-‘-c- 1 ,-,.5, Aflaxrs in and Around Washington. The Star of last evening says Stabbwo Cash. —Yestorday afternoon a diffi culty o-ourrod at the Government Mess House, ooraer of H and Twenty second streets, in the Fims ward, between an ambulance driver, laid to be named Duffy (aomo aoocunw say he is a Balti morean named Win Jones), and a Government teamster named John O'Bsy. Huffy threw O’Hay down, and stabbed him in the back. inflicting a terrible wonnd several inches in length. O’Bsy eras laboring under Bach excitement that be did not know he was stabbed; bat on blowing his nose a bubbling sound was heard. Bobert Johnson, the Stable master, asked him to blow Ilia DOSt again, when the sound was again beard, caused by toe escape of air from the lnngs through the wonnd. He then walked to Hr. 1 Smoot’s offi to, bat was greatly weakened by loss of blood, and from there be was taken to the hos pital, and it is said his injuries are so severe that he cannot possibly recover. Ha has a wife and child The mounted guard are in search of Huffy, but we have oot heard of his arrest. He is said to have goae iu the direction of Georgetown O'B.y’S wound was closed, aud ibis morning he is quite comfortable. The knife penetrated the left inng ftnuoßßD Advahch of this Ewanr —Yester day, a Ur. Cowling. a resident of Virginia near Claremont, about five miles from Alexandria, oumotu this oity with aload of furniture, aud re turned in the evening tor his wife and another load of furoltnro. He says tbe Confederates have advanced as far ac Bash £11:1 and Claremont, aud ordered him yesterday morning to leave forth with Ahother Hoxicidx.— & private In Col Gass’* Elevoncn Maaaaohusotts Regiment was shot dead, at a drinking bouse in Biadensburg, night before last- It seemß that a squad of tho regiment was sent out to arrest and bring into Camp Cartin a number of men belonging to the regiment, and who had been absent therefrom tor several days. Among the nnmber was the deoeased. He reflated the guard, and in an attempt to oaonpe from the bouse was shot dead. Capture of “Bill Woodward.”— This despe rate ooiored character, who escaped from jail a short time since, where he was confined on the charge ot murdering a soldier of the Seventy- ninth New York (H’gblaud) Regiment, was oaptnred yoiteiaay, by County Constable Jobn W. Gross, of George! own. Busy Tixas at tbe Depot —Yesterday no leu than five burden trains arrived hen from variant potato N rib, with freight for Government; among tbim several oars laden with fine beeves, from the vicinity of Harrisburg, Pa N itwitbsianding the great exertions made 10 accommodate the increas ing tide of freight, do , the plat orms and yards about the depot are pretty much blookaded, and it is with no little difficulty that teamsters are able to get their rospeoivo loads Bosido this the en gines are constantly crowding and poehtog around on the various switohes, and the bewildered team ster is often at- a ]ojb what to do with his frightened team, which dances and wheels in among the trains, to the great consternation of the nervous. Biriks of Ahbolarcs Drivers —the Govern ment has teduc-a tbe pay of drivers of one herse ambulances to $l5 p-r mouth and rations. Tbey 1»» loijn-riy paid $25 per monsfe and ratiosii home fifteen or twenty “ struck.” end refused to work at the new rates, and stem disposed to not in a disorderly manner. A Supposed Spy Arrested. —While the Pro vost Guard was in seateh ot -ha man who stabbed O'Day at the general mess honse, they found a Chap snngly packed away in an ambulance, who, “ soary soul,” said he thought the soldiers were looking for him As he was a stranger, the gnard very properly came to the conclusion that he mnst have dsse-ved looking af«r, or be would net have tried to avoid arrest. His case will be investi gated. Tbe Baltimore Police Commissioners and Writs of Habeas Corpus. On Wednesday morning the sheriff ef Kingf coney, New Yoik. Anthony Campbell; J W. Higgins, deputy, and F J. Dalton, proceeded to Port Hamilton, for the purpose of serving an at tachment upon Col Mionarl Burke, commandant at Yurts Hamilton ar.d Lafayette, for refusing to make return to a writ of habeas corpus, directing him to produce the persons of tbe Baltimore Police Commissioners The officers went to tbe fort, and, making known their business to the officer in oharge, were politely informed that they would not be permitted to visit Ycrt Lafayette, or take any prisoners now In oharge of tbe military autho rities of that station. A guard was brought up, and the boats were siristly watched, so a. to pre vent any person from reaching tho fort, whioh is known to be situated in the chr-ncol. some distance from shore. The county officers, finding further attempts useleßß, returned to the city, without having accomplished their obj-ct. The following is Sheriff Campbell’s return: I am unable to arrest the within named Col Michael Burke as within commanded—the said Michael Burke being oommandant of Yort Ls fayo'te and Yort Hamilton I have endeavored to obtain entrance and access to Ports Hamilton and Lafayette, whioh are held by armed troeps, and am not able to serve the writ; and have no power or means within my oontrol sufficient for that purpose. dnTßonr Y. Oaxpsbll, Sheriff of Kings county. Dated Brooklyn, Aug 14,1861 Id making this return the lieutenant colonel gave verbatim the answer he was instrnoied to make by Lieutenant General Winfield Soott. Not satisfied with this return, the oonnty jndge deoiared that the oommandant should Btate on bis return: 1, whether the prison irs called for were in his custody, and, 2, by whose authority he held them. This Lieutenant Colonel Burke deolines doing, since he has received no instructions from his superior officer to make any return other than the cue already given. Application was then made to General Duryea in Brooklyn, by order ef the inevitable Jndg* Garrison, to ascertain what force oouid bo ob tained by the county to execute the writ Gene ral Duryea informed the sheriff that about fourteen hundred men could be raised, bnt that tha oounty was in possesion of no artillery sufficiently power ful to make en impression on the works, and that it would require between five and ten thousand men to take them So the mat er rests for the present. Judge Gar rleon is evidently perplexed by the firmness of Colonel Barke. In order to insure the safety of the prisoners, the garrison at Fort Lafayette is to be immedi ately strengthened We learn that the right wing of the regiment known as the Long Island Volun teers quartered at Fort Botuyler. received orders on Wednesday to proceed to Fort Lafayette for the furpose of reinforcing the garrison, and that dent. Col. Cross, with seme 460 men, obeyed .these orders promptly. The sheriff of Kings county, in his attempt to arrest the garrison, will find a decided obstaole in the way It Is under stood that the sheriff has Jodge Garrison’s war rant for making the wholesale arrest, and was to have gone down with a posse yesterday morning for the purpose of rxouttnir it Explorations m Labrador. Professor Hind’s exploring party has returned to Toronto, from bis trip through the Labrador ysninsuta. The Toronto Globe says: ■ The ronte into the interior of the country was thi game as the ona followed, perhaps for oentnries, by the Montagnas Indians- It lies, for a distance of forty miles, np the Moiaio, which enters the Golf of St Lawrence below Seven Islands. At that distance from the coast the Mosaic becomes toe im potnoua a torrent for the passage of any kind ef iraft, so that a travarsa has to be made aeroes the sonntry, and through small lakes, to the east Irsnoh of the Moisic. Professor Hind’s party oon- Bhted of Messrs Gaudet and Caiey, surveyors, and Mr. W. Hind, artist, with eight voyagers and In dies. They ascended the main and east branch of he Moisic as far as praotio b!e, in three canoes. ‘•The region traversed by Professor Hind is de scribed as very mountainous, and, with the exoap hon of da-p valleys, destinre of trees. As a sub ititnte for trees, moes of every variety, and of most luxuriant growth, c-vrrs the country The speoies moat common is the cariboo or reindeer moss, on which tbs - animal subsists throughout the year Theoouut /from the ooast to the t-bleland bat evidently ■ -.en peopled with numerous bands of Indians a tomo not very remote period—the re mains of their encampments, and the portage paths round rapids and botweep lakes being still easily dtaernible; bnt. at present, the Montagnas and Nasospees, who formerly hunted in this derolato region, have either r* moved to the ooast or fol lowed the cariboo, on which they subsist In their migration to the north. Tho table lend of the Ltbradvr peninsula contains numerous very large lakes, none of whiob are laid down correctly on any of the maps to whieh we have access; and large rivers exist in this vast peninsula, of which the names are not even known, much less their eourses laid down “Some conception may be formed of the charac ter of the upper part of the M -is-c from the faot that one portage alone involved wn asornt of eight hundred feet, over which canoes and provisions had to be carried on the shoulders of the voyage nre. The total length of portaging exceeded twenty miles in ascending from the gulf to near the height of land one hundred and twenty miles from the ooast, and the altitude of the table land of the Labrador peninsula was found to be about two thousand feet above the sea. It