PERSONAL - AND 'POLITICAL. —'lltkr sploy paragraph appears In the New York Tribune : " To the Editor of the New York Tribune: 81n s Witt eon please inform me. through the columns of the Tribune, hOW much Abraham Lincoln is worth, and very mtedhoktige etaspea or TUE TRIBUNE. " Danbury, Ct., .TABUBTY 2, 1861. " Aitswer.—We understand that Mr. Linooln is worth the oash value of his property and mete, lees the amount of hie debts. A Reader' is enti tled to know more provided Mr. L. owes or seeks to owe him anything; otherwise not. BD." —Mr. Team V. Fowler, late postmaster of the city of New York, is now a resident of the city of Mexico. Ile left the island of Cuba some three months ago, Whore he had resided as an_ extradi.- Sonia, and a fugitive_ from the laws of the United states; and a friend informs us that, when last heard from, he, eemplained of Injustice and ingra titude of, false friends, who had fattened on his bounty and participated in the speculations into which he had been' forced, The gentleman who furnished the information we refer to, says that Mr. Fowler was in a state of utter destitution, and that all hisrworldly gear consisted of a seedy salt of clothes, a trunk, a very email sum of money, and as old commission aoknowledglng him to bo a Grand &ahem of the Tammany Society. He de• nied that he had received any contributions from the friends he had formerly served, and repudiated any present- connection with them. He acknow ledged hie manifold follies, and regretted that he had not remained at home to meet the consequences incident to his imprudent action. —.The Mobile Trlbune of the 30th nit., states that Bishop Cobbs, of Alabama, Is lying very ill at his residence in Montgomery, and that little hope entertained of his recovery. A correspondent of Notes and Queries, more than hints that the honor of the first invention of photography belongs to Lord Brougham, that ex traordinary man having, so far book as 1795, in a paper communicated to the Royal Society, entered into a disquisition on the changes undergone by a plate of ivory stained with nitrate of silver, when exposed to the rays of a *drum. , —Among the. Persia's passengers were Mr. William Lucy and son, immortalized by a varlet poacher, named Will Shakepeare, who was tried by their ancestor, old Sir Thomas Lucy, for steal ing a buck. —The San Franolsoo Mirror says: "Oat of nearly one hundred exchanges published on this oast, and received at this office, we oan find not one that comes out openly, or otherwise, in favor of an independent republic. California is faithful to the Union !" —The New Orleans Peeayuna says: "On another point, the commencement of future diM culties is apparent. South Carolina, Georgia, Ala bama, and Mississippi are free-trade States. Already. the manifestation of a future froe•trade polioy in any new Confederation which may be established- Is openly made. But Louisiana is namely prepared to abandon at once all duties on foreign_ sugar. Iler sugar planters are s ow pro tested by what is equivalent to $3OO bonus on every $l,OOO worth of sugar raised. With this protection to her industry the sugar planters are growing , enormously, rioh. Material interest will doubtless weigh but little in restraining her reels. tanoe, but it is different when a new Government is to be formed. And one year the revenue from the sugar duties was greater than the value,cf our sugar erop." —lt is said that the editor of the Charleston Marcury, who writes its fierce disunion articles, is one Gordon, a native of Massachusetts, who has been in the Booth but two or three years. —Mr. G. N Train, of Boston, in a letter to the London I ally News, charaoleriatically offers to go out to lay a tram road for horse carriages from Tien•taln to the Chinese capital. The 'Lou/suit/Is Journal announces the death on the night of the 17th inst., of David Wright, an old and well known citizen of that city. Correspondence between Gov. Magoffin and the Alabama Commissioner. • The Louisville papers ptiblish the letters ex. changed between Gov. Magoffin and the commis sioner to Kentucky from Alabama. The latter urges the co operation of Kentucky with the Cotton States, while the former, after many honied words, rays that the State Convention of the 17th will pro bably do all that is required, and more than hints that the laws forbiddtug the importation of Ken tucky negroes into the Southern States are not likely to prove conciliatory. l ho Alabama commissioner says : "Alabama most respectfully urges upon the people and authorities of Kentucky the startling truth that submission or acquiescence on the part of the Southern States, at this perilous hour, will enable Black Republicanism to redeem. all its ne furious pledges, and accomplish allits flagitious ends; and that hesitation or delay in their action will be misconceived and mieconstreed by their adversaries, and ascribed, not to that elevated pa triotism that would sacrifice all but their honor to save the Union of their fathers, but to division and dimension among themselves and their consequent weakness; that prompt, bold, and decided action is demanded alike by prudence, patriotism, and the safety of their citizens." 'Governor Megoffin, in the course of his reply, says: • "You ask the cooperation of the Southern States in order to redress our wrongs ; so do we. Yon have no hope of a redress in the Union. We yet look hopefully to assurances that a powerful reaction is going on at the North. Yon seek a re medy in secession from the Union. We wish the united notion of the slave States assembled in convention within the Union. You would not separately; we unitedly. If Alabama and the othel• slave States would meet us in conven- E'en, say at Nashville, or elsewhere, as early as the fifth day of February, I do not doubt but we would agree in forty-eight hours upon sash reasonable guarantees, by way of amend ments to the Constitution of the United States, - as would command at least the approbation - of our numerous friends in the free States, and by giving them time to make the question with the people there, such reaction in public opinion might take pleat, as to secure us our rights, and save the Government. If the effort failed, the South would bo united to a man, the North divided, the horrors of civil war would be averted—if anything oan avert the calamity ; and if that be not possible, wo would be in a better position to meet the dread ful collision. By each action, too, it it failed to preserve the Government, the basis of another Confederacy would have been agreed upon, and the new Government would in this mode be launched into operation mush more speedily and easily than by the notion you propose. MO Administration in South Carolina. The' following article, from the Charleston Mercury of Friday last, will show the spirit in which Mr. BUCHANAN'S late change of policy has been received by the Secessionists : a The following tolegraphio despatch froni Wash ington. is indioatoe of the polioy Mr. Buchanan has Staidly determined upon : "`The measure was then examined by the S enators , and moot d to be the nomination of one Moiety re,of the eta e of Penney learns for the offioe of Colleetor of the Customs of the United States, an thenort of Charles ton. South Carolina 'Blantyre will not go to Charleston, brit will remove the C.eotom Howe to the deck of a man-of-war, tinder the provisions of the FOlOO bill of IVA' pelioy, is probably,in accordance with the views of General Boott. Old men will cling to past icleas.- - . Title old man puffed up with the vanity of what;he considers his exploits inserts harbor In 1832, It doubtless ambitious of renewing a similar giorifioatton over his name, by Yankee plunderers and Sciuthern imbeoile Union-savers. Alas! the old - Matt has sadly outlived his era. Oblivion', of the changes of time, and the transactions of the day, he still sits dreaming dreams of things long passed away. 2 -gssing at the.vain soap•bubbles of au aged brain. Senility must plead for his Blind leader of the blind, Mr. Buchanan and•his counsellor will both fall into the pit. . . " On the 20th day of December, 1860, the State of Booth Carolina withdrew her connection from the United States of America. She has appointed such duties upon her imports as seemed best to her. She has appointed her officers of customs to collect those duties. She now holds all the forts in her harbors, save one, which is still in the hands of the United States Government, and for the sur render of which the Breentive of the United States hes refused to treat " Here is Oatiee of 'war, Fort Sampler lies within the limits of the territory of the State of South Carolina. "It is now proposed further, on the part of the United States Government, to attempt to collect South Carolina revenue, in a harbor of the State of South Carolina, by means of an armed vessel stationed in our waters. The attempt will be a blockade of a port or ports of the State of South Carolina. It is a virtual—it is 'an aotaal—deelae rdtion'of war. The people of South Carolina are not in a humor to be further trifled with; nor, in' , our opinion, are those of the Southern slavehoid: ing tont& The attempt will be war, and as war wilt -be treated by this State. Let the said Mau of war come Let the attempt to blockade be made. It will be met with war, and war in every legitimate and recognized mode of warfare known amongst civilised ne.tiens. We have no dreade, and not many regrets. The end is certain de• liver:wee. In the meantime, Yankee eomoseree will be made the spoil of our privateers." THREE MEN MIDIDEUED IN COLD BLOOD.— Three' brothers; named William Hill, Jek...s Hill, and Russell Hill, who - reside Ave miles out on the Nashville Railroad, were , attacked at their real. dances, this morning, about four o'clock, bya gang of rowdies, headed by Jim Walker and - .Jeff. Rodgers. William Hill was asleep, in the bed with his wife, when the fatal wound was Inflicted, and io close was the gun placed Ao the bed that the powder burned the 'hand of his wife. Jesse Hill, who resided In the same house, was alto abet, In the neck and back, causing immediate death: The party then went to the house of Russell Hill, some two and a half _ Miles from the place where the other two were murdered, and, while their hands were still wet with the blood of their other vietints, there, without cause or provocation, shot Russell deed in his own house., - It will be remembered that .tbe e same parties, ot long sine., - had a Mid owl W hs Sulphur We ll , in which the alters were concerned. Late last night Chief Ray arrested a min:Oharged with being oonneeted with the affair, battle were unable to learn hie name.—Louisville Courier, Jon. 2. lisrOatiro Discomfit or A Nair GOLD RE. twee -.*The Denver (Jefferson Territory) ltews, of the 12th lest-} says: "Captain Bridger, the old mountaineer, whose reported death ivelutbliebed some time slue, is neither dead nor sleeping Re ilea recently returned to the Sanest settlements, an we are inform:4- by Captain Deckwourthi who has received letter from him within a day or awti put: 'Oa :sports having found a new gold Wlll4 GENERAL NEWS STAYEBY IN KANSAS.—A case came Up be fore Judge Pettit, yesterday, in the District Court for the Territory, which involved the constitution silty of the anti•alavery bill passed by the legisla ture last winter. A negro woman, named Fanny, Claimed by Horace Haley as a slave, left his on& tody some time ago, and went to live at the house of F. It. Foard. Haley petitioned , to recover pos session of the " property, ' and Foard demurred, on the ground that Fanny was not a slave, as stated in the petition. The Sate was argued by Lecompte Matthias, and Burns for the plaintiff, and J. o.' Douglas, 'En., for the defendant Judge Pettit overruled the demurrer, and decided that the law prohibiting slavery in Kansas was not constitu tional.