POSTSCRIPT! sraultpmr, 2 O'CLOCK, A LATEST FROM THE GRAND ARMY, Bubb's Rua, July JA-4 P. M.—From careful logalrtee, it ta avaertalned that the number wound. ed yesterday, on the Federal Bide, reaches 60, and the killed 40. Several areFutailons have been performed. The wounded, for the greater part, ere quartered in an old stone ahuroh, where every attention la being paid to their oomfort. FOUrteen of the dead were buried this utt rniog. There has been no firing at Bull Run to-day. Tio Confederates are still in poseeseion of their principal batteries. Their pickets approach to within one hundred and fifty yards of our own. With spyglasscs large bodies of Confederates were aeon acoviog at the right and left, apparently extending their base of operations, but not re tro thug. Batteries are being erected on oar side corn. mending the enemy's works, which are of a sab• gentle' oharneter. Owing to the slight repulse with which we have met, the movement against the enemy will be more carefully planned, anti of greater magnitude than was at first contemplated. Oar troops are ail eager for the fight. They have oonetruoted tents of their blankets thrown over stocked arms. There ie plenty of food, in cluding fresh beef, in our camps. The Indications are that there will riot be . a general forward movement before Sunday morn• ing,.unleao the enemy obeli provoke one. Special attention' is being paid to the hospital department, and making preparations for the dolt and wounded, The batteries of the Confederates yesterday were soientilloally worked:. Thls afternoon General Order No. 18 was read to all the troops under Gen. BicDowell's com mand, both at Centreville and Fairfax Court louse, prohibit}ng theft of every , description and kind, and enjoining respeot for persons and pro perty, stating that the penalty for its violation would be incarceration fn Alexandria jail, and for Grimes of magnitude the severest psnalties known to military law. The order also stated that we had invaded Virginia to restore to persons their lawful rights, and to scours their good will. Boldiers are not at any time to be the judgss of the acts of the Southern people, and to take upon themselves the propriety of punishment. This would frustrate the designs of the Government. To this the troops marled by the clapping of hands and huzzahs for their commander. Paine are taken by responsible thee VieitiOg tile seat of war from Washington to Impress upon the people that the Government will preterit them in the enjoyment of their rights, and that this war is for the purpose of maintaining our nationality. All rumors of fighting today are untrue Beivemal oanaltiee have happened to oar troops by the accidental disolorge of their guns. The Fort Pickens battery, filsj3r Hunt, arrived et Centreville this afternoon. FROM WASHDIGTON. Wasninavok, Tilly 19 —The Sixth Maine regi ment arrived here at 11 o'clock to-night. The Senate to-day in executive session rejected the nomination of Mtgual A. Otero as Secretary of New Mexico, This, it is understood, was owing to his Seoersion proclivities, which were not known et the time of hie appointment lie was lately a delegate to Congress from that Territory Tt!J u rY. Military and Naval Matters. This camp now contains more men than any en• campment in the neighborhood of the city About one thousand men were upon the ground yester day, and at least double that number of visitora from the neighboring country. The tents are pitched on a level part .of the field, adjoining the township line road. Colonel Geary will beperma nattily placed upon the park next week. The un assuming, energetic effate of Colonel Geary to provide for the wellbeing of the men, have made him popular with both soldiers and civilians Hacks are running all day to the camp from the Frankford terminus of the Fifth and dixth-streets Railroad. The fare to camp, per hack and ear, is seventeen cents. Hundreds of relatives of the sot. diers availed themselves of the accommodations to visit the park and we noticed many aged women trudging along the plank road and turnpike with baskets and bundles of good things, aparir'g them- selves the luxury or a r de, to devote the offerings of affection to thsir sons. The good behavior of the soldiers, and the kind ness of the neighbors, have attached the one to the other. Whole oompanies are feted at a time by the gentry and good-folk of Milltown, Fox Chase, sad other villages tear by. while there has been no tingle cause of complaint from any quarter what- OV,r The mon are marched to the bank of Tammy erotic, by companies, in the cool of the evening, and allowed to bathe In the clear waters. Cot (leery has eulleted the sons of many fernier/ and villagers in the vtoloity, and arrangements are being made to present a regimental Reg to the on limn at an early opportunity. The necessary complement of I 500 men will soon be made up. THE HOME GITARDS. At a meeting composed of the committees ap pointed by the various companies of Nome Gouda, Reserve Grays, Reserve Blues, etc., favorable to the formation of a regiment to be offered to the General Goverment for active service, the follow. log companies were represented : First Regiment, companies A, R. and II; Second Regiment, coat pantos 8,0, and G.; Thlre Regiment, company A; Union Guards, Naylor Rome Guards, and compa nies B and Dof the ZlitaTe Battalion. Nearly all of these companies aro foil. - The fallowing rescind div were adopted: Resolved, That each company to be represented in this regiment open their muster-rolls at once. Reset/cad, That the regiment serve for the term of three years, cutlass sooner discharged. Resolved, That a oommlttee of fire be appointed, for the purpose of ascertaining what arms, so., can be obtained for the regiment. The meeting then adjust:nod until Wednesday evening nest. I=l Lima Ashmead, late an officer of the Mantua Rome Guard, of the Twenty-fourth ward, Captain Carrie, now quartermaster of Col. Murpby's ment, bee been presented with a handsome sword by the former company. The presentation speech was made by Prank. McLaughlin, Etq Acjatant Setford, of the Jsekson Regiment, has been presented with a beautiful and costly sword, sash, and belt, by a number of private friends The presentation was made by Capt Zuilo, of Com pany Z, in a very neat speech, which was replied to, on behalf of the recipient, by Sergeant Major Robert P Decker!, in a few brief bat elcquent and patriotic remarks. Co!. Murphy and staff, together with a number of ladles and gentlemen, were pre- Sent, and teneh 400 d feeling and patriotic entbn- Claim were maoliested An ode, dedicated to the Jackson Regiment by Charles °Rhein, Esq., of the West Philadelphia Star, was recited by Quarter master Albert S. Ant:mead, amid much enthu siaam. OAXIRON LIGHT (MAUD REGIMENT This fine regiment is rapidly filling np. Compa ny C has been inepeoted, and will quickly be fol lowed by the remainder of the companies Colonel McLean Is now absent at the seat of war, but will shortly return arid take oommend of hie regiment. The regiment will be made up prinolpally of three• months volniltsers, whiolf wilt add greatly to Its effitiiency. ETIIIIOIC BY MOM/2Q During the storm early yesterday morning, Fort wirjostruok by lightnieg, and the garrison became uneasy lest the Hold enould reach the ma.. gash:m. 3 "h was subsequently discovered how ever, that the current of electricity bad directed its 0011110 towards the extensive lee house adjoin ing the fort, whioh is said to have suffered to a considerable extent. The battlements seemed fairly red with eleotrioity, and the others of vet. sell in the offing thetight the whole work was being destroyed by Bre, and awaited the *into• sion of the magazine for some minutes with breath less anxiety, • g'XIILLIN'S RASGERS. A lettar has beeq received front OtipTali McMul lin, of the Rangers, In whioh be states that he will return with his corps at the expiration of three months, which Is on the 28th of August, when he will redraft for the war. 2278704 ARTILLNRY This crook company will go to Ohadd's Ford this morning, to enamor, with Capt. Biddle's company. The MOtl comprising this artillery company are young gentlemen or tact and energy. Their en campment will no doubt be largely visited. 11.11CRUITS. Yesterday morning, about fifty recruits passed through this olty, from New York. They belong to the Virginia coast guard. TR'S NAVY YARD Orders having been rso.tved at the Navy Yard to have the steamship Keystone State ready for Habig yesterday, a numbit of the workmen were kept busy during the entire night , commencing at 6 , 0100 k on Thursday evening. We are Informed, however, that We afternoon is the earliest posaible period of departure. The various decks of the vessel, and the dock at wbioh she was lying, pre• seated a soene of activity not often witnessed. The decks were oovered by a confused mass of riggers, oarpenters, bisokstniths, gunsmiths, coal heavers. sailors, sailmakers; painters, officers, and naval officials. The new sloop-of•war Tuscarora Is progressing rept lly, all of her timbers being up, and a portion ~ t her planking to piano The Naval Ckmstruotor of New York was in Philadelphia on Wednesday. . examining several vessels, to a s certain their fitness for naval purpriaes The steamer Seminole will be taken from the d ok this week and supplied with stores as soon as portable, There is the greatest activity at our Navy Yard, and there is plenty of work for a yard of twtoe Its capacity. Nevertheless, we understand that the workmanship from our yard, during the •whole ras h," h a s been exeouted In .he most satisfactory manner, both as regards expedition and quality. I MILIMIAGE, or THOMAS J. ARMSTRONG.—A new phabo of the Crawford and Armstrong minder sate WAS evoked yesterday, in the publication of Ms marriage of the condemned with Miss Isabella MoOlehan. The alletred marriage was 'etated•to have escorted on the fit of October, 1859, the rite belnq soleronispi by the Hey J GI Wilson, of tie First Independent Church, Marlborough street, Kensington. Of the elroomstanoes of the marriage, and the reasons for so long ocomesliog the same, we suppose the public have no right to !snow. /tumor, how ever, had a hundred stories to tell of the matter It is certain that during the trial, and up to this date, nothing was known or said of young Arm strong's matrimonial relation FILLING ll'.—The very ugly lot at Sixth West and Columbia avenue is being filled op, much to the relief of the oitisens of adj )(rang Darts. A good move for that part of the city would be the suppression of the numerous glue and bone places, which so mush annoy the Twentieth TO DISAPPEAR AND TO APPEAR.