The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 03, 1861, Image 1

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    Dollars tor Six Months—iiiyarisl'y in advance ior ~ " |
the Umo ordered. ' IBLJ
TRI-WEEKLY PRESS, ■■■■■■ 11 ' ■ ' ~ ■ " - ■- . -- - - ■ -
■ | * ~ ' ---- - ' " " ... —■ - ■ ~ ~ 1 rr "
SEABATHING, PROPOSALS. EDUCATIONAL. (jsf | (VyA ltccp pace with ilicill. Fifty-Six forms of \\T A R NEWS* writing from Richmond, under date of Augiut 19,
ggamMi PROPOSALS for ARMY BAGGAGE Uu I) £ Xt3 3 * JSuSh),SSmo7Sta?"CßßtAhv SEWARD at no*K. tin?/tfbc'the pLwganerv?f "thTwm' Yew
S B 1 mnTHO PKOF. E. D. SAUNDERS AND CORTLAND SAL'N- 0 Of entremets sweet. Of hors d’auvres, (side On Thursdny evening, the Willard Guards, of Au- may always find there n crowd of idlers; staring at
EA BAIHiAG. Quartermaster General's Office, ) . D ?, RS ’„f ■ I '?r IN ? T ? ALS ' ■— - ■ —- dislies") there arc fortv-four varieties The tun b accompanied by a largo number of citizens, the grated windows on either side of tie street,
, Washington, June 21,1881. { A School for the Physical, Moral, Social, and Intel- TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 3, 1861. , " ? °, , 1 > pieties.. Alio , a Q g-Lj , tlli3re , i t eßee . The studying human nature, and speculating audibly oe
- Proposal! we invited for the furnishing or Army Bag- 0 tectual Training of Boys and Young Men. _? _* dessert varies with .the season, but averages \ , , . ’ to the various incidents of the hour. Some-of the
ATT ANTIC CITY N J **lrw»als should state the prices at which they can be t “ n ,? phy “* >c * 1 dcTelopmen/esperially in Living in Paris—No. 3. forty-two different delicacies, and JO if may Gov. Seward appeared upon the steps, and, in must^shfrHess whUe that usefu/articlV^ader^
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Alreadyhavo we described five of the best conclude your dinner bytasting one out of response!toahe,to»d cheers, said, in substance, that goes Je drying process after a wash Thosewho
TWO AKD THREE-QUARTER HOURS FROM preferred by the bidders. amung the pupils arc insnred by the constant presence of and most renowned of Paris restaurants— thirty kinds of liqueur. The last page of the no recognized the marked impropriety m a member have tile means arc allowed the prmlego of reiM 1 '
„„„ ,T.7,T„ur« The number which can be made by any bidder within teachers, encouraging them both iu their sports and their , r ,. - „ - ci,„ carte 18 dOVOtCd to a list of wine—tliirtv-SO ven odllinet, 10 WhOlh are entrusted the secrets of dying this want. Those who have not have, in
PHILADELPHIA. one month after receipt of the order, iiigp the mnniipir studios, Latin* Greek, and Mathematic?, together with LaillCiJ, tllO O&iG (lG JrfinS> thG i r • tho Government, appearing before and addressing some instance?, been voluntarily provided from tho
which ho can deliver witUn one week. <he English branches, and French, aro thoroughly TroisFrevcsProvcnoaux, Very s s, and Vefour’s* vcd, twenty-one white, and twelve fprcign. the public oh subjects of such YH.«t moment n 3 those wardrobe of our own men. The officers occupy an
ATLANTIC CITY is now conceded to ha one of the The Wagons must exactly conform to the following tanght. In ehurt, every effort is made to give tho pupils g f detcmiinine at which house our readers These are all different—not, as'at some Of our “Off before the country. But this much ho could apartment by themselves, and fare, perhaps, more
most delightful Sea-side Reßorts in the world. Iteßath- complete hotels, one wine made to do duty on the list S ?t d ‘alStoS^
4ag Is unsurpassed; its beautiful unbroken Beach (nine as^o^°X‘<;i s to bo three reet ten inches high, hnb» A LmMioiwßEf^ 0^0 “ about the Rocher de Cancalcand the Grand under five or six names. Apropos of wine, of eight months, he had come home to see his wife, Among their amusements are those of card-playing^
-miles in length) is unequalled by any on the continent, ten inches in diameter, and fourteen and a quarter inches Tor permanent Boarding Pupils $125 V'lfol Pememhor tpo ApqpvUip who two knew WC nifty advantageously COPY here, another of . cmldrcn, and you . It they were asked how psalm'Smging, cursing, and debating. The latter
-tave that of Galveiton: its air Ib remarkable for its dry- long; hind wheels four feot ten inches high, hubs ten and For Pupils who spend Saturday and Sunday at homo 100 * * . • „ ‘ , • 41 ,_ . Jong he should stay, they could answer for him that Is jilmoet nightly the occupation Of tho Officers.
H ... ... f*- *f a quarter inches in diametor, and fourteen and a quar- For Day-boarding Pupils, who spend the nights at ten years ago—we ai*o ignorant of what changes the goiaen maxims oi u : he was given five dayaMeave of absence, and the Ely acts ns the moderator of the meeting or occa*
as«uw«iasA»t;a! ssttsarutsi^“sysisLfa^^aJSSs
amm .mw. .1.11.1.,. —n» K'.S'S'Sl.ttlSJbfu: SutSiKS . s lt' .. .. ™. J.,..,ki., ra^rl h, m i.sJI.a„.iL 1 .a„.iL a«V- „ ~ ~ „ 6 tt. to.WSS, tb.
-cleane* and broader than those of any other Sea-Bathing tire two and a half inches wide by five-eighths of an incll a reduction in the terms of $25 per session will bo made Here, b} \\ ay of preface, let us express some This is a maxim worth any money. The Fronch You will ask. tell us when the war will end .It speaker, and the smaller guns predominate m the
... thick, fastened with one screw bolt aud nut in each fellio; during tho entire course of each permanent boarding surprise at the small mention, ill books CX- , v ®, an odious custom of allowing people to have terminate next week, next month, next year, intellectual battery according to their various cali-
the country. hubs made of gum, the epokes and fellio of the best white pupil who is entered under nine years of age. Those , . , , . .. J „ half-bottles of the higher wines. The waiters, of That depends upon you. If you are brave, if you bres. The subjects aro and everything
Traihs of the CAMDKN? AND ATLANTIC BAIL- oak, free from defects :oach wheel toliavcasand band and who are not entered before they are seventeen years of prcssiy cicvotca to Jr&risiAn lllc, 01 the Kostau- course, fill up the bottle with an inferior sort, and are loyal, if you arc noble, the war will soon be you can imagine, ranging on the °gainut from tho
ROAl> leave TINE-STREET WHAEF, Philadelphia, linchpin band two and three-yuarter inches wide, of No. 8 age will pay an extra sum of $25• per session. This ad- r ants. A pleasant book to read is Mr. J. seal it again ;so that you freauently ret your brought to a successful issue. If you have the solemn to the ridiculous.
-daily, ttt A. M. and 4P. M. Returning, roach Phila- - rSl^.iL 5 " o Li onfv 0 nf v ’2* non. thomas a. r. nelson.
Aelplna at 9A. M. and < P.M. Taro, 81.80. Inch by throe-sixteenths in thick.... ; the hind wheels to A large reduction its made in favor of young IMU who c h,l es soen tlirouch Amor if ill Snectaclcs ” thi 1 riehl ,1™ e Imm r,« 1 /id irt jona l tlio mminn- of T ? ee cltl " The Louisville Journal thus commenta upon the
Bound-Trip Tickets, good for Throoßays, 82.50. Dla- be made aud boxed so that they will measure from tlio in- are prepuring for the ministry cipics iecii tliroughAmerie.iti Spectacles, a taiel is played off. It corUmly “ llo f' If ? ollnle surrender of Hon. Thomas A. R. Nelson to Jeff
.anea fin miles A telaerarii extends tha whole lanath of side of tho tiro to tho large end of the box six and a half Further iutormation may be obtained irom tho Princi- published 111 18od, IS full of information about Mjuies the respectability of the house, and ovon equally as brave, as devoted to the cause of your v,avis •
tance, 60 miles. A telegraph extends the whole length or inches, and front wheels six and one-eiglith inches in a pals, or from the following persons, who are among those p . L,,! noiflipv vrdmiif vnvs anvthimr about endangers tile throne of the Bourbons. I ought country, ns they are m their cause, tho war must uw, have alwavs had a liinh oninion of Mr Nel
the Bead. jylO-tr p ara iiei line, and each axle to be three feet eleven and who have Sons or Wards boarding iu the Seminary at a aris, out ncittiei volume sajs an} tiling about here in gratitude to mention, that at Privot't. one soon terminate; but if they are more courageous, I"®* 1
jg rr~ three-eighth inches from the outside of ono-shoulder the present time: its restaurants. It is so with other books. Wu of the best of tho second-rate restaurateurs, I have more active—if they are the strongest—thon the son , ™ “is act, unuer an me circumstances, is a.,
FOE GAPE MAY.—The washer to the outside Of the other, so as to have the Mr. William Allen, Philaddphia; Hon Joshua Baker, , f . rcoollortiml of s omethinw hcillff d™uli delicious Chateau grilti-o wine very rare- duration of the war is indeed an uncertainty. It
__ d cnmfertable Bnv steamer wagons aU to track five feet from centre to centre of the Franklin, La.; Mrs. E. V. Bennct, illiamsimrt, Pa.; Ila ' o a lal,lt ICCOUCCIIon OI SOllieiUing being ] T found in the Cartes ’’ f, amniinls to ilist, this—an nnnnnl has heeu ninrle hv cnse Of Mr. Bridges, tlOWflver. Who, like Aelsomwaa
s'bTOBTB ■BrAUTIINGTOV ” Cawt-dw W WMUdin wheels. Axletrees to be made of the best uuality refined Hon. Wm. Bigler, Clearfield, Pa.; H.n. S. li. Browne, said about tllC SUhieCt ill Sir FrttDCiS Head’S 7 „ . , , , .