—Leaveuworth Times, Jan-mars/1. Tim Prince of Wales has been cheated out of the affections of hie dog, presented by the peo ple of Newfoundland. When on board ship a boy was put to look after him. He got no fond of the boy that be would not take notice of the Prince. The morning they name into Plymouth, the Prince gave the boy 16 and took the dog out of the ship but as fast as they did so the dog jumped on board again. The Prince was at last obliged to take the boy to London, and he stopped there dye days. The Queen gave him .£l5 and a suit of clothes. He returned to Plymouth, and was there but one day, when he had to be sent for, because the dog would not eat. The boy sold his sailor's clothes, and thinks he is a gentleman for life. lifiscnrEP AMONG 314811017R1 NEGRONB.—ThO St. Joseph (MO.) Gazette of the 13th tilt, says: "We have heard that quite a collection of no. groom took place in Elwood on last Sunday, and that a solieme for a stampede about Christmas was detected. Insubordination among the slaves of this city and neighborhood bee been unusually ap parent for some days. The immediate result has , been to cause the shipment of some of this species I of property South. One family of some thirty or forty started South night before last." Tan keeper of Egg Harbor lighthouse, Ateneohusetts bay, has a dog which is always on the look-out for the Swapeoot fishermen, who, as they return from their trips, usually lash two or three good" eked codfish to a sttok of wood, and heave them overboard for thetenefit of the light house keeper. The dog, on the approach of a ves sel, keeps up an incessant barking, which has often proved a warning when the weather was HO thick that tho light could not be seen at a groat distance. IN rrovidenee, R. I,, , pne hundred and five persons of seventy years and upward died during the year 1860. One of those was 101, one was 1 00, sixteen above 90, twenty-two above 80, and sixty two 70 and upwards. In various other parts of these States eight persons have died of the rupee. tive ages of 104, 105, 111, 110, 120, 125, 127, and 135. A STABTLING DEATH.—Deacon Phineas Grossman, of Bennett, Cayuga county, west, on New Year's day, to dine with a friend. As the company surrounded the table, the Deacon re marked, " We shall not all probably live to see another New Year." Ms head was immediately noticed to fall forward lie was removed from tho table, and expired within ton minutes! Tim Sentinel says the wool crop of Wiscon sin for 1860 is estimated by particle in the trade, who oanvassed the State pretty thoroughly, at a million and a quarter pounds, against a yield of a million pounds in 1859, indioaung an increase of 25 per cent. in the produotion of this article in one year. A WRY pleasing characteristic of tho popu lation of France is their extraordinary respect for age. It has been called the paradise of grand mothers. There are few able to provide for their own support who would not consider the asking of imitate relief for their superannuated or helpless parents an indelible disgrace. " ON of the largest houses in Paris, now in course of construction on the Boulevard do Sebas topol, has thirty windows on each story. An awn ing has been put up over this rising mass of free stone, in order to enable the 1,800 workmen em ployed on it to pursue their work without hindrance from bad weather. WE see by the Erie (Pa.) papers that d. B. Robinson, Req., recently recovered in the courts of that county a judgment against Cochrane, Ken nedy, and Bradley for $2,600, damages for the do struotion of hie printing office daring the celebrated railroad riots at Erie. Worm a wake over ber husband was being held at Cincinnati, oa New Year's eve, time passed heavily with a Mrs. McLaughlin, so she proposed a game of cards.. Overjoyed at having the queen of trumps, she forgot her widowhood, and jumping up, upset the fluid lamp, and was dreadfully burned. IT is "r next to impossible" to levy tho taxes in Hungary. The goods and chattels of debtors to the btato, nobles as well as plebeians, are day after day brought to the hemmer, but no one in liungary dares purchase property taken In exe cution. ' A. NEW Oaaratzrerunl.--Several gentlemen in Itiohmond, Va., have undertaken the organisa tion of a new military company, to do duty in the city in the event of the volunteers being sent be yond its preeinots on any service. STUDENTS ENTITLED TO VOTE.—The stu dents in Yale College are congratulating them selves on a deolsion reoently rendered by Judge Seymour, of the Superior Uourt, declaring that they are entitled to Tote. THE United States steam gunboat Sumpter, of the Afrioan squadron, was at St. Helena on No vember 1. The captain of the whaling ship .11Ted way desires to 'place on record his obligation to the captain of the Sumpter for services. A. SCOUNDREL took up two rails opposite each other on the Brie Railroad, near Corning, on Saturday night. Happily the from ground al lowed no settling, and the train passed safely over. Tun society for the protection of. animals, at Lyons, has offered a golkmedid of the value of 200 francs for the way best adapted to.tettoh child ren to treat animals kindly. ' A macaws has been Invented in England, which, being atteohed to the stern of a ebip, Pumps her ont with a rapidity in ratio to bier speed. DAMAGEB FOR Loss or A SON.—Mrs. Mary L. lamely, of Milwaukee, has recovered $4,500 from the La Crosse Railroad for the death of her son, killed by an acoidont on the road last year. MISS SARAH JOIINSON is in custody at De troit, charged with stealing $5 from one lover to pay the minister for marrying her to another. A IIEAVY hailstorm visited Nashville on the night of the 19th ult., accompanied with lightning and thunder. SEVENTY thousand persons, Including por ters, are now employed In oonneotion with the Frepoh railways. FELIX MansuaLL, of Rockville, found buds and blossoms on his peaoh•treo, Christmas day. IMPORTATIONS. (Reported for the Praia LIVERPOOL—fIisi Frank Boult, Morse-200 eueftEee Stuart & Broll/9 do Geo b Parrish; 72 do A Wray tc 70 do 'Mau. Baines & Co; 42 do 1/ Graham & Co; 16 do Lewis & Co; 97 oases thread Bates & Coates; 16 packages mdse Rosengarten & Bons; 13 do Wray & Winton; 33 do W Raphael; 13 do Beraroft & Co; 13 do Biter. Price & Co; 9do Bhapleigh. Rue & Co; 6do Christ Jay & 11 coo; 1 do A Cope; 483 tors mane 11 fitruthere & Co; 3 pkga 0% P send; Ido W horstmann & Bone; 2do B Masser & Co; Oda Herres Brae; 2do Thompson, Bon & C 0; 1316 boxes tin platee 12 dojaggeJs tin 1V Trotter & Co; 130 iron tyres M W Baldwin & Co; 1 case machniory Geo Peabody; 3161 bars 400 bdle iron W P Potts; 23 boxes 86 bdle steel 6 osaks hies A Al F Watson: 001 her, 51 Non iron Leoett & Co; 1 5 78 belle 447 amps iron Morrie, Tali k6r & Lo; 662 bars 63 boas don Midebeton & darned; 40 bdls iron W Butterworth' 2 mums steel N & Taylor; 3do P 8 Justioe; 88 do 62 Mlle 1 cask do .1 Laurel; 372 bdle do W b Rowland; 329 eheere iron 1864 bars 100 J Odle do M B Mahon, & Co; 1061 bars bills do J C Cresson; 476 tells steel 779 do sheetiron Morns, Wheeler & Co; 8 pitaltaget hardware Field, Langetroth & 7 do Geo B. Roberts; /0 do J i3teinmetin 3do I W Goff; 134 GUY 6 soda ash le do bleaching powders 0 W Churchman; tO don:, bags aux vomias Powers & Weightman; 103 casks soda ash 69 bole °amnia soda B & W Weiss; 616 orates earthenware P Wright & Bores; 61 bales flocks 100 casks soda ash 16 pkge mdase,L9 bdis steel Mt bars iron 711 Mlle do 13 do steel order. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OK TRADIS. JOSEPH O. GRUBB. EDMUEDMUND A, BOUDER,i Coiunins OH THE MONTH ND L. BUZ/if, LETTER BAGS As the MereUwe' Ezah,epngs, Phstadaphsa. Ship Tasoators, Donlevy—..........—Liverpool, Jan 13 Jib* Pneadelphia. Yothe noon elm, Clyde. Perry --- London. noon Sobs Ooer Barton. Winemore.....—St Thomas, Jan 10 SALLING,OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS FROM TRH VNITRD STATES. aorta, • LILY' FOZ • DAYS Canada liangaroo—.—.New York....l4verpool--..--- Jan 12 N Amertoan.— Jan 12 United Btates—fiew York—Glasgow.. --..... —Jan 15 Attetralasian--,.New y0ric—rerp001........... —Jan 16 Paleatine---rfew Cork— Jan 17 Ulasiow—...--Now York— ;carpool Jan 12 Braman— . New York—Bramen.--. --. Jan 19 Nova Bootian t .—Yortland—LiverpooL—.— --Jan 19 ArnaTi011.........:—.......805t0n_Liver pool - ----Jan 23 Canadian..-........P0rt.an0 —Liverpool ------Jan 26 York—Livarpool.--.........1an 26 John Ban— 'New York —Oleatow.... ..... .....lan 29 Aida— ... —.Now York_ Liverpool._.... —Jan SO FROM EUROPE. 1111114 Learn 801 DLTS Y0rk,—.......De0 25 Bremen --BOuthemeton—Neir York—.—...— Imo 25 Glasgow-- —Liverpool_New York.. --Deo 2 John .13•11---Glailgow—New York— 29 4020112 5 5-.-----LnorPoOl—Boeton—...----Deon ) -admlntrgh ..Llverpom—N ow 2 . —Jan - 8 Teptente.."...SontheMpton—NeW 4 ARS Y0rk......—. Jan 5 Seder...._.._ 149811/001 NOW Nork— 8 ATSSO —.—....l3onthatopton.;New 9 North Briton-4.A rerpool—Tortland— 10 , ft lagers-- —.....bwerpool— Bow n.._. . Jan n `Bohemlan--.Liverpoollortland— —Jan 17 Arabia— ..,..Liverpool— oeton— -- Jan 12 •New York—"Bonthampton.. ew /9 Vatted Ifingdom—Gleatow—New 19 Jura —Jan 22 The California Mail eteamern sail from New York on the let 11th ; and list of amok month. • The Havana roamers leave new York on the .Id, 7th, Ilth. 17th. and 07th of each month. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OP PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 8.1861 MOH WIN ItISEII-.- -7 18-BUN BETS-- 4 42 WATER. • -.-.12 ARRIVED. Ship Frank Bonltlorse. 32 day/ from Liverpoo l, with W W right W ee to Peter & BODE. Towed up by tug Atlantic.. Brig Black Squall, Ring, 22 days - from Fortune Island, wife salt to G W Bernadou & Bro. Brought ofiFor tune Island four passengers and nine of the crow the Br bark °moods, which stranded Nov 22th on A oklin Wand, while on her passage from tit Jag° to Swansea. He cargo, copper ore, was saved; voiles' condemned. Pawed an the bay ship Ann E Rapper, from Liverpool; bark Malvlna. from Bremen; bras Isabella Jewett, from .lamatosi; and several square-rigged vessels whose names could not be atmertansed. Steamer RI., Ottw.ller, 14 hours from Baltimore, with oldie and passengers to A Orovea. Jr. titeamtag J F Starr, Maul!, from the Breakwater, Therese Slack Squall In tow. Famed from bsy chip from Calontta, bark Adeline, Bremen, and solo' Radbond, from Rotterdam. CLEARED. Steamship Delaware, Cannon. N York, J Allderdloe. Bask Chester, Atkins. N Orleans, Bishop. Simons & Co. Brig Hobart, Jordan. Gibraltar, Banners & Draper. Bohr Billow, Given, Portland, J MEMORANDA. Steamship Shim.. !Sprague, Matthews, helm, ar livid at Boston yesterday morning. butannahip Anglo Saxon, Ballantine, for taverpeOl, sailed from Portland oth that. Ship Sabitatian Cabot. Watts, at Callao 14th ult. from C 01111; of arms, for Oldnohas, to load for Hampton Road* at 13. Bark Cordoba, Roberts, at Baltimore oth th at. from Turks Leland.' 19 , h nit, lat 3266 ra, lone 74 20, apatite eohr Mec c a, from Ttirki Island for flaltimore, in distreaa— the. captain and most of the crew look. &pelted her with one seaman tiork •Pame, Kennedy, from New Orleans, arrived at New York iith lead. _ _ 1111SdELLANEOUS. - - ?TIRE AMALGAMATION OF LAN GUAGES.—There is a growing tendency in this age to appropriate the most expressive words of other languages, and after a while to incorporate them into our own; thus the word Cephalie, which is from the Greek, signifying "for the head," is now becoming popularised in connection with Mr. Spalding's great headache remedy, but it will coon be used in a more general way, and the word Cephalic will become as common as Electrotype and many others whose dis tinction as foreign words has been worn away by common usage, until they seem " native and to the manor born." 