—The old depot of the Pennsylvania Itadroad Company, I i Arai street, and the tangled lines of rail upon Tnird and upon Market streets, will abort's , dts ippear, much to the relief of citizens. With tit mm will go the miserable maid teams, and the et riled trains of baggage care, the brutal driver and his eternally cracking whip, that used to fret and fume before the newspaper offices, arid drown the meanie of the newsboys_ Likethe old turnpike and its broken Oone otoga teams, (vide T. B Read,) the year HU will probably witness the last of the i* City , ' railroad Few will lament tbei: ex Ist; but they were institutions in their day and generation, The passenger depot will not present be removed, although the now freight depot at the foot of Washington street should, from mounts, be euffiliently extensive to subserve most of the interests of the company. The freight depot at Thirteenth and Market streets, a large and ea pable structure, will still remain The new freight depot will stand upon an area comprising thirteen sores of ground, lying on the Delaware, between Washington and Christian streets, and extending beak to Swanson street' Work wee commenced on the 3d inst by demolishing the old sawmills and sheds on the spot, and it is in contemplation, by the Ist of January next, to have erected a large fire proof iron grain-elevator, with a capacity for containing 475.000 bushels, also an extensive shed for other freight, and the necessary buildings for oars, it e. The dock will moreover will be carried out into the river three hundred and twenty-two feet beyond its present limits, and the whole improvement will be a great advantage both to the appearance and business of that locality. A bridge, the mason work of which is nearly flubbed, is now building across the Schuylkill , near the United States Arsenal, and will also ba completed by the first of January next. Freight oars, after palming it, will be drawn by looomotives down Washington street to the new terminus. The road, as will be seen by these preparatione, is one of the greatest in re snuroes and wealth in the Union. It is also ad mirably gartered and managed. FIRE ON PETTY'S ISLAND.—OR Thursday night, about half past eleven o'clock, ilre was dis covered under the , 4 ways" of the ship's dock. yard erected on Petty's Island, opposite the oily. It seems that the workmen bad for Name time put been in the habit of placing all , their loose shavings and timber-ends in a vacancy beneath the ways, and, by some accident, these took fire. and threat ened the destruction of the yard. Fortunately, the boat's orew, No. 2, harbor polio°, under Cox swain Grimes, war near by, and they went to work with their, fire.buokets and succeeded finally in extinguishing the fire before it had done any seri ous damage. The ways will be repaired imme diately, and there will be no cessation of work - at the yard. MELANOHOLY DHOWNINO OASR.—A mad Came of drowning took place near York station ' on the line of the North Pennerlrani& Railroad, onThurs day afternoon ' about four o'clock. Four persons, bringing in the neighborhood, want upon a fish ing exeurrion on the Pennypaok creek, awl while engaged in drawing a net, Mr. Thomas rerkea, who was standing in the water and assisting in drawing the seine, fall over into the creek and was drowned. Bic body was subsequently recovered. It is supposed that be wan Wien with a cramp. The deceased was about thirty five years of age. lie left a wife and three children. Ile was a car penter and builder, and was muoh respected. Heanowo ATE.—In riding out tho Frankford Railroad, yesterday, we were struck with the tor• loin appearance of this ancient boor garden It wee, in old days, when beer and beer-drinkers were rare, one of the few flourishing suburban pleasure•grounas. But since, of late days, brew eries and malt liquors have come into fashion ' Bar. rowgate has 'tabled to other influences, and beer, like empire, has taken its way westward, to Schuyl kill Relights and the Falls. The old place still does tolerable business, and the garden is large and full of swings, shade trees, and beer tables. To MORROW APTS .- 10100N, at ball past three o'eleoh, at the military camp, a little southwest of flestonville, West Philadelphia, a sermon will be delivered by the Rev. Nathaniel West, D D with the-cordial consent of the commanding offeser, Colonel Murphy Thir encampment is truly !roan• MAIL On first sight, to those acquainted with the Bible, the palmist., Numbers xxiv, 5, rises up to view, " flow goodly are tby tents, 0 Jacob !" ARREsr or A CHIOREN Thrir.—For some time past the residents of Germantown and Mount Airy nave suffered from depredations on their hen. roosts and houses On Thursday afternoon the po. line made a descent on the house of a saspeoted party living on Allen's lane Twenty second ward. A number of articles stolen from different planes in the neighborhood were found upon the premises. The alleged thief was committed to answer. • THE ErIsOOPAL HOSPITAL, notwithstanding the pressured - the times, le being rapidly pushed forward to completion. The front and west wing have been raised to the full height. and the build en calculate, in the some of three months, or lees, to have the building tenable. The structure is of an admirable character, and the increased acrocin modattons will greatly enlarge its benevolence. COtir DE SOLEIL.—A woman named Catha rine kleawart, aged seventy• two years, tell in the street, at clermantown road, below Girard avenue, from the effrote of son stroke, yesterday afternoon. After receiving mediae' attendance, she was con veyed to her residence in West Philadelphia. The physician In attendance expressed hopes of her recovery. ACM:WM.—Thomas Lawless, aged thirty- Dine years, while digging • wait. at Norristown; yesterday morning, was seriously iii-cosz stquence of an iron drill falling on his head. lle sustained a compound fracture of the skall. Toe, sufferer was 00IIVeyod to the Pennsylvania Ho* tal. Hen Nelts.—Tho name of the woman who fell down Mitt end killed herself yesterday morn-. ing, In Thirteenth street, above Oxford, will Ellen A. Book. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. UNITED STATICS DISITISIOT COURT—Judge Cadw dader.— Um United States vs The General Parblial. The opinion of the court in this case, which bee awakened considerable interest from the novelty of the questions, and the feet that the pre sent is the first decision under the regent blockade proclamations of the Government, was delivered yesterday Its extreme length prevents us furnish ing anything mere than a synopsis of its principal features. It commenced with a review of the reoent events in the history of our country, beginning with the Declaration of Independence by the State of South Carolina in December last, the enoceedlng events of a similar character in other States, and the or• ganization of a hostile government and the corn. mencement of hostilities that had now assumed the proportions of a general war. The capture of the libelled vessel by a United States 'frigate on the 20th of May last, off the port of Charleston, while on her voyage from Liverpool to Charleston was next alluded to, as well as the averments of the libel—viz : that she was engaged in an attempt to violate the laws of Maskede established at that port, and that she is the property of insurgents and rebels. If the latter position is sustained, it was unnecessary to enter into a consideration of the former. In the present hostile relation of South Carolina to the General Government. oan a citizen of that plaoe maintain a claim to the cap tured property in the courts of the United States? With the statement of this proposition, the opin• ion branched out into a dissertation on the forma tion of the Government, and the relative position of the States to themselves and to the General Go vernment. As to the former, being independent of each other, and as to their being independent only in snob matters as were not reserved by the Con stitution to the Federal Government, secession war defined to be no more nor less than attempted re• volution, neither the power nor the right of which could be asserted in the courts of the United States. Within the limits of two of the seceded States, so called, the lima of the United States were en forcible, but within the entire limits of the other nine the Constitution and laws of the United States were defied and their execution suspended. The Constitution prohibits all bills of attainder, and in guaranteeing the right to a speedy trial, proviths that the accused shal be tried in the district where the alleged offence was committed. In view of this, war was the only means of self.redt see, the only method whereby the restoration of the constita• tional authority eonid be effected. To bold rules restricting it within any limitless than a general war, was to give an advantage to the insurgents The suspension of the courts of Justice required that they should 'be again este. blished, and restored by the strong arm of the Go vernment. The organization of prize courts was then reviewed, and their prietioe in refusing to entertain the olatm of owners residing in a hostile State, unless for some Special reason, which re lieved the claimant of hie hostile position.. And this, though the claimant may be a citizen of the State in whose court he interposes his hiatus, „ _ ' The claim of Messrs Stook d; Patterson, of Charleston, South Carolina, is therefore dismissed, and the next rep will be the condemnation of the vessel as a lawful mizs.of war. .QUAILTIRIL Szastose—This court was in aes sten and a number of trifling Gager were die posed of. GENERAL NEWS. A DOUBLE, ACCIDENT TO VOLUNT EEES.— There was an extraordinary case of accidental shooting at Alton, Illinois. One of the volunteers was wounded by the accidental discharge of a gun, the ball passing through the lower part of the groin, and then through the head of another volun teer, the ball entering near the oheek bone on one side, passing through below the brain, and coming out on the other side After a lapse of eight days . both men were doing well, and there was a strong probability of their recovery A. OENTLEBLAN of polished manners, who represented himself asa bearer of despatches from the English Government to their Comm' at Charles. ton, 8. C., was last week overhauled on the oars near Lafayette, Ind , and his red taped baggage found to conceal over 50 000 peroassion caps, in tended for the rebels. The " secret" diplomatist managed to escape. ?mesa TrtousArm A MONTH.—Borger, the great Freenh billiard player, has been offered nine thonsand dollars, by a billiard proprietor in San Frew:deco, to perform a three•monthe engagement in Oalifornia--bis expeoses to be paid both ways The man agrees to deposit the money in a San Francisco bank, whenever he receives notioe that his offer is accepted. A ums in St. Louie, out of love to the be nighted men of the South, takes all the Notthern papers he MID get, puts them into bottle' with a little (II in the eork, and fiends them down the giver, to be pioked up and read by the rebels be low lie oalle this his floating telegraph. INDIArte, which, forty-five yoara ago, in the memory of the generation now living, was a fron• t,er territory, inhabited by red men. has now an army of twenty thou twelve sand Infantry andb un dred oavalry In the field, battling for the minte nanee of free institutions. Galt. J. C. ittgiloter has donated a lot of ground, to be situated either in Mariposa City or Bear Valley, as a site fora Clat6oll6 Obrirth. Re has promisee farther aid when' the building is com menced Mariposa oonnti oonstiortes the most southern part of the Arob looses of Ban Frenetic° Tea Fitts Mesons in Canada prbpoee to establish a Maaosio 'ilium, at a out of $20,000, for the relief of indigent Masons, their waive, and families Bo non u the va•lous lodges subtoriba half the amount, the Grand Lodge will provide the remainder. A MEMBER of the Massachusetts Rifles at Fort MeElenry died en Wednesday of typhoid fuer. Hit rentsLoi were sent on to Boston, under charge of Capt. Dodd. Thin disease Is said to prevail at that point and several others of the troops are now seriously ill with it. A LIZIITENANT Of police, In Albany,fell asleep the otter day at the station-house, while waiting for something to " turn up," and, when he awoke, found that his watch-guard had been out, and the watch itself taken from his pooket. UPWARDS of six thousand Testaments have b len distributed among the NewJersoy troops new In Virginia. haversl