The New Perim,'Tanta Staple.—The Oil Trade. A Philadelphia correspondent of the New York Tribune sends that paper the following artiole, relative to the oil trade of Western Pennsylvania: I have collected from various printed and pri vate sources some partienlara in relation to the oil business in Western Penneylvania ' which seem to indicate that the product of this discovery will eventually take its place as an important staple. There is no doubt that much exaggeretion has ex bled in relation to the quantity of oil produced, and that speantation has been aotively at work, by which some wee have realised groat profits, while others have 'offered great losses. Bat this proneness to turn everything into a apeoulatlon has been shown when coal mines were firat worked, or wherever gold or pearl bearing muscles have been discovered. The Melees need no espeeltd stimulant to induce them to take hold, but rush in voluntarily, tome, in every instance, sure to lose. But it is not individual profit I am now consider. ing, but commercial results. They are shown to be already quite remarkable ; for the number of barrels of oil which came over the hunbury and Erie Railroad to the latter city, during the year 1860, is as follows, showing an extraordinary rapid increase of production : Januarya.* 2,2 39 Four ()ember— - • 2., „?1, 0 414 N0vemner.........•••• • 3 .7 992 December nola June 777 Total. 1860.....—.—.1111.119 January. 000 ,619 110 fibs anis raiiiolth - ray test liiraus portation hoe formed an important portion of the business of the Western division of the road, and when the whole line is finished the company esti mates the receipts from oil freights the first year thereafter at $200,000, with every prospeot of a rapid increase. In addition to this, the freight on engines, pumps, supplies of all kinds, and pa/man gers, growing OUt ot the rush of pop:elation to the oil region, is expected to furnish quite an equal amount of business and revenue. The whole of this profit springs from a source which was not Contemplated three years ago, and which never • entered into the calculatione of the friends of the road. The large quantity above referred to has been supplied almost exalosively from two leo:dittos— namely, Tideonte, on the Allegheny river, about fourteen miles below Irvine Station, and Titusville, on Oil creek, about eighteen tulles from the station at Onion Mills. From these points it ie princi pally hauled by teams to the line of the road, al- though in the summer season much it boated from Weenie rip the river, and much finds its way dorm stream from both points to Pittsburg—the most, if not all, of which will come to the railroad when suitable branch roads, now in contemplation, shall be constructed. At the points named the wells are bored into the Oil- beams rook from the depth of seventy-five feet to three hundred feet Wore Striking the veins, and at each of the said points there are, up to the present time, about thirty wells in successful operation In addition to the wells now in suominsful opera tion, there are within the same region at least three hundred ethers in process of being trunk, all of which have the same probability of being suc cessful as those now working had before reaching the oil veins. The whole region is being actively prospected by hardy and industrious pioneers, and almost daily some new company commences the toilsome proem of sinking a well. From these statements some idea of the fulcra production of this region may be eonjeotored, but if the supply holds out—and there is yet no Indi cation of failure in any well hitherto worked— even conjecture would probably fall short of the reality. If the road was finished, most of this stream of ell would flow over nearly its whole length in search of an Eastern market, instead of only passing over the small portion between the points of production and Ene. This would not only famish a large revenue and to the company as freight, Ac., but build up refineries and trade in Philadelphia, which are now almost monopolized by New York and New England. The changes wrought in the industry of this oil region and the value of almost everything the farmer has to sell are remarkable. One of the papers says that 500 teams are engaged hauling oil to the Union Mills. This gives employment to 500 men. The feed that 500 teams will con sume will create an additional demand for oats, hay, Re., which have to be transported to the points of de a nd . It is hard, indeed, to esti mate the addMonal amount of labor in other de partments of human industry that is made neces sary by the oil business. The demand for lumber in the oil region is now very great and prices high. The yearly product of the saw mills of that van nity that bas heretofore been sent to Pitteburg is now consumed at horn° at a higher price than could have been obtained latter running it to market. Then think of the demand for coopers when thou. sands of barrels are needed daily. The existence of this oil has been known for nearly a century, but no one suspeoted, until 1859, that the quantity running to waste under ground was so enormous. In that year a well was bored by Mr. Drake at Titusville, in Crawford county, sixty feet deep, from which he readily pumped up from twenty-five to thirty barrels daily. The result was widely published, and excited so much attention that hundreds of strangers rushed to the spot. At home, also, it excited an intense furore for sinking wells, as it was supposed the subter ranean supply must bo inexhaustible. The more sanguine owners of lands resolved not to sell at any price, although they could readily have taken for their farms five times the amount at which they previously held them ; while a few, donated by the tempting offers which re much emeealed all former hopes, exchanged their lands for gold. Those who were the owners of the bottom lands leased out small portions of them on the condition that the tenant should bore for oil, and, if summ its!, should pay as rent from one-third to one-half of all he might obtain. Many took leases of this kind, and were more or less ettooeseful ; while others, after spending their money and their efforts in vain, were compelled to give up for want of means. Other', who made lucky hits, are in a fair way to become rich. One account says that only nine per oent of all the wells stink pay a profit, and that eighty per oent. of all the operators have suffered a dead loss. Another Sap that probably 5,000 wells have been commenced within thirty miles around Titusville, and that probably not over two hundred are, as yet, sucoassful Many have been abandoned, but a very large number are yet in progress. Soma of the landowners around Titusville are said, however, to have ac quired incomes of $lOO.OlO per annum. The value of engines, machinery, .ko purchased last year in Pittsburg, for the oil business, amount ed to $527,000. Many thousand barrels of oil went to market by other routes than to Erie. Some has been taken to England, where ft was much ap proved. One company has sold 13 000 barrels in a year. nearly all of which found a market in New York and Philadelphia, at an average of 315 per barrel. This company, with two others, lain year produced 41,000 barrels, worth, in its crude state, over $6OO 000, and their joint consumption of coat is 2,300,000 bushels per annum The demand for the oil is undiminished at about 35 cents per gallon for crude, or 65 cents when refined. All the West ern railroads, as far as Bt. Louis, derive much re- MVO from its transit. In ire crude state, this oil is reddish brown in Color, and as tbiu as water. When first drawn from the well, it is as inflammable as spirit gas, and often takes fire at the well. Vats, derricks, barrels, and all, have often been burned up by the careless use of a candle or mateh about the well. In the process of distillation or refining, the crude oil parts with from twenty to forty percent. of its original elements, and becomes as pare and limpid as water, and as free from explosive element as whale oil. As an illuminator, the refined oil affords a steady, clear light, almost equal to gas in bril liancy. One ordinary lamp, burning a half pint in ten or twelve hours, will give a light equal to six common candles, and far more brilliant than !perm oil will afford. It is clean, and not greasy in its nature. It has a alight odor of Depths, but not more unpleasant than that arising from spirit gas. Oil of a similar character has been obtained in different parts of the world. In Burnish, the Go vernment has several hundred wells, from which the oil is drawn in buckets, and they have con tinued productive for many years. it is thinker than the Pennsylvania oil, but Ilea found he way to Europe, where it commands a high price. The American oil will also find unlimited sate in the same quarter. In Obio, Kentucky, and Canada the same oil is found, bat nowhere in such abun dance as in Pennsylvania, where in some instance/1 it has been known to pour out over the mouth of the tube at the rate of ton barrels per hour, thence Subsiding to a flow of sixty barrels daily- In another ease it shot up in a stream 25 feet high, and discharged hundreds of barrels before it could be controlled. A single well has yielded $7,000 worth of oil in two weeks. The demand for the oil bids fair to exceed the supply, as the price at the wells 'staid to be alvanoing Twenty years ago not over 1,000 gallons of palm oil was supplied by Africa. bat now the traffic in the article with England alone amounts to about 1 000,000 gal lons annually, and with this country full halt as much The origin of this petrolium is still a matter of conjecture. It is known, however, that its Apio logical position is below the bituminous coal-beds and above the anthracite It is supposed to be derived frcm the natural separation of the bitu minous from the earbonaaeons pertion of the coal, which, oozing upward from faults and Mururoa in the coal seams,idraine off between the strata and follows the inclination of the latter, until it reaches the surface in some denuded portion of tee coal-bed. The quantity thus accumulated be neath the surface must be very large, judging by the many thousand barrels annually pumped up, If it should prove to be, like the coal itself, inex haustible, it will assume rank as a now and valua ble Pennsylvania staple. Already, it has given a prodigious impulse to enterprise and industry, giving employment to thousands,. trebling the population of some towns, startng others into existence, and is now likely to cause the et n etrtiotion of a railroad twenty-two miles in length to intersect the Sunbury and Erie. There is probably no business among us *dank has grown to each magnitude in so brief a period. The Chinese "New Year. Last evening wee the New Tear's Bre of the Celestials. and to-day their new year commenced- Th ro ugh otit uterd ay afternoon, evening, and the entire night. DU Clrbtadom war jubilant with strange NOUNIiI of sputtering fire-snappers, the ever lading resounding rattle of tumtnme, and the die. treating caterwauling of their one-horse fiddles. Mongolian children romped laughingly in the streets of Chinatown, and grim old opium-smokers for the occasion lost their many wrinkles. Pagan houses of worship were thronged by long-tailed idolaters, and the whole eity was fragrant with In cense offered to their wooden gods. Ghinohin for Joss" was burning in every room where dwells a worshipper. Sacramento, - Jackson, and Dupont streets were carpeted with the red skins of millions of bustioulated crackers, and besides the delighted Mongols were hundreds of little white boys in a decidedly half tickled-to-death omidition. The in fernal racket kept contigneus lodgers awake all night, and we have been bothered all day by suf ferers coming into our