LATEST FOREIGN" , NEWS. RIMING FOR "TSB Danny" AT EPSOM RACES. —Before Mr- McGeOrge had given the word six of them were away, and when he did drop his flag Kettledrum and Diophantus settled well in front, behind Royalties', and Dundee at the head of the second division, with Atherstone, Dictator, and Kildonan Mole ' behind him. More than a mile from home Dlophantris maned to the front, with Kettledram, Aurelian, Atbarstone, and Royallieu waiting on him, and Lord Stamford's colors sailed gallantly round the corner into the straight, while Dundee was Been qaietly moving into notion in the middle of the course and getting well to his horses, after sliht conssionith Roeilleu and Athos stone.a At o ne mo m ent it s eemed y as if he was going to draw right away, butKettledruro, Aurelian, and Diophantas, on the low side, were always with him, and Klarikoff came creeping up. To these five the race was now left, and at the distance Cue. tance's hands were up, and the shout of "Dundee's beat !" echoed along ttoshillside. On he struggled, as game as a pebble, to the centre of the stand, where Bullock sent his chestnut out, made him and Diophantus safe in the next two strides, and cleared the post first by a length cleverly, the crank earn ing the second money by a head, and Dlophantus getting the best of Aurelian . 4 the great surprise" Of the day, by a neck. Karßroff'a bad start pre vented him from over ramming his horses, but still he was a fair fifth, and Royallien ran in sixth. The rest were all over the course, with Imaus, Kildonan, and Atheratone nearer home than the rest. Dundee was very lame as he same bask to scale. The breakdown is said to Dave occurred at The Road, and there seem but slight hopes that he will be got round to meet Kettledrum and Klatt koff in the St. Leger, In which, unfortunately, Dio phantus is not entered- There was no demonstration when the winner returned to Peale, as people seemed to be struck dumb at the favorite's downfall, and had only pm Bence of mind to say that the Derby had gone into the hands of a rare good sportsman, I , which Is some comfort." The winner is by Rataplan out of Hybla by the Provost, and, like Dundee, was bred by Mr Cookson. The distance was done in 2in.' 435., or even 25. less than the hitherto best time in Blink Bonny's and Beadsman's year. The value of the stakes was about 18,400, and these who min get more than 3 to 1 about the winner for the et. Leger are lucky indeed. None of the pro phets pinned their pure and simple faith on Ket tledrum, but " Aoltoon" of London, and " Rata plan".of Maneheater, beat them all off with [ I Ket. tledrorn or Dundee." RUMOR studs the Channel fleet to Gibraltar, in readiness to act in ommart with the Mediterranean neat, udder Admiral Martin's command, should 'yenta require their presence in the Mediterranean waters. Tan recent order in council on relative naval and military rank aboliahea the rank of gt Slate" altogether, and erabetitutas that of " dab.Lien teased," as in the French Navy. Loan HIRBEILT bat appointed Major General Sir _Edward Jawed, 1C.0.8., to be permanent Under georetary of State for War for the Jffilltary Divi• Siollot the War Otriee. Bann COWPER has been appointed Lord. Lieu tenant of Bedfordshire, in aneoeasion to the late Date of Bedford. Tan oorrespondenoe between Mr. Alm*, our Minister at "Jeddo, an Lord John Russell, re specting the recent diffloultiee in Japan, has been published. These documents comprise a history of the diplomatic events which grew out of the murder of the American Secretary of Legation. Mr. Aloock's olostag despatch annoutioes the restoration of friendly relations with the Japanese Government and his return to Jeddo. Lord John Russell expresses his satisfaction with this an nouncement, and approves of the course taken by Mr. Aloook. TEM Duke of Argyll has ceded to her Majesty the apartments on the east side of the quadrangle of Bo',rood Palace, which, with those on the north side selinquished last year , by the Marquis cf Breacialbane, will afford increased accommodation to the Royal household. The whole of the Palace of Rolyrood is now in her Majesty's possession except the north wing, still retained by the Duke of Hamilton. Tug National Zettung states that the Crown Prince and Crown Printout of Prussia intend to py a viait of come weeks' duration to the English Court about the commencement of July. A - rxessr, diplaying the flag of the Confederate Otatee of ..intertos entered the Mersey one day last week. Mauna EXIIANICLEENT AND RiaLWAY.—The total number et schemes for carrying out the Thames Embankment and Railway before the comunasion ers amounts to about forty, and it is stated that, in the event of their recommending to Parliament the construction of an embankment between West minster and London-bridge, they will couple with that recommendation another for the embankment of the river to a still greater extent both above and below the bridge. Ten births of 892 boys and 934 girls (in all 1828 children) were registered last week in Londan. In the ten corresponding weeks of the years 1651-60 the average number was 1840 The total number of deaths registered last week was 1237. The average number of deaths derived from the returns of corresponding weeks in the ten years 1851-60, and oorrected for increase of population, is 1157. A SW/Des Am cue CRYSTAL PA.LACI —An ex. tensive organisation, Made has hitherto been con dueled with great secrecy, resulted VA Ounday teat in &festival at the Crystal Palace. The arrange ments, which have been made by certain Crystal Palace Sham Clubs, have enabled a large number er-peressa to eyelets. the privilege of entering the palms on Sunday in the oapaoity of ehareholders, and on so comprehensive a scale have their ar rangements been made that 40,047 persons entered the palace on &adv. No payment! were made. at the paint'', though an extensive issue of free tickets among the friends of the newly constituted shareholders had taken place. Dinner was pro vided in the building, and in the afternoon tea and other lighter refreshments were prepared. A printed prospectus of a Crystal Palace Share Club has the following Crystal Palace Share Clubs have been formed to enable working men to be come shareholders, in order to advance its Sunday opening and endeavor to realize the original in tention of making it the People's Palace. The holder of a single share is entitled to a free ad mission to the palace and gardens' every Sunday throughout the year from half-past one till dusk. ' Tata Bishop of Salisbury has announced his in tention to institute legal proceedings in the Court of Arches against Dr. Rowland Williams, a writer of one of the " Eseays and Reviews." Tam momenta la the appeal by M. Kossuth sad the Masora. Day, against the judgment of Vice- Chancellor Stuart, in the matter of the Hungarian notei, were concluded yesterday week. The Lord Chancellor announced that he would give judg ment upon the last day of term—that la, on June Tam well-known library of Archdeacon Teriison, In the pariah of St Martin-in-the-Fielde, ie ahortly to be add by auction. Tar question between the master Milldam of London and some of their workpeople is as far as ever from a satisfaetory solution. The system of payment by the hour continues to be opposed by assay of the operatives. At a meeting held in the Burry Theatre, on Tuesday evening, the proposed payment by hour was unanimously condemned, and a resolution was passed pledging those present to render support to the workmen who refuse to submit to the arrangement insisted upon by Messrs. Kelt, Luau, and other employers, Mnsses. Marron BILL have just fixed the two first windows of stained glass teat base ever been put in Bt. Panes Cathedral, London. They asoupy the two Mate windows looking west, by the side of the portico, and represent life-sise =s, in the one ease of St. Paul, and in the of St. Peter. The window*, which are ex tremely elaborate and rich in erect, have been presented by donors who have the due embellish ment of the cathedral greatly at heart. limns' Bra/rm.—The miners at Dowlsis, in South Wales, have struck, and one of the Welsh pares gates that ten thousand men are out of employment in that district, asking for an advance of wages. - In Ebbw Vale, the masters have given the, rise asked for by the men, and this circum stance has, it is said, occasioned the more recent strike. ALL. TirolLtfl CHANDLER. lIALLRONNOR, D. C. L., M. P., (Sam Sliok,) has consented to preside at the approaching anniversary festival of the Printers' Penton uoctoty, which iv fixed to take place at the London Tavern on July 3. A now rr.artor has been discovered by the Ma dras Government astronomer. It is to be celled Ada. FRANCE, There was an important debate in the Senate on Saturday, on the bill for calling out the contingent of 100,000 men. The Opposition, led by M. Pio ard, objected to the keeping up of such an immense army in time of peace, and pointed out the drain it imposed on the country both in men and money. General Allard, on the part of the Government, argued that an army of 600.000 men was neces sary for the defence of the country, and the Senate pawed the bill by 230 against 7. The Government has decreed the abolition of duty on national salt employed in the herring and mackerel fishery of France, and has also permitted the use of foreign salt for the same purpose. Tea diEtenity arising in Paris with regard to the Masonic election seems to have been settledifor the present, at least, by the reeigaation of Prince Na. palms_ Prince Mont. however, does not retain - the oleos, which is provisionally held by one of the members. An official notice from the Prefect of police bag been affixed to the doors of the Free masons' lodges, according to which all meehng at the lodges of the Grand Orient are suspended, and the assembly adjourned until October next. Tam Fearroa Deasy —The soave last Sunday in the Forest of Chantilly was such as Wattean would have painted for the walls of a palace, with the addition of some horses and jockeys- Ditisad of discordant travelling bands and Card-sellers bawling into your ears, there was a bird on every beogh. As you approached you beard nothing but nightingales, and yon Could not have guessed that anxious men were betting on their favorites, or that all the rank and fashion of Paris were con versing in fairy pavilions or under the leafy screen. The jockeys were weighed in a summer-house, and the horses were saddled on asphalted areas sur rounded by the =tooth lawn. Along the VACS course were innumerable piontos, the members of which rose from their ices and their champagne to see the running, and then disposed themselves again on their cushions and their shawls. Rustles in costume kept at a modest distance. The view of the whole course was unbroken. There was no running, no pushing, no shouting, nothing to offend the 'sense or disturb the contemplation of a scene which even Puritan England might have thenght worthy of a Sabbath day. The pollee only presented themselves to show the way, or to tell the order of the ranee. The bearers of names illustrious in French and European history, and in cluding many half-domesticated among ourselves, dieoharged the duties of the course, and did with smiles and bows what in England is supposed to re• quire the harsh rebuke or the hard baton. The races ware all run with absolute punctuality; the horses were all as well behaved as the habitues of our Rotten•row ; there was no accident to man or beast; everybody returned to Paris sober, and, if not a winner, at all events impressed with the beauty of the scene and the advantages of order. Yet nothing was out of the legitimate s por t , and the horses exemplified the caprices of fortune with• out that meager,' which seems only too natural on as English ractistrouree. The winner was ridden by an Engliah jockey, the only otreumetence that asrbil the purity of the contrast and prevents this from being an entirely Frensoh race. Th e juke,/ took thoirpia6llll far the grit race at two o'eloek, and the last wag 11111 at half past four, when the thr ong l e ft th e course, perhaps for ves pers, perhapsfor meditation in the woods.