hundred were printed in the German language. A WEALTHY gentleman at Worcester, Mass., who has a nephew In the rebel army at BeefelPs Paint, has sent a letter to General Butler, offering $550 for the head of his traitorous relation, Ix SAN Fitanotsco the war spirit prevails with increased ardor. Almost every hail of suits• ble else is used as a d.ill-room by the volunteers. deaessionists have little show in California. Trtu people of Massachueetta aro about founding an agrioultural college. It will probably be located at Springflsld. $50.000 ere already cub borlbed In sled the enterprise. DICKINSON COLLEGE, Pa., has conferred the decree of LL. D. on Hon Edward Balm!, Attorney General of the United States. BOSTON is to have a new city Hospital, the Common Council having appropriated money for its erection at its last meeting. Ir is estimated that the' maple sugar crop for the au rrent year will exceed 28,000 tone, valued at $3,017.000. A MORMON ADVERT/9EIMT READS—c( To be let—rooms for two gentlemen and four trim, or rooms for one gentleman and all wives." FINANCIAII AND COMMERCIAis rho Money Market.. PRILADNIMIIIA, July W, 1861 State Ilvee advanoed at the Stook Board to-day to 78 ; City sizes, old issue, to 883 new lone. 96 * Beading fell off a trifle, but roes again to 19i at the eeoond board. Lehigh aorip' sold at 95i; Le high Valley Railroad 'hares at 49*; Mineh9ll Rail road 57, and Elmira preferred 10:. Messrs. Michener tie , No. 50 South Third street, are buying city warrants at a discount of three and a half per cent. for ourrency, and four and a half per cent. for bankable funds. Messrs. Mlobener 00 , bankers, at No. 50 South Third street, furnish no with the follow ing quotations for Pennsylvania bank notes Dismount. Allogbany Bank—.l Anthracite Bank—/ o 194 Bit of Beaver Co—.l o .1,4 - Bk of Chamberang .1 o 134 Isk of Chas. Vajley.l 0 /X Bk of Oosn, ET111...i 0 Bit of ilrawford Cosi m 4 Bk of Danville. 1 0 1,4 Bk of Fayette Co-1 e Bk of Cattyabarg_.l 0 1X Bk of Laws's Co._S 44 4 Bk of Mlthilotown.l 0 I.l‘ , Bk of Newoaatle —3 44 4 Bk of Nthumberl'd 1 o IX , Bk of Penna.. _ 76 Bk of flicenixyle.r. CD 1.,W Bk of 14 saburg.-- 1 49 .1.51 ) Bk or Pottatorn.. 1 o 11,s' Citizma' Bk, Psttnl 0 /A Clearfield Co. 8k../ o 134 C lumbia 8ank....1 0 IN Mahan'. Bk A ilttn 1 o 33t F a r mßi k c o fpa ad o.l LX ar & Croy Bk-1 o WI Fre.t.k lik of Wash.) 0..1 . • • Dissount. Harrisburg Bank-1 soak' Honesdale Bank. —1 0 p( Iron Oily lik,Pictba es 13; Israel Snore Bk—,l eb I% Bittanning Benk-1 '' is 11‘ 14h/inert 8ank.,..1 aDi Lob:Vat BkLeb-1 a 1 Lewisburg Hank.-1 a.l Look Raven Bank.l 0 ) Meos Bk, Pittalm-1 0 13( Met & Man Bk. do 1 0 3.1.( Mononashela 8k..1 0 IX MonntJoy B 0 1X Nth Werem Bk._2 es 2); tOotorom Bank,—.l 0 IX iPittsatin Hawk —1 0 I,l‘ ishairMin Bank,. —2)60 3 'Strvudseu.K SRI* 1..0 Ili Two County 8k..2 es 11,, Union Bk of Read.l 0 IX Warren Co Bank-2 0 2)s West Branch Bk—.l 0 Ihr. Wyoming Bank of Wassail:arra—a 0 , 131" York Bank, York—l m'1!( York Count/ Bank.). 0 LX The following-named bank notes are at par, and received on deposit by our, oity banks : Philadel phia oity banks, Alientown'Bank, Bank of Cats mous, Bank otChester county, Bank of Delaware county, Bank „of Montgomery ootuV r ..,, - ''Sylestown Bank, _Easton Bank, Easton ;34., - ;ksfhr Bank of Books county, Farmers Bank of Lancaster, Farm ers and Illeohanicsi Bank, Easton Lancaster County Bank, Mauch Chunk Bank, Miners' Bank of Pottsville. The following are the quotations for domeatio exchange furnished by Idioherter k Co.: Discount. Disoount. New York City. pare M 1ndiana..—.....:....... 203 do tete-- Xas% Kentuoky...-:-...... fele New Kneead , AgoN Illinois-...-..........-. • 40070 N ew je,bey ... .......p. , ON. W i500na11..:... ' 4 • • - elelti Undo, ISt XeSs lowa .--.....: nem De laser/ Si & over. p• r itUotugan--...... ton Under ne-.... Meal Virginia— . The Mary .and. ... —.. lei Norm Carolina..... 2de Baltimore ........parok . Missouri— ..--- Me Pun ..4 Columbia.- . se+ New urlenne__.... 10015 Ohio--- 1%62 The following to the amount of coal shipped over the 11untingdon and Broad Top Mountain Rail road, for the week ending Wednesday, July 17, 18111, and vino* January let, 1881 : Weak. Previously. Total. Tons. Tons. Tone 7.612 108.238 112 8-0 1.860 118 98 321 91.43! - - Inoreate - . 3 528 9,917 The following is the amount of ooal traneporteo on the Shamokin Valley and Pottsville Railroad for the week ending July 13, 1881: Week. Year. For the week ending July 13, 11151....._ t 828 09 99 WI 06 Same time 1641. Dear_—,. 4 867 lid 66.949 08 Ina ease— Decrease.. 11,944 13 The NOW York Post of this evening says : The ■took market pauses to day, pending theoonfliot at 'lionesses Junction, and prices show a decline In acme descriptions, while the general list presents no material change from the Second Board of 'see terd ay The transactions in the leading stooks are fitili on en active scale, though buyers are disposed to await the success of the Union troops st Manama before inoreaiing their purchases At the close, mocks are in good demand at the prices. Sales of New York Central at 781; !teak 1.1..1, 43:. - Tae market for Government stooks rem slue very arm, and the Sixes of 1881 sold at 901,9111, the highest point yet touched The various Five Der cents are also higher. The 1871's are held at 83a 84'. The Treasury Notes are scarce—the 12 per cents sold at 102; The business to the Southern bonds is less active today, but prices, excepting Louisiana, which are 25 per cent. lower, show no important changes. Missouri@ and Teunessees are 111 per cent. k wer . Itentaskys, however, rose 11t2 per oent . Money on Dell is in fair demand at Gad per oent., with a large supply. The market is very quiet for paper, and prime names are scarce at 8a63 per cent. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, July 19, IMI. REPORTED BY e. E.11L5.211A1211, illeTobants' 'Robing e. FIRST RDA RD. 10 Reading It 193 1009 Reading eis 184420 e SO 80 do 19% 10 Lehigh Valleyß.- 4936 on do 19% 1! do - 49% 8 2d & 34 39 13 do 49% 11 Del Illy Canal— 118 4200 abt Penn& Ss C&P 78 10 do -_. 38 I. oo OAT Gs D..-- MX. 14 spruce &.; Pine It 8% 900 do 'New.— 943. 50 Minot:all 87 10.0 do New.— 96% 2 do - 57 6 61110 &rip— 36* IiDO Reading 68 rm.... 7 3% 180 Chen & Del 6s.- . 56 IRO do 73% BETwEk..r 60 Elmira R weld bB, 103.1 =City 6s 963 C SECOND BOARDS. 50 Reading R..... 100 d Reading it 193(1 sil o 19 2 Lehigh Forip— -4 1000 Lehigh Valley 91 01,0511 , (11 f I dikta Phil& es off 8834 in rtiiia oh MK.: 89 Phil& as new itioff9s_X POllllll riX • 78% Read .1L_.... 1956 1 Read •bde '7o. SS% Si Read mt wee 93 89% 91 Read mt 'B6 73% 74 Penns K— 88% .1911 Parma R Mint& UK Morrie Can con. 41 45 Morns Can 114 'Soh NO WA.-- WC 70 Bah Nav Imp 114— TT 80 Sod flavElsk.—. 5N 8 New York Stock 18;:00 U 8 ga 'Bl reg.-90 1612)) do 9/.000 ' do --..-20Y4 MAO U Ge 11 &nap— —1.00: 26000 do 7.00 U Bs '74 nottp.—.Bl34 't r'y 12 p o Nte.....1027 2000 .do 2000 Tr'y 10 p o 2460 Tr'y 6 p o 2 Yeas-8936 20 0 Xentnaky bt 78 I 6030 big '79 ...6/ I ero. 0 Tenn es .90—. —l6 , 8000 do —420 N i l —.slo lAN eolp Virgin's ISt 84......47% b 00 Vs es large bd.— 46 14000 14 Cerolinstia— 59 400 do . 89.%1 3 5000 Mireonri Mare iSe .46 7.00 d 0.... —401.46 60.31 do.. ...—t016.463.4 WOO do-- n3O 46 6003 do . b30.46)i 4000 ..• 402 am do --... —.47.4434 Juuoo blo ea la 11 & 8 /-62 4040 I.4ralatane 64. 29 3000 .0 do do— .-27 K. 80 7 30.0 ft Y St 7.'70..._..106 .1041 N Y Can 134..—....9234 4000 ens id not_ ext 'MPS% /0.0 Hurl 11. 8 • 10...0 'Harlem lot ..—. 97) , 4 1000 Mich ho Yd m----00 &Po "lice le 2 tde moo 11l Oen It bds 92 3000 Uhl s W let 40 WOO do ..,bID 40 8090 Chikß 1bd5.....91 40 Bk of Commerce .80 25 d 0..- *XIX 10 eterropo igen 8k..90 28 Conttnental 8k—..71 450 Cum" Prot ....—. 834 111 Poodle Mail B ... 763( 60 op— b 30.4.44 10 do_ .704 New York Markets—Yesterday. Lomas aye quiet and steady at $5.843i for Pots and $676 ior Pantie. BELA. 117111711.—The market for mate and Wipeout Flour m 60100 higher, with a lair Wiriness doing at toe improvement. 3he males are 13,00 tibia at 840410 for 2,31,0 finemata_i . o4 2604 56 for extra ()tat. •, $404 10 for supetline pitchman. Indiana. Ohio, /01116, &0, ; 84 2605 60 for extra do. butinding shippi n g brands of rou. d hcop Ohio, at 84.0005, and trade brands of do at $6 1006.25. ouutnern Floor is firmer, and In rued/rive request ; ea'es ..f 800 libis as .606.60 for Superfine flaltimore 86.6006 76 for extra Mt; 060610 for Biandrwine ; res.eo 0l for 011..ritelOWn ; Wog for Petersburg o.ty ; and $7 09 for Richmond city. e ft out an Flour is sue hither. with a fair inquiry the . ales are MD bble at 83 700:4 60 for superfine, and $4 :087 for the rouge of extra' brande. Rye Floor is quiet, with trilling sales at 86./3003A fo: me ranee of fine and superfine. Corn Meal is dub; we quote Jersey at $2.T600.80; Biandywitie 8305 trona/mow( *l6. W heat is fii mar. and prices are toe° higher, with a rood export demand ; -toes 160 000 bushels at 9401fic for MI 'smoke, club; $101.02 for a "bet lows; 760030 for chic too egging. and 960 for haofne Bering. Joe bI. 9 niat. Weet c ern may be quoted at 410600, and lit ri River at 66006 lag dell a, 63068 e. ~a ts are firm at 270010 for Jersey. Delaware, and Pennsylvania, and 120330 for Western, Canadian, and !State, Corn is firmer. with a moderate demand at the sd mince ; rime 40 000 bushels, at 400480 for new mined W. mato. Psovisions —peal( is q and with maim pornt chance the sales are 600 bb l .at SIIS forend ell) f..r prime Heef le in better dem•no with Bela. 700 1 . 0 01 at 0606 60 for *curare mess. 8404 60 for oolintr• Prime, 08010 tic COT repeaked w este.n. ono 0/06001160 for eaua Ile" Beef Rams are quiet, at .10 76014 f..r theta and Western. Bacon is nominal. Got meats ere quiet. at 6060 for hams end Oficpao Tor shoulders. Lard islet aid unchanged with Isles 900 ten and bbls at 3W u irisitx is steady with sales of 600 bbl. at 16air/6.5‘0, New Orleans Markets. aw Ost.zatts. Job , 19.—Cottott Astra of the week 2210 bales. • id tog lOtforst to. Reo ',too 139 hives. Drorease ?row Oa 360,00 ba es. Dr rest at all Ifreithern perta AO COO bat.. s, otook, 9,400 bales, tgatost 00,000 °Coolant year. ether 3340413i0. Flour 111..0e8. week., woos 570 bass, et lltlirscOo ; stootrot.B.o bass, against 4 4XI 1141 year. °AHD PRINTING, !floc AND Omurseor Itl the MO. at 14 Bette TURD /Street • GIROIMAX rimming. Best had Cipeeeset 1.•• st 44 ...ti 7H I RONtr....t. BILL-HEAD PRINTING. Best and Ghaahowi Im the pity- et 34 tlostb THIRD Street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, end every other descrip tion of Printing, of the moat .supenor enetty, At the Man reasonable rates, at RINGWALT & BROWN'a. leresere Balleltle. 34 Jetta TRIAD Iltreet. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, , SATIVRDAYi JULY, ,20. 