THE WAR EXCITEMENT Military Movements in the North settuaz OF CONTRABAND GOODS IN Firrsnuite. (From the Pittsburg Chronicle.] Oe Sunday afternoon, about one o'olook, an un paralleled excitement was raised in the city, by a report that a large lot of war mate iral had just been brought to this city by Adams Express, on' the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, destined for Charleston, South Carolina, and other points in the South. The information was conveyed to Dr. IdeCiiok, a member of the Committee of Public Safety, by a yonog man who saw the goods on the oars, which had just reached the city. The report spread like wildfire, and the patriotic blood of the veteran doctor was soon up to boiling heat Be posted off Immediately to the depot, followed by an immense mass of people, the great body of whom know no thing of the cause of the excitement Mayor Wilson, Chief of Police Patterson. and a member of the Safety Committee, repaired to the depot, and the W ashington Infantry, Capt. Row ley, were ordered out to protect the property of the Railroad Company. There were no demonstrations of violence, and, after consultation, it was agreed to search all the boxes and bales which were supposed to eentain articles contraband of war. The boxes were open ed in the oars, and those not contraband were carefully closed, while all army equipments were seized. and taken to the Mayor's officio, with the stars and stripes proudly waving . over them. The articles seized were priompally army blan kets, shirts, and materials for manufacturing -uni forms. A very large bale of blankets, enough to supply several companies, was addressed to " Nevitt, Lat trap, t Regan, Savannah, Ga." Another very heavy bale of shirts and shirting material was directed to ".Henry Lattrop & Co., Savannah, 4a " Large box of army cloth to Resit*, Lattrop, & Co_, Savannah, Ga." Boxes marked "A. Z. Abrahams, Charleston, 8 0 ;" "a- Brown, Charleston;" "Girard c oo t oh x, N 0 ;" " Thos J. John & Co., Mo bile, Ala In this lot were large quantities of army gloves, cap fronts, and material for making Zonave uniform. There was also a small bale of leather." muzzle guards," used in putting over the muzzles of can non while in action. They were directed "C. C. Mastic, Savannah, Ga." The goods, which amounted to two or three dray loads, were conveyed to the Mayor's office, and are now in possession of the Safety Committee. They were all shipped from New York, and marked "by rail all the way through-" This is supposed (nay, positively asserted) to be the first shipment of contraband articles through this city, and the damage done to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. by the Secessionists themselves, is supposed to have created the necessity for thi s bold movement. The rebels may find traitors in New York to supply them with such articles as these, but they may depend upon it that our citizens will not let a dollar's worth pass this point. Our own men need equipments, and this shipment will be found very serviceable just at present. The rebels are driven to great extremity , when they are compelled to resort to such measures, bat they will be In a se verer extremity yet before their treason is atoned for. We anxiously await the next shipment for the South ! MAYOR WOOD RICONNENDS THE APPROPRIATION OF ONE .MILLION DOLLARS BY NEW YORK Mayor Wood Las leaned the following message MATOR'S °Firms, New York, April 21,1861. (INNTLEMEN OF TNN COMMON COUNCIL : Events of a most extraordinary character have been precipitated upon the country. Military ag gressions have been commenced against the Fe deral authorities within the borders of the Ameri can Union, which threaten in their extent and cha racter to subvert our institutions, destroy our commerce, and lay waste our homes and firesides It is a war apparently not of self-protection upon the side of the belligerents, but of native hostilities against the property, the honor, and the continu ance of the Government under which we live. This city is the metrop Ms of the American Union. /tie the great centre of all that constitutes the might, and pbwer, and strength of the nation ; it is distin guished not only for the supremacy of numbers, but for wealth, intelligence, patriotism, and liberality, and it has been peculiarly distinguished for its unfaltering adherence to the local institutions and constitutional rights of our brethren of .the South. It is our interest, therefore, as it is our duty and our right, to speak out boldly and to act promptly at this oritioal emergency in the af fairs of the country. Representing the corpora tion of the city, it devolves on me to make pro per provisions for the public exigencies, so far as New York is concerned. Fonds are required to equip and support the tens of thousands of our no ble eitisens now enlisting and volunteering for the war. It is true, our opulent classes are coming forward with aharaoteristie liberality, but no one class should bear this burden. Every man among tts is willing to participate not only in the fighting, but in the expense. To make it equal, therefore, trait all may share in the honors of Me conflict, the corporation should raise by a tax a sum sufficient to cover the whole expenditure. The extent of this sum, of course, cannot now be asoertained, but that sufficient means may be provided at once I recommend the immediate appropriation of one million dollars. lam aware that the tax levy as adopted by the Legislature contemplates no ex penditure on this account—but what of that? A noble people who are willing to give up their blood for snob a cause should be allowed to tax them selves without permission, and I have no fear that a responsibility now assumed for such an object will not meet with the hearty approval of the next Legislature. At any rate, this is not a time to give heed to technical difficulties. Let us vote the required funds, and trust to the patriotism of the people to sustain to. If the sum is not now in the treasury, the banks will, doubtless proffer the amount upon the credit of the city. These theft. tudona are in the hands of patriotic men, who will be ready to make common cause with the people is a cause so dear to us all. FEENABDO WOOD, Mayor BEWARE or POISOSED LIQUOR To the Editor of the New York Times : The captain of the State of Maine represents that poisoned liquor and poisoned tobacco were sold to the soldiers of the Massachusetts regiment which he took to Fort Monroe, while the regiment was in Raw York ; that every effort was made by the onioors to prevent the purchase, although no reason-existed for foal play, but several men got it and these men died in consequence. This state ment_ will be made by the captain if called upon by vem reporter, and is too important not to be published. HOW TO GUARD AGAINST THE HEAT. As the heat of a Southern nu is one of the hard ships our boy, will have to ettooenter, permit an old soldier to state in what way the French army in Algiers guard themselves during the day, when on the march or standing sentry : Take a yard of thin, white flannel, fold it together once, and sew up one end; a ribbon or tape may be inserted to draw and tie it around the nook. This, thrown over the cap or shako, and falling behind, com pletely shields the head and shoulders from the rays cf the sun. Woolen is preferable to linen or cotton, is equally light, oasts less than the former, and is easier washes and kept clean. LI32If.RNII COLTNTY We believe no county North of the Potomao has outdone Dumas , in this crisis Brigadier General Meylert received the requasition of the Governor for 1,000 men, and in twenty-four hours reported them ready, and they commenced moving towards the rendezvous at Harrisburg. xo SIIMABON IN CARIOND.AIIII Our Mayor, J. M Poor, on leaving his dwelling Shia (Friday) morning observed a Palmetto flag flying from the ridge-pole of a building a few door. below. On milling the occupant out, who deolined taking it down, his Honor nailed aloud for volun teers, which was quickly responded to. The build ing wa• scaled in gallant style by John Wedeman, Who soon sent the obnoxious emblem to the side walk, when it was trampled in the mod.—Carbon dais Advance. PATRIOTIC DISCOMI Bishop Domeneo, in the Cathedral, yesterday, after reading the address of the Committee of Safety, and offering the - ninal prayer of the church for the authorities, delivered a moat touching ad dress upon the oriels. BIG reference to the " filar kipangled Banner" floating linajestioally from the dome of the Cathedral, and his sworn duty to de fend it from all assaults from whatever quarter, profoundly impraised the whole congregation. He stated that twenty years ago he had called God to witness, in taking his oath of allegianoe to the United States, to sustain the Government and de fend the flag, which he intended to do, and celled upon hie whole people to stand by it to the Last.— Pittsburg Post of ItTosiday. A 11.13UNISCENCZ OF TIM WAR OF 1912 We bad the pleasure of throwing to the breeze, on Sunday, from the residence of David Meson. key, Reg , the two Sags carried by the 18th Regi ment of Infantry, commanded by Col. Cromwell Pearce, in the war of 1812. Those war-worn and bullet pierced banners were obtained by Mr. Me coakey from the widow of the late Lewis G. Pearce, the only son and child of Col. Pearce. They have been unfurled, after a long and peace ful era, in as holy a cause as ever called men to arms. We may say of the invincible old hero who bore thorn in defence of his country, (notwithstand ing he wan a near relative,) that no truer patriot ever drew the battle-blade, and we hope none of the name will ever dishonor his memory. God forbid that any of those whose ancestry were devo ted to the Neared cause of Liberty, should falter at this moment. We are thankful to our townsman, Mr. Mecnaken . Or remembering then relics at this important juntittire.—West Chester Repubh can. A OURO GORDO LEGION The Cerro Gordo Legion, under the auspices of Col. E D Baker, United States Senator from Ore gon, as brigadier general, who led the Second Ult. Ws and New York reiments at Cerro Gordo, after the fall of the gallant' Shields. will be composed of experts:coed field and line officers from those who served with distinction in the volunteer and mu ler service during the war In Mexico: 'lt will be organised under the direction of the gallant Lieut. Jas. Decatur Potter, who served under General Taylor on the Rio Grande; and also under the commander-in-Chief, Gen. 'Winfield Scott, and was transferred from the volunteer infantry to th e Third regiment United States dragoons for his gal lantry at Gm Laments battle of Courubtosco, where he was severely wounded. The motto of the Cerro Gordo Legion is : " The Stars and Stripes on every flagstaff from Maine to Texas." Rendervous, No. 557 Hudson street. Tar, SWOED POll TIM PIM Mr. 0. W. Wight, a well-known Metal, gentle. man, hu flung away the pen and taken up the sword. He is now raising a regiment, headquar ters at Rye, of 1.000 men, to be named the First Garibaldians. Th uniform is to be "a is Gari baldi"—red flannel shirts, black pantaloons, bleak patent leather belt, felt hat and feather, armed with lilies, revolvers, end bowie knives. This re giment will be composed of the bone and muse]e moth mechanics and farmers of Westchester oonnty, and will, no doubt, with Col. Wight, give a good account of themselves - wben cense upon. ORDXREI FOR A BLOCEADIZ We understand that order! have been received by Com. Breese wbbib indicate the intention of the Government to carry into effect immediately the proclamation of President Lincoln, declaring a blockade of the ports of the seceded btatee. "For this purpose." the proclamation reads, a competent force will be posted, so as to prevent the emtratiee and exit of vessels from the ports afore said."