PROM THE SOUTH. APPOINTMENT OF MAJOR GENERAL OF THE VOLUN TEER FOCCES CF VIRGINIA Governor Letcher has appointed Major Walter Gwynn to the office of major general of the volun teer forces of. Virginia. Major wynn It R .grAdll• ate of West Point, an exporienoed end ilistinguish edVirginian, and is believed to possess, in a high de gree, the peculiar qualities of head, heart, and nerve required at this moment in the commander of the mititary forces of Virgin ia The appointment, we predict, will give eatisfaction and confidence to the people. Major a wynn arrlved.ln our city on Sunday night, at A o'clock, and has taken com mand. We know the General well, and will en dorse that whatever he does will meet the appio batten of every Virginian —Richmond inycr. DIVISION OF VIRGINIA (From the Wheeling Intelligeneer, April 22 We are informed that there is a strong move ment on foot among many of the counties west of the Allegheny, urging a general convention in this city early in May, to look to such notion ae AAA be necessary in case of the movements of Eudora Virginia and other parts of the State against.the Government. The object la a new organization, either as a State or as part of some other State under the Federal flag. We have been requested by several of one friends in the hook eennianat to give the notice a prominent glace in our columns, so that the Union men may promptly take such action in the premises as may be necessary. It is needless to say that we heartily endorse and en courage the movement- GOVannou LETCURR ORDERS THE CUSTOM MUSS AT WHEELING SEIZED. [From the Wheeling futellieenoer, aprillo.l Information entitled to credit was lodged at the Post Office last night, to the affect that an order had been issued by Governor Lotoher, to one or more of the State military companies here, to take and occupy the Custom Meuse. The information was promptly acted upon, and put in possession of the Mayor, and other trustworthy parties, and despite all precautions to make secret movements, Was won spread like wildfire through the city. In less than an boor hundreds of people oong,e gated about the Custom house to tender their ser vices for its defence, and the utmost excitement prevailed. When it became known, however, that the city authorities would take the matter in hand, and use all neemary prseantiona for the defence of the property, the sensation cooled down and the people quietly dispersed. THE secessionist's DOWN ON NEW YORK. Expelled Union men from Richmond report that tiro beiteraiouiete are fearfully tidown" en New York. It had been confidently expected that thousands of volunteers, and millions of money would be cast by New York in favor of revolution and anarchy. They say they built up New York themselves, and consider it a very ungrateful thing for the metropolis new to turn round against them. They intend to make fearful retaliation for our ingratitude.—Nere York Tribune. GENERAL SCOTT'S APPROVAL OF MAJOR ANDERSON. The following is an extract of a private letter received in New York city from Washington : " General Scott says that Anderson has per formed the greatest piece of artillery generalship in the history of the world in holding out BO long as he did, and keeping his guns going for thirty hours, with so few men, without relief and without sleep. Be was forced to yield from sheer ex hauation." TURNING BACK FROM A VOYAGE ABROAD; AND GOING FOR TRH COUNTRY. President Stearns, of Amherst College, after going as far as Boston and paying his passage mo ney, has decided not to go to Europe at present. In some remarks to the students on his return, he said : " I would no more leave my native country at this time than I would desert my house when it was on Are." MATERIAL AID FROM CANADA. A private letter to a gentleman of Philadelphia, dated Chicago, April 22, nye : The volunteers from our place have just left for Camp Yates, at Springfield. The Illinois quota is already raised and will bo quartered by tbig evening. There is a scarcity of arms in the West ; but the Government of Canada has nobly come to our aid and offered us 80,000 stand of arms, 10,000 of which will be here to-night." NEWS FROM JEFF. DAVIS. Captain Wire, of No. 347 Eighth avenue, con versed this morning with a Mr. Cohen, a friend of his and a Northerner, just arrived from Montgo mery. Mr. Cohen told him that he saw Jefferson Davie on Saturday last, the 20th inst., at 4 P. M., in Montgomery, when ho left there on Sunday morning, by way of Tennessee and Virginia, and arrived in this arty this morning .--A T . Y. EllS» nig • - ORO Dr R.? - 're FOR THE SOUTDERN ARMY. missioner Bet:, ... ,,,, mmltted yesterday by Com tempting to enlist eatiore oessionists. The accused was infolaill7..i_n at a printer, who, by order of the accused, niab printed a form of enlistment similar to those used in the United States teritice.—New York Sun of Wednesday. CALEB CUSHING The pressure of Northern sentiment ball at length forced MIR Celeb Cushing from the position be ban held so long. In a speech at Newbnryport, on Wednesday, he deolared himself in favor of sustaining the Government, and said he was ready to take the field, and die, if necessary, for Massa chusetts and the Union. A UnstO Ar Rory,. James_ Clibboro, aue of tho Fort Sumpter heroes, visited nts family at Rochester on Wednesday. His coming was telegraphed, and the Light Guard, with a full band, escorted him to his residence. The brave fellow was taken by surprise. Yesterday Mr. Delon received the following note from lion. Edward Everett, enclosing a check for $lOO : the committee to aid in raising Mr. Webster's re giment, a =all contribution toward that object. With great regard, very truly yonre, EDWARD EVRRETT. WY. DENIM, MN WINFINLD SCOTT. General Stott telegraphs to Mr. Crittenden as follows: WASHINGTON, April 20. I have not obanged ; have no thonghtnf ohang ing ; always a Union reap. Late Southern Accounts Irma Pen sacola. NO PROSPECT CF AN IMMEDIATE FIGHT. (From the Mobile Tnbuile, of April SO.) PENSACOLA, April 18-8 P. I stated in my last latter that the Federalists had demanded that the navy yard should be given np. That was a false report. It was contra dicted last night, but too late to make the correc tion in my letter. The commander of Fort Pickens had an inter- - - • - view with General Bragg yesterday evening, and asked permission of him to send a messenger to Washington. Of course, the request was not granted. The Federalists say that they will ant entirely on the defensive, consequently there will not be any _lighting for two weeks, 2.1 . then. General Bragg will have ample time to prepare to make an attack on Fort Pickens. Win. H. Lumberton was arrested last night, at 8 o'olook, charged with communioating with tho ships and Fort Pickens. He has been looked upon with an eye of suspicion for some time. / under stand that he will be sent to Montgomery to-night, and, if what is reported be true, he will stand a very good chance to follow Oapt. Jones. P. B.—Jemmie has just come to supper, and says that W. H. Lamberton has been trying to get him to take charge of his business. Lumberton is or dered to leave on the oars to-night. His family will also be sent up to-night. I believe he deserves death under the present circumstances. [From the Mobile Mercury of April 20.] Passecor.e, Fla., April 18—six o'clock P. M.