HOW Use Surrender was Accomplished. From the Charleston Mercury.] Fort Sumpter was delivered up en Saturday to Captain Ferguson, one of General Beauregard's aids, despatched to receive it, and raise upon its walls the Confederate flag. Previous to leaving, Major Anderson carefully pointed oat the looation . of the mines which he had laid to defend hie post , also the powder magazines, with the danger to which he might be exposed by the prog e resa or t fire, etc . After performing these tolfi , "g , he de livered np the keys It is understood that Major Anderson had in. tended to fire a salute of one hundred guns before striking the United States flag, both the national salute of thirty.four or thirty-six guns, and the President's estate of twenty-one guns. This not being particularly agreeable to the captors of the fort, he determined to fire a full salute, but ono without special point. The accident whioh hap pened to his gunners pat a stop to his intention. Immediately upon seeing the fatal effect, Major Wetting wrote an order for the Confederate troops bury the body in the p war,arade round of For S t ompter with all the honrs of and sent a copy to Major Anderson, who was visibly affected by this token of respite)! towards his brave garri son by their victorious enemies. The Confederate flag and the ensign of South Carolina was hoisted simultaneously on the ram parts looking towards Charleston. Captain Fergu eon, in charge of the former, was assisted by Major Jones. The Palmetto flag was raised by Colonels F. J. Moses, Jr., and J. L. Dearing, as sisted by Colonel Carroll. The two flagstaffs , upon which the colors had bean raised, bad been lashed to two guns near one another by Commodore Hertstene, and rose some fifteen feet above the parapet. It is stated that Anderson's flag-staff at Fort Sumpter was touched by balls seven times before the final shot whisk out it down. The halyard was out below the flag on the morning of the 12(h. At Fort Moultrie. where floated both the Confede rate and State colors, the folds of the former were pierced by four balls, the latter by three. Our readers may not have remarked the auspi cious circumstance that, on the nights of the 12-11 and 13th, the moon showed the ?Dyer crescent Which stands on the deg of the State A gentle man also Informs us, on the morning of the 13th, as an omen of victory, that he saw a game-cook mount the tomb of Calhoun, on Church street. flap his wings, and crow. The superstitious will make a note on't. ANOTHER ACCOUNT OF THS SURRINDER (From the Charleston Courier.) It wail then proposed to sand a flag of truss, and ask Major Anderson if be desired to surrender ; no flag being seen from that point on his ramparts, after an interval of ten minutes. It was at first decided not to send a flag, but after deliberation It was concluded to (Imo. Col. Chisholm was de spatched to procure • boat. In the meantime, Col. Wigfall secured an open skiff. Ile tied his handkerchief upon a sword, and accompanied by Private Young..of the Palmetto Guard, went un der a raging fire, from all points bat Morris' Island, to Sumpter. The skiff was propelled by two negro oarsmen. After Colonel Wigfall bad proceeded four or five hundred yards on his mission, Captain Childs gal loped down, and urged the recall of Colonel W., because the United States flag was yet flying from the ramparts nearest Moultrie, and not visible from Cummings' Point. Major Stevens also re ported the United States flag to be flying from Sumpter, but it was too late to recall the gallant statesman and soldier. He proceeded straightway, and when he reached the fortress a shell burst in mid-air directly over him, scattering the fragments of iron in every direction. It Remus that nothing but a providential interference could have pro tooted the lives of himself and those with him p , On landing Col. W. walked around the break water and finally crawled through a casemate. Private Young and the negroes remained without In the boat. Shell and shot fell around them like hail. So thick was the shower that the negroes refused longer to remain exposed, and were about to leave. Mr. Young drew his revolver and threatened to shoot the first man who dared to move. This effectually quieted them. Wigfall, on reaching the fort, poked his head through a port hole, when a soldier, who saw him, asked, "What do you want?" IWigfall. To see the commandant. Anderson appeared at the moment, and said, "Here I am." Wigfall. I see, Major, that you have up a white flag. Do you surrender? Anderson. Yea, I have np a flag of truce, but you still continue your fire. Wigfall. And that they will oontinue to do, ea tong as you keep up the United States flag. Anderson. I desire a parley. Wigfall. That is no use. We will help put out your lire, but there must be no delay. We will be content with nothing but unconditional surrender. Anderson. Then I must surrender. I have no other resource. My men will shortly suffocate. We are all in flames. The brave commander of Sumpter then agreed that be would unconditionally surrender, subject to the terms of Gen. Beauregard, as follows : First—Affording all proper facilities for remo• vitig him and his command, together with com pany arms and property and all private property. biecondly—That the Federal flag he had so long and go bravely defended should he saluted by the vanquished on taking it down. Thirdly—That Anderson should be allowed to dx the time of sur render. These terms, it will be remembered, are all that Anderson asked. before the contest. And it is re garded as magnanimous on the part of the victori ous general to grant all that was requested by his enemy, namely : to retire with the honors of war. MAJOR ANDERAON AND ERN The appearanoe of both Major Anderson, his drama and the men, indicated the terrible nrtnre of the ordeal from which they had jast emerged. Deprived of sleep for many hours, fatigued with their labors at the guns, and prostrated by their battle with an element which waged beyond con control, they looked worn, haggard, and ready to drop with sheer exhaustion. Their provisions would have given out in two days more, when an unconditional surrender would have necessarily restated. When we went Into Sumpter through the port hole, we found the Major buoy distributing letters to the officers and men of his force. Ile appeared to be in perfect health. He was all smiles, and chatted in en easy vein. The men were hearty looking and cheerful. All of the poor fellows wanted whisky, and many were the silentgestion lotions they made to ascertain if any could be had. The laborers in the fort took no part in the fight, but were busy dodging the balls. Our in formant did not see any of the officers but Burgeons Crawford and Seymour. THE SCENE AT FORT SUMPTER It were vain to attempt a detailed description of the scene. Every point and every object in the interior of the fort to which the eye was turned, except the outer walls and casemates, which are still 'strong, bore the impress of ruin. It was as if the genius of destrnetion bad tasked its energies to make the thing complete, brooded over by the desolation of ages. It could scarce have been developed to a more full maturity of ruin. The walla of the internal structure, roof less, bare, blackened, and perforated by shot and shell, hung in fragments, and seemed in instant readiness to totter down. Near the centre of the parade ground was the hurried grave of one who had fallen from the re cent casualty. To the left of the entrance was a man who seemed to be at the verge of death. In the ruins to the right there was another The shattered tlag•etaff, pierced by four balls, lay !Traw ling on the ground. The parade ground was strewn with fragments of shell and of the dilapida, tad building.. At least four guns were dismounted on the ramparts, and at every step the way was impeded by portions of the broken stricture. Montgomery County True to the Flag 12.1t10911 DZMONSTRATION In response to a call, the people of Norristown met at Odd Fellows' Hall on Monday evening, the IStla instant, to expresso their 'acme upon the great events that are now stirring the country. The meeting was called to order by Lloyd Jones, who moved the appointment of the following of ficers : Preardent—Edwin Vic.s.Presuients—Hon. D. M. Smyser, Hen. Da vid Krause, Hon. Owen Jones, Eon. N. Jacoby, James Boyd, D. H. Malvany, B. M. Boyer. Wm. H. Slingluff, Jaa. Hoover, Gen Wm. Scholl, Gen. Geo. Amoy, Col. Jno. F. Hartranft, Col. Henry Freedly, Col. H. W. Bonsall, Col. H. B. Ritter, Capt. Reuben T. Soball, Capt. R. E. Taylor, Wm. R. Lesher, B. F. Kendall, Abraham Markley, B. F. Hancock, D. A. Brower. Robt. klredell, B. E. Chain, E Moore, C. H. Stinson, S. N. Blob, H. C. Hill D.ll. Stein, A. B. Loot/akar, W. T. Kop lin, F. Sullivan, R. T. Stewart, Benj Secretaries—H. K. Weand, F. March, Wm. L. Jones,C. T. Miller, R R. Corson, Frank Drew, French Baker, Mark Thompson, A. J. Anderson, Wm. K. Clerke', Joe. L. Allabougb, E, A. Banks, Samuel B. Law". Oa taking the ohair, the president addressed the meeting, and made an earnest appeal for the Union, the Constitution, and the enforcement of the laws. B. M. Boyer, Esq., moved the appointment of a committee of thirteen to report resolutions. The chair appointed the following B. M. Boyer, James Boyd, A. it. Cox, Lloyd Jones, B E. Chain, F. Sullivan, ti. B. Lewis, Charles Hunsioker, Hon. Owen Jones, Hon. David Krause, A. B Longaker, B. E. Taylor, and Philip Hahn, who, after a short absence. reported the following, which were adopt ed, amid shouts of the loudest enthusiasm : Wham:4, The treasonable conspiracy of a por- tion of the citizens-of the American Union against our common country has at length culminated into an open and avowed act of warfare, commenced by the rebel forces at Charleston, under the direction or the usurpers of national authority at Montgo mery : And aeharace. an appeal has thus been made to arms for the overthrow of the Government to which we all owe allegiance, not only by birth, but also by every other obligation which ought to oommitod the patriotism of the citizens of a free and hitherto prosperous and happy country : Therefore, RiLtolved, That the issue baying been forced upon .the Federal Administration by actual war began in the harbor 01 Charleston, and resulting in the reduction of a fortress belonging to the Go vernment and the capture of the garrison, there is no virtue in further forbearance with treason. And it becomes the imperative duty of the Govern ment to most the momentous crisis with stern re wire, and to repel force by force promptly, and, if necessary, to the extent of all the resources within its control. It is snob action alone which will enable it to retain the respect of mankind at home and abroad. That nationality for the este bliehment of which our heroic ancestors were will ing to shed their blood freely is worthy of being maintained and cemented, if needs be, by the blood of their children. Resolved, That we recognize no political asso ciations inconsistent with our obedience to the laws as administered by a ooustitutlonelly - eleoted• President, no matter to what party he may belong. Nor do we recognize any distinction between the traitors