The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, July 06, 1861, Image 4

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    Speech of Speaker Grow on taking the
On taking the chair, in the lionseof Represonta
tires, on Thursday, after his election as Speaker,
lion. G. A Grow spoke as fellows:
" GefirtAlltnit or TEIN GOUss or Ritrnaseitra-
of thaike for the honor conferred by the vote just
anoonooed would but feebly express the heart's
gratitude. While appreoiating this diatieguished
mark of your confidence, I am Dot unmindful of
the trying duties incident to the position to which
y nave %tangoed me. Barrounded at all times
ny ou
grave responsibilities, it is doubly so in h ie
hour of national dis , ,rder. when every considera
tion of gratitude to the put, and obligations to the
future, tendrils around the present. Fourscore
years ago, fifty six bilkd merchants, farmers, law
yers, and mechanics, the representatives of a few
feeble colonists scattered along the Atlantic sea
board, met in Cenvention to found a new empire,
based on the inalienable rights of man. Seven
years of bloody conflict ensued, and the 4th of
July, 1776, is (mortised in the hearts of the great
and the . good as the jubilee of oppressed na
tionalities, and in the 'calendar of heroic deeds it
marks a new era in the history of the human moo.
" Three quarters of a century have passed away,
and the few feeble colonists, hemmed in by the
ocean in front, and the wilderness and the savage
in the rear, have spanned a whole continent with
a great empire of tree States, rearing throughout
that vast wilderness the temples of science 'and of
civilisation an the ruins of savage life. happiness,
seldom if ever equalled, has surrounded the do-
masti gretide, and prosperity unsurpassed has
erownid the nation's energies. The liberties of the
people have been seonre at home and abroad, while
the national standard floated honored and--re
spected in every commercial mart of the world.
Ca the return of, this gloriona anniversary, after a
laletiod but little' exceeding the allotted life.time of
I, ma, the people's representatives are convened in
Coo soil Coambersof the Repnblio to deliberate
means of preserving the Governnient under
hea9 benign intim:nu these grand results have
rebellion, the most causeless bathe history
ace,_ has developed a conspirsoy of long
destroy the Constitution formed 1) ,,
- ‘ ll- fathers, and the Unto^
!-; • blood Th? • ; ;"q; fterlorig
", tin titlark re nevelOped itself
ope. yin sots of s ton and plunder of publto ,
pthsrerty, with the connivance or under protection
of treason enthroned in all the high places of the
Government, and at last in avowed rebellion for
the overthrow of the best Government ever devised
by man. Without an t ff,rt in the .mode pre
earthed in the organic law for a retirees of griev
ances, the malcontents appeal only to the arbitra
ment of the sword, Introit the nation's honor; tram•
pie upon its flag, and inaagitrate ' a reirolution
which, if suatiessial, would end in establishing
petty, jarring confederacies, or despotism and
anarohy upon the ruins of the Republic and the
detraction of its liberties.
"The 19th of April, osnonised in the first strug
gle for American nationality, has been re conse•
crated in martyr's blood Warren has his coun
terpart in Ellsworth, and the heroic deeds and
patriotiosaorifieee of the struggle for the establish
ment of the Republic are being reproduced upon
the battle fields for its maintenance. Every raoe
and tongue of men, almhst, is represented in the
grand legion of the Union Their standards pro
claim, in a language more impressive than words,
that here, indeed, is the borne of the emigrant and
l`- , s the - asylum of the exile. No matter where was his
„birthplace, or in what clime his infancy was era
: 4 ed, be devotes his life to the defence of his adopt.
,ed land, the vindication of its honor,And the pro
teotion of its flag, with the same seal" be. would
guard his hearthstone or fireside. All paities, seotr,
and conditions of men, not corrupted by the Insti
tutions of human bondage, are forgotten. Bygones,
rancor', and prejudices blend in one phalanx for
the integrity of the Union and the perpetuity of
the Republic
" Long years of pease in the pursuits of sor
did gain, instead of blunting the patriotic devotion
of loyal citizens, seem but to have intensified its
development, when the existence of the Govern
ment Is threatened or Its botior.assailed.
" The merohant, the banker, and the tradesman,
with an alacrity unparalleled, proffer their all at
the altar of their country ; while from the counter,
the workshop and the plough, brave hearts and stoat
arms, leaving their tasks unfinished, rush to the
tented field. The air vibrates with martial strains,
and the earth shakes with the tread of armed men.
In view of this, the grandest demonstration for
self preservation in the history of nationality, de
spouting patriotism may be assured that the foun
dations of nut national greatness still stand strong,
and the sentiment which to-day beats rerponsive-
In every loyal heart, will for the future be re
alised. No flag alien to the sources of the Missis
sippi river will ever float permanently over its
months, till its waters are crimsoned in human
gore; and not one foot of American soil can ever
. be wrested from the jurisdiotion of the Conatitn.
don of. the United btates, until it •tam.baptized
in fire and blood. [Vociferous applfitße upon
the floor and in the galleries, which lasted for
many minutes.l
1 . Gentlemen, as your presiding officer, It be
comes my duty to apprise yon that any demonstra
tion of applause or disapproval of anything done
or said during your sessions, is in violation of Par
liamentary decorum, and the Chair would also
Inform the persons in the galleries that applause
by them Is a violation of good order, and a breach
of the rules of the House. The Chair hopes, there
fore, that any demonstrations of applause will not
be repeated.
" 4 In Ood is our trust.
And the star-seausied Danner forever shall wave,
flier the land of the free and the home of the brave.'
[Suppressed applause
" Those who regard it as a mere cloth or bunt
ing, fail to appreciate its symbolical power, whore.
'ever civilization dwells or the name of Washing-
ton is known. It bears in its folds the °omen.
trated power of armies and navies, and surrounds
its votaries with a deforms more impregnable than
battlemenied wall or tower. Wherever 'on the
earth's surface an American citizen may wander,
milled by pleasure, business, or 'caprice, it is a
shield to esoure him. against. outrage and wrong,
save on part or the soil of the land of his birth.
lila on os , l e.••• virkhui and libertlys.of
make it honored at home, as it is respected abroad:
A Government that cannot commandlhe loyalty of
its own citizens is unworthy of the_reariest_.A—e--
• world, and a Government that will not rireteot its
loyal citizens deserves the contempt of the world.
(Applause I
lie who would tear down this grandest temple
Of constitutional liberty, thus blasting forever the
hope' of humanliy, because its freemen, in the
mode prescribed by the Constitution, select a Chief
Magistrate not acceptable io him, is a parricide to
hie race, and should be regarded as a common
enemy 'to mankind.
"This Union, ones destroyed, is a shattered vase
that no human power can reconstruct in its origi
nal symmetry. Coarse stones, when they are
broken, may be cemented again ; preclude onea
never. If the Republic is to be dismembered and
the son of its liberty must go out in endless night,
let it set amid the roar of cannon and the din of
battle, when there is no longer an arm to strike
or a heart to bleed is Its cause, so that coming
generations may not reproach the present 'with
being too imbecilic to preserve the priceless legacy
bequeathed by our fathers, so as to transmit it un-
impaired to future times.
"Again, gentlemen, thanking you for your con
fiding kindness, and invoking for our guidance
wisdom from that Divine power that led our fathers
through the Red Sea of the Revolation ' l enter
upon the discharge of the duties to which you have
assigned me, relying upon your forbearanice and
co-operation and trusting that your labors will 'con
tribute not a little to the greatness and glory of
the Republic."
From a Printer Volunteer.
(Correspondence of The Press.)
EDWAIIB'S FEBB.r, Montgomery ea.._
July 1, 1861..
Binge my last letter to yon, several important
events have taken plsoe, wbioh I will endeavor to
Immediately after posting my last letter:to
you from Pooleaville, word was quietly rent to our
eempany (company I, Captain Braceland,) to get
everything ready preparatory for a move. The
boys on receiving the news were mnoh pleased. 'A
pert of the afternoon was passed in packing knap
sacks, getting our rations, and loading the wagons
After tatoo (which was at nine and a half o'clock)
word name to strike tents, which was done in a
very short time and as quietly as possible, so that
the other companies would not be disturbed, who
were ignorant of our leaving. Our wagon was
soon . 6lled, and at ten o'clock we were ready for
OUT journey. . .
We soon found ourselves on the road to Edward's
"'Ferry; svbioh* we reached abont . one o'olook next
morning, the distance being about 5i miles. The
roads were in a very bad condition, whist' made
the maratting very disagreeable. We met on the
road to the ferry sentinels of Companies' B
and 0, Philadelphia Grays, who had preceded its
several days They seemed as though Ahoy hid
seen severe service from their appearance.
A short time elapsed before we could find a com
fortable plane to res our wearied limbs The night
was passed amidst great excitement. Five o'clock •
the next morning found as all up and ready for
• any ernergenoy. A battle mum: meted during the
day, so that the boys made up their minds to that
effeot. The day previous a scow, with about
twenty to thirty. men on board, and several horses,
was seen to-arose Goose creek, on the Virginia
side of the Potomac, and their movements being
perceived by thous on this side, an engagement iin
mediately took place Companies B and G, assipt
ed by a 12-pound howitser belonging to the West
Point battery, Captain Griffith, were soon on band.:
The howitzer was immediately brought to bear on
the boat, and a few well- directed shots completely
demolished it, killing and wounding about twenty
of the party. Those that escaped made for the
—:.:.shore,_ and were picked off .about as soon as they
'landed. Shot fell pretty thiok on both - sidbe, but
these on oar side had tie effect of completely rout
,.:.fteuthe enemy, who ran like the d—l. Not one
"was'wounded in any of the companies engaged
'' here ' It is supposed that sixty Secessionists were
• . killed in that engagement. Some of our boys saw
them burying -their dead the next morning. !A
who l e „ r a pe d of them was deposited at one place:
:":ntilit had not been for a Union family, who occupied,
t hefts: hence where the rebels took shelter, it would ;
• e been shelled. Those men who avowed Union
timents on that side, bad to leave. This min'
0% held prisoner by the Seoessioniats for several
los h. The day after our arrival, a report came; of
and intention of the rebels to cross the river, when
we were immediately called to arms. The whole
thing turned out to be a ruse: Before leaving
Poolesville,*4 party of twenty plated men were
• taken out of the reserve oompaniee, for the pur
pose of forming a scouting party. Three men were
taken out of our company, who returned to camp
three days after, looking pretty hard. The party,.
- I understood, killed six Secessionists and wounded
twenty , Several of the cannon balls are in oar'
possession. I •
We have now got need to the firing. It was.
quite a novelty, a few days ago, to hear shots fired'
from the other side, and It would alarm the whet*,
camp, when the guard would be called out; but Ik,
has got to be, snob , . common thing we no longer
mind it: I had the pleasure of firing at Morn my.".:
self A branch of a tree, where I was lying, war
shot off, over my head, a few days since, by ante-,
ball from the other side, but Inuit, it did not hit'
its mask Lieutenant Orr, of our company, was
stniok on the back, several days ago, by a spent
ball inflicting a slight wound. , We have pickets
,_stationed for miles along the river, so that the
enemy cannot do much wtthont Whig detected.
Company D, Capt. Sinex, arrived hare night be
fore last, making four companies of our regiment,
....faid_a_portion of the. West Point _battery here at
: present .. It is a most important point Nothing
• allowed to navigate on the Potomac or , canal.
`The place is very dull, and nothing bought .
for " love -pr money," ezoent from the dark lee,
'who 'deft Its Ocktaitionally. We have (I mean the
N. H. and N. Y. regiments) got possession of the, .
Potomac' for a distance of fifteen miles, - and our
pickets meet them et nig ht.
Your friend, Geo. D. M.
Weekly Review of the Philadelphia
PHILADELPIrtA, July 5,11331.
The celebration of our national holiday has added
to the dullness already noticed in business alroles,
and the produce markets have been very inaetive
during the past week. Bark is quiet. In Bread
stuff's there is very little doing, and the prices of
most kinds are unsettled and lower. Coal and
Cotton are firmer, and the latter very inactive.
Groceries have attracted very little attention, and
priers are unchanged. In Provisions the move
ment continues small, and prices of most kinds
tend downward In Metals little or nothing doing.
Fish continue dull Fruit inactive. Naval Stores
are very firm, and for Spirits Turpentine and Ro-
sin, the former especially, prices tend upward.
Oils remain quiet. Plaster, Rice, Salt, and Seeds,
no sales. Teas continue firm and on the advance.
Tallow is dull, and Tobaooo and Wool unchanged,
but for the latter the demand is limited and prices
irregular. In Dry Goole there is no new feature.
The Breadstuffs market continues depressed and
unsettled; there Is very little inquiry for Flour,
and holders generally are free sellers at previous
quoted rates. bhippers are not buying to any ex
tent, and the sales comprise 0,000a7,000 barrels,
mostly in small lots to the retailers and bakers at
very irregular rates, within' the. range of $4 25a5
for Western and Pennsylvania superfine, the latter
for good brands ; $4 5055 25 for extra ; $4 7515 75
for family; and sBa6 75 per barrel for fauoy
brands, as in quality,' and the market very dull.
