CITY, ITEMS. Monthly Meeting of the Young Men's - - Christian Association. MSS AY 'OII TIM LIPS OP MIOS LAIVESICCE-AIIIIITAL 4crolf Ol orndime The regular monthly, meeting of the Young Men's Chnstien Association rhixr hill at the Bangers-street Haptiet ,'ChnotiA, Met eilnlns; ChM° H. Smut, Eat., In the-eheir. The meeting wen opened. by swing. reading s %portion. of EIC iptllT 0 meter' by the Hey. David H. Comes, and reading the minutia of the but meeting. - - An essay was , neat read by the Rev. Mr. Cornell, on the " Life of Amos Lawrenbe," The essay opened with the suggestion that reflections upon such a life b., young men we. profitable: •Mr. Lawrenoe's ancestry was first referred to. Ifs was born at Groton. Massa ohnsetti,' April 22, Md. Much 'of eminence as a useful man wee due to the early insomnia of his mother, who Mid- in, her ohmmeter united the kindest sympa thies with undaunted' energy.- Ills subject received his first education at the district school of Gro ton. From earl's , years he evinced that earn. industry Which crowned his after bre with success. In this re spect he strongly resembled, the immortal Franklin. Temperance, economy, and industry were three of his cardinal virtues. From the distriot school he entered the Groton Academy; from whence he soon was re moved to a store in Itunstsble. and was of ermards ap prenticed to a,slr. Brazer, in Groton. His total' 'bath:lance; maid drinking surroundings, while in the Gauntry store, were commented upon, an also Ins rellainins , from the use of tobacco. several interesting extracts from the writings of Mr. Lawronoe were road in this conheetion, as admonitory to young men. Probably no man had evor done more for his fellow men around lam than Amos Lawrence, numerous in etaneee of which were, cited in illustration. fte had always been particular to hold up before young men the finger - of God in the direction of human attain. On the 2244 APril,Uo7, he came of age. Seven dare after,' he went to Beaton, with only twenty dollars in hie pocket. He soon sweated a position in a respecta ble mercantile house. Soon after, he wag ofered an irterest in the bran:mai, widok he cleaned from con scientious principles. Oa the 17th of April. 1887, he corn. mencei Mamma for himself, with Mr. Whiting for his oleik. He was remarkable through life for the most punctilious exactness in all matters connected with his business. Me never allowed a bill ti remain unsettled over the Sabbath, either by note or otherwise. Ono of the most interesting parte of. the essay wag Mr. Law:lnt:els correspondence ;with his younger sis ters at home- He made fifteen. hundred dollars in his business the first year, 'and more than four thousand the second, having maid - that had he made four thousand [he first year he r wordd probably have fa il ed' the Remind, He was peculiarlt happy in his social relations, and his advice had been to the young, to marry early If that (World'e and home. • the eassy,..whieh elicited an intereihns and spirited disoueaton,wss Written in good style, and , delivered in good taste. and was, upon the whole, ore of the best ever read befeire the association: A Her, ,the traussetion of a latge amount of isusiness. and this umel recess for mutual Introduction and con versation, the election tellers reported the following of as cleated to 'misdating tho ensuing year : President -Grogan A. &maul.. Vice Presidents-tf. H. fillilliorford, W.J. Cheyney, Geo. Coqhman, Joe. W. Pesten. Wm. Getty. Reel:Ming peoretsrx-B. Montgomery. Nemstering Secretaryino. A, Neff*. Corresponding escrettiry-lho. Wanamaker. renaurer-Win. G Crowell. • • • - • • • Board of Man i vrers—Wt Stuart. (Beformell . fr i es• bytol , a (7l ° Jet,. 4 .13. " 1=g, irig testArt;o4'Jno. Wiest, (Gepnan Relormsd ;) d. W. Van (Thetunles of Christ:) P. B. Summons.. Way Bohool Fresh? torten ;7 H. S. Smith. (Society of Fr:ends:7 T. K. Gasper, (Old &hoot Presbyterian ;) D. It. Good ( (Jutted Presbyterian ;) Thos. Tolman, (Baptist;) Jas. K. Winte. (Met hodist nmsoopal G G. Harry Lava, patch Reformed :).Lewis S. Boast, (Lutheran ;) D. sti. Warner, (Moravtan.) Oat of two thousand members of the Association there were bat about sixty votes polled, showing. as it would appear, a marked indifference of the membership to the official administration of its affairs." Guava OrrNING OF LAMS' Pruitt AND lILOANS. In another part of our paper to-day, will be found the advertisement of Memel 1. W. Proctoi & Co., Prorie tom of the "Paris Mantilla. Cloak, and Fur Emporium," No. 703 Chestnut street. We spent a leisure half hour yesterday, pleasantly, in examining the elegant stook which now graces this establishment, with the view of obtaining some interesting items of information for the ladies. We need hardly say that Meters. Proctor & Co. crested a marked sensation last season, by the riohness and extenkof their stook of Ladiee' Fur, as all who visit ed their store came away 'raided that their efforts in this branch were a perfect tnnmph. This, we may also add, was handsomely attested by the large amount oy patronage which they received from our own citizens end strangers visiting the city. Raving examined thei warerooms then. (autumn 15.%) we are the better pre pared to express an opinion with regard to them now. In the first place, their fur rooms have been largely extended,lo accommodate their constantly-inereasing trade, so that their salegroorn* at this time are among the most lameneive, beautifully-arranged, and, best lighted in the country. Entering upon the detai is of the stook, whrdh, indeed, presents such an array of wealth and luxurious comfort that the approach of the Storm Ring is set at eehance. strictest in the vicinity of 703 ClieMiiiit sorbet, prominent: among the Furs exhibit. d. we saw aspect) sets of real Russian Sable, fine dark Hudson Bak dablo, Russian American Mink liable, (which are now, we may say, the standard fur, and most in diamond' in this country and Europe ;) the Siberian Squirrel, RilYal Ermine, and Chinchilla*. Those fami liar with furs will readily understand from these names what they represent; but few can guess the superlative taste evinced in their manufacture for Meagre. Praetor &- Co.'s counters. Mainly, these furs are made up into edeags,rnantlea, capes, belf-capes, man or coifs, and garifftees, and ranging in cost from ten dollars to one thou sand dollars per set. The great expense of some of these elegant garments Is not surprising, when we con. sideythat some of the small skins, of Which many are re quiredtohakeB.siegte cape, cost as machos seetham five dollars to import. Before leaving this department we met a soveity we refer to the new - style muffs and napes menufastured from the feathers of the Grebe, a South American water fowl. These are Vary doh and beautiful, and for the Car riage and opera are certain to' become popular. Prpoeeding to tee large) to m in front, we ars intro ducpd to the Ono:ag o /hook. ~81701,09 would fail us to even mention the Varione choose articles of beauty and com fort which there met our observation, ^The most popu lar novelty out, in pointer foretand style, Is the Arabian BourOns,• cloak with' a .hood-like. unclosed fold de welding from the sheoblers, giving it a very gratieful appearlree;: Messrs. Procter it Co.offar there in great variety: of =atonal*. 'colors. and style of trimming. Among the latter, the high colored tiolferitio and Ma genta arA.muok in demand. For Lintes iu medium maiming, their . .. Lady Franklin" cloak is muck ad mired by persons of taste; se are also their Naoques and Paletote, which they have either plainly or nobly trim med to Bait the taste end oircurnatanoes of purchasers. he extensive scale of operations of this house, both here and in other cities, g Ives' it advantages in point of prices which few, if any of their rivals possess, which. with the uniform courtesy observable in their sales rooms, their one-price system; and many years devotion to business, has rendered the " Paris Mantilla, Cloak, and Fur Emponnril," , .No, 708 Chestnut Street, one of the most popular shopping resorts in the Union. CLegirra Lgorung.—Gougli's closing lecture, before the Young Men's Christ ion,Assomation, to be delivered at the Academy of blame this (Tues day) evening, promises to be a brilliant suocess. 3he oOmmittee have properly limited the sale of troketa to the comfortable capacity of the house, and tine num ber has already been nearly disposed of. As this will probably be the lad opportunity afforded of hearing this wonderful delineator of life scenes among the un fortunate ciotims of ' intemperance, none who can should fail to hear hum. Tee BALL IR MOTION.—Too mach praise can. not be bestowed upon those merchants of Philadelphia who, with their Me and prosperity. hove steadily de voted their capital and energies to the mercantile ad vanoement of our city. In the front rank of those en• gaged in the manufacturing, end wholesale and retail departments of trade, in Charles Oakford, Esq. The sucoessful house of which be is the head, (Charles Oak ford" & Bons', under the Continental Hoteli) by its en terptise, mercantile system,-and liberal policy, has attained a position second to no other In this country ; and net a season is allowed to pails without augmenting its efficiency and means of attaining still greater sue clew In the future. 'Their Mock, at the present time, in the,talk and admiration of citizens and strangers. and averrtle* finds some additional attraotion contributed to their various departments. TRY EMBARK/Molt or THY PRINCE OP WALIII. The Prince of Wales, with his suite, embarked, at Portland, ou Saturday. and they are now steering to wards Englsad. The baggage of the put, astonished the Porilanders. Dr. A @blander had many boxes of books and mathen rital instruments. Among other artioles, the Prince had several turtles, which he had captured on the prairies, and an immune box contain ing large moose hums. from Canada. Lord liinchen brooks had singing birds and courier squirrels. It was remarked that every itan of the Daily directed special attention to the Rife keeping of the trunks containing the elegant garments he had procured, while in this city; at the Brown-stone Clothing Ball of flookhill ac Wilson, team we and el* Chestnut street, above Sixth. E(101102dY Is vrnALTR.