at the South, with arms in their hands arrayed against the Government, and the traitors at the North who give them aid and comfort. resolved, That this is a time for acts rather than words. The argument has been exhausted. The only question is whether we shall continue to have a country, or, whether the glorious nationality, which was our proud inheritance, shall go down t o our posterity in weak and discordant frag ments—a tasting memorial of the degeneracy of our times ! - - Resolved, That we, the citizens of the borough of Norristown, in town meeting assembled, with out distinction of party, do solemnly pledge our selves to stand by the national flag, for the Union, the Constitution, and the enforcement of the laws everywhere, &nth as well as North, West as well as East. Resolved, That we will furnish our full ratable proportion of the volunteers who may be called into the field by the Administration ; and that those of us who remain at home will watch over ■nd protect the families of these who go hence in the serde• of their eonntry. Raro/vad, That, as we feel well assured. that the citizens of the entire *minty of Montgomery sym pathize in the movement here Inaugurated, and as prompt action is required in the promisee, we re commend that there be senitable portion appointed by the chairman of this meeting for each ward and township in the county, to make collections is Is respective ward or township towards a fund to be raised and appropriated to the relief of the ne cessities of the volunteers from this county and their families, and that Col. James Boyd, of the borough of Norristown, shall be treasurer, into whose hands all the moneys raised as aforesaid shall be paid by the several collectors, and who, together with William H. Slinging and Jam es Hooven, shall constitute a board who, or a majo rity of whom, shall have authority to make all .ap propriations therefrom, in such proper ions, and with such discriminations, as they may deem ad visable, and exercise a general control ever the same ; their aotion in the premises to be without appeal, and conclusive against all parties. Daring the evening addresses were made by Hon. D . M &user, Hon. David Krause, Hon. Owen Jones, James Boyd, B. M. Boyer, E. A. Banks, Charles linnsioker, and G. N. Corson, Hews. Collecting Committee—B. M. Boyer, Jas. Boyd, Abraham It. Cox, Lloyd Jones, Benj. Chain, Fier ence Sullivan, Samuel B.Lew is , Charles— Hon -1 1, 01. r. sicker, Owen Jones, David Kratme, A. B. Longa ker, Robert T. Taylor, Philip Hahn. PRILADEARBIA BOARD oF 1314. DR. Uffill i C l ß E ' ComiarnE or tine IlioNTn. THOS. s. FERROL", LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Hzchatsge, Philadelphia. Ship Tonawanda, May 1 Ship Daphne, Havener---.... goon ship Westmoreland, Datum ---.....Liverpoot, soon Ship Wm Cummings. CopQee Liverpool, soon Ship Belle of the Ocean, Iteed......—Liverpool, Soon Bark Ellen Morrison. Platt soon Drip Marshal ItieY, .. Vera Cruz, Awn Brie ' , eau°.Evans—. Jag° de Cuba, soon Schr Geo I Jones. Cr0we11....—....._ _Demerara, soon Rehr Y0rk...._...,........ ..... Havana, soon Solis J Northrop. —. au Prince, soon FOR THE WEST COAST or AFRICA—The brig Wren, Cart Wilier, for Sierra Leone, will leave this port on Saturday next, 20th inst. All letters and paokages for the American squadron and others will be forwarded if left at the Forein Letter Officio. Philadelphia t• Rol:lenge . on or before the above date. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. April 19, 1861. BUN RIBES-- __.- 6 18 -BUN - .8 /2 HIGH . .9 28 ARRIVED -- • - Steamship Delaware. Johnson. 20 hours from New York. with mdse and tassengers to James Allderdice. Ship Calliope,__Goodwin, 2 days from New York , in ballast to Peter Wright & Sons. Snip Garibaldi. Emery, 56 hours from New York, in ballast to Workman & Co. Was towed hither by the steaming James A Stevens. Pruned bark Grand Turk, from Cienfuegos below Reedy Islavd. Bark Grand 'Turk, Witham. 15 days from Cienfuegos. with sugar and molasses to & W Welsh. 5d inst. off Tortugas, signalled a stun steering °nat , nod showing a red signal with white ball in centre and two white stars on inner oornere. Brig Allston. Smith. 20 days from Cardenas. with mo lasses to B & W Welsh. 9th inst, 60 miles to the south ward of Cape Henlopen. daring a gale from the east ward. lost a portion of deck load. consisting of 35 litids molasses Brig C M Carver, Pendleton, 9 days from Matanzas, with molasses to John Mason & Co. Behr Ann Maria, Daniel. 15 days from Cienfuegos. WOO sugar and molasses to 8 & W Welsh. Bohr George Byron. Hardy. 7 days from Havana. with sugar to 8 & W Welsh. Rohr .1 B3leeoker., Davis. 4 dare from New. York. with lead to - katham moo. Bohr Delaware. Denby. 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with corn to Jam Barratt & Son. Bohr Jae Barratt, Jr, Fennel, 1 day from Gumboro, Md. with corn to Jas Barratt & Bon. Bohr D 0 Floyd, Raoket,6 days from Bnstol, with oil to Bhober & Co. . . - . Bohr N Holmes. Hewitt. 5 days from Boston. with nide*, to Usury Wtnsor. Bohr Sarah Elizabeth, Kelly, 6 days from Boston. with mdse to captain. Bohr Btuanehanna, Myers. I days from Petersburg, Vs. With ram to A G Cattail k CO. toßohr Tarset. Farrell, 1 day from Flew Yolk, In ballast Rutter & Fatteson. CLEARED. Steamship Delaware Cannon, N York. J Allderdioe. Bhip Hannah Crooker, Sheriff, Belfast, Me, Work , an & Co Bohr R Me Fee, Batohelder, Et John, NB, E A Bonder Co. Behr Halo. Newman. Newburyport. 1) Cooper. Bohr Indian Queen, Hardy. Boston, Vaal Horn, Wood worth ik Co. Bohr M A Magee, Magee, Boston. D Cooper. Bohr Gen Taylor, Hunter. New Haven, Binmokson it Glover. Bohr Neptune, Magee, Roxbury. J H Blakiaton. Rohr W P Cox, Bouok, Medford, do Behr C Redden Taber. Bridgeport. do SU . it Willing, Glaypole, Baltimore, A (droves, Jr. (CorresPondenoe of the Philadelphia F.xchange.) LEWES. Del., April 17-10 P) A M. A fleet of about one hundred sohooners, all outward bound. with oral, are detained at the Breakwater by strong northeaster], winds, which have prevailed for several days. accompanied with rain. Yours, An. N. W. .HICHMAN. (Correspondence of the Prima HAVRE DE GRACE. April I& The Wyoming returned with the tow of Tuesday morning—the wind being too high—and left again this morning with the tow reported on that day, and 9 more, laden and consigned as follows: Thomas & Harm. and Six Brothers, wheat. rye. &a. to Perote at Bro; E It Trump, lumber to M Trump At Sons; .1 A J Sheets, do to Princeton; Frank Tagart. do to Np_wport; J R Humes, do to Saint Bolton & Co„- .1818 marratt. Jr. wheat, Bork. Sta. to Poplar et whe r . and elate to Thou Thomas k ' Homeward, lumber to John Craig; Pons Boyer. coal to Delaware City. No tow to Baltimore night before last; 6 boats last night—g lumber, 1 pig iron, and 3 coal. MEMORANDA. Steamship Kangaroo. Mierhouse. from New York for Liverpool, was passed 15th inst. Mt 4034, long 60. Bark homes Dallett. Dill, hence for Lagnayra, was *potion Arthur in the Mena Passage. Bark White. KEAY, cleared at St John, NB, 11th inst. for Philadelphia. Bohr M A ?doNsil, Turpie, from Mobile, arrived at Boston 17th inst. _ . . Senn Jesse Williamson. Jr, Winsmore. and Mary Patterson, Bomar*, hence for Salem, were in President Roads nth inst. Behr" John 11 Mather, Nickerson, and Jae Barratt Young. hence, arrived at Boston 17th inst. BIIBXIFESB C/A.RDS. itIISINERS MEN ARE ADVERTISING -I " . in the Best Newspapers of City and Country at the Moms of JOY, COE, & CO., ADVERTISING AGENTLI. FIFTH and CHESTNUT RTREETB, nuladelphia. TRIBUNE BUILDING, New York. apl7 ti ALFRED D. BRICK'S UNITED STATES AIM EUROPEAN No. fit T3OiIIiTIeO7JKAL akiET, PUILADBLPUIS. Patent Law, of U. 8. (new) and Europe clan be ob tamed gratis. BF. GLENN, ACCOUNTANT AND 4 , Real Estate Agent, No. 218 WALNUT Street._ (second floor, Room N 0.1,) and Southwest corner of Seventeenth and Green. • • Accounts adjusted. Books written lin. Estates nettled money procured, money invested, Real Estate bough sold, and rented. mh2B•lm" JAMES M. SCOVEL, ATTORNIzY AT LAW, No. 113 PLUM SPRIgh;T„ &boys Front. mh2l-Im* CAMDEN. N. J. H O. ULLMAN , ATTORNEY-AT -a-A-• LAW, JERSEY BLlORE,Perinsylvenia. Colleottons promptly made in Clinton and Lycommt counties. 10=1:1113 Masers. Walter dc Raab, Philadelphia 3. 11.. Humes ; Esq., Jersey Shore ; Messrs. ttareraft ; Co., Philade. Shaffner, Ziegler, ec Co., Philada.; Friehmath & Co phtlada.; L. A. Mackey, Lock Haven; yard, eilmore, & Co., Philada.; Thatcher & Woddrop , Phtlada.; Rey nolds, Howell & Reiff. Ptulada. fa L5-3m GEORGE J. HENKIELS, IJPHOLSTERY and CABINET WAREHOUSE, No. SO4 WAL NUT birect, opposite Indepewienoe Square, formerly of No. 173 Cheetnut Street. Philtdalehie. je.W3rn* JOHN ELLIOTT, WINES and LIQUORS, Nos. 317 and 319 WALNUT street, (basement qires. between Third and Fot rth. north side.) rhila phis. N. B.—Fine Old Whinnies always on band. stabhshed to 1845.) Ja.4o-IT PAWEION •!r, NICHOLSON, BOOKBINDERZ, Nom. 319 and 321 MINOR street, Between Market awl Chestnut streets. PHILADELPHIA. JAMES PAWBON, JA$. B. NICHOLSON. YUGUET S it ONS, N. 74 1, IMPORTER! OF HAVANA 01.11/1111. No. 216 Swath FRONT Street- Rooeive rag - Wady a full moiortmeut of deglrable 01 SAX & 'high they offer et low rasa. for asah or sr. proved credit. ielo-ly MIIRPHY-WHEPPLE IRON BRIDGE. STONE. QIXIGLEY, et BURTON. No. 333 WALNUT STREET, 13cg isms to inform Railroad Companies and others interested in brldkeronstrnetion, that they in formed counsotion in business with JOHN W . N.Pidy Civil Emptier, (author and Inventor of the above well known plan of iron bridged and are Drooled to execute orders, from any part of the country, from him designs IlUltpersonal miperintendence. ALI letters relat_ingko plans and estimates should be addressed to Joao W. MURPHY, civil Cnsin . ooIS-Oro For 871024 E, VIGLEY. & niTON MEDICENAL. ROF. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL 41.!PD BLOOD RENOVATOR il Preci t s g y thi hat T i itli al iela i gt i gittsiga r ti h ril e . and strengthening to the vital powers. It also re• vivifies, reinstates!, and renews the blood in all its original purity, and than restores !Lad renders the system invulnerable to attacks of disease. It is the only Preparation ever offered to the world in a popular reran, So es to be within the reach of all. lo obeli/11311y and skilfully combinevl es to he the most powerful tome, and yet so periectly adapted as to act in perfect accordance with the laws of na ture, and hence soothe the weakest stomach, and tone up the digestive organs, and allay all nerve and other irritation. It is also perfectly exhilars tins in its e ff ects, and yet it is never followed by lassitude or depression of spirits. It is comooaecf entirely of vegetables, and those thoroughly oom bmin[poweritilly lonia and soothing propertieri.end rnsenuently can never injure. Such a remedy has i cl uig been felt to be a desideratum in the medical world, both by the thoroughly Mulled in medical lance, and also by all who hare suffered from de bility ; for it needs po medical skill or knowledge ven to see that debility follows all attacks of dis ease and lays the unguarded 'system open to the attacks of many of the most dangerous to which Door humanity ie cenotatilly littl e . 