SPECIAL NOTICES. What a Good Pill Oak Do. -Calomel, fcluamass, and the preparations of mercury, have been K*«d for a long time as the only kind of Medioine ... v that would sot on the Liver and bring it back to a fcttdtby state, when onoe diseased or torpid But. ro- Aeatly Dr. SOHENCK, of Philadelphia, has oompound a : prescription called MANDRAKE PILLS, that .Will acton the liver and stomaoh, without any mer- cury or Calomel, and besides, they do not debili tate the stomach or weaken the constitution. , „ Kindreds of peoplt* affliofced with liver com M*tMd dyspepsia, have been oared by these Pills *f* Hw latter disease, dyspepsia, the' Seaweed Tonio 7 ! l<*Spe.THiured.iaordsrto*ive tone to the stomaoh ’’ ' and restore the prostrated powers to a healthy action* These Fills have been-so effectual m their notion on the Uver that many physioians have boldly asserted that , thiy eontaihed some oalomel. Dr. protests that they do not contain a particle of any mineral inirre - ; disnt, and has made oath to that effect before an AMer man. This® extraordinary Pills, while they are effi cient and do not Bicken a bit, are composed entirely of . roots and herbs from the great storehouse of Mature, and have done a vast amount of good in alleviating and . curingadiseaseprobablymorefrequentthananyother, namely, Liver Complaint. it is not muoh wonder, when we reflect that the liver is the largest organ in the human organisation, that it becomes so frequently diseased. The yellow and sallow skin, the coated tongue in tho morning, and the dull pain in the limbs, tell at once that this great depurating organ is doing £ts work by halves only. Any person Who will take one of these Pills at night will not only be relieved of disease but likewise its disagreeable attend ants, snoh as headache, sour stomach, ooetive bowels, pries, and the dul 1 , heavy feeling over the whole frame, . .which oftentimes makes life burdensome, and renders the patient wholly unfit for enjoyment or business of any kind. BCHENCK’S MANDRAKE PILLS are prepared only by J. H. BCHJ3NOK, and for sale, wholesale aid retail, at his principal oifioo, 39 North SIXTH Street, Philada. Price, 25 cents per box. it*' Pkrsons afflicted with tho Fever and .Ague should not spare either time, trouble or expense, to procure DR. HOSTETTER’S CELEBRATED BIT TERS, Whole beneficent effects upon the system has been oiearly proved; to those who have been strioken down in a short space of time by this dreadful curse, whose cheeks are wan and meagre, and whose nights are sleepless and restless, and whose eyes are dim and sunken, with death staring them in the f&oe, this com pound must prove a blessing; snatching them, as it were, from the mouth of the grave. None oan know lie ins. value until they have tested it. When ail others have failed, these Bitters have res'ored the suf ferers to pristine health. Their popularity in all the Western and Southern parts should introduce them to all families. Bold by druggists and dealers generally everywhere DYOTT k CO., Agents. 339 North BKCOND Street, Philadelphia. nolMtd&W Diseases of the Blood arc all caused by • the disposition of the waste or worn-out particles of the Blood 1o the weakest portion of ths body. All forms ofThreat or Lung difficulties, as well ss Catarrh, are as _ rnaoh a Scrofulous taint in the. system as King’s Evil, Balt Rheum, Cancers, Ulcers, Tumors, and Eruptions of various kinds. By taking J. R. Stafford’s IRON AND BULPHURPOWDERB, which unite with the digested food, and enter -with it into the formation of ne v blood, strengthening and converting ito wastes or worn-out jartielatfnto gases, whiok so invigorates the circulation as to expel all impurities from the system. The OLIVE • TARgfceuld boused mall cases as directed on the label etiaapamphlet which is sent free. See advertisement* Bold bf all druggists, and by DYOTT k CO.. 333 North BBCONoStreet, Philadelphia. no!2-t23 Saving Fund—National Safety Trust Cowpawt.—Chartered by .the State of Pennsylvania. ' , - , RULEB. " i. Money is received every day, and in any amount, *rge or small. f. FIVE PER CENT, interest is paid for money from tbs day it*ls pat in. *, The moafr is always paid b&ok in GOLD whenever tils sailed for, and without notice. 4. Money is received from Executors, Administra (sri, Guardians, and other Trustees, m large or email pome, to remain a long or short period. #. The Money received from Depositors is invested in Reel Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, end other firrt •foM securities. d, OMee open every day—WALNUT Street, southwest . corner Third street. Philadelphia. jaU Ska ken’s Saving Fund—Northwest CoiNit Bbcokxi and Walnut B tkkits.— Deposits re >eeivadin smalt and large amounts, from all classes of 'th* community t and allows interest at the rate of FIVE PER CENT, per annum. Money way be dr&Wn by checks without loss of in tonflt . . Offioe open daily* from 9 until $ o’olock, and on Mon- Apr and Batnrday until nine in the evening. President, FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Secretary, OH. AS. 44. MORRIB. Axis Ora! Hair Die!!—Batchelor’s .LIQUID HAIR DYE is the original and best in the market, All others are 'mere imitations, and should be avoided if yon wish to escape ridicule. Splendid Black or beaatilnl Bkowh instantaneously. Sold by all Drug gists everywhere. The genuine has the signature of WILLIAM A* .BATCHELOR upon a steel-plate en ' craving on fair sides of each box. Beware of Counterfeits, ' - Manufactory, '«t 34*outh THIRD Street. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in the 1 ?. City* at >4 SouthTHIRD Street. - HAN,O-BILL PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in the City, at 94 Sogth THIRD Street. - FAMfBL’ET FAINTING, and every other descrip- Iran of Printing, of the most superior quality, at the 'saoetreasonable rates, at KINGWALT A BROWN’S, _ Pre*«r* BsiH[ng. 34‘Bouth THIRD Street. ' eIS-tf gLuxtate Niw Cabinet Sap b, the most ; * Altnat 91MB of fUrattons* and thm-snlv-tMtouthlr'J>*+~ mmi t« nr r-r¥*“ it '* ,knr r mt ' Jl *r* A to housekeepers for lb# protection of Plats, Jewelry, *o. Please examine bow at toy depot* t!5 CHESTNUT Street , ( 'Bader Mason ie Hall* Philadelphia. M. 0 SADLER '■ noS-skwtf lOjum Prior Clothing dp vtm Lairb* ■■* Mnw/taaift in the bestmanner* expressly for RK . i 9A£LJAJLE&. LOWEtfT selling price* marked in AH goodsmadetooraerwarranted satis* - Vastery» ftsur $/fE-PJUCE system is striotly adhered |o* >4U ire tosrebr treated alike. ' itfßlV JOKES k. m. 60* MARKET Street G&ovxr * Baku's Ohlebrathd JJOIBBLESB SEWING MACHINES Tli» Setf-in Vm for Family Sowing, No. TM cK.BBTft UT Street. Philadelphia. &u3?-ly Salama vn«»Eiri-Proof Safes.—Aver; arga seeuif iMHt nf SALAMANPERS for aaleatrea anaaTili price*, Wo. St 4 CHLBTNUTBt,, Philadelphia, aoM if K VANS k. WATSON, BAKKIEO. 1 MOUNT—KOONfL—On the morning of the Utb ingt» by tie Rer, Charles Wadsworth* JJ.D., Charles 0. Monet* to Emma.Lomea* eldest daughter of Cbarles J Thursday evenips, Wot. Uth* 1880, hr Um Rev. Alfred Cookman* Mr. H. Barrr Madry.to Mrs. Caroline Watson* daughter of Chsrles , > Jtevsjaftok. Esq , all of this city. . * - .PARHAM— FRYER.—On the 12th instant* br Rev, , Joseph H. Kennard, Mr. Robert Barbara, Jr ,of Kan '* * as. to Miss Caddie A. Fryer, of Philadelphia. * JSHRSVJt—LOHD.-On the 14th instant, by Rev. J. - , W/Marray, Mr. William M. Shrove,,of Bine Anchor. to » fie LouisaW. Lord, of Delaware. N. J. * , ■hM^TONHKAD—SWAIN.-fJov. l«h, 1860, by, John ' toTwitjwa.V.D. M.. Mr. John F. Eltonbead and Mil* MaaßMifwale, bothofthie oity. * the 16th Instant* at iCroeewaeke. If. J., by W. C. Howell, Esq., Mr. Abraham - ‘Trbßtle, or this Pity* to Mise Eliza Ann Middleton*^of this city* on Wednesday AvjggM, Nov.Uth, by the Rev. Joseph A. Beiss, Wm. . l,w lutcey* of Boston, Mam., to Anna K., daughter of If aUtaa R* Fotti, Esq. DIED. .. TOR'S I .