—New York World. CRESEIPLAYZE 111 PIIELP Tb 99 4". Lighionkein, well known as tho beet obessplayer in New York oily, formerly an °Seer in the Pruden army., is organising an artillery corps, which promisee to be very efficient, from the fact that he will recruit none but men who have served in the 'American army. The corps will be mainly composed of Gararane, and it is supposed that thousands of such eligible persons are i n m e g city. This is a most important movement. TEN CANADIANS CONING We have just had conversation with a gentleman who has travelled extensively over Upper and Low er Canada. He says the war feeling is up, and hun dreds of brave, hardy Canadians will offer their services to our Government. They sympathise most strongly with the Union tooling and the loyalty of tho North. They think it a good time and a graceful act to reciprocate the sympathy with which the liberties of their own people have —A ever been regarded in the United States. r m York SUM IMPORTANT FROM MONTG&MBILT A Montgomery correspondent of the New Or leans Pzcayune says : " The Cabinet is constantly in seasion—all oom munioation out cff, except for its informatim—no thing can reach Washington. There ate applioants here far letters of marque, and they will probably be issued without delay. There is also a probe bility of an attack on Washington, by Major Ben .MoCulloch, with 10 000 men, if President Davie kept you so fally,advieed by telegraph of everything I could learn, there is nothing left for me to say." NEOITILIINNT IN SAVANNAH A gentleman of this city, who returned on Sa turday from a short visit to Savannah, informs us that the excitement there is most Intense, and reaches every olaee of the community. Ladies, he Bays, are engaged night and day in making cart ridges, clothing, &0., for the army, and in solicit ing subscriptions of money, Ao. The negroes, too, are not behind in enthusiasm, and being impressed with a belief that our Government seeks their de struction, work with a will. In short, the whole city is intensely excited and patriotic to the now Government, and men, women, and children, of all grades and colors, think, talk, and act in regard to nothing else.—New York World. ERECTION OF HATTEEIES The Secession journals of Memphis are proposing the erection of batteries on the river, immediately above that city. From Fort Pickens. We have intelligence from Pensacola to April 8. The number of State troops then concentrated there was 3,000, and more were rapidly arriving. Six batteries beating on Fort Pickens were com pleted, and others were in progress. Five sloops of-war lay near by Pickens—the Sabine, Brook lyn, Wyandotte, and St. Louts. Another arrived Saturday night—the seventh—name not known. The troops anticipated a fight in fifteen or twenty l it is a suspicious circumstance that the Cor respondents of the Southern papers who write from Montgomery agree in the assertion that the attack on Forts Sumpter and Pickens were to be simultaneous. A correspondent of the Selma (Ala.) Reporter, writing on April 2 from Fort Barrancas, says " Fort. Pickens lies in the lap of a crescent shaped shore, that sweeps around it, end is exposed to the coneentrie fire of a chain of batteries that stretches from born to horn of the crescent, a dis tance of over two miles. This is too extensive a line of defence to eapport, and in the presence of a large hostile force would be exceedingly hazard ous. In the opinion of your correspondent, Siena flier has it in his power to capture the snort for e:it/obis battery on our side, at any time, and render useless the huge Columbiads mounted zit it. Bat for the anomalous state of aS Airs, vibra ting between peace and war, as we are, and in a negative condition as to both, or if positive war ex isted, our General would not spread himself' over so mutt territory with so small a force, or if he did, a sortie from Pickens would teach him the folly of so doing. The Confederate forces now number between three and four thousand men, to be augmented to five thousand as soon as they can be assembled. Alabama bas now here twelve com panies. A regiment has been organized, and field officers appointed. Major• General Clemens was down for that purpose. "I saw the General, and his bowed form, loose and shackling gait, was but poorly suggestive of martial qualities. Hu seems broken and listless, and better suited for the cloister of an anchorite than the business of 'setting squadrons in the field.' " Gen. Bragg, in command of the Confederate army, is a tall, gaunt., cadaverous son of Mara, about fifty years of age, and when the rme of bowling iron balls across the inlet begins, he will show himself an adept at the art. His bravery and skill as an artillerist all admit, but whether he ham calibre for grand strategic combinations re mains to be tasted. His being called to this posi tion by Jeff. Davie is good assurance that the right man is in the right place." The Pensacola Observer has letters from War rington as late as Aprll 12, and they show that the landing of United States troops at Fort Pickens was effected not a day too soon. every prepara tion was making for a speedy attack upon the fort. Martial law was rigorously enforced. The inhabitants of Warrington were leaving the town as rapidly as they could get away, and the Confe derate troops were just about to attempt the erec tion of fortifications upon Banta Rom island. Nearly seven thousand troops were concentrated about the fort. [For The From] “Lay on, Iffacduffi” Dedicated to the " Wheatley Light Guard." BY THOMAS CURTIS. "Lay on, Needutil" the time is past; To fear or doubt is treason now; The Southern traitor serums at last, The mask no longer hides Ins brow. What though our flag has sheltered them, And nursed their sons in early days, Must we remain so dead to shame. No patriot voice or hand to raise ? " Lay on, Maeda:" the hour is come To dare, 'and angry battle's strife, The cues ion, Shall the freeman's home Be safeguard of the treeman's life To try again. if" right be right," Our country's faith renew in this Great truth our fathers claimed for man— " Life. Liberty, and Happiness." "Lay on. Maodnff !" the foe may trust ! " No son of woman born shall see" Their traitor leaders kiss the dust, Or shame their Southern chivalry . . Vain hope Columbia saw the light Amid the dying mother's cries, The bloody carnage of the strife, And dying tyrant's agonies. " Lay on. Metal" prophetic son Thy day of retribution's near The tyrant's race is nearly run, The " witches' double meaning's " clear. The eagle scars aloft to bear A flag—shall float on every tower : While traitors wake to life and hear Their treason end their day of power. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRADE. WIK. C. ICEEHMLE, J NO. W. AI)DICIt3 J COMMITTEE OV TUB MONTI! THuS. 8. FERAON. LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Tonawanda, Jelies---- —Liverpool. May 1 Ship Daphne, Havener— —.— London, soon Ship Westmoreland, Deems— Liverpool, soon Baia Ellen Morrison, Platt -- --Luciana, soon Bohr Geo J Jones, Crowell— ..--...Demerara, soon Aohr stveline. York— .—Gavana, soon Bahr J Northrop, Eon-- . For an Prince. soon SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEADIERS FROM THE UNITED STATED. AMPS LZAVE FOB DA:22 Mated Kingdem.New York-Glasgow—......Aerti 23 Per5ia...........ew ark - Liverpool— ----April 24 Faiton-----.Nesr York-Havre ---- —April 27 OWsgoly...—..N4wirerk-Ltvespool--AP4I 27 Itioornum.....-„,rortland-1av0rp001.........—..hprti 37 Vigo.. York-Lworpool—......aonl 2T Haven 5............ "New York-liarribarg - --- May 1 Niagara-- Boston-Ltverpool .—..— May 1 A5ia.........—New York-Leverpool----- Mar 8 Bremen-..---New York- - Bremen ---May It new York-Southampton.—... Mar 15 Great Bastant-.New 1r ork-England ----MILT 24 Canst)ian---Portiand_Liverpc4o----May 30 FROM EUROPE, 5131T1S WILAVII 7031. DAYS Hiberaisn.—......Liyerpixd—Portland —....—Apnt 6 C of Wastungton.lavarpool—liew_York-- . .....Apr 1110 —Liverpool—Pew York -- A Apr . i l l 1 0 0 A E e tn is a —=—.Liverpool—New York— ....... pn .Bouthamptan—New York—April 1 1 7 7 B r en. " *. Livarpoot—New VoriL......—Apri Vi " 6—. " liouthamliton_New York-- -April la Anglia.._...:.____ Galway—Boston -...„. --- —April 23 Arago— .Bonthampton_New York L.- n..ay I .Great Eastern—... I d New York—. ........ May 1 S asonia--..Bougs n in gn p a ton:New Yore .—May 4 The California Mail Steamers ran from Hew York 04 the let. Uth. and Est of each mo nth. The Havana Elteamem leave ew York on the id, mi. 11th, 17th. and 17th of each month. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, April 24, 1561. BUN 18 -811R4 .8 48 HEM WATEB - ARRIVBD Steamship Kennebec, Sampson, 20 hours from New Yore. with =doe and pasesngers to James Allderdioe Reports the light on needy Island being entirely extin gmshed at tea minutes past two o'clock yesterday morning, and could not be men aftertrant ehip John Garver Edge,l9 day' from Liverpool. with mdse tolreter Wrighties Sons. Towed up DAUM Wm B onne. Barg Amy, Hammond, 4 days from Boston, with indite to Twelle & Co. • Bark N Cosgrove% Hamlin. 3 days from Providence, in holiest to Thomson & Desereix. Brig L T Knight. Parki,l3di_iy_s from Cardenas, with auger and remission to 8 & IN Welsh. Brig Louisa, Teal, 60 days from Messina, with fruit to Dormers & Draper. _ Fehr g c gmeht, Whir ow, 8 days from Cardenas, with sugar, molasses and honey to Stewart, Carson & Co. Bohr ft Plater. Gandy. 7y. days front Cardenas, with sugar and molasses to S & W Welsh. Left aches D S le emboli. Allen. for Baltimore April 17; Stephen Tabor. Coos. to sail for New York in 8 days. 17th inst. let 31 18. lose 7,1 SS, signitlited ship Ula. bound oast; Net, /at 3867. long 75 E, spoke soar B B Wheeler, McLaughlin, 17 days from Galveston for New York. Bohr West Dennis, Enadley.2o daya from N Orleans, with fudge to captain. Bohr Cornelia. Crape, it days from New Bedford, with oil, &a. to G A & R 4Landell. Bohr Ivy. Henderson, 3 days from New York, in hal hurt te captain. Bohr Gov Barton, WiliaMOre, 3 days from New York, in ballast to captain. DBchr T Late, Scull, from Salem. Bohr D P. Matthews. trom Portland. Bohr Snow Flake, Diokinson. from Boston. ._ - • Zdohr R It Wilson. Davis, from Bostm. Bohr Willow Harp, Hulse. from kt - stun. Bohr Wro Rowe. horrid. from Boron. Bohr Bmeline ftiokrY. Tics. from Nantucket. Bohr Inc, Crowell. from New York. Bohr K hi Browning. Risley. from Providence. Bohr I B Dickinson, Smith, from Strurice River. Steamer New York. Hunter, 24 !mars from new York, with rods. to W P Clyde.. CLEARED. Ship Belle of the Comm, Reed, Liverpool, Bishop, at mons 84 Co. Rehr R Wilson, Davis. Boston, Johna White ts Co Vein' T Lake. Sault, Boston. E IL Sawyer & Co. Rehr]) P. Matthews. Portsmouth, do Rear Ivy, Bonner/on. Boston. do Rehr Snow Bake, Dickinson, Boston, N Rturtevan Behr E Rickey. Tice. lefiln do bob!. willow Hero. BORN Boston,Blakiston /r. Cox. Boer W Rowe. Barrie. New Bedford. do eohr TB Diokineon, Smith, Roxbriiy, C A Efecksoher & Co. Bohr Lady_Bilen. Corson. Boston. do itm B o t h b r e it: 2 . 1 Browning, Ridgy, Pagilugligt, RePPligr & Bohr In q. Crowell, Providence, dudenried & Co. Connelly, Connelly, New York, Binnicheon & _Glov er.oh rßo B Bleeaker, Edwards, Bristol. El. do B e h r Cow Burton, Winsmore, Boston, Noble, Ham mett & oa.dwell. Mr . Beverly. tierce, New York, Wm P glide. A. se eeme hip Cambri ll i ß ge M , ile a w A e N e ll , hence, arived ton yesterday. hide Eloise. from !Wanda for Boston, was spoken 21st inst. 60 milts east of Cape Cod, with loss of rudder and *ll°7l °f ir viamnz- d Merriman hence, at Cienfne Bark C Alezan er. sea llth inst. Bark D 47. Wilson, Peacock, at Cardenas 16th inst. from New Orleans. Bark Isaao R Davis, Hand. from New Orleans, at Ma. Mesas lath inst. at 130, Wiz Omni; B aker. hence. arrived at Boston Zid inirt. boar 8 In Tyler, Gray, cleared at Now Orleans rrih inst for Charleston. • Behr A vir Toil, Townsend. wooled at New- Orleans 76th 1 nst. for Philadelphia. with Ea bbls whilst's'. 