THE CITY. The Wives of the Volunteers. ,os /wooers ow TIMM CONDITION IND MIAMI. Loa reporting, glace the fail of Fort Sumpter, be °w aisted mainly of ringing the successive 00 „,, 0 es noon the volunteer question. times the troupe, regiment by regiment, ;have ooso ugted the town, the reporter of this paper has et „ o dsd, fa feu of some better employment, to to ~Ivea of the gallant Millers In tbis admimion, be withal it distinctly under. 00 ,4 that his attentions have been of a profes oast character solely. has fond the way to Ole seddental of some aged ladies, and to those of ahe m not so *gel ; but, in all cane, has met some to Interest him, and make him feel the so wspirr of any vier, and especially of war in a land 0 woof ss ours, whose individual losses indium 411 kW contend igalust the giving up of sons and tios bods, even for the detente of a cause so just, or :lag so free ip .osis nature is always beautiful in grief, and ma rs is no grief ea deep and abiding as that re. folliag from the farewell of the soldier, who %grebes to almost certain death fye eife who found her affinity in youth and puffed baPP7 rearm under his protection, having promised in the name of God to love and honor Mrs, osonot resign for a fate no cruel ea the deirtlny a eat, all the memories of youth put and the lr ~Wee of the going down, band in hand, to • good old age. me nee of Spartan mothers is not extinot ; but ehen the soldier is away, may not the woman veep .T She sent aim lo the camp to give his life for his enntry ; but when her Illseshold is ehadewlesd and she cannot bear his - voice, let her tears hallow hie o,, To tion when she is alone. Woman's love is the same in all relations, and the Sider and the wife feel alike with the mother. Individual eases of selfiehness there are, in lo strinsony as at the homestead hearth ; but the deter may be as devoted as the Kira; and there are rim stronger than children or marriage vows. et any rate, half the families in the land are full of fear, suffering the infliction of a common grief. and not a few are needy even to hunger and beggary. To the student of character this era is foil of in teract The grief that is the same everywhere fade a thousand IDMoe of expressing itself, and thus in its manifastationa presents Phadlia both mirthful and sorrowful. On Saturday last we attended the meeting of a Public School Board, that met in a certain gram- Oar school building to diatribute the moneys col lected at a ehildrenPs academy tionoert. The beneficiaries came in by groups and by couples. The first that we remarked was very timid, and had a tuition of saying something. and leaving or midway of the aentenee. She wore a thin black shawl and a figured calico drays, the latter very mean and faded. When she 'Kirland at the door she stood irresolutely, hold fog a scrap of paper in her band, and looking wist fully soros, as if half inclined to go back. Ore of the directors beckoned her forward, and the came, twisting her features nervously and flatting her draw with her hand.• " They told me this was the place where wimmin could get money," said the little woman, looking at nobody in particular, and blushing to the eyes. " That matter," said a dirootor, - depends upon tie claims of the woman. Wa give here only to the wives and fanatliaa of soldiers." That's wy•.hnaband," raid the little 1/01111.3, Tatnilag to eoldloaa o 14 he belongs to Einstein/ea regiments, and I'm his wife. ile's gone to—." "Bare you a certificate, madam ?" " Yes, sir, here it is ; written by hiaself, sod— The direator This won't do," said he ; we mud have a certificate from the colonel of the regiment, or MOO known citizen that lives in your neighbor hood." The little woman might not have intended to hint, but she exhibited strong symptoms of going of, and managed to say, in a voice that was very broken : " Bare, who could eartify It he couldn't' Ile wan bath workin', and bad seven obildern, and there vaa no need of him gain' away, for he could make good Wages, and bad othor ways —.3' "We don't doubt Unit fact at all, ma'am ; but still we must observe caution." " Isn't the money for the soldiers' wives," said tht, " end ain't I a soldier's wife? If you don't doubt as I'm ea, Gaul you gm° me hie /1/01312y ?" The little woman could not see the invisible red ape that hung around the Gelling of that humble iabiil-rppm- indeed, no one could have looked hh her frightened eyes end doubted her honesty, allotted the agitation of her hands and features, van: charitably relieving her necessities. Mr. Barnacle, the cautions director, however, taalatOt be satisfied. He stated - abet, USW rare. Eneedy should obtain verified credentials, she could not have a part or a parcel of the funds in possession of the Volunteer? Relief Concert Also sistion. la doing this, he donbilestproceeded on strictly systematic grounds, for which reason the little wo man referred to probably obtained no dinner that ,Ay. Mrs. O'Donnell, large and determined, next elbowed her way through a small group that earl. rota the door, and proateded toward the cash ier's desk with a huge market-basket, as if bent upon carrying away the entire amount of fordo, tough it should be in rolls of pennies. "Me AIM is Mary O'Donnell," said this lady, pushing forward the market hatket, , g and me haeband is named Jeems, who has gone to the ears." "Rave 7ela vi certifies** VI said Mt. Ramada: if sot, we can't help you!" certificate? An' what is that Nobody cia give a oartificate but me, and I can't write. II I ask ye for help, ain't that as good ekti a bit of paper? What's the use of a certificate to say that I'm myself ?" "I don't know you," said Mr. Barnacle ; " De ter saw you before. I can't give away money, and not 'mow where it pee to. Look at all them wimmin. They all say they are soldiers' wives; hat I meat ba satisfied of the fact " Upon the feet, it was evident, from his emphasis, lir. Bernina* set great store. The females referred to, seeing that Mr. Barnacle bed made reference to them, in what precise man ner they knew net, made a simultaneous rash for the head of the room, and, each pressing her claim at the same time, led on by Mrs. O'Donnell, a con dition or things =reifying to the charitable object of the gathering, arid particularly obnoxious to Barnacle 4 Brothers, ensued for a considerable twee of time "Se wants a certificate," said Mrs. O'Donnell, lagebrionsly speaking, at the top of her voice. "4 certi4eate," echoed the whole party in a iimilar regretful strain. 