slloloot 10%1100 a DATISIr to the semi t ; On the Finns YnanlIDAT MOltNtNal•^Yesterday presents ion the South has submitted to .the morning, about 2 o'clock, a frame stable situated same orriFklAut not with the same success . T h ey at Twenty-fourth and Biddle streets,. in the Fif. have taktiteir chance of cleating a President of teenth ward, the property of John Mother, was their owe-, tatitt,, but they have failed. Mr Lin. destroyed by fire. The loss of the stable was about coin, likeVatenel Fremont, fully recognizes the $l5O TerrO4 n itita were burned to 'death, and a right of the , Booth to the invitation of slavery; mule so lOW *arched as to be rendered useless. but, like him, he is opposed to it extension. The stable 'wee, .ohoupied by John McLaughl in, Tate cannot be endured With a mej)rity in John hialitnigtk and Callan; Deveny. A. small both SUMO of Congress and in the Supreme frame building, occupied as a candy shop by an old Court. of the United .Stintes, the tenth cannot , worsen, named Grace Kane, was wily burnt. A submit '.to a PresiWt who is not their • couple of buildings on Biddle exerst, were also daioted servant Unless every power in Gm Con- i charred in the tear. The entire loss is eati stitution is to be strained, in order to promote the mated at $1,500, on which there is no insurance. Pfe_gress - ef slavery, they will not remain in the ,It is supposed that the lire was the work of da emon; they will not wait to see whether they are injured, but resent the firat cheek to their onward - Shortly before ten o'clock yesterday morning pregress as an intolerable injury. This, then, is another alarm was caused by the burning of a small the rattle of the history of slavery It began as a sized smokehouse, owned by _Enamel Goldberg, tolerated, it has ended as en aggressive inatitu- and locate lln the rear of La,vistreet, below don ; and, if it now threatens to dissolve the George. A police.offmar, instproceeding at Union, it is.not because it has anything to fear for once to ascertain whether it weenetiessary to raise that which it poas e ,;c e s already, but because it has an alarm, renal! the way to the GlobeEng,no limos reoeived a cheek to its h aof future ecquiel- and sprung the box. Before he aooomplished this tion. some of the neighbors, with a few bubketa of water, put the fire out. The smokehouse li a very small affair, not more than three or four feetequare, and might have burned down without doing any dam. age to surroundigairproperv. property.' , of the alarm, given as itlffss, thosyth &Va." Mao a box in the close vicinity of the smOre-house, a number of aeoldents occurred, which, will be found recorded elsenhere. The 0011120 of the offset pulling the box wall be properly Investigated. MRXTING OF THS MARYLANDERS —An ad- . journed meeting of the natives of Maryland, re siding in Philadelphia, wee bold last evening at the American Hotel Mr. J. M. Stevens was called to the chair, and II !heyday noted as se cretary. The minutes of the hat meeting and the constitution then adopted were read The consti• tutlon states that the object of the Afary/oruL As sociation is to draw into clew fellowship natives of Maryland residing in Philadelphia, and to ox• tend a helping band to any distressed Maryland er,' who may properly apply for assistance The payment of $1 annually, and the signing of the constitution. constitutes membership ; and the pay ment of $lO constitutes lifeemembership. The fol lowing officers were elected : Rev. J 1V Cramer, president; M. Ball Stanton, vice president; .1 M. Stevens, treasurer; U. Hollyday and J. D. Watson, seoretaries; Thomas Watson. J D Watson, Wm. MoAtee, G. J. Naylor, II Dickson, executive committee The mooting then adjourned, to meet on the sth of February. The constitution wan signora by quite a large number. VISITING FITIGMBN.—A connnittt e of the 1) D. Tompkins 'Engine, No. 8 of Albany, e. Y, ore tow ropping in this city. They have with them a handsome frame, containing the photo graphs of all those members who fnmorly paid a visit to this city The frame is intended as a testi monial fur the Perseverance Nose Company. The presentation took place Met evening, at the residence' of Major Fritz, on Race street, above Sixth After presenting the testimonial to the members of his own company, the Major 'mourned a new character, and In a few brief but appropri ate remarks, received the same on behalf of the Perseverance. The Majlr was presented with a handsome silver pitcher, by the committee of the D. D. Tompkinit Engine. The presentation was made by Mr Ed ward Leslie, and eseeived by the Major, In his roma) happy style The usual collation was then set, and an agreeable time was spent. OolJaelONs.—Yesterday morning, during the alarm of fire at Lawrence and George streets, as the Meobanio engine was oomiag down Girard avenue at a pretty fast rate, a wagon drove across the intersection at Sixth street. A collision seemed inevitable By desperate exertions the engine erns turned, to clear the wagon, that oonld rot get out of the way, and the result was that the ongioe was overturned, and one of the hind wheels crushed into fragments The Northern Liberty engine steamer met with a similar accident while corning up Third street, below Girard avenue. A country wagon was on the track, and the driver did not atom inclined to turn out, although the heavy steamer was coming down grade at a fast rate The driver of the steamer expected the countryman to turn out. Finding that a collision wee almost certain, he turned the horses quickly, snapped the tongue of the steamer off close, and was thrown with violence to the ground. Be was considerably bruised. Pollee officers at once arrested the driver of the wagon and took him to the nearest lookup. PIIILADELPDIA AND NEW YORK MORTALI TY.— By the weekly reports of the respeotive Boards of Health of Philadelphia and New York, we find that last week the deaths of this city were 258; of New York, 415. Mowing the population of Philadelphia as 600,000, and of New York as 800,000, the relative mortalities will be, New York, one in 1,928; Philadelphia, one in 2,320 There were eleven cases of smallpox in each city. In New York, the fatal cases of consumption of the lunge were 60 in number; in Philadelphia, 27. Here there were 28 oasts of scarlet fever; Nov York, 24 The whole number of deathain New York was leas than those of the same week last year by 102 In this city, the number was 75 more than at the corresponding time last year. It will thus be seen, that while this city, even at a season of more than ordinary siokness, does not approach New York, the latter city has even greater mortality than the fractions accredit it. SHOCKING ACOlDRNT.—Yesterday morn ing, during the alarm of fire at ten o'clock, a little boy named Ohristopher Grupper, aged 7 years, was run over by the Fairmount Hose, at Fourth and Girard avenue, and horribly injured about the face and bead. The little sufferer was piokop up and carried into a drug store, and Drs. MoAvoy and Donnelly were eammoned, bat he died in a tew minutes. The body was not recog nized, and was aonveyad to the Seventeenth-ward station-house, where it remained for some time. The deceased wait finally removed to the residence of .his parents in ,hiervine street, below Matter. An itquest was held by the coroner, and a verdict in accordance with fees stated was rendered. 1.12 H Gran.—During the alarm of fire yesterday morning, one of the members of the Hope Steam-engine Company was seriously in• prod by being knocked down with the steamer, at Sixth and Powell streets. Ho was convoyed to hit' home, at Sixth and Shlppen streets A young man, named Rokert Banda, aged 20 years, was shockingly mangle about the need and arm, yesterday, by being run over by the D,catnr Flys Company, at Frankford. The un fortunate man was carried into a neighboring house, where his injuries were dressed by Dr. Leak. VB.Paler The Paris correspondent of the Ti ntre et, tee that within the last few days the English Government had communicated a note to the French Govern ment against any longer occupation of tiyria by From& troops than is warranted by the treaty with the Porte The note is said to be couched is strong terms. No answer bad yet been given to it. The Moniteur publisher' a demo modifying the duties on the importation of raw hides and skins, of all kinds of bores hair, seeds, hemp, fits, and other filamentous vegetables ; alno, copper, pewter, lead, doe The illo - nitrur also contains a decree raising the interest on treasury bills to 3, 3.0, and 4 per cent, respectively. A letter from Toulon says that orders had been given to put upon the stooks thica new iroweased shill; on the model of La Gime The Herald's Paris correspondent, ,epeaking of the military preparations, says that by the middle of February, or, at furthest, at the ,beginning of March, France will possess an army of 140,000 men, ready tomarch at a feet hours' notice. Be sides, the Imperial Guard, representing a corps d'armee of 40,000 men. is kept on a war footing. In addition, some 400,000 men 'Mullin under arms, unbrigaded, in the various garrisons of the Empire. The Paris Bourse was heavy, and on the 7th rentee declined to 67 20, nearly k ter matt loiter than on the day preceding. The Paris Patrie safe: "Negotiations have been opened at Gaeta for the, oetolUtlibti of an ar mistice on now babes " The bombardment at Gaeta still continued on the sth of January, and a mortar battery bud been - aatablished in the valley in a sheltered posi tion. - The Daily News- of the Bth evacuee°. that the French Government have ( to withdraw their squadron from seta, provided the Italian army will suspend their fire till the 18th or 19th imetent, of or which, it is understood, the Sardinians can open the bombardment from the sea. A conspiracy formed by the Bourbon party, but without any importance, had been discovered at Naples Four Royalist generals had been arrest ed, with some of King Franoia It , who had come from Griela Prince Carignan was expected at Naplea by the 15th. ' The Turin journals publish a letter from Gari baldi, in whloti he denounces any intention of offer ing himself as a candidate - for the post of Deputy to the Italian Parliament, and advises concord, in order to arrive at the deliveranoles of Venice On Near Year's day the Pope received the French °Emery General Goyon made no politi cal allusion. The Pop approved of the expedi tions to Syria and China. The also said that in defending Gaeta the French fleet serves a just and hcly cause. The Pope avoided making any other Political allusion, and said nothing concerning the Emperor Napoleon. AUSTRIA The semi-officlal Doaau• Zeitung publishes a letter from London asserting that England will no longer propose to Austria the sale of Venetia. Oa the sth, diaturbenees took piece at Henke met, Hungary, which necessitated the Intervention of the garrison.. The soldiers were compelled to wake use of their drearme, and five persona were severely wounded in oonerqueoce. The official 'Wexner. Zeitung publishes an ordi nance of the Minister of State. which is to be valid for all the crown lands, with the exception of Hun gary., Transylvania, Croatia, and Venetia This or dinance specifies the conditions of eligibility both for the theaters and those elected as deputies to the Diets in the cities and rural communes Those persons are eligible as dapntiee to the Diet who are Austrian citizens, who are at least thirty yeats of age, in the full enjoyment of mail rights, and who belong to one of toe classes vote. GERMANY In the Chamber of Deputies, at Dresden, on the 7th, during a debate on the question of Denmark and the Duabies, PC- Von Beast, the minister. ap plauded the attitude of Prussia, whose overtures have everywhere met with approval and assent, and said " There is no doubt that the leadership of Prussia will be supported on all aides at the ap proaching disouesion et the question by the Fede• ral Diet. All the Federal Governments are ready to sot in accord with Prussia, and even, if neces sary, to take the field " INDIA AND CHINA. The Bombay letters of December 12, and Cal cutta of Deeembor 3, had reached England. Nowa anticipated. Freights at Bombay were very quiet. A Calcutta telegram of December Stb says the import market wee very firm A. statement had got afloat that secret informa tion bad reached the French Government to the effect that the allied fleet bad experleueed a ter rible hurricane at the mouth of the Pony), and that eleven and seven French gunboats bad been destroyed—the crews being saved. No such intelligence hod reached the English Govern• meet, and the statement was not generally cre dited. Commercial Intelligence. LIVERPOOL. Jan. B.