93 oasts May, l 6 eoarbors,l6o seats iron, and Kabala rope mit tangs. liohr Mriever, Hushes. for Philadelphia ciesred at Mobile Hilt mt. with 466 bales cotton and 340 bale , rope cuttings- Bohr B P :Leaves, Ge rm% h e fern inst• nee, arrived at Mobile Sohn J C Baiter. Mary Clark. and Harwell, Grata, hence. arrived at Nswburyport 20th inst. DIEDIIDINAL4 CEPETALIO PILLS WOK HEADACHE. NERVOUS HEADACHE, OURS ALL KINDS OF HEADAOHE I BY the use of these Pill the periodioal &Maim of Nor wows or Sick lireadadis may be prevented ; and if taken at the oommertoement of an attack immediate relief from pain and sick - nem will be obtained. They seldom faitin removing the Nausea and Head ache to which females are so entileoL They ant gently on the bowels, removing Costiveness. For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Females, and all pennons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Laxative, improving the appetite, giving tone and vigor to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural Slag tioity and strength of the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the insult of long investi gation and carefully conducted experiments, having been in use many yearn, during which time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating in the nervous system or from a deranged state of the tie- They are entirely vegetable In their composition, mid may be taken at all timea with perfect safety without making any change of dint, and tAs a bunco 4, asp disa greeable tests readers it fair to eantisastor Mow to =WARE OF 00IINTERISIT81 The genuine have Bye eignaturea of Henry C. dried= on each Box. !told by Dragriets and all other Dealer' in itledioinea. A Box will be cent by mall mothd on reastot of the PRIOE. 25 CENTS. All orders rborid bi addrersod HENRY 0. SPALDING. 48 CEDAR STREET. NEW YORE THE FOLLOWING ENDORSEMENTS OF SPALDING'S C3EPHALIO WILL CONVINCE ALL WHO BUFFER Fula HEAD A: E THAT A SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. As this* rsstiononials are imsoliszted by Mr. t3raza -INa, they afford Yaquestionabis proof of the effi. silty ttf this truly scientific discoony. fiLisoNvILLB, Conn., Feb. 3,1861. M. SPALDING. I have tried your Cephalic Pills, and I like them no teat that I want you to send me two dollars worth more, Part of these are for the neighbors. to whom I gave a few of the first txm. I got from you. Send the Pahl by mall, and oblige Your on Servant, JAMES KENNEDY. Raysuroun, Pa., Feb. 8.141. aPALNING. I wish you to geed me one more box of your Cephalic Pills. I hone received a great cleat of benefit front them. Yours respeully. MARY ctf ANN STOIEUOUSE. SPRIIC2 CREEL. NIINTINBDON COI7NTY.I January NI, M. M Ni. C. SPALDING. You will please send me two boxes of your Cephalic Pills. Send them immedmtely. B.espeelfally yours, MO. B. SIMONS. P. 8.--I have received one 'pow of your Pills, and Ana mon excellent. Thaux VERNON. Ohio, Jan. 13, art, IL 0. SPALDING. Esq. Please find smile:sad twenty-five aerits.A.srhich mina me another box of your Cephalic rtils. They are may the best Pins _theme seer tried. Direct -- A. STOVMR, P. M., Belle Vernon. Wyandat 00.. O. BEVRILLT, Mara, Dec. U. sm. H. C. Spatulas, Bee. I 'snob for some circulars or large show bills, to bring Your Cephalic Pills more particularly before my eas terner& If you have anything of the kind please send .0116 of my customers. who is ambient to severe Sick Beedscgte, (gloomily !satiny two dams) was cured rir as stiack iu ass hour by your Piiis. whelk. I sent her. RespeetfUlly yOure,_ W. B. WILKES. REYNOLDCBVRe, FRANLLIN Co., m Ohio./ • Sammy 9. isa. EM Mr C. 13P.ILIZDINEh fee. 4B Cedar et,. h. Y. :dui ant. t. Inclosed find twenty-five cents. ( s.) for which sand box of " Cephalic, Pile. Rend toaddrem of Rao. Wm. C. Filler. Reynoldebnm. Franklin Co. Ohio. Your Nils work Wm a charm—curs headache almost instanter. Trali Tours WM. C. FILLER. Vitortaiart, Mem, Jan. itiaL Ms. SPAM:duo. Not long sines I sent to son for a box of Cophsho Dills for the cure of the Nervous Headache end Manveness, and rammed the same, and fluty hod so good en Ogee :kW /was induced so send for more. Pious send br return matt. Direct to At ft. WEDELNS.. • Ypsilanti, Minh. From the Examixer, Norfolk, Vs, Cookslie Pills tworeplish the object for which they were made. ans.: Core of headache in all its forms. Prom the Bzetestresr. Norfolk, VOL They have been tested in more than a thousand cues with entire stemesa. Ykron tte Deeteerat, St. Cloud, Millis If YOU VITO, or have been troubled with the headaohe, send fora box, [Cephalie BO that you may have them to ease of en attack. The Cephalic Pills are did to be a remarkably effec tive remedy for the headache, and one of the very bed for that vary frequent complaint which. ham ever been discovered. From the Waters B. B. Gazette, Chicago, El. We heartily ender*. Mr. Spalding. and his unrivalled Ceplutho Doss the Stmareka Valley Star, Zakataka, V. We are sere that persona suffering . with the headaeher who try them, will earth to these. From the Southern Path Pinder, Nets Ortoass. La. Try them ! you that are afflicted. and we are wore that our telehmony can be added to the already numerous that has received benefit" that no other medicine can produce. X}om the . B*. Louie .Dentoerat. The. immense demand for the article (Cephalic Pills is rapidly increasing. From Ms Gazette, Davexport..roWa. Mr. Spalding would not ommeot his name with an sr taole he did not knout to possess real merit. .From the Advertiser, Protritirsee, R. I, The testtmong in their favor re strong, from the mast reepeotable quarters. tki Daily Naas. Nrwevort, R. I. Cephalic Pills are taking the place.of all kindx. From As Comm/vela; Thatottn, Bestos. Mass. Bed to be very °Meadows for the bbadeobe. Frogs the Cornmeveiat, Oistitusati, Buffering humanity can now be relieved. ST A Single bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED SLUE will save ten time their twit eanually.lolll SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE ! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE ! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I SAYE TES PIECES! ECONOMY! A STITCH IN Taal SAVES NINE.'"Vi As accidents will happen. even in well-reintlated families, it is veil desirable to haye some cheap and convenient way for repairing APtinuture. TOYS. Crooke tto• SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets ail mica emergencies, and no hottsehold east afford to do without it. It is alwars ready. and up to the Point. USEFUL IN EVERY HOME.'" N. B.—A Brush accompanies each bottle. roes. in crow. Address. HENRY O. SPALDING. NO. 48 CEDAR STREET: NEW YORK. CAUTION. As certain unonnetpled_ torso= are attempting to Palm off on the unsuspecting public. imitations of my PREPARED GLtTE. I world caution ail persons to ex amine before porahaaing. and use that the MI =nos lifao^ SPALDINGIS ritsmaND GLE7Br' 1' is se its asides strasper; ail Wins are Meals seasserfeila genii THE PRESS. -- PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1861. *WANTED TO RENT.-11: neatly far. ntehed novae, in the western part of the city. Ad dress. stating pnee, location, and real name, " Carl ton.,' of of The Frees. ea934t* an TO RENT WITH, FURNITURE. --A i mut h wine nousE, with every 'modern conveni ence, in Aroh street, west of Seventeenth. ap2o-ten Apply to A. P. &J. H. RH-Str MORRIS, 916 Aeet. aiga TO LET—AT CBE iTNUT BILL, a mac.,4 Mansion moue, with a barite stable and around'. an SUMMIT Fttreet. Bret house trom thesee - nue. Apply . to E. BOWLBY, Meter, 230 wet,Nu T Street, b,es. ar2i•et di TO RENT. —The large Dwelling 11=:Efonee. No. 415 South FIFTERN TN Street. A p ply to .1. 8 BRG ANT PIUCE. No. 813 ARCH Street. aplB-12C r110111;11T--SECIOND-STORY ROOM, 802 CHESTNUT Street. over LEWI9 aihDOSIUS & Co.'. Jewelry Store. The beet Meation in Philadel phia for any-kind of light bagmen. Andy in th e Jewelry Store. Rent 1400. feig rro RENT—A very desirable STORE, JR- on the Ninth-street front of "The ContinentM Hotel." The Store at Ninth and Sansom Wens esso daily adapted for a BA.DDLE and Hash es Maker. - JOHN RICH, ted- 91 11 t° Sentiment rim= SANSOM Streets. al TO LET—A DESIRABLE DWEL. LING. NO 123 North THIRTEENTH Stroot. Appl to W ETHEAIL & BROTH 2.2.. 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. mhl4-tI la TO RENT—:For the summer season, BM. a commodious Country House. with furniture. 6nnulde, and idtabling, within two hours' Tide, by rail, or Philadelphia . Apply to E. P. WILSON at aOS MARKET* outlet ; or address " JOSIAH WILSON, PorkeroviPo: Chewer co.. Pa." apt-Im CH ES T NUT STR PET HOUSE and RR. STORE to rent,--The desirable business location. 1.315 CHERTN UT Street.with dwelling attached. Apply at 4314:91EST1CUT etreet. emit GERMANTOWN PROPERTY TO RENT.—To Rent. the large and- commodious modern-built Home, corner ba t hRMA Street and WILLOW Avenue, with gas, hot and cold water, and ab the modern Improvements. Areli to RENSY 8. TA. RR, 710 OREEri Street. Philadelohis, or on the premiees. apg-tf If FOR BALE OR RENT—A desirable COUNTRY RESIDESPICB, near Attleboro. Bub oouAty half an hour's dive from Bohemia's Station. on the Ii iltdelphia and Trenton Railroad. Two lines of stases pus the property daily. Double stone man sion, modern style ; large lawn, well shaded; garden, and a. variety of fruit ;.large barn. carriage house, an ti otoer outbuildings. with from five to one hundred sores, as desired. . SIMON GI I,Lahr. Apply to 1/ARYBY OILLAM, No. 629 CR hsTocuT Street. - spL9-Gt* fit TO RENT - TWO COUNTRY NOUSBEI,one mile from TE1430117. Inqu ire No. 717 WALN U'r btreet. nthrw-an• TO LA.RSE AND CON VENIENT Cost Wharf and Lumbar Yard. at Maylandvilla. Twenty - fourt h ward. Apply to B. C. & P. H. WARREN. on the protases. mhlt-tf En TO LET, FOR A TERM OF YEARS, /=. the United States . Rotel, in Buffalo on the Ter me, containing one hundred rooms, and thoroughly repaired, painted, and recovered throughout, and sop plied wile water. gee. and all necessary convenience. of a first-rate hotel. Apply to WM. W*. MANN, 216 MAIN Street, Buffalo: or MANN & - RODMAN. 39 WALL rtreet. New York. eipiB-et a GERMANTOWN PROPERTY. ma EXECUTOR'S POSITIVE SALE. Will be mold at publio section, on THUffeDA Y AF TERNOON. the Ifith of Aral L, irust.. upon tee pre mien,. the Colleague valuable Real Estate .0.1. a Lot of Land, with the improvements thereon, eitnated on the weeterly side of Germantown avenue, 029011t0 (31:11a6 Street, bounded by said avenue, lan d of tlearie W. Carpenter, deceased. John Leibert, the Orphan' Home, and Ormolu= road, containing Ave aortae of land. The improvements are a large two-story stone Mansion, with a two-story back building, two large parlors. wide hall, dining-room, and kitchen, upon the first floor , six ohambers on the second. and three plastered , one implaitered, in the attune. A one and a half story frame building, adjoining the main street. a large stone barn, large hay- house, with abed forwagon, 0 ., underneath ; a carriage- hewn, with hay loft and granary above; corncrib. shed- for Poets. fruit and ornamental trees, kitchen and!towering gar dens. &a. It hes front of 246 feet on Main street, and 210 feet on on Creisham road. No. 2. a Lot of Land, on the westerly side of Orel,- ham road, 149 feet iront. bounded by lands of C. W. Carpenter, deceased. and John Leibert, containing two and one- half bores of land ; it has a spring of water, a. Amen pond. end a few apple trees upon it. Also ' 1111(110 0 Wei] after, will be sold, ajearly ground rent id eat 60-100 upon a certain lot or ground held aglw, or formerly, by Authur Bell,and by hi m and William W. 1 eibert conveyed to Mary .Leib.rt and Elizabeth Leibert, on the 77th dty of October, A. D. 185.1, payable half yearly, upon the first days of January and July, in every year. Late the property or Mary Leibert and Elizabeth Leibert , both dm:teased. Sale to commence at 2 o'o.ook. Terms at sale, by aple 101... JOHN LEIBERT, hgeoutor. NI OR. EXCHANIRE.