—Tans. A by M. Prcedhon, has appeared. entitled "7.a Guerra et la Pain," the most salient pardon of whioh fe the writer's description of whit would be the coneequenee or a war between Eng land sad _Frame. The trial of M. hiire, it 11 said, will °ems on In about I fortnight The city of Roney at present presenti a most --- - animated appearance, owing. to the Regional Ex hibition which is open there. The French West India squadron has been strengthenelbzefrlete twOegrtts,and fnbl'vithviurth:rroteinotvre:at :teeesin those lOU during the ohctirinanc of existing tilflionitiee. It Is announoed that the French Minister of Ma rine has received a letter from Vioe-Admiral Char nor, announcing the capture of Mytho, an im portant town in Cochin °hint The fetter is dated the 14th of April. The town was captured on the 13th, with the lose of only one offioer. The occupation of this town, says La Paris, 1, which is situate at the southern extremity of Cambodge, (Lower Cochin China,' assure, to ns the entire poeseseion of a country which may be considered one of the richest of Asia, and which, from the amount and variety of its produce, will become a flourishing colony for France " A rein foroement of 1,750 soldiers has been despatched to the French expeditionary corps in °whin China. BELtUUM The Belgian Renate have adopted unanimously the literary convention and the convention of nevi• . gation with France. Tan Belgian Government has offered a prize of .500 f. for the best essay on the means of developing Belgian agriculture, manufactures, and commerce, with a view to exportation to other than European countries. ITALY. The accounts from Rome exhibit it tui still the foetus of reactionary intrigues. The celebrated Christen has returned to the city, no doubt for the purpose of enlisting another fora* of brigands. It is asserted also that eneyclical letters were being circulated with the object of exalting agitation among the clew. General Goyon has restored the money bearing the effigy of Francis 11, which had been seized by his orders on the Boman fron tier. The presence of Francis U. is, however, beginning to be regarded by the Papal Govern ment as a compromising and dangerous fact. From Madrid we learn that the Court of Spain will maintain a representative near Francis IL so long as he remains in Italy. PRUSSIA In Monday's sitting of the Chamber of Deputies the Minister of Justice ' replying to a question ad dressed to him, said that the right of Prussian citizenship was fortified by a stay of ten years abroad. Be said also that the amnesty only can celled other dizqualilioations which had been pro nounced against the refugees the right of citizen ship being II public one, and not belonging to the category of those the forfeiture of whioh constituted a punishment remissible by amnesty. The Govern ment assumed, however, that the individuals who had received amnesty were no longer to be ens peeted on amount of the offences whioh had been forgiven them. AUSTRIA The Lower House of the Hungarian Diet as Death is still occupied with the discussion of M. Deck's motion for the address. On Tuesday Count Ziohy spoke in favor of a pacific arrangement with Austria, nt and expressed his oonfidenee in the E. perer'sintentions to govern loyally and constitu tionally. . _ _ RUSSIA From Warsaw we learn that the law relating to the redemption of compulsory labor by the peasants in Rusalan Poland has been published. It indicates four different methods by which the redemption may be effected. The peasants will be finally relieved from all compulsory labor on the Ist of October next. It is said that Prince Gortsobakoff, the Lieutenant-Governor of Poland, has received leave of absence for one year on ac count of 111-health. The agitation and discontent of Warsaw appear to continue. THE Journal de St. Petersburg of May 30th says,: " General Soulthozanett, Minister of War, has been provisionally entrusted with the administration of Poland, with the rights of a Lieutenant of the Em peror. Ile will be assisted by General Milatine, who will direct the Ministry of War." GREECE The eapital of Greece is in a vary agitated state. owing . to what appears to be the disoovery of some conspiracy against the Government. Several offi cers of high rank were arrested on Tuesday, and domiciliary visits were subsequently made. The Ministers had been hastily summoned to meet in council. TURKEY A despab3ll reaching us from Paris states that the International Conference in Constantinople had at its third sitting accepted the proposition of Prunes that Syria should be governed by a single Christian chief. The proposal of England was that there should be a single chief, but that be should not be a native. INDIA. The principal intelligence from Calcutta by the overland mml le the moue on the 22d nit. of a Gazette Extraordinary, containing the long looked for Bottoms for the amalgamation of the Queen's and Indian forces. As it was only pub. Baked on the eve of the departure of the mail we are not informed how it was received in the Presi dency. Mr. Laing was to produce his Budget on the 27th. NOTES ON REBELLIO . NEWSPAPER FACTS AND OPINIONS. AFFAIRS AT WINBACJOAA The Richmond (Va.) Enquirer of the 9th ins 4470 .1: Col. W. E. Starke, who has been connected with the army at Pensacola for three menthe past, tart that post on the_let.inst,ancLarrlved, in Richmond yesterday. • -Ha reports Gen. Bragg in goon imam/ and fine spirits, and the army well supplied, and in admirable condition every way. Col Starke speaks in the highest terms of Gen. Bragg, the distinguished officer in command at Femme°le. Gen. Bragg has the entire confidenoe of officers and men, and has overcome what was regarded as almost insurmountable difficulties. He is confident that when he attempts to take Fort Piokena the effort will be successful. Gen. Brag.g is doubtless one of the most accom plished, Wind, and efficient offioers in the Conte. derate service. In the Mexican war his services were spoken of by Gen. Taylor, on more than one occasion, as invaluable. How we would be de lighted to have him in the field here in Virginia, in the important campaign of this summer ! We expect to be able to make the enemy cry "hold, . enough !" before many days, but we might make him succumb at a somewhat earlier day by " a little more grape" from Bragg's batteries. But General Bragg ocoupies a moat important' ilitary position in the Confederate States, and there he will remain, we suppose, "till the battle/I fought , and won." SHE FIIGITIVE•ELiVI QIIIIMON The Cabinet, it is reported, have deoided to in struct General Butler not to receive any mere fu gitive &wee into Fort Monroe. The fear is that at the end of the war the Government may have a very extensive elephant on its hands, and no plass to heap him. At the same time there is no dispo sition exhibited, nor instruction's given, to send walking and running property back to the point from whence it °erne, but to let it alone. It se in. creasing so fast that the whole subject resolves it self Into the question of feed.—National Intelli gence?. LIST= 7ROX MANASSAS JUNCTION A letter to the Lynchburg Republican, dated Manama' Jllllotloll, Jane (Uhl says I was told yesterday, coming from one of the parties engaged, (the captain) that a party of scouts, seven in number, under Captain McKay, commanding an Independent company, late of the 'Visited States service, met with four Federal cavalry, also scouts, at Falls Church, Wednesday nigh; and taking deliberate aim at the Fede ralists, died, killing three instantly, and wound ing the fourth so badly that he had to cling to the neck of his horse as he ran. This - happened in 0118%414 View of the enemy's camp, annoyed to be dragoons, about Rix miles from Alexandria. The rangers made good their escape, having only one shot fired after them. This name from the captain himself, and was told to Lieut. K., of the Artil lery, from whom I got the information. A painful accident happened in one of the South Carolina regiments two nights since, which resulted in the immediate death of a young South Caro linian, quartermaster sergeant. A Virginia volun teer was In camp with him, and in handling a musket it was by acme means discharged, nearly blowing the South Carolinian's head off. I did not learn his name. Some seventy-five negroes from Fauquier county arrived here this evening, and wore framedlately put at the forti&oatione, for which purpose they came. Others are said to be coming. I took a good look at Gem. Besuregard to-day, and though his face shows the higheat order of Intellect, yet he has the moat unfathomable eye I ever looked into. Every one feels the greatest confidence in him. RECESSION OF THE INDLN TERRITORY The New Orleans Crescent of the Bth instant announces the arrival in that city of Mr. John E. Peel, direct from Fort Oaachita, in the Indian Territory, who reports that all the forts in the Territory were evacuated by the Federal troops before the arrival of Colonel Young with the Texan forces. He also brings the intaltigence that the Chickasaw Indians held a °ouzell on the 24th of May, and formally dissolved their connection with the United State* Government, and leaned a mani festo to the Chootawa, Crooke, Cherakeea t and Seminoles, and to the Reserve Indians, advising them to secede from the old Union, and to petition the Bouthern Confederacy to b received as a dis hinot organized Territory, instead of an Indian Territory. The friendly Indians are all in favor of it. The forte were all to be garrisoned in twenty days, in aceordanoe with a treaty made with the Reserve Indians. AIuPAIREI..I7 OAPR lIIIIRY. The Norfolk Day Book furnishes accounts of military operations about Cape Henry. It sap : The steamer Quaker tarty captured a schooner off the Capes, aid carried her into the Roads. She returned about 4 o'clock that afternoon, and opened fire upon the Princess Anne Cavalry, sta tioned on Cape Henry Beach. She fired six shots at the quarters, none of which took effect, except in the pine trees. Some of the balls were picked up, one of whilst' is a a pounder. The Cavalry, Capt. John Fentress, is daily exposed to the lire of the enamor, but so far, fortunately, no one has been hurt. If our men now bad one or two of those heavy ordnance, say long 32-pounders, mounted on large earryall wheels, u we have in gested, and urged repeatedly for the last month or two, this steamer could sully be sunk from the podtion abe takes to annoy our troops on the beach. GOV. PICKENS AND REPUDIATION. Here ili the way Governor Pickens, of South Carolina, cautions the population of that State against paying their honest debts: B TATA or 80t1nt CAROLINA, i Ezacuvivz DirdSTAIZIIT, June 6, 1861 I I have understood that many good . people have been remitting hinds to oreditora in Northern States. In tho existing relation of tho country, such con duct Is in conflict with public law, and all citizens are hereby warned against the consequences. F. W. nouns. LEGAL TN THE COURT or COMMON PLEAS, FnR THR rITY MID COUNTY OF PII LA NEELPRIA. WILLIAM aIcILVAIts vs. MARY P. IlloiLV AIN, No. Ir, March Term, 1861. In thvorce. And now, Arne. sit, 1841- the Court Front. a rule upon the respondent to show cause why a (11 , 7013345, is vincula paatrunono, should not be deoreeo. Returnable AA THRUAY , lone n 1911, at 10 o'clock, A. M. A. MARY P atollN - 1N— You are hereby notified of *bore rule, service O f no tice of the same having fruled OD account ofcur ab- G4oitag B. RA 1 4 e. ..feiterk.thit* Attorney tor La neat, IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS DELPHIA FoR THE OfTY AND COUNTY OF PHILA- Nonce ia - hereby given that the enbegriberhei applied by petition to the Court of %unman Ness for the City and County of Philadelphia fora final diaohayge under the provisions of the 1111101 Vela lawn of this Common meant, whioh apptioarion will be heard by-the said Court at the Court Room. in the middle building of uke Errata Rouse, rhilel. 