VIE PRESS, roan DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCIEPTEN B Y JQUN W. FORNEY. WOE NO. 417 CHESTNUT STREET. DAILY PRESS, Twors Cass, PDS Wzita, payable to theVaideL .1 , 4 11 ed W 3ubooribers out of the City at Sin D oiwas 1,0 „ o va, FOVIt DOLLATS POT MONT MONTHS, vas , Davao rem Six MosTne—invariably in ad oe for dm time ordered , oti _ivEsELY PRESS. oile d to Babeoriber&avoe OSA of the City at Taman DOL., to , Po A:faust, in MILLINERY GOODS. 1 OPENING ri3 MILDREN'S GOODS, THURSDAY, APRIL 11. inioobtr, wooD, & ~,t-tr ro. 7as CHEM= STEAM SEEING. 1861. ilosENtiElm, BROOKS, & 00., 140, 431 MARKET STREET, North aide. near Fifth. J oe the attention of buyers to then' ages AND RANDSIOII TABIWITIIII Or RIBBONS, FLOWERS, STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, „ t or AND CHILDREN'S RATS AND FLATS. SEISM ROODS: IiDDBED I 1111CLES APPHRTAININS TO THE ACILLINERY LINE. „lre FRENCH At FRAMES, FRENCH_ FLOWERS, STRAW GOODS. 0 LATEST STYLES CONSTANTLY EH CEIVING. OTOS. KENNEDY 8e BRO. ((L 729 CHESTNUT Street. below SIORTR, 17 9-3 a CABINET FURNITURE« rABINET FURNITURE AND ELL v WARD TABLES. pIOORE & CAMPION. /63. 261 SOUTH SECOND STREET. te nneetioa with their exteneive Cabinet Butnoan. - 0 D ow w.anallt i ttriar a rilitair s ti . ole of 141tIve noir on Windt& mgr. with moußf, CAMYIOII - 11 Par ittAtED cUaltlOStel, m u d are prounttOoo4. by all who have need them, to impeller 10 ill others ! Por the tuality sad finish of thew Tables the inane kale,' refer to their imam= patrons throrrighout IM, who pre fisoilhar with the oharsotorot their wit fell -hi LOOKING GLASSES. LOOKING - GLASSES. BIT WV exhilnnms and "embalms WM aimilia•Sard stfis CS LOOKING-GL4S3RB, e l ement all the law improvements and faanitita is >♦cdeotsre. bent novelties 111 Walnut and Sold and .11toorwood vi Gold Flamm for MIRROXII. rho mod ennui:iv' and misd annortment u alt JAMS S. EARLE & SON, B ARLES' GALLERIES, or-sr ells CELESTNITIF STAMM CARPETINUS. FRESH °ANTON MATTING. J. F. & E. D. ORNE, OPPOSITE STATE NOOSE, Hale now opon *hour SPRING IMPORTATIONS OF DOUBLE EXTRA MBE: TAL !ME' MIME, and RED OUOIED CANTON MATTING. L'+' ALL THE. DIFFERENT IrllllllB, A? MODERATE PRICES. J. F. & E. B. ORNE„ attlANn OPPOSITE STATE HOIISE• GROCERIES. ► r o FAMILIES RESIDING IN TILE LE RURAL DISTRICTS. Ta are prepared. as heretofore, to noel? families it tsar Otentry Rentruces with every &script:on of FOB f ROCERIBB, TEAS, &c., kc. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, CORNER EIAMMIN AND VINE STREETS. atlt EXCELSIOR HAMS. T. H. MICHENER 8o 00.9 GENERAL PROVISION DRUMM AND OUR/ O 7 INS CIELEBRATED "EXCELSIOR" !SUGAR-CURED HAMS, ♦IWD 144 NORTH FRONT IMES'S (Between Aroh and Race Streets.) PHILADELPHIA. ,Theleetly-oelebrated Roemer Rams am cured by n. & Go. (in a ity)e paanhar to themselves). U ral' forfiontiyieSB Me Of deborrus ibsvor4fme trom topknot tee eof salt, end ere einneented &Pi" met moa n , to um. nffar.d fnr scalo. men am JEWELRY, &c. BEST CROWE YET OFFERED. SEW GOODS. NEW STORE NEW NEW STYLES. GREAT METROPOLITAN JEWELRY DEPOT, !VCR THIRTY-TWO CHESTNUT !STREET, %EAT SACRIFICE, TO INSURE QUICK sums I have overfed- at the above store, one of the !blest ad tort-assorted stooge of lewerry. Silver plated ware. rot 'Filmy Goods, ever before offered to the enbho. kill guaranty to give verfeot satisfaction to every serrhuser. Gd ard examine my stook and yon will find a olio of '*h equal to any in the eq. OBSERVE THE PRICES z Veal. Enameled Cameo, Lava, Gold rent., and Otma seta, for —....._._ 11, tonal pulite 83 Vuntle rnameled do.. Enamelled „, Y. Sottnet. &0.., do -.81 do. 83 Dssac. Jet. Lava, Carbuncle, Mar ital's', Etruscan do --.. 