IcaTes ß ArcU-^ee^ H wharL J for A “"lcau iron, two and a half inches square at the Philadelphia; Ml'. Janicsßurke, Jr.Philftaolphia; l>raf. „ tf F , o*;„l.„ . Av ii/r IQ-1 !1 | Here WU must cimcllldu, leaving tho Grand y a' Nelson, was caught by the Confederates while at
„a Friday moraiug it lx o'clock. Bl >onidor, tapering down to one and a half inch in the P. A,Crecar, Principal of the Girls' lligli School, Phila- «i' nggot Ot 1« rend) Mieks ;or I ails in 18-jl. | (el f anot]lC r dav. The storv of the ballot 'V ox .’, to ., t ’ lo ea . nn ®“ 3 mo “ t . l1 1 lf th < : majority tempting to escape to Washington, is still more
Rfltnminp lunvca the landfn“- Tliura- middle, -with a scven-oigliths inch king-bolt liolo in oflcli dalpkia; Mr. H. J. Crocherou, Mobile, Ala.; Mr. A. 1. Ycstcrd&v, WC VG-rc<ul (i The Ins anfl Outs of .. now submit, it is only because they arc less brave, curious *He didn't wait to be nut in jail but pro
iiSloS Tuesday, ruurs. axletre ’ e washora an(l if llcllpi „ s for Kleh oxlctrce; size of Damon, Philadelphia: Mr. W. C. Denny, Pittsburg, Pa.; „ 5 ,, ... . . (Cllllliary) lioro wIIOSO name it preserves is of tiuo, and courageous. tt®' v ° ■fi’ 1
’F*?e c?arr?4e SI 50 linchpius oife inch wide, three-eighths of an inch thick, Mr. F. P. Dimpfel, Sarby; Mr. W. Firmstone, Kaston, Pans,” by Madame de Margucrittes, who lias .. , f „ f ; . For the past hundred days I have seen three '
w«h a ho!e in each end a wooden stock four and three- Pa.; Mr. H. J. Fitzgeiald, Philadelphia; Hon. J. W. exhibited the internal life and external features " olU, > “ Chptcml .llhclt. thousand bravo men hastening each day to the ,?„ S fZ 1“ Umtad
FfAtplrf tikkMi atthauTOallowratefl Quarter indies wide and four mcliea deep fastened sub- Fovuuy, Editor of The Press, Plnlmlolphm; C. . ... . >■ field of action, and three thousand who were citi- b rn? Ana nuu rmsingme regiment.
Stanninn Sd Hew tod returning stantially to the exletree with clips on the ends and with Guerin, Hewark, N. J.; Mr. Wm. J. Horstmun, Phila- of Pans more spiritedly and accurately than English News of Literature and Art zens to-dav will bo in the camn to-morro/ Vo, -Those revolutionary times throw up some strange
Stopping at Mew Castle going tod returning. two bolts, six inehes from the middle, and fastened to the dolphin; Mr. W. Irvin, Clearfield county, I'a.; Mr. Win. anv 0 ti„„. , V ritm-_lmf she tor) has milvn few n ' *' uewlurc anu MI. zei Sto clay will bo in tne camp to-morrow, lou specimens of human nature to the vision of mortals."
J>4 - tsol * ■ hounds aid bolster, (the holster to be four feet five inches Kennedy, Philadelphia; Mr. Joseph Kerr, Philadelphia; aa y Otliei WlltLl—but SllC, too, has Oil!} a lew j Enousil Bqok T RAnE._Mr. Murray an- “ l, ’ d never fight for a cause more glorious ; you 1 oPDEREn to tup. potowac-
~ ’ long, five inches wide, aud three aud a half deep.) with Mr. John Leisenring, Superintendent and Chief En- w r ords on the Restaurants,' 111 fact, authors I , rre n r. . . e,, ]. • ~, - , COUld never fall for a country more w-orthy of sa-
SUMMER RESORTS. W half-md, holts. J gineer Lehigh Coal aud Navigation Comnany. Bluueli tl , linvl> frfmo vsllr nsolmienrl tbo snliinet ! f “ The Ltves of tho Lnguieere, ; with aa er jfiCo. Nashville, Aug. 29-The Charleston Mercury
SJUr/wwmr The tongue to be tan feet eight inches long, four inches ChuiiK, Pa.; Hon. J. W. Mnynnrd, W illiarasport, Pa.; hbciu to llrli C guiu .ill} LSLULW lu nit. MutjLLL. . account of tlietr principal works; comprising also I return to-inorrow ; when I shall again sec you. of the 27th ult. learns from reliable authority that
EAGLE HOTEL, ATLA&iTIC GI LI, wide and three inches thick at front end of the hounds, Mr. P. B. McNeille, Philadelphia; Mr. W. lteud, Now Not all of them, however. As fill’ hack as j a history of Inland Communication in Britain, by I know not. It has been my wish, that when I pass Gen. Braxton Bragg has been ordered to report for
is now open with a aa J two . “ uuarter inches wide by two and three- Bninswidi, N. J.; Mr. C. E. Thompson, Cliicuge, 111.; -g g . ~ . , _ 11111118111 Maoinn writing liis ' Mr. Smiles the author of the “ Life of ftemw Rto- away mv hones may repose in your midst; but duty with the army of the Potomac. Gen. R. H.
LABGE ADDITION OF BOOMS. quarter inches deep at the front end, aud so arranged as Mr. T. B. Wattson, Philadelphia; Mr. B. 11. Bartol, me miL Ail. » liimin .tiagtim, luuinfe ms mi. oiuncs, uiL autnor 01 inc me otueorge bto- ,J, L_*™h o,i, i, u Anderson succeeds Gen Brat-o in the command at
Board 87 per week: Bathing dresses included. to lift up, the front end of it to hang within two feet of Philadelphia; Mr. James Sykes, Washington. au3l-lui famous “MaxilllS of O’Dohertv,” ill Black- phenson,’-and “ Self Help.” Messrs. Groombridge ib o „ reat trusts imnose'd in trial mnv Pensacola °°
Ants im the ground when the wagon is standing at rest on a level ~ , , •’ . , A Pons nuhlish Mnrvnta nf Pand life m, at- tr t tne great trusts imposed in inis great trial, may rcn.acoia.
_- n - - —; surface. TONG’S AGADEMY for Yruinn- Mop woods Magazine, touched upon the great and “ »-bns puniisn manois ot Pona-utc, by Mr. 11. J. my bones never be laid m the midst of those who
.OBA BATHING, ft,re» e -eMeS tO , 5 e ei . x , feet t T° Inches long, J_j and Bav Cor „ cr of ukjhth and button- solemn question of dining well in Paris. He Slaok > bamg lear ’ s Microscopic'Recreations have proved false to their principles and unfaithful a despatch dated Sept. Ist says:
£5 BKIGANTINE house, SSTtolSSta iTTTod “ n “y room,, WUU ffl . oto , also, of coffee, which wo fear is T 0 In f as ona, Rotifers, Water tc t heir country.
brigantine BEACH, H. J. iaws of the lioundfl one foot eiriit inches lon» and three use of a large Gymnasium for Physical Exorcise. ’ 5 ’ ’ ‘ Bears, and Polyzoa. and adding another to tho and my duty, and, supported faithfully, oureause Corpsinthiscounty.wcreorderedtoarrestavio-
Kow open for the season. The Bathing, Fishing, Guu- . inches SQiuire at tlie front en<l,’ivitli a plato of iron two au3l-6t* F.DONLEAVY LONG, A. Si., Principal. seldom good out of Pans. By the way, what long list of popular books on natural history. falter our Government will never be over- lent Secessionist living some ton miles west of here,
aing, and Yachting being very superior. and a half inches wide by tliree eighths of au inch ~~ a world of wisdom there is in tlio “Maxims.” 1W AGo rc-Tnihlish in i vhesn lnrown - On approaching the house, the lights were put out,
Boats will await guests at the inlet on amval of trains, thick, fastened on top of the hounds over the back end EBMANTOWN INSTITUTE -n , , . ~ , , , ’ ®“f rs ’ lloU tlcd o e A t,o. re publish, tn acheap impoiitant movement in new TOUK—ENPOIiciXb and the owner, learninn their intention fired a
Board per week 88. P. 0. Address^ Attantic (kg. of the tongue with one half-inch screw bolt in each (j MAIN Street above Price. ’ 01 ! exain P lc ’ 4 J llat sa g acit . v > knowledge of edition, another work in the same line—Mr. Frail- the confiscation act. double-barrellcil shot-gun, killing two of the Re
iyS-2m " * Proprietor. end’, end mo » Lnif°Lci',L B ? p Tho above Institution will be openod for the reception society, and delicate politeness in the follow- cis's Beach Rambles in search of sea-side pebbles. The Now York Tribune gives the following par- serve Corps. They then burst open tho door, and
- T >,yiyi: — tt/vttovtT rifvrrirfi 171 vu rHT hounds together and fastened on the eed of Young Gentlomen SEPTEMBF.It 9tli, 1881. jpg ; and crystals. Mr. Virtue has published in two ticulnrs of this coup, which embraces marine pro- killed him and another man, who fired and ran.
T IGHT HOUSE COTTAGE, AT- front endof hounds, with half inch screw bolt through Further imrticulartionappHc.itioii to “In helping n lady to wine always fill tho glass volumes quarto a series of engraved views of scenes l>erty to the value of several nilllions of dollars ; Thereis a camp Of ~CCCS3lonists in that neighbor-.
J-l LANTIC CITY, tho nearest House to the safest eaeh hound, a seven-eighth inch bolt through tonmie c _ . "in the vnru lfrim 5™ in Tt „i v piedmont to thi- Tiher with a de. lh<! surveyor ot the P«rt, having previously Ob- hOOd, a fOW UllleS distant. Seventy Of the Reserve
part of the beach, is now open fOT the. Season. and hounds in the centre of iaws, to secure the tongue S ‘ f, or ' of GBELN aud BllltMlOUsk Streets. r a i,V’ a ' ary lr ,' i r euat o“ prevente them from m Italy, from Piedmont to the liber. With ade | taj nct i information in regard to all tho ships in the i Corps left here this morning to hold them in check
ten T rnttnoa^rid DDuitTcti'a iu tho ao,nKiB i 8 BIM® of Iron tliree inches wide, one M3c-lf : taking many glasses at a time, and I have seen scnptive narrative, by Mr. Dudley Costello. Lady j harbor which were owned in whole or in part by until reinforcements can bo obtained.
KO LIQTJORS SOLI) ON THE PREMISES. quarter inch thick, and one foot eight inches long, ftittl) gETIM A NTOWW AfIADFIIYTY crcss looks when the ride has been neglected by Julia Lockwood has written a life of Cyrus. King j persons residing in the seceded States, save notice
*“"°s?i. srte«cia«saiaißSss - * »*«-«, <» r»»v i» a
-Trrv AATATA at xr tt,\ttcl7 \7Ap mTj fi A tongue, where the tongue and hounds run together, 1861. The Principal will receive a few Boys into his S O has completed his History of Methodism, in a i °® ec , r3 *® await A PSALM OF FREEDOM.
-TTIAJMMANY HOUSE, NOBTH GA- secured in like manner; a brace of seven-eighths of an Family. J. U. WITHINGTON, rants, shows hIS fine observation, Ills IIICC third volume, which is occupied with Modom !°i !? ht ? A 7 St ![ d 7 minS ' : rv iiflex jiusios ivaltov.