4 lBl.hiti, at 10 A.ll. on the s4th tbarof JUNE., A. pr. MI. when arid where all c redi tors of the undersigned may attend, i f they thmkiwri , led-theta-6tJ IJI,I US OFFICIAL PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING THE PAPER FOR THE PUBLIC PRINTING. Oirrics SOPPRINTIIIIDENT PUBLIC PRINTING. WASHINOTON. In ay In pursuance of the provisions of the seventh leotien of the " , approv edoution in relation to the PQM° Printing." June M. IMO, sea led prop osals will be received at this office until Monday, the Ist day of July, 1061 , at 12 o 'clock M. for furnishing the paper that may be required for the nubile printing for the year analog on the let day of December 1863. The subjoined fiat specifies, as nearly as eau be ainisr tamed, the quantity of each kind of paper that will be required: Mass 1. 10,(2)0 reams fine printing paper, unealendered. to measure 24 by 38 inohee, and to weigh fifty pounds to the ream of 600 sheets. CLASS 2. 6,000 reams fine printing paper. ealendered, to mea sure 24 by 38 inches, and to weigh fifty-six pounds to the ream of 600 sheets. ( Agreeably to the provisions of the Joint resolution aforesaid. samples of the character and quality of the paper require d for the above 0111111103 will be furnished to applicants therefor. The paper ie to be put no in quires of twenty five sheets each, and in bundles of two reams each ; each ream to contain 100 eeriest sheets. Uniformi ty in oolor. thickness. and weight will be required; and no bundle (exclusive of Wrappers) varying ovyr or under fiveroar cent. from the standard weightunll be received, and the areas Weight will , fn all cases be required. Mixing of venoms thicknesses in the same bundle to make up the weight will' be considered a violation of the contrast CLAIM 3, 400 reams superfine printing paper, hard-sised and super °Slandered, to measure 24 by .12 inches, and to weigh fifty eouilllslo the ream or 800 sheets. CLASS 4 2,000 reams superfine map paper, sited and oaten ' dared, of such sizes as may be required, correeponding in weight with paper measuring 19 by 24 inches, and weighing twenty pounds per ream of 480 sheets. Maas 5. MO reams superfine plate paper, (ealetidered or un °slandered , as may be required, 19 by 24 inches, and of such weight per ream as may be required. CLASS 6. 1. 1,800 reams quarto post writing paper, l 0 by 16 inches 2. 2,0e0 do cap do 13 by OM do. 3. 100 do demy do 16 by surf, do. 4. 1,000 do folio part do 17 by P 2 do. 100 do medium do 13 by It do. 6. 60 do royal do 19. by 24 do. 7. 60 do super royal do 20 by 28 do. 8. 60 do imperial do 22w0by31 do. 9. 100 do double gap do /8 by 95 do. CLASSY. 1. 3,000 reams writing paper. 16 by 26 inches, to weigh twenty- three pounds per ream. 2. 1,12/0 reams writing paper, 19 by 36 niches, to weigh twenty-eight pounds per ream. 3. 3,100 reams writing paper, 18 by 23 inehes, to weigh twenty-six pounds per ream. 4. 100 reams writing paper, 13 by 2 2 inches, to weigh twenty-four pounds per ream. 6. 310 realms writing paper. 18 by le luehes, to weigh twenty-two pounds per ream. 6. 400 reams writings paper, 12 by 18 inches, to weigh twelve tweedy per ream. MI the capers designated in °lessee 4,5, 6, ands, must contain 490 perfect sheets to the ream, and no " out side" quires. They are to be made of the best mate rials, free from adulteration. finished in the best man ner' out to a 'rue edge, arid securely and enbatentiaily enveloped. Toe papers to class 6 are to be white or blue, laid fist, and of such weight! es may be Teetered by this office. Those in cheeses 3,4, 5, and 7, are to be white, and of the sixes and weights-riper:Wed in the schedule. The right is reserved of ordering agreater or less quantity of cub and every k• ad contracted for to all the masses, to be furnished at ouch time and in Inch (Ulan aa the publio serviee may 'require. Each ohms will be oonsidered separately, and fie sub ject to a separate contract t but bidders may offer for one or more of the classes in the same proposal. No proposals will be considered unlit= eocompanled the guarantee that the bidder or bidders, if hie or by proposals shall be acceypted, will enter into an eb ligation, with good and iroMeient sureties, to furnish the articles proposed. Blank forms for proposals will be furnished at this office, and none will be taken inyo consideration unless substantially agreeing there loth. All the valrer in the several clauses must be deliveyed at such plane as may be designated in Washington eitY. texceipt that in elms 7, which must be delivered at Def late, in the Mate of New York,) in good order, free of all and every extra charge or expense, and iiuterest to the inspection, count. weight. and measurement of the thipsrintendent. end be in all respects satisfactory. Flinders are required to funnel, with their proposals, samples of not less than one quire of each of the hums of paper bid for, and upon wnioh their proposal' may be based, except la °lasses 1 and 2. he yrucceparul bidders Will be required rigidly to conform to their raimplee. Propoule will be addressed to" JOHN D. DEFREES, Sups rintendent of the Peblio Petit:mg. Washington." and endorsed "Proposals for Supplying Paper." my4-uBl PROPOSMAS FOR FUEL. (.I.SARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. U. E. Marine Corps, Washing_ ton, gid Max, 1661. tIe:AUED FftoPutiaLBwill be received at this office TUESDAY,untiI the 25tn. day of June, 1861, at 3 o'clock P. 311.., for supnlying wood and coal to the U.B. Marines stationed* at Philadelphia, Pa., from hit July. 1861, to the 30th June. 1863. The wood to be beat Oak Reeling, and to be delivered, piled measured and inspected at such points within the walla of the M arine Baruch as may he designated by the Commanding Marine =oar, free of expense to the United ewes. The, oat to be mat White Ash Anthracite egg_coal, free from duet , and to weigh 2 210 lbs to the ton. To be welt bed. inspected, and delivered at such points within the walls of the Marine Barraoka as may be dein:mated by the Commanding Marine tamer, free of expense to the United States, and both wood and coal to be-fur nished at snob times and in such quantities as the said Commanding Marine Officer MAY require. Payment will be made upon the quarterly requisition of the Commanding Officer, at‘ting the quantities re quired for the use of his command, agreeably to lauda Payment ~ Payment willies made 111011 the quarterly requinition of the ..lommsnding Officer. stating the quantities re quired for the use of his command agreeably to regula tions. A guaranty, to be signed by two vermouth's persons, whose meryonsitality must be certified to by the United 'Mates District Judge. United States District Attorney, or United States Collector, must accompany each pro posal, otherwise it will not be considered. To ie endorsed " Proposals for Fuel " and addressed to the uodersigned. W. B. aLAcK, ans-alt quartermaster . Marine Corps. ARMY AND NAVY SUPPLIES. war The time for erelong proposals under the follow ing advernement ie extended 'la 12ectook, M . , Friday, June 44 AGL. addition. being mane to the artteles to be proposed tor. ARMY SUPPLIES. -- QUARTRRIf ASTER GrircanaVa Orman. TIARRISNITRG;JUne 8. 18$1. kis sled proposaus will be receive. at this Office is oreiosh,,M., on Friday, the 14th day of June 1881 for the following Army supplies and me,tertals. deliverable at the State Military btore. a Berri:lours quentities as required. Raid poreasals to bs publicly opened at the time and place married awe oey, Ueeeisul biddo r announced as a .on thereafter Ike—die right Milne reservrd b. the State to increase or dimmuni me number and smuttily of said articles: Twenty Hospital 'vent , . with yob a, pins, buttons. and slips complete. any pattern. One thousand Common Tents, army pattern, poles, pine, &e.. complete. One hundred Wall Tents, army pattern, poles, pine, &a. complete. One thousand five hundred Camp Kettles, sheet hen, three sizes. in nests.lBl( pounds. Three thousand eeVeu hundred and fifty Mess Pans, sheet iron, weight 2 pounds. ProposaM will be received at the - game time for fur nishing the Mexican or other pattern of Tenth ; 391n plea. drawings, and specifications to be furnished with - moo &Hamel Pantaloons (army reguiatren preferred, if they eon be had is time>. 31,000 Shirts, army standard and quality. LEOS 'lndust/ Gape. indigo blue moth. '6,000 Bo , nges. indigo army blue, all wool twilled 12.003 Oanteaue, army pattern, covered. with straps. Is Regimental General Order Books, fall bound demi. • 15 Regimental DesoriptiVe i :` " Reßmental Orders, IA Regimental Letter- is rt 16 Regimental Index Beaks, half bound. Re Company. Order, ',looks, full bound. 180 Company Clothing Books, full bound. 160 Company Morning Reirrte• full bound. Jett ompany Descripive Reports, full bound. MC Pest Morning Company Reports, lull bound. Pimples of the above b ots to be seen at this office, They 6.0 all to be full bound except the Regimental Index book, and all demi, except Post Morning Re- Forte, which are to be imp. The Regimental boot' eaoh three quires sanest the Descriptive cooks. which are to be five quires. The Company Books eaeh One quire. See Army Reaniattont. rages ll and 16. 