004hul NEWSPAPER FACTS AND OPINIONS tint ifirdeflATlON Of Heitrisa's nuns:. • The Richmond Darpatait thus accounts for the evacuation of Harper's Ferry : Latest advises represent Gen. Johnston ea being at Winchester, where he will establish Ida camp. In falling back from Harper'a Ferry he offered the enemy battle at a plane called Banker mid way embattle Willietorport and Winchester, bat they declined the challenge. Fite WiT/011eater, Gen. Johnston is expected to make demonstrations against the enemy whenever circumstances invite. General Johnston tell back from Harper'a Ferry under instractions, that place having no military valise now that themachinery of the armory is all removed, and being a mere trap, which it would be ac dangerous as :declass to hold. The country before Winchester presents an open field, in which every advantage can be taken of the enemy's movements. Bo soon AS some arransamenta are perfected. willob depended upon shipments from Richmond, which went forward on Wednesday, General Johnston will make a forward movement from Winotiester, when warm work with the enemy may be expected. General Johnston has had despatched four regiments, under Colonel Hill, in the direction of Romney. szwaLL'a POUT A letter from Norfolk, on the 19th, to the Itioh- Mond Dispatch, says : Sewell's Point was swain attacked yesterday from Fort Calhoun. This makes the third attack on this point since Saturday. A little Federal steam tug stands out in Hampton Roads, beyond the reach of the battery, and, by means of signals, informed the enemy on the Rip Maps as to the lino of their shots, and the distance they fall from our guns. It is great fun for our boys, who watch the shot just to get them as relics of the war, for "no body is hurt" by such a waste of pawder by the great (!) Gen. AFFAIRS AT 1CA521716213110, PA. The 134.1timors American of pottorday 6m : The Confederate troops at Martinsburg and fu the vicinity are said to number about five thou sand Boa Mildred, bein_g Zillion Of General John son's command from Harper's Ferry, the advance guard towards Williamsport being m command of general Jackson. A collision with General Cad walader's command, which was approaching from several points, was confidently anticipated. Tar ENBELS AT MANASSAS. The oorrespondeet of the Riohmond Whig, writing from 116amnPloken1, at Manassas Jnnotion, June 13, mays I should not be surprised at any moment if this point were attacked, and yet I should not- wonder If it were a month before a battle takes Vag* in this region. It will be upon this spot, I think, and I tell yon it will be a desperate one. We can defend ourselves against three times our number, !Pith a thousand or two more men added to our forms We have had several eaptnres and soot dents here lately—one to day, a member of the Powbatan Troop shot by a sentry. Captain Cabell, Dick K., and Donau were near being killed by their own picket guard a night or two aloe*. They were imprudent oneugh to go out late at night and salute their guard, after having told them that no relief would come to them that night. They were mistaken for the enemy's picket, and were fired at; a shot pawed close to Gabon's oar. They had to lie down on the ground all night, for flier of being shot. Things are getting very ner vous and warm all along our outpoat9. The pickets of the enemy are picked off every night by parties of mists. Ben hfcCullooh's men are in the neigh borhood, and, it is said, never take a prisoner. They go dressed in citisens' clothes, well armed, sleep anywhere, and won't tell anybody where they are going or who commands them, or where their headquarters are. The enemy has been quite bold in his approaches to oar outposts until lately, when he thinks it nnwholeseme. I always told you we oonld whip them two to one with our in fantry, provided the batteries of the United States army are net in the neighborhood. GiITIRAL BEAUSZOLUD The same correspondent says: I have had the pleasure of a good look at Beau regard at his headquarters. They were at tea ;he was Sitting with hiccup on, and his aids about him. Col Tone' is our chief of artillery, and invited me to supper with them, but as I bad supped I de-, rained. Beauregard is a email , well-knit figure of a man, with a sangulno-bilious face, a thoughtful eye, that seems looking above the horizon of other men's mental operations, and withal impresses you with the confidence of one perfectly self-reliant and self poised. He is plain and simple in man lier, prompt in action, and commands the entire respect of all about him. I noticed that after tea an ottaer approached him on business, made his communication, was listened to, was replied to, and disappeared ;aII as promptly and in as short a time as It could haft keen done. Oar camp has assumed a much more military and systomatio form since his arrival. His military character and en ergy have already stamped themselves upon the heretofore singular mass of men, muscle, and bayo nets that wore assembled here. Bonham, I take it, is a Jack-at-all-trades of a soldier, full of fun, fight, and frolic—a gentleman, an ex-Congressman; would go dancing joyously, With the "light of battle" upon his face, into the fray, utterly regardless of coustquenees, whereas Beauregard sees the enemy as the Highland hun ter scents the deer—is wary, cool, and wise, and when the game thinks he is safe and has deceived his pllllMer, ie suddenly struck as by lightning. 130, I think, will the enemy feetthe sting of his gamine. Hie Melia b 1004.07911 Warmth to a nature that otherwise might be phlegmatic,. He has ape culiarity which is always characteristic of a mind capable of enlarged and comprehenaive scope ; he *earns abstracted, withdrawn from the ordinary in eldents and occurrences that occupy the attention of people generally, henceha is either locking down with thoughtful air. or stands with his bead ereot, as if scanning facts far beyond the attention of than ,roved him. Alibi:nigh small of stature, Col. Q— sip that ha is the moat powerfully muscu lar man he ever saw. Well, I must excuse myself in thus dwelling upon this our hero, as I am sure the day will oome when the muse of History will either celebrate his fame in bar eternal annals, or consign him to everlasting obscurity. lie is no ordinary personage, and cannot remain a negative. His is a purpose to do or die, in its largest mean ing_ When Lord Nelson remarked that victory or Westminster Abbey should be hie, on his way to Trafalgar, his purpose was not more lofty, his pa triotism not more exalted than is that which fires the heart of this glowing emanation of tropioal growth, this earnest combination of the Franco American nature. KIeCXLLA2TIOVO. The Virginia State Convention has declared the mat of the Ron. John S. Cultic, a member of that body vaoant. Mr. C. is a prominent member of the Wheeling Convention, which hen declared the western section of Virginia independent of the " Old Dominion " The Governor of Virginia has commissioned Right Reverend John Teeling, 1). D., officiating priest at Bt. Peter's Cathedral, Richmond, chaplain of the active volunteer force of the State. His rank as chaplain is thatof a captain cf cavalry. He has boon seateed te-titrly at Manassas Janation. The Right Man in the Wrong Place. [From the Wisetunston eheadai Chronioie.) ' Carleton, the novelist, has an excellent sketch; Its his " Traits and Stories ofthe Irish Peasantry," of a little tailor named Neal Malone, of a -highly belligerent tendency—like the new Southern Con --fedelney=Whe dwindled away into wonderful te indty, and graduany evaporated, simply beoanee, use hie own words and accent, he " was blue moulded fin' want of a batin." It strikes us that Mr. Russell, LL D., and moreover barrister-at law,•ipeolal correspondent of the London Time;, I s as likely as not to evaporate, after the fashion of his sartorioto countryman, and actually from the same cause. If Neal Malone perished for want of a fight, Dr. Russell has been vary badly of-for one 511200 he visited these shores. It is nearly three months since we last encountered Dr. Russell in the body,just before he went South, and grieved we should be were he to come beak to Washington even two Inches smaller in girth, or with any visible decline in the vast expanse of his chest, or the well-fed rotundity of his corporation. Irishmen, es every person knows, have an in itial:dive appreolation of that occasional outbreak which they eall a soreinnsgs. This is when a dosen or two of genial fellows, agreeing to disagree upon any question or subject whatever, plunge into a row, and fight, it would seeze, on the mere prin. eiple Of pugnacity which perviAlee ;their system. Individual contests, which Romer would hove de lightetto put upon lyrical record, prepare them for battles upon a larger scale, and hence we find the Paddles, when regularly disciplined as soldiers, lighting Away with palpable enjoyment of the fun. When Miss Landon described Oressentins, the hero of the Middle Ages, she gave him precisely the eharaoter of an Irishman : ".& spirit that would dare The deadliest formthat death.mad ware. And dare it for the devises sae , This self-same careless and dashing contempt of danger, this relish for "the rapture of the strife," to use Byron's words, which makes the Irish the most ermine! Ightere in the world, seems to run from the heart into tho system of Irish writers like arterial blood. They describe battles with almost as much spirit and delight as if they had engaged in them. The beet battle meues ever put upon paper were those in blapiere history of the Peninsular war, and Sir William N apier , who wrote, as well as Sir Charles Napier, the oonqueror of Made, were Irish to the back bone by blood, birth, and breeding. Next to Napier's accounts of bailee come those from the pen of Wellington, in his memorable despntobes. Welhngton lei tO was Irish. Next to these we namely err In placing William Seward Russell's accounts of the bard lighting In the Crimea, whore he was a sort of volunteer among the-lemons Fourth Division, and, in Indip, during' the great revolt of 1857. •Well, Dr. Raison sa m e over to this country, ox peatiag to have a good many battles to attend Ind dearth*: Re was saluted, on his arrival at New York, with a grand feu- de jose---of ehampagne corks, liberally fired off at that grand breakfast which of that city handsomely gave him. Thence he hurried on to Washington, where be had a little more of the same sort of agreeable - fising. -- After that he went into the revolted. States, where, having admitted, with amiable candor, that he had tether pro-tdevezy proclivities, the rebel lesion made touch of him, and a outsider able quantity of champagne wee expended in wet ting the friendship which 'prang up between them. ell this time, however, Dr. Ransil may say, "Othallore oeoupation's gone." He cannot de scribe battles, because be has seen none. He ar rived at Charleston after the fall of Fort Sumpter, nor have we beard of his having smelt powder anywhere elm. He loft behind him the people likely