THE AFFRAY AT ST. LOUIS. A SECEf3SION ACCOUNT The St Louis R.spubie sell of Satu!day, a paper wilt" leauints are oa the fade of Governor Jeok• smooktdeiSteessionNs, brings us amounts of cite oordhdt between the mob of that city and the United States troops, on Friday night. We pub- lish the details : Unnsnal, and. to some extent, alarming. nativity prevailed early yesterday morning at each ren deft#Ctie-Of the Home Guard" and in the vi cinity of the &ramie The men recently provided witn arms from the arsenal, to, the number of seve ral theca:lnds, were ordexed,. we understand, to be o at their different poet 3 at 12 'clock. in readiness to march as they might be commanded. A report g i gnid sown eurreaoy that Oen. Barney was ex Footed on the afternoon train, and that the tronpa were to cross the river to receive him and escort him to the city-. Very little reliance, however, was placed in this explanation of the military movements, and at about 2 o'clock P. M., the whole town became greatly agitated upon the °insulation of the Intelligence that some live or six thousand in•b. 1 111 , 101 1 ..erohirig Yip-Market Spear, under arms, in the direction of Camp Jeotson. The news proved to be correct, except an to the numbers, and in this case the report rather underestimated the extent of the fore*. According to our best in ionisation there were probably not,lees than seven thousand men tinder Capt Lyon, (coturoanding the United States troops at this poet), with abent twen- ty View of artillery. ortio,troops, as stated above, marched at quick Bind tip Market street, and on arriving near Vamp JeeitlOn. rapidly surrounded it, planting batteries upon - all the heights overlooking the oatup. Long Hies of men were stationed in platoons at. various points on every side, and a pioket guard establish ed covering an area of say two hundred yards. The guards, with fixed bayonets and muskets at half-cook, were instructed to allow none to pass or repau within the limits thus taken up. By this time an immense crowd of people had assembled in the vicinity, having gone thither in oarriagea, buggies, rail oars, baggage wagons, ~on berseb.osk, and on foot. Numbers of men sei zed rifles, shot-guns, or whatever other weapons they could lay hands upon, and rushed pell-mell to the aulirtattost of the State troops, Wit were, of course, obstruated in their design. The lilts, of which there are a number in the neighborhood, were lit erally black with people—hundreds of ladies and children stationing themselves with the throng, but, as they' thought, out of harm's way. Gen. Frost, oommandlog Camp Jackson, received the intelligence of the advance of the arsenal troops with equanimity, but with some . astonish mint. iii bad heard. reporta that it woe the de sign of Capt. Lyon to attack his camp, but was not at first disposed" to" pliee credence in them. So rigidly did these rumors come to him, however, that. yesterday morning he addressed Capt. L. note,'Of which the following is a copy: HBADQUARTSR2S, Carr JACKSON, / Mrsseelet Mitatra, May 10. 1881. Captain N Lyon Commanding United States Troops in and atout St Louis Arsenal : Sin : I am. oonstan ly in receipt of information that, you contemplate an attack upon my camp, whilst underatand that you are impressed with the tat& that an atteek upon the arsenal and Coiled States troops is intended on the part of the milithiof Missouri. lam greatly at a loss to knOir what could justify you in attacking citizens of the United States who are in the lawful performance of deti4 devolving upon them under the Constitu tion. iR organising and inStruotiog the militia of the State, in obedience to her laws, and therefore have been disposed to doubt the correctness of the information i have received. I would be glad to know from you personally whether there is any truth in the statements that are constantly poured into my ears. So far as re gards any hostility being intended towards the Hotted Sates, or its property or representatives, by any portion of my command, or as far as I oan learn (and I think I am fully informed) of any other,part.of the State forces, I can say positively that theidea has never been entertained. Oa the o,otrary.-.ptier - to your taking command of the itesenl,l, I proffered to Major Bell, then in cont• mind'of the very few troops constituting its guard, the services of myself and all my command, and, If 1:100681117, the whole power of the State to pro. tectthif.flaited States In the possession of all her property Upon General Harney'a taking com• mend of this department, I made the same proffer of services to Min. and authorized his aajutant general, Captain Williams, to communicate the last that such had been done' to the War Depart- Mont': I have had no occasion lice° to change any of the views I entertained at that time. neither of my own volition, nor through orders of my constitutional commander. I'titat that after this explicit statement we may 1 Le able; ,by tally understanding each other, to keep far from our borders the misfortunes which soushapplly sfilieteur oomeion country . This communication will be handed to you by Col Bowen, my ehief of Staff; who will be able to explain anything not fully set forth in the fore- I am, air, Very respeorully, your obedient set:vent, B tgedier General D M FROST, Commanding Camp Jackson, M V. M. Adapt. L refused to- ruteive-the above cominuni cation. He forwarded, 'gen, _Frost the following, about the time, if we are not mistaken, of the sur rounding of his camp : • lIRADQUAIITIRS tartan STATICS TROOPS, 1 tIT Loins Mo., May 10 18n. Um. y.. 111. Frost, Corn mamsfsng Camp J ad:son: Sin : Your.eommand is regarded as evidently hostile towards the Government of the United States It le, for the most part, made up of those Seces sionism who have openly avowed their hostility to the General Government and have been plotting at the seizure of its property end the overthrow of its authority. You are °petty to communication with the so.ealled Southern Confederacy, which is now at war with the United States, and you are receiving at your camp, from the said Confederacy, end-nader its flag. large supplies of the material of war.moat of which is known to be the property of the United States. These extraordinary . prepara tions plainly indicate none other than 'the Well known purpostof the Governor of this State, under waaan-tordere yon.ase aoteag, and. whose purpose, rearftlyestntbitifildstate the Legislature, beefiest been responded to by that body in the most maps. ralleled legislation, having in direct view hostili flee to the General Government, and 00-operation with its enemies. In view of these considerations, and of your allure to disperse in obedience to the proolama• don of the President, and of the eminent necessi ties of State policy and welfare, and the oblige- Mona Imposed upon me by inttrnetior. Washie ton, it is m dute—t- - 1,11 1 . b , j tth no other conditioner than that all persons surrendering, under this demand, shall be humanely and kindly treated Believing myself prepared to enforce this demand, one half hoar's time, before doing so, will be allowed for your compliance therewith. Very respoatfully, Your obedient servant, N. Lvon. Capt. 2nd Infantry, Commanding Troops. Immediately on the receipt of the foregoing, bon. Ifrost,Oalied a hasty consultation of the offi cers of bls - staff. The conclusion arrived at was about as follows: The brigade wee in no condi tion to make resistance to a force so numerically superior. With but a few field pieces of small calibre, and with less than a dozen rounds of cart ridges for his command, a battle meet necessarily be of short duration, and of but one result—the total rout and defeat of the State troops. To have withstood an attack would have been sheer reek- leanness and cruelty to the men of Gen. Frost'a command. Ii short, the brigade was not, by any means, in a war condition. Gen. Frost stated. moreover, that- he had no war to wage non the United Btatea or its troops; that he was only act ing in cheerful obedience to the orders of his su perior officer, and in compliance with the laws of the 'Mete; that bo brid . antioipated no conflict. and would not willingly jeopardize the lives of his men in anything that might be construed into hostility to the United States Government. Only one course was to be pursued, end that was quickly agreed . noon—viz : a surrender. The 'demand of Captain Lyon was accordingly agreed to. Tee State troops were th erefore made prisoners of war, but an o ff er was made to release them on, condition that they would take an oath to rapport the Constitution ot the United States, and would swear not to take rep arms against the Qovernment. These terms wore made known to the several commands, and the oppor tunity given to all who might feel disposed to accede to them to do so. dome eight or ten men signified their willingness; but the remain der, about eight hundred, preferred, under the circumstances, to - beeemerprisoners (A number et the troops were absent from the camp In the city, on leave 1 Those who declined to take the prescribed oath, said that they bad already sworn allegiance to the United States and to defend the Government, and to repeat it now would be to admit that they had been in rebellion, which they would not concede. The preparations for the surrender and for marching, as prisoners, under the escort of the arsenal_ troops, 000ncied an bear or two. The brigider,wes theta formed In line, heeded by Gen. Freeland hie staff, on horseback, and, with onion flying_ And drums beisting,.marched through the wordsilitteg tee road np to an opening that bad been made in the fence near the turnpike Hero a halt was ordered fur some reason, and the ripper- Mu* wee forpreewl by a , large erowd of *malted of liens to drawlmar the tfficrere of the' staff, and salute them with cheers. The men• appeared de jested and rather sad, bat evidently-were not con saloon of having done anythieg.cowardly. One of the officers sehleved a volley of4eafening hones by riding eip to a fence and basking away at it with his sword, breaking and bending it so as to rencurriteintirely useless It was a very band , Some sword, ape jug $ll3O, and was areeent present from .mome cniht-ry friends. Ilins-example followed by others, auddstabouts of applibse. Ave the prisoners of war left the grerv_e and soutenxi the Riad, toe Crated States sof diere,:ezolusing them by a single file attracted a l on g rash aide ot the line A halt was ottleied, and - the -troops remained standing inthe position they had deployed unto the road in. The heed of the ac a t ime at the time vested opposite a smell hill an t : fsl as you approach the city, and the roar we e , v; l2 -p4M;e with the entrance to the grove Vast crowds of people coveted the surrounding grounds and every fence and house-tot in the vicinity . Soddenly the sharp reports of several fire arms were heard from the front of the column, anti the spectators that lined the adjacent bill were seen fleeing in the greatest dismay and terror. It ap peared that several members of one of the German by the errord end re ceiving some blows from them, turned and die charged their pieces. Fortin:lately, no one was in jmed, and the soldiers who had done the aetwere at once placed under arrest. Hardly, however, had tranquillity been motored, when valley after Tolley of rifle reports were sud denly beard from the extreme rear ranks, and men, women, and children were beheld running wildly and frantically away from the scene. Many, while tuning. 'were soddenly Crank to the m t . ..