l5. BOAED. New York Stock I SECOND 10000 ÜBst *74 C0up...100 .UQpVtrsmUSOs -85 MOOMfinMrl 865...-...73K 2000 LaCtMH.L Ob . 15$ 700 Canton Co 15 60 Pacific Mail S.S . 81 M do TOM M t)o 80% 100 • d0..~ 80 1« Clu B4UJR exd.. M tt - 1 dft. 67Atf 100 do!-. -*OO 67 1M MU 0 MO NJT Ctn1U...:... 73X 885". : do- .....74 , 200 r d*, —sM T&% 70 d0.......-.t16 75X 60 -• ...bW74jtf SO '• dOLU- „bBO 7«X WO ' do.;-.bGQ7SX 10 Erie Railroad. 31 • THE MA MO Hudson River K.. 61 200 oi* S do. •• 62 300 do.. .*lO 01* 450 Harlem R ..... 16* 200 Head mg tt...... ■ 35 100 do W 0 35V 40 Mioh CeuK.. 61* » do 630 52 60 Mich 8 Sc RIG s3O W 50 do 32 50 Panama R. JI3K 300-111 Central R Sop.. 60* 100 do W 0 64. 75 Gal Sc Chi R 60* 100 do- 61 Kfl Clerk Toledo R.. 29* 160 Chi * R 1 R «£ 50 04* W do WO 54* Aasxs continue steady* wltn moderate sales of Pots end Pearls at ffllS, 1 '• .. ... Plotte.—The demand for Hour continues fair.with receipts of 40.039 bbls; tue market for State and West ern is dull* heavy, and declining; sales lO.OOObblsat f 5.® for superfine Btate, $6.37)1a0.4a10r extra do, #690 for superfine Western, 65.40*0.70 for extra do. 95.6836.70 for Slipping brands of extra round-hoop Ohio. Southern Hour is heavy and drooping, with sales of 600 bbls at #5 6005.95 tor ootnmOn to. mixed, and 9687.50 for ftmey extras. Canada Flour is dull, with sales of 400bbis at 66.6607 80 for extra. Bye Flour and Corn Meal dull and unohanced. . . . , Gbxin —The Wheat market Is heavy and in favor of the toper under a limited demand. Receipts *69,109 boshetej sties 5.600 bushel*, ineludmg winter rod West ern at«l 8*81.34: riuoioa Canada 0100 at ,61.87. Com is verr March and rather firmer, with receipts of 10,989 bushels, and sales of 25 000 bushels at 70a710 for West ern mixed. Rye ie dull, at JOaHo. Barley is dull. Oa*s ere qniet-at 3(BS7b for Southern, Pennsylvania, and Jersey, and 37®S7Jt© for Canada, Western, and PaovisJoNs.—Pork is dull with sales of 100 bbls atflS.- 708 <9,12 for mem, #13.25813.75 for prime, and 610 250 16.75 for Western pmne mess. Beef ie dull, with small sales of repacked Western mess at 68 SQoIO, and extra men at 910.00311. Prime mesa Weef and Beef Hams are nominal. Bacon' is quiet. Cut M.«ats are flat at fi&tpafofor,shoulders, and UHalDto for kams. Lard isdaU.Withsalesof 100 bbls &c 11©12&0. Butter and Cheese are nnohang- d. W tusxv is dull, with sales of 100 bbls at 2134 c. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE District Court— Judge Sharswood.— Vanhorn vs. The Frankford and Southwark Pas senger Railway Company. Before reported. Ver diot for plaintiff for $275. Briggs for plaintiff; Olmstead for defendant. Wn». H.Kern vs. Robert Dougherty and Thos. Hill. An motion of trespass to recover damages for Uie improper seizure by defendants of property under levy by plaintiff. The defendan ts were con stables, EBd Mixed the goods under a levy, but the plaintiff alleged-that bis levy was subsequent to theirs. Jury out. Gilpin and Heyer for plaintiff; Thorn for defendant. DißrUor Cotot— Judge Stroud—Schmidt vs r £ott Before reported. Verdiot for pliintiff for #282 68. Remak for plaintiff ; W. J. Budd for defendant.. ,'•* St Joseph’s Hospital vs. William Wainwright. An* notion to recover damages for the wrongful use, by defendant, of a certain alley, separating property of plaintiff from that of the defendant. The property is on Arch street, below Second. The present salt ires brought rather to settle the ques tlon'ef right t 6 the alley, than to teoover any large amouit.or damages. The plaintiff oh&rges the de fendant with-purehftring the property adjoining the alley, and erecting a buildlng, leaving an open ing for .a doorway., ,'ihe defenoe raised the point that the plaintiff was barred by the statute of limitation.' The suit was instituted within the twentymos* years required by the statute; if the opening into the alley was to be considered as com pleted when the door was bung; but if the defend ant claimed the right the moment the opening was made, then the plaintiffs were bane! The Court held that the claim of the defendant commenced when the'opening was first made. Verdiot for defendant. ,H. M. Phillips and Coleman for plain tiff; H. Wharton for defendant. Conrad Arndt va. Moses Blumentbal. An action to recover dimages for injuries reoeived in oonse queoce of an .assault and battery committed upon plaintiff by defendant. Jury out. Budd for plain tiff, and Remak for defendant. The City* ol Prague, A correspondent of the Hew York Times thus writes from the city of Prague : The city of Prague lowers gloomily on the stran ger who arrives bynigbt; the streets, at that time, seem to he inordinately, wide, and the sidewalks, being paved with little round pebbles, worked into a sort of temalated pattern, are particularly exas perating to the tepipCr and feet; the lamps are raw, ana bedip supplied with something that comes through the pipes like gas, but don’t burn like it. The Austrian officers, more elanky and oigary than usual, and the hotels to modest and quiet in thoir appearasoe that they seem to have retired from business, and to sell wine' and beer merely out of regard to one’s feelings, and in accordance with the benevolent foundation of their institution. By the time the traveller reaches his bed-room hb is Saeraifr id a condition'to start again. It seems probable that he will desire to Btay an hour longer than absolute sleep requires. When the morning pontes,.his astonishment is all the greater to find Eimielf in the midst of a city of the cheeriest commercial activity, with stores In evory direction, and people hurrying to and fro with that peculiar speed wnioh the pursuit of money can alone im part ' Most large cities appear to the greatest ad vantage In the early evening, when the streets are filled with people and the stores glitter with light. It In different,' however, here, where the entire town 'seems to shut up at 7 o’clock, and to hide itself till early morning One' reason for the gloominess of the streets is the prevalence of pa laces—great dreary ranges of white-washed build ings, looking more like stables than human habi tanons.aod oftan.stretching their wearisome lehgth through whole streets. ’ Against suoh heavy odds the storekeeper would struggle in vain. His lights would be swallowed up in (be blackness of neigh boring dead walls, andwr** curtly to make dark ness visible. abound in all German capitals, but here tb.y literally infest the streets, ana 'are, for the most pari, emninouptaca ih style and wearisome in detail. • Tie porehea and doorways, however, are generally adorned with handaomalj-ohlaelcd ata* tun aoaea of them pomtseleg rare vlvor-t-and the iatetfan are enriched with invaluable art treirmee, which those who are Lota rested there in may freely inapect. The Bohemian nobles are famans not only ior their wealth, but for the ex orilut nse' they mahe of it. Statuary seems to havahaan a passion with them; works of great merit are scattered all over the town; the bridge alone possesses twenty-eight groups, some of them oxoollont in design and.