Rye Flour is quiet, and selling in a small way at
$3 25 per barrel: Corn Meal is firmer, and fresh
around Pennsylvania Dial, if here, would bring
$2 75 ; Brandywine Is worth $2 573 per bbl.
Wilsey —There is very little offering, but the
demand is 'limited and mines favor the buyers ;
Wee of $20,000 bushels only are reported at $l.lO
al 20 for fair to good and prime Western and
Pennsylvania •reds in store and afloat, and 1 25a
1 25 for white, including a lot of No. 1 Spring at
943 in store. Rye is quiet, and Pennsylvania is
in steady demand at 600. Corn is'not ver lout
. .5. . y ;
furl er sales oflo,ooo bushels in lots for 500 for
mixed Western in store, 51a633 for good and
prime yellow in store and afloat, and 513 a for white;
prime lota are scarce Oats are dull, with sales of
12,000 bashels, at 2 1 313 for Southern and 290 for
Paovitiroxs.—The . demand - for all kinds is
limited, with small sales at about previous rates— i
say $16a16 50 for Mess Pork, and $12a15 for West- '
ern and City Mess Beef. Of Bacon '
the sales are
confined to Hams, at 9a1013, usual terms, Airily
at the latter rate for prime bagged. Nothing doing
in Shoulders or Sides Green Meats are quiet,
with some further small sales of Pickled Hams at
71.80, usual terms. Salted Meats are dull and .
unsettled. Of Lard the sales are limited, at 9+913
for los and bble, and for kegs, BS in quality,
cash and time. Butter sells Slowly at 8•93 per
lb—the latter for prime lots. Cheese is dull at
6sBo per 1b: Eggs sell in lots at 110 per dozen.
MITALEI.—There is little or nothing doing in
either pig or manufaotured Iron to alter quota
tions, and prices are merely nominal. Lead is .
held with more firmness, but we hear of no further
transactions. Copper is doll, and a small business
doing in Yellow Metal at 170 per lb.
Bane: —Qaeroltron is steady but less active, with
further sales of 70 hhds lst No. I at $29 per ton.
The receipts are light, and the demand has fallen
off. Tanners' Bark continues dull We quote
Spanish at s9ilo. and Chestnut Oak at s7sB
per cord. Otter kinds are unsaleable except at
very low prices
Mexavrax.—Very little Meting er selling, and
good yellow is quiet at 298300 perpound.
CANDGEB.—There is some little inquiry for Ade
amantlne for shipinent, bat generally at prices
below the views of holders, and the sales are in a
small way only, at 17a1710 per pound. Sperm and
Tallow Cantles are dull and neglected.
Coil..—There la a fair inquiry for anthracite to
supply tbe Eastern markets, and prices are rather
better, owing to the advance 0f.150 per ton in the
rates of freight and toll, which has a tendenoy to
check business somewhat.
Correa is wanted at fully previous rates,-but
buyers and sellers are apart in their views, and
the sales are limited, at 121.131 cents for Rio, on
COTTON.—There is little or no demand from ma•
nufacturera, and a small businesa doing in the way
of sales, at fully former rates, with a reduoed stook
to operate in. Holders are firm in their views,
prices ranging at from 12416 cents per lb., as in
The following is the movement since- the let of
September last, as compared with the previous
three years
1861. • 1860.. 1869. 1868.
Receipts aUoqs, 8.460.0004 42%0003131.000 3 046;80
Export to Ul't 8rita1n..2.173 000 2.618.000 1 881.000 1,664;80
Export to France.-
an .000 67,000 404 000 3701t0
Export to other F. P. 37••.000 478.000 613 000 aiss.ouo
Total export.-- _9,114.000 8,681.000 2 108 0002;88.480
Stook on hand-- 7u,000 . 282.000 231.000 240,0(0
Of whioh, during the past week, ihelnded in the
Receipts at Dorn, --. 1,080 ' 7.000 8.000 2t.000
Export to trt Britain.. 1,000 7.000 4.000 38,000
Export to ..! 4,000 • 000 I.oso
Export to other 1,0 0 0 2.000 9A00'8.000
Total exports.-- 2,000 13.000 'll.OOO 41.000
Summary.—lteceipts Decrease at the ports
compared with last year, 976,000 1 / a les. Exports— .
Decrease to Great Britain, 445,000 bales; increase
to France , 1 000 bales ; decrease to other foreign
ports, 102 ,000. Total decrease in exports, 546,000
bales . .
, . .
DRIIO9 AND DYNS.- The wanes transactions
have been light, and without ohange In. priori'.
Among the.aalea are Soda Ash, some Indigo,
Bengal and Kurpah, Cream Tartar and Cochineal,
all withtn the range of former quotations, and i 0
tons of Bt. Domingo Logwood, on terma kept pri
Fmu.—The market is very dull; an invoice of
Mackerel eold from the wharf on terms kept pri
vate; store prloes range at $13116 for Is, the latter
for large site; $5a5.50 for medium 24; $4 50 for
medium, . and $546 for large 3s, and the demand
limited. .Nothing doing in Pickled Herring or
Dry Cod. We quote the former at from $2.25 to
2,75 for per bbl iseln
of 4 000
if tkaVg - rib ri 7 — onf -" very
/Mho doing in foreign,
7 tranitaotion we hear of is a sale
boxes Palermo Oranges and , lieniona • • Mat
Irenimser — anu•nigm rmeapp . es evillest,
making at s7aB the 100. Very little doing in do
mestic dried fruit; 'Apples are quoted at 2.130,
and anpared peaches at 4asa per lb. '
FREIGHTS continue very inactive, and we hear
of no recent engagements to foreign ports to es
tablish quotations. Some tallow is reported to
Liverpool at 27s 6d. West India freights are also
dull and neglected. In Boston freights there is
very little doing, and no ebange to note. Colliers
are in steady demand at from $1.15a1.25. to 13 is
ton ; $1 10 to Providence, and 900 per ton to New
York from Port Richmond.
erreao.—There in no alteration to note In prices
and very little selling.
liar for dull, Timothy selling as wanted at 60a
703 the 100. lba. •
Hams is quiet, and the stook is nearly all in the
bands of the manufacturers.
BOPS arciSrmer, but the maw - continue light,
prioei ringing at froni 14 to 203 for new-orop East
ern and Western.
HIDES AND LEATHER are quiet, with some little
movement in the latter, mostly slaughter Leather,
at steady rates.
LDEDER —The market is quiet. Susquehanna
boards range at $12a15, and Lehigh Bemlook do.
at $lO. Raft lumber sells at $6. Laths and
Pickets are plenty, and prices unsettled; small
sales of the former are making at $1.60. South
ern Shingles are all oat of first hands ; of White
Pine, do. further sales are making at $13a17
per M.
1111)1,2,88as —There is nothing doing werthy of
notice, and all kinds are quiet at previous quota
NAVAL STORES generally are inactive but firm,
with'a reduced stook to operate in. Spirits Tar
'pentine is selling in lots at 85E900, ramitly . at the
latter rate, and same low grade No. .I Roan at s3a
850 per bbl. Nothing doing in Tar and.Pitoh.
OrLa —No change in Sperm and Whale, and the
sales only Id lots from store. Linaeed Is firmer
and selling at 540, weight. Lard Oil continues dull
and neglected. ,
If PLaarsit —There is very little arriving or sell
ing and prices are nearly nominal.
RICE —The sales are in a retail way only, at
sia6s per lb.
SALT —Two cargoes Turks Island remain in the
market untold. Liverpool salt is firmer.
SALTRaTRX.—A. sale of crude was made at a pri
vate bargain.
SBEDEI are almost at a stand-still, and without
any ohanges to note in 'Facto or demand ; a sale of
500 bags Calcutta Linseed was made on terms
Bantus —Brandies are firm, but very inactive,
and Gins steady. with Binned sales at quotations.
New England Rum sells slowly at 284303. In
Whisky there is very little doing; Penneylvan's
and Otiio bbis selling at 16ia170, and hhds at 164 e,
closing dull.
SUGARS are held with more firmness, and some
500 hhds Cuba have been disposed of, part for re
fining, at 4iaso, usual terms .
TALLo'w-ooetLnues. dull at- 13110 a for oity•ren--
dared . ; oountry is selling at 8c per lb.
- .are in , retreat, and,all kinds command
full prices, in antimpation of a taiifr heing imposed
At the next session of _congress. • •
Toluca° —tiolders are firm in their views; but
.there is little or nothing doing in either Leaf or
Maniifutured. s• -
Woos. la unsettled and drooping, with some little
demand for the low and medium grades, which are
selling In lota, on arrival, at an average of about
270 per lb, net.. The new olip comas in slowly, and
prices are very
THE Ti•staphin OF rue: UNITED iSTATE.S.
To "TIM llilaßmaay CD um* DirrAire e 7
• - ParoIe7I.VAAIL: • "
Wag gas, The Dlatricit Court of the !Jetted Staten,
in and for.the Eastern Distriot ofrenneyloania. ughtly
and • duy proceeding on a Libel. filed in the name of
the United Mateo of Ainerica, bath decreed all persons
in general who have. or pretend to have any rtght,
tftle. - or•interesttn the ship AM ELI A, whereof John
:McKenzie la mum, her• Tackle, Apowel. and Fur
niture. - and the Goods, Wares, and feleronendi.e
lades in said ab. oaptured as a prize by• the United
States steamer Union, under command of Captain
John 'R. 'Coldeboroarh. acid brought 'into this port,
to' be' monished, cited; and called 'to judgment. at
the time , and place underwritten, and to the street
becasfier: expressed, ijoistine en requiring.) You are
therefore charged, and atrial enjoined and eon, mend
ed. that you omit not, but that by publishing these. Pre
sentis in at least two el the daily newapaperepriuted
and published in the City of rhiladelphno. and in the
Liget Intelligencer, you do nionish and Pits, or cause
to be nionished and cited, peremptorily, all persons in
general who have, Or oretend W nave, any right, title,
or ,interest in the"said ship ,AiIdELLA,_ her Tackle,
Apparel, and Furniture, and the said Cliooda,.Waree.
and Iderehandise• laden on said ship, to appear
before the monorabie John Caowalsder,•Abe • Judge
of the said Court. at the Dietrot Court it.oom. in
the of of Philadelphia, on the 'LW.Elttlerld day at
ter publication of there presents. tf it he a ooart
day, or else on the next court day following, between
the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to
show, or allege. in due form of law, a reasonable and
lawful execute, It any they have , why the said ship
AmBLJA, her Tackle,' Apperel,''and Furtuture, and
Wares,-and Merchandise Wien therein,
not ' be pronounced to belong,'at . the time
o th h e ou •O ld (rde
of the. capture of the game to the
entirmies ,
, United . States, and as Roods of lbws — enemies or
. and subject to condemnation, to be
tli adj'44jgedgPd c d °nadnernned es ood and lawful prizes;
'and further to doreceive in t Ibis behmi as to ha_
stmil appertain. And at
'Ph duly Intimate, or
cause•to be intimated, unto pawns- aforesaid; ge
nerally, (to whom by the Moor of these pieoenue it is
alao intimated.)•that if they shall 'not appear at the
time and pla.'e above mentioned or appear and sham
not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the con
trary, then said 'bistriot Court doth intend, and will
Proceed. - to aniudiostion on the Mild. oapjure, and
may pronounce ,that the. said Ship AhtbLlA, her
Pantie. Apparel, and Furniture, and the asid
Pantie, Apparel
Merchandise laden therein, did be
long, at the time. of the capture of the same. to the
enemies of the tinned States of-America , end an goad , '
of tbeir enemies, or otherwise, liable and suileot to
confiscation and condemnation. to be' adjudged and
condemned as lawful prise, the absence, or rather con
turns° -Y or the Persons so oiled and intimated in anywise
notwithstanding, and that you drily certify to the said
DtJtrict Court what you shall do in the Premise's 10-
gather with these presents.
Witness thnorable Jona CADWALA twe nty-ni nth
the said Conit, at Phliadelphia, thug
• ;day of June. A. D. 2861 and in the eighty-fif th year
of the Independence of ine said United Steles.
Court X,
lia 8 • St per Clerk Duttrlot U. B.
QUARTltakikairitat Chttfaititta 011 , 1c1.t
Wasttlalutott• June M. Ital.
Proposals are invited for the tarnishing of Army Deg
ree° agon,.
Promise , ' should state the prices at which thew ear be
furnished at the planes of manufacture, or at new York.
Philadelphie, Ilaitymore. Washington, or Cincinnati,
as preferred by the bidders.
The number which can be made by any bidder within
one month alter reasipt of the order, also tie number
which his can deliver within one week.
The Wagons must onnform to the following
spreificatim s, and to the established patterns.
Piz-mule (covered wagon., of the size and deseriP.
