- TriarnMelNi PINEIBURCI, 1 r I. • rilip e k . -of The telegreptl,his already„ reported Flee of the s tiiiitfbeiler ,in fie machine slop and reerble "faetb4(of W. W. , ,lfelltaet d Oti ton Li. betty etegit,lairlfayitiet'itlitibnegt..lt.estearted on Monday afternffirtitat.ai g feiribtoirittkee Ware one o'clock' rrinirlrittlhnijratowertgateof Tues day afternoon, glyelitlee s PlialvilirtnrrahliV;-'-- Prominept r illfeengatliefithiniele Ma' 'boridiar ker, a ideeldefiliket dl44Maillettimaldbmltyldradli - i opposite Mr. Wallaee's works. Mat Waesteteding in hie deer when the setpleldarn -,*oepqrted; and re calved a fr i ar e rie . the . skull. produced, it is ittoughtpkciet off, the bollertu, eteht eilYeraslime'red from the store to the residence of Mr. D. C " Barber% Listen *S law. where it now lies. Mr Beitefetias about-fifty- ' eight a ears of age, and an elotight, Sad reSpecta. tile citizen. denies ,bleoceetteen wit reheat from the ruins alive, but breathed pie-Mat a few mi nutes alter his tesitta,:.Htt-iiitieles were prinel. pallrektWilttire bead e ekiitt weettlenght be had also toluilidetifiesteaseeand t o this latter cause Me .. death was attributed. „Ilekresided in Allegheny, whither his repaelafitreeCtemovedi,',44,ll,,McOnte them', foremen Or ,thenaarblie - works, wed also taken out elide. , _Me was carried _to' a .house, 'ea Snttbfisld dritetraibeee,'detthig,lfie:'atierileeni he ditd liewastaeingle, matt, smaessided -en Wal nut etteldstalketealeiter , _John D'Atmit, blacktmitti, was needier, with. bie eon la the ,eliop. when -tbe eep a„i„ e , ece iee e eC . llamas fatally tijured , and thotsitatall9eavbeaarestined; he died , aeon. after were*.tieleeesseel-wee- former): a resident or toitittfte "atitil - was but *that ntoreing ern ptoyedien-thassaceias.. John: IC. - iiemiltun received a terrible fraoters,of the' alinilemeteh termina ted hie life a toot Mhintalafter hnentegot Oht. Lie was Metered matersed • toeided on Virgin-alley, between Weed and timiitthield aroma 'Wm. Agnew Soar t1.141084,Ets a marble slitter in the wore*, and -wit killed teeth:ally- betided in the - rear of the 7) eparrA buildiem apd numatried..- (horse Reeinaueserte,moptoyed the .BaDle" room with Agneriedblettlite.Skoll fractured and beak' broken. tuktivAtzetinjaSliti but Gime two hours. Tee deeeeeid . was Viniieilylitiosident of Wisconsin, but had 4 / 1 4}Pitai Stitt for some tired. "'HO risidsidire teabargete end' leaves ,a,evidre axel ehree ohita Jades' Baden, - marble hattor,'rocitived eomponeir.ftedittritat the skult, tram which be diet ,ateh . thtetsWiling house', on etreet, last • pigtec - thitil.,MeLeten, bliektiftith, bed his skull it-cum& it.ife'llas - carzied table, reit:lain* in Al legheuy,apo wee yet.lit Lig to day but cannot re cover' littatiditeinatt of - fetnily; MM. Berke was at w,ithrosav,:lionshinseen, and wee etruek dawn at thadithiltfteinSlA. 'Hewes frightfully blared; and dled...honseill:E. Deceased : resided on - Chatham street. elireaves,a tilfe 'Mid fatally. The above arttallthateireilistwn table kilted. POileafirig la Sr lids of wounded, with the Ohs' router 0£ „tlie ,itjuallis;reeelved by.eitob Martin WolediZtr i alitorere.Obestnut - and 'Main streets, I Allegiutte e eitull,,fractured badly and.-head out. Ito net - Ibsen uottoontt, procuring his tataralise. iienvellawiatuttlitateit Hearse dwarces lager-beer eatomoefieu.theirauleteloancourred, with his bre. Meidies corner of Male I nod I.lficetnut Allegbeny, was out some. whaViiijoierhelide-tiot griunily.. The barkeeper at Selene's ,was„? dranieg beer, ..when he was br , otheide down; hut: "Soaped - with, a' few bruises. .PelostaDtatrmit,‘ egad- eitteen years, 023 Puna etrCer, reit ^badlysoilded—fithertkilleti—not ex- Pratrd to recover.; ,was not employed in the works, eat siMselifting his father. William MeOntobeor, rear of No 50 irountaln streetiltnee pan fractured. Andiaivf - Aafietvonsible outter, tear of Diapatels tteigis.:ekull - frautured. MeOuth, bovcnth ward , ttg ;l7ditilitelefpatiorn shop, badly injured. Wm I lrviiirelialtata:Vpitete ettect, Allegheny, head cut, I snap ptripped from temple. Aug Bowers, Perry • etteet,,Alleabeny, top badly - hurt and one arm J. 'lo. l lfhtediey; braised and legsent. George Rem, i 3alt,ree„, taken one of rules, slightly injured The tual Aentibeld, salable. worker, Walnut attest, rode of face - air arm injured Robert Biddle, at tVeligic.Ftiyetea - street, - bedly hurt: '' - Robert RterraetyOneelainiet.PoPlar tweet, Allegheny, mit, to head, bruised in cheat andbeek. John Melifur r i Atopteenlicy, out on top abd both sidee of head, era apdamee ; has e wife and one ehild. ateerhewelanteeeltdrd, ward, liter and &beer, I.ft leg zed tight:Me hurt—not seriously Wil liam McCune, rateemea at 'Baxter's, arm badly bruited. John - QuiZg, marble sawyer, O'Hara stieeteFlith word, badly hurt; head cut bat rot', free etteiwill:Probably recover: William Qoiget too aliiiveoliightly Vinred. Thomas Quit*, at,oliterthighttetanjused. , _Johneff evensou, allgessita-airadelobli...ldeMarrzty,kllghtly in. J1rcdt44,1 1 1 6111 4 1 . - sged, nineteen- pier,: Fifa. , at seaidi AILIER. Union% asleep; thigh , biota, bye witietit "Whig in . rear- :of .ruins; 11 4efrile - B4 Bargees, leg sat by Bra Berger sue to• Passeyant's tottrenaryt Wm .11-tieu, -striker for ,Janists McDivitt', Fayette' wrest, Patteherg..eres ecalded on the facie and ne, , ,k, At:the rime of the accident lie was witbm Wean feet of, edaYbeller. Ho had juth moeee fromtheititle Of the boiler to,the rear at the build• Be says he Was streak boson. elhfiene !Oleo fisett of tighatleg. When eoneeloto. neitl§iuned r hextie daylight, and hnoiceded in eetate et ti4rhanmelfs-- lie further states that be InefAiekleteleattatMa watah„ and that lacked lour iniewee tit-41a - and-the enine was not in nieVettia 'llitetturals are slight. John Waterier., ' meceileietoyea seriously injured on the ann and heed.' Ws Wee bully ,ehattere,i, cad [Milk'. tatitM ey, necessary. lie _was removed to att. : Ottani/ileum, on the wharf, Ilia place of loditog..l.' ' • - ‘"`•-• A corre c t Of the terriffelarce of the explo• slot,eeAmily„, he formed by visiting the ground. The'holier to be seen, and its memo traced, to' foriiren ilatina.ste - of the frightful, power -of the iag . ,o (jot 14 on lie fatal eight it stood about the'li - eattirof the building, or some fifty feetfroni th.tobii4 - 4 - frierjentranoe, and watt btown through -- -otii;AMPlargest-rtindows in the front of Abe wiratiter. , t..h tfietrentesed Liberty street in.a direct Bus; streisiag the. front of M. *Barker's clothing store tithrinutiklegti,pleee'eff the stonework over the door.. It nettle : met through the, rear wall of the,ttore.aethough it hid been paper, and passing tbiohuh Swafte4tager,beer shop, struck the on. ter:est-a albeit _tenement adjoining, and, almost wholeadcuithietWd it. -: Its force was now nearly seBth;lith e et felefeet fattier' eat it lodged in the g reverted:it, rilretnaintr-- -' The Gaimaiii were sitting in- that °ones, of. aaleen through which it passed, - dhrikbeglegsti.: - The one next the wall, named' bfdrfte Neletimer, was blared so that .he can rcereety spoilt/a- The other was hurt, though not erftWl43 ,. .Titetai Were One hundred - mid ten men; aeletalitig to the books of the Marble Works, in the haidelingteketlie tinitt of. the explosion, including klevel e .john and W. W. Wallace Mr- Alexander teeepeueesieeLeshe recs. One of the MOH, Demo Willigatclieteujilleeped from the third story of the MiltbitOr eat on_ to Liberty street, and, strange to:eawkitittfied:thill iota, His, father was Varied (ti ‘ the ruins, briti - wiss taken out withent it fury, ex coptv,r*eg ecultakt tiro. The noise of the explosteela Inioribeci as resembling Abe °hook of an earefterreke ore. very lend report of thunder. The,eXpionve power of steam when at a very high besteltapewtemiyatt powdea; Title to evident from the-terrible impetus with whieh the boiler wee, driver' .itcr&te.Littartiestreet, and from the abate teimietemlittezio(the rear of the works. ----teetalrater-PaOMlOlO rr. Wretlation - as to the comes thronell wallah thee: was produced. -The opinion 11 Waver, was thatthe-waterweeal -1 ~ t,..tiotielew, and that cold water bein etiroit' .• 'l4Mnectent muae,lll contact with i;.": ••aW.- the -exPlasion%-oteiureed.:-:This conernaid, 1, a greatemeut,t,by the condition dLeatitiiidaareeetadetlicebeetzvatleua. of thoseietto eateutinedie itemeitatilyeiter the accident. The nealirliesanrertern annuity Ont, and that forwaid roiled end turned inwards. This wee Immune] eteuditlan in which to find-a boiler alter an explo. s-tarAltWeli'llfild'fiymetitivhciprefesit td Nepal/tea fa - waif matters ea unerring evidedge of a wait of water when the actoidentecourred. It was further aeeerted, too, that the iron wa s ati hot fifteen refautee after the explosion that water thrown on it - off into steam, and ten minutes after- wards, even, *wee ten lieteto handle. Against all this we bete 'the staletrient the engineer. a boy muted-Wm. Pershaw, who said that he ,tried the glue,* butte abort timebefore, and found it all Hallam, too, stated that thoro was eitartiefiat thAerrat the dine., aid added. that .it wee sound in every-teapot -11 r.-Walleoo visited the wounded today, and lemma an that with twotor three exceptions they arc' rlLlW'Ateg.e.lepg favorably. McLaren he re. petted wee•-• dangerous - maw -htio hopes ofthis rerevery,are intartained. 'MeMarray is very low, and will scarcely eurviee bit injuries. Agnew is ra i rPaarte butm ay recover. All the others a - bid 'Wish mid no festal whatever for 'their . One of_ Bald vienlegairtftale, witted elsewhere, wee very minima. Tribjiliede, Kerlin iii out of danger, and iniereviog yettilest...i . llferberton, too, attended' by the Same gerefiemau,lata I fa vorable state, Menge suffering finAVallitittielita injuries. , - , .„ Wile ; tigageftelon in Bete IClrlejesse. ons...ins,....tar owe AND ettoreart . Tik*„. already emanated in brief 4#941.91t1P)6 opkikbgraition - hp New ,Orloans on the st bilitint • The New °Hoene Piceinte of the dialfoetieredatgrees thirdmailelithiele we publish Lust rbVillirrir7;!. 2 ' • 4104 - 0, isbctit, a quarter to eight' o'clock, a.vrareArnltcont ifarstendlatt St Co.'s large aispriketsawetteettea Hos. 1,01 and 103 Tohoupttoutee seta- t - , Vifteirenlatayetto and Oared atreets; run. ritcjr,bett.to Faucher smite Tee la6 - * - 61-ebvtiths glories ',high; filled with ifqt..pr, wan soon ten &mei from the'.gruund • (last to - the rota and expatiate. followed exple a as the Aire. release new tier. cf whisky or brendy Mullin buildings were hounded at theiteorner ottLsfayetal street by Rains' ware. buttomit hand wish 01-4,,010f!ii,y,. and other ;dot balengteg to,dif eeeeme.-drine,ned an the upper tee,itere of :3110ors:_tlYietdoit'tted Wurfilior, wholviale_grottera • tie..'llia'.;icti` , ll3vti the fourth story ;of Karsten isore,;nt.fil,Eo *lB4O lot OtiffitiOr. SiffAtittltrible explosion took plate. The tall wall etiisOliesiti-eteeersai, etad'fall - with' a terrible creek I on the corner WitrehOtita , litelartie of the exPle. eton at tee tline'foreidieitttieporthston and thesevirelloalleaot the dames; come docer*forrning one SAM of sums from across to strtust. _ _ _ _ - It was fullevred by a dilath•llka:ailfles; a' ar4attastioo9..of a minute; and tame breve I Mantfalvteorersalleemeneawbose-names we- regret :Trtikeiiittatise lei, }Mead the smok ing Pik, calftes open othem ca to follow the. suers Were itflaWand'wtilfig4bearte, but" the at. tamgyswes *env to- imeennibm-ehindreds retched fereterd &err half toren twor, iteduktil and singed,- • heat: , - .1, • , i eldt.t braver/4MS intieeta 'tibreed Mine ',leaf:did not septa to fail the - heataint weal to; 'repnilittgaint thilettladelnieend break. ,Ing thelialaoharred timbers They were follotaid' 4Veitlietig` karts thi - great beat aubsided,. the illiftrehrberlimea Ineressed. The Am vaatetaken eVihivarairMilto Sheehan, anntatber of tio 18. • Ile W,ve bOtty et+ in the forehead. The brave fellow I diseOrlimehispieka and 464 that frvered btu gad " tibieleni!Othitlialias;2# OAP - 1.4.7'1110111 to halo thready oat the' Aglo a ilftiitYftp)aftirlatibile." - etruel , entl*ett the groans teMil:iiffifiiirs ouiA mem wheeethey were to be foiled. Aa the: I. 4l l bili P wet sqtroil-Ainkyi Sena spoke and loft! 110 4n en/Income= was re-, c.rx.4151 5 2. tee Ore new courage: =le SMEIMININ 1 5.