83 de. 86 Macau, Carbuncle. 801 d Gloater, 'neon Twist do-OS do. 0 heaved and Chimed Gold B and Bracelets. #1 do. 14 ~e rr; blob Endraved and Chased d 0.... if do. 4F6 'err lima Carbonate and Gold Clue .terlmdo.... ___;...--. -- do. ' -th clangs' Armlets— _L.:: _ —1 • d°. 3 Baer' Bootlaces , treat . ." 6 " -- - do. 3 e.,_K„. do. with Medallion- - 1 do. 3 ''' . .WODBI treat variety ...._......_. 1 do. 3 1...% with Double Bidea. - 1 do. 3 Y.til of Stade and Sleeve Batten,. .. I,l lt variety_ . _ .-. 31 do. 811 =ls of Studs and"Bleava . Hattona. - Car- I Car boucle, Enamelled. Ito— ...----- 1 do.. 4 ise Chatelaia Chains— —_. 3 do. I - tate Veer Caairos.------ 2 do. 4 .7;',.. t do. - ---. 1 do. 4 "' Pin 43• ---------- /1 do. I ' 4 S 5 . . ~,;., .leave Buttons, 500 to tunnel pnoe 81.60 to id„ ft... do. ado to do. .1.80 _to x",1 1. -n_ , raga god Penei , Tooth Plots, watch ks ,:c CI don, Ohm Prue, Grow% tr.o.dc.o. v ar ,....a_email lot of: E GOLD tab vz 6, o io_aa. which Bell at equally low mince. ULt ed ° B by Mall or express to all Virtu of the .te4 and Canada free of colt. WM. S. INFUSTIN. Agent, 432 CHESTNUT Street. FINE WATCH REPAIRING. PERSONS RAVING FINE WATCHES timt live hitherto eiven r.o satiscustion to the I"rv , are invited to brine them to OUT store, lawn: ~.,4 e f!'e eau be remedied thoroughly skilful qud i iirm't workmen and the mato* werrauted to give „re renoteenon.' ...'"attl Cloaks Muzioal Boxes, &a., carefully tint in -trine order. PARR & BROTRE/t, ojwatattes. bleunasl Boxes, Mehl. &I I . t itoe i rte. nEVSTKUT Atreet. below . on FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS. AUSTIN BROWN. IPROLESALE DEALER IN F LOOR 011,-CLOTHS. antes nook by three times in Philadelphia , ' MIIe.PRI°BE LOW. 114 Nom TIMID VERNE% MP min.) „_----,..-___. ' 4NL IA - PNEUMONIA, OR OATTLI. EP IDEMIC. RtIRE EMI RATTLE slttf,4‘ AZ ATTLE DIS rpatilhiLremsdr for this amass hmi In 142 ,t 0 Dr, H. CLOY , leo. 407 street, or. " 4 ” Mee. medicines for sit Itinde l Vdiseasee C e fu-- e _ W ARRANTED, OR M§NEEt latirainis Kt vr C I ? , ; ol.lltAxerED, OS. At NE ' A KR.A.NTD, OR M NE REFUNDE . I;rUUCITED.OO. MOM BEFUAD . .1 W 3., ... . . - . . . . _. Ve ta i r t - STONE.B, iiRAVA-STONIAL— =en to t• My stock of Erreve el tt r tt very reduced on -4°ll Plauyo ula t aytpuya. • nrehanut elsworhare s at hi W itta A 111 11111 - 1 ' Lim Am , * wow g ..... ... . - .. . , . • ' . . . a ' , . .. . ... , . . • . . ' • . . . • .: ..- ... ' 1. '.1••• DT, . . . - ‘‘‘ 1 1 , 4 6 .- ..........,..... .... 030.: 1;4/Zeitr..5. .i .7 5,"_„: 7,... i . " „.. ,i. , 11. 7. •- •:::1.. : 2 : 4.: : :., 1, 1 : 1 : 11 .I1 1;1 :" • ::: a i T ,• ~,' Ebi- ::1 , ...' • 1 . ': 1: _• -k : .•'. . 7 •.:a7,z , • -. , '.: L • '. -• !. . .. • ~.,?... .....„. -- " i...,.- ~.-:,- ... 7 ..::: .o . _ • 4 11, - s i r.m' - 7- , : ..w --:<:-.:.- '':§ l .".- ---.... ' - - . .11-' ;.si. -: -. 0 11 • - '..)•,; • -tr ' 4 ' . -.,-, • I e„......, . 1 .•.. ..'......;!.. ".•.'•.-- f'-' -li ' . .. . . . ./ • t (%\''''..-..--...-"' •- . I Je • . _ , ' ' • ~..• . . .._____ • • _ , ---,-„____.---.....-,,- .._ rodattr,„.._, •. . . .. it a _ -.l= -- ___ -- , - - •-'- - N-1.2,-Arroi, -----:-. -::- 4.:,.; -. ...-..,-.= ---- -... -.....„ r _ . . ---... . . /7. . , ~.... ...,..„04.:10, . . . . . ..... . . - . , ~.......i................. : I . :.-."- . . . : . . ........-.. --- ... -.......-_.