9 We ain't got no certificate !" said Mrs. O'Don son. "No wo abet got novel" said the whole party. Then, said Mr. Benda, - frowning deter nakedly, it you can't have any of this money." "Ohl. gorreb," said Mrs O'Donnell, " that my knelled should have known this, and him goin' away to fight for his country." " To fight for hie country," echoed all the rest. "With the obader at home a waitin' for dinner, baths' had no hroakinat, me denied a palmy for lack of a certificate!" "Oh, gorrab," said the chorus, each adding , a itfrain of her own composition, to meet the merits of her own individual cue. On examination it was found that if more than two hundred persons that presented themselves, not one held a nevi:ilea% front either citizens or stratagem. And yet, without doubt, no single impostor pre sented herself during the day- Ltd by Mrs. O'Donaell,ties applicants saattesed .and denounced the committee, by turns, until a compromise was effected by the suggestion that oath applicant register her residence, end allow a committee in the interim to Weis each dwelling and minister according to its necessities. Ia tlui matter of Buffering, we have reatson to betray, that among the families of the 501111010 them are 'Beige easel of absolute starvation. In this statement Wp rely upon personal know- ( edge, and but reiterate the atmounaement of a 'ensurer of Coratuott Coaneil, made in that eham. per two weeks ago. "Starvation " has been to often employed to denote ordinary oases of hunger or extreme pover ty that we bear it mentioned now-a-days Without sad especial feelings of abhorrence or compassion Bat starvation, se desoribed to us last week, by Guardian of the Poor, residing in the ward in whin The Press is printed, means more than for beggary is generally aelf-iustainiog sad more than hunger, for hunger may imply food ➢rovided. A woman—the wife of a whiter Weald to COL Dares rogiment—made frequent, applieation to a 0 it"' ommit to e of retie, for imatettanoei and Provi .. 46ZS. lobe was a weak, sickly woman, who always Bp- Mated with a babe in her arms, and made her aPplications in a plaintive kind of tone, which ahoold bave avggelsted to th. distrlhokom of the fted bee sutretne necessity. Al that time, however, those renowned 14`="1" .°r• ingeniously dimming the beet manner of diaiA.ting th e i mp Vpou this sreat saaltitel of Vatematio berethooriep they are raid to have 4 Polted and talked continuously for mane days. iatioheiethimselves eaf,e, and tieing hi "dr way of oomipenolug Op mitred cheat - 7 wine tilaDaitOr the completlop of the Tar, 'they were 4 e°46 1.64 1 to a consolommass of their tardinets by 11111 dry admolltietut born the prem. dad doting these days of speaulatitel and wise debate, the poor woman referred to, with hundreds ° I °Ultra, besieged the oommittee chamber and pit impost appaala for relief from dig Slager that her:* thorn The obenaber_of Barnacles proceeded to Smoke It great norichalinee, and advised patience on tbp TV' otppttttfinere. eostregnenee, before the city had been die kric"tad, mai bodes any part of ,the fluids had been approprialsd, the woman and obild no looker haunted the avenue to the committee rears. Da apetring of relief, ahe fell, a victim of red tape, and our informant found her, at a filthy place In Daok street, absolutely dying from hunger, with the babe upon her breast already dead It this pleasant story be disputed, we will pro duce the necessary evidence, and a physician's certificate that leek of sustenance was the primary cause Or the woman's demean The Colimailteal Warred to, who spoke by card, may also have his quota of testimony to add to this matter. it id ertoogh to know, however, that the 1111ffering now Wilting among the families of the troops is extreme, and frequ-ntly of fatal termina tion. At the same time, we may say that the City Committee Is daily relieving a great number of indigent females, and dying tolerably well to carrying out the design of Connoiid and the wishes of citizens- There is yet the greatest neoessity for more libe ral •rraagemento 'upon the port of to do good. As the summer is now upon us, and the groves and parks shadowy end pleasant, we see no reason why a magnificent series of entertain manta may not be projaotea at Fairmount Perk, or at some one of the fine private parks in the vici nity, of the city Musicians actors, orators dm oould be found by the NM to tender gratuitous cervices for snob entertainments, and, properly devised and exe cuted, the great mass of patriotic citizens would willingly tend it their presence and their means. MILITARY MATTERS. There was a lull in military movements in the city yesterday The new regiments are filling up their ranks at their various rendezvous, bet as the Men are not yet in uniform they do not make a martial show in the streets. There is a prospect of lively movements in the city soon Some ten regiments will move from New York within lees than that number of daze, and ea they will all pees through Philadelphia towards the seat of war they will keep up the war ezoitement here. These re giments are from Now York and the New England States. ARRIVAL OP TROOPS "PROM RIM YORK AND The Fourth Maine Regiment and, we under- Stood, the Thirty-eighth New York Regiment pasted through this city last night, and were re. galed at Washington-attest wharf. The latter regiment was commanded by Colonel Ward. They carried Springfield altered muaketa of the date of 1838 A New Hampshire regiment was alga expooted aet night ARRIVAL or TAX °ARIDA RAGMAAT At half past nine o'clock last evenieg the Four teenth (Oneida) Now 'loth - regiment reached this oity, per Camden and Amboy ferry, and landed, amid the roar of some half dozen cannon, at the foot of Washington street The regiment halted at this spot, and, company by company. proceeded to take a lunch at the Southwark Free Volunteer Eating Rooms, near the terry. Those of the troops who stood in the street while their comrades were eating. partook of sandwiches, cold water, sausage, crackers, fruit, eta., at the hands of private parties of ladies. The whole street was thronged with people, whrtn the firing of cannon had summoned to the spot. A. Lumber of pieces of fireworks were displayed from taverns in the neighborhood, and bevies of young girls mattered thems - elvee among the troops, and, laying aside fur the time ordinary sawyer,- tionalities ' held pleasant and familiar conversa tion, with which the troops were wondrously elated. • We saw one of the girls—a fair, genteel piece of flesh—Oka a eprig of leaf from hor heir, et the solicitation of a young soldier, and, having given it to him, he placed it in his musket. These brave fellows have been quartered at the Albany barracks for some time. A few of them Yore not uniformed lost eeetAtet: bet ell /myriad loaded muskets with plenty of cartridge In re serve. The train hat evening, consisting of cattle and 'passenger oars, banked down Washington street from the Baltimore depot, and took on the troop!, who lett at eleven o'clock, amid tremendous °beers. The beautiful night added to the splendor of the display. NATIONAL GUARDS IN TOWN, Yesterday a number of privates and officers at. tactic& to the regiment of National Guard, Colonel Lyle commanding, were, in the city, on furlough. They represent the Gnarde as unwilling to re mot.. in service after their three months' term of enlistment expires, and suggest the chief cattle Of complaint with that regiment as that arising from their inaction The men,'said out informant, went to fight, and not to lie idly in camp for a term of months. They appear to think that the Government IllOnld have accorded them _a part in the late brushes upon the Potomac, and add that they are unwilling to come house without having an engagement. If the Guards consult their own good name and the 'favor of their fellsw eitisens, they will do nothing of the kind. They went from the city with plaudits, hut if they return ingloriously, a like ovation will never be accorded them again If anxious to meet the enemy, they will not meet Irina sooner by coming home and if they visited the seat of war, having fol ly in view the labors sad duties of the soldier, they will, to the eye of the North, however