Later from Mexico. ARRIVAL. OF TIM areaimnie TIMMS [From the .bew-Orleans Picayune, Feb: *I.I The Unload Wafts mail steamship Tetmersse, Oapt Forbes. arrived at this port yesterday, Irma Vera thus" Thursday last, the -21st met. She brings the following nsmed primeness: Mr Lrgreile. wife and shod, Mrs 11 grron, Mrs. A Barron, Miss D Dsrron, Mr. B. W. Barron, and five servants, Mr. Forbes, wife, and two ser vant!, Mr. A- Rmaridon, wife. three children and two servants, Col J T. Pickett, 'United States consul at Vera Gros Mr Mlfarea„ Mr. Miller, Rev. Dr. Espinosa . theuop of Gnadidejsrit Rev. Dr. Garcia, D.ari of Gasfiallsra, Asa, Dr. joh, Bisbop of San LUC, Pt.tod, Mr. Goal, Anise, Para, Gutter's. Barrajon. Dr. Centre, Sevilla, Ferrer, Aloha., Pkial, Morphy, Rose, pavie, Rabbis—sine steerage.. And $6 880 62 in specie, consigned as follows • D. de Goiconria & Co $4 000 00 .• F. de Fuentes & Co. 700 00 M A. de Lisardi & Co 1,339 62 Avendano 'fermium! 600 00 Marburg A Foster.. 171 00 Total .$6.,860 62 SHIPS-01 WAR AT VMS& CRUZ. The Tennessee left the following vessels ewer at Sloritletoa ; The Gaited States steamers rowhatan and Foca bobtail and the frigates Cumberland and Macedo nian; the Poitish steamers Valorous and Gla diator; the French steamer Slam and brig lifer core ; and the Spanish steamers Francisco ae dais, Isabel la Catoliea, and Peisio The Macedonian arrived mit on the 20th. The Powbatau, Cumberland. and Poonhenten were to leave in a few days for New York_ PIRA CRUZ RERCRANT BRIPPIRG Of merohant shipping there were in port the etwerloan bark Acme loading for New York ; the sohoonipr Moore, disogarging. from Pensacola ; and the brig Benjamin Deland, likewise from Pensa cola. The brig Adolph sailed on the 20th for La, gam zdßxrcarr POLITICAL NEWS TORSION 'MATIONS or TBI NNW GOTSRNNIINT By this arrival we have files of Mexican papers to the 21st from Vera Cruz, and the 17. b from the capital. The Constitutional Government continued its work of reorganisation with the welt-kuown assiduity of the President, and so far without scri m diflionity. On the 10th was homed an important oiroular touching the foreign salacious of the Republic Daring the last three years of revolution several of the maritime States, and even of the local authori ties of individual ports, have found it necessary to enter into independent arrangements with the re roeatitativee of foreign Oovernnielllll for the OM. porary conduct of necessary business. The object of the circular is to call attention to this irregular exercise of authority, and to reclaim it for the newly-established Federal Government. By the oonstitntion all treaty-making powers are vested in It, and their exercise by the several States and loyal entborities, being no longer necessary, are hareeforth forbidden. The arrangements and agreement', already en tered into will, of oonrse, remain valid, and pro bably be formally ratified. but in the future all di pinwale questions, reolamatinne, and propositions, mast be referred to the General Government. The eironlar le addressed to the Executives of the several statee, to the /ma authorities of the va rioes ports, to foreign Governments, and to all whom it may ooneern. • OIMINIZALTION OT rns TEDIBIEAL Lour. Prom the Ministry of War and Marine,aleo, had issued a circular in record to the organisation of the Federal army. Hitherto. though nominally 2...engoteloz the central power, the foreee of the (lonwitationelGovetnotent have really been raised, of and commanded for the meet pert by the several States The proposed reorganization an perently contemplates the formation of a perms rent Faders] army proper; end for this object the President bee rimmed the foltewing gentlemen a oommittee to It quire foto the whole eubj-et, and report aoanrdinsfv, via Generale of Divlson. D Anastasio Peered( cad D. Benito Qujino; and the lt , igsdier Generebt. D Jam. Gil , Pertearrovo. D. Jule Ja , to diverts, D Leandro Valle, and D. Ra mon Igleaiu rae rieDrilaL TRWIIRY • A Iliff ittw. appor'l ming among the States coo teibutlons to the Federal - Tramiel:ll7, in °import Ration for the interior duties hereafter to be sop rano& had also been published. It goes into operation the 1e of Korot DIPATITIIIIII7 Op JUSTICL The Ministry of Justice had also in special Alms the reorgatisntion of the Federal courts, and a law in referenoe to jurors in criminal trials Dad alrestly been prepared, and would soon be published. LIFN OF STRAUSS TO CALIFORNIA. The Minister of the Treasury, as we learn from the Siglo, had also entered into an arrangement with . oompany for the establishment of a new nue of steamers to Fly, ntider the Mexican figa. between Maputo°, and other ports of the Papilla and Ban Francisco. COLONIZaTiON OP LOWPS camvosurre. The mime paper announces the arrival in the capital of commissioners trent Lower California and Sinaloa, with the object of consulting the General Government in regard to the affdre of those elates. It is added that their propeition contemplates en extensive &theme of colonisotion, whieb wilt probably. indeed, be made applicable to the whole Republic), as this is well known to have long been a favorite ides of the President and hie contain:amid advisers. MUNICIPAL GOVAILNYWIT OP TWO CAPITAL. At the eepital, it wee reported that the Govern ment bad resolved to appeal directly to the people, not only for the choice by popular vote of a new city coupe% but of all minor magistrates—a plc position whieb found great favor. " Bladed by the people," say. the Siglo, 1, the tribunals will have the =te tudepesoleuee ocrotemylsted by the Con stitution, and this Independence will be the beet guarantee of the good admlnistratian of justice," ICIVEMSJIT OP 511,V213, CO/1/. The papers of the capital record the arrival of a conduct& of $300,000 from Queretaro, and ar rangements were in progress for the safe trans. purgation, as formerly, of the products of all the mines to their destination. TIM maraca PROPERTY. In the meantime, the law ttonfiseating the pro- arty of the Church, with the regulations which are togovern in ita dispsition, had been published, and ie at once to go into operation. The United States Troops in Texas. reastersit ON 'INN NATIONAL PROPERTY IN TIIXAS. The San Antonio Ledger, of the lath inat , has the annexed interesting ataternent : The commhsioners on the part of the State made the demand. this morning, that the public pro. party ahould be traneforred from the General Go vernment to the authorities of Texas. After several hours spent in arranging details, the tranefor was made by Gen. Twiggs whose conduct throughout has been frank, manly, and honorable. With the corps of Itangera, tinder command of Meijer Ben McCullough, numbering six hundred men, and the different military companies of this city. there were not leas than twelve hnadred men under arms. IdeCollough's ranging corps were ohoiee men. A body of that numerical strength has rarely ever been grouped together with the , same rapidity, or one composed of finer Material, Although the streets and plazas have been crowded with armed men, not a drunken man was visible, and everything was peaceable and quiet ; indeed, everything passed off with great anti/fac tion, except by the fall of a double-barrelled shot ion from a horse amid &group of gentlemen, it was dim barged wounding MUM teen and two horses. None of the gentlemen are dengermudy wetuided. The Ledger also publiehes the following San sairoloo, Feb 18, 1861.—The undersigned. commie:donors on the part of the State of Texas, fully empowered to exercise the author ity undertaken by them, have formally and ed•sotay agreed with Brevet Major General. David B. Twice, United States army, coin. Mending the department of Texas, that the troops of the _United States shall leave the soil of the State r by:tha-way of the coast; that they abaft , tells whit them the arms of the respective corps, Inebillarlbs battery of light artillery at Fen Dynetimeand the battery of the same eharaeter at riftlfrOWO; and shall be allowed the necessary means for regular and comfortable movement, pro visions., tents, to., duo., and transportation it is the desire of the coma:talon that there shall be' no ferret:don of this agreement on the part of the people of the State. It is their wish. on the nonneary, that *very facility shall be afforded the troops. They are our Mende. They have here tofore afforded to our people all the protnaion in their power They t eve been our protectors, and we owe tnem every consideration. The public property at the various than that above recited for the use of he t ro o ps , , wilt be turned over to afloat• to be appointed by the ootensistdon, who will give due and proper re ceipts for t h e whole to me era - ere of the amp whom they relieve in their ens oily of the nubile property, Taweas J Daunts, P. N Leetterr. B A. M.tvaiucx, Commissioners on bekalf of ut Public Safety. EXAtqUallerßS, DePARTNENT or TPXAB, 1 liar Axton& February 18, 18€11. [General Orders, Nu. a J The State of Texas having demanded, through its commissioners, the delivery of the military Pm and public property within the linable( this Gomm/fad, and the eamtnandinr, general desiring Movold ev•zt the poselbility of a VOUIaiOII between the Federal and State - troops. the politil Will be evacuated by taste garrisons, and thews will take up. as faun es the necessary preparations can be aids, the line of march 'out of IlLtati, by way of the ocast—mirching out with their arms (the light d bitteriis With their guns ) °lathing, camp and gar a ioatpege, qua!termaater's stoma, anbalananna, medica l ', hospital Mortar, and such means of trans. portition of every kind as may be Esaeasary: for an oiliOnoiCand orderly movement of the troops, pre. pared for attar* or &dent* against aggressiozut from any MOM. .. Tha troops wilt carry with them provhdens as far thAlloost. IFy order of libretti 'MAI. lasi. TW/e9ll. The Lincoln Plot, and the Interference of the 'New ork 'Police. Orlnci BOARD OP POLICII, Par..rinows, Feb. 22, 1881. The Board of Police deem it proper to state, for the information of their fellow.eititensi'that the accounts which have appeared in some of the DOW, papeia other cities, that the po li o* authcritiai or. of o f had determined outplay a force of ow" twenty : inen for the *pivotal duty of attending ti!Ktke - mntte'tif tlie • Presidential cortege ji thh altiteoje ' 1 on Saturday lest; that, t , yiajding rougto thiressole of publie *platen, they deter m i ne d to have out the wholii force, though they still believ ed' that - twenty" men would be all stetolerit," or thit they- were inilueneed in the slightest degree in making or changing any of their arrangstas.te by reprementations alleged to have been mad, to thous by hlr. Kennedy, Superintendent of the New York Pollee, or by any other person or persons from New York or Washington, are all and eaoh of them utterly untrue The Board take this opportunity of also express. Ingtheir eutire eanvietion that the whole story so indzetriotudy circulated of there having been any littetitlan or any plan 0000 0 0 hid to amessinate or I n jar. the President elect on hisjouniey from Bar- Aaiun to Washington is utterly destitute of any riaminable foundation. Ws passage through this tritY. they have always felt assured, and they agaiti aushadtathitip would have been made in Th subject had been under the *onside Want :of ilia Board for some time peak and .they like'diterznined to make, and accordingly had made, the amplest arrangements to insure such a noun. By order of the Board. Cassias HOWARD, President. GENERAL NEWS - AviAlite - IX' AitizoNA-.