-treatment. Prominent amoag the somber is that of St. John Nepotmio, a futloman who earned dlstlnollon in the Calendar y —o?ei"g to divulge the secrets oonfided to him In tharltaof eonfession by a royal lady, whose bnshandy tendered savage thereby, caused the reverend gentleman to be dung into the river. Bis body, dtsoovared by citlsens, wee rtsovered by reiaon and with the aid of a halo of mlraonlous light which shone over a certain spot in the river where It lay. St. John Neponnwu now the patron Saint of bridges in all Catholic countries, although, as he want over the wrong way, I cannot see that he added te their security. A magnificent monu ment Is snoted to hismemory in the Church of the lisadsebin—whore his remains are interred—buiit entirely of silver, and weighing nearly two toes. A piece of his constant bones is inserted In a sort of .Ur, end placed at a convenient height from the pavement of the ohnreh, so that the devout may reash it with thslr Ups. On tha bridge every one takes off his.bet as no passes the Saint’s statue, whleh, from a d!stance,creates the impression that at that sptt a constant gnit of wind prevails. The Christian ftetugeee in Syria, A Syrlan correspondent of the World ssys: T£e Turks have been trying for some time to compel the Damascene refugees now in Beirut to retain to their homes, bnt, ss yon will see by my lest latter, they are advised on ell sides not to re- , tarn, and no one can blame them for preferring to remain in Beirut. How the Government are about to eat .off their daily supplies—an not whiob, if consummated, will bring upon them the greatest misery. ’ The Anglo-American relief committee will then be obliged to take them up at an expense of not Isas than two hnndrsd dollars a day. It seams aa though overythlag undertaken by the Tnrks was so grossly mlimansged that it has to ha done over again by some one else. The country is felling into a most fearful condition. Starving men are diffioult subjects to manage in any country; much more so hero, when the peo ple aaoribe all their ■nfferings to the Uovemment itself. The Christian sufferers in the violnity of Bulbed,.whom gnat #heat crops hava all been stolen or burned oy the Hotawileh, with the kid of Government-troops, are now in a slats bordering on desperation. Mr. Lyons has gone thither as tha bearer of some twelve hundred dollars to dis tribute among ive thousand of them, and they tall him that if the Government does not restore their Mot ,wheat, to keep them from startatlon, they will rise and plunder the country, for, lay they, I‘itwe mast die, it is better to perish in open warfare then to starve to death." And this feeling is prevailing quite extensively . through Syria,, ana. when the people actually begin to feel the plnehing of.Jtasger and severe privation In tha wintif time, the Turks may And a foe rising np in their midst who will tight with all the feroeity and desperate fury Of starving men. The Turk is benksnpt, morally as well as pecuniarily. They have no money and no oharaoter. From high to low, they are grossly and glaringly corrupt. The . new civil governor of Damascus, who was ep polntad to that post in order to keep order and moot ont justiea In these troublous times, proves to b* a genuine bribe-taking, false, corrupt Turk, like all the rest. The peoplo have no oontan<»'ln him, and his preserve there only tokds to’inspire tear instead oT confidence. The oommittee recently appointed in Beirut, by the A.' A R. 0. to establish a hospital in | Dsmasens, have sent a Greek physician thither with, an experienced apothecary from Beirut, a large house has been obtained, and some five hun dred of the elck are to be taken care of at onoe. Kvery day ..there seems some now call npon the Beirut committee, revealing new forms of distress, and calling‘for immediate relief. Haver wore charitable contributions more opportune than those whioh have come from England and America, and I sincerely hope that more will yet oome. A strong effort is now being made to restore the Buheiye pko|>le 'to their homes, that they may gather in the olWberop, whleb'ls very bonntifnl this’year, and the valwofwhiehin that one district is estimated dt ndt ltsa than forty thousand dollars. ’ Tbb gfoat dlfloulty, however, is the want of so onrity in that wild region, and the attention ’of Lera Differin' has been directed to the necessity of 1£ MNBff hiilllary oceupetton of that whole district. LdrdTK talers io 10 all these pfojeota with 1 great ieal.adseema to haOe thpgood of the people at heart. The of recovering 30,000 beds from the Dreie», aod motoring thorn to their Christian owner., was taken hold of by Lord D. with great energy through tho'sepresentatlcne of Dr. Thorn eon, and Fuad Pubs has promiiod to reoovor the boas at onot, and deliver them iato the hands of a native Christian oommitteo at B’teddin. This na tive eommittoo oonsists of R. Meshaka, F. Shek koor, and Shetkh Mini el Khoorsb. tried men, who will devota'.tholr time to the work. Ths veakele launched within the past year from Lend Island and NewTovk ship wards, and now oh tM stpehs, foot np as follows; 'Steamers, S 3; sail vessels, IJ;•f.rrr boats. 1. Total, 42. Tonnage, Jfi,24». ’; Valne, #1(262,000. ’ SxvkK BAPTsMks who .were, out in a canoe on GaVlon lake, Canada, wen oaught in a gale and drowned ktOttt * week ago. Th«y were seen by, »0>0«»1. persons from.-' the. shore, who. were aaeMo tawndot- anyossßUnoe. -■ ■ T«gl|klluippl*n., J; * BMp Bavaria, WoocUfrom Havre, arrived at N York yesterday Ships Arctic. Zerega. Emerald, Cook, B Adams, cleared at New York jSfltordrtr,for-Liverpool. „ ■ ? ro ” br ? n, «riy S ? f;t h?? »*&V fr « m Wi » rr ! V6 « Yoric VMtardsy! o^ 11 * r cleared at New aiJfor 0l ”” a sl New y ork 7«'* r ” 5EM nriok ’ from »r- Bark Coriolanus, Hopkins, for Montevideo, sailed f SSrk a Km > ens t s Theresa, Walter, for Rio do Janeiro, New Bedford 11th lust Brijt OHlfordau. midden, for Kio do Jineito,. ailed from below Maotuas BthJust. _ r . Brie W Crawford, Falker, from Saco for Philadelphia, arrived at Glouoester 12th inst _ „„ ®ohr Hero, Terri, hence, arnvod at Baltimore yea t6 BohrB U& T CrameT, Huntley, John Fatnum. Hall, and J 0 Ruurau, Matthews, hence, arrived at Provi dence 14thmet. . . , _ _ ~l L fiohr Restless, Saunders, sailed from Providence 14th inst for Philadelphia. Sohrs Snow Flake, Weaver, and White Pau&U, How ell. from Alexandria, arrived at Providenoe 14th inst. , Sohrs Allan Downing, Rice, Ocean Wave, Price, and 8 F Solliday, Seaman, sailed from Provldenoe 11th mat. for Philadelphia. Hohr J O Patterson, Hand, for Wilmington. NC,went to sea from Charleston 12th inst, and returned on the ISth on aooount of head wind. Bohr M A Shindler, Ireland, for Hew York, oleared at Charleston 13th met. Schr Lena, Pendleton, for Philadelphia, Hailed from Calais 4th mst. Bteamer|Alula, Robinson, henoe, arrived at New York yesterday, Bteamer Ann Elisa, Robinson, oleared at Hew York yesterday for Philadelphia. mi , NOTICE TO MARINERS- . The keeper of Minot’s Ledge Lighthouse (CohossetJ has taken his position m the tower, asd it will be iUu roinated Thursday night, Nov 15. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, DP TO 12 O’CLOCK LAST NIGHT. GIRARD HOUSE-N. E. ooraer Ninth and Chestnut, EW Smith, Philadelphia A Wj'son. Pepna John Lummis, N Jersey WCShelton & wf, NO John O Maynard Sc wf, Pa Clinton L ord, Wmsport R L Bryant Sc Ih. N York Mist Bryant, N York J Caldwell, Louisiana Hon J W Fuller, Penna J A Jameson, 8t Louis 8 0 Tnppe, Boston , W H Herbert, Cheltenham Miss Herbert, Cheltenh’m E .T Farren & la, NY D H Bruoe, N Jersey C J Ketser, Maryland John 8 Iriok, N York Misstfcott, Brooklyn R H Varner & wf, N York W D Banoker & wf, Br’klyn Mrs B J Taegart, Penna P Mo bvor, Lancaster O Knap, N Jersey Jno Hell, Jr. Jamestown Chat K Whitt Sc la, Va Jas Ferry, Norfolk John Hawkins. Georgia W.M Morrison* Maryland J H Stewart. N York Miss Stewart, NT York Jacob K MoKenf v, Read g Dr Martin Luther, Reading MissE Looser, Pottavule Miss Hunter, Reading C Hager, Penna X Riohards Sc la, N York Miss Richards, N York Miss Cook, N York A Barclay, Penna DJ Cummins, Smyrna, Del J G Black, Smyrna, Del Wm Williams, Pa Mrs Harrington,>N York Mr Wallace 6c la, N York Gen Cooke,Trenton, N J Col W A Butler, w J Col W hi Babbitt. NJ Major Noroross, N J Hon T S A Jhson, N J Mrs Arlington, New York