Eighth and Ninth and Mar lift and Cbf Btont, sadation, JOBI3EK, 13ox No. G'J7, Post Oflico. wc-jft.ftt* TOPEINTJBRS.— Wanted, 500 or 000 pounds of second-hand NONPAREIL. Cash Mill l»(* paid if Hold ut ft low price. Address u I\” Lancaster, r- ~ - «<-iB-ru* \XT ANTED—A SMALL FAMILY Y T to tako part of tlio rivalling No, 885 MARSHALL «tr«.*ti I’nr}or» Dining Room, mul Kitchi'n on tlio firct floor, with Ihree or lour tliaiuhcrs. Hath] Lot and rolil wator, Ar. 6flG-Ct* WANTED —A situation as an assist fUit teacher in a private whool, l»y a young latly well (juiililU'il to teach tin* minor branchc* of nn English education. Address “Mary,”office ol The Tress. rel6-12t# WANTED —By a steady middle-aged Twin, h tituntinn hr porter nr watchman in a rae fort rr V -It ili'tiH', l V I Ivr -a *• i'oHeJ-,*' otiav ol 'The J J n:sr. M-10-ut-*.- An experienced book-iceki>- Kit is open for an engagement. Salary in accord ance with the tiinfri, Undoubted reference as to charac ter and ability. Address “ Business,” Box 2280, Philadelphia 2V»rst Oftiee. ri»?l7-lln# An experienced salesman wishes an engaeemont in a Wholesale Pry-Gamin Jobbing House. Will accept either a salary or ft com mission on sales. Address “ Salesman,” this office. selO-lOt* SITUATION WANTED—To take O care of u Child, by a middle-aged Woman, in ft family where she can have ft comfortable home, which is more desirable than ft large salary. She would en deavor, by a faithful discharge of the duties of her situa tion, to render herself useful. No .objection to the country. AW),-*-** li A. lb," Blood’s Dispatch. w!4-6t Employers wanting young Men, Ac., arc invited to address the “Employment Committee,” at tho Rooms of the Young Men’s Christian Association, 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT street. apB-6m BOARDING. BOARDING. —A small family, or a few single gentlemen, can be furnished with pleasant ROOMS at a private residence on SIXTH Street, oppo site Washington Square. References exchanged. Ad dress “ Home,” nt this office. sclS-St* BOARDING. —A widower, with two small children, wishes to secure accommodation in a genteel private family, where home comforts will bo secured. Address “Marshall,” at this office. sel6-st* A FAMILY IN CHESTNUT NEAR Nineteenth street have two or three handsome ROOMS TO KENT, with HOARD, where parties can have every home comfort on moderate terms. References exchanged, Address "Room.V* iVess office. eel4-6t*j FAMILIES AND GENTLEMEN de siring accommodations for the winter can now have choice of single or communicating rooms, at 225 S. BROAD Street. HeU-fit* PRIVATE BOARDING.—FINE ROOMS, at moderate prices, may be had for the winter, at tho ALLIBONE HOUSE, N. W. corner THIRTY-NINTH and WALNUT, West Philadel phia. au2B-lm FOK SALE AND TO LET. 0 FOR RENT—A very desirable Ibuil four-story DWELLING, with double three-atory BACK BUILDINGS, having all the modern conveni ences, No. 116 North SEVENTEENTH Street. sel9-6t* FOR SALE—Valuable Farm, contain ing 130 acres ‘ 30 aer«*s of excellent Woodland, tho balance in a high state of'cultivation, nicely watered with springs and running streams, situate 6 miles from Doylestown depot, and 2 }.< miles from Laiubertville sta tion and Delaware river, Bucks county. Plain and sub stantial stone improvements; good out-buildings, and every variety of fruits. Price only $75 per. acre; easy terms. Apply to E. PETTIT, ee!9 No. 309 WALNUT Street. FOR SALE—Beautiful Country Place, near the Willow Grove, 15 miles north of the city, containing 22 acres of supeiior laud, first-class modern improvements, beautifully shaded, all kinda of fruits, &c. Apply to E. PETTIT, sell) No. 309 WALNUT Street: TO LET The Three-story Brick fiHiL DWELLING, with three-story back buildings, No. 811 LOMBARD Street. Modern improvements. House in complete order. Clear view through from verandah to the grounds of Pennsylvania Hospital, on Pine street. Bent £4OO. Apply on the premises after 9 o’clock A. M. sol4-Gt* OTO LET.