THE PRESS. PUBLISHED DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) BV JOHN W. FORNEY, OFFICE No. 417 CHESTNUT ST BEET. DAILY PRESS, Twelts Cents Per Wbex, payable to the Carrier. Mailed to - Subscribers out of the City at Six Dollars Per Annum, Four Dollars for Eight Months, Thrss -Dollars for Six Montes — invariaby in advance for ihs time ordered. THE TRI-WEEKLY PRESS, 'Mailed to Subscribers out of the City at Three Dol lars Per Annum, in advene* «EA BATHING- BATHING. ATLANTIC CITY. N, J. CTO AND THREE-QUARTER HOURS FROM PHILADELPHIA. CITY Is now conceded to be one of the •eost delightful gea-rido Resorts In the world. Its Bath ing is unsurpassed; its beautiful unbroken Beach (nine ln length) is unequalled by any on the continent, "gave that of Galveston; its air is remarkable for its dfy uess; its sailing and fishing facilities are perfect; Its •hotels nre wvll furnished, and aa well kept as thoso of 'Newport or Saratoga, while its avenneß and walks are cleanerand broader than those of any other Sea-Bathing place in the country. ‘Trains of the CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAIL • ROAD leave VINE-STREET WHARF, Philadelphia, ■ daily, et7j< A. 11. and 4 P.M. Returning, reach Phila i delphia at 9A. M. and 7r. JL Fare, $l.BO. Bonnd-Trip Tickets, good for Three Days, 52.50. Dls . tance, 60 miles. A telegraph extends the whole length of r the Road, iyHMf SUMMER RESORTS. IJiAGLE HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITS, jyU4 is now open with a LARGE ADDITION OF ROOMS. tßesrd £7 per week: Bathing dresses included, evl3-liu "SJGHT HOUSE COTTAGE, AT part oftKTIC CITY, the nearest House to the safest -well, is now open for the Season. NO HOU(fil? TIMS MODERATE. * SOIiD ON THTC PREMISES. JONAH WOOTTON, , Proprietor. mAMMASY HOUSE, NUitxji 02** JL RODINA AYEKUKi osw tho Depot, ATDANIIO CITY. The enbscriber takes pleasure In informing hla forms? patrons and the public that be bas reopened the above *-lit?re bp vlll bp hwppr io please «U wlio may Cavor hjn a call. je%3-3m ELIAS OLEAVBR, Proprietor* cabinet furniture. OAUIMET furniture and bil- V um TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION, No. 261 Sooth SECOND Street, ftn connection with their extenaive Cabinet Business are mow manufactnrins a superior article of BiZtIiIABD TABLES, ■Anri have now on hnnd a full supply, finished with the MOOBE A CAMPION’S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, which are pronounced, by all who have used them, to be nperior to all others. For the Quality and finish of these Tables the manu facturers refer to their numerous patrons throughout the 'Union, who are familiar with the character of their work. au2s-6m ~ - liOGKING GLASSES. tmmensel^Wction^ 1 ' nt LOOKING GLASSES. OH, PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, CIOTUHI! AND PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. JAMES S. EARLE & SON, 81* CHESTNUT STREET, Announce Hie rediittion of 25 per cent, in the prices of all the; Manufactured SVick of Looking Glasses ; also, in Engravings, Pictnre ane Photograph Frames, Oil Paint ings. The largest and most elegant assortment in the country. A rare opportunity is now offered to make purg Chases in this line For Caeh, at remarkably Low Prices 'EARLE’S GALLERIES, jy®-tf SlB CHESTNUT Street. BUSINESS NOTICES. —r t vt-w-w-vw-ww-ww TVTOTICE.—Having sold my Hat, Cap, JLI end Fur Store, No. 710 North SECOND Street, to •JOHN A. STAMBACH, I hereby give notice that GEO O. STAMBACH is no longer authorized to act aa my agent. [spQ-3t*] D. B. HAAS. TXT P. PIEIFF, REAL ESTATE Yl . BROKER, NORRISTOWN, Montgomery Co., Pa.*—Farms in Montgomery, Bucks, Chester, and Dela ware counties for sale or exchange. Also, property in Philadelphia, Delaware, and Maryland, on the most rea sonable terms. Money loaned on bond and mortgage; also, on good collateral, on short date. Persons wishing to purchase property will do well to cal! and examine iny catalogue before purchasing elsewhcr?, X ItfVVe a large Aftiotwit of property on it. Persons at a distance enn send by *u*i], and get my catalogue., My whole attention is given to suit TOOicants. Offieo, No. 2% MA IN Street, Norristown. - - . p. pjEIFF, se7-7t* Successor. b jj. COBSON. QOLOMON MALICK, ATTORNEY, lOf-ATLATT, SUNBURY, PA.—City collections prompt ly attended to in NorthtunkertamL Snyder, and Union |a& REFERENCE.—OUphant A Dell, Third Street, Phi ladelphia. Edward Shippes, Esq., Sixth and Walnut Streets. sefi-Gt* PETTIT, BEAL ESTATE J2J* BROKER, and CONVEYANCER, No. 309 ETALNUT Street, first floor* hack, Philadelphia. Attend ±o Uie Parchtwfe, Sale, and Exchange, Of Beal Estate in the city and country. Honey invested in 'dad procured on mortgages. se2-tf A QARD.—THE UNDERSIGNED, iXSte of the GIBABD HOUSE, Philadelphia, have leased, for a term of years, WILLAJBD’S HOTEL, in Washington. They take this occasion to return to tbeir «ldStiei& and customers many thanks for past favors, and bag to assure them that tlwsy will most happy to •ee them in their new quarters. BYKES, CHADWICK, & CO. Washington, July 16,1861. au23*ly TOHN WELSH, Practical SLATE Cl BOOFER, THIRD Street and GERMANTOWN Bead, Is prepared to put on any amount of ROOFING, on the most MODERATE TERMS. Will guaranty to make every Building perfectly WAter-tight. Orders promptly attended to. my7-ly TpHLE MANUFACTORY, J? 211 NEW STREET. Files and Rasps of every description, and good quality, made to order, at the above establishment. