.........,.., 9 " 1 " 1 "...4 1 -11-P.--- :-- (Prom the LondonTionsiatitth..l -114. _ - . - 04, . :In - virrideetr Ittrjut - lipalehterl' werie,tly,-_UMblAti, but_ the mil„ _,... _ Poisibio tMehman ' 'C e r tainly. etitpteesit,Mlif At., them. Tlysq l wltiert-teraptnarilyt at Wait, Montauk% hs hlie;seals •to, -hews rdepsivisl' the Pint agistee 'Cif the dateffillastfon . whleh: lielesgtrelde eldiritNind toliellaridtasiArarW " r i ot 121,94Petttutiortaftbalialted Straw se, un do 7, thittreat,hody.Aft West sitslitrauts FAIWRE: 4 Li i e k jll 4l ' ei ' Lr Tull a t „ 1 / 2 ,,,, : 4, _.„...),„:. ",_ the oh belongs to an aI , listriandahaostapproaahing - in abitteet toNool.l4oool2,llieUrtor. -161.. ft aleobidibt delegates of wary, Pete to .oerri - 101-Ihn 4w I:ll4,4"Pl*Poldbly,,tif -0490HattaFe_ a, itt 44.* toot. _. 4,ht7 *OW quintal' poOdar opmum - me may and ea ._ „ ,„ malty desire MAC'. olittiaT bin henbanes. lit file l e..: ,!`klile, 0160 - deprente, for, though „.. .1044 —aatkortittto , Web 41. a‘WMK. mon InintrePtotti,. yet their tuition' k "10/ ehatitmeal alfd ghastly. aid ' csniti Or toltnatent , . Idorot thin sthiiii the Praideaticalpeeted to Wanner of sett reit, in "- trim burn °pities; eird, titaitirj Ulm - . badly inpf. . • ' - " ~- ' 6 ift ,of Abe Union the per son al - chi. eProildents has bad the greats/11 Urdu • n bonne ,of avents;-.llte , sets. - of I their termAirfollft• are' populatiy,aadjeatlyettrlipsted Ittetr i etailuta.and.,lifebt ,areeinetalitly, ilkid; PUY one - of, - them who should alli4 k . selt.W., bredfasted WAY, big cnhlneiwonV* 4l , Alle6 ll %, ll ft i lfar lie 4 rne 443 Ma ß g ta e " oiiilt -.:_{ alums has glven - dittatidation both to ilkiroatii ersterevarrt Met otlfbnltnte, - „rOf Ate poU tioltuurtr . ko, bare-beld-the-oMoe =of-President- eincelimurrel. Jaahrilir&lliehanan Is looked ripen an pairelsi , Nog ' meet vigotoweraind. ' 'Weis one of the few' elelaaatailiaehnhave ' in' later tin to attained to the IdgtrettAllort,isi th&liejetblW : f , fh - wee elnoYl outspokap and' unconspramiling-,, and • askew hie slallatimit !eight have bean Itelrated-attUitrifitie pontittimr. , - trari. *Mild 'extieet - that such, mall Wad - annotate tome' cleat' doe - tribe; and MN sultektiaelded course". in a arida like the prismit When'lieneral Jackson was Preiddent, South Cif* lina played ii dmilar game to that eke, *semi bt,bie, mop pruseeeting ro racesufally. ',hellion brought ' the " Nallitere_ to reason by the threat of usieje trar-faderatfareer against them. On 'the ,preSeht'- esiMiWirltitat - tifti booth brie Flo a* . Of alio*, Wet Vittibirth hie Pat Sated in the.spirit ofitifti ConsUtation. Le tither eiteethe President, who is the abhor Magistrate sad thriarroinguardianof the Union, trouldprelei; bound- to septum- )da.opialott baldly; Idea esehli:the lam= hr his power to oath the beedetront and, brlng the unjust:lo-* 'souse of l i ffitFt4ll iapa;OntlY ait ;ration' oi all Tempo fifty: it President knows that his term ales tinesitts (dose, and he h determined. to W* stepi which blis antairati his spoortasor or. lIITII spinikiallP x l 9 Point trtltiayint Oath. OC:nt plkiitid mattinotatitruidi tieoUshoo impoli te*. Perin* jitiaaouriitinay be. the wisest. in, theilliktrMitere are theisarhen the mad thestatly 1 Nl',lll* - tinnotithlg,.aladM.r. Buclumanmay he right is p reaching nortinterrention. . But, teener the latleybUths Preilderft May Iphrie wortbrel hlstnlimllOontit;ll impattible to aide' the thaw irlitehlre: propel& it,. Ihrtateisaga IP Inft'all:filastonit; Ina ognlttilleterT;' Netsoljt. does 1'1; tilittrinest' that the;. sier 'tin i s 4Olnitr' IN. te Control either of the oontending partiesouscr preserve the most cherlibt4 piermulon of the Ame r Ihnnelfl4lo;:bittAtitt'operteggyagethii.gaithen , Stalgumbdt_a; politital - erime,.Mai declares that they, ma be justified in' thelyeatidlNC:lll;l4. hi frattifla , 'fait Mr Tart of, thelloperratont kit bunk WINO pet Of it Magi" , man; bat of the Cabinet • Mr.:alit:damn; *haw opinions ate' said to be strongly in favor - of ,preserving - thU :Union, and who may possibly hitve,leent towards the use of measures, hint - been - forced ,to adopt a milder tonebY the rentonstrandis of his Southern adviseri:„ A it - will known that, at least; two of the Cabinet are extputra 136utheiners, end•dispousd to further emession Assad the _North ,persist in its Abolitionist liglilattinv After . mama 'long and livelj c A ss ettates, tite,mipsign hat been beetled into its , ''t Arm,' and, it is Usually' the .asst th i- WIWI' . tbiati — audoorrietioul have left It areaktn. puma*, and itched tointilligible la erguntent.„ Pirekutiluire adelolajililifitotoibOant is *Malt the;i3oyeriier- OCOiergia.b.lagusitight .agreo. Why Is it, askant:. BacharnuOlupt while the mato is saline:l4 Prtupitimit triall ,ItS MARIA intirtita, thi - 171161 2 - the u ee*off these itliodugs,-i is ;threatened with destruction? - The - caute,lta ausifervitto be fogad lir' the long-oontinnedfmit iritintpetatti intrufitritee n ;of.; the Northern fieopla wiltalthriiistion , Of alairery it. the Beath; which ham gleam rise to virailit Ismarmotien,lldd'builitied' the dares with .yque notions -of ~, f ressiom. 'n It is,',!.esle the 20•10Nid; .." 4. iattlake. ict , suppoest that thetealypierremorof the fteutiretesitts inthe' endiekii to exclude slavery from the Territorial, - and feet the • execution of the fugidvetidave,' law„ The peril arises' not so much (torn theilr caught at' fronitha Inns/ant and vielent agitation of the slavery qiiestion for:the lest:quarter 'of a century. In the Eleatb,rt mesa of srifity, no longer exists _around the family triter.' -- , Maio a mitrerithroighout - the South retiree at night ii. dread of what may Wail herself and hit children before the morning." • If this feeling outride stset, despeasMisunion-Will become , ineMble. . Self- - ptsimeratitu will demand the severance of bonds, wh4h threaten the destruction of ovary Southern, borne.' In filet; the Union eon be preserved 'only by ous r etturat of ionduat, 'Moll, however, is an easy oultitofoliciw. •Al that it necessary,and sit foraildelitke slave States bereave; eontrindedie to Idled alma; arid perMittetto pump their p int etitillissifinliedr own way._ 'They ate. botateign Stitilg Maths No:Ptah - le no *re tight to inter- , fothirlthithera.thea with Ruud& orßradi. 'Oka* gootimmee aid pitriotie forbearance of . - .llMAter . f . ,:, ricanpeople the President greatly reliii;. ~.. -- , 'giving:thus gOfm,bie , opinion of 0141 , 1111101 112 , vetted 'nth* generardlspute , between North and flistikillif-Bactianin Aka whether the - eleation'of ktr.3.likolatie suoh.a triumph-of-the-Abolitionist as *lilies sectarian; andhe replies that It. W 'lino.isl evemPrealdestis by, the Constitution % liorfteden his istwaes,ind, by the Nature of Mit , beeenteleonearealles ,in , Mit_ poliey.. We are, argues, not to pregame that Kr . Pinola will ale'', regard Ms deity.