to fight, and the places likely to become manes of war, and has actually seen nothing worthy of his peculiar talent to desoribe. Let him use a battle, and the' stout gentlemen is at home; take hint imong ordinary mews, mid he Is dull ite dishwater. That is it. This second Neal Malone, who ex nits th storms like the haloyon, is positively lo - binednoolded 1 ' for went of a battle, that, if re port be tree, ha means to throw up his special 00,1 4 rasp:mime* in disgust, and return from those slave States which he co lovingly writes about to his Me room In' the office of The Times, Printing knot, o, ll pore, insolrh4o.., London. Disgesresti With Massie., because he cannot get view of a re solar battle, Dr. Russell is said to be on the eve of the dust from his ahem end getting back to =cm. We can honestly say that his undeni able partiality and , partizanship do not mate bu n meetly the best person, from the Thunderer to write about people whom he his only stoned at, and Institutions of whose history, motive, meaning, and working he &owl himself miblheely Igno. rant, Had he described our lighting, no doubt he would have done it well. He preferred being feasted and fiattered in the South, and, truth to say, his absence will be scarcely noticed, and by no locate/ made a se/jest of =Lionel lamentation Tzne Peruvian Congress had adjourned, and the remanent Lagidative Conurdttee wuin Mt. ft- Gaunt Bohonktos wasSifil prison- From Weotern Virginia. LION. A swarms AFFAIR AT MORTAR'S, ETAVIELITON CO. (From the Wheeling (Ve-) lutel hien oor of Monday.] BRINIISrow, Ye., June 22, 1861. Dian But : Startling events have taken place in our quiet section of the country during your nuns. Yesterday a detachment of Ohio troops, under Captain Caile, of the Twentieth Regiment, Company I, arrived here from hianningtort, via Renville and Lumbersport, at which last plane they took several prisoners. Shortly after night. fall Captain C. detached a squad of men to go down to Righter's, under the guidance of two of our °idiom On arriving at Righter 'e house, Captain H. loft his Mon in the yard, and advanced to the door, but could not gain admittance. • In a few moment! a signal was heard at the back of the house, aid instantly about seventy or eighty rebels, who bad been collected and concealed by Righter, in the orchard, rushed around 'the corner of the house, and fired on Captain C. and his men, wounding one in the breast, another in the arm, and wounding John Nay, one of our citizens (one Of the guides) very badly in the groin. On this attack, the troops fired and dispersed, leaving Nay and the man wounded in the breast lying on the ground. They were afterwards carried to Nay's father's, who /Ives about half a mile from Righter's. The man wounded in the arm is at your house. The one wounded in the breast has since died. The ball has been extracted from Nay's wound, and it is thought he will recover. Capt. 0., beforedaylight this morning, despatched messengers to Clarksburg, and went himself to Fairmont. He returned about noon to-day with about 250 men, and went on to Righter's, great numbers of our °Mune accompanying. They found the /premises deserted. The troops entered his house, and appropriated everything they thought would be metal. They then set fire to the boas!, (which you know is one of the finest in this Section of the country,) to the stables, barns, and all the outbuildings, and they were consumed in one general conflagration. I was present and wit nessed it. They then took all the horsse on the farm, several wagons and buggies, loaded the wounded men into them, and moved to Man nington. Another company from Fairmont want to Worthington. About one hundred and fifty came down from ClarksbaTg this afternoon, and in company with a body of home guards from Bimp , son's creek, went over to the Coon's run country just after dark. Their object is to form a sort of ring hunt and close in on Righter's posse. I think the expedition will be successful. One incident occurred at Righter's, at the sacking of the pre mises, that I mast not omit. Oar troops had one Banks Corban (a noted rebel) prisoner. While they were guarding him he (being on horseback) started off as if to escape. Tney commanded him to halt twice, but he paid no attention. They again told him to stop, or they would shoot him from his horse. Instead of complying he put spurs to his horse and attempted to escape. The asotain ordered his men to life on him, when about a hundred obeyed, at least Arty balls striking him in the bank, and nearly nutting him in two. Ho fell from his horse, lifeless, not knowing what hurt him. Another letter received at this office from the same place, in relation to this same affair, giving substantially the same account, says that bray is supposed to be mortally wounded—and that after the Seceasionista Arad on our men, they retreated a short distance, and then went back and returned the fire, and brought down some four or five of the rebels, killing three certain. The property de stroyed at Itighter'a was Tory valuable, The Tee delloe was a very fine one, cad the horses and other stock on the farm, (which is one of the best in Marion county,) are of superior quality It is a terrible retribution on a man who lived like a prince, and could have continued to do so, but for an inborn deviltry and sympathy for ruffianism and treason, which has thus worked his ruin. CAPTORS OP ARMS AT lISTeANY. On Saturday night a rquad of eighteen men. from Capt. Owen's Plummer Guards, under oom mend of the first sergeant of the company, went up to 841111113', and tOOliposstesion of Afty stand of arms, in the charge of a disbanded military company, some of whom are Secessionists. Bach member of the company had possession of his own musket, so that the United States soldiers, after taking possession of the town and guarding its streets, had to go around to the different houses and take the guns. No resistance was offered, and the squad returned to Camp Carlisle the same evening with the muskets. Some of the Secession ists had repeatedly averred that they would die before they would give up their arms. The people of Bethany were at first greatly surprised at the nnexpeoted visit, but the matter was soon ex plained, and nearly all were well satisfied. RETURN OP ceLoraL KELLEY Colonel Kelley arrived in this city on Saturday evenin_g, accompanied by his sons and daughter, Dye. Theban and Robertson, Lieut. Norton, G. W. Harrison, and a squad of six men from the First Virginia Regiment. TheNirain was expected about two o'clock, bat did not arrive till dye in the evening. In the meantime, a large crowd of people collected about the depot, and importuned the guards to let them inside. The Colonel was removed from the depot to the MoLure House upoix a chair oarried by eight or ten persons. Hundreds of people followed the procession, and mirth rum patby WAS manifested. The Colonel proposed to rest a abort time at the MoLure prior to being re moved to the residence of his tether-in-law, Mr. John @tinhorn, some four miles in the country. We are happy to say that Colonel Kelley felt stronger on Saturday than any day since he received his wound, and suffered no comparative pain during the passage. The Intelhgencer publishes the following de apatch '• PARSIBRBBIPiIe, Vs., Jane 21.—A1l my fleet are welt. Gen. McClellan commands in person Westein Virginia is safe. W. J. Koontz." Gen. McClellan has since gone to Grafton, as later despatches announce. The Intaligencer, in publishing the above, adds : "By the above despatch It will be Been that the beet of steamers carrying the troops were at Par kersburg Friday. It is reported that the Beam sionista have blocked up the Kanawha river by sinking fist boats in a narrow place, with a view of preventing the fleet from ascending," GENERAL NEWS. MURDER OP TIM FIRST MATS OP AN AMERI CAN VESSNI, AT HAVANA —Thus eteanceb_ip Colram• Zia, which arrived at New York from Havana on Monday, brought as prisoner Charles Ramer., a Chilean, charged with the murder of R. M Emory, Fret mate of the American bark Ocean Traveler, of Belfast, Maine, at the port of Havana, on the 17th of May. It seems that on that date a souffle occurred on board the vessel between the mate and Ratner, arising out of the insolence of the latter, during which Ramer inflicted a stab upon the mate, frem the effects of which he died on the 20th of June. The prisoner was taken to the United States District Attorney's office, where an order for his commitment was made out. Another band on board the Ocean Traveler, named John Myers, is implicated in the murder; but he now lies sick in the hospital at Havana. FATAL RAILROAD ACCIDENT.--About five o'clock on Saturday afternoon, two Children, four or Ave years old, named John Quinn and Mary Fallon, were playing upon the Worcester Railroad track, near the freight house, while a train was being made up, and chanced to get in the way of the locomotive. They were both ran over, and the little girl was instantly killed, her head being mangled in a shocking manner. The boy had one of hie legs broken, and was taken to the hospital. The parents of both the children resided near the freight honee. Holum Monte.—Yesterday morning the oltisens in the neighborhood of Judge Stephens' farm were shocked by the discovery that Mrs. Schorre, living on the farm, had been murdered. It seems that Judge Stephens nod paid her some money, which he had borrowed a short time pre vious, and some sooundrel must have known it. She was killed by a blow from an axe, or some instrnment of that kind.—Evanavilla (Ind.) Journal. THE wife of George Sherman,of Clarksburg, Masa , attempted to destroy herse lf and her Infant ehild, on the l3th instant, by exploding a bottle of powder containing two pounds, holding the bottle in one hand and the child in the other. Both were terribly burned, but, strange to say, neither was fatally injured. The mother has been patina!) , Leman* for several years. AR AFFRAY occurred on Thursday last in the streets of Leavenworth, Kansas, between D R. Anthony, proprietor et the Daily Conservative. and R. 0_ Batelle., of the Daily Herald, in which several shots were exchanged. Satetlee received a ball in his right aide, and died in twenty mi nutes. GENERAL Soon . A TALLoB.—General Scott Is beyond all queetton the beet tailor in the Union, He bee eut out rebels at Washington, hemmed them In at Harper's Feltz and run them together at Manasets (lap. He Is about ready to baste them at Norfolk-, fell them down at Riokunond, and, it nothing else will answer, rzp them generally to pieces elsewhere. EDWARD EVERETT, at the request of dia. tinguished oitizene of New York, will deliver an oration on the Fourth of July at the Aoademy of Music. The imbjeot will be sg The Present Aspect of the Nation," and an entpa-Te fee will be charged for the benefit of fatuities of the volun teers. A nrxonx reaches Washington to-night, aaya the correspondent of the Herald. that Alex. ander IL Stephens, the Vine President of the Confederate States, so called, is dead. The in. formation cornea through rebel sources, and hence cannot be traced beyond this point. I believe it is well known that he has recently been quite ill. CROPS IR MASTIJAHD.