reasonable a return may seem to themselves, be lukewarm, if not re gresot, to the cause We are unwilling to believe said rumors. They cannot emanate from the crack regiment of Phila delphia, and we believe that their repetition here will be Indignantly repelled by the friends of the regiment , Their oonduot in Bsitimore, and the reserved soldierly hearing of Colonel Lyle, have already made them known over the land To good men, engaged in the work of government and rights, the apt time ter return Trill be at the end ef the war, when all the veterans, with ranks thinned, per haps, but fall of honorable scars, will march home with flying colors', amid the plaudits of a whole Commonwealth. CDL. CILINPRY'S UGIMUT. A meeting of the offioers of Col. Chantry's regi went was held last evening, at the Butler House, Birth street, below Chestnut. The captains of the various companies capetted the timber of men in their various commands. The colonel then ap• pointed a time for the inspection of the various companies. A committee was appointed to procure a build ing in which the regiment could drill. On motion, it was resolved to hold a meeting of the officers of the different oompaniea every even ing, at the Butler House. SHE RZAZ. atrAxto This la the name of a new infantry company that hes been organised in the Twenty-filth ward, and named after the Hon John M. Read. It has been .00epied Celohal Maltby, nod will be mustered into melee in a short time. The following are the officers : Catitein, John R. Haslitt; first lieute nant, Thomas H. Clark; second lieutenant, Jobe Hand BAND 708 BOWS 61111ABD. Instmotions have been issued by Colonel Plea santon for the formation of a brigade band. to eon that of at least fifty musicians. ,Adolph Birgfeld, 805 , a talented madden of this city, has been SD. pointed brigade bandmaater, and clothed with the proper authority to carry the object into effect. FOR THE THREE YEARS' SIRTI/CR A bow oompagy Is new tieing organised in Ro.Y• borough called the faorgas Light anard, Capt. Bogner. They expect to, be attached to the regi ment now being raised by Col. p. B Birney. pent. Thome, of Col. Wm. F. emall's regiment, was a few days einoe presented with a very hand some sword by Mrs. Zeller ! of Baltimore. The predentation was made on behalf of a emitter of ladies of this 0i1y... Colonel Small replied in his meal happy style. - riaIINSYLY3ItII 4 HORTIOULTIMAL SOCivry,— The molar monthly mooting and dleplay warkeld at Concert Ball on Tuesday evening. Although not BO large as on former occasion; the exbibitiou comprised some novelties and objects of interest. Mr. Robert Buist wade a very attractive show of roma, including some of the latest acquisitions from Europe ; arranged in large memos, they pre sented a very attractive appearanse. Mr. IL A. Dreer preneated a beautiful noilealion of roses comprising 20 varieties of hybrid perpe toMs, 10 of tea, and 10 of Bourbons, far each of whiob wee awarded a premium of $1 Messrs. B. Monona - le d Fran offaied a choice aa• sortmeut of roses and a charming group of Sweet Williams, &laicals, flowered, arm crimson•belted, whioh attreoted marked attention. Ms. Thomas Maahan's-collection.of herbtaeotts plants and shrubs, each 12 in number comprised some very &eine speolmens, and received general commendation, aa well as the premium in this de partment of $l. To lix beautiful plants cf dioxin:ma, extibilad by John Stone, gardener to W. W. Seen. Elq., of west Philadelphia, was awarded the premium of $2. Sri also obtained the award for the beet three brioches of grapes (Blank nainburgbs) $2. The prise for fusellias—a beautiful show—was awarded to Adam Graham, gardener to Gemara' Robert Patterson—s 2. A singular and beautifully trained plant of the fumble Yens, do Medici in the form of a parasol, was shown by George Penn, gardener to J. H. Bildeburn, Bag. The variety of fruits dieplayed wee not large, but or:impend some notowoctby apooimene: Six beautiful and fully ripe "queen" Vise apples, from Wm. Joyce, gardener to M. W. Baldwin, Big , at tested the skill of the grower, and received merit ed prase, and a special premium of U. John McLaughlin, gardener to Mr. J. B. Baxter, presented three fine diShee of early Cherries, to which was awarded the premium of $l. Willie Dreer contributed some very handsome and deliei- ne cherries of three varieties. The only variety of strawberry presented for competition was ' 4 Wilson's Albany," of which a fine dish was shown by A. Felton, gardener to Henry Dahring, Esq., and received the p . remium of $l. Mr. T homas Keenan, also exhibited a dish Of the same, 91 large also cud Aug flavor. A collection of eighteen kinds of strawberries, exhibited by A. W. liarrison,Ecq., comprised same now European and American varieties, in °lading the Wizard of the North, Omar, Wonder ful, Crimson Queen, and Excellente, among the former, and the Fillmore Ladies' Pi il, Chorlton, gulden geed, Milian Pyramidal, and a large White Seedling. A special premium was awarded for this display of $l. Mr Thomas Migleran contributed some early peas and 0 fine collection of onoumbere, of four varieties. The latter reeeived a special premium of SI. To Anthony Felton, gardener to HenryDnitring, Eaq., three preminma were awarded, severally, of $t each, for best early potatoes, peas, and beets, and a special premium of $1 for very fine, large, solid beads of India feign*. The committee - on procuring a new ball for the use of the Society was motioned. C. 11. Rogers, Eiq , and John Stone, gardener to W. W. Keen, MI Were nominated for member ship. John Gilkie, W. O. P. Brirolsiee, end John Mo- Gowan were elected members of the Society. _ A. 1141.1.437 AOT.--it lad named John 1711- ki l l ! pp, whilst bathfaig at the wharf below Almond atioet, wa s observed bj 110 anecdotes to be drown ing. *lietpletu Arthur rayuter being at some dia toms, and bearing the alexia, jumped from the wharf, not knowing where the tag bed malt, dived to the bottom and monad blot, to the delight of the opeetetors. • Tit PENNSYLVANIA LLOSIMA.L.—The annual t report of the Board of Managers of Mtn Institut jen has been received. The Board, in !peaking of the probability that some of the etilferers by the war, which has been commenced, win be applloante for admission. we: " A sum of Ave hundred dollars has been placed in the hands of one of the managers, to Resist in the relief and support in our institution of !anti eases. should the necessity be upon us (•shich may a gracious God in hie mercy avert,) with the pro. sum, that should it not b., ... l ased far that eler• Vice, it may be the commenooment of a fund for the enlargement of the lecture-room, the want of better accommodation in whioh has long been felt." There were remaining in the institution at last report, one hundred and otz'y patients; admitted during the year eighteen hundred and forty two —of whom thirteen hundred and three were re cent accident and other surgical oases, and six hundred and ninety oioo were modioal cmeo_ TO VII under treatment during the year, two thousand and two. Of these, six hundred and ninety-seven were pay, and thirteen hundred and eve were poor patients. The total number who have re volved tho boneflt. of Wm department of the in. titillation since its founding is sixty-eight thousand dye hundred and forty two (68 542 ) Appropriate reference is made in the report to the death of Mr. MOrdecat D Lewis, who was for many years a member of the Board. Notwithstanding the great increase of . facilities in the department for the insane at Blockley, the accommodations are still inimMelent for the large number of poring who apply for admission into I the institution During the year 475 insane patients were under treatment. 