1861. OONTINEN'CAL HOTEL—Ninth and Cheatnut. E O Sampson, Maine Wm Brown, Penne • E F nutter, 8t Louis 0 McDowell, New-York 11C Stover, New York J 0 Maslen, Ennio s ecrnwell. Buffalo I. 8 Goble swf N Jersey Jag Me • nley, Pittsburg N Holmes. Pittsburg John G 'Holmes, Pittsburg .1G Laoook, Ohio Mrs to Harmer, Ohio it Remit, New York Israel Baugh John U Sherlock John Boutin wheoling, Ara Chas BBmitb. Wheeling I s Young. New York I A Erben. Lanoaster &Black, Loudon or Peok. Newark Mrs seek. Newark 'W B bobbins. Baitimeire War 8 hark - . Boston Jrns Laurie. New York Thos 8 Ireland. Ohio 1. Peasongood. bin Thou Adams, Harrisburg 811 Prentiss & la, Ohio I. Lewis, Jr, Made Robt W Lewis. Jr naiad& Jobe Baird New York P Agbase. .sew York M J SLons, U mi A G P. Johnson. U S A A it Black Pittssurg M B Mill r. Eittantirg_ 0, NCI; Cerny Werne Vast 8 A Dyer. Cti Wayne J R Hasbrouck. New York Johannes Bruyn. N York W H Clark, Penns D ft Wood, Montreal Wm 'orris. New Jersey W 0 Pattemou N Jersey 11Green. Norstioh i. Conn W w ea ve r , a N [MDR, VS Robt E W 'Biome. Boston 0 B Efridro d New York Dean, Pi. oinonti Ohio 8 Warren ,„New Ica H a Goodwin, W illiemeit't A Boyd, U it A Seamrdler. Jr, haltim e Geo W Child., % el Philada W M Kerr, Harrisburg Henry Prone, Winnow. I B McCreary, chunk Spencer,R^met, N Y Whiting. Bolton Dr A Pmail York. Pa .0 Pmyser, York. Pa t' Gehring, Wrightsville Geo Ti Parker, lowa I B Meeker. New York A D Poi/reams, New York E 0 Perna. New York Geo NI Lauman, Rending A It Potts, Washington Wm Black. Boston W M Bailey & son. It held Jes P Smith, Prov, it P Mc Ilvaine, New York A Brown, Raw York M We men, Br. olOyn FI Warren. Brooklyn W L Bradley, New 1, brk I I ogler. Jr. wemnington • J Amith. New York L P Carman. New York Jog T Ames, Mass R P (Irene, Worthington W A Aioherds. Boston 9 B Barnes,. Boston P Gregory Jr. Jer city B M ebambetri, Jimmy oity F Ftnery, Boston G Pratt. Itorwich I M Davis. Port MOAN* BallaPid._BOONl . P Proctor Boston II P w Bedford Win Lane &la. Boston 1' Olarantoe, New York Wm :no mons, Jer oily Chestrut. 111.1eanore 5 M Orem lieltimore A Goon don & N Y Bushes. Bkitlroore. J itrnner F Bewley, Mew York A Broolttsx, Waehjos ton Wm uoughertr. Wasb'n T W Smith. New. York 0 8 Manson. New York A Van tswearrtuser,Phtta W P A Caunphell, N J N Mason, Prey, It tl EnOReNTA' ROTY.4.--Pourte street. below Ares. J 8 Penney. Penns R S Rrtren,.Pittelmrir II Williams. Willnurburg James Jenkir u. N Jersey A fleemut•er, Jr. Beltimore A W IN/rick - eon U 8 A Mrs A 8 ptivT &e:Contrev B Payeter, Pittebarn Or i et - Vr i r i rbi fi rr i r iXu r r i e ß - 2 P Atlantic City Mo , .orroll. Slaranawn Thostilerr.wetber, ?rev, RI Jno Menlo* • T. pryer, RD L Penney, C'p Coleman &bee Hayes, Pittsburg' Mrs Rayon k de, Pitt:omA BOARD. 1003 Penn& Coupon to— 85 ginurs prof 6 1054 3 Far & Meo Bank . 45X OEM-FIRM. Bid. diked. 64sh !fair Praia .135 Elmira ft Eref.— /DM KlminsTh ... Island ft_ '1163i 60%i N CI 16 46, 46K 60% r c, flo_p—s6X 66,4 Ith e n 7 a Ot6s, .6636 66 N 'tots R ILlo.-76 77 Causing's" Loral 6 6,4 I Frank tr. Bo ...36 . to 2d & 6d-sts It 3_.69% W Ha 6X cl _5l 63 Sjurruoe & Pine.— 11X 6% airman & Coates 143 i -. 4 .:xchange--Ju I y It. an N. Y. Central R_... 78): MO do— —..b30 78% Ito do.-- .... Th 900 IMO ao $7 73. RO —..510 7 6 Eros Railroad .31 250 Hudson Riv R.— ; 25 d0—._..b30.38 1100 do WX 50 de -MAIN /00 Kroh 8 & N . 1/0 do -- _34% . 214 Ohl Ec R. I R--blO. 43a, 100 do -43 do---.-1134" 100 do— --- -WC 16 Warren R—...— 70 200 Har Railroad .11 Wdo— --810.11 700 do -- -11 150 Rarlenl It prof-b 10.28 100 38 100 00) Reading R...:-...100..311.46 701 do --...--.oooAtei 100 .... —130.38)i do --ASO 38 150 Mloh Centel _45 I 15 101 oo 530. X 1 100 Mleha dc If 1 Guar.s2 100 • do do dr -41 20 PenftineLft - -Ill). leo 111 Cen II Scrip bnw.6B GO do---- ... -MO 683 i JO do- .. MO BtIN GOdo ............... BOX 400 • do— .-210 68X 00 UM & CM R.- .130 86% 100 do— -- enw 8634 160 do--.. ,-.-- -86% 10 do -- -84 euo Cleve. & Toledo 11-3134 . 241 do —..— .31% , 20e do ---- . .....10.304 I 8J do -..........M.31% CITY ITEMS. Ennt.RMAN GOER TO Teta WAR —The splendid triumphs of General McClellan and his brave troops within the past week in Western Virginia, have in onoed our enterprising young townsman, J A. lishle . mem , . (pr. prie or of the Great Central Cravat Store, No tliwest oorner Seventh and Chestnut streets , popularly known as the vaccine "G. P. 0..") to visit the scene of action. Rumor says he has gone to look after a certain contract to collar the local fames in Virginia with complete sets of his neat and com fortable Cravats, and to supply the requisite hempen artiole for the travors. At any rate, whether at home or abroad, k sideman is always elmething for his country. That he Seeps the most magnificent anon_ meat of Collars, Cravats. Shirts, Under Clothing. and Genie Furnishing Goods generally, in this city. is un questionable, and his strums are positively fabulously Lou. Reader, do yourself the honor to Galt and see him. as he h • returned from the war as iniql a mannered man as when he went. Wirrans 00., proprietors of the celebrated Kerosene Oil Lamps, bearing their name, (Ho. 36 rthrth . hightb street, corner of Filbert,) have hi actual aXeeriment demonstrated that by acing Asir oil this lamp aft' rds the safest, moat oonvenient, and least eic peostre portable light in ace.. They are rapidly befog introduced into nubile and private edifices throughout the country. MILITARY OLOTkildil.—The superior workman ship and highly satisfactory ohareot•r of the Cloth ing made up recently for the military, by Messrs . Wanamater & Brown (proprietors of the Oak Nall Clothing Bazaar, nouthwegt corner of Sixth and Mar ket streets,) has secured for them large addttional or ders, and their tamales for filling them are not et:tr ansited by any other house in the city. They employ the most skilful and experienced mittens and workmen, keep a splendid stook, make a capital fit of every body that oa/le upon them, and do things an good style generally. They are driving a handsome business in spite of " the braes." Branum GorrPsotiOnnwr.—Meseta. E. G Whit man & Co., the oelebrated Confectioners, Eeoond street, below Chestnut, have provided the most varied and choicest stook of pure bummer Confectionery, espe cially adapted for carrying out of town; that they have ever offered. They use only the finest and purest ma terials In manufacturing, and make their candle* of consistency with:in makes them keep just as well now, and as long, as in mid-winter. No on. should leave the city without a supply of them, and friends here can gracefully remember their friend . s that are absent in the name way. Remember thte! GEPERAL MOCIALLAn's Vrcrontas.•,•lt. is be lieved by military men that one great reason of the success of General McClellan, in Western Virginia, is the fact that his soldiers are well olotlied and comforta bly equipped. Acting upon this prtnoiple, many of the newly organized regiments have procured their uni forms at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rocklin! .t Wilson, Nos. 603 and 606 Chestnut street. above Lgth. This firm is extensively engaged in the manufacture of military uniforms, and no mean, shabby, or unsubstan tial garment is ever turned out of their establishment. (fattener. Boorr.—The public will be glad to know that the veteran soldier is in excellent health. Close appl.oation to Vermeil gives him a buoyancy of writ. and in evidently favorable to his health, both of body and mind. The old war-soarred veteran still oon-; clones to wear the elegant garments manufactured at the one-price gift clothing establishment of Granville Stokes, 009 Chestnut street. Every purohaser is pra m ted with a useful snd handsome gift. WA UItDIRAT4SD that Mrs. Wi'balm will leo• furs at lianecua-street Mall to-morrow everting. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, up To 12 okrLoox ran inaffr. AMERICAN HOTEL—Cttestnit saner, above Pima. Tame. Bedford, M Chun k B F Ritter. Penns B Murtanstt, Penne 'W 0 Simpson. Pl York W B Barks, new York w P Atssestall, Boston Marshall Pumner, Mum 11. It Chedsey, Easton 1 1C Dimes. Phil& A J Bar K tso.ncl B IT ' , Prague Boston Thos P Kinser. Reading P 0 Oord,n,l3ostnn R B Curtis ic wife. 31d Ltent It C Pow, Conn JUMPS J Miller. Conn r Ilion Mtimith, collo ft T Souders. Phil& O A (lager, New York Ohs. Bambleton, Ohio Jas Belford. M Chunk B B Raj ertj & sister. N Y Robt B Peterson, Jr, Penns A Woods, Phils W Curtin. Delaware . BT. 1,0111.8 HO7El.,—Oneetnat Meet. lIDOVB Thira. IS Jones. Oregon J D Pearson, Philadelphia P Geddes, Pennsylvania C Coe New 'Raven T Morris. Pennsylvania K Grey & la, New York Mr lhonipeon, f-ittabarg W 4 hassles, Obieago, 11l J 1) Armlet, Virginia J C Catlin, slew York J Compton. r• Os. ..errnr E F Dixon. Perna 1, Kirby, Massaohusette F Felton, New York THE UNION—AxeI street. above Vila. M Phelps, Canaan R W HzU, Conneotlout W L smith, New Jersey Joshut Comlt. rpnne, saml Sayl.r, _v &sten 050 B ITO , BOTI. mass 0 W Ruby, Yost, Penna. T.l Stevenson. Cave May Lewis Briner. Reading A W Pottuser. Reuling ft PhilliPs. Jr. New Jersey N !tone, Fachberg MOUNT v - Rtmort BOTEL—ttennnc et.. above Arcb. P Monroe. Massachusetts Geo Gillespie, Meal .1 Born, Brietol, Pa Jae stone. Lyoorning oo,Prt .1 Jones. Lyoo Ling no. Pa (3eo A üble. Lyecming oo Stern Maroy, Lyaomingoo E Lucas, Lycoming co, Pa L Late. At D.J.,yoom'g no 8 'bollards, 'brimming oo Rua Flin[6:lllon, /CCOCIVI oc. 8 B Beabr's co J If Dellerr, 14coming oo T Schmidt. Lrooming oo J C Mark, Lytton:Ong co John /1,0210, Jr I,loolll' gno t3earles,Lgooming 00 .1 Conover. Lloomnis no John Grant, I:rooming co 8 Basbrook. t.r.ormlir eo Ow n Smith. [dooming co 8 Bowen. I..rooming no P Hallowell, Lronming Oo D Peterson, Loooming no retsrson, 'rooming co Jae Fry, Lyooming no Peter Babb, Lamming no Pa BARLEY IMEAF—Simond street, below Vine. E B Anderson. Abington W II Neale, Trenton, N J C NPLeughlin. Trenton 3 & Is, Pei tla J Stull. Bunks no. Pa J Weikel Bristol D T Books osainty Barry M oore, Solebory J Birdie, Pineville Dubree,_ Abington Miss Dabree. Abington J Satoh. Hartsville .1 0 Jervis, Doylestown J Davis, Banks county O Ramsay, Bunk. county A T Duffield Trenton A Reeder, Penns 11 T Janney, Trenton 1:r Rice, SolebarY Smith. Books county B Knight Is eon. Clunks no J Palmer, Edgewood C Palmer. Edgewood J Ely. Books county E V Mile.. Banks °minty 0 7 Remo, Centre Bridge John Poll. Banks *minty A Lon (share, /Mob( ao . M flirter. Hartsville James Smith, Bunke co Thos n Horton, Penns STATES llNlON—Market street, et,ova W Mendenhall. Coatesville Jas S Wiley, Chester ee 1 Williams. Chester no, Pa Wm Andrews, Delaware P W Ash. U 8 A la , It ash. ehestor.oo, Pa lii P Ash, Cheater no, Pa 13 Landui, Middletown 1) Warren, Now York P Mattson A B Long ~.1 awunown 12 Burs, Lewistown A_Bonle, Leiwwtown u M We. Patterson W 13 lit hode_s, Reading W A easlooChioago, 11l C C Burg, Wrightsville P Smith k w i' , Delaware Min V Liman, Delaware BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third et.. aboTe Callowtull. Jaoob Cooper. Forma Waff, Yardterrine N White. Yerdlerrille F T Beane. Yaidieyrille - I L Thaler, Yardlem Ile J TomOnaoa , illy berry E Roads. Boilherton John Ye )11sta, Venn& Thor, Willard, Penne. t L . nit E Fetters. Peons AyA Neal, Donngton Hallowell, Abington se Whi•al; Fenno rhernogton. Labellati A a Roads Sognation M V Vana•tedsien. Penns (Mort, flex, ?sons Jae B onotnian Penner arm Clemens, Penns T H Woli, Danboro • COMMERCIAL HOTEL— sixth it.. above Chestnut. Mr.e Ashazdan, BPav Bledw J Devoe. West Clitter It Levis, West Chester Moto. Como weas.- E Hart, Cerny Washington M oardso. Cheater oo J Shaw. Philadelphia obit Bare, Mt Caton L Milter, Chester.ra Pawl Veturinson. Chester , K. H Comegpa Baltimore J Ruddieson, Peons 'Thom C Be et . 'Penna RATIONAL ROTEL—Mae meet. stove Mutt. Jno N Efamilton. Altoona J Kauffman. Reading . W R Brady. Indians W F Ranoh. Penns Anvil 8 Mitler, Lebspon J K Bawler. Wain. D C A K Easton, how York John Heebner. roturville KEVEZX HOIMIE—Ttord street. above Rears • Mai Wm Hickle. Trenton C Banton, Sending Amos Smith, lam•qua YB Derr, A Ilentown • Geo Ad +m•, Landingvdte W A Moyer. Dattpnin oo Ito Goodman, .bampron oo BALD BAGLE HOTEL—Third rt., above Gelhyena°. Caborne, Bethlehem Joe Brown. Books oo B smith Buolts co Wm Beene, Books oo W B liVedner, Berke 00 NILMALIELPI/141 BOA II D . L IB C 01161.1,1.110 0, ?K2 Moriltil, WA. LETTER BAGS . . Ai Vas Merehonts' BoseAangs, Ship ferenak, Rowland—__ July 15 flirtirurza,Ano _ .Liverpool, soon Bark lltouoko..J.hompo u— n ('le ave n____.._-. do Janeiro —Havana '. s soon oot Brig Queen gather, ( B r) Cont....