The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, July 26, 1861, Image 3

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    .. tie
tgn t have informed al. hoeld e• HE
-r.cC'inable N M
Nell before ento on 7 Ifth Govera.ha not, wt T C 1' Y •
he do 7
ether etibmlision or a moat resistance /BRIM OF OFIERAL ICLELLAN
treaion Trim are deluding them- ,
,(srally whi think ll there wi bs
-10,7, w oe irtillsoll °lose this war No terms ,
0, ma
do with treason or rebellion, whatever HIS JOUSNET FROM BEVERLY Te
norm The Southern ohivalry WASHINGTON.
,r b' the "n"q"
' het the slaves are arming in their b shalt; . .
lilt is suggested that the North put arms into the
of black °Hauls, up I howl auras' al At three and a ball o'olook yesterday afternoon
perdition. Lethem ee r
-IL Geo B. McClellan, Major General commanding
,er ilurFt from
y teach us a lesson. If they force an to assume ,-,
weeid advise the president to pro• the ..,epartumet of the Potomac, Lately-of the De
;l,l,,olinivereet emancipation . I partmeat of Western Virginia, arrived in this
' Toe OCeator from Kentucky lays we need peace; city via Wheeling and Pittsburg , accompanied by
yst aeir le pease to oome I 000 tended that all wife. Gen McClellan started East am soon as
„yosldollts for Pm° aid b"rt 41 arral , d en """ the 'unmans to Washington reached , him. He
aanators from Virginia and ohers.
fee ret.ntton wee then adopted. rode forty-five miles to Grafton, on Tuesday night,
(sae--Mettirtl- Anthony, Browning, Chandler, and, utterly !exhausted, was yet subjected to re-
Clerk. Cowan, Dixon, Doolittl e , yeesenden, Foot, captions at Wheellag and Pittsburg, which seemed
vier. Grimm, Harlan, Barris, Howe, Johnson,
. prolonged cheers and clamors at all the intervening
Peon ), Kennedy, Rn Lone, (Ind j, bane
g,13,8,), Latham, Morrie, Nesmith, Pomeroy, towns of Ohio and Pennsylvania, until the entire
4 . o istiory, Sherman, Ten L'eok, Wade, William• route bowline a triumph, with *Mott many en old
sae Willey. and Wilson-30 ar soldier might welt be pleased.
W M Olr l a r : d tr:ml:NdT, Jarmo, (Mo.), In this oily, the scene of his boyhood and the
, 11. r Tanni:mu exploinixi that he voted against borne of his relatives, the young rilineer has been
on nod iunt of his ohj sullen to the pbraiteology. locked to as the rising star of the continent, whose
Tee Senate then went into executive session, pest and future deeds are to make Pennyylvania
A nd, when the doors were opened, adjourned. farnone, A few trembled yesterday al 'seeing, in
the place of a gaunt, stalwart soldier, scarred and
rage eyed, a yoaog noon of moderate proportions, ;
bright-eyed and with boyish movements, end wear
ing, not ponderous ejnialats, chapeau, and sword,
but the simple regulation latigue blouse with shoul
der bars, a osp, and blsok pante trimmed with
gold. fled we expeoted a snout handsome crick
eter, a Mho, museular student, a farmer, or any
thing in common life, implying rod spirits and a
gulok eye, we should have singled out, Varga B
McClellan. /Jut as the leader of a grand army,
the amigueror of a hostile section, the man who is
to hold in hand the destiny of a nation and retrieve
or break its fortunes, we could not recognise the
sage 'for the youth, or the great soldier in the un
assuming, boyish <Olean.
Perhaps we met him under unfavorable rapt.
ties : near borne, and erosions to ace its old teens:
gratified kJ Sad himself no young and so accredited ;
more than all, full of laurels, which, Is a true sol
. liter, he wished his own fetidly to See and to share.
Nis route through the city, from the depot to his
brother's reeiden,ie, was marked by wild 'devotion
on the pert of the people, and gratified ambition
on the part of the young General.
Mayor Henry received him at Eleventh end
Market streets, where a barottehe -.was ;
, be was than drivenup Market street to Broad, and
I then the earrisge took place in line with Elima
kers regiment of Grey Reativert, the flog waving
just in front of the General.
The route lay upon Obeelnut, Third. and Spruce
streets, all of which were densely erowded, and
thronged with ladies, waving digs and flowers.
General McClellan" reeeived two splendid Wage. to
in Chestnut street, which he carried in his hands
ever the entire route.
At the dwelling of his brother, Walnut Street,
above Tenth, Chief Ruggles had the pollee force
advantegetrasly disposed, and •a number, et ladies
and gentlemen waited in the par/ori. General
McClellan arrived at 4 <Mock, and was introdused
lo the folk present, after wbfek, in company with I
Mayor Henry, be went upon the baleony, and said :
" My friends and old townsmen :a. thank you I
for your reception, mid might reply, if Ode were
not a time for Bolton, and not for speech. Tour
applause, as I take it, in intended for my brave
soldiers in Western Virginia. ..I am going to falal
new duties, and I trust tbat your kindness will
give me courage and strength. Good bye."
Efforts were then made to bring oat Daniel
Dougherty, /DR , whir straightway took his bst
and ran away, to esespe the importunities of the
Sir RICEI&RDSON, of Illinois, rising to a per.
tonal exolanation, nl4 that his remarks yesterday
wore entirely, unpremeditated. If, in the heat of
mate, he had wounded the feelings of any gentle
mac, ne regrette4 it. If he hed violated the
en oteny of the Rouse,
be made hie humble ae•
A sserledgmente, Thie S tatement wee not prompted
y 7 Roy one , , but was made in justice to his own
;along* Teaterday was the only occasion be had
Dean loot into a personal controversy, and be had
owed hire friends that be went farther then he
(Mr Burnett, of Kentuoky, was not in Ida seat
during the explanation J
The flown passed the Renate joint reach:lion,
A ppropriating 12,000, in order that the President
nay adopt non meaanres as may be nem:weary to
wore a reprenntation of the United States at the
world's Fair et London, in 1882
Mr. &revue, of, Pennsylvania, from the Cons
all'en of Ways and Means ' reported the Senate
Dill supplementary to the leto loan sot, with an
emend cunt, authorising the Secretary of the Trea.
ray to ex the denomination of treasury notes below
Hoy dollars, which be moy exchange for both been
Interest st , nizi• per eentrim per annum, if this
A mount is Deaconry in order to negotiate a loan,
The aggregate amount of treasury cotes Is not, to
Dined two hundred and fifty millions. The duties
on imports of tea, coffee, eager, spines, wines,
:igloos, and also such excise end other , internal
dotes and taxes'as may be eollectied, are pledged
for the redemption of the debt ineclrred Adopted
by one majority, and the bill paned.
Mr Sterns, of Pennsylvania, reported that
the Committee of Ways and Means, to whom the
direst tax and internal duties bill was yesterday
referred were . unable devise any provision
wilab will be oonstltutional, and at the same
Oran earry into, erect the instructions of the
The Banat, arnmodnionts to the bill for payment
of the poltoo, and -maktog approprla•
tions for fahilitating the coinage , of dollars, and
the manufaaturn . or parohass of tlsg signals, were
conourrod 1a.:.,
Tae dlreet tax end littered duties bill was eon
ridered in Con:Mattes of the Whole en the state of
the Colon
X r liming, of Pennsylvanie, moved to in
sleds sieves in the Opiate of direst taxation.
Mr. Loveior, of Illinois, expressed his surprise 1
et the amendment, es the Federal Governmeat has
clever reeorpreed human beings as property.
Mr &reverts explained that the proposed tax
was s eepitation tax, and not es on property.
Mr Levis...toy wished to know why, then, a eapi•
lotion tax was um laid On all other persons
Mr Brisortair, of Ohio, advoosred the amend•
mint on the 'ground that the Constitution war
reefed the tax ecoordingt to representation
Itir SHWPTISLD, of Rhode Island, moved, in
craw' to obviate the ddlllonlty, to make the eon
Woe read se follows: "Direot taxes on all pro
pats in the States, properly enhisot to taxation " '
Is *he Bonne of hie remarks, he said that Rhode
I land would ohntributo mill further of her men,
sad give the last dollar for the purpose of sup
pressing the rebellion. She would say, "Take
whet we have, but give us a goeerriment." Ills
nendment was disagreed to.
Mr. Wiondrei, of Kentuoky, objeole I to the
pa sige of a bill of this magi:wade with almost
telegraph speed, instead of devoting not lass th..n
two weeks to its consideration. lie was ameisod
that the queetlon was raised as to whether slaves
rhoold be taxed as property, when, in every in
mime of direct taxation, the tax bas been so for
poeed. An amendment of the tariff, which, in many
inetanoes, is prohibitory, wontd yield more money
then this bill. A direst tax was the most odious
oppression, and the least prniltable, and eeetimps•
sled by more fiend and dealcintiOn than at the
Mr Slanarr, of Kentucky, said it there was to
be direct taxation, let it o-me now. They could
not maintain the credit of the Government inlets
they provide the means of paying the interest on
the public debt. lie was against this bill. Theta
who bare evinced so muou spirit in voting men
sod money to carry on the war should not retreat
from the means for footing the bill
Messrs BOWANDB, of New Ilainpehlre, and
Anon, of Maryland, severally oendemoed snob
kite y legislation. Additional time was necessary
it sot intelligently on a measure of each kn.
portant,' Tne latter wished its consideration
postponed till the next session of Congress.
Mr, SIBILLABUIGIR, of Ohio, advocated the
taring of annual Meow'. ten (10) per cesium.
Mr Mostatnn, of Vermont, to reply to Mr.
Wickliffe, argued that the tariff could not be
'mended to produce the necessary amount, and
kenos there must be a direct taxation.
Mr Roams Conxtrau of New York, advocated
tax on bonds, mortgages, real estate, and rail•
:tad stocks, and opposed the bill.
Mr. CALYSIST, of Maryland, wanted the tax im
puted on real and personal property of every de•
ictiption He oame here to vote for everything
necessary to oarry on the war. A direct tax wee
not so 0111023 as tbo revolution, which must be sup
Messrs. Haulm. of Ohio, and Kennar, of
Pennsylvania, severally advocated the amendments
with the view to produce as far as praotioable
Nullity of taxation
Mr Stevens', of Pennsylvania, amendment tax
les slaves was passed—teas 69, nays 25 .
Oa motion of Mr Wiciciairr a, of Kentuisky, the
committee TOM when bo moral that the bill be
referred to the Committee on Ways and Means,
with instructions to report a revenue tariff bill,
and, if accessory for threat wt.'s and excite.), in
Order that torts may bear aqnsily on the wraith
of the country, and that the oi,mmittee report next
Otjedfon wan made and the Rowe acljoursed
The Condition of Norfolk.
A correspondent of the Charleston County,
writing from Norfolk, under data of Jaly 12 says :
NoaroLx V 4 , July 12 1881
Under any eironmstabees Norfolk is a dull
piece. It is pardouhrly and peculiarly eoportfil
at dile time, when the blookading Hessians hold
possession of the entrance to the harbor, and jot
pose an embargo on its ocancnertie Were It not
for the soldiers who come into town from the clamps
on temporary furlough, Norfolk might indeed
claim a Pompeian dlettnotion. At midday, it re•
=tads one of those oilier of the old world, once the
seats of thriving commerce, bat from whore marts
the bustle of bury life bas now departed. An an
cleat, sleepy air pervades the town. The hot sun
pours down upon the silent pavements, and the
uneven earriaire.ways echo knit rarely to the
founds of wheel. The wharves are bare of anima
tion, and the docks are shipless Long ranges of
warehouses, with closed doors, line these quay'
Before the hotels stand a few old hacks ; the
drivers keeping themselves awake by whisking
with their whipcords the dies from the cadaverous
horse frames Weesioostly, the silence of death
riline. The manger, who sits adder the tavern
atrolog wearied with the monotony, yawns, mettles
himself in the chair, and shortly slumbers In unt
son with the rest of the airy.
The able general who commands the Confederate
forret bee planed Norfolk and the navy yard in a
thorough state of ilpffsnee. Tne approaches to the
city are guarded by numerous heavy batteries.
Oran) Island, at. the mouth of the harbor, bristles
with cannon The dying Hessians left behind
them, at the navy yard, the molt mead.* *Alec
tion et heavy ordnance in America Moab of it
has been used In fer , ifylng the river. Two regi
ments are stationed in the immediate vicinity of
&well's Point. The rest of the city is surrounded
by an admirably eans.rnoted entrepohed amp.
