The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 27, 1860, Image 2

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" ".1
4 ,-;2110910.'4,1 SEPTIESTETR 2741.8811 . .
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tiooir m #,noiT nut, and can be had a
thZ 4 lia. in elsooetth read, or reailied...cots=
,th• •
tottAt t .k.iiirittitt.ZiNoNOT - r VnroiTßN RTUR •
V iiiniffelfilC6•Oliii7l3•N - 24 - Diii;
,NOR 7,NIZNA !MR.,* Immo "-Tim
Prtirac-rortoora AND
1 1 0119M - ii...r*Tl,TMiaEt
0 AN? o , ± llrti-4116 COops
Trwor--Ilor, ELI
TnAtres.—,:nuArrlit Peon' 270.11, 'Poltrthn
Rotrnsmavir-Tne Frerox PeOroerrros-e MON*
7.40 lYtTil rTVIS ' Dr.wca Arm RP.COTIvit CoM•
ittp. ,Or /forum nane.-7 - F , vs
ra; 0419.ilikerON.-Otto Tint NLINTIts
ll -- 7 , 4kirki.trit tO.ORRNIONIT-DowNN-ALL or THIS
1114040N0 I.ANCiti NI! L DS - , Rlaa of.. , Al‘.rare , !-
AlRll4no•4..corvrtterioste AND THE thczoo-_rm•
nt° 1 4340
_W.A I /1. 7 ./ , ,. • ' •
Dt -1,4 1 1 ;4. NT New lrrivAir rEctra--
Pon renr^;A FRI Ten . 0P 6L.NRR aL
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agit t rev*Fraki R Vying- R Irc,N”Av Tali- i v e mo
r,741 - : - F - Eti•ONN-TNR 0 DI R OP 011.4 , :ol ext , N-1 NH
lea'fv.',e4 i Wisii rNITHD VrATEto..FIN
,Ditkifii-416 - I,ONly 0 d.osoms.
AfiertlO6d , =:a f ea Cll2. irrieN ISIETHob 01 Plwner
-1111rArairt:eaeariohe. •
711:4811.1PHICI- 4 .1 in -learn. Navre si Tata
othetatiy,e4ll-, E r ' Int 0 PE, CAL iIoRNIA, AND ALL Pettis
tiNft,l - A,Srarsa ,
RitvisW : OP slut Pans
?doggy MASRRT , Nitv
- rnefht.haChro;
. *Witt 110* d VTATTS, &c.•
fuTTßohOdtOsubsenbers et
.!lieeir.lyeararridetinee; thr the 'eniele On!, and to
O k atereia,tresti. alien scat tame address, ea in ad
•vreaPtrir Faints !noise. tot ants at the counter of Tan
RANI, 9diarZ Ir
,in4,liieri.ntad! - ,tor tinning.
WO-1;4 4 1%0 - 14E7'81' NOS! ALL . 41:1ARTER.9,
.e 'WC"- 4 4 1 ktliiito on all t•lnt - ionnlar triples of the
di4 - sNo'aitekle paper sublibleris better ended for
ntraittah, t* the' city to malt to their triehda oat of WWI),
all N'oiNigio,‘Nik,i• a manila" history of the tames. for
the predation week.
• Pia r w..—Slarriages of English Roieltr;
Illatm.:kmitairy 'in hiebili; Death of an Old : ltokia ; ,Penusyliazda Etats" kgrienituial
444t t i gaPlia . ;" Lotter from Sen.
bwry, Pa_ st
; Royalty AMong the Prairies. Founr
Naplosion at Pittsburg; Terrible Con.
1149tiezi in. New: Orloans; - General News;
Icte.titelNenee. •
The Nwies.
"rlif:liyes of the civillied world are on Italy.
Seine in the 'wonderful -and rapidly
changing drama now being enacted on the historic
abgtie(itthet beautiful end ottani, country, only
devl6ii's plot of peouliar and surpassiog in
,"Garibaldi bas made his name im.
ihriaCati 'the Liberator of lito country, 'and
now hs trifildly "approaches Ma destiny. What
time will presently show, and- the
/0 re wd est spe halal ionr, however ingot:dotal they ro ay
'no idea of the events to Game. The An
- , „. which :arrived at Quebec yesterday,
- -
with two days later news from Europe, tolls .ne
that Sardinia bad at lesuph Invaded the dominions
of thißoMan Pontiff, abd eiptered the townof Pe.
ineto, and Imprisoned 1,280 Germano who were in
the term. Lamorloiere, the commander of the
Rowan forces, bad concentrated Ms troops at M.
gerli4:.eirldently" prepeiteg for a conflict. The
Cantina. bardlols
_bid allotted ptciteate froth
several of the European Powers, who regarded the
limiting as an infringement en international rigbts
The rani b army at Rentals to be increased to 10,
60 orlon.. Theta were TIMM tbat Napoleon vat
alai. nr. to tote:foto, and a ditlionity boi wean Pled.
. .. ..
aiett aid Fiance waa apprehended. Count Cavour
hadja l enod a'note explaining the position of Card'.
311F,,i14. - I"tiratijtid tbatthe invasion of the *Dian
sfitiiilirsi.puly.nuale after. the repeated slut
we protests of Frame. A union between
of Vietar Eramanuel and those of
fetrAtiiitit was thought very probable. There was
eriiial beljef thatiht ° contest would be brought
in '; ,1 1 1 ; 1 :: end Bente dielpmetle ,J arrangement
ebblteria-the toil of Villa Brands. The rumor
t*eibire irstebona- to be en ellkagas between
:alfpNatiOiiiife, !Ind' Ragland bad been denied.
.T.tve ifs whips idditionil from Byte. Thereon;
itfaidainkein Iridle were regarded as unfounded.
yt , :ldifisr,it seems, still lives. A despatch
Jr.o:iyqr.leana says thet the ""gray.eied man
o ,4lflajuiriy . „ , ! :was not only not shot, but that.he
ii4.07.4.1tan home Nery shortly. What a pleasant
Umbzb Witt have' reading hitt obituary nettles
,they wer6 not more compli•
13,d aelle le. few, we'rentare to
trai,'Wittiegretthat the General has got cff soot
4.04-larsrhe hole that he will ooze home a better
dtt , iktu..cnnen.
tt .81atkiird trade," is the slave trade is
Mei to be thriving, the treetlse and Gannon
40-I:4e,lid,eut imeraia to tlikoontrari notarial ,
utandir.:.g. From Norfolk. we learn that& slave
bite ilitli3 ttnkdoen, had beim breight to that
iyertin °harp:ref Lieutenant ilughee. When cap
tured Ate hrd over el: hundred negroee on board,
of'..,e hqui mate returned to Mourovta.
• A devatob Prow Omaha, Nebraska Territory,
inelittans to rumor that the Pawnee and Stour. In-, another fight bear the PAWCIIIO re
::•Tbliteiezt of the biour and one kiwneo are
reinrtekto, have been 'killed. Agent (tittle has
gbitarlit te - trir2 the'dfetntbanee. ' '
AO in tit-Antis. The telegraph
14Stk,df:a ebllieron betvieen the Donglaa and
Vocitinrilge men, during which an adherent of
thataMir party wed stabbed.
e•tkity ire bodeivoring to fuse the Demconitle
The enquirer - modestly prc
pais ilia aiiadtaßal . of,Puugtaa as g mains of
TGe llttban Crlid i.
t t iltoAtkka cif old, V/01:0/1 BILHANUEL . boa
crossed the Rubicon. • -
thismonth, 25,080 Sardinian
so*e:4 aitiSer4:the'Stiites of the Church, and
use equillY - Sa'rge face invaded the Papal tor
rd 32cn ." thousand Sardinian
Colilttra_r494lly dome of the beat of •Ea.
_rk can' y ell before them, considering
, i !...4Wifii#4k army is small, feeble, badly
gsWifed4lind by no mane filled 'with an
sucoes of courage. • _
The teleglipti from Italy- Bay that the first
!VIA 79 . :t .1 411le'Rerdiniati invasion wee the cap
f',;, ,iaro; a fortified town notlar from
liftkler4fir -the -Adriatic. .There seems to
be some mista ke bore , as, pesero - is in the
-,::',:_r__„lo4-914k,KTOtheresis the. Sardinians would
ThnCso.tite place of im
portance hes been taken is likely enough.
,Austriif Pill/531a ire Said to have an idea
- VittiltUP:arrna against the Sardinian ruler,
iiiiitiltusiits,hasetroagly protested.. France,
4fe;dotitifO!l puszled--unlees VICTOE
01.4:0 >; ia.acting on a secret understanding
itifli4lArort.ox, which is not unlikely.- Zhat
•Wjlti;4hafklia , seen, for, it France has no
Sardinia; ebe will assist the Pope
-vtittratilatmedlorce t' if eke has, she , will con
ittiti'bself-ie the mero occupation of Rome,
.:far t tlie defence and safety Of the Pope.
~ Ttiere aroltopea, alter all, tbat the troubled
aft airs c 4 f, %1 ltitly,Nlll be,tiettled, by treaty, with
out..Nei:o_l'oe Europelirt general war. Notts
Ellis - Zoyurtt COMB Again:
,tv3lf.aijpn, the eeterptinies end sweetish) New
Toth manager, bu eamploted an arraegement
aertiervei b bharpley, by which be eateni
kteleketiitherrof -the Matizehtai Theatre,
Cat' a , limited pencil He has bronght
4414 the rest Of 611 One egiestrian
.teelosetietteCtheir. pailormacces cammenee at
fble •
itiintjeitritsi-Teeetre Ml* evening ' -
ArXrktiacin , s" `CooninaPell DATC.CTOR. The
'ill* nottdicr,latall' 03totter 1, will be issued to
- dpy r p. 4t , erns
,partiotdars • and descriptions of
sevenfy•funs now oonoterfoite honed and dateoted
:yettaid tbfa natath,'and glrat the following new
'. lien* ii, of 'one - of the most venerable " Jon" of oar
' ttc'eltikidtitioe :". ' " ' • •
• ~ , ti, SnlaT , Ao A VolloBlla 111 ositit..-On Pride,
`,„fsgelet,iertteu of ible oily preeented• to . ,atta of the
~: l tpolct in :li•ird street • cheek for COO for. pay.
; meet ;•• but- ar the toile: did not know Win, he do.'
~CHAni to pey 60 cheek, nor .woard
.ins mind for any
•, , ,of tne.pereons referred to by the applicant to 00030
fureitti,and roach for bla identity. Whin mi.
= Prinks of Moines* are prudes, taue of personal
, -dolictur wards°, /be applateat'smeed of fonds was
:', urgent,.tesd anal wee be to do? Tber• was a pri.
• "!trio 110.6 room, 'who" th• Iwo - "Of 5 4 :* 14 • awn
„titatigift;p*rwitsr, sad he around ihereiter that tf•
--; ha,,wedl4 , go tato' that `apartment „with.:,lllm, he
y 'lleoll produce indisputabie.wriitsn'arideau Abet
he . was O. pernco be, claimed_ to be.- The teller
•reeepunteti: - Without going Into- any dokopo ea te•
,'s4le-tiousbet of • Wpm' eass.hms..,,, e.,- we ~woal.l
state that the bolder of the check exhibited to the
--AS/4fin kettoar of ,bill; 'ooafldoptliWientions, P on
t;f ls4klo4 . *Ss distinctly Frigate bla mute. • • Tao teller
f...:114W040ed-wlith the evidence, mut after Ike, g a l,:
~ , ,41tos
op.Sed its:listed , his Inner Ootoring, , and re•
-, Akilta/ •Me b0,..0n5, be Coat into the bank and
o'.'lf•setr...rihlir , •l4oo aids despstoh.” ,- - ,
6 ' . tiO.Sli i Nation:—Wa would all, the attoation
~: i Sii;. : r i - s i /aitti; - -A:s :welt ap Sentient - end Western
~ 4 1 4i)f a ':11sigis and isttrastfirs sal, of boot.,
i t ad be so d this morning, bP,.
eillitl4 o oo4 4 r at hr awoke credit, imbruing tome
Alp iliktitakf-dialribin good, tired at antics this
t.4l4fi .).1414 ik 4 coninteice it 10 o'clock preolsoly,
ekdOTYPA:4 I .;? 6 ,,
_ 1 : 0 4 0 of. Philip "
rod it Co, No, 620
:,'''' 5t1it4,4 1 4 621 .- 11 S 01 We* ~..
•• ••..• _
~... , 1
, •
,Wit'o4lhtefibiei Minder Us' Arbitpkesis:-
Oitotlfrifillifiric ' Pript:PS, —Tiff; trivillers,
• - . ol4e4a6lwil ‘ iii Type, 'rut lolitt4 mtirde , of
rolst binr s lrEbOxiet br • Air
,741 feisOtiV!itotitiiiiiimsi 144 , 1be4W ft, t
A • • 104 fa' Otitkit brtb4 l 6444itiits,-
7 • • togriet4l4ll,Weele4
U le*Yoo,4 eboti thy Were istadiniod by • 4641
mollebialie who**. Nos with Una.
Raton Renfrew InelPheladolphree,
It is probably decided / by, those; excellent
gentlemen who are guiditWtheyounterrince
with such admirable tentese4generiesitY be
tween the ardent hilarity)vilete lel-pert of hie
royal boyhood, aziphe'digetifir which belongs
to his exalted station, to 'give "their boY"—
as the Newcastle was pleased to call him at
the that great ball in his honor---not only a
view of the magnificent scenery
of the Key.
stone State, and its wonderful system of iron
Itigywais;' but; also, more than a single day't
sojeurnin thin metropolis. _ It his experiences
Of American hoepitalite9n its roughest, yet
not least heitrty'forra, are not so physically
exhausting that the latter part of the Baron's
tour shall be performed in a vacant end coma•
tose state, so that the crowds of chicane that
attend his goings-out and comings-in, shall be
to royal eyes 46 as trees walking;" if the
straggle to penetrate Western mobs shall not
wholly exbauet him, and the grasper vigorous
Western fingers shall not utterly unsettle bin
nervous system, the Prince will take at least
two days of Philadelphia hospitality.