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, at manufacturer’s, prices. Recalling done in a superior maimer. *pl-d6m J. B. SMITH. Ease and comfort. A. THEOBALD asks, Who can please or Buit everybody ? Such a person probably never was born. But those who know when they are suited in BOOTS or SHOES are Invited to give him a call, and those who never were united before may be suited now. He is at his Old Place, €OB COATES Street jelg*Bm fgto. EVANS & WATSON’S HH SALAMANDER SAFES. STORE, 304 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A large variety of FIRE-PROOF SAFES always an hand. GROCERIES. CDONOGHUE, 23 South WATER • Street, offers for sale, at the lowest market prices, to cash buy ers, 5,000 Packages of Steam-Refined Sugars and fijrrupa, Also, Prime Santos, Rio, and Java Coffee, 85-Bt* TAfACKEBEL, HERRING, SHAD, jjfJL SALMON, Ac.—3,000 bbls. Mess Nos. 1,2, and 3 MACKEREL, large, medium, and small, in assorted packages of choice, late-caught, fat fish. 8,000 bbls. New Halifax, Eaatport, and Labrador Her* Mugs, of choice qualities. 6,000 boxes extra new scaled Herrings. 8,000 boxes extra new No. 1 Herrings. 8,000 boxes large Magdalina Herrings. 380 bbls, Mackinac White Fish, 50 bbls. new Economy Mesa Shad. 25 bbls. new Halifax Salmon. 1,000 quintals Grand Bank Codfish. 600 boxes Herkimer County Cheese. In store and landing, for sale by MURPHY A KOON9, no 6 No. 146 NORTH WHARVES. rjlO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE BUBAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, a. heretofore, to supply families it their Country Besidencea with every description of FINE OEOCEBIES, TEAS, Ao., As. ALBEKT C. ROBERTS, COBNEB ELEVENTH AND VINE SHEETS. my!B PRESERVING JARS. /ILASS ABOVE, \J - GLASS BELOW, GLASS ON ALL SIDES. No danger of being poisoned with Metal in nsing the HABTELL JAB. HARTELL & LETCHWORTH, Mlo-2m Glass Warehouse, 13 N. FIFTH Street. All persons putting up FRUIT, dci, are especially Invited to call and examine the HABTELL JAB, recommended by Dr. At fee, Prof. Booth, and others, and see Silver Medals and First Premium Diplomas, which have never failed being awarded when placed in competition with other Jars. HARTELL & LETCHWORTH, au!o-2m Glass Warehouse, 13 N. FIFTH Street. LEGAL. - -> r * t -* * - • » ■ - - IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA. Estate of JOHN B. KOONS. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust'the account filed by Fred. Fairthomeand Fred. A. Koons, administrators of JOHN B. KOONS, doceftacdi and to report distribution of the balance in tfto hands of the accountants, gives notice to all parties in* tereßted in said estate, that ho will meet them for the purpose of his appointment on TUESDAY, September lOtb, 1861, at his Office, No. 258 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, at 4 o’clock P. M. auBo*fmw&t JOS. P. LOUGHEAD, Attorney. TO THE COURT OF COMMON X PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHI* XADKLPHIA. Estate of CHARLES L. KNEASS, Insolvent. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, usd adjust the First Account of John M. Smiley, assignee intrust for the benefit of creditors of Charles L. Kneass, and report distribution of the net balance in the hands of the Assignee, will meet the parties interested, for the pur pose of his appointment, on TUESDAY, 17th SEPTUM* BBfii 1661, 4 r. M.» at tbo WETHERILL HOUSE, Ransom Street, above Sixth, in the city of Philadelphia,, i Ge6*Tmwst WILLIAM ERNST, Auditor. fILARET WINE—In casks and cases, v/ cf the brand, of St. Jalien, Muganx, Hout-Brien PaxOlae. Tor Hie by ‘ JAUBETCHE A CARSTATRB No. SOS South FBQNX Street VOL. S.—NO. 34. educational. Academy of the protest- AKT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Locust and Juoi- Session will open on MONDAT, Sep tember 2d, at 9 o’clock A. M. Applications for admission may be made at the Aca on nn.l after Anxmat 28Ih, betwapn tlie hoars of 10 ami 12 n’cliitih iu the hinrimiio . „ JOHN W. ROBINS, A. M., Aiil9-mwf Ira Head Master. SUMMER- STREET INSTITUTE FOR TOUNG LADIES.—Mies D. B. BURT will reopen her English and French Boarding and Bay School on MONDAY, September 2. at No. IG2B SUSIMER Street, Philadelphia. au2B-mwfßt* GERMANTOWN FRENCH AND ENGLISH BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, MAIN Street, second door below JOHNSON Street. Madnme F. PROUIN and M’lle Em. BOSSKT having temoved their School to Germantown, will open oil MON- I>AYi the 18th inet, A deduction of ten per cent, will bo made on pupils engaging before that time. References. —Kt. Rev. Bishop Potter, Fa.'; Rt. Rev Bishop Odenheimer, N. J.; Rev. Beiijamin Dorr, Phila delphia ; Rev. Mr. Rodnoy and Rev. Mr. Atkins, Ger mantown. se4-tocl# /GEORGETOWN COLLEGE, D.C., \JT August, 1861. The exercises of this Institution will be resumed on the first MONDAY in September, Terms per rninumj for Board and Tuition, $2OO, payable half yearly, in ad vance. For further particulars apply to the President. aul4-wfA.Tulm JOHN EARLY, S. J QAUNDERS’ INSTITUTE, MAR -0 KET and THIRTY-NINTH Streets, Philadelphia. PROF, E. D. SAUNDERS AND CORTLAND SAUN- DERS, A. M., PRINCIPALS. A School for the Physical, Moral, Social, and Intel. lectunl Training of Boys and Young Men. Several acres of playgrounds are attached to the Semi nary, nDd healthy physical development, especially in delicate boys, receives great attention. Abstinence from vicious habits* kindliness and purity of intercourse among the pupils nr© insured by the constant presence of teachers, encouraging them both in their sports and their studies. Latin, Greek, and Mathematics, together wHh tho English branches, and French, me thurougiu)- tjmght. In short, every effort ig made to give tUe pupils a fourfold'find complete educaUon. FOB A PERIOD OP FIVE MONTH*, CUM.V.AV «,*v •*. TIME OF ADMI &8IOS?, ARE 1 For permanent Boarding Pupi15....... ..