—If a man withee to live happily and contentedly. lie should make a determina tion, under every eirournstenoe, to live within hoe in come. It is not a difficult matter to do, when once a strong will is creamed. Half the misery and wretched ness we meet with in this world is occasioned by ne sleeting this golden ruin of life. How many anxious days and weary nights have been passed that ought hare been avoided had economy been practised and our injunction observed. Our advice to all is, practise economy. live within your income. and buyyour clothes at the one-price clip Clothing Emporium of Granville Stokes, No. 601 Chestnut street. A a OLD MOM, for the Best Sewing Machine has been awarded to Ladd, Webster, & Cm, by the Ohio Mechanics' Institute. Call and ion them at their TOOlllll 9 E2O Chestnut street, Philadelphia, octal St" SPECIAL NOTICES. Pout COUGHS; OR FOR ANY DISEASE OF THE Breathing Organs, boo J. R. STAFFORD'S OLIVE TAR and IRON AND SULPHUR POWDERS, which are advertised in thin paper. The Olive Tar lacunas magnetism or vitality, allaying at once any pain or and or,- preen i.en, end Repeat balsamic properties heal sore ness d Inflammation. The Iron and dulphnr Powders, being a soluble preparation, unite with the digested food end Sinter with it Into the formation of now blood, the iron retaining the vital or life-giving forces in the blood, whioh in its circulation is diffused through the entire eigtent. The eoptbined sulphur converts the waste or worn-out particles of the blood into tomes, which are expelled from the body through Its pore's. by the Increased anew riven to the circulation. It is these wastes or worn-out particles of blood that form phlegm orattaberoles, and it in their acrid humor which !Mates and &Wort the membranes of the throat, bronchial tubas, and air-cells of the lungs. Bond for a paniphlet. - Bee advertisement in this paper. Sold by all'drugglsts, and be DVOTT & CO.. No. 282 North SECOND street. Philadelphia oole-tf SAVING FOND—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPAIIL—ChsTtered by the state of Ponnsylvanut. RUES. 1. Money Is received every den and In any aniannt , arse or smell. FIVE PER - CENT:interest is paid for money from theAsy it is put in. - P. The money is always paid back in SOLD whenever it is celled for, end without notion. S. Money is received from Executors, Administra tors, 6uardianS, end other Twisting, in large or email soma, to remain a long or short period. g. The Inoue) reamed front Depositors is Invested In Real Estate, Mortgages, (frond Routs, and other first eldrirendrlties. - a. Office open every day—WALNUT finest, nouthweet °otter% bird street. fidisdelehni. lal2 Az • 1010 9 13 Stri'lll4; Dm-NORTHWEST Cintnit Family and WALNUT Srazniu.—Deuosita re eele&l to small and lane amounts. from all °Wave, of the etiantenitr. and slloWn inteviet at the rate of 1 7 4V_Ice Plokcinti'r. taw annum. " • seheji*y, be &NM I,t &Oak's *ithatit lose of in ingest., . . - - - 011ie ono daily, from 9 until 0 chinch,' and on Mun dell end MOW until nine iA the evening: President. 0194191XL170 .) 0 9iLL i 'rammer end Becnitm, ORA& ML .„, .14 . 1 1 11P.V.6 4181.488A.TED„ ,' • 11=0:140.1=8: . • 1710141*14160114610ia11ii EPRII Paws MOT/IWe OP!. TIM JAMS T Styr fe, Mad* in the beat manner, emprealli for Rs - LOWEST Oaten mark'ed in Plaiti Figure& All too& mad to moor warranted earls. fsotory. Our ma-PRIOR system is striae, adhered to. AU are thereby treated alike. ee26-1v - MERE & CO., 604 MARKET &met. CARD PRINTING BEST AND CHRAPIST IN the City, at 34 Bouth,TRIRD Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Beet and Cheapest in the Dityi at 34 South THIRD Street. PRINTING, Best and Cheapest In the City; nt 36 Borah THIRD Street. lIAND•BILL PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in the eitY, at 94 South THIRD Street. - PAMPIfIETIPRINTII4O,, and every other descrip tion of Printing, of the moat superior quality, at the most reasonable rates, at RINGWALT •& BROWN'S, Draxelle finildirig, 34 South Tfilltp Street. joi3-tf SALAMANDER FIRB-PROOF SAPMS.—A very large assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at rea sonable prioes. No. 304 CHESTNUT fit.antladelebia. auit•tf EVANS .4. WATSON• MARRIED, MORTON—ANDERSON.—On ' •tbe:24 of August. by Rev, G. D. Carrow. pastor of "liinity l Chrtroh. Philt delehla. _Mr. Albaeua W. Morton. f Montgomery cotint7, Fa,, to Miss . Alioe Anna, 0 7 daughter .of James Anderson. haa.. plate same. TIMMONS—ZIERNS.—On the 17th instant. by Rev. D. W. Bennie, Mr. Cyrus W. Tinunorri to Miss Anna B. Zierna. both of this atty. 8160W—Mola ICOIo —On the 26th of acitamber. b Rev. F. T. Callhoppor, Mr. Jeremiah G. hate to ilgiji Mary A. MoNiool. all of Camden. N. J. CaRktOLL-11611.4.Y. — 0n the 17th of June ti k il ev. George Bringhuret, Mr. Daniel. A. Carroll to ream,.. zabeth Halley. both of this atty. GABI{II.I,—HALFAIAN.—On the 3d instant. byllev. both. Carden, Mr. 0. M. °again to Miss C. El, Ha:fe, f i,g' of this oaf. ' DIED. LOV.E.—Buddenly, on the leth inetant, at Burlington, lowa, Elias .11.. Love, formerly a resident of Philadel phia. BO reining were interred in Monument Cemeterrt in this city, on the 18th mutant, from the residence his ester, 1107 hlount Vernon street. CREASE.—Suddeddy, on the morning of the 20th instant. of oonges ion of the brain. Mr Alfred Crease, of Roaborough, Twenty-first ward, in the 46th year of hie age. • The relatives and friends o the family are respeot fully invited to attend the funeral from his late resi dence, Ridge road, between the seventh and eighth mile-stones. this ( Tuesday 1 afternoon, at 1 o'olook. proceed to St. David's Church. Mansyunk In her EUSTOfs.— oa On the morning of the 20th, Betty Euston, 92d rr. Ber relatives and friends nro invited to attend her funeral, from the, residence of her daughter, Mrs. Kel tar, No. 608 Federal street, this (Tuesday) morning, the Z3d instant. at 9)4 o'olook. ELL itiTT.—On the 20th instant, Catharine, wife of W m. A. Elliott, and daughter of Patrick and Ann Mul lin:aged 26 years. Funeral from the residence of her husband. south west corner of Fifteenth and Sinsom streets, this (Tuesday) morning. at 9 o'clock. - the 21st instant, Michael McClos key. aged 70 ream Funeral from his late residence, No 1315 Raoe street, on Thursday moraine. at 9 eritook. MILLS.—On the 19th instant. Mrs. Sarah. wife of William Mills. in the 67th year of her age Funeral from the residence of Air. It. W. Brooks, 250 Poplar street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 1 Wel- ok. • PRICE.—On the.2lst instipt, 'cohort Price, son of Charles and Susannah Price, in the 8 h year of his go. Funeral from the residence of his parents. Tacions plank road, at White Bali. on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o 'clock. clock. • . . .F.810.15--On the 201. h instant, him Mary Stevenson Price. wife of T. Biokhani Prim. Funertl from the residence of her father, Samue l Price. Cheater. this (Tuesday, after g oon, at So clock. BRANER.—On the 20th instant, Jacob Shnner, aged 64 re,. Funeral from Lis Into residence, No, 684 Rental,ler street. this (Tueinarl afternoon. SIDLE isV.E.—On the 20th instant, John Shreene, aged 4 g iti e =l from his late residence 443 Newmarket street. en Wednesday afternoon. atio'clock. SPARKS.—On the 18th instant, James Sparks, in the atith year of his age. Funeral from Ms late residence, 414 Reed street, ye Merida, ) afternoon. at 2 o'clock. S rouT.—On the 20th instant. Eliza Crisp daughter of Hiram W. and Eliza Stout, in the ad year of her_aya. WiLLITS.—On the 21s, instant. Idea, Catharine Wil lits, relict of the late John Willits, In the 70th year of her age. Funeral from her late residence. No. 217 North Twelfth s treet, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. BLACK SILKS ! BLACK SILKS ! Bousuet Mgored. Gros Imperials. Droguet Figured. radish Mourning. Diagonals. Glace& Diagonal Robes. Gros de Rhines. Eleven Flounced Robes. Bonnet's Bilks. Gros Grains. Patent Boiled. Poult de Joie. Gros d'Enosee. Venetiennes. Ottomans. Armutes. Lining Bilks. Re. DESIGN & SON, Mourning store, No. 9111 Chestnut street. ißelported tor The Frees.] CEIARLESTON- 64 Keystone State; Marsh man—t64 Wee cotton C P Reif; 68 do do It Sloan & co; 226 do do order: 11616 tierces rice Kalght & Bell; 93 do J Palmer & Co 70 do do order; 60 do do Kates & Foster; 32 hales yarn Hay & McDevitt; al ORS mdse Massey, Coltios & Co ' 24 do do Leeds & Gray; 20 do Dithmar & Butz;11 do L Tolman: 9 do J J O'Neill; 46 do T Blaisz; 31 do Hcgle & Wolfe; ado Thor. Reynolds. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. BEE FOURTH PAGE. U 8 M steamship Keystone State, Marebman, no hours from Charleston. with mdse and passengers to Alex Heron. Jr. & Co. At 8P M 2lat mat, exchanged signals with steamship State of Georgia, hence for Savannah . at the Bung on the Brown passed an Unknown bark. and brig Ella Reed frOm St Sago; at the Ledge Light passed Brem bark Washington from Bremen; at Bombay Hook brig Billow , of Windsor. N S. and bark Conrad, from Rio de Janeiro. Passengers—Mrs John A Wert, Miss C A Shackle, Airs E O'Bryaa. Mrs NI Barnard. Mrs 1 Bissipp, r ft Duets , JManger. GB Brown, C D Owens,Alfred Taylor, Chas Higgins, Thos Neil, 1/ Sines and son, ana two in steerage. Steamship Virginia, Kelly, from Richmond, via Nor folk, SS hours, with mdse. and passengers to Thom Web ster Jr. Passed, in the upper part of the Bar, a bark unknown; barks Thom Daliett , from Laguayra; Conrad. from Rio de Janeiro; Washington, from Bremen; ochre Adelaide and J 8 Lea, both with loss of mai senile. Bark Roman, Almy, from Newyork Oot 13. with Bowl bound to Liverpool Reports. 14th inst. 76 miles 8E of Sandy Hook, during s gale from N E. was dismasted, sprung steak. snd damaged rudder ; _put into Delaware Theakwater on Thursday last. as before repotted, and was towed up to the olty by the tug Amerioa. Sobr Silver Magnet. Parry. 5 days from Boston, in ballast to Bancroft, Lewis &Co --- - - - Steamer Bleak Dieupond. A11en,24 hours from N York, with md se to W M Baird & Co. - CLEARED. Bark Aroadian, Goodwyn, Pensacola, Tyler, stone & Co. • Bohr Martha Moore, Bennett, 131 Marks and Pensa cola, A Heron Jr. k CO- Nola Magnolia.litckergon. Bostoci. Wells & Co. Bahr silver Magnet, Perry, Cambrldgeport, Bancroft, Lewis & Co. Bt'rJ b shover, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. (Correspondence of The ?regal IS enema. Cot 21. On Friday lain we had one of the worst gales here we have had for severs` years. I expert, when we hear from the coast, to tear of a good many vessels ashore. I will report as far as heard from: The Brem bars Industry, from Bremen. bound to Baltimore with passengers, out her masts away In Lynnhaven Hay and rode out the TheA tog has gone to her to take her to Baltimore. The bark Duobarton. Captain Backus. from Baltimore,, bound to West Indies, is ashore on Dank river, lull of water. Lighters have gone to her assistance. A ship is reported ashore south of Cope Henry, no name given. Also, a brig ashore in the bay, no name given. I will write again. Yours, An., Non semi. ET TELEGRAPH. (Correspondence of the Frees.) NORFOLK. Oct. 22. A hark is ashore near Lynnhaven Bay, and a sohr at Old Point. A bark is also ashore at Baok river, Names not given. Pilaw YORK. 00t n. Arrived—Ship Shepherd J Knapp. from Liverpool; Fiera Alice Tarlton, from Antwerp; aohr Favorite. from Dania. MEMORANDA . Steamship Baltimore, Green. from Baltimore, arrived at Havana 13th inst. Steamship Boston, Crocker, hence, arrived at N York y Steamship North' Star, Janes, cleared at Now York yesterday for aapinwall. Steamship De Soto. Johnson, for Havana and New 0 rlcana t cleared at New York yesterday. Ship 1. Sherman, Beiehborn. from Liverpool. arrived at New York yosterdaY; experienced heavy weather, and lost foreyard. Ship Flora. Page, for Philadelphia, cleared at New Yorkesterday. Bark Abigail. Mani land, for Rio de Janeiro, railed from fl tohmon4 Mb inst. - • • • • - Brig Billow. Hodgdon, hence for Salem, arrived at N York yesterday. Bchrs John b ish. Beohnor. hence for Portland; Chal lenge, Hall, do for Glouoester; and Canary, Smith. do for Bost. n. arrived at Now York yesterday. MAT Juliet. Barter. hence forPortlani, put into New York yesterday for repairs, having, during the storm on the night of 20th inst. struck on Flynn's Knoll, causing the vessel to leak 1000 strokes per hour. Sir Beverly, Pierce, hence, arrived at New York yes terday. Berge M Duffy, Duffy, cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. Hfc, do Jacelro. Sept 7.