is Professor Hind’s intention to publish an illustrated narra tive of his expedition ” Outrages at the enemy in Southern Kentucky We find the following narrative in the Louisville (Ky ) Journal ef Monday: “ A p '.rty of six yoang men. between the ages of fifteen and twenty, arrived in this city on Saturday evening from the vicinity of Columbus, Ky Four of the number are n&m-ed Busby, and the other two are named Ua p Thtse yoang men give a distressing «cc *nnt of the state of affairs in ‘.he Tloinity ot C-rtambas Oa tienday last an officer from tne Siur.bora camp at Uuion City Tiaitod the neighborhood of Columbus, and warned ten fami lies to leave within two boors. “ There was some hesitation oo the part of the Union mea. and '.wy were oitled unoa again he* fore *he time expired and warned tost they ooali ofcxue the nUernativo between hanging a->d leav ing Mr Ba9by, the father of two of the yonng men wtv.' arrived here, is an aged mao, nearly blind, and has a family of six yonng children. In addition to that embarrassment, ha had a large crop ungathered, and a vast amount of business unsettled He was forced, however, to gather to* g tber hastily whatever he oould, and, with his family, was driven away from bis home. *< There is no accusation whatever against the is* dividaals thus driven from their homes, save that they entertain Union sentiments. The yonng men alluded to, who arrived here on Saturday evening, had a sad experience on their travels to this eity Their feet were blistered, their elotbes torn, and their flesh lacerated. They were foroed to travel at night and lie by duriog the day, in order to avoid scouting panics of Secessionists, many of whom they .Moant.-sd on their way. Tho party left thi, city yesterday for Shelby eonnty, where they havts relatives.» Union meeting at West Chester. West Chester, August 15.—An immense meet ing of Republicans, and others willing to sn-tain the Government, was held here to day. Great unanimity and enthusiasm prevailed, with a de termination to forget former political differences and pnt down treason, and to sacrifice everything for the support of tho war, until a peace is oon Ottered. The Hon. William Williamson presided, with a large, number ot vice presidents, embracing men of all parties. Speeohes were made by Dr. W. Worthington, P F Smith, Wm Butler, and Wayne McVeigh, who were all enthusiastically cheered. A project is now under consideration by the Franco Government, for a radtoal change in the convict system in the colony of Cayenne The harsh military rule is to be suppressed, and the convicts, it well conducted, are to be allowed to cultivate small patches of ground on their own ac count, and finally tu become the owners of them jjy this method it is thought many a man will re deem his character. THE CITY. Thr Naval Board of Sdrvky have con cluded their labors, and yesterday made a report to the Bureau at Washington, in whioh they re commend, with provisos, the purchase of some four or six vessels at Philadelphia and Wilming ton These vessels, as we have before explained, are required to make the blooksde more effective, by penetrating into inlets and bayd, where heavy draught ships of war cannot go. The Board eom manoed at Richmond, and wont on board most of tho steamers from that point to the navy yard. They seleoted two iron steamers oallod the Union end the General Scott, now being bnilt at Neafie A Levy’s dock, and a packet steamer of the Boston line oalled the Kensington. These are side wheeled steamers, of one thousand tons, or nearly so, and the letter is of wooden hull, capable of doing sffsative service. The Kensington is worth $llO,OOO, and the two others about $BO 000 apiece The iron steamers are objected to by the Board on account of the weakDesa of the iron to withstand shell and shot. While wooden hulls arc splintered "by oannon bells, the plates of the iron hall are broken, and the entire side of the vtißSel may be torn away- The Kensington is two years old, and is a duplicate of the Phmeas Sprague, now the Doited States vessel Flag. I The Board examined a few ferry boats, among ethers, tbe Curlew and tbe Eagle, of the Glcu eester line, and a Sohnylkiil tag-boat, lying eff the Arsenal. These were condemned, however, and not adverted to in the report. At Wilmington, they remarked two excellent vessels—the Morgan Ship. No. 4, and the Vir ginia Dare— both new side-wheel steamers. The first named is intended for a Galveston paoket, and cost $120,000, Both these vessels were bnilt at the yard of Harlan A Hollingsworth. The nnmber of vessels taken from New York harbor 1b varionsly estimated at from twenty to seventy. In this port, probably two or three ves sels will be seleoted. The Board of Survey consisted of Chief Engineer Dauby, Naval Ganstreeter Hoover, and Mr. Pvlk. If the six vessels referred to in tbe report are pnrohassd, our builders will be interested to the amonnt of $5OO 000 T*« First City^Troop. —We noticed the list of officers and men of this noble oorps of eld. ten soldiers, just returned from service. It m-y gratify the friends of this oomnany to learn who oomposed it in the war of 1814. We give tbe following Hat, containing the names of its men and offioers, then and now, vis: 1814 Captain, Charles Ross. Ist Li, Jas L Cnthbert. Cornet. Robt M Lewis IstSergH, Jno. 0 Smith. 21, Anthony Btooker. 3d, Thou Y Learning. 4th. Job Bseon. Ist Cor’l, M MoConnoll 21, Henry Harrison. 31, John R Tunis. 4:h. John B Simmons. J. Donaldson, Jr., Q’m’r. 1861. Captain. Tims. O Jnmet. tat Lt , R. Butler Price, 4i, William O tmao. 0. S'rg’t. F Rogers. 2d, Wm D Smith. 31, Robert Morris. 4th. 8. J Randal AQ M. Ist Cor’l, M E Rogers. 2i, Chas. F Lsnnig. 31, R E. Raariel 4th, Edwin A. Lewis. Lanoe, Sami Bell, Jr. PRIVATES. John Agen, William R Angicr, Henry Asbhurst, Robert W Biokley, Wm Blanchard, John Borthworth, John A Btowu, Jr., Jas F Brinfon, f Morgan Bndd, J soph R. Burke, W H. Bu'ler. M Chunk, Ch-ts. E Cadwallader, John H. Caswell, ‘Augustus M Conover, Emlen N Carpenter, Geo Cochran, E. S. Cooper, Wm S Davis, R’.ohard G. Deveienx, Geo. 8 Evans, lUaraeo Y. Evans, Randolph Ellis, Narlhoro Fraser, Jr., J»hn B Fassit, Geo. Gilpin, H B Goddard, Robert E Gray, Jr., John W. Grigg, James H. Harper, J Henry Haaalttae, N. P. Haven, Alexander Hejnsley, Alfred Horner, Jr, Wm- H Howell, ■Samuel H. Jacobs, Robert P. Kane. J Hamilton Kuhn, Hartman Kuhn, Chas. 8 Koyser, Chas L. Leioer, E. Lowber. Jr, Lewis McMakin, Wm H Merrit, Gabriel Middleton, Horaee P. Mitchell, Joseph R Paxton, A. J Pemberton, Clifford Pemberton, Wm H. Potter, Edward L Rvskink, O. D Rioharda, D W Riddle, D. C. F Rivinns, J D Rolf, F D Serztager, Bei-jauiin P Sloan, A V Sloan, Copper Smith, S-ephen E Smith, E W Smi-h, Edward L Tevis, J Thompson, Henry Tucker, James West, Jr , Frank D Wethorill, G o. J Whitehead, Edward W Waite, Charles M Willing, R P Wilson, Joseph P Wood, W W. Wood, William R Wnrtz. BOOLEBS. George Dunn, Jo-cpn N'lfhar, FARRISB A BLAOSBHITH. Frank E. Wood. trivatbs H M Nixon, D Q M-, L Lardnsr, A D. Q M., Robert Wharton, Edward Davies, Wm S Willing, William Craig, John Y. Bryant, Frauds Q Smith, Lswrenee Sink, Joseph Grats, John C Smith, William Lehman, George Bugg, Abraham Kintsing, John McCrea, Samuel Jackson, Wm Whelan, William Simmons, Edward Twells, Wm. B. Smith, Thomas Taylor, | Henry Tdand, Wm. W. Fisher, Samuel H Jacobs, Clement L. Brady, Cbas P Fox, Matthew Mathews, Wm. H. Hart, Henry McMurtrie, Augustas Cashing, Francis Worley, Lewis Vanuxem, Geo. T. Stnekert, Edward M. Donaldson, Francis M. Bolton, Charles Petit, Moses Thomas, Chas Norris, Frederick V. Krug, Johuß Warder, Thomas Say, John Warner, John W Morrell, Nathan Hail, Joshua Harlan, Jr., George HoCalmont, John Inskeep, Jr., Henry Wietff, Henry Winner, Wharton Lewis, John Elfreth, Hugh Lloyd, George Willing, William J. Brown. IBCXPRTBR. John Lambaoh. Among those who served in the war of 1812-15, we notice some or our most distinguished citizens: Mayor Wharton, Messrs Nixon, Lehman, MoCrea, Toland, Prof Samuel. Jaokson, with many others, some ef whom went'into private life; and among the few left, Captain William H Hart, recently in command, remained attaohel to the organization, and lives to see renewed the vigor and ardent pa triotism which so signally distinguished these citi sen soldiers in the days of the Revolution, and in the War of 1812 May the successors of each worth; seniors maintain nndimmed tha lustre and renown handed down to them tfarengh so long a train of honor and of honored pride. Fatal Acen>EST.—A young man named John Dunn, a member of a vvtumcer company at tached to Colonel Chantry’s r-gitnent, foil off a fence near the esoampment, at Camae’s Woods, yesterday morning about nine o’oloek. Be was almost instantly killed, having dislocated his neck. The deceased belonged to Silver Springs, Lancaster oounty. The Democratic Cobvehtion. —The De moo ratio Convention will meet at Spring Ga> den Hall, on the lonr’h Tnewtav in this month. Pnr men Shepb-rd, Aston V Parsons, and Henry S Hagert, fiiqs , are the prominent candidates for Judges of the Common Pircs. For the District Court beech, we hear mentioned the nnmea of the Hon George Shorawood, George Northrop, and James Ottersrn, Jr-, Efqs To bb Enlarged. —We understand that the committee having oharga ot toe refreshment sa loon. at Wnshingooo-street wharf, intend enlarg ing its dimensions so that five hundred can be ac o.itom -dated Tois will enable half a regiment to be fed at one time, thus greatly facilitating mat ters, main view of the large influx of troops whioh may be expected ■within the ntx’. month or two, the enlargement will be found to be a necessary ecnvoniocce. Accepted —The National Grays, ol Cam. den, have been aocspted uy the Governor of New Jersey, and will proceed to Trenton to be mus tered into service on Monday next. There are a number of Philadelphians in this regiment Fully Committed.