--Our advice], from the several counties of this State, concerning the crops, are very encouraging_ The army worm, however, is reported to be dolls& considerable damage to the growing corn on the Raatern Shore, and, in some cases, the late wheat is suffering from the same cause. E. A. Antra, Esq., of the District of Cullum bia, formerly of Vermont, the secretary of the Na tiOnal DentoOratio party, Lae proposed to the War Department to ram a regiment forthwith or Northern Democrats, for active service during the war, and to testify their appreciation of Mr. .Lin coin's efforts to maintain the Government intact. C r ovaa.won Emig has recommended that Colonel Hill, the commanderof the North Carolina troops at Bethel, be promoted to the rank of briga dier, and that a full brigade be formed and placed under his command. THE release of Ross Winans and the sp. pointment of Emory as lieutenant colonel were both strongly advised by General Boott. Werner- UM the feet for the benefit of his special adulators who are condemning the administration for *hone sets.—Wash. RayuMican• liGmtrattAL AMA had been elected Pro tonal President President of Bolivia by the National Con yoution. Morales and Babs, both disappointed politiolems, were endeavoring to make a disturb ance; but the Government was ready far them. qhfartanm--On horseback, in Lasso's town. Bette &suety, 011111onals 7 May lb. at the mutely grounds of 4. W. Kelley Jt Co , Benjamin Franklin Thompson to Beaty B. Koughman. Tim New York Fire Zoaaves, encamped near Atamendria, have been running a mill, where they found a large quantity of wheat. They proved themselves good millers. Boemzes in Chile continued vet 7 much dg- pressed. Omni army corps hadhoset disbanded; a meuura that was loudly demanded. Paor. Aoisism has presented to the Paris Awl/ferny of Seinteell A volume containing the floral and natural history of the United. States, NE/Govitanoaa.—Tho four States of Maine, fdamsohimatta, New Hampshire, and Now York, have an aggregate of thirty-seven owilovernors. Hos. JACOB Townson, of Oxford, Hiss., boo =sae a oubsoriptiou of four hurnhoul Wes of cotton to the new loan of the Confederate States. Gawartam Daurassorx a distinguished Po- Om, has offered hiiservicia - to the Goyim TIIII KANAWHA RXPRDITION: OFFICIAL PROPOBAL9 FOR ARMY BAGGAGE WAGONS. QraltaXlttealiqtte. GBItERZL'a (11111Cli,f Wasidirolos. June 21.1E61. S rromiader are invited for the furnishing of Army Bag gage Wagon,. • Proposals should state the prioes at which they Ater be furmahed at the planes of menufacture. or at New York. Philadelphis, Baltimore, Washington, or Cincinnati, as_prefeyred by the bidders. Toe number which can be made by any bidder within one month altar receipt of the order, alio the number which he Gan deliver within one week. The Wagons must exactly conform to the following isetoif estioris. and to the established patterns. fix-mule (covered i wagons, of th e size and descrip tion as follows. to Wit The front wheels to be three feet ten inches high, hubs ten inches in diameter, and fourteen end a goer ter inches long ; bind wheels lour feet ten inches huh. hubs ten and a Quarter inches in diameter, and fourteen and a quarter inches lone ; tellies two and a half inches wide and two and three-quarter woken deep; castiron pipe boxes twelve inones tong, two and a bate inches at the large end and one and sewn-eighths inch at ernall end ; tire two and a half inches wide br eve eighths of an inch thick. fastened h one screw holt and nut in each fellie ; hubs made or- gum, the spokes and fell,* of the heel white oak, free from defeats:eat% wheel to have a sand band end linehpin band two ana three-quarter inches wide, of No.B band iron. and two driving bards-outside band one and a (matter inch Dr one-quarter inch thick . inside band one inch br three-sixteenths inch thick; the hind wheels to be made and boxed so that they will measure from the in side of the tire to the large end of the hoz six and a hair inches, and front wheels six and one-eighth inches in a Parallel line, and each axle to be three feet eleven and three-eighth inches from the onside of one shoulder washer to the outside of the other, ea as to have the wanone all to track five feet from centre to centre of the wheels. Axletrees to be made of the best quality refined American iron, two and a half inches Emma at the shoulder. tapering down to one and a hotline& in the middle. with a seven-eighths inch king-Dirt hole in each exletree; washe re and linchpins for each ex letiree; size of liuohnois one inch wide. thews-eighths of an inch thick, with a hole in each end ; a wooden stook four and three-quarter inches wide and four inches deep. fas tened substantially to the axletree wah ones on the ends and with two bolts. six itiehris from the middle. and fastened to the hounds and bolster,. (the bolster to be four feat fire morales lone, five inches wide. and three and a half inches deep,) with four half-inch bolus. The 'tongue to be ten feet eight inches long. four inohes voile, and three inches thick at front end of the hounds, and two and a winner inches wide by two and three-quarter intones deep at the front end. and so ar ranged as to lift up, the front end of it to hang within two feet of the emend when the wagon is standing at rest on a levet surface. The front hounds; to be six feet two inches long, three Inches thick, and four inches wide over axletree, and to Totem that width to the bank end of the tongue ; Sews of the Mende one foat eight inches long and three inches square at the front end, with a plate of iron two and a half inches wide by three eighths of an inch thick, fastened on top of the hounds over the bank end of the tousle with one half-inoh sorew bolt in each end. and is plate of iron of the same size turned up at each end one and a half inches to camp the front hounds together, and fastened on the underside. midst front end of hounds, with half inch screw bolt through each hound, a seven-eighth inch bolt through tongue and hounds in the centre of laws. to secure the tong - ue in the hounds ;plate of iron three inches wide, one quarter inch think and one foot eight inches long, scoured on the inside of saws of hounds with two rive 8, end a plate of same dimensions on each side of the tongue. where the tongue and bounds run together, secured in like manner ; a MOO of geven-eiph the of an inch round iron to extend from under the front axle tree, and take two bolts in frost part of the hounds. same b ra ce three-quarters of an inch round to continue to the back patt of the hounds, and to be fastened with two bolts, one near the back end of the hounds, and one through the slider and hounds; brace over front bolster one ono is half limb wide one-quarter of an inch think. with a bolt in each end to fasten it to the bonds; the opening between the Jaws of the bounds, to reosive the tongue. four and three-quartet in- beg in trent, and f ea r and a hall inches at the back Dart of the jaws. '1 he hind hounds four feet two inches tone. two and three - quarter mobesth ok, and three inohes wide ; jaws one foot long where they °leap the coupling pole ; the bolster four feet five inches long and five inches wide , by three inches deep. with steady iron two and a half inehes wide by one-half inch thing turned up two and a half inches and fastened on each end With three rivets ; the bolster stooks and hounds to be secured with four half-inch screw bolts, and one half-inch screw bolt through the coupling polo, The coupling pole time feet eight inches roes., three inches deep. and lour and a half inches wide at front end, and two and three-quarter inohes wide at back end ; distant)* from the centre of king hell bole to the centre of the back axletree six feet one inch. and from the centre of klog bolt hole to the centie of the mortice in the hind end of the pole eight feet nine inches ; king bolt one and a quarter inches diameter, of beet refined iron, drawn down to seven-eighths of an inch where it misses through the iron axletree Iron Vete six inches long, three Inches wide, and one-eighth of an inch shimk no the donbletree and tongue where they rub together; lion plate one and a half by one-quarter of an inch on the slidtng bar, fastened at each end by a screw holt through the hounds; front bolster to have plates above and below eleven tootles long, throe and a half inches wide, and three -eighths of inch dock. corners drawn out and turned down on the sides of the bolster. with a nail in each corner, and four coun tersunk nails on top two bands on the hind hounds. two and two and a half Inches wide, of No. 1r band iron; the Tub piste on the coupling pole to be eight inches long. one and three-quarter. inches wide. and one quarter of en limb thick. Doubletree three feet Seat ten inches lon singletree two leet. eigh noshes long, all well made of h i ck r, with an iron ring and clip at each end, the centre clip to be well secured , tw o bar and stretcher to ho three feet two inches long o and a quarter inches wide. and one and a quarter inch smog. Lead bare, stretchers, and siveletrees for six mute team ; the two singletreea for the lead mules to have hooks in the middle to hook to the end of the fifth chain. the wheel and middle pairs with open rings to ' attach them to the doubletree and lead bar. Tho fifth chain to be ten feet long to the fork; the fork one foot ten trashes lent. with the streteher at tatibed d the forks apart ; the Deimos the don bletree. stay and tongue ohaine, throe-eighths of an i nc h in diameter ; the forked chain seven-sixteenth inch in diameter ; the fifth ehain to be seven-sixteenth Inch diameter to the fork ; the fork to be five-sixteenth inch diameter ' • the links of these and of the look ohms to be not more than two and a quarter 'robes long The body to be straight, three feet six inches wide, two feet deep. ten feet long at the bottom, and ten feet six inches at the top, sloping equally at each end all in the clear or inside ; the bed pieces to be two ands half inches wide and three ieohee neap: front wedge two, inches deep by two and a half inches wide ; tett piece two sad a half inches wide and three inohea deep; and four inohos deep in the middle to rest on the coupling pole ; top Tea one and a half inch thick by one and seven-eighth inch wide ; lower rails one Inch think by one and Raven eighth inch wide; three etuds tuna one rail in trout, with a neat on strati hinges to aloes it ue as Bien as the sides ; a box three feet four inches long, the bottom five inches wide front side, nine and a half inches deep. and eight and a half inch-sat the toe in parallel line to the body all-in the olear, to be sub stantially fastened to the front end of the body, to have en iron strap nassileg round each end. se ou-ed to the head piece and front rail by a rivet in ook and of it Dunn( through there. the lie to be fastened to the