FROM CHART;ESTON. TEE NAVAL EXPEDITION TO CHABLESTON—WHY THE MUDS DID NOT BEINFORCE FORT SMATTER— meT d striens.NDAß, HUT AN EVACUATION, ETO. [COTlamoruleamt of The ?Mc] U. S. fir.oor PAWNEE, OTT CHARLESTON, 8.0., April 13, 1811. This ship left Norfolk, under " sealed orders," on the 10th, twenty miles outside Cape Henry. Theca sealed orders directed us to "proceed ten miles of Charleston"—no more, no less ; no word of instruction, °Elution, or preparation. Arriving off Charleston, we found lying at anchor the reve nue cutter Harnett Lane and mail steamer Balm. On board the latter are great quantities of provi sions and 250 soldiers, under the command of Captain Hudson, 4th Artillery. This looked like an attempt to reinforce " Sumpter." Sufficient has been gathered to justify the writer in assert ing that the expedition was conceived in aaereey, carried out hastily, without time to mature any plan for its successful termination, and finally was at the last hour completely crippled by the with drawal of the only effective ship attached to the expedition, namely, the Powhatan. Tbio ship bad been fitted or supplied with a number of rifled howitzers, for boats, and had a large complement of men, to man launches. These were absolutely necessary to carry out a landing party to convoy into Sumpter men and provisions. Besides the great number of guns mounted in battery on both sides of the channel, considerable naval prepare. Mon bad been made in Charleston harbor. A line of light or Are aldps had been andhoted directly in a line outside of Sumpter ; these consisted of old hulls, filled with tar barrels, &a., ready to be ignited as soon as a hostile force approached from sea, thus lighting up the channel, and bringing into view the appreaelibil Mate. Besides, a number of small tugs, perfectly ao 'painted with the channel, were hovering on guard. The physical and boat power of the Barnet Lane and Pawnee is very small—the Pawnee mounting but one boat howitzer, the Lane none at all. At 8.30 A. M., the Baltic and Lane steamed in to- wards the bar; as they neared, the sound of can nonading was heard. The Baltic steamed back to the Pawnee, whom she " met advanoing." The Hansa Lane gave chase and stopped a steamer, which proved to be the Nashville, of New York. Approaching the harbor, our suspicions and fears were verified. A rapid and incessant fire was being kept up from Moultrie, Point Cummings, and a number of batteries along Morris and Sulli van's Island. The wind was blowing almost a gale, while the surf upon the bar was very heavy. Preparations wore at once made by the Pawnee and Harriet Lane to throw in provisions and men. The badness of the weather, the non-arrival of the Powhatan and Pocahontas, and the certain con viction that Sumpter could bold out till the 15th, and after that as long as they had provisions, In duced the officers of the Pawnee to delay the at tempt for that night. IC The weather was bad during the night of the 12th, but the firing was kept up with creditable nerve on both shies. Oa the morning of the 13th, wind still blowing fresh, and a heavy sea on, from 7 A. M. till 8 a rapid fire was kept up 'by the robel fort on Sumpter. At 8.20 dense volumes of smoke issued above its walls. 88d1 waved the American flag. In a short time the flames were distinctly visible at oar distance, and through the blaze of a noon-day sun. At 2 the flag-staff fell, having had seven shot in it. At this time a flag of trnee was carried from Moultrie to Sumpter by Senator Wigfall, of Texas, who begged Major Anderson to " stop for the sake of humanity." Negotiations were entered into. Major Anderson demanded and received the terms of an honorable evacuation. A flag of truce was sent in from the Pawnee to obtain information. This boat was brought to by the batteries at Cumming's Point, and informed, with great pomposity, by an officer, who styled himself " Inspector General of the Army," that Major Anderson had unconcattonaity surrendered, and that no communication could be held with him. When our boats brought back that word, there Was scarcely a dry eye on board the Pawnee— strong men ehoked with emotion, and smote their breasts—cruses, loud and deep, were hurled at the men who, rebels to their nation, had triumphantly degraded that flag, and fought vindictively under rebel standards. Had not this surrender been pre cipitated the Paumee's„ Pocahontas' and Lane's men, with the soldiers from the Baltic, would have been at the base of Sumpter, or have perished in he attempt. On the 14th, at daylight, a steamer, with a Bag of truce at her main and the so-called Confederate flag at her peak, and under the com mand of H. I. Harteteno, once a petted commander in the 'United States navy—now in arms against it—came out to open negotiations ; Captain Of the Pocahontas, being senior officer, superseded Captain Rowan in the direction of affairs. This officer went in to Sumpter in tow of Hart. stene'a steamer. At daylight, the American flag was observed stall there, a temporary star having been put up. At 1 P. M., a aft lute was fired from Sumpter, by its own gallant garrison ; but, unfortunately, from the inflammable material from which the cartridges wore made, an explosion took place which killed and wounded sight Men. This was the only casualty of the bombardment. Although the enemy's shell and bombs fell like hail into the fort, still the Sage mates proteoted the garrison perfectly. Major Anderson had stipulated for 100 gnus for his flag ; but this unfortunate Jen/idol:it occurring at the 50th gun, he ceased firing, and that dear old flag oame down into the arms of its heroic defenders, who embraced it with tears of love and reverence, bore 1V away with them—take it with them wherever they go. The American peoplo cannot do too much for these officers and men—so patriotic, so brave, so loyal, and to worthy of the oountry. At 4 P. M. the flag that had been floating over Moultrie, composed of three stripes, two red, one white, horizontal, with a blue Union, containing seven stars, in a circle, and dignified with the name of Confederated flag, was hoisted on Sump ter amidst a general firing from all the rebel land batteries. I e,hould mention that, during the bombardment, only one Confederate flag was fly ing, and aide by side with that was the dirty b:ue Palmetto of South Carolina. One would suppose that be was in the neighborhood of a Chinese en campment, there were eo many of these Palmettos fiY;ng. On the morning of the 15th, about 11 o'clock, Major. Anderson came out with all his force, bag gage, flag, and full honors of war. Let it be perfectly understood that the flag of truce came from the enemy, and that an " evacuation " took place; that the word " surrender " was never used. It was an honorable evacuation, with colors flying, and all the honors of war. Thank God ! even our own countrymen could not humili ate the flag of the "Union. The men-of-war anti Baltic's boats were busy several hours in trans ferring the command, with their baggage, from the Isabel to the Baltic. At 5, all being finished, the "Flag of Sumpter" was unrolled from the mainmast-head of the Banes, when the batteries of all the ships poured out their aalute, while from the rigging of all the ships nine cheers, frantic and wild, burst from the throats of our men. The enthusiasm was without bounds. The Pocahontas and Lane then steamed off to the northward, while the _Pawnee remained as convoy to the Baltic. In a short time her ponderous anchor was raised to the bow; then the Pawnee, steam ing gracefully under her quarter, Major Ander eon came to the aide, when the entire crew, offioere and men, sprang into the rigging, and gave three cheers for Azinmssorr. The convoy parted daring the night, in heavy weather, but all good wishes went with that gal lant band, while the Pawnee pursued her solitary Way to Washington, having been the witness of the most remarkable events of our modern history. List of officers of the Pawnee : B. C. Rowan, commander; J. Korey, lieutenant; R. B. Lowry, do. ; 3. C. Chaplin, do.; P. Blake, do.; C. W. Abbott, paymaster; F. Gunnel, surgeon; N. R. Blue, master; Gideon, en gineer. Sugar Ancnon. Metter from New York TEE ITITPBECNDENTED FALL IN BORDER STATE STOCKS—INCREASED. ACTIVITY AMONG THE DILI TART! SCOTT LETE•GITARD—ELLSWORTE'S TIRE. lifER zotravas—COLUMßlA COLLEGE AND MAJOR ANDERSON PRATES-MEETING OF BOTHERS OF MEMBERS OF THE SEVENTH—THE BANKS—COL. LECTOR BARNET PERMITS HIS CLERKS TO VOLUN TEER—BROOKLYN NAVY TARE—COLONELS COLT LED NAMED -- CITY PLENDEBEEd — RTINTIEGTONI THE FORGER. (Correspondence of The Prefer.] NEW Your, April 20,1801.. The marked event of yesterday was a fall in stooks of the Border States such as has never been witnessed at the Stock Exchange. Upwards of three hundred thousand dollars of the stocks of Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky and Missouri, were rutted off at almost any price that could be Obtained ; the fall in Kentucky sixes being 20 per cent.; Virginian, 10 per cent.; North Carolinas, 13, and Mbsottris, 7 per cent. In all cues the sales were for clash. After the intelligence same of the conflict in the streets of Baltimore, than was a further decline of Ito 2 per cent. New York Central was comparatively study. The March earnings of this road reached the vast ag. gregate of $631,290.20, which is $70,211.71 over the receipts of the corresponding month last year, The Scott Life Guard are already organised, one thousand strong, under on/2MM of Col. Rudson, late a lieutenant in the army. It is understood that on Monday they go to Governor's Island for clothing and arms, and remain there until ordered away by the Government. Col. Ellsworth has had a great success in organ icing a regiment from our firemen. He goes to Palace Garden with the entire body of those who have enrolled themselves this evening, for the par_ pose of organisation and sleeting officers, and with the express understanding that every officer sad man is to hold himself in readiness to march at any moment after 12 *Woe& tonight. Among the patriotic demonstrations of the day, worthy of Special mention, are the followisg The fsenity of Columbia College yesterday resolved to invite Major Anderson to raise the large flag on that institution, next Tuesday afternoon. Also, that all the seniors who join the army shall remise their diplomas when they return, just as if JOY had remained in miler, and that all the students of the otlartAdailetawho Join the army, on their, return may take their places in their respective classes without examination on the studies wbtoh they miss in their absence. Four or !We of the seniors have gone. with the 'Eleventh Regiment. One of them (Mr. West) was " an honor man," and one of the editors of the 4C University quarterly." A prayer meeting of the mothers of members or the Seventh Regiment will be held on Monday afternoon, at half pant three o'clock, in the Rome Chapel. The dilutors of the Broadway Sank met this morning, and unanimously voted to tender to the Government of this State $250,000 for military purposes. The Ocean Bank this morning resolved to appro priate two thousand Ova hundred dollars for the purpose of beginning a fund for the support of the widows and orphans of those citizens of New York City who may fall in the defenoe of their country. Collector Barney has granted leave of absence (which continuos theiraelaries) to several custom house clerks who belong to the regiments whit& leave the city to-morrow. The Brooklyn Navy-yird continues to be a place of active war work. The steam frigate Wabash will be reported ready for commission on the let proximo, the corvette Savannah on the 10th, and the brig Perry on the 25th instant. As no officers have, as yet, been ordered for these vessels, their preparation was merely intended as a precau tionary