- -Yesterday morning Charles C Turner, who was arrested by High Constable Clark, charged with being a military impostor, as stated in The Press, bad a hearing before Police Magistrate Beitler. Tho accused was fully committed to answer at oonrt. Fatal Result. —Coroner Conrad held an inquest yerteroay morning upon the body of a adored lad, named Calvin Thomas, who was rnn over on the Reading Railroad, on Wednesday af'amoon, near the Columbia bridge Thomas was attempting to jump from a movirg train at the time He had both legs mushed, and he died in abont four hours after the occurrence. The de ceased was thirteen years of age T« ns Mustered Ik. —Capt. Hawkins’ com psny, attached to Cot. E. D Baker’s regiment will bo mastered into -ervloe to day. Ah Ikpepbhdest Company. —Collis’ Zou aves. of this olty, are to be mustered in as an in dependent oompany, and to be furnished with Zouave uniforms. Orders to that effect have been tuned. Pocket Picked. —Mr. John Sevil had his pocket picked of a wallet containing $215 in money and a oheck for $3O, on Wednesday morning, in Camden At the time of the theft be was at the depot, dnnng the passage of the New York Fire Zouaves Vesterday afternoon, Detectives Taggart and Bmith, of this oity, arrested two well known piok pookets. known as John Clanoey and John Keenan alias “Fiddler Jsok,” upon the charge of oommit ting tbe theft. --■They were looked up for a hearing Govebhmbbt Hobsis.—Large numbers ot horses are being daily inspected and bought in by the Government agents. On Wednesday two hun dred were inspeoted, at the Bull’s Head stableß, West Philadelphia. They are for oavalry servioe. Attempted Riot. —Yesterday • morning, abont nine o'clook, as a reoruitmg party, headrd by two colored musioianß, were proceeding down Eleventh street, and when in the neigh boihood of Christian streat, several rowdies sei* d tha colored musicians, bantiling them very roughly ‘A very large orowd, consisting of batoneis, hucksters As , assembled, oreariog quite n stir, a portion ot those present taking sides, some with the rowdies and others with the rearnita The police arriving, quelled the outbreak in a very few minu r es. 'the attsoking party were returned volunteers, who seemed to be eggrieved that colored men were used in dramming np reoraits. Slight Fir*. —Yesterday afternoon an alarm of fire was caused in the neighborhood of Twenty-fmrth and Biddle streets by ihe burning of • foul ohimuoy The roof of the house was slightly damaged t^wr***** r , .?iKseSs&tiaw« Sold. —The prize ship Gen. Parkhill was sold yesterday, to Holmly & Co , 79 B-aver street, New York, for $7,400, of whioh $2OO was paid down; the remainder to be paid when the derds to tho craft are handed over to the pnrohaßers. The vessel was worth $12,000 or $15,000. Marshal Thomas Patterson conducted tho sale, and there wer. five bidder., ’lb" first bid was $5 000 and tbe last bid was bat $5O beyond the preoediog bid. The sale included she ‘ tackle, apparel, and furniture” of the ship There are four vessels yet to be sold, tbe Amelia , the Enchantress, and the Herald. The first named eonuuna a valuable cargo. Yovng’s Rfbijieht Kentucky Limit Ca valry— Che War Department has ordered Col. W II Young to inorease his force to a brigade ol 36 companies. Twenty-two troops ef 95 men eaoh are now at or en ronte to Camp Park Washington. Although innumerable obstacles have to be en oonnterod by recruiting offioers, this brigade has sent off Irom this city four companies this week, and to morrow Captains Bell and Walton will eaah take a fall company to camp. The head quarters are at 705 Market street. Board of Officers. —A board of officers is now sitting at toe navy yard, the obj -at of wnich, it is reported, is to investigate oharges against certain officers of the steamship Susquehanna. Cavalry Horses.—Last evening about onu hundred and fifty horses were sent to Wash ington. They are for Young’s Kentaaky cavalry Timely Arrest.—Yesterday slternoon, two noted obaraoters, known as Jacob Kreps alias *■ Dntoh Jake,” and Jnbß Young, got into a diffi oulty at Fifth and Minor streets, during whirh a knite and pistol were both used Had it not been f>r Ihe interference of the polios tbe result might have proved fatul Tha pugilists were both looked up at the Central Police Office. Quarter Sessions —Judge Ludlow.—Sam’l Herbert was acquitted of a oharge of assault and battery. No prosecutor appeared. William Leibfried and Christiana Leibfrled were put on trial, charged with retting fire to their dwelling, with intent to defraud the City Incur ance Company, of this alty On the 13 hof July lest, a: two o’elock In tbe morning, ofiicors in The neighborhood of Third and German atr«„tg noticed • smike ironing from a lager-faeer saloon and dwelling, 771 Third street, below German, occu pied by tho defendants The fire oouid be ob -erved through the opening over the bulk window The officers endeavored at first to foroe open the door or the saloon, and failing in this, went to the side door and again failed to effect an entrance The ory Of fire was raised, and soon Mrs. Leibfried appeared at the second-story window with two smalt ohildren. She was told to keep aool, as she would be resoued The officers broke in tbe door, and after some difficulty, owing to the dense smoke, got up stairs and met Mrs L with her children at the top of the stairway She ran down stairs and made her way into tho street- The fire was extinguished without muoh diffi onity, and i; was than ai oovertjd that overy thing had boon arranged ID the saloon to facilitate the spread of the flames. Straw and kindling wood — the first the contents of a bed, and the seeond made of the slats of a bedstead—were scattered abont the room. A pieoe of bed tick was also foun-l. The obairs were piled under the table, and every thing was arranged in piles. A piece of oarpet had been fixed ag tinst the door at the bottom When questioned, Mrs 1. denied that the bed the oorner of Nassau and Pons streets, known as Dunoan A Sherman’s building- The machinery is all DOW, and of the mast oostly and approved description, and everything is in perfeot keeping with the im portance and magnitude of the undertaking. It is ealonlated that there will be about two hundred million stamns nsed daring the coming year, from August 1,1861 Daring the year 1860, there we-e delivered to the Post Office Department 223.867,270 stamps, viz: Onc-oent.. 55 079.385 Three-oent. 160.592 600 Five-oent. 618 180 Ten Oent. - 4 438 750 Twelve-oent. 1,616 875 Twenty four oent 423.500 Thirty cent.......... . ...... 179 820 Ninety-ocnt 18,160 The twenty four-cent stamps were not issued until within tha second quarter, and tha thirty cent and ninety oent in the third quarter of the year- Tha cumber issued during tha two expired quarters of this year is: Ist quarter -2d ds E'idiog I t of July. 1861. The avenge inoome for a ziamber of yean past has been about nineteen millions per annam. The new stamps differ materially from the old ooaa in design, and they are uniform, in baying the valne of the stamp designated in figures in each of the upper oorners, and the letters U 8. in the lower ooroers, in addition to U 8. Postage, Three Gen's, etc. The one-oent stamp represents a pro* file bust oi Franklin, and the three-cent a profile bust of Washington. The fiye-cent has the head of Jafferson, the ton, twelve, and twenty four cent the head of Washington, the thirty dent the bast at Franklin, and the ninety oent is distinguished by Trumbull's head of Washington. Died n» Sah Fbanoisco.—The San Fran eisoo papers nf tbo 16ttt ait reaord the de*th by apoplexy of Mrs E-ixabetb Grosvmor, daughter of the late Tbi-mas Hamblin, of the Old Bwery The atre, New York, known on the stage as M's Ham ilton. Her husband lstt her in good health at 11 A fll, and on returelne at 2 P M found her dead Slave property has depreciated over fifty per oent stnoe the war commenced Y ung no gross were sold in Savannah, Ha., for $6OO and $650, who would have brought from $1,600 to $2 000 a year ago. We abe authorized to deny that the Presi dent has ordered wore to bn reaommeDoed on the extension ofthe Capitol The national revenues will be better applied b»IJr Lincoln than to de corative arobiteomre — N. Y Tribune Thebe is a way of doing good in the wo'ld on a small aoale that is soar* o’* appreciated A man who eduoates one ohild faith ully roar effet a w.'.k or greate* benevolenoe thtnons who won tha name of philanthropist. A man who pnrohassa his garments at •he gift clothing depot of Granville * tokea. 609 Chestnut s’reet. not onlr shows his sense and sound judgment, hut also does himsslf a great good, and effects a saving of a snog little sum in a very short time. Witn every purchase a handsome gift is presented. Rstpbh Huxa of the First City Troop —The First City Troop had a splendid reoeption on their ar rival home yesierd *y morning. The Home Guards wsre ont in force, and Patterson’s regiment traced the oc casion. All looted well, a fact to be attributed to the oiroumetanoe that most of the men in the ranks b d nr onres their uniforms at the lirowm atone Clothing Hall of Rookhi'l A Wilson, Nos. 6(3 and 000 Chestnut street, above Sixth. 