214 were females and 276 were UMW. 376 were pays patients and 103 were poor. 3 636 is the total number of inane pationti admitted to tale department eines its removal to filoukivy, in Titers has been expended in the buildings and wall, ecoloaing fifty acres of pleasure ground, th e machinery for supplying water, warming, and ven tilation the laundry, stable, and other outhnild it!gs; the improvement of the grounds. and fur volhing the wards of lite departments • for males, $352 11l 51, of which amoent there has been re (mired from contributors $320 041 33 and interest from temporary investment $8 277 72, leaving up wards of $24 000 yet to be provided ; in addition to which we shall be dependent on the liberality of our friends for $35,000, to meet the coat of the repairs and improvements at the department for females The total expenditures of the Medioal depart ment (the old hospital at Eighth and Pine streets) for the year were $35.754 16 The receipts for the same period were $35 845.72 The expenditures of the female department of the insane depart ment were $49 625 90. The reaeipte were TEA -255.84 The expenditures of the male insane de partment were $58,255 96 The receipts were $5B,- 843 68 Of 1,842 surgioal and medics/ 04883 admitted to the hoepital during the pear but 814 were born in the United 6tates; fird were flora to Iretsmd 100 were natives of England ; and 112 were Oermans. The following table exhibits the number of natives of the United States and of foreign ooun trieo received into the hospital daring the last ten roams traite4lBtates. Irelax6.otheropuntries. 1852 607 • 783 258 1853 818 782 307 1854 579 902 350 1855 624 • 907 365 1854 528 840 327 1857 594 781 -205 1858 655 ' 694 • 207 1859 654 - ' 676: - 328 1960 707 . 763 326 1861 814 682 346 CHLRGED wrrn ',ann.:4.—A few evenings since, a man named James Smith, a weaver by trade, white laboring under *,.n attack of mania a-potu, set fire to hie dwelling house, No 1420 Phillips street, Seventeenth ward. lie had been allowed, from motives of charity, to stay in the house es a sub-tenant, rent free, by the prime Ocoupauti Mr. limp Btck- The circumstances connected with the origin of this fire are somewhat peculiar. Smith was lying on a bed in the third story of the hien*, while most of the family were absent lie sent a little down 6+.611.5 for a hey of tooteheg, and then took a cotton pillow, a feather pilliter, and a quilt from the bed, ignited them, and threw :hem, barn ing, into the trap left. The fire wee discovered and extinguished by the neighbors before any great damage was done, and all the while it wee burning the demented man stood gsslog at the flames. Deeming him an nn safe tenant, he was arrested by Mr. Flee Marshal Blackburn, and committed to prison by Alder man Bottler, where the was planed under the oare of a phydolan. THE NEW BOARD OF SCROOL CONTROLLERS. —The followlni; are tbe names of the members Moot of tho now Board of Controllers of the public schools, chosen by the emotional boards at tbo =- nu al simian Wards 1 No election 13. 'Lewis Bitting. 2. Wm. N. Timbal. 14 Leonard A Fletcher CharleB Weloh. 15 Thomqe Wood- 4. William J Reed. 16 John .Robbins, Jr 5. Thomas Fitzgerald. 17. John .lionsworth. 6. Charles A. Yeager 18 Henry Brum 7. George Riche. 19. John Malt. 8. T. (i. Hollingsworth. 20, George W. BMI.I. 9. JaMN Freeborn. 21. Fred. Vandogrift 10. B. M. Dansenberry. 22. No election 11 T. W. Marohmant 23. William J. Cram 12. Edwin llicCalla. 24 Isaac J.,er.oh, Jr. glfoP BkßAKltitl.—Yesterday morning, be. tween 12 and 1 o' look, a man named John Wray was taken into ouszody, at Broad and Race streets, open the charge of- breaking into :.a HdPor store. Her some time past a party of two or farce, men have been in the habit or breaking into this store, and stealing liquors The proprietor of the place kept watch, and had Wray arrested while in the not of making his way into the store. Yesterday morning ha was committed to prison by Alderman Hibbard. TEE WRECK. OF THE JOHN. TEUCKE--THE Bony OF Yaw Strzwsten Boon —The wreck of the ship Sohn Trucks has been further moved, 41A4 she DOA lies on the flats opposite Kensington On Tuesday, the body of a man, much decomposed, was found in the Delaware at rine street. The corpse is supposed to be the remains of the steward of the ship, who was in the cabin when she sank on the 10:11 of /Ornery, and went down with the ves sel. In moving the snip, the cabin deck was partly torn off, and it is believed the body escaped from tJie wreck through the aperture. In a few days the pumps will by used and the wreck relaea. POLICE CASES.—Yesterday morning three young man, named Peter Bennington, James Ben nett. and Andrew Johnson ; were oharged before Alderman Bailer with entering a building at Fifth and Chestnut streets, and cutting away a quantity of lead pips. They were committed to animal% laabella Campbell wan oriented at Nineteenth and Brown streets, and committed by Um same magiatrate to anawer the larceny of a lot of clothing. CHARGED WITH RECEIVING STOLEN GOODS. --John Erhart was taken intocustody on Tuesday upon the charge of buying a quantity of small ar ticles from some boys who stole them from a store at Tenth and Arab etraeta• The accused wee held by Alderman Hibbard to answer. CANNOT AORKE.—The Committee on Rail roads, of Coanoils, oannot arrive at II Ostioraolory arrangement in regard to the proposition made by the Pennsylvania Railroad to lease the BuiahnlT and Rrie Railroad, and assume the liability of the same. This is a very important matter. DROPPED DEAD.—A man named John Mo il wee dropped dead in the neighborhood of Twenty third and Saneom atreete, yeeterday morning. Coroner Conrad wan sent for to hold an inquest. TIIE complimentary benefit tendered to the Jackson regiment of artillery, by Mrs. Garrettson, has been postponed from this (Thursday) evening to Saturday night next. A good bill will then be presented, and all the leading favorites will ap pear. Arx ClTV.