12,000 Haversacks, with straps complete. It is desirable that all the above articles be of domes tie mannfaoture. and where any of the articles are furnished by the United States. the same most conform in all renovate ro the waled standard pettern in the United titates gnartermaster's Orme mid Military Store, Philtrelelpnia. Ten per cent of the amount of eaoh delivery to be retained aa a forfeiture until The contract is completed. Time of delivery to be considered as of the essence of the contreet. Contractors to s ate in their propea a the time when the goods can be delivered And the Iffeadl delivery of snob articles as are needed will be wandered in awarding the contract. Succeesful bid t.ora to give bonds with two approved seourines. It. 0. HaLE. Quartermaster General, P. M. PROPOSALS . FOR ARMS. Sealed Proposals will be received at Sprinfield. flit nom, on or before the twelfth (112th) day of June next, at noon by the undersigned commissioners on the part of the State of Illinois. for furnishing . , delivered at Springfield, Illinois, the following arms and equip ments Twelve (12) 6-lbs brassguna, Six (6) 13-I be brass howitzers, rifled. Twelve (12) caissons for 6 lb guns. giz (6) caissons for 12-lb howitzers. Three (3) travelling forges. Three (.1) battery wagons. Three (3) spare gun carriages. One hundred anti ninety eight (198) sets of artillery harness, 'nth ail the implements and equipments, for three companies of light artillery complete, corres ponding in all respects with the arms and equipments need by the United BMWs, and to ho subjecte d to the same teats. One thousand (LOW) cavalry sabres. One thousand (1.000) pairs cavalry pistols (revolvers.) One theimand (1.000) carbines. One thousand (1,000) holster'. One thousand (4.000) belt*. To oorrespond in all respects to the tike art= end SP pandas newe d a n d h m s os er appr o oved e tyl n i a d nd S fi a n e h , a me nd to be subjected to the same tests. . The commissioners reserve the right to reject any Pr 4tru;g::l l p . s f ,rm t :a . uhder law, eighty per cent, on delivery, twenty pet cent. on completion of contract. Address sommissioners for paroheme of arms, &0., Springfield. JAN. H. sTo Km, JOllll TILL h il. SOVI Commiwoners. m. 81tEryst mr24-2K HAIR RESTORATIVE. THE ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAI !STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, Ann •ROWS MORE AND YORE POPULAR EVERY DAY. Ape testimonisis, new ,and almost without umber, ovght be nvqn. from la d les and nentlemen in grades c ater Pit t ,. Con- none ' sale hrbm gurts i ggito rsa a r zl e ty tt i e hair of the youth tobld age. Itaryti Clair. bile b.. Dila. 1, 1864. Pros. Wool): Theis willl please accept 'a line to in form thee that the hair on my heed all fell of over twenty years ago, caused by a complicated carom° dis ease. attended with an eruption on the head. A con tinual course of suffenng through life having reduced me to a Matt of dependenoe, I have been able to obtain stun tor caps. neither have I bee p able to do them op, in oonsecnenoe of which my head has suffered extremely from cold. This induced me topay Briggs R Hodges almost the last oent I had on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Rear Restorative abort the Ist of August bun- I have faithfully followed the directions, b l ack, bald spot is now deemed with : hair thick an though short,' it is also coming in all over my heed. Feeling coebdent that another Mute bottle would restore it entirely and permanently, I feel anxious to Persevere in Its use and being destitute of means to I purchase any more, would ass thee if thee wouldst not be 'NIMBI to tend me en order on thine agents for a tattle, and receive to to pilaff the Scripture declaration ' The reward is to those that are kind to the widow and the fatherless." Thy friend. SUSANNAH 'KIRBY. Licosirge-yoble co Indiana. Feb. 6, imp. PROS. 0. J. WOOD: pear Sir: Statee latter part of the yes: 1866. while attending the and hatlonal Law school of the State of New York, my hair, from a canes unknown to me, commenced falling off very rapidly, so that in the short spec. of six months, the whore upper pert andy scalp was almost entirely bereft of its cover ing, much of the remaining portion upon the side d beck part of my head shortly after became gray i so that you will not be sarprised_When I tell you that, upon my return to the State of Indiana. my more, casual au quaintanoes were not so muoh at a lose to dumover the cause of the change in my appearance. as my more in timate accinaintanoes were to recognise me at all. I at onoe made application to the most skilful phyea titans in the country, nut, recegia 110 assurance from them that my hair could again restored. I was foroed to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter part of the year Mel t your Reatorative was recommended to me by a druggist, as being the most reliable Rear Restorative in nee. t tried one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that it was producing the desired effect. Since that time, 1 have need seven dol lars' worth of your Restorative, and as a result, have a rich coat of very soft black hair, whioh no money can buy. As a mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill in the production of so wondentil an article. I have recom mended its use to many of MY friends and annamtan oe„,, who. I am happy to inform Jon, are using it with like affect. Very respectfully, yours, A. fiL LATTA. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers through- Old the World. be Rontorotiso is put np in Bottles of thous writs. viz: ;ergo. medium, and en all ; the small hold, half a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the mediwn holds at least twenty per oeSt. more in proportion than the small, retails for two dollars a bottle; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent. more in proportion, and re- Isar for .3 bottle. 0. J. WOOD & co, rro i rietors. 411 BROADWAY. New York , and 11 , , AARKIET Street, St. LOOM Mo. And sold by all g ringlets and Fancy Goo ds Deal ers. ISOM in this city b• B. A. PANNES'TOCK & Co., Nos. 7 ad 9 North FIFTH Street, snd HASMED ec. CO.. f• - rli and'ull tiTtt la Streets DYttliV & CO., 1132 NorM Is&COND Street. oolS-merfeowWtf Q1(1118.—A email invoice of Mdi iii i4ineee 1 , 7 mid Goat Skini, hut rikeived di•a, fqr sale bt seußsTe - tc alma 'f RON'S Iltrvet, THE PRES3.7-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY 'UNE 15, 1861. CEPHALIC PILLS SICK lIEADACHE. NERVOUS HEADACrCE. By the use ot these Fine the periodical attache of Nn vows or Sith Headings may be prevented ; audit taken at the commenoement of an attach immediate relief from pain and sicknees will be obtained. They seldom faillin ren.oving the /Valuta esui Hilt. echo to which females are so sub, eet. They sot gently on the bowels, removing CsiltilinOM. For Liguori? Moo, Studists, Delicate Females, and all persons of sod/stars kabits, they are reliable ea a Lazuli's, Improving the ityystini, giving toss and ciga r to the digestive organ.. and restoring the natant elscs deity end strength of the whole mutest. The CEPHALIC MU! are the rem& along investi gation and careftdly conduoted experiments, having seen in use many years, during which time they have Prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain ant suffering from Headache. whether originating in the esrectur system or from a deranged stabs of the we wash. They are entirely vegetable) in their composition, and may be taken at all time. with perfect safety without making any change Millet, and the aisme of any Wm tremble tests reader: it easy is sdeeissistss am to REWJUICE 0/ 001TNTI8EETTEI 1 Ike genuine kayo IN alinstires toiletry O. Spitting an esoh Box. akold by Druggists eat all other Dealers in DeiWiens. A Son will be gent by myll Kenn on resept of lL• PRICE. OENTIi. AU trier, iambi Ito adinsimil HENRY 0. SPAT DING,. VIE FOLLOWIIIe ENDORSEMENT/ OF OEPHAIC„,IO PILES Wale CONVINCE ALR MILO EVPFER PEON WEI/DT AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN THEIR ILEAOH. AS thsso Tirstinionials •rs sinsoliested Dr Mr.BrALD US*. Skil Alford sistintsstienabis proof sf Cis ca ssia of Milt truly scientific disarm% IlliasorreiLLs. Conn., Feb. Ms. Incrante. EIR : I have tried your Cephalic Pain, and I las tkom mai that I want you to send zee two dollam worth more. Put of them am for the nelirkbore, to whom I gave e few of She end box / got from you. Send the kills _by mail,end *KO Your oWt servant JAMAS KENNEDY. 11Limusomk, Pa., Fob. 11, 3.11• IL itrALIOINS. _ll* A, me one more box of• • &WIC% CRINNIK, EIIrNTINODON COVNTT• ?a . .tt Jarman la, 1861. IL IL EtrAzDzlto. in via Vaasa parka twa base! sf PAW Chiskaa• taut. Beni them munediately. itaaaestfully 10111111 • ,rtto. B. natIONB. laws rosaismi mks box al yew Pith, and aft . Ulm irafelkst. _puss Vicatiott, Ohio, Jan. IL UR. iika. groans*. zit. • Please find enclosed twenty-five cents, or which send Xot =other box of your Colombo Itiilbo, moo ars tresiff ao boas Pills I haute tow tread. Direct A. ISTQ_TEX. P. M., Belle 'Vernon. Wrorolot 00., 0. finvzsz.v, blass.„ Dee.ll.lB/10. A. Oasatroisa. Ric. I Irish for Nome circular or large show bids. to bring your Cephalic Pills more imrttouLsrly before my cus tomers. If you have anything of the kind please send me. 0110 of my 012MOMere; who is enbjeot to severe Sick Asedeqbe, (smelly loatiseg two dam) woos ~at of OK smash se sue hour by your Pills.wheoh I ant her. Aeldsoutfully yaws, W. B. WILKES. itintriorassirse. Friansisso Cre.. itintiary nY U. firoznixe . de Cedar so,. rt. Y. DIAS his: Inolosed find twentr-live Gents. (311,) for which mond box of •• Cenhalio Pills.** Send to address of Rev. Wm. Q. Filler, leynoldenim Frsnictin Co. Ohio. Your rill: work Wm ckaree—tiers Haadat44 lOgolf !nth 70•21, WM. O. radix'. Ma. ,110 au ra singe INe Hea d ache amend_ _lathe Pills for th or the N ervous = voirsiveneigh 11,11 t reOrntilld the came, and thin, had SO coed ww Owl ass Irma *Mused to und ter worse now Mat by return Mail. "Direct to A. WIFE/ILEX. . KUM. Alms as .Xiesstfosar, iferfsik, Ts. - Geokeno sooomollsh the object for whisk they Were nue. Cure of Itesdaehe an all Ito forms. lists Ms Wrataiser. Node Th. Ts. Whey Mitre been tested in more than a thowtand est* with entire imams& - ?rows skit Damotrat. Se. Mead, Atm. If you are, or hove been troubled pith the headaahe, send fors box, (Cephalio !IBM so that you unty hare them in one of an attack. The Cephalic rills are and to be a remarkably Krell itive remedy for the headache, and one of the Ter? beat for that very frequent complaint which has ever beep discovered. - Pr on she Wesems R. R. Gamine. Chieere, 11l leph We alto heartily endorse Mr. dealdias, aad his tiarivalled "Mt the Ziaawilia Tatley Star * Ka! mls, re. we are sore that somas =dining with the beedsahe who try them* will stick to them. Prom tie Solitaire Park Finder, 2Yere Orbsfut,Lig. • Wry that' ! Fan that are abated. and we are WO that your antimony can be added to the already numerono Wt that has received benefits that 310 other medioiee san prodnos. itmig Lk St. Latvia Demeans. Tim Minna= demand for the pallets (Cephalic, Ping moreasin' NOW Ski Gazetts, Dtsvispert, I•ws. . Mr. 15910113111WOltid not oonneot angle wfth ea ve-. tree he did not mow to Poulos rest merit. Ara the Adressimr. PreiMiteass. A. I. testamay in their favor is strong, from tke mod nineemble attesters. Nees the Daily News, Moo n* A. itephalie Pills are taking the place of all blab,. 7171111111 lAe CAMISIIIIIWGiSi Baiisssw, Basta% Moss. Odd t o be oozy oftioaeloas for the headashe. Preen tiw Commercial, Ciacirmati, 0M Iterating kamanity am now be relieved. Fa" A Biagio NMI* et 111PAADIMPS PIEPAULED MOM will wive Ora thou *Asir oak annulls.lNl SPALDING'S /SWAIM GLUE! SPALDING'S PRSPARSD GLIM SPALDING'S PREPAIM OLU t ECONOMY: DISPAIGIV 117'* , A avvron rir Trice &vine Plina.”l6ll Al accidents will bilDgen, even in well-rogulated families, it is very doiarsoto to boos soma ohooo asia convenient was for repairing Furniture, Wove, Crooke rr: &a. SPALDIZIO'S PREPARED ELITE meets all sneh eanergemdem and lto household can eford to do unthout fG it ht elves' reedy. and up to the shakier omit. "USEFUL IN EVERY NOM." emits B,—A Brush sooompsttise esok bouts. s. lf . Adds.'s, HENRY 0. SPALDING, WO, to OBDAX, 888. NEW. REW Aa wham anannelpled pentena Lea atterantin pa= off on the uzurapeetina Wile, imitations of IN PREPARED GLUE. 1 would mations all Wyss to °l amina before naratuudaa. and see that the fall name. ' IPAIMInIrn larn the reana imam 1, ill Maim art rortatnra liannedinnh XII DICINAL. CURE ALL KINDS OF HEADACHE 1 4S CIADAIt ITIEET. MEW YOW/.. SPALDING'S HEADACHE. NAT A 'ia-Ml 7 & alorratowas. 1114111WITIs MUM • Ante 111. UM. U'VE TIE PIECUSII: OAVTION. ' tiers Amon ASIA S. T ictElf—i.h*CrE MUTUAL INSUBANON COMPANY, tly:ssrlim., •FIIGEk No. 30111WALNIT lent.. against Lows DArctoli iw PIKE, at )levies, Stare., an other bUlldlnflh Rraite4• or =nal_ ud on FUFIIIOO, , -w ee, and Mor ekendi in town or Win try. WASH CAPITAL, .83313/0 00—ABBETEI $511,111 61. Which 1. invested as follows, vas ; In drat mortgages on 408 proPerty. worth double the amonnt 1106,9(41 50 Pennsylvania Railroa d ' s ; 6 iteromit. first mortgage loan, at ea— 5,0110 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent. se cond mortgage Masi 17,Kw DO Tuntingdon and Drool Top Railroad and Canal Co:a mongers loan— Cone 00 Ground rept, fird-Oldsd— 1,462 50 Collateral loanE, welt spouted - - EA* 00 City of Philadelphia Stier cient. 