1 his establishment is now the great Military Clothing Depot in the oity. New York Stock Bzckasge Aug. 15 rmsT boabd 10000 (JPGs’6l reg’d 88 i 1000 HudSa in 80 16000 U a 6s’Blocup 8816 100 narlem Ist mt.—9B 1000 US 6s 71 reg. 80X.1W00 VLob *d mt- 6034 lstiOO U66s 74 noun—ll 16 Bank of America—.. 96 40600 Tr’y 6 W cts Yr- 96 So we rnpolnsn Bit— 89 steo Ohio 6- isso 9i i so Imp * Trad 6k —.,76 1000 111 Coup Ods ’(ii 81 Jr 300 Erie Reilr ad 2884 law 11 Coup ids 77.—82 6 Erie « prof- *1 SWOO Venn 6s’9o. 46 4' do —.: 60 6060 do . 4434 126 Fao in S 3 Co ..78 I6"00 do.—. . . .4*34 6 do- 8314 InOOO do. - 4434 140 do—. .-7754 60J0 do— ..S3 4454 10 do— —7734 9UUO Virginia St 6s. . . .54a 1M do. o 78 600 do—-.516..1434 10 US Trust Co 110 100 dn —69 DOOM YCenßexdtSO 74 6000 do 6634 160 do— ..0pg7434 2000 do. 6<3 jluo do—.— ,p&0.74*4 6000 do .tIJ 66 ,26 do —OSS 7414 6000 do 6554! 80 Hud Rivß ..3434 600 d 0—6634,3001 1 Cen »eo.— 6»34 4030 Georgia Ssdti,.— 70 60Gal 3 Chi A— ——o 6614 2WOON Carolina 6s .....66 460 do— -.—-0.6634 i 4 00Missouri Bt6s.—. 44 I 60 do—.»4.«S 11000 do 4 34, 60 do. sSo 6634 10000 Mn 8s 111 H ft i4iio Cle & Tol H 3034 St JR 4634 200 do b1530?4 600 Louisiana6s 63 ISO do bls>J4 80M> do 6414 2UO do >3030 6000 'al St7e 7634.2 0 do —W0.9034 1106 Erie 3d mt bds’B3 .86 33 Ohio Uftd ..68 iooco do .84>i! 8o d - —.eax Ashes are firm, and in moderate request, with sales of 50 bbls at $5 25 for Pots, and $5 25 for Pearls Brbadstdffs. —The market for State and West ern Flour is bnoyant, and prices are 6alos per bbl higher, with an aative.demand for export, and a moderate inquiry tor home oonßumption The seles are 16 000 bbls at $4 45*4 50 for snpetfine State; $4 65a4.76 for extra Brute; $4 46 :4 50 for superfine Miohigan, Indiana, Ohio, lowa, Ao- , and $4 60a 5.85 for extra do. innluding shipping bra ds of round-hoop Ohio at $5 05a5 10, and trade brands of do at $5 20«6 20. Southern Floor is firmer, with a moderate do maud; sales of 600 bbls at $510t6 36 for surer fins Baltimore; $6 50 875 for extra do; sB*B.lo for Brandywine; $6 725 tor Georgetown; s7a9 for Petersburg city ; $7.9 for Richmond oily Canadian Flour is also better, and in fair request, with sales <*f 800 bbls at $4 45*4 50 for Buperfine, and $4.60a7 60 for the range ofex-rs brands. Rye Flour is quiot and firm at $2 30*3.85 for the range of floe and snpetfine Corn Meal Is insottve; w» quote Jersey at $2 80a 2 85; Brandywine $3 10,3 15; punaheins. $l6 Wheat i* firmer, and priors are 1- 3o per bushel higher, with an astir- demand 'or export * sates of 180 000 bnabels a< $1 09*1134 for good to prime Milwaukee Club, $1 14 for am»rr lowa. $1 18 for red Stats, $1 28al 32 for white Western, and $1 32 for white Onto Corn la firm, with an active demand for ship ment. at d a lair inquiry for the home trade; sales of 140 000 bushels at 43u49a for oommon to prime and ehoica snd 500 for Wes era yrllow Rye is quiet at 48.50 a for Western and 60a63c for State. Barley Is dull Oats are steady, at 30»320 for Jersey, Delaware, -and Pennsylvania; 32.33 for Western and State, and 28528 for Canadian. Pbovisiohs. —Pork is dull and heavy; the sales USUAL INTELLIGENCE The New Postage Stamps 57,6!l 799 47,310,959 CITY ITI3MS. New York Mnikets Yesterday THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1861 are 251) bbls., at $l5 far mess end $lO 25 for prime. Bsef is lnaotlve. with email sales at ss<}s 50 for country mess. $4 450 for country prime. $9 60a It 50 for repacked Western, and $l2 50*13 25 for extra mesj. Prime me*s beef is dull and nominal. Beef Asms are quiet end unobaDgrd Gut meats arc dull and heavy, ai si.oj for hami, and 44s for shoulders. Lard “Is quiet and steady, witk sales of 150 tierces and bbls. at - WBißKYi?fifm with-a-moderate demand; sales 600 bbls. at 163.l?o ARRIVALS AT TUB PRINCIPAL HOTELS W TO 12 O'-OJtOOX AAST ItfftSTe CONTINENTAL HOTEL- Ninth and Chestnut. F W Book. Baltimore A J 8t John. Vermont C H Hon", Philnlalphui w Tbomwon. Pml» H U Novell. New >ork G K Hr kan, Terre Haute Geo Chipmun, Now York Mrs Curtin, Harr.sbnrg MissCurr.m Hariisburg O N r.eball. t'-nna Dr O H Do Graw Now York S Yokq, haetou. Pa s -W Clark. Wash, D C Gf o W Geer New York G R White, DSN H W Bunion. Del 00. Pa * Fipinmr. Pittsburg W - Ills. London V Ki-b. A |a, No— York G T Imne. Lairmeter W M Kerr. Harrisburg V Borgha-is. Harrisburg Alf Buberr, New YorZ K -mP.h, New York tobn i-laweon, 'Winhigan Dr F 8 -flltzinrer, rrlla c®[ F V,llee. Ph ltdelphia J J Seitzmser, Phila Wash Irvine. V S i* Lieut J Kasestt, U n A Lieut J B Famett USA J McOonkev, York 00. Pa olt o looker, Yo k on.Pa C GnsW' lt. Boston John Berry, Die ”"liimbia K F Cnambers, Msmsnd P i hierot. -. w Y >rk R L 8 Hall. New York Mies -< J-l Riltenhnuae. D C W L Mlltrarn. Virein a Dr T 8 Chriot, U 8 A A J Snow. Pphurlkill oo il Th- m-o, Ponuertvania W EtF lowa Fdw H Fitch, -)hio Capt M D L Sunpaon « wf, GoIHP ‘dams New York USA M?o Adams New York MnjOtio- Fort Monroe J f-woerey A so New York G W Mohhal.berton J 8 naif "i I ,London a M shoemaker. Balt. P H Fendall Jr, U 8 M C '»ash Irvine, OS S L Marx. New York W ’I hompson, Philad C C Hand, Philadelvhia Jas P Brewer & l«dr. N H JYI r- Geo K Bin-ham. Ohio J 8 Holme Brook y ll . N Y A|B Johnson Bwon James M Farr, rhilsd 8 :,■« r Washineton. DC G A Heath. New York A W Gbzz tm. Pitt bure Jas Henderson, Hoohester Mira Henderson, eooheiter B Fisher. ■ ppnrfield, O G VI Todd New Y.> k W C o»yton. , r » Jersey HH Stevens Buflalo, N Y M F Wentworth. Msins Wm B Kins U 8 a Foster swiii,, New York M Jones. Maryland Jt Jaidine - F 8 B.nue 'ew York J F Stoddard, New York John O rsffl n, Hnltimore «eo HC - eab Baltimore M W Galt, Waehinrton Z D Gilman. Washineton Geo !*' H liay. at Anrhony i-hte H Packer. Boston H Wh'tlook, Fnsiand L Kassel, hcw Yo k '-’eo W Wilie, ew York B >-le ,aon k la. New York WB F flioher tt I J Van w en* elear, N J J B Rcorer, New York J Packard, New York AMERICAN HOUSE—Chestnut street,above Fifth, tfl C, rodkler. Wiim. Del A BiehawlfiOß- Wilm,Dtl T E Rlrtrt'fl A eo Cio*innati n D ob. Carolina W M Del W aj Otis, Ko t Monroe A Maoartbnr, Pt Monroe W Mauarthur. Fo;t Monroe G A r roy N Y C W Links Tro» ,NY. JT Fnrlook X wf, Md J ft Jont*Bs Marrlsnd John Opdyoke, Easton Whar ie, Jr, Philadelphia J« nariin*ton. *tyr York H ‘an, i-asrrn Pa JF Ga- rer, Milton, ra _ J Gi’fillßßv TuekAnMl s R fl Naw Vorlc p ,iW Tayl r New York H A Jarman, New York MMRb'd s. Taunton G T Atwood, laun o i T P K-nsf*r G Brinton, Jr. Ch-s er oo j'eur n M Gonncie Pa C M Knauss. Beth>ehem C Dressier. Pa O ft Kibbee. Detio.t J B Pfn-y* New Yo k A B Ha ght New York W Ri -hardaon, Albany H G Baesbnry, New Votk Gfl Waggoner, New York H A Aoohternaoht, N Y MERCHANTS’ VOTfiftr-tartt ftrtefi Mltw AIU, e Launuter J-u dr Lexintton. Ky A E Laing & aon» N Vork J' **pplpv Harrisburg Pev J I -fclsetood Sc la* Pa r jenka, J Pr wn. Balem n Jersey J ohns ►oyer.Tanaena EPSir. amok*, N York J H Caswell. Virginia G 8 Brad* « wf. Lancaster OTT Jones*. la,Fraik p ord John Sme-.d, New York TM K-mith, Washington GMI Alexander, Pittsburg STATES VOTON-Market street, above Sixth. John W Bolden. B\ltimore W P F Wharton. Md r* Benob Perry 00. Peuna Levi H Crouse, Penna AH W Creieh.Buutinrd’n BWLeslie.Ft Wayne,lnd Dr A Thomson, Marrlsnd C F L«noaster John Daner. Lancaster H Miller i aneast#r Jos * lder. Pittsburg Wl Watt, Pittsburg John G*l»* s h«r, Maiyland J R MiUer, retina O J KunVef, Penna M W Thompson, N Jersey Wm S Patton, Princeton, N J COMM KROIA L HOTEL—Sum as., above Chestuut. C B Feyrolds- Penna M Penuook Delaware W P Levis Ala Kentucky Misa A K Levis. Md .) w Wingerd, Pottstown John O Powley. Penna renns Thos P Potts- Phi ada ; tobtW Remolds Jr Del 8 8 Young Sc la Chester oo . no fersey Wm Ba'l-y. Bucks o<> Pa JTj son, Montgomery oo BamlPittenger. Pennsylvania MOUNT VERNON— H eonnd street, above Aroh. JM*i QtokBoQ.SA6m.NJ Win Fldriie.USA Geo Woo’a. PmV d Iphia Geo W I La E D Clint;* n, lal fomia Tnos A Wright, Fails, t ami Soli ; ay. New « PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. GEO. N. tatham, J Til FRO'k HINGHAM,} CoMttiTTU or tbs Month. WM. L. REHN. S LETTER BA«» fU *nt Mwtkants 1 JSsteJi-Gn-ge, PhiitUtelpi-i*.- Ship Tuscarora. Bunlevr —...- . - - - Liverpool. soon Ship Westmoreland. Deoan —— Liverpool* Boon Hark Martha Ann MoNeil. Bomers- London, soon Bark Nugget, (tir) Brownlow——. ——Barbados soon ting Mary tfi Milltken, Harden——Matanxas.ioon gphr Augusta. (Br) Horton . 