—Messrs. Richardson & ginonne and Wakefield & Nash revolt that the advance in the bang rate. had nrodrieed general dullness in the Bread stuffs market. - Flour closed dull, at 6d deoltne. Wheat quiet, petrel being easier, thourh quotations eye t.nohanred. Co.n dull. at Od decline; mixed is offered at ma, without buyer.. Yroyisuone dull. and generally unehanged. Tallow prime at 38.6 d for North Amerman. Sugar quiet; Coffee dull; Pot Ashes quiet at Vie 6d® 2h 6. • plumed On 80. &I; "toxin steady at is (dings 5d ; Biwa; fursientine dull I.IIDOII. Jan, Btn.- Illinois Cent•al Railroad 83231 disorient: hue Railroad sus; New York Central 95e78 THE CITY. AhIUSERENTS TIIIB 'EVENING TBIZATRE• Wain= and Muth .o. " Our4n:erica:l Coua , n at Elome"—" Dreams of Do lacon." WHEATLEY & CLAILES . N AIICII-6TKERT 311E4M. Aroh rtreet. shore bath.—" Ohver Twist"—" The Honey Moon." UNITED STATES .Porrannos. Chestnut street, bolow F.llll.—Van Am burgh & Co.'s Menagerie. BAIItORD'IS OPERA bones. Eleventh street. above Chestnut.--Conoert nigh; ;Y• DEATH OF A NEWSPAPZR PROPRIETOR .Jobn 8 Jackson proprietor of the Sunday Tian. script, died in this of ty yesterday Norning. Ro was a turner in early life, and enjoyed N.. current edu .cational advantages One of his tdtors was the lather of the present Dietriot Attorney. ilje literary tastes were strengthened in a camber of literary tassociations which be j tined. In conjunotithr with ae few youths, some of whom have been shoe pro minent as editors and reporters, ho organized tbfi Franklin Library in 1839. Be married at the ago of eighteen, and was connected with newspapers, chiefly as a capitalist, until 1855, when he bought the Daily Times This paper was managed with great ability by Mr Judson, conjoined with Nil. Ham hforan, Ent. It shortly became a very pro. &able publication, and its extensive circulation made it coveted by the reigning political parties. Both Buchanan and Fremont men made bids for its putchase It finally fell into the hands of the Republicans, and WAS nominally conducted by J. Barclay Harding. Under Mr. Jackson's superin tendence the Times had pursued an impartial and Independent course. It declined immediately .after he left it. In October, 1856, Br. Jaokson, in conjunction -with Messrs. Girona and Ha wheworth, started the .Sunday Transeript Tho first number had a ,oironlation of five thousand coptes, and the fifth number circulated twelve thousand. It has since teen a leading independent paper The'Trartscript, in 1857-8, endeavored to exhibit to the people the extravagance andpeoulating of the old Board of Guardians of the Poor. It stigmatized that board by a name whtoh afterward always signalized it—the " Board of Buzzards." Bit zeal overstepping bin prudence, the alleged aggrieved patties indicted him for libel, and he wax ,convicted. Public' feeling was, however, so strongly in his favor that be wee immediately par doned. In his badness habits Mr Jettison was diet a gutshed for integrity and energy. Ilia amuse ments were all of an invigorating character, and until the middle of the last year, he was seldom ciliated with Meknes& A chronic rheumatism at tucked him at this time, and a tumor formed in Ads groin. lielsubmitted with more than btoio fortitude to two painful surgical operations, bath .of which were without permanent effect. His great pain abated prior to his decease, and be died while buried in a tranquil sleep. Ilia fu neral will take place on Friday, to proceed to Lau rel Hill. the Transcript will be oonduoted in the future by the same effiotent management. A PHILADELPHIA SOA3IP ARRESTED IN NEw Yank —Fur some weeks past, a man giving his name as James T 'Whiting, nearly fifty years of age, and of quite venerable appearanoo, bee been stopping at one of the hotels in Philadelphia, where be represented himself to be very wealthy. 'BA talked largely of the reel estate purchases be WAS to make, and thereby convinced many of hie *sew acquaintances that he really was what he per -Torte-it to be. Whiting sought an introduction to Mr. A. H. Little. a wealthy silk importer, doing ' , business at No. 325 Market street,' this city, and ?harped long and loud upon his groat means, family oonnecilose, rta. After haring obtained the partial confidence of Mr. Little, Waiting proposed to purchase some valuable real estra,z. of him, but before the nego tiatiOns were cloned 'redzarked that be wished to buy some gold watohea rod I . :amine for his wife and daughter. He was referred to Z.:7 James Watson, a wholesale - importer of jewelry in the same building, and at the game time Mr. Lift:.:* endowed Whiting as far as -his acquaintance Wit.:2 him would justify, .but ho considered it would be yfil dent tor Mr. Watson to get his cash down if ho could do so. Whiting acoordingly celled upon the jeweler and purchased costly watehes and chains to the amount of $670, in payment for which be gave a cheek on the Girard Bank It being after banking hours when the cheek was given. Mr. Watson found it impossible to learn if there was money in the bank to meet it. In an hour or two afterward, however, Mr. Watson ascertained that the check was bogus, and that Whiting cense .quently must be a swindler. This fact was communicated to Mr. Little, who need every endeavor to find him, bat without ene ono, :and at Not it was considered almost certain that he bad fled. Mr. Kittle, being very wrathy to think he had been so egregiously imposed upon, renewed the smelt, and accordingly took the Bun day-evenfog train for Now York. While crossing the river at JO o'clock on Sunday night, be die movered Whiting on the same boat, end Maly arrested him. Other Clark, of the Third ward, was subsequently called, and upon seen:th in ginprittoner at the stet on-house, all the jewelry obtained •upon the worthless cheek wee found in his Veireession. , Whiting, who did not deny the ":4adle,,was looked up for examination. It is re ti'd that e accused is an old hand at such Pot s h ar aCtiews th , and a firet•eless oonfidenoe man. Amor p dlisi 4 te rumor, he is wanted In Washington oily, to oflowee pne or two criminal itomplainte. BitiLlPT.—Yesterday, the United sister gezebai ,solj t . lit' [motion, fi tty•one eases of braddjViit $1.75 per Saes . The bread) , wee of ream seelnfeelir_quelity. MBRTING OP "MR DRUGGISTS —A meeting I of the druggists was held yesterday afternoon, at the Merchants' Exchange, for the purpose of form• ing a " Drug Exchange," similar to the Corn Ex change Mr. Marls was called to the chair, and stated that' by the formation of such an exchange mutual protection would be afforded to the mom. bars and prevent them from being swindled, as had often been done The following permanent offieers were elected : President, Tno. M. Marla vice president, Thos. P. James A committee was also appointed to secure a suitable room for holding meetings and transacting business. BOGUS JawELUP AFFAlR.—Yesterday, Detective Officers Franklin and Bartholomew took into custody a firm dolog business in the neighbor hood of Walnut and Dook streets, upon the charge of conspiring to cheat and defraud, by weans of bogus jewelry, and illegally setting up a lottery. Two clerks were also arrested, and a lot of jewelry, letters, and papers, explaining the whole arrange• mend, were secured by the parties. The accused were all committed, In default of bail, by Alderman Battler, for a farther bearing to-morrow. oP THE BOARD OP TEAM—A meeting was held last evening, at the Board of Trade room, for the purpose of making arrange. ments for the reception of the Board of Trade from Chicago. The proceedings were private. We tin• derstand there will be one hundred visitors from Chicago, twenty from Milwaukee, and about thirty from other places.l B.AD OESE OP BURNING.—A little girl, named Eliza Cassidy, aged five yeast, while play ing around a bonfire, at Front end Bead streets, on Monday morning, was seriously burned by her clothes taking fire She would most probably have been burned to death, had not Offieer Sher extinguished the flames by throwing his coat around her. CHARGED WITH RECEIVING STOLEN GOODS, do —Yesterday afternoon James Bunt, a pawn broker, doing business at Fifth and South streets, was before Police Magistrate Battler, at the Cen- tral Station, upon the charge of receiving stolen goods end carrying on business without a license. Ile woe held in ;1,600 bail to answer the charges at court. ADBAULT AND BAVCRRY.—Last evening, James Glancey and Francis Malloy were charged with committing a violent assault and battery on Jonathan Miller, on Saturday evening last, at No. 924 Passyunk road. The accused were held in $BOO each, to answer at court. The Chicago Excursionists PITTSBURG. Jan 22 The excursion party, composed of the Boards of Trade of Chicago and Milwaukee, numbering a hundred and fifty gen tlemen, arrived here this Merman, and are quar tered at the Monroe Douse. They will remain hero until tomorrow afternoon, and partake of the hospitalities of our oity During the morn ing, they will visit some of our manutootories and other places of interest. They will leave for Philadelphia at half past four o'clock in the after noon, but, as they express a strong desire to pass over the Pennsylvania It ailroad in daylight, in order to see this great work, the party may re mein over night at Altoona, and leave there on Thursday morning, arriving in Philadelphia at half past five o'clock in the afternoon of that day. Should they go directly through, they will arrive in Philadelphia on Thursday at 7 o'olook A. M. The Fortifications at Pensacola. [From the Pensacola Borate Jan. 12.) Since our last issue we have learned something additional in relation to the disposition of the Uni ted States troops at the mouth of our harbor. The whole tome has been concentrated in Fort Piokens, and thus leaving both Forts Barrancas and Mcßae unproteoted. We are informed that largo quanti ties of provisions and aunt:amnion have been re• moved to Fort Plokene, and that the place has peen put into a coin plate state of defence. We learn that the ointment of the abandoned forts were not in any way Injured or molested. Fort Pickens is a very strong position, on the point of St. Rosa Island, on the eastern side of the mouth of the harbor, and is only approachable by land on one side. Owing to the openness of the country, which is but a barren bed of sand, a party attacking from that evertor would be very rouott exposed. This position, five days ago, could have beep taken by VI men without a blow; today, we apprehend, the o.:se is very different. We are not able to state the exam'. force in garrison, but are not aware of any.but company " G," of the artillery ) probably amounting to 00 or 70 men If any reinforcements have been thrown in, the fact has not transpired. At the navy yard, everything seems to be quiet, and judging from