—A 011010 Z TRACT of good ammproved farm load in the State of New Jersey. convenient to the city, will be exeMaged for eitztreerty. Apply et No. 113 FEDERAL Wert. RR. CORSON,REAL ESTATE BROKER 1 , AND CONVE YANCER , NORRISTOWN. PA. —Neal Estate bought and sold on, reasonable terms. Storms and dwellings for sate or rent in Norristown and oountry. Good mortgages negotiated. Colleotiorur made. The beet references given. dNI-Sin puma() BALE OF VALUABLE PRO TELZP E T Pltortprixtry t m, ESTATE AND MANLY- . PUBLIC HALE , on the premises. On WEDNESDAY. the Oth day of May next, A Large Number of DESIRABLE BUILDING es l Fac LOTS, Eligibly Located for Stor, tones , and Residences. Aso. A SPACIOUS BRICKA CHINE IRON SHOP FOUNDRY, WITH M. And all the appurtenances neoessa ry for the business of manufacturing Basile., and Boers for firearnkssits, Sugar, and all other Mills. used in the Southern and Western country. The Patterns comprise the modern improvements in machinery. with a tall and complete set of Pattern. for Stoves. adapted to both wood and coal. This property, from the advantageous location of Mound City. is one of the most valuable in the Southweet. Also at the E same time. A FIRST - CLAS S-BTQKY FRAME mo il F, -BUILT HOTEL, Contaiging_porne fifty rooms, with a feu set of Furni ture. The Hotel is now aoing a large and profitable business. Also a number of BRICK BTORIat AND COTTAGE RESIDENCES. Timms OP RAW —One-fourth (3i) cash ; the remain ing par manta in 12. 24. end M month. from date of sale, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum. The oash payment may be made in the Bonds of the Somany, and the time payments will be taken in the_ took of the Company at,hs per, except for improved pro perty. for which three-fourtof the puronastrmostel . ma• remain upon mortgage. An the Company propose to dispose of all their im rovements. °annalists ha l a rare opportunity for pro ow. n the best located and most onrushing suttee in the sire inquire of or address SEMI: E. PEYTON, PresidentE._B.. E. ic M. Co, • mh96-tml4 • Office RUB WALNUT Street. THE ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, AND GROWS MORE AND MORE POPULAR EVYRT DAT. And testimonia.a. new end almost without number. might be given, from ladies and gentlemen in all grades o f iwiati„_whigo muted testimony none could ruing, that Prof. Wood's Ran Restorative will restore the bald and_gray, and_ preserve the hair of the youth to old age, in ail its youthful beauty BATTLE Cnann. Mob., Deo. 21,1868. Pao,. WooD: Thee willt please accept a line to in form thee that the hair on my head all fell off over twentyyears ago, oaused by a complicated chronic dis ease. attended with an eruption on the bead. A con tinual course of suffering through life having reduced me to a state of dependenoe, I have not been able to obtain stuff for cap ., neither have I been able to do c l ew n o , in consequence of which my heed has suffered extremely from cold. This induced me to pay Briggs & itoogeß almost the last cent I bad on earth for a two dollar bottle of tll7 11.51 r _Restorative about the Ist of August last. Lhave faithfully followed the direetion., and the bald spot is now covered with hair thick and black, though short; it is also comi all Over IfEr head. Peeling confident that anoi he r e bottle would restore it entirely and perautnentlyel anxious to persevere in its me, and being destitute of means to purchase any more. I would &ad thee if thee wonldst not be willing to send me an order on thine agents for a bottle. and receive to thyself the Scripture declaration The reward is to those that are kind to the widow and the fatherleos." Thy fnend, SUSANNAH KIRBY. Lig ottiga. Noble co., Indiana. Feb. c,1669. For. 0. Jr. WOOP Dear 81r; In the latter part of the year 1862. while attending the State and Rati o nal Law &two! of the State of New York, my hair, from!' cause unknown to me. commenced falling off very rapidly, so that in the abort Ipso of six months, the whole Miner part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its cover ing. and muoh of the remainingpertton upon the side u and bank part of my head shortly atter became gray ; so that you will not be surprised when I tell you that, up on my yetunt to the State of Indiana. my more casual ac quamtannep were not so muoh at a loss to discover the canoe of the change in MT appearance, as my more in timate acquaintances were to recognise me at all. I stones made application to the most skilful physi cians m ths oountry, but, receiving no amuranee from them that my hair could again be restored. I was forced to bedtime rsoonciled to my fate, tintiWortnnately, in the latter tart of the year 1 7, your Restorative wax recommended to me bydmiggat, as being the most reliable Hair Restorative in use. Itrimi one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that it was producing the desired effect. Sums that time. I have used seven dol lars' worth of your Restorative, and as a result, have a no b oust, of very soft black hair, which no money can buy, a mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill in the production of so wonderful sin article,' have recom mended its use to many of my friend. an acquaintan ce., who, I am happy to inform you, are using it with like “Wat. Very resPeOtTMIT, yo urs, a. AI. LATTA, Attorney and CORDS/MOT at Lem. Depot.44l Broadway, and sold by all dealers through out the world. The Restorative is put up io . tittles of three sizes. viz: large, medium , and jrn il an , e small holds half a Bolds a a n t a le t iis t V is r i o t r ,r one r ar iljr:n t p l e io tlA rtitu e ith um the small, retail, !or per 4) dollars a bottle; the large holds a quart, 110 her cent . more in proportion, and re tails for $$ *bottle. 0. J. WOOD & 00., Fr_opristors, 444 BROADWAY, New York, and 114 MARKET Street, St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and Fanny Goode Deal ers. Sold in this city by B. A. FAHNESTOCR &Co., Nos. 7 and 9 North FIFTH Street. and HASeARD & Co., TWELFTH and'CHF STAI UT Streets; DYOWT do CO., 232 North SECOND Street. 0013-rawfoowWti VPHBATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, ALI LANO INTER COUNTY, pEPINA. Non. Joseph Konlgmaoher, the late Proprietor of this favorite summer resort, having lately died, the No neanbera, Executor* of. his will, have leased the es tablishment for the coming sew n to Col. n. CAILAY. MAKER, who has been an assistant at this place for the last six years, and. we believe. favorably known to alt the visitor/. Thanking the patrons of the place and the pabito generally for the liberal patronage hereto fore azteaded to the late Proprietor, they respectfully solicit a continuance of the same to his worthy son oeuor. ,DAN soNtemexaso, Whit, caItrENTER, EMIUS& Ravin" leased the above-named AWN and e ngaged Mr. H. H. RaINHAftD. who has bean an assistant at the Springs for some years. the undersigned will' oriel for visitors the let day of June, Met, and'hopes that his own, ea west as Mr. Reinhare's, long conneotion with the Springs. together with his determination to con duet them, In every department. in their usual PuPwar w..y. and, as near as pomade, with tee same amain mooating servants, will be a guarantee to the patrons of the place. as veil es the. pgiblie generally, that the Sirringe maratheir continued patronage. For furthrr particulars and onoulare please call on JO% It MYERI4. corner of Tkil..D and VINE Ste. : Aar. REINHARD. at the Union Hotel. ARCH Street, till June Intl or, address S. C. BLAYMAKER, Ephrata P 0., ap2o-lat Lancaster mum), Penna. WRITING AND LEDGER PAPERS.— We have now on hand, and are manufacturing, to order, at the Mount holly Payer Mills, every do sonstion of WRITING AND LEDO.Eft FArealth which for color and quality, are not excelled by any other Mills in the United States. We would call attention to a new article of Paper manufactured by us. and now for sale, called Business Letter: winch has been rotten rip to meet the wants of busmen, men and others, who object to Commormal Now ai bola' toe narrow, and do not wish to nee part of Usual letter sheet. This overcomes both the above objections ; is a per fect sheet, pare wove; plate finish ; ruled on. one side ; stamped in centre near the top ; made from best ma terial, free from adulteration, and put up in neat boxes, oonvenient for use. We also have a paper. called Bank Letter, similar to the above, except it lies but half the number of lines on, so se to allow a mutat+ blank or Iseult's,' above. REMITUN it MULLIN, Mount Holly Bonnie. Cumlorland Co., l'o• The above repers oan be bad of Mete BROTHERS, I. rumors & nU., and MISUARGEB AO.. SI and 0 DECATUR &refit mhll-11m DISPATCH ITAVANA OIGABI3.—A fresh importer, JIL -AL tion of the two newVede or " BLACK BEA." and r UNCHINELLO." Jost received Der steamer 044, ker City and Nohooner Evaine, under the old tariff' nnoes, Haulm sale V ir 0/14111LES TET 1103-101 130 WALD! • G.RAVE-STONDS, I.I3AVE-STONNS. My iitooko Grave stoner end 1101K li pents to be sold at very redpeed Fries& flew ash a examine. before ourobruovw elsewhere, at Marble _inks of A TEINMETZ, . failLbe - 11.1MIE Avail**. Wow. W,EVErMg !IL .. (WYE OIL —Pure Olive Oil, " IV and Jaarstohe & Carstaira. FRONT s by Labe FOR SALE AND TO LET. tritigroCird FAA Yr ." Of mom? votußy.iniuo4, HAIR RESTORATIVE. ABE COMJ THE RELIANCE rrT7LT9 MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, 07 7111LaD1114474., OFFICE. No. SON WALNUT 117REE7, ygignre" agalzurt LOBS OR DAM4GE BY FIRE, o so4loes, Stores, and other buildings, limited n or u o irzl i t i tna , and on Furniture. wares, and Mer ohandiscou ntrye. in to . w n or CASH AplTAL,„gmr,ilo o9—ASSETS 5317.142 04, Which is invested as follows, els 111 ant MOrtgagem on city prope r ty., worth double the e.mount— *w ow 00 penusylvania, Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent. first mortgage loan_ at par— 64100 00 pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent. se cond mortgage load, (.173),000) 17,440 00 H u ntingdon ono Broad 'goo Railroad and Caned Co.'. mortgage loam— AKA 00 Ground rent, 2.482 50 Collatgral 100411, well secured 1,000 00 MI 01 111111101elyohlti 0 per cent. gem, og Allegheny County 0 per cent. I'm RR. loan-. 10,000 00 Ciomrnerolal Ban& stook 5,125 01 Meohenwe' Bank stook.-- ._ 2,812 50 ?ennui's:inn' Railroad Co.'s stook— , , 4,0M00 Thelneliance Mutual Insuranoe Co.'s "'tool 70,360 00 The County Fire Insurance Co.'s stook—. 1,060 00 The Delaware M. tr. Insurance Co.'s stock— 700 00 Union Mntuai insurance Co.'s scrip-- 1133 00 Dina receivable 14,50 74 Book soommts, accrued interest. tem . 7,104 61 Cash on 11,64461 3317.142 Or The Mutual principle, combined with the ',purity of a Stook Capital, entitles the insured to ;participate in the profits of the Company, without liability for Ions& Losses promptly adj usted and paid. DIRLOTORAI Clam Tingley, Samuel Biepham, William R.Z.Ch0,1700007 Robert Steen Fredenok Brown, William Musser, William Stevenson, Beni. W. Tingley, John R. Worrell, Marshall Hill, H. L. Carson, J. Johnson Brown, • Robert Tol and, Charles Leland. G. D. Ronellgejten, Jacob 'l'. Bunting , Charles a. wood, Smith Bowen. James S. Woodward t John Bieeell, Pittsburg. CLEM TINGLEY, President. ILINGIIMAN, Secretary. ebruary 16. /8:11. nidlt THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PRELADELPHA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDINO, S. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STRAWY'S DIRECTORS: P.SLTCHVOR_72 OVUM , MORDEcia L. DA.wsom, WILLIAM Mc s, ezo . H. BTEAAT. DIALER° FEAZITR , .Toint BRowN, Joan N. ATWOOD, R. A. P.L.mrzsTocZ, Blum T. Truax, ANDILINV7 D. OAS% MIN" W 7. ° I6.TORFAII . Itarirealdelit. CHARLES W. COAL Searetari. PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY,_ - No. 921 CILESTNIIT Street, Philadelphia. Cad STR R P E_RPETUAL ALL THE PROFITS DivrphD AMONO THE IN SURED. Insure Lives for short Wins or for the whole term of life ; grant ; Annuities and Endowments ; pnrohase Life interests in Real Estate, and make ail contracts de pending on the contingencies of life. They act as Executors, Administrators, Assigneee, Trustees. and Guardians. 40331ETS OF THE COMPANY, January 1.1%1. Mortgages, ground rents, real estate... .91515,981 97 United edema stooks. Treasury notes, loans of State of Pennsylvania, city of nolo delphia,— . 1168,796 34 Premium mates, loans oncollaterale, 537,394 ba Pennsylvania, North Pennsylvania Rail roads, and County six per cent. bonds 105.002 50 Sank,insurance. railroad, mina] stook., !to. 97,547 49 Clash on bend, agents' balances, &0., 58.206 14 6/N7I4A IN DANIEL L. MILLER, Proemial:a. !SAMUEL E. STOKES. Vioe President. JOHN W. HO II NOR. Seoretari. inhH-tf IYLA WARE MUTUAL SAFETY M.. SUBANGS COMPAXSr, PHILADELPHIA. Incommoded W the Legislature of PetuturlSaintlant. Moo ILE. corner of TRIED and WALNUT streets, PHILJLDELPHIA. MARINE LNISIIRANCE, On Vessels, Cargo, To all parts of the World. Urerght, LAND INSURANCES On (foods by Steam Canals, Pak % and *end Der napes. to ancartsine 14131016 FLUB INSIT CES On Merehandise generally. On Stores. Dwelling Roues, As. ASSETS OF m ber 1 TH:I2 CORITA.NP. Nove, 11221. *MAO United States five oent. loan—.Bloo.soo 00 name United States six 4, Gent. TreeumiT Notes, (with scorned interest)-- 110,463 64 109,009 Pennsylvania State five V ozen , loan. 00 OTO 09 2.4000 do. do. six do. do. 21,246 CO 122,060 Philadelphia City six a tiv oent. 126,20.1 Si Kim Tennessee State live cent. loan.- 24,000 00 60000 Pennsylvania Refills 3d mortgage six V' cent. bonds— 46,000 00 16.000 SW shares, stook Germantown Gam Company, interest and pnnoipal guaranteed by the City of Phil., &aps - 15.1603 00 CM 100 sha hi me Pennylvagua Railroad Company, 3,200 00 11.000 100 s ha res North Pennsylvania Ril road Company-, 900 00 I" hi shares Philadelphia Ice Boat and Steam Tug Company.--..-----. LW 00 4000 shares Philadelphia anu Havre- de- Graoe Steam Tow-boat Company. 1160 CO SOO 4 shares Philadelphia Exchange _ company— 126 00 raru7Zi C0...._. hares Continental Loop 2 s gemaco par. Coat $547,336.84. Market ♦aL5661,366 71 Bills receivable, for Lasurarices made.- 171,386 42 Bonds and mortgages.-- ---- MAO 00 Real estate— 0,363 U Bolanoes One at Agonoter-Premiums on Ma line Policies. interest. and other debts due We Company— . 21.626 01 Bent. and stool 4 of sundry Insurance and other Compantose . CM 50 Casa on band—in banka---- =4163,678 16 in drawer—..._. 436 36 26.109 51 DIRECTORS. William Martin, Bamael E. Stones. 'Edmund A. Bonder, L F. Pisniston, soOlt Paulding. ECRU 'Moan, ohn It. env:we, John C. sur, since Trannairj William Eyre, Jr.. Edward Darbuten, H. ;ones Brook°, Spencer M'llvaina, Thomas C. Hand, James C. Rand, Eobert t Marton, !Vint= C. Ludwig. Jacob ..t_opes, Joseph H. &SI, 'Sine/ ..! M'Pariane. Dr. E. M. Heston, lookup .r. Eyre. &One C. beiDer, John D. Semple, Patel. Binh Ctt!llEt D. 'K. Morgan, Charlie Eel/7, A. B. Berger, 1.1. WILLIAM MARTIN, President. -...., , Vies President, 2.: 1 11124itY Lii.l3l . W. S. Peo C. r ßA " N etary D . nol7-t 1" INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.- 71. E PENNSYLVANIA. FIRE INSURANCE Avy—fnoo_rporatigi UM—CHARTER PERPL TU No. MO WALNUT Street, opposite Independ ent@ !innate. This Compeer, favorably 'known to the community for thirty-six years, continues to insure against logs or damage by Fire. on public or prima,. Huildmxs, either permanently or for a limited tame. generally Furniture. stocks of sftods or Merchandise . on liberal tams. Their Capital. together with a large Purples Fend, is invested In the moat careinl manner. whioh enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of lose. DIUECTORA. Jonathan Patterson, Isaac Haxlshurst, Quintin Camnbell, Thomas Robins, Alexander Benson, Daniel Smith, Jr., William hlonteljTus, Smiohn Bevereux. ama" J h. JONATHAN PATTERMON. President. BEATON SMITH, Secretary. apt- li INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE -a STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA—PIKE AND MA RINE INSURANCE Nos. 41 AND 6 EXCHATIOE SB LDINGB. hartemi in INlA—Cav it a l—Feb.l, 1860, cash ye, . iSe,rlia Tr. All inverted in mind and available Reetintlee—eon tone to Wane on Veneta and Carroll. Buildings, Awake of Merohandise, k 0..., in Liberal same. DIREMIRfI. Henry D. Sberrerd, Eleoirel Stuart, Simeon Toby Samuel rant, Jr., lea Btsealetter, Tobias owner, rlliam S. smith. Therms B. Wattson, • B. Budd, LIE= R. Wane, Henry o..Firnatt, (Thanes 19. Inc Ci r ce C. Carne HEY D. ISHERRERD, President. WILLIAM HARP . Secretary. leo-tf FTE INEFURANCI. - MEOHARICIEV ISURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. No. 13M North MATH Street, below Raoe. insure Inge. Goode, and hlerchund lee generally from loos or damage by Fire. The oomoany guarantee to admit all Lozeee_eroray and thereby lioPo to merit the patron age of the publio. 37111C7015. Wullam Morgan, Robert Flamm, ?ranch, Cooper, Michael MoCrecy, Beorgei Dougherty. Edward hiogovern. James arta'. Thomas B. MeCormiek, JMN VAN,. Joan Bromley, Matthew_agoßieer, Franois Falls, Bernard BaffertY, John Ceased/ Thomas J. Hemphill, Bernard H. kiitlaernan. Thomas Fisher, Charles Clare, prawns McManus . Michael Cahill. CIO COOPER. ?resident. iIIiMMAXD JLAFP F .BIVir. Boors/am oogS-em DI - AMERICAN FIRE EITIRILNCE CO., INCORPORATED HID CHARTER PER PET UAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street above Third, Philadelphia, Ilayjpg a large paid-up Llapital stook and Burping. lasee.e4 In sound and asallabloi3ocurities,pontiones to ..cnre on Dwelling., Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, i y male in port and their cargoes, and other persona; property. Alllosses ltbenslly sod promptly &limited. nigiciose. John T. Lewis, James R. Campbell, Edmund G. Dotilb. Ches. W. Pon Israel Mo THOMAS MARIE, President. ALBERT C. 8. CRAWFORD. flearetsrs. folg-t[ Thos.A. John Wers_,h duelamorton, Vatriok VICORANGE INSURANCE COMPANY I. - 4 —ol6oo No. 409 WALNUT Street. FIRE INSURANCE on Hoaxes and Merchandise :generna i rally. on favorable terms, either limited or per- DIRECTORS: Jeremiah Doman, Thome.. Marsh, John Q. Ginned*. Charles Thompson, Edward D. Roberts, James T. Bale, Samuel L. Smedley, Joshua T. Owen, Reuben C, Hal John J. Griffiths. JOHNMIAH SOMALI, President. Q. GINNODO, Vice President Ricuaao Cos. Secretary. /eSi SALVING FUNDS. A little-. kit often, Me the Purse." IVRANKLEN SATING FUND, No.I i.x. - ISO South FOURTR StreeL between Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia. page all depoeits on d emand. _ Depositors' money secured by Government, i'State, and City Loans, Ground Rents, Mad ll- rk ej a Company deems safety better than large proats, consequently will run no ripir with i AoPo- !Cove es money, but have it at all tun re yto return , with 6 per cent. intereat, to the owner, as they have always done. ibis ConMaMY never suspended. Females, married or single, and Minors. can deposit in their own right, and such deposits can be withdrawn ONLY by their consent. Charter perpetual. oorporated by the State .of Pennsylvania, wi thauthority to receive 'money from trustees and executors. iLARGE AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVER. Office open daily, from 9to S o'clock. and on Wednesday evening until 8 o'olock. Jacob B. Bhanno D zw IRECTORS. John Spindler. Cyrus Cadwallader* George Russell, :Malachi W. Sloan, Charles Lasing. :Jeremiah Comfort, Benny Delany , Nicholas Rittenhouse, Nathan Smedley, Jos. H. tiatterthwa h ite, Jones Yerkes, ; JoAl, JACOB 5 dB AMNON. President, 1 CYRTB CADEVALLLADiga. Tresaurer. ann-iy •• A Dollar saved i. twine eftened." EXPRESS COMPANIES. ammoTIES ADAMS "IMPRESS 00.010oe 820 GRE2IIIOI7 Btroot t forwards firtobi. Pookages, blerobandase, Banknot es; Epoole, either by its own Lines or In connector' witk other Express Comaniat to all tite srineisa , were and sitter al' the traits& Mite:. IL ILIORPOIUS, pEIILADELPIHA. TER R A A/UTICA H. WORKS_ Ofiloe and Ware Rooms,lolo CHESTNUT street. Ornamental Ch:mney TOM rirden and /Statuary. neaustio'iPloaring Tile. Architectural Ornaments. Ventilating and Smoke Plass. Ridge Tile and Sanitary. Wain. Steam-primed Dram Pipe. Water ripe. warra nted to C i t is A i rtifs i supplied on tera;s. Innatrated catalogues sent by mad on stolloata i o o n i b tl y le sotso tter. notrioseN. =II THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD, 260 MILES DOUBLE TRACK. 1861. Migirm 1861. THE CAPA T C O IT A Y N OI DE TR T IS HE RO C A vu IIi ti fI R N Y OW . EQUAL THREE TERMINI PASSENDER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTHRIU2O. Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Tram" om Boston, New York, end all points East. and in the Union Depot at Pittsburg with 1 hrough Trains to and from all points in the West, Northwest. and Southwest —thus furnishing facilities for the transportation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Expreu and Fast Lines run through to Pittsburg, without change of Cam or Conductors. AR Through Passenger Trains provided with Loughridge's Patent •Brake—speed under perfeot control of the engineer, thus adding much to the safety of travellers. Smoking Para are attached to each Train ; Wood rutP. Sleeping' Cars to Fitness and Fast Trains. The F.XPREMS RUNS DAILY. Mail and Fast Lines, Sun days excepted. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.50 A. M. Fast Line r. 11.42 A. M, Express Train leaves '‘ 10.45 P. M. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLO Wti : Earrisburg Accommodation, via Columbia, 230 P. M. Columbia 4.00 P. M. Parkeeburg at 5.40 P. M. West Chester o 1, at BM A. M. " No. 2 at 12 SO P. M. West Chester - Passes gers will take the West Chester Nos. I and 2 and Columbia Trams. Passengers for Banbury. Willlamevort, Elmira, BIAL foto. Niagara Falls, and intermediate points. leaving Philadelphia at 7.70 A. M, and 2.50 P. M., so directly through. Tiokete Westward may be obtiined at the offloss of the Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston. or Baltimore ; and Tickets ;eastward at any of the impor tant Railroad Offices in the West ; also op board as of the regular Line of Steamers on the Mississippi or Ohio rivers gar F are always as low, and time as quick, ma by any other Route. For further information apply at tee Passenger sta tion. Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market streets. The completion of the Western commotion' of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicago, make this the DIRECT LINE BEA' THE EAST AND THE GREAT WEST. The connection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of FreiglH , together with the saving of time, are advantages readi ly areciated by Shippers of Freight , and the Travel limt Public. eierohants and Shippers entrusting the transporta tion of their Freight to this Company, can rely with confidence on its speedy transit. THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point in tee West by the Pennsylvania Railroad ars at times as favorable as are charged 8y other Railroad Companies. W Be particular to mark packages " via Pennsyl vania Railroad." For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address either of the following Agents of the Company: D. A. Stewart, Pittsburg : H. B. Pierce & Co., Zanesville. O. J. J. Johnston. Rip ley, 0-;,R. MoNeely,Maywnlie,..ify.; Ormsby Si crop per, Portsmouth, O. ; Paddock Si Co., Jeffersonville, indiana H. W. Brown & Co., Cincinnati. 