—. Port Spain. soon Bohr n. an, (Br) Shoinnt )(bullion. Je. soon Bohr Clara. Barrett . . - --Port Wotan, soon -Bohr is A Rookooher..stribbs_.... —.Port 'bun. fOOll MARINE INTELLAGENCE FORT OP PRILLADRLPRIA. .7011 , 20. 1001.; ?gmama, -- - e-avti arra nig w Awoat. AltarYßD. Li 8 steam frigate Bnaanetolleek.from Hampton Roads, with *haft broken. Was °roared to tnlkpori for raptors. Brearaebir Boston. Orooker.lo boon fri•rn hew York, ria Cape May. with mdse. and vassalage rs to -James 411- derision. Brig Trenton, Atherton, from Portland, in ballast to ca Brig California. Comm S days from Bristol. ballast to a. ft fl aWjer a do. . Boer Ringgold Crowell 7 days from Providence, with mime to Uroweit&.• Bohr Jag nllderdioe,titites, I days froin Boston; with ice to captain, Bohr HT Wood, Potter, 3 days from New York, with toe to captain. Bohr 11 Abbott, Smith. a darn from Boston, within/. to captain. Bohr Retwocia, Haggai, T days from Boston. with lair to OaPtalo. Bohr (Marlin. Trawors), 6 days Cairn Boston, with Me to lienneoy Sr O. Behr al 0 Tarbell. Thomas, 6 days train prowwiti In Whist to L nudenrifti & Co. Bohr henry May, oover,tl days from Marblettesd,ln ballast to captain. boor L. , neat Byers.] day from Christisna,Del, with grain to Onrintian & Conan tiohr VspOalts, Coo r , 1 car from dito7roll, Del, with wheat le Jae fl wpe att & Soc. Bohr 66iintoa. blazon. 1 day from Yrederloa, Deloinfh wheat tai Jam gamut & Bon. Behr Diamood. Trishasnd. 3 days from Indian Meet, Del. with OM to Jam L Bewley & Bohr harsh Warron. lumeaseronli 1 day from Little croak Landing, Del, with wheat Co J Bewlsy &,00. - Behr 1.1 & Dimmer, Huntley, hum .rovtdarme.. Bohr Naiad queen, Hulse. from Providence. • Pour Pant Tow, /And, Townsend, from new York. Rohr H Ft Corgshall• Daher. from Boston. Bohr 13130 '4ll. Vista. Roby. from HOOOll. Bohr acne Moore. lagersoll fr , nt Boston. Boer A Imi ra. Nvenham. from Forked River. Bohr Thoe Page, Frame from Beverly Flteamar Putnam. Canfield, I days from Albany, with log to captain. Steamer Tisoon7. Eli, 24 11011T8 from Now York, with mdse to W M !laird it Co. dteamer Ahda, Robtneoni 24 hours from New York, with olden to Wm P Ciro°. &swain Amerlos. Virden. 6 days from Delaware Breakwater. without a tow. Retvnts a large US side wheel steamer. from - Hampton Roads, at the Powder wharf, dienharging ammunition. OLDAICED. Brfr B T Martin. French. Havana, E A Bonder st Co: Pris Alinvela, Rood. Portland, Costner, sitiagney & Wellington. ' /trig Cal )(MIA. Cumin. Bristol. RI.E R Pawyer ft Co. Glovßohr Anhui queen, Hulse. Providence, Binulokeon er. 'ohr P Townsend, Townsend. Boston. N Blurtevant & Co Bohr E Townsend, Williams. Poston. do ScbrJ C Patts , son, Hand. Roston, R Bowser & Co. Bohr Dimon Vista. Roby. Boston. Danoroft, Lawler & co. Bahr C Heft, UN), Folly binding. B Milner & Co. Bohr Almita, Evonhatn, Washington, Tyler, Stone & Co. • Bohr It W Tull, Townsend. Key west. do Behr 'rhos Page. Prams. Washington. do Bohr C Moore. Ingersoll. qu.ner Point, do sehr B .P Simmons. Ketcham. Boston, Treverton Coal Co. tletir tt W llollnen, Plaines; Itingham. C A'fitok o cher & Co. Pohr Emily fowler, Willard, Weymouth. L Auden ?led er. Co. Bohr ds oe Amee, Ames. 1+ do Bohr P Bolos. /30iCe. Boston. J R Blahlelon. Btr J B Shrivel'. Dennis. Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. (Correrpordencte of tbe Prase./ HEADING. JULY 17. Vhe following bomb. from the Union Canalpaezed into the 84htulkill Cianal today. bound to Flltladelubta, la den rind emulated as followe: Thomas Craig, hoards ttfJoiln Craig; Mary, lumber to T_ltomes alloCoomba; F Bor.owe. do to Henry °matey; Yankee Traveller; ehtnalee to J H Depthert Doranoo and Beni Mooney, ale iron to Csbeen Jc Co; Jersey, obaronal to Wm Kauffman. . MITTMAN/RAPE, (COrreßßOAdelloo of rho Proem Draw Your.. Jul, 19. /willed. 'hive (rag°. from Sunderland; 11 Adams, from Liverpool. . . . • BaII,TOILANDA..- • etearnehlp Delateare, Johnson, heni,e, arrived at Nev York leotards' , Breernehip Arago, Linea. °lamed at New York beater day for Liverpool Salo Lanogarer, Deosn. fret° Liverpool for Philndel • phis, wan elrnall.d 7eat.rday,off Montauk. Ship Florida, Mortimer, hence, arrived at 8t Joan, N B. 111th iort. . . Ship Philadelphia, Poole. benbei;sailed from Qminni town 6th inst. for Liverpool: Brig Cedestina, iokett. &oared at Boston 13th inst. for Philadelphia.. Brig 0 L nuaknam. Buck:tam, hammy, arrived at Ma , alas lith Met. Bohr H G Townsend, Patterson, Balled from Buenos Ayrrs 12th May for Patagonia. Sabra New Jersay. Dili. ink'. for Wind.•Holmee; cleared tol Rattim_ore 18th ink'. foi•h/ladetottia. /3ohre Hannah Matilda. Moe. W G Audennad. Hew itt. W D Cargill. Hawkins, C 8 Carstairs. Naylor, C Shaw, Shaw. and Hero, Lakarean, hence, arrived at . Boston I3in inst. Bohm A A Hammond. Paine, Iferschell. Birdsall; J E Dailey, Hart. White Squall, Howell. R H Shannon, Marra. J B amain. Davie for Philadelphia, and LS Le vannir. Comm, for Wilmington, Del, olearsd at Boston 18th inst. Bohr ameba, Parsons, hOhoe, arrived at Plymouth 13th met. Mohr Buena Vista, Phithpe, sailed from Fall River 76th test. for Philadelphia. Bohr Win•L Daytonrfiand, for Philadelphia, at New port 17th Inst. Bohr Antares, Cordery, hence, arrived at Providence 17th inst. Bahr Kvergreen, Porter, at Pat-Mance Nib inst. from Delaware City. ' Bohol Lucy L Sharp, MaElwee, Saulsbury. Hudson. and Elizabeth lc Eleanor, Robbins; hence. sr nand at Unet"n yesterday.' - Bohm Poquonnook. Barnes, Chita dc William. Realer. end Win H Matter, Colby, 0:06704 At Boston 18th met. for Phtladalphia. • • • Sohn Elisabeth, Broirn:and Emelintr Rickey, Tice. hehoe, arrived at Pawtucket 17th inat. Bohr S T Garrison. Grace, nailed from Pawtucket 17th inst. for Philadelphia. Bohr Leesburg, swift, her.oe, arrived at Portland 17th Instant roar Sarah Cullen, Bryan, hence, arrived at Salem 161 h mgt. Steamer Conoord, Norman, hence, arrived at New York yesterday. Steamer Novelty, Shaer, 'cleared at New York yester day for Philadelphia. SPECIAL NOTICES. BUY YOUR BAAmmo ROBES for Ladies, Gents. and Children. at SLOAN'S. SO6 MARKET St., Philadelphia, It` Oxx:as CFLOTIEING or r 1....1.T85T STYLLII. =ode In the beet moaner. menial/I for 1111- 91.1"1. EALES. LOWEST rellloi ertoeit maited in eloig Pigures. Alt goods made to order warranted 46iliffiletOTIa oar ONR-PRICE system Is MITIOill" 44 . vere4 to. All are thereby treated milks. *MS r JOrtng et C.C.. 004 MA Ite. V:v 01 ribal HATaliat.oß i ti B.ATit DYll.—This cebbriated and perfect Hair Dye la the £.s: is Ms world. All others are mere imitations of this treat (Withal, which tics rained such elasticise petronaes In all parts of the dote. The [mine W. A. Batchelor's Liquid Hear Dye instantly produces a splendid black or natural brown, without stalniof the akin or injurint the iliat t and will ' , gaudy at ili affirm, of bad dpee, lavieoratiuy the hair for life. Bold by ell Druygutls &lid Yerrdinera. Wholwakle by FAHNELVIVOIC Sc. 00., 1)YO31t at CIO" Plabalalphie. uki-11 GROVRE ataxaqs ONIABRAVIO NOISELEA3 SEWING MACH - Ma. Beat In Duo for Family Barwhir, A*. TSA (tActsverirr Ittrimt. Pritavtiii*ki* **xi ry MARRIED. ARMBTRONO—McILPUAri.—Ootober 6th. IBE9, by John G. Wilson.V. D. M.. Mr. ThomPa J. armationg and Mine Isabella MoClehn.a. bath of thin oity. • DITTKII:ft—POO 16, ROI h r Rev. S. P. DAIL, My. Chas. O. Di,trieh r of yhttadtdphia. to Miss Caro • • li•••• Poor. or Brittel Pa. - • • • P 80..K.R—PooTr R.—On the lath bun— by the Rev, .Toitshlriaber, of Raco*sonna, fl. J., Mr. Jame. D. Fisher to Min'Eredne Foetar- his residence. in Oxford. Oakland W., Mietirun, on the 9 it inst.. Mr. J din McKay formerly. of Satin:lto,. oonuty Antrim,' Ireland, aged 78 years and one month. Mr. McKay and his family settled in Oxford in 1830, atd hie, virtues soon made him beloved .by. all who knewhim He seed f-om - time to eternity without fear, treating in his Redeemer.' ors body was followed to the cemetery by hie as sone, and a large retinue of friet de. Repay .• Write, Pr Pre t' e dead who die in the Lord." EVE RLY —On the 17th instant. William A. Everly, in the 6441 year of his age. His mate friends and relatives are invited to attend the Ittneral. from his Jate residence. ho. 1355 Aroh street. this (Satnrday ) morning, toe 20th instant, at 9 &Monk, y au - D.—On the 17th instant. William Yard, son of Trianon Yerd, in the 46.11 year of his age. Funeral from his lather's residence. No. 240 worth Eleventh s.reet, thus (haturdey)afte rnoon, at a o'olook. JOHNETON.—On she 18th instent.Jormichine J. John stomdauthter of Anna u. and the late Joseph J. John ston. aged 1 / 1 y ears and 4 mon he funeral from the residence of her mother. N 0.334 George t, on Sunday afternoon. at 2 o'clorftr.• AHERN e.TH V.—On the 18th instant. tubas. William Abernethy. aged 26 yews and 5 months. Funeral from the residence of atm. Frances Sterling. in Orthodox etreet. below Paul. Franktora. on Monday • afternt-on. at P__o'clook. .• • ALEX riNDER,—on thellth instant , John Alexander, in the 66 h year of his age. Panora' from his late residence, No. 1004 Spring Gar den street, this (Saturday /a ft ernoon, at 2 o'clock. • BOULTO.4-4.m the morning of the 18th nut , Byron Smitten, eldest sun of the late Gilee Soniton. Fungal' from his late residence corner 01 Second and Catharine streets, tfuhr(Bnturday) afternoon. at S o'olk. BOYI'..K.—On the 17th Instant. Mary .E.. seed 8 years audio months; also. on the 18 ti iestar.t. John T., aged Eears and S months , children of J. Washington and mma L. Boyer. Funeral front the residues of their parents. No 170 Hutchinson street. thus (Saturday I afternoon at 4 Vela. HOHNOB.—On the 18th lost . Annie Connor, daugh ter of eamilioo and Rachel Connor, aged 2 years, 2 months mac 1 day. I. °floral from the residence of her parents. N 0.2018 Hand street west of Tire eth below Pine. this (Eater - dery, morning, at 9 o'clock. 'Misleas —On the 17 , 11 init., Ann DaUlate, wife or Joshoa Daniels, in the 66th year of her age. Funeral from the reemenee of her husband. No. 836 Son , h Front street. this ( catii rate I afternoon at 4 o'olk. UF.F.—On .Thursdisy 18,h, _Frederick V.. son of William A. and C.arinda'M.. tiff. aged I months and 6 days.. ' ' Funeral from the - reltdenee of Ms parents, No. 237 North Tweltft street, race (Saturday) a)ternoon, at o'clock • oki,LlOßEß.—Orr•th• 18th inst., Margaret, daugh. to of Patrick and Alice Oanigher, aged 22 years. - .• Funeral from the yasidenoe of . tier parents. Osprey' street; het.. eau Twenty four. h and Twenty-fifth. above Garden tins (enturday ) morning' at 8 o'ofor.k. KATES —Pell asleep In Jeans, on the 17th inst., Mr. Samuel Kates, in the 49. h ye' of his age. • Funeral from his Tate resmenoe, 1046 Parrish street. on Sunda y afternoon; t 2 ri'elooir • O'DONNELL.—On,the.l7th inst„ Mary, wife of Ber nard CY Donnell, raft 40 yearn. •• • . Funeral from the residence of her. husband, 8101- more Mreet. east of Broad . above Locust, this (3stur-. da/),piternomr. at Ip'olock. * 2 : Ftlsetc.-00 Wedntsday, 17th inst., Mr. Henry P. Foie. in the 67th year of hie age. Funeral from his: late reirdenoe. 1022 Vienna e ireag, above rtiohmond street, on dunday afternoon, at-3 o'oloolt. • 11.0BINISON.—Oniho 17th last, William Robinson. in the 87th year of his age. Funeral from Ws tate residence, No, 029 South Eley ante-street, on Sunday afternoon, at 9 o'clock. vaY.