- "Let el Waiefor Ake evert *eV? innyolinehAblteAlreliftattairittildlituiri - iillrib- Pe.al their unoopstl, !,timer .snastmepts. Unless MU he dope Rini ty_Piliemissary _delay, it. is C t. WC ,blit; loi ; any balms power to 'We ~ ..40- 1 1 II - :7':. li tioitt, then,',.arit the ,aeritimauta , of - Me. B' " ;aitt i ty.are uMetint fa idneere, though net ' - , aof the SciatiO t The President; ' in ikat;"-Isja tdeirn that there it an expire pre* dart iffaluVConstitution - reqiiring- that- hraitii2s, alatetbireasospo hoar seivia*:in one' State. Joan. lii,eassib„ 0 tinill..)stiff rlavered up": to. thidc insasters.- , -*"Cole ,- Ilitutar i *Oti.TP:Ok f ' " WOW aet, - 14 wh4wAmk - ,, r _ . • aliAlterOi r e le:intlibilylifthi iiiliti . ' • but-*lt sally nad'oetastitutionally •" d . ' 111 tier Mot the fisoisetprovocations ? . The ...y ri n sidasettade that cannot ; theta P ' . : jusittabls,:_taint -be , taw •ion tbrstreassituttcavonoroorre • • e ths disrupt of thollitro, and provides no aieeldnery hyle_hleli • ../Mate•Yeati 'quit Min Federation _: Tisis,loated,' seenalreleregrenoo 7No 06nititition, apes- notMl -iatercoutsuplaten:lbreOP.somußo .. _ Wo,f4* -- 'l l Ol4 thetiltanniosi prinem may. bis ' - ooldisinars not bound to 'taught's! thaiidia'matisenit at thsv. binding of `nrithority,' and tenastits*donitrtietr,OrtthotitSrbkM • Soblety wasldoas Stsa atm* tho lorelot Oriental servility. Yet Uleill Is no neogaition of these moral rights in; our•Tesfi&bleb_atinbutes..to...the Bormaigu flea; le6.44lnfindlon and pinery authority. Tlio 1 • =at i rtt i t i a bta t r e et i h k e e dli l e t to t i ths, . lliiireentialbr-a, randatiostary eon , In violatiouinr. at Mutat disregard, of the Constitatkm ? If do; sio lave - rights they hive .aIM-dutims - 'Acme*lng to the Amnion nation, to Ibition Which their forefathers 'absented, to. whleh, by their own tdmission; have f Itspt Jihefr - engsgemonts; to the Stites 110.71Preas labs existemoinland, and whist "of booth. ClarolinsOill shut of from Ow , '' ••:. It is Arvideat *it, though Watt ?IV* tior Medi sea itlYereffo atate, yet, ,a_atterbilisto alederatiotiwith; ahem; she hat imAttmis Midst! on tor *deli" elitiningO l . sheironit olinte- -- ' ~• -: • :. --,. .: ighat;ttes; is' the President tOttio—he wbo•ass bassodileysolmarosettieforoMild itid'tha eountry to see that Mottos be faithfully 'mauled ?" Mr. Buchanan puts that queslion,phinsuough :• it Boa theltinstitation delegated: to tloagress thispoWeir. to • eagruit grate Into stibattadati 'Mob is istismpt.• log ft VottMmtw, or hasmithdrawn, hum the Chnl , feditiayr„--ss:llisosistinuas; wl bait intend it' Oa , Mitsitmi- that no such power has titan dillo;• vital to 04tem, 'or' to any other daps:taint of met, "Or saQatrinfteit." . .This irStss Mae Sit I ' Lialiterention , of a lotigailin of argument. _ .11111Y_ons-dny:tarewitatuoontim , g . iiiitutiledmorallY, earth not legally, In secumion, but mho 4 not justified pow, Outer , mo. rally Or legally; yet. if. she *hoopla to secede the IssouttiVient and will do no th ing:: : , - ",. Mtahlehanan lir, an,' M ' ablao. and , no - doubt,, bliarlY that itimmiityli; !milks prmest, the. beit , •polley. , Bat it is nnfortuaatistipit - he - ibeuld hat.-lagdavo%reastiw.fcir - thiourea hi takini. - ; akifit: OM !Mist 'disdi hi MAO have bsiar defeiaMd In the most illogioal documents; and - hfr,' Buttittalen'rt.Poweriettlgllonikokielinialossi will `Mt awn* to the aims bei.' 'To President. koninOtptt Ilit OM di nothing - 1 , thitputbM opinion ' wastr - ,*. to mate- theAssoeloiestad•otiquestist thd•tiitit the: bolding than MOW i ., quint '. and, therefore,' fie"' &Clara thit' Ile 1 1- - OVITSWIIIit .ices no sashaight of• So, marai.- - • -- t his - Is a - Inatome -Inlntle4on, and pregnant weighty ontsegamieek 'lf oomoloa eligat Imkta - he_Miodlif eits6. - of ,Iseissloa, itisatill metiatojustikbM Mk' ;ease of sinipli* nalikiation. , If a grAtiniat :Without hinderance;Molits the tissulidtstion et the MI bib ,it may . rev , 'll4 init aside en ordinary Fsderal law, not am Abe ugitivtolave bill or a protective aril/ In feet, Itertlialcinsof the Prmliderigamaint to this— that no Node* obligstbis irhateveroan be sm forood on *arroyo's( Stale. •- '- '• ' - , .., trit — Mnrdierit'lliiii: ' payer in Berke , • coasuimme Sr nit insonmitri 'siarainuir, We titinied from iiii - A4taipti:ditYr two thin a eseigsuillintkurgtifel airietiaut - of the alleged dying confealen .iftai r litiltilhaf -Int Schuylkill tummy, by- MOW of whist - th immiderer or WA" AdsillW Mayor ,it If ofirmille; ..vag iiiiiimi l ited, - We. tit t letter ; says the : iitiltaimAtint! 'an, con otomalit Of likil f 9nit learn _to; out atiiiignit Matta 0 nehlig wiii her deli, wi rl inj ' ' Kr. Ilidiner in f SchaNklttentety; who. was moused et being. the niordiner of KW Berm. In order to:eit - the - mama - tight,, wi publish the suNiinedletkir-oit the sabJaet : -' ' -11 qtri*Lilf Etalttrylkill Bounty Pa., f - ‘" ' - - -_ - 'Bessiabin 841860, Jr, li the Adieus of the 28th alt. dm ,ter, perponteg to hare , keen winlear l• .11eadh2w i respenderis, - In siderstme,to. e _ - of 'Attain, Rivolt. which' , -was 441t0 • viedrityl uteDbikankiie, , Berk, - ' 44 , o , ll4o. 7 "*RlNVbee 1858 - 'lds - .. ''', ; thin PO' k iribre P eoiffiandn" Or ' ''''''' -. - hi flii - nintderVinargitc: a 'men n . ''. .iesißrir- - In 4 f. l 44llkut Stint% wit* ' " entrilittairderer of Ighi,B. , Nov • , vititilitud lawman Ale,' Whe year, '''"''''l ' tells ' turiredirildi *it 1.- - Re , r.,' , - 4 - . "' - 'l3r2ilai - -pi'rt et 4 " ' '' ' - ' ' SIMKO; , Milt tile the names mad -44 ' % ' - neseethrwtirec It-1- 0 .- .111 gl e a " 4 , '';• 4tadatlAAriiv-i&T, mfmcfaositig. . .00117 Siriiiiiiiii. , ' iiiiikiss , boructierath i fi 0 :eat hik , 1 mar io rlisol* briowart• , neso. Po visidesi;* .whip., please eiggira eirjOir rigraNgl di !po mace - of the tor d ishier_, * . j r. .111kned I_2ltat-Helkei- was -,,, - * . ' ~, ',,,,_ Ai' r - ~4 R - I et . • . , thit it ...-,„ ...",,,,,„ 41 Id _,,, ' X.. ' ' 4.-., ' • .i'‘ .._,,,. "iit... ; . :II .' At • 1 "'" , • am likain ti i*lntia the an der reSin - , ~. yipl rltim - H -- 1.: -,-:. ,vp ti,ra -4. , .J ,,, Lt . - , - '- -- • , •- - 40 . 4`. 0 1 -4 ..`r -4... 05,./g,S 1 )1V; ~ 1 :474 ,A' , ILhittuartMmontlatt.pact...attending. to- his oust°. , mary - businebc — lf - a — knowledge, of - the - elect:Ma.. ;stances stated by vont , 'Correspondent has been oomestrnieeted ttr the.pistriot :Attorney of -Barks looinilf,' , and:. bathes good evidence of their-tratb, Iwhrhas he netprommod the arrest orthe pewit ' thus strangely im plicated in the oorrimilinioA prone theitigheet. crimes -known te our,laws kbelteve the whole i article, in- its present form, with . 0 0 41 1 ,OX, tll4Ol flight exceptions,-to be a mall 010111D febribatiotri gilt up ori purpose' _te injtite ,iontmenk Man f' r call upon.. yoUt• verreePoed' Ant tePredooa -the-proof. of. whet be asserts to be ,irite,' , b," Orli* thitounsh of partial and pluses, or i the.wante_nf ,his author, or to,publiilyrlV ritraetioe Or his ehargeso.-I knew pat *Add Permit 'join- columns- to -be need in:eireglatiag a F,P.t.t,brirkkul tbe)oharacter of. any man, and; Pr in . 