office and asking if we, or the chief of police, can't stop the nuisance: Our answer was stipple : We are down, like • thou sand of bricks, on the raoe of Mongolians; savage. ly opposed to their coming here, and, like leeches, smoking the bright gold (our life-blood) from our state ; but they are poor miserable devils anyhow, and we Ace to see even dogs enjoy themselves at This morning ilmee streets where this people meat do dwell, looked as though they had been on a bast" all nigkt—red, feverish, dissipated. Otalaalom was uneasily sleeping. At noon they were up again, and swarming like bees on the streets• making calls. • ,Thy-way it is done is this : eh Hun Wants graveti with his fan on his arm lite Aft Thug'. house. Ab Hoag solute' his friend by bowleg nine times to the ground, laying; "The rich gifts of the good Joss be showered upon thee and thine, 0, eh Tung? Gills that shall be rare as thy choice virtues—they are known throughout this barbarian land, no less then the land of thy fathom, whose good repute bath so well been upheld by the exemplary warm of their noble son ." To which eh Tang replies, in this styli! • ss Beloved Mead of my boom sad noblest eon of. my father's io'ed companion etas youth, all bail Welcome to this humble hall, whose doors are al ways open to the good, the wise, the true. on of the Flowery Kingdom ! thou whose tail exceadeth in length the caudal appendage of that last star, which the accursed barbarians, in their brutal ig norance, call 'comet ; thou whose wonderful talent in the salting of sprats in this ignorant country has 'galled forth the vp>oteesous weeder of the whole Celestial Empire ; whose form le symmetry itself; whose performances with the two pair of chop etioks in a bowl of licey have never been surpassed, and seldom equalled ; the son of a great father the father of a great family ; the adored friend of many thousands---come to my heart, and there , ',Twinged, in the folds of thy sweet wanted robes, rest forever!" Then each man shakes his own hand and Bite down, sups tea, eats rice cakes, eto., smokes opium, chats of China and old Celestial tieing!, and, at the proper time, the Allier tithes his leave In a set speech. A large number of Mongolians wore arrested by the pollee for bring crashers off last night, but were discharged this morning, out of consideration fur their manners and onstoms.—Sam Fronet..geo .11.1Arror, Feb. 9. The New Election Law, AM PASSIM DT TEE /IMMATURE AND APPROVED BY TRH IJOYSIIVOR SECTION 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the lame. That the eirction of members of Councils and of all the municipal Sinerr of the pity of Philadelphia, au thorized to be elected byan act approved February 2d, cote thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, en titled -' A further supplement to an act to incorpo rate the pity of Philadelphia," and by any of the supplements thereto, shall be held on the second Tuesday of October in each year, instead of the first Tuesday of May, as now provided by law. Sac. 2. That to prevent bulimia's in the terms of the officers heretofore elected by the qualified voters of said city, and that no vacancy may occur, all offioers, inclusive of constables and surveyors and regulator , whose terms of office would other wise have expired at any day aucoeeding said elec tion day heretofore appointed to be held on the first Tuesday of May in each and every year, shall be continued until the laat day in December following the day at which their said terms would otherwise have ended, excepting the Receiver of Taxes, who shall continue until the Saturday next preoeding the second Monday succeeding the fif teenth day of Januarygfollowing: Provides, That each and every officer whose term shall be so ex. tended, shall, thirty days before he nail eater upon such extended term, have given new security, ' in the manner now required by law, for the period of such extended term, Bac. 3. That all officers elected by the qualified Totors of the city of Philadelphia shall enter upon the perfOrmanoe of their duties on dm Lit day of January next succeeding their election, excepting the Receiver of Taney, who shall enter upon the performance of his duties on the second Monday succeeding the fifteenth of January next following his eleotion. Sao. 4. That the terms of office of the °Mier! hereafter to he eleoted shall be—of the Mayor, three years; of the City Comptroller, four years; and of the City &donor fire years, from the day of the oornmeteement of theft terms in January, as afore said. Sac. 5. That hereafter each ward of the city of Philadelphia shall have one member of the Select Council, who ehtil serve for three years, and two members of Common Council, who shall serve for two years from the first day of January next sue needing their election; and that one half of Com mon Council and one-third of Eeleot Council shall be chosen each year The qualified voters on the second Tuesday of October, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one of the First, Third, Fifth, and Seventh wards shall each elect a member of ReleetsCounail to serve for one year; Of the Ninth, Eleventh, Thirteenth, end Fifteenth wards shall each elect a member of Select Council to serve for two years; of the Seventeenth, Nineteenth, Twen ty•firet, and Twenty third wards shall each elect a member of Select Council to serve for three years and the qualified voters, on the second Tuesday of October, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, of ithe Second, Sixth, and Eighth wardsphali each elect a member of Select Council to serve for one year • of the Tenth, Twelfth, Fourteenth, and Six teenth wards shall elect each a member ef he loot Council to serve for two years, and of the eighteenth, Twentieth, Twenty seoor.d, and Twenty-fourth wards to serve for three years, and each ward shall, on the second Tuesday of October next, elect each two members of Com mon Council, one to serve for two years, and one to serve for one year, from the first Monday of January next succeeding his election, or until their successors shall eater upon duty, and the terms of ' the present members of said Counoils respectively shall continue, so that they shall represent said wards until their successors shall bo elected as aforesaid, and be qualified to take their seats, and no longer; and the newly elected members shall meet in the Council Chambers, and be qualified on the first Monday of January. at 10 o'oiock of the forenoon of each year, at which hour the terms of their preleceasors shall expire : Fronded, net members of Common Counoil for the Twenty-third ward shall remain as now provided by law : Anil provided, That whenever it shall appear by the next preceding census authorised by law, the tax able inhabitants cf any ward shall exceed by fifty per cent. the average taxable inhabitants of the whole of the respective wards of the city, one ad ditional member of Common Connoila shall be elected by each ward for each excess of Dfty per cent. contained therein, anti so a greater number for every s nob full increase of fifty per cent. above Bach average of this taxable inhabitants ef all the respective wards. Sac 6. That the election of aldermen for the re epective wards shall be held on the second Tues day of October, in the manner now provided by law for the general elettien in Phliadelphis, in the year next preceding that of the expiration of their present term of service, and they shall be oom motioned by the Governor for the term of five years, to terminate at the end of five years from the last day of the year in which they shall have been elected, but shall not commence their term of servlte until the expiration of the terms of the present inenmbents of the several wards, and thereafter elections of aldermen doll take place on the second Tuesday of October, before the expi ration of the terms of service of the aldermen, and the elected aldermen shall be commissioned for five years. to commence with the year next ensu ing their election. PASSEN GERS SAILED --- la steamship State of Georgia for oavatmah—Bliss F. Stanley. Mier R Startler. Mrs L W M Gtoes, Master J B narrows. Rev E T Williams. Dr M Williams. G R Cook. Dr C L Bishop. 0 C Brothers. J W Wel . J P Setzler. J Heiler. It IRußeown..l L Robins +a. H C MoCarthg, Tito, T "Vaughan Marlin Dernoker, /Om Rogerson. Thus T Yams& Jr. PHILADFLPRIA. BOARD OF TRADE. F.DINIIIND A. POUDER, Gkf)RGE L. BULKY. Commirrez Oa TRH MONTH EDWARD C. BIDDLE. LETTER BAGS At the IlTerchante' Exchange, Philadelphia. Shin Wyoming, 8urt0n.....--- —Liverpool. Maroh 26 Ship Flom , lee Eldridge. Liverpool, soon Ship Eliza F Wills tn. Williruna..._—...Bhangtme. soon Ship Frigate Biro. Johns— —.....L0nd0n. noon Bart Yea Eagle. Kennet ..... ---Barbt does. soon Bart Nary Adelia. Kellar— soon Bark Caroline, --Havana, soon Brig Nameaug, ....... Havana, goon Brig Martha xenuall. —Caracle., eooe Brig Wehaah soon Bohr 1 A Griffin, Foster. soon Sohr D E Boil, soon rT 7 TT'llrr'777Kl4Tr=iTli PORT OF PRILADELPHIR:BIoyek 21.1961. 81118 RISES- -5 58 -SUN BETS- . 6 4 alum WATER-- _ . 9 86 ARRIVED oteatnahly, Delaware, Cannon. 22 hours from N York. with mdse and 9611110D110Th to Jas alklerdioe. At 6A M yesterday. off the Buoy on tbe Bro James sed an un• known any at ¬ion elan hark 8t from Mew York: brie Crawford, from New York, waa aground be low Marone Rook. Bohr wm couyey. Rayner. 3 dare from New York, With OW to captain. r e h r I,tunwpi n e, ieheeen,d days from Holmes' Rica. with mdee to captain Bohr Grand ti med Short, 6 days from Newburjport, with fish to Gee B Herfoot. Bohr P A Minders, tiomenr, It days from Boston, with linseed to Boyer & HereMY. Bohr S flotan. (Sandi, from New York, in ballast to N Sturtevant & Co. . _ Bohr Kate Kallatmo, Kallahan, from Baltimore, in bailees to John It Whits. Bahr Mary Anna, 'rowan, from AI enrioetown, in bal lan to Baum. Ogle it. Co. B o h r pm:anent. Clark, from Oreenport, in bait/telt to Nevin, Bawler & Co. CLEARED. Bark Therms Dallett. Dill. Laguavra. Dallett & Son. Bark lonic Hatalunson, Matanzas, E A Bauder & Co Ilric Caccutive, Grant. Matanzas. do Brig Oroximbo. Rolebroolt, Barbatiooe, A E (tater bridge. 80br FrOpiTO. Wall. Antigua, Bohr do co4yer,i-tauear. rosorport. Reveller & Bro. Behr A Kallahau. Kallalutu. Waahington, J ft White. Bohr Mary AMA. Bowen, New London, Baum, 04,1 e Bahr Panthea, Clark, Nantucket. N evin. Eawyer & Co. Elm It Willing, Maypole. Baltimore, A Graven. r. SAILED. The El g mail steamship, State of Georgia. Cant Gar vin, for palm:mall. Hailed yesterday at 10 id. with a full freight and e. number of pamenaers, whom" names may be found under the proper head. RA, _ stestrentup Niagara-oo MEMO Md* smil NDA ed from - Beaton yes terday for Liverpool, ma Halifax. browned" Karnak. Le iderauner. at Havana Iktk ias from New York. Bart Philomela. Ellam. for Beaton, wee loading at Rieseronang 10th Jan. Behr Chas H Rogers, Langley, cleared at Boston 19th inst. for eagrua is Grande •ohr Henry Batt, Baker. cleared at Boston 19th not for Flares. Bohr Martha S Gsuse, Simkins, hence, arrived at Provides. 18th Met. 806 r J H Wainwright, Corson, cleared at Portland 16th rout for Philadelphia.