- 7 4. meeting of the people of Twain, inespeottie of party, washeld on the 4th nit. ~ at which • number of apesohes were made, arid, 'solutions adopted. declaring eon& deuce in the " conservative feeling of the great mass of the AMerioan people," and pronouncing against any compromise that does not " extend to every motion its just end constitatioual rights." The Sonora ?evolutionists were again in dald, and were committing depredations with impunity. Several shooting affrays bad ocourred ; but these were 001311M011 affairs, and created little excite- moot , IN MB Pacific Mills, Lawrence , one of the ' machines for printing delaines stamps the piece with :careen different colors and shades of colors, in passing through once. There is only one ether Like it in the world. Wenn crossing the ice to Albany, on T w u a e s s a d t a t y ae n k i e g d by night, man named Henry J. Raymond two thieves; one threw a shawl over his head, and dragged him down. After rob bin him of all his money they gave him a parting kick; he discharged one barrel of his pistol at them without offset. A Laßue nom supposel to be over seven centuries old, near the city of Mexico, is said to have been muck by /ightning more than two hun dred times. I/IBRAHIM, LIP Boszox.—The Boston Public Library has 100,000 volumes; Boston Athemeaut, 85 000 ; Boston Mercantile Library Association, 20 000 ; Old Boston,ooo; State House Library, 14 NO; Massachusetts Historical Society, 14 04S ; Atnerioan . oademy of Arts and Sciences. 8 000; American Board of Commissioners of Fo: reign Missions, 0 649; Suffolk Law Library, 6,400 ; Congregational Library Assootation, 6,000; Ma (Manias' Apprentices, 5 000 ; Natural History So-' citify, 5 500 1 Massachusetts Hospital Library, 3,700; New England Historical and Genealogical Society. 4.200; Young Men's Christian Associa tion,' 2 844 ; Young Men's Christian Union, 2,183; the "Penes's Library," 1,800 ; Libreory at &Us- Sion Mouse. 2.118; Charitable Mechanise' Amoeba. tion, 1,000; Ittesubliaan Institute, 1,000; Medical Society, 600; College of Pharmacy, 300 ; Musical Fund Society, 200; Franklin Typographical So ciety, 1,100. Total of twenty-ftve public libraries, 307,242 volumes. Aevreits from Mayaguez, P. R., dated Feb ruary-22.1861, says ; The health of this port and that of the whole island is very goad. Crops good and abundant and weather very fair and fine, but basinesa is exceedingly dull, occasioned by the re volution in the United Rtates, which has caused a petal) in commends' affairs. EIGHTY-TURNS persons committed suicide in Matosebmistts dining the year 1809, of whom sixty eight were melee, and only &Men females. The whole number is one less than in 1858, and it is a singhlar feet tbat the number in this State does not vary much from ninety each year. Tim postmaster of New Orleans has intro duced a new plan, eating at once as a check on diehoneat clerks, and facilitating the transactions of Merchants having boxes 4; the poet office Counters of three different 13010r5 are sold at a win dow, near the private box department. These counters represent all values of postage. On taking their unpaid letters from their berm, or in par chasing stamps, merchants pay with these counters, avoiding making change, or leaving deposits on acoonnt of postage! duo. Sink Saes, AM, AND Ctool7gES.—Bllte birds made their appearance this week, and on Wednesday turtles were Dinging In the swamps On the same day we noticed orocuses above ground in a warm spot, though not in bloom, At the same time the ice at Lake Wenhain was a foot or more in thickness.—Salem (Mass.) Oh. server. Thu money gambled away annually at Baden Baden,, amounts to $lO 000 000 Tna number of persona killed and wounded in Texas by the /Juliana during the past three months 18 animated at 470 7Hz convicts in the penitentiary of Missis sippi are engaged in manufacturing tents for the army f the -tats. Orr the 14th inatant, an affray occurred is tdourtscrilie, Monroe eounry, Alabama, in whieh Harvey Phillips was shot dead, Tavtaas Hatiggins, martally wounded, and S. J. Cummings, Req, stighTly wounded. On, is KamAs.—Oil bas been discovered Kansas and preparations are making for extensive operations is dire Boa. Tun English consul at Zanzibar hauled down his' flag, Nov 14. because the Governor had kid• napped a man in the service of the consulate, and shipped him away. OPrun EATitio is on the increase in the United States. Out of $OO.OOO pounds imported Into the eottekry, last year, only one•tenth was need medicinally. Nan' GOLDER FIELD.—Kit Carson Is report ed to hare naiad In Banta Fa, chat a now gold field bas been discovered at San Juan, moon rich er than anything of the kind Jet 41Iscoverod in Ca lifornia. The snow being at the time very deep, operations tied to be euepeneed until epilog. San Juan is about two hundred and thirty miles north west of dantsFe. A nrirna boy died at Hartford, Conn., on Monday, irom awing the plioaporotia from the anda of matches. Tux French distillers are making brandy ou of coal. • TAX wool clip in Oregon, in /859, was about 200 000 pounds during the pestyear it reached 300 000 pounds, about one third of which has been exported. A woollen manufacturing company was established in 1857 The home price of wool ranges at 12460. per pound. A Patriotic Letter (rein Gen. Houston. The Galveston Civilian, of the 21st lust., has the following: We understand that Gen. Houston has been for some days at thla place on Galveston bay, prepar ing a place of retirement for his Ad age. He ar rived there last Friday, bat traveled in the most private way, and avoided all interference with the present political agitation. He does not, however, we understand, Irish by any means to be considered as one of those eleventh-hour converts to seceseion, se many of whom are now claiming their reward. The Austin Intellegenrer has been permitted to publish the following extract from a letter written by Gen. Houston to an old friend, which defines his position, thus : I still believe that secession will bring rain and civil war. Yet, if the people will, I can bear it with them. I would fain not be declared an alien from my native home in old Virginia, to the scenes or my early toils and triumphs in noble Tennessee. I would not, of my own choice, give up the ban ner beneath which I have fought; the Constitution which .1 have revered, or the Union which I have loved and ()bobbed as the tylOrietis and priceless heritage bequeathed me by my fathers. Sixty. seven years of freedom, the recollection of past triumphs and suffering, the memories of heroes whom I have seen and know, and whose venerated shades would haunt my footsteps, were I to falter now, may, perhaps, have made me too devoted to the Constitution end the Union; but be it so. Did I believe that likerty and the rights of the South demanded the saoriftoe,l would not hesitate. I believe tip t leas confession than was necessary to frame the Constitution will now preserve it. Thus believing, I cannot vote for secession. "1 have hesitated to say anything on this tonic, because I desire the people to act for themselves. My views are on record. Yet it is perhaps but right that my old friends should know that the charge that lam for secession is false. It I err in holding on still to the skirts of my venerated old mother Virginia, and the fostermother which ma. tared me from boyhood, glorious Tennessee, my countrymen will forgive me, as they have forgiven Me for many other things I have done, lam will ing even to be called a submissionist for their sake." ' PENNSYLVANIA ITEMS. MORTALITY IA TORT' ConatT.---The " reddemen of the nursery," •saarlet fever, and typhoid and oatarrhal severs, have been quite prevalent for some time put in the neighboring county of York. We are informed of one case, or rather a house-fall of OTATO. ot the typhoid character, now under treat ment in Lower Windsor townehip, under peculiarly distressing airciunistancea. Six pointer in the family of Mr liaab liertsler, TM at present pro °trued with . that disease, and one other member of the family died a abort time since, leaving a young wife and infant. BRUTAL ATTACE-BEVERAL PARTITE, LT A PeTAP2 —oo Saturday evening last, two sons of High Constable SOD. attacked Mr Jacob Beller, of We borangh, .On Northampton street, and baat him most severely,. before asaletanee reached him Tie assault wass:in ooneequonoe of the oiroulation of a report'Alerogatory to the character of the mother of the young men The easaalt was a brute/ and cowardly one, particularly under the ellemnstamma. as it appears Mr Heller wee not the anthoi of e repert. 