• we/nolo& sad dying made the late beautiful field lootilkanbettle ground. We went over th e grove immediately after the occurrence, and a more fearful and ghastly sight is seldom em u - Mee lay gasping in the agony of death, and s taining the green grass with their blood as it flowed from their wounds. Children of eight or tom jean of age were pale and motionless as if asleep tied.; the trees, and women cried in lean se they lay upon the ground. One, a girl of four. teen, presented a mournful pletnee, as she re. alined against it stamp, her face cold and white fennelhe midden Marl of death. illie;oannted fifteen dead persons, - and half wounded, around. The only bodies As x =: lying _ lest night were those of Walter Me. D owe ll, living on Elizabeth street, killed by a shot thsatemple - Emily Sommers, a girl of fourteen, ietwee ,,,,parezte live on Clary and Saventimista e in dif /VW, 4 1:_ Karen, residence on Sixth street, abort Illfailoll, and Nicholas Knobloch, as seal /apeman, were recognised 'amens the dead- A eon of Oaptain Andrew leenhower was killed by a gun shot in the chest A man named Carl, a Mn.s Me. Can l6and a mechanic qt the Paola° machine shop, Christian Lean, were 'recognized after being taken to the dead house. The wounded. who were unable to be moved, were suitably cared for on the groin& Mr. Cqtiborne Wilson Ma wounded in the thigh. the bail euterirg through his oust N A/it, s od f .roing a handkerchief with It into the body. Dr. Rople, living on Eleventh and Madison streets. was wounded in .the aide. Trueman Wright received two ball , in the hip. Frank _Dalian, living on Spruces street, between Sixth and Seventh, was wounded in the leg Denis Keliber rajared in the same manner Them were all the names that could be learned at the time, owing to the removal of the irjured by their friends Today the bodies of the dead will bo recognized and the names of the wounded ascertained. The -total number killed and irju a rsenal is about twenty five. It was reported that the rsenal troops were attacked with at and a couple of shots discharged at them by the crowd before they fired. Whether this be true or not, a more reckless act has never been committed than an alined' body of deeps disebarging those terrible instruments of war—Minnie rifles—among a crowd of defenceless spectators. The most of the people exposed to the fire of the soldiers, were defiant: with their wives and obit& ran, who were merely spectators, and took no part in any dernonstratidn whatever. The firing was said to have been done by Boernatein's company, and at the command of an officer. As night closed in and hid the ghastly horrors of the scene, a Ger man regiment took possession of the bloodstained camp and the tents of the State soldiers. By citi zen!! of St Louis, and especially those who have lost friends by the occurrence of yesterday, the events will not be easily , forgotten. The United States troops are now in possession of Camp Jaokaost, with all the equipage, tents. provisions, Ac. The prisoners of war are, we be lieve, at the arsenal. It is almost impossible to describe the intense exhibition of feeling which was manifested last evening in the otty. All the • moat frequented streets and avenues were thronged-'with .oitizena in the highest state of excitement, and loud hustas and occasional shots were beard in various localities. There was any -amount of harrying to and fro in hot haste, and everybody asked of his nearest neighbor on the sidewalk, " the news?"—" What does it all mean ?"—" Who was ?"—" Who was wounded ?" Se. No satisfactory answers contd have been given to ouch questions, even if the persons interrogated had had time or inclination to stop and talk. There was very little congregating on the street cor ners. Everybody was on the move; and rapid pe destrianism was turned into account. Thousands upon thousands of realm human beings could be seen from almost every point on Fourth street, all in search of the latest news. Imprecations, loud and long, were buried into the darkening air, and the most unanimous resentment was expressed 'on all sides at the manner of firing lute the harmless orowds at Fort Jackson. lion. J. It garret, Maj. Uriel Wright, and others addressed a large and intensely-excited orowd in front of the Plant ers' house, and other well known citizens were similarly engaged at various points in the oity. Amid the noise and confusion it was impossible to obtain even the substance of the speeches de livered. All the drinking saloons, restaurants, and other resort); of similar character, were closed by their proprietors almost simultaneously at dark; and the windows of private dwellings were fastened, in fear of a general riot. Theatres and other public places of amusement were entirely out of the ques tion, and nobody went near them Matters of graver import were occupying the minds of our citizens, and everything but the present excite ment was banished from their thoughts. Crowds of men rushed through the principal thoroughfares, besting banners and devioes suited to their several fauoies, and by turrarebeering and groaning. Some were armed and others were not armed, and all seemed anxious to be at work. A charge . wee made on the gun store of H. E. Dimick on Main street, rho door was broken open, and the orowd secured fifteen or twenty guns before a suffi cient number of police could be collected to arrest the proceedings. Chief MaDonough marched down with about twenty polioemen, armed with muskets, and succeeded in dispersing the mob and protecting the promisee from farther molestation Squads of armed policemen were stationed at seve ral of the most public corners and the °Mies of the Missouri Democrat and Anzeiger des ifrestens were planed under guard for protection. A great deal of excitement was exhibited in the neighborhood of the health office, where the bodies of some of the killed were brought. Others who were wounded and dying were also deposited there for whatever relief usuld be administered by sur gical aid. rullatu FALFBIA BOARD OF TEADAS. WM. C. BEERI I LK. NO. E. B. Avila , COMM= OF TEC Morn TIM. FE LETTER BAGS . At the Mere/tones' Eraohange, Philadelphia.' Ship Tuscarora, Danlevy won Snip Lizzie tialrorn. bldridga..........—...Liverpool, soon tittio Victoria. need. Prank) London. soon Ship Paragon, b owes Liverpool. noon Ship Calliope. soon Card r". Boar Ono J Jona, • uemorira, soon NAB.LNE INTELLIGF.DICE. PORT OF PkfIL&DRLFWA, May 14, IStil. mums Eas ____ __II 51 --a urt ern ..7 9 ARRIVED. Bohr 8 A Hammond, Paine. 5 days from Boston, with m •se to Twells & Co. ikhr Wm Cages, Matthews, from New York, with Indira to thatam. Bohr Ripple Edwin, 5 dare from New York, in ballast to Capi‘isa Sour P.iing Arrow. Carver, S days from Portland, with mdse to J Wagner. Rohr Thos Borden. Wrightington. S drive from Fall River. in ballast to Costner. Buckner & Wellington. erihr Elizabeth Headley. Bowen, S dare from rt York. with .oe to captain. Bohr Root, beaten, 2 days from Georgetown, Del, with grain to Jaa J Bea: k. Boor Alert. Champion. from Belem. Bohr Wm B Denote, Lake, from /Warn. Bohr J Frambes. Somers , from alem Rohr L, B Bailey. Robinson. from New York, Bohr J L Bess. Webb, from New York. Etchr C Golding. from New Y erk. Bohr 8 a Taror. Dukes. from Pmvidenoe. Behr Ottawa Van Gilder. from New Radford. rtchr El ze. Photo. Jones. from I. gg Harbor. Bohr J P C.A.. Endicott. from Egg Harbor. Bohr Efenry Brown. Perkins, from Haoteneack. Bohr Snow Flake. Dickinson. trom Boston. Bohr Eh Townsend, Williams. from Boston. CLESINE.D. Brie Samuel Small, Basket', Yrovidenoe, 13 A 2 °oder Pe. Behr Ocean Wave. Lookhart.ifidarax. do_ __, o _ Bohr E Phan). Joner.lo , ..•^.^' - '" "" pgiii,..—, oolding. Providence, L Andenried • t3oVr 3A Taylor. Dukes. Providence, Cm:tiler, Btiok- DEE & Wellington. Bohr omen°. Yap Udder. Providence, do Bohr /' Borden, Wrightington, Frill River. do Bohr L is Bailey, Williams. Datorenmort. Van Dueen. Norton & Co. Bohr .1 L Hem Webb. Naverhill. do Bahr Alert Champion. Boston. do Bohr J Cake. Endicott. Boston. do Bohr stn if Dennis. Lake. Boston, Noble, Bannoett k Caldwell Bohr Know Flake. Weaver. &beton, N Bturtevant&Co Bohr J B Austin. Davis. Boston. do Bohr Leesburg Swift. Beaton Cain, Hanker & Co. Rohr Knight. Bozo. Boeron.E IL Sawyer & Cu. Bohr .1 Frambes. dowers. Boston. J K White & Co. & C &lir Eli Townsend, Williams, Bolton, A Reokecher Bohr R Corson. Ludlam. Chelsea, J B Blikieton & Co. &Bahr W G Bartlett, Connally. Boston. do do • emir it Brown, Perkins, Baokeneaol., (Correspoodenoe or the rhiladelphin Exchange., taiwEn. Del., mar 13. The brig Froole, for New York. Game flown hot °wi ning and remained at harbor in company with the bark Tarbox. Wind 8 E. YOllll. &o. N. W. EILCKIDA.N. (Correspondonoe of the Press.) G. May 13. The foneorint boats front the REA unionD IN Canal. parsed into the Soberlktll Canal to-day, bound to Philadel phia-. viz E Weaver. Bastian k Bruner, and Win F Coorter, boards ti Henry Cr , akey; Bea wows!. do to GuekeU & Calvinaennsylranta, boards to H & 6 F beant•Wright & Bro. do to Jona Craig; Iholona‘n & Wilson grain to itodd & Comley; alert and Union. do to Bumphrers.. Erdman Wrishtt Themas .Harer. do to Pendial. _tiro; C Curtin. bap iron to Maxwell, Roland &Co.- D§FIVOta NEU Bark White Wing, lalinc, 17.611011, was at LanISM =CI! Ult., 14 Roberta. Colson. benne. at Belfast t9..`. Mt. 801 Ir regttoMlPek, Ehrnesf sailed from Lagualra'are rwgis to um, for Balorion* toIMO bidet" fur oi York. l"Ohm Helen, Long• ; Woodralf •t• Imo Mason; .1 II Wamwrisht,,Corrou; Prink, English, and West Den nis. nod ey. b onne . at tont.... &lira . race rdiSr Clark; .0 8 Carstimrs. and vorrest: Robb:mon. unmixed .at Boston 13th Mat for this von. San :John Alimandmr.. Asplagartli:Bill. Joyeet 8 Bibisy, Ramsav,and Mary, Ann troatey, Jong., °Tears?-g."Ralumore Etch inat for glom port. Benrit wm John. Gahm gber. and Judge Runyon, Hub bard sense, at Hartford 11th that. Bohm ..arttaagena.. Keil., and J C Runyon, Mattliews, for this port, laded from New Bedford lg.ti Inst. &meg ninu t Demehann,• ate% boadortion, Gale. ,sad Moamont.b. Henderson, boes, at frovideno nth .. _.__ it - EVAN& ..4E WATBOI4 7 8 - :-.- : • SIALAWDISR,' SATES. .-. STORE. - 30a CH.WPPIUT STREET, • - PHILADELPHIA, PA, • larvr variety of FIRE-PROOF SAFES always pa band- mh.S.-tf WRITING AND LEDGER PAPERS.— We have now on hand, and are tnanulaotnnag to order, at the • Montt holly Paper Milo , even de 40flphon of - WRITLNG AND LEDGER PAPERS, •whieh, for Doter and quality. are not excelled by any :other Mille the. United States. We woad call LIVAMtIOD to a new article or Paper manufactured by us, and now for Dale, nailed %minims Letter, which has been gotten up to meet the wants of busmen men and others, who objeot. -Commeroial ,Note is being too narrow, and do not wish to use part of usual letter sheet. This overoomes both the above objections ; ie a per fect sheet. pore wove ; Plate finish ; ruled on one side ; stamped in centre near the top ; made from best mo torist. trot trOM adulteration , and tattoo Invest !Mos. convenient for use. We also have a paper nailed Bank Letter. similar to the shove, exempt it has tmil n iall the camber of lines on. so as Wallow a printed kor bend 76 1 . • • K hi rrufil et. • meant Many Bpruaze, ceeree The above Papers stn be had of Mes srs: .--13.-IS 'PLNCOTT and MEGARGY.P, WIDTH RIM Noe. 3 and P DECA TO It Overt. mhtt-Mts BROWN'S E•SENOE Or JAMAICA GINGER.