measure. The menhanioal department of the yard is now under the surveillance of Chief Engineer Garrin, U. S. N. Colonel Hazard refuses to sell powder to , go to the rebel Btatas. Colonel Colt has notified the Gtovernment that his weapons are for sale first to Conneotiont, next to the United States, and none whatever to the rebels. Sharp's Rifle Company will not sell a weapon to the enemies of the eke vernment_ The city plunderers are having an awkward time of it. Mountjoy, who bagged ;40,000 of bribery money, that was intended, it is said, for the alder. men, is still in prison for contempt of court, and yesterday Ilaokley, the man who holds the con tract, was committed to jail for a similar offence. Money accomplishes curious things. It is assert ed by a well-known °Mold of this city, that a few ovonings duce Huntington, the notorious forger, now serving out his term at Sing Bing prison, (where he has the agreeable position of book-keep er for one of the contractors,) was permitted to cow to New York, in charge of an ewer of the prison, and in the evening attended Laura Keene's Theatre. Iltraorr. A. Question. EDITOR Puns : Although I feel myself clomps• tent to solve many of the problems of Baena, I confess my entire inability to solve the following question, and respectfully solicit of you, or any of your readers, a rational solution : If, in 1814, it was deemed necessary for the pro teorion of this city to have a military force of 10,000 men at Morons Rook, and 8,000 at Camp Dupont, and to line the banks of the Schuylkill and the roads with stockades, and to remove the specie from the banks, ant most of the plate of our wealthy citizens to the interior, to protect us from the threatened attack of 6,000 British troops, then plying between the head of Elk end North Point, where they subsequently landed—l say then, if such were the apprehensions at that time, why le it that when we are threatened by a foe numeri cally ten timeagreater, with an enthusiasm border ing on desperation, and a muck more important objeot to accomplish—l say why is it that no pre paration is being made for the proteotion of our city ? Respectfully yours, Snunx.ll April 20, 1861. riiitatocbritia. HUARD U 1 L - - I . WM. C. KEEHMLE, NO. E. AUDICKS, 5 CoMMITTEN OW THN MONTH. THOS. 8. FERNON, LZTTER BAG'S At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Tonawanda. Julius-- —Liverpool, May 1 Ship Daphne, Havener— London, soon Ship Westmoreland. Deena soon Ship Wm Cumming", Cope --Liverpool. soon Ship Belle of the Ocean, H0ed........_..., Liverpool, soon Bark Ellen Morrison. Platt —.Leavens, soon Bohr Geo J bonen, 'Demerara, moon pahr Avelino,....dilemma, soon Bohr J Northrop, Bona Per an hinoe, moon 1c,r.1:11.3 DID 'al DI PI 11 (0 doi FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, April 92, 1881. SUN RIBES- 16-sSUN 43 NIGH _.l=9 IaRRIV 88. Bark Joseph Maxwell. Davis: from Porto Cabello Mat Mt, with. eons, hides, &o. to John Dal ett & Co. Left at .I..aguarra Bohm Charles & Willie, from Flew York, dints; Clara, Crowell, to commence lotulms 2d inst for new York. Bark Oak, Ryder, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to 'ryas & Go. Bohr I RFee, Townsend, 3 Maya from Suffolk, Va, with shingles to eaetain. Bohr Bomerfield. Cohee. 4 daye from Choptemk River, Md. with railrold tie. to J W Bacon. gar Morohant. Phillip', 3 daps from Laurel. Dol. with lumber to J W Bacon. Bohr Planter, Fowler,l day from Lennie, Del. with corn to J L Bewley & Co. ' Sohr Mantua Maxon. 1 day from Frederica, Del, with oorn to JasHarratt k Son. Bohr Sarah Sophia. Crew. s days frdm StiU Pond, Md, wan corn to J j Bewley k Co. Bohr T P MoColley. Carter,l day from Camden, Del, with corn to Jas Barrett & Son. Bohr B N Fox, Paine, 6 days from Jame River, Ye, with lumber to M. Trump. Bon & Co. Bohr Texas, Orr. 10 days from Portland, with pickets to Al Trump, Son & Co. Pair Burrows C, Clark, from Boston. Steamer Beverly. Pierce, 24 ham from New York. with melee to W P Clyde. Steamer Sarah. Jones. 33 hour, from New York, with mire to Wm M Baird & Co. CLEARED. Bark Union,Heard, Pernambuco and a market, Lewis & Damon. Bark Addison Child: Smith, Cork for orders, Work man & Co. Brig Marshal Nay Darling, Vera Cruz, IN Batter. Bohr G W Krebs, Emerson. Baltimore, T Webster, Jr Bohr Isaac, RiohCroweil. Boston, N Sturtevant & Co. Bohr Burrows C,_Clark, Boston, L ko Bohr Diamond, Norton. Boston,&_ Bohr M Pra. Portland , rem Bern. Woodworth dk. C o .C Bohr W G Bartlett. Connelly, Salem.. 7 it Blakiston. Str J Jerome. Jerome. Alexandria. T Webster, Jr, Sir Abide.. Robinson. New York, W P Clyde. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES. Del., April 19. The U 8 steamer Water Witch, Cutter J Dobbin, and schr N P Hewer, are at the Breakwater. Wind NW. Yours, Sta. N. W. HICKMAN. (Corresacndenne of the Philadelphia Egehanse.l CAPE ISLAND, N. .1, April 19-6 P M. The bark Oak. from Boston. came to to-day. Several schooners want to sea at 2P M. The steamel State of Maine, from Provideime bound south fall Of soldiers. Dallied this place at SP M. Wind .N W . MEMORANDA_ Bark Katharine, Crocker. for Philadelphia, cleared at St John, NB 17th inst. Bark Pow liatan, Winchester, hence, arrived at Ha vana 13th mat. hark lonia, Hutchinson, hence, arrived at Matanzas 7th lust Bark Nathl Cogswell, Hamlin. cleared at Providenoe 18th inst. for Philadelphia. to load for Cork. Brig C H Frost, Hopkins, from Havana, at Saga& 9th instant. Brig 8 Thurston, Lampher, at Bagna nth inst. from Havana. Brig Handy King, Brown, from Buenos Ayres, at Ha vana 13th mat. Brig Bumming Bird, Putts, hence, arrived at liftman& 19th inst. Brig Adeline. Cobb. cleared at Boston 19th inst. for Philadelphia, to load for Belfast, Ireland. Brig Wabash, Sisley, hence, arrived at Havana 11th instant. Brig R C Patterson, Heald, sailed from Cardenas 9th instant rot this port. Behr Horace E Bell. Ildruchill, hence at Matanzas 9th instant. _ Bahr / W Hell, Manama'', hence at Havana 9th inst. Bohr Matt Kinney. Osier, henoe at Cardenas Bth inst. Star Ella, Packard, sailed from Cardenas 12th instant for Charleston. nor Fannie. Vance, hence at Havana 11th mutant. Bohr Marshall Perrin. Gibbs, hence at Sagan sth init. Bohr Mary, Mulford, for this port, sailed from Begun 6th instant. Bohr Annie. Meyer, for this port, sailed from Sagas 10th instant. sohrs J 6 Whelden, Smith; Black Bird, Compton, and North Pacific. Maroy, henoe at Boston 19th instant. Scars Cheeseman, henoe, and Orris Fmneds. Clark, from New Castle, Del, for Boston, at Newport 17th instant. - Scam A Corder!, Grace, and W Wallace, Scull, from Wilmington, N C, arrived at Boston 19th inetant. Bohn Mary Anna. L A Danenhower, M B Mahon. and W L Dayton. hence at Boston 19th instant. Bohr 8 Washburn, Thrasher, hence at Taunton 17th instant. Bohr Spray. Pn0.... for Philadelphia, cleared at Mobile 13th instant, with 299 bales cotton end sundries, Bohr Arum Smith. Brewer, hence at Mobile 13th init. Bohr Alice Lea, Corson, from New Orleans, at Mobile 13th instant FPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, A LANCASTER COUNTY . ' PENNS, Hon. Joseph Ronigmaoher, the late Proprietor of this favorite mummer resort. having lately died, the scogcribers, Executors of his will, have leased the ea tabliabment for the coming season to Col. a. C. AILAT MAKER, who has been an assiatant at this plane for the lea px year!, end. we believe, favorably known to all the visitors. Thanking the patrons of the place and th e publjogenerally for the patronage hereto fore extended to the Into Prontietots they neeeeetfellY solicit a oontinunnee of tee lame to hie worthy su mmer. ADAM ROPUGLMACREB., Executor& Raving leaeed the above-named place, and engaged Mr. H. H. RhaftRARD. who has been an assistant at the 'Springs for some years. the undersigned will °yea for visitors the lit day of June, IMi, and hopes that-his own, as Well as air. Reinhard's, long connection with the t3pringe, together with his determination to con duct them, in every department, in their usual popular wag. and, as near as "mai ole, with the same miaow monating servants will be a guarantee to the atrons of the pates. es IWBii as Me. public generally, that the Springs will merit their continued patronage. For further particulars and circulars Please cal on .10.5. B. MYRNA..., corner of 211/eD and VIM!: ets. ; REDIIIitRD, at the Union Hotel. ARCH Street. till June tat; or, address B. C. tiLaYMAKE It, Ephrata F. 0., ap2o-itt Lancaster county, Penna. WRITING AND LEDGER PAPERS.— , We have now on hand, and are manufacturing ,ge order, at the Mount Roily Pam Mills, avery. de /tomtit= of WRITING AND LEDGER PAPER& which for color and quality , are not excelled by any other mills in the United Motel. We would call attention to forew article Rusinper menufactured by us, and now sale, called ess Letter, which hes been gotten up to meet the wants of business men and others, who object to GozoneronD Note as being too narrow, and do not with to rums part of =nal letter abort. . . This overcomes both the above objections ; a per fect s h e et, pure move ; plate finish ; ruled on one side; stamped in centre near the top ; made from hest ma terial,free from adulteration, and put up in neat boxes, convenient for use. We also have a paper called Bank Letter, similar to the above, except it him but half the number of lines on, so as to allows punted blank or beadipEtibove. NEWTON & MULLIN, Mount Holly Springs. Cumberland Co., Pa. The above Papers con be had of Messrs. J. B. La MOOT'S & and MEOARGRE BROTHERS, Nos. 3 and 6 DECLOSUM. Street. mhiktin MACIKEREL, HERRING, BRAD, SAL MON, ise.-1,000 bbla MessNos.l, L and 2 Mack erel, large. raediam. sad small, in assorted Saeitataa of 000ioe late-emiglit fat deli. . 1,900 bbis. New Hahlex, Eas tport, and Labrador Her itage, of choice qualities. 4,000 boxes extra new Waled lierriage. arLOOO bozos extrarAv cYi~aa i:dol Hermes. o Mall ai l t a s dame gamins. lute eo bbe. zurwt=m aa sli F c . u bbs. new an. taw Quintals Grand Bask 1120 boxes Uerkaaer-coats Chee:wk. In store laneng;l67lBl6le436l7llNßlT/44214/I°WiIIVEIL' JUST REOXPTED, pox Ethel," f rom Liverpool, Meader, Weever, fc Miouler's preoaratlone arsZs Extract Accariti, is I lb Jars, The Extract Myoeoreau, la 1 lb jam, 0 The Extract Belladonum, in 1 Diem EU The Extract Terszaol, Is 1 lb Jere, la Ea Yin Ral Cololuoi, In 1 lb bottles, 100 lbe 01. eneoiej Soot., in 1 lb bottles, 800 Ma Calomel. In lb bottles. 000 Iba Pit Hydrag t t 1 Elam // BRILL & BROWatilt,_ 4 fitei 44 Berth limos) Rt. CHAMPAGNE.—Ye. Oliquot, Lallemand, Ducal Grape, and all of Pe Venoge & Co.'s Chem aptos, for saki by JAURETCEE do CddßTdllta. 90 and 1104 Soth FRONT Street. N. B.—Orders for the Abyss unportatlon army of the above brands will be nunotnally attended to. - aye AMMONS Muoi.--hisaufacttuid and & mamas .for 17 47 XED I CllitAL . CEPHALIC PILLS SICK HEADACHE. NEAVOTIS HEA.D.AOKE. CURE ALL KINDS OF HEADAOHE I By the rise Cl thews Pins the periodical attacks of Ms "Me C. MA Iliaduka may be prevented ; and if taken at the commenoement of an attack immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. They seldom (*Win removing the Nausea and Mad sae to which females are so =Neat. Whey eat putty ea the twriyebh removing Costientely, For Literary Mm, Modems, Delicate Females, and all persona of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Laxative, improving the APPOtitit, giving tone and vigor to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elas ticity and strength of the whole system. cErNALIic FIJ4 are the result of long nation and carefully conducted experiment,. haring Been m use many years, during which time they have Prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and sulfuring from Readaohe. whether originating in the mimosa system or from a deranged state of the sic cuseh. they are entirety vegetable in their composition, and may be taken at all tames with perfect safety without making any change of diet, and rho absence at any dim med/4 twit readers it *my r• adininistor Mon re BIPWAIM OP OOUNTEEIJITS I The genuine have Ave Onstage' of Rena 0. BiaMing on Gush Box. Bold bs Druniets and all other Dealers in lifesiloinee. A Box will be went b 7 meal prepaid on reemot of the PRICE. 