appearances, the work is going on as usual. The smoke from the various engines curls up as quietly and gracefully as if perfect peace and quiet pervaded the country. Binoo the above was in type we learn that the guns at Fort Barrancas were spiked and the screws for elevating the phoea broken, before the aban donment of the place by the United States troops, Every preparation is being made to defend both Forts Pickens sad Mcßee to the last extremity. The storeahip Slippy is anchored between the forts, and the United States steamer Wyandotte has steam up all the time, ready for any emer gency. .No ammunition has yet been removed from the magazine in Woolsey, or from the shell.houeo in Warrington. A fatal mistake was committed in not taking possession of these forts ten days ego, when it could have been done without firing a gun. Fifty mon could then have accomplished what a thou sand cannot do today. We do not pretend to say where this responeibility rests, but it will &mob where it belongs. We feel assured, how ! ever, that no one here is chargeable with the blame, or responsible to; the blood that this blun der may cost. FINANCIAL. AND COMMERCIAL. ,s , 1 The Money Market. Paturcocrata, Jan. 22,16(51 The Stook market today was somewhat unset tled. Reading Railroad shares declined I from the price bid at the close yesterday, and Schuyl kill Navigation was doll; Little Schuylkill shares maintained the late advance, Pennsylvania Rail road stook declined 1, Camden and Amboy stook gained 2, and the Gas issue of City loans advanoed The market generally was heavy. There is no change to report in the Stoney mar • ket The ceiaial averagetiof the banks in the city of Now York for the week ending - Saturday last, Ja nuary 19, 1861, present in the aggregate the fol lowing charges from the previous weekly state- ment of January 12 : Decrease of L0an5.......... Increase in ...... .. 3 197.196 Deoreme of Circulation 299,610 Increase of Undrawn Deposits-- 1.639.813 The following are tho quotations for Domostio Exchange, as furnished by Messrs Drexel A Co., South Third street : New York exchange-- pares Ss nrnm• Boston exchange.— .. Ri prom. Baltimore exchange .............D m American ...... _pare 3b prem. Country fund5.._.._._......._ en die. The New York Post of to-day says the stook market opened decidedly lower, under a strong disposition to realize the profits of the Into ad vanee. The downward movement was aecelerated by the foreign now at band by the Marathon. The market closes weak. New York Central 79, E r i e 38085. Illinois Central 83}5134, Calena 7.15 a 711. Toledo 35, Rook Island 571.58. The bend market Knives groat firmness. The State stooks are quiet, and Federal bonds are in quired after at full prams The demand for money on temporary loan is more active, and seven per cont is now freely paid on first class collateral& The new treasury note loan and the redemption of loan certificates between the banks have given increased employ ment for money. The commercial wants of the market are seemingly diminishing. Prime paper is wanted at 7a9 per oeut Philadelphia Stoc Januarl RiPORTID 7 , 7 S. K. elbalibla I-iR• 1000 City 63-_-....05vrn 98 1000 ao-..a53131 98 3500 do. Seta.. New 1013 i 100 do Kid 0... 97.34 1010 Loh Val 60 .35wn 90 ROO West Chester 8s 82 Nat fi Pennell. 10a.... 91 800 d 0... 2900 C & call 87 2000 Reading 'l4 90a .. 00 1000 Readies 50 'B6 • 7 '41 1 Csin & Am-- .. 1123. 2 .... 113 3 do 11335 . 3 .... nau 1 2 do._._. _ imvu Ili 10 do 114 4 do _....... BETtnt4t 1000 Puna 58 C & P.- 8934 500 City 6s . 98 500 do. ..... 08 - Vail re 13 1100 City de 10180 d0... -..... New 101.3. 3 MO 70 Penns Has ... 673 ,' 1000 Soh Nay de 'B2 ... 6734 1280 do 'M..— 6734 8491 do '89...... 6734 15 Cam & 11634 3 Pence 3884 58 do . lota .. a. 5 38 100 Reading R... Itila 233 i 50 do--...... ... 23 60 d0..._...233; ..31 Pklun /7nd. 4 said Philadelphia 6a 98 9841 Phtle 65 R.--- 98 9.631 Phila 6s 10134 'Ann, Its_ --O.' 8934 Read ssu 'read bee '70..... 83 85 Read int 8' '80.3. 90 90' Road nit 6a 'Els . 72 7254 r'enna .377' 383 d Penns It Idiot 6s 88 • 89 Moe C10ne.......97 58 Morris Canal pr 111 113 Sob Ni65'A2....-.6734 6730 Soh Nav Imp , Wm' Id e.A ISM.- 7 5 Soh' Nav Prefd 15 Elmira 8 k Exchange Sales, 22.1101. 2i3SEMBiI 60 Reading 23V, 60 do— ....Lswn 235,1 100 d 0...... 10 d 0......... 233{ 100 do.-- .onsli 253: 40 do —cash 2'3li Z 1 elitgh 4411 8 Minehill— 601.4 160 Elmira . 131. Littlo'BohllYl..ool l l 16 40 do ..,..cineh 16 2 Lehigh Iforip. ___. 35 2 Ra do ce 3: Vino . /8 19 2 12 Penn& R • 38'.4 25 Catawisan Pie'. • Jew 8011City . 6V—....New 1000 Erio Cty Bundn 63 10 Reading R 233 i 4 Norristown R...-. 8 do -- 42.4 4 do ... . 491. 1 He rriaburg . 4 Pli i lade 8ank......110 4 do--...., sawn 114) 2 eawn 1143; 6 do ...... sewn 11431 4 do . .-.-. 1143. 2 do. /143 e 'S-IRREGIJLA R. ow Asko!, 'Elmira R mt. ..-13% 11 Manta in 6t 68 Long Island R 10% Leh &N. .48% 49 Leh Cl &I'd 50T19. , W5 19% North Peana R..— eh 9 N Ponna R 6x....,.8'6 67% N Penns R. lon.. ..9339.1 Cataersa Con. 35. 4 Catalyses 1 % 10 % 2d& etR dvon'46 47 Itace&Vine Bt 5. 17 f 78 West Phil& 8.....63% 68 Berucie & Pine ... 8 814 Green & Coates — 1 7% 17% Chest & Walnut. 31 33 Philadelphia Markets. JANVARY 22—Evening There is more inquiry for Flour, both for export and home use. Fates of 203 bble Brandy wino at $6; 3000 bbls extra fetidly at a price kept eeoret The sales to the home trade range from e 6,374, to $1,61)y for mixed and aboioe brands; $669=6.87 for extras; 86¢637 for extra family, and tag/NMI per bbl for fanny lots Rye Flour is held at 84 bbl. Corn Meal is steady at $3 bbl. Wura7.—There is a steady demand. and prioos are well maintained. Bales or 0010 bus fair to good Wee tern and Penne red at 130m1322 per bus, and white at 140 *laic. Rye—A small sale of Penne was made at Mo. Corn is in demand. Fates of 2WO bum at 64ct65a for new yellow. and 710 for old do. Onto are unoh ant ed. Sales of Penna at 350. and Delaware at 310 per bus New York Bari-y commando 753 per bus. Bark.—let No I Queroitron Is steady at 826 per ton. Co , TON OverieUe. Very quiet, and we hear 01 no sales worthy of notion. Gam:Ertl • a are steady, with further Woe of Coffee and Fuger at previons quotations. PROVIVIONS —There is a firm feeling. Bales of Moss Pork at slBmlB 60 nor bbl. Dash and on time. Green Meats are held 3,ie t It. higher. Lund is he II at 10';0 for bble, and 114'elt o for kegs. Rasps —Clovarseed is in tr , tter demand at s46om 6.1235 42' boo for common to crime. About 153 bus timothy sold at $2 :Bog to .I ; 9 ' bus. waissv is weeny. Ohio Ws at 190 ; Pennsylvania do ; hbde ; and drudge 17640 per gallon. icha4tge.-4an. 22. BOARD. 15 Del & Hod C C0 ..02 70 350 Hod d O o .448 w It ...... 634 100 Harlem 420 do RIO ,180 Reading ..... 40 3000 do . 05% lad & Ilin --- —36 230 Mob Con It . 57 WA do 5444 115 AI h ei. - Pri 100 Al Bo d N 1 g .o —.161i 1 5 2 & 22 111 coo 0.... 83 300 do . —..CO ..81 00 do .....82 230 Gal & 350 do 100 Cle & Tol ...34 * ' lOU 210 MO do * * 2lOl 221 GM &It 1[........ 100 do 653.1 285 do _ 67 100 Ohio & 73 10 do 016 7234 Piew York Stock E 811000 D WOO Tenn Et Go '9O 76% 2000 do . 76 1000 Virginia ht Ga...... 77 1000 do .—.— .77%1 ono 61 maw ri Et 6a.... 69 60008k12n Cie W 1 .100% 'BO4X) hitch kin 21 tn 10(10 Mioh Con 8 p o lat m 8 • COD Oda . 98 10000 Claw & Tol 8P 18.76 10 (loom ..... 88 10 Metropolitan 8k...704 40 Meoharaoa' 8e.....106 60 Culp Coal pref.— 8g 12 22 do 6 Paoifio bl 38 Co.. .. .00 1 tia do -910 • 89 60 do 20 N Y Can R....-79U I MU o ,763-4 I 836 d d o ......_..79 . . 100 60 Erießailroad.... 6 .- 4 .97% 90 d ... .5 .3774 60 do o 110 do CITY ITEMS. LAST WEEK TO SUBSCRIBE -" Falstatriguslaiing hie Recruiin," the finest line engraving ever exeouteil in Amerioa. S"Bhakepea•e and Ids Friende," painted and engraved by the 1 , aed Brothers; published originally at ew in England. and purchased by the automation for their subsoribers alone. "The Village Blacksmith," engraved from Herring's great picture, by Geo. Patterson, one of the beet mo dem engravers. "Manifest Destiny," engraved from Solomon's pos ture of " Fortune Telling," by the well known Bacon , of London, and "The Cotter's Saturday Melt," by Thomas Feed, engraved by Lemon, of London, to gether with the Cosmopolitan Art Journal, one t flips beet illus., aid quarterliea ever issued, and a chance in tie award of premiums of over 000 handsome pieces of statuary and paintings, some of which are valued at large 6111118 of money, and all possesaing high artistic merit, for the low price of 83. Each subaeriber can take hie choice of the above pictures for 41. or any two for 36. The above pioturec can only be procured by sub scribing to the aseomation, Only a few dere more to subronbe before the drawing, ishiely takes vlses N W York, January at.lBst. E. U. Autry & Co., agents, northwest corner Fifth and Chestnut atrects. Ja23-dt HENRY WARD BEISCiiNLR To•uounow Ntanr.— To-morrow night, it is presumed that Rev. Henry Ward Beecher will deliver the lecture promised to have been given before the People's Literary institute, at Conceit Ball, on last Thursday night week. We under stood three days ago that there were almost tieltelif enough sold to fill the Hall, so that persons wishing to attend may be disappointed by waiting to putoltaae tickets at the door on the evening of the lecture. LECTURE ON MATnitroltY.—This (Wednesday) evening. John 1, Capon, Esq., professional phronolo gist, will deliver a lecture, corner of Nineteenth and North streets, on Matrimony and the Social Relst,ons. Phrenologically treated, we know of no theme of more general interest than this, and in the hands of Mr. Ca pon, who is thoroughly skilled in his science, it is sure to be rich and instructive. The seats are free. The eubject will 1 e illustrated by Kiblio examinations at the clone of the lecture The TILE 10 DIVEST.—FteeI what we SOW on a visit to Messrs..l. W. Prootor & Company, proprietors of the Paris Mantilla, Cloak. and Fur Emporium, No, 708 Chestnut street. we are free to OW to our readers that now is the time to invest in the elegant articles which they are still selling at really nominee/ prices. They are selling the most magnificent goods at en im mense saorifice to close the season. Tun various committees appointed to arrange for the reception of the Chicago and Milwaukee dele gations will meet at the rooms of the Board of Trade at M o'clock this morning. It AN UNFAILING REMEDY you PLauno•PNsu uonta.—ln a recent number of The Press we published an article thoroughly describing the fatal cattle disease known Si nem o-Pneurnon fa. To-day we are enabled to threat the reader to an unfailing remedy for this de structive epidemic. We allude to the advertisement of Dr. 11. Cluk, No. 407 Ville street, in another column. Dr. C. has the reputation here and in Europe of being one of the moat soientifio and thoroughly-skilled prac titioners in cattle diseases living, andthe remedy which lie offers for Pleura-Pneumonia, we have good reason to believe, is. if properly effectual cure. Be Is. moreover, abundantly responsible for the terms upon, which he offers toe medicines to the public—no cure, 710 pop. " Tonmr."