THE PRESS. os i l yip DAILY, (SUNDAYS RS: ja p ilD ,) gY .101131 W. rOlt7 f in% oFF NE No. 417 0113874111 mut DAILY------ p raisss, D atvl - WM, li&Yable Ulf the Carrier. ple a °Subr ,aribere ont of the City at Etrx. Dormsas FtWIL 90/40015 7031. EMIT N. 0141113, SO o wl!. FOR Six MoNrlie—liarariablj in ad, We time ordered. va-ITZEIELY PRESS, peed B° bl3nbigri Old Of the City at 'rain Doz.- ~ ro in advance. coMMISSIOIqi HOUSES. BAY FLANNELS. BLUE-BRAY FLANNELS. &BAY FLANNELS. vLIVE-NIXED FLANIIELIh CHEAPEST IN THE MARKET. (WAY FLANNELS. By THE PIECE. OR BALE. FOR CASH. ET JOSHUA L. DAILY. .20.213 MAATC.E7 aZREIVIN ROY, HAZARD, , 1 I Caßkeiguy COMMISSION 'IBM:WANTS, 17 °I THE aux O 1 I W.ADELPIIIA-MADE GOODS. MILLINERY GOODS. _ W.O :•• *4 11. ; z .1, OS. KENNEDY & BRO. ca1.:811111T Street, below EIGETIL. Are offering their Stook of BENDS FLOWERS, AND STRAW GOODS. AT RETAIL. WIMP FOR. CARL filteCZAlgt3. FAMELIBB HISIDINO IN THB URAL DISYIICTII I, tre Plowed, so heretofore, to amply families at ..;Covet l 7 lievideusel with every dovoriotion of FMB fIOCERIEII, TEAS, &c., fte. ALBERT 0. ROBERTS toitNSl nrinSrint OM TIME STREET , EXCELSIOR HAMS. H. MIGHENER & IEPIERAi PIOVI3IOM DziarrJts. !ND amiss or TEE ONkEIMAWND "EXCELSIOR" 11111111- 1 31 11 RAMS It M OD /44 SOUK Thorn, WY!;Jam/ tiotwoon Arsk aati loos fftreetsa 21111LADELPHIA. Tit iDaily-celebrated Eseebnor Rem are eared by ffe. (in a style peculiar_ to themselvoo), ox pia forfaimir i are of delicious ffavor,free trolls unpleasant taste of salt, and are pronounced by eta re rusenor to any now offered for sale. ante LOOKING GLASSES, F A CK)IiiN(":MILASSES. wally sui sololiting saw sit oust rapt LOOKING-GL.dSSES, emu all tits latest impasimunts and frienties 12 icitme are. tstt nove,tie• to Walmta sati Solt aral laostevaet told Palma; for =MORA Ti. nest extensive and varied nesertetant tx tle Ittlc JAMS B. 'EMMA & SUIT, lAELZIS 3 GALLERIZa, 614 BARKING, AUGUST ENINONT Oa, BANKMEib. Eh WALL STUNT, NW YORE; m• ens, of *rant to travails% siroilaldo to al TM= 7. Wien, Frsnkfort, Molex, Vilma, lirit their ger FINE WATCH REPAIRING. 1 PERSONS HATING FINE WATCHES that Gave hitherto given no ratietention to the ere Moiled to prow them to our store where L defeats via be remedied by thoroughly MIMI and 'unfit workmen, and the watoh WerreMed to give acre utisteotion. ti an Cloaks, Dlunieul poxes, to., carefully out in ardor, FARB. & BROTELPS., ono, of Wetakep, lilcureal Doze', Cloaks, ace, men 394 CffiZTHATX Street. below Fawn'. VABINBT FURNITUBB. MAT T TABI I IB7 II7" AND MOORE fis OAMPION. Mo. 261 SOUTH SECOND !TYREE% =motion with their extensive Cabinet Hilisess. n manufacturing keLripenor wake.* of B.II4•UND TABLES, !SCRsnowon hand a foil IMPROVEDtted with & CAMPION/I CUSHIONS. sink are yronommed, by all who have need theca, to "EPoller to in others. For the qiuslity mad finieh of theme Table* the maire k'nere refer to their r.nmerom patrons thronghost lo lawn. who are familiar with tkeeharacter of their an. fatil-ht TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES. DO YOU WAST WHISSZESI DO TOD WAND 10 iC= w.urir A NOVISTACKS DO YON WANT A MONSTADDZI BELLINGHAM'S LSBRA.TED STIMULATING UNGUENT. ►Ol ta,13it1.4 AVID TAIL fit ealmertbere take rderuntre in asnonnaing to the '-tens of the United States that they have obtained AVIIIO7 for, and are now enabled to offer to the ' 44 engan public) the above jastly-celebrated and 414.7enerened artiste. THE EITIMULLTIND MOVEN, l 'lrtpared es Dr. 0. P. DEJ.LLIDGRA.M. en eminent Needan of London, and it warranted to bring out a winter . _ . WHIBILKILS, OE A 111OSSTA011:6 tram three to in.x weeks. This article is the only . 