- Bahr Orrie Prance.. Clark, from St Georges, Me, for New Guile. Del. nailed from Newport 17th met. Behr 8 V W eimns.ns, Godfrey, from New York, ar rived at Alexandria 1911 inst. MARINE MIRCELLANY, The work of setting the ontton out of sahrßoroas Ire land. ashore on Nominee Land. proceeds very slowly. They have had but two and a half in working. days daring the meeent month. T*o men arrived at NIA, nedibrd on Monday morning , an boat from the Island. to get their winch manned it having been broken, but it bad to be sent to Beaton for the necessary repairs. It was reported St Astons, Oregon. sn the let instant that a bark. ennrowd to be the . I.,ouisa," had 'drifted ashore near Ti Larttoolt, and hedoapsinad. NOTICE* TO MARINERS. pr o ti m b is hereby given that on the let of April, or 68 soon after -s praotioable. the spar buoys in Boston har bor and roßoum+. and also in Buzzard's Bay and - Vineyard Benud will be replaced by nun and oan buoys for summer service. . . . Tiy order of the Lighthouse Board, J. A WIN- , LOW, Qom U. 8, N., Lighthouse Impactor. Second Dtetnot. Boston. Mama 18.18 n. lALTRETORE & OARRTAIRR, IMPORT ande" N'FIA and COMmielatON MERCHANTS, Nos 202 209 Routh FRONT Street, offer for sale, from our tom Douse store COGNAC BRANDIES of the bran". of "Pilot Cu bllon & Co, " Olsinrar," " Hennessey;" and • Union of the Proprietor*: of various vintages. dark and pale. ROCHEi,br, BR ANDIES—" Penevoisin-" • Alex. Reisnette." and " Union of the Propnetors," dark and pale- GIN.-Double Pineapple Gin, in pipes and three.quar terirlpes, Eit:o i CH WHlRKY—Stewart's brand. PORT WIN,E.,—"Rorm Agricultural Society," "Dou ble Diamond. ' "De Mille, Brothers.' " Benicarlo," 7. ix, „" gam "Alicante,' and other brand's. mADEntik WINES of various brands. in quarters apd mowing 8 liiihßAY WINES- 4 .lla4Triopy, ,, c rown? numioda.i/ and 8, NT; storm,. to Rag WINE vot - r alin in quarter °reins. CLARET in teaks and bops, of the braldsfif " at Swum ..St. Estephe, , " Montferrand,' • Haut Brien " ko. CRANIPACEE—" IfEentand," " Velma Clieum,” 1 ontet," " Crescent, and all. of De Vemone & wines. SALAD OIL—" Latour," Jauretche & Caratainh" arid Lure% oho. mai° at JUST REOEIVED, per " Annie Kimball," from Livernoal, blander, Weaver, & blander', preparataona: 25 Tha Extract Aooniti. in 1 &jars. 26 The Bumps H yonorami, tit i & 50 lbs Extract Belladonnas, in 1 Ibiarn• 100 lbs FaVaat Taraxecoi, 111 1 lb inn* IRE Ms Voillal.Colobioi, int lb bottle'. 100 Ma OL &mom .Elect., n 1 iD bottle.. Ths Calomel. in 1 11, bottle,. lbe Pil Hydrairgit iQLR im ROTIIEB L , 47 444 CI mum INAWAR ale NEW PUBLICATIONS. NEW MILITARY BOOKS—USEFUL TO Membere of Military Companies._Fipealis by THE the D HANDBOOK .,.iIsotc. F . B O m A R: 7 A: II CIi le i ' V k SA GarrisonE Irill Duties, T I e t E t e,con tainingBo r .sanination and Brill of the different Arms of Service ; Equipments, Clothint, Food, and manner of Cooking sestlAS, of (laminating 114r_.1 11 . laying uta carat, or forming a Birmuse. with a vnisp_tsr on Fci . ld Fortifications, and Manual for Light and Heavy Artil lery. assigned for Instructing Volunteers in all the Cu rns of a Campaign. Br Captain Egnert L. Viele late ited States Army. Captain of 4imaineers, Seventh eminent, National Guard , New ink. limo. Cloth. S PI I. OTER ON SEA-COAST ITEPENCR, consisting mf Sea.seekt Fortideatien,tho Filteem - 012_h Ono and Case mate Embrasures. Br major .1. G. Berae,a, United States c m ." o f Eva:neon. Svo. Cloth. $l6O. IFt.E.6 AND RIFLE PR AOTICE.—An Element ary Treatise upon__ the Theory of Nine Firin explain ing the causes of inaccuracy of Fire, and t he manner of correcting it, with description of the Infantry tildes of Europe and the United fhatee, their Balls and Cart ridges. oy Captain C. M. Wilcox, U. S.A. 1 vol., 12cno. With Illustrations, Clntri, $1.75. THE A RTI toLERIST'I MANUAL.—Compiled from Varlollll sowers. and adapted to the Service of tea United States. Illustrated by Ea ravings. B. Captain John Gibbon. Fourth Artillery, U. S. Army. fliro. Half Roan. $6. AUSTRIAN INFANTRY TACTlCS.—Evolations of the Line as practised by the Austrian Infan .. and adopted in 160. Trsasiated by Captain C M. Wilcox. Seventh 'regiment, U. S. Infantry. I vol.Mmo. Three In slates. Cloth. $l. IhVOLU TIONd OF nELD DATITRIk.39 OF AR TILLERY. Translated Vote the French, and adapted to the Service of the United atalAs (Army and Militia). By Major Rob-rt Anderson. US. A. Published by order of the War impartment. .81mo. Cloth, thirty three plates. $l. T.Et HAND-BOOR OF ARTILLERY. for the Ser vice of the United St/our.* rmy and Militia). BY Can tata ioeeph Roberts, Fourth Reglintot Artillery, U. S. Army. eeentid reVillea and enlarged, MO. Flexible moth 76 oente,_ A COURSE O ar IN , TRUCTION IN ORDNANCE GUNNERY Compiled for the use of the Cadets of the Utatei States Military Amsde m. By Capt. J. G. Ben ton. Ordnance Department. U. B. A.. Ingo ruotor of ,ird nanoe and the Science of Gunnery, U. S. Military Academy, West roint. 1 vol. Bvo. Ralf morocco. $6. DICTIONARY OF ALL STATER TH ARMY OF THE II NI TEO STATES, from 1789 t o Ja nuary 1- 3853. and of the Navy and Marine Corps. Se cond edition. with a Supplement. bringing it down to January 1, 1660. By Co'. Chas. K. Ga. deer. 1 vol. Cloth, 83. SCHOOL OF THR GUIDES ; designed for the use of the Militia of the United States. By Col. Eugene Le Ga 1.66 th Regiment, N. Y. B.M. 18mo. Flexible Cloth, 60 Gantt, OIL HAM'R MANUAL FOR VOLUNTEERS AND MI LITIA, $260, Inyr rtsv preiTile CAVALRY Tn ytell -...... - A it ISKE lAFAIV kY LA 01 1.18. 2 vols. SCOTT'S INFANTRY TACTICS. 3 vols. COOPER 'mMALW FOT TAO/ATO NIS v Wol.ith plates. THE SWORD. A complete treats& on the use of the sword, Cut and Tharet. Anbre and Espadon, with man! TOSAMIL. Hr Mai: Warns, v 8, A, EA C ER'S e - yBrEM OF tiOIterMANSIIIP. RBEItT'S MISTS TO HORSE- KEEP.SR.S. mhze-et T.. 11 B VOYAGE T 0 EUROPE. D. BROADWAY CO., 443 and 445 NEW YORK, HAVE NEARLY RUDY AN ENTIIIII NIW assize Or CHEAP !STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. which far exceed, in nicety of execution and el• amass of outline. any yetroduced. The series will have the general title of "T he Voyage to Europe." There will be two stylee—one at 26 cents. and the other. mere highl7oolofod, at 40 cents. Emit will be accompanied by a Stereoscope. NO. 1...N0W READY, CONTAINR Views of R 0684. TUTiVeY. Spain, Frazee, the Rhine Switzerland, Greece, Saxons. Italy, Austria, Prue. awl England. NO. 2, NEARLY READY, WILL. CONTAIN A series of twelve views of Buellinr ham Palace, Windsor Cseile• Osborne Mouse R o y a l fele of Wischt. and Balmoral Cainle—the roar Beeideneea of Queen Victoria. NO. S. NEARLY READY. virrt,t, CONTAIN Twelve Viewa of the Land of Scott, Burns. and Views of tiolvrood Pititee, in Edinburgh, the Residence of Mary, Queen of Soots, Ifir Bent by Matt to any Address for 23 cents each, or highly colored, 63 cents. sab2o-St HAY'S NEW TARIFF OF 1861. COMPILED F OM OFFICIAL/ isolmer.n. buvntsAY &BLAKISTON will publish in a few days: HAY'S U. S. TARIFF of 1161, with the Tariff of ISSI. in parallel columns. arranged /a alphabetioal order for easy reference. Compiled from the Official krport of the Secretary of the '''reasory, by HENRY RAY. Chief Clerk in the Naval (Irma, U. B. Custom House, Phila delphia. 1 volume NRw BOORS. MOTLEY'S UNITED NETHERLANDS. 2 Wile. THE SCIENTIFIC ANNUAL FO 1661. RIDDLE'S DESIGNS FOR COUN TRY ROUSES. THE LIFE OF TAINT. A new edition. STANDARD BOOKS Of all kiude, Mtdical. Theological. and Miscellaneous, always on band and for sale at LOW PRICES. LIN DRAY & BLAKIdTON, rublighnys. ksellerg. and Importers, no 20 3 SI X'II Street, above Chestnut. BOOKS, LAW AND 15118GELLAMOITS, nem and old. bought, sold. and exchanged, at the POMADE' PH lA-B a K BOOK STORE, No. 419 OBESTN UT Street. Libraries at a distance purchased. Those haying Books to Dell, if at a distance, wol state their names. gigot,. bindings, dates, editions. prices, and ormaltiona. WANTED — 'Bosse printed Benja nun Franolin, as well as earl) , Books printed in and upon America Autograph Letters and Portrait,' rur obaaed. Pamphlet Lame of Pecnsylvatua for sau. Cata logues. in pram, sent free. Ltbraties appraised by fe2P-tf JOHN CAMITeLL. LEGAL. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPRIA. TEE wEsrrRN RAYING FUND ROCIETY OF FRI LADELFRIA, v. FREEMAN SCOTT. Vend. Ex. Deo. Term, IE6O. No. 174. DANIEL N. MALSEED and JAMES P. M ALSEBD, tvtOTT dreg as Ntaleeed it Brother, V. FREEMAN SC . Vend. Ex. Deo. Term. 1860. No. 229. The Auditor appointed by the Court Tenon dietrl bniion 01 the funds in court. orsame from the isheriff 7 s sales, under the above-mentioned writs of execution, of the following d.seribed property, via 1. All those two several two-story end bye three-story brick ineunages or tenements, and the lot or perm of ground on winch the same are @rooted. situate on the somaside of Cellowhill street. in the late district of 1 11111:geTti r l e i a at tae . ° 42 1 1Z,t1 inches westward from the west side of Thirteenth at, thence running Westward along the nil Dallowhin street 32 feet thanes southward at right angles with the said ilellowhifi street 140 feet to an 18 feet wide al ley called Bloom alley. now Carlton street, thence out wardly along the said Bloom alley 26 feet 3 inches, thence northward at right angles with the said Callow bill street 70 feet. thence eastward parallel with Callow hill street 8 feet 9 'nobles, thence northward at right an glee with Callownill street to feet to Gallowhill street efo.estid anitpleee of beginning. Bounded northward by the said Uallowhill street, eastward by ground of Wm. Brown, southward by Bloom alley aforesaid. ant westward by ground granted or intended to have been granted to Alizatheth tireekey on ground rent. 2. All that certain lot or piece of ground with the two story brink building thereon erected. situate on the north side of South street, at the distance of 144 feet west of Eleventh street, in the city of Philadelphia, containing in front 18 feet, end in depth 80 feet to a feet vide alley leading into Eleventh strut, with the privilege thereof. 3. A lot of ground on the north aide of South street, in the city of Philadelphia. 88 feet west of Eleventh Street, 18 feet front by 80 feet deep to a 4-feet wide alley, with the privilege thereof. On it a two - story brink house with two-story beak kitchen, Stu. 4. A lot of ground on.she north Ode of South street, 54 feet west of Eleventh street. 18 feat front by 80 feet deep to a 4.feet wide alley, with the privilege thereof. Oa it a two-story brick house with two. story beck kit chen, Ste. 6. A lot of ground on the north side of South etrest, 90 feet west of .hleventh street, 18 feet front by 80 feet deep to a 4-feet wide al ey, with the privilege thereof. On it a twtottory brick house with piazza, /to. 6. All that certain lot of ground, situate on the north side of Poplar street , in the city of Philadelphia. at the distance of 45 feet 8 inches eastward from the east Niue or Eleventh street, containing 15 feet in front by 62 feet 435 inches on the west line. aid 64 feet O i f nches on the east line thereof. in depth to a S-teet wide alley. with the privilege thereof. On the said lot of ground there are erected a three story briok house and two-sto ry back kitchen and appurtenances. Will atteno fo toe duties of his appointment at his office, NQ 3.25)5 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. on MONDAY, *larch 26th, 1861, at 4 o'olook P. M., when and where all personaare requested to make their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon the said /and. nthll-10t* THOS M. HALL, Auditor. PSTATR O JAMES DOYLE, DE az. CSASED.—Letters of Administration e. t. neon the hstate of ..f Ard ES DOYL.,K deceased, haying been gran "pe r so n .e Register of Wide to pleasendersigned. all indebted thereto will make payment, and those having claims or demands against the said Estate are requested to make known the same without delay to MARIA DOYLE, Adm.:. e, t. a., 60* south TS IR CI Street, Or to her Attorney, rsOwD, A...LESLEY, fell-thet• 468 South FOURTH Street. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA DELPHIA. I n the matter of the aoeountir of George Carson and Thomas Gallagher. assignees of Thomas Carson. The undenngned ttspotnted by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the accounts, and to report dirtribu non, wifl meet the partial interested at his Orme, 605 We Lei UT street. Philadelphia. et 4 o'clock P. M.. on MONDAY, 24th day of March, lan. 61E0. ft. ARMSTRONG, Auditor. mb14.14',19,21,23-5t PSTATE OF GEORGE LITTLE, Dee'd.