Don as follows. to wit:
The front wheel, to be three feet ten Inches high,
hubs ten inches in diameter, and fourteen end a 'leer
ier Mani long ; hind wheels tour. lest ten inch s to , It.
bets ten and a quarter inches in diameter, and (tirteen
end a quarter inches long ; tellies two and it half inches
wide and two and three-gloater inches deep;
oast iron pipe boxes twelve Manes long. two and a half
inches at the large end and one end seven-eighths inch
at small end ; tire two and a half inches wide b..five
eighths of an-inch thick. fastened wi ti one strew bolt
and oat in eaoh fellie ,• hubs made of gum the-spokes
and fella of the heat white oak, free from defect.; each
wheel to haven sand band and linohpin band two and
th tee-quarter tnehtet wide, of No 8 band iron. and two
driving bands—outside band one and a quarter inch
onaquarter , inch thick , inside bend .011 e inch be
three-sixteenths inch think; the hind wheels to be
made and boxer' so that they will measure from the in•
aide of the tire to the large end of the hox six and &half
inches, and front wheels six and one-eighth inches in a
parallel line. and each axle to be three feet eleven and
three-eighth inches from the on' aide of •one shoulder
washer to the outside of the whey, so as to have the
wagon' all to Vet* five feet from centre to centre of
the wheels. Axletrees to be made of the best quality
refined A merman • iron', two and a half inches square
at the sheulder, tapering down to one and a he-if inch in
the middle, with a seven. eighths molt king-bolt hole in
each axletree; washers and linchpins for each axle tree;
size of li nchpins one inch wine. thee - eighths ofan sno b
thick, with a hole in each end ; a wooden stook four and
three-quarter inohes wide and four inches deep. fas
tened substantially to the axletree with olive on Uplands
and. with two bolts. six tootles from the middle. and
fastened to the hounds and bolster, (the bolster to be
four feet five inches long, five ipohes wide. and
three and a ball Indies deep.) with lour half-Inch
The 'tongue to .be ten feet eight Inches long, four
inches wide , and three inohes think at front end of toe
hounds, and two and a quarter inches wide by two and
three-quarter inches deep at the front end. and eo ar
ranged as re lift up, the front end of it to hang within
• net of the ground when the wagon is standing at
tea . eitteirsorfaoe.
The front hoteritts•eeno-eidisfisse,fr•tero'iaLme.." tong.
three inches thick. and four inches wide over agitates.
and to reit •in that width to the hack end of the tongue;
jaws of the hounds one feat eight inches long and three
inehessquare at the front end. with a plate of iron two
and a half inohes wide by three eighths of an Inch
thick, fastened on top of the hounds over the back end
of the tongue with one half-inch screw bolt in each
end. and a piste of iron of the same size turned rip 'at
earth end one and et. half inohes to c amp the front
hounds together. and fastened on the under side. and at
frost end of bounds, with half inch screw bolt through
each hound. a seven-eighth inch bolt through tongue
and hounds in the centre of jaws. to secure the tongue
in the hounds; a . plate of iron three inches wide. one
quarter inch thick and one foot eight inches long,
secured on the inside of laws of hounds with two rive s,
and a plate of same dimensions on each side of the
tongue. where the tongue and hounds run together,
secured in like manner ; a brace of seven-eighths of an
inoh round iron to extend from under the frunt axle
-tree, and take two bolts in front part of the how ds,
same brace three-quarters of an inch round to continue
to the bank pan of the hounds, sad to toe fastened with
two bolts, one near the bank end of the hounds. and
one through the slider and hounds braoe over front
bolster one anda half inch wide; oe'et-quarter of an inch
thick. with a. bolt in each end to fasten it to the hounds;
the opening berme. n the jaws of the hounds, to receive
the tongue. four and three-quarter whose in- trent, and•
four and n half inches at the back part of the jaws. '
'I he hind hounds four feet two inches long. two and
three quarter inches th oh, arid three inohes wide ; jaws
one foot long where thee Mane the couplingpole ; the
bolster four feet five inches long and five inches wide
be three inohes deep. with steady iron two anda half
inches wide by ohs-half inch thiok turned, up two and
a half inches and.metalled on cacti end with three
rivets ; the bolster stooks and hounds to be tweeted with
four half. inch screw boils, an d one h al f-i, Ol , pore , bolt
through the ooupltng pole.
The (meeting pole nine feet eight inches tong. three
Mabee deep. and tour and a heft inches wide at front
end, and two and three-quarter inches wide at back
end ; distance from the centre of king bolt hole to the
oet tie of the beak axletree six feet one inch. and from
the centre of ki:lg host bole to the (moue of- the mortice
in the hind end of the pole eight feet nine inches;
bolt one anda quarter inches diameter, of best 'refined
iron, drawn down to seven-eighths of an inch where it
pagers through the iron aximme t . iron plate six inches
lone. three inches wide, ano one-eighth of an inch thick
on the doubletree and tongue where they rub together ;
iron plate one land a half by one-quarter of an inch on
the slid•ns liar, fastened at each end by a arrow bolt
through the hounds; front Water to have plate, above
and below eleven inches long, three and a half inches'
wide. and three-eighths of an inch th ck- corners
drawn out and turned down on the sides of the
b- , leter, with a net( in each corner, and four coun
tersunk nails on top; two bands on the hind hounds.
two and two end a half ioches wide, of No. 1 band
iron ; the rub plate on the coupling Delo to be eight
inches I,•ng one and three-quarters inches wide. and
Pne quarter of an tech think. Doubletree three feet
est ten inches long . eingetree two feet sigh inches
ong, ali well made ci hickory, molt en iron ring and
elm at each end, the centre clip to be well secured ; lead
her and stretcher to be three feet two inches long, two
and a quarter inches wide. and One and a quarter inch
thick lead toes. stre'ohere, and singlet, ees for six--
mole team; the two singletrees for the mad mules to.
have honks in the middle to hook to the end of the fifth
chain, the wheel and middle pairs-with open rings to
atraeh them to the doubletree and lead bar.
The fifth chain to be ten feet hang to the. fork ; the
fork one loot tan inches long. with the stretoher et-
Matted to spiced the forks apart ; the lines of the don-
Metres. stay and tongue chains. three-e gnthe of an
inch in diameter; .he forked °hate saven-sixmenth
/nob in diameter ; the fifth chain to be ,:even-slit meth
Inch diameter to ilia fork ; the fork to be five-sixteenth
inch diameter; the links of these and of the look chianti
to be tot more than two and a quarter ioohes long
The body to be straight, three feet six inches wide,
two feet deep. ten feet 1 -og at the b,uttom, ant ten feet
six inches at the top, sloping equally at cosh end all in'
the clear or inside ; the bed pieces to he two and a beg
inches wide and three inches °cep ; front pieties two
inches deep by two and a half inches wide; tail Mame
two and a half inches wide rind three molten deep; and
four inches deep in the middle to rest on the coupling
pole; top rail one and a half inch thick by one and
seven-eighth inch wide ; lower rails one inch thick by
one and seven eighth inch wide ; three etude and one
rail in Ironta with a seat on strap halves to close it up
as high as the sides ;a a box three feet four inches long
the bottom five inehee wide front side, nine and a half
inches deep. and eight and a half inch: s at tee top In
parallel line to the body all in the come, to be sub
stantially fastened to the front end of the body,
to have an iron strap passing r oun d each ond. so.
owed to the head piece and front rail by a rivet in
each end of it WS= through them. the lid to be
fastened to the front rail with two rood st• au tows, a
'Lisp of five-eighth iron around the box a nalf nob from
the op edge, and two straps same size on the lid near
toe front edge. to nrevent the mules from eating the
boxes - to have a joint hest fastened to the middle of
the lid: with a goad wooden cleat on the inside a strap
of Iron on the centre of the box with a abseils p luting
through it. to fasten the lid to eteht eta is and two
rails on each side ; one bolster fastened to the body,
six inches deep and four inches wide at king belt hole ;•
Iron rod in front and centre, of eleven aixteenths of an
inch round iron, with a head on the top of rail and nut
on lower end; iron rod and nre.oe behind- with shoulders
on top of tail piece. and nuts on the- under aide. and a
nut on bap of rail ; a p ate two and a half inches wide,
of No 10 nand iron. on tail piece. across the boil , ; two
none:tee in rail piece and hind bar two and a qnarter
inches wide and one tech thick to receive pieces three
feet four inches long. to be used es earners- wearers;
COAL fl.YOttithrenfill esoh !MO
one rivet &chid; each end of the lane; floor*
fi re •eighths of an inoh oak boards- aides five
eighths of an inch white pine. tail •ooard three-quar
ters of an inch uilck. of white pine, to be w e ll c l eate d
with five oak cleats riveted at each end through the
tail- board ; en iron plate three feet eight inches long,
two and a quarter molter; wide. and three-eighths of en
inch think on then der side of the bed elem. to extend
from the bird end of the bod_y to eight inches in front
of the hind Misters. to be fatten e d. by the rod at the
end of the body. by the lateral Rid and' two three -
eighths of an inch aorew bolts one at the forward end
of the plate, and the other about equt-distant between
it and toe lateral rod. A half inch round iron rod or
bolt to pass diagonally through' the mile, between the
two bind studs to and through • the bed plane and plate
under it. with a good head on the top and nut and screw
at the bottom. to be at the top one foot six inches from
inside of tail board, and on the bottom ten inches from i
the hind rod. An ron clamp twolmohei wide, one
quarter of au mob thick around the bed piaci-, the cen
tre bolt to whion the took chain Is attached passing
through it, to extend seven inches on the inside of the
body. the ends, to and bAtom to be secured by two
three-e ghthe mo l t
screw bolts, the middle bar at the
ends to be flush th the bed piece on the lower side:
Iwo look chains secured to the centre bout of the hod),
one end eleven inches the other two feeteix itiohys tong.
to be of thee - eight hs of an inch round iron ) ; . feed
trough to be four feet six inch's - long front out to, oat,
toe bottom and eons of oak. the sides of yellow Poie.
to be eight inches wide at bottom, twelve inches wide
at top. and eight and e. half inches deep all in the clear,
well ironed, with a band of hoop-iron around the top,
one around each end and three between the 'tide,
strong aid suitable irons to fasten them on the tongue
when feeding ;. good st ong chains to be attached to the
top rail ot the body. secured by a staple with a hook to
attach it to the trough. Six bows of good ash, two
in. has wide and one-half inch thiok. with three staples
to confine the ridge polelo its place -, two inapt. e on
the body. to some each end of the b ws ; one ridge
pole twelve feet long , one and three -quartere inch wide
by five-eighths of an inoh think ; thaloover to be of the
first ?agility cotton duok, No.—. fi fteen feet long and
nine eat eight inohes wide. made in the beet mariner ,
with our hemp oords on each aide and one througe
each end to olose (tat both ends; trio rings on each end
of the body. to (dose and secure the ends of the covey ; '
a ample in the lower rail. near the second stud Dont]
each end, to fasten the side cords. The outeede of the
buds and feed trough to have two good coats of white
lead, colored to is blue tint. the inside of them to have
two costs of venetian red paint ; the nom ng gear and
wheels to have two good coats of venetian red'darkened
of a chocolate color, the hub and fel.ies to be well I
pitched, instead of painted, if-required. •
A tar-pot. an extra king bolt, and - two extra single-.
trees to be furnished arab each. wagon, the tong bolt
acid singletrees similar in all respects to those belong
in g to it.
Each side of the body of the wagon to be marked If:
EL, laud munbered as directed; all other parte to be
tared U.S.; the cover, feed box, belie: lincipina tar-.
pot- and harness bearers tor each wagon to th pet up
in a strong box, (000pereu) and the contents market
It is to be distinotly understood that the vorgons
to be so txonstreeted teat the several partaof any. One •
wagon will agree and exactly fit those of any other. so
as to require no nUtirielritte Or arranging for putting to
gather. and all the materials used for Irmo' construction
to be of the best quality.; all the wood thoroughly sea
r t ra i t:
, t r h o wi r r n o , rk i i i toll a t i g n s e rs faithfully executed
The work may he inspected from time to time as it
-egresses-by an officer or agent or the Quartermaster's
r it
strairairtaenn d I titi n e e otrd Ct ali approved i a painted
or agent authorized te,.inenen it whe n
painted.- and- aocep:ed by an officer or.- at ent of the
litaastermester's Department, and delivered as herein
agreed. they shall be paid for. - - M..C.
Ye Med • • 'Quartermaster General U. B.
nakeiVNl9 • ESSENOR •or JA1410.11
-ALP thrt OW-FREDERICK BROWN. Chemist and
Druggist, northeast corner of Chestnut and Fifth sta.,
Philadelphia, sole manufacturer of Brown ' s Dream* of
Jamaica Ginger,whloh is reoognized and presoriltred by
the medical ftioulu,and hea become the standard family
medicine of the United States,
This Essence fa a preparation of unturnatexoellenee.
Cu ordinary diarrhma, nampieat cholera, in short, in all
case, of prostration of. the digestive functions, it is of
ineetimable value. , Daring the prevalence of epidemic
cholera and summer oomplainte of children, it If pecu
liarly eltiosolous; no family, indtvidaal, or traveller
should be withou t It.