0,4, for ex ample, as the following : Consumption, Bronchitis, indigestion, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite Faint ness, Nervous Irritability, Neuralgia, P r ipilation of the Heart. Melancholy. Hy poohond , Night Sweats. Languor, Gtddinees , and all that class o ease., SO fearfully fatal if unattended to in time, called Female Weaknesses wed Irregularities. Also, Liver Derangements or' orpidity, and Liver LOW plaints, Diseases of_ the Kidneys, Scalding or In continence of the Urine, or any general derange ment o f the Urinary Organs, Pain in the Back, Side, and between the Shoulders, predisposition to slight colds, fleeting and. Continued Cough, Emaciation, Difficulty in Breathing, and, indeed, we might enu reranmerate , many more still, but we haves pace only to sae. it will not only oure the debility following Chills and Fever. but prevent all attacks solemn porn Miasmatic Influences, and cure the Meow t at onoe, if already attacked, and as it sots directly and_persiutently upon the tot liary system, arottetret the Liver to action, promoting, in fact, all the ex oretions and secretions of the system, it will Intel- Obis prevent any deleterious consequences follow ing upon change of climate and water; keno all travellers should have a bottle with them. And All . should take a table-spoonful at least before eating. As it prevents eortiveness. strengthens the diges tive organs, it should be in the hands of all persone of.setlectary habits: madams, ministers, menu, men ; and all ladies not aeourtomed to much opt door exercise should always use tt. If they will. they will find an agreeable. pleasant , and efficient remedy against those ills which rob them of their beauty ; for beauty cannot exist without health, and health cannot exist while the above megaton ties continue. Th ma, again, the Cordial is a im.rfect Mother's Relief . _Taken a month or two before th fi lia l trial, she will pass the dreadful netted with perfect ease acid safety. There is no ryi.,.tak. about It, this Cordial is all we claim for it, jii et A m . s. , n , it: and to you we appeal to detect the unman Or decline, not only of your daughters, before it be late, but also your sons and husbands. for while the former, from false delicacy, often go down to, a premature grave rather than let their eonditionp be known in time, the latter are often so mixed up' with the excitement of business that if it were not for you they, too, would travel in the same down ward path, until too late to ayreet their fatal fall. But the mother is always vigilant, and to you we qunfidenny appeal, for we are sure your never- Tanen" lineation will unerringly runt you to Prof. Wood's Restorative Cordial and Blood Renovator, as the remedy which should be always on hand in time ofneed. 0..1. WOOD, Proprietor, 4448r00d • ay. New York, and 114 Market street, St. . 6.3 nil 4 Mo. i and sold by an g oo d itruggiffta. pm°, One flyer pey Bottle. [ 9, V 6 ;4 btt• 4. FiairrEErrocx fr. co., It • end a orth IrT Street; BASSARD &C , wELFTR and C H ESTS UT Streets, and DYOTT t. 232 North SECOND Street. ..11-mwf d-tkiwWtf FOR SALE AND TO LET. iitv ----- 611fraff4137-STREET HOUSE and STORE tuient.—The desirable business location, CHEIIII4 UT Street, with dwelling attached. Apply at 431 COESTN UT Street. spit dig GERMANTOWN PROPERTY TO RENT.—To Rent, the large and commodious modern-built Rouse, corner of ARMAT Street and W ILLOW Avenue, with gas, bath, hot and cold water_ i and alt the modereLunprevementa. Apply to EIENKY B. T ARK, 710 tia.Kun Street, Philadelphia, or on the eremines.asS-tf rTO RENT—For the Summer season, a commodious Country Rouse, with furniture, grounds, and Stabling, within two hours' ride, by rail, of Philadelphia. Apply to E. P. WILSON, at 333 MARKET street ; or address " JOSIAH WILSON. Parkersvilfe. Chester Co.. Pa," • apt-lm de TO RENT TWO 00IINTRY Noppe, L one mile from Teeen.v. Inquire No. 71? WALAWN street. muw3m* TI9RENT -THE LARGE AND CON VENIENT Coal Wharf and Lumber Yard, at KarlaTlrenty-foarth ward Appl to E. C. & P. R. WARREN . on the premises.. mhl4-tf Ai TO LET—A DESIRLE WE MIL LlNckff 113 torth THIRTEABENTHD L latref4 *V i rg ACONDltreeti IS Ir. lamtattly OERMANTOWN PROPERTY. Elfil EXECUTOR'S POSITIVE SALE. Will be sold at publio auction, on THURSDAY AF TERNOON. the 26th of Akltt init.. upon tee pre mises. the following valuable Real Eatate r no. I, a Lot of Land, with the imiprovements thereon. situated en the westerly side of Germantown avenue, opposite Gorges street. bounded by said avenue, land of George W. Carpenter, deceased. John Leibert, the Orphans' Home, and Creisham road, containing five sores of land. The improvements are a large two-story stone Mansion, with a two-story back building, two large parlors, wide hall, dining-room, and kitchen. Upon the first floor, six chambers on the seoond, and three plastered , one unplastered, in the attics. A one and a half story frame building. adjoining the main street, a tang stone barn, large hay- hones. With sited for wagon, -0., undomeath ; a carnage-house. with hay loft and granary above; corncrib. shed for Poeta. fruit and ornamental trees ehen and flowering gar dens. Ace. It has a front of 216 feet on Main guest, and 216 feet on on Creisham road. No. 3. Lot of Laud, on the westerly side of Creis ham road. 149 feet tront. bounded by lands of G. W. Carpenter, deceased, and John Lathan, containing two and one - half sorer of land ; it has a spring of water, a small pond. and a fear apple trees upon it. Also, immediately after, will be sold, bluetit ground rent. of $3l 60-109 neon a certain lot of ground, held now, or formerly, by Author Bell and by him and William W. 11 eibert conveyed to Mary Leibert and Elizabeth "Al "Albert, on the 27th day of Ootober, A. D. 1822, pas able half yearly. upon the first days of January and July, in every year., the property of Mary Leibert and Elizabeth Leibert. both deceased. Bale to commence at 2 o'ciook. Terms at sale, by split ISt. JOHN LRIBERT. Mentor. TO I.ET-SKOOND•STORY ROOM, 802 OfIESTNUT ftreet. over LEWIS LADOMUS & Co.'. Jewelry Store. The best location in Philadel phia for any kind of light business. Apply in the Jewelry Store. Kept 8400. fen TO RENT—A very desirable STORE, on the Ninth-street front of " The Continental ' , total: The Store at Ninth end Sansom Wrests espe cially adapted for a SADDLE and HARNRSS Maker. JOHN RICE, feX-t! flonthwest NINTH and RANSOM Stree ts. pox EXOHANGE.-A UROICE TRACT A. of good unimproved farm laud in the State of New Jersey, oonventent to the city. will be exchanges' for sit', property. Apply at No. HS FEDERAL street. sed-tf R R. 001180 N, REAL ESTATE BROKER • A.NO CONVEYANCER, NORRISTOWN. PA. —Real Estate bought and sold on reasonable terms, atom and dwelling, for Bale or rout in Norriatorrn aucl oountry. Good mortgag negotiated. Collections made. 'be beat reference's g wen. dittAtin PUBLIO BALE OF VALUABLE PRO PERTY. THE " Expoßium REAL EBTATR AND MANO FAcTURIG COPAY." Of Mound Pity. Pulaski County, Illinois, Witt °Ter et PUBLIC BALE. on the p•emieee. On WEDNESDAY. the 16th day of May next, A Large Number of DESIRAIR.E. BUILDING LOTS, Eligibly Located for Btoree, Factones, and Residencies. A SPACIOUSBRICK fit. N FOUNDRY, WITH MACHINE SHOP, And all the appurtenances necessary for the business of manulactunng Engines and Boilers for Steamboats, Sugar, and all o th er Mills, used in the Southern an d Western country. The Patterns comprise the modern improvements in machinery. with a trill sad complete set of Patterns for Stoves, adapted to both wood and coal. Thisproperty, from the advantageous location of Mound City, is one of the most valuable in the Southwest. Also at the same time. A FIRST - CL A S S -STOKY FRAME BULT HOTEL. MO- Containing some fifty rooms. with a full set of Furni ture. The Hotel is now coing a large and profitable business. Ala°. a number of BRICK STORES AND COTTAGE RESIDENCES. TIMIS op Sst.g.—One-fourth (3d) cash ; lie remain ing payments in 12. 24, and M months from ate of sale, bearing interest at the rate of six per sent. per annum. The cash payment may be made in the Bonds of the Company, antithe time payments will be taken to the Stook of the Company at par, except for Improved pro perty. for which three-fourths of the purchase-money may remain upon mortgage. As the Company propose to dispose of all their im provements, ospitalists have a raze opportunity for pro fitable investments in one of the best located and most flourishing cities in the great Southwest. For particu lars, inquire of or address JESSE E. PEYTON, President E. R.E. & M. Co mh26-tml4 Office 222 WALN UT Street. l'hiladsi. BLACIEINERY AND IRON. PENN STEAM ANb BOLLEt WON.RS—NCbI " t. k I,EVV. PCT AL Arlp THEORETICAL hrfiairlAzgr. etACIIINBST.e. BuLLER-MAKERS,.BLACKBrwTric, and FOUNDERS, having, for many years, an i s successful oseration, and been excluxivelv sugared ix building and repairing Merino and River Ragtime. lark and low ;Tessa; e, Iron Boats, Water Tanks, FrepellAtu, &e,. ite.,,,respeotfully oder their berViOef, tO th e units, as being rally prospered to *entrant for Engines of ail lases. Marine, Raver, and Stationary , liasurie nets of paterns of different cage. are prepares' to execute or ders with stuck despatch. Evnry desoription of Patten making made at the 1111071Oet notion. High and Lou Pressure, Flue, Tubular, stud Cylinder Boilers, of th e best Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Forgings, of all sixes and kind.; Iron end Alms Cnatingw, or alldeamintionel Eel) Turning, screw Cutting , and all cher work sea. needed with the above business. Drawings and rpomfloatiotur for all work dons at their sciabtistiment, free of end work guarantied. 'the subscribers have ample wierf,deck MOM far re . ptiin at boats, where they can lie in perfect safety ud ars provided with abeam blocks, fail'. kn.**. for raining heavy or tisto. vaunt» JACOB 111. fIfEAFIE. Joint_P. LEVY. isle-tt .11741111 and PA ISERSt 7. ',AMMAN ktinirec, MIN Z. COPE. SOUTHWARK C FO UNDRYR , LEY lIIIIRICK FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS. PHILLDELPELIL. • MERRICK d BONS,. ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manafactoxe nigh and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for land, river, and manna service. Boilers. Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, 10; Cast ings of all lands, either iron or brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Rail road Stations. le. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latent and most =- Droved construction. Ohlrery description of Plantation Machinery, omen as ringer, Saw, and Grist Milts, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defeastons. Filters, Pumping - Engines, lc. Sole Agents for N. Rillietti's Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus Nem/rues Patent Steam Rammer, and As pinwall Wolsev's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machine ens-7 FAIRMOUNT 11AORENE WORKS, WOOD St., between Twonty- first and Twenty. Impound. ..Lidablinbed The undereigned, inumeseor to the late firm of S. & T. WOOD, will tontiane the business in all its branches as heretofore. Power Looms and all machines connected with them. Embossing Callenders. Lard Oil Presses. elhatingt and Machine Work in general. Thankful for past (agora he would respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage so bberally bestowed on the late firm. TllO.ldAB WOOD. Philadelphia. Jan. rt. mgt. issi-sm P _ OINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY, No. 953 REACH - Street, Kennington, Pluledelphia.