'Oa Maada y mothin Heller had the -th Seips hotted over for s e ana g battery, and Mr Aaron Salto had a Mr Biggipa arrested on a charge of Wander, laying the da magea at ten thousand dollars Biggins is a clerk in the store where the story was started, and la charged with being the author of it Thus have two suite already grown out of the affair, aud, if we are earreorly Informed, others will follow.— Barron Bentind. been--We notice that attempts have been made, in Reston, to pan counterfeit $lO bills of the Wiikesbarre Bank, and we would advice all to keep a good look oat. SALE Off TIM ApaiATlC.—The es/e of the etettnehip Adriatic to the Galway Company wee the theme of conversation yesterday In Wall stieet, In which no little regret was expressed that t he last steamer built by Steers, and the one of which Americane had most reason to be procid, abould have paired into the hands of a foreign company, and that, too , at a ruinous 111101 - Inoo, as compared with her orig inel east The negotiations have been going on for two months, the Panama company, who, owned five-ninths of the stook of the North Atlantio company, against four-ninths owned by dap Pacific Mau company. oppoaing the sale - The loth:lanes of Mr Aapinwall, agent of the Galway line, in connection with the Pacific Mall company, finally carried the day. The per_ abase-money bad not been paid, up to yesterday, bat the sale wu considered as concluded. The North Atlantio Company expended some $90.000 1 on her engines, making her coat about $1.200.000. tine bee been sold for 487,500.—New York Tames, 11,1".erehl. PASSAGE OF Jißonne/VS ISEPOZIG/NG RESO LI7IIOAB /N THE CALIFORNIA IZOILATURE. The discussion, continued for two days in the Boum, OR the resolutons introduced by Mr. O'Brien, expunging the resolutions of wail *slums a termi terminated yeeterday afternoon. Judge Campbell ably, and eloquently adveoated their passage 88 an not of justice to sh themory of the dead, and as a means of setting people right os the regard Mr. Crooke; of this city, Republican, before the Anil "Vini was askant moved; an SG Mend. meat, that the clerk of the Assembly and secre tary of the Senate be ordered to expunge the resolutions by drawing a black lint around the saute, and writing moron the face thereof the words " Expunged by order of the Assembly and Senate," The resolution& were then adopted by a vote) of 41 to 32 . - 1 , 501; Franciips, Rot Tea , —avans.—The pfenet Marcum may now be seen , a abort time after sunset pealing from its superior conjunotion to its greatest . elongation, *ben It d in us greatest bril/laney. About twelve Or ftftewegrees west of the Pleiades innylie seen planet Mu tba m, of Weiler brillisiniit. - In• lb* eut rev be mien the planet Jupiter, in its A 7 l . 1 4 heaven& brilliancy, beiPassfag ng sruperior to any other bodyto the east, by &wan; and distant about ten degrees, may be seen the planatflaturn, also in its greateet brulleney. POILAOELPHIA BOARD OF TRAWL THOS._ KIM RR, Jr.. ' , Rata. MORRIS COYINTiIiN ON iSI IdoNTB JOBe.PH C. attuott, • . HAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. FROM THE UNITED' STA. 11111: Werra96R Dare America . BCI6tOJ2-Ltveniool-.......ft1ar0b. 6 Brno burgh. --New York-Liverp001........-4Maroti 9 Adriati c year...Havre 9 Canadian. ...—,_Fortiand-Liverpool:',' - .....Mar0h 9 Australasian ....New Nork-LiverpooL Marohl3 Bremen —.. York-11 rennin - elsa,our...-...New york-Liverpoor—. -Maroh 16 North Briton -Yortland to Niagara I kwton-LlVerpool 20 Bahamian. Porton:id-Liverpool-- -March 23 ktna New York-Livetpuol. ...-_Msrok II John nen 1.4 • .... NOW YOll6-A14011(014.-...---.--..M0I0,0 Hraito New York-Havre --Maroh 50 avana-- Pow York.. Ham bug ----April ew York.-- New York-Bremen-- April 13 Baltic,— —.New York-Havre— .-. April k 0 SEIPs FROM BMW'S. L7A,V3I - Pei-- DANS Aturtradaniaa.-7.overpool-:Nowlrobr...-.. Feb 16 United dtates".."OhierOW-Portilhd-..............Feb liremen.....-Bonthampton-New eb Glasgow erpool"New York— -..,Fan John 8e1„.....-..611a,g0w-Now Y0rk............Feb 33' Not di 1371t0n-....Livernool-Portland Feb 34 Bohemian-- "Liverpool_Portlane."..........Feb 23 -.--_"Feb 33 Marna . -Liverpool-7%W York.--.....kar0h 2 Bavaria—:Bouthamptort-New York—„Maroli Arago. .-....Southampton.:-.l6ear York.— ..Adirroh 6 Southrun p ton-New York—..Marok 38 Unned Kingdom. Gdaggoig -New York— -Marotta Now yoriE.--Southamuton—New York....—lterch r Wren ~ , ,... April 3 Tentonio-...goinhamDtol3,lloW The California Mail Steamers nail from New York on the retalth, and Vet of each month. - The Havana Steamers leave New York on the 12th. 17th. and 27th of each month. DIARME INTELLIGENCE. FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, March 5, 1861. BUN RIBES- 6 16 -SUN SETS HIGH WATER.--.---- - - - Steamship Kensington. Baker, 00 hours from Boston. with mane and namengene to Henry 171 , Insor. eohr U ll Pitts. Corson. 4 dame Nom Feterelntri, Vs., with wheat to A 4 Cattail. Bahr Susan J Jarsc,_ Jayne, 2 days from lie* - York. - MI syrup to Baker & Folsom. Bohr R B Shannon, Marts, 4 dare from Boston. with Bah to captain. Bohr R B Miller, Gifford, 6 days from Boston, with fi h to captain. Bohr 75 J Roans, Pickup. 4 days from New York, with WOO° to ollytant- Bohrß 473 Wales,Fosman , lldaysfrom Wilmington, NC, with naval stores o , D 8 etymon & Co. Bohr Farmer. Deputy, 2 days front Milford, Del, with corn to J Harrah & don. Bohr W t, Springs. ttoffman, IS days from Matanzas,. rith molasses to A. Merino. nonr Remus, Pettingitl,l4 days from Matanzas, with mo o ss s n oE CB Krnhs & dare from New Castle, Bel, With wheat to J Barrett & Boa Bohr llannah Barrett, Jowls, 2 days from Smyrna,Thil, with corn to J L &Imlay ClearTeleg_ropn. %loaner. 2 days from Smyrna, Del, with corn to Jas Barrett & Bon. Bohr Isabella. Moore, 2 days from Sassafras Bayer. With oats to J J Black. CLEARFD. Steamship Boston, Croaker, New York, J Alldordioe. Behr John Jones. Rogan. Nommoh.N Sturtevant & Co' s, Bohr It 0 Thwoom, Tomlin. N York. Reingier & Bra, nehr John ;ncial, Bucketloo, Greenport, .van DMIOUt Norton m Saar Fanny, Mayhew. Beaton, CI. Beoksher lc Co. Bohr B F ileevee. Carman. Plow York, Tyler, Stone, ' & Co. • Bohr S C Wiltette, Smith, Richmond. do. Bohr. Louisa Gray. Weaver. Boston, EinnieksOlf Glover. Bahr Crude. Ranear, New York. L Audenreid & Co. seer Arlo Smith..Norwion. 0, ding RR. Co.' Bohr Revenue, Gandy. Boston, lainmokson & Glover. Pont it 0 Porter, Smith, llowerioti s it • Hoes & Co. Sir Henry L Caw. her, Baltimore. A Groves. Jr. (Correerpondenee of the Philadelphia Exohange.) CAPE ISLAND. N. ~ March 3-7 PM. A large deeply laden ba , k ; brigs Wilms acid Ama zon—supposed from the British Provineem—o.4llo in and pease," up this morniag. Po vessels observed gown' to eon to day. Wiud dW. Weather hazy. Yours. TliUti. B. BIJOILES, MEMORANDA. Steamship Daiwa's, Cannon, hence, arrived at New York 31 inst. Barr Y'reinta & Fitelima. Wilkins, at New Fork. Ad inst., from Rio Jane int, Jan nth, With caeca. kxpsoi speed some heavy gales from fat SJ N u,. to ; lost bead limes and each, Bark r. I.`. Alexander, Merriman for Philadelpbm in 10 dere was at Cumberland Harbor 24 b ult. HMI Aaron t Harney Mi ler. fr,m montsgo Von Ja, arrived at irulnego- 19 h air bug k; zr ()atm-. for Philadelphia, to sail in 2 Wens, was at da ua ab 121 20th ult Erre 'den C men, Yifield. hence, at Trinidad de Cuba 14th ult. mar Samuel. Jones, at New York, Sd init. from Ban toll. Deo 27th, with coffee, experienced bean gales dunce the first pert .1 the attasage; split gar and sprung aleak. Nab= Modena RIM. Peterson, end Alert, ChalllPkOti hence, arrived at New York 3d inet. , ohr Sophie Godfrey, It eased. irom Buena Vista. NYm ar rißedra Th ow ia Bodn. e rlchtington, from Fall River for Philatiembia, at New York Si inst Ocihr C Moore. Ingersoll. hence for Norwich, and John Compton. Elliott, do for Pew Bedford, arrived at New t o k Set met. eallr W teen. Carlisle, from Darien, arrwed at Ci entue3o2 19th mt, sobr L is Wright, Bowers, cleared at Baltimore. 201 inst. for SaVahCalt. air C I; Alger. Fenton, Bailed from Alexandria, 2d Mac, for Philadelphia. ILLINOIS. LAND. _ ITO 114 Els FOR Till* IN DUSTRIOUS IN: THIE GARDEN STATE OF THE WEST. THE ILLINOIS CENERALRAILROAD COMPANY 1.200,000 ACRES RICH FARMING LANDS TRACTS OF FORTY ACRES AND UPWARD, ON LONG CREDIT AND AT LOW PRICES MECHANICS. FARMERS, AND WORKING MEN. The attention or the enterprising and industrious portion of the community to direoted to the following statements and liberal indneements offered them by the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANy; Which, as they wilt perceive, win enable them, by proper energy, Perneveranoe, and industry, to provide comfortable and permanent homes for themselves and families, with, oompamtively speaking, Tory little capi tal: LANDS OF ILLINOIS. No State in the valley of the Musivaippi offem so great an indrumment to the limier an the tame of Illi nois. There is no portion of the world where all of the conditiona of climate and soil so adnurably combine to produce those two great staples, corn and wheat, as the prairies of Illinois. RICH ROLLING PRAIRIE LANDS. ' The deep rich loarn of the prairies is cultivated with such wonderful facility that the farmers of the East ern and Middle States are moving to Illinois in great number.. The area of Illinois in about equal to that of Eneland. and the 801 l is so rich that it will support twenty milhona of people. EASTERN AND SOI/TRERN MARKETS, These lands are COnhgllollll to a railroad seven hun dred miles in length, which ow:moots with other roads and navigable Maori and rivers. thus affording an un broken oommunioation with the Banton and Southern markets. APPLICATION' OF CAPITAL. Thus far capital and labor have been appited to de veloping the soil; tne great resouroes of the State in coal and iron are almost untouched. The invariable rale that the meohanio arts fionrieh best where food and fuel are cheapest, will follow at an early day in Il lil9o/21,smd 'in the worse of the nextxen veers the natu ral Isms and usossuuties of the ones warrant the belief that at least fire hundred thousand people will be