0.,_- Attiern Sc Ribbed, Cincinnati, 0.; It. C. Meldrnm ,. Madison, Ind. Jos. E. Moore, L ouisville , KY. ; P.O. O'Riley & Co.: L Evansville, Ind.; N. W. Graham & Co., Cairo. II; It. F. Saes, Sharer & Glace St. Lover. Mo. • John H. Harris, Nashville, Tenn .; Hama & Runt, 'Mem phis, ienn.; Clarke St -Co.,:Chicago, ; W. H. H. Koonts. Alton, Ill.; or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different points in the West. B. B. .ICI OSTON, Jr. Philadelphia. MAGRAW & Koons'. 80 North street. Baltimore. LEECH & C0..1 Astor Noose. or I H. William at.. N. Y LEECH & CO_.. •No 77 State street. Boston. H. H. HOUSTON. Gang Freight Agent. Phila. L. L. HOUPT, Gang Ticket Agent, Phila. E. LEWIS, Efen'l Sup t Altoona. Pa. jal-/7 1861. illigijiggig 1861 gPRI G ARRARGRALENT.-nRKW YORK LINES °A tfaiapithaoAiot . 0 PHILAD LPHLA WHEW YORK AHD WAY PLACES. /SOX WALNUT-IT, WEARY FOL L OWSNEPDONMDT WILL LSAVIS MI , VIZ At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ac commodation Ate A. M., via Camden sad Jersey City, (N. J.) Aeoommodation -- 26 At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning 00 At 3131 i A. M. vie: , Kensington and Jersey City, Western E xpress. - S 00 At 1231 via Camden and Amboy Aooommo dation C. 0 At P. M.. Camden and Amboy7C..andA.—Ev- Dress_ .n an Jerse 3 GO At 43‘ P. AI., Kensing ton y City, Bye rung fixeren!. S 00 At 434 P_,_ M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Id Classlokst -- 2 26 At 6P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Mail-- . . 3 00 At ma. M., via Camden and Jersey City, south- Atrn 95 5 M., Ins Camden end Amboy, Aooolnniode tog lheight and Passenger)—lst Class Ticket— 2 26 o. do. 2d Ulan Ticket— 160 The 6P M M ell Line rani daily. The 1.13( M, /Utah ena Mail, Saturdays excepted. For Belvidere Easton. Lambertville. Flemington, ft., at 7.10 A. N. from Kensington. and 234 P. M. from Weinut-street wharf. _ For Water Gap i titronclsburg l Bormiton, Wilkesbarte, Montroee, Great f iend, arc.. 7.10 A. M. from Kensington. Delaware. Lackawanna and Western R. K. For Nautili Chunk. Allentown. and Bethlehem at 7.10 A. N. from Kensington Depot, and 23 ( P. M. from Wal tint-street wharf ; (the 710 A M. line connects with train leaving Easton at 3.35 P. M.) la For Mount Holly, at 6 and 8 A. M.,1 and 43i P. N. For Freehold. at 6 WAY A. M.. and 2 P. M. LI.N.E B. For Ihistok Trenton, Mo.._ at 7.10 A. M.. 4( and 114 P. M. from Kensington, and In F. M. from Walnut street wharf. . For Pelmyia, &matron, Delano°. Beverly, Birlint ton It Florence, Bordentowa r &mu at 11% , 1, IL% and I steamboat Trenton, for Berdentown and intermediate placee,at 2% P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. Sir For New York, and Way Lines leave Kane ington Depot, take the oars, on Filthstreet, above Walnut, half an boa r before departure. The oar. ran into the dega., l andon arrival of each train, run from the depot. Pounds of Baltgagetonly, allowed each Pawn araengeni are prohibited from taking anything as raze but their wearing apparel. All baggage over Biar P t9 biltr ay for Vg t e r ti a h e e Do C l o ggie al i• y po li iV. and will not be liable for any amount beyond glee, ex oept by special eontract. mhXY WM. If. SWIMMER. Agent. WINTER ARRANGE- N T .—PDTLAELPH I A , ffi'RMANTOWN. A D NORRISTOWN R D AILROAD. On and after MONDAY, Nov. 12, 1860, FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 6,7, 8, 9. 10. 11 and 1! A. M., 1, F z, ag, 4, a, 634, 6, 7,8, 9. 103.f r and 113 i P. M. Leave Germantown , 6,7, 734,8. 8 lO. II and 13 A M., 1, 2. 6,4, 6,6, 6% 7 8 9 and 10k 1 1 .111. brt htfriDAYY. Leave Philadelphia, 9.91/ nun. A. M., 2,7, and 1031 P. M. Leave Germantown, BID ann. A. M.,1.10 min., 6, fled 9X, I'.M CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia, 6,8, 10, and 14 A. M., 2,4, 6,8. and 101 P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill 7, 10, 7.25, 8.40, and 9.40, and 11.40 A. M., 1.40,3.40 6.10, and BAO P. M. 6N UNVYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.09 ~ 8, end 7 F. M. Leave Chestnut Rill. 7.60 min, A. M.. 11 50, 8.40. and 9.10 mai.P. M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Pallanelphis, 630, 731 900, and 11.06 mos. A. AL, LOB, 836, 648, and 117( P. M. Leave Nornetown, 6. 7, 8.03. 9, and 11 A. M.,13(, 431, and 6 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, V A. hi and 2 P. M.. for Norris town. Leave Norristown. 131 A M. and 8 P, M, FOR MAIIAY LINK. Leave Philadelphia, aso. 7% 9.06, and 11.05 A. 1.03. 2.06. L. 03. 6.66. &All M. Leave manay auk, 1 y 34, 8.35, 9X.1131 A. M., 8, 04, 631, and e% P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia. V A. M., s, and 7 P. M. Leave Manarmilr. 73( A. M., 04. and 8 P. M. M. B. K. OMI:M A General balm - intendant. noia-tf DEPOT. NINTR and GREEN Staiets. SNOUT la N OR TH PIakINSYL VA NIA RAILROAD. aI fI) II IBETHLE M, _DOYLESTOWN, MAUCH CHUNK HAZLETON. and ECKLEY.• THMI THROUGH TRAINS. On and after DAY. December 6,1860. Passenger TrainswiLl leave P ONT and WILLOW Streets, Phila delphia, daily, (Sundays excepted). am follows At 6.36 A. M.,(Express). for Bethlehem. Allentown, Mauch Chunk. Hazleton, Wilkesbarre, Ac. At 2.46 P. M., (Express), for Bethlehem, Reston, &o, This train reaches Easton at 6P. M. and mikes close connection with New Jersey Central for New York. e.At 6 P. M.., for Bethlehem, Allentown, Match Chunk. o. At 9 A. M. and 4 P. 1511 j . for Doylestown. At P. Ai., for Fort w sato nigton. The 650 A. M. ,Ezppreee train makes °lose oonneotion with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable route to Wilkesbarre, and to all ppints in the Lehigh 00111 yogion. TRAI.NB FOR PRULADELFELLA. P Le M ave Bethlehem at 5.42 A. M., 9.15 A. M., and LW Leave Poylestown at LIS A. M. and 3.10 F. AL Leave Fort Wasonnsten at 655 A. hj ON 15111NDAYb.—Yhtladeletria for Fort Washington at age A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 4 P. M. .I.4o.yleAown for Philadelphia at 7 A. M. Fort Washington for Philadelphie._at 9.46 P. M. Fare to Beth!ehem ...s l /64) Fare to Mauch Chunk.2l2 SP Fare to Easton 1 AO I Fare to Wilkesbarre— 4 4.0 Through Tickets mum be procured at the Tioket Offices, at WILLOW Street, pr BERES Street, in order to scour* the above rates of fare. All Passenger Tra ils ( (giant Sunday Trains) connect at Barks Street with Fifth and Sixth-streets, and Second and Third-streetsTessenger Railroads, twenty minutes after leaving Willow Stinet. deg-tf RL.LIB CLARK. Agent. . . • SPRING ARRANGE DIENTe—PRILADJELYHLA, WILMINGTO , AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD. and after MONDAY,APRIL 16, 1861, PJABISGER TRAINS LKA.).B. PHILADELPHIA: For Baltimore at 8.15 A. M., 11.35 A. M., (Express), and 10.110 P. M. .PForfd. Chester at 8.15 A. M., 11.35 A. M., ell and 10.50 . For Wilmington at 8.16 A. M., 1136 A. M., 4.15 and 1050 P. M. For New Castle at 8.16 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. For Dover at 8.16 A. 74._ and 4.15 P. M. For Milford at 8.13 A. M. For t3alishar &ICA. Bt. TA r IN FOR riIILADELPIIIA /41170 Baltimore at 6.16 A. M. (Express), 0.43 A, NL: and 4.45 P. M. t . ik ve Wilmington at 6.53 and 9.10 A. M., 1.90 and 8 . env* 15alisbnry at 1.40 P. AL Leave Milford at I P. M. Leave Dover at 6.36 A. M. and 650 P. M. Leave New Castle at 8.26 A. M., 740 P. M. Leave Cheater at 7.40 A. M., 9 40, EST aid 8.40 P.M. Leave r W /r , Or SdlimunrY and Del aw are Bail rout at 0 A. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE: Leave Chester at 8.40 A.M., Ma and MX) P.M. Leave Wilmington at 8.16 A.M., 1131 P. M., and 11 A. M. FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Car attached, will run as follows: Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate plum at 610 P.M. Leave Wilmiag_ton for Perryville and intermedlata places at r.lll P. fa. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and interme diate plaoes at 6 P . P . M. Leave Barre-de-Grace for Baltimore sad intermedi ate stations at 6 A. 99. Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-Grace and intermedi ate stations at 6 P. M. ON STINDAVB : Only at 10.50. P. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only at 446 P. M. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. apt; O. M. FELTON. President. 'imago's. PHILADELPHIA AND READING R.A ROAD.—PASISSBNGER TRAINS for FOITIIVILLE 22 , RBADINU, and HARRISBURG', on and a ft ertApril ,_IBH. MORNING LINES, DAILY:, [Sundays exce p ted.! Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD end. CALLOW /I'LL Streets, FBILADEL PRlA,(rasse7er entrances on Thirteenth and on Oallowhill streets at BA. AL. eennectinFat klarrisbnrc with the PEri_.) . 3YI,VApiA Niil3 3 klarlDYAL'ffirlilfir trtitti. a . K _Purg " h tl: M. a . I :r a aati h • e IViaarThalinmEin bum tee. AFTERNOON LINEN. Leave New Dep_o_,t earner of BROAD and CALLOW BILL Streets, PIIII,A.DELPRIA.(Peavonger entranos■ on Thirteenth anden 'dreads') for POTTS VILLB and BARRIS uuße, at &SNP. M ., DAILY, for READING only , at /Y. P. M.. 1 DAIL Y. (Sunday. ex aysteild D T ICES YU PHILADFJ,PHI.A. AND READING RAILROAD. Flow PanAngsvma. Miles. To Phissirtille---- Philadelphia and leading and Lebanon Valley fegoir- -- -- Harrisburg Dauphin wreirvion JtrauUon-am Munbury— orthumberland .—ITI }MOUT —ISS ffi doll .....-. —IVY Jane/Pion kook Haven --ISO Ralston- —..— ZS J Troy __Am. Winiameporteuxi Elmira Raiiroadr The 3 A. M. and 3.30 P. M. train oonneot daily_ at P ardlintlafiltat mamas OlOge oonneenone with lines to Niagara, Paßs, Oan_ada,tho Wart and don wart, DEP0.140T.4.14 IN P I ELODE L PRIA : Corner of ROAD tt end treats. an3o- . H. MoILHENNEY. ila retars • .DAILY INLAND FREIGHT LINE TO NOR FOLK ANTIMINIIITH. VA., and to.the pnnet- Rat Cities end Towns an corneronth and Southwest. foods Mt to the Depot, BRoAD street ad WANiItIGICSV Avenue. Will be forwarded duty. And at as km rates as by any other hos. B, F. KENNEY. blaster of Transportation P. W.& K. R. Co, W EST 1 . 12160_1 MAJULI ROAD, loive• TR itotrt,S via eeraetrilk 4le st As Mo Po no Ai= RAILROAD nct i tinta. Simbv37 and Mio F URNSBB, BRINLNY, & 00. No. 449 MARKET STRE/3T POSTPONEMENT. NOTIOE.—Dar eats of fanoy 'roods advertised for Tuesday and Wednesday. April 23 and 24, is postponed mil farther annul. N F. PANCOAST, AUCTIONEER, Suc il• minor to B. Scott. Jr.. 431 CHESTNUT St. SALE AMERICAN AND DISPORTED DRY GOODS, EMBROI red DRIES. RIR ONS, FLOWERS• By catalo gue, on a oit. Ttue,Morpv2g,. April 24 , sale precisely. LACK. LAC& PoINT's MITTS. lots latest 'tries Par.s black silk 11106 points and mantles ;• black silk lace mitts. long and short; wise black laoss. BLACK BILKS. lots superior blamsd rest silks. EMBE.OI9.V.RIES. Latest stiles cambric and lacouet collars and sets, embroidered hordicerlibieft t . tionneiblri he. TEVEL.K. v . and Also, an invoice of fancy painted cameo an dova plain jewelry. THIRD SPECIAL. SALE OF STRAW GOODS. ly catalogue. On Friday Mansur. Aprillol,oominanaing at 10 o'clock Pre&WY. SHERIFF'S SALE AT JONES' HOTEL. On Monday Morning, April 29. VI9I. at ten n'otrink. upon the foramina", Jones' Hotel. Chestnut street, above Sixth, will be sold— The entire balanoe of the stook of furniture. amulet inn of the furniture, beds. and betiding of 100 rooms. Brus4ele and ingrain carpels, oil cloths, dining room furniture, silver plated ware, cutlery. 'bar fixtures, wines. &o. Ero. P'l FOll 9 It 4/0., AINTIONEERS, No. 630 MARKET street and 421 121110 K Bt. POSITIVE SALE OF ND BRO 1.000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES A GANS. On Thursday Morning. April 25, at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold, by oats logos- -1,000 °aeon men's, boys' and youths' calf. kin,. and grain boots, calf, kip, and grain brogans. Congress gaiters, Ox ford Poototi and /nosey nee, walking ethos. 