—Wll. MAM M. TIERS informs his fnends that. having Du shamed the entire stook of Patterns at the above Foan. drT, lee is now viewed to receive orders for Rolling 11r st and Saw Castings , .Soap t Chemiesi, an. Neap; Work. Oeanng. Oasz,ngs mese from lever sregery sr Cleves Yammer. In dry or gus•n saw LEGAL. ESTATE OF SAMUEL LEWIS, late of Plumatead towroship, deceased.—All earwax inte rested are nereby notified that the undersigned has been appointed by the Orpbane' Ceurt of Books countr, Auditor, to make distribution of the balance in the bands of CHARLES LEWIS. Administrator to said Estate, among the persona legally entitled to the lime ; and that he will attend to the duties of said appoint ment. at his Offioe, in the borough of Doylestown, on SATURDAY, the 27th day of APRIL next. at ten dokrok A. M. JOHN B. PUGH. mh29 fat Auditor. CHARLES M. BREAKER, APOTHECA RY. respectfully announces to the public that he has succeeded Mr. Fe G.uLiV.Eft at the old and well-known stand, at the Northeast corner of BROAD and CHESTNUT Streets. Raving thoroughly refitted the establishment, and furnished it with a carefully selected stook of Drugs end Chemicals, and confided the prescription, dispensing, and manufaotunng de partments to gentlemen of well-known and unques tioned pharmaceutical ability, he would solicit the pa tronage of those who esteem exoellence and purity in medicines as of primary importance. COAR,LES M. DREARbIt would also Invite atten tion to his well-assorted stook of choice Tooth. Hair, and other Brushes. Perfumery and Toilet and Fancy Sonde generally. EPHILADILPIIIer April Td, 1851. llwaple-wfm fit TO BUSINESS MAN.—An excellent chance for reliable Silliness men to secure a pro fitable wanutaotarineboe,neß squirmy bug a email oe i pital in its establishment and prosecution. The memulaoture °inmate in the application of a pe culiar composition or enamel to common red bricks, and a variety of other building material. ornamental archtteoneral finiehings, ceilings, tiles for Boots and for roofing. 3 his enamel may be tinted of any color. from the purest Won between . deepest wit arti c l e s m colors and shades lt imaan.q to to ',Molt it fa applied a hardness and durability almost Inoredt ble, and a beauty summing that of the rarest and moat costly of the variegated marbles, and. unites them, is impervious to moisture, and pill never fade, stain, or deteriorate, costing but a fractional part of the price of ordinary marble. It II also valuable for table and stand tops, mantel pieces, monuments, and an wiliness variety of other articles of stave use. The moats of applyine the enamel is simple, while the articles enameled will com mand a ready sale, affOrding large profita. Responsible parties may procure licenses for manufacturing under the patent for any city or prominent town in the United Btates,.by applying to the subscriber. A small tariff on the articles manufactured will be required for the use of the invention. Circulars Living lull particulars will be forwarded to all applicants. *ho a-ape...lcr merit and beauty of this enameled building material to anything in use has the unqualified endorsement of many of th e most eminent architects and scientific men of this and other cities. For particulars, address JOHNSON & PRALL. general Agents for Fname!ed Building Material, ap9-dim BS NASSAU &rest. New York. NOTIOE.—The Oitizene of the different Cities and Towns throughout the State are invited to competition for the plane at which the next AN NUAL ITATR FAIR chat! be held. Proposals containing inducements and advantages, directed to one undersigned Committee. appointed by the Ex ecutive Committee, will be received up to and in oludins May. Met next. Communieations should be ad dressed to either of the following persons: W COLDER. JE., JOHN P. HOIHERFORD, JACOB MISH, JOHN H. ZIEGLER, Bandoliers, Pa., AMOS E.: HAer Northumberland, re 6 apla-dtmy3l Commit tee. PHILADELPHIA TER R A-0 OTT A WORKS. Office and Ware Rooms, 1010 CRESTriUT Street. Ornameßtal Chimney Tops. Garden YeS.ll and Statuary. • Enosustio Flooring Tile. Arohlteoto rat Ornaments. ventilating and Smoke Flue.. Ridge Tile and Sanitary Ware. Steam-pressed Dram Pipe. Water Pipe, warranted to stand pressure, obese and durable. The Trade supplied on liberal terms. illustrated Catalogues sent by Mail on application by letter. B. A.IIARRISON. mh2l.t. f 1010 CRFSTIYUT Street. 31 ACKEREL, HERRING}, 811A1), SAL MON, ho.-3,00D bbia. Mem lios.l, C. and I Blank eel, lane. titanium, and small, in assorted p ao k in . e . of *holes late-aatight fat fc+ h. 1,000 bbln. New Halifax, Eastport, and LahradOr her rings. of °bolos qualities, 1 3 41 A b t& Xel es e ax X lis t l n ne e ir w " .141.L 164-lEl lis e rr r iliCs ira . 3=o boxes lams atagdsline gerrings Xso bbls. Maoinnao Whips Fish. btas.'new Eonnomy Mesa Shad. 25 Mos. new Halifax Kalman. LAW Quintals Grand Bank Coifillk• 200 boss. lierineser-oounty Unease. In store sad landing, tor sale MulitY KOWit_ •of lty Wakttvxa, W,PEOL&L NOTIOE.—SHIPPICELS WILL please take tottfoe Oust the Booth Carolina it. It CO. have diztiontaaanit forwarding all through freight and that all goods formerly oonanyhad to them mut now beaormigned toepity atenoy., hldaears. T. B. & T. G. BUDD will forward all goods to thL 2 r address. A. 11ERON, & Go,s_ IBa North WHARVES. Tu t p., yoßgss. 7: lll.xLApwinA., DAY, APRIL INSURANCE COMPANIES. TH.Z RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURiLNOE 00h1PANY, op PIIIILDELPHUI., OFFIaE, Info. 308 WALNUT EITREET. turmoils against LOSS UN DAMAGE BY FIRE. o Rouses, Stores, anti ether Wildman. limited ° OrClo de etaii_,_ and on' !VIA 1; trim , warm. end mer chandise. In town or • 000 y, CASH cANTA.4,O9.ll,n nn e M--1,813ET8 ipsum2 0. Which is invested as follows, via : In first =Mays on city property, worth double the amount...... ~• wax* op Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 tiercent. first mortgagp loan,„ atpar gap co Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per oent. se cond mortge load, 460.000) 07,200 00 Huntingdon afid ag Broad TOP Railroad and Canal Co.'. mortgage loan.—. 4,000 00 Ground rent, And-Gloss 2.463 00 Collateral loans, well secured-- —. gm go City of Philadelphia S per cent. loan—. woo to Allegheny County 6 per cent. Pa. RR. loan-. non on Commercial Bank stook.-- b,lls of Mechanics' Bank ---. 2,812 go Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s stook 4.000 00 The neharlooMutnal Insurance Co.'s stook fi6,1160 00 The_ County Fire humwmas Co.'s stook-- 1,011000 The Delaware 111. a. Insuranoe Co.'s stook._ 100 00 Union Mutual Insurance Co.'s SRI 00 Bills receivable— 14,302 74 Book account., warned interest. 7,104 la Cash on hand.-- 11,044 8317,149 et The Mutual prineiple, combined with the aileurity of &Stook Capital, entitles the insured to PartlolPate in the preltis of the Company. without liability for Losses promptly adjusted and paid. DLIVECTOBEI: Clem Tingley. eamuel Bispham, • William R. Thompson, Robert Steen, Frederiok Brown, Robert Musser, • William Stevenson, Belli. W. Tingley. John R. Worrell, Marshall Bilk, H. L. C arson , J. Johnson Brown, Robert Toland. Charles Leland. O. D. itosen_garten. Jacob T. Bunting, Charles a. Wood, I Smith Sowen. James S. Woodward,_ John Bissell Pittsbrg. CLEM TINGLEY: President. B. M. HINCRMAN. Beereted7 • February le, 1861. ran TIN,JEI ENTEM:WREIE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PRILADELPILi. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING, S. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREBTS, DIRECTORS: F. NATCHITORD &ZARA, MORDECAI ihiIIAWIIIOAI WILLIAM RUBRIC, Gro. H. STVAILT, BALSA° Fir-Aaiun, lonic IL BROWN, JOHN M, ArWooD, M. A. FARNRATOCIt DINT. T. TBSDICL, AliDßltw D. Cam. HINRY WHA.B.Top, J. L. EARHIGAA. F. RATCHFORD STARR, President, CHARLES W. CORE. Seereter.r. fele PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY._No. 921 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. CHAPTER P lir ETUAL. ALL rar. PROFITS DIVIDh D AMONG THE IN SURED. Insure Lives for short terms or for the whole term of life ; grant Annuities and Endowments ; purchase Life Interests in heal Estate , and make ad contracts de pending on the contingencies of life. They act as Executors. Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Guardians. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, January I.IMI. Mortgages, ground rents, rest estate.-- .Sila,9Bl 97 United States stooks. Trepan' note,, loans of State of Pennsylvania, city of Phila delphia, 288,795 .34 Premium notes, loans on oollatenals,. 297,594 Pennsylvania. North Pennsylvania Rail roads, and County six per cent. bonds—...... 105,802 50 Bank, insurance, railroad, canal stooks, &a. 97,60 49 Cash on hand, agents' balances. &a.. gg.205 14 DANIEL L. MILLER. Presto. 42B R a o i t li ti lleL STOKED. VlOO President. Jam , W . R. Detesters. mhtl-tf DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY TN sURANCE COMPANY, PEEII,AIIDLPHIA. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, NUL °Mee 11. E. corner of THIRD and WALNUT street*, MARINE INSURANCE. On Vessels,l - Cargo, To all nuts of the World. Freight. I LAND on Goods by Rivers, Canals, Lakes, and Land ein, nage'. to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally. On Storm, Dwelling Rouses, &a. MEETS OF THE COMPANY. November 1, I. 5100400 United States five', sent . 10an—...0100,800 OS MOM United States six Er cent. Treamuy Note., (with morbid isterest)--. 110405 84 100,000 Peantrylvards State' five V Gen' N,OlO 00 11,000 do. do. nix do. do. 21,90 00 iss,oso Philadelphia City six a t , cent Loan. 116,201! ST 30,001 Tennessee State five oent. loan— 24,000 TO 150,000 Pennsylvania Rally° 2d mortgage cent. bond's-- 46400 OS 11.000 MO shares. stook Germantown Gas Company. Interest and nnneipal guaranteed by the City of Phila. 6,000 100 area Pennsylvania Railroad 16400 60 Comay_ —,..—. S,KO 00 6,000 100 /hares North Pennsylvania Rail road Company.—,_ 1,100 80 shares Philadelphia Ice Boat and oteam Tur Company,— 1400 00 7603 shares Philadelphia and Havre- de fames dream Tow-boat Company. 600 00 100 2 shares Philadelphia Exchange ny— 126 00 1,000 3 sha m es Continental Rotel Co.—.— OIM 00 16560,700 par. Cost $547,836.84. Market vamoose 71 Bills receivable, for numrancea made-- 171,586 41 Bonda and mortgages.— .3‘,500 00 Real ,elate 01,003 se Balancee due at Anenoies--Pr e miums on Ma rine ronoies. interest. and other dents due the Company—. ups 03 Soria and stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies . 1,621 60 Cash on hand—in .118,673 16 • in drawer---. 455 Si William Martin, Edmusidn. noudey eo l ohn R ivnTauldult. John U. Davis. James Tree-emir, WWilham armor AM, ilbarn . Ludwig. Joseph H. seal, Dr. it. M. Huston, 00040 C. keiger, Hugh Craig, Charles Kelly. Taos. d HENRY hYLBI7IIII. tge( FIEN INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.