The 11.14: Agricultural- Society. Jin. Io.—The United States Ag ricultural Societe today elected Wns. 8. - Ifubhardc( of Columbus, Gide, president, with vice presidents • from ail the States and,Territortee J B. Perley Poore was re-eleoted secretary, and B. B. Prenehi treasurer. • A riportrise approved derirmatiog the holding I of eibooa . in different ceotione of the country, and , assolationa ,adoated recommending the este bliabinent of a Depihment of Agrioulture. ' Gentlemen- from differtint 'sections joined (n -diallyin. the proceedings. 'PrirttOr from Ittextro. New: °imam, Jan 10 —Letters from Mexico aaribithfirenion left the onpital on tho night of the 25th - Deoember. It was enppoaed that he wilt endeavor to form a junction with Gent. Vicario and make a stand at Iquala. TWO Pelidemen Stabbed at Ciecianett. CINCINNATI, JNTS. 10.—Two policemen, named Clairborne Long arid Daniel Hallam, were stabbed loaf night at a house of inferno, on Mein, opposite Gano street, by a man named Dowry. L ong: died this morning. Hallem lies in a critioal condition. !WisconiAu Leilelature. Manisa. Wisconsin. Jan 10,—The Plate Legala turn met and organized to-day. Governor Randall" message was deliiered at noon. It commeipgs the nine% of military affairs to the wie dorn and discretion of the Legislature. Re says that the Sane of the times, indicate that there may arias a eon h nano,. lat the condition of the Government under which it will Mistime necessary to tenon. to the °all, of the frattonslOnvernment for men and means to main tain the integrity of the 'Union, and thwart the desiges of nomengagedilti an organised treason. On the sub jeotot seeolgion. he says that this is not a leagne of ewes:too a government of the people, The General , Government minuet change the (diameter of the state government, Or Winn,' any power not delegated, nor can any Nish ohmage its character, or Increase its rights, He Manes that the election of Mr. Lineolti was legal,, , and there was nolnet, cense for complaint from any agarteg,: He says the Constitution makes no man a eletag andel/Wary cannot go Into free territory under the inseruttaion; neither can it inlet outside of the local law. Therefore, personal-liberty lawn are found. or shonkLbe found:upon the statutes of every Mate, benne every fiving human being has the right to a 74861 te11.11 4 drktlarzialatilTitst. f .fiebeanczat grtrrovi4b:mirirrhf,tat 'l..rh.lthiectriitCrAig therewith:"but no fear, no hope or reward, should in- duns to break down the walls of their pro- Motion. We will make a notifies of feeling to °end liateebat no noti fi es of prinoiples. The right of a Stabito - suede can never be 'Omitted. The United States Must remain until the Union is destroyed. Markets by Telegraph. BatTnuaiii. -Jan. 10.—Flour dull at 66 60 Wheat steady at $1 Man for red. end .1tt1.1601.60 for white. Born dalli'old whiter no. Provisions firm; men Pork MO. Coffee SOtiVO; Rio 330130. Whisky firm at movn.:,-JAn. a.— cottot —Wes to. day or 2,511 bales of three der s BaoObalee. B acetate 14 MO Wes. Freights on cotton to Liverpool If ; to Havre I3G. litterbng Exchange lea percent, premium; nu New York 34 dirt ooung 110 0/3ILI,Jar. —Cotton—Eska of 4,000 bales today at 10)io. /he merge: le quiet. Haw Oalar.lvs' Jae. 10.—COTTON.—The foreign ad vie greetmea Cr edvaime ; shies to-cley of XI 000 bales at 11X012X0 sugar 41.3ietehio. Molasses 130140. Flour Quiet at 80 62,4. Corn 700763. Pork quiet at 017 nap SlTeo,for Freighte on Cotton to Liverpool • • Omcumatt.lan.lo.-a•Plour very doll at 84 00. Wheat do. Cora firm. to taakt dull at 14a. Bone deolmen 10015 e; Namur heavy at $61006.66. Nees Pm k geed demand at - 4160.16 23. Lard dull at 930. Bulk Meatio dnlbt Oak. Exchange on New York 16 er cent. premium, T I IIF, CITY. AIIIIBEMENTB THIS -.EVENtrili WHSAniT & CLARKE'S &HOU-STRUT TRISITIit, Au& street. above Oath.—" The Women in Whits " 1 The Brigands: , WeLNOT-sTitEXT TIIZATELEI Walnut and limit* ea.— .' BlinOhe of Brandywine "—• A Husband to Order." AIdetkIC AN XIII or ACADEMY or Music. " Romeo and "•• Cure." • nowrINENTLI, MILTS*, Wainnt it, above liiihttb— u Whitby's 'arose Show." . 'UNITED OtATZS BUILDINGS Chestnut street. boldly, Fifth.—Van Amburgh & CO.'S'Alensitene. • ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, Corner Tenth and Chestant.- , . Tom Thumb. 81.11102 D'S Ore Hones. Eleventh street, above Chestnut.—Coneert nightly. The •Secesewnists again 'in Council. TAI 6D.TotrIINITD 3111tTlIte. . Yesterday afternoon an adjourned meeting of those Brecklnrldgit 'Democrats, opposed to the preeerration of the Government and the mainte7 amnia of -its laws, held an adjourned meeting at Berea Hotel., A card had been published in the morning papers signed by more than seventy names, among which were those of acme Douglas Democrats. At the actual meeting but ono Dou glas Democrat was present, and OKI sensible and well-advised course which he adopted threw the Seeeesionists into confusion and impelled the nt; terance of some inimical eentimenta, plainly ind€- estireof the politioal character of the meeting. Our chronicle of the first meeting caused con siderable difficulty among the friends of Mr. Breekinridge. A number of kindly disposed so vereigns.-made search for no with the benign in tention of throwing_ne from the window, and the indignation of Mr. Vandyke went so far as to make imams' inquiry for, us, falling in which, he said In a tone of mingled indignation and grief, that we were " gentleman." Mr. Palethorp did not vent his eloquence at any great length. He is a gentleman, however, in the true sense of the word, and the reporters are indebted to him for theeour tesy of protooting theft from the insolence of his compatriots. Colonel " Ike" Leech was not in his appointed plane, and Mr. Vincent L. Bradford was appointed chairman, and Lawyer Samuels secretary The attendanoe.was much smaller than before, and the proceedings quite as disorderly. Mr. Bradford said that be bad no doubt that there were others favorable to the "mission of peace." The Demearatio party bad been main taining peace for twenty y ears. John MoCarthy,'of the Second ward, made some confusion among the Secessionists, by a resolution, stating That it was " wrong and inexpedient to hold a Democratic meeting of, the hind,proponed, at thiajunifture."- - TnatitiolOtis onfdsion 'ensued. There were • a dozen shout* of " Sit desalt," " No, n 0,"." You're a Black Renubliein," ere. Mr. McOarthrsaid that he found his name at tached to the public tall, as one of a committee. He would bare nothing to do with the meeting, if Douglis Deniocrats were to• be proscribed -at it. I.6b.oute of "-Let him4e," " Hold on," " No, no," Mr. Vandyke said that he hoped the gentlemen would not ggoo The reporters had misrepresented him. He bad not used the name of Breokinridge, as had been stated. Great confusion here occurred. One man cried, " Don't book down, Vandyke" and Wm. D. Lewis, aborted, "Let him go, in God's name !" . Mr. McCarthy said that such meetings' would not force the Itapublieens to shift their ground. He was not for war, but he protested against .the meeting being , held. " It had been said, as he knew from authority, that the spirit of the former meeting had been adverse to the friends of Kr. Douglas," fApplansCand biases I fdr: Vandyke hoped.that the gentleman would be allowed to go.. [Oriel of disapprobation-1 The reportors. , wors• net gentlemen who stated that he would not sisoelate.with Douglas men. This is a genet meeting, laid Mr. Vandyke. Reports of the proeliedinge should not be published. I hope that thereporters will leave this room. A Mr. Yorriaosmade a promiscuous :insult upon the reporters: Be moved that they be ejected. Mr. Robert lkalethorp - said that the reporters would get the proceedings at any rate. Good polity forbade the course diotated by Mr. Morris son. , Then Mr. Vandyke reported the spirit of the re. solutions to be read at the public. meeting. The committee have had several °oilmen. Their re solutions would eulogise, the Demooratio party ; desounoe the Chicago platform ; denounce any at tempt on the parrot the Government to preserve iteelf; they also'grent the right of a State, under metal& emanated's, to sec. e. [Greta applause ] The question of slavery was not one of moral or re ligion. importance by , the resolutions; and in the event of soseerlon on the part of the South, Penn sylvania would decide whether she would go with fustiest Pew England or with the South, " whose sympathies are ours." (?) We believe thattbe Fre aldent or Compete bee no power to declare war &gainer's' sovereign State.' The compromises of Mr. Crittenden we would rather wept than curer dissolution, rte. Mr. leibetkorp asked that the clam relitive to the right of oseesaion be read again.. ("No! _ On seMica of R. P. Kane, Speakers for the pest meatingrwere to, be appointed by a committee of Mr. ILiiidyke hoped the meeting would bEheld shortly: :The "colored people"- lead alr eady en gaged ' Nat i onal Ralf for Thursday Mr. Joe. Randall believed that seven-eighths of the people if the North were with as," Re bayed that good Democrats and Bell men of every wheel would, bii . seteited. [Laughter and derisive shouts:l Adjoarlied to meet on Saturday. The "pest mast meeting" will probably be at tempted next Tuesday. __ A _VICTIM OF SOUTTIFBN FANATICISM.— Mr. Peter Ityokman, a coaehmaker, Who formerly resided in New York, but who 'removed about a year ago to Wilmington, N. C., to work se a jour neyman at his teed.; called at our'oftloe yesterday, and Mind the following oircumetanoes : A short i time since, being thrown out of employment by the great stagnation of business, he went to Williams. burg Va., nibs hope of obtaining work there. A fewdays _after his arrival, while in a bar-room, he was asked whether he considered slaves, property, to which query be replied. that they were lawfully held to labor or nervier, bat he did not consider them property in the same sense , an brutes orb. animate ebjeets This remark MO great offence to his audience. Be was atrested,,and eonfined in jairfor two days, after whit& he was released, and taken before a sort of semi official tribunal. Many :threats( yew -mule tbat-' her. Would be tarred and feathered, ate., but it was finally decided that be siwuld baled to the North; after at spoil. mitten 30. the fide. of his Amend, temple of some. perverts' prepesation,:whieh cased considirreble pain, and left besertinerks, whiner* atill'oblible, not only cif sores but of Some of the original ap. plleatlon, winds is of a blank dolor. "The tool-ohest of Mr Jtyekman, and his clothing, he was obliged to leave behind, in hit hurried and enforced de patens: !•114 ii.-101, endeavoring to find employ ment bets -• or in this - vicinity; at his Occupation ; bat as this is almost - Impossible at this ti me, we feel Impelled, by,. a sense of,duty,' to snuest, not at his simmer but at oar own option, that the ease wens ows lair eititeh MOMS of our thatitabloaitialatill sight,-with ,prieirliq,:ititteud 'ailed* assistance, in Misshape Oa null - temporary low and if any of oaf nide. Int , Waned to Set tipini'this Sur. section, . by lentanniii address at.our *Moe they efts pntenn in litionleirwith Mr. It, , • -; • Tllll, _Or' 4 - —`. 