—On tne 25th inst., .1 r•bn Sweeney. Inn of. Charles and Ann Sweeney. aged 7 years, 3 mouth. and 18 days. • Funeral from tho residence of his carents.9oB South lileven•ti street, below Christian. on ounday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. YO ati 0 —On the )11th It., Joseph Anderson, eon of 11l Joseph and arthe' onn , aged 11 months and 9 data. Funeral from the rein epos of his parent!. No. 7316 piddle street. thie ( : aturday) afternoon. at 1 o'clock. •NI 013R14114 W r pTORB, BESS° N & 80N `01:918 OB LT NUT Street. are now aelllni Black crape meant!, at in and /11X cent'. Black bare gee, at 20 and MX minds. Black 7-4 wide bareiree, 00 and 0134 cents, Second-inottrntn,Topit.e, 20 nears. Gray mixed lavellAs.l2Kot, Gray mottled modem's. 12 o. Gray mixed wide Madonnas. MO. Mint and white printed rreumfine barer,., 10r. anent:lard plaid rest creniul,nn baregap. Blank and white IParla organdira.adm IT I V" RESIGNATION AND CONTENT MEIST,__"—Rev. IL A. CAR 9 W l ' EN on eubj . ciot, BAT Er ArESaNUON, Si; a Weak. AM 1 t,AN :MECHANICS' ,PALL, FOURTH andNOL OCORUS Scree's. seats fill E,N, It. Superintendent. rsrESSPIRITUALISM CONFERENCES AT AMiDE-sTIUSE i' HALL, on SUNDAY, at 10 A. NI., rine BP. M. Queetton, " Are All renew; Le Influenced by ?Aviles?" e.venlaiy.s.a Lootalli . b7. l 4 lll . M.ii..IIBLE. Admission 6 Canis., .;, - • ••, - Ilt.". THE YOUISO MEWS CHRISTIAN AM.° •lATION will make an Emmy/don to AT OITY. 'Ottt AIRI we . sooompanied by a number of nl.ll' _prominenttergmnen. .1)2u12 ft Eleagets- - ccrCHURCH OF THE COVENA NT.- Perv.oo• in Concert Hall, CHKS rb V I tmeat. above Twelfth. TO-MORROW ( ), at 1O A. M. and 8 P. M. . he Rev. J. FALKNER V( AKE. of New York, will D. V kpretteh in the morning. and the Rev. JAMBS itaTT, D.D.. of Chicago. in the evening. It" NOTICE—TO THE INIIABITANTII OF FAAro K FOR b—That 'ha DAILY or W bERLY can be and at the counter of my store, or served at your houses regularly, at an ear hmir, W. C. SHEA flp, Agent for The Press, in Fratikfora. . . TIIIO7 — TOUNG MEWS CHRISTIAN AS- OCIA I TO s tiF Diel..r/i In.-1 be rerulnr mo, rhly meeting w-11 be held on MoNDAY kver4 I NU. 2.21 met.. at 8 o'cleek, in th e Room. of the Artiociation. Wig and toll OH VIBTPt UT &rem. Mr. James Grant L the easyyaat. Yhthjeet, " The Christian Laborer and hie Vineyard." Members special,' re quwed to att-nd. Revs. S. P. °aeon. Hyatt Smith. end other ministers will attend the meeting. r trainers and the rothilo eenerelly Invited. JOH.rt WAN e hi AKER, Jad-sr Corresponding Secretary; • firHOTICE:-DEFICE OT THE DELA WARE Alfo RARITAN CANAL,ANO OAK AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND TRANRFOR ATION OOMPAVIDS. • • nitro rots, N. J , JOY 38, DEL. The Joint Board of P limners have this day d cola. ed Dividend of FIVE _PER CENT., on the Capital: took of the • oseeskuies, from the earriege of the teat lox inobtlis.earthis to tee_:.tookholdets or their_ legalie_- gql7llVeZ Qe p rikdoVort'hb.ear.)::„Lil,b.yaripr„:dtv Phis, sod by IRA Bun, at the Office of the Campanula at New York. . FAbilill INE11:11BANOIL ( ' P., No. 406 4.111/Q MOM el/gli APO INLAND Malin siget.. iirs4civorts , tumeerie W.8ay.... '....L.: BAY & hlatlitok. uel Wright......-... i Wright Brea & cc . B. 8irt61—......." Bawls ..h. Blaney. awl Lewis, Jt --:. ! Lewis Bra gr, Ca C. ytf 1r ....._...........U._H0We & Ots, .. i 7 u,,, . Batine......Pret Wloraing Caual .~rays. j, , . verillan--1 J. W. fforenxyik & 0.. . . . Pit rta.Dali.rtua. Jul,' g• / 116 i. 1 116° ' ti, eit— '". . We" & F°l:4" The Board of Direotoot of the tk.mvany have this Oar 'W. B• • ---- " Ravage. Martin .s. ci... declared a dividend of FOUR stir Gant. on the capital 0 . Wlizon avne.—... ttorney-at , law. . stook p the oorr_i F paey for the last six months, months vaninla . P. ...W , —ii i° alibLe74 . molten. * w0°4112 on sea after the with inst. • . IL .swher , r__ o. ins Israeli /amt. The,booka for the transfer of stook will be oloaed on BORE W. DAY,President. the Ulth In._t. until tip 76th. ' ' - rcarcia N. jitaM. Vice Preatdehi. /1//*thßat ooll -- , . . WM. Nudism, Ja., Treasurer. ' WikiliAJlsJl 1.1114/401LA.R.D.Bearetary. tan-ifll • ti-i ,„ .. • . • ..:.i.t riri ..:0..k% Zroi:.: x)18-St JRMHAaIRDEEN aToexTON,t AIL GR. Trautman try.. OFFICE OF THE WEST I.FHLADEL pOIA 1 , A88b,140101. 19./LINA-IL cAnviP ANY, Kll.oorner of HAVVRFOR $Oll.O and LOGAN Et h ir . e t :t 3 . p Tw . h e i n o ty-fourth word. (0 of, noun, from 9 A. TWESTERN BANK 01P PRILABEL FRIA. July 12.1861. meeting' of the IS iard or Directors, held tins c da m y th , i h . l r r. o C f t . h n i s 13 N. W an t k y . tiANDi was appointed Assistant big nt 0. M. TROUTMAN. Cashier. try OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND DARBY RS IL.POAD COM P 'NY. PHIL aDIMPITIA, July IS lan. The Boar,' of Direotors have this day deolmed a Di vidend of 1 e N C LNTS per share on the Capital Stook of th aCpmpany. outstanding' this day. Mrable on and after the 25th met , at the Office of the Treasurer. No r 2. Walnut 'Meet. For the convenienc, of the Stootrholders, the Tree intrer will . be at the Depot corner of Daret_avoeue and Forty ninth street (opposite tho Gray's Ferry road.) between :IX and G Y. hl.. on SATURDAY, the 27th lost., prepared to pay the above. Trei.Rier Boots will be closed until the 25th inst. THOS. OE/IRK/S t Seoretsrs and Treasurer. jytit •Im No. 101 WA titst.lT Strevit. POFFICE OF THE FRANKFORD AND souniwn RIC. PRI L. A irw• Ll' RI a CITY PM a73E'R RAILWAY rOMPANY, BERKE' (late Chatham) Street, below Fourth frilid.M2l.Plll.B,.Jlll7 11.1801. The Board of Direotors have this day deolsred a Dividend of .Two ANO ONE-Rat.F PER. CENT. from the earnings of the pain six months. osrabin to the Stockholder., or thou legal representatives, on and after the 21d 'potent. The Transfer 13ooke will he cloned until 22.1 inst. .17IS-tjrn . (IDA% R. AB BO FT. secretary. OFFICE OF THE FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 406 08. STNUT otreat LA- 5 P7II7.I.I)IIT,PILTL. July 1. AB. At a meeting 6f the Board of Directors held this day. a dividend of TIIR.BIS PER CENT, y vas deo:dared on the oanital, payable on the first day' of Angnst next. is! lm W. I. BLAINICRARD. Secretary OrWE HAVE EMPLOYED HELP FROM TrE tROTIWPANT , EXORANOE,Sonthwest corner ill CON D anti NEW Streets, and take pleasure in reoommending it to the publio its an institution much needed in our atty. for Its care in selecting the best men, women. and children as to character end quail ficabonsi ,8 630 Arum atreet. it_ n tAWLE RS. 9 , iitin and Tulpahocken rtreats i'D 'A A RANDOLPH. 1736 Chestnut street, ' .0)WIN KIR KIATRICK, 131 Arch atreet. Dr. PANCOAS , 1122 Mount Vernon street. JAS. RICH A R S. lINO Mount Vernon street. GEO. FREEMAN, 84? North Eleventh street. • P. 0. OLIVER. 860 North Sixth :draft. It. S. DOWER, 'I bird and Germantown avenue. T. WILS O N , 210 North Front street. I`. IncOU ex, tn South Front street. M M. W rrE, 3D Marshall street. W. C. BO ER 437 street. . . W. H. RICIIA RAMON, 418 atarket street. And over one hundred and fifty Mote, to wham re' (aromas w il l be Ivan at the MU,. rustle-Sat MILITARY NOTICES. NOTIOE,-TIIE REtitir.LAß ARMY STOOL MANUFACTORY, Nos. 223 and 222 North 51.x.111 Street. • U. . 4 • • • 1. IL WISIAZR. I - LINCOLN CAVALEI.— .. WANTED-- A. fey good melito fill up Cant Fitzwater's aominz: mr. which will be mustered in on Monday. and pro ceed to Washington with Captain Boyd's company. that were mustered in yesterday. and are now enoamped at Chestnut Hill. All men eneolled Rent immediately to camp. Ca pt . J. FITZWATKB. jysti N. B. oor. FIFTH and W I,N UT Eits. 1,. UNITED STATES OAVALRY.-- WANTED—For the Third Regiment. U. S. Cavalry —able-bodied; immarrisd men, of good obaraoter ani morals, between the ages of.lB and SS years, to serve for years. Pay front 12 to 21 dollars per month, With clothing, board, and medical attendance. Men aonuatomed to horses and riders vieferred t a minor will not be enhsted without the onnsentof parents or guardian. .Apply at Pei:algal Rendezvous. No. 118 South tilo.lllll Street. JOll2l. &kVA n tc, jy2-3w: 7.Captaid Rest. U. es. Rectg. Officer. NEW PAIDLICATiok4s. NOW A,.1) Y. TEE LATEST AND BEST NOVEL or THE SEASON. THE SILENT WOMAN, Br the Author or "Rine:a Cope." ko ENOLIII! VOLUM/it; IN ONY. - Svc), Paper: Price 50 Dents. A book whioh will be warmly welcoMed by many. The minces and piquancy of its style is an admirable con. treat to the wishy-washy Insrpldtty of many works of flatten, while the characters, from,the. heroine down- Ward, are drawn with a skill rarely exoelled, and oharm at by their naturalnese. The plot never flags. bat sue tains its Interest from the oommencernent to the close altogether it 111 a most charming hook. and one for which we prediot a large sale.. , The Second Edition of the New English Novel. TILE SEMI-ATTACHED COUPLE fly the Author of the " The Semi-Detached House." One v01.,16tn0.. elegantly pnnted. Pride in Cloth Extra. 81; rapt r Covent, 75 cent'. This Novel has taken a high rank among the °arrant literature of the day. and has earned , a well•dearrved popularity the characters are skillfully drawn, and well sustained; the style is lively and spirited ; wit and humor abound, and a Quiet, good-natured satire per vades the whole book. and though to many the peculiar charm of the volume will be its delicate humor, It is by no means definient •in pathos-many a aflame will draw a tear from the eye, while the purity of its sentiment commends it to all. "The characters are drawn with the hand or a mas ter. the dew-not/ono in many iDRIATIO(01 tieing a keen and telling satire upon life. society, and people we, meet at the present day acerywhete. Aa a work of fiction it is one which troi De reed with both profit and pleasure. —Commtrcial BatlletiN. PHILADELPHIA J. E. LIPANCOTT & 00. T. 0. H. •P. BURNHAM, • ' PUBI,IB/IER. 143 WASIIINGToN STII6IIT, .1108'1:014 Sent by mall. post paid cu receipt of the prien, bliNnt re Err •Aki LLSET - - 13(X) II 8 It - TELE COUNTRY._ COMMON OBJ ROTS OP 'rum Nuicmicot:ii . the Rey. J. 1,. Wood. With beaut i ful tee....5e k t,.., 5 .1 print* d in colors. 12mo, Moth, exile, 91, Or with' main plates. fano' boards, 230.. . BRITISH BIRDS EOOB AM) TH'I NESTS.By I. o.Ateineon. Beautifully calmed plates. t , matoh the foregoin t. 12mo cloth. el. Pie n Ponee Tao. COM NUM OB e.CTS OF THE COUNTRY. By Rev Wood. Culoted plates, 12mo. cloth, 91. Plain platt, 250 COMMO OBJECTS. OP THE SEA-MORE. By pev, 1. 0, Wood. Colored-plates, 12mo. cloth, $l. Plato Outs', 26c. _ FERNS AND THEIR ALLTEB. ?hog. Moore.. Colored elates. - 12 mo, cloth. $l. OUR W00D...A:400, H SATItt3, AND HEDGES. ByW. S. Coleman. Colored plates. 11mo. nioth, I. BRITISH BU'TTEREL.I.64S. By W. 8. Coleman. Beautifully colored plates .12mo, cloth, $l. Ilism plate., gem Any of the above sent free by mail on receipt of the price.. Foreign books imported to order by every steamer. Catalogues can he had on apel.eatv n mohLfirmY CO., Importers of English sad Fresob Books, jyl9 ' No. 27 South Eurl'il bt , ab. Chestnut. Rt.rtAiN,. LAW Arco laklitaaVkL.A.C4.ll:t.tUe, boneht it sold, and exedrosed t at the rULLAD 'Bl SOUK BTU L A-Al' 14, too. 419 .REST U T 88SS treet. Militias at &distance purchased. -Those having Books to, sell, if ate dietanae, mate their namoe, bindings,daton, editions, prices, and conditions.. WAISTED—Books printed by Remo min Franklin, tur well as early Books printed In and upon Ameries. Autograph Lonely and 'Portraits sal shamed. Pamphlet Laws of Peritugylvetun for sets. Cate in toren, sent free. fa brariee appraised br tess-tr . JOATI.CASSPHRLIL. rintOSE BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPHS for Visiting Gordian l lV ade in enantities. end of supenor qua try. et Rt3_ S 8 GALLERY. oE CON Id litreet. above GREEN. See the Colored Photo graphs for It* fril KW-FIVE BEMS. PURE BOURBON NoaleKY. direct from Paris. Bourbon county, Kentucky. A consignment to store and for se& by R. ES. k. CO., N 0.115 ARCH Street. NOTICE TO BIDDER - 3 FOR FORNISR- MkTERIALA FOR ARMY PLOTIIINO - • OPTION OF A AMY CLOTHING AND EQI7/P•08, . Comer_Howar and hleroer streets. • . .YORK, July 12,1861. hly nilvertistiment of the Bth insta'at, lor propagate for furnishing materials for. Aim, Clothing, is so modified as to receive bide for 1434,000 yards Henley. dark blue. (indigo wool dyed). twi.led 27 !vibes wide, to welsh 12 Ounces per yard. in stead of 767. 