25 CENTS. AU orders ekoitli be, addressed HENRY O. B.PAEDING. 48 CEDAR STREET. NEW YORK. TAB FO.L.GOVVINO SNDOREEMEDITN OF SPALDING'S OEPHALIt3 WILL CONVINCE ALL WHO SUFFER FROM HEADACHE. THAT • SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. As Sias.' Tsstimasials are unsolietteet by Mr.SPALD- Inn, this Afford wuzsesstiostabis .proof of this 006 saiv of this truly scientific discovery. 31B,5PLLoINo. MAsortviLiz, Coon., Feb. 5,1861. SUL : I have tried your Cephalic Pill". and / like them so *NU tbat I want you to road me two dollaro worth more. Part of thee. are for the neighbor., to whom j gnye few of the first box I pot from YOU. Bend the Pills by mail, and oblige Your ob't Serva nt /demi KENNEDY. HAMITOTORD s Ps., Feb. 6,166 E ML arALDINes RIR • I wish yon to mend me one mom box of your Cephalic NIL I hove received a great deal at benefit Alm atm. Yours respeogu NN llr. MARY A ISTOIRROIMR, NPN.ITCII CRIME, lattbrwronoort CotaiTT, rilk t January 18, 1861. H. C. 19PALDIPle. You will please seed me two boxes of your Cephalic Pine. Bend them immediately. itaiveotfalir 7011.17, MO. B. 15 / 1 1 40118. P.. 9.—/ /see kieeseeti 01111 bOZ of yaw rills, end find turps exestions. MILLS VERNON, OtttNUE. 1.3.1981, H. C. larvirenyee. 'Rae. Pleasenun anoloeea e...n avn oentet, far 'which send in* another box of your Cooked,* Pine. nay are triay the best / Aar* gear tried. . Threat A. STOVER, ,P. M., Belle Vernon, Wyandot 00.. 0. BISMIIT, Nam, Deo. B. ctOPALDINth Irak for come circulars or large chow bills. to your . Cephaho Pilla more particularly before ra7 =S tamen. If you have anything of the kind plow" send One of my customers. who is snbjeot to severe Sick Headaohe, (usually lasting two days,) was cured of as a i m & iw 004 hour by your Pills, which I sent her. Resistotfully yours. W. B. WILKES. aitittor.usioixa, FRANUIN Co., Ohio.t JB6l.January 9, . EMIT C. BPALDINiII dit Cedar at. DI. Y. Dues. • Ins lotted And twenty-fkvo con* (la.) for which sand box of " Cephalic Ms." Send to address of Rey. Wm, C. Filler. itsynoldsbnrg, Franklin Co.,__Ohio. Your Pills work like ashram—cure Headache almost instanter. Truly yours. Wm. mimic Yrsitann, Mma., Jan.l4. RM. Ma. &ALDINE,. Mot nom eines I sent to you for a box of Ceshabe Pills for the cure of the Nervous Neodesha and Msdverase, and teeeleed the sante, and tem hod so good as dfsst Moe leens Whited to soul tor eters. Mate mend by return man. Direct to A. R. WHEELER,. xxpellanti, Mien. P/BIRIAJ ji`sautimar, Norfolk, Ts. Mohan& Pilla secomplish the object for which they were made, VIZ.: Care of headache m all it, forme. ;Vows thg Ezaminsr, Norfolk, Va. They have been tested in more than s thousand oases. with entire success From M Democrat, 51, Gold, Malt. If you are, or have been troub th the headache, mend for a box, Mohan° rißi,] Botht you may have them in miee of an attack. Prone hie ddverrire Providence, R. I. The Cephalio Pill, are mid to be 4 remarkably C tive remedy for the hesdeohe.yind one of the very beet for that very frequent oomph= wnioh nu ever been discovered. Isom the Western R. R. Ckezette, Chicago, Rt. We heartily tiara* Mr. thelding. mad hialtutrivalled eepltahe PM& From tht Kama:mks Valley Star, Kanawha, Va. We eta mire that parsons imfferina with the headeohei who try them, will stick to them. pow; Mg Soutionw Path lyniiar, Raw Orleast Try them l you that are afflicted. and we are ore that your teanmony can be added to the already nunacroce het that bee received benefits that no other medicine can produce. /tom me St. LOlllit Derit OCrat. The immense demand for the article (Cephalic PiCO is rapidly =erosions.. ikon the Gazette, Davenport. fowls. Ban apahhan would not connect his n e me with an ar lade he did not know to someone real merit. ..1 4 1ront the Advent/sr, Providence, R. I. The teetimeny in their &nor is strong, from the moot reepeotable 11,1111116111, Fran sks Daily News. Newer*, Cephalie Pills are taking the place of all kinds. nowt Cho Commercial Bei/Wm, 21711011 Said to be very-etiloseiesue for the hissdaohe. "Vont the Commercial, Oineisouti. Ohio. fhilferiny humanity can now be relieved. sir A Steele bottle of SPALDIMPE PREPAKED OfillE will save ten tams Warmed annually.llll OrRLDING'S PREPARED GLUE t SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALWaNG'S PREPARED GLUE! SAVE THE PIECBG: SOOIYOMYi DISPATCH! ifT'A &man Ix Tram asvis Nina.'' Ai accidents will lawn. even in well-restilisted families. it is vary dosorooto to have some cheap and convenient way for repining Formiture, Tors, Croake , Ito. OPALDING O B PREPARED GLUE meld sit inch emergencies, and no houxehold can afford to do without it. It ix always ready. and up to the matching' Went. Is 'USEFUL IN EVERY ROUSE." N. B.—A Brash aooompesties snob bottle. Pries, Ms cents. Address. HENRY 0. SPALDING-. N 0.46 OEDAR STREET, NEW YORK. CAUTION. Ai certain wierreeleled Pomona ere attempting to Petal off on the unttutpseting public. imitations of 1117 PIitEPARED GLUE. I woekloautton all Perm= to *l amina before peroharing, and use that the full meet Mir OPALD/EGII ntErazu cuaniMil bi ea rablie mammal all slam an malaallair earattereilli MUM THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, APRIL 22. 1861. FOB SALE AND TO LET: CHBSTNUT•6IILBET HOUSE and Ala STORE to rent.—The desirable business location, 1812 CHESTNUT Street, with dwelling attached. Apply at 431 CHESTNUT Street. . spit at GERMANTOWN PROPERTY TO Li RENT. To Rent. the hilt and 6611th/odious modern-thult Bonne, earner of .o.nIIIA.T Street 613(1 WILLOW avenue, with gas, bath, hot and cold Water s and all the modern Improvealente. Apply to H EMU B. TARR, 710 GRElibi Street. Philadelphia, or on the premien. nen-tf TO RENT—For the Summer reason, a commodious country House, with furniture, grounds, and stabling, within two hours' ride, by rail , of Philadelphia. Apply to E. WILSON at 339 MARKET street ; or address " JONAH WILBON, farkemille. Chester Co., Pa." aet-Irn TO RENT TWO COUNTRY wI 7-TOU6re,orier mila from Taoony. Inquire N. 717 WALK UT otreet. mou-sue TO RENT-THE LAR9E AND CON YENIENT Coal Wharf and Lumber Yard at Maylandville, Twenty-fourth ward. Aunty to E. C. & r. H. WARREN on the weaning. iff TO LET—A DESIRABLE DWEL.' MIL LING. NO 123 North THIRTEENTH Street. App to W E HTERILL & BROTHER; 47 and 49 North. SECOND Street. rahl4-tf FOR SALE OR REUT—A desirable Elm COUNTRY RESIDENCE. near AttMem, Ducks county, half an hour's dive from SehenolVe station. on the Plaisdelphis and Trenton Railroad. Two lines of stages pan the property daily. Double stone man sion, modern style ; large lawn, well shaded; garden, and a variety of fruit Llarge barn, carriage house, and other outbuildings, with from five to one hundred sores, ae desired, BIMOIC Apply to RAIL v EY 6IILLANL, No. 629 ORitIiITNUT Street. apre et' di TO LET, FOR A TERM OF YEARS, the United States Rotel, in Buffalo on the Ter race, containing one hundred rooms, and" thoroughly repaired, painted, and repapered throughout, and sup plied with water. me, aim all necessary_ convenience • of a first - rate hotel. Apply to WM. W. MANN, 216 MAIN Street, Buffalo ; or MANN do RODMAN, 39 WALL street, New York. apia-6t el GERMANTOWN PROPERTY. EXECUTOR'S POSITIVE SALE. Will be sold at public auction, on THURSDAY AF TERNOON. the 96th of APRI L, inst.. upon tee ma ntillas. the following valuable Real Estate : r 40.1, a Lot of Land, with the improvements thereon, situated on the westerly side of Germantown avenue, opposite Gorges street. bounded by egad avenue, laud of George W. Carpenter, deceased. eolin Leibert, the Orphans , Rome, nod Creisharri road: oontamius fi ve acres of land. the improvements are a large two-story stone Mansion, with a two-story back building, two large parlors, wide hall, dining-room, and kitchen, upon the finst floor, six chambers on the second, and threeplastered , one unplaetered, in theenuee. A one and a half story frame building, adjoining the rpm etreet. a large stone barn, large hay-hence, with shed for wagon, ko., underneath; a oaniage•houge, with hey loft and granary above • corncrib. shed for poste: fruit and ornamental trace:kitchen and flowering gar dens, .to. It has a front of 215 feet on Mainistreet, and 216 feet on on Creisham road. 4. No. 2. a Lot of Land, on the westerly side of Creie ham road. WI feet trent, bounded by lends of G. W. Carpenter, deceased. and John Leibert, contaitung two and one-half acres of laud ; it has a spring of water, 0 small pond, and a few apple trees upon it. -. Also, immediately after, will be eold, clearly g round rent of '.16.31 60-100 upon a certain lot of groun, held now. or formerly, by Authur Bell and by. him and William W. Leibert e conveyed to Marl Lethert and Elizabeth Leibert, on the 27th day of October, A. D. 1852,parable half yearly, upon the first days of January and July, in every Year. Late the property of Mars Letbert and Elizabeth Leibert. both deceased. hale to commence at 2 o'clock. Terms at rale. by RALIK. JOHN LEI BERT. Executor. ►ro LET--SECOND-STORY ROOM, 802 :bogleZ U ELle tr , a e 4l2l) e s i e . t gal l ! tePplgalerf phis for any kind of light brme's. AWAY ill the Jewelry Store. Rent ,10. tele 'PRENT—A very desirable STORE en the ithath-ebeet freat of " The Contimmea l Hotel.", The Store at Ninth and Bansom streets wipe Wally adapted for a Monts and lisaulase Maker. Apply to JOHN RIOE, Southwest NINTH and SANSOM Streets. poR EXOHANGIE.—A. onoroz TRAQT -a - of good unlineroved feral land in the State of Plew loner, convenient to thii_oity, will be exchang_ed for 'dry cronert7. apply et No. 118 FEDERAL Street. eaffl-tr- R. CIORSON,REAL ESTATE BROKER • AND eONVRVANCRR.'NORRITOWN, PA. —Real Estate bought and sold on reasonable terms. Stores and for sale or rent in Norristown and country. Good mortgages negotiated. Collections made. The beat referenoes given. (134-6 m RIIBLIO SALE OP VALUABLE PRO PERTY. ' THE "EMPORIUM REAL ESTATE AND MANU FACTURING COMPANY," Of Mound city. Pulaski County, Mame, Will °Dr at PUBLIC SALE, on the premises. On WEDNESDAY. the. 16th day of May next, A Large Number of DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS, Eligibly Located for Storee,Factonee, and Residences Also. • . . . A SPACIOUS BRICK RON FOUNDRY, WITH MACHInE SHOP. And all the appurtenances necessary for the business of manufacturing Engines and Boilers for Steamboats, Sugar, and all other used in the Southern and Western country. The Patterns comprise the modern improvements in machinery. with a tall and complete ant of Patterns for Stoves, adapted to both wood and coal. This property, from the advantageous location of Mound City, its one of the most valuable in the Southwest. Also, at the same hme. A FIRST-CLASS TARIM-STORY FRAM& MO DERN-BUILT RoTAL. Containing some fifty moms. with a ft.!l set of Furni ture. The Hotel is new tieing a large and profitable busiisess. Also a comber of BRIK BTO RIB AND COTTAGE RESIDENCES. Timms or SALE.--Orie• fourth (36) cash ; the remain ing payments in 12. 24. and 96 months from date of sale, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum. The cash payment may be made in the Bonds or the Company, and the tune palPonta Will be taken in the Stool, of the Company at par, rallept for improved pro perty. for whioh three-fourths of the puronase-money 11113.