7-,ZIIPLOYMBNT AtiflOClA slew f oxlike. teipon women - employment in tow tag at . linr, -Mt a season ' when their wants are mein - ,- hid other • emnpleymeitels often An t seared : oiling One 'Made, is. dietributed • : . --- matte* eletetWeetteeletli" ehhdttel alid the • ' LEGAL _ INTELLIGENCE dek or itillims4•Y h Itnellel report Prnetted at the d e te k iet . the2.l 4 o, imagon, lap:: ~ Duri ng the &PERIM COMIT-0. J. Lowrie and Jun paid *On vet Intetibitpended In:thes •pureitase of . Sees Woodward, Thompson, and Strong —The 11114911144 - 814 r iMielita lorwork i 11219,36. Be. Pennsylvania Railroad tiompany, plaintiff in error, Wm Oil y& OW 11.1 out- Members, and a few Ire, ' The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; defendant Other 4044 indiconibicts t We , return 'our' grate, in error. In this • ease (the decision in which we fat aoltiowtralinalati for some valuable donations, -•published yesterday), the court bee granted a delay ben of etude and,snotily., • ; We ,have -paid for the . of..a' week, in ,order to allow a supersedeas, and iteltimrpftlityMileatt,wrol have distributed M. thee take the ease to the Supreme Court at Wash. , almeitellimin unsaidi 'unitise' are alien to these . ington. - who entenshe nine uip for, thenielves or their Bradshaw's appeal. 'Appeal from the Orphans' terniltee.,,As the fend, of the society,- derlied • Court of Allegheny county. The deuces of the Imlay intorWolenta 'a pgealt oontributithis, ate, Awl,. Orphans ' Court a ffi rmed et, the costs of the appal elhie Whiten* of the winter is 'Mill before last: • , - , . . tie, etoweet e r ty t h er e h t tethe tie hi mad. John Catheart;plaintiff In error, vs, Common to ii i ,b 400 1 , 04" o f o e cteneyegym ee ee: -Delia. , 'wealth of Penaninsibt,' defendant in error. Br titeimOil WI, _ 'Or emedir,,Will be. thenkful...-, rot to„Court"of Ojer end Tertithier, of Clearfield -- •- EiMenesey; IPrisidonti - ; wanity.:: Argued and submitted.' 14 ;411 014 44' 9eltetteelt ; ": .14trizOT. Coast - - Judge Stroud . Wolf .4101. n,Aiiirlovio. wflith A ttl...DlSiir A: Co. Biiftiro:lsportod; ' Verdict for Wolf ` - ' - , .~ i - - ,1 .1 ~. ~ v . ~.. . -., • : - , ~..., ' tt-1 , 1. „ . ._<,.l. i , \Mi tq•A - - 4-:,; A FRENCH PROTNEITANT4 ONITROII IN PHI. Liniments —lt may be a matter of some Interest 'to many of our oitizene who`are familiar with the ,French language; and to whom a discourse in French would be a desideratum, to know that a French Protestant congregition has been organized in our city, and has service every Bunday, in the Sunday-school room of Ref; Mr. Barnes' church, where a sermon in French it delivered in the morning and evening. The 'pastor ' hir. Farque, is a young man of talent, and a graduate of the celebrated theological college at Montauban, in the southern part of France. Although but lately arrived in this country, he yet speaks with suoh distinctness that Minden!' will scarcely expo , denim the usual difficulty of , understanding from rapidity of utterance. His sermon on tunday evening last was one of much interest, and was based upon Paul's visit to Athens. Re drew quite a strik'ng contrast be tween the religion of the Athenians and that of Christ. The former, he said, was all form and ce remony, and consisted of magnificent temples, gorgeously decorated, and adorned with all the refinements and rich embellishments of Grecian art, which, at that period, had reached its meri dian splendor. He referred to the rnagnificenee of the sacrifices, and also to the fact that these ce remonies and displays were intended 'to operate more upon the imagination of men than upon their hearts as opposed to all this, the religion of Chr ist, avoiding mete outward ehosva and mare- ' monies, appealed directly to man's heart, from which, as a result desired a etream of living Chris tianity. Compering the two, and showing how attractive to the xnasses this ceremonial religion was, he thus sheired the dillioulties under which Paul labored in offering to the Athenians a reli gion whose essential characteristics were humility and meekness. , Vier° is an American mission church at Paris, which is spoken of by citizens who have been abroid as a church of much service and benefit, and as a complete suooess. It affords Americans an opportunity of hearing an English sermon at least once a week. If beneficial results have flowed from our church abroad, with like reason advantages and benefits may be claimed for tide enterprise. The oburchee of, this community should sustain it, and give it a lair trial. .. , Disi Eso AMONG run POon —The number of ledgers who make application for free shelter at the, station-houses may be taken to be an indica tion of the distress that exists among the very poor class in the community. From statistic's compiled at the Mayor's Oleo, it seems that during the last two months of 1860,there was but a very alight in crease in' the number of lodgers at the station houses over the corresponding period of the pre vious year. The figures are as follows : nas November . ....... .3 991 I November 1860. ..... 4,469 December. . . . .4,365 December..... . From t h e s e figu res it appears thatlre . iiimy of lodgers scarcely increased during the year more than would be warranted by the enlargement of the population. There is a good deal of suffering among the poor, as there always is, at this season of the year ; but there is scarcely more now than during former winters ; while the want and destitution which followed the panto of 1857 have not been ap preached by any subsequent experience. The number of arrests made by-the police also affords an indication of the prosperity or poverty of the laboring classes. Judging front this datum, 1880 was a more prosperous year than that which preceded it. Dating the year 1859, 32,225 , persons were arrested in the city whilo the whole number In 1860 was 32,051, a falling off of 174 in favor of 1880. A DISORDERLY LIBRARY ROOM.—A day or two since, Mra Sarah Bernard, residing in the second story of the building at the northeast cor ner of Seventh and Oallowhill streets, complained to the Mayor of the disorderly character of the fourth-story room, charging the rowdies who con gregated there, under the name of "Swan Li brary," with abusing her frequently. The place, she alleged, had become a great annoyance to the neighborhood. A warrant was homed, and sent to the Fourteenth-ward station-house, and the ser geant and a posse of editors made a descent upon the nuisance. It was then found that the library was quite extensive, consisting of one volume, which proved to be an old receipt book. The fur niture in the room consisted of an old stove and two or three broken °hairs. About a dozen parties, whose ages range from fifteen to twenty 'retire, wore found in the room. These were ■ll taken into custody and numbed to the Central Police Station. The prisoners gave the names of George Bower, Tienry Miner, James Smith, William Gossier, Edward Ver.lnger, Oboe. Blee, Peter Cunningham, Samuel Coreli, Charles Jenkins, James Galbraith, and James Zimmer• man. They were all arraigned before Alderman Beitler yesterday morning, and after a hearing were held in $OOO bail ecoh to appear at court. INCITING TO RIOT.—An attempt last eve ning, on the part of certain evll-disposed portions, to interfere with the lecture of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, by calling a meeting of ruffians at Twelfth and Chestnut titivate, deserves all censure The same gang, under leadership of a certain Dean, have been holding Neared meetings, at Thirteenth street and Girard avenue, for the past few weeks This man published' a card in one of yesterday's penny papers, denying that he knew anything of Mr. Beeeher's engagement. This questionable statement was not gratuitous, but was prompted by Chief Ruggles, who told this man that in case be did not make it, be would bold him (Dean) per sonally responsible. It Is obvious to all law loving persona that molt insane, uncalled-for, and craven take to inter. fere with free epee* cannot be too severely con demned All instigators of each gatherioga should be held up to execration. Those guilty of such violations of law will be the first to claim its pro. tuition. The behavior of the man in question be fore Chief Ruggles indicates sufficiently the depth 'of his pusillanimity. Buck incitements to riot are indicted by himilarly.dtsposed gangs to those who intuited females and threw vitriol, at National Hall, one year ago. FUETIIIIIt HEARlNG.—Yesterday afternoon John R., Gardner, charged with tampering with a witness in the ilia' of the late Menasaah Price, onvioted of forgery, had a further hearing before Alderman -Battler at the Central station. Mr. Blain Arter was sworn, and. testified that he was at the trial of Price ; had a talk with Gardner, who offered to 'give him $lOO to swear that b oar ' tain book belonged to a man aimed Brown ; Gard neficaked him (the witness) 'Metier he could not testify that Chief Detective Wood had stated as much, that if his evidene convicted Price, be would pay him for it. All the - witnesses that appeared in Priee's behalf made threats. Gardner intimated' it would be better for witness not to testify against Price Wm. R. Thomas, ono of the tipatapes in court, was also examined. The alderman held Gardner In the eum.of $l,OOO to answer at court. Bons or Ifievre.—The neat stated con. vention of the Sono of Malta will be at Beading, in June next. At the Convention recently held at'Tenth and Chestnut street, the following Ol ean were elected : For Grand Commander—Oharles P. blublenber g , of MontesumaLodge of Beading. ' For V. G. 0 —Daniel o,B:fudge, of Pdintltolui-ha Lodge, of Philadelphia:. - For Grand Ohandellor — 2 George L. Fried, of Beading. For Grand Treasnrer—John Goforth, of Minna ha-ha Lodge. For Grand Sooretary—Horue L. Peterson, of Philadelphia. For Grand—John H. Bookman, of Wyoming Lodge, of Baton. For Grand Sentinel—Christian Stolz, of Bead ng. , DOMESTIC DIEFICULTIIIB -A Woman ap peared before one of the aldermen of the Seven teenth ward, on Wednesday afternoon, and charged her husband with having robbed her It seems that the sum of 5150 had been bequeathed to her by her mother. The husband was desirous of pm tossing this legaey, and abstreoted it from a bureau drawer. When •he was arrested he made a clean breast of the affair. The money, be said, had been burled in the cellar, and meet of it was found there by *polies officer. The wife then refused to pro secute the ease, and all the parties retired from the magistrate's' office. FIGHT IN A LAGER-BIM SALOON—SEVE net, ' PERSONS STABBED —Between 11 and 12 o'clock, on Wednesday night, a party of Germans got" into a quarrel in a lager beer saloon, on Girard airtime, above - Grease street, &eighteenth ward, during which a min named George Weaver, and two °there whoek-natoss,we could not learn, were severely stabbed. ..A man named LevrisWidte was arrested upon the charge of committing the out rage.' Be was identified _as the. one having the knife in his hand during the trains, aid was held in . $l,OOO bail by Alderman Monde for a further hearing. Weaver was injured so badly that he was unable •to appear at the bearing yesterday morning, CISARGBIS WITH CRUELTY TO A BOND I.IIIIL. —On'ootn_plaint of the managers of the Douse of Refuge, Mr. Wm. ft. Todd, residing in Montgomery street, above Eighteenth, was arrested, on Wednes. day evening, on s charge of inhuman treatment of a bond girl, eleven years of age, named Arm Jane Dallas. Mr. Todd gave bail to appear for &lacer. tugq• yesterday morning, before hosorder Enen. District Attorney Mann appeared for the prosecu• lion, but, in - consequence of the absence of Mr. Benjamin IL Brewster, eonnsel for Mr. Todd, the cue was - postponed until ten o'clock this morning. STABBING AFFAlR.—Yesterday two' men got into a diffi entity in Front street, between Almond street and Mead alley, about their ehildren, when one of thew drew a knife and stabbed the other in four vim's. The wounds are quite serloue. The man who inflated the wounds was arrested, and looked up at the Second-die. Wet station.honse for a hearing this morning. We were unable to learn the names of the parties. Frew LAST EvENING.