000 yards of the same anions Li menus wide and 22 ounces to the lard. And for • 88.000 yards of Rainey, sky blue. (indigo wool-dyed.) at inohea wide, to weigh 21 ounce. per yard. and 1.256.- 0i 0 yards of the same artiole, 27 , maims wide. to weigh 11 ounces per yard. instead of 700,1M0 yards oft% Monne wide. _ H. VINTO2I, Major and Qartermaefer. tit TURNIP BKED-NEW (YE OP, 2861 —0f01771 at .13100Midille. Warranted Pure. For wholaaA/o and reran br • - O. LADRET&& RON, Implement and fined • .rehouse, . Nov. 11 and • 3 month 81 X tH 'draft. VA U T 10 ki.—The undersigned hereby eanliuni all perks,. egainsebnying or neaotiatint the foliowing'imres, viz : One dated on , he 11th of .1011. instant. for ,SSOO. dmwt: by 0. C. Hawthorne, and en m aoed by Jaoub I'. Frey.,par.ble In sixt. days from date, at the Lancaster Gaunt! B-nk: Another note for the same amount, drawn and endorsed as above. which is parable at slaty drips from date thereof, at the Co lumbia-Bank.- • The notes as above desoribPd were lost, tosether with a pocket- bnok coot:snip g about to-U.llre dollars in money. The payment of the notes has been stop.ed, and bankers ann o hers are hereby cautioned not to re oeive or negotiate them A suitable 'reward wilt be aid to the finder by name . - Ina them to ' G.C. HAWTHORNE. Register of Lancaster oonntv. Jyl9 at" tomeaster. ?a. (117I'TA PE - FLORA. AXILLA ILA cy 'Ladies' Dress Protsotore—a sure protection. from AU dampness by perspiration. 1..ttt.03 1 1K GOODBoI every destination. Belt ir and the St materi a l . Goode so ld pOR VASH, TO BrDT.TIIn TIM KB. at the Great India Rubber More, 311 03)1E3 Irt UT Street. above .1' ird. north ride. Ann,. and Nam Equipments. 1/19--/m - - IttH Is THow.rtlxv. rro A I) 1.6 t 3 .—VEIEL.DREN'S • A- CLOTHING, at an immense sacrifice at the La dies' and Children's 'Furnishing Store, bio;104 North TEN VII Street. above AToh. iv is 12, rill .NIP ItMEDS. New.Cr_op. (wairTented,) Wholesain and RetnAl, _ T o.LFRED A.L.RAWB. . • Implement end Seed Warehouse, - No. 3:i 4 North E4ECON 1.) 1118.1.21.. . . Below Callowhille '2OO OASIS UNITED VINEYARD PR P- . PRIti,TORS COMPANY (George • SaingnaO. Manager.) CO UN O.—brat received per "Ocean Skim mer." from iirdeanz, case. (12 bottle. each) very fine OLD 'MANDY (bottled in Cognise) of tne above well known and favorite brand. the firat Imports into the United btatae under tir e ri new taff to which we beg to call the attention othe trade. can be ROOM at our 011100. For sale Og bond by the soil! ligentJ, J. M. 1.4 , 41,L1E & CO.. 1.2-lin 3rt Knuth pi INT BITAIot. - "RIME 81.1111 T 151.1011 1 VACTORY.-J. W. A.- 8007, Ma OnEffer4lT3 Streat, a few doom ripir th e' fJeatineutal.'' . atthatiou of Wialiosaor lea e• . 04,110 V ED Cirr 9," eya• -4• a- ft% It a• • ED PARTNERSHIP the undersigned, residents of the oft, of Philndelpitia, have entered into a Limited Partnership agreeably to he provisions of the not of Assembly of the Commonwealth a' Pennsylvania. entitled •• An Set relative to limited parrnerstop " passed 'the twenty first day 0( Niaroh, A. D. time, and the supplements thereto • said partnership to be condooted under the firm of kATTER ON & BouLTu-, for the minor* of doing ono oarrying . on a 'wholesale wino and liquor business In the city of Philadelph it. Jonathan Patter son Jr . residing No. 16.9 Girard avenue, and hdward Boniton. residing o. Wallace street , both of the oily of Philadelphia, are the Oeteral .Partnen. Tor moat° J• PIP nett's, alio of said city, ie the Sysoial Partner, and has oontributed to the common stook of said partnership the coin of forty thousand dollars. Bald partnership to ootn menae on the Ant day of Jul", A. D. one thousand eight bundri d and a.sty-ono, and to terminate on the first day or July. A. D. one thotl• send eight hundred and sixty.. fiX joiN HeN Pt TTERBION, JR., HOWARD 11UULTON. • General Partners. FORTUNATO J. PIO UFIRA, iyi-tu&thur Spools! Partner. RETAIL DRY GOODS N . F.W MANTMi,A. STORE. The monk eglendid Shl.o MAI47I,FA in tlie arty. • HOUGH & CO.. 1, 5 (44 0i 2.7 SOUTR TENTH SYRKWit STLIC . MANTILLAS, In every new style, the , riebaet anent*, aver at the elegant New Store, ea ROUTE 9itr7Tir STIMEW. ROUGH & CO. CHEAP DRY GOON- STILL FURTHER 'Li REDUCTION IN BUMMER STOCTf,in order to Insure sales and realize Caen. - Fine Chintz colored Paris Organdies. Do. do. Pans Jacionate. libidinal sale do. do. Dark Brown Lawns,,l2M, cents. Bilk BalrgOil..l3a.rege Anklets, Gray Goode, Pontine, Mons de amen, &e -inem* Tamartine Crape - de Fasting. &a. Poniard alike and stilatiese, &e. White Goode in variety. . is fine line of plain tMeits Muslim 12le" to SO eta. Bleak Lace Mantles, Itournous and Points. BMA* and Colored Stella Shawls ' A very cheap lot. f Linen Cambria Ildkfs. A good stook of Flannels and Dammam Goods at the lowest market rates, for cash only. cIiARLEN ADAMS & SON, .13 , 20-tt EIGHTH and ARCH Streets, MEN'S AND BOTS'- WEAR. Carlmarettes t fiweede, Cotton 'dee. 110T1 tratteene, Corduroys. 76 cent fine all-wool Casstmeres. Bisoic and Taney Cannimerea. COPIAIW lylB K . E. corner Co MIMI sad M .fitx, V.LOSING OUT SALE DEESE GOODS. Balance of our stook Sommer Dress Goode, at merely nominal priceS,to ohne them. - - Bareses and Dares° ROAR, less than hair price. Fine stock Mack Drees Goode, extra cheep. - • • GOGYEN do DONARD, jr1:1 5. E. oor. NINTH and IHANICE'S.. VitENOll LACE POINTER. Shawls,Mottos, and Bornouo. trodoo-d to ette-hatt their TiZi7a. Moak Silk Mantien. Cloth do. Bummer Dusters. - A lino stoat, cheap. COOPER & CONARD oor. N H and MARKET. N. B.—Best Hoop Skirts; 17 to 40 Raman- gbigLIVER DRESI 000D9 A.' A still further Reduction In Prices of Drsse.tioods To Close Summer Assortments. trer Ciachte—Trivelling Goode. awns end Organdies—Chintzes-- amen and Grenadines—Bronnes. Calicoes—rophns—Summer Silks. Foul %Ms—Semmes bhawls—Manties. 1:111ARTLE8B .1311.0TilEtte, . CRYSISTIST and EISRISJI Streets LINNN DIAPERS —A full line of various qualities or gookoh Diapers; 18 inch to 25-tneh. Alan—Hnekabaak and -Towelliags. isHaft eLkAti LIttOTHERg. CTIASTIiitt and EIGHTH. Streets. Ipygm & LANDELL ARE 'OPENING BLACK BlLX.B.:—Blank ens, fine giatle. Bleck Silks for oily sates. Bleak Bilks who)oonle• • Black Bilks, 71 to 36 inches Wide. VYRE Rc LANDRI.L, FOURTH and A RCN, are Belting all their Summer Goode to dose them. , Enttimer India and French. Da k French oreandy Lawns. 'Dam en ant Lawn appall by the yard. *. Double and Tweet silk Orenadtnee. pyRE & LANDELL HAVE FOR ALABATIIINGI DRYBEIES A.ll-wool Mae Flannels. All-wool Plaid Flannels. Good aseartm en t of Toweling% Summer Quilts. 'wholesale. I yid-a 1861 ' MEMORABLE YEAR! ! . _ -• HARD ON DRY 000D8! ': '' V'BRY LOW PRICES! - - .. . •TH6RNLEy 4 BT s IAL MORE REDUCED! 'Want gi::11 . tlI c a l l?, allel i c AV,,,81 RING GARDEN, .r. • Ana have Teuently REDUCED TR UR PRICE/3. . Fancy' Bilks (011ie over haPparlYeeL.O LOW, 111"11). Homo styles of Dress Goode at half prism. Lace Mantles,Pointes. Eugenics /ko.. very Olean, Btaok Bilks, the oapettin Philadelphia. - A great variety o Gray Wools, Lawns, Ito.. Re. -A very large stoo k o f DOM.StiO Goods. Sloths: large lets? c'el i ti e ti n Es : G o r ...,.. A. 14. D.—Tbis is a icA ß it CrgaNto e ci gtgod I n usually cheap. • TIVIRNLEI - It e raffS PA L- N. 13. - Cor. eli RIGUTR h ea and arRING GAN E'EN, D N. B. From this date, J uly 9th. Terms "Casvery." 119 STILL GRRAllia REDUCTION IN DRY GOODS.—Bee quality of Oinghame for 200. Moss assortment of Dress Goods from 1255 to 25. Detainee end Challie Deletions rednoed from 28 to MX. Ladies Cloths, plain, plaid, and striped, at a low G g Menure. and Boys' Wear. mink reduced. Law= in groat variety from 8 to 573f,0. Furnishing Goods, at the lowest market prices. Shetland Shawls, from $ 1 to 4 6 . at Ann( U. STOKES'. . TO2 ARCH Street. BA itGAINS ! B ARGAINS ! ! GREAT SACRIFICES . EX.TRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS offered in the halance of our Stook of SUJUNIES. DRESS GOODS, now olosing out GREATLY UNDER COST PRICES. Baretuno in Lace Mantles, &mums, Pontes, Bargains IA bilk Coats, Swann aod Mantles, tiARGAINS IN FANCY SILKS, BARGAIN' IN BLACK SILKS. 580. Mohair Grenadines for 2150. 150. Delaluss.TieW styles', for 83, • soo. Organdie Lawns for 1/040. /2NO. Lawns, fine duality, for E 3. k sox, MI No. 713 North TENTH. Street, above Coates. pRIOE, FERRIS. Bc O. 807 CRESTNTIT STREET, attll 00Olit1110 to RETAIL, their large WHOLESALE BT• 'CR of ,W hite gds, Linens, noes, and Embroi ditties. at price.; whic oo h mast make it to the intermit of every one who may want anything in their line to _give them a oall. as they will save at least 28 per cent. of the waist cost by so doing. JACONETS, - TCAMBRICS;ThIULLS L NAINsOGES, TaRLETANES; S WtSS ES, FRENCH MUSLIN!, BRIL I t i IA NITS, QUILTS. FIGURKD SWISRF.S FOR &SQUIDS, EMS ItOITPD SKIRTS, FLOUN CING . • DOINGS, SLEk.Vent, NHS. IrtmERT- Mee. COL L Atte, VAL_EIENN HANDK ERC HI EFS/, R LACES, VEILS. MITTS,OF fiLL L I NENSIETI Pit LOW AND SHIRT ING TAB O.: cl.crrne,_llApjuNs. TA - FILE HAMA , litt, PIM ABACK AND OTHER TOWELS AND TOW ELI ries,—A few °home real thread and tiliuntrla Laois Pointe's, at about half price. . A new lot of trimmed and plain net underaleevee, " " beautiful styles Val. lace handkerohlefe. ALL VERY CHEAP, PRIDE. FERRIS. & 00., JfTarn ' SOT CHESTNUT STREET. I•MER STOOK Of DRESS (400D8 AT - PRICK?ACCOEDINO TO THE TlME_O—Popline i Boraces. Silk Challis,. half pima ; Challis Dadaism, re duped from 1s to 12)1o. Bering Chinning reduced from • 123‘ to 80. Seeds( attention is reoriented to our stock of 0211[311- dies and Jaoonet Lawns. which we are bound to close out at a low figure. CHARLES ADAMS & SON, Join EIGHTH and ARCA fittoetn. A. BANKRUPT IMPQRTEEL'Ei STOOK of Samples of Linen Cambria Handkerchiefs. to hem-sttiobed. sheer-corded, and embroidered. from 10 cents to 63 cents each ; a Staac bargain. purchased a sacrifice for oath, and to be sold in the same way only. CltititLES &Dottie; & SON. wra end ARCH Streetn. FIRENOH LAOS VEILS. —A choice lot u• 'Jest norobaend from a bankrupt importer, and for sale at nail" price at CHARLES ADAMS & SON, Ja2o Elmira and ARCH StraatA. . &IRMO!" LACE POINTS, BOURNOUS, AND MANTLES—A large stock to be sold It lees than wholesale priowb We orinuot be undersold in these goods- CHAM:WM ADAMS A. SON. /AGRI% sad ARCH Street'. 31Nt:(),(17.T0 NETTING, all colors; Tarlo tas, all colors. for covering glasses; laid and Swim' Muslin, at wholesale wimpL ARLES ADAMS dr SON, isle EI G HTH and Aiti:fi Streets. SMALL -PLAID SILKS. inue and White French Bilice. Mega and White Frenoh 81Ike, Brown and White French. attire. Green and White French &Ike. }mile and White French 811ka 60 tion...Rditca. at 3110 per doz. 60 doz. White Bilk Gloves. 