—The American bark Virginia sailed from this port lent month, has put back in a leaky condition, and will have to undergo some repairs. The American brig North Pole sailed on the 2d, and put book on the 7th. Her damage is trifling; will proceed about the llth inst. WPARK BENJAMIN, ESQ. WILL BE • liver two Leotures at the M U SICAL FUND I', on THURADAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS, October 26th and 28th, nommenoing . ntU before 8 o'clock. Fleet—. The frees Al a Form with all the modern Int nrovements. Second—A New Lecture never before delivered. . . Single tickets. MI tinkets admitting a gentleman and two indent to both Leotares. 81. Can he had at Mar tien'a, Hazard's, Lee & Walker's, &0., &e. 0n2.3.4t* [l_G• JOHN B. DOUGH. ESQ" IN THE AOADEMY OF Milt 4 lo THIS EVENING—The closing Lecture of the course will be delivered THIS EVENING. et o'olook. Poor% open at 6% o'clock. Tickets issued for Mizejoal Fund Hall FOR Tills EV - NINO will he good at the Academy for all parts of the house except reserved seats. As no tickets will be avid at the Academy until after 75f o'clock. (and then only if there is room,) those holding Musical Fund Hall tick ets are requested to present thorn before that hour. Persons .having ticketx, and not able to use them. can have their money returned by presenting them at tho Academy belo.e 12 A. M. It ErEIGHTH ST. GEORGE BUILDING AND LOAN SOOIET Y.—The Brat stated meet. ill be held on WEDNESDAY EVIsAING. 24th instant. at Di o'olook, at Ward's Hotel,. CHERRY attain. above Third. to receive the dues and dispose of the balance of the stook. at which time persons demi lOUs of joining a. Building Society based on liberal principles are invited to attend. Examine the Consti tution, 'which contains mans vOnable improvements, and subsoribe for stook. Elharss 91 per month. JOHN 'V OLKMAR, President. Jona DPIPPS georetary. 0023 2t* ar UNIVERSITY CP PENNSYLVANIA. Department of MINES, ARTS, AND MANUFACTURES. COUTOO Or thine Department Conroe of Leotores in thin Department will com mence on Tki 13 I4SDAY, November 16, 1660, and will be continued as follows: MEW, AMOS AND CHEMISTRY. Prof. JOHN F. FRAZER, Monday and Thursday, at 4 P. M. GEOLOGY AND MINER ALOOV. Prof. CHARLES B. TREOO, Manua). an 4 Friday, at 4 P. M. CIVIL ENGINEER. NG—CO NETRUCTION—SUR .IIEYINO. Prof. FAIRMAN ROGERS, Monday and Thursday, at 6 P. 61. MINING. Prof. 1. PETER LESLEY,. Tuesdar, at ti P.M. APPLIED MATHEMATICS. Prof. E. OT•ti KENDALL. A Course of Mathema tic. may ho followed by those who desire to do mu, under the direction of the Professor of Msthematics. The Courses may be attended either ninety or to gether. ARRANGEMEW OF COURSE. PROF. FRAZER. THEORY OF piponeNlCS; and its Application to the Construotion of Machines. CHEMISTRY ; its 3 heorme, and the Properties of Bodies and their Compounds; iis Applications in tho Arts. PROP. KENDALL. APPLIED .MATHEMATICS; Trigonometry, Prac tical Astronomy, Surveying, Geodesy. Theory of In struments and i i ,thservations. PROF. TREGO. GEOLOGY, as applied to the Origin. Order, and Geo graphical Distribution of Book Formations, and its Fraction! Application to Manufactures and Agricul ture. MINERALOGY, no applied to the Constituent Mate rials e n droks, the External and Chemical Character of Ores Mineral Substances, their Connection with the various Rook Formations, and their Mee in Metal lurgy and ManufaoPßOFtures. . ROGERS. CIVIL ENGINEERING-CONSTRUOTIOV; Strength ofjtlaterials, Masonry, Framing, and their smote! Asmilcatimur to Railmade,Canals, and Water works. Surveying:AM:ol P.Ml.Jostrumente. - MINING; Etruotural Geology. Metallurgy. Attendance upon Wee Coulees la voluntary, end they ate not oonneoted with the ordinary College in atmtk.t.. applyto FREDERICK DICK. Senior, at the University-North Betiding. And for informa tion rear A ot l ktiO l El ii R tu o d e ie E s. to ? eon of the Faeultr• oar; )(it 203 West 01 TEAHOUSE equate. rr - r" NOTICE. -- THE • TENTH • ANNUAL ANI HiVslifp. °r ß "- u e i lth ei ' ll ' eA r efoll e ritYP or Phi ' not ifillne held" on TtittioDAY EZNING. the Ed 7ht °NM,: Mentinheld no Woos tior t nu a r i E TE and Bk4ll GAR &Wets. Puri o off ettentr i ve v reineettel i Ina = R oo.. or Pl 7 d aok o n poet Weim e r 11 the n I acted urn, sent ehlenetllkEpepSPlLEl St-28, ONS-N. ...MII4IIIW/Alla: seitywri.iieoZotorr: .........., C AE- 11- 0F THA NIES.— AT A LATE %Wm( Of :LANCASTER SECTION No. 18, handed in, by the noosing Rriif T , the followthe.Preamble and Resolutions were resigned committee, and unant mously adopted gut the mintiment of the Seaton e , Whereas, It has lately ten the pleasure of a. numlairr of the member. of thtf b 9otion to participate in the Tenth Annual Parade o illa United Order of Cadets of Temperanee, at Philade P la , on the 2d of Ootober,lBso, and o Whereas. During our brief iiii;cum in the Metrbp lie, We were treated with marked r. speot and cordiality. both by the members of the var.ous Seetions of our beloved Order. and by the oitizeeis of Philadelphia, %reotion of m therefore it become our duty, unc. r such mown stances. to expreas in some manner our their efforts to render our atay pleasant : erefore, be it :iiwidered to Resolved, That the sincere thanks of L easter sec tion No.lB. C. of T., he, and are hereby, Keystone Section No. 23, C. of T.. for their •med and hearty reception of our delegation on their airival in , Philadelphia, and for their other numerous striation to us during nor star. Resolved. That our thanks be specially tenders to ALEXANDER R. WHITE, Ras., thegentlemanly MI . of Keystone Section, for hie many kind civilities. ar.., that hie generosity and kindness will ever be held in graiefui remembrance by every member of this Section. Resetved, That our thanks are due to JAMES mc lorr.tarin, /e q., for his irony aots of kindness to us. Resolved. 'that we deem our thanks due. and they are hereby tendered, ro his Honor Mayor HENRY, for de tailing a complement of police, for the purpose of keep ing order along the line of prooeselon. Resolved. That our Menke are duo to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, for their kindness In teeming excur sion tickets tone ; alto, to Conductor R,P.RemunioitT, for lime attentions to our comfort. Resolved, That our thanks are tendered to ell con nected with Jones' Hotel, end the American Ho'eli for their efforts to render our may pleasant and agreeable. Resolved, That a CORY of these rem:Cations be trews : . nutted to each of the persons named, and be pub;m;led in the Philadelphia Press. Submitted in T. V. end T. • W. H. H. COX.G. W. FENN. II I GEO. M. AMBRIGHT, JAR. 0. titn , DA fit, A R. BITNEII. I B. O. SHREINER, C. L. MURPHY. Attest: A. J. Avxuu. Secretary. It CENTRAL AFRICA.—.IIR. ROBERT CAMPBELL, who has Just returned from an ex u ntral n of A .11, e tirigge o r u Ri T IOt'u n g . h tli_ r e s i3l:374 of o g, , aravels, at the ASS hIMBLY BUlL n Dlniao, Tenth inw illestnut streets. on TUESDAY EVENINO, the 233 e at TM o'clock. menu aelure will be illustrated by Maps and Spool- Ad migg itManufactures and Produce of the Country. Ntoetits. 0022-2 t. EXAt. orNATION FOR PROFESSOR- Ur; SCHOOLAIiHMAN IN THE CENTRAL p re fe etere hl e texamination of Candidates for tral high Newt, \yid - German Language in the Cen corner BROAD and Ohheld at the School Building, November 2d.1860. at 9 a.lfrN Streets. on FRIDAY', t h e Hi g h H g l im i cgmefttee;under the supervision of of German tioholars. Annhonttlined by Commission be left at the Cont Moo and references must Boct order orner Sl and it OtthOrteUM Building. Byof the High School Coiniilb I streets. ROBERT J. ltlts. Secretary Controllers of PTIIIL L. PHILADELpiIIA, Oot. JO, 'Q Sohoole. 0e2.1-12t ITSOUTHWARK BANK. PHIr---- PRIA, October 9. 1860.—Tho annual eIeDEL CTORti will be held at the Banking BOX for MONDAY, the 19th day of NOVEMBER NEXLign tween the hours of 10 o'clock 21. M. and 2 o'clock P.l. The annual meeting of STOCKHOLDERS will b held at the saine__placie on TUESDAY, the Mli day of NOV FMB'S It NE XT, at 12 o'oloea M. oell.dtuol9 F. P. STEEL. Cackler. ZFARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK, rtiILADELPIIIA, October 5, 1860, An. ual Election for Direotors will be held nt the Banking-House. on MONDAY. the nineteenth day of November next, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock F. Al., and on TUESDAY, the sixth day of November next. a general meeting of the Stockholders. Will be held at the Banktnf.House, at 4 o'elmit I'. M., agreeably to the charter. oc6-dtnol9 W. RUSHTON, In., Cashier. WESTERN DANK OF PHILADEL -11.3 PAIR, OCTOBER Bth 1861. An election for thirteen Director& to serve the ensu ing year, will be held at this Batik on nuONDAY, the 19th day of November next. between the home of 10 o'oloek-A. hi. and 2 o'olook P. The annual meeting of the stockholders will he held at the same Plane on TUESDAY, the oth das of November next, at 12 n'olook Al. G. ALTROUTMAN, 09-tathtnadv Cashier. GIRARD BANK. PHILADELPHIA, °UMBRA IS. 1850.—Notioe is hereby given that an elootion for THIRTEEN DIREUTORR, to serve for the enauing year, will be held at the Banking-house. on MONDAY. November 19, between the hours of 10 A. 111.. and 2 P. M. . • The Annual Meetjng of the Stockholders will be held at , the mine place, on TUZSDAY, Povember 0, at 19 o'clock Bt. W J.,. SCHAFFER, Cashier. October 16. 1600. oel6-tuths tnol9 rr CONSOLIDATION BANK, PHILADEL. PIIIA, Ontober MTh, 1830.—Tbe Annual Neetion rair'threotore of than Bank wall be held at the BANK. MG HI, VoE, on MONDAY. the 19th day of Itovembor next, between the hours of ten A. el. and two K. M. And a Geuentl Meetmg of the mtookholdere wall be held at the tame place, an TUESDAY. November 6th, at twelve M. JOS. N. PEIRSOIJ, enabler. 00 16-tuthAn t nol9 [r, OFFICE P E NNL YL VA NIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA., October 17, 1860. The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of THREE PER CENT. on the Capi tal Stook of the Company, clear of State tax, payable on and after NOVEMBER 15,1860. Powers of Attorney for oaf otion of Dividends oan he had on application at the Office of the Company,.No. 139 South THIRD street . THOS. T. FIRTH, oclB-tdel Tre nearer. HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF k. 3 THE, CITY OF PHILASELPHIA.—The of floe of this Soetety has been removed from No. 531 East NINTH Street. to No. l 2 North FIFTH Street, below ARCH. It will be open daily, (Sabbaths except ed.) front 9 to a o'clock. The money contributed to this Soviet, for the relief of the poor, is scrupulously appropriated to that pur pose only, and the managers earnestly solicit donations from the public, to enhble them to carry on .UCONIII - this branoli of the Society's operations. To afford the comrnenity an opportunity of contributing. they have sent out the Agent of the A ssomation. hlr. JOHN P. A RAMON, a.ho is now waiting upon our citizens. soliciting their aid, and the managers bespeak for him a kind reception.'a patient bearing, and a liberal re sponse. GEORGE H. STUART. President. MA'PTHEW NEWKIRK, Vies President, R. K. HOEFLICH, SecretarY, THOS. T. MASON, Treasurer, oollthstot no. 4.44 AIA K ET Street. CITY COMSIISSIONERS , OFFICE. PILILADIMPItIL. Out. 11,1869. [ 7 :BOARD OF APPEALS will sit upon the fol lowing days, to hoar Appeals of Property Owners, to Witt First and Second Wards, Monday, October 15. Third and Fourth Wards, Turbidity, October 16. kilth and Sixth Wards, Wednesday, October 17. Seventh and El Wardle., Th uradaY. October 18. B bath and '.l.'enth Wards. Friday. October 19. Eleventh and Twelfth Wards Monde October 22. Thirteenth and Fourteenth Wards, Tuesday, Octo ber 23. Fifteenth and Sixteenth Wards, Wedneeday, Octo ber 24. Seventeenth and Eighteenth Wards, .Thursday, Oc tober 21. Nineteenth and Twentieth Wards, Friday, Octo ber 26. Twentrfirst and Twenty-second W Octards, Monday, ober 29. Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards Tuesday. Otitober 39. EDWARD Ft. WILLIAMS. CRARLbB M, NEAL. JOHN A. HO DISEMAN., 0013-t 10 City Commisszoncre. gr. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND READINO RAILROAD OOMPANY. fermi, UM. The holden of the bonds of thin Company, clue July I, 861, clan now receive. upon application at tine o ffi ce, IQ tr cent. in oath, upon the terms specified in the circa ti'r• attached. . . The holders are 211110 entitled to the benefit of a Mak ing Fund of 81/0,000 per annum, as established by the etookholders at their annual mooting, held January 9, 1960, and in pursuance of the contract, entered into by he company and Maly recorded, to carry the same into treat. B. 13.1tAl1FOK1, Treasurer. CIRCULAR. Notice to as Holders of Pailadaykio tort Realist Railroad Company Mortgage Bonds, duo July 1,1860. These betide are secured by the first mortgagee on the road, amounting in the aggregate to 83,10E1,400. The net revenue for the last fiscal year was six times the aniount of the annual interest on these bonds. The managers propose to extend them for a penal of twenty years, the holders retaining the bonds and the secant y of the mortgages in the precise condition in which they are now held. Fresh sheets of coupons for the interest, payable half-yearly,bo issued. A bonus of 10 p to the extension. /hie er cent, will be given to the holders '' in consideration or their assenting bonus will be paid in earth to the bearere of the bonds, on their signing a reeeipt and presenting their respec tive bonds at the altos, or the Coinpany, or to its agents, for endorsement. Forms of receipt and endorsement will be famished Oa application. By order of the Board of Managers. ml-tf W. R. MoILHENNY. Haoretarr. LEGAL. MUNICIPAL CLAIMS, PHILADELPHIA, Ootober 15,1860. Notice Is hereby given to the owners of the Properties mentioned in the appended Memoranda of Claims that writs of Seire Fadas will be irencd thereon »i boa." months from the date hereof unless the earns are paid to the undersigned at or before that tune. C. T. BONSALL, Attorney for Claimant. _ No. 116 North IvINTH nreet, MUNICIPAL CLAIMB BO r 4 pitvoto. Ac. City of the use of Benjamin Dutton. to the use, Ac. ve. George It. Mitchell. owner or retatted ownor,or whoever may be owner. C. P.. March Term, 1860. No. 139. $4968. Lot west side of Amboy (late Robinson) street. 20th ward, 159 feet southward from soeh side of Columbia avenue, 32 feet front by 100 feet Elaine vs. Same. C. P., March Term, 1880. No. 110. 86284. Lot on east side of Cadoury (late Cadwalader) avenue, 20th ward, at the Minima° of 150 feet southward from the south side of Columbia avenue; 32 feet front, 100 feet deep to Amboy etreet. Name vs. John Mulvaney owner or reputed owner, or whoever may be owner. C. I'.. December Term, IMP. No. 76. 819.19. Lot on east side of Amboy street, 20th ward, 126 feet 8 inches southward from the south side of Oxford a rest - le feet to metes on Amboy street, 101/ feet deep to Thirteenth street. Name vs. Benjamin Bedford, owner or reputed owner. or whoever may In owner. C. P.. March Term. 1860. No. 138. 424.79. Lot euet aide of Amboy street (late Robinson), at the distance or 97 feet northward from the north lido of Oxford street, 2Jth ward; 16 feat front on Amboy street, ItO feet deep to Thirteenth street. Some vs.Wiihain R. Benson, nvri.or or reputed owner, or whoever 'may be owner. C. P., Marcia Ternt, 1860. No. 141. 890 61. Lot on multi side of Columbia avenue and on the west side of Amlow t late Robinson) street, 20th ward 1,18 feet front on Colun Ma avenue, 61 feet deep. home vs. Same. C. P., Morel, Term, 1160. No. 42. 8170 46. Lot south side of Columbia avenue and east side of Cadbury (late Cadwalader) avenue, 20th ward; 18 feet front on Columbia avenue, 61 feet deep. Same vs. Charles B. Kimball, owner or reputed owner or whoever may be:owner. 0. P.. December form, 1859. No. 79 825 94. Lot south side of Oxford street, 143 feet eastward from the east side of Brown Street, 20th ward ; 16 feet on Oxford street, 53 feet deep. Same vs. Same. C. E., December Term, 18.59 No. Bo. ward f ro m the east of Oxford street, 159 feet east ward from the east side of Broad street, Wth ward ; 16 feet front on Oxford street. 53 feet deep. Same vs. Same. O. P., December Term, 1829. No. 81. 825.94. Lot south Bide of Oxford etreot,ne feet east ward from the east side of Broad street. 20th. ward ; 16 feet on Oxford street and 53 feet deep. Same vs. Same. C. P., December Term, 1859. No. 82, 825.94, Lot south side of Oxford street, 191 feet east ward from the oast nide of Broad street, 20th ward; 16 feet on Oxford street and December p. Came vs. Same 0. P., Term. 1859. N 0.83. 825 94. Lot eeath side offOx ford street, 207 feet feast word from the east side of Broad street, 20th ward; 16 fent on Oxford street, and 53 feet deep. Same ye, Same. C. P. December Term, 1859. No. 81. 828.24. Cadbury h aide aOxford street, and on the west mile of avenue, 20th ward ; 16 feet on Oxford street and 03 feet deep. oal6 tuilt jUNICIPAL CLAIMS.—Notice is here by given to the owners of the properties rmen Monad in the appended memoranda of Claims, that writs of scare fames will be issued thereon, in three months from the date hereof, unless the same are paid on or before that time. LEWIS C. CASSIDY, Attorney for Claimant. 203 South SIXTH Street. The City of Philadelphia, to use reputeds MeCaulley, vs. Wm. AloDonald. owner or owner, ko. Common Pleas, tieptember Term, 1889. No. 118. Cul vertu's. 838.77. Lot and bum:lines west side ]Alder street, 132 feet north of Master, 31 feet on Alder street, 53 feet deep. • Same vs. Peter Martin, owner or reputed owner, lee. Common Pleas, Septemier T erm, 1559, No. 136. Cul verting. *14.17. Lot and buildings on east side Alder street, 118 feet north of Master street, 18 feet on Alder street, MO feet deep. se2s-tul3t_ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT _polioy No. 217 in the FFNry MUTUAL LIFE l l o N n t3 o U r lt m a i ty .ti lj , C Bn O d al t r ia l a Y pp . h o e f at r ic h n ila i d . elppr oon . am l o tas aludel b l e t o o n r a duplicate. In order to meet the oonetantly-Inoreasing demand for this Justly CELEBRATED OIL AS AN ILLUMINATOR, the company have now doubled their former capaei ty. and have the most extensive works for manu facturing Ott from Coal in the United States; and in order to insure for us a constant supply. adequate to the demand, they have positively refused to establish any new agencies, or create any new outlets for it what ever. Pant we claim for this Oil is, ITS UNIFORMITY IN QUALITY AND SUPERI ORITY OVER ALL 01 HER OILS. It ie entirely free from the offensive odor peculiar to all other Coal Oils in the market. and for brilliancy as a light, cleanliness, cheapness, and safety, (having no explosive properties), is, we may confidently say, THE ONLY OIL THAT WILL GIVE GENERAL SATISFACTION. Wherever it has been introduced mummers will use LAVA (MMES. -1,000 pockets prime °. other. 1 n ~-.n s t L ie are many inferior Oils sold as Kerosene, we Javgi Coffee, /or Sale by JA,.t p'a 1I A HAN S nth. elution dealers in particular against using this trade imvP9l A litvotiat too rh. Whenever doubts exist as to the genuineness of the ,Irtiole we respootfullY ask that a sample may be R".I.NED iiiirrels 1. , I- submitted lour for inspestion. VERING'S embed, °cisme and fine pulverised. We offer it to the trade se the .D. and Coffee, and refined yedi,w Sugar, for sale ' COMPANY'S LOWEST PRICE, bo• JAM RR A 4 A. OM. L' IA ...Ant and all orders addressed ton by nail or otherwise will ME ANAL STOR.ES.-100 bbla Spirits meet with prompt attention. Z, LOCKE & CO., Turpentine, 160 do Rosin. AO do Tar, landing frost Sole Agents and Manufluitnrers of Schooner George A. Little, and (ornate by ROWLEY. Aloohol, Burning_Fluid and Pine Oil ASHBURNER. k CO, No. go South Wharves. colt - Cm No. 1010 MARKET St., Philadelphia. THOSE WHO WISH PLAIN PHOTO GRAPHS from Life of Carl Bhurs can obtain them eta moderate price at REIAIER'S Photographic Gallery. dECOND street, above Green. It. CHOCOLATE POTASH For sale by ‘..." wpm-mu - Li, k BROTHEL 47 and 40 North SECOND Street. 0e2.3 LYCOPODIUM—For sale by WETHE RILL & BROTHER, 47 and 99 North SECOND Straw, 0c23 JALEP—For sale by WETIJERILL & BROTHER, 47 and 49 NorthISECOND StTeat' oDUISLAS COGNAU--40 quarters, 20 r eighth, landing from "Rolla." For Bale b egIAMOMILE FLOWER Ealo by F. D. LONOQBAri , 1.../ wETRERIia, re.. BRoTRER, 4t and 49 North 00/4 - ht ‘• , SOT tiouth FRO T, 13E0011D Strom, Ma • • , 2 ' 41 " ' ,T(JESDAY i , OCTOBER 1860. TILE PRESS.-P • , itindr:imEgantik# ARRIVAIA AT THE PRINCIPAir golj,!i 11 O'CLOCK LAST HTBST• . , ---------‘ d Cieeirniet. coIitINEWZAL BOTLPlOer ,l4l ,.. ,i ntb - 7i x , IA -, _ •Mias 'M Irwin,. Alek. l i ft M o le sPi' ~ ,ornn b al 0 4 ' D J Seely, St Johns, NN • ' 'H —e-,-- fi r fai va W R hbbms & la. Newark, 0 A ',3 E l Yet I: ! hicobio Geo D Refines, Olden° ~, ~ Ongbb, L a noseler. I John H' mini, Boston N iin it If Trott', N C 11 11 1 0 7 2 18 legi l giran i bel i ; TWI enn"' 1 11 41,0 . J B Stafford, Baltimore ' A Illy,jr &lOTA,. _I, Miss P Rolfe,Virginia. • Hon A Kennel 4 1,, 7. John Mcßae, Camden, o a i k ,c t a r o w e k d l oAr i lei ji,.: to f . W 0 Billings & In. Boston Ig A Baptist &In Virginia miss Potter,Pri o .41 Miss ti ilbert, frineeton, NJ Mr Pon er, Pri !ki??. ' E Henriques, Now York A Porter & In,, Georgi a ~. Miss Alexender,_Ge(nria 1 13 Chol", MI G M MoEcron, New York ' A Weenie. Nos , I, Devenny & wf,Cm. 0 J N Kinney, Gulf P..., SmEi4il b in te g h e i r . , to r te W Harper & la, Natchez E D Finney. Natens* Geo J Ferry, New York WM 0 emen d o '146,b1d 3sml Vernon. New York Wlt Minis. a, , Dams, aaFrlok. Pottsville, Pa J P Grove &geni,.,,,, New Btl ' Gn York .T W E D B I io Ni w u r I .1.3 i New i i : o r k e GeoCrove, Danville lure Antrim, Bee"tioortiet J . K Balbrson, Philadalphia J Middleton & la, __ Mrs Jae it , da, Obarleaton Miss Murden, Of i l i atsf eP Jae Id ftaulaoPherson, S 0 JolinJ morjjerae •BC Mule Margt At Ne w York Miss Mary Pluneri I (.' 3 _ I Miss Lizzie D i“ , kle, Vii Miss Laura It Mess, _* . f„,_ iv A ri T . .lB , lrton..• v b i l r e g a n d u ,.Va G DLJo s h o n w D en tollist ... vgili; Mrs Co 4 aerate .7 M Oonner.M D.litlfew , .. F. Coll. i Lorene° 317 Wyman,Noir-Yeris W/ 3 uncgit la. 11 York 4,-I:d'aTalit '6la 4046 W rgent In Raymond Lee, Baltimore Al, Beach & wt . , Ne Y k Mrs 0 Belden, Vi ren JOhn Ferdon. New York wor I` Newberg, New Yor k 0 8 Fisher. Now York S entlml, PI York • -.Mr T u Ege tx i ,Narehez John Waylan, New York Nevi T Hart York H blorelr. Georgia , ' !,9 0 _4,llokee & wf. Bait Dr J F Ttiompson&y.rf„D 0 , f` , V.kfriso v oll. Goorgi r e Masts!. 