60,000 00 Veesheny County 6 pet cent. Pa. RR. 10an... 10,006 DO mmermal Bang 3,135 01 tthanioe Banks 2,812 60 Pennsylvania Itailro Co.'sstock— . 4,000 00 The Relianoelmmo= Co.'s etool 15, 550 00 Co: The County Fire Inswanoe s stook 10110 00 2he Delaware M. P. [newsmen Co.'s stook— 700 110 Union Mutual Insurame Cal 1030 00 Bills rsoerrable , 16,3110 74 Book accounts, sound interest. eco—.—. 7,1011 65 Cash on hand— —..—,— 11.1164 64 11317.1111 Di The Mutual prim:di*, combined with the security of :seta,* Capital, eutitlts the ineured to partioluete is the frets of the Couipsny. without liability for tosses. LOMB Promptly* adAsted and paid, ele3C7oee: Diem Tingley 1 . Samuel Mohan. Witham me s on , Robert Steen, Frederiek Brown William Musser, William Stevenson, Beni. W. TingleY, John R. Worrell, t - Marshall Hill, ItL. Carson. ..' • J. Johnson Brown, eert Toleed, Charms Leland. .: D. Itoseplarten. Jacob T. Hangings hallos 5, wood, . Punth Bowen antes B. Woodward, John Bissell, Pittsburg. _ • CL TINGLEY, Fresidea. B.M. 11INCIIMAN, &smeary. ebreary 16. IMII. tell Titlo.l ENTERPRISE ZNSURANOE COMPANY ON PIEELADELLYBA. (FMB 1 / 1 1611WOB EXOhIISIVELY.) fantrANrs ZIVILDING, S. W. CORNEA SOURTH lAD WALNUT STRENTS. DiRECTORIS: Immtmvomm *MM. Komarati L.-DAWNW. WILLIAM McKim, . . Mao. IL Elm Moms, MALamg FAAnint., .Taam IL Bleowm, Joint X. ATwoom, S. A. FammasToci, Lim. T. TAmpam, .Ammlsw D. CAW, KINKS WHARTON. J. L. BILSITIONX. F. 1.47011F0RD ISTANZI 11.M110101 IZIMAJU.SS W. CO.X.E. meareumr. fell VENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE 1) COMPANY • lio. 921 C MIMI street Philadelphia. ' CIA TER PENPAIreit... ALb WAR PRO /TtS DIVIDED AMONG THE lII ' WILED. Insure Lives for ehort terzneor for the whole term of Life ; grant Annnitme and Endowments ; purchase Life Interests in Real.Fmtate, and make all contracts de ding Oil the cioutingenowe of life. - Alley act Be Emecutorm Administrators, ASSMX BO2 , Trainees, and Guardian,. ASSETS OF TEE COMPANY, January 1.1911. Mortgages, ground renlr, real estate-- .$3113,1181 57 United - Mates stook., wrepeury notes, loans of - Otani' of Pennsylvania, city of PluM dolphin, &o --• 96 8.7 96 91 Premium notes, loans on oollaterals, &0..... WAN 19 Pennsylvania. North Femurs:vacua Bail raids, and County six per cent. bonds 106,901 BO Bank, insurance, railroad, canal stogke. ,to. 97,647 19 Cash on hand, agents , balances. &0., 68.196 DANIEL MILLER. Pras e /pit: l3s 61 /SAMUEL E. STOKER. Vice President. JOBB W. Mil NOR. Seoretar". mh2l-if MWARE MUTUAL BARMY IN AME GODIPAITY, PHILADELPHIA. Ineoroorated by the Legislature of Ponnrylvesua,lSM. Oleo N. E. owner of TAM and Wlsl I[T strata. THILADELP HU. MARINE DiffIRAROZ. On Vials, jßego, To ell parts of tho World. Fromkt, LAND INSILIJLRUES ea Illoola by Riven. Oanebh Lake*, eel /AMA eV nag '. to parte of the Union. FIRE nieVILANQE3 is Merakandiss gelleflair. On Moro% FrolUar MOIIIISII, &O. ASSETS OF TSB 00BEFARY. November 1,1830. OMAN Veiled States Ave 40 , cent, loas---51100 ,000 00 ELM 'United States six 00' °eat Treaaszy /WM (with Boomed artorest)-- 1190153 33 IMMO Fenzuryivesua gnaw Ave Er Gen lean, N. 80 111,000 do. do, out do. do. 21.131 30 213,010 Philadelphia City i c lf 3 " cent. Loon. 114.333 37 00,000 Tennessee State Ave oent. lean— 14,000 00 OPPOO renneilvattia /Lath 20 mortgage six AS cent. bonds 61.0313 00 UAW 300..sharoo, ,toot eisymaxitown Ono - 60iiiiiy; interact snd IT/Ore - vtarAutisod by the City of - guarlintood tor too Vila In. MAO 00 HIV WO abate pn % Bonesitrama Railroad - 11)0 , Com— h P 0,0010 100 shaiva Bortanasylvania Jail- road Company-- . 000 00 IAIO 00 Baar es Piladelphia - roe Boat mai &gam Tor Comosay. IXIO SO I share+ Philadelphia, and Ilavro- do eno3o Iteata Wow-boot Cornrow. IN 00 NO I album Philadelphia Backstops PM" PI Oa CMPUY— -- ..- MO 3 shares Continental Hotel Co.— kni.0.4 8 000 var. Cost 4547,335.34. Market va1.41134,5156 71 receivable, for iassracoes made_..... 131..496 42 illa and MOrtgages..... 0...1 •••••••••• •-•.....11.• ag AO 00 estate el 333 31 Balances dap at Agenoies--Premienis cot Ma rine Policia& interest. and other debts due tka Company_ -....___L • 1 " 554 03 !grip end mask of anniirr / - 4..-...ux• and enter Chimvsnits —___ _. Las SO Seek ex keva-ic basin'. - __..._.915,571 II Le drawer---- US SI - 10,135 ex maim 13 Willem. ka i ra l. -4 7 w o w._ an Fibt _A.,0, 141 . ; ,,. it .Pi nn / t riton, elm Same, Etward Darlington. /elm o.:palfic, , I. Jonetßrivolm. Mee - s - 11:111/.11, Willmair i Jr.. I. fil racer Wan:inc. : puma C. Nand, -Emma * a, i abort Bartok, William . Ludwig.. -: 1 .1 esch P. Jones, /scald:L.lU Reid, , James B. BrFarland, Dr. D. 114 Molten, Jechas P. Byre. laiiinve C. Leiner, John B. Baum's, Pitteles, Digit Craig : D. D. Morgan, '• illiarlea Kadr. A. B. Baiter --111, W LbIhIADI MARTIri, l'resident. 21103. O. BAND, Vi.. President, llEttley lig.l.Bilßbi. georetanr. nol7-tf IDIE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.— THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE ectitlPANY—lnoo_rporaW M2O— CHAR PERPF, .TUAL—fto. 810 WAL NUT Street, opposite independ ent'. Square. This Company, favorably known to the community for thirty-eta years, ooatinues to aware optima lose or demote try Fire. on publics or private Buildium, either eermanentl_v or for a limited time. Also. on Furniture, nooks of Um= or Merchandise generally. on liberal terms, Their capital, together with a largeßurplA Fund, is Weaned-1u the meet careful manner, tonic& enable, them to Offer to the =trod vadoabted security It mop game of loam. DINSOTOIL Jonathan Patterson. lima Haslelturst, Quinlin Campbell, Thomas Robini. Alexander /3eneon. Darnel Bmith, jr., William hiontekes, - J ohn Reverse:. 'kriOmea . JONATHAN PATTERSON, President Wltittrs G.,Cnowsr.r., Secretary. eps-Ir INKIRANO4' UOMPANY OF TUE A. 'IRATE OF YENNBYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA XINE IN u-ADIOX Xec 4 AIM b BZciiiADIOE Ohartared t03,714-osadas7 .100,110-Irob. 1, Ma, soda nine, $4118,797 77. inveeed in salad and available essantae—sea *ass Is lame on Vestals sad Cargoes, itsiidiass, Masks of Morakandise &e.. en liberal term'. Dlkrcrzoits. Nonni D. &Lenard. glens 11. Stun, Material 701 rszaaal Grant : dr., R}url s ed a ~Mooa =tar. Stables Warner: ahnitk. Minima, B. Watteau lon 111- Bade, Henry ILPreestaa. WLlllnat K. Waite: Marlys 3. la wale. illeaggerO. Cie.rsen. liEttitY A. AXES/ENS, Prosiienik Smairetarv. iNSUISAV.O.IB. egLEOliAlllO3' 110311 RANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia,- No. I 3 North 3IXTE. Street, below Race. Moue Mold ings, gioWit,aral Merehmuliee generally from loss or .damage by rm. Tim company guarantee to admit all mere promptly. and omens, koro to =set tho p a t ron ._ age of 140 vlibllo. To. . .-----. iniw morgar., Kobert Manton, rants Cooter, Michael . MOODY. rire L. liosdherty, Fward Metkrrens, asses Martin, omas B. frisaorailek, James Dsross, - ohm Brantley. Matthew McAlear, Francis Falb. ownard !Lafferty, lan (bendy. Thomas .1, Hemphill, Bernard H. Mttlsental, mamas Flatter, (Rummies C)Arilx Francis McManus Manse! Cala% .__ FILARPIA COOPEIG Provident. R.RJLEAJua , RAPPER . dooretarc. 008-17 A;MERIOAN FIRE INSURANCE 00., •ER- U lAZRPORATED MO CHA R TER PER "ET . Poi 510 Alairs Street r above Third, Philadelphia, - rum= a line paid -np, capita Moak end Surplus, in in sound and available Securities, continues to hiatus or. Dvellinss, alteres, Farnitare, Merehandiss, Vessets in port end their fiances. and other venoms! .PrOPertY. All louses b berally and promptly Wanted. DrkIICTORS. 011. R. Maris, John T. Levis , A x I ..;:,' Wehth. ,Jamex R. camopen, net C. Morton, Edmund El. DOA, moot Brady, . Chas. W. Pommy, rreel ?dorris. i THOMAS R. MAUL President. .AI.IIERT C. IS. CRAWFORD. Boorman. fort-tt A NTHILACITE INNEFRANOR OCIMPA , NY.—„datherLitiel Capital 2100,0116—alUATP1 WILPEITALIa. 4111110 e No.lll WALNWIr Street, Wares* Third sat Fourth /Street, Philadelphia. Inds Commay will ineare staiturt lees sr dames hy Olre„ en BaHdrada,Farnitire, and lifetikeatita gem , . Mal! Lantraneee ea Yeavela, Cargoes, mad ni lie,____ .orwrzati. ad iamtranse to all i parte of ike lam. _ IaItEITTO .1111dith KOPP; iswitidadelts i . Lather. Jahn etortam, Aidepriedt John Blakistear f vie Peareea, Pfau F. Dean, = r ithltrets IarOUUL J. 103011 P...:Li President. wri.r. DEAL Viso Frailtwit • R. mt. MIMI. Ilaeressnr. age- VEOHANGE INSURANCE COMPANY .0-" A --Office No. 409 WALNUT. Otreet. 113tZ DISURAIICE on Ilona.' and Moirohandio' • anergly, on Womble terms, father lizaitt' 41. or per . DIRECIrOItO: Jeremiah lionsall.— - T h orn** Mara, of tin Roberta, e James T Thoppsons R.. Hale.: Reknotel L. ternedhry, - - /whom T. Owens Iteaben G. Male._ John J. eriflithe. TEssRMLNE BONBALL, President. • JONI* Q. eINNODO. Vice Preffident gunmen cox. Reoretems. • Jed pHILADBLPHIA T F. A-0 OTT A orms, (Moe eadiWitre Rooroz,lolsl CHESTIIIF/ Street. Ornamental Chimney Top& Mullen Vases and Statuary. Enoanztio Flooring Tile. Architectural Ornaments. Ventilating and Bmoke Lidssi Tile and Sanitary Ware. steam-premed Drain Pipe, Water Pipe, warranted to stand The Tra de and durable. The Trade supplied on liberal terns. Illustrated Catalogues sent by enelleation by letter, s. llAiltlEoll4 I sigh FATisirig Street. AID AOHERKL, HERRING. MAD, HAL. PA NON, feo.-11,000 bble. Men Neli.l, 1, and 11 Mink ere", largeonediana, end emelt, easorted vaekaitee ors:Woe late-osecht fat fah. 140 bbl. New Halifax, Faatport, and isbrader Mer riam of ohoioe qualities. ices bone■ extra new sealed lerfinm 1,000 boxes extra new No.l HerrlAga. Lae hexes hirea Mathlime Hamm, MO tibhp. Mao emaa white Fiah, 00 Dbla. new Economy Mau Mad, nem Halifax Salm on, IAOO Quintals Brand Bank Hon*. 1100 banes Herkimer-ominty la stars tad Intuit. for gale hi p RY ift_ W KtIONL see No. 148_ OfLTH HARVEII. JIIST RBVEPFED, per 4 , Annie Kimball." from /470np001, Blander, Weaver, & blandcli atrOptiraltallla I be &nut Aeunii, !RI ID lb* /ttxtract Hy . m SO Sr Extract Be ow., in 1 SAM UN tutExtenot Tsraxect. is 1 *pm, 10iht Vlllllsl.oolohlot. ut 1 19 bottles, 100 r 01. Nuoosio Root.. in 1 S dottlw - NM Ca 10121,11 to Ilb bottle.. ram, jo 1 *are. " WISTHENILL. & BROTHER. WO 47 and 4th 9 Not Street. BREIT QUALITY . GOOFING SLATE a lms en mad and for Ws. at Von mirk „ISM .sallrifflanstra: ; RAILROAD 'MIRA. .R 4 D A VGIA L I P LA I OA I D A . PASO/SNOB& TRAItNS for POTTSVILLE, READ MG, and HARRISBUM cm and after May 20, 1861. MoRNING LINES. DAILY A /Sundays egoepted.) 1.8126 Neer DOPRtioorner of /115106. D and CALLOW HILL Streets PRILA.DELPSIA. (PeOlenger en trances on Thikeenth and on Callowhiii streets,) at A. M., oonneotin at Harrisburg with the PENN SYL VANiA RAILR OAD IP. M. train,ronning to Pitts burg the CUMBERLAND Ve.LiL, l ine. i ,OB P. M. train TAPPlian.atanNiStbAritA D 1 3 1'. train and running to lilunbau , &o. APIESPTOON LINES. Leave New Depot. corner of BROAD and CALLOW BILL Streets PHILADELPHIA, (passenger en .tranoee on Thirteenth and on Callowhill streets,) for COTTRVILLE and GARRISBURG. at 6.16 P. M., AILY, connecting at HarriabulA , with the Northam Central Railroad, for Sonenrr. Williameport, Elmira, Ac.; for READIRIZI only, at I P. M.. PALLY, (Sundays excepted.) DISTANCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READ ING RAILROAD. PROM PRlmarritrania, To Ehtninrille—...,— 261 Reading—.— Lebanon—. 86 Danohin---124 Adidersburg._. —142 1 Treverton J unct ion 158 Sunbury... J Northumberiano.....