front rail with two food at &plunges, a strap of five-eighth iron around the box a half mob from the by edge, and two straps same size on the lid near the front edge. to prevent the mules from eating the boxes ; to have a joint nano fastened to the middle of th e lid, with a good wooden oteat on the inside a ATOP of Iron on the centre of the how; with a staple p.eSing through it, to fasten the lid- to ; eight stu os and two rails on each side ;_one bolster fa s tened to the body, six inches d eep ana four inches wie at king bolt hole ; iro n Ton in rent and centre, of eleven sixteenths of an Inch round Iron, with a head on the tea of rail and nut on lower end; iron rod and brace behind. with shoulders on top of tail niece. and nuts on the under side, and a nut on top of rail ; a pats two and a half inches wide. of No. lo band trop. on tail Mee°. across the bony ; two mortices in tail piece and bind bar two and a emitter make, wide end one tacit thick, to receive pieces three fee; four inches long, to be used se harness Dearer. ; four rivets tnrongh each side rand, rind two i joists tarough each front stud, to teeure the lining boards. to be of the best quality iron. and riveted on aood DDT one rivet through each end of the ra ts; floor fire - eighths of an Inch oak Wards ; sides fiye eighths of an Inch -white pine , tail-board three-quar ters of an inch tarok, of white pine. to be well cleated with five oak cleats . riveted at each end through the tail-board ; an iron plate three feet eight inches long, two and a quarter Ingheig Wide. and three-MUM e of an inch thick on the er side of the bed piece. to extend from the hind end of the body to eight inches in front of the hind bolsters. to be tattooed by the rod at the end of the body. by the lateral rod anti two three eighths of an inch screw bolts. one at the forward end of the plate, and the other about equodietant between it and the lateral rod. A half inch round iron rod or bolt to pass diagonally through the rails, between the two hind studs to and through the bed pieoe and plate under it, with a good head on the top and nut and moray at the bottom• to be at the top one foot six inches from inside of tail board, and on the bottom ten inches from the bind rod. An iron clamp two 'oohs& wide, one quarter of an inch thick around the. bed oleo% the cen tre bolt to whicn the look chain is attached prawng through it, to extend seven inches on the inside of the body. the ends, top, and bottom to be secured by two three-eighths snob screw bolts, the middle bar at the ends to be flash with the -bed oleos on the lower ode, two look (theme wired to the centre boil of the body, one end eleven inohes, the other two feet six inches long. to be of thee - eight h s of en inch round iron; feed trough to be four feet six inches long from out to out. the bottom add ends of oak, the sides of Tallow pine, to be eight mobes wide at bottom. twelve inches wide at top. and eight sad a half inches deep all in the clear, well ironed, with a band or hoop-iron around the top, one around each end and three between the ends, strong and suitable irons to fasten them on the tottrate when feedingi t good strong Owns to be attached to the top rail of the cool secreted by a staple with a hook to y. pttaoh it to the trough. fix bawl' of good ash. two lies wide and one-half inch thick, with three staples to confine the ridge pole to its place,' two staples on the rangy. to secure each end of the Dr.:.ws; one ridge pole twelve feet long, one and three-quarters inch wide fiye-etsht cotton ineh think thelociver to be the first quality duck, No. fifteen feet long and nine feet eight inches wide.made in the best manner, with four hemp cords on each side. and one througn each end to clone it at both ends; two rings on each end of the body, to close and secure the ends of the cover ; a staple in the lower rail. near the second stud from each end- to fasten the side cords. The outside of the body and feed trough to have two good coats of white lead, colored to a blue tint. the inside of them to have two °oats of venetian red paint • the running gear and wheels to have two good coats of Venetian red darkened of a Chocolate color, the hub and follies to be well pitched, instead of painted,, if required, A tar-pot, an extra king hog wa gon two extra single trees to be furnmbed with eac h . the king bolt end chiglcarcen similar in all respects to those belong ing' tO It. hisoh side of the body of the wagon to be marked U. 8., and numbered as directed ; all other parts to be let tered U. ig. : the cover, feed box. bolts. Linchpins, tar pot. and harness bearers tor each wagon to be put up In a strong box.(ooopereo) raid the contents marked thereon. It la to be oostineoy eueeretooo tbat the'wnsons or• to be eo cobra/wined that the several porta of any one wagon will agree and exactly fit those of any other. so as to require no num ocular or arranging for putting to ether. and all the materials used for their construction to be of toe best quality ; all the weodethoroughly sea men:Wl Aria the work In all its parts faithfully et:vented in the beat workmanlike manner. The work may be inspected from time to time as it progresses by en officer or agent of the Quartermseter's Department. and none of it stall be painted until it shall have been inspected and approved by said officer or agent authorized to mane. , It. When filened. M - etted, and accepted by an officer or agent of the Quartermanter's Department, end delivered as herein agreed. they shall be paid for. M. C. MhIGS. ie 25- tf Quartermaster General U. 6._ - MACHINERY AND IRON. PENN STEAM ENGINE AND • BOILER WORIIB,—NEAF/E & LEVY, EEO riCiAli art 11 TEITSORETIC6.I4 MICIUNEBI3I94 JlLacEllvitlTgg BOLGER-BIAKERS,OLAOICSMITHEI, and FOUNDEI W, having, for man, sears. been in snooeseral operation, and been exolusively engaged in building and repairing Batts and River Engines, hint' and low presidia, hOillinntil, Water Tanks, Propellers, ito., an., reepeosfanT offer their aer-rioes to the public, au being fully prepared to contract for Engines of all sizes. Marine, River, and Stationers, lowing sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to assents or ders.with quick despatch.. Bvery desoript , on of Pattern making mule et the shortest Defoe. High and I,ow Pressure, Tabular, and cylinder 80110T111 CI the best Pennsylvania isharooll iron. Forman, of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Braes Castunrs, of all descriptions; Roll Turning. Borew thirties. and ell other work con nected with the above_ business. Drawinga and Ppenifiontions for all work done at their entabiinhwent, free of ohargo, and work guarantied. The enbeetibere have ample wharf-dook room for re pairs at WWI, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are . provided with shears, blocks, falls, .to., for raising heavy or light weights. BEAM'COB C. d.PIE, MIN P. LIMY and PALMER . PUMA& V.II,I7OHAZ MERRICIts 701121 E. COPE. WILLIAM it. MERRICK: HAECTLEP MERRICK. QOUTRWARK FOUNDRY, ha FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK tit. NONR. ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS ? fdanufaeture Nigh and Low Pressure Steam bnginee, for Mad. neer: mad menus eervise. Boilers, Gasometers. Tanks, Iron Poeta. /re.; Cast ings of Mt kinds , either iron or brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Worts, Workshops, Rail road Stations, &s. , Retorts and Om Machinery of the latest and moat unproved construciaen. Every description of Plantation &whiner', aneh Open Sugar. Saw, and Gnat Mills, Vacuum Pans. Open Steam Trains, Defeoators, Filters, Pumping Engines. Bo 1e Agents for N. Rillieux's Patent Sugar Boding Neemy &Jr, Patent Steam Rammer risid As pinwall lc Weimer 's Pateht Centrifugal Sugar graining Maotune. anll-1 POINT PLE /WANT FOUNDRY, No. 951 rigAort WNW.. Ranailtleten. LIAM R. TIERS 1111'01 ms Ma frtenda that, having. pur chased the mire stoat of Patterns at tae above r onn dry, ho is cow prepared to ream, e order, for Bonnie. grist. sod • Saw-Mill • Castings. Soap. Chemical, and Rollie Work, Gearing. Casting. m.de from Raver ocreyorT or Cupola Paremee. fII dry 6? green awl, or loam. SEAL BIe.TKING. iiiMMFOR, THE SEA-SHORE -CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROA 10.-011 and after MOND AY. June 17th.teains will leave VINE. STREET REPAY, as follows: 7 30 A. M. piecommodsmon—._ 00 M. RETURNING. LEAVES ATLANTIC: —6 DS A. ht. Fare AM A. N. Ira " t° "Mafia. au° Round Trip tiokete. good tor three doe. ass Freight mum be delivered at COOPER'S POINT bY 3 P. ht. The Company wad not be responsible for any aooda ungi neeenved and reemeted for. by their Agents at twtfhe Point. Joan li.xyANT, la • • Aunts THE PRESS.--PHILADELPIUA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1861 s CEPTIALIO PILLS NERVOUS HEADACHE. By the vie of these rifle the veriodoei ittteehe of Mr. else or Wok Heedecae may be prevented ; and if taken at the oommOneement of an attack munediate rend from VIM and Mohnen win be obtained. Whey seldom faillin reszarrinz the New wad Ilnj. *eta to which ferashe are go Nubian. They act gently on the bowel', removing Cesssivasses. For LirorogrO Mae, &lamas. DetioMO Female.. and au moon. of :edam dory hobos, they are valuable es a Lowasivs, improving the appetite, giving toes and vice, to the digestive organs. and regtonng the natual tioiti and strength of the WnOle MUHL' The CEPHALIC PILL! are the result of long limed gation and carefully conducted experiments. having man mus many Irani, during Willett time they have prevented and relieved a Teat amount of rain and /offering from floOduthe. whether originating in the 1181 . 901/4 system or froma deranged ■cote of the sir They are entirely vegetable in their sennosttlen, tml may be taken at all Imam with perfect safety withott snaking any ill:Lenge of Met; sad the abseare ease disa greeable tilde renders it mat to aieginistii aim S. 'Warns. SKWASS ON 00IINTNE1NITE1 no noninnis Moo An olrannuon oS Rom L Mmiduks on each JIM Soli by Dructits and all other Dealers ut bledloineft A Ban will no wont by Oval moaid on roompt of lk• All OHM Unit Is addrion4 EIENR I 2 O. SPAI DINO' P WATi. T.:. P.: C P WILL CONVINCE 17110 lIVITEM. SPEEDY AND SURE OHRE IS WITHIN TEEM REACH. As arse Tostivicosiois an vosolicirad by Mr.eroLy- I 14.• Show Oirord oncluefioriabh hoofll/ Ohl I.ll■ sass of this freely Sciontific discovery' 1111%.tinta. SI I have tried e ar Cephalic Pills: sad Me taws se well that I want yoq to send pie two dollars worth tore} Port or those are tor the neighbors. to whom i It &MOE the first box I got from you. I Send the Pills by and oblige Your art Servant. JAMI.O ICFAIIIKIIT. 