X KOLINA AVENUE, near the Depot, ATLANTIC inch round iron to extekd from under the front axle- an29-18t* Principal. ,ii«.rimio.tinn ™,l l,i, ri,i„ 4) T OLCUFI ™ lU0 “ 0T “ | Punctually at that hour the surveyor proceeded i s.mos
CITY. tree, and take two bolts in front part of the hounds, Tn , —mtooeo —T) E-WV) tuttt t —tttY <lls Crinimatlon, anil Ills plum gOOCI At Methodism. Messrs. Longman A Co. have been I to the bargo-offlee with Inepeetor Brown, and eiH* I ll
The But>scriber takes pleasure in informing hia former same brace three-quarters of an inch round to continue l I iiiL JM.loopjo hljjljD \\ 1-Lixi XvJli- tho time pne is forct/d (0 tt'Ollllcr WllCl'C Mil* CflllCd fOf ft ffi-issuo of tho peren rolumca j ploying the revenue eutter G, B(r&(/CC&\ With thQ The inud where heroes ivorsliJlJ
patrons and the pubbe that he has reopened the above to the back part of tlio hcniwla, and to he fivstoiied With X OPEN tliolr SCHOOL at 11b! LOCUST Street, on p.:. m pfv.iifl lijivp im hie HiawWlpa nf aircaciv uublMied of Mr jSncddinff'3 admirable 1 fifty officers referred to above, proceeded to take ‘ Lies weeping for the South;
ftifi be happy to please »U who may V'? ck ! he MONDAY, Septemhor 2d. nM-Gi* S 111 1? COUia l)d\ e piCkta Up llg Uiowledgd ot. treacly Mr. ng 3 aUm rawe , of all the ships to port/beloncinK. in ■ Iter valleys rock with smoko-drift*
favor fiun with a call. one through the slider and hounds; a brace over front —■ — — Pans in 1824—two years before lie went tin- edition of Lnoon. Itoiu Mias Julia Corner we i nr in norf fn p;t:,L 0 np „ 1P ~ .
je23-3m ELIAS CLEAVES, Proprietor. holster one and a half inch wide, one-quarter of an inch T>EMOYAL THE ACADEMY FOR j . ; J « throe-vnlumo unvol rntitted «r».lvertev Whole or m part, to Citizens ot btates 111 IDaUTreC- Pom-od from the cannon s mouth.
— - thick, with a bolt in each end to fasten it to the bounds* l"k ~,V -&-*-*• iiiu awu/juiiii i uxt tiler—lo act as regular correspondent for the “ a ' e a three volume novel, entitiea Lulverley j tion, and placed on hoard of each revenue officers | Then strike, freemen, strike!
QEA - BATHING.—THE UNITED o*® opening between the jaws of the hounds, to receive o C °u" N new dailv newspaper Started bv John Murray, K “ e > : ' and from Mrs ‘ Gordo,l Sm y thies anotller > i to ho ‘ d ‘ he ) .f“ a " nti ' t! } e necessary proceedings i F u r towering Bunker Hill;
’55 STATES HOTEL, ATLANTIC, N.J., is now open ‘be tongue, and four and three-uuarter inches in front, tentlYstreet^mid'wfil on MONDAY Sen' 11m ™l,lkiier in lie nf 18-W ' J entitled “Alone in the World.” Mr. Dickens's ; ®"“ be instituted for their confiscation under the : K-membcr Lexington,
This is Ibe largest and’bes,-furnished So- wltta l™b'>Bier.n the spring of 182 b, audcditod 11GreatE xp ectations '> has aifoady reached a third i STS nST d f “l ?U ’ 1 And con,me,• with a wifi ■
tel on the Island, and being convenient to the beach, *i I wS e ft „iu J.-”, * l ”. r , et } w * inches long, two and r oflrd for circulars, nimlv at the school by Disraeli, then a youngster of twenty-one, 1 . audofihece uoout an equal proportion Of ships, i
tod surrounded by extensive and weU-shaded grounds! ‘ h J?® “ ch “ wU V J™' aSc-lrn T, BIIANTL Y LANGTON, rriucinal. «Vivian Prnv » rimitab I,J edltlon - ! barks, brigs, and schooners. iWe Of tho vessels i H
ta a dertrabieboye for families, it is lighted With gas, bolstar fo i £ e t flv e ,toh« ln tholl S h utteii, had The excellent article on the late Count Carour i and cargoes are rery valuable, and altogether il is Hew down the brood magnolia.,
ctatv'will f',™! 1 * ThTcms lw ««• «nd« TT I>- GBEGOBY, A. M., WILL not then been printed. Maginn’s visits to in the last Qu.rter/y, is said to be from the pen of estimated that several millions of dollars will pro- The cotton fields lay waste;
fitop at the door of the Hotel for tho convenience of wide, by one-half inch thick, turned up two and -Lie reopen his Classical and English School, No. Paris, before lie TVrotc the “Maxims of o*Do- Mr. La yard. babJy accrue to the Government. Near by her pine-lauds
guests JEBEMIAH McKIBBIN, aetolrtCT llOB MARKET Street, on MONDAY, September 2d. herty,” must have been few, and brief, and far Lady Llanorer, it is said, has three more vo- j THE si-iiut of seyentv-six once hour. Pitch all your tents in haste!
half-inch screw bolts, and one half-inch screw bolt —— between, because he did not mako London Tiis lumes of Mrs. Delany’s Memoirs nearly, ready for : The express yesterday delivered at the Treasury T l ien n ? rike * utrika
cabinet rcRNiTCRE. *sKsgr?ss; „ » r «»“' ““ ' 53cra‘: s£:s asfte .xrsssi
CABINET FURNITUBE AND BIL* inftif/hv’nTmt n,rL!‘n”,f,rtar f 'r^!"!, <:I 'm W '! u Will reopen nn WEDNESDAY, lltk IS2S \ et, m tho September of tlwt year, Uti writes w " k ' .. _ . | verbatim copy If one “shoemaker of limited In milky Matches gleaiu!
4J Lf AE fr tlulls CHESTNCT Street. 8 u27-lm thus knowingly about living in Paris : Tr llr ' P®aco®l k s new tal. is euttUed “ Barren. 11 aorlj ? m.
MOOBE & CAMPION, A BEAU GUREAU, TEACHER OF “In Paris there is no restaurateur whose house ‘for September appear i the meA«ta’J i Let no foot ofland be given-
No. 261 South SECOND Street, hind end of the pale eight feet nine inches; king bolt one French and Drawing, No. 1530 SANSOM ha -T? Mr Charles Reade has completed another novel ‘ Middle States, and the Great West do? Make no room for tyrauU, »fceio
in connection with tbeir-extensive Cabinet Business are anda quarter inches diameter, of best relined iron, drawn Street. au27-12t# had long experience of them, and can speak with : Mr. Charles Ke de has conp etc 1 another el, . But to the letter; it ha 3 the genuine rintf : Our own beloved heroes
now manufacturing a superior article of down to seven-eighths of an inch where it passes through m rjn nT a cqtg a t TMorrTrrTTrro? 10-7 lieauvilliers is a good quiet house, 1 but has not yet found.a publisher. j Amesbucv Mills. Mss?., ) Long stood the gi«r«!
BILLIARD TABLES, the iron axletree; iron plate six inches long, three inches ' I 'flL IjJjAoolvAij llNoll±Ui-ih 3 lA i Where you get all the regular French dishes admi- \ A Sunday “London Halfpenny Newspaper,' 7 August 26 JBGI ( Then strike, freemen, strike!
And have now on hand a full supply, finished with the wide, and one-eighth of an inch thick on tho doubletree JL North TENTH Stroet, wiU reopen BEFTEM* rably dressed. Ilis fricassees (It poulet arc not I -rnm!«ioff to ipsuo four editiona everv fiimrlav willi iron c., unv P Piiacu & * Ami never smv the arm
MOORE * CAMPION’S improved CUSHIONS, and tongue where they rub together; iron plate one and BED 2. to bo surpassed ; they have a dolloaio flavor of th® iK ? * ? edition cveiy Sunday wiUi . lion.. nn r ri „ . And never suy the arm,
which are pronounced, by all who have used them, to bo a half by one-qnarter of au inch on the sliding bar, fas* Deference—Professor Ceolob Allen, Pennsylvania almGlld, Which is ouite inimitable and his -nntp<! the latest HOWS, lifts commenced. i foec y D, y., U. b A A» long a© tebel foe
all oilier.. ‘eucd at each end by a screw bolt through the hounds; University. 0. SEIDENSTICKEK, aud rol-an-vn>ts are superb. But he ha“uether Captain Muync Roid has a new novel, “A Hero , Duau Sir :I arna shoemaker of hmited means. Would do our country harm!