1.04 we heeled ' misses and children's bushing, P gosh, and kid boots and shoes, gaiters', slippers, &o.; also. a large assortment of first-class oity-made goods. also. 10 dozen cooluneal linings. ihr Goode open for examination, with oatalognes. early on the ynorning of sale. Nll FITZPATRICK & MODS, AUO -I'S• 71011bERS, 004 , OSSISTMIFT as«e, iikt•v• ■atl. SALES EVERY D. VENOM. At T o'clock of Docks; stationery and fancy goods watches,Jolty, 800. Also silver plated ware, cutlery. paintings, ni oal instruements, o. Also, nor. dry goods, boots and shone, and mar *hawks". o effery_desoriptaon. DAY 13A. Aw ry Monday. Wednesday, and Fri. day at 10 o'oloot . I'ZWATE ISALE.3. At private sale several large consignments of watches Jewelry, books, stationery, .live -plated ware, cutlery fanoy goods, /to. To whioh solioited the attention o °it,' and country merchants and others. Consignments solicited of all kinds of Ineroluindlss for either public or private sales. Liberal cash advances made on isonaianntonta. Chit-door sales pronavth attended to. MOSES NATHANS, AUO TI CREEP. iv•-• AND QONIMAINOIt PIERCHART. Sontneaat corner of SIX :Ell and RACE Street'. NATHANIIP GREAT PALE OF CLOTHING, BED DING. AND OTHER ARTICLES. On Tuesday Morning, 30th inst., at Is o'clock, at the amnion store. AT PRIVAaIIIALE. Some of the finest EiOLD ATENT LEVER an it CHRONOMETER WATC manufactured, at the usual :Pant and es French watches, at astonishingly IoW prices, ielreerY of every description, very low, gang, pistols, inmost in struments, first quality of Havana cigars, at half the Importation price, in qualm of , to snit purchasers, and various other kinds of . g SPLENDID SET OF BALE. DIAMONDS AT PRIVATE Consisting of diamond and opal breastpin and ear rings. Price $650. Cost in Paris $1,400. A splendid single-atone diamond breast-pin, only RHO. oast SM. OUT DOOR SALES Attended to personally lay its Anetioneer. ott Consignments of any and every kindgoods MOSES NATHANS, MONEY TO LOAN 820,0 je w el ry . at the lowest rates, on diamonds, watohes. silver plate, dry scrods, Clothing. W orries, cigars, hardware, autism mamas. mirrors , fur niture, bedding, and on g of every description, in large may amounts, from one dollar to thonliande , for any length of time agreed on. Mr The Oldest Established /louse In this city. Ilgr Private entrance on RACE Street. MIT Busses hours from 9 A. m. tog Y. M. Heavy imranoe fro the hermit PE Rpositoxi. CHARGES ONLY TWO CENT. X - Advances of $lOO and upward. at two per cent. Advances of .100 and upwards, at one per cent., for short loans. OHIPPINO. „ WEEKLY COMMUNICATION BV STEAM BETWEEN NEW YORK AN LIVERPOOL, calling at QUEENSTOWN (Ire land) to land and embark _passengers and despatches. The Liverpool, New York, and Philadelphia Steam ship Com p j tun ep 's ol o d p ii l otonctod C u ly de l - l buit iron on sorew steam khntiArKoM rizW YO RK f Fo w L L_ ERPOOL. EDINBURGH, Saturday, ;Apra 20 GILASGOW. Satu day, April t 1 CITY OF WASHINGTON, Saturday, May 4 And every_ Saturday throughout the year, from P..ER N. No. a 4 . • RATES OF PASSAGE _ THROUGH. FROM PHILADELPHIA. Cabin, to Queenstown. or Liverpoo . ----- 76 Do. to London, via Liverpool -- -- I ..... - 80 Steerage to Queenstown, or Liverpool- .. 90 Do. to London. —........._.... ~......... _ as Do. Return tickets, available for six month., from Liverpool.. —.--.... $OO Passengers forwarded to Havre. Paris, Hamburg, Bremen. and Antwerp, at through rates. ce.tuficates of passage issued from Liverpool to New York— —.— —_........._ __ 840 Certifieates of plumage issued from Queenstown to New York__... -- 990 These steamers have superior accommodations for passengers. are 00IaatT119ted with watertight compart ments. and carry experienced burgeons. For freight, or ptuisage,appil at the aloe of the Com pany. JOHN G. DALE, Agent. 109 Walnut street, Philadelphia. In Liverpool. to WM. INMAN. T_ower antidinfl• In Glasgow . to WM, INISLars. 13 Dixon street. THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM- PROM NRW TORE TO LIVERPOOL. . . Chief Cabin Parsage--•--.---.. Second Cabin Pomace _ 75 WHOM BOSTON TO triraisroot.. Chief Cabin Faceage---- @mond Cabin Passage CO The ehise from New York call at Corkkarbor. The ships from Boston oaU at Halifax and Cork Har bor. . .• PERSIA, CapG Jndkins. APRUJA, Met. Shannon , ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. Cr i t iL lIADR, Capt. Anderson. AMA...Capt. F.. G. Lott. A RICA, Capt. MeAuley AUSTRALABIAII_, P/ AOARA. Capt. 'noodle. CapL E. fd . Rockier. EUROPA. Capt. J. Cook. SCOTIA, now building.) These vessel carry a c lear white light at mut-head ; mu on starboard bow ; red on port vow. ADA, Anderson, leaves Boston. Wednesday, April 8. AFRICA, Shannon, " N. York, Wednesday, Apnl 10. EUROPA, Cook, " Boston, Wednesday, April 11. PFRIIII.AJudkina. " N. York,Wednesday. Apnl Xt. NIAGAR , A, Moodie, " Boston, Wednesday, May 1. ASIA, I‘ott, " i l York, Wednesday. May 8. ARABIA, Stone. " l. oston, Wednesday. May M. AFRICA. Shannon, 44 . Volk. Wettuesday. May EL Berthe net secured until raid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for Gold. Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Fractions Stones or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor, and the value thereof therein ezprearW. For freight or pawiaga. apply to E. CUNARD. mkt-a ..._ SPECIAL NOTICE • , FOR THE SOUTH.—OHAR,LES TON AND SAVANNA)! riRAMISHIFII. Bills lading for goods for points other then the cities of Charleston and savannah, must be accompanied with oertified nivoices, to insure prompt delivery. All goods not permitted immediately after the arrival of the steamers at Charleston and Savannah will he sent to the Custom-house slot The Steamship STATE OF EOROIA having_ beep withdrawn for the present, the teamsklp 4EYSTGINE STATE will run to both Savannah and Charleston, taking freights for both ports at the same time, pro ceeding first to Savannah, and from thence to Charles ton, making a trip every two weeks, thus making de liveries as frequently in Charleston and Savannah as when both ships were running. Passengers for Charleston will bp ticketed through from Savannah to Charleston by Rai Iroari. Fare to bavannah, SU; through to Charleston, 015. FOR CRAR LEITON AND SAVANNAH. Owing to the Difficulties at Charleston, the Steamship KEYBTOII.4 mama. Capt. hlarehman. has been with drawn for the present. Due notice of her tuuLng will be given. Clouds received every day, and Bills offsetting signed at second wharf above Viols ;treat, iNeummiCK. Freiht and insuranceon a large proportion of Goods shipped South will be found to be lbwer by these ables than _by sailing vessels. Mr — insurance on all Railroad Freight is entirely rinflOoesgary, farther than Cherletiton or Savannah, the Railroad Companies taking all risks from them points. Fhilaoelpbla to New Orleans and intermediate Points. Charleston and Savannah route, ClOnnecting with steamers for Florida, and with railroads for New Orleans and intermediate points. 6ILE.a7 KELT GOTION IN FARE. Fare by this route 15 to SO per oent, cheaper thanby the Inland Route, as will be sage by the following sohednie. Through tickets from Philadelphia, via Charleston and savannah steamships. INM,UDINGI MEALS on the whole ronte , except from Charleston and Ba hto Montgomery : _ To Savanna . --WM o. To Columba:l.. . 031 co Oharlestod.---- Ht 00 Albany __....- 23 00 Augusta_..._ 17 00 Montgomery __-. 20 00 Macon—. 70 06 Mobile— --,, 35 00 , Atlanta— ___.. 31 to New Orleans..... Sp 70 ' N. N.—Passengers by this route connect with the In- land Route in South Carolina and Georgia. travelling by the same conveyances thence to New Orleans. .No bilis of 'adios signed 31207 the glop pas sailed. No freight received on the day of sailing. Agents in Charleston T . T. G. BUDD. !Savannah. RUTTER & °MEMEL& T. 19. & T. G. RUDD, Charleston, and HUP.TER & OAMAIZLL., Saunnah. 'trill attand to antenng and for warding all goods cionspgned to their care. . . RAILROAD LINES. ELMIRA ROUTE.— PHILADELPHIA AND Eir ainut RALL,R A 0.11_05,M..T ROUTS' to Tamaqua, Caaawmas, Ru pert, Wilke/thane, Seranton Danville, Milton, Wil liamsnort, Troy, Ralston yanton. Elmira, Buffalo. Niagara Falls, liachroter, C eireLantblDetroi ,t Toledo, Claim°, St. Louis, Milwaukee. and all points North and West. gassentor trains will tempo the new Depot of the Phl alena dad wading Railroads corner BROAD and Alll,OwialLi., emote. (ramenger entranoe on Gal lowhill street..)) daily (Sundays, excepted), for above points. as Wows: Bay ETPREBS.-------&00 A. M. EIGHTXX_PRISISS---11.32 Y. M. lithe ILO A. M. train connects at Rupert, for Wilkes heave, Pitteolh Boranten, sadell InAUOI2II on the N LACKAWANA AND BLOOMBURG RAIL gpeD. who eaieVe WIMP make arrant connection at manta with the trains of the York and Erie , Canandjiisna Td Niagara Falls. Batfalo,New:York and_Brin. and sw York Central Railro ads , from all Point* North mid sat, and the Canad a.. i c ar Baggage eti ou totnits, Eldfalo, and Banannaioa Brie, and ',ten:ea:hate pouitc II • eau trio Erod }t,te Phlladelohla and El gliXBl an t den . t? ifig t ;.'eV, ~.yd r uia i ta t = e ui r ri o r ErfTßand CA Lt,ow-ELL -14"101Z4V ''' L 1. B FREIGHT TRAIN . Leave Oa Phil :de aan Reading Depot, Blond sad Callow l etre t t ly (Sundays excepted), far all points' lesta 1 Borth, at BP. hi, Freistits ma-' be delivered before il P. M. to Dime their go i the s ame day. For f arthe r Information apply at Freight Depot, 'NAIR'S Tx and O.6LLOM,L, Or to CHAD. E. 11..P.P.EN,Aermai t er n t, liorthweat earner MAYA and 10AGSKYN B treat& eale-tr Iladolabia WEST 6111 . 8 1 1 1 ER iIa.II4I MINAND ?itIDAPELPHIA 111 E I`` lIPAING ARR JP/GEMENT, On and after monday. march O. WS!. the trains will leave Philadelphia, from the Depot. nortiimull °ern" . of B iOneells ll NM Market streets, at 6APA, Iti.s and 1,4, and 6.30 p. M. The Freight Train, with passenr oar attached, will leave West Philadelphia at aA. AI ., M running as tar as the Baltimore Central Junction. On Sunday', leave Philadelphia at 8 A.M. and I P. M.: leave Weat Cheater at 7.30 A. LC and 4.30 P. M. The trains leaving Philadelphia at BA. M. and 4 P.M. sampan' at Pennelton with trains on the Philadelphia anti Baltimore Central Railroad. for Kennett. Word, &0,, HENRY WOOD. mall General Bnpenntendent. NOTICIE.--OIIESTER VILMA:Y . RA ILROAD.—PAS -8 oftOnß %MR DOWNINGTOWN AND IN TZII.I4bI)I4ITE filtiVolol. — Oa and after Nov, ilth, LEMO, the Passenger - irate NINOTOw N artil start from the new Passenger Depot of the Phila delphia and Reading _Railroad Conipahr. 4ortier of BROAD and CALLOWHILIi Street', (assent:lgor en trance on Callowhill,) 800ILNINO 1 . R..A118 for Downingtown loaves at 8.00 A. M. .A.PRIPRNCION TRAIN for Downingtown learnt at 410 P. M. DAILY (Sundays excepted). 4, order of the Board of Managers of the Philadel- FM& and Beading Itsy_trosol .W.ll. MoILEIRPINY. Secretary. CHROME GUM Minnfaetnred and Ho fer sale IarWVIIMBRILI F a aT sat 49 math insuumw OMAS & BONS, NA • N. 3'll 139 und 141 South 1 . 0 1 / 1 11 . t , (Formerly N 04.67 and THE NEAT MODERN REM:.I4CE. No. 423 Fifteenth etrecii, will be G el d at priests tale for AV; dare, at a moderate price. siTOOKS AND ARAL EBTATS. bAL.P.I4 AT TAM linfilli.A.+, Li a 11 v Ertl( i.: L . , iiiir Handbills of publish pperty lamed separate"l"l addition to Which we, on the datum", 0 , - 1s to each +tale, one thousand catalogue*, in Du rrut full deteriptions of all the propan e P ilet form. on sold on the Wowing Tuesday, to b e REAL zwrATh. AT FRI 'ATE BILE. Sr We have a large amount of rein estate %tyro, sale, inoludtrig every deeerlyptlon of any and „,L , lnt property. Printe d hots may be had at the nti o tli.7.