—Ontbe 14th instant, Charles Henry Fort, son of Cornelias v, and Harr Ann Fort, aged 5 years and 1 -asw from the residence of his parents. No. 123 - AnfKisfo, Twentr-third ward, Annie Wncht.daaghter - ■ <****t¥' llll4 Catoune S. Baokius, aged fi years and ~ f lBth inst., John, son of the late Roger Carbnry, aged 6 years and 1 month, lisini froa toe- residence of Mr. Neil MoConneU, fie, 9$ Richmond street, below William* to morrow ~~f—day) afternoon atl o'clock. , , * -;CLIfTOTi,—On the Utn mst., Mr. John Clifton, aged •fueiel from hie late reeidenoe* Rye- street, below 'i JBA-to4BjUTow(Bandair> afternoon* atr(retook. .* RRIIOH Mu the 14th inst., .George,Oliver* infant 1 - Mtef/onnC. ud Rebecca Beacon, aged 17 months and the residence of hie parents, in Hewson MreeUahove Thompron, (late JDukei stteet, this (fiatnr 44tt>utevaooa, at 3 o’clock * ' TR*ANB.—-On the 14th instant, John JSvans,aged 70 yean. - - Fueral from his late residence, No. 143 Green street, taFiretday afternoon, lßih inst.. at 1 o’clock. * MOrßiNo.—ln Bu'unftonfN.’J.,lUamo., 15th. after * hagenag illness* Thomas itopkina, m the 72d yea r of hie age „ Fnoeral from his late residence. 27 High street, Bur* Kutn. tUJjf at 10 A. M.,24 dsy, 12th met, > jIBHWEY the Utn last.* John Merney, aged 17 ' Fnaerai from his late residence, rear of No, 834 Pal ' nwratreet, between Ninth and Tenth, above Brava, t^jaorT2.Y,(? tt *y* ,l 7l afternoon, at 1 o'oloox, * JrAlfrTßß—On the 14th instant, Mr*. Ann FlivabeUi • Feisty. mlwt of the late George Fainter* m the $4Ui from*the residence of her son-in-law, James »; Roegs. Jr. No. 411 hiohmond (late Uaeen) street,to ' MftOSiJwndayiafMßiopn, atl o’clock. * . ' TUrTH.-ln Monroe, Michigan, on Friday, the 9tU iag£/,eiter*short endsevereJunes*,lioniselJ,Thomp ■ea,W«e of Henry Warren Smith, in the 24th yearof On the morning of tb? Uth Instant ivM Newton Steward, Jr., son of David Newton and arr/aae Steward, aged 13 months; * ' - raneriTfrem the residence of his father. No. 1 Beach - sieilti.aboveßaoe,thiß(jBaiurday}at 2o’olook. * „ wiL&ON.—On the Uth tost, Kvelyn F.,* datghter of George F. and Mary IS. Wilson, in the 4th year of her , "wiuinil treat the residence of her parents, No. 190314 woodetr— t, tbft (Saturday ) moroiPgi at JO o’olook. * JJ&AOK DRESS G Gybmeres, Merinos*. . Artnure Cashmeres, vekmr Heps, Valour ottoman*. Bombazine*, Tamiae*, • MotUMlines, Sapa Anglais, Kr “’‘ UM 'BESSON . AJSHOUNUfiMENT TO THE LADIES* A PIBCOVNT FOR CASH « PER CENT. VMan«n nurohasinr at oar Retail Counters will tjtofefortk be allowed the same deduction as store * &fsr or,mscount on cash p urchases, LACES. JUBBONS, •SftTGJHSS I ®* WEXS, SHAWL-BO H DERS, &c. ' -■^?.»nT , iL. >T j l< _ to our Establishment will be am '' • -25 wnaements we offer m price, va . - ««jr f auantjr, and quantity. MM%faetUr tng and Importing Establtfhment. Eleventh and Chestnut. &sgtsr* *** 7 * uii ° r ***»»• /OB PRINTING. MfILLIAM P, GEDDEB, PHilfe. c?„£ fc°" At fair Mic»». 'lt* fIMRCOSOOPIO PORTRAITS AND VfARODIMI taken at rarderat* price* 8»« reoaeopio .Tiakimi flexes far aala cheap at Photo* i?. No*. and 017 North SECOND a treat, above ureen. * . it* • I - 'ilONßY.—Prime Cubs HONEY, In tog JUL ud Inrrelr, in atore.Mdfor nl« br_ : K. JIfcJSU i CO.j %|ili Groceri, ltd ARCH Street.. .’v.i'' it* TfpPiJß,. A>f!LBS bbis: choice ARRIVALS AT THE^PRINCIPAL HOTELS, CONTINENTAL HOTEL-Ninthand Chestnut streets. AW Morse k la, New York W 8 Griffith, Baltimore D R Hoyt, Roobester C H Breneman, Lancaster D Hostett6r- Pittsburg R 8 Chase, Haverhill L Passaus, Baltimore • L D Paas&us, Baltimore N R Van Camper, Elmira L 3 Toole, Washington J F Le\*i«.Kanias Territory Win H Bullook, Boston Mrs D Bullook. Boston Mrs R Depimore.N JH A a Smith, Baltimore M G Emery, Wash, D 0 W 8 Hogenamp. N Jersey , W nrmetone, renna D Holeman, New Jersey C BrinkerhofF k la, N J W G Ladd, Jr, k fa. Bost’n Miss Homer, Boston H D Cooke. Columbus, 0 JW Bryant, Havana F A Eoster, New York G C Voso MnRX Vose W Mure, New Orleans 0 D Walker, Chester co D 8 Z«ok, Chester co HBMoilvaine k la. NY J Bonnell. Milwaukee W Wells, Milwaukee W H Heald k wf. Balt MissMiohie, Virginia Miss Budd New Jersey. O ADeriokion, Penna Geo K Turnbull, Baltim'e C Wells, Pittsburg a A Hopper, New Jersey J H Church, New fork A A Colter, Cincinnati, 0 Fazoy, New York to mack.CinomnaU.O JT Anne k si», Now York WmAßrown „ Thos Welsh, Columbia, Pa W V Hutchings, Boston Goo Megrath, New York WDalLßqston _ C 0 Ward, Boston J H H Williams, Boston J 8 Warren, New York Sami Keyset;. New York W Brandt, New fork A J Hoope. New York G R Spalding, New York J W Cree, Pittsburg P Roman & la. Maryland f| P Lugar A la, New York H Browning, Wash, D 0 Wm Bryan, Wash D O H P Chandler. Wash, DC G Maraton, N Bampshire Geo Roters. Boston Mrs C BisohofT, England Miss BisohofT, England J H Warren.Bteubenvili,o Jacob Vanderpool, N York F L Thomas, Baltimore B Hush Plumly, Philadelphia GIRARD HOUSE—N. E. corner Ninth and Chestnut. Geo F Scott. Washington Jas M Vandegreft, Del BSanders, Jr, New York H Gilbert k wf. M York Miss Gilbert, New York Jm Graves, Ohio B T Hopkins, New > ork J C Crossman, Toledo F H Lewis. Detroit Miss E Looser, Pottsville O B Fish, Maryland 8 P Russell k wf, n York Mtb Arlington, New York K K Martin k wf, N York Miss Martin, New York E R Aoher, New Jersey Miss Wilson, New Jersey J H Camp k la, Conn F E Bridge. New Orleans E L Morris, Maryland Geo C Redwar, New York Miss 0 Redway, N York Mibb May Jteaway, N York James W Yost« la, N Y Misb Muller, New York W A Kennett k wf, Me Miss Laurence, Maine Jas Cormish, Chicago A Maynard. Boston F W Smith, New .York, Jaooh Goroliie, New York 0 Fabbrioottie k la, Balt G Travis New York John Ponton. New York Time Thompson, Harrlsb’g Geoßrown.Harrisburg BTorry, New York G C Wray, New York JVI W fcimmons k la. N J Jaoob Mayers, Cm, O E Fitzgibbons, Buffalo James Scott A la, Ohio Miss 8 Boott, Columbus R Hammond Havorford C ChiHweil, New York Scharfendea, Havana J 8 Strand, Hartford Col WM Fisher, N York Mr Miller, Wash, D C Edw Holden, Ohio . E Whitteraan, Detroit , Geo C Reid, 8t Louts . Mr Baldwin k la,New York Miss Baldwin, Now York Missßtowart, New York W-T H.Duncan. New York B Wood, New York , Miss Walsh k sis, Boston W 0 Hiokook. Harrisburg W Watterman, New York G W Sittell, New York 8 N Bradley, New York F H Campbell, New York Mr Smith, New York John Ba ! rd, New York J V Garrett, Baltimore Geo Cochran k w, Brooklyn Maj L A Amustead, U 8 A 8 M Johnson, Washington S Ciawford A wf, N i Miss Crawford* New York Miss Clark, New York A C Ellioott, Baltimore Mrs Simpson, Balt James E Btaok. Del F Steele, Minnesota W Hart, New York J T Wilson. New York E Gaines James Childs. Balt Robt Bragdon, Baltimore H Coohran, Troy , 'G N Harris, Rhode Island N Watts, New Orleans L ACUaudler MERCHANTS* HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arob. T T Maubty, Indiana W Powell, Centre co J B Shafer, Centre oo L Nowlin, Chicago . J W Miller. Dubuque Rofus Blanchard, Chicago Jno B Peohl, Pittsburg JJ P Horn, Doyleafown Wm M Ranine, Lanosator C Ashly, CaliforaiH. 