— TILE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.—lnco_rporated 1825—CHARTER l'Eftlls- TUAL—No. 510 WALNUT Street, opposite Independ ence square. This Company, favorably known to-the community for thirty-eix years, continues to mews against loss or damage by Fire. on public or private Buildings,lither permanently or for a limited time. Also. on Furniture, stocks of Goods or Merehandise generally, on liberal terms. 'eir Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, is invested in the most careful manner. which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of loss. DIRFCTOES. Jonathan Patterson, Isaac Hazlehuret, Quintin Campbell, Thomas; Robins, Amami/dor Benison, Daniel Smith, Jr., William Mongolia', John Havanna, Thomas Smith. JONATHAN PATTERSON, President. BItATON BeoretarY. apc TN SU RA N 0 E COMPANY OF THIC STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRB.ND SUL RUSE INBURAPICB Bor. 4 AND 4 ZiACIIABUtS BUILDII , I6II. Chartered in I 7 4—Capital SZO,ooo—Feb. 1, IMO, Gash value, $1158,7g2 All inverted in sound and available ssourities—oon tonne to auntie on Veseede and Cargoes, Buildings, Monks of Merohandir o jco m millieral terms. Henry D. Sherrerd, George H. Smart. Simeon Toby, • Samna/ Grant, Jr., Marlon Moomester, /obis+ Wagner, pub., S. &pith, Thomas B. We n, Jahnß. Bod_,d Henry G. Freemen , William H . whlte, Oharles B. Lorne. George G. Canon. 'HENRY D. EIHERRERD I President,, WILLIAM HARPER, Foorensrr. jeg.o VELUI INSURANCE. MECHANICS' INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. Mo. 185 North SIXTH street, below lta.oe. insure Build ince, Goode, sad Merohandiee generally from less or damage by Fire. The company guarantee to wipe all lama promptiy, and thereby hope to metit the patron age of the nubile. milicyons. William Morgan, Robert -Flanigan, Francis Cooper, Michael MoNeoy, George L. Dougherty, Edward Mo9ovent, James Martin, Thom. E. McConnisk, James Duras, tfinn DromlaY. Lauber 1 3 i il t ar iev rt ir, s o rtz n icB=a, Thema, J. i . Bernard R. iiiseman. Thomas Fisher, Charles Clare, Francis MeManua, Michael Cahill. • FR ANGIE mama, .Presidecit. BERNARD RAFFERTY. Recretarr. oolli-dm AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE 00., INCORPORATED IMO CIRARTRIL PER PETUAL. lio. 810 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Ravin , a large paid-up. Capital fitgeS and surplus, invested in aound and available Elesuntimbsontinues to tame on Dwellings. Stares, Fundture, menshandise. Vessels port and their cargoes, and othespersonal property, All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. MRICTOILB. . %los, R. Maris. John T1_118.114 John Welsh, O James R. Campbells, [Samuel Morton, Edmund O . Patrick Brady,l3 . Nt Chas. W. Poultner, Israel orria. TliomAs It. MARIS, President. ALBERT C. 8. CRAWFORD. Beoretary. rett-t: 2COHANGE DISURANUE. COMPANY A..., —ollioe No. 409 WALNUT Street. . FIRE INSURANCE on Howes and Morehead's* generally, on favorable terms. eitherlimited or Dettud. Der- DIRECTORS: Jeremiah Boma. Thomas Marsh, , John Q. Ginned°. Charles Thompson. 'Edward D. Roberts, James T. Hale. Samuel gmedisT. Joshua T. Owen, „Reuben C. Mae. John J. Oriffithi. JEREMIAH BONSALL, President. JOHN Q. GINNODU, Vice Preerden.t RICILITCD Con . /Secretary. Jan "A little, but often, fills the Puree." IatRANILLYN. SAVING 'FUND, NO.' 136 South FOURTH Street, between! Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays an. deposits on demand. epositors' money immured by Government, State, and City Loans, Ground Rents, Med- Mr !. This Company deems safety better than ATP Profits, omiseauently will run no risk with nano sitars" money, but have it at all timer ready to return. with 5 per, cant. interest to the owner, as they have lawny' done. This Company never suspended. Females, married or single, and I.lmoM,oen deposit in their own right, and =oh detente can be withdrawn ONLY by their garment. Charter perpetual. Inoorporated by the State of Peapsylvama, with authority to receive money from trustees and executors. • LARGE AND QMai.l. BUM RECEIVED. OfEoe open daily, from 9 to 3 o'clock, and on WO(1909(197 evening until 89'eloak. DIRECTORS. Jacob B. Shannon, Cyrus Cadwallader, John Shindlor. George Russell, Malachi W. Sloan Charles Leming. Jeremiah Comfort; Remy Delany, Nicholas Bittenhooza, Nathan Eimediay, Jos. H. Satterthwalte, Jones Yerkei, John Alexander. JACOB B. SHANNON, PrelidOrtt. Crate CanwaLnansa. Treasurer. EXPRESS COMPANIES. THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., (Ease 320 CHESTNUT Street. forwards Parcels, Packages. Merchandise, Banknotes. antEhmisi eon. by its osni.Lbass or in oonnostilla with: other kepreu C0m)3330124 to prullifil' twee lout alit*: Ike geutbdt state. E. ur 14641 a. sAwspoi - em,ftertietftea44. JUST RECEIVED, per tc Annie Kimball," from ons Liverpool, Mender, Weaver, & Mender's ati: ThllE:tract Aoomti, in 1 lb iars, 26 IDs En trea t liposonnal. In 1 lb Jpis, 00 Ds Entreat Belladonnas, in 1 &Piro. 100 Mx Extract Tarexaol, in 1 &jars, te The Vin Rekoololuokin 1 lb bottles, 100 nos 01. doom* Rest., in 1 lb bottles. 600 lbs Calomel, in 1 lb bottles., 600 be Pil flydrinAF. in 1 &Jam. wETHERILL & Ii&OTUR.t. 47 4.4 4. Weil i1iCr414111.4 11811.-233 half-bbls. .White Fish. t Tor 109 on Donidgnment by C.O.BAD LER & o. 103 ARON Street, 'Second door , abovs Frost. PHILADELPHIA. 19488 51 natEcToits. 11 0 0007 DimuiD E. Stoke' J. P. Bonham Edward om. llarlincton. H. Jonewlireoko, S iemer hPlissine. laciebl , . one' James B. M.'Fairland Joshua P. Hire, John B. !Semple ' BiBal? D • Morgan, " A. B. Bergon •' 1 , 4 MARTIN, President. !. HAND, Vice Presiden t. orettuT. rmai-12 SAVING FUNDS. "A Dollar saved is Woe earned." MUDIcINAL; ~+EPT3,ALIo rlL.t,s Wog HEADACHE. NERVOUS HE A.D A.O Fi E. UUlt ALL KINDS DV H.Ii:ADA(3I4.E I By the use of these rills the periodic's; attacks of Nor vow or Sick Headache may be prevented ; and if taken at the commencement of an attack immediate relief from Pahl and sickness will be obtained. They seldom faiLin removing the Nausea ead Iliad etas to which females are so sntdeet. They act gently on the bowels, removing COStitISISS. For Literary Mi., Students, Delicate Females : and an persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Laxative, improving the appetite, giving toss and vigor to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elas ticity and strength of the whole system, The CEPHALIC PILLB are the result of long investi gation and carafe:lli conducted experiments, having seen in tae many gears, daring 'which time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of rain and suffering from Headaohe, whether originating in the nervous system or from a deranged state of the ate- They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and may be taken at all tunes 'with perfect safety without making any change of diet, and the absence of any dise greedble tend titeders it ease to admiaieur Liam sir BBWAIM' OP 00131qTERFIEITS The genuine have five signatures of Henry C. Enabling on each Boa. Hold by Druggists and all other Dealers in Medicines. A Dos will be sent by mall prepaid on receipt of Hie PRICE. 515 CENTS. JUI ads= 'aped addrsoped HENRY 0. SPALDIN'. 48 CEDAR STREET. NEW YORK SPALDING'S CEPHALIC) PILLS. WILL CONVINCE ALL WHO BIIFFER FROM HEADACHE. WHAT SPEEDY AND SUES CURE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. Ai these Testimonials are fensokiested by Mr. Elreva- MG. Ma Oford unquyseicatab/c proof of the egi• eactr Qf this truly scientific discovery. NWONVILLIS, 6000., Feb. 6, /e4l. MB. SPALDING. Bra : I have tried your Cephalic Pills, and Liike them so teal that I want you to send me two dollars worth more. Part of these are for the neighbors, to.whom I gave a few of the Sort box I got from you. Bend the Pills by mail, and oblige Stour ob't FiervaLo,_ JAMES KENNEDY. Mx. SPALDING. HAVIRPORD. Pa.. Feb. d, IML I wish you to seed me one more box of your Cephalic / have received a great deal of benefit from them. Yours reenact/ally. MARY ANN ISTORCROIMR. SPRUCR CRIME, HUNTINGDON COUNT!, January IS, Mi. B. O. BPaLDING. SIB: v as r iAzel send me two boxes of your Ceetuttio _ yourztu._. B. SIMONS. P. B.—/ /save rscosrosa cm' box of your Pills, and find Ann minuet. . BELLE VllltrioN, Ohio, Jan. L 7. Mg. H. C. Eirm.uneo, Esq. Please find enoloted twenty-five cents, fnr whioh send me =other box of your Cephsno rills. They are truly the lisst Pills I Aces over tried. Direot A. STOVER. P. M., Belle Vernon, Wyendot Co., EnvERLY, Mass., Dee. 11. 1860. E. o.lspiantria. Esq. I winkler some circulars or huge show bills, to bring Your Cephalic Ping more pertionlarly before my cus tomers. If you have anything of the kind please send me. One of my customers. who is subjeot to severe Sick Headache. (rienelly lasting two days.) was cured of as attack in ass hour by your Pills, which I sent her. - Respectfultr s ome. NV. B. WILKES. ItRyNoLDSBURo, FRANKLIN Co.. Ohio. t January P. HINRY U. SPALDINCh .No.lB Cedar at. R. Y. man Btu: Inclosed find twenty. Ave Gents. (2 6 .) for which mend box of " Cepballo Pills.' Rend to address of Rev. Wm. C. Filler. Reynoldoburg. Franklin C0..9k10. yaw Ms work like a ekarm—eure liseuredut a Imes* tastaater. Truly Yount, WM. C. FILLER. YPSILANTI* Micas, Jan. 11, ids. Ensures'. ent t Net long te.lloo to you for a box of Oephalie rut. for the cure of the Nervous Headache and.lveness, and received the acme , and thu had so good an den that Imos Mewed to seed for more. Please send by return mail. Direot to A. R. WHEELER. Yetilanti, Mich. ehr Ezatnistr i Nor.foik, Ts. • Cephalic Pills accomplish the object fqr which the/ were made, viz.: Cure of headache In Witte forme. .Fkom the Examiner, Norfolk, Ye. They have been heated in more than a thousand oases, vith entire snows& Front tAt Ditonoerat, St. Cientd, moo., If you are. or have been troubled with the headinhe , lend for hoz, (OophathPi 112,1 Co that )ou. may have them m One of an attar ![. the Advertise . Preaideses,R. The Cephalic Pine are said to be a remarkably effect- Sive remedy for the headache, and one of the very beet for that very - frequent complaint which hag ever been Prom Me Westin* R.R.Gazette, Chicago, 111. Cepbahe We heartily endorse Mr. Spalding. and tun unrivalled Paw the /Camay/la Talky Star, Sasawha, Ta. We are care trust persona suffering with the headache. who try them, will Mil* to them. Pram the Southern Pea .Findsr, New Orleans, La. Tri them you thatare &Rioted. and we are mire that your testunimy con he added to the already numerous Wu that. has received benefits that no other medicine 6611'protium Prom the St. Lewis Democrat, Vile immense demand for the artiole (Cephalic Pills) is rapidly increasing. From gigs 43azstte, Deromport, Jeri. ...- Mr. Braiding would not conned hie name with tut sr - Vole he did not know to Donau real merit. /Volta tha ddroortisor, Prot:4,lou*, R. The testimony in their favor is strong, from the most respeotabie quarters. From as Deify News. Nsiatieoi. Cephalic! Pills are Sr.taking the place of all kinds. *ens the Commercial Rut Wm, Boston, Mess, said to be very efficacious for the headaihe. 