'ardly Realized. Ri 'ad 'n orrible 'eadaolie this haftornoon, hand I stepped into the hapotheoary's, hand says hi to tho man, "Can you hease me of an 'eadaoho ?" "Does it haehe 'ard 1" says 'e. " Hexoeedingl7." says hi, hand upon that 'e gave me a Cephalic Pill, hand 'pon ins 'onor it cured me no quick" that I 'ardly realised I 'ad 'ad an 'eadnohe. HEADACHN is the favorite sign by which nature makes known any deviation whatever from the natural state of the brain, and, viewed in this light, it may be looked on as a safeguard intended to give notice of dis ease which might otherwise escape attention, till too late to be remedied ; and its indications should never bo neglected. Headaches may be classified under two names, viz: Symptomatic and Idiopathic. Symptomatic Headache is exceedingly common, and is the precursor of a great-variety of diseases, among which are Apo &xi, Gout, Rheumatism, and all febrile diseases. In its nervous form it is sympathetic) of disease of the stomach, constituting sick headache, of hepatio disease constituting bilious headache, of worms, constipation, and other disorders of the bowels, es well as renal and uterine affections. Diseases of the heart are very fre quently attended with headaches ; encomia and plethora are also affections which frequently occaei"n head ache. Idiopathic headache is also very common, being usually distinguished by the name of nervous headache, sometimes coming on euadenly in a state of appa rently sound health, and prostrating at once the mental and physical energies, and in other instances it comes on slowly. heralded by depression of spirits or acerbity of temper. In moat instances the pain is in the front of the head, over one or both oyes, and sometimes pro voking vomiting ; under this class may also be named Neuralgia. For the treatment of either class of headache the Co phaho Fills have been found a aura and safe remedy, relieving the most acute pains in a few minutes, and, by he subtle power, eradicating the &serum of which headache ie the unerring index. Bridget.—Alissue wants you to send her a box of Ce phalic' G'ue ; no, a bottle of Prepared Pills—but I'm thinking that's not Just it neither; but perhaps ye'll be afther knowing what it ie. Ye see she's nigh dead and gone with the Sick Ileadaohe, and wants some more of that same as relaived her before. Druggist.—You must mean Spalding's Cephallo Pills, Bridgel.—Och sure now and you've sod it. Here's the auarther, and giv me the Ting, and don't be all dreg about it, aither. Constipation or Costiveness. No one of the " many ills flesh is heir to" is go pre valent, so little understood, end so much neglected an Costiveness, often originating in carelessness, or se dentary habits. It is regarded as a slight disorder, of too little consequence to excite anxiety, while in reali ty it is the precursor and companion of many of the most fatal and dangerous diseases, and unless early eradicated, it will bring the sufferer to an untimely grave. Among the lighter evils of which Costiveness is the usual attendant are Headache, Colic, Rheuma tism, Foul Breath, Piles, and others of like nature, while a long train of frightful diseases, such as Malig nant Fevers, Aboessos, Dysentery. Diarrheas. Dyspep sia, Apoplexy, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Hysteria. HYPo ohondriasie, Melancholy, and Insanity, first indicate heir presence in the system by thin alarming symptom. Not unfrequently the diseases named originate in Con stipation, but take on an independent existence unless the cause is eradicated in an early stage. From all these considerations, it follows that the disorder should receive immediate attention whenever it occurs, and no person should neglect to get a box of Cephalic Pills on the first appearance of the complaint, ea their time ly use will expel the insidious approaches of disease, and &nitro' , this dangerous foe to human life. A Real Blessing. Physician.—Well, Mm. Jonas, how is that headache 2 Mrs Jones.—Gone t Doctor, all gone the pill you sent cured me In Just twetty minutes, and I wish you would send me more. so that I can have them handy. Physician.—Youoan get them at anylDreggiat's. Cal for Cephslio Pills. I find they never fail, and I recom mend them in encases of Ileadaohe. Mrs. Jones.—l shall send for a box direetly, and:stoat tell all nu suffering friends, for they are a vial h lessin TWltliTy MILLioNs oR DOLLARS SAVRD.—Mr. Spald ing has sold two millions of bottles of his celebrated Prepared Glue, and it is estimated that each bottle saves at least ton dollars' worth or broken„furniture, thus making an aggregate of twenty millions of dollars reclaimed from total loss 'by this valuable invention Having made his Glue a household word, he now pro poses to do the world still greater service by miring all the aching heads with his Cephalic. Pins, and If they are as good as his Glue, Headaches will coon vanish Stray like snow in July, Er Oyu EXCITIMENT, and the mental care and anx iety incident to aloes attention to business or study, are among the numerous causes of nervous Headache. The disordered state of mind and body inoident to this din tressing complaint, is a fatal biow to all energy and am bition. Sufl'erers by this disorder can always obtain speedy relief from 'these distressing attacks by using one of the Henbane rills whenever the symptoms ap pear. It quiets tho overlooked brain, and smother; the strained and jarring nerves, and relaxes the tension of tho stomach which always accompanies( and aggravates the disordered condition of the brain. FACT WORTTI Ceyhalio Finn area oertain cure for Sick Headache, Billow; Reed ache, Nervous lioadnohn. Costivenees, and Gemini Debility. GREAT Discovarty.—Among the most important of all the great medical discoveries of this age may be considered the system of vaccination for protection from Small Fox, the Cephalio Pill for relief of Head ache, and the use of Quinine for the prevention of Fevers, either of which is a sure specific, whose bene fits will be experienced by suffering humanity long after their dieooverers are forgotten. Eir DID yon ever have the Sick Headache / Do you remember the throbbing tomplee, the fevered brow, the loathing and disgust at the sight of food? How. totally unfit you were for pleasure, conversation, or study. One of the Cophstio Pills would have roll eved you from all the suffering which you then experienced. For this and other purposes you should always have a box of them on hand to use as 000asion requires. CEPHALIC) PILLS, OtTRE MIOK EiEADAOREI! CIEPIIALIC PILES. 01J1tE NERVOUS IfEADAOIIE! OEPHALIO PILLS. CURE ALL RINDS OF !MADAME! Hy the usevf these Pills the periodical attacks of Ner vous or Sick Headacke may be prevented ; and if taken at the commeneement of an attack immediate relief from pain and slaknese will be obtained. They seldom fail in removing the Nausea and Head ache to which females are so subJeot. They not gently on the bowels, removing Costiveness For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary habits; they are valuable as a Laxative, Improving the appetite, giving tone and vigor to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elan tioity and strength to the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long investi gation and carefully conducted experiments, having been in use many years, during Which time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, 'whether originating in the nervous system or from a deranged state of the sto mach. They are entirely vegetable in their oompogition, and mey be taken at all time with yerleot Welty without making any ohange of diet, and the absence of any disa greeable taste renders it easy to administer Men to children. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! The genuine have five signatures of Henry 0. Spalding on eaoh Boa. Sold by Druggista and all other Dealers in Medicines. A Box will he sent by mail prepaid on rooeipt of tho THE PRESS PHILADELPHIA TUESDAY. JANUARY 8. 1861. 186 L bale WINTER ARRARLIEtiENT.-NEW YORK LINES TIER.. CAMDEN AND AMDOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD 00a LLNES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO fiEw YORK AND WAY PLACE% PROM WLLLLAA WE A AS FOL LOWS /N VTZ: DEPOT At 6 A. M.. via Camden and Amboy, (land A. A.P.A.AZ. oommodatien • • .82 25 At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, (N. J . .) Aooominodation . 2 26 At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning 300 At W A. 20., via Kensington and Jersey City, Western Express. • • ..—. 3 00 At 12% P. M., via Camden and Amboy Accommo dation. 2 25 At 2 P. Id..Tigs—diiinrit3i;itiiii-Xiiit;Wi,-d:iria Ar r 4TP. M . ., via It . eibihig - Con and Jersey City, Eve- 3 111 AV4O4 Ea s vTa — K73l . l - sington and Jersey City, 2d 300 Class Tioket .. • . . ........2 25 At GP. AL, via Camden and Jersey City, Evening At 11!;', P3i., via damilen and ierey Ur, South- 8 ern Mail 3 25 At 5 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Arnommoda bon. (Freight and Passengor)-let Mee Ticket- 2 26 Do. do. gd Close Ticket- 1 tio The 6 P M Mali Line runs daily, The P M, South ern Mail, Saturdays ogoopted. For Belvidere, Easton Lambertville, Flemington, &a., at 7.10 A AL and 8 'P. M., from Kensington. For Water Gap Stroudsburg, Scranton, wilkosbarte, Montrone, Groat Bend, E50..7.10 A. M. from Kensington, via Delaware. Lackawanna and Western It. ft. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, and Bethlehem at 7.10 A. M. and 3 P. M. from Kensington. For Mount Holly, at B and B A. M., 2 and P 4 P M. W For Freehold, at 5 A. lAD. Y.LI and 3 P. M. NES. For Bristol, Trenton, &0., at 7.10 A. M., 3, 43,1 and 5,74 F. hi. from Kensington. For Palmyra, Riverton, Balance, Beverly. Burling ton Florenaa, Bordentown, &a., at 12X, 3, and P. r gar For New York, and Way Lines leave Kensington Depot, take the cars, on Filth street, above Walnut. half an hoar before departure. The oars run into the depot, and on arrival of each train, run from the depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage, only, allowed each Passen ger, Passengers are prohibi ted front taking anything an baggage but their wearing apparel, All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responeibility tor baggage to One Dollarpor pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond alee, ex cept by special contract. nol9 WM. H. OATZhIER, Agent. WNTR RANGE MOS " I E M ENT -PHILA AR DELPHIA, WILMINGTON, AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD. PASSENGER RAI ND AYEA N E PHIL R EL M HI A : For Baltimore at 8.15 A. M., 12 noon (Express), and 10.50 P. Al. For Chester at 8.15 A. M., 12 noon, 1.16, 4.15, 5, and 10.60 P. M. For Wilmington at 8.15 A, DI., 12 noon, 1.15, 4,15, 0. and 10.50 P. AL For New Castle at 815 A. M., 4.15 and 6 P. M. For M:ddletowu at 8.15 A. M. and 4,15 P. M. For Dover at 8.15 A. AL and 4.16 P. Al. For Ilarnngton at 8.15 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. For Milford at 8.16 A. Id., (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 4.15 P. M.) For Farmington at 8.15 A. hl. (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 4.15 P. M. For Seaford at 8.15 A. M. (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 4 15 P. M.) For Salisbury at 8,11 A. hl. Train at 8.15 A. M. will connect at Seaford on Tuee. days, Thursdays, and Saturdays with steamboat to Nor.. folk. Leave Ba T l ß ti A mo NS a FOR 3O A H . M L . ( EELrPHIA 0.15 A. M., and 5.10 P. M Leave Wilnungton at 7.30, 9, and 11.51 A. M., 1 4E4 and 8.20 P.M. Leave Salisbury at 1.30 P. M. Leave Peaford (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 720 A. M.) 250 P. M. Leave Farmington (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Satur days at 8 A. M. 14.10 P. M. Leave Milford (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 7.50 A. M.) 4 P. M. Leave Harrington at 8.15 A. AL and 4.25 P. Al. Leave Dover at 9.05 A. M. and 5.25 P. M. Leave Middletown at 10 05A. M. and 6.40 P. M. Leave Now Castle at 8.25 and 11 A. M., 7.35 P. M. Leave Chester at 8.20 and 9.40 A. M., MOIL 2.32, 4,44 and 9 P. AL Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and Delaware Railroad at 10.15 A. M TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE: Leave Chester at 8.45 A. AL, 12.2 and 11.20 P. DI. Leave Wilmington at 9.25 A. M., 1266 P. M., and 12 A. Al. FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Car attached, will run es follows : Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate places at 3 P.M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate places at 5 P. M. Leave Baltirnore for Havre-do-Graoe and intermedi ate places at 4.16 P. M. ON SUNDAYO, Only at 10.50. P. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only at 5.10 P. AI. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. n 034 8. AL FELTON. President. T ut Pi.NNi3YLVANIe OEN TRAL RAILROAD, Seo MILES DOUBLE TRACI. 1860. pai,riy. -- I,yak e c , 1860 • THE GAPACIT r OF THIS ROAD IS NOW EQUAL AO THROUGH THE COUNTRY. THREE PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPtiIA AND PITTSBURG, Connecting direot at PMladelptha with Through Trains Rom Boston. New York, and all points kara t and in the mon Depot at Pittabpr with Through Trams to and om all points in the Woet, Northwest, and Southwest —thus furnishing facilities for the transportation of Passengers urusurgassod for Booed and comfort by any other route. Raven and Fast Ca r a ran throigh to Pittsburg, Without ohaage of Cara or Condtiotors. All through PPJ ganger Trains grOVided with Loughrldgm's Putout Brake---ereod under perfect control of the engineer, thus adding laugh to the safety of travellers. Smoking Cars are attached to each Train • Wooirala EMitsa C Tlfix t e DAiEYrMallan d Fao i tLines.Bsne dava excepted. Mail Wain leaves Phllaplphla at 8.00 A. M. Fast Line 4. ILM A. Ehp zevTie Tralnieavea iii;:ers WAY TRAINS I,EAVE API - uLLuVear Xarrislmrg Aocommodation via Columbia, 2 I". Columbia ' 4.00 P - Al, Parkesbure If 12,10 P. the West Chester Pauengera will take the Mail, Parkes burg Accommodation, and Columbia Trains passengers for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffa lo, Niagara Falls, and intermediate points, leaving Phi 15dOlph111 at SAO A. M. and 2 P. M. go directly through. Tickets Westward ;nay bo obtained at the offices of the Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boaton, or Bal timore ; and Tickets Eastward at any of the important Railroad Offfolse in the Wed; also on board any o regular Line of Steamers on the Plimitalpin or O hio rlVeri_ sir Fate away' ee law, and time to oviak, as by any other Route. For further information apply at the Poasengor Sta tion, Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market Streets. The completion of the Western connections of the Permativapia Railroad to Chicaro.make Mt the DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE EAST 41.1 D THE GREA WES. The connection of tracks T by the T Railroad at Pittsburg, Avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving Of time, are advantages madly appreciated by ill Waivers of Freight, and the Trove - ling Public& Morohants mid Shippers entrusting tho transportation of then. Freight to this ConIDIMY, c a n rely with oveA denoe on its speedy transit. THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point in the Weet by the PonnsylvanLa Railroad are as mil times as/averse/1 es ars saaresd by elkir Retires,/ Cop:pans/b. IRT Be Dertiohlor to Bulk bhottroa" vie Pena. read. Far Freight Contraota or Shipping Directions, apply er addren either (like following A gents of the Cent gisny B. A. STEWART, Pittsburg; 14.3.rieree & Co., Zanorwille,o.; I. J. Johnston Ripley, O. McNeely, Maysville, Ey.; Ormsby & Wropper, Portsmouth, O.; Paddock k Co., Je ff ersonville, Indi ana; H, W. Brown & Co., Cincinnati, O.; Athern Hobb-ert i ißeoffoluott, O.• It. C, Meldrum L Madison, Ind.: Jos. E. Moore, Louisville, Ky.; P. G. O'Riiey & Co., Evansville, Ind N. W. Graham & Co., Cairo ,111,.• R. F. Sass, Shalor / Glass, St. Louni, Mod Johp H. Har ris, Piashville, Tenn.; harries & Bunt, Memphis, Tens.; Clarce & Co., Chinago,lll.; W. H. 11. /Wont', Alton, br cr to Freig ht Agents of Railroads at different points on one West. El. 11, KINGSTO_N Jr. Philadelphia. MitelßAW & RObr4B, ito North streei,t Baltimore!, ji,EECH & CO., 1 Astor House, or I B. William at., rf.T. LEECH & CO., No. 77, Btateetreet Boston. ROVUTON, Can't' Agongkila, b. L. HOUPT, Goal Tio et gent, .? E. LEWIS. earel igne't Rooms. Pa. TNTEgtV I Ng- ANTA AFp:GERNATO AND M SIII I OI4 , NtALROAD andOn tlotlilBoo,Oß GERMAN/On. Leave Philadelphia, 6 ,7 , 8, 9 , 10. 11, and 12 A. id., 1,1, 2,3%, 4,6, 0%, 6,7, 8,9, 104 and 11% P. Al. Leave' ermantown, 6,7, ' 7% 8. 8%. 0 111, 11 and 12 A. M., 1,2, 3,4, 0,0, 614,1,8. 8, and p. uN BuNDAAI3, Leave Philadelphia, 9.02 nun. A, Al., 2,7, and 1034 P. M. 9% Leave M Germantown, 8.10 n 4 un. A. 81..10 min., 6, am( P. . CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia, 6,8, 10, and 12 A. M., 8, 4. 6,1, and 10% P. M. Leave Chestnut HILL 7, 10, 712, 8.40, and 9.40, aid 11.40 A. M., L 40,3.40, 6.10. and 8.40 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 0.05 A. NI., 2, and 7 P.M. Leave Chestnut DAL 7.somin, A. M., 12 50, 6.40,1nd 9.10 inin. P. M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN Leave Philadelphia, 6.60, 1%, 905, and 11.05 mm. A.M., 1.05. 3.06, 4%. 6.65, and 11% P. M. Leave Norristown, 6. 7, 8.66, 9, and 11 A. M., 1%.11%. and 6 P. AL ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M and 8 P. M.. for No rls toLea wn. ve Norristown, 7% A M. and 5 P, M. FOR N lAAYK. Leave Philadelphia, d 6 20, 7%, U 9 N O2, and 11.05 A.A., 1.05. 2.06, 8.06.4%, 5.55, 8.02, 11% P. M. Leave Manarunk, 6%. 716,8.35, 9%. 11% A. M., 23 %, 6,6%. and 0% P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M., 3, and 7 P. M. Leave Manrilunk,7% A. Id 5%, and 8 P. M. H. R. SMITH, General Superintended. nolo-tf DEPOT. NINTH and GREEN Stmts. 4, AND READING PAIL ROAM-PAIR:I..I4OER TRAINS for PO/ TBVLLE, READING, and HARRISBURG, on and after Nov, athMO 60. 18 RNING LINES, DAILY. (Sundays exceptd./ Leave New Depot. corner of BROAD and CAL at/W -HIL L Streets, PRILADELPIIIA,(Passenrr entaneed on Thirteenth and on Callowhill streets at 8 M., oonneoting at Harrisburg with the PEN SYLViNIA RAIL RLAD. 1 P. M. train runY.M. Pittabug the CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1.08 P. . train run my to Chambersburir, Carlisle, And and the NOR TI ERN CENTRAL RAILROAD 1 P. M. train, running D Sun bury, 60, AFTERNOON LINES. Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD and CALLOW HILL Strea to, PHIL ADELPHIAA Passenger entanoes on Thirteenth and on Callowhill etreeta,) for kyrrs- VILLE and HARRISBURG. at 3400. M., DALY, for READING only, at 4.80 P. M.. DAILY, (Sundae ex efigatiOES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND REY,DING RAILROAD. PROM PHILADRLPILIA.. Mlles, To Phcenixville-.... 89 Rea,ding--.-- 18 Philadelphia and)sading Lebanon-- 88 and Lebanon Wily R.R. Harrisburg— Dauphin -----124 filillersburg_ Trevorton Junction-158 Banbury— Northumberland ,--171 Lewisburg --- Milton -..-- 183 !Finney-- —.-_197 Williamsport -.109 Jerseyjitiore Look Haven Ralston- Williamsport ani Elmira Railroad The 8 A. M. and 8.30 P. Al. train conneadaily at Port Clinton, i"undius excepted,) with the CATA WIDSA, WIL IA AlbleOßT. and ERIE RALROAD, making oboe oonneetions with line, to Niagra Falls, Canada the West and Oputhwest. DEPOT IN PHILADELPHIA: Corner e BROAD and CALLOWRILL Streets. ap23-tf W. H. AIoILHENN EY, leoretar Y ,—r, 1 ,, NORTH PFANSYL- V A NIA RAILROAD. FUR BETHLEHEM, DOYLBEITOWNAIAUCH CHUNK, HAZLETON. and ECKLAro THREE. THROUGH TRAINS. On and after MONDAY. December 6.1660, kissenger Trainewill leave FRONT and WILLOW Strata, Phila delphia. daily, (Sundays excepted), as followil At 650 A. 6?., Express) for Bethlehem , Rentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton. ko. At 2.46 P.. M., (Express), for Bethlehem, Plion, &c, This train reaches Easton at 6P. M. and rakes oboe connection with New Jersey Central for NO York. AoAt I for Bethlehem, Allentown, ritexh Chunk, At 9A. M. and 4 M. for Doylestown. At 6 F. M., for Fort Washington. The 6.60 A. M. Express tram makes oloscionaeotion with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethltem, being the shortest and most desirable route to a points the Lehigh coal region. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHI. PL AL eave Bethlehem at 6.42 A. , 9.16 A. 1., and 5.30 AI. Leave Doylestown at 7.26 A. M. and 6.20 P.Q. Lea SUNDAYS ington phis A. M. ON Philadefor Fort Inshington at 9.80 A. Al, Philadelphia for Doplestinxn at 4 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7 A. Fort Washington for Philadelphia at 2.45 . Fare to Both ehern— $1 60 1 1 : , :are to Mauch tun k.S2 60 Fare to Easton-- Iso Faro to Doylentsm., Through Tickets most pronged at he Ticket Offices, at WILLOW street, or BERKO Stet, in order to 110011 re the above rates of fare. All Passenger Trains (except Sunday Trish oonneot at Barks Weak with Filth and Sixth roots, and RAILROAD LINES. PHILADELPIIIA Northern Coital. Railroad Sunbury end Err R. R. RAILROAD LINES. ELMIRA ROUTE.-- PHILADELPHIA AND El - MA RAILROAD. QUICKEST ROUTE to Ti%MUMS. Catawlssa, Ru rrt, Wilkesbarre, Scranton, Danville, Milton, Wjl aresport,_ Troy , Ralston, Banton , Elmira. Buffalo, iagara Walla. Rochester, Cleveland,..Detroth Toledo, Chicago,a St. Louis, Milwaukee, and all points North and _Passenger trainswill leave the new Depot of the Phi ladeilo and Reading Railroad, corner BROAD and OALL.OWHILL Streets, (Passenger on tr anoo on Cm_ lowhill street,) daily (Sundays excepted), for above points, asi E bilows DAY XPRESS— NIGHT EXPRESS—..—_. ,--3.30 P. M. The OM A, M. train connects at Rupert, for Wilkes .vale ITAAinTillA S liinitoblesß a lYßt at The above trams make direct connections at Elmira with the trains of the New York and Erie, Canandaigua and Niagara Falls, and Buffalo, New York and Erie, and New York Central Railroads, from all Points North and Went, and the Canada.. Baggage checked to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge, and all ii.termadiate points. Tickets can be irooured at the Philadelphia and El mire Railroad Li r Ticket Office, northwest corner of SIXTH and OR bRN UT Streets, and at the Passenger Depot. comers.. TRIRTEENTIeand CALLOWHILL. THROUG EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leave the Phil delphia and Reading Depot, Broad and Callowhill etre t e daily (Sunds egoopted), for all ay points Waste I North, at 6P. M. Freights mu. bo deliverod before dP. M. to insure thou going th 3 r ems day. For further Information apply at Fmight Depot, THIRTEEN Pa and GALLOWHILL, or to CHAS. S. TAPPEN,GeneraI Agent, NoNorthwest scorner 51X7.11 and IC TN UT Streets, pl3-tf Ptilledelzona 671 - -, WEST OIIESIER AND PHILADELPHIA itattioAD VIA MEDIA. WINTER ARRANGEMENT, From nortnetust corner of Eighteenth and Market streets. On and after Sunday, Nov. 26th. 1860, the trams will loavo the northeast earner of Eighteenth and Market streets at 7.40 A. M., 2 and 4.30 P. M. On Sundays. at 8 A. M and 22. hi. Trains leavirg Philadelphia, at 740 A. M. and 480 P, M.., and on Wednesdays and Paturdays. at 2 P. M., connect at Pennelton with the Philadelphia and Balti more Central Railroad, for Concord, Kennett. Avon dale, Oxford, &0,, HEN RY WOOD. n 026 General Rucerimendent, VALLEY RAILROAD—PAN BENGER TRAINS FOR DOWNINGTOWN AND IN TERMEDIATE ISTATIONS.—On and altar Nov. eth, IBM the Passenger Trains for DOWNINGTOWN will dart from the now Paaaengor Depot of the Phila delphia and Reading Railroad Company, oorner of BROAD and CALI 4 O9HILL Atreeto, fpaisenger en trar.con on Callowhill. MORNING TRAIN for Downingtown, :013T(12 at 8.00 A. M. AFTERNOON TRAIN for Rowaingiown, leaven at /AO P.M, DAILY (Sandal's mooniest.) j ordar of the Board of Manama of tke Pkllldelpkla and Reading Railroad Compativ. 601 w. tt. mot I,RENN - RY. Roorotoro. INSURANCE COMPANIES. FIRE INSURANC3E. BY TUE 'RELIANCE MUTUAL INRURAT.ICE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, ONIBUILDINGS, LIMITED OR PERPETUAL, MER CH UR U R ANDISE, FNITRE. &c., IN TOWN Olt COUNTY. OFFICE, NO. 306 WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL, 8220,610. ASSETS, e 303,509 06 Invested as follows, riz: First Mortgagee on Improved City Property, worth double the amount.--- $155,600 00 Ground Rent. first class— 2.462 60 City of Philadelphia 6 per cent. Loan--..... 304100 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co'e. 6 per cant. Id Mortgage Loan ($30,600).... 27,000 00 Allecheny co. 6 per ot. Penn'a R. R.) Loan 10,000 00 Collateral Loans, well secured .-.... —... 