OTES NEWSPAPER FACTS AND OPINIONS TXRRO 721 TIAUSCIMain The Washington oerreependent of the Tribune says: The wife Of the former editor of the best Union paper in Middle Tammany, the Nashville Deana erat, which was stopped after the attack upon Fort Sumpter, and the editor driven away, has arrived in Washington from Nashville, which she left on Fades, night, being afraid that if she staid after the election, or started in daylight, age elsoold not be able to escape at all. She represents the city as completely terror-stricken. No Union votes were allowed to be printed. No Union centlmente pan be uttered. Many soldiers are about the streets, but a fraction only of them are armed. Letters from or to the North are opened . A. lady who wrote one to Henry Ward Beecher, informing him that the State was almost unarmed, wee ordered to leave the ally in twenty.fonr hours. Mrs. Clark came under the Wort of Return J. Midge, one of the first lawyers in the State, whom the rebels are afraid to tough, but who is selling hie property at a great dismount, .preparatory to leaving. A louse for example, nOtt nth .924,600, brought $6,000. dm. Clark was obliged to leave her own bonne and furniture to the mercy of the enemy.' The most foolish stories are current; snob as that Mr. Lincoln is protected by a strong gua rd i that the Government is determined to pat all Union men and Secessionists alike to the sword, and free all the slaves. By these tales many Union men are induced to enlist, and many more join the rebel army through fear of the consequences or a rorosai, DF. Quintsrd, a New Verner b 7 birth, is preaching from an Episcopalian pulpit the hottest warlike discourses. Mrs. Clark's stars andatripes were the last that flew in Nashville. She wan obliged to take them down ■ week after her husband left. JIFP. DAVIS' WHITE HMIS. he Montgomery Confederatzon of the Mat nit. Bays : The ule of furniture yesterday at the ?rest dent's house was very =weariful, as most of the things put up brought quite as much oaths original Boma brought more, and on the whole it is sate to 5.7 uothin was lost en the few things sold. The ides of having household articles thaeliad been used by the first President of the Republio was undoubtedly a strong incentive for many to purolmis, Ida other§ had the Incentive of Mrs. Toodles—it would be so handy to have =oh things In the house. At the Government building only snob furniture was sold as is generally need in counting rooms and busblese houses, and the sale was, consequently, at a lose. VRONt CAIRO The Camp Reg, :ate?. of a recent date says : There are now about 5,800 troops at Cairo and tielnity, all well extant. The work of fortifying Vamp Defiance Is going along tniehly. Amu, ammunition, and etorea are constantly arriving. It is surmised that twenty thousand troops will be concentrated at this point within a few days. It ix also mooted that from ten to fifteen tousiusd troop will take ponestion of Uoionsoue, the Michi gan and Ohio Railroad, and Union City The : correspondent of the Missouri illibtocrat, tinder date of June 5, says: We have reporto here daily from Memphis, Union Oily, and Randolph that the tiecessionists are rapidly concentrating troops at those points, also erecting additional open and masked batteries at each of them. Quite a panto existed among them ibis week, owing to the report that the /federal Government was sending sixty thousand troops to Memphis, forthwith. One camp above Memphis Was rapidly broken up, and they re treated in the utmost disorder. The commander, Gen. Bradley, has, it is said, been put ander ar rest by Gen. Pillow for =officer-like conduct in retreating in =oh a panic* It is pretty well ascertained that there are ever twelve thousand Seseesion troops gathered in and near .Merephis, and that they area. being rein forced daily. A party of volunteers, from near Bird's Point, yesterday went back into Missouri about seven ranee and eaptured tt &mem:ion flag that had bean flung out for some time. THI BLOCKADZ ISZW ORLEANS. On Btuiday evening last the British consul, Mr. Wm Alum the French consul, Moo. E. /titan, and the Spanish Consul, senor Juan Callejol/, With a commission of the Chamber of Commerce of this city, a delegation of the Towboat Company, and Mona M. Baroohe, agent of the French (Invent meat_ left this city on the tow-beat Oasts, Capt. Whitney, to have an interview with the comman ders of the Federal war steamers Brooklyn and Pocahontas, composing the blockading iquadron off the BaUse. They were received with Illstinguiehed oonertde ration by the officers of those vessels, a consular salute being Arad for each of the coninils in honor of their reception. In the interview the consuls asked for an eaten- ItiOn of time to allow the vessels belonging to their respective Governments to leave this port. Captain Poore, of the .Brooklyn, replied that no impedi ment would be pet in the way of any foreign yea self going out, but that he bad no authority to ex tend the thee allowed by tee Federal Government for the departure of vessels after the commence ment of the blockade, and that the delay would expire on Sunday next, the 9th inst., and that no vessels, under any circumstances, would be allowed to enter. In behalf of the TowboatAaaoaiation, it was then demanded that in towing the vessels out to sea the tOwboate should be protected on their return, and allowed to enter without leisure or molestation. This request was agreed to, and the official inter view having terminated, the hospitalities of the Brooklyn were offered to the consuls and the deputetbitin, aced after the /makings of court/121u they departed, and reached the city at 9 o'clock this morning.—New Orleans Picayune, June 5. TEE BLOCIEADZ ALT CELAHMISTOTII. The Charles on Mermen; of June sth sap : The an dot among one merchants yesterday, was that Howard had intimated to Lord Lyons that the %blockade of the port of Charleston has never been intermitted ; that when the Niagara was or. tiered elsewhere, UM ./(6}1,49i Lane Ansa itsr I.7.crn e t r.ane left. the Min , rssrota replaoed her. The best reply to tnu rath er impudent assumption of the Abolition Secretary of State is to be found in the following list of arri vals during- the alleged Erect:lva blockade. The list's copied from the oustom-honee book of en trances May 13.—Arrivals of schooner Paugassett, Da rieso ICngllsh ship A h A, Belfast ; steamer Caro. Una, Jacksonville. May 16.—Schooner .T. Meld, Cardenas ; English brig. P. Piretnne Glasgow. May 17.—EtteamerGeo Jaeksonville ; Eng lish skip Ssr Allan 111rNad:Liverpool. May 25.—Norwegian bark Admiral Peter Tor. eiernskfolk, from Tvesdastrand, Norway. May 27.—English schooner Eizza and Calka, rens, from Bahama Islands. corroto Orr sormas. &me time since it was intimated that goods were being conveyed throes the lower Potomao from Maryland into Virginia, The Resolute was despatched to investigate the truth of these reports. She returned from her first trip in company with the propeller Young America, seised by the Cumberland at Old Point, and now in the 5417300 of Government, Last Saturday night Captain Budd, with a boat's crew of five men, went into Briton's Bay and seized the schooner Somerset, of Leonardtown, Maryland, towed her into the Potomac, where she was set on fire and burned to the water's edge, Tuesday morning Maater's Mate Fuller, with a boat's crew of four, went on board the schooner William Sampson, lying by the shore about five miles above Aoquia Creek, and burned her, also completely destroying her. The owner of the latter and his plantation hands stood on the shore at the time. Neither of the vessels were loaded, and were in ft very bad condition for want of repairs, but as it was well knows that they had been carrying provisions, ate., over to the Virginians, their fate was very soon decided. BlOottoorrltlNG BY BaLtoOrt AND riumonarix There will be a nOver spectacle tomorrow after noon, widish will purls General Beaaregard, and, perhaps, call out anotherproolamation. ,Professor Lowe will make an ascension in his balloon "En terprise," from the President's grounds. Re will Naomi to the height of several hundred feet, whore b. will remain stationary and take a view of the Manassas rebels at a distance of only twenty seven miles. The balloon will be anchored to the ground by a rope of soffioient length. The profes sor will take up a small telegraphic instrument and an operator, who will communicate with the telegraph offme in the War Department, by means of a line wire, whloh will follow the rope in its course. General Scott could twiny sit in his room and know the movements and position of the ene my at a distance of many mUes from him, and, at the same time, direct the movements of his own forces. Teleacopes and marine glasses to aid the sight will be taken up.—Correspondence of the World, 11/A 2,/..1. 1101rraartil ACCOUNT or THAI BATTLZ, 01 ACCWA CRISS. We have the fret Southern account .yet publish ed of the engagement at Awful., Creek. A corre spondent of the Richmond .ozspatch writes as fol lows on the let inst. On Tinusday evening last four United States enamors, one of them the Anacostia, Isere seen seen lying off " Maryland Point s " and our brave -boys, ariCelpating a brash, prepared at once to give them a warm reception. On Friday mor n ing, about ten o'clock, the .druseurra and three other steamers were seen to get under way, and approaching within two and a half Mlle' of the battery opened fire on it. Our boys promptly responded, and the lire wee con tinued for an our and a half between the steamers and the battery, when Walker's flying artillery, supported by the It. L I. Blues, Captain Wise, of your silty, eame np with a run from Marlboro' Point, and opened on the steamers, the fire con tinuing for an hoar and a half. During the en gagement several men ware seen to fall on the steamers, and it is generally believed that at least one of the vessel. was badly injured, as all of them withdrewfrom the fight about four o'clock. Daring the engagement a shot from a rifle piece on one of the dampers passed over our battery, about two hundred yards overhead, and fell two miles in the rear. Themen in the batteryermtained no injury, the only damage done being the tearing to pieces of the officers' quarters by a Shell from the enemy's jinn. To-day, &beta eleven O'OlOOlK, the Anacostia, a large three-matted steam propeUer, supposed to be the Patentee. and four other vessels, came in sight, three of the steamers opening on oar battery. The fight was eontinued for six hours, the vessels firing Ave hundred and ninety-nine shot at us, without doing the slightest injury, notwithstanding the fact athat the shell fell thick as hail around our battery, and one of them passed through a port hole, and exploded in our midst. Oar battery fired one hun dred shots, many of which took effect on the ves sels, one of them carrying away the flag of the Anaeostio, and aiaother nutting down the mast of the large prceller. The last shot fired was one from one of Walker , . rile piece!. which ricocheted and struck the large steamer just above the water line, immediately after which the fleet got under way and moved off, probably to repair damages. During the fight our men were as 000 l as icebergs, rim one e= biting a bravery and determination that Mild hatra done eredit to veteran soldiers. Dering.thelivo days' fight none of our men were ki l l ed, and o n ly one of them slightly lojured—not enough to prevent Ids taking part in the fight. FMK Kim wiper. Ku Wass, May 27.