43 0 the kind used by the French, and in Soudan and attv him:uremia nue, 4 a a bgentifsi. economical, seething, yet itainall `,4.,_composcd,Vic as bj magic upon the roomy .".mt a bea m growth of bizariant hair. If ap t* to the seal, tt w ll care beddress. and cause to '..1"41 op the pekoe of the spates, fine growth of • Lair " Applied according to emotions. it will turn Of Twirl hair pang, and mune gray hag to its itmal WUXI. learn; ft soft , smooth. and flexible. " ONG Ewa" I...iiidcpensabla article in every Ltte mi e s toilet, and after one week's use they wont( 1 1 f 01 oonaideration, be without it. 40 watsoribeis are the only Agouti for the article 1/ t ..... 1 ' r. 14 0 . ailed States , to whom all Orden mist be 441 - '2 l _o one dollar ; for salcaty_ all _Draggists and ;ers ; ore box of the •• 01‘6111 - T." warranted to I, l re the desired eifeet. will be cent to any wh ofesire direct, rooorely sacked. on receipt pries Pc•Olfe, 41.3. Apply to. or eddies' lIOLAUE le. HEGIBMAII & COn OgrOrti. &0., 94 191.11 WADI atm& lierw York. inn & DO .. so. 939 North SECOND Mb - W. Phi 441 4 1 1fil /AWOL KUHR OPAL DENTALLINA.—We speak tram eatetionee when saying BROAD OPAL ILLNA made by My. BBIIIM. aad. a s UC eLmak.i. deeidedlf the 111 PreD B n l wed lip ;A -61 .r•outh aw teeth that ye have Ore/ Wee. W • af t m . "S IfRIV/1.11 that claimed (Or . it* be* *O lt ---4 uod by the meet eadaitat dented§ we *dem all eta It trial.—Boilatto. PROPOSALS FOR WOOD AND 00AL . Min', or inn Unman EITA.T.III4 PIIITADICLIPM.A. Jona 14,386 L wtRiLi:D PPOSAL:3 for supplying the !dint with Coal , for one year from Int July. lam will bY the undersigned until I o'clock P. K. Pelath inst . r :e Coalmen lu m p the best and hardest Anthracite, ' 0 egg and taxes. suul free from limo. elate, eQii deadeuttances—each um to weigh tw . 'nu forty ponnds. The quality ottne Coal ell to be impelled will be wandered in doter +t tier bit% 1, • Wa'd I° be dry and of the beat quality of Rick eele Image Pine tm e a ll articles mach must: be delivered at the Mint. atanoh quan titi s o as may be, required. free lueu ° TM or other chart:m.6nd 'solemn to the In r„„.'"' elYProval or too Director or tee Mutt. ma 7 be made for emit article septe/ig, t e be egdomed propoosio for Coal " • Pro ts,,Kid.,, JAMES gpizocur., . Director. BOMB, LAW AND MISOILLMingOI3I3 h . paenri.nd old, bousht, sold. led _ 0 3„gl i ng . 11 0 11 . 419 al-PEVRIa-EeteK. BOOS. aq IA" e It ra UT Btreet. Libraries et a diatemete Mehemet. La. *nut Boole to Wl.ll at a dingy:lB,la 'tar ile b ra.R.4l nue bin6luz dams oliswe IeAPITED— i BooXs Prirafd t a a ll !t oy • well Ka early Bookt r e ado ru tlet A LL l " gra ira orieenry lAltSe l rs veatliaiOlda.; I fiC t i l a mei lon free. Llamas arjattia L. J9KOI VOL. 4.--NO.- 279. SEA-BATBING.-NATIONAL HALL, CAPE ISLAND, Cap" May. N. J.—The proprietor of the above-named finely located estabhehment would respeotfully inform the thousands of Guswe that have heretofore visited his house. that. in order to meet the Rreasure of the times. be has, for the present season A , IitAMBD HIS CliafteEti for Bement to RIGH T DOLLARS PER WKEIFE. Children under /2 Pears or age and servants halferica. Superior awommodationir, end ample room for MO permit. Retort to J, Van Court, Zia ATM etree_ it Philadelphia. Jen tat AARON IaMIRERSON, Proprietor. SEA -B 4.THING.—The UNITED STATES HOTEL, ATLANTIC. N. J. it now open for visitors. ThIMI 113 'the 'argon and best-furnished Hotel on the Island, and being convenient to the bench and surrounded by extensive and well shaded grounds. is a desirable Houle for families. It is lighted with gas and well sup lied with pure water . The Germania Society - wilt urnish the music for ,the season. The Cate stop et t e door of the Hotel for the convenience of vistas. a2.RP.M12111 McISISHIN, jelo-tI proprietor. AMON' HOUSE, POTTSTOWN, PA. M —SUMMER BOARDING.