—FREDERICK BROWN, Cbemistand ftrinzirt, tortheast vorner of Chestnut and Fifth ate. t . Ftaladelonia, f 10.13 Ol&Oufactarer of crown ' s Renee o f Jamatea.blaser, whiela is reoosnazed and prescribed by the moos:al frioutiano has become th e standard family meoto me of the United hta es. This hyaena, is a prep .cation of mammal excellence. In ordinary charrtema. inoaplent cholera. an short 4,611 0.384 of Inlet. atom i of the digestive functions. t IS of inestamatam value. During the prevalectoe of epidenito cholera and rummer 00MP41129 , of children, it is pecu liarly efficacious; no ram'', individual, or traveller should be without t. Nu'rlCE.—To prevent this valuable Essence from being conaterteited. e. new steel engraving. executed at • great cost, will be found on the outside of the wrap per, in order to sermi the •nreheser against being im posed up .n by I,olthipas tmatationis lB6B Prepare/ only by FR h.DE VIC K BROWN, and far sale at his Drug and Chemical Store. N. E. coiner of Filth and Chestnut streets. Philadelphia, and at Flit:- N.Eir IDrug and Morainal Store. cotggr of N inth and C hestnut streets, • • Conti-. esefal • . Pniledel p ht a . Also for sale by all re ',eatable Druggists in the United States. PLICITRO-PNEITJSIONIA, OR OATTLB EPIDEMIC. CATTLE . • .rBEEIfEtCAWLg UPAPD,CAT4EE DISEMZE. An untailin&romedy for this disease nut be bad b rlying to Dr. H. CLOKNo. OTveEatreet. i&daioAao.nodioi l eiror t ukinordisme ClT ee OR MON gi REpptv, WARY/OVID. OR MON h. •R4F D . CURE weja9§2, OK Do Wr 4 B ). CURE PIA w,E.,g.. OD. MODIF Y . PUN ED. . , • • COTTON SAIL'.DUCV - idd OANVAIE4 ;limbers snd brands. _RessnallusSAyeint will'4,of gr a " 9"lll ' " Len% inssics' and atoq_ yens : • Also. /seer Mat ofeotsrs' Dear Felyt, from 11011 feet wide. Ter 0/tulips w. A 103 las Allers CH AMPAGNE.—Ve. Cliquot, Lallema Orr. andAysitnerze takia_C ea, ktligk . riNVUlat s lOr i a I.RONKrutltrent. imps. ", 1111 or the direct importation of any of 14 • Wive brut& will be Panotiathy attended to. e. RAIR RESTORATIVE: TH_E ONLY PRBPA T F, A iTION THAT STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, AND *ROWS PORN AND MORN POPULAR EVERT DA T. And testimonies, new. and almost without number. might be given. from ladies and gentlemen in all grades of soolet,y whoops united testimony TIM. .J 0 Id ~lst. that Prot. Wood's Hair Restorative will restore Die bald and gray, and preserve Ole hair of the youth tel age, In ali tie youthful beaut 7 LIATILs CIIBBL, Wok.. Deo. 31, 1668. p, to p, Wow,: Thee willt please accept q line to in form thee that the hair on my head all fell off over twenty years ago, caused by complicated Moronic, dis ease. attended with .an eruption op the-head. A con tinual sours' of suffering through life having reduoed obtain scuff of dependenoe. I have not been able to r onyx, neither have I been able to de th em up, in consequence of which my head has suffered ei meinely from cold. This induced me to pay & Houses almost the last oent I hail on earth - for a two dollar bottle of thy flair Restorative about the Ist of august last. I have faithfully followed the directions, and the bald spot is now covered with hair thick and black, though short; it is also coming in all over my head. Feeling confident that env , her large bottle would restore it entirely and permanently, I feel *among to persevere in its age and being destitute of means to purohase any more, I would MS thee if thee wonldst not be willing to send me an order on thine agents for a bottle, and receive to thyself the Scripture deolarabon —" The reward is to those that are Mud to the widow and the fathe Hens." • Thy friend. BIIBADINAR KIRBY. diens. Feb. 5 1 Pito?. o..1"1-Vigti'lL'2-lgir'l l untlis letter part :Pt* year 1862. while attending the State and- ts [monad Law School of the State of New York, my hair, from a cense Unknown to me. oonunenoed falling off owl- 4 ply, so that in the short spec , of six months. the upper part of my scalp was earnest entirely bereft of Its cover ing, and much of cue remaining portion pod the side and heck pert of my head evilly alter Ircame. so that yogi will nothe surprised wnen I tell you 4nati upon my return to the Stage of Indiana. my esofti:enumal ao quaintances were not so much at a legato discover the cause of the change in my appearanoe;as my more in timate ecomaintanoes were to recognise me stall. I atones made application to the moot. eltilfal physi cians ID the country, out, receiving assurance from them that my warm:mkt again be restored. I was forced to become reoonoiled to my fate, untikfortanately, in the latter part of the year 1857„ your Kestot atiVe was recommended to me by a druggist.-as being ns most reliable Hair Restorative in nee, .I tried one bottle, and found to MY great satisfactiou that it was producing the desired effect. Since that time. I have used seven dol lars' worth of your Restorative, and as a result. have a rich coat of very soil black hair,whiolt no money can b "A s . a mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill in the production of eo wonderful an article, I have recom mended its nee to many of my friends and thimusintah oes, who, I am happy to inform are using it with like effect. Very respeotfully, yours, • d. M. LATTA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers through out the world. The Restorative is put up in Bottles of three sizes. viz: large. medium, and so all; the swill holds half a pint, an u retails for one dollar per bottle ; the medium bolds at least twenty per bent. more in -proportion than the small, retails for two dollars a bottle; the large hold faruart, 41) per cent. more in -proportion; and • re-' tails 223 a bottle. t) J. WOOD & CO., Proorie_tors. 444 BROADWAY , New York. and 114 MARKET Street, St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and FilinufiCtooda Deal era- Bold in this cite by 11. A.FAIIN WSW . QK & Co., NOB. 7 and 9 North FIE rlt . Street. and HattmAßD Ii TWELFTIi and:CII STPI UT Streete ; DYUVT.b, CO., 232 13-m North tsfer SECrWtfOND Street. ne oi • lIIROPOSALS FOB 1117BNISHINO THE YAP Kit FOR. THE PUMA.'" PRIITTNer • , SLI'IIIIIINTBNIANT PUBLIC 31 . 1/1111c13. si WAssuuTox. 0 0 137 /i 18 tn. to purruatice of the provisions of the seventh section of the '• Joint Resolution in relation to the rublits Pennine." approved J une Mow, ap l ord p r op NM. will he received at tam pines, until Monday . the lst-dey of July. ItBl, n o'oloOk Bl,lor furnishing the paper that in be required for it pub to plinth% for the Tear ending on tne let day of nscember /853 • The subjoined het speoifies, as nearly &scan be ascer tained, tne Quantity of each land of paper that will be reutuxed Masa 1. 10,000 reams hne printing paper. nticalendered. to Meaeure 24 by 98 inches, and to weigh fi ft y pounds to too resat uf sheets. CLASP 2. e,roo reams fine printing paper. colanders& to mea sure i 4 be 33 inches, and to weigh fifty-six pounds to the team of /500 sheets. agreeably to the provisions of the joint resolution aforesaid samples of the °keynoter and quality of the Paper requir,l for the above claw:tea will be furniihed to applicants therefor. The paper is to be Put upio quires el twenty live sheete each, and In bundles of two Terme e eh ; each ream to commie 100 perfect sheets Uniformi t y in color. thickness. and weight sinll be required; and no bundle (exclusive of Wrappers earl Inc or r or under live per cent. from the standard weigh:will be received, arid the gross weight will inall cases be required. Mixing of various thicknesses in the name bunt) e to make • p the weight will be considered a violation of the contract CLAP. 3. 400 reams superfine entities paper. bard-sised and super calendered, to measure 24 by 32 inches, and to weigh fifty pounds to thaream of 600 /heats. CL • SS 4 MO reams superfine map payer. sized and inten d erect, of such sizes as may be required. correspond ng in weigh w,th ineaeurng 19 be 24 mishear and weighing twenty poundsper ?earn Of 489 stisetS. Ctstis 5 600 reams superfine plate paper, (calendered or un ealendered. as may lir reqtur:d. 19 b. 24 inches. and of Boob weight per ream as may he required. CLASS 6. 1. 1 nod reams quarto poet w nun g paper, 10 by It inches 2. 20 0 do Can dO /5 by Ofi do, 3. iihr do dem! do le ty 3is on. 4. 1 000 do folio post do 17 by 12 do. a. 100 no medium no 18 br 21 do. 6. 30 do royal do 19 by 24 do. 7, 50 do !user rnyal do 20 by 18 do. 8. to do imp.rial do n by3l do. 9. 100 do double sap do la by 56 do. Masa 7.. 1. 5 000 reams Writing paper 16 07 26 112011611, to weigh twenty thee w t i t pounds par ream. 2. 1,1500 resins wr,tine paper, 19 by 16 inches, to weigh twenty-eight noticing per ream. 3. 3,100 reams Irian , ' paper. 18 b. 25 inches, to weigh twe..ty- six pounds per resin 4. /00 reams writing paper. 18 to 22 inches, to weigh twenty lon, pounds per ream. 6. 340 180.rell Wetting sniper 18 by 18 inches, to Weigh twenty two pounds per ream 0. 4 . '0 re.c.a g paper. 12 by 18 inches, to weigh twelve pour ds per ream All the Papers deeignated in clams 4.5 6. and 7. must contain e&, perfeetsheste to the ream. and no aide" quires. They are to be m•de of the best mate rials. Gee from adu.teration. timsheci in tae best mea ner, ant tn a • rue edge. and 'POO rely and. thitalantlallf enveloped. Tie pupa sin class 6 are to. tie white or blue. laid flat, and of 'soli Weighte AS may. be required br this office lhose In Masses 3.4, IS, and?, are to be white. and 01 the sizes ono weights spawned inthe schedule. I'll.r right is reserved of ordering a gre'Llei or less quant.ty of men and every ir rid contracted form %lithe a asses, to be fit Muth. d at such times end in each auan t,ties as the public service may team's. slush chum will be consider d separately. and besub ject to 'a separate con. reed; bat sudden may ofliu for one or more of the classes in tne same proposal. Nn proposals will he considered unless, acoompanied by toe guarantee that the bidder or bidders. if hie or their proposals shall be acceoted, wilt enter into an ob lisatimL with sow and enfficient sureties. to furnish t e articles proposed. blank forme for proposals will be fertnebed st this office. and none win be token into consideration unless substantially agreeing there . with. . All the paper in the several elatee . e must be delivered et such place to mar be designa,ed in W,sbingtoniiitr. (except teat olass7, whiob must be delivered et Bal i lelo, in the state of New YOrk ,) ill good order, bee of all anti every extra obaree or eapengeoson Nader% to the inspect on. count- weight. and Measurement of the Sue - rintendeut. aria be in ell respeetrienAllitliotorT • Bidders are required to furnish. with their proposaie. samples 0f,.. not lees than one quire c s ifglialj,idapiviiilly e•xemp ' t . , Z d oliMr e g i n i r,llle_suocessful bidders trill be requi,on- term to their "L aPl "' •ui . " JOHN D. DEFILE gati. edigiriGirdel i t - 4' the Public Printing. Wallington." ans. endorsed "Proposals forthipplyins Paper.' mycsgt “IZIOALL STORER,” “AIANDLIS," Ice sear DEr,:avdszer, fIuaBLIT OB .PROVISIONtI ANL CLOTIII3G. . Aran. 17, 1861., sealed and endorsed "-Offer for Small Stores," or " Otrer for Candles." err "Offer for Salt water Sosp.".or Odor , Alustard-Beed, Meek Pop- DST " itch. the OriBo may be, will be received et ?IMP Rumen until 9 o'olork A. M. on the net day of May next, for furnishing and delivering ton reoeinturtwenty dare n_quiso at the Muted rtatee wavy yardsat Charier town, 31 aseaphwatts ; Brooklyn, New York ; and Goa— port, Virginia ; such quantities ears of the following artiohee (excepttne "the milt-water soap and the candles, for each of erkich separate proposals and contracts will be n.ade .1 as may be required or o•dered from the con tractor by the Chief -or- this Bureau, or by the re spective comminaing officers of the said navy 7SIdX. during the Bacal year enqing srth June ' 1862, viz: Boxes, shaving, India rob- Blacking. boxes or. bar. Combs. coarse. India rub- Broshes, shaving'. bar. or • utta perolut. Brushers, scrubbing. Combs. fine, India rubber Brushers. shoe. or entre. perch& Brunei, clo hes. Grass for hats. Battrns. navy vest. Jack-knives. Butts ns,IIISWY medium. Razors. in single cases. Buttons, navy coat. Razor straps. Butionz. dead eye. Scissors. Beeswax, in . 