—As thie island is the only point south of Baltimore where the civil nothorit7 of the United States is in force, you will be &vett lied to reeetve a shortnote from use on the rubject, Although Captain Brannan had, before the Status seceded, removed his company from the barracks to the fort, yet so deluded were our people with the idea that the Government Wild not maintain itself that the union men berme greatly die:mo ngol and the Secession party &No ir " the amentianey.. Oa the arrival of Major French's oommand.azuti the orders of. the Pzeikinnt,..the Union men were again ere d, and SO adig4* - - bly law - Major French fulfilled the vieWsf - of lby Chnirunout that the Federal civil saw rlly on this island is now fully mestablished. Oa Bgwrday last, the 'eltlserui held a free eleetion, and elected a mayor and alderman. A fall vote was polled, and Union men elected, with but lit tle or no opposition. Courts are held without any opposition or trouble.—Corre.rpondeurc National ratertavracar. GIVING A RECEIPT FOR STOLEN PROPERTY. John R. Game', the postmaster at Anadale, Fairfax county, Va , a quiet and worthy oitisen, we " relieved" a few days allies of his proPert7 by a rebel named Ewell, formerly a captain in the regular United States service, and in the same di vision of the army in whioh the gallant Lieutenant Tompkins, who made the charge at Fairfax Coen Mouse, was serving as e private- All that Mc. Gorges received for hie property was Ewell's re ceipt, of whisk the following is a copy; dizahonentlas ALaxennnia DmiFinounitr, I Fatrfax Court Monte, June 5, 1861. Received of John B. Garges two wagons and one ambulanoe, one set double harness and one set single harness, valued at three hundred dol lars, and two horses valued at two hundred and seventy dollars, to he lamed in the aerviee of the State of Virginia. The above property will be kept here until Mr. Garges shell appear and disprove the charges of treason brought against him, the property eubjeot to the orders of Gen. Boonrogardi commander or the forces or Virginia. R. S. EIvILL, Lieut. Col. Va. Volunteers. LIO V. A meeting of the representatives of banks of the Confederate States was held in Atlanta, Georgia, on Jane l, and the following report unanimously adopted : The oommittee beg leave respectfully to report that they have carefully examined and considered tug Pelmet matters referred to them by the Con vention, and recommend the adoption of the fol lowing resolution'', whioh embody all the measures they would advise the Convention to adopt at : Resolved, That tide UOviremtlon do recommend to all the banks in the Southern Uonfederacy to receive in payment for all dues to them the trea sury notes or the Government to be issued under the act of °angriest( of May lA, 1.8151, and also to receive the same on deposit, and pay them out again to customers. ICesolved. That until the said treasury notes can be prepared and issued, it be recommended to all timbal:tits to ogres to advance to the Government, in current notes, each sums severally as may be agreed upon between them and the Secretary of the Treasury. The said advance to be made on the deposit with tho barite of treasbry notes of a large denomination, or eight per oont. monk or bonds. Resolved, That all the banks in the Southern Confederacy are earnestly urged to take immediate notion on the foregoing resolutions, be a measure of the greatest importance to the government and the people, and communicate the same without delay to the Secretary of the Treasury at ltiohniond- Resolved, That it be recommended to all the ~-.11.-...l...repaeles in the Southern Confederacy to receive the treasury notes in payment of fares and freight. Resolved, That the Legislatures of the several States be recommended to make it lawful for the tax oolleabors and other offleera to radars the tree• sury notes in payment for taxes and all other pub. lie dues. Resolved, That all the States, °Wee, and corpo rations having coupons payable in the oily of New York, or olsowliere in tI o enemete eat:EMIT, ha !S -quinted, during the continuance of the war, to ap point some place of payment in the Confederate States, and to give their creditors notice of the MIMS. Resolved, That the committee recommend that when this Convention adjourns it adjourn to meet again on the 24th day of July neat, at Raohmoad, Tao sorvhstione wore read seriatim, and each one was adopted unanimously. Mr. Roberta offered the following : Resolva, That a copy of the proceedings of this convention be sent to omit beak within the Con federate States, with a request that they orsoperate with the Convention. Adopted unanimously. The Convention then adjourned. Cowardly and Inhuman conduct. AN ASSEMBLY OF LADLES AND GENTLEMEN MID INTO BY SECESSION TROOPS (From the Knoxville (Tenn.) Whig, 4th inst.) We nave never witueered such a Wane ad we be hold on Wednesday, the sth inst., at Strawberry Plains, and we hope never to see the like again. The procession of Union men on horsebsok, about font deep, was half a mile long, variously esti mated to contain tram eight to twelve hundred men. At the head of each division the Stars and stripes were floating to the number of six banners. Marching by the Plains, and passing the depot, there was a train of ease. having on beard some Alabama troops, who, strange to say, remained there with steam up for three hours. After our procession had passed into the gap of Mr. Meek'a enolesure, leading Into his grove, where the stand end seats were emoted, and where a mush larger assemblage, among whom were several hundred ladies and children, were seated, aw:titing the ar rival of the procession, at the bead of which were Messrs Maynard, Temple, and Fleming, who were to address the meeting, the train started towards us at a very slow rate. Speaking had not yet commenced, though Colonel Thornburg was up, making some preliminary remarks, as the rem nant of the vast crowd were coming in and crowd• ing around the stand. At the suggestion of Mr. Meek, an old man who had served in the war of 1812, and who owned the premises, the few scat tering persona still at the gap were urged to come in, and did ao, quietly, disturbing no one. But hers we will let Mr. Meek tell the tale just as it happened : At the request of Dr. Brownlow and other gen tlemen. I walked from the Stand down to the rail• road, to harry up our Union men, and urge them not to say or do anything to the train then slowly coming by. One man came within the enclosure, quietly, and I was about twenty-feet from the &nee, inside of my field, the railroad and wagon• road passing along olose to the fence. There were two men in uniform on the top of one of the oars, each had a revolver in his hand, one of them a stone, which ho threw at Me with great force and arecision, and-I barely dodged it. Title was fol iowed up Oy one or wove neither - ate], firing at me. One of them knew me, for he had previously come to the house and asked for water to fill his can teen, which I assisted him in fining, treating him as politely as I knew how. This was the com mencement of the firing, and it was without any provocation whatever. A. B. Mud, Sr. This statement is corroborated by Messrs. Ma rton Cato, Thomas C. Griffin, Liernnel Underwood, Perry Cate, floury Smith, and Marion Petty, of Sevier county ; Messrs. Win. Lewis, W. A. Sher fey, Samuel MoOempbell, J. B. Dinwiddie, Wm. Province, Win. flouter, and Wm. Chaney, of Jef ferson county; and Geo. W. &Barad, of Knox, who were present at the scene. Mr. Wm. M. Lewis, of Jefferson county, says be was standing close by when an opera knife was thrown at hint from the oars, which knife he picked up, and now has in his possession. The bullets actually whistled over the - heisde of our crowd around the stand, cutting off leaves - and sprigs, to the consternation of the ladies and men. Tao fire was returned by the Union men, who fired some thirty to forty rifles, beside revolvers, into the oars, but with what effeot we have not learned, as the train passed on without halting. But a wild and terrific scene occurred instantly, by the Klub of one thousand men, intudted and in furiated, upon the track, with threats to tsar up the track, and to burn the bridge over the Holston. Col. Thornburg, Temple, Dr. Mynatt, Mr. Meek himself; and the editor of this paper all repaired to the treog, made short appeals to the crowd, and implored them not to disturb the road. With ditlionlty they were quieted. We are now satisfied that the people can't longer be held off these rail roads and bridges. If they continue to bring men armed and infuriated into the country, step them in our towns, and - along the lines of the roads, 4e fire into ',rowels of women and children, the people Will Ilse tip In their might and demolish the roads. Indeed, we now have but little hope that civil war will be averted. Threats are making as to what will be done with Union leaders after the Bth of June. The people are exasperated, and they will fight to the death, and no leaders we have can re strain them, if, indeed, they ought to do so, which we think ie questionable. The following document was presented by Colo nel Thornburg, and adopted without a dissenting voice : We, a large portion of the people of the counties ofJefferron, Knox, and Sevier, (men, women, and ohildren,) who have assembled today at Straw berry Plains, to the number of from 3,000 to 5,000, to consult together for our common good, having been wantonly, and without provocation, assaulted during our peaceful deliberations, by a missile thrown, and a shot fired from the train of cars in a very slow motion by certain troops in -the mervice of the so called Confederate States, do hereby unanimously declare to the world that while we have ever been, and still are ready to comply with every constitutional obligation of the citizen, we Can never be driven or coerced into abject and nn• manly anbuiteeton ; and we hereby pledge to each other our lives, our property, and oar sacred honor in the common defence of ourselves, our fire sides, oar wives, and our ohtldea from any assault, no matter from what quarter It may some. From Western Virginias [From the Illations' Intelliseucer.] CAMP MILROY, June 7. Editors intelhgeneer : We are all astonished here at the amount your correspondent, 0., gives of the movements of our troops againet Philippi. Ho pays a merited compliment to the Indiana boys in that march. but names the wrong regiment and the wrong commander. He has mixed the whole thing up so that we soldiers who participated in all the movements he extols, find ourselves ehorn of every part or lot in the matter. The arrange ment between the commanders of the Ohio, Vir ginia and Indiana oolonele to march on Philippi, whioh order was countermanded by Gen. Morris, was made previous to the arrival of the Seventh Indiana Regiment, and also of that General. Col. blllrox. of the Ninth, marched his command in sight of Grafton, agreeably to that arrangement, while the Indiana Seventh