1 4 3 5. to pieroe: the..ltarte of le relatives mdi' ends: '- • ' r hive otit Written' - this: at the - soggeation, of IL without their knowledge, and ;with si viewenly•that jostles might be done to one wholes-alleadyeulfered in -person character, and estate from unjust sad unfounded simplobitte. - Yours, ite., • • • • • L. it: D. (The - Of - Secretary Floyd. CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE PRESIDENT. • bThe following is the correspondence which passed etween Seoretary Floyd and the President on the oonaslodcif the tetignation of• the former SECRETARY ?LOYD .TO THE PRESIDENT. WAD. DatAamouts, December 29, 1800. SIR t °alai Morning of the 27th ind , I road the following,paper to you in, • the presence of, the ';Cabinet: ' COUNCIL CHAMBIR, Balcony's Moms. 81R IC itrevldentitow, from the action of, the isommindei , of 'Fort Moultrie, that the . soleintt Aiedgei Of the,thiriniiiikeiit have heetivitilited, by lija didaison. 'my judgement but One reme iy ii - neVileft-us by whialito vindicate — our honor and:nrevent -+ It Is -In vain now to hope. 'foreonfidenee antliti put of Alla people, of South pitrwlithi may further pledges as to the aollon'of the remedy is :left, and , .that is to ;withdraw tbei garrison from the harbor of Charles • ton* altogether. hope th'e ' President will allow Me to make - that order at once Thie order, in my judgmeati oan; - alone prevent bloodshed - and civil orar. ' •-' FLOYD; • Secretary of War. .1 then considered the honor of the Administra tion _pledged to maintain the troops_ in the position I they poouplidifor nob -had been the assurances given to thigentlimen of t3outh Oarolina,who bad_ a,rightlo'spultifor bbr . South', Carolina, on the Other band, gave reolprotial :pledges that no force Should , be brought' by theta- against the troops or against-the-property of- the- United -States. :The pole "object lot both parties in 'thews - Yet:lora:al pledges, was to prevent a collision and the effusion of blood; in do • hope - that some means might be • oud for a pemseful aceommodation of the existing roubles,-the two Houses of- Oengreu having both raised committee, looking to that object. Thus satin 'stood, until the: station of Maier Anderson, takeni, .unfortonately, while the ' commissioners isisreen their way to - this . capital 'on a peaceful mission, bioking to the avoidance - Of bloodshed, has • complicated mitten fe the existing manner. Our refusal, or even delay; to place affairs book' as they atood r under our agreement, invites a collision, and roust inevitablj inaugurate civil war. I cannot Consent to be the agent of mob calamity. I deep) -regret that I feel myself under the ne. eessity- of tendering to you my reliontion as Searetary,of War, because I can no lenger hold it under my,convietione of patriotism nor with honor, =bleated as I am to a violation of solemn pledges and plighted faith. - • With the highest' personal regard, , • , I am most truly . yours, JOHN D. FLOYD. ' To his Excellency the President of the United States. Pas PRISIDENT'iI SIMPLY WASHISATON, Deo. 31, 1860 Mr DRAM But „have. received and accepted your resignation - of the office of Seoretiry of War, and _not, wishing to. impose upon you the task of performing its mere routine duties, whioh you have so kindly offered to do: I hive authorised Poet• muter General lioltio'aiinttnister tho affairs of the Department until :year eruccessor shall be ap fditlted, = ' Yours; very respectfully, 'Jamul .‘ I ;IMPORTATIONS. [Reported for the'Press4 , • ”„". , CHARPST° N—lttesimstdp - Hp" stone - 8 tote t Marsh - Sbein-15 bolos cotton 20 tam nee P -Murphy & Col 40 • cotton:Sluts Jou_ op & Moore;_4o tea rloe Alexen •or licrent Sr & Co; 1 bale sass A Whildeti & 'flow 18 o Rari McDevitt; 41 c_Ste7 Gaul; 41 do liisslmolp , 4o , • do Money. Collins & Co; 4!!do I P Baits; dol . AIRIENGEItti ARRIVED. In steemehte Kevietone Sligo,. from Charleeton•Mre Hunt and ohlid,jitila Berney, tl V Komi $ King, BA Ring, F Atter, LAP H' tnirtar. it J Allen, U P Monis, LI Borthrig, C A Child, E John Bortzdale, it tier , iterdiiDatitiO , NorrigaJi it Fees; Beneeleer, D Bensinger. if J eteverok_it Arnold. A Beseha 8 Ball. E Rensaiser, 0 Raffish, Lit Anton, end thin -three in the steerage. `.11111.A.DELP14.64.11p TRADE`.. s titti ii i . R 4 Co: MM; 0 , ; 4111i Mos Tit , .1 ,- • • ' VETTE& BAGS de Metiiante lixdangs, .PAsinddehtin. Stile Clyde, Porry.--. . London, noon Bohr Diego, Coot.* —.Havana noon Cohn Lone &sr. BdoNsbb Jew, noon MARINE,. INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Jan, 2, 1861 DUN RISES TEI--if.UN 13)M9- 38 SIGH ........... .-• 40 ' ' ARRIVED. U 8 RI steamship Keystone State, Marahman, W hours from Oh/Minton. wit h mdse Sod pangeoltoto to dlOl Hertini Of the:Oates, passed snip Phlladel phut. from Liverpool. bound in; et the -Brown. City Joe Bost. bound down; at the Ledge.ighip Tonawanda, fur Liver Pool , going down in tow of tug AmenoS. CLEAREDI Brig Abby Ellen, Gilmore, Boyeesnz, Twolls & Co. MAILED. • Bart Sea, Eagle, Kenney. for Batbadoes, left at 9 A M Yesterday, in tow of tun America. I • KSMOHASIDA Nteamilup Europa, ?emote, nom . beaten for Liver awl. passed Cap, Mine 3Oth mt. Mitjtelit from York, at . Ship Neptune'p Car Sprague, from Callao Oct ,H via flataptori Roads with guano. at New York alst tilt. • Map KatotiotTONtil.trOWNew - -York for San Francis :oo. was Neaten' or VI; lat Ir. tomcat W 'di ved at milf ,rt r w k ar . la ai imp roast/ and. Singapore. • Bark Cordelia.loblrts, e s r aga Tttri - a Wand Dee E mu. • lt ry, Holmes, at Shields 16th Mt. from n lirrlM.l 4 .llre b t Bark, Wads Mewltt " u rWor , epos, wm at Matan-, , Brig , / LI folneolll. *abbot hence , d' hat DI tan:sand • P "d— -:trkravkirtie Sr . , AM , Y,i,IIB. Bear", at Boston 31M ult. f:oin Cape _ CSoto -Sao Harris, Stevens; at Matautas ltd nit. from ardenas. - • • -• THE PORT OF NUL/MEL PHI& • ! DURING THE YEAR Iwo. • ' AMOS! 7011/101f Er Sign its Drags Bolin Koh - 32 10 21 1S 1 68 5 17 BS n 66 9 211 26 , 22 77 6 16 SS 17 62 3 11 22 18 49 II 6 6 8 BS 4 12 12 14 99 10 14 25 16 55 8 - 8 19 - 34 59 8 11 9 6 28 January February March t r y ll June July 6 Iv o* September October Donember December PROM DOMUTIC PORTO. i.l /7.; gt• py • 'pa IS 02 • to P 2 musty I 3 2 . 63 , -91 41 105 obru y 4 5 197.- 63, , 196 . 466 , • 'so am 411' 106 . loss 1118 Apti • —",l -9 ' 1:47 404 154-' 1703 491' 3549 Slay • . 5 , 7 709 644 167: Ism . 683 . 8919 J 111110 - : 7119• 676 146 1672 9104 4120 Jul/ • 7 33 ' E 69 620 188 1533 471 4630 dualtit 36 799 -674 477 -MN 731 4406 raper 6 31 778' 645 171 '1837 1901 .4569 aotober— 3 61 893 - 733 177, 1899- 689. 4064 No9'4 1, - 894 197.16 8 0. 620 3679 Deiet ,-- 7' 6 313 31/ 10!,V 978., 370 3171 'Arrival during the year 1850; from foreign porting from domoonto poring6Xtg—inoretuie, foreign ga; 00354 _ BiLilltlNll 'DISASTERS.' (Thu N Y Journal Of, Commerce publishes the usual a niontlityllail of alto Maeda/Aliases. anoer with !Me outmost 444 r tooter of Os duoislera looatueripall ! i f s ii i iit:rfo l g oral i g C, 'AZ if. rsna riiloitid di a tliittooh . a to U. olt to d. 