4 lb cakes, Spoons. pure. Cotton spools of N 05.12 andl6, 002 yards each, 3 cords, aqua parts. Handkerchiefs, cotton. fast colors. 32 by 30 inches, weicht not less than 2 oz. each, texture 8 hyB to 3 inon. Needles, sewing, Non. 1,3, 8, and 4, drill eyed be warns. ...Rattan!. hat, hest French black . ]: Taub to the vieoe ; moth 13i mot.. • Soap. ithaving. iu isakes; snob mike not less than govt. Silk, sewing. b.ue-black ; wrapper not to exceed 2 oz. to the pound. Thread. blaok aid white. Marsball's or Brubour's best quality. and in such proportions as maw be required. Tape, white linen, 4 yards in length, is inch wide. Tape, black, twilled ootton.d. yards in length, ieeh Thimbles, 8-19 and 910 in diameter. • All the above artless most be included in the offer. WntTx SALT• WATER. Poe e:—Separata bid for 80 000 palm*, and suc h additional y esa,t tity ao bnay be se euiftd. The soap must be manufactured from cocoa-nut oh, and be of the best quality. denominated " welts' salt vra•er soap." and be delivered on sixty days' notice. in rood strong box-s of about TS pounds eaoh. and. aP er iresseetion. the boxes must be booned at tveti end et the expense of the contrati.or. The price to be uniform at all the :aide, EITEARIVIC Gxonure.--Siparate bid for 60.00 pounds, and such. fltraer Qttistisv 03 may be rolquircd. The candles must be •• sixes." of pnme leaf lard 'tsarina. 810 Inches in length, exotica - ilia of Lip. six can dles to weige not lest than 14 ounoes 50-100, nor snore than It 011tinall. *eel be paid for a:wording to the 11011111 Nire,ght, without refer. nos to commercial usage; the melting point Pot to be lees than (swam Fahren eit. 'l'6 , wick must be braided, and worbboled of 713 cotton thrones or the best quality of No. 77 Tarn. 'The candles to be oelivaren on sixty days'. notice. so good boxes, containing about :0 p und• each, and - the,boxxo marked with the oontrasstor's name and the weight Of she oand,es. PARAFFINE CANDLES.—Thin offer is separate And dis tmot for ten thousand pounds. according to mimeo. and snob further qua, taty as may be required, for which sixty days' notice will be given. 1 1 47J2T/RD BEZD, BLACK PEPPKIL, beware. e bide for all that 111C0 be r sulred for the use of the navy. to be delivered at New 1 ork only. M untard seed. American brown. Pepper, black. Malabar. Bowes, octason, for mustard and pepper. Corks for bottles. All the foregoing articles must be of the best quality, and conformable in all respects •o the samples deposit ed at said navy yards, and subject to snob inspeotiorylt the navy yap d where delivered as tie Chief of the Be roan may direct; the inspeoting officers to be apPointed by the Navy Devartment. ; All the articles to be delivered free of any incidental expense to the Governments in proper vassals or tank sees, i-nd tue price of , eaoh mimic must rde the istirte at the respective places of delivery ..P.okeses in Which the above armies are deli ered most be marked with their cont. eta an.. the name of the contractor. and be sufficient to insure their temporary safe keeping. .' 1 tie cot.tractor nom establish agencies at such sta tions ode r .ho his residence t as no delay puny in furnishing what _may be regain d; and when the contractor or ascii tails pro.. att. to comply with a re. quont rn. the ehief of the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing th4ll be authorized to direct purchtutes to be made to supply the defict,noy. nutter the penalty to be exoressed to the contract; tne record of a requisitos., or a dnpitea:e cagy thereof, at the Bureau of Provisi ne 'and Clothing• or at of the nary yards aforesaid, shall be ev.derioe that each requisition nag been made I and received. Two or more approved mutation. in a sum equal to the estimated amount of the contract will be required, and twenty per contort' to audition will be withheld collateralamount of all pat manta On aooOnnt thereof not security, to memo. its perlortimnoo. awl not in any event to be paid until it Oi in all respects com plied with ; eighty per centaur i f the amount of all de ovaries made will be pam by the n'vy agent with . n thirty dais after Mils, duly authenticated, shalt eave been prsented to him. Blank forms of Drop:male may be obtained on anvils oatisn to the navy agents at Portsmouth, New flartri ehi•e, Boston. New York, Phil:W.4.We, Baltimore, Norfolk. and at this Bureau. i.t a ti re . oo . l or dup e liol o tis hi o s tjti o e lette r posal w t i t i i t fg e nning a bidder no tification thereof,within tile meaning of theeteacaltall:Z o. d his bid will be merle and anospted its tor.foraut; I Wi , h trine understanding. k„very offer made matt be acoompanled as directed in the Act of Up: grees. making approp-mtions or.the naval service for 1848-47. approved 10th of /input, /400 by a written s uarstites, Maned by one or. more re sponsible persomp, to the effect that liepr they under take . bat the bioder or bidders will. II his l er their hid e accepted, enter into Ai °bringing within ten trays, with good and suffiment sureties, to famish the supplies promoted. The Bureau will not be obligated to consider any prop eel unless aticomp wed by the guarantee re guyed by law ; the oompeteney of toe guarantee to be I certified ,by the navy agent, district attorney, or the enlieeteeof the pert The attention of bidders is called to the samples and de'crivrioss of artistes reqvtrrd, as. in tie tamertiess Wore receptive, a just but rigid comparison tetathe made between the articles offsres cad It. somPfat dad eoweaer, rrrtioinesuists that roll below them i and their alissisis'i is ftt's Partirwfarly dirteltd to thiijoirt To' srsstiss e 1 g7r4 of March, 1t54 , agog to the act' gnash August. 1114 e. fit" . W o irr BENCH MO—Pure SNOW WHITS' 940544,y4t2Vi5e .11 Orou B nd.AN and go 49 aaba 49 X•rik TILE P,„EES, IL-PHILAIT4I4I4, WEDNESDAY MAY_ ,15:, E pfr*T;ll:3 ,PILLM SLOE HEADACHE. NERVOUS. REALM. H E, By the use of Ogee Pine the Periddieet &Eliot. of Nor moos or Sick Headiset may be Prevented ; and ;Stake:l at the commerMement Of an atteok inunediate .rellef from gam endliebieis w!11 leo - obtained,'. Thej.looldefirfarlitztiemOvint the Wasailis gad Hiair 'echo to Which females are so "abject. They cot gently on the bowel., removing Cossiesurs. For. Liggrary Mee, 151v4rvis. Detioste Female., and all Velum* of satistarg , /i4ilS— ' thav are valuable ea a Laxative, improvlnX:thiApeeritel-ilvidg leas sad vig or to the disclaime prem.. and.reetonng the natural eine tioitp and strength of the ',nob system. • The CEPHALIC PILIT are the remit along investi gation and carefully conducted experiment., having been in 1/10 mous- Yea*, der ,* ..rtuoh time they have Prevented and: relieved a mut amount' of pain and wiffetims fiom Headiofie. Whether 'origMatuag in the surfers "Mem or from a. deranged Mate of the sto- They are entirely' vegetable in their comyoritien, aad may be taken at all Met with perfect safety eritneat Making anyehasge of diet, owl is*Abanico of act, New ;erasable Mato weeder; it We_le - ethirieirlir Mem to BiWARE OF OGUNTEariwa The genaine kris'lkeeeiefalexceiottilieFY.P.Brishints on eaah Box. Soli by Druggists and slietbei9Rebriiiiritedioites. A Box will be sent by maid Prepaid.= receipt of tbe PRICE, ' .CENT, All •rdera Wald be addieenee HENRY IL SPA DING. TIE FOLLOWING ENDORSEMEUa OF CEPHALIC PILLS WILL OONVINOE ALL Vnlo MUTER FROM Eik=Y 4M).81188 MBE IS WITHIN As Moss TuticnoMall are ingsontst4d by Mr. ISPAID ING. they afford itiwat.stionabia proof of Mg ill" satv ySMo traly {euvitific ffireot try. MA108711,1.1, Oman., Fe 6.6,1301. MIR. SPALDING. _ BIR : I hem, tried Tour c'ephrilio d I la. them so thall,innt YDVIA toilend rqd votth mord, FtrVilDrim are le ' taws. to wilt/Tell Imo few I) e, Ala box tot fret'. YO4l. ~ ?Send trlllia Dr mall, 'and oblige Your otr't Sereaut, . _ . JAMES KENNEDY. Mx. Ira=rte. Bra • I wahion seed me one more box of your Cephalic Pall. I MMa rectiviki a greapiaai y brmult from :Atm. Yo!ant iv Vrai. -BTOIXHOU9E. R. C. STAI.DING. 81a: Yon will'Marie° send me two boxes of your Cephalic P 11)... Read them immediately. BeapeotfullY Yong. P. S.—/ kers rereteed au box Of WHO rine. gee / 1 %/ 1 skew weedliewst. BELLI VIANON . OhlCh Jan. LS. MI. H. C. arAinitio, Esc. . . Please and enclosed twenty-live cectc r icr which scqd c:..•MX cf your Cephthe AWL Tkifry foe lowly ti} riVitati.iiies evil. Irk& ' BITIMik .e. ' • ....' . A. ISTQ_VER, P. M.; • ' • Belie yipoa..wiccact 00.. 0. - - _ 11. G. elpAs t puve, Erne. • • • . 1 irtek (or itutEttprotalitll Oflirgo iilol/ Dina, to Dint your uoPumfm nlll more pertlenierly before Ull ane tomen.-.-if,7o4.heve anything of the kind pillage send me. One of my onstomerre. who is *rage at. to severe Sick neadeehe.tiesanily4sating two days.) was owed qf an att.rir tva crid. io.. 62. vow Pilhowtrith. I sent-her. Reel*OtfUlly years'. • wrLREN, WHIZZ C. grazzarbs, No. 46 Cedar st,. Z 4. Y. DEAR Rix: igolosod Led twe_pty-ii,vo cents. (25.) for wtooli semi box of •' Ceptiebo Pill,. gelid to addrass of Rev. Wm. C. Filler. Reynoldslmrg, Freaklin Co. Oltio. Your Pills so ask like a charm—cure. if *attache armee t iastiattor. ?rift Tam, . WM. C. FILLEIL MI, SPILDINII. Sni : Not long image 1 sent to you for a box of Cc p habe Pitb for the ours of the Nervous Headache andHoaeuraree, and repeLve4) the PIM% And , akar ,Add - ae good es tful etas jots to=t o i t c::•. , • • • Pisan NIA Wietor • pelcatl. M. Cephalic Pins aocoamika-tae obieet for highthey were made, Tug.: Cure or headache in all its forma. Examisr, Ntr,Mb, Ts, They have been tested in mere thins thenrend 68.11616 with entire 'noun. Font the Democrat, St, Cgosd, Mitts, It you are or hays been . troubled with th e headache, feild fore LPSz (COMO° Piibla Kr, that 7011 litaY hove theta In cane of an attack. From the Advertise . Proeiideace, fr. The Cephalic Pills are eod to be a remarkably effeo- Live rettled7 for the headache. ant. one of the very beet forthat reirrikeiquent complaint watch has EMIT been dlcooviired, • .Prom sari Warren X.X. Gasets, Chicago, 171. We heartily endorse Mr. El paldiiir, and his unrivalled Cloetualio Prow KM Esteawis Valhi( Star, Sawawks, We are sure that parsons ralrarias with the headache, who try them, will stet to them. From tAt Seat Urn Pita EWA,. Nero Ori.aea , La. Try them you that are egieteel. nod we ere isiaro that your testimony oan be added Lathe rdready_nnmerous bet that bad received benefits pl!: no other medicine oan produoe. • • • From CU M. Lewis Ponotrats - • .Thitimmenne dolma for the ktitile (geohati POW tumidly utomeies.. 1 Frees the &agates DeTploPari. /OWL Mr. Spatting' areal4-riot ecemact kis : name with ea ar ticle he did not hem to Pocceom real merit.;• The togeonoey in their favor strong. fromils most resseetaele quarters. _ From she Daily Anis, Vissoperti a. t. gimbals fins sr" Satz yis 91100 dill kinds. Nees Costosordat Beattwa, Beam, man, Said to be yet 7 elltoseiesui for he hesdaebe. alii , oos Goonma,cial. thmicionsati, Onin igoffotion annual* tan no. NI !shim& ST A Single bottle et IPA7IDIIWI PSIWARED SLOE low nave ten time tliate aegg awinsiiy."lll SAYE ElIVISCB8! ECONOMY! r• DESPATCH!. i aro A avyres ta Tr Navas Nivnt.ollte Am saoidents will _ lime even ht well-remo families, it id Vital. tlfwiltkb to WINS ' 'Mae ohllitgi la ti oonvenientT, for rasa Fsntilan!..Tourerfocike' -.reIIaiDINGICIP PARED WATS ,- . • - ineeti:all iviL: intyroubliloi,,- and .ho koniekold oan Mad to do attain% lt. • tilt. Altman °ready. and UV to the 1113akillit Roust - . 