THE WAR EXCITEMENT. FORTS DELAWARE AND MIFFLIN. coNTICABANDISTS AND TRAITORS. T o DEFENCES OF THE DELAWARE. Yetderday morning, at 9 o'clock, by the kind 0 , 3 o f Cul. Bradford and Wm P. Hooker, Beq., Re avom penied the City Committee of Safety and De Gemini:A:re ci Connolly to Forte Delaware end 3110 all - l- ymrd the steamer Raxtoeas. The i..ltt left Vine-;feast wharf. with a number of re cruits far Fort Delaware, provisions far Fort 516 ,, a nd several interested °aims, among .1101, ilforton McMichael, Big., Col. Wm. D. o il, Mr. Simons, J. P. Wettterill, and James S. ‘0 , 40 n The heat steamed slowly down the t•' I , ,iRT MIFFLIN We reached this point about eleven o'clock in iaorning, when the boat landed. The exeur 4,„ows proceeded to the fort, and a quantity of trorisions were unloaded for the use of the eel- The wharf is in a very delapidated condi ,Rei. Fort Mifflin has been garrisoned by a ! ,:p; of Richmond Artillerists, numbering one tusdred men, under command of Cal_ Harvey, .00 were drawn up in line to receive us. OWing Ilia promptness and energy 'milk& have charms wiled the movements of Ccl. Bradford, quarter ieaster of the HOMO Guard, the barracks have been ,litably furnished, and every measure taken to render the soldiere comfortable. While there has hen very little done as yet to improve the condi of the fort, we trust the Federal Government a ril soon despatch a body of skillful meehanies to rat point, and place it in an impregnable canal ,,,a. The barracks have been furnished with ~3 a ing utensils, beds, bedding, and a fresh m pply of provisions are sent down daily. The remainder's quarters, located near the centre of tie fort, have also been furnished. Sergeant Bromley informed no that they had sixty-six pins, altamagh only throe of them have been placed on zoclatriagee, and prepared for immediate action. , They have thirty thirty-two pounders, twenty taatity-two pounders. and nine first-class guns a Fort Muffin They are deficient in gun-oarrtages, hoverer. A large number of them, conatruoted nf cypress, are lying in the store-room, condemned and pronounced neat for nee. The whole appear enee of the fort is indicative of absolute incapacity to: aoy defensive purposes. The city committees hare done much to remedy existing grievances, horioo:h is yet required to repair the broken y oga the ruined and sandy embankments, the Whw barracks, and the crumbling magazines. f o rt Mifflin is the only defence in the State, and .ho State authorities should take immediate means wake the place adequate to the defence of a great city like Philadelphia. After spending a ihort hoar in viewing this place, we embarked and p7cteeded on our journey to Mrs Dm...swarm We reached Fort Delaware at two o'clock. It layered darkly upon Pea Patch island, midway of the bay, with the spires of Salem, up the cove to the east, and Delaware City directly to the we st. The little steamer in which we were em• barked had, meanwhile, been pitching and heav irg upon the windy waters, and symptoms akin to Fes:sickness were remarked among the passengers. The boat was made fast to the wharf on the east of the fort, and Captain Montgomery, of the Com monwealth Artillery, received us at the gangway, and bade us welcome. The great size and strength of the structure bare plainly discernible here. It loomed up from the flat, Melly island; !Ong wails) of granite, pierced with gun-ports, and cannon mounted at each of the angles on the terraced summit Can me also frowned dimly through sundry apertures In the thick wall, and the beams of machinery that appeared above the barracks and parapet! evidenced the incomplete character of the work., lad the recent efforts to make them available for Dupeses of defence. A sentinel, in tette regi mentals, was pacing the terrace, and a second yarded the bridge that spanned the moat direotly is cur way leading, by means of a gangway, to a silly-port in the east flank of the fort. A low, Dlid sea-wall, made up of rough stone, lined the bank of the river, and without the walls, scattered over the flat, green island, were the real daces of the commandant and officers, and the barracks of a portion of the garrison. Willow trees were arranged along the banks of the river, end great heaps of hewn stone, piles of masonry, dumber and of brick, were heaped in places over the surface of the island The general appearance cf the place inspired emotions of the picturesque and the massive. The great citadel erected in the centre of a green willowy island, with the waters of she deep moat laving its foundation, was a rare example of the artificial and powerful raised in the midst of the blooming and the beautiful. This iiiand comprises about eighty acres of ground, moat of which lies four feet beneath the water level. The embankments around it are from six to eight feet high, Docks lead up from the river or the sot and west and flood-gates are planted at :heir beads, so that the entire surface of the island made the citadel can be covered by the bay when ever the exigencies of the garrison require complete isolation in me citadel. When the fort shall have been completed. (many years to come,) the em bankments stint" encircle the island will oonsti tilde wirer batteries, and will be provided with ore hami'red guns additional to those employed for the defence of the citadel. The buildings without the fortress are ell constrooted of frame, so that they one be fired at any moment. A moat xenty feet in width and eight feet deep enoom lanes the solid masonry of Fort Delaware. It is tamed by a single atone bridge, on the west, eem trial of three arches, and opening upon the huge selpnort or gate-way—uncier the groat arch of shich visitors find entrance and exit. A gang eay plank on the east flank leads into a small idly•eort, with double walls, opening upon the 'Nand tier or story. The visitors, with Captain Montgomery, Colonel tmdford, Messrs. Hector, Wetherill, and J. B, !larding at the bead, formed in double column apes the wharf, and proceeded to visit the quarters •=i the recruits, and the drilling of Captain Gibson. The former were arranged in the second story of a lage frame building, not unlike a barn, and con citing cf a double row of mattresses placed upon The bare door. A few knee:emcee books, °endive, le , were, huddled around the beds, and the ap ?marlin of things was not of the most seductive character. The residence of Captain Gibson has been appropriated of late to the conve nience of Captain Montgomery, of the Common wealth Artillery, Lieutenant Reynolds, of the regular United States service, and eertain saber elate officers. Five beautiful specimens of the Minnie musk et, manufactured at Springfield, Mass , were here exhibited, capable of *triturate use at a distance of twelve hundred yards. The beds of the 15.eera are made upon the bare floor, like those of the recruits. Having remarked these places, the 'tutors proceeded around the fort, termed the itone bridge on the east. and marched in order ender the solid arched entrance direotly into the fart. There were met here by A. A. Gibson, ethemanding officer of the island, who welcomed them to the place and used every effort in his ;ewer to make plain all noteworthy and obeoure Matters. Capt. Gibson is a veteran of eleven bat tles. He is a native of Freyburg, Oxford county, Heine, and came to the fort in February last. His earriotiem has been unimpeached, and to experi cnted courage be adds military sagacity of sleigh remitter. Hie labors in the service of the United :antes army are evidenced in certain honorable slam which he bears upon hie person His heel led thumb have been mutilated by a cannon shot. Having entered the fort, we found the volunteer mien of tbe garrison drawn up in Military order On the left of the entrance. These consisted of the Commonwealth Artillery of Philadelphia, Capt. lionlgomery commending. They are all young nee, representing soma of the finest families in :his city, and have exhibited, in the short period their term of Service, a remarkable proficiency tr. the elements of military tactics, and a !strong desire to make themselves useful to the Govern. ant and the Commonwealth. The lade went through certain evolutions, on the entrance of the visitors, in a creditable manner, and they were eismiseed, after a few moments, to rejoin their friends, many of whom took advantage of the irlrecticn, by Councils, to visit them in their .matters at Fort Delaware. fhe Commas' =oath Artilleriete were - mustered into the '-elted States service, on Tuesday, by Cap :sin Gibson. They were all accepted. Captain Gib:on stated to the excursionists yesterday, that me had never known a body of recruits of like in telligence, tact, and perseverance. Their term of erica h ad been to him a glad occasion in the long tenure of his military life, for they , joined to the ' 4 etlience of the regular recruits the quick-sight edema and diecernment of the scholar. Many of :hem are graduates of the High Scheel, of this city, end others of the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Hacker, who accompanied the excursionista as chairman of the Committee of Councils, has two rem among the Artillerists, and Mr. Morton McMi chael, also an excursionist, has a son in the ranks We noticed among the volunteers. Messrs George Seward, lineman Diamond, lame D- Bai l ers William Sanderson, and George Wannemacher. These lads, accustomed to all the luxuries and recreations of wealth, intelligence, and refine- taunt, have yet obeyed with alacrity the stern telairements of military duty. Twelve of .hem mount guard nightly, for three hours tech, and some of the sentinels are consigned to the long or east wharf, a most lonesome and li ter,' Place, where, with the wind blowing almost 7 , 5. g11e, and the waves plashing against the piers, hey make their still rounds through the still hours With the regularity and accuracy of veterans The tact that these gentlemen have been mustered by 9 old and tried officer into the regular service of .31,5 United crates, is authority sufficient to easa any ill-founded prejudice to their ability to ape with the enemies of the republic with older oast not braver men. The Commonwealth Artillery will not long remain at Fort Delaware, but will be 'Tiered to other and more hazardous fields. They , •7 anxious to serve the Government, and their e tltatviaem will arise with the exigency. Having rlt=tesl the exterior of the fort and the troops isatained fl t, (the latter include seventy raga ye—tfry whom arrived on Tuesday from Go ;e.rnoes Island, in New York, in charge of Lieut. r i r ...nlds—th e whole force now numbers one bun : a nd thirty men,) we proceeded to examine r Tenor arrangements Of the citadel, and were L _ dlq indecteinated into its character and aae , gth by Capt Gibson. krn Delaware mounts three tiers of gusts. It _ pentagonal in Shape, and includes within its "iis nearly four acres of ground. The exterior "alit of the fort are made of granite blocks four feet visit- Solid brick walls are built within these twelve feet thick, and archways constructed .. it .hia the solid walls reach at least thirty feet ad attietnal thickness Inside the walls and arehways V . , , e he barracks of the aliment and the men cape n e Of 'leathering. when c, mleted. at les:st two "'met men. They are n o w UMW% because present only a hollow array of b y w alla, which can be battered to fragments enemy's Cannon. eitO It i larten of Captain ibßoa, who sleeps o th 1 e fort, consist or a petty room in a frame remitting a tingle berth, sad altogether -Rand and unseemly. A few thousand dollars [rod r complete the interior arrangements of this , icus i rveatde ample and humane seesommoda !;to Or ale garrison, and make this almost pm e i b id le a rott i r:Bß en extellent defence for the the ite archways, before referred to, are used for r ' e tuttinit of mans, for maraheee, ao. ThS fort is now provisioned with two • months' eupplies for one hundred and fifty men, by the foresight of Col. Bradford and Commissary James B. Watson, of the municipal serelee. . The guns of Fort Dela ware, more than one hundred in number, include nineteen columbiade, five of which are ten•inch guns, weighing 9,000 pounds eaoh (1.28-pound idiot) capable of reaching any craft within three miles ; fourteen eight inch columbiads, weighing 5,000 pounds each The weight of the belle for the latter is nearly ono hundred pounds each. In addition to these, there ?s a large quantity of ordinary guns, howitzers, &o. A squad of the Artillerists are daily employed in hoisting cannons to their places on the parapet, and in a short time the whole array of cannon in 'the citadel - will be fixed in their respective places, and the recruits will com• flume target practice With their cannon and the ooltimbiads. We have no hesitation in saying that at the present time Fort Delaware is oalou lated to resist any foe, and the channels of the Delaware are inaosessible to any hostile crew with the guns of that fortress bearing upon them The bastions or embrasures et this fort are ealoulated to sweep into destruction any storming party. At the angles of the fort the bastions protrude be yond the line of walls, so as to command, through the bastim port", any scaling party along the whole line of flank. Thirty-four guns are already mounted. To assail successfully this fortress of the Delaware, en attacking foe must first sail up the channel, with the terrible guns of the fortress bearing upon them. If the foe should successfully hassrd such a gauntlet, the island must be in vaded In five minutes this could be laid under water four feet deep. If even this terrible exi gency should be evaded, the solid walls of the fort, encompassed with a deep moat, are next to be scaled. Should ladders be raised to the high para pet of the citadel, the great guns of the bastions are ready to sweep the assailants into destruction. Should they, by any fortuitous circumstance, enter the fort, its foundation can be flooded to the depth of four feet. We see of no way in which Fort Delaware could be successfully stormed or be sieged. The citizens of both New Jersey and De laware are loyal in any emergency. The people of Delaware City, of whom there has been suspi cion of late, held a meeting some days ago, and compelled the factionists to swear allegiance to the Constitution, and offered to Captain Gibson the services of 150 soldiers to defend the Pea Patch and the Delaware The steam-tug Hero lay at the wharf of Fort Delaware yesterday, and was employed during the day in overhauling all outward bound vessels, to discover contraband goods that might be concealed on board. Fort Delaware is in many respects the counterpart of Fort Sumpter, but larger and stronger—in tact, almost utterly impregnable. Twenty-six years have been required to bring it to its present state of completeness, and probably ton years of additional labor would scarcely make it equal to all engineering requirements. The citi zens of Philadelphia may congratulate themselves that by the Vigilance of Safety and of the Com mittee of Connails, Fort Delaware is now In the fattest Renee equal to the protection of the port of Philadelphia. TAN. COUNTY REGINCNT OFTTILUNTENREI Under the command pro tem of Colonel James T. Goodman, i 3 now organised, and hes volunteer ed its services and been accepted. It consists of some eight or tan of our best companies, whose existence has been checked for the past ten years, owing to the want of military spirit among its members. The books are open for enrolment pre paratory to being immediately mustered in. Owing to two cavalry companies leaving the regiment, there is a vacancy motoring which can be filled on application to Colonel Goodman. SECOND REGIMENT NATIONAL GUARD The recruits for the second regiment are rapidly enrolling tneir names. The members of the regi ment consist of young men of respectability, and are to be mastered for the space of three months. As a large number of recruits were rejected from the first regiment, on account of it being fall, it would he well for them to join the second regi ment, which also promises to be a fine company. INDEPENDIVIT MOUNTID lIANOERS, NO. 1. This company met on Monday evening, at No. 232 North second street, and clewed the iollowing officers Commander. Wm. 11. Young ; surgeon, Joseph Paul ; first lieutenant, M. R. Mendig ; second lieutenant, II C. Itynar ; third lieutenant, A. J. Livingston ; commissary, T. A. Johns ; orderly sergeant, Jerald Fitzgerald. The com pany is rapidly filling up, and will no doubt be come a favorite in the Barrios. None but the best material is accepted, as the duty upon which they will be engaged will be special, requiring both bodily energy and tact. CONSUMPTION OP PROVISIONS BY SOLOMAN The following, obtained front headquarter; will show the average daily consumption of provi sions by 5,000 men : Fresh beef. 0,500 pounds. Bread 6,500 ••• Sugar 600 " Cone 309 •• Candles 100 " Salt 4 busbelH. Beans ' " Our readers can estimate, from the above, the amount of provittiono required to sustain a whole army. At noon yesterday a monster flag was raised on the office of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, at Third and Willing's alley. Yesterday afternoon a beautiful flag was raised in front of the Twelfth-district etauon-house,-at Tenth and Thompson streets, by Lieut. Jacoby and ttie officers of the district. The flag, whioh is one of the finest in the city, was made by the wives and lady friends of the officers. The Star-Spangled Banner was sung, and addresses were made by Messrs Edward Gratz and F. Curran Philpot. Prof. Nosher's band was in attendance and dis coursed some excellent music. The programme was finished by a fine collation. ANOTUER compAxr OF. HOME GVARDS A new military company has been formed, con sisting of the clerks of the banks, insurance offices, and express establishments that are located be tween Third and Fifth streets, in Chestnut. There are 108 members already enrolled. Including 05- oars, and we learn that the company has already been accepted as a portion of the Home Guards. A meeting was held in one of the rooms over the Philadelphia Bank, for the purpose of choosing officers. Mr. J. P. Roberta was elected to the chair, and Mr. T. Ii Zielin secretary. We subjoin the result of the 'voting; For captain, B. G. Barney; for first lieutenant. N. Coleman; for second lieutenant, James S. Hennessy; for third lieatenant, James Glentworth; for fourth lieu tenant, John A McAllister; for quartermaster, W. H. Rhawn. Capt. Join Spear of company. C, Scott Legion, was, yceterday aftormou, preeouteel with a hand some revolver by the lieuteusute of police, through Chief Baggier. The Schuylkill County Regiment made a street parade yesterday morning, uniformed, and fully armed and equipped. The men have undergone a complete change, and presented a much more favorable appearance than they did in the clamp st Broad and Prime streets. They marched and axe. sated the movements very well. MUSTERED INTO SERVICE The Second regiment, Second brigade, P. V., formerly commanded by Col. Conroy, but now by Col. R. R. Patterson, assembled at their armories yesterday morning to be mustered into the service of the United States. ANOTHER EXPEDITION A detachment of Capt. McMniiin's Independ ent Rangers left the city on Tuesday evening, on another myeteriona expedition. GONE TO ANNAPOLIS A number of men passed through the city on Tuesday afternoon, on their way to Annapolis, to fill vacancies in the Providence Artillery Comp pang• MORE OP GENERAL SMALL'S REGIMENT APPEAL Col. G. T. Taggart returned from Baltimore yes. terday morning, at seven o'clock, bringing with him Orderly Sergeant Walley, Charles McCully, Edward P. Conway, George A. Napier, Patrick Dempsey, and Charles Hurdle, members of the Buena Vista Company of Gen. Small's brigade, who forced their way through Baltimore to Wash ington, in company with the Massachusetts regi ment. Two of the men were wounded in the me lee. They were taken care of, during their stay in Washington, by William Simpson. Gentlemen wishing to enroll themselves in a company, to offer their services immediately, can do so by calling on Georg e D. Hammer, No. 304 Chestnut street, at 10 A. M., or 4 o'clookin the af ternoon. Meeting on the 3d instant, at 4 o'clock P. M., as above. FassznrATion.—The friends of First Ser geant Charles W. Bender, company 0, National Guards, presented him on Tnesd,ay afternoon, at the armory, with a very handsome Colt's revolver and case, in token of their appreciation of his worth as a men and his merit as a soldier. The presentation was made by Col. Chao Worrell, and received by. Mr. Bender in an appropriate and per tinent speech. A FituluxPrm LEAP.—Yesterday morning an unknown German, aged about 38 years, leaped from the third story of an emigrant house, NO. 122 Doak street, and brake one of his legs, and other wise seriously injured himself. .He was conveyed to the flospital, where he died a short time after wards- It is supposed the unfortunate man was laboring under an attack of mania•a pots. THE USION Horxr..—The rumor circulated, by some evil-disposed persons, that this popular hotel was about to be closed is utterly unfounded. On the contrary, it is in a flourishing condition, and the proprietor has at no time entertained, for a moment, tbe idea of closing it. SWORD PRESENTATION.-- This evening, a award presentation will be made at Sanford's Opera House. The Independent Rangers, already noted for services of a most important character, Will be presented with two magnifosent swords and a flag, through Messrs. 0. Gilpin and A L Snow den. The flag will be received by William B. Reg., and the swords by Means. Cassidy and Dougherty. The occasion will be a brilliant one, and worthy of the gallant company which it will commemorate FINANCIAL AND COMBIERCIML. The Money Market. Puitardwerna. May 1.1361. The stook market was stead"' to-day, with a very light business. City nixes were one-eighth lower. Beading Railroad shares, to the number of about 100, sold at :I less than the Manus mice of yesterday. Penn sylvania Railroad stook closes firm at 36%. an - advance of X upon the price bid yesterday. The transactions were unimportant. We give ihelow .1 statement of the busmen of the Philadelphia custom house, for the month of April, 1801, as compared with the two previous years 11119. 1860. Igo.. In Warehouse April ..-61473.63 691.63011,201.616 Warttiou'd from foreign Pts.. izT.I„6LN 229.919 341.841 other distriots.... 14113 49,407 43 NO WlthdraWn for consumption ...165 331 231.307 168 078 transportation 16.756 7,611 6 497 exportation.... 430 4 335 3 um In Warehouse Aprif 673 648 756.303 1 288 281 Entered for consumption-- 916.621 819.713 64 061 Free mdse. entered— -- 300 324 133A100 441,163 am inn r IfTIES 1113Cin . RD. 1868 1869. 1860. 1861. April . . ..11117,583 267 334 228961 156.420 2revi's 497976 616.00) 74,74 693.174 `I he New Turk Evening .Post. of th a t evening, MC " The business of the Stook kxchange is on a limited, seals. and the fluotasComo have narrowed down to Xer cent.. though in some descriptions the cheeses are still very wide. %the market for the Border & ate stook continues very unsettled, and the operations show a large oifferenoe between the cash price and contracts, which give the seller three and ten days in which to deliver the bonds. This difference is Most marked in Virginias. the direction of Minim reemom to fix upon that State as the battle-troutte of the coming conflict. At the same that Virsinias were selling at 43 oath' they Were oflereit at 46 seller three dayr, and 4351 seller ten days. e , d &fence of 13i per oent. was asso sub mitted to in Teenessees, but these were not freely of fered. Missouri@ are plenty at 40, while an edvanoe of 2to 3 per Gent. Was mud in North Carolinas. A lot of •IPAOO Lmtusianise was sold at 411. After the board prices were weak. Plow York Central sold at 71%; Galena, 56%; Illinois Central. fa ; Tole do, 33. "name is firm, 102 bid. Pacific Mail was offered at the aides at 61, wi.h 62 bid. Government Securities are firm and higher. The low priced Fives have found buyers. and the hide have advanced 1 to 1; V' cent. The Coupon bonds of lent 1 4.3 V' cent. 