8 M Chapman f. Boston Thos Pittsburg Cims W Ball, Penn a Thoai Jefferson . A Porsyth, Penna - Geo R White, Pittsbarg 8 R Wilson,Btor]ing.lll Robt O’Conner, Michigan W 8 Anderson, Ponna JONES’ HOTEL—Chestuut street, above Sixth. D H Lane, Philadelphia ChasHHamon. Phija W Moran, Philadelphia it Meoonkey, W Chester J Tome. Port Deposit, Md A Clark, New York, Robt P Woods, Maryland J L Bands, Maryland . Geo Murray, Mainland H Winter Jiew Hampshire W MiUer, New Jorsey Thos B Smitbers, N Y AMERICAN HOTEL-Uhestnut st., above Fifth. E H Brush, New York Al* Marshall, N Castle,Pa J Baynes, South Carolina P Brady, Pennsylvania M Howland, New York N M Wistar, New York A Alexander,Missouri D 8 Baker, New York J Morgan, Jr, Hartford, Ct Jas C Brown, New York J F Clement, Camden. Del H L Rood Afa G Cummings, Pennsylvania Tboißrooks A fa, N Y 8 Cooper, r\ew York J.Flaer, New York J MoMaunt, Richmond, Va Benj Williams, New York BandC Downing,N Jersey Job BFenby, New York 6T. LOUIS HOTBLv-Chestnut street,above Third. RMctzentien.MMylapd Geo H Taylor, N H Tbos H Ritter, Phila Thos H Qmnnn, Baltim'e H H Down R W Chapol Jl Brown, Cincinnati 8 DeCamp, Washington no J Murphy, Johnstown E L Heister, Now jersey Jno Fredericks Maryland F Bifoas. New York FKightinan, Penna £ F Rightman, Penna THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. Thos Fans, New York Miss Mnrr, Philadelphia H A Clark, Clarksvilte Miss 8 J Houston. Phila B L Ulman, Penna Rev C B Conkling, N J WAHagar, Ohio J F Harris, Pottsvilto W Cutter. Maryland M W Houser, Charaberabg B Lynch, Hagerstown D Witmer, Hagerstown BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vine. Anthony W Rioh, Buoks co Jno Rich. Buoks co Preston Blob. Books oo Jno CRiob, Buoks oo Jno Tuoker, Norristown Jnn Paul, Books oo J Hallowed. Moorestown J W Hollowell. Buntingd’n T S Smith, Buoks oo Wm Carr, Bucks oo Jno £ Titus, Delaware City L Thomas. Lumbemlle Edw G Hughes, Buoksoo Jno Po k. Buoks co Jos T Merrick, Buoks oo Chas Kirkbpde, Buoks o i E Reeder. New Hope Geo P Merriok, Buoks oo Satnl Yardley,Books oo K N Miles, Davisville P K Fretz A ia. Bucks oo H C Parry, Buoks oo SProb&sco,fiouth' Amboy AJUmsshore Buoksoo Gh&s Palmer, Buoks co J Smith. Newtown Alex Germon, Newtown B T Buokman, Newtown H Carr, Bucks oo 8 Harder, Buoks oo W Davison, Cheltenham J L Hunt, New Jersey John Engart, Pennsylvania D C Udy, New Jersey V. J Cooper, New Jersey ABuedaker, Trenton Daniel Freeman DEPattorson, Phila Timothy Ely, Warminster T> Blair. Buoks oo Jease 8 Heston, Newtown Geo H Oakes WmLawahe _ John Betts. Bucks oo W M. Kirk A la, Forestville Albert 8 Ely, Pineville BLACK BEAR HOTEL-Third at. above CaUowhilU WraKGrim.Boyerstown 0 W Cooper, Allentown H 8 Horer, Olney J Rover, Branohtown . L Hocland. Somsrton IL Trexler, YaroleyviUe Wm rfaff, Yardleyvilte A Buokman, Pa 6 Sbutt, Doylestown Master ahatt, Doylcstown Wm Fadows, hloreland J Haldeman, Buoks co H Leffert, Northampton D Davis, Jr, Lake Shore O Roads. Somerton M Richard, Hamburg Mrs 8 Sfautt. Doylestown T Homeland, pa Thos Wi'lard. Pennsvlvania 8 Fell. Pennsylvania G Clemens, Chester Valley F K Harhngpr, Col co, FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Second street, above Market. J B Amwake A la, Lano’ John A Hurlook, Del . .RobtGtJlerood, Concord JnoB Hnwbptkanj.-fDfIL. , Ju h Tcrtoo, finn*rvre' rraooi* MoVsy at la, N J JLmcVay, f*ew Jersey Samuel Warren, N Jersey John R Conroy. Delaware B W Miller A la, N Jersey R W Reynold*, Jr, N York C H Bolden, Burlington • ■' ' ■ ■■■* ' • UT. VERNON HOTEL—Second street, above Aroh. John Shonse, Hawley, Pa John Culbertson. Pittsb’g P Low. Troy. Hew York S G Sands Hanoock, NY . M H Jenke, Buck* 00, Pa CB Gns*, Hancock, Ti Y A B Stinson, Hancock, N Y NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. H T Mllohsack. Bethlehem Q 6 Baitel. Easton T Evans, New Jersey J Hamilton, Altoona J L Shirk, Lebanon JRingeUPa^ J D Bitting A la, Reading P 8 Higgins, Reading A P Wolf, New Jersey W Lmuermnth, Ashland Mrs Limlerrauth, Ashland. MERCHANTS* fiOUHE-Third street, ab. CaUowhill. A Beok, Pennsylvania 8 Britton & la. Belvidere C Brown. Belvidere D Weaver, Allentown L ft George, Muncy, Pa G Kleckner, Clinton 00, Pa A Eubers, Buoks co „ H L Dmokcnmiller, Pa H A Germosd A la, Bath, Pa C H?nen, bpnngtown STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. Henry CWoloolt, Bel ‘ W J Long, Fenna , Jos H Watt, batrobe Wm H W'att, L&trobs Jos Elder. Wilkiusburg Miss Miller. Lace oo Jacob Seegor, Baltimore Kdw Stiefel, Baltimore James Thompson. Penna COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth st., above Chestnut. J W Osborn, Philadelphia J «oob Reynolds, Md Enos Pfizer, Doyiestown E H Haines, Maryland Alf Banting, Linwood, Pa W Wilson, Chesteroo Jo* Jackson. Chester oo W M Reynolds, Del Thus Arrowsmitb, Penna Jas R Ramsey, Chester oo BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Callewhill. J H KanlU Q.nakertown 8 Smith, Bucks co B Beans, Buoka co Bw Smith, Bnoke oo W Balderston, Laliaska, Pa BEK FOURTH PAGE. Bohr Lancet, Bayard, I day from Christiana, Del, with grain to Christian A Curran. Bobr Annie Virden, Chambers, 1 day from Lewes, Del, With gram to Ja* L Bewiey A Co. Bohr Wm George, Hazel, l day from Smyrna, Del, with wheat to JasL Bewlfy A Co. CLEARED. Sobr Hiawatha, Disney, Newburyport, Sinnlokson A Glover. i Correspondence oi The Press.) , . ~ . N*w Yonx, Nov 18. Arrived, ships Harvey Biroh and Lady Franklin, from Liverpool; Ann Eliza, from Sunderland. Below, ship J H Kyeraon, from Bristol, Eng, . , rt , . Nzw Oulkans.NovlO. Arrived, shin John Lea'ie, from Bath; bark Robort Carter, from Boston. MEMORANDA. Atlantic, Gray, for Havre, cleared at New Steamship Empire City, Baxter, cleared at New Or leans 12th mst. for Havana and New York. France Hayme, Randall, hence, arrived at New John* llaven, Salter, for New York, sal’gd from Manila Aug 23. _ Ship Winged Racer, Easterbrook, for New Yofk, ild from Foo»ot>ow*fooAug24. Ship* Jacob A Htamler, Young, London, Hurlbut, and Daniel Webster, Spencer, from London, arrived at N York yesterday. Liverpool, arrived at Bark Empress Theresa, Walter, for Rio de Janeiro, •ai l*, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Tenth edi t*Eitber of the aboveworks sent, post-paid, on reoeipt of 38oent*,whiohistbe retail prioe. Pot'liahedby PERKINPiNE & HIGGINS, noJ7 21,24 No. SO North FOURTH st.. Philadelphia. OODBY FOR DECEMBER. VS “BRIDES AND BRIDESMAIDS/’ What shall be said of this Fashion-plater Can any thing as splendid be produced by any magazine in Eng land, Franoe, or America? We say, no I or. at least, we oan say that it has not yet been done. We shall commence the year 1801 with them. While oth*r maga zines oontent themselves with giving two figures, we rive seven: this will average 84 colored figures of fash ions to 24 of other magazines. We now present this fash ion as , THE BEST EVER PUBLISHED, whether as regards design, engraving, grouping, or coloring. Here is a pioture colored! not a mere stiff, stuok-up lasmon-piate, but a subject engraving, as niuoh so as any other engraving published in the book, “ Christmas in the City/? and " Christmas in the Country,” are from two original plotuies, designed ex pressly for Godey. FASHION-PLATES FOR IS6I. Let our snbsoribers look out for these nagnifloent double-sized colored fashions next year: they alone oonld not be got up and sold at 35 cents each. THE MASONIC SONG. The Musio in this number is the iamous Masonio song which has created suoh a furor* when sung from the manuscript. It is now, for the first time, published in the Lady's Book. Every Mason oijght to have & copy. The author of “Miss Slmamehe” will favor us next year with another humorous story. ' Read ’‘The P/ißoeof Wale* At Peppytown, in this number. Also. “ B, Umber, Artist,” For p*l*hyaJHhe dealer?. \t* THE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1860. the last," and print a better and better paper from year to year, as our means are steadily enlarged thropgh-the generous co-operation of our many well-wishers, wp solicit, and shall labor to deserve, a continuance of pub lip favor. Daily Tribune (311 issues per annum} $6 Semi-Weekly (IOJ .. ) $3 Weekly (62 ) $2 TO CLUBS Semi-Weekly,—’Two copies lor $5, Five for $ll-25, Ten copies to one address for $2O, and any larger numhor at the latter rate. For a plubof Twenty an extra copy will be sent. For a olub of Forty we send The Daily Tribune gratis one year. Weekly.