-- - - .. , .. _.,....._. . . . , mo N „ . . . TWO -NO, 250. PHILADELPHIA: DAY MAY 2O * 1861. . . . _ VOL. 4. DRY.OOODII JOBBERS. JOSHUA L. BALY, NO. 1113 MARKET STREET, Invites the entail attention of CASH BUYERS TO HIS CHOIOII 8100 K OP FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, COMPRISING ONE OF THE BEST ASSORTMENTS . OF FRESH GOODS IN THE PHILADELPHIA MARKET. solf-tf CHAFFEES„STOUT& Co' Ile. In MARKET lIIIIERIG JOBBION IN FORM= AND DOMENTIO DRY GOODS. Oar Mask bolas FIMK MID COMPLETE, Wears esablot to offer extra tothustaeate Is GM AND PROMPT-PAYING MBIORANIS. Sir Snook kept up throughout the reason, ant mei* •ttentton given, to orders, ahlit-Ste SPRING OPENING Or CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, YESTINGS, LADIES' °LOA RIKGrS 1 , And all foods suited to . ISBN AND BOYS' WEAR, WHOLINALE AND INDAII" AT O. SOMERS & SON'S, Ann OECOSTNUT area. under JAY/0315 HALE, ruke-drn SPRII4O. 1861 J.T. WAY & (XL NG. go nom ilium swizz% ImposTass env roassue fsc by os DRY GOODS. 01M, !MOM 1 11111111 VALLY LARGE 41:ND for Sm ODIEMETE. 1861. DALE, ROSS. & 00.„ &Ara DALE. ROBS. WITHERS. NO. 521 MARKET STREET, Hare now open thew full SPRING IMPORTATIONS or SILKS .err FANCY DRESS GOODS. TM Attention of CASH BUYERS is suseudir in Tiled. SPRING. 1863. WHETS, AHEM, BE MCVEIGH, HIPOIXBILB AID JOBBER!! . A.. MAEETETBEET, Abair_ ritnaarnincia. VairettaVeigh, John I.wSmlir, Aetna Binpn. • 1444's COMMISSION ROUSES. A . & W. SPRAGUES' PRINTS. UNION PRINTS. no - yr, SPRAGUES & NO. 235 CHESTNUT &TRENT. 'WELLING. COFFIN. & Co., N•. 116 CHESTNUT STREET, MHENTO TOR THE BALE UP DUNNELL MFG. OM'S PRINTS AND LAWN. ♦*.DENS IifFEL QOM 'STRUM ItliD AND STAPLE PRINT& Fine Bleached Cotton*. irONSDALE , ROPE. BLACK STONE. at.ATRIUS VILLE. JAMESTOWN: RED BANE. DERENE. MON. AND BELVIDEIE. Brown Cottons. =EAR ALUM, gm HOPE. FILEDOZGAII. BT ?RICK, OHIO. GROTON. VIRGINIA FAMILY AND MECHANICS' AND FARMER". OSATTON, SLATEMMILLE, AND JEWBTT CITY DE1N110; AND STRIPES. LONSDALE CO.'S NANKEENS AND SILESIA& GLASGOW CORSET 'WM BOTTOBILEY'S BLACK AND GLENHAE CO.'S FANCY MIXED CLOTHS. STEARNS 'AND DAXTOWS KNEE OASIDENDER GRESTIFDSLD 00.'5 BLACK DOELGELNIL !LOWMAN'S FINE JEANS, DOUBLE AND TWISTED CAMIDIRRIM NEGRO CLOTHS. &v. MINOT; DABS RIVER. CRYSTAL annvesems- SIWILB, BRIDGEWATER, AND BRISTOL SATINET& teas-13 SHIPLIY, HAZARD, do HUTCHINSON, MO. 112 CREITNUT ET., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOR TER SALE OF PHILADRT,PHIA-MADE GOODS. SEWING MACHINES. WABELIER & WILSON "SEWING 'MACHINES. MOAB RICIMOND, • rkerriasinillrs, 11160. ,est.3m ssK CIESIENUT Street. &mon& Poor. TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES. DO Toll WART WiIiSICERST DO YOU WADI? WKIBUCIUI DO YOU WANT • MOVIITACILE? DO YOU WANT A MOUNIAOND BELLINGHAM'S- OBLEBBATED STIPULATING ONGUENT, YOH THE WHISHRIS ♦ND HAIR The mbeoribere take pleasure in aanouneing to the MUM" of the United States that they have obtained the Agency for, and are now enabled to ores to the American public; the above jutly-oeletrrated and world-renowned article. THE STIMULATING OtIODENT IN prepared by Dr. C. Y. DELLUf GRAM. an eminent phymeian of Loudon. and is warreated to bring *et a Wok let of •••:- OX A MOUOTACIXE In from three to ex weeks. This !Miele is the Ws moor the bad used by the Frenah, and in London and Yana it in insinuates]. use. Is beautiful. economieal , soothing. yet stimula tins saws air if by motto noon the root. 641154 a beautiful growth of iunnerat hair if mi sied to the seam will cam baldness , Spring up in the sumo of the bald OM a fine gtowth of new hair. Applied acoordine to directions, it will tarn Biro or yowl hair Den. and restore gray hair ro its c r i guis hooler„ leavin g it soft, smooth, and limbic c " ONGUElST”zsenindispensabiearticlein evert gonieninn's todat, sad, after one weeCelieo they would nnoo T ~ h ration. be without it, • intur a asibikrs ill are the WY *MO for the *mole in the United States, to whom. all °Mammas% be ad , , Thee one dollar who% ; forati l ikti n thusswitr i t peakats or „ r ya... 4 ,. p,„ Ld " War r r eeve the dear • rot. sent to any w o ewe It,by mad, direct. agoorely ono ,on Motet of 'nee and postage, SU& Apply m , or "drew' NOILI.OB L. AMMAN Otto.. . Druggist.. Ac , • se WILLIAM. Street, New York. DYOT7 & Clt.. No. 939 Noah SECOND Street, rid ededetita Agents. rottri-lho 1 - 104 1 1P0 47 4 1 0 2 44. 