For the quality and finish of these Tables the manu- front bolster to have plates above and below eleven au27-12t# Principal. hi.nnr his v-ebi.™ .a ..rin.Tww._T o.u. „r vii„,=oiF j. but I want to lend Government this hundred dol
facturer. refer to their numerous patrons throughout the inches long, three and a half inches wide, and three- 7- ' _ ■ S „™?i SOn e .n r ' 7 7 ' 111 I^o Himself, m thret volumes, nearly Inrs to assist it a little in maintenance of its au-
Union, who are familiarwitb the charactarof their work, eighths of an inch thick, corners drawn out and turned TNSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES. aoa ‘by any means agree with .those people who ready for publication. i thority—its existence. Who would not rather die
_an2s--jjm _ I fourroimtermnk I Sails^tan■“wV”" I S. E. corner of MARSHALL and SPRING GAB- burnoPhettlr Ssn’thi/nf^h^rt 16 ’fi o ®!* Some Edinburgh publishers, it is reported, are ; The reason I send it to you. rather than invest it In brave defence of light,
i LOOKING GLASSES. ! tbc’hind bo™d“?w!f r a ndtwo andT iSf ’inri«s wide.of »EN streets. . „ StoseJ. th“gln which Vfery o^r. first j soma money out of the prospective repeal here, is r X want-to give Uncle Sain al i tho profit, j Ami wear tlio mart) r s crown
IMMENSE REDUCTION , and one quarter of an inch thick. Doubletree three feet TTIU FENDS’ ACADEMY FOR BOYS Brohdiiriinff T r 7 th 6^ ar ' allowed on all books and paper exported from tiffs i m6 or bearer one hundred dollars on dcmaild Ly 'Ti. for yom-roontryl) fame;
J “ ; ten Indies long,singletree two feet eight inches long, all H 7.. T .r « ttt? tod rto ehomhl^tin'of ibi ‘ • U^ e tte oooltW7 country. They are, therefore, shipping their quire time after the twenty-sixth of August, eighteen
t * a : well iiuulo of hickory, TritU an iron rinc and clin at Barb «JL» AND YOUNG SIEN, East of 41 North ELE* flncl tha chambertiti 6i tho J?rois f rives proven • , , . *nv,Hn*»,+oi _..i „. _ t Lnniiro/i nn/? s*»vAnt p-nno ( a oAis, ioti i hlay all iici ciiciiHfi3—•
LOOKING GLASSES* . : end, centre dip to be well secured; lead bar and TENTH Street, reopens Ninth month (September) 2d. oauar, but I think this house has fallen off latterly stock to a neighboring continental port, pocketing . without interest If tunes ? are imrd with hnvorn >Viu for yourselves a name,
to PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, i stretcher to be three feet two inches long, two and a Al j denominations admitted. *l2 per termof f 22 weeks. m everything bui: those delicious salads-’ Spots df j the drawback, and will bring it. back to Leith as j “iwUl -
-BY . , .... i quarter inches wide, and one tod a quarter inch thick. an 2. -Im W. W HITALL. greenery,’ as Mr. Coleridge calls them. Tho . soon as October allows paper to. enter duty free. ; t nj. v. _ ou rn , „ ® rj „ 7 .n. 7 ■
PICT up mPEOTOGEAPH FRAMES. ; leadmutasta /GERMANTOWN FEMALE SEMI- ! tat I The Liter Atuke of rH£ Bbitish Mbthodists. \ L way. invest it in the next wav that 2S, saif-
JAMES S. EARLE & SON, I t„ l.ookto the endof the fifth chain, the wheel' ' V>T NABY, West WALNUT DANE. | Wewhatmvfriend^n'nSadfsentan?’ —The report of the Wesleyan, Book Room states ; will be most profitable to Government. Longlife Gave out tin ir llood like water
- sir cimemTiT CT®m I and middle pairs with open rings to attach them to the This Institution will reopen WEDNESDAY, Septem- " ,„,, 7 r is di cl sf r ' Ant iberohave been sold durlrmrihevoar IS6U-S1; ito Uncle Sam! Gave on tin u blood like watu
* ; 810 CHESTNUT 6XBEET, , dontletree and lead bar her 4th. _ ncai-aml odor. where cap d«na * 1 nnA “.. , i \ My best respects to hone?t Abraham, a generous On ba«»o-Dcl-ls of sla*n.
Annonnce,fce reduction of 25 per cent. In the prices of all : Tlic.fifth chain to be ten feet long to the fork; thefork flii-culftra, ertti*g forth terms, course of instruction, Yn * ro1 ? SO ,VP ®°^ n . *° Cnragoa, iaat tho Rooher jOf tracts, 1.000,000 ,ot tracts witn printed covert, : port ion of the same to yourself. Titen strike, strike!
Vie Manufactured Stock of Looking Glasses : also, in ; one foot ten inches long, with the stretcher attached to &c., Ac., may bo Obtained of de Uancale, though it stands in a villainous dirty j 3,700,000; of six-ponay magazines per month, 18,- ; 1 Mav the bIOSSinSTOf God make VOIIV effort to wva Sw«et Liberty li<w low;
Kngravingsi Picture jmdPh.tegraph Frames, Oil Paint- ; a?id PR eiehtli? aor a? EO;F ' walter S ‘ Lit, street. If anybody wants to know hOW far the 500 ;of shilling magazines per month, 10.000 ;Of ! OUI beloved QOUDtry successful! Strike for her mire uplifting—
ings. Tfio and most elegant assortment in the , t„. fl,ofork«l chiin in daSr; --- Koche^stochinv^ffST fViseivowuf DerVon 6 the Christian Miscellany, 57.000; of the Sun- ■■ Most respectfully yours. ... strike a wcU-diwcwd Mow!
Country, AraraODHOVtunity ia now offered tomato purf ; the fifth chain to be seven-sixteenth inch diameter to f I IHOMAS BALDWIN’S ENGLISH Hkemy3elf Pe The^o'up3arebcvondali r prS3e— and day-School Magazine, SB,000; of the penny j UmvAP.n P. Mallack. _
EAftLE-s galleries. [ " ! —L- SSt 5S£ f S' IJSSAMffi ; “ifligg, ta-*-.
iyO-tf? 816 CHESTNUT Street. i foot deep, ten feet long at the bottom, and ten f«t six /-qT.ASSTOAL INSTITUTE liocher de Cancale, on the l?th of January, eellaneous works, juu,uuu. ine profits in the year- ( Blij-ical aisamiity alone pro enfe my a »3tatmg Loud-cliaiuited by our sires,
, inches at the top, eloping equally at each end nil in the i UiAOOIUAXi IHOIIIU Ilh, Rnnes Canralimsis estn nernetna ’ have been over £5,000, which are devoted to the “ volunteer. Jl. I.IV. wten tl.ey 0,.r country free!
llbmvt’SS ; clear or inside; tlie bed pieces to lie two and a half inches Ay Street, above SPRUCE. ! ; purposes of the denomination. I The success which lias attendod the new loan 13 Then strike, freemen, -trike t
j wide, and tliree inches deep: front pieces two inches deep T '.e classical institute W.U «,te duties The compliment, 111 the aI)0U5« Maxim,” to I F r ,- I[I(lus AcrooiiAT-ns -The first nsrt nf Mr ’ tlie most extraordinary in tho history oflinanoial Tlie loita rmarc on voi. cam
-fjl PETTIT, REAL ESTATE .hj t'™ '“f balf inches wide; tail piece two and ahalf on MONDAY, September 2d. t]lc K oclier tie Cancale, naturally introduces !p n 11181 part 01 Mr ‘ i affairs. Already, oven before the notes arc ready, To"retaferKrmllw™^
JH, > normTiTriTi, V »«; inches -wide and three inches deep; and four inches deep „„ „ J. W. A. ai., ’ _ i Robert Coles eoHcction of autographs and manu- i thirty-seven hundred anDlications have been mndn lo riuke tor I uvdom»cau.e,
r ftil -ygggp ns 10 «‘ c in question. Here we j scripts Uag been dispersed by Messrs. Pnttiok & forit LNcwYmkcnfFromtbc mUUoZre And build her battle walls!
wnutteudton.eFmel.ase, Exchange, or ’ ! Tl/TARGARET ROBINSON WILL ; hnd that, to begin ivitli the beginning, wc must j Simpson. The following lots arc of interest: “Af- down to the servant giri, and the old woman with ■■ -
Hesl Estate in tlie city and country. Money invested in j wide; three etnds and one rail in front, with a seat on j iVI. reopen her SCHOOL for GIItLS, corner of BACK condescend to he slightly geographical. ton lirncS.” song, in the autograph of Robert Burns, ? er stocking of gold, tho applicants are throng- FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL.
nM procured mi mortgage. I andJBANKLIN Streets, Ninth Month 9t h. Know, then, gentlest of all gentle readers, | £3 Cs.; several Tradesmens Account, &
A CAKD.—lid Jo LU\DJhxttelta-i\JliDj front side, nine and a half inches deep, and eight and a that this Rock of Cancale derives its name i Burns, £5 Ss.; Autograph Letters and Papers,j-e- _____ THE MONEY MARKET.
JA. late of the GIRARD nouKE, Philadelphia, have half inches at the top in parallel line to the body all in ] /CENTRAL INSTITUTE, TENTH f.. om c-mcale tvliicli Liimincott-’s Gazetteer of lating to Caroline, Queen Consort of George the more prisoners for fokt lafavette.
teased, for a term of WELLARD’S HOTEL, iu the clenr, to be substantially fastened to the from endof !i j . qpwtvg GARDEN Streets will rcooen SEP- Uosn uanc J- ue > iMUbii LtippuiLUii 5 irdZCUCCr Ot , & _ . ~ J 6 • Mr. Frederick Grove, a Southern gentleman, who Philadelphia. Sept. 2, 1861.
Washington. They take this occasion to return to their tlie to have an iron strap passing round each end, j Bora prepared for Business, or the World sets down as “a seaport town of i hourth, m 9 rols., *l, ese papers form a secret been some time a resident of Brooklyn, was ar- The nt the Stock Board was a little more
old friends and customers many tlmnks for past favors, secured to tlis.head piece,tod front rail by a rivet in ™^.“JriMinfoe PuhC CML S 1 .li-Dirtnicnt of Tlio ot Viliino nn a ! h!slor y of this cause ccleh-e, -Sir Francis Chan- rested by Detectives Sampson and Devoe, on Satur- Tlie bUsUie?? at tne MOCK Hoard was a tittle more
&nd beg to assure them that they will be most happy to ; frontrail witi°i"hvo eood’strta bin -or ''a i school-room between 9a. ]>i. and 12 m. | ian< v c ’ depai tiuciito cet T ilaiiie, on a . Ledger-book of the busts, monuments, and day. at the instance of the United States Govern- j acd ‘ ve toda7 ’ m . ucll c^an S e * a Ibices,
nee them IU them new quarters. ciiadwiok&co _ ; H. G. McGUIBE, A. M., Principal. | hay of tllC 51.1110 name ,I.7:tU« English Cliaunel, ; , es S ecutcd by Mm, £3 55.; a Letter of Cow- ~. _ , , Statefivcsfelloffl.C.tys.xesweresteady.Rcaa-
WASHIXOTOS, July 16,1851. ai.23-ly - ‘lie top edge, and two straps same size on the lid near I T TMWD/vn WATT DAT fiirem'V I 8 nl,lcs 1-- - E - 01 ‘ St - Mal °- Population in the POet, £3 OS. I a VOIUQIO Of Autoaranh Let- A Mr. Trilliams, arrested IM Boston, and a man mg Railroad shares advanced tolvj, Camden mid
—-JL ■ v --lz = :- —__ . _,vv the front edge, to prevent the mules from eating the ■ | INii OOD HALL, ON OIiELiEN , ,o-.-, _ „r. ana Hood ano.liorao-o is frnmrl 1 pw > mv pum, os. ,u »mume uiixuLugriipn aiei name d Reynolds, whose apprehension was effected Amhnv Railroad shares sold at 111}, Minehill Kail-
TOHN WELSH, Practical SLATE boxes; to have a joint hasp fastened to the middle Of JLj AVENGE, near YORK KOAD STATION, North ■ ■ ■ i ' nir n" ° i O ; ter3 and other papers lllu.trative of the biography in Norwich. Conn., were conveyed to tho same IW Nsniilmra liailmii il4S l mil Snr,,™
tl RWFEIi, THIRD Street and GERMANTOWN tae . M > Mtth a good wooden cleat on the inside, a strap , Pennsylvania Railroad, seven miles from Philadelphia. i between it and sonic l’OCks off the shore, from ; 0 f celebrated criminals, £ll Its.; this volume con- 'place, on similar charges, bv the same opportunity. road . J "l J},orn . ,own aro “ ‘ c *>.) antt spruce
Bead, is preparbd to put on any amount of ROOFING, 1 'fTstan ’tim*^'rioM 0 «t, t ‘V ,I °o ,, i 3 t lns i < t A . l S’§=. B0 -o BI>IN<i anll x?o^V)?^^ H( i 0I l tur '■ which ovsters are oxtcnsivelv fished.” Draw ! tained a receipt signed by Francis Blackbeard, Mr. Williams, who is an Indian trader, came East and Pine street I assenger Railway at ij.