In case the enemy should land at L3thaven Bay,
or es the inlet on the Atlantic shore, he will be
Obliged to traverse a conetry eta up by inonmera.
ble small creeks, ditches, and swamps, under the
cover of which oar riflemen tan play terrible
havoc among his ranks. It will be ureteric for hum
to attempt to advance withoat field artillery, and
the Whig of lofty trees *arm tie roads will re•
tsrd his progress so mach that ere he could
reacts the entrenched camp he would stand a fair
chance of decimation from our Infantry Batteries
are also erected around the navy yard, and enough
of oar brave troops are stationed there to prOtaoi
it sueoessfally against a hundred thousand of the
assail ants
A hurried call at the navy yard developed a
great deal of interest to the visitor. The splendid
works at this place are but slightly injured. The
barracks neer the entrance, it is true, now eX4
Whit only the blackened walls and chimneys T-ro
Of the dry-dock sheds are levelled with the sur
f •ee, and the grounds are in some places strewed
with the fragments of attempted de/lunation..
N 'thing remains of the huge ship of-theline Pawn
ar/vansa but the charred hull It was burned to
the water's edge. The Gcamantoton lies at 0120
of the wharves; the spars and riggi were
burned off, but the hull Is good. At sooth er wharf
is the Piyosout,t. upon which the work is rapidly
going forward ; the masts are In, and the rigging
is being repaired. She was the least injured of
any of the vessels. In the magnifioent Baldwin
dry-dock, which the vandals attempted to destroy
with twenty keg. of powder. rats the bull of the
forty gun steam ,frigato illerriesar. The dealt,
with the exception of the red-smoke stack. was
swept clean by the fire. The bull being of iron, is
not materially injured, and all the machinery,
which wai bolow..las deck, needs but little repair-
lag. The Merrierao ;scald be put in fighting trim
in less than six months. At present there is appa•
rent', no work being done on her. With - the ex.
caption of the two old bulks of the DelawarB and
Columbus, and that of the State Ship, the remains
of none of the other ' , reseal/ at the navy yard, when
the vandala began the work of devastation, are
now visible above the water.
Oommodore French Forrest is in command of
the navy yard.. Work is going on in the madhine
shops. I was gratified to ooserve the northern
will of the yard lined with several hundred piece
of heavy ordnance. In addition to thane, the navy ,
yard has contributed its rich treasures to all parts
of the Stites and Oonfedersoy. It was only a few
days ago that Beenregard got a number of long
pisses trom this 1°001.7, and I have met here a
gentleman from East Tennessee, who coma as the
aviut ot.the fi tate 11, , Iglyi men, with the seine ob.
loot view.
Ins HON: foul, Dauf.Owns, the Indiana
agent for the po.roneidl of arwe, has notified tee
Eventlve that he has reoelvel reoently seven
thousand stand, and that he bat; riready shipped
theta They will arrive In lodianspolis In a day
or two. -
FATAL Aoolmanr ao a NiirsnoTo—A Little
newsboy named Pstrlok Oooklln war killed on
Tants/lay lut, at Memphis, by falling through •
Itatehgay of a house en Front Row. Re wag pre
tripitated . to the voila d, a diatsnee of three aborts.,
Wrally splitting:Ma skall, ast, et mini% pro
dactyl W 44,0 c 14.46
General McClellan, who was oompletely tired
oat, then went back with his family, and Left the
bity for Virginia at eleven o'elock
Seventeenth regiment of Pennsylvania Volun
teens, 00l Prank Patterroin +commanding, arrived
it the depot of the Philadelphia sad Baltimore
Railroad yesterday morning at nine o'clock. They
started from Harper's Perry on Tuesday, and
arrived in Baltimore at about seven o'clock on
Wednesday evening. having marched, with all
their aocrutrements, ka , and fording the Potomac
on the route,. in, the opitee ,of abeut. twenty lour
They left Baltimore city at eight o'clock, and
were on the road all night, in consequence of
having to lay on the sthelings wool other trains
loaded with troops passed them The volunteers
were received at the depot by the Grey Reserves,
under Cot Peter C. Elleicker, numbering some
four hundred men. The Reserves formed , n Broad
and Pine, at half past six o'clock yesterday morn
ing, and then marched to the depot, and there
awaited the arrival of Col Patterson's regiment.
They were drawn •p on Broad street, above
Christian, facing west As the returning regi
ment marched up by them, followed by an im•
moose crowd, the Reserves presented arms, and
rolled a Write of •weleome to the wearied soldiers.
The line was formed in the following order :
Colonel Bilmaker and staff
Union A.:tilletists, with two brass howitzers,
drawn by men
The Reserve Gray's band.
The rAy Illserve regiment.
Colonel Prank Patterson and staff, followed by
the Seventeenth regiment, aorrompanied by their
bran band.
The regiment and its escort proceeded up Broad
street to Chestnut. down Chestnut to Sixth, down
Sixth to Washington Square, where the line was
The march was a grand ovation; itil along the
v ilti
route church bells were rung, the eis tapped
their alarm bells and dragged out eir flag be
decked apparatus, by way of dame sting their
The ladies, who were out in force. waved wel
come from their handkerchiefs, and shouts greeted
the soldiers at every step There was but little
pretence of strict military disoipline in the ranks;
the men kept in marching order, but affection and
joy were too strong for martial rule, aid citizens
were continually dashing" into the columns and
grasping old friends by the hand. L %dies, havieg
children in their care, forgot the delicacy of their
sex to run up to husband, eon, or brother. and
•fter embracing warmly they would join in the
tramp, unwilling , to be parted again aster so long
an absence Every new and then some bronued
soldier, " bearded like the Pard." would rush oat
front the ranks, and seizing some fair spectator in
his arms, would cover her with kisses, and then
run back to ht. place in the ranks,' followed by-the
tearful eyes of wife or sister.
Tho.te who saw this splendid regiment leave the
silty on the klth of May, for the seat of war, would
have failed to recognise in the swarshy, weather
beaten men who marched through the greets yes
torch) , the teat holiday soldier looking body of
pale faced warriors whole departure caused a
ionisation in May. Everts man has gained flesh
and strength, and many of them will return to the
seat of war, either it tbeir own regiment reor
ganised, or in other regsmants.
The following are the officers of 001 PattersOn's
Colonel, Francis E. Patterson ; lieutenant solo
net, Robert 0 Tyler; major, William A Leech;
adjutant, Gideon 'Clark ; surgeon, Dr Bache ;
aistant surgeon, Dr Bhippen ; regimental quarter
master, Eugene D. Danton
Company A, Waabingtog Grays—Thomas P
„Company E. Pblladethhia Grayi—D Inlay.
Company 0, Wee; Philadelphia Graye--.John
Company D National Artillery—Jooeph Binex.
Company B State Guard—Robert Thompson.
Company F. Second Company, Washington
Grays—Alevindar Marpby.
Company G, Sanaa/ Company, Philadelphia
Grays—William Pritner.
Company LI, Cathieleder Grays—lsaas Banat.
Company I, Independent Grays—W. J. J.
Company .It, Osmond Company, Cad,*leder
firayrOttarles Tapper.
Jam as the first platoon toned the eoroer into
Broad street, a smell cannon whteh had fired three
times to *nominee their arrival, began again This
so frightened a mineral water horse that he Riede
a Midden wheel which overturned the wagon, mat
tering the bottles in all dir•etions The thirsty
crowd rushed to, hat the police had the inside.
Among the spectators at the depot was Dr:
McClellan, who has a 'punier brother in the
ranks OP 814:nuse' Baidann.---Teaterday
morning, about bait pest era o'clock, while the
large crowd at Baltimore depot were anxiously
awaiting the arrival of Colonel Patterson's regi
ment, they were agreeably sarpriaed by the ac
preach, from Washington Magi wharf, of Nickles'
Third Regiment, Colonel Nelson Taylor. nine hun
dred and, from New York They
are a hardy looking set of men, of all nationalities.
These men were detained about half an hour, wait
ing for the passage of Patterson's .regrment. This
gave an opportonity for their inspeonon The men
bad common muskets, which they expect to ex•
change for rifles
The Jackson Regiment, attitehed to Sickles'
Brigade, arrived between 12 and 1 o'clock yeater
day morning at the foot' of Washington street
wharf The men were supplied with a good sup•
per by the Volunteer Refreshment Committee.
after they bad been refreshed they were drawn
up in line on Washington street, below Swanson,
and, to relieve the monotony of standing still, the
alters put .their companies through the facings,
it being a clear, moonlight night and the men ap
peared perfectly satisfied with the arrangement
till the ears same along; the embarkation then
come:toned, ana a little after one o'clock in the
morning the men were on their way to the seat of
The Jeekeon Regiment is composed of a line,
hardy set of •men ; they number in their ranks
Nome New Tort firemen They are only partially
armed. That portion of their equipment will be
supplied them in Washingtoa. The regtmeat
marohesi so hastily that they are not all fully uni
formed, but the men seemed so anxious to Est to
their destination that these little ineoureniencee
did not in the least dampen their ardor.
LllleirtY TOE Tile Artisv.---:-The undersigned
annoonoes with pleasure the entire inooess M his
reoent application for contributions toward fur
nishing a library for the regiment under Colonel
Baker, and acknowledges the following, yls. :
Prom A B 0 D 20 volumes.
Prom Key J W Belles, 9 volumes.
Prom American Presbyterian, 9 volumes.
Prom Kiss A. AI. a package of " Text Book"
Prom Anonymous, 3 volumes
From Mrs A G C. 1 Boloier's Library.
Prom Wm. Ashlars% it q $5. -
Boom John B hien, E q $25
Prom Amerriovn Trae , B.aterp,l9 volumes.
Prom T. 11, Powers, E+4l., 43 volumes
J thinner( hI42.IViLL
Tem 51tursiT sosrrr►t..—Sine the break
ing ont of the war, tete Institution has received
two its wards for treatment eighty-two persons.
Two have died, one deserted, the rest returnao to
their tegimenta. Twelve now remain in the hos
pital liverything la kept stndieualy elemen t and
every eomfore is paid to the inmates by the gen
-eenseeted with ibe iseettutics, frees the
eidetigirieliet dews,
Airman Rtentawr Aocgoorze...--It will be
then from the following tba; the regiment now to
camp at Diamond Cottage Garden has been 84}
eeptad r
Cot. JAXXIS flitnses, Phi Walpole: but: I atl
oept The cosmetic offered by you for three years or
the war, wish the undemanding, however, that
this Department will revoke the commitudons
all rffizters who may he found incompetent for the
proper dteoherge of their dillies. You will advise
the Adjutant General at Washiogtou of the date
at which your men will be ready for mustering
when he will detail an Gam for that purpose.
who will have instructions to muster the cowipa
ries separately By order of the Beoretary of
War Janus lataLsv, J*,, Chief Clerk.
Szuvrt.n —The !undo liberally contributed by
many oidasne have been expended in muslin for
shirrs, drawers, end sheet', and in bed•tioking .
stockings, and slippers; and the shirts, drawers,
ks , have been made by the "Ladles' Aid," at
'twelfth anti Walnut streets, and by the ladies of
Germantown, and marked " For Hospital," and
sent forward, with many bundles of worn shirts,
An., contributed by ehoritanle These are
ad carefully destined for hospital purposes. actob
oontribetions are yet needed, and will continua to
be needed ; and email contribution■ will be re
ceived by Eli K. Price, 809 Arch street.
A SOLDIER S=OT.--Yesterday Morning about
two o'clock, as the Taokson Regiment, of. Nee .
York, was proceeding up. Waahington street, be.
tweet) Eighth and Ninth, some person on the pave
ment tired three abets—it to not known whether
they wore as a salate,,or done intentionally, but a
ball from ono of the - load! shot a soldier named
Arohibaid MoNiel, of Company B. The train was
stopped above Tenth street, nod the wounded BA
dier taken to the Military Hospital, Moyamensing
Heil The bail entered the right side or the upper
jaw, Inflating a roost painful and severe wound
The sufferer appeared easy at seven o'clock this
morning. It is believed the shot was uninten
tional, as iI is a foolish custom of over-patrietio
individuals to 'blame away with small cannon end
pistols at every train that passes. This IN the drat
accident, and we hope the pollee will atop this
pretotide in tea future.
Inurnso OP BOMB GUARD3;--An adjourned
meeting of the representatives a number of the
Home Guard*, Reserve 811203, Grays, and Zinnias,
was held on Wednesday evening at' Saranac Hall
The committee appointed cm uniforming the rest
scent reported progress, and asked to be continued.
The following companies reported their sooners iu
enrolling men since tho het meeting:.Compan,y
A., First Regioient, .51 enrolled ; B, ao do, 81; .8,
do do, 50; -8, Elenond do, 72; 0, do do, 50; ,S,
Third do, 80; H Z mare do, asked for further in
struotion; D, ZtAstive do, 35; Union Guards, 38
Three companies, represented at the previous
meeting, were absent.