There ire then, one more opportunity to
make favorable contrast with New York. The
tone of a community la best illustrated by the
Method of its attentions to strangers. The
special claim of our community has been a en.
parlor refinement in this important detail 01
civic life. Our worthy people have' °heti
called attention to the absurd affectation and
shocking vulgarity of New York demonstra
tions, and have complacently thrown them
selves back upon their surpassing delicate
and gotl.brecelieg. We regret to admit that
in several memerable cases this complacency
has not been proved a reasonable and natural
emotion. With all our charming refinement
we did not entertain the Japanese gentlemen
With a very touching and winning grace. Our
popular effusions towards those well-bred and
observant persons were not always prompt
ed by the gentle and tuneful nature.
Their reception at the Continental Hotel, we
may justly intimate, was not the most striking
exhibition of' good taste. The mob of women
that barricaded their chamber doors was not a
company that by considerate demeanor shamed
the obstreperous citizens of New York.
In no captions spirit we may, therefore, thus
early urge a show, at least, of good sense in
the civilities that will be extended here to the
young Prince. Let us, at any rate, be honest.
If it is'really our intention to rebuke the de
grading clamor that has thus far attended his
progress ; II we mean to 'show a better spirit
than that which is even now animating the
" metropolis" with a wild 'desire to get tickets
to the ball, and giving vont to a flood of some
times foolish, often disgraceful, and always
vulgar social bickeringa about the cut of coats
and the color of gloves, and who shall get the
first dance with his Royal Highness, and who
of that, deliciously beat" society is really
entitled to an invitation, let us quietly set
to work to entertain pleasantly, for forty
eight hours, a young gentleman who, while
be is fond of gaiety and excitement, is
equally fond of comfort and cleanliness;
and who, young as he is, is well able
to discriMinate between the meaningless
huzzahs and vain tuiiults of an idle crowd
and the genuine pleakare or an intelligent
community in welcoming a representative of
a grand nation and a good family. But if, on
the other hand; it seems altogether proper in
our 'sight to bore the young gentleman with
fulsome speeches and dreary ceremonies, to
drag- him through the narrow streets with e
rabble at his heels, to poke him into every
reachineeshop and . every Chestnut-street
it emporium," to pester b'm for his auto
graph, and tee quarrel about his dirty water,
lot us, for areeet consistency's sake, forbrai
severe criticisms of our neighbors. It is easy
to play the Pharisee's part, and say "I am
holier than thou," but the farce is not often
mistaken for a serious drama, and the specie
tors (in this instance a right noble company)
may not be expected to applaud a plain and
very stupid gag."
If the breadth of our republican nature
seems to demand that the cries of the Chicago
crowd should be re-echoed in our streets, and
if we are 'determined to stand no royal non
sense from the Prince's advisers, we shall per
haps be as ready as auy of our cotemporariet
to applaud the splendor of our Philadelphia
entertainment, but we certainly shall not con
sent to ridicule the Jenkinses of the Gotha
mite press for_ simply giving A cue which wt
are willing to follow. Crimass READE sayt
that the
-pirate who steals front the inventor
and then decries the invention is a hopeless
case of moral obliquity.
Letter from •iOceasionah”
Porreepondoee of The Prem.]
Wasareerox, September 26, 1660.
At the beginning of this Administration Sheri
Was, among the other hopes entertained by ou
people, upon the - advent to porter of Mr. Beebe
nen, the eherishr:d &lira of a speedy
between the United States end too Scrolier d Con
teal Amteriosn btitee; but like all the others, wit}
a few exception; the :omit bee bean bitter dlear
pointruent. „Brazil has not adjusted her tariff,
the " Cterenesoial L buttons" poblished at tool
large t,xpenee by the Government stated all,
would be compelled to do, in order that unjust re
ettiotione should bo removed from our navtgituon
Not only has Cuba not been acquired, but Spaniel
regulations upon no aro as rigid as over. Pen
laughs to moth new, ac she lies done for years, tto
just olaisne - we have upon her, although we were.
through the Union and the Constitution,
at an early der assured that there mule
be a speedy reckoning or Peru would be sem
molly dealt with. Oar negotiations with P4I•
raguay and the maketheltere expedition that
want mato cheatise Lopes are old jokes, and it
would be cruel at thin time to reaurreet their
awning bleeders—amortise, to be fare, while they
wore uncomfortably expensive. And then wt
00010 to Central America : who forgets the excite
mot about Sir William Ooze Conley, Bart, her
bialetty's special ambassador, with a roving emu
aim on to Washington and everywhere elm on this
eon aiaent, it must be believed from hie mbsequent
jonsneyings ? To the Administration the remini
seance ia unpleasant, for &mann papers did not,
ricamtler-like, Woe to sneer outright at the manner
in whit* the 0. P. E. Wee bamboceled by 81r Wil
liam. In Central America we have accom
plished nothing except in • the way that the
.Bzonole would expreen " gaining a lose," and that
to by a retreat from our avoient policy, founded
upon our clear international rights, which would
compel us to prevent the melees interference for
Ultimate subjugation, on the part of European
Power!, in the domestics affairs of our Continental
neighbors. When before now have the English ex
hibited the impunity in Central America whieh
they DOW do? Never, and he is not alone who
will allege thatliritieb maohinationa prevent Batts
faction to the American Republie for the wanton
insult to her honor growing out of the bleod3
mammoth of her °Means at Panama, in July, 1856
That Walker deserved to die, noes will contra
diet, bat the pertinacity displayed by the Eng
lish navy for, his capture tad death, die
not striae altogether,. or even primarily and
primipally, from a wish to preserve intact any
principle of the common law of mittens. No, to
yleltb np Mexico, or part of it, or any portion
of Central Auterioa, to Amerioan colonisation,
would be to fruetrate bar designs span South Ame
ries. .It is useless to disguise the foot that with
Great-Britain our relatiote are less friendly now.
if this Government, as it le bound to do, insists
upon a decision of outstanding nuestions from Lord
Bulwer's ministry at Weehington, than it was in
1861', when many feared open hostilities between
the two countries—To our Central American differ
ences have been added the now complication of
the Northwestern Boundary question. , As England
hen proceed us when we were in no good condi
tion to realest her domande, why, at Ohio opportune
'moment, when elm has no inducement he prune
her traditional policy toward ne buillpleg or oi
obtearery, Should we not have a fair mialentent of
all the points in controversy between lie two Go.
velment*? It may be too enapielons for a mo
ment to think that Prince Edward comes here to
*over a deep erbame of English dlplomaey, but it
is not unnatural if the suspicion should arise on
bidden. At all events, we have, year after pear,
from :Waaltingtow to the imbecile Interregnum of
Mr. Buchanan, when our go-ahead Anion has stood
and,is, clouding still, defiantly proclaimed that in
North America we were the imparter Power, and
that, as we would not enter into entangling alliances
abroad, or into the complications of European poli
tics, so we would not permit the interference of the
European Powers for the proms of feting any
balance of power upon this continent; and if that
is the polio, we now adhere to, what dishonest
motives are there to prevent a free people from its
avowal? The Isthmus, before the oompletion cf
the Nolte Railway, is the travelled road between
oar Pacific and Atlantic seaboard Staten, and under
oar central it ought to be. Cowards wo are, and
emit for position among the nations, if we allow that
,control to flit into-the bands of Powers, whether
French or British, thatire of another hemisphere.
Tiros; suggestions are not unimportant, in view of
ohs feint aid of British navy to exeonte Com
trel American laws with ready will.
, Ocealliettate
,_ Oat 11 Eiteett. Horpaapo faaarrata, pl:
4 1 .040,ite; ,of a greaValsaa eleolialas hause•
keeplai, at No. 311 3t0ti1111,214111 , street, beloW
Brno, tells anzlar, et WI Voloolt, b 7 Thomas
Binh & ND, outlaw..
The Exhibitioti 'at PeiVeltett.
stel3lo DAY. •
t r t h e eo r ober of visltorsean be iambi] as it onto•
Vion'ofewseessAthe fair at Potratton is oertainhf a very
decided hit for all ooneo. tied. Thu grounds throthehout
the greater p•irt of yeaterday were literally thronged,
and we here never :PISA more intelligent 'Oared
limed by visitors, in the various satiates exhibited.
f nearer. m•uiy have their favorite hobbles to s ide.
and it is for that reason not 'trouts that the raes-eourso
shoold bo a older centre at attraction. %Atoll it it,
thhers Romeo thenuelvos with as ninth olneteure. and
Poltava with as &pooh profit, iu extumning maohinerf,
inspecting the various agnoulturnt melee% or .ad
miring the stalled stook. We resume our notobs of
rho With:Pon ;
In the Stove Department Mr. lames Deser t IMMO'
niljolning the entrance to the machinery build
ing. exhilitte n number of substantial specimens of his
various popular sloven, mainly of bin own patenting.
Prominent among Olsen in his OES burning Cooking
Raw. with w the public; are already familiar,
The epealmen which he hes now on the ground is an
improvement upon any that ty,t have heretofore been,
the design of the front belle much more inanely° and
.ireaniental. 'the merits of this Primo have boon Pig
ually vindietted during the present 'Wilding Beason, by
builders Intrestisolog thr in in preference to any others,
In the Stove Depertinent, nothing has elicited more 1 ,
favor tile comment than this efficient, 000rolniOni. and
convenient Cooking Range. In commotion with thin.
%I r, Spear Men d'ep'eys several of hie popular improved
C , e.litirntng Cooking. stoves, in wh lob we notice neve
m' inirortant Improvemenis, eapecially in the eon
sweeten of the Ceutre•piroe. it will Im remembered
that Mr. tpoar is the original inventor of thid state,
Web Is now nohnowledged to be the mot t complete in
uso. Directly ("posits to these. Mr. spear also dis
plays a One line of his Imentifel Gas-burning
Parlor and Climber Stoves, with hie own re
^ent Improvement. These are GO graded In size
ns to be adopted to all locations and purperies, and
eor heating, end we may cap ornamenting, an apart
ment trey ri - ieworthv the attention of the public. Mr.
' , near is also the nrigh.el inventor of the Patent 'Pend
;dire Dm. now seed on all his Ga.-burn= Parlor
loves', and copied by numerous other manufacturers of
the "Silver" stove. '1 he thri, ea now apoliod by Mr,
Spear, is. neverthelees. more complete in Its operation
'hen spy oilmen, and renders it. on this account. more
iiesirab'e. Vee have omitted to mention in this cornice
ti an Spear's improved Fire board Stove for heat
ins‘severni room■ a. the canto f me. Them' stoves are
placed intho,t nine- roc m. and heat the sitting room
find several chambers above. It tallithim be nate that
ihe stove Interests have not been civerlnekrd in the
meant exhibition, as we have no doubt that the line
:hove refetr d to, without any others, world receive a
favoreb!e Taco:n:om at the hands early similar peace
iv as a first-rate representation of that 'kn.:neuter Masa
af wale .
ln thin department, Wan, Mr. iJohn S. Clark, No.looB
Market street, °acumen a large amount of woe. and
evidintly to some purpose. He has nearly thirty
i . gorge on exhibit.on, embrioing hie celebrated Im
proved Gns•barmng Cook. Firotionrd for Parlors; Sil
ver's Patent Air. its lit, with Clark's patent. and greatest
improvement; lire. immense Continerral Cook Stove
new Conl-saving Patent Gus burner. and others. They
we arranged in rood taste, and constitu,e a grand die.
slay. Embretied,m Mr. Clark's corner. aro also a va
riety of :Inane epeoimens of tau popular porcelain
fined Water Coolers; one of his patent Improved Put
•nblo Heaters ; one of his excellent Hatigas, and two
admirable specimens of ha supenor "Chat rings" Herd
teratora The latter are judged by the ;attire who ex
mine them, as being moat onmplete in all their fir
iangements. 'Upon the whole, Mr. Clark's dituesy le a
marked feetnre in the household department of the
fair, and will, doubtletus, receive due attention at the
hands of this committee.
In the Penuche, end Col:nary department of the (a
mbition there is nothing tat altraets more attention
from good housekeepers than the AZI.7IIZA Baking Fow
ler, eed recoittAtl6 of bread made from it, ibited by
Mookridge k Co„ who ere the insnafacturern
~f it, and nine of the celebrated '• I vcnert.thes."
.rimples of which aro a'so on exhibition. Bath these
...Bolos Me the inventions of Professor Win Morris,
hi. D.. of tins 00, or ti their merits have already elicit
ed commenuation of thousands in this community.
Foe broad in ids front the Amnia, exhibited by them,
eostoesce a riehness of appearance and favor interior
to any yeast-rasa bread that we have ever tasted ; and
m general was thie experience that, had the exhibitors
Mien thaponed, the clatters would have relieved them or
all they had, at their usual ethics. tome persons, how
over. Insisted nom pa chatting a few packages on the
,sot t, make a trill of it, and it is more than probab'e
that evil will adopt the " Anilines" in their families
'orantly hereafter. Vona doting the feet that the
"Encephalon "—an external remedy for all kinds of de
rangements of the Nervous Sratea—:s an article of
mmparatively 'recent I:Ai/Ninetieth to the public, wo
were surprised to hoar so many. in moving along, drop
seaming acknowledgment of its good effects in cases
of their own taae•tintenoe. F rota our own knowledge
,f the qualities of these ST tidos, we Imitate not to say
•h a• their proprietors are doing the public a root service
'is their general introduotion.
The dierdity of preserved lett, by Messrs. Hertel! and
Letchworth, No. 13 North P,fth street, is attracting de.