—The alarm of flee about seven o'olook last evening was caused by the partial burning of the lampblack and printing-Ink manufactory of Charles Johnson, in the rear of the southeast corner of Tenth and Lombard streets. The flames originated accidentally on one of the floors Cu which a considerable quantity of lamp bleak mastered. The roof of the building Impar tially destroyed. The loss will be about $5OO. ASSATILT.AND BATTERT.—A man, named William Shields, went into a lager boor saloon, at lioward street and Girard avenue, on Wednesday night, and, after calling for something to drink, committed an dasault on the landlady. An officer attempted to arrest him, when he alsomaa handled in a rough manner. Shields was dually lodged in the 'station•boune, and yesterday morning was held hy Alderman Shoemaker to answer. CONTESTED EI,EOTION VASE OF THE .I`ounra WARD.—Thiloase, on behalf of Mr. But ler wee resumed yesterday afternoon. Alderman 'McMullin was ,examined es to the boxes placed under his charge. The box of the Seventh pre elnot of the Youth ward was opened. The count of votes" resulted in favor of Mr. Butler. OAIIOEIT nr Win ACT.—Yesterday morn ing William Mabel was before Aldermen Plank -futon, baring been arrested at Thirteenth and Spying Garden fitment, while in the sot of' carry ing off, a bed. Be was committed to answer. Commonwealth to the nee of Ephraim Murdock, Jr., va. George Magee and sureties. An notion to recover damagee for edlegednegligenoe on the part of the late sheriff In sereing proms. Jury out. F. 0 Brewster and Goforth for plaintiff; Wm. L. Hirst and Benjamin Brewster for defendant. QUARTBR Suntortii—Judge issaineett of interest wee done in this court yesterday. Wm. Rutherford, who was convicted of a charge of attempting to pick ppokets, was sent below for one year. At every term of the court eases are brought before the judges which thew that policemen have but a slight idea of the power they pewees in making arresta. It seems to be thegeneral im proseion that a policeman has the right to arrest for any and everything. Yesterday, Wm. Gibson, a policeman of the Twenty•fourth ward, was oharged with committing an assault and battery upon a boy ; and it appeared that the arrest grew out of the faot that the boy, with othere, while playing around a eohool house laughed at the officer when he spoke to them. Before the ease wont to the jury the defendant withdrew Ws plea, and pleaded guilty. Judge Allison cold (es he hoe often before) that police. men were mistaken when they euppesed they have the right to arrest parties for laughing or taunting FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL The Money Market. PHILADELPHIA, JED. 10, 1881 The stook market is very feverish under the news from the South. The report of the firing into the Star of the West had a greatly depressing effect, and prices declined The subsequent report that the Star of the West was safely anchored in Charleston harbor gave come relict to the market, and a part of the decline was iseovered. The effect of the confirmation of the story of the firing, received this evening, can hardly be estimated. Bound securities, however, maintain previous quo. lotions, and there is no appearance of change in the money market. There is a good deal of trouble among store keepers, occasioned by the heavy rates of discount charged upon the notes of near country banks. With our own banks refusing to pay out their five dollar bills, these are daily becoming more and more scarce, and their place is taken in the cur rent circulation by country bank bills, which are sent hero in large sums for that purpose, but for the redemption of which no adequate provision is made. The depreciation upon them is, consequent ly, quite great, and the loss to storekeepers, who have to tarn them into bankable fonds In order to meet notes falling due, is becoming a very serious tax. IVe are glad to find that some efforts are being made to remedy this evil, and we will be glad to mention any arrangement looking to an improve. meat upon the present condition of this branch of. exchange. As the first instance within our know. ledge, we make mention of the fad that the bank ing inns) of John 11 Fox A Co., No 11 South Third street, have made arrangements to redeem the notes of the Anthracite Bonk, of Tamaqua, at li per cent. We have received the Bankers' Magazine for January, 1831, with a paper, for its leader, of In terest at this juncture, upon the duties and liabili ties of hankers to their dealers in collecting paper with repent deaisions Other contributions, abound ing in valuable statistical information, keep up the high character of this well•known publloation The following are the quotations of Domestio Exchange, as furnished by Messrs Drexel le Co., No i 4 South Third streets: New York exchange.......... Boaton exchange........—. Baltimore exchange-- —_ American 60kl The Vt eat Philadelphia Passenger Railway Com pany (Market street), has declared a semi-annual dividend of six per cent , payable on and after January ISth. The Second and Third•otreote Passenger Railway Company has declared a dividend of Ave per oent.. on the capital steak The earnings of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in December, 1860, compare with those of Decem ber, 1859, as follows: ➢lain Stem. Wash'ton. N. W. Va. Total. Dao. 1860....&203,624 7/ 32 298 91 20.128 46 345.962 09 Deo. 1860.... 271,460 01 21,417 20 20 218 27 327,081 18 Showing a decrease in Dec., 1859, of 818 870 91. The New York Evening Post of today thus notices the money and stook market of that city : The absorbing topic of Wall street today is the news from Charleston. Etrly in the morning the stook market underwent a material decline, not withstanding rumors contradicted the hostile ac counts in the morning papers. Later trustworthy information was received, to the effect that the Star of the West had landed its troops at Fort Sumpter without molestation, when at once a strong demand for stocks set in, and the decline is more than recovered at the close. It is worthy of note, as an incident of the market, that immedi ately upon the offioial announcement of the news the members of the Board of Brokers gave three hearty cheers for the Union, evincing a feeling of relief that was soon manifested in a decided up. ward turn in prices throughout the list. Now York Central, which had sold as low as 751 ' against 76/ last evening, immediately returned to 761, and other stocks advanced in like proportion. After the Board stocks were still higher New York Central doers at 761a77; Erie 361a36}; Hudson 451a4.6. The Western stooks were in aotive demand al the close. Illinois Central leaves off 751; Galena, 64; Toledo, 33; Rook Island, 531. rata° Mail, after selling down to 85i, closes at 861 For Panama 116 is asked. A sale of Little Miami stock was made at 80— the first transaction for a long time past. The State stocks were steady, with little doing. Tennessee++ sold at 74; Missouria at 671; Virginias at 75. For 0/corgis's 90 is bid ; for Ohio Long Loan, 103; for I,llmola stools, 97. United States stooks are firm. The Fives of 1874 are 92 btd, the New Loan 901 ; 12 per cent. treasury notes are selling at 1021 alO2l For the railroad bonds there is a steady demand at full prices. The issues of the Erie, Harlem, and Hudson are the firmest of the list. Western bonds are also in better favor. The money market is undisturbed in its position of ease. Rates of interest steadily tend down ward. Very little first-elan paper is now to be had at 940 per cent. Call loans ore doll at 6a7 per cent. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, January 10, 1861. INTORTIOD as B. E.BLATIIA 108,111eraktan Gl' Exobanc, Mtn' BOARD. 1000 N Penna 91 10 Morns Canal—. 66 a do . 600 do.— ...... • .. 2 do Pr0fd.109. 2 ,2' 2toLong island...-.-. 20 60 4800 GO Reading DO do. ...0&.P.b5 20 p NOrrillown It 47,.( IDA 48N. lao 7 Form 8 d 0........ ..... 4514 BOARDB. 10 Penne R......... lots SIX 123 Consolidation 8k.... 21 BOARD. 12 Penna ..... 5 Green & Coates. R:o do-.. 8 Lehtxh..... A 25 • 1936 1 10 Mtnehtli -... 61 BETWEE WOO Reeding 6e '86.... 70 2000 70 BECON I) 1000 Pa 6e.-Cl6 P. ,esten .11736 100 do.C&P.Bsarn 89% WO do .. (MP Eleli 100 City ...... 9.54 10 IlarriWburg It —. 811( 10 ..... 811 3 ..... Olh DON Alperin& 108..... 17 1 Farm & Meoh Bk.. 61 2P.00 97 100 do. .... ..KBO 963 3N) .K 80 ea,/ 7000 Read lift 'B6 Ita.s6 70 1 Lehigh valley .... 613 10 Morrie Cal Prfd...1093 CLOSING PR R. Ached. Philadelphia 6e— 87 973 Pistils 6e R.— 97 973 Phila fle —neer...lca; 1013 Penns 6e....—.89 Read R..— 193 109 Read bds '70..... 82 86 Read mt tie '80... .. 90 Read mt 6e'86... 69Y., 703 Penne gi Penne R2dmtBsB6 88 Mor CI 66N11 Morrie Canal or 7093 IN Bah N 61'82. 673 Bah Nav Imp 65...74 Schap' lin , Stir, 7 9 Rohl Rev nerd .10 Elmira R......... 6 7 arse—FlßM. Std. A.ked. Elmira R 4rf......12 13 Elmira 78 73 63 66 Long Selland 50. X Leh 01 & N.-- ,48 49 Leh CS& N 80ri0.,35X 241‘ North Fenno R.-- 8 8.14' 13 . Fenno It ea......87X 63 N Penusißlo3—..93 95 CaLawtaas. R Con, 3 3X Catawietut prfd 9X 9 Frank &South R.. 40 48 2d & 3d-atreete R,47..X 49 Roca& Fano St R.,17X 18.34 Went Pluto 55 B➢ruce & Pine.... 754 8 Groan & Coates...l7 11X Philadelphia Marketq. JANUARY 10—Evening The Breadstuffe market is firm, but dull, with a small business only to note in flour, mostly to sup. ply the trade, at $5a5.62i for superfine; $5.75a $8 25 for extras; and $6 50a6.75 for fanny brands as to quality. There is very little shipping in. gutsy, but standard superfine is rather scarce at our lowest figures. Rye Flour and Corn Meal are quiet; the former is held at $.3 623a3 75, and the latter at $3 per bbl, without finding buyers. WHEAT is lees active, and about 4,500 bushels have been disposed of in lots at 130a1330 for good and prime. Pennsylvania reds, mostly at 1310, in store, and 145a150c for white. Rye is scarce and wanted, at 760 for Pennsylvania. Cora is firm, bat rather quiet; and some small wiles are re. ported at 708710 for old, and 02a630 for new. Oats are unchanged, and 4,000. bushels Pennsylvania have been sold at 34;a3 . 50, chiefly at the former rate, in the oars Brans is scarce and wanted et $25 for let No. 1 Queroitron COTTON —The market is firm and on the ad. Vance, with a small business doing in the way of sales Onncuntes aro selling moderately at steady prices PROVISTONA —The high views of holders limits neralim g y, and there is very little doing in the titans —Olovereeed is Armor, and 300 bushels have been sold at $535 40, the latter for prime lota. WIIIIIKT la firmer, bble selling at 184a1010 for Pennsylvania and Ohio, 1710 for drudge, and 1/30 per gallon for hhde. New York Brock E achange--Jan. 10. MIR% SlCoen 0910 Tenn St 65 '9O 75 8000 Missouri bt 6a'68... 60 3000 Cal titate 75.... —B7E' 500 d 8000 do o--- . .... 50( 0 Ohio St 6s 89 Ooean C 0....... —.82 6 Fee 91 6 , 8 .87 5 do ...._ 165 N Y Con It— 77 65 .510.77 200 Uric, R--. 50 Hod Me' ft . ..—. 609.4611: 150 do.-- ........_ 100 - 510.47 50 do— , .b5O 4735 200 Harlemß 98 1(1) Reading R— blO 31714 60 Mil & Miss THE MARKETS. Asitzs.—We note sales of small lots of rots at $5, rola Pearls are held tit. the same. The market is Weo7 TON.—The market is more quiet, but no lees firm. note sale, of 700 bales, at .12Re for middling Up lands, and 130 for Orleans. FLout.—The foreign news strengthens the market, and prices generally are 6sloo better. We note sales of 8 CO) bbls at 86.2006 65 for Superfine State. ss6o® 6 60 for extra State * 625.15e5.30 for Superfine Western 446.6606 90 for ehmee Western extra, and $5.75n5 90 for round hoop Ohio. Bentham Flour is a shade firmer, with ea es 01 600 Ws at $6800595 for Baltimore, and See 7.50 for Richmond City Mills. lian•dian Flour is quiet but firin,wita sal.s ol 200 bbls at 85 600725 for ex tra bra, do. Rye Flour le quiet, with sales of MO bbls at 813.8653.155. Corn Meal is 'steady, with sales $3,190 3.69 for Jeisey and Brandywine. WHEAT.