PaxecnixATlox. d handsome sword has
been presented to Captain DeWitt, of.the Ching°
Z maven, by Captain Hillebrand, on behalf of the
Gymnast Zmaves, as : a token of, their personal re
sard, and also for the active exartions of Captain
DeWitt as drill master =in -tbe '
'Zooeve Battalion:
Captain DeWitt is busy instruoting the officers and
men of the Z - mave Battalion, and has done good
service through his exertions in molting salsa of
the military aspirants proficient in the ZU2VO
HORSZB FOrt. Tan Goveasixzwr.—An — extel.
lent opportunity is now offered to those wishing to
dispose of their horses, suitable for osiralryi artil
lery, or teems, ai the Government is lit the" mar
not to purnhaae large numbers, as will be seen by
au advertisement wide% appears in our paper of
today. Ttnne haring horses to sell would do well
to 0201 on air William IL' Starr,' Talbert street,
above Savonth, Who - will give all the information
that may be desired on the subjeet
were kept very berg yesterday.moraing: During
the period named they furnished melds to the two
regiments of Sickles' brigade, and to the Germsn
cavalry compnny from Now York. Biscuit, ere,,
were distr;buleci iimang the Man of. Pstterson's
regiment at Broad - and Prime at sets.
ARRIVAL or CAVALRY' —A party of a hundred
or a hundred and fifty cavatry, with their horses,
reached the city between 12 and 1 o'ntock yeater
day morning. They landed at Washington-street
Wharf, and after securing sn early breakfast or a
late Puppet', at the hands of the Refreshment Com
mittee, they proceeded Conth The men were
principalty 'Germans frora New York. They be ;
long to the New York Ninth regiment
Diesiwrsaa ArtnEWIND --Three' deserters from
Col. March's regiment of the Pennsylvania re
serve were arrested in this chi yesterday morning,
and held to await the Colonel's orders. The men
expressed a willingness to return immediately,
and raid .hey were weary of idler:mu, and came
away from cemp lo! recreation,
men, who gave the names of Jobn H. Brown, Jobn
D. Levering, and .Tames R. Sharp, were arrested
at Thirteenth and Locust streets, late on Wednesday
night, for beating a volunteer, hurrahing for Jeff
Mbyte and Beauregard, and being drank . They
were- held in .1404 oaoh by Alderman Patehel to
keep the peace.
Annictrrin.---A. man named. John - Ronko was
:moved on Wednesday altereoon , °barged with
stealing a large aad valuable hawser from a calla
boat lying at Pine...treat wharf, Sobuylkill. 11.
was held in $l,OOO ball by Alderman PAIN:hal to
snorer the charge at evert.
YOUNG'S KENTIIOBT.. QM/IMT left this city
lasi pilot for Washington, one hundred strong,
fine fellows, and well officered. VA) , will give
a good amount of themselves.
Proceedings of City Councils.
The regular stated meeting of both branches of
°Annals was held yesterday afternoon.
Mao. CIITLiR, president, in theohair.,
The Aral petitions and communications were re
calved and referred: • . "•-• , •
At this point of the proceedings, the eroort of
Mijor General MeMalian passed down Chestnut
street, beaded by a hand of music. The members
of Councils crowded around the 'windows, and
cheered heartily as the procession passed by.
A memorial was reed from the widow of the late
Robert Cooper, formerly a policeman of the Fifth
ward. who died from the effects of injuries received
while in the discharge of his duties Referred.
The Preatient stated that the Committee for the
Relief of the Families of Volunteers had expended,
daring the lest week, the sum of $9 180 75, making
the total amount expended 838 881 82 .
The Committee on Water reported a resolution
to lay water pipe on certain streets, which was
agreed to
The Committee on Water farther reported a re•
solution, lostrnoting the chief engineer to ascertain
the beet locality for a 1841111701 r in the Twenty.
fourth and Pwenty•firet wards, which was finally
The Chair =tenoned the following committee/ :
Coenwesttee on Volunteers' Bills—Mesas. Gin
node, Dickeon, Ford, Wallace., and Dongherty '
Committee to obtain a sword for Gen. Me-
Cid/an-51 03STS Benton, Neal, Megary, Mclntyre,
and Jones.
..Commutes on Reduction of Balance—Motors.
Bart. - dart:Bradford. and hfchtakin.
;‘.' Mr 3 x r•ad, in place. a bill to reduce the Isla
rtes of all officers appointed by Councils at least
twenty per cent., to take effeot from and after the
31st day of July, 1861, provided it shall not !that
the pay or eompensation of laborers, or of those
receiving a per diem eompensation, or shall not
affect any salary fixed by law or ordlnanee.
A motion was made to refer the bill to a rpeolal
committee appointed for that purpose, which was
On a motion to suspend the rule, the till fell,
and therefore lays over.
Mr Witrasamt, offered an ordfusooe sppro•
printing the further sum of $lOO,OOO for the relief
of the flmilies of volunteer§
Kr Motarrite moved to make the tarn $200,00.
Agreed to The ordinance passed
Mr Ciate offered a resolution authorising the
Committee on Girard Estates to take snail action
u they may deem nueuary forth* noting of GI
rard avemue Cortnthiantarenne Referred.
A. resolution appropriating the third story of
Spring Garden Hall to certain military companies
for drilling pot rxlses was agreed to.
Nsat from the Committee en Water caned
up the :iamb:Won relative to ■ reservoir In the
Twenty first and Twenty-fourth wards. The re.
molation was agreed to.
Mr NIAL offered a mudslides rI4I24OJUDg the
Board of Building loapeoters to inform the Chem.
her whether any frame buildings a» now being
eenstruered oo Fifth street, near the . Germantown
road. Agreed to.
Mr. Buro., from the Committee en City Pro
roirty, prerented an ordinanee appropriating
9295 71. to pry for certain alterations la the Court
of Q starter Sessions, and for raising a flagon the 924
of February lest Agreed to
The bill from Common Connell appropriating
the mow of $136 BB to pay the espenses itaurred by
the oily at the fu ne ral of the late Lieut. Jain T.
Grab!. was concurred in.
Toe bill, from 'he ether Chamber, authorising
the Department of Highways to construct s rower
In the Twenty drat ward, was called up, and under
disoassion for over one hour. The bill wee Laully
concurred In
The bill changing the place of election In the
Bighth precinct (.1 . the Fifteenth ward was agreed
to Atom, the bill °banging the place of eleetiOn
In the Fourth division of the Fourteenth ward.
One from the proprietor of Kater Hail market
house, asking Councils to remove the market
stands from certain parts of South street. Re.
A oommonleatlon was received from the City
Commissioners, asking for en appropriation to
*root a fire proof for the safe-keeping of the ballot
boxes and I, l eotion papers.
K r . sixorm reportNi an ordinenee, appropti; -
sting the sem of $236.37, to pay expenees Incurred
to the reception of the remains of the late Lieut.
Grebls, wbo fell at the battle of Great Bethel,
while he was gloriously fighting for the nag, the
Ooostitntion, and the laws of hla °pantry, The
bill was parsed.
Mr. Potter (Highways) reported an ordinance
providing for the eonstrneWn of a enlvert al Ma
nasunk The bill asks for 37 500 to pa Y exPeuem
of the same. The ordinance passed—yeas 35,
nays 12.
A committee, eonsisting of Messrs. Simons, A.
Miller. dtokely. Megargee, 'and Stevens, was SO
pointed to act jointly with a oommittee of Select
Council, to consider all bills relative to payment of
bills of boarding for volunteers, -
Tbe bill from the Select Council, arranging the
divisions of the new Twenty•dtth ward, was con.
Burred in.
Bilis changing certain election divielone In the
Fifteenth, and one or two other wards, were con
curred in .
The billitttborlaing the alteration of the Crown
street church for eobool parposea was concurred in.
The resolution palm! by Select Council, tender
ing the thanks of Convene, on behalf of thweilisens
of Philadelphia, to the volunteere under the coin
mind of WI Genoral Geor ‘ e B. McClellan, tor
their heroic, motion on tbe battle field, and that a
committee be appotnted to procure a sword, ap
pmprivtely Inscribed , to be presented to the Mejor
G.nerel, vies avoid to UW1131030E47.
Mr. Pcrrren of the Highway Department. re
ported a bill providing for the grading of Rope
and Cumberland 'tests, orblott was pa n o d
A bill appropriating $4 900 to pay certain deft
(decoy bills in 1840, was passed.
The Committee on Highways reported In favor
of paving a number of streets In the northern sea r
lion of the oily. Agreed to
An ordinance was agreed to regulating the DIAII-
air in whiah paving of greats "hall be dome.
Aa erdiltans um gr t to atiantoiag till Cr
THE PRW.--1 1 111LADELPRIA, 0 ,F,1 11 )) JULY 26, 1561.
motors of the totineylvania Railroad Company to
repair the 019 - railroad 011 Market etreot, neat of
Mr. Moran from the Committee on Fire Do
partment, made a report on the ambjtot of a more
convenient offioe for the Central local telegraph,
inateal of the present one. The ts mmittce re.
oomosend that the ooecplei by the Re
corder of Deeds be appropriated to the lire clean
telegraph, as soon as vacated ; provided that the
MO way Department take the same, then the
office now noottpied by the Highway Department
aSall be appropriated to the Telegraph Depart
The bill was finally referred to the Committee
OIL City Property.
Mr: Mortar, from the Committee on Fire Do•
partment, reported a bill appropriating the elnm
of $7OO to each of four steam fire engine companies
that have not yet been fronted
The ayes and nays were called, and, no quorum
Toting, Council adjourned.
Late front Pensacola.
(Correspondent's of the Montgomery Advertiser.)
PCKSACOLA, July 18, 1861.
The telegraph may have informed you of the
fact of a deserter from the United Buttes steamship
Magnets having been taken at Bast Pass lie
was brought into camp by a reload of Capt. Clan
toe's company, who took him as he landed. Ilia
appearance gives strong indications of haid treat
meat, which must have. been the sauce which in
duced him to run the risk of being eaten by sharks
to escape old Dabe's yoke of bondage. lie is a
marine U. says that he expected every moment
to be liken by a Mist k, but he was so tired of his
situation in the enemy's navy that he preferred to
brave death rather than remain there any longer.
There is a rumor in circulation about town, to
the effect that a boat-load of the enemy landed
aear the month of the Perdido, fired upon the
picket guard stationed there. and retired without
baying a shut returned. Thin, ram happy to be
able to say, on good authority, is thwart:it in every
particular, with the exception of their lending.
..The facts are these : A picket guard of, reboot
twenty men, having about twelve or fourteen miles
of coast to guard west from Fort Monte, disco
vered a boat containing some thirty or forty
armed men, on Fridey evening last, moving along
very •slowly, reconnoitring with their glasses,
some four hundred yards from shore, evidently
with the intention of landing. To make them
"show their heed," the officer in -command of
'the picket guard ordered one man to Gre.who aimed
at the steersman and fired, the bail passing over
his head, upon which they immediately turned
tail and fled for their lives. This squad than
tired at the boat some twenty.five shots, bat with
whet effect it was impossible to tell, as it was near
dark ; but, from the commotion in the boat tale•
during the firing. it was very evident that some.
body was hart. Bat they did not return the fire.
Thinking they might .retarn with reinfotoemento
and land during the night, the entire guard re
mained on duty ell night, and only retired to
their camp at daylight , to get a little rest end
break their fast. Daring this short relexation
from their vigilance, it seems that a boat /waded
twenty five or thirty marines oboe* to their camp,
who formed on the beach and took up their line of
march in the direction of the camp. This was, no
doubt, accidental, as the moment they diseovered
the (tamp they beat • hasty retreat. without firing
a shot
Many of our scouts had fallen asleep soon after
arriving in stamp. in oonsequenena of which the
orders saddle up" and " to horse" were not
obeyed with ■s mush alacrity as usual, and by the
time the scout arrived at the beach the boat had
gained some four or live hundred yards from ekore,
but as soon as the anent case In eight tkey fired a
few shots, all of which fell short, and which it was
deemed useless to return. That otoket has nom
ceinforeed since the above oecurrence. ***
New York Stock Exchange—July 25.
WO LT 8 412 '6B- --.. 96 140 N. T. Central R W. 753(
9000 U Z.. 61 '5l rn0g.,.... a2{, 8) d 0.....— __UN
TOO U 3 IS, 'Blooa 9.- . 65341 40 do— -- .... 754
11010 do 1.111.._. 8 2 14 TOO do—. -- .. 75%
200 9 do.
..._----• 883 ii 611. do.— —;87.7453
1 00. U 7 5,1 'oo.- .. 88 • ICJ d0.—....511.763{
1110 • r'y 2 p 5 2 Year. 9-3‘lllo do ..." . .2aw.76, 1 / 4 .=
100 Tana 81 lk 'SO..- 43 .00 Erie I( ailroad —. .25
6200 d 0............... 43%. 226 do 1_1..._..22%
182/0 d 0.........- .0% i 140 - do— ..... 24 1 0
5.0 do ............- - 42% 383 Bud on Et iv . ,_
2091 d0.....__.,...; 42 80 d0............b10 24
/090 Vie St 64—...... 43 50 do ---.... -3%
1090 d 0.......... ag 110 Harlem H.................. 11
BONI d0—....1420 47 550 Re.diut R-- t .,..,. 364
6:00 N Ca , olina es.. :39 2.0 own 8&PI 1 it 1530..4
406 u do •.- lkol 'BO ......... /4
bOO Nibs , ori St 0e..... 43 1141 Minh S& N I Guar./934
1 OW d 0 4 ,9( tO d0....... r ......t9ll 2914
40 0 d0__......: 41% 16 . • d 0............-.. 211%
6(0 do.. -...., ~ 41 3 4 /0 Gal & Ont R pin 911
Mo 62 Is EL &8 . 1 . 4r 'Ol d0—.....110 62%
3001 do—...