— . A The Auditor untainted by th_e Court Set tle. and adjust the sooount of BA L Til.b and WILLIAM B. GOMINUEIt, Executors of the Eatete of Georse Little, dec'd, and to make distnbution of the balanoe in herds of the aciconntants, will meet the parties interested for the purpoes of his appointment on WEartmaDAY, the 27th dsy of March, .861. at 4 o'clock P. M., at hie °Mae, No. 933 ARCH Street, in the any of Philadelphia mhl6-etuttiat• GEORGE M. CONAREf)E. Auditor. X31.-A T DEAN & C 0 . 28, 335 1 , ./HBSTMIT Street, Philadelphut,_Pd.. • At DEAN & CO.'S, 80 West FOURTH Street, Cin cinnati; Ohio, At DEAN & CO.'S, 148 DEARBORN Street, Chicago, litinoia At DEAN & CO.'S, Detra ct Miehlgan At DEAN & CO.'S, 914 MAIN Street, Burido, New YoAt k, D _ EAN & CO.'S. 8 ARCADE. Rochester, New York AtDEAN A next Post offiee, Harrighurg, Peansylvanie, At DEAN & CO.'B, 330 CHESTNUT Street, Phila delphia. Pennsylvania. 41' YOU CAN DITY A. first-rate Vest Chain........... —for 31 00 a good Guard Chain ----- -for 100 A Laden Chatelaine Chain- for 100 iter'a Neck Cham-. „ far 100 A Child's Necklace...._... .for ICV Al 4 karat Gold Pen and Silver - Holder-- ,for 100 A vaunting-boost Pen and Holder- ..- --for 100 A Gold 1 00 A Lady's COmeo for 100 A Lady'a Jet Set--..for 1 00 A Lady"a Lama get- 100 A Lady's Onyx Bet ---....- -for 100 A Lady's Cored get-- —. ..for 100 A Lady's get 00 A Lady's Car b uncle Pet— --- for GO A Lady's Garnet get- --------- ..for 100 A Gold Ring - - .for 100 A get Gold BOSOM Studs-. for 100 A yaw Gold Sleeve Button s-._ _---..for IID A cold Pen and Holder.— .for 100 A Gold Scarf Pin-- ..for 100 A Gold PM. ...--... for 100 A Gold Tooth Pick—..._.rfor 100 A Set Gold Jewelry. all kinds— . .for 1 00 A Set Silver P. Table brooms— ......,..for 100 A get Silver P. Tea Spoons..__.. «».... _.. -for IID A Bat Silver I'. Parke— --___-_for 100 A Miner P. Salt-for 100 ASet Silver P. Knives ._.._...,. ....,. 00 A Silver P. Mug. engraved ------- ...for 100 A Silver P. Spoon Cup— —.— far 100 A Silver P. Wine Cop. Gold lined— —.-.. for 100 A Gold Sand --.-...f0r 100 A Analogue .for 100 A Link lirsoelet— 100 A Coml Bracelet ...for INY A Charter Braoeiet-- . .for 1 00 An Enamelled Bracelet- ......for 100 A pair of Armlets-- .---,--. for 100 A 5p1endid.........--tor 100 And take your choice for 100 and take your piok...„ .for lOa And anything 7 , P3 WM 2I .. • ••••••••-•-• •••••^-• --for IOD And any article in the for 100 And no Bo tie Goods sold here. ---for 100 And no Gilt Jewelry sold here---...---.for 1 00 And no Galvanized Stuffs sold here......... ..for 100 All our goads are gerittine„,..- —for 100 ;AS our goods are bold or Plated— - —far 100 All our goods are A No. I _.for Ask enstomera who have—.---for 1 MI Ask jewellers who have bought". 1 Oa Ask your friends who have —for 100 Ask our Bogus Imitators-- --for 100 Ask the 100 Dean & Co. SOB good Jewelry-------___for 1 0 0 Dean & Co. do not humbug-- __Ay r o 5 Dean & CO. AM known OS A No. 1.-....-..___foy 100 Dean & Co. are the anginal..._ . ... for 100 Dean & Co. sell no bogus goods... -for 100 Dean & Co. deal on the satire.____.for 100 DEAN h. 00., REREMBIB BBR MEMBER DEAN tc CO., 336 CUES MUT Street. Philadelphia, Pa, SO West FOURTH street, Cincinnati. Ohio. les DEARBORN Street, Cinema, Illinois. DET ROIT. Michigan. 8 ARCADE, Rochester, New York. 214 MAIN Street, Bullalo. New york. Nramt to the Poet Mace. Harrisburg. Pia, DEA N & CO 'S ORIGINAL SI STORE. 3 3 5 CHEST.' UT Street. Philadelphia, Pa. Those - who purchase 310 worth at one time will be entitled to any article in the store, of their own seise- Don. free, Send order*, by mailor express, to any of our show, I or mill natty and examine the west and best stook of Jewelry and Plated Ws the Untted.Statee. r!HROM GRXIIN Mwa/fialumd and Y i n rw .1/ " Y Inn4gUi•U=lnt, TILE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1861. THE BELL ANCE MUTUAL INSITEANCrE COMPANY, OF FEIMADELYMis, OFFICE, No. 308 WALNUT STREET, In against LOBB 011 11AM413E BY FIRE, on /louts', MOMS. and Other building/. limited or pernetuaLand on Furniture. Goods, Wares, and Mar obandise, in town try. or o CASH CAPITAL, A23 0 1,1 u 10 n IIe—ASSETS 8317,141 04, Which is invested as follow, viz: In Bret mortgages on city property. worth double the_emount,,,,•;. $1624101) 00 Pennsylvania Railroad C0.. 3 6 per oda. first Mortgage loan, at par— —, 6,0(2) 00 Pennsylvania Railres4 Co.'s 6 per cent, se cond mortgage load. (B30,000) -- 77,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad and Canal Co.'s mortgage loan— 4,000 00 Ground rent, first-class..... . 7,4 M 60 Collateral loans, well seemed= 6,600 so City of Philadelphia 6 per cent. loan_ 40,000 00 n R. lo Allegheny County 6 peoent. Pa. Ran— now oo Commercial Bank stook— -- 6.115 01 Mechanics' Bank stook 2 Mg ao Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s stook— 4,100 00 The Reliance Mutual Insurance Co.'s 'took maw 00 The County Fire Insurance Co.'s stook—. 1,060 00 The Delaware M. c. Insurance Co.'s stook— 700 00 Union Mutual Insurance Co.'s scrip-- 080 U 0 Bills reneivanie—. . • 14.602 74 Book aueonnte: accrued interest. 7./04 60 Cash on 11644 64 X 317,14 2 01. The Mutual principle, comb ined with the security of a Stook Capital, entitles the insured to participate in the ' , refits of the Company. without liability for losses. Losses promptly adjusted and paid. MILICCTORS: /infer t Samuel Biepliam t Witham ,q homplaa, it/abort Bleat, Frederick Brown, William Musser, William Stevenson, Benj. W. Tingley, John IL Worrell, Marshall Bin, R. L. Canon, J. Johnson Brown. Robert Toland. Charles Leland. G. D. Rosengarten, Jacob T. Bunting, Charles a. Wood, Banta Bowen James . Woodward, John .13ionejj. Pittsburg.p augm, TINGLE r. President. B. M. lIINCIIMAN, Ifiaaretary. February 16, 1661. fe2l THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY COMPANY'S BUILDING, S. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIRECTORS: RATCIIPORD STARR, Irloarsom L. Dawson, WILLIAM McKim ono. IL ESTVAUT, Nw.i4Jl.2 , PRAZINR, Jofiri L DnOWAI JOEitt M. ATWOOD, li. A. FAIIIINSTOGN, BENJ. T. TAJIZICIC. ANDRIVP D. Cana, RENE'S WHARTON* J. BILRINGER. F. RATCHFORD STARR, President CHARLES W. COXE. Beoretary. fels DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY rs RURANCE COMPANY, fitiLmiALPITLi. hoomisted by the Legislature of renrusylvanta, Office B. E. corner of TRIAD and WALNUT streets PHILADELPHIA.. MARINE INSURANCE, Oa Vessels, Cargo, To all parta of the World. Freight, TMt LAND INN/RANGES On Gooda by Rivera. Canela, Lakes. and Land Car Tinges. to nil parrs of the Union. FIRE INSURANGEB On Merehandite generally. On Stores, Dwelling Noumea. &o. AREETS OP THE COMPANY, November 1,1930. .. $lOO,OOO United States five Yt: Gent. loon—sloo,6oo 00 116,0031 United States six ow cent. Treasury Notes, (with accrued interest)-- 119,463 34 100,000 Penneylvalua State five 4/1" eon 1 96,910 60 51,000 no. do. six do. do. 2/443 00 123.060 Philadelphia City Axle' cent. Least. 123,103 31 30,000 Tennessee State five cent. loan— 24,000 OD 30 .000 Pennsylvania Rail 2d 2d mortgase six 9r cent. 45,000 00 Ism° 306 shares, stook Germantown Gas Company, interest and Mincllud ruaranteed by the City of Phim delphia 11,300 00 1,000 200 shares Pennsylvania RailroCd ".. 3,900 OD 6.000 100 shares North Pennsylvania Rail road . 900 OD 1400 80 shares fbileseelptila Toe Boat . and Steam Tug Company 1,100 CO 260 6 shares Philadelphia ant burro do gmas Steam Tow-boat Company.. 250 OD RN 2 abates Philadelphia Exchange Company.-126 CO 1,000 3 ehatea ' Tel@ Co.._._. 300 00 1 066,700 par. Cost 8541,33334. Market eel. $554,566 71 Ws receivable, for inenraneee made-- 171.326 43 Bonds and m0rt10,286,,,,... 84,1509 00 Real estate 41,313 at Balances due at Agencies--Preiniums'im..3la rine Policies. interest. and other debts due the Company. . 31,666 02 Scrip and stook of sundry Insurance - and other Companies. 3,0 4 30 Cash on hand—in banks.-- .823,673 16 in -- 436 03 31 29,106 *WAY El DIRECTOR& , William Martin, Samuel E. Stokes,. ' Edmund A. Sorrier, J. F. Peniston, Theogidlus Paulding. Henry Sloan, John R. Femme, Edward. Darlington' John C. Davie,. R. JOIIen Ergokes James Treenail!, tlencer hrllyamt, William E re Jr., Thomas C. Hand, Ire. C. Hand, Robert Barton. lSham C. hatiWir. Jacob r. Jones, mesh H. Seal, James B. Itl i Fettlatielo lir. It. M. Ruston, Joshua P. Eyre, Oserge C. Gamer, John B. Beingle, Pittege Hugh then. gi D T. Morgan, Charles amity, A . D. 13erger. " WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOS. C. HAND, Vice President. HENRY LYLECURN. Secretary. nol7-tf INSURANCE 001#1pANy OF THE STATE OF PENTIBYLVANIA—FIRB AND MA RINE INSURANCE No& 4 AND 6 EXCHANGE BIJILD/NeB. Chartered in 1794 , Capital szo,m—Feb. 1, IMO, cash value, v. ann 77. All invested in sound and available. securities—non nus to insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings. stool.* of Merchandise &a., on liberal terms. DIRECTORS. Henry D. Sherreni, Claims H. MMUS; -1 Simeon Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Maealester, Tobias Wagner, r William S. Smith, Thomas B. Wattion, John B. Budd, Henry 0. Freeman, William R. Whits, Charles; 8. Lewis, George C. Carson. HENRY D. SHERRERD, Proddent. • WILLIAM HARPER. Secretary. ie9-t: prRE INSURANUE. DItOILAITIOS' INSURANCE COMPANY ofPhiladelphia, No. 138 North SIXTH Serest, below Race. insure Build ings, Goods, and Merchandise generally from loge or damage by Fire. The company IgnaninteP to hd.lunthil 10elleeprompsiy, and thereby hope to ment the patron age of the public. DIII2CTOI6. William Merger), Robert Fienifeth Francis Cooper, Micheal Ma soy, Boerne L. Dougherty, Edward McGovern. Mamas Martin, Thomas B. McCormick, James Dumas, Joan Bromley, Matthew McAleer, Francis Falls, Bernard Rafferti. • Jelin Cesetutt, 'Thomas J Hemphill. Bernard A. nubile/Wan, Whouvp Fisher, Charles Clare. Francis McManus Michael cam'. PkANCIN C..OO.PER. Fro c litnit, ,BBRNARD BARPRITY. Secretarr. Sm. AMERIOAN FIRE INBI7RANOE CO., INCORPORATED 1810 - CHARTER PER PETUAL.. NO. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia, Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus, invested in sound and available Securities, mutation to insure on ;Dwellings, , Stores. Furniture , Merchandise, Vessels in portand . their oartoes. and otherpersonal property. dallosses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRICTORS. Them. R. Maris, John T. Levi,. John Welsli. James It. Caruppall, !lamest C. Morton, Edmund G. Dutilh, Patnok Brady,Chap. W. Foultney, Israel Morns. TliOrdeS MAIM President. ALBERT C. CRAWFORD.Bearetary. fen-tf ANTHRACITE INSURANCE 00)1PA PTY.—Autboristed Capital 11400,000--CHARTER PERPETUAL. °Mae No. MI WALNUT !Street, between Third ant Fourth street, Philadelphia. Thi s C om pany Will insure against lose or damage by Fire, on 'Wilding", Furniture, and Merchandise gene rally. Also, Marips insartule as en Vessels, Curiae, and Freights, Inland oisurunce to all parts of tile VlllOll. DIRECTORS Joseph John Aetoham, John R. liladowtop. Wm. F. Dean, WHEA B. Daum, vies t. DEAN, vies Preedemt, sag-tir leoob Esher, P. Luther % b. andoane4. Dans Pearson. Teter Ninon EM!M!2N FXOLI ANGE INSURANCE COMPANY • —Mee No. 409 WALNUT Street FIRE INSURANCE on Rouges and Merchandise generally, on favorable term.. either limited or per petual. • DIRECTORS: Jamaninh Bonsah, —--I fhonas Marsh, John Q. giunudn, (Aeries Thompson, Edward DSRoberhs• James TAlele. Samuel 1.. emedier. Joshua T. Owen, R eu b en Q. Rate, John J. Griffiths. JERRIGIAR BONBaLL. President. JOHN Q.. GINNODO, Vice Premdenn tt CHARD COE, Secretary. lex EMOVAL.--THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURAPICH COMPANY have removed to their yew building, No. 991 CHESTNUT t h reat. Asset.. over *1.000400. Charter perpetual. ALL THE PROgITEI divided amongst the insured. POLICIES lamed this year will participate it the Di vidend to be deolared in January next. The Company ha. full authority to eat ea Eneentora, Administrators, Assignees. Guardians and Trimmer for married women and children. DA NIEL L. MILLER, President. SAW.. E. STORES , Vice Preen.' Sewn W. Hannon. flearetarr. MEDICAL, EXAMINERS in attendance daily, from 1 to 1 o'clock P. M. nog gAVINO PIER CENT. IN 1,7 TEREST.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY, WALNUT Street, eonthweet corder of Third Philadelphia. Incorporated by the State of Pennell yards. The offioe ld oven every day from nine look In the neornipg till five o 3 olook sp. th e evening. and on Monde,' and Tmuaday evenings till eig ht o'elnon. non. .014 N ky BENNY:It. President 11.0 BRAT OBLFILIDGE, Vies President. VizzLiem 3. Ansi Secretary. nungurone. Ron. Henry L. Benner, P. Carroll Brewster. hdward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barr, Robert Selfridge, FraTIRIN Lee, simnel. If /lighten, Joseph Yerkes, C. Landreth Ilinigne, James L. Stephenson. aul-ly " A tittle. hut often, fine the Puree." rRANKLIN 'SAVING FUND, No.' 138 Booth FOURTH Street, between' Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays Mi l a depositeon demand. 4. Depositors money secured by GovernMelltrl Ta State, mnd City Loans, Ground Rente, Hort gages. fro. Tim Company deems lafetwbetter than largei a !mita. oonsequently will run no risk with &MD- Rlinters' money. but have it at all times ready to , I return with 5 per cent. iliterest,to the owner, a • .as they have always done, This Company by 'never euspeuded. Females, married or single, and Minors, min o LOPOlit ID their own right, anel =oh derv/mite can 11)8 withdrawn onLy by their convent. . charter sernetnel. Incorporated by the Mute 1 Penpolvams, with authoritY tO NNW. money from truotees and Assentors. 8 LARGE AND SMALL SUMIRECEIVED. ~ Orme open daily, Iron 9to 3 o'clock. and on - Wednesday evening until 8 o'olook. a RS. O ' t Jae° b B. BhanneDn, IRECTOOrrin Cadwallader, B.' John Shief . le e k , grrf i t i t lessell, r i g gore= Contra Belfry De a llslg ' .4 Nieholas Rittenhosse, Nathan Smeater. Jos. R. Satterthwatte, Jones Terkel. i John Alexander. JACOB B. SHANNON, President. I CYRUS CADWALLADER. Treasurer. asall-1r R EMO V AL. C. A. DU BOUONET. M. D.. D. D. 8., StrIteICAL AND MICEANICAZ DEN No. 1533 ARCH Street,ll. F. I . corner of SIETE F Y Dr. DU BOUCNET avails himself of this opportuni ty to return his then," to his numerous patients, and ho k ... that, b. net 1,1111 efforts to sive satisf4stion and do iced** to then oonfidence. he will oontinne to scours their.patronage and influence. TERMS MODERATE Aff HERETOFORE. Ia ordet to reader his serviees es efl9cleat as possible, end nerd against interruptions while operative, his hours for matins Ensasementr, Consultation, and Ex tracting Teeth will continue to be front ato 9 o cloak A. M. 13 to 1 o'clock P. M. 4 tog o'ckook D. M. ww- stotagentents nuts be made hr note. fell-Set INSIJRANCE COMPARIEs. OF PRILADELPEA. /VILE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY./ SAVING FUNDS. A Dollar saved is Isiae earse4L" UEMOVALS. MEDICINAL. CEPI-lALLB.IO sit fr HEAD4C.H.E, NERVOUS H.EADAORE. CU IC ALL KINDS OF HEADACHE By the use of these Fills the periodical attacks of Mr cotes or Sick flaadAcks my be prevented ; and if taken at the oemmenaement of an attack immediate relief from pain and ■iaeaeN well be obtained. They Goldoni fail in removing the Haunt and BOW ache to which females are so eutdeet. They war. gently on the bowels, removing Costiveness. For Literary Man, Students, Delicate Females ' and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuableae a Laxative, improving the appetite, giving tone and vigor to the digestive organs. and restoring the natural elas ticity and atroaseb of the whole elittell. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of tong investi gation and carefully conducted exPeriments, having' Been in Use many years, during ',blob time they have Prevented and relieved a Vast amount of pain and =Feting from Headsche, whether originating in the nervous spawn or from a deranged state of the Ste- They are entirel, vegatltble in that, oompositlon, aMd may be Waren at all tomes with ',errata Wet? without making any change of diet, lad SAs absence of any disa greeable lasts renders it easy to administer thews Se thildres, DWAIN, OF WIINTEMITITS I The genuine have Ave 'iv:tater.* of O. Spalding on each Box. Mali < by Dreamt' and an Mbar Dealers in Medicines. A Balwill be seat by mall manta on 1'66610 6f the PRICE. 45 CENTS. Ali erten aboald be addressed HENRY 0. SPALDING. 4 CEDAR STREET, NEW YORK THE FOLLOWING ENDORSEMENTS OF SPALDINEVS (3EPHALIC3 WILL CONVINCE ALL WHO BUFFER PROM HEADACHE„ TRA A SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. de these Teetintattittie AIN eatootictted by Mr. BPALD Iris, they afford usqvastiattabie 'reef Qf eke oacy of this truly scientific discovery. Ma. SPALDlNG.llLseOtrvitta, Conn., Feb. 6, 1861. I have tried your Capitalist Pills. and /- tire shwa so mai the,4 want yoq to mend me two donate worth more. Part at Crete are for the neighbor*. to inborn I gee 4 few of the bra box I rot from You. Send the AU byHunt, and °bike. Your ob't Semi*, JAMES KENNEDY. IlaysaroaD, Feb. 6,18111. mg, 4PALDING. I wish you to se , d me one more box of your CepbsUo Pttle / Itami roceieed a great deal Of NrsiOtt from Mon. Yotra_msoitl7. r&ARY .o/sN BTOIKROIIBR. er i xistm .. JanuarY -- SPRUCg HANTLNOIION Co werrYt Fa. ff ars.: Yon will' ;armee send me two boxee of your Cephalic Pills. Rem them immed.stely. Xespeatfuliy Yowls. JNO. B. SIMONS. reeetved wee box of vow Puffs, end find them szeetkrit, Bar m Vannote. Ohio, lone 13. IL C. EPAIMINes Bee. Please. end enclosed twenty-five oente,f4r which 'end me another box of your Cephalic Yids. They are truly the but Pills I hays ever trial. Direct A. sTOVER, P. ALP Bette Vernon. Wyandot co., 0. BitemitY, Ilse, U. MO. H. C. attALDINEi. Peut. - I wish. for some circulars or large 'how bills, to bring your Cechelto Yens more partioularly before my cms tourem. if you have anything of the kind Plana* send One of my etuttoraers,who 7a eubjeot to revere Siok Headache, (visually luring two dare.) Was cured , at an attack t* hoar by your Pars. wbish F bout her. Raapaotfully roma. W.. 0. WILKES. R1T1901.4)83113.G. Fitarrasia Co., 0h10,4 January 9,1861. Hanky C. SrAZDTI4¢ I NO. 48 - Cedar ar., 11. Y. Ditiat Inclose& find twenkr,fiye oenea. M.) for which scud box of •• Cophabo Rend toaddrew of /Lev. Win. C. Pillar. Reknoldebnix. Franklin Oct.. Ohio. Your Fah work like a charm—cure Headache almost instanter. Truly yours m. C. FILLER. YPSILANTI, MONA, Jane Nit ER. SPALDING. Sts Rot long rinse I sent to you fors box of Cephalic Pills for th e tilde of the Nervous Baddsobe and Coetiveneue. end received , the tame, and they had so good iso siffset that' tame isdatzed co send for mord. Please send by return mail. Direct to A. R. WHEELER. Ypsilanti, Mich. :/him the Rzarnisee, Norfolk, Ta, Cephalic Pitt wicompllalt the &Oct fer which they were made, ♦is.: Cure of headache in all its forma, ..ftorn - the Ezamissr, Nerfear Va. They have been tested in more than a thonsand oases With entire success. him the Derneerat, St, Cloud, Arise, If you are, or bare been troubled with the headeohe, Bend fora box, [Cephielio fille t ] so that you may - have them in cue of an &Moak. . *TM& feu ildversisar, Providotce, A. 1, The Ceiduiiio Pills are said to be it remarkably vireo• five reme♦dy for the head , u3he.guld one of the very beet for that Very frequent complaint which has ever been discovered. Rom the Western R. G. Gazette, Chicago, 114 We heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, and hie unrivalled Cephalic Pulls. Alm the Kanawha Valley Star, Hanawea• rd. We ere Imre that :remote autferiny with the headache, who try Mem, will stele to them. Pram r4s Soot Urn Pala Radar, New &lams, La. Try tiiim ! you that are afflicted. and we are mire that Tour testimony can be addrd to the already =mercy" bet.tbat hea received benefits that no other medicine can broth:ie. From ;he St. Loads Democrat. The immense demand for the artiole (Cephalic rapidly inoreattiage Front the Gazette. Davexport. lowa. My. Spalding would not connect his name with en sr tole he did not know) to posses' real merit. Prom the Advertiser. provident*. R. I. The testimony in their farce IS strong, from the most ensemble quarters, Rom the Dsiie Nesos,Neteeert. R. Z. Cephalic Pills are taking . the place of a kinds. atom Me Commercial Bulletin, Bastes, Must, nod to be eery edloardoua for the headache. Prom thf COMlll4lTita, Glectment, Ohio. Buffering humanity can now be relieved. Wir A Single bottle if SPALDING% PRZPARED GLUE will mums ton Omen tbelreon SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I SPALDING'S PEXPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE ! SAVE THE PIECES! - - - - ECONOMY: DIGPATCH JOT" A Emelt no IN HAVNII As soeidente will happen. even In well-regalated families, re very destyntrie to have some °heft) and oonveruent Way for repairing Puraitare. Tore. Crocke ry. Jho. !SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all *soh emergencies. and no household own afford to do •ithont it. It is lavas* ready. and up to the atioking point. it USEFUL IN EVERY Et 17 R. B.—A Brush sec°. meanies tomb bottle. Prim. BS alum Ad dress, HENRY O. SPALDIN43-. NO. 49 CEDAR STREET, NEW YORE. CAUTLOH. As certain unprincipled POZ * On a er e attemPting to ;WM off' on the unenspeetins subtle. imitation' of rar PREPARED GLUE, I wooldeantton all perilous tci Mille before purchasing, end's° that the fell tame. MP' SPALDING% PREPARED OLUEOES le en the etiendo wneeeet ; ell Ohre ere ettinaii g eetetarhole‘ , : " • 67.4' RAILROAD) LINES! 1861. 18 61 . *INTER ARRANOSOKCIT.-Nb•W YORK A RK_ OPEN AN AMBOY AK I 7 D I VIMAL AND T eNTOPI *MLR Ai -'l9 FROM PHILADELPHIA 0 W YORK AND WAY PLACED. PAM WALNUT-BY. WHARF AND lINSINGTON DUOS WILL L.dAYE A 8 POJ,LOWB, • TAIL • At 6 A. M.. via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ao- Oommodation ..... MS AID A. M. Via Camden Mid Jersey Mtn id AeoommOdation.. "- At 8 A. M., via Camden . and Jersey My, Morning - 8 OS At A. M. via .Kensingtoirisiii JerseY - Citi. Western Kinross.' - • 8 00 At LIM P. M., via Camden and Amboy Aosimnto.. dation_ . . •• 2 28 Atli P. .. via Camden and Amboy , ana.A..rat g At r irt AL, via Kensington and Jereereity, Kra nmg 900 At 42i, P. Ea... via Kensington and Jersey Cdr. id Clue Ticket 235 At 6 P. Al.. via Camden and Jeremy City, Evening Mail— . . , _....-. 00 At Wf, r. M., via Camden - ald a nd City, Routh ern Mail . At 5 P. M., via Camden andAmboy, A - 000minoda.- 1160_,.