0 Drissp e t: ,; ll . : ri i Chas.PraTtak I:teNN.drklek jiArirrearila';,Buni° 3: L Lee, nano Y F W _urtt, Columbus ' ,T Bhillito. Cincinnati, Ohio Jas A Caldwell & wt. Va , W 'liaise. New Orleann Jan J Turnbull, New Yen' Wit Fisher. New York D .I_, Gray. Now k ork '- , IA VT121, 4 : ? ,,1'reew.,"1,Y. k I tE 2 NY ti g,lrgivlrYork 2 Goo Brown . —ew York ”aml Bu t ; New York .1 E _Woodbridge It lai_ollio .1 W Pinohol, New York • H l mug, Wastan'n,n U I. W Fairobild. New York J O Miller, Virginia Jae W Atkins, N Carolina Mire Geiger, Georgia .... GIRARD 110I3Se—Pi k In DI E a ß n d N C . h b f et ti u n t m e t t i m m e o t i s. h O I jos Van Nelson, W ßaltimore i N t i e m w o Ye s. o m o r u e , . T renton , jenaccuiann-,bl4u—srie-Oftieoillote John Temple. Rochester W Jo hi R Pal to rson, Charleston dinolair W Davis, New York les Bryant, Charleston John Miller & wf.New York Mire Miss Miller, New York A L StoLT_Npw2 l t r r. k In'tiottninliurkj Trenton, 92l.7°. l P r W A Eshepard, , New York H t,oarles%' "'" land S P Franklin. Washington S Carrier, ," Dr A PI Dr Geteadoure & la, Bade° Airs ftKemparrtsberg L Hough & a,Va Jno MWalker,_ T M Palmer & la, Virginia Miso Palmer, Vartlaiore knot. Baltimore mire A figgot34 l : l : lo re Alms Morton, Virginia Louis Lang, New t Thou W Dalton, New York Mrs Dalton & oh.lo/"..- , Hon T Jones Yorke, P 7 J Alf prates, Maryland C Levy & la, Savannah Miss Levy, Savannah -, New York R B Graves, Minnesota Brigle, Louisiana John Randolp_h & is, it y New York AliesYoung. New York Hon ,tin & la, Baltimore C Sehmidt,New York A A Cti , MoClure, Penns, M Malone, renneJlvanla T Wk.", Pittsburg H J Bonebrake, Penns 'ins Simmov, Pennsylvania John McFarland, Palma B JaeksotiNew 1 ork Mrs Simmons, New York 13 Smith. New ar York Miss Young. New York O W uooper, is R Haswell, New York L 8 Barg nes &witiyrk As Watts, Utica,N Y F M Posson. Now I , 4in° Mrs Hooking & oh, N Y B T Gray & la, 8 Caro.: John C Kayser, New York Miss Domnick, d Oarohi.. Miss Kelvoy, S Carolina J Wood es la, Now York G G Fay & la, Plow York J 0 Wright, Brooklyn ?les Wood, New York W R Bartlett, Albany ht Wright. Brooklyn Mr Bernhard, Pew Orleans at Iliartlett, Albany Mr Parkhurst & I, Louisiana W Tver, New Orleans J T Earnest, Tennessee Sand Ounoan, N York Horace Engle, New York F A Brugartz, N York Capt Thee W Wilson, NY SA Danielay, New York Miss Daniels, Maryland Miss Craw fOlart, Md Mr Henry & b Carolina miss Perry, tl Maryland John Morgan, New York Miss Morgan, Molina J Bonen, Fort Smith H Schlesinger, NeYork C A. deely, New York It Davies New YoriKolk A Z Rumen, & in, Texas John Birririal, NeirYois dig Li ma. New York W HWright,Cinoinnatl,„ Mrs Eustis Miss Eustis G B Roberts, Philadelphia Gla Griffith. Baltimore Thou Brodie, New York T Tilghman, Maryland Chem CI C Show Cinoi nnati.o 'noel) Baird, Baltimore J Brower,Columbus, 0 James Getty,_Baltimoro Thou Scott, Alabama airs Boykin White, Ala Chas T Mills & la,Savannah T Winans. Baltimore Mrs Dr Thomas, Baltimore Mrs Revildon, Baltimore Mre M Hevillion, Baltimore MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street. below Arch. Geo Guyer, Pennsylvania A hie &fleeter &da,Blair ao Chß Me redden. Downingtn Williams,Connarev'e B MoNinoh, Pennsylvania W Frysinger, York. Pa F B Allison, Indiana, Pa Jan E Fleming. Phila F J Fleming, Flemington J J Troywiek, Penns aloCallery, Pottsville M C File, Troy E A Sehunkle. Georgia Jag M Kinkead, Blair co A Dissinger, Penner J G Getz, Lancaster W R Frymier. Milton C C Price. Hollidaysburg Hon Joel 13 Danner. Penns Gen J Payne, Pine Grove,o Rev G D Mile. & wf, Pa L W Trate, Fulton, Pa J T Boyd, Cornwali. Pa JR Eb & wf, Rarriebury W Cenner t. Tonneasee Mastll l, CEby L ßarriebUrg miss E V t..onner,loun Mies Terrill, Virginia T T Myler, Pittsburg M J Kramer, Allentown W 8 Haven Pittsburg Mrs Haven, Pittalm_in C F Bains, New York Ml.. Bombright, N York .1 A Hinter, Chambersburg Mast Geo Hitter, Penne AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut street. above Fifth. G R. Cummings, Pa W Cummings, Pa John W Fries. Pa Chas W Sawyer, Mass B P Crosland & la, N York W E Romance. Delaware P Roberta Jr la. Goshenville John MoCartv & la, Pa James Carter, Tamaqua Jos Sumner, Conn J Rutter. West Cheater John Julius James M Cooper. N York I+ M Coleman & la, N Win C Lawpon. Milton, Pa A Patterson, Harrisburg Chas Sun. Williamsport A W I ielielberger, Pa W W Texada. Louisiana Chew Iluntznager, Pa .1 A Huntzinger, Pa John 8 lriok, New Jersey I) B Coles, New Jc'eey J C Rogers, New York 11. Sprague, Boston A L.Foater,Eok ay, Pa Chas E Foster, Eekley. Pa J M Fisher, tihitgensgurgr W ()Johnson, Shipensburg W W Stewart. Payton. t./ Henry Levy, New York M al. Mathews & la, N Y Miss Sarah filrithews, N Y Holt, Brooklyn C Blaok, Boston Chas B Toppan, New York ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut et.. above Third. 8 Geddes, !owl. burg. Pa J Swipe, Elmore H Frothir gham, Jr, Mass H C eloCormiek,_Pa H Hamlll, hew Jerse J Odell, New York Jae Mettle, New Yor ig Haml Roberts, Pa L H Funk. Milton H In Comfort, New York Rev Oco It Hotter, L Island Miss E Haldeman, Pa, A Platt, New York C J Van Wk. New York 8 Newberger, New York H P Fooke. ye Delaware- .1 W Borman, Delaware .1 R Wilson. Delaware Cu! blarrurren, Virginia S J Ovnen, New jersey H H Fredertoks,Look Devon B r, Brawn, Now le* , F Berner, how York 8 0 Ash brook, New Jersey Ii Rig giro', Boston A. Sargent, Penner traria JONES' 110TEL—Chestout street. above Sixth. Thou Morrie, Reading C E Leo, New York , J Ewing, Trenton D A Chiderton, Chester P Richwine, Lano oo John S Wa!Moe. Lana an Horaco A Yundr. Lana oo Geo F Boort, Wash, DC. Walker. Wash. I) C Mr Whetlor, Fenno • Mrs R P Lee &fa, Wash Alms I ee. Wash, D C R Hook. Wash D C John Tabor. New York James Fort. New York Alf Stone, Duanesburg Bon) Briggs, Dnanesburg Abs. Lilo' Wood., Pa Gen h Britton, Fhila T B Bootg & 14,14 York Hiram J Collins, New York Chas J Overton, N Y - J Giandin, reansylvanes Thee Windle & le, N Y Nathan Ashoom. Maryland J Tome, Maryland THE UNION HOTEL—Aroh strest, above Third. H Strang. Louisville, 0 B Forney. Philadelphia W B Bhafler. Cleveland Geo Ohert, West Chester It A Brown, Maryland M Simmons, New York Miss N Gardner, Forma W C Swazi, Pennsylvania W D E Bayee,Shippensburg A L Irwin. Green Castle Thou Lloyd. Munoy, Pa. Band Van Buskirk, Pa, Mrs It Van Buskirk. Pa Mrs F. Sweet. Pa David J Hummel, Pa C Medan, New Jereey John . Painter. M Chunk I, H Gross, Allentown E Covert, Williamsport STATES UNlON—Market street. above dizth. . W P Gruver, Juniata oo Jos Gill, Pennsylvania ' J Hall, Pennsylvania Geo Brindle, Penne, G ot Baxtussel L klizaboth'n J A Lynoh,Plizabetlitown Jos H Pownal. Lano on Jno Patohin, Glow field A Blessing, York no, Pa Thos C Ringgold, Aid A Christy. Mifflin, Pa Capt Taylor, west Chester .1 L Diver. Landishurg JllO P Wise, Comb no, Pa J M Morrow, E Waterford Sand Strayer. Juniata tio Kriner, Perry no B M. /trouser & la, Bolt IL AI llorr. Pennsylvania NATIONAL HOTEL—Rase street, above Third. 11 Shoemaker. Cin. 0 P T) Hoover, Penna Jim Granger, Harrisburg 0 P Ingram, Delaware W 3 Fisher, Beading Jno Barkley, Heading , Jno Jameson. Harrisburg E T Oohs Quakertown 1) Miller & la, Millville P Uhler, Übleraville, Pa P A Whitaker. Hazleton H Drumheller. Penna 14 ft Ramsay, Lebanon .1 D Boehm, Lanosater Wm Bensinger, Palo Alto Nicholas Graber, Ashland .1 Boyer. MoKeansburg H Guilford, Lebanon Otho W Budd. Philadelphia W Ft Eckert. Lebanon 0 Lir ht & la Palmyra J O Sheaur, Robesonts Jonathan Brichblll, Bedford Joel Ritter, Heading (I H Fowler, Fowlersville 113 Handler, Potteville Martin Donner Pottsville J N Hubley, Lancaster Charles Hirsh, Lancaster Ger,F Kurtz, Lancaster Ktllinger, Ohio 'l' T Jenkins, Millersville H G Creveling, Hoag. Pa Mrs E Meek, Janesville F A Clark, Shamokin lifiturdevant, Penni% Mrs c Koons, W lute Haven H J Miers & la, W Haven S Drum, Penn BALD EAGLE ROTEL—Third et.. above Callowhill. W IL Laurer, Pennsylvania David Boyer. Penns A Al earkam. Carbon oo Airs Mearkam, Carbon oo E Barra!, tarbon co Cornelius Bnyder.Weissiet Jos Kleckner, Pennsylvania Geo H Young & la. Pa Bain! Berger. Bethlehem Aaron &hook.. Buoka co Mira Mel]. Alontey go, Pa Mae liohook, Alontg 00" J M Thompson. Doe Run D /brook. Bucks co C Birch.eading Mrs Reedy. NorristoWn Mire Keoley, Norristown N Light, Lebanon co. Pa Mrs Light, Lebanon co. Pa John Brickley Centre on Datil Runes & la, Centre CO Miss Adams, hlontg uo.Po COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth street, ab, Chestnut. John P Jones, La newer Truman Coates, Lancaster Geo E Newlin, Philadelphia H (i Baker, Del to, Pa Jan Scott, Lewieville, Pa Davie Kimble. Kinnblesv'e Amos Kimble, Kiinbletiville Goo T Leonard. L Grove John Way, Winter co L H Hoops, Wilm, Del C Phil, Philadelphia James It Ramsey, Cheater 13Iakely, Roxboro P Gregg, Michigan James Conner, Wilm. Del T Roo & la, New York J A Coates. New London Win H Brewster. Pa J Pinkorinr. New York John Gilfillan, Cheater no lame It Burnite, Felton, Del E E Brown, Pa MERCHANTS' HOUSE—'Hurd street, ab. John Griggs. Jr, Warrenav J L. Colo, Allentown John Rodgers. Allentown F Z Heebner, Allentown Peter Gerhart, Lebanon co E Borgne'', Lebanon Thee Surkert, Nmereville E Mark, Lebanon, l'a D H Washburn, Allentown Benj Loehnian. Allentown D Chitfester. Snyderstown 0 Hove non, Annville 8 Weitzel, Douglassville D Huff. Lento no, Penns A L Carter. Lyeeming no Geo L Reaves, Lvoom t g no A Bbindel, Lebanon 8 8 Holler & la, Berke eo J Myers, Al yerstown D Woner. Snyder on. Pa itenry Drown, Fenno hire 13esli, Chestnut dill James Bunk, Chestnut Hill FOUNTAIN lIOTED—Reoond street, above Matlot. H W Backman, Nana .7 W Owens, Cumbaed, Pa Robt E liarnsoyaLanonstor 1, 0 Esinos,lo Robt I idler, Ohio J Robinson. Ohiu Palamr:New Jersey' danil EClear, N Jaren E Short, Gewrgetewn, Del Geo Amoy, Norristown Geo Bodine, Norristown T I, Tfirry, Norristown Geo Norristown R Faster; Delaware C D Boyd, Catasaqua J Townsend, Delaware MT. VERNON HOTEL—Seoond street, ab. Arch. B Weller. Wilkeebario S O Priori, Delaware Henry Ellapp,Woro'r,Ma3a Oboe Christman. Norrint'n King, Pinladelphis Aloe Beater, Philadelphia • D Willard, Montg 00, Pa W Akin, Pennsylvania A King, Delaware Thos Black. Delaware Joe B Conner, Maryland R Davie, l'ennalivanla 0 W EUto, Bucks co, Pa BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Beoond et., below 'Vine B Holcombe tr. la,_Buoke oo David Thatcher &la, DI Sand Lawrence, Penns in° Lawrence, Penns E H bangehore, enna Mine Longehore. Penne. Wm C Mackey, Cheat Hill C W Dyer. Dovleetown E Worthington, Ducts oo C R °wallow, }Woks co BLACK BEAR RO'VEL—Third et.. eh. Caßowfin', Jae S Lay, Runtingten, Pa hi Artman. Zionsville 8 Prankenfield. Springfield M Eissnlire, Reading .11 Smith, Pottstown hand Kleckner, Penne Chas W Eper & In, Kutzt'n PORTLAND KEROSENE OIL. KEROSENE OIL. RETAIL. DRY GOODS. pW CLOAKS OPENING EVERY MORNING, AT THE PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK AND FUR EMPORIUM, • 705 CHESTNUT STREET. 0020-4 E J. W. PROCTOR & CO. HANDSONIE FURS. OF ALL NATIONS TILE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY REAL RUSSIAN SABLE, FINE DARK HUDSON BAY SABLE, RUSSIAN AND AMERICAN MINK SABLE. ROYAL ERMINE, CHINCHILLA, FINE DARK SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, do 0., Made up In the most Fashionable Style!, for LADIES' WINTER COSTUME ALL GOODS WARRANTED :ONE FIXED PRICE. FROM WHICH. NO DEVIA TION CAN BE MADE. PARIS MANTILLA; CLOAK, FUR EMPORIUM. No. 708 CHESTNUT STREET, (ABOVE IiEVENTII, roittit 111D8.) o:0 4W PROCTOR & CO. Pim'? taiAwLs. 4 - CLOAK 3, CLOTH. 4.. SILKS, SHAWLS DRESS GOODS, In great variety and dime melootione, at GEORGE FRYER'S. No. 916 CHESTNUT STREET. FALL CLOAKS OPENING DAILY. THE FINEST ASBORTMENT IN TILE CITY AT W. P. CAMPBELL'S, NO. 1104 CHESTNUT STREET CLOAKS.