'Frans SA* Uormnerefai, Ciseseessei. Oki. theireilue humerilly owl now be relieved. liglr A Dingle bottle of SPALDING% PREPARED GLUE rill save ten times theiraost SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING I B PREPARED GLUE I SAVE THE NEM! NCONOSIY: DISPATCH' Mr" A Burros IN Tors 811%13 Ninii."lolll Ay accidents wilt happen, even In well-regulated families, It le vet) , deinranleto have some cheap and convenient war for repairing Furniture. Tors, Crooke rg. Eco, SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all suck emergencies, and no household o a t afford to do without it. It is emirs ready. and up to the sticking point. "USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE? N. B.—A Brush sooompsuies *soh bottle. Brim, El omits. Address, HENRY 0. SPALDING. NO. 48 CEDAR, STREET, NEW YORK. CAUTION. An °alai* untanoipled intramm are attempting to paint of on the unaniailintkin nubile. imilationn ant', PREPARED GLUE. I would oantion all Datums to az mini word orohadirg, sod 1441 1 ttiCi toll mune ' • 1114I,Dritell PREPARED GLUB,I4 is so Ilko S* Id "room; 1 MON aro oroolooloill• 63,4 RAILROAD Louis. THE PENNSYLVANIA. VENTRAL RAILB_OATh 880 MILEB.DOIJBLE TRACK. 1861. atiiilPßlN 1861. TEE CAPACITY OP vatslto2 1.8 NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE- 00 NTRY. TERRE THROUGH PAM GER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILAPELPHIA. PITTISBUI4G. Consenting direct at Philadelphlawith Through Trains from Boston. New York, and. all yollite Eltet__,and in the Vmon_idepOt "'Tabu% with Xtrough to and t — thus rut e West,. orthwest, and Southwest —thus furnishing fluillitieu for Oki transportation of Passengers unsurpassed for 'cooed and comfort by any other route. Express and Faet Lines run through to Pittsburg, without chain*, of Cars or Conductors. All _through Passenger Trains provided with Loughndge's Patent rake—speed underperfect control of the engineer, thus adding much to p safety of traVellere. Drains Cara are attached to each Tram Wood ruff Etteepmg Cara to Epress and net Trains. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mail and Fast Lines, BUD days excepted. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.80 A. M. Fast Line 11.45 A.M. Doren Train leaves " 10.45 P. M. . WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWB Harrisburg Accommodation, via Co lumbia , ISO P. M. Columbia. 4.00 P. M. I Parkeshurg " at 5.40 P. M. Weat Chester . " No 1, at 0.15 A. M. No. 2. at 1230 P. M. West Chester Passengers will take the 'West Chester Nos. I and 2 and Columbia Trains. passengers for Banbury Williamsport, Elmira, Sat fal o, Philadelphia Niagara a F t ril le l , A. and a intermediate nd 2so p . mpo.,ingtos, directly through. Tickets Westward may be obtained at the offices of the Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Baltimore; and Ttokets Eastward at any of the imPer tant-hariroad Offices in the . West ; also on board any of the regular Line of Steamers on the Mississippi or Onto rivers Mir Fare always as low. and time as quick, as by any other Route, For farther information nerdy at the Passenger Sta tion. Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market streets. The comp letion .of the Western (tont:motions of the Pnneylvenla Railroad to - Chioneo.make this the DIRECT LINE NE;FLYqLN . EAST AND THE The connection of tracks by the Raßroad Bridge at Flushing, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saying of time. are advantages readi ly appreciated by Shippers of Freight, and the Travel ling Public. Merchants and Shippers entrusting the transporta tion of their Freight to this Company, can rely with confidence on its speedy transit. THE RATEs (IF FREIGHT to and from any nomt in toe Wert by the Pennsylvania Railrond are at on' times as . favorable as are charged by other Railroad ComPantes. Sr Be particular to mark paokages " via Fenner] , omit& Railroad." For Freight Coptraots or Shipping Directions, aunlY to. or address ei th er of the following Agents of the Company.: D. A. Stewart, Pittsburg H. B. Pierce & CO., Zaneeville. 0.1 Johnson, &D -ien Q.; R, NON spir t Maysville, hJ.; ormsby & you per, Portsmouth, O.; Paddook & Co.. Jeffersonville. Indiana ; It. W. Brown & Cincinnati. 0.,' Moe= & Ribber', (Hammen O.; R. C. raeldrum, Madison, Ind., J os . IC. Moore,Louisville, Ky. ;P. G. & Co., Evansville, Ind.; N. W. Graham & Co., Cairo. ; R. F. Bass, Smiler & Gum, Bt. Louie. Ma; John R. Harris, Nashville, Tenn.; Horns & Hunt, Mem phis, 'Tenn.; Choke & Co., Chicago, Ill.: W. H... 13. Koonts, Alton, 111.; or to Freight Agents of Railroads atllktrerent numbs m the West. B. B. KII.GisTON, Jr . Philadelphia. MAGRAW & KOONS. 80 Borth street. 13altimore. LgEeli dc C0..1 Astor Rouse, or 1 S. William et.. N. Y Lr.;ECIR & CO.. No 77 State stre et. Boston. H. H. HOUSTON, Gen'l Freight Agent. Phila. • L.L.HOUPT, Oen'l Ticket Agent, Phila. E. LEWIS Gen'! itup't Altoona. Pa. iaS-ly 1861. argiimport 1861. SPIT ING AJIIIANGENINNT:=NEW YORK Lrl ES Y' D ymiLA. Wfm sg ß KILOAD OWS OM EL 1110 MEW YO AND WAY PLAO /MI W.OLLNII7-117. WRIRP .111 ND IHNSINGTON IMPO7 WILL LAKVE AB FOLLOWS. VIZ : YAU. At 4A. M.. via Camden and Amboy, C. and A..Aa : 2 u oommoctation At 6 A. M., via Camden a9d J 30 At 8 A. iii., ma Camden and Jeraey City, Mo . rnin£ 7e7;ei blti; At 1134 A. M., vlst Kenning . 3 so At W li e k ite P rzi . in P7 a ems Care — d — in -- ernii - r7 L om datimi At f P.M., via Camden an wren. 3 00 At 434 M., via Kensingion and Jersey City, eye- - nine ‘xrese 3CO At 434 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City: 2d - Chum Tioket --.... 126 At 6P. via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Mail--- . —__ 3 Lti) At Wit'. M., via Camden and Jersey City, South ern Mail 25 At I F. M., ylaTialeTinaliribiiiTiiicialiitoWs: tion (Freight and Fauenger)—let Clasp Ticket— 115 So. do. 24 Clasp Ticket— 160 the IP M Mail Line ring daily, The Mx p ern Mail, Saturdays excepted. For Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville. Flemington, deo., at 7.10 A. M. from Remington. and 234 P. M. from Walnut -street wharf. For Water esp,_istroudsburg, Oontriton, Wilkesbarre, Maumee, Great Bend, & 0., MO A. M. from Kensington, via Delaware, Look/manna and Western R. R. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, and Bethlehem at 7.10 A. M. from Kensington Depot, and slg P. M. front Wal nut-street wharf ; (the 710 A M. line connects with train leaving Easton at 3.35 P. M.) ISPOr Mount Holly, at 6 and 8 A. M., I and 431 P. N. For Freehold. at aA. M. end 2 P. M. WAY . LutEe. For Bristol, Trenton, sae., at 7 .10 A• M., 41); owl 8)1 P. M. from Kensington, and !X P. M. from Walnut street wharf. licairalinvia,Brverton, Delanoo, BelrerlY. Darling tona. lorenoe, Bordentown, eco,,, at WC 1, and I Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and intermediate places,at 23i P. M. from Walnut - street wharf. IlEir For bey York. and Way Linea leave Kennington Depot, take the oars, on Fifth Greet, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The oars run into the depot, and on arrival of each train, run from the depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage, only allowed each Peneen Passengers are prohibited from taking anything al gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit the responsibility tor baggage to One Dollarper venue, and will not be liable for any amount beyond. SON, ex oept by apeoial eontraat. mhZ7 WM. H. ILATZAIER. Agent. WINTER :ARRANGE- M E NT.—PHILADELPpHIA, OERMANTOWNAN NORRISTOWN RAILROAD. On and a lter MONDAY, Nov. 19,1860, FOR GERMAN! OWN. Leave Philadelhia, 6,7, 8, 9. 10. 11, and 12 A. Al., 1, r 6, 6,32, 4,5, OM, 6,7,8, 9 1036 and /Di P. M. Leave Germantown, '6, 7, 734, 8, 834. 9, 19, 11 and 13 A M., 1, 1.3, 4.6, 6, 6.14 7 6,1,1 and 1034 P. M. Ott truriDAYa, Leave Philadelphia, 945 min. A. M., 1,7, and 10% P.M. Leave Germantown, 8,10 nun. A. M., 1.10 min., 6, and 934 P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. a...v. Philadelphia,. 6, a. 10, aad XD A. M., D. 4.0, 01 arid 1036 R. m. Leave Chestnut Hill. 7, 10, 7.A1,8.61, and 9.61, and 11.40 A. M., 1.40 , 1.40 , 6.10, and 6.40 Y. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave .Philadelphia, 9.06 4. M., a, and 7 P. Leave Chestnut Rill, 7.60 min, A. SL, 17 60, 5.40, and 9.10 nun. P. M. FOR gONSKOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave rraleaelphin, 5.60, 734, 905, and 11.05 nun. A. AL, 1,66, 3,05, 434. 5.55, and 1131 P. M. Leave Nornstown, 6. 7, 8.06, 9. and II A. 191.,113i. 434, and 6 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave rtuladelphla, 9 A. M and S P.M, for. Norris town. Leave Norristown, 71i A M. and 5 P. M. FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia, 6.60, 734 9.06, and 11.06 A. M., 1.06, 2.06, 3.05, 434, 6.60, 8.66. 1134 .M. N. Leave d 17 Malaya 34 P. M (' 6%. 7 3 6, 8. 1 6, 911. 11i: A. M., P. 63i. . ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia. 9 A. M., 5, and 7 P. M. Leave Alanarunk,_734 A. M. 534, and 8 P.M. • H. K. SMITH. NI N TH a nd nolecif DEPOT. NINTH mid GREEN Streets. NORTHVANIARAPENLRONADBYL FOR BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, MAROI CHUNK, HAZLETON. and ECRLEY. THRE E THROUGH TRAINS. On and after MONDAY. December 3, IBM Passenger Tnsiturprill leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Phila delphia. daily, (Sundays excepted), as follows At 6.30 A. M. _t_Exemsd. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk;liaglatOn, W_ ilkeebal7o, eto. At 2.46 P. M., (Express), for lkthlehom, radon, et& This train retches Eamon ate P. M., and makes close connection with New Jersey Central for New York. Ate P. M., for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, "so. At 9A, M. end 4 M. for Doylestown. At 6 P. M., for Fort Washington. elin) A. 61, Express train makes close connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem. being the shorted and most desirable route to Wilkesharre, and to all point." in the Lehigh coal region. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. P c ave Bethlehem et 6.0 A. M.. 9.16 A. M., and 6.99 Leave Doylestown at 7.16 A. 61. and AM P. M. Leave Fort WashingWu at 6,46 A. M. ON SBNDAYS.—Philadelphla for Fort Washington at LW A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 4 P. M, Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7A. M. Fort Washington for Philadelphia at 2.46 P. M. ECM" to Betivehem— el 601 Fare to Mauch Chunk.9o 69 Fare to Easton 160 1 Fare to Wilkesberre— 4 60 Through Tickets must be procured at the Tioget °Mod, at WILLOW Street, pr BERRS Street, in order to secure the above rates of fare. All passenger Trains (except Sunday Train.) connect at Berk, Street with Fifth and S ixth -streets, and Second and Third-streets Passenger Railroads, twenty minutes alter leaving Willow Street, des If ELMS CLARK. Agent. 'SPRING ARRANUE NIENIT.-IMILARELPHL&, ILMINE# IIII 9 I , IILI TO I) BALTIMORE RAILROAD. On eat alter MONDAY, APRIL 15. 