en gaged in the State of Illinois In the various manufac turing employments. RAILROAD SYSTEIR OF ILLINOIS. _ Over $100,000,096 of private cutiiitid have been ex- Winded on the railroad system of Illinois. Inasinuoti as part of the immune front several of thine wears, In a, valuable public fund in lands , go to ditninilh the State expenses, the taxes are light, and must consequently every day decrease. TEE STATE DEBT. The %ate debt is only $lO.lO/1,398 14, and within the bast three vacua bee been seduced Itidisd:rda 801 and we may reasonably !Invent that in ten year' it Will bo come extinct. PRESENT POPULATION. The State is rapidly filling tip with population ; assam parsons baying been added vino. 1810. making the pre sent population 1, 7 / 9 ,496—a ratio of /CI per cent. in ton YOBl7. AGRICULTURAL PROPUCTS. The airri oul other Statetui al products of Ninon,' are greater than those of any . The products sent out dur ing the pest year exceed 11 14t0 OCO tons. The wheat orov of 1860 approaches 35,9:10.000 bushels, while the oorn Drop yields not lees than 14e.000,000 bushels. g leg TILITY OP aIIIL. Nowhere can the induatrione farmer *inure euoh im mediate results for hie labor an upon these prairie lona. they being composed of a deep. nob loam, the biblitY of which ie uneurpmwed by any on the globe. To ACTUAL CULTIVATORS. Since 1864 the Company hone 01d 1,3i0 000 acres. They sell only to actual cultivators, and every contract emitainsanagreementtoerltitate. The pond has betll emeseruoted thr,.scg.h these lands at an expense of 930,- ouo,ooo fn. 1050 the poem/otiose of the forty-sine town ties :Armee which it prates was only 836 693. since tohich 414.143 have been added, nalkitil Vie iiikoie Poem^ lesion amesti—a snag of 143 per ceeet.74.l EVIDENCES OP PROSPERITY. As so evide , es of the thrift of the people, it may be stated that 600.001) tons of freight, Including 6.6 D) 001) bushels of grain and 01.00 barrels of dour, were for warded over the line hurt tear. EDUCATION, Meohanics and workingmen will find the free-sobool amain encouraged by the bistro and endowed rich a tarots revenue for the annport of Reboots. Their chil dren can live in eight of the church and scho o l houi e , and grow up with the preePerity of the loading Ritmo in the Great Western I.:ropire. FRICFS AND TERMS OF peyzatter, The origin! of these. lands Mary from SS W ..9111 per itera,ainsoiding to loaatton. quality, lea.'. Fnet-el.ien fanning lands sell for about 4,10 or ill 12 per sone; and the TOI 1 UV! expense ()limb ming prairie land, as .00ni eared with wood land. is no the ratio of one to tea to ta ro, of the former. The terms of sale for the bulk of these lantlewill be . . ONE YEAR'S PITEREST IN ADVANCE. at six per oent. per annum. interest notes at stx per cent. payable resseouvely in one, two, throe, four. Ave, ands': years from date of sale; and Toni' notes for -prznoitel. parable zn four, Ave, six. and 0, V01:1 years trum (1 , se of sale ; the contract stipula ting that one tenth of the tract mireltssed eball • be moan and encivated, each and 'Steil Year for five years from the date of oale. so that at. the end of Ave years one -bailsman be fenced and under 'cultivation. TWENTY Pea CENT. WIi.L BE DADUCTED from the valuation for oash, exeeet the /awe Monk) be at six dollars per sore. when the cash, orlon will bens. dollars, Fairishlets deseripttve of ttv lands, soil. climate. prodeotlone, prices. and terms of paymentoun he had on applioation to l. W. FOSTER. Land Commissioner, Illinois Central Railroad. Cidarwo, For the names of the 'Wylie, villages. cities situ ated upon the Illinois Central Railroad, see USN and L9O Appleton's Railwa pages Bel y ertude. 10/-tutlidtalat - pENE SHIRT MANCIFACITORY.-J: W. BCOTT, 814 CHESTNUT Otreel, a. law doors below the " Continental." The attention of 'Wholesale Dowers invited to bin IMPROVXD CUT Op 81118T8, of superior At. make, and material. on band and smuts to mat at shortest u nties . la 4-111 JOLLIVET, 1314 OBTSTNI7I' Street , , 41 . • has just reoetve4 a• large OW of Mead Drama, Wreathe and V and Bonne Flowers. hMmo...I.OLLIea reopeoifelly storcittoges that she o. wao imported a largoomrtatent of Froveh Cor t*. inhi-err 1 I 00() HAVANA OHIARS, Cora- . 9 prim Fir:aro, Pert 9449; Ctibanai. .. Ns9tuno,.Puncrbineoo, Palms, it Zan i r i i nt lilltif 0- ....-idetrown. -- - . ~.. eb,....... F irmessilkoierio, /80..1E94' • • Oinrinuo 9101iNtei 080 shreatLinot • firootym_ and for moo tow by . GnARLEN Tl9ll4''' MAIN - ''' • - • 180 WALNUT Stmt. REMOVAL.--hfoELROT'S PHILAD—EL- FETA CITY DIRECTORY OFFICE from 33 South SIXTH Street, to ST South SIXTH Stroot z a ow doors above. nala-et TnE PRESS:2="-PHILADETIPITUX-- ARRIVED nave for sale NEW ORLEANS (LA.) PIOAIDNE.- 1 . JOY.' D OE, & 00. Erre teen appointed Idle:agents. in Philadelphia for totteneivedy oirmilatins pardr,:of "opipespaidi miens& poentede, own SFS eArtertiltlng ti le bedeva. rue..,°A4,Tortiv, .7..074avpiz0& i nk WA atlas.? P.oeoe e dr al; .nbana' ldirore, y9r,b, , _ ... . , , . MURPITY-WHIPPLB IROlt•ElittroGll. azonik, tazokin, ec litatToN. no. Nog weltal u'r fan Eirp. ' rrfliAmp A, Ear /SaeLeo Walla ~..woad Cora lPenlelly WI ethers intereatoon tidriefwaultrutto the, genitor a mason in . "Rik . 1 01 - .MU W mop, tow or mid ineofitor or o above ini ' known o inia,bridgekaand aris jongaredlc• ste orders,' trout say tart of theront aniersonsl superintendeuse co. untry. f ids hater" roblihusio gra pant „..estlrostes should be reamed to J O nus - w 11 sit En_giver S•911-111n rer OWNED ORdialrf Jr. Uhl.. • 811 INSURANCE comtrAtmts. THEE. cIQm;EPAmr OF PHILADELPIM (FIRE INSURANCE EXCEIOSMEGY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING' 15,, Er: CORI4IIII FOURTH AND nuarvirr sraxErs. DIRECTORS: F. BATOR/OWD STASI,.IOI,OIteAt L. DAvraort, WILLIAM! MEAS. Zo. H. liquium. PULaso Flux's*. OHMII. Unowx, loom M. ATWOOD, B. A. FARDVITOOI, BIM. T. Ticanum, ri1i ,,,,„, Him wsasxceg. . ,_L. mom Y RATORIP R . AAR, Precedent ORARLEB W. ‘OO2LS /Secretary lan DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY SURANCE COMPANY. PIIILADELPHIA. Inooreorated by the Legislature of Penney Wants, 1241. Office B.E. corner of TitißD and WALNUT Meet& MARINE /NEURANCE, . . On Vessels, ... Cargo, To all parts of the World. Freight. . Iti',AND irisuitANCES On G oo d s by. Rive n . cosol o , Lakes, and Land Car riages. RE '1 to all pa l4BllrrsßA of theEB Union, FINc On Merehandise generally. On littores, Dwelling Rouses, &o. ABOBTO OF VIE COMPANY. November 1., - 1.100400 United Rtitetive i T cont. lean—.../01400 00 IMMO United Staten six cent. Treasury 10000 PrniittWawniitall accrued iatereetl imas . • Shp) 21,000 do. do., 21,90 12S-060 Philadelphia City s l i z x s ir omit Loan. 125,203 37 20,000 Tennessee State fi ve cent. loan- 24,000 00 50,00.3Pensuoylvsma 9d mortgage • six 5, cant. bowls gag 00 11.000100 shares, stook Germantown Gas Company, interest and principal guaranteed bv the City of Phila delphia-. • 15,300 00 00001 200 shares Penserlsxma Railro ad . 3 00 5.000 100 shares North COMPani Perinalvania.Esil. 900 road DE GI /4101) 80 shares Philsoolioria 7 ia2o.l. - Valid atsam Tug Company.- 1,211) 00 mse shares Philadelphia nue.Barro Grans Steam Tow-boa t Company. 500 00 500 2 shares _Philadelphia Exohorige Company- 136 OD 1,000 2 shares Con Wienial . Hotel Co.— 500 00 ---- _5550,701 par. Coat 21547,535.34:, Market 1i5i.D554431 n Bills receivable, for insurances 171,32515 Bonds and mortgages...,(.:. 84.000.°0' 'teal estate MaM4 rine Po 'pies. interest. and other debtor due .Company 51,021 02 Bony and stook of sundry , Insurance and other Comanies . Las 50 Cash on han d-in banks.-- -.....128,673 16 in drawer-.. Mil 55 • Miff 01 DERROTORSV • !Samuel E. eteidier Edmund A. /louder, /, 2.a atop Theoplubur Paulding. Henry Sloan, John'R. - Penrose, Edward Darling - km. John O. Davis, , R. Jones Brooke" James TrOrfurtiz, - ftsnoor rd'ilvearos, William Eyre, Jr., ThorsoMO: Hand: James C. Baud, &Alert Barton, William Co InalWiir Jacob P. Janes, ' Joseph R. Beale, /woes B. M'Parktrl, DrAt. M.Hasten, Joshua P. Eyre, Gerrit& O. LaMar. John B. Semple, Pittab'g, Hugh Cram,: D. T. Morgan. OhArleg Irebty, A. B. Berger WILLIAM M_ARTIN, tieddent. .271 , L-TROB,C. HAND. Vice esident, RY-TrYLBURN. secretary. nol7-tr COM P A NI Or THE !VLF OP4ENNOYLPANTA.-FIRD AND BERANOB- Nos. 4 AND Ex GRANGE BUI D trOSOI. - - - Charteresk 0200.000.--Feh.l Mal cash . same, 8438,79177. , All ' invested in sound and available .stiMintiesn. untie to insure on ;Vessels and Cargoes . Buildings. cooks of Meroliandise, on liberal terms. D/RECTORO. Henry D. Sherrerd. George Di Stuart. Simeon Toby, tranmel Grant, Jr., Charles Marmiester, Tobias Wagner William S. smith, Thomas B Willson, John B. Budd Henri G. Freeman, William R. white, - Charles 8. Lewis, George C. Carso n; HENRY D. SHERREZD, Prodding, WILLIAM BARPER. Secretary,. is.-gf F XOR AMU INSURAN , g 0 , iMPANY 11 —Office Nov. 409 %WALNUT Street.' FMK 21 , 18 GRA t l / 4 Gti on 'Emmert and Merehandbre generally, on favorable term', tither limited er 7Ar petual. DIREZTORS: • Jereinish Bonsall, Thomas Minh, /ohn Q. Oh:nod% Gharlea I lampeOdr Edward D. Roberts, Jam." T. Ma, Samuel L. Smedley. joehos T. Owen, Eenben.G. Hole; John J. Griffith'. ` JERuIf.TAR BONSALL. Yr... Went, JOAN Q. (iINNOIKI. Vies Pregnant RICHARD COB, ;Secretary. uItRE DISURANOE MB ~ —.OHAI4I.OB' R INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. No. 13S North SIXTH Street, below Rao& meure Build ings, Goodsand Merchandise generally: from- kiss or damage by Fire. The comp any guarantee t o adDist all tones proraptty, and thery hope to merit the patron- He tif the public, ....