'better. Treasury notes are also in better request. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales : May 1, 1861. ftsroassre as 6. ]B. SLAV-MAKER., Merolootte 7 Exchange FIRST BOARD. 400 City 68.--. R 10 Beaver Meadow.... 56 400 do. 89,76 do.—.. • . 66 038 Lehigh Nav 6s ...Am% 2 56 1000 N Pennaß 66 cash 6636 20 do- • • -.....b5 55 16 Penna. R 3644' 20 do - . • • ..--b5 65 1 d0_..,, 10 do 55 3 d0....,,...864 9 Lehigh Seep-. ease se iletvor AS 41 d 0.... -"OS& 80 20 do ..' 65 I 6 do. --cash 30 SECOND BOARD 100 O,LT 6e -.-. R WA' 4 Lehigh Nay 12 Penna • 3636 10 do ......... 48 ' 31 20 do .8636 50 Reading .... 100 Long ledand . R.-.. 834 26 do— ...... 60 do • , 834 18 3 Morris CI Profd .85,103 5 d 0..... 16 CLOSING PRICEI3-STRADY. Bid. Asked 31d. As ebßadelphia 68- 814 0034 Elmira7s '73 . 6 Phi% 6s R..- 8954 90 Long Island Phila 68 .new. 116Y4: 9730 Leh MA. N...-- 48% WA Penna 8a... 77 79 Leh Cl & N Sop-30 80% Read It -.- 26.69 16% North Penns It 634 7% Read bda - 7936 N Pa Rae-int 01188 87 Rend mt 6e 'a/ 43 88 N Penna. R 90 Read rat 68 'B6- • 00• • Gatninilnin Roos.- 334' Penna It ex div. 36.1; 3636 caia,wis o o, pref, 7 Penns R2d nit As 82' 85 Frank & Sonttivr - 41 Morrie. Can eon. 40 47 2dA3d-st R divoff.36 Morris Can Pfd.lo2 154 RaoekVino-et It. 8 Solt N - 66 West Phila. x.. . . :. 66 87 Soli Nav IMP 6e, ~., 72 Borneo& rms..- 6 6 Soh Nev. Preni- /V 14 Green A Goatee.-- 14 Protd.... .. 10 Philadelphia Markets. The Flour market is less active to-day. and a few hun dred bbls have been disposed of at 85 50.5.6134 for su perfine ; $5.755r6 for extras; $6.2506.75 for extra family; and Wen% for fanny brands. aenording to unaliq. There is little or no shipping demand, but the' reoeipta We light and the market quiet. Rye Flour and Cora Meat are but little inquired for. The former is held it $3.50. and Pennsylvania Meal at $2.75 els bbl, without ea!es. • GRAIN —Wheat in leem firm. but the receipts are light and the demand fair, with sales of 9 000 nushele at 133k' 1360 for Western and Pennsylvania red—the latter for Prime—and 14001000 for white. ftre—Youruirlvania , Is steady at Sea. Corn is in active request. and 8,000 bus.- els sold at SO for prime yellow afloat. The receipts ate light. Oats are better. 5 000 bushels prime Pennsyl vania sold at 35a in store, and 1,0,0 bushels Southern at Sio afloat. Barley is dull and lower, and a mall sale bf New York was made at 61.10. BARE.—Qneroitron is scarce and firm at $8650 93. ton for Ist No 1. Coprox —There is little or nothing doing. and no change in the market. Gnocuares are steady, with some further sales of Sugar and Coffee to note, including an entire cargo of the latter. ernovisions.—The demand forall kinds is limited, and Prices about the same. WHPILY IS dull. bhls 'Wing at Iniolega; drudge 103 08 lie; and Wide 17017360. New York Stock 83100 ND 3000 U 8 30'74... coupon 76 600 Tress 12 n o 1000 U S 6s 'Bl.-coupon t MO Cut St 7s _ 73 1060 Cal barge bP 70 10110 Tenn St 63'90—.63 46 6000 Virginia St 03...'b10 43 700.d0..... ...s3 4534 3000 Mmeouri 016.5..... 40 1000 do. --.. 3934 aro dn.... b3O 40 4000 NYst 6s '65 . .. ..100 2300 do '02.......101 rani 11l Con R bs-- 140.4 21'00 n0._......... 8934' 2000 do. . .. 89 moo ciev 'NY &I- 75 1000 Minis C 8 p o Ist int f con 94 20t0 Doi I. Wist In.. 95 rark 8ank: _. ......98 O Pain fie pa 8 CITY ITEMS. .tioME • A.VrfiNgION !—Colonel PleaSala ton, Commander- in-Chief of the Borne Guards, has is sued an order fixing the uniform to be worn by the gen t'emen who have enrolled themselves sa Rome Guards. This dress will be worn while on duty ; but at other times the Guards, emulating the example set by all other males between four years of age and ninety, will wear the elegant and comfortable garments made at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rocklitil it Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. tituetanAL fiCore.—All doubts of the loyalty of this war. Hearted veteran may be set at rest. fin man perhaps in the country is more vigilant, and for his age more untiring in hie labors in the present emergency, than General Poott. He is now in Washington super intending the preparations for the defence of the city, and yet having an eye to the direction of all the military movements of the Government. When peace is again restored, we suggest that be should he presented with a fashionable suit of clothes from the new store of Gran vas Btokes, 609 Chestnut street, where each garment acid' insures a gift of use and value. ASTHMA or PBTRISIC.—A epatmodie sireetion of the Bronchial Tabea, which 'are covered with a dry, te- IlltelOUS phiesm—" BROWN'S BRONCHIAL 'Dwelt - Es" will, in some eases, give immediate relief. If of long standing,' persevere with them—the) , will alleviate in "An old lady _friend having tried many remedies for Asthma with no benefit, found. great tette from rhe Troches ."--REv. D. LE s, Frankfort,lll. ap27-stnth BIAICINE •• INTELLIGENCE. BEE FOURTH PAGE. ARRIVED. Brig Frentlas Hobbs. Farks,7 dare from Matanzas. with susar and molasses to John Mason & Co. Below Red flank, passed ship Edmund Keye, from Liverpool, at anchor. Ear. 1 , hen Sawyer. Tracey, 2 days from Providence, In halloos to .1 . E Bosley. Bohr John Shw. Wallace, 2 days from New York, In ballast to J E Behr Susan F A bbott. Ludlow. 8 days from Savannah. with snit to Baker Jr. Folsom. . „ . Ectir Olivia, Fox. I day fmm Odessa, Del, with grain o Christian & Curran. - Bark Joseph Maxwell, Davis, Lavas ra, John Dallett Sehr J R Plater. Gandy. Boston. N Sturtevant & Co. Mohr Hiawatha. Small, Portsmouth. h H, do Behr C Belden, Street. Stamford. John Et Blaktston. Sohr Carthasena. Kalb New Bedford. - do Sohr Joanna, Hand. Hartford, de ET TEMP:MAP/6 (Corrospondemie of the Press llosvoii. May 14 Arrived, ship Adams. from New Orleara,• bark Philo mela, from Namarang,_• Una! Louisa. from Maxima; Walter ROlVail, from Havana; Beareville, from Cape Hayden. MEMORANDA. Ship Stephen Baldwin. Flagg, from New Orleans, ar rived at New York yesterday, Ship John Clark, Latournean. from Baltimore for Li verpool. wax spoken 28th nit. let 40 40, tong 60. Bark Thomas Mellott. Dill was disettarana at La nutria 16th tilt, to sail for itiladelydna on the 28th. Bark Mayflower, Doan, for .Bardoesi, cleared at N Yak g yesterday. Brig T B Watteon. Alunday. from Porto Cabello 16th April. arrived at New. York yesterday. Brig C C Van Born, Merriam, hence, arrived at Queenstown—no date. Brig Delaware. Cobb. from Boston for Philadelphia, at Provinoetown:Prit nit, Bohr W 3 Audenried, Mulford, from Havana, arrived at New York yesterday, Bohr Pecuonnock. Barnes, was at Porto Cabello lath tilt, to sail for New York 17th. Bohr Roxbury, Chase, hence, arrived at St John, RB, 27th ult. hohr Courier. Treworgy. for Philadelphia, cleared at St John. NH, With alt. Bohr Evergreen, from Delaware City, at Newport 27th ult. Bohr thatraty, Davis, sailed from Fall River 27th ult. for Philadelphia. Bohr Frank Lucas Taylor, hence for Belloonet Perri, at Fall River 28th ult. Bohr Sarah. Benson, cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. A Fehr A Beaton, Ryder, at New York yesterday from Jaoksonvine. Steamers Mars, Nichols. Noe atty . , Morrison. Iron sides. Vanderveer. and Madgie, Bell, hence, arrived at New York yesterday. Steamer d Neymoor. Palmer, eeared at New York yesterday for Phiiadelphia, ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, UP TO 12 &ewer. Lear Brian" CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. .1 Wallace, New York S B Catherwood. Phil& Mr Scranton, Cali:orn is IV Gilchrist, Phila. C Littlejohn, New York Geo T X Davis ,N Y Hon John Sherman, Ohio las W Grimes, lOWA Mrs Codman, Camden, Me Mrs Gay. New York A Larkin. Massachusetts David Pe. , ker. N Lieut J X Linn, U S A Jag MoWhinery, Indiana Clark, Cadiz 0 Cant F Cooper. Cp 'matt Wm K Long. Beading F et Minter, Readier W P Setu 1„ Harrisburg Jao G Plimpton, N Y # M D Potter, Cincinnati id G Lino, Illinois F Morley, Ptueburg Dr C S Trisler, U 8 Mrs Schoen. New York L M Bacon, Maryland Coin Price, U W F V Smith, Baltimore C B Hoerd, Watertown Jae B Moßean. Saratoga Silas P Briggs. Saratoga P Butter. Saratoga « I II Lane, Kansas It Plcßrarner, Kansas Geo II Keller. Keane W W Illndegyara. Rama D II Bailey. Kansas J T Barns, Kansas G W Gillmore, Kansas C A Weed, Blob. Va Mot Hill, Un A • Jas W Nye, New York E F, Norton. New York B J Cromwell, U S N Geo Bache, U S N P N Sheldon, Perryville L Yates, Indiana Benj Holladay. New York W Leland. New York Blatcoford, Chicago A Dexter. 11 o N J Beet ley, Boston Mrs Harrison, Boston FIE Maynaril, Boston Wm Phillips, Boston B A Bourne it fa, Newport. P P Tapley. Lynn P Fisk, Prittsfield, Pa W Firmstone, t onus G Conk, New Haven G R Colby. New York G L Whitman, Boston R Davies, New York J M Mi ler, Baltimore W Sinclaire. Jr. New York W Chester Thos Graham, Chester Mrs Watts, Indiana Prof Daniels & la, WM 8 E Gating's, Baltimore 2 Barnum, Baltimore Mrs Gasman. N Jersey . J Q Brigham. Boston .1 Foos, Springfield W L McMillen & wf, Ohio J,T Wood. Ohto 1) Cameron Jr tn. Rarrbibg W Colder, Harrisburg J Troy. N.Y T Charlton. Boston F L Wild Bradford. Ink A White, Niagara Falls M _Fernandez, Havana I Fernandez. Havana Brown, Matanza it. Ponce de Leon, Havana R A Whitney, New Jersey hl Hatch & wf, Georgia Miss Hatch, Augusta, Ga Wm E Dodge, New York • Hodgman. New York M Keyser. New Cork B Hammitt, Phila Tr P . Caddie, Jersey_ City W at Stewart. Indiana A W Latecomer, m Chunk M B /Mohr. York. Pa Chita F Hager. Lancaster W A Miller, Lancaster P Dougherty, Barr sbnrg Cl Harrisburg Jim Anignt,Dove_r_, Del Thos B. Nelson,lndiana Walter R Jane.. N York Horatio BridgeWaahingtn C R Marvin,New York 111 Pima. New 'fork Cleveland Rockwell,lllSCS E J Warner, Ohm Z A Ilitoti000k„ N Jersey L Winship, New Maven vim Eddy, Massachusetts Semi B Pierce, _Boston C W gland A ;Silber, New - York Moire, POW York Lamb, New York .1 L Mott, Jr. New York J L Walton, Bookford, ill II Bieber', sante Fe W tilehoener,bew York llt Pendleton. N York J 1< Bennett, Jr:iNsw York B. K White. New York E Seaver. New York Aug Smith, New York • ritr Orange, Virginia Chas Miller, Washington J Wilson, Pittsburg IS W A nderson, 7th Reg• NY rt 8 Gregory. th Reg N Y RII PIUS. 7th Reg N C A - Hartwell. 7th Reg Y W Wood, 7th Res N M Bell. 7th Reg N I W C Tacobann,7th Reg Hy G Grant, 7th Reg II Y D Xien,7th Reg NY H L Wats, Jr. 7th. Reg N Y.l Fay 7th Reg Y P A Harems, 7th Reg N W Hurlbut, 7th Reg NY W R Farrell. 7th Reg N Y G L Bulkley, 7th Beg N 111 Smith, 7th Reg N J B Arnett, Jr, 7th Reg N Y Wm II Ellis, 7th Reg NY JD Horne, 7th Reg N MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Poartn street. below /trot'. Geo Clark, Roltnesburg H L Erben, Lancaster L Truman, Penns . Wm Skinner J Taggart, D C Jae Maoru an. Penns John Hugo. Green no J Howman.Camp Curtin John t Sinnard. Lancaster B G Humans er, la, Del John Cooper. Ohio Jan Caldwell, Allegheny Jos I. Reed. Penns Michael Butz. Easton Geo B. Houghton. Pottsville J H. Rhoade, Reading Coruelesoc, Penna. 'thus Morten:mm.l'on G H MoDymne. Peoria. .0 McKinney, Peoria, I M Kieporta Rolhdayab bernaoilar, Wood 'y McGovern. Jr, Lanoss , er HT Garrison & wf A MnOnde, Maryland J Hollaban. Makerland J H White. New Haven G H Markley, Laptcaa te r Mr Brink, Baltimore Miss A j.j Hall, 11 Y 8 tz, Southland & la, ?hills Mrs ald - Hch, Philadelphia E H Southland. New York John D Btewart,Tyrone,Pa 3,,ac ClaTke. Hi rm'llam .Pa Jaa BOrithara.ClearS'd. Pa AU WateTineu, New York J T Sunderland tc la, lowa J Justice,. , Mtroltilsburg AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Path. E T Conner, Penne Gll Wi lin ley, Philadelphia portaidso.