1. i " , •HATISEFUL - B*BAY ROUSE." K. B.—A Brash socompslues each bottle. Ptiosin seats. Address, HENRY 0 pra.xxarqq. NO. 48 MEAN REE 7 , NEW YORE; OA • ...... A... tertian napnnetpll4 e r • are WAMPUM 1 ° palm off on the . [Pe', heitettertsa . : lllll PRKPAMID GLini..l'' '"ou atieiminalt0 1- wmurv. 4 amiwybefereietrehaithse;... therthe tr° lll6l i:.: - - .illin Stuationo 'r - Mtaga. laVNot t....›- if/ mi Ai *atteeertet* emtliedBlBl6 . 11014 ~i ~i Y i t f" UVIII ALL KINDI3 Jr 14.1.1A.DAOHE S OSZIALETXRET. -MEW .YORK. SPAZDINWEI HEADACHE.. TEM 'REACH. k/Avintioss,Pan Fair, 6,1861 SPIIIIC2 CIIIIEMt, RTYKTINGIXI7I COUNTY. Pal January U 1,1861. PLIT?IOLDSBV/ioo FRANV,WCO., Ohiol iM • YPIIILLNYI. Mini.. Jan.% NEI. Nom Mt ddeertisori :Ffittddrsci,na. SPALDING'S PRIIrAILED GLUE apmanturs MOAB= GLUE SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE 1 liff9lMMNoll C expA. IfcELlAlyop,", MUTUAL INSURANCE OOMPANY of znuaumpul o , opputig. No. SOS WALNUT 8111110117. r un tus nilf/7,oEnynnf onstou..r io L: ld7,umited.o.tnie,czts. ,4r . °ninths , ' in town or . . . . L. Ce.AR C.5.T1T.A.P.0 0 .1 1 92-48Ems 1017,1112 H. Which ui invested as fol owe. Ms : In Mgt mortgages on city property. worth double the amonat—....;.--_. $182.9K1 IA Pannsylvania Railroad Co:oil per D ent, first mortsage loan,:iit 0011 . : .....-. eau Go renuky Weems Rathowl .00.'8 6 per Dent, - . se cond mortgage load, (.4.1:1,030).......-. 9AOO OO Co.' gontinddoe ono Broad Ton . Railroad end , -Tonal s mortgage 106 n— 4OM 00 Ground rent. first-c1ue5........__--- -.-- 461 00 Collateral bane, wall seauxed---.= 5,500 oo lUiry of Philadelphia 6 per cont. 10an...-..-. 30,060 00 !Allegheny County per sent. Pa. RR. loao_. 10,000 00 Commercial _Peak stook-- .—._ - .5,13/i 01 eshautos'Barik f IWO; ......., .................. ...--. 9.811 so anneivania Railroad Co.". stook— .- . 4,000 00 rhirltOlialloe Mutual Insurance Co.'s stock 26060 00 Co: County Fire Insurance stook— 1,000 00 D he.elswars M. a. Insurance Co.'s stook- - 7 0 0 00 ; hp nion" Si otos! Insurance Gm's eortm- - • sBO.OO Rills rseeivable.--. . ...-...- 14.0011 74 Book accounts. scorned interest. &0......—. 7,104 as Cash on hand'— —..—.—. -- ...... Mist to 817.142 04 The Mutual principle, combined with the security of &Stock Capital, entitles the ensured to participate in the. pr eats of .tho Company. without liability for losoax. Leaps promptly adulated and paid. DIRECTORS: Clem TiniieT, namuel Bispham, Wit n,,Stiompsoa; - .RobertMen, FreAeriek Brown, :William Musser, William Stevenson. Beni. W. Tinsley, bhp R. worrell. Marshall Bill, R. L. Carson. Telenet, - Charles J. Johnson Brown. Robert Leland. itosengarten, .Jaoob T. Bantinr. Charles is. Wood, , Bouth-Rolven. James B. Woodward, John Bissell, Pittsburg. CLEM TII'W.LE". President B. M. RINORMAN, aearelarY. Penman 16. 1861. reM ENTERPRISE iNIAtittANOE COMPANY OF PITTLADELPELA. (FIRE LNBORANCLE EXCLUSIVELY.) .. COMPANY'S EU - LL.D.:NU, S. W. CORN.S,R FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIitIeOTORIS: F. Wzm BATCH/OAD al' uas M Altg.itzi. • HASBRO Faxzneir.. JOHDI M. ATWOOD. 13zio. T. Timm', PIMA/ WHARTON, i F. RATOHN . CITARLE3 W. COXE. Efee 113kENDU MUTUAL s LIVE , - INsugANuir, COMPANY No. 921 O.III(MTNUT Street, Philadelphia. CHARTER PERPETUAL. ALL ray , PROFITS DIVID D AMONG THE IN SURED. Insure Liven for short terms or for the whole term of life ; grant Annnitael and Endowment',; puroheee Life Interests in heal Estate( and make all °entracte de pending on the contingencies of life. They not as Executors, Adininietnitore, Assignee!, Trustees, and Guardians. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. January 1.1981. 'Mortgages, ground rents, real estate-. .5322,981 97 Waited Wares stocks. Ti notee,lonne• I of State of Penner Wawa, oit! of P/1110- delphia . • -- ..... 563,726 34 Premium' notes , loans gaps ae 'Pennsylvania. North Pennev,valus. Rail roads. and County eta Der oent: bonds. 106,802 60 Bank, insurance, railroad, Mal Mack*, Ac. 97.647 49 Cash on hand, agentehalanoes, dco., Eta..— 38,208 14 02 DANIEL L. MIL).. ER, Prest i f n m.' l2B SAMUEL E. STOKES. Via. President. JOHN W. HORNOR B eere t ar y. mh.73-tf INELAWARE MUTUAL !NUTTY EURANOE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. :Inoorpoyated by the Legielature of Tettneybriona. igeo. Oise 11. E. Gainer of THIRD and WALNUT street& PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INRURANOE. On Veasela :r i Cargo z To all part. of She World. l ' rel - u " LAND INOVRANOEO On Coo& by Ammo. Cariali..l.Akea, And bane Gar ava. to all patio at the? Mum.' FIRE IrtsuP.AtiCES On Merebandiee generally. 0!1 ttorec. Dwalite Torazaiico.. Ar.ilLons OF THE COMPANY. November 1.1850. OBR.OOO Unito4 States five' dent. loan.—.looo.oou 00 111,000 United State, cii emit. Tributary Notes, (with accrued interest)- 1.19.463 64 100,000 rannsylvaina State five ,ar Deng 06,970 00 11,000 do. do. sin do. do. 61,946 00 Philadelphia City six cent. Loan . MACS 57 111.000 Tennessee Stars five cent. loan. 04.000 yennitylvanta Kati sit mortence - Six cent. bonds.... MOO 00 1.3.000 300 shares. stook Germantown One Company. ititereet and pnnoipal artintoed *by the Cite 'of Phila delphia ' LIAO 00 41.000 /00.attares Pernurllvasua Railroad (Tommy_ MO 00 11.1X10 MO shares mirth IMlcurylVanla Aall road Comnany.,-,_ 9t.11 00 1,1010 00 shares_rhiladelphia too Boat ana Stearn Tar Qoppany,—.-- 1400 NI 3110 I shares Philade hia ant Havre de- Crape Steam ow- boat Company, 790 2 slams .Yhiladelphia Eschew' Company---- 126 00 1,000 1 'hares Continental Motel ISCO 00 ' -- Dd7oo par. Coat $511,3352 4 . Market Va1.5664-Md 71 I receivable, for insurances Awls.— 3.11. a and m0rtgagee.._......._...: 34,600 00 Real estate - ' 51.656 ad Releases due at Agensise-Premiume on Ma : - rine Foilotes.iniereet. ma other debts Ons nCientpany MOM 03 Norte and stook of stndrY inattrance_azil other CoMbanies SAM RI Raniven la In drawer . 411 00 mum 151 Of XECTORLI. . W I,Ltsrat Karlin, Engine! E. Otones. =inid A. Bauder, J. N. Peniston, nee:Anus Parth.linx • . ErSloan, Jan R. Penrose, el.r.d Jingle:.Jingle:. John 0.-Devis, N. ones , Jamul Ttfuntr. fteneer ' in:. William re, Jr., Wheinal'C; d., JAmesl C. , en, finbart .130 n. Willearr G. Ladirig. ... Meta) P.; Jones. Jediettit sec, Jekines B. AVF6II2IIIt. pox. Ainetort, J.. 5.121 P. Byre, rge C. Geiser, " Joan . Semple, Pittsteg, Ugh Craw, O. 'V. lordiui, Pitts %Yule* Xeity. ger i i " Wltiled i a MP A. 13. rt, evident. .0700 r.erid out. ABNEY IsYLORI. 'Ise:TRUT. ' 110/741 . . INSURANCLEXOLUSIVELY. — ud No. t5lO T ZS ZentrIneMP ART ifirtt E eile Pl6 : iliV=P;sny, f;Tornbllknown to the oommimit7 'tor thirty-IRA years , oorinves to ilunno 4,gainst loos or demises DT Fire. on pu ie OF pnvems Builainss, either permaner=for teit WOO., 21.1110. on Furniture, atonic" of or Merahnnthas generear. as Liberal • Their Capital. tagetheriktli a lark. Surplus Fund. is invested in the most cannot manner. which enables them to Mir to the insured an tunionbted seceritr in thiSelitia of lOU. DIFAIICTOItn. Jonathan Patters n, psaao Hailehurat. n in Campbell. 'looms Benne. . der_ uesulan, ... Daniel Smith, Jr.. IWun•Jdontenna. John Nereseu_x, Thomas South. JONATIIIN EATTiaSON, President. BIAINIPX &Mel, 860rOlary. 11214-1 Y SVRATiCE'I3.OM PANY OF TUN, ts.reti ts ClE fIaMBYLViNIA—FTIM AND MA RINE ..Artagg-- Nee. AND 4 EXCBANtik: D11114.1a 4 In -7 A l— Cortal DZO, Asti 6174,112 71. An tneestad in sound and available zisearities—non gnu, to Insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings. Steaks of Merchandise &F., on liberal terms. DettbOXOBB. Koury D. Blierreid, eeorge H. &nem, • Monica Zi a t i p Sapiel Grant, ester. • looms Warner Willl , . th. l'homata Wattecs. tt Mltial• L learcir . Geo eC. Woo' _n_ .7LEN7I D. SHZEJILKIIII, Preiridany WILLLLM BARPB , neoretarr.- J• 44( VaINSIIRAVOIL - MCITIANIOS' nuavi t COMP4NY of Philadolenio. No. 1 1,38..rforta ISLX.a Street, Qolow Gam Inoue Budd nige..Goodo.ond rehendloo celetally front 1039 or = e V II& d Aggird 'th" `? a d ift t all .. o ? the A t t z- a 7 , D. 3 m e e. I *es .IOIISZTOPC Wail= Iktoreso.. itoieirt ilnnion, FerolB ft*r, Michael MoUccr, ice L. Ilonzhertr. Edward McGovern, .....11,1„srtuk 1th0010a..13. Mocoraook, Jamie Primo. Jot= #strt Matt ew McAleer, Protean s+d lc, Ralfortr, ,lonn Gamed:, !homaa Venaphlll. Bornoni it Holosinan. horn= or, Charles Clam mama °Memos, Dltehaol Golull. FRANCIS 000PNR, Prondent. BJJItAID RAFFERTY. ZooretarT. coA3-17 A MERIOAN FIRE INRUR &NOE 00., 1 INCORPORATED Ino CHARTER PER o.A. 310 WALNUT 13treet r abote Third, Philadelphia, Having a large paid-up, cepit4t etc.calc and nursden. lwrented in wend and m5.14/119 neounties oorkttnnea to in thre on Dwellings, Monks: Parniture, korolmsolidirir * VOW , in port. and their easseot. and other personal property. Alllosees liberally and promptly adinsted. DTRICTORB. !oho T. Lewis. Jam m es K. Campholl, E. dad. Dntith. I..;h&a.,w..rooltney, reel Morris • . . nalMorton,rant& Brady, : OMAN R. MARIS, President. ALBERT C. 3. CRAWFORD. Seoretarc. fe22-tt RXMANGE LNSITRANUE 00kPANY AZA . .*•OIIIOS No. 409 WALNUT Street ' FIRE 0481.TEARCE on Ronneis -and Merohnudina mnsrally, on. favorable terms, either limited or per taali DIRECTORS: Jere:Malt Roma, Thomas Marsh, Jetteltp . Oinytode, ' glaries Thompmet, Ramat D. Roberta, woo T. Halo, Same L. Smedley, .foalaws T. Omens Rtaben - C. Hale John .7.4 l rilfiths. JERMMIA.II BORSALL, Treadmill - JOHN-Q: GINNODO, Vice Freardea ,t Anoxia? Con. Senretars. • tatek JOB PRINTING. NBW - JOB PRINTING OPTION. -,4 -fritug PR ,S 1 S `L . • vreloratUt 1 14Ctegnite zteatlT,oheSD le , 411 d eavediuniudy Elar= rktrlPLlL*Ne'' I' APES tithrio NMI b 6 OLAlikrol l EVERY DESCRIPTION lIIIIITIM 101 A iCalOrt SEEL to* IV YEW! itEXCHARTS, MLR UFACIVIII lALL,AtIAD /011 J I:OUR/1110Z COMPANIES, PLAIM AND ... ORNAMENTAL PRIZATIM sr Ail orders lefrAt_tke Pitkestion as of The r**• 4 7 CRzawal am's. well a* preivint '1.11411 - . NOTI - OE.—The Citizens of the diffetent Ofties tied 'rowel* throuthout thelititta are invited to otek. esetttfeer - ter. th e Dlites at • ittuoit the next prtlAl,, , orrArt, "Au& gustl be heel. Pi•osop eettesletter4itelueemeetet and advaßtaxes o'6o td , tee ends Melted Couleettee.erlitented tr.tbe x eftigeti* ContuVee. will be received et nuld OBas • ecostzsuni Eilestieteq . L:Pe.. JEJtP.P, NOltitillabOta i ttim SOW usll-rain MINN. - Mt! ' Ve Lit 4: fitajW/C -. , '1) 1&, n it HA* T Zri , 4,110 Au. On and 4 7 gig St ir • a 4 5 ve 0f.,136:11,;.(151,z9,2.1:tan ' ky,,,48;‘,49.8,114,20P11:9,41,91.04L:117.1.; A. 7., I , 8. 1, 3.3.6 IL 6.6% 7,4. 8 O. o re P. M. The 820 A, M. and 886 P r 1.443111 IStoP at Millifbn t OWII, FUND 4Y'• Leave 9 05 A. M., 1if..22(..5.7M, sad 1104 Leave Goll6: ntownB 10 A 01 • , 1. 4, 6/4.And OM P. M 521 , 11.-LL RA r, Leave vraladeiphia. 6. 8. 10, 12 A. M r , 2. 8.86. 4,6,8,2, and 1016 P M. Leave ehegrAtit Rill. 7,9 40:11.40 A. 01.1140, 3 85.8 OK 7.10 8.40 endlo.6l P. M. The 8 A. M. and &M' F.M. will make no !Cope on the Gormaatown road. ON SU IDA I S. Laave Philadelphia, 9.05 A. M.. 23‘. and 7 1 4 P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill. 7.00 A. M.. 12 40, 6.10. and 9.10 P. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia. 610 734, 9.08. 11.05 A. ra., Lee, 3 oa. au. 0, 10. 4 . p. Le.W.' NO rrietOWß, 0,7, 8.(5, 9, 11 A. M., 134, 434. MI, and 951 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M.. h and 5 P. M. Leave Nornetown. 7:41q„ and 6P. M. FOR MAN A Y UN K. Leave Philadelphia, 590, 734. 9.09, 11.08 A. 81 . 