— Three copies for $5, Eight copies for $lO, and any larger number at the rata of SL2O each per an num, thepapor to be addressed to each subiorlber. Tq clubs of Twenty we send an extra oopy. Twenty oopies to ont address for $2O, with one extra to him who sends us the club. For each olub of One Hundred Tub Daily TsipuNß will jio sent gratis for one year. AGENCY FOR THE NEW YORK HERALD. AGENCY FOR THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE. AGENCY FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES. ■ AGENCY FOR THE NEW YORJC WORLD. AGENCY FOR THE NEW YORK EXPREB3. Delivered daily to Subscribers in almost all parts of the city, from ?EIBKR’B AGENCY, gt* top S. TH[RD Street. rTHE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DENr A TAL SCIENCE FOR OCTOBER. READY THIS DAY. LINDSAY A BLAKWTON, Publishers, 25 Bouth BIXTH Street, above Chestnut. RICHARDBON’I3 MecfuraHmlSenti*try. Illustrated. TAFl’o Oporative Dontistry. Illustrated. TOME’S Bystem of Dental Surgery, illustrated. . , MEDICAL AND DENTaL WOOKS. A large assortment always on hand and for sale at low prices. golf TOST PUBLISHED—THE BOOK OF •J THE BIGNERB: Containing Fac-aunlle Letters of theSignersoftheDeoiarationoflndependenoe. Il lustrated with sixty-one eneraving*. from orlginiO pho tographs and drawings of their residences portraits, Ac. Quarto, $B. Large Paper Copy, India Proofs, $l5. A Book that no American should be without, and a desi • deratum in every library. , WM. BROTHBRHEAD. Publisher, and Importer of Old BOoki, Autographs, and 003 - 318 South EIGHTH Street. Books for families, Published by LINDSAY A BLAKIBTON, Publishers, Booksellers, and Importers, 95 South BIXTHj Street, above Chestnut. SMITH’S DOMKSfIC MEDICINE, Ac. A Family, Plantation, and ahip Mediome-cheat Companion ; particularly adapted for hoads of families. overseers, or owners qf plantations* captains of alupfti &•* A Dpw and enlarged editing octavo., .T/loe $f TILT’S ELEMENTS OF HEALTH AND PRINCI PLES PF FEMALE HYGIENE, 1 volume Royal m<>— ...jjs fpop *lJg. BALT, ON THE MATERNAL MANAGEMENT OF CHILDREN IN HEALTH AND DISEASE, noifi Price $l/ BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. JULY IST, 1860. NEW FIRMS AND CHANGES. MERCHANTS IN WANT OF BLANK BOOKS cap be supplied from a very superior assortment made from Linen atopk, oy made tq oyder, , WARIUNTBb AT i,OW PRICBS. - WM. F. MURPHY * MofJ’S NKW STPRK. Stationers, Lithographers, And Letter-Press Printers 81GN or the ledger. No. 339 CHESTNUT Street Jek sw-tf Blank books and stationery. M. A. REES, , Blank-Book Manufacturer. Stationer, and Printer, N 0,418 WALNUT Street, between Fourth and Fifth, (Formerly David M. Hogan.) BOOKS for Bank*, Fubuo Offices, and others, Ruled to any given patern, (with or without Heading printed,) and Bound m the best wanner, both with regard to neatness and durability. Orders for An nual and other Report*, Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, and JOB PRINTING of every description, executed in the best style, at sboit notice. Also, Engraving and Lithographic Printing. , . „ t , A general assortment of Ainerioan, French, and Eng lish dtationery. Cap, Letter, and Note Papors, Enve lopes, Ao. Initials stamped on Paper and Envelopes. Musio and Books rebqund m any style of Binding. Having, through misfortune and losses, been obliged to give up business, 1 would respectfully recommend to my friends and patrons my suooessor, M. A, REES, who will oarry on the business under my personalisuper intendence, at the old stand, 418 WALNUT Street. Orders thankfully received, and executed with fidelity and despatch, upon the most reasonable terms. no3-2m DAVID M. HUG AN, Alt. for M. A. Rees, JTJSTABLIfc-nED 1813 WILLIAM WILSON & SON, MANUFACTURERS OF SILVER W ABR E. S. W. CORNER FIFTH AND CHERRY BXB. A large assortment constantly on hand, or made to order tomatoh any pattern desired. Persons wishipg to have ORIGINAL STYLES will be furnished with patterns by pur designer FREE OF CHARGE. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ENGLISH, FHKNOH, AND AMERICAN PLATED WARES. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. noir tf WATCHES AND JEWELRY, JAMES E. UALDWELL & 00., 833 CHESTNUT ST. IMPORT AND MANUFACTURE FINE WATCHES. RICH DIAMOND AND ALL CITHER JEWELRY, MANTEL CLOCKS AND BRONZES. STERLING SILVER-WARE, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN I’LATED GOODS, PARIS ARTICLES, FANS, OPERA-GLASSES, Ac., The prinaiua! part of our stock ia eutiroljr new at MODERATE FIXED PRICES. An Examination will entail no obligation to pur chaee. nol»tJal-jf Jt k FINE WATCHES, of the most ap is! gross jsKisi/sraffi 8t 22 North bfxTß^EJGeet. SOARF-PINS, STUDS, and SLEEVE- AmJ BUTTONS.—a large assortment of CaTbunolo, «**Ooral, Lava, and ttruooan at 0029-Jm 22 North SIXTH Street. LADIES’ FANCY FURS! FANCY FURS! -JOHN FAREJRA, 718 ARCH street, has now in store, of his own importation and manufacture, a very large and beautiful assortment of all. the diflerent kinds end auaiitie* of Fanoy Furs, for lilies and ohil- selling at manufacturer*’ prices, ftoljT-Mtr. NEW PUBLICATIONS. PROSPECTUS. SUBSCRIBE AT fJEIBBR'S! SUBSCRIBE AT ZEIBEK’S! SUBSCRIBE ATZEIBER’S! SIIaVEU WAKE. RETAIL DRY GOODS, E. &, Xi. fourth and arch. PLACE FOR SHAWLS, PLACE FOR CLOAKS, PLACE FOR SILKS, PLACE FOR MERINOES, PLACE FOR POPLINS, PLACE FOR DE LAINEH, PLACE FOR BLANKETS, PLACE FOR CLOTHS, PLACE FOR NAPKINS, PLACE FOR SHEETINGS, PLACE FOR PIANO COVERS, PLACE FOR EVERYTHING, ooS9-mwe tf c. & c. ON FRIDAY. NOV. 16. Will have completed the improvements in the second story of their Store, ami wit L EXHIBIT IN TIIKItt LARGE, NEW -■» OLPAK room An elegant assortment of LADIES’ FINE OLOTH OLOAKB, COOPER & CONARD. SOUTHEAST CORNER 3?INTH AND MARKET. nolB JJJLEGANT CLOAKS, BAO9.TJEB. BASQUES, PAf/ETOTS. THE MOBT SUPERB ASSORTMENT ,0 B 2 FOUND IN TBS CITY. W AT MODERATE PRICE li}Pq&TEl> AND MANUFACTURED FBO» FINEST LYONS VELVETS, FINE RIBBED CASTORS, IMPERIAL DOESKINS, Ami an infinite vanef, qf FANCY CLOAKINGS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH PRODUCTIONS, Too multifarious to enumerate. j. w. proctor & co.. THE PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK AND FUR , EMPORIUM, NO. 70S CHESTNUT STREET. no9-tf MILLINERY. MISSES O’BRYAN, 914 CHESTNUT (treat,above Ninth, will open Paris Millinery, for the Winter, on Thursday. Nov, g. 1860. n7-lra* TOYB. PRYING BABIES, SLEEPING BABIES, \J AND PAPA AND MAMMA DOLLS. In trerjr atyle# from common to finest wax heads. Beautiful pattern*! , Also, China and Muslin Dolls, China DotU, Kid Dolls, Paper Dot's, and 20,000 dozen new Toy*, in greatest variety. just opened, W. TiLLFß,lmporter, POIT-Gt 84 South FOURTH Street. oonnn CHRISTMAS balls, all Sixes and most Dazzling Color*. Also, Ola** Fruits. Call early, before all are sold. . W. TILLKR, Irauorter, nol7-6t 24 South FOURTH Street, BEADS! BEADS!! BEADS!!! ALL Colors, Sorts, and Size*. - W. TILLER. Importer, no!7 ft 84 South FOURTH Street. THOMPSON. SON* & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF CABINET-MAKERS’ MATERIALS, 238 SOUTH SECOND STREET. KT Brooatells, Fluebes, Reps, Damasks, and every description of Furniture aud Curtain Good*. sol9-2m JJ # SHOEMAKER & Co., GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, AND VARNISHES, Northeast Corner FOURTH and RACE Streets. mygbflm (SPARKLING AND STILL CATAWBA >3 WINES, acAirsyACTVEXD it -J eSHELBV \ Cincinnati, Ohle, Always on hand, and in lot* to suit purchasers, by CHARLES F. TAGGART, Bole Agent, tv4’<» No. 631 MARKET Street, MORE LIGHT! TUB GAS lamps FOR THE MILLION, may be ■sanot 204 NORTH SECOND Street; 930,000 worth are now in use. The Market street. Green and Coates, judge road, and other horse oars are now using them. We alter any filthy Kerosene Lamps into Gas Lamps for 91; 10,000 Agents wanted to sell tpem throughout the United State*. The Gas Lamp will light a room twen ty feet square for one oent an hour. DR. O. A. GREENE & CO., No. 804 NORTH SECOND Street, above Race, aell-ths&m-ly BELLS. Only o NX-third the price of Brass and less than hal that of Steel Bells 5 of equally sonorous and mellow tone. Warranted for twelve months against breakage by fair ringing* For sale at the BOLE AGENCY in Philadelphia, No 812 COMMERCE Street. eefp-thstuSm A. M. F. WATSON. yyABM AIR FURNACE. Thenew Cpno Furaaeo Gas Consumer will thoroughly Warmypur house, with one-third Toss coal than is re quired 6y any other furpaoe. Satisfaction m all cases guarantied. Buildings warmed and ventilated by ARNOLD & WILSON, seB-stuth3mif lOlp CHESTNUT Stroet. ROOKING RANGES.