- .o)ti r OlittP r NEWO" '' rwer Pelatatt, , deted -RC 'Montevideo, detiorthes. an exertition which had lastlelteitrielafti Antis, The' liefoie they eirlied; soldieS, belonging to one of litti negro 'regiments wee eneented , 4n the little lown'tif 'Coionitioneetifilouteaidett, far steel ing Minutiae - 'from an tatter. - The'oelpilt was taken fiord the-eabildor, with hle: hands sheetied, and mineatutded by.aguatdotatildienhAnd Meth,. td' ; te - tlse ,ptielte. Ileza;f is ;priest preeading the prooessuon,, bearing on 14a ,ettouldere e hogs black emits; nisi chanting tiorae part of the motirafill leo notenduil timers] eervtoe. The doomed men being, seatetA - olia benoli; Ore Aosthararrilit - WO read by the Costae' at the - tillage; sad hiring 'had the, ' i crucifix presented 'to his lips, en fital Opel watt glean, end a sergeant dipped forward from among Frh eolditir,Y;edited the man by to hair, and Our hie:throat from ear to ear A, Oltic Turtr , bertene.le.- A ilespatoh from Alert Smith. Ark„ of the 15th, says: A' man whoftOolijil the namd of William Owen; late of Louisville; Sy, was arrested /eater' day for horse et - waling, andeommitted.to Lest night - about eleven o'olook, be wee fooled) , taken fret . j ail and and an attempt mule to hang him to a tre ' While the Dose wee being Opiates! to hie nett ,Ito aqiunly.eatit "off .tba rope and lied. A i'voliey _wee instantly fired at him by the infuriated exited, Which brringht him to the ground. Ile wan thCr; carried baoh. to the, jail, where he lies in a tieing emeditien. Another horse thief was brought in to.day,'and will doubtlese share the fate of hie aeriapanlon in mime. _ '"! BIOk•SZT TO' OIL WELL SPECVLATOIO.-'-WO hewn by.the Ilitteburg Chronscle that late intelli. ,gence from - the oil distriots reveals the feet that the oelebrittaiTideeut well atoned' awing over the 'tog after throwing out some two hundred barrels Any.;. fappue Crosby well hail dwmdlod down from seventy 'barrels a day rosin or seven, but the owoer thinks the failure is attributable to the fill, tog of the pump, and hopes to do bettor when It is cleaned. Out of two hundred and slaty•sevon wells on $b meek above Titusville, .only thirty. four are yet . pimping oil, and many of the oil. seskets.are pet now in a state of very *nem ans pe • , 110111 En RAILROAD PROJECT in Nr.w Jsn• BEY- nevi railroad project for Morris county is on foot, Rad books of aubsoription will ha opened In feledays. It is proposed to run from Morristown to Elizabeth, on the southern end of tho county, Ootzneoting with the Veer Jersey Railroad, and .thence proceeding on the traok of the latter to 3 1 14 York. This will he some two or three miles shorter Alma the. Morris and Been Railroad, be. aicla tuore direot, and with ,easier grades, thereby also lesOning the time of travel. ' Foul OA NYE W.EZZO AGO, a man named Aildrieb, in Kentucky, murdered hts" tinter and son, who were important witnesses against liim. The body of his slater was out nearly in two with en ate. —Auldriott was arrested some few days sinee,and taken to Louisa, Kentucky, where the citizens took him front the authorities and hung hint without trial. The father and brothers of the unfortunate man advised thin course, as it wee feint& legal - convictioncould be bad. A 0002ICHMAN SHOT BY A BALLET Gille• Wm. IL glees, member of the city °annuli in Gin. .oinuatt, was ebot in the lower jaw, and badly 'rounded, on Sunday last, by Eliza White,, a ballet girl, at his confectionery Store, on Vine street, in that city. lie had, it is alleged, bean on inti mate terms with the gill, bat lately discarded her, add she sought revenge by attempting to kill him aid take her own lifu. +THE NEMEEEL LOVE fly TUE LADY ELME.— The Milwaukee People's Press thuatts that the number of passengers on board the Lady Elgin, at the time of her loss, has been underrated. In consequence of conversations had with several of the survivore, the Press is confirmed in the belief that there were fully 500 souls on board the itl feted vessel, and that coneequently nearly 400 wore loot. Mt IBSATIABLA GLIITTON.--A MB named Corbett appeared, on 'Thursday last, at a grocery store in New York, and cared no a wager to eat four pounds of damaged ham, two loaves of bread, apound of fallow candles, and drink-two quarts of common brandy,. a pint of gin, and a pint of lamp oil. Ills offer was accepted, and'he won the wager, anti after swallowing the' aforesaid mess wanted more. Tr is stated, :as a historical fact, that the first export of cotton front this country to England Was in 1784, when a vessel arrived at Liverpool with eight bags of cotton as part of a cargo. Bo u expected was the arrival, that the cotton was seized by the oustomhouse officers, under the eon. victioa that it cotild not bare been the growth of Azasaitta. - Tug Dtsunne papers announce the safe re. tarn ofO_OlitSuo ut ttuif place who was Mimed to be lawlepsly carried off by some ruffians, from Arkansh; as an A boUtioutat He was carried to Camden and tried, but was discharged fur want of evidence grand him. Sua culture is being introduced into'Cali• forth.. the olimato ifl warmer acid bettor rutted' to tbo Bilk worm than that of Franee, whore they summed admirably. Nor, atingle hand fire-engino is now in nse in Boston, the last company having been disbanded few days minor,. The entire department is now composed of steam engines. ANOTIIta very brilliant meteor was seen AIME Moly° o'olOok;Friday night, at Providence. Its fight wee of a greenish hoe. Pon APPLES aro now successfully raised in Florida, proving hardier and more profitable than the banana. proem, lately taken by Garibaldi, is said to be the ancient Ithegium where Sc. Paul once front a day, waiting for the south wind to blow. IMPORTATIONS. ReiX)rtdil tor The. Press.l LIVERPOOL 1311 , p milham Cumrororn, John-90 balsa e‘rpetinz Jt& E B Orne; 11 do Orn.; 5 pk. a mai% t3ao 13 Parrialc 4 do Wray & 0:111101; 4 do J W 8051 5 do 21-ndr & Brenner: 5 do Lowid & CO; tido W Mottos & o; no Berson & eon; Ido r 3840 Bo; ton & Co; do slhatidess s; do Sitar. Pyle° & Co; Ido 'bother. Zsesier.*. oo; 9 do J 1' Bttlaer ' & Co; 3d do Leonard w ll her; 11 do W 8 Hawaii & Pons: 241 hada Deer miller fr !trot 84 orstee &? 53825 earthet,wate Goo flomrn.raly; 30 orate. 1 mak S Asbury & Co; 129 orates 06 A F En; 62 on do 8 Ft Aleloa, bon, & Co; 15 are 70053 a doh nA. le M. rebel I; 27 orate. bot tles .1 G •otehe,l & (loz 30 ocaka cloy Jona.) & Mews; $7 do soden , 10'o bier-chill' enwd. , BB 21 0 " (01 rods ( ' I n'les & Cops; 199 visas sous ash Yete.ll & 9 rins Me; 65 do owe and bolts 11 & J Coloman: 009 b 0.22 tin Omen 1.1153 915500 & CO; 7822 barst B s die iron W F roc•s; 159 bars Iron M tiolawin & Oo• 151 burs 436 bits do Wood & erne; 29 0 btl'a do F. 8 tttnii ltro. 179 la iron 62,1 ahead iron 31 :11a bony & 1413 beta iron Morris. Tattler. &• •n; 11 ni born 509; bdo; iron Morris. Warn er. & Co; 00. so lama 15 , 1 LAU oo 5 bells 'odor er, Co; 5144 bola iron 450 buts 0014 aka: ands 505 4l vita Isom 103 orates 6 hbds earthenware. order. 5 '}411 LA OB A L F N RIA BO ARD OF TR ADE . 0 RR RD I B N* L AD, i t GOBOUrrirOrTHE M aw'KERN, . . LETTER BAGS At Ms Aforeleadas' IS'zehange, Philadelphia. BplyJohn Tracks. Lindsay— —.....—Lworocrol. soon Bbip Tuscarora. 0un1evy,.............--Liverpoot, poop Ship Gov Langdon, soon Park Donna Anna k soon Nark Alex moNelli, Liverpool. soon Bart los Maxwell. Davls....—.......—Laansyra. soon Park Sea &Loa, poop ^ F a &mote, staples . t pt Brix Mary B_•...Cardmsas. ~nn ]iris War Eagle , Willisme.---Poit an I'lll2oe. Sept 23 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PlindinFoLoPHlA, Sept. 27, 1860. SUll 111E11-LGA 12 Si 22 Bohi StioN TlPlor. days from LseohYMO. rf C. With 'limber to Capain. doh? iduoy. Masten, Iday from llmudyarizo,Det. with Emir to tr Lsa. i-ohr Cora. Ds serams. 1 day from Brandywine, Dal, ynthoorn meal to tt II Lea. Bahr I if Stone hayk, Lake. from New London. Bohr Mary Bilzatieth. Rood. from Bewburrtiort, BohrSitrattE Jones. Jones: from Jersey Qty. Bohr' sfeluo D Otodams. from Stanford, sew. Itpitthsws, warron, from earsort. t•ohr Jos P Bak*: Fridasitt. from Stanf ord, Bohr Ehmitieth Ensheh. Exist, oh, room Boston. Bohr E C Knight. Whit l ow, tram %moo. Bohr L L Bharo.7ilok.lwee. from Boston. Bohr 111ohaak, ()I:OFF, 10 days from Calms, with lumbar to Castillo. Stair it L Tay, Sheppard, a days from Boston , in bal last to Noble. Hammett . Caldwell. stebr Jas L HesermPisroo.l day from Dover, pa int h corn to Is Barra :B . & Mon. _Steamer - Ann Eliza, Hohmann 21 hours from New York. with wise to W 111 Baud dl(141. steamer sarsh, Jones.N boors from Nov York, with mdse to lar M Baird & Co. ki t g i gi Jogs. Hi yard, 1 day from Nowsort, Dol, with Boni' to R 11.1 Lon. CLEARED. Dory Donna Anna (Br) Cohu, Liverpool, Workman & co Bark .7ooeph Maxwell, Davis, Lasuorrs, Collett Brothere Bark A A Drebert, Hewitt, Manaus and market, Jour mete & Caratelro Bria , Chiceeee, itamtnorid.Boston. Twells A Co. & . Brig Beth Ileark, Tolbatt, Boston, it.mmell, Potts, Co. I - Behr / Eitonebrok, Lake. Salem, Jlt White ACO Behr Mary k. hzabeth, Read, Boston, Van Dueele, horror,. tt, Co. - Bohr Jos P Cake, Endicott, Dorton, Van Dusan, riot ton, & Co. C Bohr 11 0 Knight, Whirlow, Boston, Baum. Eagle, do o. Sat r L L Share, MoEl wee, Bolton. N Sturtevant & Co. Bohr Mary P. Standish, Atwood. oroon, Bohr 144rati Mae, Jones,. Waah et logron, DO, Tyler. Stone A Co. Bohr C Matthews, Warren, Bangor, do, Bohr Nellie D Otodams, utchniond, Noble, - Hammett, - Bohr - Bo iti hr ll k r , wi -English, English, Portsmouth, Reppller & . Brother. , ...Blhr Almon Bacon , Artoid, Norwich, jr, It Gom m ° `"ta ir Emma and Beulah, Brannin, Millville,NJOrger, Captain M Bohr Wrlglitington, Thacker, Boston, Bancroft, Lewis A CO. Bohr Blount*, Theokar, Boston, Bancroft, Lswie, & deb! M Monson, Brewster, Providence, Twang & Co 'Boa . e' /Rualing. Havens. Providenee, L Andenreld Behr Charles Carroll, Pratt, Providence, Idinuoksen 8, - wover. litrß Willinc, Clsypole, Baltimore, Aeneas; Yr: ' ' BAILED. - The it 8 esimi Pilinvioi if! , Vera ornirirMr. =sent to In rum CADO 'til Mg Ped ELth inst. The ine4o the ran Irrom Fort,. Sitar' to the Oases an norm /garrotted by Mr. John Paler, pilot. . -. , MEMORANDA. . . Steamship Retaington. Baker, helms, arrived at Bos ton rests,day. • Itenmehin Kam Of Bearers Garvin, harm at Bassi- I nab Be lam. Blip Luoknow, Graham. from New York M March, at muslamisne Seth inns. ' Eltjk •at Williamson, et P'ol,gfforth, for Europe, was /Ma, at Bannon Ayres 8713 inkt. Earl A Manderron, Thompson. from New York, dt te ar -l v arkA Mon s. Dun o i AU ( hems for Portland, at BOloilee 'Pfls 83d , and remained lath toot. : sis i i ti n tag e glir r o ir POWS, Allen, hence was at Demerara ist Met, to PPP g i h u e g a ° 4 wee dischargingdischarging at d a s e r m s . fo . r w at e lh e o te so , lietnedio. Llth inst. Brig 8 ThuretonDanipher. traria at Barbados, Nth nit. and gaited Bth inst for Turk a Wand. wig-Bane. Moore . hence at Bet,hasluag 4th test, and asihs&-whoe no , stated.' . - Bria B 8 Dhabi:W. Phinney, hence for Dolton, at -No weer note Si, and remainro 44th inst. —AMU - Trent.e. Atherton , "'epos for Portland, at moimeellote Sad mot. and sailed again. ...arte.Wriliani A. Droner. Batch hone* for Bangor, at meo m Bole red• and remained 14th last, .hr L. Audenreld Bartlett. and dir Soaves, Cannon, heaps at Poo on grh lash • ' Bohr euerte. Skinner. henoe at Petorsburr 84th inot. ' gab!! Pe a, no , Knight. hero() for Banton. mut in oo_n ' tent MI met , off ruse Rip. w.rit sahr Mary Nowell, for thieve, t, L. at animater. jibbara. and hoed goer• a ii. net tbto Holmes' Hole lath. Damara to the Mary Now . gl i. l .l,l"rifo n m.. - P Cooper, - 'Pario - r, 110300 at Bak2r't' 'Laien..Starwook vid inst. ' Bahr' Fake. Robinson, nulled from Baker's Lima-. in oar fur alei o ady,„ *loon Bawd Rohn. Etiendy, and Nat-' khans taes , on sethinat . , et Marton, Bahasa* kende et Danvers Ileitto -:.