045, 2115, 3.95, 454, 6r, 8, and it)" P l• • - I cave Manayunk. ON. 731.8 35, 93.11 1 4 A. M., 2, OK, 6,7. and /0 Y. .5103.7.mcm - L. IPA wieN, Gro. 8:6o8r, lonia IL Rauvni, S. A. FAum,:asoci„. ANDIINW D, CASK, J. L. EURINti ORD STARK, Praia+lent. rotary- fell INMAN la el RelitNiXls. al d ICA.UII MAIIP/311411 013 e MEORAIIIIO4. BANS", . ON WIND Alre. LeaVe Philadelphia 9 e. M.. S 6. and 7 P. M. Leave "%suave k. 7% A. M 11,1%. 6%. limn 9 P. M. IL. K. BIC Oenik rtil ;Superintendent , m7ll-tr Depot, NMI - A and OH sE,r• witeeets. Frith: PF,NiNki in L 't kt: A. L. D, )260 VOLES RA DO U BLE TRACK. • 1861..150RP 15 I W° l- • THE CAPA T M'IR , L T 'RO ir is roo - op:Eq o AN V - Inli r T,HE COUNTRY TIMOR wiaßol.l6ll. YASSEPTOFat VOAINS BETWEEN - PHILADELPHIA a YD.. PITTSBURG. connecting m root l i phitenelphiewitlfTriroug h.Trailm from Boston: Jiew Our,,,'OGd all pointer Rast. and iii the Union Depot n,r,Plt burs will. LIT Trrit TO aud from all points int IM West. Norther - 0, t;e.pd cdithwest that (weighing facilities for th e" asp_ ation ot Passengers nionirpassed for aimed and' bomiort by any other route. LIMON and Feat. Linos run through to Pittsburg - , withoutohange of Cans or Conductors. All, Through Passenger Trains provided' with Leinshridge , " Patent Brake—speed under perfeot control of .the 'engineer, time adding .muchsto ttit,salety ortravellere, ' %Tolling , Cern are lataohed to each Train ; Wood vu Sleeping gars to sprees and. Fast Trams. The EXPREett:RUNS DAILY Mail and Fact Lines. Snit • days excepted - Mail 'train leav es at. 7.20 A. M., Fast LILIO 11.45 Mumma Train leases " 1045 P. M. WAY.TnAIItS LEAVE AS FOL. LO : Barrishorg Abominnorlation, via Columbia, Y. M. Columbia. • - 4.00 M. parkesburg • ata.4u P. M. West Chester" 1. at 8.1.11 A. M. " • " ...No. 2atISSo P. M. West Chester Pasaengers will take the West cheater Noe. land a f nr: . • rvra TrOlPs, an&- Elmira. ll4ll- tennediate' DORMS; Merin .Phalselelphia.M.7X A. AL and 2.11 P. M., go directly Tio ere Westward may be obtained at the .offices of the Company in _Philadelphia, New York; Boston. or Baltiniore ; and To:AM:Eastward at any of the impor tant lianroad Offices in the. West I also on board any of the regular Line of Stoaniera on the Mississippi or any rivers IST • Faro always es IcAC and time as eildek, as by any other Route._ • • • For further in formation apply at the Passenger Sta tion. Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market streets. The completion of thi, W eaterri ; connections of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Dhicageonake this tire DIRECT LINE 11.1STWR.BN iii I, EAST, APIA THE GREAT WEST. - - The connection of tracki!by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg; avoiding all diayage or ferriage ,ef f t together with the saving oime, are advalitagetnew.ui ly apprroiated by Shippers °Cirri:Agfa, and the Travel. - ling Yobbo. Merchants and Shippers entrasting tbe transporta tion of their Freight to the Company, can rely With con. g once on its mmedy truant. T.S RATER Or FREIGHT to and from any point in toe West lir the Pennsylvania Railroad ars at all Times as favorable as are charged by other Rai/road Comrawies. Wir Be partioilar to niark • packages " via Pennsyl vania Raproad. For Freight Contracts or Shinning Directions, apply to, or. address either of the following Agents of the Coninarli D. A. Stewart, Pittsburg: H. B. Pierce & Co., Zanesville. o._; J. J. Johann. BM ley, O.; R.-MeNeelv, Maysville, Ky.,' Ormsby & • Crop per, Portsmouth 0. -Paddock & Co:. Jeffersonville. Indiana ; :H. W. Ifrown & Co.; Cincinnati :').' Atneru & Hibbert.._ L ouisville . O.; kteldram, Madmen. Ind. Jos. E. Moore. oan:Mlle. KY. ; ,, P: • 6. )'Riley & Co.,'Bvansvitle Ind. ;N. W..Orshim'ar.. co.; Cairo. lIL LR. F. Baaa..Shalar & Gamin. Louise Mo.; .Zolla ttarrie, Nashville, Tenn. •• warm & MGM' phis, 'teen.; Clarke & Co.,:Chwago, 111. W. R. 11. Koontz, Alton, ill.; or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different pounm in the West. B. B. Ki rGSTON, Jr, Philadelphia. MAORAW & KOONS, 20 North street. Baltimore. LEECH & Co- 1 Astor Homo:4or IWilliam N.Y ), E,ECO.. B oston. H. CO No 77 State street, Boston. 11. FL HO USTON. Gon'l Freight Agent. Phila. GentT L. L. BOUPT Geicket. Agent, Phila. B. LEWIS. &mei Sup% Altoona. Pa.- 1861. BPMG u ittit/IClNtiii . 17 .0 ::::*LYRA I 4 i l t ity . AtrD faCGAD CUR . hunpLFROM gixim lirce ram irtritlC AND WA rLACAS, nal( WALNTT-112. WEARY "AND iIiNSINGTOLI WILL I.O4AVE AS FOLLOWS. VIZ: At 6 A. M., Sift Camden and A.Mbog. (Land A. Ae oommodatlon .« ... . . ..S2 26 At A. via - reatr Accommodation . 1 2) &to A, m., via Camden and Jersey f' y, aterviiir -..--.—.... At 1131 and A. M. i s Kenematur. Jersey Western 0 de At 11 0 1 r. .usirtoon - aad Am3oi A000N.423. _ I 96 At P. Ul4Mdell Ind Ani s Mil, C. and A. Pa ers - ea At 634 P. M., via Kensin gton and Jame, City, I:st ains Er_press.— COD At et P. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City, 24 Clever/abet— . .2 MI via Camden and Jersey Chi* 1 3 1vialiX nil— . 01) At .M., via Camden and Mall CitT,Notitir. ern 1 SO At a P. 111., m andAmboy , a Camdecommoda nonil. l ) Freight and Peuisenger)-Ist Class T i cket_ 226 do. • It Class Ticket- /60 Int. 6.P M Mall Line rim daibi. Who I.IX PM, don th ern Mall. daturdn” C , loOPted. For Belvidere, Easton. Lambertville, Flemington, dco., at LlO A. M. from Kensington, and 2...% AL rem Walnut-street wharf. For Water Dap, Strada bari.,l6ertntot, Wilkesharre. Montrose, Great Bend, &0.,7.10 A. M. fromitensinston, via Delaware. Lackawanna and Western For Mauch Chunk , Allentown, and Bethlehem at ?X) A. M. from Ke a Depot, and th P. M. from Wal nutotreet wha ; (the 710 A M. line oenneets with train leaving Easton at 3.85 ISFor Mount Belly, at And 8 A. - M., I and P. For Freehold. at BA. M.. a nd I . 71. m. WAY MN.KFi. For Bristol, ll'rentor., KO., at 7.10 A. M. mei_and P. M. from Lamas - ton, and 2K P. ht. ,fr og wain's', stresttrharf. For olmrrs, AlTlrtOnt 1414 n00, Beverly', Bar rook roma', 3:ko outown, at, sax, a nds Steamboat Trenton, for4ramir turdTniermadiato Jilifir p f t ,Nigqiigrom, n eat wheal. can unu ezt-sn him: l r t t l e fore de an F fittreet. inth the deft, rif , d on arrival o each train. Cram. run from the depot o of BUY/XS, onb_, allowed sash PaAllrll- E. Passengers. are orkubited from talcangangthOili gate but their 'roar apparel,. All kgo few' y worlds to be gaid r 'extra. Ttor li ds Parr 'limit the ir reirsonvibili ty_tor rage tO Orisßeirantry.Wlanc, and wiLl not be llama "far any anicent baron* wsw, en *mit br amnia/ oectrast. - 'JAW W.AI, Rig NORTH, Picruianag vAr4JA RAILROAD.' FOREFIRM, DOYLRSTOW R._ MS OR CHUN , - HARL - 14TON. E ASTQN, RCKLEY. WILRESBARRE. & c. THREE THROUGH TRAINS On and after MON DAY. MAY- IL 1860 , Passenger Trainewill leave FRONT and WILLOW Strom% Phila delphia, daily', (Sundays excetitsd). as follows A tsx2 At 6.4 3 A. M., Express). Tor Bethlehem, Allentown. Mauch Chunk. azietatil Wlikestarre, to. At gAgry. al., ( rics u Afor Bethlehem; Easton, to. This train read es n atll P. 81., andmaltes aloes oonneormn with New ersey Central fur New York. At 1.10 P.14.,' for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Chunk. & ig. At 9A. M. and 41' M.. forDoylestown. At 10.90 A. M. and 6.40 P. M., for Fort Washington, The CO A. M . Express train make. close connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem. being the shortest and. most doturablo route to Wilkesbarre, and to &Tuts in FOR hilt 04*yagion. RAINS PRILABBbP:IIA. F i r ye thlehem at 640 A. M., 9.)8 A. M., and 5.39 tiftore Doylestown. at 9.26 A. 30 . and 416 P. M. Ye Fort Wastungton at 6,30 A. M. and 2.30 P. M. 0 .15 1 1INDAVS. - Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 tilladelriltia for ftylestawn at a P. M. eylertown for PhiMdelphia at 6.40 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelp h i a at er. AL Fare to Bertvettem-$1 60Care to Maria CW1129.119 59 Fare. tO gAtolVii....-.-. /50 itare to Wilkesbarre.. 460 Through Tuoksta meet. pr o cured at the Tiotot Officft, at WlLLOW'Street pr SERIES Street, in Order to secure the above Tates of la. - 0. All Passenger Trains (except (Nadi Trains) connect at Berta Street with Fifth And . nth-streets, and Second and Third - streets Passenger inroads, twenty minutes after leering Willow litreet. • EL bits CLARK. Arent. ARRAN likkif APO 7.7.gA1.--111LADELPRGIF:AA, W ' , BALTIhIOR RAILROAD. On and alter MONDAY ' APRIL 15.1867, • PASSEPIPER TRAINS LEAVE HILL DELPHIA: For ..13a1V al re at [1.15 A. M., 11.35 A. BE, (Express). f l o l l 9 tlostCrstil 0.18 A, M., HA A. Mu 4.11 and 11).61) P. M. • • POT Wilming 10.199 P ton am A. 70., 11S6 A. M., LIS and : M. for Dew Castle at 515 A. M. and 4.18 P. M. or „Berner at 5.11 A. M. and 5.15 P. M. or Milford at 8.15. A. M. For Balntebnry 158 8.15 A. PO hi. 115.1 R PHILADELPHIA Leavelt:rarer! at 6.15 A. M. (Express), 9.43 A. M., gave. Wilmington at 6.50 And 9.12 A. M.. 190 and 1. Tel eallithary at 1.40 P. M. Lem Milford at 4 P. M. kayo Dorar at 0.56 A. M. and age P. M. Leave. New guile at 8.23 A. M.. 7.20 Y. M. Leave Chanter at 7.40 A. M., 9 40, I.ff and 8.40 P.M. Leave Baltimore for ealianury and Delaware Rail roan at &MA. 113.- - • • - • TRAINS FOR BALTIMORR'; - Leave Cheater e t t 8.44 A.M., 13.05 and 11.10,P.M, Leave WitglingtOn at . 9,36 A. 12.: 6 ni., and ix FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Oar &Mashed, Yon ran ne fAllon Leave Philadel i shia* for Perryvlils and intertiteMite Leave Wilmisoriou for Terryville mid taterideillats Plisse! c j a 2 l 2 . • Leave i intim — for Philadelphia and interme diate planes at 'BP. Leave Barre-de-Grace forHaltimore aad intennedl- . ate stations at, 6 A. Leave Baltimore for Ravre-de-graes cad intermedt- Ma stations mil P. M. • laSt SURDAS% Only IMMO, P. M. from Pialadslphis to4ollll4lflh Only at 46 F.M. from thilli,miyte to Tht elphia. den M. FELTON. resident. AILLADELPH I A o/PY--__Mr%m :l l l ls . 4- ICEAPLPI9I and kAILAUSIWRIii on and niter Mar MORI-lINO LINES; DAILY, ( 5 - undsie o:wonted.) a tm g i ez• D iril o pu r i p." pr ep AD on Thirteenth Ari7rai. streetsjg 8 somat_ Ins Harnitbnrqurthp YE"( ...MAL* 1 IRE- Pflesbellt the cubIBERLAND -VAL,LE 1.011 r.m. Emir e t hambgksburs, and the HORMYRI CENTRAL RAILROAD I.P. .61. train. roman to to am . beryots, .; . AFTERNOON LINES. _heave New Depot. corner of RELOAD and CALLOW RILL Streets, PHILADELITIOA4Pageuar attrtosaa oh Thirteenth end oniCallownin otraetoo for ruTTB -- and PRAHARRISB, at LIS P. AL.:DAILY, for READING ordr. at 5 .. DAILY. (Sunday'. at teand'AdfoEßYlA PRFL EL REA AND xEmirms Luno/S). 4 ,20 . M1C . L.432114; 0* MI Le ftrnspurg —.......-1111, Pbin ... c .. .• - —.--.111 VCIle Mar .-. L ...1421 Tinton Juofian-1 1 4 I =* rr a iktimberlaad . • .g e gtop rg .................. Oralegler• , . ........3111 i An....—........ 356 ittal.: M. trai iilmil En ao rr onsot °ilr dati ..