„ Tamaqua C F sh oener 'irsmaaurt M Baker, New York T K Miller, Columbus, 0 J B Campion, Philadelphia It Lockhart. M hunk J L Green. atookton, Del D Roffeolier. Delaware A Wslsa, El/11011 3 W W Redden. r . E Boston P Bath, Felton, el W FIUMIIIIIIIf, New York W Kleinhans, PI Stiff B R Haag, Milton, Pa t.Bullman & la. Ds ware J B McCreary, Chunk Mn a It LockhArkft Chunk 0 ti n lford , M Chunk .J 1. Cooper, U chunk G Young. New York A J Winiersteeo, if Hill J McLean, Summit Hill 11 F Johnson, Chicago g 41.614 691,695 T. LOUIS HOTBL—CheeMot street, above Third. B B Match, New , York W IL My, Neer Voia J &ally. Pistaborg R Lott, NewJereer L D Lott. New Jones it H Peiegoii Baltimore 3BD Danforth & la. Ni J 6 Clayton 4. wf,_f4 York J E Erwin, Virgin's A Muinamakeri Virginia J Atm. Virginia a Brian'', cheater B Births &Ad J P Helnokliaaton T V Ellison. New York A Barger, Flew York THE PRESS. PHILADELPHIA , THURSDAY, MAY 2, 11861. MAY I.—EVeltlati OAK. ()BOGARD ACID SPRING WATER.--- Pamphlets containing the opinions of eelebrated Chem ists and Physicians respecting the use of this WATER in the ease of many diseases of the human system, will be supplied gratis on application to FREDERICK BROWN. FIFTH and OHEBTNUTE4treets, or FRED ERICK BROWN, JR., NINTH and CHESTNUT 'change—Nay 1. I Streets CALL. BOARD AND GET A: FAMPIitET. apl3-ff 25 Y Cen --MB 71M 10 d0._......:.-..-711£ 50 do-- 7136 33] do : _._. -...7156 BO d0—......1330 25 n o -- un .... 50 d 200 Erie R.-- 19 4 do--- 1 50 do---- .610 39 59 d 0.... -515 19 BO Mich Cent ft. 44M N e sC7do 25 423 111 Cent 7t. natio .67 ao .sia 100 do 67 250 Cal & Chic 11.-- 57 800 Clev dr: Tol 23 59 Chic & R 1 3es£. 30 do ..535 3IM 15 C. B & 173066. 10 Del, Id & W It.-- 7k Mania STATES UNlON—Market street. above Sixth. J Sinter, Perry on, Penne. J Mayer, Chester 00, Pa Jaa Owed, tt Wilson Jno F', harmellin, N York Wm Barefoot. Mifflin eni Jan Prather°, Indiana, Pa Wm A Morton, linnotister R Palineeroit, Laminator 3 McKim. NWT cOl Pa 3 Cunningham, Intl oo L P Work, Blairaa. a d Reyno.ds, Cecil on, did Jae Miles s Crosinen J T Reynolds, Jr. Tonna Geo W Woodward, Penne Ret McGcsin., Chester G 1.. Plitt, Fettelnit4 'A Wolfkeil. wistown Jno Airs. Lewistown A Gable. Marietta. Tonna A Snyder, renna Wm pookekbeineaster co R Jordan, Del 8 Jamison, Norristown D 'keg Norristown J R Segole, NOITIOLOWri Thee. tell. Thorn montoyn R J Sloan. &Joseph Wm Fibs, Illinois 0 8 Nome. Sallsbart , Pa F Reading Mine M J Eberly, Ulm A Roemer, Farina 'r A Rohrer, MoVeytown C W Morrie, Phila J Graham. rhila E L Canifman, Bosborough COMMERC'AL HO rEL-Bixtb et.. above Chestnut. U C Nenbitts Ft Deposet,"ed M A Forcee. Clearfield vs rr Darren, Philadelphia Jht Doyle, Dorlosittg , Pa Morrie Kirk. Pa Z I•anthorn, Chatham, Pa John Larkin. Pa W B Hammond, Cheater .1 PUSSY. Columbia, Pa D Wingard . Pottstown 'saw Johnson. Clearfield IS Ballinser, Pa Saint Moses. Phrenixville T T Painter, U 8 A W R SIVA - mar. USA II tiollere.l7 8 A T F Conan, U 8 A R J Houston, limo co, Pa ffn!MtEE!M Utter, Warren, Masa TIC Mitchell, Danville J M Harley. Juniata co E Damn. Newark, N J A 11 eutoh & la, A hence, 0 Thee S Dub% N Jereel Mien S M Dabs. N Jersey hlre Durham. Read , ng fl II Bower, Danville .1 tfilliman, Pottsville OW Joe Ellie, Weehington Limit Chas Baum, Wash /dent J B Smith, Wash A V Minion), Wank Pay Debt eedgwiok L "P Perk, Mt Union. 0 W A Reber, Lebanon, Pa I M Relker, Ilarrisbdrg John 11 Gross, Ephrata F 8 Phillips. Phila W Fironebr.irer. MarylarnlDDKlinefelter, Stephen Keefe r _ J Hanover E R Twaddell, New York A W Welton, New York F M Wheeler. New York eol R Rateditie & la, Tam% Master Ratolilre,Tamagna James Me Bride D Bolick, Easton T Worman, Eieglooville NATIONAL HOTEL-Race street. above Third. J L Janalink, Cheater, Pa Bot Roth, Cheater, Pa it Cott, Wilkeabarre fiery Knapp, Wilkeabarre Chas Lukowitz. Pottsville R Watson, Clayton, Ohio Jacob Wagner- Norriatown W Davis, Jr. Pa 1 W Davis, Pennsylvania Capt Handler & la, Pa Lieut Abner & la, Pa Mr Heichbold & la. P. Benty_Matten, Pottsville C Graben unarm, Pa ectipr, wit amour. Aaron slitter. 'Heading J MRaber,Lebanon 31 haters. White Haven Mire Reinhart. Pa Hand Koons.Whit4 Haven Jesse Stark . , Wilkeabarre J 8 ahem White haven F J Parsons, Jr, Pottsville MOUNT VERNON HO'rEl..,—Second st.. above Arch. w Abrams. New York NT. Wells, Phila, S'one. New Jersey W Marble, Honesdale 14 Kimble, Honesdale G Ludwig & Earwiet 13 Jones & son. Barwick .1 J Rhoads wyorning Geo W .bl6B. Penna Frank buokley. Penna M Buck. Penna W .Peter, Marshall Creek L Hunt, New Jersey SPECIAL NOTICES. BA.TOMILLON.'IS HAM inT.--ThlS celebrated and perfect Hair Aye is the best in the world, All others are mere imitations of this great original, which has gained sue extensive patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. Batchelor'n Liquid Hair Dye instantly produces a splendid black or natural brown, without staining the akin or injuring the hair, and will remedy the ill effects of bad dyes, invigorating the hair for life. Bold by all Druggitita and Perfumera. tXrboletgate by FARNESTOCK & CO., DYOTT & CO.. Plniade mhl-tf ONS PRIOR CILOTHING OP TDB LIAMIEST arttase, made in the beat manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling priese marked in Plain Figures, AU goods made to order warranted aanafautery. Our OPIE•YRICE afateM ie strletli ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. sell-11 JONES & 00./604 MARKET Street. GROVER & BATHE'S OBLESRATED NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES. The Bost in Use for Family Sowing. No. 730 CHESTNUT &root, Philadelphia. nuE-/s MARRIED. LESLIE—LAWLOR.—On the .10th ult., by the Rev. . George Strobel , Mr. George R. Leelie to .11.118 g Lawlor _both of this city. sUelwL EV—RINGER.— Al St. Peter's Church, pa Triesday_evening. April M. by the Rev. R. J. Palma, Robert W harton Buckley. of Andalusia. Rucks county, to Miss Agnes L. Binger, daughter of Captain Thomas Binger. of Mg * KELL CY-110i1 e KE —On the lath Beptember.lB6o. by the Rev. H. Wright. Mr. McFall Kelley to Mies Ellen Bourke, all of Norristown. • DIED. O'IIHIEI9.—On the let met. Jelin B. O'Brien. in the 29th year of his age. 'no relatives and fnende of the family are invited to attend his funeral, from hie late reeidence. N0.5:0 Penn street, below Lombard street, on Friday morning, at EI2 o'clock. Funeral service at tlt. Joseph's Church. Interment Cathedral Cemetery. KROBERI/Fat.—On the 28th ult., Mr. Charles Kro- Darner, in the 37th I ear of hie age. Ihe relatives and friends of the family, and Crystal Fount Lodge. No. 110. 1. 0. 0. F.. and I!;astorn star Loam No. Ma. A. Y. N.. and the orders generally, are reseectfulli Invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence. No. 629 Daiwa n street, to-day, (Thursday the 2d ay, at 2 o'clock. P. M. Interment Odd Fel lows' Cemetery. [Harrisburg, Pa.. and Salem, N. J., papers elegise cony.] MINICH.—On the 29th ult., Ann NI., wife of George Minch. The relatives and friends of the family are roma folly invited to attend the funeral, fr• m the residence of her husband, OM North Twelfth 'street. this (Thurs day) afternoon next, at 3 o'clock'. rrooeed to Laurel Hill Cemetery. MEtilikßGl , E. Suddenly, on the 20th ult.. Mrs. 'racy Megargee. relict of the late Jacob Megargee, in the 66th year of her are. Her re:atives and friends and those of the family are reaveettnity invited to attend her funeral, from the re sidentof tter eon, Theodore Megargee, Twenty- firet and Tioga streets. this rrmirsdayi afternoon. May 2, at 3 o'clock. Carriages will be in attendance at No 270 Race Street. at 3 o'clock., . Doo2ON.—Os tbe2Bth ult., E. B. Dodson, M. D., in the 60th year of he age. Funeral from Ors late residence, No. 411 Routh Third street. this (Thursday) morning, at 7 o'clock. KELLEY.—On the 29th ult.. James Kelley, aged 46 years. Funeral from his Iste residence. No. 1 Perry plane. Locust street,above Ninth, this (Theradsr) afternoon, at 1 o'olock. B 0 FINE tt..—Ort the 28th ult., Clara Rohner, In the 03d year of her age. Fun rat from her late residence, No. 218 charter at., this (Thursday ) morning. at 8 o'clock. * ROWLEN.-din i the. 30th ult., Bertha. F. Rowlett, aud 53 years. Funeral from the residence of her stunt, Anna Wilkins. No. 235 Williamson at., below Moyamentung avenue atil below Morris street, this (Thursday) atter noon at 4 o clock. RYAN.—On the 30th ult., Kate Theresa Ryan, aged 3 years and I month. - 8311TH..—On the teat ult.. Catherine R. L.. daughter of Charles and Ann /Muth, aged 6 Years 4 months and Funeral from the residence of her parents. Se cond street, below Main, this hersdar ) aftaimoon. at 1 &cloak. _ FARE 1L —On the 29th ult., Christian Faser. Ett in the dith year of hos age. Funeral from the reeidense of his son-in-law, No. 908 0 des street. this ( rhursday ) afternoon, at 1 o'ot'ok. McM ULLIN.—On the 20th ult , Virginia B. McMul lin. in the 10th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her parents, No. 417 Wilder street. above. Columbia avenue, this (Thurs day) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. MOURNING STORK, NO. 918 CREST NUT nitreet—BFSSON & SON have just re °toyed : gray mixed Cherie Delaines, 1234 c ; black and white Paris printed Grenadine Bareness 1.231 e; blaokrind Purple do., Ingo ; blank and purple pl ai d Detainee. rit,ga bleak Idaptgea,lB,fia ; blank plaid Bareaes, lEMa; Beuond mourning Bug iah (AMMO, /00 StiOnnOrd flaid foil de Chevros, ItOgc, &u, Alan, black Bareges,,Vfape raaretx, Crape Tammx tans,thunmer Bombazmes. Misfire. Barone Ilernani, or Grenadine Buenas, Camels' Hair Rearms. 'remi ses, Nimuselineit. Lawns , and all other goods requisite of deep anu second mourning attire. spin MECHANICS' INSURANCE CO. PumonvLrnia, May 2,180. he Annual Election for Twenty Directors will be held at the Office of the flontwiny, No. 138 North SIXTH Street, on MONDAY next, May 6th, between 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 P. M. ml 2 4t BbitNARI) RAFFERTY, &watery. THE ANL MEETING OF TIM 113 Ptookholilele fi c he CONN igCTIOUT MIN/1 1 115 C PA.N Y will he bold et LITCFPLULD, Conn. no -cording to the 117-11-aws, on le OND AY. the eth lest. K. 0. LOW FLY, Met See'y, non-St 246 wAiLliur Street. Philadelphia. KrLODGE No. 2, A. Y. M.—A SPECIAL Meeting THIS (Thursday) AFTERNoOrt, at 3 o'o °eh, at MASONIC BALL. Member!, and par tionlarir those who have been enrolled in the servute of the General Government, are particularly requested to attend. 13+ order of the W. M. it JOHN WINTERBOT TOM, Secretary. IrMASONIC NOTICE.—THE OFFICERS and Members of SAiiTERN STAR LODGE * o. 186. A. Y. in.. and the Order generally . , are Ira te rnally invited to meet at their Ball, Clunstrrat street, on TRU/USDA Y, May 2d, at 2 P.M. to attend the Fu neral of their late Brother CHARLES RHO BERGER. BY order of the W. M., niyl-2t•' 010. P. LITTLE. Seoratary. 17 THE THIRTY-FOURTH A NNIVER AWBARY of the PBILA.DEL• ALA, TRaCT AtiD N OCIETY w. 1.1 be held at MUSICAL FUND HAUL, on THURSDAY EVEOING. May 2, 1861. Addressee will be delivered be the Bev. Messrs, Brainerd, Kennard. Coombe, add Watson. The Binning ender the direction of Prof. Bird. A Celleetion will be taken to aid the came. Tiotetacan ba had at +be Tract Houle, 9:19 CHEST NUT street, and the difformit religious bookstores. BAblli. H. Y 1 lIK/1 . 03, Yreeident. 'F, A. ROM enaori, necretarr. myl-It GIRARD COLLEGE.