Interesting Letter trout Annapolis, Md. tOorrestondesse of „ , • - Anti.seet,to, Sept. 17, 1880. It is, 0 - old one portion of the ear* is ignorant of the doings of the other,” and yid this will apply force to ligt!'oyfp , oottn= try, notwithitandingthe many, triumphs of raid over matter ,in this - ago, , and thi . TeloCity. with which man .propels his thoughts, "wafted, as it Wire, neon the breath of thorn," through the Mr: mentality of the "pen and the ptees. ' - - I I have, therefore, sat down this morning, with the intention of contributing my mite, and giving your readers an idea of matters and things in and about this anotint oity. Annapolis is beautifilly eitur,ted on the banks of the Severn river—almost ealsland—presentitl peninsular appearance. The town almost brine tt:J, oliele, With the etreste rttnuiag towirdi the 'State Mouse as a common centre=olmilar to the 'Spoke Of a wagon-wheel; and woe to the stranger, %mac quail:del with the run of the streets, Who one. gets , within the circle ; he is very apt to go wound and around,_ unconsciously, until, oilireopie with ex haustion, he requests of some one to- lead him to his proper pleas of abode,: tts Wall the onna I with your humble servant. :Indeed, it is said that . I on one occasion, a member of the Legislature wart- - dered within the eirele, andooneluded to drop into a saloon and inquire the way to his hotel. He Was, told to gelatin way round the oirele, end tern down I at the first street. After walking a itted distance, and not finding the street, he made inquiries again, and war. told the same thing. After Walking on until greatly fatigued, he stepped again.' into a ealoop, and, on looking around, Moue/tailings tip peered familiar, and asked the barkeeper if he had not been in there before, and was told that this was only the thtroi time ithin an hour that he had inquired of him the tray to his hotel. The State House is 'l6 very line building, and very shriller to - the one at Harrisburg, but not so well furnished. The Senate Chamber is ornamented with some fine paintings, one of which represents Wishingtim's resignation -before returning to the shades of Mount Vernon. It cost about nix or . eight thousand dollars, and exhibit" genius of the highest order. • There were scenes of deep and thrilling in terest within throe hells during the past winter. It was from there that the infamous • deoree went forth, to censure Winter Davis for casting his vote for the lion. William Pennington, and 'thus calming the waters of sectional ;trite, destroying the seeds of alienation and distrust, which were fast germinatingo and once more moving on the machinery of government, Where. brooded anarchy and confusion. It was this same Legislature which wax so severely rebuked by Maryland's ablest Representative in the council balls of the last Congress; advOcating his cause, vindicating his course, and appealing to his coun try,. hie voestituenoY, and ,his - own conscience for the rectitude of his conduct. One of the most striking peculiarities of Anna. polls is its old and anoleut-tike appearance. It is one of the oldest cities in this cenntry, and might have been one of the largest, but Baltimore has entirely undermined it, by taking away the trade and connecting with the large Eastern and Western cities. It Lae an excellent harbor, and presents every facility for commerce. The Great Eastern presented * fine view when 'anchored in the bay a few miles from the city. There are many fine buildings and flourishing inititutions here—the St. John a College, Pres& dent Nelson, belonging to the Eplecopal denomina tion;a fine Catholic institution, with large Cathdral ; the Female Collegiate Seminary, Prof. Munroe, and the United States Naval School, founded in the year 1845, under President Polk's Administration, when Hon. George Bancroft was Secretary of the Navy. This school has cost Uncle Sam" several millions of dollars, and yet will no doubt prove a profitable West. meat. It is a beautiful spot,• presenting the ap pastimes of a parallelogram ; on the east side flows the Severn, on which side stand the fort -and buildings for the students ; on p the north are the i hospitals and oat-buildings ; on the west and south the residences of the officers and professors. In the centre there is a very large campus - with pleasant walkvand shade, in which are two menu. ' manta; one to commemorate the noble and heroic conduct of Lieutenant Herndon, of. 'United States Navy, the other in- memory of four midshipmen lost in the Mexican war. The students are now Caton their annual cruise; one-half are absent each year during vacation and the other half on hoard ship, practising the art of navigation. The ship Plymouth, manned by the students, cruised off the western coast of Spain and Africa ; but has now arrived in the Annapolis Rhoads, and will not be permitted to anchor here until the 22d of this month. The old ship Ironsides," or Constitu. tion, is now lying at the navy yard, and will be used hereafter by the students. She is a fine-look ing vessel, And has been repaired at great expense. There remains but little of the old ship. She is the same vessel whioh whipped the British frigate Gurriere in a fight lasting but one-half hour, anti proved to the world the efficiency of • the Yankee sailors, by pluoking the laurel from the haughty Empress of the seas. It was this same vessel that did so much execution at the bombs rdment of the harbor of Tripoli, under command of Commodore Preble. Although there is but little left of her once " Ironsides," yet it is fitting that she should be chosen as the nursery for the American student. It should be with proud hearts that they tread the decks of the sel lout old ship which bore the brave Hull on to vie tory, conquered proud Albion upon the waves, and new remains as a retie of the past and a memento fOr the future. JI7FLAT Eloquent • xtraet. We copy from the Madison (Wisconsin) Stab; Journal, of the 18th, the following ex tract from the speech of Hon. Mutest H. SEWARD, delivered in that city on the 12th of September. Governor SEWARD possesses, in au eminent degree, the graces of the finished orator in his written speeches, and is never happier than when he refers to the sufferings Of his fellow-creatures, and the growth and grandeur of his country : It is a bright September sun that is shining down upon us—such a sun as Nature, pleased with the remembrance of her own beneficence, seems to delight in sending forth to grace the close of a sea son which has been crowned with abundance and luxuriance, unknown even to her own profuseness. It is such a sun as Nature, pleased with seeing the growth of a noble capital in a great State, may be supposed to send out to illuminate and to make =Eve effulgent the magnificent beguiler of the place on' which we are assembled. It is snob a September sun es we might almost suppose Nature, aympathistog with the - efforts of good men, lovers of liberty.; anxious to secure their own freedom, to perpetuate that freedom for the enjoyment of their posterity, and to extend its blessings thrOughent the world, and for all generations, may have sent birth in 'token of sympathy with Bush a noble race. Inpptausel. But, fellOw-oltirens, bright and cheerful as this hour is, my heart is oppressed, and I am unable at ono, to lift myself above the sad ness of recent peones and painful recollections. obeyed the command of the Republican people of Wisconsin, to appear before them on this the 12th day of September, and se I approached the beau tiful seaport, if I may so call the city that crowns the shores of Lake Michigan, and affords entrance to this megnitieent State, I had antiolpated, because I bad become habituated to, a weloolne that Should be distinguished by the light of a thousand torohee, and by the voloes of- music and of cannon. But the angel of death passed jest before me on the way, and instead of footsteps lighted- with the greeting •ot thousands of my 'fellow-eitirene, I found only a thick' darkness, increased, as only Nature's darkness can be, by the weeping and walling of mothers for the lose of children, and refusing to be comforted.- I have been quite una ble to rise from that sudden shook ; to. forget that instead of the voice of a kind, and merry, and genial welcome. I heard only mourning and la mentation in the streets. To, yon, - perhaps, the scene seems somewhat fo reign, because it occurred in your beautiful sea port, but tt was not merely a municipal calamity. It is a calamity and disaster that befalls the State, and strikes home dismay and horror to the bosoms of all its people, for these were eitisens of the State who have perished, and those who survive are the mourners; the desolate widows and orphans who aro honeyed.. Let me, before• I procee& take the li berty to bring this =bleat home to the State au thorities of Wisoonsin, and to ask and to implore that nothing may be left undone.--if there is yet anything that can be done—to rescue a single oaf firer from that dreadful ealamity,"and to bring to the comforts of solar life, and of a sound, good, religious, and public education, the orphans who are left to wander on the 'divots by the lake side. Peilow-eitisens, it is a political law—and when I gay mean a higher law—fories of good,") a law of Providence, that empire hail for the lest three thousand years, co long as we have reostrds of civilisation, made its way constantly westward, and that it must continue to move on westward until the tides of the renewed and of the decaying civilisation!) of the world meet on the choose of the Pacino ocean. Within a year, I have cesmed to myself to follow the track of empire in its, westward march, for three thousand years. I stood but a year ago on the bill of Calvary. I stood soon afterwards on the nem of Athens. Again, found myself on the banks of the Tiber. Still advancing westward, I rested tinder the shade of the palaces of the kings of England, and trod the streets of the now renovated capital of France. Prom those capitals, I made fay way at last to Washington, the city of established empire for the present generation of men, and of influence over the destinies of mankind. [Applause.] Empire moves far more rapidly in modern than it did in ancient times:7 The empire established at Wash= ington is of leas than a hundred years' formation. It wee the empire of thirteen Atlantic American States. Still, praotioally, the mission of that em pire Is fulfilled. The power that direeta it is ready to pass away from those thirteeu Slates, and, al though held and exercised under the same (lonia- Settee and Rations/ form of government, yet It is new in the very aat of being transferred from the thirteen States oast of the Allegheny Mountain' and on the coast of the Atlantic ocean; to the twenty States that lie west of the Alleghenies, and 'stretch away trout their base to ,the base of the Rooky Mountains. The political power of the Be, public, the empire, is already here in the plain that stretches between the groat Lacier* the east and the bare of the Rooky Mountains on the west ; and yen are heirs to it. , When the neminima shall reveal year power, you will be found to be the masters of the United States of America, and, through theft', the dominating political power of the world. [Applause. AVoise—u'Amen."J Our mission, if I may say that I belong to that eastern and falling empire, Instead of the. rising western one—the mission of the thirteen States—has been practically accomplished. • And what is it? Just like the mission of every other power on earth. To reproduce ; to produoo a new, and greater, and better power than we have been ourselves Cap ease]; to introduch on the stage of human attains weary new States, and to prepare the way for twenty snore, before whose rising greatness and Splendor all our own achievements pole and fade away. We have done this with as mtiehlore thought, perhaps; ea any people ever exercised, by paving the broad domain which you and then other forty States are to occupy, saving it for your possession, and, so far as wo had virtue enough, by surrounding it with" harriers against the intreden of ignorance, lroperstition, end slavery... [AI) , plaamoj Roadie you are to ries to the ascendant and Im elda. a , dominating influents, you are not, there fore, tispet