(Freight and Fassangor)- let MIAS Tiaket- TS Do. do. id Claw Ticket- 1 $0 The 6p m Mail Line rang daily, The 1131 P M. South ern Mail, Saturdays excepted. For Belvidere Easton,Lambertville, Flemington, &e.ost 7.10 A al. and B P. M., from Kensington. For Water Hap..Stronitabarg, eeranton, Wintriebarre, Montrose, Great Bend, &0., 7.10 A. M.. from Kensington, via Delaware. Lackawanna and Western R. R. Flifillanch (Monk. Ailed/MFG, Dad Bethlehem at 7.10 A. In ( MIS train armorer& with , rain ieavint Peotou al 3.05 P. M.) and direct through at 5 P. M. from Ken- Arbutus'. for Mount Holly, at 8 and 8 A. M.. 2 and AK P. • 4 For Freehold, at 6 A. M., and 2 P. M, WAY LINED. For Bristol, Trenton, a. 0., at 1.10 A.. M., 6, 41 and Mot_P. M. from Kensington. pay rolmya, Riverton, Detainee. Beverly, J3nrinig- Sonielorence, nordentown, Jte., UM, 3, AK arid 6 Iltir For New York, and Way Lines leave Kensington Depot, take the ears, on Fifth street, above Walnut. hall an hour befogligebgarture. The ears ran into the deot, and on arrlVarof each train, run from the depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage t only, allowed each Passen ger. Passengere are prohibited from anything as baggagei but their wpanns apparel. baggage over It pounds to he paid for extra. The Company limit the r reeponetwity tor baggage to One Boller per gonna. and will not be liable for any amount beyond 1100. ex cept by special emstraet. non WM. R. GATZMER. Agent. ORANGE OF HOURS_ PHILADELPHIA. WIL MINGTON..AND DAITIMORE RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY_, FEBRUARY Isar, PjaSSENCE R. TRAINS LEAVE PHIL A DEL PHIA ; For Baltimore at 8.11 A. M.. LI noon (Express), and MAO P. M. For Chester it 11.16 A. M.,12 noon, I.LO sod MOO P. M. For Wilmington at 8.18 A. M.. la noon. 4.11 P Ind 10.50 P. M. For New Castle at 8.18 A. M. and 4.12 P. M. For. Middletown at 8.16 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. For Dover at 8.15 A. M. and Cm P. M. For Harrington at am A. M. For Milford at 8.15 A.. M. For Farmington at 6,10 A, M, For Seaford at 8.15 A. M. For Stammers at WA A. 'TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8.50 A. M. (Express), 10.15 A. M.. and 5.10 P. M. Leave Wilmington at LSO and 11.50 A. K.. 145 and 8.30 P.M. Leave Salisbury at 1.30 P. M. Leave Pe afor dat 9.50 P. M Leave Farmington at 4.10 P.M. Leave Milford at 4P. M. Leave Harrington at LW P. M . Leave Dover at POO A. M. and 5.25 P. M. I.,.brere Middletown sit 10 00 Ai M. andMt Leave New Castle at 11 A. M.. 7.30 I'. M. Leave Chester at LSO A. M., 13.05. 333. and 9P. M. Leave Haltunora for Sa lisbury and Delaware Railroedat 5.10 P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE: Leave Chester at 8.45 A.M.. 12.38 and 1130 P.M. Leave Wilmington at 0.25 A. X., 11 .03 P. M.. and 13 A. M. FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Car attached. . run as follows : Leave Philmielphia for Pamville and intermediate places at 3 P.M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate placer at BP. M. Leave Wilmington for fhiladelphis and intermediate placer at 315 P. X Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-Grane and intermediate Places at LLI P. M. ON SUNDAYS Only at /0.50. P. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only at 1.10 P. M. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. fet B. M. FELTON. President. Ail " wow WINTER ARRANGE. Nt E NT .—_PRIL ADELPRIA, EIERMANTOWN,AND NORRIBTOWN RAILROAD, On and after MONDAY, Nov. 11,1860, FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 6,7, 8, tap. 11, and 12 A, M., 1. 2, 332, 4,6. MC 6.7, 8. 9,10 M, and 113 i P. M. Leave Germantown, 6,7, 7.%, P 8. SKI, le. 11 and 12 A BL, 1, V, 3. 4,5,6,832,7 8. 9 and 1036 P. rd, Leave Philadelphia, 9,0 Imp, A. M.. 2, T. and loti _ _ _ USTI" Germantown, AM nom A. M., LID min.. S. and 934 P. lAsye Pg1e52 2 12 3 5 1 :8 11 , 1 1. 36,1 t ut l i8 R 2 AD . M., 8, 4,8,8, and 104' P. Id. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7, 10, 7.55, $.40. and 9.40 and U4O A. M.,1.40.004 6.10. and 840. P. M. bIF 81374.0AY3. _ Leave Philadelphia k. M.,1, and 7 P.M . Leave Chestnut Rill: 7450 min, A. In., 1160, 5.10, and 9.10 ram. P. M. FOR 0014HOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philaaelphia.B.6o, 7%,1006. and 11.06 num. A. M. 1.05, 3.86, 5.56. and IM( P. In. Leave Norriatowra, 6. 7.8.06, 9. and 11 A. M., 134, 4% and 6 P. M. ON SUNDAYEL Loam* Ylluladelphia., OA. M. and 3 P. M.. tor Norris. Leave Norristown am A hi. and P. M. FOR MANNY UNE. Leave Philadelphia, 0.60, 9.06, and 12.05 A. 31.. .06.2.65,3.04, 414, 5.56, 8.06. 113 f P. M. Leave Manarunk, 63f. 73i, 8.36, 9X 1 .1131 A. M. 2 , 3 , 4 , 63*". and 93G P. M.. ON SUNDAYS. Leave ave Philadelphia. A. M., 3, and IP. M. IWO Alemayunk,7s.' A. M 53.1, and 8 P. M. H. X. 8331 TH. General Superintendent. nelo-tf DEPOT. NINTH and GREEN Streets. N 7,.ARNTAH.R.A.PIENLItONAVL FUR BETHLEHE - M, _3EIO r LEST() N, MAUCH CHUNK, HAZLETON. and HURLEY. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and after MONDAY. December 5,1880, Pearieliger Trainewill leave FRONT and WILLOW ntreets, now delphia_, daily', Mondays exoeptad ). as follows At kas A. M.,_i_Exoress), for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chtutik, Hazleton, ego. At 2.45 F, M., (Express ). for Bethlehem, Faston, &o." This train reaches Easton at 6 P. M.. and makes Worm tionneotion with New Jersey Central for New York. A o. At 6 P. M., for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manoh Chunk. At 9 A.M. and P Al.. for Doylestown. At S P. M., for Fort Washington, The tad A. M. .epraes tram maks. aloes ma'am:o4oll with the Lehigh Faller Railroad at Bethlehem, ben)g the shortest and most deniable route to all points in the Lehigh_oord region. TRAINII FOR PHILADELPHIA. P Le M ave Bethlehem at CU A. AL, 9.15 A. M., and 5.55 Leave Doylestown at 7.25 A. M. and 5.20 P. M. eisre Fort Waatnestoo 4-44 A. M. ON SUNDAYS.—Philadelphia for Fort Washington at 9.110 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 4 P. 117. Dogleatown for Philadelphia at 7A. . Fort Washington for Philadelphia at 2.45 P. M. Fare to Beth etiem.-.01 801 Fare to Menu!' Chunk.e2 68 are to Easton 150 I Fare to Doylestown.-_. 80 Through Tniketa must be procured at the Tioket oMoes, at WILLOW ntrset, or BERMS Street, in order to scone the above rates of faro. All Passenger Trains (6X3ept Sunday Train!) connect at Barks Street with Fifth and iStEtts-strootas and Beoond and Third-streets Passenger Rtulroads, twenty minute. after leaving Willow Street. deS-tf ELLIS CLARK. Agent, &imam! PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL ROAD.--PASSuNGEI TRAM for POTTSVILLE. READING, and HARRISBURG, on and after Nov. litlt, IMO. otORNING LINES, DAILY„ Mondays egeepted.) Leave New Depot. corner of BROAD and CALLOW HILL Streets, FELLA fI EL PRIA,( Panseizer entrances on Thirteenth and on Callowhill streets at BA. M. , connecting at Harrisburg with the PEN SYLVANIA RAILROAD, 1 P. M. train running to Pittsburg; the eItatBERLAND VALLEY 1.06 P. M. train runniny to Chambarehnrg.. Corbel° bo.L. and the 810IITHaHrl CENTRAL a.h.a,RoAm 1 P. M. train, running to Sun bury. ko. AFTERNOON LINES. Leave New Dep_o,t corner of BROAD and CALLOW HILL Streets, PHILA DELPHIAA Paiute nger entrances on Thirteenth and on Callowhill streets:, for POTTS VILLE and ,HARRISBURG, at 3.a4P. M. ,D a ILY, for READING only, at 2.10 P. Hr.. D.ouLy, (Sunday* ex cepted.) DISTANCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. Picini Pnizunisierna. Miles, To Phenix:dna.-- 291 Reading—.—...-- .68 Philadelphia and Reading Lebanon -- Ed and Lehmann Valley ILK. Harriabarg— --In/ Danphin ----AU Millerebarg_ .-...141 rorton Junotion-.1119 rauT ......189. orthum tit — uffiiii , —an . Lewieburg ............. all Milton —....-. —.LSI uney...... • .—.307 , wilhamaport —209 lereeLighore -...',-212 1 r k Haven --.-..-....-INI ten- ----..-233 oy---- —2ll Williarneport and Elmira 'lmira_.. . ~....12a Railroad. - T e 8 A. M. and 8A I P. M. train oonneot daily at Port Clinton, tSundays excepted ) with with the_ CATA WHOA. W/L lAMBeORT, and' ERIE RAILRO AD . Making alone commotion, with lines to Niagara Falb. Cap the West and_Eknithereat. DEPOT IN PHILADELPHIA: Corner of BROAD and CALLOWILILL Streets. angt-tf W. H. MoILHENNEY. Bowater, TICE PENNSYLVANIA 05 N 'l' R71:17. RA.T.LEOAD. 240 MILES DOUBLE turn, .. 1861 axel .86 i • THE 0.42A01TY OF TRin ROAD.IS NOW =RAE TOY .111 THE CODPITRY. TIME THROIME PASSENGER TMAIES_ BETWEENpitri OELPSIA AND PITMEN,. wang direct at Philadelphia with Through Train' ma Llogan, New York, With ail points East, and in the mon Depot at Pitiabgng Through Train to and om all points in the West. Northwest, and Southwest I ." —than tarnishing facilities for the 'Tanen. rtation of pawnor" sogurpossed for speed and comfort by any ether route. Express and Fast Lines ran through t• Pittsburg, without °haggis oCCarsor Condiretors. All through Pas senger Trainsprovided with Loughridgem Patent Brace—speed under perfem control of the engineer, thus addinginnok to the Gaiety of trawenpra. Smelting Cara are attached to each Train Woodrgra 11 e x em a Care to Express Filet wrains. The KUNO DAILX i M ul e nd Feat Lines. Sun days exeleteiL ml morn Loma Philatelpiria at 8.00 A. arLine ' 11.50 A. . re= Tisjiiimivet " 10.4i0p 5 M. AY TXI,IIIOI LEAVE Al NM Wil i Rbarg Aseominedatien, Via.Doluza la, IP. M. biz o 4.00 P. M. es auburn " 12n0 P. M. West ()heater Paanerwera will take the Mail, Parke*. burg Almoramodation. and Columbia.Trai pesecrimera for e. Sunbury, Wilharneeell, . Bela. to, Niagara Falhi, end intermediate points, leaving Phi- - ladelplu at B.MI A. M. and $ P. M. go directly throush. %coats Vireetwani may be obtained atlthe Mileage' the Company in Philadelphia, New York, , 011tOlt - Snore ; and Tiokets Eastward at any o f the i mpo r tant lachoed Ogioes in the West; oleo o board any of the regular Line of Steamers en the OM or uhie nv.a. Err - Fare Cram as ter, and thee as gala, an by ant ether Doom. For f ar m er udattetattati apply at the Passau rst eta, tlon. Southeast pouter of Eleventh and Market Streets, The eomplila r of the Week.= commotion. of the Dnwrrivapia ' mid to_Oldommake A MID g..= 1, E BETWEEN AND THE GREAT WEST. The minneetion of Vaabi by tiro Jitalkost .1/gin• at Pittsburg, avoiding an drayage or zoning. of F!te ...... st a t . , together with the saving or time. are advantages appreciated by Shimmers of Freight, and M i s 'M`rr ltmrsblio. retards and Mdmn me ats inn the rashest • their might to tins Coninasar, nen MY nun soma dines on itoLuiledz_WaMt. a r Rt West T C al; iriGgarrdir xr -mairar:ll as favorable as ars shergud Iv Roaroodi IWr t/11. isparthridar te sank wiekagato sio ream lan mac _ Fair Froigkt Osamu or !Wiping Direeteill. el* lw, Cr &Mum either of tke felPowies *IMP Or tea 00111. Mal: B. A. 11.111WAitt. Plitsturs; IL O. Piers, & Co. iisrrills, 04 J. J. Jobnston AioMY VgnlkritilllT2 i s' l 4`4ll, l l 4 1 5::! 'Pr' Mtn:, wir2 ma H . W. Brown ds 00.,_ Cincinnati. O.; Attie so milt rt., Oinoinnati, O. R. C. Me Madison, Madison, IndJos. Wore, Louisville, Ky.; P. . OPRilsr & _.. C0., ._ Evansville, Ind.; N. W. thahain. & Co., U John H. It. P. Musk Skater & Glass. M. Lows M0_,.. • ohn it. stor m, X.rajaino, Tem.; Harris & Hunt. Memphia..l74llll4 lira t CO ) , QiCia(o 9 JE LL W. _* W. R. R. Koontz. Altoth or .4:. Frei.** &semis of &auroras al Afferent watts ga I i I INOVPON, Jr. Philadoiplua. (RAW & LOONS, IS North street paltintorti. & CO., 1 Astor home or 16 . Wdram st. II 'I &BB & CO. No . rr,stateglreet Boston. ...' . ' R. A, Ropir OM, tleng Prekat As we, Paua H. H. 1/0 i Calm Iloast sant MULL X. .LE WI . ilise'l Suret Altoona. l i t. ial-17 MI 1 15 1 111 II WEST I L U A l li f PH I R A _ .. ..... RAILROAD, VIA MEDIA. SPRING ARRANGEMBI4I', On and after Monday, lb. arob n, Um trains will leave Philadelphia, Imre the Depot, nortneaert owner of Eighteenth anti market /treats, at 8.00 A. hi., and I, d. and 0.110 P. M. The Freight Train. frith Paseeni t er oar attached, will leave Weet .Philaclelphia at OA. roaming as tar the Baltimore Central lunation. ea On Sundays. leave 'Phil. delphia at 8 .11 and IP. M.; leave West Chester at 7.3 D A. M. and 4.30 F.M. The maim, leaving Philadelphia at Bn. M. and 4 P.M. Gourmet at Pennelton with trains on, ths Philadelphis and Baltimore Central Railroad. for Kennett Word. no.. Co, ERNI( If WOolo mall Osomral !Ippon ntandent. EXPRESS COMPANIES. HE wi lla "lll° Za a Poo oth rdi t er ft, s a rap itha ten Hi P tiyl i ti lo T. BADe an Sie its Alli t :f t l i r lam ma *ilia a the 'Ma - eaßalati;"' To Richmond— -....... " relined lootown— Germantown D. R FOR THE SOUTH.--CHARLES TOitAND SAVANNAH RED STEAMBHIps, 4 .