—THE DIREC tXTGES of the Girard Collee give notice that ey are prepared to bind out, in the State of Pennsyl vania, twenty orphans, in accordance with the wilt of Stephen Girard, to suitaale occupations, such as Agri culture, baviam ' ien Arts, Mechanical 'trades, and. MaltUfaCtUrea. Ibe master will be homed to teach his apprentice his respective art, and to furnish him with suitable board and lob ging in his own place of re sidence (except where for special reasons, the appren tice may be allowed to board elsewhere.) The master will be allowed to take each orphan on trial tor a term not exceeding one month, and the apprentice, when bound, will he furnished by the Institution with a muta ble outfit. Persons desirous of obtaining an apprentice can apply at the College between the boars of 3 and 5 P. M.. or if not citizens of Philadelphia. can address the undersigned in writing, giving name , residence. oc cupation. and reference • the latter, whenever possible, to be replants of rinindelphta. NEWSY W. ABBY. myl•et Secretary of Girard College. OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH COAL I..ff m' aND NAVIGATION COMPANY. Pinr.sner.nrire. April 27, Mt. - The stated annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held at their office, , on TtLhEID&Y morning, the 7th day of KAY next, at I I o'clock, after which an election kw °refers of the Company will be there held. to close nt 2 o'clock P. M. on the same day. ap3o-tml7 JAMES COX, President. (ErPENPISICLVANIA HOSPITAL, PHILA DELPHI A, 4th mourn, 6th, 1861.—The oontribn tors to the PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL are hereby notified that an election for twelve Managers and a Treasurer. to serve for the engine year- will be held, pursuant to law, at the Hospita l, FIFTH MON NB, may ) 6th, NIL at 4 o'clock P. M. apB mtli tray 6 ve . M. RIDDLE, Seoretary. NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING AWof the Stockholders of the GERMANTOWN MIST COMPANY will be held at their office, MAIN Street, GermaniOtra, on TUESDAY neat ( Mar 7) at 7M o'clock P- M., for the purpose of electing SEVEN DIRECTORS, and the transaetten of °roar business. JOSEPH KIO April El, ISM—ap3o-7t . Secretary. Q THE AMERICAN FIRE 1 .BURANCE COMeANY. S t ockho lde rsWLNUT at—A General Meeting of the in ihe American Fire lnausance Company will be held, agree ably to charter, on MONDAY, the 6th day of MAY next, at 32 o'clock, M. The Annual hieetion for Directors will take plaoe immediately thereafter, A. C. L. GRAWFOSD, g p27,36 nva.,006.51,* Secretary. OFFICE OF THE SHAMOKIN VAL LEY AND POTTSVILLE NAILJKOAD ( JOM- I- ITY, 309 WALNUT Street. Pau.stortamist April 11,1861. The Annual Meeting of the Stook inders of the Shamokin Valley and Pottsville Railroad company will be held at the Office of the Company- on MONDAY, 6th of May. at 12 o'clock. for the election of Managers and a President to tierce for the ensuing year. anl2-1096r.dtmy6 OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, Pridanemma, April 37, /861.-1 he card of Directors have tbte day declared a serni-ati gnat dividend of TRttES PltK CRY4T. on the capital stook of th e Company, clear of state tax, payable on and attar MY malt Lllt, Powers of attorney for collection of dividends can be had on application at the office of the Company. No. 96811. Third street. THOMAS T. FIRTH., anISIm Treasurer. P — SCIIDYLKILL AND BVaQUEHANNA RAILROAD ..o.—The Annual. Meeting and tion of the tstookholden of the Schuylkill end Elm.- quehanna Railroad Company. se required by their ?hailer, will beeld at the OUNTDIENTAL DOTEL, lk in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on MON DAY.May 6th.1861, at /2 o'clock, M., for the purr of choosing a President and six Managers to serve or the ensuing year. and also for the consideration is such other hominess as may properly be brought before mud meetin. FRANK B. BON, April Moan. raprp.ginyej secretary,. MILITARY NOTICES A FEW ABLE-BODIED YOUNG MEN wanted to fill 114 the ranke of a oompany_for ate wornee• CMII IMMO timely at fErarEßANult TULL, T vvELFrrt and FILBERT Sta. ms 2 4t* tilt ATTENTION !-A MEETING OF THE TWELFTH. WARD HOME GUARD will be held at the RAl , L. L northemat corner. of FOIIIt.TH and GRP eN. on TH URED Y ay/mum. at 8 o clock, to elect officers and effect a thorough organization. A punctual attatidnooo is &moved. end all oitizenge of the ward are earnestly requested to come forward and en roll their names. it* D.B.'SLIFI R , .Recording'Secretary. Li HOME GUARDS.—Fourteenth and Fifteenth wards, company A Old Guards, will meat on THUR. -DAY evening. MAY 2 1861. at I o'clock, at the Heal of the BE' FI INti-GARDEN I 61811.1 T UTE, for the purpose of sleeting officers. administering the oath. and remdarly organizing Bald oompa.q. Membrrs of companT B Old Guard, are requested to be _ present to Ell vacancies. WM. G. CLAGHORN, It Secretor'''. iAT A. MEETING OF THE KA MOI RIFLES. held on TUESDAY/mining, the following resolution was passed: liesolve4, That a oommittee of eleven be ap pointed to colleet funds to purchase minis and equip ments. • . • Under the above resolution the following gentlemen were appointed and ere empowered to receive sub scriptions: D. W. STUART. 2.36 Weet Loran Square. k. W. Still 1.1). NO. 99 South Third street. C. E. STEWART, 631 Arch street. W. B.stox, M. 11,914 Pine street. 0 . It DEM rt 411 walnut street. R. urvll Sidi en, 1413 Vine street. GEO. W. Bc.IDEL,SIA/V, /i 26 Girard etreet. CHAS. 113 South }Vieth street. E. D. VAN HORN. 1609 Waimea etreet. WRIGLEY, 134 South Fourth street. L. T. THOmPsort, lois Filbert street. m72-4t* 1 1 . To AR5lbl TO ARMS!: • ATTENTION. VOLUNTEERS! The MARION GUARDS. under command of Capt. APP are filhag up their ranks at (ma Cli.e.S ['NUT Street. - A FEW MORE ONLY ARE WANTED. Young Men between 18 and 48, wishing , to Enlist in their Country'e aid, are oesired to come forward at once and enroll their names, SAM/AK . tiTEEVER,JR U 430 titthkeat* Peoretanr. iREORUITING RENDEZVOUS OF the aIIiERICAN RIFLE RANGERS' REGI MENT.—At SHINN% BormA, for Forrest rifle Company. Capt. F. C. Ftedeot; _Company K. Capt. Beteg, at Rel ey'it Hotel. CfleTkle Street. below Eignth ; and at J. Rue's Building, PARRISH street, below Ninth. By order of myt-nt R. G. MARC 1 , Col. Celn'ig. IVOLUNTENrcs WANTED FOY. THE DOUGHERTY LIGHT INFANTRY. All those de sirous of serving their country will please call at No. 4 1 NTGLIta Wrest, at their Heatquarulrs, or at 3 , eaph P. Crouse a, southeast corner ot Eleventh and ehtreen. 133 r order of myl—lt* CAPT. SCOTT. iUNITED STATES MARINE CORM —WANTED, SOO able-bodied men, between the ages of 21 and 35 years, not less than five feet four and a hay Mates Matt. and of good character. Eoldiers serving in this corps perform duty at navy yards and on board United States . shine-of--war on foreign stations. All other info , marten which may be desired will he given at the Rendezvous, No. Ell south FRONT Street. First Lieutenant W. STOKES BOvi). .Av3l) -gm Recruiting Offitier. #HEADQUARTERS HOME GUARD, ei Ty OF PRILADELPIITA, April-23. 1861.—ORDER No 4-111.6DICAL DEPARTMENT. Ist. This Department shall at present eonsist of five Surgeons. one of whom shall be " Medical LI/rec tor," by whom all details oonoernieg the Dospital ar raements for the sick and wounded soldiers Orin be 2made. d. This Silvan shall appoint. at the nomination of the Commander of the HOMO Guard, four or more As sistant surgeons, to he assigned to such duty as may be necessary. ed. The Medical Dire:tor shall select aocommoda- Dons for the reception of the molt and wounded. and make such requisitions upon the Quartermaster for hospital torniture and stores as may be required. 4th. 'ibis Roppital shall be used not only for the sick and wounded of the "Rome Guard." but also for any others in the service of the United States. 6th. This Department shall be governed by United States regulations. . 6th. Moyamensing kali has been assigned to the Rome Guard for hospital purposes, and will be fitted up ao aordiefilYi under the orders of the Medical Director, 7th. Dr. John Neil is hereby appointed Merticat Di- TWO , . A. J. PLEASON'ION. apuG-6t Commander of Dome Guard. HEADQUARTERS HOME GUARD, fILTY OF PRILADELPRIA, April Ri, 1861.—0 - D Bit No. 6.—Man y inquiries having been made re lative to the detain; of uniform, it is elated, for the information of those interested let. That special military organizations will be ac cepted on part of the Rome Guard, without being re quired to conform so the patterns of uniform adopted by the some Guard relied in the wards—but must be uniformed by Regiments. 2d. That as it mar be oiffionit to obtain on short no tice a SUlfielent quantity of CADET GRAY cloth for the entire force, any other shade of gray will be ac cepted, if sufficient for an entire Regiment. 34. The cost of suited) e uniforms may be varied, it is affirmed, from 88.30 per suit to 820. according to taste. 4th In cases where it may be difficult for the men to furnish their own uniforms. it is suggested that the Wards in which these companies may be raised shall furnish funda to supply said uniforms. in cot sideration of the T he afforded ter the Guard. 6th. The Regiments of the " YOULIC Guard" will be allowed to substitute for the Army Hat, specified in Order No. 3,a gray Cadet Cap. 6th. It is positively determined that no company of lees number than one hundred men will be received, nor will Muster Rolls to the Home ,Guard or Special Or ganizations hereafter be furnshed, except 'ion pre sentation of a copy of signatures to original Ward En rollments. A. J. PIAABONTON. ap2B-6t Commander of Rome Guard. HEADQUARTERS BORE GUARD, CITY OP PRILADRLPHIA--PntLannt.PlDa, I A 1 5 ,1124,1861. WIDEN. No. 7.—ln addition to the Young and Old 001110 Guard. there will be organized a RESI DENT DOIVIIC GUARD. without reference to ate or looality, who will be a fixed 100 Guard. subieet to the orders from Readquartere of ifs Guards. The or ganization into Uompaniell end Regiments Will een form in number to those of the Home VIZ : one hundred urivatekm each Company. A. 3: PLEABONTON. nag-a Commander of Rome Guard. tiHEADQUARTERS HOME GUARD, OF PHILADELPHIA., APRIL 24. ISM,—OHDER No. B—Dr Samuel L. Hollingsworth. Dr. Joseph Doptinsoe, Dr. Francis G. Smith, and (Jr. John H. B. McClellan, are hereby appointed Burgeons, and members of the Medical Bureau, established by order .No. 4, dated April 28, instant , thus amapleting the Bureau. They will be obeyed and reenacted accord 'Bey . A. J. Pi. EABONT. Or. ap2o6t Commander of Boma Guard of Philad'a. UONSOLIDATION HOME U ARDS OF CAYALRY.—The company for merly meeting at the "%rather& Ileum will ht the Piorth Pennsylvania lintel, THIRD and WILI.OW Streets, and the company formerly meeting at tee North return Ivania Hotel. THIRD and WIL- L ..1W litreete. will meet on THURSDAY evening. MAY 2, at 7% o'wock. Ifir Yaw:dual attendance of P A U L, panyreenested. HY order of A. R Premideat. O. B. AR DARIO, President. !AMA—Jour; R. Rifles, Heeretery. --- NOTICE TO SHIPPERS OP FREIGHT. Owing to the distracted state of the country, and in omusequence of notices from the regular authorities, the Railroad Companies represented by the undersign ed wdl not carry goods contraband of war over their lines. and will require the observant* of the following role in relation to goods deatined forte Steams of MISSOURI, ARKANSAS, TENNESSEE, KENTUCKY, and WESTERN VIRGINIA. Each Package must be distinctly marked, "NOT CONTRABAND," and underneath these words. TEE NAME OF TEE SIMPERS OP TER PACKAGES. The Ship gar's Receipt acoompanying said shipments must be marked as above. ERA.STUS CORNING, PRES. N. Y. CEN. R. R. NATHANIEL MARSH, REO'R N. Y. AND ERIE R. R. J. EDGAR THOMSON, my 2 StPRES. PENNA. R. R. - InEDICAT.... , BOARD. A ALF.DICAL BOARD wilt oonvene in tie oity of New York on the Ist of MAY ensuing, for the examina tion of candidate" for admission into the Medical Staff of the illeited States Army, in eocordturioe with the following Order. There are now Ave vaearenes in the Medical Staff. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General's [Wee, WAsHINGTON. filatoh lama. b'rECIAL Donnie, Pio. 7n. A Board of Medical Officers will assemble in New York city on the bit day of May next, or as soon there after as practicable, for the examination of Assistant Surgeons for promotion, and or snob oandidateafor ap pointment as may be invited to present themselves be ton' the Board. DETAIL FOR THE BOARD. Burgeon Clement A. Pinter. " Charles McDougall. " W. J. Sloan. order of the Secrete:l of War: L. THOMAS. Adintant.General: Applications must be addressed to the Secretary of War,; must State the residence of the applicant, and the date and Mace of birth. They must also be accom panied ( references will receive no attention) by respect able testimonials of his 'profession, the moral and physi cal qualifications requisite for filling creditably the re sponsible station, and for performing ably the arduous and active duties or an officer of the Medical Staff. Applicante must be tetween twenty-one and thirty years of age. There are now five vacancies in the Medical Staff: VIRGINIA AND NORTH_ CAROLINA M 0 N E Y 3 AND BALTIMORE EXCHANGE, WANTED. DREXEL & CO. A. " 1" rEN'TION, HOME GUARDS. THE CAP ADOPTED BY COL. PLEASANTON, For Wet by CHAS. LAING 80 CO" SiXTE AND CHESTNUT STREETS. Any style of HAT or CAP got up at the shortest notice. 8027.61 BHt).I,IMACICFIR & ISLAM, PAIN/11. OILS, AND VARNISHED, Ilvvimmio Connor FO Nlll/0 =id /ADE Nimbi LJFE SIZED PHOTOGRAPHS IN OIL are mane from small DasuerreM7yes orAmbro types. and are far imperior to oil paintings to Datum' Of likenesses ItEIMER'S Oallerr. SECOND street. above Green. It* SOHENCIUS MANDRAKE PILLS.- every Soldier before leaviim, should provide him self NCHENCK's MANDRAKE YILLEI. The Dootor sells them to North Militarix Bozos for Oos OfilmE No. 89 MTH BE nry24l" it NNW 'PUBLICATIONS APPLEPONS I MAP op THE dEAT OF WAR lie. 1. PRICE 26 CET. sent free by mail on receipt of pri Zl S ce. A. limited dte count to dealers D. APPLETON & CO.. Publishers. ni3 , 2-St 443 aild 446 .13fLOADWAY% IMPORTANT TO MILITARY SURGEONS, OFFICERS, ETC. In press. Will be issued in a few days, A HAND-BOOK FOR THE MILITARY SURGEON. Being a compendium of the duties of the Niedioal Officer in the field, including MILITARY HYGIENE. The Sanatarg Management of the Camp the Cloth ing of Troops. the PREPAR AVON OF , FORD for Health and Sickness. eta. With practical remake on the treatment et Camp Dweentsry. and general dis eases ; and on the W most imporanr. points in AR SURG.ERY, BY CRAB LIES S. T Itin,Eft. A. M. D.. burgeon United Stores Army, AND ' GEORGE C. BLAOKM AN, M. D., Professor of Nursery in the M.edioal College of Oho, 1 Vol. 12mo. cloth. Price $l. Will be sent by mail, prepaid, to any address,on re oeipt of the price. Published by ROBERT CLARKE & CO I Cincinnati, Ohio. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., No. North Fourth street; E H. BUTLER & CO., No. 13T South Fourth street, Philadelphia. myl•2t VOLUNTEERS WANTED 75, 1 0 1 100 to call at EVANS' Great Gift-Book Em porium, No. 439 UtIBSTNUT Street, and make their selection, from an Immense assortment of new and timely Publication on military Tootiog. A valuable Present aocompaniee every Book bought. The Books for 'lndy—the Gifts as mementos for rela tives and friends. in Union there is strength Fall in Forward. month GILDAM'S MANUAL POft VOLUNTEER'S AND MILITIA. 1 vol. 8,21111, A want long felt among our Volunteers and Militia has been supplied in the presen tation of Gilham's Manual. Besides containing every thing that may be necessary for mere tactical instruo tion, it also embraces much valuable inetnietiou on va rious other subjects of equal importance with tsotice— subjects that few who have not been regularly trained in the military service are familiar with. The thou sands of our young men who are eager for the coming fray should not fail to acquire all available military knowledge. IL COOPER'S MACOAIB'S TACTICS. 1 Vol. SEW. ere we have " much in little"—a great deal embodied in a email amount of moue, comprehending the exer cises and movements of the Infantry, Light Infantry, and Riflemen: Cavalry and Artillery. toge.her with the manner of doing out. in Garrison and in Camp. etc. A ramie at the volume will suffice to awaken an appre ciation of its worth. . . . HARDEE'S RIFLE AND LIGHT 'INFANTRY TACTICS. Designed for the Exercise and Manoeuvres of Troos wen acting as Light Infantry or Riflemen, 2 vole. 9 16 0 This work has been prepared under the direction of the United States War Department. and is issued in auras, convenient form, well bound and pro fusely illustrated. GAVALItir TACTICS. Also published by order of the War Department. 8 vole. 113.78. The many enco miums bestowsd on this volume have not been unme rited. it conveys its instructions in each a clear. Plea- Sant style as to make it a favorite with even those who do not wish to use it practically. PACCLEDLANDTH _BAYONET EXERCISES. 1 vol. 4126. This is a mamma of superior merit in its spe cialty of military science. Lite the works previously mentioned, rt comes to US by authority of •• Uncle Sam, who certainly would not preslint his heirs with anything of uneetionable excellence. VI. MI the standard hitLqattY BOORS. together with all the Biographioal Writings of SMUCKER, SIMMg, HARTLE, Y. and other authors. and an immense collec tion ot Miscellaneous Publications, at the Publishers. usualprices. A Gift worth from to cents to $lOO presented with every Book. BULDI.aR3-:-OIVILIANB—BVERYBODY. turn in at GEORGE G. EVANS' Popular Gift Book Emponum, ap27-ti 439 ORatsTNUr street. BOOKS, LAW AND MISCELLANEOUS, new and old, bought sold, and exchanged, at the BILADRI.PHIA•HaNk BOOK STORE. No. 419 CHESTA UT Street. Libraries at a distance vnrohaeed. These having Books to sell, if at a distance. will state their name.,. Macs, bindinge,dates, edition., prices, and oonaitiorui. WANTED—Boots printed by Benja min Franklin, as well as early Hookeprinted in and upon Antenna Autograph Letters and Portraits m anaged. Pamphlet Laws or Pennsylvania for mile. Cata logues.jn pram, sent free. Libranee appraised by • fellS-U" JOHN 119.1aMYBELL: RETAIL Du it t*OODS. gPECIAL NOTIOE I I r 4 -, On and after this date TRORIELE Y & llki islel will (der • EVERY POSSIBLE INDUCEMENT TO CASH PURCHASERS OP DRY GOODS Being determined to reduce their Stook they will give Good Bargains: ! • Beautiful Fanny Silks for 75 cents, worthSUS B envy Mich Fanny Silks for 81, well wor etas.. Grenadine and Barese Goads, about one half their value. Gray Mixed Goods, in every variety, from 8 (waterer yard to do Gents. BLACK SILKS, RICH AND LUSTROUS, VERY CR EAP. Neat Black Brooade bilks, double faced, Sco., De Leine., Calicoes, Caesimeres, Clothe, Vestinga, &e. SHAWLusin Flannels. Q.nilte. Coven!, tee., &o. Art' C LOAK- ` R OO M EXHIBITION, French Lace Mammas, fointeo, Shawls, Jwasectes. Cambria Lace Mantles. Mantilla Lace. Goode, &a. Black Silk Coats Mantles, &0.. in every style, At THORNLIiff & N. E. Corner MUMMA & SPRING HARDEN tits. MILITARY CLOTHING. UNIFORMS FOR THE ROME GUARD OF PRILADELPREA, AND OTHER CORPS CHART;FIS lIARICNESS, OVS CHESTNUT STREET, Now getting up the UNIFORMS for the tattlers and Privates of the " GRAY RESERVES", is prepared to undertakuthe equipment of Regiments or Companies at the lowest rates, and at the shortest natio& i. B.—Partionlar attention to style * Ito., in furnish ing Officers' Uniforms. myl-6t MILITARY CLOTHING-, AT GRANVI.LLE STOKES', 609 CHESTNUT STREET. The different lityles of outfits adopted by military or garazationcoan he procured. or made to order at the shortest notice,at the NEW 01.0 IMO* LIE2O r of STOkßis, 809 eFteiSTNU'P Street. For eleganee end dursbdity. these garments cannot be surpassed, and every purchaser is sure to receive a handsome and valuable gift. Amu CLOTHING.—Indigo Blue and Cadet Sattirete ; Regulation Shades an hand and for lode by JtiS ...Pll LEA, Lap.4o-6t* 128 and 130 CHESTNUT Street. LEGAL. INTHE ORPHANS ' COURT FOR THE CITY.AND COUNTY„ OK,PHILVDELPIIIA, of lAMBS RILR Y, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the first and filial ado unt of Jaw MUL- Lsci and JURII R. In cilUlt.DY,_ Executors of the Mat will and testament of Jam ER RILEY. rimed" and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the aeomunants. Will meet the parties interested. for the purer:wee of his appointment. on WEDNIiSDAY. May 1.1.861. at Al o'clock P. M., at his einem, No. 139 South FIFTH !meet, in the oity of Philadelphia. ap2o-stuth-at •K 1303. EffiMr.:4l3ANK, auditor. V_ STATE OF JOSEPH KONIGMAOHER, late of Ephrata township, Lancaster county. de ceased. Letters testamentary on the estate of said de ceased having been granted to the undersigned .Exectu tore of the will of said deceused, they hereby give notice to all persons having walrus or demands against the estate of said deceased, to present them to either of the undersigned Executors, dilly authenticated. and all persons lamming themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make payment without delay. cip aft KOcittibleiCHEn, Residing in Ephrata Imp.) an en., Ephrata P. O. M VP. g a it? hnT.Eft, ap2s-th 5t Residing in the city of Lancaster. NOTICS 1S HEREBY UIVEN THAT the subsoriber has lost Certificate No. 966 of the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad Company, en titling him to nineteen shares of its capital stook, and that, he wal apply to the said company to issue a new m arls-in . at* THOMAS E. BELL. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. T HE FIRM OF' BENJAMIN MILNES &, CO. was dieeol9odLon the 11th ult., by the decease or Benjamin Wines. The business cf mud firm will be continued by the remaining partnere, JOHN WM. MIL!rl M Jr. and JAS. NEILL,. under the name and style of JO IA & Co. PHILADELPHIA. May 5.1861. myS St* NOTICE. The partnership heretofore existing between PKTER HALL and FRANCIS BLACKBURNE, Jr., under the firm of HALL at BLACKbURNE. was dissolved on the 18th tilt, by the decease of Peter Hall. The business of the firm will be settled by moons BLACKBURN.% 'ht. ap3o-6t T HE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing in Philadelphia and Baltimore, umder the name of ROWELL & rsitonisits, is this day dis solved by mutual consent. The blame= m Baltimore will be_ continued by DA RIUS C. BOWE. L & JOS. ROBB,and in Philadel phia by the remaining Partners, under the same style as heretofore. JOHN A. HO WELL, GEORGE ROWELL. ZIPBAR C. HOWELL, WILLIAM. BOWEL'', DARIUS C. ROWELL, WILLIAM WILBO.N, J0411..P H. ROBS, ROBERT C. MAGUIRE. April 27 Ib3l. . ap3o 3t* SALE OF R ARE AND CURIOUS BOOKS. —The male of the choice Books of ZELOTEB FOS MER. El of Boston, coomrleing e ipleadM collec tion of early . printed B o ok!, by Pyneon. DeWorde. and also the valuable Bibliographies' Works of Dibdin. Eco., on lease paper, will be he'd on TilitBDAY, the 7th inst., and followirm days. Catalogues may be had of McEL NOY & CO.. Booksellers,Wr. South SIXTH re above Chestnut. who will attend to any ooMmlesions for the salt . myl4t UNION ENVELOPES AT MAGEE'S.- UNION ENVELOPES, at 316 CHESTNUT Street. UNION PAPER at MAGEE'S. UNION PAPER at 316 CHESTNUT Street. UNION BADGES at MAGEE'S. Manufactured and for sale wholesale and retail at MAGEE'S Stationery Store, nry2-3t 316 CHESTNUT Street, above Third. U AOKICREL, HERRING, SHAD, SAL TA. SION, &0.-1,000 Ws, Mess Nos. I, 1, and 3 Mack erel, iarge * medium, and small, in assorted packages of choice late-eanght fat flab . 4.000 bbis. flew Halifax. astport, and Labrador Her rings, of choice qualities. 6,000 boxes oxeye new led /terrines. 3,000 boxes extra new Nol Herrings 3,000 boxes Mere Magditme Herrings 160 bbis. Mackinac White Fish. 60 Ms. new,Soononty Mess Shad. bble. Halifax Bannon. (Zinnia's erand Bank Codfish. MO boxes Herkimer-county' Cheese, In More end lauding, for wile hy MURPIY & EWAN% see arc 11s NO rint vrat A stvm• . spEom NOTIOR.-SHIPPERS WILL Ic- 7 please take notice that the South Carolina ft. It Cu. hare discontinued .forwardies all through freight and. that Ml goods formerly eonamned to them must now be consigned to a city scene,. *ears. T. H. do T. O. BUDD will forward all good, to their address- A. HERON, 41._.& Goy nsh9 No 1.116 North w u A gyp.