.tervod attention. and it muut be admitted that their
,ppoimetle Whiff h they show in great variety. and of en
:mob as one and two y eare of age, the very pattee
'toe of the Inca-preserving art, the flint in the jars
tooting as fresh and natural as when taken from the
, ree. It to, however, of the 771PC1113 by wldoli the flea is
creserved that we desire more particularly'to sneak.
t he Hermit All Ohms Patent Airtight Jar of witted/.
those gentlemen are the propritdors, is the secret of this
icessa. This jar it undouhted'y the 0 teat improle
rcent yet given to the put lio fruit-pres.rving par
.osea. Its peculiarity is that it is oil Vass, the adven
-Item of which over metslie cans, or even glass jars
vitt! 1110t,1 . 13 tnpfl, are establb.leed by the teettniony of
`to no entitle. Dr. /Mee. of this city, ne , ..dring of the
superiority of the Herten all glass jar, Bola, ho
on siders "it I i,hly preferable to metal jar's, or We
ovine metal tops a" also, that by experiment he has
'ound thin Jar parfecry air-tieht, and foe from all pas
ty M taint. to is tho onto with metal. This Jar.
awe veer. to closed and aroused with more anon and to
• , dity than any other in one, and to opened as ro-dily.
'roteseor James C. Enotti. whose opinion in a matter of
. his kind in or the higheat Vaint , • PiPern that tho Bar
"EL Aka in qUP!tmn (Nom blMe3 More adwirdasee than any
the r for prosorvins purposou. In eddit.on to the fruit
ml jeep. exhibleil he Meows. H. & L., their dirplay of
tree pierce of ornamental el 'rawer,' to alto arilotie a:A
dtreative The jnr here Wowed to seems daatined to
up.reolo all nth re in use, on aonount of the suporior
realities above r.forred to.
Mr. M. B. Dyott. inez.ufan'uror nf tempo for burning
"Zerowieo nil, at No. 11l !•outh Boorind stmt, furniahee
he exhibition with r ne of its !Una beeuLful end at
rastive footmen. Beneath a frame-work lonatrd neu
rally in tho main tent, on a rerioa of araduated slielv
'or. tve disOlyed hundreds of lus beautiful lamps,
' , bleb. on tho,r fine marb'e bum end embelliPhed with
. .
endless vnrietv of ornamental plebes. In every hue,
mereld, ruby, v' tr. oval azure end others. ar4 I , enut.6'Ai, adorned wish Vont' frostwork present a hiehir
JrtaQunnypperance sect rom the phiudite elicited bir
im burning lempd , thair pee laity la hAely to he mash
,hahoed by this exhinietz Itemed.ately over thhso,
grace dod from a lane honor. nye three of Mr. Flynn's
klezant ehanaeltera one of phinh is the mast tonntiful
,ink of the kmd that WO have ever examined. The
atter Is the mat crnmoienous olf.eot ht this 'part of
ne exhtirion. and has ho , :n malo to ordor Corn Prot-
titf rnn d uroh in itouth Onrolint. nod wombs two
, o-ti,ed pounds. It is ntrareed for burnme either
ierneone or ens, end hag Giteen Hate, each of wh , oli
deeorat.d pith a boi.ntifel floral, tuno globe, ex
oraltely emaciated Mr. Dyott in ono of the ler: est
oinufactutere of if erovene Oil Lamps in the county,
tad hie ore , er t dial:day amply indiontee rho bight per
,ction ho hes achieved in th tr. tiftWatnaelit-
Mr... 1. Albert Eehlernan. tha proprietor of the " ran-
'ral Cravat tare,' vorthwea cer nor or Cliectnut and
'a‘ anth .treots.ITIMIP9 a vary unique and attractive
vela) of bin ware', which bac e bean ft:ashamed to
.cr readers by the mjntto "0, I'. E. C " Flte diso , ny
sairiaiarit4 axial:lml% ona ththk, to '` sonar"
• n Chrirtax dom. Tho loxes row:limo his celebrated
~ alost Ensmollad Collarsainno form a rriniaturo" Chi
less Como eight feet high, and them° that num
ar in length, and molt box contains a hund red Wham
M an improvised com tor he disp'ay a a large glass case,
ontsorng Fpt cimoos of too inimitable Crr.votA. atoeto-
Gelled for all area, circumstances and occasions.
In another lofty c he exhibit°. with excellent etroet,
var.ety of artAcle is, among which the following, of his
' , mu manufacture or importation, are de: idedly the moat
,holce and elegant that the present season Imo pro
[need Boarre,l ravelling Shine, Gap' Handkerchiefs,
;rota' Underwear. Genta' Dressm 0- (Thrum Gents'
:(id Cloves, flospendars ' Neck ties, Books,
t is elute arnue;no to hear the commenle mails
ll' visitors or both sexes In passing and admiring
hl4 novel and graceful display. Ono gentleman
wished to know if that was the man that had the
a..doolty to " collar" all the ladies at Cape May this
•owinsr. Hit better half, who seemed alto into rented,
aid she should like to see the marrthat swam from the
Wand to the Great Easton] aid hank. Another, rathor
voidantindtviOutl.sald e d nve anything to coo the
Big red sign" that the Japanese fir.: went to see on
:heir unit to Phi lad:11,111a: Upon the wholo, Eshleman's
„ .
mtitrihution to the exhibition is one of the ” liveet "
hinge in it, and w,ll doubtless do those who aro intend
ed to be benefit.-1 by annual ram no muoli good.
Meters. Farrell, Herring, & Co., No. =Chestnut
Area. display five of their " Patent Champion" safes,
. - .7hich, from their superior workmanship end o:ogrint
tic toner, are much minuted. lhe urinolpal of the Eve
ire their large aide-board Sofa, stud ornamental Parlor
this former of these is a magnificent article of
ho kind : designed to take the place or an ordinary
ddo-b.•ard, and really makoa a vary handsome piece of
'urn:tare. Ito internal arrangements for depositing
qiverware end other Valuables are very complete. It
.meg a rieh marble top. and 13 supplied with a suo trea-
. .
MT. " 1 1* P 61 1 ,1 B•fe is T. 1114 , 41117 finished a/licit°,
•he orterio. being par elled with pspier-msehe. Inlaid
•rrh pearl, and pillehed like a mirror. Another is a
'vire °are, with a, tiorxlar-proaf 'wilt inside, Intended
Brokers aid Banks. The conetrucolon of this safe
in the bee; possible manner, the internal entilt being
•eanrcd by no les.than three thlunnes tee of metal--
ire of boiler iron, one of chilled iron, and innermost of
al Is a powerful network of steel. They alto exhibit a
one askortment of Hall's celebrated patent dank-looks.
In the Agrioultural department. the various flouring.
rn he were thronged with interested examiners nester
try morning and afternoon. Ti a Union Vann and
hintntirn Mill of Messrs. Taylar & Minn. of this tatty,
.1 winoli we spoke yea ordav, wee la aotive operation
. .
Arom bout the day, transfo•ming wheat and other
grains Into flour at a rapid rate, and eurythmic eve ry
'Knit be its compactness and ad tptation hi all kinds of
(raiding. Iho pioprietore have ro , olved the most flat
tering testironn•als finm many who have for name
, rintitts past nod the mills in use. Too moderato price
,f the mills, ranging from fifty to sever.ti -five dollen'
each, 00,,a der ng their espaiii•y and durab lit,. residers
•Jnee the nit at:WA:able pertabie &thole of the kind In
As usual, the nob'est *women. of horned oaths are
glitlntee by Mr. Dennis Holly, near this cil ty. The
nowt splendid animal on the ground is his Lord Bar
mtrton • second, a light Mal bell, four yews sed, sired
1 , 074 Partit.77,7l. a re ebrated animal, bred by T. P.
It en. inVen, Fog. Mr. Kelly exhibited this famous br II
t Powelte.a last season, and of all the animals on the
round, then cot now, none are bettor remembered by
motors. 'the bull be. inoreased enormously In else
lone then, end is eertatnir, , as he now stands, u
vorthy a stony fit the pencil of &Rosa Bonheur as the
klmilorn eon produce. His silken bide, noble
build, and Immense Prosortions excite universal easel •
rho conly attention of purchasers is requested to
the l arge a n d valaublo arKrtment of 13ritish,
French, German, India, and limorilan dry goods,
cutlery, Sm., embracing about eight hundred
packagea and iota of staple and fanoy articles, in
woollen, worsted, ellk, cotton, and limns, to be
peremptorily told, by Catalogue, on els months'
credit, "commenting this morning, at 10 o'clock, to
be continued all day without intermission, and at
12 o'clook, noon, eaten thousand aorta of coal and
timber lands, by Myers, Olaghorn, Co., sue.
donors, No. 4131 and 415 Arch street.
New York Politics.
New Xing, Sept 20 —The boughs State Coin.
mines, It is ttodszetto,l, hese tweed to wept six
of the nothesinepoiced h the °outcomes appointed
by the late Union meeting, and will - sesseet as to
the appoints:lent tf Mt. Randall Oft •the electoral
ticket Co soon as they earl learn ethether a oe.
*MI can bs nude.
By Telegraph to The Prem.
New OnLnens, Sept. 26 —The sohooner Taylor
arrived this evening, from Stella on the 18th. She
reports that elenerat Watiei is safe; the ruiner
that hO had been shot wee unfounded.
He NriU probably retarn homo by the next ar
Walker and Maier would have been released
with the rest Of the party if they had claimed
Aborican oitizenship or British protection.
It is certain that they will not be that, as the
British commander bad declared that he would
:lot permit it.
Arrival of the Anglo•9aion at goober.
Twenty-five Thousand Sardinians:At
tack Pesaro.
Cotton Steady at the Advanco—Breadotnifs Firm
—Comas Dull, O3r.
QUEBEC?, Sept. 2G.—The steamship Anglo-Saxon,
from Liverpool on the IStboria Londonderry on
the 34th inst., arrived hero this morning. liar
dates are Ivo days later then those already ve.
The ateamehips Ifamnionia, New York, end
Gitu;gort, from New York, arrived at Livorpeel on
the 14th hut.
4RE'AT tifilTAlS'
- - •
'the 'English funds Were heavy on Thursday, and
the Paris Bourse showed great dullness.
The belief prevails that there will be no general
war in Europe, but that some new transaction like
the Villafranoa treaty wlll take plum during the
Tho Harald saye that the suspinsions in Sydney
will not afoot London firma.
The ileglish etteekinw party at Mallard, isle*
Zealand, consisted of 347 then. The natives lay
down on the ground until the men were close ellen
them, when they alarehg up, tired their double.
barreled gar, and met the bayonet charge of their
adversaries with the tomahawk, keeping up a hand
to.hand fight. 'The retreat of the English was so
urgent that their dead, and a few of their wounded,
were left on the battle field . It is also reported
that Oh e ~ ! natives took ono gun. Ur?at complaint:
are mtdo ?Ink liolotel aould, tae commander
of the tato ing party, for not calling to his aid
an additional force, woo were said to be within his
Consols olosed on 'Wednesday at 931 for money
and 9311103 g for soonunt.
The English politic's) neite is unimportant.
Anstria has decided not to receive the Neapoli
tan fleet into any Austrian port.
It is assorted that, without waiting for a reply
from Rome, 25 000 Sardinian troops entered Um
bria on the 11th, and on the 12th, 25 000 more Ser.
(Haan troops attaoked and took Pesaro, taking
prisoners 1.200 Germans who were in the fortress.
Gen Rolla, who commanded the Pope's trail* had
ordered a saok of the towh, and toes taken pri
soner to Turin.
The German garrison of Oliveto had capitulated
to the Insurgents.
Gen. Gorjou leaves Paris from Rothe on the 13th
to take command of the French troops, ,
Gen. tainoricierJ had concentrated his army et
Several Powers bad protested against the entry
of the Sardinians into the States of the Church, as
an attack upon international rights.
Russia and Prussia protested in the atrongost
terms, but would take no other step.
Cavour bad issued a note explaining the new at
titude of Bardinia.
It was asserted that the French army at Rome
will be inereased to 70,000 men.
Tho Bourse WWI Qat and lower; routes tiff SSo.
It was repOrted Coat nano° refused to undo thh
slightest concossion to Swijzoriond in the &Ivey
afttir. Switrorland, thoretore, porsists more than
over in considering the tirteetion one for tha de
oislon of Europe
An interview between the kmperors of Hulas
and Austria, and the Prince Regent of Prussia,
takes place at Warsaw on tho let of Cotobor.
Lc Nord says that a statement of an alliance
between tagland, Austria, and Prussia, is fah%
no far as Austria is concerned.
The Frcnoh army le still encamped at Bayne.
No open disturbance had taken place.
'rho arrival of the prlsonere at thmatantitrple
had excited tho poptils ! )a. _
The dolga caused by the French were /Lillis
matter of complaint.
Troubles were oxpected at Canton, should the
allies receive a check in the North.
The rebels bed taken poneession of the (ay of
Bow•kiang, only twenty live miles distant froni
All fears of famine In the northwest db.triet of
India bad passed away. Abundant rains had
fallen, and there was every prospect of an average
Commercial Intelligence.
[ Oy,Telegraph to Londonderry.l
Liernroor.,, September 11— LIVERPOOL COTTON,
MARIS h.T.—The sales of Cotton for vita wink c,ro re
ported try tho Brohers' Ci rather at 115 050 totter, maim/.
mg 2.1 Oni to speculators. end 14,000 to exp o r ters. There
has 0412,11 au savanna on the week of!'4o...i'd lfr lb, owing
to the fine weather and favorable admn , trona Man
'/ ho large 111/rlllOO IS on Ihe middime and lower
ttes. The selea to•day Friday , , were 101,00 Wee In
cluding 9 Worn speculators bud exporters. the market
closing guiet at the to/owing authorized euetatt-na
Fell.. Middling&
New Cr:enna.--.—...,......... itY
'uplands .. • ....... 7
The .otat flock in por . t . is 0- tivrited at 023 ( * r 14.1e5,
of wh , oh 785 000 are 01 timer two •
Lit/P.4IJ out, Bit K , ..1)8 UFFS Ala RKET.—Flour
dull Wheat fi rm at 691 prinen Corn tirin.
eion market Is eenerally ateadr.