were pitching their tenth. The stalwart, commanding personal -sip peer/MOO of COI, Dumont will be news to that gen tleman' as well as his men. lie is everything in quality your correspondent represents, but his portraiture was for Colonel Milroy, and not Dumont. We of the "bloody Ninth" are not willing our gloriona Colonel should be taken for any other man. When the order came on the following day (Sunday) to mole on Philippi, the entire command of Col. Milroy united with the Virginia and Ohio troops, under Colonels Hal ley and Irwin, and marched in one unbroken eel= that famed march of over thirty miles to the rear of Philippi, which place they reached jolt as the battery under Colonel Stedman opened fire upon the rebel camp. We heard distinctly the whistle of the balls as they cleaned the air into the rebel camp. Whatever fighting was done and glory aohleved, it was done by, and achieved by, the column under Colonels Kelley, Irwin, and Milroy, with the battery under Colonel Stedman. Bed that battery not opened un til the Indiana regiment, led by Colones Milroy, had reached the position assigned it on the Be verly road, not a rebel would have escaped. I was a private in Captain Mann's company in that regiment, and know the facto. C. L. M. N. B—l could correct other mistakes even in respect to the part your own men took in the fray, but I let them pass. Company A, however, of Colonel Kalley'a regiment, did more hard fighting than any other. They had the only man that wax wounded. He had jut discharged hie gun when he received a shot in the leg which brought him to the ground, and, as he rolled into the fence oar op., he /oat his gun. He, cried to his comrade to give it to him, and, standing on one knee, loaded his niece and fired at the retreating rebels. " Honor to whom honor is due." BEM:IMS the poet offices, mall bags, and va. rione other descriptions of property belonging to the United States Government, seized and stolen, the rebate - have now in their pereetsien : Fortifies wag, 17 ; vnetosa houses, argansig, ;._4218°17' 1; branch mints, 8; navy ya r ds, 2 ; realm afloat, ; Tunis Dank, 5. BOIITHERIT BANNS Gtr EN Bow TO SWIM IN A BORT .—The person TOLLat maintain snob a position as to see the wave. as they approach. All that is required Is that the swim mer keep on his mile and watch their ipproieli• As he rims upon a wave, he will see a roaring cata ract three or four feet high, rushing towards him as though it threatened a estraetion, but if he holds his breath a moment the crest will pus harmlessly ever him, and in an instant he Will find himself on the windward side of the wave, and ready to eon thine as before. If the person is floating upon a board or plank, he should turn his bead toward the miming waves, and keep his float at right angles to them, holding hit breath, se before, whoa the crests past. In this way he will be safely driven to the beach ; but, if he allows the board to be struck by the waves sideways, he may be roiled over and over, and in his fright let go his hold. DEATH or A BOSTON PILOT.—Mr. William Crispin died at his resider= l in East Boston, Sun day night, Hs ranked highamong his associates for his akin end daring, Upon one 000eldee he WAS brought prominently before our community . Aor the part he took in saving the bark Natchez. She was at anchor to windward of Minot's Ledge, during a tremendous gale, and was dragging her itnebors every sea, lying breadside exposed to the gale, and would have been dashed upon the rooks but for the promptness and skill with which he ant away her masts. Her commander, Captain Lindsay, spoke of his conduct in unqualified terms of approoatien. He subsequently commanded several vessels, always with sums, and then went into the pilot business.—Boston Traveller. Urea Lira /N ITAPA.Ne—The Japanese lady of quality lives in the unbroken seclusion of her own home. Within the ample domaine of her lord she has her'gardens and her walks, and room for alt pastimes. Thither may come the maskers, the jugglers, and all the troop of merry-makers, to divert her. Rarely, areept On some great holi day or religions festival, deal she go forth, and then in the jealeuely-olosed and guarded no rimon. She has her maids in waiting, who live with her in luxurious ease, her attendants, when ate goes abro.l, at Loa.. blade* in mush light feminine employments as embro idery, painting screens and fans, or diverting themselves with the harp and lute —Letter from ..reoldo. 'some Leo-icy—The into I. N. Bow. ditch, of Boston, among other bequests left, to the Maseachusetts General Hospital $5,000, as a fund to be called the " wooden leg fund," the income to be applied toward defraying the expenses of wooden legs for patients who have been obliged to submit to amputation. In the distribution of this income be desires that female - patients should be preferred to males, and young patients to old ones. COW . DISEASN.—A disease has made its ap. pearance among cows in the vicinity of Camp inshington, at ffa.ston. The only visible um!). tOttle aTO a remarkable falling off in the quantity of milk given, espeelany at sporei..s whioh is the cause of ninoh disappointment to for mers and milkmaids. It was unheard of previous to the advent of the soldiers, bat io now known as . the "Army Dtonth," It has not extended be yond a circle of one mile HAILY C. MAXWELL, wife of the late klugh Illaxwell, at one time one of the loading and most influential members of the Lanftster pram, diod at Lancaster v . Monday. ghe wag a seedy, clear, and forcible writer, end for three years oon dueled the Lancaster Gazette with much ability. Boone years ago she Ina asmoiate editor of the Weekly Exprte.t.s. Tam grain crops of this State are said to be looking very , well, though the oorn and oats, owing to the coldness of the spring, are somewhat back ward. The wheat, rye, and grave are In an excel lent Sendition—so with the early.planted potatoes, which have " come up" regularly and Andy. There is nothing to disturb the mind of the farmer except the deplorable condition of the country. - Doylestoisat DAmemet_ THE GENEALOGY OF DO uGLAs.—In the rooms of the Chicago Historical Society is recorded the genealogy of Douglas, extending book to the Ana representative of the family in America, who was William Douglas, of Boston, Mass., proving him to be of Puritan stook. GOVERNOR Hintra has published a lengthy letter to the people of Maryland, In reply to Mayor Drown, of Baltimore, vindloating- htwo.lt tram any coMplioity in the destruction of railroad bridges, and axing it upon Marshal Sane and other prominent Baltimoreans. AWFUL DEATIT.-At the Springfield depot, Boston, on Tuesday evening, a porter of one of the hotels was literally out to pieoes by a looomotive passing through the depot. WIVANR, of Baltimore, feeds every day 125 poor families, who are left destitute by the war. He has just purchased a small church, op posite his residence, where he feeds them, at a cost of $5OO per week. A Lsrrse, from Joddo saps tinkt not long Ones the murderers of a prince were boiled to death in large kettles. Nsw BEDFORD bas received two 12-pound rtflod oszkrom from the gtoto wrilkartiion. They an to be mounted at Post Taber. GENERAL WAR NEWS Gamow. Prommas, or Izzaziors.—The name of Brigadier General Prentiss hits been frequently mentioned of late In eonsegnenoti of his position as commander of the Made voinnteeta at Cairo. He was born in Bellville, Wood county, Va., Novem ber 234, 1810. In 1838 his family removed to hitssouri l and he remained there till 1840, when Do moved to Qalnoy, 111., whom hie home ;still le, In 1846, being then captain of the Quincy Bluse, he volunteered for the Mexican war, with his company, and commanded it at the battle of Buena Yiata. Ti on the close of the war be retired to private I ll is, except that in 1800 be was induced to run for Congress against the Donglas'oandidate, by whom he was defeated. Az soon as the faeces- Sion movement became tangible, he, reorganised the QlllllO7 Innen, was elected colonel of the Seventh Regiment of volunteers, and, when a brigade was organised at Cairo, was chosen briga dier general. .Thrtrrn reoups 111 w NNWSPAPIR Or- N . /ca.—Among other oxplow of Captain Cole's command in the Potosi expedition, sent — from 81. Louis by General Lyon, was the seitaare - Of the Jef ferson County Herald, a litabignoesslim shoot, salted by Sam Bay estria — The •Subdels pages of the paper bad already been Kim& of and con tained the usual quantity of Secession matter. Captain Cole took full possession of the office, changed the title of the paper to the United States American Volunteer coiled the printers out of his ranks, got up the editorial, and rushed the paper out in a hurry. Art ABOLTTIONIST TO 03 ROOM —We learn that a man named Johnson, s: native of Massachinsette, end engaged as a watchman on the steamer Wm. N. Moms, now laid up at Mound City, was yes terday arrested by the people of Crittenden ootinty, 411E4115U, on a Charge of uttering incendiary lan guage and expressing Abolition sentiments. A jury of planters has been summoned, and be will twelve his doom this morning at nine o'olook Hen:pals Bailout, June 6. IT IS authentically stated that Hon. John J. Crit• tendon received a despatch last week from a younger son—Robert, we believe—who is an officer in the United States army, stationed at Fort Lea venworth, couched in this language: "I learn that Brother George has resigned. For God's sake, go to Washington and suppress it." Lieutenant Colonel George Crittenden held a commission in the Mounted Rifles, and is In Texas. It was reported that he had resigned soon after the betrayal to Texas Seoeders of Col. Waite and his command. It appears that the younger Critten den is* loyal " chip of the old block . • —Csucin maga Commensal. Tam King of Prussia has 'green permission to the otßoors in the PflloB4ll army to offer their services to the Government of the United States daring the war for the maintenance of the integrity of the . Republic Tusi Hudson Gazette tells of a little four-year old girl who, while repeating the catechism et her mother's knee, replied, in answer to the question, " What did G od create?" "The earth, the sun, the moon, the etara—and the stripes." A rrkoMil Apron, is making to nave hisjor Kearney, of East Newark, appointed Brigadier General of the New Jersey three-years contingent. General William Cook has offered his 'services for the same position. r E HILADELPRIA BOARD OF TRAD. JNO. N.PARRAwK J. RO_a•ti i. COIMITTEI or rim Morn SA hi uRL E MERV. LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Tunnarora, Ihmlest soon bilIP EMU] StruAlana—..........l4Yervool. soon Ship Uncle Joe. Plan/sin soon Snip Viounis .11.644, rreble. Montevideo and Buenos Ayres. soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, June 13, /861; r : . q, AIYB Brig (Aug) Boo ßß st al days from Sunderland. Eng. with cord to B & w Webb. Soh Busquebriuns, Payers. 