Letter from New York. SNOWINNSIN IN NEW YORE READY TOR ORDERS—AN ARISTOCRATIC cam - reser ?Mit rats yrs mem Ex- TEDSLS—PRIPARATIons TOE pErvAsEERS—ANO SEIM CLERlCALcaLasnryr OTT TOR WAR—ROVE ENNUI IN CENTRAL PARR—MERCRANSIEN ARMED DEFENCE COMMITTER. [Correepondenee of Tne Preen, NEW YORE, May 2, 1861. The following regiments now here have boon mustered into service, and await orderer from headquarters: Colonel W. H. 1000; Cowed Billy Wilson's, 780; Colonel Olmstead's, 700; Colonel H S. Lansing's. 780; Colonel Pratt's (N. Y), 500; Colonel Morgan's, Too; Colonel Baker's (California). 710; Colonel Blanker's, 843; Colonel Hudson's, 800; Colonel lifoLeay's (Scotch), 710 ; Colonel Bennix's, 780; Colonel Hawkins', SOO Pratt's (Ulster Colonel Duryea's; 1,200 Colonel; county), 700; Colonel Lo Gal (French), 500; Colonel Tompkins, 780. Sixteen regiments; 12,253 men. On inquiry of those whose position gives them facilities for knowing, I learn that some eight or ten regiments, In addition to these, are nearly formed, and will be ready for muster by the close of next week. Beater, all the volunteer regiments from New York will be Clothed with the regulation uniform—no more Zonavee and toggery of that sort. The quartermaster at Elm-street Arsenal is limning 11,000 rations per day_ An exception to the usual style of military thing which is now witnessed on every side, is to be found in the Albany Burgesses Corps, eighty men, composed of members of the Datoh aristo cracy of Albany. They are ' with scarce an ex 'caption, six feet high , furnish all their own equip ments, which are of the most complete and expen sive sort, take with them two full eels of uniform. and pay thar MOIL expenses. They are attached to no regiment ; yet, these kid-gloved gentlemen encamp in the Park precisely as do our freshest. end roughest recruits, and put themselves, in every respect, on a war-footing. It is jest possible that some of Jefferson Davis' privateers may take a notion to capture one of the California steamers. I hope they will. The encounter would be lively, especially if attempted with the Champson, which took with her two 32 pounders, one 12, one 6, one hundred muskets, and plenty of email arms. Besides this, her hose Is so arranged as to furnish a splendid boiling water bath to those who might be disposed to the sportive manceuvre of boarding. Another elerioal notability, Rev. Win. Alvin Bartlett, is off for the scene of hostilities, as chap lain of the Fourteenth Regiment, of Brooklyn— ens et the fined corps New York has yet sent for ward. A patriotic gentleman announces in one of the morning papers his readiness to give $2,000 for the erection of a monument in Central Park to honor the memory of those New York volunteers who may fall while defending the °Rose of the Union. Nearly every merchantman now sailing from this port is fitted out with a fair armament and an extra crew. Indiamen, in particular, go well pre pared for defence. The Union Defence Committee meet daily, and work from morning until night. They are eating with great discretion and great energy. General Wool meets with them every morning. How Inc Arms were taken from the St Louis Arsenal. (Special despatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Sparsormn. April 28, 1861. I am now able to give a complete and accurate narrative of the transfer of the 21,000 stand of arms from St. Louis to Springfield. Captain James H. Stokes, of Chicago, late of the regular army, volunteered to undertake the perilous mission, and Governor Yates placed in hie hands the requisition of the Secretary of War for 10,000 muskets. Captain Stokes went to St. Louie, and made his way as rapidly as possible to the arsenal. He found it surrounded by an immense mob, and the postern gates all closed. His utmost - efforts to penetrate the crowd wore for a long time unavailing. The requisition was shown. Captain Lyon doubted the peeribility of executing it. said the arsenal was surrounded by a thousand spies, and every movement was watched and re ported to the headgnarters►of the Secessionists, who could throw an overpowering force upon them at any moment. Captain Stokes represented that every hour's delay was rendering the capture of the arsenal more certain, and the arms must be moved to Illinois, now or never. Major Callender agreed with him, and told him to take them at his own time and in his own way. This was Wed nesday night. Capt. Stokes bad a spy in the oamp, whom be met at intervals in a certain place in the city. On Thursday he received iornmation that Gov. Jack son had ordered two thousand armed men down from Jefferson city, whose movements could only contemplate a seizure of the arsenal, by occupying the heights around it, and planting batteries there on. The jab would have been an easy one. They bad already planted one battery on the St. Louis levee, and another at Powder Point, a short dis tance below the arsenal. Capt. Stokes immedi ately telegraphed to Alton to have the steamer City of Alton drop down to the arsenal landing about midright. He then returned to the arsenal, and commenced moving the boxes of guns, weigh- ing some three hundred pounds each, down to the lower door. About 700 men were employed in the work. He then took 500 Kentucky flintlock muskets. which bed been sent there to be altered, and sent them to be placed on a steamer as a blind to cover his real movements. The Secessionists nabbed them at once, and raised a perfect Bedlam over the capture. A large portion of the outside crowd left the arsenal when this movement was executed ; and Capt. Lyon took the remainder, who were ly ing around as spies, and looked them up in the guard-house. About 11 o'clock the steamer Coy of Alton came alongside, planks were shoved out from the windows to the mein deck, and the boxes slid down. When the 10.000 were safely on board, Capt Stokes went to Capt Lyon and Major Cal lender, and urged them, by the meet pressing ap peals, to let him empty the arsenal. They told him to go ahead and rake whatever be wanted. Accordingly, he took 10,000 wore muskets, 500 new rifle carbines, 500 revolvers, 110.000 musket cart ridges, to say nothing of the cannon and a large quantity of miscellaneous accoutrements, leaving only 7,000 muskets in the arsenal to arm the St. Louis volunteers. • When the whole were on board; about 2 o'clock on Friday morning, the order was given by the captain of the steamer to cast off. Judge of the consternation of all bands when it was found that she would not move. The arms had been piled in great quantities around the engines to protect tliim against the battery on the levee, and the great weight had fastened the bows of the boat firmly on a rook, which was tearing a hole through the bot tom at every turn of the wheels. A man of less nerve than Capt. Stakes would have gone crazy on the spot. lie called the arsenal men on board, and commenced moving the boxes to the stern. Fortunately, when about two hundred boxes had been shifted, the boat fell away from the shore, and floated in deep water. " Which way?" said Captain Mitchell, of the steamer. " Straight to Alton in the regular channel," replied Captain Stokes. Hi What if we are attacked ?" said Cap tain Mitchell. " Then we will fight," said Captain Stokes " What if we are overpowered?"said Captain Mitchell. " Run her to the deepest part of the river and sink her," replied Captain Stokes. "I'll do it," was the heroic answer of Capt. Mit chell, ar d away they went past-therSeoession bat tery, peat the entire St. Louis levee, and on to Al ton in the regular channel, whore they arrived et five o'clock in the morning. When the boat touched the landing, Capt. Stokes, fearing pursuit by some two or three of the Seces sion military companies by which the city of St. Louie is disgraced, ran to the market-house and rang the fire-bell. The citizens came flocking no:a men to the river, in all aorta of habiliments. Capt. Stokes informed them of the situation of things, and pointed out the freight cars. Instantly, men, women, and children boarded the steamer, seised the freight, and clambered up the levees to the oars. Rich and poor tugged together with might and math for two hours, when the cargo was all deposited in the oars, and the train moved off, amid their enthusiastic cheers, for Springfield. Latest News from Pensacola. [Correspondence of the Mobile idvertiser.) PaIMACOLA. Friday Night, April M. Soldiers atilt arrive by every train Three corn. panies from Louisiana arrived to day. also a hun dred water soldiers (marines) from New Orleans Gen_ Bragg has now under his command about S 000 troops—a larger number, I believe, than Gen. Scott oommanded in the Valley of Mexico. They are all in fine health, and anxious for the hour that decides the destiny of self and country. The crisis, approaches nearer and nearer. An other day of soldier toil hae added to the great preparation. The chairs, gen-carriages, or what ever the technical term, for several mortars and big guns, came on this morning's train. The guns, I understand, will be here in a day or two. The commander of Fort Pickens is unceasing in his military labors. Like Bragg's, his men work day and night. They have thrown up a battery outside, but near the walls, of heavy guns, ob tained from their ships, wh ile on the ramparts, they are piling bag upon bag of sand, to protect their guns and men. And ail this visible to the naked eye—even their muskets, stacked on the beach. The Governor has accepted the tender of the two military covenantal of Pensacola, as, well as that of th e gallant Captain Miller, of Santa Rosa county. Little Florida is none behind her sister States in military ardor and enthusiasm. There have been no additions to the United Stares minadron this week. A British vessel, a ship, I believe from the West Indies, arrived this morning. She oame in ballast. There is no United S$ elan vessel in port. Major Bradford's battalion are still on duty in the oily. Bat, like their brother soldiers at War rington, work day and night on the city's defence. They have made many friends among the citizens, particularly the ladies. They are not only soldiers, but accomplished gentlemen. The town was enlivened to-day by military lid. tors from below. Among them, Col. Gladden, of the Louisiana troops; Assistant Adjutant General Ca Starke,- of New Orleans, and Judge Winter of the Delta. la Mobile to be drained entirely of her citizen soldiers , We learn four companies have left for virginis with full ranks. Heaven favor them on their maroh. r feel like going, too, and will, if they don't hurry up things here Late yesterday afternoon a man by the name of Kirlsy, who claims citizenship at Austin, Texas, and professes to be a telegraphic operator, hired a boat, and a negro boy to pull it, for a ride on the waters. After spending a abort time within the vicinity of the shipping, he ordered the bey to head for Banta Rosa Island, and which he promptly re . fusee Kirby drew a knife and threatened him with Instant death if be refused immediate compliance. Of course, Bill wasn't long in making up hie mind, and after a couple of boars bard pulling, landed the fellow whoever he was, on the island. Present ing him with a hall dollar, be waived adieu to boy and boat, and was Boon lost to view among the hills that mark the island coast. The negro this morning made the above oirovimetanees known to his mas ter, who want to work to investigate the matter. It appears that Kirby was the ratan mate, from ne cessity, of a young man named Thurman, from Grand Junction, Tenn , who came here lately to join one of the Mississippi companies, but was taken sick at his howl. Kirby, though frequently refetleed, was very attentive to him. Last Wed neaday night he insieted on Thurman's tithing a sail In the bay, suggesting it as benefiolal. Ge consented, and, on their return, in a playful man ner, endeavored several times to force the boat under a portion of the wharf that was quite dark even on a moonlit evening —however, these thin g s all