-m' Lewisburg_--178 Mllton—..— Manor .—ler Wrltamerport--- .202 Jamey Bhore—...--.223 Leant Hav0n...........226 Rale .2118 ——2 l and Elmira E1mira._....... 287 Railroad. The 8 A. M. and 9.16 P. M. trains connect dady_at Port Clinton, (Sundaes excepted,) with the DATAWISSA WILLI AIHRPoRT. and ERIE RAILROAD, ski clans conneotions with linen to Niagara Falls. Ca na da. that Went and :loud:tweet. DEpo 1 15 PHILADELPHIA: Corner of BROAD and CALLOWHILL Streets. W. H. McILKENNEY, Seeretai7. May 20. 1/211. my2o-tf Phase elphis sad Rendini ma Lebanon Valley R. N ig SIMMER. ARRANGE KENT. PHI ILADRLPRIA, ORRMANTO 14, AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD. On and after Monday, MAY 13,_1861. FOR 431001AN . roviN. Leave Philadelpha, 3,7, 8,9, 10, 11,12 A. M., 1, 1.3. 5.58, 4,0, 6, 04,7, 8, 9 , 104, and 1134 P. M. Leave Germantown 6.7 7 1 1 . 8; aio, 9, 10,11. 13 A. Al , 1,2,3, 4.5,6,634, e, Jo rd. • ' The 8.21 A. 53. and 3.35 P. Train' "top at Oerman town only. suriDAYB. Leave Philadelphia, 9.03 A. at., as, ss, 0,7 s, and 1034 P.M. Leave Germantown 8.10 A. M., 14, 634 , and 914 P. M. ORES= UT RILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia. 6. 5. 10, 13 A. M.,2, 3.36, 4.6, 8, 9, and lOU P.M. Leave Cheetnnt Hill. 7.10, 8, 850, 9,40,U.40 A, M., 1.40, 5.36, 5.40, 7.1_,0 8.40. and 10.1W.P. The 8 A. M. and 3.36 P. M. wilr make no etops on the Germantown road. ON SUNDA'k 8. Leave Philadelphia, 9.06 A. M. SW. 5, and 75 4 P. M. L 0570 Owned Hill, 7.50 A. M.. /3.40, 6.10. end 9.10 P. FOR CONSUDROCREN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, o.Bo_, 734, 9.06. DOS A. M., US, 8.06, 434, 6.4( 2 8 . , and 11X P. m. Leave Norr i stown, 6, 7. 8,06, 9,11 A. M., 134.434,635. and 934 P. M. N SUNDAY& Lea e Philadelphia, I A, M., 1 and a P. M. Lease Nometown.734 _A.M., 1 and P. M. FOR MANAVINK. Leave Philadelphia, SA), M A . 9.06, 11.05 A. 51.0.06, eAL exis, 434, 6X. 8, and a P. ZU• ',Leave Manayeat, 6 3 1, 1ii , 6.36, ON, 213 5 A, M., 3,3%. to P. M. QN SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. 51..5 5, and 7% P. M. Leave Manayunk, 7311 A. fd., 634, and 9 P. M. SMITH General Superintendent, myll-tf Depot. NINTH and OAKEN Streets. TIIE PENNECYLVANIA ORNTRAL 960 MILMII I ALg TRACK. 1861. Anarms 1861. THE CAPACITY OPTIIIO . ROAD IS NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG. Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Boston, New York, and all yoints: East, and in the Union a ßepot at Fitteburg with ThrOngli Trains to and from points in tne West, hortuweet, end Southwest —thus furnishing facilities for the transportation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Express and Fast Linea ran through to Pittsburg, without change of Cars or Conductors. All Through Passenger Train" provided With Imaghrldges Patent Brake—speed under perfect control of the engineer, thus adding much to the safety of travellers. Smoking Pam are attached to each Tra in; Wood rdHh Cara to Express and Feet Trains. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY : Mail and Fart Lines, Ran days excepted. Mall Train leaXel Philadelphia at 7.83 A. M. Fast Line 11 20 A. M. Express Train leaves " 10.15 P. M. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWd Harrisburg Acoompodatlon, via Colombia, 240 P. M. Colombia 4.00 P. M. Parkesburg at 8.40 P. M. West Chester " No 1, at 8.15 A. Al. " No. 2. at 12A0 P. M. West Chester Passengers will take the Won Chester Nos. 1 and 2 Harrisburg accommodation and Columbia Trams. Passengers kr SunburyWilliamsport, Elmira, Buf falo. Niagara Palls, and 'intermediate points, leaving Philadelphia at LM R. M. and 3.33 P. M., go dirootly through. Tickets Wistward may be obtained at the °Sloes of the Company in Philadehia, New York, Boston, or Baltimore ; and Tickets Ea stward at any of the impor tant Railroad Offices in the West; a oon board any of the regular Line of Steamers on the Mlitsisiiiim or Ohio rivers. sir Fare always as low, and time as amok, gIA by any other Route. For farther information apply at the Passenger Sta tion. Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market street'. The completion of the Western commotions of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chiosig_o, make this the DIRECT LINE BET WEEN THE EAST AND THE GREAT WEST. The connection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight. together with the miming o ftime , are advantages readi ly appreciated by Shippers of Freight, and the Travel hn_g Public. - merchants and Shippers entrusting the transporta tion of their Freight to this Company, rely with oonadence on its woody tritneit,_. Twit RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad ars at all times as favorable as eye dargbd by other Railroad Co via. Ili?' Be particular to mark packages "via Peintryl voids Railroad." For Freight Contracts or Shipping Direction., apply to. or address either of the following Agents of the CODIPASI ; H. 5. fi e ley, E. Moffeelf, Malrvitie ° ,ny.; Ormsby A Croy- per, .Portamouth, U. • Paddock tc Co., .Teffersonville gown &Co Oinoin.nati O. the Cincinnatirfilrirt n , 3v , 0.;- R. . e,inshintin Ind.. Joe. E. mom*. Lonurville. AS. ; P. G..O'Rileg A 00.,-Evesurvilie Ind.; N. W. Graham & Cairo, R. F. Bass,'Slialer & Glass, St. Louis. Mo.; John 12.. Harris, Nashville, Tenn .; Herne .t Hunt, Mem phis, lean. ; Clarke & Co., Chicago, Ill.; W. H. R. Rooms, Aiton, 111.; or to Freight ASente of Railroads at different points in the West. S. B. Kr nteaToN, Jr. Philadelphia, MAGRAW & KOONS. 120 North street Baltimore. LEECH A Co.. 1 Astor Hone, or 1 8. William et.. N. Y Limas At co.. No 77 State rtre et, Boston. H. 11. HOUSTON. Den'l Freight Agent, Phila. L. HOUPT, Clen'l Ticket Agent, Phila. E.LEWIS. fienn Stun Altoona. Pa. 1861. A . / N6ls AMD SPAIN!, ARRANGEME • NT. -MEW YORK I.IELII. ilttl-A CE 'AND AMBOY AND FRILL DEMANDN TJLETiTOPi BAILAO/11 GO.'S . lOrd .PETLABELFBIA 110 MEV/ YOXE AND WAY PIAO.F.B. ram WL T PAA VWEH A A FOL L OWS TON 25TOT 0 LILA. At 0 A. M.. via Camden and Amboy. O. ant A. An • eommodation -.--- ---- ----•-. -, -12 22 At I A. rt., via Camden and 'rimy lAir. ;it. J.) Athammedation ' - --- -_3 MI At a A. hi., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mail., —-. .. . -- ..3 00 At nit A. Ai., viz .R onan UM 4 OM, Cit.? , Western ExPreti.-11-1' -- • .=••,.... — ;.. --- ni -- - - * aOO At mt P. at., tie Camde n and Am bo y Ananme 7 AfiV. . p br,7ria ciam7hTil :ai.73...iiii3oi.7s.7iiiiiF-.:* 2 " prem.—. —.—..-...-- -- --.--. -- 8 00 •••ii of, P. ICO% Kensington and Jersey City, Bul l:10g Express.-- _ 300 At lid .Z 21., -- via Keneington and Jersey City, 2,1 Maga Ticket -... I M At IP. M., via Hamden Ind Janet' MY. Evening Mail. __. Ain't P. N ., Pit f`A.uodsn and Jamey ciit7,ls4intii em Mail, ---.-- -- . -- -._ 3 AS At .I F. M., via Camden and Amboy, Athommods- • tier ( Freight and Paasenger)-412 Olagg iloket- 2 MI Ds. do. se clam Tlelret....lAo Tim 5 p M Mail Una num daily. The 1134 P M. Bili M orn Mail, Batardaya excepted. For Belvidere, Haaten,_ lambortmlie, Flemington. he., 01.10 A. M. and dki r. M. from Kensington. Per Water dlap.,.Streordebrig,lleranten. Willetharra. Illon_troee, Great Bend, /th., Y.lO A. M. from Lennegten. via Delaware. Amolotwanna end Western R. B. For Mauch Chant , Allentowc, and Bethlehem at 1.10 A. M. and P. M. from Kensington Depot ; (the 7.10 P. .) A. rt. line emmeets wi th train moving Easton at 11.811 for limn Melly. at Cull a A. M., g and LK P. ;a. Fir Freehold, at i A. al.. and 3 P. M. WAY AIMEE. Per Brlatek 'lronton, as., at 1 . 10 A. M., did and /% P. M. from Kennington. and 235 F. M. from Walnut street wharf. PerPalmyris. 'Merton. Delano*, Beverly, fhlfll2l- Pn. Florins, Berdentown, Es., at Iti, 1,3, 4 3i , DIM 3 dtaameoat Trenton, for Berdentown and intermediate pines at 235 P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. Depot, New York and Way Linea leaving Kenaington Depot, take the owe, on Pl= street, above Walnut, half an hour heroin dewiness. The ears run into the de t, and on arrival of sash train. run from the depot. Fiftil . 'eith i ds of Briggaite t only, allowed each Pastan thr.gage ere o r . ente prohibited front taking anything a* ge but heir wearing apparel. All baggage over pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit responsibility for baggage to One Do Ilarper mina, and will not be liable for any amount DIRYOILA 5100, ox sera apestaleentrast. WM. T. GATEMEN.. Agent. N ( , ) ,ARNTAB.r..'IIII7.L - Foz DOYLEETOWN, MANCH craurix, HAZLETON. EASTON, HOKLAP, WLLICESHAURE,_ &a. THREE THROUGH TRAII43. On and after MONMILY.' MAY mjsea. Primmer Trainewill leave FRO: U and [LOW dtreets, Phila delphia. daily, (Sundays examited),_as follow' t 0.40 A. 60..,epress), for Bethlehem. Allentown. Manzah Chunk. le to &a. At 3.411 M., prams , for Ammerman. Ammo, .8.4. This train reaches Eaa nat6P. M. and maires 01045 tonneation with New Jersey Central lOC New Tort. At 8.16 P. M., for Bethlehem, Allentown. Mauch Chink. fee. At l A. M. and i P. M.. for Doyleifton q. At RIM A. m. and 0.46 P. M., for Fort Washington. Tho IA A. XL bores" gam maim Mono connection .with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shorteet . and most .4 11. 1, L ade route to Wilkeebarre, and to angle in the h aoaliemon. KAM FOX ADALPELk. • r Om at IA A. M., P.M A. M., and &XI M. Main Roplectown at 7.M A. M. and tl5 P.M, heave Fort Washington at 8.80 A. M. and LSO P. M. ON .811INDAY15.—Pluiadelpiria for Bethlehem at 8 Afie ladetphia for_Poriertown at 8 P. M. ylestown for Philadelphia at 110 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at SP. M. ga t e to Bethlehem—el 00 t t F e are to Mauoh Chunk.gla 110 Fare to EasHln 180 Fare to Wilkeobarre— 50 _ Through Tickets must mowed at the Tioket Moen, at WILLOW &racy pr HELVE Street. in order to MUM tho Cattpitog ott , AU Peasex t ger (tp,zo_ept ami d ' Trains) oonnoot at Berke bireet with Fifth and amth-atreetc, and Becond and Third-Mreets Pearenger Railroads, twenty inmates alter laming Willow Infest. HLLIS Agent. ABU ANWS DISNM-PRXELPHIA, WILMINGTON. AND BALTIMORE ROAD, On WI alter MONDAY, A.PRI /6. 1861, TB.ALNLLEAVE MLA/DELP' WA; For Bolt/snore st 8.16 A. M., ILM A. M., (ExprosO. wl MAO 2. For P Master 616 MI A. 1118 A.. BL, and 10.60 . M. For Wilmington at 111 A. M.. ILM A. M., LIB sad 1040 P. M. For Now Candi at 8.10 A. M and 1.19 F. M. For Dover 8.11 A. M. and 4 .11 P. M. For Milfor dlt 8.18 A. M. For. Bababorrttlii. , MNI! FOX 111112ADRIJILA Maya Baltimore at LIS A. M. (Kumasi), ILO A.M., and IMO P. M F. M. Leave WII; I Onnon at 111.10 and 8.10 A. M.. 1.30 and Mayo ilaliabar, at LW P. M. Leave Milford at 4 P. M._ Mays Dover at GM A. M. and 1.10 P. M. Leave New Castle at 8.25 A. M. 7.111 F. M. Leave Mester at I } 4o A. 114." 9.40, IAI and am P.M. Leave Dalt:anon, or afilisbary and Delaware Ain rest at 6.11 A. M. WILAINIS Fon BALTIBIOI.I3 Maya Chester at 8.48 ii.oa and 11.70 P.M. . NL Wilmiaston at Lai A. Mi. MU I'. M., and IS A FREHigir TRAM, with Passe* user Oar attaokod. will run as follow : . . . Maws Philadeponla for Yorrnilla and intermodiAti , Iwo at .l!..iff• - leave Wilmington for Perryville , and intermailiata lace. at rag P. in. Leave Wilmington for Philadolptua and Worms _ gleam at Y. M. MAYO Ravra-do-Oraoe for Baltimore sad intermedi . matimmat OA. M. Leave Baltimore for Maws-do-Grace and 'Mermen'- . Mations at I P. h. ON 3111111 AM; Commencing Drinday. May 19, nntil farther no , T TRAINS mill ma cin Elandagor Leaving Pitiladelonis for Baltimore arm WMIIIIIOOII tll3-,M.and19.41P.M and B Loma Saltimoro for Pirneraeignia at P.m M. and 45 -snit e. M. FELTON. President. COTTON M ATI+ DUCK inIf — DANYABI v•-• of ell musters and brands. itaven's Duck yeas Twilleof all desoriptlons, for eigalrilin , • ere find wag° Covers. • A Diretrona te I 11111/641 . • --* 7.. -.. :•_ i !