8t Harts, boob RARINS VNTEU.IOENOB FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, A tiff. 16, 1861 RISKS —5 16 -4WB SEWS HWE WATER— ARRIVED. Btenmihip Delawa-o. Johnson, from Now York, via Ore Ma., 7 hour*, with mdnn and uasssnce-s to Jv Allderdiee AtHX »M on Wednesday, Booth of "quan Befteh spoke sohr Grecian with 10-s fo em at and aaila, havint been in a tale toe previous ni [h t—wanted no aa ’Bark B'nj'inin H&lleH, Little, U dais from Ker Wrst. in ba'l-utroonp-nin, _ sohr Bvenne. York. 7 days from Havana, with mdse to G W Bern-dnu * Bro. - ohr Mary «tandiab. Atwood, ( daya from Boston, with mdse to Crowe! * Collins. Bohr Cere*, Meredith, from Lynn, in ballast to Van Dusen, Norton ft Co- Bohr Lidia a IV ay. Baker, from Portland, in ballast to N S'urtevant * Co. Bot ", T Alien, A ien,(days from Boston, withiae to o«vt&ra. voir John Wilson, TT-rdr, 6 daya from Baltimore, with naval stores tn T Webster Jr. sohr Delaware Denby. lday from Smyrna, Del, with corn to J-a Surratt 4 Son. _ Sohr Hoa-l Lvons. I day from Lewes. Del. with wheat to Jaa L Sewlev ft Co. Bohr Vi nng Amerioa. Tuft. I day from Fort Deposit, with »h«*i to .'a* L 'lewley ACo Bohr Champ on. l lollina I day from myrna, Del. with wheat and o ta to j**s L Rowley ft Co. eehr J GSt-Ue, "wain S nays from ’oston.in ballast. Brig Judge Whitman. Bray, fr mi Boston. Bohr Mary. R akards 1 day from Camden, Dei, with Wheat to l»s L Bewiey ft.Co SohrnywSimmons Godfrey, from Boston. Rehr L * Danenhower Millsr. from Boston- Sehr Gen L Green. Cobb, f»om Boston, Poi.r G D A R P Shannon, wow«n. from Boston. Po v t Ji hn F Dough y* 1 esds from Hartrohport. Rohr *u&*n F Abbott. Lvdlam. from Providence. Bottr K *< Parker. Pnrker, from V ev York. Pchr Sophia Atm. "mi b from Milton. Nte&mer *arah. Jones, 84 hours from Mow York, with mdse to Wm M Baird A Co. Steamer George Washington, Whildin, 7 hours from Cape May, with passengers to oaptaen. ' Steamship Delaware, Johnson, Mew York. Jas All derdioe. „ _. , , _ _ Rhip r.anoaster. D»oan. Liverpool. J R Penrose. Brig Jndge Whitman, Bray, Boat on, VanDnsen,Mor> ton a Co. . ohr 3 F Abbott LuA’am, Boston, do Bohr t, G een C ibb. Bo*ton. do Sohr H W Morse, benton- Washington. do Pohr J C Bount. Br.yle,Wsshingjon, do Rohr o* r en. Meredith Lynn, do Rohr 'VW Aimraons. Godfrey. Boston. J street A Co. Sohr B C ‘•cribner. Irons. B ston, N dturtevant ft Go. Bohr Lydia A May* Baker, Boston. do Sohr £ V Alien, Allen, Boston L Rothermel ft Co. Pom Jae G Stule. Bwain- Boston, Banm, Ogle ft Co. Sohr K Forießier, Lawson, St John, MB, £ A Souder & * ‘o Bohr M Reinhart, Fetenoo, Fortress Monroe. Tyler, Stone A Co Bohr West Wind, Burnett. Fortress Monroe, do Pchr w m John, Gallagher, Boston, do Sohr John F Doughty, Leeds, Chatham, N.ble, Ham mett ft aidwsll. Bohr G D ft R F Shannon, Bowen, Lynn, E R Sawyer ft Co- Sohr K H Parker. Parker, Proridenoe, R H Fowe»l. Rob** Sophia Ann, Smtrh. Roxburr. L And sorted ft Co gobr Wemy Taylor, NiokeTaon. Boston, oaptam Rohr Ei ex Post. New Bedford, ReppJier ft Bro- Bohr E Townsend, Williams.' Boeion, J R Blakiston Sohr A Townsend, Townsend do do Sci'ir u A Danechower, Miner- Boston. do Rohr Island Belle, Butler, Mattepoisett- do Sohr 8 A o'<*e. Boice, csugna, Baoeroft. Lewis ft Go. Sohr J P Prifold. Richardson N York. Hoiorolt A Co- Sohr N v rmth, East Cambridce. Castner, Btioknoy ft 'Wrllinuton- Str Mew York. Punter, Mew York. W P Clyde. StrJ SShnver. Dennis, Baltimore- A Groves. Jr. SAILED. Ship Deoan f<*r Liverpool* left Lombard street yesterday, in tow of tug *merioa. Per oargo consists of 39 9i4 bushel* wheat 'corn. 3>3 catks tai'nw. 71 htids beulc,3lo hbls pork, 100 tcs beef. 3*ooo hides 3 860 bbls four, and s 7 paessagers. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange./ LVWB9. Del-, Augl4 There are several vessel* at the harbor, bat op eo ooudc of the heavy northeast wind, it is impossible to obtain their names. Yours, A. MARSHALL (Correspondence of the Press*) Reading. Aat is The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill Canal to dav, bound to Philadelphia, la den and oonsitned as follows: „ . . . . „ Geo P Watson, lumber to Bolton A Cmtman; A F Tiosman and F Coleman, do to Samuel Bnlton & Co; A C Monroe, do to John O Srearn, Elisabeth City; Elias Reber. cord wood to D B Fisher; Cap* Porter, grain to Humphreys. Hoffman A Wricht; M M Sherman do to Jae Perots A Bro; Orion, d 1 to Kirkpatnek A Co; Sierra Alta, lumber to M H Keith. New Fork; Thomas A Har ris iron and srain to Jae Perott A Bro, Steamship Baker, sailod from Boston 14th inst for Philadelphia* .... Ship Unole Joe, Pinfcham, hence, arrived at Liver- Wiitiom, Berry, sailed from Gl'sgow 50th ult, for Boston ■ _ , StupJas Brown. Crabtree, entered for loading at Li ve'pool l«t inst. for Valparaiso and Callao—altered lmm New York. - . , Bark Aroadia, Goodwin, at Greenock 81st nit. from W&tanias, . « , . . _ ' . I)ri(t >«an Antonio. Collins, oleared at New York yes terday for Philadelphia. „ _ . ». »rig John Freeman. Crowell, for Rio de Janeiro* oleared at New York tesieroay. He hr B Watflon Willey cleared at New York yee terday fir Marseilles , . llt Geo W Krebs. Emerson, cleared at Baltimore 14tb inst. foT Newport, Del olirs Rteanor, Towns-i d Marietta Hand Tern, for Philadelphia and M t'later, Biissard, for Wilmington, Del- oleared at New Yore yceterta*. -oh'fl T G Bnbnard. williams, and Redmgton. Clark, het oe arrived at Portland lm Gre*n*ich By order of the Lighthouso Board, UHAKUSS W. TURNBULL. Lieu . U 8 Corps ; op. Engineers, Engineer First.aid Neoondl •<. IL Districts Office Lirhth'use Engineer. Po»ton Ju v P ltsl. SFEOIAE NOTICES. £xtbnsivb Exp Em bn ob and the recorded testimony of thousands prove that JAYNE’S EXPh C TORaNT is, without ex-irpToHf the most, valuable remedy n the woild for coughs, colds asthma, bron chitis, cr»‘Up. whooping oru h. consumption, and ail pulmonio complaints. Prepared only at 34* CHEST NUT Street. aul4 4k s*Slo* UIMKIKB or TB* {jATBBT 3rTLii>nuUe in Ike beet manner. exprenlr lor KE #Alfc SAI.iiS. hWF&'a sellinx srioea marked in i: !Mi Kijv-es. All gooi* made to order warranted Miufaeiorr. 0«r ONE-PHIOE irrtert u etrieklrai- to. in ere tkereby treated alike, trts ir jotnjn J- RO-* SU I! KK* Street BASOHafjOn'fl Ha!h uh. —xnis celebrated and psrfe.il Hair Dj« it 111 Itst in lit varli. All other* are more imitation* ofthl* treat original, which ha* gamed *aoh extentive patronage in all part* of the stobe. The genuine W. A. Batchelor’* Lrnuid Hair Oyt ißStmitly produce* a splendid blaok or natarai brown, withoat fiaining tbs akin or injuring tiio hair F:»« Bert in ¥«# for Family Brwing. its. ISO 3KKSbPKSY rhliadalohia uff-li SCFFBBHES WITH DISSASBS OF THB BLAD dih, Kidney*. Gravel. Dropsy, Weakness, to., read the advertisement in another column* headed ** Helm* bold’s Genuine i*reparat» o ns»” mir * ** OAKD PbIKWHG, •SUB'? ANU UfISAPWJ* in ,e City, at SO £eats WRIRP Strom BILL-HEAP PRINTING, llentandOhoapeit i:i the Cist at 3* South *'«TRI> Street. CISCWLA* PBINTIN*-Seat and «***»«• is the o re. ■( ‘.a 'e.T.s, Taiec, stn*t PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every otfcordeearip tioK of Printing, of the auot ouperior quality, at tho 4o*i reasonable rate*. *t RTsfGWALT A it Rrivrnt’fl. • v....’. ■ u *, o„,tvW't!Kt>«te»«t. JoIAH KAKHIJSP THOMPSO'i-BERRYKteN -On thelBth instant. by Rev. Jan e* G- Sh nn, Mr. Robert Tuompoon to Mi3l Catharine Berryman, all of this city. JUBtl. WALLACE.—On the 14th iliat.. John Wallace, m the M Tho*™i2dvlm**L Jlnenda. <*t Jolm'e J **» l 1 * A. Y. M , end United -enth and Girard avenue, this '5n < Hie’lBihi"riat 0 , o Li2*l«, daughter of James and M. Marta Evans, agtil s jeais, T months, and s w f'itZG V R ALD. —On the 14th instant. Hubert Fitzge rald son of Jamas and .uary Fitzgerald, aged 3 years, ll Funera* fionUtMuesidenoe of hie parents, 13(3 Mas oher str-et., aoove Girard avenue, this ( Friday) after nh insL, Mrs. Rachel R I amh din, relict of Thomas Lambdin. in the 68th year oi her ***uneral from the residence of Mr.A. W. /jHRjjJJj 7 1 Booth Front street, above Catharine, this (Friday tt^McLAUCHLIN.— On the 14th instant, Jane,MoLanoh '"puneral from the re-idenceof *gne» TeimentjSal tfr’s lane, two miles above Fraukiord* this ( Friday/ B Mc^iANUd.— * n'the 14th inet., John MoManus, aged from his late residence. 904 Cross street. Ninth, below Dickerson, thie(Friday)jcorning, at 8)4 O MEiISW —O- the 19th inst. Mr. WilliamG-Melish, print-r, aged 88 yea-e . ... . _ . Pir'eml from the residenoe of his aunt, Sarah A. CvmpbeK No. 711 Wood street, on Saturday morning. Bt a.OH Rl-ON.—On the 14ih instant, William John Mot ton, Aged 8 vt&T* e . Fune«M fn>Hi the residenoe of his father, Miohael IHomaon. >o. U 2 Fed«s«al street, the Or day; alter- 0 —'On the ISth inst.. TtomaeTf.,eon of Feiry and Saras J fcandiand. in the Tih year ol his funeral from the residence of hie rare ts, S. W.oor ner of Thompson and Hope streets, this (Friday) morn ln?6oVf 19th inet.. Daniel Uriah Foott, in the Ith j enrol his age. , , _ . Funera' fr m th« residence of his mother, Ssrah Boon, do 1117 Rodman street, this i Friday) afternoon, at J o olook. Mg _ on the 12th ills., at Crozierv le, Pa., Water H*nry.eldps a«n of Geo. go W. and Caroline Lit Wiliam-. aged 6 years. H/lOUKKIBW STORE, BEBMO - & SON, ITI 9fS CHKBTNUT street,are now selling Blftok crape mareta at 8S and SUf cent*. Biaok bareges. at so and Slifc cents Black 7-4 wide bareges. 00 and 6JK cent*, Second-mouroin*. poplins,* cent*. Gray mixed iavellaa,lraq. Gray mottled modenae, Mho. Gray mix 'd wide madonna*, IBXo. Black and white printed grenadine barege*, 10*. Shepherd plaid real *renadm* bareges, 600. . Black and white Pan* organdie*, tso. nri QjT FOR K *,GFtB having expired Letter* depositedl in th‘fl offic* u d°r cover of toe o d issue will not tie for w* rdrd tothnr destination. bmaentto the Dead i-e.ter i ffice a- Washington- _ , a ul6 St _ _C. Postmaster, |*g INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE UJF STATE OF. PENNSYLVANIA. Auxusta, 18*1. T'he D’reotors havethisdtv dec arena tuVtDLND of SJX PFR CENT., or TWELVE DOLLARS per share, panbe to the Btookholderr, or then legal Re* presentatives, on demand. *aus-l(U WILLIAM HARPER. Secretary. rv**r» NOTICE—TO THE INHABITANTS OF 11.5 FRAN KFORD—That the DAILY or WEEKLY PRESS oan be hr d at the counter of my store, or served at your house* regularly, at as ear ty^hnu r x H „ AR _ jylß-lin* Agent for Tht Pt«*s, in Frankford. aiUTABY NOTICES. JMTjsltllANS W-.NTEO—To form a REGIMENTAL BAND. Apply at FOURTH aid LIBRARY Streets, UhlOroß TYN,. LB. It* MajorTwen‘y-eighth beglment P. V. J VT f'fi- TIOS ! WHEATLEY LIGHT GUARD!