— I arrived here only a few hears ago, and, of course, have not bad time, even were it possible, to obtain ' mush reliable information for you. There aro, of course, a thousand and one rumors afloat, out of which I could make you a pretty good sensation despatch were I so disposed. Col. Harvey Brown is now in command of Fort Piokens, and I understand has informed General Bragg, through Lieutenant /Mummer, who visited the General's headquarters yesterday, to report Colonel Brown in command, and also to give the information that Brown would act entirely on the defensive. Beyond any doubt, Fort Pickens has been rein foreed, and now holds as many men as is necessary to fully garrison it. There are now anchored off the bar seven United States war vessels, Ave of which are known to be—the Brooklyn, and Wynn deft, steamers, and the Sarno, St. Louis, and Supply, sailing veesels—of the force of these ves sels you can inform your readers. The two oth ers making up the seven, are supposed to be the steamers Atlantic and Powluatan ; if not these, we only know that the vessels are large enough to represent them. All these amide can be seen plainly with the naked eye from the water aide of the city. I know of no other information of interest to you, with, perhaps, the exception, that the former postmaster at Warrington, Wm. Lamberton, is now in prison,. by order of General Bragg, under the charge of holding intercourse, and giving in knoation to the fleet outside. Last night we lost our way; met with miserable lodgings at a late hour, and, consequently, I am pretty wall used up to-day. A good night's rest and I will be fresh again, and will visit the navy yard, dm, to-morrow. Doubtless I will have ac cess to everything which it would be proper to make public, and you shall have all to be obtained. I MU too completely used up to write a letter, even if anything could be found to write about, so simply use the information I give you without publishing this scrawl. - J. B. G. P. S.—Almost every family has left the navy yard and its vicinity, and taken up quarters here, and all over the oonntry generally. I believe they have been requested to leave. This is certainly an indication that hot work may soon come. While I write, the man Lamberton has been brought into the office of Judah Ir. Leßaron, under arrest. - I heard the inatruotions from Gen. Bragg to Mr. Leßaron read to Lamberton. They are that Lamberton is to leave these parts inatanter, being looked upon as a dangerous and suspicious charac ter. If found in this vicinity again, he is to be taken up and handed over to the General, to be dealt with. Lamberton is a small, red-haired, red whiakered and moustached man, about 10 years old. He looks now like a devilish bad specimen ; but, under other circumstances, might be a tole rably decent-leoking fellow. Telegraphic Communication with Cape May. We have received the following letter from Cape Mend : • Mr Dmin Sue : I desire to call your attention to the telegraph between this place and Philadelphia. Since last September the line has not been in working order, which, no doubt, way be attributed to the limited amount of business far its mainte. muse, except during the bathing season, in the summer months. In my opinion, the present crisis • demands its service from this and intermediate pointsto Philadelphia, ant should be pat in work ing order with all possible despatch. The pseuliar position of Cape May should enlist Government aid for its protection, and especially towards a matter of such vital importance as a telegraph continual otaion between the Cape and Philadelphia. The Philadelphia Board of Trade, backed by the maritime interest of Philadelphia and citizens generally, will not, I am sure; hesitate in having this important link of communication made perfeet fOr the speedy transmission of any casualties we are threatened with, or that may oceur at this point. The giving publicity to the ineffeotive Condition of the telegraphic agency between Philadelphia and this place will, Without any doubt, create an i nce nti v e, and Tal time will be lost in putting the line in werking order for the urgent use set forth. J. W. A Journey from North Carolina to Now York. (From the New York Tribune or yeserday. A gentleman, whose respectability is abundantly vottohed for, and who has resided in North Caro lina some time, has given us the following interest ing details of bin journey from Fayettori ne, in that State, to this eity. Ile left Fayetteville en Sunday last, after having been served with the following notice : " Yon are hereby notified that your name is en rolled in the Town Militia Company ; you will, therefore, govern yourself accordingly, and ob serve the law. Ey order of the Captain." and not relishing Being a Massachusetts man, the idea of varying against m a c, Brae and Stripes, our informant immediately took steps to leave, and did so that night. At .Fayetteville there fa a for conettuotion as well as United ,which arsenal, storage, cont ains about 43,000 stand of arms, made at Springfield, some Minlb rifles, be side a large number of cannon, and other mini ; tions There was a garden zeforty-eight United States soldiers, under command ef Major Ander son, detrain of Major Robert Anderson. They wore loyal. It was tho intention to seize this arsenal on Monday, if they could, and probably would. At all the stations crowds were assembled, and the secession fever ran high. At Warsitte, where our informant took the train, he found Alexander H. Stephens, who was on hie way to Richmond. IVotlesng seas seen or heard of Jeff. Davis. At I nearly every station Stephens spoke. The capture of Washington was the grand idea which he en forced, and exhorted the people to join in the en terprise, to which they heartily responded. This was the only thing talked of. "It must be done!" was his constant exclamation. At Weldon a man, supposed to be a Northerner, was whipped and tarred and feathered just before the train arrived. There was a large crowd, deeply excited, which Mr. Stephens addressed. Vigorous measures were On foot to arouse and arm the people, and they were answering to the call as one man. The en thusiasm for Jeff. Davis was intense. On arriving at Norfolk, our informant took a boat for Baltimore, the last boat that would go over the route. The United States officers then Wined to allow her to go without she took aboard a bearer of despatches from Fort Monroe. At Norfolk the people were much exalted. Disturb ances had taken place between the Union men, • who are numerous there, and the Rebels. The boat, Convoyed by the Pawnee, stopped at Fort Monroe and took aboard the bearer of deapatohes to Washington ; also, the women and children from the fort. The Pawnee and Cumberland, when the boat left, were lying under the guns of the fort, and Gosport navy-yard was burning. The Rebels are engaged in erecting batteries in the rear of Fort Monroe with a large force, every body that oould work, negroes and white men, having been pressed into the service. Northerners were leaving. The commanding officer of the fort was confident that be can stand against any force the Rebels can collect, the fort having recently been reinforced. General Beauregard was at ftiohmond, and the talk was that there was a large body of men there. One of the dry-docks at Gos port was blown up. Arriving at Baltimore, our informant took a roundabout way, and atrock the Philadelphia road at Smyrna, about twenty miles below Wilming ton. Sherman's Battery, horses.. guns, and men, were at this place . There was a train of fifty or ; sixty oars containing soldiers, all armed. There Were several large siege guns on platform oars, and they were all bound for Baltimore. This' our informant ascertained from the officers them- ' selves. There were a large number of mechanics along to erect bridges. The expedition would go 1 as far as possible by train, and the talk was that they were to make a marsh of some distance-- ; probably from Havre-de-Orate to Baltimore, IS miles. They freely expressed their determination to go through, and were prepared for the under taking. At Philadelphia, yesterday, there were several thousand soldiers who would ' leave by the same route, and for the same destination. We learn from the Philadelphia papers of yes terday that Sherman's Battery arrived in that pity from Harrisburg on Monday evening, which fully confirms the above, although nothing is known of the above important movement at Gerd. Wool's headquarters. Speaking of the arrival of this celebrated battery, the Philadelphia Gazette says: The troops are as lusty as are anywhere to be found. They are new attired in a fatigue-dress of dark blue flannel. The battery is a formidable affair. Seventeen large freight-cars were filled by the horses alone, while ton trucks were filled with cannon-balls, and many more cars with the men composing the company. One of the men is ao• oompanied by a huge white bull-dog, with a head like that of an exaggerated catfish, the under ,law picketing beyond the upper one about an inch. The brute Is said to be as savage as a tiger, and able to bring the heaviest man to the ground by a spring at his throat." Southern Jubilation over the Reported worizim .