—Everybody recollects the little colored youth named Tommy," who accompanied the Japanese Embassy. and whom the ladies per sisted in caressing sa a Prints in disguise. It seems that Tommy lives, when at hove, in a sort of a pen, back of the Kanagawa Custom House. He has a place where he may eat by day, and spread his quilts to sleep by night. The mats are at the same time carpet, chairs, sofa, and dining table. His Income is free rent, a per diem allowance of rice, and eight ichit,us, or two dol lars and sixty-seven mints a month. Tommy was pre ferred here to some of our American sovereigns, who look and act like Christian men, and who obtain their garments at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Hook hill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut atreet, above Sixth, AN exobange lute the following as an excellent system of gardening for ladleei Make up your beds early in the morning ; sow buttons on your husbsnd's shirts; do not rake up any grievances; proteot the young and tender branches of your family; plant a smile of good temper in your face ; carefully root out all angry feeling ; persuade your husbands, brother., and sons to buy their olothtng at the one-prioe fashion able store of GRANVILLE STOKER. No. 607 Cliestnu street. receive a valuable Girl. therewith, and expect a good crop of happiness. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. BEE FOURTH PAGE ARRIVED. Bohr W H Morse. Bentley. 9 days from Trtualort,wlEl Indef. to Twel s & Uo. stair Marys° Ste, Smith, 3 days from Now York, with barley to order. CLEARED. 13nrk AMY, Hammond, Boston, Tweils & Co, IVIL'hfORANDA Steamship Ilienville,Bullook. from New Orleans 16th and Havana 18th met, arrived at New York yesterday. Steamship Marathon, McArthur from Livorno° Bth lost arnved at Now York yesterday. 20th init. passed steamships ihassow, from New York for Liverpool: and Bremen. tram do for Bremen. Steamship Kedar, from New York, arrived at Liver pool 6th inst. 8h p Act Union. Norton, from Roston, at Calcutta Nov 26. Ship Eleotrio, Bell, for New York, sailed from Bom bay Bth ult. Ship Mosconent, Carter, for Charleston, cleared at Liverpool 6th inst. Ships International and N Thompson, from New Or ane, at Liverpool 7111 mst. THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA; - WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1861. Ship Esther, Perkins, from Moulmein. entered inward at t ondon blh last Ship P Stringer, Wood, cleared at New York yes terday for Liverpool. Ship.R. C Brandt, Weberdahl. for London cleared at New 1( wkyeatordiy. Steamship Roston, Crooker, cleared at New York yes terday fur Philadelphia. Pte mettle Virginia, Kelly, hence, arrived at Sul-- mend 21st hp,p ~•07 Hamplhlre. Week., from Bahia, arrived at NlAbi.e Itch inst. Ship F loTa McDonald, Fuller, from London, at Mobile 20th inst. • Shin imandra, Nergeant, from Bahia, arrived at No bile ieth inst. Bark e. Dwight, Nickerson, from Mobile. at Provi donne /9•lt inst. fork W B Newman. Gaver. for Rio do Janeiro, sailed from Baltimore Yesterday. Bark Luoy Johnson. Johnson. for West Coast of At , nor' o emed at New York yesterday. Bark Aohtlles. 01Plagher. fur Ptiliadelphia, in banner, cleared a , London tth Inst. Bark Old Maori'. Holmes, from Bhields for N York, passed Deal fth inst. Brig 0 C Van Horn, Merriam, bronco, arrived at Tri nidad Cith inst. irrig . r.lcopeo, Sparrow, from Pensacola. at Matan zas orh inst.. Bohr Maris Fleming.ltillaw. arrived at Wethington. Del, yealerday, from Now York. Bohr Hamlot. Wade, (neared at Havana 11th inst. for hotraonvitio. bohr Eliza & Rebecca, Price, bonno, arrived at Tri nidad let inst. Nohr Q W flynson, flash, hence, arrived at Cien fuegos7th inst. Qcohr A Hugel, t Marton, cleared at Now York yeateriltor fo l ' icti h r li f i x e cTiaae, Fuller, fur Rio Grande, ended from Richmond 2101 inst. ealir Fideiia, Wheaton, ha,co, arrived at Washing ton. DC. 7oeterday. Bohr Mallard O'Brien . . Hartigan, for Philadelphia, cleared at Halifax 12th mat. HOLMES' HOLE. Jan 15-Ar bark Aurn. Lindsey. N Orleans for Berton; brigs Princess, Grant, Bonaire for do; Trindelen, Hater, do for Portland; Thomas Connor. York, Havana for do; sohr We.oome It Hobe, Craw lord. Mobile for Boston. 10th -Ar brig Samuel rook, Door. Jereinio for Boston. Left no Amerman vessel. Saw at anchor off Inagua Ist Inst. ring Milton. Hoyt, from Fort au Pi moo for —. Also ar brigs Ban Dunning, Varney. Inagua. via For tune Island ono New York. for Portland; Bonaparte, Stewart. Jacksonville for Boston; Bohm ausens, Part ridge, !rein Para for Salem; tai noting's. Stoles, George town. BC. for Boston; E F Lewis. Watson, Alexandria for do; Hiawatha. Small, and Geo Edward, Weeks, Phi ladelphia for do; Tantamount. Davie. Wilmington. NC, for Newbury port; Sarah A Hammond. Paine. Boston for Philadelphia; Bay State, Norm, J Faulkner, J ti Bab cock. Jeffers. J 11 Austin, Davis, and Lydia Ann May, Baser, do for Now York. Sailed, back Aura; brigs Dillow, Princess., Thou Con nor. Trindelen, Waooainaw ; soli re Eugene, w It Beebe, Mary B Dyer. Te'egraph. Plat-Ar brig Young Republic, Libby, Cardenas for Boston; sohr Ddo R F Shannon, !Sowell, Washington, NC. via New York. for Boston. Hernains at 10 A M, wind W NW. blowing Irish. the above arrivals of to- lay, and brigs Baml Cook. 11 Dun ning. Bonaparte. Fredermic Eugene; setae Moonlight, E F Lewis. Hiawatha. Goo Edward. Young America. 8 A Hammond. Bay State, Hooky Hill. G W Saveloy, J G Salaams!, .1 11 Auati a, Lydia nn May. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTEV, Cll 4TIPIENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. W IT Pray/torch Baltimore • V M Camp. Went Chester Wm Brinchurst. Delaware PH Carpenter. lowa Dr Cochran, Virgiu•a K A Mitchell, Connecticut Pioroe & la. Boston li W Moue. Chicago (Aeries Landis, Now York Dlt Bill. Virginia R A A 11011..N0W Jamey Jae T Ames, Nlase H R Glover, Donlon Ardis Diefenderf Alice Pielenderf C C Eastoll • • • • • . E Fi Field, Easton Mr Drake, Philadelphia Mr Ith des, Pbtladelph a Jnho firmer, Ohlb W c Pickeeegill & la, N Y mien N York Captain Lott 11 A Johnson New York U punier, New York 11 A Stu* th, New York W F Sehnlefield, England Samuel Hooper, Boston Stephen H I hilttpe Bonon Bay, etonington I Barnes & 11, New York S A Allen, New Jersey II A rano!), ha, ton. Woo L P Clark. California V M Moore, New York H Pnteston. Pennsylvania 01) Barrett, Cleveland, O B Brunie), Boston J R Gray D t. Sprague Gen W Boyd, Phrenirville Wll Fuller, Scranton, fa Rlf Slaughter, New York C Smith, Boston Saint Me Lean, New h ork Nr o PaSetre, New York John F Roy R Htxen. Boston . . . . . . I. Ilixon, Jr, BOStoll J Gillet & wf, New York F Mooning, NM York Geo W .utton, New York E Gilbert, Baltimore hi Bigelow, Jr, N Jersey W Wall, Brookl , n W if W Taylor. Virginia le W Coggell, New York Si Halliday, Baltimore E .earteues, Now York W . Armstrong & la, N Y D Kaine, Uniontown T B Seatigle. Uniontown W L Mallon; Cinoinnati ()Levering & I... Baltimore John D W Joy. Molten H biniken. Washington I. Shouter, Galena, 11l W Goddard. It Island B Car, Kansas B M Huey, Virginia Peter Higgins. Rochester H Huston, New York Solomon Sturges. Chicago S Sturges. Ohio R E Barnes, New Yak C H Richer. s, New York It Carpenter Massachusetts J T Alden. Alassachusers B Bruht, New Yorfc Geo Sanford, Mom S H Bacon, i oston GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnut street, below Ninth. Cl Peters. Philadelphia. W I. Wilson, Maaa M }s Wilson, Massaohusetta Mrs Warren Mans Mr Ramsey, New York A M Austin, Philadelphia W Phila H H Perkins. Pennsylvania .1 Alex Patten New York Geo AI Steinman. Lanoaatr Mr Barnett. Maryland Mrs Barnett, Mary and Chas D Gibson, New York T &la Brooklyn hl tea Smith, Brooklyn rs Morton Conneotiout John Walker Coon Thoa Duthie. Prov. R I A C Gray. Delaware Harry I ear y fat Loma Thal Phillips & la N York .1.) Luther. Reading Jxa C emotion). New York H 0 Jameson. New York W K Wilke, Voitinia Rev J H Hamilton & w,t. B Miss Freeman,At John Miss C Bo , tlen, St John John S Gallaher. Jr. u C F D Dunlap, Delaware City A V Colon, Delaware City 1 , Dimock, Conneetit Jas H. Grant & la. New York 11 L Newbold, New ]rk Thos Harvey, Baltimore Geo M Hooper, Baltimore Beal Hunt, Peona Dr M Little, Maryland `Aim Bunn, Muse n Hal 1 Joe White, Baltimore W B Keratin. Biltonore B Thornton, Baltimore P Hunter, Reading 'l' M Smith. New York Geo iVorton, perms. . Geo Ni. Laurnan, Reading: 3 B Bryson. !Silver Boring '3 . 0 Wond. New York Geo Al Lewis, New York Goo P Whitaker. hal 3 A' , MoCauly, Week K West & le., A Hinny R Davies, New York H likooherd. &Woe J Pannier, New York AL Courtright & la, N Y Mies Courtrikht,N Yo.k MO W iloox. New York J it Nicholson & la.. Y J E Fredenoke,New York Time W Farmer & wt. NY Paha Chappin, Now York Wm H Hartm n. had J 0 Hartman, alaryliti.d W J sprout, kaltimore 1 - L Deehron, New Haven 011 Conon , New York Jas H Dobbs. Now York Co P tecrur t. Now Yolk Edw °Jenkins. Now York Jaci Ganeard. New York L Levy, New York WIER CHAN 18' HOTEL—Fourth street, holow Aroh, J Camberlain. Princeton NJ P 8 Blitz. Columbia. Pa Thor H Horton, Prole C Rowe Ntrashurg, Jno It °lrvin. 8 trasburg, PaJ J Fmclley, mercer, l'a Jt Monashsn, W ster W H Reed, ?bile A Bragg, Massachusetts Alt Brom:the td,Jr.hiChu'k A Wolla Bethlehem.l P Boho ll . Bethlehrm J P Barnes. Allentown Kinsslee & la, Harrisb's Levi Perry, Baltimore David Treharn, BS Chunk) J Fritz. Bethleta in Win MoLoati, elitypense's LOUIS BOTEL—Cheetnut it., above Third. 11 B Painter, W Chester H B Baldler. Now Jersey O W Btrzoklarni. N York P Lurrby. Philadelphia hi Johneon, DIRT, krld Holy . Now York Wells. Mlnereville John 8 11.rr , son, hid F It Xaot. rhtiadelphia .1 8 Chamberlain, Minn A Platt, New York 0 floupt, Nevi Jersey James 30 Anderson, Ohio JONPB' HOTEL—Chestnut street. above Bath. Tiros 23 Cavendej, Ps CI R R.amm. "%Rada o. CC P Rs.o. Pi, .414,4,1.1,t I. IJrafivaq Po Mrs Jos Brennan. l's wm Finney, M D. Md 'rhos Cately. Bridgeport John P Hooper, Bait B F Meek, Baltimore t; B Rogers, DeerPa W M Wright, Lebanon J T Droun, New Y 1111 c F, i Danforth, New York Win It liherman,N 'jerk COMMERCIAL HOTEL—aixth et., above Cheatnut. Sae H BUTllltij, 1 OHM]. Del J W Carter, Felton. Del Copt J D Wiley, Y Bottom A H Brinton, Cheater co .5 S Shann. Bristol r, Pennock, Wilco, Del E Wencher. Harrisburg Jan fi rtteunouea, Fottstn John Larkin, Jr. Cheater Nobt Hodgson. Oxford Thos Newland, Virginia Jaen Strawbridge, ?a J IL Ramsey. Cheater oo H C Greenfield, Chewer co J N Benjamin, Mary land Alf Boating, Alarcua Hook Stephen Baker, New Jersey S Sinclair. Jr, Chester co Morris Atlantic LitY W It Winter, Fhila John Make, Cheater co BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third at.. above Callowhill. .1 K Swoyer. Hat risbarg HS Rorer, Olney Chas nem, Hartsville t hits If grpor. Jenkintown m Warner, Pennsburg Linford Roads. Somerton .1.3. Bobb, Penneburg John Rush. Lehigh oo Geo Smith Reading J L Griesenser. Ohm> blame RAuffm..r., Olney Jacob Butz, Olney Jacob Hutt, Penna. Joe ilogeland, Penns Ch's 13 Knight, Penne Rohr Burroughs. Bucks po A/Rader, Exeter Jae 13 Thomas. Penna 1 hos Bye, Lahacka, Pa Wellington Kline. Kuril le NATIONAL HOTEL—Haze street. abovo Third. 8 H Suahgoltb. N Jumpy 8 13 Sturderant. Wdlcesb A L Kulp. Mt Joy Thou M. Horton, Flu% W Weilmann, Johnstown H J Bendier, Pottsville II Price. Plula J W Blom Cm, 0 . . onnide. liarrieburg R Gundykor .4 In. N 'Nos coleman, Lancaster A Cranford. Danville Geo F Helen no, Pa J C Reynolds. Ceeiloo, hid It hompson. Pr non. John Shank, Pottsville John Price, Ashtray], Pa ANIBR CAN BOTEL—Ultestnut et.. above Fifth. J E Taylor, Albany, N Y E Albany, N y John is. Butler, Phila Jos It Edwards, Philo, W qt A. Thorn, vbila k. Gilmore, Philo John Mare. New York J B Champion, Philtt Miss Nowell, Trenton, N J (1 H Young. New York C 1 Newall & la, ri Jersey W B Waddel, W !Theater CC Bowman, Reading W B Mendenhall Penns J D Ross, Cheater Co 'rhos Long & la Penna. M Williame, Jersey CityLeisenrins, !VI Chunk A n A Douglas. M Chunk Mr Arnold & la, N York MA Snell, New Bedford John Traria lieu P Wilson, Delaware N P Thomas, Delaware Pleasant Henry. N Carolina Mr Di atinamrh,l4 York J M °Downed. Baltimore BARLEY SHEA 1 , -Bccond street. below VIIIO. J Jones, liattwo (I Middleton. Mt'Holly Mrs Hughes, New Jersey Jno C Rich. !Wok,. no Jas Palmer, Bucks co Jas Buckman, Ds berry Sera solliday, New Hope J W Kirk, Philadelphia Saint H Rice, Bolebury J Watson. Pole bu ry Hiram Klee, CentreVille John Davis, Bunks oo Moses Eastburn, Bolebury It Mono Well, Hartsville ice K Taylor, Attleboro 8 NI Janney. Newtown H t nylon Bunks eo 'lB Phipps. White Marsh E N Miles, Bucks no Jesse 8 Heston, Newtown John Ferran to son,'Buokis co MOUNT VERNON ROTEL—Second et., above Arab. O W English, Phil. Win P Henry, Harrisburg' MII Williamson, Jersey C A J Male, Doylestown E Frets, Doylestown Wm Dubree, Doylestown Dode• Ell e. Forestville Dr E S Aborn, New York A T Burrows, Deposit, N Y THE UNION—Areh street. above Third. 