• It* tMeorhauili 00adi. liatele:at ' PaiOtit eritt ,„ ';I . talm4iliali.*isClNga Itelikimirto4l V, ~:!, :se . t.l4 . 2rdiv-imittegt. 7.4.irratils7ciiriloaWilfoli b raii gisiti t '' einin •Wh 14 fort hi s from ewithiltd mateinot: en . DY S PEPSIA REMEDY. AROMA'I'IO INVIGORATING SPIRIT. Oftrlicitse , lins hue end by the public for six.bcorS iecrinessi Mimi:- /Pia reeimmended to Ours „Dyspepsia, Nervousness. Henri-Bent, Oita Pains, Wiwi falba Statures, or pains in the Being's. iienderbit, Tr010147)E13.' Kiang' . Complaints. Low bpirits, Delirium • Tretneste,/eUmperence, STIMULARIN, Estimate/4ES, Ilti,ol63.A . rha, IV! ' WILL Son Irrol.toaTS STllletiVir. Asa iflodiehreit is - weak and eiteetual. curl the Mold agsraraW oases of Ingrates litdUn7 COninintnte, pnd All otner damugaments of the Women and Bowels l'l 4 e ttr Y ip l arirtl e Petive the Moot • melanoholy and drooping stilt!, ai J restore the woas, nervous, and Persona t o h , git i kuse of liquors, have • biGOITID &dilated:mid their miens systems shattered, omuditutione Meter' down, and onbkot to.that ltdrtiPla aurae to immatitts, - tbo ablatim Trtustatts, vitt, al moat immediately, Seel t he happL. and healthy; invigo rating alllce.eyeVii. A l l iaille 47 Tu n . . Spni,.. 8.262.—0ne Wineglass fulles often as netenlary, e dose will remove ell Bad Medal. One dope will 011fe , Reart-Varia. - • Three dOAGAwiII-oure indigestiOn., „. One does Inv* yob a Good AtisePfe. - One dope will doe the distresalug pains of By/dispels. Arts dory willremove life distressing and disagreeable a oto at Wind or Flatulence. sue as goon as the ptontaoh receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distress ing load and all painful feelings will be removed. UM dose will remove the most distressing Pains of Golig. either in the stomac h or bowels, • A few doaes will remove all °baths:bete la the Ruben. Bladder, or Urinary 01.geno. Permins who aro seriously offiiotad with any idner riomplainte era assured of aseedy relief by a dote OT two, and a radiant cure DJ , the one totono or two bottles. (611TLY DIBBIPATION Portents who, Irmo diameating too 11144 Over nigh". and feel the evil °nets o. Foment:is desore. in violent headaches. sickness at stimuli, weakness. gidduaera, ece. L , will find one dose wills move all bad Pmlings. adios a weak and sinkly constitutions should _take the 'orientating Spirit three times a day; It will make them strong, healthy, and ham y, removo all obstruc tions and irregularities from the menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of health anti beauty to the careworn floe. • Durum prePtalloy it will be found an invaluable wadi eine to remove sisagreetibl• sersationa at the +stomach. All the proprietor colas is a trial. and to 'mines this, lie has put up the INVIGORATING SPIRY In pint buttlesat botoents, quarto el. Greens) 'Depot. 45 wATFR Street, New York. DrOTT CO, 232 North thEGON D. Street, Wholesale AROMA PhiIadAIRRIS, and for gate by All 1/111VTICRI. ARRIVED. MMV- Dr. Je7-thstuly PERUVIAN SYRUP, -- - OR PROTECTED SOLUTION OF PROTOXIDE OF IRON COMBINED, This well-known Remedy hat been•deed extembitely ;-. - and Intl ' M a il e o7 2 Bl r A J. 4 0 44 '• OR lILIPAIRFD AND IMI•ERPEOT ~.. DIGESTION; 4 , ~V 1 44 % CM Ins CONSNoUINT . DETP ItIORATION or Ton BLOOD; '• tr. - et..• AND YOH TUN YOLLOWINO. ~ FORMS OF DISEASE. • . tat „.- • - Most of which originate in •. .. ..... DESPE.PSIA I LIvER COMPLAINT, DROPSY, NPURALDIA. and piE ft VOUS AFFECTIONS, LOSS OP APPETITE, HEADACHE, LANG, 011 and DEPRItSON OF SPIRITIL_CAS BUN O. _r-tt and BU LB, FILTH, SCURvY. APOECTiriNs op THESEIN,CONSII M. PTIVE TEN DaNCIES. DR. ,NCIII TM, DIBEASI• 8 phew- LIAR to FNMA LkS. COAI AINTB ACCOMPANIED BY OEN i RAL DEBILITY. aid ftIiQUIRIND A Tonc. and MAE. RATIVE M.P.=INE, - Nota....Tbe failure of IRON as a reined, far DYB PEPYIA, a bad irate of the blood. rind the numerout diseases caused thereby. has arisen from the wont of such a preparation orison as shaft enter the Motnech in a Pawrox inn state and areijehlate at once V 7 1 ,11 the blood. This want the P.- R UVIAN SYRUP supplies , and it Tees to a the only form in which it Is possible for Iron to enter the circulation. For this reason, the e ER UVIAN i-Y RUT often _radical!. acres illnesses in which other preparations of Iron and other medicines have been found to be of no avail. OERTIFICAT,F, OF BOSTON. A. A. HAYES, Al, D., OF It is well known that the medicinal elf - easel Prototif's Or iron UP lost by oven a very I lief Sir:visors to AM and that to maintain a aolption of Protoxide of Iron, without further oxidation, hes been deemed imp• ssible. In the PPKU 'IAN oYRUP ins desirab•e point Is at tained by COMBINATION IN A WAY BEVORB UNKNOWN; 0.13(1 this solution may replace all the proto-carbtinates, Citrates. and tame t•- s of the hi a [aria hledica. A A. HAYES, Assayer to the State of Mass, IS Bonerosi throat, Boston. N. 11.—Pameldots containing Lettere from the above named Gentlemen and others. and diving fall informa tion of the Syrup. eau be liad on application to the igonts, or to N. L. CLARK &Co., Proprtetors. COD tlncl 1.11.1 , 1.54N55, No. 7 4 ; SUDBURY STREET, SuSTON. Sold by Druggists generally throughout the United State,. "tenth for Pennoleaniat PYOTT A t Co., 235 North SECOND Street. l'hllada, and-tuthe am M RS. JAMES BETTS' INVENTIONS 4 N -a - FOR 1.4.0143.--Aproved of and highly recom mended by the Medical pro anion throughout the United States, Thirty Thousand Inca ids haying Wen advised by their physicians to use her Surgical Appliances. She would Caution Merchants and othersaseinst lentollitinsg except at her residence . ttee viAmkityr Street, who ye she can he consultedbetween the hours id and, 0. tier hook of testimonials will he given on ninth cation Rent free to any part of the United !Rates. So striottnrs v nn senh artinin. myna 'Why 11 S&FES. LILLEE'S PATENT rit E WR"CGIIT AND CHILLED IRO' FIRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF SAFE'. AND COfIBINA• Tiori DAIIR LOCKS. VAULT DOORS, &a. The time hes arrived when Bankers, Morollan% and business wen hem to feel not only the mato tense but the nonentity °chasing a thOteet MY aro and battler proof date. That the shoot-iron or common eafo has been moll Improved as a liro-preol since its first Introduction, and that it wi I prethrve the written Matter.uneer able circumstances. i. admitted ; but that it still ban 60• rifler; deice. mutt hoonceded, Ito liability to ho a tithed h. the fallol wal c ls, timhern. c.. or br us own full Its ty to prevent tho comae , evaporation or too moisture of tho filling. a. it in se belt possible to Iliako or keep the vapor obsmber water. tight in an frail a PL , uoturo italco, 'theatre inability to retain the Steam or vapor daring Tim fire.- .ts rapid datarowattoo b , rust and oth- mist). and its entire tutheur.ve as inst burgla ry wt be denied. It termed that all tease ooteals WO remedied in the above 11 , 1 ,, 11f.ht and &Plied • Iron safe ens lo tr. it• d the (Neat of this article is. not only t show this fact. but the wit , and the wherefore. 10 do this nrder-tandinglY. a short mom; of tV elrnetura ho firs preeented of th is a • wail on • r o sheet-iron sato, yr. m sing that Ihio two prix °lsles eon - moo nil tho copular titres now i n two Further. that the. site vapor brown p a to the only one now rofed upon to make the safe fins pro f uy ati ratb•inakora having any °Mohr ty. ern. PqiunTlV v. all now put in a corny , ti tion-ehamber for Ina nbjPot. sr.Ruckuite, 01P viu.A t tiD IRON RAPES DE- The bicolor hod• of this cafe ix a hex made of hare of wroutht iron. .4,1 to orsa inch th'ok, by I% to 2 4 inoreewid. crossing arc h oth,r at right awes, and Pieced Pour each other. f mming it o menet artwork ; shout fi: moh Wilco:Po drilled near :soh other thron.h t t h heensee h byroh . an d "ilprer gunk; /rot iron 10 run between into t h e h o l t' , and over t' e outer our 1 . .0e, making me mil rig thiotousA lld to 2 in , he, oraolid Iron. trohnufjo.are; the so, out 1-] • b-ra thorough , ' obit mg the oast iron.and making it dm) proof, while the two I one are en strongly tr. d as not to be separated Or t'r ken • 'my ordi' ars newer. STRUCTURE UP SR*. ET-;RON GAPES DE SCRILIF.D The sheet-iron safe ig made ashen: iron plates, Porn one sixteenth to ono tcrellt, of an ineci Nook, banded rourd tire 01116 r edge with light bar iron the tailor tares having a band Roil es the centre. Thin conrtitotes the who's, iron svotk. adding ih - door Ben it , and tr ckplato ant the door-war o" font fignee• . exoept in some duos a thin ear° of hardmen steel is placed Melee, and this Needed a herein'. proof a de As has beep mentimed. mob of the above Berea have conrotuoioo ohambere, or, won moms Ir. vapor chamber,. an vapor is fi•und slutalt neoeusor• sot upon tee iron 11 tnges that ,ux-rmud the o mponi•ion chamber- or [l.O haat would be °sail" conducted , nrough throe fangs to 'he interior. ho ,, ab tlto composition be rivers , gond a nos coneuotor an iron to a f oo con ductor of hest. and vapor is the only preventl e. It mutt 1)1 admitted that tee host material for this chain b.. tutha' 41111011 ia the greatest obtorbant and will not cake or hen ime h=rd. Hoe may ho followed ohe that article. et most -f the Sabo to kers nee a cornea sition having 1 we for a °monotone end this is Mei only reliance l'..r to produoti of voice; not en lime in light it is in the sheet Iron sato adult-rated with fire Olxy. or some heavy sub taupe. to give them weight and The lied lion Bore has both in the (inter struoture, Cunsequemly the chamber is filled with lime unedulteta ted, producing much more vapor Man the composition used by • beet iron masers, cud while tho shoetlron Belo in warping and twist ne at eve, y joint when heat ed allowing the vent to escape the chilled ron has no outer joints on& the th oarless of fro provews the earineing or toe joints, consequently the vapor cannot maps— -One here lies the groat ad yenta co this cafe has( .113 a fire proof) over the client iron, hut it has oilier rumor ant advantaged The 'tractile* shows that it cannot be affected by the reliant of units t mien. etc or its own fall; that there is no chance fee deterioration from rust or otherwise; that to case of fire its afire is not saleroom ;'hat if it la checked by water, or other canto, the cheek can onty reaoh to the wrought iron hare. oonsequentli , the bale in not injut ed for use ; that the s coin • r vapor is mandr kept in the vapor chain her, and (10015 not destroy the bindings to books, or so iniolo the pnp-r as to require copying , thereby eagle; th trnubto, an well n a the exp , nao of a new Cafe 10 curators. .tructuro shove this " tire co l a - drill spr l over the o.• riaoo. and wi th ` I heated Bank Leak at ached. which Is drill. eleilee, and powder pr of. it mill bo peen that It Is thoroughly bur glar proof—whin the 'Outstare of ti o sheet Iron 8 fo shows : the , the crowbar. oxs, cold•olusel. or drill can penetrate it in a few momonts. without much nom or aigtorbance. 