—The above Rotel, lo cated in the borough of Pottstown : Montgomercomity, Pa., on the line of Philadelphia. and Readmitßailroad. is now amply prepared for the accommodation of guests, and presents especial edvantsges to those who wish to escape fora few weeks the heat and dust of the city. Theotel is new, rooms large and well venti lated. with alt the modern conveniences. Families can always be Accommodated with convenient Monts,.as may be desired. Pottstown is beautifully located in the romantis val ley of the Schuylkill, and the country surrounding abourda with fine 'vinery. delightful wales, end Plea sant drives over good roads. Carriages oda always be furnished. Merchants, who may desire to spend the "heated term " in the country cannot do an at anY more conve nient - place than at Pottstown seaport tickets can be procured on the Reading Rail road at low rates. and ;warmers can leave Pottstown at? A. M. reach Philadelphia at 9; and raturnitm, leave Philadelphia at 315 or 5 reaohing Fottstown either at or 7F. ta. Boarding accommodations at very reasonable rates. Address H. F. Ytnitf,, 1022-2 t. Madison House, Pottstown, Pa. WHITE 8111,PHIIR AND CHALY • BEATE SPRINGS, DOUBLIKG GAP. These 'Springs are in Cumberland *may, Fa., wilt" miles welt of hiarnabare, on the Cumbgrland Valles Hailroai, sad 13,7 o now open for the reception of vieitors. Board from five to eight dollars. aesording to. rooms. Proctor. your through tiokats at the Penne r PISMO. Rail road Orme. at a reduced price BA th - Guth. Callon B. 8. Jamey, Jr. & Co.. GOO Market atrial, Ter Information, cards. COYLE, ANL, ac,nori M.B rtetme. JeXP- m SUMMER BOARDING-BR,OAD TOP MOUNTAIN ITOUSE...-A romantio spot for SUM KEA REST DANCE, on one of the MOUNTAIN TOPS of Pennsylvania, reached daily by Pennaylvanta Cen tral Road and the Broad Top Mountain Railroad from lituntingdon. The House is one of the finest In the in terior of the State. handsomely thrmehed, with all the resciaites for comfort and convenience. Pure air- de licious wins water, romantic scenery, and everything to restore and invigorate health. Telegraph station within a few mile. of the House. so that daily comma vaoaa o R a m l ay a e wi a l d l wurni sPhila o d uno a ti cket s . P h nn ugh the gesson. Parson leaving Philadelphia io the morn ing take tea at the MOUN'geIN HOUSE in the evening. The snliseriber has kindly been allowed to refer to the following gentlemen (residents of l'hiindelphos) who have neon patrons of the MOUNTAIN HOUSE Wm. Cummings. Esq., David P. Moore, Esq., Samuel C.astner. Esq., Thos. Oarstairs, ewe.. Pr. Joseph Leidy, I .ewis T. wattson, Esq., Don. Henry D. Moore, G. Albert Lewis. Hes John McDaniel. Evq„ Richard D. Wood, }As., John Hartman. Esq., Dr. S. Henry - Isformatinn as to terms can be obtained of JOHN MoJaltl.ES. or 'HENRY D. MOORE. Sile WALNUT Street. For farther information addreea JOSEPH MORRISON, Proprietor. Broad-Top Cit.E,Fowelton Poet Office, Runtarird n. county. Pa. BRIGas HOUSE, CHICAOO, ILLINOIS. The tindsreisned respostfully annonnee to their friends. natrone, and the travelling public generally, that owing to the atringenor of the times, they _haze reclined the price of board to TWO DOLLAR' S per da ilitmkfal for the petronade to liberally, bestowed on them, they reepeotfans ask for a continuanoa of the same, assnring their patrons that the BRIGGS" will be ciondtioted on the same liberal plan that has heretofore characterized their establishment. WM. F. TUCKER & Co. 3e17-1m SURF HOUSE, ATLANIIO 0117, NEW This HOTEL, with its first-elms accommodattone for over 400 guests. will be opened on the 17th of June. Situated within rusty yards of the Ocean, at a point where the bathing is the beet and safest on the coast and remarkable for an unusually dr, and nealth. atmos phere, the SURF HOUSE will be found one of the most attractive places or summer remrt near Philadelphia. Whe table-will be most liberally supplied. The house is lighted with gas and plentifully supplied with good cistern water. A fine, band of music and the services of several