—A DWELLING JEInOUSE, THIRTEENTH Street, above Arch, witb all the modern conveniences. Rent moderate. Apply to WETHERILL & BROTHER, au3 47 North SECOND Street. TO RENT LOW—Furnished or un ■uß-furniahed, for six months, or longer, if desired, • large and convenient HOUSE, No. 1735 Arch Street. Apply to A. P. and J. H. MORRIS, 816 AROH Street. jel9-tf . V EPHRATA MOUNTAIN faiiil SPRINGS AT PUBLIC SALE. ON SATURDAY, the 28th day of September next, the undersigned, Executors of the will of Joseph Konig macher, deceased, in execution of the directions of said will, will sell by public vendue, on the premises, the fol lowing described Real Estate, lute of said deceased—to wit; The well-known and popular watering place, known us “THE EPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS,” In the county of Lancaster, State of Pennsylvania, 13 miles northeast from Lancaster, 18 miles southwest from Beading, and on the Downingtown, Ephrata, and Har risburg Turnpike road, 59 miles west of Philadelphia, 38 miles east of Harrisburg, and 11 miles north of the Bird in-Hand Station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad. The property consists of 77 % ACRES-OF LAND, Part of it excellent fanning laud, and part mountain land, covered with fine chestnut and other timber, -with numerous springs of the purest water, which are con ducted to Douches and Baths. Tim Buildings are ex tensive, and capable of entertaining 500 visitors. Tliis watering place and summer resort has, every sea son since its commencement, been well patronized, at times to its full capacity, and this year has its full pro portion in comparison with similar places. The Columbia nnd Reading Railroad, now being con structed, passes within X of a mile of the Springs, and when completedLwill make “The Ephrata Mountain Springs ” the most convenient of access of all the fashion able watering places, PoeMtilon And a good title will bo given on tho first day of April next, or immediately if desired. Sale will begin at I o’clock of said day. ADAM KONIGMAGHER, WM. CARPENTER, au3o-fst Executors. TO RENT —Large Communicating Furnished ROOMS, for Gentlemen, (without board), in a private family, on WALNUT Street, west of Tenth. Apply to Drug Store, N. E. corner of Eleventh and Walnut streets. au2o-tf ■VTIAGARA FALLS WATER POW- J_l ER.—CAPITALISTS AND MANUFACTU RERS. • This immense water power is now ready for im mediate occupation, together with ono hundred acres of land, embracing one quarter of the village, on which to locate mills and manufactories. The stipulations for price of power will l>o ono half that at Lowell, Mass., and the quantity is almost un limited Should the demand warrant it, the American Fait can easily be stopped and its great volume discharged through the bank below its present site, for mill purposes, under a head and fall rf 200 tret. The title is perfect and the property unincumbered. For further information apply to N. W. Day or A. P. Floyd, Niagara Falls: Alexander Hay, No. 1208 Vine street, Philadelphia; lion. T. A. Jenckes, Providence, R, I.: D. Thaxtcr, Boston; or the owner, HORACE It. DAY, No. 91 Liberty street. New York, September 2,1861. se4-wfrm3m WHEREAS, THE LINDELL HO TEL COMPANY by its Deed, dated the first day of December, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, and recoided in the Recorder’s Office of St. Louis county, in Book No. 234, at Page 202, and also by its other deed, dated the said 1 first day of December, 1859, recorded in Book No. 230, Page 336, confirmatory of and supplemen tal to said first deed, did convey unto WILLIAM M. MORRISON, EDWARD BREDELL, and FRANKLIN A. DICK, the following-described real estate, situated in Block No. 126, of the City of St. Louis, and described as follows: First, A Lot or parcel of land fronting two hundred and seventy-one feetou Washington avenue, by one hun dred and fifty feet in depth, and bounded south by Wash ington avenue, east by Sixth street, north by the north lino of the field lot confirmed to Joseph Talllon, and known as Survey No. 1808, and. west by Seventh sjreot# Second, A certain Lot or piece of ground, situate In said Block, containing about seventy feet, be the same 4 more or less, on Sixth street, by one hundred and thirty five feet deep on- Green street, be the same more or less; being Lot