0 8 Burrows. Salem. 11l E W Bernstein. Philo C Flemington Rev H Moser Fr, la Land's Lewis Whitaker, 11l John Exton, 'el City, net 800 Dean. 131.10111100 Pa S O Cienver, Pt Penn, Del Fleming 8 Phillips, Phila John Ails le, Yearns 1' h ran klin, New York C Geiger, Pennsylvania STATES UNlON—Alarket street. above Sixth. linker. Wilco, Del E M Betts, lowa W Jones. Chester or. H P Dunbar. Donver Will Hoover, Pittsburg Adam Speen, Pittsburg Wm W Bullock, N J . Parry Jennings. Boston E Romans, Laporte, Ind W H Playiord. Pa John Maley. Liberty, Pa D M Jones, New Jersey FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Second et., above Market. I Thomas. Camden. Del Jae Mansfield. Oree. le, 0 Wm Neiligh. Atlantic City Thou II Coopar, Maryland dw 'Morn. Phil& F. lb; Miller & eon, hid Wm Tarn, Georgetown, Del James Moran. N Jersey MERCHANTS' HOUSE—Third et.. above Ca llowhill C F Wenn. Monte co. Pa A Faber, MM. Jacob It Beek, N.zareth Jae E "waver. Nazareth P Applebeek, Penna Levt Handel, Let, co. Pa Joe Potteiger, Borkeco. Pa 11 CBe moat, Bethlehem REVERE HOUSE—Third'etreet, above Race. Jae Davie. Bahl 'Haven Jnn P Dillinger, Allentown E Y Bright. Mil ord G W Wilson, Lewisburg John Wright. Colombia J P Brady, AltJor Geo W Mercian, Balt BALD EAGLE-' —Thlrd etraet. :move Callawltill. Geo Wenner. Bethlehem Win Kunkel. Monte on Lewis Collins, Monte nu mill Wilson & dn. Pa SPECIAL NOTICES S4VING FUND—NATIONAL SAIIITY Tll.llfiT COMPANY.—During the suspension of speedo payments by the Banks. Money is received and mud daily, on de mand, in the same kind of funds, specie or notes, as de- Posited interest five per cent. WALNUT &root, eouthweet owner of TIIIRD. ia2-tf SEAMEN'S SAVING FUND—NOB:TIMM:a Onnatn SECOND and WALNUT MIRUNTB.—DOI/O.IIA re cowed in small and large annulate, from all clauses of the community, and allow interne at the rate of FIVE PER CENT. per annum. Office open daily, from 9 until fl o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until eight in the evening. President, FILANELIN ; Treasurer and Secretary, Clifa% M. MORRIS JAYNE'S LIQUID DYR SURPASSES ALL others in communicating a beautiful natural biaok or brown color to the hair, moustaches, or whiskers. Prepared only at JAYNE'S, CHESTNUT St , not, be low Third, and 'or sale there, and by A gonte th oath out the °Gantry. ia9 vedre-8t BAIR DYE! HAIR. DYE! !—Batchelor's LIQUID HAIR DYE 66 its original and best in the market. All others are more Imitations, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridleule. Splendid BLACa or beautilul Snows Instantaneously. Sold by all Drug gists everywhere. The genuine has the signature of WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR upon a steel-plate en graving on four sides of eaoh box. Bsware of Counterfeits. Mammfaotory, 81 Barclay street, late 233 Broadway, New York. OHARbEEI BATCHELOR, nob-1T Proprietor. II! TO 1.2 O'OLOOR. LIM 111011 T SALAMANDER FIIIH•PAOOF HAFRS.—A very I tau naeortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at roe , Brinblo priome, No. 304 CHESTNUTBO., Philadelphia. was tr EVANR k virkraori, Citioi , En & BATErga's OBLEBRATBD NOISELESS SEWING MAOGINES 'flip Bent in Uso for Ermaly Sewing. tin 711) on prerivryT vlront. Phi,ileluMa. nusl-11 OitioN OLOTHING OF TUB LATEST nude in the best manner, expressly for RE- All P.ALES. LOWEST selling pnons marked In lir:tog. All toed,. made to oraerwarranted rrotorr. Our ONE-PRIDE system is strictly adhered k ' Nye nereby trotted alike. ly - k. 00. 604 MARKET Street. ittAICRIED. TE 14 112-130DF6ItY.—On the 24th of July, 1830. by Aldermen Alma, Witliom Tens to Mary Ann Ottl- Trey, ell of this city. 11 JA r IKSON.—On the 22d Instant, JOHN B. JACKSON. the relatives and frierds of the family are Invited to attend his funeral, from hie late residence, No. 813 North t• iehtlt street, strove Brown, on Friday. 128th instant.) at II o'oluok A. M. To proceed to Mount Ver none e tory. 2,1. 1 W h KS e , . —At Frankford, on Tuesday. January 22.1681, Mrs. Mary Quiokaall, in the 68th year of tier age. . . The relatives and friends aro reopeotfully invited to attend her furieril. from the residence of her ann-in law. Simnel Me ()enough. Orchard street, below Unity. on Friday. at 2 o'clock, without further notice. Funeral t o 0 , -ooned to t,eilar Rill Cemetery. G LEN 1 1 1NNIN the evening of the 2011 i instant, Cliar:es daimon- son of Hobert and Elizabeth Ulan dinning. aced 18 years. Iho relatives and friends aro respeetfulfy invited to attervi ti.e funeral, from the residence at his parents. Haverfoid street, above Thirty-third, West Philadel phia. this (Wednesday)23,l, at 2 I'. M„ and train Mantua Preabaterian Chnich n, 9 P, CEA al flb:171 1 --On the 19tn January, Sarah Frances, voungost daughter of Andrew R. and Matadi A. ham hors, Funeral will take place thin (Wednettday ) morning, at 10 o'olook. To crooned to Laurel Hill. The relatives and friends of the feud!, are respectfully invited to attend without further notioe. M ULL.—On the 19th instant, Mr. Joseph E. Maul!. in the 83d yoar of hie age. Funeral from his late residence. No 022 Queen street. this ( Wednesday) morning. at 10 o'clock. w I INK —On the 20th instant, Mrs. Al airdalena Link. relict of the late Gotlieh Link, in the Gsth year of her age. Funeral from the iesidense of her eon, George J. Link, Boycott% street. above Germantown avenue, on Thursday, at 12 o'olnolr. THOM A 4 .—Llit the, 19th instant, Mr Banter Thomas, Sr., aged 62 years Funeral from his laro reiddenee. No. 213 Lombard street. IMa I Wed need ay) afternoon. at 2% o'olook. • AND Fts,Wo.—On 21st instant. John Andrews, in the year of his age. Funeral f• om Ma Into ref/Memos, No. 231 North Fifteenth street, this (Wednesdays afternoon, or 2 o'olook. ilKftd NON —Oa t 6 2lbt instant. Peter Bannon, aged 63 rears. •• • • Fun Oral from his lard reaidenoc. No. 1241 Elbonen street. tont IltiedroosolaY) afternoon. at I o'olook. EiIMINON —On the 20th mutant, Moe Mary 800 ocoo. on the 65tIt year of her FUTMrai from tho roaalonco of John I) Smith, in Wear Pouladolphia. thou (Wednesday) afternoon. at 2 (o'clock. • _ VALID —On the 21st instant, Thomas Flnyard, in HlB3lOl yeor of his are. Funeral from Ins Into remdenoe, No. 1135 Federal street. this ( Wednesday) afternoon. at 3 o'clock. " BOYLE —On the 21st instant, Julio Boyle, aged 03 YV.TB • roneral from hie Iran residence, Twenty sixth and Lombard streets, thm (Wednesday) afternoon, at I o'nlook. " BD KIITS.—On the 20th instant, Mrs. Rebecca Beakitts. in the fad year of her ace. Funeral rice; the residence of her son, Peter H. Duel - mt. Frankford resell. opposite Point lane, on Thursday morning. at 934 o'clock Ds VFRlllo.—t , n the 2tat insta..t, Nathan Levering in the Mite year of hie ago. Funeral front hen late residence. No. 235 South Second street, on Thera - lay morning. at 10 o'clock. DA LY.—On the Met instant. Mary Ann. eldest deeds ter of John and the late Maria Daly. aged 13 years and 2 months. 11ECKS . 0 .—On the 2ath instant, Thomas J. Diektont in the 4)thTear of hie aze. Funeral trout tie Irte residence. Ilankeon Watt. above Walluoo, thus t Nednerday) afternoon, at 2 o'oiook. (MA 015(11 , 8 —"la the 10lh instant, Mrs. South Claw gee, aged 71 rears. Funeral from her Into residence. No. 350 Dillwyn street this (Wednesday) afternoon at it o'clock. GI lISON.—On the 110th instant. William ft. Gibson, in the 38 , 11 year of his age. Funeral from h's late residence. in Holman street. above York. Nineteenth ward, this (Wednesday ) al ter noon. at 1 o'clock. tcleclLlJiti..:Zun the 20th Instant, Andrew hlcs'3lure aged 38 yoarg. Funeral from Me late residence. in Delanco. N. time (Wednesday) afternoon. at 1 (Velem 311 ls ODU !NG GOODS FORIB6I . 7—J ill reamed Now Rty lab Rewind Memnon Ruttish Chintz's. and Neat ?Wes Black and White ditto, at 125 i els ; Blank Al same, 25.311i'..973‘ ate. ; Bomba zine leini•th 8754. SO 625 i", 70 ors ; Mohair Luetres, 3714 etc. to RI: Rank Boon hiuslins, Ensiles Crapes. VOll Crapes. Crape Falls nod Crape Veils. Homan Corner Crane, Lune and Grenadine Veils. :rape Co'bra and Coliarettcs, nnz ish Bomb , z ines Jouvin's Bleak Kid Gloves. mckint our crock of MAIN BLACK and SlitiOND MOURNING GOODS full and complete. HEBSUN & SON. Slimming Store, Balt No. 918 Chestnut street. rrPOST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, PA. iANUATIV 21.1961. SPECIAL NO VIC compUnnee with lestruo tinne received from the Post Office Department. the public nrn hereby rottfied that postage mu t be fully pre pant by stamp, on all lettere or peolcaree addreeeed to Governors, H ads of Departments. and Members of the t eetslature of this and other Stites; in dottult of which they will be sent to the Dold Letter Uffice, Washington, D. C. ja23 N. B. BROWNE. Postmaster. HTA ;WELTING OF TILE COMMITTEES on the Recaprion and Entertainment of the :gTv.ll. , 013ESTe, radearred at 12u'cloak TO-DAY, at the Board of Trade It___ _ H.NRY BUD D, Chairman. OrPEOFLE'S LITERARY INSTITUTE. REV. 11 h.NRY WARD BEECHER \vat lea lure on THURSDAY EVENING, January 21, at CON CERT HaLL. Bu'jent, " Extravagance." Lecture quarter before 8 o'clock It" r,_rSPIRITUALISM.—MRS. A. M. FP KO CP. a New York, w l bold in free eon felereo and answer question.. at SANSOM-S ritEta BA . thin evening at 7)4 o'olprk. She wilt lecture on Prillof evening THE LECTUREMON MATRIMONY AND TIM st) ;lAL rACULTIE 4 . wtooh was appoiotod fo• Thursday. wdl be given THIS Wed nesua'l t.VENIN(i. at ni o'olocß, at tao corner of nineteenth and North mreets. below Coates. It J. L. CAPEN,924 Chestnut street. r eNOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING of tho Etookholders of the OCEAN 81FAIO trVIGATION COAIPANV. for the eieettun of Five Dtreetoro. and for tie trant.notton of other business, will ho held at No. 3 , 0 North DELAWARE Avenue. on TUESDAY, the fifth del of February 1841. at 12 o'obtak noon. , WM. DENNIS. 2122:171_ _ lll4,prot.t y arta TrAttrurer. ErCENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL—TILE EX. animation of Apolmants for A &Domino to the 'RAI.. HIGH 80110 .L. will begin on MONDAY. the 28th Of January, atp A. M. The cantbdates moat be at lea t thirteen yearn of ago. residents of the cite of Philedelphia and for at one year pupils lathe pub lic school, f the city,. The Order of examination will be us fo lows : 1511 1 1VDaY:Jlinuti,:liStli, IlistorP of the United ECates and Geeeraphr. TUINDA V 2th. (Orthography and Mensuration. VV RON PHD AY% Seth, Grammar. Rules,,and Parma. THIlite`DAV, Slat, Arithmetic, Theory, and Exam- Pies. Fit WAY. brandy"e Sat, Definitions, and Constitution of the United State's Candidates will he admitted on Wedneeday,February 6th. NICHOLAS H. AIAGUIRE. A. Al.. Jas: at Ir A OFFICE' OOFTUE P ,4 ILADELPHIA N() SAVANNAH ATEAN. NAVIGATION COMPANY, NO 300 NORTH WHARVES. . . Tho Annual Ida ohne of h e iitnok holders of this Com ,any for the Heation of Fivo hlnnegere, nod for the Nomination of other Intninang. will be held nt No. 30, Yhdwdeiulun Exotinnve. (third Board Y on TUEBOA VENJNO. the fifth day of Februsry nest. at half pas: Bryon o'c'ock. DENNIBi Ft 2.1•12: Bearetnry and Treasurer. fia--* J. S. CAPEN WILL COM MENCE A I; course of nix lectures nn PH ENOLOGY, on PSDAY EVENING, Jan.:2d, at o'clock, at the southeast corner of Nineteenth and North streets. be low Goatee to be continued on Thu. lidera and Tues dab s. until the tilos). These lectures w 11 be Illustrated by portraits. caste, skulls, descriptive anecdotes, and public examinations, arid will be adapted to interest and improve the young. Admrionrn free Coilegtion at the close Examinations daily, at the Cabinet, llit2 CHESTNUT Street. IN'.UItANUE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNBYI VANIA, NOB. 4 AND tifi NCO ANGE 131PLOING.