„ übl PRIVATE BALE REGISTER. vale ii - Real, estate entered on our private sale! ane advertised ocoasionally in our Public ante atrtg e ? ra, to which one thousand nobles P. , e Dna" w i i. free of charge eel. , BALE op SUPERIOR F URNITURE FRE Ncif• P LATR KIRRORM PIA no _OOFt N EIRON kiRE-YROOF CHEttra. CODN'n l „ g'DNDSOSLLBSWNRD.&oER cAarsTs, ere CARD.—Our sale to-morrow is morning. at the da me ,. Store will comprise. besides 700 lota of excelient I '''' tore. fi ne Freooh-plate mirrors , piano ton e , ?IS. fire-proof safes, made by Evans & Watson iron counter. Brussels, terrain, and other careeir' n eltil and glassware, beds and bedding, &o.- forte gl . "'" others desirous of pu traOtWO lELMS lr trin •n t , n:l6lonm. worthy the attention Of i:die e 43l , 4 et. for ex sir amination. ___ Catalogues now ready and the articles arra l4Bo els at the Pennsrlvaais Rotel, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, FLAir uER CARP RS ETS. o CARRIAGES. BAR FiXTUREtt QUO, tc. This Morning. 24th instant at 10 o'clock. at the Penneylva t o. No. eft North Sixth street. the entire fonfit ure Wahl, beds. oareets. family oarri g air o home , two b a r k on the tnan i i n ea the sale. t of Bale N 0.1303 Chestnuts treet. ELEGANT FURNITURE. MIRRORS PIA CILANDELLERI3. VELVET CAR,Pein, ~e. xo, Thin Morning. April 10 o r a l oo k, •t No. 1303 Chestrittit 1 fett. by catalogue — The entire furniture of s lady declining hpu n k ie . comprising rosewood and broostelle drtict4l' furniture, piano -forte velvet Co., handpo u m cts and pier mirrors, finecarpels, psted l it t : l China end - glans ware, superior vionut ah emberfa ' tura fine mat t asses. cottage lbrniturs. ot i o l oth. ri mi .' , a „mita," of fine preserves ; MM. NS k ' °' itdor, furniture, • thine- may be examined at S o'clock On the znonuzi i) "07L No postponement on samara of the weather Sale at Nos 139 and 141 South Fourth Street, SUPERIOR FURNITURE, F RENCH.I . LATE /di KORA. PIANO-FORT. BRUBSEL3 cAR ? Jt• On Toureday Morning. ere. At 9 o'clock, at the Aoenon More, an acort unt of excellent eeoond-hand fornitore. eleplat puino.r ott ,. fi ne mitrorc, carnets, etc., from families 6. 40 ,1 ho te. ekeepins, removed to the More for eoVveniemetoi nawi Rafe No. gag Bonin Tenth (+treat. SUFF. RIOR WALNUT PARLOR AND SIIARBER FURNITURE, BRuntwoLa caittlqs, da On Friday Morning, April ka. at In o'olook, at No. 2.56 south Tenth stun by ontsloFue. the superior walnut parlor furn iture . ' •onember turniture, bens and baddint, dune pad rime waree, keeping. Brussels carpets, eco of a nentleme t 40IIli pc hous Kir May be examined on the morning of ice, at t o'clock. Sale No. 52g North Nineteenth street. HANDSOME' FURNITURE. ROSEWOOD PIANO, VBILvBT cARP.II,III, OD Ittopdxv filorninA. 29th inst.. at 10 to be by catalogue. at No 129 North Nineteenth street, below Green street, the headman - parlor. dining.-room end chamber furniture, rose piano-forte. line medallion velvet carpets, ko, wood A leo. the kitchen furniture. sir o'o look. may be examined on the morning of saleat I Peremptory Salti,_ on the Pitman. ESTATE ;4 7 utEO ftti Moll EN KY THE EL St/ ANT COUNTRY BEAT. woollit tißk FINK MANSION, Ala D ACRAS. NEAR ',gat SIX MILES FR O M MARKET InTkEET BRIM On Wednesday MOTIKOS I May US. lASI, at tan o'olook precisely, will be sob al public, auction, without reserve, on the premiu m -- All that beautiful oonotry seat, Womlbeilfnei vni .saperior modera mansion. stable and cu?son-houe, green-house, toe-house, and other out- buildints, asg acres highly improved land, situate on the Cyril: AA road, about half a mtie from the terminus of the Nay passenger Railroad. and sig. miles from Market Iktit butt a n d mansion is of briok, painted ard /WM, built and - fished in a most oostly and elegantarle, from pans by J. McArthur. Esq.. arehiteot, and tinier his superintendence, replete with every modern ics• provement and convenience for a winter as well ea summer residence. The out buildinga are 1140eapenor and oomonodiows, the grounds beautifully laid out tad planted with every speouia of evergreen aid deeldoess tree* and shrubbery, fine fruit, pears, cherries, slim, tco. Also, an arbor of ohotee grape vines, a nen, and Several large hot beds. In the rear of the !mum are about three sores of fine American forest trey,. 11.4 a grove of large walnut tries. The property bongo also on the Darby Creek, 60 feet wide and T fenders, which affords fine bathing and boating. A wore fbi desoriptaon may be bad at the auotion rooms. The !superior furniture, horse!, marriages. Ire. tri2 be sold, by catalogue, immediately after the retinal& Terms—half cash. sir Safe absolute, the owner having gone to Liras Bale No. SI North ninth street. 8 UPERIO FURNITURE. Ail KROH, BRUSSEII CARPETS. &c. On Friday Morning. May se, a tea inicloak, at en North Sisth woo. above Parish street. The snpenor parlor, dining room, and °lumber fem. tura, fine French mate mantel mirror, fons Brointt, carpets, superior epring mattresses, and feather btu, fine_tilated tea let. &o. NW' /day be examined with catalogue on the monger of the Bale. at eight d'oloek. -:IAOHINZRY AND IRON. PENN STEAM ENGINE AND rmiAt., BOILEJ R-1111A LEFF,, T , q ,AND . T E ERTICAL ICATIMcuIt O HOL KEIa,IIAC , and YU 8.., twig. inrot rosny yews beet erneeessfal operatics/I, bean exalevali . op:are.l biliding sad repairing arine and Elver hOtIZUr and low pressure, fres Boats, Water Tanks, Fropelleth &e, ite. t respeotfoliy offer th eir serv,ose La th e pile, LB 1:41211. Tally prepared to contract for Engines of a. axes. Marine, ROM: and re . having sets of paterns of different tiles. are prepares to emote er• tiers with stunk deepatoh. Every eceonstios of Patters making made at the shortest notice. Eirt and Pressure. Flee, 'X'nbular, and Cylinder Boilers, el tke best Rennrylvanta ohareOal iron. Foirnts, dell ens t04.1,w15 . Olin and itza . a_aClesdnpa t, af ago ewri~nonet 1 1 0 9 010 11 5 a ga l fit the LOT an d :11211 . 6 2 al. laile.1"" Drawhite sad specifications f or all work doom id BM establishment, free of oharse, an wfork gustoldloo ; The ' , Omen bers have amid* wharf nook room to: to pairs of boats, where they can to L in parfait gaup end are provided with shears, blociw, etc It, tor Midst him lish2 weir, CX)B SEAMY. IN P. I.Eyy. WOE PA.LMEP, ono J. vairazoi Kmiec, 701111 a. COPS, S ci( Tr iu i r ma i ntrv o irrt imam FIFTH AND WASHINGTON aTREEIR, ramsnarius i MERRICK SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. nfeature High and 1.41, Premium Stow Aliciati. 'or s lend, flyer, and marine serving Boilers. gasometer', Tanta, Ir on Maus, da ; CUP ono of all kinds, saner iron or brim. Iron Frame Roofs for Goa Works, Workshops, Rail- Stations, /to. Retorts and Gas fdaohinsrf of the latest and most in • roved oo• traction. levery .asomptton of Plantation Machinery, argon In ringer, Saw. and Grist M,LIg. Vaenum Pam Opec Steam Train,. Defecatorg, Filters, Pumpini nutmeg, &e. Sole Agents for N. Milieux's Patent Sugar Ilan Apparatus. Nesmytn's Patent Kteem Rammer, end Duman & Wolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sonar Dana! Machine PAIRMOUNT MAOHLNE WORKS, . 11 . WOOD Bt., between Twee -first and Wear seeo.d. Estabhed 113;lt The undersigned, successor to t he late firm oil!. WOOD, will continue the business in al) its bratetti heretofore. Power Looms and all machines ecebstlet with them, ErtiboseimLcallenders, Lard Oil !Ittlein !Miffing, and Machine Work is general. Thankthl for past faring. he would ~aro, tc 4l a continuance of the patronage an liberally beliWlr the late Arm. TDObLag WOOD. Pluladelobia. Jan. Xi. MIL Jeafta - - - -- porta PLEASANT FOUNDRY, No. if 418,80R_Streek rtrto Kenain.PbAlidelplut.-713. WAX R. TIERB into lux friends that, prislC l B' tokusaad the entire stook Patterns at 1,.. it F . , ii. la now sti to reosivaawkati Or. 11 . and ft; _ ' ae,tioap t ahem , 5 WO Work . Wearing. Onx.Mkr. las.' from &env rstipry sr Chnols Yuraases, to illy at trot Ito,. ..i-v8 rasa. BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINE . E . EiIiIy4 ARE ADVERTISING in t he Beet Newtendme of City and Conant It the Offices of JOY, COE, & Co., ADVERTISING AGENTS, FIFTH end CHESTNUT STREETS, Phdletabl e ' TRIBUNE BUILDING. New York. sPli A LFRED D. BRICK'S UNITED STATES • ANb EUHOPT PATENT 0 VICE, No. 144 SOUTH YOU TH firabET. PLUMS Lain of U. &mew) and Europe 010 boob tamed gratin. ann4d) BF'. GLENN, ACCOUNTANT AND e Real Estate Agent, No, 218 WALNUT strl (mond door, Room Plo.1,) mut southwest °ego Seventeenth and Green. Accounts adjusted, Books 'written np. Estates tst ,l64 sold mon and ran. la JAMES M. SCOWL, 47roltriPlt Al LAW, No. 113 yLITAI ISTREh - r, above Prone. h2l- W* CANDO. . . O. ULLMAN. ATTORNEY-AT LAW,, JEftIIEV AMORE Peinsylvimis Collections promptly made in & a t oll an d lysomuli counties. AZYZIA TO Messrs. TTallto/ Knub,?kiladelao ' q v: Pon t , Jens,. Shore t Memos. giareWt c a R eg', Co. & Flu 4 4. Aritiort i Von e r:i Itiatje 1 molds, Howe) Rei ?blinds. 1. -- I — WlikiE J. lIENKEIB, uptioLsTERY I LA sod CABINET WAREHOUSE, No. CVO Weir M. 13 street, oppoette indepeoflenoe &Mere, forFler of fro. 173 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia._ _TORN ELLIOTT, WINES and LIQUORS,. lky Noe. 317 Th i rde WALNUT et , lN I Z I : litoYee. netWeenand Fough. nOra il"„',,' bark dolphin. N. B.—Fine Old Whiskies alwiii - . (Established in 1846 .) te 3l- 'il r, . . _ pAWSON 4 "NratIOLSON, Roe. 619 and i PlN k tune% et In s Ut !UMW makatp 8 „ !UM PAWI3Ooi, itir-ty• J ItICIOL , A YUGUET a SONS, ^- 7 1 IhIFORTERa 01 HAvAna No. 210 south FRONT Street. . Reptve reralarly a full e a avirsr— t 11 ":1 1 " Lioh they effer at low rates. for essamy woe credit. MtTB.PHY-WHIPPLE IRON BRIDGE` gTON ft. Q.ll.lGlit' L i . & BURTON , o: N 333 W v AL p f STREET, LPIIIR, otIAN Be[ leave t o~ rang manroad Confree, and a intereaged inn Mrs oonstruotion,tha tbglg b.,,v,,e,, f 11y, a .09010ordoe n bulginess with JOB w. m. , '• ‘e t. (kV's. opneer, (author laid Inventor of the shove _ a known plan of iron bridge ? ) and are !aspired to Ong outer*, from any WI 01 the 001111 try, Irom hu dllOl and personal oyoorlateadenoe. A, A ti to Al letter!! re rams to pone and einintilteo ...- --111 addressed to JOHN W. 111 U iitUYi Wil 6 11 4 01.0 i 00111-6 en Rer swim. co trio L,KY • & BUSINIMS MRN.—An esoeltenl T °o beeee for reliable busineu men to seoere jmdl fitab'e manulaotenna busmen, regatta% 04 " ate WO in Its satablisnment an n PrOrincUti°P..., of aPe The manufacture wasters in the aptt al.'" -- " welt. culler composition orenamel to common red 0 .1 and is varlet. of other Wilding matter al. ornae r . ku architectural finialliurs, ceilings, tiles tor flows a TO .I O 1 . til. enamel may be tinted of any ocia.r.,t o tl t eri purest White to the deepest bleak. with fin and shades between. It 'means ro tea article; e 3 to t. it is avolied a hardness and durability almost isdompe his, and ft beans miseaesini that of the rarest ef~ d costly of the variegated marbles, said, =biger impervious to moisture, and will never fide. lot,: deteriorate, crating Mita fractional part of tne ere' ordinskry marble. /t It Oli valuable ter table aril stand tool. pieces, monuments, and an enale.s vsristl. at echo ante*, slap e use. The process of appllft?„„m. enamel is simple, while the art.clei enameled ptiNe mend a ready sale, affording large profits. eeee ° ,,,, o dic parties may procure beanies for manufltOftlr:rueltell the patent for any city or prominent town 15.1 1 1 - w ir on States, by tO the subosoriber. r t ;p/ tile animas manurantgred Will be revinni, of the invention. wroniars gimp ip o n us theira to all applicotete. nsicri r l uperior ment and beauty of this e building material to anything in nee has no indorsement of many of tne 111011 t eminent sr and &Mantilla men of this and other pities. /or partioulars, address ac isr if,,t Palmy.] Arent§ lot a P 9411m11 0 1 . 1 . I Aelr , " q.# AEIBA U Bueet. New Yg