$125 For Pupilftv. lv© spend Saturday and Sunday at home 100 For PftHwflrffiug Pupils* who spend the_nights atj home 75 Washing, $B. No extra charges. Payments in advance. As pupils who come under the influence of the Semi nary at an early age are educated with the least trouble, a reduction in the terms of $25 per session will be made during the entire course of each permanent boarding pupil who is entered under nine years of nge. Tliuse U’llO are UOt entered before they arc eovonteon years of age will pay an extra sum of $25 per session. This ad vance is not made in the case of those who become mem bers of the Seminary before reacldng that ago. A large reduction is made in favor of young men who are preparing foF the ministry. Further information may be obtained from the Princi pals, or from the following persons, who arc among those who have Sons or Wards boarding in the Seminary at THE PRESENT TIME *. Mr. William Allen, Philadelphia; Hon. Joshua Baker, Franklin, La.: Mrs. E. V, Bennct, Williamsport, Pa.; Hon. Wm. Bigler, Clearfield, Pa.; Hon. N. B. Browne, Philadelphia; Mr. Jamesßurke, Jr.,Philadelphia; Prof. P. A. Cregar, Principal of the Girls* High School, Phila delphia; Mr. H. J. Crocheron, Mobile, Ala.; Mr. A. F. Damon. Philadelphia Y Mr. AV. C. Denny, Pittsburg, Pa.; Mr, I\ P* Dinipfel, Darby; Mr. W. Firmstone, Easton, rn.; Mr. H. N. Fitzgerald, Philadelphia; Hon. J. W. Forney, Editor of The Press , Philadelphia; Mrs. 0. Guerin, Newark, N. J.: Mr. Wm. J. Horstmun, Pliila delpliia; Mr. W. Irvin, Clearfield county, Pa.; Mr. Wm. Kennedy, Philadelphia; Mr. Joseph Kerr, Philadelphia; Mr. John Leiscnring, Superintendent and Chief En gineer Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, Mauch Chunk, pa.; Hon. J. AV. Maynard, Williamsport, Pa.; Mr. P. R. MeNeiUo, Phihulrfphix; Mr. AV. Ne«- Brunswick, N. J.; Sir. C. E. Thompson, Chicago, III.; Mr. T. B. Wattson, Philadelphia; Mr. B. H. Bartol, Philadelphia; Mr. James Sykes, Washington. au3l-lm pEORGE L. WALKER, TEACHER aJT OF THE PIANO and Melodeon, will resume his duties on MONDAY, September 2i. Scholars received Rt Ills MUSICAL ACADEMY, S. E. corner of govonth and Arch streets, or taught at their own residence. PIANOS FURNISHED, if desired. For terms, &c., Apply at the ACADEMY, SEVENTH and ARCH, up stairs. au3l-lm Germantown institute, MAIN Styeet, above Price. The above Institution will be opened for the reception of Young Gentlemen SEPTEMBER 9th, 1861. rnrtner unrnciilora on application to WM. H. MePADDEN, A. M., Principal, 8. E. cor. of GREEN and BIIXENHOUSE Streets. au3o-tf mHE GERMANTOWN ACADEMY JL WILL KEOI’EN ON MONDAY, September 2, 1661, Tho Priadpal will receive a few Boys Into hla J. H. WITHINGTON, Priucipai. Family. au29-18t* TbEMOVAL. —THE ACADEMY FOR BOYS, formerly located at the N. E. corner of Tenth and Arch streets, has been removed to No. 142 N. TENTH Street, and will be reopened on MONDAY, Sep* tembor 2d, 1861. A few pupils can bo accommodated with hoard. For circulars, apply at the school. au29-lm T. BRANTLY LANGTON, Principal. HD. GREGORY, A. M., WILL • reopen his Classical and English Scllool, No., 1108 MARKET Street, on MPNDAY, September 2d. _au2B-l2t “ w ‘ MISS -M, W. HOWES’ YOUNG 111 LADIES’ BOARDISNU A»»~»A¥ GCHOOI. will reopen on WEDNESDAY, 11th September, at 1525 CHESTNUT Street. au27-lm Abeaugureau, teacher of • French and Drawing, No. 1530 SAN SOM Street- »u27-12t* THE CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, 127 North TENTH Street, will reopen. SEPTEM BER 21 Reference—Professor George Allen, Pennsylvania University. O. SEIDENSTICKER, au27-12ttt Principal. TNSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, 8. E. corner of MARSHALL and SPRING GAR DEN streets. Duties resumed September 2d. ENOCH H. SUPPLER, A. M., ftu27-12t Principal. T7RIENDS’ ACADEMY FOR BOYS X? AND YOUNG MEN, East of 41 North ELE VENTH Street, reopens Ninth month (September) 2d. AH denominations admitted. $l2 per term of 22 weeks. au27-lm W. WHITALL. mHOMAS BALDWIN’S ENGLISH X Mathematical and Classical School, for Boys, N. E. corner of BROAD and ARCH, will reopen September 2d. au26-lmo* CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, \J DEAN Street, above SPRUCE. The CLASSICAL INSTITUTE'HviU resume its duties on MONDAY, September 2d. J. W. E AIRES, A. M., Principal. au26.2m0 TV/TARGARET ROBINSON WILL XtJ. reopen her SCHOOL for GIRLS, corner of RACE and FRANKLIN Streets, Ninth Month 9th. au26-12t* CENTRAL INSTITUTE, TENTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, will reopen SEP TEMBER 2d. Boys prepared for Business, College, or any Division in the Public Grammar Schools. Call at the school-room between 9 A. M. and 12 M. au26-36t* H. G. McGUIRE, A. M., Principal. L INWOOD HALL, ON OHELTEN AVENUE, near YORK ROAD STATION, North Pennsylvania Railroad, seven miles from Philadelphia. MISS CARR’S BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES will reopen on MONDAY, Septem ber 2d. Circulars may be obtained at the office of Jay Cooke A Co., Bankers, No. 114 South Third street, or by address ing the Principal, Shoemakertown P. 0., Montgomery county, Pa. an26-12t Education of young ladies. -The duties of the SPRING GARDEN INSTI TUTE, No. 611 MARSHALL Street, trill be resumed on MONDAY, the 2d of September. Ten pupils may find a Christian home in the family of the Principal. GILBERT COMBS, A. M., Principal. au24-lm Residence No. 608 MARSHALL Street. ■pEY. J. I. HELM WILL REOPEN Xw Us School for GIRLS, at 1323 WALNUT