3 duo from Baltimore, with grain to A G Catkin tt Co. Saar Ply, Cheeseuutu. days from Nantucket, in bal last to 31 Sturtevant & Co. Bohr Albert Field. Phithink 4 days from Taunton, in ballast to IV Sturtevant .t co. 3:ohr Sallie Yams, Veazie.ldays from Milton, Del, with hart to Theo W Father. Doter clooro, Ourrougha, from Providence. in ballast to B Mines & Co. . . • Echr C Runyon, biathlon, from Providence, in bal last to 1.1. Aridrerted & Co. Rohr W C Nelson, smith, from Boston, ttt ballast to Itepplier & Bro. Rohr Ada Herbert. Ferrero, from Wellileet, in ballast to Pl Sturtevant & Co. CLUA RED. Bark Boni Hallett. Little t Key West. D S Steteon & Co Bohr Delon, Crowell, Halifax. E A Elouder & Co. Behr Cicero, Burroushe, kut Grienvoti, B Mduee Co. ochr Ads Herbert..Porvore, Prolifleler.N Marlow.= lc Co. ~PChr Fly Cheesep2gue. Nantucket. do Bohr A Field. Poulton. Taunton. do errar W 0 Nedson. Bnutt., Nantucket, Repplier BrO. schr Ituoyou. ldschuso. Boston. L Anoonned Co Rohr Onus, Carman, Eaton. J Eta Bauder. (Correapondenoe of the Pram) RItADIr4G, June D. The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the &aimlkill Canal to day, bound to Philadelphia, la den and ooneigned ae follow: union, grain to Captain; J A LOlOOll, do to A 0 Cat tail ZG CO; . 1110 Mal & Karns, grain and iron to Perott & Aro; Golden Gate, lumber to J 8. Dersher; Durango, pig iron to Cabana & Co; Golden step. cornmeal ,_grain, iron. and flour to Budd Orruly, and flour to VP .0 Potts MEMORANDA. Steamship America, Macau's', cleared at Boston llth inst. for Liverpool. Staaniship DambridgelMattiteirg. front FOrtregg M. roe Bth inst. At 804,011 th inst. Paw Pth Burt, at 3e M. at anchor off Care Benry, ship Juventa, Young, from Callao. Ship Frank Haynie, Randall, for London, was loading at Quebec 7th inst. tart Chevalier, Johnson, cleared at Portland 10th hilt for Buenos ayres. Bark Palmetto, Upton: cleared at Portland 11th Met. for lions Rent. Brig Celestine, Pickett, hence, arrived at Boston 11th instant. Brig 08orge Amos , Bioko's, cleared at Boston 11th mat. for Philadelphia. Brigs Abby Ellen.Rilmore, and Manzanillo., Bartlett, for pailadelphia. satied from Salem loth inst. Brig G W Barter. Otlehrist, from Jaokaonville, via Bath, at New York 11th inst. Behr/ Grads Girdlar. hence 13 linking Darin, and Emma Amelia, Harding, arrived at Boston Ilth instant, Bohr Rate Field, Robbins, cleared at Boston Ilth last for Bangor, to load for Rio de Janeiro. Bohr Hannah Grant, Dismay, hence, arrived At Now htlrypor Davidst. eehra r, Wolfe, Briakatoo, Claire Merrick. Montgomery. and Marta A Wood, Baker, Nailed from Newburyport loth inst. for Philadelphia. Bohm J L Radnor. Corderir, Mu:delta Blew, Peterson. Crammer, Crammer, A Carders.. Babovalr. Henry may. Hoover, B A Boioe, Boma, Lizzie Mani, Weaver. and D. II Wilson. Davis. raile d from Salem 10th init. for Philadelphia. l& illoptune, Magee, helleer arrived at Hogan /Ith Meta Tug, iimes,rmilimwis*, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1861. EWS. x Lir, et LICK IiZADAOHE. NERVOUS ELEAJOACHE. Hs the See Withers rille the Veriodical attache Of Ifsr. Imo „ Sicb madam. may be prevented ; and If taken at the commenoement of en attack namediate seller from pain and sickness will be obtained. Whey asidata &Win yintevingthe Noma itait Head sets to whir& females are de subject. Whey act gently on the bowehi, removing Westissitsse, For Literary Mts, Stedwits, Delicate Females, and o n winos of sedentary maps, they am valuable as a 1,11=0i161, Imerecteg the giving leas and Mem to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural else. tioity and strength of the 'whole system. The OEPPLAZIO rizam are the result of long investi gllDMl and OasitaLAnduoted experiment", 'Mtn alien in us many yews, daring whivii lime the? RIM prevented and - relieved a vast amount of pain and sufibring from liesdaehe, whether originating in the Persons system or from a deranged state of the ne.. gunk. They are entirely vegetable in their tioraixosition, Uhl MIRY be tsken at all times with perfect safety withnee making snr change of Ilf3t, sad sAs abssare at say aisee 'troy?* Siete rattlers is easy es adatisister theas to BIWA= or 00UNTIARMTIS Itko genuine kwra iv* aignataraa et.librnrr o.llDalting on nab Box. Sold by Druggists and all other Dealers in Madisinst. ihaa - dui Imp &gnaw =at improui*i. .O.6mA .1 PRICE. W 5 OENTN All aura Heidi ba &Wane HENRir SPA/.DING: 4115 =RAI 11111. NET. imitw YOWL. PISS POLLOWINO ANDORIP.IMIPIIIe OP OEPHALJIO PILLS AiJI WV? iIiVVFXX. rims HEADAOHX, 5/1101DI Alf'D BMW COME 18 WITELIN THZ/B, 11,EACIR. As Mfrs roattnoosilas firs 1111sotiesisd by gr. o mj Vora ristereshirmiabir 'roof rtr rho di. sow Vigo May ari4ssllls dirsvrovil INAIONYI/dat, FirD. 6, Ks. *ma/1m I have tried your Chrphalle Mg. and I Like thoot re Iran that I want yea to end me twedohare worth more. Part of them are for the neighbor*, to whom I gave a few of the first box I tot from YOU* lend the fills by maU, ad Your obt Servant JAMES KENNEDY. mi. „ m i mic re.. rib. s, Liriajt you to send nut ono me lox altar Oathslts PULL 14aot rusiviot it twat dm/ of b t MOM Um. Yottriryom.atl - MARY ARK sroucuovism 'Paws ems, Rinerrsissiojr_CovplTY. Pis Silllloll /as MOIL. - X. 111. XPALDINI. ki 7 will 1n themlllint.no twe twos st YOU %nails Mroari, s. _ JAM B. SIMMS rieria «w Oar b vier sad fitid - - BILLS Vissox, Ofila, JIM.* MEr.a.sturo, En. - ae gad %wend twErtr-iye outs, widah mod tAsCil t airrkitli ,Vz hp I" - "" )heat • A. rprovnt. P. AL, Bone Vernon. %vadat er., 4). BEVERLY; Man:. Dee. U. Dat. N. O. I wish.tor some eiroulare or lex t v ibow bills, to bring your Cerhallo Pills o morenamely .r..beforo my out touters. If yon have anything 0 the Please send tin of MY onstamm rho is itntdeet to mote riot isadsobe. (nasally 'mbar two 'Who ) was- sawed al dm mesa; is ow how by yew Pin*, inualk I rent hot. iworowoitollr yowl* ,B. NIMES. Asira. 153PAZDIN6 O. AB Cedar xt.. 4 in r ibolosad find tfre m nViye cents, Z. for Willoh rand box of " Pepbabo Pi . good tosaareas or „Roo. Ws. C. Filla Roynoklaborg. Frank li n Co. Ohio. Zapsls 'work tiks a sharos—aara Haack,. aliaosi fas Truly fobfor WM. eLPILLILIt. Itrazotoot, Met Inc eines I rent ta velefer a bex of Caliche Pills for the ewe or the MarronlindaOhe and Ooebvenear, and received the sum and We bed go seed se Out ties liras is‘ticsd to saw tor mats. Nond tic Moro =All. Direct to A. A. WHEELER., _ Vaidlan4 anat. PIM thl Xraidisr. Norfolk T 4. flukes PiLW aeoomellik the °Wed for whlek titer were made, me.: Care or headache In all ite tone& Atm Mi Bzwitiwar, N•tfolk, MIST 11.1 Ye bean tested In more than a theuand sum vita enthirsamem .01•1110111110 • Frogets Domotrat, RI. Cloud, Mix*, If you are: have been troubled with th e headache. send fora ho t[Methane Pilled so that you may have them in oese of an attack. Prows k tis Afters Protrideue,JS. I. The Cep hao Pine are raid to be a remarkably eree- Vire remedy br the headache. and one of the very beat for that eery . frequent complaint which hen ever been orpoovered. Frew 0.4 VAlnefil R. B. Gazette, Mears. M. we basil& endorse II eitaldinsi and unrivilled IRlMuilici me. Frew Us Kaunas Taney Star, Itangfilia. Ts. Re are mire that emote suffering with the headamhe, whe to them. will Mick to them. Prays the &unarm Park Piteter, Nese Orleans, Ls. try thaws, ! you that are &Meted. and we are aura that testlinany (sap be added to the already nomerotui hat that uce.ku mewed Waft that ad other medicine OM prod Aver SA. 87. Lads Tiontxral. The hnhuonse demand for the artiels (Cephalie rills fliPlaipjAOMaranii• Iron ths &suns, ikstespert. tens. Mr. thialthu 'would not 0011110411 his ram Irak as at tole he - ilid not insets to poems real merit. items as Adesrtfur s /Tor/1;4111(40A. L The tiistmony in their favor is strong. from the net riospootable lin/xi/sm. beat OA Daily Nan, Nowert, Fills are taking the plane et all Linda hers the Oetmettrcial Benate. Bates. Mau. Itaid4e . be very etßoaoions for the hoadaehe. • • • Iron the 041111114 Cioolosolt, ON Writing' humanity oan now be reps el. Sr • Wool* bottle of lIPAIDINVII PERPA_RED NAVE will gm too Vim their goat samiall4.lllll SPALDING'S PREPARED (mu's! SPALDING'S PB2I%.IZSD GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPAUUD Gum ECONOMY! DISPATCH' Ili"' A Armes IN Tula Sava' Nurm''l4l As sooi4snta will beispn. e Da v e well-regolosed familiee, It is very demvarne toome oneap And noonroont Iru for renouriog Foraitoro. Ton. Crooke r7. SPALDING/II PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergenoies, and no household cusp afford to do without it. It is always reeds. and ItS the choking po►at. I. warn IN EVERY ROM" X. Brush accompanies each bottle. Pries,* cents. Addrau, 0. SPALDING. xo. id CEDAR, STREET, NEW YOWL. As *erten euvrosenled venous ere estemetitis gam off on the unsuspecting pnblio, imitations of nil PIEPARED *RAM, I would caution all nelsons to ex actable before purohnsing. and see that the fon name, sr ammitra roman susout bides Mauls aTaapat all Won u. 004 ULISJI ALL KINDIS Or HE:ADA( SHE SPALIM:NC:PB IMAM innteLmir mi ,Faa.mor co., O. Januar" O. M. Yrarzasn, Mum.. 1an.14.1811 SAVE plucEis: CAUTION. THE IMIAIANIEM MUTUAL INSURANOII OOMPANY, IF FAILAZILPICAN OIPPISE. No. 3018 WUXI! INIREET, theme avast LOBS OX DAMAGE By Bet-. ea gow , !Borman* other bi i iiLhh.2e,, , linu or rtaturil L and on waren, ;sal 1t7.77 • ln town es eanne CAM CAPITAL. smile gt. AASEIT 4111.10 Which Wrested aa follow., Tiff In rst inoAlSafel car proven'" , worth ddouble SAO A171012.11,......-...“ . CALM 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s per cent. fi rst mortgagelork at ear— IMO 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'. 6 per cent. se cond wortease load, cßer,ooo—. Now to Runtingloil and Broad woo Railroad and CsnaICO.NI mortgage lean.__.__-._ re around rent. first -olau *,4 $1 Collateral kraus, Well 3,500 00 City of pluboleighia 6 per cent. 00.000 00 Allegheny Co_pnty 6 per cent. Pa. RR. loan- ID,MI oe Cknowieroial Rant +took-- Lug 01 Mari,nakerYiank steak_ _ ¶513 10 Co.ll atook 6,0011 011 The Rehlinee Altana! Insuranoe Co.'. stook DAP 00 County the rill Tr:yr e !`ularr— 1313 00 Union Mutual Isruntsee Co.'. aorta— ato Bill. rseeivable......... 14,'0114 Book amount!, =meg lilernet• TIM 60 c ah rime 66 111111410 The IVbitual prinCiple, combined with the security of &Stook Capitid, entitles the insured to nartioipste in the 'ra ft s of the Company. without linbility for tetra_ Looses promptly edjivited and paid. .... DIMICTORJI: Clam winaleZt , Banned Stephan. wittram FL,:zhomplion, Robert Steen, Frederick Brown, William Mower, William Braverman. Rani. W. Tingley. John R. Worrell. Marshall Hal, H. L. Carson. J. 7ohneon Brown, L Robert Wand, Clutries Leland. G. D. Rosearten. Jacob T. Boutin. yharles B. W ood, Bmith Bowe *mei 13. Woodward t JohkElissell, ltsburs4 Ulib Titittletir t reargeort. H. M. HINCHreArr, Soares/sr. February H. real. ., . rHE ENTERPIMSM ENNI3R4kNUE COMPANV OP P.BIGADELPEA: (PILE INBDRANDE EXOLIDIVELY.) 410.732PA1471 9 X EIVILDINO. M. W itaztpA , A xorriarit,AND WALNUT STREETS. niiEwiroza: x i F. Z lt CIIZORD STALAD , MORTAINIAI L. Dklff 4 OP. Wu.x.1.6.1t McKlui, Dv). K. STVART, MMATIA PILLSIIII. JOHN R. 1116111%, Mot M D M. Armful, . B. A. FAlowatool. BM. T. sAtIDICX, ANDILIW . CABE; IXNYS wtrumw, J. L. ERRINGIB. E. RATON ORD (STARR, Proudest. OMAILLEB W. CODE. Secretary. fell ippErizi MITILIAL LIFE., 1ii51311M708 COMPANY,_ No. 921 CHESTNUT Street,Philadelplua. CHARTER PERPETUAL. ALL THE PROFITS DIVIDED AMONG THE IN SURED. Inure Lives ler short terms or for the whole tenii QI life ; grant Anmutme and Endowments ; Pllrolloos L t ile interests in Real Estate, and make all °marmots s pending on the contingencies of Vet. They act as Escontom, Adminotzstori. Assignees, Trnateee, and Gtutrdtane. lIESNTS 1/1" TEE uonarArgr, deanery 1, fdel. Illortiteges, greand rents, real estate-- .51352,953 97 United Ewes stocks. Treasury notes. Mane of State of Perearylvania, city of Buis,- delghis, wan si Premium notes i Map on collateral. , &0,. 