off the ancient • end' honored thirteen that }p the way for you and marshalled you hinhilenotile possession. nor ate you to east off Ike - sew stow) ;of the West. Rut you ire to lay Still broader foundations, anti to erect = still Mere adds oelnieue. to anataia . the empire' which' our "fathers estehliehich and - whiok it is the manifest lento( mai - beaionly Father elan reach from the eheta_of ef Tak e s totbe Gulf of Meiloo,,and from jaiedithW4S' tiviaTElSta out - - 4t WU a Ave government .which they establlched, And wo o a asiNgoVernmenl:- - -A4otrernailltiVitidelie, '6n co' I large a soale, or indeed Inot any wale, has never before .know that when yon. oonuider what a mogeilloontdestinryou hero lbefore to ley . your hand on the Atlantlo ooast, ,and to ek4 , tend - your , Storfir to:the Pentad ocean sod grasp the great witaineroe of the East, you will fully appro.' date thilresismelhility., It la only to be done , by, maintaining the - Thenooratie syetem of, govern. , meat. ' There hoe other' name given under boa vet by whioli, in this generation, - nations tan be saved from desolation and ruin, than Demooraoy.. This, to many_oonservative- ears,- would -seem a strange - .proposition,-and yet it is so slmple.that lack the power aliment of Jeluoidating it. I loolt'id .r I England. Ohs is .ambitions, as ahe well may be, and might to be, to retain that dominion, resetting - into every part of the habitable globe, whiolr she; nor exerobres. She is likely to do it„too, and may. do it, by reducing, every siroosisite' year, the power of her arietoo raoy, and introducing, more and more„ the popular element of Denfoorkey . intrithe &drat ' nistration of our Government, , A Daughter Shoats Herself to Bientpe. - Her Father's Brutality. [From the New York Times ofreeterdard ' A very remarkable , and distressing east of at tempted self-destruction otesurred on Sundey eve ning at the reddens* of Mr. Enoch Griffith, NO. 221 West Thirty-sixth street-4hei inineipal in the tragedy_ being Miss JosioPhine O. Lyon, a young 'lady who de represented by her friends to be peer missed of Mote then - ordinary beauty and intent., genee. Attending - the'sad affair are very peculiar eir , oranstances, - whioh were related to the writer by Mrs. Griffith, the iedy of the' house in which the, ocourrentartranspiied, and other persons to whom the Diets relative to the history of the unfortunate young woman ire perfectly familiar. From these statements it appears that MitsLyon, who is btit seventeen years of age, wee forced; In February last, to leave the house of her parents in First street, to eemne failing into a Mara Prhioh bad been laid for her destruetion. Her father, who, years ago; was in well-to-do oironmstanoeei and kept en extensive livery stable at the corner of Grand and Merber streets, met with reverses in his business, and eventually became reduced almost tovrant. With the disappearance able forepart') so rune the story, he. seemed to lose all affeetion fortis family, family, and on several occasions he made die ['graceful propositions to his daughter, suggesting 'that the wages of her iniquity would secure them at least the means of subsistence. Sash unna tural overtures the young woman invariably re pelled, but seemingly without diverting the pur pose of her parent, as on several occasions subse quently, young men were brought -to the house, and en attempt was made to bend her to their de signs. She states that during thelast few dayi of her stay at her father's house, it became necessary for het to look and barricade the door of her bed room, to protest herself from violence at the bands of a man whose intentiOns toward her Were abet ted by bet parent. On Sunday,-the 28th of Feb ruary this person called to are h er, and Attempt ed, evidently with a base purpose in view, to make 'her insensible with chloroform. She detected the odor of the' narcotic, and unable to bear the tor ment to which she had been subjected any longer, she fled from the house. , „ That evening she called upon the family of a Mr Jennings, with whom in some degree she was intimate, and disclosed to them all her troubles, entreating that a temporary shelter might be af forded her. Her request was complied with, and in the course of a few weeks she obtained a (situa tion to nurse an invalid lady in Maodougal street. While filling this position her father by some means learned where she was, and in June lest he Caused her to be arrested aneteken before Justice Qnaok enbush, at Jefferson Market, on a charge of being a dis Obedient child. The magistrate 'remonstrated with her, and advised her to go home with her pa. rent, assuring 'her that in case she should refuse, imprisonment would be the alternative. The poor girl, however, persistently declined to accompany her father, and, finding it was useless to talk with her any further, the justice consigned her to a cell, where abe passed the night: Next morning she was again brought before him, and in reply to his demand if she were ready to return to her father's .hortse, she besought that he would send her anywhere but there. In the interval, however, proper representations of the merits of the ease had been made to the magistrate, and he told her to her great joy, that she 'might return to' the residence of her friends in Maedougal street. This she did, but a constant fear that her father would abduct her made her life miserable, and in the hope of eluding his presence, she, about Mx weeks since, went to live at the house of Mr. Griffith. ' That gentleman had known her from her infancy, and was perfectly familiar with the sir cumstances of her history, and that of her' amily. Ho at once accorded her a shelter, and she has been living at his house ever since, although it was not long after she had taken up her residence there, that her father traced her, and annoyed her by his perste:lnflows. 'Recently be instituted proceedings against Mr. Griffith in one of the civil courts, eharging him with having abducted the young lady, and laying the damages at $25,000. Under these (drama stanoes Miss Lyon became • very despondent in mind, and Mrs. Griffith states that for the put weak or two she has at times appeared to be per fectly =lmitable. On Sunday, however, she teemed to be more cheerful than she bad been for some days previously, and the family did not entertain the slightest apprehension of her tragic intention. She retired to her bed room about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and nothing was again seen of her until half past six in the evening, when the report of a pistol proceeding from her room on the second sto ry alarmed the family, who were assembled in the parlor on the first floor. Hastening up stairs, Mr. Griffith found that the young woman had shot her self with a revolver, which abe bad secretly pro cured. Dr. Burdick, of West Thirty-sixth street, was at once summoned, and found her unoon redone, bleeding from a wound in the abdomen. The ball had entered the epigaatrio region, a little to the left of the medium line, and lodged in the stomach, inflicting an injury which, in eli probability, will prove fatal. On application of restoratives, the patient revived imffiolently to state that she had given the wound herself. Dr. Burdick sailed Dr. Oarnoehan to his assistance, and after consultation, the ease wan pronounced hopeless, except in the contingency of the ball not having perforated the stomach in two places, but even In such a case - her charting of living are extremely slight. At a late hour lest evening the unfortunate girl was still alive, and in full possession of her faculties. She imams to rejoice in the fact that her condition it so precarious, and sweats that.even should she recover, she will, re peat the attempt on her life. PRILADELPMA BOARD OF TRADE, EDWARD 8,,0LA RE%) R ARA , / cora RAD, COMM 71111 OP TIM MONTI W3l. L. REHR. _LETTER DAOI3 • _ • ' th4l Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship John Truoks. Lindsay— _....Livereool, soon Bark Ina perador, Hubbard...,. ---.Peniambuiso. goon Bark See Eagle, Kenny HAMM, anon Bark &Akita. Stevie' Brig Black Squall, Davis pt/ago de Cuba. icon o hrPathway J Langstaff—. ___-Barbadoes, anon WEST COAST osArialca—The brig Calvert, Wit lan will be desPatohed from this port about the Sd prox imo, Inc Blerra Leone, •ko. All letters and inclines in tended for tho African aonadron, or persons on the cmist, mill be forwarded, if 'left at the Foreign Letter Office, Philadelphia Exchange, on or before the above dais. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. POUT OF PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 3. 1860 3UDI IMES- 14-BUN BET 3.--- 46 Hi GS W R, .4 20 ARRIVED. Steamship Kensington ..Baker. 43 Bourg from Bos ton. with mdse and pseasnmers to Henry Wlnsor. prig Vondovi, Bray, lo days from Hlllsboro', NB, with plaster to K A blonder & Co. Vag Alamo, Ingles, 12 days from St Marys, with lum be r to B A Bonder & Co. Brig Hobart, Jordan, 8 day, from Eastport, with mdse to S A Bonder & Co. Brie, Orinasßaker,3 days from New Bedford, with oil to Bhober, Bunting & Co. Brig Emma, Baker, ti days from Boston, with maim to Twells & Co. ballast Martha Niches, Sawyer, 7 days from Salem, in ballast to E A Ponder & Co. Fehr Turk, Allen, 12 days front Eastport, with mdse to E A Bonder & Co. • Bohr Oriental, Robinson, 6 days from POrtland, with plaster to E A Bonder & CO. Bohr George Byron, Hardy, 4 days from Boston, in ballast to John Mason & Co. Bohr Bolen, Carroll, /0 dare from Eastport, with miss to Fr. A Bonder & Co. - Rohr Itiohard Borden, Ireltendol days from Fall ll v rcpt. ballast to Cabm a WestbroOk,L i tt l ejohn, 6 days from N York, wan salt Wm. Bony Sa to hwa. Small 6 days from Boston, in ballast to captain. Bohr W Mailler, Colby, 6 days from Boston, with anise to Twells K Co. Hem Cornelis. Crape. 8 days from New Bedford, with oi Bhober, Benson , f Co. Yoh Barah t Benson, days from New Bedford, with Matte to captain. Bohr Paugsasett, Waldo, 6 days from Boston, in bal last to N - Sturtevant K Co.- Bohr !nightingale,. Bangs, 6 days from Boston, with mitre to Crowell & Collins. bohr B A Roe, Baker ' ? days from Portland, with mdse to Crell & 13,h0r w J O Balla. Swiun, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to captain. Bohr John & Thomas. Hilliard , I day from Smyrna, Del, with oats to Jag Barrett K Bon. Halo F Edwards, Babcock, from Boston. Echr Isabella ThOMPaolli Corson, from Boston. Bohr A Cordery , Babcock, from Boston, Bohr Snow Flake, Weaver. from Boston. Bohr E T Allen, Allen, from Boston. Behr R Coskshad, Tilton, from Boston. Bohr John Cadwahuler, Clayton. from Boston. Hohr .1 C Baxter, Babcock, from Salem. . Hohr J B Johnson, Johnson r _from_Salem. • Bohr "'anthem, Clark, from New York. Bohr N "lohnes. Hewitt. from Providence. Behr A Henderson, Crowell. from Providenos, Bohr XII Daley, Stephens. from Providence. ' Bohr Bleak Diamond, Young, from Lynn- Nodular P Titemitt. Bide'', 34 hours from New York, WV n IR d C ' I o NWmh iM Virlldag & Belle, which arrived on Al oudar, should have been oonstguad to the captain. EARE. Steamship Virginia, K elly , Ri D chmond, Thomas Web ster. Jr. oteamshlp Phineas Sprague, Matthews, Boston. H Winsor. Bhp Tuscarora. Durdevy. LiVeTpool, Cope Bros. • Brig M E Milliken. Norden, Cardenas. D W Presoott, Brig Sea Breese, Coombs. Boston, Sinulokaon 4s. Glover. • nohr C Newkirk, (new, 2403 tons) Higbee, Charleston, Baker & Foleoin. Bohr F Edwards, Baboook, Boston, Bancroft, Leads & Cu. do hr InsbellaThoregaOn, Corson, Boston, Noble, Rant mat' & Caldwell. Bohr D Smith, Douglass, Boston, do Bohr Snow Flake, Weaver. Balton, L Rothermel& Co Bahr .1 Cadwalader, ClagP 3 n, Boston i do Bohr 8 M Bhaddiok. Williams. Hartford, do Boger A Corder', Dithoook,Boston. 