—One of the most delightful bland beaches on the New Jersey west bu become a beautiful resort, whioh, as a watering-place pre vents greater attraotions and more healthful ad vantages than any other On our coact, Atlantic City has arisen on a strand which, but a few years ago was a solitude familiar only to the wrecker, and where the monotony of sand was only relieved by ghastly fragments of wrecks and a few stunted trawl, which seemed to keep near to the ground, lest the ocean winds should plow them away. Among the many advantages of this favored lo cality for invalids—beside its unequalled accessi bility and seeommodations—may be mentioned the protracted duration of the bathing season, 00M meaning on the let .of June and continuing until the lot of November, during whist, long period the temperature of- the water varies but _little, and bathing is continued later lathe season than else where In this country. The dryness of the atmosphere at Atlantic City is remarkable, and the place is entirely exempt from lea-fogs, which produoe much ImA/tankage at ether resorts on the :owlet. Thiel - peculiarity adapts it ae a residence for many who, suffering from bronchial irritation, have found the usual hygrometric state of the sea air Intolerable. The bathing shore ham no superior in the dash of its surf, gradual declivity, and freedom from ender currents, and all other estates of danger. Diversions and exercises essential to a valitudi nary sojourn can be eeleoted, salted to even , taste or endurance ; and there are facilities for invalids being oarried, at bathing hours, from their quar ters, without the least fatigue. The accommodation for visitors have been greatly increased in anticipation of the present season, and it is said that seven thousand persons can now be conveniently entertained. We have said this much of this favored place for the information of practitioners, whose opinion is generally consulted, and whose appreciation of watering places frequently determines their selec tion by health or Veavure seekers —Pletladelphia Medical and Surgscal Reporter. LEGAI, IN'rELLItizAGE. UNITED STATES DISTENT COURT—rindge Ostiteelader.—The eetirt met yesterday morning, and wail in Benin for a 'Mort time, bat transacted no business of public interest. The Nisi Prins, Judge Read, was also in ses s ion for a short time. None of the other courts were open. in the Court of Cominon Pleas, the exceptions to auditors' reports will be taken up to-day, at 10 A. M.., to which time the court stands adjourned . CITY ITEMS, COL. ROBERT ANDZBBON.—Mamy seem to be Wi der the Impression that Cot. Azetereoa Is to be employed in some manner in Sfentuoky. and some are making desperate efforts to get up an excitement on the aura pct. The only thing certain ooneeming tkus gallant officer is that he intends soon to visit the city for the purpose of procuring I% oosuptoto rgolitarT 9.%5t from the large and fashionable military and oivio Cloth ing emporium of Granville Stokes, 60 Chestnut street. A splendid assortment of summer clothing now on hand. Ttu Ptimpranr CLOTH - MG Darov.—Rookhin & Wllion'm lirows Stone Clothing Hell appears to be the leading house for the manufmoturiag of mu Usury/ cloth' ins. In the upper italics they have some twenty mittens employed, end about seven hood rad hands are eouitaut li engaged in snaking op the work. Over three thousand !poi wore made no hy this firm in ten davit, for the OULU, bamides full suits for several oompsniem of Home Guard., and for officers of the ormf and rum. The Wootton of this satabliminont is 24a. 4103 and SO Coartaut street, above Sixth. THE PRESS:-PHILADEIPHIA4 THU INDAY, JUNE 201 1861. New York Stock rase 6000 U 9 68, 'l3l coup._ 83 1000 UR g. '65.-- 96 17000 d0...__ _.._ 963 1 100 U 6s. 4 zog 2000 Tress It 1950 Tress 12 IN ct nt0101fi" 3000 Retit'Y 58_ •—• • 80 640 I:con 6t,'90. —• 33 301 1 0 do --- 33 13440 SS ala) d 95 4001 do 810 36 ion 1:00 dO-33)( , 140 0 do—._.__.96A 11014 Virginia ... 40 30110 Missouri 6i. -- 38 Tao do ... 383( Ilinoo Jo.__...__. • -1104 6040 --RIO 984 1;00 Louisiana 61 6000 Pi carom:is4B 10%1 Minh 0 81, bds ofd 87 201 Minh C. 8s lat.. 10 0 Mich Fi Irt mtg... 73 IMO L 6 G do Mil Li ta. 3° SroCi In Cent Is lids__ MX 5.00 1 %1 & 3 1 943; 16 Paeafio Mail ts—. 63 60 do 55.16 30 do 630 03 25 PI Jersey R._ 115 10 N Jersey Cen ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS. yr we 12 0 2 0 LOOK. LAW EGET. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Cheatuut, H T Blow. IP Louie rhea el Van Treo. N Y C J Weidly. Providence, RI Copt Rankin. Ir 8 A E Murray. oew York II Franklin, New York Hon W Fe .senden. Roston D rtn (Won. 'Vermont 0H C Neal, Baltimore ri mm , rer, New York rr P Bodfigh, Mass Geo P Lancaster lVm wen. Brooklyn Or o it Carver, W neh, D 0 Chee M Brown, Poston H C Gardiner. New York Wm Motirirranam Brig lieu C N cries goo M N Cent I J Van Nut. NY. Lient Geo Rosevelt. N Y Cal P V Dutton. N Y U Walter & la. Penne W W Gandy. New York John Sandy, New York W H onion. New Yo r. _ pie° Brown. New York M I Y ard. New eti James Tinker. London B W Jones, New York J 'r &argent, New York N Roberts, Cincinnati, 0 W A thaw. New York W '' retkiml. A B Dod. Trenton•• a AN It Wcost•m..Pelawarc B P Christi , New York Mr Cowie., New York Mr Po twines. New York C Ha-t & la, New York John L Mar, r , York. Pa Lewis M Blackford, York Bell. Philadelphia R Coke. Ohio • Levi lg Brow , aneille John Mellon Pittsburg Alej Aea P.aobore W 0 A Gill, New Ycek E A Keith. N 0111rOliga MnQurgley. Baltimore Gen de 8 Seim, Pottsv Chas Oudesburs. Balt Mai TM urner John HI Watson. New lr ()tic br Kendall P Bartlett. Jr, New York John 8 Appleton, Del 'l' Mack. Boston Lewis 1 4 otoeltiu John L Rwita t lowa 8 G Ward. Bonen - Miss Ward. Boston H C MIMS!. New YOrk gandlidge. Kentucky Su Thompson. Texas J T Cramtrd. Kittanning Hon AH w ice &N. Boston 8 T Dana, Boston Gen 8 gale. Donor' H Barney, New York A H Rice & Boa. Roston Jokil r%reiner, Ohio J Wds, brew York W New York I ‘out J P Cayeentar. y Mrs Morrison. New York W A Henpeck. Kittanning Parker. Brooklyn C B Farnsworth, R Maud ahrolde & ta. Keokuk Mrs A Woodria of Jersey Pohmrdr, New York neo Pollen New York 0 N Cutter. Hannibal, Mo W Cowles, Minnesota C Pager. Lancaster W Keyser, Baltimore B b' Akenk. Lancaster W P Bateman, Phila W Thaw. Pittsburg G P Now Stork 8 Book & la M Faulk Thoe Grew, New 'York N T Green. Prey, R I U R Tracy, Cold Spring R Stadium New York T But & yr. eoranton J McCreary. M Chunk J no Harnett, New York W Porter, Boston Wilson. Rent - Immo G Baseltine, England Mr Greenfield It la H Billings W B Thompson, Albany W Freak & wf,.Keolruk eigstcHANTet , ricerE,—r nuns street. !Wow Aron Chen Fenton, Clearfield Co Mr. 'Veneer. Clearfield Dr A M Mj Iter. Lario on 11 °nil 8 Mott. Milford Civilise Mott, Milford. Pa J L Schell, Indiana H Marriott, Yitrobora A W Brown. Leaneburt H I,yon. Money. Pa C D Brodsead, A G ,rodhead. Jr. hir., Chunk A B Kasen, U A Dr Beading B Muesbaurn t N York A spring, B ost o n T H Foroey, Clearfield SAINKIDAN HOTEL—Chestnut moot. above - Mk Thor. Dusovhory.Now York A B Diclil. Cmotnnati 1110 IV Raton, Smyrna. Del J Smithori. Nom ink. Del W Whitaker. emvros, rot C Tarbor,J3atb !Ma TAI bor, ninth G P White. New York RP Ward. New York W D Wilson. Plew.trk B laurragh. Penns H Clayton,framaua Skull Katz. Lancaster no K q Vuninunse, $ York Geo Lear. Fenno w Down. T•ew York r:han ?boa vir Walter. Dover. Del B D Curtis, New York Jul H McKee, Hazleton 'rhos We:leoe. Delaware 1) Coney. De aware A K Hall, Delaware J H Boonton, tOarylaod Win Jameson, Baltimore W S Goma'. Baltanore BY. LOUIS ROTEL —Ubessnat street. above Third. E Jones. Baltimore A M Will's. New Jersey A Curtis & ta, Worcester 9 G Curtis .t wf. Mese Miss It Duey. Baltio.ors J L Cowpertbwait, N J Mies C Cowparthweit. N J Miss M. Philip N Jersey Lr T 2. la, New Votk P Thompson. Numb Alex Byers. New k ork EMT Kibler. Maryland J T Moore. Wash. D C T reeDonnell & 1. Week A Bernhard. Wash. V C A olLearist. Maine Charlea n fiewse, Mame 0 D Blank, Maine B Davis. New York J C Ropper, New York W J Tailor. New Jersey TUB UMIO/I—Aicali woes. above %Ira Middletown. Fa HRI Pratt k la, Lewiaten David Thorns* Ohio D A Who, Poona F Ked'r, Readies Col R RatoWe, Tamacua Geo 8 Brady, baneaater Taos Forsythe. Hen tar Pa John Leaman, Fasten J r Hrard,,Bedford oo J G Reading, Now,lorooy Davia Gana, .6.aakon, Po