337,1404 58 reaneylveed. Nottlx Ponzmylulawa, RAW— road'', and donnty et: ear oent. bonde 105,801 Bank, insurance, railroad, canal stook., Au. 1/7,60 49 Cub on hand, agent.' Maumee, Am, 88,106.14 $1.07/.121 02 DARIEL L. MlLLERSnow!lout ! jolts R e o irt i ll_EL STORESI4os Pro punt. W. BiatigtiSiY• MAU4I. ThELAWARE fiillT'ClAti SAFETY 'IN- 3l miIiILANCE CONLELIfir.I%II4.IIIIAPHIA. Insofoofitod by Melee,Eaton of Mowlowa, lOW , 100 I.E. armor of THIRD sod wAsatioir areas. 7HIL4DELPEII. v rsaIN. SILAXLIM NSOW INANON. Cargo. To all parts or to Wind, Pravda, I LAND U AKO] Oa geode by - I s iv . e to rt s Cau_abi k L t tik s ell ii f 1y1, 1 4 lam( tar racer. M I2 IITILAIr Oa Karakaadias alarail i z,_ , aretaraa, Ihr•Diat & • ASSETS OR THE COMPANY, Noreethitl.l6l6_ SWAB United Stitu lye eat, lovi ,11100 m Op 115,000 United State' six omit. Treenl7 Motu, (with wormed interest).. 112,455 110 110,000 Po mmyMania State fore V ern ONO 40 MI MAD do. ' de. a - d. 7 moo da. 111,2411 eB num ladolohia CIO a r :m m tl , emit. Mtn. /25,2211 50,000 Tanneries State five cent. loan _ . 50.000 Pennsylvania Rail 2d mortgage V cent. bonda..-.-- 45500 CO 12,002 MO /Mares, stook Germantown Gas &unarms. interest and pritieipal raarantaed -by the City of Aim telpais li.*kl OD 5.500.100 shares Penarylrania Railroad CMG 00 Company_-- 1035.000 shares North Pennaylyanl a Rail road Company Onn IMO 110 Marti rmitioel ph panyia Zoe Hoist end Stumm Tag Com. pp *3s)hara. Philadelphia and Ravre- de ems Steam Tow-boat Company. MO 00 1001 shares Philadelphia Exchange Company—. to MOO &ham Coulationtrl 4 2imol 1100 / 122,00 par. 0 0 1 2 t 11.47.535.34. Market valinihme 71 tllireceivable, or ignuamoett 171.nal tl Sonde and mortgagm.— 114,500 00 Real estate CAM MI audios' Moo Agononm—rrominom on nue Foliates, intermit. and other debts dap the ConomanY—' 51,555 112 lam and stalk of randry Invarrase and teethes!Conipalliea 1225 60 haltd—tn _..:+..,550.17116 Mlle witie el . - 11. IEOIIOIA. I Wain Marta; II mitill IL Makes FaiT.MlUli. A. Hotter, J. ll lr. Naomi, ocarnitug 'Paulding , 'Henry Igloos, m I. Penroue. . Edward Darlingten. - .Zahn Cl. Dar* I. Joprißrookr). gamer Trimunir_, , t i onaer arnitaliwis • 1111111111. Ej o yi Rd, um 0, Hen. .._ 1 11411.11grign. AMU o'. A 9 William C. ' wiwig. .11goila . Jsyrts, lame!. H. Neil, ludo P. twFaTIEI4I46 Br. A. M. liailion. Robs* Y. Erns., Nome Cl. MAW. " John B. Balrage. Plilr'K. It Ora , - De lr. Morgan. • Alum. A. Sh M organ. w14.1./.4.3d '24A.E.=I, rrealdant. - -"SBaEle. 6. ".lirD Vie* Prazidear NAWILTIABURN.A.O6iiiir' ma7-41 - - - - - -- • • - - - INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. F E FIRE INNURANCE GQ_hlPAref—tnatriverektitd 11121-011ARTER PEEVE.- w dl.O Wfamil/T Atreet. opposite Independ ence Square. This Company, favorably known to the °pawning for thfrtt-Atti roue, ooptioaoo to Immure oFA...iturt. iota or damage Mire , on piddle or ',mate Baildimm„ either permanently or for a limited time. Alio. on Furniture, exits of Hoods or Marobandise generally, on liberal term'. Their Capital, together with a large eurplyto Fried, Pi inserted tho *omit ootofta spanner, which enables them to offer to the inmued an undoubted senility in 'the saes of low yawn.= D1R111770111. Patty Lau Hanielmigt, antis Campbvllii /ram &Om , drnear sewn. et °loth, Jr., am Montanus. o Boyeraust Thome', Smith. JONATHAN PATTERSON, President. Wiaraiqa G. cnowina, Boorotory. api-11 INSUBANOR COMPANY OF THE 81A713 OF PAIMSZLVANIA.—FIRR4LICD MA RIM INDVRANCE Nba. 4 AND 5 EICNANNN 81111.D.LNOIL Onartera4 to t7rs-4tanital ONNING—Fon. I, iaao, Oar& talao S4sB 79177. All invaried in acmtul an/ available Atasiar.l4.—seil- OHM to ininun on • Vonntla and Careen. Biuldinto. Maki of Noroks.n&aa. &a. on liberal terra,. — FrICNWOMa. Irrirs D. Bberr•rie flisorge 15. Stun% innzeon Mammal grant. Jr., Visrles liaaleatar. Yew Warner. Suittp Tkomai D. WatioNa. irk D. Dail, 'mu,' O. Frosounr Moni. emit.. Marisa B. Loam, George C. Carson. JAE' Y D. DELEXYLEID. Proolient. WILLIAM ILADIBIL Ilsorataro. JoSit VMS INSURANUM. NIZOIIAVIEJEP -R: INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia, He, gas North SIXTH Street, below Race. insure Build- Ism Goodz i _end Merchandise generally from loss or lemma br PF re. ,Ir6a oompear cinwiintee to adnint ell Wier prompay, and ttuirobr hops to merit Qs mama age et the yeblle. 11111.1101M1.1. William Morgan, Hobert Plarhjani Francis Cooper, Minhael Mavens. loom L. Dougherty. Seward McGovern, Jawes Martin, Thome B. rdeConnist, Jame, Durant, Jane Bromley, Matthew McAleer, Franoin Pane: Bernard Raffertr, J o h n f homaa J. Hemphill, Bernard ELL Hidninsinni Lemuel Fitter, Charles Clare, Foams Menittrami tv blichtel cairns, F CIS COOPER, Maiden*. DELNARD RAPPER Y. SearetarrieolS- BIERIOAN FIRE INSURANCE 00,, PETUAL. IRCORPORAMRD 1.1 1 10 ORAITRI .PER_ Ito. Si o WAbliVir Street above Third, Plillegelpina, Raving a large paid-up. Capital Stook and Beryls's, inflow in sound sad available Seourities„pontinues to Insure or. Dwain:ism attires, Furniture, Merchandise, Yule's to ,port and thou cargoes, Mid other personal pappgrty. Alumna, iliballlay 043.1 promptly 6411111nOt• DIRICTOB.S. • Thom. IL Maris, John 1. Lewin. John Welsh, James R. Campbell. Ilanntel C, Morton, Edmund Dunk, Patriot Brady, Chan. W. fanner. Isr ?BMARY, MARIE. President. ALBEIT C. R. CRAWFORD. Reoretary. fez!-tf ALNTHRAOITE INSITRANOE 0011 IP- A. asoltol 411/011.01&•011A1TBE rsicrrivrAi_ Once No. an wALIrWir Urea. %swam TWA sat Fourth Street, Philadelphia. This Company wiU insare mind loss or llama by him, Boloomen,Furarture. and Merottandieo was , Marla* lismarsawsi . INA/WCgH., sal Freight/. Wm ocu ! lranee to Warts .1 Ms Fun. 'web moor, 1:11111 9ecoph tiartlehi r huthor ‘ John[ wasso, Andenned, John A. Bialasten. payis Puma. Wm. F. Dun, nor Mush I. B. Ban& JActO.O ESlLEn.,Prealdent. WM. F.DFJOII, - Woo St Promise% W. . JOCIOS. Soo rotary. aue-tf - LIXCHATIGE INSURANCE COMPANY —ofilos No. 409 WALNUT Street. FIRE INIIIIRANCE on Holmes and Nerohandlao generally. al on favorable *rum, *Aber limited or nor pen. Drizciroium: Jeremiah Bewail, --- rain Mara, q John L. eimwee, homed 71:karpron, Edward D. Rabal.la. &mem T. mem, Samuel L. Smedley, Jahns T. Ow es, isuben Cl. Hide, John J. Griffiths. JEREMIAH BODISALL, President. JOHN Q. GINNODO, YlOO n e t Preside itiCW.l.7.7 , MN. it.r.....*n..-, hid pHILADELPHIA TICE 11 A-0 OTTA A.• WORKS. Ofilee and Wars Rooms, 1010 CHEt3TNIPS Street. Ornamental OhonneiToni. Emden Vases and Statuary. Facaustio Floosing Ti..l Architectural Ornaments. Ventdatlnd and Emote Flues. Ridge Tile and Sanitary Were. steam-prused Drain Pm*. Water Pipe, warranted to atone §rift agl ir r itatli t :l ll attin a =ll term*. libustrated Catakmites sent by Ptah on acidiaatton by letter. A. 14 .411100, vote aw Itltratti. AOKEREL, H:CR111110, SES.D, SAL. vs. MON, ao.--11,120S bbie. fleas Plea. 1,2, end II Meek 're, large, medium. and small, in moiled package' et °holes Late -.3enehe fat fish. lA2I New Halifax. Eastport, &pi Labrador Her ring, Of (Anion qualities. 0,000 bate. extra new soiled Herring& coo° basin extra new No.l Senlinte. {,OOO boxer. le rso Movjeline Herrings. SOO bbls, Masking WWI. Ptit top Dbl.. now Boonom_y _edema Shad. is bbl .. new Halifax s almon. - 1,000 giuntale Brand Bank Codfish. SOO bete: Betlnmer-4x.unts Cheese. IX Mere landing. for eels hy MURPHY & KOOK& noel N 0.146 NORTH WHARv/36. 'UST REOEIVID, per "Annie Kimball," a" from Ltverpool, blender, Weaver, & Mander's antanstiong I ar Rattan Omonitio In 1 a Ars, as am Extract Itior amt, ism SO OM Extract nnay', iLI %Um, 100 be Extract Tarsze9l, 191 10 )an, 50 Oa Vitt Ral Colohioi, Int a bottles. 100 Rm. OL seeeirn It, in 1 b botiloe. NM Se Calomel , in I Nadia. IC 4I P i i g T dri Vail & BROTRER. 47 and 49 North SECOND &raid, REST QUALITY MOPING-SLATE al. warn en hand and ter We at Union Willett/191 BEAM Street. 9/7 ltensiAlMlL. Mr TWA *, T aimy WW llsllos4' RAILROAD MIDIS. / AND EISADIPIO MALItoa. PAASR,MRS for POTSILE, READ INI3 NfitRVIIMUMG , on and after May 90,1861. RING F LINER, DAlLYilllunclags ewe pted,L burl ; Ye New Depot. aornsrA BROAD cad ,CALLOw- St L targets. PHILADELPHIA. (Painianger en trap_oes en Thirteenth anti on Dollowhinecrovor 9 A. m. ,cionoeatiog at Darrisbsits with tire PENN YL VANIA RaILROAO 11'. M. train. running to tts the CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1.05 F. M. train rename to Chambersbnrg. Carlisle. &a : and the HORT qiMRN CENTRAL' ZALLROAD I r. AL train running to illinbnibo. AFTERNOON LINES. Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD and CALLOW- BiLL Sweatt. PRILADELPIMA, (Pemencer en trallain on 'Ehirteentli and on Callowhill streete.) for povntruide and HARRIBBORQ, at SO P. M,. iIAILY, iionneating -et Hemsato - with the Northern Central Railroad, for Sunbury illianusport, Elmira. km.; for READIG . only, et 6 1 1 . . M.. DAILY, (Band aye ome_pted.i DISTA.NOES VIA _roiLAvELFRti. AND READ ING RAILROAD. FROM PHILADELPHIA, MINN To Fbccoiscsalle—, 2S) Readoit—_,_,_ 58) Philadelphia and Reading Lebanon—.— - 86 and Lebanon Valley IL. It. Harrisburg.-- —... lit DIUSIIEI-......--......124) MI lioraDurg "...mg Treverton Junction 168 _ Sunbury- _.. up Northumberfind.....l7l Lewisburg-- --AM r...._....__ _m, ..?,_______.•.....,......T. tha...ort__ me Jersey Shore- _.....223 Lcck Raven— -235 Naleton- -,—.,.. -am roy-- —. -XI and asi The a A. M. 0na.15 P.M. Clinton, (aundets excepted, WILLIAMSPORT. and El close oonneetbins with linei therWeit and Southwest. DEPUF Irl PHILADELI :Ail CALALOWIIII.4 a.reet W. M. ' Mftl 20. 1101. BUM.I9IBit ARRANGE ENT. PHIL ANELPEI. GERMANTOWN.AND NORN/BTOWN RALLROAD. On and SNIT Moaday. May 13,1861, FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6, 7, 8,9, 10, 11, ra A. M., 1. 2,3. 8.80.4, 5,6, 834, 7„ 8, 9, 103 k, and G.% P. Id. Leave eermaatewn, 6, 7,11 L 8, 840,9, 19,11, 73 A, AI., P, t. Of 04,7 h I*l 2I -W M. The 810 A. M . and 8.80 . Trains stop at German, town only. ' ON 81774DAY8. Leave Philadelphia, 9.09 A. At, M 4.334, BOX, and P Leave Cannentown 8.10 A. 73, 1 4, 074 and 414 P. M.. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia. S. 8. 10, 19 A. M.. 9, 8.56, 4,8, 8,9, and lOX P. M. Leave Chestnut Hlll, 7.10, 8, 840, 9,40, 1130 A. M.,140, 336, 040 , TAO, 8.40, and 10.10 P. M. 'The e A. M. and 8.811 P.M. will make no stowson the Germantown road. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.03 A. itt.. 5. and 7% P. M. P. Leave Chestnut Rill, 7.90 A. M., 12.40..6.10, and 9.1 , FOR CONOROROCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia. LOU. 736, 9.06. 1206. A. 10.,1.05 8 45.4 m. 63W. 8. and 213 i P. M. - Leave Norristown. s. 7, 8.05, 9,11 A. M., 134. 434. 634 and 934 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphiai 9A. M., and SP. M, Leave Norneteunt rhi d, Mitl Bad 0 I". DI, FOR 211iNAY FINK. Leave Philadelphia 540, 734. 