Street, September 12th. au22-lm PENN INSTITUTE—Southeast corner THIRTEENTH and FILBERT Sts., re opens MONDAY, Sept 9. For catalogues, address au22-lm# B. STEWART, Principal. Young ladies’ school—No. 60S CLINTON Street—Established by Prof. 0. D- CLEVELAND in 1834. The duties of the school will be resumed by the subscriber, on MONDAY, Sep tember 9. [au22-lm] PLINY E. CHASE. English and classical SCHOOL,—The school 'of the rmbscribor, in Simes’ Bidding, at TWELFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, will be removed to the larger Hall, directly over Mr. Han eard’a store, In the same building, aud will be reopened on MONDAY, 9th of September. au2l-tf CHARLES SHORT. BORDENTOWN FEMALE col lege, Bordentown, N. J„ situated on the Camden and A mbit Railroad, thirty miles north of Philadelphia. Special attention paid to the common and higher English branches, and superior advantages furnished in vocal andjnstrumentftl Music. German and French. Session commences September 10. Address Rev. JOHN W. BBAKELBY, A. M. f an2llm* President. mHE MISSES CASEY and MBS. X BEEBE will re-open their English and French Boarding and Day School, Ne. 1703 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, the 11th of SEPTEMBER. au2o-lm TV/fABY L. STACKHOUSE will re- JjA open ber BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL, for Girls, at No. 1030 SPRING GARDEN Street, on the 2d of SEPTEMBER next. au2o-24t* M:SS MARY E. THROPP will re. open her Boarding and Day School for Young La dies, at 1924 SPRUCE Street, Philadelphia, on MON DAY, September 9th. Circulate, containing foil infor mation, to be had on application. au!9 dtOctl* TIXERCIE E. BROWN will REOPEN JJ/JL her School for Girls, in the Spring Garden Insti tute, on tha Northeast comer of BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets, on Ninth month (SEPTEMBER) 2d. Chargo for tuition, Ten Dollar? for five months. (CHESTNUT-STREET FEMALE SEMINARY.—Miss BONNEYand Miss DILLAYE will reopen their Boarding and Day School on W’EDNES DAY, September JJ, at No, MU CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, aulB-lm BOAEDING SCHOOL, near Media, DELAWARE COUNTY, P#., for Twelve Boye. Beopens September 9. BAML. ABTHUB, A. M. Tib private school bob BOYS, Id the PliitadelDhia City Institute, North cast corner of .CHESTNUT end EIGHTEENTH Street*, will reopen MONDAY, Bertember 2,18tt1. anls-2m* L. BUBBOWS, Principal. LONG’S ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, Cornor EIGHTH and BUT TONWOOD Streets. Classics, Mathematics, Full Counting House Course of Book-keeping, Penmanship, At. I\ HONIEAVY LONG, A. H., Principal. 807-131* P^OLYTECHNlC^^collbge^west PENN SQUARE.—The Scientific School will begin on September 9th ; the Professional Schools for Engi neers, Architects, Practical Chemists, ami Geologists, on September 16. The course on Military Engineering will include Field Fortifications, Siege Operations, Strategy, and Tactics. A. L. KENNEDY, M. 1)., -VTORMAL MUSICAL INSTITUTE, JLI No. 624 North ELEVENTH Street, Philadelphia, JOHN BOWER, Principal. MB. WIN THE OP TAPP AN’S BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL for younp la dies, will reopen at No. 1615 STRUCK Street, on WED NESDAY, September 18. w7-2m A BACHMANN, Pianist, at the Nor • inal Musical Institute, 624 North ELEVENTH Street, gives instructions on the riauo, Organ, and Mc lodeon. pi‘G-lm NEW PUBLICATIONS. ONLY ONE DOLLAR EACH! V 10,000 Beautiful Steel Plate Engravings of tlie LORD'S PRAYER far Kile. Valuable Property Given Away. It commences with cxuuisitely executed words of «t Our Father,” and then follow in succession the other parts Of ,I.C pro) er, everf pI.HU* of «l,icl; is »p»™l in tlie most elegant anil tasteful manner. Near tlie bot tom of tlie picture is a superbly executed head of OUR SAVIOUR, and encircling the upper part of the eu craving are ten angels, each bearing one of the e 5 TEN COMMANDMENTS. Af. a work of valuable and beautiful engraving is worth more Ihriji Dollar asked for it, as will readily be acknowledged on an inspection of it; but Ibe Mib rciibcLfi UiVrwito make a Gift Distribution to of the engraving of valuable presents as follows*. 1 House, arid I J td in York borough. 2 Hughes (Quin & Palmer's make, warranted.) 1 RoeVavny. 2 Building-Lot? in York borough. I’Oi Valuable Books. 50 bills. Flour (warranted.) 1000 Gold-Gilt Frames to suit Engraving of the Lord's Prnyor. 600 Steel-Plate Engravings of tho Birth of Christ. Magnificent Looking-Glasses. Gold and Silver Watcher, Ac., Ac. A Gift worth from 50 cts. to SSOQ with each engraving gold. aiua '•»•**"•**»» -wendation of the Reverend Clergy, our first citizens, and, indeed of all classes, who enter into it with interest ana bjjuiw ’ . Send oji ONE DOLLAR Md four rnl tdillllpr to pay postage on engraving* and you art* sure to got it by return mail. Address J. M. AUSTIN A CO., York, Pa. $lO secures 11 F.nsraving? and Tickets. TIIIERY A KRUSE, Agents, N. K. cor. FOURTH and BRANCH Streets, Philadelphia. Rev. A. 11. tiOelumm, L.L. D., Pastor Ist Lutheran Church, York, Pa. Rev. A. \V. Lilly, Pastor 2d Lutheran Ctmrch. Bev. 0. M’. Thomson, Rector St. John’s Frot .Episcopal Church. Rev. F. F. nagen, raster Moravian Church. Dev. Jos. A. Kow, lt M. E. Church. Hon. Thomas E. Corhrnn. And. Gen. Peimsylvania. Henry Welsh, President York Bank. David Small, Postmaster, York, Pa., and many others. se6-6t* Books, law and miscella- NEOUS, new and old, bought, sold, and ex changed, at the PHILADELPHIA-BANK BOOK STORE, No. 419 CHESTNUT Street. Libraries at a distance purchased.. Those having Books to sell, if at a distance, will