NOTICE.—To prevent this valuable Essence from
being counterfeited. a new steel engraving, executed at
a great cost, will be found on the outside of the wrap
per, in order to guard the panahaser against being im
posed upon by worthless inutations.—MS
Prepared only by FREDERICK BROWN, and for
gale at his Drug and Chemical Store. N. E. oorner of
Fifth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, and at FRE
DERICK BROM N, Drug and Chemical Store,
a. E. corner of Ninth and Cheetnut streets, •'Conti
nental" Hotel, Pniladelphia. Also for sale by all re
ve•otahle Drserlyhr Intim Vr,t 4 Piano.
been ettabliehed enamelware and permanent fonadattion.
trait ie, in realiti, a mareellone example of the degree
of tavor which a tinker-conducted
sun reoelve at the hands of a liberal and enlightened
Public.. Our most grateful thanks are tendered for the
patronage already bestowed upon us, and we shall spare
no efforts which may serve to render the paper even
more attractive. useful, and popular in the future.
need not be enlarged neon here. Independent, stead/,
and fearless. it has battled, unwaVeringly and nealone
ly, in defence of the
against EX_ROUTIVE USURPATION, and unfair and
tyrannical legislation ; ever declaring and adhering is
the doctrine that POPULAR SOVEREHINT Y consti
tutes the fundamental baehrof our free institutions, and
that the inteWgenee and patriotism of our citizens will
always be preservative of a wise, I illit,and salutary Goy
arnment. These are Ethe principles to Which THE
WEEKLY PRESS has been committed, and to these it
will adhere.
One Copy. one year-- 12 02
Three Copies, one year.— -- 5 00
Five Comes, one --- 800
Ten Copies, one year.— . 12 00
'Twenty Copies, to one address, at the rate of
SI per annum-- ---.. 30 04
Twenty Copies. to one addreu of each sub
unbar-- 31 DO
Specimen Copies will be forwarded to those who re•
Quest them. •
Subscriptions mos commence at BM, time• Term
always cosh, in &iv/um. All letters to be addressed Ss
P7~XZ..A.p7iZ.P at.
ity , the sae of these rills the periodioai Altoona of /Sir -
vow er Sick Machaska may be prevented ' • and If taken
at the riommenoollent of an attaok imm ediate relief
from pain and 'loans." will be obtained.
They seldom failiin removing the Naomi and Matt
ocks to which females are so nutrient.
They act gently on the bowels, removing Cistiesows.
For 'Literati , Msa, Studraca, Delicate Females. and
all persons of ssdrerars ashits;they srit 'ailment* as
/Amalie*, improving the &Poetics, giving lasi and "Firer
to the digestive organs. and restoring thaistaral slaw
-11010 and strength of the whole system. ''
IIthe.ORIIIALIC . PILLS are the result of long investi
tation.and carefully, conducted enertments, hay .g
seen many years, daring trhiaMittwattally bay
-t;rrrratactir' — Viliiied a vast amount of. vain and
suffering from fiestisehe, whether originating in the
mimeos system or from a deranged state . of the 're
They are entirely yesetabte In their aompoeltion, and
nay be taken at al) tires with petfeet safety withoei
making any Change °ldiot, Led its sassed; of "V &se
tremble tests rends?, ft sue to edweinistii tios4 s.a
a/di/tree. . . . •
ist,WEatz U rarritargrmi
iinmin, brave Ivo ligamtares oftlienn 47. el riallihs
;tussah Box,
Sold by . Dll2LgUlti and nil other Derdere it - Meddeinee.
A Rex will be sent by =II prepaid on reiielpi of the
All onion aketld be a4iissaist
0 PEt At. Z. I< l P 2 L.! S
Ate thus Tartiwtootioto IAYS VlSsonclted ty. Mr. Q?Ald►•
in. tkay (ford Itaquosttoisabia proof er ikt 0 111- '
okaY alai* natty scinatiota itrateery,
Masoxvls.x.s. Oenx,, Feb, I. 1141.
Mx. Straisltte.
I have tried your Cephalic Pills, &dill Uke Am, so
wail that I want you to send me two dollars worth more.
.Part of these are for the neighbors, to whom I rave a
few of the first box I got from you.
land the Pills by mail, and oblige
Your ob't Serrant,
ILL ILTaimao,
11Int •
Eels), you to gond roe one more box of yoir Cepeedia
Pills. / Amin flawed a swat dm' ett , Uwe: Item Mom
Yowl; reepontfolly, ,
MARY ANN 871011(6O1ii.F.
Inkrini Diagq &unary iewriron 3 ow
186 Co VIIITY, Pa..l
• .• . ),
L O. ergstins.,•
• Iltii_ .4" '... - . •
Yes will view s en d t w o boxes of Toxr asplusils
rills. 6end OWE
• 13'.
- .■
ao . : , i nto ..
r. .s.-1 Atm. ywiegui f si iii. if rap 14. asersig
Mess twastlW, ~- - • . s. , , ,- ;,. ...i.• '' r
Please find enclosed twenty-lire cantz, for 'which send
eitianother box of your emphatic Pills. Tiley are witty
the best Pills I As,* our tried.
Wrest -- A. aTOVER. P. M.
Belle Vernon. Wrandot
• 112421L7, kdass., Dea.11,1614.
R. C. gou.bine, Ere.
I wish for some circulars or larr show billi, to brim your Oeobaho Pills more partioo arly before my cue
m -
toers. If you have anything o the kind pleas, rend
m On e.
o of my customers: who la subject to severe Sick
Headache, (usually lasting two days ' ) seas cured et flAl
siteua su as A our by Your Pitts, whieh I sent her. •
Iteepeolfilly years
*. B. WELL ES.
torrior.rtErzo, Pxtoxr.nt Go. 0b10.4
Jarman' V. 2MI.
iitfltlr a. Ertlonto, •
o. 441 Cedar . Y. '
• • Dots Itix:
Idol sod find twroltr-tve °onto, (26,) forotiott ion!
box or " Ueptusbo'ruot. Ben4to adareursprusy. Wm. Heynold2barr:FranXlLa . •
Pars Yin, work iiks a eAsrurewre ictrasSeate slogan
M. 11P.61.111110.
MUM lone Ellice I zeta to Toe tot a box of Ce_phethe Pitts
for the ogre 01 the NerYollB Bend SOtte and gg ,
sad reoerted the Rune, and thsv ked se pleat ea eel cst
that I we' in-Etta to mud Jr wore.
Please aend My retain aw m
l. Taa tto
• A. R. WilligLE.R.
. .
Yeollaald. Kick.
Pkgs.; the ffX llll /161141'..?finfilk,
Uphill° Fllla acoomelieh the obtact for ailiok tkei
Iwo made, 715.: Cute or headache in all its; forme.
"ron Slu Exmorisar, NMI.T, Y.
They hue been tested in more thane thcomand eases
with entire rumens,
➢root the Dadlotted, St. Cori, Moe,
If you are,'or Witt been troubled with the headache,
send for a bon, [Cephalic PiILO ao that you may have
them in owe of an attaok.
.Fross tie . Ads:orris, , Pros/Mew*, R.I.
The Cephalic Pills are maid to be o n emrkably effec
tive remedy for the headaohe, and of the very bast
for that very frequent 'complaint which has ever been
Prom Ski Wasters, 8.8. Goring, Meister, 112.
We heartily endorse Mr. Spa!ding, and MS Unrivalled
"me the Keetatolta Vallrit Star, Kettawhe. re.
We are Etre that persons angering with`the headache,
who try them. will idiot to them.
Imre as Smelters PatA Fielder, Ni,. Ortssou,
Wry them yoa that are affiliated. and w e are sure that
your teetimony can be added to the already numerous
het that hea reoeivA :benefits that no other medicine
lan produce._ . . •
• Frets the be. Lists Democrat,'
Whelmiaihse demand [Or the article (Capitals Pills)
tar - avidly mere/mug. , .
/frees tat Gallons, //smear*. /etre.
Mt. Spalding would not connect' his name with an ar
hole he did not know to possess real merit.
teetimony in their favor la attune, from the meet
reinnotiebte tuertere. . .
7r.* as Daily Noes. N4wrfirte3.•L.
isaltalls Pills are takins r'•••ot kW"
Pr /PM as iferrivurato I Biakddiatirdeol. /OH.
gold to be vary elloaeleauipy thiatiddeithee '
Iriet Om Comas/wrist. Viiselditatt. 0 : . •
Milferliad karcianirr can now be relieved. -
.. ••. - • •
Mer A Bingls bottle of 11117AIDIROPS P1k1e4.1.8.0
•%Dlt will mays ten theft tkolr it.vot
aramiurcit nuessii
• Mar". • a TIYCa Itt Vats Saves Nina." - Mti
Aa accident' happen. even in VreE-terniated
femillea, It ie'verY (tearable to have'-some cheep end
convenient way for Verairint ruzniture. Tore. awoke
tr. &o EPALDINOid PREPARBD - 411.1133
oneete . all inch emeteensioCipaiiiio honmehold can
afford to do without it. Lt lit 'maim re/147.8nd up to
the sta.:Aria( point.
X. 8.--ABMW wompanies each Lotus . Prit•,3l
mita. • AddreFs.
90.49 01C0A2 9 . 70.9Ent. Itirw yoxX.
•.. - CA.1171011. . . _ •
As 'sultan* luilggindolad' pampas are attemo g to
off • •ba thgLignumeiiiltme poblto, imitations of MY
PREPA.RED GLUE. would caution all persons to ex
autirgio.bittiria: pirohaainx. sad gee that the tun name.
.• •
ne:OrA i ROWitIr44O4AXIO 43 43t.:7 1 1 . 1
sa the *dual imams ell oat" sr* grimdling
twalesedsolpe fat tit
mow' t ~ ~ ~
is UEDA" 1 1t ET. 11.1e7r:Y9e1K
111111 AW a
ItAvniroul, Pa.. F4m 6. 11X..
friar Yours, • •
WM. a. PillAtit
Yismorrt. Mim s JaLlii.nin.
Frost t.ia ddeortiter, Prarkiesea, A. Z.
DAY, JULY 6, 186 i.
1 .
1 It rAwkimazti. t
• !Flat No. 303 W.A.IIIIIIIT /11/1311=3.
Lulus. agajot L 033 0.3 DAILASE By FllO3. 441
Roues, Stores, ant other bullthugs. l e imits4
j .r ro.Ter4're d s %A l it " - r •
(A. skandise. in town or
SABI PITAL, 0101,1 iv o 6 'ASSETS 111011,142 116.
Whialt Is invesle., er follows, six:
In Ant z43rtgageill on otty e , .pertr, word
toublt the amo ,
unt— ;... -. — —. 0102.11(11 00
Penturyls ila Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent. Mot
molts ge loan at par— 6.000 00
Penusylr is Rai lroad Co.'s 0 per cent. se
cond °dant, load, (11/00,00s) vjko 00
t i
Runtingd and Bread Top Railroad and
Canal !a mortgage loan— -- 4,000 00
Ground r t, first-elaas— -- --. 1.4671 60
Collateral 081111. well 5ecured .....__.,.... . — 6,603 iv
City of PI ladelphla 6 per cent. loan-.......-- MAO 00
edi n ,,,,,,, ant, 6 per cent. Pa. 1111 . loan.. 10,000 00
Common:o I Bank Moak— —.—.— 5,1311 01
Meohanie Bank stook— 1,811 60
iCrtri j oaeilaViai'AV, ) , ( 4:3:r - . 6 - 31 au Po
The Conn Fire Insurance Co.'. stock ._..... 1,060 00
;be Bela re M. B. Insurance CliN's stook- 100 00
Mo al Insurance Co.'. song ._.._...-_ MO 00
Bills reeei ble . - ____. 14402 74
Book aboote, aoarned interest . &c_._-- 7,104 66
Bash on 104 d-..... —..--,—. - 11,844 64
_ ..1 ..
. 11817 143
1 04
The 010441 erineiple, oomblned with the w i nlity of
t a b l e t() ; r k in , C u l te el at i v eg an t i l ' i . e w i itt a g e t d atillitnb c r p l a c t s e s .; 1 .
I kr,
Lasses Dr %Ali adius tatz tedAn o trid.
plemThsloy, . .. Samuel Bingham,
Witham 1. Thomason. Robert Steen,
Frederic. Brown , William Musser,
William tevenson. Beni. W. Tingley,
.lidm R. orrel I, Marshall 1 7
Mahall Hill,
. 1.... CR on. J. Johnson Brown,
open T lend,. Charles Leland.
O. D. Ro i rten. Jaoob T. Bunting,
Marine Wood, fismith Bowen
James S. oofiward, ' John fiWell, l i'lttsbursi
OLE TINOLEY. resident.
fB. M. ILLN6IMAN Seotetar
ebrusry B. UM. ' y. rat
:1 . STY . NOE 00 ANN ,
j r:ltriThi)otry..t. I Ittotbr.cei
tr L. Dowse"
yitutAx mo ezo. B. Beeav,
JOHN EQ. ATWOOD, B. A. Furor:tivet,
.3 x. Ti:rmx, AlltdillW D. CARR.
11 /LAWN ORD STA...RA., Prevrient.