. .... 46% 110 d.r.........4-blO 6t%
MO Lonismna 66..., 5h34 1 0 d 0.......... MD 6 A _%
2 , 00 d 0:... -.... 66%11(0 d0..........:...-810.6214
1000 do -........... 1/6 1 , 511. d 0..-......--. 62
200 Cal Pt re -:.-: 76 1 3110 d 0.........;...- 62 1.
1000 0, YSt 7.1'81. - 106%' v 0 do —.:-.14.90 625.
1190 Erie 4 2 / 1 mit Ms 73%1,50 do ---_ ' • .__' • . 6204
1 F rie aim" Ws '71.. 54 MI Clove & 'Toledo R.. 2,.
110 0 Flnds,n tt 3d mig 80 - .350 00........... t........ 27X
HO) M'h Con 84 lot Jo. 9 2 ',16) d0—.,..4.,.. AIM
600 111 .:en Ms. - - 9034 170 d 0..:........- 130_ all
31E0 Chi &?I w lot.. 38 11 , 0 do —........1164128 •
6900 &12 W lat m 4 :0 CM & 11. I R:....'.......40.%
86 •ra Vx Bt.—.. Si 11 ...90.........:..:- . 4 94
64 Cilllfflu ,
.0.w... 934 550 d 0......... -- '..411
6. Bet & Rud CI.- ... 112 , -
10 , 1 'do ----.:-.
.. MO
310 PaoilSo Mail S.- 7114 , 'OO do h1t54 4 1 % -
to do-- .. 704 216 Chi Bar& 'Qt........--.61
80 do-, 72 50 111 Coo ft 000---'61,4
25 Harlem :- ..
RDret: 2 4 % 1930 do---......." 64
812/ d 0..:............. 26 • 30J d0,.......'..-.... 810.64
blew. York Marketo—YesterdaT.
COVegg,-The market is quint fo - all descriptions, and
tbe auk ket Is signeraity q , n. at 123(0101e.
Corson.— I he matilet is quiet but P in at 16X0ld.
IlSoLatislt is in retail miter at at 270 9 00,
NV/AL egottits.-1 he marl ec for egoriis tutpeg tine
continues quiet: sales of IEO lib's at EQO B>. o. Crude do
is tirm ; gal., of 6 0 b a 85 Cotn.g.tin rosin le in fair
request and p lees hay. impmved The saes are 6 QUO
bins at ad were 76 ir 'lO his is yard . The better graces
are in native demand a d nominal,
Or !I —Thai, has I) , ee r helm g done in en> desorip-
Lour Os.are norrinelir enchant -d
El:togas - are in good b,.t are firm '
Cob- at isemey;. Elevens a. elado 3% Refined
ere fluid! he den Mono for or-shed, ground, and gra
nulated 71 :a 01 14 . 0 fur yet ow entree grades. and 8108%
fur White do.
Stestrrs ow DUCE —( A rer Produce Exehaeged
mal- lb —9 868 b bl, lour. 884 do Wh•sky. Rt 9 au i..;.ra
Meal. 701169 bus Wheat. 9d k9I do t. ern. 1,810 o oa•e,
73897 do r•e. 03 pk. s Mh-■. thB do Polk. 68 co Cut
hisets.3o toe Lard, 100 bb ■ Oat Mehl.
Markets by Telegraph.
CINCINNATI.—Plonr ie nominal, ert'h hat little
demand Wmekr fvrn at LW 3. Provislon• unocenved
jot d; - Macey nlllet Exchange daft; on New
York, InO)ege100%.
-new mtn , ster to Itnglatid, is rtid to have rote to court
to a dirk-blue iioat, the oo kr, ends. and 11 , ps em
broidered With gold. Waite sullen olotemo. white silk
stookings; a- d low alines. and ro h.Te carried a sword.
We are sum that he wou'd ha.e pr•sentod a more
banthome end attractive ippearar es if chthed in one
of •he elegant and fathionabie snits from tce mam
moth olothing depot of Granville Stokes, SOS Chesnut
crest. Every , narohner i■ nieseottd with a useful
• Ktmvanv CLOrnlntl —The inbirot of Military
Cmthing absorbed attention in England and
- France during the Cr , .Petan vi d Ita:mn vacs, and v - ry
Mane imp.ovementswrry made. Thu, important de
partment of military supplies has caused more com
m• nt than any other daring the pre.ient WAT. and great
reforms,tia.e been made. The well InoWu . firm of
sealed k Nos 603 and hoe heinnut street. .
aboveflinth. have devoted rriseti attention falai" ma
nv faainri of Military Clothing, and they now have a
regiment of matters and reiseem engaged in b lins.large
oontreots for army nnifortnil. 'I he firm avail theta
se!ves of alias improvements that have teen made in
their line, an 'he comfort of, the eo'dier is enhanced,
and his west* l ea a impr. ved r.hereby.
11_04: eavanalr. r &final.— bailee and Ellen
11n3aWr. sod 130 in.torward 0.,•10 and subsrasa,
enio. 14. ActiAg. „„
TH. Pity Wi l l r euzaaa.i Comairrsx Or WIC MONTI
WM. L. RIM •
MITT* ktatib •
At rho Merchants' Hoscharogo, Philailaph
upTaeesmrs.Dunion - foga
Brig *gees Eabor.( Br) Part Systa. tocoa
Immo FOR eaves
flaxonta— New York-Bamberg .-.-Jralle 17
C Wood. ngton -.Newr Yorit..l aw • J sly ST
Hibe r waft - Q9ebeo .. Liverpool '.781. ,
Asia.— New York-Livegxw0L,.............faty 31
awanir—....— he. mi.. Li • 8
New York—New . York-Bremen —» -... A1N a
on' AsolineSl3.-: (leabew-Lt•arpoo.....Avg-S
B-11crieD.. -Mew 'fort /gm 3
brerl Lakters—..Quebeo-Liv0nme1.......,.......A n 5.
Annul, Ass 7
oft Bambini . m
C of Voltuimm-New York-Liverp001:.,;..4.4..A0g 10
or..- Hamburg JO
herwe . 4110 ht 0- t.. 1 eurpulg-.....' lig , u
A trlOAYork..Li remora" - 4;....ruir 14
oi 17
Europa -....... 21
YOM-Liwsrpoot-..........aug 38
lIIPS Lig•vg /0111 DAVI
Pnroe Albert —Galerny-Plew-Tork..—.—.July 16
Borussia ..Routhamptort-trewl'ori.— —July IT
Col iitltirtio;• _New,
Moll/es:an . Liverpool.. uebeo la
York- - -.-11217 70
Teutons.--Bouthampion _New Yorr— July xi
Fel.ou-_—soutsampton-Plew York --.lniy . St
Keosoroo— ....tAverpool-New York ---July 31
►wore , --.--..Loversoool -Boston
_- Llverpeoi-Nes.
Bremen-7.6:outnismoton-ffew AUIS _g_
Eta•araa— .a. utbstripton-flew;Yorr........Atip JD
The Usllfornla hail /Waters sail bat AN 'Talk en
nil Ist, nth, lumina. of each month.
The ilnvana &owners i mire flov York on Ike
12th. 17th. and 17th of Snob monde.
rURT OF PiIiILADIRLPRIA, July $: 6 1:66 e.
Packet shin Townies. do, Jahns. from Likerponl 36. h
Jsue..ith ruitie abil 30 oneseo4 era to Vope Urns t0... 41 4
up by tut America July 11I•h. Ist 47 30. lone 45 10.
paned several fort:terse; Ith tat 45 15 l o n a 4 4 W ,
ehenged 'musts with lir ship Heeehwnrrh and hark
Louisa of PI , . York. both bound new; 6th, let 43 10
long 4430 exchanged alintsla with raid' i an bre •‘• t•
shelf. °slates to end weirs; 10th, tat 4.1 40. long 4616,
-Jerre weber,: Dame place. XXV bark I...tAtoon t
of Boston,_ bound wept; 14th let`42 40 la , g 80 20 anw
Attie Jos Holmes. te , Kingeton. bound welt; taco. John
NI olio,. ataltilth of D egneds. Deleon, deed of comm.
t'oo: 1111 d. lat 40 11. long 09 50 spoke U gun boat Iro
quois on a cruse. Nh.p Basin. ( Pr) for bow York. end
twit I gamma, far BllTllll4, went tq sea on Thunder
Bark Slarksret. Quig.6 day, from Neer York, In NV
last to WeLfort. Rankin it Co • -
Rohr 8 A Hammond. Paine, idses from Boston, with
lye to putts's.
Nohr suponi a. Jones, 1 Cal from Bmyrista.l3ol, with
°els to Jae II 6 Boa.
Behr John Beiittv.Bherp. from Raw York, with clone
to eeptstn
Behr John Beatty, Staery, from New York. with stone
to assist
Saar Vlaritsr, Fowler. 1 o&Y from /Ataxia. Del. with
wheat to Jam 1. Resler & Co •
frahr Lamest. Berard. 1 dal from Christians, Del.
with train to Mutation k Carrara.
8611Veren Taylor. fitattarm. Iday from Bistrrna,
sr id: wheat to Jas Barrett h Son.
Mohr Owttgn & Loather. J totem:l.l day from emyrna,
Del. with *host to Jam 1, Bewley & Co.
Fehr Proves*. Jsokaway. front Boston, in ballast to
Rsesher & Bro.
Bahr MATT L Cmnmer, Cranmor. from Britain, in bit -
teat to T.? ler. Mono
T e"
Bohr re..iphrt, Tilton, from Bridgeport, in ballast to
R R EPatlston
Behr D.vtd 111 Floyd, Rsolratt, from Brutol, in ballast
to Ca,strmr Bt oknay & Weilmaton.
B'our Flosom.
Co la rower, from I' rovldsooo, lo ballast to
!Ines k. .
. -
Malt J 4; on.zter. Prtoo. from Cambridge. In ballast to
Van Dann, Norton 4. co.
9LBAN S i.
elhip eftreplik Roland, t-tseroool. Cope Brae.
Brig 0 A WOito.Whito. Ringsion. Ja, 1 N Wetsler
B. Brig Beimlate. Dyer. Portland, Van Dustin. Norton
Rohr esaman's Bride, Bassyll. et Batts am a market,
Jasrerone < c+rsotpic
Bony Treasurer, Fisher, Montego Bay, D N Wetslar
flour 8 Ming*, Weaver, N London, Phoseig Iron Co.
Dobr P Lamed, Breathes. , toeion. Audacity: &. Co.
Bohr A Towl.ssod, Townsend. Boston. d Btortovant
& t:o.
Piet allier. Origin. Briton, Revolter & Bro.
6e r Teeter, I , ol2sraT, Bridgeport, D Peer
reegkinis, Banos, ileverlirr
Behr Mari D.OrSmner, Creamer, Portemouth, Tiler, ." Co. •
Behr William John. Gallagher. We/Wantons do
tHehr Friendek In, P k . lne•r. do do
Bohr .1 o.Bazier Prme Bottm/. Von Dusan. Norton
• Rehr Ailiert Green. 'W
_Lrno. do
' Schr Rolutoo‘. M•gee New Tort, do
otter D 0 Pleyd, Rookett, Providence, Outlier. Btlok,
net et. Welhogion
- Behr Bontom. Brower. Providence, B Mine; & Ow.
lohr A A Braun. hdwardo. Providence, do
Bch. Transport.. Tilton. Now Pavan, .1 R. Blakuoton.3
Ptr A I, Aim. Her. iiititimere. A
Btr Bristol. Allen, New Pork, Wm P Clyde.
Peel:et ship Raritn ge
iih, •Rowim sro.
iLd- for Llveretx ll, left
W. ut street street whir( •.t I P Myesterday. in tow
of dtPILMtUT/1 J t. Piney 'llia I F. elan., baying on board
a comic° cionalrinr or 116 nano talk)+, /WS hbie ihrir. 130
bat4.B Trois. It ti3s bnitheis wheat, 4/ .tide queroitron
bsrk, and S boxes mdse.
leoryetaondenoe of the Phil walnMa Exot
LEVrEd. Del.. July2a.
The chip Tonawanda, tram larerpool. totalledtait
of:Paint in tn'a , or tug America. A bark. two orig.,
and s neat of nohoonera are is the bay.bquad aut.