^-**.din of General Scott. (From the New Orleans P. moms The telegraph, yesterday afternoon, our city the inspiring intelligence that the Com mander-in-Ohief of the army of the United States has followed his glorious old native State out of the Federal Union. On the reception of these tidings of great joy, the excitement of the day be fore, created by the news of Virginia's seoession, was renewed, and reached the same pitch of jubi lant enthusiasm. There was a grand salute fired In Lafayette Square, upon the announcement of the fact, mad at other points in the city similar demonstrations were made. - . Apart from the accession of a judgment so expe rienoed, a head so clear, a hand so powerful, to the oouncila and to the army of the new Confederacy, the moral "effect of such an event in the history of our new republic will be incalculable. General Scott's career has been marked by unceasing devo tion to his country, from the time when, a youth, he left his.tinthern home to take arms in defence e la u rel s lant soldier, a akin' Gtiteer, and a segaciWs and r iS e e l l i d ab w le er g e en n e o r t itl. more ' won, the . more u every green, than thon a ri - t - t - occasion where ha, a ins ra ive services were ca tim most nobly earned in the council. In many an exigent crisis of affairs he has stood in the breach and has saved his country from peril. Babel ever been the staff upon which Administrations have confidently leaned when a clear bead and a strong arm have been needed. The hero of Chippewa and of Mexico, he has also been the hero of civil and diplomatic fields, his conquests upon which have earned him equal renown with that which he obtained with his sword. WINFIELD SCOTT And now, how many of those gallant men who, , in various positions, have for years glorified in 1 Winfield Scott as their leader and exemplar, will linger in the ranks of the army which, in losing him, has lost its oldest and moat Signal ornament ? He disdaining to fill the post of Chief Constable of a demoralized nation ; who will have the hardi- hood to face the acorn which will fellow the acces sion of a successor to the vacant aloe? Well may the unhappy Administration at Washington in scribe upon the walls of the Capitol : " Ichabod ! thy glory has departed!" And so swells up and on the noble army of " rebels." Can the flat of Abraham Lincoln, backed by the advice and consent of his Cabinet and his Senate, "disperse it ?" We shall see'. PRILADELFEILL BOARD OF TRADE. WM. c. REEHMLE, J NO. E. Ad/Dips, COMMITTEE OF THE MONTH. THUS. S. FE ON. LETTER. BAGS . At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelph i a. Ship Tonawanda, Julius—Liverpool, Mar 1 Skop Daphne, Havener-- , London, soon Ship weatmoretand. Doom-- --Liverpool, soon ship Garibaldi. Emery—.—.St Paul de Loando, soon Ship Calliope. Goodwin— —Liverpool. soot Ship nonenina, Minns --- Soon Bars pa, Lassies, Bishop,........__CardiM noon Bahr 130 Jones, —Demerara, eoon Bohr .Northrop. —Por au Prince, soon SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. FROM TEE UNITED STATES. 15g/Pli MALTA /OR 15,LYS Patton New York—Havre--.....—April Glasgow . —Noir York—Liverpool—April 27 Hibernian— --...Fortland_r i eroool --April 27 Vigo---. New York— ivorpool--Apnl27 Bavaria New York— mborg—..— Mal 1 Niagara—._ Boetou—Liverpool.—.. —May 1 Cot Waehington.New York—Livermiol—.--May 4 A.M... --New York—Lioerpool—.--- Nay 8 Bremen— --- —New Yort Bremen--. —May 71 Hammon's-- NOW York—Southampton. May 16 Great Kaatern...New York—England—May 24 Ctuandina—....—Portiand—Liverpool.--..—Mill 3U FROM EUROPE. SHIPS LXLVX 1011 DAYS Jura—.........Liverpool-New Etna.— —.Liverpoot-New York---April 10 Asia —.--. Liverpool-New York--..-..Apriil3 Bromon--.Bouthampton-New York:---Aprirti Viso ... Liverpool-Nem 17 Hammo - tas-..ttonthampton-ltew York— April 28 Bohemian- --Liverpool-quota* Apra 18 Arabia...:...._ Liverpool-Boston . -- April 20 Adriatic ----Galway- 805t0n. : .._.... . _..,Apri123 Anglia-- -.—Galwar-Boeson--..--April 23 C of Baltimore..-Liverpool- New York-- -April 24 North 25 Africa _...Livorpool-rtow York---Apil 2? Arago- .Bouthatopton-New York-- May 1 Great Eaetern........Englaad-New York.—.-- May 1 Baxont—.Banthsntvton-New Yorit—...—May 4 The California Mail Steamers sail from Hew York on the 74.11 th, end•pat of eaoh mouth. The Havana Steamers leave Heir York on the id, 7th, 11th. 17th. and. 27th of each month. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, April 26. 1861. SUN R.15E3 -.5 10 -SUN - .6 10 HUM WAWER., ARRIVED. Sat W Ely. Donald. 4 clays front Norfolk, with shingles to captain. CLEARED. Brig Grand Turk, Doliver, Boston ,n H A fonder & Co. Bohr Eveline. Ring, Havana, G W Herndon & Bro. Ear Geo Byron, B ardy. Boston., N Sturtevant A Co. Str Bristol. Anon, New York. W P Clyde. (Correspondence of the Press.) • READING, April U. The following boats from the Union Canal. passed into the Schuylkill Canal today. bound to Philadel phia. viz W Shower, Never Fear, and Fox Chase. lumber to J H Hershey. ' Dr J Holmes, do to Saud Bolton & Co; R. H Long, do to Norcross & Sheets; Paragon. do to Id Trump & Son; 0 N,do to John B Fisher; Coover & Hash. grain to Mr Dunwoddy; G M Long, boards to Norcross it Sheets. MEMORANDA. Steamship Kensington, Baker, cleared at Boston 24th inst. for Philadelphia. Ship Behest - ow Cabot, Watts, at Callao 18th ult. from Chinoha islands, and sailed 28th for Hampton Roads. Ship Rose Standish. Hutehinga, sailed from Callao 22d nit. for Cobija. to load for Baltimore. Ship A M Lawrence, Claypool, from Rio de Janeiro 84 ult. at Baltimore .thl inst. Sailed in company with bark /Morass Theresa, for the Mediterranean. Ship John Franklin, Despeaux, oleared at Baltimore 23d inat for Liverpool. Brig Emma. Baker. cleared at Boston 21th inst. for Phiiadelphia. Brig Rctrp, Williams, hence, arrived at Portland 23d inatant. Mir Jane C Pattenioni Rand, from GardeDag, Via Hbllngre Rola, at Nicho ls lad inet. Behr Argue Er eon, at Boston 234 inet. from N Orleans. Schur D Morris. hoover, L Sturtevant. Corson. and Cornelia, Noyes, cleared at New York 24th nun. for Philadelphia. pohr globe, Ames, from Fall River for Delaware City. at Bristol 23d mat. Bahia E T Scutt, Steelman. and Telegraph, Nicker eon, hence, arrived at Beaton 24th Met. Sara C S Edward!. Dandy, and A. Dexter, Beam, cleared at Boston 23d inst. for phij ae l p hi a. Bohm Leesburg, Swift, Knight, Gage. and Hornet! Hardy, hence, arrived at Portland 23d unit. &km Roxbum Chase, hence for St John. PM and Harriet Baker, Webber, hence for Bangor, at Portland 2Sd inst. echr Mary Pierce. Dodge, cleared at St John, NG, 16th met. for Philadelphia. Bohr Corbula, Willer, hence, arrived at Providence Sehr 8 F Solliday, in coming through Bell Oath 24th Mat. struck on the Gridiron. She woald probably be got off at high water. Received no damage. NOTICE TO MARINERS. The Beacon at the mouth of the aaeo River, Me, has been earned away. It will be replaced without unne cessary delay. By order of the Lighthouse Board, WM. ROGERS TAT GOR, Lighthouse Inspector First District. Portland, April2l, 2861. (TUNS 0116--Pure Olive Oil, Latour 7 i 8 . 7; " jr ad is o re A tirit u ntiz e. 0 s v i o p . t.J4r MARINE INTELLIGENCE. 