—The greatest bargains in the olty at IVENS'. CLOAKS.—The argot stook, the beet assortment, the choicest colors. the Snout qualities, the most Rupert) trimmings, the newest styles, the beet work, and deci dedly the lowest prices m the city, at IVENB', 23 South NINTII Street. oola-lm LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS,. STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS. ZEPHYR WORSTED, BEST QUALITY. GILT TRIMMINGS AND BELTING& CROCHET FRINGES AND BERTHAS. EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS AND CUSHIONS, EMBROIDERED CHAIR SEATS. WOOLLEN YARNS, ALL SIZES. ZEPHYR-KNIT TALMAS AND JACKETS. ZEPHYR-KNIT SONTAGS AND SLEEVES. ZEPHYR-KNIT CAPS AND GAITERS. RAPSON'S , TRIMMINGS AND ZEPHYR STORE, Corner EIGHTH and CHERRY Streets. oe2-thee F ANCY SILKS- From recant pnbho sales. Varioue lota of fanoy ono, aAr, lowprza than usual. A , DTAak Pla n oolore Apnea, afTeNenner. - -- Plain Pole boles, ell colors White. Black, and Colored Moira Ant4ques. SBA RPLESB BROTH httits. CHOWN UT and LIGHTII B LACK. BROOHE LONG SHAWLS. lust received, a full assortment of— liaok Oros nd. open centres, Paris Broohe Shawls, ith narrow and broad borders. tangles , White end Black Shawls. isitra quality of Long Shawls. Chains Leine, with does borders. SHARPIA,SB BROTHERS, CHESTNUT end EIGHTH. LANDE I L~~L yI No. 400 AROR from Auo fon. the fel lowing husenne, whioh will t ", ai All-Wool sleek Thibet Shawls.' sni All. Wool Thibet Long Shawls. Finest Long Shawls sold. Bolierino and Magenta Do Latnee . White hletines and Cashmeres. Magnificent Brocade Poplins. Poplins below regular prices. - 0020 NEW STYLE BLANKET SHAWLS, . 1 Long and Square, direct from the celebrated Washington Mille (formerly Bay State Company,) com- Grising all the new designs, in Stripes, Shadings. Plaids, rays, Dark Mixtures, and Biaoks—in Plain Medium and Gay Styles. Also—Stella Broohe and Reversible Shawls in great variety. • A fine stock Plain and Printed French Marineau, Ve lour Poplins. new style Shah Printed Coburg, all Wool Mouslines, all Wool Plaids, &o , &0.. &o. BLANKETS, BLANKETS An invoice of new 10 4.11-4,12.4. and 13-4 Bed Blankets, tome very superior Ballard vale and all Wool Shaker Flannels. anti a fine st FURNISHINGGOODS GENERALLY. CLOAKS, CLOAKS, CLOAKS—in great variety, of the latest styles, on CHARLES h ADAMSrder, at the shortest notice. & SON. oc2o EIGHTH and ARCH Streets, pRENOH POPLINS. A FEW CHOICE STYLES AT TEE RIGHT PRICES. Lupin's Frenoh Alerinoes, at tho right prices. Ftrured Wool Delaines and Cashmeres. Valentin', Plaids, Figured Alpaoaa. Children's Delaines and Wool Plaids. SLACK_ DRESS GOODS. Auction lots Frenoh Merinoes. 63 mints to Wool Deltunea, 30 to to cents. 6-4 sublime Qu ality. et 25. " Bombazines and Alptioas. " " Arnelbses, Fed Alpacas, Reps. " " Slack Bilge, Coburg., km COOPER andONARR, 0015 Southeast oor. NINTH MARKEI VALL AND WINTER CLOAKS, of all the new shapes, ready made or MADE 10 ORDER. Firet-olase work at popular poem Every garment goarrantted to fit and Please. Clothe tiy.the Tard or woo. of host tho right kinds fur Ladies', misses and Boye' wear. GOOBER & CONARD, 0015 Southeset oor. NINTH and MARKET. CLOAKS.—Th© CITY CLOAK STORE, 192 North EIGHTH. Every one le talking of the great bargains and importer quality of the CLOAKS at the new CLOAK STORE, 192 North EIGHTH Street. CLOAKS.—If you want the best value for your money, go to the City Cloak Store, 142 North EIGHTH. Street, above Cherry. CLOAKS.—The CITY CLOAK STORE, 112 North EIGHTH. in stud to be the bent and °heaped store in the efts. CLOAKS.—A magnificent assortment of all the newest etyles imported this season, with every new material, made up and trimmed in the very best manner, at prises that defy all competition, at the Parie Cloak Store, northeast corner of EIGHTH and WALNUT Streets. ocl3 1m EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS! THORNLEY N. E. Corner EIGHTH & SPRING GARDEN Stal,. 11'1'1" on ~ rged their "Pilt d t CREASED R STOCK, Now offer for inepeotion ONE, OF THE BEST STOCKS OF 00005 In their line in Philadelphia. BOUGHT FOR CASH EXCLUSIVF,LY, And will be sold POSITIVELY CHEAP Speoial attention invited to Billinand Gress Goods. phaWls and Cloaks, Clothe and Casennores. Blankets and Flannels Linen Goode aniffiluslins, blamed's!, and other Quilts Hosiery, Gloves, ko. All Goode marked at the lowest trios. Nets CARPETINGS. tiWING TO THE LARGE IMPORTA ' 0 " TION OF CARPETINGEi. and uongequont forced 2nles THROUGH THE AUCTIONB IN NE YORK, we are enabled to offer a large easertment or VELVET, BRUSSELS, and TAPESTRY CARPETS. OF THE NEWEST STYLES, AT AMOR BELOW REGULAR PRICES SUPERB TBREE•PLY and INGRAINS IN (MEAT VARIETY BAILY &I BROTHER, o9o•stuth No, 920 onzawriuT Eitreet, "Ii • l'Z. LITTLE, BROWN. 8c CO.. 110 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON, PUBLISH THIS DAY, VOLUME XIX OF TAE UNITED STATES DIGEST., Containing a Digest of Decisions of the Courts of Common Law, Equity, and Admiralty, in the Ur, Red States and in England. BY GEORGE S. HALE AND H. FARNAM SMITH, BEING THE ANNUAL DIGEST FOR 18.1.9. Roy al Ivo. .56. oo23•tuths3tif ONE OF THE BEST STORIES EVER WRITTEN! Will oommonoe live week, Will commence this week. IN THE HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL, No. 6! THE HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL, No. 6! THE HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL, No. 6! THE HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL, No. 6! BY WILKIE COLLINS! BY WILKIE COLLINS! BY WILKIE COLLINS' BY WILKIE COLLINS! Author of " The Woman i e., n W d hite," " The Dead Se cret," & calle THE CROSSED PATH! THE CROSSED PATH! THE CROSSED PATH! THE CROSSED PATH ! THE ;TOMBOLA) JOURNAL is published weekly , . Price THREb, CENTS. To be had of all News-agents. Come* mailed on receipt of the price in stamps, by the Publishers' A. RARTIIILL 5: CO., 20 NORTH WILLIAM STREET, New York. Subscription $1.50 a year, or SI for thirty-four weeks. Try one number of tine, the moat entertaining and in. otruotive periodtoal of the day, with two ewer of the newest and best mono every week. ee23 tutbs 3t 911 - 1 E PO OKET ANATOMIST.- -IL Publiehed this day, by LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers. Dookeellers. and Importers. ea South SIXTH Street. above CtIESTNUT. THE POOKET ANATOMIST. Being aeomplete de eoripti on of the Anatomy of the Human boon for the Use of students, by M. W. Hines, lute Lecturer on A na t omy , he . he. A small Pocket Volume. Price 63 cents. LINDSAY At BLAKISTON also publisii : WYTHE'S POCK KT DOSE 1300 K. PEREIRA'S P 'CENT PREsCHIPTION 1100 K. BIDDLE'd RbVIEW OF MATERIA MEDICA. REESE'S ANALYSIS OF PHYnIOLOriv. MURPHY'S REVIEW OF CHEMISPRY. for stu dents. RAND'S MEDICAL CHEMISTRY, for students. SKO. , A ON AIIeCULTATION. MENDENHALL'S MEDICAL STUDENT'S VADE MECUM; or, Manual of Examination on all tne Branch. •., , ,?I ,* T s rgral Study n .. ) G• `.. Editio Illustrated. __ ,yi.y . ANS) GIFT BOOK STORE, Where y0u. 0 ,, , -439 ORESTIVUT Street rature ;an d— vAlT A, BOOKS EVAN'S'. ü b~to every department of Lite that beeides , Worth from BO cents to 1,4`,1t the lowest retail price, ALL THE Ith,W LlSlikititvitiee each Bonk. Call in, and one trial will asin,; -, t4 AS PUB place in the city to buy booke, is at G. ‘,.'" , -t - tho best GIFT BOOK ESTABLftm, oe3-If o . 439 CKESTft WV" WILL BE READY ON THE 27Tu-__ The crnat book of THE SIGNERS OF T.llO DECLARATION ON INDEPENDENCE: containing FAQ SIMILE LETTERS of :matt signor. Dinstrated with SIXTY-011.E ENGRAVINGS, from original pho tographs and drawings of their residences, tortraits, &s. No American should be without this book; a de sideratum in every library. WILLIAM BROTHERHEAD, Publisher and Importer of old Books, Autographs, oe2o-3t* and Engravings, 21 S. EIGHTH Street. - 1 - 1 001( BUYERS.—Gentlemen: I have taken the Basement of the Philadelphia Bank, 419 CHESTNUT Street, where I will continue to buy and sell (as I have heretofore done at the Custom house Avenue Book-stand) old and new Law and Ms oellaneous Books. I have for sale upwards of 100 old black-letter Books printed prior to the year 1499. Also, a Copy of Erasmus on the rim Testament, 2 vols.. 4to, Printed in 1548. Price 330. I will also deal in Engravings and Autographs. Persons at a distance vile/fling to sell Books, will desoribe their names. dates, sizes, bindings, conditions, and prices. Pamphlet Laws of Pennsyl vania, and old Book. upon Amenoa wanted. an6-6m JOHN CAMPBELL. INSURANCE COMPANIES. VIR.E INSURANCE. - MECHANICS' - INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. No. 13S North SIXTH Street. below Rape. insure Build ings, Goods. and Alerehandise generally from loss or damage by Fire. The company guarantee to adjust all 'lmes promptly and thereby bete to merit the patron age of the publio. • • • • • DIRECTORS. William Morgan, Robert Flanigan, franois Cooper,. Michael MoGeoY, George L. Dougherty, Edward Alogovern., James Martin, Thomas B. McCormick James ;Jurors, Joan Bromley. Matthew McAleer, Frannie Fans, Bernard Rafferty. John Cassad_y_. Thomas J Honiphill, Bernard R. linkman, Riga VIM/hos, 7g Ag A gr e,,, 44 . _ FRANCIB COOPER, President. BERNARD RAFFERTY, SeoretarY. non Om THE MUTUAL LI FEWSURANCE COM PAN? OF NEW YORK. • . . . _ liege s: SIX BIILLIONS OF DOLLARS, INVESTED WORTHOVER G 6113 ON O ,ROE.LESTATE The premiums are ',owns'. than in many other COMM aloe, and the Dividends have been GREATER. Tlds Ss o s k holder y , M o o r htaar ALmTI nMy. PROFITS no BELONG TO THE 1000000. Fame},lets, and every information, may be had OILLTIS, On application to F. RATCHFORD STARR. Agent, S. W. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES: Thomas Robins, John Welsh, Mordecai L. Dawson, George IL Stuart. Georg, M. Stroud, E. 13. whe en. John B. Myers, J. Fisher Learning, Joseph Patterson, William C. Ludwig, John M. Atwood, Arthur G. Coffin, Thome H. Powers, George W. Toland, MoKee. Thos. Watteon. n.23-Iy•if FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 406 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. iNCORPORATED PENNSY APRIL, IWLVANIA THE STATE OF CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISKS. DIRECTORS. Samuel Wright, D. B. !limy, Wm. W. Walters, J. W. Everman, Chas. Riohardaon, Henry Lewis. Jr.. Geo. A. West, Jacob W. Stout" 0. Wilson Davis, 'Henke Stern. Whoa. S. Martin. GEORGE W. DAY A President. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vico Pres% WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary. Ural- If t SAVING FUNDS. A MERICAN SAVING FUND.--Com any's_Bnildinc, southeast corner WALNUT FOUR and FOURTH Streets. Open daily from P tilt o'clock, and on MONDAY till El irk the evening. Whig Old Institution has CaWllllll paid in full, on demand, arithOut notio NT e. lEREST FIVE PER CENT. All sums paid book, op demand, in gold andsti vet. TRUSTEES. _ ALEX. kiiILLBIN, President. ;MAIL. WORK, Vioe Preenlent. John C. Farr, T. E. Hamer, George Nugent John Anseaoh, Jr,, Barak T. Bodine, Alb. C.Roberte John Aikman, Jonas Bowman, H. H. Eldridge Wm. J. Howard. JOHN B. WILSON ,ti'ronenrer. JOHN C. SIMS. Boort:ller,', loc3o-Innl SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND, OfDoe, 331 North THIRD Street, between Vine and Callowhill. Incorporated by the Legislature April 14th,1851. Open Also eposits and 3'symonts, daily, from 9to 2K, o'clook. on MONDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS, from 5 to 8 o'clock. Interest 6 yer omit. per annum. Depositors can with draw their Moneys by CheokA, if desired. dpeoist De posits received, JAMES S. PRINGLE'. President. FRANCIS HART. Boorotarv. •D3O-tf if COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.