'The hirs com p I stesmorialikipia,l4 barks,2' ungia acid al sears. Of them, la Imo' vretotec lard i totiont. I foundered. ;were mu dOwci,ll ologised,7, rlit. awl 8 suandoudil. Tao total value of aas *bat •Atastioan 'vessels, au obilro of oorsoo, is 'slims as'eato.o(o. __„_:,—, • ' l irbsioaaluutubst of vessels oat ,duriuS Iliu, wi110 3 5. ~alful tkeir volumes" ~~:~~' • MtORTLAND KE ROS EN E OIL,' - ori.x - so tooe ;the minetmetly-lioremdne demand foe Mummy , , . OBLEratAtEDOIt A 8 AklieLtrittbrATOß, the estmecur have"now doubled their - tormor caeard.. Ft: i t rgit ; ;;: . m a g ai s rVrteUrr e t 8 ;4;17= it order g to user* for lee a, oonseent emeely...ceeleate to th e demand, they have. Wl' Femme he eitethe,lt say nell, &senates, er !peewee/ msweeetheteuir whet ever. Whit *lt elitist* thbeOli,bv, ITI3„IOYREMITZ .141/ALII AND STIPER.I -. AMITY OSE Aka, OW 11, OWL It hierif4rely fret from the offensive odor peculiar to alit other Coal Oils in the, market, end for brilliancy as Ilight cleanliness, oheaensm. sad safety, (having no explosive propertleet, be, we may confidently my, THE ONLY OIL 'THAT WILL' GIVE GENERAL 1347197A0T10N. 570g r g ver it has been introduced - oonsumers will use d ea Kerosene, we As then are 4D i at i l n i t = i ns cm / trade Cantle mark.rhoskiy i a&idulitai th zthf .m genu p in ie e m n a es y s te of thtitritt os COMPANY'S LOWEST PIION, Vorders addresaed toes b7mal or otherwise will eg all with ProurtllATl! zcKE & CO„ At Ws ond,.,Valufsa i rir t g 24 1 Oa 1010 eta ealit-fm pIIILADELPtiIk rilit ICA . GOTTA sae} v rat t i. 4 nuxtros - 8 gaff ands atniartol l VPl isitd .FinsVaet 1 3 0 • mi tialeiZat•Trie ta livery onto dinitri.. tedridel. is worttthe darintion , of—partiss ratting -so buildings, nge inns onrsrage.piPes for oity drsiarige, water pipetwar ssated to stases severe possunglwri ars now prepared to POstraot witiggittes or dons:nations for this article in any esantirrk.•We warrantor, goods whir sisal It not Er td daVdthor , nisds 01 irr tits United grates or OM:Mt& OftillusdY Tom and Garden - .1. , • •:•"•.'.•. 1 •7..%:- - .1;•:: "'? • • Mfgeltoblag:reiteNftleMAD' SAL- A p, lum. solmapoiyisiArte a d nd st A k t :gi ° 'lllP 4 1 tt ,tub' • 6« • t re. i«tp• ow . ,640,116 F-, -,... ifterit miry alerealnki. ' ' ,f:11i 01X0 1111 UM .2111 OA effIBAL Wfb Is, . , 1 1 1 1 .!*', p l , as.. : 4T , . „ . , .: .. „.• • ,co r 7: re I,# t fqiiiik e 4 , arth E Dt, r„ r t BREAD: FETRii - AND 1 011HAV BREAD, ! MANurAbTußin BY TM. IVIEGHANICAL BAKER-i. •411 re OBTARCED AT TED VOLLOWIN/8 PEKOES': MECHANICAL BAKERY, 8. W. corner of Broad and Vino streets. C. M. CLARE.._ , - -la i r street,' b low R. MoNEIL.— —S. Oorner Sixth and Coates street. JATHO & JOHN G. MOXEY— .....No. M 73 Vine street. P. .--..-zl'io.l/3 North Fifth strait. 8. 800 Y -.8. E. corner Fifth and :Simms streets. W. W. MATHEWS.— -S. E. corner Eleventh and P. KNIGHT. liPoTd us itett e ttlow Wel- GEORGE GARVIN— -1-Nr.l . 4.l3Loinhard street. D. COURTNEy...--..L. -N. W.'..ioniei• Sixteenth and P streets. WMCOURTNEY ....... _.. No. B. R. lANAMARER--.-F Sixth. d i street, :eibOSS' p. LENTZ-. -..., - 7 -Coratr ia South Fourth and L. HOLLAND...-. —....5 45 W.00rner Sixteenth an DAVID SADDLEk- —No! 11 0 5 1:: ?t tl a i ' Eleventh street. J.WEIGHTMAI4 -'Phirteenth street, below Thompson street. B. S. TOMICINS..---- -No. lOW North Front E BROOKS. -.- Seventh F. MORRIS. ' Nr4Ft e rn e r lentil and Bhippen streets. Beath-Front street.., ; , SHUSTER--, - ....L..:.-;.....8. 1 7: 6 = e Ztvad and THOS. T. BLEST --..-Cmegite r tztth e street B. S. DOWN-- -- -.N. - E. , oslner'; NIA; aril! Federal streets. J.MoINTYRE- .2.-.Twenty-seoond street, ab. Coats'. • • - • ALEX. FULLERTON.:...- Corner ofFitth and Chris tian. • E. RAMBLER-. No. 1731 Coates strait & T. W. Girard avenue. WM. McGRACKEN— __anis Hamilton meet. It. yorner of Twelfth JULIUS AV.. l ) l lltrteenth M. NiPrvi— _.._..........,N. ]r. Pet7gr` street. MRS. F. ELLIOTT - 5 41 g. G o r o e rt n eri l' ath and • green 'treat. J. L. ..-- Camden N. J., etore IN Aro street. C. R. RAINEL.:— b = r d ! oa at ld' N. L. YARNELL. . Le . JOHN SARNI/Z..: ._____Tremont and ilia drove. 13 , k0. B. TOWNBEND.--:-. .Atlantia City, N.J. D. Florence, N. S. S. P. EBERLEIN Columbia, Pa. • tee-ti JOB PRINTING. T HE NEW JOB ' PRINTING} OFFICE Or " THE PRESS" Is prepared to execute neatly, oheaply.end expeditiously EVERT DESCRIPTION OP PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTING PA MPIELETB, PAYER BOOKS, CIRCULARS, ~...• BILL MUDS BLANKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION POSTERS, HANDBILLS, AUCTIONEERS, LAWYERS, 0 MERCHANTD, MANUFACTURERS, RAILROAD AND INSURANCE COMPANIES iltir All orders left at the Publication °MN, of The Press, N 0.417 CILESTNITP street, will be promptly attended to. 11916 tr MEDICINAL ROE. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL BLOOD . RE NOVATOR Is precisely what ita name indicate'', for, whit pleasant to the taste, Kim revivifying.exhilarating, tied etrengthening to the vital powers. It also re. vivifies' reinstates, and renews the blood in all its orteintivority, an thus restores and mindere the system Miserable to attooke of disease. It i the oily preparation . ever offered to the world in a popular form, so as to be within the reach of ell. ' Bo oheMbally and slulfiely combined as to he the moot pOwerful tonto, and yet so perfectly addylted as le ace +Weer/ea attendance with the taws of tare, and hence soothe the weakest stomach, and tone up the digestive omens, and allay all nervous and Miler irritation. It is a lso perfectly exhilara ting in its effects, and yet it is never followed lb) lassitudeor depression of spirt% It is oCimpoiled entirely of vegetating, and tho s e thoroughly corn- R", bitting powerfuuy tonic and soothing properties, and _ consequentlyoari never injure. Buoli en reedy has 0 long been felt to be a desideratum in theinedteal!S world, both by the' 'thoroughly skilled .in reediest fence and also by all who have suffered fro 41 t de tor it needs .no 'reediest Waller lmow edge event° see that debility follows all attacks o die- 0 ease and laye• the , unguarded sYstem open to the 0 attacks of ,many , of , themost dangerous tomhieh lel poor humanity is constantly liable. Smith for ex- ,;; ample, as the following : Consumption, Bronchitis, "I" Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Loan of Appetite r Faint- . nese, Nervous Irritability, Neuralgia. P siltation . 4 ' of the Heart, Melancholy, Etypeohond • , Night CI Sweats, Languor, Giddiness , and all that class o Ot , cases, so fearfully fatal if - unattended to tn time. 2 celled Female Weaknessesaltd Irregularities. MAO, Liver Derangements or Torpidity,iniel Liver Coin. p pLaints,'Theesses or the Kidneys, Scalding ofin• • continence oe the' Urine, or any general derange- s mentor the Urinary Or Pain in the Batik,Bidellu and between the Shou lders, predisposition tnalight Colds, Hacking and Continued Cough, Emaciation, , Difficulty in Breathing, and, inde ea, we might enn• merate ninny more mull. but we have space ante to 2 ' lute, it will not only cure the debility following 0 • Chills and Fever hut prevent all attacks arising 0 Dom Miasmatic Influences,and ours the disease 0 . at once, if already attacked and as it sots directly nn. , andpersietentli upon the Wham system, arousing the Liver to action, promoting, in fact, all the ex cretions and secretions of the system; it will iedal• My" eyanips....4.lV.. las VanSinillidvit travellers should have a bottle with thetii, and take table-spoonful at least before eating. ' As it. prevents oottiverreas, strengtheng the 0 rive