• remain upon mortgage. As the Company propose to dispose of all their im rovements, capitalists have a rare opportunity for pro table investments in one of the beet located and most manikins oities in the groat Southwest. Fqrpartiou are, immure of or address JR/19k P. rEvToN, President E. R. E. & M. Co. mh26-tmll Office 222 WALNUT Street. Philada. RIIBINESS MEN ARE ADVERTISING jLjr hi the Beat Newspapers of City and Country at the Moen of JOY, COE, & CO., ADVERTISING AGENTS, FIFTH pad CHESTNUT BTREET/3. TRIBUNE BUILDING, New York. aplf tf ALFRED D. BRICK'S • AND PATE E N U 'T °2 4WF No, 144 t3OUTII FOLIRTFL kfaiantirs rHILADHLPHIL. ?Meta Lawn of U. B. chew) and Europe oan be ob tamed gratis. BF. GLENN, ACCOUNTANT AND e Reel Fetate Agent, No. 218 WALNUT Street, (mond floor. Room N 0.1,) and Setithweet corner of Seventeenth and Green. - Accounts adjusted, Boobs written up. Estates settled, money procured, money invested, Real Estate bought, sold, and rented. mh2B-Im. JAMES M. SOOVEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 119 PLUM STREET, •trove Front, mhri-]m• CAMDEN. N. H O. ULLM A N, ATTORNEY-AT • LAW, JERSEY WIRE, PennlYlvertia. Collections promptly made in Clinton and Lyooming oountres. • Aleeers. Walter & Ranh, Philadelphia ; J. H. Hemet Esq, larvae Co.&n Shore; Menem. Saroroft & Co., Philada. Shaffner, iegler. Philada.; Frishuth &Co philsda..: A. Mackey, Look Haven ; Yard, Gilmore & Co., Phihids.; Thatcher & Woddrop, Philada.; Rey nolda. Rowell & Reiff. Stifled& fele-3m GEORGE HENKELS, UPHOLSTERY and CABINET WAREHOUSE, No. 824 wAL NUT street, opposite Independence Square, formerly of No. 173 Chestnut Street., Philadelphia. gi2s-8M" TOIIII ELLIOTT, WINES and LIQUORS, sir Nos. 317 and 319 WALNUT Street, (basement ste,m betsrein Third and Poorth. nerd, •the,) Phila . N B.—Fine Old Whiskies always on band. tEstabluthea in 1845.) JaBo-1p pewsoN & NICHOLSON, BOOKBINDERD, Noe, 119 and 121 MINOR. Stmet, Between Market and ahee tt t - nnt streets. PAWBuIIiLaiLADBLi JABI. it. B. NICHOLSON. jOl7 -1T" N,* FIIGITET t SONS, IMPORTERS OF JEAVANA 011ILLIs No. fll6 Eroath FRONT Street. Reserve regularly a full assortment of desirable Of OAR& which they cifor at low rates, for *Nth or op pro oredit. MURPHY-WHIPPLE IRON BRIDGE. STN 3 E 3 Q WUIALNE Y, BTuE6I4, PHILADELPHIA, Beg leave to inform Railroad Compardes, and others iatereeted in bridge oonstruotion, that the ) have formed a ooze:motion in easiness with JOBB W. muxray, Chfl Engineer, (author and inventor of the above well blown elan of iron bridge,) and are pre _pared to execute order', from any part of the oountry, from his designs and personal superintendence. All letters relating to pl a n s and estimates ;Mould be addressed to JOHN W. MY, Civil enuneer. nslll4ll Ver STONE. U VIGLEY. Or BUkTONI IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE n_ CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. WILLIAM DIVER and ELIZABETH, his Wife, vs. WM. ()LAYTON and Charlotte his Wife, (for merly Diver.) and JANE DIVER. June Torm,lB6L No. 17. Pursuant to an order of Court, made in this case, the writ of Summons issued therein I. published, viz : Mk and County of Philadelphia, es. The oommonwealth of Pennsylvania to the [ SEAL.] Shonff of Philadelphia °minty, greeting: If William Diver and Elizabeth, his Wife, make YOU secure of prosecuting their claim, then we command you that you gammon, b good and lawful summoners, William Clayton an Charlotte, his Wife, (formerly Charlotte Diver,) and Jane Diver, late of your county, so that they he and appear before our Judges at Phila delphia at our District Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, there to be held the let MON "AY OF JUNE NEXT, to show wherefore, whereas, they, the said demandant and the said defendant, together and undivided, do hold all that certain meiouage or tene ment and lot or piece of ground, situate in Manayunk, bounded, limited. and described as follows. beginning at the northwestern earner of a lot sold by the *tariff of k e ill?gr ,i Nge u rfga t lil ) ,TllZi e g u o i lTgreri:i p d e gl y t by the Schuylkill Navigation Compftry, called Tower street. 56 feet 6 Inches morthwestwarilly from the corner of Market and Tower greets, thence extending , along the outwardly line of Tower street north 97 deg and 30 mm . west west 16 feet 6 inches to a corner of a, lot sold to John W. Stephens, thence north 62 deg. 30 min east along said Stephens' line fel feet 11 Inches to the west erly side of Ellis street, thence along the said line of Allis street south 30 deg 30 min., east 16 feet 234 inches to a 001110 r 01 the lot sold by the Sheriff as athreaftid. thence along the line of the same 91 feet 2.1 f inches to the place of beginning. with the apptir ominous, The same defendants partition thereof between them to be MAO (according to the laws and customs of this Com monwealth in such case made and provided). do gain say. and the same to be done, do not permit. very un justly and agtoost the same laws and customs, es it is said. &a And have you then there the names of thOSe summoners and this writ . . . . . Witness the Honorable Geo. ehanrwood. Doctor of Law. President our maid Court at Philadelptia, the 26:1 day of March, in the year of our Lord 1861. spit-met .F. A. TREGO, Pro Proth'y. TO BIJSINEBS. MEN.—An excellent chance for reliable business men to sem ure a pro. fitable manufacturing business, requirtng but a small caoital in its establishment and prosecution. The manufacture consists in the application of a ye either composition or enamel to common red bnoks, and a variety of other building material. ornamental architectural finishinge, ceilings, tweeter floors and for rootlß. 1 is enamel may be tinted of any Color, from the purest white to the deepest klaok, with all the oolors end shades between. It imparts totbe articles to which it is applied hardness and durability almost incredi ble, and a beauty surpassing that of the rarest and most costly of the variegated marbles, and, them, is imperviolut to moisture, and will never fade, stain, or deteriorate, costing but a fractional part of the orioe of ordinary Marble. It is amo valuable for table and stand tops, mantel pieces, monuments, and an endless variety of other articles of step .e use. The process of applyiog the enamel is simple, while the articles enameled will awn mend a ready sale, affordieg large profits. Responsible parties may racoons licenses for manufacturing under he patent for any city or prominent town in the United St by applying to the subscriber, smut term on the articles manufactured will be required for the use of the invention. Circulars giving lull particulars will be forwarded to all applicants. The superior merit and beauty of this e nam eled building material to anything in use has the unqualified endorsement of many of toe most eminent architeots end scientific men of this anti other allies, For particulars, address JonN i rs PRALL. general Agents for Pommeled uilding Material, sp9-gem 25 NABBA Street. New York. HAVANA CIGAES.—A fresh imports tiQn of the two now brand. of BLACK SEA" end " PLINCH.IIVELW." Jost received per swearer @cow ussir ens schooner Evoliss, under She old turf prices, neeorlez 130 warlfte BUSINESS CARDS. EITEIIIO LEGAL. INSURANCE UOMPANIES. THE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PRILADIELPHIA, OFFICE, No. SOH WALNUT STREET, . Insure. ggairit LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, on Homes, StOTON, aOd other buildinga, or zerpeturikand on Furniture, uoods, wares, and Mell , -.- oliandise. in town or country. CASH CAPITAL, 61251,110 w-ABBETS $517.142 04. Which is Invested as follows, viz: In first mortgages on (My property. worth " double the sinount—;. 41163.000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per aent. first mortgage loan. at ear— —" LOOO 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cant. " - se cond mortgage load, (8.50,000) 07,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad and Canal Co.'s mortgage Irma 4,000 00 Ground rent. first-class— 4,461 110 Collateral loans, well aeoured.--. 4,666 00 City of Philadelphia doer cent. loan.-- 00,000 00 A i l „l ien y . county 6 per cent. Pa. KR. loan-. 10,000 00 Commercial Bank stook-- —.— 5,155 01 mochanioe Drink atook.-_-_, 2,812 50 Pennolvania Railroad Co.', Moak— 4,000 00 The Reil3lloo Mutual Insurance Co.'s stook 46,660 00 -The County Fire insurance Co. 2 5 stook—. 1,050 00 Tee Delaware M. a. Insurance Co.'e stook- 7011 00 Union Mutual Ineurance Co.'s Norio— ' 48000 Dills rsooivahlo— 14,104 rg Book account., scorned interest. dzo- --. 7,104 66 Gash on hand— 11:04464 8311,141 04 The Mutual erinoiphs, combined with the security of a Stook Capital, entitles the 'roared to 'animate In She profits of the Compare ], without liability for losses. ;eases promptly adjusted and paid. • DIitiCTQA.S : Clem ThmArtY. Samuel Biseham. William 11„_Thompson, Robert Steen, Frederick Brown, William Musser, William Stevenson, Benj. W. Tingley, John R. Worrell. Ma hall Hill. H. L. Carson, J. Jo rs hnion Brown, Robert Toland, Charles Leland. G. D. Rosen_garten, Jacob T. Bunting, Charles El. Wood. Smith Bowen, James S. Woodward,_ John Bissell, Pittsburg. CLEM TINGLEY. President. B. M. HINCEIMAN, Secretary. February 16. 1861. let/ THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OP RILILISDELP/LA. (FIRE 111111VILANCR. RICLURIVRLY.I COMPANY'S BUILDING, S. W. COBALT FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIRECTOR'S: i j F. Liscurran STARR, Mosensem L. DAMON. WILLIAM Maim Om. R. Scam , . NALEIRO FRAZIER, Joan H, BROWN, loNN M. ATWOOD, B. A. FAuroteloCß, BRIU. T. TREMOR, Jitame_sw D. CAss, *WIRT WHARLron, J. L. ZRIIMRR. mins W F . . , &fire . sep tl e te ri B . TAN.N., Preedig VENN MUTUAL LIFE INSUB,ANUE COMPANY, No. 921 CHESTNUT Street Philadelphia. CHARTER PERPETUAL. ALL THE PROFITS DIVIDED AMONG THE IN— SURED. Ineure Litres for Short terms or for the whole term of life ; grant Annuities and Endowments ; ourohesa Life Interests in Real Estate, and make all contracts de pending on the oontingenmes of life. Tber sot as Executors. Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Guardians. ASSETS OP THE COMPANY, January 1.1961. Mortgages, ground rents, real estate— .$EL1,961 97 United Statesstooks. Tressurz notes, loam of State of Pennsylvania, city of Phila delphia, /te___ _ 266,796 84 Premium notes, loans on oollaterala. Re. 219,694 68 Pennsylvania. North Pennsy l vania fair roads, and County six per cent. bonds 196.86! 60 Bank, insurance. railroad, canal stooks, Re. 97,647 49 Utah on band. agents' Istiansesi D 6,906 mous Oil DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL E. STOKES Vice President . lOHN W . HORROR. Secretary. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN■ BOUNCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated by the LeenWare of Penni'Orme, Mi. Moe O. E. comer of THIRD end WALNUT streets. PHILAD.E'LPIITA. MARINE INSURANCE, On Venal,/ . Cargo, To all pada of the World. ifreight, I warp INDURANOES On floods by Rivers. Canals, Lakes, and land Car nage!. to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCE! On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses. &e. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1, 1890. 1100,000 United States; five 10 11 cent. loan- -.11100.5011 00 116,000 'United States six cent. Treasury Notes, (With accrued intergiat)—. 119,463 34 100,000 Pennsylvania State five oenr. loan, 90,M0 CS 71,221 do. do. six do. do. 21,946 00 173.060 Philadelphia City si r :Jr oont. Loan. 1125,203 37 SO,OOO Tennessee fitals five cent. loan- 24,000 00 60,000 Pennsylvania Karl 2d mortgage six V , cent. bonds— - 43,000 00 11.000 300 shares, stock Germantown Gag Company, interest and principal gnarantee,d by the City at .ehl eans • - .300 00 11,000 10 0 shares Penissylsante, Railroad /1 Company,. ---_. 3,000 00 6,000 100 shares North Pennsylvania Rail road Company., -- WOO BO shwa Philadelphia foe Boat and r a am 'rug Company._ 1,2:Kil 00 230 sit re, Philadielph a ant Havre do rm* Steam Tow-boat company. 