=AXLES W. DOXH. Secretor , . feta
No. 92 C
1 h i ESTN . Ulf,
Insure Live for short terms or 'for the whole term pf
life ; grant An nines and Endowments ; nurohase.Life
Interests in eal Estate, and make all eontrsots de
pending on thepoonagenoies of lifer
They sot euuEsmintors, Athninistrators. Assignees,
Trustees, andpardians.
ASSETS .0 THE COMPANY, January 1, 1861.
Mortgages; prM ... nd rents, real estate .$322,281 97
• United State e sjooks. Treasnry notes, loans
of State of ennitylvania. oily of Phila
delphia, & . . . . 363,792 34
,Plollllllorl notes i fosiu3C - M . o - orkile — r — aisTio. M 17,691 58
Pennsylvania. North Pennsylvania Rail
., roads. and Cointy six per cent. bonds..... 103,802 60
Bank, insuranos, railroad. canal stooks, &o. 97,547 49
Cash on hand, egenLY' balanoes, &e., 38,206 14
. ER, Pregideot,
lISTOKett. Viee Pretndent.
JORD IV: Hce.RNOß.tieeretarY. mh22-tf
hpoinliNnatpd i Zr.LeOptatirs orrennsylvatua;lllllll.
. , .
0160 d . E. r WA.Wir T *train%
• - . _
• I - - 131
oa — Vairobt,t 3Ll 7
.... 4111.1"" "
::... IliVii,:.. Ire —711 . r Ike Yr 0/14
Oa 41 Sidi . 4- y ag - l if o rTl s t larti elgail l -1111 0 V e lir i . 11 , 11 14.;41 itar•
ft Kurekan 1 , 11.6 re 1
f ul o is asea rely . 2
.. te l . girtarem. Dwelllit
Novfihriber 1, 18t9). •
$lllO,OOO Muted btates dire oent. , ,roo oo
111,000 'United Mates six iv Gent. Tresatry
/iota'', (with wormed interect).-. 119,461 &0
100,000 Pfan.cylvania )9tAto nye 41 1 aun • •
os,gro Do
11,007 de. do. 21,446
IIS.OBO Pleiladelphia (Rey'Atist m f cent. Loant.' 125,XS S 7
10,000 Tennessee state five cent, loan— SCOW 00
MOOD Peanellvaina Rally° Sti mortgago
'solo co
moo SOO shares, stook filermantowngas
Cloineans." Interest• and - nrlnoipel
.4 - up:s t inted by the City of Phi,a- _
MOO It shares Ponrurylynma Ilaurose 'sae co
• Commazy_
• 11021100 sharecttorth Penraylganialtall
• . road. Gtoropetny—.--.-- 'WO 00
..100`. 1 80 shares Philadelphia ice Boat and • •
?Steam "Sag Company.- - 1.200 00
220 I shares P hiladelpat me Easne-de
tame Steam Totr-boat Company. NO 120
209 2 shares Philadelphia EMobange
Compaq_.__ • 1211 09
1,000 3 shares Continental Hotel Co.— , 200 00
IM MO par. Cost $647,253.34. • Market 5a1.Q654,262 7/
Bina receivable, for magranoga xnade— 171,366 CI
Bond: and mortgages.— 114,20 00
Zell estate J:Cd 22
130lanoesdag at Arencies—Premtims gn 21a
rive Polioies, tr.tereet. and , ether debtg dio
the Company— -- • lr/ 01 lh
Nem and Ito of srandry ittrOYSTIIM sad
'Sher tZsatpamest —.. 3,00 20
Wash •At i•vad-12. .12.N.03
10 drercr. 43f _ _
Haas Martin, beavol E. Steirea
and!. Goinot, - ;*. j fa - aeon,
eophibui Paradox- . rnry , &mon k . •
ti F. lin . }encore, ' werd•Hariingtai.
Je n C. Davin, .:Jairteiltroolto.
Ansa Traquzir, • • Aponser:M'llvitino.
I.Villex - Eyrti t Jr.. .; - Mientior 41 Hand.
C.Terine, • • abaft-Herten.
lr, • Jo n" , •
Jae eph Seal, .
.9t. X. M. Xecton, - / -- Jerliv.a . P. Eyre,
9aerao L'. Leiter,' . , 1 Jobrit Semple. Pitt.ab'i
Hugh Crh..,44 .. 'E. o rgan . •
ooariee zeuy, A. B. ergot.,
•ifiSSl ti. MAXTIPt, President.
t COMPANY— nco rated: l29.4ll .o 4.HT.h. t tgMitzfr
enoe SQUATS. . AaUe .
This ,Company ; favorably inoW r o 'to: the 'oegoanitilts
for thirty-ca 7earl, 0013 tinnee' to insurei u tgiiib ee or
damage by Fire, on public:or private H , either
Permanently. or fora limited time. Abio. on urniture,.
etooka of Hooda . or Merobandmo Generally, on liberal
When' Capital, together with mlargo'HilyiFignit t is
Invaded in the moat careful meaner, w h:enabiert
them to offer to the ,inatired an andoeb sisearhy be
the ease of loge:.
. DIICUTOILS. - • ; • ' ~
.Jonathan Patterson, . . limo lianlebaret.
Qtantin Campbell, Thomae _Robins,
Alexander Bens , . . ' Damn Smith' Jf..
William Monte! in '- ' --- Johr_ Bereralts ',"'
• atm. tinAth. .- ..-,. _ . ...; . • ...3
WILLIAM G. Cnowamq , Seoretary. '• ' " -••- aut-ly
13# itii'l4 0 kdo 'al y; A NY ' iiii " th2
RINE. INBll.ltAli OE —,.?5c0. 4 AND
• (Mortared in 171/1-oo‘ital ?2 , 30.09e—V01i;
valso,lictd.fie2 Tl.' - • • ' '
All inTostoil. and ovailablo trAtentiotriati
tines .te metre ae_ Vomite r and, Ca.ergoet.
Itoolor of ftlortMotdusc hoop !Moral terns.
• Lint.lollS;•--
Holm D. ,81serrold. ;.:c_ , !UoergolSrShark
Shawn To
— T goo:A*l greet, Jr.,
Cicalas Ofecomotor. ahoe WoCV3f,
William S. Eaait.4. •• _ ;Moamar 33..Watteor
Jolla B. Rod .4 $9 QS. Fromm*. .
Winton R. WoitO,• - "Oltarleo b. Lewin.'
goorge Clanton; • - •
RiEfIRY D. SEEILLERD: rrooldom.
waioArgrvAß.Fg.r... P..orotz , v le9.
135 North /SIXTH( btreat, low Race inmire
tam floods and,
h i _erahaudiee•genoradly from' kin er
daeaht's by Fire. TP.a CIOSLIMY rahrer.tee to adruat hi!
luau promptly, sii&thoreby hap: to rateri t tko p2.tres
spa of tao
William hforthr , , ltEraeil
Frahm, CoePer.
georza Dat chortY.istiWATSl 411 .... 000, rern,
James Martin,
ro - when= u.*LeCorrathY. •
James Duus, •Joti•HroFtley.
• Mathew McAleer. !. , Franoie rani,
Barnard Rafferty, joke ,Chizad,r, • • .
Thomas J. Hemphill: Bnerd.B..-Hulairaas.
Ifkomax Fishes. Charles Clare
Frausui Arlopittace - @haat Chihli::
VEHNAID S.AirrE3R'SY, eneretarr.' - • eale-ly
_ _
lie, 320 WillUrldl • .
Raving, a large bald-ap capital • Stoat and isurolasy
Invested in sound sad available Secnrities, continues to
Insure or:Dwellings, ditores,,F M
arniture, erohandise,
vogues. in' port 'end .their cargoes, and other Personat
property.. All loaded hberallY and promptly outlasted.
DLISCTOS.B.: • , •
Rhos. R. Maria, . John T. Levi.,
John Welsh, lames R. Campbell.
damsel c. Morton, :. Edmund 9 , Dattlh ,
Yatrisk Brad ., • • • Chp., W.. roultney.,.
- •• • trit 8 ' MelikuCliecdent.
A.LBICRIE C. 8/ WPOR.D.Reeretary: ' ' fen-t 1
£M NY.--A'atierlited Capitol lilee,O6B--1111LAITElt
( ff ige E No. In WALNIFIt Street, t4itwires tild. - 11. and
Yerarth Street, Yititaclelpitia. . : ...
ills Ovapsny trill loiters against less or SILIaLte by
Fir: .
rail en Beihiliass,Fitrzuture, and •Mereltantthe germ-
Alp. Marine Issitraaeas it Vassals,' §lersees, aid
'remits. Imbue Inn_ to oil parts of tko mien . _
.. „ a
/mob Esker, ' ' Joseph . Maxfield,
, hastier. ----.--- --Jetio Ketcham.
. Asdearied, • /4111211 t. Blatartes,
els Years's,' TrAt. F. Dan,
r Slater. • 'X. N. Hetet. . •
•' JAffettl ESHElL,t'reatietti, -'
___ .. • , • WM, F. !DEAN, vtos grwas%
A Ji... sbiliTlLltteretars. - - - !•1101-Xl
•*--eilipeirio. 4os wAhrivrt
FIRE iBaIejtAZICE on Rotuma told Merchandise
de=lW. 'on rix,resele either Limited or Dar-.
• '••i •
- •.
.leiandekh * Erinsall; ThomagAraidi, •
Q; Ginned*, " Charles Thornsixon,
ward Roberti." James 7. Hale,
rune L Smedley. Jognia T. Owen,
- abort 'Jolly ; Griffiths.
, ,
RN Q. GurßO Irmo kreeident.
' „ ,Simmer) Cox. Secretary. • • San
pittliiiDELPHIA TARS A .- -0 O.TT A.
Olloe and are Rooms, 101.0 aRillt.t4117 Street.
Ornamental Chimney Tops. .
ffatden Yates and Statnarr. . •
Entieustio Flooring' Tile.
Architectural Ornaments. "... •
Ventilating and Smoke Irlnsa. • -•-• '•
Ridge Tile and Sanitary Want, •
team-pleassid Drain Tice.
Wcter warranted to atand • " •
presanre..oheap and 'durable.'
The Trade supplied , on liberal terms.
Illustrated Optaloguesment hy, • ;
Kali on appliesten by . '•
• •_x. AEM)III.
175 , . ww.•..s
' calxicEra ifEßßiiii4: - iliii '. EIM..
ma A „ . ,:,
ma: raum.tia:-.4,000 bbti. megi.Notcu,...""i k tid 8 Bleat
ore, lone; medium. Amid small, in. asootad nay bursa of °soles late-tanght fat bah. - ,
s,OOO bbl:. New Balla:, Eastport, and lflabradst a sr
num of oholos qualities.
0,000 boxes extra now sealed_X•rrints.'
S,OOO bones extra n ew Nol K.... erring..
iiioo boxes farce alardallif) Vox& • •
Sea bbl.. ataalrinao Wltito l?' 3
GO bbl .. new Eannov . f!ej! had.
a MA:. new Ethaf&T.
1,000 Qeinte r ke @rand Bank 4 , ''' . ' f,qk. . :
• 1100 Nacos Herkimer-county Chreso... ~ • - .
Lusters an 4 lantins, Srf sale sy ' .
noslll.o Krill , * jOaNa
Nn. 1 ~ •
40 NOICTEr FIAR v ER. ..'
TBT REIJEIVAD, per." Arid* lore batl,n.
from Laverviol. Blamder, -Mani
.tiztraot A.oonitir 111.1 Li
25.514 Fintraot, 7 0 .44141m,51$
40 Ifni ExtnscialUidounin, in 1 14.1474/. •;!.. • •
104 lbs'Extniat araza9i, th.litte. • • ' '
SO Pbn Vin Rid ColeMoi / kitties,
MO Ds 01. tlnonint Rant: In I better; -
SOO Dm Calomel, in lb bottles, - • •
lee Yes PO aydrar in I &Jam
47 and 49 North SECOND Street.
Jur onus on hind for Eats se Illnionlinue IaLI
BILACII Inset, Liiitaiggtpt. Lir
ING, and HARRISBURG, 011_r May NI, IML
MORNINR LINES, DAlL p lSandays excepted.
Laaseeew Deret„eorner ROAD and CALLO
HILL ep-
aL P . RI LAPI A EL g r gwit tfhcrage ntc eir o
r ° O ( :4lTM= ti l n trk a l e r iili nfk P ) i h
bu A t t th R CUM u ERLJe 3 41 IIm l nn Mtr t a
itietr Irai itl WOßintgrllArkAfirdaD rlsmit
running to Sunbury, ,t.o.
Leave Now Depot, sornar of DROAD and CALLOW
RILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, (Passenger en
trances op l'hirtsisath and olDathrwhill stresgs,) for
POTTSVILLE and nA tiftt BURG, at 616 P. M..
DAILY, sonneeting at Earns ” jj , With the Northern
Central Railroad, for Sunoury, wilhainsport,
Ate.; for KEADtNO only, at. 5 P. M.. DAh.Y, (Sundays
To Phatatisille—.— 18
Neading-----. Se
Treverton Junction 158
Sunbury . . —.169
Lewisburg--- -=--
gs a
CVnliarnatio -
.tan -
Williamsport and Elmira
The II A. M. and . 11.15 P.M. trains oonneot dailurt Port
Clipton, iSandars_eacepted.l with the cATAw lasA.
close oonneotiona with lines to I'llahara Falls. Canada,
thellWest and Pouthwest.
and CALLOWEILL Streets.