26e. per pair. Many goods reduoed very low, to re ott ,t at JOHN STOKR. JeS 7O ARCH atree prouti. NOTIU t and after thus date T.9PLEY !lb quiam Wier EVER PORSIBLE I NDOCEMEDINI cABII .YUGORANEIZIT OP DRY Ewoont. somidotoromilo to Teillll3 fAirir Sleek they in is.. a antatt a Aci Ban for 78 cents, worth $l.O Heavy Itioh Fancy Bilks for tl, well worth $123, Grenadine and Barone Goods, about one heff their value.' Gray Mixed Goods, In every variety, from 8 cents per lard to at cargo. BLACK BILKB, RICH AND LIMITROUS. VERN CHEAP. Neat Blank Brocade Silks, double faced, o. ile Lainel. Calicoes , Callltllleregi. Cloths, Yeatiuts, ' l / 4 1:inena,_111.ueline Flannela. Quate, Cover., &0.. fr.e. • RIRAWL ANO'CLOAK-ROOlll EXRIBITIOR. vam f ` ren tga l l s Ze M is'gn li :le ' ci F a n :L ß a ha l 7 r: l o l e IggZ e a. it Silk Coate. Rtanuee,&o., in every /Kyle. At 1r HORNLEY 001811 M P.Z. Varier GP/Awl! A .-+ $• GROCSAIRS. V [litmus= tiostniNG TN TI • AO HAL DISYMIOTti. • Wile re prepared, ILO heretofore, to supply tin/I%lllth a their Cloantry leaidenaea with every dea3rlptioa of FINli lIROUNatiol, TEAL - &c., .ta ALBERT C. ROBERTS. actitzi4„inaiinuan AND VINE EITARE:IS. p_IIRE..PORT WINE. 11:Gig IS A. LV. tIY O.H. R=MMZIIii;N;I EPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGI3, LANCASTER COUNTY v TRANSYLVANIA, vu t. oelebrated Woozier lees wilt open for v,. tors on the Id day of A/N73. all the altraotione of orpor pd 7141011.14 Situated on a mountain LaCtd feet above tide-water, overlooking. the richegt agricultural country in the. world, the air perfectly pure and dry at all dines, rah den It proverbially healthy. there are ample accommodations for 400 visitant-- fine ceded weilla through the forest to the various it;',1g."10rx.":117:1-'girtt:,,;11.grobl:"prtain cud to the eye one co the finest and moat extensive n pane ramie views to be seen. A good livery is kept on the D iane, and besutafgl drives around ; hot and cold bathe a splendid hand of illogic. (from the Germania, 0 L ht ladelphia ;) 4 0Wila; alleys and billiard saloons, with the Latest Reproved tobles. Large gardens attached to the Tilace, from which. all the vegetable* are taken fresh for the table, which, too, will he supplied from the l'hiltdielphla and Baltimore iwtriceu. as from the rich afriOnitlarto cOnintry around. Careful and attentivenervants. Raving been connected with the miteiblishuient for some years with the late proprietor. the ondennaced aawirea the old patrons of the place and the public generally that it will be omidooted. In evert , depart tom, in ite former popular way. Visitors to the Spni will take the oats to Lanes. ter, th ou" Is mi l e s staging over element roada and through a beautiful ountry. Throuith, tjelrela..tesued IN.X can grivenla Rai °Moo, tiLle:Vr•liill she itllffYr Streets Philadelphia. i e y e o r t; tc ir reg., o ::o oir e o r rit t i t t q t , Igur m e x t trsate, and to 411 et h i . it YBI , I. t/ North irTla Street. Phil slab ; or. address h. C. IILAYMAICEM. Riobrett. V, 0.. Lartakstar N. r. 114 Pr it POSTAGE STAMPS.-24 ct., 12 et., 10 a,. 3 ot.. sod 3 ot. &CAMPS for sale at thu aloe. Eloaptihig the 3 ot. sumps. they will be sold at II 46- Claßrit 01 IMO per eernt. jyt,r (Ull7 OlL.—Pure Olive oil in 'white iims As ov etaa. bottle. J u r %T e ta it Per A T el t otrAiNis No. 9011 Moab V N RAT •t ter% EXCURSI,ONS EXCURSIONS TO SUIT THE TIMES. cilsg_gms FOR THE SE.R•SHORE! EXTRA NOTICE—CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC R. It. On and after TUESDAY, July 23 and until further notice, an Excursion train will leave VINE-8 MEET FERKY, daily !Saturday and aurdayn excepted), at 6 o'clock A. M. Stopping only for wood and water. Tickets good for thin day and train. 51.26. JOIIN G. SitYA_NT, Agent. CAMP LAFAYETTE OP COMPANY A, FIUI3TREGIMENT A RVIL LERY FHIJLADELPHIA SOME GUARDS, CW'PAIN CHAPMAN BIDDLE, iS O.IIADTPB FORD 13A1,"21.,E °ROUND Trains leave the depot of the West Chester and Phi mdelphis Railroad COMDELRY., 710(tbaLit coruer Eigh teenth and Market streets, daily (Sundays excepted) at 746 . N 7 ,. A soil 4.76 P. M. Returning, leave Chad's Ford at 7.43 A. M., 4.10 and 7 F. Al. Fare for the excursion 81. Passengers by the 2 P. M. tr., in have over three hours at the cam returning in the cool of the evening. HE... RY .vPUOD jylB-7t General Superintendent. TO NIAGARA PALM AND BACK • FOR Itißl.2. .taigaMiaMeWNS EXCURSION TI.OICETS WILL RE Alga , DAILY THROUGHOTIT 'TEE SEASON,' - FROM PRILA DELFB lA,AN TO TH I: E PA t. N LS OF NIAGARA. D RTU.S.. FOR TWELVE DOLLARS, Via Philadelphia and Reading. and Cataurissa. Elmira. andliatlalo Railroads, affording the opportunity to VISIT AND VIEW THE FALLS OF NIAGARA, AT THE MOST TRIFLING COST. T(CRETS good for aBVEN DAYS FROM DATE. Ac commodations throughout are FIRST CLASS, and the tkienery all:ng the route is unequalled. For inf rmation as to hours of starting, frx.,1101.1 a P. & E., Through-Ticket Office, N, W. Corner SIXTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS IL D. MEARS, General Agent. G. T. LEONARD, Ticket Agent. irkt-Ini AItirSEIRE N'r MeDONOUGH'S OLYMPICi THEATRE, LTA- RACE STREET. GRAND BIGHT. UREAT BILL FOR NATURDAY NIGHT Mr. S. R. ILEMTLE. hiving kirdly celentrered on this oecsasion, will appear in two of his celearated ohs rooter's. performanen commencing with the beauti ful domestic dramaentitled *lHe LOST SON - OR, THE SAILOR'S RETURN. Nebby .......-....—A1r. S. H. Ilereple. Philip, a Eat]or— Mr. .1. L. Barrett. A G RANDOLIO To conclude with the side-sighting extravaganza entitled THE hi A rQ.UES ADE•_ _ OR, Ton DARKeIt tiocouutzr•sa. Josh. the doorkeeper.. Other °karat:era by ibis OOMPIST. It ASSEMBLY . BUILDTIOS. viGHTH WEEK! MONDAY, July 15, and EVERY NIG HT This Week. Magnificent Views of interesting L.E.alities in Fnrope; Gigantic Views of Civil CoLtlict ; Start ins Represen tations of Rittman War, inak.lig tee largest and most interesting xhihition over offered to the ‘4- 11nSen1011 21k cents: children LS owns. Gaiter, (expressly for colored people , 25 cents. jyls-et pIaiNSYCVANIA AOADEhIY OF THE A- FINE ARTS. 1020 ell tiFlTlfifif Rtra6t. is 066r1 daily, Soudepa asoepted,from 0 A. 11t. till 6 r. M- Admiaatnn Vents. Chilnrezt under twelve year'. half priori. Elharoa of Stook, also. JTI WANTS. JrEF CHAR WANTED.--Wanted. MALE Tl3. 4 onsit, to take charge of a Male Grammar 'School in thin cat. Balmy 8475 for Term. commencing first Monday of September cent to cog,- mine ten monthe. None bat a Grat•olaea Teacher need b the , oncty en alg;;R:ileinka;latftroillllPgilie-ginciAllai4in this City, on the 30th inst., commencing at 9 o'clock A. M. SAMUEL FREES. Chairman Grammar School Committee. RTUDING. July 30.. „W WANTED -100 "Now-style- Union. Pa niotin. aa4 onno Envelopes.) foot each Ad dress T. IL 7.itn tt, co., Lanaaster rec. jy2o 2t* VV:ANTED—lmprovod- -- City — riiiiiity in exattnige for gond farm land New /meet. ddrem • 'New Jersey." office of tins paper. Pm Mt" r 4 TED—A good uIiIIMMER to jotsWa company about to ;mooned to the seat nt war. Address '• Company 8.," this office. jy2)-20 WANTE—A improved Fedirtf, for 9 ri whioh valuable unimproved property will be j riven in exchange. y2O 4t• WANTED TO EXCEL A NGE rorth Pennsylvania Itailrnsd Sunbury and Erie, and other bonds for a Gift residonee. in a guod 1 icy. Address "Trade." office of The Pr.'s. stating tocsin" and prioa of the protons. ig i f - • • Nu • WANTED '3 0 •BUY—A House and WA.Lot near Germantown its Clissernt Bill. Address A.B. " of the oce of Ode nape; stating pane. size. tonality, to .1749.2 - VMPLOYERS warrrivet !OtJN( ILA Man, &a., air invitee) to addreatt the i datt9- t Connaittes,* at the Rooms of tha Yo an a hrtatian Asaroataliar.. 1009 n 4 1011 MUT et. 0040 ,FOR SALE AND TO LET. COMIIIINroATT cEi E 0 0 M S—Hand somely furnished. at 1408 (7111'8Thi tt To any . genthinan requiring auserior rooms this suit is particularly recommended. Breakfast it desired It* in THE ADVERTISER WOULD LIKE BES. to purobaae a rooderaie sized city residence_ in a good neighborhood. for whish he would give desirable six and aeon per cent. bonds. Address " Bonda." oirloo of The Press. OEEMANTOWN.—TO LET (for the .MNI. season oryea') a pleasant Residence. near Shoe maker Lane Station • ten rooms; well shaded. K. lEk South SECOND etreet. .116-Im. iTO LOW—Furnished or un furniPhed, for onx months t or longer. desired. a Y large and oonventent HAMM, No Me Aron atreet Apply t. to A. P. and .1. H. WARM. 916 aßtzg Stree je tf OEINTraiT-STREET 110158 E and 1110. STORE to_yent.—The degirahle business loosnon. lan CHESTNUT Street, with dwelling attached, Apply st 431 CHESTNUT Street. ap Fro 111.1b1T--A very desirable STORY, - op the Ninth-street front of " The Continental Kota.' The Moro at Ninth and Sansone streets eso. *WV ....dented for it bI.DUIN and HAUMUM fag to )ONLYRICE, ilouthweat NINTH and BAl4Buld Streets. FOr EXOI.IANG 080103 TRAOT gcod ontr-tprorod farm laud in the State of Pttrw hussy. oontrentont to the city, Intl he exchanged let ell ie lg i rgalzf • A opt' , .4 I.ld Btrcot. d111.174/111L - dOoDes. SHE BEE & FISHER, MANUFACTURERS OF INFANTRY 'AND CAVALRY 8W ORDS, SABRE BAYONETS, Ao. OFFICE, No. 3 NORTH FIFTH. STREET. j119.9t• Phibudelphto. , COTTON DUCK. SUITABLE FOR TENTN, 101 sal-11 • • FILOTILIDaiIIAI 44 & WKIJJS • • • SAVING II'UNDS. RAVING FIIND—MiITIOJ ETAT SS Tama COMPANY. gionier VEU+D and CD ""l'_ Pllltrettx. NTERIS4O3 FIVE 15. PER C RA W FL CRAWFORD. rrooldart; JAMED A. ER riTER. Aeorotarr Treasaroy. Moe homy. from Io actil S o'olook. this cowl:ore, :r cot 1o:o+4 ot Any,, to th. h.rsdetrra td SAFES. PLILLIVS SAVE DEPOT ILEMOVED to No. ill Bouth BEVY:II7R &mato:war tbs alm Institute. The endereigned, tiumktut ha oast favors, owl owns determined to merit future patronage. hee secured as elegant and 001:11700101st store. and has sow on band a lAyike amortment of Cebate. Wrought and Chilled iron Fire and Burglar r oof ' Bares. ftne only atrlotly fire and Wrest moot so es made.) Atatl.B. lie's lineuelled Bent Vault, Bare. and Bank 1,,0e Laßie'a Bank Vault Doors and books will be turnlihet to order OD short no! lee. :his is the atrongsat, beet Profaned. and oheapeot Door and 1,001 7Ot, Olteretti. A t m . p m . t io u it,f attention iv Galled to Gilhe's New Zabinet Bala for Blew. Jewelr y, :go. This Sate is 0c.1.• bodes style and elegsn . se ALytking yet. 01 tared endt purpose, and Is ttio ets• , 7 .* thy.::: S ra burglar proof. moves.— t have f.ow ou War.: to) MOM, r Farrel. Starring. & rfu.'a Wes most of Mom =Nth sea, and some tort+ of Otltint makers. anfierimel r. SonllVlete assortment as to giseit t. end all •stets elk swinged gur the moor Celebrated, Lt.ha ;Laic. rile, be sold at *et • low e , lees visage esti sa.„4.ins tag- Iv tf W !. aroet tw Y°N-nkw 114nt ' . \ Nom o: ±41. , ?. wit tpr,Atri..• a", Raritan Canal. Pldiemelonla and Mee gunk Kitrpza atonal p.m • Ara pang will reoentre freight on and atter MOI4DA V. lets Instant, and wave drills at 2 P. .I . l.,.ileirirerteg their oar toe in flew York the followies dera s - relghts taken at reasonable natra. WM. P. 01....; DI,. Agent, , 11 souTil WHnH vim) Yhtlitidetiphte4 AM lEWSP Verb 24 231 v 14 , emit Jar agiWit 11'012, brim rtnindellttin Etenni 1+ 1 ` 4 4011301 wiU ponunenes r basing IS toT Meson on Mon a • Mtn riot. Their aenraern am now I:•sir,l4l (MI t C 50wilitd (iv r above Walnut stmet , venal. moournoiktml kzpq ca" w. A ti Alia/ lo tk o .• LI. 2.116 7/4Eavra r. lb ....PS. . 14148.—A aniallinToice of Hides, mid Gest Bleins,inet melted from the West diem foj• pale tl7 JA UR ETIITI F. It OA RKTAIIB. ei Sena • V•CIINV mow, • . , let it r ) 0-500 lb.. Mt *Me he , • .44•Tv: .1 • 1. TOLVIL. ••-4 I I eters ' t es itreet. A, X 0 URSION TO