—AH m want of the elevated, double oven Cooking Ranges, will do well to call at ARNOLD % WILSQhPS, ■pg-gtpthlmif 1010 CriESTNTT Street. OLATE MANTELS.—The richest and ►3 most beautiful speoimens of enamelled Slato Man tels ever offered for sale in this country, manufactured by us, from Pennsylvania slate-stone, and for sale very low. ARNOLU & WILSON, «*3-stuth3mlf 1010 CHESTNUT Street. SOMETHING NEW. —KERR’S VENTI LATING SUNLIGHT GASALIEft, is now to be seen in Rev. R. A. Carden's Chujrqh oftbe Intercessor, Spring Garden, below Broad St. The xre&t advantages of this apparatus are, that while it gives a soft, universal light all over the apartment, the heat is used to promote and lorm a perfeot and thorough ventilation of the building, nmi at same time the cost is below the old method ot lighting. It is applicable t 6 every description of rooms or pub io places. Further information can bo had at ARNOLD & WILBON’S, 1010 CHbSTNUT Street, or bV addressing the patentoo, J. W. KERR, PITTS BURG, Pa. noM-loi* mHE DEBATES OF CONGRESS.—THE X DAILY GLODE, containing the proceedings of the next session of Congross in newspaper form, and THE CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE AND APPENDIX, containing them in book form, revised by the speakers, will be printed by me during the session to commence on the 3d of next December. For one copy of lup Daily Globs until the Jstdav of next April. v ...... . 93 op For one oopy of Thb Congressional Globe and Ap pendix during the s3 pp TjiE CoNdHEseiyNAL Globe and Appendix go free through the mails. ~ No attention will be paid to any order unless the money accompany it, Washington Cut, Oct. 13. 1860. nolMt* JOHN C. RIVES. ORIENTAL DETERSIVE SOAP.—One v pound of whioh will do as much washing, and do it better than tlueo ot common rosin soap; olothesneed no boiling nor rubbing on a wash board. Over 100,000 families are nowconstantly using it. We guaranteed to give satisfaction, or return the money. Ailreapeota bleGrooers have it for sale. „ p TRAIN A McKEONE, auZt-wsiftf 22 and 24 South Wharvas LATOUR 011i.—36G Baskets Pure Olive Oil. of the above celebrated brand, now landing from »hlp A. * CARHTAIRB, noH-tutln3t aoa and .04 Soulli FRONT Street. WOOD-BURNT AND MARBLE LIME, Calcined Plaster, plastering Hair, White Sand, and Cement* „ Orders by mail for-shipping promptly attended to. Southeast oorner NINTH aud CUATE6, Philadelphia. r {iolS-6t* . H. MoINNES.__ Widow oliquot champagne.— We are prepared to supply the above brand of Champagne to the trade from store or to arrive. JAURKTCHE 3c LARdTAIRS. no!0-stuth-6t 202 and 204 South FRONT St. [VI ESS MACKEREL —63 bbls., 57 half IXOSIN, PITCH, and TAR.—I,7OO bbls. JL? i bb1i.,74 quarter bbls, and 150 kitts No.l Mess -*-* Bosin.allgrades;2sodo.Pitoh,largesize;7s bbls, Mackerel, of a phploe qualitr. in store and landing, ior Tar, part Wilmington; 1,000 kegs Tar .new, bright paok sale by „ MURPHY &KLONS. ages, for salo br RoWIEY, ASHBUANEH, * Ctf, noB-lm No. 140 NORTH WHARVES. No, 10 South Whams, noia GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. & F. ESHLEMAN & FLETCHER ■^”800^ Means NUMBER EIGHT HUNDRED C. E. Means SOUTHWEST CORNER EIGHTH ami CHESTNUT. LINES TO E. k L. Some men originate, While others imitate. ALTO QETHER, Means THE NEW CRAVAT AND GENTLEMEN’S ' PURNIt-HING STORE, NOW OPEN, With a stock comprising all the Latest Styles and manufactures, THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY. CRAVATS, SCARFS, TIES, COLLARS. HOSIERY, UNDEKBHIRTS, DRAWERS, MUFFLERS, made to ordbr, 0 for §9 and upwards. THE MYSTIC LETTERS & F. EXPLAINED. Eshleman $ Fletcher & Latest, $ Cravats. # Elegant Collar t ELEGANT AND LATEST ELEGANT AND LATEST ELEGANT AND LATEBT COLLARS AND CRAVATS. COLLARS AND CRAVATS. COLLARS AND CRAVATS. ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, " OR ANY OTHER DAY,” SOUTHWEST CORNER OF EIGHTH AND CHESTNUT. . NO, 800. PHILADELPHIA. nol2-stnth3i Fine shirt manufactory.—The attention to his imrROVED OUT OF SHIRTH, known as the most perfect fitting made. On hand* and made to order at shortest not|oe. WHOLESALE TRADE SUPPLIED, assortment of GENT’S FURNISH ING GOODS, of his own importation* J. W. SCOTT, ... , , , 814 CHKBTNUT Street. oc2g Four doors below the *• Continental Hotel.” NOIIOE TO GENTLEMEN!—The best assortment of BHIRT BOSOMS ever offered for ine oitr Of Philadelphia, comprising Prince of walrs. Imperial. Abraham Linooln, 3tp., Upright Plaits, Dias Plaits, and Cross Plaits, some containing three hundred, p.laits. CHARLES ADAMS & SON, nolQ-tf EIGHTH and ARCH Streets PATENT ENAMELLED COLLARS; \yM. E. LOCKWOOD. Sole owner of and Manufacturer under tho following Patents: GENT3#PATENT ENAMELLED COLLARS, (Hunt’s Patent, July2s, J&fy) PATENT TAGS (Sharp’s Patent, Jane 15,1852.) LADIES’ PATENT ELECTRO COLLARS AND CUFFB, (Lockwood’s Patent, April £6,1859 ) MANUFACTURER OF NECK-TIE ADJUSTERS, (Patent Applied lor.) OFFICE, No. 236 CHESTNVT STREET, First do.or below Jayne’s Building, PHILADELPHIA. COLLARS Wholesale only. TAGS sold in any quan tity. Circulars containing full particulars sent on ap plication. It INSURANCE COMPANIES. Delaware mutual safety in- SURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1835. The following Statement of the affairs of the Com pany is published in conformity with a provision of its Charter: PREMIUMB Received from Nov. 1,1859, to Ootober SI, 1860. On marine and inland risks-. —.- #348.825 95 On fire risks..* PREMIUMS Marked off as earned, from Nov. 1.1859. to 00t.31, 1860. On marine and inland risks 93&J 937 19 On lire risks _— 118,212 01 Interest, salvages, Ac., during same peri0d.............. .. LOS3EB, EXPENSES, Ac.. Dunne tho year as above. Marine and inland navigation losses $202,02399 Fire losses £3.605 01 Return premiums. 42,295 00 Ro-insuranoas- 24.511 07 Agenoy charges, Ac 28,650 29 Donations to stonm tiro companies, advertising* taxes, 11,697 71 Expenses, salaries, rent, ... 20,487 48 558 3 ’175 66 Furplua.... _ .... 146,41080 ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1, 1860. $lOO,OOO United States five 3? oeut. loan $100,600 CO 115,000 United Staten six to oeut. Treasury Notes, (with accrued interest).... 119,463 34 100,000 Pennsylvania State fivo to oent. loan.—- 95,970 00 21,000 , do.. do. six' do* do, 21,015 CO 123.050 Philadelphia City six to oent. Loan. 125,293 37 30,000 Tennessee State five to oent loan.. 24,000 00 60 OCO Pennsylvania Railroad 2d mortgage six to oent bonds 45,000 00 15 COO 300 shares, stock Germantown Gas Company, interest and prmoipal guaranteed by the City of Phila delphia— 15,300 00 5,(00 190 shares Pennsylvania Railroad 5 000 lOo'shaSesStorth Pennsylvania itaU- 3,9C ° road Company 900 00 1,200 £0 shares Philadelphia Ice Boat and Steam Tug Company —. 1,200 00 250 5 shares Philadelphia and Havre de- Graco Steam Tow-boat Company, 350 00 200 2 shares Philadelphia Exchange Company - 125 00 1,000 2 shares Continental Hotel Co 600 00 $566,700 par. Cost 8547,335 34. Market va1.55W,356 71 Bills reoeivnblo, for insurances made 171,366 42 Bonds and mortgages.. 34,500 00 Real - 61,363 35 Balanoeadue atAgenqieg—Premiums on Ma rine Policies; intertst, and other debts due the Company.—— . - ... 51,566 02 Sorip and etock of sundry Insurance and Other Companies . .......... 2,625 50 Cash on liana—in banks—.-.—.... 528,673 16 in drawer-... —— 435 3$ fSg c—i WINTER ARRANGE- M ENT .-PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN,ANDNORBIBTOWN RAILROAD. On and after MONDAV, Nov. 13,1850, FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia. 6,7,8,0,10.11. and 13 A. M., 1,3, 2, 3ift, 4, 5. Oft, 6,7,8,9,10 ft, and lift P. M. .Leave Germantown. 6,7. 7ft. 8. Bft. 9, 10,11 and 12 A. M.,., 3 , 5 ..i,., 6 ,0» b 7^fe i ' Sl - Leave Philadelphia, 9.03 min. A. M,, 2,7, and 10ft P. M. Leave Germantown, 8.10 mm. A. M,, 1.10 min., 8, affU 9J4 P M ’ CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadolplua, 6, 8,10, and 12 A. M., 9, 4,6,8, and 10ft P.M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7, 10, 7.35, 8.40, and 9.40, and ll.« A. M.. 1.40. 3- Leave Philadelphia, 9.05 A. M., 2. and 7 P. M, Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.50 mm, A. Al., 1269, 5.40, and 9.10 mm. P. M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia,*.so,7ft, 905,and 1105 min. A. M., 1.05,3.95, HAND. Vice President. oretory. nol?»lm William Martin. Edmund A. Souaer, Theophilus Paulding. Johnil. Penrose, Jehn C. Davis, James Traquair, William Eyre. Jr., James C. Hand, Wilham C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr. R. M, Huston, George C. Loiper, Hugh Craig, Charles Kelly, , WILLI. „ THOS. C. HENRY LYLBURN. Sec The mutual life insurance com PANY OF NEW YORK, SIX OP DOLLARS, The premiums are lower than in many other Compa nies, and the Dividends have been greater. This Is a striotly Mutual Company, There are no Stockholders, so that ALL THE PROFITS BELONG TO THE INSURED. Pamphlets, and every information, may be had gratis, on application to F. RATCHFORD BTARR. Agent, B.W.oomer FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. ' PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES; Thomas Robins, John Welsh. Mordeoai L. Dawson, George H. Stuart, George M. Stroud, E. S.vtheen, John R. Myers, J. Fisher Learning, Joseph Patterson, William C. Ludwig, John M. Atwood, Arthur G. Coffin, Thomas H. Powers, George W. Toland, William MoKeo. Thos. Wattaon. n3S-lT*il Fame insurance company, no. 406 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED APRIITTBSB, BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISKS. DIRRCTcms. Samuel Wnght, p. B. Birnpy, Wm. W. waiters, J. W. Lver^nan, Chas. Biohardson, Henry Lewis, jj,, Geo. A. West, Jaoob W. Stout,i 0. Wilson Davis, Monko Stern. Thos. 8. DAY, President. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vioe Prea’t, WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARO. Secretary, [jall-ift SAVING FUNDS. American saving fund. — com pany’s Building, southeast oomer WALNUT and FOURTH Streets. Open daily from t iill .1 o’clock, and on MONDAY tills in the evening. This Old Institution has always paid in full, on demand. W,tho “‘ no fKTEilE B 'r FIVE run CENT. All sums paid baok, on demand, in told and surer. ALEX. iVHILLDIN, President, SAML. WORK,.Vice President, John C. Farr, T. E* Harper. Q?orse Nugent, John Anspaoh, Jr., Sami. T. Hodul*-. Atfe. Orßoberts, John Aikman, , Jonas Wm. J. Howard. JOHNS. JOHN O.SlMB.Beoretarj. > \ *•&*<» pc3o-lmif CSPKING GARDEN VSAtMiGft FUND, k3o«c«, 331 North THIUft BbttMlMvtan Vina and Callowhill. Incorporated 6, ft* WiSfature April »Vo iwo^olo^t. 11 A l*?,°on A? EVENINGS, from 6 to 8 o*olook?“^ Interest 8 per cent. per annumi jDeftOeitdra can with draw their Moneys by Cheoks, if imiM,' Bpeolal De posits reoeived. „ _« JAMES 8. PRJNCLE. President. Fencers Hirt. aearetarr. aeKKftf npHE ADYERTIBER .HAS $3,000, AND , ij? Filing to take an interest as partner in a well eatabliflJied, safe, and profitable business. Address “ T. r„” office of this papor, stating when and where an interview may be had. no!7-3t* If EBCHANTS AND TRADESMEN wishing LADS will please apply at theNEWS BQYB’ HOME. i£7d South THIRD Street. noIC-Ct* V\TANTED —By a thorough experienced y 7 Salesraantftn engagement with a first-olaas Dry- Goods Jobbing Hoass, either in Philadelphia or New York, to sell Pennsylvania trade. Undoubted reference will be given in every oapaoitv by first-class houses in Philadelphia. Address '• Confidence,” JVe« office. no!4-wfs 3t* & C. AW ANTED—BY AN .EXPERIENCED T V* Dry-Goods Packer, a situation in n Dry-Gomls ♦t?P5 ia ? Nouse, as Porter and Paoker. Can furnish V? e bflstTeoommendationsas to qualifications, honesty, fee. Address “JAMES,” office of this paper. n!2-6t* WTANTEDTO RENT—By a good tenant, hnn,.. a will accommodate about fifteen horflOH. Address “Stable.” Fuss office. no2-tf W ANTED—An active business man, retinni? SIOjOQQ, to take the place ot a Darfnff B i?^i r «? e Li3‘.» m ? 8 0 tabl ‘Bhed Mercantile business, Srem 5 -Pa?tr«fs?tfi. of n S Por “SB 1 ” without ri ß k. Ad —BB tlua office, with real numa. nol-tf $6.000, T ? , L ?, AN ON mortgage. %ii’im?e\t. Appl? t 0 E - UAR1 ’ KNTKR ’ FOR SAUK AND TO I,F.T. IJOOK, STATIONERY, AND PERIODI rITVCTiLnBt'?SK f OR ,. I!AI ’S IN WASHINGTON . C.—lho subscriber offers for sale the good will. stock, anti fixtures of one of the best established Book, Stationery, and Periodical Stores m Washington, now in its twentieth year of successful business. To a Cash puroh&ser it will be sold at a bargain. For particulars address STATIONER, Washington City Post Office, uo!s 3t* BHIRTB, HANDKERCHIEFS. GLOVES, MEN’S HOSE, BOYS’ GLOVES, BOYS’ HOSE, POCKET HDKFS, (Linen and Silk.) TWO 01IAIR AND CABINET MAKERS.— «* tii/5 h k **i l .®'? 9nd ,‘ n S Company, owners of Blanohard’a Patent,” for tho Btates of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland, will soli county, town, or shop milts, or grant licenses to use, -ni a kl te This is the on/y patent. All infringers will be stnotlT dealt with. Apply to JOHN BILBBY, or 0. A. BURGESS, No. 34 BROADWAY, New York oc4-(l3m TWO PAPER MANUFACTURERS.—For sale a 42-inoh Cylinder Machine, in complete run- with Callenders. Will be sold cheap. Ad dress JI. J.BEAUMON r, New Hope, Bucks county. ra * noI6-3t* |?OR EXCHANGE.—A CHOICE TRACT y~ unimproved farm land, in tho State ol New Jereer, convenient to tho oity, will lie exchanged for ortJjgmpoUr- Apply at Ho. 118 FEDERAL Street. LARD-OIL FACTORY.—To rent, a LARD-OIL FACTORY with S 3 Patent Lover Presses, with Plates, Bags, Tubs, Kettles, Tanks; all m complete order. Apply to • . ROWLEY, ABHBURNEA, k co., _oc4 No. 16 SOUTH WHARVES. M PUBLIC SALE OF A VALUABLE FARM.—The undersigned having concluded to *“ 1860, . AT ONE O’CLOCK P. M„ on the premises, liis handsomely located and produc tive FARM, containing NINETY-TWO ACRES, more or less, situate in Wiutpam township. Montgomery county, on State road, leading from Norristown to Doylestown. four miles from Norristown Railroad Depot, and near Centre Square, where the Rkippack pike orosses the State road, being only two miles from ?X T u.. 4 Station and sixteen miles from Phila delphia. This property is well known for the beauty of its lo cation, productiveness, convenience to railroads, turn pikes, sot-oola. ohurohes, &c„ &c„ being an oblong square, divided in the centre byalane, making it very oonvement either for a grazing or dairy farm. The whole is under good fences, the land all arable, rioh, and easy of cultivation, always producing good crops of grain or grass, divided into ton enclosures, with an orchard of the best of fruit. The improvements consist of a substanti il STONE HOUSE, three rooms and entry on the first and same on the seoond flror. with three ceiled rooms m the attic. Piazza the whole length of the house, well with good water with pump therein., frame kitchen attaohed to the house, and a never*failing spring of water'near the door of Hie house, (none better for dairy purposes.) also anotherspnngnot far distant. * ’ _ t _ STONE BARN, Bjfttr six by fifty feet, well built, very convenient in all tho arrangements, well of good water with pump therein under the overshot, corn-crib, pig-sty and other outbuildings. This is one of tJio best and most desirab’e forms in Whitpain township. 