0 A Ileokaoher &Co Bohr T Allen, Allen, Betou do Behr COggehall. Tilton, Boston, N Sturtevant & Co. Bohr Pausaseett, Wavle', Bolton. do Bohr Moak Diamond, Yount, Linn, • do Bohr ,1 D Johnson, Johnson, weaning ton. Van Drulen, Norto Al e xo. Bohr Henderson, Crowell, Providence,/, Auden- Ned A Co. Bohr N Holmes. Hewitt. Providence, B Milner A Co. Mohr .1 0 Baxter, Babcock, Salem, do GSonT al Rl. XMAS , Stephens, Georgetown, ElaPillidt odsh Bohr M P Stowing, Reed, do Bohr Oman Wave, Steelman, co do Bohr Wm Henry. Faasapea, do do Behr Sarah Lavinia, Errickaon, Washington , do Bohr Ellie, Camp, Norfolk, do Bohr D E Wolfe, Buckalew, Weymouth, do Bohr A & E Baker, Baker. Norfolk. do Bohr Saftwe,dmall, Boston. captain. Bohr W H Mather. Cody. Salem, N Sturtevant & Co.g Bohr J G Stills, Swaini_Boston,_ do Bohr )1 Mai, Hoover, Barton, R R Onion & Co. Bohr Lizzie Maud. Green, Boston. Blakiston & Cox, Mohr B Cheater, Brower, Riohniond, Btr H L Gaw. Ilers Baltimore, A Grovee, Jr. do aorreepoudenos of the Philadelphia Niehaus.) LEw ES, Del.. (Mt. 1. The fleet at the harbor has Morseled to aboat one hundred Veicrele. detained by the NE wind, acoompa mod with ram Ship Gov Lengdon, for Liveool, was toned down by the tug AMsrios, and procee ded to sea kit eveniYear* ng. 31 , &0., ti. W. -I.OIhIA.N, • tOerrespordenee of The Preis.) • • HAVRE DE GRACE. and 2,181), The Kingston left with 6 boats, laden and Coniugned eJI fellows: Ocean Wave, lumber to Wilmington,. Mary Emma, do to Samuel Dolton & Co; Col J 110•110,40 to jd Trump k Sun; Oast P Shay , do to Norcross. & Sheets; Chas Blan chard, do to Cheater. MEMORANDA. C W Poußimy. Somme, from New York, ar rived in the Clyde 18th ult. this Alferattm, !fibber, sailed from Providence l/Dth ult. fur Phdadejehle. -Brig Kook*, wrgatt Bengt' R10N19 1 41 1 1 IMMO IMltlOte gt°.tAt'll,iviarx t gb%'t,l:°,4ird,:z7tilltrolgt, l lo4 6, lh, gricz, Behr Limos ' -Beanie, cleared at Bosto • n kl)th ult.- for Ahilladel• f Bahiahealer Difpnnt, Corson. M TlMnation, 11 Wheeler, MoOlaushhn. M. Plater. lilt:war. and 'Corbel°. Willie, arrived at Wilming_ton, Del. let inst. , Bohr With do Mary, Bhippin, cleaved at Bellmore bit Inst. for Philadelphia. - Bolus Mary Miller, Dayton, arid B E Jayne, Jaye. for Philadelphia. sailmtfrora:rrevidenoe 20th ult. • ~ Boars carnal, Crooker.uhliet, Barter, and JCR Doug las, Baundenb, for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence ,30th ult. _ , rhelie and Elisabeth, Bmlth, from Boston, Chrysolite, Smith, from Fall , River, and R Dean, Cook from Teaetop , all for, Fluladelphla, milled from Newport Btth ult. • , • .... • „.., , Bohm DG Floyd, Racket. for Philadelphia. and Mari 'Nowell. front BandWioh for do, sailed from New' Bed ford S9th ult. Bohr Tilton, before reported, was towed into Green- Port Yid ult. bottom lip. ()a the sub she yea righted, and has since been pumped out. The balance 01 her oarso, comprising 10 bids mackerel and several thou sand 114441m0 discharged, and- the Rehr taken ,to• East Marion, where she is now on the railway undergoing repairs, , , . . NOTICE TO MARINERS. Norio le hereby given that the to BeR at Manheigire be Island having been repaired, will rung as Ulniti In foggy weather, BY order Of the Lighthouee Wart. - THEO.J; lEEN, Ligithonee Inspector Pull District, fortistiC. Oct. I, Inc. • POLITICAL. DEMOORATIO TIOKET FOR Dominos. or FrxXSTLVAIM, HENRY D. FOSTER, Of 'Westmoreland County, FOR Donaulas lit Diet - Iot—WILLIAM E. LEHMAN 2d " JOHN BRODHEAD. 9d " JOHN KURE. Ith " WILLIAM IHORGAH. dth " HARRY INGER/10Mo STATI ORNATOR, lit lthstriot—SAMlJELl. RANDALL EEMIZE3I2 ht Distriot—JOSEPH CALDWELL. 2d " THOMAS E. OASKILL. Sd " PATRICK MoDONOUGH. 4th " 'ROBERT E. RANDALL. 6th " SAMUEL JACKSON. 6th " CHARLES L. WOLFF. 7th " PAUL KETTERLINUS, Bth " JOHN SMITH, Ja 9th " HENRY DUNLAP. 10th " HENRY G. LEISENRING. 11th " JOHN S. RIEHL. 12th " WILLIAM 0. BNYDER. 13th " WILLIAM D. MORRISON. 11th " GEORGE W. H. SMITH. 16th " JOHN 11. ARUNDEL. lath ' 4 THOMAS W. DUFFIELD. 17th " H. M. ZULIOIL FOR RECORDER OH RIEDE, GEORGE W. WUNDER. FOR PROTHeI!OTIMS Or DISTRIOR 0017R1, WILLIAM LOUGHLIN. FOR CLERK OP QI7AILTIM 19EssioNA, PHILIP H. LUTZ% FOR CoRoxER. ANDREW LOWRY PEOPLE'S TICKET Go ERNCR, ANDREW er. OURTIN CONGRESS let Distriot. JOHN M. BUTLER. 2d " EDWARD JOY MORRIS 17M;C==i2GEO2 4th " WILLIAM D. KELLEY. 6th " WILLIAM MORRIS DAVIS RUCORDIIR Or DEEDS, ALFRED C. HARMER PROTHONOTARY OF DISTRICT COURT PHILIP 8. WHITE, Olin Or COURT 07 QIJARTZR Hsevone, GEORGE R. MOORE CORONSR, ANTHONY CONRAD, SIINATE....FIRST DIBTRICfr JEREMIAH NICHOLS RIIPRERENTAVIVIe, Ist District, ABRAHAM STEWART. 2d " WILLIAM B. TURNER. 9d " WILLIAM 11. SLOCUM. 4th " HENRY E. WALLAOB. 9th JOSEPH MOORE, Jx. Bth DANIEL G. THOMAS. 7th JOHN R. SELTZER. M. D. Bth " JACOB E. RIDGWAY. 9th DAVID JONES. • 10th " JOSHUA KAMEN. 11th " ISAAC A. SHEPPARD. 12th " RICHARD WILDEY. 12th 4, CHARLES B. FORD. 14111 " WASHINGTON M. WORRALL, 115th " JOHN F. PRESTON. 16th ILSNRY RIGLER. 17th CHARLh.S F. ABBOTT. ELECTION—TUESDAY. OCTOBER 9. ATTENTION, FREEMEN! (rer 134 ore s, Allegheny, ablest has been blown Down thy tide, Guevehanna, the murmur has cone t From the Delaware enter s@ to the lake of the West; 'Wherever the foot of the freeman bath pressed; 'Tie the voice of a PaorLx uprisen—awake t Pennsylvania's watchwotd. with freedom at stake, Thrilling up from each valley, dung down from each heig Our c ht, ountry and liberty God for the right! GRAND RALLY ON TTIR BATTLE-OROUND OF GERMANTO*N, _ 1. FAVOR OF FREEDOM: PROTECTION: UNION O A r s wilETitz STATES A MASS MEETING OF THE PEOPLE WILL 13Y. 11111:0 00 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, V3OO. The MI Anniversary of the glorious' struggle for liberty at Germantown. Let us remember Medea& of our Revolutionary Sires, led on by Washington, La fayette! and Wayne, and show our appreciation of their virtues on the memorable Sold of their heroism. All who desire to secure THE FREEDOM OF THE TERRITORIES! A BENEFICENT HOMESTEAD BILL ! A RAILROAD T T O I RIFF THE .PACIFIC A PROTEC • ... : . . By arme A of ND HArtu RBOR IMPAOVEMENTS: means the tmehof LINOOLN ! HAMLIN ! CURTIN ! AND DAVIS ! Will assemble on the Battle Field. The meeting will be called to order at one o'clock. Beats will be provided for 3,000 Ladies. Excureion trains will be run during the de* The }Narita ' Vatif, 'oafMOntaomerr, will. a. Chief Marshal. to whom all a-Awakes, Clubs, County and Township Delegations will rePottupon their arrival on the grenade.' Delegatiops intending to bring with them care, V61;01111, and platiorms. with insignia, gropes, or tableaux vivante, emblematic of the .great Invincible truth. of our cause, will please report in ad vance to the Chief Marshal, and take the planes in the dIY light procession that may be assigned to them. A TORCHLIGHT PARADE AND A GRAND DIS PLAY OF FIREWORKS . . Will take place in the evening. The following eminent speakers will pointively be present and address the people: }fon. FRANK BLAIR, of Missouri. • Hon. FREDERFJK P. STANTON, formerly of Ten nessee, now of Kansas. Rom JOHN TEN EYCK, of New Jereey. Hon. TOM OORWIN. of Ohio. .Hon. HENRY WILSON, of Maasaohusetts. Hon. JOHN HICKMAN. of Pennsylvania. Hon. JAM_Es H. CrPRELL A of Pennsylvania. J. eI,PRETTYVA p Esq.. of Delaware. EDWARD 'G. BR FORD. Dm., of Delaware. Hon. Wel. D. KB 'EY, of Pennsylvania. Hop, AN MEW G. CURTIN, of Pennsylvania. Hon. E. OY MOVITS, of Pennsylvania. ROBWIT L. NIA TIN, Pep.. of Pennsylvania. Hon. Wel. PENN N 6 ON of New Jersey. Hon. CHAS. R. TRAIN. of Maassohusetts. Hon. JOHN 00VOD ,of rennailvania. Hon. N, B. BalindE .of Delaware. ,5 0 . W. PIN CKNE E. O. Esq., of Maryland. Dr. WM. ELD R.,0 Pennsylvania. lion. WM. B. MANN, Pe nnsylvania. Pennsylvania. MORTON MciIdICHAEL Rio n of Pennsylvania. Hon. HENRY D. MOOR „ of Penneylvania. Dr. PRANK TAYLOR.Penne WILLIAM MORRIS DAVIS, of Pennsylvania. SOHN NI BROOMALL, of Pennsylvania. Col. EVANILof Maryland. - • Judge MARSHALL of Maryland. MONZGOIdEIbY BLAIR, at Maryland. ALEX. MoQL_ RE, of Pennsylvania. • GEO. A. ONFFEY, of Pennsylvania. Freemen of /malice muster in your mighty num bers, for the do ones o your rignta and the rescue of your country I Come from your farms, your factories, your workelope , your mines . Come from your forge., pour furnaoeei your loome, and your offices! Opine one and all, and &treat your devotion to the true principles of Republican Government I ARISE: YE TOILING MILLIONS! And hurl from power the corrupt !notion that now mis rules and disgracesyour country. Redeem the land from the sway of conspirators and traitors. secur c h ild r en rselves. your children, and your c dren , ' the broad landiof tba West, to erect therein new et&tpli, iii which the sacred right' of Free dom and Humanity shall forever be inviolate. PROCLAIM IN THUNDER TONES! The land Is the ft of a bounteous God, And to labor is word commetida, Yet millions o hands want sores: And millions of sorsa want hands. Keep it before thp People, • The !taborer elairohlll mesa— The right oleo% an dthe right to toil, From spur and bri dle freed. The right to bear, and the right to share, With you and me, my brother. Whatever is given b y my from Heaver:, To one se well as another. The Noll lies fallow, the lands grow rank, Yet idle the poor man stands: Oh guidons of hands want sortie, And millions' dames want bands. Voters of the Fifth district, freemen of - Philadelphia, 111011t1;0111911, ellßlittlYpeitlWlLTS. Rinks, Bucke,Sehuyl. kill, and Lehigh, Feensylvarus expeots that every man this day will do his duty. Charles Henry Fisher, Colonel C, 0, Childe, Charles Witer, Germantown. John, Wood. chatles Itedell. Mark If. Richards, Robert T. Potts, Lloyd :Tones, Montgomery count/. Dr. 'Frank Taylor, E. W. Capron, U. H. Paiute . Chester county.' Y. Swelter, Joshua Eyre, David Ralston. Jeoob Be - " I l atrn aT ltali o n u a n n_ ! ty i3ehuylkilh , Levi Bartholomew. Duets. GeuptvilWm. R. Reim. Birks:. Levi T. flutter. Cyrus NewlinJloward E lis, Wm. H. Rern,_,Harry Co_greirell, Wm . Notch Winter. General F Wm: F. small, Edward N. Hallowell, Fred. Emhart, and G. W. ifammerelY, on behalf of Committee of Ar rangements. - Communications may be addressed to CHARLES H. T. COLLIS, flee,' of Com. • mil 4-0 , M 765 Philadelphia Poet Moe, THE PItESS.-PHLLADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1860, lENtl'UltdViVE COAIPANIES. DELAWARE. IAITTUAL„B4NETY 1.11- auReNoE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATCRE ,Ok , PENNSYLVANIA. 1836. oFFIGE B. V.. ocalmit Tam) Amr. 'WALNUT Streets, Plaladolpsia. MARINA INSURANCE ON VESSELS, CARGO. To all parts of the World , FREIGHT I. ' • ,1" • • • NLAND instßANcEs On Goode, by River, Canals, Lakes , and Land Carriage teall widget' the Union F/RE INSURANCES , On Merebapkgenerally. • . . On Stores. owelling_Honses. tee," ' • . ASSETS OF THE C O M PANY, . „ November 1,1862. Par Market rains. 120,04 Philadelphia City 6S p oent, L0an..1101,050 00 100,603 Pennsylvania State 6 cent Loan. 83,676 00 nets Fennerivama Biate6 cent. Loan._ 21.0 0 0 00 moo U. B. Tresits 651 'tent. Notes and intereadue ---... • ~.. ~ goo gg $30,000 U. B, Truantry 04P' cent, notelp and r interest nue. ~. ...,-__.. • . ~ 2 0 616 ,1 425,000 TemporeryLoan en the Carer Arai:- '-- 1 - • ' delphia.—. -•-, .1.1,01) 00 450,000 Pennsileanla Railroad - fid - WGigsge -- - " 6 ,oent•-i110nd5..,„., • .:,-....-. 4,86001 420,000 North earylvanis Railroad - Mort- Tape 6 Dena Gonda... - •••.,--• , 12,600 DC "l4,oooWast Phil elphisPauenger Failwar - Company, tr , et: convela Bop db,' 12,60000 ODA% 000 shares stook Germantown -Gas Company, intarellt and MinCipal • guarantied by tbe_otty ot Plata- 85,0.100 shores Ponnektuo, Railroad Cote; pany.--. ..... .....-.....—. 8,776 00 86,000,11 shares North Fonnoytonnisftsilroad 442,604 share:Fggiiit - iloiYoti . fiiiiiiiiii‘ Tack:tom T.,..Philede p and itisvannott titoitorAttvitation Corn • ' row - ocean Steam' Navigation comrshm - Philadelphia and Havre de Grace Steam Tow Boat Company, Philadelphia Exahange Company. -.........-e.:— .............• 9,110 00 3415.8 80 ,718 Bonds and Mortgages, and Real Estate, Of- GOB 61 Am, Building-. ...._ ... . . ..... ~ ...... .. 15,565 S 5 Bills reoeivable . for fricuranoes . made . ...„... ... 181,608 62 Balance due at Agencuen--P'rennums on Ma rine POliOlel interest, and other debts due the Compan y.-.-..-_, .. -... • ....... •• • 60.661 5 8 Sprit., and, stook- of sundry ina;Uanoo Vorn panics— -- ..,.--.....—.. 3,260 DO Cash on Deposit in Saiik_.....-.... - 67,060 al 9801,665 ST William Martin. Edmund A. Bonder, Theophilus Paulding, John R. Penrose, John C. Davis, James Tramiel!, James C. Hand, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr. R. M. Huston, George C. Lamer, Thigh Craig Charles Belly, WILMA. Taos. C. HENRY LYLBURN. Ser TN STRANGE 001YIPANV OF THE I N RINE A T N E U P ANCE—LV.A NIAAI , MS R E E X N I DMA E BUILDINGS. Chartered in 1704--Capital Moo,ooo—Feb. 1, 1860, cash value. $458,79277. All invested in sound and available securities—eon tune to insure on. Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Stooks of Merchandise bco.. on liberal terms. DIRECTORS. llenry D. Sherrord, George H. Stuart, Simeon Toby, Farnuei Grant, Jr„ Charles Maeaiester, Tobias Wagner, William S. Smith, Thomatt .13. Written, John'H. Budd. henry G. Freeman, William R. White, Charles S. Lewis, George C. Carton. HENRY' D. SHERRERD,'President. WILLIAM HARPER, Secretary: jeg-wtmtf VXCHANGE INSURANCE COMPANY iii —oelos N 0.409 WALNUT Street. FIRE INOCRItrioE on Houses and Merchandise Ve lene al. rally,,on favorable terms, either limited or DM ni Jeremiah Bonnll, DIRECTonE. . Edward f l. Bober% John T. .inedo, Wm .I. Otntlij, Jodie& Owen, Reubs_ aC. Hale. Thome Marsh, John TrloDowell. Jr , eaml.L. Smedley' Jas. T. Hate, Belle onto. MAUR BONSALL, President. MIN Q. oniftmo, Vies President. EDWARD W. Damn, Peoretarr znh2l int( FIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM PANY.—TIIE PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY, 921 CHESTNUT Sheet. Assets, SWAIM. INSURES LIVES for the whole term of jife—grants annuities and endowmenta—Purohases life interests in Real. Fatah". and makes all °outman; depending on the eontingenoies of Life. Thor not as Executors; Administrators, Assignee:, Trustee:, and Guadiana. • Daniel D. Miller, TRUSTEES. Samuel E. Stokes, Benjamn Coates , William Martin Itiohard 8. Newbold. - James B. MoFatand, William P. Hanker, Joseph B. Trotter. William H. Kern, James Hunan, Samuel C Huey Wheophilas Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Edmund A. &Rider, rry C. Townsend, Daniel Lo Hutchinson, detailing Kent, John W. Boma, William H. Carr, Elbe 8. Archer, P. V. Dation, Samuel J. Christian, Williardßobertson, Joseph 111. Thomas, Warner al. Resin. John G. Brenner. P. K. Mloh er, Satan. DANIEL L. MILLER., President. AM . E. STOKES, Vioo Pres' t. Joan W. 11101trIOn. Beeretarr. suit A MERIOAN FIRE INSIJRANOE CO„ Z . A. INCORPORATED 3/314—CRARTER MENY VAL. No. SIO WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Raving a large paid-np °a to Stook and Bins in vested in wand and available Baouritlea,oon nue to iMITO on Owellingeforel, Furniture, Meru_ andtse, Vessels in Port andthe ir oars Des, and other remittal Property. ALL losses befall, and promptly adjuaW. WRIOTORO. EgiCt rlg. John? ,Lels, Samna t. mortint Dnes R. ampbell. Edmund O. Datilla, Platoon rady. ' lmo M O o h aa. Mt W. Ponitney, _71104 - 11/03 R. MASI& President, matfalf C. Jr, CiadW.FORD. Searetarv. fe2241 QUAKER . OITY INSURANOP COMPA- Liiity " F, Tr A L N Aitilp Elea NO minv kili i i7o.-/runwes all'aic Loss_or .umaga oi: i V, and th ergs of the Bea, /Mud BolgOton An 4 't6 ROE If. T. President. B. 1 1111,:iiilltEreltreina Tromitor, . B. BUTLER, /walnut Beorotarr. DIRECTO E. ritooM, l' ArTo r ly B. l. B n i ornte. meet lOUS. a1...t.r. ' uSt-tt Prge 11. Id. . W3a tte llelh ll li. R. o i Hon. lif. Fuller VIE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE' ' COMPANY 01 PHILADVIELL , - (FIRE INSURANCE EXCINSIVELY.) iroxPANrs atruArNa, vr. CORKED. .voll.arkl AND wALNVT ETRESTA. DIRHOIORS. ILIMII9III BUIL MORDWriIL. DArell. Noßaz, eau. B, DITARN, NAlasto FlLAztEsi • Joint H. BROWN, JOHN M. Woo), B. A. FAHNisNoaa, gam. T. RIMS, MAN" W V. N it&T ORP Rb CHARLES C XE,Benrotary. „fen pIaNKLIN SAVING FfIND, No. 136k t inuth FOUDT.Ii titteet, between Chest nut and walnut. rialadolvhia, IMO all Devout". on demand. Devonitore money neared by Government, State, and City Loewe, Ground Dents, Mort-- give!, &o. Ono ()moony deemeeafety better than }arse ilium" COnitoonently lUD n times th OW tummy, but tore it at a l l ready to return, with 5 vet cent. intetest, to the corner, az they have OWE done. awe Company liner ontepended. Yernaleo, married or single, and Minors, can depopit ID MOW own right, and mob deponteten be withrawn onLir bi their oonisent. Charte d rmehml. inCiorpopStbd tir the state 21Ttomsystaamosittt authority reliatve 1110 W/ f i rlageroa s o r rall inz i RE6EivED. OECD oven ally, Dom 9 to 5 o'clock, and en Wednesday eventel main o'olook. • DLNEO7OXEL Jacob H. Shabuoth • - Orme Cadwallader. t ss een Shindler, George Ruell alaold W. Sloan, Edward T. Hoitt, awls Krgmbhaar, Maury Deism', Nioholan Eatenhogsg, Nathan fimaller, tom R. Hatterthwaite,_ JOlteff Yerkee , Joadph W Lipp!goott, JACOB 11. SHANNON. President. Claims CeinvelLeeex, 'Yammer. se2Y-r EQUAL RIGHTS A DIERIOAN SAVING FUND.--COM panes Building, southeast corner WALNUT and FOURTH Streets. Open daily from g tip o'olock, and on MONDAY till Bin the evening. /hie Ole Inetttution has always paid in full, on demand, enthout no iNT ttee, ERRST PPM PER CENT. Ail =MA taid baoX, on &manikin gold andsilYer, TRURTEEIs. ALEX. oVIIILLDIN, President. SAMIO,. WORK, Vice President., Jo nC . Parr 5 1;:m1.q. 8 POT. George Roberts,° n Mean, miteanm ao lit i . Elaldge, Jai Beoretarr. rannZ SAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN. TER7—NATIONAL SAFETY" TRUBT SOM PANT, W Nll3. Street: southwest earner of Tit/Rib Philadelp Incorporated by the State of Yennsyl ♦ Moneyis received day ny imm, large the mall, apd In terest mud from the of depcoll So day of with drawal. • The aloe is opoo every day frol i tiine o'elook in the rnorpjpg a till Sob o'ol i fe j leg i tile t tevep /island on Monday and " ficr. e dittßY 5381 tilt, President. ROitEnT BELFRIDCIE ,Vloo President WiLLIAK J. "MID. Secretary. • DIRICTOHN an. Henry L, Benner, F. Carroll Brewster, Edward L. Carter, foseeh Barr E T VAtriLitte ,L Tarim Lee, oseph Yerkee v!Landreth Moller James littepnensen. oney is renewed and pa menu mode _ ..r il lg i engts are mop, , o ti onarmay m oritn . &round Rents, anS 3 ettoh &etas roen t gen ag r sr g idal 2 ways insure nerfeet wearily to the depositors, end r i goli z ziNt l f i i,ll to give permanency and stalgarto SAVING} FUND—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, Corner THIRD and CHEST NUT Street. Lem and email rums reeelved, ang _paid bath on de mariolwithout notice, with PM. PUN CENT. INTO REST from the day of deposit to the day 01 *U -70;1110? E nl ir fr al N V il l efr i 4%c-1r day, r and 04 DBAFTB for poison England, /man u, c43 d 9ootlanl . frßlupwarde. ." Rident—STEPHEN R. CILANYFO D, k e ißri EROSENE OR COAL OIL LAMPS.- The immense spoons of WITTER/I 1, CO., No. 36 North EIGHTH Street, in the mcorufacture and sale of Kerosene, or Coal Oil, Lamps, and the extra ordinary quantity of the Justly.celebrated Kerosene Oil void by them. has exalted the jealousy of certainpar ties claiming to be the "only manufacturers' , of Coal Oil Lamps. We have heretofore, and do now, claim to sell a better articte, and at as iota a price, and, ninny eases, much, lower than any house in the trade. Whe ther we hove kept our word we think is fully proven by the fact of the immense sales made to all aeations of the Union. Knowing no South, no North, no East, no West, but giving to all seettona an article of superior work manship, gotten up with the best taste, and warranted, in all eases, to give satisfaction. and we now reassert that we Olin, and do, end will continue to, sell a nape nor artiste of Lamps,CliandelierS4e., together with everything appertaining to the business, as low as can be bought either in Philadelphia or elsewhere, for proof of whioh we invite country merchants and dealers to examine our stook, and satisfy themselves that this is no idle boasting, but stinElef ads, which cannot be con troverted by mere aesertions, "shoe string" to raarrafacorre (notwithstanding the string" business) and sell our lampe as ton , as any other house in the trade. The only olleutiOn : Can ready it We answer, emphatically, Yrs. and are to ' , rout n its in the most satisfactory manner. viz: by aHung at such Pones as will challenge any one to produces the same Articles at a lower price. al Our motto. t , LIVE ANL LET LIVE". • Honesty J industry, and integrity must and will thrive, ins nita °Trite boast of beaten nettles! WFFTF.FH .33 CO. are (coated at street. No h EIGHTH Street. N. E. eorner Filbert Eget floor, Berta Rooms. Wholexale Rooms in the upper• of " and 37 North EIGITH street. se27-tf 411 TION—ORIENTAL DETERSIVE tso4r—vnoontagod by the great and merited suo- Oess o f this article ; several nnprinnipled makers have, closely imitated it in appearance only, and we feel it our duty to notify the public that none is genuine, ca dent our name ce etemped on each bar, auxin /X VAIY alkciErl 4 IIIcIIEVIUs, DIRECTORS. Samuel E. Stokes, .S. F. Peruston, Henry Sloan. Edward Darlington, H. Jonesßrooke, Ejnenoer M'llvaine, Thomas C. Hand, Ronert Burten, Jacob P. J_o,nes, James Bg., iii Farland, John tein: rittpyg, D. B. B e rgen, I A. B. rger, .M A N RTN, President. 1 RND, yzae President. aoretarr. SAVING FUNDS. "A little, but often, Rile the Purse." " A Dollar saved 3 twice earned:, COAL-OIL LAMPS. MEDICINAL. n. 1. 1 O'O.D '-.IIT 00' D ‘ : . . . ALP BLOOD F6Ol/.. - . BLoOp FOOD. ". BLOOD )00D. BLOOD FOOD. ti lt ettention of,' nvulids. phyaiedane, olenryinee, goientilio men, and the priella generally, is respectfully soliolted to the merits, of One chemical preparation. eontaining Iron,,BuluMar.' and Phoephorue, and.vrhich is identical in its composition with the Heertane Glo bule, orredblood, In all diseases accompanied With DEBILITY. • pale emintentinee; and nervousderangement, analyeee of the blood Show a dellaieney of the red globulea, Buda,' complexion and a rosy tint of the always indica tive of health i while a pale, Wax-like skin and counte nance—which evinces a deficiency of the red globules— acomnpantes a diseased organism. Preparatione of Iron have peen given for tbo purpose of supplying the I alone, buls, but we contend that Iron alone Sulphur I or Phosphorous alone,,Will not meet the iculeienoY in every osee, but that a Judicious combination of all these elements is necessary to restore the blood to its norms d istrindard. This p oint, never before attained, has mien reached in thelflood Food. and its discovery ranks as ono of the most tioientifio and important of the I effects in •.,; ago. -19 ,, i uoNSUMPTION .. veto eoften'the cough, brace the Myra, strengthen the eyeten4allay the prostrating night sweats, increase the physioal and mental energy, enrich the bloodby re storing the lacking red globules, increase the appetite, 'restore the color. and cloths the skeleton frame with flesh. The Blood Food will be found a specific in all chronio Diseases of the Throat or Lunge, such as Asth ma, Bronchitis,. Coughs, & c. Publics epeakerir and singers will fi nd it of great utility in clearing and strengthening the vocal organ!, In Dyspepsia. Liver Complaints, Dropsy, Epilepsy, Paralyale. Sorefula, Gravel, fitvvitus Dance, Fever and Ague, &a., its Wh ew is marked and instantaneous. Inno °lase of Mil eages, however, are the beheficialeffeoteof thus remedy a cennionous se in those harassing • • . FEMALE COMPLAINTS to whiCh the gentler sex are liable, and which will tend towards Omusumptiou, such as suppressed or difficult Menstruation. Omen Sielmess, White', &a., especially when these complaints are accompanied with paleness, a dingy hue or pallor of the skin, depression of spirit', debility. palpitation, want of appetite. and . nervous Prostration: We have the utmost oonfidenoe in recom mending. the BLOOD FOOD to all who may be eon mettea l o or f bodily vweryate ene o gy ra a e n th r ou gh whose use, either of the mind or body, and wo deem itpur duty to say that in all oases of Weakness and Emaciation, and in all diseases of the Kidneys or Bladder, this pre paration has a claim upon the attention of sufferers whichcannot be over-estimated. A faithful trial will be found the most eonvinoing moot in regard to its efficacy that could be asked tor.. With the above remarks, and with the numerous testimonials Th e e h [iigs aeti.tfirnoiii we ° fflll= " l4 3 igi i g tWti ' av ' i t fl be acknowledged akpre-emitiont over all other prepa rations, patentor oltielltal, in pelmet usefulness. Cir culars giving the theory upon which this remedy is founded, also certificates' of remurkable aurae will be sent free when desired. We forward the BLOOD FOOD to any partef the United States