M J Jameson, Sc la, Wis Wm Ward, Bath P Hart, Mobile Wm Baelie. New Jersey Jno Simpson. Georgetown Thos Barry, Indiana K Vanderpool- Savannah G E Nisbett, Pa Mrs Nisbett, Pa WBowman, Buffalo S A Whitney, NJ J T Robinson, Wilmington Miss Kioffer, Wilmington M Malone, Pennsylvania H 8 Magraw, Lanoaster 8 Warroll, Pennsylvania B Bridgman, Pa John Templeton H J Houston, New York H Walters, New York C L Knowles Sc la, N Yofk D P Brown, Pottsville Mrs Loeser, Pa Mrs Luther, Pennsylvania II 'I Williamson, Delaware Mrs Williamson Sc son, Del Geo Young, New Castle A Wiseman, Now Orleans Mrs Wiseman, N Orleans 8 B Thompson Sc !a, N York Miss Thompson, N York MiSi ClaTk, New York Miss Dunn, Virginia Miss Diokson, Philt J WDiokson, Phila John Dickson, Phila Col Johnson* M Chunk K Kauft, flew Yorkl B H Hutton. New York Chas E Findlav, New York T Berry Sc la, Wash, D C B Reitohard, Watertown R Green, Baltimore J W Clayton, Maryland Geo Diokmson. New York Baml Shetlian.New York Flt Burton, Angola Mr Woollen, Delaware H Eagle, New York CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut streets. Jas Darden, Pennsylvania Thos J Man, Pennsylvania J L Pußois, Doyleatown hO Fitz. Boston., , Wm Fitz, Providence, RI HD Kolph, New York T J Hughes, N Carolina RM Lincoln, Boston virs J Hickman,W Chester Mjs M L King, New York iJhasWebb Sc la,Baltimore Miss Webb, Baltimore Rustomjee H Wadi, India RK K Wliiting Mrs J Btrong. Florida Miss Strong, Florida R A Smith. New York W H Glasgow, St Louis Thos Ranney, Missouri P B Beaugle, Umontown H McCormick 3c wf,‘Wash , nBTB'anoeli, MO G Stanooll, rJor, Monroe, Mioh Jacob Cranes. Somerset oo M Collomer, Albany, N Y Jas M Donnolly, Pittsburg Frank Swartz, Philada Jno W Richmond Tronton Jacob Roberts. Germant’n K W Charming, Illinois Jacob Biiss, Illinois H £ Van Reed, Reading Jno F Hubor, Lanoaster Frs Hookert, Lancaster E K Davis, York co Joel Miller, Lancaster co W Martin, York, Pa G Pfahler, York. Pa Geo Metzol, York, Pa Jj Spangler, York, Pa J H MoKown. Pa J Bowers Lanoaster F M Camp. West Chester Louis Hillman. W Chester tt A Hamill, West Chester G WKulp Sc wf, Paterson D*Strouso, Paterson! Wash North. Fat eraon COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth st.. above Chestnut R C Roberts. Newark. N J J W Jackson, Maryland Jas Irving, Chester, Pa A Gotsobaik. Port Deposit John Weston. Indiaha D Walton. Chester 00, Pa Mrs Walton, Chester 00, Pa Miss Walton* Chester co Chas Harry. Chester co. Pa W P Osborne, Chester oo Geo M Strode, Chester oo Miss 0 H Harry,Chester oo Miss 8 Davis, Chester oo Miss H J waterman, Phil Col L P Knerr, Reading E 8 Marshall, Chester oo BMC Nesb tt, Maryland N B Hammond, Chester co Robt l.ynoh, Lewisville, Pa A l) Harlan, Coatesville Dr L R Kirk, Chester co. Pa D Stubbs, Penna ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. Chase, Pennsylvania H Jacobi, Philadelphia * Smith, New York J Taylor. New York ]f A Craig, uhester oity J-KoDtntop, Blair 00, Pa . lion go Cobleigh.Hyde Park E Cobleign, Hyde Park J K Grant, California A G Bay, California •i hos Evans. California N Smith, California J B Smith, California W v Getz, New York B Roberts. Waterford,N Y H WhitmershaU, N York Chas Hardy. Maine J H Keelor, St Louis J Levi tc la. Philadelphia Robt M Blaok, Delaware John R Woodward Baral KBtarr tL la.NHaven 'X hos H Quenan, Baltimore O martin, Philadelphia A Metz, New Voik Bam Davies, Long island Ji Taylor, Brooklyn J T Hedden, Newark. N J n, Townsend. England j, Worre 1, Pennsylvania R Haddock, Philadelphia JONFS* HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Sixth. N H Farquhar. New York L F Fagle, Pennsylvania K F James & la. Vf Chester M H Moore & la. Penna (irk Few. Jr. Harrisburg Dr H H Steiner & la. Ga * E A Gird. N Carolina N Douglas. Pittsburg . fohn A Demon 3c la GU Naeon. Massachusetls C Wright. Roxbury, Mass J Faring, Trenton T H Sullivan, Baltimore G W Bennett, Maryland . f M Beoufort-Califoraia ;{ D Stratton, New York J D Williams, l’hila . as H MoKee, Hazleton. Pa AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut st., above Fißh. W Sharpe. Carbon co. Pa EG Davis. Philadelphia GlarkWillifl. Pennsylvania G B Cadwallader, Penna S W Howland. Mass Heal Stable, Rending Valentine Peiffer, Reading W w Hubbell, Phila S M Curtis. Newark. Uel D C Landis, Philadelphia J C Osterloh, Philadelphia C G Voorheea & la, N J John Silvers. New Jersey Miss M Dean, N Jersey Daniel Morns, New Jersey W Johnson tc la, N York John Blaok, New York W Thomas, New York 8 P Spencer, Lancaster n B Grubb, Dolawara Geo Hastings, Boston Jno F Clement, Delaware THE UNlON—Aroji street, above Third. John C Harmer, Cbiosgo Miss J Harmer, Chicago Geo Stevenson, Cleveland,O P Heilman, Pennsylvania T M Fitzhugh, Portland J Clark, St Louis ’ F Heading,Trenton . TRyan,NdwHone Geo Dittman 3c la, Chambg H Wilaman. Wash, D C M Dodd, NeWark, N J Pipion tutjjjian, Turkey G Johnson, Bear Meadow Johnson,BeavMed Master G Johnson, Bear M PC Aahleyi N J a MERCHANTS’ HOTEIr-Kourtb street, below Aroh. Drapor Smith. Plymouth A J Dean, Ohio J A Wrelley, Indiana Wm Young Miflimbur* J Seitz. Easton 8 L Casey. Bradford. Pa N Fulton, Pittsburg G W Kendall k la, Mo A J Smith, New York R France k. la. Baltimore Andrew Lilt'e. Now York G K Bard. Lancaster Win Davis. Ebensburg Master J Irwin. Clearfield Master H Packer, M Chunk Joe Wright, Wilbesbarre H Pettebono, Pennsylvania J H Creswell, Shippenabg J H Mann, Lewistown M W Jookson A w. Pa A L DielTenbach.Hollidays’g G Y Shackelford. Cal J F Wilkins, California Dr N B Boiteau, N J W Overfield, Jr, Phils Jno B Carpenter, Pa Chas Kessler, Reading M Gilbert, Johnstown, NY Jns Welle, Johnstown, N Y Wm MoLean. Shipponsbg Silas Dodson, California Jaoob Hoffman, PcnnQ * S Uiichoook, Connecticut MERCHANTS’ HOUSE-Third street, ab. Callowhill* E R Lincoln, Elmira, N Y Philip Crauie, Penna Jesse Thomas, Hiokory Run Benj Kline, Rehreraburg ‘l’hos B Achey, Myerslown M. Kudy, Penna Andrew Hauok, Penna BLAOK BEAR HOTEL-Third st, above Callowhill .) R Clemens, Chestervalley R Nagle, Newtown < jen D Davis, Lahaska Haml Morns, Gwynedd, ueo Bohall, Dale Forge, Pa Wm Rehrerab’g Tho» (I Wolfr Danboro Geo Reese, Bucks 00 S Goldsmith, Berks 00 BALD EAQLE—Third street, above Caliewhill. H Bommer, New York Philip Baker, Woodbury Geo W Dixaon, Bethlehem J Rhodes, Sohuyl 00, Pa Geo Elsenhuth, Pottsville Robt Good, Doylestown FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Seoond street, above Market. Wm H Boward, Virginia Thos Flanagan, Bucks 00 Tom Hbeehad. Ducks 00 E Panoost St la, Maryland JIJJ Carman. Clayton, Del Jpo Christmas, New York CTStadiger. Plala JA Btevenson. Phila Jno R Woodward, N York Wm H Betts, Delaware B U Pearoe* Elkton, Md M Mollvano, Delaware David Postles, Delaware M Adams. BridgoviHe, Del Kogor Adams, Delaware J Ward, Jr, Leesburg, N J MT. VERNON HOTEL—Second strost, above Aroh. Geo Abrams, D&masous D Lukens. Wayne co, Pa D Pinkie. New York J L Hasbrouk, New York Btephon Ginsta, Baltimore B Wilson, bullivanoo.NY Thos H Homin, Maryland P Franoisoo, Del co, N i Jas Twaddle, Del 00, N Y Geo Walters, Buoks co. Pa Nathan Grier, Doylestown C P Twaddle,Hancock,NY BARLEY SHEAF—Seoond street, below Vine. K Lanonster. Doylestown Thos Foster, Pa John N Dunkel, Bollcfont© Chas Phillips, Buoks co J T Comly, Yardleyvillo Stephen Gusta, Baltimore .1 Cadwalauor. Fox uhase K Gilman. New York Sain! Iloppook, N J J Smith. Bucks co. Pa S Harper,Montgonietr 00 Friend Whitlook.NJ John T Dungan, Buitleton J P Harvey, Doylestown NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, abovo Third. Wm E Boyer, Potteville N R Cartnany. Md H Smith, New York Jos E Coffee, Jr, N Y A P Green, Delaware A Rush, o ew Jersey JohnPeci, Pennsylvania J“hnJ Blair, New York J D Bf ein tc wf. Afilton Walter E Stein. Milton HAW Ollphant, Massilon Thos J Wise. Virginia B B Edwards, Allentown J Kauffman, Reading J A Sechristi York, Pa Wm Ault, Lebanon Opelika, Alabama, November G, 1860 MB66RB.Evans db Watson, Salamander Bafo Manufapt^ryTS, ••• •* ’ ' Philadelphia, Pa.