1 lovsoross, F0b.111,11111 Ml, M141.7111M MX • te send ms one sore box of roar Mobil .1 Mos mond ;riot doot of bows from TORMT•rrkeatfuly, DIA KY ANN 87011C,0 - • &woes Cas2l, Wirsvaranow Cki 'NTT, er January 38.1863. Pa l( ) : Yee will lea sepend me two basis er seer artalls Pills. Rees thorn immediately. • Zeeeeenells seers L 3120. B. abiatt. JP. B. —I have rimmtecii sae opt of year NM, 47 Psi thaws asehataes. • Txxivont Ohm Jon. * L a. 51 , 41 , D1N1N,E44_. ..rlease find 012.0100 Q tenty-fore cents, tarhi, sena so another box of your Cepc fills. :alruiv /40 Pins /limp 11111, :Mt hali Bind i ISTOffralt t Dale Verses, Wyendet to. 0. mmioromo PETNILLT, Des.l* C. alumina*, Par. wesk,for some ousels= or large show bills, bring roar Cephalic Pills more tartioMarly Wore *m ummy. ,u you haye anymil.; of the laud ylesissur me. . . one of my arstomeri, who is subject to 'Gym Riot Nwalsoks, (isually lustier twe day ) was sweet OS assask in MS how by your Pitts, which I sent he liesetatfally yours, w. WIWI. ltsynormssmus, Paine:au so.. Opp/ iftessty UR. I I . 80. 48 Cedar B. Y. DWI Ms: Messed Zed twenty -fits canoe (154 for wmasend imi Of " Caphulto Ms." Reed Wardress of RetWis. FillerC. ltaraokksbarg, Prsoklia 00.,_ _Ohio. Tsar Twins work kiks a skorm—eurs Hsatioskt tasst assionter. • Truly 'faun. wm.e. TrllAll4lno Atnsn Jan Ni. iIItAIJINIF• gra - 1 Nat loot Maw I stun to you fora box of far ths eursprthe Nervous Resdeche and Aid d r oot l.. ;111. mi s hit t/ otos isitond to mut fso or mai. mom oravit by »tern mil. Direst to Ka i , WITBSA Yoolisotti. L. 11411 lisautiam imarialks rat Ileastis Ella &room/1M Ole obifoillr UM siiii4ot Carer.of Lioadaalse is en. . tan Alm tis Sxsesiner..Norferit • VC !hey imonboon mined in moni Man a Woman . with rattle suoossa. 111 Prow rho Deetoerar. Sti Mord, Mies. If you are. or have been troubled with the heaohe rind fora boa. (Cephalic flilsa so that you mhaul; them to ease of an attaek. livirt Me Ad:orris. ~ Pr.:widow, IL i. The Cephalic PM' are said to be a remarks !fes tive remedy for the head e, and one of the NM that very frequent taitatafat whiak hag a been dpoiovered. 1 Prom tko Wasters B.A. Gasorm. Weser, t. We heartily 009111141 Mr. !Spalding * aad Ittatairatal foithami rms. , - . hems tAa Hiatawhe Valtty Star. Eraraerhara. W e ars rare that persons coffering with the kotoolm. who try them, will stick to Prom the Soother* Path Roder, Nees OrietutLei. Tn them you that are afflicted, and we are ithat Your testimony Gan be added to the already n roan hio tha pro t has reser* bouelito that no other On CM duce. Alms the ba. Lewis Droffrist. Lerapi The batnense demand for the snit& (MOW Pills) dly toortooinHt. - , Prom tAs Gazette, Deoposesyt. /we. c t my, 'Spalding would not conneot hi* 1/bittelri it bale he did not knew to soften rentnietit, --. •, -1! , Nem the Actesyttny, .Previthisar, X - the testimony in their favor le strong* fro gs wee* tespestable snorters. NMI Sha DON Nina, NVIOPOIs A 44 *ohsll* PM are takint t is riv• eof all hi Pratt Cositoserest' 80/Wm Boston,lia. . Bad to tee wry ailleadeaui for the headlight, ' - I hew the'Vessassreisi, Ohutugssi. 0 I linffering ken:malty eau now be rethsvoll. 1111 r A lines bottle fot IrnnlAiYti r l isza SUB will save tni time WIT rest azal"11111 SPALDING'S PREPARED elm i. SPALDIN(PS PREPARED GLi I SAVE VIE PIECES: ECONOMY! pornetn! NT" A STISCS IN VIII SATS, rilMih", AA nnelnents VU! nappen, oven In Tou-ronanr4 famine!, it fa ably desirable to hay* soma oho ena convenient wear for reasiriaa Parrature. Worn. bake rs, &a. SPALDING'S PREPARED OWE ateata an ..tiltt onnrxgonoion and no *as afford to do intboat It. It is and ready. IMP Ul the 'Woking mitt. " .11EFIJA IN EVERY ROIMIL" EE. B.—A Brash meanies sack bottla. PHI'S Lldetee, HENRY a SPALDhI 4115 UNDAS Mum, law yo tiAIFI/011. Aka mutant =rumbled porn= an sump to palm o ff on the xtutnipootimpablio, imitations ,no PIIIIPAM cilli/S. I Innadoautora a ll Perron' I", - snag ton maiming. sugars Thu as Mil of,' KrALDUIVE /1271PAULIM 91,1001111 ,Jo a was osta a, ila Impair I as Wow aro', sulsima MEDICINAL. SICK HEADACHE. CURE ALL KINDS OF HEADACHE I PRICE. 05 OENTE.I. ti FDU rums% 111101 r YOU TXIS FOIJSOWINI FOPORBEMEIRII2 ON SPALDING' H E 1) ik 0 "El MUM maa"MiTa•Zo 4 101211.. Feb. blit) SPALDLEGT PREPARED GLD, t INSURANCE COMPANIES. THE RitgIAIANCE KUTULL ittSIMANCUI OOMPAM, or ritiniarurstra. ;?715K. wo. 36P6 WALNUT 6Witrem, • Inman against LOBE OW lIAMACIF, BY - PIRA el buss. storm and other buildings, iltuitoe sr C o sTal iAr lind on Fu s. res. and mar eltandine, in town Sr BE u m oeprv„ s2lrl,lrolT-ABSITS 8311.162 iii Which In invented as follows, viz : In first inortgager on ally grogeny, worth double the athorint —6, —, —.— vicamon en PM/017176nm Railroad Ga.'s 6 per pent. are* Pen Railroadar 1,000 00 Pennsylvania Co!, 6 per oent. se cond mortsope load, (00,%. ........ 11.11 1 00 00 Hentmgdon ana Broa l op - Irma and Canal Co.'s mortgage 10an...........—..._ 4,000 00 Ground rent, first-clean-- _____2.4s2 50 Collateral loam. well aeonred _ .—. 3,1611 00 City of Philadelphia 6 per omit. loan—. 30,000 00 ashen County 6 per pent. Flt. Rll. loan.. 10,000 00 likompaeraittl Bans Moog— —.— . 6,166 01 ?bailsman' Bank atook— . 3,811 Do LTri7.= l .l. I:ll7tico=t67. -- ,, 6 - 4 RYA ° 08 e Comity Fire Insurance Co.'. stook—. 1 00 he Delaware M. B. I oe Co.'. Moak— 00 mon Mutual Inenrance An none— —. IMO 00 ills receivable—. ~—. __ 14,502 Te It eooouote, worried interest. /co--- 1,104 U Damn on hand— —.—.-- —_ But 64 1 . 8017,14.1 04 • The Mutual principle, combined with the security of &Monk Capital, entitle. the insured to partitnPato in the ttrgara 02 the Centileny, without liability for tows. homes promptly adjusted and paid. DIRECTORS: Com Tinglex t Samuel BisPhani, William 11.,_Etlomplon, Robert Steen. njuleriok Brown, William Mater, William Stevenson. Beni. W. Tingley, John R. Worrell, Marshall Bill, H. L. Carson, J. Johnson Brown, Robert Toland.l Charles Leland. G. 11. Itosericarken, Jacob T. Bunting, Charles S. Wood, Smith Bowen, 411131011 8. Woodward. John Bissell, Pittsburg. CLEM TINOLEY. Pronident. f. IC ILITICIIMAN, Secretary. Febroarr 16, 1801. MS TEES ENTERPRISE INSURANOE OOMPANY ON PEILADZIRXIA. (rum INBBRARCE EXCLUSIVELY.) I. iromr.avre Brizzinre W. COII,NRA .110118 AN,D W4LIVI72' spEzz , 3'.9. - DIABOTO B 2LT5131/07D MiyanmeicE AMMAN Mitzi, Q ao. B. STUART, )BlA.t.sno IN H. .1311oWN, JOHN M. ATWoOD. B. A. FAIINEBTOCK. T. l'xiDicx. AZILDENW D. wimi, wswitToN, .1. L. EusinteNß. F. ItAIrCEFORD STAIR,-Pray/dent. W. CORE. Moamar!. feli ENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, r f ,,, 921 tAIbSTNIIIr t Ftreet, Phileglelplus, CIZARTMR P RPII , I7AL. ALL ?NE PROFITS TWIT GED AMONG THE IN NUKED. Insure Lives for abort terms or for the whole term of ; trent Annuilaes end Endowments ; wurchase Life Merest* in Real Estate % and make all contracts de aling on the contingencies of -life. They act as Exeontors. Administrators, Assignees, Interim and Guardian*. AISSATI OF THE COMPANY, January 1.18,1. MOrtgatell, (; round routi l real estate- .118m,881 91 Unties Mates etookeh Tramcar,' notes, load= of State of Perawylwinia, oitY of Phila. 988,791 14 Premium notes, loans on collateral's; km-- IMAM 18 Pennsylvania. North Pennsylvania Rail roads, and County eta Der Gaut. bonds— 105,801 60 Dank, insurcome, railroad, oanai stookS. 1/1.867 49 Cub on hand, agents' balances. ko., b 3.- moos 14 el,ona2B 02 DANIEL L. KILLER, Preeideut i 22.22T1EL R. @TOMES, Vise President, JOEN W..ROR.NOR. Plearetsi.T. - m223-tf . TIELAWARI; LAIITUAL FLIVATY IN OVICANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. Inamorated by the Legislature ell'onrzYl73suisatlS. WWI 11, E. eerier Of 4813 W end WAJOIrs drays* 71112,4DBLPHIA. MAMAS 111111FRANO3e On Vestobil eargo, To LS Darts of the World. Freight,. I LAND INSTJLAXCES Pt !Holtz b 7 River% Ctsusts, Lakes, azt4 6.m& tar rages. to an yarns of the enter. FIRE INSURANCES 111 erste an dim•• genersny. Storer. &Tidbit' Bc,tv MUMS Or THE OOSOPADI Y. • Noromber LAO. MAO lifolkat Mateo fire lir mint. wan.— ../Ice.ritio go 11.11403 'United States six fr- cent. Trearrati Notes, (With scorned intereeti-- ULM OK 100,000 Penneylranas State fire ( - .7 , oen lean. 11.570 OD 1 8,000 do. do, ell' do. do. .11,946 OP 111CO10 Philadelphia City im ad f gent. Lean, IMMO 61 MOM) Tennessee State fere cent 1 e an.. 3409 IV WOW Pennaytrania Beare Xi mortgage aix er cent. bond,4LOOr, Da ll,* 800 darn, stook Geiin - ilitiyiairas Gounniny. interest and erineiriai 1141711iltSad Sr the Cite of Phila ., 100 snares Pene LIAO sTivazua -- Company_ . 1.800 00 m oh! Honk Pen Mr Mine Plaril road Company 9911 00 I,MIOIO chafes Philadelphia lee .Boat and steam Tog Company...-.- LIM 00 l 0 'shares Phi madams and Havre-de Crane steam Tow-beat Company. NO 00 1001 ahem Philadelphia Plzelninge Company— LIS ea 1,0001 Admen Continental Motel 100 09 ssomoo var. Cost 19947,55044. Market ea ased,ll66 71 sillsreeetvable, for incarsacteir 171.201 44 Bond* ana mortgagee. 14;6110 00 Real estate-- RAO ea Biilemoce dna atAgensien—Protahuna on Ma me Policies. inherent. anql other debts two the Company , , 11** oa Scrip and 'toed of dentr.l Inland= and ether Ceninattiee is 6 id Wons, h ,B drawer— tle is —la,iaa 4s HISLCH2PA. Wiliam Ittsren. eagisol E. Cadges Miami A. aortae:, .I.r. Peplatee. irleop_hilss Paulding. Henry Wean, X. FOnTOR4 Edr rd Wawa'. J.*l 13.ADilxis, ones tirmakg, Wax% Apeneer Wan H.Tcrex.r' Jr., ' 'Manes C. Hand. • O. %WM. Leben Bari Ant U. AlidWlgs # 42521 , P. Jonah leesigh JEkaaair.. BE'reularals Br. H. id. Eize.on, tosiva P. Eyre. Hoene C. I.eieer. 1 oha E. Semple, Patin's. Hash (tad:. I &At J. Morgan, 6.5..•15 LAILY, I L. IL Haupt, " LLAMA!. MIATta, President. trlloBl. C. ILIAD * Vies Presidenk lITLBIIRN. Reareterv. nort-11_ - OMB MBITHATIOE EXCLUSIVELY.— •• THB nrcrilaNi. VAN/A FIRE IRRIIIIIIROE OVlMlre3TY—lnoornorsted YEREt.- VIAL—No. 510 WALNUT street, opposite Independ ence Severe. This Company, favorably known to the oommanit7 for thirty-m 2 yearn, continues to insure against loss or damare Or Fire, on rho or Immo Buildiujoh tgibor permanently or fora milted time. AMO , on rnitare, stooks of fe4r, - or Merchandise generally , on liberal "' Mr Capital, together With a large Olorplas Fond is Invested in the - moat careful manner. Which enables the save o Amin to of loer to the Waned an endoubted montritz to ira. DIZZCITOII. Jonathan Fatten:43n, lonia Thislobilmt, Qntin Campbell, Thomas P.Jobirui, lazaodor Sewn. DAzuel Smith. Jr.. WlSlam Stoutehno, John Bevereoz. AN JONST T RA2( PAlrmit6or4, President. Wirziam G. Citowtru., Secretory. np4 1r I . N SUBANOE 0031 P ANY OF TIM MirATFL97 112121311AVAMA—F/RE AM) /14A- M_E Mo suitAtica Nya d AIM 4 IP , 7CniAlteE ,M.I4DIZIOS. - valv Char e, *AW tered in ILO4-oanital /11160A0e—gaik. 1, MC =eh N 77. All LA711004 in sound and amiable ataantiee---ent- Can In• nuns= Wails And 014 - gooa, 15tilibass i Mesas id ationammium, (EL, on libmi ierma. DnitAmroXB. Menu P. Enervard, acerp N. Shan, Ranson V__ .4by . nrattle!Ornnt, Jr.. On adaeslader, Tenho Wanner, • E a Chemed D. Waltman. - /GU H. DM Nana H. Fteekui& WMain Z. WNW, 1 Char/ea & lonia, wlla.r.Ami . ••• •C. 13•113102. .LAJLPE .RElnt./ D. 1,1••** MEI .2 U 11 1. zrdvdditat. **,-•• FigINSUBANAJZ. !BANGS COM_PARY of FbiladelDble, 135 North Street, below Roe. Inoue Build- Olooda,Nid Morobandiee generally from Moo or illyanows by Firs. Ike company pumase to admit all leases wromptir, sled thereby keg* te otarit the artraa ma of Um imbllo. lIU7TtxC. William .11f omen, ---- 16bert Plem_pell: Pranen Cooper, Mediae] DlWorn, Nome L,Deaghertr, Strait. MOUnTerat James Marti% internam 13.n:icon/dolt, El.D L ams. Joan Pre_wde7. ew MeAliter. Flamm Falls, mud Rafferty. JOiLI2 Ctelandy J. Hemphill. Beraar4 IL Ailanua, Tkomaa Fisher, Chirlacalare, ismaiii lisMantss ' Mialutel Cahill. CM OOPER, PeeitidtaL REJLIWID lULFP F M. Beenstarv. eerl-ly AMMAN TI INERTRANON 00., r INCORFORATEA 1810 CRAIT.III PER &TAN • • So. 310 WALNWS strebt,above Third, Philadolphin, pgasins . a large paid-up Capitol Stook said Surplus, Wrested in sound ondavallahle Soonritiss,oontinispi to insure on Direllinze Stoma, Furniture. nterohar.diUe, Wools in port and their mergoes. And other penional preperth All Kim !Moron,' anti promptly onusion. ornscrous. Thoe._R. Maria, John T. Leiria, lona womb.. Yemen IL Camp &awl motion. Nhound 'shriek Snit', Chas. W. Poultnor THOMAlsrael M n orrie. LIBRE/ C. CRAWFORD. redn-witi - A lITURACITIC DISURANCIE OOVEPA --cla- Mt n Prii-Autimis4Pl asaitial i400916-011LUVIRR Oioe JUL_ ist o r gE p W= 6 strest, Mina 'bird 'Xi P. Thilt CMPSitY win re saainai Wu sr Sums Or A sa ;^ughsgs, Fannin, and Morsksadiss toss 'Tss„ lisylse Insarssess en Veroslo. 