- The undersigned, trading under tho firm name of the Bridge Company. have this day dissolved part nership by mutual consent. The business of the firm will be closed up by the Treasurer, Algernon Roberts, who is authorized to use the firm's name In liquidation of the elfava of the Coinpuny rumetotLettin, October 17, 1F ea The bulginess of building Iron Bridges will be con tinned by the undersigned, in connection with the Ina nufneture of Car Axle•. at the Penuoyd Iron Works. Office 410 WALNUT Street, Philtidelphin. 0017-12 t A. & I'. ROBERTS. NOTICES. NOTICE. —An Instalment (being the Thud) of Five Dollare_per Share on the Capital Stook 01 the GKILMANTOWN PASSENGER RAIL WAY CO, le palled, payable on or before NOVEMBER 6th next. WM. SINGERLY, Soo. and Trene. WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY, PURE CrILER AND WINE VINEGAR, Green Onager, Mustard Seed, Bploon, Ice., An. All the requisites for Preserving and holding purposes. ALBERT O. ROBERTS. DEALER IN _FINE GROOERIES, Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Eltreetv. gPARKLING AND STILL CATAWBA WILIM MANITVACTIMID ST J. ESI-11:43L8Y. Oinoinnati3Ohio, Alytme on bend, and In tote to cent purohegere, by OHARLEB F. TAGUART, Bole Agent, 1,9-em No. 631 MARKET Street FAMILY FLOUR, MADE FROM CHOICE WHITE WHEAT, 0. H o MATTSON. 8, W. oor. ARCH and TENTH streets. THOMAS THOMPSON SON. & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF OABINET•MAKERS' MATERIALS 238 SOIJTR SECOND STREET. Brooatelle, Flushes, Reps, Remake, and every desoription of Furniture and Curtain Cootie. eel9-2m R. SHOEMAKER it Co. saIABIS, RAMO, OLIN AND VADDIADEII Northeast Ginner FOVRVI AND RAGE Atroots, ROHR - - WANTED -- $1,500, on well-secured, E rn_pert r , worth double the amount. Address- T. 3.. Dress Mhos. 0023-3t* WANTED—An experienced Salesman, by a Market-street Cloth House. A liberal salary will be given to one commanding a good trade. Addrees " Merchant," this office. 0023-3t* ANTED—In, tviirsteclass Dry Goods v Jobbing House k New York city, two expe rienced Salesmen. commanding a good trade. Address Box 2,1581." Post °thee, New York city, stating where trado is located, and expectations as to salary. 0c22-et WANTED—A YOUNG MAN in a Rib bon Store. Address this office. ocal-St. WANTED—A half-grown white girl, to assist at housework in a private family. Apply at No. 118 FEDERAL Street. 0019.41* ANTED TO PUEOHASE.—The ad- vertiser has $l.OOO, with which he is willies to purchase a permanent and well established business that will yield him a comfortable support. Address " Capital." Press office. 0017.6t* WANTED—A PARTNER.—An active Businega Man, having 910000, wilt hearor an excellent opportunity of engaging in a first-claps Mer cantile nuetneee already eatablialted, and putng well. by addressing, with real name, L. & CO., Mee of this paper. oel7-Bt* AN EXPERT BOOK-KEEPER, who has had experience In a Commission House. will hear of On opportunity of scouring a permanent situation by addressing " L. F. 8.," office of The Press. ots23.4t* A N EXPERIENCED SALESMAN wishes to engage his services in a first-oleos Dry Goods Jobbing Nouse ; clan furnish undoubted testimonials as in character and capacity. Address." Fordhani." office oh this paper. 0c23 6t- A.PROMINENT NEW YORK DRY Goode Jobbing House about to dissolve by tho withdrawal of ono of the firm, an active or special part. r is wanted. :wilt one hundred thousand dollars, to Join the remaining member of the firm. with same amount. Address "A . C.," oars or hletioro..T. W. PAIGE, New York. 0022-6t* A YOUNG MAN OF CONSIDERABLE mercantile experience wishes a situation in an importing house ac correspondent, salesman. or enth ti oaks and ' , rites German and French fluently., Beet oftestimonials furnished. Address " Thomas. ' When of tins .ft .er. ocl9-et* FOR SALE AND TO LET. EFOR SALE.—The desirable Dwelling house, No. 1209 BPR TOE street. Price reason able. and terms easy. Apply to J. D. R.PANBORH, 436 WALNUT street. 0e23-30 firfs TO RENT—A very desirable pri tala vate Residenee, situated N 0.834 North EIGHTH Street. between Mean and Parrish, west side, halting a large Parlor. Dining-room, and Kitchen. on the first floor, with two Pod Roma and dating-room. and Bath and store. room on the second, and four chambers in the thi rd. with all the modern improvements ; with two fur naces in the cellar in complete repair. Apply to THOS.' MARTIN, Rem Estate Agent and Collector, N. W. ear ner of Third arid Lombard streets. 0c23-tuthks 3t* F. , R SALE OR TO LETL-A gape rior three-story brick dwelling, with three-story double beck buildings, and all the modern improve ments, situate on the south side of ARCH Street, N o, 1525. Apply to ROBERT MACGR 0c18.61.. 233 South THIRD Street. VALUABLE SOHOOL PROPERTY FOh • SALE OR RENT. Will ho offered for sale or rent on THURSDAY, the Ist of HOYEMDf..R,IB6O, at 12 &amok Al . , on the pre mises, MOUNT PLKASANT riBMIN sflx. one of the most healthy and desirable School looations in the r tate, situated in Boyertown. Becks °MAY. Pa. Fur condition of the school and further particulars COG an nual Catalogue of the last five yearn at this office, or call upon or address the subsoriber on the premises. F. H. 8 I'A.U2FEB. Boyertown, Berke co., Pa. 0016-tuthe6t. rrO 011 AIR AND 0 ABINET MAKE Mi.- The rhea= Wood-Bending Company, owners of " Blanchard's. Patent." for the Mates of New York, Now Jersey, Pennsylvania and Alaryland, will sell county, town, or shop rights, or grant licenses to use, on easy terms. This is the onlypatent. AU infringers will be strictly dealt with. Apply to JOHN 1311.88 Y, or C. A. BURGHSB, No. 34 BROADWAY, New York. 004-d3m y - jOR EXCHANGE.—A CHOICE TRACT of good unimproved farm land in the State of New Jersey, convenient to the city, wilt bo exchanged for city property. Apply at No. 1/9 FEDERAL. Street se=-tf era LARD-OIL FAOTORY.—To rent, a Oft LARD-OIL FACTORY with 92 Patent Lever Tresses ,with flutes, lisgs, Tubs, Kettles, 'ranks; all complete order. Apply_to ROWLEY, ABHBURNER, & 1 - 10. 4 N 0.16 eOUTH WHARY.E.S. 4—A well-assorted stock of Itu.tWA,,,,cythery, &c.. and the fixtures of the A the h;sp,N.,\Zlisige of renting the store. whirr IS Any person el_husiness. The house has been ness will find i'fre* - ,Western Pennsylvania trade. offered on reasonet2-.l'ma-Into the Hardware bull officio. ift ° ,l‘,Lliulatty. The stook will be kdOreel "sele A. " stuth tf at this 600,000 Aaron for Sale and ens,,, ~t g from Int to 60 cents ter Aoro. in utted , TAXES paid, and PATENTS procan,,l%," * " ears of Land under the Graduation Act. Plate furnished gratis by enclosing a poste;, For further Information apply_to WILSON, RAWLINGS t CO., Y. B. and General Land Agents, 60 CHESTNUT Street, Between THIRD and FOURTH.. andLOUIS, MO. LAND WARRANTS bought, sold, looated. oot-am VIRST•OLASS BOARDING, with soma communicating and cicala Roome, at 14 17 LOCUS Street. - BOARDING.—Three choice communica ting HOOMS. on the first floor. which may be had together or separately. will be vacant on the lath of October, at DIRS. LEVELY'S, No 1216 CHESTNUT Street. ocl2-121* MONS. ALEXANDER WOLOWSKI, VOCA LIST. and COMPOSER, begs to inform Ma mends ana tne — putorc uns. ....measly to his dapartnre, he is oommenoiq• POSITIVELY THE LAST COURSE OF I • STRUL,TION of the PIANO and SINGING by . h is EXTRAORD NARY METHOD. All those who desire to avail themselves of the last Im portunity should apply at once, at his residence, No. 721 SANSOhI Street, between one and two o'clook P. M. 0018-13 t if MESDAMES 011ECURAY AND VEER VILLA' respectfully inform their friends and the public that they have removed their Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies from Logan Square to Nos. Iho7 and 1529 SPRUCE Street. Pupils from five years of age upward prepared for the fourth elms. iy2ll-6m RYANT, STRATTON, & FAIRBANKS' COLLEGE, B. E. earner EE . Sessions. individua/ instruction in Bookkeeping, in cluding_General Wholesale and Retail Business, Ship ping, Forwarding and Commission, Banking, ha change, Manufnoturing, Raiiroading t Steamboating. tin.. the most thorough and practical neuron in the United States. Also, Lectures, Commercial Calcula tions. Arithmetic. and the higher Mathematics, Yen manship (best in the city), Correspondence. Re. For sale, their new Treatise on Bookkeeping, beauti fullyprinted in colors, and the best work published. 13026- tf CLASSICAL INSTITUTE. DEAN STREET. below LOCUST. The dutiesof the Claieiaal inetttote will be resumed Monday. September 3. S. W. FAIRES, al., au27-am Principal. PENN INSTITUTE, SOUTHEAST COR NER THIRTEENTH and FILBERT Streets, re opens MONDAY, Reptember Sd. Four more pupils will be admitted. Catalogues sent to any address. R. STEWART. Principal. UR. WINTHROP TAPPAN'S BOARD ING and DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES No. 1727 VINE street, near Logan Square, will RE-OVEN on WEDNESDAY, September llth. Ctratdara larntshed on application. anid-tf CHARLES W. BROOKE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Has removed hie office to .1.32 SOUTH SIXTH STREET. 023-6t.i NEW ORLEANS (LA.) PICAYUNE JOY. COE. & Co. Have been appointed sole agents In Philadelphia for this extensively circulating paper, of commanding in fluence. Business mon are advertising in the best news papers of oily and country, at the offices of JOY, COE, CO., Advertising Agents, FIFTN and CHESTN UT' Streets. Philadelphia ; Tribune Buildings. New York. sae-if H ORAUE SEE, hIECHANICAL ENGINEER, find PATENT ATTORNEY, No. 114 South SIXTH Street, (Nes.riv tnpointo tits County Court House,) ProixtroLtiro, c . ...... /co•.qn4i transmota all other buiJines 'oonneeted with the obtaining of Let tore Patont. - hlaohinery Donigned and Drawings made. au24-1m" PP R. CORSON, REAL ESTATE BRO- Am , ' HER AND CONVEYANCER, NORRISTOWN, Pennsylvania. FARMB, STORES, MILLS, and HOTELS FOR SALE in Montgomery, Bucks, Chester, and Delaware Counties, varying front 11l to Macrae, in good localities. Persons applying will bo shown properties free of charge. Bonds and Mortgages negotiated at fair rates. HAND SOME RESIDENCES for sale in Norristown, Potts town, and interniodiato places. For Catalogues and Bid description, address , R. R. CORSON ir2l-dm Norristown. Pa. A. & I'. ROBERII. 4 LEVI LINE. T NICHOLSON, ow. Alanufneturer of SHIRTS. LINEN and MARSEILLES BOSOMS AND COLLARS. A large and choice aamortment, and wam. MADE, alway# on nand. unto which I eartloulatly Invite the attention of CANt and prompt - Paring BRORT-T1,113 buyers. tr. E. Corner of B,ECOPID and AIIOR Streets, Phila delphia. auT-Sui• g FUGUET it SONS, . IMPORTERS ON HAVANA CIGARS, No. 216 South FRONT Street. Receive regularly a full assortment of desirable 01 OARS which they offer at low rates, for each or av Droved credit. 1010-1 y IAWSON Rc NIOHOLSON, BOOKBINDIrdta j . NOB. 419 AND 421 M1N0.9. 017=Eirs Detween Market and pestnut itroot., JAMES EAMON. JAZ. D. nICLIOMOZ 1.17 I,* - E1 J. BAYLIS TELOMAS, itus ATTORNEY-AI LAW, Has removed hi/terries from No. 910 Aroh Weer to 629 WALNUT Street. Partioular aqesntion given to the recovery cf Mercan tile Cialraff. The droning and examination of Wills, Conveyanoes, Assinnmehts, Briefs of I,ltlc t and other Instrument/ of Vlntinx ! The management of Executor shipa, Adrninistratorolupe, and Trusts, superintended; and the boot seouritiesprocured for the permanent in vestments of Money. Beitisfactory reference given whop repaired. apall-em" DYOTT & CO., No. 232 North SECO Stmt.