passed off as meaningless at the time ; but the proceedings of yesterday induoa Thurman now to believe that robbery and violence were intended, as, on counting his money this morning, be found himself minus $lBO, and at once suspected Kirby as the thief. He went down about noon to lay the bets before eon. Bragg, and he has not T et re turned. There le a sort of mystery about thus mat ter, some thinking Kirby a Lincoln spy—others that he is a bad man, simply a robber; but if only the latter, Col. Brown, the commander of Fort Pickens 4311 no doubt set with him as, he has in other c aws of persons falling into his handa—eand lag them to Ow. Bragg, under a tag. Important News from Cairo, Illinois. CAPTIMB or A svitatuat WIT* $175,001i WM= or ARMS, BY THR PII62.TIAL TROOPS. [From the Memphis Bulletin, April 26.1 We regret to learn that the steamer C. E. Hell• man , with $175,000 worth of arms, purchased in St. Loafs, and destined for Nashville, was captured at Cairo, this morning about 4 o'aleok. It seems that the commander of the military fares! at Cairo, having been made acquainted with the large amount of ammunition on board the Hellman, started the steamer Swallow. a steamer which him been fitted up like the B. B. Clancy, as a sort of man-of-war, was provided with soldiers and cannon, and started up the river to meet the Hillman. About four o'oloak this morning, the Swallow , met the ilinmem, about eight miles above Cairo, and Captain Corbitt, of the Hillman, being hailed from the Swallow, and supposing that they merely wished to make some communication, permitted her to land alongside, when an officer, backed by soldiery, presented himself, and de manded possession of the boat. Captain Corbitt, having no means to defend himself, was compelled to obey. Be, however, refused to laud at Cairo, but did at Byrd's Pont, on the Missouri side, and the effioer threatened to open the battery upon him ; but he persisted in his refusal, saying that if they wished to destroy the boat, they might do so, but he would never land at Cairo. Afterwards the soldiers had the Hillman towed over to the Cairo side of the river, and Captain Corbitt was told if he would wait till the arms and ammunition were taken out be might have his boat. But he refused to take the boat unless they would let him have its contents. This was refused him, and he and all his crew left his boat; and took the first train for Nashville. This information comes from Colonel 11. H. Harrison, the agent of Governor Harris, who was on the Hellman at the time, and who has telegraphed the substance of the above to Nashville. _ The Mil man's cargo consisted of about 700 kegs of powder, 350,000 blank cartridges, and 200 tone of lead, besides corn, oats, and hay. Captain Har• ram, of Nashville, the agent of Governor Harris, was nn the river yesterday, endeaving to intercept the Hillman above Cairo, with instructions from the Governor to run the boat close to Byrd's Point, OD the Missouri shore ; to palm through, if possible, in tho night; to take the chances of the guns, and if they find they are to be taken to set the boat on fire, and thus prevent this ammunition falling into the hands of the enemy. We learn that everything that passes through Cairo by express is opened by the military, and everything relating to war is appropriated. Up to Thursday morning the military at Cairo had captured fourteen cases of arms destined for the South. The tow-boat B. B. Cheney, which formerly ran in conjunction with the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, has been fitted np,with gnus as a sort of man-of war, to ohase and fife upon all steamers that may chance to go beyond the remelt of the battery. The country from Cairo to Mound City bee bean prepared for the operation of the flying artillery, so that if all other moans fail, they can chase and fire upon steamers from land. As an illustration of the vigilance of the soldiery in examining everything that passes Cairo, we may state that a box in the express, addressed to a lady in Allsaffsippi, was opened, and though it contained nothing but bunting for making flap, it was mired upon, and appropriated by the Cairo soldiery. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. WM. C. KEEHMLE, JNO. 10. A UDICKS. VOX-MITTEN OF THY MONTH THUS. S. REIM ON, LETTER RAGS At the Mere ants' Exchange Philadelphia. Ship Victoria Reed. Freble London. soon Ship Paragon. Bowes— ----Liverpool, soon Ship Garibaldi. Eurerr—.—Ett Paul di Luanda. aeon IMO Calliope , Uroodwin--Liversool. soon Ship Roraima. Minns-- Liverpool, loon .Nara David Impala, Dishop,—....— —Cardiff. goon Brig C F O'Brien. Damon—. - - Buenos Ayres. anon Retch Commerce, Barnes....,...—Mayaguez, soon Bohr Geo J Jones. Crowell— .--...Dismerara, Soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. FORT OF PHILADELPHIA. May 4.'1861" BUN BJHES .5 1-81.114 BETS-. -:6 50 HIGH WATER-- -- 10 20 A RRIVED Behr Sarah Louisa. Woodruff. 6 days from Bridge port. with old iron to Pbmnix Iron Co. - Behr Susquehanna, /Users, A days from Baltimore, with mdse to oa_p_tatn. Sohr Lizzie W Dyer. MoDnifta,lo days from Port land. wi h mdse to Crowell & Bohr S B Ashmetd, Young, from Norwich. Bohr Adelai d e ite. Douglass, from Boston. • Behr , Young. from Boston. Bohr Blocs Bird. Compton. from Boston. Bohr 7 C Baxter. Prior. from Newburynort, Bohr Montanus. Falkenburg. from Tuolterton. Bahr Northern Licht, Lase, from Solent. Steamer Sarah. Jones, 22 hoots from New York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. CLEARED. Bark "Dublin, Huntley, Boston. E A Bonder & Co. Fehr Helen. Long. Boston. J E Bewley. Seer C MemOk. Montgomery. Boston. Noble. Rain men & Caldwell. Bohr Davis smith. Douglass. floeton. do Bohr Dinelt Bird, Compton, Boston. - - - - dn Behr Adelaide. Young, kloaton. L Andenried Co. tir Montoya°, ralkenburg, Salem. 0 A Mealumher gr. Co. :-chr S M a=field. May. Salem. N Startevaut Er, co. Behr J C Baxter, Price, Bafelnt Van Duren, Norton Sehr Northern Light. Lake. B.oubur7, do Rehr Sarah Lonma. Woodruff; Norwich. do Seer 3 B Aehmead, 'Young, /foremen, Caetner, Shat z/ay gc Co. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES. Del.. May 2. The folloenne vessels are at the harbor: Ship Vtotoris Reed. and a ship which came in lest night, name not aseermieede also steamers America and Ariel. The John A Warner left tne harbor yesterday afternoon and proceeded to sea. Wind fresh from lY W. Yours, &o. N. W. PUOICKAII. (Correspondence of the Prem.) READING. Mem r„ The folloaing hafts from the Union Canal, passed into the Mohnfltrall Canal to-oly, bound to Philadel phia. viz : .1 W Harris. lumber to Semi Bolton & Co; (3. P Wat son, 0 Wilt.and P Hannon, do to Chas Christman; J E Carmony do to Henry Rapp; P Hunts and W(3 Thompson, grain to linmpbreys, Hoffman & Wright; D M Wagner, do to Perot a; Bro. MEMOEATiPit. Steamship Kensington. Baker, hence. arrived at Bee on 2d inst. Ship. Harrisburg, Wiswell. from Genoa. remained at ra.011710 12th ult. 1.1110. Bars Oak, Ryder, hence. arrived at Boston 2d Mat. Bark Lanzarotte, Rarnman, at Boston 2d that. from Pernambuco. Bark Daniel Webster, Ryder, sailed from Messina lots Mt. for Boston.. nark Lexington. Wilkina, - cleared at ew York 2d met for Bassos Ayres. Brm A 0 Caned. Watson. at Boston ld Inst. from New Orleans. - Brieir Edwin, I ;Vebber, and Tangent, Wiley, hence, arrived at Boston 2d inst. Brig Mary A Jones, Lavender, cleared at Banton 2d inst. for Buenos Ayres. - Behr Jae Alldordice. Stites, hens, arrived at Boston gd inst. 'Bar R DS Browwzg, Risley. hence, arrived at Paw tneket Ist inst. - - Bohr Rhodalia Blear, Peterson, from Jacksonville for Salem. at Holmes' Role let inst, and sailed again. zebra friary Ann Magee, Magee. and E W Perri, Samson. cleared at Boston 2d inst. for Philadelphia. Bohr W C ftelson, Smith, hence, arrived at Provi dence 211 mat. ffM;= Behr CIOSTO. Burroughs. cleared at Providence let inn, for Pailodelobia. tichr Itiohard Yank, Frink. from Jacksonville for Boston. at Provincelown 2d met. Bohm Alabama, 6-'ardiner, hence for Salem, and Ann Turner. Ayres. hence for Lynn, at Holmes' Hole let Met, and sailed again. tichr Mary Clark, Howard, hence, arrived at Ne w debris Abigail Haley, Haley. and Vashti Sham. Ha• ley. hence for [Salaam and t KlOter t Zoe., hence Lynn. at Holmes' Bole guilt tat, and all sailed again next dai. Tue vollector at New Bedford has notified masters of vessels that no vessels will be allowed to depart from sunset to sunrise. ILIVEDI previous notice shall have been given. And they are oleo requested, on entering the harbor. to show belt signals. T O BI7SINILBS MEN.—An excellent chance for reliable business men to serums a pro fitable manufacturing business, requiring but a small ca_pital in its establishment and prosecution. Whei manufacture consists in the application of a pe culiar composition or enamel to common red bricks, and a Tammy of other building material, , ornamental architectural finishing", ceilings, tiles for floors and for rooting. I his enamel may be tinted of any Color. from the purest smite to um deepest black, 'with all the colors and shades between. It imports to ttie articles to which it is applied a hardness and duranility almost incredi ble, and a beauty surmising that of the rarest and most costly of the variegated marbles, and, 'iodise them, is impemous to moisture, and will never fadeistain, or de*ertorate„ a^sting hut a fractional part of the price of ordinary marble. It is also valuable for table and stand tote, mantel pieces, monuments, and an endless variety of other ambles of step e use. The process of applying the enamel is simple, while the art ' clee enameled will com mand a ready sale, affording large profits. iterponsible parties may procure licenses for manufacturing under the patent for any city or promuient town in the United States, by applying to the ertheoriber. small tar:lf on the articles Mannlacteted Will be rectured for the use of the invention. Circulars giving 1 1 111 Partial:dam will be forwarded to all applicants. The superior merit and beauty of this enameled building material to anything in use has the unqualified endorsement of many of tue most eminent architect and scientific men of thug and other cities. For particulars, address JOHNSON & PRALL. iienerislAgeuts tor Fnameted Building Material, ate-iinm '2O NAntIAU Street. Rem York, CAAMPAGNE.---Ve. Olignot, Lallemand, papal Grape, and all of De Venose & Co.'s Charm puma, for late by eI.TRETCRS & CARSTAIRM, 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. B.—Ordere for the direct Importation of any of th bo , e brands will be mmottially attended to. as 4 C HEESE. 700 boxes fine Herkuner --- County cheese. on oonsienment. for sale door above C. SADLER k. CO., 103 ARCH Street. second door above Frain. apl7-at DYSPEPSIA. REMEDY. Dr. DARIUS HAM'S AROMATIC IN WOW-ATOM SPIRIT. Tits 61tditia. Ass bus rug b. s lksYstiblie.fer Mx diel with iscreasinu falser. ss ruoininaiatia to Cars Desy!pria,_ usroossisses, Surt-Bers,. Colic Paw Windis the Strenoth, Pass us as am:as, Headache, iireiesicisst, ccetpLaints, Lew &WO* Dishtutiot TressalM,lsumitperlus. Is itrriunxims. Eva - maws". Irivisemasma, War WILL Nor IRTORICAXII OR aTtrPlaT. As a Medicine it is quick and effectual, ourinkthe moot gravated eases ofDyspearta, Kidney Conathantai and aTother derangements of the Stomach and Bowels in a speedy manner. It will instantly revive the most melancholy and &vying spirits. and restore the weak, nervous. end siokly to health, mouth and vigor. - Persona who. from the injudicious use of bailors, haws become deThoted , and their nervou s . systems shattered. Miniiiiiapozui broken down, and =bait to that horribte aurae to humanitr,tha. Taliwniee. al most immediately feel the happy and healthy invigo rating alums o Dr. Ham's Invigorating Bgint. - WHAT IT WILL DO. Doss.