13111410111:41.1111 Needs. Wast insam ro s ri a l parts of Ms Jar Esker. /wok Maxtaid. f r ee K iL eta laaletall. balL ris P•smark. "?.Dolll. r Wooer, J. %ilk. ,ALF ir iedd WIN, awn, ofil 9sAm ' a h tan, VIAOHANGE INSURANO OOMPANY —Office No. 409 WALNUT Street. FIRE INSURANCE on Rouen an Maretounlise moray, on favorable terms. either limited or per -909141, ins.rmsrosa:- Jernaltda Bonsai!, irhomao Marsh. Jahn Q. Shoo**,Charles IThoppsolls Edward D. Roberts, James T. Race, Raantel L. 'medley, Joshua 7. threat jigibem 0, Hale' _ John J. erdithe. JEROME= BaitirALL. Pro/Mont. JOHN Q. GINNODO, Ytee President Rringssa Cos. reerstart. pHILADitX.e. ELPHIA TBR R OTTA / 1 1. wo 011os and Ware Doom. 1010 _anzurxvir Ornamental MUM"? Topa g tcrn arden VOINENI and Etat:tam Eneaustio Pkutrin a Architectural Ornament.. wesipicsuic and thaok• Ptrupe, • Ridge Tile and ilsaitary Wan. Steam-premed Drain Pipe. Water Pipe, warranted to stand • prmw_rikoheap and durable. The TM° supplied on liberal term& illustretta Claftlet 'meant ha Mail an application by letter. tat onitilsiffilkretter. AQB& L, IIZREING, SURD, RAL. Nom. Mon, 1150.:^4019 lebba Memo Pos.l, I, _and a Moak- Igige.madmos, awl small, in assort ad packages *reroute late-ormh fat fkoli, cam) bbts. Haw Haman, Heatparg, nag Maisdorr xar. rings, of ohotee auttities. - lAN bolas OAT& nay lOaltat *Mint* bone extra new Hai aterappr. LOW boxes /arcs klagrinef ig errings. 130 bbia. Macinnse go bile. non FoiononAgo had, bbLs. acyclic no , . saimon. 14VM Qiintats fraud Ova Willsk. 100 buff .11orloanor-ouluar Chum*. In gars est landing, fermatali MUb ,Hy K_ nen Ne. 146 N RTH WHAAONtV,Na. TUBT IiNTEIVED, Dar " Annie. Kimball," IF frog LiabroOtilt mandar, Weems * atam 4 • o4 aressrallona II ion hArnot Aoonitt, IA I NJne MS Ns Extrac tszarno HYpieynin. t , 131 * SO Itia t Boustionro, lora, hntrnot Torozo9l, ut *Ara, 1 1 ma I'm UOlaLues, 1. bonito. NO No 01. Soon= _ t ot.. bottle* NO No Cermet, in I" s. Pu 23d Withilkag BROTNER. ow 47 ono 49 North NECOND gI n 4214L1TY BpOILOR SLAM 4_4r_ meys o..,3lwv...temlucatlFANN l lMM4/1 NM& PHILADELPHIA AND NEAPINO...RAILROAD, FABRENG T Ns for YO VI LLA, READ- Hilts MI BARR RU DAILY . and otter May fdljartnie LIN SS, .18nridaYe exceMedj_ Leave New Depot,oorner sitUAD and CAur..ow HILL ~ Streets, Pat LLADELP 111 A, TPaiseenger en trances on Thirteenth end on Callowhill etreate,) at 8 A. M 9 connecting at Harrisburg with the ,PENNEYL VAXTIA &I(, ROAD IP. M. A. Mining to Pitts burg; the CUMBERLAND VALLEY Lee P. M. train miming to °ham be reburau Per-Lisle, ko.I . and the NoRTELERN OF,NTRAL RAILROAD 1 P. Al. train running to Eunbem AYTERNOON Leave New Depot. corner of BROAD and CALLOW NIL L Streets. PHILADELPHIA. (Pareenger en tranoee on Thirteenth and en Callowhill streets') for POTTSVILLE pad EARlifialWalit,_ at LIS P. M.. AI.DLY sonneetnt At liarrisbor. with the Northern Central Railroad . _; LOT 251 2 / 1 " 17 0, w Elmira, /to.; for READirs only, at a At. D (Onndaye exported.) DISTANCEN VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READ ING -RAILROAD. FROM ruiLADELpuri, worliccaixville—. 28 Philadelphia and Re adieg ht end Lebanon Valley R. R. Harrisburg--_._._ 112 Dauphin— ---...1241 Milleraberc-- —.1421 Treverton J un ction 158 Sunbury.. —159 Northumaasirid-171 Lewisburg-- —. -178 Milton .—.193 • 'WO Jamey Sbor -• e--.112 Look Haven--Ma _Teo. Wilihtmenort and Moira Tte lin e l e ra .Yrr=rilt9 Bl . M. trains connect dailu_it Port Clinton, (Blinders excepted,linth the CAUWIESSA WILLIAMIsPoRT, and ERIE RAILROAD, making close connections with lines to Niagara Palle, Canada, thea_Weet end nonthireeL DEPOP IN PHILADELPHIA: Corner o f BROAD and CALLOWEILL Streets. May zo. W.ll. McILRENNEY, Secretary. NFL norn-tf SIIMMER ARRANGE MENT. - PRILA.DELPHIA. OBRMANTOW.N, AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD. On and after Monday, May 18i1861. FOR GERIGANTO WM. 2.004T0 Plated elpina 8,7, 8,0, 10, 11, 19 A. M., 1, 2.9. sae, 4, 5,6, 6li, 7, 8,9, lOW. and 11% P. M. Leave Germantown, 6,7 7%. 8, 8.30,9, /0,11, 13 A.M. , 1,7 8, Ca, 6,0%. 7)3,8,9,4 P. The 8.50 A.M. and 3.59 . Traine stop at German town only. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 986 A. M., *1 .3X, 5, Thf., and 10/9 Leave Garmantownda A M.! /O. (Stand Vi r, Mr ORaant Li. RA 18RO . Leave Philadelphia, 8, 8.10, 12 A. M.. d. 9.96, 44.94. and 102,‘ P.M. Leave Chad - net Hill. 7:10. 8,8.40.940;11A Mo La, 3.36, 8.10,7._ 840, and 10.10 P. M. The 8 A. M. and Om P. M. will make no etone on the Germantown road. ON SUNDAI S. Leave Philedelplta,9.os A. al.. 33 4 , 5, and IN P. M. Leave Cheat:nut 7.60 A. AL. 32.40. 6./0, and 9.10 P. FOR CONBHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 6..60, 73" 9.0 e. Und A. Id.. I.oa. 8.95. 43i, 6X, 8. and Ili P. M. Leave Berrietown, 6, 7. 8.1:6, 9.71 A.M.. 13i, 9%. and 101 I'. hi. ON enuNDAY,G. Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M.. 3 and 5 P. M. Leave Nomstown, A. N. J. and 6P. /IL FOR APIAYUNK. Leave :4' iladeiphia, 6.60, TX, goo, Mos A. M..1.0a, SAO, 3,03, 6X, 8 M and OM P. M. Leave- flo 634. 730 816, 934.1134 A. K.. 9, 814. 5.7. and IA P. hi. ON 811ND.4193. Leave 'Philadelphia. 9A. AL, 8 5, and TX P. M. Id6ATO Manama:6_7X 4, dgi, and 9 P. M. riat.o.ld,__O F..2; Nenenal caper.ntondent, rorll-ti Da en, NENTR and G9l tOreeni. THE PENNSYLVANIA OSNTRAL RAJLROAII, 260 MIES DOUBLE TRAWL 1861. igramme -.1861• THE CJLFACITY YINHIS ROAD 18 MOW EQ,U TO AN TELE COUNTRY. THREE TIXROUH FAtteENO2ll. THAIN 6 AL BETWEEN PHILARELPEIA AND PITTEBURO. Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through.Train' from Boston, New York. and animate DEW, and in the Union pewit at Fitusbarg with Through Trains to and from Oh Pointe In site Wyat t Nommen, and Bouthweet —thug furnishing faeilitiee for the transportation 01 Plummer' nnetirmseeed for speed and comfort by any other route. Wireirand Fact Linea run through to Pittatrarx, 'Meet phatige of Can, or Conductors. MI Through Piuseenger Trains pravided with Loushrldses Patent lintlce—aptied tinder perfect control of the engineer, Om adding mnoh to the safety of travellers. tlmoking Pars aro attached to eaoh Toin ; Wood ref.'s Aleppo:lt Care to zaprese and Past - Kramer. The EXPIES4 Itlll4B DAILY : Mail and Feet Linen, Finn ezee.gtell, Mail Wllllll !nee Philttelphla at 7.10 A. rd. ilia A.M. 'Nx Flmji prens la ta l in leaves 0 10.15 - P..M. WAY TRAINS LEAVE Ab POLLOWA: _ gani umb itinig Kaliiiiiodiffon, Vi P. a Columbia, 2.M P. M. uol " 4.00 M. Parkestierg " at 6.40 P. M. Wee Cheater " Ito. I. at 8.16 A. M. No. 2 at MOO West Cheater Feseengera will take the'Weat Meader 110[,1 and 3 Harrisburg sicoonunodation and Columbia Trains. Paaaengera for Banbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Bit falo, Niagara Fall., and intermediate yLoints, leaving Philadelphia at 7.a8 A. M. and 2.50 P. M., go directly through. Tickets Westward may be obtained at the When of the Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Baltimore ; and Tickets Bastward at any of the impor tant Railroad °Moen in the Went; &bin on board any of the regular Line of Steamers on the Idstaiazipvi or Ohio rivers. - Kr Fare always as low, and time mai/lot, es by any other Route. For further information apply at tee Passenger Sta tion, Southeaert corner of Eleventh and Market streets. The completion of the Western oonneotions of the Pepmyylvawa Rmiroad to Chicago, make this the. DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE RABAT WEST. The connection of traoka by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time, are advantagea readi ly appreciated by Ahlettere of Freight, and the Travel ling na ti o, Merchant* and Obeyers entrusting the transporta tion of their Freight to this Company, can rely with oonEdp l ivi its skeedy transit. TAR RATES OF FREIGHT to sad from any point In the oat by the Pensurylvanas Railroad ars at all tams as favorabls as era skirted by Maw Railroad Cirmurimiss. Er Be particular to mark packages " via Peeraryi- Tanis Railroad, For Freight Contracts or Shipping Itireotioar, 5.p917 V. or addross either of the folioanng Agents of the uoMtAtir : - D. A. Stewart, Pittsburg : H. S. Pierce Ecclo., Zajoessuie, 0...; J. J. Jolissoa, O. R. MOrdeell M Maysville, Kya Ormsby & Pr.?'" per, Portamonth,_ , Paddock & Jefferseanne. indium ; H. W. Drown & Co., Cincinnati. 0.,_. Athena &. Eithert, Cincinnati, O.; R. C. Meldroni, Madison, , Jon. B. Moore . - . • P. G. o.Bllcry CO., Evansville, Ind.; N. W. iiirataal & CO.. Cairo. HI. F. Seas. Skater H Blass,St. Louis. Mo.. John 11.. Harris, Nashville Tenn, • Hams & Hunt, 'Mem pros, Wenn.; Clarke 'it Co.. 'Chicago, 111. • W. H. H. Karatz, Alton, Ill.; or to Freight Agent* o f Railroads at different smuts in the West. S. B. RI rs (MON. Jr, Philadelphia, MAHRAW it ROWid, .90 Korth streekSaltimore. L.SEQR c0..1 Astor Hones, or la. Walla= .t.. N. V LEECH & CO., No.ll State atra_st, Balton. H. H. HOUSTON. Gann Freight Agant, Phila. L. L. HOUPT, Gang Ticket Agent, Phila. B. LEWIS, tern Sap't Altoona, Psi. 1104.10 111 1861. Altotal 1861 A MAE ! It ARRANGEMENT.— EW YORE JIINEIR ) CAMDEN AND_AMBOY AND Pathi•t -11 lapr inl.AND mown cumitoAD coal /ROM PKILADElarmik. TO NEW — 7IDIER ALI WAY PIiAGER, 'mu WALL IiTT AM. IMLAY/ Alum imjuiravow IMerve Wad) &AMIE AS 1r01,401V3. VIZ /MIL Al SA. N.. Tin Ma l= art f 1 . 1 30cr7 . '7. end A. 4O commodes/en --.—, ..1 ii At 1 A. M., Ira" Camden and Jo. -ter MIT, IL J.) Amoomposiation • -- I X At! A. M., via Csindell ' and Jerees 'lay , Nisrnin6 Mail—. . _____ _ -- .. , al 00 At iloi A. M., ma ieelleeto.l Ste JOrffilr Ob. Wtaiern_ parseati. ' , 360 At 123.1 re X., Ma Camden and Amboy ifigoittlaii dation --,.. _ . --- 3 M At 3 P. M., Tla Camden and Arr.noy. C. and A. kr.- Nem h---..„.... --.. —.— -- .........