1,0141)0 I A10:4 F.l hi RICE T.-1.0:413ml, Friday,
P. M.—Consols Awe for tanner at
Baienr 1100 K, Supt. 26-2didnight —The royal
mall steamship Petals bas just paned Chia pint.
She left Liverpool on the 15th, and bringa Queens
town advleos of the 16th.
The steamer Arabia arrived at Queenstown on
the 14th.
Italian affairs are unchanged. The French
minister to Sardinia had loft Turin.
The King of Naples has deported for Spain
NUM Yoe x. Bilpt. 27 he steamer Pettit lies arrival
up. Abe fo.lowmg aro the latest deseatehes roomed
vie Queenstown
DIA vuerout. ttunday.—Cotton—The sales of t sesterda Y
estimatedaroestimated at 0 UOO Wes. preluding 1,(.00 bales to
speculators and fur export. The market eosod quiet
but firm.
titeacietulTe &mod quiet but firm. FrOVillol29 very
Loudon ooutiola are unolianzad.
The Enesah news is unirupottant.
The liarvaat a Installs rupid progreaa, Let the wea
ther re lose favorable.
Napoleon bad reached Almelo.
'I ha frenoh forces at hemo have been increased by
two tog haunts.
The flank of Yraure has lost eighteen and a quarter
ntlldons ol francs, as cash, during the month.
'Naples is tranquil. All tho farts Lave surrendered.
Om 'bald' has exchanged interviews with tha &slit&
admiral and ambassador.
he Saidinian troops had disembarked at Naples by
the request of GaribAdi. who had transferred the
Netipontan fleet to Bardinta
he King of Naples had embarked at Gaeta for Ro
yale. his said that ho itat an order, on quitting Naples,
for tne bombardment, el the town and destruotion of
the Royal Castle.
The revolutionary movement is everywhere triumph
• - .
it is reported that Immo of the other foreign ministers
have motive° orders to quit the kingdom.
liThe Vardinlan troops oontinaect their inarelt into the
renal terntorY.
(ten. Fanti luta been appointed oommoneer-in-oliief.
The laraineas of tho legation will be ounducted by the
The Para] Government was about to seeress a pro
test to all the European Pulsate.
rams wee deo med an a lame
t hose.a Pi/ the in •
bat) tenth were threatened with the irest ponaturn for
the alislute4 offence.
The eardo inn meomnindem to def nee of the conree
adopted by the Cloven-Icent ye published.
a VAIN, opt be Itaaan bonnets esprees regret
at ttm nes, I of the Freiuli ambassador.
Man mune. tient. I.s.—Lettete from Naples state
that very ardent demonstrations are being made to. the
populace, and that many of the prima have fraternlzed
with the people.
There have been priMerolle dePenloll3 from Gaeta,
and an enlistment or volunteers has been mitered,
Li heel,, will be pro-Dictator, while Garibaldi in at
tacking Gep. Lainormiere.
0 inhale* line doolsred that lie will aeon Proclaim the
annexation of Nap,ea to Piedmont fain the Etonian of
the Quirinal. where An aliailene will be Milted in ono
national bongo , t.
A !petitionary movement, with fatal conflicts hoe
taken place at Arian°, and the traribalolgos ur., march •
lap tr ere.
Rows, Sept. II —The " tricolor" has been hoisted at
'ln oh Genes ann. and Fubi two, but it le Mated teat the
1010,Iiihnte of these yinees did not support the do mon
si vinous.
The alleged oiler of Lamonclete for pillage incase , of
‘ lll,outr. °lion IF dented
.r•in is n tleraßDA7.—TheCreistiNiteena say the riieell
of the notch ainbasstdor is to t nuts the
vat by the Government of the °outdo pursued be car
ding. but is far nom an inte..tion to lead to a rupture.
Cialdipl'a order of the day to the soldiers, late them,
'° Attack end d.speree the foreign adveotinera without
mercy. Perugia cello aloud for venteanea, and though
it be late, she will have it."
A strong hedinontese ems Is keeping watch on the
movements or the Antiglare.
boa, ON, eattifilaY Evening.—Twoeldpilhare Mil\ ad,
with 4 , 40.0au ste)ling, Auer& ion told. '
AIM 1 Al A AND Mee! A• The Fmperor of Austria gave a
taxiluet in ho
nor of the kipper , r of Malta's Will - May.
In the lit. Loser race Umpire was sixth. and Norman
by 'he filth.
Tho trlein, has MO pneeengere.
'I tie Penni paged the ii.ean or America on the 2,1 d,
I'm idly of. Washington on the 24th, and the illinota ton
Commercial Intelligence.
I,)vmarOcn, BREADSTUFFS MARRET. Sept. le.
—The favorable weather of the week was interrupted
Yesterday (Friday). whenrt avuus worn boisterous.l he • lour market is qu iet. but steady Wheat fir n
and stead,. tom quiet, but rather firmer. mixed is
quoted at a 36 rd rut holdall) are deman. the 34A
Nq ATE OF TIM '1 DP..—The Manchester ad
'Acura ere favorable, alihoush the aiiwrueoe on Indus
goods. 'Trotted on 'lntrudes , , has bean lost.
Holt/Ir, COTTON MARKET.—Nets Orleans Irr ,
' ereiriat, in quoted at 92f, and has at 8,31 qual•tren
have cightry edvareed,erreetelly in the lOW,' quatitue , u.
which ai e I fl2f filcher doles of the week, 16,090 l'al^Y.
Monk in you t, 116 000 hate.
ON DON hi A Ito El V. —Baring Prothern report
Wheat declined 213 a for Forman. Iron—Woleh rasa
nail bare steadr. Sneer rteady. Cotfee buoyant Rica
dal and Cd lower. Spirits of Turnentitto steady et Disc ,
yin dd.
IruelDfli MONEY Ara Rl{E'F—Frlday.—Connnle
o'need nt93);',0095.3k for money and 93,.inZ14 for annuunt.
Lhe none? endeAre In roe,. Dnlnun in hsr tneronn,l
,0 0. Oaks of llituois Contra, chores at 36,4 alit.
cunt dice , unf.
1.1 1 /kir POul. PROVITtt :any p.-13tef hon:ti
and d elightit qecline4. 1 orli quiet but AM. Beam
LI FtI;S"I:".rPI.FiOSIY67; ttucr
quiet p AledtlB2sl flit 113 t 6 2V6,tm
advanced Sell. Co R te. • )(too drm, And
holden dernrind an edvetee. Rte.n tint at el Mate ed
on the spot, and 6,Pids Id to OTTIM, nrssoti elpltite
(needy et Ale 9dct92a,
U. S. Cirouit Court of New Jersey.
rpm CASH or sactigLON.
TaagtroN. N Sept. the Grated States Cr .
Salt (mart to day, the argument on tne motion in I m
Mee' of What ca. Van Vote% was concluded, and t e
Court tool; upa Jury' can bet w een the tame parties,
Which le atilt on trmi.
-The Grenil Jury balm been engaged all day to the ex
amination of alarm number of *initiates to the cassia
Jaeltalow charged with the trittedy en the Omni Spray.
Amens the witnesses wore crapt. Juries Weloi. of the
sehormer 'fhomas Fret ; Capt. grimes 13 anett.
of the Fawner Gem; Opt John Y. Cole, of the sloop
Scranton; Capt. J. 13 bedner, of 'lie sloop ;
Heart W John e. Mt , back. Dr. John E. gm
ldgencer. PAotc, Z Alarms James m.
Apron. °ennui C. Clark, Wm
. Jacobus, James Tall-
VS: Thome/ bchsuok, Elizabeth Schenck, and Mr.
Pled% that Captain French, of the 'Worm lociada.
was .not to atrium. as well as several witnesses
from Brooklyn, ow York, the Grand Jury applied to
the court. who dirested arooets to tin issued for tbe
arid witnesses. rind then a d journed to Friday week. •
Several of the witneesia being a‘red and sink, and
living at a consider/Ole dtstarmo. it is them ht they wit
not he able attend derma this term, nail that a sae
mai term Will have to ho directed by the court for the
trial of Sufi caw,.
Congressional Nomination s.
Tnnfrrotc, N. 3.. Sea 2.9.—Auguatuu Orem of hfer
cot munty. wee t';ie day nudnimonaly noininetod br the
Oonloorate ne their onndidete for emigre.. for the Se.
uond diernet, connpmeit ni the continuo of thmu, Mon
mouth, Burlington, and Mercor.
IieTAVTA, N. Y., Sept.:4l.-Iton. Auentue Fronk hat
been renominated fir Coneroes by t'e Hepuh'icans
tb't•FALo,S , .et. 14 divan boo b^on ennnnstnd
for ()novae by tho Republican of the Thirty- getout'
lIFILG-Evr,nrrcr notinnESSIONAL Ticrin t.
Bn.To'r Sept.: 3 —Tho liell-Everotts Co-day twittill3.-
ted tho ful renilemen (or Congr , v:
Ir Ist Dictrict—DAniel Fisher. ci Edrartown.
m 1 " Eilinurd P. Tilecton. or LoTulieltnr.
it " 800. Wdllnm Appleton.
eth OW , P. I ord. of Salon,.
7 . 1 t " V. lion of Chrirlostown.
!ph " Wintnran Pan , knrr. of Aeon.
Judo, Mtrefon. of Iltrournble hat been nomtnuteel in
01000 of Udwartl lltoklbeon. &aimed.
RepotMean Convention or Allegheny
PITTSCUW:, Bopt 110;11bliONO CotiVeCllo7l TO
be bald flare 10- OiorrOW ',Noumea to be the Ilrgant that
ever mot in this oar.
Ybero .13 te procogaion Of the Wito•Aenkee the
Capszziog 01 a Schooner.
Ilcstcn. Sect senounor J 111.17111011 ti. of Al
Lazo , . blull to Boktan ancerzini in the ear Y itsterCny
Her crew Were saved. •
T H E. C I. 'l' Y.
NV HILL 71.81( & CLAIIIirea Atterr-surcr Tusvotr,
Arnti street, shove Ststh.—'• ~INlarble ]]cart"—
'• The Roush Illamond."
"Tge s w , F a ft 6 t i t ib 7 , h r Mi i t„straet, above Twelfth.—
WALNVT-STRltiti Tit EA ran, Walnut and Ninth ea.—
" Tho Enohentrega"—'! Poggy Growl"
r2NAWILVANI.I AVAI72M - 1 OD VIZ 1 7 1":13 . /12. Ta. NO,
Cheatnui street.—Exhibition nr Paantinge and
Soulpture. eveiy morning and aftbttobsl.•
Cox TINICITA L THEATER, above Eighth.—
The H Won Brothers, &o.
B,oc7oan's OisnA.Flovste, Eleventh street, above
Chestnut—Concert nightly.
McDononan'il Nnw Clianytis, flew street. ni.ovo
Tho Green Itlonoter"—The Martinotti Mo-
Meeting. of the Douglas Democracy.
Last evening, a large and entbusloatio meeting
of tho Democracy favorablo to tho election of Ste-
Veen A. Dougits, Dereihol V. Johnson, and
Henry D. Foster, was hold et tho room or the
Demooratio Central Association, at the corner of
Fifth and Chestnut streete. The Hoyetone Club,
which formerly, met at Twelfth and Chestnut
atreeti, how hold their regular meetings at this
plate, and hoe greatly increased its numbers
during tha ledt twd Wahlte by a union with the
'Young Men's Douglas Club.
The meeting was milled to order at eight o'clock
by Mr. McCandless, who nominated George W.
Jones, Erg., as nrioident el the iipteting. lie in
iwaitthed, as the tint speaker, Mr. John Camp-
bell, who was enthusiastically received.
[llia speech, which was listened to with great
attention, and frequently applauded, we will pub
113h in full to morrow ]
Mr. George DIA men wen the next speat•or. the nuid
that a Itbou2 h personally known to Melly at hie hearer..
vet the 'rent cause+ in welch they were infereeted wo e ld
he his exoeso for addrerning them gn this' ficena ~n Co
had always given his support to the nominotionsnf the
Patton,' Cvnveution. and would not now withhold i t
from Btophon A. Dour as and Hershel V. lohnron AP
edeatsc,l Oh - mew tunes are upon lie and It becomes los
19 avert the Winder. Uruelav poasesees the chim,
tetkaties of thedeparted, ee of the Ile tmitnee. It is.
therefore, amine:iffy qualified to teed tie on elele,
Jetties Ditobenan he competed hi Benedict Are'?
the Revolution, and the Judas Iscariot of nue ort
t Illan. Ant etyma made tin t the nomination (let to, lie.
A t ouel.s Ives Ill^gat tree utterly false. Much bud
teen said arnlnst him, and ninny of the remarks have
been 'made by those Wit were previously his firm
est super, tore. 'the upeeker then read from the
journal of Convoys of 1517. to show the reference
made by.the Cana!! tution to the institution of slavery,
aud thevarious nee forme , for lie protertion in the
vedette etstea and Tanneries. as well an thee. titled
inn to the right of self-government, and contended
that many of those who stood mice the platform of
/Joliette' wi IRV are now stumping el the Southern 81gtes
for thettisuliiim ads melee. John . D oesinridee. The
speaker then tevieared the pulled earner of Mr. Lin
weintain ti, that in his oneduct in ten li ltsnf ie
trielettoo he Mel talented tee word, A vote tendering
th • t h„kg of Cf . nou to Generale r'o'te rein
weeder. et' the braver. manifeeted hr themselves end
teel e.r eid, t yrs ( in t im the hise , tein war was opposed by
Atundersin tsnotln. Peery Philsdrlpman should re
member this, ann they certainly could no• consistently
emit their votes for , a onedidate who to it thus
refugee to pay a tribute to their veleta fallow.
eitigeng the speaker conoluded amid greet app l ause.
lion. Sohn Cessna was thatext ipe .ker. 11611 , 11 not
some there for the purense of making a ' , poen. hut
•rlmply tole! theM know that he had a wittier news to
Aestsein the cause In which they were enleted. He
lived in et county wheal had been famed heretofore for
us ',devotion to Jamie itneheurtn. and he could entire
hue lament that out of a so, voters In Redford. et least
emit were for Judge, Douglas. (Applause t home
he wee member ot Douglas chub end welder. else.