•n the most MODERATE TERMS. Will guaranty to • *“rpu„h it, to fasten the lia to^ ,eioht 0 ht studs and tno , YOLNG LADIES will reopen oil MONDAY, Septem- , • .. n o ~ i _ ~ wii ~ l for the purpose of purchasin’, scalping-knives toma- Tlie money market is unchanged.
m»i™ „,r, Bm-Min. m-rfeotiv Wstar.tiriit . rails on each side; one bolster fastened te the body, ber2d ! a straight line, directly south, irom the ex- Jonathan Wild, and other rascals, for blood ior mepurpu-eui puieimsiu oeai[«u o nunes, lornu _,
gggaag ,; i 1 “• TT n r.«sr
F ILE ; SsSHS-SHSft I *’aCS’ ! % ff STI ! = f TSSZ »
Files and Basps of every description, and good quality, nut to top nf roil; » plats two and a half inclie’s wide, ! T7UIT iP A TTfIM fVP' VOTTYfI T.ADThiS i dll milou i Aram; a Deed signed by Daiiel He Roe, and his The bark (SctO, Capt. Follansbee, which arrived 1 nrnmt aimi wmmw
made to order, nt tlie above establishment. .of No. 10 band iron on tail niece, across the body; twi [ L’DULAIIUN UB X UUINtx HAHIRiS. ; (HI miles. ! daughter, £4 10s; Letter of Dr. Donne, Dean of at New York on Sunday, brings some strange re- OIUCIAL BANK STAEEMtNT.
WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ; mortices in tail piece, and hind bar two and a quarter ! -iH-Tbe duties of the SPRING GARDEN INSTI- The restaurant called the Rochcrdc Cancale, p nill ,’ £ q =,. a , hnrt Letter of Oliver Crnm- ports of the achievements of the gunboat R. li. weekit averages of tuk puiLiDEtrau. basics.
jsds jß ™™- jsysstffisKw ts:„'S; gjzzi l •-*“““‘-ssassaa.W’ i w■«»- 0™, 0,. Pta o : ««»,»*«!i a£Jsrista?<i3rnfsSars«2 ‘=3?srrs77Msx
S7ASE AND COMFORT. torf g »he best qnaliiy bin, M i ' T ms . I PariS Wl,Clro 0110 ' Cffl ‘ f H,C ,. W f 1 ’ ! tures of Nell Gwynn and Otw.y, the poet,£slss; Jin with by thestcamcr ß B Fortes, on IVcdnesday ! -
JDi A. THEOBALD asks. Who can please or suit one rivet through each end of tlm rails; floor five- i an24-lm Residence No. 608 MARSHALL Street. down to CnraoOn, has the disadvantage, as he an Indenture signed by Handel, being an indenture j last, thirty miles S. S. E. from Nantucket south SnrAiiierii : a'.'.’ v a. , Bana°fi' MS™
irovbody v eighths of on inch oak boards; sides five-eighths of i 1 ~ r vill imousflii^ J r )» i en-aaine to return in as uood order as when re- shoal, at a late hour m the evening, and after the f, ' 1 4 677 984. 4 oiioTSi io“ i'si its 474
Inch, a person probably never was born. But those an inch white pine, tail hoard three-quarter! of an ■. TYOLYTECHNIC COLLEGE. WEST adds, of standing, m a villainous du t} street. en H agmg to return mas gTOtt oruer aswnen re , , ta ll was boarded by a boat from the Forbes, t-ri c isss’oot 1 tm
Who know When they are suited in BOOTS or SHOES luck thick, ; ofwhite pine, to be well cleated with five i J- 7 '' SQUARE—The SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL The lticiilii}' was cleaner ami better ill 1851 j ccn edbylnin from the Tower the large kettle- the officer examining the ship’s papers and depart- si c .ebnnics’.'.".'.'.! i,809,73«! 305J.530! 25R419
ore invltad to give_h!m a coll, W those who never were ®«k cleats’ "^ lc ” e"4t“SSS^' fonv^™ 0 mj 1 wii m; Ito PItOFKSSIONAL than O’Dohcrtv found it in 1824, but it might drums lent-te him by order of the Board of Ord- j„ g apparently satisfied. The ship was going very N. Liberties....' 1,394,000; 1,402,00»; 354,000; 309,000
united before may be suited now. He is al Ins Old Place, “ j^hcrwid^aml’thiS ■ Wb ' SCHOOLS for Practi- ' ." „ , , , , nance, for the USC ef tllO oratorios at the Kings slow at the time, and after the boat had reached Southwark ‘ 944,G18i 081,1535 328,137; 32-2,332
eos oOATkS_Strect thick on tl.c under side of the bcd-riece, to extend from ’ cal OIIKBUSTS, and GEOLOGISTS, on September 16. ,he Hliprot ed. For what WC know to tllC COll- , Thoat - ln the Haymarket, January 18, 1738-9, Ihe Forifs, Cnpt. Follansbec was surprised to hear Kensington.. .; 683,705, 6Su,2llGj 174,793 167,278
•»__ -RVANS & WATSON’S tl.c bind end of tbc body to eight inches in front of tlio The Course on MILITARY ENGINEERING will in- j frarv, at tins present writing, Napoleon's HU- £ , _v „ of Handel to the Ordnance Office the °. rdcr ,§ ITen V her commander to “shotthe Jj'™, Sife' iiH ' Ul’SJi
fiafil ® n hind bolstei-s, to be fastened by the rod at tlie end of ! chide Field Fortifications, Siege Operations, stratesy, i - ’ p . , I ±4 ds, a Letter ot iianaei to me urananee umee g unE! ’> an d in another moment a shot was fired at J' pst TswV iK-lllao, Veri’rß
„ nI ? UMiME SAFES. tho body , by the lateral rod and two three-eighths ! and Tactics. A. L. KENNED!, SI. D„ | pro) emeiitb ol I aiis ma} Hate suept it awa}. , Keeper, Tower, dated ten years later, again solicit- ? he Park. “What am Ito understand by that V ? • • ’rJIo m? IS’S?
304 of an inch screw bolts, one at the forward endof the , _au24-12t ; President of bacnltfe_ , -Well, to be on the safe side, WC shall only ;mg the loan of tllO drUtRS. £lO 15s; these docu- inquired the astonished captain of the fiao. “Aye, Giiaril 2, SfiO^So 1 RTolsal 20f'oi9
PHILADELPHIA, PA. ’ tlie lateral rod fron^oJ 1 o'J bolt ' fTITIE SELEOT CLASSICAL AND Sav that WllCn lastWC performed the momen- ! tnents are curious as showing the mean resources of aye,” was the response, and then another shot was Tradesmen's'.'.. ■523;952 ’sS4!ggu| ICg;gs7| 16R209
A large variety of FIRE-PBOOF SAFES always Eta?£ ?S5 , tois dutv-ah, that all duties were half so | our Opera orchestra in those days; a Letter of Da- M S M
° nhand - i pleasant lL O f dining in the Rocher de Can- ! -dHume, chaining particuhirs of the incoherent SS WB 13 IS
.MlTmttttgZ TIT P GIBBONS INTENDS TO [ cale ’. U at the | Hcio
SM. N. HEATON’S o.mrfe!nf r toi..rh thtak h^ C wL"« e ’° ne ' reopen the school on ORANGE Street (second : meeting Of the Kite Man Gar With the KueMOn- ters ofDr gamuel Johnson, addressed to Lewis attempt at an explanation the two vessels parted Tots) 27,407,117 23,557,204.0,487,587 0,179,488
. LEHIGH AND LOCUST MOUNTAIN COAL J™°to“h“h tte locTchain ferttachrf‘aLstav gate below Eighth street) on the2dof 9tb month (Sop- ; torguel, between the Hotel de Ville and the p , ; nYe ntor of the SDinninv.machine £2l Ids' company, apparently as much indoubt aseveras Amount In S»b-'1V.....r } - 15»8Z,035
WHARF, 923 North Delaware avenue, above Poplar ffiSSuWSS tember). Please apply at the school. aiffil-Iffi* du Temple. .Quite out of the way, j& rf El« “he escape t 0 S ""“ob t A»re«.e
BtT€6t. , „ ! Daily, til© 61103, Tdl>, llttd DOtTom to bo secured t)T tWO TT'V TTITF T T HC TX7TT T D ■PADU \r ' . ... , . i - ~ i BOjI HOLLA. ' rk " r,l '=‘ **• * * * M A vA>t»Al
All Coni particularly selected and prcpnrcfl for fumily inch screw bolts, the middle bar at the 1-c ■*“ *«v • x* ilLiiiil W XtUUriiDl , jn ifiCt | blit 110US6 IlfiS obtained fi re* lof Charles Edward Stuart, better known as the . nf ft St T.nuls ntmnt* wi'Jf r» j ’ «tc DEPOSITS. CIRCUL vtiov
lor eiRLS ’ at 1525 WALH s^ss !t ’ « matterslitt,e whcre * is situated -1 EiSKS
very reduced prices for cash. one and eleven inches, the other two feet six inches XT » m V~rp TTrpid ‘ 1 ‘ 5°^ th ? '— lr^~!