'the fol owing late severe test inane of the many of It Mail ler char , otor now in My posrolaii. , ll. tied published in my general oiroular. fully demmetrating the advan tages claimed for MB ten: Baps,. Day, wisoomon, Jok'.2s. isco. plum E. Bows, . A gent of Li th o's llff l ß r My warer , ouse wee burned on the fron.tirre t h e e 17th inst., and you mayqdge of toe character offiro when tell you that is bit re's of whisky stood 'within eight feet of one u yen- large eta* No. 4 &dos, n eking en awful heat, wit eh your flare pitched throne), and, to the cerrnlshment of all, proem.ued evertthing, money, books, and papers, lea perfect Mts. Signed. • Oro H. BATWOOD, M. C. SADLER. General Agent, 710 cHEISTNUT Street, th nen under Maximo Hall. COAL-OIL LAMPS. LET THERE BE LIGHT! A-• Ann) THE COAL REDS RESPONDED TO THE COMMAND. &since In her onward progress has extracted Oil of such purity a d perfection that the light it produces will vie with the sun In bri M i anny and almost n nest. at which it le now re ralrhed. The leviathan of the deep can cow Front and rambnl in hie native element unmo 'elided, and the unolean beast of our Term hush brethren MIN now Arunt learlewdl the santifien of hie life not hems required to give I ght to these Who wore 'treeing in darkness. Kt:unseen nr Cost. On,. and Lamps for Its 11110, have been brou ht to anon a state of purity and gerf u r t ed l ifln i t . htt i t in , many respects it is aupormr.to the be Oil has d+.prived of its odor and color until It r esembles °lsar 14,1111, water, and the I. antes in wive': it e used haveundergone lake improvement. no that we now have a light equal in hi-intoner, wearier lit steadiness end 'Atty. and at lees than half the emit of any other untruth Ilir hr. - lADIVII Are mentifaohred by At, B . D otT. In ever, Imaginable 1 ,, 0n of beauty st'd and ens Ann ptinl to all the vatfoutt purporea for which 11 ht e rsgu.red. W e claim to he the vnty mato/facia rie.# oylffoassns Lamps in Pro Melville. Others profess and Overlie- to make them. but they elmhly hay the Parts from those who di manufacture, and put them together which IN ;11tre Af mewl toutard nvinufa thrum them Forbear who put the strings In a pair of shoes do Unload making the oho , s. t have m w on hand. of my own nomulhature, the largest ronome. tend handis•mett variety of Herotene amps. Chandeliers, Breasts, &0., in the country, fitted with any of the various burners in the market. to that no person can offer Sou a better !Miele, or at less oat than can be ton d at my rt. re. machinery and tacilitles for manufacturing are not surpassed. so that. 1111 am prepared .to compete in slices and quelity of # oode won any tn the business Chandeliers and Lamps of ever, description shored to burn Kerosene, and re bronzed, sildrat and C • (shed canal to new f1:1 any style desired. The purest and beat :cartoon° Coal Oil for sale et manuraoturere prides • lass, shades. W Wm. and ail things pertafninst to the bueinesa, wholesale or retail, at the lowed tnarkot rates. . . Itky Storo fa No 114 South SECOND Straot, below (lii o;NTNiI and Fenton , No.l CARTES. Street, ad- Joining the. entrain tile rear. Morohania and others dl find it to their Internet to all and examine our stock and prices. I. B DYOTT. N 0.114 pottth SECOND St.. and No. 1 CARTER PHIIADEaII lA. Sample. of our Goode ere on enhibltion In the Agri cultural Fair. sp26-5t fIACKER:IM, SHAD, HERRING, h 0...... 16300.13b1e Noe. .1, 2 and a large and medium MG' V ita awned packages, of a very (theta° anahrll 9 60 bblg. new No. 8 tapir Mackerel. 60 'lna blde new No, n do, 90 bble new No. 3 med wen do. SO do new Eastern' Id soak d. sob r abbe f , do o . uno bis rum tpor 0.1 name, Bey odo sheen 0..) , o._ 'XO " o maw Wilton o IA - _ do 8 o A, et lab. 1 al 11544A m1 1 10 miti k B h. I st strauirlfr .o.r act 'G' • 107 , Andl/21 , 493) ilso., , ll) • 14, i 1 1 9 0,„fe% a. ; IZ r UR t N It T IIM • F 8 ... E R le. Ground Vairdr:fi- Oil 49 pre Or h owlC r STtrHER mi, r anoTamt, 47spa RAJIGROAD , LINZO. r TIIII PENNISYLVANILA 0E N TRA L iItIEROAD. 86— 800, IYIELR4I/01431,,E TBACIIF. 0.71 5• 1 -,.• :.1860. • THE clAPipariyer? .it i ,I t il : n if BQILLE THREICTIIROIIOII ethailiNaßß TBAINa - BETWEEN Plut,4p.o t rk r a i aoll_Pirilillffeal, Connecting direot at rhil. • e with Through Troia' from Bodoni New Tort, watt .volida heetrand in the. IrUridialirtaise Pitta n 'ell iirengem unaureamod for 'peed an co ort .1 - any 0 01'40130. t prol and NA Zinnia rig% pitt t b li rg, wi, 0., 51 , 1n 0r miz o. 0 . , lighidae l ir i Pattiti re r --ppi;ed Jar pent etherol of the engineer. thanafgaluggartalatt of of pilitsqlki d `ll . priffrit&ennuatirel, ea "Ektreriun'icaps l'hiltlelphia at 9 Se A.t eat me . lito • WAY T I I MA Y MA I VII itt 1 . Vies 6 ;niobium Actionr odatioiAt . ~k T a, . el. ert Lit C l it t ZT • n It Vr'eert Chwhor Passengers will_tere - the Mail. Went Chester Aoootionodetton \ el Co ride Train& Bogy . il, ril"igr:lll4, l3 ,:nrige f m tl r te ror,g,zl. t . I.4,iita r 7.1 s ...24. dusk, . vi.g d.eotly ion? , i Veil Tao ete eltwar lofty bes ,tae 13 1 110..01m0 the CortinenT ci rty4ylpl4,lll,7York, oft.na, or LI- U n`p d gel a 'io 4.4, baser at ani m a important Rea eta in the West I also o holt spy Of the reau ar Line of Steamers on the PPI or Ohio t trees; • I W Fare always es loin aid time aellidelr, si by any other Route. For farther inforinatioi linty fit the Atttlearg , pit. ti9n, &int etiat oorner or tievorti i rot. 41 , 51.1 . tete. i'hS o4ratielion or toe Weeterri conneotions of the PonorOvani it a allroied to inionrorke this the ',MRCP LINE BETWEaItItH . EMIT AND Tit II GREAT WEB '. The cionneotlrin of mks by the Railroad Bridge et Pittsburg, pring ail drayage or ferriage of Freight, together wit the awing or time, pre advantagesiaadlig apple:3)3W y Stamen of Freight, and the iwaTel ling Public'. . teerohleiltend ilhippere i eetteetitra she trovvrotte 0 3 2f their Tight to thi.. Gorneant , con rely with Gerd 9241TrielVeis-nrr to and (rein any yeiint I n the set by the ennsylvanla Railroad ere etail ronsis as faeoratge all art Osumi by slaw Railroad Cipecinirs. - ' - ew Be eartlealar tomer Ottehagell" till Pena Xall- Toed. Por Vleight donkrtoits or # iiiiiing blreetioni, noels to, or OV.Orets either of the following Agents of the Cele- VI-1111 11.13fre:9fi.43 ra qii l e t ' ,l3 l .Xilari . T, ?.i. • k.. 1 .9.., It_ 1. T,t ... VW . ..irVr, enl i rr u elioitai I c tio7A ' agatt.4,lllepi nd i - r. I p.E. , ,, K , 4 ni...,avir v i r r v a,, , 1 , , vat„..,........, , tira ' .., ' , 4 ..,.. . Babo.brhater & iti!tee4 , ...i 0 . kuu ineatro•hville, Tarr.. .4_ Bikaltiloip ht. ti• lir: 4 Pitig h A "i ti . of itgre jl arat Ws"' T e ll ..., . 1 1 jiiit t il e. r 1 0: • . .r at illills iiiß& iBth, Mit it it lN ' th e kt itili r„P.T. ft " ll VlV . ,,lini tl lrip l4l /%11 r" L. .. LW Tl 4 . ....n , ...tp t ° ol4non g s.. r. tally V , NTARR H I Lj P o AT SI I . For B ur p OY,L_FILINN wSTON. ' l '9 Snu" M A ETVITIV Y,WHITE HAVE , YILKES ARA& IA SPORT, Ai,. THREE THROUGH RAINS. On and after MONDAY. rinv Id. teeo, Passenger Trains will leave FRONT and MLLOW fityseuk Phi ladelphia, DA ILY4Sundars exceptod,) as follows: At 6.39 A. M, ` s:x rose ), for Bethlehem. Allentown, Mauch Chunk, biaaleten, Wilkesharre, Willlsoinisrr, leo. At 2XI P. AL (Brines!). for Bethleb em, Easton, &o. lads train resents beacon at 5.60 P. et., and makes close connection with New Jersey Central for riew York. .2o mg, P. M. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, At 5 A. RI. and 4 P. P. for Doylestown. ilt 20.50 A A . M. and 6.60 P. M. for Fort Washington. Pho 6.30 A. M. Express Train close minnesfiou with the Lehigh ValloyAntl it Bethkil•ers.htiltih the shorgest kid 'petit deiiirE a rctite fo Wilkeidief it. and to all points in Dm LolughCoal Region. LTAINS FOR - PLULAD.ELPRIII.: Si Leave Bethlehem at 5.49 A. ht., 930 A. M. and ISM P. . • L ea-e Ooylesthwn at 730 A. M anA4.l6 P. M. leave Fort Washinaton at 6.161 A. M. and 234 P. M. UPI fIUtiDA Vili tP11:1:1g1:1FOr Bethlehem tolttta A. M. gl i ali c eThr P P h l iarellit i lrat t e. 6 oo 4° P A . If . Fare to Bothlehora.4l 30!Fare to Manch Chuilk.ll2 ao 1 , 14 e to Dutton.: ...... 1 60Irate to Deflestign.. 080 ncUrigui4iiTtril , mBll;:ecrMill'lggliritelSl to remtre the above rates of late. Ail Passenger Trains (exoept Punch Trains) connect at Berke street with Fifth and Sixth streets and Second and Third-street Peasouper Railroad,. 20 nU paw after leaving Willow street, jy3 gttAtl dtAlt ft, Akita. ELMIRA ROUTE. antions lIIILADELPFILA AND EL MIRA RAILROAD, Quicion RoCTE to TitlMus, CataWiesa, _Bo ron, Wakesnarre, Boranton, W liamsrort. Troy, Ralatolt, t) ton, 14 !Mil k uffalo, rt)agars Nana, Rochester, Cleveland, Oros oledo, Woiago, Pt, Louie, Milwaukee, and $1140131[3 Mtn awl P Passengsr trains 77nnB leave the new Dep o t of the Phl ingelpTha and Reading Railroad. corner BROAD and (ALLOW RILL Streets, (Passenger entrance on Cal lasrhdl street.) daily (Bandays °notated), for anon Mate. na DAY EXPRESB.. 4. M. NIGHT EXPRESS.... .... . . M_ The LOU A. M. train eonne . cta — at'Ampert, for Wale*. karr"Wki n oltas i ribit o 6tßf s aliet i ato: R msbnp . Tte — ibove trains mojce di act connections at 111*Tra withil i se train, of the New is and no. Ca and mama and,lluffek, New ork and hale, unit Now York Central Xaliroads, Com sante North and West, and the Canadair. Rsagato °hooka.' to Elmira, "Rapti), and Bunrenston Undjnd oR termodusta tro. tta Mitt irvepted e Philadelphia and Y.I. ours Rai lroad Lir o ticket 0 oe, nortißt4oTner of PIRTII and Cith IN UT lime% and a Aleanef r ihn°1 17111)118 yniffgap Leave the Pill i his. an >ego , road Canoe 11!! Phi f ( Sande ll, excepted), tor all Points winds t North, at aP. m, Freights nal , ' be delivered before aP. M. to injure th rt. g ri.. n & t o " At pr t i ht t THlre.r u zza r k a dCA or to CHAllf§ a Lr E Nzt i r t et scour Sul :H and lOubn xrt Ziis hIiSA PtinselpitatiA - 6, tic OVii3l . 1 LROA 14.11 / 4401. 0 8 / 618Wit On and of FOR 0 ter ONDA _MANTOWIL 33v16, leave Phliadelslds. l, il li g, 10, 11... And aA. NG, 1. Lax, 4. 4, a, em, 7.9 :11,10 , and 1136 P. /d. "L'esve Gentuintown 6, T 7 8, BM, 6,10,11,11 A. 31., I, 0,8, CV, 11, CH, T. OA 10)14 :M. Orr 13U DAM t p L aye Philadelphia 9.06 min. A. M., I, 8, I, 1%, and 10 P.M. cave Germantown. 8.10 MM. A. M., WO min., 4. 6X, art PM P. M. U 11311 1 ,771117 RILL RAIL_ROAD. Leave Philadelphia I, 8, 10, II A.'111., 1,1,11, 631, 1,1. and 1024 P. M. Leave Chestnut Bill 7.19 I'._y, RIO. PA IMO A. M.. 1.40, sow, 4.20. 8.40, ati LW P. M. N SITIS, r gtve PelladelMONl.C.B A. ~11,_6. and 1M P.M. eve Ploonnit Will TAG Al., ILA cid, and ILO . OR CONSHOHOCKEN_ AND NORRI6TOVierf. Leave ritiladelphia 8.110,7%,11M.. 11.08, =tn., A. Zil. , 1.06. LW, tki, am, 660, and 113( I'. M. Leave Norriatown 6, T. 8.07. 14 11 A. PI.. 154 CV; I and 7.05 P. M. ON IIItiNDAYII, lesave Philadelvldaend 6 I s PIL -n.ro Norristown TM A. 111..j_end 6 P. M. 1 1 WhIAN19NK. Leave Philadelphia a. 60, 714.9A6 lido A. M., 1.01, ILO, Um, 456, cm, 640. alt and 11M P. M. Leave ManaTunk i, TM, 11.Gi, ipi. and UM A. P. 1 ., I, Sas, 1. 634, 8. and 934 .M. ON MIN. DAMN, heave V i Velnlti:44 , . al.. 8. B,llnd 8P IIL Leave apilnli . M..,14 6.31, &Walt P. M. . K.ll 11. General nape dent,; nlt4f DEP . NLNTH and ORM Streso. 1860. Ikatair SPRANG ARVOK A hatqz 7 mi x t ar,B .. is litb THNTON RAIEROA 1 1 8 15 .1.1fiq PROII OILADELPIi LA TO NEW ORK WAY letlFl., _ F F/ 1 8 leguLagligwing. At 6 A M, vis Camden and Amboy, C. & A. Ancom _An kg At 6 A M via Camden and Jersey City (77, .I.l•Ao ommnoaation,. XI At 9 A 31, via Camden and SarneyMorning iiyy ia Tacon Mail 00 At 11 A 31, by Steamboat, vv an I J-rney 00. cetera Exprour. At 1,954 P via Camden and Amboy, A000mm)- da ion At I t P M via Camden ant Amboy . C. sail A Si- ArtViCitriftWiimt—MiTile.'i'iiiioTtraririiii BB City, Evening 'Express. ..... ........ e o At 4r 21 by Steamboat via Tsoony and /emir C. 2.1 'Clads Tidal Is Ate rd, via Camden and Jersey City, Evening 00 Alll via Camden and Jersey City, S ou thernilP— 295 At 5 1 ) 317VIE_, Camdtn and Lacy, tion, (Freight and r ansanger,)— nt i.nans'lloket 26 .. 