2,600 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top It. IL and 0. Co . , Mortgage Loan.-- —•— 4,090 00 The Reliance Mutual Insurance Co. Stook.— 24,350 00 The County Fire Ineuranoe Co. 5t00k...._._ 1,030 00 The Delaware M.B. Insurance Co. 5t00k .... 700 OD Pennsylvania Railroad Co. Stook.— 4,030 00 Commermal Bank Stook 5,135 01 Meehan ice' Bank Stook 2,812 60 Union id. Insuranoe Co. soript (8 380 ) • 100 00 Bills Receivable........—...— 16,297 18 Book Accounts, roamed interest, 216 62 Cash on hand and in hands of Agonts—..._ 11,385 10 DIRECTORS. CLEM TINGLEY, SAMUEL BISPHAM, WM R. TuouloN ROBERT STggEN FREDERICK BROWN WILLIAM M SSE , R 008NEL'‘STRVENSON, BENJ. W.TI 3LEY,OHN R. WORRELL, MAR°HALL HILL, ROBERT RON, Z. LOTHROP, TOLAND, CHAJI t..ES LELAND, FREDERICK LENNIG, JArOEI T. BUNTING. QUARLES 8 WOOD SMITH BOWEN, JASIES S. WOODWARD. JOHN BIRSEL, Pltteburg, CLEM TINGLEY, President. HINCHMAN. SearatarT. nol6-2m THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF ITILADELPHA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING, S. W. CORIVER FOURTH AND IVALNU2' STREETS. DIRECTORS? F. RATCHFORD STARR, MORDECAI L. D &MON. WILLIAM MCKEE, GEO. B. BTT/ART, bream° FRAzisa, JOHN B. Baowbr. JOAN ht. ATWOOD, B. A. FAIINRSTOCII, fIIIIII. T. TREMOR, ANDREW D. CASH, MIRY WHARTON. J. 1.. REIM:YORK. F. HATCH ORD STARR, Yreendent. CHARLES W. 00X . R. Secretary. f 01.5 TELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN SCRAP= COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsy Noma, MS, Office S. R. corner of THIRD end WALNUT streets, PHILADELPHIA. MARINE ir4sUßANoup On Veesels, Cargo. To all parte of the World. Yreight, I LAND INSURANCE On Goode by Rtvers. Gamin, Laker,. and Land Car nagee to al p INSURANCES e Onion. FIRE On Merehandine generally. On Stores, Dwelling Rousse, kn. ASSETS OP THE COMPANY, November 1, 1850. 13100,(6) United Staters five 4),* sent. loan.- ...$l.) 400 00 115,000 United States six V' sent. Treasury Notes, (wi th scorned interest)-- 110,463 Si 100,000 Pennsylvania. State five 4P' eon loan. —— 95,570 CO 21,000 do , nix do. do. 21,042 00 123.020 Philadelphia City six . f cent. Loan. 125,203 ST 30,000 Tennessee State five cont. loan - 21,000 00 yl m 2 GO 000 Pennsylvania Real 4 mortgage six 4p . ' rent. bonds— —— , 46,000 00 15,04)1 300 shares. stook Germantown Gas ornpany, intoreat and pnnoippa l guaranteed by the City of Phila aelvvhia .. 11, 900 oo 5,000 100 shares Ponasylvarua 'Railroad Compuny ... . . 9,90000 COW 100 eh area North Pennsylvania Rail road Company.. • •.. • MO 00 1,200 12) eharna Philauelphia, Ice Boat a nd Steam 'l'ng Company— 1010 00 250 5 sharea Philadelphia and avre de- Grace Steam Ton , boat Company. 150 00 RV 2 shares Philadelphia Exchange Company—-- " 125 00 1,000 2 shares Continen t a l Hotel Co.-- 600 00 e0e0,700 par. Cost 8517,335.34. Market va1.5361,356 71 Bills receivable, for insurances made----. 171,386 42 Bonds and mortgages.— 34,100 00 Real estate.--. ... 61,303 36 Balances duo at Agenoies—Prominms on Ma rine Foliates. Interest, and other debts dne the CoMpany—.. 81,666 02 Bari', and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies —. , 2,626 60 Caen on hand—in —.328,673 /6 in drawer.-- 436 95 29,148 81 DIRECTORS, Samuel E. Stokes, J. F. Peniston, Henry Sloan, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Bpenoer M'llvaine, Thomas C. Hand, Robert Burton, Jacob P. Jones, James B. Bi'Farland, Joshua P. Eyre, John B. Sample, Pltteb'g, D. T. Morgan, A. B. Berger, al MARTIN, President. J. HAND, Vice President. ,oretary. nol7-tt William Martin Edmund A. Studer, Theoplulus Paulding, John R. Penrose, Jelin 0. Davie, James Traquair, William Eyre, Jr., James C. Hand, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr. R. M. Huston, George C. Leiner, Hugh Craig Charles Kelly, WILLS C. THOS. HENRY LYLBURN. erS -11-SURANOE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA RINE INSURANCE Noe. 4 AND 6 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. Chartered inl,7o4—Capltal 8000,000—Feb. 1, 1260, cash value 8468,7927777. All invested in sound and available geouritiee—eon tinue to insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildnige, Stooks of Merohandise, he., on liberal terms, DIRECTO RS. Henry D. Sherrerd, George H. Stuart, Simeon Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr.. Charles Macalester, Tobias Wagner, William S, Smith, Thomas B. Wattson, John S. Budd, Henry G. Freeman, William R. White, Charles S. Lewis, George C. Carson. HENRY D. SHERRERD, Presiden‘ WILLIAM HARPER, Seoretary. .169- If REMOVAL: -THEPENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY have removed to their new budding, No. 921 CHESTNUT Street. Assets, Charter perpetual. ALA, THE PRO r ITS OOO. divided amongst the insured. POLICIES issued this year will participate it the Di viderd to be deolared in January next. 'I he Company has full authority to act so Executors, Administrators, Mei mem Guardians, sa d Trustees for married women and children. DANIEL L. lAILLER, President. /MM. E. STOKES, Vice Preet. Jona W. HORNOR. gOOTEittIIT. MEDICAL EXAMINERS in attendanee daily, front 1 to 2 o'clook P. M. noB CIIRE INSURANCE. MECHANICS' Ja INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. No. 13S North SIXTH Street, below Raoe. in Build ings, Goods, and Morahandise generally front lotto or damage by Fire. The oompauy guarantee to adjust all losses promptly. and thereby hope to merit the patron age of the public, . . . DIRINCTORS. William Morgan, Robert Flanigan French; Cooper, Michael hlotteoi, George L. Dougherty, Edward MoSovern, James Martin, Thomas B. McCormick, James Dorms,' Joan Bromley, Matthew MoAleer, Fran= Falls, Bernard Rafferty, John Cetaladt, Thomas J Hemphill, Bernard R. Ruleeman, Thome Fisher. Chalice Clare. Frantic Mc&lanes, Michael Cahill. FRANCIS COOPER, President. BERNARD RAFFERTY. Ecoretary. 0013-0 m EVJAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPA NY—FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, 409 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA.—CAPITAL AND SUR PLUS 48359,746.70.—1n5uree against Loee or sewage by Fire and the Perils of the Sea. Inland Nerigation and Transportation. GEORGP.H. HART, President. E. P. ROSS Vine President. H. R. COPGBIIA LL See', and Treasurer. S. H. BUTLER, Aes letant Secretary. DIRROII ORS. George H. Hart, B. P. Ross, A.O Cettell, Poorer B. Perkins, B. W Andrew R. Chambers, IL R. Coggehall, Samuel Jones, H. D.. Hon. H. M. Puller. mh9-tf UXULLA_NUS IN9IJRAIWE UOMPANY —Office No w 9 WALNUT Street. FIRE I/MU/LANCE fon Rouses and fflerokandlt• Senoralinon favorable terms, either limited or per mit-nal. DIREOTORA. Jeremiah Rolm% Edward D. Roberts. John Q, Oinnodo, John J. Griffiths, Joshua T. Owen,Reuben O. Hale. Thomas Marsh. John Mollowell..Jt o itatal. L. Hmedley,_ as. T. Raledlelletontit. JEREMIAR BONSALL, Pregident, JOHN Q. GINNO.DO, Vioo President. Enwslie W. Damn, nem-eters Wilt t ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPA NY.—Authorlded Oapital CIOOAO — ORARTER PERPETUAL,_ Onkel bi 0.311 WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth ',Drool, Philadelphia. This Company will Insure againet loss or demere bi Fire, on nuildings, Furniture, and Menchandise gene rally. Also, hLsrine Intruranoes on Yowls, Oareoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIRECTORS. Jacob Es' her, Jonoph M L. axfield, D. Luther,. Audenried. iitormatiZonk,ert Davis Pearson, Wm. r. . 0. Dean, Peter Minor. J. E. - Baum. JACOB RSRER,Preeldent. WM. F. DEAN, Vice Prealdont, W. M. SMITH, Seminary. apg-tr :AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE GO., INCORPORATED 1810-ORARTER BRIERY MEDICINAL. ROI'. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL AND BLOOD RENOVATOR Is precisely what Its name Indicates, for, while pleasant to the taste, it is revivifying, exhilarating, and strengthening to the vital powers. It alsq re• vivifies, reinstates, and renews the blood In all its original, purity, and thus restores and renders the system invulnerable to attacks of disease. It is the only preparation ever offered to the world in a popular form, so as to be within the reach of all. So chembally and skilfully combined as to be the most powerful tome, and yet so perfectly adapted as to act in perfect accordance with the laws of na ture, and hence soothe the weakest stomach, and tone up the digestive organs, and allay all nervous and other irritation. It is also perfectly exhilara ting in its e ff ects, and yet it is never followed by lassitude or depression of solute. It is composed ro entirely of vegetables, and those thoroughly corn- Inning powerfully tonic, and soothing properties, and im consequently can never injure. Such a remedy has 0 long been felt to be a desideratum in the medical 4 1 world, both by the thoroughly skilled in medical' science, and also by all who have suffered from de bility ; for it needs pa medical skill or knowledge 4 1 even to see that debility follows all attacks of dis ease and lays the unguarded system open to the 0 attacks of many of the most dangerous to which 0 poor humanity is constantly liable. Buoh, for ex- el' a ample, as the following: Consumption, Bronchitis, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Lose of Appetite Faint nese, Ilervous Neuralgia, Palpitation ; , of the Heart, Melancholy, Itypochondri, - Night Sweats, Languor, Giddiness, and all that Class of ` A cases, so fearfully fatal if unattended to us time, "A called Female Weaknesses and Irregularities. Also, Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and Liver Com plaints, Diseases of the Kidneys, Scalding Or In continence of the Urine, or /OS general derange- ' 4 ment of the Urinary Organs, Pain in the Baok,Bide, and between the Shoulders, predisposition to slight Colds, Hacking and Continued Cough, Emaciation, Difficulty in Breathing,. and, indeed, we might enu merate mr ny more still, but we have space only to ~,c2 say, it will not only oure the debility following Chills and Fever, but prevent all attacks arising 0 from Miasmatic influences, and mire the disease 0 at ones, if already attacked; and as it acts directly andpiereiatently upon the bihary system, arousing the Liver to action, promoting, in fact, all the ex cretions and secretions of the system, It will infal libly prevent any deletenowi consequencee follow- io ing upon change of climate and water; hence all B travellers should have a bottle with them, and alit: should take a table-spoonful at least before eating. As it prevents costiveness, strengthens the discs 01 tive organs, it should be in the hands of all persons r , of,sedentary habits; students, nunisters, literary 0 run ; and all ladies not accustomed to much out- et nor exercise should always use it. If they will. they will find an agreeable, pleasant, and efiqoient remedy against those ills which rob them of their , beauty; for beauty cannot exist without health, Rl and health cannot exist while the above irregulan ties continue. Then, again, the Cordial is a_perfect Mother's Relief. Taken a month or two before the final trial, she will peas the dreadful period with `i perfect ease and safety. There ss no mistake about te et, this Cordial is all we claim for it. Mothers, try 0.1 it ! And to you we appeal to detect the Illness or C decline, not only of your daughters, before it be too 0 late, but alto your sone and husbands, for while ' the former, from false delicacy, often go down to a premature grave rather than let their condition be known in tune, the latter are often so mixed up with the excitement of business that if it were not for you they, Cbil, would travel in the same down ward path, until too late tb arrest their fatal fall. But the mother is always vigilant, and to you we confidently appeal, for we are sure your never falling affection will unerringly point you to Prof. csoo.Pa Restorative Cordial and Blood Renovator, as the remedy which should be always on hand in time oiseed. 