W, H. MnILHE. , iNEY, SeeretarY.
Mav M. DEL
11141aVatimENT. - PttiL4I)NIRRIA,
On and after Monday. May 13, - ,•,.•••••=!' •
FOR GERMANTOWN' ••vteswiz , ..
Leavn Philadelphia, 6.7 , to s.
3.38.4, 5.6, 634,7. R. 0.4.2V0M.. P. M.
..14731892'Wrrinantovni, 6 7,71 . .8. &MD. 20.11; 11
1,2, 3, 4. 5,17 654.7 14., 3,9, 19 M. .
The 830 A. M. and 3.55 P. Trains stop at German
town only. • •
Leave Philadelphia, 9.05 A. M., 93(434, 5.714, and 20%
Lcuivo Germantown 8.20 A M., 1.4, 634 and IN
Leave Philadelphia, 6,, 8.10, n A. M.. 2. 3.38, 4,6, 8.9,
and 10.* P. M. - •
Leave Ohmura Rill, 710, 0. 840.9.40, 11.0 A.14..140.
3.15__, 340. 7.10, 8.40. and 10.10
The BA. M. and Bib Y. Al. will make no stops on the
Germantown road.
, • • ON surrD.o 13.
',save Philadlphia, Pas A. M.. 2.14. 5. and 7% F. M.
Leave Chestnut Rill, no A. M., 12.40, 6.10, and-9.10
Leave Philadelphia. 5.60, 7%, 9.06. 11.03 A. M., 0.06,
3.06, 434. 534 8. and 11* P. 51.
Leave Nernidown, 6,7, 5.05, 9,11 A. M., 1%. 434.3%,
and 934 P. M.'
Leave Philadelphia 9A. 38.. 3 and 6 P. M.
Leave Norristown/* NI A. M.,1 and 6 P. 81.
Leave I'hiladelhia, 15.80, 7% 1 9.01, 11.96 A. fd.', LO5,
2,06.3.05. a%, 632. 8. and 11* P. Al.
Leave Ma fia rink. 6%, 734,1136, 934,11% A. M., 2,3%,
5,7, and 10 P. AL
Leave Philadelphia, 9A. M.., 56, and 7M - P. M.
Leave Manavunk. 7% A. M.., 1%, 6%, and 9 P. M.
11. A. SMlTlLGeneral Superintendent,
myl.l-tf Getout. NINTH and GREEN Streets.
960 BILLISVO It at'TRACI. _ _
, .
1W1_• 414/WFMN 1861*
Connecting direct et Philadelphia with Through Trains
from Barton, New york, and all iota Eastland in the
Union Depot at Pittsburg with t hrough 'frame to and
from eh points in toe west, hone west. and rboUtherest
—them famishing facilities for the transportation of
Prossingers ansurpassed for speed and comfort by any
press and Fait Lines run liirough to Pittsburg,
. without change of Cars or Conductors. All Through
Passenger, Trains provided with Loughridge's Patent
Brake—speed under perfeot control of the engineer,
thug adding rank to the safety of travellers.
Stobking•.Ctirs are attached to each Train; Wood-
Steeping_.ers to Enamels and Fast Trains. The
EXPRESS RUNS DAILY : Mail and Fast Lines. Sun
-days excepted.
• Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M.
• Fast Line " • 11. n) A.M.
Exprou Train leaves " 10.16 P. M.
Harrisburg Apoom.modation, via Columbia, TM P. 121.
Columbia 4.00 P. M.
.Parkesburg ". at 5.40 P. M.
Welt Chester " ' Re. / 4 ot 8.11111.:M
o. a t ,
12.00 "'JR.
West Cheater Passengers will - take the West Chester
Nosins. / and 2 Harrisburg accoMmodation and Columbia
Paesengers for tun/airyWilliamsport, Elmira, Bar
, 'filo, Niagara Falls, and 'intermediate points, leaving
Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. and 2.11 P. EL, go directly
I through.
Timken: Westward. maybe obtained at the ,ofiloes of
the company in Philadel hia, New York, Boston, or
Baltimore ; and Tickets Eastward at any of the impor
tant Railroad Of in the West; also on board any of
the regular Line of Steamers on the Mississippi or Ohio riverir • .
air Fare always as low, and time as quick, as by any
other Route,
For further information '
apply at ttai *Passenger Sta
tion. Southeast corner of EleAnth and Market etzeots.
The ounipletion of the Western couneottons of the
Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicago. ntake Dus the
The connection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at
Pittsburg, Avoiding ail drayage or ferriage of Freight,
together with the saving of time. are advantagesreadi
ly appreciated by Shippers of Freight, and the Travel
Merchants and Shippers entrusting the transporta
tion of their Freight to-this Company, mat rely with
oonfidanne ojig sdy transit.
- .THE, RATES ple pee FREIGHT to and from any point
in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad ars at all
Hass* as lawesubls as are caarsed men Railroad
COMPdift:4l. •
SOT' Be particular to mark packages " via Pennsyl
vania Railroad.'
For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply
to, or address either. .of the followir.g Agents of the
COMpetlf :
D. A. Stencil, Pittsburg:
H. El. Pierce & Co., Zanesville. O. J. J, Johnson, Rip
ley, O.; R. 141oNeoly.. Maysville Ky.; Ormsby & Crop
per, Portsmouth,_ ; Paddock ' A Co.. Jeffersonville,
Indians; H. Brown & Co., Cincinnati, o.itChern
Hi bbert, L
Cincinnati, 0.; R., C. Meldrum, aglison,
d., Jos. E. Moore, oausville, Ey .; P. 0' ley &
Pe., Evansville, ;N. W. Graham CO., Ciuro,
IU.; IL P. flaw, & Glam. St.' Louis. Mo.; Ohm
R.ilarris, Nagliville,-Tennr, Hargis . Hunt, IV em
rig, 'Amin, •• Clarke 'lc' CO 'Dinette; Oh W. , H. R.
opkts. Alto n, Ill.; or to Freight Agents of Railroads
at itinerant points m the Went.
a. B. vatiTo J
r r
MOE. & Cc.. /go, 17 Sta o stunt, ton. • .! rt " • kr ' Y
HOUSITON-Ged'i , Ermg t
- .. t; RO FP I t ?GinekTi
E 127 8: ir,f tonna: . ja9-35,
61514.101 $1
.1861 , hlB6-1.
.A.I4.43IGESE.ENT.- Cai Ni.:3l.
nth C.4.IWDEN iA AND "• D
/ ' 0.4. D
TUN WA,L7141 . -61'. WitAX7-AND 1 01UN.119*7017 initerr
17 11.1/.IIOA.VE AS 074.1 0 O, 9JZ :
. , .
• •
At 6 A. it, Ida Ciaindem.and s
_Amboy, _•3. and A. A
modation . .......-.--...........-: .......OL iii
At II A. M., via Caideti sitd Xarecy CAT: (P. Jo
AlcooThzmantioxl_ - - . _..... _ , Si
Alin/r.A:1i4,341.4...t.-,--141v7421::62d...........--..'11147:4_':.7.1....-11421:---.7....-Y-tlitn—lirlizt.-:-. $ 2
. .4. M...... via !Ktilautglger ir.V4 , spor CRY .
%.I{WitifiXi,6sso; and.:AMbiSi Atmenera7r
•--- - - -
Uit • - xe.;. Ina CaLadOn'and Amboy. (Kmed A. km
renew —......-- ...-....,.- _.....-:;.... ...............---,4.a:......-..'. 11 00
1U4311:. M., Via Kensington Anil Jersey City. Bye
law, gs _ 11) a 05......,- • MS
'At . ;4hi'l'Aidh via : s aun a - fron7and.7l.7: - X•
-1111uurriohnd ~- .........—....,..-- 77S
Alf J. M., yia Casodon and Jorcep.cacz, .1.:c., -- igy
40.311.'..:-...: ..--...,...„ 600
A 1113( P. M., vls - Csindstrand linear Chips Rinttk
ern fd#L--. --- . .—_-_.- ...._ 2 26
6.3. 6 P. - .., visiVaindtin ant Anitiox,•:Astioderoods-
Alliti:( rated and l'astengerl- tat Class lickot- 3 215
ot 3••••• • 110;• , :-. - .;•,-, de..' • ' 3d Cisco Tiolret-. X.PO
..r.r4lis I rAIMail Lies roes dotty. Wk. MCP Mt EVlit , -
tl= Mail, gatardwynazociitOd. • • • - •
FAT • stelnidcm, Enatan, •Aatrabertvillo, • Flemington.
ee., it P.lO Aue; and. 434 '
p. from Kensk_tglon t •
Per Ora w), Inroad:blot, Sorazton, Wilkealliarro,
Xio.. , t7asa,it. Bond. ite.. 7.10 A.
Pd. from Keneuirten.
via ela - care. znackawanna and WegtOTTI ft. it.
Far Marsh Monk, Allentown, and Bethlehem at 1.10
ill., 334 V. I.l.•frota Kensington Dspot ; • (the 7.10
A. 14, hue soxsoma with troin. atavism -.Ronan at us
P. M.) -- • . .
• or floxnt Moily, at 6 and OA . M., 3 asd CM I% M. •
or, et II A. /01.. and II F.M.
..,... . .
_.... • WAY A.441;13.
per girixml; wrsnien; &e.:, at 3.13 . A. M., 134 and 6%
P. . ire Zerudnzten, and Mb P. M. from Walnut
wharf. -•--- -----: .7---- - -
. Far Palmyra, _Riverton. Dilate*. Dorerly: (34, anti as,, at UM. 1,3, 4,M, ant 5
:viitoertlboat Trenton, for Bordentown and intermediate
:ibis.poi:at 3, 34 .P. M. from Walniit-street wharf. . .
ileay For Now York and Wal
.Lines leaving Kerunncton
airmtvg,°:-NTl4:lr 114n4,:°" Walnut.
[Cain, run ru t h h ; dep. ::
R. : .rageeng Pcesen ; en, are prohibited ?tom taking LT= as
gage bat their waarinr. apparel.- All baggage over
AS Potmie to be paid for extra. The Company limit
tams responxibility tor baggage to One Dollarper combs,
and will not he liable for InlY aramint beyond 41100, ex
cept tropes:nal contraet. . .
f -Mbzr ::r1.7: ' • , • Alit . X. GAIIKMEX.,Arent.
-•• ABBE, ito.
TRltE.Tfill.oll43lo. TRAINIL
On antl-' after MONDAY. - MAY 13,1800, Pawner
Trainswill leave FRONT and - WILLOW Streets. Fhila
,delvliia, daily,(Bandays emented).aa follows
4:40 A. Rt. j_Esonteasijor Bethlehem, Allentown,
fdanoh Obim_k.idasleteni Wilkesbarre. ko.
•At La Al., (Estonian), for Bethlehem. Keaton, &e.
.1111 s train reaches Easton at! P.M., and ntakea ohms
eennestion with New Jersey Central for New York.
At 6.13 IL, fir Bethlehem. Allentown, Mauch
Clank. &s: • . •
At A. IL and 4P. RI.Jor Boylestown_,_
"Al 10.30 A. M. and 8.43 P. M. for Fort Washington. •
The 6.11:1 A, Id. Expreost train make Bethlehemootten
with the Lehigh Falley Railroad at being
the shortest and most desirable route to Wilkesbarre,
ant to arts in the Lehi_git omal_regiert,
leerve• thlelsam at t. 40 A. ht.,- 9.18 A. M., and 3.33
1 , M. •
pa TleyleetoWn it f..13 - A.litt and All P. M.
vs Fort Wamisigtoa at 42 0A.M...and 240 P. M.
,131 INDAYIS.—F111adoiolda for Bethlehem at 8
A k e tiladelphia for_Doylestown at 3 P. M.
yleatown tor Philadel
hie at'll.4oA. 111.
Bethlehem for•Phlladolo i s at aP. at,
'Fare to Bethlehem-4n 30 Fare to Mauch Chung.*2 30
Fare Co Easton 150 Fare to Wilkatbene— aDO
Through Tickets Mali be nNotired at the Tioket
°Motu, at WILLOW ittreet, pr 1 1 ERF,J38treet, in order
to secure the above rates of lar g i; ;lan
. Ali Peostepeer Trail= (exetiet da Trains) connect
at Berko street with Filth an Exth-streete, and
aeoond and Third-streptt,s Passenger oads, twenty
salnutaa after leaving Willow Street.
REAM oLARX. Agent.
, , _
_Oa and alttr mompaylJ , ILLL tatt,
For Baltimore at Ha A. MI., 11.36 A. M., (Erereml.
and 10.60 P. M.
Far cheater at 1.16 A. M., 11.123 A. M., 4.1 a and 19.80
For_Wilmington at 8.17 A. PA., nu A. Al.. 4.11 and
M. •
r riew Caxne 'at 8.111 A. M. and 4.11 P. M.