—One vine glans fall as often as necessary. One dose will remove all Bad spirits. One dose will cure Heart-burn. Three doses will cure MalliMMlOn. One dome will give you a G o od Appetite. One dome will atop the distressing rain of Dyspepsia, One dose will remove the distressing and disagreeable effects of Wind or Platatenee. and as soon as the stomach receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distress- Inc load and all mainfal feelings will be removed. One dcee will remove the most museum pal= of Colic, either in the stomach or bowels. - A few doses wall remove all obatimatiocui lathe Kidney, Bladder, or Urinary Omani. Persons who are senonal, ealieted with any Kidney Complaint* are rumored or irpoody relief by t w o bott le s. or two. and a radical owe by the age of one or two bottles. NIGHTLY DINIPAT/011. Persons who, from dissipating too much over night, and feel the evil effecta or poisonous liquor& in violent headaches. sickness at stomach, weakness, giddiness, ke., will find one dote will r emery all bad feehnge. Ladies of weak and pinkly constitationa show take the immolating Spirit three times a day It will make thamatmng,health7, and bard 7, remove all Obstroo- Dons and irregularities from the menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn Doing pregnancy it wIL be found en invaluable meth.. Mile to remove disagreeable sensations at the stomach. An.the proprietor maks ma trial, and to induce this, he has pot up the Isvieosesoto firms in mum battlasit lidioanU. Clans HL leneral Depot. 48 WATERS 9fsw - York. DYOIT & .CO. 232 North . Street, Wain Agents luladnlnni And for gals by J 11.11 0 .1 1 . MIGHTII Street, and all Duzkixtp_ .lelAtustat. 9 000 0111-1 -IIAyANA CIGARS just 9.F received per steamers Quaker City and Earstack, cumpriaind Cabanaa. Figaro. kansaaa, Couteroisate. Black Bea, Punahinallae Rtelonta, Diablo 'dunt°, suautie r a d n ad ero P r nt aaih abertS mar. or all and kat rates by at&tat =mu, . 130 Pi. GUNNY 8AC48.-40 bales IN_Bstst Nue spi ar ewe es so mma t u , ims„ MEDICINAL• Q,CIROFULA. CANCER, SKIN DISEASES, " TINA RIIEURI. (IMRE. DROPSY, RITEDDIA TINA. and all diseases arising from an tmtntrcry qf the wag. are promptly and effectually cured by Dr. D. JAY Ol ff sc ak o a l % i It L A A I T E V N E T . R fi g e tcl y th c e u e ß vi i d a en . oe Miss 0. A. OuVELL. of . Prattsburg. It. Y.. writes Ab3ut Mg years ago a swelling made ate appearance on the left aide of my nook, which at fired we thought to wormed from a cold. It increased in me, and became very hateful and sore. A physician pronounced it etoro fula. or King's evil, and for a year various remedies were used to scatter it. butwithout avail. I commenced taking Dr. D. JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE, winch at first made the disease grow worse. It was lanned, and then it became a gainful eating sore, w.th deep places in it wily a finger deep. I continued to take the Alterative. and- need poultices of Flaxseed and blippery Elm, and in five months from commencing the nee of the Altera tive the MOM was healed. and became entirety well, and has continued so until now—seven months since. SEVERE CASE OF Pc Rapt; t,A. STEPHEN ALLEN, of Eau* Vassalboro', Maine. writes: hly son Charles. aged IX years, was severely afflicted with norofula until he had recourse to thy Alterative. The disease had its. inane in eight running soros on his left leg. the disoharge from which was quite offensive. The limb was drawn up in a dreadful manner, the heel being near the hip joint. Our physician exerted his utmost skill to effect a cure, hut, hill efforts being of no avail, be proposed amputating the affected limb, as the , only means of saving the boys life. BM I was averse t 9 flawing' the operation performed, and commenoed giving MT Atierative. In. three months' time, hr,pie use of eleven bottles in all, the sores were healed. he Boars remaining on the leg aro very deep.wiuob wiil prevent it being equal to the other len„..yet. with the aid of a omteh. he is very sense. and since his reco very, which has been more than MX yearn. he has tai lored remarkably good health. I hold tint Alterative very high in my estimation, and, for the benefit it has conferred upon me and mine, I beg thee to accept my einem@ thanks. GOITRE PERFECTLY CURED ht RYE. & MILLE R, of Red . Mills, Putnam county, N. V., writes: This is to certify that I have been alluded with a Yen' large Goitre. I followed the di. cottons of an eminent Physician, but I became rapidly worse, and at the ex piratio aga in o weeks I was unable to do pronounced all. I consulted the physician, who it incurable. Aa a last resource, I oonclufiel to try helped terativ c o ntinuedr using one bottle, i found it me. I taking it over a year, and I now consider myself perfectly cured. Two years have elapsed since I discontinued the use of the medicine, and there is no sign of a return of the swelling. My general health is also very mach improved. MARY E. MILLER. We are personally acquainted with the said Mary E. Miller, and believe her statement to be tree. R. H. BALLARD. Pastor of the Baptist Church at Red Mills. ISRAEL ?I*KNEY. LEVI H. COLE. I believe the above certificate to be a true statement. I saw the swelling when it was so large that i did not think she could live long, but it seems now to be en tirely removed. O U. CRABS, Drusetet, Peekskill, N. Y. . SALT RHEUM CURED Mrs. S. FORBES. of Macedon. wane county, writes I nave suffered with an eruption of the skin. When first attacked I was troubled with an itching all over my body • in the course of two or three weeks there appeared several hard red blotches on each wrist, and on my feet. The garde kind of blotches came on my right arm. and then rapidly spread over my whole body. and finally I was. my face excepted. one entire rash from my head to my feet. The disease assumed other forms. so severe that it seemed almost impossible to endure it. The remedies used would give relief for a few momenta only. I had the most eminent plitaicians in our vicinity to attend me. who pronounced the erup tion to be Salt Rheum. I was given up as incurable. and soil remained in- the situation which. I have de eiitibad, when I commenced the use of fattileu Altera tive and Sanative Pills. and they effected all that could be desired. When I had taken ink bottles of the Altera tive. with Pills. the breaking out was greatly subdued. continued them.until I had taken six-bottles more of the Alterative. and now 1 am perfectly eared. My ill ness bad rendeted- me incapable of attending to my household duties, but now perform them as formerly. Ei. FORME& WAYSIS COUNTY, N. Y., March IS. 1869. We. the undersigned. are acquainted with Mrs. So.. phronta Forbes, and her statement can be relied upon as being correct in all its particulars. C 11. LANGDOrt. FRANCES E. REEVES. JORR Pi. FORBES, SYLVESTER FORBES. tiANCER THE FACE. . Mtwara. FERGUSON & BRO.. of New Brannfele, Camel County, Taxa', writes : The wife of Mr. Theodore servers had been afflicted with cancer in her face for twenty years. and to a de bree that it was much commuted, with the loot of come ones. AU kinds of medicine and medical Manse bad been resorted to, without avail, until your Alteratiee, with the , Weative Fine. were need, which produced a complete cure. She now enjoys good health, arm takes no more medicines. CANCEROUS TUMOR REMOVED. Mr. BENDY H. SMOKE, of Woodland, Barre' co., Mb:Casa. writes: I had a small rumor near my . rightshoulder blade for Tears Last season this tumor began to enlarge and in flame. troubling me very much My tknyenoitm pro nouriced it a eoirrhus tumor. Other physicians had pre- SPltObilbr called it 11.01111OOTMIE tumor: and alvmed me to have it out oat. which I refused. By using twelve bot tles of Jayne's Alterative. and moistening the tumor night mid morning with a solution of iodine and hydrio date of potash, it has disappeared. DROPSY EFFECTUALLY CI:RED. NANCY RABB, of Locust Ridge, Brown county, Ohio. writes! I have been afflicted for several months with Drops. and was under the treatment of a regular physician, wallow receiving any benefit. I tried your Alterative, six bottles of which effected a cure. Mr. AFFLICTED WITH DROPSY. Mr. DAVID BltdOlld, of Potter township, (Years County, Pa-, writers 1. David Brooke. Geed fifty-seven, do certify that I have been terrilyy afllmted with dropsy. My ease was oon•idered hopeless. caving been twice tapped. and wishing to undergo the operation -again, the doctor re fused my request. Thus I was induced to tryyour me dicine. I used eighteen bottles of. your Alterative, end one box of your Sanative Pills-and now feel en tirely cured, and am in the enjoyment of good health. • • EPILRPTIO FITS RRMOVED. Mr. DAVID SMILEY, of Goodlateville. Davidson county., Tenn., writes: My little boy, eight years old, bad severe attacks of . Epileptic fits for about eleven months. He had from twenty-five to forty fits in a day and nitht. Ourphysi cians pronounced his case incurable. His mind was entirely gone, and we did not expect him to live fi om one day to another. I gave him five bottles of Jayne's Alterative. and, to our great astonishment, he was en tirely restored to health, and his mind regained. RHEUMATISM OF LONG STANDING. Mr. FRANKLIN BOND, of Louise/ills, Clay county, thus unites: Raving noun affiteted with Rheumatism for eighteen years. and tried many physioians, and resorted to every remedy I oould hear of. without success. I was induced to try your Alterative and Sattattve Pills. The ,pairt in my leg began to abate In a few howls after taking the Alterative, and in a few weeks Email perfectly oozed. This ALTERATIVRprepared .only by Dr. D. ZAYRE & SON, No. Sita •UREeTNUT Street, and may be bad of Agents throughout the country. myl-Wdt ILLINOIS LAND. HOMES FOR THE IN DIJSTRIOVS. VIZ GARDEN STATE OF WEE W.EST THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY Have for Bale 1,200,000 ACRES or AtICII FARMING :LANDS Vit.4OTS OF FORTY ACRE 3 AND UPWARD, ON LONG CREDIT AND AT LOW PRICE& MECHA.N/CS, FARMERS, AND WORKING MEN The attention of the °Mammies and industri'mus portion of the community le direoted to the foiloWint statements and liberal inducements offered them by the ILLINOIe CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY, Which, as thei will perceive, will enable them, by Proper energy, perseveranee, and industry, to provide comfortable and permanent homes for themsedvee and with, oomearathrely speaking'. very little LANDS OF ILLINOIS No State in the valley of the itimaissippt Miro so great an inducement to the settler as the State of Illi nois. There is no portion of the world where all of the conditions of climate and soil so admirably combine to produce thane two great atavism, corn and wheat, as the prairies of Illinois, • RICK ROLLING PRAIRIE LANDS. The deep rich loam of the prairies to cultivated with nob wonderful facility that the humeri of the East ern and Middle States are moving to Illinois in great numbers. The area of Illinois is about equal to that of England, and the soil is so rich that it will rapport twenty millions of people. EAJgTRRN AND SOUTHERN MARKETS, These lands are contiguous to a railroad seven hun dred miles in length, Which conneSite with other road. and navigable lakes' and rivers. thus affording an un broken communication with the Eastern and Southern markets. APPLICATION OF CAPITAL. Thee far capital and labor have been applied to de veloping the soil; the great resources of the State in coal and iron are almost untouohed. The invariable rule that the mechanic arts flourish beat where food and fuel are cheapest, will follow at an early day in n li/10111, and in the coupe of the next ten YeSTZ the natu ral laws arid neologies 91#05 ogee warrant _the belief that at Wan fire hundred thourind people will be en gaged In the State of Illinois iii the various isizarfao taring employments. RAILROAD SYSTEM OF Over 8100419.000 of private capital have been ex pended on the isilroad system of Illinois. Inasmuch as salt of the income front seisial of those works; with valuable sahib, fund in lands, go to diminish the State expenses. the taxes are light, and must constituently every day decrease,. THE STATE DEBT. The &ate debt is only 810,105,398 14, and within the last three years has Ibsen reduced 83.949,74 1 1 and we may reasonably expeot that, in ten yews 311111 be swine extinct. PNITANNT POPULATION The State is rapidly fining up with population ; 868 AMI persons having been added =toe IWO, making the pre sent population 1,710,416—a ratio of 102 per cent. in ten years. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS The agnettltural products of Illinois are greater than those of my Other State. The products sent out dar ing theyeet year exceeded 1,100/115:tona. The wheat oroy of MO approaches 55,000.000 'lnteliels, while the corn crop yields not less than ]10.000,000 FERTILITY OF ROIL. Nowhere can the industrious firmer secure such im mediate results for tab labor ea upon time prairie Poi* they being nominnusfl of It deep, nob lam, the tortalts of whieh is nninrnansed by any on tina•globn:. TO ACTUAL CULTIVATOIM Sines 185 i the Company hart said 1,800.000 acres. They sell only to actual tuitivators, and every contract contains an agreement to cuittroatt. The road has bean constructed through these iandsut an expense ar 330,- 00%000. Ya 1010, Ms population Of the forty-istee calor ties through... Which. it rusts wag only wait, an,. WitiCk otroas have bat* want, making thg Weak pops- Lesson gain of 145 per cent. EVIDENCES OP PROSPERITY. An an evidence of the thrift of the ample, it may be stated that 800,000 tons of freight; including 8.4500.000 bushels of grain and Mate barrels of Sour, were for warded over the line butt gent. EDUCATION. Mechanics and workingmen will find the free-school system encouraged by the Stele end endowed with a large revenue for the aneport of schools. Their obil then can live in sight of the church and school house, and grow up with the 'prosperity of the leading State in the Great Western Empire. PRIZED AND TERMS OF PAYMENT The prices of these Wide vary from 08 to IIPS per acre, &wording to location, duality, tce. First-class farming lands sell for about 110 or $l2 per acre ; and the relative expense of subduins Prairie land, as mo wed with wood land. is in the ratio of one to ten in fa vor of the former. The terms of sale for the bulk of these lendewdl be oxc YEAR'S INTERBEIT IN ADVANCE. at era per cent. per annum. sad six interest notes at six per cen t. payable respectively in one, two, three, four. live, and sin gears from date of sale: and four notes for principal, PuTable in four, five. six, and maven , sears from date of ease; the contract stipule& tiny that one-tenth of the tract purchased shall be famed and Onitlllited, each and every Pear Ter' giro leree front the date of sale, so that at the end • of fire years one-half shallbe fenced and under oultivalion, TWENTY riglt Y 9114. from the valuation for aash..except the same should be, at da dolbue Per sore, when the cash • pricey''f be fire dollars. • Pamphlets descriptive of the lands, soil, °limit*, Productions, prices. and terms of paymentmen be had on application to I. W. Foam. Land Commisdoner, Illinois Central .11.ailroad, Chioaeo.lllinoia Per the names of the Worm, villages, and eitim situ ated upon the Illinois central Raaroad, as* mum tm, nir alk43ol.ll:lMesten'e &airway eade. 61-takkai n;:p„ PR - 7, - PWWWH;IA, SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1861. C E i'L.A-Lal CI FIEFS SICK HEADACHE. NERVOUS HEADACHE, lir the use of the•e rills the periodical attacks of Zvi,- •oua or Sick Hoodaehr may be prevented ; twid if taken at the .commencoment of an, attach immodrate relief from pain and siokneaa will be obtained. They seldom fsihin remorinc.the Nausse scut Heid oda to whioh females are so subject. . They act gently on the bowels, removing tTerstorousr. For Unrest Mrs; S.tssdrnts, Delicate Females, and all persons of asdartrorp habits, they ate valuable as Lexatitle; improving the (waits, giving teas and vigor to the diSethave 't!rsnme, saia variorum the natural, eta._ tic ity and strenith of the whole entomb; The CEFIL&LIU PILLS are the result of long investi gation and oarefull; conducted experiments, having seen m use many years, during which time they have Prevented and relieved a vast amount of min and imifering from Headaahe, whether originating in the tureens system or from a deranged state of the sto mach. They are entirely vegetable in their oompoeition, and may be taken at all rimer , with perfect gaiety Without making any change of diet, am/ am atharact or any rtiaa 'seeable tests rtnetsts ft easy Se agefininiertyr . tAimps sp • @Wilma • BEWARZ 01 00IINTERFEE1.81 The gamine save Ave elernateres of Henry C. theekling on yeah Dm. Bold by Dragoon; and all other Dealers in Medleinat. A Box anti be sent by mail prepaid on receipt of the PRICE. 25 CENTS. All •rdorm dwelt be skimmed HENRY 0. SPAI,DING. CS CEDAR. asizET. riEw YORK THE FOLLOWING ENDOREEMENTA OF CEPHALIC! PILES' WILL CONVINCE ALL WHO BUFFER FROM HEADACHE,. SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN THEIR REAOH. As name Testimoniah arc tog sainted by Mr. BPALD INS, ass , 4ford wsgxrstioha bt s ?roof of gig CP . tact arthistristy scientific dissotem XL SPALDING. Stasomonms, Conn., Feb. e, NM I have tried your Cephalic, Pile. and I like Mem so wan that I want yon to send me two dollars worth more. Part of theseare for the neighbors, to whom / gave few of the-find bin got from you. - Send the Tills by mail, and oblige Your ob't Servant JAMAS KEVIEDY. garmteoßD. Pa.. Peb. CUM. I irielt you to send me one more box ofyour Cephalic bare ratived a great dsat 4f bear v it from thorn. Yours_rewotfailf, .M.a&Y ANN STOLICHOUSE. • Sllttll32 Cheer, TIVNTINOTION Covx rT. Pe.. January 18 , 1261. $ H. C. EirAtmtres. • Bra: You trill elm* send me two boxes of yoer Cephalic Pills. Bend them immecbstelr. Itesseotfellr yout_s, - - - Jff). 43. IMONS. P. S.—/ Ames raestirsd ono be: al your P' int, amid find thews exestiatt. _BRLIX VERNON, Ohio, Jan. 11,1861, 840. SPAIDINEt, Mg. Please find maimed twenty-five ciente, for which send me another box of your Cephalic rills. They are truly Ow best PiUs / hem sew tried. Direct A. 81Tly,E11„ P. • Belie Vernon. w yandot Co.. 0. Bapprara, Mass., Dec. 11. MO. H i U. Slimming, .Eso. 't wish. for some circulars or Warshaw bills, to bring your Cephalic Pills more pertioularly before MY ens. butlers. If you have anything of the kind please send me. One of my mita/nem who is subject to severe Siok Headache, frontally lasting two days') war cured of an snarl is oat Amor by your Pills. which I sent her. Respectfully sour s, _w:B. WILKES. NRINOLDSRL/Re, FRANKLIN CO.. Ohio. t January 9, IE4I. Ilium C.SPALDIN6I, rio.lB darer. Ce rt. Y. /Man SIR Inoloned find twenty-tvo cents. M.) for which send box of Cephaho Send toutdress of Kar. Wm. G. Filler. Resnoldsbnrs. Franklin Co. Ohio. Your Pills work like a charm—curs Hsadarhs a uncut instemtsr. Ma. fisaberms. Ilya Not lons nem I gent to you for a box of hoho Pills for the ours of the Nervous Headache and sb.veness. and resumed the same, and *Ass, had so good am affaa* that /was induced to tout tot sows. Bosse mend by return =I. Direct to A. R. WHEELER. Ypsilanti, Mak. "ow Ezumisier, Norfolk, Va. - CeDkalio PIW Iteecenetteh the (Abet for which they were made, Cure of headache in ell its forme. Prom the Tv:miser, Norfolk, Vs, They have been tamed in more than a thousand cane With entire 1111008111. .14. em tb. Donocrat, Si. cto2ut ; . htiftw, , , If you are, 6r have beeti troubled with the headache, lend for a box, [Cephalic 1 7 illa,l so that on may have them in case of an attack. Ilem the Advertise , Pram/ewe , The Cephalic Pills are said a n d onenuerkable effec tive remedy for the headacheof the van , beet for that very frequent pomplaiat which - ban ever been diaoMfbred. Ylvet the Wastsre R. B. Gdzettd, Mews, RI. We heartily ender:, Mr. Spalding, arid biz unrivalled Cephalic Pills. Prom the Kanawha Valley Stay. Kanawha, ra. We are ante that parlous aura:in with the heat:MOW who WI them, will Wok to them. Front irks Soothers Path nutty, Nem Orttasr. La. Try them ! you thotareofitioted. entire are lure that your teenreonyuan.he added to the alreusdyymmerour list that has received benefits that no other mediome can produce. Item dis St. Louis Demeerat. Who immense demand for the artiele (Caddie Mk) is rapidly mareafing. From tha Gazstts, Davetwort, low. Mr. Spalding waald not connect his name with an ag nate he did not know to poaseas nal merit. From de Advertim....Pros.A.l. The teelamoov is their favor is strong. from the most reaped: 01e euartera, Prom Ski Daily Natoli. Nisi"ort. E. J. Cephalic Pills are taking the place of all kind*. "VOW the Conanceisi BUiieta, Beaten. Man. . !laid to be very efficsoiolur for the beedsohe. fives the COSIMSYCiaI, Oiwaiwwai{. OM, Suffering humanity tab now be relieved. wank. !Engle bottle of SPALDING% PREPARED RI NE will ShVO too times their cost annaally."‘De SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALtD/NG'S PREPARED GLUE "I ECONOMY: DIRPATOW XT"A !risen IN Tint &wee Nina." As accidents will-hapreen. even in nall-reaulated familiar. it is VOLT desirable to bare some *tufty :me convenient "sr forreitatritg Furniture, Torn, Croake r,. GPALDINGT PREPARED GLUE Inlets all sash emergetioles, and no household OSA afford todawithout it. It is always ready, and up to tha atteldas-poist. USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE:* N.B.—A Brash sooompanies each bottle. Price.= cents. Address, HENRY O. SPALDING, NO, 8 CEDAR. STREET, NEW 'VORA. As certain unprincipled persons are attempting to Darn of on the nnanspeothlt nubile, imitations of ms PREPARED GLUEd wrcoakt Gentian alleetious to ex amine berme purchasing, and see itte . fell name , SPALDINGII PREPAID OLVS.IIIII LasSo SI O Imissitts all ohne an onsets: kaHlt. MEDICINAL. CURB ALL LINDH OP 1-lEAI3AC3H,E I SPALDING'S TIT 7 A 'Wily your* Whl. C. FILLER. Yrs'Lawn; Mica.. Jan, MTH THE PIECES! CAUTION. THE RELIANQE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, OP PHILLDELPHi4 • OFFICE, No. SoO WALNUT 117R.EET, Imre' against LOSS OR DADI4OE BY FIRE, on Houses, Stores, and other build:au. limited ° / 6 3 1 0= 1 , 1 4 4 flares,doLdP-liZirtn -0 b andiP .in tow* or • °wintry. CASH CAPITAL. ,8231,110 00— ASSET158M7,143 oa. Which in invested am follows, Ina: In first mortgagee on nay property, worth double the amount— $133.900 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent. first mortgage loan, at par 5.000 03 Pennsylvania Railroad Co .' s percent ..se- Gond mortgage toed, (430,000)_, 27,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad 'lop Railroad and Canal Co.'s mortgage loan.— 4,000 00 Ground rent, first-class— 2.462 50 Collateral mane, well secured 4,660 00 City or Philadelphia 6 per cent. lean-- .. numixo og Allegheny Gehn o Per cent. Pa. AR, loan.. ROD CO l commercial Ban stook—. ,-- 5,135 01 echanics' Bank stock..—..--. 3,313 50 Peansylv.ania Railroad Co.'s 5t00k._.......,. 4,000 00 The Reliance Mutual Insurance Cole stook 36,360 00 The County Fire Insurance Co.'s stock.— Loan 00 The Delaware M. O. Ineuranoe Co.'s /took_ 700 oo Union Mutual Insurance Co.'s mango-- 380 CO Bills 1114561•6661.5.--. 14,303 74 Book enemata. aoerued interest. 7,104 gg Cash on hand._-... —.—.— 11,644 et The Mutual principle, combined with the mouthy of a Stook Capital, entitles the insured to participate in the profits of the Company without liability for 1035.43. Losses promptly adjoined a nd paid. DigIGTOR6 : tliemnel Binghaluo , Robert Steen, William Musser, Benj. W. Tinsley, Marshall Bill, J. Johnson Brown, Charles Leland. Jacob 7'. Bunting, Smith Bowen, John Bissell, .Pittglogrg, INI TINGLEY. President iretary. _ Clem Tizalvit Witham it. Neotnemon, Frederick Brown, William Bteveneon, John 8.. Worrell, H. L. Carson, Robert Tolend, G. B. Roseimarten, Charles ei. Wood, James B. Woodward,. B. M. HINCBMAN, Sew February H. 1861. THE ENTERPRISE rNSID'ItANCJE CIONEP.ALNY Or FIEMADELPHA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING, S. W. MANE!: FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIRECTOR!: F. ILTCHIORD STAILIL, MORDIECLI L. DAWSON. WILL AM MOINE, GEO. IL STUART, NALDHO FRAZINE, JOHN IL BROWN, JOHN M. ATWOOD, B. A. EkIEINERTOCI, Baru. T. Tunic=, ANDRYVir B. CASH, HARRY WHARTON, J. L. ERRINGIR. F. RATCHFORD STARR, Preeident. CHARLES W. COXE. Secretary. fele PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE . 01.)Mnari Y. No. 921 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. CHARTER PERPETUAL. ALL THE PROFITS DIVIDED AMONG THE IN SURED.. - • Insure Lives for /Mott terms or for the whole term of Jta ; grant Annuities and Endowmenta ; purchase Life Interests in lteal Estate, and make ad contracts de pending on the eontingenoles or life. They sot as RxeouUms, Aenunistratore, Aeeignees, Trustees . . and Guardians. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, January 1.1861. Mortgages, ground rents, real estata---..5322,9E1l United States stooks. Treaaury•notee, loans of State of Pennsylvania, city of Phila delphia, Ito-- • • . -369,795 34 Premium notes, loans on oollateraleTtr.o_ 237, 69 1 68 pennsiivania. North Pertrusv:varua Rail made, and County six per cent. bonds— 106,802 SO Bank, manranoo, railroad, oanal stooks, Ac. 0,647 49 Cask on hand, agents' balances, &0., 440, 38,206 14 ei,on,Las 02 DANIEL L. MILLER. President. SAMUEL E. STORES. Vice President. JOHN W. HOB NOR. Seoretem mb23 of DELAWARE MIITUAL SAFETY IN SURANCE COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA. Inoorporated by the Legislature of Penneylvan's, nee. Mee O. E. corner of THIRD and WALNUT street'. PHILADELPHIA. IN VesseMARINE INSURANCE, Germ t:a l To alirts of the World. Frelinto I LEND INSURANCES On Goode by Rivers. canals, Lake_i , and land Oar nageeiltontlE i r s titr fi ef the Union. On MerehandEe generally. A ga ° atcwas ''• Roosea,..ko. ABBETE OF THE COMPANY, November 1,1300. 10103,000 United States five' cent. 410040 00 111,000 United Statee mix ifr cent. Treranry Notes, (with scorned interest )__.. 119,465 St • woo Penneyiyania State five a/O' con - —00,970 00 91,000. do. de. cix. do. 3100 00 iss.oao Philadelphia City six/ cent. Loan. 125,103 37 004/00 Tennessee State five cent. loon-. 34,000 00 WOW Pennsylvania Rath . ° Yd mortgage mixcent. bonds 45,000 00 13,000 SOD shar e s , stack GermanieVn this Company. interest and pnacipel ktip.ranteed by the City of Phila. delppilials,soo 00 1.000 100 chafes Penesylvante nealroan Comyang —h F .urylvent 1,900 00 1400 100 elision Nortetira.Rail road Company-- . —. 000 00 1,300 . 80 Mayen Philactelpkia !ea Boat and team Tin Company 1460 00 NO 6 shares Philedejphia ann Havre- da emon Steam Tow-boat Company. 316 00 100 9 shares Philadelphia Exchange ComosuY-- • 105 00 1,000 2 shares Continenial . slots' Co.— 600 00 $666,700 par. Cost $647,336.31. Market ve1e664,366 71 ilu reocuyable, for truntrances made-- 171,560 47 Bonds and mortgages._ 04 4 00 00 Reel estate .. 61,353 &I Balances doe at Agencies—hen/fungi on Ma nuelolioies, Interest. and other debts due tap 61,60001 Bonn and stook of sundry Insurance . and other Companies —. 31.623 60 Cash on hand—in -banjo-- Y. Amos 16 is drawer-- 431 SS BLIECTOBS. Samoa' 4 , , Stokes. - J. F. Pezacton, Remy Sloan, Edward Darhasion H. Jones Broolo3. gpeneer Tames C. Hand, Robert Burton. Jimob P. Jones, James B. 14.'PerMut t 'callus P. Eyre, John B. Semple. Pitib's. 'D. T. Morena. A. B. Beger. M MARTIN, President. '. HAND, Vioe President. Dreary. noIT-tf lliam Mai:lr.. vAnturid A. Bonder, Wheop_hann Paulding .11In B. Penrose, John C. Davie, James Tmuniur, X . 7 ra t James C. and,, Jr. William 0, Ludwig, Joseph 11. Seat, M. Huston, !MergCraig,e C. Leipar. Hach (Marla' Batty, WILL: TRIM bYLBURN. . E INSURANCE W R E. IA N N r C u L m U SIEULYN._C COMTHNY—IENN_mSYLatVANB—CHARTERPARPE TUALff.No;iSIO WALNUT Street, opposite Independ ence Square. Tide Company, favorably known to the community for IMurtp-siA years, continues to mime against loss or daotdae_sp Fire. on pubho.Or private Bnildlors , either pertnanentl3r or for a limited time. Also. on Furniture, Aconite of Goode or blerobandure generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital. together srath a large Surplus Fund, in Invested in the moat careful manner. which enables them to offer to the hammed an undoubted security in the vole of lose. DIR7- O CTORS. Jonathan Patterson, Isaac Haslehnrat, gamin Campbell. Thome Robins. Mementier 'Benson,. Danier Bomb, Jr., William hlontalma, John Beverenx, Thomas Smith. JONATHAN PATTRNSON, President. Baaron Santat, Beeretary. atat-I>r IN SURANCE COMPANY OF THE AND ..& STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FLEE STATEMA RINF. IT NYSILANCE Nos. 4 AND 4 FAXCM4. , INGE BIILLIDINtifS. Chattored la Capital. •#00,066--Feb. 1, MO, cold" !Mus t SOWN . All invested in sound and available aesurittee—eon tine° to insure on Vetroolo and Cargoes, Itoilditrzo, Stooks of Merchandise. &a., on liberal terms. DDLECTORIS. gear, D. Sheiverd, George H. Stuarts pm Toby gamma' Grant, Jr.. Ise eider s Tobias Wagner. Imam s. staittp Munroe D. Wastann, Zan B. Bad_ t _d Henry G. Freeman , Willies .11, wast e eons O. a . Gi mm mlet B. Lewis. ao "HENRY D. SDPIR B . uy% President. 11VDIELIAM HARPER,. laeoretarv. JeS-tf VIRE MSURANOR. - BIBOHANIOEP AL, INSURANCE COMPAIIIY of Phila•lelehia, No. 135 North SLXTH Street, below Reoe. insure Li end =Oh Goods, and Merchandise generally from late or damase.by lire. The eompan7 rieranbee to -adreek all loieckproutony, and thereby hope to merit the !patron age ol,theltabile. )11.1CT0111. WnHam Morga..4 Robert Flamm, Francis Comet. Mabee) MOfieloy. fame L..Donsherts. Edward McGovern. /aunts Martin, l Thomee 8.-oOormtat, ana= Amax, Joan Wontlen manhaw McAteer, Framing Ma, Bernard Rafferty, John Camlady, Thomas J. Ltemnblli, Bernard R. Hnkaman, Thomas Fisher, Charles Clare. Francis McManus, Michael Cahill. FILANCIB COOPER, President. BERNAID RAFFERTY. Liecretarr. otalt-ly AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE PETUAL INCORPORATFJ) =to CHARTER PER ... R 0.410 WALNUT Street above Third, Philadelphia, Having a large paid-up. Capital Stock and. Surplus. invested in sound and available Securities, continues to Munro on Dwellings, Stereo. Furniture... Merchandise, Vessels in port and their cargoes, and otherpersona pro p erty. Atflossei liberally and promptly adjoined. DIRICTI?Re. Thee. R. Maria, John T. Lewis. John Welsh. James It. Carnehell. Samuel C. Morton, Edmund G. Diitilh, Patrick Brady, Chas. W. Poultney, Israel Moms. T 1101.1.13 R. MARIS, President. ALBERT C. S. CRAWFORD. Seoretanr. test-tf FiXOHANOE INSURANCE COMPANY —alien No. 409 WALNUT Street. FIRE INBUitAvicE on 'Rouses and Merchandise generally, on favorable tem% either limited or per vetaai DDIECTORS : Jeremiah Bonsall, Thomas Marsh, ohn Q. Ginnodo, Charles Tnomnson, Edward D. Roberts, James T. Hale. Samuel L. Smedley. Joshua T. Owen Reuben C. Hale John J. Gri ffi ths; J.t:O99IIAR SONSALL. President. JOHN t.t. GINNODO, Vice President Rienann Col. Secretary. Jai . SAVING FUNDS. "A little. but often. Albs the Pone." ' VS, ANKLIN SAVING FUND, No. I iA: 138 South PCOURTR Street, between Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all . deposits on d emand. _ . .. Depositors , money secured by Government, .I:state, and City Loans, Ground Reran, Mort 'l: gaffs, Ito. This tninkeeny deems_ safety better than large ' 11 profits, consequently will run no risk With depts. . ignore' money, but have it at all nine* ready to return. with 6 per owns, interest. to the owner, .1 as they breve always done. This Company never suspended. Females, married or single, and Minors. can deposit in their own right, and suob deposits can be withdrawn ONLY by their consent. Charterroetual. ineorporsted by the State l of Penn s ylv ania , with anthoritY to receive' untrtarraittesiehirnO V lVED. office open daily, irom 9 to 3 o'oloos, and on tWednesday evening unti l 8 o'clock. DIRECTORS. Jacsob BY Shannon, Cyrus Cadinlisder, John shindler. George Rawl!, 'Jeremiah W. Sloan, Charles Lawns. 'Jeremiah Comlort. Henri Delany. Nichol se Rittenhouse, Ziathan emealeY, i ilea. H.lBstterthwaits, JonasLAtexander Parkes, Johi . JACOB ss. BlifirtriON, President. ly II Crass CIADWALLAMXt. 'steamer. aplS- "A Dollar saved is twig* 'amt.," WRITING AND LEDGER PAPERS.— We have now on hand, and are mantifitettirint to o rder, at the Menet liar Paper Mille, every de scription of WRITING AND LEDGER PA PE RS, which,_ _for color an d quality, are not expelled by any other Atom m the nited Matta. We would oak attention to a new art:tole or Payer manufsoutred by ea, and now for sale. palled Businere Letter. which hen been gotten en to meet the wants of business men and others. who object, to Commercial Note as being too narrow, and do not Wieh to nee part of tumid letter sheet. Thu overcomes both the above objections; is a Per fect sheet, pare wove ; elate finish ; ruled on one aide ; stamped in centre near the top ; made from beat ma terial, free ffilliM adulteration, and plat epic nest holm, convenient Mr use. We also have a paper called Bank Letter, similar to the above, except it but half the number of lines oe, so as to Wow a refuted blank or h_eadmitabove. • IC,RNLPTON & MULLIN Montt Roily Springs. Cumberleind_Co., The above Papers can be had of Meaers..l_,D. IP. PINCOT7 & 00, and •and fdII9ARGRE BRuwEERS, Roc 3 and-3 DEdaTUR altraiL MhB-em LARD: --125 tierces extra Leaf Lard, for Nl* by CL C. k SAD & 00.. 10311101113 h.. 4 wad floorabornns. arxt--4. RAILROAD LIMAS. THE PENNEYLVANLi VENTRAL RAILROAD, 960 MILES DOUBL P TRACK. JB6 86 1. IitiVAININ. THE CAPACITY OF THIS ROAffiligNOW EQUAL TRREE TO TH A R N O II u I e N a TAE ss CO I AN EK TRY T . RAINB co nE n T nec va ti O n irr di, P e ll ot l a L t A l p h E ilad LP e D ip l h A ia vi aN th D Th P r l o T n TS th ll T fl ra to. Trains from Boston. New York. and all points East, and in th e Union Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trains to and from all points rn the West, Northwest. and Southwest —thus furnishing facilities for the transportation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Express and Fast Lines ran through to Pittsbarg, without change of Care or Conductors. Ali 113,roaltri ri alm rake n-- Tp r ee T d ra u in n . de v r r 7e i mein. r d i e e d ot w e i o th ntr L o o l u o gri ta d a ge s . n a g ratent thus adding much to the safety of travellers, Smoking Cars are attached to each Train i wood ruff's Sleepng Cars to Pitmen' and Fast Trains. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mai/ and Fast Lines, Sun days excepted. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 7,30 A. M. Feet Line ILIA A. 4, Express Train leaven n 10.45 r„itt. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLO WS: Harrisburg Accommodation, ilylumbia,2.3o P. M. Columbia F arsesburs " 5.4 u . 0 P. • West Chester " Ivo 1, at 8.15 A. M. " N.. 2 at 1230P. M. West Cheater Passengers will take the Went (Mester Nee.l and 2 and Columbia Trainee. Passengers for Runbury, Williamsport,ElPf fain, Niagara Fall., and intermediate pointer, leaving Philadelphia at 7.38 A. M. and 2.30 P. AL. Ito direct ly throuh. Tiokete Westward may he obtained at the offices of the Company in Philadelphia, New York, Roston, or Baltimore; and Tiekete Eaererard at mar of the impor tant !Calmed Offi i ces n the West; on board any of the regular Line of Marmara on the Mneleetppi or On rivers OW Fare always as low, and time as quick, as by any . Ro r u th t er information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market streets. The completion of the Western connections of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicago. make thh, the DIRECT LINK BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE GREAT WEST. The connection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding an drayage or ferriage of Freight. together with the saving of time, are advantages readi ly appreciated by Shippers of Freight, and the Travel ling Public. Merchants and Shipper. entrusting the transporta tion of their Freight to this Company, can rely with confidence °nits speedy transit. THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point in tne Watt by the Pennsylvania Railroad are at all times as favorable as are charged by other Railroad Companies $W,142 04 ff;MiE=Mil=l - - . For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions ' apply to, or address either of the following Agents of the Company D. A, Stewart, Pittsburg: U. N. Fierce & Co., Ernmerrilm. 