The turn pokt to the election of tee Presider tof
the Gelted Mates noeld he the result of the Camber
Medina. If VIOIOIIOOB. then the ' , molt will see that we
are opposed to seationalism in ell u• Cots. the Wm ge
will no .forth in every direction. and must prodders a
beneficial result We had a candidate preupnted who
wee a proper man in every respeet ?
The speaker reviewed the action of the Rending c on .
vettion. Tim proceedings were nienalizeil by untmeal
ii.rmone and oonolliation.tand..after the adjournment
of that body. he firm'Y belle.ed the entire potty was
united throughout Poinist Ivenia. If the into a mimosas
had been pursued at Charleston and Baltimore we
would will lira together, end victr re would meat an
euredly p•roh nn pill beenor Thera was Manna piano
to fix the trouble. and that wan upon' the bends of tho
in. is who •eeedeil trom the Cherleston Convention
I Ape! , use J They wore inspired by trine other motive
than the good of the country when they left that body.
They wont out tit thr coolentiou simply opeanse. by
rimer:v. vote, we re , (finned the Corot moat platform—
that pi.tforin upon which Jame. Duch .non was sleeted
in mat. After having made a nombistiou they bail the
elfiontery nor only to Ilildnate rt. oandieate for the
p,seideecy, but aepoin'ed a National Committee to
(meted the ' DemocretiO party. not only for the neat
four years. but for time to come • Was it in the
power of tint minority committee to dictate to the
lent tonal and only true I emoornoy to Delimit to this?
Upon the subject of the lluberne tonal caedid ite.
henry 1.). Fenton. the party is thoroughly tad t•d. Them
is a o , ngortettive feeling. Mee, outride of our own
rangy. which has made up its mind to impose s, otiose'.
tam acne, hind, and thus monist in deleating the 110-
The epeaker then alluded to the recant !percher' of
Mr. Moo ore and Thrtedeen Stevens, who. fur the sake
of malting polidoal capital, have pervertea the true
morning ot the Democratiopia form. in reference to
the tine in order to injure the prepares of Getter.
Foster. in
th, , ro was nut man true to the interests of
Panne, 'yenta, that man wee, Mr. Foster. 'Applause.]
Let us do our ditty. irnere tho issues of inform aim
other vexed eueutiona until alter the son •nd Tilernley
of Cetolicr, and eu.oCeo will Grown out eif.irts In No
rile. Douglee had been true to the men:ivies upho'd by
the Democratic vitt. for iho last fifteen years, and he.
cause he and his frw.nds had been consistent they Were
denounced ae Colton]. 'I he speaker denounced. in
severe term,. the Creciann Comproin no; elite:led to the
platforms assumed by the various political organiza
tions. and maintained that the only true, conservative,
and Ureon•lovins party was that which had elin:011 for
its standard- boseore ntOplien A. Douglas and Derided
V. Johnson, -
Loud eons were here made her Daniel Dougherty al
there had been at fren , .ent Intervale during the oveniue,
and as that eentiema , approached Via platform, in
reepotee. he was greeted with three hearty cheers
(In preforenoe I, giv ns a eynoosie of Air. Dougherty's
speech, which would convoy but a poor Ilifl3 of Its
force and aloqueuce,
tu defer our report until to
morrow, whoa wo wil l lay it before our roar ere in full.]
Thomas Fenton, of We osty, made a briof and spsrsted
adareta and the rnont:us adjourned. at a late hour. with
nine cheers for Douglae, Johnson, Foster, and the
whole ticket,
Fine-Ilnoner.—Last evening, the Good Will etoam
fire engine, which was victorious at the recent
trial of steam gro.engloos at the United :items
Agrlenltural Fair at Cincinnati, returned home in
charge of the committee who accompanied her out.
The excursionists were met at the freight depot,
Thirteenth and Market streets, by the stay-at
home members of the company, and the members
of tho Diligent Dose Company, every man pro
vided with a torah, and headed by the Penn
sylvania Cornet Band, in the unitorm of the Garde
Lafayette. 5 here wore aloe In the line nut:moue
transparencies bearing inroriptione relative to the
triumph. The precession numbered over 200 men
The enginel7.B decorated with bouquets and wreaths
of goners, and was drawn by four gray horses.
The column peeled over the principal streets, up
to the Lafayette Dose house, which was illumina
ted Intoner of the victorious steamer. They also
petted the residence of one of the firm of 1. P.
Morel .t Co , the builders, end stopped while the
band played a lively air. They then returned to
the engine house, Race etreet, below Brood, the
front of which wee brillinntly illuminated in honor
of the cemasion. the party left Cincinnati on Fri
day afternoon feet, and arrived In .Pitteburg on
Saturday afternoon. They remained In Pittsburg
till Muneay afternoon, anti during their etay gave
a trial of their origins in presence of the Mittens.
They were handsomely oneertained in Pittaberg by
the Vigilant,Eogeo, and Dereasno Fire Compenlea
of that city. They left Pilteburg on Menthe',otter
noon, and arrived at Altoona on Tumidity mete log,
where they remained until yesterday morning,
when they left for home, and came through with
out stopping et any ethos. plate. The excur
eionists state that the Cinoinnetians showed 001113I
derablo feeling et the result, old no courtesies
of any tried were extended to them. Tea only
enocturazement they teemed was liens Pennsyl
vanians who happened to be pteeeet. The ere
men and citizens of Cincinnati wore not prepared
tot a triumph at this kind, end they e mid eat re.
he'll from expreeting their disappoietment Thu
triumph is a most gratifying ono to the roe:lmams
and firemen of Phttedelphi.s.
TER7DI7:IO.--A woman, named Moore,
mopped at the stand of a countryman, en South
street, above Stroud, on Tuesdey tifisrneeu, and
bought a basket of potatoes She effaced e half.
dollar of counterfeit eefu, which sins reeet.ed by
the dealer without tuspioion. Finding; Vast this
coin went off so readily, oho went beck te the coup.
tryntan and es'ted him to give her cheep for
another half duller, and eke thus put off upset him
a second bogus men. The ',Meters wore ta'ren to a
neighboring tavern, to bevelled for by the husband
of the woman. The countrymen subieeptently die
eovered the cheat, and ho gave infestation to the
policeman on the beat. An cheer Cot to
watch the potatoes ' rind when the husband of the
woman wont for them he was arrested and taken
to the Fifth-ward ate tien•house. After preverfee
tlng for some time as in his place of resideree, be
took an officer with him to Camden, New Jersey,
and to the house where he lived.
The woman onus toward the house Mier night
with a lot of goods, which had evidently to en
bought for the purpose of getting off bogus ° , ln,
tied a child ten out from the house at the instiga
tion of the husband, mut gave the woman the
alarm, She at once retraced her atepa towards the
ferry, hut the officers who were upon the lonli•ont
captured her. Charles Moore, the hiii-bari, find
lag that his wife Wall in melody, drew a knife tend
made an attenk npon Winer Miller, whe woe in
the house with him. Mr. Miller threw np hie
hand to ward off the blow, and the knife pried
through ft. Ofileer Estee ran into the hence, and
he was attacked by Moore, but he knocked, down '
and secured the desperado after a hard struggle.
Yesterday, Moore and his wife tfell bran ht to
thle oily. They hid a hearing before the Celled.
hinter Comratselener, and were held to answer.
Yesterday was the second day of the File of
the Philadelphia t-roloty for Promoting Agrionl
tura, now Opin at Powelton The attendee°+ was
muish larger then on the previous day. Indeed,
on the Bret day the fair may be said to have hard
lyootameneed: The second and third days are
tonally the periods when tho attendance is largest,
and the greatest interest is taken in the exhibi
tion. A fine band of ninth enlivens tho grounds,
and the trotting ar,und the course forma a groat
attraction to many of the visitors
The department appropriated to the display of
horses forma one of the largest portions of the exhi
bition. There MO ono bondred and twenty-nix
horses and mares on exhibition, comprising some of
the purest stook in the country. Among these
which attract great attention is the fine statlion
"Caliph," nano years old ; an Arabian horse, im
ported by Judge. It. B Jones, of this eity.who was
several yearn United States Consul General to
Egypt. This horse is of beautiful notion end car
riage, with a white, glow mint. shining like satin.
Ile Is believed to be the only pure Arabian horse
stoic in thellnited States There are eight colts on
exhibition; ail sired by Caliph, and they all retain
his prominent uharlieteriatiel
Mr. C. T. Mathoyc exhibits three fine black
horror, all of the Black hawk breed, two of whioh,
Satan and Nebraska, Oat cil in harness The
other, Othello, is a fine, symmetrically-formed
animal, and is touch admired
A young stallion, " G. M Patohen, Jr.." sired
by Fragile!), tiro yours old, in exhibited by Senfl
Arohor, of Now Jersey, who also enters two other
stallions, ono of tho Morgan, and ono of tho Jack-
Son breed.
A honniirui stallldn colt, fourteen months old,
unmed Lexirgton," of the Csliph breed, re
ceives lunch attention from the ind,ges of horse
The display of neat cattle at the fair to prot,aldy
the bo,t that bas ever been witnessed In this city
at eno time The members of the society who
hove imported fine breeds of cattle, and who have
eeperfttented upon them on this aide of the ocean,
for the purpose of ascertaining their adaptation to
this elitunte, take great pride in this de;.artment,
and the result is teen in the extent of the display.
There are 22 Durham balls, caws, and heifers en
tered by Charles Holly, Delaware county; A.
McFarland, West Philadelphia; Donnie BuoXley,
J. .3 Hoot es, Joe Palmer, Harry Ingersoll, and
John Hunter. There are also 3 Devon maws, and 2
bulls of the same breed on exbibition. Of the
Aiderneyd, there are 3d build, CC7O, heifers. and
calves, which form a line collection of obis breed.
A b number or the Alderneys are exhibited by
Wm P. Potty, of Montgomery entity. and Dr. L
II Twaddoil, of the Tatventy-lourth w.rd
A eon', of the India breed, exhibited by Mr.
Potts, attraona mach atieulien, frnm ito odd ap
pearance, having a hump on the shoulders, and a
bead shaped something like that of a buffals.
This enw la about four yoara old, and was imported
from Calcutta.
Tho display of ebeep It nut large, but thugs on
exhibition are of fine qualiiy. Six ewes and three
bucks, of the Southdown breed, exhibited by
Hartman Kuhn, are much admired. Sidney
risber exbibitx ten book lambs, of thesame bleed,
which are tory fine. Two fat eheop, exhibited by
John L. WooIztop; Twhnty-fourth ilard, are fine
Of swine, there are forty on exhibition, com
prising some fine specimens. Pour bloats, of the
Berkshire breed, only eight weeks old, exhibited
e .lienry 801911811, tWODry•third Went are cry
In the poultry department, there are on exhibi
tion pheasant hantims, *bite ducks, Cochin China
Shaughaeri, Brameb Pootraa, black Spanish,
Japanese, Creole, and Beabrigbt ' bantam fowls ;
also nieese. turkeys, Guinea hene, pigeons, and
otter breeds. This department la very fine. hot
does not attract much attention. In feet, the rage
for big Shanabats, whit% prevailed so extonAvely
a few years 416, I.‘ra pratty well died out. How
ever, the specimens are very creditable to the ex
To-day we shall devote attention to, the imple
ment and machinery. and other departments The
f, it is well worth a visit by those who take en in
terest in the arta and manufactures, as well as ng
Mr S. 1. Cohen bits printed a full catalogue of
all the articles on exhibition at the fair, which will
be found vary useful to visitors in making their ex
aminationS. They can be obtained at the office of
the secretary, on the grounda.
Tuesday afternoon a ease was heard before Alder"-
man Ogle, in which Alderman Delfrieht was com
plainant, and William M Christy defendant. The
alderman's wife, In passing up 'Third street, above
Dock, tore her dress live and a belt Inches, against
a box in front of datendant'a store, for which $2,5,
the value of a now silk dress, is daimed. The fe
male friend who accompanied Afro lielfrieht was
the principal witness for the complainant, and she
testified that. upon the occurrence, the, with a
forethought that would do credit to a limb of the
law, kicked the box, and found it was empty. 'The
defendant, who conduoted his own case agalast
couesel on the opposite ride, proved that the goods
had joet been recoiled, and that the hot only as
copied a space of twenq two inches on the pave
ment for an hour and a quarter. Alderman Ogle
reserved bls decision until Be.turdby next.
Gltlltir WOOL SALIL-1110 second great
sale of wool in this oily took place yesterday, at
the Manufacturers' Exchange, No 22 North Front
street. There were 121 lots, comprising needy
every variety of wool. making in all about 2tht,
8;10 pounds. The sale commenced at eleven o'clock
in the morning, and continued throughout the day.
Thu attendance of buyers and others Interested
was quite largo, and the bidding wee very spititcl,
both by bidders in this city and manufacturers
from other pracos
CORONBII'ii VERSO N.— Coroner Fenner
held en inquest In the cam of Idartna Wynne, who
died at St Joseph's Hospital on Tuesday. The
evidence showed that the deceased was of in
temperate habits, and was intoxicated at the time
she was injured Tho Jury rendered a vordiet of
death from accidental burning. Vhsrleston, who
was before enspeoted of having been acuessory to
the act, was discharged from custody.