organs, it should be in the handy neof ell of,eedenbary hatatviedvitocunrceto - milbli out , ci • , exercise should • always use it. If they will. they will find anriereeable, pleasant, and eminent remedy against those ills Whieh rob them'of their beauty; for beauty cannot exist without health, g apd health cannot exist while the above irregelan • ties continue. Then,agani, the Cerdial is aserfeo Mother's Relief. Taken a month or two before the 0 • final trial, she will goes dreadful period with 4 1 perfect ease and safety. There isno mistake about P. at, this - Cordial is all we elaimfor it. Mothers. try 1 4 it! And to you V 4 appeal to detect the illness or 0 decline, not only of your daughter*, before It be too 0 late,: but also your sons and husbands, for while the former, from false delicacy, often go down' a premature grave rather than let t heir condition be known in time, the latter are often go nixed PP , th the excitement ot beelines that if 'it were not for you they, too, would travel In the same dope ward path, until too late to arrest their fatal fall. But the mother is always vigilant, and to you we confidently appeal, for we are sure your never failing &Motion will unerringlypoint you to Prof. Wood's Restorative Cordial and Blood Renovator, as the remedy which should be always on hand in time of need. 4::). J. WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broa dway, New York, and 114 Market street, St. Louis, Mo. ; and sold by all good Druggists. Price, One oiler per Bottle. ..id here by DYOTT & CO., 232 North SECO D rein, ' mat eow&W=tf OAR OROHARD ACID SPRINGS. These Springs are situated in the valley of the Oak Orchard Creek, in the town of Alabama, Geneses co., N. Y.. eight miles south of the village of Medina, on the Erie Canal, and fourtpop,miles from Batavia. III" The principal Aoid Springs are three In number • besides these there are six others. They are all locate within, a oirenit of about fifty rods. The mediouw4 qualities or the waters are fullyehown in the subjoined d estimenlals. They contain a very larige amountof Smi rker, Se/ Aerie Acid, Sulphate of Lime; and 4'n:4°- 31a:thews of Ron. The grant medicinal virtnespoesege ed by these waters depend very largely upon' the pre sence, in su,oh unusual Quantities, 01 thee* oursMi ve, pubstanceg. , Hun reds Of ogees of dififinea;espeolidly those reinit ing from theserofulous diathesis, have been cured by their nse. . DT In skin diseases-even in confirmed lsprosy-the waters have been signally spooeseinl. Opinions of medical and sowntito gentlemen are given In the circulars. The following eminent gentlemen speak in atrong terms of the medicinal value of these waters: Prof. Emmen', T. Romani Beak, Id. 8., of then, tdas.ldelyingbton, M. of Alhany ; Edward snub N. Di, of ear York; Dr. K. Cginipbelkg(Pitte- Id, gnaw, • ure 8414111111 . , ouLookoort, rt. la Thsy leoommend'Uie wa re confidently, its - . Sorstettsfers to a case Of chromic diarrhisa Of several leave atedisee, which was turret by the use of thesoater. eolt says, I am satisfied that these waters ere hislilf valuable tut medwinal &sante.' Dr. lainabeliflarat grmust be toddy beneficial for all o romp &semen o e stop:molt d bowels. r.S. P. White read serer op y t h he i Snbject of there ist e r f l?, r ft tr e h At .1114. thats tlln4it in the seas decidedly tonic, retri gamut, and astringent proper ties ; and that the clasp of diseases to which- they are More Ruth:misfit adapted, are chronic) albeit:ingot the digestive end +miners OrICISS. and - some of the cultilid opt disease; ; chronic dyspepsia ; chronic diary - Maar; chronic dysentery; chromic dieresis; chronic CV djabetes ; eaess of peasive hemorrhage, slosh lie Ferre ro hoesorrhagica. and the ooliwtplanve ;meats o Fever.: The Wisterias,' also be often used Of th tagii, he sate. in °woe of lOW IsPhoilt fever, i in e, , ,,,,ereasescsfropi protractedieeerd. to excite the sp. petite and prontete dissent . ..di in diarrhcoai.gurtlaularlY . slob as are deperdegon le t laxe l d.or ti nerair state: agligtrli,Trilthittriso. attenrl i witli hati,llo - i ris the suitable remedy', being sreierable to muriatie acid, Ile being MVO solvent and l ess aPt. continued use to disorder tno stomaeb. - /n *brae el ewes, Actin bp need properly diluted, ea a refrigerant to dlmtpish thirst end proternetpral heat, in Skin dm., eiueer-in these forms ot dynpepele tifinneoted' with as alkali:l74th tion of the stenuton, as in Perosis, or we ter-bras , itwftl prove better than hydroahlorio acid, In awe of Caiteajewionem, and other injurliitui eon-, sequenceg anhing from the. action of lead, ibis water will prove to be fin admiyablg antidote. In chronic pharwegilis, /aryngitii, chronic - mucous catarrhh,. and Matted astheriai - chronic ophthalmia fellternsha as a gargle in ulcerated sore throats, Fuse of ship; visAjoil, Ina in yes orrhaa and /est ;an leo inpi/tt.• when taken internally, a wtne-alass totthe VPater, 3 diluted, taken throe times a day, is entlioient for an , . • - ,- Otherh testimonials from physmiami, and other re-: eatable Indio/duals. may be seen on applioation to the Arent. ~ Deanna impelled on liberal terms. NO Water seesaw toolsrsproternt from ~ • , - • 11. W. BowrwicK, • • , . .. • Sol Amst, - , ew York,:, For Bale at the tenoning Agenelee: FREDERICK. BROWN'S nrog and Chentil More, Northeast eerier of FIFER and CHEM( ti , titres% Also for mile at yagliEßTax BROWN, 1n.% Drug, and (Therninal Store, Continental Hotel, corner -of NTH and ORFATNUT Streets, Philulciphia. The Trade supplied at WhOlesale Prices. invl2-strly; RUNINESS 4AUIDS4 pAIVEION' - 49c NICUOLSON, - BOOKBINDERS, • N 05.4519 and 6il MINOR Street, ' Between M rk t and taut streets , JAMES p/MBON, • B. NICHOLSON SFIJOUBT • it ' SONS, e IMPORTERS ON HAVANA ORIARS, No. 016 Routh FROWN Street. Resolve regulerly a thllsortment of deeimble 01. O*j whlph they Whir • el As low mien. or ohah'ot sp. proved orodlt.• ,• jelo•iy .011 LEANS PICAYUNE.— , eIOY. COE. Be Co. • • Have been laminate sole avente f Fellaeolitila for re l a te . ruiTi e niga c a i ragge g rArr e tlar Intre reril aItYADA oeuntrp t altnesmooko Q_ 00„ dvertitrivilm virsg ate +71 1 etzmPlutria Pius ]en Erne vomildinve, ow rk., THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 2. 1861 tr( t , M - , r:{' rIPHE ADIALGAILITION • OF L AN - OtlA6B.ll.