9.0 e, 11.08 A. M., Lee 2.06. Lek 434.634, 8. and 11X F. M. Leave Masayank. 634, 7%, 8.35, 9X.11% A. Pd., 2.3% L mid/0 ON atINDS.ItO. Leave Philadelphia. 9 A. M.,* a. and 711 P. M. Leave Manitsk, 73( A. M., lg. 834 . and 9P. M. R. Depo t. H General Superintendent, zn7ll-tf mErcirm and SHEEN streets. TILE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILRAD, 1,150 MILES DOUBLE TRACK. 1861. INIBRIPIN 18614 OAYAUITY OF wino RD 15 rrow TO ANY IN PAS SENGERY. THREE THROUGHTRAINS • BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBUIIII. connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trams from Boston, New York. end all points East. end in the — from n ah.poins k inne bWgtV n A na nw o e ugh . a T d a S u u t o w n e d thus furnishing facilitie s for the transportation of Fenimore ussurpuseed for mmed and comfort by any other route. twee end Fast Lines no through to rittsturt without ontpso of Gan or conductors. nn ;Shrong reneenner writing provided with Lounlindge • Patent Brake—speed under perfect control of the, engineer, thoa adding much to the safety of travellers. Smoking . Clare are attached to each Train Wood r/easieepix,,,c.r. to Express and Fait Trains. The XPRESR RUNS DAILY! Mail and Past Lincs. Run g welted. Mail Tra m leaves Philadelphisat 7 . 5) A.M. Fe Line .* /I 20 A.lll. Earpreea Train leaves " 10.15 P. M. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AB FOLLOWS Farri P. M. luMbla I.IIIP. M. kesburg " at 5.40 P. M. West Chester "iro.l, at 8.15 A. M. 0. at 11.0) P. M. Wed Chester Peesengera will take the Wed Chester Nos.,. and I Barrieburs iteaaniniedation and Columbia Trains. Passiingers for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buf falo, Rianara Falls, and intermediate pi_ointa, leaving' Philade gh lphia at 7.16 A. M. and 210 P. rd.. go directly throu. Tiaketa Weetward may be °ltch:Lad at the offmea .5( the Company in Philadelphia. /Yew York, Boston , or Baltimore ; and Tickets Eastward at any of the impor tant Railroad Moen in the West ; sago onboard any of the regular Line of Steamers on the miscsainpi or Ohio rivers._ riir Fare always ag low. and time as Wet, ag ttr ALIT other gonto. For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion. Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market streete. The completion of the Western oonnestions of-the Penuivania Railroad to Chicago make this the DIREUT LINE BB? weßri TILE EMT AND TIIR OREA'S WEST. The connection of tracks by- the. Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, Avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight. together with the saving of timeware advantages readi ly appresiated by Shippers of Freight, and the Travel ling Public. Merchaula and. Ulupgiera entrusting tee tiallelterla - Um of their Freight to this Company, eau rely with confidence °nits speedy _transit. TRH RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point In the West by the rerinailvania Railroad ars at en limn a; favorable as are . charged by other Railroad cogityWnl4ll. • NT Be particular to mark paokages " via Pennsyl vania Railroad." For Freight Contracts or Shipping Dlreotions apply to, orAddress either of the following Agents ' of the COMM R. A. Otewart Pittsburg: N.B. Pierce & Co. r Zones - vine , J. ,1. Johneen, Rip ley, O.; McNeely. Marmite KY.' Ormsby & Crop per, Portsmouth.. U.; Paddock' eeffersonvioe. Indiana • ai,W. Brown. & Co., Cincinnati. O. • Athern ibulthlSltl9 . ibolliflatis 0.; O. Meldrum‘pladmon e fJoe. kb if Derridilernile,JCL, P.am G. Rimy ,- it . L.R. T .F.reas e ..B6:ll;; a : Glass a, Harris, rieshville, Tenn.; Hams & Hunt, Mora via tom..• r. W . It. woonte:Allo'ne Ill . ' or to Freight Agents of Railroads at aarennts points in the WOO. , B. Sin 05TON, Jr., Philadelphia. MAGRAW (a BO ONS. 80 North street Baltimore. LEECH & Co.. I Astor Rouse. or 1 Y LEECH & CO.. N 0.77 State street, mown. IL IL HOUSTON. Ideal Freight Arent. Phila. L, L.. 111)1.1r7i Gen' l Ticket Agent, nails. E. LEWL% Gen'l einal Altoona. Pa. ise-/Y 104.11 ff 1 1861. ii iitamivei 1861. Pli(it o tt ur ciplart y e & lwm.P.a... iiRXE DMA D if Elivoin Litoorffin p fitriLA DEL IA Wu KEW YORK MID WAY PLACES. Whom WA/ANT-IT. Waal/ AND JOINENATAN aro, WILL LrAVE AR FOLLOW, Vl2. PAIL At I A. M.. via Camden and Aube,. M and A. A.R.- AONNDOdANOD . - - _OllB At eA. at., via Camden and Jersey - City, ( S- J• 1 A0R0M13193410111 I *YIP. I.OMII/ 11.1,0 Pt I •2 ID Ate 4. at,, via Camden and Ismer' City, Wormer. _ 00 At A. M.. via Kensington end Jerder Western Express. -- • . 100 At mid P. M., via Camden and AMLDY donerame dation.— .-.. 3 PS lR P. M., via Cloutier, and Amber, C. razd A. Ba ms • a co th r. 31.0na Keneingion arid Jersey City, ii.vo g Ex_ere 3 GO At lea OA P. M., via Kensington and lart.6y City, 24 I X At OA Mu Tie Camden and Jersey My, Entilyg op At 11.X.P. M., via Caniden and Jersey Clay, Rienti ern Mill ; At P. vii Camden sad Amboy, Ammo/oda at - tion( relight and Passenger )-pit Class is et_ 215 do. Olaes 'Mott- ti h- O Cl ibM ma! Lite ma Wit. Tie illf P M. Rooth ernMall, Batxrdaye 01.637413 d. For Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville, Flemington, Rte., at 1.10 A. M. and Of P. M. from Kensington. For Water asp, Strouctiba.-g, noranton, lmisloar re, MeiLtrose, Omit &e., 7.10 A. M. from KenaiNFtaA, via DelaWare.l.lok2ArazuzA mkt Western R. IL For Maneh Ottllnk, Allentown, and Bethlehem at 7.10 A. M. /Ad P. M. nom Xeraingten Deed ; (the TM A. M, line emu:meta with train leaving Masten at 3.11 P. !do fat Ell .10117, at and /114 2 0 1111 d or We. Al P . A. M.. And I WAY LINER, Fer Mists), Trenton, Ste., at 7.11 A. 414 and AX P. X. from iensinsion, and Vi P. M. from Walnut- Vellg r alia. Riverton. Delaneo, Beverly. Ruling ten emus, Rerientemi. Ai., at 1134. 1,1, sg, and 2. k. Atetunboat Trenton, for Bordentown and intermediate plemes. at 2K P. M. from Walnut -street wharf. delirFor New York and Way Lines leaving Hezurington Depot, take the oar. on ANA street. above Walnut, half an hoar begins densrtare. The eats ran into the depot, aWI on eartul of math train. rim Dom the depot. nal . round' Paggaseonly, allowed each Pease*. gr f i r paatensent are probituted from Mking =indult asi gage but thew wDINDLA apparel. All baggage limit Ita Pound, to be pand for extra. The Company limit the responsibility far baggage to One Dollar err solute., and will not be liable for any among beyond aur, ex sips by apeoisl eentreet. inkla WM. X, fAIEMEX. Agent. NO.RTH PENVSYL VA NIA RAILROAD. 11::Pfl Rig f _ DOYLESTOWN, MAJOR 011-11-01 L, WLLICESDA ETON. BANTO N, ECKI/EY , R. • THREE THROUGHTRAINS. On and after MONDAY. MAY /3,5350. Passenger TVainstrig leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, a. daily) (Sendai, egoeptedkas follows ; At 6.40 ot..{Earwressi,Jor Bata/ahem, Allentown , Manoh Chung, goaleton, wittesbarre. ae. At 2.4112. M.. (Exams/ ), for Bethlehem, Maston. Ac. This train paschal! Easton Mg P. M., and makes close 911IINSIon with New Jerae Central /Or NOW York. thAank t am lbe. P. M.. for Memiehom. Allenurem. Mama . At II A.M. and 4 P. M., for Doy lestown. At 10. W A. M. and La P. 51., For Waalungton. The AO A. M. Express tram makes close co smos with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Betldehem, being the ehartsat and most damnable Ponta to Wilke/05am. lad to allrol paitageoitin ohm at ILO A. /a.. LlB N.. and Lag P M. Leave Doylestown at 7.76 A. M. and 4.9 P. M. &gage Fort Wailtiortou at LW A. M, and 1,10 F.M. AM orr .151124DAY 5 .—Pailadelphia for Jgeth/eherri at , giladelsdua for_Doyleigostri at 5 P. 51. ylestown for Ph/melt/his at 6.40 A. M. thlohem for Philadelphia at P. M . pro t 9 tothlehont-1/ !Wire to St amok Okiinl,ll Se ere to eaten VP I Pere to Vglikeimarre— be Through Tieketa moat - proaured et the Ticket Moan, at WILLOW Street, pr BERX.S Street, in order to secure the above rates of fare. ALL Pamenger Traim (except Sunday Trains) connect at Berke Street with Filth and. Sixth-streets, and !Wend and Third-street. Passenger Railroads, twenty 11104101 after leaving Wipow Street. Madill MALE. Agent. • SPRING : : 08. ALENT4—PHILADELPHIA, W.(11 Barb iIT — i, BALTIMORE BA ti.rtain. On aid altar MONDAY:, APRIL 16 1862 FAIMEDDB.4I3IIII.N3 LEAVE FifIicaDBLPHIA: For Baltimore at 8.16 A. M., UM A. /41., (Bo' cetera). FF10.50 . . or Chester at ILM A. M., 11.31 A. M., 1.21 and Rua P.M. For P. wiloiliiaton at Lill A. at., 110 f A. Ai.. 4.25 and Iti.llo Fpr New Cattle at 3.18 A. M. and CM F. M. For Dovert, LIS A. M. and 4.11 P. M. For Milforo at ma A. M. For itailsbury Mil. M. FOR and OAS P. . Leave 'Wilmington at 6.50 and Lla A. N., 1.e4 and r. M. Leave atliebory - at 2.40 P.M. Leave Milford at 4 P. M. Leave Dover at 645 A. M. and 5.2) F. M. Leave New Cantle at 8.25 A. M., 7.201.. ht. Y.M.heave Chester at LAM A. A4O. IA7 and 840 r leave Baltimore for Millibars and Delaware tall read st la A.M. TRAIN FOl BILLTIMOSE Ammo Cnostor 616.f6 Ade,' 12.00 and UM P.M. Liars Wilmington at a. 5 A. M., dign P. M.. and 11 A. .M. FirmoßT Timm, vitt. Passenger Car attseked. will run as follova i4ase Fhiladeltzhis for Penryoilla and linermaillata plum at 6.60 P.M. Leave Witirdexten far Pengtille and intermediate DlSam at 7.111 F. in. Lean Wilmington for rhiladolohm and mtarma dit. platen at 8 r. M. to Havre-de-Grace for Baltimore and intermedi ate atatiene at. Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-Grue end Intermedi ate anatome at I F. M. fix aIINDAYII Commencing Bunday„ May 1D.1661, until farther no tice, T wo TRAINS will run on Sandals Leaving Philadelphia for Baltimore ima Walhingtou at UM A. 116, and 1040 P. M. and CM P ain [ L Baltimore for Philadelphia at 9.41 A. AL and . M. apm IL AL FELTON'. President. COTTON SAIL BUCK and CANVAS, of 41 numbers and brand s. Raven's Dunk Awning E lla of all description, fey Vents, logrungs, Trunks, and wagon Covina. Also, Paper Mannfaetarere Drier Fel from 1 to I feet 'lda. Esittins sr r,Llail Ty 'e.t. a . MIX W NMI aay northorn cont.- Railroad. allAblir7 4 1 4 4 V'le R. Williamsport and Elmira Railroad. trains Gonne% dmilyeit Yort I.) with the OATAWIBBA. ;RIR' RAILROAD. making 31 to Niagara Falls, Canada. RIM: Corner of BROAD .I.3ILHENNEY. Seoretary. mv*T-tf AND PHILADELPHIA ORESTES ROAD PHILADEEPHIA RAIL, VIA MEDIA. SUMMER ARRANGdMENT. On /mid after MONDAY June 5. 185/. the trains will leave PHILADELPHIA , from the Depot, N. E. corner o. CIGATERNTTI and MART istreata at 7.45 and 1.0.90 A. M.., and 2, 4.15. 830, 4nd 11 LE. , ‘t„an_d will Matra the station, earner ot THIRTY- iftST and MARKET Bowe. ( West Philadelphia_,) 5.05 and 3045 al. AI., and 6.45 and 1014 I. M. QNII.INDAYs. Leave PHILADEU Vet BA. M. mut IP. M. heave w CLIEnT an d W el t est e r EL. Trains leaving Philadelp !s CL at 7.45 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. oonnept at Pennetton wt, Trains on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad for Oxford and intermediate points. my Ma C. HENRY WPCODI poral .14 perizaendent. IN IVIIMS WEST CHESTER RAILROAD TR AI NS vut PENNSYLVANIA RAILRoAD. leave depot. oomer XLEVENTH and MARKBT Streetu, at ea A. al UOOl3, 9 3.1 Y. AL, and 4 Y. M. On Sunday, leave Philadelphia at 7.90 A. M.. and West Chester at P. td. i790-tf PkiILADELPHIA. AND READING RAILROAD OD., (MIDI:1W eitath ourtk itrest.) PlimanuptitA, April 27, MI. SEASON TICKETS. On and after May 1.180.2mi/on tickets will be leaned by thin company for the periods of three, six, nine, and twelve months, pot transferable, Salmon aohool-tiokete may also be had at 33 per cent, dismount. Theis ttekste wilt be sold by tho Treasurer at No. 227 South FOUNTH Street, where any further information oan be tamed. 