AGGRAVATED A antrlir. —Yesterday morn
log, before .alderman Lentz, Daniel McMullen
was charged with having committed a violent as
sault upon James M. litbson, at Seventh and
Marriott streets. The two, it is said got into a
dispute about their children, when McMullen toed
an oyster knife upon tilbson. The former was sent
to prison.
KNOCKED DOWN.—Ou Tuesday- night, a
UM named Shinn wab discovered by OtSeer Sr•
not, wandering up the Frankfort road, near Nor
ris street 110 bad a severe gash in bla head, and
said 'het ho IN3B hnoolted down and badly beaten
at Fifth etroot and Franklin avenue. ills etaallabt
bas not bean arrested.
'—The inquest in the cane of Robert Cranford was
continued at the Nineteenth•ward station•bonne
last evening. Set eral persona gavo evidence, but
nothing material wee elicited ; and the afair la
still involvc..l In niyatury. Tho inquest will be
resumed this afternoon.
barge Ariol, start Friday, 5, for a pall to
roturning the eat.
AltasiNG.—A colored wan, who canto to
tbio city from Iliclumond, Ye , Lao heal mltsirg
since Monday let. Ilie namo lo Oboe Chapman.
011:It AND Tt.-11:t1INE11--,Judges I udlow
and Allison —licfcre tiro regular basluesa In the
Oyer and Terminer was taken up, Judge Allison
bad his attention called to the case of John W
Culin, conchs:ad of libel In publishing, In the /rish
alracricao, an article attaoking the character of
Alderman Moore. A motion for a hew trial was
made, the moused alleging. his ability to produce
witnesses to prove tho troth of the otatemeeto con.
Mined in the article. Tnis was 5311.10 four months
ago, but up to the present time the particular wit•
mete referred to has failed to appear, and yesterday
morning Judge Allison ovorrul-t the motion, and
soutonced Culin to pay a tine of %. - :.•25, and to under
go three rot n he' Imprisonment.
Andrew Artbura was r ut on trial, charged with
the murder of Mathias eatnldt, bratabblog hire
with a knife, on the night of the I.B*h of 1 Aril
last. The parties got into a light in Prosperous
alley, and Schmidt received a stab in the neck di
reetly over the collar bone, the knife penetrating
the chest, and the deceased being taken to tha Hos
pital ho died there on tho 9th of May. 'The faota
of the case may ho gathered from the following tes
timony :
Mary Ann Dean sworn.—l lit e in Protperoaa
alloy ; I knew Mathias Sokol:ft ; be lived in tho
same alley with his brother; Arthurs I know too;
sometimes he lived with Mrs MeCroacin in Fpat•
ford greet, and sometimes with his mother; I cc-
collect when this happened ; It woo between nine
and ton o'clock' in the evening ; I was titling en
the step at the time; Artlrrs and a young man
named Jimmy came npthe alley together ; Jimmy
left, and Arthurs was about to call him when
Schmidt mune out of the door to go up the alley,
when Mahon said to him, t. Where In 1 1.0— are
you going." Schmidt replied. "What in the—is it
your business; " with that Arthurs strnok Schmidt
with Ids List, and knocked him °Tor; Eahlniat gat
up and went Into the house and took off his coat,
and called for Isla brother George to come out;
Seorgo did come on% and Sohmldt . said, it Lot mo
at the —; Arthurs called over to the young
wan who was eittiog with me to gat up, but I
would not let him obey that time; Schmidt an I
Artburs got to light, and niter a bit Schmidt fell,
end tbeyorle.l that he was stabbed ; Attlaurs and
Jimmy utter Dila went away : Schmidt struck Ar•
Mora fird when he mime out of the haute; they
were ti4htleg two or three moments before Schmidt
foil ; Articuri. struck Schmidt atter ho struck hint
during the secand fight , there was a crowd go
therod around them at the /mond fight
Maria Johnson sworn.--1 lived in Prnsperous
alley at the timo this happened; I was standing In
the doorway ; I het.rd a nolso Gated°, and wont to
tee what it was, and Itichtuldt was pulling rif his
Brat; he was in hts brother'tt bons°, and r.o carte
out -tnd said " Wheys Is tin?" Arthtsrs said • Lire
I nut, tome at It " Schmidt them struck hnu, 'tad
Arthur' strlck him hook ; Schmlit then gi t , to to
tozike him nitric', hut don't IrtinA- whether he 414
so or not;' but A , thurs straok taw three Wows, and
Finial:lldt tell bee:: into his brother's eru..3
Mary 3faCro.i.noJworn —I Ilv CIO spa',..irdaircot;
Arthuro came 10 my honed thu night WBllllll3 ass
,tabbed ; he told my hy.haud teat ho had been
fighting with a Dutchmen rod the pevei,la raid be
was almost killed. and he wowed thy huFbathi te,
p,o and roe it It T 711.9 ro; I told Arthure to go op
rtelre to ludo as r li t net hOOO whit au , thu m a
tm., but my husband told him ho had better go
out; he than loft end did net come bard aglin
Coroner Fenno:* sworn —I held the ir,intiit In tbo
ease of Mathl2.l S•hmldt ; I teraember „arm; the
body and tho wound ; 1 made no mirth for tho
weipco. thong 1 arrived information tint It had
bolo thrown tote a ccspool; I had another ease
on 1,111 , 1 and thta o:copedmy attention.
ondar,iieod that Arthnri
goon himaalf up to the ()fiber who had my fioir,.
At this point ,half past four o'elocti) the court
was compelled to od:ouro, is conat,increa of the
falluro of certain 1 - n120,350 for the Cfommonwealth
to !ippon. in obedience to the euLiona. Every
,ii•nrt bad been made by the ofEkera to (Ind the
witneLse:l, hot without mole so.
Capture 01 Smverc
Nelittira, Sept 24 —A ellve bric, (nat un
known, but snputriol tn be the : 4 xrin liir;) ArTil
here to-tle3 , in charge of Liont A K itnitttta. ef
the American navy, thirty ono (lop from .11.,nro
vie. She tvn3 captured by the San Jacinto, nn the
nth of Auxuat, When 200 tailing aft the Congo ricer.
the hag 019 negreos on board. They Were landed
at Menrecia.
The prl!e toil, Fai«, rapt:lt:A t y (Le Unttod
Ctitei atertraer Maillortn oil the S•b of Arignst, Lad
arrivd at Monrovia, viltb. over SOJ rogrcAs oa
board, In otargl of Lien; Portgen, of too navy.
Departnro of tho Steamer Asda,
IU - se Ynaa, Sept. 23.—Thestoateebtp dela rall 1.3
to imp, for Liverpool. Ivltti 1200,000 Ip spot.
'rho' Money MaTket.
Primaceierru, Pect.mber 26. 1550.
Iddal Radroad victims advaceed at the Stock 11
tr.:der fret 21 to hat aftenve - da teced,d a little,
80(1 elokeJ - at 204221 80 100. Catawis, bade are
stro7lBar, and cooalde star. the itne•o7td tn us me se of t 1 e
roll:Land tl;a pro:pect; of ita sucur to unret ti eri or
gamzsuoe, the bu.dt are tooted drat hi lil a " na
quilt ioT in proponlon t oilier eirmtar Fr
Wiatamsvcrt en] Elmira b era aid crate, red steak
improved. Green and t'ca•es relief! selling at 21.
Aron-blreet sold at )51; and Eorood and Third-eireet
lit 4811. Llttle Sahuilk,ll flares enid at 1-33-0.
the money mazketia unchanged it any of its fea
I'tevoa's CoUntcrfat Decrtcr f;r enatohor le
tsene4l this evening. with anoth , r lacosirade of a den•
go - ous hookenote n'ate. which was engraved for the
flink of Morgan. Georgia, a bogus concern. and i 3 nos/
altered 617Ccfssivoly for the pOrretys au of fuoude
ot;%eir Linke. IS is welt for dealers tab , ' on their valid,
nod to fff... the derign of those Logue slates v:011 in their
memory, Its it wou'd taho n thttr Imo of coootetfeit
deteetori to keep p ,no with the fertilpr in Irani shown
Li the uouutOrreitors. Vsvelt. y-four new orunterfette
lve Leen put Into circulation e n c P:.firsca's Do. rs
to for i t use issued. Three are desetthed
tho pr tuella intmlAr.
Tha e , uotelna Croot of the I:4ot° of Georg;a has de
cided that "u pat loco: to the clerk of the f upenor or
Inferior Court of our titre trot a jodetcont obtained
to tholl. feryPot the courts ts co rate t pat meat. i n ate,
of tho doLt. tho ela, io to• Lotro a taint collecting (dicer
of the courts to 03.00 of ~rt."
The Chieneo Peet.; of the 7.A, spen , :in; a Niro:co:sin
faun mortgages, ea)s :
f; T. Cronoseli, of New V01..r roe: hero on hie
tin. Iro! WO tilt °nor o; ‘ViScic:lll, II .3 retried wale
01.XJ ' 1110rt,sses t u the Milwaukee nut Nets.
Appi laid, an a deduction of from firs to ten Per rent.
erincip t I Itna OnipOCIPO. Interest Bs represent.
ono faro, ta n I disposed , o i );•st, t;lntiness and lastrailt3
11,th a pruner sp nt, and ;ha; In CYO It Lot Er n Ito etu
nine. 4.011111 .DJ 11,. it
~:111.0 or IS. sPors these rr, , oft -
Vtp., tin are, two Jar, ectt'att
I• apex:maul , Lave (son matte ;twit the New _Ter.! y
Central italiroad. upon the Luella:tilt n of a:tet:Lity to
thr; a er;phnty of tha iltiviarrri,ee's of lo_omnt,: - es, ln
order to ptill/ett their slippinS when di hum; heavy
:o,l n an inaiiiwd UP O .I ate 410011500. tha anti
:roar In charge of Oho lotiorpotsve. with a heavy tra.a
4 2 , r. , ;:led,13:1..inattnated to lewd oh' tan sard Lox and
st:paa ha ctoot to a heavy grad• to OISIS the :114't an-
.. -
Coto of a rr.s.o /13 to tvonsnro lv Lim. liocord
irgly the CPginoPr obeyed. end on arriving at a st-ep
grade, the momentum of the 0.0.11341 T ed them half gray
hot at ails poita the cars Mapped and the wbee
a:.rged .tier several uncecoessf d atrninpre to mart
the. train ali•ad without soma ade,tlonal appl,t, on ,
!no man in charge itiremod rho CI:10.10dr to tern he—
al... and the moment it le.: dora the vtL eels 5t ,, 1V 0,1
islippihz. had the heavy train was mewed forward with
anal without the opelid-tion of aged.
lllesors. Date 14 11w:troll Infonn ut that they have
thiamoneng detected a VOTI dangerous nitered ten-dol
lar note. p3T11,7,r1in7, to he the true 13.313.3 of the Agawam
Rank, +Teal. lianette—fismale resting her arm on an
X; on !art end. taro men oarryl , g Nor:; female Por
trait on lower rdrht: stag between aloe& chimaeras;
tan in red letters aerobe logo of note
The following are rim shipments of oaril t eta To
wanda by the Bare ley Railroad end Coal Cusupeny. far
,ort week *mime Fent :2. 196). Fi'co to
i:swous atu —........."---. • ......21,245 OS
.2u 271
ArLeunt far the ■e0e0n.......
Amount ehlpped to 11.1=0 t.,Ysta teat year.
Increase - 1 813 OS
The Evening Post rain of to-day s a etesk transac
tions in New York:
1 he stook market is aSttiti very buorar.t. and the sales
of the New York rnairseXiritOTtlinerily bleat. eepsoinhy
tolSariem.whoah wee dealt in to the eatont of 12 OW
shares. rat eo oil commenced at U. and steadily rose
to n. at which It &egos. '1 he preferrettJumped to al on
Scat ttar,enatnes and to he'd at a at the °Lae ;New
Vote Central. atter selling freely at 12 closes at 4 , 340
31'; Wt 'ter etnsa did no. re , Poril to buoy -
snap Ai the eminent merest. en are weak at t
Craton, 01°Ect with tides at Rocic.s:
foie llantrt' ovine at stoat t e nilea nr
lost ev '‘..) tnschttir receded to 41.75'a2 • hich
tird the ninoiris framer.. Norw,oli lied , °Feaster is
voted ilit i 3. Irdireappmin and i'inci , nati 4.3.7.k1 n nil
yen *ors at C.6tratl: Ras van'', I oledo 12311Ct42,
loon tioutheri :iir23 a.
r Piinein • Lill" n bid. Paisifia Mail acid at SI
Pnineeni, e, and s e tabrie sold at lit who b
is a teren ow Je•ser . e, is quo,sd
o 1 7 Hod'.,. rid Etat. Line Mont. einvernment
arid erste stooks are (plot but ate , d,. Sairsevrie 71Nrs
to. North Carolyn a 93.31t3.".;. J @unease."' 90744,91. Nicm
gtn emit of 1875 ere 1,3 bid. Tlie ra, Ito sti rondo are
7,,thent imperiset °benne. till rood told., eapsciallir
Vie issiirs of the Now York Central Erie . end killdeer/.
are enareei and wanted at the quotationstioneP in
without change. Oncail, the rd ing rite is 7 I cent
Chorea shop , acceptances ore cootod Ois 7 te °att,
li...'viihatiga on 1 rindon (dosed flat at zals..rimh . ; for teat
tank end km liere' hills. Via link, tar Liverpool to
day. takes out 4210,Z1 in creole.
rkiladelptuu stock teaelintite sales
Beptembor So, I.Fm.