3he buildings are all very good and conveniently arranged. Tbe stages pass the pro- ? v ?7 gay.lhus having daily communica tion with Philadelphia if desired. Any person wanting a good farm, pleasantly situated, in a good neighbor hood, here is the chance. ‘ “ uwt ’™i# ag \° V e .Y the property previous to the day of sale, will apply to the subscriber residing thereon, orto K. R. Corson at Norristown. Terms and conditions easy and made known on day Of *alo, R, R. CORSON, Agent lor the Bale, J. B. EVANS. FnpUotor,‘ tOWn ' P °' j g P, 0., Montgomery county, Pa, MISSOURI LANDII , !? 00 .'9PP Leras for Sale and entry, at prioes ranging from UH to Woents per Aore. in any. quantities re quired « TAXES Piid, and PATENTS proonrod for puroha sers of Land nnder the GraduatKin Aot. r;r° ,iams n c e S d ufe, ! . Betireen THIRD and FOURTH, LAND WARRANTS bouiht, .old, and'loonte’d. °' od-8m ■ A VERY ELEGANT SUIT OF ROOMS on second floor, vacant, with Board. Will be let togetherorseparato. ApplyN. E.cor. SIXTEENTH and LOCUST Streets. noi7 A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL RENT A second-story room to a gentleman, with breakfast, if desired. Apply 1121 SPRUCE Street. It* A PLEASANT HOME is offered to a gen ■Lm. flemen and wife, in an American ifamily of throe , persons, having more room than they require, in the pleasantest cart of the West End. GREEN St., above BROAD. The house oontaine all the modern improve ments. References exchanged. Address a note to “Home.” at the office of this paper, which will be im mediately attended to. nold-tf 118,3(8 73 #467,184 69 284,837 39' WIRST- GLASS BOARDING, with hand- oomraunioating and single Rooms, at 1417 LQOUBT Street. 0018-lm* •8471,1» 70 TtfESDAMES OIIEGARAY AND D’HER VILLY respeofcfully inform their friends and the gublio that they have removed their Boarding and ikl: and* 1 fi2a°B?ktS:B fitrb?L L ° Ban S,uaT * to Wo *' . Pupils from five years of aee upward prepared for the fourth olaag. jy3S-gm Bryant, stratton, & Fairbanks* MERCANTILE COLLEGE, S. E. corner SE VENTH and OHEBTNUT Btreets.-itey and Evening Sessions, individual instruction in Bookkeepinz. in cluding General Wholesale and Retail Business, Ship ping, Forwarding and Commission, Banking, Ex change, Manufacturing, Railroading, Bteamboatmg. &o.« the most Morons* and practical course in the United States. Also, Leotures, Commercial Calcula tions, Arithmetic), and the higher Mathematics, Pen manship (best in theoity), Correspondence, &o. ■ For sate, their new Treatise on Bookkeeping, beauti- in colors, and the best work published. PENN INSTITUTE, SOUTHEAST COR NER THIRTEENTH aud FILBERT Streets, re opens MONDAY, September Sd, Four more pupils will be admitted. Catalogues sent to any address. auTl-tNai R. STEWART. PriiiotpaL Lost.- j. f. peniston>s note, dated OotoberSUt, 1800, at ninety days, for Three Thou sand Dollars, drawnto my order, and endorsed “ Rich’d M. Lea;” also, "William Lea, per Rich’d M, Lea, Att’y/’ AH persons are cautioned agaiust negotiating the same, as payment has been stopped. RICHARD M. LEA. noI6-26t* 398 SOUTH WHARVES. LOST OR MISLAID Certificate of Stock No. 250, for 12 shares in the New York Mid dle Coal Field Railroad and Coal company, and would hereby give nutioe that i have made application for certifio&te m lieu thereof. _ no2-30t EDWARD HUGHES. WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD VIA MEDIA. CHANGE OF HOURS. On and after Monday, SeptembetlTth IBfih the trains will leavo PHILADELPHIA, from the Depot, ooroer of Thirty-first and Market streets. West Philadelphia, at 7.45 and 10 A. M.. and SAOand 5 P.JT. „ Leave WEST CHESTER, from the Depot, on East Market street, at 7 And 10.15 {A. M., and *45 and 5 P. M ‘ , ON SUNDAY, - Leave Philadelphia, from the depot, northeast oornor of Eighteenth ana Market streets, at 8 A. M. and 2 P.M. Leave West Chester, at 7.80 A. M., and 4.45 F. M, TrainsleavirgPhiladelphia,at7lSA.M.ands P.M., and on Wednesdays and Saturdays only, at 3.90 P. M., oonneotat Pennelton with tha Philadelphia and Balti more Central Railroad, fpr Conoord, Kennott, Avon dale; Elkview, Ac.* and for Oxford, via Stase. tromond of Traolc, at 7.45 a. M. On Tuesday, Thursday, And Sa turday, the 7.45 A. M. train from Philadelphia will con nect with a line of stages, via Oxford anu Hopewell, to Peaoh Bottom, in Lancaster ooupty. „ , „ The last Possonger Railway Car will leave Front and Market atreetß 50 minutes, and Eighth and Market streets ?5 minutes before the starting tune from the Depot, and will oarry a flag to denote it. Office and waiting room, southeast corner of Eighth and Market streets, where passengers, purchasing tickets for West Chester, will be furnished with a ticket over the I'Msong.r Railwaj. jj E^R y WOOD , €eneral Superintendent. The baggage car will leave Eighteenth and Market streets one hour before the departure of the train irom tho WeatPhiladelphia Depot. sell-tt MACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, SAL IVA MON, «5c0.— 3,000 bbls. Mess Nos. 1, 3, and 8 Mack erel, large, medium, and nmall, in assorted packages of choice late-caught fat nsh. 6.000 bbls. Newßalifi*, Eattport, and Labrador Her rings. of ohoioe qualities. 6,000 boxes extra new scaled Herrings. 3, 000 boxes oxt anewNo.l Herrings. 3,000 boxes largo ManMLme Herrings. 350 bbls, Maoktnoo white Fish. 60 bbls. new Economy Moss Shad. 25 bbls. new Halifax Salmon. 1,000 (Quintals Grand Bank Codfish. 300 boxes Herkimer-county Cheese. In store and landing,iorsaieby MURPHY k XOONS, noB No. 146 NORTH WHARVES. penn nnn HAVANA cxgaks, of the WU.UUU most celebrated brands-viz.: Figaro, Cabana, DI “f1&p», . ”cl?Un,&o.,Jr„. Of all sizes and quality, on hand, and landing by 10- oeal arrivals, and for sale low I, Q HAR j jR g TETE, noS 12t 130 WALNUT Street HAVANA OIGARS.—-Afresh assortment now landing from Brig MoOlanahan, just arrived, “° d cl-i r Bf I ° V » C :iQ A WALNuf I Btr-eet. JALEP —For sale by WETHERILL & EROTHEK, 4T and «9 North SECOND BM«V i* •- WANTS. BOARDING. BDHCAXIONAIi. LOST. KAILKOAI> irlAEb. AMUSEMENTS. QONCERT HALL. FAREWELL COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT OP GEORGE CHRISTY, And positively h ; s LABT APPEARANCE o V l . IN PHILADELPHIA^ On wbioh occasion, in addition tows own MAMMOTH AND BRILLtANT TROUPE OF TWENTY-ONE performers. He will be anfed and abetted in his BLACK DEALINGS BY , SAM SANFORD-P. 0. C. O. and D. V... V/lio has kindty voluntoored for the occasion, and will sing tbe iamons pathetio Ballad of y , VILLIKENS AND HIS DINAH, (Accompanied b; himself on a B Fiat Clarionet, made all out of his own head,) and (by the land permission of Professor Sanford) of DICK SLITER, THE CHAMPION DANCER OP THE WOSLU, Who hae volunteered his services, and will execute his GREAT CHAMPION JIG DANCE. ON THIS OCCABION, ALSO, wii r GEORGE CHRISTY rr. rrn W 1 !?! r th e first and only time as T ?i,i?-», A , T l £ NI) °«IBJNAL BLACK BLONDIN, And execute the „ FERILOUS FEAT tPJ a well-ohalked Rope across the FEARFUL ABYBS OF CONCERT HALL, ON SHANGHAI STILTS, the latest speci mens frem the rhiladelphia Mint as a generous publio may be pleased to load him down with. Come one and all, and test George Christy’s powers of endurance. ir’ciS cn . l, T Te Mammoth XYoupe will appear in ailthe Vocal and Instrumental Gems of the season. George Christy will deliver his Farewell Address, and receive thewelcome Ovations of his legion of friends in quarter* Iy instalments. THE GREAT FETE OF THE SEASON. GRAND FAREWELL GALA MATINEE, „A T .£ wo o’clock to-day.- CHILDREN HALF-PRICE, ii sea J? reserved for ladies and ladies aooompa nicd by gentlemen. th* Hn o J T s d .l aats can 1,0 secured at the Box Offioe during TmillV w . ltfao ,V s exira charge. T)nnr!