461 -4 5:1ALL STORES," OANiAIB, &c., 0.7 1561002. NAVY DEPARTMENT, BDRE&u OF .I"noVisloNs AND CLOTHING. APRIL 17. 18011. PropGtgle, sealed and endorsed " Offer lo Sinail Stores." or " Olhir for Candles." or " Oser f or malt. wa ter s o ap,. or Offer for Mustard Bead, Black Pelt per,' &0., se the ease may he, will be received at this Bureau until 9 n'olook A. IS.. on the 21st day of May next., for furnishing and delivering (On receiving twenty days' notice)at the United !Hates navy Yards at Charles town, Mamisiehusettel Brooklyn, New York ; and Gos port, Virginia; such quantities snip of the following artloles lexeepting the salt•wator snap and the candles, for each of whioh separate proposals and contracts will be made) as may be required or ordered from the con tractor by the Chief of this - Bureau. or by the re spective commanding officers of the said navy yards, during the fiscal year ending 20th June, 1862, viz :- Boxes, shaving, India rub- Blacking, boxes bet. Combis, onarge, India rub- Brushes, shaving. her, Or tuna poodle , . Brushes, scrubbing. Combs. fine, India rubber Brushes, shoo. or gotta corona. Brushes, clothes. Grass for hats. Buttons, navy vest. Jaok-knives. Buttons, navy medium. Razors, in single eases. Buttons, MOOT coat, Razor Straps, Buttons, dead eye. SollsOrs. Beeswax. in .11 lb cakes, BP0ons• pure. t:otton spools of Pine. i 9 and 16,900 yards saoh, 3 cords, eqUat parts. Handkerchiefs. cotton, fast colors. 31 by 30 imams, weight not less thaneaoh, texture a byB to fi inch. Needles. Sewing, Nos, 1, 3. B. Roil 4, drill eyed be t-weenie. Ribbon, hat, beet French black, 12 yards to the piece ; width 134; inch. Soap, shaving. in cakes; each cake not less than Poss. Silk, sewing, blue-black. ; wrapper not to exceed 2 oz. to the pound. Thread, black and white. Marshall's or Barbour's best • gltalltyi and in such proportions as may be required. Tape, white linen, 4 yards in length, M inch wide. Tape, black, twilled cotton, 6 yards in length, X mob wide. Thimbles, 8-10 and 9 10 in diameter. All the above articles must be included in the offer. WnITE ZALT-WATER ITOAP.—Separate bid for 80,000 pounds, and ma additiOnai quantity as may be re quired. Tan soap must be manufactured from coooknnt oil, and be of the best quality, denominated "white salt water soap," and be delivered on sixty days' notioe, to good strong boxes of about 75 pounds each, and, a ft er inspection. the boxes must be hooped at °soh end at the expellee of the contramor. Thu price Wbo uniform at all the yards, STEARIVE (3 , ArL . lfS.—Sipay.Ve bid for 60,000y0Fnds. and such further quantity as nuiybeViiaiid. The candles must be "sixes." of prime leaf lard steering). 8 10 inches in length, exclusive er tip, six can dies to weigh not less than 14 0110085 50-100, nor Moro than 16 ounces, and be paid for according. to the egoist weight, without reference to commercial usage' the melting point not to be less than 140 degrees Fahren heit- The wick must be braided, and composed of 78 cotton threads of the best quality of No. 27 yarn. The candles to be delivered on ppo nd s ays' notice in good bosom. eentaining about lie each. and t he box tei b 5 marked with the contractor'S name and the weight of the candies. PAR./AMINE CArint.xs.—This offer 18 separate and die tinot for ten thousand pounds, aooording to sample. and each further quantity as may he required, for which sixty days' notice will be given. MUSTARD SEED, BLACK PRPPRR, &C. Separate bide for all that may be required for the use of the navy, to be delivered at New York only. Mustard seed, American brown. Pepper, black, Malabar. Bottles, octagon, for mustard and pepper. Corte Or bottles. All the foregoing articles must be of the best quality, and conformable in all respects to the samples deposit ed at said navy yards, and subject to such ins petitio at n_ the navy yard where delivered as the Chief of the Bu reau may direct; the inspecting officers to be appointed by the Navy Department. All the articles to be delivered free of any inehlental expense to the Bovernment, in proper vessels or pack ages, and the price of each article must be the same at the respective places of delivery. Packages in who'll the above &tholes are delivered must be marked with their contents, and the name of the contractor, and be sufficient to insure their temporary safe keeping. The et:nano:4B , r must establish agencies at such eta- Was other than his residence, that no delay may arise furnishing what may be required; and when the contractor or agent fails promptly to comply with a re quieition, the Chief of the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing shall be authorized to direct purchases to be made to supply the deficiency, under the penalty to be eapreesed in the contract ; the record of arequisition. or a duplicate copy thereof, at the Bureau of Provisioas and Clothing, or at either of the nos . ry yards aforesaid, shall oe evidence that such requisition has been made and received. ter Two or more approved sureties. in a sum equal to the estimated amount of the contract, will be required, and twenty per centum in addition will be withheld from the amount of all payments on account thereof as collateral security, to secure its performance, and not In any event to ho paid until it is In all respects ODITI - with ; eighty per oentum of the amount of all de liveries made will be paid by the nav agent within thirty days after bills, duly authentica ted, ed, shall have been presented to him. ®Blank forms of proposals may be obtained on appli cation to the navy agents at Portsmouth, New Hawn *hire, Bootee, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk, and at this Bureau. A. record or duplicate of the letter informing a bidder of the acceptance of his proposal will be deemed is no tification thereof, within the meaning of the mita 1846. and his bid will be made and nooepted in conformity arch this onderatanding. Every offer made must be accompanied {as directed in the net of Cenereim. making appropriatiola ter the naval service for guar a nt e epproved 10th of August, 1646.) by a written signed by one or more re sponsible persons. to the enact that he or they under take that the binder or bidders will, if his or their bid be accepted, enter into an obligation within ten days, With good and sufficient sureties. to furnish the supplies emposetL The Bureau will not be obligated to consider any proemial unless accompanied by tile guarantee re mitted by law ; the competency of the guarantee to be certified by the navy agent, district attorney, or the collector of the port. - Ale attention of bidders is called to the samples and made birtmat articles required as, in the inspection Contract, receiving nirmil. but rigid comparison will be ettntitett to also parriridarinytyssid the samples and SoMtion Pith of March, 1834, and Co.rn.- and their August,lB46. HAIR RESTORATIVE. ONIAT FEE .RATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TRW OF YEARS, AND GROWS YORK AND MORE Portman EVERY DAY, And testimonials, new and almost 'without number, might be given, from ladies and gentlemen in all grades of societywhose united testimony none could resist, that Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative will restore the bald and ray, and preserve the hair of the youth to old age, in . its routhful beauty . BATTLE . CREEL, Melt,. Deo. 21. Tea& Paop. WOOD: Thee willt please accept a 11 ' 10 1 0 in tu.t the hair on my head all fell off over twenty years ag.,. ov er twenty attended an eruption suptaru• i ‘ ed 0911- Urinal come at gnlfmmtienise, rhave not bZu r br ed them up tor eons, neither have been abl a to e them up. In consequenee of which my head has s e ire 8, VI 10* and 11h" P. M. Leave Germantown, 0, 71 8.834.9 t _lB. 11 and 11 A M., 1, 9.3, 4,9, 6,2, and /e 34 Y. sONDAYS, P Leave Philadelphia, 9,06 min. A. M., 2,7, and 10: 6 6 . M. Leave Germantnwri, 330 nun, A.. 31., 1.10 min.. 4, and 994 P. 9/ 401407 al CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Philadelphia, 6,0, 10, end 11 A. M., 2,4, 0, O. and 1014 P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7, 10, 7.56 8 . 