8. BRACILD, ap3P-tt ta rer, _ w- EMMA. itOUTIt.-.- 2.II.I( , ADELPIUA AND El.- 21111 A ElliptGAD. Wile% T EVIITE to If arszaks, Cog...vitas, _No pert, WI sabhiTeuatlll/tolli DM:MUM 01.11tOlt Wil. lo:uxuiport_ Troy, Xftlinon, tlantOrk. Etualm• Euniallt Niatora Falls, Rooiieeter, MeTelandaetroth alai*. Oltleare.llt. Mitts, milwaaltoe , and all points Marti ass weal. Pomander tritium will !we the now Breit of the FY- 1.1410 0' and goading Railroad, corner BROAD and LLOWRILL gtrestr. (Pawnor entranos en Cal lewhill street,) daily Mandan aneptit), for above mate, u tetra : DAY PR Rft — g ---RAO A. XL m i en EXPREaa-- —......._Ate P. M. Rho LOU A. hi . train sonneoteat Veen, for Wilkes- Ise.rra _Kates. tae ten kad_ I station, ow ite JahOKAWANNA A= BLAIUMB NU BALLAD , Tim above trams mate direct ourptiorar at Elmira with the traits of the :few York an e,CBlllll7dSilllll and Niagara Falls . and Buffalo, New York and Erie. sec New York Cent el Railroads, from all Wats North and W.codtt and the natio. 4 6 wacraco co or to Etwora. 4grat:ii, and traeponwert Ilridce, and al tt.terwoohate potnte. 'whets tan be it rewired at_ the Philadelphia and M iura itailroadLtr Velhoket Moo, northwest corner of 1111XIM and Olt: :int YT Streets, 612,2A,4 0 ,. 1 1:11. Roast, eornero THIRTEENTH - a% A liV T.IIIIOtIGI EIPIERS VILE 19 , 19 the FAH Ltielplua and Reading spot. Broad and whiff etre t ',daily (Bandar: axeopteml) , for all le ote Warta.' itorta, at IP. DI, Frolic C r berdelitosted before s P. Bt. to Boars err c Me awe tar. er Inferlnhily x h-r1 at Frefeitt PllPett TAW "ill ins Ct • O. 7 iiicxrD. Arent. Worthwest ege:' r AlXlMandi 1 -1 - VN alf Streets % stiLl-t! Ph I ladalDb if. ar t empag NOTIOS.-OELESTER VALLE Y RA/LROAIA—PAR SLINGER, TRiLllftB FOR DOWNINGTOWN AND IN TERMEDIATE RTATIONB.—On and after Nov. gat, MO, the Passenger Trains for DOWNINGTOWN will start from the new Paseenaer Depot of the Phila delphia and Reao4...ikaitroad Company, corner of BROAD and CALpOWHILL atratt, Oteatenser got hic on.Callowhill.) ACANING Wit A 'll for Downingtown leaves at 3.1 A . ArlfFlllloo24 IMAM for Docomins - taera ***** st tr. M. (E112a67.1 excepted). order of the nd of MsOlififl! 6- 110 GAMIN- Ms end Xeading !road Compoßy. al. . R. MalLANY.Zserstary. TLES ADAMS IMPRESS CO., Moe 3 sr 0 CIMESTglrir Due t , forwards Pamela, l'aokag ea, Morehaadutip Mak Bolos, aIId npooio,minor by ito own Linea or In sonnionsl with ether Faniot. Cout.otoiaw. to alt Like orio.42** t.wu mid slidea of no Co tOi It UL RA111701,1 is.passo TO OONTRACTORS AND NUILDSRB _Healed Froward... endorsed " PRO PONALS FOR BUILDING PUBLIC SCHOOL ROUGE IN TILE TWENTY-FIRST WARP," will be rammed ha the undersianed. at the Office, southeast corner of 111 XT St and AOSLPHI Streets, until TUB/MAY.lBqt instant, at Ilit'alook M. for budding janblie &shoot Nonni on FIFTEENTH Street. rear 1.70 Ge Street. geld Dodd • log to be greeted acoording_kr the plans end speoilica trona of GEORGE 8. RETHELL, Esc. A robitect, to be seen at the office of the Controllers of kublio eohools. By order of the oorarnitt.e on Property. /MUT C J. SNMPHILL, 1-ecirelary j'en-at ontra.. of Pablio M. JAbikal BETTS , VISLEISHATID SUPPORTERS FOR LADIES, and the. orily any porters cinder eminent medloal patronage , L a dies and physicians aro respect:ldly relocated to call ph ysicians Betts, at her residence , 1049 WALIA thet, Philadelphia. (to avoid eounberfotbo 'AMY thousand Invalids have been advised by their physioisna to l bpr appliances. Those only are genuine bea t i ng th e united States oopyright. labels on the box, and eine lama. andbhart• alas on the ifineetlent. Vitit witininua esllll-tot Op EVANB & WATSON'S S.ALAILLNDER SAFES. 'Toll 304 OHE IL ST A.DiszPata lIIT3 ATBLEET. boA large variety of FIJILE — PEOOIS Ell alta i r e r wl 0141' OLL—A lot of Latour Olive Oil, nairmarnila OMI- F 1 lIENI~9 , 111111/1451, it 00., 110. 45111 DIAALIiT IFINZkOr SALE OF FRENCH GOODS. O Fd M June la, at 10 o'clo a ck r . ifo a r cash rning, 400 oackatas and iota of fanny and atanla French dry footle, PARIS DREsm GOODS, —24 31i.and 40-inch crepe d'Cavrin• •• broohe annuls. brothe chair voilina, l'An4Cl eiL ACK OEO3 DE AlLthfiti. 21040-inch high lustre andbeavy bleak grog de Mmes. CONTRACT IHATVING. SUPERIOR QUALITY. 4-4 0-4, and 6-4 yr late oorttra,ot matting. 4-4 6.4. and 64 red oheok matting. • NF. PANOOAST, AIIVIIONEEII, Suc- L • castor to B. Scott. Jr.. 431 CRISIITNNT Rt. LARGE PCSETIVE BALI OF STRAW GOOD 3, MEN'S AND 804'8 7 a. kti.. by catalogue. On Friday ornins. June 74. tale oommenoinz et 10 o'cnook precuielr. included will be found, viz.- - osees bite ey lea 44;1'4 strews. Florence. zeael. and fancy bonnets. 0a5e.111...t. and mat tashionn.bld stbA4#4 randy 11101. Boulevards., nrekas, &o. oases men's and boys' genet, palm. Pa7sll, and fancy bate. 106HILIP FORD & 00., AUCTIONEERS, 6 9. +.1e10r tweet at MOD Mt. DALE 01? 800 MARRS Prolta. MOBS, AND BRO GANS. This Morning, June 13. at /ft o'vleor eroomety. Intl be sold, by eats, 101C111,- Sit eases men's. boa' and feat& - calf. kip, and grain boots. pelf and lap rogani l Uongresegaiters, (ato m ties, &a ,; women s, misses sea obikiren's calk, goat, rnorosoo and kin heeled boots and oboes , gaiters, slippers, buskins, &o.; also. a large and desirs.ble sa eoatent of oity-mede goods. Goods mole for e ex e amiination• vitk estaterati, earls on the morning of sale. MTITZPATRIOK 6 aICOS. Ai T . vropuriusts, 444 1111111.21' !UMW, litre above BUM. lAN C.,4 ?AWE: tivtifilici. 43 7 tesielt - .! at 1100kil, liititlOLltl7 and (Gals, W4Sikell. )311%4Y, ploor.a, silver vated Ward. Sitl4ll7 ValatlnM inatraementc. &a. Kaalarl, tl7 Oo4s, boots aril shims. mina mar aktntttia tif urn desort32o4,_ r BitErm °very . impact, wititimiar ago •n ibT at ID a'alook A. H. PEI VACS Sal . - - - At privileges several Larsson rmlacbta U. Weklsll. ) 9 Weirr, boots, stationery, silver - plated ware, cutlery NMI MOS, ?CM To Which IS Sollinted the 'Melt 011 • and 'mull! merchants and other.. Uonalgnmenta solloitai of all kinds of worebandise for either public or rrivate sales, Illfr Liberal each advanoes made en caning:meat& Ost-door sales orometly attended to. 1%1106.46 fIATUANS, AUOTIONT E R i.v.a AND COMMIB'ION MERCHANT, southeast corner of SIXTH and RACE Streets. AT PRIVATE BALE AT PRIOE4 TO SUIT THE TIRES. The following artjolos wilt be sold for loss &ban tall the usual selling Pries Finn gold hunlitur ease, doub'e•oase, and double-bot tom English patent lever watobes.nf the mos , unproved and best makers; U fine gold double-Urns r nslialt patent lever watches; independent-seconds lever watches; Ana g.ld Isouring-osse nd oo.n-csnalieSeagelleerkt levee and lepine watches; h orizontal and duplex watches, silver hunting-case. donate-case, and double•botlom ngliatt patent lever, escapement lever, and !spine watches, of the moat approved and best makers; dou ble.case and open-face silver watches; silver gnarlier silver soars sr and single-ease watches • fine gold vest. neok. too, and MUM chains; diamond nnger rings and breast-pins; seta of fine soldjewalry ; sold breast-pins, ear rings. finger-rings, bracelets, penoii-oases, pens, and jewelry of every desonvtion; guns, pistols, musical metrunients, piano -tortes , and articles generally. MONEY TOLOAN. Money advanced liberally, for any length of time agreed upon, on gold and silver plate, diamonds, watches, jewelry, fowiing-pieces, musical instruments, dry goods, olothing, groceries, hardware, cutlery. fur niture, bedding. fano/ articles, and on all articles o vane. CONSIGNMENLB AND CUT-DOOR SALES SOLI LICI TIED. Liberal cash advances made on all articles ooningneil for Dale. Persona' attention peen to all out-door sales. 8HIPP(1 . WEEKLY COMMUNICATION BY B 3 8411 BETwy t at NNW YO.RI AND LI VEK Li rOu, umnd6 at Wor , DPITOWN lagslr) to land and embark piammispere and dtipatobea, The Liverpool, New York, and Philadelphia Steam sting Company's splendid Olyde-bait iron screw steam ships, are intended to sail as follows: • FROM NEW YORK FOILLIVERPOOL. ETNA Enturday, lune 1 EIDAMITIRIAIL gainriiny. Juoe CITX OF WASNINr JiTY .(GTON, atnrdar. GLASGOW, t3aturday, June 23 And every Saturday throuchout the year, from ' , Aix No. 44 N. H. ltATre. 61 , PA11346.P. THROUGH. FROM PHILADELPHIA.. Cabin, to Queenetown, or Liverpool.— Do. to London, via Liverpool__ SO Steerage to Queenstown, or Liverpool.-- 30 Do, to London, Do. Amara tieketa, available for au months, from Liverpool.. 1110 hummers forwarded to Herne, Perm. 'lambing. Bremen. and Antwerp. at throneh rates. Cent:thalami of passage bunked from Liverpool to New Yor C 4 irtirm.to. or from Queenstow n to ew 'York_ _ ____ ago These steamer s — have superior aooommotlatione Tor mumengers, are oonstrunted with 'watertight compart ments, and carry experienced Surgeons. For freight, or paaaage. apply at the otnee of the Cont ent!. JOHN G. DALL. Arent , II 1 Walnut Street hiladejtilda. In Liverpool, to W,id. MALI. to Glaagow, to Ww o T to ? f i lffnert. Stan s treet. TUB i3tir.lloal MID LiOliall BH AMERICAN ROYAL MAID "(TEAM TROY NIW TOIL TO LIVIIIPOOL. Chief Cabin 111 LIB /honed Cahill Peneare _ _ PROM Posmou T O LIVIIPOOL. Chiof Cabin Perms neoond Chin Yassage--_ ID The ships rom New York call at Cork Tartar. The alma rom Baton call at Bahian and Cork Bar or. PERSIA, CApt. I ndkimi. APRIC i , Chtet.Rhatra. ARABIA, Copt. J. Stour,. CANA ACst. J. toh. ABTA i cot. E. 13. Lott. AMER IC A , Capt. MoAuler AUISTRALASIAN NIAGARA. Capt. Moodie. cepl. Cook. EUROPA, 044, Anilereor There vessels oarry a of ear white light at meet head ; green on starboard bow red on port bow. AMERlCA,Moodie,leaves Boston. 'Wednesday, June U. A ÜBTRALAOIAN Coot. " N. York.Wectnesdasjtme ARABI A. Mono. 1 1 Ar...ineedat, Juba St AFRlrltiannon. " York. eV ethiesdar. Juts 3. MIA° A, Andorran, " nodes, Wedseedey, July 10. ?ERR A. JUdlfthi, " York.Wedneaday. July 17. AMERICA. Moodie. " Boston, Wednesday, July 21. Berths not opeouroa until paid for. exparierkol4 Iguxceop on w tward.. a owners of these ship. li n o be accountable for Bold. Sil var. Bullion, Bosom. Jewelry, Precious Stones or agetabi, unless bide ofladinn are signed therefor, and the value thereof therein cup For ji2iijlit or pa= l l apply to ctl_ `mowi eit•=:k. RAILROAD LINES. kf i gimp FOR THE ISEE , SHORE. —CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD.—maiI tram leaves Vlue-street ferry daily (Sundays 7 83 A. m. Returrung t leev ea P. P. M. Fa SIAM). Round-trip ti re akete. road far three dare. 82 10. Motown Howie, Neptune, Bedloe'e. and other hotels, are now open. JeS-tf JNO. G. BRYANT. Agent. BXPEZIOS VOMPAN/Bil. rtiO TIIGNIAIf gor.El • ro w me gni 141 Sen.!:. . t... :PG:MA(I7 N 99. 6. 16 . y, liAblk OF BUFERIONt FUR/SITURR s, SINN PIANO FORT Kff r ZI‘IIANT oil . 14110. CARIi 'AKAR. PI RI M. RIPLen, yo ; B R v - 8 , 1 „ , ., ) , x CARRETR. ItCLIDINO, Ito ' 4 41.6 D.