390 00 300 2 shares Philadelphia Exohanre Company— - - 126 00 1.000 2 shares Continenta l Co--- 500 00 /566.700 pat. Copt 1147.116.3 L Market val-1634, 1 t6a 71 Bills receivable, for insurances made-- 171,586 42 Bonds and mortgages.._. 34.000 00 Real estate— sLass Balances due at Agenotee-Preminms on Ma rine Policies. interest. and other debts dtus the Contstan7— 51.661 02 Boris and stook of sundry Insurance end other Companies , 3,636 50 Cash on hand-in banks-- .138,673 15 in drawer-.-. T 403 35 naps 51 swim in DIRECTOR& William Martial Edmund A. Bowler, q3Auv e LI ta l k . we ,Mlt. i gu r . "4l , I" ' Edward Darlington, John o._Davo, H. Jones Brea°, James Tra.quair, !Spencer M'llvadue. William Eyre, Jr., James C. Hand, Thomas C. Hand, Robert Burton, William C. Lu dwig, Jacob P. Jona, Joseph H. Beal, James .B. ht'Parland, Dr. K. M. Huston, Joshua P. Eyre, Heoree C. Lamer, John B.Semele, Pitlsh'. ..,,,, orals, rtes Kelly, 1).7. Morgan, A, _B. Berger, . 7.111a.m2601 - ,T4iNee imisinti. DISNEY LYIABIIRIY. Bearatary. noll-tf FIRE INBURANOE EX.OLtrb vELY.— THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY—lncorporated 1825—CHARTER PERPh- TUAL—No. 610 WALNUT Street, opposite Independ ence square. This Company, favorably known to the communi ty for tirty-mx years, continues to insure against or damage by Fire , on publics or private Buildings, either permanemly or for a limited time. Alec.. on Furniture, stocks of Goods-or Merchandise generally, on liberal term,. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, is invested in the most oa.refuJ manner. which enables them to oiler to the insured an undoubted security in the ease of lOU. MIIIICTOns. • Jonathan Patterson, Isaac Hatlehurst, Quintin Campbell, Thomas Robina, Alexander Benson, Daniel Smith, Jr., William MonteiiT Smi us, John th. Bevereux. home, JONATHAN PATTERSON, President. Biases gatmel, Seoretary. egably 'INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE A- spa? OF PENNSYLVAN—IRE A___MIOLNI ii RINE InSURANOB— Nos. 4 AND 6 Biumax4 BUILDINGS. . . . . . Chartered in vital SXOM—Feb. 1, ILIII, Oath Valor 814.58.7,rted1 i . All nvein mind and available securities—con tinue, to ineure on Newel. and Cargoes, Buildings, Blocks of Blernhanduee &o. CTOB . on Liberal tee, DeREB. Henry D. eherrerd, Georg° H. Ellausrt, Simeon Toby, erter, Wagner ' harles Maced arunnelffi_rant, Jr... Tobias William S. Smith, Thomas B. Walters,. Ishn B. Badd 'lrate= R. Phan, Henry G. Freeman, Charles El. LOWII, George C. Canon. 'HENRY D. 81LER FUN R Dr President, WILLIAM HARPER. Ileoretarr. Jeg-tf MERE DISMINOX. BLINFHAINIIOB' -R. INSURANCE comp/oar of Philadelphia. No. 1319 North SIXTH Street, below Ram insure Boild mg., Goods, and Marchand iee generally from koo or damage by Fire. The company guarantee to adinot atl looses promptiy, and thereby hope to merit the patron age of the public. DIINCYOIte. WWI= Morgan, Robert Flanigan, Prelim' Cooper, • Michael MolliMoy, llMorse L. Dougherty. Reward McGovern. James Martin. Thome. B. MoCormiek, Jamea Dumas, Joao Bromley, Natthew McAleer, Francis Fella, Bernard Rafferty, John Casimir. roman I. Hemphill, Bernard 11 . Rulsemem. home Flatter Charles Clye, Francis ktoMaltut Michael V hal. 4%018 COOPSR, President. NERNARD RAF , Beaman'. ocar-cm AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE 00., L.INCORPORATED 1810 CHARTER PER no.UAI, 310 WAG/SITE Street. above Third. PhiladelPhia, gaping a large paid-nri Capital Btook and Morning. Invested in sonnd and avallabltaectirities. continncs to Insure on Dwellings, Stores. Furniture. Merchandise, Vessels in port and their cargoes, and other personal Property. , All loaves liberally and promptly activated. DIMICTORS. Thos. R. Marie, John T. Lewis, John W. jpmes R . Campbell, Q. Morton, kAmand G. Dutilh, Peknok Brady,r Israel No Chas.. W. Potationrris TROIKAS R. MARIS. President. ALBERT C. B. CRAWFORD. Seoretary. fesn-tf RECHANGE INSURANCE COMPANY • 1 —Office No. 409 WALNUT Street. FIAT, INSURANCE on Houses and Mershandfse feeneradlaLlli, on favorable terms, either Limited or per- DIRECTOR'S: Jeremiah Somali. Thomas ?dared, John Q. Ginuodo, Cherles Thompson, Edward D. Roberts, James T. Hale, Samuel L. Smedley, rebus T. Owen, . Reuben C. Halo, o h J. Eirdltha. JERRMIAII ONSALL. President. JOHN Q. GiritiODO, Vice rnliaa e Ricliase - Dee, Soortnary. Jae{nt SAVING FUNDS. •' A little. but often, bolls the Purse." I'PRAMILIN SAVING FUND, No.l 1 .1.136 South POUBT.S Street, between, Chestnut arid Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all deposits cee demand. I Depositors' money secured by Government, State, and City Loans. Ground Rents. Mort -1 g lh e lli 4 an any deems safetyr better than lar 4 vont. consequently will run no risk with depo iitors'money. but have it at all times ready to return. with 5 per cent. interest to the owner, as they have always done . 'This Company never suspended. Females, married Of sines, and Minors, can deposit in their own right , sod such deposits can Ibe withdrawn ONLY by their consent. Charter perpetual. Iteorporated by the State ,of Penpaylvania, with authority to receive [money from trustees and exeouto_rs LAR(.I.b AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. l Office open daily, trom 9to S o'olook. and on Wednesday evening until 8 o'clock. DIRECTORS. Jacob D. Shearson, John Elhindler. 13:111.9a 1 41t imfg t Malachi W. Moan, r,.. Larung, lleremish Comfort. eory Delany, Nioholas Rittenhouse, ethan Smedley. iJoe. H. Satterthwaite. o g ee Yin/DM John . rtle . der . . . JAC011B:81iA HI N. Preaidsfit. Crptllaws CADVIA.LLADIR. 'treasurer. a-17 •' ♦ Dollar saved is Swiss gamed." EXPEE'BIS COMPANIES. ADAMS =PRIEM CO., 011ioe $9O 0113387N117 Street, forwards, Paekagea. Merchandise, BanlrlAes. and Specie, ether by its own Lines or In ison=2 with other rise Oompanies , to all tka swam. and •111•• of W. "WWlwes. E. IL 1/111117011/, inteetwomtwat. pHILADELPHIA TER RA-OOT TA WRKS, Moe and Ware Itoorns.lolo CHESTNUT Street. Ornamental Chimney Tope. Harden Voices and Spanners. Enoaustie Flooring Tile. tirobiteottimil Ornaments. entilating' and Smoke Mee. Ridge Tile and !limitary Were. etnnin-prenned Dratn Pipe. Water Pips, warranted to stand t ch...sip and durable. The Trwomned on liberal term. tnytod I o mos MIA by on a tion by tette AWN f 1010 a • rf. RAILROAD LINER. THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RSILROAD_, 200 MILES DoUBLE TRACK. 1861. imirAms 1861. THE CAPACITY OF THIS ROAD IS NOW EQUAL _ TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG. Connecting direot at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Boston, New York, and all points East, and in the Union Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trains to and from all points m the West Plorthwent, and 'Southwest —thus furnishing Militias for the tronsportation of Passengers unweaned for speed and comfort by any other route. Express and Fiat Lines run through to Pittsburg, without ohtinge of ears or Conduotore. All !Through passenger Trains prbvided with Loughridgers Patent Brake—speed underperfect control of the engineer, thus adding mash to the safety of travellers. 15moking Dare are attached to each Train; Wood rutre Steams Cats to Ex _press and Fast Trains. The EXPRESS RUSTS DAILy Mail and Fait Lupo. Sun days exeepted. Maillrain leaves Phila delphia at 7.30 A. M. Past Line 11.45 A.M. Expreiss Train leaves " 10.45 P. M. YVAY 'KRAUTS LEAVE ASFOJA.OWe Harri.burg Acoompoleisiiii;"vrirbeaulfiira;:iii P. Al. Columbia , 4.00 E. M. Partestmrg at 6.40 P. M. West Chester I' o. at 8.15 A. M. No. 2. at 1230 P. M. West Cheater Paseengsre will. take the Weet Chatter Nna. 1 and 2 and Columbia Trains. Paggengerg for Sunbury Will(ameeort, Buf falo, Niagara. Palle, and , intermediate pojilta, leaving Philadelphia at 7.30 A.lll. and .2.20 I'. M., go directly through. Tickets Westward may be obtained at the office, of the Company in Philadelphia. Now Stork. Boston, or paltimore ; and Tickets harrrward at any of the 1M1)0T lan; ilailroad Woes in the West; also on board any of the regular Line of ateamere on the fdmaisorippi or Ohio rivers. sir Fare always aa low, and time aa quick, as by any other Route. _ For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion. Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market streets. The completion of the Western eptineritions of the Ferkni,ylitaroa Rl BETWE ENump:Nmedie this the DIRECT LINE TH.h. EAST AND TILE GREAT WEST. The connection of traoke by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time. are advantages readi ly appreciated by Shippers of Freight, and the Travel lin_g Merehenta and fillitppere entrusting the transporta tion of their Freight to this Company, can rely with confidence on its speedy transit. THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad are at ail times as favorable as are charged by other Railroad Companies. KT Be partioular to mark packages U via Pennsyl vania it Byroad." For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address either of the following Agents of the Company: ' D. A. Stewart, Pittsburg H. 8. Pierce & Co., Zanesville. J. 4, Johnson, Rip ley, 0.; It. gdoNeePr, Mayssilie, Ky. • Ormsby & urop per, Portsmouth .„ 0. • Paddock & Jeffersonville. Indiana; W. Broth' & Co., Cincinnati. 0.,_• Athern & Hibbert, Cincinnati, 0.; It. C. Ideldrpm, Madison, Ind., Joe. E. Moore, Louisville, Ky. ; P. G. O'lti ley ft Co., Evansville. Ind.; N. W. Graham & co., Cairo. 111. • R. F. Saes, Studer & Louis. Mo.; John H. 'Harvio. .Nashville, Tenn.; Rams & Ifeet, Mem phis, 'inn.; Clarke fc Co., Chicago, 111. • W. H. H. Kgonta, Alton, ill.; or to Fre ight Agents of Railroads at different points in the West. S. B. ICI siGiiITON. Jr., Philadelphia. MAGRAW & Koons. 83 North street. Baltimore. L SECS dc Co., I Astor Rouse, or 1 B. William at., N. Y LEEOR & CO., No 77 State street. Roston. R. R. HOUSTON. Gang Freight Agent. Phila. L. L. ROUFT, Gen't Ticket Agent, Phila. E. LEWIS, Gent' Supt Altoona. Pa. JaS-ly 1861. awl 1861. SPRING ARRArreENLEra. -NEW YORK LINES MKS CAMDEN AND AMBOY .A 111) PHILA DELPHIA MID TRENTON RAILROAD (10.11 LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES, FROM WALNUT-IT. WHARF AND LENSINGTON D.NPOT WILL LZAVE AS FOLLOWS. VIZ: FAST. At 6 A. 21., yin Camden and Aniboy. C. and. A. Ae oommodation ren 36 At 6 A. M., via Camden ty;id Ja/ City, (H. J.) Accommodation . , I 26 At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mail— _..__ 2 3 00 At IC( A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Wagtail MOM. 200 At 1234 P. M., via Camden and Amboy Accommo dation—.— • ,•• 326 At 2 P. M.. via Camden and Amboy, C. and A.-Ex press—. At 43i P. M., via Kenshicton and Jersey City, Eve ming. Express.— - 200 At 436 F. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Id Clam Ticket -- g 26 At 6P. 6L. via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Mail -3 00 At P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, !South ern Nail . ---.- 2 25 At 5 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aocommods ton. (Freight and Parisenprj-Ist Class Ticket., 2 26 Do. do. sd Clase Tickat- 1 50 The 62 81 Mail Line rams daily. The 1/ 3 ( M, goath ern Mail, Saturdays excepted. For Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville. Flemington, fee., at 7,10 A. M. from Kennington, and 234 P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Montrone, Grant Bend, ito., 7.10 A. M. from KO/15/MOOl/, via Delaware. Lackawanna and Western R. R. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, and Bethlehem at 7.10 A. M. from Kensington Depot, and 23i P. M. from Wal nut-etreet wharf ; (the 710 A. M. line connects with train leaving Banton at 3.36 P. M.) giFor Mount Holly, at 6 and 8 A. M., 2 and 43( P. M. For Freehold, at 6 A. M.. and s P. M. WAY LINES. For Bristol. Trenton, ho.. at 7.16 A. M., 4,tgand 686' P. M. from Kensington, and 2).