—Thers Wu growing tendency in this 'age to appropriate the meet expreagive word/ of other 'languages, and after 0 . inoOrporatb them into •onr`cugftttloul thrYlima CleihattO, which is from the iftreet,Arignifying " for the head,' is now beaming ~,,,,pg i gri g g4 rn emureottoir with ' r. Spelding's great lisititqqhq.ll*dr,litit'it will goon bq tow& ip a more generslAtair ehitlthe word Cephalic will become as commou'rblifteStrOtroa and MI6" etbeterwhose ;ttnottcw'tse ,fOplaen has be.en 'WOrn awai by •comtooe vigiee; , until:they seem rietive and to the manor born," • U 'ad'a orate 'etulaohe thin batternoan. hand I ',topped Auto the hapotheoary's, hand maw; hi to tho Cai in* 'of an 'eadaohe P' Dom; it 11140ard 2" iefe Il'exaeedipely." hi, hand upoir..thaOigave me Ciphalia 'Pill, hand 'pon me 'onoi• (toured me so gala that I 'ardly sealintid I 'ad •• • =ME Haincoiti a the favorite align by which nature 'lnPlres kfiedern any deviation :whatever from the natural ,state lof the brain, and;Viewed WMs light, it may be ilo ikedbn . ea p safeguard intelided to give notice of dig media wpioh might, dtherafse (Motive attention. till too late :to be remedied ; and its indiestlons should never 'be &sleeted. , Headaches may be alasiliked under two .naineiiliirS.lkyitiptoraatie and'idiopathio. Symptomatic Headache iiiexecedlngly'oommon, and is the precuraor ot 0 gree t variety of dummies, among which are APO ; clOxy, Gout,' Rhienniatleim, add all febrile diseases.' In 'its nervous form at io aymnattietio of disease of the ,stomaoh,ooruititutine sick headache, of hepatic disease :conatitatlng Citionsliadaehe, of Worma, conslimetion, and other disorders of the &mole, as well as renal and utenne affections: -Diseases of the heart are very ire .euently attended witi,headaohesi anemia atuiplethora are' god fitionehtly iiConeion head ethe. Idiopathic headache is also very common, being usually distinguished by the name of nervous headache, sometimes coming on' SUddenly in a state of appa rently solid health, and nreatrating at once the mental 'and phyeloal energiek: and in other instances it acmes on slowly, heralded by. depression of iplrite or acerbity 'of temper. Irimoit instances the pain is in the front of-the heted,oVer one or both eyes, end sometimes pro voking. vomiting ; under this' elate may also be named ffestalgfee. , Foe iite treatment of either clam of headache the Ce phaho • Pille have been found a mire and Rafe reenedy, relieving the most Route pains In a few minutes, and, brita subtle power. eradioating the dummies of which headache is the unerring index. ' Bridegt—Miens wants you to send her a box of Ce phalic; G'uo ; no, a bottle of Prepared Pills—but Pin thinking that's not just it naither ; but perhaps ye'll be afthorjrnowing what it is. Ye see she's nigh dead and gone with the Siok Headache, and want, some more of that same sk 1 1 61;00 beg before , . 'must': mean Spalding's Cephalic. • Bridget.—Ooh!sure now and you've end it. Here's the enatther, and [iv me the Me, and don't be all day about it, either. No one of the " many ills nub Is heir to" Is so pre valent, so little understood. and ,so much neglected as Costiveness, often originating in .eareleirmess, or se dentary habits. 11 is retarded as a slight disorder, of too little isocassnerme to excite anxietY. while in reali ty It is the precursor and companion Of many of the most fatal and dangerous diseases, and unless early eradicated, it will bring the sufferer to an untimely grave. Among the lighter evils of which Costiveness is the usual attendant are Headache, Colic, Rheuma tism, Foul Breath, Piles, and others of like nature, while a long train of frightful diseagek, such as Malig nant Fevers,"Aticessee, Dysentery, Diarrhina. Dyspep sia, Apoplexy, Roan's, Paralysis, Hysteria. Hyro ohondriesle, Melancholy, and Insanity. first indioate heir ti regal:MS nithesystem by this alarining symptom. Not unfreanently the diseases named originate in Con stipation, but take on an independent existence unless the 001186. ill eradicated -in an early, stage. PTOM all theie Oonsiderptioni, it follows that the disorder should receive immediate attention whenever rt occurs, and no person should neglect to get ,a be; of Cephalic. Pills on the Ant arnearattei of the complaint, as their time iT IMO will rivet the insidious approaches, of disease, and destroy this dangerous foe to human life. LABELS MECHANICS. BANKS. Physicion.—Well, Mra. Tone', how Is that headache Mrs Tones.--Gone Hooter, all gone! the lull you sent cured up In lust twei.ty minutes. and I wish you would send me more. so that I can have them handy. PhyPician..—You can get them at anylDraggtet'a. Cal for Oechallo - Pilla. I find they never fall. end I recom mend then! is. all 'ottani of Headache. Mrs. loses.—.l Multi send for a box directly, and snail tell all my suffering friends, for they are argot Hum'. TWMITY MILLIO2I3 or DOLI,AXIS scvan.—Mr. Stead its has sold two millions of bottles of his celebrated Prepared Glue, and it le Situated that each bottle ,saves at least ten dollars' worth of broken.forniture, thus making an aggregate of twenty millions of dollars reolaimed from total Mosby: this valuable invention Raving mule his Gine, a honsehold word, he now pro- Poses to do the world still greater service by curing all the oohing heads with his Cephilio Pills, and if they are as good as hp Ohm, Ifeadadhoi will soon vanish away likeanow in July. , 01.111EXCITIMICNT. And elemental oars and ULM iety incident to close attention to business or study, are among the numerous causes of Nervous Headaphe. The disordered state of mind and bud, inoldent to this dis tressing complaint, is a fatal Mow to all enersyand am bition, Sufferers by thus disorder can' always obtain speedy relief from' these-dastressins attacks by using one of the Cephalic. Pills whenever the symptoms ap pear. it quiets the ovelteeked brain, and soothes the str ,„mn ained .wi and iv ja ili rri ort a a ult a rv o es a. , e au nd mi. re u las te eir s In th d e u te g nin rava ori te o s f the disordered condition of the • bmim . FACT WOILTII stiowirct.—Eivaidiug's Cephalic' Me are a certain aura for Hick Headache; Bilious Head ache, Nervous Headache, Coetiveness, and Deseret Debility. °RYA? Drecovsnv.—Areong the moet important of all the groat modloal discoveries of this age may be considered the system of vaccination for proteonon from Small Pox, the Cephallo Pill for relief of Head neaps, and the use of Quinine for the prevention of Fevers, either of which Is a sore apeoihs, whose bene fits will tie eiperienoed by suffering humanity long after their disoeverens are forgotten. DTD you ever have the Biok }Teadaohe t Do you remember the throbbing temples, the fevered wow, the loathing and Moat at the eigl3.of AMY 'Dow totally unfit you were for plownDe.oonversation, oretudy. One Of the Oephabo Ellie woukt have relieved yo* fromall the suffer/butt/Wet/ yori then skeet/en/Md. For this and other Durso/me you should always have a box of them On band to nee as occasion SeCulren. OEPHALIO PILLS, CEPHALIC , CURE NERVOUS HEADACHE! cEPHALIO PILLS, By the use of these Pills the periodicial attacks of Mir nuns or Sick Matadi* may bp prevented ; and if taken at the commencement' of. an attack' immediate rellef frbm pain and sloknees wilt be obtained. They peidom fail in. removing the Nausea and Head- Wks to whiohletualsa are ao Wean Vier- eat Featly on the barrels, reinovint COStithMB3B : For Literary Me; &ideate; Delicate Females, and nil Demons of 'Bedentarar habits. they - are Valuable ea a Laxative, imorbving theAppititii gtvingrose andvigor to' the - dlgeetnie otaane,lnd restoring the natural alas. • tidily and etrangth to the whole system. The ovalitia., - laliti,B ere the resultnf long investi gation 'and eniefellY imealeted anverimente, having; been itruse Mani ,yearii, during shieh time they have prevented - end . relieved a Nut amount of pain and oullbrilm from Ifeadeobp,'whetbbr nrieinetnia in the nerve**. Waal Orfroins,deriuried 'etata of the' rto. mach, They are entirely yeeetgyhlie in their eaninositien, and may be taken at all tunes with perfect sorely without latikilig any change of diet, andthe aesenre of any disa etstable lane maw' ft 44411-to - odinkiour them to ehildr6n., BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! The genuine have five eignaturea of Henry CI. Spalding on each Box. 8014 11T ell ether Destine la Me diolnee. A Box will be meet by, moll prepaid on meet of the All orders ehould be addreised to ErgNII,X [lids- • Emps,ol9x iffEFEW, ffiSWYOFC, , ardly Realized. Constipation or Costiveness. A Real Blessing. CURE KOK HEADACHE! 