--Ont isle this moralnk, at th, Store will comprise. bendes 600 lots or exulte d Viet Rand furniture, mahogany Platte Tortes. silt KA , Tbd delters and fixtures. several fins rifles, nhib uw Clint Warm beds and Issddiar. fin , ...,1,, ~n 4 ow , oa t. ito.• forgoing an attraotiv* assortment , wurq*Att, teneton of ladies and others detlrOlia of pure* Te 41. Ifir Cataloa tie, now reads and tee artAni.4•• for examination. nunif yugl i ja ULU ithlA I, 1, 1(14.1tk Azi i .. n , Al Ttiki EAUI - Lt r+ ilk. EVERY i Rishi:Pql o'clook j , noon, chirps' the business pewit, TM at II 21114011 h 01 each property 10dued a... Addition to which we patdieh, oo the tsatarato t r 6 7,k to eeoh sale, one thounlnd oetalom m , i n I '. fury, yirn . l full dim:moth= of td! the •p,Mfitetti sou un tuei onusing a heltdPV. 4 y REAL EE'PATE A. 3 l'illVATh RALP OP - We hare a large amount of real mats ai • wile, inoluijihy ewer, description of city au ~,,..3 ,,r e, prowrcr. Printed !Ate :uM le hid +it the eppi,,'"ll4) PRI VATIS B k., ILEMBTP.b., " 4, 4 IV, - Anal UMW enter on our Drink, lid s , ,_ and advertised occasions ly in vat Public i s - wilt, (of which one thousand 000i01 %T. "mated ♦ free of castle. --..........__... 8T0C,X 1 309/4 De, ago, (a ANOKA, i range. at 11 o'clock noon, m the Ybilaislo a ti ehwill be sold— Without reserve, by order of administrstor, 1 share Point Breeze Park Assoeiatlon. For other amounts— impup aa yen persent. first-mortgage 14i5,1,, p h b , obit,. awl 15anbarr molroad Company. 1 441. - an,ree io Philadelphia and Arta. Mercantile Ll Academy of Fine Ar. meek ?sate at Nog L iA) nvo Hi gLontb Fourth tar t isurraloll. I , Unzip WtE, IlttliCli•PLAl k Rum!, lA.NO-F RTEt+, avoot,- LB uj, " Ttile Morning. 471, •t 9 o'clock, et the Amnion Store, an a0,,,, tu ,,, excellent second-hand flirnitcre. ele,aaut roab../Xy 6.. mirror.. carpets, eta, rout macho, 40 4 w houaekeepinx. removed to the store tor go er eels. _ :1 . ,11 ~. - NOM STIES 101011% -.• ' : • .0111 WORSI I .-2tßaleas a a aan iTi i A p 111180itEfiCAI Unita% xi° 91 .2 is, ollka-MAIZAS, BLACtirki and 71 111rnIDL.115, kvvo, tor *an t y am, ._ rasselaral •peraenn, and osyn szsiaNT•iy 4 4 4,, Yl eatilatar and teeatrifte Narita Mut .11S+er Comafi 6214 lOW prilillflf e t Ire,i Beata, Water itialkl, ' 4l 614, te,reettettall :leer their wirriswis a * ~ ,i, , i , az point iallf prlan.'4% to oo ,Ptr°'t I.' 4 1 9 dim marine, wiser, sea .tatieuary , iva l , i witzrnit Lida:row. sum, ea pre r a re 4, 1,k ztildi c . ters.witk azie4 der taL Ev.irr se.olkisgrou, Mane nada al t a atiarlael ila.loa. I eat ..t 1 freeman), Me, Tra liar, eat Cliiptor ~.r . bill einnvipranta cliansaal jrda. 2 orgyi, a rd o r: , rel 1 killlinriitrtg‘. ;.=l2l,trair etitel"? . . g t l t/ 44 gra with Lan Mora vii has . . iti ra—mg a mad GbailiAll..dia Zrn ali Trak ad...mum. t z thment. !,.,..„ wriv.a.- E l, and work gunzchel. V • Inbaarif4r• !air. ~, ,a•10 vir.af &AA xi , 4, pave of aaate way r• akin tar .:a In na . 14 4 and dal, nr, - .nns. W7.sll . lt:ua4. Maw.. tank ti •,' at Mau ' Arir v ;an ' Tackle:, qe T.;tila g.100',.. . 04 .. 71 . * A.:41 1 :PIA.E . ky1.,,,, ---- 1. PLYoWAX eazitition, . nom R. c —...—. ut. WILLI.LU U. DOIRILICE. WARTLIIV mu,- SOUTLIWARIC FOUNDRY • PI FYI AND WAITHINGT.DefIILtit POIL&DIILPHIA. hiENDJOK it SONS,. Erl GANDERS AND /Ugh Lil Inc liar...fs.otore 11{oL a .Levt Pro.l.lllP /SIMI annu, fop land, river, and ma rt na service. oilers. Gesometete, Tanks, Iron Boata..to; co, inns of ail kinde. either iron or b r oil, troll Frame Roofs for gam Works. Workaholic le, road alai:lone, la. intone wail Gas Ma , okinort7 of no latest and itatt th proved 000struption. beery desonption of Plantation Machinery, nv, ~, Pogar, tiaor, and Grist Mill., Vacuum Pau Ori Steam trains, DeloOokno, Filtori, Popoiof Ecti,4, Is. polo Agento fur rt. /1/11101I'l Patent enterasi4, Apponstos. l'irawytt's Patent eta= Ifainmer,tol ii . in ... 5 11 & woisee , s Patent centrifiata bum ure4.„, Maollins.. /111., •I_IOINT PLEASAANVII FOUNDIV, V Q , t. ..a 13 Bjl.onAtruit. I.4nuTin,%itzl, Yhiladw p ia. w , LIAM a. VIOLS informs Me mends that. ken : ) . 1 tseed tie entire, Kook of l'atteros et the Meilen he te now pre eto melee order' for 021 4 rise, and Baer 11 Ctaatiege, . I Seetr, Oeszalsol, 'L i ' toe hark _,. fit tt. 04.e.rode ted.s.4 4.,. 1,,i, MST eflitte t .!P in. *r !ri..k ..i , 'U. f#VBMt4O VAADO. JAMES N. KING, ik ATTORNEY T LAW, REMOVED TO No. T R O OUCK Firm aTREET, tea Ur Above Walnut street. DR. WILLIAM ALEXANDER, NO. 110 S. POURTIIII Street. above Pin*. Mee Woo from 9 o'olook A. M. till 9 P. M. • R uesucos law ARE ADVERTISING in the Beet Newspaper, of City end coum m the Offices of JOY. COE, ik Co., ADVERTISING AGENTS, FIFTH and CHESTNUT STREETS, huladelota. TRIBUNE BUILDING, New York. sent Jaw wELsn, PRACTICAL BLATI ROOFER, TRIRD Street and GERMATITOW/1 Road, ti prepared to put on any amount of Roofitr, the moat moderate terms. Will gaaranty to two every building perfeutly water-tigb Orders promptlr attended to. tn,/ RR. UORNON,REAL ESTATE BRO K ER 0 , AND CONVEYANCER. NORRISTOWN, Pi. —Ree,l Estate bought and bold on reaeoneble twee Stara and dwellings for ogle OP rent in Remodels w.l Nigillry. (Wad mortgages negotiated. Colleotioninda Tee best reference, [IVOR. Was rani ELLIOTT, WINES and LIQUORS. Ncl,c owt, ;3.4 Oneat, (twmal (Recnnualied in 134a.1 me. pAWSON & NIOB.OLIM!*., li UOX MAMA, ", Ham f/V arscl IVAi Itititth Urpri ktotwbon Meet arj Chesty,: atm. r ILADN.LPRIA. JAMES PAW/S0 . JAM. 'A. Itklltilk..o 17f7-Ir' FILE ritiANUFAVICOIII, 211 NEW BTRISET. riles and Rasps of every desoriptioc. lOW IK4 quality. made to order, At the shove eatatas eel. WHOLESALE and RETAIL, ataffansfaakakrerla iltaikutling dens ar,bariar MEDICINAL E LIXIR PROPYLAMIN, The New Remedy 104 It REUMATIBht. Dorms the pe i .k. enr we. helot introduced to t h e ties of the medical profession of this country the Alf Crystalized Caloride of Petarylaraize, al a REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM; and Navin[ rooeived from DAN PoPMeor both uoe pbyelolll3l/101 tbehis hest standtu g end from Patienlo.2, MOST FLATTERING rEBTIMORIALS of its real value in the treatment of this pniuful lilt obstinate disimaa, we are indneeil to present it to itt Plll/1/0 in a form AZA,DY .F9# IMMEDIATE VOL which WO hope Will commend Itself to those who in suffering with tnia afllioting complaint, and to thine &eat practitioner who may feel disposed to Welke powers of thus valuable temedy, ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE , the form abort ne ken of, has recently teen extensively experimerot with in the PENNSYLVANIA ROSPITAIi and with &ABBE') 8 uccog (as will appear tread) published accounts in the me Boat lonreata.i ilarlt is carefully put up ready for immediate we With full direotwo, Slur be obtained Owe all animate at 76 0013ta Prir bottle. sad at w6411114q 1f BULLOCK CRENSHAW, Drugeieta and Illemefisoturint Che le mise. delells. DYSPE'PISIA REMEDY, r. DARILIS RAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATINS SFIII7. This Mediates Ass bust used by the public Jet sus rim , with iaersatistp_ Amer. II it retOMISPIdid IP flan .Bytiptpsia, pureounisas, resat, Wadi* tas Stomach, es Paiute ths .130111/1111, lisculasho. Drtri•SilMS/1, /Nish itlesaplaisits. Low. Spirits, nwintasawailwonance. KIHILAZATIS, inVIMATNI, lit WILL POT itITOZ/CAYS Olt a Asa ?dedielne It is idol and moat gravated oases of Orsnenina/KidoK Cam lama. and a n other derangements of the atoms° and well /seedy manner. It will instantly levies Ile most moiabohty sad .m l _o ll 4 ireirtlisi lino restore the vest, win r o • siorly to health, strength, and vigor. Persons who, front the injudicious use of liquors. have become dejected, and their nervous systems Itil" n r d ' sonstitutions broken down, and sabivt to that ho 1 eerie to humanity. the alate* 'glair , r ill II• most immethateljt feel t h e happy and be my wise . rating oMoaor of Dr. Ham'. loilsoratint Spirit WHAT IT WILL DO. )puss.—One wine glass full as °Nen as Eiseman. s dose will remove all Had Spirits. One dilute WIC otro Three doses wee ours inoisesnor.. One dose will give 7011 a Good Appetite. One done will stop the distrtuising pains of .1)/Tgr, warmth:, will renters t a n tr oe m , figc, ,4l "Sti?" l3 l , i l itieal B e n . t :m u o i :X "-- • e rifle will remove the most distrennot PhaA Collo. either in the stomach or bowels. A few doses will remove all obstructions he the Lllsss' Bladder. or Urinary Organs. Persons who are seriously afflicted with any XiS D ' n Complaints ars assured of rpm& relisf by a 400 in two.aail a radical 01110 by the o of one Or two aisles NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Persons who, rom dissipating too moa t over and feel the sivi streets of poisonous liquor. IS r - lam headaches. sickness at ftomaoh, weakness. giddiness , R ch, fill find one doge 'milli:move all bad 11,1,1411 tea 01 11,0.114 and (Italy octutoo,mow. a h o y WI the Invigorating Spirit three tuslosox. day : it will ail them strong, healthy, and halo 7, resume all ObliCr * _., gloms and megularitles Dom the kiienstraal °reseals . li tre the broom of health and meaty to the sarevon During aregneney it will be toted en 'available area eine to remove disagreeable sensations at the Wawa All the proprietor asks is a trlid,and to induce Chic. b ' has put up the iSIVIOORATI24II /Irony lapin: Wanes II etteents, smarts $l. *emend ,Depot,B WATER artist, New York. DYOTT At Oi:01 North SECOND &Teel! CO.*t ar V I V I in 1 11 " 441. 0211 And for sale by .1 al. A on.. 6 li. Street, and all Draccists. hif.tlistsll THE WEEKLY PRESS. THB WBBKLY PElt3b been eatablided °mai/nue and panmanent fogodstio- Data is. in reality. a marvallou example Of the " { r " of favor which a rightis-uadaeted LITERARY, POLITICAL, AND NRWII JOT/ANAL Gan motive at the bands of a liberal and Wig . "' " Public. Our moat grateful thanks ars tendered for the Patronage already bestowed upon us, and we Ida 11Par. no efforts which may serve to render the paper "" more attractive. wseful, and popular in the Oita"' The POLITICAL course of THE WEEKLY paP aa need not be enlarged aeon here. Independent, steady. and fearless, it has battled, unwaveringly and Bestow lie iq defence of the SIGHTS OF THZ PEOPLE against EXECUTIVE USURPATION. and unfair timeless , legialation; ever deolarins and same , '" the doctrine that POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY cough' totes the fundamental basis - of oar tree ,nititutinilt, goo that the intelligence and patriotism of our (+Wails t►'tt always be preservative of a wiee,just,andsaletli r r ernment. These are ithe principles to 'which Ti l t WEEKLY PRESS has bean committed, and to these " will adhere. TERMS: co One Cool. one year-- . oe Three COPiee r one year.— ----- 0 FITS Goyim one learr ••••-••-•-•-•-• 11 ai Ten Copies, one year...—. Wwenty Copies, to one nthirooo. at the ram 0 . 1 so po el per ann. IPwenty Copies. to one address of saoh sub scriber ---- Beeotmen Coates wall be forwarded to those WO re quest them. Butemriptiene may ooramenee at MT Um.' Tln r. Orals oieh, in advance. All letters to ta add reetw" - JOHN W. FORNE No. 417 CIINSTNUT STRRICT. I" .13' I Id A. Z 3 .lii L P .TX ZIA I J. 13 8'41.1.