‘ P. M. from Walnut street wharf. For Palmyra, Riverton, Balance, Beverly, BirlinS rakFlorenoe, Bordentown. /to" at DU. I, et and 6 Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and intermediate places. at 25i P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. 1117 - For New York, and Way Linea leave Kelp [ton Depot, take the oam, on Fifth street, above Caul-. half an hour before departure. The cars ran into the deot, and on arrival of each train, run from the depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage, only, allowed each Passen ger. Plumengent are prohibited from taking anything as baggage bet their wearlng apparel. All baggage over lifty pounds to be paid tor extra. The Company Limit their reepontibility for baggage to One Dollarper and will not be Liable for any amount beyond (1100, ex cept by spe.:dal contract. nahn WM. H. 111AITZMEl. Agent 419T1N WINTER ARRANGE m. E NT.-PHILADELPHIA, GERMAN W NORRISTOWN RAILROAD. On and atter MONDAY, Nov. U. 1860, FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 6.7 8,9, 10.11, and 12 A. M., 1, r 3,3%. 4, 6 6%, 6,7, 8, 9,10 34", and 1134 P. M. Leave Germantown, 6. 7, 734,8. ex. 910, 11 and 11 A M.,1, 3,3, 4. 6,6, 634 7 8 9 and 101 P. Si . dram Leave Philadelphia, 9.413 nun. A. M.. 11, 7, and 10.14 P. M. Leave Germantown, 8.10 nun. A.M., 1.10 min., 1, and P . M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leavepuladelphis, 6, 8, 10, and 13 A. M.. 7,4, 3, 8, a t t eri l ia thittnnt Hill, 7, 10, 7.36,_ 8.40, and 9.40. and 1141 A.M., 1.40,L4D,11.10. and 11.40 P. M O N SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphilt9 ; ol A. , pj a. 2 A ng . T&Al ; 540; and FOR c_OPISHOHOCIEEN AND NORRISTOWN, Leave Philadelphia, 6.130,1,%,_906, and 11.06 min. A. M., 1.06. 11.06, 434.166, and UK Y. M. Leave Norristown, 6. 7. 8.06,0. and II A. M.,13(, 434, and 6 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. hl and 3 P. M., for Norris town. Leave Plorristown,_ R 73‘ A M. a n d N . 6 IC P. M. FO MANA Leave Philadelphia, 5.60 734 9.06 and 11.9 e A, 74,, 1.85. 1.06, 3.08, 4g, SAS, 8.06 131 M. Leave Manarqvik, 6%, 7,4, 846, 934, 11% A. M., 3, 334, 6, 654. and 934 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia. 9 A. M., 3, and 7 P,M. Leave Manarank,__79(A. M., 634, and P 8 Y. M. H. K. szurrlEL_General Supaitlitondent. noltr-tf DEPOT. NINTH and GREEN Streets. arta_ N O R 111 PENNSYL VA MA, RAILROAD. FOR Bfrrm, DOYLEBTOWN_,, MATCH CHUNK, HAZLETON. and Ecgrx.y., THREE THROUOH TRAINS. On and after MONDAY, Dimember 8,1660. Passenger Trainswill Imre ?Kinn and WI LLOW Streets, flute dolphin, daily , (Sunday s excepted ), follows At 6.30 A. ,(Express). for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manob Chunk, Hasletoi3, Willtesbarte, This 46 P. M., (Express ), for Bethlehem, Beaton, &o. train reaches Beaton at 6 P. end makes oloee connection with New Jersey Central for New Pork. At 6 P. M., for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, AM A.M. and 4 P. M. for Doylestown. At 6 P. M., for Fort Washington. The 6.30 A. M. Express train makes close oonneotion with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable route to Wftkesbarre. and to allpoints in the Lehigh oral region. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem at 6.41 A. M.. 9.15 A. M., and 142 P M. Lent tloylestown at 74111 A. M. and LW P. M. LeairPort Wasnington at 6.4.6 A. M. ON 19 DAY6l.—Philadelphis for Fort Washington at 940 A. M. Philadelphia for Dolestown at 4 P. M. Doylestown for Phi ladelphia at ? A. M. Fort Worthington for Philedelphia at la P. M, Fare to Bethlehem—sl 60 Fare to Mauch Chnnk.St Fare to Easton 1 M Fare to Wilkesbarre— 460 Throug WIL L O W ks _must be procured St r e et Tiolet Offloes, at Btreet, or BERKB , in order to secure the above rates of fare. All Passenger Trams (except Sunday Trains) connect at Berke Street with Filth and Sigth-streets. and Second and Third-stree ts Passenger Railroads, twenty minutes after leaving Willow Street. ELLIS CLARE. Agent. SPRING ARRANGE- T.—PRILAELPRI, WU. NLINOTO BAL‘pIORE RAILROAD. sad after MOND AY If, 1861, PJAIIefiIER TRAINS LEAVE PHIL ADELPHIA: For l[ ore at LIB A. M., 11.35 A. M., (Express), and 10.60 P. M. For Chester at 8.15 A. M., 11,86 A. M., 4.1/ and 10.60 P A Wilmington at 8,11 A. M.., 11 35 A. M.. 4.15 and 10,50 P. Id. For Nev Castle at SU A. M.' and 4.15 P. M. ' For Dover at 8.16 A. M. and 4.16 P. AL ?or Milford at 6.16 A. M. For fla tiab s ri. 01 u. FOR . 71PRIIJDELPIELA leave Baltimore at 6,15 A. M. (Express), 9.43 A. hi.. and 4.511 P. 61. Leave Wilmington at 6.82 and 9.10 A. /.50 and 8 P. M. Leave Beiliabary at L4O P. M. Leave Milford at 4 P. M. Leave _Dover at 6.65 A. M. and 5.10 P. M. Leave New Castle at 841 A. M., 7.20 P. M. Leave Chester at 1.49 A. M. 9.40,1 . 67 and 8.40 P.M. Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and Delaware Rail road at 6.1 a A. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORI9: ve Chester at &BS A.M., 12.08 and 11.10 P.M. lye Wilmington at 9.36 A. M., 12.35 2. M.. and 1.5 A. FREI - -- 1311 T TRAIN, with Passenger Car attached, run as follows Leave PhiLadetplids for Perryville and intermediate places at 510 Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate ti tiorm at 7.15 P. M Leave WilminsiAß for Philadelphia and interme diate plaoes at 6 P. • Leave Havre-de-Di-ace for Baltimore and inte rme atm stations at 6 A. M. Leave Baltimore for and intermedi ate stations at 61'. M. ON SUNDAYS: Only at 10.60. P. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only at 446 P. M. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. apt: S. M. FELTON. President. A P N H D I R LA A D DI N L E P LIRAIILA ROAD.—PASERNGER TRAINS for POTTSVILLE. HEADING, and HARRISBURG, on and after/April 22. MI. MORNING LINES, DAILY, (Sunday' exeeptedj_ Leave New Depot. corner of BROAD sod CALLOW HILL Streets, PHILADELPE/Aatisles i ler estrus°. on Thirteenth sod on Collcrwhili raw* et OA. Id., nueoting at Harrisburg with the PEPI SYLVANIA iLRLAD, I P. M. train nulaitig_to Pittebar• ; the C KBERLAND VALLEY 1.06 P. M. train rennint Chambers hors, _Gartirle, Ito.; and the NORTHERN CENTRAL RALLROAD 1 Y. EL tram, muting to Stn bury, its. AFTERNOON tam& heaV6 New Depot, owner o[ BROAD and CALLOW HIL Streets, PH ILADELPHI A 4 Passenger e tr i on Thirteenth and on Callowhill stree_ ) for (PIT and HARRISBURG. at 3.301 P. M., DAILY, for READING way, at 151 P. AL.I DAILY, (Sundays! ea cliWelllCES VIA PHILADELPFLIA AND /ILEADIII6 N Ai iigOAD. Flew PittLAZIL22I.IA. Pdll6l. To 28 DI Philadelphia and Deading Lebanon. fle end Lebanon Yeller R.R. Phin YOtionlunetlOn—yg ortatunberland .-111 . wtsbarg —l7ll =toy—. —Jar finaanaoort Jersey_ahore Etlon —Jed lean— —.. in--- WI( Williammoort arid Elmira . Railroad. The 8 A. MiandB.2o P. M. train connect daiiE at Port Clinton, Sundays exoopted,l with the CATA WIBECA, WIL lAMBfORT, and ERIE RAILROAD mating olden oonneationa with limit* Niagara FMB: Canada the West and 89nthireat. DEPOT IN PEILADEIXHIA: Corner of ROAD and CALLOWBILL !Streets. asde-tf W. H. MoILHENNHY. Ds Many DAILY INLAND FREIGHT_ LINE TO NOR POR d DOTE. VA., and to the linnet pal Dittos and Towns In the South and Southwest tioodi aentto the Oenot. oorner BROAD Street and weeEtinuTON Avenue, will be forwarded diuly, and at as low Mee as by any other line . KENNEY, !darter of Trangeortatioo P. W. tr. B. IL R. Co. WICEIT LJELESTZA TRAINS 111 oAD. vi ni ft • I M.M i gt iKT. IA A.l[ .. mat 1 . Fj lIRNESS, BRINLEY, CO., No. 499 MARKET ETREET. POSTPONEMENT. NOTICE.--(Nr sale at &nay clods advertised for Tuesday and Wednesday, April Z and 24, is postponed until further nodes. 1W F. PANCOAST, AUCTIONEER, BUG. I. N • oessor to B. Scott. Jr., 431 ORESTNUT St. SHERIFF'S SALE AT JONES' HOTEL. On Tuesday Morning. April Sad, UHL It tan o'olook, upon the nrereisis, Jones' Hotel. Chestnut street, above Sixth, will be sold— The entire belatioe of the stook of furniture. con end ins of the furniture. beds, and bedding of 100 rooms. Brussels end ingrain earners, oil clothe. dining roorn furniture, silver plated ware, cutlery, bar fixtures, wines, &g, &o. POINT PLEASANT FOITNDRY, No. 9J BEAOH_Street, Kensington , 1111 M TWIIB informs his filen& that, ti , vini pu ska/rod the entire stook wf Yeatenis at the A ye Noun. Ohe is now pre_pared to receive order, r Rollin' rbit. and ISsw Caatinge, taoap. Chemioal, oni Seise Work, searing . Giuttlega wisige from /Lwow iporstor7 or (Familia Paraseas. In 11 . 7 or crown ••• 11 1 • WUM. .14,e1V I'.l 7 7 WEEKLY OOMMUNIOATION •??- BY STEAM BETWEEN NEW YORK AND LIV HPOOL, nailing at QUEENSTOWN (Ire land,) to land and embark passengers and despatches. The Liverpool, New York, and Philadelphia Steam ship Company's eplendld Clyde-built iron screw steam ships, are intended to sail as follows: FROM NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL. EDINBURGH. Saturday, IRpril 20 OLASUOW. tdatu"day, Apnl 21 CITY OF WASHINGTON, Saturday,Mar 4 And every Saturday throughout the rear. from F..E.R No. 44 ft. R. RATES OF PASSAGE THROUGH FROM PHILADELPHIA. 1 Cabin, to Queenstown, or Liverpool.—.- --- 75 Do. to London, via Liverpool—. . ..., --.— SD Steerage to Queenstown, or Liveri001....—........ go Do. to London. ......,.....,—. sa Do. Return tickets, avalmout tor sixmonths, from Liverpool.. .„, s eo Passengers forwarded to Havre. Paris, Hamburg, Bremen. and Antwerp, at through rates. Ce.ttficates of passage issued from Liverpool to New York—.—. .._ ......... $4 O Cvtifiestes of passage issued from gneeastown'tO ew Y0rk......_ ___ —.—.. t......„. ego hese steamers have eoerlor accommodations for paesengers, are constructed p with watertight oompsrt merits. and carry experienced Surgeons. For freight, or passages [y at then ffice of the Com pany. Joßor O. DALS, Agent. 109 Walnut street_, Philadelphia. In Liverpool. to WM. INMAN, Tuvrer Buildings. In (Ilissgow, to Wm, INMAN. 13 Dixon street. THE BRITISH AND NORTH 1 1:1 1 4 AMERICAN ROYAL NAIL STEAM PROM ram , yoax To trusel.ooi. Chief Cabin $l3O . Second Cabin rassase-...--.--. 1710)1 BOSTON TO xtvgaroox. Chief Cabin Passage $llO Seoond Cabin Yasease____ go York Th e ships from New call at Cork * Harbor. The ships from Boston tall at Halifax and Cork Har bor. • PERSIA, Capt. Judkine. AFRICA, Cast. Shannon. ARABIA, Capt. J. jdtone. CANADA, Capt. Andersen. ASIA, Capt. E (i. LOU A . AMERICA. °alit Watley AUSTRALASIAN, NIAGRA, Capt. Moodie. Capt. E. M. Rookley. EUROPA, Capt. J. Cook, SCOTIA, ( now building.) These vessels carry a clear whits light at mast-head ; reen on starboard bow ; red on port bow. CANADA, Anderson, leaves Boston,Wednesday, April 3. FRIQA, Shannon, " York, Wedneeday, Mini 10. UROPA, Cook, " Boston. Wednesday, Apnll7. FftBl A , Judkine, " N. York, Wednesday, April N. NIAGARA, Moodie, " Boston. Wednesday, May I. ASIA Lott , N. York, WedneirdaY.MayS. AIBIA, Stone. " Boston, Wednesday , M ay in. A 'RICA, Shannon. " N. Yorjr. Wednesday, May U. Bertha not secured until nab: for . An expenenord Surgeon on rd. The owners of these shies w ill not be aocountable for Gold, Si ver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor, and the value thereof therein expressed. For _freight or passage, apply to B. CUNARD. mht-tt - 4 Bowling Green. New York. FOR TITE 8017T11.