fast-sating Yachts have been engaged. and on the Pre mises are Billiard Tables. Bowl ng Alleys, and a suffi cient number of Bath Houses, The Fishmg, Gunning. and Bailing at Atlantic City_eannot be surpassed. All trains stop at the SURF ROUSE, to land and take or any information. apply at ASULAICD ROUSE. nitim Street, Philadelphia, or address the Subscriber at the Surf Howie. eU-tOt U. S. SISNISON, Proprietor. CONGRE&S LULL, CAPE MAY CAPE IPLAND, N.J. This wellimoim Bret ohms 'Hotel will be opened for the reoapfton of inmate on 'PEURSDAY, June_Vl. WEST & THOMPSON, Propneton. 51X1..5V COLUMBIA. HOUSE, Oape Inland, N. J. This celebrated house will be opened for the re oetion of guests on June MANI. The situation of this house is one of the most beauti ful on the Island. commanding an nnobstruoted view of the omen. . - 1: band of muido has been ensued exclusively for Nu:thous° for t.,e woman. A hole number o_ herb boossssss etomected with .61.-e.i.abbonMeltt. tioollltabllllC for horses attached to the prsmiees. Applications for 'rooms or other.pirtionlars will meet enta prompt attention try_ _addreoling the aubsonber. me. - Jit..LoißD. Proprietor. Cape island. N. J. TONTINE HOTEL, NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT.-The aubstoriber refurniahed this faahlonehte first-oleos 'Hotel entire lad Spring. re modeled the old Dining Room, added new Ladies' nrdieei7, and put in complete order his Billiard and Bath Rooms. Families can have suites of Rooms at either Rouse as low as at any first-chum Rouse in the Country.. Boarders can go to and from the TONTINE to the READ, three times a day, by rail, and take their meats at either HOW, without extra charge. Raving purchased and stooked a large Farm at Sachem', Read this stonng,the two homes will be furnished with Meats, Poultry, Milk, Batter. Vegetables, and Fruit, daily. from the Farm. A Telemap 'Tontine, h Line his been put np at Sachem's Bead and at the 'Tontine at the Proprietor's own expense, which connects with all the lines in the 'United States. B. LEE SCRANTON. MAO RAOHITINT READ HOTEL , OIIELFORD, 0,7 CONN.—The proprietor of this well-known. &et class, tsaluonable 617 RIMBH-110 USN would inform Its former patrotur, and the public generally, that he built on three hundred feet last spring. making "eventY•fuut new bed rooms. new dining-room. forty bY one hun dred. new parlor. forty by se-enty. Every room in the bonne is newly furnishe d with new carpets and new oottsge fumitute. The Hotel is of modern eonstrno won,hollt on an extensive scale, with ao.ommodatione for }our hundred guests; beautifully loomed on Long 'eland Hound• fourteen miles east of New Haven, on the DIOW London and fltonington Railroad; new bp liard-room, with three new tables; two new ten-pin alley% at a convenient distance from the bones, and twelve new bathing-houses. Fishing rs not env-eased on the Bound. A new yacht of forty-five tons. sod several email nail - boat ., will be eonstautly on hand, ready for parties. Going from New York to Bacheinwe Head, take the A. M. train and S P. M. train ; check and ticket to Baoliem's Bead direct, °hoagies oars at New Haven ; time through UK hours. From New Haven to the Head at 7.1( a. 1id.,11 4,111... and 6P. 61.—time 40 minutes. At the nnohenes Heed depot will be found one of Cook'. belt four-horse Omnibusee, new and *lean, to wary yon direct to the house. A new Barn, one hundred by fiftv.two feet. was built last sumps. which inn aocommodate fifty horses. Fi teen sores of land have been enolosed, and filled with ornamental and fruit trees. walks. , he. The house will be opened for the reception of tom- Piny on the 36th day o finite next, under the immediate sulierintendenee of - the owner. I". IL—fdomuttowi are never seen at the Head. H. Lb IS SCRANTON. /111.11.180 N BEKltitiS, Ou., PA.