(Corregoondenue of the Press.)
ft GA MC. JULY 23
The following Lantz from the Union Nand named Into
the 9ohn7lkill Canal to day. t ound to Phnadelphoi.
den and coma bed as foliowa,
Jos Coov..r. oak turni , rto Jo. COOVOT; roxtot• do to
J Pitoh Jamey City;.lthnnodendrnm lumber to Wm
C Lloyd; Manor Ann. pig tron to Cahoon & Co. -
Egoaraship Glasgow. AloGa•goa from Lieerpooi July
lO arrived
at New YO• 'sitar/lay:
Shts I( 110MIIRif 0, Taylor. from hew York, at Brow
er haven Ph mat
Dark ,Nonnatell. Flinn, hence, arrived at Pbso 9th
gar:: Elms Pike. Holmes, sailed from Cork Bth inst.
for hlhanlph
nark Pals., ra, Lovett, kenos, arrived et London eta
. .
Hark Arthur Whit*, Medan. betide. at OirinOW
Bth inst.
Brir Calvert. Wider. henor. was at Sierra Leone 3d.
June. to sail 16th on her retorr. -
dnhts 1.. W 'S Chester. Boners. and S V W' Simmons,
Godfter, &cared at 1100.14 24th tort for PholadAiphia.
Bohr I W McKee, Mendell. henna, arrived at Provl
denoe met
Bohm Vrtd fhist. Shuts. ?Nth) BOlrier. Dyer,
Philadelphia. and Mary H. Mi ffl in. %tot, for door fiew
it ed from Providence aid met
Sohr Olivia Buxton, Williams honer, arrived at Bath
$ll I inst.
Rer , r , Sarsh. Bewron. henee, arrived at Path 27c1 inst.
Aabr.Bprar. Dakar, hones, arrived-at GlonearterAkt
. .
Bohn R W Godfrey, Weeks Clara Ikl smirk. Moe t
comer. N Paroham, Lovell. Gov Boston. lirinamore,
B A Week,. Godfrey. and Sarah N &hitt'. Fisk, cleared
at Borten ktth MSC fOr ,
- Nohr Maas 7 Carataire•Nolor, From Bolton for Mil's"
delphin.ia eahore iia . ftairoirord Island Kooks, nod bee
bilged. Tbe tide ',binned fl ,ern in her. Thr anbr
oo,n of. Boston. bee oontraoted to set her off' and tow
h.r b . solt to Horton
Bohr* Anmuel N Smith. Fisk. and J L Hem Webb.
henna • arrived at Navou - yowl 3111 teat. - •
gebr Gaa • Ile, dhow, sailed from New bort ;or: led inst
for rbilvdslahia-
Fotir N g 1' Thomvioa, Corson, banes, irrived at
Newport 23-1 lost.
Soar Cornelia. Crapo, hence. arrived at New Bedford
'our if unn , h; Young, olearod at Baltimore 24th init.
for Phi led-Iphia.
Bohr .1 Turner. Crowell, cleared at New York Teeter
d,) for I.piervool.
-,a Bleak Diemen& ,Allen and Barah,
hence , . arrived st new York yesterday. Conoord, Norman.. mines, arrived at Bow
York yetterdar, .
ui To 12 °kiwis our Earn. **
CONTINENTAL XOTEL—Ninth and Chestnnt -
Jlll.Bin'th. Milford Mess N W Nook. Mayord, - Nimas
C 1.. Nicholson. Philada F Alms.BosMis
13 M. Uo. a. Prat -Iterphia s's W R berm &f, Cal
AM•Benderson t Lords s OLr Wihiams St Lamm
S C Bevis. lit I outs W Pettit. Indiana
Ho'mea. Ns - Ynrk .1 a Al en, New Yolk
A Er B,il. & N.Aletrark.A/J O R , Pulbart. New York
W 9 Morse, Lowell. Mims tars Hari!, News% ark
Mrs Bingham. New York L Slisesscon• h son. Cann
Reel. Cute naafi P , ' Meta
11- mlin:M sine: eo Ylmwoorl,_Masa
John Has den. Maine S Babhett. US A
R P Va. de -ear. Firm Wen cis n ailor Pl• w VeM
W M Whittemore t YRP OA Silver &I. Phil& -t
Ist R Men, am. N w York WJ. Thom. Now York . .
W 4 Pine, Proyionnee.R I Lien , .1 M MK s. ”ti to
W Bam as, New York James Moo•, New
MoWeed, Altar!" Mum Ws d.allisny
rnooh Lofever, Adams en T B Klein Aden sari
C H Bren-rn n Lanassier . M Me !conoll. Washington
4 P •anicod. Pm , R 1 r R C rattklini ricks, R
T k Chiak ring. Bostayi J
F K Hot.. Harrishu• a J Jnhimon, Ohio
H Bell Lerinaton. Cy J E Hester Lancaster
C A Wool,. New York : N W Goesinar. -sew York
Judea Tb s Mots ay. Ctn. 0 Mal Rioneman, Ca A
A. son (tog,. Ohio Rev JasH Perm. Brooklyn
Richard 'name 1. n York H P Doane, New York
Jam a Perry Brooklyn , P °Wood Jitf. New York
.1 a D mite. N eyr York N rl Spencer, Borne.ll Y
I.ient F M Div oat). Li 8 N fs R. Lerman. Jr, Briton
J fprtng nIPW York A Dnre.y. Baltimore
/OA Hoy. West •ry. N Y FM t die London
John C 1. netish, Otrio D 8 Pnuthwiok. ^ ew York
Geo de 8 Kelm Pottsvi Is' John P Putnam. B arm
F Inuo.ins linsturt J he M Csark. Boston
M Doom, B ston ' C P Lewis, How on
J k Curtis. New York r E Chapman. Chicago
O 4 Vs ittione.Phlia V M Icieha•dit New York
C Telidor. CO" ° S . . u llii'll' a l lScf b n u .rtme York
Fern Farnsworth Boston IS W Simpeon, N•w Yore
•179 B Punaparea.Nsw York T .1 1 a Widin, Baltimore
Merit (3 V 8 Atkin. Ohio. J B atAwan, Wash
.N , .
re M•Turner.ew York Mrs 8 Build 11. I
Mrs WR W siker. B I -D- L W anon. RI
P •si Burnett. Prov, RI .1 B Pros. fit I
M King. U El A R smith. Boston
B C Wetmore. New York W Penninsunt, Newark
X. R Pennirron Newark Book & lady
B Lavigne. Wean, D C Chas G, arms. Jr. Poston
T suit, Kentnoic• D se B ownhe d. Kedtucky
W W chaptn. Providence Cha• F Brownell Proy
Dr L Morton. Rhode Island At.. Tatra. New York
1113. coot& . Jos nOsis.lonnell. Mionigan
Bal .Nlttee. Froviderme,RE -rearms. Providenoe. It 1 -
Henry Pearce, Providence C Mallard Boston
Wm Yelland. Baltimore Hiram Roberts. Vermont
O W Psimenter, Vermont W H Jackson & le. N
lease 8 Bailey I hod. island 7 W Jackson. Jr. Wash
H Horton. Boston J W Mason Boston
Vir It A aitiß. `less Haven ti Cope' Philadelphia
J H [Mama W-Shingion Con Boutwatt, Mass
W Porter, Mt.eatho , etta 1) D Crombie
.14ERCIANTIV HOTEL—Peartit arrant. below Area.
A il.Poster. Plubtdeiphia A E Taylor. Wil/ininavort
nt P lanower Xentuoky John ti Lehr!, Eaa on
R. F Rine, ihlatott, Md nem' K tre...e. A ilenro ten
Mr en. lioh, Onin 0 buttth & la, Wash. D C
Mut n Nm tn. V.rrinie him tientley.-Nirginia
AIM Fmtn-riok. Virginia W D * , ;hapherd, Wash,D 0
J K Mereah X..ttaning J R Broneon
T M Cunningham, Chicago Peter Hughes., Danville
E *ul wan. haute. iv V N. I. Reeve. New Jersey
J M Hastings & la. Wumbg 1 P Ruck, Pennsylvania
P dentin it W Ravi. Pitts arc
Bni Ivan, 8 Daring, Pa Jot 0/moray, Wash
WC R. yn•oda,Eingaton CI) Reynolds !minion
ENRe , noldr. KI eston • AI De rrang h. Paltimo. •
D Mouona.d. Ohm C voponvid. Ohio
J J Blair, ex Jersey J Blair. new Jersey 3 morria; sex Haltimore JO, Ha 11...
J l beorge uomon J e bunions. Ceylonese
Hon r 1 H Cataw's Darnl nostenb utter, Ps
0 JPAishelnar, Ohio, - J MoCuTdy & ta, pa
AVBRICA2I HO hesinat 44444 L. above Fifth.
Z'Arrownyith " • • P Cahill, New York
A Hymn. Now York t•• Pr. 8 Wetmore. Philadelphia
Dr.Th..loss k a d. W Chest. A Stout. B-oblehem
Col .1 Baton PhiladelphlarLieut 00 G. hotonson, Pa
M Ammar, w York emivh,Washinston.D C
H M titter • . Efte's I.New Je say
B Martin. New Jersey 0 t 3 Gifford. westporrf
John Bali, Plimirea/ P Gitu,ou riew.Jerser-
Al , x Mak,. Peru, ind - Fa Mo abe. Peru, lad
Min M Mo abe. hid OF K. b.. New York
Johnson. B‘ltimore W Bu k,, Pa.
.13 Miller. PPW ork Cyrus ite.oc Conneotieut
ler.' el Knight . II e A M Hal), New York
W Ault it, Ensmn - st Brown. Maine „
Owen 'Palley. ttew York Joe Bozan, New York
James Egan New )(WIC
87. MJIS2I HOT Kb—Caesanst simez. shave Third.
W B Tennant. Philarzelphna D Porter. N•wark,ll J
W G Lane. Verm-nt W Aror.ld. Vermont
I-a drelth. Vermont Chas Thayer. Vermont
8 Graves, Vernrant J 4 • 'vend. Vermont
tome. Oterytend John Switzer. Fenn&
John Mills. wale 14 a • Ddre.lll. re..Tlll. Di
A R Niner. • ew V nrk - A Lonsman Jr, ThooltlYZl
.F Monnot; Brooklyn W Carr, Lew York
THE UNION—AraI street; above vain/.
Hon J T Ittairm. Baltimore S P Clitn.r. Wert►ille; Ps
J P %tor P , OW .1 enev XII Ch .Ifartt. Plaint
Mrs J L Stephenson, Pa log P Harkin, bhippengb's
COMM ERCIAL ROTEV-erattl at.. above Chestaut.
iref , iz3. Readies F W vanderion. Wil. Del
Ge Watson, Chewer eo kl eons
.W Pavia reboil! ill co R W Levu, W.. Cheater
.J Devoe. Weu •
STATFB UNION—/diartrot meet, above 131.xth.
C Rowell, Ohio • A F Cox. Lanai. ter oo
J PWt bator, Lancaster co F W Leath.. Lancaster op
WtilOtit hby vo:swaro 11. It Wilson /stoma oo
B, TS Start Latrobe .
CA t t haffner, hlarietia;rs ‘,.1 0 4 Dunkirk. - esouni
Chas Wri. h •Trenton thqs T rent
I. 0 'roes . Pittsburg , Christ.. Cp Coleman
DaLbor, Newport 8 Cumin, Ditiphin co, Pa
- ATIor. AL ROTEL— Ktioe• inreer..a hove Third.
Ate/ M E 'reciter'. Bridgept Ono FghArt. ll _nrrilltoWn
J M Bridenbtoh. Nor - rata • K loveyor. virtinta
Uhler &1, Frenehrowit Geo Jeekene & 1,11 J
it tzv Tbi rd street. above Ibuie.
'John vilest. Phil.oir is 6unsenhNitar. Pittibz
J..ho W Heakum. W I hes W k. Fchnyltol es
J W Pacrkne i'hilad•lphis Joabust . Wsurer. Ashland
Jan 0,114 rd, W otiapson. Bobs) lkul oo
. , .
mousT vzsarort NOT HL--.•eorie at.. above Arai
JAin If Roppel New York OE 1 *edam. Hatboro
P Campbell. N I t•ekee Oht.
Al is* e• ohm Dr I...arbli.e, LOOdsbilft
... . -
BAR LET.FHPAPII•sond street. below
13 eh- Ivo U. New !earl - •!, )t. &meter. Jr. rhos
T Yr iLLd 'old& lire Jan ey. 'fronton
wire J B el r. Tren.en W Mohair Bunts Go
W T 0 us don% I W Hobenaa<k Pa
L 8 Preit. ttawYork David rill, Backs co
BAI•D EAGLE HOTEL—Third at.. above Cancroid'
Jos Emelt. Peons J• ha C ~a v s Philo
() obento•ch.Ear Ferry L C Faison, Battdsbera
Job:Ahab 'bona. Bucks so. Pa
BLACK BIIAR. HOTEL—Third at. above GsllairltilL
Chris Wirand, Allentown B Perk. nntors.