-- t - •. : • 1' F. PANCOAST, .&lICITIONEEE, Sm. • tenor to B. BoOtt.lri, 431 ORESTKIII LARGE BALE OF OIL PAMTINGB , MIRRORS , ISMILKOSCOPIC PICTURES. &o. Oa Monday Norma& June 17, oommenoing at 10 o'clook, comprleine marine and-ova/it scrotum, landeespes. hate:ion, Lane? akalnholl, aso. Also. Freneh-plate oval and pier sworn. Also, WO dozen thereoseopio pictures, of 6 varlet, of subjects boxes. Sto. BALE OF FDIHROIDERIES, E 00011!1 IfoslkatT, *IL. by cnaloguo. On Wednmtay, June 19, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely. FURNESS, BRI n NLEY, & 00., o. 429 MARKET 'STREET LARUE BALE OF EtUrElt qUALITY BONNET KIBBOrir FOR CITY TRADE. On Jana la, a t i 'Maw Morning, e o olook -IDO lots No. 4106.1 r raper sunlit' bonnet ribbons, the moat d9tora.ble styles °Tared this easaoa. Northßai l ern ce ntral ro. PHILIP FORD & 00., AIIOTIONEERS, No. 330 MARKER street ant sia MINOR SR Sunbury and Jriu R. K BALB OF 800 ;OASES 17 GAOO NA III,ISHOES, AND BRO On Thuraday Morning. June 10, at 10 o'clock 'precisely, will be sold, by aata- Logue— EX! cages um's, boys' and youths' calf. kin, and grain bpois t , calf. kir, and goat brogans. Constant' gaiters. Ox ford ties, &e.; women's, mimeo', and children's calf, kir, goat. morocco and kid heeled boots and oboes, gmtenks_Upperi, buskins. &o.; aloo,a large and smolt; meet of first o ago itity-inade.gittidg. Or Goods oven for examination, With oatalogues, OSTIY on the morning of sale. EYEILY EVENIDIO. At f oNtlisk, of Books . stationery and fame/ gomb. watskes, Jewell", *looks, silver platod wars, satiety, pamtings, newel Inutruements, s. Also. Ifeeletl, dry goods, hoots and Aires, and my skandiso of every cscorishop. DAY BABES even' 'Monday. Wednesdiy. aid Pl. day at MP o'eleck PIIYATE SAID ittßrimless!, several largooonelgniwonts weviskee,, tryst:7, books, stationery t lllser-nlatad limey room, &e. To a o. is solicited Om a mime city and country mere Is and others. 001111rialMISEM solica of all kinds of mortiksmilso for either public or private sales. Liberal cash advances made onsomalinstente. Oat-door Wes promptly attended to. • - SALES BY AUCTION BALE OF FRENCH 000 ms. on ueedaY. Jane 78, at 10 o'olook, for clan -400 lota of fancy and staple French dry tondo. FITZPATRICK & BROS., AU{)- LT-R• 91/01(RI31UP, 604 111.111111/slll' Strese. above CABINET FURNITURE. CABINET FURNITURE AND Iflld- MAID TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION,. Po. 261 BOVITI aucorin isTILEBT. in connection with their extensive Cabinet Busineet. are now manufacturing a superior artiole of BILLIARD TABLES, And have now on hand a full supply. finished with MOORE OAMPIOPPIS IMPROVED CUSEIORat Which arc pronounced. by all who have need them, to b nevertor to all others. For the quality and With of theme 'rubles the mum flicturern refer to them numerous patron,' thronehout the Wilton. who arc familiar with the character or their work. fen"eit UTTRINIESS CARDS. 3 AMES N. RING, ATTORNEY AT LAW, REMOVED TO No. 139 SOUSR FIFTH STREET jet; 12th Above Walnut street. DR. WILLIAM ALEXANDER, NO. NO B. FOURVE !Wee, above Pine. Oitioe hour. from 9 o'clock - A. M. till 9 P. M. mysl-lm lIMITEEIS MEN ARE ADVERTISING n in the Beet News'Aiwa et City' end Conti, at tits Moe/ of JOY, COE, & CO., ADVERTISING AGENTS, FIFTH and CRESTNIT7 STRUM, riuladolplda, TRIBUNE BUILDING, New York. Isar tr TORN WELSH, PRACTICAL SLATE ROOFER, TRIBE Street and GERMANTOWIt Road, is prepared to put on an amount of Roofing. on the moat moderate terms. Will guaranty to make every building perfeotly vrater-rich Orders promptly attended to. mgf-fY futikki ittadlY.VT, and LIQUOfill, lir Noe. 317 and 319 WALNUT Street. (batsmen' stores. between Third and Fourth, nalth sided Fbiin talents. N. B. Fine Old Willikies always on hand, (fulablished to 1/4).) eh. WHON & NIOHOLf3ON, BOOKBINDER. 1 . 1 419 and 321 MINOR Ease. . 1144sreen Me r ,rlret And eltiurtnat strains JAMPAI PAWSCII, J.A.M. B. Plfaill,04•11. 1,17-17" FILE MANUFAOTORY, 211 I(EW STREET. Files end Amps of every description. and heal ditaliti. made to orde ,E L At std the TAIL.R.L tablishment. taaniftiaturer's prioes. R swatting lone in a sitotratm ittoixor 101-46 m J. B. EMIT.% RIIIIPPEIG :15WHICKLY COMMUNICATION By. STEAM BETWEZN NEW _TORX. AND LI ftrOO.D, °anima at (ttIs.ENSTOWN are , al,dig,V4=nrifitztlinto°— ship Company's splendid Clyde -built iron so re w steam ships, are intended to sailas follows: FROM NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL. ETNA. Saturday, Irma 1 flatu•day. June 8 CITY OF WASHINGTON, Saturday, June 18 GASGOW, Saturday, June XI And every Saturday throughout the year. from PIER No, 44 N. RATES OF PASSAGE THROUGH FROM PHILADELPHIA. Cabin,to queenatown , or Liverpool. --- 111 Dm to London. ma ssvaripool- _ uo Steerage to Queenstown, or gaverpoet.„,..___ 30 po. to London. .. 33 Do. Return tickets. arsillable far iii trom Liverpool.. - ipso passengers forwarded toHavre - , Farm ifamburg, B r emen, end An twerp, at through rates. hficiates of Duna Issued front Liverpool to New York— 840 Certificates of passage iss ued from Queenstown to New York- --- ipso ri These steamers have inipsor aooommodatiotui ior passengers, are oonstruoted with watertight oomPart manta, and carry experienced Surgeons. For freight, or passage,a.pply at the office of the Com pany. JOMIN 0, DALE Agent 111 Walnut street, rliidellibts. In Liverpool, to Was. lEn, Tower eildums. In Glasgow, to WM. IN N, 13 Dixon street. 8 COL Virg Bitrristi AND NORTE AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL lITICAM- PICK 111 W TORT TO raviiroot. Chief Cabin SISO Second Cabin Passage— 13 11110 K 3037011 TO LIVIII.?00/., Chief Cabin remise 41111, Second Cabin—_—_---- IT: :g e e rot iZ ar Yo o r a k u o t adlAC if ork Harb or . and Cork Ker ber. PERSIA, Oast. Judkine. AFRICA, Cast. Shannon. ARABIA, Ca t. J. Stone. CANADA, Capt. J. Leltoh. ASIA,. Capt. B. G. Lott. AMERICA. Capt. Mediae, AUSTRALASIAN, NIAGARACapt. Moodie Capt. Cook. EUROPA, Capt. Andersen. SCOTIA,( now balding.) These vessels carry a clear white light at mast-heat ; green on inarboard bow; rod on port bow. .I.M_Ejtpint.,Moodie.leavee Baton. Wednesday , Jane Aua NYILL /OW*, Cook, " A. York. Wed nrsday,June 19. ARABIA, Stone, " Boston. Wednesday. Jove se. APRheA,Shonoon. " N. York, Wedueeclay,,ltilt 3. 44U.K PA, Anderson,:: Boston. Wednesday. July 10. rER111•, lue Mx, N. York. Wednesday, July 17. AML RICA. Moodie, " Bolton, Wedneedey, July 91, Berths not seourea until An experienced Surgeon on he owners of these ships wiMa be accountable for Gold. SIUTOT, 15•19:711 , Epee ie. Jewelry, Precious Stones 01 Meta% nu exit ills of lading are sinned the and the take thereof therein &termed For _ u ht or 0E w.D. 24=l i applY to 4 BoWlier Green. No w York. RAILROAD LINES: IN WEST CHESTER RAILROAD TRAINS via PtsrIAIMLT IW RAIL4uAD, leave depot. corner ELEVROITH and 244.R1C1a Ltreete, at 8.113 A. M., 12 noon. 23J P. AL. andi r. m. On Snndar, lean, Philadelphia at 1.30 A. M., and West Chaster at 4 P. M. 1710-41 INIFAIRE WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD, --- VIA MEDIA. SUMMER AILRANG EmENT. On and afteLMON DAY, Jane 5, 1101, the trains will leave PHILADELPHIA, from the Depot, N. E. corner of RIGETEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 7.43 and 10.11 A. M. and 2, 4.13, 8.30, and 10 P. M., and RII leave the Station , corner of TH/EYY -FIRST and MARKET Streets, ( West ritiladelplain.,) at 6.01 and 10.48 .0 M., and 3.18. 4.30, 8.48 and 10 111..2d. ONSUNDAY& Leave PHILADELPHIA at 8 A. M. and 3 P. M. Leave WEST CHESTER at 8 A M. end P. M. 'EM heavin g _ Philadelphia and West Chester at TAD A. al. e. 4.15 2'. M. oonneot rennelton ma ntra Train, on the rhiladelphis and Baltimore Central Railroad for Oxford and intermediate points. HENRY WOOD. General enneriatendent. PHIUDELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD CO., (Moe ffi .ffilo i rut street.) Pitmenssrnre, April V, VNI. SEASON TICKETS. On and after Mny I.lB6l,semon Saheb' will be hosed by awe ooM for the periods of three, av , nine, and twelve mo msnot transferable. Beeson sehool-Gokete may also be bad at SI per sent. Mamma. The tickets will be sold by the Treaearer at No. 2517 South FOURTH street, where any further information can be obtained. S. .ARADFORD. pa -Er Treasurer, ELMIRA ROUTE.— PAILADELPILL AND IM AM. RID ' Q.l : A F. to Tamequa CllllWilleat la pert.-•WiLtesbanw, agranton_l DaitA Billtop- Immeort 'Prot, lahrton Banton , El mira a, Niagara cells. - Noel/ester; 01evelanCIDetroih oledo. mileage. L Itius,3ll.otraages. end au Wow ertk end Pemenger MUM' will leave the new Dswetr the Phi talli.thlVAlLdetVeitaßtbc", remseilg s eroVvin l art Cl i - Wadi street.) duty mandaya szattpled), tor above .flan ab am Wow*: .1). A. M. ' 1110117 RIPREISO—..- -..._—.1.11E All Who 11• ( 0 A. M. train VOW:10013 of Papers for Wilkes barn Flttabe, Aaranten _ _aad all eta one on tke trAOKAWANNA AND 8L.001113011.00 RAILR__ .OAD the above. trams make direct connections at BMWs withohe tram, of the New York and Erie, Osseandaigna and niagaro ralla t sad )Idfald, New York and Armand New York GeV Zeiiroeits, froti all wants Perth end Weal, and the adas. *Name ghee ed to Madre. Daffals. and saapeation orid&o, and all ermediata points. aTiEt te , 'Mle sea be troonted at the Philedelolua and Zi a itailroadlAr a's 'Motet Oleo. northWeet corner of and ox i .ib•il VT atm% awl at Wl:sr owners . THIRTMENTA &ad CA.I.__LO 11. BNOill EXPJLEBB FILEIGN7 7 Mayo the Pkil ._ dal) his and Reading Depot, Broad and Odnowkili sire t staily Mondays onsegtod). for all te nointa Weuitaa Kart/kat ei. FieliA ere.- be de - rarest- before g P.ll. to Wales err g i tW /IWO dar. or i s sr informatien W i wi Freight AMA ?NM TN and DAIJA) L. or to • ' 0. T. k_IRIAN_Lh Agent. gotikwast agratr BUNN and llRAllert Etroots. UPI*. if - - lettladelebus t imi t immi NOTICIB.--011:101173 vALLET_RAILLOAD.-PAB 8iM.58. TRAMAFOwNmerowr4 AND /X -TEBASSBLATE STATION B—On end attei Nov. elk IMO, the 'emeraror Trains for DOwN STO W VII ran frii the new Passenger Besot o the Philo deAhis id Railroad Coingsny, earner of BILVIAD mid 11(144.0 HILL Btreets, (wronger en tiatEßPlrielVill _. for Downingtown !woe at SAO A. X. AFTERNOON 11,21111 for Downingtown leaver at LIO 1 1 _, flt. I:ILI , (Ehandays ezeoeled3. order of the Board o Moue= of the haidei his sad itoading Boarosd Ooraposy, ail W. N. hformercerNY. Boorldary. - - EIPBBSO COMPANLIES. m am a THE ADAMS =PREZ co., oilas 390 czwrininr viwit„ i er - wardg angels , names, Mushatidwer NoVis, M e s o k i a rMlar A s . 2 , 2 , 1 ma r* ~ as imumobrit t o m. wimp and ..=.lTh.4 • lir= 1. ' filLity, .AMT , mmirwm 11111 M EVANS do WATSON 1 8 SALAMANDER SAPP& lITOZE 304 ORI9I2'II472 . IIiILEST. rgendetyTATlrlf i DM , it i • SALES BY AUCTION THOMAS it BO NS, • lion. 139 and 141 Sotttb FOURTII Street , (Formerly lion, VI and e 9) PHDLIC N SLED NNAL :ESTATE AND NICCICA AT THE EXCHANGE Ev BEY T UEBDAY, a il - o'olook_thoon, 'knee the hu , ioess seealn. 11 sir. sow:whale of each property UMW fOroitisi, i addition ta l ehich vs pablign on the Maturely proven ' 4 to each. one thousand ostalosnee L in pa do ht form moinetuil descriptions of au the propotty to 'b'; solo on the folioaring l'neadas• RDA', EaICATE AT PRIVATE !SAL. Or We have a large amount of real estate at en iete age. inoltutins every description 'f ear mid cowatr property, glinted Bete may tta had at theanotionitorli PRIVATE Na L+ IttGISTDD. .7 - Real estate entered on . our private sale most" and advertised 000netionally an oar public sate styli tor whion One r 11011661.4 00Plea arc pruned Acc t Tree of Aerie, noon. BONDS, &o, Oa Tuesday changJ une 1% rz o'cleaz noon, at the Philadslahm e. will be sold— . qy with out Tremor,. by order of adraitustrater.