} Gkj.'tlxhew: We have hod the misfortune to have our store entirely burned down, and the Safa we pur chased from you, on tho 6th day of Maroh, 1860, has proved a perfoot protection against fire. The books, papers, and everything contained within the Bafo wore preserved in a perleot condition, not a single paper beiDg soorohed. Will you please inform us on what conditions you will send us another Safe, of tho saino size, for our future use ? Yours rospeotfully, * HIGGINS A CALVERT. A largo assortment of the abovo quality FIRE AND THIEF-PROOF SAFES always on hand'and for sale at EVANS & WATSON’S SALAMANDER SAFE STORE, no!3-St No. 304 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. IPeamen’s Saving Fond—Noktwbst Corner Second and Walnut Streets.—Deposits re ceived in small and large amounts, from all olassos of the community, and allows interest at the rote of FIVE PER CENT, peronmim. ~ Mbney may be drawn by cheoks without loss of in ternet.- « * ’ ’ * O ~, Olscoopondaily«from9 until So'olock, and on Mon day and Saturday until nine in the evening. •> President, FRANKLIN FELL 5 Treasurer andfieorotary, CHAS. M.MORRIS. ~ ! *' - Odb Pnipß Olotlihp qy tjib Latest g,TL,a.nifillf> in (h. best manner, exprcjrir for His-. lit Alb BAL?B. LOWEST .sllir.E mice* m.rlfad in I’lsm Fitars,' All sonde mod. to ora.rwamnted utl» feotonr., Our ONE-HRICB „.t«m i. .trictlr adhered to, All .re thereby tiMlei elibo, .eSS-l. JONES * 00„ 604 MAAKET Street, THE PRESS.~PHIIiM)ELI FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1860. SPECIAL NOTICES. | Diseases of the Blood arri hi CaiisetVby j the disposition of the waste or worn-out particles of the Blood to the weakest portion of the body, All forme of Threat or Lung difficulties, as well as Catarrh, are as much a sorofulous taint in the, sjstom as King’s Evil, Balt Rheum, Cancers, Ulcere, Tumors, and Eruptions of various kinds. By taking J. R. Stafford’s IRON AND SULPHUR POWDERS, whioh unite with the digested, food, and enter with it into the formation of newblood, strengthening and oonverting its wastes or worn-out partiolos.into gasoa, which so invigorates the circulation as to expol all impuritios from tho system. The OLIVE TAR should be used m all oases as direoted on the labeli or in a pamphlet whioh is sent free. Bee advertisement* Sold by all druggists, and by DYOTT Sc CO.. 232 North SECOND Street, Philadelphia. . *Hol2-tt2 Saving Fund—National Safety Trust Company.—Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania. RULES. 1. Money is received every day, and in any amount, argeor small. 2. FIVE PER CENT, interest is paid for money from the day it is put in. 5. The money is always paid baok in GOLD whenever it is called for, and without nottoe. 4. Money is reoeived from .Executors, Administra tors, Guardians, and other Trustoes, in large or small sums, to remain a long or short period. 6. The money reoeived from Depositors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, andother first olttßa securities. 6. Offioe open evory day—WALNUT Street, southwest oorner Third street, Philadelphia. jal* Hath Dtb ! Hair Die !!—Batchelor’s LIQUID HAIR DYE is the original and best in the market. All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided if you wish to esoape ndtoule, Splendid Black or beautiiul Brown instantaneously. Sold by all Drug gists everywhere. The genuine has the signature of WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR, upon a steel-plate en graving on four sides of oaoh box. Beware of Counterfeits. Manufactory, 81 Barclay street, late 233 Broadway* New York. CHARLES BATCHELOR, nofi-ly * Proprietor. Gbover & Baker’s Celebrated NOIBELESB SEWING MACHINES The Bost in Use for Family Sewing. - No. 730 CHEBTN UT Street. Philadelphia. au27-ly Salamander Fire-Proof Safes. —A very arge assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at rea sonable prioes. No. 304 CHLBTNUTSt,.Philadelphia, »u» t r EVANS St WATSON, BHARPE—WEST.—On Thursday morning. 15th No vember. 1660, at 10 o’olook. at Calvary Church, by Rev. Charles H. Bonnell, William Bharpe, Esq., of Bumrait Hill, Carbon oounty, Pa , to Miss A. Georgians, E. West, seoond daughter of Col. George G. West, of Philadelphia. * WILSON—MOORE.—On the evening of the 15th insh, by Rev. M. Winston, Mr. J. Henry Wilson to Miss Eli zabeth H. Moore, all ol Phtladelpma. * HARRIS—PENICK.—On the 14th instant, by Aider man C. Brazer, Mr. John Shaw Barns to Miss Annie Mahala Hoffman Pemok. of this city. * wjNBBRG—PAIGE.—On the 13th instant, by tho Rev. B. M. Tillotson, Mr. William H, Winbsrg to Miss Kato Paige, formorl/ of Burlington poanty, N- J. * MOORE—glover.—On tne ISth instant, at Camden, N. J., by Rev, F. T. Cailhopper. Mr. David G. Moore to Miss Hove F. Glover, both of Camden. " FERGUSON—HAYS.—On the 23d ultimo, by Rev. William O. Johnstone, Mr. James Ferguson to Miss Eliza Hays. * NiMON—HUGHEB.—On the 12th instant,, by Rev. William 0. Johnstone, Mr. William John Nimon to Miss Ellen Hushes, both of this city. * LITTLE—BTALCUP.—-On the 13th instant,.by Rev. Wilham Barnes. Mr. John Little to Miii Sasannaßtal oup. both of Wilmington, Del. > * BROOKS—DUNLiSVY.—On the lflth instant, by Rev. Robert H. P&ttison. Mr. Edward H/Brooks to Miss Ca roline 8. Dunlevy, both of Mount Holly, N. J. * SIhVjKNS—RIcMULLEN.—On the fith instant, by Hev. J. B. Dales, Mr. George C. Stevens to Miss Mar tha MoMulkn, both oi this city. * SMITH—JARDKN.-On the 14th instant, by Rev, Al bert Barnes, William B. Smith to Mary D. Jarden, both of Philadelphia. * fcHENfWORTH-GIBSON.-On the 30th July last, by Rev. J. B. MoCullough. Thomas Watts Hensworth, of this oity, to Alioe K. Gibson, formerly of England. * Bl rNFR.—On Monday, 22th instant, F. Marion* son of Matthias and Franoes Bitaer, in the 6th. year of his age. Funertl this (Friday) morning, at ten o’olook, from the residenoe of his father, 1917 Green street Friends of the family are reepeotfully invited to at tend. * 8 WAYNE.—On Tuesday, 13th instant, George Tryon Swayne, aged 21 years. Punoral from the rosidenoo of his parents. No. 1517 North Broad street, this (Friday) morning, at eleven o’clock. * WENTZ.—On tho 13th instant, Miss Annie E. Wentz, aged 21 years. Funoral from the residenoe of her unole, John Cousty, No. 418 North Eleventh streot, this (Friday) alternonn, at 2 o’olook. * FOR I\—On the 14th instant, Charles Henry Fort, son of Cornelius V. and Mary Ann Fort, aged 5 years and 1 month. ’ * Funeral f.om the residence of hitaparents, No. 122 Queen street, to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock. • * ADLEW.—On tlic 14th instant, at tho residence of William J. Crass. Esq , Twenty-third waid, Tillie Bar ns, daughter of John L. and Anna Louisa Adler, in too 3d year of her are. The funeral will move from tho house th!s(Friday) afternoon at 1 o’olock. * . LINDSAY.—On the 13th instant, Mrs. Sarah Donnolly Lindsay, wife of John Lindsay, aged 33 years. .Funeral from the residence of lier husband. No. 203 Mijmanftreet, this (Friday)aftornoon,at2o’o!ook.* BROOKS. —On tho 13th instant, Rachel, wife of Daniel Brooks, m the 43d year of her ate. * Funeral from her late residence, No. 603 South Eighth street, this (Friday) afternoon, at 3 o’olook. * BROWN.—On the 14th instant, Henry, son of Law-' renoo and the late Ruth Brown, in the Oth year of his age. * LAW.