'CURE ALL KINDS OF IiRikDAOHB ! PRICE. Q 5 CENTS. ItAtTiROA.WLJN!. 186. Je alig4llo ll o - 1861 . WINTER A RRANGE 61.81.42'.=11kw yonx LINE 9, TI - 1 11 i. CAMDEN - ITD — Arazoy AN]) PIMA • - DELPRIB AnkiIM_NTON.RULRAD 00.13 ItRUX PHILADELPHIA TO NE,W. YORIVAND.'WAY PLACES, a FRON SVALNIIT-e'}',WlLLml , AND. X SING PEPOT WIf:L,Lu+'AYIS eta FouoVp, yl2x. At 6 A. AL. via Camden and Amboy; C. And A. Ao- YAR3. erimmodation • , 42 15 At 6 A. Camden andJo7;4 • • AocipMrnodatiOn,'--. , . . 2 2/1 At 8 fle 7.1., Via Casiden and Jerety 'City, kerning . ..,.- 6 00 At 11, 1 4 .- A: M., via Kewiington and 'Jersey City, • • Western At 12% P, 61.; via Camden and Amboy Aaeommo- 3no • dation... 2 26 All P.M., via Camden and - Amboy, - 600 ArirENL;'7li, Kiniidnaon andjersey ' ChtrEi ' Ar AtZir.Tivstrltensinifai and Jersej-6475X: 800 Class Tioket.—:-.• • .. 23 At 6 P Zeali Ai.,,Vlrt Camden and Jersey City, F,veldng At tirslCM., edireden Jersey fioutbi- • • rn%ail _ At 6 P. M., riutintden and Amboy, A . ormininoirt , tion.,(Freig t mid Passetigeri-4st clan Tioket,.. 326 de. • 2d Claes Ticket., 180 The AP M. Mall Una rang daily. The P M, South ern Ma i Saturdays expected. F,or Belv idere Ertstorui Lambertville, Flemingttini f0c.,a1.1.10 A , and„2 P. M., from • Remington. - For Water Cla Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilicosbarre, Moutrose,Oreat. Bend, &0:,7.10 A. 24, from SeosiegYin, via Delaware, Lackawanna and 'Western R.' , FoyAlanbh Chunk; A llchtown, and Bethlehem at 7.10 A. and 3 F.M. froth Kensington. • For Mount Holly, at Gaud 8 A. M., 2 and 436 P For Freehold, at 6 A.M.; and 2P, M. • - • WAy LINES. For Bristol. Trenton,' &0., at 7.10 A. at., 3, 434 and l'itVo l im i" Al r . ` ifi e vergn t nelano . o, Beverly. A:Wins ton Florence, Boniontown, ito,, at 12%, 5,4% and 6 p. id. • , • Ng' For Now York, and Way Lines teem, Kensingtoti Depot, take the care on Filth street, above Walnut: batten hour before departure. The oars run into the de sot, and on arrival of each train, run from the depot Fifty-Pounds of Baggage, only, allowed each Passen ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything aa baggage but their wearing apparel • All , baggage oVer fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The' Vonpany *tut their responsibility for baggage to One Dollarper Ound. and will not be liable for any amount beyond 8100. ex-. oept by 'special contract. nol2 WM. 31. GATZMER, Agent. • M WI E B .Elh, R A D R /A I P I }tL4 WILMINGTON. AND BALTIMORE '• On and after MONDAY, NOV MAIBBR 26, _lB6O PASSENGER. TRAINS LEAVE' PHIL For Baltimore at 8.16 A. M., 12 noon (Famine , and 10.60 P. M. ' ' • For Olteeter at 8.16 A. PA., 12 n00n,1.18,4.16, 6, And MA • For Wilmington at 8.15 A. M., 12 noon, 1.15, 4.16, 6. and 10.50 P. M. For New Castle at 8 lb A. M., 4.15 and 6 P. M. For Middletown at 8.16 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. For Dover at 8.15 A. M. and 4.15 P. M.' For Harrington at 8.15 A. M. and 4 15 Y. M. For Milford n 8.15 A. M., (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at. 4.15 P. M.) For Farmington at 8.15 A. ht. ( Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 4.15 P, M. For Seaford at 8.15 A, M. (Mondays , Wodnesdays, and Fridays at 4,16 P, M.) For Salisbury at 815 A. M. Tram at 8.15 A . M. will oonneot at Seaford on Tues d f ays, Thursdays, and Saturdays with steamboat to Nor olk. TRAINS FOR PHILA DELPRJA , Leave Baltimore at 8.5/ A. M. (Eapren), 10.15 A. M., and 5.10 P. M. Leave' Wilmington at 7.30, 9, and 11.30 A. 30.,145, 4, and 8.20 P. M. ewe Salisbury at 1.30 P. M. Leave Seaford (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 7.20 A. M.)2.50 P. AL • • Leave Farmington (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Satur days at 13 A.M.) 4.10 r. Pd. Leave Milford Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 7.60 A. M.) 4 P. M. Leave Harrington at 8.15 A.M. and 4.26 P. M. Leave Plover at 9.05 A. AL and 5.26 P. M. Leave Middletown at 10 05 A. M. and 6,40 P. M. Leave New Castle at 8.23 and 11 A. M., 7.35 P. M. Leave Cheater at 8.20 and 9.40 A. ht., 12.04, 2.22, 4.45, and 9 P. 31. Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and Delaware Railroad , at 10,16 A.M. and 6.10 P. M, TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE: Leave Chester at 8.55 A. M.. 12.28 and 11.20 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 9.25 A. M., 19 121 P, M., and 12 A. M. FREIGIIT TRAIN, with Passenger Car attached, will run as follows : Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate places at 8 P.M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate Places at 5 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-Oraoe and intermedi ate places at 4 15P. M_ ON SUNDAYS: Only at 10.50. P. 61. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only at 5.10 P. M. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. no% S. M. FELTON. President. 'PIE PENNSYLVANIA (LE N TRAL 1.1111.10A11, 000 MILES DOUBLE TRADE. 3 1860 !. e;:ii'il-A1 , 10.1t --- ..iBfi 0. TEE CAYACITY . OV r TJED It - OA • IieNOW EQUAL' TaftEr T A RODOITY/ii?. ° F l i t t 'A'liAlND , BETWEEN PIIILAILF lila. '' A It_ TTBBURei, Oonneoting direct at ladolphic.WittuThrough Trains from Boston, New Yor , and all romte beat, and its the Yawn Depot at Fittsburs with Through. Tomah; to , and from all points in the west, Northwest, and Southwest —thus furnishing facilities for the transportation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and comfort - by any other redte." Express Mai Fast lines ran thrOggis ' a Fittsbmg, without change of Captor Conductors. All through-Vas isuger,„Trales provided with Loughpidge's regent Brake...sp g' eed under perfect control ,of - ttie,ongineer, thus addin saheb to the safety of travellers. - smoking Care ere attached to each Trent; Woinhara Slee_ping_ Cars to Express and • Fad Trains. The IS.X.FRE2B Roils DAILY: Mail and fast Lines, Dea deye eaoepted. Lill ram leaves gisila:lelphia at SCOA.III. ' • itst lane -.. 1140 A. lA. press Ttatrilitivea " NA L. At., WAY. TRAIND LEAVE AD 2'QUIJW6 1 ph icc i,,,b c ric Accommodation, via Columbia, I P. M. Columbia • ." 4,00 Y. M •.' Farkesburg . 12.80 P. r. West Chester Passengers will take the Mali, Parkes burg Accommodation, and Columbia Trains. feasensers for Banbury, Virilhamsport, Elmira, Du to, Niagara Falls, and intermediate points, leaving F . la,ielphia at 8.00 A. rd, and a P. M. go directly throng Tickets Westward may bo obtained st the offices of t . 6 Company in Philadelphia, New York. Boston, or Bal., timer° ; and Tinkers Eastward at any Of the -traportant Railroad Offices in the West; also on board •any of tile regular Line of Steamers on the Mississippi' or 01110 river.. . 