• DIZUCCIrOIte. William Morgan, Robert Flattfpui Francis Cooper, Michael Illebisoi, George L. Dongherty, Edward Clogovern jamas Martin, Thomas B.lioCanifilaE, James Hurons, Jean ,Vrontley. featthew_MeAleer, Fi Falls, • mud sarerty, Je anie linCescsd, • homes I Hemphill, Renard H. Sulsernall, Thomas, Fisher Gries Clare. Francis Melllanr Molise Cahill, __ __ .RANCIS COOPER, President. BERNARD RAF ERTL Secretary. oratl.6m AMERLJAN FLECK INSIIH.ANOE 00., . INCORPORATED 1810 CRARTER PER- Pwr u . . No. 3 / O . WAL.NUT Street. above Third, Philadelphia. Ravine ii large paid-rip Capital sicook and surplus, invested in sound and available Neountiwoontinu.s to insure on Dwellings, ester's. Furniture, merobeeeiee, Vow& m rt po and their narrow, and other persona/ property. All lowa liberally and invmptly WM/nod. DIEZOTOIIB. . • Thos. E. Glans,jOhn T. Lewis, • John Welsh, jamas R.. 11. Samuel g, Morton, . Edmund G Dutilh,. rabriak Brady, Chap. W. Poultney, Israel Morns. TRONA S MARIA, President. ALBERT C. B ...cßastrywitn, Seoretary...:feß-tf , . A iiTHRADITE INSURAIidE : 13(NittpA. j a!hpruged Clisitsl 41 4 000104—CHARTRI oftlaelitiZ $l.l WALNUT Street, between Third and. Trug5,..281.• Philadelphia. • Fire, on Du l dilYisriiirnitirrZ a m tdWrigiandiTpeiginZ ra Zo - Marinolnsurissoies on Veers Is , ;tad Freights. Inland oe to ail parts 'of tYttlen. 'DS leech Esher, Joseph M _ ewileid . D. Latherrt John Ketcham; I..'Andenried, John R. Blidaston, Dons Pearson, Win. F. Dean ' Peter Dieser, 7. B. Baum. • Jacoll BRIZBR, President. EAN vice dent. W. M. SMITE. Ileeftta t r:: .° ' EItIOVAL.--TIIE PENN 11111TUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY have removed to . their new buildir ~N o. RS/ CH - Fant UT Street. dwelt over gime Charter perpetual. . ALL.THE PROP' TS de r ided nenontst the Mined. POLICIES lamed this year will participate JP-the:Di, tined to be deobared in January next. •The Comtism has full authority to act as Executors, ..Admimptrate nh Animas.m Unandlau and Trustees for married women and Waldron; DANIEL L MILI t hII Fretadettt. • • ULM,. STOllk..ll, Vice Pratt. JAEN W. Ifolizont. Secretary. MEDICAL EXAMINERS in attendance daily. from I to 2 doiook P. nos SAYING FUNDS. S7/1410 FUND- 7 41NT PEE, CENT. IN TERErm—YeATIONA.I. SAFETY TRUST-COM.- PANT, WALNUT Street, soutbweateorner of Third, Philadelphia.P Incorporated by the State of Peruisri- Money is received in any sum, large or small, and in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of .with draws!. The office is open ever, day:from nine Woks& in the morning till five o'olook in the evening, and on Monday end Thuroday_oventuto melt o'eloodr. Eon. ESN ..Y BENN.eII., Preeident. ROB EIRT SR L.FRIDGE, Vice President. Wittraw J. Rats, IdeeretalT. Bon. Henry L. Benner, F Carroll Brawater„ ilizaAdslaireArstr, 7,45: . B. te try, Simnel K Artiton Joseph Yorker!, • .111 Landreth Munk AWE L. idtoPlMniOn t :TheeMoney is received and PsyMente conformity Investment+, are moth. in with the provisions of the Charter. in Real Esters Mortgagee. Ground Bents, and such Stet-ohms securities an will always insure_perfeet security to the depositors. end whroh cannot . fail to. MVO permanency and stability to this Institution. ipm Al% MIN 8 t VING 'FUND, ' No. -n- 136 South - FOOPTEI - Street, between g ' lns eat itititt i omr;:l ll . l3" ' 2 . ___ . . 11 il ".164a51 Pa" all i - Depositors' money 550 u...... : .• Government, , 53 State . - and City_Loatut. G ro undßents, Mort - f • This Uornpany deeins Safety better Man tarp a `profits. connequenchr will: run nu Mk With Aepo a attors' money but have it at all times reedy to return with 5 ner neut. interest to tbe owner, o ea , they hese always done. The Conm any i niliser sonspended. - - .... 1 Females, married , or single, and Milian ' nan • : deposit in then. own right. &intend' deposits sat. -' Ol be withdrawn out: by thew eons.? t. ei Charter sereetnai. innor..oratad b..! thetiltate ~.. et f l onns.losnis.; with Austerity to remiss wmoney from trustees and executors. _:. g LA RGE AND SM A f LOU b. s DISCEIVED.- s. Offloe, open daily, tram 9to 3 o'esont, and on ' a -Wednesday evenins until 8 o'oleek. g DIRECTORS. a antion D. Shannon, Cyrus Cadaraill+r, I John iSbitd•er Georte Rus.ell. - -=,...-- Atalnehi. A_ bliann_ , Chaves Liming,: a' Jfkretnllth COMM t. §it tt Delany, ' ol i rilelinGSo nittenhoipe, . a th an Deemer, Jos. R. Satterthwatte. Jones Yorke*, : "JohttAlexander. ' JACOB B. itiljt.NNON. President. II ' aUtry CALIMFALLADR333 :reaserer. f ":14 DMA? raved ** t.pp , •. e~ rd." FIESINESS 'CARDS 0. 102. ' • W 110. 102 B. C. ORTIONOTON ' . • NO. 1084 2 Ura e s are Pricks' C. s Dealer la Imported and Domestic CItiARA. The choicest brands conetantty on kneel. And ell artiolee of the Trade. Entranea 1110111 T. B.:Pneh'it. nook/teller and 8 4 ailoner, felil-lm ... . . . Pd O.: L 1 L AN. ATTORNEY-AT- M LAW; SE RPE.Y ERORE.. Pennsylvania. 0 0011t40111 Colloolona promptly made In Clinton and i.. 7 00nlang - t XIitTOILI TO NOW& p alter it Kann, thdadalPnla :I. Ifi Humes,. Esq.. Jersey, Share •• _Messrs. dareroit k eil.. Pailfuls. EhalTeer.7 Ziegler. & Co., Philada •: Priehmath Jr. Co ' , Weds.; 1.... a. Mammy. Loot ...oven ; -Yaid, Othaore, & Co., Phibula.; Thatoher & WoOdrop, Phila4a.: Rey nolds, Howell, & Rear. thdida. 11815-am irIZORGE J- RENKICLB, ITPHOLSTERY :Vl_ and CABINET W ARBUOV§B, No , 6'44 WAlp NUT kAreet, ePPOIRtO independerloo &MATO, ronnerlY of No. 113 Com/tont *Wein. tloladelohis. jon-3ro. JOHN ELLIOTT, WINES and Liquoßs, Nos. 317 and 319 WALNUT Street, (basement stored. between Third end Feurtb, forth aided Phile dolphin.. N. B.—Fine Old Whaales always ea head. (Eetablulied in MIL) WO* ILT COO[!; e iWAY COOKE & CO., notrAIR KE R Re kr .bel _ sin (First door north of i ta Pffirfa,Mini.k. pAwsozi & NICHOLSON, . 1300 3IRINDERS, Nom. 519 and 591 MINOR Street, ~ Between Mmikat arid Chemise' street* PHILADELPIII.A. ,/:ASSES PAWSON. JAIL NICHOLSON. jyV-Iy* IZSBM SPEEDY AND SURE °lna m ,WITHIN tH&Xit 14BACTI. As then Testimaisiati an waselicned 14r. EWALD -am. aom 41/Vr4 .- ati4kastitivitible prbrif of the siE• 6:0 of this truly seitatilic discovery. Ms. Er &Immo. htasoavrir.s.' Dona.. Rat% h. mettried:Tour t i eobaliaPilla. ram titer'moot yowto mad me two donors wortfrmore. Part of them are for the neighbor*. to whom Mtn a few of the are box i sot from you. Bend the Pills by raw), anti ob ire Your obl 6e rant • .f KENNEDY. iPALDnea. / more bnz oryourCAphottio *Ave teccivali a2STilit deal eV ben ! Iron Merl. -- • Yours_rp apse' tftedy. PaN.Y ANN STODIROUBIL . . . Bes es COIINTT, Pa _Yointillplesse Bead itielwo boxes of roar Cephalic ntli. Sated there hameitetels. • 19 " "417. "Vito: B. lamome. P. S.—. I have- reeestred entsb ex 4f your Pitts, and "ad BistwiriciNON, Oblo, /348611 WC: Apennine; 800. • - _ Flew - find maimed twenty -rive offliturkf , T,whioli ofesrd me another Do_A of your Beeheno rills. 27tov aro truly the boot Pills gave over tried. Minot - A. errOVER, P. M., • • Belle Vernon. Wyaudot co., 0. /611114. Dees k9&9. 8. 0 . I wish.for moms circulars or large show tobdrus roar uestaita Pills more ipartiOMMlY Were In; Ong tamers. - If - you have anything of the kind please send m e. One of my customers- who is subject to severe Riot Headache. (usual) lasting tiro days.) rasa cured of an attack is oar boar by your which I sent her. Reepeotfalir .7013ra. - EsiraY C. SPALTorie_ l NO. 48 cedar st., N.Y. • MLitt Ota: inclosed find twenty..kve cents, (25.) for. which . send box of send to address of Rev. Win. C. Filler. Iteynoldsiwrg. Franklin Co:, _o. Yotir Pills work like a okartn—cora Altaaao,to almost MK. Braman. era Not long ailyto I Dept to Yea fors box of Copbabo Pills for the cure the rterrotte Read no and oaattranaas, end removed the stone, tart -they had so good an affect that I was isulneet to seatt,for "lore. Please send by return flout. Direst to JL WHEELER. Ypsilanti. Mich. . Wei Ms amo ur. Nottaik; ra. Cephalic PM; 'adoompliati' the obijoirt for. which they were made. ma.: Care of headache 111 all ita forum . . . . Awn, the .Examimer, Norfolk, .2 • Muir have been term' la more than a thoinutd'disisww With entire witsoWeiL • • .ffom the , Armotrat. 51, L4ovd ; Misty, If you are. or hove:bee* troubled withlhe hoodaoho, rend ror a box , "Cephalio Pills,' ao that Jos may ham them in case of as attack. Ftons the Advertiser, Previdever;l4l, - emchelle Mlle ark laid a d d areinerhablicllkM. Mrs dy for the headieheone albs very beet or 'hat very frequent complaint whit* . has ever been' discovered. From the Wester* R. R. (Muni, Chiiagoll. ' We heartily endorie Mr. Spalding. era his unrivalled Cephslus PAIL . • • /Vont Ike Kaltatekg• Tolley Star. Kamewha, 'a. - whoSOTO that Demos 'tutoring with the kentlaoho r try them,. will snot tu them. ,F} 4 . o7s t4a, Saaqiera - Pati t Ander, New 00eaar, La. Try 401111 )01/ Oat*" stained,. and We Aniline' that inir testimony can - bc.-towd to ;no airevir minim= hat that bita received benefits that no other medicine can prodime. rs* Ike-St—Louis .Derneersi. The immessi deitasid for the, &Trish, (Cephslio FMB is rapidly maracas. lhom thi - gazette; Daventiort Tetra, Bpoldinn wond not connect him Berne with on ar hole he did not know to Damao real ment. born the dderrtiser, .Providsoce, B. 1.. The teetnnoay to their favor rt slam& from the mast respectable quarter,. From Os Daily Nook - Momen t R. L Cephalic) Pills ere taking the *Lee of all kinds. *on tio Connurcial Riti loft. Batton. Mass, Bald to be very eitianoiona for the hettacoe. From the Commercial, Cincinnati. oAie. natrertns kunzanity can now to retiovial. itir A. Single boll)* of SPALDING'S • PREPARED GLUE will *ern 'ten tintentheir win anntailyAlk: SPALDIN'G'S PREPARED Gian . „ SPILDD , DPS PREPARED GLUE I v. G. stoolisian SPALDINTS PREPARED GLUE! ECONOMY: SAYE THE PIECES; DI/JP/TOIL IIEP" A &mom me Timm &vas DI/JP/TOIL As ACKfidetAll bamem even in well-rerolated families. it is mr deeirable to have some ohm* and convenient may for repairbas Furnitnne. TOWS. Crooke_ r!. aco. SPALDING% PRNPARED OLD% wets eau pooh oworgepolot, a tta r n honaeliold OWL afford to leigtOut it. as. attar. ready. and up to the litiokuig Point. • • • USEFULUS IN EVERY HOUSE. " DentelL EL—A eniesniee each bottle. Frio*, SI Address. RANEY 43- ALLOINEP• NO. 48 CEDAR STREET, NEW YORE'. - • .CAUTION. • _ •'• • • - -• • _ As ciortain unirunsiolso persons arc attanumpg slum off 64 assuputins Ititlititt*'Sf* '.l ll t$PA/tell GLIM V . n o i aointion i nkaionpeL r fifer. amine bofore motioning, and MOO that the follniiiniti IKr BPAJLDLNGII PRE.P.AiLED GLlTifi4 is on tho ontoids wrapper; MI other; Cr.moindlion coIUGOIKOIIIL fiell•tt MEDICINAL , CEPI:14;LIO PILLS OHBA _ : SICK HEADACHE. NERVOUS HEADACHE, uuiue ALL KINDS OP HEADACHE! By the nee of theme Pill' the periodic* attacks of Nor taxa or Sick Headache may be Prevented ;• and if %kin at the commencement of. an attack iminediate relief from pain and elokneme will be obtained. They seldom fall in removing the Nausea and Head ashe to whioh females are sosubJeet. - They act gently on the bowel', removing Costivomess. For Le - wary Men, Sierelsieta, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary habits', they arayaluable,ag a - Laxative, improving the appetite, riving tensisnd Oleo, to the dirmarie organs, and restoring the natural elas tioity and Strength of the wools aniteat. The OEPHA.L.I4 PILLS an the remelt oppligingesti ration and carefully concluded experiMentlit baying Peen in use many years, dame which time they have Prevented and relieved a vast amount of: pain and ratreting from Ifehelliche, whether originating in the syeteni or from a deranged state of tim are- • .