- T CE D. Rem frelght ßEAD at an average U ot sirramt per *ant. below New York Steamship rates. Bills lading for good.. for points other than the °Meg of Charleston and Savannah, must be accompanied with certified invoices, to insure prompt delivery. All goods not permitted immediately after the arrival of the steamers at Charleston and Savannah will be sent to the Custom-house stores. FOR CRARL -ToN, 8. C. The IL 3. mail Steamship KEYSTONE ST TV, Capt. Q, P. Merehman. wi I sell for Charleston on WOOnenday r Mandl 17. at 10 e'eloek A M. - FOR SAVANNAH. OA . The Mail steamship a l of GEORGIA. Dwain John J. Garvin, will sail for Savannah on Wednesday, Marob 20. at 10 o'clock A. M OW' U 0 0 ,91 received OVer 01.17, and Sills of Ladint sived at eeoond wharf above Vine street. •.0 • se leilUe , first-masa Mae. Whoa; steamehips REY BTS Nt. 8 [ATE and STATE OF GEARGIAnow rur uabove every two Tooke, glue forming a weekly own. tannittation with ttie South and Bouthweirt, imapeobni with steamers for Florida. and with railroads for New Orleans and interniediate points. INSUItA NCB, • Freight and ltiniranee on a large proportion of Goods shipped Bouth will be found to be lower by these shim than by sailing vaesels. Sir insurance on all Itailitud Freight is entirely unneotasary,tardier than oheriectori or Savannah. the RallrOad Companies taking all risks from Maur points. (MEAT REDUCTION IN FARE. Fare by this route 26 to SO per cent. alleancr Ulan .0 the Inland Route , as will be seen by the schedule. Through tickets from Philadelphia, vie Charleston and Savannah steamships. INCLUDING MEALS on the 'whole route, except from Charlestor and 'Savannah to Montgomery t. _Yis. HAAL6STON. 'TU. ea To Charleston_ Alla 00 To tr0nn0ir.,..,•415 0 ( Anansta_„.— 17 60 • ngnetst—.—...... 12 60 20 00 2o oG Atlanta—. __. 11 00 21 00 Montgomery 26 00 !umbels PI 00 26 iv banyCO New Orleans_ .. 2 9 70 ontgootery;...... 116 00 -- 27 70 ge oo Hrorarote-- -- 98 so New OrlateeZ—. 39 75 Memphis ID 75 For freight Or patter e apOy to ALEX. PIP RON Jr., & CO., No. 196 NORTH WHARVES. Agents in Charleston. T. B. & T. O. BUDD. Savannah. RUTTER & GAMMELL. N. B.—Passengers by Ibis route oonneot with the In land Rotate in South (. arolina and Georgia. travelling by the same conveyance,' thence to New Orleans. No bibs of lading signed alter the ship nee sauell. nlofralght rearmed on the nay of sailing. WALDEN .O v BTnDD, wiha r a es e on ann tCnnAgRLP S to Cr warding all goods consigned to their care. THE BRITISH AND FORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL EITEAM ___ __ Northern CettrAl, Railroad. SHIPS. TROT! NOW TOOK TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage—. -- • SOO Second Cabin ramose— 7a PROM POSTON TO LIVIILPOOL. Chief Cabin retinue __RHO Seeond Cabin Passage— • 40 The ships from New York call at 'Cork 'Harbor. The ships from Boston Gall at Halifax and Cork Hai , bor. PERSIA. Capt. Junkins. 'AFRICA. Capt. ShantiOn. ARABIA. Capt. J. Stone. CANADA, Copt. Lang. ASIA, Capt. F. G. Loit. 'AMERICA. Capt. /goodie. A USTRAL Aif AN. • Nit. u .GARA , Capt. Anderson Capt. E. Wonkier. RUPA, Capt. J. Leitch. SCOTIA. 0107, tiding.) These vessels carry a clear white light at roast- head Kreen on starboard bow ; red on port bow. AMESICA. oAteley. leaven Boston, Wednesday, AUSTRALASIAN. iHookley, " p a Yerk, Wednesday. NIAGARA ~.Aloodte. too. Wednesday, RA A BiA, Stone. " . York. Wednesday, cs ADA, Anderson," Boetoh, Wednesdar , AFRICA. Sheuinon. " N. lock. Wednesday. hUROPA. Cook, " Boston. wedseeday. PFRSI 4, Judkins, " N. York. Wednesday, - Berths not wonted until paid for. Theexperienoe surgeos on hoard. owners of these ships will not be swoon table for Gold. Silver, Hullion, Specie. Jewelry. Precious Stones or ?detail!, unless hills 01 lading are signe4 therefor, end the Value thereof therein expreeeed• For _freight or eassage, apply to E. CURIO( U. 4 [fowling Green. New York. Sunbury and Eris CR ELMIRA ROU .11.— rAILADELPHIA AND MI .1_14_191 1 , 1R . QUICRRW ROUTE to TAIBM4III6 elliaWllll3, Ra pert, Wilkenbarre floranto i Danyrily, reuito4, Wil liamsport,_ Troy, n, Moo, Matra, Botfale, Niagara Falls Rochester, Cleveland petrol ] Toledo, Ohioan*. St. anis, Milwitoiree. and all points north 1112 d West. Passenger vain wilt love the new Depot of the Phi ladelphia and Reading Railroad, corner BROAD and OALLOWRILL Streets, (Passenger entrance on Cal lowlull street,) daily 4 Sundays exoepted), for above iron ts ea follows: VAY EXPREII3_ A. M. rue= .A.lO P. M. The ant A. M. train Gourmets at RuPert % for Wilkes bane Pinson, Scranton, and all stations on the LAC*AWANNAV o AND BLOOMBBURO RAILROAD. The a ve trains make direct connection at Elmira with trains of the New York and Ene, Canal/deigns and Magus Falls, and Buffalo, New York and Ene, sac New York Central Railroads, from all points North and w_est, and the Canadal. Baggage cheated to Elmira, Belfale, and Buspenalon Bridle. and aßit.termediate points. s. Wick ets 46l2 be monied ter the northwest lbd 1 corner Feltod CH t Ili. crnew,'and at the Youortisor t. eernero i'IMRTRENTIknoiI CAL_LOWHILL. IRROUO F.YPR_ESS FREIORT TRAIN Leave the Phil Mahalaig u ißeading Depot, Wed and Cellowhi site t edaily ( days excepted), or ell . points Watts.' North, ate M, Freigots ma. be delivered before P. M, to immure their coin r Brae dal', FO t. Or informatolont Freight Depot, TER 'lati and 9 L, or tO ORAL IL AfTßZl,rieralAgiona, Northwest earner EXlng an d iOnim.atnn raw etroets. sent tf Palled/ophi' Rprows aly°4.- -- kafs_Tre TILAINEI F0 RD0WN11461..”,14 AND IN TRRKEDIATB EIfATIONB.—On and after Nov. Inh. reee, the Paayerocer Trine for DOWNINGTOWN win start from the new Peeeenger Pepot of the Phila delphia and Reading_Raurcad Comeau,. corner of BROAD and CALLOWIIII,I, Eltreets, (passenger en trance on Otitowhill.) MORNING TRION for Downingtown leaves at Lee A. M. AI:TYR/400N !mom for Downingtown leaves at di P. M. aILT (Bandar's eneented ) - , order of the Board of Managers of the Philadel phia and Reading Railroad Company. NO W. IL Mc/141131+1NY, Beoretam Arti INLAND FRELaET LINE TO NORFOLK AND PERTSMOOTIL: Willi 7 l l- weakir Ldne ma Seaford to Norfolk, Va. bedmoontineAd tor the present. A Daila d r o te wiu take filing/tee of It by wy- of Baltimore. sent to P.amatTzEL'S Warebottse. 1944 MARKET Streets will be forwarded with despatch, and at ea low rates es by air other tans. 4111414, P Mr M. P. KEDITeIt 7.11441. r 4 - 7',llll6Parllloll .W .103 T °HESTER . TRAINS via PENNSYLVA NIA RAI RNA , leave depot, Garnet ELEVENTB ad MAR ET. at 8.013 A. M.. 11.60 P. M,. and 0. 3 . ion-tt JOHN M. HALL, GENFIL/LI, FURNISHING U_NDYRTAHHF, No. 1313 VINE !STREET, (North Sidi.) mblS•tuthaSt" GRAVE-STONES, tiRAVE-SIONE4.- My stook of Drava stoma and Moatarteatts to be sold at very reduced anises. Please call and 'mamma, before parohassas elsewhere, et Marble Werke of TC ETZ. fen - am RIDGE Avenue. below EligirEPtTli Et .pRITY WELLS-OWNERS OF PRO. PERTY—The only place to get Privy Welle Cleansed and disinfected at very Jar prince. PEYEASON. ManclaCtitret tot atutrette• ea l dinnith'sLibrary street. ~ alii-Inr, BALES 111 AUCTION. IEN ;:, : • •, Co , No. 449 MARKET STREET FIRST SAI: on 12 OF FRENCH Horning'.RY GOODS. FM D Hardt 22. MD o'olookibt ootsiedill. on DID oredit -400 paoltsges and lota of fancy and staple Frenelt dry s.xxls. comprising a tame assortment of seasonable goods. sgr Samples and oatalognes early on morning of sale. 140 ,LOTH covrolylrtsig,AND HILIC. ROSS AND abF OWE. On Frt MonUig, 100 iota super regular make hosiery. aorimiltint of— White, elate, brown, and mixed cotton hoes. fiTown and white linen half hose. half him. g - arog cotton half bole. plooktpearl , god mode ingrain silk hove. PAR IS AID QIA)VI.S AND FILLET MITTS. XXI dozen rano colored kid irloindi. 900 dozen long and abort black Mkt matte. .: 150 LOTH NEW STYLE BONNET RIBBONS. Of superior quefity. On Friday Monti-it, March 22, 180 loth Nes. CoN) new style plaid, broolle-fisered, wa tered, end Diem t de me bonnet ribbons. of the 'figment style, end seeenor ettalitT• •-• ones block• white, end colored amps.. riODITIONAL ON V ItIOAY MORNING. cotton hosier., fillet mitt.,ooloTed kid gloves, 'roof ings, linens. printed de Imeslmages, &c. UNDERWRITERS' BALE, FOR cAsn, OF BR 00uOtt. Damaged by fresh writer. on hoard ship John Trunk" On Friday Morning. Mara 311, at If tectouk, at 429 Market street. Combine" of - bales ersy and blue blankets. oases printed lawns. eambrica, and brilliants. lave &them. " mohair". Himalayas. ennts. " Moth', vel"nts,xas hams. iaconet, cambno. cheek muslin', Malmo muann", ate. VIPHILIP FORD & AUOTIONHERS 4 .11 No. 530 MARKET etreet and Olt MINOR Rt. LARGE SALE OF ` 1,000 GAP ES BOOTS, SHOF,S, NO BROGN. - This Morning. March 21, at 10 o'clock, will be sold, by catalogue— /go Gauss men's, boys, and youths' calf. kin. and grain boots, Oyoggino, Congress gaiters. Oxford ties, &o.; women's, mimes' and childtenia kid, goat, calf and ►ip toots, shoes,' bussine, slippers, &0., embracing a full assortment of fresh goods, worthy the attention of bu era. Goods open for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale NF. PANOOAST. AUCTIONEER, SW • castor to B. &lint. Jr.. 431 CH 83TNUT St. MFITZPATRICK BROS., AUO , & e 'SIMMERS, 604 OBEISSRUT Street, above lexth. SALIM _EVERY EVENINC-4 At I erdock,. of Books, stationery and Essay OOdI ma/dual. jai/61774 clocks, 16170710060 d w $ /atiaieal inStntsinentsk 4rc' Also, Idicrulery, dry goods bouts and 11111611., and mer chandise of every deseription. DAY BARES every Monday, W 04766467,116111 Y 73. day at ID o'clock A.M. _ PRI - TATE SALER. At private sele several large connignmonu or watches jewelry, booker, stationery, ejlver : slated ware. miller] , rnney /wan. ttn, To whom in nolicgtf4 the attention o of*" and &pantry Merobants We others. llonaignmenta solicited of all kinds of merchandise for either poblio or private Andes. Mr Liberal oaah edvanoee made on consignments!. Out-door sales promptly attended to. OFFICE OF THE MIL 4 DELP (HA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY, The Bates of Fregh i tl i ti'd 4l l l 2 ll 4;ii'/L a t r h a r t ,s l as i gial i transported by thin 6empany, will be as follows, on and after March 18. 1861, until further notice: ••• • . " Fans of sertylkill..... " " ghert's Conshohooken.......-- " Swede Penance—. " Rambo's . • " hometown or Bndge " "'art Konnetif " Valtay " Royer's " '•Limerick Foam own " .215t0 - - .4.444 .• Toe erten.... • • " Leelipo rt "ohrayslle. - " Rhaernakereeille'..—. "Hamburg . " Port Albarn S. Urwieibuig .~...~" By order of the Board of Mansieth. W. R. moi • HENKEL/380'i SHIPPING. RAILROAD LINES, MTHOMAS & SONS, • N. 11.9 and 141 South FOIJRTR Etre t trormartir Now. 07 and 640 THE NEAT MORN RENDENOE, game Enith Fifteenth sweet. wi llin held at private gale ler a few days, at a moderate since. irroOKS itf4D REAL KSTATE BALES AT THE EXORANGE EVERY TUIRIDAN l Handbills of eaoh property issued separately, la addition to which we publish, on the eaturflav aravtoce to each sale, one thousand satillothes, in pamphlet form, giving desonptions of all the property field en the following Tused_alL REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE, Wir" We have a large amount of real estate at private male, including every description of city pad ixurar property, Printed hate BA L Ey had at the amnion got: JFILIVATN REGISTER, ar Real estate entered on our private sale reglst" and advertised occasionally in our public tale abst.; (of whichcharge- one thousand copies are annum w eekl y , ) free of PHILADELPHIA TR • DE SALE, T 1) KSDAY. APR (1.. 9. 1861. The regular Philadelphia Trade sale of Book,,oßia. 0•0rt19,1961, matead or blare& 19, a L i l l reco Flatea, Btattorery. &a., arlil OOrrma a , 0 Tneada pe y morning , formerly aaLounoed. PEREMPTORY fre.t.w—STOGICS, 4 0 , On Tut:Wan Mara 26. at noon, without reserve, by order of true r &1 shares of the Dona Ideen Improvement and Rail. road Company. 