or Canadas upon re ceipt of pricse-81 per bottle, Sf. for six bottles. Be careful in all oases to take none but that having our fao simile signature upon the wrapper. None other is genuine. Prepared only by CHURCH & DUPONT, No. 409 Broadway, New York, And sold by them. and by DYOTT & CO., d 32 North SECOND street, Philadelphia, and by all respectable W Druggiate. PROF. 0:).13 ,, S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL ef AND BLOOD RENOVATOR Is precisely what its name indioates, for, while Pleasant to the taste, it in revivifying, exhilarating, and strengthening to the vital powers. It also re vivifies, reinstates, and renews the blood in all its origmal purity, and thus restores and renders the system invulnerable to attaoks of disease. It is the only preparation ever offered to the world in a . mother form, so as to be within the reach of all. to chantingly and skilfully combined as to be the most powerful tonic, and yet en perfectly adapted as to act in perfeet accordance with the laws of na ture, and hence soothe the weakest stomach, and tone up the digeettve organs. and allay all nervous nd other irritation. It is also perfectly exhilara ting in its efibote, and yet it .ie never followed by lassitude or depression of spirits. It is composed en ti re ly of vegetables, and those thoroughly com bo:nog powerfully ton to apd soothing properties, and consequently can never injure. Such a remedy has 4 : l _, long been felt to be a desideratum in the medical wi world, both by the thoroughly skilled in medical 0 science, and also by all who have mirrored from de- el billty ; for it needs DO medical skill or knowledge • even to see that debility follows all attacks of die ' ease and lays the unguarded system open to the '1 attacks of many of the moat dangerous to which Q emir humanity' is constantly liable. Such, for ex- ample, as the following Consumption, Bronclutia, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Lee; of Appetite, Faint- 1, . nem. Nervous Irritability, Neuralgia, Palpitation . of the Heart, Melancholy, Hypochondria, Night mi Sweats, Languor, Giddiness , and all that close of oases. so fearnilly fatal if unattended to m time. ,'" called F emale Weaknesses and Irregutarilies. Also, ;"4 Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and Liver Com- e, plaints, Daemon of the Kidneys, Scalding or In continence of the Urine, or any general derange ment of the Urinary Organs, Pain in the Baokande, . and between, the Shoulders, predisposition to slight i 4 'wide, Hopkins and Continued Cough, Emaciation, . Difficulty in Breathing: and, indeed, we might eon morale away more still, but we have epacp only to ' nay, it will not only cure the debility following la And Fever but prevent all attacks arieing from Miasmaticlnfluences and cure the disease 0 at once, if already attacked,' and as it acts directly ly and_peraistently upon the biliary system, arousing g the Liver to action, promoting, in fact, all the ex aretione and secretions of the system, it will inlet . Itbly prevent any deleterious aonsequenges follow ing upon change of climate an water, hence all travellers should have a bottle with them, and all C, should take a table-spoonfig at least before eating, w , As it prevents onstivenese, strengthens the dices- 11 - live organs, it should be in the hands of all persons ri of sedentary habits, students, ministers, literary eg men ; and all ladles not accustomed to much out- ge door exermee should always gas it. If thee , they mill find , an agreeable. pleavant, and e olent remedy against those ills whiett rob them 0 th • , beauty ; for beauty cannot exist wtthOut he. and health cannot exist while the abovetireguldri. ies continue. Then, again, the Cordial is &perfect 2 - Mother's Relief. Taken a month or two before the - final trial, ehe will pass the dreadful yeriod with •ei . perfect ease and safety. There is no mistake about li at, this Cordial is all we etaimfor it. Mothers. ere 14 . And to you we appeal to detect the illness or 0 - deeline, not only of your daughter'', before it be too - late, but alto your sons and husbands, far while • - the former, from false delicacy, often go down to - a prematuregrave rather than let their condition bo known in time, the latter are often no mixed up with the excitement of businees that if it were not for you they, too, would travel in the awe down ward path, until too late to arrest their fatal fall. But the mother is always vigilant, and to you we confidently appeal, for we. are sure your never falling situation will unerringlypoint you to Prof. Wood's Restorative Cordial and Blood Renovator, as the remedy which should be always on band in time Of need. 0. d. WOOD. Proprtetor, 4448r0ad. - ay, New York, and 114 Market street St. Louis, h 10,,• and sold by all good Druggists. Price, One Dollar per Bottle. told here by DYOTT & CO., 232 North SECOND Street, eowd&W-tf ("AK ORCHARD ACM SPRINOS. A-F These Springs are situated in the valley of the Oak Orchard Creek, in the town of Alabama, Genesee co., N. Y., eight miles south of the village of Medina, on the Erie Canal, and fourteen miles from Batavia. It"' The pOnoipal Acid BPringe are three in number • baes these there lire six others. They are all located within a Minna cal about fifty rods. The medicinal Anaßiegel the waters are fully shown In the subjoined lis u ti r Mg or p t i gtri c i e rimt a wy large a moue) Pto ssa at of Iron. The great medtmarviririe'sporrsoess ed be these waters depend very largely upon the pre med, in moll unusual Quantities, of these curative subetapoek /lunette sof owe ofdisease.aspeelaily those result ing from e scrofulous diatberne, have been qured by their use. lee In skin diseases—oven in confirmed leprosy—the waters have been signally suooesstul. Opinions of medical and scientific gentlemen are given in the °armlets. The following eminent gentlemen speak Itistrong terms of the medicinal value of these Alters : Prof„ Emmons, T. Remain Beak, D., of bany; Jas. MoNaughton,hf. D. of Albany ; Edward SPring,, D. of New York; DI. R. Carimbell, l 4 Pitts field, n l / 1 1/1. • Ur..r. B. Bhuler, ot Lockport, N. T., They reoommend ' the waters confidently. Dr. Sprinibiefers to a ease of chronic diarrhea of several years' Alandink, which toas eared by the use of the water. Dr. Deck says, I am caballed that these waters are valuable as medicinal agents." Dr. Campbell nays, Tney must be highly benefimel fOr pit chronic dummies of the stomach and Warta. _pr. B. P. White read a paper on p the,spbJeet of these the fga'g Mtg t hhanignMittrhee oily of deoidedly tome, refrigerant. and astringent proper ties ; and that the oiass or diseases to which they are more particularly adapted. are chronic affeetions of the digestive and urinary armee, sad some of the cutane ous effseases • chronic dysmeta ;. chronic diarrhea; chronic dyeen'tery ; chrome au:reels; chronic cystitis; di abase ; cases of passive hemorrhage, such as Purpu ra hem orrhassca. and the collo:mauve sweats of Beano Fever. The Water may also be often used with ad vantage, be save. in oases of iota Myhoid fevers, ifi eonvalescenee front protracted fevers, us cameo the ap. setae and promote digestion in dierthcees.partioulorlY CIA all are deperdent on a relaxed or ulcerated State or the mueoue membrane, ' of the intestines. In oaten lous affeettons, or Ytthiasts attended with phosphatic, sediments, it is the suitable remedy, being preferable to inuriatio eon], es being more solvent and less apt by continued use to disorder the stomach. In febrile &s -ettee/4.a can by used properly diluted, as a refrigerant to dimi aish thirst andpreternatural heat. In skin Ma mma—ln those forrns of drapepsla oenneotod with an alkaline condition of the stomach, as in Pyrosis, or vra ter-brash, it will prove better than hydrochloric acid. In cases of CdNcayietonism, end other injurious con seqnsnoes arising from the action of lead, this water will prove to be an admirable antidote. In chronic Pharyngitis, /aryngits, chronic mucous catarrh, and humid asthma, c hronic onAthaltnia (eater ally) as o gargle in Ulcerated Sore throats, in ounce of sali vation, and in letworrhea and Fleet ; and also faystee. When taken internally, a wins-glassful_ef the Water, dilated, taken three tunes a day, is sufficient for an adult. Other testimonials from physicians, and ether re speetable ladrviduals, may be aeon on application to the Agent. Dealers supplied on liberal terms. No Walsr amine unless irocarett from . 11. W. BOSTWICK, Sole Atm.!, No. 574 BROADWAY, . . - New York. For Sale at the following Agenoiee: FREDERICK BROWN'S Drug and Chemioal Store. Northeast corner of FIFTH. and CHESTNUT Streets. _ Ales for kilo at FREDERICK BROWN, ht.'s, Drug (lheatioal Store, Continental Hotel, corner or NINTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia. The Tr.. annulled at Wholesale Prises. ravl2-awry AIACRINERV AND IRON, PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKB.—NEAFIE & LEVY, t i fft L T EI E SII i Ia I iS A , } A ' ll6l l 11 g and FOUNDERS, having, for many ream, been in successful operation, and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tanks, Propellors, dro,, &0,, respeotfully offer their serv.oes to the publio i as being fully prepared to contract for Engines of al sizee. Marino, River, and Stationary , having sets o paterns of different sizes, are pre area to execute or ders:with amok despatch. Every description of Pattern making made at the shortest notice. 'fish and Low Pressure, Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the ir bee d t k P itliTLYril laßncdhiroa f all l a i rl24tOl ; ol 4 Worikoti t iiii: ; Jodi Turning.. oarew Cutting, eau au other worm ourn fleeted with the above husitiels, .11mwingi and speoifications for all work done at then estabiithment, free of charge, and work guarantied. The subsonbers have ample when - Soak room for re pairs of boats, whore they can lie in perfect safety, and aye provided with shears, blocks, 'alio, eco., /coo for raising heavy or light weights. JACOB G. NEAFIE, JOHN P. LEVY. BEACH and PALMER streets. santsur. v. lIIIMRIeg t 3. VAirallill ntaanisx WILLIAM I. rummer, SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFWM AND WABIIIIIGTON sweEEtra. PEIIT. aumittok - a, • stays,. ENNINEERS AND MACILIciISB, MAnuraoturo Hush and Low Yreeaure HtealA Engines, for Land, Riser , and Manna serene, g o . n Beata' &o .; Cub" ro o / a rap d m: R .t 7El for Vas Works,Work akoJs, Rail Retorts and Gas Maohinery of the latest and 111011 in trs!vedoonatracno zter7 deeerintioc Ftentarion Machinery, Binh as flogar,l3ow, and Gnat aline, Vaouurn Pam Open Stoma Trains,•Delociators, Filters, Pumping Enace, he.. Sole ),gents for N. Rdheux'a Patent-oast Bodir4 Appall; Ifasmyth's Patent Stearn amniati and Ammar, les Vfolsoy's Patent Oontrifsgal dagar Drain tris ma. leo. asn-s POINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY, No. 95.1 nu4on Street. Koneingtoa, Ahr H. 211,1ffit informs Ins friends that, having par hased the entMstookof Patterne at the above FOllll- orY, he to now prepared to reeelve order, for Rolling, Grist, and Flaw Mill Crieringe, Soap, Chemical, ant , Houma Work, Gearing. Ceatinge made, from Rever beratory og Cupola nutmeg, in dry or green rand, or beim. 44 FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM SOALES for sale by FAIRI3ANICB h EWING, 12.12 1 • 71 6 (111FHTNIIT Ntreqt. Yhiln. B°llA 2l refined, in cases and barrels .800 D for owe. WETHERILL k BROTHER, 47 and 49 North SECON Rt. SWEIVC OIL, in quarts and pints, for P 4-7 sale. WETHER.ILL BROTIIE R. 64410 47 and 49 Nnrth H 1 CON JAVA OOFFEE.-1,000 pockets prime Jeva Coffee, for sale by JAMES GRAHAM & CO.. LET' 'PI A ANNISEED--4 casks Italian for sale. WErlit RILL BROTHER, $4llO 47 and 49 r(rtf. PEN) T) Pt. LARD OIL,-50 Bbls, Extra No 1 Lard Oil, in store and for sale by ROWLEY. ABIIOI RNER. & CO. No, 16 Routh Wharves. 8.128 Ati CAM OF BRED LEAF TOBACCO ‘ , . 02.5.t i r n store, and for sale ' l6s. B. HArisox & co. REFINED SUGAR.