• Vivre entirely vegetabl e . in their composition, ind =fr . taken at all times with perfect safety without MIT ehmise of diet, and the ammo of will dila irwalf tan. renders it eats ;to administer teem tie Imidrogi, BBWARB OP 0017NTIRPKETE1 The genuine barri Ave frignaturedr of Henn' BOhi billnsiinsti sad all otion Degas la Medicines. A liox•will be sons by mail Psi aid on reakii4 of the .PRIOE, 15 GENTS AU order' ahoid• a ad•s••••i f. HENRY CI SPALDING., ,46 MAX: =BIM PiNW YORK THE FOLLOWING ZNDORISEMENTE OF's CEPHALIC, PILLS, WILL. 4 302441NCH ALL WHO SUPPER FROM 11EADACHE. THAT A RAMMOB.D. Pa.. Feb. 41. asyNol,9999ruh Fitanxidir Co., Ohio, January 9,1661, Truly Yourml FILLER YPIThApTII Mies., Jsa.ld 1861 • WAY LIMBS. For Trenton, 'me.. at TM A. M.. 3, 436 and P. it'll; from Renzington. For_Paimyra, - RIVCIROII, Delano.), Beverly, ltarline rnvlorenee, Bordentown, Ats., at IBC 3, 434 and 6 Igni'or New York, and WM Lines leave Kensington Peisot. take the yam. on Fifth street, above Walnut, hah an take befoTe deßartare. The. Gan ran into the denti: sa i w aid on arrival °reach train, nu' from the depot. Pounds of Baggage,. only_, allowed each Tanen er. Item are Prohibited from takingsaything as gisge but malt wearc: apparel. All baggage over pounds to be mud or extra . The Company limit she responebinty_for litigate One Dollarper Pound. sad not be HMO for any amount beyond RIM ex oept by ePeeial aontaaat. • no/9 , • • WM. R. GATZHIBR. Agent. t ar ! 1 - ifititi ORANGE OF ROVES. * —PHILADELPHIA. W IL- Wire ! N, AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD. . pni and - after MONDAY:, F_Mlaufl , - 1 - - PAspEricula - TRAINS LE.A.A. .7 Fo oora ' at SAS A. M.. -12 nail . d AIN P m For Cheater at&lb A. M..2n00n:4. fi end' 10.60 For Wilmington at 8.16 A. M.. It n00n.4.M and MAO F. M. , 'For New Castle at 8.12 A. M. and.4ls P. M. For Middletown at 8.16 A. M. and 4.1 e P. M. F or. Dovoi- At LIE A. M. and 4.15 P.M. For Biarrigmton at 8.15 A . M. For Milford at 8.15 A. M. for Farmington at 8.15 A.M. For Seaford at 8.16 A. AL For Balusbnry at eaa A. ML. ._, _ ,I. i .. Tic eitie`FOß ,P)ILLe DELPHIA renive'Beltimore at 8.10 A. M. fErpreas), /0.15 A. M., and 540 P. M. -•Leave lailmington' at 7,10 and 11.30 A. M..." 146 and :11.110 P. M. Leave Salisbury at 1.30 P. M. Loges freafor4.At 2.50 F: M. " Leave Farmington at Lio P.M.! Leave muford at 4P. M. Leave Harrington at A.MP. M. Leave Dover at 9116 A. Me and 5.25 rim. t o ss* Middletown ale 05 4, M. and 6.10 P. M. Leave :OM Castle at II A. M.. tar. Al. Leave C heater at am A. M., 12.04_2411, and 9•P. M. -Leave Baltimore for Sa lisbury and uelamare Railsoseat 6...w.P,.K. .. , TRAINS FOR BALTIMORR • LAVIA Chester at 5.45 AJIL; 1248 anAILIO . P.M. Leave Witsmeton- at 9.16 A. 2 11 1:.12 22'.P: M., and 12 A. DLL FREIGHT. TRAIN, with Pomander Car attached, - : . , ..• ..... will ran : ,asifolloye: bldfce PhillAilliihia' for Perryville said ft* edit place. aril int: - -Leave Waminfiton Ito.- lead imiemadlate pleas at I P. tn.. Leave Wilminetoil for flitlanelptua i and intermediate. plata at SH P. N. LiNgto,mutimr for Havre-dei-Gritee and intermediate I• ' • .... ON' BMWDAYIT :, - , • ' • On a Ma. P. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. • .at AIA T. Al. fro m Baltimore tkrhilMelphia. 1 ' ' B. AL FBLTON. Praidat. WINTER ARRANGE 1' 1• 18TOW A 111. BNT — PLADELPHIA, NORRISTOWMRAILROAD. On an.l after HONDA Y Nov. 12. 1880, FOR GERMANTOWN. Lielive "Philndelphin,“s, 1,8, 9. 10. 11, and 12 A. M., 1, r 2,334. 4,1; 634, Irq7,B:9,4oM, L and ,F P:11 1 1. Leave Germantown. 6.7. 114 R. 8 . 9 10. 11 and 12 A bLi B. 4, d• 6, dii6l 4 B. ri f and vw 8 NDA Leave Philadelphia, LOS min. A. 3.1.,1, 7. and /0/9 999 P. Oannantown. 630 nun. A. M., 112 mmin., 6. and • CHKEITNUT HILL .RAILROAD. Leave. Philadelphia, 6,8, la, and 12 A. 21. , 2, 4. &8. and WM P. M. Loave Chestnut HID, 7,'10. 7.21, .t 3.40, and 9.40, and HAN A. M.. 1.40, 2800110. and 8.40 P. M. • ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.06 4.. 73,2, and 7P. M. Lague Chestnut CU. TAlnill, A, M., 2264, 1.40, and 93LUttn. P. . • 'FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philsaelphia.9.Bo. 7%, M. and 11.(21 nun. A. M., 1.000.01, 4. 4 4. &W. and IL% P. M. Lo ws Norristown, 8. 7 , & 06 , and 11 A. M. 13‘, 418. and.,6 P. M. • ON SUNDAYS. Leave Phiiadanstaia, 9 A. M and 3 P. M.. for Norris- Leave Noirietown,T34_44: M. and B_P. FOR ANAYUNK; tatana 8.80, 73f._ 9.(21, and 11.415 A. M.. 1.178; 2.05, &SC 4.%, &08.,11% P. M. Leave Mannsunk, W. NC &88. 9M. 11% A. M.. 2. 8%, & 11%. and 9% X. M. ON SUNDAYS. 'Awe Philadelphia 9 A. M., 3, and 7 P. M. Leave Marian*. TM_A. M and P. S L g Eldi . PH,_Garkeral Superintendent. next.t; ,DMP . 9T.• NINTH. and GREEN Streets. N ORTH PENNSYL VA NI& RAILROAD. FOR BETHLEHEM, DOYLBSTOWN_, MAUCH : ORIBIR,JIAZLETSHI. an d EcKLEy. B THAIO UGH TRAINS. Oh Mid after MONDAY. Dmiember 3.1616, Pameriger Trawl-win /save FRONT aad WILLOW Streets, del dail i k, CBAndeas eXceetedi, s • 6.M A. ~ (Azineee) t for Bethlehem, Allentown. oh Chunk. Hazleton. 6zo: ' • ••t24/1 P M., (1310601/. for Bethlehem,. Fenton, &-e. - z - nU train reaolves tiptoe. ate I'. M. and makes aloes oonnesnion with New Jersey. Central for New York. At 6Y. AL; for Bethlehem, Allentown: Blanch Chunk, At 91 0 M. and eF. for Dorleotown. .tG. . M., for Pp weal:unstop. • The' A. M. wee& train makei close Oonneotion with the Lehigh alley Railroad at Beth/shears, being tle heretesi , and -Meimteatrable -mine to all stoutly in ra.R. - PHILADELPHIA. Leave Iretblehem at 6.0 A. AL, 9./6 A. M., and BM awe aorleerbawn at 7.16 A. M. and &X F. M. beams YonWeenincton at 6.411 A. M. • tift'SlTNl l AYlL—Floaladelphis . for Fort Weehinzton SUM A. M. • • - Philadelphia for-Doykkatcrwa at I. P. M. • Dorlegown for Phi/mu/Mehl& at 7A. M. _ Fort Washinatiatt for Philadelphia at 9.46 P. M. Fate to Bethlehem -. e1 50 [fare to Manch Chunt.S2 66 :ire to Easton ._:_.. IOD Fare to Dorleetown., breath- Tioketa -meet be pr urea at the . Ticket ors, at WILLOW Ntreet, or BERES Street, in order to !goitre the above rates of fare. • Paseenaer Traip. (except Bundail li 'rains) connect at: Berks. S treet with Fifth and -streets, and, Babond,and Third-streets Peaseracer dreads, twang> smut.. aßer leaving Willow Ptieet. - - ELLIS CLAIM, Arent. lialiti PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAH, ' RAIAIRI TRAINS for POTTSVILLE, READING, and HARRISBURG, on and after Nov. 6th ISOO. &OWINv G LINES, DAILY, Minden exceptedi r e New Ikea.: stereos of BROAD and CALLO - RlLLPBtretita. PHILADELPHIA,(Pasie antra/cum on Thirteenth and on .Calicrobill streets at BA. M., tionpecting at Harrisburg with the PEN NSYLVANIA RAILDLAD. 1 P. M. wain running to Pittsburg, the CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1.05 P. M. tram om, to Chambersbu ix, Darliale, Zio. P. M. and the NORT m HERN CENTRAL RAILROAD 1 m train, running to Sun tmii, Mo. • APTERNDON GINE& Leave New Depot; corner 'of BROAD and CALLOW MILL Streets, PRILADELPHIA,(Passenger entrants/is on Thisteelitk and on Cggjowhill streets.) for POTTS 'II.LL_E and HANDISBURD_,_iit xate. ILY, for Ji KS 'ONG only, at - 1.30P. Si., DBILT, (RundaYs ex cepted:l = - - DISTANCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READING RA PROM PIIILSIBILPHIS. MiIIROAD es, - ToThtezpWville--.-- SS PARMA—. --....... NI Philadelphia /lad Readial Lebanon —-- - 88 and Lebanon Valley R.R. Harriaborg—.....-111 10_apphin ----..........12{ ' millemburc— Northam Central. Trevorton Junction-IEI ItAdrod. rorbiuy—. -...—me thomborland ..-371 WhIDSIT ................. 178 Mae ....4..... oars. Pa' fitlilialOtt&" rt ....... .-- ....JOS ST .. 'Jerset_Shore-...........8811 'Look Haven --- -.Jag -Nalstmal- • Troy__---1181 IVll4amoort and Elmira Elmira- --. ~..288 itallroad. • The 8 A. Niandasa F. M. tle. connect daily at i l Port Clinton. Itureloys excepted. with the CATA WISRA: WU/ lAmsPORT" , . mid RIE RAILROAD. INitMose wanes/Dona with lines to Niagara Falhh _,_the.Wmrt and ftuthweat. POT IN PHILADELPHIA : Corner of BROAD watt CALLOWEILL Streets; itallalf W. H. McILHENNEY. Secretary TWA I=l _ . PENNSYLVANIA OENT R A L , „ Veit it 1L __ _as 4 1861. ...a. -.1861. inpc : ipir ig rzy OP Iflp-ROeiatitQt UAL • E T figi l i t p eilliphijr p ; ' p it a ' er, il m aiStr i t r V oit ' e elp2ipi; Wit Th re l og i irk: mon pert at Pitialegg wi Through Thump to and usbn inau se g.:ito in the isle::ix.l,e,drthwariesiltoa,:mdr-olkorinbythiranyeai .I.gbas gag gu ath ls ~..hae for t he t of pa • ligtAuage. ._- • - - ? ant Pan Litter rah threaglt le Pittsburg, i i igeof °steer ctoe4netp, re. ;dig thrheArilig-' r. , Trews previpl e rnth Lou tte No, tweet lower t control o the enlarge% as adding mach to enaferr ef traveuan k _ ~. ailM, anuormsxagra are agoached toszolirttailijzoirga e l3 / 1 913 Illitralfail sntFastAines. Bans -frt e griaaVeaPhils*elphis at &Oil A. M. '• , Lim. : ` • - wet AL Trethigpvii " Meth ..