0,; J. J. Johneoe, ley, 0.; R. MoNeelr, Maysville Kr.; Ormsby & CroP per, Portsmouth, 0.; Paddock' & Co.. Jeffersonville. Indiana ; W. Brown & Cincinnati. Athern & Hibbert, M Cincinnati, O.; R. C. hieldram, Madison. Ind., Jos. k: Moore, ; 2. G. O'ltiley & Co., „Bonnevi ll e. Ind. ; N. W. Graham & Co., Oruro, Ill.; A. P. Ben, Bottler & Glass, St. Louis. Mo. • John H. "Harris, Nashville, Tenn.; Harris & Hunt, 'Mem phis. enn.• ' Clarke & Co., - Chioago.lll. W. R. IL Ifoonts, Alto n, Ill.; or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different point; in the West. S. It. KI , NGisTON. Jr , Philadelphia. MAGRAW & KOONS. 80 North street. tialtimore. LEECH & C0..1 Astor Howie, or / S. William et.. N. Y LEECH & CO.. No 27 State street, Boston. H. IL HOUSTON, Gen'l Freight Agent, Phila. L. L. 170132 T, Gruel Ticket Agent, Phila. E. LEWIS, Genet faun Altoona, Pa. Ja3-ly 1861. iiimmutwin 1861• APR!NG ARRANOEMENT. - -NRW YORK LINES THE DANDEPI TRE N TON AND PHILA DEMA AND RAILROAD 00.15 FROM PRILADELPRIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACEN, PROM WALNUT-BT. WEARY AND N.BNEINOTON MGT WILL LZAVE AB FOLLOWBI Y/K Yalta. At G A. M.. via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ao oommodation - • At 6 A. Mona Camden inid Jamey At (31.-J..) Accommodation— -_ 2B Att s t. 31., via Cionden . and Jersey City, Morning At 1134 A. M. via Itencizsgton and Jersey City, Western -.,-.-..... 3 GO At 19% P. M., via Camden and Amboy Accommo dation - • , 326 At 3 P. M.. via Camden and Amboy, 1.3. and A.,...- Ar n a s P. M., via RenillitimandJerge r y City, Eve- 3 iX nine Express!. 3 00 At P.M., via Remington and Jersey City, 3d Class Ticket— -- 3 X At OP. M., via Camden and Jersey CRY, Evening Mail— . S CO At 111(P. M., via Camden and Jersey Cal', South err. Mail 2 IS At 5 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, ( Freight and Passenger F-Ist Class Ticket- 3 X Do. do. 3d Class Tioket_ 1 50 The 6P 11l Mail Line nano daily. The Ifd(F hl, Rotath ern Mail, Saturdays excepted. For Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville, Flemington. &0., at 7.10 A. M. from Kensington, and Xi P. M. from Walnut -street wharf. Montroneter Gap, Strondebarg, &Hatton, Willrestaive, , Great Bend, k0.,7.10 A. M. from Konsusgton, via Delfterare. Lackawanna and Western R. R. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, and Bethlehem at 7.10 A. M. from Kensington Depot, and 2.44 P. M. from Wel nut,street wharf ; • (the 710 A. M. line warmed' with train leaving Beaten at 3.30 P. M.) te For Mount Roll'', at 6 and 8 A. M., 7 and did P. N. For Freehold. at 6A. M..tind 2P. 114. WAY LINES.. • For Bristol sc Trenton, 0.. at 7.10 A. M. 40 rid P. M. from K ensington, and 3% P. M. f rom walnut street wharf. For Palmyra. Riverton. Detainee. Beverly. Darling ton Florence, Bordentown. Jce., at 3234, 1,4% and P. td. Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and intermediate places. at 234 P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. SO" For New York, and Wa Lines leave Kensington Depot, take the care, on Filth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The ears ran into the depot, and on arrival of each train, run from the depot. Fay Pounds of Baggagetonly, allowed each rumen ger. Paseengera are prohibited from taking anTl2fing as baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Comma., hm:t their responsibility for baggage to One D ollar propeuna, and will not belitible for any amount, beyond, 8100, ex cept by special contract. nih27 WM. H. IPIATZMEW. Agent. WINTER ARRANGE- M 811114411 X EXT.—PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWI • 'NORRISTOWN RAILROAD. On and 'after MONDAY, Nov_ , /asp. • FR - GERMANON. .Leave Philadelphia, 6,7, 8,9, 10. 11, and 12 A. M.,1, IP 2, PK, 4,2, 6.7; 8,9, 103 i, and 11M P. M. Leave Genuantoira, 6.7, 7)i, 8. 8)9, 10, 11 and 11 A M., 1, 2. 2,9, 6, fig.?. 8,9, and 1_032 P. hi. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.05 min. A. M.. 2,7, sod 10)4 Leave Germantown, 510 MUI. A. M., Lao and 934 P.M CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia, 6, 0, 10, and 12 A. 111.. 2. 4.6, 8. and. 10.4" P. at. Leave Chestnut Hill 7, 10, '7.26L 840. and CU. and M. 40 A. M., 3.40, 8.40 : 64 0 . and 840 t - . 111, ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphi a, 9.05 A. M., 2. and P. M. Leave Chestnut 11, 740 min, A. M., 19 60, 5.40. and 9.19 min.. AL FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN, Leave Pkilaaelphia,Lso, 734, 906, and MOO ram. A. M., LAS, 8.06, 434, 5.66, and ILI P. M. Leave Nurnistawn, 5. 7, 8.06,1, Mild I/ A. Mt 1216 454. and 6 P, 81. ON 31;1113A111. Leave Pli d elphia, O A. M and 1 Y. M., for Verne- Weive NorristowFn,R MA HAIX A IIL N an6Pd . M. LAISTII Philadelphia, 6.60. 734 9.06, and 11.01 Loe, 2.05, LM, CM. 111 a. Id. Leave Manetrunk, 611, 741, 8A6,1131 A. M.,1.574, 5, 634. and 9M P. AL • OR SUNDAYL Z. 0690 Philadelphia. 9 A. li.L. 8, and 7 .P.M, Leave Manayunk. 71( A. M., 534. - and 8 P. M. R. X. MITE, _General Superintendent, E4719-tr• DEPOT. miry= and GREEN Streets. *RR 907 of N INFIBLE ?rA R NTA H: P IM I AT IL - FOR BRTfELEEEEM J . DOYLE/STOW/I t AIA.o CHUNK BAZLBTON. and ECRLEY.: TRW THROUGH TRAIN& On and after NDAY. December lt, 1860, Passenger Trainswill leave PROFIT and WILLOW Streets, Phila delphia, doily,- (Sondays esoepard), as follows At 6.80 A. 1 1 0.,_(Exeress), for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manob. Chunk, Rszleton, Wilkeabarre, leo• ThisP.M., (Repreu), for Bethlehem, galtOns ata. train reaches Fasten ate P. M. and makes elm commotion with New Jersey Central for New York. At 5 for Bethlehem, Allentown' Mauch" Chunk, Jr.°. At 9 A. M. and 4 P. BC., far Doylestown. At 6 P. M., for Fort Washington. The 6.80 A. M. Express train D4Oll close connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad st Bethlehem. being the shortest and most desirable route to Willresbarre, and to all Points in the Lehigh coal re ' m TRAINS FOR PRLLADELP . m.A. P _ Leave M Bethlehem at , La A. M., 9.18 M., and PM . Leave Doylestown at 7.X A. M. and 6.80 P. M. Leave Fort Washingthn at La A. Pi. ON eirNDAY/3.-Phdelphis for Fort Washington at 940 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 4 P. M. Doylestown far Phimdelphia at 7 A. M. Fort Washington for Philadelphia at 3.45F.M.Fare to asthm -. hem3l LIV Fare Mauch Changan Fare to Easton I 50 Fars to wilkesharge- 4 Through Tickets mast Procured at • the Ticket Oilloes, at WILLOW Street, or BElftirsi Street, in order to secure the slam rates*or fare: All Passenger Traims (excep _yt Bundie Trains) connect at Berke Street with Fifth and Pixth-streets -and Second and Third - streets Passenger Railroads, t wenty =subs' alter leaving'W' ELLIS CLARK. Agent. SPRING ARRANtirr MENT.—PIILLADELPHIA, wit, NOM, I) BALTIMORE RAILROAD, On and after MONDAY 16. 1861 PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE For Baltimore at 8.16 A. M., 11.36 A. M., (Express), and 10.50 P.M. For Cheater at 8.18 A. -hi., .1.1.84 A. M., 4.15 and 100 , For Wilmington at 16.16 A, AL, 11311 A. M.. 4.14 and 10.60 P. M. For New Castle at 8.111 A. M. and CM P. M. for Dover at 8.16 A. 81. and 4.111 P. M. For Milford at 8.111 A. M. For traliabluyit.Th A. M. TRAHIS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Bal= MA A. M. (Express), 8.45 A. M.. and 4.48 P. Leave W u at 880 and 9.10 A. LM and Leave Salisbury et 1.4 a P. M. Leave Milford at 4 P. M. Leave Dover at 6.36 A, 118,_ and 6.20 P. M. Leave New Castle at 3.36 A.771..7.10 P. M. Leave Chester at 7.40 A. M..-9.46,1.67 and 8.40 P.M. Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and Delaware Rail road at 6.16 A. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Cheater at 8.46 A.M., 1.1.05 and 1130 P.M. ,Leave Wilmington at 946 A. /51., MU I'. AL and 11 A. M. FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Car attaOhed• will run as follow.: heave Philadelphia for Perryville and Intermediate places at 6.30 P.M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intensaillate Plume at 7.15 P. M.. • • Leave Wilmington for Ptuladelptua and interme diate plazas MO P. IL Leave Havre-de-Grade for J3altimore sad intermedi ate stations at 6 A. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-Grace and intermedi ate stations at 6 P. M. ON' SUNDAYS: Only at WO. F. M. from PailaglelPhia to Bahian:re, 01111 at 4 411 F. 81. from Baltimore to Phdadelphia. anl2 S. M. FELTON. Prim:idea& urtimpio PRILAD&LPHIA AND READING RAIL, ROAD.-PAIRIENGEIE TR.MNS for POTTSVILLE., READING, and HARRISBURG, on and afterlApril 22,1851. ELORramo Loma, DAILY t Leundale emnipted Leave New Depot. corner o ROAD and CALLOW - HILL Street.. PaILA DELP A.t Passe eau/moue on Thirteenth and on Callowhill streets at 8A: El., sonneotimet Harrisburg with the PEN NSY LVANIA RAILR-LAD__ 1 P. hl. bninnuaning to Pittsburg the ouZAJ3ERLAND VALLEY 145 P. M. tram rinintto Chambemburs, Carlisle, Ice. Land the NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD I P. H. train, minims to Sun bury, I. AFTERNOON LINES. Leave New De t' corner of BROAD and CALLOW RILL Streets, PELLADELPRIA.(Pausenger en 14Thirteenth and on Oallowhill .tree ,I for PC7I I Lbli HARRISBURG , an at LVIM M. DAIL or only, at a. P. 51.41/All.ll. ( , ex onelod) DIETANCEB VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READIRII OAD. Flo* Pyiu.animrina RAILR . To Phtenizsille-... T/1 Reading-- 18 Philadelphia and Rasuies Lebanon___...__ as and Lebanon Valley ILL Garnowg. reo phin vorton:Junotion-lee tanbue, morthamberhuid.-171 Lewisburg billion— .---155 Manny— Willieunsoort --nG Jeragyßnore Oeik Raven —Gs lston- - • . 7 _ msl Williem.t one aasdra re Railroad. The aA. M.. nnd - 71'20. P. M. train eminent drul at Port Cluiuntotflundsrit exoested.L3GtWATa WISSA, WlLLlAtintilliT t and ZEI RO , C a close GOMM:MOUS with lines to iagera Canada. the Wait and Southwest. - D.EPOT IN Pt ILADELPRIA: Comer of ROAD and cA.L.LowalAkAtreetn.- 01923-1! W. H. MaILHENNEY. ga milary DAILY INLAND -41 LIN E TO 1111 . R Drmoi ai Cam litllVVOWne la the bomb and Boutntreat. uooda sent earner HOAD street sad WALSH irr °Turf Avenue, will be forwarded dolly, and at as low rues as by any other lino. f • X. F . KEN NEY, Master o Transportation P. W..k•B: R. 00. WZEIT OlfEßT_Bli -I K o s vis =M t ' irt t... , . • P. - .- MAUNA ROUTB,— ~ .. .._ ....... PHILADELPHIA AND Elk net M 't __"7 • D" . - QIPEJS to Muria Carrion, Az. a 6 , part. 7/4 eirbartCßernatton j &unit, . itoa, if il hrarportt e ^Dawson, USEROZantati =r4i. ray : I _Meter, Clevelandentledo, atm NUlraglaso, ll manta Wont and egg, • , . , . .. • Pawarnaiiitratillinil Is m s ltignedr Deionytie rid gillnant,Rfilraiattg(io i rogn= i tof (W e" lowtult7o4aoily., ahuodaya erco r eeteit), for abets i nt al , m4lBsB.__ __:xse —tielit . _., Wite _ Sgt. /11...w:seem at Rupert, for Wfilett bane, tam, l iv And_ .ali ea at cm the IkAOLA Ale/TA .4 B =MBE HAILOAD. a above tramp nista rata Atenneetions at Eiwra with the trains at the3tew Port andErie,Canantletans and Niagara Yana, and Buffalo, New York and Erie , ant New YorgOentrat ftaidoada. from ea paints North and W i lt aitair ' *Palo, and lhooponadon En e. io. terotediate points. • Aiwa be t roomed at the Philadelptua and Ei styir EljuStfure, northweit corner of Lic LiiP UT eeht and lit the Promeniter it" = Ile IPP and &LJAIWIULI.o. l e ritElte F EFornT , T Lease tbe Mil t_deUtand.iteading Dapoj t eod and OoknowWU ado t-4 .(sands ifttnakm erzoeptedh for all Eons west& 1 riorth, at P. m. Imam not.: be deirrared before SP. N. to insane their Lor r atl: I am day. . For' er p tnfamadon ILI Freight Dom& Mr" —and , or to rro. .