B M Hood, liridgetoa, d J STATES UNlON—Market street. above Sixth. Geo Jackson. Troy Thou Lindsey., Pa AA J Rankin. Cumberland co John Anderson L Ccurib'd co M C eNeely. Indianapolis Ilea Mu4 pin, Thou M Was - . l'ittaburs W Louder, Baltimore C °Nally. New York Jas liibbone, New York Kramer. Clearfield. Pa Robt Blephecuon & la, Pa Miss atepbenson & 2 eis,Pa Win Drives, Cnester co H Williams. W Cheater W Ifitagord, PM. a Rtrau bare.Pa W B muster, Pa AB. W Pittsburg J W Walker, Delaware Sams Woodward. Chester au J Mo.lees. atlantic City N Crone, Pittsburg John Maxwell, Hew York Andw Roberts, Backe co COMM} RGIAL ROTEL—Math it., above Cheataut Th.. Jonas, Nrtlit 111 Trail. Wash's, I) 0' J thaw. &aware Youth Mum, Yorb co, Pa II A Johnson, New Jersey Win Woodruff, Manx John Gray. Bucks 00. Pa John Cook. Books On, Pa Albert E Cook, Book. oo Geo W Knox. Wilm'n Del Jnoob Reynolds. Maryland A Blown, Harrisburg Wye T Bye. Chester no, Pa Then Frasier. PieW Turk C Pearce, New Saner BAXLEY SHEAF HOT Farreacts ru. - 361:, Vita. DUFLUEII rellawylvalllls I' MIL et . w Jersey John Bartnn. huoka co b M J.. , Bucks Co Thos Ramsdau, Yraaa 3M Backman. Byberr (Pr Lear, Loy testrrrra 3 liralorn 13 F PhiladeLphia G Baedeker. NW Jargeji Jou/Silvers, HewJeraay SLACK BEAR—Third area, soors odlownilL FenatemaeheriAlleStown J M wallaeleer, Pa bit lieeired. Penealivouie el J Plekler. Do2er6own M. Cooper, Lehith co, Pa Chas A Caen , Pa George Flehmai. Pa B Y Yoder. Readmr Jars Yoder. Beadint Jeremiah Black Malion Pa itEVB . E 1101/sN—Third utrOet,4oov, AM.. Mestin.N6W Janet I Q Hart. New Jeney 'rhos, Harnabang J W Huhe. A ileotown B to Samoan, York, Ps Benj KaufratuiliatinyUc oo Jo. Whitaker, Mt Clair 11A719/ 1 41, HOT.EL—Rabon int:reek. &ewe Vele& T H Cash, Pennsiivania W Arbuckle. Pa. Lames. Penkey Wawa B D Berl dr, WIMOODaiIk Elueb Wi.uarnsnort Jolla M. HaTley, Bulge co H W Shuman, J 4 fleckenberger, Pe- BALD .10 - AGLB HOTEL-Third/i., above Ce110..1011. H Lancaater J Bchraff New Jersey BM. x Hitler, L. tut It Gap W A ittokor, Lehi, h Gap J Ball, Quakertown 8 C Ball. Quakertown hi H. Finder, Bethlehem W F Danouskey, Altent'n Jolt. It Hunt. Panne MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Beeoud it.. above Aroh. Geo W Zunmerman, Phila Chas 1 , / Vanbornolli J 8 Doran dr. la Bristol. Pa ?dies Kato Holt, Bristol Mai k Due Nan, Bristol, Fa Ba•ill alora , e, Pew Jamey Ram! A 'frivolo. 11 tyetml J Join:mot:l.N J Egekle Lowber, N J Rem! Forsuson,mewiersey ntout, Clinton. Pa N w ads, elinton. Pa MARINE INTELLIGENCE. 888 FORM PARE. - ARRIVED. Brig Cornelia, rinlibam, I days from Boston. in bal last m omoTem , eosr Prea'k Read. MoCalmon. d dare from Portland, with potatoes to Van Born. Woodworth it Co. - -- Rohr A it B IMO% Durrell. 1 day from Lewes, Del, with glean to Jae J., Bewley k Co chr beeper BUIL 1 day from Milford Del. with bark to Joe L Bewley 1G e 0 90 hr R et Baaoom, Williams, 8 days from Boston, in ballast to captain. Bohr Mediator, Miller, e r days from Fall Rivet, with mime to cenp_ithin. IhMt J W McKee, Mendell, I days from Boston. in ballast to L &video-nod & Co. Seer beim= & Amis. Dole, S. days from SSISM, in ballast to oststeln. &earner Putnam, Car&old, S days from Catskill, with ice to owotturt. Steamer Black Diamond Allen. Si hours from New York with memo to w M &saint a. Co. titeamer Midis, Robinson, 22 hours from New York, with olds. to Wm P Clyde. CLEARED. Bark Irma, Warlinger. Leann's. J Hallett lc Co. Brig. Nor. Joel!. Queenstown for orders. A G Coital tc Co. Brig Grozimbo, Rosehrook, Boeton, Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. Brig Hobart, Jordan. Eastport. E A Bonder & Co. & Mohr Hiawatha_ Small. frewbaryport. L AMR:doled Co. Bohr Pauline. Brown. New York. do Baby Island Belle, Butler. Pawruoket, do Bohr W G Audearied, Hewitt. Button. do Nohr W Bemeut, Einem. New Riven. do Sear .1 W Moires. Wendell. Boston. de Bohr Mary .P Budeon. Hudson, Boston. Tyler, Mose &Co. Bohr White Squall, Howell. Banton. B F Nlidnes & Co. Bohr PA 8 Mahone. Late. Bon on, J Baum, eonr F F Jianoo/yh. Miller. Boston, E &Sawyer & Oo Bohr Lassie Nem', Weaver. Belem, do Bohr J Y We/dm:69=th, Norwich. 00 Bohr. W Wallace, Robinson, Boiton. N Bturtevant Bo o r 0 Merrick, Montgomery, Boston, Van Dusan. Norton & Co. Bohr Mary& Eltzsterth. Reed. Boston, do Bohr 0 A /3 cogeonr, liAnbbs, Palen]. do Bohr Excelsior, Brown Boston. .1 R. Blakiatorl. Bohr R 'Thompson. Lloyd. Providened. do Fehr 13 0 Willem, Smo h, Hyannis, do Bohr W L Dayton. Hand. Providence. B H Trotter. Bohr L A Huslett, Wheeler, lariat Choptank, Md, Jr W Bacon. Fehr John Lank. Cochran, Washington, do Bohr Gen Tartor. ninsre 1, New London, do Bur Putnam. Canfield, captain. Iltr .1 8 Shrivar. Dennis. Baltimore. A Droves, Jr. MEMORANDA. !learnable Delaware, Johnson, hence, arrived at New York jaatol4B.7. Ship Mogan:lb of the Bea. Gardner, from Llielry..oo!, with DU mniengerg (Mormon') arrived at New YOlll yesterday. Bbip Osonbridge. Perry, cleared at Boston 13th loot. for Australia, Bars Kale Lincoln and brig Andrew Peters, for Phi llißelptoa. sailed from New bra yesterday 1314 J elan_ Boyle, °Leered at New York Tutor de_y for Philadelphia. Brig P 8 Daly. Pickett, cleared at New York yester day for F io de Janeiro. Bohr. George Pales, Niekenion. and Naiad Queen, Boise. hence, arrived at Providence 18. h net Rohr D At Preach. Child., for ituledelitia, sailed from Providence 18th init. Bohm Lady_ bllen, Conn , Prowess. Jackavay, and Paugsaset. waples. hence, arrived at Boston Mb inst. Bohr' Ponbia Godfrey, Russell. B E Share,_Tinoll. Ivy Henderson. Lady Alen Corson. C A Greiner, Young. Nona Ta ylor, 614 J BROS, Lake , cleared at boron taut inst. for Philadelphia. Bohr Julio. Webb, Freeman, hence, arrivedat MIN. tic lath ;net Boar J Love, Gilchrist, hence, arrived at Blitti lath (natant. Lahr Gb11417, 413[100, arrived at Ports moor' Jain lam Fehr, 'Partharime, Kelm. and Sarah. Benson. Woe. arrived at New Bed ford 'Unmet. Bohr Z Stratton. Stillman, for Philadelnkjo, Bailed from New Bedford 18th hitt. Behr Colletltuflon, StrOnt, hence, arrived st Newbury port 17th inst. Bohr Wolism Jones, Jones. hewn, arrlvedat Mar blehead lath met. dehre A Pearo, Lippincott, and Fine, BrOWL4 &V 'Wed at 88101X1 /61. n inst. titeamere P T }Miura, !MIMI. sod riovelth BIWA aeries arrived at Now Tort reeterdar. SPECIAL NOTICES- BATCO 3 / 1 1.0thi nal* Sisrgi.—Thts oelrbraied lad perfect , Emir Dye is inks bur is Me wad. All others are mere imitations of thin neat origumit, which has gained snob extensive tatronage in all gang of the globe. Ttio genuine W, A. Batohefor'• Lictid Heir Dye tastantig produces a uplonool bleak or, netaral brown, without staining the skin or injuringthe hair, and rinnsdy aid, of bad dm, invigorating the hair for life. Reid hi 6U Draggintit And red - amaze, wboknie by PAINESTOCIY & 00., WRITE 4 GO., .fluititiolphia. .h3-tf ONI Pam OLOrnuro or sitin lermae. Wide in the beet manor. onorowirror WAIL SALM. LOWIOI7 prioes lurked in Bain Firma. All goods wade to order wArranted eguitiotort. Our ONE-PILICLg intim is 'Veil/ ad hered in. Altus tharabr treated an& e 516.1, .1061111& 00.. 604 MARCEllitteet U 110,111 & BAI7IOII ON Lassa NOIIIELFJ3B SEWING MAMMA TM Mot In liso for Family Bowlas. 710 cuthunit sant. /Widely tal :change—jape 1 9 noAnr, . 8 N Y Canted IL - - 71 3i 812 do --- -: -• 74 60 d0_.......- .bow 74% 100 d 0.....