—Under the influence of the foreign news the Wheat market is firmer, and prices advanced le2e. We note sales of 60,000 bushels at $1.38 for Western Winter red; $1.30 for Milwaukee Club; and $l6O for - Western Michigan. Corn—the market is somewhat firmer, and we note sales of 16,090 bushels at 715710 for mixed Western. Oats are in better demand at 55,1;c560 for Western, and 36E6 for State. Bailey is firm, at 75$ 85e. Rye is quiet. at 75078 e. Perivierons.—There is a slight upward tendency in the Pork market. We note sales of 250 bbls mess at $18166616.87. There is a fair demand fur dressed hogs at 00970. Batson is fire:hand somewhat active, with sales at 9.4.100, ,Cut meets are also firm, with sales at So for gager rum, - and oHo for shoal- 250 Mich Can R e x dv.-62 11 1 200 M do ti& N11t .5 01 150 In Bo & N 1 ge.--33. 4 i 20 Panama It.. --All 5 do -_,- .11.3% . . /0111 Can 11. Bo ....e15.755,' 200 Gal & Obi K.-- -6iSi CA) ......1 . )60.04 100 Cle d o o & Tol , R........ 3511 450 d 0........ ...... .531' 100 do - ...b60.54 10 Chi & R I 13..........53Y 152 do-... ._,..asi po do---_. ..-....61663,,. 6 Sixth Ave R.- ......135 THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA, dens. Lard in in fair suntan and there in a fair export demand. We quote salee of 200 tierces and 100 bids at 103dee10.1.1e for prime Western. Beef is ateadri and in moderate demand, with sales of 20 tibia at $lO Wail for extra mesa Beef llama are firmer, with matelot' 200 bbls at $l4 for Western. There is more demand for butter, with sales of Ohio at 10406 a = Btate dairy at 17ire16e ; and ohoiee do at 20*210. Oimeee is steady at Balo3io. CITY ITEMS. (101:111TEAPEIT8.—or late there is namely any-, thing that causes the trading community so mush vexa tion as the numerous counterfeits that flood the coun try, some of them so olomly imitating the genuine m etes as to embarrass the most skilful Judges. To those who are daily receiving money, merchants, clerks, and others, why desire to obtain the knowledge of detecting all fraudulent issues, we recommend them to apply to J. A. Fete. at Critteciden'a Commercial College, or at his residence, southeast corner of Franklin and Green ereets, who will impart to them a reliable moans of in stantly detecting a counterfeit bill, by one hour's in emotion, and at a trifling cost. His eatematio method is recom'eonded by the leading bankers of this and other cities, whore he has given instruotiosa. Clerk* and traders cannot devote an hour in a more profitable manner than in acquiring &knowledge of his system. &MIRING Traing•—We live in exalting times Every day beings its seineation, and each sensation is greater than that which preceded it. Yesterday we had the Pi eeident's emote message. the secession of Min wissinei, and the firing upon a United states steamer 1.1 the authorities of South Carolina. Verily, great oo ourrenom come upon us thlok and fast, and no man can see the end. But while " madness rules the hour," we must not neg'eat the nem - opting! of eober reason. We would, therefore, beg leave to remind our melee that the most elegant garments extant for gentlemen and youths are those made at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Bookhill & Wilson, goo. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. GOLD on &Lynn, deposited in the Franklin Saving Fund, Pio. 138 South Fourth street, below Chest nut, Philadelphia, on and after,Tanuary 51h,1851, will be paid in go d or silver on demand, without notice. Bank notes deposited repaid In bank notes, All depo sits bear five per oent, interest, KEEP IT BBEORE VIE PEOPLE— That earth was made for man, That flowers were drown, And fruits were grown To bless and never to KEEP IT BEFORE TUE PEOPLE— That clothing is made for folks, Unequalled in style, And at " one price " meanwhile, At the store of Granville Stokes— No 607 Cheetnut street, where valuable Girrs are pre sented with each article sold. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, UP TO 12 o'Citoog LAST MORT GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnut street. below Ninth. Mr Cromwell & la. Texan It B Wigton, Huntingdon Jae B Murray. Pittanurg Mrs Murray, Pittsburg Mite Murray, Pittsburg it Wilson, Boston Jae Brain & In. Troy P. Monson, Pennsylvania Geo Parsons & WI. Chicago al , ss Parsons. Chicago Mies Monson, Pa K J Baet, Penneyivenia H Henderson New Jersey H L Cornish It la, N Y Coale.lsaac Jr, Baltimore .1 11.1 Moorhead, Pa Dr It Prom, Delaware, Lieu , Hughes, 1.3 B N Jon W Curry & la, N V Mr Henry, Delaware Capt T Dean, Cincinnati Wm H Gilmore. St Louis Mr Cooke & New York Miss Maxwell, New York T H Whitney. New Jersey M It Motile Pennsylvania BA Stover, Pennsylvania, Samuel White. New York James Loyd, Pittsburg Master W Loyd, Pittsburg J 0 Rirhardaon, Minersve W R Green, New York G C G Wray, New York '1 hos L Rogere. Delaware Chas Mar adden. Pa H Tyler, New York B Davie, New York CV It Martin & Y Chas W Noyes. hew York J G Burr & la, New York Miss Merryman. New York Geo W Perry, Conn C Pike, Maryland Jno IC Hatlett & wf, Va G Adams Richmond, Vs W V Edwards. Va H L Mason. Okras° Jae It Stevenson, Chicago Miss Cornell, Chicago Mies_K Walker, Chicago Jno M seam, Maryland Mrs J .1 Hume, New York blaster W bume, N Y Mr Hewitt & la. .N Y Hon E Marsh. Jamey City' A H Stewart, New York .1 B Watson, New York C Johnson, New York AS Kelly. Baltimore Mrs Kelly. Baltimore Mrs Warren, Baltimore Andrew Campbel l , Pa P T . y ler, Delaware R II tinow, flew York W Temple, Delaware A D Inelee, Delaware Haldeman. Columbia It A Selover, Cali Comte. R Hughes, New York K R Houston. New York .1 0 Dugan, Baltimore Master W Dugan, Balt :::11."4:11: k 7.0 (prem.).- go CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. it It Payson. Chicago Dr Barna, Nashville N W Turner, Boston A Deofenderf, Ft Plain .1 A F lint, Ft Plain 0 Levis. New sloven J W Brown, New Jersey W B Panconst, N Jersey 8 B. Moore. Alabama G E Phipps, Cincinnati C Gould & wf, New York C E Parsons. New York B B Leamn, Bernstein W 0 Case, Columbia, Pa J C Brown & la, New Jersey A Child, Boston .1 P Wilkins. California. Mine Cook, Kentucky F T Scott & la, Virginia it G Reiman, Baltimore 08 Leffingwell, Conn J Milholland. Beading it A Donaldson. Now York R C Denville, New Jersey B M Fink, Trenton, N J .7 B Johnson, Nana .7 S Wood Columbus E E Thorne. New York It B Plumly, Phiaide J B Friable, California W C MoCali, New Jersey J F itterbuck, New York J 8 Mace, Ohio W Locker, Lancaster W P Merrill, New York E it Harrison & wf, N Y 3 II Conrad. New York • E E Barron, New York G Whiteford, New York E Farnsworth, Boston C 'l` 8 Townsend & Boston J N Childs, Boston Wm Born New Y ork Chas B Gregorywf, N J II Trowbridge, New York G W Cass, .Pittsburg 11 Farman. Chicano B. Polidnek. nonillions J N J lahunk,U 8 A J Jones. Baltimore I L Taylor. Kentuoky B P Dexter, Poston T C Durant, new York It B Cailterwood X Y R. A Douglas & wf, N Y Wm Osborn, tit Joseph E Bradford, Norfolk J 0 W hitehouse, N Y H Bohan, Mass M Churchill, New York E N Shelton, Conn .1 G Howard, Mass A Randall, Ma as B W Tompkins, Norwich V 11 Moor, Pennsylvania MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arab. E L Miller, Altoona F Walter. Fenn Haven 1' Sharkey, Mauch Chunk E N Wendell, Willotab're FLEratiab, Muse E Henke, New York 13 Bow Reading R Kear. Minereville H E Sinniford, Mississippi Bln Butler, rhilada, A H Ronenhelm, New York T Broderick, Wilkeeharre DT. LOUIS HOTEL, Chestnut et., above Third. H T Peek, Germantown John K Hall, riew_pot m J Brown, Jr, Philadelphia Oh H Conover. BJersey k_H Goan., RathMicro, Pa R A Craig, Maryland W A Lo•all & da. Del co, Pa F MOM= & 2 at's, Mann Mtn M E Goddard, Maas Chuff ahipmati, Newark F Headrloks._Penta A W Friot ,GermalLoarn D Raymond, Bangor, Me J B Lloyd Aln B Janet , Mrs A I. Brown, Wash, D C Miss Dumb Wash, D 0 A MeConnomy, Lancaster JONES' HOTEL—Cheetnut street. above Sixth. John 8 Alexander. Pa 8 Williams Philadelpkia T Perot' , lowa JE. NiohoClowa C Cotrno, Tenn John W Ntold & wf, Pa J F Cunningham, Maryland &LH Wilson, Columbia, Pa Geo Lerch & al, Pa OW Melds, Went Cheater JEI dornnton, o. , nneotiont A Clark & son, Now York_ fI Snowden,Jialtimoro AMBRICAN ROTEL—Dheattent at, above Fifth. Geo Bast, Pennsylvania Robt Hmyre, Bethlehem Mrs Manlove & eon, aid Ham! A Mernt,t Maryland Semi Todd, Mau:lend A McConnell, W H Hama. Mutereville H Silver. Delaware D Itatriuston. Baltimore Bernard Kternvert. Md COMMERCIAL HOTEL—titxth et.. above Chestnut. $ Nightingale. Doylestown .1 Riley. Reading M Taylor, Buds 00, ppa BP Yost. Pottstown Robt Hodgeon, Maryland J A Strawbridge, Chest or, SBA R Ramsey. Cheater en Geo Sharp. Cheater co N P Brower, Doylestown low h Stiokson,Penna Mies Jackson, Poona Mina Hammon. Penns Willie Mallory. luelaware Wm troy, Chester oo H Garver. Penne STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth, 0 H Fowler. Phil .J Britton, Delaware D 0 Her. Lancaster co H F Eberlin, Columbia Geo L titt. Pittsburg .1 F Bims, Perry 00. Pa Jacob Torry. Columbia, Pa John Tarry, Columbia Pa Thou Welsh. Columbia. Pa A nanolc Sc la, Blue Ball D 1. Sander. Lancaster E Hail. Penns J W Jackson, Lancaster W J Lone. Penns Gen Motiarvara, Uhloago 8 M Williams. Maryland It Q Stewart, Maryland BARLEY SHEAF—fleoond street. below Vine. A J Probasco New Jersey bltee Probasoo, N Jersey _ D etoCarter, Jae yondeartit. Penn's J Penn ' a Bom_l_Chombere, Bucks so Isaac Montg so M Beaton. Doylestown Miss F I. ly, Books oo Mr Potter. Philads T P Roberts, Cheltenham L Weigel. Lyoommg oo 1) McCarter. Penn's Geo beetburn Pena Roberta, Abington J 8 stallowell, Abington B Bolilday, , hew Dope 87X 17x. 465. fitN MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second et., above Arab. Du; Dumas, Conneotiont Geo W Jackeon. Philada Thou H Moore. Delaware John X Jarvis, Delaware Joe Chipman, Delawar" H Rudman, Maryland A Conway. Maryland 0 W Wanda% Wilkeeb James Wood, Lanoaater MERCHANTS' HOUSE—Third et.. above Callowhill. Geo W Stein, Easton Jas Molnurenoo.W Haven Geo C Carter, Whtto Haven B B Logan, Hamilton, 0 D H Taylor. Bethlehem D Albright, Readmit M Oliehaat, Money, Pa Natti'l Bentz. Mum, Pa E Hellen Pate burg THE UNION—Aroh street. abort) Third. W Williams, Penns. J R Phillips, Philsdn I Lwrenoe. Parma .1 Mclntosh Delaware W lowa I Ohio M Purcell, F Weettienner &w. St Josh D Smith, Conn I Smith, New York FOUNTAIN HOTEL-Bmnd it., above Market. J 3 f stall, Trenton, N J Wm Walker, Delaware Mr Snow, Baltimore Joe 8 Loflandllelaware Colter Hart, Delaware 8 Townsend, `Delaware A L lizard. Mays Landing It Westoott, New Jersey NATIONAL ROTEL—Raoo street, above Third, LP Kurtz, Yolk, Pa Q 3 billter,thimlierland.Md Kauffman, Reading Robt Orland Wayne oo,Pa e Reynolds, New Jersey Jae Jaok, Bollesburg 0 (3 Wynkoop, Pottaville BALD BABLB—Third street. amyl) Uallowhifl Henry Houser,Montg oo.Pa Wm B Michael, Montg co BLACK BBAlt HOTEL—Third et.. above John O'Neal, Pennsylvania David Davis,Pennoylvanla SPEOIAL NOTICES AMKRIOAN HAVING FUND, S. E. corner WALNUT and FOURTH (I treats, continues to renews de posits and pay all sums on tlemsnd, an St has always done. ALEXANDER WHILLDIN. Pros% JouN 8. WILRON, Treas. del2-1m SAVINQ FUND—NATIONAL SAPBTY TRUST COMPANS.