—Horopany 1. Twenty-second Regiment tenn'jlvanla Volunteers The Compiny. will as aemble at tbe H .bool tbe p Air MOUNT FIRE iOMFaNY 10-OAY.at lo o’olook Ba.ineu of im ortapco will be brought before the Company. Volnn “Br’ordeVof ED W MID CARROLL, Captain of Co. i, Twenty *aecond Regiment Pa. VoU aul6*3t* u THREE-YEARS MEN—RECRUITS ■ 4ND V .LUNTEER* WaNTKD FOR THE RE- Ul'-ULJR ARMY Term of te'Vioe, three jear». JR Par. 8U to 829 per month. You ha»e now on op portunity to enlmc and eerre under graduates of Welt For full port'ouiorß, apply at 44 South BEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. t’av'am JOHN V. HAUGHKY, Fifteenth infantry Reoruitine OfHoer. HuGiMNT. PH? LA- Jjfcl DELPHI A LIGHT CAVALRY. RICHARD HfeNRY RUSH. Aocoyuxi by the War Department for Three Years or .the War. PRINCIPAL R!*NI>VZVuUa ’»33 M ■ RKET Street. This Reg’inent offers to aotive men who de sire at once u> go todut* peculiar advantage* The mastering will bs by companies The orders from the War Department have already been reoeivcd to supp y each oomoany, as soon h» mustered, with uniform. arms, equipments, subsistence, and hor.-ea, horse eiu pmenta and forage, and at once go in o o&mp near this oily for praotioe aoa drill daring tin formation of the Regiment. Tte nay iB as f Hows per month: Sergeant « ajnr, $23; UuTtermns er sergeant. $23; Chiet Hu«l r $23; Fitataer eant,s22; Sergeant, $l9; Corporal. $l6; ' Ugier, $l5; Fairer and Blaoksuat i, $l7; Private. *l4 The arm* will be simplj the Sabre and large>sized Revolver. The uniform will b* Dark-Blue Jaoket and Cap, and Sky dlue Pants. al> trimmed with Yellow braid. The Colonel, RlCtlAitli HfeNRY k a Went Point graduate, and 'aexprreneed army officer /ll the oilier offices are »uh. ut exception, select'd for their known fitness for their posi**r>ns. Young msn between the ages flBardSB ab'e-bodied, of light bu id, ano o er 6 feet 0 invhoa high* wi.o wish to join ton Kegment, t>an apply at the Principal Rendezvous. wo. 833 MARKET STREET. The res‘n'dier«s of the mnucted seivioe. Aii mn>s must produoe the written consent ok their pareut or guardian. >utfl- lit W a ; : I-.lit:-. A reduction if a hun dr*d p*r cent.—Colored Photographs for $1; Ambrot' pee at all prices at j'Jil iVUSH/3 Gallery. tiE CO ■ D sire t. above Green. D* tffe/l Him #2,C00 • KOUNJ* BSM'S, " % well secured* for sale. £5.000 and ss.OiOto loan on Mortgage. Atplr to N. H. and T P. PO. l'Bi AiKirneysalLlvw, OIT BfHIHu GakD£H Street. auKHH* JJLANK BOOKS FOB THE ARMY. ABMT CLOTHINO AND FqUIPAGB Of»JCB»£ • HILADRLPHIA, AUfUU Ifi 1861. { Sealml proposes or# invited, and will b* teoeive*!, at the Office until 12 o'clock M.ol tbeTw n ty-Bixtn ot TB»s m n’h (Augwh f>r furr>i*hmr br contraot tiio following Bl ilk Bonks, for the usioftu* Army, deliverable at the United Stales Arae&al, on the Pehufllrll.vixs* I#l _ _ . 300 Regimental General Order Boots. 30 ** Order Boobs. 800 “ Letter Books. Sou “ De onptu n Books. 800 “ index Books. 5 1 00 Company Order Books. , 3.000 " Clothing Account Books. S.OuO 41 l)raoripfion Books, 0000 “ Morning Rppurt uookbi 2 000 Post Order B take SOUO 41 M- ri-ing Hcport Books. 3.U00 “ Letter ooks. 1 000 ** 6iin f d Report Books. , „ . Jnp , es of the above Books may be seen at this Of fice, and all the Books must oonform etnotly thexeto, in paper, binding, Ac . „ , , . t « T> . Fropnaala must be made for each description of Book scparaielr, stating the price at which each will be fur- Bidders will state al*o the shortset time in which they will make oi obo fourth the number ad vertisedi uou how «oon ihor can deliver tne remamaer in eautl proportions. , . .. Contraots will be awarded to the lowest responsible l)idd»rlor each descrip ion of Book.notletsthanono-' fourth of ihe numbar advertised for. . . Proposals will be endorsed ** Proposals for furnish ing Blank Bonks for the Army,” nod be addressed to Colonel Ctt*RLfcS au 16,17,80 2224 21 A. Q.. M.rien. U. 8 Army. houses* WELLING, COFFIN. & Co.. No. 116 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer by the Package the following Makes and J>e soriptions of Goods: f . PRINTS. DUNNHDL MFG. CO. GREEN MFG. CO. BLEACHED COTTONS. Bay Mill, JLonadale, Hope, Bholutone, Greeno Mfg, Co,, Red Bank, Mariposa, Jamestown, Siateravilie, Belvidaro, Centre dale, ko. BROWN COTTONS. Fredonia.Ohio, Groton.SilverSpnng, Glcnyillo,Eagle, Mcch&mio’a and Farmer., Union, Bto. CORSET JEANS—Giaigow, Manchester. DENIMS AND STRIPnS-Hrafmn. JeWitt City. Mad non, Slatersvilla, Agawam, Ke,atone, Chnotaw. CANT'N FIiANNEIiS Blaterirille, Agawam, Shepard’s. BlLEBlAS—Smith’s, Uonmlale. Diamond Hill. WOOLENS. BROAD CLOTHS—Bottomley’i. Pomeroy’s, Glen ham Co. CASBIMERES AND DOESKINS -Greenfield, Gay’s, Stearns’. SATINETS—Bass River. Crystal Springs Convers ville. Hope, St.fiordvine, Converse and Hyde, Converse Brothers. Bridgewater. ALSO, Flannels, Linseye, Kentnoky Jeans, Nankeens > lokinss. Colored Cambrics Printed Cioakings, &o ah 9 fmwSm WILLIAMS’ FLANNELS ANGOLA, MERINO, SAXONY, ETC. VARIOUS WIDTHS AHD QDALITIBB For sale by WELLING, COFFIN, & CO an 9 3m fmw RETAIL UKK hUUDiI IfUSLINS STILL AT OLD PRICES.— Notwithstanding the advanoe in price of Cotton, UNBLEACh.D SHIRTING 31USL1NS _ >T THE OLD P»TCBs BLEACHED SHIRTING MUSLINS At the Old Prises. SHEETING AND PIbi.OW-CA’E MUSLINS . .... At the Old Pri es. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED COTTON . FLA"l kinds. „ AT •HEOL 1 ' PhICFS. New Styles of PRINTS at 6« 8 lu and 1214. In order to insnre more Ran ID *ALEs, and to close out our stoc 1 ! inse'ion.wehavemsde STILL FURTHKR REDUCTIONS In the prices of all onr Bummer Dress Goods. fl, re kf,. e. ). dt 80N| Wo. 713 Worth TENTH Btroot-. above CoatQfl. aulf-tf riKa* SHIRTI>G FL^NfcJSLS. Plain and 7willed Gra ■ a. Plain and Tw led hoarier?. Plain and Twilled array Plues. Fanoy French Shirtin* Flannels. W*>ite Fn&lith a» d ' mer-ean Shirting Flannels, Mixtures aid high colors »htrttng Flannels. BEARj'L.fe)5& iiiKJ'iiie.A*. oWRgTWV r and EIGHTH Streets* FAfiOY THIN DRKSS-9QODS. A few lot* remaining* of— Summer Drete Goods. In Bare. e* and Grenadines. Topline, Barege Angaia. Chintzes, Mozambianee. At very low prices, to eloae the stook. SHAH PLMt-, B''OTHERS, CH'-BI'MIT and EIGHTH Streets. Eyre & lanbell, fourth' and AKCH. are now opening, for Fall sties— Black BtoMis. low gmd s. Blaok Bellas, medium grades. Biaofc BteHas fine grades. aulfi & LANDELL are opening, for -*-J near tnde— Blaok r'llks, at old prioes. Full s fc ook of Muslins. Shawls of aJ> erodes. Brown and Blue plai* Silks. Foil stook of Staple S Iks. auls PRICE, FERRIS, & Co., Until farther notios, trill continue to oiler their wholesale nook of WHITE GOODS, LINEN#, LACES, AND EMBROIDERIES, AT RETAIL, At their wholeeale etore. NO. 5-8 MARKET STREET. Extraordinary inducements will be offered to those wishing to purehase ant thin. ,n their line roll ojlsh, PHICE, FERRIS, & Go, aaf-lßt Dsy GjODS at the lowest mar- K* T BATES Bareges, CbaUies, and Tameitines, cheap. Madonnas. Poplins Mohairs, Alpacas. Flam Br .wn and Tan Colored Nice assortment of Blaok Bilks. Small Figured Silks. Blue* Green, and l ilac Plaid Silks. 1 arger laids, v*ry cheap. Men and So s’ wea . tvee and eheap. House Furoiibing Goods. ttOO pairs Gen s’ Suspeodera at 63 aanta, worth 91* Ad oidertbargain. Also, Pift* Gents’ Linen Cambric Handker chiefs, at 96 pe>r doaon, very oheap. at JOHN H. STOKBS’, &u 8 TOa ARCH Street. CLOTHS, (MHUSJBRES, VESTINGS, oompnrlng a fine stook. at low rates, of men’s and hoys Wear. LOOPER Jc ;0 - ARD. au7 B. E. oorner NINTH and MARKET. 8 OENT DE LaINES AND BAREGES. $3.80 and $3 fnlllensth barege robes. Summer dress coods at half price. Blaok ureas goods* a fin- assortment. COOPK& A CONAJLD. au7 8. E. aor. NINTH and MARKfeI. Entire mantilla stock Be'uoed 40 per cent. to close it. BnTcaios in dusters and lao* mantles. Best hoop skirts, right Bhape, and reliable. CuQt'P.tt « OUHAAII. au7 a. F.. nerpnr ISTIfTB and MAKffEV. TJ »HBi<-FURNIdHING DRY GOODS, 11 of ewl <,e!oription ' O We Won ard & u 7 S. E. cor. NINTH and MARKET. r’HEAPDRY GOODS- STILL FURTHER REDUCTION IN SUMMER STOCK, in older to iMUTe min and realtae Cash. Fine Chinta colored Fane Organdie.. Do do. Fane Jaconet.. Medium strle do. do. Dark Brown Lawn., MKoent* ■ Silk Chaldee, Bareges. Barege Anglait, Gray Goods. Popline, Mon* de < aines. Ao Blank Tamartine Crave de Eevang. Ao. Fonlard silks and * iranese, Ao. White Goods in variety. A fins line of plain Swiss Muslins, IIE to SO ote Blaok Lane M antiea. Bonmona and Foint*. Blaok and Colored Stella Shawl. A very oheap lot of Linen Cambrio Hdkfe. A good stock ol Flannels and Domestio Goods at the lowest market rates, lorcosA only. _ CHAR ES AUAMB & SON, jyaO-tl EIGHTH and ARCH Streets -MEMORABLE YEAR!! AOUJ-a HARD ON DRY GOODS! VERY LOW PRICES 1 STILL MORE REDUCED! TBORNLEY k CHISM, NIB. oor. and SPRING GARDEN, Want to sell their stock chan of. And have oonsaquentlv REDUCED THE^PRIJES.^^^ FonoySilke a little over half prioo. Some styles of OressMJooos at half price. Lace Mantles, Fointes. Eugenios Ao.. vsryoheap. Blaok Silks, the oheaveat in Philadelphia. A great variety of Gray Goods, Lawns, Ao., As. A very latte stock of Domestio Goods. A ver, large stock of Linen Goods. Cloths. Cassimeres, Vestings. Ao.. Ac. N. B.