known and designated on the plat of the lots laid out and made an addition to the town of St. Louis, by William Christy, as Lot No. 37, bounded on the west by No. 38, as laid out by Christy, on thu north by Green street, on the east by Sixth street, and on the wouth by the Lot herein first described r which said conveyances were made to said MORRISON, BREDELL, and DICK, in trust, to secure the payment of certain bonds therein described, amounting to four hundred thousand dollars; being eight hundred bonds of fivo hundred dollars each, payable in ten years from the first day of December, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, to PETER LIXDKLL or bearer, with ton per cent, interest, payable semi-an nunUy from tlmt date, nil payable at the Bank of Com merce, in New York; and whereas, among other things, it was provided in said Deeds that If the Interest tipOh said bonds, or any part thereof, should become due and remain unpaid for thirty days after the maturity thereof, that then, by reason of such default, the said bonds shall forthwith become, due and payable, notwithstanding said bonds may not appear on their face to be due \ and whereas, said LINDELL HOTEL COMPANY has, it is believed, negotiated, sold, and pledged six hundred and sixteen of said bonds, amounting to three hundred and eight thousand dollars, upon all of which the semi-an nual interest, becoming due on the first day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty one, has been due for more than thirty days, and is still unpaid, although some or all of it has been demanded : Now, therefore, we, WILLIAM M, MORRISON, ED WARD BREDELL, and FRANKLIN A. DICK, Trus tees as aforesaid, at tho request of many of the indi viduals and corporations holding said bonds, and iu ac cordance with tho provisions of Biiiil Deeds,.will, on thet wenty-second day of October, eighteen hun dred and sixty-one, and between the hours of.-eleven o’clock in the forenoon and fivo o’clock in tho afternoon of that day, at the east front door of tho Court House, in the CITY OF ST. LOUIS, Missouri, proceed to sell the above-described premises and property, fqr. cash, at Pub lic l endup, to tho highest LiiUhT, in order to pay the holders of said bonds the amounts duo thereon, and any amounts or charges that may bo payable ufider tho pro visions of said deeds, together with tho expenses of the Trust. WM. M. MORRISON, ) EDWARD BREDELL, > Trustees. se4-dtoc22 FRANKLIN A. DICK, V, GROCERIES. FAmLIES BESIBING IN THIS RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply families at their Country Residencos with every description of FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, &0-, ftcu ALBERT C. ROBERTS, CORKED ELEVENTH AND VINE BREETB. mylB Mackerel, herring, skai\ jLtJL SALMON, ic.— 3,pUO.liM». M™ Xua. 1,2, av£3- MACKEREL, large, medium, ami entail, in aaiiuUi packages of choice, late-caught, fat fish. 6,000 bile. New Halitll, Eastport, and Labradr*S

: Ekciiasiku Inland I With all its OORCEOrS SCENERY. HdVlVti P\SVHtVM\. YASi AND WONDERFUL .UAiliiNEitY, AND GREAT CAST ! Tim Last Srcne, ntOSPKJtO'S VISION,. OK THE ABODE OF AltlET. I N T 11 E ENCHANTED F O B'E ST, Tin* rnoft megnifictit *'vt-r produced in America. TX7ALNUT-STREET THEATRE— ▼ T NINTH and WALNUT Streets. Sole Lphpoo MRS. M. A. GARRRTTSOH. THIS (i-'KIDAY) RVKNING> September 20, FOURTH NIGHT of the new Play,, adapted by M* Julio do Miinruerittrs, of GREAT EXPECTATIONS,- received nightly with crowded houses. Abel Magwitch, a Convict .Mr. E. ADAM Pip, an Orphan Mins C. JEFFERSON Miss Havhdmm, a Lady of Fortune. Miss ALICE GBR To be followed by THUMPING LEGACY. Jmy Omipove.,... ...Mr.BOWEBS' ADMISSION—Dress Circle, 60c. ; Parquet, j (Secured Bents, 50c.): Family Circle, 25c.; Private Box es, So and 93; Single Seats in Orctioßtra and Private Boxes, 75c.; Upper Boxes, 25c. Doors open at 7; Performance to commence at 7j{. American academy of MUSIC. A GRAND CONCERT SACRED MUSIC WILL BE OIVEN’I MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER-23, 1861. The following eminent talent will assist*; Miss HENRIETTA SHAW, Miss LI7.RIE POOLE, A LADY AMATEUR, Miss