14 so The 6 P Mall Line runs daily. no 11 PM, Utah errs Mail, Saturdays excepted , Ito Belvidere. Easton, abertville, Itnimninon, sro,, at 6 A AI and 0 P 21,frorn Wall:Mt-street wharf. atoll 730 A hl from Kennington. For Water Cap, Strononbarg, Scranton, Wilted:Arra , Montrose, Great Bend, &a,, at !I A. M. from Wabmt street wharf, A and 7.10 .M. from Kennington. via De la' w re Lackawanna and Western R. R. or Mount Holly, ate ar 9 A. M. ' s and 634 P. M. or Freehold, at 6A. 5 • and 2 P. M. WA 'LINES. n fgr ir 1.1,11 ak.l. } &lngit'il:: Mg Kennington. Per ralmyra L _Kiverton. Delanoo,_)Severly, ton, Floronott. Bordentown, &0., at 12.4, Pl 1, and 434 P. Id. Steamboat Jos Belknap for Bordentown and lnterme dints ums, tit 234 P. 35. !Steamboat 'Fronton for Taooll9. at n M. and TaOßnr Beverly, Burlington, and Orly at 4 P. M. Piny 'Pounds of Baggage, only, idlow each Passen ger. rummers are prohibited from to ng anything ea baggage bat their lreannt apparel. wggage river liftj you to bo paid far eXtra, The Company limit theu iseponnibility tor baggage to One f:llarper pound, and win not be liable for any amount ond 8100, ex; oept by special oontraot. • amid WM. H. SATZIVER. Agent. SUMMER ARRANGL ENT. 11AD 'L.PI 4II INII,MINGTON, AND BALM tRE RAILROAD. On and a er MONDA,JuIy 0. Mel, PABLIBNOBB TRAINS LEAVE puri , AahLpituk, Fovantmore at 8.15 A. fri., If noon, (Express ' ) and 11 .galgiter at 11.11 A. M.. U noon, 1.15, 0.00,T.00 and UM F. IC For Wilmington at 00 A. M,, 12 noon. Lee, AM 1.00, and It.lo P, M. Tor King T ie at it i l li S j il . . l krA d oL 6 :llfe : 'Vor iover atftri a li. AI. and Los 4- 8 . er Par 2_ at 8.15 1. 1 Ai,. and 2 P..M. For Mord at &lAA. . Tuesdare. rind Saturday* at 6.06 P. se • For Famine ton at 8,15 A. AL Mondays, Trodnesdaye, and Fridays at 5.00 P. M. or Seaford at ea A. AL Mandan!, Wednesdays, and Fi i i 4. 1 4.1. 8 11267/41 1. 1a „. D es et at B.io A. M . mill oonneot at Seaford on uesdays, Durredaye, and fiaturdays, with steamboat to No RAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA itaveeniore at 810 A. M.. Magma.) lea A, N., dad Ltd Leave luileyten 141.10. Itte, and UM A. M.. 1.40, intl, and m. 8.2 1, 1. erre Neale, Lfd a fir . . ll thutedege, and Patutdays. at 7.110 A. M., and 1.20 Leave Farmington, Tneedays,. Thursdays, and Fatur daye. at 8 .. 21, and 4.15 P. M. Lamm Alford, rdondays, wednendaye, end Fndaye, at 7.50 A.and 4.20 P. M . Leave Harrington at 8.15 A. 111., and 4, P. M. rave Dover at 9.011 A. 111., and 6.25 P. M. Cavetare Middletown at lake A. M. and and ML Now Castle at 8.00, 15.55 A. Id., and 7.55 I'. M. nave Oneonta: at 7" 9,10 A, /11,, LUC SM. and 111 P. jin. 03 - Mare Baltimore for Salisbury and Delaware Unread at RA MC* in .2,11• I to 5.25 r. at, Ant iiAIiTIMOILE Leave Cheater at B.ee A. M 17.18 and 1140.1". M. AALe 'Wilmington at 9.25 A. M.,12 . 005 P.M.. and 12.20 L M. veIF,IONS 'EXAM, with FAESENGEB. CAR attaolisd; will run oe follotra Leave P v yledelphis for l'eurrille and intermediate elute ate '. M. Leave ilminittOS for Perryville and Intermediate Maces at MOO P. M. _ -0 oe for Baltimore and intermedi heave Baltimore for Haas - tie-Orate and !Marital ate platen at con P. Al, _ OVHDAYN Only at 11,10 F. he.,from_Fluladelnius to 4,lilmere. Only at 5.2 a P.M., from Baltimore to Phi slo's. IYI S. M. Pfcrirtiri resident. iiMNOT Ok.---OkIESTAIit, i. t t lAWlMeNttlf Irk, i . p.• • , ONS,—On onlyittt. th I t Mail fron ng :WAre r evot QM. hilr OA it,l: 4 1 ..; i- ICEE? street Marr on! vir; li t. ix- wp.-,-.tra,..., raitii it f4-xi A. "i t I (S if il tat; t ra CON , UATR ,k. vv471,:rr.a.i . 7 51 c 0 .., a ird r .4. 1 j . ,... 1 o aooloroo )44iablatiitold. ' so "W; , c littilfllY, lenstArr. gies 3 11 ii k, A i n lAN (P ROADR) !PRIMO!. fOr•POV/LIVILLE-, RYLADING.ord DARRIBBLIIO. • • rORIJNII LINES. DARN. LannadY3o.ipepted.) ettae New Dora. oornor or 13 ttO D and uALLOW II LI. Ittree.a. ILADE1,1•111 tYlaaetnret entranee - on Thirteenth Rud on Callowlnl atreetn I et 3 A M., oannenting at h„ . .Kria2•.ura with - the-PEN NS Yl.7e NI N A IWI It, I' M. train runnihr to y•tt shunt ; tan CDRIDE O LAND I/ I.LEWI 06 PM. (tom Tll , nr_ NI , rill p i p : i ft .,,l,.ttne NORTH. r It ei train. running' to Ban tam Ao• AFTERNOON thA DRI,PRIA • I Amman' eLtranceo (01,101101 inmate.) far PO'crti. Leave New Detiot. ogynor vl GRID RD and CALLOW. „ s h an ilt i Iti n tillßD. at 3an ht., DI , for 4 at 6 P. 10,, DAILY, tßandare oa vnlßv I NL I TA • u L i t eN : eeno:dtt only, coated I. `DIATAricEs vIA PIIILADEh A I' D HIA AND READING RAILRO 47'WM PlitLaDELOltta. () 2i) , Reding • • 63 } obonon...- • • • • els, Itarrniburg t.auehln • • •• .12.' inprohork.. • — lOl, rrovorton Junction- 160' Banbury,— • • • .1 40 l'ihrthointretlhilti .LOWllibUr; 31,1 ton Mtliter • ' • ' in Wllltannsuort • ••\YA 4r any ...... 222 I,opa IInVOII •• • 136 , Itcaton- • • ..... E Intro. ••• • • ...AV The S and a au P. ?"11 tglt t :l u Z ' A i l 111 1 0 making olannqannootione 1 Canada,. , ne We . t and Haat! De PO IN PINDEVI end OAl,LOorlltt. Street, nty..l-tr Philettlolplort via Peplar. ti.ad LtiqUOLI Valley Wit. Banbury and Yale It. It Willitimaitirt and tiniiet 'WIN,id, train hohneut tholr oe h o t id with tho OA CA- T, and Intl t , "A IlirtoA With Itnee to Nia.Arz hw•at. %Li.; Corner of 1111.0 AD IN 5 URA.NCE COMtWOI E ti • !LIFE INSURANOI JI-aPANY —THE .rFNN k A NCK COMPANY, 921 C, S 4TV : F I I7F I WISH, P7t tht stianca.Paa and tndowninntit Masi Nitatei. end rilr.kau All c° 4l, l :y g° , i gt i• L °l l. ` .. l . ( o ° T; tors, Tnatati, and Ouardiana. Tflud an r 1 Mar, un itno Codtel, - 'Factual Oft nei. c100:ta mad. Jten,y 0. Towneend. Itodolpiknis Kew., Itoliottnenl. Wamer Bunn, ' 4 .1.1i0t, nA . .Idlty w. lianNtoz. .11. 7 q) TRUST UONI. muTifm, .INsl'- uritnnuT Street. Assail, 6 Whale tOttn.,ff ard- grantor 0 1 / 6 141V.A1 LI:o Ibtattle'll Il COutrat dorandin on the Aanduistratolt, Armig noes, 11:g ES. ficti.::l F il lltoker, atneo l t.43 l ll l ;lana. ' " OtePh B. Trottor, FAII:tinT . 7I :I . • Il i t o10 1 ;. 1. l oVer N' l' .4l l o t : t u a o h r l . al9". 1 lllieff., Irh at. atonal J. Christian. . ono DAq hi, ftwa , 63. .John u.litenner. hler, r flown. ,I. Lo-hi11d.,1;14, Proaldont. ,E.jyrugill. Vino Pro. t. '4.14 , h rill L-A -A MERIOAN FIRE INSURANCE (30., IN ooltroitATED 1114.4jann i kt pg . gpirr. 11 4110 wALrivr, Street above ULM, Phlledelphin, Savins a lets raid -no ea.,nal atoolt and Burr In vatted in entd, ni vat Me Be T.ritiee . , gee inue to Inrire op Vsre nee, Store ', Furniture, Hero andiCe, Vessels in l!ort and their.entgoes, and other Yereonal r!operty. An losses nbendiv and ennnedi adivatse. Elter4llll. • • De. R. Marti, - JOU 7,Leirui, - o Wolin , Axes R. =titan amuel 0. mortal. - - Edmond q. Data: trick Brady, , ft t.lhes. W. calmer. ..r, haa °l 7..ktailli. Prevident, ALBEIT 0.!.. FOR . oretarr. , ren-tr n UMW?, Val INSUAANUE COALPA lar§ci4l:DidliPtiltineAT'l3ll3,3 .11.riq L EUR 1 ivo_afL r ; 4.l.To.—insnres Ssnina Less or mamas° by re and the Yenta of the Bea. Inland Navigation and atisportation roll? MART, Presllent. P. RU Prestd,nt. H. _ a.Vis A P, l .4l4A l t y L4 n olngr" r. ' VIREGTORS. ellitrtegarts A. O. - roster B. Perkins, E. W. Bailey, Andrew Jt. Onsreberr. 8&1320.1 Jones. ht. Ih. mhe.tf A NTHRACITE INSURANCE COM PA. A.A. NY.—Anthorlgod Capital giOO,OOO—CHARTEM FRBRET UAL. Office No. Mt *Abram Street, between Third and Fp_urtli street, Philadelphia. Mae Company leAtineure asairuat lose or dnmste hr Ali on Bonding", Bernitere, end In orehandire Rans il:o. Marine insurances on Vessels, Bargees, find Freights. inland lnsuratioe to all parte of the Union. BIRCTORS. her. Es Jacob ' Icepee,h Marinetd, , blither, Dr. Liam." N. Eckert, ._ A uttqnfi ad, lolan R, slaktstos, Mile rearnon. 1 I , ' . Dean, eter, Bieger. ,I,_' sm. P 1," I lt. Vgeldent. Win. P. DliA . Vine Btailident, *. id. Rai rat. reotetAre. ang-tuthatg THE k.ANTEBP/LIISE INSURANCE COMPANY OP PHILADEPECA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUIVELY.I 11014EANS UILDING. .TANS , HSIE avuliH TAND WALNUT SABTS DIREOTORS. t i ftnpr i Mi t rAl3. ii y i ns i gib. Dawiest. AL: 1 511,1 F.lletzt, re. A. Blow 11. T. Taatct: riamw D . CAN N : - "1 W " I rIATDIF ab 01.17. a gald Gni. CHARLES w. Wlts. figaletary• frail SAVING FUNDS. „A little, het ottendills the Purse.” VRANKLINNING FUND, NO. -a: A attjeuth FQ street, between not h a d Walnut. P larle Mays ell DemoCU on emend. D posttort money speared by Government, ' s amlMato. and City Dane, Mumma Rents, Mort- it ao ). . - rif Company donna safety better than tercel l ol ley° ti, Wileelilentil .111 vim no rink with agpo- e, r sacra' weer, out hems at at ail tames ready to a return, with • per neat Interpt to the owner, ae 1 they MVO MWEYII 120/20. Inn, GOIGIVIIIIT 110Ver rem n e d er. Married tingle, and Atit/6716 ' dopolit in them Om iht, and snail deposits can cl g be withdrawn coraty b their °absent. • Marternereetuat. nooreatated hy the a tatel i of Pennsylvania. 17th authority to reoeive money ; frrtrustee,' anal (aora. ARG.E dail y. $ 1. HUMS RECEIVED. . Moe oven tan II to It &Moot. and on Wodneeday evening until 80 olook. DLIZOTOItg. Boob B. Shaamosi. Tres Cadwallader, • bn !Mindful range resell, alaehi W. can. ()war Arrest, wig Knun sra, &fry Be any, ' rip:ldea Rit hone, athau emedier. Jot. 3i. Salto psit i e kv. ?in . .' Yea e sy, JACOB B. BH lAiliMitnaticle. Crays CA.DWAII.ALTS. Treasurer. areer.r " A Dollar saved 11l Mice earned." AMERICAN SAVING FUND.— Oom ffizonntirj. watidtarlat d xnef ro W.A 9 .l.4l.ll oNlook, and on IdOClfirir aim the ovolung. this Ofd Institution Wm always paid lu full, on demand, Inthout n0n ,, 0. INTEREST DIVE PER CENT. All sums sold b r oak, on demand in gold andalyer. T 14 hJC.,',/ 11 A1L142/Na itkident. ne J d. ratTl vice Fr F r e 14 1 n e Jo in Anapaon, 10Eallit T. ar nZ r ue, John Alkman, Jonim Holnnan, _ 11. H. Idndge, Wok J. Hqward, JOHN S. WI L 13021,5 mermen JOHN C. 8111S:Sootetaka. earl-am RAVING FUND—PINE PEE CENT. IN NJTERT—NATioNAL VAPETY 'MITT QOM PAN Y, W 'NUT Street, con thwee t corner of TRIAD Inoorporated by the !Mite of Peansfl ~ ,..sai ii r a ll et g o ollr e ds int n o y f spn ey4 la it yf o e o th r e suall. o 7 v dAt — The Wile is neap every day frau% nine o'clock in the morning II Ave e lp rok In the erep rip. and on Motels, and Wkarly eve Ifs Oil °Stet 0 k ic. . R Y b. LIP,N . President. eikT BELPILIDU ' , +Se rteeiderit NPIUILIS . OU/entail. ninsicas : on. Neel7ll,. Benner. . Car roll Brayster. Ma'am b. (Atter. mph IL Ban JLobert Self se, , nazige_beP. Samuel R.Raten, Joeepn Yea ~ thot .,andze nuns. . Jamas L. Etelineeil. nipi II received wad payments made daily. The tneestmente are Made, to oonfornilty with the provisions of time Muter, in Real Estate Illortaaies, Wound Rentll.llsl4 inloA amt.-niers seaminess se win al- Ways Insure perfeot esonnty to the depositore, and whioh cannot real to give perialtalollo7 and etability to Me Insiltutdon• • aim-i• SAVING} FUND-lINITED STATES P ,7 'FAUST COMPANY, corner TRIAD and CHEST. Ne Street. %ag g intgu r t u ri t o li tie l lylail i ra 711189A k IIPPJ e a rtS.ST trout the 017 of dOVOIIII to the day of wtth drar. • MOOR ta°;lllrtil and ce DRAFTS for gale on Ensland.lreLantl. nd Scotland. frrl upward*. resident—iEWN O r MWPOILi. ETWWW;etnen4.l: NOTICES. ( 1 I TY- .COMMISSIONERS' OPPICE— PHILADIMPFITA. September 23. Ih)O, The Assessors trill meet for thepurpose of adding' to their respeetivo lists the ha eo of these perso..o Who may have_been or:MO.6°r may havo moved into tho Nerd the last essessmnt On Wren .EtsDAY. 2,Ph. THURSDAY. Mb. rind FRIDAY. 23th et September, ',emu on the hours of one and ten o'ekek S. ,at the 101 l mine phtees. viz For the First Ward, at the house of Samuel Onflith, Priserunltiged Above Reed stront. • &pond ward, Isaiah Pascoe. N. W. corner Of Foutth and Washtnr ton avenue, Titled ward. John Conrad, No. 813 Stissvunic road. 'F..urth Ward, John W. D übre oz. Ito. lid South Fifth Street. Fifth Ward, Charles Bard Rims, N 0.230 South Fifth street. . . 81xch Ward. William Lobel], Tin 31DCberrr street. +Bnyentlr Ward. Jamoa Lobley, N. s.. oor. of 'rwelft! mnd Lombard Eigoti Waal , Mooney'e, 1 4 . E. corner of Sanaom on. ntreet. Nintit - Ws, , d, Daniel H. 13aitlar. N'. 