WB - hol:oh•o - TS W NO I IO4IIO
MWM•Pidit- , Phin A Fotut, 0 wyncul ,Pa .
Bign4 pArti Ka - dins, • •
nen, fCidneye, Grinvel, Dropry,Weekneas, ko., read
the edve.tieement in another coil:ann. headed " ilelm •
bold's Genrunirrieparationa." 1.7 4- win' tf
ZSTLI.B. made lz Itte best tt ew. expressly tor ILE
VALI lILLEZi.-LOWEin settles prides marked bd
2/111/1 Figlllllll. AU coeds mode to order warrants!
eattefeatory. Our WM-PRIOR system u strietty M
itered to. Liters thereby treated
laii-17 '..TOZIRII A 00.. 604 MAXIE? Street.
BATMILOB 7 II Rata Drs.—Thu celebrated
tad perfect Eau Die le ski but is 14141 lurid. All
others are there imitation's of thin great original, wkioh
hue gaited such ex teinuie patronage in all pars of the
globe. The genuine W. A. Batch°lor's Liquid Rau
Dre ift. , 1414411/V produou 'iv splendid' bleak or natural
brown, without staining the skin or injuring the hair,
e.x.4 will remedy Ms tit ./.ass ef bad dysi, lwrigdratit'S
the hair for life.
ffold by &U Dra grans act Portman'. Whobsaala b 7
?ARNE-Pr/OCR a. CO. triOLI, as CO.. Piuwoolahio..
' . R1A.1111.17RD..
MA R BII ALL — QUICKSALL —On the 134 instaat t hT
Rev. A. X. "IrPet. Jusopa Marthall. of Phila•
Lo.pbts, to Aliso Abigail 8. Qutoksall. of Camden.
WOOD.-00 the 14th instant_ E. Jo) , Morris, son of
John and kilisnbeth 0. Wood. aged 11 menthe.
anerail Dom the revolt/los of his lath r, Consho
hocken, Montgomery county,feh this (Friday) after
noon, at 2 o'oloolt, to sicieeed to Montgomery Ceme
DOWN 1 K.—Con the 23d instant, Mrs. Sarah 1. Downie,
in the Mat year of her age.
Pane rat I rout her late readeses,l42 North Thirteenth
street. %hos (Friday ) alterno 11, atil &ask.
RA,. lAN 0014 .—On the 2Sd instait, etephen
age° if years.
Elia /sista. se sod friends are raspeotfatlY tavited to
atte, d tne funeral. omen his late residence, 1339 Fr•nk
lt s re• t.. his uny. (Flimsy,/ et 9 X. - To pruesed to
Lairti ' •
K t —tin the 732 instant, Jceeph T. Akin. only
or). yeah 1. end .4 nna - Akin, aged 2 years atd 7
mouths. •
rim eIF..--tuddenly, ln_Baltlynore, on the morning of
the :Id ins .nt, • dear,/ w ”geo m Doars.
from oh. rimed oe of J. D Hes No. 327
Reed.. st. this Pr d.y n o:nins, a' 9 o'iy:o.r. •
Hi -6 tC—in Derli• e• re.. gni xts• instant, An
drew II r. he 73 pier of hill ag.
h 0 %%t. -all the tun .ost nt, M ucha. wife of Peter
Braw.,ii, no 06 ) eft, • her ec e
Fun. ral r ota tier late r aid nee, 731 Cottsa
on n-onna• manioc at o'olo,,it
CLio hlt R e Nib itirtaat. William. son of
Cooral P. and Mar y. Cluthsar, aged I year, 7 months.
and 26 days.
Vous. al Dorn the rwidsnoe of his parents. No, 1136
Otta ottat Ibis ({Friday terno v p, g o'soook. U • •
..fte)ek istal.-013 the 33d instant. John. son of
John and the late Martha Derriokson. aged /1 months
and 14
DOUE I _I I I4I._TY.--011 tlte• SIM Mleb&C Dra
Funeral from the risidenOt of Me mother.. No. 1512
S. • 'nth street, Olt (FrMa )a i tartmOn, St 4 o'ol colt.
FIBLP.—On th • 80l instant, Martha, wife of John
Field, aged se Tram tild
Funeral frets t.,e • ••ddsneie of her husband . No.
awdeo street this (!' radar) afternoon . at 4 Wolcott,
F • L y.—On tb+l4 , ll Instant. Joh n't booms, son of
Pariah and bar rut Finley. sett l rear and lads'''.
r anoint from the opsidenoe of his Pat•05;,„ 410 , 77107 ,
of Ottarnitlr• street and Blrard avenue, this t r 711.h11
traciOs i at. ri 9 Milak.
031 KD —OD the illth instant, Joseph B. Fossard.
lat.& sea of Adaph and Galena Fossard , aged Smoot?.
and u. le •
siorgy.-1 1 1.ddruly. on the 53d Instant, Charles
Retfer. in ihe xi year of hisses.
Funeral from tha resident,' of his brother•in-law,
Thouron *treat. betwen Dtosnocn street and Nue
an- hanna amine. oast Of Sixth, this (Probs.') afitr
koonJet o'cloot.
tiN the Illth instant. Rudolph Ruth. infant
son of Peter A. old Catharine Huber, in the 7 th month
of hie age.. • •
Lo. Vtle.—On the 24th Instant. Borah Bliz‘beth.
wife of Mr. John Lewis. in the 54 h3e lot liar Gam
Funeral from the re.' eos s t r e et , er hu (Frida y ) rmn town avenn , e, below Broad this aftlr
-1110001, at t a cloak.
MuLLIa.--On the 244 h tut.. John Mullin, aged 9A
Funeral from the mildew:le of his father in law : No,
21)22 Murray street, this f Friday) ro•nning, at o oPk.
MU NY Y —Un the 24th instant. Mrs navels U. Mir
phs, in the 09th year in her aye.
Fanitralimos the resident's of her daughter-in-law,
9.0.41 , 0 niehttiond street, on Bata day afternoon, at 4
NOttftlB.-00 the 24ih. inst.. Lydia C. Norris, daugh
ter of Joseph a..d a.henne Norris, in the 13th year of
her age. ,
Funeral from the Iselin', of her setrants. No. CU
/ 19113. 141t(5et, on Min.' iy afternoon. et 4 o'e Oct. • •
tiW in the Itth instant. John son of John
tad ..I.en Owens. aged 13 yearn. ,
31.1 1 131E.L—. , a the IN instant. Conner Nommen. in
he Mk Jeer of hin ego..
Fear I from the residenie of his star-father. No.
10 vaushn meet. tias T Fridsy ) afternoon. at d'elook.
TUg. , zR —Oa the lid ancient. W ender4on.
not w;74it. A 7 and — 8 nilichs.
WAPER.—On theZklinat..nt, William Wafer, in the
th fear of hie tee.
r• newel from his late reaidenee. Shelbonrne avenue
Cherry street, above Four, h, tide (Friday) afternoon
at 3 o'clock.
. .
kVA 918 CH ifISTNUT Atreet, are now willing
OTIIIIO mare,: at 23 arid 6 3if nexus. •
lihaa bsrenea. at 26 and 5134 0.11 , 11.
Binak7-4 wide barears, PO and 6234 oenta.
. Beoond:mourning p0p10 , 5,26 Cenci.
Gray mixed
Dray molded modanaa, '
Gray mix*d wide readelanse.lSKe.
Mani cad white printed granadme barrispe,lB o - ;
Shepherd plaid real preoadißP as aim
Black and white Park organdies. Oa.
t•YLYteia PARIM COM PAN 'Y . , tt;:w. CUR
All periaol3, Keying claim' areinst the Penneylranlrt
Farina Company. or holding Bresd Tickets masa hy
tt are mines ed to on-aent 'lle sem@ for P”ment loth*
undersigned, oa or be , o:e Fl Rat' poky UP
GUS next on whiab day the strains the eommtnY .
will he elated finally sooordtng to
)120-11t HOW It tt ti. ?ERR IS, Efeeretary.
-01% Y. July As. 1861..
Ezi,Npo.NIVIC.TTIor..—Thlt 800 Id 0f I.irootnts have
deolarod. from l lt earnings or the Canal, a semi-anginal
flivrdend of FMK. P R. t.liolVT. upon the Preferred
Ptoak. pattahla on and afar the 6t h n
a y of a nitn.t next.
at tee t•SISoo of ibe Com:list. at JeoreY, or to
Stookholoo in and. out Rhtladol, Ida;. tit the °Moe of
'w ClLyk & Co., 'live. • ,
The 'res-ter ll , oke bitekreed froin the 36th inst.
o h t Stho• asnst ib4i 0 • 17 •
, ireereteri:
*FAA , I( FOR 11—Tbst *he OAILYor.Ws b.SLY,
can twi tt oi At the, or marred
at 'oar hotum• regularly, at an ear • hear.
.-: • • • - 0,3E1E 0 4 RD,
jrll-las• ' Arent tor The Naar. Fraekford.
PHIA. July 12.1011. • • •
aneetche of the B - 4tol of Tinotors. hold.Oni
day, Ntr. C. M. WPArciA;(l74* wag' sppolniod easisca9t
Cub ihr of this Beak.
bit . M. M..T.IIOIITMAN, Goa hlor.•
Pall. ildtLpala, ill' 11161.''
Ile Soar. , of Dlrearell have this day dowered a Di
vidend of Ct.PITS per Altars on the
Capital Stock of th a Conte/tip. ontstandoic this dap.
ksiable on and atiorthe H k met at the Moe of the .
Treasurer, Po .21 Walnut agreed. .
For Ike eouvenirues of. tee Stoskholders, the Trea•
Ewer ail. to at the Dapot-sorner Derlaravenne and
Forty. ninth street (opposite the Grate Ferry resd,)
betweena3K - ar.e 6 P, es SATURDAY, Ote Nth
toot . prepared in pay the atsnyo. .
Trax.yer Book. w,it be •losed until the Zth lust.
T2lOB. SPARKS. Reoretar, and Thpapyper,
Na..) :1 WA (.NUT titroat.
COINIYANY. No. 406 Cs rerNUT . .ttnret___
lzitansurwre. held
At a meeting of the Board of Di , el_to-a held riley,
dividend or 111Fticrff•PER CUNT, rleelamt on
the ineital. payable an the first day o f Attest next.
ill In - W. I. BLANCIIARD theoter.arf
corner SECOND and PEW Streets. tuid take measure
in recommending it to the pithlio eHt an Institution much
needed in our city. for Its care in selecting the beat
men, women, and ohtldren es to oharanter and Gush
fiClat3OTA :
J. E. ADDICKS, $3O Rao* streeL
M.SE[,Lti Gteen and - Tulnehooken streets.
JULIANNA RANDOLPH, MN Chestnut street.
EDWIN K (RUA L't2l Arch street,
Dr. PANCOAST, 1132 Mount Vernon street,
JAB. Nrcti.a RIM. IW m
O Mount Vernon iles:.
EO. R VAAL SC North Eleventh street.
P. Q. 01..1 ER, MO North Sixth street.
R. A. BOW ER. 'i hir,wd Germantown avenue.
T. WILSON, 210 Notth Front street.
T. IIIoGGIAt •as South Front streeL
M M. WHITE, 213 Marshall street.
W. C. BORER, 433 Market street.
W. H. RICIIAR D 12021, 418 Market street,
And over one hundred. and
_Arty more, to whom re
ferents will be tven at the 'mom ,
. .. . . ._
WMITFD—For Col. CRANTRY'S Regiment.
a fail company of toi meo. or a Captain. with 50
men a Ft•it Lieutenant with 40, a Second Lieutenant
with SO, and a S eeeeeee with 10. -
TRY. •
No. 19 &nth TI I
IV I ET I N A TEI IL. Philo•
wish to ma to eir.ive aerviee• loin the Thirtieth
P V.. ander th.t command of Col. CRANTRY;
Government- Bclildiocle. CHltitt crelJT hireet. be
tween Foal. h and Fifth streets. 4t.
IWANTBD.-25 good Men, to lilt up a
Company ry
of Colonel Cbant's Regiments to be
mewled Till DAY . Government. Bellemaa,
...11.EnT.NUT Street. below Fifth street. GO It.,
wish to go in active lerriee,idin the Thirtieth Rec
meat, P. V., under the oomma • dof roL OR a NTR ,
o , .Teniment Builninge.• CHEnTNUT tweet be•
mien Yount' and Fifth streets.
IWAN ZED. —25 good. . Id.ea .I a 111. up ,
CornpitiiiO DA Y . M. Gover n m e ntgimet. to be =us
Wed THIS Budding& Ofit•er
NUT Street. belovr Fifth •.reet. bit. , 4e."