600Rendlas R '1.36 1136 130 Long L R 13
:0:0 c'o Ad 77! 130 - do. 13
SO 0 do '44 'gd .0114 100 Rend R - :30 1 •
160 Penn m.l 6 01% 100 d o .
mow Elubrn N tat 3 Lehigh Vxl. ...... • e. 03;
WOO ' do. ..:.
las) •oh +ay 'hl 1.5 767;
/0..) W qh , st 74 loan. 10
pia .16
600 Zt. Vel, 6.1 1 1..61
N A Ins - .0
n Cheat. S. Coates .:1
0 do.. • ...... ..... 21
... Bead R
• .
• -- • lAN 106 „„
_ 3 1.4...PeP4
11 Yeri;Fri;-: n "p:Wr:
5. do, Cun lota. Z.
30 N Ina,., .71
u nrrieb —6134
50 reh of R. 63 181;
13 Cara 5t
5 R
:ty YI EY a Ton .loti..ko
M) Ci • GI
410 do.•
3 GO do..
-• • •-• • •—••••• • ,
In 0 City Gs H
101 J Pennalst . WA,
W.A; (1-nn & An.
-, .orria Can.
6 C01L416r0t318k....C.2,'
Hoax Mead-
Bvt Aslred.
rhitozetoitaes_trox tot
111116 6a /L. .101 101
flubs E11...T10W 1!).1.
pp~% 0
Read It ' 21 , 4 1 " ;
Pi4.40 ,, 1.
lElmira Ft.. L .eref 70 9E;
ishntra 7.1 '73 .. 16 19
Long Island It_ LI ' Lvi
1 oh Cl 46 N. _r. LAX Ca
Leh LIM N Saito I' 34 4274
North Peuro% 1(...,1L;4 1t.%
N Papua AI 63_ : - .7.1 . X 79
X Penna R. tea. 191. l.W.:i
CI Zy . I t tgat. i; 17
r mkt & South & 40 to
ccooll ,r, Third...4sq
0,,e & Vlne-tat...tbk 31
West Phi la R. . ..r S 3.0 , 4
[Spruce & Pule._ lo ,1
ifireen fr. 11 0ate1..10,4 2 1
Wheat fr. Walnut 21 al
RUeulluft ii. 171 '7u.. a7.4t 813,1
Read nit6etia in oft 9134 9134
Mind rat G3'64... 771
rjetilla 17 . 41 ou,
p 1 droll.. 113 11.7..4
Holt N 113'87 mod 7t , . -.Z 70 7 .
Po hull Nay Im .81S;
tionuyl Nay Stk._ Z.'
Ilircnurl bray vrf— 2:35 Sax-
Miura R—.... 3 nIK
Philadelphia Markets.
Awl-ram= W.-Evening.
is no (imns° in the Flour maik•t, and out
littlo intotra fm er tpment; imly a' out 1.600 tibia fonni
timer. at 956236 for kr' , ight snparfino. and ee Testi
for W retort and Ponna extra as to brand ; the ante• to
the, doe rare^ from ourl west figures up to 3t3
bbo the latter oi•eutta family and fan, c brands ini
oordinz to qultlitv. pat Yteu•ra uutot at co bid.
Corn idea a doll at ZO for Noma
Stan is :frayed Ir•e *cal> and some bdd•rs aro
atomic. and ai•mr 6 tlid bug cold at from 12..8313:.ta for
fair to to d and prime rids musty at 1300 for Western ;
',late range'. at 133.1it•d as to qualite. will.. to tit •a;ea.
Rya is scare• and wants i. and about 1 WO bee Do a
'<Hato so dat 76a. Penn. is nnotni at ale:Co corn is to
moderate regime. and about 6 %a boo Roll at ;Zia 'or
prone yellow. ;3• or iatr and 73a for prime white. the
idtter io store. Ords eta ateedy i Eoutharasellins at 36ei
and Penna. at 370 Ire
13 RLu. it saa:oo Orod wanted, and it tt bushel.; sold
• .
ng continuos in go d d inuni fp' ton for let
No 1 (; n • roltron. and but I,ttlo offal%
. .
rho market to qutht and buyers razing
ho'd (.1111 rn rupvlT their immeilinto manta; ets!aa it.
olodo P t;ou. :co psi,. at nbcut prey [Rtes.
. .
to u fair " , 4,10 doinnnd for Zinvir
trd tlotroo. kali of which:tin ael urn'fcL priCed.
P6OVWON- —Thera &Imo Latin unisenieut in
Yost; nonke and dear cola n Lerma
Lent privain K 13..enn LO 010 154 bur, we, sa on
pyovnta Latina. ar Is firmer. 349 048 1401,1n,i
to i vet, little rinvar or Timothy cEer
inr.. The reward aotpro, at 5178 for the former, and
42 70r but Jar Ilia Imp,.
It' 09 to doll Cr 2.30ir0 'or rounq a”.l Wasthru
?Ada, drudgo Z 1,72.2;•": and hi ..1; at 23a '23.'f, a V gallon.
New York Markets Yesterday.
Assns are cniet. seith !alms of 21 bbls at e. 5.23 for poll
an 85 Y6' , .; for rya :v.
FL , : ,•r: for Flat.) •nd weeleru Flour ia
to la • better, to th a mod.) Stn demand. hozp , ioP.,
71,44117 We; sile 70 03 Wi. at 85 13¢3 25 Int. euverkvo
Kt 7 0 $5 4,53,06.11 k• extra. do; e,3130505 so- rapattl•e,
Wrc:tru: es iSz.^..s 70 for extra ; 5 75 15 76.55, kr
ext L , Lod hoop Oino Cannily Four a quiet and
firm, wlth soya; t,..te at $3 43. - Y7.5J far rmirl Kontharn
ranr is a ankle l,t Cr tao MAI nt..i•.)..:3a
nta for mimed to Rend, ar' tOr coma. 11 , 0
F Incr tteydr out imehanged. Corn lit' at to nominally
- •
UR Al 3 abotllla7a4 tatter. ro0•4•10.1 of
l=b•ehnia. and as ea or 40 0 0 0 tnaahala at al xl 3)
for w‘ntn- .nd Waatarn F 100x1 40 for what, Weat,rn.
and 51 72 "or lemma Chtoseo spriraa . Corn la only
1).1'04 farau rara 4. ,141 10t. of S 2di bum •e1.).1.4.3
4.41, cat 1J i.,03 Ln, leis at (7a for Westarn nom- t j
la 11011 and uncLaa ged. !Imlay as doll aid na minal.
Oat.) en swat anal unzionrnal. at .1.1.3)7) lor u barn
and large', And Sl trifla for 2V4 l,tetuaeanaasd4• 4l )l4l 4'.2 1 00-
Paa.,1610114.- Valk ...fn m d u ota n. ed. with tales
ni1...31,n, for nay 5.14 for o d do.
..514a 14 3.2 104 uar•44)arann , 513 as tor o dd., liner la L.O
- ait rasa ol 75 bala at P:24 2.3 for et.untry
rano, 534555 coui,try Mena, 7a.0 tor rep nk••1
•rri. ::110 LOA II 0f or esti% mass. B , CoI le dui!.
Cut. Meats am n.aurn 1 at 103.,01ia for hung. as •1 as
2'4.0 ler an talalels. ford is s act Oct 11 ,, e1 , nth
unaca of 14.41bb1a )3ut‘or and 1.3300.40 aro
t•na d
Vt latrket 13 tasty, 6..!•26 ,f 1 , 1
bta . l 1.1.1.:00.
New York Sleek Exchange, Sept. Id
10 , 1 5121.•ottri St Ea .. 7 I.ll,'sctu lily R..... erti,
.. .
C3: I
1 , 0 It , . tearltr . 1031.4 .
Et 1 , 4 Ct ta...
Ire rote ..1 0 0 I at, .1.1 hip 0 , 5)1
Z 4 ,0011.1; u It F boa 174
1.."9 ar, al Al int{... 1 1571
It htl Ad mtg.... GS; 1.V.) Era, en. Yre -tpcl LI
Pa do . 1.11 J 0............ Mt) Z 1 ,4
C) N To 197 F. 7 ';Ad a+
Leto in Central We .160 no.. ........ 517.
an .7,, 5.;1360
EAII 110 1.0 , • ilO 4 ,C^rta at.r Q. 3 R..ltiS
j, tVl.t in 7 16 0 Re-. trr R.—. 4.:
1,120C14 L 101 f: 1 , W.
3,0 : .13,11 R S. o 1,1 id
7 , •1 1.15 . 1, , . , :,t) `,
5.7.7 Cent . . '7).1 Nll llt ..
23 . 14 0 '.2 1.1 . 10 r) 1_.71 4 a , . 11 It
7 , / Vllll-3 ;77 . Is
: 'pi 4 001.31)1)1' II lb
0 ......
do 9 Nllf . +.
.1.14) . t 1.74 110
77 d I s r
6.1 7 , 111: t e¢t R e.,t
1111t. , 3 1 1 dr , 404
do . . e, C. , 1 •.:.)
3.1 . ....
1,4 do. 1) do tJ
t • Lt) Or.
Jo , / 4t
4..10101ga te.R o
rl naricni hnilroad 21 jilt r
....... 2.J e
} 3.0
1)4 Ulu •Ji n.. . • A , •
1.:,) o 11) . .w • •
e•-• • L 231 '.'i .22:2
' 1 -47.1'e-e-;&:T07...
I,) do . : ... .
• WO 13 ~
! i .
. . 1. 7
4•0 ,1,).N,.A13,Ja.4,.41i...,
l dn, tra:l'l,z.
. 1. n N.
It! 2-!ry ' .1.)
• - •
1.7;i31,1 0,..;„;
- _.. • - .
4310.1. A. We. ft tttly. , ( „ 4 _ . 121
Ix EV.", Clll - ,i CA l' E;(4 7 .f. IVe,! - ,04.t ,
dr , Pt.l";—Jl:ol - Clit , r , nr In . 1:18 roonp.s
e, n 471 111 4. V 7. 17',!8 it:?: F . 4-e p 4. 1 d
f. nil ..,!1,1 ' l . - 3 ; 4
I.l , olfei Ar. 3 3 711 CWI44 ; and a detlrelFA 01 4 , 11(c. ••11
4;171 rMrp 1.0 m! n
At Dew!) Hlll. N J.. Ui7h P 1 . ., re
t0,1.%`00r,, a.,.1 nn Filni 11. It') need 1 . 1.3
• C at ,4 1, b ea • ,)litiir.g on nd groJo. 0:. , v 7
10.,i1u in hz, 1 on:. , ;107n Pt ere 11.‘1,e
1.1,1 2,1 3, , nit ;rep Part.•:u, irir to
• fal' 1,1:o:1114 e-il,tn .11 a tcrt 1,70
11 • 11 0 00 gtidf , are It:, at 3.1 1 i 34 cent
• IC,N - lte 04 .134 )03. , i. V. ~,100 ai. IPS '• 1 •011 1
1/ 'at:er fct i..13V Ivry Ir.r. )2 Int
t.'if^r:' , i , .,l el , ors _ . .
i.: .1. t •••co - ii,n t0.4.31:^t by.
11, , • C. v 3 gerinrvl r s ' u,
, nn ps , r^ 9 91: , . Pep
I,ll' ` • 11.111 . 0 1 CPI , t o'P.ll, fprir47.
.?, •,;
rort •nr.n . ; PRIP ,
i s 3c o• e c 1 , 7. P Il`-,1:3t
an two ,, lgn h e y , .
or F. 211 held . 100111 , 1 d
.= 2 , “.191 I't,!l'ln Z1.V.7 , ..1 a 1, 3 4 34 , li•ne.
if it. fol. , irr ii F - .l'“ I I !
r 1••. ;i.
nt rrat nr. : e'. I,4te head for
SJ 4. , i1P3.1
1 . 0111 if," 10 WM - it'll r or t , 0,• of 9 : 21
/1031 , .1,.e.r.nii lambs for Pl2Oll a
nia,r•L;n3r Logo) nt " , SC.:OI 111 - P. 'Th;" I. , pp/7
;no Mtn 3 et but fcw are on ;oiln,
Li , ” of the Sett oner Jan Dayat.t.
Stpt. 78 —Toe tchnoner Jemes A.
Bcrul., from TY &Ai:lvory ii. C , for Iran Loamy,
was bat cn Oept liatorav terob. He; crsw 1:111 , 11
Wei • • •
Manufactures of Philadelphia.
P. rEILIYOEN . CO.'S 14131T40.
Tn2Y or BEIN-r.lo. K•IrrISJ. !LSD J.I.Cc, , LIAD
cil:Nua, rlcrratn, Nos 1117, 164, tad. ICU
No2/11 StCoND bra tr:T.
Wo have no to introinoe to our readers one of tit
most Forel an. in many respects imp 'neat manufac
tories in thin /61Y—the es.ensive es abdshment of
lieut . *. WILLIAM P. Vs!Axons. Pc Co. Through their
Tarmooms, at: No. M 1 Arch street. this firm to
known. by the cum'• er end v.riety of exoeller3t Imo=
lisohines they'rnennfsetaret bat mere COll.l 11 , 1 to
ware that they are also among the lamest crianaree-
Curers in this country of otter hods cf maohlaszY.
clod la the prrdnation of rathiLl textile Glories.
fun 113IC to eine e itablehrnent. at rEog.lonT.lgr..
and le.ll Korth Pecan: creel, a few days ngo, we atom
at once interested and tretrueted to pss,lng throsgb the
- - -
anons department's. amf wit:treeing the ingenious pro
eessea by which !tram inwer machinery Is mad. to
do the work of thee:sands of horde To specify, la rpea
-1 tr• t be Princinal branches of their productions,•ll MOT
MoLtll.Bl ti,air !owing suauhines. trotting istaolduce.