1619 Market at. Tooth Ward, BehdoLoki-Woad. No. in Woad otteet• Eleventh Ward, Benjandu Hamer's, 8. W. corder of Now M,l,kot and f 'vales. Pweiftp Wart', WltJJant 1 13reotann, York avenuo and 13 CV= I li Ward, Chaaloa Millar, No. 70 Sro:ula (Jordon. FiMlteenth Ward, John Mabarn No.l3llllldge ave-* h Uifteentl,Ward, Alronaol Lawns, N. W. nor. of Coate, and Weat arrears. _ 1 II '",stoenth Ward, Widow ‘l, . cur. or our and Ueoryo. eventeentli Ward. Henry thalth, [3. W. corner of F Tie t h a tel i gn i rli a Wa r r :I t . r U a . t Nauman, corner or rtanklln avenue and Marlborough greet. Ninetaanta Ward. Una Doerr, M.N . \ . corner of Ambor and 011a'atroeta; John l'aao, ftlahmoralinreet and Head- A allroncl. :n Twentteth Ward, J. W. Damson, S. E. (urter of Elevcarn and Girard ut nue. Twenty•firat Ward, tor (1111100 n Motel, ILAN° road, &Nye Groan wentraeoond Ward. Drunner's Hotel, German town Twenty-third Ward, It eutum grederiak. Ilarrewrata Doty] ; Daniel Faunae, No. 87 Franloard road ; wobert. M. Murry. Bustloton: Twenty-faun'', Ward, B. S. Wise, Lancaster rifle and Miller atreot. Connniasionerr. EDVirAgp R. WILLIAMS,? c i tr QUARLES . EAL., Jortti A. nousiotoN, told-st FI OE OF TILE HARM SBURG, FORTH:ROUTH, MOUNT JOY, AND 1,4 NOAS TER RAILROAD COM PAN Y. lIILAPII7,I•MA. /.50. The Board of Dirootors bavo TB IS DAlileolaren Hem minuet Dividend of Fourt CI. NT. on the Capital Btook of tho Company, ray üblo to the Rtockholil, era, or their Lintel anerenentat.ven. on and after MON DAY the Btb day of OCTOBbIi next, at their utlinn. No. 1134 Month ThiltD Street, coiner of WILL( nit.ra GEOft(.I.E Siioretarr. GERMANT6WN PABANGER RAIL .. WAY COMPANY-071ton 81.XTIt end DIAMOND fttreets-.rtittisnst rim, Aug. We, lSgO.—An Instal- Ment at Five Delius per share ((being mend in3trti l ment) en the capital stook of derma town Pelson - nor ((shwa, Osmanli li due and PMII ablo on or lirlare the first nej4l' ()maw next stunting. flyrr of the Beard of Managers, ssf-hil " , W NI. PIM.; FAILY. ffenrifari and Trassurar. : . rtat:ILADELPAtee ,1: , REAPING RA IL-i i ll p a ,;%.:4", Mes e re s 1 ;f:a tit 1 1 07 , 46741SZe us cil t oieVetth v en4lrolargil 02 rre g a rtVgf i e l ery 4 eeL is tig erSi n iS ir. no..iinse 0 set. ?eI:44M i-i RA , iri selni.ll7 r rreesurer, FASDAMES CIIEGARAT AND VILER. vrt.tm,sereotruity tame their jai?: al 11 3 1 II ge Like that. the, have removed then: War tteheet ree,e - hve, Ladies from Logan &mare to ll :Tflk 1+27 mu/ 1/12 , ./ SPR LTCY. Stteei. Puede from live peers of ate upward Pre p ared t the fouttlt elate. - leap Om Y A NT. STR TTON, ,f; FAIRBANKS' NI ROANTILE COLLEGE. N. E. C.rnilf hir- VENTII. ar d I.3IIEATN I 'Pt-Ger...l —lbw or' Ertate : , ,,SionS. /nett c float on or It rtt o 9 11l 13.411.koeping. r.h•norol Wholealle nnd huhu' Ituam , ee, htup- Dtnir. Forerardine and Commt.coo, Bxnktng, rx• change, Menuracturlnk, Hai rimeltnc. htoanalooatins, he., the rnowt thorough end mat ti , ol coots, In the Putted Qtatee. Alto, Lectures, Cortnotc..l Calcula tions. Arithmeho. and the hither Nelhemoties. Von 1111.,INEOP ( best in the city.. Correvp.,ndence. For Mile. their raw Treatise on Boekkaablt.. bertuti fully_pr. iota.% to colon], unit the bitt work Rubio..led. VCINDERS' INSTITU I E, N- 7 TILIRTY-NlN'r II AND MARKET STREETS, 11111. A DEL.ItLIIA. Prolossoi E. D. it UNDERS & CORTLAND SAD:i nt.:RS. tt• lion. WM. lllCeishlt. Claark ; W W. SioKI flung, I:At, of thn Marc limita' Hotel. l'hilrolisluhls • Hon. J. W. FOR NLy of. The ; Hon N. B. UItOWNE. ltinuoll Chunk—al( of mho,' h^uscat hoarding vs l'lnlndelpilln; Rae , R. Wk I'llll' ut the P. NAT.. Y . 11= 14 tm lj i tr W c:; l 7thrtVlo ,j i 13 ° 4,1 and Ull%tillioto Comp r; And hint ASA Natttulits' list, sti that, frienda whaunt o looking for e slim. thorOurh. nod I.lolusaut *Ghoul tar tinned •pf , (1(11 , 1( thou se MlllAff. A VW , ' no Iwo oft Wirt' AC R ore lOLACIIki to tho tnatitoto tor zotatualon, rcuteatioll, and pher.oal ex erof•e. Irer The terra for n coislOtt of lion month,. coouttog front fits tiny of utiotss,,,,, are fa;s for day - Is ,rdmi VUplll, 311.9 10 , Po 0113 N , tot apantl batur..l%, amt b+tio.l,l atholao. 3,1 aro fur ratio's remAl nine coast in. 4. V °ia ohar-es. iosn'a .n rtn," RC. 0, Northern Central " 1 ALIAN, !TEN CU, AND L by E. T. AMIIA LINO. • •••. , K ttrait. ESTOIVN BtiMtDING-%;ellri' .4 %roll , e.ogoin lit of HP.A for Lalt J ,,, r tie4l squire of "Y H. 1.0 P.P.GOT - r. ' , to r n ert)r. 10) C.t• Mr.orest, , ,rn P 0 . flurlmetnts V. J. rrlig JIISSrS CASEv "t DIRS. 8E1..131 , :" 4 Englit', Fire , Fterob Ty xrdin,l +nd 11,7 Pehord, Young Ladies fin. 1 'WA lAti Nirrot, rtnren.d WEDr4L>DAY. Srptof:/ber 11. Pell /Ln .p,i(3LIE4II AN!) CLASSICAL &C)1(•()L. the etilentiber.ln Nimes' Beihilzte, y ,, Fel mreat. at ~re Twelf th till Te-Deee on eelvtf AY, the 17th of eel teuilmr. 11. CO AR I P. 3 *4P in N 0 CAIII)EN ACADEMY FOR voiNo M11 , 4:g AND GO7R, Cor. EIGIIIII and Dirrrit:lwOOD rqr.irta. Book get, lklattlemett.h.J. Urnlreng.S.r.. Bois p•ce, , ,, , ,,j at LSO. 11t4.1m" F. I.MILLAVY LONG, l'auolcs/• 'UNION ACADEMY, No, 5 FOTITI; YLy- TEFNTFS 3tre.m—Preneepal. 7101. D. , A :I: Y.l, A , 0.4t0d L3thA prirl ot,on of round 1) , dVd. coca • ho ar Abli,epd proranLio maw etteotile. le Wars may La IVA LC. Cm ro , ;ilsl or tlier vrlll We sent to any d.ddreas. al3l HBIIcoWN ILL Hf.,*(IPEN 11- Her ROHOOL F.'n 611t18 On lit!) W ocrner of FILIIbI+ t and JUNI}PER Streets opposite Yenn Siesta on 10th of tont). moota. I M•pt.) nu.V-6w• CLASSICAL I'iTITUTE. DUAN 51' RLET. LOCtir. The duties of the Manteca .stvitete will 1,3 mane) Mondry. September J. J.V A. Fit-9, A M., Pnanmok!. MM W. 11OWES lIAS RFMOVEI) ILlLher solicrol for youhr ladiea to 1395 (311 1, 6 creel. hurl will reopon nn Virednosi.hy, PripterntArr 13. A low biardiur pupils will be received. l'or otroo 4re, inquire as shone, or at the Preabytertan Hoar, I 34 Ana 1330 eh sthutatrost. aroll-Rw VENN INTI'PtiIT, SfiUTIJEAST riv rt viiKTEuNTII a^d FILt . 7: 4 .Y 9Dpista r...- opeuß MONDAY, Nop'a, n V. , ur b., a Rill to 114111W/id. Catalorunn tient t.) Any At/drot. , AIDO-tr R. et EWART. Prmelval. • rINTR,kI,IIISTri'IITE, TENTH AND st'ittNO fiA:1 1 11Krt 3treetl, reopen Feßtem her P. 1.1 1111 prepare.] hlf Ma yl.ll (1 th e no ;la Urammar Notionle. for Colleges. or fo r iiimniies eifni li G. Td c 1.; CI It V. Principe]. WINTIMOP TAPPAN'S BOARD- A , nrdDAYECfIOOLCorYOUNGLADrE't,No 1727 VIN 'meet, near Logan Fp awl,. will Br-Ql' EN on WEDNESDAY, September 12th. Ciraulara on ftnpliontion nuts-6w• 71/1 ISS LUUY R. MAYER and Mrs. R. M. BIRD will 'coven their school for young' In elem. itt v.. 1010 strepti on MONDAy, Sew tember I/. ant it4in NEW ORLEANS ( LA. ) PIOAI UNE.- JOY. (JOE. & Co. llnce I ahpointcd anle axenta in l'hdadefplua for tide extersively crr-uts tide rtpsr. pi commota 'los tn. tluanee liaPinrss rrvn ere advernaine in the beat new,• vapors of nit, and country, at tn.. eff.,,,canf Joy. Cr/ K• CI).. Ad , errienhf n 'cute, FI rl 0 and Clit. sTr4 VT Strom% r hiladelphta Tribune Burklinka • INew York. 10.24-tf -11. E it 011.1 NTS AND OTHERS, ADVFR; Tl3z FOR FALL 'CR ApHiN BEST Cf.TY AND COUNTRY NEWSPAPEfIrj Int publahore' priors.) tliroutts I. ALIVENTI.Irrt) AtiENCY, H. W. Corner THIRD and ARCH Streets. ow Call or lead for I.ist of Newspapers. • 1,31-tt t A. T EW BR (1 0K S , MANUFACTURER tie C MPAIGN UNIFORMEr, in every Varies or 13 . 3 North T1111(.1) Street. eC]Udm. opposite Cherry. PhiledelEhia..... HORACE SEE, :itEcittone,tt ENGINvEtt, and Iv% rt.prr ATTORNEY. No 114 south ItIXTII Street. (Nearly oppeeite the County Court tleuse.) Froyares Spool r.astione. Drawing...to...sod transact.. all other business commuted with the obtaining of Let tere Patent Machinery Decayed and I)rawinee mn3e. an:..4lrn• ipt R. CORSON. REAL ESTATE BRO. -*.••• KER AND CONVEYANCIift, F FWWIgIWREP.mitax, .m MOTELS ruit . 11 0 A rtiltit i e n , 1 4 1 Z it i g urgru'l l O i tti l iu l grril i end Don Tare: ynnsona aypiying will 1,0 shown wrowSlities free or ° 5:11:fla and Mot t uesotiated at fair rates. II AN EI• ELSIP.ENICES for role in Norma/mu, Potts- Ftwn, and intornedista plaanii. For Catalcmuen and uadeenription. &datum R. K. CORSON, Norrier , arn. ra. JT NICLIOLSON, • Manntioturer of BLURTS MN EN and MARSHILLES 130 , 30h1S AND COL/ARR. A largo and choice assortmon*, and lulu. mire. always on naud. unto vaned I particularly invite the attention or calm and prompt-raying' anuar-mts bif erg. E • . Comer of SECOND sad ARCH Streets. Phils de obis. FUGUET & SONS, 114-7 a IMPOR'ITIN; 02. HAVANA CIOARZ, No. S. tloath FRON Street. Receive reeulerly n lull assortment of desirable CI 0 eltl3 which they color at low wee, for oath or wo gm 'EA credit job If PAWSON &, NICHOLSON, liDOHBINDERA. NOB. 10.1) AND SSI. MINOR. MIMI, Dittman Market end Cheetnat itraetet PHILADELPHIA. JAhing YAWROU. 1 Ark U. 11101101010 X. • 'T WAGNER JERMON, u • ATTORNEY AND DOUNSELLDR-AT-IAWs Moe, No. 116 South SIXTH Street, (Opposite tadepondenue 84111 , 110.) HILADELFZIA, Br. _the aid erre:ie Attorneys, at different sole's In the (Jotted State., is enabled to prosecute and cones,( °Wine of every detonation. Fartioular attentionuiven to the examination and re evrery of the °alum et rosettes and Devisee's, and the grgnaln!f Land Titles and scuunn p e the fnteres tedelt persons interested in Uie gams, >a a 1 rartao the Vnion. Has the Statutes of all the Mates and Is Consalcstonat for most of them. Deacuntions carefully Laken under Corummena. aplllArn im J. BAYLIS THODIAB. ATTORNEY-AI 6 LAW. 4 1 %1 r v e t N , r im s or re c e e t f . rom No. OA Aroh street to No. t aar o = ViL e tt is T nE n e n n to euezanirery of Mevreart btlertnetnorAtlei4:ltele.qt %Va n 8. 0 11 other fhlpe lc Ablinistraturtlfiini, a ttlit i l r gt ° , u a t uji t egreVoa: V e ala n riat o lFll= l Prcie a skrect for the pennaneot, inl tufnotory relerenee given Then required. sielo-ern" PHILADET,PIIIA AND co READING RAILROAD. Immo lON OF FARES! On and after APRIL Id, 1%7, Commutation Tickets. 'with twenty-six neurons, Will be issued, hood ter the Molder and any member ()Chia faintly, on any Pauenser L'rein, and at any tune, They Will be sold by the ' 'renewer, at thougloe: 4 l - i the company. No, 227 Routh °urn' iitT Oa, la a I 1101913 of twenty-fiva per sent torn the regular tares. 'ernes wishing to .enjoy the miner in the Country will find dill a very deeirabla routs, the Schuylkill and Lebanon valleys betas among the most beautiful and healthy in the Rate, and as/ta ints by four trains front and to Phtlydllnhia daily. 8. BRADFORD, Treneurer. FtnisnaLtniu, March 34th. 1880. m1127-tY FOR THE SEA SHORE. ,* • - _—cAmnrlsr Atip ATLANTIC RAI LIIOAD.—On and after SATUR DA Y tie yrembpy 1 IVlall train leaves Vinf-atroot wharf..—.. 7 .11 Exprrea ßE • • ATLANTIC .P.Ol. TURNING, LEAVES ATTIC: _ Btowvtnf a. all Statione going end returning. Pare to Atlantic, I.Bu ; round trip tickets, good for throe dare, e 2.60. Fro)glit moat be delivered at Cooper's Point br 3P.M. The Company will not ha reeponattile for any goo until roomed and receipted for by their Agent at lac ua P a 31-tf JOHN 0. MO' ANT. Agent. itZliiiNjaopifALTlßiaAND,l! MORT! , 1 1 1, BX• !utrBfoN. Ou acd after MONDAY, JULY 9th, until September 0, the tollowmg routes Will be open for exoursioes. Tlaketa for sale at Ticket Oboe, Broad and Callowtull litm li t i . Pflagara Fes and return.-...._....._. 1616 ea ;ire tibretliOil a sa 'o,Leek flare]; and return— -- Bto For further nartieutere sea small bills, cr apply to TiOiLat Agent of the Ckiineanyairoaq epd Callowlull streets, or to Jri(). 1. , BEATY, General Anent Phila. & Reading Hailread, Phila. G. A. PI icIOLLS. Octet Buseriuteadent, Reading. 1,11-ree3o MANSION 1101788, MOUNT °ARBON, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. Families accommodated with cool looms at ioduced prices. 'Chianld-establiehed House, hNitted in the VIP be t Ween Sharp and &pond mountaml. immediately on the line or the Philadelphia and Read= within half a mile of Potty:4 l .e, fohierly meet by earth Head, of the old Mansion House, Phiadolehia. line, anion Ins dentate, beon under the charge of his datightor. The Holum ie preparel, at ell SSAIMJA of the ear, for the roccp.ion ol cueste. and has teen recently put in order. The large garden, and park &Walig. proaehts great Induclmenta as , a summer resort, to p e nseonatea me reapend a short time away from tne duet and tur moil of the cities, where tiny can breathe freeb moun tain air , and enjoy the wild and beautiful seenoi7 of the coal region. Commutation paeYenger ticket', for the use of cunt hen. aro AOl.l at a reduction of twontr live per cent., end, an accommodation train wili !nave Pottsville daily duriux the inimmor months, to entitle those who may micro it to spend the butincsa portion of the day in the Mir and return the ramp evening. en which the allergen w Ihe thitty-three por cent Luiviv tno lithel nitre. or term, apply ta MARY HEAD, !Una= House, Mount Carlton, je.lo-snt Schuylkill Co., lA, TRY, TRY. TRY, 7 2G GIRARD AVENUt. 