—.TINUARY 16, 1841. The following gentlemen him Leen duly re-olooted Directors for the rear 1661: HENRY 1) tiIIERRERD. SIMEON TOBY CHARLES MACALESTER, WILLIAM S. SMITH, JOHN B. BUDD. WILLIAM R. WHITE, GEORGti H. STUART, SAMUEL GRANT, JR , ToBIAS WA4 4 F.R. THOMAS B WATTSON, HENRY G. FREI , MAN, CHABLKA S. LEWIS, GEORGE C. CARSON, Ate meeting of the D.reotors,hold this day, HENRY 1). SH.ItRERD, Esq., was unanimously re.eleoted President of the Comoany. _je.lB St WILLIAM HARPER. BeeretarY. TrCOMMONWEALTH INSURANCE COM PANY :IF THE Yi PATE OF PcNrsYLvA NEA, 613 CHESTNU r STREET, PHILADELPHIA, January 14,1841, At a meeting of the Stockholders of the common wealth Insurance. Colman. of the Orate of Poi:inept vama, held at their office, January 7,1861, the following Gentlemen were elected to serve es Directors for the ensuing year: DAVID JAYNE, M. D., JOHN M. NV HITAI,L, THOM 8 8. oTEW ART, cHARLEB B. HoG.IIB, WILLIAM +•TRuTilEar, Hr.NRY 1,EW.8. ROBERT SHOEMAKER, JOHN K. %VALK I, ft. EDWARD 0. KNIGHT, STEP. , EN 00 1 .LT/qt. Aud at a meeting of the Board of Direotors held on thiy day, the following Officers wr re re elected: President-I)AV I) JAYN E. M. D. Vice President—JUAN M. WHITALL. ticorotary—zAlDUbl, 8. MOON. jal7-10t V; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Branch Canal Company for the election of a rrosidont and five Managers of said Company will be held at the office of the company, in ATHe No, Penn sylvania. at 10 o'clock A. M., on WhIThEBDAV, the 301 h day of January, 1831. 11 , order of the Board. M. C. MERCUR, Secretary. MOFFICE OF TIIE UNION CANAL CO., PIIIL~DEr.v lA , JtIOUSTy I,36i.—The Annual gof the Stockholders of the Union Canal Corn puny, of Pennsylvania, will be held on l IJEtt 0A V. Fe bruary 6th. next, at 11 o'clock A. .at the office of the Comonn • . 2 , 2 b WALN UT Street ( Farquhar buildings.) lal7.dtfo6 0. To OM rsuisi deoretary. TXOFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY, PIIILADELPIIIA • January 14. 1861. NOTION TO STOCKHOLDERS.-1 he annual meet ine of the atookholdere of this Company will be held on MOND al , . the 4th day of February, 1881, at 10 o'clock A. el., at the SANet.fh LT HALL. The annual election fnr Directors will be held on MONDAY, the 4th day of March, 1861, at the °Moe of the Ootnreru, No. 238 ttnuth THIRD Street. JalB•tfe4 h DMUN D SMITH. Secretary. V"NEW YORK AND MIDDLE COAL• FILD RAlLikunD AND COAL COMPANY." e ' E Annual Meeting of the btookholdere of the Com pany mill be held at their offiee. v , o 203 conch FOURTH mtreet, on dIoNDAY, the 4th day of Fe bruary next at It o'oloolt A. Dl. for the purport of electing Five threetore of the nerd Company fur the ensuing year. and for the translator) of euoh other Niemen ae may be broutht before the meetine. • •• • • • • OFN II Y 14 111311 , 30 Y; , Bear . etary. Phi • adelchia, January 17.1881. 1a13•tle! BTOFFICE OF THE FAME INSURANCE CO., N 0.406 CHESTNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, January 7. MD. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held thin day. a Dividend of THREE PER CENT. on the Capital of the Company was declared, payable on and after the let day of February next. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, raP-tfel Secietary. QTOOKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND sold on commirsion by JAY COOKE & CO.. Ja22.tintt 11 t r , outh. THIRD titraet. M ONEY REOEIVED ON DEPOSIT, and interest allowed, by JAY COOKE h CO., ja22 inuf 114 Onuth THIRD Street. NOURRENT FUNDS, SPFAIE, ,to , lJ bought aud sold by JAY , 100KE h CO„ Ja22 latif 114 youth 'rata D Street. TAR/LETS AND NOTES COLLECTED by JAY COOKE & CO., ju22 Imif ll4 ?South THIRD &root. N EW YORK, BOSTON, AND BALTI mon, E xo i ms e bought and mold to JAY COOKE & CU, Ja22-11nif 114 South TRIM) &root, fOTWE.—Was LOST from the mail, a Certificate for Eleven Shams of Stook in the 'Union Bank, of Philadelphia, in the name of Mrs. MarY Browder, No. 19, dated April 19,186 U. the subsoriber gives notioe hereby that an applica tion has been made to the said Bank for a new eortiti este, and cabs on all persons to alma cause why it should not 1)0 Issued. MARY BREWBaat, deo-seeml2o NEW PUBLICATIONS. NOW READY, ATLANTIC MONTHLY. FEBRUARY. 1861. The present number of the ATLANTIC MONTHLY specially commends itself to all readers, by the bell nano,' and variety of ite contents. Among the writers in the February time are HAR MED MARTINEVI. J. RESPELL LOWELL, E. P. WIPP PLR, J. G. WiIITTIEII, hllfie YEEMOTS, OLIVER WEN DELL HOLMEEI, PAUL AKERS. Three Dollars per Annum, or Twenty-hoe Coils a Number. Upon the receipt of the Subscription Prior, the Pub lisherswill mail the Work to any part of the Uni ted States, prepaid. nubsoriptions may begin with either the grit, or am subsequent number. The postage otitis ATL ANTIC is Tutalx-six Canto a Year. if prepaid. The pages a! the ATLANTIC are stereotyped, and back, numbers can be supplied. CLUBBING ARRANGEMENT!. Subsoribers to pay their own Postate. Tiv ed Fiv Cores / 0 Eleven Cordes.— 20 Bookeeliers and Newsmen will obtain the Orme by the hundred, ete., upon animation to the Publishers All orders should be addressed to TICKNOR de FIELDS. PUBLISHERS, 136 WASHINGTON Street, BOSTON, INSURANCE COMPANIES. --„„... FRANKLIN FIRE INSTJHANCF. CO. CAPITAL .................. 00 PERPETUAL PREMIUMS. $914,146 85 LESS FIVE PER CENT_,.. 46,707 34 ---- $865,439 UNEXPIRED TEMPORARY PREMIUMS-. 200,112 33 - ..... . 800,224 24 ETIMIEE! STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS OF TOE COM PANY ON JANUARY 1, 1861, PUBLISHED IN CONFORMITY WITU THE PROW- 81098 01 THE SIXTH SECTION OP THE ACT OF Assolimy or Avrtu, sth, 1842. MORTGAGE'S On property valued at over 94 000 cao, being first Mortgagee on Real Estate in the City and County of Philadel phia, except $780529.92 in the neigh boring Counties...-. ..... 00 REAL ESTATE. Purchased at Sheriff's sales under ! mortgage claim, vi;: Eight houses and lo", 70 by 150 feet, on the southwest corner ot Chestnut and Seventeenth streets. A nouns and lot, V by 4; feet. on the north side of Spruoe street, west of Eleventh street. Two houses and lots, each 18 by Ta feet, on the south side of Serums etrSst, near Sixteenth street. Five braves and lots, each 17% by 90 feet, Nos. 621, 523. 625, 527 and 62) Diliwyn street. Three houses cola lot, 59 by 54 feet, on east side of Seventeenth street; eolith of Pme. Rotel std lot, 10 by 81 feet, on the southeast corner of Chestnut sad Beach streets. Five houses and lot, 42 by 85 feet, on the north side of George street, west of Ashton street. Seven houses and lot, 25 by 117 feet, on the east side of Beach street, south of Chestnut street. A house ruse lot, 14 by 80 feet, No. 817 Fitzwater street, east of Ninth et. A ground rent of $2O. issuing out of a lot on by 40 feet. on the north side of Otter street, 40 feet west of Leo pard street. 87 lots of ground on Buckley .tree; and Quervelle avenue. Bristol. A house and lot, 18 hy 100 feet, on the south side of Stiles street, °ascot Six teenth street. A house and lot,;; by so, feet. on the east rode of Front street, north of Cherry street, Remengton, Total, Surveyed and Valued at $l.l 0.299 49, Cosr 880,513 33 LOANS, TEMPORARV LOANS on Stocks as collateral security ...- 125 TOCRS. $lO,OOO Almshouse Loan, 5 pet oent.( in terest on./ 200 shares Bank of Kentucky. " Northern Bank of Kentucky 100 " Union Bank of Tennessee. 13 " Insgrance Company of the State of Pennsylvania. nue Southwark Railway Co. 01 " o ..orriarciat end Railroad Bank, Vieksteirg. 300 " Pennsylvania Railroad Co. 91 " Franklin Fire Insurance Co. 2 " Meroantile Library Co. 21 " Union Canal Co. 2 " Continental hotel Co. $3 OW do. Bondi!. $lB 000 North Penna. Railroad Bonds. 82 000 Burlington City Water Loan. 57(0 Philadelphia City Loan. 5315.00 " City Warrants. Total Market Value, $87,990 97. COST —.— NOTES AND BILLS RECEIVABLE. CASS on hand-- —.823,252 68 " to hands ()regents ..... 6,635 47 MME 3 $2,231.647 67 REAL ESTATE tgatket Cost, as above—_—..—. ADVANCE IN STOCKS. 487 890 27 76,041 97 Market value-- Cost, as above.... 18!M!EM!!! LOSSES BY FIRE. LOSSES PAID DURING THE YEAR IMO, BY ORDER OS TII9 BOLRD, CHAS. N. BA.NCKER, PILESIDENT ATTRBT. W. A. STEEL, SEC. Pao Tax DIRECTORS. CHAS, N. BANCKER, Yreeldent. EDWARD C. DALE, Vioe ?resident. CHAS. N. BANCKER, MORDECAI D. LEWIS, 1013( AS WAGNER, DAVID 8. BROWN, SAMUEL GRANT, ISAAC LEA, J +COB R. SMITH, EDWARD C. DALE, GEO. W. RICHARDS. GEO. FALES, ja23-St WM. A. STEEL, Bowater" ore tem. UNION MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA, January 11.1&A. STATEMENT OF THE AFFAIRS OF THE COM PANY. Premiums from Jan. 1, 1860, to Jan. 1,1881....5240,455 31 Premiums earned orehlarine and Inlandrisks during the year ending as Received from Interest on Investments._.,.. Losses, Return Premiums, Reinsuranne, cayenne, and Commissions.— .... 127,010 82 "Balance against Dividend Account 2860, and reservation for loss unadjusted and bad debts Balance —.— ABBETB OF THE COMPANY, JAN. 7, 1861. 80,000 Ponnsylvania 5 per cent, loan, at cost.. 85,055 10 003 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. d 0.... 10.300 7,000 City of Pittsburg do d 0.... 6,700 7000 do do 6 do 6,800 41 620 Camden and Amboy R R bonds. d 0.... 41 713 5,003 Nor h Pennsylvania R. R bonds, d 0.... 3,700 14610 Cheaa'ke and Del, Canal bonds, d 0.... 14 610 107 shares Philadelphia Bank, d 0.... 14.710 100 do North Penna. Railroad, d 0.... 6.000 88 do Dolawaro 8. Ins. Co, d 0.... 2 200 45 do Delaware Railroad, d 0.... 1,125 10 do Penney Ivania Railroad, d 0.... 400 Sundry stooks of Railroads, Steamboat Com panies, Telegraph, &0., and certificates of profits of Mutual Insurance Companies Estimated present value . Bllle Receivable for Premiums Due the Company for unsettled Premiums, Salvages, and other nacounts..... The Dlrectors have declared a Dividend of SIX PER CLN T. on the outstanding Scrip, payable on and after 16th instant. . .. . . . . • RICHARD S. SMITH, President SOS. COLLISON, SeoretarY. At 1 meeting of the Seriph°!dere of the UNION MU TUAL INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia, hold at their office January 14, 1861, the following gentlemen were cleated to serve as Directors for three years Franois Tote. George Lewis, Newborn A Smith, J. P. Steiner, John 11. Irwin, G. W. Bernadou, D. Batsmen, William S. Baird, Thos. Ca, stairs, (for two James B. Campbell, ( for years) one year.) WllO. NVITIt Riehard B. Smith, Albert Worrell, S. Derouet, Edward L. Clark, A. E. Bone, Ellis Yarnell, William Kent, R. F. Robinson, Henry Lewis, Jr., Thomas Miles, Godfrey Fre y tag, Samuel C. Cook, Charles Vezin, Henry Samuel, constitute the Board of Dlreotors. JOS. COLLISON, SECRETARY. Jal6-rortmL7t TERMS. OF PHILADELPIIIA .i,2,260,176 t , 4,511 3T $76,047 97 81,016 95 $29,939 15 ... r .--..5110,29) 49 85,613 SS 824,786 11 I=3 ~....$2,200,170 08 5106,325 11 $lB6 871 IT &173.280 GT $13.050 00 $310.000 00 8/440 GI 18,167 74 8268 827 87 WANTS. VANTED-TO PUBOHASE IMMEDI ATELY. a good %hoot for biases. drag Teacher." Diood's CosaPatch. WANTED --A GENTLEMAN OF RE PPEOTABILITY to occupy. a furnished room as a steeping room, to a strictly private family Un egoeptionqtde teferenaes required. Address " Rah," idlood's Despatch.jl23 2t` A TRAVELLING S 4 LESNIAN, 'WELL 41. acquainted with good Short-time buyers in Penn sylvania and Mary land, would be willing to sell by ample, pita to 15E14 to OM present trade.) Staple Dry Goods tpledelphia wade 1.300de preferred. Address O. P. Q . ' Press officio. 