& rgAY -- gs.ori LISAVB Air r Ofd wilt aiga Agoautgaegation, via Cohunbia„ 9 P. X • iambi* arkeshart - " • ' WO P. Id. • est , Chteter Passengers will take the Mail. DrsParkes -Afxsommodab,o4., audgcLumbia, Trews& . m,11"01014,tra7".11 te u =glo ga l l ei ll e4te lk igt ails" s st me . . d 3 . ie. go eiretnir through. Tin Wespiar_dthay be. attuned aktheolleasof_the pompon, in rnuadalphia, Dew York, memos, so ma it.b..atintore ; an o akkets wstward at any of the important ie the wait ; •also oiLboasi any of the ri—iiiciat—lft• of St4MORS OR the mamaneel or Ohio 91P - ahrathas ley, and lbw as Way as log run "r.tWae . - . : lift r ll o r r-114,1ur uiforinatitre_saaly at the artmager eta idian„Wootheast. denier Of moment& and aterheN Etrgeta. ne•tottshmto or thy' Wes tern sonntaitions or the Itstivart 0 ratit l ygth s 491) IN! thit'seettergon ii ;mks tay taw igauma ggragaw at ?Maher& avoiding all drama, or roman. of:l%A, togetbremiththeseving or o tjme. are :Avant'? , pp% .DI IsR!IR1.0.11T I Freight. and th to and Skippers antra ins the trailsoartegien 44their Freight to this Comsat y. can MY With mud " eP/%ll%thra _RE P REP to /1 Seat say Nam 5 6" le the z eat by the Peraerrhania - aro m Rig roses_ es .rstoirraik es sr* aliargoot 01/ ether Railroad soiapaaitos. .air_- Be sartiesiar le nark paidingat" via Penna. Wall , Wm Thillit Cedirafer ekiarthigratm— oho, eh* th. er wremeltker arr the ef the Mg.. i d. A! kr9 WW- 1 1 , 5410 Al '' :- gar getAneetille, -; J. :tP Xtteer U.; eti- e eimy, Nellie; )4 Ormsby_ ... . porar am g h , 4) 4 rag eate 4,,,izzagreen , . . - vi A m. W.if it ql bk.. A. ith. a. m.m..... 0.; Attlee, ds . pl avaron i' E. "Wire; Vie,- av Ic 7 frb , l7" — lie, a, Ind.. gratata .h..M., - 31,: g4,Braiite. ;gtigifreallittrint Vain • • Lem; P gams - elste,_ °imago, moz. IL_JI. killing ' , Aug% Ltrrftwit_Agenta of reureigi at (=rent male . R/VOTON, J r Plialus. • GRA St ROO Norm stribliltiatiaaTlN R & CO., Leiter Route; or lE. 1111844 Ns,. Et LERCH OO., No. 8811tateitieelloinott.- - IL ILAC:M018, (teal -1? ht Ag -eL Pktla. Am. AIL er-,e, gen 1 Muta lent rmii. Xi . Wail thwt _ t /laen le nd,_ - ' ist-/Y . • mainim- WE ST OHNICENR prit,,A, .14I1cADE,LP7LI1 VI.URCED2A: • MINTED. - . 0 .0ft1.14.0E, difdirr t . • - at Prom northeast stoner ot . geguatenth and Market On and after Sunday. Nov. 25,th 1 949. the trains will leave the northeast corner ofriteenth a n d marlmt streets at 7.40 A. Al., 2 And AM . WlEdays at dAtipt and 2 ad. its4l.6 maelphm., at - 7.40 A. Al. and f asp -., WeAneedwys islld amardsr at ,a il MI oatthestat Ponn.eltim. wide thilktiadelpfs and .12a110- oom Ceatrlll stairroad, for oononre *num Avon daae. Oxford. ke*. ite. jaNitY WOoIL a ,.........,._...._. _ NO _ , - ehmeral anaerintenesnt. rmLAND:: ERIGHT : LINE TO 'NORVOLIC- AND , •• - - FOR TRIO SOUTR.-OHARL ES TON AND'SJIYANNAH STEAMSHIPS. - • FREIGHT REDUCED. Se freht at an average of girvian per cent pcii l ow Ivry ey ork Steamship tete*. Bills Wort for goods for points other thou the cities of Charleston and Savannah, must be aceonwahied with certified invoices, to insure prompt delivery. FOR CIIeRL ft. C. The U.S. Mail Steamship KEYSTDNE STATE, Capt. C. P. Marebtnan. yid sail for Charleston on Saturday. March 9, at 10 o'clock A M. FOR eAVANNAIf. OA. The U. S. Malt steamship STATE of GEORGIA, Caw nib John J. Garvin. will ball for Savannah on Sa turdayt March 16, at 10 o'clock A. M. gar tioods reoeived ever- day; street.lls of Lading sisnedat second wharf above Vine spitmaeo first-masa side wheei /Steamships RE y. STONE STATE and STATE OF GEORGIA now ran as above every two weeks. thus forming a weekly tom munioation with the South and Southwest connecting with steamer for Florida. and .with railroads for New Orleans and intenuedistsymnta, Freight and° on a large proportion of Goods shipped South will be found to be lower by these ships than by sailing vessels. • Itururamos on all Railroad Freight is entirely nnmecessary, farther than 'Charleston or Savannah. the. Railroad Companies taking en risks from thews points. GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE. Fare by this tomb tote per sant oheaper than b 7 the. Inlatid. Route, as will be seen by . the followiht schedule. Through tickets from PhiLadeltan a VIA Charleston and SavAucch stparnahip., from oo the whole route, except from Charlartor and Savannah to Montgomery VIA t HAttLYSTON. vIA sAvAeIIIAR. To Charleston—.. OM 00 To gaeaanAh.....— • ..111 Ot IT II Augusta.:— 17 53 Colonibta _ M _ __. 50 00 a tton—... IS 00 Atlanta-- ... It 00 Atlanta— 21 CS tantgomery 25 00 Columbus — L...— SI 00 00 .albany.. ......:. SS 0 00 ew .19 Montforltln7 —..• Nashville.... 2/1 !debits Ogi Knoxiae.— —• 30 New Orient's.. 3i ye Mem 31 la B. B.— saellogere by this pante' VOATIOCI with the In land' Rosso in - Pootti cpaTdiaia tiod Georgia. travelling by the same conveyances theist* to NOW Orleans. Bo balsa lodine signed after the ship mks owed. No freight received on the day of railing. For freight or pNlitsge app!, to ALEX. EPROM Jr. .2r. CO: • -NO. 126 NoRIIittiWICARVES. Agents in CharlestonT.___R.k T. G. _111).. .• Savannah. MUTTER & GAmmELL. TEIET3RATIfiIrTND NORTH SHIM AMERICAN ROYAL IdAl4. STRAM wanar ft'sVe TORE TO Wye/treat.. chief Cabin Pelsage---• • • - • • •• • .. ....-- GM mooed Cabin Peasants -.—..... - le nuom BOSTON TO XIVRRPOOL. PChief Cabin Paula:vs_ -......_ —4130 ecsoptl Cabin lem•s eg O— .--................... 00 The lips from MS* York sell at Cork Harbor. .1 he &lips from Boston call at Rabies and Cork Bar bor PYRRI A, Capt. J ankins. IA F RICA. CRI4. Shannon. ARABIA. Caßt. J. Mons. !CANADA Ce_pt• Long. ASIA, entft. b. G. Lott. IA ER /CA,'Catit. Irtaodfe. AIJB I RALAFTAN. a GA RA . Ca. t. A hderson C&pt. E. hf. frio•firler. f *OPAL Capt. J. Lettoh. OCOTIA. (now riding) There vaaaale °arr. a clear white 13,12 t at mast. head ; green on ine.morild bow; red on port boy. AKE IIiJA JtVEITRALASI 4 , rle ' A 4N °Ay- leave, Boston, WedneedaY • mar. 4 •Heeklers " N. York, W e rdaeadar, Mar. iti SIAGFA RA, Moodie, " Boston. w needay, Mar. 70 *Rasta. Steno, "N. York. W.:facade", relsr 77 CoNAD,A, nder•on," Roston, W ednratlay, April 3 APD 111, Elbaonon, " N. 1 oft', Wetlnerual , April iu r k ftROPA. Cudem ook. '" Roston. tly •cseeder.Aorti 17 is!' . Js. " N. York. Wednesday, April .24 • rills not swooned until pald for. . It feeiirneglicifdioa:gr,rinvicatt.....table for Go'd• Filyer, bullion, Speo Is, Jewelry, Precious Stones or hietela, Dales' bills of jading are slatted therefor. and the value thereof thereto eipreseed. For freight or Pl in ilen ti4 4 . o4 EIDDIY 10 K. n o III:A / 1 ..„1_/. . 4 Bowling Gree FE wr rk ~........m0........., ......... ,_..........,.. 6„.....6......... &Ramo FintZIRA.II°E47EI--- MIRA R.4l_l.lloAp. • , QUICK EAT ROUTS to iirtlagia italrialft. _E pert, Wilkoatuarret_ iti9nintony a genr it, Matey& lialneeort. Truzi .ialgton. toil antra alo, WA:Num.,. fra3* pxoneater. C avaian..etrol oledo, 0. St. Lowe, llitivrankee and all launta I4orth atig . _ lii,jl l =nger trains will I 'to the new Deior. spf the Phi a and will corner BROAD and C., WEILL itraeta,,..__ ..(Paaairitzer entrance, on Gal ioW street,' daaly (oanaaya eutoeirted). for above molt atfullawa : MIT I RA I32— "" ---- ..,. 74roat.i. The 5.00 i. rd. trim enaneoorat Rfasytjor ilkog harre Pi Kum - LACIALWANRA I WIn i tdiOattIi 011411,11f111%48 The above trairlv make_ clisoor ocormacition s at 1.1 ri with_ th B trai4v or the Nair Yort_end Erie, and /Niagara F , Ind Muitiolo, 24 ew York ar z - z i= Mow York Cant Mall-m.4lr trim an points orth and TT aid the se. !is %. " 6.12 12 I niekrinWarrilliagfri:l°' and /WM/I*i to alp can i rrnred at the Phneditiskul and RI- Irofe, r r t ott,.. n 7. wvioorat flair of IX and •i. o t co . /. RriBUB .14141fAt ta and at 1 174011 Phil *kid vadiag,l34lB, aid etre t rad / . Da ._ ts esta 1 North, al e 11 P " °"r°ltdr alj tipirraighte roe . beelivered ' before 2P. ht. to l re grallya I eii edab 7 iiirilTe grj'a n e i l ri t a lL Al Cll inkat. Fraight Dowd. L. or to iseit_ 11i1L_APrit,.% Nourrit. limit liatfAelf MIX Xan IC.. keel's.. {V rr P jisdairrins :. _ _.. ."' -- ---•—.4...—_________- ...:_ . . ! _— 1410T105.-011131 iIiitiCIIIWIEN VA LLEV RAILRO. = s AO. BKNAER TRAINS FOR DOWN triErro WN AifD 114 TX RMASDIATE BPATIOI.--ft and atter Pk ,v 4: IBM, the Passenger Truism for ROWNINOTOWN Will start from the new Passenger Peeot of th e nil e _ de/shis. and Reading Railroad Coo:ally. corner of - Sawa/ and CALLOWIiIIw /Streets, (paatenger ea &Mop on Callovhill.) MOBri/rIB TRA'ft for Downingtown Leaven at SAO - A. lit. AP...I:FP-SOON TRAIN for Downinglown /Iwa. at 1.30 r• M. DAILY (80nday,, ,..5 . ex opted). By order of the of the Philadel •ptua sad Reading 8.70p114Z11. Luiya yY• • ssiii.hlNY.,l3aoretiirv, * - TRAINS . !Fit. 7.4 407 Vehint.t. ' ''' '. - .'-'''Ta r A D 1 • ' • ' '. • ' :- - • 4.144- • • •• 1 1 "4- - . i -: ,-1 •- 7 7 --. ( 30, i0dOogaikk e t m .........._ _- " 11 310besais, ~.r. B r tiVi;l2, --Cilatotte°4 toe, .nia °they Ko rea . Ow= &ad eltta• silk. all t4 ,1:2` '''=2 MIMI 4 4 4 1 alta:LagaLFo . SALES DE AP:CT/074 MEDICINAL. SHIPPING 111031 AS & ,SONS,—."II4III • Not 134 and 141 South YOU.T (Formerly Nos. $37 nod go e2OCKS AND DEAL ESTATE—Tna at 4 Pamphlet attalognes new read), com a ,. eariptions often the property to be geld., T Ifth lust.. with east or wars Maw? It , d. ti I og; largo amount o fres/ estate at private 'ale.- Toll NEAT aItI.DER,V RESIDENCE, rh, .- Fits o ndiateoilt, will be held la nitrite imieiasiliiri, ding at a Wiederata pnos. P 1 4 t arrIXCHLAND ITTrATE THE EXCHANGE EvElly we' liandbide of each. property Ly o4 ,. addition to whiob =wish, on the SatureisNely to each N ara, ope thousand catalogue., otft'•• king, 'Thrill( fan elesauptions of all tbe pr eth 4l 44 soldierog:rtinnwßytli:ezeituAL•ES:olisfaiiiierrisitroodileemmon;ao74:6:ll4llol,4YroaTpi at toebriEletCatet!LiAer;tt:l, rde VAT% SALE REGMTEC kp; R esta PF te entered on Our priv ate were mind advertised occasionally in our public sale abiltS (of which one thousand copies are free of charge. we. STOCKS, &e. . This Day, o i elook nowt at the phi cheese— ii Pkti . „ I :MD llN D h etw ibt a:Muttia agora ' ace ComeZ:i':. Also. without reserve, by orderol'execstrix-.5.:' AceAlemy of Masco. without the ticket. ..14, ----- ----- REAL ESTATE SALE-31a Kea 4 Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Nano, Scott d LOT 9F GROUND, southwest oorner of p ' Ic'4. Ontario R OUND , southwest eair 1 . STORE AND DWI , LLING, No. els Peon R ! tween Boum and gin ppm Waste. and seat r " r a °. f;,;, !treat. pisnEm ?Tont( IS/WM—COUNTRY PRopER; By order of the hems of Paul r Hem. deeps i Aq !liable lot, 20K 110FPN. near the village of ti n i m :74 Twentittord ward. about 800 yards front the B 644, 1 tore pike. Bale absolute. I, tt et.: GROND-RENT.