—On the 14tli instant. Willie, infant son of Wil lmm and Margaret Law, aeod l vear and 11 months. Funeral,from the residence of his parents, No. 021 South Thirteenth street, this (Friday) afternoon at 3 0 olook. * MOORE.—On the 14th instant, Joseph Pancoast, in fant son of Joseph and Maria Moore. ' Funeral from the residence nf his parents, northwest oorner of Twenty-fourth and Haro attest,' this (Friday) afternoon, at 2o’clock. * MUHLENBERG.—At Lancaster. Fa., on tho ISth in stant, Mrs. Ca'herine >..wife of Dr. Henry E.Muh lonberg, in the 36th j ear of her age. * McLaUGHLIN.—On the ISth inst. Jeremiah Reed, eon of Jeremiah and Ellen McLaughlin, nged£ years. * MARLIN.—At Burlington, N. J„ on the 12tnInstant, Rebecoa Marlin, in the 51st year of hot age. * SCHELL.—On the 12th instant, Emma, daughter of John F. Schell, in the Nth year of her age. BKEURITT.—On the 13th instant, Emma Rossiter. daughter of James and Mary Franoes Skerritt, aged 3 years, 1 month, and 20 days. JJLAOK DRESS Gi Cashmeree, Merinoes, Armure Cashmeres, Velour Reps, Veldur Ottomans, Bombazines, Tamisea, MotißfloUneo, Repo Anglais, Paramattas, BESSON A NNOUNOKMBNT TO THE LADIES DISCOUNT FOR CASH r> PER CENT. Consumers purchasing at our Retail Counters will henceforth be allowed the same deduction as Store keepers. 5 PER CT. DISCOUNT ON CASH PURCHASES. TRIMMINGS. ZKPHYRS. LACES. RIBBONS. SKIRTS. CORSKTS. NETS. SHAWL-BORDERS, Ac. City Railway Fares to our Establishment will be am ply repaid by the inducements we offer in price, va riety, quality, and quality. . . j, G, MAXWELL Sc SON, Manufacturing and Importing Establishment, Southeast corner Eleventh and Chestnut By Prepaid goods sent by Mail or Exproßß. noU-wth&sfit PENNSYLVANIA.— \l3 DEPARTMENT OF MINHS. ARTB, AND SIANUFACTURES—COURSE OF 1860-1861. The Annual Winter poursa of LeMutes in this De partment will eommenoe on FRIDAY. Nov. 16,136 Q. The following Profopsqrs will Lepture npon their rp peotlveßuhJeots: Prof. JOHN F. FRAZER.' '* Meohamoo and Chemis try.” MONDAY and THi!RBpAY, at 4 o’plopk P. M. f Prof.CHARLKB B. TREGO. :*GpotogV aSdM»ner a . logy,” TUESDAY and FRIDAY, at < o’olock P. M, Prof. .FAIRM4N ROGERS, '* Civil Engineering— Construotion.” NIONDAY and THURSDAY', at 6 o’clock P. M. Prof. J. PETER LESLEY. Mining.” TUESDAY, - at 5 o’olook P. M. Prof. E. OTIS*KENDALL. “Mathematics.” A course of Mathematics may be followed by those who desire to do so, under the direction of the Professor of Mathenmtios. Attendance on these Leotores is entirely voluntary, and they are not connected with tho ordinary College instruction. Those desiring to receive a diploma or certificate will be examined during tho Winter and at the olose of the Course, upon the subjeot of the Lectures and upon cet fain Text Books, which will be indicated.by 1 [bdPfo loesoTß. 1 ' 1 Either Courso may be taken by the Student at his option.' For Tickets, apply to FREDERICK DICK. Janitor, at the University. North Building, and for information respecting tho studies, to _ FAIRMAN ROGERS. Dean of the Faoulty, nois St 208 West RITTENHOUBE Square. rv-s=* HARRISON LITERARY INSTITUTE. Ujj —FiFTH^ANNUAL.COURBEj. BY GEORGE D. PR?NTIOK, Eqr., Editor of the Louisville Journal, * AT NATIONAL HALL, MARKET Street, above TWELFTH, On TUESDAY EVENING, November 3). Subjeot—“ Politics and Politicians of the united Btates.” Tickets 25 oents. Tiokets admitting a gentleman and two ladies, 60 oents. To be had at Hazard’s, 724 Chestnut; Bower’s, Sixth and Vines Snowden’s, Fourth and Noble, Gaut Be, Yolk mar’s UO9 Cliestmit; Stokes, Frankfort! road and Co lumbia avenue; Brown’s. Ninth Ad Chestnut, andiat the door on the evening of the Lecture, col^-7t |V«» ANNIVERSARY OF THE »MER» ILJ CANTILE BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION OF PHILADKLPHIA.”-The Nineteenth Anniversary of the Association will be oelebrated at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, on FRIDAY EVENING, November 83, at o’olnck. on which occasion the Annual Re port of the Board of Managers will be read, and ad dresses delivered t>y WT . , mmtt Rev. A. A. WILLETTS, Kev. JOSEPH A. SEISP, and GEO. H. BTUAKT, Esq. ORCHESTRA UNDER THE DIRECTION OF PROF. HABSLER. Cards of aduissioq mar be had sratuitousl7.br applying to the undersigned. No. SO North THIRD Btroet. The number of tickets will be positively limited to the comfortable capacity o! the Hall. WM. C. LUDWIG. no!s*l23if President. rvH=» PEOPLE’* LITERARY INSTITUTE. The Kighth Coursedf LeoUmsWill beopened affcONCERT HALL, on THURSDAY EVENING, November 22d. by Rev. » BNRY WARD BKKOHER. To bo Jollovred by ftov.E. H. Chapin, D.D November27t i. Hon N. I*. Ranks DooemberCth, George Wm. Curtis, Esq —~ December 13t i. Bavard Taylor, Esq , Deoembor 20th. Hon. Charles Sumner. -December 27th, Rev, B-shop Simpson, D.D January 3d. Rev. H. Ward Deeoher —.... .January loth. Rev. R. 8. Storrs, D. D»—. «-~.~~Januaryl7th. Rev. H. Ward Beeoher - .... .January 24th. Tickets for the course of Ton Lcotures for sale* at HAZARD’S, TH4 Chestnut Street. ' Admitting one person—. Gentleman and lady " Gentleman and two ladies.. Single tiokote, 20 oentc. 1 <> •* iY~=» MECHANICS* RANK, |L? Puilapblphja, November d. 1860. Tnp nireotara have this day ueolnrsd a dividend of FIVE PERCENT. for the past six months, payable on the 16th instant, agreeably to the ohartor. no7-9t J,‘YVIEGAND, Jr., Cashier. SOUTHWARK RANK, LL3 rmiiAUKLPHiA, Novembor 0,1860. The Board of Directors have this day doolared a divi dend of FIVE PER CENT., payable ou and after MONDAY NEXT, 12th instant, no7-10t F. P. STEEL, Cashier. GIRARD DANK, PHILADELPHIA, LK3 November 6.lBoo.—The Direotors have this day deofared a Dividend of THREE AND A HALF PER OKNT, for the lust six months, payable ou and after the 16th mat., free of otate Tax. no7-dt!7 W. L. SCHAFFER, Cashier. E WESTERN BANK OF PHILADEL. PHf A, Novembor A ISW.— I Tflp Direotors of this have this ‘day ueolared a Dividend of FIVE JENT„ payable on and after the Ifltlurat, n7-lot Q, M; TROUTMAN, Cashier. iv®a CORN EXCHANGE BANK, I’IIILA ILS DKLPKIA, November 6, IB6o.—The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of THREE PER CENT* on the capital stock, payable on the 16tn instant, npdolear-ofßtate-tay. .. . , , . , no 7 dOt , , ' J, W. TORREY, Ciuhier. COMMERCIAL HANK Ofc IL3 VANIA. PIUL ADE LVii I A’, November S', 1860. The Board of Direbtors havo this day deolsrod a semi an bo a i Dividend of.THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CUNT., pajttlile on domain], olo.T of mirts Mi. • 1 noy-iy. • • ]]• (3. i*4l.MisU. AWiri\ISCT}ANIC8 r P.AN!f; UJ? PUII.ABK|.PHIA,Pgfob»rB ) IB®. - ' “The Ann aIK !u at! oil fnr D ireotofs V>l! be h.Uj a] In R Bankioe-Ifouia, pn MQSOA?, ifip affie&enlhdM of November next, a general meeting of the Stockholder*. Trill be held at the Banking-House, at 4 o’olookP. M.» agreeably to the oharter. „ T , oc6-dtno!9 W, KUSIITON, Cashier. MARRIED. DIED. 30DS—A large stock Bombazine Alpacas, Mohair Lustres, Satin a? Chines, Amipalmes, Figtired Poplins, Irish Poplins, dros Gram silks, Poult de Sotos, English Silks, Patent Boiled Silks, &o. fc SON, Mourning Store, No. 918 Chestnuftreet. OPENING LECTURE ISOUTHWARK - BAHK,, PHH.ADEI.. l|o n JwßJA* OotoberSTifflb^-Theannual eleotion for OOtKCTORB will b« iija' B;inkillK House on MONDAY, the Wth dar OMIOVBMBKIi.NEXT, Ue twoenthe hours ofio o’olooU A.M, end , o'oiook P. M. , ennual meotieg-ffffruqKHOLi)EßB will be of Qoll‘dtnol9:i 1 ,j.;„ ..■/ .'.-F^P.-STEEL,Caahisr. nrg“„BAitK;OP‘ COMMeHCE, PHILADUL IA3 •' PHIA, November 6, 1060.“•’>- •: - ■ The, Bp*rd;df J)i veotoi* have: this { day. deolared a DtYMtald orFIYB PER CENT., payable on demand, oleerofBtjWtax. J. A.LBWIB, ' no7-wfm6t ‘ Cashier. rrs” bank ok penn xownsiup, no- IL-3 VEMBER 6, iB6o.