Dealers and Manufactnrers supplied at wholesale long, to be or three-eighths of an inch round iron; feed liNoXll UJLih —OOUtheaSt of the heroine, j£ls 55.; a Letter of Sarah, Buchess Texas and Phelps counties. They were brought in I'iiilncielpliia ... ; $2,405,000, $2,260,000 522G,0008237,000
prices. au2o-tuth&s2in* trough to be four feet six inches long from out to out, X corner THIRTEENTH and FILBEKT Sts., re- Mftrlhoronp’h. Rs. : t.ha flnrrosnnndano.R Ti©t. and handed over to Major Weston, in command of North America.' 2.4»6d)47 2,441,402 226d)3» 219,295
——— mmtm — ; the bottom and ends of oak, the sides of yellow pine, to opens MONDAY, Sept. 9. For catalogues, address , .ta p T -n Qi . . . „ i our advanced i>ost. Tho men state that 1,01)0 men Farm <fc Jttvch..' 3,644,993 3,791,1031352,220 358,035
LEGAL. he eight inchoa wid© at bottom, twelve Inches wide at au22»lm* K. STEWART, Principal. ters. and Papers 01 xiewis 1 aul, origmaJly 01 iiir» j wore moving from the Big Piney towards Lebanon, Commercial.... l 1,221,000 1,127,000! 97,0001 102,000
- top, and eight and a half inches devp all in the clear* " 1 LAZ-A,** —' rz —' minsham, the inventor and patentee of the ma- where thev exnected to ioin a force of (id 000 men Meclmuics’.... 3,046,050 1,010,1201 322,400 324,605
JN COURT FOR , Y°£ N C ™4 chine for spinning eotto ana wooll by means of who were making on Bella. (!) ’ S
_L THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL- and suitable irons to fasten them on the tongue wben A vvvt aliii T 2, N i Tim of b nm rollers, A6B os.) Original Letters and Correspond- -.w 421,878 436,974; 104,040 95.561)
FHI& -E B ,a,c of JOSEPH LESLEY, deceased. j S? of Sir f Michael SOUTHERN NEWS. « « 10°^
The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, tacli it to the trongh. Six bows of good ash, tu'o inches tember 9. [au22-lm] PLINY E. CHASE. Governor of Hull, temp. Henry the Eighth, 3 vols., Man. Jt Mvcii-.j 520,6213 756,»05, 05,005 134,345
<uul adjust the account of J.VMJiS LESLEY, acting Ex- wide and one-half inch thick, with three staples to rNmTrw'YT fYI? mTHTfi-W WYR''WO- folio. i!l4o—this collection contained several auto- tiik riiAPr.F«TOY nr.nrY4nv Commerce | Alfii74*l Ol»,U00i 52,79 ii 54,080
•ecutor of the last Will and Testament of JOSEPH LES- : confine tho ridge polo to its place: two staples on the I UB XIIjjOUtDi JjUXv «rnnhcftf Arphhtehen fJrnnmpr Stenhen Gardiner n., ‘ ‘-p , . . - Oinutl «20,00 S 3,202,(301 157,010 161,270
LEY, deceased, and to xmdeo distribution of the balance • body, to secure each one of the bows; one ridge pole O MEN, 1334 CHESTNUT Street, reopens on tho graphs Oi ArChblShep Uranmei, Otepnen Hammer, liic correspondent of the Rochester Advertiser, Tradesmen’s...4lo,l2o 42f1,054 00,0ot, 55,576
in the hands of tlie accountant, will meet the parties in- , twelve feet long, one and three-auarters Inches wide by first MONDAY of September, Cuthbort Tunstall, Bishop of mnehester, and other on board the United States frigate lloanokc. off Consolidation..! 105,282 380,150} 70,'>7;j 71,333
terested for the purposes of his appointment, on WED- Jive-oighthß of an inch thick; the cover to be of the : : celebrities of the period: a Letter of William AVar- ****** n 8 fnllnwc muter /tetn Af th* C 5t >’-- I MW#® 471,034! 43,42 i 43,120
NESDAY, September 11, 1861, at 4 o’clock P.M., at hia ! first quality cotton duck No.—.fifteen feet lo»!! and T7l NftT,T S IT AND ULASSTfJAL celebrities OI P ’ . Charleston, writes as follows, under date of the Comniomvealtl.., 269,559 248,000; 0J,12f, 62,005
office, No. 200 North FIFTH Street, in the city of PUi- i nine feet eight inches wide, made in the best manner, Hi , , ... V .V. , ham, Archbishop of Canterbuiy, written in a most gth ultimo: Corn Excliuugo- 203,000! 210,000; 73,00 i 80,050
tadelpliia. GEORGE W. THORN, ! with four hemp cords on cacl. side, and one through each Rnd o CHFSTNnT b st’reri?wm amiable spirit, £B. The sale was well attended Two hours a»o, from our main must, tiro look-out u,lioll •; R)5,430, 244,0c0i so,US, 3i-.,000
..ffio-tfodu-M* Auditor! : throughout by amateurs and tho representatives diSXa^l.’Svi.h anxious eyes wejookod for Tntal
• — v, . i staple in the lower rail, near tlio second stud from each sard’s store, in the same budding, and will be reopened of the principal collectors and museums, English iL for some tune and _ could essily, after asli.,rt —=7.— ..“.'TT,. tI , „i.— i, .7_ ( ..... t
MEDICINAL. j end, to fasten the side cords. The outside of the body on MONBAY, 9th of September. s[rnl , x tnd forcian. space, observe ainoke arise in tho horizon. It was Tho Bggragnto of the bank statement compares
; and reed trough to have two go»d coats of white lead, au2l-tf ouAKhiia anum. “*B"“'**“■ tt a steamer, and irom tho fact ot its keeping near the with those of tlie previous week ns follows:
ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, \ colored to a blue tint, the 1 insido of them to bore two tty<)T) TVC’AjrT AWW L’Ti’.M AT.P. AAT~ Thp Defence of the City. shore, inside of us, we concluded it to be a seceshn-. Aug. 26. » pt. 2.
Tbc New Remedy for ! ca atB of Venetian rod paint; tho rrmmng gear and |_?UKDJI)NIUWjN J) JhiVl AJjJh 1 . 7 It was; but before the gunboat Seminole, that Capital Stock £11,811,030 811,811,435..Tne. 455
. noGce ! ttnot rTght that something more than talking »~.V.
nf the" medical profession of thiscountry the Pure Cry,, j '*£ “exffiktoJtaSJTSS 1 two extra single- braTchertod°siwior ft.?nfeh“vocM should be done now for the dofonoc of this city f miserable rebel concern ’ was puffing along under Due »u «i|« Ms . mis 1,1 n
tfllzzed as a | trees to be furnißlied with each wagon, the king bolt and instnmiental Music. German and French. Session A legion should be at once enrolled, composed ot Morns Island as saucy a* a. bantam roostci on his T>imn-iit« 3Q O'i ?o!
| "gletrees similar in all respects to thorn belonging -fences Scptamhrriu. A persons willing to work at homo, Fort Sumpto,
Of thejughest standing[£™” r P a^- s mB j _ Each ado of the body of tec w*»<m to be markedlU. a U 2llm* President. cost to the city or Stale, giving, say tho afternoon m art set of fellows on that big lubberly ship.” K „,. 4 nRS7 o l L ?ii} l ls 4 -„e!^? ; e r 4 e 1 u
rf its trepaMffi and ob- j mI? KpTn B> °tere n rn MARK’S EPISCOPAT APADF ° f MCh ‘° ° f lff' Jut the truth is, we want gunboats greatly out u ’, MBS^ai^STSISInoI-oi
atinate disease, we are indm-ed to present it to the publio \ ; ot ,„r,d for cell wagon to beputup QT. MAKE. S LEIbLGI'AL ALADJh- works and fortifications around the city. There here, and until we do get thorn it is useless to un- July 5 *1,311,928 8,035,817 : 556,8
tn a form READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE, wliioh we 1 f,, B trong box, (coopered,) tod tlie contents mark® kJ SIY, LOCUST Street, west of Sixteenth, reopens on are many persons who would cheerfully devote half dertakc to call this an effectual blockade, in the Jan. 3,T559....20,451,057|0,063,:M0 ,049,0
bore will commend itself to those who aro suffering with tfiereon. ' MONDAY, September 2, at 9A. M. r „),„ 1 literal sense of the word. July o 2i),440,440|4,59,,0i)3 : ,481,1
this atHicting complaint, and to the medical practitioner | it is to be distinctly understood that the wagons are J. ANDREWS HARRIS, A. M„ their time to this end, who, eitner from age or , .mvarpMiraiK Jan. 3,1500 2,i,286,387 4,4)0,261 i,OS2,'
who may feel disposed to test the powers of this valuable i to be so constructed that the several parts of anyone an2l-2iv* Principal. physical inability, are not fitted for the camp; j ■?, rr \ „ 1 . „ «, ' ViJ?*!;'•
remedy. .*. . - . wagon vill agree and exactly fit those of any other, go I ~~~ nfTcapa A QT?V ATT?<2 nianV WhO WOUld gO tO tlie llOSpUftl after Ofifi fiight S ; Tlie MSllYlllfi (Teiin.) IraZt'lte Contains the fol- •. ,^’l
ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, in tho form aboTe spoken as to re<mire no numbering or arranging for putting . fTIHB MISSES OASEY and MRS* imuiy »uu b• . A ;ii; # lowing adverlisoiiiont oi a mfimifocturer of mineral <7 •M-OfJju; U',267
nf, nw recently been oxtcnsivdy expenmented with in j ami all tho material used for thoir construction | BEEBE will re-open their English mid French Oll S uar f m i tho 1# “» ' ulin S watC rin that city : •• - - 4 ©3B,toJ fi l-ViPf
6 urvvcvTYivn to b© ol the best ajifclity; ftl!.tlio woo! thorougUy sea- Boarding and Day School, Nc. 1703 WALNUT Street, on to work without pay the half of every clear day -Notice.—l hope my customers in the city of 97-Mnfi o or> “> 'itlo
and with m from the ?“Thc hcri ‘'mkmnnlikc mVonc?." WEDNESDAY, the ml. of SEPTEMBER. an2o-lm until our city, under proper direction, shall ha j Ncriiviiie will be good cnoagh to save all the mineral l !«$
pnldiahed accounts in tbc medical journals). Tho work may be inspected from time to time as it -»/tau v T A n'K r TTATTCST? will rn ready to meet any foo that may be brought against ; water corksfor me. as I cimnot obtain a further June 8 0,738,826 2, i15,3i
*§r It is carefully put up ready for immediate use, ’ progresses by an offeer or ugent of tha Quartermaster’s jIyTAIIY L. Sj. AbE-JlUUuih ‘Will re- . These parties, from the stagnation in business, supply, m consequence of the Lincoln blockade. July 1..........*10,0G7,200 0,688, t 393 2, rj}?*?
with full directions, and can be obtained from all the ? Department, and none of it ghall be painted until it shall Jj_L open her BOARDINU and DAY SCHOOL, for ' ..... fri f nfl | ! Your attenlion to the above will oblige lue very ‘\ 8 ..24,12i,l ib 1>,006,112 2, t),!.-),*
druggists at 75 ceute r<r l-oitif, and at wholesale of bay© been inspected and approved by said officer or Girls, at No. 1030 SPRING GAIiDJEN Street, on tho 2d have but little to CIO, and many, very many, ilci as C oiks are as essential to me now as tho —*•••
BULLOCK A CRENSHAW, agent authorized to inspect it. When finished, paiuted, of SEPTEMBEIi next. anxious to be doing something for their country. ; 5i _L........ i,4i t j ‘-.OS i*i
wnss maby e thbopp riii». as
- •‘isar"': ,-a™w-s«-v«»'a_ ™ ■ -ettsagaas; :;j : :: ; ;ssssss» sa
- SS,S.Tfa.r;,S;r"“3S;o.S , “' 11 “ ' ■:
Philadelphia terra-cotta
OSlce and War ero orris, 1010 CHESTNUT Street.