— I share Point Breeze Park A3lloollltlon. For other &600181t11- 02,000 seven per cent firat-mortsage Wm% Phil phia and Sunbury Railroad C4srepany. Shares in Philadelphia and Mercantile Libtari Academy of Fine Arts. 61 fud DRILL ESTATE ISALR—JULY 2, VALUA. MA; DWEL,LIN SPRUCE STREET, Orpnans' gourrttleils—Estate of Abralutnt hub*, deeessed.—vALUMlLE THREE-8101W ir R DW northeast corner of 31111106 and 4, 4 ; streets, between Bacond and Third. 30 feet it e) Molar front. It lEEE NTORY BRICK DWELLING. p a Walnut street, west of Tenth. IS rest 6 inches rest, 80 feet deep. Peremptory &le.—FRAME DWELLING, 0,,. et, R north ot fahm..hd street. Ivineteenth yard Peremptory - ale.— THIIIEh-sTORY BSICIt LlDiti AND /MABRY, One street, Nineteenth v "0, TWU OTORY R reit DW tit, LI va, no. i11e.,4j,c lie street. between Filth and Ninth street.. and teeth "; ;table meet. the hoses hea two mama on Ft flo w ". tntrodaed. ranee. ice. gm Ntir Full particulars of all the above Wee now . in handbills. • reed Oale at Sol. in and 141 Bon&Fourth street SIOR FURNITURE. FR NQR-PLATE &OR$. PIANO-FORTEeI. BR tszus CaR,PFIE On Mande, Mon/lng. ' At 9 o'clock, at the /motion ntore 61A ftelliOrtnle 1.1 excsallept second - hand furnitive, ele? t ant p1An0t,"... 11 Iw o mirrors., tweets. ate., Front toilii.3 dem , ,.,, hoe/ahem:4ns, removed to the atom 01' oottren — " leue s i t Wile MOSES NAT M U ANS N , ADCOTANITO NER RornerANDixCrMandNKOtFMEeßtH.*Pub • AT PKIVATE BAIA, AT PRICE% TO SUIT THE TimEg. The following articles will be wild for lone that lea the ilatlai selling price Fine gold hunting ease. donh's eau. and dmila-bot tom English patent lever watches, of the moss seem ; and beat makers ;fine gold double-time r Wish pal t i lever watches ; indepettent-seetmde lever oratshe fine gold booting-owe met open-face escapement love and repine watches; hansontal and duplex wei o pW Elver tisating-essei donoli• edger anti llUble•hatt ot 4 English patent lever, escapement lever, end in watches, or the most annoyed and beet makers; dot bin -ease and open- face silver watches ; silver qu ite ; silver imartier gua r dnseonewateel fire mid vett, neck, fee: and chains ;,dianwind lIIITET flan elia brow -pine ; seta of fine gold ieweltr ; got broulpins multiage, finer-Tinge, bracelets, mineil-ew it and Jewelry of evert tiegariPtion Irmo 10 11 10114 sidit c6 l ineryameate, piano -fortes, end articles generallr. MONEY TO LOAN. Money advanced liberally, for any length or time agreed upon, on old and silver plate, duaraal, waned:ma, Jewelry, forringc-pieoes, moneal instrro nt ,' dry goo d s , grooeriee, hardware, tindery. NT. n if ure , ),edd iug , rgriog artiolea,and on an among value. CONIDaNMENLI3 AND CPT-DOOR SALES SOLI. LIMITED. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. T HE PARTNERSHIP IRRETOPORg existing under ame of EiTIV.ON. STONE, k Co., oomoosed of Stitson, James B. Igoe. John 1. Bennett, is this delis• dissolved. ROBERT =LBW rhiie., June 12,1861. I,,zr I :41g L*l fatli ELIXIR PROPYLAMINX, AHEUMATLefe The Hew Remedy fe/ . Dunng the pest 3 ear we. have Introduced to the 50. rice of the medieal profession of this country the p e " Omega tiled Chloride of Propytontsiocao REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM; and having received from many soproess both NI phy 5101311 S PI the tugboat standing and from patients ' s, MOST FLATTERING TESTIMONIAL! of tta real value in the treatment of this painful at obstinate disease, we are induced to present it ta.tht Public in a form 3113ADY FOR IhIMELLITE which we hope pill commend itself to those The in eel tiering with tails afflicting ecmplaiat, and to the in. powersactitiner who may feel d i sposed to tut du of thus valnable remedy. ELIXIR YROPYLAIIIIIIE, In the film slu,seo c ,„ ken of, het recently been extenmvely ex:emulated with in the PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, and with MARKED BEMCEES (as wilt west from Me published sooongtm in the me /Joni Journals.; to carefully put up ready for immediate is, with full directions. and can be obtained from the draggista at 75 aents_per tattle, and at wholeisA of BULLOCK es CRENMAW, Druggists and Mmanfaeturine Cbertueta yhiladrdelda DYSPEPSIA REMEDY Dr. DARIIIIS HAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATINT TMs Mediciiw has been is red by the pettie for sit wwi aria increasing rawer. IL is rscartinoad to Owi Levels/Se, Nerenweiss, Resrt-Bers , Coke Panes, Wiwi in Ike Stomach, or Paie: Bevels, Rgedegas, Detiestioust, Haw Ceseelatatt, Low 8/itrita, Dthriew Tremens, boteisprroace. It Ifttiatsimme, Egni , few , 517 WILL Noe IrITOXICA.TI OH S• As a Medicine it is gale' and effectual, curios, the moats gravated oases of Olive Kidney Complain's, rik,dall` other derangements of the atomaoh and Sowell a speedy manner. t will Instantly revive the most melancholy oil drooping imirits, and restore the weak, nervoas, eel stokly to health, streuth, and rigor, Person. who, from, the iniediemus nee abetters WI become dedeoted and their nervous , systems sbattend, eonstitutions b return daunt, and subplot to that horrible su m o to humanity, the Dllllllllll will, al most immediatelael the haney and healtli Wire rating Means o . Ham's tgorafing saint T IT WILL DO, poss.—One:pine glans Nell as onon CIF ImPsalirr une dove wilt remove all Bad Spina One dose will care Heart-bum. Three doses will oure Indigestion. One dose will give yoU a good Aveetk. One dose will stop the distressing pane of 0101114%, One dose will romoyoAhe distressing aid ditatniewit effects of Wind or attilenoe, and u soon ea the j stomach receives the nvigerating Beira, the digress• ing load and all palatal feelings will be removed. One dose will remove the most &attempt taint it Go a l. either in tlte stomalli or bowed,. A inr doses willyemoye ell obstruction Mite Linty, Hi der. or Unwary Organ,. famous woo are seriously afflicted with my Ulm Clomplatnts are enured of speedy relief by a dee or two, and a radical cure by the an of one or two bortert. „ IS i tORTLY DISSIPATION. Persons who, r om ottuipating too math over Sigh and feel the e effects of poisonous limns. to Toiost headaches, siokneas at itto =oh, weeknaes,llddnow, so., will find one dose emove all bad Della% Ladies of weak Nod miekly constitutions doled tat the Invigorating aptrit three times a day ; NW' met, them strong. _Apd halt y, remove ell dent tient, and bloom of rom menstrael mom via restore the bloom of health and beauty to the WNW/ fare Daring pregnancy it will be found an invaluable CAP eine to remove diangreeabbe sensations at the stomata All the proprietor Wm bee trial, and to lOUe 11u1,11 Yes Put up the Immo/sites Brtstr in pmt blin:tv nunito, garirto en orod Depot 45 WATER Street , New Ye% DYOTT At CO., it 32 North SECOND few, 'Wholesale Agents in l'hiledeltnA n , And for sale by JOHN H. EATON, 91 1 N. Street, and all Druggists. MR. JAMES BETTS' UELEBRATIO IIOPPORTI3RI3 FOR LADIES, sad tbp oilif Sit porton under eminent um Mogi patronage. Led Fbinoiann are regpootinlly inguested to tall cob on At m Botta, at Iter reondenoo, 1039 Wk NUT &nog Philadelphia. (te avoid eounterfei Lc) TM*/ tioug l Ink lido have boon admen by their phyriplatoti her appliances. 'noise only are teatime Elorl“ United Statism copy - rub/A Labels on the bon. and arek Porio ‘ and also on taiißitnoortors. with torhassage 5-toth het, MACHINERY AND IRON. 4:17:_-7; PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKB.—NEAFIE & Sr Patti; ri ea. Arti n THEORETICAL XNGIIV BR MACHIN LETS,BOI L ER-hi A ICERS,BLACKI OIIIIII, and FOUPIDERn., having. for marir years, bees it itioceuitit operation, and been exclusiveli engaged It build ng and repairing Manna and River tames. high end low pressor*, Iron Bow, Crater Tanks.rrotoderr , ke_,. reapeotrally offer 11:0111 aervittes to the Was. all Nips fully prepared to contract for Engines of 01, sizes, marine, River, and Stationary. hive, sell 0. patterns of di !Tercet sizes, are prepared to eremite Or den lilt h siniok despatoh. Ererc not i ce . 0 9 ol Pa/lor n mating maga at t o m e shortest notice. High and Low r PIIIIVIOF YlllO, Ttibuter, and Cylinder Boilers. of . the bs Pennsylvania oharooal iron. Femurs. of anew' and kinds I Iron and Brass Ceittoga, nl desoriyuoss; Roll Toning. Sorrow Cutting and all other 110ACOn nroted with the above tinsinesti. //fairings and Olpecifinations for all work one a, est.orishment. free of charge. and wort gusTaDtt id OIT rd. The subsoribera have ample wherf•doss rooss (sr O. Mire of boats, where they can he in Offset la flll. and are provided with sheens, blocks, falls . Ico., he for raising heavy or light weights. J COB C. BR AM. JOHN P. LEVI , BEACH and Pao____jl._-------111"". J. VAUGHAN MERRICK, ' 30RE E. CO? WILLIAM IL MERRICK, R/WELEY ,VERBICI sutrillWattli FOIINDAT„ FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREET& PRILADBLPIiia. MBRKinK & $014 1 1:. ENGINEERS AND -MACHINISTS , Manufiteture nigh and Low Preasure Memo hatmel . for lead. river. sad marine service. • Boners. Guomotors , Tanko, Iron sofit*, ice. , CO I Ines of all tilde, either iron or brass. Icon Frame Root, for Gee Work', WorkahOPl , / 1 " roj &Gls; kW. d Retorts end Gas Maohiners of the latest ta_proved eonstruati tis on. fivery deeeription of Plantation lerioninerr.r 1 .... c " i t anew Saw, and. 07 lit Mills. Vsenunt Psnsr 17,4, Steno:Trains. Dteecatate, Filter/. Pameinf tAF role Agents for N. Rillieules Pattnt &WOO Aprnitus . L.Plearartla r * Patent flttnini p_ & WailiTsPatont thattrunal nig easehtne. POINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY, A ' ERAMI Wrest. Kensinston.Philadelphiar W. LIAM E. TIERS info. me his friends that, earl ri Pa chased the en , i prepared f ratterne orders bove v io , dry, he is now to Teem tor Itqu Grist, and Saw-hull Casting!. Soap, Chennesic. r . t d Rouse Work. Gearing. Castings m , de from itT e beratory or Cupola Furnaces, in dry or green Mu 103 M. MO I THE WEEKLY . FREED but been established on tumours andmanent fonedguite 11% reality, a marvellou sexamplel of tile dust of favor whioh a rightly-oonduoted LiTEILMIX, POLITICAL, AND NVVF JOURNAL reOeive at the hands of a liberal and enlitnter! Public , . Our moat grateful thanks are tendered for “i; patronage already bestowed neon as , and ve " 4 „ e p no efforts which may servo to render the ende r more attritotioec intend, and popular in the fangs The POLITICAL course of TES WEEKLY P AS need not be enlarged upon here. Independent , end feerless. it has battled, unineveriser and sesieit 17 1 in defence of the RIGHTS' OP THE plorDs againet EXECUTIVE USURPATION, and unfa i r rag ILTrannical legislation; ever declaring and adberint ti the doctrine that/POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY 000'; tato. the Pandameattal bruns — of our free ittetßut om° l that the intelligenue and patriotism of our ohise tln i a l,! always be preservative of a wise, i ustAlla t 8,7 gslu ,, TdS emment. Then are Ohs principles to I mm,, t 'WEEKLY PRESS bee been commtted , and `"-- vrill adhere. TERMS: at One Cow. one year— -- 6 Three Cosies, one year. __- tot Five Copies, oneyear - Ten Cones. ono ram. --- to Twenty Copies. to one Barents, at the OM of " el per annum Twenty Copies. to one address of each at' scriber- OPOMMen Copies will be forwarded te note cot (neat =ma. fiffo Subscriptions may sommenee at ant &wan ON*, in adeanoe, All letters to be edam -- J.OHN W. FU R 'll No. 417 CHESTNUT STREET, 1. az 17. ri 301 r io