For Bover s at 8.111 A. Pt. and CI; I'. M. •
For4dlLforo 3t 8.11 A. M.
Far nallaberyAWA, m.
boa's. Baltimore at 0.16 A. M. (Exiirose), La A. a.,
and 4.46
er - 2 - WU:attain at 6.80 and lUD A. 14... 1.10 and
S m
ta. •
'ato &binary at 1;40 P.ll.
Asa" Pditford at 4T; M. • •
!soave Dover at .6.88 M t and CM P. 2.
'Mare New Melo at VA A. M., TM Y. id.
Chester at 740 A. M., 9.48, 147 and 8.40 P.M.
• :Leave Baltimore for Ealiebary end Dolawars Rail
road at. 8.15 A,Pd.,__ ' .
• .P.sava Obegter at 8.0 A.M.,11415 and 11.20
kw, .Wlamiv•stan at 9.36 A. M., /11.66 P. M., and 13
. ISBAII4, with Pi imenger Car smoked.
• nit, For
• 4,2176 Pailaalhia far . Teille tad interatodleta
,larva at 5.40 1 .21.
kerma Wltraieglan far Perryville and letermeitiete
elates at 7.16 P. id. • •
Leave Wilratniton for Philadelphia and 'norm,-
Vat° glades at I p.
re Marra -do-Oaoe far 11/Nle:tore and mtermedl
st4AlAd2n2 at d A. IS.
. • Aaare Baltimore for Navre-de-diraoe and intermsei
atll Athena at 6I!, M.
•••`• • - 014 Berll. DATA
I ta ° , l qar t laj ilaa r jaY,. ji May 19,1961, until Author
LOaving Philadelpnr foi u ßa o l i t i lmVc ' e a mf Waehi . •
at 11. M A. M. arid 10 . 60 P. M., and
: Leaving Baltimore for. Philadelphia at Led A. . and
4.40 P. AL
•apid th M. FELTON. Pre at.
: .s. - :, l3Ail.Am A NDICIL •• 'B.
. :,z. T 6 z z
•aot P t blur * "IrXEZ
AI variety of ritQui , WINS !r:tprh
Ph UV °labia and Reading
and Lebanon Valley R. R.
Northorn Centni!
Ritukb**7 aaJ Knew K. K,
On Tuesday Mornruc,
July 9, at 10 o'clock, tor coma—
am lota of fancy and maple French and Beath dry
good , .
sr &melee and oataleguee early on morning of unle•
l• ceseor to B. Soott. Jr.. 421 CHESTNUT St.
On Monday
July el, upon the premises. PM Chestnut 'treat, a large
and well selected stook ig fine pocket end tabte cut
lery, trays. perfumery, Jamey goods. &0., sale Clonl
inenolog at 10 realao% pm:Heels,.
and FOUNDERet, having. for Meer year!, been in
suociessinl operation, and been explosively engaged in and repairing al arine and River rtngines, high
and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tanks. Propellers,
&c., &c.. respectfully offer their services to the pnblio
as being !UPI Prepared to contract for Engines of all
else!. Marine, River.. and Stationary, ItlV , ng sets o
patterns of dffetellt. te Zee, ate prepared to exeoutetn
dem with quick despatoh. Every don:wird:on of Pattern
making made at the 'honest notice. High and Law
Pressure, Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder iktilers, of the
best Pennsrvarns charooal iron. -Forgings of all size!
and kinds; Iron and Emu Caetings. of alrdesoriptions;
Roll Turning. Screw Cutting, and all other work con
nected with the above business. .-
Irraunziss and Epacification for all work done at their
establishment. free of obarge. and work guarantied.
The eubeoribers have ample wharPdock room for re-'
pairs of boats. where they can lie in perfect safety,
and are provided with sheers, blocks, falls. &.0., &0.,
for muting heavy or light welghts.
BEACH and PALMER. Streets.
Manufacture dial and Low Pressure ZSCOBM Dngtnes,
for 11194, river. and marine SennOe•
Boilers. tiasomeders, Tanks. Iron Boats, &o,; Cut
inks of alt kinds, either iron or brass.
iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops. Rail
road fttations, &e.
Retorts ana GPM Machinerti of the . latest and moat
improved cone - motion.
livery description of Plantation Machinery, each as
Sugar, Caw. and Grist Mills. Vacuum Pans. Open
Steam Tra i ns, Defecttors, Filters. Pumping .e , nginea.
& so o.
le Agents for N. Rillieux's Patent Pugar Bolting
_Neamyth's Patent Steam Hammer and As
pinwall & Wolsey's Patent Contrifusal Sugar braining
Machine. - •
11101DOINT PLEA A,” FOUNDRY, No. 951'
BSACH Street, KeneinTiton.
LIAM. IL TIERti info. ms his frier& that, having puts ;
°haired the swill) stook of eatteru Y
sat the above uan- ,
dr x. he is now prepared to recei% e orders /AT Rolling;
Grist, and Saw-Mill Castings. Soap. Chemical, and
House Work, Gearing. Castings to do from Rever
beratory or Cupola Furnaces, to dry or green sand. or
loam. rare-
. . ,
This Medicine has bun need be ate pnbisc for ix pram
with increasing Amor. It is rterOatread to Mrs
Dy3PePtia, Nitta*SWlSS, Hatfr-Byrn, Celle
Pains, Wind its Ike Stomach, or Paine in the
Bowels, Headache, Drowsiness, Hidner
Arroplailate, Low Spirits :De ßrisan
rtvoutts, Diteorips4eigs.
nvitter.ayss, EXHILLRA.IIIS, II(1711101.11411, IV/
As a biedioine it is quick and effectual, oaring the
stoat ag ravated oases of Dyiniepeia, Kidney ComMainte,
and all othor derangements of the Stomach and Bowels
in a speedy manner.
It will instantly revive the meet melancholy and
trooping spirit's, and regions the weak, nervous, end
sickly to health, stresgth, and vigor.
Persons who, from the injudieloos use of harlots, have
become dejected, and their, nervous . system. shattered,
constitutions broken down, arid enbiect to that horrible
curse to humanity, the DILIRIrDI Tanners, will, al
most immediately, feel the happy, and , healthy invigo
rating °Maser of Pr. Ham's Invigorating spirit.
)woes.—One wine glass full as often as necessary.
One dose will remove all Bad Spirit,.
One dope will oure Iles.rt-burn.
Three doses will cure Indigestion.
One dose will give you a Good Appetite.
One dose will stop the distressing pains of Dyspepida.
One dose will remove the distressing and disagreeable
effects of Wind Or. Flatalarloo. and as soon at the
stomach reoeives the Invigorating Spirit, the distress.
in load and all painful feelings will be removed. ,
• One (bee will remove. the moat distressing- Palos of
Collo, either in the stomach or bowels.
A few doses will remove all obstructions in the Kidney,
Bladder, or Urinary Organs.
Persons who are seriously afflicted with any Kidney
Complaints are assured 'of speedy relief by a dose or
two. and a radical cure br.the use of one or two bottles.
Persons who, from dissipating -too mach over night.
and feel the evil affects Or poisonous liquors, in violent
headaches. sickness at stomach, weakness, giddiness,
teo.,will find one dose wilit emove all bad feelings.
Ladies of weak and sickly constitutions should take
the Invigorating Spirit three 'num a day ; it will make
them strong, healthy, and hem y, remove a ll obstnio
tions and irregulantiee from the menstrual organs, and
restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn
.Daring pre gnanoy it will be found an invaluable medi
erne to remove disagreeable sensations at the stomach ;
All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to induce this, he
kas put up the Invmoasvitto SrEarr in pint Mathis at
eVaents. exerts TI.
General Depot, 48 WATER Street, New York.
DYOTT& 00. 232 North SEQOND Street,
Wholesale Agouti in rhiladisp_l Ma,
And for sale by JOHN H. EATON. 26 N; BIGHTS
Street. mud all Dressler's. 1.7-tbatitly
The New Remedy for
_Doling the past year we have introduced to the no
gee of the mediae profeaaion of thie country the PI"
Orystaiized CAloridir of Prapvtamixo, as a
and having - received from many sources, both from
physicians of the lushest standing and from patient!, the
of its real value in the treanneut of tote painful and
obstinate disease, we are indorsed to present it to the
yobbo in a form READY FOIL IMMEDIATE ÜBE ,
which we hope will commend itself to those 'who are
suffering with tnis atiliottnx complaint. and to the me
then( praotitioner who may feel disposed to teat the
powers of this valuable remedy.
ELIXIR PROPYLLMINE, In the form above spo-
keqq,,of, has . recently - been extensively experimented
PRNNSTLVANIA .Ir9pprre.i., _
end-with MARKED SUCCESS tas will appear from the
al Journal's, •
with nil up rattly for immediate Diet
with nil direptiews. and can be ebbtin ee f rom el: the
drags-Wm at is oanta_par.anwiy. end m wboieeele of
Druggbite and - Monufseturin Chemute.
Phi la,)eiohia.
- -
'Aleut for DiC SCHIMPIC'S Medieirea In Middle
town, re. • • • • .
MIDDLETOWN. Daiephin Co., Pa.. June 27,1861.
DR. B. Phlll4Blphia.
RAB. cis : Be/await I send you a oertlfautte of one
of our most retreotable °docent,' who' has (men using'
yrur medioises. and is row yes omit to.hesith. 1 think
its publioalion would affect the .11%les in.thus neighbor
hood. If you see proper to use it, do co, or direct nie
Mr: Rainey is akold,reliable.well-regreoted and in
fluential cattim. His word would not be doubted by
say one who knows him,. and ac present is the Chief
Burgess of th e town.. Mr. Ramsey is himself a good
advertisement, as he speaks for. and recommends it
more highly than the certiliaate mentions.
Yours truly. • Gfr.U. L. CROLL.
Minntrrown. Dauphin Co., Fa., June / 0 0.6 11 . •
MR OHO. L. CROLL. Agent. • _ •• •
Dxsa .Wirt • in my Tenon, Mien, which ',Rai from
Iferlec'ed cold on me breast and lungs, and winch wan
in a•fair way of hurrying me to my grave. / was au
muck:inflected by the severity of the eon- h that 1 could
not lie down or obtain any rest, and this o ntinned for
two weeka. When 1 beard el Dr. Nehenok's Pulmonm
and Bea. Weed TOD/O, A immediately. commenced the
use of , them, and eller- using. two or three botiles of
ttyrup. I nottaed a perceptible change. The cough was
much easter, and I could rest much better. After using
two bottles et 'Tomo and ten qt syrup. I have been re
stored. to health, which enables. ma to any 1 have lull
confidence in its efficacy if taken in limo, and moat cor
dially recoar,meno its use to the rationed.
- • xespeottntly your.,
tm • - E. RABIREY.
LT-II- BUT PORTERS FOR LADIES, and the only 3119•
porters under eminent medioal patronage. Ladlea and
phyrnoisns are respectfully requested to
_call only on
Mrs. Betts, at her reeiderico,• 1039 WAI,.I4IJT Street,
Philadelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand
Invalids have been advniett by their physicians to use
kerlepplianoqr. Those only are genuine - bearing the
Waited States copyright. labels on the box, and signa
ture/4.lmi also on the Barporters , with tostinomals
WE 8 .T- i.) 11E 8, T-E R
PRIIOte YLVAIDA - RAILROAD. leave . depot, oornar
BLEVKI4TH and MARIEST etreete, at alis A-. la., :It
noon, 3S) P. Al.. and 4 .e. Id. . •
-On anode'', leave Philadelphia at 7.30 M.. .and -
Went Cheater at 4 P. M. 17 A... 30-tf
ar t ignms , ' OBESTER
On anll after MONDAY, June S. DIM; the trains win
leave PRILADJ3LPRIA, from the Depot, N. E. corner
of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET etreete,at .7.45 and
40.30 A. -M... and 4: 4.15, 11-10., and 10 P. - 141.and will
leave the' 4 Station.: corner o f THIRTY - FI R ST-and
MARAET Streets. (West Plalladelphia_,,Y at. fitie and
AM A. M.; and AM. tar 6.46. /0.16
Leave .0U 14ADELPHIA at BA. 50 and I
Leave WEST CHESTER eta A -M. and 6 P. AL
Vraina loavinx rhiladelelna and West Cheater at 7.46
M. and 6.161': AL. - connect at - Pannelton with Trains
'the Philadelnbla and =Baltimore Central Railroad '
r Oxford andinternsediate ecante_..- - •
General S..nperintendent.
ri011011. , --011ESTER
TERDIEOLLTE STAINIONB.—On and. after : Nov. Rh,
1860, the - Pantenger:',..Traini: 'for 'DOWNINGTOWN
will:tart from ther new Pentencer rte4ot 'of the' Bela
(Mehl& and-Readintßailrood Counninr. earner of
OAD and aAbbows4E4 Street', trassonser en
trance on Oallowhilli
IMAM for IliassinstoWn leaves at 8.00
. . _
AFkkiNOON .W.R1,111 fer;DinriiinetwirA leaver at
DAD& (Mandan enacted).' =
By order of the Board of Mai/tears of the reilatiel
kia and .liGnadin' x It.stlrond Comiam,y. .
gee w. MemmEl9ll7.llsaienny.