= ::r..... = Ix stmt, Nertgrarrot senor and I z....wn 1 , / istmem, 4:41 , - -.-" - NIM• ' , 1,81' OILESTER AND PHILADELPHIA BA 0m), VIA 111EDLl. . !SPRING A.RRAftIiENLEPIT, On and after Monday. Sarah U. lan, the train@ mill leave Philadelphia. from the Denot, nommen* eomer of Eighteenth and Market streets, at 8.110 A. M., and 3,4, and 6.50 The Freight Train, with pteammer oar attached, will leave Welt Philadelphia at A. M., monies ea far ea the Baltimore Central Jtmotioa, Chr e_orolaym, leave Plaindelphia at A.M. and Ir. M.; leave West Cheerer at 7.30 A. M. and 4.30 P.M. The Milli Wavier, i'hiladelphta at Bf. M. and 6 P.M. eonneot at Ponasitoo with trains on e Philed_elphis and Bedtime - re Central ' Railroad. for' ennett. otfford. fto„ &a. • IflllllY WOOD. mhli General noperintendent. NOTE:W.—CHEST= vALU,/ RAlLMitrPAlll nEsrg t RDOWNINGTOW ND IN-, 1.1-forg ARPORB.—On and after oir. gib, 1860, the Passau:ger -Trains -for- DOWNINGTOWN will start from Um pew Passonger Depot of the Fiala detphia and Reading_Reßroad Company. corner of BROAD and CALOWRILL Streets, (passenger en trams mi Calloorhillj fill y rNlNG TRAIN for Downingtown_ troves at LAD diO IL AFfirDRNOON TRAIN for Ikrwningtown leaves at DAILY (Bundays exoepted). Ily order of the Board of Managers of the Philadel phia and Reading Railroad awn W. IZ l l l eNgliN V. nwirstari. Northern Osnint. Raihroad. Sitycwtry aad Sri* 1,4 Y. WICEIT CHESTER and PIP LADELPRIA IRAIL ROADa --NOTICE TO PERSONS .E., ..a4NLI:‘ BOARDING.—In order to frir.islythe derive the oomineStuamer, the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad Compane intend retinint not. teas thap_sm daily trains sank way between Phtiadeiphia and west Cnester, one of which will be at nlghp;cionneoting with two dal!" tristae.Tach way on the - Philadelphia and Baltimore Central wail road (eXcept tandem. when titers will be two.trains each-way-between Philadelphia and West Chester.) Persons desire= of being in the all)" eerir ead Inn Ue aeeommodated by this arrangement. Foarding for the summer can new be obtained at the many de nimble loestities haringlogn beaithisituatimut on the West Cheater and Philadelphia en Philadelphia "had Baltimore Central Kailroada. For ate§ for sea son Coupon Ticket'. . apply at the Ticket Officio_ in 'theDepot, N. E. earner WOE KERTE and MARKET !toasts.' HENRY WOOD. a r pM- a mentim Panelist thlserintendent. ILA MANLIPAOTOR • 211 NNW STREET. Im es and Keeps of every deseriptein, and food ulfllB.l.3llllLit t 41' latEcilltirblillunenCi at manufacturer's 'noes. dime a Nemortor maimer. dipHet ' J. B. 11,1111TIL SALES BT AUCTION. FURNESS, BRINUM 00.,_ No. *SW WARIEST NITRE= POSTPOPIEMENT. NOTIaE.--flur rale of fang geode advertised for Tuesday and Wedneeday, April I and 24, is postponed until further noted. NF. PANOOAST. AVOTIONEER; Sue / • • alum to B. &Att. Jr.. 4S I CHESTNUT Bt. ISHERTPTI! EIALAc:gLOaING. 49141841' lititEl,Tarifikriforn r ia:4oWrg Thu, Morning. May 4th, commenopm at 10 o'olook, the eternize Tale at Jones' Motel, consisting in part of bedroom forrature. bed Mottling, carpets, oil cloth, knives and fork.. silver plated ware, bar-room ;datums, liquors, Ike, POSITIVE SPECIAL HALE OF 300 CASES STRAW 0001.1 a. On Monday Morning, May 13th, at 10 o'clock precisely, will he gold, by asta logue— A large and attractive assortment of straw goods, consisting in part of medium to fine pedal bride. Flo rence, miser. Leghorn eco. Coburg bonnets In great variety. of the best and most desirable sheen. Also, a full line of white and colored Boulevards, Eu reka+. Veronas, and other fashionable hats—all new and desirable goods. iIIIERIFF , B SALE OF DRY GOODS. On Monday Morning, May 6th, at 10 o'clock, a large stock of Argyle 41110 - 'loan and Imported Drl , Voona• Dy order of Sheriff. Inoludeid in aide will found— Amerman and .anglistr pants, dela:Men, becomes. lawttn, plaids . , lancy dress goods. white and brown mus lin's, Itritbs t white and colored atomism, condemns, ea- Wets, being a full and complete stock of desirable staple goods SHERIFF'S SALE,' -STOCK OF. GROCERIES. On Tuesday Morning, Mar 7, commencing at 20 o'olock, oven 1 to eternises, 110 Market street, a large and wall selected stock of groceries, consisting, in part, of fine teas,Moflee, sugars, Wines, brooms, buckets, soaps , nuts, fruits, candies, &o, Also, good-will, fixtures. and lease of store. SALE AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, RIBzONS, FLOWERS, Sco., by catalog - no. On Wednesday morning May 8. eatamaraing at 10 &cloak. R.HILIP FORD it 00., AUOTIONEERS, No. f>3o MARKET Street sod 4411 MINOR St. By order of Assignees. POSITIVP. SALE OF DRY (MODS, CLOTHING. FANCY GOODS, GUNS. FISTULA, &0.., Stn. On Tuesday Morning, May 7th, at 10 o'clock precisely, will ba sold by oata logue. for cash. a stook of goose by order of assignees. consisting or dry goods, ready-made clothing,fen" goods. guns. piste'. cutlery. gilt Jewelry, Sco., &0., to which the attention of buyers is invited. POSITIVE DALE OF 1.000 CASES ROOTS, AND BROGANS. • - - On Thuniday Morning. May 9, at 10 o'clock preoniely, will be sold, by eats loges— IMP oases met's, boys' and youths' calf. kin. and grain boots, gait; kip. and grain brogans, Congress gaiters, calf and Pat Lea Oxford tits, walking . shoes, &o.; wo men's, misses', and ohildren's calf, kip, goat, morocco and :kid heeled booth and shoes, gaiters, slippers, beg ging, &o,; also. a large and desirable assortment of first-Mass city-made goods. W Goods open for extunination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale. Ati FITZPATRIOK LE BROB., AM). Sixth, VIONEERS, 604 °REUNIFY Strati. she in t.t .7 66 0 . 'atr w % .." .• of 41 :z r " t ax. v r troa v ellifig e 'tartoy goats pai t n a t ti m... .i nnua lr o r at I LA silver rated ware. aattary ab A a ls -d o til l ole e lva n ry' ti ne". 1213.4 Onee, and mar 3A.E83 every lirozfry, Fri lay at 20 o'clock A.. 51 w PZIVATE SALM. At private sale several lama Gonsignmenbe of watches jewelry, books. utationery, 'Over -plated ware. miaow fancy geodes, ko, To which is solicited the attention o cityltud country merchants and others. Consignments solicited of all kinds of morehandice for either public or private sales. Sir Liberal cash advances made on conslismants. Ont-door sales promptly attended to. 1 - k)1 ?WI fl 4-. WEEKLY COMMUNICATION BY STEAM BETWEEN NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL, calling at QUEENSTOWN (Ire land.) to land and embark passraiS and despatcher,. The Liverpool, New York. and Piuladelphia Steam ship Coinpany'e splendid Clyde-built iron screw steam ships, are Intended to *allay follows: VP OM rum YORK FOR ravilarooli. CITY OP WASHINGTON. Saturday. May 4 CITY OF MANCHESTER, Saturday, May n CITY OF BALTIMORE. Saturday, May Id Ard every Saturday throughout the year, from PAM No. 44 N. R. RATER OF PASSAGE THROUGH FROM PHILADELPHIA. Cabin, to Queenstown. or Liverp001,.......,,_.7d 1)0. to London. vie. Livortiooi— Steerage to Queenstown, or LiveiriOa7.7----- 30 Do. to London. 10. iligiirn.t!oicel — s7li'iriliibleb; ni months, rom 'yam Passengers forwarded to Havre. Pari kam s, .bing. Bremen, and Antwerp, at through rates. Oe.tificates of vamps homed from Liverpool- to New • • • 840 uertifieatew of memo Issued IrOM Queenstown to New York ___. 00 These steamers have superior accommodetions for passengers, are constructed With watertight oompart manta. and carry For iy e urgeon pany. fteight,or passage JOHN O DA M L ik E ee, Afg e he .Com -111 Walnut at r•ui t, Philadelphia. In Liverpool. to WM. 111 MAN. Tower Buildings. In Glasgow, to WM, 13 Dixon street. Am THE BRITISH AND NORTH THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM- PROM NEW TOLE TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Aieseigei=t----"" --a 111 130 &mond Cabin Passane--.. TS FRIPEI BOSTON 70 LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Yeawage---- ----.110 Second Cabin Peonage—- . so The ships from New York call at Cork "arbor. b The ships from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Har or. PERSIA, Capt. Judkins. AFRICA, Cant. Shannon, .ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. CANADA Ca t Anderson. ASIA Capt. E. C. Lott. irfußA' c' apt. filoAnlery ABB RALg.SIAN, 4 AGA Capt. Moodie. apt."E. Hoekley. E ROPA. , Cant. J. Cook. • SCOTIA, (now building.) These vessels carry a clear white light at mast-head ; green on starboard bow ; red on port bow. CANADA. Anderson, leavesioston, Wednesday, April S. AFRICA, Shannon, York, Wednesday, Aprillo. EITROPA, Cook, " eon. 1 77 t dnestiar, Apnl 17. PPRBIA, Judkins„ " N. York, Wednesday, April 2t. NIAOAKA, blood's. " Boston, Wednesday, May I. ASIA, Lott, " .11. York. Wednesday, May S. ARABIA, Stone. " Boston, Wednesday. May le. AFRICA, Shannon " N. York, Wednesday. Maya. Berths not secure d unt paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for Go Silver, Bullion, Spools, Jeweir7, Precious Stone. orMetals, unless bills ofiading are signed therefor, and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or p %VI E 4 Bowling Green. New York. _ _ SPECIAL NOTICE FOE THE SOUTH.•—OHARbiIIi- TON AND SAVANNAH STRAMSKIPII. illeladtnt for goods for points other than the oaf*. of rjharleston and Savannah, must be agoompatned erica coal-161 Se. +-n-rwsiarnor 4.• imam. ',as.* dativicri_ A goods not permitted immediately after the arrival of the steamers at Charleston and Savannah will he sent to the Custom-houses .res. . The Steamship STATE 0' GEORGIA laying been withdrawn for the preeent, the Steamship KEYSTONE STATE will run to both Savannah and Charleston, taking freights for both ports at the same time, pro ceeding 4rat to Savannah, and from thence to Charles ton, making a trip every two weeks, thus making de liveries as frequently in Charleeton and Savannah as when both ships were running. Passengers for Charleston will be ticketed through from Savannah to Charleston by Railroad. are to Savannah, 815; through to Charleston, el& FOR CHARL,BYTON SAVAIINAR. jrz qri&tii i tht r ii• itrai,iticeatttglairl man eston , Las ger= drawn , for the present. Due notice of ? her sailing will be given. - Goods received every day, and Bills of Lading signed at second wharf above Vito street. !NBC RAACE. Freight and ineru-aniitemi i large proportion of Goods shipped South will be found to be lower by these slues than by sailing taste!". ST feunrance on nll Ra7!.roael Praia: bi entirely rumecesitary, farther than Charleston or Savannah., the Railroad Communes taking all . risks from these points. Philadelphia to New Origami and intermediate points. Charleston and Savannah route, comecting with "teenier' for Florida, and with railroad" for Now Orleans and intermediate points. . di.R.E&7I ttEDUCTION IN FARE. Far by This ronte,2ll to 49per cent. cheaper than In the Inland M onte , aa . Will lie s seen. by Me following tobednie. Through Daket3 Thom Philetlelphie. via Charleston and Savannah steamehips, illiciArDifiG MEALS:on the whole route, except from Charleston and Savannah to Montgomery : I To Savannah_ ---,sic ti , 29 Cohirdnia.._ ,il2l go Charltston.— le 00 Albany ___ .. 23 00 Augusta—..._--- 17 igi Montgomery ——. 11 00 Maoon— ._.,..... SO CC Mobito ne 00 fflanta.— ..... 21 001 ?Jew. Orleans..... 89 TA N. B —Pacaencers by duo route connect with the In ject! ]Louie in South Carolina and Georgia. travelling by th me oonveyanoes shone* to .New Orleans. Ho b i lls 9f lading signed after the ship haa mom:. No freight received ol i t i he day of piling. Agents to Chariemon. 