760 shares Pittston Coat Company. COM fie sharesAlY Drienwich Improve meat, Railroad and Cali /0 Share!! Corn Exchange Bank of Philadelphia-1130 1 share Point Breeze Park nemalation. I Philaoelpbia Library Company. share Mercantile Library. Pew N 0.66, middle male, Bt. Luke's Church. Asgnee's Peremptory_ Sale. VALUA BIM P. 1441,1, FARM qPiD COUNTRY Sh;AT, PARDIfisO "U'rEsistri.s, STOOD, r", On Monde, hlernnag, 25th inet., at 12 neology, without reserve, ea the pre 188188. 8 farm of over sores. near the teoond-titre[ turnpike. above the second toll-sate. fiS,IEO may remain on mortgaLe. Also, the stook. comprising horses, 3 carr i atn, farming implert ents, hay Corn. poultry, Jo. MT bale abesilwe, b. order of assignee. rulipastina tars in handbills. THE FDIST CLAYS el UfiA It ItEFIIVERY, corner of filth, snd CroWn streets will be geld at th, Exchange, by order of the same assignee, REAL ESTATE SALE—MA ACE 9 6, MODERN RESIDENCE, with side 'aft', No, s 3 Hp , lice street. Lot M feet front VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND. 3114 sores, Beaver Valley, Columbia. county, Pa., adjoining the in cCoullY Mountain coal mines Eareoutoro' Sale—Ettate of Pusan Taylor. deemed. D re l ax Dvrk,,LING AND LOT, enathweet bother of Monuomeri avenue and Belgrade St eet. STONE DVS , ' LUNG AND LOT, adjoining the ah ove on Beigrade street siTontiE DWELLING AND LOT. adjoining, TWO LOTd OF GROUND on Belgrade street, 17 b, 91 feet.. k OUR Lore OF OROU'D on Belgrade street, ly be lee feet. THRKE LOTS OF ottourro, Moncgomerr aven se 18 by 117 feet. LOT OF GROUND, east - aide Montgomery avelme, 22 by 90 feet. LVT rJF GROUND in the rear of Ve above. Lithographio plane of the above estate at the Amnion Roma. TH It Y WK . -. ['WILLING, Columba} avenue, between Third and Fourth meals, TWO NEAT RESII.IbNCES, Noe 2202 and 2210 HA- 'greet. hurt finished, and contain all the modern HA provernen to. SALE OF SUPERIOR FURNITURFI. FRENCH. PL ATP; MIRRORS. ELEGANT BcDSTEAD, MAR BLE-TOP 'TAttLate, ELLOH-CASts CLOCKd. RE GILL ChM : PRINTINCI PRESS, CARPS 11 1 , kg, CARD .--Ottr sale this monitna, tile Auctice Store win comprise. besides 800 lots or exoellent second hand furniture. French-plate pier mirror, elegant rote • wood bedstead, marble - top tables, chairs. high-este °loots, regulator, printing pre,., beds and bedding, attractive glanovare, Brussels carpets, ko.. forming fin asaortment, worthy the attention of ladies and others damming of purohaning. Cntolouen nos ready and t h e articles arranged for examinat ion. Sale at Noe 111/1 and 141 South Fourth Street, SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FRENr•,g.PLATE MR. _HORS, PLASIO-POWYEA. BSUSBELIS CARPETS, Thu Mornins, At 9 o'olook. at the Amnion store, an easorttnent of excellent second-hand furniture. elegant piano-fortes, fine mirrors, carpets. ere., from families decimln g housekeeping. removed to the atom for convenience of sale. 01 0 1 40 1 50 / 30 1 I 150 1 1 1 1 17 1 la 1 10 1 10 1 15 1 10 1 05 1 02 1 01 1 00 Sale st. No. 609 Chestnnt street. SUPERIOR oTult.R IXTO MS, OPPIOR PonNi_ TURK, &a. On Saturday Morning, March 23, at 11 o'olock, at the store N 0.609 Chestnut street, will be sold the superior fixtures. comprising the shelving, suite of drawers, tans furniture, ,ad made in the best and most substantial manner. Can be seen any time previous to the sale. 'ninth SALB.--(MIARO ROUSE, SUPERIOR CRAM to- R FURNITIJItn, CAR PETS, &0. On Tuesday Morning. 26th inst., at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at the G. RAAB HCIUS.U. CHr.t4TNUT STR Below Ninth street, the superior chamber furniture, Including rosewood and aralcut badetssads. dreams bu rettes, washetende,waydrubes, fine hair and spring mat tresses. feather beds nta, IST May be examined the day previous to sale, from to 3 o'clock. CARD.—SaIe at No. 1111 chestnut Stree F IRST-_CLASS Q stIGINA (AL PAINTING*. RA RE AND VALUABLE ENGR A VINGS. STATEETTFB IN MAR 14 1 . E. AND BRONZE ARTICLES OF 111. JOUT ERIE AND VERTU, together 'with the Was I 'LEGANT AND COATLI ROOSEAOLD F URYI. Tt.) RE. Ns.. it) CDEEITN UT 101%0. Will be sold on the tith April. Ilrer ?Artie lain in catalogues. Isar The house is to let. possession 18th April. Also, to be sold. Pew No. 43 St. Luke'll Church. MOSES NATHANS A A UOTI ON EE R AND COfiMISSION MERCHANT, &who'd corner of SIXTH and RACE Streets. NATRAN3' GREAT tALE OF FORFEITED GOODS. OVEN 3.000 LOTO OF VALUABLE FORFEITED ARIIC.LES. On Thursday Morrunr, March 23, at /0 o'clock. at Moses Nathan"' Auction Nouse, Noe. 15$ and Mr north Sixth street, Mimes the equtheset corner of - Birth and Race 'treats, mein. Inc of - DIAMONPEI. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHER, 00/...D ottn.r4B. FIN GIPLD J.. WEL HY. ke. Mlle tram Maniacs' Prinrril `rahrieholflitt Every article will positively ce sold. without the leak 11136CiVe ! VIZ.: Magnificent, hunting-ogee, double-este, and double-bottom 18 carat tine gold English pat of lever watches, extra tell jewelled, and of the MOE &Moved and beat makers; superior hunting-case soil open-face 18 carat lull iewetled detached patent lever watches, the most of them full 13 jewels, and of the hest makers; superior hunting-case and open. face Vines watches, 18 carat Gad gold and full towelled of the most-approved makers ; fine gold dUltt l e2, English, Swims, and French watches; hunting case. don le case. and double-bottom noon potent lever wotoheo. in tillost+Y niiVer oases, extra full jewelled and of tog best and most approved makers ; sliver detached Pa tent ever and testae watch, a, ext-a full Jewellad. of the very beet makers; silver English. French. sod ty wies wet hes of every variety and kind; diamond finter-rings and breast eine brilliants of the first wa ter ; fine gold fiager-ringis , breastpins. brooches. pencil caws and pens,. bracelets, ladies lull sets, speotaoles. eye -glasses; silver sgeotacies; floe gold vet, neck. fob, and chatelaine Mims; gold stuns and ' , save bottoos ; silver pertoll-oases; necklaces; gold seals, keys, charms, and jewelry of every Leann- .n. . he attention of watch-makers, jewellers, deals's. sod prorate poretme eee is respectfully Jawed to nut estsusiss pale, ir Wine the larger and beat assorts ett of Renee ever r ffered at public anotielt. and every in. ole offered vrtit eoliavely be cold, without the least it. wee whatever. therefore great bargains can be hid. iiar The goods will be open for examination the Est previous, and on the morning of th- sals S MOSE NATHAN& H ULLMA N. ATTORNEY4T. LAW, JERREV BFIORE, Pennsylvania. Colleotiods promptly made in Clinton and Lvmmull oonnUes. MEYERS TO Moser& Walter & Raub, Philadelphia ; J. B. Humes, Esq., limy Shore ; Meagre. darcirolt & Co.. Shillmill• Shaffner, Ziegler. 2k Co.,hilada.; ll'riehmuth & Co rhilada.; L. A. Maekey, ioak Haven, Yard. & Co., Pttilada.; Thatcher lirckhlrep. Phllada.! Rel. folds, Rowell & Reiff. Philada. fele-em N.,. FIIGUET & BONES, IMPORTERS HAVANA CHISAJU4 No. 216 South T Street. Xmases rep:duly a full &apartment of &arable CI. HARE which they e'er at .low rate*. for nub or sr proved credit. yelair GEORGE J. EtENKELS, UPHOLST.OI ND F and OAINNY.T WAREHOUSE. No. 3:14 WA. btreet7 0 3403:145 IDdependenoe Square, formenf of o. 173 C hestnut Atreet. 1435-Sm• JOIIN ELLIOTT, WINES and LIQUORS, Nos. 317 awl 319 WALNUT Btneet. (belsintle stores. between Third and Fourth. north stded Phils• deltihia. N. B.—Pine Old Whistree alwels brl (Est&Nutted in 18g.) je3ol; IAY COMM. JAY 000KE it CO., RAN/CERES, 134 SOUTH TEURD tiTREET. (Finn door north of t h e chrard Bank.) .411-dm PHILA DELI' NM Mar. 6 Mar. 13 , Mar. 20 . Mar 37 .April I Apra 10 April 17 April 21 PAWBON & NICHOLSON, BOOKBINDERS, Nos. Al 9 Rod 621 MINOR Bolles, Between Mute ILADE S AL and Chestnut streets PHPHI jArtEs .PAWBON. JAB. A. B. mamouliet. /01-1.7* NEW ORLEANS (LA.) PICAI•UNF.I.- • JOY. CUE, & Have been appointed sole anent' In Philadelphia Pr this extensively oironlating payer, of oommandint 1B finance, litniinesa men are advertleitff in the beet nen tT47,I,AZIN:TAVVYINAMYLAIIII,P Stream, Philadelvhia Tn nuns Banding". New Yorio an.ol-tr MIIIIPHY-WHIPPLE IRON BRIDGB. 45-D- STONE. 51 r Y IGLE, & BURTON, No. 333 ALNUT BTREET. P LADELPHIA, Beg leave to inform Railroad Gomm:dee, and °then interested bridge oonstruotion, that tbey have formed a connection in business with JOHN W. MURPHY , Civil Engineer, (author and inventor of the above well• known glen of iron bridged and are meowed to exeelltr orders, from any Dart of the country, from hie design , raid pommel eunetruitendence. All letters relating_ko plane and eatimatem ,ahonld addromed to Jourrw_. MURPHY, Civil 4 .egiaiter. 'oolg-tito For 3 . 1'011E. QUIGLEY. & BURTON. MACHINERY AND Alto's g i n en PENN STEAM IENGINE Ala BOILER. WORXE.--PIESFIP & PLg= CAL AND THEORETICAL EfffilllEEEA MACEINIMITMIOLLER-IRAICERE, BLAMER:IMO and POITEDME, lewitig. lot many yearn, been s" frocceporal overaticti, end bean eye Injure ly grimy% building and repai ri ng Marine And River Earner, 3,4 and low premiere, Iron Hosts, Water Tanks. Prorlier'' &e.treepsotfully offer their servmeLto the eo:lc,t M bein telly prepared to oontract for Enellel 01 ° 1 Oita.. Marin e _ River, and Etat:weary , having VT ' f" paterns of different limn, are !prepare° to eXecuts .) • dem with gulch despatch. livery desaription of Prate~ making made Flue Ta b u l ar, rtset notice. 'Ugh esti t kj i Preesure, Flue, end Cylinder Dario, best Pennsylcie , hhisteoal lose. Pergings. of on Ile and kinds ; Iron and Erase Cuban, 4:ifell doooripuo , * . Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all ether wori nested with the above barium, o et tier /praying. and speo c arior for d all w i trr u d a ol ted, tU i Coniern have ital eiTurllLATritoair room for, is" or boats.. where they min lie in perfect "'I, PcY sad ere plod ded with shears, blocks, fene. far raking heavy sr Ruhr we#htio. COB REAM ORE P, LEVY. BEACH sad PALMY. J. ♦AIIBBAN MERRICK. /OEN OOPS, WILLIAM IL MBILRICA. ItARTLICT IABBI tr " OUTHWARX FOUNDRY, NO' FIFTH AND WASHINGTON ETREETP• PHILabIIMPUTI. 6 - MERRICK 8 NS, Er4011411E103 AND MACHIN MTh ee, Manufacture High and Low Premium Siegal BIIKIA for lead, river, and marine menace Boiler,. Gasometers, Tangs, Iron Bola, ,to; CO" lags of all kinds, signer iron or brass. kg:- Iron Frame R o ofs for Gee Work/. Workshop', - road Stations &a. Retorts mid Goa Machinery of the latest and most Im proved construction. }men , description of Plantation Machinery. nt Nagar, Saw, and Gnat Mills, Vacuum Pane , St eam Trains, Defeoctors, Filter *. Pumpi , ng nl i " l3 e l Bo , 1: Solo Agen.te for N. Rilheax's Patent Btiszr d'io -31 o A pp a ra t us nntriTttee Patent "team Elammerie , _ v , & Wolsey Patent Centrifugal Linger Pral' sus-r machine pAIRMOUNT MACHINE WORES, WOOD Bt.. between Twenty-Ord and TWO" . geoortlr Zetibliohed r T, heundersigned. rinootweor to sae 1611, firma' D WOOD wt/1 flotations the buinneu in ail teailal tr l heretofre. ower Looms and all machines 0 00 .7„ 0 , with them . Embossing_Caltenden. Lard Oil Pre Shafting,. aftd Machine Work in general. Thankful for peat favors. be would resPeotfullf eO/4,11 a ""ninonocie of the patronage so liberall w bee tb rhil adg Oats el r phia. Jan. 21. teal. m. TaoriinB vvv !OW POINT PLEABAIiT FOLIZOMY I No. wit 13 EActi arreet Kosminoton, Plittsdetort m. — .. 0 LIAM IL TIERS into r 7 hb friends that. waif ' D rd the entire .took Phnom M the abora ,?.°,,, lie *1 noir pram to rooms° order. for. R°''' 6 74 Mit, And Bow .11Eitt Quoin o, Elm, Chem''' . r Kongo Work_, nude from ie",, mai; lerolery or UmettArisomp, in sr, or srees 50,., SALES 1W AIaCTION. Li EFOINEBII W. 9. X 0011 War