1a23 21* W ANTED— A Situation by a "You ng Nan. who has had friar years experience in they given. Bueineas unexcepponable reference can ha given. Addrevi "C. H. K. ' this office. i 622 3t* WANTED—In the family of a School magPr—Leosons In the Italian Language and in Music, for which will be given in return, instruction of a high order in French, Latin, and the anglieb branches, None need apply but the most competent teachers. Ap ply no 1:15 nouth !street, 2d story. fa22-2r CONGRESSIONAL DEBATES WANT ED.—The Congressional Globe "(6 votumes) of the Thirty-fourth Congress wanted, at this office. jal9-t.f SIITUATION WANTED BY A YO TING man in a Howie trading with Cuba. or some other §oemsh ports. to oarry on the correspondence and aeatat in keeinna the bootie. Vnexeephonable references give le- n. tuth* a , d dress "A. P. N. ' °Moe of this paper. fa $ 5 ,000 AND o S3 r o c o( t ) TO LOAN, ON soak kitill4l l ,"' Jal6-2m* 149 South EIGHTH Street. FOR SALE AND TO LET. dB FOR RENT OR Ella E—A large and AM modern-finished COUNTRY RESIDENCE, With five sores of ground. near Phcenixville. Inenire of E. F. PENNYPACKEL Real Estate Agent. all•fnmet Pheamxville. ifin A LARGE STOOK OF DRY-0 ,- )ODS ava.vir sNTED—For which a splendid COUNTRY RE SIDENCE. with 22 acres of arabie LAND, all of which is In the highest state of cultivation , and from Three to Five Thousand Dollars in coati, will be paid This pro perty adjoins Lancaster City, to., and about one fourth or the land lies in the city. The bullthntll are new. elegant, and in the Gothic style, The pro Pert• cost twenty•fioe thousand dollars—ie clear of all mount branoe—and the title is indisputable. For beauty of location It is not surpassed by any other property in the State. A full description of It, and all other informa tion relative to the promisee, 06111,, obtained by calling 011 JAMES rd. CLANK. 6t 409 CITESTNU C Street. Philadelphia. .Ip . FARM AT PRIVATE SALE —A FARM of 60 Acres. more or less. very beauti fudy situated on the Delayer., River. Di miles from Claymont Station, on the Wilmington and Philadelphia Railroad. The land is in the higheat a ate of cultiva tion. Buildings in firat-rate repair. Foj rartlOOlarOt inquire of G. W. LODGe. P. NI., jall•dt• at Claymont, Delaware. Terms easy. NA TO RENT—A neat three-story Brick MIL nom. 13:11 OLIVE Street, E. F. MIDDLETON & BRO., ja2l 5 North YHONT Street. TO LET—The Business Stand at the gou the aa t corner of MARKET and FOURTH Streets. Apply, between the hours of 9 and 19. to ELLI.TON P. MORRIS, ial6l2t. No. 809 HIAR.KET Street. pi OR SALE-STOOK AND FIXTURES A- - of the old-eatablinhed Blank Book and Stationery Store, Imo. 0 South F B. Street. .01/01n1w NEWSPAPER FO! SALE.—A Weekly Newspaper establishment, with a handsome oirou lotion. located at one or the moat Important Rotas in Pennsylvania, Is offered for sale. There is a complete Job office attached. Address" Printer," Prtu office. TO LET—The commodious and 'desirable upper room. No. 513 MARKET Street. being the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth stories, front 53 by 12 5 feet , lighted in front. side, and by two large skr lights. The ohome location for business and the supe rior manner of construction make them more thao or du:tants attraciive to business firms making or desiring a change of location;gas-fixturee throughout. Apply at AIYeRS, CLA GHO It & CO., auotioneers, corner RlAtiK HT and BANK Streets. RARE ORANGE TO GE r INTO BUSINESS.—The advertiser doing an extensive first claaa city and country Dry Goods bnainese to the city of Lanoaater, intending to engage in other busi ness, offers for sale, on reasonable terms the stook, goodwill and fixtures of his store.with the privilege of either buying or renting the property. The location is one of the very beat in the arty ; the store room has recently been refitted in the most modern sty that, out f Philadelphia, the room In one of the test in this State. The store room is one hundred feet in depth by Mani, wide. with an (Zoo bank and a • scant I t of thirty feet. Altogether, it is an opportunity rarely mat with. it Witness of Sixty Thousand Dollars a year hes been done, and can be done again, and more too, with the proper kin of stank. For full particulars ad drePa Rambla," Box 190 Lancutor Post (Jam .lal7-6t* twr, FARMS AND COUNTRY-SEATS *ohm FOR BALE.—The and reigned, having for kale a large amount of property in Montgomery and adioming counties, each ea Farms. Country Seats, Grist Mills, Stores, Lumber Yards, Hotel', fen.. /to., DISTSOLIS wish um to yuronase or exchange will find it to their advan tage to call. No charge for showing properties. Cata logues sent by mail. Address R.R. CORSON, c124-2m Nornstasen. Pa. PON EXOHANGE.—A CHOICE TRACT i lu moy of:g o t av dl o n n i i tzp i roved farm land to the state of New madr t o?erty. Apol t ; i t ti Le NT. tY f INllFEeNtzfalittlerg r? R. CORSON,REAL EsTATE BROKER AAP" AND COIVP.YANCER, NORRISTOWN, PA. —Real !:state bougUt aud sold on , renewable terms. s tore . a n d wgrelijoge , or sale or rent in Norristown and country. Ocoa moms, einegottated. CoLleetione made. The beat yet erenoes given. 11:4 6m MISSOURI LAND!! 600,000 Ames for Bale and entry, at prices ranging from 1 to 5Q cents per acre, in any quantities re quired. . TAX FS paid and PATENTS procured for purchasers of Land under the Graduation Ant, Plata furnished gratis lity sodomite a poatage stamp. For further illtnrrnatton appl• to WILbO.4. trAWLINGG. & CO.. U.S. andl 1 eneral Land A gents, CHKBTsIJT Ntroet. Between THIRD and FOIIIITkI, IT. LOUIS. Mo. LAND WARRANTS bought, sold, and located. 147-3.t0 MEDICINAL. JAY N EXPECTORANT. All who have need tide Standard Modioine for ASTHMA, CONSUMPTION, PLEURISY, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, COUGHS AND COLDS, HOARSENESS, Or any PULMONARY DISORDER, attest its useful ness. In complaints of this ohmmeter, evenwhen Na ture seems to be waking no effort to throw nit the dis ease, the EXPECTORANT imparts vigor to Ihe ma chinery of respiration, and enables' the Lunge to dis encumber themselves of the obstructions urlitoh have impeded their free operation. In short, all we ask le a FAIR TRIAL, in order to prove that it will oure the various diseases for which it is recommended, sooner, and more effec tually, than any other remedy. Ihe testimony of thou sands oould ho offered in support of this assertion, had WO room. WEAK LUNGS RELIEVED. 1 LYMO . III . II. Vermont. June 11. IRS. . . . , Dr. Jayne—Dear eir For enme years T. have nattered from weak lungs. and upon taking cold have a distree sing cough which your EXPECTORANT always re lieves. I can confidently recomm sad it to the use of all similarly affected. Yours truly. REUBEN TAYLOR, Jn. FROM REV. RUFUS BABCOCK, D. D., Formerly President of Waterville Cone e. Maine. and present liearetary of tho Amerman and Foreign Little . . . . . . Society. Dr. David Jayne—My Dear Sir: For more than a dozen years since. I recommended your medicines. ca veman, the CARMINATIVE and .1....XPE0 fuRANT, I have carefully watched their effect in my own family, and elsewhere, and with moreaied confidence can still commend them as of inestimable value. DYING WITH CONSUMPTION 80:4311T PEAK, Pulaski Co.. Ark., Aprills. 1856. Dr. D. Jayne—Dear Sir: Fur five years t was • ffitoted with a COL tiff, and great enervation, for which • could find no relief hts physician pronounoed me dying with ConidIJMPTION. 1 was induced to try your k..X e.c- TOR ANT. After using one bottle, I found myself much better, and the use of the second restored me to perfect health. C. F. D. A SERIOUS ATTACK OF CROUP JAhll4B DENNEY, Spring Branch, lowa county Wm., writes: I take great pleasure in letting you know the success that attends your rned/rnara. ray, little boy, aged six years was stidoenly taken ill with a most serious at tack of CHPUP. I called on a ph, Wotan, but all to no purpose ; I gave up my boy as lost, when some one of my neighbors told me to get your b.X VEC t 0 tt ANT. which I did and it was not twenty mmtites front the time it was first aaministered to him before my boy got better, and shortly afterwards was perfectly well. REV, J. J. WALSH, Mlasionary of the Presbyterian Board, at Futtegurh, Northern India, says Your EXPECTORANT and CARMINATIVE BiL RAM v. re the means. under Providence, of curing a Once Of INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, and also of cao..asa. which had been pronounced incurable by competent medical men. PRRhIANEN V CURE OF CROUP. _ NEW ELDENE. Miss.. 00t.6.1855 Dr. D. Jayne Sr. Bon- Gents toy vatingsidoltda,five Yeats old, was attacked by the CHOW'. I made use of yo u r Ex pacTuRAN T. aooording to directions, which gave immediate relief, and e. petmaneht cure wee ef. feoted in two days. Respectfully, R. A. COLLINS. . A SETTLED COLD REMOVED. GARDZN GROVE, lowa. July 25th 1858. Dr. D. Jayne—i ear : I have need your EXPEC TORANT in a mum of SETTLED Cub D. attended with a coon% After employing one of our beat phiaieians. and receiving no benefit I was persuaded lo try your k.XP.a.CTOKANT, which cured me bolore I had con sumed one bottle of it. I have since used it in cur fa mily tor common Colde and other complaints that it ie recommended for, with the acme :mimes. Yours, truly, CHARLES EDOINYON. THREE YEARS WITH BRONCHITIS. STOCKTON. Owen co., Indiana Dr. Jayne My wife, having been severely nflli. , ted some three yearn with Bronohitis,and having_ heard of the wonderful eirupicy of your EXPN,CTORAN't for (loughs, Asthma, Difficulty of Breathing. lipitllng of Blood. end other Juseases of the leings. f purchased one bottle of it. and one boa of BAN earve, and am hapoi to inform you that after using the eX PEETORANT, her oough was immediately suppressed the diffioul y of breathing and pain removed, producing a free and easy expectoration. and to ONE ecONTH ef feoted a 001Bi'LEEE CURE. J. P. hMITIL The EXPFCTORANT i 3 prepared only at 242 CHElsTrill r Street, andmay ha had of Monts throuch> out the country. ra2i-We 2t pLEURO-PNEIIMONIA, OR CATTLE EN DEMIO. CATTLE DISEASE, C C AT eATTLr. DLE DISEASEP,EASE, , CATTLE DISEASE. An unfAillng reined for tine dn•Ftwe 9 . 14 . 11: 110(1 Ls ftt'Pllnt to -Hr. H. Ut el liC ;fs O e 4 7 V r"ast. r a hage . :hla, Also, n: lc: or kind s o disease:, BU RR W ARRArNiTEPD, OR MONEY RE RF UN E r D, 0011 K WARN A NNTEDn, O E R MONE Y REFUNDED. 523-wfmlN3m REIMER'S LARGE ASSORTMENT OF -IL GiR Frames enab:es him to suit the taste of all his customers. vita favor him by getting their photographs at the gallery, GECOND, above GREEN. it" A r musuMENT% ••VIVALNIJT-STREET THEATE. • Sole Lefume,_ . - M. A. GARIt,ETTMI Stare Manager - _--Mr. WM. A. CHAP Thasitie..e Arent • -- JOS. D. MU telt y. THIS (WF EiDAY) EVEN IRO. Jimmy 23. The earEnnia^ne wit oono ride with an entirely new Comedy entitled OUR AMERICAN COUSIN AT HOME. Mr. eothern I ord Dunoreary and the lion. Samuel Plantagenet Albert Triptolenins R 0451911. Mr V Dowels as Asa Tonehard. Mra Anna Cowe I as.. —Sum TrenoltariL To Commence With th - e dtema . eniitled DREAMS OF DELUSION. Doors °ran at el}: o'clock ; Dertornannoes eommellcie at 7 n 7 nloolg. ILW - Prince as uenni WI:WATLEY i!LARKVB AROLST. THEATRE. FAREWELL ENGAGEMENT OF NIBS T IT.M: CHAR- A DOUBLE CT rI R m AN ioN! - TRIs EVENING Cho will appear. most poepively tho Met time, in her In worts-renowned imperennatinn of ANDY ER TWIST." In addition to the above, she will appear In her charaoter of JULIANA. in "THE HON a y MOON." AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MOW MR. GEORGE HOOD Has the honor to announce to hie friends and tho habitnea of the Ppera, that he wilt Clue a GRA ND OPERATIC JANU A RYENT ON THURSDAY EVENING. 