1 1 , *;./tl:* ul "J r raislaiimitiChen iiivq4 #olthjagth VIM ALLinti =Wein , M. emnrcoot ,!IX.V.ILLP era Cli:etres to dirt* the Etlo4lo. pieprin WINOMIS TailaaratWir .04011,40 . 1. 0;101},Ilt diners to ri to win* it a Fik,6.-ftsim ' ' Op RETAIL DRY GOODS. EYRE & LANDELL, EYRE & LANDELL, EYRE & LANDELL. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, FOURTH AND ARCH, FOURTH AND Anits FOURTH AND ARUN, Will open to-dew FASUIONABIaK BOUQUET rIGURED FIRST QUALITY MOZAMBIQUE. The whole lot will be sold at DK Gents ver yard, at retail. JOB LOTS OP BAREGES, 12* cents. RICH FIGURED BAREGES, 25 poets SUMMER SILKS, Reduced. TOURISTS' NEW GOODS. STEEL SKIRTS, Only the Beet. MOHAIR, MITTS, First Quit My. HOSIERY, GLOVES, VEILS, dm, &o. myterwtriout-et RHIRP.ARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & AR. " 1008 CHESTNUT ST., Invite the attention of purchasers to their rinnendir has and welbsolooted stook of LINEN AND HOUSE-FURNISHING DRY GOODS, CURTAINS AND ` CURTAIN MATERIALS, HOSIERY, EMBROIDERIES, CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, ETC., ETC., irtaoh, haulm been imported under the old tariff, can be sold much below the present market rate. They beg leave oleo to inform Oleo- onatorners and ablio E anerally that then grill from the data DIsDUCT IV li YER OeN C. on all Roods bought of them and paid for on deLverr. mye•lm ISEAC,K STT ;IC COATS. GORED MANTLE& POPLIN DUSTERS. FRENCH nouns. SIGH RAMIDINES. NEWEST DEMONS. READY MADE. OR MADE TO ORDER. COOPER & CONAREP, m7ll-t26 S. B. oorner NINTH and MARK RT. 114 BYt OLOAK AND MANTILLA STORE, No. 29 SOUTH NINTH WREST, FIRST DOOR:AI3OVEMIMI'. The finest quantum!, the newest designs. the very beet work. and reasonable prices. Kr THE IJAROBBT AND BUT STOCK IN TEE CITY. NOTICE ! We beg to Inform pos publia that we do business on our own account, and neither envy the auooeuut nor fear the rivalry, of any other parties in the trade. We pay trash for all we lily, and sell `• for the benefit of" TRH PROPRIETOR. myld-et R.IIARPLIIBB BROTHERS Kg Offer the rirneirder Of then during Waal Rows. And all Molliler Faller Ooqda. At a, rednotum of 25' to 33 per cent. The stook is still well assorted. Barone Robes formerly at 512. now U. Fanny bilks from 31 26 to 75 cents. Foulards. Plain Silks. slack silks. trrgandles. i.swos. Chintzes, 5111 k and Wool Gray Travallariell. Reduned from $1 to 10 and 33 Poplins and Silt Cirensdniea. CRESTNUt and BMW= street'. CONTINUATION OF IRE GREAT SALE CLOAKS, LACES, TRIMMINGS, &0., Inliquidation of the Estate of J. W. PROCTOR '& CO.* NO. 708 CHEISTNUT STREET* The Stock consults of SPRING CLOAKS, ENGLISH TWEED CLOAKS, SILK CLOAKS AND SMIQUES, BILK MANTILLAS, - MANILILLAI, LACE ELOIJNOMOS, FRENCH LACE MANTILLAS, wro 17.--1111:011- ASPICS! LACE NoUNNOUS, TRAVELLING EICITt 4 , FLOUNCING LACES, DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS, &e., All in immense Tariety , end to be seM at about one half the usual imam for the benefit of °redden. PARIS MAI4TIL.LA EMPORIUM. m7B-Im 708 CHEBI%, UT Street. NEW MANTILLA STORE The most splendid SILK MANTLES in the °its. HOUGH & co., 23 'OUTS. SMITH STRBEIN auto im SILK MANTILLAS, In every new style, the richest qualities ever seen, at the elegant New Store. 