Ornamental Chimney Tops.
Garden Vases and Statuary.
Encaustic Flooring Tile.
Architectural Ornaments.
Ventilating and Smoke Flues.
Rhlgx* Tile and Sanitary Ware.
Steam-pressed I'ruin Ripe.
Water Pipe, warranted to stand pressure,
cheap and durable.
The Trade supplies!, on Liberal Terras.
Illustrated Catalogues tent by mail, on
application by letter.
CLAKET "WINE—In casks and cases,
of the brands of St. Julit-n, Margaux, Houfc-Brien
Paxillae. For sale by -
je2o No. 208 South FRONT Stmt
always on hand and for sale at Union Wharf, 1451
RtcACII Street, Kensington. T. THOMAS,
my7-ly 217 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia.
JUST RECEIVED, per “ Annie Kim
ball,” from Liverpool, ilmider, Weaver, & Man
; ders preparations: .
) 25 lbs. Extract Aconiti, m 1 lb. jars.
25 lbs, Extract Hyoscyami, ii* a lb, janj.
60 lbs. Extract Belladonna, in 1 lb. jara.
100 lbs. Extract Taraxaci, in 1 lb. jars..
50 lbs. Tin Hal Colebici, In 1 lb. bottlos.
100 lbs. 01. Succini Rect., in lib. bottles.
600 lbs. Calomel, in 1 lb. bottles.
6QQ lbs. Pil Hydrarß., in 1 lb. jars.
47 and 49 North SECOND Street.
1010 CHESTNUT Stmt.
] miiB
\J VAS, of all numbers and brand!).
Haven’s Duck Awning Twills, of all descriptions, for
Tents, Awnings, Trunks, and Wagon Covers.
Also, Paper Manufacturers’ Drier Felts, from Ito 8
feet wide. Tarnauling, Belting, Kail Twine, 4c.
103 JONES Alley.
. mr4-tf
i TTtTOAD—SOO lbs. for sale by
1 icll 47 and 49 North SECOND Street.
lier School for Girls, in. tho Spring Garden lusti
tute* on the Northeast corner of BROAD and SPRING
GAIVPEN Streets) on Ninth month (SEPTEMBER) 2d»
Charge for tuition, Ten Dollars for five months.
v. ill reopen their Boarding and Day School on WEDNES
DAY, September 11, at No. 1615 CHESTNUT’ Street,
Philadelphia. aul6.lui
DELAWARE COUNTY, Pa., lor Twelve Boya.
Beopens September 9.
aulfi-lm* SAME. ARTHUR, A. M.
The private school for
BOYS, ill the Philadelphia City Institute, North
east corner of CHESTNUT mid EIGHTEENTH Streets,
will reopen MONDAY, September 2,15G1.
aul9-2m* L. BUBBQWS, Priacipal.
The external aspect is plain, to a degree.
In a sort of ante-room, about which game and
fruit are attractively arranged, a lady at the
counter salutes you. There is nothing here of
the splendor which we had to describe when
speaking of Vefour’s and Very’s. From the
ante-room you pass up winding stairs, meet
ing here and there a mirror, aud every where
narrow avenues leading into private dining
apartments. Walls have ears, it is said—.what
curious stories these little chambers might re
late, had they the faculty of speech!
The winding stairs lead you to the saloon in
the third story,—a very ordinary room it is,
accommodating only fifteen dinners. The
Rocher generally entertains private parties,
for whose reception it has fifteen cabinets,—
two or three for Ute-a-Ute dinners, the rest
variously accommodating four, six, eight per
sons up to twenty or thirty. The gargons at
the Rocher used to strike us as perfectionatcd
attendants. They arc neatly dressed. They
arc of marble coolness and tranquillity. They
catch your slightest word. They watch your
glance, and hand you tho article you require
before you have hail time to ask for it.
The carte of the Rocher is abundant beyond
all comparison. Every groat restaurant hits
its crack dish. In 1801, it was the sole en
maleloite Nm-maude,— a hotch-potch which re
quired a creative and imaginative genius to
produce. In 1824, it was asparagus soup in
The carte at the Rocher used to be magnifi
cent. It had 84 different soups, and 112 dif
ferent ways of serving up twenty or thirty
fish. The German notion of Shakspeare’s
many-sidedness is lost in the amplitude of a
Frenclt cook’s idea of the many-sidedness of
an epicure’s piscatory palate.
Look at the beef column in the carte, thirty*
seven ways of cooking ox and cow, whereof
nineteen arc beefsteaks (usually called bif-slek
in Paris) ula this, or ala that. Rut the oil
spring beats the parent’s out and out, as wit
ness 52 inodes of serving veal. Fowls are
smaller titan calves, but. they are cookablc, as
the Eodter’s carte tells us, in 72 different
styles. Of game, there are 50 modes of cooking,
and this is independent of fowl and game rotie,
whereof are thirty-five additional forms. Not
so surprising, when we say that one style of
serving up a chicken’s leg is called A la i liable.
Mutton in 30 forms, lamb in 12.
| ,So much for the entices. The cttlrentef*
OftH bo obtained on application either to the State
Department llt Washington, or to the United States
district agent at Now York or Boston. The appli
cation must be accompanied by satisfactory evi
dence that the applicant is a native or naturalized
citizen, and loyal to the Government. No foe is
charged by the Government for a passport, in any
ease, by whomsoever issued. Applicants at a dis
tance, however, to sttvo themselves time and trou
ble. usually employ a notary to prepnro and for
ward the necessary proofs of citizenship, and tor
this service the notary of course makes a charge ;
but his services are not essential.
Dn. Daniel Fitzuigh, of Genesee. N. Y.,
is endeavoring to raise a cavalry regiment in that
section, lie was in Fort McHenry on the night it
was bombarded by the British,, wlieu Key was
inspired to write the national anthem— the "Star
Spangled Banner.”
The Colonel Weightman. rebel, who was killed
in the battle of Wilson Creek, was tho murderer
of F. X. Aulry. In Santa Fo. New Mexico, a few
years ago.
A gentleman wlio lias arrived in Washington
from Fredericksburg (Va.) gives the Republican,
some particulars of the doings of the rebels in that
part of Virginia. He says .that General liolmos
with fl division of I.> 000 rebels occupies tho whole
country from Fredericksburg to Manassas. There
arc no’fortiiications around Fredericksburg, but at
Camp Mercer, near the city, there are about 00
Maryland troops. Qur informant (says the iiepub
/imti) states that there arc about 0,000 mon near
Aetpiia Creek, and that they arc now creeling a
strong battery six or eight mites this side of the
what ovr, rr.tsoNEV.s at.e doing at moiimond.
A correspondent of the Chcrleston Courier,
The following is a statement of the transactions
at the Philadelphia Clearing House, for the week
ending September 2,'as furnished by the manager,
tieorgo E. Arnold, Esr>.:
Clrarinss. Bnlniiro*.
51,505,840 32 5142.054 88
1,582.0»T 27 90.243 13
_ 1,844.230 05 11. =i, 420 OS
>i -20 1.775.517 70 120,443 44
« no i'.402.04n-,v, ■-110.871 is
- 5i....... lisariiiß «r i«mh#as
sio.iws.'-m u.i silo,am so
The Now Xoiklicoiwmiii amiDry-Good* He
porter has the following clear anil able remarks
upon the revival of business •
11 The fall trade is opening, and our business future
contains looks much brighierthnn i t ilia immediate
ly after the disaster at Hull Itun. One of the worst
that urcs of-1 he business season ir-, that the distributing
machinery has beta sq crippled by jobbers' losses t 0
Thk WkekMT Press will be sent to subscribers Of
mail (per annum in advance,) at S 3-00
“ “
Throe Copies, «
Fiye «
Twenty «
Twenty Copies, or OT©r*
©ach subscriber,) each..,.
For a Club of Twenty-one or over, we will send oq
extra Copy to tlio getter-up of the Club.
Postmasters aro requested to act as Agents to/
Tse YfzzKiY Press.
the South, as well m other e»u« ra connected with
the war, that a rapid and safe exchange of the im
! porter’s or manu&ctnrer’sfabricfor the consumer’s
; gold is less easy to effect than usual. This difficulty
i will tend to correct ititif as the season advances.
: That war exists does not alone necessitate meagre
business or commercial distress. European nations
[ have at times been engaged in the most expensive
and bloody foreign wars, white their manufactu
j ring, commercial, and agricultural interests wera
I steadily developing. We pos»ss; at present, ecr
{ tain elements of business prosperity, which are
j worthy of attention. New York him still to-supply
i a circle of customers less diminished than many
' suppose. The loyal States, free nndi slave, contain
• w population of about twenty-ono and* a half mil
j lions, mostly open to trade; the States-now closed
to commerce contain, of white population, only
| 5.450,711, hoth of the above statements being tnatltr
from the census of 1860. Of this twenty-one and
a half millions of consumers the bulk are engaged
in manufacturing, shipping, and agricultural pur
suits, and buy and pay according to the condition
; of those branches of industry. As in manufactures,
tho bottom has evidently been touched, and the ex
' tensive operations of the Government are being
I felt throughout the Kiddle States and New Eng
; land. The manufacture of army cloth, shoes, ar
ticles of hardware, Ac., Ac., for Government, is
j now being carried on on a very extensive sonic, and
this change has already begun to have its effect in
1 imparting confidence to buyers representing rnanu
j facturing districts.
“ The shipping interest has also been very ma
' terially benefited by the Government demand for
| vessels, and the immense export of breadstuff's and
J provisions from New York. There is said to exist
! u large demand for sailors, and good ships are in
request. The "H ost India carrying trade has in
j deed been thrown into British vessels by the rebel
privateers, but the damage thus done is more than
balanced by tho causes named. Money will doubt
less circulate among the bulk of manufacturing and
shipping people to a degree which will enable them
to take a tolerable amount of needed goods. This
may be said also of the volunteers’ families, and of
a large class indireetly benefited by the Uoyera
j ment expenditures. With regard to the agrlcul-
I tural districts, we find low prices for many kinds of
! Eastern farm produce, nnd may expect Eastern
farmers to restrict their purchases accordingly,
' though these are never so restricted as to cut off a
i fair supply of ordinary comforts, tho farmers of this
1 section being comparatively capitalists. Looking
! Westward we see, in prospect, large crops ef wheat,
; corn, pork, and provisions, and the foreign demand
| seems likely to take off all excess of these sup
■ plies. There seems to ho a fair prospect that tha
; West will pay up, and better its credit so as to bo
; able to buy. Tho revival of demand hns there
! fore set in and must continue.”