. 4 4 O &VALRY-If the meelhere of wept. Piti
• water's co MpSILLT are punctual in 'heist at 10 T.Bla fiadtriltiG. the, Ittlihe mac
Wed into the IMMO! •
iltoldquarten FIFTH sad-WALNUT. re -St
Restwent U. A. Cavalry. able-brdied men of
i r r qg good morals, between the agoN of t 8 and 35
1v0r..., serve for 5 yeahs. pay horn en to ast pry
month, with bond clothing. and rnedirete attendance
A minor 'not be enlisted witront the oon•ent of
phrents or roardiatm fnen accustomed to horses and
r 'dem preferred. A pp'y at•prinulphl Itendenvous,
U 5 south hIOfITR garret.
• Captain RAY/01R,
jy24-13t* Third Cavalry Rec• Officer.
11F.LPhilA.—•• •
Joan T. 114:4 RD 1N , 4 vs. PUP ithl HARDIN% in Di-
Yore.. March Tem. Mi. No 4.9. -
To %filen ("ADDlNG—
sk.s_nati : Please take• notise that testimony will he
taken on*the part of :-Ibeeant on toe twell•h day of
A. gostnext, before the • nanainer appointed .1- the
said Coen for that pn:pose,seo. re g at the °Moe of
the nodemsned. No. Ile Dap!_tt "1 XIII Street. at 4
o'e oak P. ht. WALTER J BUDD.
ji26_lBt• ' - Atto.ney for Libellant:,
- - -
Leiters "I eitimentary neon said Estate kerne l ... been
grated by tho melanin. .( Wide to tne undermined,
all moons md•bted theyetawul piesie make pa mem.,
a.... those twins eta 171 , 1 or dimeedi arunst the mild
e rate are requested to make kaolin the same, w,thoui
delay, to • ~ Jehil j". 4 I,IQILEY..
ji3il.l:6t• 919 South FOUK t!H btreet.
= -4
CE4BEO.• • -
Lettere testamentary to the Estate of 841110141 r
111814TVIr. &retailed, having been thas day granted by
tke'Rectstar of Wills to the •undersigned. all perinue
indebted retard estate are required to make payment:
and tkase haring elaims to present them without delay
to • NV1144.441 R. PkiRLATI, •
IbAAC 1 4 vBTO V . Er eatery, ' •
BLOCIEL.EY Poet 011 as.
Or to their Attorney.Fß • 0 tt,RtOlt R KY hat,
Phila. June 10.1M 1. 841 South THIRD Street.
Jeri-flit •
725 ofkirirritu istreit.
: 4 .
~• r
8010 Manufsatarers and Pz!ipr,lstors, • •
Manasoutrent of Plain and Fano,' Wine sad
Liquor Bottles, Druavatie and CrookumpusJorre Orson
Olen War*. 710 Vfmlm
..BeFI..--.AA.Loi)N-H.AND OFFICE, No. 409
BB ERYi.liki.; • ISt 'North BEVBNTH Ptrret,
Philadelphia. •!••• • ' •
A l - 4 . baval.both the sdiantairrs :cif a Photograph and
in Oil rainto.g.cogiblesd in one picture, Lad they.are
ado at KrLMER'd Baden, RE-'
O-tu.alintranilveno l-
or bloidies' Dregs Proteetore—a sure proteetlon.
from all &tinniest b y_ perspiration. .
INDIA RuBSKI 000 DA of ever, deaeriptioa. Bela
mg, Faelrmg. E r . ca ei 4 r gvery article manntaoteir
India itabber,_o • tke ao etc riaL Good* sold UR
OAS% TO SUL TH/o. /Bd ti 4; at the Great *die
Robber Store, , Bll ORBS% Si UT Street. above Third.
north side. Army and Navy Equipments.
jegte-em ••• joytei Tliimel LEV.
CLOTHING. st as 1111Mtnit sacrifice, et 010E4 ,
dies' and Chlidrea's Formehine Store, No. 104 . North
TEN CH, attain, &bone Arab. Jr 18 12.
posTAtiEl'erAmPs.-2,41 at., 12 at. 10
ot.. ct. , sad ot. SC AVIN for sale at Cm oboe.
Evreptktv. the I ot. mantra. rap . Will w sots se e. d {
*s of Qv. per ownt • • • •-• • ''-
OA SM lI6ITBD VINEYARD PRO" 0 ritugoits .0011PANY (CleorAp SebStiltos
htenaser.) COOL 11—Jost received per 00esin ekim..
mar t " from B .rdestu t 100 oases 112 bottialesab) very
ling ULD SttabDi (bottled In tluf USW ut - the aboye
wall known and aironte brand. the first nn
don into the Malted .Itataa antler tho new maw t o
wluoh, 'we belt tooeU the_llttellitlion of the trade. Bim
etal) oan be ilatin at our =Oa. For .81. 7 bond by the
sole agents. 1, N 1 • LF4L. A & ).,
1144 m • I to, Routh FA teT Street.
wMarmwmpatim a ;
\ RISs & Co.
I CXPLik3Lectv 4
We - have far the prevent removed ",
Whole sale Stand, no. 540 *ARK ET et;,.
on and after MO 4 DAY, the 29th instant, we ;;,sitZ.E s ur
pared to offer it for sale at Retail until we on preen
another Store to a imitable looation for manias. w s ..,
deem it due to ourselves, in explanation of our sudden
removal. to state that we were nib-tenants oulr at
,807 OffliltiTNUT Street, and hams understood, a
reenters /Mee, that the rallies or whom we leased
were in erratum for rent to the owner of the store, and
that legally our stook eou.d be distrained upon for
these arrears of the original tenant', we deemed it
Prudent to remove our stock' to avoid its probable
leisure fora debt not our own. .
A Prasill Lot Tigt liseeined.
Butelt figures et 71 001110.
. jygg CA PATZ4U 47 and ftI43IITH BtTests,
Vorr desirable Po'ortogy in New 000111,
Measuring I 6 to IS yards.
Yrto46 $1 to $l6O. _
,13.011 GIS.
.11.:41 Mixtures ilia Printed Figures. •
In kin° Qu‘lities. at yery Low Pnoes.
iAI French and Mille* Hirers B 4 VA*.
jr .116 811klieLe.134 BuOTHERB
The moat splendid 111LX MANTLES in the oiti.
HOUGH & 00.,
in every ram etyle, the richest snalitiee ever seer.,
at the elegant grew Store s
jax4m HOUGH
,4 ...- 1 -.FLEDIT,CTION IN BUNT %ER BTOCR, iu order to
insure 'salsa and TeßiiBls CASH.
rine Chiall ootored Parts Organdies.
80. • do. Farts Jat!olltitS.,
Ati /6 io, ' do.
• Dark Brown Lawns. 12H emtc
Bilk Manisa. Liar ilea. Betake Amiglais, Gray Goods,
Fe tins. •Mou de woes, ka • •
Moak Tamnrtins Crape de Fasart;, bs.
Foulard Oaks and n Banes*, to. • - • • .
-• i
Waite Goods n variety.
A kw lino of plop" Stele' I2H tole) eta.
Ht :ak La-'s est buttes. Bonrnous and kornts.
Black and Colored Stella isbawin
-A very oheap f Linea Cambria ildkfs.
Astor"' stook of •Flansels and Domestic Goods at the
lowest market ratek, :or cask only. • • - •
jr2o-tt . .KIGHTH and ARCH throats.
VIAL Cathmaietteshr wrods. Cottonuies.
binott 'eattsens. Corduroys.
.76 cent Ent alt-wool nammeres,
4 Bault and fsnay Casiimerec
and 64.611(131t
{limo* of our stook summer Drees -Hoods, at
merely nominal prises, to oloseituem.
Hamelin and • Bares* Robes. -I , ss seas prise;
Fine sloes Bleak Dress Goode, extra obesP.'
it li:
- - 001-,P.V.H a n dNARD
••• sham,. Mantles. and Eornous.
• ' • f edne'd to ness•Ad4j their tidos.
El.ok •
REk Mant•ea. C.otn do.
. Mummer 1/1111tete. A fine ut”ede. eltanp.,
& E. nor. 74 f N'‘`P Arid MARXET.
N. B.—B•st Hoop Ekirte, IT to dOopringe iris
Bl. Act 811.3[3.—Biselt &Ike. Ana Pad.*
• BhiCkbilk• /or en, gale..
Bilks wholvotle.
Black Bilks, st to S 6 Inchon yule.
it-:•• *PCB, are selling all their. Summer Goods 1101 Y.
to clove them.
Fammer Ras. India end French.
Da k Frenoti Organdy Learns •
..Garege end Lawn Isobel' by the yard.
J.eahle and rwiki Silk Greumilkies.
A-A BATHING 1111 17 11SES All-wool Mae Flantali.
A it- wool Plaid Planaelm •
Good sasortment of Tomolingo.
Sommer Qail:a. wholtaale. ,
N. E. oor. FIG oTtl and SPRING GARDEN.
Want toren their stook cisme off.
And hare ooneequent
. Fanny Mlle a lake over half pries.
me i styles of tress Goods at half prier. t. Mantles,. Pc/lines. Entenies. tt0...17,ry *heap.
a --
look hs. the oheiteest in Philadelphia. -
A great variety of Gray GOOOll, 1411 , 111, &17.,
-A very tart e stook of Lommatio Goode.
A very largo stook of Linen Goods.
Vartitairi. &0.. ite.
. B.—This is a hAßitifi &WIT Yo
_get:goodie nn
= n
Rally cheap. RRNL EY PRISM
_ N.
_N. Cor. EIGRT and SPRING GAh UR . N.
N. 8.---From this date, July 9th. Terms "Cash on
Delivery." - • • 119.
. 1300M8.—Bes. apathy of °Menlo, for Mo.
Moe assortment of. Drees Gomm from ISM to 11.
Mklos's end Challie Delano,. reduoed 'roma to 1436.
Ladies' Cloths, plain, plaid. and striped, at a low
Store. . •
Men and Boys' Wear. mach redtroed.
I,awna in treat variety from 8 to Snio.
Funnetunit Oval's. at the lowert market priest.
/Thailand wraw4, from $1 to 16 at
7till ARCM Street.
offered in OM balance of our Stook of
now Mixing out
Sergaina in Laos Month's, Bournerus, Pointe&
Bargains in Silk Coats, Bar viva a-e Mantles.
1500. Mohair Gynedinee for We.
leo. Dela/rts.. ene at, lea, for 33.
On Organdie awns fo ra.
/240. Layne, fine quality, for 33.
WS No. fill North TENTEE Street, above Coate,
UNIS4 fat ?ITOCIS. OF l'EtEBl3 (300D8 AT
Bemires, Silk Chetli.e. half prtoe ; (Mania Detainee re
(Mold from 26 to 1 7)Go. ; Spring Chintzes redcoed from
12% to So.
- -
aseeielattention ls renneated to our stook of Organ
thee and Jaoonet Lawns. which we ‘re.bound close
otit at a low figure, CHA R.Ltiti ADA NIS & 8014,
1023 - wag yr{ and ARCH Streets-
of Samples of Linen Cambrio Handherehiefs. rn
hem-antohed. sheer corded. and embroidered. from 10
(septa to ft gents each' a great bargain nurohaega a
1114rIfiet for cash, arid to be cold in the same way only.
CHARLatt AD.M.S A, 81)N. -
je.lo EIGHTH and ARCH fittreete.
14IRENCEt LACE VEILS.—A choice lot
for s a le ust
parrhau•e f r om a bankrupt importer, and
at ball' pr
h.164TE111.1311 ARC' &meta.
F' °1 LAW PoiNTS, 81i1111N01319,
AND MANTLES —A tars. stook to be sod at less
than wholesale prices. We cannot be undersold in
these goods. (MARL/ IA ADAYD3 b dOl4.
Je3o EIG fir II and ARCH Streets.
11,11:1S.QUITO NETTING, 9116010 re ; Tarle
tan. all colors, for covering glasses; Plaid and
Swiss Muslims at wooleealerioes. _
late EH) TA and ARIA streets.
Blue and White Frenott
Bleak and White Frenoh Silks.
Brrrorn and,White Framed!' Silks.
Green and White Frenoh Silks.
gurple and White Frenoh Balm
le dot. Rd tha at SIM per doe. -
00 doz. White Bilk Gloves. fen per pair.
Mani Goode redaoed von low to aloes ont, at
JOklt H. STO KER'.
jos 70:3 ARCH Street.
1,3 On and after ttas date
THORIILE & CHAIM will offer
TO '
Beinc_dete P rm UßCH to S W Eß s
A OF si r DR
o Y ck
t G h O y OD ntl !
G. 0,1 Baysolin, f
Alltanil Sauey Silks for Ts mint:: wor th *l.l3 g
eery Raab Fang, Silks for 481, well worth 61.76. fireridine and Busse Goods, about one half their
Bray Mixed Goods, in every Variety. from 8 cents per
yard top oenta.
Rest Black Brooade Silks, double faced, &a, &s.
'Ths Minas, Calicoes , Cash V
Cashmeres, Cloths, estbas,
I - •
'MUslinit._rlaanels, llltulth Covers,. ko„, As.