40, 8.44, mid 9.40, and 1.40, 3.40, _6.10. and 8.40 I'. M. Leave PhiradeliiiiielTh.renda ilia 7 P.M, Leave Chestnut. Bill, 7.60 min, A. M., 12 60, 640,aud 6.10 r. 111, FOR CONBROROCREN AND NORRIBTOWN. Leave Fhiladelphia,s4o, POOL and 11.05 men. A. M. LOG, 3.06, BAN and ME F. id• Leave Nometown, G. 7, 8.05. 9. and 31 A. frl., 43 and IS ON SUNDAYS. Leave Piolade)shisi,-9 - M and P. AL. for Norris Leave liorriotevrn, Tif A M. and 4 P. Al. FOR MAI( Ai IDIX. Leave Philadeiplus. 5.50, 736 9.06, and 11.05 A. 31.. .06.7.06, 5.65. 434, 6.66, 8.06, 113 , 6 P. M. Leave Alenastenk, 6g. 736, 13.7.5, 936'.113( A. Al., 1.3%, QC and 936 P. Al. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia. g A. M.. 3, and 7 P. M. Leave Manarunk, 73( A. AL. eg, and P. 1%, IL K. SMITH, General Superintendent. nolo-if DE eGT. NINTH. said OREF,N Streets. aligam h NORTII PENNBIL VANIA RAILROAD. FOR BETHLEHEM. DOY.LESTOW24, MAPCH CHUNK, HAZLETON, and ECKLEY. THREE THROUOR TRAINS. On and after MONDAY. December s, moo, Postienner Trainewill leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Phila delphia. daily, (Sundays excepted), ae follow At 630 A. M. Hazleton, for Bethlehem, Allentown , Mauch Chunk,'Hazletou, Wilkesbarre, &o. Al train, (Express ), for Bettlehem, S'aaton, (bo, eaohes Reston at 6 P. M., and makea glom connection with New Jersey Central for New York. At 6 P. AI., for Bethlehem, Allentown, l%leuoh Chunk, &o. At 9 A. M. and 4 P. 81_,. for Doylestown. At 6 I'. fil., for Fort Washington. The 6.30 A. M. Express train makes close connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, MIME the ahorteet and most desirable route to Wilkeaharre, and to all points in the belugh coal region. TRAINS FOR. rtith4PELPHIA. P M Leave Bethlehem at 5.42 A. Yd., 9.15 A. M., and 5.33 Leave Doylestown at 7.25 A. M. and LSO P. M. Leave Fort Washington at 6.45 A. M. ON BllNDAYS.—.Philadelphia for Fort Washington at 9..10 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 4 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7 A. Fort Washington for Philadelphia at 2.48 P. M, Pare to BetMehem—go ao I Fare to Mauch Chunt.3S 68 Fare to Easton 160 I Fare to Wilkesbarre— 4CO Through Tickets must be procured at the Ticket Moen, at WILLOW Street, or BERKE /Street, in order to as the above rates of fare. All Passenger Trains (except Sunday Trains) connect at Berke Street with Fifth and Sixth-streets, and Second and Third-etreete Passenger Railroads, Meat/ minutes after leaving Willow Street. dria-tt ELLIS CLARK. Agent. IMPIPAPRESPRING ARRANUE -I,4ENT.-PRILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON, AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY, APRIL 1518% PA...MENG-UR TRAINS LEAVE PHIL e.uLI,YIIIA For Baltimore at 8.15 A. M., 1115 A. IL. My:meow). and 1040 P.M. P. M. For Chester at 8.15 A. M., ILM A. M., 4.16 and 10.50 For Wilminglon at 8.15 A. M., 11 35 A. M., 6.15 and 10.50 P. M. - For New Castle at 8.15 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. For Dover at 8.15 A. hi. and 4.15 P. M. For Milford at A. M. For BaLisbury 8.15 M. TRAINS FOR. FALLA DMLPIIIA - Leave Baltimore at CIS A. M. (Exprem), 9,45 A. M., and 4.45 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 5.50 and 9.10 A. M., 1.20 and Et p. m. Leave Salisbury at 1.40 P. M. Leave Milford at 4 P. M. Leave Dover at CM A. M. and 5.20 P. M. Leave New Castle at &25 A. AL, 7.55 m. Leave Chester at 1.40 A. M., 9.40, 1,57 and 8.40 P.M. Baltupore for BeliseurT and Delaware Rail road at 6.15 TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE • Leave Cheater at 8.46 A.M., 12.06 and 11.11) . P.M. Leave Wilmington at 9.25 A. M., 12.35 P. M., and 15 FREIGHT TRAIN, with Fomenter Car &Banked. will run se follows lieave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate placeis at 0.10 Leave Wilmincton for Perri rille and intermediate places at 7.16 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and interme diate places at 6 P. M. Leave Harre-de-Graoe for Baltimore and intermedi ate stationa at 6 A. M. Leave Baltimore for Ifavve-de-Graee and intermedi ate stations at 5 P. M. oN SUNDAYS: Only at 1040. P. M. from_Phdadelphia to Ben:nom Only at 445 P. M. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. ardP IL M. FELTON . . President, 1 11 P HILADELPHIA AND READING TRANfor T/I iHAPINU, and HARRISBURG , on and afterlApril 73, 1661. magnum, LINEN. DAlLY.(lnindeYe e : L Leave New Depot, earner of BROAD and CALLOW- HILL Streete, PHILADEL PHI A,(Palaeler entrances on Thirteenth and on Callowhill carnets at '8 A. M., aonneoting at Harrisburg with the FEN SYLVANIA RAILRLAD, 1 P. M. tram man= to Pittsburg: the CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1.06 P. M. tram ruxicir.s to Chamber,, bur Carlisle &a. i and the NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD 1 F. M. tram. running to Sun bury, Ice. AFTERNOON LINES. Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD and CALLOW HILL Streetw,PHlLADELPHlA,(raseener entranoee on Thirteenth and on Callowhill etreete , ; for POTTS VILLE and HARRISBURG, at3.380'. M. DAILY, for READING only, at 6:P. M..LUAL..Y. (eundaye ex cepted.) DDITANCF.e VIA PHILADELPHIA AND NEJLDISS RAILROAD. Iriom Pnmanszamm. Miles, Wo Phcentiville--. 18 Reading--.—. 38 Philadelphia and Reading Lebanon.— 86 and Lebanon Valley R.H. Harrlybore___....___us Pauphin ----Jig Millereburt „at trevorton Junction-16e Sunbury ....-..16; Northumberland .—.171 Lewisburg --..—.178 Milton ..... —.MI Sauey— . —....--1.37 . illiainsport_._3o9 Jerret Shore —..-622 Look Raven ----.Nts }Layton- --....____283 Troy--._... .2ttl The 8 A. IC — aiiiiiio P. Port Clinton, Sunda e ox WISSA, WIL lAhltit'Oßl =kin' aloe. connections 1 Canada. the Weet and Sow* DEPOT IN PHILADELP and CALLOW/LILL Streets. sall-itf W. kl, - 111.11.4P0N DAIL Y INLAND FREIGHT LINE TO NOR FOLK AND PORTSMOUTH, VA., and to the ortnot al Cities and Towne in the eolith and Bontlatresh 000ds sant toteh Depot, corner bItDAD Street and WASHINGTON Avenue, will be forwarded dallY, and at as low rates as by any otner 11. F. KENNEY. Muter of Transportation tobao-tf F. W. & B. N. N. Co' WEST °HESTER, TRAMS , rati&fam im Ju iv t i rti r . T 4 as aw iCT.EtiguiM i4vrWeru Centrals Luirvit4. gantntry anal trio Williameeort and Rimini Railroad. M. traixt connect dailL at °aided > with the DATA and ERIE RAILROAD, with lines to Niagara Falls. ;moat. 'RIA: Corner of ROAD oILHENNEY. retAry FURNESS, BRINLEY, Oth ' No. 4Q9 1 MA !MET. .IIItERV POSTPONEMENT. NOTICE.—our sale of fancy seeds advertised for until Tuesday and Wednesday', April 23 and 24, is postponed an d notice. IV F. PANCOART, AUCTIONEER, Buc -1•• °moor to .B. Scott, Jr., 431 CH ESTN UT St. THIRD SPECIAL SALE OF STRAW GOODS. By catalogue, This Mormns. April 26. commencing via o'clock precisely. Included will be found, .- 100 oases latest and Meat desirable style fine braid Coburg, split man, and fanny bonnets, 100 cases mosses sod children's votilevard. Eureka, and other fancy hats, Leghorn Woomera, willow and palm hoods. SO lots men's senet, 'calm, and Leghorn hate' SHERIFF'S BALE AT Jelik" , s' HOTEL. On Monday Mornut• April 29 , 1661 . at ten o'olook, upon ths premises. Jones' Motel, Chestnut street, above Bluth, will he sold— The entire balance of the Moak of ternitu , e , consist ing of the furniture. beds, and bedding of 100 rooms• &Mal and Ingrain oarpeur, 00 clothe, diem; room furniture, sneer Mated ware, cutlery, bar fixtetaii, wine.. ite. dto. PHILIP FORD 4t. CO., AUCTIONEERS, Pio. 530 MARKET Street and 531 MINOR St. URGE SPECIAL. SALE OF 25,000 WINDOW STIADEB. On account of one of the largeet manuiseturerx in New York. •• On Tuesday Morning. APril 38, at 10 o'clock precisely, by Catalogue, for cash• will be peremptorily sold to the highest bidder, as follows : • 10 000 6-feet centre velvet and gilt shades. 