—Tha Dtreotors have de ciwedaDividendof FOUR PER CENT.on the Oapi tal etook for the last six months, payable on demand, clear 01 B’ate tax. no7-wfm6t JAMES RUSSELL. Casliier, |Y*f» POST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, PA., li>3 . NOVKMBBR 13th, 1860. . “f 001 ,? 1 Notice is hereby given, that Letters deposited m the United States Letter Boxes, for the Mails, mu** each be prt’patdbv a One Cent Stamp for collection, in addition* the regular postage; otherwise, under the instructions of the Postmaster General, they will be held for postage. ««!^isi!C® n P ni * ) ? r of tatters are reoeived daily at this B,l Ph pre* payment, the publio are again notified that suoh letters are invariably detained, 7>e la7i t i‘P Q blfl, and expense wiU be avoided by complying be regulation of tho Department. Pol* Ct N. B. BRO WNE, Postmaster. 03” KOADCOMP AN Y. N » t. v AMI A RAH. n-u-w.j PnitAOßtriiii,Ootobor 17,1S«0. 1 no Board of Directors have this day deolared a aomi- ? n , n s?* d J VI t I ?P U " f THREE PER CENT, on the Capi ob amfaftor l° 6 ' e S f Stote i fS!7f n °* Attorney for oolleotion of Dividends oan m b£t *u n mK^,°stl on toe Offioe of the Company, No. 838 THIRD atreet. THOS. T. FIRTH, 0010-tdel Treasurer. OF THE COMMISSIONERS LLS «. OF THE SINKING FUND, Tebaburt Dbpaetuunt, ( „.. . . , Harrisburg, Ootober 24, iB6O. > Notioe a hereby given, that sealed proposals for tho “Ij.oi Ml or any pari of one hundred thousand dollars of the five per cant, loans of the Commonwealth of *•£sl kP 11 *’,. be reoeived at the Treasury De ©artment. in the oity of Harrisburg, until 2 o’olook, P, THE 20th DAY OF NOVEMBER, A. D. the same to set forth the amount offered, auu thejprioe asked. To be addressed, “ Commission ers of Sinking Fund, Harrisburg, Pa.,’’ endorsed “Pro posals to sell State Loans.” 1 »v*d* wiU be opened and allotments irade to the lovre&t bidders on that day. ■> WM. M. HIESTER, Soo’y Comw’th, FLI BLIFKR, State Treasurer, 4 _ THOS. E. COCHRAN, Aud. Gen. 0027-tno2o Commiuioners of Sinking Fund. or j& F p F iM , The holders of the bonds of this Company, due'july'l, iSwfleon now Motive, upon application at this office, 10 fierwnti Inoash, upon the terms speoified in the oirou sr attached, ; . ThohoMenrard also entitled to iho benefit of a Sink ing Fund of 6140J)90 per annnm, as established by tho stockholders at their annual meeting, held January 9* 1860, and In pursuanoe ofthecontroot.enteredintoby he company and duly recorded, to oarrir the same into „8. BRADFORD, Treasurer. __ ■ CIRCULAR, Nftws ta the Holders of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company Mortgage Bonds, due July 1,1860. These bonds are seoured by the first mortgages on the road, amounting in the aggregate to $3,308,400. The net revenue for the last iuoal year was six times the amount of the annual interest on these bonds. The managers propose to extend them for a period of twenty rears, the holders retaining the bonds and the ■county of the mortgages in the preoise condition in which they are now held. Fresh sheets of ooupon* for the interest, payable half-yearly, will be issued. A bonus of 10 per oent.wiU.be given to tho holders, in consideration of thei* assenting to the extension. This bonus will be paid in o&sh tothe bearers of the bonds, on their signing a receipt and presenting their respec tive bonds at the offioe of tli e Cwxnpany, or to Its agents, for endorsement. Forms of reoeipt and endorsement will be tarnished os application. By order *f the Board of Managers. ml-jtf . W. H. MoILHENNY, S«orM*rr. NEW PUBLICATIONS. gUBSORIBE AT ZIEBEB’S! SUBSCRIBE AT ZIEBER’B! SUBSCRIBE AT ZIEBER’B! ' SUBSCRIBE AT ZIEBER’S! AGENCY FOR THE NEW YORK HERALD. AGENCY FOR THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE. AGENOY'FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES. AGBNCY FOR THE NEW YORK WORLD. AGENCY FOR THE NEW YORK EXPRESS. Delivered daily to Subscribe;, in almost all parts of the oitr, from ZIEBER’S AGENCY, _lt 106 8, THIRD Street. r INDSAy & BLAKISTON’S PHYSI- L^CIANS’VISITING LIST FOR 1861. NOW aKADY, H»illeo,tthoP h ,sieianFinrorSovoatr-fivo oente it will save him as many dollars, rrloo, prepared for 25 patients weekly. Plain, 60 oents. “ 75 *• Tucks, 75i •• i, *2 !! P.am, 76 “ J. J‘ jW “ Tuoks, 8 In addition to the'abqve styles, they have also pre pared AN INTEHLBAyFD KDIHON for the use of Country Phyaioians and others who com pound thc.tr own prescriptions, or furnish medioines to their patients. LINDSAY Sc BLAKIaTON . nolS 25 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. GG. EVANS 1 GIFT BO.OK STORE, • NO. 439 CHESTNUT Street. BUY YOUR BOOKS AT EVANS’, Where you oan get books m every deportment of Lite rature ; and , , , BEAR IN MIND, that besides getting your book at the lowest rotail prioe, , THAT A GIFT, Worth from 50 centsto 6100 aooompanies each Book, ALL THE NEW BOOKJNtS SOON AS ¥VB .Callin.and one trial will assure you that the bost plaoo in the oity to buy books,ls at « * G. G. EVANS’ GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT. 008-tf No. 439 GHKbTNUT Stroot. JCST PUBLISHED-THE BOOK OF THE SIGNERS: Containing Fao-Simile Lotters of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. Il lustrated with sixty-one engravings, from original pho tographs and drawings of their residences portraits, Ao. Quarto* Large Paper Copy, India Proofs, 915, A Book that no American should be without, and a desi deratum in every library. • „ kf ; 0 < ... . • WM. BHOTKBRHEAD, FabbcisT, and Importer of Did Books, Autographs, and -Engravings. oc3l-lnr 218 South EIGHTH Street. Books fob families, 1 PUBLISHED BY <' „ t , t LINDSAY & BLAKIBTON, Pubiisberff. Booksellers, ami Importers, ' 23 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. SMITH’S DOMESTIC MEDICINE, &c. A Family, Plantation, and Ship Modioino-chest Companion ; particularly adapted for heads of families, oversoers, or owners pf plantations, captains of ships, &o. A npw and enlarged edition. octavo. Price $2. TILT’S ELEMENTS OF HEALTH AND PRINCJ 'PLBS OF FEMALE HYGIENE, 1 volume Royal 13ino.— Pnoo 01.25. BALT. ON THE MATERNAL MANAGEMENT OF CHILDREN IN HEALTH AND DISEASE, nold • Price BOCK BUYERS.—Gentlemen: I have takentoe Basement of the Philadelphia Bank, 419 CHESTNUT Street, where I will continue to buy and sell (as I have heretofore done at the Custom house Avenue Book-stand) old and new Law and Mis cellaneous Books, 1 have for sale upwards of 100 old blaok-letter Books printed prior to the year 039. Also, a oopy of Erasmus on the New Testament, 3 v015.,4t0, printed in 1548* Price $3O. I will qlso deal in Engravings and Autographs. Persons atadistanoe wishing to sell Books, will describe their names, dates, sizes, bindings, conditions, and prices. Pamphlet Laws ol Pennsyl vania, Afid old Books upon America wanted, auf-dnf n " JOHN CAMPBELL. AND JEWELRY. JAMES E. UALDWELL & CO., 823 CHESTNUT ST. . IMPORT AND MANUFACTURE FINE WATCHES. RICH .DIAMOND AMD AI.L OTHER JEWELRY, mantel clocks and bronzes, STERLINB SILVER-WARE, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PLATED GOODS, PARIS ARTICLES, FANS, OPERA-GLASSES, Jcc„ The principal part of our stock is entire!, new at MODERATE FIXED PRICES. An Examination will entail no obligation to pur chase, nol-tJal-if FINE WATCHES, of the most ap- J&lSr proved makeia; Jewelry of every description, BRver-ware equal to cpin; also. Plated-ware of the best quality, at G. RUSREi.L’S, oc?9-jm 22 North SIXTH Street. SCARF-PINS, STUDS, and SLEEVE EIJ& BUTTONS,—A Urge •esortment of Carbunole, "■“Coral, Lava, and ttrusoau Goldßcarf-pins, at M G. RU9BKLL’S, od»-3m 22 North SIXTH Street. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, SHIRT MANUFACTORY.