90 SOUTH TE;PITII STREET, HOUGH de CO. apso-lm RPECIAL liOTluE I NJ On and after this date TRORIIIISY It Milani will offer EVERY POSSIBLE INDUCEMENT TO CASH PURCHASERS OF DRY ROODS: Bemistletormined lo reduce their Stock they will giros Good Bargains !! Beautiful Fancy Silks for 71 cents, worth 111.12 Heavy Bach Fan ff Silks for 111, well worth 4,141 g. Grenadine and Barone Goods, about one half their value. Gray Mixed Goode, in every variety, from 8 emits per Yard to 40 Dents. fIudORSILICS, RIORAND . LUSTROUS, VERY CHEAP Neat Black Brocade Silks, double Owed, k.o. lka De Lainee, Cidioces. Cassimeres, Cloths, Vesting, deo. - Linens. Moulins, Flannels. _Crulta. Covers. Roo &a. 'BRAWL AMP CLOAK - ROOM EXHIBITION. French Laos Mantles. gu Ponape. Shawls, knower. DamOria Laos Mantle,. Cheni l le Lase (Mods, ite, Black B il k Coate kftmtlee, ar 0., in eve m ry atria. At HORMi s. H. B. Cam MOM & B & REINOGARDRN Ms. ntrt-tf 4 A POLKA SPOT FRKNOLT. LAWNS, ."2 for sate at 123 i Gents. Run Grounds!kWh" Polka Eliot'. Mode Grounds white Polka Piped& These are first quality French. 1sYl& LAN DELL. mlld FOUR, fl and ARGIL 5() POS. rfteNcn BAREGES, for sale this morning. 1234 oents. Press Goods. masked down. Gray Goode, marked down. . Inozambitmes, marked down to 1854. oents BYRE; /c. LatiEfit, FOURTH and ARCH. D BLACK SILKS, of ALL WIIIPE IO4 . fairprima. Fine Grades of Bleak Bilker. Wide Black Silks, for Costs Bleak bilks, warranted durable. BYI/ LANDELG. FObliall axed ARCH. APORTANT NOTICE TO DRY-GOODS CONSUMERS.—Owing to the unsottled state of the °many. and =he entire distrransenient of the oottimer olai world, we ' have determined to Mose out our stook.' and win o ffer EXTRA INDUCEMENTS TO PURCHASERS to effect rapid sales. our goods have all been reduced maim:lower than if a DISCOUNT WI3RE TAREbLOPIP AFTER THE ---- -- It embrsoes a variety of Dry Goode stilted to the maids of Families. and,. being maimed PrineiPal for cash, rare ossortunitiee are offered. • CRaß..v.ei &DANIA 8r8021.• • MONTH vied AROWStieete. LACE MANTLFS. BOUNNOTIN, AND PICCOLOWOEB.—A Wee stook, to be &wad out below the poet or importation. CH MOH aD AMR & SON, 81011111 and ARCH Sweets. fIENTb' ANP BOIS' WEAR., —LAtiGE, tun' einenially cheap stook Of. blesee and Boys' seasonable !OEM eatgeotai attention devoted to Cloths, Ceeemeree, Vesting" and to goods for Boys. nee. CObrisa cso,NAm._ 11. E. tier. ROOTH sad WANT* BLACK DRESS GOODS —BARGAINS.— Meat Wool Detainee, 3$ and 33 mate. Black Wool Delmore. 46 end tO cents. Btsck liaregos, la, 23. 4.nd ¢& Back Crape blaretz, 3$ oents.l Back silks, Alpacas, Bombazines, Morinoes. Lsok Figured lielames 1 •sintet and Chintzes. CUU)'ER d:bCPC4AS.Ih_ $. E. Corner . NINTH and MARXIST. rILOASS AND MANTILLAS.— OAII• , L.O 'Mrs.—Ladies are cannoned against the nefari ous statements of person' formerly in our employ, and now in- the emploi of other partial, who represent themselves " to be connected" with us. and th.blistnentii to be hranehes' of the Pans Man t illa Mesporim: ." Su di statements an simply urrrairme, sis 4 to wears and cheat tits snauspetting. We hare no other store than the ooe vre have mem pied those six years, at TOG CuEriTtilit' Street. .I. W. PROOTOR & CO., Paris Mantilla nmparinm. BARE( ZEI.— Rion Planned B.w /wee, 10. U. sad Ueents. Binge Robes,B3 so. s 4. and SO. Mozambique Hones. at 615. Travelling Dress Goods Sheshards' Plaids, Mohair Plaids, Gingharns, Lawns. "nuts. Mollies, Groh Figured Good. • HOOPKR & •GONAPD. R. H. Corn.r NINTH and MARKET. N. H.—Beat Hoop Skirts, 94 cents to. 8226. ntyll c• ° An PER CEfl T. UNDER OOST PRICEP.