—Thisis a RARE .CHANCE to get goods un usually cheap. THDRNLEY A cgISM. N. E. Cor. EIGHTH and SPRING GAr-DEN. N. B—From this date, July Pth, Terms “Cash on Dellverr.” iy» OOMMWR STOCK OP DRESS MOODS AT k 3 PRICES ACCORDING TOTHE TlMES.—Poplins, Bareges. Silk Cballi**. half pnoes Challie Delaines re duced from SB to llKo, t Spring Chintzes reduced from gXtoSo. Special attention is requested to our stock of Or gau dies and Jaconet LawnsvWhioh we are bound to close oat at a low figure. oAaRLFS AD A MSA SON. iptf RIGHTH and ARCH Streets. A BANKRUPT IMPORTER’S MOUK of Samples of Linen Cambrio Handkerohiefs. in hem-stitched, eheer-oorded. and embroidered, from 10 cents to 5J oenu eaoh; a great bargain, purchased a saenhoe for oa.lt, and to be sold in the same war only. CHARLES A 1). MS A BON. IdO EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. FREWOH LaOe PulNTis, BoUKN- tUS, AND MANTLES —A large stock to be sold at lest than wholesale prioes. We cannot be undersold in these goods, CHARLEB ADAMS A SON, JdO EIGHTH and A RCH Streets. M UcQUI.Ti , NET I'UNG, all colors: Tarie tan, all oolors, for aovering glasses; Plaid and Bwie. Muslin. « ™» ADAM3 A SON. t.sn EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. OPKOIAL NOTIUB! I On and after this date YHORXLEY A will ofior HVERY POSSIBLE IfiDUCEMiSffiV TO CASH PURCHASERS OF DRY GOODS? Being determined >o reduce tktir Stack they will n«i Bcid Bcrrains !! Beautiful Fancy Bilk* for 79 oentt, worth fI.U Heavy Rioh Fancy Sillce for sl* well worth $l.lO Vrenadine and Hareee Goode, aliout one bait lhe.-r value. Gray Mined Goode* in every variety. from 6 eecte per rord to GO oente« BLACK SILKS. RICH AND LDSTRORS. VK»V GfiliAft Gaat Bl&ek Brocade Silke. doable faoed, A&e., 01 JLUttAe . Calidoee* no*nimero«. Cloth*. Ve»ttT:s*- 40. Lineoe. MueUn*. P'l&sseui. . Cover*, Ao.- SHAWL AND CLOAK-ROOM EXHIBITION Frenuh Lace Mantles, Pomtea. Shaw's, Eugenes. Cambria Laoe Mantlet. Chanmla Laoe Good*. Aw Hiaok 'iilk Coats, Mantle*. Ao., in every style. 44 VRORNLR V * CHISM - F COAL. M. N. ÜBATOS^S LEHIGH AND LOUU ff T MOUNTAIN COAL WHARF. 833 North DEI.aWaRK Avenue, above Poplar street. AU Coal particular y aeleoted aed prepared for family use Bouse keeper* d**inng to lay mth ir winer tup y r. will be’uruiibed with agood:;nd oleaiiariole, at very reduoea urine* for o sh De-tlere and Manmaoturere am p ied at who'esale priie* aul3-imhAa2u* GK AT - LEHIbH i Hazleton) COAL, of a >upenor quality. Egg and Stove sizes at $4 AO per ton. Nut size •• 3.CW •* “ Wit) be sold at the*e mtes until the let of Ootober, if delivered east of *j enth ana north of Arch streets. To have advantage of this great reduction id pnoej eaoh order must be aeeompaiiieu with the nxsh. Ri P. GILLiNGHAMw sus-ut* N. E. FRONT and POPLAR Streets. »vi«t *■ CANS AND JARS! IMMENSE STOCK SELLING OFF AT NOMINAL PRICES, AT No«.m and 119 SOUTH TENTH STREET. The large'wholeeale .took of ARTHUR’S FRUIT CANS AND JARS, Now Selling off at an IMMENSE REDUCTION. I am now selling off, at RKTAIL, the entire stook of the late firm of Arthur, Burnham, & Gilroy, N. E. cor ner Tenth and George streets, consisting of ARTHUR’S FRUIT CANS AND JARS; “OLD DOMINION” COFFEE AND TEA POTS; PRATT S SELF-VENTILATING MILK PANS; PRATT’S SELF-VENTILATING BREAD AND CAKE BOXES. ICG CREAM FREEZERS, &o. No »uoh elmane as this will .lain oconr for get tin. the o';ove wsil known articles at a very low price. Now i* the time for Housekeeper, to Mourn a supply of Fruit Jar. fur the season, at a small oost, CHARLES BURNHAM, N. £2. corner TENTH and GEORGE Streets, Phi la. anS-thstulm LATEST AND BEST PA TENT FRUIT JARS, (BAKER’S PATENT.) NO CEMENT IS UBEO, AND NO EXPOSED SUR FACE OF GUM TO TAINT THE FRUIT. THEY ARE THE MOST SIMPLE IN OPERA TION, RELIABLE IN RESULT, AND EASILY PROVED. POTTER &, BODINE, Sole Mann&etarora and Proprietor!, 106 CHESTNUT STREET. Also, Masnfaoturon or Plain and Fanejr Win# and Liquor Bottler, Druggists* and Orookerr Dealers' Oreen Glass Ware. MO-wfmlm Glass above, GLASS BELOW. „ , GLASS ON ALL BtDES. No danger of being poisoned with Metal in mint the “ HarielfJar.” HARTFLL A LKTCHWORTJI, aalO-3m Glaaa Warehonsa. 13 N. FIFTH Street. AIL PKRSONS PUTTING UP JT%. FRUIT, £c . are MMoiftrj invited to oall and examine the “ Hartell Jar." recommended by Dr. At* lee, Prof. Booth and others, and see silver meda's and first premium dtp omos. whioh have never bailed being awarded when p'&ced in competition with other Jars. HjiRTK.I at LEiCtrWOnTH. aulo-2m Glass Warehouse. 13 N. FiFTH Street OR NAVY BLUE SATINETS. 5,000 or 6,000 Yarda Indigo Bine Satinet, auoh a* ii need in the United State. Navy. For .ale by FROTHINGHAM & WELLS, 35 LETITIA Street, and &ul4-JOl 34 FRONT Street, Litton duoe. SUITABLE *OB T.IS NT ’ *** 9>lR IT fROmimUASA A WZLhB. tl EAQIE HOTBL, ATLANTIC CITY, is now open with a ARGr, ADDITION OF ROOMB. Board* 9T per week : Batumi Dresses included. angt3-im Brainerd house, DELAW*RE WATFR GAP. A few Boarder, will be received at thie House lot the remainder of the eeaaon, at the low price of 98 per W au7'lot THOMAS BRODHEAD. SEA BATHING, CAPE INLAND, CAPE MAY, N. J—DEL AW AR E HOUSE is now open for the *eaeost Terms* 09 per week* lyUMm* JAMBS MECJIAY, Proprietor, «®A BATHING, L- BRIGANTINE BOUSI., BRIGANTINE BEACH. N. J. Now open for the eeaeon. The Bathing, Fiehing, Gunning, and Yaohting being very superior. Boats will await guests at the inlet on arrival of trains. Board por week fB. P. 0. Address. Atlantic City. H. 0. SMITH, JrS-ftn Proprietor. WHITS HOUSE, Lower end of MASSACHUSETTS Avenue, ATLANTIC CITY. This house in located immediately on the Boaohi end presents every accommodation for Visitors^ Terms moderate. WIIiLIAM WHXTIiHOUSJS, je»ff->ni Proprietor. «np H E ALHAMBRA,” ATLANTIC X CITY, N. J. A SPLENDID NEW HOUSE, 8. E. Corner of Atlantic and Maaaachuaetta Avennea, Now open for the reception of Boardera. The Rooma and Table or *' IHE ALHAMBRA ” are nnanrpaaaed bj any on the laland. There is a apaoiona loe Cream and Refreahment Sa loon attached to the Home. Terma Moderate. a DUBOIS A 8. J. YOU'D, Proprietor*. HALL, V/ ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. This sp&oieus House, situated at Atlantic City, will he opened on the 39th Juno, 'With every accommodation lor visitors. The House fronts the beach 130fett,nvini a splendid vieir of the ooean, and is near the Fisbme and Sailing point. No pains will be spared tr- secure the o'"'i | of guests K7".3oardmr reduced to $lO per week. jed-tsel THOMAS a GARRETT. Light house cottage, att. • rmo CITY, tbe nearest House to the safest part of the be " h ' i " oWo^li o Si t B L WW. «o UQVOIIS sow jcMBm Proprietor. CJEAHII'E HOUSE. ATLANTIC CITY. O N. J. BY DAVID BCATTERGOOD. A NEW PRIVATE BOAR ING-HOUSE. beauti fully ntnated at the foot of Pennsylvania Avenue Now open for visitor* for the season. jp?4-2m SKA BATHING. -“The CUsrpndon," (formerly Virginia House,) VIRGINIA AVENDE. ATLANTIC CITY, is now open tor the aooommodation of Boarders, his Home is sitnated immediately on the Beaoh* and from every room afford* a fine view of theaea. f e34-Sm] JAMES JENKINS* M. D. rpAM MANY HOUSE, NORTH CARO * LINA AATENUE, Near the Desot, ATLANTIC CITY* The’subsoriber take* pleasure in informing his former patron* and the public that he ha* reopened the above Bouse, where he will be happy to please all who may ft? CLEAVFR. Proprietor. N HOUSE, ATLANTIC v v CITY, N. Js—This House "ronts the Surf, and has the finest Bsthinr Ground on the, Beaoh* Board per week* $8.60. Bathing mosses isoluded for weekly hWem only. Board mjals.«. jeM-ta Piopnetor, Kentucky house, ATLANTIC CITY. N J. This comfortable and oonvsnient new house, looated on Kentucky avenue, opposite the Surf House, has been Sued up for «»’‘»^*M.. J? «j.n. (}Lßy propTietor ,. N. B.—Horses and Carriages to Hire* 1e24-lm r’ENTRAIi HOURS, Vy ATLANTIC CITY, N.J., M. LAWLOR, Proprietor. The above now house is open .tor Boarders.. Rooine equal to any on the beaoh, well ventilated, high oeil isgs. Ao. Servants attentive and polite. Approximate to the Bathing grounds. ieM-am pRANKLIN HOUSE, AT LA’: TTO CITY, N ' J ' BY MARY MAGUIRE. . . B M°rou f X t 'on th , a b.' ras*. -fef.Tr»no»ffwSS n aard.r. only. leMjm ; H USE. J ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. (Opposite the National,) JAklEb J* BARRs (o(>U Old Globe,) Proprietor. tUT The ohoioest brands of iAquors and Cigars to be wuud on the Island- jos4-»m C>!,i!MBlA HOUEB, Atlantio City, N.j. EDWARD DOYLE, Proprietor. . This Housois in the immediate vioinity of the Cun House, and within half a square of the best Bathing Grounds on the beaoh. The proprietor will nse every effort to make hi* guests comfortable. Terms reason able. QOTEL, (Nearly Ho “‘’ ! SAMUEL S.DAMS. Proprio'tor Dinner. • -■ : ■ o«nts. Also, Curriagee to hire. MW Boarders aooommodatod on tbo most reasouablr tanas, IsUfan SEA-tfATOINQ.-NATI »HAL ?I AL L, Ca.pb Jsland, Cape May N. J.-The propnetor of the above-named finely looated establishment would respeotfully inform the thousands pf Guests that have heretofore visited his house, that, in order to meet th pressure of the times, he has, for the present season. REDUCED HIS CHARGES for Boarders to * IGET DOLLARS PER WUEK. Children under 13 years of age and servants h&lfpriee. Superior accommodations, and ample room for 190 persons. , % ~ Refers to J. Von Court, 343 Aroh street, Philadelphia. Jegl-Sm A/, ft CM G A RRETSON, Proprietor. WHITE SULPHUR OHAI.Y. BEATE BPRINGB, DOUBLING GAP. These Sprinn are In Otunberland ooirno > f». t thin? miles west of Harrisburg on the Cumberland Valley Railroad,and ate now open for the reoeptionol visitor*. Board from five to eight dollars, aonordmg to, regun*. Procure your through tiokata at the Penneyivama Rail road Office, at a,reduced price $4 th*ough. Call on B. S. Janney, Jr., A Co.. 006 Market *tr*et. 10, information, eeaMKH , )e»-«m» Proprietors. CJiSA-B ATIIING.