8. &T. G. DUPD. _ • r..; Savannah. H TER & GA/4M gLi T. 3. &- T. G. BUDD, Charleston, and- BUNTER 3r. GAlliird.El4;;Sactunletr, will attend.to entering and for warding all goods consigned to their care., • .. . RAILROAD LINES. BALMS BY AUCTION TI3OIIAL it 1S014';, /-•-• • Nem. 139 sud 141 Inman (Formerly Noe. mu t t ~• THE NEAT MODERN ItESIDENtm. Fifteenth t, will he held at prit'ate days, at a moderate "else. or N aTocio AND P.EAL gILITATE, BALM AT Tf EXI3DAMiE V shy , lair Handbills, of ertoshpooperty addition to which we publielt, on the astardai s. 1/, l to ewe sale,_ tote thousand catalogues in iw y,,„ovlost, form, prying fah descriptions of CI nig sold on the following Tuesday. REAL ESPA'rE AT PRIVATE BALI; gar We have a large amount trcil eetaao"; ; eae every deeorption of ety andPEtoroPerf. nnVAlTAmALkßmGanTknmict:.lzn Er Real estate entered on our private int e re cad advertised ooCasionally In our Dublin Ra l e e Elltt s . • Cob one thousand copies are minted ''' , raqt4; (01 W free ,of charge. STOCKS, &v. On Tuesday. 'cloak noon m the k• • 1 . for -on oayrnent or auto. Mar 1. at , 12 ° ' / I" eights), ii L - mid— A r ' 4 , -- or ce, for amount of whom 0 ah W " ith e riirt final est, vim 100 shams WyouliDa. Canal Co mpany, Also, without resell , : m— 1 , 1 OW shares Bohemian Alb, inic Com Pony. For account of whom it may:•°°,°"ri n -- - 6 bonds, 1 160 each t BLOM t. oh.. "In "Kt eak r.Phro, REAL ESTATE BALF.,—,MAY 7, VALLTA FILM RESIDENCE AND ' , Nth% L o , Drulington, N. J. fronting on the D‘, ir,ware 13,4,„. Bank. Wood street. and Year; street- tree fros" Has the modern conveniences. Terme, Rap,; e.4ah. 1 . VALUABLE WHARF' AND LARNK. Ltv,, , Her lin 'Eton In front, on Green Rank, or River IhUiClire. 106 feeefront,.and in depth ES feat. Coal .• omit oakt , orobaua , Court Saln—Berate Or Nein, quit, d e o, ' THREE-STORY BRICK DWF , L.LIttIq, Sk' street, south of Morgan, with a frame dimni •WI as in Ile leer, game Estale.—TEßEE-STORY KRUM SwE, INii, mint aide nf Eieventh street, adjoining the a p p ,...- with a two story brick dwelling _in he rear, 1 Same Netate.--FIVE THREK-aTunY aRIfl , DWELLINGS, north side of quarry street, . 4 Third. a . t qi MODERN RESIDENCE, No, 911: Franklin etreet, north of Poplar.. county, HAN DSOME, MODER DENCE, De a,. Norristown, Montgomery .I.IPI. r.ni it, VERY VALUABLE FARR AND CouN T ., Delawareer 103 acres no r thd, fronting on th r r',„; aeoond term ot " Andelinea, jp; b d a valuable abed Fieberya It is neer tv o iteou nt .. l4 , landings. and (Wei:My oppoeita Cornsra,ll elation, , r,"4' ton Railroad. mane shery and farm rent forst:6i: excluelve of theon and lawn. SPECIAL PEREMPTORY RA LE—MAY ?, 7I O'CLOCK IN THE EVENING, By order of Aseisnee. On Tuesday Evening, May 7. at o'clock, without on:larva, the lollowiet properttes, HANDSOME RESIDENCE. No. 1525 Arch it west of Fifteenth. Lot 23 feet front. OW, HANDSOME RESIDENCE. . No. 1520 Rate n weet of Fifteenth. Lot 32 feet I root. rest, THREIt-STultY BRICK DWELLING, No Hy raper street. mouth of Vine. fitTJILL.ING LOT ATIO nTABLE, Perry street, [llllth of Vine. !Si x B teenth street s. UILDIDtG LOTS, southwest corner of wood e 64 THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, Ns, wo Wood street weer of Sixteenth. TRREE-RTORY BRICK DWELLING AND DIA BLE. elo. 1620 Wood street. THRSE.STORY BRICK DWELLING, No ' 'Osier, west of Thirteenth. 1331 716 e ,TEIREE-BTORY BRICK IYVVELLIN G. Nu, Zrthiii Sixteenth street, - THRES-STIM.Y BRICK DWELLING, ry r th.,,,,,. corner Sixteenth and Pearl stream lotl7by 76 r e , t "" THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, Bixteepto street. second house north of Pearl. 't WO COTTAGES, on Pennsylvania avenue, Aflam e Oi N. J. THREE-STORY ,BRICK DWELLING, Eir e " n street. north of Pee- Lot 17 br 70 feet. BRICK DWELLINGS AND CARPENTER SIRP, Nov. IN and 224 Madieon street between Rue end Vine etreeor, west of uleven't. Lot 32 by ID feet. TWO TBHEE- B'l ORY BRICK DWELi.fry6s, h , O „ . 1317,1110 and 1121 Division street, nonh of Ceilowlull, and east of Twelfth strset. LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT. corner of Thomp son and Edsemont streets. Nineteenth ward. /71 to 111 fe ßU et. I.l.Dlria LOT. York street, Nineteenth weid..3.l by 760 feet BUILDING LOT, Christian tappet, west of Twelfth, 185 yr_loo feet. BUILDING LOTS, Everett arrest. wed of Twelfth, eolith of Christian street. each lot 16 Inv 76 feet, or The entire sale will be absolute, b, order of Se manse. Full deseelptione and partioulare may be had is handbill e, at the emotion Rooms. ST Sale will oommence preommy at half peat sots o'clock. Sale Ho. 666 Lombard Rtreet. HOUSEHOLD .1. Ott.rwITURE, CARPETS, &a. its Monday Morning[, 6th inst.. at 10 o'olcok. at No. i3B Lookb•rd onset, he low Tenth, the hmalehold and latehen fornitore,ear yeel &e., of a &witty deolio;ng bouaakeopinc IST May be exanuned at 8 o'clock on time momhal of the eale. Bale at Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth Btreet fiEIPEKIO tt FURI4ITUNIS, FRENCH-PLATE NHL BORS, PIANO-FORTE:R. BP UBBELA CARP/3715. On Thursday Morning, 4 , 4 At 9 o'clock, at the It ninon store, sr assertintst el excellent second-hand furniture. elegant piano-fort* fine mirrors, carpets, etc.. from femme, deoilm➢t housekeeping, removed to the store for convenience of sale. Rale No. 6(7 Market Street. LARGE STOCK Firth WINED AND Liquoita. Dis Friday Morning, May 10. at 10 o'clock. by catalogue, at No. Or Market street, large stook of fine Wine, end liquors. ineleditt figs cherry. Madeira, and Port wine.. Chainolllte. Claret, &o; 0 . 0 high grade brandies, wind,. gin, /nri, bitters, fancy liquors, &0., in intake and bottles. Auto, the counting . - house furniture and steed wag, OBES NATHAN) ; AUOTIONEkR ILL AND COMMILEION MERCIIAN F. &Juane? °mar of am= sod RA CF: Strang, AT Yiti v.e ea Some of the fi nest GOL DPATENT LEVER to il CHRONOMETER WATC S manufactured, at the usual selling price., gold lever and legible watches, silver lever and lepine watches, English, Swint, sal French watahes, at eutonishinaly low prices, levelly et every deeoription, very low, guns, pistols, MSC* ili letrnmenta, first quality of Havana cigars, at ball the mportation prioe, in uanCtien to irait purchasers, ace various other kinds of g goods. SPLENDID SET OF SALE DIAMONDS AT PRIVATE Conaioting of diamond and opal breaalp;n sad Inf ringe. l'noe 3630. Vogt in Parts $1.400. A splendid single-atone diamond breest-p,s. der 0/60, omit $930. OUT DOOR SALES Attended to personally by the Anotioneer. Consignments of any and every kind of toed, Rd sited. MOSES A' A TRAM. Morm To LOAD Val 9,000 to loan, at th e e lowest rata, at diamonds. watches, jewelry. silver plate, dry goods , eothmt. eerie., Gleam, hardware, cutlery, pianos, BUTIOTI. tr.r. ulnae, bedding, and on good, ot every desoriptOt. e large or Smartamounts, from one dollar to thocantet for any length of time agreed on. Sr' The Oldest Established House in thistuty. Ilfer Private entrance on RACE Stree Illar home from 9A.M. to 9 1. B. Heavy insurance fo , the benefit of depositors. CHARGES ONLY TWO PER CENT. Kr Advances of $lOO and upwards at two per oeti. Advances of $lOO and upwards. at one per sent., lei snort loans. RACIUMIRY AND IRON. PENN STFLADI ENGINE AHD BOIL , PILACTI D THEOIiETIGAL ENGINE 'ffp. 1111/10111NLIMS ' 1LE.11.-haIItERS,Iif.SCXV4I Ra. and FOTIXOPTIN harm, rot marl Tama, boa ill anosteasfal operation, and bean esoliamiz tagoseA building and repaying Marine/Lad ffivor rAinesi bv and low prewar°. Irvin Roars, Wr.t°rS'arba erosa'ars. Sca., &a., expootfully otior their services to as belng folly prepared to contract for Eames of o Imes, Marine, Barer, and Statunary Saving it. 1.1 paternr of different sins,. are preparec to execute 0.. dent with tracts desamoh. Every deecria.ffint of Matters pa_ng made at tffe shortret notier. High ago ism Peewit*, Fins, Tabular,aud miler Baia°, et tin bait Paboarbranla ahamoal fron. Parente. of stgat and bath' ; Iran and :rase (laatinne, Grail delariaans: Kali Tarlatan, 3orew Carttar, and 211 of it WON NW seated with the above Laziness ? DasTringir and 'pacification" for at work ilt.ce attain onabltsianant, free anions, and work nonntar The raiser/hero have mina wharf doers r.vAt for is pars de tve.4, where shay fan its in perfect Wen ~~ vitk Aiwa, bloat. fal;b. ha., in. CSI otnan kaawy Or 1:0" welgli .0113 O. FITSAFIL JOJEK P. 1.11. vi. WAN MN P/11.1E.EP. Z. VAII 147.R1L1C1, JOBX Z. Col.ll, WITAI.BIIII_ H. MBERICR. F OUND RY, lIIIZIft , ROUTHWARK FOUNDRY, 1,6 • J FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STRESTI. PHILADIILPHIA. =BRICK it 130Nbl, ENGINEER/5 AND mACHINUSTa, Mann&mare Riot and Low Prossnre Steam bump. for land, river. and manna corm». Botlerii Z asometers, Tanks, Iron Beats, &o; Cul inns of a mit, either iron or brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops. Atli road Stations, &o. Roto ,rts and Gas Moohinerr of Ulu :Moat and moot im provea oonstruottop. S.bvery desorlpuon of Plantation Muldoon, mitt Of ugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Yana Opec r e own Trains , Dereentorsi Filters, Ponying Yana, .• Bole Agents for N. 'tithe-as'. Patent 3ngar BetlA( Apparatus Neemyttt's Patent kteam Rammer, and Al Kuwait & Wolses , a Patent Centntneal Sugar Dian= Mantuan POINT PLEAS.ANT FOUNDRY, No. 9 Blum guns:, Kensington, Phi ladelphis.—W l t LIAM E. TIERS in fo friends that, hem• $ y abased the entire stook rattenas at the obey, r ota dry, he snow ryer to receive orders for 101 11 :41 hist, a Mill go, Loa➢, Chemical. et. =Work. IFOok. . Oeurtmvp issue from key./ IT of lhairla Famisair. id dry or asst mg, 0 —r-, BUSINESS CARDS. R UMNESS MEN ARE ADVERTISING m in the Best Newspapers of City and Country al the Offices of JOY, COE, & Co., ADVERTISING AGENTS. FIFTH and CHESTNUT STREETS, PluladelPaW TRIBUNE BUILDING , . NeW York. afar d ALFRED D. BRICK'S UNITED bTATEE AND EUROPEAN PAT.ENT O'FFIOE t s No. 144 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, raILALDELPIII4. Patent Lava of U. S. (new) and Hume via be ab tinted strati& TAMES SOQYIL, ATTOReirY AT LAW, No. 113 PLUM EITILEET, above Front. mb4l-3m* camel% IT 0. lILLMA N, ATTORNEY- 41 T - A-2.11 , LAW, JERSEY SCOREPenrisYlvallia• Collections promptly made in C lintonr and 1400 1131 " -otrantes. REPIR TO Moore. Walter k Raub. Philadelphia J. H. Humes. RA IL Jerse j _ Shore t bleesre,Bareroft &' Co Fhilede. twiner. Ziegler. & Co., Ptalade.; F *ehre . uth aCo recta L. A. Macke', Look *seven; rl Yerd. Gilmore• a ir a e lM T hatcher & Weddreg, Mae.; BO & Reiff. Phslade. fele-kg JOHN ELLIOTT, WINES and LIQUORS , atoreZ ° b 3 i.4 1 . T 0 agirt l . 9 l7_,WfilT, TIMIZIV ! &lOLA. N. E a .—Pine Ol d w girkees n atiwaYll 011 baud' rEstabitishad in 18(L) Ja3o-37 AWBON dc, NIOROLSON, BoorairdnE_M floe. 119 and Mil MINOR Street. Between Market and Cheetr.ut etreea. Hie 80 0 AMES woffeuri, J DELP t.O Ave.. NICBOL • k '-'7* I'GreITAT SONS, IMIVRTERB OF HAVANA COLAs& No. 216 Booth FRONT lth - eet. , ratslarly a full assortment of desuot , ;s ' ot ! with* the/ after at Low rates. for sash 01 sr stroositoroam jel3-17_ MURPHY-WMPPLE LEON a•T' LITONE J QIIIOLEY_ L & ourrorf A 0.3 wALNuT STREET. LADRLPA. Res leave to inform Rallroad Coßlmpue!, and omen Inters/Wln Nide e construction, that theft/Ave f" a9o oonaeouon bturinees with JOBS w. MUIPOI2 Okra Rattneer, tantkor and inventor of the shove wel known pan of iron brelpe,) and are pre to ez....S.. sts order.. rota any part ot the country, tom ..... aokyortottea anpvintendenoe. All lettere reinttni to tans end estimpos etwaid sictreased to JOUWW. minty. civil rAnk l . s•111-1to Pot 8101 g .ottlavoir,& Rua.- EXPRESS COMPANIES. 111111.118 TUE ADAMS W' CO, Office so* cawrizarl re i g 14 2, 110 1t a t rilill l l Fsakares, Meahandulevesat oun „T r a , Ali gnu ita own nee :f. An„_ other Com id urimi, is . issn' ll4llll. Wyse and *Moe of tkit II Mate& g. S. lIAPFIFONP s...-si i5.....,,,..5. *I. ..............._..... all RB. JAItUS itZTTS' OZLEBRATEO itm• ni.IPPOILTICHR POR..I4III:Ed. and the MO f_uP i i Porters! under eminent medical patronage. Dm , " .. " 6 ittransians are respeetfally requested to NO cult 0_ re. Betts, at her remdereoe. 1033 TVAILNITTEIM MI. tehiladelPhla , (to avoid oosztergeip.) Thirti tlic""'" d valids have been advised by their phreinbum to ear r appliances. Those only are genuine bearing P: sited eta tee ooeMsht, labels on um box, auu cos oes. one. Val , * Use thissortese. wit teliUmwsm w fleWilalleffel