«J? al iP of Hall, 25 Cents. Doors open at 7 o clock; to commence at 8. no!7 AND SHARPLEY’S OPERA of Mlnatretey, fitted W,! ' Blrt-Cil fc bUARPLEY’fI MINSTRSLS, * x, . . frank a jbrowfr. u n dM\ r &SiS 0 c P f ran,m8 ’ with 14 Star Perform.rs, JL}SD BAM SHARPLEY. lioors open at OJ-. Commonoe at 7 H preoiselr. Admission 2 Ciu\dienl3cent». no!7 tf SANFORD’S OPERA HOUSE. «Kw «ssr H« scoured „neo®- BANFOIID w ho AB ,UaSar O u%M?. IES 6Ter » IM “ M herrtoter. Sanford will perform every evening, ?®° r * open at 7 ; Commence at 7X, Admittance 25 oents. Children 13 oents. nol7-lm VK7"ALNUT-STREET THEATRE. ,7 * BoleLagflaa— MUi M A. BAnTLRTTwna Stage Manager m. wm jirraAPvrAw* Business Agent mV?JOB n C MuaSSS representation.* M W!» u THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, ../ J 1? acted,the celebrated sensation drama (al ready witnessed brover 45,000 persons) of THE DEAD HEARTf M?. U s n S.'jolen?n°.° B "™'’ Mr “’ 01id ” lan « ! C.ri„tte, To oommenoo with SLASHER AND CRASHER. at°7o° r c^l? n^^ric°eSl^V,u P al. f ° nn!U>eß * & CLABKE’S AKOH-ST. ■u tt t- NIGHT of THE GREAT TRAGEDIAN. •or, v •„ EDWIN BOOTH. When he will appear in and COMEDY. T »“'rt‘^oteTa,,„r-.. g atehrated«g f ioFlaror TIToDONOUGH’S OLYMPIC (Late GATE TIEB,) RACE Street, below Third. SATURD *V NIGHT DAMON AND FYTHJAB!! AND TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR-ROOM. I!! Dam0n..........J. 35. McDonough. Eyth'as C. Rrnar * LAST NIGHT OF CORDELIA HOWARD AND HER TO-NIGHT- AND PYTHIAS! AND TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR-ROOM ! tjBLATBILL! great BILL! GREAT BILL! GREAT BILL! fJONTINBNTAL THEATRE, (Late National,) WALNUT Street, above Eighth, THE GREAT AMERICAN CONSOLIDATED « .CIRCUS company. Hi P. MaDIGAN k CO., Propneten. J.n Nfc,FiT 0F “ MONS. blond pp L 0 * a £ ,a a Be U°* Of unparalleled Evoln tions on the Tight Rope, inoludmg his Basket Dance, Ao, a’RiH W vvyM?Sr- V^L . K • 0F THE CIRCUS. F irBt time of the great Ascension, and Jooko. the Brazilian Ape. Trooje will appear every night. J*™™? ’ a GRAND MATINEE, commencing The doors open at half past 6 o’clock. Performance commence* at half past 7. - o^te s , 810 2° n J T 25 c ? n ts; Family Circle lfic.; Secured Seats can be secured St days in advance. :UE AD QUARTERS. FRANKLIN VTNH P , L ACE.-FREE CONCERTB—CHAS. JEN KINS, m conjunction with an entire .New Company tongs. Danoes, &o. CHADWICK & FEET, Bnp’tn UASSLER’S ORCHESTRA.—Serenade *drc“ 4 M ' UtMT Blr ‘ d _P MAII'SASSLKii”' 5 ' 707 Offioa 1208 LOCUST fltrMt* „„„ Or Hlaako’s Aoadamj, BBOA.P Street, beltraWalroK nTHB GERMANIA ORCHESTRA give * their PUBLIC REHEARSALS every B»TUR SAXk 01 ’S l iW cl S s .f t , ¥ £JlooJt. at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. 8 ticket*. SI ) einele ticket*. 2S cents, for aaje at Chiokenee 4. Son’e, 807 Cheetout .treat s Andre’s, lift Chestnut street: and Beck Jt Lawton’s. Chestnut street. Engagements for Concerts. Commencements. Par ties, &c., made only at their Offioe, Chlokerins fc Son's Piano Store, Bfff Chestnut street; William Stoll, S 4 North Jumper street, or C. Droughman, 1009 Kidgs avapge» ocSl-tf PENNA. ACADEMY OF THE FINS ARTB.-102S CHESTNUT Street. ...I;h.f a splendid Fainting by Mrrnot, “THE FIRST SIN,” a beautiful Marble Statuette b, Angelim. . On exhibition for a short time. Visitors will please bring their opera glasses, MEIMCINAX. R. STAFFORD’S • OLIVE TAR. When Ouvs Tar is Inhaled it* healing JSalsami* odors are brought in contact with the lining membrane of the THROAT, BRONCHIAL TUBES. AND ALL THE AIR-CELLS OF THE LUNGS, relieving at once anypam-or oppression, and healing any irritation or inflamation. When Olive Tar is Takvn upon Sugar, it foroi a* unequalled Soothing a*tt Healing Syrup for Coughs and all Throat diseases. When Olivb Tab is Afplibd, its Magnetic or con centrated onrativo powers render it a most speedy • PAIN ANNIHILATOR. Olive Tar is not slieky—dots not diueUiu Fifty cents a bottle, at 443 BROADWAY, N. Y. k an by all Druggists. J. R. STAFFORD’S IRON AND SULPHUR POWDERS are a soluble preparation of Iron and Sulphur, identical with that existing in the blood of a perfeotlyWealthy person. Uniling with the digested food, Tiiev Revitalize and Pubipt the Blood. Thet Impart Energy to thb Nbxvous Systix. TnsY Invigobatb the Lives. They Strengthen /he Digestion. They-Regulatr the Secretions ov the Body, And aue a Bpeoivic tob. all Feaialx Wxaxnssbxs Pnicß, One Dollah a Package. At 442 BROADWAY, New York, and all Druggists. Pamphlet containing Testimonials viojs thi following and more than 100 other well-known promi nent persons, will be sent to any address, fru by maiL Geo. Law, Esq., Fifth avenue, New York. Simeon Draper, Esq., Banker, New York. Thcrlow Weed, Eoq., Albany, N. Y. Gen. Dupe Gsek.v, Washington, D. C* Col. Samuel Colt, Hartford, Cons.. Col. Ciias. May, U. B. A, Rev. Joshua Leavitt, Ed. Independent, New York. 5 ev * S' 5? IGHT ‘ Ed. Examiner, New York. Rev. D. W. Chows, Art. Am. Biblo Union, N. Y Rev. O. F* A. Spinning, Butternutts, N, Y. - Rev, Df. Leonard, Exeter, N. H. SEND FOR A PAMPHLET. Sold by all Druggists. DYOTT k CO., No, 832 No SECOND Street, Agents for Pennsylvania. .seO-Sm SPECIALTY FOR LADIES. TRUSS AND BRACE DEPARTMENT conducted by com petent Ladies. Entrance on TWELFTH Btreet, first door below Race, A full line of Meohanical Rems* d j-’, l i^ ht T a , tle sant t» tfcefaHy adapted to Ladies* use, o -nr _ C. H, NEEDLES, Proprietor, S. W. corner TWELFTH and RACE Street*! t _ .. „. Philadelphia. Entrance to C.H. N.’s Room, for gentlemen, at the ooroer. * setl-lmif A WONDEEYUL AND NEVBK raa?^S&Kfi? SDY Fo3t DISEABES 0F TBE PROFESSOR MORRIS’ BDOEPUALOS, AN EXTERNAL REMEDY, FOuBTHStM«t. lOOKRIII6E * C °“ W °’ 68 Woltll NCT And for by gauerally. wlt-Smif RHEUMATISM. • SMEDLEY’S INFALLIBLE REMEDY effects cures when all others fail. See oertifioates, Offioe, 819 FILBERT street. oc3o-sw&tif* FRIDAY AND SATURDAY.—Friday and Saturday are the days to find Dr. 80HENCK at bis office, No. 39 Aorth SIXTH Street, in thiscit£ He treats no disease but those of tho Lungs. Liver, and Stomach, and mokes no charge for advioe.orexanun- ID F. mpSßMty*® ordinary way, or as physiolans gene-i rally do, but for a thorough oxatnication with the re spirometer he oharges three dollars. If you hive a cough, go and see Dr. Soheuok. If you bavo a pam under the shoulder-blade, go and see Dr. cohenok. if you have a pain in the breast, go and see Dr. cchenok. _ . if spit blood, be sure to go and see Dr. Sohenok. Dr, bobenok wishes every one, rich or poor, that hao a cough pain in the side or shoulder-blade, troubled with costiveness, or diarrhcca, sallow complexion, lose of appetne, low spirits, restlessness at night* or any other disease leading to consumption, to oalion him, at his offioe, on Friday or Saturday; it may be the means ot preventing consumption. Often a single twenty five cent box oiSohenck’s Mandrake Pills will remove the oause of this groat terror of the country, Consump tion. ______ nolls-2t* ! AZUMEA ! AZUMEA \ AZUMEAI AZUMEA' AZUMEA! AZUMEA PROF. MORRIS’ AZUMEA BAKING POWDER, Manufactured at No. 62 North FOURTH Street, and for sale by Grooers generally. solS-Smif SALT PETRE—For sale by WETHEB JLL k BROTHER, Nos. 4T and 49 North. SE COND Street. no!2 OASES OF SEED LEAF TOBACCO, in store, and for sale by eeg-tf JON. B. HANfiftN A Ca SJPIRITB TURPEETINE.—OB bbls. Spts. Turpentine loadinefrom schooner MaeeieVandu sen, and for sale br ROWLEY, ASHBURNER. & CO., No. *6 South WHARVES.. nols A NNISEED—For sale by WETHERILL ■t*. & BROritER, Nos. 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. not. Letters executory upon the ESTATE of HENRY DOOLITTLE, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, biAhe Register of Wills tor the City and County of PhiHcelphia. All persons indebted will please maae payment to. and all those having claims or demands against the Estate of the said decedent will make known the same, without delay, to A. J. PRUDEN, PLANK Ko&d, near MAN' HErii Street, Doo l_™ F> KELMONpOOLITTIjE, ANDREW J, papDEN. ’ pMhtt October 4,1360.