-_, cart At 431 P. 3L, MA Benalution and J enter City, Bve- Atal i g e ,iii Keilligton and Unity VIT 31 !00 Olaireiloliet ~..- " :..... " I a At 6P. Mods Canteen and Jamey Lutz, Evening . Mail . At UW43% Carotin and Jersey 13ity, &Mk era A IA At 6 P. _., Ma Gimden aniembor. Aiiiinunoda neexrerillinkt au& Earaingerl--/st GUIs Itlokot.— 3 re ire. do. !d 01557 2 1 .0ket,_/JO Wks Le M. Mail line rerui dailly. The ipt P Al, nous - ern Nail, asterdays excepted. e'er. /3eividem, testem,_ Lambertmllo, ng le e , As., at 7 . 10 A. M. and 4X Y. X. from ienington, For Water Ilap,.3trendibargi dersaton, Wiikeillarre. Mantroce, great lend, he.. Tao ..W.l. Prom lenenairton. via Delaware . Lackawanna and. w adorn I. R. For fdasoh chunk, Allentown, and Bethlehem' at x.IO A. ~ M. and 234 P. M. from Keneingten Depot : L (the CISA. A. 31 line *canasta with train Insofar. Easton at W P Ile) Fer Meant Nally. MI end 8 A. 316. X and dx r. de Far Prinks% at • A. in.. and I P. N. WA.01121. Per lirhiteLlfrenta.n. Y se. l . at CM A. N. al land at P. M. troll Kennington. and Ni Y. 112. fr om -Walnut street 'abort For Palmyra, Arveruat. Deimos, Beverl.- Ber lina, Ppt. re Plorense, Berdentown, dam, at 1110 , I, I J. 43d, m i, ai Meantime; Trenton, for_B_ordentown and Intermediate plactee r at SM P. M. from Walnut-etreet wharf. 11 . iirlrer flew York and Way Lines leaving Komi:ton take the WM, on _FM street. above Walnut, QM hoer before departure. The care run into the de t,on arrival of °soh train, mu from the depot. Pounds of Bowsaws, only, all earth Parma- Br. anew= are prohibited from eating anything as • case but their WOMIllf apparel. All baggage over t h r . Min& to Al paid for extra. The Company limit reePonei_bitity for baggage to One Dollarper mount, andwillMS VI hullo on any MMUS moyena qiw, ri ms w spoidia Impatises. • mhIT wm. IL 411.13Z1WP.R. Agent. min NORTH PRITINFIL VANIA RAILROAD. FOR RE fi M DOYLENTOWN. MARCH UM/NI. "•_. Li Turf BANTON. BC Y, " BARRH L ito. WIRER THROUGH TRAWL On and alter MONDAY. /3, 1103, -Passenger Trait:swill leave FRONT and WILLOW /Streets, Mils dolphin, daily, (Sands.", excepted) am follows t&la A. in.,..lExereari,_for Bethlehem. Allentown. oh Chink L Hazleton. Wilkeebarre. At 3.411'. K.. Expremah for Bethlehem, Easton, he, This train reaohat Beaton ate P.M. and make. Moro eenneation Ira /few Jersey Central lot New York. At 'LH P. it., far Bethlehem. Allettion. Malik Mink. ite. At f A.M. and 4 P. N.l_for Doylestown. At 30 . 50 A. N. and ea T. M., for Fort Washington. The (LW A. M. Enema train make' abase eennestion With the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the Miortaat and moat deatrabis route to Wilkedarro, and to ail woints in the botd_gacsaal room TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. T Lee,* Bethlehem at 5.10 A. M., AM A. 1111., and 5.X1 heave Doylestown at 7.25 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. heavoistt Waanington at ism A. H. and IX F. M. M AL ON .0 wituA ille—Truladelphia- ter DoOdetiera at $ PAH/dale/us forrylestown at I P. M. Perleitoirn for hiMdelphla.at A. M. Bethlehem for P iladelptua at BP. EL. sse In fletilaharc-..1 Se I Fere he Matzoh Chrink.lll &re to Easton 110 I Pare to Wilkeeberre— ie Wirinteit Tioltigunuat be Dl'oollllol at the Ticket Meet, at WILLOW Street er Minus &poet, in order to meow° the above rates or rase, ABPassengh ro FFilt er 'Nudes tekoept BandacTrains)oonneet at Berke Sot with and inth-etreete, out Dellsoul cue Vara-otreetorasaegger wooer, twenty manatee after laavir' 141..L181 01.A.MX. immim SPRING ARILUMZ BAWk AVINEWAN A ' on ead alltiriDAT,Ar&ISI learn, PAITOBB L.E.Avz utbrißitl,FßlA: For BSE BaltimoreT r 8 at 8.18 A. M., it F A. 81., (Thtereseh and BM F. id. P FAr Muter at OM AL Mn UN M AI 104 5n410.114 EU Far Wankinstan at 1.13 A. M., Mad A. M., 4.33 and dld. Far Raw emus at AM A. AL and 4.13 P. 11. For Doverat 8.13 A. M. and CU r. Faraftlforeit &M A. M. For Bilillril za. s ka 3 FOR PRIEA.ULFRIA hears Bandnaans Lit A. M. (Mmes.). 3.411 and 4.0 F. lit Lea" 3 Wilaan' sten at OM ard Alf A. M.. 1.30 and I. Raw M, . Salisbury at 1.40 P.3µ. ham Milford at 4 F. M. Mate Dover at LU A. M. and 6.33 Mare Raw Castle at 8.33 A. M. 7.3)P. lam Wester at fa A. M. to. La and 8.4 a P.M. Leave Damara tir aatisaars and Daisy:no SAW rend In 1.16 A. M. _ _-- - - fir A t —me Poll BALTIMORE: Immo Mostar at 8.45A411,32.01.And /I.BO_I".AL *save wilausston at thtt 10 .9 M., Audi m A. M. lIILEIIII4 ifitep with irent!er Car atteaked, une. Marro YallaAeljahia for Perrytfilli Mai ittarraliliabl Waco, at Lao P.m. Han Wit tinkion far forrrrilLa and latansedlats plum at TAP M. Laare.Wiliaington for Pluladetphia and Man:no d/at, oat.: at P. AL Lam Ravra-410-Grata for Baltimore lad intermedi ate station. at Jt. Leave inmore for Iftorrade-Orsaie and intennadt ate stations at I P. ht. Ojf eloonoocwpd. 7 S M ÜBaWAYSi 19, mat, isibl f 991999 96- ties. TWO NB willrun on Sands's, Leaving Philade)phia for on and Washington at 11. x/ A. IL and ion P.M.. and Ina Baltimore for Philadelphia at Le A. M. and awn . I. M. F.F.LION. President, IN EVANS & WATSON'S BALA/AND/6R WES 111TOZI $0 4 it 1110M41112/6111 aro ;Itrliall . Imi" *haw FURNISS, BRINLNY. t 00i,_ No. MARKET STREET. BALE OF Ray 00095 FOR CASH. Oa Friday Morning, June nl, at 10 cvolook, for clean— Me Ws of fanny and Olivia dry eilkode,gornPrising general assortment of seasonable dry Swan.. NW - Samples and oatalogues early on mortung of pale. WRITE ArD RED CHECK NANKIN MATTING. On Friday Morning, 60 pieces 4 4 white Nankin matting. 20 3 4 rad check •• 32 " 4 4 15 " 64 " BLACK GROS DE REINES. vinous 26044 inch high lustre blank greed*, Milner:. CRA:PIa: Da; CAPUA. CREPE DE MILAN. &a. 24.34, and 40-inch plain an d broche crepe de Capan.ut. IS Wan Grisaille mosambianee end grenadine'. de Mil Manatieeter gingham*. DEMI? FORD & 00., ALTOTIONERREI, $3O MARKET Iltroot at! 621 NALE OF 800 CASEA tiGANS. ouTIS. 8110E 3 . AND BRO- On Thursday Morrung. June V. at 10 o'olootr preeisely, will be sold, by seta *fee— fiort i t2 o Cx . tna • &A own men's, boys' and youths' oral. kilo, wad gain boots, oalf. tip, and goat brogans, Congress gaiters, Ox ford ties, 143.' women's, misses'. and ohildren's oalf, rip, goat, moivocso and - kid heeled boots and shoes, gaiters, slippers, tinsiiins, 10.; also, a large assortment of 6,2 t &ass oity-made goods, goods open for examination, with satidegass, Million the morning of malt. nunbur7 and Zrie N F. PANCOAST. .AINTIONEER., due l• aossor tO B. Boots. Jr.. 431 CTLENTNWI AL SALE AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS, suß.GuNs, MILLINERY 6uODB, ka., by catalogue. 1104 This Morning. Si+no IT.oommenoirtg at 10 o'oiock 9 , 0011011. Included will be Found HOSIERY, GLOVES, Ac. A line of ladies' and sante' cotton boss end half hose; ladies' and gents' lisle and silk gloves; ladies' lud do. HOOPED SKIRTS. Superior nteel-springittoopea Acids BSA') GOODS, NOTIONS, &c. A line of out-glean beads, bead goods, bugles, notions, BONNET RIBBON/. tee. Chnims staileS Pang tannet and trimming ribbons, tiilk blondes tin Isom_ 'nation flowers. LACE YOINTS AND MANTMLAPI. An Invoice of Paris lace points and mantillas, Bonn nous. &o. Also. ladies' Pans long and short mitts. Also, a line of Maltese lace consul. FITZ & BROS., AUO • TIONEERS. 604 ral RSTIVIIT Bt. above fixtb BALER EVERY EVENING. At 7 o'clock. of books, stationary, and fancy goods, watches, jewelry, clocks, silver-plated ware, outlerYt pal tinr~ , muzioal intrumenta, Ito. Also, raosiery, dry goods, boots and shoes, and mer ohaodise of every 4166cl:tenon. day , DAY BALES e very Monday. Wednesday, and Fri at 10 o'oloisk . PRIVATE EIALF.B. I private sole. several large comas...cat. of WfLealiall and jewelry, books stationery . silver-plated mare dat ion On , fanny goods, 0., to which is solicited the atten tion of city and country merchants and others. Consignmente solicited for all kind. of merchandise, for either public or private sales S Liirenst cash advance. made a on tionsismscits. cut-door sales promptly attended to. NO • IR A RUCITL— PAILJUIRMIII.I JAB VI.- Lit AJL, V I ACIEBT 10.1rE t• Tarmagestrilin, ALA worg, WilimbarroOkriaton A _Danvl Ramon , Pat' 42 ' tinwon. are Asokoner, Cleralanitaletroi Toledo, Mw" intais,Ditilwauss, sal 0•11 "wird= ce-k ana W Talmage'. Mina will lam A. now Depot of the PP,- aatatlmi th ut M ts ltl , peed, eo r tr o r 111.04:ii g a d , 1010Wir1110,11) 41114 (Damian simpt•), Air alms Muir Maori AY• 1 1 1"YRILIPoo — —AN A. X. OWN EXPILFAIL._..— . 1 4P. Kl. Wks MI A. ft. train tannest, at Amon, for wilkvo barritestlmak . Scranton, and ail i4O WANDA ADD BLOcalAßVArilThing DU a tram mk dire ct E rieal% at witik Cm Using of the N ew Ye* and . Callandaillmn Mid Diataraleallg. and Wale, New York and DM, and Aorlw York C ent ral ltailrosid, :Wm. oh-points North and 17F , and the s rAm. gawk , te Wain, Wale, and lingplanisa pt .".,.........,.......,. _ top man be 1.7 d, et th e Tniledelalla and .51- _ Railroad_ tar ea red Moe, northwest cornet at it ID and mi. n VT Streets, and at • Dworestrztere i WiniRTEENTD and C WOAD =TAMS FARM hems A. Toil “2.14.,..4 .Readint AL= agg Collowitill atm t (Onndayg onsaPtallb or all Point, Weat ma Do ,atIP. eh 'alita MIL: bwdanvored Word I P.M. to Ware alp mfact g .11% t 'N a MAMra• O 0 V Flrolgk Dew , lntavest er- tsar tlXri=M ' ti nt & ooLtr Pnilogolog TII ADAMS =PRIM ctoi,onectsocumme Street. • aro* /wages, ICesishaadise, , Bankatom, and entais, either by its own Maim of in•sintootb* With otter WU ettrietitadMisashell la all W!MOM lONA gesia= l * l pa r 1431 OP LA WEN' NEW 81APE STR4W BON- I, rimy furl, Alm"! B ADM BO' 8' BATS, by catalogue. On Pridni Morning. June 28. commencing at 10 o'clock. ME DiVIIYA.L• EDF. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL Ann BLOOD RENOVATOR Is praomely what its name indioates, for. whi - pleasant to the taste. it is revivifying. exhilarating and strengthening to the vital powers. It also re vivifies, retrustates, and renews the blood in all i original purity, and thus restores and renders the system invulnerable to attacks of disease. It Is the only preparation ever offered to the World in a popular form, a n d to be within the reach of all. 'So ahem ally gialfully combined as to be the most powerful tonic , and yet so perfectly adapted ati te act its perfect accordance with the laws of , furs, and hems soothe the weakest stomaat. and tone up the digestive organs, and allay all nervous and other injtation. It is also perfectly exhilara ting, in its etleote, and yet it is never followed by lageitude or depression of spirits. It Is composed entirely of veigetablon ' and those thoroughly MM. 