10,0 I' 2,0 07-feet pitin• " " 1.000 centre 10,000 8-feet plain centre and gilt shades. 2 500 7 feet. 10,000 10,12106-feet centre and gilt shades: 2,500 7-met plain " 1,000 6-feet Plate green _ " LAM ' ^ eentte grid peen 3,0007-feet 1,000 6 , feet centre and silver 1, 007-feet 10 000 fancy paper shades. We would call .he especial attention of buyers to the above goods. as embracing the handsomest assortment of shaves aver offered in this market. Al FITZPATRICK .1 BROS., AIM). 1 N 1 • TIONEERS, 604 CREST/MI Eltreet, above Silas GALES EVERY E At o'olook, of Realm, otationery and fan) roods. watches, Jewelry, alooke, elver yhttod antlers paintinss, inusioal inetruements, Also.ll9(osiery. dry - roods, boots and mimes, and mer chandise of every description. DAY BABES every Monday. Wednesday, and Fri day at JO o'clock A. M. Pit WAVE VANS. At private sole several large consignment' of watches isorehry, books, stationery, elver-plated ware. cutlers fancy Loose, &o. To which is solicited the attontion o city and country nierohants and others. Corusignmente solicited of all kinds of merohandic• for either publio or private sales. Liberal cash advances made on oonsizzononts. Out-door Isles erometly attended to. MORES NATEANS, AI7OTIONEE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. Southeast corner of SIXTH end RACE Streets. NATHANS , GREAT BALE OF CLOTHING, BED DING, O AND esday. M OTHER entittgARTICLES. 30th inst., at 18 opTu cloak, at the auation AT PRIVATE SALE. Some of the finest GOLD PATENT LEVEE. and CHRONOMETER WATCHES manufactured, at half the usual selling prices, gold lever and legine sratohes, silver lever and Lonnie n'stelles, English. Swiss French watehre, at astonishingl y low prices. ieWel , rY Or every description, very low guns, pistols, =mos' In struments, first quality of Havana cigars, at half the importation pries, in quantities to suit purohssers, eau various other kin ds of goods. SPLENDID SET OF DIAMONDS AT PRIVATE BALE, Consisting of disalumni and opal breastpinsad oar rings. Price 86/50. Cost in ram' 81.400. A splendid single-stone diamond breast-pin, only 8150, cost 8925. 0117 DOCit SALES Attended to personally by the Auctioneer. • _ _ Coyuagnmenta of any and even' land of so d s on- Gied• _WITES NATHAfga. MONEY TO LOAN 029,000 to loan, at the lowest rates, on diamonds, watches, jewelry. silver plate, dry goods, clothing, gro ceries, oigara, hardware, cutlery, piano", mirrors, fur niture, bedding, and on goods of every description. in large or small amounts. from one dollar to thousands, for eny length of time agreed on. MT The O ldest Established gp_wio 91t 7 • Ihir Myatt entrance on RAC E ictrect. HT Dulness hours from 9 A. M. to 9 E. M. Heavy insurance ft, the beno_fit of depositor's. CHARGES ONLY 'PWO PER CENT. • Advances of 8100 and upward. at two per °apt. , venues of 111100 and upwar, at one per cent., for ort 101111 P. SHIPPING. ggp:WEEKLY COMMUNICATION By BTEAm. BETWEEN NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL, calling at QUEENSTOWN f Ire lano,) to land and embark peatiengere and despatches. The Liverpool, New York. and Philadelphia Steam ship Company's splendid Clyde-built iron screw steam ships, are intended to sail as follows: FROM NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL. VIGO, Batnrday, May 11 GhAlqcow. te,!ttular. AREit 21 artirlik**AsnlsaTort. A y AIM every Saturday throughout the year. from li No. 44 N. R. RATES OF PASSAGE THROUGH FROM PHILADELPHIA. Cabin, to Clueenstown, or Livemool.— __.._... .0n Do. to London, via Steerage to Queenstown, or Liverpool.. 880 no. to L0nd0n.......e5s Do. Return tioke — t - CavaileiliTeux months, from Liverpool-- .... r aOO Passengers forwarded to Havre. Paris, Hamburg, Bremen, and Antwerp, at through rates. Certificates of passage issued from Liverpool to New York— ,_. 840 Certificates of passage tram Queenstown to Pharr --. $3O Those steamers onoo - W:ro, - 7c;.. --- orod . aitona for passengers, are oonien.pree" with watertight notnpart ppia_ oarnr • esperzenced 81111(430DP. fr ght, or parsage t apply at the office of the Com piling Joint O. DALE, Agent, 109 Walnut street, Philedelphis. In Liverpool. to We ?. INMAN. Tower Buildings. In Gleam to WM. INMAN st . •- 19 Dixon reet. ankTHE BRITISH AND. NORM AMERICAR ROYAL SLAM " STEAM -" rums Raw TONI IOZIVINKIOL.7 7 ' . Rid Cabin Second Cabin Pausm..:.. 75 PROM BOSTON 101.191111.00 N. Chief Cabin IMO Second Cabin raaaa_ge---....-- :F WINN fral Le;triVrueVlititslitri Har bor. PERSIA, Capt. J ndkine. !AFRICA, Cart. Shannon. ARABIA, Capt . J. Stone. ICANAJM, Capt. Anderson. ASIA, Capt. E. G. Lott. ABLERJCA. Capt. MoAuley AUSTR A L ASIAN_, ( NIAGARA Capt. E. M. Rockier. EUROPA , Capt. J. Cook. SCOTIA, t now building. ) These vessels carry a Wear white light at mast- head green on starboard bow; led on Dort Dow. CANADA, Anderson, leaves Boston, Wednesday. April 3. AFRICA, Shannon, N. York , Wednesday, Apnl 10. MIRO A, Cook, " Boston, Wednesday, April 17. PFREI , Judkins, " N. York, Wednesday, Apyil 24. NIABARA, Moodie, " Boston, Wednesday. Nay 1 . ASIA, Lott, " N. York, Wednesday, May 3. ARABIA. Stone. " Boston, Wednesday, Nay le. AFRICA. Shannon, " N. York. Wednesday, Misr 33. . Berths not seoured until paid for. An experienced Surma on board. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for Gold. Silver, Bullion, Same, Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor, and the value °roof therein expressed, For freight or -gm 5" to E. CUNARD. 4 Bowling Green. New York. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR THE SOUTH.--OHARLES.- TON .AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIPS. Bills iodine or goods for points other than the cities of Charleston and savannah, must be seoomPanied with certified ine..ioes, to insure prompt dOlirer.r. All goods not permitted immediately after the arrival of the steamers at Charleston and Savannah will be gent to the Custom-house stores. The Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA having_ been withdrawn for the present, the Steamship If SYSTONE STATE will run to both Savannah and Charleston. taking freights for both porta at the game time, pro ceeding fi rst to Savannah, and from thence to Charles ton, making a trip ev Cha r leston thus making de liveries as frequently In and Savannah as when both ships were running. Passengers for Charleston will be ticketed through from Savannah to Criarteetoa by Railroad. Fare to Savannah, 815; through to Charleston, Sle. FOR CRAB LhaTON AND SAVANNAH. Ovr_ jja to the,,Difficulties at Charleston . the Steamship XElMOPlib STATE, Capt. altinshman i been with drawn for the present. Due notice el her galling will be given. goods received every day, and Bills of Lading signed at second wharf above Vine street. INSURANCE. Freight and insurance on a large proportion of Soothe shipped South will be found to be lower by these shine thwby vetoes. insurance on all Railroad Freig is entirely zunutoenaa. ,ry farther than cltutrieetoll or kielrfannth. the Railroad Companies taking all rialto from these pointer. . . Philadelphia to New Orleans and intermediate points. Charleston and Savannah route, conneoting with steamers for Florida. and with railroads for New Orleans and intermediate points. fIii.REAT REDUCTItiff IN FARE. Fare by this route 20 to 40 per cent» cheaper than it; the Route, as will be seen by the following sohedule. Through tiokets from PhiladelPhia, via and Savannah steamships, lacLuDiric MEALS on the wholo rona, except from Charleston and Savannah to Montgomery : To Savannah.---..1e iii To Columbia-- .$2l 00 Charleston.— 16 Of) AlbanT —rr RI 00 Augusta._...— 17 60 fdontgomery -..... XOO Macon— - -.. 10 00 Mobile ... 2600 Atlanta.-- ----.11 001 New 011011.11111,.... 