— SAVE TIME AND MONEY. Yovinnii am do both, by going at once and buying thou Dry Goods of S. STEEL It SON No. 713 North TENTH. show" neaten, Who have a lar a and well-saint-d stook of NEW AND bEsth ABLE OOODS, whrah they ate now CE NT. plt ot at THIRTY P,ER UNDER COST. rah and bless. Bieck 900. Great Bandit. In eood Meek' bilk& let uf Poniard Nino. from PM to attlio, pen L rla h y ll hoode for Travelling Drones. i s ii e Gray Poplins. at 100. worth :QP.KPIALL NOTICE.—A RARE 011/INOE 1 14, FOR BAREMINSI THE ENTIRE: STooK. To .ot . obotlik.)) OUT ! ...tie 00,010,ter.itomeesttledetsr of the country. and depression ra to. mercantile-fie i am determined to elm out my stook mthm below* * r D t ress of imapooodArrafsolios, w troa rb til:d . ro c z eu ent d a i w w ilLtr d ol n e vi re4 Ole Visiting Da to ozotolin, 1, fig* Imottrod b....,..h.„,,,,,....,..t.„,,. , , .4.6.,..., MEDICINAL. fl .r. lAMI3OLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION. RELMROLDN-NELMBOLUTf-RELMOOLD% RELMBOWS-FIRIAIBOLWB-RELMIOL n % 111.MBOLIPS-FElnlArd-HUNNOWs IKLIVI obIy.—FIELM 11 2 8-11 KI,M_BOL WS HBLMBOWS-UEVA 0408-:VELMBOLD% 5 4 KumirIPS-fivLA OWS-MILMBOWIN REIM WAW-RIELA gLOga-HELMBOLD ,B RKLM DT-HELM oLDT-HgI,MHODT BELmunLas-RBIA OLD%-libbMßoulea BKLABOLIvo-HlPLAsucomvs-HELMWLWEI HELM got, ovs_g EL m r LD,• --B Immvoure...HELM IadOSHEI, gUta gRLPABut-..n ieLM• 01 ONLAEL ROL TIEWWWB-11ELMBOLD 9 8-RELMBOLIPS HIMMUOLDT-HELMBOLIVE-HELmBOLD% TI I I f l ail ..- qt. OT 1 1 114 r TuAOT nu r TRACT' (Ilium I TRAMP BUN i 14Ergn :. vRAux opin i fRACTILV ,Ndif h. a y , • uegt -Ets . TRACT UOMI T GREAT EMETIC TUE GREAT DIRE rIC. 11E .01VAT ATI? 'a BTIC. _THE lii-g EAT nil RE.Tte. !;_lll GREAT IPIIREIIe. ':_'H GREAT DIHgETIC. — H HEBILT Pat. Wili. f.ll URBAN I) IMETTO, HE GREAT GIi.RTF : Ng @BAAT rRIST . I•-• HERAT IIIKET O. RE GREAT TURItTIC. FIE GREAT lURET(C, 1 A A P R I :FP; ANDS , SPECIFIC A- —.l. An , IF a ..crp - rc A OS T TI NE SANDS EC T A OE TYE AS ECIE C A' °SIT V- ANt S ECIP 0 A oSITIVE AN S ECIFIC A OS TUE AN SPECIFIC A OS TITE AN" Epkeelp , c A PO - ITF AND SPECIFIC A PORI E AND SPECIFIC. 4 POSiT PE AND SPECIFIC A POSITIVE AND SPE C IF I C A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC POE DISEASES OF THE BLADDE'R. KEDNEYR, GRAVEL, DROPET. BLA DnKIDNEYS, GRAVEL. DhOPSY. BLADDER, KIDNEYS. GRAvET., DR or. BLADDER. lI..NEYS oRAVEL.DR °PAY BLADDER, KIDNEYS. ORAu EL, DROPSY:. BLADDER. JUDNEYg. GRAVEL, DROPSY, BLADDER. Is IDNEYS. GRAVEL, DROPSY, BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY. BLADDER, RION , . ye, IthArEL, DROPSY, BLADDER, KlllivEYs. GRAVEL. DicnPSV, BLADDER. RIIPNF VS. GRAVEL, .DROPSY BLADDER, ErDNrs, GRAVEL, DRnp BLAD RION VS, GRAVEL, DROPSY. BLADDER, KIDNEYS. GRA VrL, AD ROPSY„ BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, .:..,..oFinroemeaJbaaohnoNyidiedOweffriatriPlyalin,a be e nsi3l essat studied. u t d i t i hi n T h , 8 A ir . d te e w trett iu t icou ," , e,,, , ha v i ii. e a rze t iv o ed f t t h w ese, o books , ja b s: p il ub r l . i p eh a edl tna b u y l l3- kiht ; P. ', Putnam, New York. - - - - i. Calf; if "Ten Years of the World's Progrese," - ,8 1. supplement to the work so-called, and brings upl 3 l'.- an immense quantity of facts and statistics , rola-, ~1. , .-ting to the annals of nations and the progress of 'l' ; Art, Science, and Literatures from 1850 to „the present time. It reourde Mr. Lincoln's inaugura .tion in this country, anti en event so recent as the fall of Geeta inEarope. There is a great amount t - of interesting and valuable matter here, and clot , - fi. .. *melee occur. For example, Ninon de L'Rnelos.' ..