0..7. WOOD, Proprietor, 4448r0ad. ay, New York, and 114 Market street St. Louis, Mo. ; and gold by all good Druggists. Price, One 'toiler per Bottle. .old here by DYOTT k CO., 232 North SECOND rent. intirf eow&W-tf fbAli ORCHARD ACID SPRINGS. `..." Them Sprinineare situated in the valley of the Oak Orchard aerie, in the town of Alabama, Genesee co., N. Y., eight miles south of the village of Medina, on the Erie Canal, and fourteen miles from Batavia. gkir The ennmeel Acid Springs are three in number ; besides these there are nix others. They are all looated within a circuit of about fifty rode. The medicinal qualities of the waters are fully shown in the subjoined teetimoniels. They contain a very large amount of Su/- phur, Sulphuric Acid, Sulphate of Lime, and Pr oto- Sulphate of Iron. The great medunnal virtues possess ed by these watere depend very largely upon the pro em:me, in such unusual quantities, of these curative eubstanoet. Hundreds of caeca of diens°, espeoially those result ng from the earofulows diathesis, have been mired by heir nee. Er in skin diseases—even in confirmed leprosy—the waters have been signally successful. °simnel of medical and aoientifio gentlemen are given In the circulars. The following eminent gentlemen speak in strong terms of the medicinal value of these waters : Prof. Ernmone, T. Romani Beck, of Albany' ait s Albany; MAW . itn, Wu'. •D. J. trlaier; o?Lo . okyn'omrP, b k 4 . They recommend the waters confidently . Dr. i . pring refers to a rare of chronic diarshcza of several years' standing. which was cured by the use°, the water. Dr. Beck says, " 1 nth satisfied that these waters are highly valuable as medicinal agents." Dr. Campbell bays," They must be highly beneficial for aU chrome ditleases of the stomach and bowels. 8903.608 98 Lral. Y. White read spacer op the subject of these Waterebeforo the Academy of Physicians. in the city of New pork, in which he mates that the Waters pos sess decidedly tonio, refrigerant, and astringent proper ties; and that the clams of diseases to which they are more particularly adapted. are chronic affeetions of the digestive and urinary organs, and come of the cutane ous diseases • chi onto dyspepsia; chronic diariaceall; Chronic dysentery • chronic diures i s; chronic minim ; diabetes ; oases of passive hemorrhage, such as Purpu ra hemorrhagica, and the colliquative sweata of Hectic Fever. The Water may also be often need with ap vantage, he says. in oases of tote typhoid fevers, en onvaieseence front protracted fevers. to excite the ap petite and promote digestion tin diarrhcces.particularir such as are dependent on a relaxed or ulcerated mate of the mucous membrane of the intestines. In coin ions affections. or lithiasis, attended with phoSphatio sediments, it is the imitable remedy, being preferable to rauriatio acid, as being more solvent and less apt by cohtlnued see to disorder the stomach. In ebnle can be used properly diluted, as a refrigerant to diminish thirst and preternatural heat. In skin dis eases—in those forme 01 dspepsia connected with an alkaline condition of the s tomach, as in Pyrosis, or wa ter-brash, it will prove better than hydroohlerm sold. In oases of Coticapicionum, and other minnows con sequences arming from tho motion of lead, this water will prove to be an admirable antidote. In chronic pharyngitis, laryngitis, chronic mucous catarrh, and humid asthma, chronic ophthalmia (externally) ins a' gargle in ulcerated sore throats, inches of sali vation, 61:10 in leucorrhea and glees ; and also inPiles. When taken internally, a wine-glassful of the Water, diluted, taken three times a day, is sufficient for an adult. Other testimonials from physteians, and other Te nantable individuals, may he aeon on application to the Agent. Dealers supplied on liberal terms. No Water ISAUllit unless procured from H. W. BOSTWICK. Sold Arent No. 874 BROADWAY, New York. j.or Hale at the following Agencies: FREDERICK BROWN'S Drug and Chemioal Store. Northeast earner of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets. • Also for sale at FREDERICK BROWN, in.'s, DruA and Chemical titort4 Continental Hotel, corner of NINTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia. The Trade implied at Wholesale Brice!. tayl2-surly THE ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, AND ROW MORE AND MORE POPULAR EVERY DAT. And testimonials. pew. and almost without number, might be given, from ladies and gentlemen in all grades of society, whose united testimony none n0..1d resist, that Prot. Wood's Hair Restorative will restore the bald and gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to old age, in all its youthful beauty! BATTLE Carex, Mich., Dee. 21, Idtq. PROP. WOOD: Thee +milt please aoo opt a line to in form thee that the hair on my head all fell off over Meatyyears ago. canoed by a complicated chronic dis ease. attended with an eruption on the head. A con tinual course of sullen:4 through life having reduced the to a date of dePendenee, I have not been able to obtain stulf for caps, neither have I been able to do them up, in consequence of whioh my head has auffered extremely from cold. This induced me to pay Briggs & Hodges almost the lent cent had on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative about the tat of August Inst. I have faithfully followed the directions, and the bald Brat in now covered with hair think and black, though abort; it is also coming in all over my head. Feeling confident that another large bottle would restore it entirely and permanently, I feel anxious to Persevere in its use, and being destitute of means to putohase any more, I would ass thee if thee wouldet not be willing to send me an order on thine agents for a bottle, and receive to thyself the Scripture declaration --" The reward is to those that are kind to the widow and the fathe Thy Rem' friend. SUSANNAH KIRBY. Licioniza. Noble co.,.lndiana. Feb. 6, 1889. PROB. 05 0 . J. Worm: Dear Sir: in the latter part of the year Mg. while attending the State and Rational Law School of the State of New York, my hair, from a cane unknown to me, commenced falling elf very rapidly, ao that in the short Emma of six months, the whole upper part of my scalp waa almost entire! y bereft of its cover ing. and much of the remaining portion upon the aide and bank part of my head shortly after became gray ; so that you will not be aurprieed when I tell you that, upon my return to the n oteSt oi Indiana. my more. casual AO CUAIntanCeO Were tO much at a loss to discover the cause of the change in my appearance, as my more in timate ainuaintanoes were to reaogniae me at all. I atones made application to the most skilful phyal- Mana in the country, out, receiving no assurance Item them that my hair could again be restored. I was forced to beoome reconolltal y e ar y fate, until, fortunately, in the latter Part of the e ladr, your Reztoratave oat recommended to me by a druggist. as being the most reliable Hair Restorative in use. I tried one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that it was producing the desired effeot. Since that time. I have used seven dol lars' worth of your Restorative, and as a result, have a rich coat of very soft black hair, which no money can buy. Aa a mark of my gratitudefor your labor and skill in the production of so wonderful an article, I have recom mended its use to many of my friends and acquaintan ces, who, I am happy to inform you, are using it with like effect. Very reilyeatfallYi Yours, A. M. LATTA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers through out the world. 89414,90 51 " The ReStoiatiya is put up in Bottles of three Rues, ys large. modium, and so all; the small holds half a hnt, anti retails for one dollar per bottle ; the medlum olds at least twenty per neat. more in proportion than the mall, retails for two dollars a bottle; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent, more in proportion, and M. tads for 413 a bottle. 0 J. WOOD & CO., Proprietor/6 444 BROADWAY, New York, and 1,14 rd ARK ET Btreot. Bt. Louts, And sold by all good Druggists and Fanoy Goods Deal ers. • •. Bold here by DYOTT & CO., 232 North SECOND greet. auLS-mwfd-oawWtf MORE 1,10 - 1-IT THE GAS LAMPS FOR THE MILLION, may be seen at 2.4 NORTHSECOND Street ; 830,MN) worth are now in use. The Market street, Green and Coates, Ridge road, and other horse care are now using them. We alter any filthy Kerosene Lamps into Gas Lamps for $1 ;10,00) Agents wanted to sell them throughout the United States. The Gee Lamp will light a room twen ty feet square for one cent an hour. DR. 0. A. GREENE et CO., No. 204 NORTH SECOND Street, above Race. selS-thstem-U fIRIENTAL DETERSIVE SOAP.—One 'L. , ' Pound of whioh will do as much washing, and do it bettor than three of oommon roan soap ; Writhes need no boiling nor rubbing on a wash board. Over 100,000 families are now constantly using it. We guarantee it to givo satisfaction, or return the money. All resPeota, bleGrooars have it for saie. TRAIN & McKEOPIE, 90 and 24 South WharAisw, iT ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE & CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. E.,'TArE OF NOTTS, Minors. Tho Auditor appointed by the Court, to audit. settle, and adjust the aooount of 0130/tilb W. D eDRICK., Guardian of Elizabeth, Andrew J., and William 8., minor children of William B. Mott deceased, and to report distribution of the balanoe in the hands of the accountant s will meet the parties interested, for the purposes ot his appointment, on MONDAY, January 14,_186 at 4 o'clock P. M. at his °Moe, No, 027 WAL NUT Street, In the city of Phi iade Iphta. SAMUAL C. PERKINS, dad-frowat Auditor. ITOTIOE. - LETTERS TESTAMENT ARY on the Estate of MARTIN SUMMERS, of the env of Philadelphia, deceased, having been granted to tho undersigned, all persona indebted to the Estate will make payment mia and those having claims or do mande an the Estate will make known the same, without delay, to - HENRIETTA SUMMERS, JOHN D. JONES WILLIAM BUMMERS. and THOMAS L. CLARKS, Executors. de22-s6t• MARKET, below Tinny-Seventh Street. RSTATE OF JAMES KELLEY, DEI, CEASED.—Letters testamentary on the last wi ' and testament of James Kelley, late of the city of Phi lacelphia, deceased, having been granted to the under maned, all persons indebted to the estate of said dece dent are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the Ramo to make them known without delay, to PATRICK Mal UGH, Executor. rto. 1121 (or 19221 RACE Street, ANUASTER SAVINGS INSTITUTION. A—g—The undersigned, appointed. by the, Court of Common Fleas of Lancaster county. Auditors to distri bute. to and among those legally entitled thereto, the moneys in the hands of T. L. Roberts, Assignee of the Lancaster !laving' Institution, in trust for oreditoro, &a., hereby, give notice that they will sit for the pur poBo of their appointment in the Orphan's Court room, in the Court House, in the city of Lancaster, on Wed nesday, the 13th day of February 1861. at 0 o'olook A. M.,.'when and where all persona interested are here by notified to attend, JAMES L. REYNOt,DS, JUNIOR 13. KAUFFMAN. WM. AUG. AT E. (IEB Fi Oft SURUEONS, for sale by WETHERILL k. BROTHER L 47 and 49 North SECOND st. SALES BY AUCTION. FURNESS, ERINILEY & QO., No, 429 MARKET BTRBEV NF. PANCIOAST, AIIOTIONEER, Sac • castor to B. SCOTT, Ja.. 431 CHESTNUT St. SALE 0? GERMANTOWN FANCY 'KNIT GOODS, HOSIERY, EMBROIDERIES, &o. By catalogue, on a credit, On Wednesday Morning. January 9, oommenoing at 10 o'olook RP:MINOT. R9' Samples and catalogues early on the morning of sato. WAX DOLLS. Included in solo of Wadoesday will be found an in voloe of wax. dolls, superbly dressed. LARGE 8 4,LE OP PAEIEIIGNAILtiI FURS, BTP FALO ANU FANCY ROBES, &o. On Thursday Morning. January 10, at 10 o'clock 4141 Comprising a large stook of fancy fors, for ladies', misses', and ohildren's wear; fancy wolf robes, buffalo robes, &o. 1110111ILIP FORD & 00., AUCTIONEERS, rdo, 630 MARKET Mrett, and 621 MINOR Street SAM.: OF 1,000 OASES BOOTS, SHOES, AND BROGANS. On Thursday Morning, January 10. by catalogue, 1,500 cues boots, oboes, and brogans. MOSES NATIIANS, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERORANT, Southeast corner of