- Cfla"VitiMVATlVekialialta sealeisys hinacj close- one _lath lines Cu Muer*" close'- ea 5 eet s Smolar.. DErwr Pi • zuraLA Corner of SCUD ' Mid C • •W. 11.11/eILERNIIEY. &watery ' ..ii. -241":11.111,17.11.3 INLAND TO Plait toLK AN PONTANOM G , VA. and to t pnnau.:. tea ' Ottielf-and Tawas in the Bench and _ % s treet, mods sent toile:Teset. - corner MIAS? le. ~ t . ono. AtilairiGTOM 4tittotrao, WI be tomato** Win *GM i 4 ag l . lo :Ktso4 II Pr any Wt#or ir r. spinoiv , . blaster of VtiAinottstion P: W. ft.:B. A. it. co. CH M ll uls by WETREBILL dr, BROMERI Jail 47 and 4 Mrtu isEcOtly lom, FURNBBB' BRINLEY, PO., !tic. mAAKE7t Peremptory sale for "eh of -- LARGE rgiEK of IHIfICY At the *fore formerly infouried b • . . Baugsan. •cH FRF ET ETR Er, At& ROIEWES, G. 4:9 MARK On .Tuesday and Wednesde.r. onnAge May Cl and 22, nonmtenoing lit ,* oNflook slob dal. eon` stint of • • • r - 'l7 Wool Shine end drawers, cotton and wool hosiery. gloves, gauntlets, patent thread, spool cotton. etai binn ing', silk handlieroblets.nuspenden. steel-ep ing hoOwo skirts, merinos" , Monate, go•d lewelry, combs, brushee, buck nod leather pnriree,Vortmonniues nooket books, "per. envelop". b ittons. od e, fnns, pipes Pipe stems, cords, pins .99k i s s ere.. snatla. nornumnon nays: baskets . soa p . Lie egbe water, perfumery, nod a great varlet, 01 NIET Also. large Olga towe l.) thief-proof wife. 4 large size •how cam". largemze.Gorrnsn silver-mounted show Dan N. 13 —Goode will be Peen tbr L exammation on men• day morning. May 220v1fllsoatawIlliel6 N F. PANOthier, AIIOTIONEEii, Puc- A , • moor to B, 4Slr giUSISTIVIJT !.4t. SA" OF .F 314 1001.obtt• nOSIERY. fiIILLT EERY 60083, & c .. by catalogue. This Morning. May IS. sale commemcin O g at to IDERIES. o'nlook preetsell. EMBR Xis lot, lat. and choic handss cambric and book em broidered collars, sets. handkerchiefs, he. DRESS GOODS. Also aline oflatest and best styles barer* and lawn robes:bres. HOOP SKIRTS. Alan, CO dozen superior steel sprint/ hoop Akins. 600 DOZ 8.4.81ERY. Also, E'.o dozen Indies' white, brown, and mixed cot ton hose, children's hosiery, men's white and brown hone, lisle ana —s CeS EI e PE RFUMES Y. Aiso, eases choice first quality perfumery, extracts, halrotlß /S tec. BONS AND MILLINERY GOODS. cartons Paris bonnet ribbons Freud, artificial flowers. STOCK GOOF'S. JEWELRY. Iko. Also balance of retail stook, oousietine of motion., embroidenes, dress goods blankets, towel', AiS. One superior nweirui. uOU CASES sTB AW WOOS. On Friday Moridlig. May r. by estslo: us. at 10 o clock. 100 caste straw goods, consisting. in part, of medium to very fine qua lity spit straw, Florence, braid, eoburgs.colouill and lanai straw ' bonnets. r&c. etYles Mines lanai Boulevards. fan"y hats end caps, palm and WilOw whits and colored tilha,ers..Bo.. being the finest and moetoboicai aroortment.of straw goods offered this sea -1 son. BRANDY_ IN BOND, On Fridni Mornitig. May 11.'at o'otook, nine eivith-pipeo Dobiroeu oniNneecnbond. Samples now in store. 131111,1 P FORD & 00., AUOTIONIERB No. WlO MARXICT 14trpot stud i2l MINOR Xt. Pour! VN BALE OF D I.O BR /UU oral ES BOOTS. BROWS ANOGANB. . . . . On Tiuiraday ; !Worming, Alay JO. at 10 o'clock precisely*, will be aold, by °star hie--. 100 oases melee, built' hid YOritile calf, kin. and grain boos, east, kip, and gram brooming; Cougreas calf and Yat Lea Oxford ties, walking shore, &o:: wn men's, zanies', and children's calf, kip: goat, inoroooo and kid heeled boots and aboesotaitere. slippers, bun aim ito.; also. a large and desirable aaasortment of brat-cuss city-made goods. Goods open for examination, With oatalognoo. early on the morning of sale. AT 0001.Mtill(0131SCENT OV BALE, On Tbarsday , !donna'. May la, sold 16a.lotent men's and bore' read y made clothing. elated jewelry. watches, ko , by order of the executor of an estate. 3/1 rITZPATRIOK •Sr, Dui • TIONENIUS. 604 CaFZVI 117 fftri alien SWIG . At I ii•slink, of nooka, stationer, azd ilL110? coedit. watches. ielat .9404 1 4 1, *lvor plated ware, sather7, liatAtino, zit itistAtuitiontitik, Ao„ 44 •° , 437.1;490, , tp0U5, aria , 'hoes, ant war e 4 1/1 4 P l iZat i i r I,O llM g quo WedPisfayeaad Fri day at 10 ornlook Ai= * At ozivata sale leYeral larg.dotinals,nrwents o i!wat a las, tone r 7, books, stationery, silver-VS.4d wars, outiell, fanny goose. Arti; To 'triton la solloited • the attention ol *AI and country noesonautm and other'. Goardgamenta softer/tad or ail lands of nervy snits* for ettneranalia or private ea!ea. • 11W_Lebaral asistvadmoe• =dß ea comic awn% (Mt-(1001:141ecetoree Rat4OA4%to. • • it ion: - WEEKLY (30MMUNIOATION BY "ffrEAlll . BETvaltaitEw _Vita . AI. , F.R.POOL, calling at Qt , .. /61 , 41STOWPI are. , lark! tO land , and embark peasertand up fhe Liverpool. Moir Yegirid • • linadoiplua. Mem ship Company's splendid utl e-biii t iron ' re! steam stops, are inteaderr toe/vitae moire :- • , • •• • __FROM illi •Ir FM Crß if' Rift-LIVERPOOL. CITY Or at attO a EATER,' Saturday, May 11 CITY VrOaLTIBIOIth, tiatinitly, Ma Pi xArtGAKoo. . . datorday. May 24 Aottevery_ tte.tarda 7 . throughout tho'year, from Pi. bit Pio. 44 Pl. E . RATER OF PABEllk a . THROUGH FROM. Pill Me.. Cabin, to f/neirnator,r, n or Liverp ool. ......._........ 875 Du. to Lopsion.Tl4 Liverp001._....._.__...._..: 880 Stoor.go to quranato*nrk, or 11.045ripooL ....................-.- 19.46 Do. to L0nd0n....-....-...,.. : .,—.......4.........4141.. 11.133 ..... . -- bo. Return iio~CeM , available for tax mont6e; from Liverpool.. SOO Passengers forwarded to Havre, Paris, Hamburg, Bremen, and Antwerp, at through rates. " emtifiostes of passage bunted from .Ltverpool to New 140 Goroates of passage located from Queenstown to - tow sea hose steamers have superior acoommodations for Passengers. are oonstruoted with watertight 00tapart menta, sad carry exponential burgeons. For freight, or priseageiapigx atthe office of the COM POT* Pelee DALE, Agent. 111 Walnut, Philadelphia. layeriroul, to WM, LIVA4I".• Tower Bedell/IL In CHawow, to WM. INDIAN, spB-u . • 13 Dixon street. Op . .. MHIE BRITISH AND '-NORTH AMICRICAH ROYAL' MAIL "'STEAM . , A _Tooll 2t2W pc n x. To arvlrapoeL. An ... gChief Cabin P21 2 21100-.---,,-...--..--.---, WW I t.0012d Cabal Pasesee:..-.... .—............- 111 12102-8042011 :so Lresitroor.,, Claief,„Cabin,Peraage,...-.._ _ vai Second Cable New York ,00 ThO Woe from New York call at Oprk Harbor. The Ebner from Batton milt at Halifax' and Cork Hay -11.9F.:VA, Capt. Judkinsi.' AFR ICA. Cant. 811;u:won. ARA cape. t. O. _Stone. CA_ _ADA, Ca‹. Anderson. ASIA, _ O. Lott. AMERWA, apt. - MoAnley AUSTRALASIAN_ , PII&GARA,_ pt. Moodie -- MIX B. M. ' Hookley. EUROPA,' Capt. J. Caok. - , •,, , ~ 8130T1A.1 how but". l ) - - - Theire.ymela Carry A ?haat wht tedi tat maat-tulad ; groon•oo iribw,ed bow . red on port xkw, 14226,10-241140a . 26,1422v4212 Eidaton, Wedeerlday, May I M I, hp/ • - " H. 'York. Wedneadar.'Hay 8. LA, tone.. " .Aoelone Wadnee4Y. l tllYA 211 CA, hoon, " ft. 2C012. 022 _M&T., ay= Nt a alt ut A tffilt "'‘'.'' r• r t ‘ '..-- ,.... T. Vit ' Jaitel: litErale, " BCIP:1 1 , Wedneodij ' 3o2o 4 , ARiaLtOtt, " N. lar Medi:lmlay, Übe Us net stemmed until paid tor. - ' N arperienoe i d t Sarteon at board. h gaups will not be accountable for irint r-4 , Arillon, me ekecie, Jewelry. Preolotui Stone; or ants . unitise bills of lading are alined there for. e and 4 the value Maenad therein oxpritatitli Fo 4t, or =MOLY. •e • . 4 Bow li ng Gresjoir eit ' • - ROUTR. ‘PRI Dbirf 11 IA MID BL-' ' to Twolorra Catawiva, Ra per*, Wilkegbarre,Soranton WD bainspork Xz Et pliton, (Anton, !plus h . limo, Niagara leallth heater, Cieweland,:DOttal /Wady), Cldeage, Bt. / lwaukm *qui alive:into ortli sad mange r train will love the new Deliol the...Phl rner - BROAD and l en i gra l 2l.. e rlar x tt=m i le?r entrance on C4st lowhill.atyseto.llails .(131tnda!s riereeptee?, for above RIXSA.F.6OI— 117.•EXPRL151L-.. 3.15 .M. Tao 11.09 A. XL, train coarX&lMr i tpertilor Wiltea t7Bl.A.WirrlA E li a dntoo% It a rrii,Mi'4 4l e RV , . , Ifhe above tram - make - direct ocirtnentioe at rmira yribttt.o traiu 0. Dye Now . York and (,anandiugtie ~-Tlagers Falls, and alo, New York and E „an d fart Caitlin! Railroad!, from all paints North and eat, and th4C.anada•_,. Ba;gage eheokca to 119traira ; It cacao, milt gepetiine3l Bridger; and all - t,.ecrtnedioto polr,ta, !Meet! can L moved Cl the Philadelphia and El mira RailroadL4 e'ssilottet,Ofiloe, northwest °cram of SIXTH Btreete, and at the Paamip,ger Depo4..j u t %elm ; . .E . 044M11 , 1 and CA L_WWRILL. FREIGHT TRAIN t,save ti( 0 7 . oatonte, and Reading Depot, Brood arid eedJow(tee t (stitie&T# excepted), for .11 points cots.) Nokth, at 6P. Freights md_. be delivered before II P. M. to inure their going the r ame dag. For farther infonnation appii at Freight Depot. TIIIRTEEPTit and CALJAwIi ILI,. or to • , • T. LEONA KlJl,Agent. Iterthiash.tettieg anew ILO IlittOriftv M 1 `l±l . . . • • - " WEST - .OIIEISTER AND PHILADELP WU MERU. aPßfillro AR ItA CEPLET( T, On and after Ikloaday, M arott 11, LNII. the trams will le Philadelphia n tlolll the Depot. northeast , earner ofEighteenth anii m whet streets. at 8.00 A. -1.1..• and Sr T P.M. . The , reighl. Train, with paiteendrer oar attached. will leave eat Plulader at 6A. Mt, running a. .tar gbil the -Bnitimege OM 4uovtioq, - . __, . •_.f On elitaaarV s eave. hiladelphne at 6 A.M. and ar. Pd.; leave Wept mar at LSO A. Id. and 1.30 P.M. The it aricarhihtdelphiaal. itt zfV.• warmer. at renaelion with traine QIU 11.-P hie and Baltimore Central Stailroed. •to ten t ere, ao, &e. nrial ~. .. General ekretirinte ant. e , • .7 • ~'VALLEZNAARO4.D.—P4II BE PIC BDOWNUWWW AND T • t • • 04 Z48.--nend, tha',lfielelikerra for, Vta ifieTOWN' vrii start.mout Bir eaeeneer Depot o the. Philp, delphie ,end R e_&Broad Company. Ammer of BROAD ead CWHILL /Streets, (vassesser-ell trattee ont-Ositowhol.) • .• - • BIORDIEN9. WW2( for Downiustown leaves st LCD AFTf i linoqX for Dow/nit/ma 'two. it Bai,lit(ifhindaytikeePted). By order Of the uosoi.of - Manassre of the Philadel phia and Reading Bialrood Couto/Lox, sse o,lotoiLiligNNV.ltooreterr. THE ADAMCOMUIEV . OM, Mao SOO OlllollViiir tors P 7 ltainkaros. Moroluuninso, Hawk and apeoCietadael rby its. own Luton or. In wick other Sumo. Contnanion, tto ll= loWnolind elm or Ike vtn woomot ooth.** L D SPEPS 1(IA. REMEDY: Ejr Bv..DARIIfiI HAWN AItORATIO ENTIOORATIN=.. Maticass boss arid by as public • or /In year/ with iscrsirrior Meer. It is mem 00f0 .000sPeysta NfITIVOINIAISS. Starr-Bairn: Deers Faira, Wisdis tits StossOch t or Pains 111 the ItOtlfifi a Mo l o46 nvorswir, amp Om, Lary Aspirin.; , Drtirthrs: • zossuris, tarrourersact. - • - It Tommioner. Bastbiamsr, Imeteiteamits, WILL NOT InTOIICATI OR OTIIPIIPT. - As a Medicine it is aulck and easitnt . d.. miring the mortougravatedearee ofDrspepidk Kids Committing,. and En n 4 sthst.diranioents of the BM and Bowels in Aaneedl n mannex. - - It will: stritifiT revive the moat melancholy and drtHOSIIS *OW% and restore the ,weak, nervous. and Mealy toltralth u ftre - ratit, and vigor. ?engem irkei a. the mindmions erninori. have become doer . and their nervous mate= chattered. evimti MUMS bailee down, and subleet to that horrible aurae to humeral - 34 the RZLIRIVM na tant immediate) feel the hap py - and health y inviter rating raiser of Dr. litires Invigorating Brunt. • Porte.--Onewine Crum run ea camper neeerram. One dose will remove all Bad Spirits. One doss wll.eure Haest.barn. Three dorm will cure diidigeutiort, One dose will give rou t p r lood. Appetite. One dose will stop the ,sans pants of .Draperals. One d ose wilt remove e dirtrersing and ihsameeatits offsets .of Wind .or 3 , l4nleritte• stomach receiver ttr•-invtgorstunt tip it, me, liilead and all Benefit' feelings will ha remsved.,l um dere will .emove.tne most distressing , ostso of Con, either t h e stomnoltpr bewels. s A few doses wt remove all obstruotions In the Kidney. Bladder. or Urinary Or Mat. ismons who ate seriorimy afflicted th an wi Kidney. Complaints Age enettred - er.eneedr Teney a Owe or two. and a radical ours by the lute or one or n ee bottles,' TIO3ITLY DITTIBATIO2I. • Personswim,Fromdessiostiag, too - soli 3 Over and rept thorrett-IneOte thnitenntla snopti , 71: 1". 27 kid • 'spot we ano mos °cash d tai r: t •; 22 = the Invisoratinee times*. 