'l' o buy cbusi) and go ,l 6u.M, ULD4 ON, DOORS. AND 14111:ITTEIM whitlow Framekr and Deor Frnurs. se72.lrwLt. WALCH k lII7NT pUltil PORT nna )nvaidg, in want Of a reliablo nrtiole of PITR CORI' WIN e.. nrn itsintrna thm. they can nbtatn it at JAMES a, l'AivrwaLa, , n nandaannr ctn., Routhomet enrni , r of bErtmAN•rovot 011) ling? Aims rr,R Pit not. hn a on hand a lime '? gain tit, of l'Oftlt PORT, tot tied In Ort , irto in MN. sr et F.AIRBANRH PLATFORM SCALES, Mf 1.1" 8114 by 7,llt4faqiil• : ATE ILOOFINC-I.—JOHN WELCH ; y LATER, in prepite4 ra put Cli n g/ t.:Ananf4 R. i livkvi iiki w - I , l3 . rit.; „ sirkkvat j j.tlial, EDUCATIONAL. BUSINESS CARDS. EXCURSIONS. SUMMER I{EBOKIES. SALEM H! AL)Crnol% 11.4 1 IIRNIE8S, BRANLIn & 1 pry tl 7 wax. 34 cP .1a 1E3lz1C t P ri . 4 ( i 8218118 A: 1 1180P1•U CPI 9 SILK ILOUX.d. Oo undo) Mototex. Foot 2t.s - D)•:e rf— U>l r ecru r.'-Inztt 'Will printed eh me eei..?red point en,e. • p,e,egli T.tenl brtor moire norule. o St libatz supu loalt1). heavy fault NIACCCS au ! 4. , V1t) small 1, 4 . 0 k n p o. 1:11 d eutore Foie , .I 1 i^ch idedn pout( de ame. lig 6 e. , 7, and 9 tiooncee ex nob ede co do do 10JvA d Id N TT th o k pl n't de lUCn CHI NTZ. Fnl;LAill)te flu: a i m CA81.11111.11:8. • pieces l'eris nob chintz fool W.. CO do do e 1 rind panta Cnahwerea CH ECK nte .1 E FOUI,A It Uff. w nrrs all • tik. C-3.1P110 oiooei) chocked cou!an4, stl ottk, for the Lent t.v and 'rade. YI-N s it eot; Flr(it'AßF: AND I.ONn 811AWL,u. .I.la:wrier to Virnan mocha ria , re ehseric 11 , 1 1 , VII de. JENILLE tCAMI , B. to ) ,1 "'so ot I .3'l raft , Cher:lll4 , fl'arts. I'Altli 41111 1 .ii:i moost.lN J)1: 1:4 ploys hoe to extr L ho e e A. Paris ht.. k ;tad knee r, ' , 10,111.11M Jo Is ne• ror , LIN tip ANC A1:11: DROCIII.. : Ti rnrlsu no: al oo SALT: OF .Z• 0 0 riv.cv• Irovp:m D .1 . u."0n.441. Kilt 3.) MARX t; r rl•dec!. Iceude 'lll , l' .r Ti I V. 4 4.'3 v 0244 of Pa; VA" 111. Pr ‘ll:Javn.r4. of lb. ww.l• IK, ^ r iin-LaCt.ireP tchir..9 , 4r t. - cOrir. .tq+l (4 Ir., do e1e,r2..02.1.rt •• A ••; L'..l 1 now do L 4.11. .I) • •s. r •tt • '• 5 al •• k.str-." •• , f J F,r ‘.1.1 d 4 d W `' f 74 co I•.—.mr , ..'s 33t I, :1041:J:435, frame f-rter is C tr. - ,•:4rd f‘ rod. 3 Imv.4. Lid all '91.; µu .• 10 Id .'etttoo. tor•slat,d an. I & rod and t 'us rhs•k. Ckd Co Id •tvd • vhlth Ca. "^ ' , ^n II I red . 1.11.. d:odka Llnt s ,3 V..4th (Elt watt ta _ . T: `..,47e : L - 11710,111 LI( • 1110 6011 t 677•07111 J , rt GNI frito. gr.ds..tat 4 ..nut par itz•mer t c"• , ,•4 nui conti.:lty 4.4v,t.4.1 tb• tr4J• ID I tur It , ont,t,a a T. e4::4a tcm.ll 145 :.td/: •.at9 ol " 44.4 of .4a.Q17 ‘40.u1et.:3 St I 2 a 1... ct p;a:zo:f. UPERfr , R PART• Or.Ar7R r.CMOIZZIE-07 iik.my suPt.itic4 MAltt: .4.1 Pilo•7 M0(111134. A l'ut; ous•ltcr.sat 1 Ar.s B:sn't Ber.L'A. 31:if YA Pll.lOl AND Ps RORY!. A a lIVOILS of TICA P.r.a Dr-aa 1.511.1.1 C. 2 no:ai eALL (.7 lsf TORTED Day GCTD!. I.t.a TueaZzy :tiora,nt. 14t - r3.at 1J u.c!oc.t. oa 'tn.l of fancy aad .tAs,:eJrr gtxxls. Cir pal 1141.4 eats:este, early en VII w.ornti t cf We. F. PANCOAST, AtrOTIONLF.H., Suc- II cesnor to 11 ;(cuTT. Ja. 411 Citr.al.4 UT 81. l'etenn'ort p lln of E•apiliior .VaRIC.I:I t UT( ERI. LOCLOiI AN ACCOUNT. Ira Monday Morning. o,to'or It:. Rig' be evoi Cat* owe. tot n Ltortt etord,t, Yrsean Srlt IUS.Iti Amer: •ar, eteler) coal prlting t iUll maartment ter 1004, In tn• 111, • .•t. 0.1. tr. 0, 00:1110/1 rptt,rly. 'nftin.uta :nu It .o plea ready on ton:o/ t 7, nol• ten.' ,oo r 7." h. 131111.1 P FORD ALOTIii.NLERS. A. no. b3O Mina /CET Street. and 411 MINOS Fusel IVeITIVE sm.t: OF 13 r , cA•ra `Pori. SHOE!. 13t10U3.: 4 6 I , OUNt 811‘.;:.1. 5, f,t7 _`Art T. tt 10 o clock 9.1014011. IVO le ao'd cAt,:,..;ae..."'a 1 flry.-lare Credit lAA/ e-Aes tole • R:1,1 Pratt& 011 r CUM). :IP. RCA 141 n. &MD fe , rty calf. lip, Ar. 3 tu.rt:cocany, ga. e. erAl extord t.c Women't. m• sees'. ozd cl,thlren's &Ont. mat. If:;. nRd V:ecnee') •heel tont,. A o meortenint cf woMcn . 4, fro•tmer and Cm:- Limn med.) te.c,el .i,zeoe,p cloy alelite. 41.0. rill:0:M! 0 Cl3C1800:,11 itt.e.y.t• emu am brolla sizes from 2i to .12 I. obey. Toe ehooe rile will amhmod an Areorom ent et geteli woct: y the edtentlon of toilers, es trey am from Lye, cleee City and tAstorn moentioturers. ILI - Grw-Je open for rzarrortation with eatalogues early on lllnf Inf. of snle. ST. LUvJ$, no. WILLIAMS BOYLE. it 9 ) . L ALTO 7 TONI EEP, k COMMIgSr92I MEROPIASITN Nn. 6 Noll. MAI !ft., p'r. Lizi-A. p r (for,z7i wlth Messrs. Mysts , v , vloges. a vo• .... 11. )c i emu simian to the merialkle, *Mu tkaste. as others of Philettelittue, ter the sc. et rs ieeo, o c es*s d ost I o .S sm. pate bots, shoes, hssdsso. Jew/Its. o kJ..hr . , PJ Claltnaerus=datslSoOd7llGfTW7. RE7III.IIVCII. blesers.Nyierw. Cliahorp. & Co, PbtWielphia. eprt_& rather, Ihulad,p_igs. " Ye w .) Wyo , To , res4nd.ot. W uparsts. New Yeti. " L. &D. Rr ras & Vi e r_Ye i. " wood . f;.::Av , * Levis. 1$1 , ". " C•Jw. mere3ti. to.. " int.ui ninth lIACILL'4EitY Ail) I2tOf. PENN tiTHAIII ENtiINE AND BOILER WORIC . B : —ArRs FEE_ jk ktyp. A;sO ElOtilfit,r,R6l 11. nOtLE-!iLaßklr.s. sad I UUYDo.UB, hailns. far ninny ysars. Leon in sociessful operation. and been szalastraly Matted, t. 4 .lrns spa repairing Or:ne and Rrsar Enctneits , Sad !ors pi rt."•te, Iton ag a te Water Issas I:r011e AIM /tr.. ,to., rev,. yot.": - .1:16 sr weir sarv.oss to Lia pa o j being fully propartd to on..s4t jet' Knstrass of al size/. alarms. River, and Yitanun=y lens )(stems of dl Tyrone slam are prepareq b °stints or ..eni with quick despatch. Lrery dszeriptio rotp .. l tee shortest notice. Biz sad V'Vil i s n u t r:3lle B , l :Tiatmlar, and CylLoder o the best Pennsylvania odaroosi iron. Forgingy. of Minim . and kinds; iron and Braes Casting', of ad desertottotut, R./1,11 Turning, Screw entiaus. and an other Wort son n eeded with the shots Wiser, Drawings and speeißoanona for In work dose at ;lieu fhe tra i ntsrri a ti.i f v: b el r a g sle a t i TiTlic u rg_ir'm pairs of ousts. where they can as itt "dot se.. ° etT, and ars provided PA shears, b for rairdult heavy or HSU nen/ J.& D y eNT& • JUI ..4g • DNA= and YAL,I2I: atrysia 'AIMS V. *MUM 11 . 1,11W1 RUW S 7. SOIPTETWZI LI WYttDVV I L rirei AND WAZELINGTON sinUusts. 141 - LAITILLpaii KURTmos 4, doe, .624 D MAINII4IO7II, Mapsfeeture and Low Pressrun Atm= for Land, River -r.d ner service, Boiler.. agorae te ro, Te a. k Iron boats, C Wang of all kinds, either trfts Ga m ro _ Rui Iron Prams Roofs to; Wintis. Work road Mations, eco. anions and Gas iteoldnorr of tko !*toot and matt* proved cotatrnetto Every deaerilt;oo of FlaWalin Mitintrr, plat no le' 'u Rugar, Saw, and unit IRV". Vacuos, Wan Oulu Trams. Dorocatoroadtero, Pumping names. ke. Role Agents for 31. ftLtienz'o retina ducat rodn Anvers,• Naamyth's Patent &anal Flatter, no d Ilr & irpurrall Wels.i.afatsztt ContriTual ins/. Pm *. ••411.• POINT PLEASAN FOIJNDR.I", No. 95 HEACllStreot,lieta:r.xtrn, Phlladetens.—WlL lAA M H. TIERS lu.ol-uo. but ['floods the. hsvlnt„ ros °hexed the enbra stook qt Patter at the above dr•. 1.0 as ac'n yrcpated reCerre ordore Grist. sad daw Cas:inas, auc Hooks Work, Gearit.s. Cart,r.gs made from Rarer beratory or Ourois Famaoss, to dry or "Ma ems, gr so , • m•tf IkIIPPIAII.. eUtt ita —OIIARLIT TON AND RAVANNAII 1117.111511111. FREIGHT' ((EDUCED. Realty rum ht at an ateraga of rtrutzx For ••a t. be low Now yora Moorman]. mute. VOR 01/LARLEB'CON, R. O. The 9.R. tatetittnghtlit KEY9TONV ErtA7 l- :. CRr- LIM (11:111133 P. Mayillirl. 311. Will owl colYnday• Ctt!..4l . E. ankli o'clock A. DI It'ator.xa 1n Id to I 1 tours—ea tth hnals at Ea. YOR RAVANNALI. the 0. R. Mail ettamakia STATE or uEoReLA. c"t,i t , Join J. vat WI on Eatuntay, Roy tantl,cr at I o'clock I'. N. . . 'irronsi. in so in so swarm —Olll7 501115 at Ina. 11l eland days rese ed , from ory Gatlin:lay tit eons Aro days. Goods renewed and Dins of Lading zit nod expi7 day. Tho splendid Gret-dlitsa Eteamihips XEY sTON STATIi end BTATE OF GEORGIA now ran ea above every ten neje, thus lOYMILS: 5 tire-dar 0011/.1513- MtMUM with Cho:tenon an Eavanbali, and this Month and Fouthwost, At botti Mulattos and Savannah, thote,,lttita sea eat WW2 1145551611110 r MIS tho rail''roidpaa 154., for all nieces tr.e. kl.vat 'wit &Mamas& INd RANGE. rringht and Innatano Lahe aronerttn t h e se Ikeda Copped South will be f ando be lower by snipe than by Lading Tea IN, the -rozniain being ono-halfthe z ate. 14. 21.--Inintatlie On all Railroad Frelgt entirell eoetaary, farther than Marl:Eon Cr Yar,r.sh, the Itatbnai Copap_tonfe tilang_ all nakcfLom the= points. (114E1L1 REDUM•IOI FARR Fare by this routo 73 to (1) per cent. or:tremor than by the inland Route, as will be open br the following iiohe dale. Thror.gh ticket's from PhliNtelobta. ton and Bayannah atonatshig7,ll4 Ca. ttliiNG V EAi if oa tba whole route, except film , Clharlreten and Maar nab to hlonttLow•y, • VIA CIIAILLTIsTON. ?IA earazmall. To Cuarouvou----916 00 To Earannao.— e'S t°r6ll= 17 ea? .4.111% °6t1 "6 0 0.1 —. 20 CO trtlants—.--.. 21 Or Atlanta— —.... 21 00 antler:Lary— .73 00 Colnalbust— 21 CO S .19 Albany. —..— 17 to Orioara..—. 39 76Plontaniaery 93 00 77761 !110 bi le 32 00 23 6. Knoxvele....l New Orleaaa—..., 39 TB ;Memphis__ . . 30 50 Faro to 8.0. anno It. via Charleston ... On Charlecton, is eat —...! 10 CO ilo hills of hum. 8.1. , 1t0011.131 me IMP MIX sailed. or freight or aavaes apply on board, at second WSW atoma Vtne stru. , . or to ALEX. HEROIt 7 Jr.u_a CO,. No. 1.20 NOR. wilenvEs. Agont. in Charleston T. 14.4 T. O. BV r 1 p, flavansuth, HUNTER it. L1A , 114.4LL. For Florida from Gaarlastori. Mauer Carolina Gran `or or Horida from Baratash, Maar...ars Et, Ntary't and John's every Tuesday and Satards_r. • THE BRITISH AND NORTE! AMERICAN ROVAL, MAIL 15TEAM- YllOll OVA YORK TO LIVERrOOL. Chtef Celan Paeosee--....—.-------8131 Elect:et:Cable TROY vosrom ZO Liv?arooL. Oltior Cabin Pastage • • • • •-•—..9 110 Pon , nd Pasalze -- t. 70 • • • • - r • al The piers trent New York call at : 7 1‘ !tent, The Elaya fro .0 Botta!! °all at ;leans and Cork Har bor. 1 P . FRSIA, Capt. Junkins. Mr/ARA, Capt. Laos. AILA 111 A. Capt. J.l3t,met. AMERICA, Capt. Alcodlor, ARIA. Capt. E. G Lott. NIAGARA, Capt Ann,rson ....FRIO a, Capt. Sheraton. ECM i PA. Capt. J Leitoh. SCOT/A, (none building.) These vessels tarry a clear white lista at mast-head t ~ki eon on starboard bow ; tod on port bow 11 A BIA, Stoue. leaves Vorton, Wednesday. Sep t. 5 AI , R ICA . Shannon. ,• N. r0rir, W0 ` 1 . 1. e.i , ,,...Ut. a . A:kit:lllCA. Mooch°, .. IhAton. Wedaeaeer..e l4 . .' ASIA. Lott, •sN. Yorg,Wodueedar. Sept. 25 v IJROYA, Little. .. Porton Wednesday, Oct. 5 PERSIA, Jenkins. 4 ' N. York Wenuesday, Sept. 1t) Bertha not 020 n red on-ti I paid for. Al ezporieneed Uuritenu on boar.l. The owners of these alone will not ho anaunnlabla fur Ould. Silver Isuillou. «pc, , o. Jewel rs. Preatoirs 6 , eues orMetala. utile. 3 1211le oi Innen are menet( therefor and tno value thereof hoorilj extol...ten. ['or freight or pas. cage. apply to E. CUNARP. 4. Bowling Green. smull New York. EXPRESS COMPANIES, &armsTilE ADAMS EXPRESS . C0..0i1ic0.120 tiLYESTNUT Street forward,, Vero°ls, rsokaote.Merchttndlets. DanicNotes end Specie, either by its own Linea or_ in conroonoi own other Expreot Contraries, au the rrineips limns and °aim of the "bitted State,,. E.B. FIANVFORD, n ^nprt,l RupPrintowlant COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES J) • ISSOLUTION OF CO PAR TNERSIT I e. The copartnonhip hetetorore onetine batmen E. REI ZLIA it and A.vtuULEhasthis day been die ed, fly mutual Consent. rhe leennesa of the late Iran wrif to ', A rc ed by E. 12.RETZ tIA 12. et 37 email !Tll Street. E. KRU%hIMt. A. CttOUZ Pint en P 111 gnat. , mbar :2. I°i4 at2s-31. NOT ICE OF CO P..% RTNEE.cIII A copartnership hps this •n been fortned between Albert Crenze. 