CAROLINE McCAFFREY, Mies ELLIE POOLE, Mr. JOHN J. FRAZER, (Of tho Seguin Opera Troupe,) Prof. AARON R. TAYLOR, Prof. lIENRY Q. THUNDER, Mr. S. BEHRENS, A SELECT CHORUS OF ONE HUNDRED AMATEURS. A LARGE AND EFFICIENT ORCHESTRA* And a GRAND ORGAN, Which is to be placed upon the Stage,expressly for this occasion, by Mr. J. BUFFINGTON. Selections from “THE MESSIAH,” “THE CREA TION,” “ THE STABAT MATEB,” “ THE RE TURN OF TOBIAS,”and Mendelssohn’s “ELIJAH.” PART n. HAYDN’S GRAND WAR MASS. Uaup,—The management beg leave to say tnaCno pnßu or expense have been spared to present-thin grandest oT Masses, and its being so very appropriate in its character to our present time of trouble, it cannot* fail of being ap preciated. Organist nnd Director of the Mass. Prof. 11. G; THUNDER Director of tho Orchestra Mr. S. BEHRENS Doors open at 7 o’clock. Concert-to commence at 8. Tickets 25 cents. To be obtained at- the Academy and principal Music Stores. Reserved-Seats, 35 cents; which can only be obtained at the Academy and of Si E. Gould* Seventh and Chestnut streets. Proscenium Box Seats, 59 cents. Sale of Reserved Seats will-commence on Friday, September 20th, 501941 •jV/TAGIC LANTERN PICTURES OF JyJL THE REBELLlON—Representing all the promi nent Scenes, Engagements, and Incidents-to thiH date. For sale by JAMES \V\ QUEEN * 00., 924- CHESTNUT Street; A Descriptive List furnished gratis and sent by mail, free, on application. BelB-lm PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT Street, ll open daily, Sundays extorted, from 9 A; SI. till 6 Pi M. Admission 25 cents. Children under twelve yeur, half price. Shares of Stock* $3O. irl EDUCATIONAL. T3EMOVAL. MAD. CLEMENT'S _l_Vj Protestant French and English Boarding and Day- School for Young Ladies, at present located in Beverly, New .Tersev. will be removed to West WALNUT LANE, Gernmiitomi, l’#„ on tlie Ist of October, For Circulars Apply to Mr. JAMES EARLE, Chestnut street, opposite the Girard House. Pc2o-I2t# INSURANCE COMPANIES. Life insurance.—The girard INSURANCE, ANNUITY, and TRUST OOM- I'ANY, of OFFICE, 408 CHESTNUT STREET. CAPITAL* *300,000, I’AIP IT. CIIAIITEII PERPETUAL. Continue to insure lives on the most reasonable terms. The premiums may bo paid yearly, • half- yearly, or quarterly. The Company declare a bonus of pro fits, periodically, to the insurances lor whole life. Four bonuses liavo been declared, of which the following ore ft few examples from tho Register • Amount-Policy and Policy, Sum in- Bonuses or ad- Bonuses, to be iu gurod. ditions. creased by fu ture additions. Nn. 80 $2,500 8887 50 $8,867 50 No. 132 3,000 1,050 00 4,050 00 No. 190 1,000 40G 00 1,400 00 No. 333 5,000 1,875 00 6,876 00 dots, containing rutes nnd . oxptanatiom, form*- and furtlier information, can bo hnd -at '. THOMAS RIDGWAY, President, f. Jahes, Actuary. sel&-mwf9tlf# Pamphl of applica the office. Jons F PH FIRE . INSU OF THE STATE- OF POMMOXWEALI \J RANCE COMPANY PENNSYLVANIA. DIRECTORS. David Jayne, M. D., Charles H.’Rogors, John M. Whitall, John K* Walker, Edward C. Knight, Robert Shoemaker, Thomas S. Stewart, Will iam ‘ Strothers,- Henry Lewis, Jr., Stephen Coulter. DAVID JAYNE, M. D.; Prosideht. JOHN M. WHITALL, Vice President SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary. Office, Commonwealth Building, 613 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. so4-tf Fame insurance company, No. 406 CHESTNUT BCntf. FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIRECTORS. George W. Day........ of Day ft Matlack. Samuel Wright 44 Wright Bros. A Go. D. B. Birney 44 Davis A Birney; Henry Lewis, Jr...... 44 Lewis Bros. A Co. G. Richardson 44 J. C. Howe A Co. Jno.W Evermao....... 44 J. W. Evermau ft Co» Geo. A. Wert,,,,....... 44 West A Fobea. F. 8. Martin 44 Savage, Martin, ft Go. C. Wilson Davi5........ Attorney-at-law. E. D. Woodruff. of Sibley, Molten, ft WdodrtA Jno. Kessler, Jr. No. 1713 Green street.' GEORGE W. DAY, President. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vice-PreeMeaA WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. ja33-fflf SAVING FUNDS. SAVING FUND—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and OHIST NUT Streets. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. S. R. CRAWFORD, JAMES K. HUNTER, Secretary and Treasurer. Office hours, from 10 until 3 o’cfock. This company is not joined in any application to ttM Legislature. PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS are, invited till the 20th day of September, 1861, for supplying the Army of the Potomac with POTATOES. About 40,000 bushels will, be required, in lots of about 8,000 bushels per week. The Potatoes to be of the first quality and equal in qmilityt o the following kinds. Mercers (blue,) Pink Eye, Mercers (white.) The Potatoes to be delivered in Washington, and sub ject to such inspection on delivery as the Subsistence De partment may require, and payment to be made In Trea sury notes, if Government should desire it.. Thf I’c i t'»tCK > 6 to 1 * bo delivered in pwip strong barrols, and each bushel to bo estimated at 60 Ibw. The bids to be directed to Capt. A. BECKWITH, C. 8., U. S. A., Washington, D. C. 807-dt2oth SAFES. m* LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT RE RSOIHOVED to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, not the Franklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and being, determined to merit future patronage, has secured an. elegant and convenient store, and has now. on-hand ■ targe assortment of Ltllio’s Celobruted Wrought and Chilled Ir&n Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the only strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Lillie’s Bank Vault Doors and Locks will be to order on short notice, This is the pfrvwrti best pro tected, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention is< called to LHlie’s NfW Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, ftc. This Safe: is.con ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet of fered for this purpose, and is the only one that is strictly fire and burglar proof. Special Notice. — l have now on hand, say twenty of Parrel, Herring, A Co.’s Safes, most of them, nearly new, and some forty of other makers, comprising, a complete assortment as to Bizes, and all lately exchanged.for.Ute now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be wld at very low prices. Plewe call and examine, ja2s-lyif M. C. SADLER, Agent. PERHAM’S GRAND INTERNATIONAL' EXCUR SION, EMBRACING THE EASTERN AND MIDDLE STATES,.AND THE CANADAS. To wit: Tho Stales of. Maine, Now Hampshire,, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland, of the. United States, and Canada East, and Canada West, and New VraiMwick, of tho British Provinces. . Tickets from Philadelphia to Canada at)d return, *2l. II u “ Boston « .. $lO. The above including tickets to several entertainment, on the route. . .. . , For details of. the route, da vs or starting, pncooT tickets for the round trip, Ac.,, see posters and small bill* at the principal hotels and railroad offices. sol 3 tf _ >nr—i. FOR NEW YORK. T> A I’j.Y LINE, via Delaware uA Barkan Canal. Philadelphia and Now. York Express Steamboat Gjmp pany receive freight daily at 2P. dellw ing cargoes in Ne oi.Yprk the following days. Freights taken at reasonable rates. WM. P. CLYDE, Agent* No. 14 SCEYH WHARVES, Phiiade^W*. JAMES HAND, Agor.i, ' xul-tf Piers 14 usd 15 EAST RIVER, New York. - JIWx PHILADELPHIA AND aSSSmOm -WASHINGTON EXPRESS. STEAM- BOAT COMPANY. , New lino direct for Alexandria, Wasi#isfon, an* Georgetown. Thrnugb in,36 hours, Bt-mor paiLADEEPHJA, Captain TUOB. Steamer JEROME, Captajn JEROME, Will leave Philadelphia every WEDNESDAY and OA TURDA Y, at M o’clock Mm connecting with all line. those parts, and returning, leave Washington, Qhorg*- town, and Alexandria every TUESDAY and. SATUR DAY, for Philadelphia. W. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. U aOUTH WHARVES, Phila|ialrtiU, MOBOAN * BHBIRHAB.T, Aieptt, JyS4-lft Foot of a fltroet, W aahuigton. -.««— h, FOB NEW YOBE, Th« ■M33E3>FhJladitoUa at»vn FropeHer Qwnpaay will commence theb kusineu tor the tejwoh, wi Mobwti 13th Instant. . . . . „ - Their steamow W> natr reoelvtn* bttoht at mom* Pier etboTe Vf fciawt street, TemeMWoWtaJ. * 00., tat fcitth p^wai*