-1,000 Barrels LO- A- ,1 1. VERING'S Crushed, coarse and toe pulverized. MO ()Coffee, and refined renew Buser, fat gals Ma AIWA 0/LAHA/11 LETULA street rbircatTloNAl,. PRIVATE TUITION,—A Recant Grath"- as of Harvard College, 11Ingssoliusetti, now our= saint his professional studies, wishes to take one or two Pupas to prepare for College, or to instruot in English Studioa. - Reform:Wee: Taineo WeilkOr, D D.. and O. Felton, LL.D.. Cambridge, Mass.; Wm. B. Purnesi,l).D., and Oharletrifttort, Esq.. Phtitulelphia. Address." E. F.." .13dx 808 Poet Moe FriIOMAS.BALIAIN'S ENGLISH. MA .TREMATIOAb. and CLASSICAL SCHOOL, for Boys. B. ,E.• corner of BROAD and ARCH, re-open Septembei 001 -12 t. MESDAMES OBEGARAY AND WIER NILLY respectfully inform their friends and the Ono that they have removed their Boarding and Day tichool for YouncLudies from Loganikuare to Nom 1627 and 11129 SPAUOI; Street. PuPile from five years of age upward prepared for the fourth plass. .112641 m VREEIAND INSTITUTE—A BOARD -ING BOROOL. FOR YOUNG iliF.N.—This insti tution Is located in a delightful, thealttir i and retired part of the country, twenty-four relies northwest of Philsdelchis, two hours' ride from the city accessible by Norristown railroad and 'teem Mae a say. Next salmon opens October 22d. • For mronlara, address R. A. HIJNINORER, Principal, nen-tear Ferkiomenraidge, Montgomery Co_ pa, IptItYANT, STRATTONot FAIRBANKS' IL. MERCANTILE COLLEGE, B. E. corner SE VENTH. and - CHEBTNUT Btre ett—Don and .E•ornias Sessions, - hutioiduat instrection in Bookkeening, oluding_G nue rat•Wholesala And, Rata' I Business, Mon- Ping. Forwarding and Commission, Banking, hlanufaotntinge ,Rahroedinge Meetnhnati'pg. &c,, the iuost thorongh and- pratticai coarse-In the United Mates. Also, Leotores, Comrnerolel Catania- Cone. Anthmetio. and -the higher Modem oties, Pen manship (beat in the city). Correspondence &o. For male, their new Treatise on Bookkeeping, beauti fully nrinted in colors, and the best work published. QAUNDERS , INSTITUTE, - A3' THIRTY-NINTII AND MARKET STREETS, PRILAD_ELPHIA.' Professor E. D. gnUDIDEIU3 & CORTLAND SAUN DERS. A. M., PriemVs Ron. W.T. ER. Clearfield; M Min. MoKIDDIN, Esq., of the Mernhants' Rotel, Philinlelphis.; Ron. .1. W. FORNEY. of The Press ; Ron. N. B. BROWNE, Mauch Chuck—all of whom have ono boarding in Philadelphia; Rev. R. WESTBROOK * D. D., of the P. Ei .ninion; Hon. J. W. MAYNARD, illiamsport ; .1. 1. - EDIF,N ING., Eta.. Suet. and En i _gneer of the Lehigh Coal mil Navigation Comp'y; and Hon. ABA PACKER, Saunders , IhstPutewill give their friends who may he looking for a safe, thorough, and pleasant aohool any information desired respecting this seminary. , A grove and lawn of EIOHT ACRES are attached to the Institute for seolusion, recreation, end physical ex ercise. The terms for a session of,five monthe, counting from the day Of•admismon, are 1175 for day-boarding Dlintle, 0100 for pupils Who spend Saturday and Bandar at home. and 81.33 for pupils remaining constantly No extra charges. Payments in advance. aug9:6w ITALIAN, FRENCH, AND LATIN, by E. T. 1 3 / a II:CALM, pe2o 1323 SINE. Street. THE MISSES OASEY & MRS. BEEBE'S English and 'French Boarding_and Day School, for Young Ladies. No. 1703 WALNUT Street, will be reopened on 'WEDNESDAY, September= selclui ENGLISLI AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL. —Thei sehool of the trubsoriber, in Shims' Building, DESTN /IWO, above Twelfth, will re-open on MONDAY, the 17th of September. nel3-tf CHARLES SHORT. SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN AND Boys, N. E. Cor. EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Streets. Book.keeptng. Langua ges, Mathematics. Drawing. &o._ Boys received at any age. F. DONLEAITY LONG, Erinoipal. se3-1m • YOUNG LADIES' BOARDING AND JR- DAY SCHOOL. Rev. JAMES I. HELM'S Boarding and DEW School for Young Ladies. 1525 WALNUT Street, wall be reopened September 12th. null-stnw2m HARRIET BROWN WILL REOPEN Her SCHOOL FOR GIRLS on the N. W. corner of FILBERT and JUNIPER Streets. opposite Penn Square. on 10th of ninth month, (Bent.) • en774w* CLASSIUAL INSTITUTE. DEAN STREET. below LOCUST. The duties of the Classleal Institute will be resumed Monday. September S. J. W. FAIRES, A. M., au27- Yrineipal. HISS M. W. HOWES HAS REMOVED he r sohool for young ladies to 1524 CHESTNUT street. and will reopen on Wednesday, Septemberl2. fop boarding pupils will be received. For maulers, =entre above , or at the Presbyterian House, 1334 and 1336 Chestnut atreet. au2l4w VENN INSTITUTE, SOUTHEAST CIOR. -a. HER THIRTtENTH and FILBERT Streets. re opens MONDAY, September ed. Four more pupils will be admitted. Catalogues sent to any address. au2l-ff R. STEWART. Prineipel. CENTRAL INSTITUTE, TENTH AND SPRING GARDEN Streets. will reopen Septem ber 3. BOIS prepared for any Division of the Publio Grammar Sohools, for Colleges, or for Business. au2o-6w. R. G. MoGUIRE, Prinoipal. MR. WINTHROP TAPPAN'S BOARD ING and DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES No, 1727 VINE street, near Logan Square, will RE-0 1 1 , EN on WEDNESDAY, Bgptemberl2th . Ciroulare furs shed on application. ISS LUCY R. MAYER and Mrs. R. JAR- M. 'BIRD will reopen their sehool for young la dies, at No. 1010 SPRUCE street, on MONDAY, Sep- Seniber 17. 4 ausl-2m BUSINESS CARDS. NEW ORLEANS (LA.) PICAYUNE.— JOY. OOE. & Co. Have been appoknted sole agents in Philadelphia for this extensively circulating paper, of commanding in fluence. Business men are advertising in the beet news papers of city and country, Wee Whose of .10Y,_COE, A. GO., Advertising Agents, PI.PIII and 01-I.BSTNBT Streets. Philadelphia ; Tribune Buildings, New York, segil-tf MATHEW BROOKS,: MAN UFACTURIaI, on CAMPAIGN UNIFORMS. In every variety of colons, No. 139 North THIRD Street. apposite Cherry. Philadelphia. • HORACE SEE, MECHANICAL ENQINEER, and PATENT ATTORNEY, No. 114 South SIXTH. (Nearly opposite the County Court Homed Prepares Specifications, Drawings, ho., and transmits all other butane's connected with the obtaining of Let tere Patent Machinery Designed and Drawings mule. ap2thand* R. OORSON, REAL ESTATE BRO. • HER AND CONVEYANCER, NORRISTOWN, Pommy/nolo. FARMS STORES, MILLS , and HOTELS FOR SALE in Montgomery, Books, Chester, and Delaware Counties, varying from 10 to 200 acres, in good looalibee. Forgone applying will be shown properties free of °lw o. nds and Mortgages negotiated at fair rates. HAND SOME RESIDENCES for gale an florrlottrra, Potts town, and intermediate places. For Cataloaues and fu,l desoription, address R. R. CMON, iy2l-Cm Norristown, NICHOLSON, ur • Manufaoturer of SHIRTS. LINEN and MARSEILLES BOSOMS AND COLLARS. A -large and choice assortment, and WELL Nana, always on nand, unto which I partloularly invite the attention of crow and prompt-paying MORT-MU bertl. S.F.. Corner of SECOND and ARCH Streets, Phila delphia. au7-3En. FIIGUET dt SONS, kif IMPORTERS OP HAVANA CIGARS, No. 216 South FRONT Street. Receive yeaularly a full aaeortment of deeirable Of 0 ARIL which they offer at low ratan. for club. or ap proved credit. pAwsoN it NICHOLSON, BOOKBINDER% NOB. $l9 AND AWLnREER, Bot-ateati Mstket an d Clivitina titraetf. JAMES PAWSON. , tninr Iv. LIM B, NICROLION WAGNER JEIVIION, zo , s ATTORNEY AND COIII , IBRLLOR-AT-I.AW, Office. No. 116 South SIXTH. Street. (Opposite Independence Square.) BI the aid of reliable Attorneys, at different points in the United States, is, enabled to prolamine and collect olsims of evert descriptton. Particular attentionivren to the examination and re- Oniony of the claims of Legatees and Davisees,.and the examination of Land Titles and sequins the interests °Melts and all persons Interested in the same, in all parts of the Union. Has the Statutes of all the States and is Commiuloner for most of them. ' Depositions easefully taken ander Commissions. anll-em J. BAYLLS T/lONTAS• ATTORNEY-Alk-LANT, Rea rnmoved Ma office from No. 923 Arch street to 4.0 WAriN UT Street. , Particular attention given to the recovery of Maroon tde Maim% I:he drattang and eXamination of Wills, Conveyances, Aesigttmefits, Briefs of T,itlo, and other inatruments of Writing. The management of Executor stops, Admimetratoralupe, and Trusts, impenntended; and. the beet ;macrame procured for the permanent in vestments of Money. Satisfactory reference given 'when required. ,tool-sm* SHIPPING. -FOR THE 8013111.—OHARLF8- 110 Ti AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIPS. FREIGHT' REDUCED. Heavy Freight at an aver of V/77110( pet sent. Ye law New York Steamship a nte s. FOR CHAIM .BTON, 11. 0, The U.S. Mall Steamehtp KEYSTONE S7ATE, Cap tain Charles P. Marshmanmll sail on Wednesdayaot. B. at 10 o'olook A. M. Whrough In 59 to an hount—only 50 Nitre at Soa. FOR SAVANNAH, GA. The U. 111. Mall Steal:ague STATE OF SIEORRIA, Captain John J. exmin. win sail on Saturday, Sep tember 29, at 4 o'clock P. M. Digt , /n:1 I:nears—only t * hears at Sea. y r eceived , om and Dills ts aver, five days. loads and Dills of Lading signed every olen day. • The did AntLelass eide-wheal Steamshlee REY STONE aVITE and STATE OF GEORGIA now ran as, above every ten days thug forming a five-day column nutrition with Charles ,o n and Savannah, and the booth and Southwest. • At both Cherie/tau and Savannah, these Ships con nect with oteamere for Florida, and with railroad", .20., for all plages In toe FAnitit and Southwest. INSURANCE, sht7et h atiA n rillTe u til ` n ' l el :CV eiN's r e e slnVe' than by sailing vase's, the ^roinigns being one-half the rato, ;• N. B.—lreuranse en all Railroad Freight Le entirely anpeoessarf, farther than Charleston or Eavatmati, the Railroad Companies taking all risks fsoin these points. OREA'.2 REDUCTION IN s'ARF.. Fare by this routo will 40 per cent. oraper th coke the Inland Root's, seen by the ollowadale. Through tickets nom Philadelph via arlee ton and Savannah steamship*, INOL IMING al LS on the whole route, except tuna Uharlosten sus f Savan nah to Montsomery VIA CHARLESTON. VIA SAVANNAH.. To Charlesrun-..-315 00 To Savannah.- -.. $U 00 3148 kurg 4— gg .Atlanta —. 21 00 At l a n ta ._... r— -21 00 Montgomery -... 25 00 Omahas— _ 00 fa.OlElO.-. 35 00 00 New Orleana.„-. 39 76 ontromery-- 25 10 NoshVIIIO-----. 27 75 Subtle .............. 35 70 Knoxville- -- 25 60 New ()Roans-- 39 76 9110 Fare to Savannah, via Charleston....—..--- 16 86 Charleston, via Savannah-- —. • 11 00 No bills of lading signed alter Hinman. tuta For freight or passage apply on board, at second wharf ahoy* Vine street, otto ALFA. HERON. CO, No. 126 NORTH WHARVES. Agents in Charleston, T, a. & T. G. BUDD. avannah, HUNTER HAMAIELL. For Florida 3o from Onarloston, steamer CATO;II2% every T t' e ri7 l Vl . orida from Savannah, stsarnera St.' MISTY'S and It, John's ever, Tuesday and Saturday. THE BRITISH AND NORT: AMERIOAN ROVAL MAIL STEAM FROM ?ISM TONI TO ZIVSAPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage tiooond Cabin _ _ ynom BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. . . . . Chief Cabin Passage.. ........—.-- -....5119 Second Cabin Pa55ag_e.......—.......,.._ 6 0 The ships from New York °all At Cork MATOr. The ships from Boston call at _Halifax and Cork Bar bor. PRSIA, Capt. Judkins. (CANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt..). Stone. AMERICA, Cpt. Moodie, ASIA ' Capt. E. G. Lott. NIAGARA Capt Anderson AFRICA, Capt. Shannon, EUROPA. CapP..T. Leitch. SCOTIA, (now building,) These vessels carry a clear white light at mast-Lead ; green on starboard bow; red on port bow. ARABIA, Stone, leaven lioston l Wednesday, Sept 6 AFRICA, Shannon, " N. Yogi Wednesday, ilea. 17 AMERICA, Moodie, " Boston, ' Wedneaday, Sept. 19 ASIA, Lott, ' " N. Yorg,WOdnesday, Sept. 26 w CROFA, Littlo " Boston. wednestlar, Or; 3 PERSIA, Judkins, " N. York% Wednesday, Sept. 30 Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these slues will not be accountable for Gold. Salvor, Bullion. Specie. Jewelry, Precious Stones orMetals, unless bills of laden are Envies( therefor and the value thoroof then n expressed. For freight or pas sagiapply to E. OUNARD, 6 SoWlill6/trer York.. TRY ' TRY, TRY, 726 GIRARD AVENUE. • T° B i aIi 3 . I" III.3VVOORS, AND RH.OTTERR, Window Framea and Door Frames. 06VViilt* WALCH !ALEX plarAliCT/ON. FITRNESS,.BRINLEr& 00i. • . Na. 499 MAR EITR zT„.„ SALE OF 190 LOTS NEW igyyZ NNL/ 818, , BON_ ,8 On Fdday morning, oot. eth. 160 tote No. 10 now-stile plain, broohe. Seared, embroidered, and, stripe poen de sole bonnet ribbons. ALL WOOL PLAID Loire SHAWLS, • (For city ttade,) 800 new style all wool plaid long etiawle. Also. 900 dozen Paris pique start bosoms. . SALE OF ITEM , / GOODS. On Friday Morning, Ootober 5, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on Ws months' credit. 