—Dnring the suepension of epeoie payments by the Banks, Money is received and paid daily, on de mand, in the came kind of funds, specie or noted, as de posited; Interest five per cent, WALNUT Street, southwest corner of mint). Ja2,tf BAIR DYE! HAIR DYE! I—Batchelor's LIQUID HAIR DYE is the original and Lest in the market. All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. Bplendid BLAcie or beautiful Daowte instantaneously. Bold by ell Drug gists everywhere. The genuine has the signature of WILLIAM. A. BATCHELOR upon a steel plate en graving on four etdes of each box. Beware of Counterfeits. Manufactory, 81 Barolay streak, late =Broadway, New York. CHARLES BA'ITHELOR, no6-ly Proprietor. SEAMEN'S SAVING FUND—NORTIIWPOST CORNEA BECOND and WALNUT BTICEXTR. -- Deposits re - , mead in small and large amounts, from all Glasses of the oommnnity, and allows interest at the rate of FIVE PER GENT. per annum. °Thee open daily, from S. until 6 o'olook, and on Mon day and Baturday until eight in the eventng. President, FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Baoretary, CHAR, M. MORRIS. SALAKANDELS FISH-PROOF SAFSB.—A very ar=e ranortment of SALAMANDERS for lola atm onabio ;Titre,. No. 304 CHESTNUT tot tf EVANS ft WATSON, OROV/111 & BAKIIIO3 OBLEBBATED NOISELESS HEWING MACHINES The Best in Use for Family Bowing. No, 730 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. au27-17 ONE P 11103; OLOTAING OF TIIE LATEST made in the bent manner, alarm', for RE TAIL BALES. LOWEST adding prices marked in Plain neuron. All good' made to order warranted oath factory. Our ONE-PRICE intent in atnotly adhered 0. All are thereby treated alike. eal6-1, soma & CO.. 604 MARKET Street. CARD PRINTING, Mos AND OLIBARBST IN the City, at 34 South THIRD Street, CIRCULAR PRINTING, Best and Cheareat in the City, at 34 Routh THIRD Street. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in the City, at 34 SouthTHIRD Street. HAND-BILL PRINTING, Best and Cheapeetin tha City, at 34 South THIRD Street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, and ovary other descrip tion of Printing, of the moat superior quality, at the moat rerieonable ratiss, at RINGWALT & BROWN'S, Drexel's Braise, 24 South THIRD Strut, 011114 FRIDAY. JANUARY 11 3 1861. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. NEE 'FOURTH PACIE BY YELUGBAPII. (Correspondence of The Press.) BosTON, Jen.lo. Arrived—ship Senn !links, from Liverpool ; brie Nellr Hunt, from Banes ; sehrJ.Niakerson, from Cape Heiden. The Bohr Lamartino, for Jnoksonville, was lost on ottuate to.orty. The crow were saved. The eohr Raymond, from Wilmington, is ashore on Lovell's Wand, but will come oil. HAMPTON Ito/08. Jon 10. Arrived. bark Warren, of Baltimoro, from Sombrero, awaiting orders. Arrived, bark Czarina, from N ORLEANS. Jan 10. Boston. MEMOS iron Steamship De Soto, Johnson, for Now York. via Ha vana. was at Ilio de Janeiro Nov 22d, for Philadelphia. Brig Stant Sarah ( Dram) for Philadelphia, was at Rio de Janeiro Nov 23. Bohr Eclipse. Hughes, for Philadolphin, sailed from BM do Janoiro Nov 8 80hr 51 Holahan, Peterson, honed, was below New Orleana 6th inat. Rohr A Titroll Higgins, for t avannah, nailed from Baltimore yesterday. (Per steamship Nova Boohoo. Arrived from New York Bth. It ejodner. at Tarragona; 2ith Gem. at Galway; 26tli, Helvetia and Wm Brabant, at Deal; 26th, Corilla , J BledleYr and Trumbull, at Li verpool. Arrived from New Orleans 2lth, Fernery, at Havre; 26in, J 8 Parsons, Levi Woodbury, Connignment, J L Hmrress Idaho. and &follower, at 1.111 aroma. Arrived from Bavannali math, Columbia, Cam Cooper, and Edward, at Liverpool. Arrived from Now York, Angostura, at Dublin: Presi dent 4ohnitdt, at Flushing. Arrived from New Orleans. Ho'ybead, at Liverpool, Nailed for New York Nth, Dieraoli. from Liverpool. Bailed for New Orleans 25th, Castor and Prinee of from Liverpool, Balled for Boston 25th, City of Boston, from Liverpool MARRIED. HESTOII—LODGE.—On December 18, 18,a), by Rev, Win. T. Bunker, Mr. Edward W. Heaton, of Philadel phm, to M lee C Lodge, of Lower Merlon. Pa. • OA ItWOoD—Buttxtorr.—On the Sd instant, by the Gov. P. J. Cox M r..mnuel E. Garwood to Mine Al.ll - E. Burkett. both of thin city. Shit • It—linlt.ROVe. —On the lath ult., at Smith- Ville, by I.equiro bmilh, M r. Absalom Smith, of Plinth trifle, to Mina Hannah C. Guru ova, of Phildclphin. • DIED. DAVIS.—On the 10th instant, Hannah P. Davis. in the rith year of her age. liar friends, and those of the family, are invited to meet at the house of her brother. Eh K. Price, No. 809 Arch street, on !Seventh day, the 12th instant, at 11 o'clook, and accompany the body to the depot, Eleventh and Market streets. The funeral will take place on trot dm, from her late residence, at West Chester, to leave the house at 2 o'clook, anti proceed to liirmlutg ham. • • MAY.—In this city on Thursday 'morning, 10th inst. Ellen 8., wife of the Rev. James May, D. li. Her friends, and those of the family, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral. from the residence of Charles Wheeler, Po. 1620 Pine street. on Saturday morning, 12th inst Ant., at 10 o'olook. Services at the Church 01 the Epiphany Philadelphia at 11 A. M. Interment at Ht. Mary's Church. Meet •,. RIANHA ft I).—On the 9th instant. Emily, infant C daughter of H. Beekman and the late Hannah C . Riau hard aged 19 months Ltirimor.—January 9. 1831, Mary de Bonneville Lo throp, widow of Isaac Lothrop, and daughter of the late John May Seim. The friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her mother, southw est corner of Sixth and Spring Garden streets, on Saturday, Jan. 12, 1861, at 10 A. M. [Reading pagers please co the 9th instant, Thomas Braokin, in the 68th year of his ago. Funeral irom the residence of his brother, Henry Brackin, No. 1221 Carlton street, the (Friday) after noon, at I o'clock. CA RR.—On the 9th instant, Mrs. Jane Day, wife of Mr. Charles Carr, a ged a 0 years. Funeral from the residence of her husband, No. 260 South street, on Sunday afternoon. at 2 o'clock. " C ARFENTEK.—On the 7th instant, at Loweo. Del., James Carpenter. aged 86 years. CAt3hY.—Lin the Bth instant, Mrs. Ann H., wife of James D Carey. Funeral from the residenoe of her husband. No. 2037 Vienna street. Eighteenth ward, on Sunday after noon. at 1 o'clock. tinliSON.—Vn the 9th instant. Elonnora Myers, oclY daughter of Amos and Keenth U. Carson. aged 9 yearn and 9 months Funeral from the residence of her parents, No. 1426 Moyamensing avenue, below Reed street, this (Friday) morning, at 10 o'clock. DALE.—On the Dth instant, John Henry, infant son ofJohn Funeral from Dale. aged 9 months and 7 days. Funeral from the icsidenoe of his parents. No. 610 South Seventeenth street, this (Friday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. FoW.—Ori the Bth instant, William FOT, in the 36th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence. No. 413 Berman street. this (Friday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. HARRIN.—On the 9th instant, Adele, wife of John liarkin, in the 38th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband, No. 464 North Front street, this (Friday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. KEHRIBON.—On the 9th instant, Robert P. Kennon, in the29th rear of his age. Funeral from the reeidanCe of his mother, No. 289 South Tenth street. on datusday afternoon at 2 o'olook. 151.E98INuER.—John Messinger, in the 3311 year of his age. Funeral from his late residence. Forty-second street, above Chestnut, this Friday ) afternoon, at 2)4 o'clock. M I Kft.—On the Slth instant, Matthew Miller, Sr., in the 711th year of hie age. Funeral from the residence of his daughter, Ruth Carroll, corner of Letitia Court and hlai !let street, tins (Friday) afternoon. at 1 o'clooic. SW RNEY.—On the 9th instant. Prudence Swaney, in the 68th year of her age. Funeral from her late residence. beak of 03) South Third whet, above Christian, this (Friday) afternoon, at 1 o'olook, MOURNING GOODS FOR 1861.—Just received New Rty lee Remind Mourning Ent Bah Ohintzea. and Neat 4trlca Blank and White ditto, at 1.23£ cite.; Black Alpaceat.lB%,2s,Bll‘. 37% etc ; Bomba zine toiniah Alpsoons. to, MC 75 eta ; Mohair Luatree, gin ate. to 51L Black 60014 Minims, Digital:l Crapes, Veil ()Tapas, Craps Falls and Crape Valli, Round Owner Crape, Laos and Grenadine Voile. Grave Colla•e and CoParettem, bng.ish Botabinnes. Jouvin's Bleck Kid Gloves, malting our stook of PLAIN BLACK and BROON MOURNING GOODS full and oortinlate. HEBRON & 80N. Mourning Store. jalo No. 918 Chestnut street. PIEA. STATED MEETING OF THE Board ot faanatora of the HOME MIKKinNAItY TY OF THE CITY OF PIIII.ADELYRIA. be haRI at No. 42 North F , FTII StrePt. bolow co FRIDAY EVENING, 11111 mat, FAT o'oluot. lal6-4t* It. K. ME PLICH. +•eorrtary. KREV. FRANCIS VINTON, D. D., OF New York will lecture, in aid or the Chu oh of tthiss, on +U6B .'AY INV, January Mtn at CONVERT HALL. Chestnut street. above Twelfth, commencing at a quarter before eight o'oloek. Subject " Italy and Dante." Mohan 29 cents; for sale at the Episcopal Book De pository, 1224 Chestnut street, 911 Chestnut street, and at the aoor. Jail-fmtu3t WPIERIAN INSTITUTE.—A LECTURE wilt be delivered THIM (Friday) n,VENING, ere the Pierian Institute at their .Hall, southeast corner of NINTH and SPIIING GARDEN Street., by THOMAS CURTIS, , SQ. Subject—" The Shame and Glory of Polities." The publio are invited to attend. Admtasion free. 11* THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholder. of the PARMEIte STERN AAKET CuMSANY. for the eisettnn of a President, 'I reasurer, Secretary, and sa Manapra. to setva for the enemas year, will be held at the harmers' Market Hotel. MARKET Street, between Twenty-first and T wenty•seeond streets, on FRIDAY. January 18th, at 7 o'dook Y. M.. iall.6t. MORRIS HANSELL. Beoretary PINOTICE.—A. SPECIAL DIEETING OR the rtoekholdere of the GRAN erE t AND ANY ROS he held at No. 16 North BhVENTH atreet, on THURSDAY. January 24th, 1881, ate o'clock P. ~ for the. le awn of Offieere for the y ear 1851. Per order of the .President. It. THE WEEK OF PRAYER THROUGH our THE WORLD.—hervioes will be held every da y this week, from 12 to Di o'olook. in the AAN -80M-1:11 RhET DAPTIST CHURCH. conducted by inlnletere of different denominations. Bubjeot of pray er TO-DAY. (Friday. January MA,/ "A large out pouring of the Holy Brunt upon all Biehope, Pastels. and ruling Elders of the Churches. upon all eeminaries of Christian learning, and upon every Protestant Mis sionary. among Jews or Oentdes, upon the converts of his station, and upon hie field of labor." Christians of eve name are invited to part spate. Its DrAT A MEETING OF THE CONTRI BUTORS to the Ponce or Refute, hard. pursu ant to public notice. on Wednesday. January 9th. 183!, at four o'clock P. M., the hallowing named gentlemen were dal, elected as Officers and Managers for the en suing year: President—THOMAS EARP. Vine Presidents—JAMES J. BARCLAY, ISAAC COLLINS. Treasurer—GEOßGE W. FORES. Bearetary—ALEXANDER EENJtV. MANAGERS. WSNISTE M. COMES, I Arthur G. Coffin, John Parnum, Thomas L. Kane, John W. °lnkhorn, N. D. Browse. n ri Perks, !b a n 1 I.!. . anOgden, Thomas A. Budd, .1 Paul T. Jones, Wm. Bitumen, M. 8., Fredertok A. 'Packard, JoLn Robbins, Jr., Isaac R. Smith, Alexander Fullerton, Daniel L. Collier, Caspar Wilder, M. IL, t Jacob P. Jones, Ono. M. Troutman, I harm H. Woodward. William B. Perot, It N. B. BROWNE, &oratory pro tom. BANNEKER INSTITUTE OF PIMA DEL PHIA.—At the Annual Election, heed Ja nuary Eith, the following Officers were duly cleated for the year Mt: President, Parker T. Smith ; Vice President. George T. Burrell; 11 eeording Beoretary, Jacob C. White, Jr.; Corresponding Secretary, Ootaviue V. Catto; Treasure r, William H. ; Committee on Debates and Lec tures, George T. Barren, George K. White. St. George It. Taylor. Attest, J. C. WHIPS, secretary. PIMUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY OF PIIILADELPHI I.