19 76 N. II -Passengers by this route no with the In land Route in dough Carolina and (*soma. travelling by the same conveyancing thedee to New Orleans. No bills of lading signed after be ship has sailed. No freight received on the do l t of sailing. 8c Agents in Charleston T. 11, .G. BUDD.... • •• Savannah. HUTT ED & GAMMEL.L. T. S. & T. G. BUDD. Charleston, and HUNTER & GAM 51NALL. Savannah. will attend to el:Annan and for warding all goods consigned to their care. RAILROAD LINES. ELMIRA ROUTE.— MI LR PHILADELPHIA AND El, RA RAIOAD, QUICKEST ROUTE to Tamaqua, Catalonia; Re port. Wilkesbarre, R a lston, Danville, Milton, Wil liamsport, Trowr Ralston, yanton, Elmira, Buffalo. Niagara Falls, Roctieeter, 'Detroit Toledo, Chicago, St. Louis, Milwaukee, and all points N orth an d West. t,l'assenger trains leave the new Depot of the Phi elphia and Reading Railroad, oornor BROAD and ALLOWHILL Streets. (Passenger entrance on (Ist hmian street ' ) daily (Ssudays excepted), for above Mats, es fallow LAY EXPRES3----_--.11.00 A. M. NIGHT P. id. The e.OO A, M. train °swim:as at Rupert, for Wllkag harm, Pitmen, Scranton, and all stations on the LAOKAwerute AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. The above trams make direct connections at Elmira With the trains of the New York end Erie, Canandaigua and Niagara Fano, and Bulralo, New York and Erie. and New York Central Railroads, from alt points North and West, and the Canada'. Baggage obeoZod to Elmira. Buffalo, and Sillitettaiell Bridge, and all if. termedlate points. Ticketa can be l rocured at the Philadelphia and El mira RailroadLir e's Ticket ()Moe, northwest oorner of SIXTH and CD t4t4 UT Streets, and at the Passenger Depot ~~ ggoornero. Depot„ owner° lIHRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL. TB.ROUO EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leave. the Phil dedidnet and Reading Depot , Broad sad stro t rdaily (Sunday s excepted), for all pOintpointsWearisa North, at P. Freights mu... be delivered. before aP. M. I. their going the r ame day. For further information e„pply at Freight Besot, TRIATE.ENTIi. and CALLOILL, or to CHAS. A._ TAPPEN,_ _Ganettd__.Au. Cut, Mortkwert earner MAIM sue IBOLUITN uT Street, azdt-tf Phil adelpb o Miimm on WE ST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA VIA MEDIA. SPRING A.RILANGE,mENT. On and after Monday. March 11 , 1861 , the trami will leave PhPadelohnt, from the Depot. nor theUt earner of hinteentA M.arket etreeta, at 81111 A. M., and at 4. Gad OM P. M. The Freight Train, with naasenger oar attached, will leave. Weal Philadelphia at 6A. M., running as tar as the Baltimore Central Junction. On Sunday. leave Philadelphia at 8 A.M. and F. Al.; leave West C heater at 7.30 A. M. and 1,30 P. M. The mina leaving Philadelphia at 6 a. Al. and 4 r. 30. sonneet at Penneiton With train/ on the Philadelotua and Baltimore Central Railroad, for Kennett. Oxford, rto,, &a. HENRY WOOD. mhll General Superintendent. NOTIOE.—OHEEITER IiNARAMIN VALILE,LRAILROAD.-PAS DE R TRAINS FOR DOWNINOTOWN AND IN TERMEDIATE STATIOC4B.—On and lifter Nov. ett, Isee, tee resseneer Trams for DOWNINGTOWN will :dart from the new Ptuseenger Depot of the Phila delphia and Roading_ftailroad Company, corner of BROAD and CALLOWELLIA. Streets. (mecum on tranp_ ae Calloerhill J. l'dUfg-NiNG TRAIN for Dotrairlatimat leaami at 8.00 A. M. AFTI2NOON TRAIN for Downingtown leaves at 111/.31. e xcepted). Br yp I l ly order of the Board of Mammon of the Philadet- Pala and Reading Railroad Company. sap W. Ef. MoILD_DDINY, aeoretam CIRAVE-STONES, URANE-STONES.— AA My stook of Gravel-mono, and Monument. to 1* fold ai very reduced 240gie oall aAtl • IRO, before ourolleatho elimarhere, et Maine Worts a. It. fm-la JUDIE Mops% belo w - 'IIJUBIAd SONS,. 1T 111 • kc... 124 kidd 1-111. Pouih (Pormarly Noi.d'i THE NEAT MODERN A EIDENcE. Nt, FI ithonth street, will be hsl4 s.l prirm. ~,t, . 1 Ap t ft.! ' data, at a moderate price. RTOOKB AND REAL ERTalp SALER AT TR E EXORA.tGE s , Handbille of each rkropertr iestttyl addition to glitch publish, on the tiainnia!%,4l4o,l, to mo h gale, ono thousand orttalomme, is form, giving_ .fall of all the cr0p '444144 gold on the folle_trug:Fßeedly,_eor t , REAL BIS rA rRIVAI3: SALE eir we have a large amoen of real room, at ; sale. inalUding ever' deeonetion of property. Printed huts may se had at the ap,ti n ',"lutti t PRI VAI SALE tt EUISTEh. '"" 'tre DaLlin „ a t e t''' y re Beal - estate entered on our private w e { and wruthvicehrtiosendeoothoomussioannadllyenionin.autare print free or Olitirce wneirty: klitEittl'Ort? SALE — ATOGKS, By p oen , "" On Tuesday, erlitro .rit SO. at noon. at the hantiante, will be mold 2 w ,4 t o ho ar e e ßo v emianM .p i a g i nCtr omarme 4 0200 six per cent. mortgage loan Lodge Halt Automation. %ram; REAL, ESTATE SALE—APRIL :10 perentoory sale.—The large and V alUßbie . IID BUILDING and LOT , southwest corner of lf, r , - ,"rek . Vine streets, with_steam engine, machinery, 1t6""1 i ,.. k4l as the " NI ECHAr4ICAL BAKERY," teem i4l-rl's feet—three fronts. May be examined three [i v e 'ii moue aide. lor, Large and elegant THREE-STORY ERlca ~ DENUE, No. therm ruce Improve est of p!'`Eil etr eet toT l: , street. .11.819 all odernments and ~,,''''lllt niftiest'. Yard planted with fruit trees to grsi7nv. shrubbery, Ike. Clear of all ineumbrance. lie" “ 41 . possession. Keys at the auotion rooms. •Thediti, Ad minietretor , Bate—Estate of Dr. Thomas HA„—VALUABLE RkSI. II es 0 E , noruvirre,",l. ner of Ninth and Spruce etreete, with Stable 510cf,,,, - ,, , r. Lot 60 lent on pree, HANDSOME MODERN R ESIDENCE, 4 h r Filbert street, west of Sixteenth - treat. 'I he ho Ih: the modern improvements and co n v eniences -- 'rci Two handsome MOD n.RN HECK 1 k w ,,,. : No.. 2007 an d sneo Green etreet. built in ` the 'l;4'o°' /ler, and replete Wi th all modern nonvenige,,-11h. fent CK D W EL L 1 N G. STORE, end GROUND, west ride of Germantown iced, R, , village. Twenty - first ward. 40 feet 6 Indio 1 8 h lest deep. 8 FOCI, ,j' TWO STORY BRICK' STORE AND DWE LL ? No. 722 Callowhill etreet.Nl i, THREE-STORY BRICK DV7 FiIoLING, N., ~,,,,. , tar artreeL, north of Barrielt street, tr ovrteemi,.. - ' 4 TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No 3,7" r I Sixteenth street. above Vine street second gime% ... THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No li ~ Eighteenth street. below Market street. '- .. , •ut!, THREE-STORY 13RLCK DW ELLING, No, 231. r b e T v llt s t r e et,R El E - STO wee: of 1 weBRICK towELLING, No 0 , Summer etrnet, west of Twenty_firgt street. - , TBREN-STuRY BRICK DWELLING, •4 ov gau etreet, south of Spruce street. ' ° .. DJ. LARGE THREE-STORY BRICK RK1.1)E,,, arth aide ya. N 0.424 South 'I lard street, bek ' ." sli t feet front 1 09 feet deep. ''' l'Jit LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT, row title ii street. west of . wenty-firet. 100 by 102 feet -'-'. COTTAGE RF.PIDENCie, With Raise and o B e 5., ,, , Ro use, L avenue, Twenty - first of - st xhoronek. ht,i Be BRICK eet AND FRAME DWELLINia. • % 0. 1.1 , , ach ev e s ND THREE-BTORY BRICK D W ELLINIi 11 etreet, nouthweet of Orange street, , ovo.coo LOT OF GROUND, Twenty-seeend street, Dori,. Cherry street. BeeLOT OF GROUND. Cherry street. east of Tvet ly tled street. LOT OF GROUND. Duke street, none of Someyw. Pale No. 266 South Tenth MUNI. 111114`. OMR WALNUT Pa non AND oilmob" FURNITURE, BRUSSELS CARPETS, St, ' This Morni April 2d. at le o'olook, at No. 2 06 South Tenth suet; by catalogue, the superior walnut Parlo furor,., d chamber furniture, be e and beddinr, china and F: . ware. Brussels carpets, Ste , of a & Mimeo 6,. , ;: e . hotirrekeopinh• Blair May be examined on the inerrant of is r.i.:. olook. Pale No. 629 North Nineteenth Street. HANDSOME FURNITURE. ROSEWOOD ple VELVET caItPETS, ito, ' • MOnilar Mori/int. 29111 hint., at 19 o olook, by catalogue, at No sn Nineteenth street, below Green etreettihe hende6-t parlor, dlning-room and chamber furniture, roam, piano-forte. fine medallion velvet wrote, tcc, A Imo the kitchen furniture. 