—Raving removod to our nOW and amnion store, we would call the attevtion of Dealers to our ex teneivo stook of PATENT MEDICINES, PER FLIMERY. and FANCY ARTICLES. Our het corn prises a greater vanetr than can be found at any mitah liehment in the United States, and our prices will corn Dare with am market. anNextheam CAST -STEEL, .13ELLAS. FOR CHURCHES, FIRE /ALARMS, &a YOB BALI BY nLIRE LIGHT THE GAB LAMPS FOR THE MILLION. may he seen at 2v4 NORTH SECOND iStreet ; 880.000 worth are now m use. The Market street, Green and Coates. Ridge road, and other horse ears are now using them. We alter any filthy Kerosene Lamps into Gas Lamas for 6113 10,000 Agents wanted to sell them throughout the United States. The Gas Lamp wilt light A room twen ty feet square for one cent an hour. DR. C... 41. GREENE t CO., No. 404 NORTH SECOND Street, above Rae% selk-thekm-t. CALCINED PLASTER, PLASTERING NAM WHITE SAND. and CEMENT for sale, at NINTH and COATES Streets. M. McINNYS. Orders for shipping promptly attended to. 0019-at* JT" B. GODARD VERY OLD COGNAC, • io half pipes, 20 quarters. in bond, for sale by F. D. LONOORA MP, 217 South FRONT Street. QTORAGE.—Storage for merchandise of P.v all kinds, and at log rates at Kensington Screw Dock. No, 1035 North DELAWARE Menne, oop BOARDING. ED LI CAT 10.D1 BUSINESS CARDS. NAYIAOR 53 00., •SO COMMERCE Street. :WALNUT -STREET 'THEATRE. v BoleLessee-41.....2..t:Mist'MAL_G stage Manager._....__.— Mr. WM. A. C nurquess Age HIS nt JOB. D. Marla. T (TUFWBMAY) US% And every nicht during the week, will be Wed, the celebrated drama of THE,DEAD REAR r! Performed for an entire season in London. Robert Landry, Mr.' Edwin Adams; Legrand, Mr. Young t Catharine Duval, Mrs. Olndstans Ceosens. bliss C. Jefferson. . . Previous to therear A POPULAR COMFDIETTA. _ Doors open eta quarter to 7 n'obrtok perf ormances commence at 734 o'clock. W Prices as usual. WHEATLEY & (MARKUS ARCHST. THEATRE. TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS OF THE GREAT NEW DRAMA. HOUSES ORO vvDED FROM PARQUET TO DOME. TH'.• MONKEY Box THE MONKEY ROY! THE MONKEY BOY! THE MONKEY BOY! • TONIGHT AND I'.VERy NIGHT. . Together with the roaring Farce of • TURNING THE TABLES. Secure your seats in advance. oD ONOUG H 'IS OLYMPIC (Late GAIE. TIEB,) RACE Street. below Third: RE-ANGAGEKENT OF Little CORD). LLA HO WARD and her parents. TUESDAY EVENING, Ootober = OEM. First 11 if4t N of4.lsu E n i t i n N iortl D D i umbtlAd Mary Morgan. little Cordelia Howard ; assisted by ho r parents, who will /woo ar as Romaine and Mrs. Mor gan. To conclude witlithe laughable Farce entitled A DIVIDED HOUSE. Beata scoured without extra charge. Doom open at 7 o'clock ; performance to oommeaoe at 74_ o'clock. Moos of admission. 25 rents; Family Circle, Moots. CONCERT HALL. DENSELY THRONGED EVERY EVENING. MONDAY, October 22,1t60. GRAND PENULTIMATE WEEK! • AND Lela TWELVE NIGHTS OF PROFESSOR ANDER/40N, In hie Great Entertainments of A NIGHT IN WONDER-WORLD: A NEW PROaRAMMF. EVERY NIGHT THIS WEER: MONDAYT—Ea RUSS gh AN u PROGRAMME. MME. TUESDAY—Last Night but Ten. THE FREIe.CH PROGRAMME. WEDNESDAY—Last Night THE AUSTRALIAN PROGRAMME. THURSDAY—Last Night but Eight. THE CALCUTTA PROGRAMME. FRIDAY—Last Night but Seven. THE CALIFORNIA PROGRAMME. SATURDY—Last Night THE LONDON The Reserved Wonders of the Mighty Mystioist will be produced this week. including the MAN WHOM NOBODY CAN SEE AND THE bADY WHO CAN SEE EVERITHING. POSITIVELY THESE ARE THE LAS r NIGHTS. GRA ND ILLUMINATED MA'grwts NEXT SATURDAY AT 2 O'CLOCK. Balcony 21 cents; AlodY of Hall bl) cents. 0022.6 t CONTINENTAL THEATRE, (Late National,) WALNUT Street. above Eighth. TILE GREAT AMFRICAN CONE° i.ID sTIRD CIRCUS COMPANY. On MONDAY EVENING. October n. And continuing EVERY NIGHT during the week. . The Managers. in presenting this crest combination oC dashing and fearless 2 QUEBTRIANS. first-oleas R.DERS. wonderful ATHLETES, VAULTERS, fir viIMERS, and PANTOMIMISTS, oh...Henke nom- Parison with any troupe now extant. The list of th a Compy and C IN an THE CIRCLE will he pubileLed in daily bill,. The doors open at half past 6 o'oloog. Performance commences at half past 7. Admission only 25 cents, SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE. OPEN FOR THE SEASON.. IT STREET NEWLY DECORATED AND PAINTED. M. Hem seemed one of the SANFORD LARGEST COMPANIES ever presented heretofore. who will wear nightly. Hanford will perform every evening. Doors open at 7 ; COmmenee at 7X. Admittance 23 cents. Children 13 ciente. oolii-Im .R Wi 4 •; k 4 II ot THOMAS'S SERIES OF SIX CLASSICAL SOI REES, at the FOYER of the ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Subscriptions will be received at the Music. Stores of (1. Andre & Co.. Ildi Chestnut street ; Lee & Walker 722 Chestnut street; Beek & Lawton, Seventh cud Chestnut streets ; and Th. A. Sahmidt, Juniper Chestnut streets, where the programmes and parllttt tare can be seen ze2B.6ws' pENNA. ACADEMY OF THE FINS ARTS.-1026 CHESTNUT Street. CHIMBO'IAZO," a splendid Painting by Mignot. "THE FIRST SIN," a beautiful Marble Statuette by Angeline. On exhibition for a short time. Visitors will please bring their opera glasses. JAMES S. EARLE ft SONS' THIRD GREAT SALE OF, VALUABLE OIL PAINTINGS, ACADEMY OE FINE ARTS THURSDAY and FRIDAY NEXT. OCTOBER 25 and 26. Ilia Daum are 'now fatly arranged for Exhibition OPEN DAY AND EVENING, ADMISSION FREE, WEPICINAL R, J. R. fi,„ 3 - - .7 temtp a `AR. WHEN OLIVE TAIL la I.lcHttliu odors are brought in cOV • • --- of the THROAT, BRONCHIAL AIR-CELLS 0 relieving at once any VIII any irritation or inflamati WREN OEMS TAIL Is Ts unequalled Soothing anti all Throat airflows. WIZEN OLIVE TAIL IS oentrated curative Rowe.. PAIN Olive Tar is not sticky—dm not dcree/or. Fifty cents a bottle, at 442 BROADWAY, N.Y., and by all Draggle.. J. R. STAFFORD'S IRON AND SULPHUR POWDERS are a notable preparation of Iron and Sulphur, identical with that existing In the blood of a perfectly health person. Uniting with the digested food, THEY REVITALIZE AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. THEY IMPART ENERGY TO THE NERVOUS SYSTEM., THEY INVIGORATE THE LIVER. 7 HEY STRENGTHEN THE DIGESTION. THEY REGULATE THE SECRETIONS OE THE BODY, AND ARE A SPECIFIC TOR ALL FEMALE WEAKNESSES PRICE, ONE DOLLAR A PACKAGE. PAMPHLET CONTAINING TESTIMONIALS more TEI following and more than 100 other well-known promi nent portions, will be sent to any addrese,free by mail. GEO. LAW, Esq., Fifth avenue, New York. SIMEON DEAFEN, Fag., Banker, New York. Tara Low WEED, Eoq., Albany, N. Y. Gen. Dna e Guam. Washington, D. C. Col. SAMUEL COLT. Hartford, Conn. COI. CHAS. May, IJ. S. A. Rev. JOsIVIA LEAVITT, Ed. Independent, New York. Rev. E. Bniouy, Ed, Examiner, New York. Rev. D. W. CRONE, Agt. Am. Bible Union. N. Rev. O. F. A. Srmatno, Butternutte, N, Y. Rev. Dr. LEONARD, Exeter, N. H. SEND FOR A RAMPHISET Bold by all Druggists. DYOTT & CO., No. 232 No BECOND Street, Agents for Pennsylvania. .e23-2m ASTI!, or the l lN o b u TAPl O T i R . EL d IE.F is ann7Ell.: ermcm FEND T' 1! BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, Made by C, B. SEYMOUR & CO., i 468 BROAD WAY, Now York. Price Slyer box; rent free) by Post nor7-11m ifl FOR BA.LWAT ALB DRVOGDITIV. K." ,-PECIALTY FOB LADIES. TRUSS AND BRACE DEPARTMENT conducted by oom patent Ladle'. Entrance on TWELFTH street, Bret door below Race. A lull line of Meehaniest Remgr diee. light and elegant construction. spatially adapted to Ladies' use. . . C. U, NEEDLES, Proprietor, S. W. corner TWELFTH and RACE Streets. Philadelphia. I Entrance to C. H. N.'e Room, for gentlemen, at the corner. eel4.llmif A WONDERFUL AND NEVER FAILING A- REMEDY FOR DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. PROFESS.OR MORRIS' EIJOEPHALOS, AN EXTERNAL REMEDY, Prepared by MOCKRIDGE & CO., No. 6 North FOURTH Street. 27" And for sale by Druggists generally. sel33mif RS. JAMES BETTS' CELEBRATED !SUPPORTERS FOR LADLES, and the only Sup porters under eminent medical patrotage. Ladies and PitYBlolB.llB at respectfulll request WALNUT onIy on al (R. Setts, at her residence. 1039 Street, Philadelphia, (to avoid eounterte its.? Thirty thotuiana Invalids have been advisee by their physicians to rise her appliances. Thom., only are genuine bearing the United States copyright, labels r n the box, and signa tures Cilia also on the Supporters, with testimonials. mad well& at( EXPRESS COMPANIES. ammoTHE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., Offi ea 320 CHESTNUT Street. forwards Percebt, Packages. Merobandiee, BankNolen, and Specie, either by its own Lines or in oonneation with other Express Companies, to all the nrinoloet towns and attire of the United States. . SANDFORD, General SavernatendenL A ZUMEA AZUMEA ! AZUMEA ! AZUDIEM AZUDIEA: AZLIMEA! AMEBA PROF. MORRIS' AZUMEA BAKING POWDER Manufactured solely at No. 64 North FOLTRTA Street, and for sale by Grocers generally. sell-bait 111 RS. SANDb REN, PROFESSIONAL NURSE. has opened a Boarding Rouse at No 1011 Spruce street, for the special sooommodation'of Invalid Ladies, and for those coming to Philadelphia to be Con fined, or for medical attendance, where they can have careful nursing, good hoard, and all the comforts of home. Tim. 8. refers, by :permission, to' the followingprofessional gentlemen: , ~, , . 1 Professor C. D. hleigs, gas_par Wolter, M. D., Professor S. D. Gross, L. Rodman. Pd. D.. Professor Jos. Panooast, Id I ProfeSsor &Jackson, Isaac Hays. . D., R. A. F. Penrose. .14. D., Professor It. L. Hodge, .G. W. Norris, M. D., J. P. Itleigs, M.D.. . Professor S. H. hook on. 003-Im • . FIRST PREMIUM AWARDED, at' the late Agricultural Society, to AL LMAN & ZERN DER. Fourth and Vine, for Beat Family FLOUR- - Constantly' on hand, WoLsh's Harper'a Felt & 2raii , 8 Four-Aoee and !Stag Born, Bt. Louis, and am rill's Patapsco Family Floor. AMALGAM BELLS. Only ONE-TIIIRD the prioe of Brass and lees than hal that of Steel Belle; of equally sonorous and , mellow tone. Warranted for twelve inontlia against breakage by fair ringing. For sale at the SOLE AGENCY in Philadelphia, No 512 COMMERCE Street. ae2o-thatanl A. M. F. WATSON. w ilu th r WARM AIR .FURNACF. Thenew Cone Funmeb OEM Consumer will thoronshly, warm your house. with One-third less deal than' re quired by any other furnacei' •Nratislaetion in all elites guarantied. Buildings - warmed and ventilated by. ne3-stuth3mir loin, eOOKING RANGES.—AII in ward of th© N-lbeat elevated, double-oven Cooking•Rangeei wiR do well to call at ARNOLD. de W1LE101 . 441.' • - sett-atatheanf 1010 OstE,ST;iTT.tArept. LATE MANZELS: 7 74I' ; richest 1 most Neautiful specimens of entiaillled Slate Man tels ever offered for sale in this ecumry,,msnufaotured by us, from Pennsylvania elate-stone, and for sale very low. ARNOLD & WILSON, seB-stuth3mif 1010 CIIEBTNUT Street. Poco METALLIC -PAINT.-70 rait CENT. pure metal.—This paintbovers LINO square feet on metal, and 6.000 on wood per 100 lbs. The beat and cheapest paint for tan and sheer-iron roofs, railroad nn. bridges, iron fronts, houses, tents , fallow ships' decks and hulls, or any wood or metal exposed to heat, weather, or water. Samples and °treaters, containing references, sent free. WILL,IBON Shull', Bola Agent. No. 132 f 7. FOURTH, above Arch Meer. 0019-6t* •aling /la/ramie