Lsoe Mantles, Pointea, hones.
no Lace Mantles, Chautalla Lace ,
k Silk Coats, Mantles, & 0., an evortityle,
' Chnitir El • 11111112 & ark-LXO OMR Mo.
v.. - •
ma' new and olekbtritettleold. stud exchanged, at the
gfi l eft : 4% l lv
_Tr A..2113t.14b1 .P°ol i,, frixtz, Mo. elf
Income havutz not a te to tort at a l'uttage P , vi mate
their name.. /luta, bigduojts,Antes, pnoes,
and isonditions. WANTED—nooks printed t 7 Benja
min Frantla, 54 yell as early Books printed and
apron America. Autograph Letters and Portraits our
abased. Pamphlet Laws or Pennsylvania for ate. Casa
tortes, In press, sant Zr.. .labrsrie...ppnwe l t .
To rAmgats Rim:pup pi Tin
mum Dunrition:
We, re prepared. as heretofore, to entrely families at
Voir 001.11 try iseidenosea with everT description .1'
PUB 61,0411.ffi3n4, 7NAII, ko., &s.
oninsii EIXVEXTR Ain VINE IM. .
volt Skid& BY
100 NE W
trintio- Comte. and Beeession Eavellpas. Ad
dress B. B. 2 & CO. jy2t-St•
PATRIOTIO, T1N10. , 1, and toddy
LLOPY.Fr ell d:tferrnt Mites, the tardiest
43 . 0 oretlon le the United et for irt e at ono:cent
@soh. You ean order from 70 op io atO, at the.s.ove
Price. Ju..t rho ved, ?atilt/op of Foo• kr:themes
from 10 and ken uokr. do Collie
tore will find it to ch. sr odirantaie to ..rdor di rent
_QIIA RLer. A. MU.LtK . Jr. -0 Aran forma. 1.4 Y.
Pew demand reoetreo daily. Trade eapplted. .1123-Ica
!Qlilri,s.—A small invoice of Hides, Sheep ,
P.- 7 Clan flkinsawi,t neviiired fro= the Went IL
GA 5.971.116, 9
c b LIVII; OlL—Pure Olive Vil in white
ChM bottles Putt received pqr bark Juliet_ For
oelit Mo. 1101 Knuth FRONT 111 TAM L
WOAD --500 lbs. for mile by
- -
FOR 12.
WILY Tußouenotrr Talk SEASON,
72.0114 t
Vt " u 'ot. TWEL•VE DOLLARS,
PZS Buirele
mu/ Reading. and Catarriesa.Ehnire,
affording the opportututir W
TICKETS good for Ruyan nas - •
torcaniodationa throughout are eieeM"' '
Scenery along the route II unequalled. "%tent.' AO-
For information all to hours of starting, the -
P. & E., Through-Ticket Office, ^
E. D. MEARS, General Agent.
G. T. LEONARD, Ticket Agent. b/S-/an
Will leap from the GIRARD AVENUE BRIDGE
, .
iter Learns into the giver. the ?rot nor will awfin
to its wee ern chore, where he enli be glad to meet any
wko desire metittettolic in'
Porton,/ dentine to witness the feats of the Professor.
northh the eirtrd avenue B idee be tskate oni
and mouth Peed, and taking an enettante ticket
f.,r the Gtrard-avenue Road. the edys of wh)oh e - ois
the Bridge.- jyta-2t _
A 88zivi.B), - Y 61.11 F.,tirtf f 4-- •
Together lett!' SANDER:SON', r•OLOSSAL Dioramie
Illuatretione of the.
^ Walt hr., like !mite ions or
Battle's, Flags*, ftembardehente, sl•.-ripe; Cantle- •
grati. , ne. end Tor.etuto e, with theantio
'fahleanx of the eneltph French,
Turkish, nod t , ussian
Oahe ritia
Mtnievion 25 cents. t Jahlren 33 °ante
poen' open at 736. e+-snmenee at B.33'n'elook.'
11011QINN61 7 t VAN tA AtIADEMY ttF Tli
FINK 11V1. tnu S' ERTNITT street, is onsi
daily. Sundays cavorted, from 5.A.,14. till sP . X.
Admission ZS Chtbran nailer twelve yaara.
half lance. Bhar"gefliltoot.*3o.
F{ORRFB wanted for Cievegntnent wie =medi
a elf. gun tab.e for •liv•lr., A•triery4 r ream.
Cave.ry Borg, s. NI: if heeds high. well pr. port oned.
AniVery Horner. full 111.4 Lands high. strong sod
arn , 41 •
am Hamel, fall JO head's or over, Orem: end WOW
Parties haring any of the 'shoe-•lesierilogd Bermes
will appq Immediately to either of the PubSero.oll.
W .11.8 . rgRR B RT Ptn•el
nettrten ` , .Ve o ll ha ilk
o ighth or
31 , E. at e% over.
85 to ..$1,600, $l,OOO, and $4OO 10
a... Lair., 414.N1.9:41/Ff.Epol+l4.. good
Artom• Ts at Law,
No. 617 131 1 611ri "gOTPI.e.
Virbbil'lMl- -At 111 eU 1 ,as room
. or Co‘ebro a. by. op; exeereeoed ate City
reference swim. :ctidreen: I. J., this °Sae.
be* 8.• ,•
W Lt.r4TlLD—lmproved y Property. in
mileage ror 'rope rum trim is Now Jwtey. •
Address • New Joiner." of ttai ear.* i lo t
WANTED - TO if,XOII , IM3E r orth
Pennsylvania Railroad Sunbury and Fre, and
other bonds for a Gill' residence. in & pod loo&Irty.
Address' " Trade." olfloe of The Fr.'s matins I..ealm
and orio. ol the prooArty.
TM oliii,v, W ;12411 111 D.— -Wanted. A
MALr. TEACHER. . to take charge ore r _Miale
Grammer Bobcat in tine eat. Sanity $476 for g erm;
contmenoine Ant Monday of next to coo-
Itrue ton months. None nut a drat-oleaa le,aher need
apply. Apr. i...anta will be epeo.ived by the poet, tse
porinretdonc, at the Rialbnchool Hita,in this City. en
tho 90th inst., oommenomg at 9 o'clock e. M.
inafdUba. FREE'S.
• • Chairman Grammar hohocl Committee.
ItIADINO. July 80. 1120 et.
Men,' &e., J
inare invited to address the':
ent Committee , "at the Rooms of the Ye
Christian Aeeomation, 1009 and 1011 tIRTAIWO
FOR tiNl44 AND . TO LET.
)R SALE—s.everal demable Farms, Fwithin a ahort distance of thl atty. strlou'imf
applfjo AL , gig at 81M$, H or-eat corner F0""1
and W 14% U r &root. second 900 f.. f)24.31.
auto Alt - fr-A MODERN DVF LLINEL with nd
yard br two, n Fon: , h "ec . h street mid Arch awl
colve , ! street. addreu • Box IZ. , s." j
ma_ oommodiou• PRPIK MANS ON, with kwn acres
of land and stable, beautifully situated. on the bank of
ti e lu law re. in the borne. bof grlatel inquire of
cYßurs YEteCe. in the eieinite. or of Ptlikeit &
FOR Val, 941. Mh.REChir Street, Pailadelphia.
jytt wfm it"
TUE AuVEliTtSicx - WOUtdi LIRE
MA to pa rohnile a moderate siznd dig residonoe.ig a
good neigh rorbood. tor which be would give deelmol
log sod eiv,E Der cent. bonds. Attunes
office of The Pros..
1,1511.31.6 ray w LET (for the
letaion oryear) a pleaeant Residenee , near aboo
meter Lane Bestion; ten rooms; abetted. St
MeCat.). e, tf South S} , CON lr treet. t Ira.
di TO g.ENT LOW—Furnished or MI
/Mlurni•herl. for six months t or longer. et desired , a
large and oonventent itOUdn, No Irdd Aroh atm
Apply to A. P. and J. B. humans, SIA AR‘.
itrestie 19
ciireINIJI-NTKEET 1100811. and
STORE tg_rent.—The desirable business locate:it
11123 Cif (IT ERIN btreetorith dwelling attached. AP
at 431 OR TN LIT a tmet eel
FPO ERNT—A very desirable STORM,
on the Ninth-street front of " The Continental
Note." The store at Ninth and ErinnOM eitreeta elope
pinny adapted for a BM:MIX and Itemotee blinker.
t ul to JOHN ft IOE;
nonthwe4 NINTH and NANI!IONI Strewth
• of good ruaimprovel farm land in the State of Pifer
/arm. oonverdent to the city. he _txated for
ettrot-cr. propiirtr. Amply at .1.15 FEDKR. au•st.
csk a i s iV?d: '.IIILVSRt ON, Uhl/EH
. ..terKR, mut wit.iiirasarn from her d Arm,
aodissowat northesit owner of ST. Int l and
co itg« Streets. • :• - •••• ••• - ' iviL4 Itn*
Ifl7l/4 If
.110. ene_oErinney
• rills AND INLAND s it 01611.111 0-
Seorge W. Day---of Day k Matlack.
samuoi wiirbt Wristit Pros &
P. B. Sims, Dane k bArner.
iLens7 Levi., Jr L4llllll Bros & Oe.
Q. Richardson....___. " C. Howe &
Ramnel T. Bodine.. —Freer W_youuris Casig4ll.lielk
Jno. W. Rvermsus--of J. W. Evers= & Co
Roo. Welt " Wert & Fob...
" Ea‘ - ire, Martin & oJe *
o. ro Won .Attorney-et-law.
...of aible3, Molten ,
mu Kessler. t io f 713 W. 44162-
• Green Street.
Re W. E.Y it k ere 'residteeN witi
PUT Stts.
3. CRAWFORD. Pteiddital,
44k1n.E.3 R. If aZITEAL. flaoretarr and Trearrarar.
Office Lours, from ID until o'clock.
Wing Company is not Joined in any ansaissitl•p taa.
to No. 21 South SEVENTH. Street. near the
Wlin Institute.
endergigned, thantfal for Caron, and being
determined to men future patronage, hr.. scoured as
elegant end oonyetyit st ore , and has now on hand it
large eleOrt,Rlont of Me a Celebrated Wrought d
chilled Iron Fire an dßurglar roof Safes , nay
Bre na r4 trtgAl i ag l itof as e es ai t u ra : k tro ll
ttilie lli al?.ank Vault Doors km w=e turau;hed
to order on short notice. This is the irtronsest, best
protected, and cheapest Door and Look YetoeCrao,-.
Also, particular attention Is called to billitt's new
Cabinet Bate for Plate, Jewelry, &o. T i l i ni n trfe Is son
eedeti Grimm in style and elegsnoe mg yet of
fered for this purpose , and Is the only one tis Kriel
_Pre and burglar proof.
A2ItCII.I. NOTIC.I.-1 have now on hand say twentzr
Farrel, Herring, & Co.'. Safes. most of them nearly
new, and some forty of other meters. ocntrising a
timeline astortment es to shm?.And ter on
'banged for the now Celebrated LIMO bate. ey Km
be sold at Very low prIO 6 S. Please 04Pla
Isl6-171f K. C. be..uLdkKlMlnt..
SO .I' quaarAPlY.
Nov imp, direct for AlPiandns. Washington, attil
Georgetown. a breath in J bouts
liatamer PHILADALPHIA, Captain THOS. HAND,
Steamer JSROM.E. Captain JEROME,
Will leave PhOadelphit. eras, W!...Uft RSDAY and SA.-
DR d 2, a , t 2 o'rt.wok M.. oonneettng with ail lines
at thaw porta. and returning. leave Waatinntewn_.
Georgetown, apd Alexandria every. TIJEBI)AY MK
SATURDAY, Tor Philanelpnia,
W P. af,yl)2.:, Agent.
14 SOUTH W isae•plua.
jp24-iftf • .IP.loc of 9 t. Want3lngtatt•
oaiuy . EXOC9.6lolM—Dteseeer 00.
9,An...,/tY teem= 6tra P er uelew *PCB Street, Flit, .
RY MORNING, at VI, o'ciook, (exempt. eazday,) far - -
Chaster Peatmcrove , New La4Se. Delaware City.
Fort Delaware. and lt•lityle. Retanurtz. lea2e Were at
Diarkl ?on a, 2 o'otook.
Hare tor the Exeuraton..„--. 50 Gaeta. ,
t) ,or Bridgeton and °dolma wet tam tine.
Nur' ticsamor N YStI..D ,eaves iiRCEI-Street wharf
daily, at o'clock. for all lazunnse nemea above aa-
Copt Fort DeNtwars. 1x23 Mt'
jag gr im e FOR mar mu". ___ Dia
viii oamia epee their 4 31=
18 4 1 6e1r I!ierz ars as" reitatirinz fretkt • I 6104 '
.111 r abov e W &butt street.. 3
Tenni aevoimirdstuts.
11 Ants
114 ji=o.