'fit I Meal . ha t tire.oo OW'. .0' . e. Ilona en . am . .PI tore Of, anit be Unlit,* vivre jhu4niswoiManailimiintormulifiii*44444oiim;dl - te_rouloye-diewswo At All the amerietor i=r 3 tAtt ' has put no the InVleolinwit RPM, 'in Mt ttatdea at ooroents c M mora litli7ll.'lltroot.ffew Yore. . :eas meth 49:11.01001.0;41treet. And for sahibs t g A l ttra t riglit atreet, tool procrum, jer-tastesr Philsdelpkta anil Lisa me moon Valley LA. Kortkem On Val. unbar► mai Aria R. 111 rt alms Elmira SALMI BY LUOTIO • -I;4EILPPInv4i. ./tA . XLItOAID LINES. subzeisOgf,copirs.": RA.LBB BY AUCTION tfi Tit-MIA-4M I WHS. . 139 and I 4 , MAL • Vor .• L•o:• . iTkOclits AND Ersicep SALES AT With EACILA LVEjfits Randbitis of ens% proisert) et , ... t. addstion to which we eishisen. on tile nakar4 l tt • ia) each oole. tho,,rvo,d , iitsiotuen i in pi form, rim( denoriptionn of nit nit. won mold on the igllpyring Tunany. REAL. hATAT E., AT PRIVATE BALL ow - We have a las re amount or real wane ape, . inciudipc every inniorintion of on, ape, -41 r., roperty. •Pn ted ninj hind in,t_tle P PR VATK. BAI4. ft.EGUITHIL. 128 %4 ehir' stem estate entered on our vrivann sale e, and adoertieed ocaearonejlv In our ac t e of.Loert of whin!' one • PP Ponies fun meted % % 7904 Frew Of charge. : now • ' REAL ESTATE 15ALP,•-jitAy tn. orphans' Goan Sale—Estate of Elizabeth Sat deoeasetl•—LOT OF OR' , llOl/1. north tide or ,erica et, t, Zll3 feet east of Seventeenth street's 1,....5ete. e e lime Eatate.—LOT OF GROUND mj "' wale.. abort , on the east, IS by 110 feet. . males IV; Karns - stage.—AN k.eirri It E 13 RIIA.RE OF GROIN divided tato 44 building lota' bectnnins at the e outr “D, corner of Brown and iSinteeron streets, 4181/no7lk comminute in front, on Sixteenth aad 5e,,, t4 lot Thel6l feet. and oil Brown street 346 fe e t 8 0 vidti The lot, as divided. w il t have (lochs oa Browe",ak fl4teenth and Seventeenth attest', and a are - 74. , 40 rest wide. St s ? Lithographie plans may lis hod at the Aro uh . ItaNDYOII.I6: MOD('IIN TIMES 3 TORY BS Brow! and yessagoin.,4 ftEPID , ;NCO. N 0.1612 Chestnut street. H ai ,IC't. modern mr_aproyitments anti conveniences. L o citk s 160 fee`. I•'ermo —, ,a (1 / 3 may mama on mort m , tl VALUABLE LU C, Fit AMb DWELLING iTA. feet ‘ fr i o yli, n 63.4 " f h e tai rt— i t co or r e n e e ff r mita Exeoutoye Peremptoly Kam.- }I R Et.RTok, BRICK DWELLING, N 1613 3 .‘ nos street, with ' ble in the rear. Sale at tv, REAL ESTATE 8A LE-31A 2ti Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of li eorge d oo , d._vijty VALUANLts DELAWARE awl LARGE LOT AND BUILDINGS, fronts Pyrenean etreet. e etreet or luuM g . e h d n ie n ct [aware. Bounded on the north by the oity Prom:6 et ! orde_r_of Atisicocec. lIANDSOME biODERN SIDENCE, Noon tI,. th. street, between Arch and Fiiheit etreetaii; Side. F MUM vitt, BEDS AND SE-DI SALE OF NUPERIoR FURNITURE, PIA% iivr.EB. :Id fait° RS, HAND.StINIE b p . D Li tri j e.. V i rtrv l E9 . . B tie s LeAN (mu m. ca R PEI*, ORINA AND , ASSWARH, &e. CARD.—Oar rale to-nrorrow morning, at thehet,.ir Bt•lre wiLleotnyrose.'heatdes 700 lota of excellent fuj pottoo fortes. animus, gilt chandelier!, til ware, e • onioe fulaitore,„ bed. and bedding, ohina and i i 24 Bruseels, ingrain, and other carpetscarpetsk a , r zt lan attractive assortment, worthy the attenholir adies and others destroue of Dunham:. sir fo catatorues now ready and the articles attu ne. r exanunattow SALE Of ve VA I.lf A 131,K LONDON AND A lityl BOUIO3. • All This Eveniusi Nay 16, at 7 o!olock, at the Auutiou Store, callyey o of valuable inteeallaneous books. many „f tarts &t. London edttione,..lroru.a private library. %Fir For parthfulart see catalogue.. ate at Noe. US and 111 south kulirth kite. U.F.EItiOR FURNITURE, FR.1.141)11-1•LATeu,.. I'IMIO-FORTI4B, BR USSELIS CARPttr On Thursday Smarm. At 9 o'clock, at the Auction r 3 tore. an aellortinut excellent second-hand furniture, elecut insuirfoitei flue. mirrors, carpets. etc., from amines ce,,, , ,i b ,„; tiongjokeepz.9{, removed to the Core fifer conveme rot 91 sale, Hate IVo. 910 Lombard titres! On Friday Morning, 17th inst., at 10 o'clock. at No. 910 Lombsril street, handsome furniture, Imploding a suit of wawa net wood and bromitelle parlor Innotarn. eupenor piano-forte. by Meyer, kitchen furniture, Jeri. sir Nay ho OXISMII2O4I at b &Mock on the 111111 Chg at the sale. NA'fBANS, A Mil I u f.,„ AND commaygor, zokßp.usa.3i loutLeui cornier ofd IX7II azd AMA, Armes, AT PRIVATE wax.. Er usual se ng prices, s old .le ir sr,,gd.le.nms'?laches on Ter lever and lawns wastes, nugllan, Bens, as! F renoh watches, st astonishingly low sOsss *lour Li eve!, desolation, very loWdlittill, W 11191,. ;Dowd! ,t stfuments, rst quality of' Havana mgart, st halt ti t importation price in quantities to alit purnhasen,m, various otter kin of goons. SPLENDID BET OF ^I `"ONDS .0,1! PklVapz oonsinting of dismoad 'and 'opal D:0501.111 atJ rings. Price 3660. 'Coat in . Perie 111,400. Astlandul single-stone annorld bresat•pin, 48,) HQ, coat SPX.' OUT DOOR SAI4:S Attended to peraonally by the Auctioneer. Colongcmonto, of any and e,Ol i 7 kind arced, I]tr MONEY TO Al l2l AntirE V 441,000 to loan, at the lowest Wee, on Mauna watoiLos % ) plate, dry goods, Monne% tro cartel, °mare, hardware, cutlery, P 13.11011, FLIROTh nitnre, bedding, and on good! of every dee:worm, large or email amounta, from one dollar to thomitt for Any length of time agraod on. wir a Oldoei Eetobliotiod holm in litigant, Private outfamoo on RACE arrest, Balinese boon from 9 A M. to 9P. Airiatry inumre.nee tho hor.ent of deg:mini% CHARerlia orthi TWO PER CENT. Advanoee of *Maud up wards at two per era Advances of COO and tipwar. et one vermon..le short:Wane. _ MACHINERY AND IRON. ~ ; ...,. ntia.: STSAM Je19113 AID uo IL E.k woitx_ 4-4r:if. A lea, 4 ex•• 1• AOLI Krih.Ql4lf GILVELV .r • . 1. aa, DiALwi-Pft ,zt, 0 i a/ "- 0•• Tfll 'OTOS, haripp, foi many ) etre. es a bl=llayperat k om eqd peer • edeihnoer oggegid 611 4 Alla eap.magimg alar:ae anditieer &ma, ILO and Ow preagara, Imo kijoato, Water Taub. kropedep alset., eloa. t galneaatfmlly of er itch' gerressitd the et C s, aroalleal7 prepared to' oortmet for EWAN' 1 macs, inane ) ilayer o , mod alatreora7 : isrop lai A =MI di dlndredt a:sme.dlltigrepardut mots et: Intl moil despathk. s•?rify del:Oilt p; of 2,;.10a making made st th.t shortest motioo, iga &o t :Al Preenre, Flu, lulttar, seal I.:gander ..oeart, of at best Pearoeylvaaia amajpaaLu - kga._F.omials, of mll 130 and kinds ; Iron sod MZSGIL , IIII,Vt, arab dolor:phone; Jaen Tanuna, Zoreer Cattier , an e 11.! who: wen we noosed with the above baglacag, Dra i nand neoitoat Lou for all Ten Orr gill 11: illll2t, tree Of dame, aria WWI gad:SPOOL aow ripen; have ample wP.arfooor roast !Or :. et boat', where ter MO bo in perieiq g e . aieg... 1:1=7:4 11 474 Vi k al ' ril r e "b. " °I . 4. CTIB 11. Anill 1. 11. IL ALM Lad. ?AL acre J. 'EEHAN MERRICK, 7GHN i.. CCM WILLIAM H. MIRRICL. _RAMEY alma. WIIIIIWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTOICISIMITI. MIMM =allot a - INS, IiPIUSPIZERG AND NAGUlNlifill, Inanafaature Illigh and Low Pressure Steam 1A1446 for land, :1 Izz l and marine sortie*, Sodom, metem, Tanta, /TO% Boats, ke: Cut I:sof ail too bitter Irian or brass. 0 Frame R oof, for Gra Works. Workshora Liii Stations. o. Itittorte and Gas Inaoltinery of the latent and mon in DreVall eordrlnettOn. beery deseriptton of Flatin Macadam, sue) a Gases, flaw, end Grist Mi lls.l Vacuum Pans, Otle Qt ant Trainor. Defecators, E . / ten. Pampint Baginn. "oto Asen for N. .I.ilherox's Patent dual Bond! AseamMus essuTtn's Potent Steam itammer,and A., yluirtill & olapy • Parent ontranget enbr Droacal Nae CAI 191:1INT ' FOUNDRY ) 110. 911 13 )4!‘ !;kgareriit, ketientton, Philadelysis—rell LIAM . nExa informs inertnends that, raritz pat eirseeed a entire stems Of Patterns ea the IDOVP Pees Jr hi r now prfajirryi to raGerreoTdere for, /kill% and May Mrll f.raertings. atosp. CherreasJ, ere Work. gea.rr. Qmeetrnas sacs tea Ism 1.7 - at itervida Jr unitary - fa dry al r.IMIZ ali.. tri4 BUBITUEBB C& DB. • RUMNESS MEN ARE ADVERTISING in the Beet - Newman of City end Colon" the Moen of JOY, COE, & Co., ADVERTIfiIIYtt Ali FIFER and CLIZISTNUT PITREETS,ThiLtdchka TRIBUNE BUILDING, New York. Wig ALFRED D. BRICK'S UNITED STATES AND E UAN PATENT P O E F__,FIOE,' No. 144 ROUTH FOURTH BMW. Patent Layout U. B.(nenr) and Europe 0101 " . Ward no*. ap11471 H O. II LLM A N. ATTOKNEY•dT• • LAW, JERSEY 4HORE, Fennolvinit• `" °/1513 " °1211 PromPtli ma4e in Clinton andL!canin counties. • ' REIMS TO Miiinl• Walter k. Haub. Philadelphia - Esq., Jerney Shore & I GO., nib.- Shaffner, Ziegler, & Co., Yhilodio• Friotimote kCr Ptrilade.; A.lkleekey -Look Haven • Yard, Garr."' & 06. eiladeg & Woddroi. Philsd&; 11. zdalds: °well a Reiff. Plated& flab JOHN ELLIOTT, WINE and LIQUOLO , Dim 31T and' 319 WALNUT Strees,guieV ill dorm. between Third and Fourth, ninths] gal. S lialohia. N. .10. —Ftno Old Wididves elren tEstr.bliodied in MC) A! pAWBON & NICHOLSON, Boonnri wok Nam. siy and MU Mthok duvet. Between Maitut and Chestnut eroeck PRILALIRLPHIA. AXES PAWBOX. JAB, B. iy:cati ir. • -1.7" -.mmoll ?UGUET & SOVO, e•. 7 . ilffrOmmslias 07 HAVa t it tuSAIS, No. itir tS4nth PROW" &tot. , """'"" YerwarlY a lan assortment M &Mato tor ; . 0 . 11141111ortuoh thoy offer at km rates, o tutor; r tortovoit oreat. jil6, MURPHY-WHIPPLE IRON BRIO/. STORE, QRIGLEY A BURTON. 1%333 WALPI I / 7 ISTRRE 7 . PRILKOMPRIA., Pas leema to inform Railroad Comohniestre f ul intereatee bridr ux ecesstrueg)en" th at-OW • a ,00ngeotton in 'nets with JOHN W. OITA Engineer, (au or and larontor of the eboYe. no known plan of iron bridge ' ) and are errYsred "'I is orders, from any part of gun - coun try, I r ma 10 =bat supe rintendence. v ie Seaters relaßan4i anband., estimates Pho so JORPL_ RI, dearief weakai. - .. Per 1170341 i; Ni6L EV. k A.'''. THE WEEKLY PRESS• TEE WEEKLY PESSO ken established onaseaare and permautat RiE 4lll : bait is reality, a Lalir9ollolls *wimple of she Ulf of favor winoh a rightly-oondoote4 LITERARY, POLITICAL, AND NEW 6 30IIRNAL , Can reoeire at the hands of a liberal 0 5 i 10 7, public. Our mo i l gratefal thanke are tendered ay Patronage alremily beetirwed upon nei sad I r ° 5111°Ire no effbrbs which may serve to render the upper , e irei more attractive. useful, and popular in the future , The POLITICAL course of THE WEEKLY PI need not be enlarged wren here, Independent, a♦iJdl` and [caries& it has battled, unwaveringly ecti gesito lip in defence of the BIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE against EXECUTIVE USURPATION, and unfair e B u i Om:initial legislator' ; ever deolaring and od herier the doctrine that POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY cos& tutee the fundamental bolded' our free A:limitations, eel that the intelligence and satriotiem of, our oleo: 11 m l grape be preservative of a wise. Mat, sad esivt 6 ",,,S ernment. These are *the priseiples to whic li " 'hthere' ,1 WEEKLY PRESS has been committed, and m will adhere. TERMS: r~t Eli 43 " 00P7. one Three Copies. one 8 0 Five Come, one year..-... IS 0 Ten Copies. one year.-- —.— Twenty Copier, to one addreas, et the rate of I per rvrtr•-•"' • Twenty Copies. to one address a eaoh into 01 - sextbar—. ti O ni pecnen Copies will , be forwarded to those who ". attest them. e w Ol ARY person lending ni a Club of PrOgirY T A T be entitled Man extra copy. We o ° otinua " WEEICE,Y TRESS to Clergymen for V. Subtoriptiona may oonananos at an 7 tuna* ier t always clash, in advance. All letters Wbe adds JOHN W. FoRNZY No.. 427 CHESTNUT STREET: x zsimi ip " HAVANA S r -4. large And tiPl eit ; did asoortmesit 61811o:ism tits li dds. in It° and for male Tory low for cash bl • E' eIIe N 9AN T 130 AltrlKl suy3o-19i