500 packages and lets 'of fanny and atalde French dry goods. ST SaMplee arranged for examination, with oata lora es, early on the morning of este. AT F. PANOOAST; AUCYPIONKER., Suc• coetwr to B, SCOTT 4 J2... 431 CHESTNUT Bt. POSITIVE SALE OR AMERICAN)AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS, ERIBROIDERIi.A TRimmities, MILLINERY GOODS, JEWELRY, kc• Tua AIOI7IIOK. Qot. 8, by' catalogue, on a credit, eorrunenoing at 10 o' look premeoli i lugludedWill found ' ' A lull and des irable asaortment . of seasonable goods, well worthy the attention of the trade. Included will be found viz : EMBROIDERIES. A full lino of rich new gityle embroideries, just lauded. Consisting In part of— laconet and oembrici Qoilers and 'nets. infants' me dium to high cost robes and waists, embroidered and hemstitched handkerchiefs, atoll. and wide „flouncing, blinds, edging, and inserting. LACE COLLARS. Also, an invoice of trtalteee, Koniton and thread lace °alarm. HON NET RIBBONS. • • „, 'Cartons rich new fall style ponit de sole plaid, figured, and aoild col ore bonnet ribbons. FLOWERS AND FEATEPIL Fall style Paris artificial fiowere. Blank and fanny ostrich slurries. Sob. TRIMMINGS. An invoice of dress trimming ribbons, fringes. cords, buttons, tassels, 80. JEWELRY. Also, the stook of a jeweler declining business, em bracing a full and complete assortment of fine watches and Jewelry. MILLINERY GOODS, Also, rich high. colors black silk bonnet, velvet, fan ny bonnet mike. Alen, 600 pieces blank and colored plaid book muslin& White and blank elik jonned blinds. Mao. a line of medium to wide EfuoilY ethane, woollen thread lace. • VEILS. COIFFURES. Also, lateet.Paria etyle Week k lace veils and coil. furee. NorioNg. niAlso, bead cootie, neoklacee, bracelets, out beads, bn tone, combs, tapes, bindings, dm., &o, SALE OF GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. By order of the Sheriff. On Thursday Morning, Oct. 4th. at l 0 o'clock, will be Bold, the stook of a gro cery and liquor More, (101181stil3g of the Ininal assortment of line liquors, teas, KTOOOII.IB, Ito. BTOCK Or A BOOK AND'STATIONERY STORE. On Thursday Mornin. At n woo*. br catologue, the etook of a book and stationery store. to close the business. Included will be found— • • - The usual anoraneot of new and desirable hooka, a terse quantity of stanonery, fancy articles, & o , which Will be found well worthy the attention of t o te trade. FIRST LARGE SPECIAL BALE OF GERMAN TOWN FANCY KNIT GOODS, - SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, 110811sItY. &r. FOR'. THE FALL OF On Priday Morning, Oot. 5, by catalogue, on a credit, commencing at 10 o'olook premeely, 07' Catalogues and samples ready early on morning of sale, LARGE SALE OF RIOEILY-FRAMED OIL PAINT IN GE, OVAL, AIANTLE, AND PIER. MIRROR 2 Ica., &a. On Monday Morning, Oat. Bth, commencing at 10 o'clock. far Co'motion arranged for examination, with rate looms, on Friday, oth inst. PHILIP FORD & CO., AIJOTIONEERS, No. 430 hiARICE7? Street, and 541 MINOR !Street rO6ITIVE BALE OFBRLOOre OASES BOOTS, SHOES, GANS. On Thursday Morning. October 4, at 10 o'clook precisely, will be sold, by. catalogue, on 4 months' credit. 1,000 rages men's. boys ; and youths' calf. kip, grain, and think boots , brogans, gaiters, and Oxford ties. Women's, misses'. and children's goat, morocco, and kid boots, looting gaiters. kid slippers. Also, a full assortment of oity•made boots. shoes. and gaiters. The attention of Boot and Shoe buyers is particularly invited. RGoode open for examination with catalogues early on morning of sato. $l2/1 NEW YORK. SALE BY AUCTION OF A VALUABLE DRAMATIC LIBRARY. J. SABI' & CO . Auctioneers, Corner of FOURTH Street and LAFAYETTE Place, one door scat of Broadway, New York, Will sell .on the Bth of OOTOBhR next, and eleven following days, the very extensive and valuable DRAMATIC LIBRARY Of the late WM.R. BURTON.Xsq., the eminent Comedian. The collection comprise. an immense assemblage of Books re:ating to the Stage ,including interesting speci mens of the natty English Drama, ex.:meting in extent any collection that has aver been submitted to tee pub liq competition. commencing with the earliest dawn Of Histrionic) Amend brought down to the present time. Among these will be found the first four Folio Shake pewee. and seventy other editions; also, about 1,100 vole. of Shaksperian—an unrivalled collection of Books of Wit and Humor—a complete Series of the History the Stage, containing Musioaageaata, etc. Old English Poetry of the ..F.lizabethan Era, including all the Co temporaries of Sldispeare. Indeed, the Collection is at once magnificent and unique, and offers to buyers a rare assort - unity of colleoting Books not to be obtained except in the dispersion of 'private collections. The Catalogue, which comprises nearly SOO pagem is now ready. and may be had of the Auctioneer, or at pager! South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. J. SABtli & CO. give special attention to the Bale or Books. Paintings, etc., for which their faailYies are un surpassed. Consirnmente solicited. ge291t0c346. IN THE DISTRICT' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY DP PHILADELPHIA. Swain lc Abell, surviving partners, Aa.. vs Chas. Koehenmerger. Alias vendttioni exPonas. Septem ber Term, 1860. No. 841. The auditor appointed to report distribution of the fond arising from the Sheriff's sale, under the above writ, of "All that certain lot or, place of ground, with the oultdines thereon erected, situate at the southeaek corner of. , Broad and Wallace streets. in the county of Philadelphia commencing at the southeast corner of Broad and Wallace sweets, and thence extending southwardly along the east line of said Broad street forty feet to a point; thence emits-aid'' , along the north line of ground now or late of Mark Haldeman. on a line parallel with Wallace street, eighty-two feet to a pow; thence northward alongnhe west line of groupd granted or intended to have been granted to John Eckstein, on a Imp parallel with said Broad street, forty feet to a point; thence westwardly along the south line of Wal lace streeteighty- kwo feet to theplace of beginning," will attend to the ditties of his appointment on W EDP EBDAY, October 10, MO, at four o'olcok, F.M., at his office, No. 680 Walnut street, when and where all persons interested are required to present their Maims, or be debarred frcm coming in upon said fund. ae2o 10t 9410MA8 J. DIEHL. Auditor. PSTATE OF ABRAHAM. MITORELL, Deooased. Whereas Letters of Administration of the estate of ABRAHAM MITCHELL, damns. d. have been granted by the Narrater of PM's for the otty and county of Phtladelpira, to the nntleraigned, all persona having claims against the said estate aro requested to make known the name to, and alt ',arsons indebted to the said estate to make im mediate_ payment to ALLEN MITCHELL, Administrator. No. 025 SPRUCE Street, Or to his attorney, ISAAC MYER, Ja., No. 260 South FIFTH Street. NOTION .—All persons indebted to the estate of WM. JOHNS, late of Woodbury. Nev Jersey, on bond, book Burnout, note, or otherwise. aro reauested to make immediate payment, and those having demands to present them for settlement to EDWIN A. Executor, N. corner FOURTH and ARCH. Yhtladelphta, Sept. W. 1860. se2a-Ne6t* PIANOS. pm PIANOS ! PIANOS ! ! PIANOS !I PIANOFORTES 111ELObEONS, PIe,NuEORTES, MELODEONS. Made by Raven, Bacon, It Co., Nunn & Clark, Hallett, Davie, & Co., and (Ahern. J. B. GOULD, .• n7l{-11 , SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. limpl STEINWAY & SON'S NEW PA TENT OVER-STRINO GRAND PIANOS. SQUARE. GRAND. AND SQUARE, PIANOS, now preferred in noneertzt and in private pirates by the beet ye rformers.eoeived the first premiums over the beet makers, from ledges late Gottschalk. Mason, and others. Challenge all competition. Imam RROTHERS, do-ty 1004 CRE,ITNUT Btreet. WWIIIAXR BROS. , OVERSTRUNG PATENT-ACT lON PIANO FORTES, "Cheapest First-Class Planes made." .1 1 , splendid sagortment of Louie XIV., sad other styles. for sale at Factory Cash Priam and warranted fora jeans, ft econthhaud Pianos for sale and to real, GEORGE L. WALKER, B. E. Cor, of SEV&I4TR and ARCH St. PRINCE & CO.'S Improved MELODEONS. from 3411. nown.ed ivl4.2m STOVES: onow STOVES! STOVES!! JAMES SPEAR, he. 1116 nIARKET STREET. s prepared to meet the wants of the more completely in all the details of the Stove trade than any other establishment in Philadelphia. in proof of which fie inv followingPAß 4.TIVE Examination The are among his own popmar intentions, several of Which have already obtained a national repu tation as surpsesing in excellence and economy any oilier Bove' in use. JAMES SPEAR is the Inientor and Patentee of the Improved Gas burning Cooking Steve , acknowledged to be the best Stove for family use in the world. JAMES SpEAR is the Patentee of the celebrated 6.35-consuming Cooking Range, now rapidly coming into general use. .11a JAMES SPEAR is the Pritente of the Improved Sit roes Air- tigbt Oas-oonsuminf ;nor Stove. JAMES SPEAR is the Inv for of the Improved (Patented) Ornamental Stogie - Urn, whirls, from its beauty and utility, is likely, this season. to be univer sally adopted. JAMES SPEAR is the Pr-lentee of the Labor, Fuel. and Comfort-saving Ironing Pan. JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor and Patentee of the celebrated Railway-oar Heater. JAMES BPEolt is the Inventor of the Improved Fire-board Stove. For all of the above the Inventor very inetly claims advantages whirls require but to be understood by the Public, to he universally appreciated and preferred to any other articles of that oleos in the market; and he would hereby extend a cordial invitation to all persons in want of Stoves to °all and examine for themselves. Parties wishing to examine will have every attention shown them, whether intending immediately to chase or not. Be THE OELEHRATED• ROYAL COOKING STOVE is the best, anti most'pouo lar Cookies' S!ove in the market. It is made either with or without gas-berms— fixtures. Manufactured and for sale by NORTH, CHASE. & NORTH, Foundry Ware-rooms, 209 North SECOND Street, THE FIERY STAR GAS.BURN LNG AND RADIATING PARLOR STOVE to the beet end moat economical Heating' Stove. Manufactured and for sale by NORTH, t;HARI:, & Norm, Foundry Ware-roams, 209 North SE COND Street. OUR NEW GAS-BURNING BASE k STOVE le the most eonomioal Stave of the kind, suo'' and much more durable than the Oae-burners N v oqUlll ll , oitHi u . ra ninit a y n VVVr a ZA 209 North SECOND Street, ee29 tf EXPRESS COMPANIES. ampwTHE ADAMS EXPRESS C0.,01800 320 CHESTNUT Street, forwards Paroeb, Boohoo's, Alerchandme, Bank Notes, and Bpooio, either by its own Linen or in connection with other Express Companion, to ell the principal towns and cities of the United Staten. GonE TB SuANnDFtOrRDm t. PHILADELPHIA TERRA COTTA MA NUFACTORY BEVENTH and GERMANTOWN road and 1010, VEFITNUT Street. Vitrified Drain and Water Pipe) entilating Fines, Hot A ieFlnes, and thoka Flues matb b qf Terra Gotta, and of suitable rose for every ohms dlWidths& Whie artiole is worthy the attention of all lout:les putting. no braiding& Large size sewerage pipes for arty drainage, water pipes war ranted to stand a severe pressure. We are now prepared to contract with oities or aersorationo for t hin arti O ie any quantity. We warrant our goods to be equal if not superior to any other made in the United States or p 4.11 , M rone. Ornamental Chimney trove and Garden -tf lEt 0118'-3 480 Gallons Extra Bleached OIL, 2, 1 C0 do. do. do. Whale Oil, 8,640 dO. nicked do. Oil. 4000 do extra No. 1 Maohiaery .2,420 do, tlelined ()Tensing Oil 4012_d0. Gas Oil , in store and for sale by HOWLNY, .6.SFIBURNMit, tr, Lo„ No. la Booth Wharves. • ' sen CARDAMOM SEED, MALABAR-1 caso y oo for WETHERILL BROTHER • 41 and , l9 North REOOND fUItNT UMBERT-Ground.,pnxe in Oil, for sale bLYPETERAILL &,BROTatn, 4 'rind 49 ninth tat Ala BALMS BY ArcTION. NM THOMAS & Nor. . • Nog . 139 and 1411. South FOURTHS treat. (Formerly M ao,l nod LARGE SAGE OF SUFERJI:JR FURNITURE. SU pEllyoit FIRE-pROOF uu'EST. BY HERRING FINE FRENuIt PLATE , ANTS, SUPERIOR ROSRWOOD PLANO FORTEBi D 5 Aro BED . DING , FINE BSUEIebuR.VEL T, AND OTHER CA RPETS, PAR! OR BILLIARD TAB LE,, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. km • • ' - CARD.