Ittecti red rnao.hines, and their ribbon and tape Icottillt. cr
Torino for narraw goods. In each of these. adestra.l:l9-
thi ! ° ' . 6 " Co eeeriPY a first-clue positron, end In 8C19,8
of the °et:anti:toots tarred these annual prod130401:111.1.-
Wed the manufactures of ell the other sundae factorise
Its tire arty combined. 3be presous reset' sled by their
factory °over en area of oties.hriedred feet on flegoad
street• by one Loud red and twenty feet drop.
in the basement. under Iv, we Om ,
meneed our tour of ion. with the po'slte beret
once of owe of the inemb‘ne: of tt.e Gem, we eseareir ad
an almost endless variety of wooden p..tterest, [toot
witiols their tar uric coatis's in iron and brass are made,
'rho contents of this room are of .rant rile,. and. in
89.38 destructioa, enald'll re repleoed
Pr, cudine neat to N0.151J. W 9 fast enter the draughts:
Won . , Ith I 1 where thaWiLS! fur Wrill U.1:1A1411 1130d0
to their eat .td:sinnent. ip de ie.! and to who's, are thrkle
by a Elan! artist. employed ty them Pa that farces!..
SC the WIN king 51.4t.,38.1 31,C9 On thin rstAr. end
transferred en w 00..! and e.t.a :ha retarder- 114 ° 3 e et" -
ta.o e.cp‘i,tt direct:or-, for lb* fitting together of tine
se.arsl parts rio.breced in the 1164 Is Me
Immediately 13 .the tear of this apartment is I.
room arrropriated to storing prepared eraan,, - ,2 sues
other Darts of machinery to be passort out into tee
Insda of the operatft es far aettiz; up as they are re
qusred. We a•o now prepared to follow thee* outings
fr_ on thesr prim:lllNa. or ora.nal, state through the
die era oiler ntions to whiolithay are exposed outs! toot
fill clan eel,' es incorparated Into the ecs peted
struments of beauty and utility for which they an de
' cireed. The castle'. ea brou,ht tram the foundry. is
their orude, rough state. aro first solderterf to a bath or:
ea venal hohrs, us a solution of 0.1 of vitriol. by which
they ate ootnyletely directed of their retch. sandy ex
terior. They are next thoroughly washed. and aimed
lune. ready fur use. The next ordeal Co wh•ch theso
castings are subjected to teat of „Vial. which earnes
srcooth:ng y/COtig another step forward. after
V:. ch they net °cove) ad to the workshops for data
dre•lonr. Pitting, :ke. The battier pieces ore taken
down into a hires hutment. (where the steam suits
in lasted wh:ek propels all the machtnerr,l where Ow
re-else their fisfshins t - tithes pr:or to le nu put to
gether. In th • apartmeit s number of in sten:warts
ore employed, of accessions power. for ,damping and
Punching the rem: mite tarts of the m. :chines to by
manufactured from the solid sheets of metal. More t f
thee. sheets, from the mathematical order and exact
nem with which this stamping is acooreglothed. Pre
sent. When done. a very anemone and beautiful appear
ance, altnoutr it, in po:a t of f.ot, they do Dot nee above
the dahity of " anion iron." Mach power ie acme
mixed in the Plucking Smears Of /mein; Ilea arranged
that different dies CALI be a-tacked to these= machine.
Tito casting!, ca loss bulk, after the clear:nue pree.ue.
above described. are taken in band by dlr.' out work
men. According to what the design may bit, these lea
inns aro then tnnird. drilled, bored. smoothed. or worse.
those etas tor to detente in 13711W8118 11111711014.11011-
over luterestice it anent be to pence' capable of air
men murk insesieue mechanical operations. would pro
tract trite nottce greatil beyond the Watts of a nes spa-
Per article.
Ascend: l3 Y to the room abbot, we eater an atiattliaat
de omen to the same rises of work, bi.t ef a lighter isa
to re. Bore the most interesting. ant we mays T
most inexplotable, feature is the in:attar eetones set?
tomtits. in which all &arta of the most no ions. nat-of
order and nnycometrieal wmdhcas are WIT in UM hada
Paces of metal with the atmost. calforsetty. We stay
here remark, that of the numerous. and all difetent.
p arts of the several machines they atanufsotnns, each
;oat into the hands of &different individual. and isomer•
p etod for ire 'pacific Vateirittont any itttilig ttlerder
while the work is in progress, the latter betas marred
for another branch of itself; and yet, wheat the canoes
sync are brotight together, there is the toostatarreUsas
accuracy of form au - size to ato these datiols-so maeh
tad tint the setter-up of a thachir.e asset Lanese no mete_
diffeuity 1a tun tits% than roes a conmeterit eretelliMele)r
111 tee4nstruating the movements of a time-piece which
ha hoe previously domsated. The seetet of this fiat of
Noorkmanah is, t for =oh it really is, is found fa this Gem.
that each man works, not only by a plitte , l2 eheirTlC TAU
Ptee.zo form of the piece in hand, bat with the it'd o f
what svo called !• temptets," by whion the C. 10,34 form
and mat:nitres con be copied.
Ano.lier yoouliarltr of tire eutabliahiurnt which evert
Its proprietors peculiar szvantzges ,n paint of prim.,
is, that every Piing that WI possibly admit or it. is
door ty machinery. Thus, they employ machinery tor
turning ; macipriery for planing I machinery for out
'Act ; 'cannery for gloomme 1 machinery for eatable
inns war shaves; machinery ter erindzep, for iseek-
LIT. for drilling ; m achinery fortiini. by a rotary mei
tion. Sarno of these processes are - ref' entices,
Among the rest tin the room above.) a placer porton
laity arrested our attention. Yoder rho magic toucher
this instrument- ( for its contact with tbs °kers& was Ss
rapid as to be utterly inttnbie Ise saw a runes rganfr
of hard, well-seasoned wood changed into a Loan:dui
kimooth.urrace with a rapidity that lair'y .enthed the
oid.fashloned hand-Ptsaing out of ormateesste. In
another apertn oat we examined the nicely-ad:aged
relishing machines. under eilLch iron castrate ars. to
tae ieiaktia6 of an el a:changed tete the bektddatioref
silver, while at every step weencountered onentitree of
materate res - dy for these - several fiaishmi Processes.
The third story of the factory, to width we nest as
is devoted exotasmely to the da.ttalt oatof
wovd work. and fitting up of Looms. Some of MS,lPrnetreplete,areesmachanihtrtese feet to
height. and occupy a bate of four by ten feet. I very
oae oPthese different departments Laa•itd even pe
oditar sea of mechanics, and order of niactikery.
All the aseriet in thindepartment in done by cirri:lla"
ears, arid the drilling, moulding. Matters, are all elt•-
owed by Dalian In a nom Hai init g, 012 this door, ere
firtislisd their celebrated Jacquard Machines, of which
they have mid* mere. a”thin the Last few years, than
UVv other firm.
1:1,1et the who!e, they have I oxeoher4 more thoronsh
ly in ',redact:it the varicns d neck =toles they manu
facture, than any othor bonne in this eticmtry. and die
tr. in a large degree owing to the feet that, frrm
the start, the,' have rarened the ;roger eoune no
order to secure the greatest Lanailtiee and Largest co,
pacity for nrwLeenting their geenhir trenches. Sto 1:50-
darn improvement, is allowed to melee their adages'
If it - rill in any Nen? LiethtWe their operettas,.
otther in rendering work mere perfect. or esocoiataing
tlmo. 7 tie mint yerfe,n °No: end mothoC. aidiosied
at c.Oll Wind. Every 161:111 pursues 1113 own del ,, r - ratent.,
indopendeot of every other, with rep:Malty of clock-
Woes, so that Truro the unauert the art lital hae yls aed to
11,111111de the draw - ins for the particular xrt kola tut
coustrait. until he is ready to yam it to the final setter
up of the mach ins, he is experimentally Awl Little Magni
root of what the I;7;sth may lie, of ‘chich he is making
spar:, as if he wore worhu4 et the entipoces. Of
C011i2.0. the moot perfect m•chanism must be (halved
this. for we fitd, to tataaing to the rooms whet, the
various yieoeP ere riveted into a symmetrical peeler
MIA inPrr, that every joir.t„ soma% sad aperture Lo aa
Precisely as if they had teen ir,dued with life and poen
TLI bulldiags thrna;:hot t ewe halted by steam, thare.
heun: no fires on th e poen:nee,. r.t any season, except-
ing th. to in I elac tem:Cy shop xll 1t the engine.
The Wee:smith alley, by the erey. in ecnioli adt ibsil
forg.ttsr done. is not alnon; the least periaot of flog
various sep-intmehts of this eitent:se coneeto. The
Cass he. e ass I :own rneensof fans. kept mot-•m by
the (tame, tto ear bennt c0n , !..- , ned to the ferenosa
thronet large hhes. rzprlzed trch sires. that ere
or , one•el or e'et.e. Ins za rua•nstsr esti eusr retains From
ctihur to et ne y ;Inn s s•e, en: o. ej •L, year y Cast, ai
t erste start:; of ahont th rty
(It , eased dolLtrs. fee grout Tree:sta. aussolty je,r
the. , w. , rk, wipe lens omest-nne:y iseressoss, ere hum*
ah rt of one hardrrd thousand &trate. The w.s.t•na
erns:eyed by th) nun =refs.:tuner ere mainly of Peen
estrum prodocuos. ( ( iron. the , work no Warts
te) Ms for anuetne, terbeele. eonsee.enas I—st, tne parts
t,ustrueteel olunny of amen sirs, us en tm
men.° runJunt They r. s use from 5 CV) to e e 0) as or
toe s e dereets tr• etc, senor, saJ &Glut 5)03 feet uf
llrr.ber. (La I.l•rs IL.s Ices en el..tenee ehoat ten
years. Tf w.nott e have s'.3l,tel sauce Las) hare 000n
b?ir yrs - nt
n lae three yes:a they :true aided a tranth
wh.::o has elres,ly assume! rrosrteers ezzal:ed ty
C et: of the c elate er 4,111r.r. r - 11114 an th t 1J1171 . ..r.S WnS.l-•
iato to th:hr • Nl.acatme. Uf the It:Ts:nth:a
mst)urcant, ea al, are aware who have t.esittd task car
wsre,cones. as no. 653 Arab street, they ere nor
maker:a great vsristy, and mall:nz teem st Drummer
he user( rates. stools. they .v 0 en5t......! to do try
tie sr.t•nt of thtir onstatteas. and their sunenor fe
u. itie3 ruanufsetenr.3. Ths:r hteshrzes
later ever) a suety of stash. end are adapted to ...very
braneh of sowing. whsther to t!hs fenn:y, or for
fastnnng coronae,. The who:esCo damned for their
erecters, 5,1 er toe Union. cad tarn en att totes boo,
LI: no :•cons mbnvt.• errteifi.ll teso:no VIPT
011:7 tzermsene. ire :at thEr I t 1.1:"2. at CS
st wa . 10 • y feet a rat
Se^-e; cna La
arl Ise ear'-sin t as kaatra ant
. •11.2.
V.z.a *.Snt r.a blva taaan
t' • § --ttant, u! oar rss.laro. from Soh tar
y, :i'te aLd eat re.- at e4":".""z
r.V.33L .34:3r3
,w , rcsul :It , istr Ist+r i.
31.3,11..” 3;1003 3 cf t 13. 3...7 a:33.31 . 33E33.1
ts.e IrriYl.:l leitaLZl. 1:3 3 32,-nt
e , 5,t1,1 - . - ::• L.: zn F:a4s -
de p!, •so • re s of ~rate Is ter. COnr< tnt:i Os ,
,1•1, .trJ4 r ~, dl:,nr)
, Awtert r
,arrncrti CO e.neu ) Cr.U.s sit :11
Innnin) ,:.• dry. Iti! rater tr.) Brown-t are Cots
r.• if aL —tn. dca. La
,t etitot, tb.
I2r.ELr YL 1T1 , 2 r A2IJ
a:.- ty
I,!:zrr, n*L3e .4
.I.IE!' , CITBD Frca ere an eneirat as
:Lr Jeriagen.):::a ci C 4 ' 3 ,
t se:ts3, 2,1 rerz:s G;31391 . 4.-%.
1 .3• rer3o:-3 82:1.C.2!3 1.14:303:13..1.a7 '3 , 3 Ih:a
T - . 33 C.t.3 ;
C+ liter at the.mor3tr.Lll,l Trey .
tvs a> rve rcw7 : e sea. C 7.0 ::( 3%3 S
3.11r..‘ rtee.t.C: - . :3 'At) LI a E• 3
1 7.3 3 13 7 3 ra - r). ) '3:
std v:" ,era e 5.... r lead,ca ararx.r.s. Er... , 9 per ta,x.
.7:a C.l :IV,
F , -..flcur+c
Y 7.: rtr.! ler ".94 , ez,0•e..
TC.OI-., • L
rdn tie:int:AL Lttt•. .
•tue_tl Lob WsVer, clog". u,-61%urn ..
r:1,1 Rev:ea e.nd !Mtn:MT. bat tag) striorta it tie i
bouteton• a, he red lad Nay hire
I.llt head the ti:Vir end too: , na c
e t .'illetilrin, n etu ernro. i , ntet:mett Bt.laen
nrorcad I.h tttd Intel ee'en :
nit calm Tato rceth. Thue dela insa (no?e L!
To It lent !roll fdrinae in her %,i.r.in3 in 03.14.)
His! on Il.e
wee of fear, or grow lase-tun:.
Yet 'tales at het to earth. Snit iirtval in quiet
of cloraint el.rantly Wro.tgat. 1.., Fix ‘
Su hundred and Berta Cheeteut street.
141 , ere •• one price " alone 1, elele , l, and GIT Ts
tented with earn garment ,-drr.
Fitt. 8r:M.4.1 - r.ivr,lra, AnD TgA SIP.VrTa
rived ,n plZ , Artitc.nlAir.htt.rnusbwt,
at sackiassta sr.,l rote:. by F. W. CAIR7I.
ZianiliV.terer!, 714 el•mittc4t strwel.
ersolin k Baran's ertraz.u:::
.seirt !et Lea for Faszu4 Swim.
No, 710 041EDVICT Street. Plerag. I ii