% STATIONERY AND JEWELRY r•-• neehasee furnished to Agents and Deatnrs L atverg reduced rates. Cali, (or send etennth) t 602 OIiEBTNUT Street, Philadelphia, Pa. &Intim* PA E.NAlie k RAMON ZlNG—Para SNOW WkLITIP 21 : ( Vielle. Mon w 40,000 Groanda n 4ll. sat forte Ka r w ifit& OLIVE OlL.—Pure Olive Oil, " Latour'? azirbliScilVailia*Mill ;JAW Mt COMMISSION HOUSES. BLUE KERSEYS AND CLOTHS, Suitable for Military or Naval purpoueit, For We by FROTHINGRAM. & WELLS, apl3-if tf 35 LE3I7IA /STREET WANTS. WANTED—A Young Man to Learn ths Aerieultural and seed business. Address "A. 0.1.1." Press Office. spnit WANTED—A Lad to do Errands. Ad * dress" T." Press office. ep9-tf ViTANTBD—AGENTS to sell PAUKIL GES cr STATIONERY and JEWELRY, at rices one third less than can be purchased elsewher e. Call on or address (stamp enclosed) J. L. BAILEY, No. 154 COURT Street, Boston. MUM. alh7S-Sm EMPLOYERS WANTING YOUNG Men, &0., ere invited to address the " EmnloT ment Committee," at the Rooms of the Young Men's Christian !immolation, 1009 end 1.011 CHESTNUT Street. spa-Gm sibWANTED—A VESSEL, of thecapa city of from laW) to 1,200 barrels, to load for the West Indies. Apply to J AURETCHE & CARSTAIRS, apV 20st mut =404 South FRONT Street. FOR SALE AND TO LET. igg TO RENT—A FURNIttIiED DWEL szeuANG notr+E. youth *side of FINE Street, west from TfIRT ok:NTEI Street. For oruttoulam address 4. 8., "pre,, °lrmo. - mpg OER Al A.Li TOWN" PROPERTY TO um. commodicus MANSION, well shaded by large treee, within a Mort distance front eihoemaker Lane Vtation. Inquire of F.. McCALLA. MY I-60 18 South SECO D Street. ga WEST PRILADELPRIA—TO RENT .11M—A modern COTTAGE, containing parlor, dining MOM, aka BCVOO chambers. apply to apg9-6t 8. A. HARMON, P(JBLIO SIGL—WiII be sold at JILL public sale on MONDAY. the 6th day of MAY next. on tee premises in the Borough of Chester. De laware county, Pa.. at 2 o'clock P. M. all that eery de sirable and valuable Property and Factory Buildings 'hereon erected. with such maeninery as belongs to it. ro he property is situated at the eteambeet homing, in Chester, containing aACRES OF L...AND, has about 200 feet river front. This property is w.tithy the 'Men hem of manatee erste ; is In miles from Philadelphia, and in almost hourly aommun.cation with the city by water and railroad. Gonditunui at sale. . N COCHRAN, age29-7t* Real Estate A gent and auctioneer. ga FOR SALE—A HOUSE and LOT, Ma.deeirably located on MAIN Street, Burllngton. N. J. Apply to WM. M. COLLINS, 606 MINOR Street. rlididelphia. Or to • FRANKLIN WOOIMAN, aplB-thetu2lt* MAIN Street, Burlington. el TO RENT--A rare opportunity an .1111t9' offered to a competent manager of a Boarding Howie by the undersigned, who offers to rent the premise!' formerly known se the UNITED STATES HOTEL, situated on OBBSTNUTStreet, above Fourth, opposite tbe Custom House. The house con. take torts rooms all of 'which are furnished. The dining-ball is ninety-five feet in length, besides kitchens, pantries. and every other convenience that can be desired. The premises have been fitted up in a complete manner, and are ready for immediate occupancy. Ton proper person. having experience, a profitable business can he done. To an acceptable tenant the terma will be made reasonable. For particulars apply to JOHN BE h, on the Nanjing', between the hours of 9 and 3 o'clock. apl9-tuthallt igg FOR BALE OR TO RENT—Three a"'w conicermlione brick 133911 IL INGO in Haddonfield , New Jersey, eel:Amity located, well seeded. &0., within two squares of raj lmad depot C. H. SHINN, Bp2B-tt 222 WALNUT Btr•eu. dTO RENT Wit FURNITURE.--A n handsome ROUSE, with every modern oonveni enee, in Areh street. west of Seventeenth. Apply to A. P. ArJ I .B A J,MRRIS. Me2e 9 6 RCS Street. ►-111- LRT—S'ECOND-STORY ROOM, 802 CHESTNUT Street. over LEWIS LADOMUB & Co', Jewelry Store. The best location in lobiladel• Wei for any kind o* 4 o o. lght banners. Apply hi the Jewelry Store. Rent . rel 9 VRENT—A very desirable STORE, on the Ninth-street front of " The Continental Hotel." The Store at Ninth and Bansom streets ups niftily adapted for a BADDIA and HAZNESEI Maker. Apply to JOHN RICE, fa-tf Southwest NINTH and SANSOM Streets, al TO LET-A DESIRABLE DWEL JIM. LING, NO 1,93 North THIRTEENTH etre•t. Apply to WETHERILL BROTHER, 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. mh1441 iTO RENT—For the Summer Beason, a commodious Country House. with furniture. grounds, and Stabling, within two hours' ride, by rail, of Philadelphia. Apply to E. P. WlLSifiel_,_ at 333 MARKUT Street; or address "JOSIAV WI LEON. Parkersville. Chester Co., Ps." apt-1m ma CHESTNUT-STREET HOUSE and STORE to rent,-The desirable business location, I.3wa CHESTNUT Street,with dwelling attached. Apply at 431 CHESTNUT otreet. apt! fiffi GERMANTOWN PROPERTY TO .01.1^ RENT.—To Rent, the lam and commodious modern-built Hone, corner of ARMAT Street and WILLOW Avenue, with gas, bath. hot and mild water. anah _the modern_improvemente. Apply to BEAY K 8. Attlt, 710 0KY..811 Street. Philadelphia, or on the premises. aps-tf ® TO RENT—TWO 00IINTRY MIL AOUBRB one mile from Taoony. Inquire No. 717 'WALNUT street. mhZ6-3m. TO RENT-THR LARGY. AND CON VENTENT Coat Wharf and Lumber Yard at Maylandville, Twenty-fourth ward. Apply to E. C. k. P. H. WARREN. oil the premises. mhl4-tf FOIL EXORANGE.-A CHOICE TRAM' of good unimproved farm land in the State of New Jersey, convenient to the ray. will be exchanged for iint7rntf property. Apply at No. 11M rE DERAL titreet. RIL OORBON,REAL ESTATE BROKER e AND CONVEYANCER. NORRISTOWN. PA. —Real Estate bought and sold on reasonable terms. Stores and dwellings for sale or rent in Norristown and country. Good mortgages negotiated. Colleotione made. The beat references civer. (1134.0 m PUBLIC! BALE OF VALUABLE .PRO PEATY,. THE " EMPORITIM REAL ESTATE AND MANU FACTURING COMPANY" Of Mound Ci ty. Pulaski County, Illinois, Will tier at PUBLIC BALE, on the premise!. On WEDNESDAIAY.e. the lath ber day of of May next, rge Num DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS, LOoated or Stores, Fuck-mee t and Residences. Also. A SPACIOUS BRICK IRON HOP FOUNDRY, WITH MACHINE S. And all the appurtenances necessary for the business of mannfactunng Fagises and Boilers for Steamboats, Sugar, and all other Male. used in the Southern and Western country. The Patterns comprise the modern improvements in machinery. with a toll and oomplete snot' Patterns for Stove,, adapted to both wood and oral. This property. from the advantageous location 2r blond Vale 11 One of the most valuable iu the nOnthweet. Also at the 'anus time. A FIRST-CLASS TREE-STONY FRAME MO DERN-BUILT HOTEL, Containing some fifty rooms, with a full set of Furni ture. The Hotel is now doing a large and profitable business- Also a number of BRICK STOttb Et AND COTTA GE RMIDENCES. Tiasts or g+Lß.—One-folllth (U moth the renam ing payments in If. 24. and AA months from date of sale. bearing interest at the rata of six per cent. per annum. The cash payment may be made in the Bonds of the company, and the time payments will be taken In the Stook of the Company at par, exoept for improved pro perty. for which t hree-fourths of the puronase-money ma. remain upon mortgage. As the Company propose to dispose of all their im provements. capitalists have a rare opportunity for pro fiiable investments in one of the best located end mogt flourishing cities in the great Southwest. For particu lars, mantra of or address JESSE E. PEYTON. President E. R- E. do M. c . 0., mh36-tml4 Woe 299 WALNUT Street . Phtlada. BOARDII4 6. BOARDING.—BIegant large and airy Rooms, with first-claaa board, at 131.5 Walnut street. References exchanged. my2-thonn er BOARDERS will be received at a retired but pleasantly-situated Farm House. in CHES TER. COUNTY. but a short distanos from the Rail road. The dwelling is beautifully shaded. which. with large Vegetable and Fruit Gardens, will furnish board ers with everr luxury_ the country can afford. Address "8.8 8.." officio of The Press. ap26-lia" • SPRING MILLINERY. grim MRS. R. JACOBS, No. 212 NORTH WAIL F L IGIITIFf Street. will cpen a FASHIONeiBLE 48aoltyT OF !RAMO PitlLLm.bal. on THUILE.; DAY Aptil nib. si4 1m MRS. M. S. BISHOP, 1016 CHEST NUT Street, has received admit). assortment of P MILLINERY for the Spring. mb.29-Int BUSLNKSS MEN.—An excellent chance for reliable busmen men to secure a pro fitable manufactanng business, reqturing but a small cssital in its establishment and prosecution. The manufacture 0001111111 in the atiol cation of a pe culiar composition or enamel to common red bruits, and a variety of other building material, ornamental architectural finishing', ceilings, tiles or Boors and for roofing. 1 his enamel may he tinted of any color. from the Purest WEIR between.eekest black. with all the colors and shades litYmparta to the artioles to which it is asslied a hardness and durability almost incredi ble, and a beauty surpassing that of the rarest and molt Costly of the variegated marbles,and, nolike them , is ittIIPOTVIOIIII to moisture. and will never lade. stain. Or deteriorate, costing but a tractional part of the price of ordmary marble. It is also valuable for table awl stand tore, mantel pieces, monuments, and an endless variety of other armies of stap.e use. The process of *PO, log the enamel is simple, while the articles 6DlM•led will com mand a ready sale, affording large Pront.e. Seenonsible Parties may procure licenses for inaninaotaring under the patent for any city or prom i n ent town in the United states, b y applying to the utt fiber. A small tariff on the articles manufactured wi be required for the Use of the invention. Circulars giving lull particulars mil be forwarde4 to all applicants. The superior went and beauty of this enameled building material to anything in use has the unqualified endorsement of many of tae moat eminent architect and scientific men of this and other cities. For particulars. address JOlllll3OO & PRALL. general Agents for Yzemeled_Sailding M aterial , eoll-d9m SA NASSAU Stgeet. New York. EPIIRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, LANCIANTEN. COUNTY, PENNA. Hon. Joseph Honigmaoher, the late Proprietor of this favorite summer resort: having lately died, the imbsonbers, Executors of hist/ill, have leaked the es tablishment for the 0013116 a season to Col. st. C. SLAY MAKER, who has been an easletant at this place for the last ELI yealll_, and. wo behove, favorably known to all the visitors. Thanking the patrons of the Oboe end the public generally for the liberal patronage hereto fore extended to the late Proprietor, they respeotfullr solicit a oontinnanoe of the same to his worthy sun- OgagOr. ADAM KONICIMAQUEN , Wfd. CARPENTER , Executors. Having leased the above - named place, and engaged H Mr. IL H. Rh.INHARD. oho has been an militant at the Springs for some yearn, the undermigned will open for visitors Melia day of June, 1861, and hopes that his own, as Welt as Mr. Reinhardr's, long connection with the Springs, together with Si. determination to con duct them. In every department. in their usual pounder way. end. as near as powa.le, with the same mama mooating servants, will be a guarantee ally , e patrons of the place. aa well as the. publto gene that the Brigs will merit their continued patrons e. or further particulars and °neuters please call on g. B. idyEarr. corner of MIND and VINE. Bts. ; Sr.l REINHARD, at the Union Hotel. ARCH. Street. till June Lt; or, addrem S. C. If LaYMAKER Ephrata E. 6. Lancaster county. Penna.. pENNRYLVANIA OURRENO pONOGBIRIE, 23 'truth WATER !Wert. °frete for mds 3.100 barrels of new York Steam Refined,. White and Ya , low SUG AR and RUP6, 1.000 hb 01 Philadelphia steam Refined Clarified _and n. Brown suitaa, and ace bees of RIO cojFc,b, et reigned cosh prince. Pennsylvania currency of solvent _ _ reign ed taken at par, in par meet On earnand. NuTL k .