-4aIIABLES. TON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIPS. Bills lading for goods for points other than the cities of Charleston and Savannah, must be accompanied with certified invoices, to insure prompt delivery• Alt goods not permitted immediately after the arrival of the ateamers at Charleston and Savaruish Will be sent to the Custom-house stores. The Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA having_ bee h withdrawn for the present, the Steamship lc Eyrropi STATE will run to both Savannah and Charleston, taking freights for both ports at the same time, pro ceeding first to Savannah, and from thence to Charles ton, making liveries as fr e q uen tl yin and Savannah aa when both ships wore running. r assengers for wo re will be tioketed through imp) Savannah to Charleston by Railroad. Fare to Savannah, 816; through to Charleston, $l6. FOR CHAR I..Es'PON AND SAVANNAH. Owinyr to the j)iffienities at Charleston, the Steamship KEYSTONE 15TAT.E. Cakt. hianduxuatt. has been wh drawn for the present , Ono notice pj her atlaillf will be illVen. Goods received even day. and Bills of Lading signed at second wharf above Vine ;treat. INSURANCE. Freight and inimrance on a largeproportion of 6ds shipped South Will be found to be lower by these ships than by sating vessels. Mir Insurance on all Railroad Freight is entirely tutneoesaary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the Railroad Companies taking all risks from these points. Philadelphia to New Orleans and intermediate points. Charleston and Savannah route. oonneoting with 'steamers for Fl orida , and with railroad, for New °gleans and into[ me iate points. GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE. Fare by :hie route 26 to 60 per oent oh than by the Inland Route, as will be seen by. the following schedule. Through tickets from Philadelphia. via Charleston and Savannah steamehipi, INCLUDING MEALS on the whole route, except from Charleston and Savannah to Montgomery a To Savannah— —Bl6 ei ITO Columbus...__Columbus...__. en oo Cheri colon. 26 00 Albany.-- --,„ ya 00 Augusta_.... 11 dfl Montgomery ......, 2I 00 Macon— - -., 70 00 Mobile Y___„ gape Atlanta-- —. 31 001 New Orleans__ . .22 ye N. 8.-Passengers by this route coot with the in land Route in South Carolina and , orgiti, travelling by the same conveyances thence to New Orleans, No Mlle of lading signed after the ntiln bas sem& yr. freight received on the dek of sailink Agents in Charleston, 'P.O. & T, 0' BUD D ' . ~ Savainfordi, 11 TTER It (IA Pdhlraih T, S. &T. O. BUDD, harleato , and HUNTER & Gam ME,14,, Savannah, will ateui n f to entering and for warding an goods 000sigried to the r Dam Avrthern Central. illlllll4la rani:Tarr and Erie IL 2. SALES BY AUCTION. SALE AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS EMBROIDERIES, R_IBi:ONS, FLOWERS, Ao. By catalogue, on a credit. On Wednegday .Morning, April 24. sale commencing at ID ololook precisely. PHLLIP FORD & 00., AIIO'rIONEERS, NO. 030 MARKET eltroat and 691 MINOR IL LARGE SPECIAL SALE OF 25,000 WINDOW SHADES. On account of one ci the Ja.rcefit manufacturers in New On Tuesday Mornin. April IS, at 10 o•dlost tirsaisely, by eatalogne, foy cash will be peremptorily sold to the highest bidder, as follows: 10 OM e-feet centre velvet and gilt shades.. 10,000 •• 2.000 7-feet ' 1,000 centre " 10.000 4..faet plain gilt shades. 10.000 centre and gilt shades. Zaxi 7-feet • • 2.600 " plain " 1.000 6-feet plain green 1.000 " oenAre and preen " 2.0007-feet LIMO - foot oentre andpilver oo 7-feet we would call the especial attention of buyers to the above goods, as embracing the handsomest assortment of shades ever offered loafs market. POSITIVE SALE OF 1.000 ca 8 .aF,3 . BOOTS, SHOES, D .BROGM* On Thursday Morning. April at to o l olook preeigely, be kola, by Cata logue— • 1,000 cages men's, boys' and youths" calf. kip, and grain boom, calf, kip, and z rain brogans. Congress gaiters, Ox ford, Sootoh, and Jersey tieg, walking shoes, &o.; wo men's mimes', and children's calf, hip, goat, and kid heeled boots and mimes, gaiters. buskins, slippers, Pro.; also, o largo assortment of firet-eless ear-made goods. also. 10 dozen (wahines' lining.. lET Goode open for examinahon, With oatalogues, early on the morning of sale. M FITZPATRION. & Bxus., AUO - • TIONKERS, 606 COMITSIIT Streets sixth, SALES EVERY EVENING. At 7 o'olook, of Books, stationery and tansy goods Wetohes, jewery, olooki , silver plated ware, ostlery, paintings, nourioal instruments, ass. Ake, liosiery, dry goods boots and shoes, and rm. ohandise of every description. DAY SABO! every :Monde!. Yfridnudat. and trri• day at 10 o'olook A. M. PRIVATE ISALM. At private sale several large oonsiments of watches, Jewelry. books. etationery ailver-Va gn ted ware. collerr, fanny gooes, ho. To whiok is so li cited the attention of ray and eountry merchants and others. Consignments solicited of all kinds of aterobandiss for either public or private sales. Wir Liberal cash a dvances made on oonaignseents. Oat-door sales promptly attended to. 03ES NATE.AI3S, A. UOTION _VLF; ,LTA. AND 001dfdligi1014 liii;RolLl.2l7,Boutheast oorßer of alXilt and RACE &mats. NAThANS' LARGE' SALE OF FORFEITED WATCHES. JEWELRY, &o. From Nathans' Principal Establishment, southeast Corner of Sixth and Rene Streets. On Tuesday Morni ng. April 21 at 10 o'olook, at Aloes' Nathan' Auction House. Noe. 160 and /67 }Northtlixttt street, adjoining the southeast }North corner of Sixth and Race. Consisting, in partGOL D . of-- WATCHES. Gold hunting case. double-cane, and double-bottomed En lisp patent lever watches in 18- oarat oases. extra fulljawelted. and of the moat envroved and but makers: gold huntin g-oaeo and open-face detaohed escapement patent lever watches. IS-carat oases. and of the best matters; gold hunting-cage and open-face horixontal cylinder and lepine watches. in 18 - carat oases, and of the very best makers gold double-time and inde pendent-second patertt ; watches. in 18-oarat oases, and hut makers: venous kinds of fold English. Swiss. and French watches. SILVER NtATCHES. Silver huntinF-case, double • case, and double- bottom Faiglish patent lever watches, of the most approved and beet makers; silver. duplex, escapement lever, oylin der. and leeine watches. to bunting cases and open faces, full jewelled and plain; silver quartier watches ; silver doable case, siaglo-orwe and double-bottomed English, Swiss, and French waechea. JEWELRY. Diamond finger rings and breast-pins, single atone and oldsters; fine gold sets for Indies; gold neon. vest, fob, and chatelaine ohsins ; fine gold finger rings or every variety . and kind; heavy fine gold eagle ; t i ne gold I:wawa-gone, gold ear-rings, sold bracelets, gold pencil-oases and pens, gold etude, gold sleeve buttons, gold and silver speotaoles• gold eye glasses, gold keys, seas, and charms, gold inedallions and lockets, and va rious other watches and ewelry. ko. NATHANB' GREAT SALE OF CLOTHING, BED DING, AND OTHER ARTICLES. On Tuesday Morning, Both Wet.. at le o'clock. at the amnion store. • MACHINERY AND IRON. P PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WQRXR —PIEAFIE Or. LEVY, P 0 AL AND TREOKiTICAL EPIGIPIEERN, MACH lIITE,_ _BOILER-MA ERS, BLACIRRNIITTUI, and FOII.NDEMB, having, flu many /OM. been II inicoessfal opensti . on, and been exalt:wooly engaged ip building and repairing Marine and River &mules, high and low pressure Iron Boats, Water Tanks, Propellers, ego., tro. t reggeot' - fally offer their gervszee to the pnblis AB bog Mil) prO,VGrOli to 0012tTOPt for Engines of al sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary , Wing sew a ptents of &Heron:sizes, ere preparea to °zeolite or ders with quiet despatch. Every description of Patient making made at the shortest notice. High and Low Pressure, lino, Tubular, and Cylinder Boillerg, of the best Pennsylvania ekarooaliroa. Forging, of all sizes ro d ll h ?r n aljP. ' 4l. B ll?elifflb °r oife d rlr 3 C.r 6 ee n iV meted with tee above bush ' Drawings and apeoifioaboza or all work Sens apt tkeir ostabilehment, free of charge, and work guarantied, Who ombsonbera have ample wharf doek room for re. pairs of boats, where they can Ho in perfect safety ant WS granite! Intl sheers, bloats, Ws. &a., 45.. for raialae bleary er lig weight+. JACOB I. 3IEAP/ii. 10.1111 P. LEVY. BEAM and PALMER attests 7. VANGHAN MERRICK, 70717/ E. COPS, WILLIAIK H. MERRICK. RAWILIT MIMIC& SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREET& miate 130tI,Ar. D ZLPHIA. Ng, ENGINEERS AND MACH1N1AT3,, c6 ,,,,.. glan t. ..-=,.. au b elixsio .1 '"" li ---- 130116111. Gasometers, Tank", Iron Boats, &o; Coal ins of all kinds, either iron or brims. Iron Frame Roofs for Gan Works, Workshops, Rail road Stations, ho. Retorts and Gan Machinery of the latest and most im proved constrsiction. Ilihmery description of Planton Machinery . snob as mugar, Saw, and 13rist Mi lls , l s Vacuum Pans, Open ll,lteam Trams. Defeoators. F ilters, Pumping Engines, Sole Arent, for N. Iliiltenx's Patent Sugar Dolling Apparatu Diegogtteo Patent oStocim Hammer, and pl,uwall Wolßei Patent Centrifuged Buser Dradmns machine IWAIRMOUNT MACHINE WORKS, WOOD Bt., between Twenty Bret end Twenty second. Estabbehed iae. The underingned, eueoeseor to the late firm of J. & T. WOOD, will Quntinuo the busmen In all its branches as neretotore. rower Looms and all machines connected with them. Embossing caLlenders, Lard Oil Presses, Shafting. and Machine Work in general. Thankful for peat favors. be would respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed on the late firm. THOMAS WOOD. Philadelphia. Jan. n. lOU. je24-3m S HIPPING SPECIAL NOTICE NAMES BY AUCTION. 'IIIOMAS & BONS, • Non. 139 and 141 Beath FOURTH. atry (Formerly NO/.6i wnd Mk) STOCES AND REAL ESTATE—TUESDAY to.A., Pamphlet or net now ready. onntainang 4 .... aanptlont of all the property to be sald,m %nada bg,'" with a list of sales of real estate and funoturel 22d, 23d, and 30th Apnlond let Mar t or sate , it th o e Nne charms, 90th April and lth May, including a Yet" IA AI, amount of valuable property. . THE NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE, fre tti 3 ,... Fifteenth street, will be held tit prirate Nile let n ' t dais, at a mo(l6tato Imo°. 4 tee STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. SALES AT THE EiCIRACIU b E v CRY rota., Sr Handbills of each property issued stips,r ate ',', 4 Y. addition to whioh we publish, on the liaterdar -;it n in formtt "ale, one thouestaa walogues, la X tr .,,114 1 4n Hip StODertt r.: 41 gtviliall d . aoriptlorie of avid on tb towing Tuesday. he NE ES rAM AT PRIVATE BALE. or We have it [ Atte amount o n f real estate at eriu, sale, including' /veil Ateorli e tig ad o a f oar aze 0 0 , 3 ,,e. Property. Printed bete ihm In one attle/tie atiii4ril t tin auction 71. PRIVATE SAL REGISTER , 110 4 Kir Reel °sista entered on Otlf trrivete Mile re,i it and advertised 000dsionally (of which uao thoueaud oovies ere Yrintad v fli k lt. free of charge. • IN PEREMPTORY SALE—STOCKS, eco. On Tuesday. April 2S, noon, at the Exchange, wilt be sold— without reserve for non puyment of assetentv ~_ 3.y100 snare, HotiOmMO Mining UOMPIny. For account of whom It may concern— DO shares Union Cana. Conlon?, 120 snares Little Sohitylkill /Navigation oat Company. Railroad I share r hilacelphia Library Complain. aeignee's Peremptory Bale -27 ahares North Permarixania Rmirout e) 'shares Commonwealth Dank. COMptsi. 1 ehare. bleroanthe Library. 2 S and Coaoo aetio nCom_yA-mortuage bends of the Barclay s ad cad al anT• 0 50 "rip Olivet Baptist Church. Federal street. REAL ESTATE MALE — Arniii 23, Fzeoutors , Sole—l-hate of Gonrad wolt. senates_ Very valuable GERMANTOWN PIIOPERTY. acres, with improvements. A Ilen'e lone, Dear the &e at Airy etatio r Chestnut Hip Railroad. Orphans' ourt fible—ketate of Thomas prolit,d mmeed,-0 ELLING AND LOT OP GROIAP. e. iseth. weet corner of Twenty-third street and Brown': cos above Cellowhill street. Same Estate. POUR. Dart LLINGS on ar ea l% court, west of Twenly,third street, north of Cntlos Same Estate.—'EHKEE•STORY BRICK DWEIT: ING. Logan street. north of Green street.l3th ware. s ame ksente.—NTUß r. A N u DW ELLING, north • of Callowhitt streel, west of Twertaire AMA/104 ude same Estate. —ElTOßE AND D W AMA/104 alijtteitg thobone on the west. 3 THREK.ISTORY BRICK DWELLINGB 731. and 733 Lombard street. 