—Tho Annual ng ef thin Company will be held on MOND aY, January 14th, at ono o'clock P. Nl at the Rooms of the Hoard of Trade. No. 505 CHESTNUT Street. at which time on election will be held for twelve Directors. Of fice. No. 45 Sonth FIFTH Street. Jail St." T. kI,L,WOOD CHAPMAN. DeoretarY. WPOST OFFICE, PIIILADA., Pa., JANU ARY 8.1831. OE le horobyflivon that lettere depoeitod in the United atates Lamp Poet 13oxes and tub Poet offices, for the MON, are chargeable with ono cent earth. en addi tion to the regular postage, AND MINT DD PREPAID BY PORTAGE ETANIPS. The letter carriers have been instructed to chute ONE cent and no more for each letter deltvered b them, and in no ease to accept more, even when voluntarily tendered. Jag et N. B BROWNE. Postmaster. MPIIITADELPHIACARETS—SECOND SEBBION.—A now Company being formed. Ap on received daily, at the AnnaTy-13110AD street, below Spruce. 910 for four monthe'instruotion uni form ga d cap, .911 ; musket and cartridge-box, $B. J 510.3 ENOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of tho !leaver Meadow nd and Coal Compan y will he held at their offibe t No. 322 WALK UT Street, on MONDAY. the 2 1 at of January next. at 12 o'oloak M., at 'which time an elec tion will be held for Prceident and ten Directors for the ensuing sear. L. CHAMBERLAIN, dole till Secretary and Treasurer. WOFFICE OF THE UNION MUTUAL IN SURANUE CO —Phicenni,rlitA. Doo, 341860. e annual meeting of tho ticripholders of the Onion Mutual Inguranoe Company of Philadelphia will be hold at the ottion of tho company on MON DAY, January 34, MO, 04.12 O'clock, noon, et whioh timo an election will he held for eight Directoro, to nerve for the entming three yearn. 30$, COLLISON cl 31-12 t Soo y, OFFICE OF THE GREEN AND COATI:S-8T It RM.` PHILADELPHIA P As- E R RAILWAY COMPANY. TWENTY FOURT 11 and' OAT td3 Pte,, Dec, TrBth. The Annual Meeting of the Dec, of the Green and Coates-street Pluladelphia Passenger Railway Company. for the oleetton of a President and twelve Di reetom to eorve for the ensuing year. will be held at the Vdme of the Company, on MONDAY, January 14th, 18 , 61. at 12 o'oloek, noon. de2BlMl4 DbINGY GLIARWOOD, Peorotary. OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE IN SURANCE COMPANY, No. 400 WAL VIrSTRE.T. PHILADELPHIA, December 26, 1860. NOTICE. Annual meeting of the Stockholders of the ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY will be held on MOND AY, tho 1401 day of January, 1861, at TEN o'clock A. M. at the office of the Company. An election for Twelve Dacelore to nerve the en onion year. will be held the seine day at the some place, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 P. AI de27tyal4 CHARLES W. COXF. Secretary. BrOFFICE OF TILE FAME INSURANCE CO.. No 406 CIItSTNUT Street. annual Meeting of the Stookhmdere of thin Com pany will be hold at their office, on MONDAY, Isom, It, 1861. at 10 o'clock A. M. An (Heaton for Twelve Director,, to servo for the amulet year, will be held the same day, at the tame yltiee, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. WILLIAM I. BLANCHARD. la4-Veli &MAU Y. [ J 3 OFFICE OF THE "UNION MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 7, 18111. At a meeting of the Threotors, held this nay, a Divi dend of SIX PER CENT. on the outstanding Sono was deolared,.payable to the Sorlpnolders,or their legal re presentatives. at tne Office of the Company, on and after WEDNESDAY. January 10, Mt. 3a9-121 JOE. COLLISON, Secretary. [ry. OFFICE OF THE FAME INSURANCE CO., N 0.406 CHESTNUT Street. Patneaszrats,Januarr7 1861. At a meeting of the Beard of Iltreetere, held tine day, a Dividend or THREE PER CENT. on the Capital of the Compnny wee declared, payable on and after the tot day of February next. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, 169-tfel aeoretary. CAUTION.—ALL PERSONS ARE cautioned against trusting any of the Crew of Et . 9 sohooner RAD BOND, Emma, master, from Rotterdam, as no debts of thetr oontraoting 'wilt be paid by captain or consignee. HENRY 130141.F.N & CO.. jai° St 4]land 22.3 South FOURTH Street. MTHE PHILADELPHIA. IVILMLNG TON. AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD COM , December IL 1860. The annual meeting of the Stoakholders of One Com • pant will take place in Wilmington, at the other of the Company, on MONDAY. the 14th January next, at 10 O'clock A. M.. for the election of Directors to serve for the ensuing year. and for the transaction of such other business as may legally come before the meeting. deleittilt INSURANCE COMPANY or TICE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, January 1. 1861. An election for thirteen Directors of the Company, to serve for one year. will be held at the Company's °Mae, Nos. 4 and 5 EXCHANGE BUILDING, on hION DAY, January 14, 1861, between the bourn of ten o'cook A. AI. and one o'olook P. M. WILLIAM HARPER, Secretary [I4:EAST 1111ARAN , .Y RAILROAD COM PANY, PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 24, 1860. annual meeting of the IStOOlthokkre of this Com pany, and an traction for officers to serve for tho ensuing year, will be held at the office of the Company, No. 440 y lli idtttßY Street, on MONDAY, the 14th of January next, at 10 'clock A. Al., de24-mwf tjal4 A. MoINTYRE, Secretary =OFFICE OF THE LITTLE SCHUYL KILL NAVIGATION RAILROAD D COAL AN Y. PHILADULPFITA, Deoember 29, 1860. The annual meeting of the Stookholders of this C 3M. your. and an election for offis to eeIVO the warming year,_will be held at the Moo of the CoMtany, No, 4..7 LIBR AtY Street, on MONDAY. the Nth J amine next, at 1036 o ' clock A. bl. WM. WALN...Ia., del4-mwf tjatt Treasurer and Secretary. {rm - OFFICE OF THE FRANKFORD AND touTIIWARK PHIL,ADP , ,PHIA CI VY PAS -1.-EAGER RAILLOAD COMPANY, Berke (late Cho, thaml•Btreet. below Fourth.—PIIIIADELPIIIA. Dec. 19, 10). The anneal meeting of the Bizekboldere or tine company and an election for president and twelve direo tore, to eerve the ermine year, will be held at the office of the company on MONDAY, January 14,1861. at 12 AL, CHAR. R. ABBOTT deli mwt-tial4 &nip. WPM PUBLICATIONS. A BOOK FOR THE TIMES "Thomas Jefferson still aurviveo."—Last yard', of John Adams. THE LIFE OF THOMAS JEFFERSON. BY HENRY S. RANDALL, LL. D. In throe volumes. Bvo., $7 NI Library cheep.. 900 Half antieue.— 1700 " The time has at lentil arrived when all men can do Justice to Thomas Jefferson—when his admirers can omit aside son ewhat of their idolatry, and his oppo nents. subduing the Duty rancor which has 150 long ob soured for them his merits, can do homage to his Bolen did talents and his undeviating integrity. Mr. Randall has. thus far, eunceeded well with his subject. He is suffioier tly minute. but not too much so since no aot of Mr. Jefferson was the result of caprice, but arose from decided oharaoteristion and settled habits. Hie mate rials are, in part, new, and are all well arranged. His style is easy and simple—animated, Varied, and fagot natinfc throughout, There Is not a single wearisome page in the volume. and it fairly enchains the a.tention from the first to the last paragraph."—floston Journal. THE WORKS OF THOMAS JEFFERSON. • Being hie Autobiography. Correspondence. Deports, Alessages. Addreeses, and other Writings, of fi cial and private. Published by the order of the Joint Committee of Con grime on the Library, from the Original Yd anu sori depiented in the Department of State. With Explanatory Notes, Tablee of Contents, and a copious Index to each volume, as welt an a general Index to the whole. By H. A. Washington. 8 vols. 8 vo. Cloth.— -- Library nhattP•• •-•-••••—•—ty " Half °all, 31 SS THR AMERICAN STATESMAN. A Political History, exhibiting the Nature, Origin and Pramical Operation of Constitutional Government in the United states; the Rise and Progress of Parties, and the Viowe of Distinguished Statesmen on Ques tions of v oreign and Domestic. Policy with an A PP,en dix. containing Explanatory Notes, btatishoal lotor motion, and ether Useful Matter. BY ANDREW W. YOUNG. ThM work embraoes the whole period of OAT Govern mental History, commencing with the brief " compaat " drawn up by the " Pilgrim Fathers " before their land g. down to the present time. It contains a desorption ol the Governments of the several Colonies while rub foot to Great Britain, of the Government of the Old Confederation. adopte i during the War,and the De bates and Prooeedings of the i,onvention which formed the Consututica of the United States, etc.,_eto. ca [ nvassers This work is sod I ld only by subsoription. Experienced Largo Ootavo Library, sheep, 53.50. DERBY & JACKSON, BROADWAY New No. 998 BROADWAY, New York. Eithenof the above sent free of expense to the purchaser. ond&W receipt of the price by the Publishers. Jall-lt RETAIL DRY GOODS. N.l-1.64.W.L5, VELVET OLOARS, OLOTII CLOAKS, SILHIS, SHAWLS, DRESS GOODB, In treat variety and choice Rolm:alone, at GEORGE FRYER'S. No. M CHESTNUT STREET. oolli-t[ LINENS, SHIRTINGS, MEETINGS Fronting. Shirting. and Pillow Linens, Material for fine shirts, Linens and !qualms bytbe piece, Goed Flannels and Ticking. TABLE DAMASKS, Superb stook Table Cloths and Ds Good Napkins, Large Damask Towels, Doilies, extra large and fine Table Clothe, All at the lowest prices. at retail or 131 THE (11.) ANTITY, ohm, for cash. COOPER A CONARD, ja9 Southeast corner NINTH and MARK , ET. BAWLS. OLOAKS, DRESS GOODS, AND EMDROIDERBD COLLARS AND SETS. Large display of Woollen Shawls, selling cheap, Cloaks closmg cut at cost and less, Entire stank of Dress Goods at nominal prices, Some Winter Goode at a great sacrifice. ESPECIAL BARGAINS To be had from our large and desirable took as we are DE FERMAN/0 TO ReiDUCE IT by offering satisfactory inducements. COOPER ac CONARD, Southeast corner NINTH and MARKBT. OLOAKS.—Tho greatest bargains in the city at CLOAKS.—The !argent stock, the best assortment, the choicest colors, the finest qualities, the most superb trimmings, the newest styles, the beet work, and deci dedly the lowest mines in the city, at WENS'. 23 South NINTH Btreet, noiS•3m OLOAKS.--The CITY CLOAK STORE, 142 North EIGHTH. Every one is talking of the great bargains and nuperior quality of the CLOAKS at the new CLOAK 81 ORE, 142 North EIGHTH Street. n015.3nt CLOAKS. -11 you want the best value for your money, go to the City Cloak Store, 142 North EIGHTH Street, above Cherry. n016.3m VLOAKE.—The OITY CLOAK STORE, IL/ 142 North EIGHTH, is said to be the beet and obeaceet atom in the city. nolaam CLOAKI3.—A magnificent assortment of all the newest styles imported this BMW% with every new material, made up and trimmed in the very hest manner, at masa that defy all 00111P8t:tion. at the Paris Cloak Store, northeast corner of EIGHTH and WALNUT Streets. note-ant LUPIN'S EXTRA SUPER FRENCH ME RINOS, Reduced to 1 per yard, worth $1.50. Lower priced do. el. 81-ok do for TB oentsto el. Extra Super Black Thibot Cloth $1.23. Black Cloaking Cloth. Velour Poplin at 37% reduced from OM cents. Velour Poplins, better qualities, all reduced, All Wool and other Plaids. Mons de !Antes, Valercias. Re. Cloth Cloaks. Brooke and Blanket Shawls. Hooped skirts. Embroidered Collars and Sets,Re., all marked down before stook taking. Just in -4-4 Maeonville and Rochdale Muslin,. 12% cents. 4-4 Adams & Son's Muslin. 3D cents. worth 123 i cents. CHARLES ADAM ARCHN, JOH BIOTHTH and Pte. 91111ORNLEY & CHISMIS ! ! ! One Dollar Silks for Mo.! Dollar Twenty-five oent Bilks for ei !! Dollar Fifty-cent Silks for 81.2 a!!! Dollar Seventy-five cent Silks for 8140!!!! REDUCTION IN PRICES! long Brooke Shawls, Excellent, forlB. Long Brooke Shawls, Superior, for 10 to 812. Long Brooke Shawls, Very fine, or $l4. am, 818, and 520, NEW CLOAK ROOM!!! Beautiful Cloaks for ea. Fine Beaver Cloaks for 67, 38 . 