—The A subscriber would invite special attention to his IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, known as the most perfeot fittingmade. On hand, and made to ordor at shortest notice. WHOLESALE TRADE SUPPLIED. Also, an extensive assortment of GENT’S FURNISH ING GOODS* of Ins own importation. J. W. SCOTT, 814 CHESTNUTSIroot, 0025 Four doors below the *» Contineptai Hotel.” IXTOTIOE TO GENTLEMEN I—The host ll assortment of SHIRT BOSOMS evor offered for sale in the oity of Philadelphia, comprising Prtnoo of Wales. Imperial. Abraham Lincoln, Ac., Upright Plaits, Bias Plane,-And CrowPlaite.- some containing'three hundred plaits. CHARLES'ADAMS A SON, nolQ-tf :• ; ARCH Stropts. (fo MISSES O’BRYAN, 91 4 CHESTNUT U m Ftreefc, above Ninth, will open Paris Millinery, for the Winter. Nov. 8,1880. n7-lm* T A DIES.—A LARGE LOT OF GIIIL p J DRF-N’S CLOTHING ashing at treot Baonficeto close the business* 909 CHESTNUT Street, no9-ot* COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. HAVING' THIS DAY ASSOCIATED JOPKPHL. RlCHARDSwithmeuithe Plumbing acdGas-Fittmg Dnenices, wo wi'l carry on the same, under tbe name of ROHfcIIToON & HlCllAllDS, at our new store, 831 ARCH Street. . Thankful for past liberal patronage, 1 hope for a con tmuanoe of t!iC;aame. UEOJ|I( , B w , ROBERTHON. Fuilaotlmiu. October 1. 1850. ■ ■ Btoree, Dwellings, Clturohos, ami Public Buililingß fitted up with Plumbing, Gas-woik, and Fixtures i:: a workinanhkeinanneranil at rcasnnnblo ratec. ' ’ ROBERTfcOIj % RICHARDS, no!3-6t* - • ’ 831 ARCH Street. iMrtjiimY-AVHIPPLE IRON BRIDGE. iWL BTONE, QUIGLEY, & BURTON, No. 333 WALNUT hTREET, PHILADELPHIA, ' Beg leave to inform Roilroad Companies, and others interested m bridge construction, that they have formed a connection in business with JOHN W. MURPHY, Civil Engineer, (author and lnvantorof tho abdvo well known plan o! ifan uridte.) and are prepared tb dxeedte orders, from any P*rt of tho country, from his designs and.pSjtfonalsuperlntendftnoet ■ ' J " ‘ All letters rfjating to plans And estimates should to addressed to J O IIN~W. MURPH y, v,\v\\ Aiiaineer. no!3-6in For STONE, QUIGLEY, A BURTON, THE PRINCE OF WALES EXCITE MHNT has (lied out, snd made way for the 0r...0t e,oltempn* foLFHotogriiihio PiQturos at lIKIMLR’B !]U .cry, tjlT NPIM! PBUuND Btro.t. above Green. It* CAU TI ON—ORIENTAL DETERSIVE SOAP —Enoouraxed by tho great and merited suQ peag of thia article, eeveraV nnprmotalsd Sdkete have oloaely imitated it in apponraMo'iißlF, and wo feol it onr duty to notify the puouo that none is genuine, ex cept onr name 1, ktamseo on eaoh bar. anU-w.llt to VAN HAGEH & McKEOHE. IIETAIL DRY GOODS. WINTER POPLINS, " " Ribbed Poplins, Bright Eflotuh Plaids. ““M* 0 " 1 "- Bark Mixtures, P“h Color., Small Plaids, itajiPekimr. St,ls, for Friends, C and ot suitable sig« for every claw of building#, This artiolo i# worthy til attention oi all partios putting up buildings; * LargS •lie sewerage pipes for oity drainage, vatav pipes War ranted to stand a severe presaurj.'vftnre now prepared to oontraot with nitiee ereomoriUion* fdr. this tfrtiolem any.quantity. Yf* wqrmnt burfoodsto wc«miif not superior toany othftr ni&de in ths Valiedßtates or Hmcje. Ornamental CkiiOßQy Top* and Garden DR. S. T. BEALE, DENTIST, Jins romQved to 1113 CHESTNUT Street, (Qfraid Row,) Philadelphia. Go2s-fiar AND MARBLE LIME, " v Calcined plaster, Plastering Hair, White Sftad, and Comeiit. ‘ Orders by mail for shipping promptly attended to. gputlwnst gorget MNTfI ns 03 - 13 t 130 WAlM'f Street. ©ALT PETBE—For salo by WETHER. oosfrfe££ It(>TIUHt>M "- 47 <» rui OASJS QF SEED LEAF TOBACCO, MV in store, and for sale by r uril-tf JOB. B. WANB«W ft no SJFIIiITB TURPENTINE.—6b bbls. Spts. Turpentine loading from schooner Maggie Vandu* sen, and Tor sale by ROWLEY, ABHBURNER. & CO., No. 10 South,WHARVES * w - nptf ’ WANTS. lt/fBROHANTS AND TRADESMEN Good* Jobbing Hous», either in Yprlr, to Mil Pennsylvania trails UadmMla“cf«m™ will be given in evory capaoity by firet-MiSa hnn Philadelphia. Addreea “ Confidence,” Fr«*j oflEff * n noH-wfs3t* _____ omue. ANTED—BY AN EXPEBIENOED * * Insurance Adjuster, a situation as Secratarv or Clerk in an Insurance Company. Best of testimo- Address * k Adjuster,” at this office. Wanted—by an experienced T \* Dry-Goods Packer, a situation in a Dry-Goods Jobbing House, as Porter and Pablcer. Can furnish uie best recommendations as to qualifications, honesty, fco. Address 14 JAMES,” offioeof this paper. n!2-6t* WANTED TO RENT—By a good tenant, . a Stablewhioh willaeoommodate about fifteim horses. Address *» Stable.” Press office. no2-tf -An active business man, FOK SALE ANI) TO LET. ■ROOK, STATIONERY, AND PERIODI- Sfv o^Bl^. 55 K. oi vs AL £ IN , WASHINGTON z; l i. ! subscriber offers for sale the good will, stook, and fixtures of one oi the best established Book. Stationery. end Periodical Stores in Washington, now in its twentieth year or successful business. To a Cash purchaser it will be sold at a bargain. For particulars address STATIONER, Washington City Post Offioe. no!s-3t* FOR SALE.—The very desirable four story Dwelling, No. 207 South SEVENTEENTH Ctreet; thToc-Btory back buildings; 10t39br200; large parlor and dining room. Price $9,100. of whioli 88,000 can remain. Apply to ALLEN Sc SIMS. Real Palate Brokers, eoutheaat oomor FOURTH and WALNUT, No. 3, Second Floor. nolt-3t* « LARD-OIL FACTORY.—To rent, a LARD-OIL FACTORY with M Patent Lever in r Ss!2*liS lth Tub *» Kettles, Tanks; all m complete order. Apply to „ ROWLEY, ASHBURNER. fc CO., _2£4 __ No. 16 SOUTH WHARVES, O WIOB TO RENT.—Furnished. $2 per Second story, P. K. corner FOURTH and WALNUI Streets. Apply at 1 o’olook. noi4-3t* •TO CHAIR AND CABINET MAKERS.— *4 Company, owners of Blanchard's Patent.” for the States of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland, will sell county, town, or shop rights, or grantlioenses to use, SHit'“5 r terms. This is .the only patent. All infringers Will be *tnotlr dealt witli. Apply to ‘•JOHN BILBBY, or C. A. BURGESS, No. 34 BROADWAY, New York. ccs-dam TO PAPER MANUFACTURERS.—Fpr sale a 42*inch Cylinder Meohine, in complete run ning order, with Callenders. Will be soldoheap. Ad dress H. J. BEAUMONT, New Hope, Buoks county, ___ no!s-3t* EXCHANGE.—A CHOICE TRACT ofgood unimproved farm land m the State of New Jersey, convenient to the, city, will be exchanged for Apply at No. 118 FEDERAL Street. ]\JISSOTJRI LAND!! fcSm O .! SP? Aoros for Sale and entry, at price, rantinr Wi«a ° 90690(1 ier Aore * m any quantities re- puroha* *er* of Land under the Gr&duation Act. br enolMin, a pctaic atamp For farther information apply to WILSON, RAWLINGS A CO., V. 8. and General Land Agents, „ _ «• CHEBTN UT Street, Between THIRD and FOURTH, LAM) WARRANTS .boniht, •oldfaniffiited” 0 oo»-8m / BOARDING. A PLEASANT HOME IS OFFERED ■ £ - m - to two gentlemen, in an Amenpan family of three persons, having more mom than they require, in the W?.^^ e, K, r , ar i of tto West End, GREEN St, above BROAD. The house contains all the modem improve ments. .References exchanged. Address a note to at the offioe of this paper, whioh will be im mediately attended to. , no]s-tf XJOARDING.—A few Boarders can be r~f aooominodated with pleasant rooms, with privato bath, &0., nt 159 t WALNUT Street. ocl4-3t* ROOM, WITH OR WITH. cut Board, at No. 830 WALNUT Bt. uoia-st* THIRST-GLASS BOARDING, with hand- A- .ome oommunioating and single Room., at 14 IT LOCUST Street. 0018-lm* EDUCATIONAL, IfISmNG TUTOR.—A GRADUATE O? * Harvard College. Cambridge, will give private lea sons in Latin, Greek. Mathematics, and the higher English Branohes. and will prepare boys to enter any clegs in College. Address H. U., Blood’s Dispatch. noH-wf&mSt* TNSTRDOTION IN SINGING.