- , saw 24 No d 0......- ...810 7a '6O (h..... -- --I/ 5 7 160 40....... - - - - - 74 . /00 do ---,....,..80w !IX 25 Brie V go 'rod 100 nucleon liver R.., 341: 00 00r1806. IL.- —. g 3 4 10 00... ~ --- '0 160 listl6ol Cid.. -. 26% 1(0 Reading R "..".. UN ,01 bliabiosn Central.. ard 1 60 do . . --- tilig 460111 - Cent R i 66 Ig° do-- ~...... 41 5 110 60.............. 6056 100 do— ..• -__ 1161( 175 d0._.......00 66 32 C'to Col & .- in" R... 06 MI Gal & Chil.... - -II ev 00 do— .......e21 1 6 ) 4. 13 , 4 do.--- --__INN 60 Cto —...--WU OUR 760 do.. ~ 61 200 Cleve & Toedolt ~ 28% 100 Chi & it 1 111- -..e10 0534 200 do. 1i ... 56 10 Chi Et & iiiii.... 1 1 SUMME RBON.—gu panto Wayne, on Monday morn ing, the 17th. of typists's/ lever, Alfred Surnmersons of Cowen counts- and a member of %amain L.Y . man's Company. in the eveno:g an escort was detailed. and hie remains giant to tits friends. ,sts...y.--va essuay morgues., the ink teat-- at lasi 1%- aufenoe. in Seventh street, above Ibsen . the Rev. ham Stiles bly. 1).. in the 76th year of his age. His funeral will tare plane to dm , (Taurrtlay.) to move punt/mar, at 33g o'clock P. M., from hie house, to the Preabytertan Church, in Buttonwood aL eat. '2lse bloods of t h e family. his ministerial brethren, and the societiee of which the deceased Was a member, ate re*p.otfully invited to attend CLO 1111,5 H.--On the, lath /us/ant, Wm. Clothier, In th 61th year of his ag. Funeral from his late residence, Pro. 1340 Otis (late 'Wood) street, ighteenth ward, this( therm/ay) after neon, at t o'oicadt. BaBTIAN.—On the 18th /natant, Mrs. Mary Bastian. Wife of Joseph Bastian, in the tartyear of her age. Funeral from the residence of tier husbands No. 1226 South Second street, below Federal, on k nday morning. ate% o'clock. CLAWSON.—On the 17th instant. Hon. W. B. Ow let. one Of the Justices of the ougromo vow of New Jersey. Funeral from his late residence, in Woodetown, this (Thursday) morning, at 10 o'clock. Du YLE —On the 17th instant,. Sarah Elizabeth. daughter of itosa,ma and the ate Feter Doyle. aged 119 NOM Funeral from the residence of her mother, No. 1227 South Front street. below the navy yard, this ('1 hem dog) morning- at 755 o'clock. .1. ARK ata...—un the /Bth instant, Mrs. Bridget Ferrell, aged 40 years Pl2l2ollsi from her late randeacse, Ho. 10 121./ street, above Watttet, this (Matador) afternoon, at 1 Gloom FORDO AM.—On the 17th inetant, Benjamin D. Ford ham. in the 11th year of nig are. Funeral from the residence of hie uncle, John Ford ham. No. 533 Richmond (late Queen) laten t this ( Thursday I hiternoon, st, o Mout, Ma irßifiLlis.—On the nth instant, MIL Catharine Harrison. relict of Francis Harrigan, in the 87th year of her see Funeral from her late residence, Ito. 287 South 1. outth street, thie humility) morn nc, at o'olook olihUCri3Lll.l.—on the 17th instant, Mtn. Mary In Fun n al d from th ee s reeienn os of her husband. James McLaughlin, Palethorp late Perry) street, below '1 Mauve* .. this (Thursday) morning, at nifi °Volk. " ItROW .—tin the lath instant, James!. son of Jobe and Rebsose, Morrow, aged 10years and 11 months. • 150111sal I'MaN.—On the 17th instant, Muhl), A, O. Sehnattman, in the Seth 'ear of her age. Funeral from the res deuce of her husband, rear of Me at. John et: eat. below Oaowhill, thus ( ghursdety) morning, at 9 o'clock. DUNG 41.4 .—On the 151 k Met tut, Sohn V. Dungan, in the 4.1r1 leer of his age. Fuesra. from las tate milldams, on &MUT Inarn ing,_at 10 o'clock. SBA fr.—On the 18th toetant, Alexander Shaw, in the ,16th year of his age Funeral from hie late residence, No. S North Twen tieth meet, on Math-der a• wagon, et 4 o'clock. • - W/LL,e. —suddenly, on Irrido 7 emenlne, Adz in .:ea/int, from ird arias received from the overturning_ of a carriage. Joseph kJ. aged 6 years. eon of Dr. O. E. Willa. of Cecil county, Maryland. Tens unlocked tor, and in be hoer of apparent aeouri ty. did the "swift. winged messenger" summon from the Ilona embrace of a Oldies father this sweet and lovely child: While we mingle our sympathetio tears vita thole Of the bereaved patent in Ulm rump Motion, OM We, with him, feel and acknowledgas Mist " ho who doeth all things well" bath mermitilli trans planted thin bud of hope and promise into that more genial chine 'where in full fruition it will ever hbam, and eked its fragrance in the midst of the "Mat made percent :rr WIDE BLACK B A.REOEB, only - x• 91 cents, 7-4 wide Black Bareges, only ad dense. 7 4 wide Blank Baregee. only PA cents: 7- 4 wide Bleak Berates. only 61Yi cents. W* 2 7-4 wide O "Wages, only MN °ante. M wide .Blaok Barone', only Mounts. 89N41111 & /105 2 8 Mourning More. Jell rio. 915 CIVENTZi atrook. Ba MEETING OF THE TENTH-WARD PEOPLE'I UNION AISO MATION toil: be boll 8 (THURNDAY) BvEriurG, June 20. ha, a; the Woe of Chu. Overbeek. southWeet comer of Mai- V.ENTEL and VINE +Weeds. Dominations for Dele gates to the Congressional Convention- JAB. N. kEtor, sews O ED. DOLDni, President. tars. 11" WFRANKLIN INSTITUTE.—THE AT tendons* of the members at the stated meeting held at the Ball of the I,,sti , ute. on THUNSDAY EVEtilliG next, faith inst.,) ate o'oloOk, is specially requested. as the import , nt alteration in the lave and regulations. proposed at the last meeting, sill 001e0 be fore the meeting for adoption- It, is very desirable that every member who can Itttulld Win bepreaeot. jele-et WILLIAM HAMILTON, Actuary. "_ PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE - HAIL BOATI.—MEETINO OF STOCKHOLDERS., b,CILL METING of the Stockholders of the Philadelphia and trio Ail 'road Uom_plia will be held at the Office of the Oompari., on TitilßeDeY, Jena 27tH, last as 1.0 o'otook A. m., for the pu-pose of consi derin a proposition having for hie &peat the early completion and marling of the railway of the said Com- By. order of the Fronde:it and Board of Manatee,. Jml W. WIMP RPOPPDR D. nastretars. NOTICE—CASIDE • AND ATLANTIC 127 . RAILROAD COAPANY,—An election for areotore of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad Com• Dan!. to serve for toe enamor year. will be held at the Mhos of mid Compaq. _at COOPER'S Pf RIM Cam den, riaw Jerle!, on El URSDAY, the Vrth Mot., Op -Wean the hours of II A M. and I P. M. jell -UT RODENT F RA ZER. &oratory. tyir NOTICE.—OFFIOE OF THE FEN Pi- NYLVANIA FARINA COMPANY, S. W. cor ner BROAD and VINE -tree}.. -- All perzen• became &Ann against the Pennsylvania Farina Company, or holding Bread Tickets 14111413.1 by it, are requested to present the amine, for payment, to the uwieraigued. on or before the fret day of AUGUST next, on whioh day the affair' of the Company will be (dosed finally, acoordif i g to lbw. _ MY/61I0P. AtID B. FBRRIo, grepreturr, {Er. WE HAVE EMPLOYED HELP FROM THE PROTESTANT EXCHANGE.Routhweet earner RECORD and DEW Streets, and take nerrieure in recommending It to the publics ea an mei tution much needed 131 our WY. for its oare in selecting the beet men, women. and children as to oharacter end lash- Lotions : .1, r. A DRICK L _,R 680 Race street. _ E. M. SRLERI3O3 , ean and Tulpehooken streets. .IULIANNA RANDOLPH, 1154 Chestnut street. JeaWll l l R . IREPA I RICK.I3SIAreh street. Dr. PAPICOABT. 