39, and 610. Plahly and Elegantly Trimmed tor $l2, en. 818, :920. and B Cloa 2B. Arab ks, Zoilave Jackets, Black and Fancy Cloths, ko., BEST BLACK SILKS!!! Good Quality Black Silks, will wear well, for SI. Hoavy 13Iaok Silks, Black Figured Silks, ko., ko. MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR!: ! A Large Stock of Cloths, A Largo Stook of Commerce, Sattinette, &Ye stings. Blankets, Flannels, Linens, and Minium. At THORNLEY k CHUM'S, N. E. corner EIGHTH & SPRING GARDEN Stk. N. B,—Every article bought for each. nol f.OOD GOODS DRAW GOOD FAMILY CUSTOM. Good Mao& Bilks. Good Friendly - Silks. Good Fashionable Bilks. Good Winter ohawls. Good Household Gcods, Good All-wool Flannels Good Linene,Llouslins, Tioks, tco,, ko EYRE & LANDe.L.L, Fourth and Aroh FgOLFERINO AND MA(3ENT A POULT PRICEDE 1301.11 m from Auotion, and for eale at HALF . Evenane Sdlrs, Half•prme. Pearl Mika, Half-price. Blues. Pearl and Mode. Watered Silks, Half-price. .F.Y RE & LANDELL,, FOURTH and ARCH &mete. 11YRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH Streets, always keep— Best Family Flannels. Best Colts Flannels. Best Shirting Muslin,. Best Shirting Linen. Best Washing Prints. Families suoplied low. ja4-fmw-tf IARI4AINS AT JOHN H. STOKEs'.— Gents' Nauds at Stokes', 702 A tali. Gents' Undo raltirta. at Stokes ' Arett. Gents' Stoves, at Stokes% 702 Areh. Gents' Stockings, at Stokes', 702 Arch. Gents' Shirt Bosoms, at Stokes'. 702 Arch. Gentlemen call and examine Stokes' Stook. The No. o. 702 ARCM (TREE del7 irtRY GOODS-BELLING OFF. DRY 000DS—SELLING OFF, Below Coat, Below Cost. Must be closed out in One Month. Must he etosed out in One Month. Before Rtook Tune. Before Stook Time. At JOHN H. STOKER, 702 ARCH street, NEW BALMORALS. too phojoe designs. Poplin norded I3almorals. Dark clients and bright color!, Solid Color., top and bottom. Bold Scotch Plaids. Our best (Imlay this season. KHARPLESS BROTHERS. de.l2 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets F'NEQUALITY PRINTS. A lot of English and American Calicarea, of hand some designs and fino onality, for Chriatmaa presents, at 8 cent& HHARPI,EIB RROTHERB den CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streata, ENGLISH VALERIAN, for sale by _ dog wirgeinotlfkanit, COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. JOIIN Al BICKEL is this day admitted "ri&liarr i t ° an k SWE .ruNGsN, 409 MARKET Street. Philadelphia, Tan. 1,1961. Jal-tuf lm NOTIOR OF COPARTNERSHIP. The I undersigned have this day funned a copartnership, under the firm of ROBIN ' , ON, ecoT r. & CO" for the purpose of carrying on the Auction and Commission J 3 us.ness, and will occupy the store No. 343 BROAD WAY, at present maimed by Beery Robinson & Co. Dated New York, January 3.1E41. HENRY ROBINSON, ja9-18t BBNJAMIN SCOTT_,Sn, WILLIAM II: PARK; WE HAVE THIS DAY ADMITTED WILLIAM MELLOR as partner in our firm, and will dentin's° the business as Importers and Jobbers of Enghsh, French, and German Hosiery, Linens. and Small Waree, at their stew Here, Noe. 40 and 42 North T 11.1120 Street. THOMAS MELLOR Is CO. Philadelphia., Deo. 31, 1860. jal-12t• MURPHY-WHIPPLE IRON BRIDGE. STONE, QUIGLEY, & BURTON, No. 333 WALNUT BTREET, PHILADELPHIA, Beg leave to inform Railroad Companies, and others' interested in bridge construetion, that they have formed a nom:mutton bueiness with JOHN W. MURPHY, Civil Engineer, (author and invent preparedbove well known plan of iron bride's,/ and areto execute ordere, from any part of the country, from hie designs and personal superintendence. All letters relati to ne and estimates should be addreesed to JOH STONE,RPH Y . , Civil engineer. no - 13-43m For QUIGLEY, & BURTON. WANTS. WANTED—A Salesman for city trade, in a Market•etreot Cloth House; meet be of undoubted oheraoter. Address "B. IL B. J.," at this office. WANTED.—A practical Book-keeper viatica an engagement: unexceptionable refe rence as to character. ability. &0., will be gi Yen. Ad drella " J.," 613 MARKET Street, or °Moe of this paper. WANTED—By a Stout, Able Man, a v situation as Porter or Watohman in a Wholesale Store or Paotory. Good referenoe given. Address •• J. f 1.." office of this paper. ja7.6t WANTED TO RENT—By a good tenant, a Stable whiob will accommodate about fifteen horses. Address "Stable." Press office. not-tf WANTED.—A smart, active boy may rt v itlot b ti a . in rv a ti.' l l u l a P e rloith a k i dTM o S l Lei. m tflla story. ded-tf" A YOUNG MAN FROM TDB COUNTRY wishes a situation In a Wholesale or Retail Groce ry Store. Can furnish the best of reference. 'e7•tt* FOR SALE AND TO LET. as FOR RENT OR FAME—A large and modorn.finishod COUNTRY RESIDENCE, With five sores of ground, near Phmnixville. Inquire of E. F. PEiIINYPAOKER, Real /Mate Agent, jall-finv9t Isti FOR SALE.—The Store and Dwell -211 ARCH Ftreet. Terms easy. Apply to ALLEN & BIM. Real Estate Brokers. acnltheast earner FOURTH and WALIgU L Etreots, No. 3 second floor. jab St. 910 LET—The commodious and dealt able -la upper rooms, No. 513 MARKET street, being the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth atories, front 33 by 126 feet, lighted in front, side, and by two large sky lights. The choice location for hueiness and the eupe• rior manner of construction make them more than or dinarily attractive to business firms making or desiring a change of location ; gas4ixttires throughout. Apply at M.Yelbs, CLAGHORN, & 00., auotioneers, corner hIAli K ET and BANK Streets. TO LET—A Double House, with all mo dern conveniences, and very suitable for aShr siotan. northeast corner SiNteenth and Arch streets. (N 0.1533 ) Apply at the bowie, or to R. F. R oLEY .No. 4.11 south I'HIRD Street ja7 51 - FOR EXORANGE.-A CHOICE TRAOT of good unimproved farm land in the State of New Jersey, oonvement to tho city. will he exohanged for city property. Apply at No. 118 FEDERAL.street. se22-tr FaRMS AND COUNTRY-SEATS .as. FOR SALT'.—The undersigned, having for sale a large amount of property in Montgomery and adjoining counties, such as Farms. Country Seats, Grist Mills, Stores, Lumber Yards, Rotel% &0., &o.,persons wish ing to purohase or exchange will find it their advan tage to call. No charge for showing properties. Cata logues sent by mail. address R. R. CORSON, 02.1-2 m Norristown, Fa. RR. CORSON,REAL ESTATE BROKER R, R. AND CONVEYANCER, NORRINTOWN, PA. —Real Estate bought and sold on reasonable terms. Stores and dwellings for sots or rent in Norristown and country. Good mortgages negotiated. Collections made. The beat references given, d24.0m MISSOURI LAND!! 600.000 ACTEE for Bale and entry, at prides ranging from 12>i to CO cents per acre, in any quantitiea re q TAXES paid and PATENTS procured for purchasers of Land under the Graduation A.ot. Plate funnelled gratin b enoloaing a postage stamp. For further information apply to WILSON. RAWLINGS, U.S. and General LandAgent s, 65 CEIGBTrOJT etreet. Between THIRD and FOURTH. ST. LOUIS. Al°. LAND WARRANTS bought, sold, and located. ja7-3m BOARDING. BOARDING. -A desirable Front Room, Third Story. with Rest.class board,on. Walnut strAet, near Broad. References exchanged. Address Board," Press office. ja7.61. LEGAL. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Matter of the Estate of ACHSAR WALTON, de ceased. The Aud i tor appointed by the Court to audit, settle , and adjust the account of ISRAEL WALTON. IS:eint tor of the last will and testament of ACHSAH WAL TON. deoeased. and make distribution of the balsnoe in the hands of the Accountant, inset the parties interested, for the purposea of his appointment. on TUSPDAY. January 22,1,18610 a 4 P. M., at his thrum, No. 512 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Tall-(=St WILLIAM ERNST. Auditor. EISTATE OF DAVID O. WOOD, DE CEASED. The Auditor appointedby the Orphans' Court to au dit, settle, aria adjust the account of PICHARD D. WOO ,l , Administrator, &a.. of DAVID C. WWI), de ceased, anc to report distribution of the balance in hie hands. will meet the parties interested, for the pur poses of hie apoirltment. at Ilia Moe. No. SQ.9 ARCA Strout, on WEDNESDAY, January Ztd. at 4 o'clook P. M. EDWARD HOPPER. lall-fmwet Auditor. FURS. FURS I FURS! GEORG-7 F. WOMRATI-1, 1408. 416 AND 417 ARCH STREET, Rae now Open A FULL ASSORTMENT OH LADIES' FURS, To which the attention of the Public is lorded. 005-4 m bHoEMAKER & 00, OLAt3S, PAINTS, OILS, AND VARNISILES. Northeast Corner FOURTH and RACE Streets. de 4-6 m HENRY /S. TARR, DIAEMPACTIT/LER OF CLAMED AND ORNLMINTAL MARBLE WORE. GREEN STREET, ABOVE SEVENTH. dID-Im PHILADELPHIA. FINE WATCH REPAIRING. 1 11DIDERSONS HAVING FINE WATCHES that have hitherto given no satisfaction to the wearers are invited to bring them to our store, where all defects can be remedied by thoroughly skilful end ementifio 'workmen, and the watch warranted to give entire satisfaction. Mantel Cloaks, Musical Boxes. Sze., carefully put In complete order. FARR .t BROTHER. Importers of Watoh es. Musical Boxes. Clocks. leo.. 324 CHESTNUT k treat, below Fourth. JAYNE'g HAIR TONIC PROMOTE THE GROWTH OF THE HALE, REMOVE DANDR UFF, GIVE THE HAIR A GLOSSY APPEARANCE, PREVENT BALDNESS, CURE DISEASES OF THE SCALP, PREVENT PREMATURE GRAYNESS, SHOULD BE ON EVERY TOILET TABLE. It will also quicken the growth of the Bean! and Moustaches, and being delightfullyperfumed, is oalou- Intact to please the meet fastidious. Prepared only at JAY NE'l.-3. No. ti 4 CHESTNUT Street, and for gala by. Agents throughout the country. jell 12 1619 LOST.—THE UNDERSIGNED LOST A CERTIFICATE, OF STOCK of the Weet Branch and E , usauebanna Canal Company, numbered ZS, and for Seventy-sevon Shares. under the , 0110Wint etrailin stanees : On the 4th of December. ISO. he deposited said certificate in a letter, and addressed said letter to T. F. CA PENT Fee, Secretary of said Canal Company, Jersey Shore, [,yooming county, Pennsylva nia • and he placed said letter, with said certificate ther . ein so addressed, in the letter-box of the Girard House Hotel. in the oity of Philadelphia. to be sent to the Philadelphia Pest Office. Since raid letter was so placed in the Girard Howie letterbox it has not been heard of. It has not reached its destination. and he has mode diligent inquiry for it. and cannot fled it any where. lie believes it Was duly mailed, and has been lost in the Post Office. any parson finding said lost iier afloat°. or knowing anything about it, will please return it to, or call on the subsoriber, or inform him of it. Jacuary 9, 1811. A. Wt. 1,011., ESQ., )all-f4t Girard house , Philadelphia. PHOTOGRAPIJS (PLAIN OR CO LORED) which Gannet be surpaesed can be ob tained, at moderato oheiges,_ of superior quality, at RElellt.R'S Gallery, SECOND Street. above Orem * VINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY.-J. W. SCOTT. 814 CHESTNUT Street, a few &ore helots the" Continental." The attention of Wholesale 'Waters is invited to hie IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRT.", of superior fit , make. and material, on hand and made to ismer at shortest nonce. WO VIM PUBLI.O.—In consequence of certain parties having infringed Letters Patent, owned by the undersigned, for machines for paging books, and printing and numbering local and coupon Railroad Wiliam. I hove institutedgllroed to Pr g et g Y lVTTanuary B,lsl. letrAlm iflA,l. ja9.3t4 - 11p1t. IL'LIARD TABLES FOR Three BILLIA RD TABLES. Phalan'a Cushions, Marble Beds. in complete order. Inquire at the north east corner of SIX PR and CHaSTA UT Streets. second atm. las-9t' 'LADIES ARE RESPECTFULLY INVl ted to visit the laivist arid richest assortment of Flowers, Wreathe, and Head DTOSBOEhjuat arrived from Palm, of Pans. at J. JOLLIRET'O, 1314 011ESTri UT Btreet. Also, French Ferfumerr. de27-10t P HILADELPHIA LOOM, EXPUES COMPANY. 28 South FIFTH Street, deliver freight. parcels. and baggage throughout the oity. Par ticular owe and attention given to the conveyance of baggage to all the railroad &P.m J 14- ire SB. OW OA SE S—um Silver and Wooden, all sizes and patterns; also, office Fur niture made to order by WM, H. GROVE, jai -lm No. 111 North FOURTH Street. SPONGES FOR SURGEONS, for saIeBROTHER by WETHERILL .109 47 and 49 North SECOND Bt. PBAOH BRANDY —3 bbls supenor quality. of Georgia Peaoh'Branddy. for sale by C. C. tIAttLER & de 1 03 A RC It Street. aeoond door above Front. SAL SODA, for sale by WETHERILL t BROTlipt i dol9 . 