(Oiftee rft South math street.) AprilParmstumszmai' 47,1861.
_ SRASON'neKErs.
On and after May 1861,semon tickets wilt be boozed
by Vox oonmany for the uerioda of three, sts, nine, and
twelve months, not transferable.
Season school-tickets may also be had at SS per omit
These tickets - will be soldby the Treaatirer at No. 22
South FOURTH. Street, where any - further information
can be obtained. S. BRAD FORD,
aeta-tfA - - • • Treasurer.
4':. ' •: . '`i;•- , :::::At. ZUMTRA ROUT.X.--
'` - .4...;:-.- 2 .-- yiIaDANN.W.N.T.A AND NA,
Nat, %WO .I. - - .
` !lest,
A WaLlarotai_ Catarina, Xti,
o.ors.,Wilkosbarrakarantan, Danville. 10.1 ton. Wii
__liarr-sporl ,Tro,_
it t m katitton. Canton : Rona, Dania
ZOISCITA aux. header, ClevaLarstestrois t Waled.,
(Womb t. la .1111hrsokaa. and is nap.ts AP}* am
flusarsital trail= will loalp ea nay/ Ita af Dm l'al
likelphia and Itelt4llllt Dallroad, earner BROAD an
NALLOWDIGh Ctresta..(Paamentar animate on Clal
taartull, mega daily, (Ewald: wet oscsantadh ter :r.bovo
15111t11. as Slims
DAY ... ..—......840 k. it.
• • wiewir hx.rt , SM I .......—...4.14 I% M. ,
no A., 14, train toonsots at Dapart, for Wilkie
hart,. KVA, Horan:on. and all atatollo AD.
IsADA APRA AND 8L00M5817135 katigloor o
Who vs trams make diroot connaotioxdootaiora
wi t trairin of Dot Nest York and ismosna Eno, and
and scars rails. and Bagalo,New Yoiloos ;forth sod
New ork Central Railroads. Irma all '
W ' and tit. C 515 41 ' 4 % to , and Xasponsisa
gaga slave to sera. Dr* .. .. • •
A ti e . 4, 1 ,1,211 -te m rs4 " 43t e s A;Vkili?..ioo'a set .Sk-
.joid , ii.9:7; - + - watellse, norttooaakporsor of ,
X _ anOW4 ~7:a
. 141.4T an n lit t rAnii n
sat. earnara a .
.1/31l1tOlatt $•.- rxtr- TRAIN .
vo tka',llll.l Sanlobia.and•leadins mot. Bread and.
, - 'Valli atrat adailar••(Xxndua azasatai), fir $ all
gelag:A Nortkat B r. oil N. 41„,„,,,
Freigids zuw • to itc, v1.41.41/4 ay ors .
War aire. rams day. , Ipit t riiiiitt ,
.. n .... t.
_ ory'latirssauen •a
'_kill MA and itAiLD t_la to -.- ----
.-. N. W. ___ rttD, Agana ,
dirt west sant= MUM sail lalaixalfAl T.Xtraala t
grul-tr . - - .• - intsAoinittr,
lorworopoOkoceo. reszoluinduso..Bank Sabra.
eltPl 4o /eittypta elm 11.1r.0r 'or Voxiso
" 1 1113" :Compsnixito "all I wins
Wow mut sites • Ike Vaned atom.
MIMI IMAM lisseittatatikulk
THOMAS kio - 118,
• Noa. 139 and 141_11ontb1901.1Rig a,
!Formerlyrly Nos. 97 and 69.1 tteet
o'clock, noon, dunes the bu.inees season. In JOll see'
Augustonty oqession al sales.
REAL En VAT a m ountRIVATE e f
ea' We hare a largeof real settle eii.
sale, including avers description of city me co 4te
property. Printed lists mar os bed at the einotlon atng
• Rate No. rla Vine etreet.
O aL
On Monday Moraine.
Bth inst., at 10 o'clock- hy ostategue, at ho. Gip v ir ,
',treat, the elegant tornitur.. tocluitse setts of 1 . 0 ; °
wood end twocatelle dravrtne mom furniture.hard—
some rosewood ohaenher Wolter:l fi e
tapeetrY, velvet earwig, g ag chandeliers, bru t m ii
Milky o.
t be &Reacted at 8 o'clock on the toonn zi
the ode. of
gale if 0 1210 tf gi nt a • Street
On Tuesday Idorzunt,
9th Ina.. at 10 o'clock, at •i 0.1210 Burnell Ptrret. th e
auparfor furni•ure. Brossele ea , pet, fine hair me.
tresses. fto ,of a family declining houseksenine. --."
Wir Mar he commend at . o'clock 013 the tom e( of
the sale. with catalogue.
Sale at Nos. 139 and to South Fourth Street,
. BRDSBELI3 AND °THY& CARPETS. &a. - ' l3 ,
On Thursday jelorning. Jalr 11,
•At 9 'o'clock. at the Auction s tore. an alumn ae
excellent second-hand furniture, elegant y,aao et et
fine mirrors. carpets. bens removed ,&c. t mr , ft".
hes cc:dining honeekeepins, to the st or V a l'
convenience °f.'s's-
No: ISO MARX= IStreet Immo,.
_ _
AND coilem3smori MERCHAND, scate„
corner of SIXTH and RACE Street,.
. , f ron t i Nathan's , Primes( Eetahlishment. scathe„,
-.. earner of Bunk and it- ea streets
f ilf-..:,:•••....,, Op Tuesday Morning.
4 1/itiyl9 7 l2,k, 10..0 Glen ,Ir •at Moses lalithana' atio n ,,
-- ---,.. .....4e1Parrd , -ILPIF Morin Ri , th etreet adj ~;
the seutheaat corner et iSixth and Raise stns. ts. "
Censisting of
• Viz., fine 18 CATS'MON ia. tr. e., . Kold traA aze. double
and open-fute nnslish -ate,t l e ve r s . ..etches, fon I -,,;'
stied end p am, of he moat a pproved and best Put'' e " ;
'fine Me. Tat cold indepro dent selliAnd and dootoetilnile
patent lever watches; fine 18 carat edit w eawo t
lever watobee. of the moat approved and best inai '.
full jewelled and plain in Routes mules end 0 ,,, r a :r!
. um!, in carat told cylinder, ho modal. and 'spice
watehes. in bunting cases and open Pica; 6, ,
. .isnguth, banns and French wafehve of th e ann .:.
.:proved - and best makers, full Jewel ec and el.n; k V ;
silver r =apemen t l ever . cylinder. homennial. sad a n.
lox watches ; double case btlg•Illh and swiss tratebes ;
:silver duartier doable be , tom and single cafe isvelms •
and ed eas t -pins
of oue kinds ; diem
cod &tsar. I.;
breast -pins ; fine sold vent. fob neat, cumi n 'a
chatelaine chains ; fine old n eeet ._ rinc .
ca t
,r . a t .
rusty gold sold breaet pins ; fine gold Btu/ of j e l:r' .
• fine bracelets ; fine gad necklaces; site it T et: l
haste_ u pe cold lla.:lelll gold pencil-asses and lea
- fl c old and - .diver spectacles and ate- s.ltvsee ; told
studs and sleeve blttons ; gold scarf-Pm; sad, it,
'short, watches and jewelry of ever? deiC•iptiot,th,
'whole se r ve will positively be add, without the
least rfor cash
.Dealefe . watchmaker.. jewellers. and priva te wt.
"eball.te are inv.ted to attend the fide,
air The goods will be numbered and oven for exami
nation ear/1 on the morning of sale.
The following articles will be sold for leis um a nt
the ulnae selling Price ;
Nine gold hunting ease, donb e-ease, and drahlvd at .
tom English patent lever watehea- of theme• approved
and best makers ; fine gold double-time s bask me et
lever watches; indepexident-seconde levvr r edo .
fine gold hunting-ease and open-face secayemeet eve, '
and lapin e watches; horizontal sad duplex amass.
silver hunting-ease, double-case, and donkle-tnt,ots
Englieb patent lever. escapement lever, led !epla
watches, of the most approved and best nutter"; ac.
We- ease. acid open- faoe silver watches; sneer me in
stlver quartier sad single-case watches; fine got vest.
neck, on, and guard chains ; diamond finyer trout
breast-plne;. seta ot fine gold jowl!" ; tajd tnenanu,
ear-rings. finger-rings, bracelets, 1 811101 ;4.6481., peu,
and Jewels. of ever, description; Vim, reels, maws
mistrninents, piano -fortes, and artJolsa genera,.
Money advanoed liberally, for any length cc time
ayreed upon. •on told end saver plate, dmmatea,
uratobee, fowling - pieces . musical tostrumeata,
fALTr.:ii°d'lllimaLtnerom. ll °, Ld;rao7.:4lB'"7. fir.
arttlet of
i l owmUNITED.foL S ba
rer•oaaxenmoaeov na l to an ou le t s . 6
K & BROS., A 130:
ITA • TIONERRS, 604 CHEBTNUr 84, aloes nita
At • 7 o'oltick: Of books, stationerv, End fancy toed,.
watohes, Jewelry. olooke. silver plaint! Iran, eirAur,
Paintings, nyosicaL 111/1 relneets.
AISK). timely, dry goods, boots and shm, lad me
obanduee of every desc M riation.
DAY SALES evert onday, Wednesday, std
day, at 10 o'clock... Id.
A t ori rate sale. several large conei gam e n eftratela
and jewelry. tooku, stationery. silver-al .ted VMS tat
'ern fancy goods. Ao., to which is nolietted the sun
lion 01 city and country m.rcbanta and other!
Consignpientesodcdted for all kinds of maraud/ye,
for sinner pablto or prware tales.
OW" raper& cash adn4nces made on comontneen.
nr—door We. promptly attended 'o
itailne k.
, land ,) to land and ereba_tk yaaisangert and deapatztee
The Liverpool, New York, and Philadelphia l ter.x.-
'shop Company's aniendtd Clyde-built iron screw item
ships, are intended to sail en follows
•KANGAROO, SaMrday, bit e
.ETNA. Martirday, July n
• "AnBURGH. Saturday, !chit
d 811517 isatinday tbronghont MD year, fr om FLEX
No. tt N. R.
Cabin, to Queenstown. or Live rpooi.— _
Do. to London;via Liverpool— lb
Steerage to trisnatourn, or Live — moo — SO
. Do. to adon.----__--
Do. Return tickets, available for al months,
• • from Liverpool.' __ in
faimengera . forwarded to Hare, Pam, Hamburg,
Bremen, and Antwerp, at through rater.
Certificiattio of passage lamed from Liverpool to Her
Certificates Of rudiage Lased from Queenstown to
' Nw 130
These e ateamere have impeder amommedationa for
Pansengers, are oringtracted with watertight lompart
merits, and oorry experieneed moons.
For freight. or prisemempli at the ar at thi Cow
31.1ari DM, , agent,
111 V slant meet, iluiadelphis.
in Liverpool. to Vna' " I bi- "'
! g olfer Badding%
In etaagow, to TV 3
ua mem
Chief Cabin Passage --INN
Esmond Cabin Passage...-. . -- U
Pants POSTON TO itwiwoot.
Stile! Cabin Passage --_ kW
Second Cabin Passage-- .. N
• no ships from New York °nil afeork Bettor.
. %le ships from Boston call at saribfes and Curt Ir
.11.11.81 A, Capt. Judkins. . AFTICA, Cast. &snot.
ARABIA, Cant. J. Store. (
CANADA, Cast J. Leath
11:51 A A Capt. B. G. Lott. AMERICA, Capt Burt sl.
Capt. Cook. EUEDPA, Capt. lama
SCOTIA, I now building.)
These Pamela carry a clear white light strese•tu.i:
creation starboard bow : nod on port bow.
A FTI%A, Shannon leaves N. York, vredne.l3l, •ri: , I.
• wiIBOPA, Anderson," Boston, Wedzeutsy. in/ U. "ERE ! s.. Judkins. " N. York. Wesinesdar,J l 4 ".
CANADA. Moodie, " Holston. Wetlands , . J. 4, /I :
"AB/At. Lott, " N.York, We dnesdaf..cur .
• &KAMA, &one, " Boston, Wears/du, Atlf. h
Bertha not seamed until paid for.
• An expenenued Surgeon on board.
i The owners of these ships will not be sooomtabPlor
Bold, Silver, Bullion, Speois, Jewelry, Precious No'
or Metals, sinless bats of
_lading are signed therefor, sod
t this.valise thereof theren expressed. For beim* 4,
i apply to k. cvNA.O
"..?" I =l • -• i Bowling Breen, Sts , Yoh.
* E
No. 417
The attention - of the Business Commenll
is resPectrally invited to the New Book i n `
Job Printing Office of. cc ME Faso," wh lc
has peen fitted up with Near liateris4 i ff ti
most complete manner, and is now Frei*
to execute; in a satisfactory style, aori ck
f .
rioty of Printing
Will be BuPPlied, with any description
Printing-required, at short notice and "'
most reasonable terms.