1133 Mount Vernon Meet. dud. It tuft nalns. um Mount ?uremia *treat. FM. sEIVE* tartirgatrallP street. I .14. BOW P.R. • Aird odd Tr iage avenue. . WIL,SON, 210 rioftfi Front etreet. AUG U1R1k,_432 South Front street. N. WHITE, Willi Marshall utast, W. v. voitttVi t tee Market erreeh W. R. RICHARDBO A 1,413 Market street. Apd over one hundred and flfty more, to whom re ference will be given at the offioe. my 30-8 m gEA.B ATLIIK G.—The UNITED STATES s.4.HOTEL, ATLANTIC. Id. J., is now open for visitors. Th's is the largest and testlernishrd Hotel .rn At. and being &meanie:lt to the Mash and 'mounded by extensive and well 'laded grounds, desirable House tor (.mlll4B. It is lighted gas end well supplied with pure _water. 'the Germania Society will furrosh the me mo f..r the season. the pen stog , et the door - Of the Hotel for the o nvestienoe pf. JktItNALIALI Ineßl.ll BIN, Mesa-tf Proprietor. WHITE SULPHUR AND MALY BEATE SPRINGS, AT ROVESLIttd CAP. These Poring. are in Cumberland o.unty., thin,' mires west of ffarrukburg on the . Cumber land Valle! B atiroae. and a e now oven for the reoe titian ot visitors. Board from Bye to eight dollars, aooording to rooms. erool[ll7ollT throlle ttOkAttit at tee Pennsylvania Bau m* d 9711010, uvicd price ei tl. onAh- Call on A. Janney . , Jr., & Co.. 605 Market street, for information, cards. & o. COYLE, Alth, & REAMER, je2o-2m* Proprietors. SEA BATHING. SPROUL TRAIN FOR ATLANTIC. A TRAIN WILL LEAVE _VINEHT. WHARF ON THURSDAY, JUNE 20, AT go A. rd., Stopping only for wood and water. Returning, wit reach Philadelphia early in the evening. Faro for sec round trip. GO. Hotel, are open. it POB:PA.RLOBS.—.I.ife size Photographs in Ott are feet taking the ;duo of Oil raintiees. eAt thew' .2.rp superior _lmitate' and iikattMeg. Vita REIMER'S Gallery, SECOND Bt., above Omen. It* T V.TBROP MOTLEY'S LETTER to ivy • the London Times on the 4 . Causes of the linori eon Civil War? , l'ltUk e ante- For Bale. holenale and retail. by T. B. rues", B. W. career trIX and CELBSTIfUT iero-24. "THE PRESS" ESTABLISHME N T. orrio.r, NO. 417 The attention of the BABillefl3 Community is respectfully invited to the New Book and Job Printing Office of is THE Passe," which has been fitted up with New Material, in the most complete manner, and is now prepared to execute, in a satisfactory style, every va l. ety of Printing : BOOKS. PAMPHLETS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, MARRIED. _E3 , IMMONS—OLAVER.—On the 13th instant. by the ab b f)%rjeth j i; l' al ` t 7 - Mice garßh M. D v b TRY—L Eltirkn.--013 the 13th ins a - t, by the Rey. Daniel Gaston, Mr Job K. Dettry to Miss ail:n Lanier, both of Philadelphia. il3.iJl SUMMER REsORTS. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING 013ESTN,I,T.T PHILADELPHIA. CHECKS, NOTES, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, BILLS OP - LADING, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADINGS, Gold, Bronze, and colored Printing Face. euted in a SuPerior MILITARY NOTICES. Ag.V IRS 1' 1;i TY TROOP. The fri end% of the mom berg of thig Tway aro In qusated to leave in writing. to pees up at their e m .) t., eWn. Frig an d ott Ka Nu r tercets, any Inform .tion of interint whioh they may reoeive. iel9 St. TUE W.S.R.—First dug Prig Berg , ante for Cavalry or Infantry, o , cl co diem, Cal.forn igen who have known came -Ile ni it aha have crooned the maica,a , od rider!' and shots, who are papered for rough servlne and exiken tt a of short eubelete , es, crtn addles"; Col F. W. to% N Dr It, Qll3oil/131141, • tretinn c. n., eaperienee and qu'd n 2t oations. Merit to be the criterion of glue. HEATNUARTERSYOVNG'S IteNTLICKV RYON ENT. LIMIT CA VALRY—Parunnenta. June 19. 1811.—A Yew g...0d men vlil be Kneen ea to WI the ranks ot the original Independent Mounted thinners 00. 1. to be at tached to Colon:1 Young's Kentucky k eliment, Light Cavalry j already aenewed, n and to oe ['tutored Into the United Stales Ber e lOr reeiee. HDIOI at 140 00m t ree I.lolllt/AD Osman, Room No. M. H. N. ICSNDIG. jelfl-6t Cantata Commanding. I,OPO MEN WANTED FOR THE - UNITED STATES rd &RINE CORPS, able-bodied. netwoon the ssoe of II and Ss yours. not Isis than five feet four and a half inches high, end of 400 d character. Soldiers serving in this corps perform dtity at navy yards and on board United States ships-01- war on foreign stations. All other Information whioh may be desired will be given at the Rendezvous, No. 111 OCIUM F AVM' arms*, First Lieutenant W. STOKES BOYD. Je4-1m Reoruiting Officer. WISTAIL DRY taOOD L. CAPE MAY, SARATOGA, NIAGARA, ATLANTIC CITY. LADIES Intending to visit theme or other watering 'places should bear In vivid remembrance that the large 'WHOLE- S ALE STOOK of PRICE, FERRIS, `&` Co. Is still male at 807 CHESTNUT ST., In II hid they will find, nodally Inuit d to the "SEASON AT TEE BE& SliDltbi” Or any of the Summer Resorts, HANDSOME E M OID ER SKIRTS AND PEIGNOURS, for weaving with morning wrappers; ELASTIC CHIN ESE LINENS. for travelling dresses and Ousters .I..INEN - and fIRTII, See., to gether with a large torortment of EMBROIDERIES and LACE GOODS. muted to the above•meutioned places. 3 HE STAY-AT-HOME COMMITTEE." Should remember the CHEAP TARLETANES s for covering gglatsee. ph defiers, an, together with ions' JAGONETB.OaMI3RAM. lit , L L.. a 4V,88 5 N IN WOKS, and all kinds of inen and 'Whirs Goode. at " LI CTLE OVEK HALL? PAIGE." ueT OPENED. A fresh lot of Pina•appta Porge 3 y i e a lt 2 'l9 c =i. Vaisneletutes Leafs and atigings. " Camh•in h Mao trimmed Wits Val. Lace Val. and other Lace Sets. Er AND At.t. A i ABOUT PRICE, FERRIS, & Co., iegt SOT CHESTNUT STREET. I RENOH LAOS VEILE 2 .—A choicolot IL just Durehavtd from a bankrupt importer, and for ZHAO at haft price at CHARLES ADAMS Zs SON, P2O .t.IGHTIL and ARCh Streets. NPR QUITO NETTING, all colors ; Tarle- LK tan. all °More. for covering glance; Plaid and Swine Monne at wardevale snow,. CHARLES ADAMS ft SON. re2o MOSTA and AVM Streets. SUMMER STOOK. OF DRESS viOODS AT PlucEt3 ArIGORDINO TO Tl' TlMEEL—roplipe, Bareres, Silk Chian mi. half price ; Del.ires m ooned tow 25 20 1234 a. ; Spring Minium reduced from 12% to Bc. °venial attention ix requested to our stock of Organ dies and Jaommt Lawn.. whioh were boiled to close out 45 a low Anure. °mon. we AD ARCH RON. o f MGR r 0 and Struts/. A EANIkRUPP IMPORTER'S ti ,, TOCK or Samples of Linen Cambrio liamllrerohiefe, in hem-stitched. sheer-elided , and embroidered from 10 015135 TO In GOMA took jw great. bargain- inzrohased scarifies for cash, mud to be sold in the same way only. CHA.H.Ltiti & For+. ie2o EIGHTH( and ARCH Streets. VRENCIEI LAOE PuINTS, B , YURNOUS, AND mANTI,R9 lava. await) be ao:d at leas than whole■ale prices. We 611tHIOL be underaold Mesa good.. CEIARL to MUMS & isoN, Joao Blairrit and ARCH :Arcata. WHOLESALE STOCK HOSIERY, HOSIERY, HOSIERY, HOSIERY, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, FOR SALE AT RETAIL, FOR CASH, AT RETAIL FOR VASE, AT RETAIL FOR CASH, AT RETAIL FOR CASH, AT RETAIL FOR CASH. WWI Otalwanaxitro.s vilnot Arm naae, oft and ate* THURSDAY. 6th INST.. AT THEIR STORE. 400 MARKET MART. NORTH SIDE, NO. 409 MARKET STREET, NORTH SIDE. NO. 409 MARKET STREET, NORTH SIDE, NO. 409 MARKET S MEET. MONTH SlDs''. FROM 9 A. M. TO 5 P. M. THEM STOCK OF GOODS FOR CASH, RETAIL. LEN TfAl WHOLESALE PRIOI All kinds of COTTON ILOSIBILY NBEDLE,t- PINS, GLOVES. ROOK'S AND BYES, LACE MPIETS. SKIRT BRAME. ZEPHYRS. TAPES, BRAIDS. SHETLAND WOOL, COMBS. BRUSHES. SPOOL COTTONS, PBRFUNIFRY, BUTTONS. UNDERSHIRTS,