[ By telegraph, we learn thnt tho Lehigh Valle*
Eailroad Company brought down from Maucta
! Chunk, for the week ending on Saturday, Slat
i ult., 15,731 tons of coal,, against 10,938 tons for
! corresponding week last year, making, for the sea
son commencing December Ist, 1860. 537.833 tons
of coal, against 531,579 tons to corresponding time
last year—which is an increase of 3,254 ton 3 of
coal 930 tons of pig iron were also sent down the
road for the week ending same date.
The New York "Evening Post says of stocks
and money matters thore to-day:
The stock market is quite buoyant tO'dny, in*
flucr.ocd by the naval victory off HatterflSi Them
is an average advance of ;aper cent., but the
transactions are still on a moderate scale.
There is on active demand for Government secu
rities. at higher prices. The coupon sixes of 1881
touched 89, and the six per cent, notes sold freely
at 98. The various issues of fives wero held Jal
per cent, higher.
In Tonnessees and Missouri? there was a large
business at an improvement of Jnj per cent. At
the advance there was a fresh supply. North Caro
linas are firm at 61£a62. These bonds sold as low
as 54 last week, and commenced to rise upon the
departure of the naval expedition to Hatteros.
New I‘ork Central leaves off steady at 73 J. The
Western shares show no material change at tha
In money there is no alteration. Call loans
range from 4 to 0 per cent., according to the cha
racter of the security.
Exchange on London remains almost stationary
at 107ia1072.
The subscriptions for 7.30 treasury notes con
tinue brisk, in sums varying from $5O to $lO,OOO.
The total amount subscribed last week was $1,225,-
000, and the inquiries at the Sub-Treasury to-day
indicate a decided increase on this the present
Private despatches by the North American, at
Father Point, report no material change in Ameri
can securities. Illinois Central is quoted at 30 dis
count ; Erie 23i\
The Corn Exchange Fire and Inland Insurance
Company has declared a semi-annual dividend of
10 per cent., payable on demand.
Philadelphia Stock Exchange SaleSi
Sertembor 2,1861.
Beported be S. E. Slxtmaker, Philadelphia Exchange.
3200 Sch Nav Cs *B2. ...04 1000 Penna 5a
500 City 6s New.o4 4000 d 0....
Q/m \w at xo*o 4
22 Dlinehill R 52 400 do ...75
4 do ~..52 5 Spruce & Pine 8.. 7i£
12 Norristown It 48)$ 1000 Rending 63 ’43... .80#
10000 Penna»t m. 04 500 N Pennu 63..,,, ~54
3000 do Ist in. 94 1000 (kin Jfc Amb Cs ’75.04#
3000 d0..1m 2d.iK.04 100 Beading ft It 2
3000 d0..1m 2dyij.M 100 do i? 5
XPenan K..........37)$ j ”
10 Mine-hi11R..4dy5.52 1000 Sch Xar Imp 65..75
11 Lehigh Nav 49)£ 19 Cam & Amb R.. .111 V
Z Norristown 1L,.. .48 y. 2 do 1111£
13 do 48>i 1000 IT S6s 'Bl re?..... 68
1400 City 6h.... ..New.94 3000 Read 65’70.3 dya.64#
100 do. ~ ,N0w,94
ICOO do li 57x
Bid. Ask-
Phila 6s intoff. 87 & 88
Phila 6s R “ 87# 88
Phila 6s N “ 93# 94
Penna 55....... 74# 75#
Bc-adhig R.»*«*.l7# 17& i
Beading 8d9’70 84# ....
B’dg M 63’80’43 89 r 90
Bend H 65’86.. 72 73
Penna K 37# 88
Perm aß2d m 6s 87# ~
Morris CrCon.. 35 :
Morris Cl Prof. 108 109
SchNavGs’B2.. 63# 64 ;
Bell Fa? Imp 63 75 rt
Bch Nay Stock ,4 6
Sch Nav Pref... 11 „ J « ..
The Flotu* market continues qnicl—the only sales re
ported for shipment .are 1,000 bids Ohio extra family at
$5.87# tibl, and 500 bbls Ohio and Indiana do. ou
private terms; small sales are making to the retailer*
amt baker* at from §1.50 to So for old stock and fresh
ground superfine ; for extras* nml 55.37# to
S 7 forextra family ami fancy lots,'ns to quality. Rya
Flour sells slowly at 5?2.75®3 4P bbl. Com Meal U
selling at $2.75 bbl for Pennsylvania.
The offerings of Wheat are large, and prices 2c
bushel lower; sales of 2,000 bushels at 110all5c for fair
and good Wt stern red, and 124 c for a lot of prime.
Kentucky white—a sub* of inferior White was mods at
llCc V bushel, Bye is selling in i\ Binall way at 60c for
old, and 54<n:56c for new. Com is I told firmly, and ths
receipts are light; sales *f 1,200 bushels prime Southora
yellow at sfle, afloat: Vennsylvania at 00c, in store; and
Western at 54c. Oats are in fair demand; sales of 3,000
bushels Delaware at 2S<a>29c 4P bushel.
Baiik.—First No. 1 Quercitron is selling at 527
Cotto.v,— Holders continue firui in their views* and
the fctoek. oh sale very li s W, with small wM of BCKKI
Middlings at 20e ii>, cash.
Gkocehi£S axi> Provisions. —Nothing doing of anr
moment in either, and prices are unchanged.
Whisky is dull ami rather lower; sales of 300 bbl*
Ohio at 18c; Penusylvimia do. at 17#0lSc; and drudg*
17#c W gallon.
The Cattle Market continues dull, and prices remain,
about the same. The arrivals this week reach about
1,600 head. Tho followlug arc tlio particulars of tUa
8 Isaac Abrahams, Chester county, SB.
S 7 J. Sanderson, Delaware, SB.
05 McQtiaid & CftlT, Ohio* §rw<£S,7s.
76 Kimble & Kirk, Chester county, $0.5008.60.
30 Kennedy, Maryland, 57.50a8.60.
19 B. Baldwin, Chester comity, $7.50®5.50.
103 James McFilien, Chester county, $BOB.OO.
3a P. Hathaway, Chester county, 57.50ia8.50.
SO P..McFillc‘:i, Chester county* 57.5008.50.
71 Cochran & McCall, Chester county, $808.50.
63 J. Seldomridge* Chester county, $7.50®8.&0.
110 Mooney & Smith, Ohio, S7@S.OO.
39 Schnmburg & Co., Ohio, 87<s8.
113 Uilinan & Stone* Ohio, $808,50,
45 PeUlnmer* Ohio* t?7®o»
34 M. Courson, Chester couuty* $B®S.5O,
70 Rothchild* Ohio, $6®7.50.
22 B. MeaU-, Chester county, §S®S.SO.
29 F. Biteoaugb, Oliio, S7®B.
64 Fuller & Brothers, Ohio, $7®S.
65 Chandler, Chester county,'
184 N. Wmitz, Oliio, S6®B.ul).
65 E. Hamaker* Ohio, §7tfcB.
50 D. Frank* Oliio* S7©B.
Cows arrived and sold at' tho AITADM
Drove Yard at from $25 to §4O per hoxd,. according to
The arrivals of Sheep reached about 5,000 head ttn*
week, Belliug at prices varying from 6to o#c per 2k
net, as to condition.
Tho arrivals of Hogs at 11. G. ImhofFs Drove Yard,
reached 2,896 head this week, soiling at from S&-50 to $&
per 100 lbs net, according to Quality.
'.79,482,Due* 305«20d
102,163. .Dec. 77
'.32)796 • ,1nc»144|&3(5
030,712.1ne. 613,798
t 074j048..1nc. 27,434
Circitl'n. | Deposits.
2,141,110 10,G8u,758
2,011,033 11405,203
2,434,181 10,556,843
2,741,754 17,049,005
2,508,20 S 15,481,054
[2,350,001 [14,082,019
2,811491 14,808,780
2,531,2G3 15,500,147
2,710,602 15,091,997
2,317,007 15,300,000
2,3.02,312 15,997,943
2 191VW5!15,851.924
2,091 ’770 i 10,0202:07
12,058,574! 15,941,801
2,070,307 j 15,.>>5,88S
2^074, 'J4S j 19,030,712
On Thursday evening, ai Columbus, Ohio, a.
carriage containing Mr. Keys, ids wife and two
children, was struck by a locomotive, and the oldest
child so badly injured that it died within three
hours, The other child sustained a, fraturo of tho
S-kull, but will recover.
Tub tbaitoe Bauron, who surrendered
Fort Hatterss. is a son of Commodore Barron, who
struck tho flag of the Ghesapeale to the Leopard,
and afterwards kilbd Commodore Decatur in a
On Monday lash, Mr. S. Campbell, of Burns,
Now York, whilo reaping, had one of his legs
caught in llie machine, and torn entirely off, about
lour inches above tho ancle.
The Fort Smith (Kansas) Democrat of tho
2-lth ult., states that a largo number of Qsagcs ctuua
into that town on the 22d, to offer their services to
their Father at Washington.
Rev. Daxikv. Waedo, uow in the 90th year
of his age, and formerly chaplain to tho House ot'
Representatives, preached an impressive sermon itt
Rochester Inst week.
Engineer Kilied.—-Henry Bott, engineer on
Xo. 39 engine on the Northern Central Railway,
was killed on Friday night, a few miles front Balti
more, having been run over by an entire train.
Dakinc. Burglary.— On Saturday the resi
dence of Airs. Van Boskorok. in Hoboken, was en
tered while the family was at church, and robbed of
¥5OO worth of property.
Reading. Fa., has the credit of furnishing
more threo-yenr volunteers, in proportion to its sizo,
than any other place in the country.
Mk. Davis, a Davton (Oliio) banker, has
«stepped out” :with.-. 81(10.OUt) belonging to other
His Secessionists were ftn'osted iu Wheel
ing, Ya., ou Friday last.
** (to one address) 90.00
(to address of
do” *:o.
Bid AOs.
Elmira R Pref. 9 19
Elmira 7s ’73... 57 00
Long Island R. 0v
Leh Cl & Nay,, 49 W 49V
LoliClANSm* Sltf 34
N Penna R 5 9
N Penna R 65.. 54
N Penna R 10s. 72 T 4
Cutuwissa Fref. 5 V 6
Fikfd & South R .. 37 1£
2d & 3d 6ts R. 3. 41 42
W Pliila R ex d 51
Spruco & Pine. .7)4 9
Green & Cofttos IS
Cneßtnut & TYal 25
Philadelphia Markets.
September 2—Evening.
Philadelphia Cattle Market.
September 2* 18M»
. 1.3®