—Our pale tautening-morning at the aunt on Mori!. will COMPPINO, beagles .00 lota et inneetter fuenitllre.ll:downed piano bides, funnier tigteye9a table,. parlor billiard table, mutation fireproof a, made by Farrell & -Herring, large ageortment of-one velvet, flruomile, mg -other oargets, China and clan ware. twee and headman, aco., forming the moat &Urea,- five assortment offered thin . season, and worth [ the git tengson of ladles, and lathe.. deturowt of purohamag, . Cataiogue. now ready', and the article. arm& NI for alarm nen. STOKS Aig , ' S/I, SALES 'AT TH O E EX ILA OE, RVE T RY ITESDA i A During the business season In July and August oral oeuasional sales. Handbills of eaoh property issued Separately, it addition to whiok we publish on the Baturdsy providas to eaob sale,. one thousand . ostalognea, in pamphlet form, givtaXill descriptions of all the property to be sold on the (rem' Tuesday. • CA R 11. r Bales of • real estate and stooks - a the Exehaufe will hereafter be held at U o'olOot noon ; and, In the evetung. at t, °look. it Contributor' have the option_ of either sale, REAL ;ESTATE AT PRIVATE sete, ssr. We have a large amount of real estate at private sale. melodies every desonption of city and country property, Printed bats mgr De had atjbe auction avers PRIVATE SALE REOLCCER. Srßeal instate entered na our privatozale reenters and adyertiaed 000lutionallyln onr public sale. atiltraot lot which 1.000 oopies- are lindttted weekl y , " ree or oberge, Twr.: VALI, 81CVE-4)OTOBV,R 11. Peremptory Sale on he Premises, property latlty oc cupied by W. A. Lthmrds, E. deceased. On Thurs day, Ootober 11th, ISM, at 12 (Veit* noon. VAGVABLE FARM. 110 AO EH at pxxoffEer Radnor township, Delaware connty.on the Lanoaster turnpike.l2 miles from Philadelphia, within. a mile of the Morgan Station and one-quarter trt a mile of the Wayne Station, on the Went Cheater Reamed. The land le in finit-rate condition; and the farm Is admitted to be one of the best in itadnortowrighle. Terms—One-third oath- Bale absolute, Bale No. 327 PINE Street SUPERIOR FURNITURE , ROSE WOOD PLANO. T.A.PENTRYSARPkTid, /co, This MOpaillg. October 3. at le o'clock,, at No, rigT Pine street, barer Fourth /Meet. the supenor parlor. djning-Joomierut chamber furniture, rosewood piano-torte, bY Davis ,k Co.. fine tapestry carpets, superior spring mat tresses, &o . of a gentlemanjeaying the sal.. Also, the kitchen furniture. Kir May he examined at o'olook on the morning of the attle.with catalogue. gale at t r. 139 and 141 !South FOIIRTS &rest SUPERI PILFIItrtIRE, FRENCH-1./ATEA) 11,110-FORTES. BRUSSELS o.atifsis. • On Thursday Morning. - At 9 o'clock, at the Auction store, an assortment tir excellent second-hand tarlatan; elegantpiano-forter. Sae mirrors, cargots, etc., from' Mulles dolollite.. housekeeping, rerricsad im the store fog convenient's of pale. - _ - SUPARIOIL 04.1 f FURNITURE, RERS.ING • Cana, &c. Also, on Thursday morning, at the 'motion store. en perior oak dining-room furniture, large oak extension dining table, tope nor oak cutSce furniture, /arse end at:- Perim fire-proof safe. made by fterring,fine Dar_fela. &o. Mtn°, a uperior fire-proof safe, made by Farrell & }tarring. SMOKING TOB ACCO. Also, a hogshead of extra snicking tobacco. Alto, for account of the United States, an engine Dump. BALE No. 1430 ARCH STREET, SUPERIOR. FURNITURE, VELVE FINE D BRUb- EELS CARPETS, _MIRRIORB, OIL CLOTHS, &o. . On F riday Morning. October Mb, at 70 o °loon, at 1V0.7830 Arai street. by catalogue, th esuperior Rosewood Furniture, Brie Man tel Mirrors. elegant Velvet, Brussels, and otter car pets, Oil Clothe, kn., in eta bat a short time, and in excellent order. ff4;M= oabinet furniture was made by•Aloors k Cam ion. reexamined on the morning of sale at a o'clock, with catalogues. SALE OF POPULAR ROOM ON VARIOUSNM SUBJECTS. On Friday Evening October 6, at the auction store, an assortment of PODUlar miscellaneous works. IsT For partioulats see catalogues. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. No. 331 WALNUT Street, Corn Enemas& Insurance ARGR SUPERIOR C f ra llrE an -PROOP SAFE, MADE RY EVANS & WATSON. CO.T LOoo, SUPERIOR COUNTER AND DESKS. OFFICE TABLES, ARM CHAIRS, CARPETS. STOVE., &0., On Saturday Morning, At 11 o'oloalr. by order of assignee. at N 0.331 Walnut etreet, below Fourth street, the laree and superior fire- Proof safe. made by Evans & Watson, acme 411 Pee. counter and cleans, office tables, arm chairs, carpets,. stove, &o. 17 - May be slammed on the morning or tale, at 9 o'clock. Pale S. E. corner EIERTE and IiPROCE Streets. BUPERIOR FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD Piero, MIRR.IRS CURTAINS. OAS OILANDELMRS, TAPESTRY CARPETS. On Monday Meinlns. Out. 8, at 10 o'clock, atthe southeast corner of Eighth and i?pruee streets, the Superior rosewood piano -forte. by Riehenlmali, French-plate mantel mirrors, bimetal curtains, bronze and gilt gee chandeliers, tapestry ,ST pet., An. Also, the kitchen furniture. Oar May be examined on the Morning of gale, at o'clook. Salo No. 489 North FOURTH Street. , ELEOAIMT FURNITURE, NEL,P.t.T CARPETS, a c. On Wednesday. Mornme, 10th instant, at 10 o'clock, M No . 499 n orth Fourth str, the elegant parlor, dunne-rootn, and chamber fors-- . tune. fine tapestry velvet Carpets, matting, two superior spoils mattresses. &o. _ May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morningol the sale, LANG ESPEGIAL VAL U ABLE PTOEY SALE OF ELEGANT AND IL PAINTINGS Dy eminent blasters of the Old and Modem European þs, AT THE ACADEMY OF VINE ARTS, On Thursday, October 28, and following dam until the same is Dished We have received instructions from Messrs. James B. Earle d.:son. to sell for their and other accounts an ex tensive and very valuable collection of choice and beau tiful oil paintings, which includes almost every variety of aubjects, being the productions of eminent Intopean and American artists, with a number of Gems by the Old Mamma. 3 his is bebeved to be one of the most healthful arid valuable collections that has ever been-submitted to pnbho competition in this city. air The eale wilt be peremptory, without - reserve or limitation. Mir Catalogues. wfth particulars. will be ready ens week previous. and the paintings arranged for inspec tion. . LOBES NATIUII4I3, t 3 T TON RV it AND COMMON PIERCILANT,' toutileA4 canner of 111 XVII d /an /ACE trim.. /1101114 P atia.W.l gois,otto to loan, at the loweat rate', tot i t:roadea watehen. Jewelry 'Diver flat*, drr goods. o Rung, (WIWI, Mani, hardware , ender, 1111=011. . roe. future, boddlng, and GA loads of esery-, desoraptiott, 111 large or small amounts, tram one dollar to. tboxitintte f leP T P l inbeVPittit= rflinve in this AT Priyate antrum on RAC Street. tIT Bupneset haunt f r 9 A. M. to 9 P. let: lleasr ineoranoo to benefit of depooltorx CEIAROXE te+ TWO PER per NT Advance/ of aloe and upwards at two per seat. Advanaea of OM and xpwards,, at one per Dent, tot chart buts. • . . . ... . AT PRIVATE SALE. 0 Borne of P I R BFt WrAM A tTa ta r 4 4. eV; :It I tit/ the mingua selling prices. gold Is and Opine watch silver lever and 'spine yrht4es, Maghsh, Swiss s e Frenoh 'satellite, st aatesumlung IoT PriCal. 3011relfi. o every dicionption, vary low. rum, gum & mules ei . strnmentp, first yaajity of lfsvaine algal% at hart ttii nacortanorl pries, napasntilies to seat purohasers. set various other kmato goods. 017' 000 Rf MALES Attended to p nitonally by the Attatione,r. Consignment/10f any ami ovary k o M sr rolAkssg - 1-. / (AP:aars .7 cited. SPLENDID SET OFfl AM - ON --- ES AT PRIVATE LE. Consisting of dial's= and opal breastpin and ear rings. Pncs, RAW. 'Coat in Pans 411,41(1. DEPARTURE OF RAILROAD TRAMS ........... PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAI straNs LlMAll—Elevent , a Arkei Mail Tram leaven.—..- Faat lam • Vaweas..... Harrisburg' Accommodation, 2 00 P. M Lancaster Ac00mm0dati0n............--- 4 th) P. Parksburg Aueommodation 40 P. K. West Cheater trairo 1081'0 Eleventh and Market at 2 30 A. 65., and Slide OOP. NI. Williamsport, Elmira. Buffalo, and Niagara PAIN. leave 7 le A. and 500 I'. M. NEW YORK LlNER—Walnut-Street Wharf. Aecom. Line, via C. and A.. 1eave5._........00 A. I , d Aooom. Line, via Jersey Car 6.0 d A.lll* Murrain VaprePli. Jarvey P.OO A. 01' Steamboat via Tacony and Jersey. City. A. M. Camden and Amber Accommodation,.—.....l2.3o P. M. Express, via Camden and Amboy., . 5.00 Evening Express,via Tenon', and 1.10 P. N. Evening Mad, vie. Camden and Jersey C..... 6.00 P. m. {Night Cannes Mail-- .... 11.00 P. M. Camden and Amboy' Aiieornmo'daiion.. ace F. u. For Belvidere. Faston. 6.00 A. hd and 400 P. hl., from Walnut street wharf. and 7.13 A• trom Kensington depot. For Water Gap,Stroutieburg, Seranton, Wilkesbarra, Montrose, Great Bend, So.,A. hi., from Walnut street wharf. and 7.lo 4. AL, from Kensington damn. For Mauoh Chunk, Allentown and Bethlehem, at 6.11 A. M.. and 4.00 P. M.,. from Walnut-street wharf, and 7.10 A. 61.. from Wearangton Carrot. For Mount Rally, at 0.05 and 9.00, A. M., 100 and 4 3 . P, 51. For Freehold, at 6.10, Bristol,nd 2 .03, P.M. Way Line for Trenton, An.. va and 4.00 P. N., from Walnut-street wharf, and? TO, A. M., and 5 15, F. M.. from Kensington. BALTIMORE RAILROAD—Broad and Frime. Express Train le ... —8.15 A. M. do ' do • ~ 11.10 P.IM For ' , Wilmington A. Id.: ll—noo— n, 1.15, 4.15, 6. and 11.10, Y. M. For Middletown, Dover, New Castle, Bettford and in termediate plane& at 8.15, A. L. and 4 15,P. M. 'iindays—For Bllltimore at 11.10, P.M. READING RAILROAD—Broad and Callowhill strath.. Express Train 1eaven.......... 8.0) A. N. Night Express Reading Aar.-' 0 - o - c; - i . ou.— ELMIRA AND NI AGAR A FALLB—Broad end Oes Expreaß Train leaves-- -------- 8 0 a 11 CiERMANTOVVIi AND NORILISTOWN .TLIALROA,T) Plinth and Green Trains leave for conahohooken and Norrlatoß'n at 880, a and 11.05, A. N., and 1.03, 3 C 5. 4.50, 8.85. 6.80 and 11 15, P. M. For Nana/In , . at 8.60. 7.30', 5.05, 11.05. A. At, and 105. 2 05. 3.05,4.10. 85, 0.00, 8.15 an d 11.15, P. 111. For Germantown, at 600. 1%00, 8.00, 5.00. 1060, 11.00.13 00. A. Si., and 1.00. 2 00 810, 8.30. 4 00,8.00. 600.6 30. 7.00.8 CO.O 00. 10.13. 1150, P. M. For Chestnut 60.6 at 601,13 00, 10.00 and 13 01), A. M., and ua, 80,8 00 9.00 woo 10 15 P. 31. Sunday trains for Ger menen,,,,, leave 906. A. M . AAA 2.00. IGO, 00 7.49 and 10.30, P. 01. Leave Germantown at 9.10, A. M.. 1.10 00.6 3 00.30. P. M. For NonlaMmn 9.00,A. AL. 9.00 and 9.00 P. 111. Leave Norristown 7.13, A. Al.. 1 00 and o.ta P. M. CADIDENANDATLANTIC RAILROAD—VIce street wharf. Mail Train A. M Express Train Accommadatron to Egg Efiglrrog - 05t1y.... 8.16 p. Ri NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD—Front and Willow. For Poihlnheindowte at CIO A. hi., ald 2.3* P. M. For Dos lestown. leave MS 00. A. M., cad 4.0 For Fort Washington, leave at 9.0, A. M., and L 1 M. Sundays—For Bethlehem at 8.00 A. M. M ice Duytoi • own at 9.00 P. M. WEST CRESTER, VIA MElMA—Ttattl-arae 14,3 Market drake. Trains leave at 7.45 and 10.00 A. 111, trz4 Sundays leave at Sag A. M., 2.01) P. N. Trains marked thus (*)nm on Sundaya; it) Iletee day. rocnpntol4. . . MACKEREL, SHAD, lIEF,RWEI„ eta.— LTA- 101)0 bble. Nom. 1, 2 and largo and 11/24)11M less keret, ln assorted paokages, of VetY ohoioe 'welt also EO bble. new N 0.3 large hittokerel. 60 half bbhe now No. ado do. bbls new No. 3 medium do. 60 do new Eastern Mess Shad. to half bble new do do do. 1600 bbls new Eastport No. 1 Horton - . 800 do do Halifax No.l 100 do new Boston No. I do, 100 do do Xo. 1 wale Fish. 23 do prime No. 1 Salmon. 100 quintals Grand... Bank Codfish,. .10) boxes new HVlRimer county Chess.. Slow landins and In Mope. fin sale by MURPHY & NOON& e NOVI% WilAltvl44l. FIRST PREMIUM AWARDED, at the late AgrtoulluralSooietzro ALLMAN & MEN DER. Fourth and Vma. for Best Family 'nova.— Constantly on hood, Welsh's Harper's Ferry, Fassn's Four-Area and eta( Horn, fit. Loma, and. Ganabril's Patapsoo Family Flour. 002-Im OIL.-6,847 gallons .Arctic Ocean • Oil; landing from /abr. G. W. Cinpninga, and for gala by ROV4t4Y, ASHBURritR, & b(0.16 south Wharveit _ 793 14. It 50 h.. 10 MfMM