—'she l citizens of the different CAM', and Towne throughout the Eta . t . a are invited to competition for the Piety) at Ireton toe next Arl- UAL !SPAT R. FAIR shall be held. Proposals containing inducements and ady lv ir in ta t r a i d es i.y d t trAd to tne undersigned Committee. my waive Committee, will be received up to and In- May alec n .i communicatiotum 'should be ad dirucirinZ el 1444911 0 Win reo us JOHN P. ItIIARBILFORD. JAcOtt LOBEL_ Jall.ri H. ZMULER. Harriebert• Pa.• AN10,91?.. RAPP. sialkttinlS Oommitt•O. I'lorthombertandi Pao. AMERICAN AOADEM I OF MUSlC— (Granted for this occasion on the most jeneraue terms by the Directors.) THUReDAY, MAY '2d. GRAND DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL MATINEE, F or the LO NE MOTHERbSnrefioo W h D e OWS uated OF VOLUNTEERS' RELIEF FUND. T. which purpose the entire proceeds will be devoted. LORI tl 1T rEE ALEX Ail tir , -R ft tille IVY. Mayor, .1. EDGAR THOMSON. President Penns, Railroad. DAVID PAUL. BROWN, MAARTON McMICHAEL, BENJ H. Bah W9T,bR, W. B. CUNNINGHAM. WM, W. HARDING, Dr. R. 8. MACKENZIE. HORACE S. FRY. JOHN TOORNLEY. ; .104. S. tilatiEH, Gr.O. G. THOMAS. E. S. SANFORD, DEADY SIIARWO^D Col. JA AliS PAGE. G P.O. G. PRESITURY, JR.. Major General PATTERSON and . 8 PAFFi and thirty-seven nth, tirominenn (litigant!. W. DE D. FRYER. Beiretary. The CominiVee have the pleasure of announaing that the Directors of the Aoadomy of Slump have granted the use of this magnificent building on the Melt gene rous terms. and that ail the employees of the establish ment have vo unteered their services 'ghat Mrs. GAR, ETTsON,_of the Walnut street Theatre and Messrs. WHEATLEY and 1 311 4 R K S. of the Arch-street Thea tre, have given full permission to .the ladies and VOW tlernen of their several companies to appear on this occasion. The following led , es and g nitiempu have kindly volunteered their professional servmes: Mrs. JOHN DREW. Mrs. G_LADsTA,NE, Mies W ELIA, Miss MI. Miss EMMA TAYLOR. Mine ye. WOOD. Miss C. JEFFERSON, Miss W LION, Mrs. MURPHY, Miss PRICE, Mrs. HACKETT, Miss E ILiCKETT. .And the man, urator of thin MIN ANNIE Cowen Li,. Mr. J. S. CLARK 'S. Alr. ~ .org- RN, Mr. LEWIS BAKER, Mr. CHAPNIAK. Mr. CHIPPENDALE. Mr. G. J , lq NwrObTo Mr. DUBOrS, Mr. BANCOMBE. Mr. AIKEN. Mr. wALIAO,, Mr. W. J. HMG, Mr. GREENE, Mr. 3. L. Reit R ' , ITT. Mr. REII. v. Mr. JOHN FRAZER, the eminent Vocailet. Dr. OUNNINGTi)N and his entire Orchestra. with numerous auxiliaries. itry.,Q,DA AND RED FEATHER, The Indian Vocalists. A GUARD OF HONOR Will be supplied hy the Philadelphia Volunteers. THE PROGRAMME Commenees with a grand nati. nal overture, arranged by Dr. Ounnmgtom after which the new patriotic inaugu ral address wrvten especially for the occasion by DAVID PAUL. BROWN, Ego.. Which will be delivered M RS. GL ', by DWANE. Followed by the great national air ti IS 8 VAR-8 enNaLso BANNER, Which will be sung be bIR. JOHN FRAZER. The dramatist entertainment wits then eommenee. with the comedietta of THE ROUGH DIAMOND. _ Marge _ . Mr s . J 01124 mum, ady. Plato Airs. MIIRPH. C ounn Joe - .......- J. S. O RE. Sir +m: Evergreen_,.__.. ... r AIR si N. Lord. ----.. Mr. wit LLIB. Captain Blenheim ttttt rot... • • Mr. REILLY. .r e be r.i lowed hr Ob^rry'e comedy of THE SOLDIE rt'S DAueHrßit. Governor Hearten-- Mr. CIiIPEEI4I) A LE. Frank Heartall_. -- -Mr. LEWIS B 4 KER. Mr. Ralfort. . Mr DUBOIS. Captain .Mr. BASCO MB. Timothy Quaint__ CHAPMAN. Fr Treat. -..—.... Mr. WALLACE. Mrs. t t —.Miss MIL libt. _ tt . Miss WILTON. ' Muse LEWIi. Widow Cha " - ser . Miss ANNIE LONSiDLLE, After which rim new farce of MR. SciTH.ERN IN A PTY. Mr. Bother!" . - HIMSELF. Mr. G. JOuNSTON, Mr. WILLIAMS.' Mr. J. W BILL, Miss 0. JoVFERSON, *sr. Mrs. BACK ETT, Mr. PORTFR, Am The performance concluding with the Indian Vo calists. LAROOQUA and RED . FEATHER. Acting Manager-- . Mr. ettnPmAri. StageManagerMr. L SWlti The entice house tstock . holders' seats included) will be thrown open on this occasion. ADMIistON 50 o -nisi Amphitheatre 26 ciente. Tickets to be obtained at the academy Box Whom and all the Music stores and Hotels. Doors open at IF. M. Perfdrmance commencing at 2 P. M. precisely. It IVITAL.N UT-STREET THEATRE. • • Hole Lessee ----Mrs. M. A. OAR ItRTHON sis Sta Manager— Mr. WM. A. ORA MAN. Iluelnatoi Agent—.—. Mr. U. MURPHY. THOD (TITURSDAY)NOttNING, May", Will Le presented the very laughable Comedy_ of OUR Antr:KIIAN COUtilrg AT HOME'. Mr. Rothern mill appear as Lord Dundteary and Hem. To conclude with a Comic mama, eacidea Titr, BULL, DltiGuorta. SCA rat OP PRICE3.-I , rese circle. tomb; secured with out extra charge.) 60 genus; parquet. (wets secured al 60 oeuta,)373i cents; family circle, 20 cents; private boxes, Vs and 03; orchestra. 76 cents. Doors open at quarter past T o'clocit ; curtain will rue at a quarter to 8 o'ounek. WIEATLEY & OLAREDS AEOH-ST. THEA TRW:. THilf (THURSDAY) EVENING. May 2. Will be presented the grand Military and Historical Roset tale. in a Ernohe. awl tied THE WARS OF NAPOLEON TER GREAT! Composed. antoted i and arranged by Mr. Gto tit7E RYER. With whom a special engagement hag been entered into, and who w+/1 sustain big remarkable per sonation or N A P0..00 r. The whole OTAR COMPANY in the Cast. PEN NA . ACADEMY OF THE FINN ARTS-1095 CII4I.I9I•NUT aTBT:IaT. The Thirty-eighth ANNUAL EXHIBITION of PAINTINGS and BCULP MBE to now open. Admittance za canny; Beason Tickets 50 oenta; Chil dren half Price. Cataloanee 10 cents. &teethe dens will receive their tickets at the Academy. aydet-tf SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH STREET. Ok'EN FOR THY. SEASON. NEWLY DECORATED AND PAINTED. MR. SANFORD gam secured one of e LARGEST COMPANIES ever presented heretofore who will appear nightly. &Ilford will perform ovary evening. Doors open at 7 ; Commence at 7X. Admission 25 cents. Children le °ante. rilfiE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA GIVE .w• their ?USIA° KREAR'IALS every SATUR DAY commenoing at 3 31 o'clock', at the MUSICAL FUND SAIL4j... 8 tickets $1; single tiokets,ls cents. for isle at Chickerins & Son's. 807 Chestnut street; Andre's.llol Chestnut street; and fleck & Lawton's, Chestnut street. Ensaxements for Concerts. Commencements, Par ties, its., made only at tnelr Office. Ctoelmtang . dr, Bon • Piano Btore, 807 Chestnut street; William atoll, 334 Mom Juniper Street, or C. Drench/nen, 1009 Ridce venue. Ja3l-if MEDICINAL ItDR. J. WISE, No. 30 North FIFTH Street. PHILADELPHIA—Trats success:nay. if applied to in time, in diseseei of the LUNGS. .HrIOAT and HEART, and frequently care. CONSUMPTION in ite third and last stage. He also restores all curable diseases of the EYE and EAR. He has given them his entire attention for he past 20 yawl,. Will visit patients, when desired. at heir residences. see im ifs SAFEb. LTJZTE'S SAFE DEPOT REMOVED to No. ljl &nth SEVENTH Street, near the W i l l Ell u i tttle " rs l i t gt tu ni te d . , thankful for peat favors, and helms determined to mont future patronage, has secured an elegant and convenient store. and has OQW on hand a large easortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wronght and (Bulled Iron Fire and Burglar t'roof Safes, (the only stroitly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also Lii lies Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe. and Bank Look's. Lillie'a Bank Vault Doortand Looks will be furnished to order on short notice. his is the strongest, best. Protested, and oheapest Door and Look yet offered. Also, pe.rtiouttir attention is called to Lillie'e New Cabinet Safe for Plate, Jewelry, &o. This Safe is con ceded to surpass an style and elegance any thing yet of fered for this purpose, end is the only one that is atriat ty firs and burglar proof. onc24-1 have now on hand lay, twenty 0 Farrel, Herring,_ Co.'. Safes, moat 00 sus near new, and some forty of other makers, oomprising a oomplete assortment as to sizes, and all lately ex changed for the now Celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be gold at very low prices. Please call and examine. late-lyif at. C. BADL P.R. Arent. EVANS it WATSON'S II SALAMANDER SAFES, 11T013 304 Cif EBNUT STREET. PRILA ELPHIA A FA. w arm variety of F IR el-PROOF SAFES always as mhB-11 niBIIIKANGE COMPARIIR/r FAX/ DISURANOE 00)1IPANY, No. 408. CHESTNUT art. FIRE AND INL *NO IfigITIRANC DIHICTORMI. George W. Day----of Wrightjny & Matlack. ramie! W Brag A. Cs. dime, " Davie Sims p Usury Levi., Jr-- Lewitt El " Lewims & . imC. in ßichardson " C. Howe & uet T. Bodine...—Pres*t W_yoming Canal Come,. no. W. Everman— ..of J. W. Everman & Co. Oleo. A, West " West & T. &Martin —.** Gaysge, Martin, & Co. O. Wilson Dam. Attorney-at-law. E. D. W00draff.......0f Bibley, Molten, & Woodre. Jno. Resler, Jr—......N0 171.3 Green street. GEORGE W. DAY, President. . K, Vioe Presid WILLIArdS ANTHRACITE INSURANOB WAWA NY.—Authorized Capital D00401,--C1W1231 PERPETUAL. umcm No. sit WALNUT Street. between Third gad Fourth /Street, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against loss or divaaaa lar Fire, on Buildings, Fertnture, and March mama gene redly. AMO, Marine InraraUCON Vessel , Garen... am! Freights. Inland I natt ranco to all parts of tits Tam. DIXECTODD feat) FAaar, J web Marls 4. . Lather', John Ketcham. . Andtnnei, Jo M n R, Blabada Davie Pearson. gg Dean, Poor atom, J. E. Hams, JACOB ESHER. PresMent. WM. F. DEAN. Vie. P r..,, W.X.aMlZi.aosretarn. apt-tf SAVING FUNDS. SAVING FUND—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY. ooraer THIRD and 00E87- N UT tßyeeta. IPITEREB/ FIVE PER CENT. 8. R. CRAWFORD, President. JAMES R. HUNTER, Secretary and Traeaurer. OlSee hours, from JO until 3 o'olock. Thlls Company in not Joined in &137 aPPtioation to the Logmlatura. fed AMEMUAN SAVtkitx toupw,s..ll.oorr net WALNUT and FOURTH Streets. (anthem, to raceme deposits and pay all sums on de - It - it hea airway' done. ALSXANEER WHA LE js.. • Inn R WItAnR. Trownirn rear. jiagag FOX N 6 YV Y OAK. NEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware and Raritan Canal. Philadelphia and New York Express SteamboatCom piny will receive freight on and after MONDAY. Mk instant, and leave daily at IP. Ni delivering their Ota• goes in New York the following days. Freights taken at reerodr t y detes. v CLYDR, Na Age t t 14 SOUTmiHn WEI AItVRIB. ge Pio elphis. E L AND. Ant, Plant 14 and IS &Slit arvER. New York, agraFOß NEW YORK. - - TIM Philadelphia Steam Propeller COMPekni will comment* their brurinees for the season on Moncer • nth mat. Their Steamers are now renewing freight at rieeenl Pier above Walnut street. Terms annommorktms. APPV O BAIRD & CO., nahla 224 Prioth Delaware Avenue. ft. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD CO., (Office .9MI lILTDOL.) _ ANIS E,NEL SEAS6st7iiri.tfs. On and after May 1 1861awason tickets will be issned by this oornpany for th , periods of three, am, nine, and twelve months, not trisocderable. Beason sabool-tiokets 11151 also be had at Myer pe n t, disoonot. Whose tiokets oat 111 sold by the Treasurer at N 0.22, South FOURTH Street, where any further information can ne obtaiaed. 8. .B.It&DPOttD, ta,p29-ef Treasurer. eI_KAVE-STONES, tiRAVE-STONZS. Aly stook of Grave stones and Monuments to be sold at very reduced pnoes. Please cell and examine. before purobweing 'Nowhere. at Mar ST _ble Works of EINM ETZ. U-a. Oss F . Avenge. A. EL KVIeIWWW FILEMANIJ PAO DRY 211 NEW STREET. Fil•■ mid Rasps of every deeenvtion. and good quality. made to order at toe atiove estabiletimant. WHOLEBALF. and Rra.ALL, at manufacturer's prices. Remitting dove in s, =POO" manner. H. *M ITN. apt-441m /xyuvAi HAVANA OHIARB just 1,00 1 0 reoeived par steamers Quaker Cityd Ka . Fineark. comerisins Cabana..garo. re. woe, Con3eroier4e. Bloch Bee. Punchinello. tdeletna. Dieblo Manna, Verdad. Pruebese. tho.. f all it end quali fi es , and for u ste A rißlowev Fug.- K tb ni rte bY NI) -- (2.UNNY BAUB.-40 bales heavy Bao, 110 641 %Ai- for WO by MOS I 1;10 4 South/MON URET CUE CARA_T atLqßar•. gald "'