1.: min and Want ilreu• nutter. under t he itt of (11101 'AL. MULLER. co., tor the nernnineturatc of im ououz E. V. I 1.1.1A\1 P. W11,1.1A51 ollElittINCWlt. 13 , 2 t1111,1:1'.!%111' Slreet repterr.bar N lih3ll PAX, 3r4 OT.I. 6., CO., No. 242 North SECOND TrinOVCCI to crnr Cr.andaynoicros EOM ITO 'sr ottld ttto,attfttl_tion of Denlora to oor ex- VAdo* ot I'4 I Lis 1 , 4 pr.x. 111 and 'EMMY ARTICLE our lot QOM' nimbtfili a gl MA= MirefßVinklarVl: rue , wtthent oNtket• Praia esLel itv A yi T 110.4.24 it - EX/ 4 4 , A.• nos. 1/09 mud lit s nirTii *OIL •-9,9-.9 Ilm. rl"3"r nitt, Igr. Ili Mir F 3 4 41 thi421019. VlTar a r Mr:lg eta ..1111 0.4.1311 LS Jet boar 94999. , 2,1; fa M. Or HAAldtlinS et * 1149 99996999 9m911 .stir t* adds,. to wito•e* we p.k.L.t I..>a tW y peattlama W each se/. PIO 1!..3_,,ma ~,,,,,.... . kis.4l , ltSt fall dettenvatms 9( all Us 9999=Tra wu r I h.. i o .kEparaf Tatme.al. 1 c A D.—Qatt" ity_ao .1 _mai rnitig* ...4 e vra ‘'*"" 1 . 3 4,7:0,: " `L r ri l, : z ry :,.. Li u n W: t... , ttyri beton kat, styLajawl, 9ribstaila. IEAL 22ZVivA a pp i ff rievito lir 4%A‘ Z: ..4.... e l,i2 , ..,..,.... W e ..l tatt way _ bat itt a nireaa row 7 " ° " 11 / . •I t ' VATIt. a 41. LS SSC writ", 99290 .":r.l,4l::Mmi ti 4l: l ll scii 9.0 , 911-.A9 I , :-.9 - 9. • sr. mated Vesitil. 101 vtisti LOA cos* ohmic , ----.. ryla;*. r"." 0 "L - l.l rya a,e. cvurom BONI!. SP• itiaadoit. tat sad lot I,t. t: ! t c asiell. ik.4B„ir lowa D1::+0 113.211 t: est Irieteirl 4"3.i:&. • per cyder,. ••'•• for for aisoliat 1, 10 02 • th. 0 •.(1.13'. 24. •13 r • Ompostr. 4 . , ,t• of the 'vain' Atarbay. 2.13. sst taw...as t:safavt., •••••,•4 "At Anil 11= 4 ri t•^1 , 11• Ite ham tag h mei tilt 16 , •41 4 4 :4&1-he Vo.b reArlr. 1 4 3! KS r*,..rdol •t r la Weir* Ira 1341 I , .va , A D 1.4 „N.,* pco, tag .t n ins ZS re•••••13••47 A!,.. 4 roc , ot or A. W. l a .Iral Aimarttl 11 , 1 raid I it . of !..wets. sad the nights uer 04 r,-1 A err:AA b0u..1 war.itcv :Ives sal caw ! by Pre••• Y. tat L. 9anats C..witkraaii. tot an et 774 taiga rr.!iiiima PO 44= ...143.41 • I '44/40 ofte t to A Distal wk.! ha tag 1.4 i'vr. • A. V•ASS• C 3 . :111.••% MP& o. 1:0rt.4 . 1=11 ape Lie gazt 1s Sow* of le. a. '• 4: • 7.11.4": it rts larOr. 1140/44- C• 4" 4;1:: :• 3 ; 7•3'11/r.7 9,1". 1.`1':1 r' IA! 1. •A! .. 1 " -trin ^ o. ll :ll ^ m : /OUP 74 en. Ir.t.S in* rde .;•; . s 1:: , 1.,:u3 va:t. 1,4 F loot 41 , 1 rAME'r 7" a.I I Wolof land (.41. ;Virago Storni I ..n.% I cuu.s..l-140 soziesemstoz. Inns. 4i .000440 er. t:A 0z.1,7 1 e-NO-121!.oatb Masiervlt r,,at C4•s:tut wader aasss a.n %, /zini tat W sal D sadi as ;!.r . XS. h Grown P...,jrWog ,g eqddyne• lot a r..ta i tal. .;...wrp bruin rasLtuo tne tee: t rrit.te V. 34 On. 41:. ue •:.• nn2ve1.104., (Aar, 41 1, 1vENCv•IP -1 .140104.1., st ; osier} d .30 Pla i g i i sthhlP , . fr, - 5 S.' id.: fp, +4e. / 1. 4 4 . l d's to 11• C. 7.•,at.we 4 -Lally, oilcan Isdre"ltS. Jadorma.S.l' C.LAV Hr PQ (*Anss.3llA4/11.11. .oa.iinte. , nnen:f saga coo Num hAns 4111- r , c. .. VI., on 1.1. e Cat 11111 /J. 1.11. 1 119 ;•r; 114 tan A l. :, i tt I : 4 24 f lX.nr ' • kll3 1 . 4511:. 9,1 c Of iwel F.LI ,tnn 6:-;•e V.- C h L. 4 G.'Wa.. 217 Waiklailddli e :+th , F dinnee , .Inn 3 , de.. - si..lr2:e 1.1 • G ?WI tn• =l4 W es.....i•ra Laa I_7l z: 31,14 t;:,‘ R taw:ACE. '3Oll toes AtsalL. vast *l'l lamer, Sti 1.14 Laa.tera oarmadonsia. nm &Wassav•••••.l3. !M e,: • ...!8 nw t, LIAM, 2 . 1a.170 Eattoorver...l Ewor oar,. • Ight, alms!. 1,../4 WO Modal Ca rep:encar. C••••• .44% , :..ramoroac.... roar str•y H net FUI; 114 /au otroat. bor t. -• 9::41 Ihudolrreso hifat W•Lirt 14•1•16 .1 Arab •"*.7) ISr ek .9 N hLLIIU. ro. V 7 tisottit ea,: of rttu .trim. T tr.* .'or. “.lak PW}l LL' 4 9. F. id r...orrie r. t. rocs 7. th az.d Ptat%. sit 81 row sod nom otrootot. - Rv,Y PT,ritY a • t.l; Vr UV-. at 1•+1/aR 1,11/ N•at re•Cfri DifELLI•V la 4is au ki*ka c.,ae• er loom/al .• WV,. •:•• Tr^ , aa t) Vatzsb • Ogruioskyollirrti. em- awl s,:eltuWEL.l.l2(bi.lia. Ed Anti scrbet, imot 1 . 1.rr 44.1.• et Ta••••-:op inwk T.VERN N DWELLISti. bo. C.artta Cate!. cf • Lltsl4o. sts•st. •••re• iasa rir toiks. TRACTI. 1353 •Ati,rl MLOAD TYT COAL N•VI , 11:1 , 110 wal Lamb. *mad Too k liod- Cz' H•0r..4.400 reamatlylar. Fstrwas han elan. 21 +I lo.u• P ASS sad atryolsi Woo& Moo I Mr. J'ha ..”irrs zoo. totot,ir vas ossetmonso coal, my tor mon at tka ariai.os room 73A' E C 7 srpettior )111110113.• F.,y• Wok TtAMY PON rlvi.l. 1 4 .1.0 , Bit ner. YkILY.r, Al.lll O a - 1,1( CAHOKTEI. mt. 11% Or CO 1* Cs 3 71:01 - Tr RE. s. vri mACID.NB-9 , /LSD - DOG/. CHINA. AND ULI sarAiii. le. P —Der ss;to oaf laancar.c.ftsig al S-14, are - tir,n stzte. rntt eseprise. beetles tea or at- Perls , second ll^r4l fez/tars. es•tbyt seas tete istr• en %nuts nt has 1111•.: Biliceeta- 11 , 11.1K1 led .Khan e abets. ' , WU or euttlXil fnesnare -turn... tel./we betAgne. Celia sal seentele ib , anes a fl- stebsellvver-rses,a , eleek to IS.blgesebe .1.4.,45. set were Mearrw, sr parebsens. Coeslerebs het tse.ly, sal Ur artielas for 1411=111141011. sfflriri.-11,u l a MEM son. CLIPO4 ' Norms*. Mg Welber. st AptAima etorp. aa ~No* d wettsit spoor.d-had mransg4iaseLf= fle 4u = = il ' 74. " ko um* sem lat sionismiCari We. E.'• r.i 3.11 Poet% PTAIICIITRIgigni 'knee. NEAT FL; ITtHAIIOI , LS CAtlntra. Os 1 , 1141.) , !damn s. .cat. t+. at 11 a'eovir. N. .J 4 sada* Oarac 4 a•adla at. I • spree , strihtt. the. *aura fd•ssUira. *Ea daff•At. bald:a ; led t. , ed :mad. la. of a Gaui• MINIM la• astY. KIWI= lartu tam ad atirslMPl. _ 4 Us, azasamed tla *Drams o f WO, at II o'clock. Term vtor• nem. p. t.a. a. ASIR? Puss!. elltt:11. UV SUHIRAM. PIANOS. iht Mazda, Marini. eat 1. at 11 fee.sti. ac No_ :aaa &parte ate at. aka via at,- 'a t.f P. Pc balst. i !ate 194. et taa k • clierd 'vas wpm. gwatartzurg 14.114 raj 41.:Ittaflit4 at f,rot Vi Sad 7 - rttavar Mauro ~.24 useas Fr lured • lt3 a.t&t care. *A piramOr far aakarazatutig Woe, nrd arratit•d aa•r7.rasylet. lir Ma? teesteis/ Or» /ars Imalacma Mk. +Pith crtam. and in 1 Do so% grAbs.lit rms.* fte• No. 3 . 2 /PM Strafrt filPEAloit 3')'Egrvlsc. Ir tairbon tutu). c Aka T tliWA Y ftnai.iteeits• Oetoker S. at 10 o'ct.x.k. et fee stmt. Wow Footta st.eet the astritiot so • dm= MILO !ymtvrr tuns i•aart. raesswd OM♦ Gni.. by D Arts a Co . Eno I.l.lhrsErt eArWartf. Wt.( EMU tr• sae*. ke , to en= LearLoo t Mt • 4 EALl4,.. ` ,= " u * $ .an . de the Nomad et the eala wait cat/Lima. _ PA! Pl.. 1 1 / 4 30 Ii1"$ !ront. atTEßiox F ILPNITURP lrb.Lvb 1' AND 1 1 11. 1 - Pbwo 111 , 111 b. Slllllllvll2 FOX OIL, 4:GlY11 DA. ke , Frlday Ilcromar. 1 1 otzZor JO. a! JO o'cd.ek. otl4lo L.Ol A rob t - f QM-Onus, th elope r:qr Itoeow.vd f an:atom fros lisas - tol ?Jurors 'treat! Volvot. Proxies. sad otboot oar eet a ut ooti o. 21: e., IMO 114; short tmo. earl exaor. A the linrrheoFurratule. sad abott - toots et The ce , ,, lct 110,411 21. .16T Arnmedcra tho worrung of eb:o ot clook b eatak•zue. MOESCIS NAT o ' M M . t r e l ' T 4; ipi4 r 7, curia a 113.Y.Ki t AjdAilStie— sdJllK 1591,000 in Igae.l6.7tV Gireet rai .. es elimasak aratehnLie.nirro. l "r e m-"-42 q1 17 vv yae, 1 "'"'"'" all'''ll'ag umm ahriner, CMS!, Began. hardware, mrn....e. ^ , hare. !? , t,ha.a, end _ in ... , gl.s t., Ita c os.a=nl 42o .. II large or ma!! amounts, in)m ells do. 110 for al. length tinao agreed en. IR" The °ideal EaVen.zebyd }lnnen/8 tali" 44: EP' Pro - ate entrance en ii.SCI; 404.-vet. 8r2y.r.... , -,e hoar. fan= f A. M. To. i . . N. Resry t as s flume rot the boneat 0 {per , (:).14.1tGt S GEL f Two rExcx.. yr Advances of IM sad urrirds at two low seek. Advarces of SIM and iisirsz at ow par oast. Ste short kf.... A, Da TB 1144. or.v . r . WO r .aa l l'ATC retoralsetiust the nava selling Orissa, g sar rasi Isms Ira Elver lever and lona , Wagtrah, PrenoS watcher, at artoqinag wit"' every deeeraptian. very ,Ptille. leetea• - etrumente, trot snatty o Davao*suers, at imporst,on price, in snentinos to aMt poasorsorsh .arsonsother knAtor Vs. OLT 1 SALVO Attended to P' tionanr the dueol:ll.T. c arramente of SW 11.1 A srveri t air e vig i l& 15PLEINDID ffl - rt OF DIAMONDS AT ?swami BALE. - • Censiating of diamond in owl trresitinn sue! mnoe. cw t ruts 81,400. PIANOS. fffm STEINWAY & SON'S NEW PA TE.T OVER-FlTRlivel ORAYRenkivoa. Is t ivaat; ultaND. AND Fut uelth: PIANOS, pow ere terrou in trillerita and to enema by the boot or formers. RoetiTed Us- first premiums orer the beet makers, from )udr os Ike fiottircholk Moio n og a tl others, t,;hnllenge competitton. 8 AMU% RO 1006 CHEST.Eireet. et, PIANOS! PIANOS!!PIANOS!! ralio-FORTES. aIELOD Eolga. PIANO-FORTM PCI MODEO N 6, Mao b. Raven, Sawn. & Nunn, di Clark, liaLlott. Dacia. & Cu., and name. 0017 L 0, SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. !MI HAINE ~$ BROS OVERSTRUNG PATEN T-A CT ION PIANO FORT H% " Cheapest F int Clam Pianos made . eplendtd exeortment of Lome XIV and oiler styles. for Eala is 4 Factor? Gab Pfloes, end warranted for 6 years. Bowed-Land harm for Bala tad to tent. Oi.Oft9h L WALKER. 13. E. Cor. of SE V ',NTH' Rod A NCH at. PRINCE It. CO.'S Inaroved MELODEONS, from e 43. Inward& fete.em STOVES. THE OELIBRVIED ROYAL rooKING STOVE is one of deo meet popular s Cooking t , tore, over introdeoed. It ie made etther wither "'it h out sse-burrunt fixtures and of v,rinus styles. adapted for turning etthe• coal or weal. The h c•aavottn Tor Royal. with a reservoir containing a constAnt supply of hot water, is a valuable inimovem-nt for hensekeepent. bete stoves ate lade °Mize best iron. and 'WAR • RANTED to give se iisfaet.on. Ilease esann..e before ParOhneillf. INIOR Ofl • Se, ft NoisTil se2l-St Iron Fuunders. No. 209 N. SECONI, St„ it STOVE! STOVES!! An. l l IG MARKET STREET, prepared to meet the wants of the pnb.io mere romp eteq in all the detnits of the Stove trioe than a ny hother es , a,lithineut in rulladal,inia In proof of which e .nl."/too LtrildAH' TIVIC 1:25:•)117-ITION. Iva toi..oteine, are ammo lilt ooh, point ar larcalloae. several of which have already obtained a national repu tation an purposing In e.tect::ace and feesaimt any Ot49C Stoves in use. JAhlhS SPEAR is tho inventor and Patentee of the Improved Gee bathing Gwkint St..ve. acknowledged to be the best Stove for itchy 1140 fn the world. JAltalo PIPE. 0 is too Patentee of the oelotrated Gas•oonsurnina Cooking Range, now rapidly conntig lap several a ANI hS SPEAR is tho Pw ante., of the Improved ver's Air befit Gnu ortusurnii,g Parlor Stove. JA Al E 9 SP aA It is Ike Inventor of the Improved (Patoptedt Ornarpoptal Ohio Urn. which. Iron to beauty and utility, la likely, this season, to he umver • Lan, adopted. IIIUI.y SPEAR in t. 1.0 Pn'en'eaof tho Labor, Feel, and Coinfiirt Pavin Iroping• Pan. .1 ANlt• S SPEAR is (lie l and Patented or the ee'ehrated cda Heater. 'JAMES SPE,. R. i s too Litventor of the Improved .F.ra-bottrit Stove. _ . For alt ho Oa sve the Inventor very jintly entity advantages Irehth require tut to he understood by the Public to be universally appreciated and preferreal torr env other e elcs of that ir_ss to the maticet ;an he would herr by extend a cordial invitation to all persona in Want of Stoves to eget and alumna for Shentsolvos. ra,Haa exartune Wilt ticv suers attention shown theniorliether intendinx int:lintel, to Fir' ch,ase or not. _said-aut 50000 0 IAVANA CIGARS.—Cor n . Prism.: artagne Ficanl. Ipanola . , Cabsnr.g. tuna, Ca p tuna, B ack Lea. tansw, Adorn mon. Arro•o Iloudo. Vie. 0 , IlegaEß.. Londlts. Mlllar. ennoits. Opera. and Firu• rine.r. of all srizeß q v.:lit:re ua PT.P.: I^ o "nui l 2 06,1 t arrivals. and for sale ty en • til,k• BTE. r . se4 , 314, 130 W,. I.N VT grve.t. SWEF OIL, in quarts and putts, fur gala. WETHER BOTHRIt. sem 47 okod 4917 , 90 819CONDIN. CARD.A.IIO,II SEW, MAILABAS,4 cab fox sale. IVETIIEftII,I, .4 . 7 40 49 North 81V9/11104. A VNISEED-4 emits Italian for sale. WE I HUH ELL k DROTTIME. .9)0 47 raid le nacrd , • s 00 . P Rf BOttAli, reene.d, tp eases and barelz, ftreaio. WETWZRILL & Bgo-riti2. pe74 Aroi AP Igrath it IL AVA,'_O(Oll4;-1,000 pOcketi*doie is irenrAto? ate tr 7 JA)IEI WiLAAAN 00.,