0 7 01(be mar May be examined on the morning of le. Actmlniitratrit's ealo, STOoK AND FIXTURE! O F ' A BL,ANK .A NUFAoTORY, No. 40 RANSTEAD PLACt..O COND STORY. On Monday Morning, April 29, at N 0.401 Ranatead Place. at II be sold, by order of edmirestratrix, the st m t . tuana of a blank book manufactory, omitting D ili : , naohme, standing p , cutting niactinl , f e: and unfinished work and materials, kc. Sale on the premises. No. 725 Wolret stay VALUABLE NESIDENCE AND FURNITtiti: On Tuesday Morning, AtallBB, at 10 o'clock, will be sold. at publi3a e. the premises. all that three-story brick memo at. l o t of ground. admite on oho north side o( Irt:e street, 198 feet east of highth street. N 0.725, meal. ,rte in front on Walnut Street 26 feet, and exter.42t4 depth 94 feet 6 inches, to an alter 6 feet wide, etnr,2,, from Seventh to Eighth streeisorith the pnrcs r.... said alley. The house has the gas introduced. CM. of all tocumbranee,, 85,000 may remmo or, nonfat for a term of eases. Mr May be examined on apphostion to the Illtte. eera. iiANDSOME NOIJSE HOLD FURNITURE, WM MIRRORS, &o. Immediately after the male of the house trlr. t 41 5 .4. by oetealosue. the hanciaome boueeho;d furrteft....l4t Mirrors, arc), Peremptory Sale on tae Premises, ESTATE geF GEORGF Moll EN la KS , / THE ELEGANT COUNTR BEAT,.re WoODBut.RM. FINN MANSION,AND ACRES.. EAR DOZ. SIX MILES FROM MARKET STnEET BRAWL On Wednesday Mormes. May Ist, 1861, at ten o'clock precise{y,tnll bens u public ¬ion. without reserve, on tie p r e mie n, All that beautiful country seat. Woodlouse. w.O superii.r modem mansion, stable and aosch.coss. green-house, ice-house, and other cut buildings, find It sores bight. Improved land, situation the Spnerfe.i road. about halt a mile from the tarantula of the Part, Passenger Railroad, and six mile. from Kerte: grits bridge, The mansion is of brick, punted Ind mice:. builtand nillettecl tki a molt costly mid elms rte e. from p ans by J. MoArthur, Bee.. architect. and dude hie superintendence, replete with every modern is provement and oonvenierme for a winter all we:! sea summer residence. The out buildings ore also superior and commodious, the grounds busuutul r laid out sad planted with every skeeter. of evergreen aid deciduous trees and shrubbery, fine fruit. Deart,ebeitieraluele. &o. Also, an arbor Of:choice grape w.nes, a twee, and several large hot beds. In the rear bins MUM:. are about three sores or Etta American forest Met. a grove of large walnut trees. The meson, also on the Darby Creek'. 60 feet wide and I fee. ,:rep r -- hthilig and boating. A p.m. egoription may e d a the attrition rooms Sher Ralf the pureluwo money may mama) gage. PLEGANT FURNITURE, HORSES, CAREtrile. Rn The superior furniture, horses, carriage,, w he sold. by oatalogue, immediately after the tea iris Stir Sale absolute, the owner having gone to EuroPi SALE OF' RARE. CU_RIOUB, AND INTERMIX.] BOORS, MANUSCRIPTS, AUTOGRAPId9, GRAVINGS, AND PAINTINGS. On Wednesday and Thursday Evenings, May 1 end 7, at the Auction Slots, tios.l39,luV.i. South Fourth street, a collection of rare, ourroueeni interesting books, manuscripts, autographs. film ee• graving.. and paintings. from the private bhrary of s gentleman leaving the city. For particulars see catalogues, which will le ready one day previous. Sale at Noe. Ltll and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FRENOII4I,ATE MIR • KORB, PIANO-FORTES, BR UBSELB CARPETS. On Thursday Mornlns, At 9 o'olook, at the Auction Mote. en wortnns of excellent seoond-hand furniture. elegant piano-Wm fine mirrors, carpets. etc., from families dealing housekeeping, removed to the More for conventual a! To Bakers, &o.—Saler dormer Broad and Viet Steed FUItPIITUitE. TOOLS, BAKENS' PIIIIH-CAM:. WAGON& BREAD CEUTA, IRON BREAD ELM. &a. On Friday Morning. May S. at 10 o'olook, without reserve, at the RfClll' NICAL BAKERY, southwest oorner of Broad and Vine streets, a large amount of personal property. Kir Pull particulars in printed cannot nee Mk WO real mate, with steam engines &Mil/lit - OS:4, at tne Eaobaue, on Tuesday, 30th tout.. stem , ' 14 the above. EEO* absolute. B FU R NIT U RE MIRR O R t SUPERIOR BRUSB,4 CARPETS, No. On Friday MomlAk. May &I, at ten o'olook, at 874 rrorth Bath ram. above Pariah street. The superior narlor, dining-room. and chamber fiora tare, fine French plate mantel mirror, fine Brenta carpets, superior spring mattresses, arid leattereal fine plated tea set, Ito. May be examined with catalogue on the AMIN of the sale, at sight o'clock. mACHWERY AND IRON. -e; f , PENN STEAM ENGINE AND - BOILER WORK6.—REAFIE & LEVY: PR-A 6 AL AND 'ffMEOMETICAI, ENGINfEr i t MAC: irtisTA, BOILER-MAKEIUS,BLACYM 6II and FOUXBEIRS, haze, tot MAY Team 1)06 1• 1 .tootooful operation, en ektdoorroir SUM . ' banding' and repairing' rine and River Enkfics, arid low Frame, iron to, Water Taub', rni,l4"' Jto., &e. t respeotfully offer their *orrice* to the pa... 1, ea bein g ray prepared to oontraot for Engines of i• Noes, marine, River , . and etatiunaTT fda lug trit Werns or ilinerent miles. are pre area to expose 0" dors with quick deseatoh. Every description of Yclue waking made at the ahortoot notice. Vigo act 141 Yreasure, Fine, 'Plbithir i arid Cylinder iltinetopf beet Ponosybritala oharoool iron. Forging., or ul na, and Made Iron and /imam Outings °fail debenfoo Roll Turmas, Screw Caning, and &II ether Won " 1 nesitedlth the above hominy:ln warring, and seecilloations Tor all work iDOi ii toir eette.bluitipaent, free of *ham, and work itisrantei. the ornbiori bets have ample wharf dock room full' PAM et boats, where they can D erma lion and are nroll/114 Wlth obears, hisiant, pans, .111. !.r raisin koavy or !Irk! erof J NW' AEACIN and flan IT__!L_.l-01 TOEN 2. COM WILLIAM H. iworax Am . INGTEM:LITHEN:II9IC • SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY FIFTH AND W T P}IIJ4DELPIII.I. MERIUCK. A BONO, RNG_IIIRERB AND MACRIGIB'fBi Zd anureature mill and Low Frogman Ream how' for land, river, and =Mlle service. o Gasometers, Tanta, Iron Baste, .t 0 bus of all kinds, either iron or brine. iron Frame Boone for Gaa Works, Warkshopc road Sta tion, am. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the !atoll end mat 1@ proved construction. Military description or Plantation Machineryi guOfi nugar, Saw. and Gnat Min, Vacuum rati, ¢tearn Trains. Defecators, Filters, Pumping r riga Bole Agents for N. Rillienz'a Patent Sugar Aittioratim Nesmrn's Patent amain Hanlniero o nun pinwail Wolsey s Patent Centrifugal ducat 14.1 Machine PAIRMOUNT MACHINE 'WORKS, WOOD Bt.. betweer, Twentr-first and TIMM" mimed. Established UM The undersigned, successor to the late firm of J , k 'r, WOOD, will continue the busineas all Ito b r ' bee t heretofore. Power Loom and all maehloes,aoenee e with them EnibmsingSallenders, Lard Oa Frew!. Ohs ins,. slid Machine work in genera ) . .r ; tatieg' Thankful for past favors. he would respec.u. ll - a continuanee of the patronage g:Liberatly WIN D je the' late firm. TROALSB Philadelphia. /art. MAW. iOINT Puri/WANT FOI7IIDItY,IIO. 90 -R. BEACH StrestAeasiuston. Philadolpho..—W I 1 LIAM H. TLEIUB illiblZl4 hill (muds lkst.lio'llviti okeroad :he claire stook stf Itssros st UM store ,?... dry, ho is Dow proced Loom ooo/ve ordo7i forAtioal Or*? Mid Bow li osirtingo..6 o PiPt Cb BWi lerlr* pm* Work, Boor Out:no mosso from ratan ~ worillo:7 or Wort", V 1126411. In try or c roon sus., 0111 14.6, Man- —.moo. JOB PRINTING _ THB NNW JOB PRINTING OFFIC "THE PRESS" prepared to execute neatly, cheaply, and csech4i•'"li IVIII.T piumv.trrlon 01 PAMPU4 , t;TNI PAPE" BOOKS CIAIt.DB, 081T.K125 HANDBILLS , BLANKS OF EVERY DEBORIPTiON =EMU ARCTION BERL LA W YER3 MERCHANT& IitANIIFAIAta RAILROAD AND INSURANCE COMPAI4II,II, Pi;AVI AND ORNAMENTAL piturrou or ordsrs lign the Publioallon,pat of nystt Pr ost Ash 417 iturmilltilr atm& vlu CIRCULAF IS OW, •~d MECHAIGCS, 0010