24. lASI. For which epoolalty he hoe en%axed the eervioee of tome of the moat_ POPULAR ARTISTS Of the present time in America, who will appear la a beautiful and varied PELECTION OP OPERAS, Arranged espeoinlir for this occasion by CARL FORMES. The entertainment will commenoe with the second act of Flotow's Grand Opera of MARTHA. Lady Henrietta-- Mad. BERTHA 10HANNSEN. Nancy.-- —.Mad VON BERM EL. lonel. ..• ----elector IuGELLL Plunkett his original character) .....CARL FORMES. To be Connoted by a Ernd Scene from TABOR.) , DI BY' DAhIE AN BIOROP. In which she will sing the oolobrsted aria "Di Tanti Palpiti ;" alter which will be introduord the 'mond rat of DER FREYSCiiIIf TZ. Agatha •••••••• adnme JOHANNBEN. Annehan --Madame VON BERKE', Max.-- . -Fienor 8t IGELLI. Madame Anna Bishop will aforwnrde appear and sing " Banks el Guadalquiver." To be followed by a beautitul scene and duo from MABisANIELLO. Maesaniello . Signor STIOELLI. Pietro ... .. • .. ... -0 AIM FORMES. lie evening's entertainment will conclude with grand National Tableau of WAnO INGTON. In which the en tie Company will ajar the -` STAR SPANGLED BANNER." Director--— • • —.Mr T H e,O DOR H THOMAS. nlabets. inelndioe reserved Beats. One Dollar. To be obtained on and after Tueeday, at the Academy. Beck & Lawton's. and Chlokering's. from 10 till 4 o'elook. Family Circle (for this night only), 26 cants. Doors open at 7 o'clock. °romance at 8 o'clook.ua2l St VAN AMBURGEI & CO.'S GRAND ZOOLOGICAL INSTITUTE UNITED STATES BUlLDlritia. 474 and 43S CHEOTNUT Street. Next to the Canton, House. EVERY MORNING, AFTERNOON, and P.VENING Doors open at 10 A. M., 2 and 5% P. M. adalission 25 cents; children under nine yeare 15 cents. Perform anise of Plenhant, Lions, 'niters, Panthers, Leopards, PUMAg. Ponies, 'Monkeys, Mules, Ao., every Afternoon and Evening. FOURTH SUCCESSFUL WEER Of this Moral. instructive. and Amusing Exhibition. SPECIAL NOTICE.-1 hat miracie of sagaeity, the wonderiul Performing P lephant, Pippo() Sorb. will be introduced in arena every Aftern - on and Eve ping. by Prot. Nash, and enemy e feats hitherto deemed impossible, and never attempted by any other salami. jalg. t f SAN FORD '8 OPERA. ÜB p,'. OPEN FOR THE ELE SEASON. VENTH STREEW Y DECORATE NEAL DECORATE AND FAIWJED. NIL Hu secured one of the sAN-Foni) LARGEST COMPANIES ever presented horetotere who will appear nightly. Sanford will perform every evening. Doors open at 7'; Commence at 1%. Admittance 83 cents. Children 13 oenta. delY-lia THE GERMANIA OROIIESTRA give their PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SA TUR DAY,oommencing at 8% o cloak, at the MUSICAL FUND BALL. 8 tickets, SI; single tickets, 55 cents, for sale at Chiokarnic & SO Chestnut street t Andre's. 1104 Chestnut street; and /3edk A Lawton's,- Chestnut street. Engagements for Concerts, Commencements, Par ties, &a., made only at then Office, Chickering_ & Eon Piano Store, 80 Cheetnut street; William Stoll, led North Juniper street, or C. Droughman, 1009 Ridge avenue. PENN A. AOADEMY OF THE Ma ARTS.-1026 ,CHTESTNUT Street. CHINISOonZO; epee did Painting by Minot. "THE FIRST SIN," a beautiful Marble mamas by Angelmi. Visith for a ahort time. rs will Waage bring their (Maraca/le& SAVING FUNDS. AbIERIOAN SAVING FUND.—Ckan .pny II Building. southeast whey WALBCP, and FOURTH Street,. Open daily from I tlu o'olook, and on MONDAY tilla in the evening, Zhu Old Institution has always vend in full, on (Mani. without notion. ..... INTEREST demand,R CENT. 111 mons paid beak, onn gold nastiest. TRUSTEES, ALEX. IPHILLDIN, President. SAMI.. WORK, Vice President, Joao Fall T. E. Harper, George Nugent, John Amnon, Jr.. Semi. T. Bodine Alb. (,Roberts, Joa n Ajiman, Jonas Bowman, IL H. Eldridge. JOHN . C ownr B. SeeretaOrH NH. WIU3ON . T n e 2stfrf ,QPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND, Officio. 331 North THIRD Street. between Vine And Collowhill. Inemporated by the Legislature April 11th, lan. Open for Deposita and Payments, dell from 9to 23( o'clock. Also, on MONDAY ' and TRURSDAY EVENINGS, from 5 to R o'clock, Interest 5 per oenVpor annnm, ilepositors ogi Willis draw their Moneys bi Chocks. if clBntred Specasi 50511. received. JAlirlEtZ P4lNaLis. ProtldeZt t Murata," spia-ult tUA; I;J; T'l PENN , SYLVANLL , 4! t, N T RAL RAIL FOLD. EGO MILES DOUBLE 7.: XACA. Ter-- - C1". 6 1860. 1150t1. TEE CO CAPACITY NO NTRY.W EQUAL TO ANY IN THE U THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELP.IIA AND PITTSBURS, Connecting direct at Plultdelpila with Through Trains from Banton. New York, and all koints I..ast, and in the Union 00n0t at Pittsbarg with Through Trains to and from all points In the west, Nortutvest, and Southwest —thus - furnishing facilities for the transportation of Passengers unenroassed for speed and comfort_ n /Wpfggl e inG anroktiV, t CI Pittsburg, without change of Cars or Cond dolor's. toruush Pel f anger Trains provided with Loughndke's patent Braze—speed under parleot control of the engineer, thus adding MOIL to the safotv of traVeLips. Smoking Cars are attached to each Tranaj Woollynes Sloe nix Care to EXprESS and Fast - rrains. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mail and Feet Linea. Min dere excepted. .Mail Train leaves Phtait . olvdia at 660 M. Past Line " 11.60 A. M. Express Train leaves 10.4 3 P. M. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AB FOLLOWS: Harrishnzg Accommodation, via Columbus, 2 P. n. Columbia 4.00 P. 01 Parkesburg 0 12.60 P. lii. West Cheater Passengers will take the Mail, Parkas burg Accommodation. and Columbia Trains. Passengers for Sunbury, Williamsport. Elmira, Ban ta, Niagara Falls, and intermoluate points,. leaving Phi ladelphia at 8.00 A. ill, and SP. M. go directly through.. Tiokets Westward may be obtained at the (aces or the Company in Pluladelplua, New York, Boston, or Bal timore ; and Tickets F..eltward at any of the important Railroad Oltioes m the Went; also on board any of the replan Line of Steamers on the bliatteitnn or Ohl* rivers., MEME== • - • For further tnformatton tiMAr at the Peelencer Sta tion, Southeast C.OTIIVI of Eleventh and Market Street'. The oompletton of the Western connections of the Feentrrlvarna Railroad to (Micas°. make this the DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE . EAST AND TEE GREAT WEST The conneotion of tracks by the - Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding nll drayage or ferriage of Freiglit, together with the saving of time, are advantage: readily a:predated by Shicypera of Freight, and the Travel ling Public. merchant: and Shiimere entrainra: The rrenepertenen et thew Freight to Moo OMlltanyi can rely with confi dence on ite tmmittanint. THE RAT} OF FREIGHT to end from any pent in the Weet by the Pennsylvania Railroad are at *lt Mow as fewereabla e: are chernd by :tan Ratirsaal Compasiss. wir Be runnier to surk neatsgse " 2511- road. Per Freight Uontreoto or llhipoing Directions, Apply te, er aggrota either of the following 4.gonta of the Grit nell.7 D. A. ParEWAri, Pittabart; MEL Pierce ea Co., Zaneaville,O.; J.J.JohnstotkLiDley. 0.; R. McNeely, Maysville, Ky.; Ormsby & ;Dropper. Portsmouth, 0.; Paddock & Co., Joilerionvillo, isei ana; H. W. Brown & Co., Cincinnati, 0.; Athona ft Ilibbert Cincinnati, 0.1 B. C. Meldrum, Madison, Ind.; Jos. E. Moore, Louisville, K. P. G. (Plialey & Co.. vansville, Ind.; N. W. Graham & CO., Ceiro,_Hb; R. 8148(t, Bhaler & Glaze, St. Loma, Mo. John 14. Har ris, Nashville, Tenn.; Harris & Hunt, Memphis, Tenn.; Chore & Co., Chioagoall.;_ W. H. H. Xoonta. Alton. 111.; or to Frsivht Monts of Haiiroada at different Points in the West. 6. V.KINGSTON, 41, Phrlatteirrtua. MAGRAW h XOO 23', 8(1 North meek/Milliner*. LEECH 4c CO., 1 Aator Eons°, or 16. walls= at.,M.T. LEECH ft CO., No. 77 ,StatcaLreet t lioaton. Si. HOUSNOri, Gaol Freight Agent s. L. 1101/Px, Gael lakot Agenb E. Co' r • Donna. rs. is.34y 1,14111 LA 1" PHILADELPHIA AND EL- birRA RAILROAD QINOKE&T ROUTE to Tamaqua, Catswinas, Ru pert, Wilkesbarre, Scranton. Danville, Milton _Wil liamsport. Troy, Ralston, Canton, Elmira, maralo, Niagara Falls, Troy , Cleveland, Dltroit N , Toledo, Chicago, St. Louie, ahlwankee, and all points N orth and West. Passenger trains will leave the new Depot of the Phi ladelphia and Reading Railroad, corner BROAD end OALLOWHILL Streets. (Passenger entrance on Cal lowhill /treat.) daily (Sundays excepted), for above points. as follows : DAY EXPRESS___—___.B.oo A. M. NIGHT EXPRESS..... P. M. The SA A. Al. train conne cts at Rupert, for Wilkes barre. Pittson, Scranton, and all stations on the N LACKAWANA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. The above trains make direct oonneotione at Elmira with the train of the New York and Ene.Canandaigna and Niagara Falls. and Buffalo, New York and .Flne and New York Central Railroads. from all points Nort h and West, and the Canadair. Baggage checked to Elmira, Buffalo, and Snspenaion Bridge, and all ii.termediate points. Tickets can be 1 roonred at the Philadelphia and El mira Railroad Lir e's Ticket Office, northwest corner of SIXTH wad CH, EN UT Streets, and at the Paasenger Depot. corner° i THIRTEENTHand CALLOWHILL. TA I I I IOUG EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leave e Phil ilelphia and Reading Depot, Broad and Callowhi etre t rdailJ Sunday, excepted), for all goluta TA r eat a t North, at eP. Freights mu. be delivered before 3P. AL to Imam their going the rune day. For further information apply at Freight Depot. THIRTEEN Tit and CALLOW - HILL, or to CRAB. B. TAPPEN. General Arent, Northwest corner MTH and ICHEBTIt Grsegeeta, ails-trohtnoei e e e _ • FAME INSURANCE CO viPANY, No. -lot. CHESTNUT Street. FIRE AND IN LAN. , IficUAANCE. George W. of Day . & Matlack. bamuel ruht Bras A: Co. D B Hirrey Davie & Birnsy. Henry Lewis, " Lewis Bios & Co. C Richardson........." J. C. Howe & Co. Samuel T. Bodine... .Preet Wzornirg Canal Cc top' r. Jno. W. Everman....ofJ W. lwerman de Co. Geo. A. West__... west & Poses. T. H. Martin Sas , e, Martin, & Co. D. Wilson Davis A ttorney-at law. E. D. Woodruff ...„.of Sibley, Molten, & Wor. chuff. Jno. Kessler, Jr„No 1713 Green street. GEHIiGhW. PAC. President. FR ANCIS N. BUCK, Vice President. WILLIAMS 1. BLANCHAND. Senretery 1823-inf FOR CHARLESTON AND SA VANNAH.—The eteanish.p SYSTONE STATE, Capt Matshiran i vc4l sail for savanyam, on SATURDAI . Jaen,'" 26th, at 10 o'ol. etc A. 01 Goode for Charleston, tooth Caronca, will be taken 3d delivered In Charleston for fifty per cent. aaditional eight. For freight or passage, apply to A. ERON, JR., & No 000 NORTH IN HAVES. V &NE MIIRT NANUFAOTORY.—J. W. SCOTT, 614 CHESTNUT Street, a few doors below the " Continental." The attention of 'Wholesale Deals... le ',woad to hie IMPROVED CUT OF BHIRTS, of eutienor fit, make, and material. on band and made Moro or at ahrmtnet nntine, fa- tl _ _ ,threr.AL DETERSIVE SOAP.—One sound of which will do ea much washing. and do it better than three of common rosin soap; clothes need no belling nor rubbing on a Washboard. Over 100.000 families aro now constantly using it. we guarantee it to siva invigilation, or return the money. Jell ?sensate , - bleCirooera have It for Bale. TRAIN & McKEONE, US/ and tt6 South Wherries. 611tall-6.—parlor pkates for -at Ladies ; Parlor Skates for Moses: Parlor Skates for Mothers; Parlor Skates for Fathers ; Parlor States for Sitters ; Parlor Skates for Brothers ; Parlor Skatea for Lawyers ; Parlor Skates for Clergy ; Parlor Skates for all who desire health ; parlor Skates for the rest of mankind. Pot rale low by pHILIP WILSOIN a; CO., ial-mwf3r 4313 u..a.a.iNu'l street.