state their names, sizes, bindings, dates, editions, prices, and conditions. WANTED—Books printed by Benjamin Franklin, as well as early Books printed in and upon America. Autograph Letters and Portraits purchased. Pamphlet Laws of Pennsylvania for sale. Catalogues, in press, sent free. Libraries ap praised by ffe2s-tf] JOHN CAMPBELL. QEALED PROPOSALS are invited lU till the 20th day of September, 1861, for supplying the Army of the Potomac with POTATOES. About 40,000 bushels will be required, in lots of about 8,000 bushels per week. The Potatoes to be of the first quality and equal in quality to tlie following kinds. (l*hic,) Pink Eye, Mercers (white.) The Potatoes to be delivered in Washington, and sub ject to 6uch inspection on delivery us the Subsistence De partment may require, and paymeut to be made in Trea sury notes, if Government should desire it. The Potatoes to be delivered in good, strong barrels, and each bushel to be estimated at AO ihs. The bids to be directed tu Cupt. A. BECKWITH* C. S. 17. S. A., TTashington, D. C. «e7-dHMHh SUPPLIES. Office of the Actisg Commissary of ) Subsistence, No. 1137 Girard Street, > Philadelphia, Sept. 5,1861.) SEALED PROPOSALS >viU be revolved at this olHce until 12 o’clock M. on the 9tli of September, for furnish ing, for the use of the United States Army, the following Subsistence stores, viz: 05,800 pounds Smoked Bacon Sides, in 200-pound boxes, securely strapped. 547 barrels first quality Extra Mess Beef. 175,000 pounds first quality Pilot Bread, in good flour barrels. 375 buuhclK prime quality White Berth!*, la good, dry barrels. 18,000 pounds prime Rice, in good flour barrels. , 80,000 « « Rio Coflee, in barrels. 45,000 “ “ refined light yellow Coffee Sugar, in barrels. 3,000 gallons Cider Vinegar. . f ‘ 8,750 pounds Adnmautine Candles, full weight. ■ 12,000 « . Oleine Soap, full weight. 18$ bushels good, death dry, fine Salt* in good* tight barrels,.32 quarts to tho bushel. } Samples to accompany proposals when practicable. All of the articles to be of the best quality, securely packed, and in perfect order for transportation. Bidswlllincludo packages and delivery In the city. Seller’s name and date of purchase required on each package. Certificates of inspection of the meat will be required. Bids from known dealers or manufactWOM only will be considered, 'Two good sureties, whose names mentioned in the bids, will be required-for tho faithftit performance'of the contracts. Delivery to be made by the 18th of Sep tember. Proposals to be endorsed “Proposals for furnishiog Subsistence Stores,” and directed to Cspt. C. W. THOMAS, se6-2t A. Q. M. and A. C. S., V. S. A. HAIR RESTORATIVE. The only preparation THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, AND GROWS MORE AND MORE POPULAR EVERT DAT, And testimonials, new, and almost without number, might be given, from ladies and gentlemen in all grades of society, whose united, testimony none could resist, that Wood’s Hair Restorative will restore the bold and gray, and preserve the hail* of the youth to old age, in all its youthful beauty! ‘ Battle Creek, Mich., Dec. 21, 1858. Prof. Wood: Tliee wilt please accept a line to in form thee that the hair on my head all fell off over twenty years ago, caused by R complicated chronic dis ease, attended with an eruption on the head. A con tinual course of Buffering through life having reduced Die to a state of I have not been able to obtain stuff for saps, neither have I been able to do them up, in consequence of which my head lias snffered extremely from cold. This induced me to pay Briggs & Hodges almost the last cent I had on earth for atwo dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative about the first of August last. I have faithfully followed the directions, and the bald spot is now covered with hair, thick and black, though short, it is also coming in all over my head. Feeling confident that Another bottle would restoro it entirely and permanently, I feel anxious to persevere in its use, and being destitute ot means to pur chase any more, I would ask thee if thee wouldst not be willing to send me an order on thine agents for a bottle, and receive to thyself the Scripture declaration'—“ The reward is to those that are kind to the widow and the fatherless." TUr frieud, SUSANNAH KIRBY. XiiGONiEit, Noble Co., Indiana, Teb. 5,1859. Prof. O. J. Wood : Dear Sir: In the latter part of the year 1852, while attending the State and National Law School ot the State of New York, my hair, from a cause unknown to me, commenced falling off very rapidly, so that in the 6hort space of six months, the whole upper part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its cover ing, and much of the remaining portion upon the Side and back part of myhead shortly after became gray j so that you will not be surprised when I tell you that, upon my return to the State of Indiana, my more caanal ac quaintances were not so much at a loss to discover the cause of the change in my appearance, as my more inti mate acquaintances were to reeognlze me at all. I at once made application to tae most skilful physi cians in the country, but, receiving no assurance from them that my hair could again be restored, I was forced to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter part of the year 1857, your Restorative was Tecommended to me by a druggist, as being the most reliable Hair Restorative in use. I tried one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that it was producing the desired effect. Since that time I have used seven dol lars* worth of your Restorative, and as a result, have a rich coat of very Boft black hair, which no money can buy. Ab a mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill in the production of so wonderful an article, I have recom mended its use to many of my friends and acquaint* ftncefl, who, I am happy t 6 inform yon, are nslng it with like effect. Very respectfully yours, A. M. LATTA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, 444 BROADWAY, and sold by all dealers throughout the world. The Restorative is put up in bottles of three sizes— via: large, medium, and small; the small bolds hall a pirn, ana retails for one dollar per bottle* the medium holds at least twenty per cent, more in proportion than the small, retails for two dollars a bottle *, the large holds a quart, forty per cent, more in proportion, and retails for three dollars a bottle. O. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 444 BROADWAY, New York, and 114 MARKET Street, St Louis, Mo., And ecu by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. Sold in this city by B. A. FAHNESTOCK & Co,, Nofl. 7 and 9 North FIFTH Street, and HASSARD & Co., TWELFTH and CHESTNUT Streets: DYOTT & C 0.% 232 North SECOND Street. ocl3 - rawfeowW tf ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, BROADWAY, NEW YOBK. BOABD DEDUCED 10 82 PER DAY. Since the opening of this vast and commodious Hotel, in 1854, it has been the single endeavor of the proprietors to make it the most sumptuous, convenient, and comfort able home for the citizen and stranger on this side the Ailantic. And whatever has seemed likely to administer to thO (Yimfort of Us Riiestp they have endeavored, without re glWil t 6 cost, to providt*. mid to combine all the elements of individual and social enjoyment wliich modern art has invented, and modem taste approved; and tho pa tronage which it has commanded during the past six years is a gratifying proof that their efforts have been appre ciated. To meet the exigencies of the times, when all are re quired to practise the most rigid economy, tho under signed Have reducf.ii thf. price of board to TWO DOLLARS PER DAY, at the same time abating none of the luxuries with which their table has hitherto boon supplied. se7-Sm TREADWELL, WHITCOMB, & CO. aul9-lm* Philadelphia terra-cotta WORKS. Office and Warmoras, 10X0 CHESTNUT Strut Ornamental Chimney Tops. Garden Yasoe and Statuary. Encaustic Flooring Tile. Architectural Ornaments. Ventilating and Smoke Flues. Bklge Tile and Sanitary Ware. Steam-pressed Drain Pipe, Water ripe, warranted to stand pressure, cheap and durable. The Trade supplied, on Liberal Terms* Illustrated Catalogues sent by mail, on application by letter. g. A. HARMBON, mh2T-tf 1010 CHESTNUT Street. RMY WAGONS.—Spokes and Hubs for Anny Wagons constantly on hand. Address SPBOUT, SAUNDEBS) S CO., RoC-lOt HufkMViUc, Bye*inipg COWttfi ?«• EDUCATIONAL. IYokU-iit uf F.L'uli: REFERENCES: PROPOSALS. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1861. %\t f ttBB. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 0, 18S1. Montgomery County. [Correspondence of The Press.] NonnisTow.v, Sept. 7, 1861. se7-I2t* Colonel Fobkey —Deah Sir : I notice in your paper, tlii? morning, an article in reference to the Democracy of Montgomery county, and In connec tion therewith remark, " Why cannot suoh men as lionsnll, Kugier, nnd Moore follow the example of disinterested Democrats like Chapman and the two Dnvisos of Bucks county, Ac. ?” I inclose you the proceedings of a Union meeting held here Inst Mon day. You will And, I think, that we have acted quite us promptly ns the gentlemen you name, and intend to ndhere to it to the end, whatever that may be. We have been surprised that the pro ceedings have not ere this appeared in your piiper. Truly yours, M. mrAEATIVE UNION MBBTISG. Pursuant to notice, the citizens of Montgomery county, in favor of sustaining the National Adminis tration in suppressing the rebellion of the traitors now in arms against the country, met at the Odd Fellows' Hall, in Norristown, on Monday, the 2d inst. The meeting was organized by calling Charles Ivuglor, Esq., of Lower Merion, to the chair, npd appointing Thomas Bitting, of Springfield, Horace Royer, of Upper Providence, and William Miohe ncr, of Whitpain, SooretarieS. On motion of Jacob Day, of Springfield, a com mittee of one from each township, ward, anl bo rough was appointed to present resolutions fertile consideration of the meeting. The followiig was the committee: Upper Ward, Norristown, H. W. Bensall ■ Mid dle Ward, E. B. Moore; Lower Ward, F. Gilbert; East Ward, Pottstown, John A. Andrews; West Ward, John Thompson; Bridgeport, B. B. Hights; Abington, Charles F. Wilson; Frederick, S. C. Fries; Gwynedd, Joseph Young; Hatfield, Otarjes §. Jjnkins; Horsham, Jonathan Iredell; I.iniirKki enjnnnn Erich; Lower Providence, Wm. n. Shupe; L6wer Merion, Joseph Hunt; Lower etl ford, Dr. Groff; Marlborough, William F. Rebd ; Montgomery, Isaac Howland; Mooreland, Dei. Evan M. Woodward; Norriton, Theodore W. B Esq., has been appointed post master of JUdgway, P»., vice Matthew L. Robs, removed. Paris letters say the bankers in that city would take the whole of the American loan, if ne cessary—just to spite the London Stock Exchange. The most popular French Horn—A glass of Cognac. .1. S. Clarkf played ToodJcs for seventeen consecutive nights, at Wtiitw GaidePi Now XorK. THE WEEKLY PRESS. Thb Weekly F&k.h will be seat to subscribers bf mall (per annum la advance,) 93,99 Ovp’thjp u u •imiiiilttl 9l Off Fiv® *< u U 8.09 Tea « ss ‘i 12.00 Twont? u ii *4 (to ona oddrou) 20»O(| Twenty Copies, or 07®r, (to adireiw c< ®*chsubscriber,) ®ftch lfffftrfrrtf ,X.JKJ For a Club ti Twenty-one cr over, W 9 will Bond an •xtrft Copy to the getter-irp of tbo Club. Postmasters are requeatod to act M A#onto to# Thi Weekly P&ks3. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. Philadelphia, Sept. 7, 1851, The stock market continues very quiet. The speculative market is firmer, but ft.s investment m.-cui'Uic.- dull. The niui eluent ol aci oral moneyed corporations and of private holders to change their investments in State and City loans into tho new National loan tends to overload the market with those securities and depress prices. The improved feeling in business circles is confined, in its effects at the stock board, to speculative stocks and bonds, which are strong and tending to better prices. The Miners' Journal for this week sums up tho coal trade for the week ns follows: The quantity of coal sent by railroad tJij-i week is 20,004 08 tons; by canal 31,599 00; for the wook 57,063 08 tons, against 76,765 tons for tho corre sponding week last year, being a decrease for tho week of 19,102 tons. The shipments from all the regions sum up this week as follows: i v IBe l> I ——f —— jINO. * WEEK.' TOTAL. | WEEK. TOTAL. | DBG. F. *R. B. R..! 45,1551,363,006 26,0041,111,182 251,824 Bcliuyl Canal..j 33,612 899,318,31,509; 734,115165,203 L. Vat. R. R.J 10,939 534,580,15,726 637,637| 3,24 T Lehigh Carat..: 33,025 696,242 33,165,' 600,302d95,94# Scranton S’th. ; 20,372 657,663,10,426 575,893! 18,030 Do. North! 8,77?; 741,??? 4,943. 195,900 23.002 Pa. Coal C 0...! 27,038. 429,179, 21,580; 399,984d2», 105 Del. *ll. C 0..! 12,186 286,460' 25,940 452,306165,906 Wyoming S'th ; 227,784' 138,003'd89,T81 Do. North, ! 22,212 1 30,648! 8,4*6 Broad T0p....! 4,000 127,272 7,952 161,382, 34,090 Shamokin 3,898 121,711 7,188' 136,774! 15,06* Treverton 2,023 63,013; 1,077! 30,188339,426 Bh. Mt. H. T.. 2,179 60,635, 1,932 51,3374 9,29* Lykens Val.« 2,073 44,104! 2,793 52.805 1 8,701 202,4208*070,317,197,0910078,080 197,09i;5,176,086 j 5,335'.’ 307,231) | The New York Evening Post says, concerning stocks and money in that city to-day: The stock mnrket is rather lower to*day, tho ex treme prices of last evening not being maintained. There is a general disposition to realize the profits of the rise, and the Western stocks, which have ad vanced most rapidly, are jal per cent, lower. Th» street is free of exoiting rumors, though further de velopments on the Potomac are awaited with soma anxiety. The market for United States stocks is firm, though the highest prices of the dny are not sus tained at the close. The Coupon Sixes of 1881 are 90a904, the Registered 89iaS9£. The Fives of 1865 sold at 37i and the Coupon Fives of 1874 at 793030. There is a good inquiry for the six per cent. Treasury notes at 983. All the buyers at this figure were supplied at the close. Small lots have been sold at 98}aP9. The Southern State stocks were in fair demand. There is an advance of 15 per cent, in North Caro linas and i in Tennessecs. MUsouris were f per cent, weaker. Milwaukee and Prairie du Chien stock rose 1 per cent., selling at 17. The business of this line Is re* ported to be very satisfactory. The money market is without noticeable change. The rates on call are 5aG per cent. Exchange on London closed firm at 1077a107J for first-class bankers’ bills. Francs are dull at 5.32ia5.40. The Mint has done very little this week, not much over half the coinage of last week. The re ceipts at the new office one day were $900,060, hut the remainder of ttyc week only small lots have been sent over. The American Bank-Note Company are making every effort to push formard the 7.30 Treasury notes- On Monday $450,000 will be sent to Wash ington, and every succeeding day the company ex pects to increase the quantity. They commence with the smallest denominations, $300,000 of (he first instalment being in $lOO, and $150,000 in $5O. There is no unusual excitement at the Sub-Trea sury to-day. The subscriptions are numerous, but in small amounts. As the agencies multiply the less pressure there i 3 at the Government office. Mr. Chase proposes to hare fire hundred agencies, ia various ports of the loyal States. The sales of th-- loan are but little short of fire millions. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, September 7,1861. BsrOßrsD ST 6, E, St47M4KhRi Philadelphia Bichauga. FIRST BOARD. 1500 I’enna 5s 73* 20 Lehigh Scrip,. ~1)5. 36 2000 do 2d.v5.73* 22 do bS. 36 100 do 73* 10 Penna E 3TJf 1000 Harrisburg H 65..92 5 do 37* 400 Cit]‘ 6a New 94 10 do 37* 1010 do Kcw.cnsb.94 1 do 37* 000 T.rliigl, N 05,,., 102*' 14 do 07* 1000.SohK 6s 1882 63* 60Bonding ~,,,,,b&, 16 £ 700 do.. 63* 50 d 0.... b 5. 18* 200 do 63* 5 Cam 4 Ami B 112* 3000PhilASun7B.2dys.65 3 do >"7l2* 12 Korristownß 48* 2 do .....11214 23 do .......48* 10 MocUa’nici) Bank.. 19* 15 d 0.... 48* T dr 28 lichigh C d 0... ....19* ATT JOB 1000 Vcuiia 0s Coup.,. ,73* 2000 Penna 5«,....... .73* 2000 do 73* 1000 d 0.... 73* Phiiatlelpl Thd Flfttti 1 sa&tlcel ccmUnupi? 4hUj «nd there ia very little skipping demand, with sales of 500 bbla Western extra at $5; small sales to the retailers and bakers at $4.5005 for superfine, $5®5.25 for extras, for extra family, and $6.50f1>7 bbl for fancy lots, as to Quality. Bye Flour sells slowly at $2.750S bbl.. Corn Meal is scarce; Pennsylvania is worth 32.80; Brandywine is lield at $3 ]L>bl. TVHEAT.