- who actually died in her ninetieth year, (1615 1705,) is here Rut down as dying in 1785, which ; :t - Moxdd make her 170 years old. A little research, ' `RISING F r , . a - i a would have supplied such accessible dates Sg: A .. 1 8 nve' Om .., .., • laku.of the death of George Steinke/own, :the: -7 -- ---1 , ___. ''• ' ''''...hin son Rot Hirt y ea born end 14 Pr" ' t 1 ' 01 '' 7 died. fi e - 118te-rift'etibtritt,--ishoseld balre:, AR tsi NG fRO Aittgi let; ' , KIM -been brought down, like the rest of the book, to the ARRail Flirt istls to-rit P relent. The, Verrone of the United State., is that of A RJR ti 'FROM 1850, and not of 1880 The anthracite oat trade is ARISING re AgrI B ING Esti given only as late as 1854; the Pennsylvania pro AR BING nu duotion comes not later than 1849; the New York AR LNG F M price of coal only to 1854. Again, our coinage returns are those of 1854; the commerce of the United States is not here reported beyond 1854. emigration statistics end in 1851; our territorial inertias. since 1783 -ends in 1855; our national finances are 'reported not farther than the autumn of 1854; our expenditures and receipts include no later year than 1855; our public debt is not re ported beyond July, 1854; and so with our Post Office; shipping, Ai. The list of reigning Bove reigsa of Europe inoludee Oscar of Sweden, Frede rick William IT. of Prussia, and Ferdinand 11. of the Iwo fileilies—al lof whom are dead. The fact is, the Appendix is several years later with its information than the Addenda. It would be easy enough to 11 post up'? the Appendix, constituting lees than a fifth of the volume, to the year 1801, and, this done, the work will be as good a book of reference as any ate need , desire to have by him. "Raloolah; an Autobiography of Jonathan 80. mer," first published in 1849, ran into a fourth edition in fent months—a pretty signifteent proof of its popularity. It wee written by Dr. William Starbuok Mayo, and belongs to the " Type*" Mass, though written before " Typee" appeared " Ea loolah" is a dusky African princess, who becomes the wife of Jonathan Romer - -a Yankee first cousin of Lemuel Gulliver, Robinson Grime, and numerous other travellers who have exhibited great dexterity in drawing a long bow. The scene is chiefly In Africa (its moonAnscoe originally was "Journey ings to the Djebel Kuseri”), where the hero, who le eupposed to relate his own story, meets with many marvellous adventures, and ultimately reaches, the marvellous city of Killoam—to be found only in the same map with Liliput,Etefusau. Brobdinguag, Impute, and the country of the Rouyinibiams. It is one of the best modern works of purely imsginative adventure, and has been got up, with tintlitozne Printhig and tinted.laid paper' with Mr.-Putnam's well-known,,taste. Charles DireilVer l B tWenti five Cents colored mi litary_map of the Upited.fitaten, including extended maps of Virginia, Marylatid,Artnapolis, and Wash ington, is at once saturate, full, and low-priced. The location of the military posts, arsenals, bar racks, batteries, navy yards, railroads, die., in the United States, is given here. This map will be found very - useful -' AN§ALL DISEASES AN ALL 11S.EASDS AN ALL /SEASSS AN ALL !MIS ES AV. •I.L .0 SRASPS AN ALL DIS‘A•ES AN ALL DISEASE S AND ALL DISEAS S AND ALL DrSEAS S ANDAN .LL DISE,ciSES ALL DISNASDS t ALL DIASN'S AN ALL . DIS D ISE ASES AN ALL D ISEASES rPURITIEB OF TRE .01.0 1 101, &a. MtURITUKS OF TEE_ DiOoD &a. M t y RITIFB OF THE BLOOD. &a. 1 1 4 RIVES OF Ton HLO().. &a. IM P LAI TT -.8 OF THE - 1000. &o. na itURITIES OF IHE D oon. &o. IMPDBITPM OF THE•H 0 1 PD, ao. IMFURITIEB-OF THE BLOOD, ko. IMPORT - raga 0F THE .10,00% - km rpußl rigs OF THE BLISOO, &a._ M PI/RIVES OF F . THE -BLOOD. &a. MPORI I