1541. PABBEIVOER TILS.IIIB LEAVE .PHIL eDEL.PRIA: For Baltimore at 8.15 A. M., 11.55 A, M., (Express), as l 10.50 P.M. For Cheater at 8.15 A. N., 11.36 A. M., 4.15 and 10.30 P. M. For Wilmington at 8.18 Al Nit U 86 A. AL, 4.14 and 10.60 P. M. For New Castle at 8.16 A. M. and 4.16 I`, M. For _Dover at 8.18 A. 14. _and 4.15 P. M. For Milford at B.IBA. M. For Salisbury R. 15 A. M. WILAINS FOR PRILADELPIIIA Leave Baltimore at 6.16 A. M. (Express), 9.41 A. M.. and 445 P.M. Leave Wauthaskost at 6.0 awl 0.10 A. M., LSI and BP.M. Leave Salisbury at 1.40 P. M. Leave Milford at 4 P. M. Leave :Dover at 6.68 A. M. and 8.10 P. M. gamy. New Castle at &II A.M.. 7.20 P. M. ..U•ave Chester at 7.40 A. M.. 940,347940, and 8.40 P.M. Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and Delaware Rail road at 6.0 A. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE! Leave caiiiiiiiiirdLlCfibitiliailio * P.ll. Leave Wilmington at 9.33 A. M.. um P. M.. and It A. M. FREIGHT TRAIN : with Passenger Car attached. will run as follows : Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate places at 344) P.m. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and Intermediate 'lama at TM P, M. Leave WPmingtos for Pluladelplua and interme diate Mama at IS P. AL _Leave Havre-de- O yaee for Baltimore amid intennedi ate stations at 6 A. M.' Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-Grace and intermedi ate etatieue at IP. M. aux.q..tya . Only at 10.50. r. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only at 446 P. M. frotzt Baltimore to Isllortolphin. asig E. M. FELT N. President, PHILADELPHIA 1114111411 M AND READING RAIk- ROAD.-PAESMNDER TRAINS for POTTSVILLE. READING. and HA RRISBURG. on and after Noy. 6th, /860. - MORNING LINES, DAILY (Sunders exonl/ted.. ) Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD and CALM) w - RILL Streets, PH ILADEL PRlA,(Passentr entranoes on Thirteenth and on Cellowhill streets at BA. AL, connecting at Harrisburg with the PENNSYLVANIA LAILRLAII, 1 P. M. train runnings to Pittsburg': the CUMBERLAND VALLEY LO6 P. M. trainrmuunuto 5... r. , berehurg, _Coilisle, ,to, : and the NOR ' T HE ' RN RA.G.ROAD 1 P. M. train, running to Sun bury, k.o. - AFTERNOON LINES. Leave New DelLo,t oorner of BROAD and CALLOW RILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA 4 Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and on Callowhill streets,) for POTTS VILLE and HARRISBURG' at 3.30 p. hi.. DAILY, for HEADING only, at 4.6/1". AL, DAILY. I Sundays ex oteted.) DISTANCE!! VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. Mien PHILA.I3IILTEM. Miles. To Pinenixville--. h' seading_...—......-.... 68 Lehanon--...--- 86 =burg —.....-121, hi ................1211 Mi11ernburg_............ —.IM lo.vorton Janotion-155 unbury _ ....__ lfs, rtioun - h - eilad .—.lll wiaburg --- .--176 Milton —. ---. —lBB ....,...._._.-1,97 Wilhaumport - .. --Mg Jerselhore ----IV All:Haven . --Mg to ,_ ........... _ ill Prot'- ---= 6l Williamsport and Elmira - Elmira- ...-... _;-2F17 Rail roa d. The 8 A. H. and LW; P. M. train oonneot dull at port Canon. iS a usullays egeepted,L with the OATA iaA, wIL .AMBYORT, and ESIB_RAILROMI, mall(' clone cow:motions with lion to masers - Pam Can a. the West and Southwest. • • • DE fag PRILADELPILIA: Corner of ROAD and C WBTLfAtreets. WO- w. IL MaILHENNEY: Be rotary • DAILY INLAND (ILK AN PRRIEMIT Laffß TO D lO 4 - D POR SNICHITZ, VA 4 and to thepram te.2.lttes and Tows In the It Oath and @autraweim sent to the Depot, corner BROAD _IS dul y , = and WASHINGTON Avenue, will be forwarde 9 at ea low rates to, by any other line. KENNEy . , Master of Transportation_ p_ Mr. & O. R. R. Go. sh reimm WEST CHESTER TRAIN'S via PIEU , V t uf Wititgibi.irfillni. wart I • :rf;:r: 3 ' PI: & '00;, No. 420 MARKET STREET BALE OF FRENCH GOODS. This Morning. Apnl 19, at lO o'clock, by catalogue, on SIX youths' credit packages and lots of fano, and staple French dry goods. Paean for ceicor a LARGE 13 "'OCR OF frAJNICY tiOODS, At the store formerly °coupled by MESSRS. PURAPRER & ROBERTS. 110. 499 MARKET STREET, O n Tuesday and Wednesday Mornings April 23 and 24, COMMetoing at 10 o'cloox each day, competing of Wool shirts and drawers, eaten an d woo l lim i er? . gloves,gauntlets, papent thread, spool cotton, stay bind- Inge. roln handkerchiefs: suspenders. steel-epring hoof* Marts, mennoWool coats, gold Jewelry, combs, bruiting, bunk and leather panel. nertnloanalee. packet boolui. Paper. envelope'', buttons, palters, fano. Dined, pipe eteme, oorde, pine, hooka and e y ed ' pistot° ' vemnim°4 caps, begkete. soap. Cologne water, perfumery, and a great variety of fancygood • Also, large eine this m proof safe. 2 large size show °ex.& S large size German silver-mounted chow came. N. B.—Goode will be open for examination on Mon day morning. April 22, with catalogues. N P. PANCOAST. AUCTIONEER, Sae • [moor to B. Scott. Jr., 431 CREI3TNUT 3t. SECOND SPECIAL. SALE OF STRAW GOODS. By catalogue, on a credit. This Morning, April 10. commencing at 10 d'oloch precisely. Included in sale on Friday will be found -200 eases latest shapes medium to fine pederend pearl braid bonnets; fancy hair and gimp do.; fine colored braid do. Also, ladies' and mimes' Shaker hoods, fancy hate, Eureka's. Bontevards. Aloe, lots men's pearl, senat. and palm hats. FLOWERS ANu RIBBONS. 100 lots real Paris artificial flowers, choice tryles spring bonnet ribbons, Ice. Sheriff's Sale. LARGE FIRE-PR yirATanEg, i to yn Saturday Montag, April TO, at 10 o °look p , comely, will be gold, by order of the sheriff, a stook of wiroties, movements. WOW, consisting of gold and silver hunting and open- face English and dories watches, fine watch movements, a complete stook of watoh rakers' tOO% Erellnee, &O. Open for examination eat ly on the morning of sate. SHERIFF'S BALE AT TONES' HOTEL. On 'Tuesday . Morning. April 22d, 1801. at ten o'clock, upon the premise,, Jones' Hotel, Chestnut street, above Sixth, will be sold— The entire Wawa of the stook offertattre. consist ins' of the furniture. beds, and beddinu of 100 rooms. Brussels and ingrain carpels, oil cloths. dining room furniture, silver Mated ware, cutlery, bar firttures, wines, &e. &c. LARGE SPECIAL SALE OF 24,000 WINDOW SHADM. . On account of one of the_tatsest manufacturers in On Tuesday kerning. April 23, at ID o'clock precisely, by catalogue, for cash will be peremptorily sold to the highest bidder, as follows: 10 000 6-feet centre velvet and gilt shades. 10,000 plain 2,000 7.feet " " " 000 • centre " " 10,000 6-feet plain gilt shades. 10.000 centre and Silt shades 2 SOO 7-ttet " • " 2.800 plain " " 1.000 6-feet plain green " 1,000 •• centre ti 2.0007-feet 1,0008-feet centre and silver " 1.007 -feat We would call the espeoial attention of buyers to the above • goods's' embragong the handsomest assortment of shaves ever offered is this market. FOR THE SOUTH.-011ARLE11,- TON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIPS. Charleston lading for goods for points other than the cities of Charleston and Savannah, must be acioompanied with certified invoices, to insure prompt delivery. All goods not permitted immediately after the arrival or the steamer. at Charleston and Savannah will be sent to the Custom-house stores. Wne ateamehip STATE OF CiEORGIA ee withdrawn for the present, the Steamship K EYSTONE STATE will run to both Savannah and Charleston. taking freights for both ports at the same time, pro ceeding first to Savannah, and from thence to Charles ton, making a trip every two weeks, thus making de liveries as frequently in Charleston and Savannah as when both ships were running. Passengers for Charleston will be ticketed through from Savannah to Cnarleston by Railroad. Fare to bavannah, $l5; through to Charleston, $36. FOR CHAR LEITON A I' , CD SAVANNAH. Owing to the Dilliculties at Charleston, the Steamship KEYSTONE STATe..4.laag Marshman, has been with drawn for tile present. Due 1101i0e of her will be given. sows received every, clay, and Billy °Matting signed at second wharf above Vine street. INSUCE. Freight and insurance on a large proportion of Hoods chipped South will be found to be lower by these ships than by sailing Veneta. - tar insurance on all Railroad Freight Is entirely tanneoessary, farther than Charlostou or Savannah, the Railroad Companies taking all risks from these point,. Philadelphia to New Orleans and intermediate points. Charleston and Savannah route, connecting with steamers for Florida, and with railroads for New Orleans and intermediate points. tiltissel' ILEDWitltthl IN FARE. Fare by this route ki to SO per cent. cheaper than by the Inland Route, as will be seen by the following schedule. Throu gh tickets from Philadelphia, ma Charleston and Savannah steamships. ffilei.UDING MEALS on the w 4013 route , except from Charleston and Savannah to Montgomery : I To Savannah- ----sin u. To Columbus.— ..71 00 Charleston.— 16 00 Albany--- •-•- 13 00 Augusta-- 17 00 Montgomery --•. fig 00 Macon—.__., XOO . Mobile_- .... 36 00 Atlanta---........ 31 00 New Orleans- ... 39 10 PI, 8.-Passengers by this route connect with the In land Route in South Carolina and Georgia. travelling by the same conveyances thence to New Orleans. No bills of ladin sined after the ship Ma armed. No freight rece i ve d on the day of sailing. Agents toe vi r tn= n Al l lA`t II: b li A t hak BL r. T. S. & T. G. BUDD, Charleston, and • HUNTER & GAMMELL, Savannah. will attend to entering and for warding all goods consigned to their oath. VLIKIRA ROUTE.— lammiAt%!!_p, PHILADELPHIA AND El, ,QUIC Ezrz I.OIITrE 7emacine, oftWriama. lea. Warta e,tgbarre,lSp i rantony a Denrit u ffirlton, ;rob K.l ton, littOll, i.ra Mast°, Ni Fan.. Rooheater, C ekvestzund , . trot} , Toledo, wait. Loma, Butirankee, and a p point, Forth Mid ?merger trains' 41111 eave the new Depot of the Phi _ Cigna and Reading Railroad, corner BROAD and ALLOWHILL Streets, (Passenger annum" on Cal lowhill stre et. ) daily (Bandar' exaepted). tor above pomrollowe : ' . . A EX_PBR , 3 --11All A. M. /OW/ am BX.PREBB .-- ---SA F. Di. The LOD A. M. train connects at Insert. for Willem %Ma &matt to ag.4 all stations on the LAGnAw A Ann n OrrusßUßO BAILIADe t .u. The above Mons make 'root organisations at Mena with the train' of the New York _and Erie, Canandaigua and Niagara Falls, and Buffalo, Near York and Erie, one New York Central Manmade. from all point' North and West. and the Canada,. Baggage oheohcmi to Elmira, .litcdrolo, and surenzion izr, and WI ii.tetmediate 1 1 0/lILA gU C can be i Tenured at the rhiladelDina and Ed ra Railroad la r e'a Ticket Olnee, northwest corner of D a /LT& 5144,,,r9 •k iN PLqsn t li and 4 I IVSW E VIEr• - '''' - Wkiltrei 1- nAFRBBIrFREIGHT TRAM Leave the Phil delptua and Mewling Depot, Broad and Oallowhin stra tidekir (Bun...dais excepted), for all points : West& 1. 01017JI, la IS Y. DI - - g es. g4e s :lt- :be delivered b ej ere $ t M. to Wird thite g t4e . r . tone day. _ or A mo r information apply at Freight Depot. W IR 111 and CALLOW RILL. or to °BAB, B. TAPPRN,AleneralAsent, Northwest earner aim and lOREBTO VI Bimetal. ants-ter - Phi laaitiolo .a mar WEST CHRISTER PHILADELit'ItIA RAILROAD. VIA MEDIA. SPRING ARRANONMENT. Ou and after Monday. March 11,1861, the tram, will leave Philadelphia, from the Depot, nertheeat comer of Eighteenth and Market streets, at 8.00 A. M.. and s, 4 r and 040 P. M. The Freight Train, with peatenger car attached, will leave West Philadelphia at 6A. M., running as tar vi the Baltimore Central Junction. On Sundays, leave Philadelphia at 16 A.M. and 12. M.; leave West Chester at 7.30 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 8 sl. M. and 4 P.M. connectstPennelton with trains on the Philadelphija and Baltimore Central Railroad. for Kennett. Oxford, ha., ka. • lIIXNRY WOOD. =LI] General Superintendent. imosiam NOTIOR.