—XIjere is not mneli offering, and damp and inferior lots are dull and neglected j sales of 7,000 bus prime Southern red at $1.15, afloat; 9,000 bus common Quality do at $1.12 5 some Pennsylvania and Western at $1.05a>1.12 j 600 bus Milwaukee Club at $1,03, and 808 bus fair Southern white at $1.20. Kye comes in slowly* and is dull; 500 bus new Delaware sold at 48®50c, and Deimsylvanht at 54c. Corn is steady; sales of 3,000 bus yellow at &5556 c, and some white at 60c. Oats aro inactive demand j sales of 5,000 bushehf Delaware at 29@Be, afloat. Dark.—rirst No. 1 Quercitron is wanted at $27 ton. Cottox is held firmly, but very little doing in the way of sales. Groceries asd Provisions.— There is very tittle doing, and we hear of no sales of either. Sugar Las ad vanced lb. Seeds.—Clovorseed is steady at buabrf. ifew Timothy ip polling, in lots, fit s2ft2*2s bushel for first* and &2.50 from second Hands. Kbi-vseed sells; on. arrival, at 139fip142c W bushel. Whisky is rather firmer; sales of Ohio now held at 19c; Pennsylvania do. at 18c, and drudge at l*Jsc gallon. New York Stock E: FIRST 1 13000vsCa<&1 regia, BS># 4000 do 89# 10000VS5s ’65,.,,*. 87# 5000 US 5a ’74 coup, 80 25000 do. 79# 'lOOO Trenß 12 p c n.. 101 10000 Trens C p c 2 y. 98# 45000 do 98# 4000 Tam St 0s ’90.. 44# 4000 do 44# 2000 Georgia St 65... 67 2000 Missouri St Os.. 44# 5000 do 44# 2000 do 44# 20000 do l>3o 44# 10000 do 44# 5000 d0,,',,,,,830 44 5000 Miss 6s iss to H. Sc St JR 48 12000 Louisiana St 6s. 50# 3000 N Car St 65..... 63# 2000 Michigan 65.... 81# 1000 Gal’a St 7s 77# 1000Brookl’nOWL. 98# 1000 Erie R 4th m bs. 70 1000 Hud RR con b. 72 3000 Mich SS Fbds. 76 3500 HI Cent It bds.. 03 5 Am Ex Banket 78 25 Bank of Rep... 78 10 Metropolitan Bk 82# 10 Corn Ex Bank.. 77 72Buirs Ilead Bk.loo 75 PacMSSCo.sSO 79 100 do 79# 25 do 797£ 25 do 79# Hew York Markets of Saturday. Flour, Ac.—The demand for 'Western and State Flour is moderate, and prices are unsettled. The stock of the low grades is light, and prices are maintained, bat the low grades are lower and irregular at the close. The sales comprise 11,270 bbls at 54.35a4.45 for super fine State and j #4,0504,95 for the low grades of lVcatem extra, 54.1D0i4.40 Tor rejected State; $4.70a 4.80 for extra State; $4.85©5 tor fancy do; $503.10 for shipping brands of round-hoop extra Ohio, and 85.1506 for trade brands do. Canadian Flour is inactive and nominal At $4.0506. Southern Flour is very dull and heavy. The receipts are fair, in part from Georgetown, and the market is heavier. i Sales of 5,400 bbls at $505.60 for mlx&l to gvvd fine Baltimore, Ac, and $0.6008 for the better grades. Rye Flour is steady* sales of 275 bids at $2,2503,50. Corn Meal is quiet at $2.80 for Jersey, and $3®3.10 for Brandywine. Grain.—Wheat early in the day was in fair demand and steady, but at the close the market was dull and heavy, the advance in freights giving buyers an advan tage. , Barley awl Barley Malt aro inactive and nonmiali Oats are unchanged, and in Mir demand; sales of Ca nadian at 27 036 c, nml State and Western »t 33034 c. Rye iB in limited request at 08c for river. Corn is in active demand, but at rather easier rates. The advance in freights gives buyers the advantage. . The demand is chiefly for export. TIIO sales are 67,006 bus at 46 for heated; 47048 c for Eastern mixed; 48»49c for shipping do, and 50c for Western yellow. Provisions.— Tho Pork Market Is lower, with mode, rftte Halim. Tlip business hn* boon 675 bids at $111.75014 for nu'Ess, $9.75010 for prime, and $13.50 for thin. Reef is steady: sales of 375 bbls ut $10.25011.50 for repacked, and $12.25013.50 for extra. Lard is heavy arid in moderate demand—sales of 606 pkgs at 8# 09c, and 9#c for choice. Cut meats are quiet; sales 60 pkgs at 4#®s cents for j.boiiMers, and s#®6# for hrun>. Butter is active at 10al4#c. Choose is in good de mand at s#a7#o. Ashes.—The market for pots is steadyjut $5.25. Pearls are lower— sales of 10 bbls at 85.25. Cokfke.—The market forfllio is quiet but firm; sales at 14®15c. Other descriptions are dull at 16® 16c, and Jamaica at 16#c. Cotton. A good demand prevails and prices are ftp-ariy i Mlbv* oFSHtWlb'ig I'pbui.lsand I’Sulfr ilt WJfr42#r* The market is quiut at U2e for and 28®29c for Barbitdoes. Naval Storks.— Crude turpentine is dull and nominal at SIOO>II. Spirits turpentine is in moderate demand, and prices are steady; sales of 400 bbls at $4.75. Iu fine rosin wc uotice stiles ofl,ooo bbls No. 1 at $6. Tar and pitch are dull and nominal. Oils.—The market is quiet for all descriptions; we Quote Linseed at 58®60c, crude Whale at 41®45c. crude Sperm MRI.aOAI.SS.' and Olive »t 93 fot Attftttttad, #3.76 ror pint), at which prices 200 eases wore soil. Bice is in limited demand at 90.50a7 per 100 ihs. aa to quality. ... SI'GAKS continue in active demand, and prices aro firm: salesof Cuba at 6#«Be, chiefly at 707« c, Porto Bico at 7«oBXe, Havana at 7*eBftc, and Hehulo at 4#®4#c. The market is dull and heavy; oaleaof 40,000 ft. prime city at B.S,'C. , - Wiiisev.—The ronrket u a shade lower. it dull a iJOARJ)?* (1200 rouim ft’.. -731£ ! 100 Hendinsr 11....b0,18i2 34 Veniui R,,,»,,.. a Markets. gErjEMOSB 7—ETCOta*. Ixchange.—Sept. 7. BOABD. 50 Rac Mail SSCo,. 79# 100 N V Cent R,.,b13 74 90 do 74 50 do 73# 50 Erie Railway..blO 25# 250 do s3O 25# 25 do 25# 100 Hudson River R.. 33# 50Harlem 1t... io# 105ecAvR,........ 82 100 Reading R 36# 25 Mich Cent R 43 25 do s3O 43 100 do 43# 100 do 43# 60Mich SABIR.--14# IQQMi&AIf IGSk,. 31# 50 d0...31 50 Panama R. 109 50 HI Ccn R scrip, s3O 67# 250 Gal & Chic B 69# 50 d0........55 69# 300 Clev St Tol 8..... 30#. 100 d 0..,,,,.... 30# 300 do 30# 100 d0..b10 80# 100 do bio 30# 100 d 0.... 3p# 100 do ..hi 90# 15 Clii ARI R U 100 d0.......bC0 44 350 do 43# 100 MiUP du Ch’n B„ 16 150 do 17 100 C B & Quincy..sSo 62 10 N J Cent R .111 50 do 112