47 and 49 North SECOND et, AIIIUSEMENTS. A MERIOAN AOADENY OF MUSIC,. 43- Under the management of WM. WHEATLEY and J. 8. CLARKE. BENEFIT AN 0 LAST NIGHT BUT ONE OF MISS CHARLOTTE CUM:DUN. First appearance of MR.I. D P. BOWERS. THIR (Friday) EVENING, January 11. The per`ormanee will commence with Shakepeare's beautiful Tragedy, entitled ROMEO AND JULIET. Romeo, Mice Cushman ; Juliet, Mrs. Bowers; Friar Laurence. Mr. John Gilbert. To conclude with theFaroe, C enti Uß tled KILL OR E. TO-MORROW. Lust Night of the EOBBOll. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. r Bole Lessee-- —Mrs M. A. GARR:6 - ml /Bane Manager. --..—.r. al. A. CHAPIVI Beninese AreBEN nt _ mos.-nt EFIT OF - Atif. BAAL REMPLE. THIB (FftlitAY) EVEN LNG. January 11, Will oe presented the drama, in 4 note. entitled BtaricELE OF BRANDYWINE. Gem Washington. Mr. Dubois ; Blanche of Brandy wine, hire. Anna Cowell. To conclude with the Comedy, cOled 4 HUSBAND 'lO ORDER, Pierre Marceau, Mr. Edwin Adams; Josephine, Mre. Anna Cowell. Doors often at 4 Bi o'clock; Performances 'commence atlo'oloot. Par Primus as usual. WHEATLEY & CLARKE'S AROH.ST. THEATRE. LAST NIGHT BUT ONE OF TEN NEW PLAY, WOMAN IN WHITE! WOMAN IN WRITE! WOMAN IN WRITE! WOMAN IN WHITE! New and beautiful Scenery, etrikins peonlisr Tableaux, novel Eflects: New and apoT i pr e i , :te Costumes an d a A RV.7II:4`IIII ::Vblgt.;d Pantomime, ent~tled Tux BRIGaNDB. CONTINENTAL THEATRE (LATE NATIONAL.) WALNUT HTRE , ±.T. ABOVE EIGHTH. 'MONDAY. AND EVERY NIGHTDURING THE WEEK. Third Week of WRITS AND ST DBBEEAT STLE W. AND RCUS. On WEDNESDAY an C d l SATDRDAY the usual MATINEES. - - . In active preparation. THE MERCHANT STEED OP OEPIOA. The doors open at half peat 5 o'olook. Performance , ommenoes at half past T. - Admission only 25 canto; Family Circle 15a. jaT4t. 1111)0ITIVELY THE LAST WEEK OF THE ORIGINAL GENERAL TOM THUMB, SMALLEST MAN ALIVE, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, AT eon Tenth and Chestnut, Two Brilliant Entertainments each day. Afternoon at 3, and Evening at 73i o'olook. Doom open half an hoar pronoun. On Saturday morning at 12. there will be an extra en tertainment for schools and farniiies. The Little General appears in all his new Seinr.b Danees,lmitations, Statues &0 ., assisted by Mr. W. TOMLIN., the Concerts. tone and Buffo, from the KotaJaime London; Mr. WILLIAM DE VERIS, the American Tenor, and Mr. C. G. Titoornb, Pianist. AMITEISIONIS: Day entertainment Wt. Children under ten years As. entertainmentd on liberal terms. Evening 53. Children ti nder ten pease Me. Reserved seats 150. The General rides in his Miniature Cartage, from the Jones House to p the Ball. The grand Palm used is one of Chiekenne best. from 807 Chestnut street. ALFRED LATELY, Business Agent. The General sppeare in Germantown Jan. lith 10th. West Philadelphia 16th and 17th, and Manayank Rh and 19th. jai VAN AMBURGH & CO.'S art,ANn zoo , °GUISE, INSTITUTE. OPEN FOR THE WINTER SEASON. AT THE UNIT.bO STATES BITILMNGS. 4/6 and 406 CHEBTNIPP Street, MORNING, AFTERNOON AND EVENING. Doors open at 10 A. AI., 2 and 60d P. N. Admission ZS cents; cloldren under nine learn 15 °ante. Perform ance of Fontes, "donkeys, Mules, &0., Afternoon end Evesins. This Moral. Instructive. and Amusing. Exhibition is now on its THIRD IitiCOESSFUI.. WEER. The Colleotion of LIVING ANIMALS. DIED% stKI REPTILEts contained in the Institute surpasses in beauty and variety anything ever before teen in any city in America. Ladies,phildren. Families. the Clergy, aad elite of the city daily visit this Institute. It con tains Knowledge for tie World, and bolted for the Million. N. n.—Animals of every description purchased at reasonable prices. Ja7-6t SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE. ELEVENTH STREET OPEN FOR. VIE SEASON. NEWLY DECORATE!) AND PAINTED. MR. Hu seamed one of the SAN.FORD LARGEST COMPANIES ever presented heretelereo who will appear nightly. Sanford will perform every evening. Doors open at 7; Commence at 736. Admittance, 25 ciente. Children 13 cents. 'I I HE GERMANIA ORURESTRA give their PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SPTHR DAY,commenoing M o crock, at the MUSICALRIitiII HALL. 8 tickets, el; eingle tickets, 8i cents, for sale at Chtekerme A Son's, 937 Chestnut street; Andres. 1104 Chestnut street; and Bees & Lawton's, Chestnut street. •• . . Engagements for Concerto. Commencements, An ties, &0., made only at their O ffi ce, Chiokenut emu a Piano &ore, scri Chestnut street; William Biolt, 224 North Juniper street, or C. Droughmea, /009 Ridge avenue. ocal-tf .PEN NA. ACADEMY OF THE NMI ARTS.-1046 CHESTNUT Street. " CRIMSWIAZO " a splendid Painting by Minot. "THE FIRST SIN," a beautiful Marble Statuette by. Angelim. Oa exhibition for a ebort time. Visitors will please bring their opera glasses. EDUCATIONAL. 'MESDAMES UIIEGARA.Y AND &HER vrLay respeatfully inform their friends and the public. that they have removed their Boarding and Day &hoot for Young Ladies from Logan - 84=re to No& 1627 and 162.9 SPRUCE Street. NPitons froml five years of age upward prepared for2s- the araJl6m VERSANT, STRATTUIsi, &FALL - C.I;4NRS' MERCANTILE COLLEGE, S. E. corner erz- VE NTH and CHESTNUT Streets.—Bay and _Evening Sessions. individual instruction in Bookkeeping, in oluding_General Wholesale and Retail Business, Ship ping, Forwarding and Commission, - Bankint :4, Ex °hang°, Manufaeturing, Rahroading,_ Steam Snit. tao.. the most thorough and practical comae in the United States. Also, Lectures, Commeroial Calcula tions, Arithmetic!. and the higher Mathematice, 'Pen manship (best in the oity), Correep_ondenae, ka. For axle, their new Treatise on Bookkeeping, beauti fully pri f nted in colons , and the beet work published. ze26-t COAL. HOUSEKEEPERS, LOOK TO YOUR 114- TE R EST. Buyyour COAL AT HICKS', where nothing but the very best Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal to offered at the following reduced anneal Lehigh, Broken, Egg, and Stove— Inner ton, Schuylkill to t• • 4 00 Large Nut— —. 350 " Warranted free from slate or dust and full weight, at HICKS' Yaru, Southeast corner MARSHALL and WILLOW. Call and see. deztsm EXPRESS cOMPA.NIES. aiIePE§THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., 0115ce 320 CHESTNUT Street. forwarda.Pareele, Packaces. Ittorobandiso, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by ite own. Lines or in connection with other Express Comptuuer, to all the purloins; towns and sites of the 'United states. E. P. SANDFORD. Ilionarsl floostintendent. WEST 0 HESTER 7- -;1.- - TRAINS via PENTISYLVA, NIA RAILROAD, leave depot, corner ELEVENTH lid MARKET. at 8.00 A. M., U.)O P.M.. and 6 P.M. 1, INSURANCE COMPANIES. VAME INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. X' 406 CHESTNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED APRIL,I6”. BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RIBEB. Samuel Wright, DIELECTOUS. D. B. Birr.e7, Chas. Riohardeon. J. W. Even:oath Geo. A. West,, Henry Lewis, Jr.. 0. Wilson Davie, lamb W. Stout. Thou. 8. Marta. Menlo Stem. Edward D. Woodruff. GEORGE W. LAY Preaident. FRANCIB BUOIL.IIioe Pres% WILLIAMS I. MANCHA RD. Beoretar7. [fall-Ott SAVING FUNDS. A MERICAN SAVING FUND.--Oora 4-2. FIT it Batting, southeast norne i r WALNUT Potoeand ll ol l ;?IrEn di tt l e y ovraf4 9 Thli Old Institution has alwars paid In fall, on mand. wlthout noINTce. EREST FIVB FUR CENT. mtimoz!nuaz; CVI4:II.,LDIN, President, SAM, WORK, Vice President. John O. Farr. T. E. Harper, George Nugent, John Anspaoh, Jr., Sand. T. )3odine, Alb. C. Roberts, Jobs Altmann, Jonas Bowman, H. H. Eldridge, Wm. J. Howard. JOHN S. wthaori aremurer: JOHN C. SEHB. Secretary. no9J-If if QPIZING GARDEN RAVING FUND, Odlos, 331 North TRIED Street, between Vms and Callowhill. Incorporated by the Legislature April Igth, IMI . Open for Deposits and Paymets. daily, from 9 tO Also, on MONDAY and TEIVESDAY EVENINGS, from I to 8 o'clock. Interest 6 per cent. per annum. Dewed tors can with; draw their Moneys by Checks, if desired, /berths]. Dev posits received. JAMES S. PRINGLE, President, realign. HALT. Beare tar, wallo-11 . H 0 Y T , S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE la warranted in every instance to RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITA ORIGINAL COLOR. It has been applied IN THOUSANDS OF CASES In the principal attics of New England, and HAS NOT FAILED in a single instance to aceompltah all that la claimed for it. No Hair is no Grey or Red but the HIAWATHA will change it too beautiful and life-like Brown and Black. • It is not an instantaneous dye which crooks, smuts, and given a dead black color to the hair,the pattept. having to submit to soaping. washing, and sponging of the hair every time it is applied; nor is it a preparation of sulphur, sugar or lead, &o ; nor of any ingrodienta de leterious to the hair or akin. It is an article requiring nopreparation, no washing before or after using; it is applied in five minutes time, and with as httle trouble as any ordinary I c e s for rd e this People r d e et. ....ration declare it is miraculous in its °Deets, and that it will perform ali that it pretends to do."--IBallou's Pictorial. "its mimeos is wonderful. and we cat only,say we en dorse ail the proprietor says at regard to it. "—[Boston Journal. We observe, by a notice in fL _Boston paper, that a premium was awarded by the Massachusetts Mechanics Charaitable Association. at their late Fair, Boston. to Mr. Joseph Hoyt, of this city, for his ce le brat-d Hia watha Hair Restorative,' an article which richly merit ed this favor. It was for its superior merits in this re spect that the committee, alter sufficient evidence pre sented to themeves awarded to tar. Hoyt this flatter ing testimonial . " — [providence Evening Press. For sale by the principal Druvv,ists in Philadelphia, and throughout the country. JON i. PH HOYT. Pro prietor, No. 4 MATILEWSON Bt.. Providence, R. I. MACKEREL, HEHRINtI, 8.0A1), SAL MON, &0.-I,oigi bble. Mem Nee. 1,2, and .5 Mack erel. large, medium, and small, in assorted packages of °home late-caught fat fish. 5,000 bble. New lialifsx, Eastport, and Labrador Her rin! oo oe qualities. a ogiot fii boxes extra now scaled Herrings. 8,000 boxes ext, a new No.t Herrings. 8,000 boxes large Magda me Herrings, 250 tibia. Maokinae White Fish. 50 bble. new Economy Mesa Shad. 85 Mile. new Halifax daimon. 1,000 Quintals Grand Hank Codfish. 800 b c ,xce, Herkimer-county Cheese. In store and landing, for gam by MURPHY & KOONS, noB No. 1 4 6 NORTH WHARV.ES. rIOUPONS, GREEN AND COATES IL/ STREETS PASSENGER RAILWAY COM PANY.The Coupons on the Bonus of this Company, due January 15, 1661, will be pant, at the Office Of the Company, on and attar that date. Jas-115 DE'NDIr . HARWOOD, Treasurer. NEWSPAPER FOls. SALE.—A Weekly -L. II Newspaper establishment, with L. handsome circu lation, located at one of the most important points in Penneylvania; is offered for sale. There is a complete jobdel-tf Ofllo6 attached. Mitres, " Printer." Press Cilrio.9. VEBER. BRANDY. —5 bbls Cider Brandy of . ;.stra quality, now landinkand for sale by . C. C. de1.111, ,, R & del 103 ARCH Strnet, second door above Front. FRENCH GELATINE. White. forsale by WETBERILL & BRCPHER 4919 47 And 44 North SECOND hrt. 50 OABE, OF SEED .JfAF TOBACCO in *tore, and for Bale br PO 11(ln. n n e. • , inn t. JAVA 011eieLE.-I,Utit) pockets prime Java Coll - mt. ter sale 6• JA 414.A.RA1V1 & CO" 10 , VIVIA &teem ji.add.b2—kor sale by W.I4I'.IINUILL dt 11R07HE.R.,47 and 4V Nora IMMO) Ittool.