---OHESTER VALLEY RALLEOAD.—PAE EENGER TRAINS FOR. DOWNINGTOWN AND 114 TERMEDIATE ISTATIONIL—On and after Nov. ath -186.0, the Palomar Trains for DOWNINGTOWN etstart from the new Paseenger Depot of the Phila delphia and Readin Railroad Companr. oorner of BROAD and OALLOWRILI, Streets, (peasenger en trance on Caliowhill.) MORNING TRAIN for Downingtown leaves at 8.00 A. M. Ybiladelphis and !trading and Lebanon Valley .R.K. Iforthera Central. Paulrood. GGRAVE-STONER, URATZ-BTONES.- My Mock of Grave stones and litematinente to be mold at very reduced prices. Please rail and exannne, before pun:damn= elsewhere, at Marble Works of A. STEINMETZ, fife-am ;. RIDGE Alittligle• below . ELEVENTH Rt. tllnDory and Edo R. I. POLEURO•PNEUMONIA, OR OATTLR -... grIDEMIC. CATTLE. FEWER, CATTLE MEADE, CATTLE 18EABE, CATTLE DISEASE. t A l k ylt . IV ail tO l V l eu E e" CarE t N d 747/ 6 Mif V blld by W a' ..... a. ...leo ' . meatioi,,es fo r all 'dads o 1 4= aves ° i rin WiMin: tit 13411 I. MB. Re "DP,ARDA TED, it 0 if En: DIME W ED Da MODE REFIIP4 SD' DlSE•wrm Wfim C9IROME GREEN -- fillAuftztured and for solo NWETIER/1.1. & BIOTHEX, inr4 v.} to•ri worvilor go infIBISE.-800 boxes, ilorkinier-Clonnty IL" Cheese ou oinedgameariaat foraate tik C.C. SAD k rent. ER CO., 103 AXCJI tweet, seooLd door above t 001 SALES BY AUCTION PHT LIP room & 00., A UMION 141 pe, No. 030 MARKET Minot earl 641 MINOR Bt. 'Nea . r 'York B~3tYYlRlt_ WEEKLY COMECUNIOATION BY' STEAM BETWEEN NEW yogic. AND LIVERPOOL, °alma at. QUEENSTOWN aro lanA .) to land And embark paseeneertand despatches. The Liverpool, New York, and , Ph‘ladelphia Steam ship Company'. splendid Clyde, On It. iron screw steam ships, are intended to sail as follows. FROM NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL. EDINBURGH. Saturday, !April 20 GLASGOW. Saturday, April 27 CITY OF W6EHINGTON, Saturday, May 4 And every„Baturasy throughout the year. from E Mi. No. 44 N. R. RATES OF PASSAGE THROUGH FROM PHILADELPHIA. - - Cabin, to Queenstown, or Liverpool. —....... 75 Do. to London, via Livezpool 80 Steerage to Queenstown, or Liverp001......._..`.. 30 Do. to London. ............. 33 Do. Return tickets, available for six months, from Liverpool.. —.._._ 150 Passengers forwarded to Havre, Paris, Hamburg, Bremen, and Antwerp, at through rates. Cs'trficatesof passage issued from Liverpool to New York 840 Certificates of passage is from Queenetown to New York. _..—. 130 These steamers have superior accommodations for passengers, are constructed with watertight compart ments. and carry experienced burgeons. For freight, or passage, appiy 0. at then ce of the Com pany, JOHN DALE Agent, 109 Walnut stree ,t Pigadelphia. m In Liverpool. to W. I MA N. Tower Buildings. In Glasgow. to WM. INMAN. 13 Dixon street. THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM . SHIM TROM NEW YORE TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Second Cabin PAO! BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin 0110 Second Cabin l'assage—. . go The ships from New York oallat Cork . Harbor. The ships from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Har bor PEIVIIS., Capt. J udkins. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. ARA IA. Ca_pt. J. Stone. CANADA., Capt. Anderson. ASIA, Capt. E. G. Lott. AMERICA. Capt. McAuley AUISTRALASIAN__, NIAGARA, Cart- !noodle. Capt. E. N. Hookloy. BUItOPA D Capt. J, Cook. SCOTIA, (now building.) These vessels carry a clear white light at mast-head ; teen on starboard bow ; rod on port bow. CANADA, Anderson, leaves Boston, :Wedneidag. April 3. AFRICA, Shannon, " N. York, Wednesday, April 10. EUROPA, Cook , " Boston, Wednesday, April 17. PFRBIA ,Jndkina, ' N. York, Wednesday, Apyilki. NIAGARA, Moodie, " Boston, Wednesday, May 1. ASIA, Lott, N. York. Wednesday, May R. ARABIA, Stone. " Boston, Wednesday, Mai 15, AFRICA, Shannon, " N. York. Wednesday, May Et. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones 7cl=l4ll7.7:l,lthasprzseikn therefor, and mi. apply to CUNARD, mh4-t. the 4 Bowling Green. New York. SPECIAL NOTICE RAILROAD LINES. AFTURBOON TRAIN for Dovnaingtoira leaves At P. M. • DAILY (Sundays excepted). BY order of the Bosrd of Manager" of the rhiledel hie and Reading Railroad Comany. an 2 W. R. IIicILHENNY. Secretary. SALES BY AUCTION. 11110h1AS & SONS, k ' 1 • rim 139 and 141 South I.OUIIII Istr. (Formerly Dios, a and O.) THE NEAT MODERN RESIDENDft, N . Fifteenth street. will be held at private M. ror 4' ',V; Arm.. at a moderate ipnae. STOGIES AND REAL ESTATE, st e.L.tot AT Withl XiRA •t.. b. F., V bllY lifintibillo of eaob property nseue4 settrtsttlji., addition to 'which are pettish, on Itie Satnirdat moil' 4 " !o each setts, ono thoueontl este ognee, D am aut formt wine fall desoripttons of MI the prop erly host cold on the m.Uowing Tuesday. w be REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE RALE. Uor- We have a tares amount of real estate at ph... sale, including every tileeorkprion of oitl and property• Pnnted lista may be had at the aeetin,. -- - 1 41Y PRIVA.TR eEtkISTER, - "tare Kr Beta estate entered on our private Bete re . ; , and advertised occasionally in our public awe abilii , ers. (of which one thousand ooplos re pr iu t im "your,. free of charge. PEREMPTORY SALE — RPOORS, On Tuesday. April 23. noon. at the Exchange. will he s e w_ without reserve for non leayment of assesainents -2.460 shares Bohemian Mining Company. For aecount of whom it may concern-- BO shares Union Cana, Company. 120 ehares Little iteellYiktil advigation d oal Company. -a find 1 share rhilacelphia Library Company. Jassignmen Peremptory sale -27 shares ?forth Pennsylvania Railroad Comp s fir REAL ESTATE SALE—APRIL tm, 1 , 'motors' Sale—J. Mate of Conrad W olfdlean ni Very valuable GERMANTOWN P ROPERTY.' sly: acres, with im_eroven.ents. Allen's lane, neer the Aloof Aire ststion. Uhestnut Hill Raiiroid. Orphans' Court Sale—l' eta% of Thomas Omen d ceased.—BWEt. LING AND LOT OF GROUND, atjpit . west corner of Twenty • third street and Drown's e --. above CialloWhlll street. eurt, LING 9 Same. Estate —.- FOUR DWEL on g ro .„ . , l court, west of Twenty-third . treet, north of Caloshil. Same Estate.—THREE•STORY BRICK BE ING, Loan street. north of Green street.l3th ware' Same Estate --STORK A Ni l, DV/ELI-MG, north . of Cidlowluil street west of Twerlil -third street, t id e Seine Estate.—STOßE AN DD w h.LLING ,o,r . the above on the west. i letz t 3 THRE-STORY BRICK DWELLINOsz 731. and 733 Lombard are Nye, jo, Brum( DWELLING, No. 10 Pleasant avenue no of Lombard street . , nt, ELEGANT BRLWN. STONE R EHIDENDE, s r ,„ side of North Broad street, south of Girard rorens' Lot 37 feet front. The houae hex all the modem ~i- venienoeet venienoeet e. Eaeoutore' Peremory Bole—} Mats of Ann Toyo,„ deceseed.—NEAT R KO EN OE, No 733 Spruce in . 0, l and Brick Dwelling in the rear un Orange street. 11- '' Peremptory Pals.— v..1..1. G ANT ft ..', 8 i OE N up CH urriv UT HILL, with 4315,acree, with superior lIIRll' mon 250 feet front on Thorp s lane. Truman' nale.—THE BA PTIPIT CRUKCS ED I. F/CE. and large lot, 105 by 100 feet. south side nf Erml MOM street, between Fighth and Ninth Streets, °mall the southern front of the Continental Hotel. HANDSOME, NEW MODERN RESIDENeR.noith• west corner BeKenteenth and Wallace street,. s o , ~e modern coovenioncee. Immediate Jin.slissn..o. TWO THRJab•STOR Y li FLICIC DWELLINGS, WIl llama street, northwest of Tulip street, late Nitride(' Richmond. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, po t , it northwest of Tulip street. ~ TWO THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, /SI. ton street. FOUR Y FARM' GROUND-RENTS. viz.: ii 2, 9?3, sap, and S2e.' Sale No. 1319 Marshall Street, SUPERIOR WALNUT F URNIT fat, TAppor ßv BRUSSELS CARPETS, &o. This Morning. 19th Met., at 10 o'olook, at N 0.1319 Marshall street, M above Thompson street, the entire household ass kitchen furniture, MUS Brlmels osrpsts, &o of k gentleman dealining housekeeping. may be examined on the morning or snie,st o'olook. _ . BaEe 1M South Fourth Street. aI)PERIOR FURNITURE. Wang, BitussEi k CAAFETg. This Morning, 19th int.. at 10 o'otook. at no. 1223 Routh Fourth 'street, below Federal. the superior furniture, Fre nc h. plate pier mirror. Brussels camas, ke,, of a gentlem an leaving the city. 111 meg be examined on the morning or tale, at t o'clock. 110/iT~IICO'4 SBIB. POPULAR SCHOOL s -N'EIIILEII. AND This Evening. Anrill9 at the Auction Store. an assortment of pack lar salmi books, juvenile 'work', anti stanonert. ' KT For particulars nee catalogues. FOnLatO 7INGEA L N AT A IME G IRDARDA HO & On Pattrdav Morning. SE.o . April 20, st 10 o'oioos, by oatioloeue, at the Gime House Chestnut street, a quantity of &ember r m. tura,to hair mattresses . oarpete, a quantity of ler. vents' ddinr. Also, the ithohen furniture. &0., large quetifty rd copper cooking utensils, table oil olotbs. &c, Also, a quantity of unolaiened trunks and valises, vitt the contents. - oar; Catalogues will be ready and articles my be ex stained on Friday. Public Sale at the Be tram Garden. STOCK OF HOKAES, OARRIA OEB, wA GO NI, ING CA RTS IM P LEMENTS, M k OWING MAC ft INES. oaTTLE, Fe Es o. Oa Monday Morning, April 23, at 10 o'clock, at the residence of A. M, Eau. wink, Ems., below brar's Ferry, will b 0 sold at ;clinic sale. without reserve. about 30 head of cattle, 'eoli th s' a number of' fine mileh cows, several with ethics by their sides ; some very desirable young stout; a rho rough- bred Durham bull,and live Young buds; aye horses; carriage. by Jacobi; carriage, by Dosii) ; York wagon, by Watson ; double and single limes., saddle and bridle, &o. Also, Ketcham's mowing machine and seed drill Landreth's mower and reaper, with ail the :steer im provements; hap rake. seed drill, patent hoistiet fork, cultivators, ploughs, harrows, large roller, doa ble-horse power. two broad-wheel hay wagons, ear row-wheel hay wagon, with box bed, two one-hone carts, spring cart, new spring wagon, block and tackle. Ina window frames, shalt, lot lead pipe, cast-iron pipe, Old iron, a large lot of farming implements. &0,, &e. Bale peremptory. Terme gash, The uarby reseenger Railroad Care peas the late every half hour. Administrator's Sale, 1911 Walnut street—Eetate of Dr. Thomas Harris, deceased, SUPERIOR RESIDISNCS AND FURNITURR, M111• ROKS. OIL PAINTINGS, CURTAINS, MANDL MERL &u. On Tlteaday filorninE zsd inst., at IS &Walk, at No. VII walnut 1115491, ll catalogue, the entire furniture, compneing tupenoi walnut drawing- room furniture, mantel and pier mio rote, fine oil paintings and engravings, vintains, akin defiers. glass and china, superior dining-room sad chamber furniture. Also, the kitchen furniture, refri gerator &o. 115 r The superior residence, with comb boos, mu/ be sold at to o'clock precisely, Previous to tangle 01 furniture. Full particulars in handbills nut