—This delightful and popularOtos of summer resort. located directly on the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad. on the ailment of the Allegheny mountains. twenty-three hundred feet above the level of the ocean. Will be open for ruses the 20th of JUNE. Since last 11846011 the ‘lOllllllll have been greatly unproved and beautified. rendering Cresson one of the most romantic end attractive places in the State. The furniture is being thoroughly renovated. The 'meeker of pleasure, and the sufferer from hest or disease, will find *Woo tton here, in a first-class Livery Stable. Billiard Tables, Tenpin Alleys, Baths, ito. together with the Mist air and inter, and moneuusguifusent monn- MIA scenery to b 0 found in the country. Tickets good for the round trip from Philadelphia, 8740; from Pittsburg, SUS. For farther information. address G. W. BITILLTN, jet-tm Crown Sprints. Cambria Co., re. HOWLAND'S HOTEL AL-a. SEA BATHING. LONG BRANCH, N. J The seteeriber will open his hotel for the littteliTTion. VitITORD , Jun jig nowLesirD. Frei:Tumor. si-sm H" FFPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, a LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Thls celebrated Watering rime will open for WM tore on the 3d day Of NNE. with all the %muttons of former seasons. Situated on a mountain 1;100 feet above tide-water, overlooking. the richest agricultural country m the world, the air parfeutly pure and dry at all times, ren ders it proverbially healthy. There are ample accommodations for tooth viiitore— nne wradea enelk• through the &Mat e VillOne Wings and rummer- boons on the mountain and to the observatory, from the top 01 which is presented to the gin one of the dneet and most extensive pano ramic views to be seen. A good livery is kept on the place, and beautiful drives around ; hot and oold bathe . ; a eglendid buret of Music (from the tilerlOallitt. of Phi ladelphia;) bowling alleys and billiard 5110 ons, with the West improved tables. Luse gardens attached to the place, from which all the vegetables are taken fresh fot the table which, tooorill be supplied from the thliedelphia arid Baltimore markets, as well as from the neh eigriooltural acuity around. °USW end attentive servants. Having Men. gonneoted with the establishment for some years With tee late_proprietor, a nddersurned smarm the old patrores of the slue he pnblio generally. that it will be conducted, in every depart ment in its former lopnlar way 'Visitors to the 6pnugs will take the mane to Lanes/- Mr, thence LI miles staging over eltateldit roads and through a beautiful country. Through tickets tuned at theSunnaylvania Railroad (Mee, .EIiEVANTR and MARSET Stream, Philadelphia. For farther univalve or circulars the a u d ioprjetor toren to JOO. B. hlyEtte corner TIMID v /NE Streets, and to JAMES BRYSON. S NOith 151.T1L Street, Philadelphia ; or s address 5. O. 5141.YMAKBR, niysl-2m tr Ephrata P. 0., Laneaater co., re. : o ,"'' ..,,, \ . I I ./, 1 ! :.... ~., . * i „. . -.., . .. . . \ li 4> 4 %i . I / 1-•"." /It . Vt^4 l . _. .. • .... - _ ~.. .. - , - irk- •pt _---- ) di • . 4 orl . . _ .....N : Si s k I t 1 r.ref __••••%10 ..-':,..-:,.. ' . :7 : . .-4- Vr _ . .. ....,,.. a .. ~,...„.......... • . . a d tl H t, • (--_,:-- !\' r .-- --,,,..._ , , ~.,-;.—,,,, . -,............, . .„...k. 7 ...,_- : , ,• ~... ,_ tr.,,,. , ~ :?..:..- ...A,-,_ ..!,,,T ri ri-.. . - .---.1.7- , ~.10011......9---: ~- __ ,--. -, ...,,,.„,,,,,,--4, - • -,,..,,--„, ai. ..„...„ 7 t,...• ....,-;!,--r-..•4',•04,4111%,.,..... ,' v._ ';,' • :74,47,7,11-:_,--1,..- ..-40..Mri11., ...,., ...-.: -q".`,::'"l-2--7, __...,,,"..,..4 011 .fH i, T A,i, ,.:. ..,.. : ,...., , i- - ::, 0: %•, ; __ -- , - 4 :,;,. .'....' i :, -, l, ~ - _Pi. .,l d ~ :,,.'.:fkol.--r:.,.1,,,'"' rte.:.,'-"4,.:, ~... ..„._. , , ,.7 --7 _l„.„:_ _- ._- ----- 7, --___ ,,. .----____ . -.•.-__ . 0 6. 0 . 6 *- --7v . - t-- ' .6.-.4- - 7- .. ,...