73. BRICK DWELLING, No.lo Pleasant avenue, e arth of Lombard street. ELEGANT BROWN-STONE RESIDENCE gide 0I Prettd Wen, south of Girard . veil ven .Loti D o met trout. The house has all the mee emon : Executors . ' t'eremEtory Sale—Estate of Aen ?grip & deoeseed.—NhAT RE3IDEPICE, No. 7318prsee street and Brion Dwelling in the rear. on Orapse street. ' Car U for Stale.—ELh GANI RESIDENCE RILL, with 43 ‘. 110 ,reet lOth superior slola. 5.60 feet front on Thorp tape. FLOEtae n e ad' large lots !LED 7 111A00P feet 5013 t R h U . R , d C e ß of E a .• sem street, between 'eighth and Ninth ursine, opy at i6 the southern front of Continental Hotel, HANDSOME NE w MODELN RESIDENcE.torth. west corner Seventeenth and Wallace streets. H u tie _nienees. Immedlata_pn.m. p in Vl43 Illit e mE- STORY BRICK DWELLtil'oe,Wii. llama street, northwest of Tulin street, late Diatrieter Richmond. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, Fulton et., northwest of Tulin street. TWO THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS , yai. ton street. FOUR YRARLY GROUND-REM!), Viz.; ea, 833, 330, and 324. Puhlto Bale at the Bertram Garden. STOCK OF fittittF.4l, CARRIAGES, W A on 6 CART., MO W J NCE MAC ktINES, CATTLE, PAM!. ING IMPLEMENTS, &c. Thee e, Morning, A ril Si. at 16 , olook, at tit e reek.latioe of A. M. Ea ry . wiolck below Gray's Fer ty. II be sold et yobbo sale. without reserve. about SO head of settle, inelMiar a number of fine miloh caws, several with Oakes pi their sides; some very desirable yoltng stook; attn. rough-bred Durham bull, and five young belts horses; oarrlasit by Jumbo' earner., 17 Nolo. York wagon, by Watson;Wdouble and single Utkets; saddle and bridle, ito. Also, Ketehant's mowing maehtne and seed drill Landreth's mower and reaper, with all tits West provements ; hap rake, seed drill, natant Whitler bar fork, cultivators, ploughs, harrows. large roller. Soo. blo - horso Polftir, two koPti - Wheel bay ',wont No. row-wmact bay wogou, with box boa, two ope-herte carts, spring, cart, new spring wagon, blink and ladle, lot window frames, sash, lot Lead pipe, cztat-irot old iron, a large lot of farming imPlealentd. tra Sale peremptory. Terms essh. The Darby Passenger Railroad Cars past the law every half hoar. Administrator's Sale, 1911 Walnut street—EH/its of or, SUPERIOR RESIDENCEAN DFUR d nn. ma- KORB. OIL PAINTINGS, CURTAINS, O.IIANDD. LIERS, &a. On Tuesday Morning. 21d inst., at 10 o'clock, at No. 1911 Walnut inreet.ty catalogue, toe entire furniture, comprising sumor walnut drawing , ' room 'furniture, mantel and Nor mit. tore. fine7ll paintings and en graying'. nurtains, dollars. g sae and °tuna, superior dining-room and chamber urniture. Also, the kitchen lurniture, retn gerator be. Ise The superior residence, with poach tom, will he sold at 10 o'clock precisely, previous to Dank of furniture. lull particulars in hand bills and catalogues, BALE OF VALUABLE MIBOELL.AIgEOI/8 BODX3 On Tuesday Evening, April 23. at the Auction tore. S will be mold a collet. lion of valuable misoellaneous books, a portion from a private library. Sir For particulars see catalogues. Pale at the Pennsylvsnla Rotel. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, FEATHER BEDS, CARPETS, CARRIAGES, BAR FIXTURES, LI• QUOILS, &o. On Wednesday Morning, 24th instant at [Oo'aLcialr, at the Pennsylvania Rotel, 48 Nona sixth street, the enure [armature, feather bode, cerpote, family Oirriage nO/111, tWO fella OE. tiaras. bar fi xtures, 1(1110TI. &O. ear May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morniet of the sale, Sale No. 1303 Chestnut Street, ELEGANT FURNITURE. MIRRORS, _ CHANDELIER, VELVET CARRaTS, kr. On Wediteeday Romney.. April 21, at 10 o'clock, at No. 1303 Chestnut ,treat. by catalogue— The entire furniture of a lady declining houreteeelnr. comprising rosewood and brooatelle furniture, piano -forte by Gale tr. Co., handsome mantel and pier minors, fine velvet carpets, eared inter China and glen ware, superior walnut chamber feral ture, fine mattresses. cottage furniture, oilstone, ko. Also, a Quantity of fine preserves ; also. the titan famiture. air May be examined at 8 o'olodk on the momint et thefiale. RV' No postponement on account of the weather. Peremptory Sale, on the Premises. FAT,ATP! GRORGE Meg EN RV. F i /Q. _ THE EL EOANT COUNTRY SEAT WWII:, Ben i.NA./18,1. da 2. N &Pr* itYrT On Wednesy . outing, May let, IE6I, at ten o'clock preoieely, will be sold at public auction. without reserve, on the promisee— All that beautiful country seat. Woodbourne, loth snparicr modern mansion. stable and coach-how, green-honse, jos-house. and other oat-buildings, ai. llo aorta highly improved land, situate on the Sprlnsfiekl road, about half a mile from the terminus of the Darby Passenger Railroad, and gin miles from Market greet bridge. The mansion is of brick, ypalnted and sanded, built and finished in a moat costly and elegant style. from p ane by J. McArthur, Esu., architeot. and under hla superintendence, toploto with evert arandirii fm provementand convenience for a winter as well ass summer reeidenoe. The out buildings are also superior and oommodions, the grounds beautifully laid out and planted with every species of evergreen and deciduose trees and shrubbery, fine fruit, pears, cherries, Plum. tco. Also, an arbor of fohoice grape vines, a gardeo, and several large hot beds. In the rear of the minion are about three gores of fine American forest frets. td a grove of large walnut tree,. The property bounds also on the Darby Creek, 60 feet wide and T feet deep. which affords fine bathing and boating. A more full description may be had at the auction rooms. The supenor furniture, horns, wrists:ls. Li., Will be sold, by catalogue, immediately after the real eider. Terms—half cash. Mgr Sale absolute, the owner having goes to Europe' Sale No. SU North MIRRORt SUPERIOR FURNITURE. BRUSSELS CARPETS, &c. Fndaoing. May 3d,. at ton O o n y M 'clock, at 874 rn North Sixth street, lN ovo Parish atroott The superior parlor, dining-room, and chamber farel tura, fine French plate mantel mirror, no Brunei. carvers, superior spring mattresses, and leather tta. nnoplated tea set. &o. S May be examined with catalogue on the moraitt of the sale, at sight o'clock. HAIR RESTORATIVE. T HE ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS - • • -• • ISTOOD THE TEST OF YEA-ItB ERT DAL AND DHOWS MORI AND MOAK POPULAR Zr w o e , And testimonia. new and &moat without Y , sd " might)), given, from ladies and gentlemen in all t• of somety, Wood's united teatimmay none coo Id tem.!' that Prof. Hair Restonstiye will restore the bald and gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to old US in all its youthful beauty! ATTLE CIIZZIt. Bile h.,21, IKA. Pito,. WOOD: T h e s e wilt please aooept a line to in• form thee that the hair on my head all tell off ow twenty year, ago, caused by a complicated chronic dd. ease, attended with an eruption on the bead. A cote tinual course of suffenng through life having radioed me to a state of dependence, I have not been able to obtain stuff for Cape, neither have I boon able to do them up, in consequence of which my head has infrared extremely from cold. This induced me to pa Britt' & Bodges almost the last cent I had on earth f l ora twq dollar bottle pf thy Hair Restorative about t he lit or August but. I have faithfully followedthe direction.' and the bald spot is now covered with hair thick sad black, though short; it is also earning in all over ml head. Feeling confident that another large bottle yield restore It entirely and permanently, I feel anxious tO persevere in its use, and being destitute o r Kn ew te Purchase any more, would ass thee if thee would.' not he willing to send me an order on thinsagents fur bottle,, and receive to thyself the Seriptureileelarauos • The reward into those that are kind to the widely and the fatherless." Thy friend. SUSANNAH KIRBY. LICINIZA. Noble co. Indiana. Feb. ?Roy. 0, J. WOOD: Dear Sir: in the latter part of Ito Schr lEEE while attending the State and bational Law 00l of the State of New York, my hair, [rom a me unknown to mu, commenced falling off very mPldill that in the short space of six months, the whole mg part of my scalp wax almost entirely bereft of its and much of the remaining portion upon the and back part of my head shortly after became gory; Ie that you will not be surprised when I tell you that, nide my return to the State of Indiana, my more areal ea euaintancee were not so much at a loss to discover the cause of the change in my appearance. as my mom Ia• timate acquaintances were to recognise me at all. lat once made application to the most skilful Flow" M re ans in the country, hut.receivi ng no assurance m side om them that my hair could again restored. I was for to become reconciled to my fate, until,fortunetelY ,ln the latter part of the year 1667, your Reiterative was recommended to me by a druggist, as being the meet reliable Hair Restorative in use. I tried one bottle.soll found to ragreat satisfaction that it Wa used rtealdr desired eff ec t. Since that time. I haveeeven o • large worth of your Restorative, and as a result, here 3 Mob ooat of very soft black hair, whioh no moiler ma buy. Asa mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill in the prodootion of se wonderful an aerials, I have T eem mended its use to many of my friends and soolonlig , a, 0 0 1, who, I am happy to inform pou, are using It like offset. Very reepeetruily, yours, A. fd. LATTA. Attorney and Counsellor at LAW. Depot, 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers through out the world. _The Restorative is pet up in Battle. of three pin': viz: large, medium, and su all ; the small hokls *LI pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; ttio nbl small, eet terellty per cent. more in V the eedh retails for two dollars a bottle the je T o e 6 .. holds a quart, 40 per oent. more in proportion, and tails for 83 a bottle. WAY, 0. J. WOOD & CO, Proprietors, 444 BROAD m New York, and 114 re &n.g.V.T Street, St. Louis, t 2 And sold by all good Druggists and Fanny Good' Deal s overlie. Sold in this cite by B. A. FAHNESTOOK k tie: 7 and 9 North FIFTH Street. and H. ASKA/ID TWELFTH and'gß F STRUT Streets; DYU i'T 232 North ti.E.C__QND Street. ocl3-mwfeowWtf CHARLES M. BREAKER, xpoTHEOA RY, teeProttully annoupoes to the public dist ti! well-knowne Mr. PAUL G.OLIVER at the old °DI stand, at the Northeast earner of BROAo and CH EISTN UT Streets. Having thorourblf refitted the establisbment k and furnished it with a and n °Velar; .elected stank of raga and Chemicals, oda! the prescription , tepensins, and manufaotuncr l ° Pertinent* to gentlemen or well -6po.° And uhtilla Ported pharmetaentioal ability, be would rolled , the se' tropeB.° of those who esteem exadlerme and nurßY medioines ea of primary importance. CHARLES M. BREAKER would also Invite stmt. Holt to his well-mmorted stook of °hole° Tooth. fiß tr. end other Brushes, Perfumery and Toilet and Duni Goods 'lntensity. a pil-wfot 61 1111ntmattsLputs, Aprll fid, DU:ORO-PNEUMONIA, OR OATTL3 EPIDEMIC. CATTLE DISEASE, CATTLE DIBEASE. . CATTLE DISEAS CATTLE DISEASE. be ha , by An unfeilintremedr_ for this dine/see _trw, applying 10 Dr. H. cLOK, No. 407 VINE.: kntindslirklak Alio, medicines for nil kinds or aim , Horrep,.. PUNDRD , JE,E. wARRANTEQ. QR ItIQNEY, ilk u riDED, 13Uat WAIUWIg. RgFIINDE. cUB.E WARMI . • ......purcp • CIV.KE WAR . OK Y ,ferFirfrn Weal GRAVE -STONES, tot/LAVE-STOVE S.— My stook of Grave stones and Monuments to b sold at very reduced prices. Beggs rah and OISMID O, before purchasing elsewhere, at M re;T_Z A WorksrNstb of A. 6. fels-ts It.,pa/C Avenge . Nll4. OLIVE OlL.—Pure Olive Oil, g' Latour and Jauretabc & earstairs, for Ws by JAY* RW/1011.8 & CAXATAIMI, 510915, EROII7 St. DAI