SIXTH and RACE Streets. NAThANS' LARGE SALE OF FORFEITED GOODS. r From Lonn Office southwelit corner of third and South streets. This Morning. January 8. at 10 o'clock precisely, at Motes Nathans' Auction House, Nos. 155 and 157 North sixth street, ad joining the southeast corner of Sixth and Hake, Consisting at heavy 18 carat gold English chronome ter watches; hunting-case, double-back, and open face 18-carat fine gold patent lever watches, of the molt approved and beet maters, the most of them fUll jew elled; gold. detached lever, escapement, and lepine watches ; splendid hunting-cane American lever watches, full jewelled. in 18-carat armee ; silver Eng lish patent lever watches. in hunting cases, double batiks. and open faces, of the best maters; silver hunt ing case and open-face escapement and lepine watches; silver English, hwies, and French watches ; ladies' fine gold enamelled watehes, sledded with diamonds; fine gold fob, vest, and nook chains. some of them weighing over 60 dwt.; diamond breast-ma and - finger-rings, single stones and clusters; fine gold and Miner spec tacles ; gold pencil-wises And pens;.sets of fine gold jewel!,; breast-pins and finger-rings' fine gold brace lets; fine gold thimbles ; fine gold studs and sleeve but tons ; charms ; fine gold teals sell keys': fine gold finger rings of every variety; geld medallions, lockets, and, in short, every variety of Jewelry. Dealers, private purchasers,his asle. and others, will find it to their advantage to attend t NW' Open for examination early on the morning of sale. NATHANS' LARGE OT BALE OF FORFEITED CL ALE F Frnm Loan Office southwest corner Third and South streets. On Tuesday' Morning, January' 15, at and'cock. at Pdoses Nathan' Auction Reuse. Nos. 155 l5l North Sixth street, adjoining the southeast corner of Sixth and Race streets. Due notice of particulars will be given. NATHAINE. 1%1 FITZPATRIOK & BROS., ACC -13.• TIONEER,S, 604 GREETNGT Eitreet, abovb ixth' BALES EVERY EVENING, At 7 o'olook, of Books, stationery and Dinar goods, watohes. Jewelry, °looks, silver plated ware, cutlery, Alecmpi. musical inetmemente. o. , limitary, dry goods, boots and shoes, and mer chandise of every desonetion. DAY SAFES ever! Monday, Wednesday, and Fn day at 10 o'clock A. M. PRIVATE istwa. Atpnvate sale seVerallarreconiugnments of !snitches, LeWeiriv books, stationery, silver-plated ware. cutlers', fancy gapes, fro. To which is solioited the attention of inty and country merchants and others. Consignments solicited of all kinds of merchandise, for either public or private salmi. fiGr Liberal oash advances made on eonsiamonts. Out-door sales promptly attended to. MEPICINALL. DYSPEPSIA REMEDY. Dr. DARIUS HAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT This Medicine has bran used by the public for six years smith Increasing _ favor. It is recommended to Curs Dyspepsia, Nervousness. Heart-Burn, Colie Pains, Wind in the Stomach, or Pains is the Bowels, Headache, Drowsiness, Kidfe.y Complaints. Lou! Spirits, Detirintn YY'eineou, %ntimyarana. IT BTIMIILATES, "EXILILAHATER, iNyIROBA73B, DIM • • • 4:1 • As & Medmine it is quick and effectual, curing the most aggrava derangementssPersia/Kidney Comtlisinte, and all other of the titOMSOn and Bowels in a speedy manner. It will instantly revive the most melanoholy and drooping spirits, and restore the went, nervous, and siokly to health, etteusth and vigor. Persons who, from the injudicious use of honors, have become dejected, and their nervous systems shattered, constitutions broken down, and snWsot to that horrible curse to humanity, the lismilittim Titainatts, will, al most immediately, feel the happy and healthy invigo rating ardour of Dr. Ram's Invigorating Spirit. WHAT IT, WILL DO. - • - - Do B.B.—One wine glans full as often as necessary, One dose will remove all Bad Spinta. One dose will mire Heart-burn. Three doses will ours Indigestion. One dose will grey yon a Oood Appetite. One dose will stop the distressing pains of Dyspepsia. One dose will remove the distressing and disagreeable. effects of Wind or Flatulence. anti no soon aa the stomach receives the invigorating Spirit, the distress ing load and all painful feelings will be removed. One dcse will remove the most distressing pains of Collo, either in the stomacher bowels. A few doseetrill remove all obstructions in the Kidney, Bladder. or Urinary Organs. Persons who are seriously aftioted with any Kidney Complaints are assured of speedy relief by a dose or two, and a radical ware by the as 6 of one or two bottles. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. " Persons who, from thasipating too muoh over night, stomach, feel the evil effects IN poisonous liquors , in violent headaohea, sickness at weakness. _giddineta, eto., will find one dose will move all bad feelings. Ladle! of weak mid siokly constitutions should take the Invigorating Spirit three times a day ; it will make them strong, healthy, and kepi 7, remove all obstruc tions and irregularities fro the menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn face. During pregnancy it will be found an invaluable medi cine to remove disagreeable eeneatione at the etomeob. All the proprietor asks in a trig!, and to video. tide, he has put up the iNV/0011ATING Gatlin' in pint battles at 60leenta, quarto .91. General Deoot, 48 WATER Street, Now York, DYOTT & CO__, 232 North asourp Street, Wholentle Agents in Philadelphia, And for gale by JOHN H, EATON, 23 N. IHOHTH Street, and all Druggists. )e7-thatrar M RS. JAMES BETTS' OELEBEATED LIA- uppoRTERs FOR LADIES, and the only Sup porters under eminent medical patronage. Ladies and phyemians are respectfully requested to call only on Mrs. Betts N at her residence , 1039 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousanu Invalids have been advised. by their physicians to nee her appliances, Those only are genuine bearing the United States copyright, labels on the box and signa tures, and also o n the Supporting, With testaisicmials. °ale. tuth testi SALVING FUNDS. .. A Int% but often. Alla the Puree." pRANKLIN SAVING FUND, No.' Ja: 196 !South FOURTH Street, between Oherd-I nit end Walntt. Philadelphia, van a Deposita on demand. 3)apointom money secured by florrernment,l State,. and Oity Leone, Ground Giants, Men--; ge 4 1 1% Mummy deems Wet , better „than large MAUL consequently will rtn noyiek with depo sitors' moner. bitt hare it t ail a tim eready to return, with 6 per oent. interest, to the owner, as they have ahem* done. Whie Company never an rom n a d l e e a ri monied eingla.. and 'Minors. non deposit in ihoir own r ght, end Pooh deposits ear be withdrawn ouLy b 7 their oonetirth Gl:outer perpettal. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, with authority to receive money from truateen and, e r gtore. al LARGE AND 8 iait LMe REGEPTEB. Wane open daily,from 41 to o'clook , and en Wednesday evening until o'cloek. DLILESTOZI• r Jacob B. Shannon. Oman Cadwateder, John Bhindier, George Ramie% 61amohi W. Sloan, Edward Hyatt, Loans Enimbhaar, gear Dplany, Nioholaa Rittenhouse, Nathan lamedley. Joi.ll. Efattorthwaite. _Janne Yorke:. j a apph w, Lippinoott.' JACOB B. BRANNON, Prealdeat. Orlin OANIV4LIA1111,1'1111611rer• " A Dolls; owed Is Moe sarn►i." :Q.AVING TIME-4M PER: Sr MINT. MINA. FANY,wATNuATOeNtApoutAhwETGarTAOrTHIRD . Philadelphia. Ineorporated by the Blatt of Pennsyl vania. to b r i eiTid Ara triegia•74ll: draw The °Noe is noels every day ham unto Web:rot in the morning till Ave o look In [lie evening. and on Monday and Tharoday even ngs till Mean Mock. NRY BENNER, Ptsaident. ROBERT BELPRLDRE :Vise President. J. Ras), iteoretanr. DIIIGTOIyt Rion. Redlyß. Benner,Carrell bi..t rnrbir. Edward L. pluier, . a ph Siebert Selfridge, 4 Ta Samuel R. Ashton, .li f 41, Landreth Manny, ammo L. &apse& Money is received end Da meats Mine deity. The investments are made, in Oodormitf_ i ,irith orovistone of the °barter, in Real zArtete mortgagee. tironud Rents, and pooh firek-eirtae eeenritiee al ways inimre wee** setranty to the denoritoris -ant whicheannot rail to rive permenener and stability to this Instlintion. SAVING FUND—UNIVED STATES TRUST COMPAN': earner THIRD and CHEST NET street. Large and mall sums romayad, andpaid book on de mand without notice, with FIVE RICK CEN. MTh- REST from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. Moe honre,from gnat? S esa look ever, day, and MONDAY E V ENINGS rom 7 until a o'oiook. DRAFTS for selo on England, Ireland. d Ustland , from Zlnpwarde. Freeident—STEPßlVl , IMIFO.III. Krems', rer—JAMEIS R. HII PINY FISK. Aottarr. oeV LEGAL. MUNICIPAL CLAIMS, PHILADELPHIA, October 16,1860. Notice is hereby given to the (Merger tligrOpertlee mentioned in the appended Memoranda alms, that writs of Sara Facies will twined thereon in three months from the date hereo nalearithe same are paid to the undersigned at or before thatjune. C. T. BONSALL, Attorney for Claimant. No. 116 North lIIMTII. Street, MUNICIPAL CLAIMS Folt FA V11 1 10,_&o.: City of the use of Benjamin Britten, to the use, &o. vs. John Mulvaney owner or.reputerLovrn er, or whoever may be owner. C4P.. December Tem. 18169. No. 76. 819,19. Lot on eastelde of Arnboy street, 20th ward, 126 feet 8 inches southward from the mouth aide of Oxford • rest ; 115 feet Nineties on .Amboy street, 100 feet deep to Thirteenth street. Same vs. Benjamin Bedford, owner or'repiited owner. or whoever may be owner. C. P. Metall Term. 18(8). No. 133. $2479. Lot east aide of Amboy streetrate Robinson), at the distance of 97 feet northward rota the north side of Oxford street, Path ward; '95 feet root on Amboy street, lto feet deep to Thirteenth street. Same va.William R. Bump. owner or repujed or whoever 'may be owner. .0. P., Mares 'Term. 1560. No. 141. 894 51. Lot on south side of Cohn - tibia avenue and on the west side of Amboy (late Roblnaon) street, 20th ward ; ,18 feet front on Columbia avenue, 61 feet does. Same vs. Same. C. P., Maroh Term, 1860. No. 42, 8120.40. Lot eouth sid Cadwallader) ia avenue an side of Cadbury (late avenue, 20th ward; 18 feet front on Coluinble, avenue,6l feet deep. Same vs. Charles B. Kimball. owner or reputed owner or whoever mar be owner. 1 0. P.. December TOllll, 1859, No. 79 815.94. Lot south side of Oxford street, 143 feet eastward from the east aide of Brown street, 20th ward; 36 feet on Oxford street. 63 feet deep. Same vs. Same. C. P., December Term. 1859. No.6*. 625.94. Lot nouth aide of Oxford street, 159 feet east ward from the east side of Broad street, 20th ward; 16 feat front on Oxford street, 63 feet deep, Same vn. Same. C. P., December Term, 1859. No. M. 825.94. Lot south side of Oxford street, 175 feet east ward from the east side of Broad street, 20th ward ; 16 feet on Oxford street and 53 feet dee_p. WU MO vs. Same.' C. P., December Term, 1869. No.Bll. 82594, Lot south side of Oxford street, 191 feet east ward from the east side of Broad street, 30th ward; 16 feet on Oxford street and 53 feet deeN Same vs. Same, 0. P., December 'Term. 1839. No. 83. 825.94. Lot south side oflOxford ',treat, 907 feet Neat ward from the east side of Broad atreet,2oth ward ; 16 feet on Oxford street, and al feet deep. Same ve. Same. C. P., December Term, 1859. No. Bl. 62894. Lot south side of Oxford street, and on the went aide of Cadbury avenue, Nth ward ; 16 feet on Oxford street and 53 feet deep. 0016-tul3t NOTICE IS HEREBY WYEN, TBAT application has been made to the City Treaenrer for the renewal of a aertifiaate, No. 13 . 711 .'1nd01l hex been Met or mislaid. for three hundred dollars 9f the nix nor cant. loan of the cite - of .Philadelphia,m the SALES BY AUCTION. f THOMAS & SONS, _ * Noe. 139 and 141 Boma FOURTH BONA. (Formerly 1i0n.87 and 69J 5100E8 AND REAL ESTATE—THIS DAY. Pamphlet catslogues now ready, containing fall de sonptions of all the property to be sold on Tneeday,ath inst., with a list of sales of 10th, 22d. 23d, and 09th Jan*. , comprising a great variety of real estate. eTOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. ania.g AT THE EXCHANGE EVERY TUES.DAY /Sr Handbills of each aroperty Mime separately, in addition to which we publudi, on the Saturday previous to each sale, one thousand catalogues, in parnabbrt form, emingfoll desimptions of all the property to be sold on the following Tuesday. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. Or We have a large amonnt of real estate at arty's:6 sale, including every damnation of city and count property. Printed lists may bo had at the auction more PRIYATE SALE REGISTR. IlErßeal entatkrentered on oar Private sale Masten anti advertised cionamonally in our public sale abstracts (of which MOO copier ere printed weekly,) free of charge, PEREMPTORY RALE—STOCER. This Day, Jan. Bth 1881. at noon, at the Exchange. will he sold. without reserve, for account of whom it may cofeerzt• 400 shares Passenger Railroad Company, of Lanom nati. Ohio fall Cit y Railroad .shell pvaid. .rea City itailroad Company of Cincinnati, !T One dollar per share to be paid on each of the above when struck PEREMPTORY BALE OF E V.43,000 PROMISSORY NOTS. On Tuesday. January 15, at 12 o'clock noon, will be sold, without reserve' at the Exchange -24 prommsoy notes, made by John Fallon, amounting to am 600. The notes range from es coo to $8.050, and will be sold separately. Slips of the notes may be had at the auction store. iil7 ; a:1;3°114e: Terms—Ten per sent. of the Pur chase-money to be paid at the time of sale; balance within three dare therealte•. • HEAL ESTATE ABLE, JANUARY ern. HANDSOME NEW FOUR-STORY 9 ICR RESI DENCE, No. 16R) Spruce street. between Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets. The hones is new, finished in handsome modern style, and replete with all the modern improvements ana conveniences. Clear of all mourn brances. May be examined any day previous to the sale. ELEGANT MODERN FOUR STORY BRICK RES!. DEN 'E t Nrith threo-istory baok balldinrs. No. MU Lo cust street, opposite St. Mark's Church. Lot 26 feet front, House has all the modem improvements and conveniences. Clear of all inotunbranoe. Keys at the auction store. Peremptory Sate.—THREE - STORY BRICK DWELLING, NU. 926 Auburn street, between Carpen ter and Prime streets, west of Ninth street. Peremptory SaIe.—THREE - STORY ERICK DWELLING, 80. 928 Auburn street. adjoining the above. VALUABLE ORM/TM-RENT. 8450 A YEAR (t m y p co ri n n cmerp n al ) a . Warl y b g W r oun d-ront ac f o NM sew erred h n lm arge t o wen r y und ondwar u (G ve mant s ow n ). M L n t BM feet front, MI feet deep. GROUND-RENT, 852 A YEAR.—A well-secured ground-rent of Bt2 per annum, interest 'manually paid. Sale at Nos. 139 and 141 South FOURTH Street, SUPERIOR FURNITURE. FRENCH-PLATE MIR ROBS, PIANO-FORTES, BRUSSELS CARPETS. On Thursday Morning, At 9 o'clock, at the Auction More, an assortment of excellent second-hand furniture, eleyant piano-foram. nub mirrers, carpets, etc. from Amities declining housekeeping, removed to the store for oonveruenoe of sale. Also, a hogshead of smoking tobsooo. Also a large quantity of delta, office furniture, Ice Also, 2 soap presses. SHIPPING. FOR THE 6OUTH.-OHARLEB - AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIPS. FREIGHT REDUCED. Heavy:, freight at an average of VITIOMIN per oent. below Ziew gl k lt Bt ai n faill ' inf. 8. C. The U. S. Mail Steamship KEYSTONE IreATE. Captain Charles P. Marshman, will sail on Wednes d Jan. 9, at 10 o l eleoh A. AL Through in 48 to BO hours—only 40 hours at Sato FOR DAVANTIAITGA. The U. S. Mail attainably STILTS OF GEORGIA, Captain Sohn J. Garvin. Inn tail on Saturday, Janu. arr . 12, at 10 o'clock A. M. Through in 68 to 00 hears—only 43 hours at Sea. ifir Goode received and Bina of Lading signed ever, day. rha aniandeA first-elms side wheel Steamehme KEY STONE IS i ATE and STATE OF GEORGIA now run aa above !Merl two week., thug forming a weekly oom manioation with Charleston and Savannah, and the South and Southwest. - At 'both Charleston and Savannah, these Shmi con nect with steamers for Florida. and with railroads, &0.. for all places in the South and Southwest. INSURANCE Freight and insurance on a iargeproportion of shipped South will be bound to be lower by these ; l as i than by sailing vessels , the premium being one-haL the rata. B.—lnsurance on all Railroad Freight Is entirely unnecessary, farther than Charleston or Savannah. the Railroad Companies taking all rube from these points. GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE. Fare by this route 25 to 40 per oent. cheaper than .b 7 the Inland Route. as will be seen by the following schedule. Through tickets from Philadelphia via Charleston and Savannah steamships, LNCLUar MEALS on the whole route, except from Char n and Savannah to Montgomery : via I'HARLESTON. VIA SAVAICLUS. To Charleston— .45111 CO To Savannah... --SU NI An midi_.....,._ 17 00 17 00 Cohimtss 20 00 Macon— --.. 2000 Atlanta— 21 00 Atlanta— 21 00 Mooßsoniety..... 26 00 Columbus...._... 31 00 . lX) Albany— . N/ New Orleans—.., S 9 la Montomery 25 00 27 75 Mobi le_...-........ 55 00 25 BO New Orleans.... 09 70 Memphis —.51 60, Fare to Savannah, via Charleston— CO Charleston. via Savannah-- .1.5 No bills of lading signed after the Chic has sailed. For freight or passage apply on board, at second wharf above Vine street, or to ALEX. BYRON Jr.& CO., No. 146 NOR& WILARVES. Agents in Charleston, T. S. & T. G. BUDD. Savannah, RUTTER & GAMMELL For Florida from Charleston, steamer Carolina every Tuesday. For Florida from Savannah, steamers 81. Mary's and Elt, John's every Tuesdav and SatardaY. THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL BTEAM- /ROM NEW TOT{T. TO LIIiIMPOOL: • Chief Cabin Pasaage 4163 300011 d Cabin Panne— 711 /EOM 11011 TON TO LP/RI/POOL. Chief Cabin Faaasse-- 6 0—SU Second Cabin Faseage-_. - 6 The !hips from New York call at Cork Harbor. boTher. ships from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Har- PERSIA, Capt. Judkins. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. CANADA, Oapt.Lang. ASIAASIA Capt. B. O. Lott. AMERICA, Capt. Mood* A Capt. Capt. NIAGARA,Cript Andaman E. Rookie), EUROPA, Capt. .1 Leda. SCOTIA, (now building.) These vessels carry a clear white liht at moat-head green on starboard bow; red on port bow. CANADA AUST , RALA Ander SlAN son,leaves Boston, Wednesday, Jan.!) , - Beckley,N. York, Wednesday. Jan. 16 AMERICA,LittIe. " Boston, Wedneeday r Jan.= N. ASIA. Lott, N. Yorg, Wednesday, Jan-30 NIAGARA L )dcodie, Boston, Wednesday, Feb 6 ARABIA, Stone. Boston, Wednesday, Feb.l.3 CANADA. Anderson." Wednesday, Feb.3o Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not be accountable lot Gold, Silver. Bullion, Seem, Jewelry. Freolons Pontes ortdetale, ordeals bills of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. For freiglA or Pas cage apply to E. C LINARB,_ noic 4 Bowling Green, New York. AIACIIINERY AND IRON. PENN STEAM . ENGINE AbiD BOILER WORKIL—HEAFIE_ & LER 1 4 .1 ACT AL AND THEORETICAL. EITHINEE CEINIRTB, BOILER-MAKERILBLACESMIT end FOUNDERS, having, for many years, been is anoceseful operation, area excluenvely engaged in building and repairing eand River Engines.. high and low pressura_lron to, Water Tanks, Propellers, &c.. &c.,_respootfully offer their serve:mg to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for Engines of all irises, :derive, River, and Stationary , having sets of paterno of different *ism Ev e nemen to exeouta or ders with quick despatoh. deeeription of Pattern making maT i at the shortest notice. High and Low Pressure, F e, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers of the best peons) Taida charooal iron. Forginan. of all cone and hands ; Iron and Brans Coatings, of all desoriphoos; Roll Teraina, Screw Cutting, and all other work CoOn- Deoted with the above lrazinsee, Drawings and opeoiffriations for all work done of they esUibliehment, free of charge, and work guarantied: The subscribers have ample wharf dock ?QOM fot re pairs of boats, where they cam lie in perfect gaiety and are provided with shears, blocks, fella &a., &s. for nualog heavy or Dail weighto. TACOB 6. fIEAFIE. JOKE P. LEVY. BEACH arid PALMER streets. 8/IMIII. V. M 313.191. 1, VAIMMAM 1111111., WILLIAM SOUTHWARK FOIiNDRY, YIFIIII AND WMIEI7IOIO3I inistrurri NIERIOK a BONO NNOINEEND AND MA0111111314. NaGafaoriDO High and Low Fromm, Mesa humor. for Load. Amor. and Mange 111aratdloratira,T'n3 oh a•, 61 ~ ,a t IronTrama Roofs for era parka, Work agora. till road Station, Eta. Retort and Gan Muldoon or Ike lagrat and sari la proved oonatnaotoi deoarfggog of ?Isolation Maahinery, oak ma Nagar, Saw an not Mille, V2lOllll/31 Yana, Open Maas Trains, Defroatorok_Filtara, Popping zriGaro, Sole Agent forr N. Ittlbeal a Patent Sugar ofalind Aggaratus• Naamytlya ratant Stwa Iptl i arner, m ali! It . Wetioy • Fatavt 5J a tarim7o.ll FoolliT PLEASANT FOUNDRY No. 961 Bvivrier i t A .Xerainfr, Philadelphia.—Wll,. MAN . I RS orins hie nendo that, lusvm pia. ihued tile entire stook of Patterns at the above Ponzb- Ve 111 now i rrsuered to receive orders fozEsohnki OWN IbirP, Goaniar. caa &AN mhe c l l r e onile:e n r 7 ratory or Gavots, Formats. in dry sr men sandy eam. iall-lit KEROSENE OIL. PORTLAND KEROSENE OIL for In order to meet the oonstantly-inereming demand thteJustli CELEBRATED OM AB AN ILLUMINATOR, the company have now doubled their former rapaci ty. and have ths most aktellitifil marks for mans, factoring Ott from Coal us the United States; and in order to intone for us a (mutant supply, adequate to the demand, they have positively refused to establish any new agencies, or create say new outlets for It what ever. What we claim for this Oil Is, ITS UNIFORMIT_YAN QUALITY AND SUPERI ORITY LIVE ALL OTHER OILS. It is entirely free from the offensive odor peculiar to all other Coal Ode in the market, and for brilliancy as alighti *loneliness, cheapness, said safety, (having no explosive properties). is, we may confidently say, THE ONLY OIL SAT THAT WIISPACT LL GIVE GENERAL lOIY. Wherever it has been introduced consumers will tuie no other. As there are many inferior Oils cold as Kerosene. we cannon dealers In particular against using this trade mark. Whenever double exist as to tho gentuneneea of th e myth:o,o,lre respectfully eak that a sample may be sutaitted tone for inspeotioit. We offer it to the trade at the COMPANY'S LOWEST PRICE, and all orders addressed toss try nail or otherwise will mops with prompt attention. . . . . Bole Agents and Ma CKE o kta.-rO ,o f Alcohol, Barning_Fluid, and Pine Oil, onlo-Em No. 101011.11B,KET 81.. Philadelphia. IMPORTED THOROIJOH-BRED STAL LION, YOUNG- SWEETMEATS, received the firet. premium at the New 1 ork State Agricultural Fair, at Elmira, October, 1800. The aubeoriber will receive proposals in regard to hie hire, or for the purohase of one-half. or the entire in terest in this promistng stallion. Be can be seen at nil farm on the Pound, two miles above Harlem. . . . . . . . Be Is now four years old, full 16 hands. dark bay. He is said to resemble closely his sire Sweetmeats, the winner of twenty-three out of twenty-four teem and one of the beet horses England has nroduosd. Hie pedigree is unsurpassed. Dam, the 14litre by Cowl; gmnddam. Red Rose, bLßubmi. ,Please address B. hi. WHITLOOR, 3a2 -9t 379 BROADWAY, New York. pIiLLADELPIIIA TERRA. COTTA MA NUFACTOKYASEVENTH end GERMANTOWN road and 1010 CHESTNUT Street. Vitrified Drain and Water Fir i z:entilating Thoss.Hot AiriFlues, and Smote Flues of Terra Gotta, and of suitable sue for every ems o rbuildings. This artiste is worthy the attention of all parties putting. up buildinge . . Large sewerage rupee for city drainage, water pipes war ranted to stand a eerere pressure. We are now prepared to contract with cities or corporations for this &Mole in ua any qntity. We 'warrant our goods to be equal if not superior to any other made ip the United States or prolle. Ornamental Chimney Tops and t 4 Gdeers 18-111 - VAIITION!—ASTROLOGY !—LOOIS. 9UT!--_OOOD NEWS FOR ALL:—The never bailing hire. VAN HORN us the best; she reecee when all others have failed. All who are in trouble, al who have bean nnfortnnate, deceived by felsejrateeh Ur to her for advice and comfort /a lOW airs s U ver.. frail* /The hs• * M._