EO 41 THE F O Ol. &a. IMPURITIES 0 THE LO , . &e. IMPURITIES 0 THE LOO , &o: lfdP BriTEKOF THE BLOO.a, &a. NERVOUS DfiIEASES, CONSUMPTION. EPILEPTIC FIT& thuvetsal Lassitude of the Alumslar 617 stem, DIMNESS OF vista(, INSANITY, PALLID COUNTENANCE, SOUR STOWAtM. lIREABOLDB WiTIULOT NO FAMILY SHOULD BB WITHOUT IT. NO FAMILY SHOULD B WITHOUT IT Mood acoordius to PELSRMACY AND CHEMISTRY _; PRZSCIIUDID •ND ITSED ISY The most eminent .Phisiesens ; endorsed sad- ?seem mended by distinguished :Clergymen. oogetwom of Matta, Judge'. ShisTress, and ell who umi It—every whers--eviesnoe of the moat :reliable abdreepaesible (Mimeses open far intaiotloa. IT 18 NO PATENT NOSTRUM. It it adtartistd liberally.and its basis is merit; and depending upon that. wearer our worm don to the Maimed and earents; Ilcuaattity with satire oanfidesee. TRH PROPERTIES OF THE DIOSMA ORENATA . . twos . . Were known as far back 24 undredyearusand iM siromiaoskthe allowkjat, PhynestradtPl a 7pl te apokrti of to the highest' tenni IST :tips sinet wawa authors of the Present and • anotent date, woad when wt Ibe found Shakespeare. Byron, and others. From this , fact it hits proved eminently. suetesiful in those, symptoms of a nervous temperament, arising from sedentary, habits and protracted application to butinsm. literary imninits, and confinement frown the °pm air, and is taken by AINN,WC)IIfEN, AND CNILDREN. NELPSBOLTITI EXTRACT BUCRU Is Vesmlnt tta taste and odor. Ind unitiedists in its nation, and Ira . frank ail litinrican Properttea. Cunt at Little known". • LITTLE OR NO CHANGE IN DIET. LITTLE OR NO ORANGE IN DIET. If ran are suffering. sand or MU for Ski remedy it ono°. Eipboit (Breams aceompany. tribe ONE DOLLAR per bottle, or Mx for FIVE DOIILAIIB. de livered to any name, initial, hotel, post, express aloe, or store. TRY ONE BOTTLE. TRY ONE DOME. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE : PREPARATION& HELMBOLD'S GRNUINE PREPARATIONS. EXTRACT RUCH U, EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, PHYSICIANS, PLEASE ZIOTIbE I We make no 'caret of bigiedienti. The Compound Hoehn is oompised of Boohoo, Clibebs, Mid Juniper" Berries, seemed bra oompetent Druggist, and are of the best ausUtr• PKEPARED, Za Vacoro, H. :'T. HEEMBOLD„- PRACTICAL. AND ANALYTICAL CHEMIST SOLD AT HELMB9LO'E MEDICAL DEPOT. NO. 104 ROOTH TRNTH - STRZET, BELOW CHESTNUT. Where all Letters meet be &dammed. BB WARS OF COUNTERFEITS. ASK. FOR " HELMOOLD' A" TARE NO. OTHER. ftonse—Tiepot NO. 104 South Tenth street. Send, eau, OT WITS at ono°. The medicine, adapted to each and every ease WILL B 6 PAEPAILED, mammary, en; titling the patient to the tonefit of add and a mooed,* and permanent care. THE END SO MOW DIESIM.P. LYS Pairisit t 1 4 t 5 • MAY, MAY gO. 1861. The . ktMon to the British Parliament, from Irelackle favor of the Repeal of the Union, has biffe . l signed by 000,000 able-bodied Men. Thisl74 - ,' significant, and Lord Palmerston mai'th . ably think it even alarming. The _pet' 7 .,i , rd ' do: net ask Inc national - lade tiPen ee, do not solicit the .nomination of the P4PII who is to - rale them, but simply pray t r t .t, Ireland may once more have a La gislatn tofhOT Onn. Nor does there seem to be anit*ing very much out of the way in this. That tile Irish Parliament, abolished in 1800, wee. , * k, inefficient, and corrupt, is no rea son i were it reorganized, it should again be so d i e contrary;to say nothing of the - T • • t is alterelor tin on of the times—including the' abolitrbAn K knomlnation-boroughs in Ire- land 4 ni v ie*Misslnie of - the Past . would be a l beacAritL A rY'ol - tK?., There is no reason for I believt,°f this e it Y* - -