'ti binine powerfWir tonioand soothing properties, and i'2, consequently can never injure. Bnoh a remedy has w long been felt to be a desideratum in the Mechoal !11l world, both by the thoroughly skilled in medical • *mance, and also by all who have enifered from de- .s. Nifty t for it needs no medical ekill or knowledge 'w,,, even to see that debility follows all attacks of dui- 2 ease and lays the unguarded system open to the w attacks of many of the most dangerous to which 0 p our humanity is constantly tiable. Such, for ex- i, ample, as the following: Consumption, Bronchitis, Indigestion, Drspepsia t Lose of Appetite, Faint. * nese. Nervous Irritability. Neuralgia., Palpitation " of the Heart, Melanchol y. Bypoohondria, Night ft ; Sweats, Languor, Giddiness, and all that class o ~.,`"' orme, so fearfully fatal if unattended to in time. ,7. t u l over n en .1 d linetltdUkn°Derangement.f between nt eI2 -Vl Disease. t r h tWn e h e l d rTo l if Urine , o O n t ol7h i d ra is iT r a noosa , predisposition ai PaindlrKidneys,i"ytSigngScell Inthiaedgelradr Lilh'w'liniii :dr t e t:.a°. ' slight eorA:ngidrin.-I: ! II". Cells, Ranking and Continued Cough, Emtleletien, 7° Dismally in Breathing, and, indeeo, we might enu merate msay more still, but we have space only to n say, it will not only ours the debility following 2 41 Chills and Fever. but prevent all attacks arising w trom Miasmatic Influences, and cure the disease tt . et Onee, lialrearly attacked, and as it aoti direollY .'' and jpennstentir upon the bitter, system, aronetris the Liver to &Mien, promoting, in fact, all the ex • orations and secretions or the system, it will infal libly prevent any deleterious oonsequenoea follow- is. ing upon change of climate and water ; hen°e all 21 travellers should have a bottle with them, and all ti should take a table-spoonful at Meat before eating. As it prevents costiveness, strengthens the dines- m • tive organs, it should be in the heeds of all persons of .sedentary habits: students, MUllateier literary 0 men ; and all ladies not accustomed to much ont- c ' door exercise should always nee it. If they will. k., they will fi nd an Agreeable . pleasant, and efficient remedy against those ills which rob them of their *. , beauty; for beauty cannot exist without health. L end health cannot exist while.the above irregular- ,'. ' ties continue. Then, again, the Cordial igajoierfeo m • Mother's Relief. Taken a month or two before the 0 • final trial, she will pus the dreadful period with ell perfect ease end safety. There is 710 mtataho abates i it, this Cordttli to (Ili WI eittiMfur ti, .2 1 1 0 .t.h, ersi srlf ot_ ft ! And to you we appeal to detect the illness or e decline. not only of your daughters, before it be too 'p late, but also your song and husbands, for while • the former, from false delicacy, often go down to a premature grave rather than let their condition be known in time, the latter are often so mixed u • with the excitement of baskets that if it were not for you they, too, would travel in the same do ward path, until too late to arrest their fatal fall. But the mother is always sic - lieut. and to you w confidently appeals for we are sure your never failing sisetiert Will Unefthiellt vial you to Prof. Wood's Restorative Co din; and Blood Ren h ovator, as the remedy which s h ow e! be always on and in time of need. 0. J. WO ODProprietor, 44 4Broad- I. ay. New York, and 114 Market street, Bt. Louis, Mo.; and sold by all good Druggists. Frio.. One Dollar per Bottle. Min this oily by B. A. FAT:II4EBI , O4m CO.. Nos. and 9 North FIFTH Street 11ABBARD & CO.. VrBLFTH and CNESTNI UT Street". and DYOT7 & 0., 23% North SECOND attest. ool&nilirf d-eowWtf E~ippTl~G. WEIKLY COMMUNICATION BY STEAM BETWUN NEW YORK AND LIVERPCKIL, calling at QUEENSTOWN (Ire land,) to land and embark Dements's and despatches, The Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steam- Alp company's Rolando/Clyde-built iron *mew steam stops, are intended to sails, follows: FROM NEW YORK FOR mv - zwrinL. CITY OF BALTIMORE, fraturday, June*/ KANGAROO, !Saturday, /nip 9 ETNA, Saturday, July 13 And ever' Satordor tbrouhout the year, from PIER No, 44 IL It. 1A OF PASSAGE inistouGn FROM Ng 1 1 A DELPHIL. i Cabin, to Queenstown, —or Liverpool.— _—_— 11 Do. to London, ins Liverpool .... 90 Steerage to Queenstown, or LaverpooL= .. ....— NI Do. to Lodon., — : —.--„,... r . t ... 1 .. --„-- U IC lAink tickets, available sax mynas, from Ltramol.. SM Passengers forwarded to Moro, Paris, Hamburg, Bremen, and Antwerp. at through rates, Certificates of passage issued from Liverpool to Few $4O Condos:on of passage issued from Queenstown to New York— These steamers have gummier accommoamconi ma minengenr, are constntereo with watertight compart ments, and carry experienced Burgeons. Pm freight, or passage l 2 at the once of the Com- Minn .1 IL DALE Agent, 111 17 1 7 Int "tree .! PAUsde_pi kis. In Liverpool. to WM. MAN fa Towtturild llFlastair, to 'ar e a , 13 Dixon dfusii raft. inkTUE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN 9.0 Y - MAIL WREAK -11011 NNW YOU Po 2.1712P00L. Chief Cabin Pomona VISO BeoOnd OHM rdaitage........ • ft 711.01511 30151'011 TO LTYKSPOOL. Ghia Cabin Passage Second Cabin Fassase— _ at The ships from New York call at Cork Harbor. Th. stun from Boston oaf/ at Halifax and Cork Ear bar. FEMUR, COL Jlidkins. AFRICA, OWL Maarten. ARABIA, Capt. I. stone . CANADA., Capt. J. Leitch. AGLA., Capt. F.. G. Lott. AMERICA. Capt . IdeAttier AVDTRALABIAN, NLAGARA,C.apt. Caph Cook. EUROPA, Copt, Anderson. BWWIIII f noir Width DIA Then vessels oerry a CIOW 7rhito Unit at mart-boad iroen on starboard bowl red on port bow. - ItlCAA,Moodie,isaveir Dolton, Wednesday , June U. ALA Bali Cook, " N. York.wedneeday,inne lk. ARABIA, Stone. .Wethleida.T.Jene ShanDoll, " N. XVI, vreaumaay, July O. DAIWA, Anderson, ,. Boston. Wednesday, July JO. 211 1M 41 ratZi k ..ge e i t aext e V:igg Earths not scoured until paid for. An esserientied Simeon on board, The owner o 1 those slap will not lip litioointaino for God, Biller, Bullion, ageing, Jewelry, Fremons stones or Metals, unless bilk of lading are signed therefor, and the value thereof therein engrained For fizor or e.apply re k. CUM s Pais l a ttf Bowling Green, New oh. RAILROAD LINES. AMNONWEST CHEST= AND FRU AD P itAILRQAD, __ _ VIA MEDIA. BUMMER ARRARG KENT. On and after atOrt DAY, :ono d. Mt, Om ;TAM' will leave PitILADELPHLA, fr m the Depot, N. E. comer of 131GMTER2VPM and T attests. F.M.t 7.0 and 10.00 A. M. and &IL LM, and 10 M, and will leave the Station, corner of THIRTY-F/EBT and MA MUST Streets, (West Philadelphia.) at &RI and 111.0 A. M., and I.lg. 4.00 6.4 C and 10-14 M. OR 11)0IDAYS. Leave PHILAMELP f at 11 A. M. and fF. Rh Leave WEST CREenzir. atll A. M. and OP M. Trains leaving ehiladelphin and Wert Chad . or at 7.0 A. M. and gig P. M. connect at Pennelton with Trains on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad O'gfOr4 and intermediate points. MERRY WOOD. -tf General anpertntendent. PHILADELPHIA AND getWnttl i gi o gar° RAL""D P R lLLimputt, April st, 3861 SEASON T/OArta; On and after May 14861, sewn tickets i fill be horsed Metecompany for tansyods of three, six. nine, and months, not able. Seaton ashool- tickets may alto be had at na per cent. disaimint. These Munn will be rola by Ito T"ma.arer at No. WY Beath FOUR= Street, where any farther information can be obtained. E.lB FORD, aidn-tf - JEXPEESB CIOMPAPitES. BALES BY M -_,....-.....„„__ THOMAS & SONS, * Noe. 139 and 141 South 69 FOURTH Straw (Formerly Emil sod .) —' SALE OP SUPERIOR FULtlirllts. N A P0RT.1.14 LAMP. AND 111..uArrt ral fotoW FINE Dir,DB ACID ISHDDING, RyttisB EL , OCHER Clark:vs. OHINA AND OLAAM7 AV 10. ikit OA Chir sale tor•rnorTrow ' Gu mmi'. 4 1 ths AI. , Store f orllloomprige. besides 700 lota of eleelle r ,, 2 eel hem furniture , mahogany piano forted, large ,7,7 ti e .Preno,h-ylate atone irror, 14 by ii , e. Dean and &adding, sod 111141 w 4, 111. army! ' Q 4 t other CtirDetS, &e., fornatnit,atu earr• .Litlii worthy Ihe ottentfoll of MIN end 'mous ileriro7,7,l pucithaems. P Cameos!! now ready and the artiolii firrahu for examination. ___. smugFutit,fo SIALEer itii•ALpe'r a Tit nen .133ICRANGt MARRY TUlAtkif ' , Jet" del ok noop, dunes the !minims sob, at isfendellii of eitoeltopeny lawn m ellgamc addition to which we Yemen on t he eiiNrait to each sale, one thousand catalogsse, Wsa ta „,, - • form. givinK fellll desorintio9a tab the mom. -461 sold on the o_wiir TtlelegY, • v WEAL ESTATE r RIVATE CA:Lt. air We have a large amount of real estate itya sale. Including' even description to f any „2:ifi Property. Printed lists may bs had at the snou t 14 ritiVATE Raid: RtlcittrEk v4lt, VP- A sal estate entered on oar private sale and advertised occasionally in our public am a .. g i t i . , (of which one thousand cellos are Driat e d " n free of charge. ett STOOKIkBONDIi, M. M SI 'P n ne sdap, s .at 11 o'oloak O n noo. at the Pk 4 kslalpf Its. will be sold— 4 ri al il li alma reserve, hr . order or administrator -1 share Paint Breese Park Ailloollllloll, For other socounts -1112,000 seven Per 24111 t. first-mortgage bor ic !. e ttaidw. phis and Sunbury' ma irosd Comm,. Acadein Philadelphia and Meroannla L ibm llliaiii my of Fine Arta. 32400 Chesapeake and Delaware Canal L,,,,,,. 10 shares Pb 8011111110. 2 shares Philadelphia Sad HILVtO.de-OT4C2 at Towboat Co , par 869. REAL, VITATE EALv—JDf o y v. VALUABLE IMBUING, E TRUCE NT/laT Orphans' CoutleBaie—Estate 0 Abnshain hil, deoeased.—VALX ABLE THREE-tiTORY II ft it DWICIAING, northeast corner of Barnes and L_, streets. between Beoond and Third. Nit feet 11 it - 44 front. -.ARES STORY BRICK DIVELLItto, n o . Webent street, west of Tenth. 111 feet II lashes trept7 80 fest deep. peremptory BaIe.—FRAMW: Dwitt , Lirdo. Rey, north of It tohmond dqeet. rd Lim:lewd ward. a, Peremenoe /4410.--T rIBEe.-sTOIty 13 Alen borni, LINO Amp BAKIgAIk Otis etreet. ll insteeste ' qv : TWOS OILY B IC LW FILLInG, Ao. NI l e lie street. between Fifth and Sixth streets. ud .4, -. ttoble Wein. The hOOlO MIS two rooftop 116,,, 4 introdoodirepa_•• Ita• TidREB-ortiß it BRICK DWELLING. No Wharton sas. street. west of Third street- BIS Cellitijo; rt. th. &o. TwutW.lt/ItY FRAME DWELLING and co w _ Rho's. No. nu Baca street, west of Twelfth sow a 30 met trout and 100 feet deep to Lancaster streir,j; which street is erected a Wick and frame 0,4 %4 ; I Vir Fall - nartianlars of all the above was see m id ,. In handbill'. Ezeontora' 8110-110. ZII !forth Meth Street. NEAT ROUSE tattCARPETSL D FURNITURE, Iltbealltd This Morning, J u l y g, IS ateleele,at NeAk‘Naginkom above Klieg, the Beet bonsehold fa:altars. 2.time; onreete, .to., by order of the ezeontore. 116 r May be azamtnett at 8 o'olook on the now," the sale. SALE OP VALUABI,,E AND__YLEGABr LONDsn AND DAM nRIGAN BOOKS, This .Eveniss. Jane 26 et the aunties store, e °enaction of nitaw, Books, oavartous interesting tinniest& Also, s mo n of elegant Illusirsked Worics, Aelcop &Upon. ifir ; For particular' gee catalogues hale at tt•s.IBO and ill &Hat Ponta Still, 317PB1t10.9.rtnittift•01.13,, feitlsbCH-PLAI IMP lie . S, PIANO-FORTka. BR VIIARIA CLA On Toorsday Moraine. At 9 wniank, a. the Auction litore, ea sisorMillf en - Gaeta second-hand fosnitare, elejant mac,. One mirrors. carpet.. Mo., from mmilies doiA i ; ill oasekeerattr, remoTod to the Moro rot lonrotlanlQ RID. Rafe No. 213 south Broaditteet. SURFRIOR PURI( ROSEWOOn P.O RENOII PLATE XIIRR.ORB, TAPERTRy c a. ! YETEI, d