—A well•seoured _r tilye a year. ground t¢ nviLEFITATE SA I .E--.l l 4Aggyi , z Faeonter s Peremptory Pid e — U•kate of Ell K Dixr VLLING;t4 Harts. acted—Tß R EF,--.TORY BR,CR owEtl,' ; ; ; . Parker etreet, between Fi ft h and Six th streei';' TPRY BRIC K Southwark. T rk E . Rzig.B grant street. WOO: Of Coral street :19th ware, ' " 0, Pe • emptory sale.—MbLAT /di/DER fti 11VVE) , No 423 Sou h Pif3444l3th 4, reet be ow Pine elre ''''i Two v• L. Unßuts °HOUND R.EN ry, 4, —ope of thorn Via a yeer. anti the othar a u ; 4 lj eeciared on i Valuable lot of ground atd 1. 4 ii i , ,, i Yr. 'my:l_ street , mouth of Noble , strew, late INterti-L5 banjos, „4 SALE or VALUABLE hIIBOELLAIVEO la .Bf , his Evenin -41 Merck 5. at the Auction Store. a collection of r bre anisoshaneous works. on his or;, egnei nt , e ki grechv. uso Inas adjutant/ of the Poets. *a. w For particulars see 03441°02ex. Ableat Nee. 139 and /41 South k 01.1 . SUPERIOR FURMiTURk. FRENCH - PLAT'? , OBS. PIAP/OFoRPA. BRUM/BLS 113 Oa Thursday /tenting. At o'clock, at the A nation Store, as ancrtc. excellent seocad-haad 'en a tem, elegant gim r . Sae mirror.. carpets, etc. twin faintho • '." " WO, ooseltoooine . removed to the. ;%-tr- &Wet the Girard House, cbsstn u t E wa. ELEU&NT FURNITUR.F. LARGE MANTEI. 1 r , BR fdIRRORS. PIANOS, CRANDEU w; .74i TAINS, 0 , LLIARD TABLES. &o. , Cll. Oa Monday Morning. March 11. at 10 o'clock. will be sold at 5u1,),,,„ without reserve, for cash , the entire elegtot ruin g, of the GIRARD HOUSE, CHESTNUT SIRE tr omer, " Below Ninth street, eoMprierng the ran ..... walnut furniture of fourteen parlors, eleratt pets, Omni, IMO mirrors, end ohandeliers, ll' • entire dining-room furniture, obis", vas+, Chid 4,1 J ware, together with furniture or about Ha V.: furnished in rosewood and walnut. with finu 1,r;:. heir mattresses, gyring beds, and bedding; sifter •i:: room furniture. &0.. BILLIARD T • BLEB. Also, 3 elegant satin wood billiard tabfar,rnln. Me Wade, te•de hy Photon. near', new_ sad is ~,,' order. Abu), elegant carved oak French Millard . . i .' :l coat 3 000 Trauma, wir he entire furniture of the house con i, Sion POO. IGP For particulars see catalogues. MOSES NATLIANS 'AUUTIoNE -1-r-N- AND COMMISSIOg MERCHANT,Soit il corner of SIXTH and RA Stream. AT PRIVATE BALE. Nome of the finest GOLD PATENT DiuY. Vtlik OBRONOMETER WAT(IftEd mannfarul.c3 to uO4 l gonin q Drums, gold lever and !spins imp, silver lever and learns watches, English, 6, 11 , hunch watcher, at astonishingly low prioes, every doi cr i g tion, very lowanni, motels, mutick: arming's, est quality of . Havana cigars, moil, importation prioe, quantities to cult porch/nen various other kinds of" goods. SPLENDID DST OF Diable/WO AT rzuvc : SA Outwitting of diamond an L d E opal breastpin rings, Pries DUO. Coot In Pans BUR A splendid single-stns diamond breast-Ih, s 111 VA wit OM. • - OUT DOOR SAGES Attended to personally by the Auctioneer. Cosua bi gnmen of any and Scrim kind of [Wu. MONEY TO LO mted. &100 A 1 R b0 RATED , wat a9 eooow o rilonr ar plate w 7g r 9 ao t4s. .ons dm a.r aeries. cigars, hardware, otttiOnyi pianos, 1111170.11 WWII. bedding, and on goods of every doweau : large or masa amounts. from dem dollar to tiom for &azimuth or timeagreed on. air The ( eldest estabDshed Rogue in this rat, Private entrance on &LACA s t reet. Mir 8111119111 hoop from 9 A i d. to 9 P. Acatv7 kb/tavola& fa. the_bfra# I of doongito.i. CHARGES ORL Y TWO.PER CENT, Mir Advances of 0100mul upwards et two ma Advance, of $lOO and nywards, at one Defog.: short loans. SMI TEL NATHANS, AUITIONEE No. 224 south THIRD Street, below ict!tv. LARGE BALE OP FORFEITED I'LFD4II By order of Abraham Narbanie, btoliet. On Tneadar Monogr. March 11, Ir6l, at 9.% o'elook, consisting or sliver patekt lever and other watches. sold : a AV silver breast-pins madellioss gem: silver ware. coat,. Pawls. vests, shawls. ( Waal tole enas k ito. hiOneg.—All parson. having gawk 01 me over the legal length of time will cell are ?ex the MM. 1 3.001W1 , 0 the, will be cold on di+ SG stir AP Re HAM PrikTßAlva. Brea. N. W. Qor.ol XTR sad CALL& MULL atm mitl•iut• M FITZPATRICK & BR41:• KCB TIONSERS, 604 CHESTNUT Slim 1:0 , Huth. BALM EVERY EVFNMS. At T °Wank, of - Hooka. alaTioner, sad tnent:n Watches Jewelry °looks, diver plated Inas, atr nuttynemant.. eta. DA X 41.4711 0 4 Trirj roods, aonta and abou,aecy eirgry Wadatada,. tit Cak I day at le Moak A. na. PRIVATE EALEB. At arwata sale several large oonzignments ef 13 trwalr7, booing, etationery, ailvar-plated vela nog loom. ao. To Which Li aalbitad the a ura al y and oourarr morollakuts 8,4 others. uoruntrunkOti satouted of all kind' of monad for either wino or pnvotO Wet biberai cash advanoei mode an =Leo =no Ou-door sales oromacir attended to. dACHINERY AND IR(RA _ _ 9 - fl r. PENN STUN? ZNGII BothEß. r im i c is sAqsz j i •RW l om e gorLE _ I . and YOU 16D •hav2T, or Mat Yettall , IiQ L incogeootal ope op. an been azo l reo goer boilding and repot rout suns and ver Eames and loer granger°, Irorißoak, Water ants. Me /to., ko.,reuroeto °Ter their aerv4e4 to ;to O: as bean T folly prepared to oontraot ins Lintittc; eiSea. Marine, Await, and StatLottary , berm n paterns ed di ff erent clic are 'repartee te ergo tem with Quick den:latch. Eve eir degertetien making made at the shorten tope.. Hitt al• Premark, Flue, Tubularand Crnpder beeL_Rennaylvanda Tilton:4l iro4. Porgaten Lr and kinds: Iron and Braga Cainstga, of ell deic:4; Roll Turning, Herm Cutting, and a ll other Et' noted frith the above traitinmiL Maw - lone mug neeoltoistaone for all wore doert; eetedllelizeant, free o oherge, work gria/N.O. The embaon bare have triple yew dope WWI of Wane, Where they oan be in Perm and are provided anti' *beers. blocky, (min 4. for ratting heavy Cr Deli': vetch tat. mo I, um .1011LN n Y. LEVY. R • MULCH and FALMIi I. VaI:IOUS NIIISICE, NUN I, Pa WlLLLialix, /ma, acct . UARILIT ad t.iIITIiWARIE FOUNDRY, 0,7 FIFTH. AND WASHINGTON STEEP rtatiar.paia. MBRRIOK A SONS _ ENGINEERS AND MA , 7411XIDUOCar Hith and Low Pressure etassi Z. for land, TI war, and mange service. Soden. Gsaometers. Tanks, Iron Boar 1; • in@ of all kinds, either trod Wo rke d ~ Iron Prime RoOfs for Gan WorksW road Retorton & and Gar Maeda:wry of the Wind WO proved ooristnioti on. Every deanription of Plmttgliart_ lisokrettsi Amer, Saw, and erist milli, vacuum No- Steam Trains , Detonators , Fitton", Let 5015 agents for N. RilDeart's Potent °nu ll : Amasratne Nesmith's Patent -team dammo.C.. pinwall & Walser 's Pawns Centrifugal Bury / 1 ;t: Machine plait/MOUNT MACHINE WOR AL WOOD Bt.. behsssa Twenty-first toets • The Unatr*i sisoo...d. ketablished tant tzted, suoamsor to the late firmto • Wooo_, 'tint l oontinue the busmen is ail Its tvvy heretofore. tower looms and all medians.? wil t th orn. Elithoesulg CaDenders, Lard e' Sip Ins. and Machine Work in general. Thankful for past favors. he Would tweet „ oontunience of the patronage so Reran' lA. tap late firm. TIMM* Fhtladelphift. Jaz. 21, Mi. porerr PLEASANT FOUNDRY Sr; 4.- . B.4 f ie kt el lihrettiCentip a toz, Pltart,iji . .,, i'LliM k g • TDISMA /NOW 'o de ig• " l e - ; ixhued the entire Meek tg aa &nem it 9 ',7 1 ',.i;. he il r." Prapare to revere orders ..:, riirt. and Maw Mill tinge, Soso, 61/ ,,„ l— E e' oven Work, gearing. aunties maae .. - as bonier/ ar CrioNtimricuas. Iv In 11 , I. —lO WI. S ruGuRT & SONS, • IMPORTERS OF RAVAIId oil No. 916 South FEDINT & r s " 1 , 1 711V7 (VI assortment o wont ' La x, 7 gal at tow num # str titAR-ullitED lIAMS.-2) / 11 ; Gardner. s Phippok Co.'s Extra Bassr•o r '' Ham. 611: 2XO Dieu.. Phipps .E . p.'s Sossr - eoe- I J O O do. Al itortell dd , s do 1.100 00. City Baulk Shoulders. (lc L 1 1: feltC. C. PA qcir i pIIILADELPIJIA TERRA N UFACTOIII,I% VEN T ond GE,,„l4t road and 1010 titrret4 and Won Pipes. Ventilatind_Flan Pmobs Floe, mettle of Terra Gotta, + l l9 t or every oof baildtnid. a attention attonon of all parties pettint ac """' rmao Orc7' alma do aoarerin . e rem for oar drainne. Ira; 0 41 ranted to nand a severs reuu rt• r faarrltoj intluftlea or tortorttiore ec t o.' et "L" , ‘Pan.te7. We "warrant oar CW , ft: gioorior to soy other ami d in the .E . KB wawa. rhaandootiJ Cloaraf r'" ooh A ~. tiTitlE —The American A gen e i: ' N N , " "ON STEREOSCOPIC COlVtri ''''lnl 4114141•igt041 horn 1. , 1,.....r5. Paill a v4'er.t Ws, _Per , r Mminess will. on and a l ter oenoneted at An 4 lif/oADwAY. .41 Ati orders nenetuatly attended to. lead IL . am mat reasortathe terms. JL, ..e.ol' s, Eels Agent London Sterns., • w;,A •-. 1 My stook of 0 eve stoner and laP:" mold at very rednord r F ertorr. lee s ,g e 1104: bef ac ore parallelling eirewbsta• A. 8 fr2S-Jak _•RIDOB A • bel°l! ti.lifFf--- By p RT AGA FIGARO, CA ,NePtuna Funobioeflo and o th er oeleleyi• "" &sari taws on band &Kral Wyatt masket ratatt by 78 CB A Ki,ci r r,s' TOPI-1111- 130 WA!ff foJUST KM. tall', per ' A nSie-.. " from Liverpool, Aunder, Wearer, j 1 preparation,: 25 Ma Extract Aconiti.ia I ibitr. l l o . 25 lbw ilutaot lllyosorami. In s ja „. DO nal LlMet Itellailonnw. T„ 1 ,„ 1 , tau Ma t Act l'araiani, to 1% 1 ill', SO The Via gal Colobial.P3 i ' rei• too tea V. anoolal Rect., in 1 lb lot • ZOO tbs Mowed m 1 lb bottle , . ril 600 ma it H) drive. in) neg. BIUL - . WETHE LI , , k 1. , I , ..,,,,, , 0 pfteNufl zth , 15 - 1 1 V Melte m .U"—Pure S lood Pt Tor Nay b y etir-' I 2 E it 4744 4 Nete_i . I C ROME GRESS— Id an lifitC, t i Ll ' l 7. o 6 for subs by • • • ERILL g North min TO aqic R " . 4 1 R 3 ale ,Pl2,ltha airiahr.wu ITATiOItERSagd fp>) and beat make in tni " '‘. issmi Toil A 1, STALES BY AUCTION