—The UNITED STATES HOTEL, ATLANTIC. visitors. Thisis the largest and best-furnished Hote An th« Tfllftnil. and bains oonvenient to the beaoh and surrounded bj extensive and weu shaded cronudß, u e desirable Hois." tor familiss It u lighted with gas el lffi«.h^.:m r 4io W r-4Mr^S doo,s “i tchvswr Prounetoi CUMMER BOARDING, ATLANTIC O CITY, N.J., ASHLAND HOUSK. Comer of Pennsylvania Avenue and the Rullroad. Atlantic Avenue, is now ovn» . FoMhfl reception of permanent or tgnsient bw^rs- WINE—In casks and oases *f th* brands at *'-) lliS a?* 1 ), PRESERVING JARS. MILITARY GOODS. SUJSMJBJK KF,SORTS. AMUSEMENTS. IVFcDJNODGH’JS OLYMPIC THE A. J.T A 7 rk. (RACE STREET, BELOW THIRD.! BRILLIANT TRIUMPH ortho new Miliinr. Drama THE HO L OF THE DRUM. A»D MISS ANNIE LONSDALE THE P OTKAN COM EDI "INN d, Who lustain* three great parts, THE VuLUNI'EfcR’S WIFE. »ND , A DEAD SH«T . Miss Lon«dale, Mr> Plaoe. Mr. Hemple, and the en tire Star Uonipan, wll appear Thir (FRIP Y) EVENING. It WaLWUT-MREBI THEaTJKE. . v Jja.t night hut one of the eeason. A maemfioe thill will be offered THIS (FnlDAv) r-Vi NiNG, August 15,1861, , , SLASHER AND ORAShTr. ’ Slasher~~ .Vin’nr Bower*. (hasher w. H. Hailey. Mr. EDWIN A CAMS will recite HRAMUS O'BRIFN. or the BOLD BOY OP GLINGALL. TOO AiUCH FOR GOUD NaTUKK. Mr Adolphus ... ——Vinins Bowers. Romeo Jamer Jenkins .....—, -—.Edwin Adams, l’o eefthlude with TIIE MAN-OF-WAR’S- MAN AND THE PRIVA . TEER. . „ Ren Trenivt ....... L. R. Bhewell. Belly I‘np le . _ . Mrs. Edwin Adams. v # • UK Day, last night and Benefitof Messrs, imi win >d - ins nut] Vin>ng Bowers. Prioes to usual. Performance to commence at Vto 8 o’ol ck )t AM « £ JJI RL Y Bl i ILDING 6. LAST .r... WEEK RUT two-COMPLETE AND UNEX AMPLu-D scloebb,—u.Torj mghi thl* weeki Day exhibition OH Saturday AFTERNOON. Jtt J ? Stai-er'otioon ofthe SOUTHERN REB-L -ji'UN-F1!!1 Views—including the great Battle at Bull a Run, Va„ Battle at Carthage, Missouri, with Portraits of all the Generals, to be followed y San derson’s great representation of the RU BIANWAK. Admission, Moenta; children, U cents. Colored people, «oents. aumt PENNSYLVANIA AO:-:DEMY uF THE FINE ARTS, SOUS CHESTNUT Street, is open daily, Sundays oxeepted. from S A. M. till 8 P.M. Admission 95 cents. Children under twelve yeare, half prior. Bharns of Bmck, 680, EDUCATIONAL. EET FEMALE b-.EMI- N RY.-MHB HONNF.Y and MISS DILLAYK will reopen their Boarding and Day hoho I on wEDNE'M-Y. NFPrE.v,BER nth, at Mo 16 • CHEo’i'AUT etroet, Philadelpnia. anld-lm Y00?G LAD) EE’ lhftlTlli’JE OF Hal boro, Pa,, Rev. Gbo. Haen, a. Mu Principal. —r Family Hjhnol in & dcIU htfnl country Ift6Ation r ccn vonicnr tn the ciry Put e« resumed September Bth For oironl*™. cd droHN ti-o ftulP^t* school, j PRINOfcTOV, N J. A HOME FOR. EOYB. Pupi’u prepared thorcn*hly for College or for Bu mesa. Tneachooi pTemisea can tain ihi p.o*-o«, yr viUinE - amelT for tawni Jlay gntiud and garden 'lernui 81® per iw*siAß-_ For Oir uinra. addrtß« Jv«v. J. P, HUGHES* aula th»*tu6t ' Principal. • TUB PRIVATE HCHO IL FOX B )YB, in the Philadelphia City Institute, Northeast corner ot CtiES NUT a d EIGHTKKniH htreets, Will reepin MOnD.vY, September 3.1H1. auls 3m" L BURkOWH, Prlnelpal. Georgetown college, d. 0., Aimes*. IML The exereiies of this InstitetiAh wf'l h c re umed »n thefiisi VIONDAY ia Seplemb r. Terns per annum, fur Board and Tuition, 930 C, payable half yearly, in ad vance Fo- further particulars apply to the President. aul4wfemlm J' H* EARLY. 8 J, WANTS. Employers wasting young Men, A*,, are inritsd to address the" Employ, ■eat Committee," at the Reams of the Yrmuc Mcirp Ihnitian Awoeiatioa. 1009 and 1011 CHSBtnVV Straat. nt-ta FOR SALE AND TO LET. fk TO LST-A Dwelling, com‘r of mm. NINTH and CATHART**E with alt the nu detn improvements. Imtuire 1006 CHRi.-.I iar, Street. M FOR RP>T V«-KY LOW—An ele- H. r*nt hew HOUSE. No, Alt N, Eighth street; pnoe sfino. Apply to IIFPINOOTT & FAHRY, No. aoo M • KKB’r street. en!s-st« Ma rare OPPORTUNITY! FIGHTH-STREET DRY GOnn* STORE, with large DWELLING, to "ent. One of ’be best located and fitted-up Htores on th. street For particulars, ap ply to £. WRIGLF.Y, ' onveranoer, aulj tuthfAs-lt" 134 South FOUkTH Street. fiTHE “ FETRIDGE BCIL-MUt,” TO LF.T I—To let, for nne or more sears, sha 11 Fe tridge Building.’’ Mrs. SiO and 811 rhettnht street, lormer y oeaupied bs l. J. Levy A Co. .he buiV’in* s built of brown stone, four stones high, fire-proof, M by >76 leet. Thiers nbiishmentiß aonstdered the handsomest de voted to enmmeroial purpos'-sin the United States,and the good will of ’he immense trade formerly transacted there valuable. Apply >o W. PSMBHOKE FETRinnF, 109 West FOURTEKNTB ftreet. New York. N.B.—The present Fixtures belong to the establish meut. aul3 inwAlgtif ftWA^JTED— l o Pent a largo Ware house; nns west * f PROAO. aad pouth o f ARCH Streets* would be preferred. Immediate possemoere- at flo, 1137 GiItAKD Street* auM-9t « TO * A DWELLING HOUBB, THIRTEENTH street* above Arch Street, vritb all the modern conveniences. Kent moderate. Apply to WKT* KRILL * BFOI’HER* &u 3 47 yprrh street* «TO RENT—HADDI/NFIELD, N* J. —AQommodious BRICK HOUSE» centrally lo oated on the main street* ; has all the com forts sod conveniences of a complete Country House. Inquire of J* E. FKYTOIf. jyS7 lm» aaaWALNUT Street- Philo* «TO KENT LOW—Furnished or un furnished, for six months* or longer, if desired, a large and convenient HOUSE* w °- Utt Arch street. Apply to A. P. and J. H. MORRIS, 9j6 ARCH Street. ... . _ ie_MiT REMOVALS KEMUYAL —H. CAftTLE has removed his Office to No. TO9 LOCUST Street, first door ab ve au7-l9t* »i»e.*tJJ»MUSfc T*o F AMILIES RESIDING IN THE ABKAi DISTRICTS. ffe re prepared,si heretofore, to nppb fuaiUesit their Soanknr Residenow irith everr desertptiea el ruts anopsftiii.'r. teas, *«„ &e. ALBERT O. ROBERTS. CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE STREETS. MTU PURE FORT WINE. FOJt BALL EV a. M. MATTSON. akob ani> tenth stbkbts INSURANCE COMPANIES. OOMYANT, V t «V, 4Pb CHEWIIVT Btreuu FIRE AND INLAND INSVSAWCE. iisscTom. Merge W. Day —cf Day A Matianit Samuel Wright.'‘Wright Broth C. B. 3imey “ Davis A Birnoy KsniT Lewis, Jr— - “ Lewis Bros A C. C. Kinhardson.. . ... .“J, C. Howe A de Jno. W- Everman—of J.W. Everman f> C» Ceo. A. West ' West A Fobes, S. 8. Martin— “ Savage. Martin- A . Sovretarr ItJS-iff- «AF«:> LILLIE'S b'Am DEPOT REMOVED PP to Ho. ul South SEVFNTK Street, near the Franklin Institute. Tho undoriinie
  • c;? ece that u stmt ly fire and burglar proof. BPICZAI, ffoTZci.—l have now on hand tar (rent? »1 Parrel, Herrmg. 8c Ce.’s ssies, most el them nee** 1 ? new, and some forty of makers, eorapn«in» a eemplete aesortment as to uixas, end all lately 0,30 A, M . end sand, 10 V, M, On Sunday at BA. M. and # P. M- Fara to the Camp, and return, 50 oentr. aulfi-lt HENRY WOOD, Bup’t. Yr>vm MEK ? OHKIr TIA A S^* CJ * TlON.—ffeooiul F XnU rsion to iT/.4NTIC CITY, 'IUEBO&Y* August St? 1861. Social Meeting at 4 o’olook, in th* PK^BYT^KIaN CHURCH under the patronage of a number of ministers, who wiU eo compauy the Aasooiation. . „ . . . Boat leaves Vine-street wharf at 630 A M.» retnrninc & Tiokets One Dollar and fifty cents. Children half price For sale at the principal Bookstores, and the lamb* df the AMCAl&tion au‘3-ut* - -JT— a. FOR NSW VORR. AUSSKfe NEW DAILY LINK VIA Delaware and Raritan Canal. „ . „ „ . ■„ Philadelphia and Now York Express Moamboat Com pany reoeiva freight and leave daily at,F. M., do livoriug their oargoos in New York tha following days Freights taken at reasonable rates WM P Cl-YDE, Agent No. Id SOUTH W H AH V B«, Philadelphia. JAMES HAND. Agent. „ , Pieie 14 and i* EAST xIVER New York, aul-tf ; ___ g -IP— h PHILADELPHIA AND fiSBESiwASHINGTON EXPRESS STEAM- Dn, T i'uMPaNV Hew lin«, direct for Alexandnu, Washington, an Georgetown. 'Jhroughin#6hours . _ B learner PHIL AV&LPBIA x O MtAMnor JLROMHi. Oafitain JLROMIS, Will leave F® idelphi.every DMSBDAY andSA TURDAY, a* uo’o.ockM..connecting with all Im* AAtSrDAY, for obY , No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES, Phiiauelplu MORGAN & RHINKHART. egouts. Foot of G streot, Washington, - -fl****» KBUU: Atv IIWE A*ID JUShBbOA.iIV KXO ORt it>NH.-Bteainer 00 Br»tF er below A>!OH Street, EVE RY MORNING, at 1H o’olook, iexempt Sunday,) for Cheater. Pennarrove, New On*tle. Delaware Gity. Fort Delaware, and Salsir:. Returning, leave Salem at Wand Fort atJo’olook. Fare lor the Excursion....--- —■— w oenta. Starve lor Brida eton and Odeaaa m»etthia line. ■r Steamer KEY BO i.D leaver AACB-Street wharf daily, at 1 o’olook. for all landinga named above ex oopt tort Delaware. attf IK* iswtt f£JiA«4IUJUd. fet'.'-iIA. -«J«wJ *+*.' • »Btb iiLit v»6v>n- t ■>i«r ftboT* VT&\\cni alrt*\ *~nc* »**-*\» -fi 1. 1 i -* Mm. JAMES BUTTS' (JfflLJfiß&ATli? fIUPPOUTERR POE LA DIES, and the onlj Sup porters under eminent uedloal patronua* Ladiaa an< k«r siDlumon. Xno» o»ulj art iLQUiae tha Wait*J Stole* coyjrnidi, b»b*l» *& lh» Iwj.wsd Ufa* **mS ftilk**** * W ‘ T **”' '«tw.a»l-