—Mr. -»• LOUIS DELEURIE, Professor of Voo&i Music, after the modern Italian method, has .removed to No. 703 SPRUCE btreet. nol2-mwf§t*g| TtfIESDAMES OHEGARAY AND D’HER ■ITA VILLY respectfully infenn their friends and the publio that they havf removed their Boarding and Day School for YountLadies from Log&n'Square to Noe. IAS7 and 1329 BPKUCE Street. Pupils from five years of age upward prepared for the fourth olass. jjgg-gm Bryant, stratton, & Fairbanks’ MERCANTILE' COLLEGE, S. E. oorner SE VENTH. and CHESTNUT Streets.—Day and Evening Sessions, Individual instruction in Bookkeeping, in oluding General Wholesale and Retail Business, ship ping, Forwarding and Commission, Banking, Ex change, Manufacturing, Railroading, fiteamboating, Ao., the most tAorovga and praeucal course in the United States. Also, Leotures, Commercial Calcula tions, Arithmetic. and the higher Mathematic*, Pen manship (best in the oity h Correspondence,. Sc o. For sale, their new Treatise on Bookkeeping, beauti- in colors, and the best work published. PENN INSTITUTE, SOUTHEAST COR NER THIRTEENTH Wf 5388,” ffial _ JAMES 8. I’BJNSLB. PrMldent, PjiMt. Hi*». Suntarr. «aK-tf if A NNISEED—For salo by WKTHERILL •A*, k BROTHER, Nob. 4T and 10 North SECOND Street. now SEED—For sale by WETH ERILL & BROTHER. Nos. 47 and 40 North SECOND Street. noia JAVA COFFEE.— I,OOO pockots prime Java CofTeo, for sale by JAMES GRAHAM & CO., ARTIWIA Mr—t. STORAGE. —Storage for O? PINE bbls. Fine Oil, fresh (Rs* tilled, in hos'd iron-bound lined nitun. for ?i»^ O 80«Wkf^ LliY ’ SjttUSJEMNTSU OONOERT HALL POSITIVELY LAST NIOHT BUT ONE OF GKOKGB CHRISTY’S MINSTHKLSi • „ MAMMOTH TROUPE OP THE WORLD, Umler the persoiial supervision of tu , ■„ 6EOAGE CHRISTY. In hi. lirillinntlf r-,™J, li L AI ?i t !v. 1 ’ EOULIAK ENTERTAINMENT. OorapTising all the - - PRINOIPAIi GEMS OF ETHIOPIAN MINSTRSIAY, CHARACTERISTICS OF NEGRO ANii BURLESQUEECOENTRICZT7HS. ,TI S(FRQIAY) EVENING. NoT.lsr; a h n E Mproqhamile A - r ’ D MINSTRELS MELANBE. tomorrow, (Saturday.) Nov.ir, r *t clock, Grand mam LEVIATHAN TR0 A HOST OF VOLUN- nedbj' t |entfeme'n. r ' ,edr ° rladiM and la4ie.aooomp»- h? e d^7wlKS?r^^l aaatlh Tioltete to all parte of the Hall, 35 Cent. Door, open at ? o’cloch ito commence at I ooW CONTINENTAL IHEATHB (Late National,) WALNUT Street, above Ei.hth 1 , THE GREAT AMERICAN CONSOLIDATED ' circus company; H. P. MADIGAN Sc CO., Proprietors. w .BENEFIT OF “ MONS. BLONDIN? } Who will appear m a series of unparalleled Evolu tions on the Tight Rope, including his Basket Dance,Ao. AND LAST OF THE CIRCUS. a^|^*> °^*l^e*iHtteiHMi S Ape! e * rea *LwMion, oonimenoeß at’half'paEt L 6 °’ oloolc ' 'Performance 725 °t nta » Family Circle 15c.; Seoursd B nhfa Beats 011,1 b ® secur cd 3 days in advance. TIToDONOUGH’S OLYMPIC (Late GAIB iTJ - TIES.) RACE Street, below ThiVdT UAUr Re of LITTLE CORDELIA The PerfoS^So^rh I'’ 1 '’ LITTLEc/D N EWo M wi«Eva. COMIC SINGING by Miss Wmthrop and J. Seymour, ioco,^^%%v a TdTEirk^sr ot Mor “ ,ni M '*- Duois open atGX o’clock; coinmenoin?at 7H. Admission, ttcents; Family Circle,l/oents. ytTALNUT-STREET thbatrb. B 7 \ Solo Lessee Mrs. M. A. GARJtBTTSON, Stage Mr. WM. A. C^tPJCAN. Business Aeent~ Mr. JOB. » muiipSv BENEFIT OF MR. wn , THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, ..1 J 1? “ted,, the celebrated sensauon drama (al ready WitnessedJbvover43,ooopersons)of ' THE DEAD HEART I rerforined for an entire season in London. Robert Landry, Mr. Edwin Adams; Legrand. -Mr MSM&.’jefferaon. 8 DUVaI, GladBtan ' > CerlMtU. Previous to the plat _ SLASHER AND CRASHER. a^M^^S I Sj,yS r . rOTm “°“ W™ E P y & MARKS'S ABOH^r. EDWIN BOOTH’B BENEFIT, GRBA T 8 Pffi, siSSS&VeS 1 tJL W” al,eoial rnmK> ft * * rea ‘ ... JULIUS CAI3AR, 7tefir«?entei?lS! nt3d llU!iereda fromrritneain, To Bhg.n«rete B C f To-morrow, Booth’s Last Night STANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE. OPPN FOR STWSE * NEWLY PAINTED. Has scoured one of the r,ho A “laeJear°niyi" lES aTW ire “ ntoa »«etefor., Sanford will perform every evening. Doors open at 7; Commence at 7%, Admittance 35 peats. Children 13 oonta. oelS*)m WOLFSOHN AND THEODORE THOMAS’ FIRSTOLASBICAL SOIREE ... . „ WiUtaheplaa.cn BATURDAY, the 17th NOVEMBER, FOYER OF THE A ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Subscription received at the principal Mono Store,. no9-7t ® ! ‘ To be bad on evining at the door. fJEADQUARTERS. FRANKLIN iTriJi place.—free .concerts-chas. jen- KINS, m oonjunotion with an entire New Company hours. Dances, *o. a -«M*»«*Hy no!3-6t CHADWICK Sc PEET.Snp’ta, XJASSIiBB’S OHOHESTBA.—Serenade iiand Military iland.-Fo.^^a^a^aMycr Office 1208 LOCUST fitwSe» _ _ _ , Or Hlasko’s Aendeay* BROAD Street, balcnr WaluM^ HPHE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA give -their PUBLIC REHEARSALS every B*-TUR o’clock', at the MUSICAL FUNI) HALL. 8 tioket;,Sl; singletiokets,Scents* for tile at Chiokerine & Son’s, 807 Chestnut street j Andre’s, IIW Chestnut street; and Beok ALawton's* Chestnut street. Engagements for Concerts. Commencements, Par ties, &0., madeonlr at their OSoe, Cbicberin*; A Ron’s • Piano Store, 807 Chestnut street; William Stoll, 84 North Jumper street, or C. Droughman, 1003 Aides avenue. ocSMf PENNA. ACADEMY OP THE TIN* ARTS.—IO2S CHESTNUT Btreet. a splendid Painting by Migaot. ‘‘THE FIRST SIN,”a beautiful Marble Statuette by Angelini. On exhibition for a short time. Visitors will please bring their opera glasses. PIANOS AND MUSIC. PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS ! I PIANO-FORTES, MELODEONS, PIANO-FORTES, Made br Raven, Bacon, & Co., NnnSWcifiSfwiSkfct- Oans, A Co.* and others. PiTlt-lT SEVENTH anA gaS STEINWAY & SON’S NEW PA* *;■ V.ITBNT OVER-STRING GRAND PIANOS. SQUARE GRAND, AND SQUARE SIANOS, nS, preferred in oonoerta and in private oiroiee by tha tee, performer.. Reoeivedthe firet preminm. over the beet makara, from jndge.hke Gottechalk, Maeon.and othere. GhaVience all competition. BLASIua K ROTHERB. spiromoter he charges three dollars. If you have a cough, go and see Dr. Bchenck. If you have a pain under tho shoulder-blade, go and see Dr. K**t t* construction, specially adapted to Ladies* use.' wwi O. H, NEEDLES, PronrietfiT B. W. wiser TWELFTn and HACK.Streets tsr Entranoo to C.H. N.>. Boom. fornSSnSifU the oorner. eewSifl* A WONDERFUL AND NEVER* FAILING REMEDY FOR DISGASEB OF *TWR NERVOUS SYSTEM. PROFESSOR MORRIS’ EUOEPUALOS AN EXTERNAL REMEDY, * FO r ul¥H ! M OnSBI)eE k 00 " «»• Ba North W And for sale hr Prutgint. generally. leli-Smif ZUMEAI AZUMEA ! AZDMEA ! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA) AZVHEA PROF. MORRIS’ AZUMEA BAKING FOIVDER. Manufactured solely at No. S 3 North FOURTH Street, and for sale by Grocers generally, seU-Srnif SHOEMAKER & Co., GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, AND VARNISHES, Northeast Cornor FOURTH and RACE Street*. tty2S-flm mackerel, herring, shad, sal* Iff. MON, bbls. Mess Nos. 1, t, and 8 Maok erel, large,medium, and small, in assorted packages ofchoice late* eaught fat fish. 5,000 bbls. New Hall fix, Eastport, and Labrador Her rings. of ohoioe qualities, 6,000 boxes extra new soaled Herrings. S.OOOboxes extianew No.l Herrings. 3,000 boxes large Mag Mme Herringß. 250 bbls. Maokinao White Fish. 60 bbls, new Economy Mess Shad, 25 bbls. new Halifax Salmon. 1,000 Quintals Grand Bank Codfish. 300 boxes Herkimer-cotmta Cheese.* In atoio and landing, to; s&ie by » V WURPHY * KOONS,.^ noB No. 246 NORTH WHARVES. £»on OHO Havana cigars, of the UyvjUW most celebrated brands—viz.: ; FIBMO. f .Cabana, , Bartaf&t, Espanola, ' ffeptuno, Adoraoioo, Blacli Sea, Aoiertew Filantropa, Q»«oua.Ao.» &©. Of all sizes and aaafity. on hand, and l&ndisf by £6* cant arrivals, and for sale low hr pT i;B TBTEj 13U waJaH UT Street,