16r Fere always el low, and tine u Wok, as by any Other Route. For farther mfonnation apply at the Fusenger eta- Eon, Southenot corner or Eleventh and Alarfretarteets. The 'completion. Of the Western connections, of the . rirrAbiptiMai l t i rg%Cige nivutrtaysThe D . lll T.H.E TREAT WEST. • ^4.. ' The connection of trooks by the ,Rafliald Edge at Pittsburg, avoiding' nil drayage or ferriage of Freight. together with the saving or tune, ere advantetes readily iNorloorated phippport of Freight , end the Towel bVali*. • •• • • • • rderohanteand Ala iirocire entrusting the transportation ori their Freight to Ulla COmplllll.oBtl rely with conti nence on its speedy.transit. • THE RATER OF FREIGHT to hnd front any point in the West by the retuleylTarita Hailzoad are es alt toms es faliorobla a: are • "llama be siiler fiefireasi Compaxits, - ar — Be particular to Susi paghateill" Mai med. For Freight Contracts, or Bhipping Direotlons,mly as, or address either of 6 e followins Arent+, of Ote Com- SAZ7: • D. A. rims WAtt'l, PAW/airs; • R. B. Pierce it Co., Zanesville, O.; J. J. Johnston, Itinis7, 0.; R. McNealy, Maysville, Hy.; °nubs - & , Croppor, Portsmouth, O.- Pe.ddook & Co., Joe oraowallo, aria; 11. W.o.lliiown Meldrmn _Q.LAthern i t ol b riti C 4 l . b PitT e r n et: l a: P t v b c f. ris, B 4.,asov, " ekenn,, see • & diont. ° .Aemplac,Lenn.; cligto . 1 4.onoaro,rPr. E.. - 11, Knouts, - Alton, Ill.: tb Agents o Railroade at different points In West. B.KINGSTQ.N, Jr. eit.tiv ROONB, 80 North streel,_Aalttatoro,_ IRM • ,11 & CO., lAa for Honsa,ot 1 13,22 . nnam sto 18 , 2 i qw-ntr i r.sil i en oon WINTER A NGE mg NT :=-P RILADSLPRI A, CIERMANTOWI , 4AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD. On and actor MONDAY, Nov. 12, 1860, FOR GERAIANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 67, 8, 9,10. 11, and /2 A. M. 2. 1 8, 804, 4,5, 5 1 4, 8,7, 8, 9, 1 04 , and CR P. M. Leave Germantown. 0, 7. 714,8. Mi. 9,10, 11 and 12 A. m,,1,y,a, 4,6, 6, 04. 7. 8.9, and 10A Y. AI. • . 4:IN SUNDA Yd. Leave Philadelphia, 9.06 min. A. M., 2,7, and 100,‘ P. AL 9,4 P. Leave M Germantown, 8.10 'min. A. M.,1,10 min and . 071ESTNDT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadeleuu, 6, 8, 19, and 12 A. AL, 2,4, 0,8, and 1014 P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7, 10, 7..15, 8.40, and 9.40, and u,40 A. 1.40,8.40 ism. and 8.40 P. M. N BUM/tn. Leave Philadelphia 9.01 A. ..g. and 7P. M. Leave Chestnut 8118. 740 min, A: M.; 1250, 5,40, and , , FOR CONSIIOIIOOKRN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philaoelphia,s.so, 7/5,9115, and 11.95 wan. A. M.' ,, 41i. 5.8 6 . and 1114" P. m. Leave Tiorruitoiyn, 6. T. $491. 9, and 11 A. M.,1)(, 4X. snit IS P. M. Leave Phiadelp ON 6A MAP SS P. 81., for North,- Igive NorriitowO,R 3 .5 1 A MA YUNK. M. Leave Philadelphia, 5.50. 7.4. 9,65, .and 11.05 A. M., 1.05. 2.05, 3.05. 43f, 5.55, 8.05. Mt P. m. Leave ManaTunk. 8.55, 914. 1116 A. M.. 0, 615. and 936 P. M. • • ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia . 9A. M., 3. and 7 P.M. Leave Manayunk, VK A. M .BE, and 8 P. M. IL N. SMlTD,Deneral Superintendent, nole-tt DEPOT. NINTH. and OREM threats. Eg -PII.II4DILPIIIA AND .READING ROA:—PASSANG.b,R. 'TRAINS for POITSILLE, READING, and HARRISBURG, on and after Noir. 16th, 1880, MORNING LINER, DAILY (Sundays excepted.) Leave New Dopot, corner of BROAD and CALLOW HI LL Stroets,PHlLAD_UPltlA,(Passair antral:tome on Thirteenth and On UaßolV ill streets tt y 8•A. AL,' oonneoting. at liamsburg Wit the PRIV S LVANIA RAILRLAD, J tyam round:10o Pi burg ; the CUMBERLAND vALLE 1:05. P. m. train mare to Chambersburg, Carlisle &O.• and the NOLIT KRIS OEN TAAL, RAILROAD 1 P.M.M traip,'rdtmung Sun bury, • ' AFTEriOON LINE!, Leave New Dot, o pr. of DUDA and (1,114„,Rw- ILltStreets,p ILA E }TIMM akar entrigmes on .f orteenth add on Ca lowhill streete,) for POTTS VIL E and HARRISBURG, at 3.801 P. M. DAILY, for READING only, at 4.38 P. M.. DAILY. (Sundays ea tafttaiiCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. FROM PHILADELPHIA. Mlles, To Phconiaville.....—. 23' Reading-- 88 Lebanon--,...... 84 Harris burg Dauphin . _...—..124 Millersburg_ Trevarton Junotion-188 up Northumberland .—l7l Lewisburg Milton Munpy._. ' Wilhamiport —209 Jersey_Shore Look Havon —235 Ralston._ .—.., —233 IWilliainsport and Elmira Elmira. Railroad. Th Clinto n Land 130 P. M, train oonneot daily at Port Sundays exeepted,k with thp tIAPA WISSA, WIL lAMSPORT, and ERIE RAILROAD, making close oonneetiona With lines to Niagara Falls, Canada, the Wert and Southwest. DEPO I' IN tuiIbADELYRIA._ Corner of BROAD and CALLOWRILL Streets. • av9S-tf • .• .W. R. MoILHENNEY. Secretary Philadelphiaand Re and Lobanon Valley K.E.ILE NORTH P~NNSYL- F. • BTOLE.BM. DOYL.STOWNi MAUCH ' CHUNK. HAZLEI ON. and ECKLRY.4 TURF 91 THROUGH TRAINS. On and after MONDAY; Deoomber 1850.•Piumeneer ripe will leave FRONT and WILLOW titivate, Phila. 'shut daily, (Sundays excepted), aa follow:, At 6141 A.M. (Express) for , Bethlehem, Allontewri. .Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, Ito, t 2.45 t'. 19 .., (Ramose), for Bethlehem, Pastan, &o. hie train rescibee Vanton et q P. AL. and makes Mese commotion with New Jersey Central for Not Yak Re At P. AL, tor Bethlehota, AißintoWni Malta tallnifi At 9A. M. and 4 P. M.. for Doylestown. , e tt 6P. M., for Fort Washington. 6,30 A.. , AL Express train makes obese cionneotion with the Lehigh Valler Railroad at Bethlehem being i, h the shortest and most desirable route to all points in the Lehig R " Alri e rF n oß PHILADELPHIA. P Leave Bethlehem at 5.42 A. M., 9.15 A. AL, and 5.98 AL Leave Doylestown at 7.25 A. M. and 3.20 P. M. Leave Port Was:111100n at 6 40 A. M. ON SUNDAYS.—Philadelphia for Fort Washington at 9.80 A. Al. Philadelphia for Doylestown at! F. M. Doyleetown for Philadelphia at 7 A. Ag. Fort Washington Mr Philailelphniat 2.45 P.M. Fare to BetWeIMM-..q1 I b Eitre to ManbhChutik.ls2 60 Fare to 4 Aram to 89 Through Tickets must pro bred at the Ticket Offices, at WILLOW street, or BEAKS Stree. in order to secure the above rates of fare. All Passenger Trains (amulet Sunday Trains) oonneot at Berke Street with Fifth and Math-streets, and Second and Third-streets Passenger Railroads, twenty =tutu after leaving Willow Street. - dea-tf ELLIS CLARK, Agent. an. . INLAND FREIGHT " 1 -----' '' LINE TO 'NORFOLK AND PoßTamo ili, li , lilt TtiAreeklY! Lido via, Seaford toNorfolk, f ~1 will be discontinued for the present ; A Daily Lkne h wA take tbollabe of It by way of Baltim_QreoNg t z t i i pillrasrzEL of Waretiouse, , l9lSl4.lVlAK N be iotwartl_ L ea with phrfittoth 0,9 at e," low YatOE Oa 1"."Y b i ti h Ti. ikuliiigY. MUI 6 i dr ni V rt'atiMi o delll ' . , - R., .14. R. S. 0. MCM ligr' ' ELIIIIRA ROUTE 11Witg... I PHILADELPHIA AND 0 . 1,- latiU l trAil r M to trantadtia, Oatawisaa, An .4o 0 ett, ,Willie rye, Seratiton l • Danville, Milton, 1 , Caton anton, .Imira Ba ird (, 2 1 =P/felt Aga: 0 eVeland, Detroil l Tole ch ...„OhleaVoi t,L o e, Wituinletand all points otth and !T.'S. , , 1 ) C., i fit: r, t s I erensor in. nnutcyr_tno My ThtilonaPhia AtirialLL e tat i t i ehaPurenaranee